#I don’t even have to watch that ehhh movie
adrinoir · 1 year
The Miraculous Movie was different than the series…and that’s okay!
I watched the movie this morning and loved it! I think it’s important to talk about the changes that were made and what impact they had.
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How the characters were rewritten
There definitely was a difference in how the characters were written in the movie, and some of the redevelopment of characters was really good!
Gabriel was by far the one who had the best redevelopment of his personality. Gabriel in the series is awful, as we all know.
In the series, he barely gives a shit about his own son, like there is absolutely nothing redeemable about his character. In every “what if” episode and the season 5 finale, Gabriel does not show any regret to hurting people, including his own son.
However, in the movie, Gabriel actually makes a better attempt to communicate with Adrien and, most importantly, feels strong regret when he hurt his son. He cries; he feels remorse for destroying Paris and injuring Adrien in the process. He hugs Adrien (along with the spirit of Emilie 🥹) and decides to stop being Hawk Moth. It was beautifully done. He got a redemption arc that he never got in the series. I know I personally felt so good watching that and seeing the relationship between him and Adrien being repaired.
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Marinette was her usual clumsy self, but was written as having no friends at school because she embarrasses herself so much. In a way, it makes more sense than her being so popular like she is in the series. Kids in high school can be pretty judgy and ruthless. So it makes sense for the “clumsy girl” to be made fun of and judged by people who don’t know her well.
Adrien was different in a lot of ways. He wasn’t shown running to school to gain freedom. He wasn’t introduced as being a super model who’s friends with Chloe. Instead, he’s already going to the school, he’s already friends with Nino, and he happens to run into Marinette at the library. He doesn’t have that same chemistry with Marinette as he does in the series which is a bit odd that they took that away, but it does make sense that he’d turn her down when she asked him to the ball, since he loves Ladybug. In the movie, he very clearly sees Marinette as just a friend and it’s shown that he’s building a friendship with her without him developing a crush. It’s different but still wholesome, especially when he shows her the old family photo to her. Plus, it evens it out well since Ladybug obviously turns Cat Noir away but they’re still building up their bond, too. They both get turned down.
It was ehhh that Adrien was a bit too cocky at times as Cat Noir, but overall, his goofiness and self confidence is still pretty on brand for him. He was still very encouraging towards Ladybug but not overly flirtatious, pushing her to her limits. Instead, it was them lightly teasing each other and then playfully fighting. And, speaking of the playful fighting, their bond was stronger in the movie seeing as how they were shown spending more time together off duty and that they were treated as equals.
In the show, Cat Noir is automatically made sidekick and left in the dark about everything. But in the movie, he gets to meet Master Fu in disguise alongside Ladybug. Sure, he didn’t help Master Fu with his cane like he did in the series, but that didn’t matter since the lore was changed.
Alya was less annoying in the movie. Sorry. Don’t get me wrong, I love Alya in the series, but she’s so over the top at times with how obsessed she is over the heroes, blogging, and filming things for her blog. In the movie, she was toned down a lot and I liked that. It was also cute that Nino had a crush on her and just her, not Marinette first. Unlike the series, he wasn’t on that pipeline of guys who fell for Marinette since that pipeline doesn’t exist in the movie.
Tom was made out to be an embarrassment for Marinette which is honestly more realistic for a teenager. Most teenagers get pretty embarrassed by their parents, especially when they still treat them very childlike. And, I like that he went out to the fair to look for her since he heard there was danger. Marinette’s parents don’t usually go out to look for her or make sure she’s in her room when there’s danger afoot. So, I appreciate that they made Tom do that since he obviously loves Marinette a lot.
The rewriting of (some of) the lore
As I had mentioned in my previous section, the lore was rewritten, too. Instead of Master Fu being the one to pick Marinette and Adrien simply because they helped him, the kwamis sense that Marinette and Adrien are the right people to be Ladybug and Cat Noir. That was a much better way to write that, in my opinion.
Hawk Moth got ahold of the butterfly miraculous by mistake. That part wasn’t changed but also, it didn’t need to be.
The change of plot
The plot was very simple. It didn’t have a whole lot of crazy, in depth details like the show’s does. So, anyone who has never watched the show can easily understand and absorb what’s going on (I will be forcing my boyfriend to watch it with me since he’s never seen the show lol).
I like that it was very clear cut and easy to understand while still being intense and meaningful. It still summarizes a lot of what the series entails while fixing some issues in the plot development.
They didn’t doddle with Hawk Moth like they do in the show. He was a successful villain in his second attempt but then realized he should stop when he hurt his own son in the process.
Also, there was a reveal. It was a wee bit underwhelming, but I still think it was done well! It was a moment with just Marinette and Adrien alone, as it should be. And, it was cutesy and heartfelt. The fact that Marinette dressed like Ladybug for the ball (cutest dress ever imo) and Adrien dressed like Cat Noir was so cute. That’s what a lot of the fandom has been asking for and written about in fanfics, I feel like.
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The romance between these two is most important. They didn’t need Kagami and Luka as 2nd love interests to throw things off track. Yes, I like these characters in the show, but they weren’t needed in the plot.
The music
I love musicals. I was a bit of a theater kid in high school, plus I’m obsessed with music lol. So, yes, I’m a bit biased when I say I love that they made this a musical.
I personally loved the music. I can tell a lot of good effort was put into it and I’ve already been listening to the songs on my Spotify. The song between Ladybug and Cat Noir in the theater “Now I See” and Cat Noir jumping on the clouds (literally, on cloud nine) singing “My Lady” was absolutely adorable and super romantic, which, as we know, is a big part of the show.
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Even Gabriel’s song “Chaos Will Reign Today” was amazing! It conveyed a lot of emotion and turns into one of those dramatic villain songs. Keith Silverstein is clearly talented enough to sing for his own character and he did it well.
My only nitpick is that Marinette’s singer, Lou, has a very different voice than Christina Vee. So, Marinette sounds very different, much more mature-sounding when she sings and it kinda catches you off guard. I’m surprised they didn’t have Christina sing for her, but there must’ve been a reason why she didn’t. But, SQVARE sounded similar enough to Bryce Papenbrook when he sung for Cat Noir which i absolutely love.
I personally give this movie a 10/10 just because it made me smile the whole time, and it’s such a feel good movie. I’ll happily watch it again and listen to the soundtrack, especially on a day when I’m feeling down. It wasn’t perfect in every aspect, but it was perfect in a simple, heartwarming sense and that it can be watched by everyone, not only people who watch the series.
I understand if it made you cringe or you were moreso looking for a continuation of the series not a retelling. But, I prefer some simplicity which is a big part of what made me like it. Like I said, I know it wasn’t absolute perfection, but it was so frickin adorable and I can’t help but smile.
There’s a lot of differences but also plenty of similarities between the movie and the show. But understand they’re not meant to be the same and that’s okay! I don’t think the movie was horrible for most of the changes it made. In fact, I think most of them made sense and made it a bit more realistic (as I explained).
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love-me-purple · 1 year
movie night with the v3 boys
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cw: slight nsfw and cursing in a few of em. spoilers of ET in kaito’s
a/n: might make a 1 and 2 vers. !! naur I did a few light puns in a few of them if you spot them tell me. under the cut cause it’s kinda long
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➼ he’s so sweet
➼ he prioritizes you fully! he gives you the blankets, the snacks, he lets you choose the movie; he does everything.
➼ even if he sits on the sofa cold, hungry, and terribly quiet.
➼ he doesn’t complain a bit.
➼ you notice him shivering slightly a couple minutes into the movie, and even after he protested against getting a half in your luxury, you snuggled against him and buried him under the warm covers.
➼ once you did, he whimpered slightly against you. it just felt so nice. not the fluffy sheets, not the delectable food, and even though the movie was pretty great, you next to him really made the experience better.
➼ he moved closer next to you, kissing you on the cheek. you made him kiss you on the lips after.
➼ the movie run ends with cuddling and tangled arms and legs, overall super fluffy.
➼ large pillow forts with lots of soft pillows and thick blankets. he turns the ac and all the coolers on just so it’ll turn super cold in the house, leading you to bury yourself under the blankets and cuddle closer to him.
➼ he sometimes teases you by stealing the snacks and blankets, making you pissed off and subconsciously pinning him to the carpet floor.
➼ he tries turning the simple, pure movie night into a netflix and chill i SWEAR
➼ he flips the tables and climbs on top of you - kissing you lightly on the lips with a smug look. ➼ and then he gets up and goes back to watching the movie like nothing happened
➼ interpret that any way you want
➼ anyways, if he’s not in that mood, he’s very chatty during movies. ➼ he’ll comment nonstop and predict the future with pretty accurate predictions.
➼ his habit of doing that will, if you don’t already, bring you to do the same.
➼ this guy is so romantic
➼ kisses, smooth; non - pushover pick - up lines, basically everything you’d expect from a good gushy mushy date.
➼ he likes playing with your hair. tangles, small braids, etc. if you don’t have hair, then / another option for him is he runs his hands down your arms and hands.
➼ he draws small patterns on your skin with his fingers while kissing you on the head.
➼ he loves it when you do it to him as well, so by all means, go ahead !!
➼ nooo but the chips with dip are absolute perfection adding to the mix. if you don’t like that kind of thing, he’ll get, like, anything you’d like to eat during the movie -
➼ the prices don’t mean aNYthing to him, he’s happy to spend money for you no matter what it is <3
➼ perfect night for netflix and chill
K1 - B0
➼ he’s a robot. he can’t be cold, he can’t eat, and so all he has to do is sit back and watch.
