#I don't even play genshin often anymore
myearts-uwu · 2 years
When. Will. We get. a Yaoyao appearance. In-game?
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crystallinestars · 1 month
If They Were Your Pet Cat (Part 3)
This won the poll, so here is part 3. My HCs on what Gepard, Ratio, Dan Heng, and Sampo would be like as your pet cat.
I don't know what I'm doing anymore
Links to previous parts:
Part 1 (Genshin)
Part 2 (Aventurine, Argenti, Jing Yuan)
🛡️ Norwegian Forest cat
🛡️ Gepard is the most dog-like cat you have ever met. Much like a dog, he sees you off when you leave your house, and greets you when you return. He enjoys playing fetch more than chasing after a string, since it fetch gives him more of a workout. He’s also easy to train to perform tricks since he understands and obeys commands quickly. If you wanted, you could bring him to cat agility tournaments and do fairly well in the competition.
🛡️ He is incredibly loyal to you. While he’s welcoming and accepting of your loved ones and lets them pet him, he only listens to you. He doesn’t obey their commands the way he does yours. He might comply if your relative gave him an order to come here, but won’t do tricks and such for them. If you tell him to come here, roll over, play dead, etc… Gepard will comply without hesitation. He’s that trusting and loyal towards you.
🛡️ While to you Gepard appears harmless, in reality, he’s a force to be reckoned with, even for a house cat. If he sees you welcome someone into your home, he assumes the person is important to you, so he welcomes them in turn, albeit with some initial suspicion. That’s why he’s so accepting of your loved ones. However, if someone enters uninvited, especially if it’s someone he doesn’t know, Gepard won’t hesitate to growl and threaten the person to leave. His fur stands on end to make him look larger, and his teeth and claws are bared, showing that he means business. It’s usually enough to discourage anyone from trespassing. If not, then he’ll alert you with a loud yowl if you’re home, or go in for an attack. Furthermore, if someone makes you uncomfortable in your own home, Gepard senses your discomfort and is immediately at your side, ready to attack if the other person tries anything. He has no reservations about using his claws and teeth for the sake of protecting his owner.
🛡️ Due to his long and thick coat, Gepard requires regular grooming. Based on the somber expression on his cute little muzzle, you can tell he doesn’t enjoy being bathed and groomed, but he soldiers through it without struggle or complaint. As mentioned previously, he’s very loyal and trusting of you, so he understands that what you’re doing to him is not dangerous and is for his own benefit. Giving him praise about how much of a good boy he’s being, seems to help warm him up to the process.
🛡️ While he’s not a huge fan of being pet, but if you spend some time gently petting his head or brushing his fur, he will relax and accept the attention. He purrs and kneads at whatever is under him, clearly enjoying the experience. You try to give him gentle pets as a reward for waiting for you to come home and keeping watch of the house, and it works to deepen your bond with him.
🛡️ He’s vocal when with you. Gepard often communicates with you via chirps and low meows, using them as a means of calling you over for something. When you leave something cooking on the stove and forget about it, Gepard smells smoke and meows at you to come over and take care of it. If you haven’t unloaded the washing machine for a while, he calls on you to let you know its done. He just wants to help his owner stay on track.
🛡️ Once the two of you settle into a daily routine, Gepard expects you to maintain it. He’ll be unhappy if the pattern is broken. If you oversleep, Gepard is there to wake you up. He’ll meow and walk all over you until you get up and feed him. It’s great for when you sleep past you alarm since it prevents you from being late to work/school, but it’s not so fun on the weekends… Similarly, Gepard expects you to go to bed at the same time every night. He’s used to going to bed together with you, so if you stay up late, he’ll sit nearby and glare at you, tail twitching in dissatisfaction. If you don’t get his hint to abandon everything and head to bed already, then he’ll quietly meow to get your attention.
📘 Is a Bengal
📘 Ratio is an extremely intelligent cat, but he has a nasty attitude. He’s very prideful and stubborn, and despite your attempts to discipline and train him, he refuses to bend to your will. If anything, you’re the one bending to his. He’s not a troublemaker, but if you piss him off enough, Ratio can resort to knocking items off shelves or swatting at your face (with claws retracted, thankfully) in retaliation. If you scold him for his behaviour, he simply glares at you with his ears flattened to his head and tail flicking, as if daring you to say more. Everything about his body language screams he will swat you in the face if you say another word.
