#I don’t even have that huge of an age gap with him I CAN DREAM THOUGH
ceilidho · 8 months
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doing this to john price sorry y’all
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun (21)
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21. The dangerous Road
Summary: War came at a heavy price
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, death of a character, war and all that comes with it, mentions of pedicide (killing of a baby), threats of non-con, technically adultery, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3 k
Notes: Like I said, the pace is picking hehe, and it will get dark for a couple of chapters. SO SORRY FOR THIS LOVES
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“I bled once”, you whispered to the maester, “but the symptoms hadn't stopped, I thought to be with child”
“after the birth of a child it could be tricky”, he warned with a warm smile, “forgive me my lady but I must check you out” 
It was an uncomfortable afternoon with the maester, but afterwards, you left his tower to search for Sara
The test that he had made you do was going to take time to… “develop”, so you had a couple of days before receiving any news 
Sara, and you, had started a quick net of communication throughout the North, you had contact with White Harbor, with the Lady Mara, and the Lady Bolton from the Dreadfort, all the way up to the Bear Island, even down at Widow’s watch, you exchanged ravens regularly, you even created, with Cregan, the “Dragon watchers”, dragons were faster than ravens, but you had placed outposts with huge beacons of fire that were to be lit as soon as they see or hear them, so as soon as it is lit, the next one will light them also, creating a line of fire to be seen miles away in Winterfell
You were nervous, the people were nervous, you had yet to receive news of Cregan, but if you think about it more carefully, it could be dangerous for him to be writing where they are and where theta e going, letters can be easily intercepted, an the last months you realized people who believe a man should have priority to ascend the Iron Throne over a woman is bigger than you expected.
You could have Aegon royalists within Winterfell without even knowing 
When you found Sara, you gasped
She was a mess, clutching to her own chest, heaving and crying by the window in her room
“Sara!”. you called for her name, running to her, hugging her, “what happened?”
“I don’t know!”, she managed to whine, “I saw something”
“What did you see? What happened? are you alright?”, you were so confused, she was distraught
She weeped in your arms, and you hugged her to comfort her, you directed her to sit on the bed, and you cuddled her. She eventually calmed, but she still shook with the sobs
“I don’t know what happened”, she whispered, “one minute I was here, and another…I was somewhere else”
“What do you mean?”, you asked her softly
“That somehow, I was somewhere else, I was something else”, you believed in magic, you believed in people who could dream about things that were going to happen, everyone in your family knew the tale of Daenys the dreamer and how her visions saved the Targaryens from The Doom. Once you were hiding from the boys with Helaena, and she couldn’t stop whispering about stars in the middle of the day, you didn’t listen and when the boys found you you ran from them, failing to see the edge of a wooden furniture and banging your head against it, you passed for several minutes in which you could see silvery stars under your eyelids 
But this was something else
In the book Cregan had lent you, you had read about wildlings north of the wall that could take the body of animals and use them as their own… but it was only a tale, wasn’t it?
“I was in the skies”, she continued, “I was flying, I was big, I saw Dragonstone”
“Dragonstone?”, you asked
“I think it was, I- I had never seen it”, she explain, still catching her breath, “it was big and dark, seemed like it was built front he rock itself, and… had many dragons sculptures all over”, that was a fair description of the castle of your family
“What else did you see?”, you asked
“I took flight towards the west”, she said shakily, “over the seas until I could see a castle, surrounded by a powerful wall, and a small village, under the protection of another wall”, she said, she was with you, but her eyes were seeing something outside of the room, they were lost in her memories, “the castle was made of gray rock with reddened tiles in their towers”, you paled then, “a banner was hanging from the biggest one, two black wings over a white banner, in front of a checkered black and gray field”
“House Staunton”, you whispered, “a house front he crownlands, loyal to Rhaenyra”
“They were under siege, and I was going to help them, but then…”
“Sara…”, your heart was pounding in your chest
“Two huge beasts, Vhagar, and another golden dragon flew down upon me, jaws open, a breath of fire and I…”, her eyes filled with tears again and she wept in your arms, “I could smell the burnt flesh, and the reek of death!”, she weeped again, and you held her against you
“Shhh, it’s alright”, you whispered, “it is alright”
But it was not
You could feel it 
And you were made certain the very next day
“See that he is bathed gently”, you said to the main maid that took care of RIckon, “Even though he likes the heat, just like a little dragon”you giggled, playing with his feet, “I would bathe him myself but I have a meeting with the master at arms”
“Yes My lady”, she said gently, you liked her, she was sweet and cared for RIckon as he was her own, she took him gently and accommodate him in her arms
“Who is this handsome boy that needs a bath?”, she cooed, “let’s take a bath and let mommy focus on her meeting”, she said as she walked away
You smiled as you saw her leave the rooms, but were called by a pup, Rickon’s pup as he barked at you playfully, moving her triangular tail
“Don’t believe you are free of a bath!”, you chided playfully, and he barked again but ran to hide from you with a whimper. 
You giggled
They were really clever animals Direwolves 
But as you were preparing to leave your rooms to your meeting, there was a knock on the door
“Yes?”, you asked cheerfully, as you were the Lady of Winterfell, and you needed to show yourself strong, but the face the maester had, it immediately told you something was wrong
Very wrong
“I have letter for you, My Lady”, he said, he sounded apologetic
“What is it?”, you whispered
“One if from Dragonstone, but the other… is it from Harrenhal, from Aemond Targaryen”
You palet
you received the two small scrolls, your hand already trembling, you didn’t know which one to open first, you decided, that the one from Dragonstone
It surprised you to see it was from Rhaena, you had never had a personal relationship with her, but still you read the few lines she wrote
And as you did you whimpered, bitter tears falling from your eyes
Rhaenys was dead
Her and Melys had been burnt by Aemond and Aegon in both their dragons
Just like Sara described
Rhaena goes on saying  she wanted you to hear it from her, because she knew how dear you were to her grandmother and vice-versa
“No, no, no please”, you cried, clutching your chest, falling to your knees
“My Lady!”, the maester fell to the floor on his knees beside you, clutching you tightly, “Are alright?” he placed his hand on your forehead 
“No!”, you whined, you let out a scream of pain as you felt your heart was ripped from your chest. Sara showed up, taking the place of the maester by your side, grabbing you tightly 
“I will bring you a special tea, to calm your nerves”, he left the room
“She is gone, Aemond killed her”, you whined, grabbing into Sara, “my aunt is gone”
“I’m so sorry”, she whined, “I should have seen it sooner”
“It’s not your fault”, you whispered, your voice as broken as your spirit. You then looked at the other scroll that had fallen by your skirts, this had to mean something… something else…
You couldn’t resist, you couldn’t
You opened it
What you found there didn’t surprise you, there were threats, a warning, and a demand
You whined at the sight of his poisonous words 
But now… you jumped from the grief, straight to the anger
It was him!
The source of all your pains, all your traumas, it was him, for taking your baby nephew, and now your dear aunt
It was him
And you were the only one who could stop him
Sara looked at you, petrified and scared of what she found in your eyes
“No”, she whispered, when you looked straight ahead, tears were no longer falling from your eyes, all it was there was fire, and bloodthirst, “whatever you think you need to do…”
“I have to”, you answered barely, standing from the floor, your hands made fists
“No! you need to stay here!”, she cried, “please!”
“I am the only one who can stop him, stop this”, she took the scroll from your hand and read it, and she whimpered
“Its a trap!”, she said
But you were already on your feet, grabbing your riding gear, the thickest pants you could find and the upper part to go with it
“Please! think of Cregan! of Rickon!”, she insisted 
“Is for them I’m doing this”, you said, all emotion in your voice disappeared
“Please! they can fight him”, she insisted
“I can get close to him and kill him, I’m the only one who can”
“But at what price?”, she asked
“the debt is high already”, she whispered, “and it will only take me”
“please!”, you turned to look at Sara
“Tell Cregan I’m sorry”, you whined, tears falling down your cheeks again
“You tell him yourself!”, she insisted
“Take care of my son”, you cried, “please love him as your own”
“You will!”, she said, now desperate, “you will love him, and see him grow!”
“I did the best I could for the North, I’m sorry if it wasn't enough”, you cried
“It was! but is not over!”, she grabbed your arms, “please!”
“I’m the only one that can stop him”, you insisted, “I can kill him”, she knew there was no convincing you, she can see it in your eyes
“No one else is going to die for me”, your voice again a flat line, “Cregan will be spared, and the crown will belong to Rhaenyra”
“But please let’s wait until we can reach Cregan”
“You know what his answer is going to be”, you said, but you realized Sara was not going to let you leave, so instead, you agreed to wait
Only to sneak out in the middle of the night, after telling the nannies to take RIckon for the night claiming you needed to be alone, they took him without question.
You couldn’t dare to see Rickon for one last time, if you did, you would second guess your decision and you couldn’t
This was more important than yourself
This was about the future of the seven Kingdoms and the future of your family and everyone you loved
This was bigger
Vhaelar was waiting for you outside the Winterfell gates, she roared into the night air but at this point you didn’t care if everyone listened, you will be in the air by the time they think they can do something to stop you
So you climbed on top of your dragon, Aemond’s words burning inside your brain
“I killed Rhaenys at Rook’s Rest, it wasn’t personal, but I know your husband is marching down with his army, you have three days to come to Harrenhal, if you do not, I will burn them alive, and then I will ride North and take you anyways. Spare the Starks, give yourself to me”
You had to answer his call
It was true, you can come to him willingly, you had a dragon, you could hide a blade in your undergarments, and after, you could slay him in his sleep or something, anything, but when he said it was the end of house Stark, it meant your baby as well, pedicide is not something you would put past Aemond. You knew he was capable and able to do it
For Rickon
For Cregan
And for Sara and the North
Yourself was a small price to pay
The night was long but you didn’t plan to stop as Vhaelar flew decisively under you
You believed you had until morning until Winterfell wakes up and sends a raven to Cregan, if you manage to fly over them it will be too late also
In the air, atop your dragon, nothing could stop you
Unless perhaps, another dragon
All night, all the way south, your mind was blank, there was only grief, pain, and rage.
You did not deemed yourself as vengeful person, and yet, you wanted it, desire it, you felt a fire growing within you, that wanted to burn everything in your path
You felt such heat within you you barely felt the still cold air that hit your face in the heights, and before you even knew it, the sun was shining in the horizon.
You felt no hunger, no tiredness, no nothing
Only the rage
It was Midday when you saw the unmistakable burnt towers of Harrenhal
Your dragon growled, like she was in pain, feeling your anger
You led her to descend upon the castle with a velocity that made your stomach drop, but you didn’t care about that, you cared about vengeance
But you were in a close distance, you felt the fire burning within you, one command and you could burn Harrenhal and the Green forces within them, Aemond probably was there, inside 
As you were going to give the order, you were interrupted by a low growl. Vhagar appeared from nowhere, pushing your dragon and you in the air
Vhaelar whined as she struggled to keep in the air and you knew then and there, that against the monstrous Vhagar, you could do nothing. Even if your dragons was one of the largest 
The Queen of dragons growled in greeting and you could feel Vhaelar’s nervousness as your own.
Or perhaps you were your own
Some people would say that you are more lamb than dragon, because of your mother’s house
But they were wrong
You were a dragon he awakened 
You landed heavily by the gates, you could see the restlessness of the soldiers in you and your dragon’s presence. You abandoned the want to burn everything, against Vhagar you couldn’t win. you had to be smart about this, she had the upper hand, the surprise factor was ruined 
“WHITE DRAGON!”, they chanted all over the walls, but you didn’t attacked them
Perhaps that is what you should do.
Burn them all
But the retaliation from King’s landing and the Greens could be worse
Aemond appeared by your side, he did not hide his smile, his happiness of seeing you there. 
Bold, you assumed, as you were near your dragon, you could burn him, here and now
The temptation was great
“You came”, he greeted, “good girl”
“I came to the call of your insanity”, you growled, he came to you, quick on his feet, you took a step backwards, still he grabbed you by the back of your neck
Vhaelar growled, dangerously, but VHagr was there, right by her side, she grabbed your dragon by the neck, furiously, dangerously
“NO!”, you screamed
Vhaelar whined in agony, and Vhagar released her, it was only a warning, but her black blood flowed profusely from the injury in her neck
“NO!”, you wanted to go to her, but Aemond held on to you tight
“If you don’t want me to finish her off, you will come with me”, he had to drag you towards the castle, as you could hear her whines of agony as her pain as if was your own
He dragged you through the halls, the stench of dead was clinging into you by every forceful step, and you whined under Aemond’s brutal hold
He threw you into a room. It held no windows, no nothing, but it was furnished with the very best he could find in his proximity, you realized. A luxurious big bed, with small tales on each side, many candles all over the room to light it up since it had no windows, and a table with chairs on one corners, tapestries on the floor and hanging from the walls to give it a more comfortable feel to it, but it didn’t hide what it was, it was a prison, only made for you
“A room for a princess”, he said mockingly, closing the door behind him, “you will stay here”
“I did as you asked”, you said, trying to regain control, “I came, I did as you said, promise me you will kill no one else”, you whined, “please”, he only smirked
“I promise I will no seek the death of anyone else”, he pleaded with a hand on his chest and another raised, but all seemed like a mockery, “I only wanted you, it is good that you finally saw this”
“I don’t understand”, you whined, “why me? after everything”
“That is not for you to know, now put on the dress I selected for you”, he said, taking your shoulders and directing you to look upon the bed, where a very revealing dark green dress was waiting for you. “You are to please me, since you are married, since you didn’t want to marry me, you will be nothing else, but my whore”
A single tear fell down your cheek as you contemplated what you willingly let your life turn into. 
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Break me.
MDNI - 18+
Warning: no protection. p in v. no plot. subordinate/superior. office. age gap. hatred. female reader.
Summary: I had a dream about this exactly but I didn’t see his face so I’m just going to pretend it’s Leon.
You had been appointed to work under THE Leon Kennedy. Ever since you wanted to join the force, you’ve heard stories about the man’s adventures and you couldn’t wait for the day you would meet him. Unfortunately for you, he only thought of you as a pest.
Every time you’d see, you would say ‘Hi’ and the occasional ‘Good morning!’ But you were only met with a scowl and sometimes even a nod. You didn’t care, however. You were far too happy to even be in the same room as him. You pardoned his scowls and his harsh and cold tones whenever he spoke to you.
He would always reply with short words. The less he talked, the better. But you couldn’t blame him, he’s been through so much and he has all these emotions pent up inside. You’d catch him all by himself during breaks. He hated the company, he felt like he HAD to be involved in a conversation. Everything felt like a burden to him. Even you.
You were young and naive. Too happy, he thought. How can someone be so cheerful when there’s all this cruelty and chaos happening? He thought you were strange. But maybe that was how kids your age were nowadays. Brain dead, he called it.
You knew that underneath all that anger, was someone so compassionate and kind. But he’s been betrayed before and he wouldn’t want to go through that pain again. So he built walls around himself, to protect his peace. Until you came around.
You two were in the same office, same room as always. He was looking over some details about missions on his files. But what were you doing? You were talking nonstop. It’s become a habit of yours. And he doesn’t know why hasn’t stopped you from talking about whatever it is you had in your mind. Work gossip? You’d spill it. What you did over the weekend? You’d tell him in full detail. Usually he would ignore it, like I said, he thought you were strange.
That is until one day, you wore this cute little outfit and it hugged your figure just right. He wasn’t one to stare but damn did you look ravenous. Your tight clothes hugged your breasts and ass like a puzzle piece. You looked like a classical Greek sculpture. Surreal and ethereal.
But he wouldn’t say that to you. Never. He was older and he was your superior. Why would he have these thoughts about the young woman he worked with?
He was sitting down on a chair and you were standing as you read over some detail out loud to him. But he wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying, god no. He was scanning your body with that outfit. He felt hot and bothered that you looked this good.
He shifted in his seat as he noticed a growing bulge in his pants. He quickly put his hand over his bulge. He may be an asshole but he had manners.
Unfortunately for him, you noticed. And once you noticed, your cheeks grew red and your eyes widened ever so slightly. You quickly continued reading but you stuttered.
Cute, he thought. He’s got you flustered. He decided to play with you. He uncovered his hand and leaned back into his chair.
You know what they say about men taking up all the space? Yeah he did that too. He spread his legs apart as he got in a comfortable position. Making his boner very noticeable from this angle. He was huge.
You don’t know how it happened. You just found yourself kneeling down between his legs. Your hands gripping on his thighs as he slowly unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his cock.
You took his big cock on your mouth and felt his tip reach the back of your throat. You gagged and twirled your tongue around his thick shaft and sucked him like no tomorrow. His cock fucking your mouth as you bobbed your head back and forth. You felt your pussy grow wet and began to rub your swollen clit with your hand as your other hand held on to his thigh. Tears pricked at your eyes as you felt his cock twitch inside your mouth. His hands traveled to your head and gripped on your hair as he bucked his hips into your face, wanting you to take him fully. He kept thrusting into your throat until you felt his cock twitch and squirm in your mouth. He brought his hand down your jaw and forced you to open your mouth wider as he shot his cum in you.
The saltiness of his cum dripping down your throat as he pulled out from your mouth and forced your jaw to close. He looked down at you and spoke with his deep voice.
He commanded. You nodded and swallowed his cum.
As you stood up, you felt your thighs rub against each other as you grew wet from sucking his cock. You slowly pulled down your pants with your panties and got on his lap. You held on to his shoulders as he wrapped his big calloused hands on your waist. You leveled myself on top of his hardened length and slowly sank in. As you took him slowly, he threw his head back and closed his eyes tightly shut as he tried to suppress a groan of pleasure.
