#I don't care if he's an 80s character and this is the 50s
hockeynoses · 9 months
a little contagion scenario I think about sometimes:
somebody's stuck at home with an awful cold, and has basically contaminated the entire house with their wet, spraying sneezes at this point.
enter the traveling salesman (back in the day when that was a thing). he rings the doorbell and is kind of horrified at the state of the person who greets him. he awkwardly gives his opening spiel, and the person doesn't turn him away. should he... go in? he can hardly make up an excuse not to. and it is his job, after all...
he's doomed.
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BG3 Companion Music Headcanons
whoops look at me posting fun things. Anyway this is just what I think they'd enjoy listening to and not based on the playlists their actors made for them. I also did not go to the effort of doing research beyond the music I already know for this so if I'm missing some fundamental character song sorry
Karlach: into EDM, rap, pop, and pop punk mainly. anything that gets her moving and has good vibes. lowkey she has highschool dance playlist vibes like you play party rock anthem or timber and this girly is tearing up the floor. shares a Marina playlist with Shadowheart. Delves into the edgier side of pop punk, veering into emo on occasion. Her theme song is hot to go by chapell roann bc duh
Shadowheart: opposite end of the vibes spectrum. She does not want to dance she wants to feel like a bad bitch. Into a balanced amount of mainstream and indie artists. Listens to rihanna, marina, and lady gaga as well as like halestorm and evanescence. She and Karlach have scream sung I miss the misery together at the top of their lungs more then once. Not huge into mcr but she knows all the lyrics to welcome to the black parade as is her duty as an emo
Lae'zel: if you were to walk up to Lae'zel Githyanki and ask what music she likes she would look you back in the eye and say "I do not listen to music" and she doesn't. She just. Doesn't. I feel like the only thing she listens to is like weapon sharpening asmr. The only exception to this is that she once heard some of shadowheart's edgelord music and vibed hard but doesn't care enough to look it up for herself. (I made this headcanon a while ago without knowing Devora Wilde literally made a character playlist for Lae'zel that had zero songs bc she has better things to do ehoevoeovegoeg)
Gale: caught in the strange overlap between classical music lover, theater kid and literally just listening to whatever the radio is playing. He has a piano canonly idk if he actually. Plays it but he really likes piano music anyway. Stuff that sharpens the mind for study is always welcome. The theater kid comes out to play when he is home alone and/or has Wyll over and gets to scream along to phantom of the opera. He'd be a Cats defender and I'll say that with my chest
Wyll: DAD MUSIC. Like exclusively 70s/80s rock. Crying to American Pie or Carry on Wayward Son is a borderline weekly ritual for this man. Devout Kansas listener. Listens to metal on bad days but the only metal band he knows is black sabbath. Could probably play the thunderstruck guitar solo by ear if he ever deigned to learn guitar. Queen Stan until the day he leaves this earth
Astarion: kinda all over the place. He brags about listening to classical but that's only like 50% of what he really listens to. He likes music from ballets like swan lake. For not classical it's generally chill music from like the 50s/60s and then like 80s ballads. Loves Billy Joel
Halsin: I want to say asmr guy who listens to nature sounds but I don't think he'd own a device with which to play them and he'd rather just go listen to real birds anyway. Most of the songs he knows are folk songs he's picked up and he's more then content with his own renditions being the only ones he hears. Owns an ancient record player he never uses and a bunch of old vinyls the others are constantly trying to buy off him because they're super valuable, I'm talking vintage Frank Sinatra and shit
Minthara: okay two possibilities. She is either with Lae'zel in the club of just does not listen to music, like she just does not. The alternative option is that she's really into metal culture, like she casually talks about her favorite niche black metal group that no one else has ever heard of. Probably classically trained on like 5 instruments as well
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
One of the things that frustrates me about Viv's designs is that they don't really tell me anything about the character's motivations or personality.
If I came knowing nothing about Hazbin and you tell me that Cherry Bomb is a punk from the 80's, Sir Pentious an inventor from Victorian England and Alastor a radio host from the 1920's I would have a very hard time believing you.
(((Especially since for some reason, Viv dresses almost all her male characters in Hazbin with some variant of the same suit and bowtie)))
But I think that no - other design frustrates me more than Nifty's. She is supposed to be a Japanese housewife from the fifties. Yet her dress is looks more like a Halloween costume of a fifties girl than something women would actually use at the time.
Her hair is not even accurate, it should be more curly since perms were really big among Japanese women during that time.
However, the fact that she wears a costume of a fifties woman could come in handy if you write a decent backstory.
Let's start by saying that Nifty was not an adult during the fifties, she was actually born during the early sixties into a very conservative and traditional family who told her that the only thing she needed to worry was to marry a decent man, have kids and take care of the house.
Like a 50's woman!
This caused Nifty, a very extroverted and playful child who loved bugs and mud, to have a pretty stressed-out childhood. Every time her mother found her playing in the garden and getting dirty she was beaten. The germo-phobia she developed as a adult was partially because of this, since filled with germs = being harshly punished she always made sure everything was clean.
Eventually when she was 19, her parents arranged a marriage with a businessman and they tied the knot not even a year later.
Her husband was not bad,
He was rather handsome, had a stable job, a big house in Tokyo and could even afford going on vacation once a year.
If only he wasn't the most boring man alive then things probably would have been different.
Whatever he genuinely loved Nifty or not is completely irrelevant when he treated her more like a housemate than an actual wife. They even slept in separate beds and the only time they spend together was during dinnertime and then 30 minutes of TV before going to bed.
NIfty was suffocating in her marriage.
But is not like she could say something. The one time she tried talking to her mom about it, she just told her to "be thankful" to have so much free time since things will change when she has children.
Well, she and her husband hadn't been intimate since their weeding night, so that wasn't happening any time soon.
That stayed the same for a while, until one night, while watching TV with her husband a local boy/band appeared on screen
It was the early 90s and boy bands were allll the rage.
New bands formed every day and this particular one didn't seem too different from the rest. Except that maybe, the Bad Boy of the group captivated a 30 year old Nifty and rocked her world in a way she hadn't experimented before.
At the start everything seemed normal, she started by buying one CD or two, attending meet and greats in local malls and going to their concerts. Nifty didn't want her husband getting involved, so she got a part-time job to cover those extra expenses and not use her husbands money.
Of course almost all the merch she bought was of Bad Boy
Soon, she started having this fantasies, dreams were B.B confused his undying love for her and took her away form her boring husband and into a live of adventure and music. B.B was a real man, rebellious and strong that would be able to keep emotion and passion in her life unlike her husband.
Those dreams helped her to live another day, and maybe it was because of this dependency that Nifty started to believe that those fantasies were real. That she and B.B were a secret couple and the meet and greats they had were really "dates" that they had to do in secret from her husband.
Unfortunately, it was only a matter a time before dear Nifty became one of those fans who you end up seeing in a police lineup and reading in the newspaper the minute she started stalking B.B and talking about him as if he was her boyfriend with whoever may listen.
All went into a breaking point when one day, Nifty just got tired waiting for B.B to take her away from her boring life. Thinking about it she just came to the conclusion that it was her dear old hubby the one that was keeping B.B away from her.
That has to be it.
Her husband must be preventing B.B from fulfilling his promise!
What lies did he told him about her?
Does he want me as his prisioner forever?!
This is not staying like this!
That night, after her husband fell asleep, Nifty woke up, went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and stabbed her spouse 30 times before ending his life with one clean slit in the throat.
Now that the bore is dead, she and her precious Bad Boy could be together forever! Now he has no excuse to not fulfill his promise! A new life filled with love, excitement and adventure awaits!
But first she needs to clean, everything ended up a disaster.
Maybe it was the excitement she was feeling, or it was too dark to properly read the labels, but mixing cleaning chemicals can actually be extremely dangerous. You may create a very dangerous gas that could potentially kill you.
That morning, the neighbors woke up due a very strong smell and they shouted the minute they found dead bodies of Nifty and her husband. She had her skin partially burned as she had felt face down the mix of cleaning solutions that took her life.
And you and me know, where she ended
Congratulations, Niffty's yours now! You're clearly more qualified to be writing her. Please cherish her.
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
I was gonna ask you for ☕☕☕ on Kim characterisations but I know that could put you at risk of assassination 💀 so free choice! Any ☕ on anything you need to get off your chest - I love u
😂 it is a choose violence game, let's play with fire 🔥 three Kim characterizations i don't much care for:
writing Kim as really old
like. hmmmm. i feel like a lot of fic out there is just really bad at characterizing young 20 yos, there are a lot of stories that write Kim's vibes like he's 38 yo or something. it's. bizarre. 21/22 yo is still so young. there's still so much uncertainty at that age and so much self-discovery to come. i've complained about this before so i don't want to just rehash that but. yeesh. some people really kinda suck at writing "kid in college" aged characters.
not letting Kim be playful
honestly, this one kinda follows on the previous point? there's a very annoying trend of writing ~older~ characters as only ever very serious. and like, aside from the irritation at the way people are really bad at early 20s vibes, people never outgrow playfulness. in canon, i'm pointing to Porsche trapping Kinn under the sheets and farting or them huffing their morning breaths in each other's faces (i love u canon ❤). but people still do ridiculous shit at 40/50/60/70/80/ALL THE AGES too. 40yo sisters who greet each other by punching the other in the boob. the 60yo neighbor who tells me my shoelaces are untied every time he sees me in sandals. the 50yo uncle who flicks popcorn in the mouths of anyone who falls asleep during movie night. there's no age limit to this sort of thing!
but while some of the ultra seriousness seems to be a weird age thing, it's like people also missed that Kim is playful? he's very intense when he's in mafia business mode and he's a nightmare to the guards (❤), but he plays along with Khun. he teases Chay. he has a good rapport with other university students. he can be more lowkey playful than others, but Kim's not made of stone, he has his fun too.
