#I do not pledge my fidelity to make-believe
marcianoliterati · 11 days
President Salvador Allende's last words
My friends,
Surely this will be the last opportunity for me to address you. The Air Force has bombed the towers of Radio Portales and Radio Corporación.
My words do not have bitterness but disappointment. May they be a moral punishment for those who have betrayed their oath: soldiers of Chile, titular commanders in chief, Admiral Merino, who has designated himself Commander of the Navy, and Mr. Mendoza, the despicable general who only yesterday pledged his fidelity and loyalty to the Government, and who also has appointed himself Chief of the Carabineros [national police].
Given these facts, the only thing left for me is to say to workers: I am not going to resign!
Placed in a historic transition, I will pay for loyalty to the people with my life. And I say to them that I am certain that the seed which we have planted in the good conscience of thousands and thousands of Chileans will not be shriveled forever.
They have strength and will be able to dominate us, but social processes can be arrested neither by crime nor force. History is ours, and people make history.
Workers of my country: I want to thank you for the loyalty that you always had, the confidence that you deposited in a man who was only an interpreter of great yearnings for justice, who gave his word that he would respect the Constitution and the law and did just that. At this definitive moment, the last moment when I can address you, I wish you to take advantage of the lesson: foreign capital, imperialism, together with the reaction, created the climate in which the Armed Forces broke their tradition, the tradition taught by General Schneider and reaffirmed by Commander Araya, victims of the same social sector which will today be in their homes hoping, with foreign assistance, to retake power to continue defending their profits and their privileges.
I address, above all, the modest woman of our land, the campesina who believed in us, the worker who labored more, the mother who knew our concern for children. I address professionals of Chile, patriotic professionals, those who days ago continued working against the sedition sponsored by professional associations, class-based associations that also defended the advantages which a capitalist society grants to a few.
I address the youth, those who sang and gave us their joy and their spirit of struggle. I address the man of Chile, the worker, the farmer, the intellectual, those who will be persecuted, because in our country fascism has been already present for many hours -- in terrorist attacks, blowing up the bridges, cutting the railroad tracks, destroying the oil and gas pipelines, in the face of the silence of those who had the obligation to protect them. They were committed. History will judge them.
Surely Radio Magallanes will be silenced, and the calm metal instrument of my voice will no longer reach you. It does not matter. You will continue hearing it. I will always be next to you. At least my memory will be that of a man of dignity who was loyal to [inaudible] the workers.
The people must defend themselves, but they must not sacrifice themselves. The people must not let themselves be destroyed or riddled with bullets, but they cannot be humiliated either.
Workers of my country, I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other men will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason seeks to prevail. Go forward knowing that, sooner rather than later, the great avenues will open again where free men will walk to build a better society.
Long live Chile! Long live the people! Long live the workers!
These are my last words, and I am certain that my sacrifice will not be in vain, I am certain that, at the very least, it will be a moral lesson that will punish felony, cowardice, and treason.
Santiago de Chile, 11 September 1973
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elijahgeorgavic · 1 year
Men are Pigs (Männer sind Schweine)
Another Translation, again of a song by Die Ärzte (the doctors). I mentioned this one in the tags of my first post.
Because the concept of “all men are pigs who only want one thing and don’t have emotions“ is exagerated and used with some irony, this song has sometimes been seen as a kind of party anthem for toxic masculinity by that crowd, which is the reason the band didn’t play it live for 14 years, stating that this was not their intended message or audience. Fortunately it seems to no longer be popular in that way.
Men are Pigs (Männer sind Schweine)
 Hello, my darling, I love you, you're the only one for me I think the others are all stupid, that's why I'm courting you. You're different, you're special, I can always tell. Now strip down and lie down because I'm so in love with you. Before long it’ll get dark, it'll soon be night. So a word of warning is in order:
Men are pigs, don't trust them, my childThey all want the same thing, because that's how men are.
A man only feels like a man when he can give it to you. He'll lie his head off just to get you into bed, And then the next morning he can't even remember your name. Reckless and uninhibited, he's got no feelings whatsoever. To him, love is like spilling his seed, Girl, always be aware of that:
Men are pigs - don't ask for sunshine Unfortunately exceptions do not exist In every man, there is always a pig Men are sows, don't believe a word they say They pledge you eternal fidelity And then the next morning they're gone Yeah, yeah, yeah
“What have I done that you always torment me and say you don't love me?” “You don't have the slightest idea what love is - we don't even know each other!” *
 And if you do make the mistake of marrying a husband Your rose cavalier will turn into a beast soon after the wedding Then he'll show his true self, all unshaven and disgusting Drinks beer, watches TV, gets fat fast and burps and farts in the marriage bed Then you'll have King Kong for a husband That's why I tell you, please always remember:
 Men are pigs (shady pigs, nasty pigs) Don't trust them, my child (disgusting pigs, nasty pigs) They all want the same thing (stupid pigs, stupid pigs) But are blind to true love (horny pigs) Men are rats (shady pigs, nasty pigs) Face them with cunning (disgusting pigs, mean pigs) They want to copulate with everything (foul pigs, shady pigs) That stands still for too long (horny pigs) Men are pigs (Shady pigs, nasty pigs) Don't ask for sunshine (disgusting pigs, mean pigs) Unfortunately there are no exceptions (stupid pigs, Nazi pigs) There's a pig in every man (horny pigs) Men are cars (we don't want cop pigs**) Only without a spare wheel (nasty pigs, nasty pigs) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (molotovs and stones, cop pigs**)
*This is only one of the possible inserts here, an audio clip from the German dubbing of the movie Play Misty for Me (1971). The dubbing is, as most dubbings are, a terrible translation. In the original, the conversation goes:
  “Why are you playing these games? Why are you pretending you don't love me?” “I don't even believe I'm hearing this.” “But I love you!” “You haven't got the vaguest idea what love is. We don't even know each other.”
Other possible snippets are two scenes from Some like it Hot (1959)
 And one from Blue Velvet (1986), depending on which version of the song you listen to.
 **both of those text passages are in reference to a punk song from 1980 (MaP was released in 1998) called “(Wir wollen keine) Bullenschweine”, meaning “(we don't want) cop pigs”, in which part of the text is an instruction how to make molotov cocktails and which was a call to revolt inspired by police brutality and protests in west berlin in 1968, following a protest at which, amongst many other things, protesters were shot (the singer gives the instruction and then follows with “Like 68 in west-berlin”).  My translation can be found here
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libidomechanica · 10 months
Untitled (“Having eye, here was”)
Of the Harp be modulate of my lady died!     Where is not so near! Having eye, here was ne’er denied the way you resist all they employes,     discovering voices cheat us
neatly more: at whole, can it for thinkes the     shade alone until they hunt with that holds up a hecatomb of night decree the word?     She said in all ten forbear following
folk, that months and still dawn the cracked with will come     associated with oats! To heaven, that costive sophy, who, prays in her as on     thee, let us pray! There next to us,
some enemy: far fairer worth, love’s daughter—     what cannot Music heard, some boy and those, their feet hers to heaven-kissing out of gold     and for a meadows safe in arm: they
do we can not sing a shadows and it is     fidelity? Pledge as yon hawthorn’s blossom wavering together. By turnpikes green, above,     believe, below the shepherds swayne,
albee for our laws broken in tones she upheld     her would rejoinder—then O Sorrow! He dare demagogues enough; be here young man was     sweet Christabel in my wounded too—
that least post-chaises had feathers. The city the     fallen: they said Ida with his horses, till mingle ballats, Maro’s catch a goddess,     and rural graceful end must deny:
whilst ravish’d far away. Which me make a bell to     wording can breath! To catch a gold-skinned too—that th’eyes o’er, that’s dead when the fourth place but be     not of this deed: but this father speaking
out of prey then make her side? Me, if all the     dance with Thee Annihilations the deluge, which their web away, and woes the circle.     You humble prince ill-clad? Mould bargain
made. No matter? I ne’er forget till shall I never     more fancies white to death, tho’ daily new and above one, and build together, let     base as she nothing down into your
memorem virgo? Reserve you because no more     them. And thou should pick the gamekeeper’s eyes of her dead, or found, and boldly pangs beguiled!     Give for him. To council broken-head.
0 notes
midnight-lightning · 3 years
The promise you couldn’t keep
Loki x Reader
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Summary: You had a future. A future full of love hope and happiness together with Loki. He had promised you this after all. But sometimes promises couldn’t be kept and futures could be broken…
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You had hoped, you had believed, god, you even prayed to which ever higher being there might be… but in the end you still lost…so much.
The nightmare you’ve always feared the most became true.
You were kneeing on the ground next to Thor who looked like a total mess, who was a total mess. Bleeding, bruised and at the end of his powers.
You were also feeling like a piece of shit; it seemed that with every passing second it became harder and harder to breath and your whole body was burning of pain.
But no matter the physical pain, it was your heart, your mental stability that was being torn apart right now.
You had a good view passed the member of the black order, who held both you and Thor in capture. It seemed like they had great pleasure seeing you tortured and in vain, while they gave you just sadisticly enough room to see him standing not far away from you.
“No…no…no, please, no…” these words were constantly coming out of your mouth like water, silent and not seeming to stop any soon.
But no words, no cries, no pleads could stop him from his next words.
“Almighty Thanos”, he pledged “I, Loki, prince of Asgard…Odinson.”
Loki, your beloved, brave and yet so stupid Loki stopped his sentence for a second to give his brother a short look, laying all of his faith and love in it.
Before his gaze shifted to you…
And everything just seemed to die inside of you.
You tried to move, struggling to get out of the hands that were holding you firmly in their grip.
Loki put every bit of sorrow, desire, and the deepest pleading for forgiveness in his gaze. It was his last goodbye to you, you realized horrified.
This was the last straw. A sudden impact of adrenaline appeared in your veins, giving you strength and a big amount of anger. And you used this power to push past a member of the order who stood next to you, trying to get out… trying to get to Loki and stopping him from a decision he had already made a long time ago.
But you were only able to make a few pathetic steps forward before a woman punched you hard in your stomach, causing you to bend over in pain.
A frustrated gasp escaped you and a strand of wet hair felt in your face.
The next second you were already dragged back again by rough arms and no fighting was of any use.
You looked up… just out of an impulse… meeting once more Loki’s eyes which were now full of utter sadness.
As you tried again to get your arm out of the firm, hurtful grip your gaze landed on the cold ring you wore on your thumb. But it was so much more than just a mere ring… it was a promise, a future, a sign of hope.
The day Hela had attacked Asgard you had returned together with Loki to fight her off and save your home.
You still remembered how he hold your hand firmly in his as you two walked out of the space ship, greeted by Asgardians who had gathered around to meet their prince.
You could nearly feel Loki’s soft hand in yours again...
Then Thor had come and Valkyrie… and the four of you fought against Hela’s army.
Loki had never left your side, not even for a second. You two were always fighting back to back, defending and keeping each other safe.
And of course never missing an opportunity to tease the other or you just being the target of Loki’s sarcasm.
And like at the end of every battle green eyes would flicker up and down your body in what you recognized as a visual check for any injuries.
But this day Loki had pulled you into a deep kiss. You had noticed the sudden change, the way he watched you, the way he held you almost every single moment as if you would just vanish, dissolve into air.
You laid a hand on his cheek and stroke softly a strand of his dark hair behind his ear.
“Tell me, my dear… everything will turn alright, won’t it? We will save Asgard and defeat Hela. And then there will be just the two of us, right?”
You were naïve, and you knew that. You knew that there are by far worse things the future has in hand for you than just a crazy sister.
Loki bent down and pressed his lips softly on your forehead, causing you to close your eyes, eager to keep this memory for ever, safe in your heart. 
“I love you, Y/N. And by Odin I’ve never thought I would ever feel this way, yet alone say these words to someone but you… you are my life now and I promise you someday this will all end and we will have peace.”
You took a deep, shaky breath and nodded. Just wanting to believe his words of a happy ending.
“Here,” the god said and took a ring of his finger -the one in his colours, green and gold. “I’ve wanted to get you a proper one but it seems like this won’t happen in the near future.”
Loki took your hand carefully in his, as though he feared you would burst into dust. He pulled the ring on your thumb where it fit just perfectly, because your fingers were way smaller than his.
You held your breath, feeling like your heart wanted to explode in fireworks and confetti any second.
“This is my promise, Y/N,” he continued and gently lifted your chin so he could look deep into your now teary eyes. “My promise to always love you, always care for you and I promise I will be with you as long as you want me to.”
Back in the cruel reality you looked down at the ring, which sparkled for a moment, mocking you, showing you all the things you would never have, which will be ripped apart just in front of your eyes.
What a cruel joke of the universe.
You looked up and you knew it was the last time you saw his green, stunning  eyes. Eyes which were blurred by the tears that were now streaming down your face.
He wouldn’t keep his promise…
Loki closed his eyes for one single second and when he opened them again his now cold, determined gaze landed on Thanos. “-The rightful king of Jotunheim, god of mischief,” he continued. “Do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity.”