“Fuck y/n… you feel so good,” He mumbled against your ear.
Growing desperate, he harshly pulled you down so you could take his cock inside. He stretched you out completely and you moaned in reaction. He breathed out shakily as you began to move against him in a circular motion. Feeling his shaft inside you drove you wild. You brought your head to the crook of his neck and bit down to muffle any moans of pleasure. He grew desperate and began to lift you up and down on his cock. The sounds of your skin clashing against each other echoing through his office as you felt tears prick at your eyes. Pleasure washing over you as you felt his hand travel down to your bud and used his rough thumb to rub your swollen clit. You moaned his name as you became a hot mess.
You felt your stomach tie up in knots as your walls began to clench around his thick manhood.
“I’m going to cum-“
You choked out through moans and whimpers and he only quickened his pace, driving you insane with his touch. No matter how much he hated you, he definitely knew how to prove it by fucking you so rough. Through one last thrust against your pussy, you came hard on his cock and your body spasmed. He kept thrusting in you, lifting you up and down through your high as you felt his cock twitch inside you. He grunted and he gripped on your sides as he pulled you down to the base of his cock and cummed inside you. His hot juices spurting inside you, hitting your deepest lengths. He pulled you to his chest as you rode his cock after he came, making sure you milked him of every last drop. You both remained there for a moment, panting and catching your breath after your intimate session. He pulled you away and stared into your eyes as you barely had the energy to move. He lifted you up and pulled out you. Once he pulled out, cum began to drip down the sides of your inner thighs to his chair. He used his index finger to pick up the cum and stuff it right back inside your pussy with no warning, earning a soft moan from you as you felt his long finger inside you. He pulled his finger away and gently lifted you off of him. You leaned on his desk for support as he began to clean you and his chair. He pulled his boxers up and put on his pants as he picked up your underwear from the floor and gently dressed you up. His hands working so lightly as if he was scared of breaking you.
And you would let him break you again.
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mirasantidotes · 1 year
Messy Annotations - Chapter 1
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(GIFs not mine)
Read chapter 2 here
Summary: You meet Javi at your local library and notice he's reading your favorite book. You two hit it off and spend your day together, just talking and getting to know each other before you spend the night at his house on accident.
Character: Javi Gutierrez (TUWOMT)
Content Warnings: very ooc!javi, shy!javi, sunshine!reader, reader has wavy hair, reader lives in spain, very fluffy, reader's love language is touch, implied slight age gap (reader is in their 30s), can be read platonically or romantically, a LOT of blushing (a little too much), reader goes to college later in life, HUGE bookworm!reader, no use of y/n. Let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 3.2K
A/N: Thank you for your notes and compliments on Dance With Me; it means a lot! Also, just send an ask/comment and tell me if you'd like a part 2 to this, I had a lot of fun writing it, and I have a few ideas already for a part 2. If you have any other ideas for fanfics, my asks are open for requests! I hope you all enjoy this; it took me forever to get done, and I had an insanely hard time coming up with how I wanted this fic to turn out. The struggle was totally worth it though; this is probably one of my favorite fics I've written!
All of my posts with an * in the title contain smut, or mentions of it. Minors DNI.
(Divider by saradika)
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Living in Spain has been one of your biggest dreams, and you finally moved here for college abroad to work on your infuriating art major, even though you feel like you’re a little old for college now that you’re in your 30s. You’re an underground artist, and you’re just itching to get your work out there to be noticed by the public. You’re an absolute ball of sunshine, and to be fair, you’re the most energetic and outgoing person you know, but, you don’t really know too many people in Spain yet, but that’s beside the point. You really are energetic, though— almost too much. There is one thing that you’re always excited about though, no matter what— reading. Finding new books to binge-read in one sitting is always one of your favorite activities when you have free time. The library cashier is extremely tired of you coming in every week. 
Javi Gutierrez, on the other hand, is the polar opposite of you. He’s a shy, new up-and-coming actor who doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life after the success of his first movie. Though fame is finding him well, much more than anticipated, he doesn’t particularly want to make another movie quite yet, now that his co-star, Nic Cage, has left Spain. Even with his newfound fame, he still enjoys going out and doing activities he enjoys, which mainly include going to the local library. He prefers reading in a library than in his own house, alone. He likes the atmosphere the library gives him, but most of all, he loves tucking himself away strategically in the corner of the library window, so he can look out and see the bustling streets of people living their everyday lives. 
On a Friday afternoon, you have some free time to yourself, and you, of course, decide to head to your local library. You never go on Fridays— your typical day off is Sunday, but today was different; today was a professor work day at your college, so you had no classes or any assignments to complete, meaning you could spend your whole day reading. You walk into the library happily, as always. The smell of the ink bled into the pages of hundreds of books filled your lungs— a scent you thoroughly enjoyed. You finally pick out a new book that you’ve been eyeing, having heard good things about it online and from the people in your college. 
Even though you got what you came for, you couldn’t walk into a library and buy just one book— no, you had to buy at least 5 every time you came in. After picking out your books, you waltz to the cashier, who already appeared annoyed at you being there. A strict, slightly older woman— always had an attitude, but that didn’t let you stop being your energetic, bubbly self to her. “You know, you still need to return the other 10 books, right?” she says, sternness filling her tone. 
“Yeah, yeah! I know; I’ll bring them all back next time I come!” you say, smiling widely, setting the books down on the counter. The woman simply rolls her eyes at your response, knowing you’d be back in a few days and she’d have to deal with you again. After she scans the books, the woman tells you, “Your total is going to be €15.75.” €15.75… you think. You only brought €15— you sigh in response; the woman before you, never having heard that sound come out of you, and looked at you like you had 3 heads planted firmly upon your shoulders. You searched your pockets and purse but had no change.
“It’s just 75 cents. Can’t you let it pass this once?” You plead but to no avail. The woman shakes her head harshly, muttering something about ‘library rules,’ but you were too disappointed by her head shake to take care of what she said. You sigh once more— looking around the library; surely somebody would be willing to give you a dollar, right? Right? 
You feel increasingly upset the longer you look through the library aisles for someone to ask until your eyes finally land on a gentleman wearing a mustard-colored shirt full of wrinkles. He was sitting in a corner, away from everything, with his legs planted on a footrest and his face hiding behind a book. You hold your finger up to the cashier, signaling for her to wait as she sighs in response. You walk up to the man, “Hey! I hate to ask you this, but I was just checking out, and I’m 75 cents short. Do you mind? It’s okay if not—” you say quickly, trying not to seem too over the top. 
The man lowers his book, and a shy pink rose upon his cheeks while nodding slowly. “Um yeah, sure,” he whispers, almost inaudible, as he shifts himself in his seat and reaches into his jeans pocket for some change. He pulls a €5 bill from his pockets and raises his hand for you to take it before settling back into his seat. 
You take the bill from between his fingers, grinning brightly— “Thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver,” you say, full of enthusiasm. A soft smile washes over the man’s face before nodding, his cheeks still showing a light rose color. You turn on your heel and rush back to the cashier, proudly waving your money in the air. After checking out, the cashier hands you your change, and you grab your books. Before you leave, you turn back and walk toward the man again. He seemed to have heard you coming and had lowered his book just enough to see you already standing there. “Hey again, thank you for lending me some money. Here’s the change!” you say, holding the money out to him, close enough for him to reach it. The man lowers his book into his lap, smiling softly, takes the money from your grasp, and messily pushes the money back into his jeans. 
You finally catch a glimpse of the man's entire face, his curly brown hair complimenting his tanned skin and the patchy stubble on his face. You grow curious and look into the man’s lap to see what book he’s reading— and to your surprise, it’s your favorite book ever. “Oh my God,” you exclaim, a little too loud for a library, startling the man slightly and causing him to look at you. After adjusting your tone accordingly,  you continue— “that’s my favorite book!” 
His face lights up brightly, “Really? That’s awesome,” he enthuses, yelling in a whisper. Just for a moment, he’s brought out of his shy state. He adjusts his position again, sitting forward in his seat and removing his feet from the footrest. “I’ve loved this book since it came out,” he continues, “I’ve never met anyone else who likes it.” 
“Yeah, all the books from this author are really good! I especially love this one, though,” you finish, smiling as you sit on the footrest in front of the man, hugging your new books to your chest. The man, shy once more, becomes flustered until “Hey, I was thinking of going to the coffee shop down the street. Do you wanna come with?” you say, tilting your head to the side. 
The man’s eyes widened, with even more heat rising into his cheeks— another thing they had in common; coffee. “Yeah, of course,” he enthuses, breaking eye contact just enough to stand up out of his seat while grabbing his bag and placing his book inside of it, “I love that place!” he finishes as he puts the bag messily around his shoulder, looking back at you. He looks down at the books you’re holding in your arms, and as you stand up, he asks, “Do you wanna put your books in my bag? So you don’t have to hold them—” he says softly.
“Yeah, sure! Just don’t steal them for yourself,” you joke, making yourself chuckle before handing him your books. The man blushes at your words, taking the books from your hands and placing them all inside his bag. The two of you walk out of the library, and you wave to the cashier as you leave; she, of course, didn’t wave back. As the two of you walk towards the coffee shop, you get lost in conversation about your favorite books. The walk was the same distance it always was, but with the man walking with you, it felt a lot shorter than usual. 
Just as you reach the shop, you stop suddenly. You hadn’t asked the man his name, nor had he asked you. “I forgot to ask, what’s your name?” you say, turning to him, smiling nervously. 
“Javi,” he says, his rich, deep voice rings through your ears. A soft laugh escapes your mouth, full of nervousness as you tell the man your name, him joining your chuckles soon after. The two of you sit at one of the tables placed by a window. 
The two of you gush over your newfound subjects in common— a not-so-known favorite author and coffee. What could be better? The two of you spend well over an hour hogging up the coffee table, just getting to know each other, until a worker comes and tells you that you have to leave if you aren’t going to buy anything else. The two of you are already so strung out on coffee you both know either of you doesn’t need any more in your system. “Hey, do you wanna come over to my house for a little bit?” Javi asks, “You don’t have to, obviously; I know we just met and—” 
You spring your head up at his words; you’ve been having a lot of fun talking to Javi so far; what could it hurt? “Of course!” you interrupt his concerned rambling. He simply smiles in return, picking up the bag under his seat as he stands up. The two of you walk to the door of the coffee shop, “I walked here from my house, so it’s a bit of a walk—” he says, as he opens the door for you to walk out, “I hope that’s okay,” he finishes as he walks out behind you, closing the door. 
“Yeah, that’s alright!” you say excitedly as the two of you start walking toward’s Javi’s house. Obviously, you don’t go to random people’s houses like this, but Javi felt— different. He felt trustworthy, considerate, and loving. You’re brought out of your thoughts while on the way there as you spot a flower field to the left of you. You stop walking to look at the view for a moment, Javi noticing almost immediately. He turns back to face you, a slight smile planted on your face. You’ve never been to this area of Spain before, and already, it’s so much more beautiful than where you currently dwell. 
Javi looks for a moment at your wavy hair, lightly being blown in the sunset’s wind, the sun glowing brightly in the backdrop of you, lighting illuminating your features. As he realizes he’s been staring, he clears his throat and fixes his shirt before stepping toward you. Just as he reaches your side, you look at him. “It’s beautiful,” you declare, still looking at the field. Javi looks at you and nods, “Yeah, it is.” before turning his head to look where your eyes were fixated. Suddenly, you interlink your arm with his, tugging at him to follow you into the field. “Come on, let’s pick some flowers,” you say, excitement filling your body, with a slight red washing across your face as you unlink your arm, running your hand down to hold his, as you turn around to face him while walking backward as laughter fills the air. Javi blushes at the sight of you for what seems like the millionth time today— as you two reach relatively far from the path you were previously walking, you let go of Javi’s hand, your body missing his touch.
You bend down near a patch of red carnations, picking a flower and lifting it to your nose, smelling the sweet yet subtle clove-like scent and letting it fill your body, making you feel warm inside. You stand back up and turn around to see Javi standing behind you, hands in his pockets with the corners of his lips upturned softly, causing gentle wrinkles to form around his dark-colored eyes. You walk up to him and place the flower behind his ear, letting his soft curls hug around the stem to hold it in place— light pink creeps up his neck and onto his cheeks once more. 
You giggle at his face, full of awe— you break your gaze from his kind face enough to look up into the sky, causing Javi to do the same. You notice it’s getting late, and just as you’re about to say you should get going to Javi’s house, he speaks, “It’s getting late; we should hurry before it gets too dark,” his deep voice with his rich accent echoing through your ears as if honey had a sound— making your cheeks flush. 
You simply nod in agreement while holding your hand out for him to take it. He has to look back between your hand and your face a few times before finally taking it in his own, making a few soft chuckles escape your mouth, causing him to do so too. After about 20 minutes of walking, the bright orange rays shining behind you slowly disappear until finally reaching it’s end, and the lightness of the moon begins peeking out from the horizon. The two of you reach Javi’s home, and God— was it beautiful. You wouldn’t admit it, but you felt slightly jealous while walking into his pristine villa home when you’re reminded of your small college dorm.
“Do you want a drink or anything?” he asks, breaking the non-awkward silence the two of you had throughout your walk. 
“Sure! Water’s fine,” you reply happily, looking at all of the knick-knacks Javi had littered throughout his home. Javi returns with your water in hand, nearly running to get back to you. 
After handing it to you, he speaks up, “Do you wanna go sit on the couch— or?” he says, his voice laced with a sort of sweetness that makes your body tingle. You nod in response, taking a sip from your water. Javi guides you to his living room; the large room before you opens up as he turns on moody, orange lights that remind you of the sunset you saw a mere hour ago. It feels homey— welcoming, and warm. Something you don’t experience at your own college house. Javi walks over to the couch, covered in soft blankets and a few pillows, and kicks his feet up on the coffee table. You follow closely behind, sitting close to him, your knees almost brushing against each other as you sink into your seat. 
Javi hums as if he’s forgotten something essential and stands up without saying anything. He disappears into the other room, leaving you there. After a few moments, he returns— an old worn book in his hands. “This is one of my favorite books,” he says, sitting back down next to you, “I want you to read it,” he finishes softly, looking at you while motioning for you to take it. You oblige— surprisingly, it’s a book you’ve never read, so of course, you’d be willing. You open the book to the first page, glancing at it, then turning over a few pages before running your fingers through each and every page, noticing messily written notes and scribbles written out into the worn margins. You absolutely adore annotated books, and it’s one of your favorite pastimes, besides actually reading the book in the first place. 
You let a few chuckles escape your mouth as you look up to see Javi’s relieved expression grow on his face after your silence. You reach over to hug him quickly, causing him to laugh too, his hand resting on your upper back. You pull away, returning your attention to the book, positioning yourself cross-legged before him, sinking into your seat even more. “Can I read it now?” you ask, smiling, still not looking at him but skimming the first page's notes. 
“Of course,” he says simply, smiling. You start reading immediately— resting your head on the side of the couch. You point out a few rather silly remarks he’s written down on the first page, causing you both to giggle. You spend well over an hour just reading the pages of the book, occasionally engaging in a conversation about what you’re reading, Javi being just as fascinated with it as you are, if not more which makes you chuckle. After a while, a “Can I lay my head on your lap?” escapes your mouth, looking at Javi for consent. He nods as his face heats up, and you lay down, the book above your face, as you two still talk about the notes he’s made and the careless actions the main character makes in the book. 
About halfway through the book, you hear Javi’s stomach grumble something mean, causing you to laugh. “You hungry?” you ask sarcastically, looking at him, letting a few more chuckles escape your mouth. You receive a nod as he joins in on your laughter, a slight tint of embarrassment hidden within as he hides his face behind his hands. You lift your head off his lap, setting the book down on the couch, not leaving the page you left off on. “You should eat,” you say softly. 
“Yeah,” he pauses, thinking. “Do you want some cake? That’s what I’m going to have,” he finishes, looking over at you, eyes glistening in the light’s warm tones that fill the room. 
You smile, “That sound’s perfect!” you say, nodding. He stands up, whispering a quiet ‘okay’ sound before disappearing into the other room once more before returning a few minutes later with two plates, each with red velvet cake and a napkin on each. You let out a small squeak at the sight, making your mouth water slightly at the richly flavored cake. As you two are eating, Javi finishes rather quickly, and you notice frosting on his face he doesn’t seem to notice. You pick up your napkin to wipe it off, his cheeks turning visibly red, as does yours, the both of you gigging. 
Once you finish your cake, you set both plates down on the coffee table, along with the book, and lay your head back down on his lap. “Wanna watch some TV?” you ask, looking up at his face and into his eyes as he meets yours. 
“Sure thing,” he says, nodding while looking down at your face before reaching for the remote to turn on the TV. After an hour of watching the show, you fall asleep, head still resting in his lap. He notices shortly after when he hears the soft snores that escape your mouth, which is slightly agape. He smiles at the sight, lowering his hand down to brush some of the hair out of your face. He feels your cold skin and grabs the blanket from behind you that was messily thrown over the couch’s back, and lays it over your body, causing you to stir slightly in your sleep. He lowers the volume of the TV so as to not wake you up.
Shortly after, he looks down at your sleeping state, whispering a light "Goodnight, hermosa (beautiful)," before he leans back onto the couch deeper, sighing contently, before falling asleep for the night, with you in a deep sleep on his lap.