Wik being a burden on Kim
this one starts running into differences in headcanon-- like personally, i'm looking for fics where Wik is Kim's home. i've cried about this elsewhere so i'll keep it short, but Wik is the life Kim poured blood, sweat, and tears into to build up brick by brick. Wik is the life Kim wants, it's the parts of him he thinks are the best of him. i actually make the MC of the ep4 university one of Kim's best friends (i call him Green), and one of my favorite headcanons i've come up with for them is that everyone thinks Green twists Kim's arm into doing outreach events, but actually Green is Kim's connection to university news because he loves doing them but never knows who to ask. Kim desperately wants to be a source of good inspiration to others and have purpose outside of violence, and Wik is his way of doing that. Wik is not a burden on Kim (in fact, i'd argue Kim all but said he is a burden on Wik, but i digress).
so, that's my personal preference for Kim's relationship with Wik, but obviously not everyone's going to have the same characterization and that's cool. where i start to get annoyed is when people write him as very...hmm. dismissive? of it. or otherwise seems like he doesn't like any aspect of it. i straight up back click on any fic that has Kim fuck up the name of some popular musician. this is not a specific call out, but for example-- i remember reading something where there was this offhand line of Kim being like "and there's a request for a show with some other musician, wangson jack?" and just. no. back click, goodbye, nope. shit like that really starts to bug me. some of it is personal irritation at how awful a lot of english speakers are towards asian artists (which like. random fandom people are not at fault for the crimes of USamerican music reporters. but maybe consider that until people overall are less shitty and dismissive towards them, one off lines referencing real life musicians like this are better off deleted). but over all i just...really, really dislike disrespectful attitudes like that (esp for something related to the arts) and i don't want to read them in my favorite character. Kim is pursuing a career in the music industry for himself--Kim being, u know, Kim, he's going to take it very seriously and with that, also hold a lot of respect towards his fellow musicians generally speaking. at the very least, he's going to be cordial and pleasant with them because no one likes working with an asshole and Kim is trying to keep his mafia bullshit far away from his Wik goals. not everyone's going to have the same characterization headcanons i do for how much i think Kim would pour himself into music and love it, but i really don't vibe with any take where Wik is a burden on or a drag for Kim.
and a bonus ☕ because i luv u too anon: anything where Kim doesn't love his brothers or sees them as actual competition instead of the ones he wants to protect the most. this is not a surprise to anyone here, u all know how much i love brothers, but i've noticed that fandom gets kinda caught up in the chess metaphors sometimes. and to that i say: 1. Terry Pratchett yall: sin is when you treat people like things. 2. Terry Pratchett again: chess is a stupid ass metaphor for real life. 3. kp canon agrees with that. Korn is shit at playing chess. (the fucking. ep1 game. omfg. Chan is all but eating his pieces to let Korn win. i'm still howling over the scholars mate in ep5.) Korn is noticeably shit at all his hobbies that are metaphors for controlling people. which is the point! the boys fail every time they try to play his games, because you cannot play people like you would a game. every triumph is rooted in overturning the game board completely.
[ send a ☕, get a bitchy* fic opinion ]
*personal preference related, we’re not here to be mean
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mtkay13 · 10 months
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So I made those as requested by abscess chemical on twitter and figured it may be fun to share them on tumblr as well. And you know what? Share a break down of my choices as well, because why not! I tried doing it seriously haha.
Zhou Zishu:
Intense - 6/10: He can be very intense, re the things or people he's invested in, but he also has a chill and detached quality to him, a way of being at peace with things that he won't blow things out of proportions.
Complex - 9/10: I think that he's a very nuanced, multi-faceted and deep character, but I guess I didn't go 10/10 just because there's also a very straightforward and easy to get part of him (esp. from WKX's perspective.
Fruity - 2/10: I think the guy's very gay but not the most bombastic about it LBR.
Angst-lord: although it's not as obvious in TYK, QY gives us some EXTREMELY tasty ZZS angst and a good look into how ZZS can process things through anxiety. It definitely got more lowkey post-QY canon, but...
Flavor container: IDK what that means really but I wanted to tick it
Soft and sweet: I actually didn't check it on the twitter version initially (but published an erratum). He is described as soft on the inside by too many people not to check it.
Braincell haver: self-explanatory, the guy's brilliant
Chew toy: literally!
Tragic backstory: if QY can count as a backstory, then everything that happened with Jiuxiao works.
Frequently violent: duh
Sidekick owner: WKX is ZZS's sidekick from everyone else's perspective (or vice-versa) and my opinion abt it won't change ever.
Pet stray animals: ZCL, for one, and for two we all know he pets cats and raccoons
Chronic insomniac: technically, in TYK, the nails do force the insomnia, but we know from QY that he had a lot of trouble sleeping at night.
Murderer: well
Just some guy 95%: clearly he's a natural-born NPC/side character
Too many thoughts 100%: he overthinks everything!!
Awful company 15%: I think that a goofy drunkard like him is fun but not the best company, especially when he goes all grumpy shifu/shixiong
Beloved by all 60%: most characters REALLY like him (and the others don't even know he exists) and often praise how sweet he is. Charming against his will and attempts at being invisible uwu
Trauma x1000 10%: again, I think that the Jiuxiao story left deep scars.
Helps others for fun 70%: pretty much the plot of TYK
Scary-smart 80%: I think he's really brilliant but then you have these moments where he's just clueless abt stupid stuff and clearly doesn't care/doesn't want to know or try so those 20% left are the deliberate goof I guess.
1000 weapons and tools 50/50: it's both!! every rock is both a tool and a weapon and he just keeps pulling random shit from his bosom--
At peace with life 48%: I think, for the most part, he is--at peace with both life and death, until he decides that keeping on living is just the best option in the end.
Break the rules 80%: I had no idea w this one but... in TYK he pretty much does whatever he wants, so---
Extra comments: The way the "evokes" ticks every boxes for me to various degrees of intensity... sigh It was difficult for the "want them to have" section since I think he has everything post-canon, but I tried seeing it from a mid!canon perspective.
Wen Kexing
Intense - 9/10: While WKX's feelings are generally cold, they seem equally intense to me, just like his eyes or his stare. He's intense about his love, about his revenge, about his plans.
Complex - 6/10: I've had interesting convos about how WKX is... nuanced, of course, but not as complex or deep as it may seem on the surface. That doesn't take anything from how interesting he is, but he is rather straightforward in what he is, ultimately.
Fruity - 8/10: I MEAN--
Enemy of the State: he's literally THE main Jianghu villain
Flavor Container: I still don't know what it means but it felt right once again
Braincell haver: the guy is EXTREMELY smart and outsmarted everyone in TYK so yeah
Tragic backstory: can hardly do worse than parents murdered in front of you, ate your dad to survive, took care of a child in the wildest, most dangerous part of jianghu, fought to reach the top while "serving" the previous master........ He scored it all!
Orphan: again, fully checks out
Frequently violent: yes
Has enemies: in SPADES
Sidekick owner: GX and ZZS are WKX's sidekicks 100%
Murderer: yes
The antagonist of life 70%: had to change from protag to antag because he IS the TYK antagonist (if TYK had been a traditional wuxia from ZCL's perspective...); of course it ends up being subverted but you know
Too many thoughts 75%: I think he's a big thinker as well
Awful company 85%: Let's be real guys
Hated by all 30%: I think he's too underestimated or not even really acknowledged enough to be hated, but I am pretty sure that more people dislike him than the opposite
Trauma x1000 60%: well.......... I think he has a bunch!
Sadistic for fun 15% : I doubt he's one to like helping and we know him to have those sadistic tendencies
Scary-smart 80%: same reasoning as for ZZS
1000 weapons or tools: mostly bare handed for everything save for the occasional whip or walnut shell but---
Enemy of god 35%: I have to be honest I don't really know what that means but I guess he's defied death a few times!!!
Break the rules 95%: WKX shits on the rules
Additional notes:
Mostly ticks everything in the "evokes" categories as well, but I unticked "symptoms of projection" because I don't feel like I project much of anything on WKX... maybe? (save for the ZZS lewding.. LOL) always hard to say, IG we always do a bit of that on every character, eh
and The Horny ofc because i'm kinda known for not really lewding my good WKX atp
I want a lot of things for him during canon, but again, all I can think of is how post-canon WKX really got it and then I gush and am simply happy for him.