➼ people (miu) helped him with what to do and how to act during the movie -
➼ he’s so awkward, in a cute way. he’ll get closer to you as the movie progresses, trying to be discreet but pretty much failing.
➼ you pretend you don’t notice though, for his sake.
➼ he’s tense during the movie. but with a few calming, reassuring words - he calms down a bit and attempts to kiss you as a sign of thanks.
➼ oh he also looks up on his mental search engine how to act normal and such and comes across the term of ‘activities’ during watching movies / shows
➼ and then he overheats for a bit (thankfully while you were in the bathroom -)
➼ guess he didn’t have safe search on
➼ horror / documentaries. if you don’t like those things, then …
➼ he likes it when you braid his hair. with any other person he’d kinda just be like ehhh, but when it’s you …
➼ he’s such a simp.
➼ he’s pretty chill, doesn’t really talk except for the parts when either you’re talking, something’s factually wrong, or when something especially pisses him off (usually when the characters are especially dumb).
➼ he likes having his hands free, so, of course, you have the blanket and snacks.
➼ he nuzzles his head into your neck and hair during sweet and overall ushy gushy moments.
➼ yeah
➼ he’s only human after all
➼ like shuichi; he gives the blanket, the snacks, and is awfully quiet.
➼ there’s a sort of worried look on his face, like you won’t like doing this and it’ll never happen again.
➼ he asks you like every couple minutes if you’re okay - nonstop until you reassure him.
➼ because of his overall bulky, tall structure - you’re gonna need a few more blankets to cover him.
➼ and a lotta snacks if he’s especially hungry
➼ he’s the type of guy to watch smth like a bug’s life or the bee movie. and you’ll agree because he’ll be self - conscious of himself if you don’t.
➼ it’s either that or bug documentaries. he hates horror films, especially if it has bugs in it that are thoroughly portrayed incorrectly.
➼ he gets so angry it’s almost funny
➼ until you don’t calm him down and he goes to storm the director’s / producer’s place then uh good luck
➼ tries to be romantic and kinda fails.
➼ the whole mood is sorta goofy. comedy / horror / sci - fi def. if it’s horror though, expect him to scream loudly and cling to you. and then for him to make up an excuse like, “i wasn’t scared! i was just … amazed by the stars in the sky in the film! so … spread out!”
➼ if it’s sci - fi, it’s definitely ET
➼ he cries softly when ET dies. and then he says, “I JUST GOT SOMETHING IN MY EYE WAHHH”
➼ comedy’s chaotic, but pretty fun with him. he tries so hard not to laugh, but when he does, his LaUgh
➼ it depends. it either sounds like a hyena crossed with a donkey or just a hysterical, soft sound.
➼ either way, movie nights with him are always a blast.
➼ he’s smooth. and he predicts the movie in his head, and shows barely emotion during sad, emotional, funny, or romantic moments. like none at all.
➼ but once he gets used to being with you during movies and finding out what exactly you like, he starts showing bits of emotion here and there.
➼ like outward pity. and sadness. and laughter.
➼ sharing is caring when it comes to blankets and snacks. sometimes when both of you reach into the bag / bowl / plate / etc. at the same time, and y’know your hands touch? he’ll squeeze your hand and bring it up to kiss it.
➼ and then he’ll just smile slightly at you. no matter what reaction you have.
➼ yeah other than that it’s pretty normal! still a hit tho
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grilledcheese-savage · 4 months
I just watched Jurassic world chaos theory and here’s a list of all my thoughts
Spoilers ahead
- LIMB DIFFERENCE BROOKLYN??? SHE LOOKS SO BADASS. I LOVE ALL HER NEW HAIRSTYLES. They’re so much better than the old ones (not that I didn’t like her old hair, I liked it when her roots grew in but I HATED the weird timeskip haircut at the end of cc)
- secondly, kenji getting a taste of his own medicine cause he now gets to know what it felt like to think you were betrayed by your closest friend.
- but yeah, rip kenji. That guy has been through enough. Like, if you put all his trauma in order it’s depressing. Dad abused him, manipulated him, left him on a Dino island and tried to kill all his friends. THEN he tried to make a new shady business and guilt kenji instead of just, giving him info about Brooklyn
- also Darius having a crush on Brooklyn I jokingly guessed AND WAS RIGHT
- New villain is really cool. The way she controls raptors is soooo interesting. I haven’t gotten to see any of the new Jurassic movies (I only saw Jurassic world) so idk if she’s in that one
- I really liked Mateo but I was getting flashbacks from season 2 (or was it three?) and totally thought he was gonna die. He talked too much about his daughter I totally thought he would’ve died and Darius break the news to her.
- also Darius was scaring me at the beginning, he seemed really depressed. I had seen 5 seconds of spoilers by accident of him in a bathtub and kenji walking in AND I WAS CONVINCED IT WAS SOME DARK TWIST AND THE SHOW WOULD END WITH HIM killing himself! I know it’s a kids show! But I watched legend of korra… so. There.
- Also at first I was uncomfortable with the way Yaz was being characterized as traumatized the most, but I ended up loving because it felt like a Purposeful Mis characterization only for it to be turned on it’s head. Let me explain, at the beginning us as viewers are told that Yaz has been really fucked up by all the monster attacks, and had to go to therapy in Wyoming. So we as viewers get worried that she’s going to relapse her ptsd after learning they’re being hunted. But while yes, she has normal reactions to Dino’s (fear) we learn therapy actually WORKED and she wasn’t SHELTERED. She ACTUALLY LEARNED COPING SKILLS and ended up being the most well adjusted among them. It was written so well. Because now we see Sammy who we thought was doing well, have horrible coping skills and fall into an anxious attachment style because her parents don’t talk to her anymore, her girlfriend is ignoring her (avoidant attachment kinda) and all of her friends are going through their own shit on their own and don’t talk to her. She’s having panic attacks and struggling, and Yaz got to be able to pay her back for all the compassion by showing her how she handles all the fear and sadness. I FUCKING LOVED THAT. THAT WAS SO GOOD. AND I ONLY REALIZE HOW GOOD IT WAS THE MORE I SIT IN IT. I spread out my watching because if I binged I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much.
- I also loved that they all represented different outcomes of trauma, and different coping mechanisms. Darius with the survivors guilt (again), Sammy with keeping herself busy so she doesn’t have to think about it, Ben becoming even more hyper vigillant/conspiracy theorist. Etc.
-Sammy was season mvp. She was the best character by far for me.
-She definitely needed to give Yaz her space tho, but I also hated how Yaz just assumed Sammy thought she couldn’t handle herself only because Sammy hadn’t seen her since her breakdown after the Dinos got loose. I loved watching it tho, the argument was so needed.
- I didn’t once think “there’s no way they’d act that way” because they were all characterized so well as trauma survivors.
- the only things I was like ehhh about were Kenji being a climber (since when??) and Ben having a girlfriend 😂.
- I loved that Darius was living on his own and brand was calling a ton because he was worried about him. Because Darius has only gotten MORE independent, his way of dealing with this problems is having alone time and doing things himself. I LOVE THAT AGGHHH.
- I was disappointed kenji had a new voice actor tho. He didn’t necessarily do a bad job, it was just really distracting for me.
- Not with Brooklyn though, I didn’t notice at all, I just thought Jenna Ortega was going something different now that Brooklyn is older. Her voice actor did so well. I loved all the layers I felt in all the flashbacks.
- One thing tho, I would’ve loved it if Brooklyn was actually dead (although the way they handled it made me REALLY believe she was dead, and I was pretty positive she was alive for most of the show)
- I love brooklyn!! But I do think killing one of the main characters would’ve upped the stakes more. But all of the drama and new dinos did that by itself. I felt on the edge of my seat the whole show!
- I also liked that Brooklyn and Kenji broke up. Might get some hate for that but it’s true. I never shipped it. But this show actually did make me like the ship more if that’s insane. Because I do think the dynamic of “we’re both jokingly egotistical and we bring out each other’s worst sides in a silly way”. I also think kenji needs happiness.
- And while I’m disappointed Ben has an off screen girlfriend, hopefully she shows up as a character later. Or they at least break up so he can have his bisexual king moment (go cry about it)
- I would also love mateo’s daughter becoming a character later, like her being a part of Brooklyn’s secret crew to take down the DPW etc. I don’t usually like the new characters super late in a series, but because of the way they’ve hinted at these characters, it makes me want to see them.
- I think she’d be a hacker or someone like Brooklyn just cause of what we’ve been shown of her.
- One thing I didn’t love, was not getting to see a complete wrapped up conflict. Like, kenji and Darius got better but mostly cause the action distracted them from getting to be genuinely hurt. And ESPECIALLY Sammy and Yaz’s conflict, although by Yaz helping her breathe it did kind of solve the conflict without words. But that’s just me.
- I also thought that Ben should be a lot less well adjusted. He’s had A LOT of trauma throughout the show, basically breaking his entire original archetype and replacing it with a new one. His whole character development was going from being scared and being a burden, to getting immensely used to hurting and living in the wild just to survive. When I originally thought of how he’d be out of the island, I thought he’d really struggle getting into fights to solve his problems, (like when he got into a fist fight with kenji) and being a little too wild for “civilization” (school, work etc.) and not fitting in. We also don’t really know why he’s not in college anymore. Did he graduate? Is he taking a gap year? We saw him in a dorm and it’s only been six years. Wasn’t he like, 15 at the start of the show? Well, I guess he would’ve graduated by then, but idk it depends. We actually have a lot of loose ends I want to be explored, like where is Sammy’s family? Why don’t her parents talk to her anymore? Is it cause she’s gay? I thought she had siblings?? Idk.