His voice broke, just tiny bit. And your heart stopped when Loki pulled out a knife, immediately striking to cut Thano’s throat .
Of course Thanos wasn’t dumb enough to fall for this.
No. The knife vanished and a hand appeared on Loki’s thrat instead.
“Undying?” The Titan sneered and grined triumphantly as Loki squirmed to get out of his deadly grip.
No, no, no, no.
“will never be… a go-” 
These were the last words you heard, the last whisper of a hero… who still fought even when death was already reaching for him.
You would never forget the sound of Loki’s neck cracking. Never. It will forever haunt you in your dreams alongside with Thor’s shout of pure pain.
Your world turned numb. You didn’t register falling onto your knees, you didn’t register the loud and broken cry escaping you. You only felt this unbearable pain and there was this whole new experience of having your heart literally torn apart.
Thanos stepped in front of you and watched you with pure despise in his eyes before he throw Loki’s body carelessly on the ground, as if he was a merely a sack of thrash.
Loki’s eyes,  which had always been filled with mischief, with so much life… were now utterly empty- staring into nothing.
This was the moment you completely collapsed.
Somewhere the world turned purple due to the use of an infinity stone, Thanos and his clan vanished and left you and Thor alone, shattered and broken.
He was gone…
He was gone…
He can’t be…
He can’t…
Thor fell down on his knees, holding his brother’s arm. “Loki… wake up,” he gasped. “Come on, brother, I know… you can’t be… you can’t…”
Gently you stroke Loki’s dark hair out of his bruised face, sobbing and barely breathing.
“Come on… You promised me… you promised me to never let me alone. I need you…”
But none of your pleadings were heard.
His soul was gone, and with him a part of your own.
“You promised it…”
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kylopen · 3 years
Love, not lost
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Pairing: Loki X Reader (gender neutral reader, can be read as male, female or non binary etc :))
WARNINGS: spoilers to the Loki TV show, episode 1. ANGST. A LOT OF ANGST. Spoilers for endgame also.
At the TVA he finds out that he truly is lovable.
Loki sits, eyes glued to the screen that was presenting his life. In his mind, there was no way this was real. A facade. Lies. Until you show up.
Why were you so prominently featured? You were just an avenger.
“I can see by the look on your face you have a question, Loki” mobius chuckled, knowing exactly what was going on in the gods head.
Loki simply rolls his eyes.
He focuses on the screen once more. The two of you sat at a table in Starks tower. He was… smiling? Not just smiling, smiling at you. You had an equally gleeful look on your face.
“You see, Y/N here, melts that ice cold heart of yours. At one point you even refer to them as your soulmate”
“Preposterous and laughable. I wouldn’t fall for a mere human” Loki scoffs.
As if on cue, the Loki on the screen begins to talk “Y/N… makes me feel… I don’t know, special? Magnificent, giddy.”
“Sounds like you’re in love brother” Thor howls a hearty laugh, slapping his brother on the shoulder.
Loki felt his heart tremble at the thought of someone making him feel such a way. And a mortal nonetheless. There was no way.
But as he watches on, watches himself become ensnared in your trap. Yet it didn’t feel right to call it a trap. He found himself believing you loved him, wanting this all to be true. He was so invested in this relationship he began to smile and laugh along with the video.
And then things took a turn for the worse.
You, Thor and Loki were with the Asgardians as a purple being, who mobius referred to as “Thanos” has you all cornered.
Thor wrapped in metal strips. You similarly bound.
“Almighty thanos, I, Loki, prince of asgard… Odinson” Loki glances at you and Thor. “The rightful king of the Jotunheim, god of mischief” a small dagger appears in his hands “do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity”
He watches as your eyes go wide l, tears brimming “Loki! No!” You cry, making his heart ache.
And then he strikes. The knife still against Thanos’ throat. A strangled sob leaves your throat as you whimper “no”.
“Undying” Thanos chuckles darkly. “You should choose your words more carefully”
Struggling against the metal confining you you scream out as Thanos grabs your loves wrist. And then his throat.
“NO NO NO PLEASE NO” your voice was shrill and trembling.
Loki’s choking groans were too much for you.
Loki turns purple.
“You… will never be… a god” his eyes red from the pressure.
Thanos turns him around so he’s facing you and Thor as the life leaves him.
“I’m…. Sor…. I lo—ve …. You” were the last words he utters before his lifeless body hits the floor, the last thing he hears, your thundering scream, filled with pain.
Loki stands up roughly as the screen goes blank. ‘END OF TAPE’
Mobius makes him return to his seat.
“Would you like to see what happens to Y/N? I figured you would. So I grabbed their tape.”
Part of him wanted to decline. He couldn’t imagine hearing anymore of your cries, but curiosity killed the cat, right?
“Please” he answered, his voice meek.
Mobius had the tape start from after his death to not make it worse for Loki.
Thanos disappears, and the metal is released. You collapse and scramble over to Loki’s body.
Your face was red and drenched in salty tears. Stroking his cold, pale face you sob “he was a good man Thor” your head rests on his shoulder.
He couldn’t have even guessed the toll his death had had on you. But your skin was lacking it’s usual brightness, dark under eyes and your general expression gave it away and it pained him. And yet you were working so hard to get the man responsible.
“Thor please.” You pled quietly . Loki couldn’t help but chuckle at the state of his brother, to think he’d be so lost without his younger brother. “You know. If he were here, he’d be laughing at you. Look at you” Loki’s lips parted in shock as you’d accurately guessed his reaction. “HES NOT HERE Y/N. HES DEAD. He’s… he’s gone” Thor slumped back into his chair as you fought back tears. “You think I don’t KNOW that?! I watched the love of my life die before my very eyes. And I could do nothing. But I can avenge him. I will avenge him. Stop being a coward.” You spat.
“Is that… is that a raccoon?” Loki speaks in disbelief as he watches the thing named “rocket” convince his brother to join them.
~some time later~
“We have one shot at this. Get the stones.”
Loki scrunches his eyebrows when you, Thor and the raccoon seemingly time travel to old asgard.
“This… this is where you guys are from?” Your eyes sparkle as you gawk at your surroundings. Oh how he’d love to have been able to take you himself.
“Thor? Where did you go?” You look around in a panic, unable to locate either of your teammates.
You speed down the hallway, looking around, only to collide with something. Or someone.
Loki rises once more, spotting just who you had run into.
“Oh my— oh gosh I am so sorry—“ you stumble over your words in a way that has Loki weak at the knees.
“Are you lost my darling?” She sends away her maids.
“I um…”
“You are midgua— from Earth, is that correct?”
“Y-Yes your— your… majesty?”
She lets out a soft laugh just as Thor saves you.
“You are not the Thor I know… come with me” she says and brings the two of you into a room. “Mother I- I need to tell you something”
“Shhh my son” she shakes her head.
You couldn’t help but be in awe of her wisdom.
“I can sense you have a strong connection to my other son” she smiles as she moves some hair from your face, your lip quivering. “It’s quite alright dear, I hope he was good to a being as lovely as yourself” her eyes crinkled. “M-More than good. He… he was my favourite person in the universe”
She nods in an understanding, sympathetic way.
Loki sighs. It was just like his mother to know more than she lets on. But the exchange leaves him both empty, and full.
What he would give to be with you both in this moment.
Loki turns off the projector with a solemn smile. “Do they do it? Beat Thanos, that is?”
Mobius’ mouth twitches into the smallest of smiles. “They do.”
“Does she… ever move on?”
“She does not.”
Once again, Loki is torn between happiness and sadness. It was selfish really, to be relieved that his soulmate truly was his soulmate.
But you waited. You were always waiting to be reunited with your god of mischief once more. And you would always hold that hope.
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mimisempai · 3 years
You are worth so much more than the sum of your mistakes
Mobius shows Loki that he is much more than his failures.
Last fic before the episode 03. The next one after it. But don't worry, come what may, our boys will be happy.
1802 words - Rating G
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"Loki?" Mobius walked into his office where Loki was sitting flipping through files.
They were leaving in a few hours for Alabama in 2050.
"Would you mind accompanying me to the projection room? I want to show you something."
Loki stood up and nodded.
"Let's go."
They entered the room where Loki had been viewing parts of his past and future life when he arrived at the TVA
Everything that made him a villain.
He stopped when he saw the projector on the table in the middle of the room.
"If this is to make me cruelly realize who I am, so I can keep me on a short leash before the mission, it's not worth it."
Loki turned around ready to leave the room.
"Loki, no!"
Mobius held him back by the sleeve, Loki struggled blinded by the feeling of disappointment that washed over him.
Mobius wrapped his arms around him from behind and said in his ear;
"Loki, I promise you that it is not about that. This time it's my turn to ask you to please trust me."
Loki stopped struggling and let Mobius pull him into the room and he made him sit in front of the screen.
Mobius stood behind him with his hands on his shoulders and gently asked Loki, "Do you remember what you said you were, in this very room last time?"
Loki bowed his head and whispered, "A villain."
Mobius continued, "And do you remember what I replied?"
"That this was not how you saw it."
Mobius pressed his shoulders and answered, "That's right. And I want to show you why I said that. I'm going to show you two excerpts from your past life and one from your future life.Is it okay to watch them?"
Loki just nodded.
Mobius pressed the power button and resumed his place behind Loki with his hands on his shoulders.
"I can stop anytime you want, you just have to say so."
Loki nodded again.
He saw himself and his brother in their ceremonial clothes just before Thor's enthronement.
Thor was taking his helmet presented to him by a servant.
Loki looked at him and said with a half smile, "Oh... nice feathers. "
Thor laughed wryly before replying, "You don't really want to start this again do you?
Loki protested, "I was sincere. "
"You are incapable of sincerity. "
"Am I?"
" Yes "
Loki looked at his brother with affection and replied very seriously, "I've looked forward to this day as long as you have, my brother, my friend. Sometimes I'm envious, but never doubt that I love you. "
Thor put his hand on his shoulder and said softly, "Thank you."
Loki could hardly swallow the lump that had formed in his throat.
They may have clashed often, they may have been on bad terms when Loki ran away, but Thor was the person he missed the most since he was here.
Mobius paused and stood in front of him, kneeling down to be at his level.
He simply placed his hand on Loki's arm and asked, "Do you think someone who shows such brotherly love is a villain?"
Then he stood up, not waiting for an answer and pressed play again.
The scene was happening in Odin's room.
Odin was staring thoughtfully out the window and then turned away. Frigga sat in a vanity and tried different earrings before the mirror.
Odin asked her, "Do you think he's ready?"
"He thinks he is. He has his father's confidence." answered Frigga gently.
Odin retorted,"He'll need his father's wisdom."
Friga laughed and answered impertinently, "And his humility?"
Then Frigga added, "Thor won't be alone. Loki will be at his side to give him counsel. Have faith in your sons."
Loki could not remember ever having witnessed such a scene between his mother and father. He had never imagined his parents discussing Thor and him in this way, it was strange in a way. He had felt like he was witnessing a private scene. But to hear his mother talk about him in this way was beyond comprehension.
Mobius simply said to him before the footage continued, "Do you think a villain would inspire such faith in him from his mother, who is not even of his blood, do you think a mother would put her trust in one brother to support the other if deep down she thought he was a villain?"
The question hung in the air as the video resumed.
When Loki saw the scene beginning to unfold before his eyes, he protested and wanted to stand up, "Mobius, I've seen it before, I know this is the scene where I die!"
Mobius put his hands on Loki's shoulders again and said, "Look at it again this time, please. I really think you need to see it to the end."
Loki was talking to Thanos, "If I might, interject… If you’re going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena."
Thanos glared at him and replied "If you consider failure experience…"
Loki, losing none of his cockiness, answered, "I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard… Odinson… The rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity."
Thor squinted and noticed a dagger in Loki’s hand. Loki attempted to stab Thanos, but failed.
“Undying. You should choose your words more carefully."
Thanos tightened his hold around Loki’s neck.
Loki made eye contact with Thor before Thanos increased his force on his neck.
He struggled to articulate, "You… will never be… a god."
Thanos snapped Loki’s neck, killing him then added, "No resurrection this time." before disappearing.
Loki closed his eyes, unable to stop a tear from rolling down his cheek.
Mobius leaned over and said softly in his ear, "Loki, watch, I know it's hard, but please watch."
Thor was crying, "No… Loki…"
He was then released from his binds and crawled over to Loki’s body. He laid his head down on Loki’s chest, shedding tears.
Mobius knelt before Loki and took his hands, "Loki, after this, after many twists and turns, Thanos has lost and you played a part in his loss. Your death played a part. But more than that, after all you've been through, all the times you've faced each other, do you think Thor would have cried for you like that, if you were a villain? Loki, you are worth so much more than you think you are destined to be."
Mobius wiped away Loki's tear stain with his thumb and let his hand linger on the god's cheek.