📘 If he messes up big time, such as breaking something important or accidentally nicking you with his claws, then Ratio accepts the scolding with a guilty expression. The flicking of his tail indicates he’s not happy to sit through your verbal lashing, but he’s smart enough to understand that what he did was bad for you. Despite his prideful attitude, the feline doesn’t want to cause you too much trouble, or so you like to think.
📘 You find out that Ratio is unusually intelligent for a cat soon after adopting him. He enjoys playing with cat toys that serve as a puzzle he must solve to get a treat. Ratio also observed how you open doors, and devised his own methods of opening them despite not having hands. He also likes to sit beside you on the bed or desk when you read books, in particular textbooks. As a cat, there’s no way he knows how to read, but you frequently catch him staring intently at the pages. It’s a mystery as to what is going through his mind during those moments, but it sometimes unnerves you how he seems to be studying the images. Aside from books, Ratio also enjoys watching TV, especially if it’s a documentary where he can observe various animals. He’s smart enough to know that what’s on TV is not in real life. If you bring something new home, Ratio takes time to thoroughly sniff and inspect whatever that something may be. He’s very curious and enjoys interacting with new things. That said, he also requires a lot of exercise. He’s a large and muscular cat for his breed, and requires ample space and playtime to run around and burn off excess energy.
📘 Despite being a cat, Ratio considers himself your equal, if not your superior. Back when you first got him, you had placed some cat food into a bowl on the floor for him while you sat at the table to eat. Ratio had expressed a clear dislike for this arrangement, climbing onto the table and angrily meowing at you. You expect him to eat kibble off the floor like a common cat, while you eat a freshly cooked meal at the table? Absolutely not. Know your place, human. After several consecutive sessions like that where he angrily yowled at you for constantly shooing him off the table, Ratio now eats at the table with you. He always waits to eat together with you, so if you skip on a meal or are late to eat, he’ll make his dissatisfaction with you known.
📘 On the topic of food, Ratio dislikes eating cheap cat food. He likes healthier cat food brands which usually end up being more expensive, but he especially likes it if you cook his meal yourself. Some cooked chicken, fish, or seafood make him a very happy cat. He’s a spoiled cat.
📘 Ratio dislikes loud noises, so if you have noisy guests over, he will usually hide. He developed a habit of sticking his head inside a small paper bag you had lying around, and wearing it on his head until the guests leave. You’re unsure if he’s trying to block out the noise or trying to hide, but one thing for certain is that he becomes very upset if you remove the paper bag from his head. The bag must stay.
📘 Ratio typically isn’t into being pet or cuddled, so such occasions with him are rare. He does, however, enjoy it when you scratch under his chin. He tends to close his eyes and purr when you lightly scratch under his chin. Another time he allows you to touch him freely is during baths. Ratio is probably the first cat you’ve ever met that loves baths. He seems to always be eager to hop into the tub and soak in the warm water. He lets you clean his body without complaint, seeming to enjoy the pampering. He’s patient while you dry and brush him, but he expects you to do a good job of grooming his fur. If you’re gentle enough with the brush, he might lean into it and purr in enjoyment.
Dan Heng:
🐉 Is a Dragon Li (I had to)
🐉 Dan Heng is a reserved cat. He prefers to spend time alone, away from the chatter and activity of people. You can often find him sitting by a window, pensively staring outside at the world beyond the glass. You can only wonder what he’s thinking about with such a somber expression. What kind of troubles do cats have on their minds?
🐉 If you have guests over, then Dan Heng hides. He dislikes crowds and loud noises, you’ve noticed. It’s rare for him to come out of hiding to meet guests. If he does, he tends to keep his distance and peers over the corner at whoever you have invited. Once his curiosity has been sated, he’ll leave without interacting with your guest at all.
🐉 Dan Heng is pretty antisocial, but he’s more amicable around you. While he doesn’t humor your guests when they try to play with him, when you’re the one dangling the cat toys or laser, Dan Heng engages in play with you. He also lets you get away with more than you think. He tolerates it when you play with his paws or rub his belly, even though he doesn’t actually like it. You’re also the only one he allows to pick him up.