That's it thank you for reading this mostly unnecessary breakdown!!!! Edit, following a comment asking for the sheet:
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mah-t-wordblog · 1 month
hello friend!! if it’s ok with you, may i pls ask for some bsd tickle hcs?☺️no pressure ofc! have a great day!
Hi!!!! I already have some hcs here, but only about my favorite characters, if you want someone else, ask me!!!
This Headcanons is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Atsushi Nakajima 🐅🤦‍♂️ 🐅🤦‍♂️ 🐅🤦‍♂️ 🐅🤦‍♂️
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50% ler / 50% lee
- in general, Atsushi always tries to be a very careful ler
- Apart from Akutagawa, then he really becomes a wild animal
- Making others laugh is Atsushi's only motivation
- The exception is again Akutagawa, who makes Atsushi want to punish him
- He doesn't know how to provoke, he can only do it when he is really inspired
- Favorite Lees: Akutagawa, Dazai and Kyoka
- “I really wanted to see you smile like that!”
- His sensitivity level is gigantic, 100/100
- Does not like being attacked very much, will try to escape and fight back
- The fact that he cannot escape from Akutagawa makes him deeply angry
- When his parts are in the shape of a tiger, tickling him will make him purr, which Dazai finds very funny
- The tiger is more sensitive than his human form
- Teasing him makes him much, much more sensitive, as if it increases his sensitivity by 300x
- When someone touches the back of his knees, he screams and squeaks
- Weak points: legs (entirely) and belly
- Are you ticklish? “Huh? Why do you want to know? 😳”
-Teases that get him: “you look like a kitten, weretiger”
Osamu Dazai 💀⚰️ 💀⚰️ 💀⚰️ 💀⚰️ 💀
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60% ler / 40% lee
- Dazai is pretty radical when it comes to tickling someone
- he provokes too much
- Really more than he should
- He looks like he would say things like “coochie coo~” and such
- He will punish you and won't release you until you cry
- His satisfaction is to see you brooding
- And there's no point using powers on him, he'll be touching you
- Favorite Lees: Atsushi, Akutagawa and Chuuya
- “Oops~ does it tickle?”
- feels very ticklish, 90/100
- Teases you to be attacked
- Everyone knows he loves being tortured, right?
- He likes to be arrested and killed
- He will ask you to stop but don't stop, if he really wants you to stop, he will make you stop
- Teases don't work much on him
- He teases back
- But he doesn't like people touching his most sensitive spot, even though it almost makes him die
- Sensitive points: neck
- Are you ticklish? “Yep, like you~”
- Provocations that catch him: “is this how you wanted to die? Tickled?”
Doppo Kunikida 📝⏱️ 📝⏱️ 📝⏱️ 📝⏱️
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85% ler / 15% lee
- Kunikida is always very irritated, so he always tickles others when he wants them to be quiet
- He's really good at holding his lee and making them suffer
- He always grabs Dazai by the neck and takes the opportunity to make him laugh
- Teases him by saying things like “are you going to apologize? No?"
- Doesn't stop even when his lee is about to cry
- Atsushi has to interfere so he doesn't kill anyone lol
- Favorite Lees: Dazai, always wants to kill him
- “Can you let me work in peace?”
- He hates being tickled
- Like, he really hates it
- So the 15% only exists for times Dazai teased him with it
- Or that Aya forced him to do something
- He blushes when Dazai teases him, and gets even angrier
- Oh! And he is a 85/100
- Weak points: hands and armpits
- Are you ticklish? "No! DO NOT TRY"
– Taunts that get him: “Kunikida~ you’re laughing~”
Kenji Miwazawa 🐮💪 🐮💪 🐮💪 🐮💪
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20% ler / 80% lee this child is wonderful, Kenji I love you
- no one could escape Kenji's tickles, he is simply VERY STRONG
- But he doesn't usually tickle others, luckily for everyone
- He only attacks someone when someone attacks him
- Or when someone is sad
- He even likes to tickle others
- He doesn't know how to provoke, but he knows how to make a lee ashamed
- He does this involuntarily lol
- LOVES giving his lees raspberries
- He tickled his cows 👉👈
- Favorite Lees: I imagine he has a stronger relationship with Tanizaki and Rampo
- “the cows loved it when I did that to them, and you?”
- he is extremely sensitive, he is just a child, 100/100
- The only reason others tickle him is to see his cute smile
- And the bubbly laughter
- In fact, also to calm him down when he is very euphoric
- When he feels tickled his strength runs out and he is completely destroyed hahahaha
- He loves and admits with all praise
- He even asked Atsushi to tickle him
- His laugh is warm and very loud
- Loves raspberries, receive them too
- Weak points: belly
- Are you ticklish? "Clear! And you?"
- Provocations that get him: “didn’t they teach you how we do things here in your village?”
Edogawa Rampo 👓🍭👓🍭👓🍭👓🍭👓
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60% ler / 40% lee
- Rampo LOVES tickling people out of nowhere
- His childish spirit makes everything tickle
- Did you insult him? Tickling
- You are sad? Tickling
- Did you steal his chocolates? Oh
- This is a more serious case, where he completely kills him lee, don't do that
- Rampo always goes to the end and doesn't even care if his Lee is dying
- But he's sweet and he'll let you go if you apologize
- Fights with Kenji~~~~
- He loves how cute Poe is when he laughs, so he tickles him for no reason
- Favorite Lees: Poe, and anyone at the agency, but especially Poe
- “I solved the mystery! It looks like you are ticklish~”
- Very sensitive, like, very, 110/100
- He looks like a baby of almost thirty years
- Always denies being ticklish, even to people who have tickled him fifteen thousand times
- He loves it
- He looks like someone who provokes his ler to attack him
- If the punishment of any game is being tickled, he will lose on purpose
- He can't take provocations and starts screaming and blushing when someone provokes him
- Everyone just loves tickling this boy
- He's so cute
- Weak points: armpits
- Are you ticklish? “The great detective does not have these weaknesses”
- Provocations that catch him: “What happened great detective? Can’t you solve this mystery?”
Akiko Yosano 🦋💉 🦋💉 🦋💉 🦋💉 🦋
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90% ler / 10% lee
- This woman is the reincarnation of the devil
- She wants to kill you
- Likes to sneak through the shadows and be very mysterious
- She's very good at interrogation
- You will do what she wants, muahahahaha
- But don't worry she will let you go if you are dying
- Maybe 😏
- Atsushi is the best possible to interrogate, she loves the fact that he is simply too manipulable
- Favorite Lees: mainly end up with anyone from the agency
- “I can only help when you are almost dying”
- It's not that she's not fit to be Lee, she's just barely ticklish
- 40/100 for real
- But she feels it in some specific points
- She also likes to be teased, but almost no one can really make her laugh
- Maybe Rampo has already tried so many times that at some point he succeeded
- She doesn't love tickling, but she doesn't hate it either
- But she kind of likes being attacked in her weak spot
- Weak points: legs
- Are you ticklish? “You’re asking me to tickle you?”
- Teasing that gets her: “you’re not going to die, doctor”
Junichirou Tanizaki ❄️😅 ❄️😅 ❄️😅 ❄️
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80% ler / 20% lee
- Junichirou is a very shy person, he is not very confident in what he is doing
- But if his lee starts to really laugh, he becomes a monster
- He has loved tickling his sister since he was little, usually when she was being a little too clingy
- I think he also likes to attack Kenji, I like this friendship
- His taunts aren't the best, he's much better when he's in monster mode
- He can tickle you without you seeing him MUAHAHAHAHA
- Be careful, he might be hiding to jump on you
- Favorite Lees: Naomi and Kenji
- “You can’t see me but I can touch you”
- very sensitiveeeeeee
- 90/100
- He likes tickling, he can't deny it
- Naomi keeps attacking him every time they're in that awkward moment, and it's clear that he really likes it
- He is afraid of Yosano attacking him, so he keeps running away from her when she is in a mood
- I feel like he gets scared a lot, so if you poke him in the ribs he'll jump to the other side of the room
- He doesn't ask for tickles, but it's because he's embarrassed, that's cute, right?
- Weak points: sides and lower ribs
- Are you ticklish? “I-I d-don’t-“
- Provocations that catch you: “what happened? Are you ashamed?"