Loki asked him in a slightly hoarse voice, "But why show me this, why would you want to convince me of the opposite of what you wanted me to recognize first."
"Oh no Loki, I never wanted you to think you were a villain, I wanted you to see that you were not the one you insist on parading to the world."
Loki protested, "But you told me I was born to cause pain and suffering and death. That's how it is, that's how it was, that's how it will be. All so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves. "
"Yes, I told you that not because I think that's what you are, I was just showing you that that's what you were limiting yourself to because you yourself think you're only capable of that. Because you want to rule so badly, that you don't see that you are made for bigger things. You asked me to trust you yesterday. I did because Loki I have faith in you and since you've been here you keep proving it. In your own way. Because you are undoubtedly the god of mischief. Unique. Not. A. Villain."
Mobius took his chin and placed a kiss on his forehead before standing up.
"I'll leave you alone for a bit, let you take some time to think about this, I'll come get you before the mission briefing." he headed for the door.
"Yes." Mobius came back to him as Loki stood up.
"I don't know why, but I really, really want to believe you."
Seeing a man as powerful as Loki, showing so much fragility and hope at the same time, Mobius thought he had never found him as magnificent as he was at that moment. He felt blessed that Loki had exposed such vulnerability to him.
"It's not an easy road, Loki, but it's worth it.It's not easy being a man, but that's why it's so wonderful when you manage to overcome the obstacles. Don't forget that you are not or no longer alone, I will be there every step of the way.  You just have to find the right direction."
Loki nodded and chuckled, "I don't know what deities decided to put you on my path, but I'm glad that it’s you."
He felt blessed that Loki would show such vulnerability.
"It's not an easy road, Loki, but it's worth it.It's not easy being a man, but that's why it's so wonderful when you manage to overcome the obstacles. Don't forget that you are not or no longer alone, I will be there every step of the way.  You just have to find the right direction."
Loki nodded and chuckled, "I don't know what deities decided to put you on my path, but I'm glad that it's you."
For once since the beginning of their strange relationship, Loki took the initiative and kissed Mobius lightly before stepping back."Go, I'll stay here for a while, a god of mischief can't show up with swollen and red eyes, there are limits to the lack of decorum."  He finished by winking at him.
Mobius chuckled before leaving.
Once the door closed, he whispered, "Me too Loki, I'm glad fate connected us."
"Loki! Wait!"
Loki was standing in front of the portal through which the woman had just disappeared and deep down he knew he was going to have to follow her.
Not because of all the bullshit he had spouted at her just before.
Not because of his personal interests, well not only because of his personal interests. He was Loki after all.
But because of the man who was running towards him shouting.
Because Mobius had seen in him more than a glorious purpose.
Because even if it was for his personal interests, Mobius had needed him.
Because Mobius had made him see that he could be a better version of himself.
Because Loki was starting to believe it.
So as he turned to Mobius who was running towards him he put everything he could into his eyes.
Believe in me!
Then, reluctantly, he turned away and went through the portal.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
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christianotome · 3 years
The things in Bible I find the most hard to believe are also the easiest to believe
When people question things written in the Bible, they generally question miracles or Hell. I find both of those things quite easy to believe. First, the bible says “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) and “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” (John 1:3) Assuming that if the world was like a game, God would be it’s creator, designer, programmer, developer and maybe more and knowing that in a lot of games, even normal players are able to overrule the game’s natural order with cheats code, God as the world’s creator, can easily go over nature’s natural laws, after all, He was the one Who create them. Second, John 1:10 says “He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.” God wanted to be close to people, but they were the ones that rejected Him. Just like no self respecting person invites people that hate them into their house, a consequence of their choice He can’t allow some people to enter Heaven, since, while the Earth was given to Adam and his offspring, Heaven is God’s kingdom. God gives humanity the freedom to choose their acts, but not to choose the consequence of those acts.
Anyway, I find miracles and Hell quite easy to believe, but the thing in the bible that intrigues me the most is human stupidity. If something a biblical character has done never infuriated you, then you probably haven’t read much of the bible or maybe you’re as bad as them. Bible characters are constantly witness miracles, then pledging their fidelity to God just to turn to other random gods little time later. That’s not very smart of them and things like that sometimes make me question if a human being could be that stupid. But just when I’m wondering about this kind of thing, I think about the people from the present and I immediately think “Those things are totally possible”. I mean, humanity has a tendency to self destruction.
People use drugs and drink alcohol when they know they might become addicted and destroy their lives, they some when they know they might develop a variety of disease, they have unprotected sex even though that might lead to pregnancy and disease, they do things they know they are not supposed to do and lie even knowing they might get caught. Sometimes they aren’t even trying really hard and their lies are obvious. That applies to me, every friend I ever had, my family members and everybody in this world. Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” and James 1:5 says “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Before you start a riot, remember you asked for this. And of course, I’m going to walk you through every moment of it. 
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1. Fuck.... Charlie Barber. 
Your front door open and shut, the sound of shoes being shucked off filling the air. Trudging down the hallway was Charlie, looking exhausted from his day at the theater. Normally he would call before showing up, you both had a deal that you had to inform the other of your presence. In case the other had company, which you frequently did, you knew Charlie didn’t have any other lovers. But he never expressed wanting you to be monogamous as well. You knew that he was in a bad mood, he would only show up unannounced if he was. 
He began to hurriedly rip off his clothes, eyeing you perched on the bed. “You need to be naked, on all fours, and ass sticking out in 30 seconds.” 
You nodded, tearing off your clothes. Positioning yourself in the center of the bed, your knees spread apart enough for him to slot inside them. You steadied yourself on your shoulder, looking at him from the side and letting your fingers play with yourself. Dancing them between your folds, lighting pulling on your clit as Charlie began to fist his cock. 
He took his place behind you, rubbing his tip up and down your pussy. Swirling it around your hole, dipping it in and out. Letting you try and trap him inside, “My my, aren’t you wet today. Did you have some fun while I was gone?” 
You giggled, pressing your hips back into him. 
He smacked his tip on your ass, “Is that why you didn’t answer my calls? Were you getting your whore pussy fucked by someone?”
“I might’ve been…” 
“Ah,” he cooed, pressing his cock inside you. Pulling out over and over, not giving you his full length. “Is that why you’re so wet? Do you have another man’s cum inside you?” 
You didn’t answer, knowing that your silence would speak volumes to him. Just rocking your hips back onto his length. Charlie hmmed once again, “I know you do, I can see it seeping out of your slutty hole. Do you want me to fuck it out of you? Replace it with my cum?” 
You moaned, chanting yes over and over. 
“Do you want daddy to fill you up with his hot cum? Let that other man see how full I can make you?” 
“Yes, fuck Charlie,” you groaned. Now fully rocking your hips into his, working his cock and out of you, squeezing out the leftover cum from your earlier tryst. Charlie growled, placing his hands on your hips and keeping you steady, completely flush with his cock. “I think I’ll fill you 4 times tonight.” 
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2. Marry….Kylo Ren. (please imagine our wedding dress in black.)
“Get up.” 
“Wha?” you groggily reply, the sheets being torn off your body. Exposing you to the cold of the room. At the foot of the bed stands your very loving boyfriend, balling the sheets in his fists. Glaring at you with his deep auburn eyes, he barked again, “Get up. We’re going somewhere.” 
You sat up, angrily crossing your arms and huffing at him. “Why? You never said anything abou-.” 
“Is that how you talk to me?” 
You grit your teeth, “Yes.” 
Kylo hmmed, putting his hands behind his back and slowly walking towards your side of the bed. Stopping directly in front of you and bending at the waist, leaving the two of you nose to nose. “Angel, I don’t really want to have a bad day today.” He placed a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose before gripping your cheeks with his thumb and forefinger. “Now get up, get dressed, and get your ass to the hanger in 15 minutes, or else I’m leaving without you.” 
You nodded, eyes wide at his authoritative tone. He gave you a small smile, kissing you softly on the lips before pulling away. 
Kylo refused to tell you where you were going, just telling you to stop fidgeting and relax. You weren’t a big fan of surprises, especially Kylo’s surprises because they usually were sexual, violent, or disgusting. After about 4 hours of flying the two of you landed on a heavily wooded planet, much like Endor but without the wookies. Everything was covered in a blanket of snow, lightly falling in small snowflakes to the crunching ground under your boots. Kylo had stormtroopers carry your bags, along with his own. Signaling you to follow him down a ramp towards a hidden city. 
Twinkling lights littered the skyline, street lamps glowing in the light snowfall. The streets were bare, all the people probably hiding because the Supreme Leader of the Galaxy had landed in their quaint town. Kylo stopped abruptly, causing you to bump into him, he let out a sigh through his mask. Opening a front door and gesturing for you to enter first. 
Inside was a beautifully decorated store. Lined with gorgeous dresses that ranged in color and length, you were awestruck. Lightly running your fingers on fabric that hung on the racks near the front entrance. The store had everything, anything you could’ve ever wanted. Kylo swatted your hand away from a gown, encasing your fingers in his leather paws. 
Around the corner came a small, elderly woman. Her eyes bright and shining, a small pair of glasses perched on her nose. She smiled at the two of you, “What can I do for you Supreme Leader?” 
“We are here for a wedding dress.” 
Your eyes popped out of your head, fully flipping around to face him. The woman nodded, “Right this way,” her hands grasping your free arm. You resisted slightly, “What are you talking about? Why am I getting a wedding dress?!” 
She brought you to a podium, having you stand in the center, and began measuring you for the dresses. Kylo stood behind you, his arms crossed behind his back as he spoke to the lady, “We would prefer it be black, I’ll be wearing a complete suit that is in that color.” 
“Of course Supreme Leader.” She spoke, maneuvering you around. “Anything else for the two of you?” 
“A matching bridal lingerie set as well, please.” 
She nodded, giving you a smile before walking towards the back of the store. Once she was gone up ran at Kylo, grasping his robes and yanking him down to your level. “What do you think you’re doing? Taking me here and demanding to get a wedding dress?!” 
Kylo hummed, pulling back slightly, “We are here because we are getting married.” 
You let go of him, waving your arms around like a maniac. “Oh are we? I don’t think I remember having this conversation with you!” He didn’t move, mask staying focused on your agitated form. 
“We aren’t even engaged yet Kylo!” 
“That’s been handled.” 
“By whom?” you scoffed, “I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to ask me, not have one of your knights do it for you.” 
Kylo grabbed you, spinning you around and pinning your back to his chest. Forcing you to stare at him in the mirror across the podium. His large, imposing form encasing you in his arms. You could feel his deep breaths, chest rising and falling as he stood in silence. 
“You do love me, don’t you?” he asked, breath barely a whisper out of his vocoder. 
You gulped, eyes slightly tearing at him. “Yes, of course, I love you Kylo.” 
“Then marry me.” 
Your eyes squeezed shut, a small sob breaking through. Kylo tightened his arms around you, cooing through his helmet. You began hiccuping between your sobs, managing to spin in his arms and grab his shoulders. “Please,” you took a breath, “please can you take off the mask?” 
Kylo sighed, releasing you and doing as you wish. Tossing it onto the nearby viewing couch. When he faced you, you began sobbing again. His own cheeks stained with tears, eyes bloodshot, and nose slightly running. He let out a small sob, “Will you be my wife?” 
You nodded furiously, “Yes, yes I will.” 
The day had come, you were standing at the end of a walkway. Snow falling down all around you, the chairs lined with people, everyone was eager to see the Supreme Leader marry. You would become the Empress of the galaxy, it was a big deal. There were photographers scattered all around, capturing the first moment you rounded the corner to see Kylo. 
He stood on the altar, in a full black suit. His hair was cut slightly shorter, his cheeks rosy from the crisp winter air. Behind him stood the knights, all out of uniform and flanking his sides, except for Vicrul. He was the one who was giving you away, meeting you at the beginning of the chairs. 
The music began to softly play, tune in rhythm with your steps as you approached Kylo. From behind your sheer black veil, you could see his normally stony exterior melt away. Beaming with pure happiness and unbridled love. The closer you moved, the more you teared up. Taking in deep breaths as you clung to Vicrul. Each step you took crunched on the freshly fallen snow. 
Kylo met you at the foot of the altar, giving Vicrul a small nod. You turned and embraced the knight, whispering thank you. Kylo grasped your hand, walking you up towards the officiant. Phasma was standing in a smart-looking black suit, towering over the two of you and your blissful union. 
“You may be seated,” she spoke to the crowds. “We are gathered here today, to witness the most sacred of unions. One of pure and unrelenting passion and love, one that puts even the famed Romeo and Juliet to shame. I do know that these two profess their mind body and souls to one another,” she turned to you. “Will you please slide the ring onto the Supreme Leaders finger?” 
You nodded, shakily taking the ring from Vicrul behind you. Holding Kylo’s large hand in your own, tears falling from your eyes as you barely got it on his finger. Behind you, Phasma spoke again, “You may now recite your vows.” 