- tldr, I want ben to have more violent tendencies because he can’t work through his emotions. Not everyone heals in non harmful way 🤷‍♀️
- also cause I want his pyromania to come back idc if it was a facade to protect himself.
- That’s why I liked it so much when Darius said “I don’t chase dinosaurs anymore, just one…” BECAUSE IT INSINUATED HE WANTED TO KILL A DINO WHEN HES A DINO LOVER. Him not liking Dinos as much would’ve been badass but also out of character I guess
- it also made me think of that meme from totally spies “I don’t want to kill all the world! Just half! THE MALE HALF-“
- but omg this made me realize… if his boss that he talked to during that scene was talking to Brooklyn this whole time… if brook asked how Darius was she could’ve told her about how bad he was doing and Brooklyn wouldn’t have been able to tell him at all that it wasn’t his fault.
- although… I’ll be real with u… it totally was. When we found out WHY he wasn’t there? Eyah it was his fault 😭💀. I know that’s horrible it say and if I was him I would’ve done the same (just cause it’s awkward and he wanted to give her space) BUT THAT WAS ALMOST INCEL-LIKE BEHAVIOR FROM HIM, WHAT???
- anyways I made a lot of jokes I might copy and paste in a reblog we’ll see
That’s about it for now. Thanks if you read this far.
@riftwirecrystal tag
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There’s so many Disney characters that could easily be neurodivergent, in fact so much so it’s pretty much 100% canon and confirmed. Lilo is a small autistic girl, it’s basically canon and I am dang certain the makers of the movie created her with autism in mind. When I was her age I acted JUST like her, so much that when I rewatched the movie as an insecure adult I felt a bit better about myself and I didn’t feel so alone. I even used to get into fist fights with other girls at school because they would call me “crazy” this is when I was her age roughly LOL. Also her obsession with Elvis is a special interest of hers clearly. A special interest is something that someone on the spectrum loves so much that it is pretty much almost the only thing they like to talk about with other people. It’s something they tend to focus on and even obsess with, something that is so much more than just being a fan. A special interest is something that is pretty much apart of that person. Like if an autistic person had a movie as a special interest they probably would’ve watched it hundreds of times, sometimes multiple times in the same day and they would want to drown themselves in the universe where the movie takes place, always thinking about it and talking about it with everyone and then getting excited over any merch for it. Like a super fan in a way. Her meltdowns are very much like an autistic person’s as well. People on the spectrum struggle to express their emotions, they may get offended easily as well or at least that is a trait some within the spectrum have and Lilo and I have. Like how we used to fight other kids for calling us names for instance, autistic kids especially struggle to express themselves vocally which could be why her and I started swinging instead of telling on them or calling them names in return. There is also a scene where the lady at the dog kennel was about to tell her how Stitch isn’t a real name and her sister made sure to warn her not to say that. This goes to show what an amazing sister Nani is as she knows her sister and what can make her upset. In this case Lilo would probably have thought that the lady at the kennel was insulting the name she chose or perhaps she would have thought she was saying she was bad at giving names. Miscommunication is very very common with people on the spectrum, sarcasm for example is a language we REALLY struggle to understand and at times we may look into things a bit too deeply. Hence why Nani told the lady not to say anything about the name because she knew her sister and what makes her happy and what makes her upset. And when Lilo was going to be taken away Nani even says how others won’t be able to understand her, a very common issue autistic kids have. Most adults have no idea how to care for autistic kids, they can’t tell the difference between a tantrum or an actual emotional meltdown. Lots of adults simply assume autistic kids are just being naughty and don’t take the time to try and get to know them and help them. For example I had to be homeschooled because I struggled with teachers for this reason. I could literally go on forever how Lilo is a canon autistic Disney character.
Others characters who may be neurodivergent I think are Vanellope and Ralph. Two characters who tend to stim quite a bit. Ralph is also socially awkward, sensitive and has trouble expressing his feelings and speaking with others, all common traits for autistic people. Though this isn’t really a neurodivergent thing but more a mental health/disorder/illness sort of thing I feel I should mention that it is canon Ralph suffers from separation anxiety as established in the sequel. Whether it’s an anxiety that he is born with (ehhh...part of his programming?) or if it’s trauma related because he struggled to make friends is unknown for certain. Some people are born with anxiety disorders and some people develop them after major events in their lives.
Ian and Barley from Onward are both neurodivergent but in different ways. It’s not called a “spectrum” for nothing, different autistic people posses different traits from the spectrum. For example some might get into much more intense hyperfixations and others might struggle to talk to people more so than others. Ian and Barley demonstrate this perfectly as Ian struggles to talk to people and tends to stumble over his words. Some can say he is simply shy but in the scene where he tries to speak to some of his classmates only to stutter does go just a bit more beyond just shyness. Social anxiety could be another thing as well though but overall, acting that way when speaking with strangers is very common for people on the spectrum. Having trouble expressing his feelings and speaking up for himself is another trait, like with the troll and how he couldn’t really bring himself to try and make a stand. In the scene when he first meets the Manticore is another great example as he struggled to try and tell her what was wrong and then began to panic and tear up, the way he was breathing heavily showed he was on the verge of having a panic attack as well. Anyone would probably feel upset in the situation he was in but he really did look like he was about to lose control and have a bad meltdown. The possibility of Barley being autistic comes from his very obvious special interests, quests or yore and just things about quests in general. He is always super eager to talk about it with Ian and is desperate to try and get him into it as well so he has a fellow fan to talk to about his favourite game. It’s easy to say it’s so much more than being a “fan”. He is obsessed and very passionate about it, clearly a special interest. Clumsiness is also very common among neurodivergent people, idk why but it is (I get that and haaaaaaaaaaate iitttttttttt uuugghhhh) It is also shown in some mobile games he is very close with Blazey, showing he is good with animals but then not so good with socialising with other people as his quirks can sometimes drive away those annoying judgemental types of folks *glares at the stupid goat police* People on the spectrum get along way better with animals and tend to be big animal lovers as well as he happily calls Blazey cute and tries to get her to do a few new tricks in Disney magic kingdom. He also tends to speak with his hands and make lots of body movements when talking, this could easily be seen as stimming as well. He is also a bit on the emotional side and struggles to talk about his feelings. Like when Ian tried to talk to him about the screw up thing, he was so angry he just turned up his music loud to try and block him out and didn’t seem to know what to do with himself or what to say to him. Anyone would be angry of course but Barley seemed to struggle communicating with Ian about it and seemed to have trouble expressing himself at first.
Might update the list some more later (there is so many tho) but let me know what you all think! What other characters do you see as neurodivergent and why? :3
These are mostly just personal headcanons of mine. As an autistic person I am so happy to see so many autistic coded characters in media.
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tentacledwizard · 8 months
tumblr user tentacledwizard reviews: Employee of the Month
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  So recently [read: a few hours ago], @cgtg hosted a sort of movie night. The movie was Employee of the Month, starring Dane Cook. I joined it because I am always willing to expand my cinematic repertoire and also cgtg’s Davekat stuff is really good. Like I don’t even ship Davekat that much but their content is excellent. And the Sandler rap perfectly encapsulates my opinions on Adam Sandler as an actor, because ever since my dad played Billy Madison my life has been ok I’ll just do the review now.
So okay, I was prepared to have an ironically good time. I was convinced the movie would be 100% shit tier, just like Dave Strider said. But I should have known that Dave is not a reliable source. Because this movie was fun. I had a great time. When it comes to official reviews, I’ve seen mainly lukewarm/frosty attitudes towards Employee of the Month but *clears throat* Whatever. 
Now, those who know me know of my passionate love for Home Depot. And if you didn’t know about this, now you do. I wrote a Home Depot/necromancy story in like 7th grade. Home Depot is paradise on earth. You could survive a zombie apocalypse in there. It has everything you need for survival- shelter, crops, energy drinks, etc. This movie basically takes place inside a Home Depot. I forget what the store was actually called. It doesn’t matter. You just need to understand that I love Home Depot so I will generally enjoy movies set inside Home Depots. That was a pretty big factor in my enjoyment. Never mind the fact that this was filmed inside a Costco.
Now onto the actual movie. By rom-com standards, is this a good rom-com? Ehhh. No. The main romance between Dane Cook and “Blond Tart” was half-baked. I saw nothing that distinguished the fair-haired love interest from the other rom-com love interests before/after her, except maybe her big ears. The pair had like nothing in common, mainly because I don’t really know about their interests? Gotta say that Dane Cook had far more chemistry with the other blond tart (aka the antagonist). I wasn’t rooting for the main couple. This is also partly because of the movie’s intense homosexuality. I am not even kidding. Their date was cute though, I just wish they actually had some things in common and we learned more about the love interest.
So basically the plot is that this guy Zack (Dane Cook) works at Fictional!Home Depot and he seems like kind of a “slacker.” He is rivals with a smarmy blond Eminem cousin named Vince (Dax Shepard), who seems like a “stand up guy.” Obviously he is a douche bag who flirts with everyone in a very unprofessional way. There’s some kind of subplot about the store trying to beat another retail place. Then this new employee (Jessica Simpson) waltzes into the place. (I could say she “breasted boobily,” but nah.) Her name is Amy and she allegedly has a thing for employees of the month. So Zack falls in love, but obviously Vince starts making some moves on her. Now Zack has to win Employee of the Month to get the girl, or else Vince will. (There was nothing to worry about though, he dates Amy without even getting the position yet. Also Vince is super awkward/gay.) 