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mareposie · 2 years
My dream ending for Spy x Family would be world peace with White Haired (due to stress) Loid and Bob Cut (work accident) Yor being a real couple under the Briar name and having a real wedding ceremony. Agent Twilight getting the recognization he lowkey wanted and becoming the new Handler. Thorn Princess can finally retire and take a break.
Then in the future Damian marrying Anya and joining HER family because he is happier with them. He also becomes a great politician who is focused on children’s wellbeing, Anya takes care of multiple orphanages and he takes care of neglected children. She is his secret weapon for success and he just offers her everything she asks for.
Their goal is to make a world where children don’t cry. They created scholarships for orphans with potential who would love to study in Eden and they act like parents for the first meeting. They are that power couple who is very famous and well loved by the people, Anya’s bubbly personality always compliments Damian’s sophisticated image.
They are backed up by very important personalities like the Blackbell’s heiress or Benedict is-a-good-fella.
Damian’s views are very different from the Desmond party and his father is not happy and ostracized him. Demetrius is secretly happy for Damian and chooses to leave him alone for his piece.
By joining the Briar family I don’t mean just Anya, Bond, Loid and Yor. I also mean Franky, Fiona, Yuri (and his family), Sylvia, Becky and everyone who is very attached to Anya, including Henderson. Even Camilla and Dominic are part of the family. They are all this one big clan that have a lot of influence in Ostania and Westalis.
Damian inherited a large property from Melinda and he decided to use it as a main residence for his entire family. There’s enough rooms for everyone whether they want to live there or they’re just on a vacation. Yor got her own garden and she grows vegetables she can cooks with her husband, they tried to make their own wine. Franky works on his technology stuff. Sylvia walks the dogs every morning and spends a lot of time with the Briar children. Auntie Camilla comes every 20th of the month to enjoy the pool with Auntie Becky. People just come and go, the mansion is always loud and busy. Uncles Emile and Ewen visiting with crazy gifts for everyone. Old man Henderson scolding and being grumpy every time he sees a lack of elegance.
Yor and Loid are the coolest grandparents ever, in comparison of how strict Damian and Anya can be (ironically). They adopted children and got two biological children accidentally but they don’t treat them differently. Funny enough, the biological children are not academically smart at all and collect Tonitrus bolts like badges of honor. Their eldest child is extremely mature, smart and composed, admires his grandparents and is insecure about going back to the orphanage.
Anya’s younger sibling is raised alongside with the new generation babies because Loid and Yor had a small drunk smooching session. The kid came very late and have a huge age gap with Anya, he has the Briar siscon syndrome. He has a 2-3 year gap with Damianya’s eldest child and gets kicked in the butt every time he tries to act like the uncle of the kids.
Damian is a busy man, so is Anya. Fortunately, they realized how they neglected their kids and fixed their schedule so they can spend a lot of time together.
Melinda visits Yor a lot and slowly tries to reconnect with her son, who is still a tsundere, but she’s glad and relieved to see how Yor never failed to take care of him as if he was her son.
Anya’s favorite moment is the supper during holidays, they have this large table full of food and everyone just eat together. Debating, getting drunk, silly competitions and laughing at loud. Pure bliss. She’s grateful and often cries in her parents’ arms.
it’s just a dream. I'm going back to sleep
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I’ll be honest, when Kylo first meets Rey the whole thing from him knocking her out to her waking up restrained and having their first face-to-face interaction has always felt a bit rapey to me.  I think it’s one of the big reasons I’ve been staunchly anti-Reylo for so long.  However, having now fallen to the Reylo side and rewatched the movies from that perspective, I have a different take on that first meeting and their subsequent interactions.
First, before I dive into everything, I want to address the age gap.  I wish Rey hadn’t been 19 when they met.  It just makes the whole ten-year age gap a little hard to stomach (even though it is a long, long time ago in a galaxy far away, and Ben has the emotional maturity of a 13-year-old).  I wish she’d been a little older, or that the gap hadn’t been so huge if they were going to insist she be 19.  Plus, how does that whole sharing-a-soul thing work?  Did Ben have a complete soul for the first decade of his life, and then as soon as Rey popped into existence his soul ripped in half and yeeted itself across the galaxy to find her?  (There’s probably an actual official answer to this particular question, but I haven’t really looked into it yet.)
Okay, let’s go back to Ben.  This was the son of Han and Leia, and they are two of the biggest deals in the New Republic.  They love Ben, but they don’t have a lot of time to be parents.  Anyone who’s had parents who were in leadership positions knows how much time is sacrificed to be available to others.  Ben spent the beginning of his life sharing his parents with the entire galaxy.  Plus, roughly around the time he came to be, Leia was off training to be a Jedi.  I’m not sure if she was still training after he was born, but from everything I’ve found, she quit her training sometime around then.  The woman might be a badass, but there are only so many hours in a day and so many places she can be at once.  
There’s no doubt in my mind that Ben was raised to have manners.  He’s the kid of leaders, he was probably in etiquette lessons before he could fully form sentences.  
I have no doubt that Ben witnessed his parents showing each other physical affection, but who knows how often that happened.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Han and Leia spent more time apart than together because of their roles in the New Republic.  On top of that, I’ve always felt that there was a layer of slight aggressiveness to their relationship.  It’s not bad, but it could be very confusing to a little kid.  This is what Ben spends the first decade of his life observing.  
Then, right as he reaches the age of ten, he gets sent off to hang out with his bachelor uncle to learn to be a Jedi.  I know that in the now non-canon material, Luke was married, but in the current canon, it seems that his marriage exists only in his dreams.  Given the Jedi issues with love and attachments, I sincerely doubt that Ben and his fellow padawans were given any kind of sex ed or instruction on how to treat someone they might be attracted to.  
So, Ben becomes Kylo, and while there are women who work with him, none of them are his soulmate.  He has zero dating experience and he only has his memories of his parents’ relationship to give him any idea of how to treat his soulmate.  I think he knew from very early on that the other half of his soul was out there, somewhere in the galaxy.  
By the time we reach The Force Awakens, Kylo is 29, and barely holding it together.  Ben is still in there, fighting hard to break free.  When he reaches Takodana in the search for the map, I would not be surprised if he sensed the missing piece of his soul and that’s how he found Rey so easily.  He was literally drawn to her like a magnet. 
When she starts shooting at him, he flicks away the blaster bolts.  He could easily have bounced them right back at her causing wound or death, or even stopped the blasts as soon as they started (much like how he did with Poe at the beginning of the movie).  He takes a surprisingly long time to actually put a stop to it.  And you get this sense that he’s trying to figure out what to do with her.  He observes her and even paces around her frozen form.  The guy is huge and intimidating, it would be enough to terrify anyone.  And Rey is already on edge from what happened at Maz’s castle.  
When Kylo knocks her out, he doesn’t just let her collapse onto the ground.  He’s right there catching her as she falls and then he sweeps her up in his arms, rather than having his underlings take over.  If he’d thought she was just some random girl, this action wouldn’t make sense.  I think, at that moment, he wanted to be as physically close to his missing piece as possible.
She comes to, restrained in this terrifyingly unfamiliar place, and the big bad of the galaxy is watching her.  He’s not touching her, he’s not even that close, but he is there and he’s still observing.  Still trying to figure her out.  As soon as she makes the comment about the mask, he pulls it off and they’re finally face-to-face.  When you watch, there is almost a subtle Gollum/Smeagol type fight going on inside him.  Ben is there, fighting against Kylo, and you end up with a very tense scene.  
Kylo doesn’t make a great choice using the words, “I can take whatever I want” and then immediately probing her mind.  Yes, this is non-consensual and scary.  But as soon as she tells him to get out of her mind, I think Ben takes over briefly because he doesn’t even question, just obeys.  He’s trying so hard to get a read on her.  And then the Kylo part of him takes over and tries so hard to pull the information from her.  
There’s an episode of Doctor Who where the Doctor is reading Madame de Pompadour’s mind, and she starts reading his.  He’s shocked by this and she tells him, “A door once opened may be stepped through in either direction.”  This is exactly what happens between Rey & Ben/Kylo.  
Also, I just want to point out that there is a big difference between Poe and Rey’s interrogations.  Kylo is aggressive and angry with Poe, but he’s much more restrained with Rey.  In fact, by the time their interaction ends, he’s absolutely shaken by how Rey has responded, and you can see the fear in his eyes as he realizes he’s experiencing something completely new.  Rey can read him almost easier than he can read her.
Throughout the rest of the movie, their interactions are intense.  Kylo throws her against a tree.  And then he fights with Finn.  He screams and rages against the other man,  He beats Finn, and tries to take the lightsaber, but the saber flies past him and into Rey’s hands.  Ben almost manages to surface.  The rage is gone, and you can see how intrigued he is by this new development.  The way he looks at her is a complete shift from the way he looked at Finn.   Their lightsaber duel is not nearly as brutal as it should be considering the fact that he’s far more experienced with the blade.  He could use his powers to disarm her, could break her, and he doesn’t.  He fights with her, and it’s like he’s trying to get a read on just how skilled she really is.  He even tries to convince her to let him teach her.  That’s not something you say to someone you hate or want to kill.    When she wounds him, he just keeps getting back up until the earth splits and physically separates them from each other.  
He lets her go.  As wounded as he is, he’s still a very strong force user, and I think it’s very possible he could’ve pulled her back, could’ve dropped her in the chasm.  He could’ve ended things right there and then, but he doesn’t.  
From the first time he and Rey lock eyes on each other, he never looks at her like he looks at anyone else.  The anger, the hatred, all of it isn’t there when he looks at her.  There’s fascination, annoyance, frustration, and by the time we get into Last Jedi there are the beginnings of love in his gaze.  She’s his missing piece.  His soul is complete when he’s interacting with her.  
Kylo is barely there at all when he interacts with her.  Their first soul bond, he tries to order her to bring him Skywalker, but you can tell the order is half-hearted at best, and he immediately drops his hand and you see the shame in his face.  I suspect he’s been beating himself up about how he interrogated her, and realizes he was just about to pull the same shit again.  
Ben can’t fully break free, but he’s still there.  When he slips the glove off and they touch, that’s all Ben.  Kylo isn’t there at all.  (And then Luke had to break in and ruin a perfect moment.) He never denies her accusations that he’s a monster, and even sits quietly and listens when she pours out the whole story about what happened in the cavern.  His actions and behaviors with her are the closest we get to see Ben Solo for the majority of the trilogy.  
At his heart, Ben wants to be the kind of man he knows Rey deserves and I really do think you see him making a genuine effort to become that, even if the road to get there is rocky.  They share a soul, and I think it’s tearing both of them apart for the majority of the trilogy because they can’t seem to figure out how to get on the same page.  
I think Kylo/Ben was wrong for how he behaved at the beginning, and I'm not trying to make excuses for him. However, I do think he genuinely regretted his behavior and tried to be better.
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
Hello Angie!
I hope you don’t mind the novel but hey you wanted to share thoughts so here I am!
Rationalize is a big word but me thinks this is happening for various reasons, you tell me what you think about these options:
- Louis has this persona of “not wanting to grow up” so a younger girlfriend fits what everybody knows about him. She also seems to be tailored to the het audience who wants to “date him” and might identify with her. You know, sort of what El 1.0 was in 2012, the girl next door sort of thing but still “a fashion model” (who does no modeling, lol). But these pap pics feel precisely planned to make her look like a fan, so the message seems to be if she can date him, all fans can too! He’s a normal dude dating a normal girl who looks just like you! Buy tickets to his concerts and you might get lucky (because I can pretty much guess she’s gonna disappear real quickly and he’s going to be *available* and party boy during tour 🥲)
- There’s extra gayness in the documentary so having a son wasn’t enough. Seems unlikely but who knows? Rainbows can’t be erased from his tour shots, so I guess it’ll have to be addressed in some way.
- Also having a new romance in general helps with publicity, so for him to be talked about before the doc release. I still would have picked a higher profile, maybe another musician girl, if you really needed to sell a certain image AND benefit Louis and expand his audience, but again let’s be real I think his PR is incompetent. If I have to give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe the fan, down to earth girl angle is what they actually wanted to achieve with picking a good-looking nobody (back to point 1). It’s clearly benefitting her more than him (she went from 5K followers this morning to what, 35K now?)
- last wild though, maybe there was something with Eleanor wearing his clothes and still posting from his house that didn’t sit well with someone? So they needed to make a point? Wild but we’ve seen worse so keeping all options open.
I genuinely don’t know, but a mix options 1 and 3 seem the more rational. What do you think?
Last thought: I really hope she was ready and well informed before agreeing to this, but the whole shitshow with the Pinterest pins and Spotify playlists tells me there was a level of naivety on her end which is alarming. She was probably guided into this by a reckless agent with who knows what promises and it scares me. I don’t mind the age gap (my parents started dating when she was 18 and he was 29), but I do mind the fact that she’s likely too young to handle the hate she’s getting, regardless of the economic gains she’ll get from this it’s going to be traumatic if you don’t have the right support to handle it/maturity.
Hello, angel! Thank you for sharing <3 I will slowly go through your thoughts and explain what I think.
1. The forever young boy is interesting, bc Louis comes off as the loud hyperactive guy sometimes. Unfortunately I think they burned this option out when they gave him a fake kid lol
2. I think feeding such a dream to his fans is a huge underdevelopment, but it’s loyal to his fanbase origin. Still. It’s so cringe for me that a 31 yo man with a kid goes out with a young girl who pins tiktoks and random tattoos researches on Pinterest. It’s counterproductive, dumb and lazy. I don’t look at them as examples and I don’t expect them to do smart shit. we’re talking about rich people growing up as completely detouched from normal world since they were teenagers. Me and them, you and them? We’re not the same as them. I hoped he was smarter than this tho. Of course this can be useful as promo for the doc… will it tho, we know how his team and the media treat his content and projects, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they wouldn’t get any coverage not even with these pics. I don’t think that’s how you expand a fanbase or get more people curious in his work.
3. I think Eleanor simply wanted to be out for whatever reason. I think they replaced her with a new one bc E wasn’t going to engage with bg. She has never and she won’t (so far). I hope this new girl did her homework because fandom is hard to manage.
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bisluthq · 10 months
I was curious about what you thought was the difference between like Jake VS Harry in terms of sex, mainly because that (from an outside perspective) seems to be a driving force as to why both those relationships lasted so long.
The vibe I've always gotten is that she and Jake "mAdE lOvE" and that probably freaked him out a bit. The implied stuff in the All Too Well short film is quite soft, and the way she portrays him in it gives me BIG commitment/intimacy phobe vibes.
And then obviously once they were hooking up after the fact she felt quite shameful about it, and the chemistry wasn't as strong as it had been because they both felt kind of shitty about it (if the 10 min version is anything to go off - also I know you at least used to be a Jake IKYWT truther and the implied sex in that seems to have a very shameful aftermath). But like the initial stuff was very like lovey-dovey.
Harry is the one I kind of blank on. It seems like they were still actively fucking after they broke up without much of the shame, or at least not in the same way. Wildest Dreams and "Slut!" (Which while not fully about Harry show her perspective on sex at that point) seemingly see her trying to justify a relationship being primarily sexual, because this person will remember her (though she's nervous that they actually won't and it will have been meaningless, because although the woman's prolific, she's a lover girl at heart).
I feel like the songs from this era is also one of the first times she acknowledges her... Skills. We get remnants of it in 2010 Sparks fly, and the promise of something great in I Can See You, but that's nothing in comparison to "you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor/you search in every model's bed for something greater" so I think if nothing else they were having a good time. I think the contrast between her begging to be remembered on 1989 and even Speak Now and her constantly being haunted by/thinking she's haunting him with memories of their relationship on Red is interesting.
So is Complicated Freak which is imo very much a Haylor song. Like he sings about a relationship primarily based on sex... Where they've both been out and about... That he can't stop thinking about... And he wrote it in the 2010s. Not damning but it fits. Also it includes the line "you lost your head, so I'll give you mine," which I both really enjoy and think is dirty in a very Taylor-esque way.
I think she fell very hard and very fast for Jake and it was super romantic and she thought he was The One and he was the best sex she’d had up till that point because John’s a total freak and her and Joe J didn’t have full on sex and Jake’s more of a feminist and shit than like Martin and obvi was more experienced than any HS experiences she’d had so it was very 😍😍😍 for her. And I think he also liked her a huge amount. But ultimately like the age gap was an issue for him - according to 10 minute ATW and also like because he’s a dick but he’s not an idiot and 40/30 is no big deal but 20/30 is tbh and by her own account she was immature and I don’t think he knew exactly what he wanted but I don’t think he liked being a “daddy” so like idk he was just confused lol and so was she and they kept going back to it because she really loved him and he kept going back to it because he cared for her really deeply and found her hot but didn’t really want to be together (hence the commitmentphobic vibes we get from her portrayals of him). Idk I think dudes that age who date much younger generally don’t want to get married but also that doesn’t mean they’re soulless monsters. I think that’s what we see in her portrayal of Jake. He cared but he wasn’t willing to marry her or anything and she was 20 and in Real Love for the first time and thought he would want that kind of thing especially as he was lovebombing her.
Harry was a good time but I also think seemed like it’d work on paper and when it didn’t she got sad but like he was a good time so she kept seeing him for a while longer because it was easier than trying to find a new teenager to fuck.