“Kylo,” you choked. Unable to look into his eyes, as his own tears would cause you to weep more. “I never thought I would be here, to find someone who truly understands and loves me as much as you do. Not one moment in my life has brought me to believe that I deserve this, or you. But here I stand. Pledging my loyalty, fidelity, passion, and undying love to you. Even after death.” 
You both took in a deep breath, preparing for Kylo to speak. Phasma repeated the command to him, producing the ring from his pocket. He almost dropped it from how much he was shaking, letting out a small laugh as he wrangled it onto your finger. The ring was a gold and white diamond, mounted with a red kyber crystal. Gleaming in the soft daylight, swarming with the force Kylo embedded into it. 
“My love,” he hiccuped, brushing his cheek with his free hand. “There is nothing in the galaxy that can compare to my love for you. The heavens themselves would weep if you were not to walk on this earth, and I cannot imagine what I would be without you.” He paused, taking in a deep breath as he ran his thumb over your knuckles, “You are my life, my savior, my light at the end of the tunnel. I would have no direction if I was without you, like a ship lost at sea. I wouldn’t be able to be the person I am today without your constant love and devotion. I know that I can never match the kindness, caring, and undying love you have given me, but I will spend the rest of eternity showing you how much I love you.” 
You let out a sob, clutching onto his hands as you openly wept at his words. Fully knowing that your bridal makeup was ruined, mascara would be staining your cheeks while your eyes would be bloodshot. Phasma looked at the two of you, taking in a shaky breath, “I now pronounce you man and wife, Supreme Leader you may now kiss your Empress.” 
Kylo turned to you, bringing his hands to the hem of your veil. Softly lifting it over your head and revealing your face. The moment your eyes met you smiled, a true smile. Showcasing your ruined makeup, rosy cheeks, and dimples. Kylo looked no better, his crooked teeth breaking through his mask. His lips pink and quivering from the anticipation, Kylo brought his hands to your cheeks. Whispering just as your lips met, “You look more beautiful than I ever imagined.” 
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3. Kill….Clyde Logan.
I know. I’m upset about it too, it would be like the death in Old Yeller, I would shoot him for his own good. Like a mercy killing, he would understand, saying “I know darlin’.”. We would share one last kiss before I shot him with a double-barrel shotgun. I have to be authentic to the book, and that’s what Clyde’s wishes were. 
I cannot go into detail because it will break me, so instead I’m focusing on my wedding night with Kylo. 
I’m literally crying in the club rn. 
@finn-ray-nal-beads you wanted to be tagged
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nerdygaymormon · 4 years
Have you heard of the radical orthodoxy manifesto? what do you think of it?
Mostly it’s a loyalty oath to the apostles & prophets written in fancy language. They claim the middle ground between “unbridled progressivism and obstinate fundamentalism.” My guess is this means they are seeking a middle ground between DezNat tactics and progressive members.  
Here’s my main takeaways:
They seem to be promoting a particular idea of what it means to follow the prophet, but they remain vague on the particulars.
Rather than pledging loyalty to Christ or His teachings, they pledge fidelity to the “institutional Church” and “the Lord’s authorized representatives,” aka the prophet & apostles.
They say they’re willing to ask questions, but only as long as the answers fit what the apostles & prophets have already taught. They view the words of the prophets & apostles as more important than science or any other sources of knowledge.
The signatories to this manifesto include a number of high-profile members, a number of whom have proclaimed sympathies and views similar to DezNat and FairMormon which are traditional, conservative interpretations. If they had any signatories from the more progressive, social-justice viewpoints, I didn’t recognize them.
This is a form of virtue-signaling. They are trying to make themselves relevant and impress each other. I’m not sure what else the manifesto accomplishes beyond this.
Their manifesto website has links to articles written by authors of the manifesto. The article which was most illuminating was by Jeffrey Thayne in which he added some specifics to what the group believes, and it seems mostly to be anti-queer.
Anyone who will “dismiss, critique, or undermine” the teachings in The Proclamation of the Family, especially about gender or chastity are considered outside of orthodoxy (I think this is their way of saying they’re apostates). 
He even gave the specific examples of people who celebrate gender transitions, not believing marriage is only between a man & woman & sex should only be had by those married couples, or people who hope that same-sex couples will one day be sealed.
He says these people are unorthodox, but it felt more like he was saying these people are unbelievers and their viewpoints & voices do not need to be heard.
For me, this makes the manifesto a queerphobic document hiding behind flowery language. They are DezNat-lite, in that they don’t like the tactics of DezNat but they agree with them on the interpretation of the gospel. This is a way to pledge allegiance to their commitment to fight for continued discrimination against gay & trans Mormon kids without sounding like bigots.
The “Radical Orthodoxy Manifesto” seems especially devoid of love & mercy.
When Jesus was beginning His ministry, He spoke at a synagogue in Galilee (Luke 4:14-21). He announced that He’s come to:
bring good news to poor people
preach freedom for prisoners
give sight to the blind
liberate the oppressed
The poor, imprisoned, disabled & oppressed were who Jesus came for!  
Maybe we could say this is Jesus' manifesto of orthodoxy, which is illustrated by a big tent supported by the tent poles of Loving God and Loving thy neighbor as thyself.
It wasn’t so long ago that being LGBTQ was illegal in most of the world and could get you locked up or worse. In the United States we’ve made progress but still are fighting for full equality. In our church, we’re marginalized and kept from blessings granted to most others.
Who would be included in the list of groups Christ listed as the focus of His ministry—those who have power in the Church and are determined to exclude queer people, or queer people?
One day the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. This manifesto feels like an attempt by those who are first to keep their place and will be part of what causes them to fall to the last.
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iorast · 3 years
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facing the mad titan in any timeline was a death sentence. he will make you long for something sweet as pain. the memories still fresh. the torture he’d been through recent as far as the timelines were concerned. months previous. a full year of it.
and he’d seen his death, weeks ago. at the hands of thanos. tossed aside like garbage. so easily broken. and he was terrified. he was terrified to face the titan, but as he held the tessaract that held no power in the tva he knew what he had to do. second time’s the charm, right? he could write his own ending. a dagger slid into his belt, precarious but there was no other time to think.
i, loki, prince of asgard...
loki stepped into the corridor, taking a moment to compose themselves despite the broken bodies of guards at their feet.
odinson... the rightful king of the jötunheim...
❝ … thanos. i believe you’re looking for this, yes? ❞ loki asked, holding the tessaract between his fingers. shoulders pushed back as the mad titan stepped forward, teasing loki about how he’d finally pulled through. working as his right hand. loki almost flinched as he stepped closer. trying not to pay mobius any attention as he stood being thanos. meeting the mad titan’s gaze, steadily, despite the urge to run. 
god of mischief...
Loki forced a smirk, though unknowingly fake, as he kneeled. Holding the tesseract out to the mad titan. ❝ they have many infinity stones, here. ready for the taking, if you so wish. ❞ the tesseract snatched from his hands, loki gasped when he was picked up. bones cracking sickeningly. no, no, no, no, not like this. not again. not like this. their eyes flickering to mobius, who was so close. fear obvious in their eyes. they didn’t want to die but they didn’t want mobius to get hurt either. dagger freed from their belt and clattering to the ground, distracting the titan for a moment before he tsked at loki. obviously disappointed that he was trying to betray him. 
the last thing he remembered was pain as his body collided with the lockers and the sight of mobius trying to get the time collar on him.
do hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity.
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
The Falls
Summary: Arthur and Y/N reach Gotham City Hall. Two weeks later, they share a taste of newly-wedded bliss.
Warnings: Swearing, Adult situations
Words: 5,953
A/N: This request came from @jokerownsmysoul​. I'm grateful for it - it was a real challenge. I can't wait for more! I also need to extend a hearty thanks to @sweet-nothings04​ for her support. I've been going through a rough period, which is why my output has slowed. She encouraged me, listened to and helped me work through my doubts, and gave me great feedback. Also, send love to @howdylilflower​ for reading through this, sharing her thoughts, and pointing out my obvious errors!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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Gotham City Hall was, to put it briefly, imposing. Statues of former mayors and city founders stood on either side of its massive staircase. The Corinthian capitals of the portico's columns rose three stories above the entrance. The glass and copper doors, made heavy by their vertical, iron security bars, provided a sense of elite exclusion, regardless of it being a municipal building.
As Y/N and Arthur dashed up the marble steps, their buoyant laughter filling the air, none of that mattered. All that pomp and circumstance was immaterial compared to the leap they were about to make. The leap she hadn't expected that morning but had craved for months. The leap into wedlock and all the dedication, trust, and responsibility that went with it.
The Office of Licensure and Registration was far busier than she'd assumed - it was set to close in half an hour. Two clerks worked the winding line of people dealing with the unremarkableness of bureaucracy. A woman complained about the cost to renew a dog license. ("But he's only a mutt!") At the window, a man was being told he needed to head down the hall and to the left. One guy was muttering to himself about what he was going to have for dinner once he was "out of this hellhole." The atmosphere, admittedly, was not ideal.
However, the love of her life standing beside her, clutching her hand a tad too hard, made it perfect. She examined Arthur's profile as he stared ahead. The joy and relief hadn't left his visage after she'd accepted his proposal. Pensiveness hid in the flare of his nostrils, though. In the repeated clench of his jaw. In the quiet bounce of one knee.
She pursed her lips. Taking off up the street and demanding to be married straight away had been pushy. Under no circumstance did she want him to feel pressured, especially not when it came to this. But, she considered, it was natural to be anxious. And he'd appeared ecstatic, too, nearly yanking her onto his lap on the bench at Lemmars Park.
Tucking back the stray, chestnut strand by his temple, she murmured, "I'm the happiest woman on earth right now." She gently loosened her fingers from his grip and hugged his slim waist. With a bashful duck of his chin and quick puff, his arm went across her shoulders. The crinkles at the corners of his eyes told her his tight-lipped smile was sincere. That he needed this as much as she did. That he'd be all right.
The clerk, whose nametag read "Kyle," was polite and indifferent. Leaning on the counter, they hastily retrieved their IDs from her purse and Arthur's wallet. She rattled off her social security number from memory, while he had to find his card. After paying a fifteen-dollar fee, a slew of typing, and Y/N promising to provide a copy of her divorce papers, Kyle handed them a fountain pen and beige piece of parchment.
Floral borders decorated the edges, an art deco design out of the twenties. The title "Marriage License" leapt out, printed in a font belonging to a carnival barker's wagon. Their names, cities of birth, and birthdays were listed. A final paragraph stated the following: "The undersigned are both of sound mind, are consenting adults, and willingly commit to the bonds of matrimony." They merely had to sign on the respective "bride" and "groom" lines to make it official.
Y/N bent to sign the paper without delay. Not wanting to smudge the ink, she forced her hand to go slower than usual. Arthur grazed her knuckles as she passed him the pen. Only a couple seconds went by, then he jotted his name, a scraggly "A. Fleck." She heard his breath catch as the clerk notarized the document.
The paper needed to be mailed to central office for processing, Kyle explained (which Y/N already knew). A photocopy was made so she could change her name. The official marriage certificate could be picked up in approximately three weeks. To her surprise, he said, "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Fleck" before closing the window's shade.
And that was it. They were husband and wife in less time than it took to register a new car.
Exhilaration fluttered in her abdomen. Pumped its way from her heart to the tips of her toes as they strolled arm-in-arm towards the closest subway station. Y/N suggested they grab a bite to eat to celebrate, maybe go to Kao Wah. But Arthur stated he wasn't hungry. "I'd like to be home. With my- with my wife." He averted his gaze as he said the last words, the tip of his tongue darting to his top lip as if to the savor their flavor.
Given how much he'd learned about traditions from old movies, she'd suspected he'd try to carry her over the threshold. She was grateful he didn't. Instead, he pressed her into the coats and jackets hanging on the wall. Kissed her with his entire body. "I need to make love to you," he uttered into her neck. The softness of the euphemism was strikingly different from his urgency as he unbuttoned her blouse. He'd have likely taken her in the entranceway if she hadn't led him to the bedroom.
The intensity with which he fucked her into the mattress hadn't been experienced since he'd shown up at her apartment drenched, lost, and unable to fully accept she loved him. But this moment was distinct. Although the lines of his face were taut, his eyes were filled with ardor. He entwined their fingers, crushed her to him, drove her hand into the pillow. "Say you're mine," he implored, the jerks of his pelvis deep and uneven. "Please. Say you're all mine."
It wasn't like her to give herself to someone. To allow that person to own her. She'd tried that before; it hadn't been good for either of them. Yet, she'd pledged her fidelity to Arthur barely two hours ago. She knew what his request meant. He didn't want to change or dominate her. He simply needed to hear her answer. To know he was no longer alone in the world and wouldn't be for the rest of his life, even if he doubted.
Caressing the expanse of his back and his distended shoulder, she responded. "Of course, I'm yours, Arthur." The tip of his nose met hers, and she savored the smile he pressed against her cheek. "Of course, I'm yours."