🐉 Despite purchasing him a cat bed, Dan Heng doesn’t sleep in it. He acts a bit awkward around it, as if not knowing if it’s for him or not. He prefers to sleep on the floor, usually on a comfy rug. With some time and patience, you can coax him to sleep on your bed but know that he won’t snuggle up to you. Dan Heng will keep some distance between you and will lay at your feet. Even then, he’ll only lay on your bed if you’re settling in to sleep. During the day, he still naps on the floor.
🐉 Sometimes, you notice Dan Heng’s legs twitch and ears flatten when he sleeps, his fur standing on end as if he were terrified of something in his dreams. You’re uncertain if cats can have bad dreams, but Dan Heng’s reaction makes you think he’s having a nightmare. He seems dazed when he wakes from such episodes, and you wonder if he dreamed about something horrible from his days when he was a stray. You try to comfort him through these episodes by checking in on him and speaking gently, which seems to help calm him down. He follows you around for a bit after that, as if wanting to remain in your presence for a bit longer.
🐉 Despite how aloof Dan Heng is, you still know he cares about your well-being. If you’re having a bad day, he softens up to you. As if sensing your sadness, he comes out of hiding and remains by your side, sometimes even lying on your lap or chest. He allows you to pet and cuddle him if you need the comfort, and stays with you until you feel better. If you take medication, Dan Heng reminds you to take it on time if you forget.
🐉 Dan Heng keeps himself quite clean, and only needs an occasional bath and claw trim from you to keep him in perfect condition. He's surprisingly tolerant of baths. You thought he might struggle and run, but Dan Heng calmly handles the entire bathing process without so much as a peep. If you make fun of him for looking like a wet cat, Dan Heng will give you the most unamused look you’ve ever seen from a cat, and proceed to give you the cold shoulder for the rest of the day.
💣 Korat breed
💣 Cats are renowned for how quietly they walk, to the point their owners don’t hear them approach. It’s an amazing skill, yet somehow, Sampo manages to surpass the average cat in terms of stealth. While most cats still make noise when they accidentally knock something over when walking along cluttered surfaces or running around the house, Sampo doesn’t. He’s silent and careful about the way he moves, putting his feline brethren to shame. This skill of his comes at a detriment, however. You don’t hear him trail behind you when you do chores at home, and sometimes trip over him or step on his tail on accident. Sampo still hasn’t forgiven you for squashing his tail.
💣 He's a very intelligent and mischievous cat. Sure, he can do tricks in exchange for treats like a dog, but his intelligence goes far beyond that. Back when you first got him, there was a time when you were having dinner and Sampo came up to you and started to rub himself against your legs. He was very responsive when you leaned down to pet him, purring up a storm as you cooed at him. You were so engrossed with how cute and affectionate Sampo was acting, that you didn’t mind when he climbed up onto your lap for more affection. That was your mistake. While you were distracted with petting him, the furry scoundrel took the opportunity to snatch some food off your plate and made a run for it.
💣 He tried to use the same trick on you again, but it didn’t work a second time. However, he uses it fairly often on your guests. Despite your warning to not fall for his false charms, Sampo always manages to win your guests over and then unceremoniously yoinks their food from their plates when they least expect it. He has now been banned from the dining area when guests are over.
💣 Sampo has proven his cunning in other ways, too. Since the same tactic doesn’t work on you twice, the little furball devised another plan. He learned that you respond very effectively to his calls of distress, and so now when you have a meal, he goes into another room in the house and yowls in the most pitiful manner you have ever heard. His distressed meows make you abandon your food in favor of searching for your cat, concerned that something might be wrong with him. While you’re busy searching for him, Sampo slinks past you to where you were eating. By the time you come back after a fruitless search, you discover that half your food has gone missing.
💣 Sampo’s antics don’t end there. Once when you came home, you found your pantry raided and fridge open and emptied. The culprit was none other than your feline fiend of a pet—Sampo. You can’t fathom how, but he figured out how to open the fridge, among other types of doors. Of course, you gave him the scolding of a lifetime. He immediately started begging for your forgiveness by rubbing against your legs and staring at you with his big, green eyes as if begging you to not be angry at little ol’ Sampo. Despite sucking up to you, Sampo continued to steal food from the pantry, but in smaller quantities this time to not get caught. You still caught him in the act, though, and now have locks on all your cabinets and fridge to keep him out.