Izumi Kyoka 🐇🌸 🐇🌸 🐇🌸 🐇🌸 🐇🌸
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60% ler / 40% lee
- Kyoka is a very silent reader, which can cause some fear
- She barely talks about the process of taking her lee and destroying him
- Atsushi taught her that instead of killing anyone she was angry with, she could tickle the person
- She uses this tactic quite often, especially with Atsushi
- She can even provoke when she attacks someone
- But they're kind of death threats like “you're going to die”
- Which is kind of sinister
- In other words, she may be small, but everyone is scared of her because she's kind of terrifying
- Favorite Lees: Atsushi
- "I'll end with you"
- She is 90/100
- It's soooo cute
- Hates when someone call she that
- Her laugh has a lot of squeals
- She insists on holding back her smile and laughter until she explodes
- Atsushi, when he tickles her, it's always to calm her down when she wants to kill someone
- She keeps kicking and punching her ler
- She can never sit still, hee ler comes out all injured
- Weak points: armpits
- Are you ticklish? "I will kill you"
-Teases that get her: “your laugh is so cute”
Ryunosuke Akutagawa 🔪👿 🔪👿 🔪👿
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50% ler / 50% lee
- In fact, Akutagawa likes be the ler more
- He's pretty mean
- He can trap your arms and legs with the rashumon
- It is not good to let him know your weak points
- But although he can be a very tough guy when he's angry (poor Atsushi), he can be very affectionate
- Maybe he just pokes you a few times, but if he does it once he'll never stop
- He knows how to tease well, hehehe
- Speaks calmly, which makes him lee even more frustrated
- When he wants to interrogate someone who doesn't feel very angry, he will definitely resort to tickling
- Favorite Lees: Atsushi (poor thing) and Gin
- “You’re already getting on my nerves, I’m going to have to punish you~”
- hahaha he doesn't admit it, but he is extremely sensitive 100/100
- No one tickled him much during his life
- Just Gin when they were little
- But after a while in the Mafia, everyone discovered how sensitive he was and decided to catch him 😝
- Never EVER admit that he feels ticklish
- Unless... it's Atsushi
- With Atsushi he feels free
- His laughs are not very loud, for me, he has a very cute silent laugh, but he lets out some laughs
- he could kill his ler at any time, but he won't, firstly because he doesn't control rashumon when he feels ticklish, secondly because he secretly loves it
- Weak points: neck (it's difficult to get there because of the collar on him clothes)
- Are you ticklish? “No, get out of here”
- Teasing that gets him: “I thought you weren’t ticklish, sir”
Chuuya Nakahara 🍷 🖕🍷 🖕🍷 🖕🍷 🖕
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40% ler / 60% lee
- Since Chuuya is very easily angered, he often uses tickling to get revenge, instead of hitting people he likes
- It's a demon
- He can manipulate the gravity of his Lee's hands and trap them so they doesn't run away
- Or he can restrain Lee completely and not let him move
- Some may think he's just an angry man, but he knows how to finish anyone off
- And of course, I can't forget
- Finishing Dazai is his passion
- (We know Dazai loves this)
- Whenever the man irritates him, he attacks him and finishes him off
- Favorite Lees: Dazai
- "What it was? Can’t move, can you?~”
- ehehehehehehehehehehe
- It's soooo sensitive 110/100
- He HATES tickles (unless they're from Dazai 🤭)
- This guy actually NEVER admits that he is sensitive, even when the person is about to kill him
- He blushes a lot, which can be really funny since he's always so tough
- Him sensitivity is known to everyone
- In the Mafia, everyone keeps poking him to make him jump
- And he gets all embarrassed and frustrated about it oinnnn
- He's only 10% more of a lee because Dazai tickles him 24 hours a day
- His powers just don't work when he's being attacked, so he can't even fight back or run away (Dazai loves this fact)
- Weak points: ribs (the most superior)
- Are you ticklish? “Fuck you”
- Provocations that catch him: “oh my God, you can’t escape? Come on, use your powers~”
Edgar Allan Poe 📚🦝📚🦝📚🦝📚🦝📚
20% ler / 80% lee
- In fact, the occasions in which Poe is a ler are quite rare
- This only happens when Rampo provokes him to feel ticklish
- And he obviously answers
- He only knows how to tickle Rampo, because his boyfriend taught him hahahaha
- He really likes feathers, he likes to put feathers on his lee
- His teases are usually compliments
- Apart from Rampo, he really is never the ler
- Favorite Lees: Rampo, right?
- “You look cute laughing”
- Poor thing, why did this boy date Rampo?
- He’s really very sensitive 120/100
- His whole body feels like one big gigantic sensitive spot
- Did I say he loves feathers? He loves having feathers brushed on him too, especially on his ears.
- Rampo knows he likes this, so he teases him whenever Poe is writing with a fountain pen like that with a nib
- he loves to be teased, and he really is teased all day
- I feel like because he's a writer, his hands are also very sensitive, I don't know why 😂
- He blushes a lot, like A LOT
- His laugh is low but increases as his reading provokes him
- Karl can tickle himmmmmmmmm
- Very cute
- Weak points: ears and hands
- Are you ticklish? “Me? DID KARL TELL YOU?”
-Teases that get him: “I know you love this”
Extra: I discovered that the name EDOGAWA RAMPO is a different pronunciation of the name EDGAR ALLAN POE, my couple 😭😭😭😭😭
Thanks for reading🫶💛 it’s my birthday, tadaaaa
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A-Z Sherlock Fan Fiction Tropes Bingo
Many thanks to @swissmissing for creating this bingo card! Because I'm like that, I decided to go for a blackout bingo! And because, even as I was typing these, I kept thinking of more wonderful fics that would fit the brief, I hope to fill in my bingo card again. Writers are amazing and deserve to be lauded, and I have left off so many amazing fics and authors. Besides, we all need fic recs. 💙
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AU/Amnesia The Murder of Emory J Amat by chriscalledmesweetie. Sherlock and John in 1920's AgathaChristieLand. It's a WIP but is currently updating weekly. (52k, T)
BDSM/Bodyswap - Certain Skills by NoStraightLine. John expressly told Sherlock that if he stole his gun again he’d get the fucking he was asking for. Sherlock “Boundaries Are Boring” Holmes stole John’s gun. (3k, E)
Crossover/Crack - Repo Men by Anyawen. In which Mrs Turner's married ones are James Bond and Q. Q is kidnapped; everybody is a BAMF. (7k, G)
Domestic/Disability A Building of Bridges by pengke. Alternate first meeting. No one would ever send Sherlock in to defuse a stand-off; but on one unlikely day, that’s exactly what happened. “Congratulations, Lestrade,” he called out sarcastically. “You’re traumatizing a war veteran.” (11k, G)
Established Relationship/Enemies to Lovers - Interview by bluebellofbakerstreet. In which the boys are in an 80's punk band, and are being interviewed by Rolling Stone. (2k, G)
Future/Fluff 50. Be You - No one Else Can by KittenKin. John's had a bad day and Sherlock doesn't know how to help. They both feel better at the end, and you will, too. (1k, G)
Gen/Genderswap - The Art of Communication by stillwaters01. Lestrade is receiving odd texts from Sherlock; he reads between the lines and brings help. (2k, T)
Historical/Humor - Acceptable Behavior by bbcatemysoul. Sherlock isn't really sure why John wants to shag him, but he's certain that if he's careful to behave properly about it, John can be persuaded to keep doing it. (3k, M)
Illness/imprisonment -  Radioactive Trees in a Red Forest by Maribor_Petrichor. Harrowing account of John's battle with mental health issues and addiction after - you know - everything. (280k, E)
Jealousy/Jilted - Hungry by LipstickDaddy. John can't figure out why Sherlock is being so nice to that new guy working with the yard. (7k, G)
Kids/Kink - The Alchemy of Sea Glass by reveling_in_mayhem. Salt and air and sand surrounded their little party of three. Crashing waves, gull cries, and the exhilarated exclamations of an excited three-year-old served as the soundtrack to a day filled with blue skies and bright sunshine. (22k, E)
Long/Love Triangle The Edinburgh Problem by snorklepie. “A nice holiday, just a bit more...murdery. ” John said drily. “Yes! The best kind of holiday!” Sherlock beamed. “So we won’t get bored!” (152k, E)
Magical Realism/Major Character Death Left by LifeonMars. John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible. (45k, M)
NSFW/Next Gen. Warzone by abundantlyqueer. Three smutty stories that pick up where the first two episodes left off. (13k, E)
Omegaverse/Only One Bed - Scars Don't Lie by CumberCurlyGirl. The prospect of going undercover as husbands to a couples retreat is just too enticing to refuse. (33k, M)
Parenthood/Platonic The Man With the Cartier Frames by JRow. Sherlock's top priority is The Work, just as it's always been ... in between trips to Putney to help with Rosie, collecting Rosie from school, and preparing for Rosie's sleepover at Baker Street. (32k, T)
Queer/Quest Dance With Me by TotallySilverGirl. Sherlock's queer quest for johnlock requires dancing, and some help from Sally Donovan. (28k, E)
Retirement/Road Trip - The Winter Garden by Callie4180. As Sherlock nears the end of his career, he's given the gift of a cottage in Sussex. The honey from the beehives out back is amazing. Almost...magical. (31k, T)
Soulmates/Slow Burn Soul Mate by Mottlemoth. Mystrade. The words appeared on Mycroft's arm aged fourteen. He's now lived with the unfortunate words all his life, not certain that he even wishes to meet his soul mate if that's how the man talks. (4k, T)
Teen AU/Time Travel - The Curious Adventure of the Drs Watson by ShinySherlock. What if ACD Watson and BBC Watson switched places? (40k, M)
Undercover/Unrequited - Last Call at the Homesick Pub by Chryse. During the hiatus, Sherlock is both undercover and suffering from unrequited love. (3k, T)
Vampires/Villain POV - Nine Tenths of the Law by bendingsignpost. John knows what's his - of course he'll kill for it. (Modern vampire AU) (18k, M)
Whump/Werewolves When Your Belly’s in the Trench by Morgan_Stuart. The next time that door opens, John Watson will kill the person on the other side. (4k, T)
Xenomorphism/Xmas - Ghost Stories by SwissMiss. Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something. (22k, M)
Zombies/Zoomorphism - Aim for the Head by Breath4Soul. Sometimes you don't really find yourself until everything has ended.A fic about finding love, healing, and purpose after everything has gone to hell. Still a WIP, but worth it. (44k, M)
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quinloki · 1 year
hi!! sending a kinky op ask for drake and mihawk!
how do you think they’d feel about:
- pegging
- breeding
- dynamics (dom/sub, captain/subordinate, predator/prey, stuff like that!)
love ur writing sm! <3
Oh thank you for the compliment <3 ^_^
Hmmm... X Drake huh? >.> I think that's a new one \o/ (Drake makes me think of Page One... I have a bit of a soft spot for that one.) AHEM, but yeah, I can do this.