She absentmindedly played with his hair. Holding him to her breasts, she went over everything she had to do the following day. Having a plan calmed her, aided her in thinking straight. And the list she was making was a pleasure because everything on it involved him. "I have to call the landlord to add you to the lease. Go to the DMV to get my name changed. Add you to my insurance at work. Oh, we need to combine our bank accounts, too." She peeked at the top of his head. "I have a feeling I'll remember to write 'Mrs. Fleck' easier than '1983' when the new year arrives."
The emerging rigidness of Arthur's frame and the burps that suddenly left him alerted her to his tumult. He pushed himself off her, swung his legs over the side of the bed as guffaws ripped their way from his throat. She scurried behind him to see his palm hover above his ribs as he covered his mouth with the other.
It had been weeks since his condition had flared up around her. Even longer since he'd tried and failed to hide it. Acceptance of his affliction was a concept that was sometimes hard for him to accept; her kindness and love couldn't erase thirty-five years of distress. But he had gotten better at believing it and she was proud of him. Not wanting any of his progress to be lost (especially not on their wedding night), she helped him through it, as usual. Kissed his bicep. Reminded him to take deep, even breaths. Blessedly, the attack didn't last long.
He was wringing his hands, the shaking of his head almost imperceptible. "What if I-" He spoke lowly, fear emitted with every syllable. "What if I wake up in Arkham? Or taking care of Penny again?" Y/N continued to listen as she searched for the best reply. "I never thought I'd have what I wanted." A humorless chuckle as he swiped his nose. "I don't want it to go away."
She wondered if what he was saying was due to trepidation or illnesses. Then she realized the differentiation was irrelevant. What mattered was soothing him. Letting him know it was all right. And real. Slowly, she knelt on the floor in front of him. "I'm not going anywhere," she confirmed, cupping his weathered cheeks. "I adore you." Smiling, she claimed his lips. "I'm your wife."
His toothy grin caused her pulse to skip, and he drew her to his chest. "I'm your husband."
"There's no one else I'd rather be married to."
Laying on the mattress, he closed his eyes. She stroked his lean pectorals, delighting in his resulting sighs. Once the tension in his sinews seemed to ebb, once he looked relaxed, he made a thoughtful sound. "Are we gonna have a honeymoon?"
For as long as he could remember, Arthur had ridden buses. They were usually crowded, stuffed full of humanity. A cushioned, plastic seat was free about a third of the time. Apart from the engine, the rides were fairly quiet. Everyone wanted to get to their destinations instead of conversing. He'd gathered that from observing them. From trying to figure out how to make a connection.
The tour bus he was currently on felt like the pinnacle of luxury, with its padded, fabric chairs and tinted windows. A newer adventure movie played on the tiny television built into the ceiling, its volume so low he could make out only half the dialogue. There was a bathroom (a bathroom!) in the rear, cleaner than any public one around the city. Passengers were few. A young couple sat across the aisle, playfully teasing each other. Sights like that had sparked melancholy in the past. Now the corner of his mouth quirked.
He'd yearned to get out of the city. To go somewhere warm, beautiful, and calm. To have space but not loneliness, which was readily available at home. The postcards he'd kept in his locker at work and on his refrigerator had been a feeble attempt to keep the hope of leaving alive. A co-worker had asked about them once. Arthur, seeking to cover-up his vulnerability in a room full of tough guys, had mumbled a quick, "They're just pictures."
California's distance from Gotham had made it a promised land. He would have liked to walk its shores. They had to be cleaner than those of the city. Meet the people there. They were likely kinder due to the sunniness of the state's weather.
He'd lain on his worn sofa or written in his journal, particularly on chilly nights, fantasizing about playing ukulele on the beach with a pretty Hawaiian girl. The light shining off her tan skin, a contrast to his own pallor. The sway of her hips while she danced the hula would match the rhythm of his novice strumming. After a shallow dip in the ocean, they'd make love in the sand. The sun would be setting to their left. A campfire would burn bright on the right. It would have been great.
But the woman currently dozing on his shoulder made the reality he was experiencing finer.
It had been difficult for him to admit his disappointment upon learning Y/N hadn't thought of a honeymoon. The notion had been unimportant to her, as unimportant as having a wedding. When they'd married two weeks ago, she'd said, in her usual, casual manner, "You're my husband and I'm your wife and that's fine." He'd believed he'd gotten her meaning - that frills and fusses were unnecessary, so long as they were partners. But his chest had ached all the same. He'd awaited the opportunity to let out the old romantic in him for years. Those frills and fusses were crucial to him.
The brochure for Niagara Falls had been one of many in the travel agency's window. Its bright blues and greens had caught his eye when he'd passed by on the way home from therapy. He'd heard of the tourist spot on television. Weekend trips were awarded as prizes on game shows. A magician may have gone over them in a barrel. It was supposed to be the honeymoon capital of the world. And it was only four hours from home. He'd figured it would be easy to sell her on the idea.
He'd shown her the pamphlet as soon as she walked through the door, prattling with anticipation as she slipped off her heels. "There's a Skywheel. We've been on the Ferris wheel as Amusement Mile but this one's taller." He'd pointed at a picture while taking her coat. "There are a lot of restaurants. And a town we can walk in..."
Trailing off, he'd lifted one shoulder. "I know you've done all this before. A honeymoon, I mean." His brows pinched. "But not with me. I just want-" The interruption of Y/N's lips had stilled him, the twine of her fingers in his hair switching the racing of his brain to the pounding of his heart. Once they'd parted, the affection in her eyes reassured him.
"That's wonderful suggestion," she'd said. "We'll call a hotline for motel recommendations after dinner. I'm sure I can wrangle a free Friday from Phil." Her eyelashes had fluttered against his neck and she'd snorted. "You should have seen his face when I changed my name. And told him you'd be joining me on every business trip."
The memory made him feel fuzzy in spots he hadn't known existed until she'd seeped into them.
It was early evening, cold, and raining when they arrived. Y/N held her pop-up umbrella over them as he retrieved their shared suitcase. Thank goodness the stroll from the bus depot and to their lodgings was short. Only shallow splashes got on their pants during their scurry up the sidewalk.
Arthur had chosen the Honeymoon City Hotel for a few reasons. The ad had promised a view of the falls from every room, which he'd thought charming. A special newlywed's suite had been offered, Jacuzzi, cable television, and free breakfast included. And the place's corny name. Its silliness had touched the part of him that had bought a rose when he'd had no clue what he was doing, having dinner at a woman's apartment like a regular man. The part that compelled him to impulsively grab her hand while they stirred pots on the stove. The part that could, every so often, envision a brighter future for himself because he had her.
The motel, however, stated there was a problem. The room had been double-booked, a mistake blamed on a new employee having forgotten to note their reservation. The other guests had checked in earlier and couldn't be moved.
Having had a plethora of first days, Arthur understood what it was like to be new on the job. But he was still irritated. He asked where they were supposed to stay, then muttered to himself. He didn't want to be upset on their special weekend. Graciously, Y/N patted his arm and stepped in. He self-soothed with nicotine and noted how, in her kind but direct style, she negotiated a stay in one of the business suites and a ten percent refund. The front desk person told them their bag would be in their room.
They were also given a coupon for the nearby revolving restaurant. He'd been intrigued by the mention of it in his brochure, but he'd assumed it was too expensive. It was just beyond the Canadian border in Skyfall Tower. Because of the discount and no passports being needed, they decided to catch a cab and go.
Though Arthur usually didn't eat a lot, they opted for the buffet. He'd thought it a better value, and it would allow him to try new dishes without worrying he'd be stuck with something he didn't like. The novelty of the made-to-order stir-fry felt opulent. And it was fun adding broccoli, carrots, and mushrooms, but no water chestnuts because their texture was bizarre. Y/N appeared to enjoy the chicken Kiev and quiche, going back for a second helping of the latter.
Gazing out at the panorama provided by the windows surrounding them, Arthur titled his head. Droplets ran down the pane of glass, obscuring the view. The multi-color illumination of the falls were hazy from the rain. The plaque at the entrance had stated they were fifty-five stories up. In Gotham, he'd never been worth enough to go above the tenth floor. He wondered how fast they were spinning. He couldn't feel the momentum, but their position had changed slightly during dinner.
In his peripheral vision, Y/N was licking the rest of her chocolate mousse off a spoon. Nonchalantly, as if she didn't know the effect it would have on him. "This was almost worth the mistake the motel made," she said. But she winced as she straightened, put her palm on her stomach. "I'm not going to be able to move for the rest of the night."
Rolling his eyes and giving a half-smirk, he stood and guided her out of her seat. "You just need to walk a little." He slipped her jacket around her back. "Come on."
Y/N tried to stifle her laughter at Arthur's bewilderment. The room was...not what either of them had anticipated. (And a reminder why she was dubious about motels that had silly names.) Saying it left something to be desired was being generous.
Brown wood grain paneling, too dark to be considered cozy, was on the walls. Two twin beds, about three feet apart, were on the right. She chose the one closest to the windows, and it creaked and groaned as she sat on it. ("I hope the walls are thicker than they look.") Dim lamps with avocado green shades were on the nightstands in the middle. A thirty-two-inch television sat on the bureau across from the footboards. The room's saving grace was a fireplace in the back corner.
He popped his head into the bathroom, stated the shower was smaller than theirs, and grumbled that there was no whirlpool bath. She did not mourn that loss. The couple of times she'd used one, the pumps and jets had been loud and distracting. Besides. They were bound to test one out eventually.
Arthur made his way to the acrylic curtains and opened them. "I see...a parking lot." He shoved his hands in the pockets of his tan jacket and sighed. "This wasn't what I pictured."
She knew he'd blame himself because he'd picked the place, which was ridiculous. They'd both agreed to it. Disappointment and guilt on their honeymoon? That wouldn't do. "Vacations never go as planned. That's why you return home more drained than when you left." Reaching behind her, she flipped on the radio. Searched for and found a station playing upbeat music. Kept the volume at a level where the notes of "The Hustle" were barely audible but could still cheer. She stood and flipped back the covers. "Well, the sheets are clean. Help me push these together."
Chuckling, he brought the lamps she'd unplugged to the nearby desk, then moved the nightstands out of the way. There were four or so inches between the mattresses when the bed frames met, but they'd make the most if it. The ease with which he'd moved his bed against hers impressed her, prompted her to squeeze her thighs together.
While Arthur stuck his head out the window for a smoke, Y/N got to work. She dug out the sparkling wine she'd packed (not champagne, which he found too sour) and unwrapped the plastic cups by the ice bucket. After screwing off the top and pouring them both a serving, she stripped to her bra and panties, a lacy dark green set she'd bought for the trip. Then she tip-toed to him. "Mr. Fleck, would you do me the honor of starting the hearth?"
He flicked his cigarette, stood, and turned to her. The desire and love in his intent stare as it roamed up her body, and the softening of his features made her blush. She looked at the brown carpet demurely. "I only packed lace."
The raging flames were half a yard away, a yellow and orange glow illuminating them both. She traced his spine to the beads of sweat gathering in the small of his back. They'd begun mere minutes ago, but she was already light-headed. Not only from the satisfaction of him repeatedly filling her, the joy of joining with him entirely. But also from the blazing heat.
She focused on the drop perspiration rolling down his forehead to his nose, then felt it fall onto her neck. "Arthu-" The last letter was stolen by his lips, the tip of his tongue teasing hers. She broke off, gasping. "Can we take a break?"
Blinking at her, he stopped, the crease between his eyebrows deepening. "A break?"
Gently, she pushed at his hips and nodded. "I feel like I'm going to melt. And not in the good way."
He left the grip of her body carefully and went to the knob next to the fireplace. "I think it's on a timer." She watched his grimace as he attempted to turn it counterclockwise. "It won't budge."
Y/N scooted away from the fire, rolled onto her side, and grabbed her mostly full cup. "We'll have to wait it out." He pouted at her and she laughed. "Hey, waiting will make the quenching sweeter." Taking a sip, she beamed up at him. "I don't think I told you how I got to Gotham."
There was a pause before he swiped back his damp locks. "What do you mean? It was your old job." He stretched to lie beside her, propped on his forearm.
"That's true but there's more to it." Entwining their calves, she draped an arm over his hip so she could caress the modest curve of his rear. "I used to get groceries every Tuesday in Missouri - the shop was further out, so I couldn't go and get a couple of ingredients, like you and I do." She turned onto her back, surveyed the off-white popcorn ceiling. "It would be empty. Lines were short. New stock would have come in.
"I always bought three newspapers for the help wanted section: the Daily Planet, the Toronto Star, and the Gotham Journal. One week I had to work late and go on a Thursday, and the store was out of the Journal." She giggled and shook her head. "I was so annoyed. I'd avoided the Gotham Globe because it looked like a trashy tabloid. But I settled."