So let me just bullet point this. I’ll cover the characters/plot points/romance plots.
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Zack: The main character, Dane Cook. For everyone watching, there was this process of thinking oh no he’s cute and then falling in love with him. Look, he is actually pretty cute. I don’t make the rules. That dorky smile of his is great. He does have his flaws, like being focused only on his own problems. Dude just apologize. But they do get addressed. He’s a pretty good main character, and he really knows how to treat a girl. Home Depot date? SIGN ME UP. That’s going to be me some day, ok? I will meet some dude who shares my love for Home Depot and together we will wander the dusky aisles filled with all manner of appliances. Welp I kind of lost the plot. Anyway he has great date ideas. His little yellow car thing is a complete travesty but I will let it slide. Jorge has the better yellow vehicle but of course he does. Jorge is gangsta. 
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(guy has that Kubrick stare)
Vince: The main antagonist besides the nebulous “corporate.” At first he seems like a blond flashlight that draws in the ladies like moths. He truly seems like a suave douchebag. As the movie goes on, you learn that this is untrue (the “suave” part). He is really awkward. Probably the only person in love with him is my main guy Jorge (Efren Ramirez). More on that at ten. Anyway, Vince is really good at cashiering. He does an unprofessional little circus act with the products that makes the ladies allegedly swoon. He gets Employee of the Month many, many times. Can Zack possibly usurp him?? Who knows! So yeah, Vince is a sopping and pathetic fellow. At some points you want him to shut up, but at other points you feel this deep well of pity for his plight. Negative points for using the r-word once >:( but also hey this is 2006. 
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Amy: Uh. Ummm. Well she seems very friendly and… like a love interest. Uh… I’m sure there has to be more to her. Right? Oh well. Her big ears are pretty cute. Sadly, she doesn’t exactly have a personality or agency over the plot. I don’t really like plots that are just two guys fighting over a girl, except that turned out to not really be part of the movie so it’s fine. At least she called out Zack when he was being stupid, but that was mainly just to milk some drama. I think she and Lily should date.
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Jorge: Jorge, the man that you are. Look, he is amazing and I cannot lie. What even is a salmon churro? The entire chat was yelling every time he was on screen. He first appears as Vince’s lackey, and he mainly helps out Vince with his various sabotage attempts. But he turns out to have more depth than that. He is like a short bug. He is willing to stab an old lady. Jorge is what we call “gangsta.” Everything he does is cool in a Jorge sort of way. He really made the movie. You can fight me on this. 
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Lily: The Human Resources manager. Okay, so she doesn’t have dialogue (I think) but I wanted to include her here because she is cool and really pretty and I had a minor sexuality crisis once she arrived on screen (it happens every other day. Don’t worry about it). I like the lily in her hair. She was so real for accepting a bribe and eating that Butterfinger. <3
Grandma: She could be referred to as feisty. You could also say she’s bisexual. Kudos to her for keeping it real with Zack. The “seed of love” speech was…really dubious!
Boss man: Whatever is going on with him, it’s very gay. He outright says that he thinks/has thought about kissing guys. Maybe there’s something between him and the policeman? Anyway, I feel pretty bad that his older brother emasculated him. Not much else to say. He’s not exactly a paragon of professionalism, which is what makes this movie fun. He totally wants to be the fatherly boss but he fails. His lackey’s name is Dirk. Strider reference? You know it. (This was made 3 years before homestuck started).
BOSS Boss Man, aka Corporate Incarnate: Boss Man’s big brother, in the age sense. Okay, this guy kind of scares me. He is way less relaxed than Boss Man, and he certainly can drub people with canes. He runs a tight ship, so obviously he won’t stand for the main character mayhem going on. 
Iqbal: I don’t remember a ton of stuff about him, but he is like a lot of my family friends. He deserves good stuff because he had to put up with Zack’s crap for longer than necessary. Do I have to cover every single character? How about we move onto the main thing: shipping. It’s not really the main thing, but I'm going insane over it so for me it is.
  Oh man okay, here we go. I already covered my very few thoughts on Zack/Amy so here are some ships that I find interesting.
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Zack/Vince: Basically, the plot of the movie revolves around these two and their rivalry. I kind of doubt their hate is platonic. At one point Vince compares them to a pair of “old gay sailors.” Zack’s face really says it all, honestly:
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Their scenes together had a ton of sexual chemistry. Intense Kubrick stares. Toreador-ish mop fights. Breaking into the other person’s house to make them late for work. You know. Like that. We all agreed that they are best summarized as “toxic yaoi.” Essentially, they are kismeses. Also, Vince is a complete mess around Amy but seems way more comfortable antagonizing Zack. I don’t think Zack is really into Vince, but it’s an interesting thought.
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Vince/Jorge: Now this. THIS is the true romance of the story. You think I’m kidding? This is pretty much canon (or at least heavily implied). Where Zack and Vince had some sexual tension, these two have a Home Depot’s worth of romantic tension. They have so many little moments, like when they just kind of solemnly listen to music in a car (which turns out to be a bookend). They’re constantly around each other, and their relationship actually has an arc. Vince starts out kind of using Jorge as a henchman, but then Jorge goes against that. There’s a temporary breakup, and Vince kind of loses it. He has no one to talk to now. But he’s willing to pull himself together and give Jorge the space he needs to think things through. And THEN they have this big moment where they get back together as equals and it’s beautiful and okay it’s easier to just show you. 
(Previous image) Here we have Jorge helping Vince with his dorky-ass heelies because Vince is trying to be a coolkid like Zack.
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And then we have that whole moment over there. They’re holding hands! (Hurt/comfort moment tbh)
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THEIR VICTORY DANCES?? HELLO?? This is adorable i can’t
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Okay, this is blatantly romantic. The words “please, come home” imply that they share a home. Perhaps they are even… roommates? But look, the normally rude Vince is actually being considerate. And he calls Jorge “homes.” Jorge normally calls him that!
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Full access to the cashier’s lounge? Jorge you mad lad. 
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Okay I gasped aloud at this part. They are married. Or like they will be at some point in time. “It just feels right” yeah they are SO married. Look at the height difference. They are everything, as of four hours ago. This is cinema.
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I can’t do this man why did I start reviewing this. They use each other’s pet names. Shit. Fuck you, Dane Cook movies. I hate feeling emotion like this.
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yes, Jorge and Vince were the real romance subplot all along. They’re literally the last scene of the movie.
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Look at the smile on Jorge’s face. Jegus. This ship is everything. These two were the real emotional core of the movie. Without them, I’d just be like “eh whatever at least it was fun.” But damn, they really delivered on the romance subplot.
Uh… Yeah I can’t really think of any other ships that I like. Vince/Amy sucks and they had nothing to say to each other. I like the idea of Amy/Lily, though! I think either of them could make employee of the month. I guess Amy/Zack is good for now though.
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That clubhouse is awesome. Probably a big hazard considering it’s on top of that big shelf. But hey I want a Home Depot buddy lair too!
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Vince saying he can get a little anal…. >:? Sir what.
Amy’s really out there auspiticizing for Zack and Vince huh? She deserves good things for having to put up with that
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Why did it suddenly turn into a sports movie for a few minutes? Why were they playing softball against another hardware store? We may never know.
Banger soundtrack. 10/10.
And that’s a wrap everyone, catch me crying over the hug or making “ironic” fanart of Dane Cook and co. I really enjoyed this and I will hopefully be there for the next flick. Wow I wrote a lot about this movie. Uh. Consider it ironic, I suppose.
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kstaki · 5 months
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger vs. Donbrothers/Kyoryuger Early screening Stage Greeting First timing report
(I am just going to address them as their Character it would be a little confusing for some if I use their name)
There might be some spoiler from the movie?
First timing.
They were having issue with microphone while introducing themselves.
Everyone in audience were calling out to them. 🥹 even they call out the Director 🤣 (he did Donbrothers)
Rita at first like eh eh eh is it on? The rest help them out.
(Apparently trying to figure out it was on or not didn’t seem so obvious)
Then Saruhara was also but they also teasing him until he like leave me alone
Tsubasa apparently say he sort of still on a run, he came from Kyoto? Then he has a new hair duo he said Sononi did it for him.
Kijino was like EHHH YOURE CALLING ME ? (He did it also in the second time)
Then King Ohger were ask about their other role they played in alter world
Gira was like I become Uchu ah…he tried to do different facial expression to show the difference between both of Gira.
Yanma was mentioned about him and Shiokara. I think it was about usually Shiokara follow him then how in this opposite? Like he just follow whatever Shiokara said and just act it out? (plus considering Yanma doesn’t like to prepare too much for a scene)
Himeno mention apparently the director and rest were apologising to her because she had to eat the flower which wasn’t very nice and that she create it with the image of an unrequited Cinderella in mind. (Probably to both they felt so bad?)
(Jeramie mention like he cry watching?)
Rita didn’t expect to do again the dance and singing but it was different then what theh did in the Idol episode. They did mentions that even in main story this probably the most they have seen Rita’s smile the most?