💣 Aside from food theft and manipulation, Sampo also has a habit of collecting various knickknacks around the house. He squirrels away anything that catches his fancy and that isn’t securely stored away where he can’t get into. He keeps his “treasures” in a small nook where he suspects you won’t find them, such as under your bed, behind the couch, or in a cluttered spot inside the closet. You only discover his secret stash when you do a deep cleaning of your home. There, in the dusty corner, are your missing hair ties, jewelry, candy wrappers, random string and other junk that you lost track of long ago. Sampo will be very upset if you confiscate these items.
💣 You can’t force Sampo to do something he doesn’t want. If you want bathe him and he hears the water running in the tub, he vanishes without a trace. If it’s time to go to the vet and he sees you get out the cat carrier, he disappears like smoke. He’s right next to you one moment, and then gone the next. No amount of “pspsps” or cat treats will coax him out of hiding. You can even turn the entire place upside down and still not find him.
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chysalxsm · 2 years
Genshin men that love big boobies
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Guess which bitch is back? ME. I need some more big titty content so I made it myself cause girl there are almost none😔. Anyways I hope you enjoy it!!
Characters: Al-haitham, Childe, Xiao, Itto, Scaramouche, Venti, Albedo and afab/fem!reader
Cw: sexual thoughts about reader, boobjob, pervet!Childe;Venti and Albedo, tit slapping, dom/sub reader and character, groping, nipple play, mention of lactation (I think it's called that but I'm not sure? Pls correct me in the comments!), Handjob, nipple clamps and hickeys.
Let me know if I forgot anything!
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Not gonna lie, I actually also can see him liking ass and thighs so the full package but I just have a feeling that he loves big boobs the most. They are very soft and comfortable for him to lay his head down, but not only for that. He would never admit that he has sinful thoughts of fucking your tits, sliding his dick in and out your soft flesh while holding them close for his pleasure. It would hurt his pride too much so whenever he jerks off to the thought of you his thoughts always wander to your chest.
Childe LOVES big boobies and you can't change my mind. Man just wants to smother his face into them 24/7. Is a pervert to. He will always find a opportunity to look down at your chest when you wear a low cut shirt. He often grope your tits without any shame, even if you guys are public, he just loves them so much. Not only will he leave marks on your chest everytime, but also wouldn't mind sucking on your nipples for hours. It's a plus point if their sensitive too, only adds to the fun for the both of you. If your nipples are sensitive then he will try to make you cum from only playing with them and slapping them. He would lick, bite, flick, slap and suck on them till their swollen and too sensitive. Would also fuck your tits for his pleasure. If he's feeling soft or had a bad day, then he just wants to cuddle with you, his head laying on your chest while you stroke his hair.
Well he always knew that he liked boobs, but would never admit it, well at least not to others but you. He has a obsession with cumming on your chest. Just the way his thick cum runs down slowly your tits makes him crazy. He also loves it to palm at your chest, play with your nipples while you ride him. Makes him cum faster than he would like.
My man likes ass and tits. He just loves the plush feeling of them. Loves cuddling with you, no matter if your head lays on his chest or the other way around. He LOVES it when you ride him and your tits bounce up and down, the sight is just so sexy for him. Also wants to fuck your tits till their smeared with his cum. He would even be that nasty and slap his pre-cummed tip on your nipples.
Y'all can't tell me nothing, this man loves big boobs. Sometimes he just want to get babied, even if he's ashamed to admit it. If he's rather submissive on that day, he would love to just suck on your nipples. If you lactate then it's a plus! Would spent hours doing just that and don't forget to call him your good boy while you jerk him off! If he's feeling dominant though then be prepared for him to put nipple clamps on you, slap your tits, twist your nipples, leave bite marks and hickeys all over there. He would be so proud the day after!
Venti enjoys every boob size as long if there's something. Loves yours cause they remind him of a comfortable pillow. Loves to use his anemo vision to pull up your shirt and flash your tits to him on 'accident'. He's such a perv and won't even hide it. ALWAYS stares at your chest. If you talk, argue, have sex, etc. his eyes would always wander lower till he's greeted with your tits. Gropes them at random times too. When he's bored, you cuddle or talk. You're not even surprised anymore and just got used to it.
He's just a tit lover, no explanation needed. Stares at them when you don't notice him. Touches them 'accidently' and he's also such a slick fuck with it. Apologize and you always forgive him cause it was just an accident right? Well, no it wasn't and will never be. You're just too dumb to notice. So, when he has you where he always wanted you, Albedo is just lapping up at your nipples and massaging the other one. Will leave hickeys all over the place till you cry out that he should finally fuck you.