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Darkness of the Heart
Dark!Clark Kent x plus size reader
You can’t help but have a little crush on the handsome star reporter at the Daily Planet, but he wants so much more
Warnings: dark!superman, implied kidnapping, violence, m masturbation, manipulation, sedatives, needles, innocent!reader, age-gap (reader is over 18), naive!reader, blood
WC: 3.5k
A/N: Later parts will have content like non-con, dub-con, forced pregnancy, kidnapping, and Stockholm Syndrome so this is a massive warning now
Minors DNI
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Credit: google
Part 1
The First Date
Your feet were constantly sore nowadays but you honestly couldn’t bring yourself to care. Working for the Daily Planet, even if you were just an intern, was a dream come true. 5 days a week for 8 hours everyday, you wore heels and ran around the office floor, delivering coffees, making copies, delivering assignments, and on special occasions, helping to edit articles for the paper.
Sometimes, when everyone was busy and you had no other work to do, you would sneak off to the break room in the back of the office, the one that was barely used, and take off the three inch high monstrosities that gave you leg cramps for days. That’s how you met him.
You sighed in relief as you slipped your stocking covered feet from the black cone heels you bought on sale years ago that you had sitting in the back of your closet. You definitely regretted not breaking them in. The cool tile felt amazing on your sore feet, and you leaned back in the slightly unstable metal chair. Fishing your big thermos from your bag, you poured yourself a small cup of tea into the little mug from the jar.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realise anyone was in here.” The deep baritone with a slight southern twang shaking you from your thoughts. The man stood in the doorway, his body so huge that he nearly filled out the wide entryway. His dark hair was unruly, he had obviously been running his fingers through it, his shockingly blue eyes bright behind the thick frames of his glasses. He had on a simple white button with black slacks and a brown tie. “Oh Mr Kent! Sorry, I just- never mind, is there something I can help you with?”
He waved you off, a slight blush spreading across his cheeks. “Please just call me Clark. I was just hoping to escape my ex for a minute but it seems you’ve found my hiding place.” He gave you a cheeky wink which made you squirm in your seat. “Well there isn’t a monopoly on hiding places, so you could join me. But only if you want! You don’t have to.” 
The chair legs scrapped the floor as he pulled it out from under the table, taking a seat directly across from you. Even sitting down, Clark was taller than you, his intimidating frame offset by his kind smile. You couldn’t help but let your eyes flick down to his chest where the buttons of his white button-down were straining to contain his muscles. Clearing your throat, you looked away bashfully. “You’re Y/N right?” That caught you off guard. “Um yeah. How did you know?”
He huffed but the smile on his face widened. “Of course I would know the person that has been helping to edit my articles. I have no clue how you make me sound so smart. You must have some kind of magic.” Your cheeks heated and you couldn’t bring yourself to look into those cerulean eyes. “I wouldn’t say that, you’re really intelligent already, just maybe sometimes, your grammar isn’t amazing.” 
The reporter threw his head back and gave a deep belly laugh, you smiled shyly, crossing your feet over each other as your hands played with the hem of your black work skirt. “Any other critics I should know about?” He teased, eyes sparkling with mischief. You just shrugged. “Maybe invest in some spelling lessons too.” After another round of chuckles, he settled back into his chair. 
You easily settled into a light conversation with the man, surprised by how similar you were. You found yourself relaxing the more you talked, suddenly the huge powerhouse reporter was just a nervous (and slightly cheeky) farm boy that wanted to know everything about you, and by god was it flattering.
There was a brief lull in conversation when you stopped to pour yourself some more tea, which Clark had politely declined when you asked him, and his eyes flicked down to the floor, a cheeky smirk coming over his beautiful face.
“I guess you don’t appreciate the office dress code.” He chuckled, gesturing down to your abandoned shoes. “Ha ha yeah, I’ve never worn heels before so it’s tough getting used to them. But honestly, I’d take this pain any day cause it means I get to work here!” “Oh well I don’t know if you should be sacrificing your health for any job but it’s good to know you’re so dedicated.” A shiver rolled down your spine at his concerned tone. “It’s worth it if I get to meet my heroes!”
Clark leaned forward, propping his head up with his elbow on the table, his massive hand cradling his chilled jaw. “Lemme guess, Perry?” “I’ll say yes to that because I don’t want your head to get any bigger than it already is.” You giggled behind your cup but quickly stopped as the aforementioned man entered the room behind Clark.
“Ms Y/L/N, there you are, I have some assignments I need you to deliver and then you can head home for the day.” You scrambled to clean up your little nook, slipping your heels back on your still sore feet, trying to hide your wince as the pain started again. “Yes of course. I’ll get that done now.” The older man nodded his thanks, handing you a big stack of manilla folders. “Clark, we’ve got a meeting in 15 minutes, don’t forget.”
“I’ll be there. Hey um Y/N could you hang back a second?” His voice suddenly went from confident to nervous boy as he hunched his shoulders to make himself look smaller. Perry gave him a puzzled look before sighing and leaving the room, muttering something about office romances. You turned your body to him, listening intently. “Yeah, um what did you need me for?”
Avoiding eye-contact, Clark rubbed the back of his neck. “I was just wondering if you would like to maybe have dinner with me tonight? There’s this great ramen place only a few blocks from here.” Did the most gorgeous man you had ever met ask you out on a date? Yes he did. And were you just standing there, mouth open in shock like an idiot. Also yes.
“N-nevermind, it was stupid-“ “Yes.” You stopped his rant before it really started. “I would love to go to dinner with you, Clark.” The smile he gave you was absolutely dazzling as he sprung to his feet, vibrating with excitement. “Great! I mean um, that’s good. I should probably get your number so I can let you know where to meet.” You fished a pen and post-it note from your purse, quickly jotting down your cell-phone number with a little heart at the end.
You handed him the note. “I guess I’ll see you tonight Clark.” Your fingers brushing his slightly, he was so warm. You thought you handled that well, stayed cool even if you were screaming and jumping for joy on the inside. As soon as you rounded the corner to where he couldn’t see you, you squealed and did a little happy dance, heart beating wildly in your chest. 
You just scored a date with the cutest guy ever! This was so worth the sore feet. You darted through the office, quickly delivering the folders so you could get home and spend the next few hours going through your entire closet in deciding what to wear but definitely no heels.
Clark smirked down at the pink post-it note you handed to him. Of course, he already knew your number, he knew everything about you. He had been infatuated with you since he saw you two months ago when Perry first hired you.
You were so young, incredibly beautiful and naïve. Clark likes that about you, how flustered you get when he smiles at you, the way you squeak in embarrassment when someone makes a dirty joke in front of you. He can only imagine the sounds you make when he claims you.
Fuck, it was so hard coming into work every day just to see your plump body running around everywhere, paying attention to everybody but him. The way your arms and legs jiggled as you moved, your tits bouncing wildly with every step. How your lips separated slightly when you were lost in your own thoughts. He once even caught a glimpse of your little white panties beneath your stockings when your skirt rose up as you bent over to pick something up.
He had practically sprinted to the bathroom to relieve his aching cock. He spilled onto his hand crying your name, nearly crushing the wall to the stall in his firm grip. It was a waste of his cum but he just couldn’t stop himself.
And now, you were practically his. Just a few dates, just a little touching, a bit of hand-holding, some innocent kisses to the cheek, and hugs here and there, and you would fall into his arms, forever.
The restaurant was quaint. Only a few tables that faced the open window kitchen where the divine smells wafted into the rest of the small space. You nervously stepped over the threshold, the hem of your baby blue summer dress swaying around your plump thighs. You paired the spaghetti strap dress with a light wash jean jacket and white converse with little flowers you had embroidered into them.
You were the picture of innocence, standing there fiddling with your fingers, wide eyes scanning the room, a little purse hanging off your shoulder. The only jewelry you had was a little pendant necklace that sat right on your exposed collarbone, enticing Clark’s eyes down to the fat of your breasts which was covered entirely by your dress, showing not even a little hint of cleavage.
Clark waved at you, drawing your attention to the huge man who had somehow fit himself onto one of the small wooden chairs near the back. He preened as your smile grew when you spotted him and you hurried over. The reporter pulled your chair out for you, head dipping down so he could get a whiff of your hair, he really couldn’t help himself. Your natural smell was overpowered by the cheap flowery perfume you had put on.
He’d put a stop to that soon enough, but for now he settled with the faint scent of your honeyed musk that clung to the back of your neck. “I’m glad you picked here, this spot is really cute.” You gushed, picking up the small menu as he sat back down across from you, the dark red of his henley, he had obviously changed before coming here, made his eyes pop even more. “I thought it was a good spot for a first date. The tables are small so I can do this.” He laid his large hand over your smaller one, giving it a little squeeze. 
You squeaked but allowed Clark to rest your hands on the table, his palm engulfing yours as he placed his thick fingers on your wrist. “So, what are you thinking of getting?”
You both were smiling like idiots as your orders arrived, too caught up in each other to notice the huge bowls of soup until they were placed directly before you. You tried to pull your hand away, flustered at being caught being so affectionate in a public place. “Can I have my hand back?” Your voice was unexpectedly shaky. But Clark held strong, lifting your knuckles to his plump lips, laying a small kiss to your skin.
“Now you can.” Letting go of your now shaking hand, he winked at you, making your heart leap. “Clark.” You practically whimpered, holding your hand to your chest as if savouring the small kiss he had given you. 
“What, it’s not like you’ve never had someone give you a kiss before~” He teased, picking up his chopsticks. “You have kissed someone before right?” He asked after a beat of silence. You shook your head. “This is my first ever date.” You whispered, ashamed of your inexperience compared to the older man. Clark’s blue eyes widened in shock, of course he already knew, Bruce did a real deep dive for him, but you didn’t ever need to know about that.
“Seriously? How? You’re gorgeous!” “Well you’d be the only one to think that then. I was bullied a lot as a kid and I guess people don’t really like the fat girl.” You shrugged, folding in on yourself, suddenly aware of how much food you had ordered. “Oh no no no. Please don’t doubt yourself. You are a beautiful young woman and those people must be fools for not seeing how truly amazing and beautiful you are. But their loss is my gain cause right now, I have the most divine woman in the world sitting across from me, letting me take her on a date.”
Clark was so big that he easily reached across the table and cupped your face, wiping away a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb. You tried to look away but those big glimmering eyes were hypnotising and you couldn’t help but believe what he was saying. “Ok.” You were quiet but that was enough for him. “Good. Now that we’ve got that sorted, I am starving.” 
“I had such a wonderful time tonight.” Clark’s right arm was wrapped tightly around your thick waist, his hand resting on your plump stomach. You had, at first, shied away when he wrapped you in a hug after your meal. His face fell into a little frown and he held you closer, bending down to rest his forehead against yours, the little black curls brushing your skin.
“Please don’t run from me.” His voice was so quiet you barely heard him. The pure sadness in his tone made you slump back into his arms, your own winding around his muscular torso to keep him close. “Never.” And his smile returned. 
Like a real gentleman, he offered to walk you home, especially considering it was now completely dark out and you didn’t live in a great part of town. He let you ramble on about your day, giving little anecdotes here and there but otherwise remaining quiet. As you reached your door, he drew you back into his huge arms, the heat from his body soaking into you, the smell of his cologne making your knees weak as it enveloped you. “Thank you for letting me take you out kitten.” Your face went hot at the pet name.
“Too much?” You shook your head, thoroughly flustered. “I like it.” “Good. Goodnight kitten.” You panicked as he lowered his face to your eyes level. Oh god, was he going to kiss you? Your body unconsciously jerked back, your door handle digging painfully into your side. Your hands flew up and pressed against his chest, trying to push Clark away. “No.” You whimpered.
He pulled back and you sighed in relief, he obviously got the message. “Did you think I was going to kiss you?” You didn’t bother answering, just turned your head away, fully prepared for him to tell you off and insist you had to give him something in return for paying for your meal. “Oh kitten. I’m sorry. I was just going to kiss your cheek. We’ll go at your pace, no kissing until you’re ready.” A large weight was lifted from your chest.
Clark was good, he would listen to you. He was a good man. You could trust him.
With a quick peck to your still heated cheek, he sent you inside, remaining just long enough for you to lock up. Pulling off your jacket, you went to hang it up, but paused. The woodsy cologne Clark had been wearing had rubbed off onto the course fabric. Taking a deep inhale, you savoured the comforting scent. Maybe next time, you shouldn’t bring a jacket and he’d give you his. 
You kicked off your shoes and practically floated into your living room, sinking into your overstuffed couch. “God he’s so dreamy.” You fanned your hot cheeks, completely overwhelmed by the day. 
When you closed your eyes, all you could see was his smiling face and the way he bent down so his face was level with yours. How his surprisingly plump lips had opened slightly, how his breathing became heavier. Maybe, just maybe, you should’ve kissed him. You couldn’t imagine how wonderful it would have been.
Knock knock
“Did you forget something?” You giggled, pulling the door back open, fully expecting the muscular body of your date to be standing there, looking sheepish, maybe looking for an excuse to see you one more time. But instead, a frazzled-looking red haired woman who immediately pushed into your apartment as soon as you opened the door. “Ms Lane?”
The renowned reporter, and the ex-fiancée of the man you just went on a date with, was now in your flat, shutting all the windows in the studio apartment and making sure that the curtains and shutters were drawn. “Are you ok? Do you need me to call someone for you?” You slipped your phone out of your jacket pocket, tucking it into your palm and held it behind your back. 
You didn’t know much about her, only that she and Clark were engaged for a while and then she just skipped town a couple weeks before you joined the Daily Planet. No one had heard from her until she unexpectedly turned up at the office this morning, collecting her final pay-check and having a shouting match with Perry about seeing Clark for five minutes, which he stoutly denied. 
“You have to listen to me.” You tried to scramble away as she came closer but her hands shot out and held you in place, her fingers digging into your shoulders, her unkempt nails digging painfully into your collarbone.
“Just fucking listen!” You nodded but your thumb was now frantically pushing on the power button to your phone, hoping that even with the spotty cell-reception in your home, you could utilise the safety feature and get through to the police. “I-I’m listening.” She seemed to calm down for a moment, then the siren-like alarm went off on your phone, signalling that you were trying to call 9-1-1.
In a split second, her grip lessened and you ripped away from her, turning and sprinting to the door. She launched at you. Your body collided painfully with the hardwood floor, the breath being knocked from your lungs but you kept trying to get away. “Get off me!” Your nails clawed at the floor. Her hand wrapped around the back of your head and slammed your face into the ground, effectively stunning you.
“Stop fighting!” Lois straddled your back and pinned your arms down, pulling the phone from your grasp, cancelling the call. “I’m just trying to help you!” Your eyes were rolling in your head, a throbbing pain building in the base of your skull as blood poured from your nose and a high pitched whine ringing in your ears as you were forced completely flat on the wooden slats. “Stay away from him. He’s not good! Stay away!” A coldness was spreading through your body as she kept you down, having shifted so her knee was digging into your spine.
“S-stop.” You wheezed but couldn’t get any air into your lungs. “I’m protecting you. He’s crazy. I’m just protecting you.” Just as the dark spots in your vision were starting to get bigger as you struggled for air, Lois’s weight was gone from your back, the dulled sound of shattering glass lost in the background of your thoughts. The ground below you shook and there was muffled yelling, the ringing in your ears getting more intense. You rolled over and attempted to pull yourself up, then a wave of nausea suddenly hit you. You doubled over, your vision swimming.
A cold breeze blew over you and dull thuds resonated through your throbbing head. A pair of hands wrapped around your biceps and tried to pull you forward. “Stop please!” You screamed, legs kicking out, landing a solid hit to the figure in front of you. They didn’t even grunt as they pulled you closer, forcing your body into the plastic-like material that covered their chest.
Your nails dug into the chest of your attacker in an attempt to fight them off, but their grip only got tighter, sending a fresh wave of panic through you. “She’s in shock, I’ll have to administer a sedative.” The raspy voice broke through the fog in your mind as huge arms forced you closer, wrapping around your back, pinning you. 
“Don’t you dare!” Another voice called out. You cried as your head was yanked to the side and the tell-tale pinch of a needle was pressed into your neck. A warm sensation flooded your body, immediately placating you, the tingling sensation relaxing your limbs so you slumped forward. The arms holding you didn’t feel like they were caging you in, now it was your only anchor as your eyelids became heavy, darkness quickly overtaking you. 
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skzwhoree · 2 years
Such a Mess for me (Part 2)
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I'm back, i wrote this during class Hehehhehehehe<3
Genre- Smut
Content- Dilf!toji, Usage of explicit language, Breeding, Overstimulation, praising, Toji and Y/n age gap (of about 10- 15 years) lmk if i missed anything.
Pairing- Proffesor!Toji x Student!Freader (toji is 35 and reader is 19)
Word count- 0.6k (part 1)
i have listed the content warnings already, interact at your own discretion.
You had a lovely relationship with Toji, it was fruitful yes, and so were the condoms.
It was quite usual now, visiting Toji’s office, for assignments of course, A little explicit though. He had to install curtains, because it was a little showy what you guys always ended up doing.
A little, yes.
Let’s be honest, you were fucking Toji in his office and everyone knew. It was a show. The screams, the moans, how you begged him to let you cum, it was no secret. The students, the teachers and even the janitors in the college knew what you were upto. And Toji? He loved it, he loved how everyone knew how loud he can make you scream, how you took his name and how you announced the you belonged to him.
Though Toji wasn’t a big fan of breeding, he even liked to stay off the risk and always use a condom, but it was kind of frustrating to cum in a condom. And you wanted Toji to feel his best when he was with you. You knew just what your big man needed.
You knock at Toji’s office door, “Come in. You know I’ve had quite a tough day, I need you; now.”