(Yes they still sang and dance the Moffun song…DAMN IT TOEI I WANT A RITA CHARACTER SONG…I mean Moffun is ok but come on…sorry I am still forever salty)
Kaguragi got mention about sumo that he was ask to give a face he normally don’t show. So he gave a really pathetic looking face. The audience found it cute
Jeramie was too into ‘Come on’ (I think I remember he mention he came up with it) after having to finally got a chance to change out of his usual get up.
Rita mention that he had a lot of pose for it.
Then Jeramie was too into the Come on that he end up walking opposite direction to which he pointing. I think he try to save it by saying it the other side!
Tarou was worried since it been a year since they were together. End up everyone did alright.
Kijino mention how he was impressed they did Avataro change in one take
Tarou mention nothing had change just the two hairstyle (Haruka and Tsubasa)
I remember that Kaguragi was saying that Takano-san is huge fan so that why he able to do the script. Kaguragi got mention about the Sumo match the ‘Hao’ ‘Hao’ gesture to the person he fought with whose name was Jackie-Chan 😅
There was one point Tarou said Takano-San name wrongly the King-Ohger corrected him 😂😅
Apparently they were asking about Prince about his action scene how much he train (If I remember correctly)
He was super shy but serious although he was at G-Rosso before which the King-Ohger said to him.
Most of the King-Ohger seem like were teasing him.
Kingohger were saying they had work with their suit actors to do their own action scene.
Director mention he thought King-Ohger would be too overwhelm by Donbrothers but King-Ohger was amazing. He did mention some part in movie would be only be understood by people who watch the main story.
Also parts that was cut out of the movie from what director said would be added in blu-ray (IT A WIN a bit I hope it for both of them since Director was for Donbrothers)
Director mentions that Murasame actually appears in beginning. Asking if we notice it or not. (I mention in my previous spoiler where they are)
There was moment Kaguragi got mention about how the two blue know each other then they share about their story. Like they never thought they get work with each other in this situation. I think Yanma mention was at one point jealous Saruhara got it first?
Haruka was ask to do her killed moment again then Yanma also when he got electrocuted
Tarou say we got a bond Gira last min say his famous line Sekai O Shihai Suru! When they were leaving the stage.
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sunflowernoodles · 2 years
A Little Argument
Nothing to say here except I wanted to write Bakusero again :] enjoy! 🌻
Lee: Sero
Ler: Bakugou
(Implied ler Sero and lee Bakugou at the end)
Ships: Bakusero
Bakugou and Sero were having a tiny bit of an argument. Not about anything serious by any means, just dumb, couple arguing.
They were in the gym on a weekend, doing a little non-quirk sparring. It started as playful trash talking that slowly turned into arguing over what heroes were the best.
“All I’m saying is that having All Might as a favorite hero is a little basic, Bakugou!” Sero laughed as he dodged one of Bakugou’s kicks.
“He’s a good hero! Anyone with half a braincell would know that. He’s easily one of the best heroes of our time!” Bakugou argued back, dodging one of Sero’s attacks in return.
“Ehhh, I don’t know about that, Babe. I could think of a few heroes that are way more interesting than All Might.” Sero shrugged, backing up and sitting on the sparring mat to take a small breather and a drink from his water bottle.
Bakugou glared at him, “You take that back, right now.” He squinted at Sero and took a step towards him.
Sero screwed the cap back onto his water bottle and smirked at Bakugou slightly. The already annoyed expression from Bakugou came close to getting Sero to laugh, “Why don’t you make me, Blasty.”
Bakugou’s eyes widened a little in shock at the absolute nerve of his boyfriend in front of him. “Oh, I’ll make you. Come here you little shit.” Bakugou growled and walked towards Sero. Who seemingly just realized the amount of trouble he got himself into in the matter of seconds given how quickly he started trying to stand up and stumble away.
Bakugou just grabbed onto the front of Sero’s shirt and gave the most terrifying, spine chilling grin Sero had ever seen on his boyfriend’s face. “Oh no, you don’t get out of this now. You had your chance.” He spoke, and reached his hands out for his boyfriend’s sides.
Sero recoiled and hugged his sides, expecting to get tickled but nothing happened. He relaxed slowly and looked at Bakugou, a confused look on his face. He was met with the same grin.
“I think it’d be way better if I make you wait for it.” Bakugou shrugged and without another word, went to go pack up the training equipment they got out.
Bakugou just left Sero standing there, stunned and honestly a little flustered. “Wh- Bakugou?” Sero spoke up a little, clearing his throat after the nervous crack in his voice. Bakugou just chuckled, knowing exactly what he was doing.
“Grab your stuff and lets go. I wanna take a shower and change out of these clothes.” Bakugou spoke after he got everything put away and threw his bag over his shoulder, holding out Sero’s for him as well.
“…Right.” Sero nodded, nervously walking over and grabbing his bag. Then like nothing even happened, the two of them left.
Sero learned that night that Bakugou could be very, very cruel if he wanted to be. He thought that surely Bakugou would tickle him after they both had showered but nope. Just a little kiss on the cheek before he went downstairs. Then there was dinner, Bakugou having a hand on Sero’s knee the whole time and still nothing. They had a class movie night when Bakugou had his arms suspiciously around his waist and yet, no tickles.
Sero just assumed Bakugou was really making him wait so, he retreated to his room after they finished watching movies. The anticipation was absolutely killing Sero as he sat in bed watching another movie on his laptop. Until there was a knock on his door.
“It’s open!” He shouted to whoever was on the other side, then in walked Bakugou who closed the door as quietly ad he opened. Sero felt a small rush of excitement as he closed his laptop and moved it off his bed.
“Hey man, what’re you doing here? Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Sero attempted to tease Bakugou a little but he was just met with a small smirk.
“You know why. Lay down.” Bakugou said not waisting any time and sat on the edge of Sero’s bed.
Any confidence Sero had died right there, “Yeah, okay. Sure.” He nodded as he nervously moved to lay on his back and crossed his arms over his chest. A second after Bakugou was straddling Sero’s legs and sitting on his waist.
“Y’know, seeing you all nervous like this almost makes me wanna change my mind about tickling you absolutely senseless.” Bakugou teased, happy with the small blush that appeared on Sero’s face as he turned his head away from him.
“Almost though.” He repeated, settling his hands on Sero’s sides, smiling a little as he felt the muscles in Sero’s sides and stomach tense. A small, nervous smile was trying to take its place on Sero’s face.
It was quiet for a moment until Bakugou began to press his thumbs right below Sero’s ribs, which made him lightly squirm. “Kahahahats, wahahait! No, shihihit!” Sero cakled and threw one of his arms up to block his face, an effort that ended up being pretty useless once Sero pinned that arm down by his elbow.
“Oh no, I wanna see your pretty as I tickle you to death, you know that~” Bakugou teased as he lightly traced his finger along Sero’s bicep and his arm twitched.
“Okahay, you cahahan see me now, just get on with it, plehehease.” Sero giggled, only getting a small chuckle from Bakugou. That laugh didn’t sound too promising.
But then, “yeah, I’ve picked on you enough, haven’t I?” Bakugou asked and just like that, he moved his hands from Sero’s arm and ruthlessly tickled his boyfriends underarms.
Sero absolutely lost it. He tossed his head back against the pillows and attempted to clamp his arms down, but it wasn’t enough to make Bakugou move to a less ticklish spot. “NOHOHOHO, BAHAHAKUGOHOU!”
“You seriously need to make up your mind. Do you want me to tickle you or not? It’s getting annoying.” Bakugou spoke, pretending to be annoyed as he grinned down at the laughing mess underneath him.
After a minute or so, Sero tapped Bakugou’s knee three times, signaling him to stop. Which he immediately did and leaned down to give Sero a quick kiss.
It was a little too quick, seeing as Sero still had quiet a few left over giggles and broke the kiss. Bakugou smiled fondly before messing up Sero’s hair and moving off of him, “You’re such a weirdo.”
Sero giggled a little harder for a moment, “Shuhut up ahahand come cuddle me, you asshole. You owe me after today.” He said and lightly tugged Bakugou down and the explosive blonde did as he was asked.
“Yeah, whatever.” Bakugou could really care less if he owed Sero anything or not, but affection was nice either way so. They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. And if Sero got Bakugou back throughout the night then well, hearing his boyfriends strangely calming and gorgeous laughter was a big bonus to everything else.