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loving-august · 1 year
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PAIRINGS. diluc ragnvindr x fem! reader
SYNOPSIS. in which diluc notices your worries about the people around you.
GENRE. angst to fluff hurt/comfort
WC. 1.05k!!
WARNINGS. none, slight profanity, insecurity, gossips, bodyshaming
NOTES. hello! this fic will be new expansion to my fandoms hehe I hope you guys will like it just as much I enjoyed writing this fic. blame diluc bc of him I made a decision to create for genshin characters smh /j + reblogs are highly appreciated!
LINKS. navigaion | genshin impact masterlist | taglist form
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Being the richest bachelor in mondstat, Diluc is expected to do what nobles do. The way he greets, acts, and accomplishes every job perfectly. He received a vision at the age of 10 and became the youngest captain in the knights of favonius at the age of 14. Of course, he is now just a mere businessman taking care of the winery in the morning or protecting the entire mondstat at night time. His past is yet to be told.
Rich parents of noble women across nations often visit him in hopes to have their daughter as the groom. Yet, he refuses to tell them as he tells them that he has no sole interest in having a relationship with any women. Or so he thought.
You happened to see him in his dark knight duties one fateful evening. You were ambushed by hillichurls while you were on your way to the outskirts of mondstat, your home. You came out from work a bit too late than usual.
You accidentally punched him as you thought it was some treasure hoarder coming at you. You apologised so sincerely that it wasn't some bad guy.
"Master diluc?" You asked.
Shit. He cursed himself.
"Don't say a word about this." He sternly said. And you did.
You scratched your neck awkwardly, "I will. Thank you again!" You walked away from him. To be honest he was scary earlier, barbatos how could this happen to me?
Little did you both know, a certain bard was witnessing the scene. A playful smirk grew into his face. "Huh, may the wind guide each other." He whispered. It's a rare scene to see Diluc in this kind of situation. Maybe the dear archon barbatos, also known as venti would be part of playing cupid.
A time has passed since your first encounter with Diluc, Venti's cupid duties came into reality. He was very happy for you and Diluc and he even played a small tune for the two of you. As much as Diluc appreciated the gesture, he would not change the way he treats venti in his tavern due to his wine addiction. As well as Kaeya, the wonder duo never fails to give Diluc a headache.
Soon enough, you opened your eyes to the noble world. There is a lot of catching up to do. All the stereotypes were shown on to you, the mannerisms on talking, acting, and greetings to fellow nobles. It was hard. As someone like you had no experience on such acts.
You found yourself in your shared rooms with your lover. With your eyes all puffy and red due to crying. You couldn't take it anymore.
"How can Master Diluc find someone so…common.."
"I expected him to choose a noblewoman from liyue."
The voices of other people in mondstat broke your heart. To hear such a thing about Diluc, you felt responsible. Instead of making him happy by his side, you could only be giving him a bad name by just existing beside him.
It felt so wrong.
What you didn’t was that you fell asleep on the vanity where you cried yourself with dried tears on your cheeks.
Diluc just recently returned home from his darknight duties. You were completely aware of his schedule as if its the back of your palm. Why would you know all about it? Of course diluc would tell you things about him, he’s that devoted to you. Adeline, the head maid of the manor, greeted the master of the manor. “Good evening Master Diluc.”
“Good evening to you too,” Diluc greeted back.
He went straight to your shared rooms, not giving any mind of eating for tonight. He was busy eliminating abyss mages around mondstat. When he opened the door, first he saw you sleeping uncomfortably on the vanity table. He immediately removed his coat and placed it on some chair and carried you carefully. Making sure that you were not awake. How long have you been asleep? Your neck is probably sore because of the restricted sleeping position you were in.
He sighed as he saw you still in your morning clothes. He can’t imagine wearing all the heavy clothing from daylight to night time. That's why you've woken up? "Did I wake you up darling?" He asked.
you got up and he followed. "No, you didn't. I just felt my position changed." You groggily replied while rubbing your eyes.
Diluc was observing you. He noticed that you were secretly wiping off the direct tears on your face while pretending to rub your eyes after you had just woken up from a long slumber.
He was worried. Maybe he has been busy lately since he has a wine business to attend to. Not only the wine business but also his secret duties at night time at mondstat. The abyss order has been showing up lately.