“Toji-san I think I wanna do something new today…”
“New, what is it baby?” he asked confused, you barely even looked at him during sex, he was so effortlessly intimidating, and it was new for you to introduce something.
“I’m on birth control, so I thin, we don’t need a condom”
“Oh? But you know y/n that’s still a little risky, are you sure?”
“Please Tojiiii” you whine, “I want you- Raw”
Toji never denied your begs, and so after that it didn’t take him long to have you on your knees facing his throbbing raw length, you held it with your tiny hands, he was just so, big. “Baby, stop being a tease, take it in” You place your tongue on his tip and lick his tip and then he locks his hands in your hair and bops your head onto his huge cock, gagging, tears trickle down your face. “You’re so dramatic y/n, haven’t you gotten used to my size yet?”
He knew that he overwhelmed you, and he loved it when you cried.
He was only about to cum when he stops, “Don’t wanna cum yet, Undress”
You messily remove your clothes and throw them on the floor, He picks your tiny figure up and smacks you on his desk, “I won’t go slow, hold me if you want”
He opens your wet folds with his girthy hands, and when he aligns his tip with your entrance, “Toji-san! You haven’t prepared me yet, it will hurt so much!”
“Shh, You can take it.”
Without a warning he pushes his entire length in your tight cunt, stretching you out and making you scream, and it hurt, but it was Toji and you wanted this, he was so big and handsome, it was a dream. Even better.
You could feel him, every stroke, his nerves and his size abusing your G-spot “Toji I’m gonna-”
Your mind goes blank, your eyes roll back into your head, white fluids surround his cock but he doesn’t stop yet and the overstimulation makes you yell, you clench harder around him, “Stop! I can’t go on!”
“You can, and you will, you’re doing so good for me baby, but there’s a lot left”
He kept up his pace, fast and hard, Shouting his name, he cums inside you, but this will go a little longer, because he’s tired and only you can charge him.
lol bye luv u guys !
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duskamethyst · 4 years
broken reverie.
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a/n: he’s not wearing glasses in this one.
word count: 3.9k
genre: smut, nsfw, college AU
warnings: taboo rs, slapping, spanking, choking, face fucking, brat taming (kind of), slight degradation, creampie, age gap (nanami reaching 40)
pairing: professor!nanami x f!reader
summary: professor nanami calls you to his office to ‘talk’ about your terrible performance in his class.
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maybe you went too far.
or else you wouldn’t have ended up in his office. 
but is this the outcome you coveted? yes.
the door creaks behind you before it closes again as you sit and wait in front of the big wooden desk. you were kind of excited when he told you to come and see him at his office earlier but now you’re having a whirlwind of emotions making your stomach churn and you don’t dare to look around to face him– even though he’s going to be sitting in front of you in a moment.
his shoes clack against the floor as he strides and sits on his chair. the air in the room feels dense when the male doesn’t say anything; as if you’re not in his presence to begin with.
he looks exasperated. a long, deep breath is emitted through his nostrils as he loosens up his tie from the collar. you only gawk at him in awe as he does so, but quickly snap out when he finally shifts his gaze at you. 
“so, are you going to tell me what’s going on?” he finally breaks the silence. the deep, husky tone of his voice fills your ear and you hope he doesn’t notice your thighs press against each other almost immediately.
“tell you.. what?” you mentally slap yourself. you’re clearly aware of what he’s insinuating but you’re suddenly lost for words. there’s a huge difference between seeing him in class and being alone together with him. it’s even more nerve wrecking than you imagined and oh god, is his ac broken? because it suddenly feels hot.
nanami raises a brow, evidently unamused. “i had the courtesy to make time for you when i should be having brunch now so i don’t appreciate you playing coy.” 
you gulp audibly, “i’m sorry, sir.”
“if it’s not clear to you yet, i’m talking about your grades.” he opens the drawer under his desk and pulls out a pile of paper before slamming it in front of you. you blink in surprise and flip through the pages, though you know you don’t need to see it when you already know what lies on them. there are a lot of red circles on the papers, namely yours, with huge unpleasant numbers on the corner ranging from 12% to 25%. 
then he takes out another file which you realize as your student record throughout your semester and the subjects you currently take. 
“i find it odd that you scored well for your other courses.” he skims through the pages. “you certainly didn’t cheat, i can tell.”
“no, of course not.”
“then, what’s the problem here?” his tired eyes bore into you as he waits for you to answer or come up with whatever excuse.
“well, i–” 
“you’re doing it on purpose.” he snaps.
it’s as if time comes to a stop. your cheeks heat up with humiliation and you can’t bring yourself to continue to look at him in the eyes. although you’re aware that your silence means compliance, you’re still jumbling up words in your head to deny his assumption. 
“are you going to tell me i’m wrong?” 
“yes– i-i mean–” you stammer.
“then enlighten me.” he glances at the branded watch donned on his left wrist. “we have time.”
you shake your head, “i have another class soon.”
“skip it.” he quickly retorts. “i’m sure you have no problems with that. your grades are doing well for that one, but certainly not mine.”
sweat starts to form on your palms as you look down on your thighs, purposely avoiding his eyes that hold nothing but so much intensity. you’re weighing between two options; to keep on bluffing or come clean. you don’t think that nanami would let you get off the hook if you keep on lying and you’d definitely be bombarded with more questions, yet the outcome of the latter would be so embarrassing and you don’t know if you can live it down for the rest of the semester.
you’ve fantasized about being alone with him but.. not particularly this way. 
gathering courage and taking a deep breath, you decide it’s best to just tell him the truth.
“you’re right,” you feel your ears burning, hands clammy. “i purposely failed your class.”
lifting up your head, you see the male grinning lopsidedly in his seat. maybe he’s pleased that you’re not wasting his time anymore, you’re not sure, he’s not easy to read.
“wasn’t that easy?” he folds his arms in front of his chest. “i have my own speculation but i wanna hear why you did it.”
“um,” you look down to your hands again, also half wondering what kind of bold assumption he has in mind. “i was dared by my friend.”
“wrong,” he scoffs. “and look at me while you’re talking.”
you sigh defeatedly and nervously fix your gaze. if you’ve learned one thing now, it’s that your professor doesn’t have tolerance for bullshit and he knows one when he hears one.
“i-i did it for.. attention.” 
“my attention?” he emphasizes, maintaining his stoic persona to mask his amusement of finding out that his speculation turns out to be indeed true.
you purse your lips in a thin line, nodding your head quietly. nanami remains to stare at you as he ponders in silence. you can hear your heart beating rapidly in your ears and you want to break eye contact so badly but you’re certain it wouldn’t be wise. 
“all that, just for a crumb of my attention?” he spits with a hint of venom in his voice. “are you happy with what you did?”
well, you’ve imagined him punishing you on his desk, fuck you raw or spank you with his belt until your ass turns red– not some serious interrogation.
“no, sir.” 
nanami props his elbows on the table, hands clasped under his chin to keep his head up. the air around him becomes even more threatening but it somehow manages you to feel even more aroused, making your toes curl in your shoes. you definitely need to get out soon.
“you know, if i have even one student failing my class, i could get into trouble and be questioned for my performance.” he starts. “to have you doing that for your own selfish incentive is unacceptable, don’t you think?”
“i’m sorry.” you mumble with meek.
“besides that, you might have to retake this course again for your next semester and it’ll waste your time– or..?”
you stay silent to let him continue.
“or you were intending to be in my class again so you can see me?” 
“y-yes.” you bashfully admit after one silent moment, knowing that lying will take you nowhere. “i’m sorry, sir.”
nanami chuckles, finding your naivety to be rather entertaining. never has he ever met a student like you, outwardly expressing their interest in him by failing their paper. he’s not too sure what you’re trying to get out of him but maybe he can put one and one together. it’s pretty common that younger women have an attraction to older men like him and your classmates are.. well, not exactly the best looking either. 
“are you?” he smirks cynically. “do you have any idea how many students i have to monitor? how tiring my job can be?”
“yes. it was inconsiderate of me. i’m sor–”
“show me.” nanami cuts you off and leans back on his chair. maybe he can push you a little bit, he thinks. you owe him this anyway.
you blink, perplexed. “what?”
“you kept saying sorry.” he undoes two of the buttons on his blue dress shirt and spreads his legs apart. “talk is cheap. show me.” 
you do a double take as he taps his thigh and waits for you to come over. you have the faintest idea of what he’s implying but your body freezes and your brain short-circuits as if paralyzed.
“you chose to lie again? you’re not really sorry, are you?” 
“no, no! that’s not it. i just..” 
an ongoing battle takes place in your mind– sure that this is a part of your deepest, darkest fantasy yet you’re just baffled over how quick nanami catches on to it. now that your debaucherous dream has become a vivid reality, you don’t know which is the right step to take. 
“but if not now, when?” a soft voice in your head whispers. if desire could embody a voice, you think this is it. gentle, yet seductive as if it attempts to give you a push to pluck and have a taste of the forbidden fruit. 
“how much longer do you have to touch yourself to the thoughts of your professor before you go to bed?”
“although this could be a one time thing, at least you’d know how it feels like.” 
you slowly get up from your seat and make your way towards him. nanami’s eyes trail up at you, down to the floor then back up at you; gesturing you to get on your knees.
you settle between his thick thighs and look up at him timidly through your lashes before you bring your hands to undo his belt.
“no hands.” he quickly demands. 
you lick your lips as you figure the structure of the belt and how you’re going to take it off without the aid of your hands. the taste of cold metal and leather instantly invades your palate as you feebly use your teeth to tug the front loop of his belt. your head shifts awkwardly side to side until you finally get to catch the buckle between your teeth, pulling it hard before the belt soon unfastens.
nanami only observes you indifferently from above, yet the large tent in front of you doesn’t conceal the excitement he currently possesses. 
you take a deep breath before you continue on succeeding your quest. you twist your neck as you find and tug on the fabric loop that holds the button.
“i know you’re a smart girl.” he praises as he rests his hand on top of your head while you struggle to lift up the zipper with your tongue and grasp it between your teeth. the simple praise inflates your confidence and you become more eager to complete your task so you can claim your awaiting prize.
with valiantness, you finally lock eyes with him as you pull down his zipper completely to reveal the huge bulge pressing against the fabric of his briefs and the tip slightly poking out from the top. 
“hm? you still have to take it out, no?” he smirks as he notices you gape at the outline of his cock. 
you quickly pull yourself together and lean back up to the stretchy band on his waist. he hisses when he feels your tongue purposely graze against the flushed tip before you pull down the briefs by force to reveal the one thing you’ve been desiring for so long. 
you press your thighs together as a dull ache forms in your core from the sight of his thick cock standing proudly in front of you. it’s nothing like you’ve ever imagined– it’s better and you’ve finally found it worth going through all that trouble of failing his class (and using your mouth to take off his pants).
“this is what you want, isn’t it?” he sneers, titling up your chin with his fingers, brushing your lips with his thumb and pulling the bottom lip apart so he can see a row of teeth.
“y-yes, sir.” you gulp and breathe as you wait for his next command. 
nanami’s lips tug into a conceited smirk, “suck.” 
leaning down your head to the base, you flatten your tongue underneath the shaft and slowly drag upwards in favor of reveling the veins on his hard cock. nanami lets out a sigh of content when he feels your tongue licking his tip and his hand tugs on your locks by reflex. you look at him as you wrap your lips around the tip, slobbering the tip with your saliva and his precum.
“fuck.” he curses under his breath and his head falls back when the warmth of your mouth finally engulfs his throbbing cock as you take most of the length inside your mouth.
you hollow your cheeks together, head bobbing up and down as you struggle to take more of his cock that you nearly choke whenever the tip hits the back of your throat, but the hand on top of your head grabs a fistful of your hair and he pushes your head down to sink all his length inside your mouth deeper. when you want to pull away, he only holds you in place and remains his cock down your throat. 
“through your nose.” he mutters. tears start to well in your eyes while your saliva just trickles down to his balls as he screws his eyes shut and relishes in the pleasure that washes throughout his body. “i needed this so bad, you know?” 
your whines only give him more stimulation and his hips jerk in response, “just wouldn’t think that a student– fuck– out of all people would choke on my dick.” he lets out a sardonic chuckle as if something just crossed his mind. “it’s wrong, but that’s what makes it feel so good, isn’t it?” 
nanami keeps you in the position as he ruts his hips slowly into your throat. his eyes are closed in concentration and his lips part slightly in fast and short pants. you work on your gag reflex as you let him fuck your mouth, enduring the sharp sting on your scalp when he tugs your hair harder– at least you know you’re making him feel good.
“if i cum in your mouth, you’d gladly swallow, won’t you?” 
you can feel his cock twitching when you let out a choke of assent from your throat but you splutter as soon as nanami abruptly pulls away his cock because of a sudden knock on the door that startles the both of you.
“get under the desk.” he urges and you quickly crawl to hide while he coughs and inches closer to his desk. “come in.”
you hear the door open followed by echoes of footsteps before it comes to a halt in front of his desk.
“didn’t i tell you to contact me before seeing me?” his voice is laced with irritation yet collected as he speaks. you can imagine the agitated look on his face, thinking it would be only natural for anyone to assume that he’s already having a bad day. and to them, interrupting the peak of his orgasm is most definitely not it. 
without a second thought, you take back his dick inside your mouth. a spur of triumph swells in your chest when you feel his body jolts in surprise. you think it’s only fair since he has choked you with his cock and what perfect timing to carry out your petty vengeance when the man is busy advising his student. 
however, nanami shifts on his seat to give you more access to take more length of his cock. he tries to stay composed as he feels your tongue gliding up and down his shaft but once the wet muscle prods against the slit, he emits an oddly sharp exhale. you can hear him almost stammering as he speaks and the way his tone changes to conceal the squelching sounds you elicit from underneath the table as you please his cock with zeal.
“so, i want you to fix the mistake and hmm..,” his hands ball into fists on the table as he takes a deep breath. “show me in class tomorrow.”
“sure. uh, are you okay, sir?” you hear the voice say. “you don’t look well.”
his eye twitches when your tongue wraps around his balls, taking one inside your mouth to suck harshly.
“yeah, fine.” he clears his throat. “thanks for asking.”
nanami only watches as his student turns to walk towards the door until the door closes behind him. once he’s sure that the student has left the door, he finally leans back on his chair in relief. 
“fuck.” he groans, glancing down at you as you look up at him innocently with doe eyes and your swollen lips wrapped prettily around his balls. yet, he looks dissatisfied more than anything. 
nanami grabs your arm and drags you out from under his desk until you’re on your feet, “i never took you as a fucking brat.” he lifts up your skirt and bites back a groan once he sees the damp patch on your panties. “did you touch yourself?”
you hum a ‘mhm’, feigning guiltlessness as he grazes his fingers on your inner thighs. 
“you’re just asking for me to touch you here, hm?” shivers run up your spine when his thumb ghosts over your wet slit and up to your clit.
“y-yes.” your breath hitches.
“begging for me to push your head on the table and ram my cock inside you?” he muses, pressing on your clit as he watches you squirm. “is that what you want?”
“please–” you roll your hips slightly to soothe the ache on his thumb but a hand comes down harshly on your ass, gesturing for you to stop in a fierce manner.
nanami chuckles mockingly, “well, that’s what exactly you’re not going to get.”
a whine elicits from your lips when he draws back his hands to his thighs and you glance at his dick; still throbbing and leaking precum from the florid tip. well, at least he hasn’t put it back inside his pants, so you still have a chance.
“come on. you haven’t shown me how much you’re sorry.”
with your inhibitions already flew out of the window, you stand in between his thighs, hoist the skirt to your waist and tug your panties to the side before squatting down to smear your slick on his dick. sparks of arousal swim through you as you grind your clit on the tip before you sink down, gasping as his thick cock stretches your cunt and down until you’re filled to the brim.
you glance at the male expectantly, waiting for him to move but he raises a questioning brow at you, “if you want something, work for it.”
not exactly what you sought for, but it should suffice. you begin to gyrate your hips slowly, adjusting to his size before you can pick up the pace. you fight the urge to hold onto him for leverage, in fear he wouldn’t appreciate the crumple on his expensive dress shirt later.
as you become more delirious, you start to hump his cock vigorously, whining like a bitch in heat as you feel every vein and ridges on his cock brushing deliciously against your walls. nanami lifts the hem of your shirt and brings it up to your mouth and you quickly catch it between your teeth. 
“the door isn’t locked, you know.” he muses, staring at your bouncing tits with half lidded eyes; mesmerized and thick with lust. “what’s going to happen if someone comes in and sees you bouncing on her professor’s cock like a little whore?”
a low, guttural sound rips from his throat when he feels your walls clenching around him in response.
“you’d like that, don’t you?” he smirks, tugging your bra down slightly and brushes his thumb against the erected nipple, making you mewl through the fabric in your mouth.
“you know you’re not supposed to do this but,” he brings up his thumb to caress your cheek. “you’re just so eager to please me, aren’t you?”
you sniffle in response, hands clutching on his solid thighs as you melt into his soft gaze before it’s gone in an instant.
“but i don’t like brats.” he sneers, drawing his hand away to slap your breast. “i don’t like people making my job harder. are you a brat?”
you shake your head, he slaps again.
“you act like one. stop lying.”
nanami tugs down the shirt from your mouth, a part of the fabric already drenched with your drool. his large hand circles around your throat while the other grips your hip firmly to roll your hip even faster on his dick. 
“oh– feels good–!” you moan wantonly, eyes rolling back as you let him control your body and assert his dominance over you.
“fuck it does.” he presses your throat tighter on the sides, restricting air from entering your lungs but your walls squeeze harder in retaliation. 