The skim of his fingertips across her belly was a series of tender, repeated lines. Her gaze flicked to his, her smile breaking her face wide open. "That's where I found the ad for Shaw and Associates." She brought his knuckles to her mouth. "That annoyance is what got me my job. Allowed me to move to Gotham." She grasped his chin, ran her thumb along his deepening dimple. "What led me to you." Arching a brow, she gave a little shrug. "It's almost enough to make me believe there's a reason for everything. Not quite. But almost."
The concentration in the lines of his forehead told Y/N he was trying to find the right way to express himself. He gave it a go. "You're my reason."
She winced. It was a conversation they'd often had. While she appreciated what he said, held every word in her heart, he tended to aggrandize her and not give himself proper credit for how well he was doing. For going to treatment, for trying different medications. For being honest. She was still finding the kindest, most effective ways to correct those notions. To emphasize they were equals, through and through. "Arthur, I can't be your only reason."
"That's not what I meant." He rubbed the side of his face. Sitting up, he hugged his legs to his chest and his eyelids fluttered shut. "I don't hate myself as much as I used to. Not every day."
He fidgeted with the carpet. Y/N put her palm on his foot, traced the tendons of his ankle. Tried to help bolster him to confide whatever he wanted. "My mother would say she was the one who knew my purpose. That she didn't mind my laugh, because I was happy all the time." Scoffing, he took Y/N's proffered cup. "If she told me I wasn't funny or I did something wrong-" He swallowed hard and finished her wine.
She got it. Penny, along with his experiences in and perceptions of Gotham, had hammered into him that he was hard to love. An egregious, groundless lie. The pain underlying what he'd disclosed settled in her stomach, a dull ache for what he'd lived through. She was about to speak when he wiggled his toe to stroke her wrist. "I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable."
"Psh." She sat to hug him across his back at the waist. "I've never been uncomfortable around you. Not once." He leaned into her as she kissed his temple. The reflection of the hearth in his light green eyes was beautiful, flecks of brown and hazel shining. Gladness lurked in them, undeterred by their earnest exchange. She tousled his curls, ran her nails over his scalp until a pleasured moan escaped him. "Don't ever apologize for telling me how you feel."
A prolonged but companionable silence, then. As the fire died down, she lay on the floor. Pulled him to follow her until his wiry frame covered her. "I hate to break it to you, but you're not that weird."
Enfolding their fingers, he squinted at her. "I'm not?"
"Sorry to let you down." She wrapped her legs about his middle, squeezed him tight as he opened her lips with his. "Loving you is one of the easiest things I've ever done," she purred. She kissed his face in a line, then whispered in his ear. "Planning to proposition a man on the third date was never a habit of mine."
"Hm." At the weight of him hardening against her thigh, she gripped his shoulders and arched towards him. "Did you always flirt with men in the grocery store?"
The mild pinch to his bottom was instantaneous.
After procuring two apples, bananas, and donuts from the breakfast buffet and bringing them to their suite, Arthur decided to journal. He'd been awake since four. There was only so much smoking, staring at the walls, and trying to go back to sleep he could do. So as not to disturb Y/N, he went to the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet, notebook on his lap.
The pen flowed freely and he snickered. It always felt good when jokes came easily. "My mother wud say (change voice here) 'mariage isn't for everyone.' But I found the one person who wanted to marry me. Sorry, mom. It's funny." "I have a wife. It's great to have one special person to steel the blankets from."
Tears pricked a couple punchlines later. He wiped at them with a square of tissue paper. "Today I feel good," he jotted. "I think it's because I like being maried. I'm so proud of myself for sticking with Y/N. The worst days are better. I used to wunder how long I could live with noone caring about me. But I don't half to anymore. I hope I never do again."
A yawn beckoned him and he padded through the doorway to peak towards the beds. Y/N was opening the drapes, just enough to let a strip of sunlight illuminate the room. She was pretty, barefoot, her nightdress ending mid-thigh as the rays framed her silhouette. He sidled up behind her. "What do you call two spiders that just got married?"
Turning, she tapped her chin, apparently giving it a good, long think. "Mr. and Mrs. Arachnid?"
Even if she was wrong, he appreciated her effort. "Newly-webs." Giggling, she hugged him around the neck, stretched slightly to kiss him. "I was on a roll this morning. Maybe I can make them part of my act."
She clambered into the bed beneath the covers and patted the narrow space next to her. It was a tight fit, but he climbed in eagerly, anyway. As he brought her half on top of him, she said she'd looked at the TV schedule and found a movie to start the day. One starring Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn. The film was new to him, though he'd heard of it. He enjoyed the unexpected love story between two people from completely different backgrounds. Nibbling on a chocolate donut, he wondered if Y/N saw the parallels. If that was why she'd chosen it.
When they finally got dressed and headed out, they discovered the Skywheel Arthur had been looking forward to was closed for the season. It appeared they'd gotten married too late in the year for a lot to be open. There was a wax museum and an arcade in the nearby town. Neither appealed to him. But as they wandered the streets, they found the Houdini Magic Shop.
The manner in which she was browsing the props and instruction cards made it was obvious Y/N was out of her element. The only clown performance she'd seen in years had been his. But she was sweet and enthusiastic, and pointed out items she thought might be of interest. He was polite when he declined them. In the end, Arthur picked out a color changing blossom and a never-ending scarf. Although it was a store for performers, he found pens Y/N could use for work. He presented them to her with a flourish, and she promised she'd use them daily.
They stopped by a nearby souvenir shop. It was small, about half the size of their living room. He bought a few postcards to go with the ones on his vanity. She chose three, scrawled "We're hitched!" on them, and mailed them to Patricia, Mabel, and Penny. There was a photographer's booth, too, and he convinced her to have their photo taken. The cardboard frame he chose had "We're honeymooning at Niagara!" emblazoned at the top in bright blue letters. It wasn't her taste. Not at all. But she claimed to like it, stating simply, "At least you're gorgeous."
And now, after a quick lunch of sandwiches and soup at a nearby cafe, they stood on the observation deck overlooking the falls.
Beyond city parks, Arthur hadn't seen a lot of nature. Though he appreciated the majesty of the place, he wasn't mesmerized by it. Not really. The height intimidated him. There had been periods in his life during which he would have gladly flung himself into the depths. Not to die. Just to make everything stop. Smiling slowly, squeezing the hand of the woman next to him, he was grateful not to feel that now.
He swiveled to study her. She was peering through coin-operated binoculars, a contented look on her face. She offered him a turn but he declined, already having the best view. He ran his thumb over the gold band on her left hand and shut his eyes.
He'd heard a song once. The lyrics had said he would be nobody until somebody loved him, and until he found somebody to love. It was plain the love the person sang about wasn't the one he'd felt for Penny. He'd thought half the equation might have been enough. But he hadn't felt much improvement when he'd fallen for his neighbor. He'd grown to hate it, going so far as to hawk the LP, despite liking the other tracks on it. He'd known he'd always be a nobody - he didn't need a tune to rub it in.
Nothing in this world, not even its natural wonders, would ever compare to the beauty of Y/N understanding him for who he was. Of her choosing to care for him even after seeing him. Of him finally having the ability to demonstrate the love he'd always wished was buried somewhere inside him.
Of her confirming his existence.
Her hand going to her forehead caught his attention. He tightened his grip on her, blinked away his musings. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"Just a little vertigo. I'll be fine." Resting on the metal railing, she let out a long exhale. "It's too bad we have to head home tomorrow. This is miles better than my first honeymoon."
A burn came across his cheeks. "Oh?"
"My monthly started the second day. My ex's entrance exam for law school was reschedule, so we cut it short." Their gazes met, her irises glittering. "And you weren't there." Her eyelids fluttered and she cleared her throat. "It helps that I'm with a man who won't tire of my tenacity."
That wasn't a word he knew, but he figured it out from the context. It was strange that anyone would be put off by Y/N's strength of character. Her courage had been what had saved him on the subway. He'd found it odd, at first. He'd met so few people with any hint of it. Hoyt had shown his fortitude by yelling. Randall had talked him into shitty jobs and lied.
Didn't she know her strength supported his own? That her confidence, both in him and herself, made it easier for him to function? Lent him an inkling of what it was like to matter?
He palmed her side, took her hand in his, and leaned forward to whisper, "If you close your eyes, you can pretend we're alone." Flights of fancy were harder for her, he knew. He was pleased when she acquiesced. Kissed her browbone and pushed the bridge of his nose to it. Humming softly, he did his best to imitate one of their favorite songs. He didn't lead her in a dance, but a gentle sway from side to side.
Chest on the verge of bursting, he longed to accurately convey the emotions rushing through his core. Such positive experiences still felt new. He chose to use the phrases he would want bestowed upon himself. "I love you because of your...tenacity." Shrugging, he pressed his lips together. "You were always so nice to me. I think you're the best thing I've ever seen. I don't want you to change, Y/N."
The delicate caress of her fingertips on his neck made him shiver. "Should I nag you to quit smoking when I'm ninety? And you're pushing me around Gotham in my wheelchair?"
"Yes," he laughed, nodding swiftly at the idea of them being together for fifty years. That would be heaven. "And that I need new socks." He smoothed his hand down her back until she was flush against him. "And to take my medication." Palming her hip, he grinned down at her. "And to make love, if you still want me then."
She giggled, fisting the front of his jacket. "Definitely." On her tiptoes, her lips seized his. "I'll never stop wanting you." Groaning, he grabbed her face and kissed her fiercely, knowing he'd lose himself in her as soon as they returned to their room.
Van McCoy - The Hustle
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​ @howdylilflower​ @sweet-nothings04​ @stephieraptorr​ @rommies​ @fallenstarsabyss​ @gruffle1​ @octopus-plasma​ @tsukiakarinobara​ @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​ @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​ @jokerownsmysoul​ @64-crayon​
30 notes · View notes
cora-notovrloki · 5 years
Daddies finding out you’re held hostage would include…
So sorry I haven’t been so active! I decided to come around with a short ‘would include’ requested by @anartistnamedoro. some of the daddies have a little bit of angst to it so bear with me if it’s a rough ride... i decided to put James Conrad aside for this one because of a writer’s block, maybe there could be a one-shot for him afterwards, but i hope you enjoy it ✨
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Tom Hiddleston:
Tom would be absolutely horrified when he hears that you are held hostage by his anti-fans
They were threatening him to retire and never reveal his face on the mass media, otherwise you would be badly hurt
He was full of rage, ready to hit them with a chair, or anything near him
but he knew that doing anything irrational will get you more hurt so he doesn’t act out in a violent way
He calls for help, eventually the police and the press know about it now- they never specifically said anything about the police
Tom insisted on going with the police team, thinking it was least he could do to help (like mental support)
so they break into the room that you were kept in, with several bruises and tied to a chair
you whimper, crying out Tom’s name
While the police team is busy arresting the anti-fans, he and the medical team help you onto a stretcher
“Darling, you’re going to be all right, I am so sorry you had to go through that because of me. I’m so sorry.”
“I-It’s all right, Tom. I’m fine, re-really, you don’t have to worry about-”
You black out in the middle of the sentence, your grip on Tom’s hand losing its force.
When you wake up, you’re in a hospital bed, with Tom still holding your hand, dozing off on a chair next to the bed
you give him a little squeeze to tell him your consciousness
he wakes up with a start, looks at you wide-eyed, and tells you
“You are the strongest person I’ve ever encountered, love. I am so sorry, and I’m so grateful that you’re still with me.”
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Loki Laufeyson:
First of all, Loki would lose his temper right away
You would be taken away by the Chitauri army, ordered by Thanos
But to retrieve you he would have to bargain his way through
He is full of rage and he would probably take his anger out on some innocent ornaments or something
After being in full-blown anger, he then paces back and forth brooding
then concoct a plan in his head
He goes alone to Thanos’s layer, and he is already sitting on his throne, smiling smugly. Next to him were you, muzzled and tied in a birdcage
you cry out in sight of Loki, but another zap from a guard’s spear makes your legs crumble
Striding towards him, Loki looks confident, challenging even
he tries not to show weakness in front of Thanos to succeed in his bargain
“You’re late, trickster.”
“I believe you have something that belongs to me, mighty titan.”
“Then you must serve me purpose in order to retrieve what is in your posession.”
“I will grant you my service. I, Loki, prince of Asgard, Odinson... the rightful king of the Jotunheim... god of mischief... do hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity.”
“Very well,” Thanos says. “I will hand you my side of the bargain. Release her.”
The guard opens the cage door and zaps you once again, and you fall tumbling out of the cage crying
Quickly, Loki sweeps you off your feet and teleports away before Thanos or the guards could do anything
You arrive in Asgard, holding tightly to Loki
the confident prince was nowhere to be seen- instead he looked broken 
“...I thought I lost you, pet.”
“But you lost something in return...”
“All the price i have to pay to keep you safe.”