"y/n, can I ask you a question?" He started. You looked at your hands, not looking at his worried eyes laid upon you. "uh, sure. What are you trying to ask?" You replied.
Something is not sitting right. The way you said it was as if you changed your sentence and the way you speak. this is not the y/n he used to talk to. A hint of guilt punched at diluc. He HAS been busy. He should reschedule his time for you after this. He felt accountable for your well-being, since he was the one who asked you to live with him and as his lover, it is his duty to take care of you.
"Is something bothering you lately?" He asked. There, he asked for it. Although he expects you to lie to him. You can't lie to him after all.
"No, nothing's wrong dearest, I'm just tired..that's all," you answered and gave him a small smile.
Diluc uses his thumb to wipe off rye excess tears from your face, "No you're not. It breaks my heart whenever you lie to me. Tell me the truth my love, whatever you say is valid, after all it made you feel this way," He slowly opened his arms for you to be able to rest on his chest while wrapping his arms around you, "if you feel like I'm slipping away from you, don't worry."
"I'd still choose you."
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© 2022 loving-august. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize. Do not share on other platforms. Will get slapped if u do.
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simpforthedead · 1 year
How genshin characters would react at a Y/n crying
-Klee (Platonic)
ฅ⁠^How they will react to their beloved (not for Klee)crying alone⁠^⁠ฅ
Maybe i will do more....Maybe..
He was coming out of Diluc's tavern and heard sobs.
He was looking for you all over Mondstadt and ended up finding you sitting against a tree crying.
He felt his heart break at the sight of his sobbing girlfriend.
He then took you in his arms standing next to you.
He whispered sweet words to you to calm you down.
When he sees that you are not crying anymore he will ask you if you want to talk about it.
"You don't have to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to. But know that I'm still here!"
He will sing you after a song until you fall asleep on his shoulder.
If the reason you're crying is because of someone, that person would have been reported missing the next day.
If he can't do anything about it he will play the lyre more often as if to remind you that he is always there if you need help.
You were naturally happy so if you were to be sad it would be the end of the world for him.
After that he will follow you everywhere you go for 2 months.
After a long day of work he decided to visit you.
However when he entered he only saw his beloved curled up crying.
He wasn't sure how to take it but tried his best.
He will embrace you, rubbing his hand on your head to comfort you.
After a while he will ask you why you were crying.
If it's because of someone, believe me that person will apologize the next day.
If he can't do anything about it he will hold you in his arms and won't let go until you have completely stopped crying.
"Please, don't cry, it doesn't fit you."
He was looking for you to tell you about a project that seemed important to him.
However, he couldn't find you anywhere and was beginning to worry.
He finds you eventually, but doesn't notice the tears on your cheeks until he asks you a question and you don't answer.
Noticing that you were crying he couldn't help but feel guilty.
But he took that feeling away and he's sitting next to you looking into your eyes.
He patted your head lightly then took his hat and put it on your head before giving you a hug.
He let you cry for a moment before asking the reason for your crying.
If it's someone who hurt you mentally or physically ,oh boi that person is already in their grave.
If he can't do anything about it he will feel guilty but will stay next to you putting his pride aside.
"Stop crying you are more beautiful when you're smiling "
He wanted to see you so that you would accompany him to hunt spirits.
However he couldn't find you and asked Xingqiu and Xiangling if they knew.
Xiangling claimed to have seen you not far from his restaurant.
He rushed to see you.
When he found you he felt his heart skip a beat.
He saw you crying and he hated to see you cry even if he thought you were beautiful (Like what the heck).
He threw himself on you from behind to give you one of the biggest hugs of your life.
Usually it was you who invited him to cuddle.
You try for 5 minutes to escape from his grip of not wanting to waste his time.
However, he wouldn't let go and instead turned you around so that you were facing him.
He now saw your face that was still crying.
He lightly kissed your tears and then your forehead.
Then you let yourself cry over him.
"Shhh..It's ok. I'm here to help you. What's the matter?"
His voice comforted you somehow.
If someone had put you in this state they will laugh at this person telling you that you are much better anyway.
If it was just an event or yourself he will give you far too many popsicles.
He will keep you in his arms for a while longer enjoying the moment.
She was drawing when she heard a sniffle.
She then saw you crying in your blanket.
You were like a big sister to her ,so she is slowly getting closer to you.