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thedreamlessnights · 2 years
Since you asked me these questions, I am curious to know your answers to them too :D
Favourite Movie
Least Favourite Movie
A Hobby You Want to Take Up
How You Got Into Arcane
😭😭❤️❤️ thank you so much for the ask!!
my favorite movie… agh there are too many. but if i’m looking at like how much they influenced me? it’s a wonderful life. makes me sob every time. it’s a beautiful movie abt life… i’m not even religious but aside from that it really makes you reconsider everything in a positive way. it’s gotten me out of endless depressive episodes. i also really really love everything, everywhere, all at once for the same reasons + the creativity! it tackles nihilistic depression and influenced me in such a positive way! and then…. so many other movies are my favorites too!
my least favorite movie,, take this with an absolute grain of salt bc if i’m not enjoying movies i turn them off. so… i haven’t really seen many bad movies. but i’d say the third hobbit movie?
it’s not like. terrible or anything but i have adhd and it was SO stretched out and overdramatic that it felt painful to watch. it was such a long film and i was in the movie theater with my family so i couldn’t leave or turn it off and it got to a point where i was just bored and restless.
again, not bad, but i think they tried to make the hobbit like lord of the rings, which it isn’t. one book of content vs three books of content is very different- for the hobbit they stretched everything out and i wish they’d done just one or two movies instead of three 🤷
a hobby i want to take up? there are so many. knitting and sewing and learning a new instrument. ray chen’s playing in arcane really made me want to learn violin but… damn that level of playing is almost unattainable. still, i’d love to learn one day!
how i got into arcane: already talked abt this a bit but wanted to expand on it! my sisters got really into the show originally and were telling me how amazing it was, so that definitely piqued my interest, but i just… i knew deep inside that if i were to watch it i would immediately hyperfixate.
i was at the tail end of another hyperfixation but just wanted to hold on a little longer. i started getting tiktoks of the show on my fyp - the first one was a compilation of viktor’s ehhh moments and i was like 👀👀 “who is this?” but then the top comment was “i wanna hear him whimper” and i got scared and clicked away. i now see that this was a coward’s move.
then i got the jayce scene with ambessa and i was like… what the? and then like ten minutes after that was a tiktok of a silco cosplayer lipsyncing to a silco audio. and as soon as i heard silco’s voice i went “oh im gonna hyperfixate on HIM!”
and then i proceeded to immediately hyperfixate on viktor and a bit after, jayce. sjsjjss. i truly don’t think silco even had a chance compared to them- i’ve never hyperfixated so quickly. by the time i was done with episode two i was reading viktor fic. and my life was changed.
i truly do understand the appeal behind silco and i respect silco simps so much but for some reason it just… never fully clicked? but who knows. maybe one day i will have an awakening
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iworshipsappho · 1 year
aaah tack for the tag!! @rosetintedgreyspaces :D <33
Favourite colour and why? ooh red and honestly idk i think i was like 4 or smth when i went oooh blood = cool and blood is red therefore red=cool and i love that for me
Five comfort movies: oof uhh red white and royal blue for sure yeah, maan karate,vip and remo are some really feel good tamil movies for me and uhh badhaai do :33
Favourite season and why? oof definitely has to be whatever we have from october to january here. literally all the other months are hot humid pressure cookers :')
Favourite book(s): YOU CAN'T MAKE ME PICKKKKK. but like the obvious answers here are RWRB, the song of achilles, one last stop, ooh room on the roof by ruskin bond one of my comfort books for sure, oh and this one book i read called my life as a book, changed my life as a kid honestly. other than that we have the toa series and uhh the iliad and odyssey which i havent gotten to yet but do love
favourite aesthetic(s)and why? mmmm im a big fan of dark academia but tbf i do love most aesthetics in varying multitudes, never really got much into it
Favourite genre and why? genre as in music or media?? idk in media it is definitely queer romance atm used to be mystery and mythology. and for music i more or less listen to anything and everything thats vibey
Favourite clothes style: baggy tshirts and shorts >>>>> but thats usually for at home. when i head out ive been layering a baggy tshirt over a white shirt paired with brown pants/jeans off late. layering is one of my favourite styles for sure, the whole academia vibes or the 'teenage dirtbag' style is what i usually go for ig
Favourite music genres: ohhh music here, yeah as i said if its good me likey
Favourite artists: oof long list coming up :]] uhh taylor swift, omar rudberg, the front bottoms, wilbur soot as well as lovejoy>>>, jeff satur my beloved bottom, cavetownnnnnn, conan gray ofc, queen and then uhh mitski
Favourite song(s): i for the life of me cant possibly pick now can i???? BUT rn ive been obsessed with theseee
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Favourite fandoms: young royals fandom my beloved, closely followed by mcyt bc that was my firstever proper fandom and fuck yeah for that!!! (still very much into that so les gooo qsmp and tommyinnit my beloved) and well im not really part of any fandoms save for these and rwrb tbf? oh how could i forget!!!! KINNPORSCHE!!!! love that for us
Hobbies: oof uhh reading, writing and playing minecraft or watching cubitos on minecraft probably lmao
Care language you give: i think i usually show my care in the form of words i think? pretty sure yeah
Care language you like to receive: mmmm physical touch <333
Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert: ehhh its pretty fluctuating. used to be introverted, getting more and more out of my shell off late. so ambivert it is ig
Morning or night person? again idfk at this point man what even is time anymore fjdksgksfg uhh night person probably tho i like satying up faaar more than i like waking up early
City, country or suburbs and why? uhhhh never really thought about it? idk on one hand i do want the quiet of the country but idk if ill survive with the constant bustle of a city ykn. and never really experienced to much of suburban life except for when i lived in australia for a few months so yeah idk
Favourite time of day and why? that time between like 5-8. the hours go by so quick and hte fucking sunset etc etc
Do you have any religious beliefs(don’t have to answer if not comfortable)? mmm vaguely religious from time to time
What does your ideal family look like to you? again its faaar too much in the future for me to have given it a thought but but ik for sure that ive always wanted kids, so thats the only definitive there
Dream future: mmm im an author lving in a little cottage just surrounded by overflowing love and creativity and nature etc etc. very ruskin bond-esque
Dream place to visit: greece and rome for sureeee. and thenn uh nyc just for the vibes of it ykn also uhh sweden for reasons ;)
Favourite type of nature: mmmm rainforests my beloved. absolutely love the earthy smell and just how fucking alive it is man like >>>>> oh also the fucking hills of north east india. lomls would drop everything and go there again no questions asked. and ofc beaches. be aches are just based
Favourite habitat (eg jungle, desert, tundra etc): mmm i have a special place in my heart for tundras and the savannah idk why. i just love that life fucking THRIVES despite ykn the harsh(er) conditions
How would you describe yourself in 4 words: dumb, enthusiastic, creative and uhhhh complicated
If you could be another thing on earth what would it be: oooo idfkkkk theres just sooooo many options i could literally be a fucking manatee!!!! or a vampire or or a mudskipper!!!!! wait can i be food?!?!?! id be garlic man ajskdsfl the fucking irony of wanting to be both a vampire and a garlic clove oooh id love to be a grapefruit ngl. omg i could be an actual monkey???? id be one of those spider monkeys man so fucking cool. gosh i could just oughhhh creatures and inanimate shit man. so cool
Favourite type of weather: i loveeeee thunderstorms. top tier weather. as long as its not during deepavali. if it rains when im trying to burst my crackers? im sorry but earth can perish /j
If you could travel anywhere right now we here would it be: is my girlfriend's house a valid answer? bc thats where i wanna be right now baksdflsd. uhh idk tbh maybe like oooh i wanna go to puducherry ngl i miss the beachhhh even tho i literally just went like a week ago man. its right here-
Do you have any fears (serious or otherwise): ehhh not as far as im aware. not materialistic ones atleast. ive always had a fear of being forgotten or left behind
Dream job: uhh a writer for sure
Would you be a pirate/vampire/cowboy/astronaut/werewolf/wizard/witch/knight/cryptid and why? VAMPIREVAMPIREVAMPIREVAMPIRE!!!!! i literally get to suck blood in the most homoerotic way possible- what more could i literally ask for ahfjdsflk pirates/knights are a close second tho fucking love them could go on a whole tirade if i wasnt to tired for it
tagging uhh @elblorbo @stygianirondiangelo @foxtriestobiteandmaimandkilland @daylightsimon @desi-yearning @altruistic-meme @spaghett-onaplate @mirabel-on-a-bicycle
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Annual Tag Game for 2022 aka Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
(it's still 2022 in a few time zones!)
Thanks for the tag @amos-reviews, @petrichoraline, @chimerasinourskyline and @catwalkninja ❤
• three ships •
I don’t know how to pick favorites, but these are three that I loved that jumped out when I looked through my spreadsheet.
Yai and Mangkorn, Big Dragon
Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi, We Best Love
Seo Joon and Ji Woo, To My Star (1 & 2)
• first ships •
I puzzled over this for a while, because I only thought in terms of “shipping” in the past few years. But I think the first fictional romantic relationship that I remember actively thinking about was Talia and Kris from Mercedes Lackey’s Arrows of the Queen. Which is an interesting place to start because (spoiler alert, of a sort) they didn’t have a romantic relationship, they were very good friends who became fuckbuddies (although I didn’t yet know that word at age 11 or 12) even though her soulmate was someone else. In retrospect, I think that set me up very well for thinking of relationships both in fiction and real life–that sex could be something fun and free and didn’t needed to be saved for one person, that sex and romance didn’t always have to go together. And although I wasn’t that interested in Talia’s relationship with Dirk, her soulmate, I didn’t want her to end up with Kris instead, I enjoyed their friendship as it was. So does that count as shipping? I don’t know. In terms of characters who weren't together in the story that I thought should be together? I have no idea who the first were.
• last song •
We were listening to Barbara Streisand Christmas album earlier this evening. It seemed appropriate somehow to listen to Christmas songs sung by a famously Jewish woman on New Year’s Eve.
Although technically, I suppose the last song I heard was whatever Billie Eilish’s brother Phineas was singing on ABC’s New Year’s Eve show in LA. I don’t know what the song was; we were too busy trying to figure out if he was Billy Eilish’s brother to pay attention to that.
• last movie •
Glass Onion
• currently reading •
ehhh. nothing. I didn’t even get any books for Christmas. I really haven’t been reading much of anything lately, which is odd for me, someone whose identity has often been “reader.”  I guess I’ve been keeping up with Taylor Fitzpatrick’s hockey stories as I’m emailed updates, but that’s about it. I think my most recent book was Naomi Novak’s The Golden Enclaves.