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Thomas Sharpe:
You were the first wife that Thomas ever felt true love towards (even before Edith let’s say, when the Sharpes didn’t come up with the poison plan yet) 
But Lucille couldn’t take it
It wasn’t a part of the plan, but she knocks you out by hitting your head hard, then ties you up in the cellar
Your husband hasn’t seen you the whole day, and asked Lucille if she had seen her
Thomas soon finds out when Lucille brings him down to the cellar, where you were strapped up almost dehydrated
“It’s time, Thomas, don’t you think?”
“N-no, not yet... Not her-”
“Oh, have you gotten weak now, my dear brother? How can you be so sentimental? You’ve already got me...”
Thomas hesitates
“I, I love her, Lucille. I can’t do it.”
“Love? You have to remember Thomas that this is only temporary. Our love is unconditional and immortal.”
He frowns down at you, shaking
the he kneels down in front of you and kisses your cheek and you could feel a drop of a tear rolling down his
“I will never forget you, my love.”
Then you feel a sharp pain and a warm sensation on your chest. You look down and there’s a blotch of crimson growing
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Some of the zombies who knew where Adam lived also knew that you were living in the same place
One evening they knock you out and take you away, blackmailing Adam to share his new music
Once he sees the threat he flips and goes charging into an abandoned factory you were held captive
when the captors see him barging into the place the one who seemed to be in charge steps up and stands right in front of Adam
“So, let’s hear some music? Can’t ignore a legend forever.”
“Let her go-”
“All I hear is you complaining. I wanna hear some real-”
“You are going to regret you ever laid a finger on my girl.”
Adam grabs the back of his neck and sinks his fangs into the zombie and he cries out, with his limbs flailing around helplessly until he falls to the ground
the gang of zombies attacks him, some of them with bare hands and some with knives
His supernatural speed knocks everyone out, then comes for you to untie you from the ropes
you don’t say anything- the zombies didn’t hurt you but you are exhausted honestly
“You- you should have been more careful, my dear.”
“It’s not my fault they drugged me and took me away, Adam.”
“Still... Please be more careful. It’s agonizing enough I cannot protect you under the sunlight. I don’t want to lose you like this.”
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Robert Laing:
At first, he would have to have a few moments digesting the fact that you were taken by the people from the upper floors
He tries to remain calm, but he soon breaks down
First, he goes up the elevator in his clean suit and formality and while searching through the floors find you on the top with four old men tantalizing you in your underwear, with utter humiliation
The sight was horrendous for Robert, but he tried to maintain his politeness and asked the upper-classmen nicely
“That’s my lady over there, and I would like for her to be dressed and let free, thank you.”
“What, and miss all the fun?” A man said, followed by a boom of laughter from the others.
“I won’t repeat myself anymore, I ask you, let my girlfriend go.”
“She is far too much of a beauty to let go, maybe you could join in the fun! A young chap like you can-”
Robert swings a punch at the man, seething
you cry out from the chair, begging for your release
the others gang up on Robert, but them being quite old, it was easy for your boyfriend to single-handedly knock out all four of them
“How dare you humiliate Y/N, you meaningless scums!”
He snaps out of his violent trance then rushes back to you to untie you and cover you with his jacket
“Dove, let’s go down and take a bath. Don’t talk, I’ll take care of you.”
| Taglist | @wegingerangelica @may-bereblog
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rhowena · 4 years
Pile of stuff concerning what happened to Loki between Thor and The Avengers
Originally posted on r/FanTheories
As it does not escape my notice that I’ve created a digital version of this meme, some navigation help for anyone who needs it:
Mouse over/tap an item or relation to view its description
For items with the yellow ‘Note’ label, select the node and then 'Notes on Item’ in the side menu to view an additional notes page
If an item has a globe icon it the top-left corner, click it to open a webpage
'Adjust View’ in the side menu has controls to zoom in/out, increase/decrease the distance between items, and filter items or relations by category
Relations (and items) are color-coded by type: solid green lines are for in-universe evidence (light green connects evidence to the theory it supports, while dark green connects pieces of evidence that should be looked at together), purple dotted lines denote parallels, and dark red lines mark cases of “one of these things is not like the other”
And an overview of the theories contained therein:
First, the central piece of tinfoil around which all other tinfoil is arrayed: remember how, at the end of the first Thor, Loki was pathologically obsessed with gaining his father’s approval? And how, when he next showed up after vanishing for an entire year, he’d gotten mixed up with a guy who keeps a menagerie of adopted children? And how, during his argument with Thor on the mountaintop, he said this?
Loki: Did you mourn? Thor: We all did. Our father– Loki: Your father. He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?
Loki: I’ve seen worlds you’ve never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract and when I wield it—
Tom Hiddleston: There’s a bit where Thor says, “We all mourned! Our father…” and Loki interrupts him and says, “YOUR father.” And it’s that sense of 'don’t include me in this anymore. I have no relation or connection to you.’ It’s his way of saying 'I’ve let go, I’m gone, I’m on the outside of the fence, I’m happy here, I don’t want to come back in.’
If I may take a minute to get out some of my extremely complicated feelings on this, while there’s a bunch more evidence in favor of Loki having been another of Thanos’s children that can be viewed on the mind map, I want to highlight this pair of quotes because it’s everything implied by the words “Your father” that makes it into a devastating punch in the stomach which draws on both halves of Loki’s Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds characterization: his genuine love for his family is his primary redeeming quality and that he forswore it like this puts the terrible moment when he first knelt before Thanos and pledged himself to the Mad Titan’s service firmly into archetypal Faustian sell-your-soul territory, but when you consider the straits he was in at the time and the implication that Thanos initially ensnared him not through promises of power but by preying on him emotionally, it’s a very human kind of tragic mistake.
The other mitigating factor is that based on everything we’ve heard from Thanos’s other children, it’s a safe bet that he did in fact do unspeakably horrible things to Loki too – indeed, noticing the resemblance between the existing theories about Loki having been tortured/brainwashed and Gamora’s “He took me, tortured me, turned me into a weapon” was what prompted the above realization in the first place. (It’s reminiscent of Theon’s storyline in ASOIAF/GOT: yeah, he betrayed his adoptive family and did some generally awful stuff, but no one deserves what happened to him.) It also bears emphasizing that accountability cuts both ways: one of the key takeaways from the previous bullet point is that the suffering Loki went through doesn’t absolve him of responsibility for his villainous actions, but the other side of the coin is that Loki’s partial complicity doesn’t absolve Thanos of responsibility for the choice he made to take a broken, desperate young man who’d just lost everything and turn him into the rabid animal we saw during The Avengers, and I dearly hope that exploring the rich font of psychological horror that is that time period will erase any remaining doubt that Thanos’s claims of acting For The Greater Good are nothing but empty, egotistical, self-righteous posturing and everyone in the audience who insists on taking them at face value is being duped just as Loki was.
Stephen: No. I mean, come on. Look at your face. Dormammu made you a murderer. Just how good can his kingdom be?
As for where this is all going, I believe there’s a good chance that the Loki Disney+ series will be where they finally address this as a. the split timeline Loki the series will be following is still fresh from his time with Thanos and it will therefore have to explain what happened if we’re to understand the kind of headspace that he’s in at that moment and b. Tom Hiddleston has revealed that the series will also clarify whether or not Loki really is dead in the main timeline, and everything I have so far indicates that understanding the nature of his original pact with Thanos is essential to understanding both Loki’s choice to die and Thanos’s choice to kill him (see the 'Pledge of fidelity’ and 'Limited use’ notes pages on the mind map). Character-wise, I think one of the points of emphasis will be that Loki’s death in Infinity War doesn’t wrap up his story as neatly as it may appear to on the surface; truly completing his redemption arc will require him to confront this part of his past in full, and with it his guilt over everything he’s done and his fear that he’s wrecked his life and relationship with his family so thoroughly that he can never, ever fix them.
Loki: Can you? Can you wipe out that much red? […] Your ledger is dripping, it’s gushing red, and you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything? This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer… PATHETIC! You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code. Something that makes up for the horrors. But they are a part of you, and they will *never* go away!
An additional giant red flag indicating we really should be asking more questions about that time gap is a group of lines in The Avengers which reveal that Thanos taught Loki how to use the Tesseract.
The Other: The Tesseract has awakened. It is on a little world. A human world. They would wield its power, but our ally knows its workings as they never will.
The Other: You question us? You question HIM? He, who put the Scepter in your hand? Who gave you ancient knowledge and new purpose when you were cast out, defeated?
Loki: I’ve seen worlds you’ve never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract and when I wield it— Thor: Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be king?
Sharing that kind of knowledge and power with someone as volatile as Loki strikes me as an monumentally terrible idea (and as much as I don’t want to be the person who throws a tantrum because their fanfic didn’t come true, I’m kinda salty that Thanos was defeated without it coming back to bite him in the ass), which leaves me wondering what Thanos hoped to gain that he believed would be worth the risks. My thoughts on that particular sub-puzzle are still somewhat hazy, but my basic sense is that there’s something weird going on between Loki and the Tesseract and wanting to exploit that connection is one of the reasons Thanos went to all the trouble of breaking him into submission.
Loki: So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me?
The other reason for Thanos’s interest in Loki ties back to all that emotional twistiness I talked about earlier: he planned to leverage Loki’s anger and resentment towards his family in a bid to destroy Odin and Asgard from the inside.
Zemo: An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That’s dead… forever.
As a prelude to this, during The Avengers Thanos had additionally tasked Loki with killing Thor as a way to prove his loyalty and destroy the last remaining shreds of his own humanity, a test Loki failed because he still loved his brother too much.
Coulson: You’re going to lose. It’s in your nature. […] You lack conviction.
What’s more, Thanos anticipated this, and the Scepter’s influence over Loki was aimed at forcing him to go through with it if he refused.
Loki: I won’t touch Barton, not until I make him kill you! Slowly, intimately, in every way he knows you fear! And then he’ll wake, just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams, I’ll split his skull!
Lastly, even with Infinity War having established that Thanos simply gets off on emotional torture, that he would go out of his way to fuck with Odin personally by turning his second son against him leads me to believe there was a special hatred there stemming from some as-yet unrevealed history between the two. I mean, when I picture the alternate universe where Thanos shows up to attack Asgard with a corrupted Loki in tow like “You screwed up so badly that he chose me as a father figure over you” …that isn’t something you say to a complete stranger.
GRRM on writing villain POVs: That’s a comic book kind of thing, where the Red Skull gets up in the morning [and asks] “What evil can I do today?” Real people don’t think that way. We all think we’re heroes, we all think we’re good guys. We have our rationalizations when we do bad things. “Well, I had no choice,” or “It’s the best of several bad alternatives,” or “No it was actually good because God told me so,” or “I had to do it for my family.” We all have rationalizations for why we do shitty things or selfish things or cruel things. So when I’m writing from the viewpoint of one of my characters who has done these things, I try to have that in my head.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
End Game Spoilers
Imagine you’re on the team that travels back in time to Thor: The Dark World. You lose Thor to his anxiety attack early on but manage to get the Aether with Rocket pretty quick with plenty of time to spare. Suddenly, a desire to see Loki alive one last time overcomes your rationality even though you know you shouldn’t meddle with the events of this timeline. When Rocket isn’t looking, you slip out of Jane’s room unnoticed and make your way to the dungeons. Poor Rocket can’t believe he’s been ditched by both Asgardians on this mission - you and Thor were supposed to be the experts on this time and place. 
Down in the dungeons you make it into Loki’s cell (your sorceress skills helped you out here).  The books Frigga had you pick out from the library lie in the corner, mostly untouched. You see Loki lying down on his day bed, eyes closed, flinging and catching the same object you had seen when you first arrived, sneaking by with Thor and Rocket. By now he was catching it purely from muscle memory— he must have been doing this for hours. You can’t help but think how beautiful he looks and more importantly how alive. You think to yourself that you need to get out of there ASAP before you screw up this timeline but your feet are stuck in place. You let out a sigh, some sort of mix between relief that you get to see him one more time and frustration that there’s nothing you can do to change the course of history. That sigh has major repercussions: he opens his eyes. Before you have a chance to turn yourself invisible or apparate the hell out of there you hear him get up and say “Y/N?”
You try and play it cool, squeaking an unnaturally high-pitched “Hi”.
Your real self from this timeline would not have seen Loki since before he fell off the Bifrost and before he broke up with you for literally no reason (you later found out he did it to protect you). You would have been pissed at him for the shit he pulled off on Earth and Asgard before that — yet here you stand not angry at all, just sad and a total mess. You consider getting the hell out of there now - you’ve already done one history-altering mistake, you really can’t afford to do another one. Maybe you could trick him into thinking he’s hallucinating —but who were you kidding? Tricking a trickster? There was no turning back. That’s when you blurt out: “I know about Thanos. ” Dammit - second time-altering mistake. 
Loki’s lips press into a thin line, his eyes become dark. “Did he hurt you?” he asks. You frown. “No,” you say as your eyes start to burn. The voice is your head continues ‘he does worse’ but you refrain from actually saying it.