Dynamics is an interesting one too \o/ That'll be fun to answer.
We'll do these by character, but I'mma do Mihawk first, cause I can xD
Dracule Mihawk:
Pegging - I dunno - He's not against it, not completely, but you'd have to have a powerful top/dom streak in you in order to convince him. He'll turn the conversation and the momentum in his favor again and again, "pegging" you instead of the other way around. It'd be a battle of wills, and not an uncomfortable one, you're not going to upset him with persistence, you're just going to have to keep - uh - training, if you want to see it happen XD
Breeding - Yes - I can see Mihawk as a family man for sure (to wit - you don't need to get pregnant for a breeding kink! Aggressive practicing/filling can be all that's entailed. I can just see Mihawk being a family man). I can also see him as someone who likes to mark his partner as his own without leaving permanent marks. From watching bruising kisses fade, to admiring his seed dripping out of you, he just adores all the small ways you give yourself to him. If kids happen because of it, then so be it, he'll fill the role as best as he can, and in the meantime he'll continue to fill you up all the days you stay within his arms.
Dynamics - not really a way to rate this one, per se, but Mihawk is more Dom energy than sub, I'd say a solid 80% dom 20% switch (Quin you should say "sub", no, I said what I said <3 )
He's 100% predator and 0% prey, and surprisingly 60/40 for Top/Bottom. Other dynamics can follow the Dom/Sub vibe, or even the Top/Bottom vibe, but he's not going to play the role of servant or subordinate to anyone without a battle of wills.
X Drake :
Pegging - Yes - It's more likely he's going to be riding you, vs you riding him in this situation, but he's not against it. He's been undercover for a good while, and that's put him in a lot of situations where he's had to be flexible. That kind of thinking as led to him being pretty open-minded across the board, and even in the bedroom. He has a preference for being in control, but there's not a lot of hard no's for him either.
Breeding - FUCK Yes - Specifically he loves this when he's dealing with a long-term partner. His job keeps him away and on the move, so when he has time to spend with you he wants to make it count. He can get a little feral about it too, filling you up over and over until you've lost count how many times he's pumped you full.
He's surprisingly (or not so surprisingly) sweet afterward, once it's out of his proverbial system. He'll take good care of you, and treat you so softly the next day. If you're raw from his actions the night before he'll pull pleasure from the parts of you that aren't.
Dynamics - When it comes to Dom/sub, Drake's 99% Dom. There's that drop in there somewhere that's negotiable, but it's very very small. He scrambles sometimes to stay in control, and often times he has to let go of it for a job to progress, so in the bedroom he's not giving up the reigns any time soon.
Top/Bottom is 50/50, but just because he's bottom'ing doesn't mean he isn't dom'ing. Predator is 100% - maybe if he didn't have the devil fruit he'd have some variance, but he's a predator. Enough so that he generally prefers to avoid Primal Play because he doesn't want his instincts to rush in and take over.
Interestingly he fills the role of subordinate very well. More of a butler-willing-to-do-things style than say a pet. He'll have you bending to his will even as he seems to answer to yours.
Kinky one piece head canons
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brw · 3 months
soooo any in-depth thoughts/analysis on the recent x-force comic?
Ooooh okay, so I've definitely already ranted far too much to @elvain and @positivelybeastly but yes, I have quite a few, on various levels of complexity. The main thing that really stands out me is this; we have followed Hank for 50 issues of this, and a solid chunk of Percy's Wolverine. We have been in his head at different stages, and observed his thought patterns and his reasoning at different intervals, however weak or out of character those are. Not once did he ever mention or even think about Simon. So it really does stand out that without a moment's hesitation or consideration, he gave his life for Simon. No messing around, no second thoughts... because it was Simon, and Simon specifically. He would have never in a million years done that for anyone on Krakoa. He was willing to permanently ruin his relationship with Jean and with Emma and with so many people he cares about, but not Simon. Simon, he will throw himself in front of time and time again. Even if you're not reading these two as romantic, the literal actual text is clearly that Simon is on a higher tier of emotional importance to Hank, even the worst version of Hank, than anyone else. That stands out. Intentional or not, that is what happens! The only person who could get Hank to stop thinking about Krakoa or about mutantkind's survival above all ethics or morals was Simon Williams.
Now, Percy doesn't write a particularly strong Simon. While Simon is a pacifist, he also kind of fucking hates Logan, and I really don't think even pacifist Simon wouldn't tell Logan to get the fuck out of his face here.
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(also, Simon is like 6'2. What the hell is Logan standing on to make him seem so tall?)
And I know for a fact that Percy hasn't read these issues because it doesn't make any sense to write Hank the way he does if he actually has this much knowledge... BUT. But. It does stand out to me how willing Simon was to put himself in front of that gun/nuke thing, because Simon has done that before, and he has died from it. He dies in issue one of Force Works to protect earth from the Kree Ionic Cannon, which comes across as a reference to the comic event Operation: Galactic Storm, where Simon fails to stop a bomb going off that kills many Kree soldiers and this trauma permanently changes the tone of the 1991 Wonder Man series.
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Simon has become someone very willing to sacrifice himself to protect other people, because the fear of being responsible for so many deaths has outweighed his fear of dying himself. Anyway, after Force Works, we see Simon's funeral in Tales of the Marvels: Wonder Years, and Hank is briefly interviewed and shown at that funeral, and he looks absolutely miserable.
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And it is just... does Beast Prime remember this? Remember how difficult it was to lose his best friend? Hank becomes increasingly reclusive and focused on curing the legacy virus at the expense of his friendships during the 90s; is this part of this? Does this influence just how quick of a decision it was, to put himself and his life in front of Simon once again sacrificing himself for the benefit of others?
As I said, I do not think Ben has read either Force Works or Wonder Years, because why would you read those for this and not any Hank McCoy comic ever, but it does remind me of those moments and there's just. a lot of parallels there I enjoy.
However, I do feel frustrated slightly by the decision made to literally blow up Hank from the 80s–2020s? That's 40 years, and a lot of people have contributed to Hank in that time. Morrison, Whedon, Lobdell, Gillen, Waid, Ewing, Wells, Claremont, and hell, even people who's Hank's I don't like very much, like Bendis or Fraction, they all still had at least something to contribute to the character and it feels wrong that so much of that history is just. gone. Is Percy's writing worth this loss? Has he made any interesting statements about Hank McCoy as a character to justify steamrolling over 40 years of history and established lore and character development? Abigail Brand, gone from Hank's memory. His time travel shenanigans, gone. Dark Beast, a vague comment. Breaking through the door of Avengers mansion to kiss Simon on the floor and give him red roses, also gone. Becoming feline, to the sands of time. It's just depressing that so much has been cut out because writing an actual redemption arc would require having positive thoughts about Hank and we know Percy doesn't have those. I suppose I'm also just generally against the idea that villains have to die to be redeemed, anyway; is it not more interesting and more complex when someone has done so many horrible things as Hank had done under Percy, and he still is capable of change? Why can he only prove that capability in death? It feels like a very lazy way out and I really hope MacKay or someone gives Hank those memories back because so many wonderful and interesting dynamics have been lost because of it and I don't want them just to roll over it as if it hasn't happened.
But it does still really stand out that. Hank was willing to give everything up for Simon, and Simon specifically. Simon was the first person Defenders era Beast could think of that would make things better, that he felt safe talking to, and Simon is the one and only person Beast Prime was willing to die for, to put all the rest of his motivations and impulses on hold for and give up his life because he couldn't bare to lose his friend again.
And now the new Hank is living in Simon's small, one bed flat in L.A.
He's not helping the X-Men fight Orchis or the sentinels, or help X-Force with the Sabertooth problem... no, he's followed Simon to L.A. despite being covered in fur. That's true love if I've ever seen it.