• currently watching •
To Sir With Love
GAP the series
Between Us
My School President
Never Let Me Go
Till the End of The World
Candy Color Paradox
True Beauty (Korean het romcom)
The New Employee
Although many of these I’m several weeks behind on.
• currently eating •
We had lasagna for dinner, which turned out quite well, I’m pleased with it, along with asparagus, salad and garlic bread, and for desert we had chocolate fondue with all sorts of fruit and marshmallows and pretzels, because my parents are very into fun little things and have all these little individual sized fondue pots with tealights they wanted to use.
• craving •
In terms of food, absolutely nothing, I am so full right now. In terms of other things, I guess a few days completely to myself? This visit has actually been pretty low key and I’ve had plenty of down time, it’s more that the week and a half I thought I would have to myself when I get back is not to be since I’m helping my brother move then and it turns out my parents will be coming with me to help as well. So I’m feeling a little stressed about getting overwhelmed by people, and thus craving alone time more because it feels like it’s been stolen from me unexpectedly.
I'm going to tag the last (taggable) 9 people who followed me, although I have no idea if any of you are interested in doing this: @0persimmon @kdramaandbts2022 @sweetsorrow059518 @gabriel-the-angel @rainbowstan @puppydeul-blog @bri-with-luv @angelsindeepconversation @99pacificpassions. Hi new friends!
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sophiasharp · 2 years
Tagged by @madangel19 , thanks man, I needed the distraction.
1. Three ships:
Ah man let’s see… 1) Terzomega, 2) polyghouls + Copia, that might be cheating but I don’t care, 3) still have a love for Chreon, it’s not at the forefront anymore cause of Ghost but it’s there
2. First ship
Ohhh that depends on what you consider shipping. Without knowing what shipping was, I think that even though I didn’t know how being gay worked, I really liked the idea of Duck and Rue from Princess Tutu. Consciously shipping, though? Mmmm no one crucify me cause I haven’t been keeping up in that sphere at all but I think it was Skylox from the ye olde MYCT fandom. In my defense, I was like 10 and was only JUST finding out how being gay worked.
3. Last song
Crucified by Army of Lovers
4. Last Movie:
Was sick out of my gourd on an 11 hour plane ride and binged a few so-so documentaries that i don’t remember to keep myself from watching other people’s movies from over their shoulders, does that count? No? Then the last movie I actually sat down and watched was this one called Heaven Can Wait, watched it with my mom on Christmas and came to the conclusion that the best way to get me to enjoy a movie is for it to either be 1) animated or 2) comedies about how stupid rich people are.
5. Currently Reading:
Mostly fanfiction, admittedly, however I’m gonna be finally starting The Tower of Nero from the Trials of Apollo series soon so I’m looking forward to that!
6. Currently watching:
Ehhh Critical Role from, like, my very periphery, I don’t have the mental energy to keep up right now so for the most part I only watch back episodes that I know something important happened in lol. Very much looking forward to catching up on The Legend of Vox Machina, though!
7. Currently consuming:
What? Huh? Uh. I just finished a Reese’s cupcake?
8. Currently craving:
Nah man I just had dinner, I’m good
Aw fuck, time for tagging. Uhh let’s see, @meltingblue i think you’d get a kick out of this, @karosunflower perhaps?, @cock-holliday I’ve seen you do a few of these sometimes, and… @the-archangel-of-salt if you ever feel like you need to do something silly for a bit
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the-underworld-aes · 2 years
Thoughts on Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
I did watch it once before like early 2020, but I also just moved and I was so preoccupied that I couldn't pay attention to the movie at all (I think I was looking at job hunting sites?) so I finally sat down and watched it the other night.
I liked it! I really did! I know movies that take place in older Hollywood are usually big ego stroking events for industry folks but like.... I really like the 1960′s setting so shoot me I guess.
Problems I had with the movie:
THE FEET! I’m big into Quentin Tarantino movies and I’m kinda numb to the feet scenes now, but I just wanna know why SHARON TATE had dirty feet when she was wearing boots and took them off in the movie theater?? Why you assuming Sharon Tate walked around with dirty feet all the time, Quentin?? Weird little freak I will usurp you one day...
The Bruce Lee scene. Eeeehhh yeah I see why it kind of had some controversy when the film came out. Obviously I never knew the guy so idk if he was Like That when chilling on set or not, but he did come off as a pretentious douche that gets his butt kicked in by the made up OC for the story, so like, that sucks. The other scenes where he shows up like, showing Sharon martial arts moves were nice tho, but they were small.
Leonardo DiCaprio. This is mostly a joke, tbh. I can’t stand this guy and his fear of women over 25. And I wanna throw a brick at his car lmaooo
The Ending. Not really much of a problem but I can’t help but feel weird about it? Like the made up OC’s for the movie actually beat the Manson Family and Sharon Tate and all surviving? I can’t say much cause apparently Sharon’s surviving family loved the movie so I guess to some it’s probably cathartic thinking of someone you loved living a happy life in some alt timeline. It didnt ruin it for me though, like I said I mostly just felt weird.
Things I liked about the movie:
Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth. I liked their dynamic a lot. Even though I have issues with Leo DiCaprio, I was able to look past that and see the character more (I guess that’s supposed to be the goal for an actor anyways right?). Rick being an aging star thats being faced with his career kinda flat lining actually made me feel bad for the guy, like that part when he couldn't remember his lines kinda hurt, and he when he started relating too much to that book he was reading and started crying in front of the little girl, while kinda funny was also pretty sad. As for Cliff, I got no beef with Brad Pitt (as far as I know), so I was able to wholly enjoy him, while Rick is crying all the time, Cliff’s just chilling, trying to get any crumbs that are thrown his way. Also damn do stuntmen usually not live so good? I figured their paychecks gotta be FAT but he looked like he was scraping by....idk I guess that’s something I gotta research myself. The parts with the hippie chick (Pussycat??) were kinda ehhh....since it’s implied she’s under the age of 18, but at least he turned her down after she failed to present I.D. So it could have been worse :/ As for the dead wife part, idk looks like they had a bad relationship so I don’t think he’s THAT scary for probably being the reason. We love a dude with a shady past.
Their friendship. That line “more than a brother, less than a wife” was REALLLYY good. That’s all I gotta say about that. We love friendships written like that. :) Didn't like the part were it implied after Rick got married he needed to drop Cliff, but after all that in the ending, looks like he’s not gonna let go of him anytime soon lol.
Not showing too much of Roman Polanski. Issues with Leo aside, while I would throw a brick at the mans car, it’s nowhere near as bad as the stuff I’d do if that little POS was in the same vicinity as me. I know how you treated your wife, you monster. I know how you were with young girls, ROMAN! So, yeah the less of him the better.
The weird storytelling. I liked how the narrative would be like, normal movie setup, but then cut to someone narrating something about the events going on, or go into the movies/shows that were being filmed.... I don’t know movie terms that much am I explaining this okay? Anyways, storytelling was cool.
The music/radio ads, faux movie posters. Idk I just like 60′s music, and have a big ole soft spot of old advertising. Really did a good job emulating the old movie posters back then with them being painted like that. Really can tell QT was a spaghetti western fanatic.
The portrayal of the Manson Family. Weird gross freaks. Living in filth and all. Despite how weird I feel about the ending, it was cathartic seeing them getting them getting dropped. I have no respect for these people and wish it happened IRL.
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Also what was this part?? No issues with it, it was just awkward, I think it was supposed to be anyways. It was funny honestly, he looked like his soul was imploding ajdksk.
Bonus: Boy it sure was surreal hearing Al Pacino say my name in the beginning of the movie. I’m sure if I was one of em Pacino Girlies I woulda went nuts, but it was just like “HUH?? WHATTAYA WANT GRANDPA???”
Alright, that’s all :3
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rushinator · 4 months
So I finally watched Wish for the first time.
I had heard everyone say it’s bad and I wanted to watch it for myself to form my own opinion. I didn’t want to think it’s bad just because everyone says it is. And,… I like it, but it could have been better.
I liked Asha and thought she was a fun, but I also felt like she was missing something to make her more relatable.
I liked her friends, but I wish I could have seen more of them and see each of them get a chance to shine. I couldn’t even remember thier names.
A couple of songs were catchy, but not rememberable.
The villain didn’t feel evil enough for me and I couldn’t understand his motivation.
And yeah, Star should have been Starboy. I have to agree with everyone there.
Overall, I don’t think this movie is the worst of all time, I feel like it’s unfair to call it that. I wasn’t watching this begging for it to end, but it did feel like it had a lot missing from it.
The thing I did like the best was the animation. I know everyone was saying it looked weird, but to me I thought it looked nice and nostalgic with how much it reminded me of older Disney films. It felt like everything needed a lot more time in the oven before it was finished, but I’m sure Disney needed to get this out quickly for 100 years of wonder.
I would have loved for the songs to have better lyrics and be catchier, and for everyone to have more time to show off their personalities and motivation.
I feel like it doesn’t deserve to be called one of the worst Disney films. I think parts of it are good, but not all of it. It just needed more time.
Will I watch it again? Ehhh, maybe. But I’m glad I did see it. I just really wish the music was better.
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The Crown S5 doesn’t deserve it, big decline in quality imo, and Staunton was good, not great. This list is a mix of safe and controversial choices, but not necessarily the best, don’t you think? Anything that will give the GG publicity. I agree with you tho that it looks like Netflix (and Levy) aren’t campaigning for ST anymore.