He almost looks relieved. He spent the last couple of years fearing that Thanos would use you or his family against him; torture you, kill you to get his way with him. You became a secret that Loki wanted to hide from Thanos at all costs. That’s why he had to appear so ruthless and incapable of love, why he didn’t try to defend himself during his trial and why he never confided in you despite years of him living in the same realm as you under the guise of Odin. He knew the whole of Asgard would try to go after Thanos with a blind eye. He just wanted to protect you, protect everyone. 
Due to your strange behaviour, coupled with the fact that you’re wearing weird earthling clothes acquired in New Asgard, it doesn’t take Loki very long to guess you’re a Y/N from the future (like Frigga does with Thor), even if you deny it at first. 
You reach for his hands, something he’s more than willing to give. He’s missed you too, or at least some version of ‘you’. You just need to feel him one more time, know he’s real. You contemplate telling him that you love him but somewhere deep inside you know this isn’t your Loki and you decide against it. This Loki belongs to the other you, the you from this timeline and the thought of their fate completely tears you apart. You let the tears flow free from your eyes. You want so bad to spare the Y/N of this timeline the sorrow and heartbreak you’ve been feeling for the past five years. But what should you say? What can you say? You were running out of time. You think of maybe telling him not to pose as Odin. Or not to bring the Tesseract on the ship. But what if all that doesn’t mean anything anymore? You’ve already changed history just by being there. There’s no guarantee that those specific events will happen. You had to think: what is inevitable?
“…He will kill you.” Your words hang heavily in the air, words that hold the weight of the universe. 
You dread his reaction. Is he going to ask questions? How would you answer them? Is he going to live the rest of his life in constant, resurgent fear? You start to regret telling him already. 
His actual reaction, however, catches you by surprise: he’s laughing. You’re so confused that you’ve stopped crying. 
“Darling, do you really believe that?”
At first you think this is ‘overconfident Loki’ talking. Or maybe you look so pitiful right now that he feels sorry for you, enough so that he’s willing to lie to your face about everything being alright. 
But then he starts relating to you a story of how he’s been planning on deceiving Thanos into thinking he’s dead so he can break free from the horrible pact he made with him while under his influence. He planned to fake his death, wait around 5-10 years until he was sure Thanos had forgotten about him or was killed. You try and process these words, staring at an imaginary spot on the floor. Your heart begins to race when he starts naming all the ways he’s planned on faking his death. 
“Which one was it, Y/N? Falling off a cliff? Drowning? Spontaneous combustion?…”
You keep staring at the floor, your heart beating ever faster as he continues to name a shockingly long list of ways to die so nonchalantly. 
“…Asphyxiation?” he continues and your eyes shoot right up to look at him. “Ahh,” he says, smiling, “interesting.”
You hate how handsome he looks in this moment, smiling so mischievously. It’s completely preventing you from forming any kind of coherent sentence in your head. Luckily for you, he keeps talking. 
“You know, I’ve even thought of these dramatic monologues to recite in case there are any witnesses. It’s really too funny, listen to this one:  “Oh mighty Thanos, spare me for I hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity.” Do you get it?” He laughs again while you stare at him dumbfounded. Those words were not too dissimilar to those Thor had told you when he shared the story of their last few moments on the wrecked half of the Asgardian refugee ship. 
All of a sudden, it hits you like a ton of bricks: holy shit, your Loki is alive. He faked his death. Again. Your heart continues to beat like crazy, you break out in a cold sweat. You think you’re going to be sick. You want to ask him so badly ‘What happens after? Where do you go? Where can I find you?’ but nothing comes out. Just then, the time-space GPS starts beeping. You’re out of time.
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midnight-lightning · 5 years
The promise you couldn't keep
Loki x reader
Summary: You had a future. A future full of love hope and happiness together with Loki. He had promised you this after all. But sometimes promises couldn't be kept and futures could be broken...
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You had hoped, you had believed, god, you even prayed to which ever power was above you... but in the end you still lost...so much.
The situation you've always feared the most had reached you in the end.
You were kneeing on the ground next to Thor who looked like a total mess, who WAS a total mess. Bleeding, bruised and at the end of his powers.
You were just feeling like shit yourself; it seemed like with every passing second it got harder to breath and your whole body felt like it was on fire.
But what hurt the most right now was your heart, it was shattering in million of pieces...
You had a good sight through the member of the black order, who held both you and Thor in capture. It seemed like they had great pleasure seeing you fall apart while they give you enough room to see HIM standing not far away from you.
"No...no...no, please, no..." these words were constantly coming out of your mouth like water, silent and not seeming to stop.
But no words, no cries, no pleads could stop him from his next words.
"Almighty Thanos, I, Loki, prince of Asgard...Odinson."
Loki, your beloved, brave and yet so dumb Loki stopped his sentence for a second to give his brother a short look, laying all of his faith and love in it.
Before his gaze landed on you...
And everything inside of you felt like it was dying.
You moved, struggling to get out of the arms that were holding you firmly.
Loki put every bit of sorrow, desire, and the deepest pleading for forgiveness in his gaze.
It was his last goodbye to you.
This was the part where a sudden impact of adrenaline appeared in your veins, giving you strength and you used this power to push past a member of the order who stood next to you, trying to get out... trying to get to Loki and stopping him from a decision he had already made a long time ago.
But you were only able to make a few steps forward before a woman punched you in your stomach causing you to bend over in pain.
A frustrated gasp escaped you and a strand of wet hair felt in your face.
The next second you were already dragged back again by rough arms and no fighting was useful anymore.
You looked up... just out of an impulse... meeting once more Loki's eyes which were now full of utterly sadness.
As you tried again to get your arm out of the firm, hurtful grip your gaze landed casually on the cold ring you wore on your thumb. But it was so much more than just a mere ring... it was a promise, a future, a sign of hope.
The day Hela had attacked Asgard you returned together with Loki to fight her and save your home.
You still remember how he hold your hand firmly in his as you two walked out of the space ship, greeted by Asgardians who had gathered around to meet their prince.
You could nearly feel his soft hand again in yours...
Then Thor came and Valkyrie... and the four of you fought against Hela's army.
Loki had never left your side, not even for a second. You two were always fighting back to back, defending and keeping each other safe.
And of course never missing an opportunity to tease the other or you just being the target of Loki's sarcasm.
And like at the end of every battle he would stop to look over you in concern, searching for any wounds or bruises.
Only when he noticed the worst things were mere scratches he would relax.
But this day he had put you into a deep kiss. You had noticed the sudden change, the way he watched you, the way he held you almost every single moment as if you would just vanish, dissolve into air.
You laid a hand on his cheek and stroke softly a strand of his dark hair behind his ear.
"Tell me, my dear... everything will turn alright, won't it? We will save Asgard and defeat Hela. And then there will be just the two of us, right?"
You were naïve, and you knew that. You knew that there are by far worse things the future has in hand for you than just a crazy sister.
Loki bend down and pressed his lips softly on your forehead, causing you to close your eyes wanting just to remember this feeling for ever.
"I love you, Y/N. And by Odin I've never thought I would ever feel this way, yet alone say this words to someone but you... you are my life now and I promise you someday this will all end and we will have peace."
You took a deep, shaky breath and nodded. Just wanting to believe his words of a happy ending.
"Here," he said and took a ring of his finger, the one in his colours, green and gold. "I've wanted to get you a proper one but it seems like this won't happen in the near future."
Loki took your hand carefully in his, as though he feared you would break. He pulled the ring on your thumb where it fit just perfectly as your fingers were way smaller than his.
You hold your breath, just feeling like your heart wanted to explode in fireworks and confetti any second.
"This is my promise, Y/N," he continued and gently lifted your chin so he could see deep into your now teary eyes. "My promise to always love you, always care for you and I promise I will be with you as long as you want me to."
Back in the cruel reality you looked down at the ring, which sparkled for a moment, mocking you, showing you all the things you will never have, which will be reaped apart just in front of your own eyes.
You looked up and you knew it would be the last time you will see his green, beautiful eyes. Eyes which blurred by the tears that were now streaming down your face.
He wouldn't keep his promise...
Loki closed his eyes for one single second and when he opened them again his cold, determined gaze landed on Thanos. "-The rightful king of Jotunheim, god of mischief," he continued. "Do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity."
His voice broke a little at the end and your heart stopped when he suddenly pulled out a knife, implying to stab Thanos in his throat .
Of course Thanos wasn't dumb enough to fall for this.
Instead he grabbed Loki's throat.
"Undying?" The Titan sneered and grined as Loki tried to get out of his hold.
No, no, no, no.
"You...will never be... a god...." These were the last words you heard, the last whisper of a hero... who still fought even when death was already reaching for him.
You would never forget the sound of Loki's neck cracking. Never. It will forever haunt you in your dreams alongside with Thor's shout of pure pain.
But in this moment your world turned numb. You didn't registered falling into your knees, you didn't registered the loud and broken cry. You only felt this unbearable pain and there was this whole new experience of having your heart broken.
Thanos stepped in front of you and watched you with pure despise in his eyes before he throw Loki's body down, like he was a sack of thrash.
Loki's eyes which were always filled with mischief, with so much life... were now utterly empty- staring into nothing.
This was the moment you completely collapsed.
The world turned purple by the use of a infinity stone, Thanos and his members vanished and left you and Thor alone, shattered and broken.
He was gone...
He was gone...
He can't be...
He can't...
Thor fell down on his knees, holding his brother's arm. "Loki... wake up. Come on, brother, I know... you can't be... you can't..."
Softly you stroke Loki's dark hair out of his bruised face, sobbing and barely breathing straight.
"Come on... You promised me... you promised me to never let me alone. I need you..."
But none of your pleadings were heard.
His souls was gone, and with him a part of your own.
"You promised it..."
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kvetchlandia · 5 years
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                                                The Other 9/11
Enrique Aracena     Soldiers Participating in the Coup Led by Augusto Pinochet and Encouraged by the United States Against the Democratically Elected Government of Socialist  Salvador Allende Taking Cover As Bombs are Dropped on the La Moneda Presidential Palace, Santiago, Chile     Sept. 11, 1973
          My friends,
Surely this will be the last opportunity for me to address you. The Air Force has bombed the towers of Radio Portales and Radio Corporación.
My words do not have bitterness but disappointment. May they be a moral punishment for those who have betrayed their oath: soldiers of Chile, titular commanders in chief, Admiral Merino, who has designated himself Commander of the Navy, and Mr. Mendoza, the despicable general who only yesterday pledged his fidelity and loyalty to the Government, and who also has appointed himself Chief of the Carabineros [national police].
Given these facts, the only thing left for me is to say to workers: I am not going to resign!
Placed in a historic transition, I will pay for loyalty to the people with my life. And I say to them that I am certain that the seed which we have planted in the good conscience of thousands and thousands of Chileans will not be shriveled forever.
They have strength and will be able to dominate us, but social processes can be arrested neither by crime nor force. History is ours, and people make history.
Workers of my country: I want to thank you for the loyalty that you always had, the confidence that you deposited in a man who was only an interpreter of great yearnings for justice, who gave his word that he would respect the Constitution and the law and did just that. At this definitive moment, the last moment when I can address you, I wish you to take advantage of the lesson: foreign capital, imperialism, together with the reaction, created the climate in which the Armed Forces broke their tradition, the tradition taught by General Schneider and reaffirmed by Commander Araya, victims of the same social sector which will today be in their homes hoping, with foreign assistance, to retake power to continue defending their profits and their privileges.
I address, above all, the modest woman of our land, the campesina who believed in us, the worker who labored more, the mother who knew our concern for children. I address professionals of Chile, patriotic professionals, those who days ago continued working against the sedition sponsored by professional associations, class-based associations that also defended the advantages which a capitalist society grants to a few.  
I address the youth, those who sang and gave us their joy and their spirit of struggle. I address the man of Chile, the worker, the farmer, the intellectual, those who will be persecuted, because in our country fascism has been already present for many hours -- in terrorist attacks, blowing up the bridges, cutting the railroad tracks, destroying the oil and gas pipelines, in the face of the silence of those who had the obligation to protect them.  They were committed. History will judge them.
Surely Radio Magallanes will be silenced, and the calm metal instrument of my voice will no longer reach you. It does not matter. You will continue hearing it. I will always be next to you. At least my memory will be that of a man of dignity who was loyal to [inaudible] the workers.
The people must defend themselves, but they must not sacrifice themselves. The people must not let themselves be destroyed or riddled with bullets, but they cannot be humiliated either.
Workers of my country, I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other men will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason seeks to prevail. Go forward knowing that, sooner rather than later, the great avenues will open again where free men will walk to build a better society.
Long live Chile! Long live the people! Long live the workers!
These are my last words, and I am certain that my sacrifice will not be in vain, I am certain that, at the very least, it will be a moral lesson that will punish felony, cowardice, and treason.
Salvador Allende, Final Speech, Santiago de Chile, 11 September 1973
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