It is also absolutely hysterical how little X-Force did in their own finale. Because did Hank give up his life because he felt regret over what he did for them? Did they successfully inspire change or successfully stop him in any way other than drag a sentinel to bother Simon and Hank? No! They didn't do anything! Logan stabbed Beast Prime but that didn't stop him, Simon being at risk and being in danger did! The combined forces of X-Force and a giant sentinel are not enough to stop Hank McCoy but the actor from Arkon IV is. Not because Simon even spoke to Beast Prime, or because he's thought about Simon once in the past 5 years, but because it was impulsive. Hank loves Simon so deeply that he will give his life for him even at his very worst, even after 5+ years of no contact and no thoughts about him. That's the actual closing statement of X-Force. How much Hank McCoy would do anything for this d list lame actor/underwear model.
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Reasons why the original "Little Shop of Horrors" ending flopped
I've been thinking of the various possible reasons why test audiences reacted badly to the original ending of the film version of Little Shop of Horrors. Off-Broadway audiences hadn't objected to the end of the stage version, where Audrey and Seymour are eaten and Audrey II wins in the end. So why exactly did the movie's test audiences find that ending so upsetting, forcing a new, happier ending to be shot?
Frank Oz has always cited two big differences between theatre and film as the main cause:
*Film has close-ups. They make the audience engage more closely with the characters' emotions than they do in live theatre, so we care more about Seymour and Audrey.
*At the end of a live theatre performance, the actors come out for a curtain call. That's an immediate reminder that they didn't really die. Whereas in a movie, while rationally we all know it's just a performance, it feels like they're really dead.
Here are some further arguments I've read in various places:
*Orin and Mr. Mushnik's deaths are rewritten in the film to tone down Seymour's guilt. Without the stage song "Now (It's Just the Gas)", Orin dies more quickly, without giving him much time to beg Seymour for help, and we don't hear Seymour cold-bloodedly debating whether to save him or not in his mind. Later, Mushnik holds Seymour at gunpoint and tries to blackmail him into giving him the plant in exchange for his keeping quiet about Orin's murder, while onstage he just threatens to have him arrested. In response, Seymour only backs Mushnik toward the plant (possibly even by accident – it's vague) instead of tricking him into looking inside its jaws, and then tries to warn him about it at the last moment, too late. These changes make a big difference in whether the audience thinks Seymour deserves comeuppance or not.
(There are alternate film takes, though, where Orin's begging for help is more drawn out, and where Seymour clearly backs Mushnik toward the plant on purpose and doesn't try to warn him about it. I read somewhere that those changes were made after the negative test screenings to make the new happy ending work better, but I don't know if that's been confirmed or not.)
*Rick Moranis has too much inherent likability as an actor. With or without the above rewrites, he gives off too much of a sweet, innocent vibe to let the audience stop rooting for Seymour.
*Showing Audrey's fantasy of married life with Seymour during "Somewhere That's Green" makes the audience sympathize more with her dreams. When she only sings about them, it's easier to laugh at how she romanticizes stereotypical '50s suburbia. But seeing her fantasy onscreen, even though it's still played for laughs, makes us root all the more for her to achieve it.
*The stage version of "Don't Feed the Plants" is less bleak because it ends at the very beginning of the plants' conquest, without leaving the shop or showing any massacres. It's just a warning: don't feed the plants, or else they'll destroy the world. Showing giant Audrey IIs already destroying the world leaves us feeling more hopeless.
*While the final "Don't Feed the Plants" sequence is visually spectacular, it drags on for too long.
*In 1986, people didn't expect a musical to end tragically. The rise in popularity of dark, tearjerking musicals in the mid-to-late '80s and '90s hadn't taken off yet in the US, so the ending was more of an unpleasant shock. (Personally, I'm not sure if I agree with this theory. The stage ending wasn't criticized in 1982, and plenty of musicals already existed with dark themes and with sad or bittersweet endings: The King and I, West Side Story, Fiddler on the Roof, Sweeney Todd, etc. Although I'm sure it was a shock for some people to see a campy musical comedy end tragically.)
I'd like to add some more suggestions of my own:
*Onstage, depending on the production, Audrey's death can be played more for dark laughs, more as a spoof of melodramatic movie death scenes. On film, the medium's comparative realism forces the sadness to be played straighter. This is enhanced by Seymour's attempted suicide afterwards, which doesn't happen onstage.
*The addition of "Mean Green Mother From Outer Space" makes Seymour's death much more brutal. Onstage, he's eaten fairly quickly, and he goes down fighting. But on film, we have to watch Audrey II playing a slow game of cat-and-mouse with him while singing a gloating song and destroying the shop, then wrapping him in its vines and slowly lifting him into its jaws, with closeups of his terrified face all the while.
*Onstage, during "Don't Feed the Plants," Seymour, Audrey, Mr. Mushnik, and Orin all reappear as flowers sprouting from Audrey II and sing to the audience. Thus, even before the curtain call, they're not portrayed as really "dead." And the fact that it makes no sense in-universe – maybe Mushnik and Seymour could have survived being swallowed, but Orin and Audrey were already dead when the plant ate their bodies – reminds us that this is only a show.
Basically, I think a perfect storm of factors combined to make audiences dislike the original, tragic film ending, even though there was no such objection to the stage ending.
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yernemm · 8 months
FNAF Movie :^)
Just watched it and I wanna write down my thoughts.
First bit of this post is mostly spoiler-free, I'll put spoilers under the read more.
If you're a fan and you're planning on watching it anyway, DO NOT READ ANYTHING ABOUT IT. TL;DR: it's good, we've waited so long for this, you'll enjoy it, don't spoil it for yourself :^)
First of all, I really enjoyed it. It felt very genuine, like it was made for the fans. Despite having a couple scares, it wasn't really scary. People who just wanna watch a horror film but don't really care for FNAF might be a bit disappointed there. Though as a FNAF fan, it's exactly what I hoped it would be tone-wise. It has a horror theme to it but doesn't take itself too seriously. It's pretty funny too, and has a lot of references to various things from the games and community (I'll elaborate in the spoilery bit).
There's a lot of small details sprinkled in throughout the movie, and I definitely missed some of them. I'll probably be rewatching it asap whenever it's available online.
Spoilers below (I have a lot to say about the lore) \/
I'm very interested about the canon of this movie. Although it seems like an adaptation of the first game, the plot and some major characters are very different. Game canon has always been pretty unclear but this movie contradicts a lot of what we thought we knew. It could be a retcon, or it be its own movie canon (that the potential movie sequels will follow). I'm very curious about the theories that people will have about it.
Here's some major points:
Mike Schmidt is Mike Schmidt, not a pseudonym for Michael Afton. Does Michael Afton even exist?? Who knows. Either way, William Afton immediately recognises his surname and immediately offers him the Freddy's job upon reading it. This could be because he knew Mike's brother, though I would've assumed that William was just killing random kids during MCI. Specifically picking Mike for the job due to this connection was very interesting. Also, what happened to Garrett? Like, yeah, William killed him, but he's not one of the ghost kids.
Abby / Vanessa -- who even is Elizabeth Afton?? The general theory before the movie came out was that Abby was the movie version of Elizabeth. Name is an anagram of Baby, she's Mike's sister, etc. But we now know that Mike and Abby are not William's children. Instead, Vanessa is William's daughter. It sort of makes sense, Elizabeth has been portrayed with blonde hair before and there is a loose connection between Security Breach Vanessa and Elizabeth. (Her actress is also Elizabeth Lail...) The timeline also lines up, Vanessa/Elizabeth was a child in the 80s, since the FNAF movie is set in 2000. One small problem though... Vanessa is alive. Is Elizabeth actually Vanessa's sister that died in the 80s, similar to what happened to Mike's brother? Why does William blame the missing children incident on Vanessa during the final confrontation? I have no idea. I'm really curious to see how this all connects.
There's a weird previously unseen springlock suit in the storage room??? It almost looks like an early version of Baby, based on the face... And Abby almost gets placed into it. Interesting.
I gotta refresh myself on the game lore, I do wonder how much of the game lore still makes sense if you assume the movie is also canon. Maybe the Schmidt family (Mike, Abby, Garrett) can work as the Afton children (Michael, Elizabeth, Crying Child) with William Afton actually having a different family to what we assumed (Vanessa). Though, assuming movie Vanessa is the same as game Vanessa, with Security Breach taking place likely 25-35 years after the events of the movie (which was confirmed to be in 2000), she would be in her 40s / 50s in SB. Maybe she just looks young for her age ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I suppose it's possible that in the 2030s, an unrelated woman who looks strikingly similar to Afton's daughter just decided to work for Freddy's. Maybe Afton controlled SB Vanessa because she reminds him of his daughter. Who knows.