Ehhh it was super flawed but deserved it more than ST 4 imo. Glad Elizabeth Debicki got the nom but Staunton and Pryce should not have. The prob with evaluating that best drama list for me is I haven’t seen a lot of those shows (I know I need to see Severance) and I just haven’t been in the mood to watch anything GOT related even though I love Olivia Cooke and maybe sometimes even Matt Smith? But those 5 best drama noms are I think exactly expected (altho weird yellowjackets was shut out of everything) and I am :/ with some of the movie exclusions. I think those 5 (so the crown, ozark, better call Saul, hotd, severance) could def be your sag ensemble, altho ST did sneak in last time for s3 lol. But yeah they def aren’t campaigning hard for the SAGs. Maybe they’re just hoping they get noms for the final season.
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lolpiner · 2 years
Bugs bunny girlfriend
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#Bugs bunny girlfriend free#
#Bugs bunny girlfriend crack#
“Eeeeeeh, watch me paste that pathetic palooka with a powerful, pachydermous, percussion pitch.”Ģ2. “Well, what did you expect in an opera? A happy ending?”Ģ1. “And remember, 'mud' spelled backwards is 'dum'.”Ģ0. Ya know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna punch you right square in the nose.”ġ9. Heh heh heh heh, you can't catch me.Why you couldn't even catch a cold. Why don’t you shoot yourself an elephant?”ġ8.
#Bugs bunny girlfriend crack#
Let’s take a look at some of the best Bugs Bunny carrot quotes to crack you up.ġ7. “You know, sometimes me conscience bothers me… but not this time.”īugs Bunny is renowned around the world for his cracking remarks, and sayings, and has made a lasting impression on people of all ages. “I wonder what the poor bunnies are doing this season?”ġ6. “Ha! You have insult the great lover, the marquess of Queensbury Rules, take this!”ġ5. “Don’t think it hasn’t been a little slice of heaven…’cause it hasn’t!”ġ4. I'm not the kind that don't know when to stop.”ġ3. Why should I continue to keep yappin' when I'm told to shut up. “If an interesting monster can’t have an interesting hairdo I don’t know what this world is coming to.”ġ2. Let’s take a look at some of the most funny bugs bunny quotes and 'Looney Tunes' quotes to make you roll on the ground.ġ1. “Jumpin' without a parachute? Kinda dangerous, ain't it?”īugs Bunny has been an iconic animated cartoon character that has been a part of movies, short films, compilations, and television series. “Well, what do you know … there’s the little Wiener Schnitzel now.”ġ0.
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“Hurry, hurry, get your free cigars, every cigar’s a vote for Bugs Bunny.”Ĩ. “Oh you’re mistaken Mac, you see I’m not 777174, I’m only three and a half.”ħ. "Of course you realize, this means war."Ħ. “Here I go with the timid little woodland creature bit again. “I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque!”Ĥ. “It just goes to show ya that a one-eyed jack rabbit can beat a king.”ģ. “Do you happen to know what the penalty is for shooting a fricaseeing rabbit without a fricaseeing rabbit license?”Ģ. Let’s take a look at some of the best quotes from Bugs Bunny to light up your day.ġ. īugs Bunny is one of the most famous cartoon characters of all time and has made a mark on all of us with his slapstick humor, and witty quotes, and sayings. If you like this article, make sure to check out cartoon quotes and. Let’s take a look at some of the best quotes and sayings of Bugs Bunny to rekindle your childhood memories, and for you to enjoy. The cartoon character, Bugs Bunny is also known for his famous catchphrase, “Ehhh, What’s up Doc?” along with funny quotes and sayings. Despite being a show of 1930s, Bugs Bunny is still as popular as he was during that time, along with his movies, and compilations. We are here with a collection of some of the best Bugs Bunny Quotes from ' Looney Tunes' to refresh your memory, and enjoy them.īugs Bunny is an animated cartoon character of American television that was created by Leon Schlesinger Productions as a part of the show called the 'Looney Tunes' that was produced by Warner Bros and is voiced by the legend himself, Mel Blanc. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so it’s important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world.
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dreview98 · 2 years
31 Days of Halloween Movie 1
Movie Title: Held
Genre: Horror/Thriller 
Released: 2020 Rating: R 1h 34m
My Rating 7/10 
Held stars Jill Awbrey and Bart Johnson in a marriage gone wrong scenario, trapped in a “smart house” in the middle of nowhere on their anniversary. They are focused to rekindle a lost love, through the twists and turns that seemed a little too predictable it was an entertaining film regardless. There were plenty of jump scares and moments that truly made my skin crawl. I personally believe with a little more budget this film could've been way better. 
Cast.. Jill Awbrey was an okay pick for this role, again if they had more budget for this film I would've replaced her with a different actress. Her stress and fear within the film wasn't enough for me to be actually scared for her or even root for her. Seeing Bart Johnson in a horror film is everything I needed, this is personally may first time viewing him in anything besides the High School Musical franchise. 
I just saw Don’t Worry Darling hours before watching this movie, they are the same vibe but different font. And different budget bracket. 
 I was able to predict the ending like I said before but this film had its entertainment factors, jump scares, suspense, unreliable characters, and even a few twists. Would I watch it again, no. Only for review writing purposes. Would I recommend to others to watch, ehhh I’m 50/50 on that. I wouldn't recommend to avid horror movie fans.. maybe to newer horror movie fans. And to anyone who’s looking to watch something to fill the background noise or to fill your 31 days of halloween. 
Spoilers ahead..
In the beginning we are shown a scene of young Jill Barrett in a car with two guys drinking beers, the driver possibly meant to be her boyfriend or a guy she fancies. Her boyfriend says something along the lines of “she's all yours” giving his friend full access.. this already makes every viewer uncomfortable but my point of mentioning it is, what's the point of this scene? to indicate that Jill has trauma and can be passive and easily manipulated? Or that she's not a fighter?
Why was she keeping a journal.. why? she has written down.. “the stormy sea appears calm & still. Unaware of the (chunniy)? I float. The monster calm sure is there is not alone. The waves crash on the shore adrift alone all appears calm. Unaware I continue my journey.” She continues to write something else but we are unable to see.. I suppose this is foreshadowing of the events to come but no one can really read it unless you pause the movie. is she a poet? is she a writer? She ends up leaves this journal in the back seat of the drivers car, having the driver to come back.. this gets the driver captured and put in danger.  Also red flag.. this driver asks prying questions, why is she out here alone? are you really married? then he aggressively asks for a tip and Jill complies.. again pushing that narrative of being submissive. 
They also take this time to show and explain how secluded this property is, by giving an aerial view of the vast trees surrounding.. plus a limited gated fence that only separates the driveway from the main round. Within the house it’s highly modern with smart home security system. While Jill is looking around the home, she comes across a locked set of doors.. red flag. She also finds a leather back book named Rules of Instructions with a variation of the tree of life symbol. weird. 
Continuing her night randomly Jill purposely spills a glass of wine and finds an escape hatch.. red flag. She doesn't open it because her husband arrives. I did not trust the husband from the beginning. This could be from preexisting lack of trust in men but my hunch was later deemed correct. 
We are quickly introduced to the narrative of an outside force taking control of the situation and home. Jill and Henry are drugged waking up to changed clothes, coffee and flowers by the bedside. Henry telling Jill to relax you were drunk but he didn't get up to make coffee. The inspect the bedroom noticing new clothes in the wardrobe replacing their own. Henry suggests leaving and realizes he has no keys to the vehicle.. its extremely convenient that Jill herself did not drive to the home but Henry did. Red Flag. A noise is heard from outside of the car and HENRY GOES TO INVESTIGATE BY HIMSELF. RED FLAG, HELLO. Jill is in the home by herself and this is when she learns, she is being filmed throughout the home, then her bloodied husband comes running in to also “learn” that they are being watched. A phone rings and a creepy voice tells them they must remain in the home and obey. When they attempt to leave the entire home locks down preventing them from escaping, Jill attempts to take a chair and smash the window but is forcibly stopped by an electrical shock that comes from an implant behind her ear. Henry also has an implant. Which is a good touch to help his narrative of being a trusting character. 
They are given tasks to rebuild their marriage, chivalry from Henry and obedience from Jill. Holding doors open, making dinner.. and showing affection towards each other.. creepy. What shocked me was that Jill was cheating on Henry, but it then gave Henry away for me. Henry puts up a good front to convince you that he doesn’t want to participate in this sick twisted love healing exercise. But once they brought the other man into the picture I knew 100% Henry was behind this, Jill was made to choose to save her husband or her lover. In the end she made the wrong choice stabbing her lover letting her husband live. Jill finally stops drinking what's given to her and avoids getting drugged, helping her find the once locked doors are now open. Giving her access to the 50s decorated control room.. she has way too much time to learn that she is in a “rehabilitation” service requested by you guessed it.. Henry. We see all the missing puzzle pieces of Henry faking being attacked, giving consent to the holder, helping the man dress his wife and have sex with his unconscious wife. 
Jill then overcomes her submissive narrative by taking a manipulative role and “tricking” her husband into thinking she is still under his control. Bart Johnson shows an extremely convincing angered controlling husband, that again I personally have never seen him play before. My goal is now to see more of his acting outside of family/children genres. Jill kills the man keeping her hostage and her husband, ends up saving the driver from the beginning of the movie who was conveniently beaten up and crashed in his vehicle on the side of the road... yah could've been executed differently. 
The movie ends with Jill in the drivers seat of the vehicle driving the two of them to safety. Im guessing that this shows her character development of her gaining more of the dominant role? Unsure. 
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