“bratty little bitch. clamping down on me like that.” he grits out and slaps across your face. what seems to be a rather harsh form of treatment, the pleasure filled sting and the lack of oxygen only fuel your arousal that you don’t even notice the way you hump on his cock has become more rapturous.
“getting off to this?” nanami slaps your other cheek before he lets go of his grip around your neck and you’re finally able to breathe air again. yet, he doesn’t spare you time to gather yourself before he promptly lifts up your hips and starts to pound inside your cunt relentlessly. 
the position causes you to tip to the front and you immediately hold on to him; face burying on the crook of his neck while his cologne fills your senses and sends you into a state of frenzy. 
“you like me using your tight cunt like that?” nanami grabs your ass for leverage, the angle allows him to fuck you so deep that you’re able to feel his cockhead kissing your cervix with each thrust. 
“y-yes–!” you cry, the pressure in your stomach building up as you inch closer to an orgasm.
“like it when i use you to take out my frustrations?” he spanks the meaty flesh; walls clenching tighter on his fat cock and more slick dripping down his balls. “you just want to be my little cocksleeve, don’t you?”
“yesyesyes– please–!” your body starts to tremble above him. “w-wanna cum–”
“then fucking cum.” nanami rams into your cunny faster, abusing the spongy walls until the pressure snaps and tips you over the edge. you moan breathlessly into his neck, while your pussy gushes and creams around his cock. 
“that’s a good girl,” he fucks you through your high, grunting and panting as he pushes through the pulsing walls in order to chase his high. “and good girls get rewarded, right?”
you hum in agreement, still dazed and swimming in ecstasy as you gawk at him with heavy lidded eyes; the sweat glistening his forehead and sharp eyes focusing on where your bodies join. 
“then you’re gonna get some huge load in this pretty pussy.” his pace begins to stutter, nails digging deeper into your skin before his cock twitches and his hips freeze as he paints your insides white with cum.
both exhausted bodies rest against each other, chests heaving as you and nanami take time to regain composure and come down from your highs. he lifts you up slightly to take out his spent cock and he tugs back your panties in place, not minding the cum that dribbles from your quivering hole. 
your legs tremble once you get off of him that you have to force yourself to find your footing as you fix your skirt while the older male pulls back his pants in place. 
“do your best for your next papers, no more of that bullshit.” he fastens his buttons and straightens his tie before raising his hands to brush against his sleek, light brown hair that’s mixed with a few strands of grey. “but if you have any problems, just come and see me in my office.”
nanami falls quiet for a brief second to contemplate and you straighten your back when you once again meet his icy gaze, “after hours.”
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enjoyed this piece? wanna buy me coffee? :)
duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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Imagine: You, a student at Kamar Taj, catch the attention of an unlikely person for a particular reason. (Yandere!Stephen Strange/Yandere!Doctor Strange x autistic!ADHD!fem!reader)
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*Not my GIF
(CW: Heterosexuality, slightly-big but legal age gap, magic violence, the dove isn’t dead. it’s only slightly injured, death threats but from the reader, executive dysfunctioning)
Author’s Note: This idea just came to me on a whim. So....I don’t know too much about Doctor Strange or Christine, but I saw MoM....six times. I decided I wanna expand my horizons maybe a little. 
Reader is 18+. Also Strange is autistic because fuck Benefit Cucumber for what he said about us autistic people.
You feel like you’re falling behind.
Even with all of your practice, you’re behind a lot of the other students because it’s not being taught in a way you understand. Even with Wong’s extra tutoring sessions, it’s still difficult to understand.
So you dive into as many books as possible, even breaking into Wong’s study, trying to understand the science behind it. Before you know it, you’ve made a whole-ass mind map and somehow end up hyperfixating on the multiverse. By the time you look up from your other mind map, it’s past midnight, you’re hungry, thirsty, and have to use the bathroom. 
As you attend to your needs, a certain sorcerer happens to pass by what you’re working on, but stops when he sees how extensive your research is. 
“This doesn’t look like Wong’s handwriting....” he ponders.
When you come back, you come to a halt and gasp. Strange looks up.
“Oh shit!” you exclaim. “I’m-I’m sorry, I....I know I’m not supposed to be in here, but....I’m just.....I--”
“You’re trying to understand the magic you’re struggling with,” he finishes.
You nod.
“Yeah....how did you--?”
“I’ve seen you struggle during lessons.....I suggest slowing down and focusing.”
“Already tried that, genius,” you scoff. “But ADHD and autism can be bitches sometimes.”
Strange studies your work some more.
“This is.....extensive,” he comments. “Have you been working on these all day?”
You nod.
“I’ve been trying to figure out if there’s some sort of formula or technique or science behind magic and how I can apply it to my studies, but then I got sidetracked when I saw a passage in a book about the multiverse, so I got caught on studying that. Did you know that there’s a theory that dreams are essentially ways to look into the lives of our multiversal selves? If that’s true, then there’s a universe somewhere where I’m the Sorcerer Supreme. However apparently some people aren’t able to dream because there’s only one version of them throughout the entire multiverse, so they have no multiversal selves to look at. One of these books mentioned that this is common in those who have the power to travel across the multiverse, which is very rare. I feel like I’m getting close to something huge, but I’m not sure what it--”
You realize you’ve been blathering on and stop yourself.
“Sorry, I--I tend to get carried away when talking about things I’m passionate about,” you apologize sheepishly.
“No, it’s....it’s fine,” Strange says, seemingly a bit dazed as he looks at you. “Listen, I won’t tell Wong you were in here, on the condition that you come with me to the Sanctum tomorrow.”
“Why would I go with you?” you ask bluntly.
“Because I have more books that you can read that may help your research.”
This catches your attention and you nod.
“Okay, I’m in.”
“Meet me by the entrance tomorrow morning at 7 am,” he tells you.
You nod and head off to bed. As Strange teleports the research to the Sanctum, he can’t help but think back to how passionate you were discussing the multiverse. It almost reminds him of....
“Christine,” he says in a low voice.
Yes....you remind him of Christine. But she’s married now, and in every other universe, it seems him and Christine are destined to fail as a couple. So if he can’t have her......
His mind begins to form a plan.
You wake up and head out to the entrance to Kamar-Taj as soon as possible. When you arrive, you see that Strange is waiting there.
“What about the research?” you pant.
“I teleported it to the Sanctum,” he answers before opening an orange portal. 
The two of you step inside into the Sanctum. While you take it all in, Strange sets up a few last minute things. 
“C’mon,” he says after a few moments. “I’ve got the study all set up for you.”
He takes you upstairs to a study and you’re blown away by the sheer number of books in it. 
“Is....is this really all for me to study?” you ask.
He nods.
“Go wild,” he says, indicating to the desk with your research on it and a pile of books to get you started.
Excitedly you rush over and dive right in, losing track of time. What feels like only a few minutes turns into twelve hours. The moonlight shines in the window of the study; that’s when you notice how musty it it. 
Going over to the window, you try to open it, but it shocks you with a sort-of orange magic. Yelping, you jump back and begin to worry. 
You rush over to the study door and find that it’s open. The hallways are quiet, so you sneak over to the stairs. You try to go down it, but find that you’re thrown back once again by orange magic. Then you attempt to portal out, but realize that your sling ring is missing. Your heart pounds wildly. You rush around the upper floor, desperately seeking a way out, but everything is blocked with orange magic.
“What the hell is going on?!” you whimper.
“Are you finished already?” a familiar voice asks behind you.
Yelping, you whirl around to see Dr. Strange and you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“Thank God. Strange, you need to help me. I’m trapped on the upper floor by this weird orange magic--”
Suddenly you stop as the memory of teleporting to the Sanctum resurfaces to the front of your mind.
“Orange magic....” you whisper.
“Is something wrong, (Y/N)?” he asks, stepping forward. 
You step back, realizing what’s going on.
“Strange, please....” you pant. “I dunno why you’ve trapped me here, but you have to let me go.”
“Why would I?” His voice sounds sinister, making your blood run cold. “Why would I when you’re so thorough about research that you’ve found answers to questions that sorcerers have been asking for centuries....Christine Palmer?”
“Wha....? That’s....that’s not my name--”
“Are you sure? Because you remind me so very much of her.”
Your heart is racing, and not in the good way.
“Wong won’t let this slide, you know,” you threaten. “He’ll get suspicious when I stop showing up to lessons and then you’ll be exposed.”
“I’ve already taken care of that,” he says casually. “I told him that I’m taking you under my wing for studies at the Sanctum.”
“....I-I’ll...I’ll...” You’re losing footing.
“You’ll what, Christine?” he asks. 
Anger seethes through you.
“I’ll kill you!” 
You lunge towards him, but suddenly find yourself levitating in the air, making you cry out.
“....I wouldn’t try that if I were you, Christine.”
He keeps you in the air as he walks you away from the stairs while you cry out, begging for him to let you go. He brings you into a grand bedroom and sets you down on the bed before putting a forcefield around you.
“Since you’re so insistent about running away from your future,” he tells you. “I’m going to make sure that you know where you belong in the present, Christine.....with me. Now get some sleep. I need you awake tomorrow for more of your research.”
He shuts your door, and you soon hear the click of a lock and see the doors glowing orange. Your heart sinks as you realize the truth.
Your fate is sealed.....
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hyuckilstan · 3 years
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Beautiful - C.Jh
Pairing: dilf!Choi Jongho x fem!reader.
Genre: smut, fluff
Warnings: they fuck against a wall :D, unprotected sex, thigh riding, lots and lots of kissing, praising, marking, daddy kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, strength kink, age gap. (I think that's about it)
Wc: 1.3k words
Summary: Mr Choi just couldn’t hold himself back after seeing you in your dress, and now you’re in his hotel room ditching his party.
a/n: Choi Jongho- this mf awakened my thigh kink so now here I am writing about him. Enjoyy ;-;
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Mr Choi looks good in his outfit, very good, he also thinks you look very breathtaking and gorgeous tonight, the tight dress he gifted for you to wear hugged your figure perfectly, showing enough cleavage and skin.
Normally he would never ever ever, let you wear such a dress in front of his horny ass acquaintances but when he saw you wear a dress like that in his dreams and how he could just rip it off of you, he had to see you in it and oh boy he could bust a nut immediately thinking of it.
You started in his company as his intern who would deliver his coffee on his desk everyday, and now you’re his fiancé, of course there were different complications, first of all, he was a busy busy man with priorities, children who were just only a bit younger than you, and a crazy ex wife, and the age gap shouldn’t be something to ignore (not like you care about it anyway), and his acquaintances who think you’re a part of a business they can simply ‘buy’.
Mr Choi didn’t miss to shower you with compliments the moment you were in his sight, “I’d like to thank all of your hard works and of course my gorgeous fiancé,” you watched him as he closed his ment, his voice echoed through the hall and all eyes fell on you, some shocked of how young you looked compared to basically everyone there, “This woman is my motivation, my strength and I would not have got here if it wasn’t for Y/N, I love you dear, cheers!” The sound of the glass clinking and applause filled the huge hall. Well that was how you were supposed to have spent the whole night, speeches and loads and loads of drinks.
But then Mr Choi and his impatient self just couldn’t wait to fuck you it seemed, because now you’re in one of the hotel he owns, you could say you are ditching the party now. The both of you went in the room hurriedly while making out, he closed the door shut once you were in and pinned you against the wall, holding your hands above your head.
He ripped the upper part of the thin material that barely did a good job at covering your breasts, you gasped out and he fondled with them, his thigh spread yours apart and you moaned when his thigh was in direct contact with your cunt, your hips moved on their own, seeking for any friction in your aching core, “Holy shit honey,” he snickered and attacked your revealed skin with wet kisses, “Don’t hesitate love, ride my thigh.”
You did as you were told and started chasing your high on his thigh, “You look so pretty getting off on my thigh.”
Mr Choi was a soft dom, that was for sure, he would never hurt his pretty baby, only wanted to make you happy and please you, he loved spoiling you. His free hand went to rip apart the remaining fabric and now you were completely naked, he started rubbing at your clit which tightened the knot in your stomach even more, moaning out his name and cursing out you continued riding your high.
“D-daddy I’m close,” you breathed out while he was sucking on your skin, he only hummed against your skin, mumbling for you to cum as you like, you let out a choked moan as your release stained his pants, the amount your essense not disappointing him at all, “You’re so pretty,” he kissed you, it was sweet yet full of need and lust. “You have no idea how crazy you make me go,” he chuckled when your hands tugged on his pants signalling him to take it off.
He finally took off his clothes as well, he turned you around, his hands still keeping yours at place, one of his hands slid down, grabbing your jaw to kiss you, then to your chest giving your breasts a squeeze, then to your hips, then to your ass squeezing it, you could feel his hot breath against your neck, this was way hotter than it should be and it aroused you more than it should.
His hand travelled up your hips once again and you let out a yelp as he turned you around harshly attacking your lips with his. He moaned in the kiss and you did too, he easily lifted you up, “Gosh I just wanna fuck you now,” he said into the kiss, “Then do it.” You could feel him smirk against your lips gripping on your ass tightly.
He aligned himself to your entrance and slowly slid in, you both let out sounds of pleasure once he did, you were surprised on how he could hold you up against the wall without any difficultly but you guess Jongho has always been that strong, but now you were focused on how good it felt to have him inside you.
He started thrusting up while also lifting you up and down, the pleasure was way beyond amazing, the way the tip of his cock hit your insides in all the right places had you dizzy, he kissed you when you found it difficult to hold in your moans, you were still in a hotel where people also needed some sleep after all.
He never seemed to get tired which once again surprised you, he was extremely strong, “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever met,” he praised you and kissed you, he loved kissing whether it was inside the bedroom or out.
But especially while having sex, he wouldn’t miss to cover your body with kisses, you moaned out when he hit that one good spot he knows that makes you go crazy.
He smiled to himself and started thrusting up that direction continuously making you a moaning mess, your head was thrown up against the wall, it felt so good and you had no idea it would feel this good.
“Daddy-” your sentence got interrupted when he suddenly thrusts up, “Yes love?” he asked still continuing to slowly bounce your body up and down. Your head was getting dizzy that you sould barely form words, “I’m close.”
The moment you said that he started going faster, deeper, and kissing and sucking on your skin harder. Your moans got louder as well not even caring about who heard you and who didn’t, once you let out your release once again you let out another loud moan, your chest heaving and down, hands gripping on Jongho’s biceps heavily.
But you didn’t realise he hadn’t came yet. Your nails scratched on his skin as he started bouncing you on his cock again. “Be a good girl for daddy can you?” He mumbles against your neck, you whimpered, feeling too sensitive after your orgasms.
“Yes daddy,” he smiled when he got your approval, “It won’t be long anymore, you’re being such a good girl, just hold on,” you nodded your head frantically clenching onto him, too overwhelmed by the overstimulation.
He hissed when you did so, and he carried you to the couch, and continued to fuck you there, as much as fucking you against the wall felt great, he wanted to chase his high faster, and so he did.
His hips snapped against yours and you were basically crying out at this point, “Daddy’s almost there honey.” His hips never faltered and he just thrusting in and out of your sensitive hole, he finally let out his own release and you felt thick robes of warm cum fill your hole.
He carried you inside the bedroom and laid your almost unconscious body there as gentle as he could on the unnecessarily huge bed. “I love you so much dear,” he said kissing your forehead and cheeks and then your lips.
“I love you too.”
The night was beautiful and you loved Mr Choi and having him by your side, he felt the same way about you. Both of you started falling in slumber, hugging each other closely.
“I can’t wait for the day I get to call you my wife.”
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©hyuckilstan 2022. All Rights Reserved.
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yikimiki · 3 years
poolboy jean and rich milf reader😫
> scorching (+18)
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⚠️ warnings: smut, age gap (22-32), reader is divorced (mentions of past infidelity), unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, rough sex, semi public, mixture of degradation and praise, lil bit of pregnancy kink, breast play, Jean calls reader “ma’am” as a joke // 2k words
Of all of the things that Jean expected to come out of a stupid summer job, this scenario was more of a hopeless dream than an actual, palpable desire. Because come on: what were the chances that, out of every copy-paste house in this boring high-class neighborhood, he’d be thrown into yours? Into the house of a ridiculously hot, rich, divorced woman that wanted him just as bad as he wanted her?
Pretty high chances, it seems.
His eyes are directed towards the clear blue waters of your pool, but his peripheral vision is focused on you. Jean can see your shadow moving behind the flowing curtains of your living room, the sound of glass and silver making him think of the sweet lemonade you had offered him just a few moments prior. It’s a abhorrent huge house that you have, and an even bigger loneliness ever since you got your divorce finalized and the kids started spending more time at school. It’s no wonder you call Jean twice a week even though there’s nothing left for him to clean. Not that he cares.
“I’m so sorry, sweets, I hope I didn’t put too much sugar,” your voice shakes him off his daydreams, and Jean takes the chance to look at your figure, all dolled-up and wrapped in that beautiful pink bikini, as you walk towards him. You’re such a gift from above, he can’t understand why your shitty ex husband needed to get his dick wet somewhere else. You look like everything he’d ever need. “I got a little distracted.”
He runs the back of his hand against his sweaty forehead, and grabs the icy cup. “It’s okay, thank you, ma’am.”
You smile. “I told you to stop calling me that, Jean,” you tell him. Yeah — you said it makes you feel old. But he doesn’t think you’re old: he thinks you’re perfect. If anything, time only made you look better, more mature. It has treated you kindly. “Aren’t you tired? Come get inside before you have a sun burn or something worse.”