Moving on from the lore, here's some other things I wanted to mention:
Chica's magic rainbow in the mall
The diner that MatPat works at is named Sparky's (reference to the Sparky dog hoax from early fnaf days)
Also... MATPAT IS IN THE MOVIE. And he says something like "Lunch is more important than breakfast, but that's just a theory." (or the other way round)
Dream theory being a book and major plot point
After the credits, there's a robotic voice reading out letters (similar to that one fnaf minigame). At first I thought it read something like HOME (I didn't quite hear the rest). But it could just have been SAVE THEM or HELP THEM like in the minigames. EDIT: After rewatching this part, it definitely says "COME FIND ME".
They actually played TLT's FNAF song in the credits.
There's some loose parallels to things that happen in the books, like foxy for Abby around arcade machines, similar to what happened to Charlie in The Silver Eyes.
Balloon Boy toy jumpscares were hilarious.
The animatronics teaming up to build a fort for Abbie was hilarious.
I just love how goofy this movie was in some parts...
The ending does establish some plot points for the sequel with Willy getting springlocked and Mike telling Abbie "you never know what may happen" when she asks to return to Freddy's.
What happened to the aunt's body?? Like, the people who broke in got stuffed so they are accounted for. Presumably golden freddy didn't take the aunt's body when he and Abby went back to Freddy's. So did Mike and Abby come back home to their dead aunt lying on the floor????
They used the profanity budget for the movie's age rating to let the pharmacist call Mike an asshole. Love it.
But Cupcake was the real villain all along.
That's all I remember for now. I might edit this later if I remember more. Very cool movie :^) 👍👍
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prettyprince00 · 2 years
~~Got bored so compiled this (pretty extensive) list of film references for faunlet style and aesthetics, might be helpful for anyone looking to delve into and develop their style. Don't take this as some kind of gospel, it's just a bunch of movies and shows that I think can be useful reference points. My personal style and taste for example is a huge mix and amalgalm of stuff I see, from movie characters to paintings, books, comics, cartoons, music videos, haute couture collections, K- and J-idols, BJD dolls, even elements and staples from female fashion that I kind of genderflip or just outright mix into and merge with my own "masculine"/boyish/whatever faunlet fits. I think the secret to finding your style is to never limit yourself & always be creative (& clever ofc)! ♡
Feel free to suggest and tell me some of your personal films/shows that inspire you the most. I'm sure I forgot some stuff >.> Hope this helps somewhat lolol
I. Academia/Schoolboy/Old Money/Preppy/Classic Faunlet Vibes
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Les Amitiés particulières by Jean Delannoy
A Series of Unfortunate Events (Film and show)
Both versions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Lord of the Flies (both versions tbh)
The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe by Andrew Adamson
Kaze to ki no Uta + Natsu e no Tobira (Honestly most shounen ai anime especially from the 80s/90s)
CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan
Kuroshitsuji i.e. Black Butler (probably the most famous ouji aka male lolita-influenced anime out there)
Ouran High School Host Club
Cardcaptor Sakura (Li's fits especially but also Touya's and Yukito's)
The Long Day Closes + The Neon Bible, by Terence Davies
If... by Lindsay Anderson
The Butcher Boy by Neil Jordan
Tea and Sympathy by Vincent Minnelli
Purple Noon by René Clément
Sleepers by Barry Levinson
The Basketball Diaries by Scott Kalvert
School Ties by Robert Mandel
The Dangerous Lives of the Altar Boys by Peter Care
Blue Spring by Toshiaki Toyoda
Death in Venice by Luchino Visconti
East of Eden (also Splendor in the Grass I guess?) by Elia Kazan
Lacombe Lucien (+ Au Revoir Les Enfants) by Louis Malle
Bad Education by Pedro Almodóvar
The Ice Storm by Ang Lee
La Luna + The Dreamers by Bernardo Bertolucci
Teorema by PP Pasolini (also Saló tbh bt I feel kinda weird recommending that lmfao even though it's a pretty well-established masterpiece & one of my favs)
Total Eclipse by Agnieszka Holland (teenage Arthur Rimbaud is a core faunler reference tbh, strange that I don't see him brought up more, though he's been a queer/twink culture icon for ages so yeah)
Les roseaux sauvages by André Téchiné
Call Me by Your Name by Luca Guadagnino
Deep Red by Dario Argento (only for the flashback Xmas scenes with the creepy little boy in knee-highs and Mary Janes tbh lol)
The Omen by Richard Donner
The Good Son by Joseph Ruben
Pinnocchio (OG Disney animation) (you could make a double feature with A.I. Artificial Intelligence by Spielberg/Kubrick too)
Les 400 coups by François Truffaut
L'enfance nue by Maurice Pialat
A Single Man by Tom Ford
Looking for Langston by Isaac Julien
Sacré College, Garçons d'Etage, Scouts and Gamins de Paris by JD Cadinot (WARNING: Cadinot's films are basically erotica/arthouse vintage gay p*rn so obviously 18+!!!!!)
II. More Contemporary/Gas Station/Trashy/Greaser/Hustler/Catalet Faunlet Vibes
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My Own Private Idaho (also Mala Noche and Elephant) by Gus Van Sant
Slight Fever of a 20-Year-Old + Like Grains of Sand by Ryosuke Hashiguchi
Mysterious Skin + Totally Fucked Up + Nowhere by Gregg Araki
Hustler White by Bruce LaBruce (+18)
Rebel Without a Cause by Nicholas Ray
Cry Baby + Polyester by John Waters
Pretty much any juvenile delinquent teensploitation 40s/50s Old Hollywood flick tbh
The Outsiders by FF Coppola
A Cruel Story of Youth + Sing a Song of Sex by Nagisa Oshima
Most of Edward Furlong and Vicent Kartheiser's 90s filmography (Pet Semetary 2, Brainscan, Little Odessa for Furlong; Heaven Sent, Another Day in Paradise, Masterminds for Vincent)
River's Edge by Tim Hunter
Young Soul Rebels by Isaac Julien
Sleepaway Camp by Robert Hiltzik
Le Diable Probablement by Robert Bresson
Permanent Green Light  + Like Cattle Towards Glow (+18) by Zac Farley & Dennis Cooper
Pauline à la Plage by Eric Rohmer
The Smell of Us + Ken Park by Larry Clark
Flesh by Paul Morrissey
Lonesome Cowboys by Andy Warhol
Cruising by William Friedkin
Un couteau dans le cœur by Yann Gonzalez (though most of the male fashion in this is just ripping off Friedkin's Cruising and Cadinot films like Aime... comme Minet, Deuxième Sous-sol and Les Minets Sauvages so you could just watch those instead I guess lol)
Equation à un Inconnu by Francis Savel (erotica/+18)
Rebels of the Neon God by Tsai Ming Liang
Fireworks + Scorpio Rising by Kenneth Anger
Dope by Rick Famuyiwa
Cooley High by Michael Schultz
The Inkwell by Matty Rich
Red Hook Summer by Spike Lee
George Washington by David Gordon Green
American Graffiti by George Lucas and Bill Norton
All About Lily Chou-Chou by Shunji Iwai
Stand by Me by Rob Reiner
The Mudge Boy by Michael Burke
US Go Home by Claire Denis
Gummo by Harmony Korine
L.I.E. by Michael Cuesta
Palo Alto by Gia Coppola
Spetters by Paul Verhoeven
Fox and His Friends by RW Fassbinder
The Pit by Lew Lehman
O Fantasma by João Pedro Rodrigues
The Delta by Ira Sachs
What Have I Done to Deserve This + Law of Desire by Pedro Almodovar
The Partridge Family sitcom tbh lol, also the 70s era of the Mickey Mouse Club, pretty much any 70s media featuring male idols of the time like David Cassidy, Leif Garrett etc
Dazed and Confused by Richard Linklater
The Lost Boys by Joel Schumacher
Y Tu Mamá Tambièn by Alfonso Cuarón
Summer 85 by François Ozon
Les Chansons d'Amour + La Belle Personne by Christophe Honoré
Body Without Soul + Not Angels But Angels by Wiktor Grodecki (personally rly dislike the weird Christian melodramatic & imo exploitative direction of these documentaries bt the boys who are interviewed do the best they can to salvage it -- quintessential East European 90s cityboy looks)
III. Fantasy/Glam/Mystical/Sacred/Ancient/Historical Faunlet Vibes
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Pink Narcissus by James Bidgood
Caravaggio + Sebastiane by Derek Jarman
Peter Pan (any version tbh)
Fantasia (1940 Disney classic)
Tabou by Nagisa Oshima
Poison + Velvet Goldmine by Todd Haynes
Party Monster by Fenton Bailey
Satyricon by Federico Fellini
Der Rosenkönig by Werner Schroeter
The Blood of a Poet by Jean Cocteau
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thezoe611 · 8 months
Sorry I meant, how old would you say the Darkwing Duck characters are in your story?
Let's see, this is my opinion of the ages of Geronimo's characters, it doesn't mean it's a correct calculation, okay? And it will be based on the Unstoppable era (not canon in Geronimo) In my opinion, approximately, Drake, Negaduck, Launchpad, Goofy and Donald should be between 45 and 50 years old by now. (although you don't notice the age with the hero and the villain, I mean, they are always exercising and taking care of themselves, so they must have the health of a thirty-year-old^^') Young adults like Gosalyn, Max, the triplets, Webby and Honker should be between 26 and 27 years old, since I consider Gos to be between 17 and 18 years old when the Geronimo Saga began (and although she is now a young adult, she is still a little girl in the eyes of Drake and Negaduck, which doesn't help the redhead much^^') Scrooge McDuck should already be 80 years old (although he does not show that age at all in the face of such good health ^^ '). And little Tim is only six years old. It is not an exact calculation, and the ages may not agree…. but I am not a mathematician, so I accept any calculation errors^^'
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creepling · 1 month
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"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker for what he did to me, along with the rest of his nutjob family."
Here I present an oc I will probably never use but I wanted to share the character card I made for her because she is pretty neat. Tough as nails, Sydney has seen the world, but nothing prepares her for the nightmare in the Slaughter household. After a one night stand-gone sour with Johnny, she becomes a victim to the family. Two weeks before the capture and death of Maria, Sydney powers through the survivours guilt to strategise an escape. When the chaos of the new-found victims erupts, Sydney takes her chance and does everything in her power to clear the path to survival -- seeking revenge while doing so.
-- TOUGHNESS 30. surviving as long as she should have, sydney is tough as nails. battling through her pain and scars, she can take a few hits while in the heat of battle.
-- ENDURANCE 15. unfortunately smoking since the age of twelve doesn't have a good affect on the lungs. sydney works best in short outbursts, but doesn't have the stamina to go long distance.
-- STRENGTH 25. fuelled by pure adrenaline and rage, sydney's strength is surprising considering her tortured condition. but when you mess with the bull, you get the horns.
-- PROFICIENCY 15. sydney is use to bulldozing her way through situations and doesn't have the patience to unlock objectives. protecting the victims who have the smarts for these things will help her in the long run.
-- STEALTH 45. she is known to be sneaky when she needs to be. with her experience sneaking backstage at concerts, onto tour buses, squatting when sleeping gets tough; sydney knows how to slip by unnoticed.
sydney's ability makes her great for defense against the family. depending on how you go up the tree, you can use sydney's ability as a grapple without the worry of losing and being killed (health deducted from attacks by other family members is halfed while using ability). you can also use it to drain the family's stamina, reduce the cooldown period to use the ability as much as you can, or keep the family in a stand off for a longer period to buy others more time to complete objectives.
EDIT NOTE: i forgot to clarify that there is unique animations sydney has with the family members when using her ability. she wrestles, scratches, headbutts, bites, and specifically for bubba she jumps on his back and tries to gouge his eyes out which puts him in a panic (in case you were wondering how she can grapple him). yeah she crazy. don't mess with bitches from staten island!!
lvl one. cooldown period is reduced by 20% OR duration of ability lasts three seconds OR ability drains family's stamina by 20%
lvl two. cooldown period is reduced by 35% OR duration of ability lasts five seconds OR ability drains family's stamina by 45%
lvl three. cooldown period is reduced by 50% OR duration of ability last seven seconds OR ability drains family's stamina by 75%
POULTRY BUTCHER. sydney can silence chickens without the use of a bone scrap (has 4 charges at lvl three)
COME AND GET ME. if sydney makes noise, any attack within 15 seconds by a family member will result in 80% less damage (at max lvl)
DEATH CROAK. incapitating grandpa reduces the family bond by 2.5 levels and delays his next feed by 30 seconds (at max lvl)
syndey can attain the following perks . . .
bounce back better, choose flight, conditioned, deadbolt, efficient backstabber, exit strategy, fuse lights, grappler, high tolerence, highly skilled, hush or die, immunity, jack in the box, overlooked, radar detector, ran track, tae kwon door.
"these scheeves picked on the wrong girl."
"hey! how the hell you get outta here?"
"you dead-ass right now? they're gonna hear us if you keep running around like that!"
"jeez, try being a little more quiet next time."
"sick, this might open that door."
"i don't care if those fuckers find me, i'm ready for them."
"get out of here, i'll handle this."
[progged when seeing johnny] "shit, it's him. he don't look so handsome no more..."
[prompted when fighting johnny] "this is what you get, you fuckhead! don't mess with me!"
"they're crazy, they're all goddamn crazy."
"hey, asshole! come and get some."
[when seeing other victims] "if you figure out a way to get us outta here, i can district them."
"wanna kill me? you ain't got the guts."
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eponastory · 1 month
Here with a fucked up realization, but you know how there's fans theorizing that Katara got depressed and isolated after Aang died, because he was gone so soon at the mere age of 66? Meanwhile Zuko is pushing 80 in LoK and still has the energy to fly a dragon and fight the Red Lotus? If Katara married Zuko instead of continuing her relationship with Aang, what if she would be happier because of the fact that Zuko wouldn't pass away so soon? She wouldn't have the depression from a husband passing away at a relatively younger age because of him using so much power to stay in an iceberg for 100 years. It's amazing to me that Bryke thinks Kataang is the magnum opus of Avatar ships, yet LoK kept giving us reasons for why Katara choosing Aang ended up sucking for her.
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So I'm going to break this down into two parts... the writing side and the Headcanon side.
What we have in LoK is not really a depressed old woman, but a woman who has seen a lot and felt a lot. Actually, she doesn't seem to really care that Aang is gone. She is doing her own thing now and that's because she is written to be that way. She's obviously lonely, but I wouldn't call that depression. But it really pisses me off that Bryke did not have all three remaining characters come together. We don't get that closure with them. Probably because they did not want Zutara to still be a thing.
Like it or not, the show still revolves around Aang in a way.
Now for the Headcanon... or if these characters were real.
Humans can not predict the future. Katara wouldn't know who made it out alive or who lives to be in their 90's. Knowing that, we can say that it's impossible for her to choose. I'd love to see Zuko and Katara together in their old age, lots of old friends get married in their golden years because it's something they decide (that and there are financial and insurance reasons) even if they don't have romantic love for one another. My grandmother married three times after my grandfather died because she didn't want to be alone. She married her high-school sweetheart after marrying my grandfather's cousin. So it happens.
But I don't think Katara is depressed about Aang either. Sad, sure, after spending so many years with someone, you're going to miss them. I think we need to see her as Liberated rather than depressed. She no longer needs to follow her husband and be arm candy (not literal) for him. She can finally embrace her culture, not his.
And being married to Zuko, who has more appreciation for her and her culture, is also liberating in the way she doesn't have to worry about him. She does, but he's self-sufficient like a cat rather than Aang, who needs his laundry done for him all the time. Actually, do we ever see Aang cook?
Zuko and Katara's marriage works better because they each give 100% to each other, where Aang gives 50% and she is all in. It's not a balanced marriage.
I think I went off base here, but you get what I mean.
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Hi I hope you're doing well! How should I write two really old main characters? The main character is 60 and his best friend is 80, so I wanted to get the sort of vibes of a calm, older person with stories to tell across. How should I write an adventure story where the main characters are too frail to do a lot of physical activity?
60 and 80-Year-Old Characters
Oh goodness! Well, I think you need to reevaluate just a little bit. :)
While 80 definitely qualifies as advanced age, and most 80-year-olds aren't physically vigorous, I think you have to be careful about thinking of being 80 as meaning someone is automatically frail. I know a lot of people who are in their late-70s/early 80s who I wouldn't qualify as frail. My dad is in his mid-70s and he spent last summer hiking in the mountains under the hot sun.
And, 60 may sound old to young whipper snappers under 30 or 40, but it's really not old. I'm only about a decade off from there myself, and I have friends in their late 50s and early 60s who run marathons, kick box, compete in martial arts, dance, and do all sorts of physically vigorous things. Most people in their 60s aren't frail or physically limited, but it really comes down to personal health and other factors.
Case in point, if you're a fan of The Karate Kid or Cobra Kai, you're familiar with these guys... Ralph Macchio and William Zabka are 61 and 57. Yeah, these guys...
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If you've seen the MCU's Black Panther movies, you're familiar with the legendary Angela Bassett, who is 64...
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Sure, not all people in their 60s are blessed with great physical fitness or the look of eternal youth, but these three are much more representative of the average 60-year-old than "very old and frail."
The best way for you to learn to write older people is to spend time with some if you can. Or, at the very least, find some recent movies or TV shows that feature some older characters and observe them.
The twenty-year age gap between the 80-year-old character and the 60-year-old character is a big one. They're likely from two different generations, or opposite ends of the same generation. They had pretty different childhoods. And the 60-year-old is likely to be more physically spry than the 80-year-old--but 80-year-olds can be spry, too. So, you'll have to take these differences into account with their dynamics.
If you're choosing to make this character frail because they're frail, rather than because they're 80, you can still create action around them. Action just means that "things are happening." They don't have to be big, dramatic, physically intensive things. He might cook or bake, take walks or stroll about the yard, garden, take care of pets, engage in a hobby like woodworking, painting, or fishing. They could go on a drive, go to restaurants, go to other interesting places. These are things they can be doing while talking/telling stories.
I hope that helps!
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