An excuse is hanging right on the tip of his tongue, but he swallows it down along with the lemonade. Jean is tired of all those games, both of you know where this conversation is heading anyways. It’s going where it always goes. “Of course. I’ll be right there.”
Jean watches your ass move as you walk away, all those fake restraints washing away as that familiar, unspoken truth hangs between the two of you. You’ll go inside, he’ll follow, and he’ll fuck that tight pussy of yours until you’re begging for him to cum inside. It’s a perfect deal — and you don’t pay him any less.
Today, however, he thinks he wants to switch up that routine. Jean knows you don’t appreciate boredom: that’s why he’s there, after all.
“Ma’am,” Jean calls, even if he knows you don’t like it. You turn around before you can step inside, one hand on your hips and a frown on your face. “Don’t you want to enjoy the sun instead? It’s a beautiful day.”
There’s hesitation in the air as you immerse yourself in his words, into the hidden meaning they carry. Your shoulders tense up, then release. You look at the tall walls of your property as if to check if your noisy neighbors could get a glimpse inside, then turn your gaze back to him.
“You’re such a nice boy, Jean. You’re right,” you tell him, walking towards one of your sun-bathing chairs. “But only if you help me put on sunscreen.”
Not even in a million different universes, Jean would say no. So, within a minute, his pool cleaning equipment is forgotten and he’s sitting besides you on the chair, his big hands spreading the white lotion all over your upper back.
“You’re tense,” he murmurs, taking his chance at massaging your shoulders. You hum in agreement, melting into his touch as he digs into your warm skin. “Rough week?”
You sigh. “The worst,” you admit. Jean only clicks his tongue, squirting a little more sunscreen on his palm as he starts to move down, towards your lower back — he knows as well as you do that you’ve covered your whole body with sunscreen already, but, well, he likes to touch you as much as you like being touched. “Problems with the kids.”
“Sorry to hear that. Lay down for me?” Jean asks. You nod and lay on your stomach, placing the side of your head against your crossed forearms. He knows you don’t like to talk about your kids, even less with him, so he doesn’t push the subject. “Something I can do to make you feel better, ma’am?”
You laugh. “You can stop calling me that, Jean.”
He smirks. “I like to tease you.” His hands are now on your ass cheeks, spreading them between his palms as he poorly covers you with the thick sunscreen. You sigh under his touches, allowing for his hands to push your legs apart as he moves towards the back of your upper thighs. “And I like to make you feel good.”
“I know, baby, you always make me feel so good,” you praise. Jean dips one finger against the fabric of your bikini pants, pushing it aside. Your folds are glistening for him and, when he brushes against it, he can’t hold back the grunt that fights up his throat. “Jean?”
He blinks. “Yes, ma’am?”
“Look at me,” you call, and he listens. Instantly Jean feels as if the world is closing in around him, his very soul magnetized by the deep, luscious glow he sees in your eyes. They’re his favorite part of you, he thinks. They always make him feel like he’s so important, like he is your favorite thing to look at. “Really need you inside me right now, baby.”
Like magic, your words snap him out of his transe. Jean swallows dry, pushing your panties aside even further so he can watch as you soak yourself for him. He hasn’t even touched you there, didn’t even tease you, but you’re always so ready to take him. “Fuck, I need to be inside you too.” He almost chokes on air when you wiggle your ass, positioning yourself on your knees. His mouth salivates at the sight, and he aches to touch you. There is only one problem. “My hands are all dirty, let me just—“
“Just put it in,” you interrupt him. Jean knows you’re wet enough: he can see it. He doesn’t know what’s going on with you or why you’re so worked up, but he’s in no place to question it. “Please.”
He clears his throat. “Fuck, okay.”
Jean throws his tank top away like it’s on fire, only half-aware of the way your eyes burn onto his skin, watching the ripples of his defined muscles as he moves to undo his swim shorts. Jean is tall and considerably muscular, has no problem manhandling you around or fucking you as hard as he wants to. You don’t know what a guy his age sees in a woman like you (though you’re not looking bad at all, there’s a certain insecurity that comes with being ten years his senior), but, well, you’re also not in a place to complain.
“Hurry,” you whine, “I feel so empty.”
Your sweet voice almost makes him cum when he pulls his cock out, a groan perishing on his throat as he places himself on his feet behind you, meeting the scorching stone beneath. His strong hands hold onto your hips, moving you around until you’re sideways on the pool bed and his achingly hard cock is shoved between your plump ass cheeks.
“Beg for it, please,” he says. “You know I love it when you do.”
You want to laugh at the contradicting nature of his words. He’s such a sweet boy, even when he’s trying to be rough, it’s as if he can’t hold back the odd, loving devotion he feels for you even when he wants to destroy you in the best way possible. And of course you want to make him feel just as cherished. “Please, Jean,” you plead, pushing your ass back against him. Jean groans, grabbing his cock and rubbing it against your soaked folds. He bumps your clit with his tip once, twice, making you shiver in exasperation. The next time you beg, it’s completely genuine. “Please, I need your cock, please.”
Jean is not the most patient man ever, and this is no exception. He pushes his cock inside your pussy with a languid thrust, feeling as your walls clench around his girth the deeper he goes. He feels lightheaded, like his knees will give out at any moment, so he holds onto your hips for dear life as he begins to thrust. “Oh my god, baby, you feel so fucking good,” he moans, throwing his head back. Through his closed lids, the sun threatens to blind him, but he can’t even think straight. “Best pussy I’ve ever fucked.”
You collapse under his praise, your hands holding onto the plastic handles of your sun bathing bed as his thrusts become harder, needier. Your moans are loud, echoing around the backyard and mingling with the sounds of his heavy grunts. It’s only a matter of time before your neighbors hear something and accuse you of disturbing the peace or the innocence of their children and—
“Bet you fuckin’ like being so full of my cock,” Jean’s words cuts your paranoia off. “You couldn’t even wait for us to get inside, you just begged for me right here, where — shit, so wet — where anyone could hear you getting fucked.” He chuckles, leaning in until his muscular chest is pressed against your sweaty back, his mouth kissing up your shoulder until it’s aligned with your ear. Everything feels so hot, as if summer itself is living inside your skin. “Didn’t know you were so naughty, ma’am.”
“I’m not— fuck, I...” you can’t even find the words right now, not when his cock is drilling in and out of you so hard that your tits are falling out of your bikini top. Jean hums in satisfaction as his large hands cup your breasts, pressing upwards on your chest until you’re arching back, meeting him halfway. The new angle makes you shriek his name, cockhead pounding right into your sensitive spot until your vision goes black. “J-Jean! Oh my g-god... There, there— god, I’m... I’m so... c-Close.”
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me?” He husks, squeezing your breasts as you nod. It feels so good that you think you’re delirious, succumbing into the overwhelming heat of summer and the constant feeling of his fat cock splitting you open. He chuckles. “Bet you want me to cum inside too, uh? Give you another baby?”
“Yes, yes, I want it,” his filthy questions are shooting straight at your core, to the knot that tightens more and more at every second. Your entire body feels like it’s dancing in paradise, weak hands holding onto his larger ones as you become pudding in his grasp. “Gimme your cum, Jean, please, fill me up.”
For a second, he actually allows himself to fall into that fantasy: fucking his baby into you, watching you grow big and round with his kid. He’s sure he’d be a much better husband than that prick you married. But it’s just not gonna happen — he’s not foolish enough to believe it. So, for now, he does what he can, and, with another handful of thrusts, Jean comes hard inside your pussy, shooting his cum again and again until the feeling of it dripping out makes you reach your own high. You moan and shake as you come down, chest heaving and cries of delight echoing past the chirping of birds, into that boring, copy-paste neighborhood that Jean has learned to love so much.
It’s only when he regains his breath that he speaks up again. “So,” Jean says. “Same time next week?”
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fandom-imagines · 3 years
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Professor!Snape x Student!Lupin!Reader
Warnings: Teacher x Student relationship
Words: 1.7k 
Note: Waddup it’s 5am and I wrote a Snape fanfiction after months of being incredibly unmotivated.
Despite the immense age gap and house difference, Y/N had felt a pull towards the trio ever since they joined Hogwarts a few years earlier. Although it caused an annoying amount of hate from her house, Y/N didn’t care; protecting the three Gryffindor’s felt like her life purpose, even if her boyfriend, secret boyfriend at that, appeared to hate them all.
“Severus, you can’t just bully the poor kids. They’re only thirteen!” She said with an exasperated sigh. “Come on… for me?” The witch continued, a pleading look on her face, one which the potions master simply rolled his eyes at.
“Don’t try that with me, Y/N.”
With one small huff, she admitted defeat. “At least be nicer?”
“I suppose I can agree to that.”
To her, the younger students were like family; her younger siblings, even if one of them did have a huge, and obvious, crush on her. It was sweet, truly.
“Seriously, Y/N/N, I’ll be fine.” Harry smiled softly, a light blush dusting his cheeks when she ruffled his hair.
“I’ll keep an eye out for you, Harry.” She said with a wink before picking up her potions book, having been studying at the table with the trio during their lesson – as approved by Snape himself, and left, blissfully unaware of the eyes following her.
Harry let out a longing sigh. “She looks just like a dream, doesn’t she? I mean, come on, she must be the prettiest girl that I’ve ever seen.” Harry himself was also unaware of the eyes staring at him, someone who couldn’t say anything due to his agreement with Y/N: Severus Snape.
“She is quite pretty,” Hermione nodded in agreement, “but be real, Harry, she’s in her last year here and is four years older than you!” She continued, her words being something Snape agreed with for once in her time at the school.
“Yeah, she is,” Ron also agreed with his friends.
With a roll of his eyes, the professor strolled towards the talking trio, shoving the boys’ heads down in a silent warning to be quiet or they would face one of his awful detentions.
The four of them - Y/N, Ron, Hermione, and Harry – were seated in the grounds. A book was in Hermione’s hand, probably studying for the upcoming potions exam, whilst Harry and Ron were chatting about something probably unimportant as per usual, and Y/N’s eyes were resting on a group of students, ones which reminded her of her father and his friends: the marauders as they were commonly known back in the days, not that she knew that, of course. She only knew the stories that her father had told her; she didn’t even know their names, yet somehow this group reminded her of her father in his younger years.
“Good afternoon, Professor Lupin,” Hermione greeted with a smile, finally looking up from her book.
“Hello, Hermione,” he also greeted the third year, worriedly glancing over towards his daughter. Not that he would say anything considering nobody but Dumbledore knew of their relationship, as expected.
“Oh, hi, Professor.” Y/N said upon noticing him. “How are you today?”
“I’m quite alright, Y/N. How are you?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
The five of them sat in silence for a moment before a familiar dark-haired man walked past them, desperately avoiding their gazes, particularly Y/N’s which left her confused and worried that she had done something.
“I’ll be back soon,” were her finals words before rushing to catch up with her lover, leaving behind confused friends and father.
The dungeons were cold, goosebumps rising on the Slytherins arms, and she internally cursed herself for not wearing a jacket this weekend.
She lightly knocked on the dungeon door, gently opening the door to the empty classroom where Snape sat, marking essays.
“Hey,” Y/N said softly, an almost whisper. “You okay?”
He looked up at the girl, a smile almost forming on his lips at the sight of her, but not yet visible.
“Hello,” he replied, ignoring her second question whilst watching her pull up a stool opposite him at the desk.
“What’s up?”
“I didn’t realise you were so close to the Dark Art’s teacher,” came his simple response as he began marking the paper in front of him.
“Wait,” the witch paused for a moment, “are you jealous?”
Snape rolled his eyes at her question yet avoided her gaze which gave away his answer considering he wasn’t one to typically do that.
“You are! Oh, Merlin, I’m sorry. I uh-” Hesitation was evident in her voice, earning a confused look from the man. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this but, he’s my father.”
She watched him closely for any sort of reaction, worrying when his entire body tensed.
“I see,” came his blunt response.
The two sat in silence for a few moments, a silence which was both comfortable yet uncomfortable at the same time. It was almost as though he was deep in thought; perhaps too deep to even acknowledge her presence. The look on his face made her feel somewhat afraid to speak up. She wasn’t afraid of him, not at all, but she feared rejection from the man she loves so ardently. So, instead of speaking, she decided to enter her own thoughts.
She wasn’t entirely sure if he reciprocated her feelings. Sure, he liked her, but she wasn’t sure if he loved her, despite being together for almost a year now which was why she didn’t want to say anything that could potentially scare him away.
“Are you okay?” He asked, finally noticing her being deep in her own thoughts.
“Do you love me?” Came her unexpected words, shocking both of them and causing a blush to run up her cheeks.
He hesitated for a moment, despite knowing that the answer was definitely yes.
“I think you should leave,” he said bluntly out of mere panic at the thought of expressing his true emotions.
She swallowed harshly, silently nodding and exiting the room, leaving behind a frustrated – only at himself – Severus behind, too afraid to go after her out of pure fear. He couldn’t express his emotions, that would be a weakness, especially now he knows that her father is a man he hates.
“If you’re going then I’m coming with you guys!” Y/N stated as Harry and Hermione tried to convince her to go back to the castle and let them help Ron.
There wasn’t time for debate, the duo simply nodding before the three of them rushed after Ron, desperate to save him.
“Peter Pettigrew!” Sirius Black yelled, pointing towards Scabbers who was being held tightly by Ron.
Y/N was stood in front of the trio in a vain attempt at protecting them, although it was becoming crystal clear that Sirius had no intent of hurting Harry; she trusted her father with all her heart, so if he trusted Sirius with Harry then she did too.
The door to the room swung open, revealing Severus, the man who had been ignoring Y/N for the past week. He was worried, an expected reaction for a man who had figured out his girlfriend had followed the Golden Trio to find Sirius Black.
“Well, well, look who we have here.” He snarled, pointing his wand towards Sirius and Remus who, in his mind, were a threat to the four students, although his primary focus was protecting Y/N. “Sirius Black and his husband. Helping an old friend into the castle, are we, Remus?”
Y/N’s eyes darted between the three men, worry forming on her face, still trying to protect the trio.
“It isn’t like that, Severus,” Remus attempted to calm the potions teacher, having noticed this stress on everybody’s faces. “He’s innocent!”
Without Hermione realising, Harry had taken her wand and pointed it at Sirius.
“Expelliamus,” he spoke, switching the wands focus to Snape who flew backwards.
“Severus!” Y/N yelled, rushing towards the unconscious raven-haired man leaving everyone confused besides Remus who understood immediately, eyes widening but not saying anything just yet.
The reveal of Scabbers’ true identity went through the girl’s head without a second thought, her main focus being the unaware man. When the rest of the crew ran off, she stayed. She always would stay.
When his eyes shot open, a groan leaving his lips Y/N was quick to ask if he was okay, earning a simple nod from him.
“Come on,” she muttered, helping him to his feet. “We need to find them.”
Exhaustion took over Y/N’s body the following day as she sat in the Slytherin common room with a few friends, dark circles beneath her eyes and a splitting headache running through her head. The conversation with her friends was too interesting that she didn’t notice the portrait swing open and the head of house enter to room, strolling up to the group and clearing his throat to gain their attention.
“Can I speak to you, Y/N?” He asked, an unnoticeable nervous look in his eyes.
“Sure, Professor,” she said, following him through the portrait he had previously entered through.
“What is it?” Were her first words as she took a seat beside him by his command.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine…?”
He shook his head in somewhat of an annoyance.
“It was a tough night, are you sure you’re okay?”
“Are you? You took quite the hit to the head.” She said, dodging the question much like he had an earlier day when she asked if he was okay.
“I am,” he said, deciding to let her avoidance slide, knowing that she most likely didn’t want to talk about it right now, and that was okay. He would always be there for her.
A silence formed between them, Severus choosing his next words carefully.
“You asked me a question,” he stated.
“Did I?”
He hesitated. “You asked if I love you.”
A bright red blush formed on Y/N’s cheeks, and she simply shrugged.
“I do love you, quite dearly at that.”
Her eyes widened, blush darkening at his words. He could never understand how much that meant to her.
“I love you too, Severus. Even if my dad knows about us now, he can’t change that.”
“I’m glad,” he said, a small smile on his lips at her words.
“Yeah, you better be.” While her words were teasing, which he knew, he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
His rough hand reached out for hers, grasping it with such gentleness one couldn’t picture him being capable of.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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y0umgsandwiche · 2 years
“Tonight, Tonight”
Lt. Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Fem!Reader
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This is my first ever story here on Tumblr, so please don’t expect much. I hope that y’all enjoy this, my inbox is open for comments, suggestions and requests. This story is also inspired by parts of West Side Story, hence the title. I hope y’all enjoy reading this!
Summary: The reader, a new immigrant, just moved to Miramar, CA, and was forced by her brother, a good friend of Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, to go to a date with his friend to the Hard Deck, where she finds herself fall for someone else.
Warning/s: Huge age gap + hangman in this story is a softie + hangman being hangman + (maybe) terrible writing
Word Count: 4.1k
Leaving my country and heading off to "The Land Freedom" is probably the dream of the majority back in my motherland. Luckily, I was one of the people who got the opportunity to go out. Just to iron things out, I am not saying that everything was like burning hell back there, but let's just say that if you stay there it's like you will be trapped where there ain't no future. Only a few thrive there: the rich ones, the ones who have the fame and the fortune, the people who have connections on the inside— for people like me, yes, we do survive, but if you tend to dream for something bigger, it would be best to hop on a plane. As per my family, we weren't poor, but I am not gonna say that we were rich either, my family's different business ventures made us survive, even enough to put some extra into our savings. However, I knew that I wouldn't flourish there as an individual, hence why when I got the chance to leave, I immediately took it. Prior to moving here, in an attempt to make myself fit in faster, I tried to make myself not to at least sound so foreign, which meant that I trained myself to not have an accent when I talk. When I got here, my brother and his girlfriend welcomed me into their place, letting me have my own room. It was quite a blessing for me because it meant that I can save up a lot more since my rent and utility costs are almost cut into half, at least for the first few months or years of my stay here.
"Y/N," I heard Rachel, my brother's girlfriend, call out my name. "Anton will be here with Rooster any minute now."
I was standing outside, at the balcony of my room, staring straight at the harmonious colors of the setting ball of fire. It was my favorite time of the day, there was just something about it, giving me a sense of calm, even just for a few minutes. I enjoyed staring at it, and being a photographer who is trying to make a name, this is definitely my most preferred time for any type of portrait session. I often take shots of this type of scene alone as well, everyday actually, and I do not miss a day. Just like what my father told me when I was younger, "No sunsets are the same, the lighting, the colors, and the placement of the clouds will always make it unique." 
Hearing my doorknob click and my door squeak open, I looked at the woman who entered, as expected, it was Rachel, looking as gorgeous as ever. She was wearing a bright, warm toned sundress that complemented her overall physical features. Her presence in front of me made me question my appearance, if I was even good enough to be Rooster's date. It's not that I like Bradley, I have to give it to him, he is pretty hot, I just doubt that setting us up together would even lead to romance. Rachel and Anton introduced me to him, and I have scratched some surface information about him thanks to my numerous encounters with him, plus the conversations that I’ve had with Maverick, Amelia and Penny regarding the man. He also gave a good first impression, but let's be real here, all of those are worth a second glance. Who knows if we are secretly the total opposites, or we might have only a very minimal amount of similarities. Besides, I have learned from my ex that sometimes the ones who seem great are a nightmare to date. I also believe that I should just wait, for now at least.
"They're almost here—" Rachel stopped on her tracks as she looked at me. "Why haven't you finished doing your makeup?"
"Don't overreact, I just didn't put on my lipstick," I answered as I walked towards my desk to apply some matte whipped lipstick onto my lips. "I don't even look pretty, unlike you."
She sighed, "You look amazing, Y/N. You just need a necklace to complete your look."
She tried to scour my belongings, searching every single drawer at my desk. If she wasn't like my best friend, I would definitely be mad, but she is actually like my only close friend here. After rummaging through my table, not having any luck finding what she wants, she headed towards my nightstands, trying to find a necklace that is not "too simple". When I thought that she gave up, she smiled, taking off her own necklace that her Uncle Maverick gave her. It was a gold plane necklace that looked a lot like an F14 Tomcat. She slowly placed it on my neck, and then led me to the only mirror, a full sized one, in my room. As I took a look at myself, it really did add a lot to what I was wearing. It really went well with the short sleeved, cream colored linen cropped top, that coordinated with the cream linen wide legged pants. 
"You look like a stunner," she said with a grin pasted on her face. "Rooster will definitely have his eyes glued on you the entire night."
I let out a deep sigh, "Why do I even have to go with him? I can choose a guy for myself. I'm twenty one, and I'm totally capable of looking for a guy for myself. I can even just go alone, as a normal guest— as a friend. Don't you guys even think that Rooster is not just a bit, BUT A LOT older than me?"
"Age doesn’t and will never matter, and Uncle Mav has known Rooster his entire life," she chuckled. "He's a really nice guy, and an amazing fighter pilot. He proved that he is not afraid of anything, but since everyone is afraid of Anton, he is too."
"But I'm not," I said plainly.
"And yet you are here going on a date with Rooster," she laughed.
"I am gonna go to MY FRIEND'S birthday at the Hard Deck," I smirked.
Just as I closed my mouth, we heard Anton shouting our names from the ground floor. I quickly grabbed my black fanny pack, and wore it across my chest. As much as I wanted to say that I was going for a bit of a classy look, I did not want to overdress, and I thought that the bag that I would use could do the job of downgrading my look, even just a bit. Having a final look of myself in the mirror, I was pretty satisfied with how I looked. Rachel, on the other hand, went to their room to get her own personal belongings as well. With that, I waited for her to go out of the room, and went down together.
"Wow," I heard the two men say with their jaws dropped down, eyes fixed to our direction.
As expected, the official couple had their tiny little session, not caring even if Rooster and I were there in the same room with them, leaving the two of us to just awkwardly stare at them and let out a silent laugh. They quickly left the porch, and went to their car, which leaves me to assume that I will be riding with Bradley to the bar— alone.
"You are pleasant looking," he said.
"Pleasant looking?" I chuckled, raising an eyebrow.
"No," he blushed. "What I mean is that you look attractive, desirable, stunningly beautiful—"
"I'll cut you right there," I smiled. "Happy birthday, Bradley."
"Thank you," he replied. "Let me lead you to the car."
He offered his arm, which I gladly accepted. We headed out the door, which I locked, and off to his Bronco. He opened the passenger's door for me, assuring that I would not hit my head as I entered his fabulous ride. Whoever said that chivalry is dead was wrong, not for him, oh no, it was definitely more than alive, with this guy at least. I mean, even with the other times that we have been together, you can definitely see how much he respects women. He gave me a sweet smile when he asked if I was good to go before he closed the door.
The ride to the Hard Deck took approximately ten minutes at most. It wasn't too far from our place, the only reason why it took us that long were the countless stoplights and stop signs found along the way. Seeing the facade of the Hard Deck, I immediately noticed how the parking lot was far from empty. Tonight it was filled with a lot of different cars, from vintage ones to new models, you can take your pick. I assume that every single one of them are probably here for Rooster's birthday celebration, which happens to be my first party here as well. After parking his vehicle, he got out of his car, and jogged to my side, opening the door for me. Once again, he offered his arm, "You ready?"
"I am," I said, slinging my arm to his.
We made our way to the bar, swinging the two-door-opening entrance together, revealing the numerous happenings in the bar, people chatting with each other, some already making out, and the group that I assume to be the aviators, because of their uniform and badges, playing pool. To be frank, despite the fact that I've been here for a couple of months now, I never really entered this bar. Indeed, I would pass by, but I never dared to enter. So this is what the inside looks like, it looks pretty cool.
As corny as it might sound, everyone randomly burst into song, singing happy birthday the moment they saw Rooster enter the bar. It was such a gleeful sight, seeing everyone wearing a smile on their faces. It just shows how much of an amazing person this man beside me is. We continued walking, with him leading me towards the aviators. Once everyone finished their music number, Rooster shouted a thank you.
"Who do you have here," a man said, who I believe is Payback— that is if my memory of Maverick's photographs and stories serve me well.
"Everyone meet Y/N," Rooster introduced me, as I disconnected my arm to shake everyone's arms, properly introducing themselves to me.
"Aren't you a bit too young for Rooster here," Payback—now I'm sure— commented, as he shook my hand.
"Oh, we are not a thing!" I defended the current state of relationship that I have with the man that I came here with. "We are, let's say... just friends."
"I'm Phoenix," the woman amongst the sea of men said. "I'm sorry for how my colleagues act, but they're nothing compared to Bagman," she looked around for the said man. "Who happens to be late."
"Oh, I'm fine," I smiled at Phoenix. "I can take care of myself."
"Another tough cookie, I see." She smirked.
We all then conversed, along with some slight trash talking, as we all played pool chugging bottles of beer down to the brim. When I believe that everyone got bored of the game, we all headed to the vacant piano, sitting at the middle of the bar. Rooster and I sat beside each other, then he gently placed his fingers on the keys, then eventually played—as mentioned by the aviators, even Penny and Maverick, Rooster's world famous performances— "Great Balls of Fire". It began with just him singing, then I joined, harmonizing with him, and finally everyone began to chime in. If you looked at us from the outside, it looked a lot like we were having this really fun sing-along.
"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" Everyone sang, some shouted, ending the song.
Every single one inside cheered, springing such joy into the atmosphere of the Hard Deck. The party went on with Rooster playing another song. Although I highly doubt that he heard me excuse myself and eventually leave my seat, due to how happy he was, I was so glad to see him with such bliss. He looked as if he was really enjoying living in the moment, something that I wish I could do.
Making my way through the partying crowd, a tall, handsome man, who appears to be staring at me since the moment that I was singing along with everyone else, caught my attention. He appears to have a perfect tan skin, blonde hair, and a body that has a built of a Greek god's. Without any idea, my legs began to voluntarily walk towards the direction that he is going to, with the both of us not breaking any of the eye contact. It was as if the world stopped moving, that the people became a blur, that the loud sounds of the club suddenly deafened. It was just the two of us, like some type of force is pulling us away from the sea of people, taking us somewhere we could share a moment to talk or whatever, alone together.
We both ended up outside the Hard Deck, the part of the bar facing the ocean. It was a lot calmer, yet darker, with only the lights coming from the facade and the interior of the building behind us, giving a minimal glow just enough for us to see a bit of the Pacific shore right in front. You could hear the serene sound of the waves crashing against the coastline, whilst the gentle breeze blew in a very tranquil manner. It was as if this meeting happened to be a scene from a movie. This particular stranger and I stood beside each other, not saying a word to each other. To be honest, I really did not know what to say.
"It's so funny how I wasn't planning on showing up tonight," the stranger said, breaking the silence between us.
"You don't like parties?" I asked, with a small smile on my face.
"No," he chuckled. "I mean, yeah. I like it a lot, actually. It's just that—"
"You're taller than I expected," I vomited those words, as if it is something that one would casually tell someone that they just met.
"Yeah I know," he laughed, sexily, may I add. "And you're not."
I blushed, "You're a pilot."
He looked down to meet my eyes, "You're just figuring that out?"
"I wasn't so sure if you were a pilot or a weapons system officer at first," I replied, staring into his shiny green eyes that I could swim in. “Especially from down here, although that does not have any connection with anything that I am saying.”
"Is that okay," he smirked. "That I'm a pilot."
"I don't know," I replied, dumbfounded, realizing how this man in front of me looks so damn perfect up close. "I've never seen you before. This is my first party here in Fightertown, so you tell me. Is that okay?"
"There's not much I can do about it, so—" I cut him by crashing my lips onto his, something that I just did without thinking what the consequences might be. This is the very first time that I have applied what Maverick frequently tells me, to just do something because there are times when you don't have the time to think about going for it. Don't think, just do. Surprisingly the man kissed me back.
"Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice shout my name. Amelia.
The two of us disconnected from our kiss, and I swiftly jogged towards where I heard the sound from, with the stranger following me from behind. Our entrance caught the attention of multiple people, most of them were probably just curious of who entered, but it was a lot different for my brother. He walked to the man's direction with such rage, as if he was ready to kill him right there. I have to admit that my brother is a great boxer, but sometimes, I am beginning to think that he believes that the world is his four cornered ring. 
"What were you doing with my sister," Anton grabbed the man's collar. "She ain't one of your girls to bring to your bed, Seresin."
The man smirked, in a cocky manner, a lot differently from how he acted when we were alone outside, "What do you think did I do to her? Maybe you wanna ask your sister if she liked it."
"Hangman," the aviators shouted when they saw my brother ready to fight the then-stranger.
Everyone rushed to us, trying to break Anton and Hangman. In that very moment, I realized who the devilishly handsome man was, and as annoying and embarrassing my brother might be at that moment, I kind of understood where he is coming from— the man that I just kissed was the "ladies man" of the crew; he is the one has a revolving door of women. Let's just say that he does not have the best reputation when it comes to the female species, he might even have a "lost and found" box of the things that the women he slept with left at his place. Part of me ached, knowing that I could just be one of the women he used his charm on, and someone he will eventually forget after who knows; however, a huge portion of my heart believed in what we shared earlier, it was  something very genuine to be precise. I know that after the only relationship that I had, my family, especially my brother, became more protective over me, but I think that I can definitely handle myself. I know that I am capable of making my own decisions, and I am willing to learn from those. I do not need to be treated like a baby. Looking back at the scene, fortunately, the two got separated and the fight did not escalate further. 
Phoenix then came rushing over me, "Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?"
"I'm good," I said with a smile painted across myself as I felt Hangman stare at me.
She gently patted my back, and joined the group of aviators once again, but now with Hangman. Trying to brush off the incident, I walked towards the counter, sitting on one of the vacant stools, studying the moves of the man that I kissed earlier. Although I know that I was whining about the huge age gap between Rooster and I, there was no doubt that the difference between Hangman and I would be far as well, more or less the same with Roos, to be honest. However, I have never felt anything near the same with anyone that I have met in my life. Nobody made me fall in love the second I glanced in his direction. He has the ability to make me drown with his eyes alone. He captured my heart the second I saw him.
"Anything you wanna drink tonight, sweetie?" Penny asked, distracting me from my thoughts.
"Actually, I'm gonna go home," I replied, my eyes still locked on Hangman. I stood up from the stool, and immediately made my way to exit the bar. 
Walking home alone, I literally could not take away the things that had happened between Hangman and I. It was as if he was some sort of drug, making me want more of him, and see where this will take us. He makes me feel like a lead character in the movies, or a musical, where I could just burst into song in a very cinematic manner. I am consumed by the fighter pilot. My mind began to fly and zone out further, imagining a lot of what ifs between us, but then it all ended when I remembered what had happened between Anton and the man that I am now drooling over. I do not want to damage anything between us siblings. With all of those thoughts, I did not realize that I already reached my place. 
As I reached my room, I got so frightened when I heard chilling sounds of a person attempting to climb our house, towards the balcony of my room. In panic, I quickly grabbed the Swiss knife from my bag, swiveling any of the sharpest tools there open. I stepped out to inspect who it might be, and as I opened the door, it was the exact time that the person reached my eye level as well. To my surprise, it was Hangman, standing by the ledge, with only his strong, muscular arms holding him not to fall.
"What are you doing here," I asked, in such a state of shock, closing my knife, keeping my distance— who knows if he came here to murder me. "My brother is gonna kill you if he sees you. How did you even know where I live? And how did you get here so fast? Are you gonna kill me? Or are you just gonna make me one of your one night stands? Because I am not in for any of those."
"I'll make your brother like me, everyone likes me," he smirked. "You walked, remember. And I know where Anton lives, so when he said that you were his sister, I just kind of assumed that you lived near him or with him. That's why when you entered this house, and this room lit up, that's when I knew that I was in the right place. And no, I won't hurt you, trust me. You won’t be one of those girls.”
"There's nobody that everyone likes," I looked at him. "You have to go before he gets home. How can I even trust you? I don't even know your real name."
"Runaway with me," he simply stated.
"Maybe tomorrow I’ll run away with you," I chuckled. "Where?”
"Uhhmm... Wait, I can’t see you," he said, moving towards the spot with the best lighting during this night time in my balcony. 
I paced towards where he was trying to go to, “What’s your name?
"I’m Lieutenant Jake Seresin. I promise you that I will not in any way hurt you. You've changed me,” he said as he stopped moving.
I gulped a huge chunk of my own saliva, "I’ll see you tomorrow, Jake.”
"Promise me," he smiled, a sweet smile that can make you melt. "Promise me that you’ll see me tomorrow. Nobody else, only me.”
"Only you, you're the only thing that I'll see forever," I reciprocated the smile. "In my eyes, in my words, and in everything but you ever."
"And there will be nothing for me but Y/N, every sight that I'll see will be Y/N," he moved a bit closer to me.
"Always you, every thought I'll ever know," I took the necessary amount of steps to reach the edge. "Everywhere I go, you'll be."
"All the world is only you and me!" We both said at the same time.
"Tonight, tonight," I blushed, remembering what happened earlier. "It all began tonight. I saw you and the world went away. There's only you tonight, what you are, what you do, what you say."
"Today, all day I had the feeling that a miracle would happen, I know now that I was right, for here you are, and what was just a world is a star, tonight!" Hangman finally climbed into the balcony. 
"Tonight, the world is full of light," I said in awe of his presence, that he was already standing in front of me.
"With suns and moons all over the place," he followed me, wrapping his arms around my body. "Tonight, the world is wild and bright, going mad shooting sparks into space."
"Today, the world was just an address," I looked up to meet his eyes. "A place for me to live in, no better than all right, but here you are and what was just a world is a star tonight."
The two of us shared a kiss, with sparks all over. His lips, unlike earlier, were now slightly chapped, yet still soft. You could feel the love, the need from him, something that I am needing and wanting as well. All I wanted at that moment was him, Jake Seresin, to be engulfed by this very fine man kissing me. Our arms enveloping each other as if we really needed the presence of one another. Again, if this were a movie, a sweet, melodious song would play, probably accompanied by a choreographed fireworks sequence in the background. The two of us disconnected, both gasping for air, but still with grins on our faces. 
I know that he was an experienced man, and it is just too good to be true for someone like him to like me. If you told me that these things will happen tonight, I would've probably smacked you in the head, telling you that you are losing your mind. However, being able to experience it was a lot different. I am actually living in this moment, and it is just very hard to explain, I could just be with him forever, and I wouldn’t mind.
“Y/N!” I heard my brother’s voice shout. He probably arrived when I was so into the moment with Jake. “We’re home.”
I pulled myself to reply, “Okay, sleep well!” I turned my attention back to Hangman, “Tomorrow.”
He looked down at me and smirked, “What time?”
“I don’t know,” I blushed at my stupid answer.
“Meet me at the Hard Deck at sunset,” he said as he kissed my forehead.
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