"Y/n are you crying?"
You turned to look at her.
You didn't want her to see you in this state ,but at the point where you were you didn't really have a choice.
She then pinched your cheeks and parted them forming a smile.
"Look how beautiful you are with a smile!!"
She released your cheeks and took her drawing to show it to you.
On the drawing there was Klee holding your hand and Albedo's.
"Here I made this for you!"
The girl's innocence finally got you, and you were laughing with her now.
Later Albedo will come to speak with you. (Yes there is Albedo)
Guess she talked about it with the scientist.
The next few days Klee will ask you to play with her.
"That way I'm sure Y/n won't cry anymore!!"
I hope you liked it!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
Ask me if you want more!
♡Have a great day/afternoon/night!♡
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Not moth brain rot but a random thought that came to me while reading one of ur fics-
If, for whatever reason, a chunk of the human race develops the ability to read minds, I will be throwing myself off the edge of the earth, my friends are here getting engaged, married and having fucking kids while I'm over at the corner daydreaming about how it would feel to be hugged by Foul legacy or thinking 50 different reactions I'll get from him if I give him a bunch of kisses all over his face, like forget the fact that not only does he not exist, he ain't even human- this why tumblr is one of the hidden apps on my phone lmao 💀💀
ohhh this gave me an SAGAU idea hear me out-
you and your friends all play Genshin, having your own likes and dislikes, but you happen to absolutely ADORE Childe's Foul Legacy form which all your friends tease you about- lovingly, they swear! but still, you tend to keep your love of Foul Legacy to yourself, instead opting to listen to your friends talk about THEIR favorite characters. you keep quiet so you don't have to endure anymore teasing, and even when you're playing alone you don't allow yourself to admire Foul Legacy very much because you've been taught it's something silly
what you don't know is that Foul Legacy can hear you, and has been watching ever since you first set foot into his domain, when you had first gasped in awe over his design and voice. he's not used to being admired- Abyssal creatures are supposed to be frightening- but he soon comes to like your fawning, often listening to your happy comments instead of paying attention to his weekly boss battle. sometimes he can hear you during Phases 1 and 2, sitting cross-legged on the ground and waiting, letting out happy purrs and coos whenever you cheer in victory
but sometimes there's days you don't make any comments, days where you're just silent and going through the motions, and Foul Legacy wants nothing more than to reach out and comfort you. but he can't, he can only watch your characters stand on the far edges of the arena, your soft sigh echoing overhead as you wonder why it's so bad to like Foul Legacy, or at least why it makes you so ripe for teasing
you sit quietly, and Foul Legacy despairs that he can't do more for a presence no one else in Teyvat seems to know exists
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tanjirosjuliet · 1 year
Tanjiro,zenitsu and kyojuro with a s/o like noelle from genshin impact?
A/n : I watched a few videos and I think I can write for her! I've never played with Noelle nor I have her (I'm a keqing main) but I'll try my best to write this!<3 and I'm so sorry if its bad I just don't know her personality very well😭
Tanjiro , Zenitsu And Kyojuro With A S/o Who Is Like Noelle
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You are a helper in the butterfly mansion but also a slayer and you use stone breathing! Stone breathing is the closest to geo so yea
How you guys first met..
You guys met when after the natagumo mountain arc, when shinobu told you to patch him up you first saw him. You two had a normal chat about your job and why was he carrying a demon around with him he explained everything and after that you became very protective for nezuko after that.
How he confessed....
His confession was pretty simple and cute. You both walked up to a field full of flowers and that's where he confessed with a flower I his hand "would you mind if I be your boyfriend?" His eyes were shining so beautifully with the sunset rays hitting his face,and a little pout of his face🫶he looked absolutely ethereal and of course, your answer was yes. You cried a little when he confessed, finally being able to date the man you loved the most. He pulled you into a hug and asked your permission to kiss you. And his kisses were so gentle and sweet. You can't help but melt into his touch<3
When you guys started dating...
He has never been in a relationship before so this was very new to him. He is very affectionate towards you, he treats you like you are made of fine glass which can break anytime. His kiss are always so cute and he blushed alot after that. He was mostly the one who initiates the kiss because you're shy, but when you do it it's like a complete shock to him!. And he lovesss physical affection because after his family's death he never gets it anymore. Whenever he'll be sad or upset or just wanting some cuddles, he would come up to you. As you're really quite he always asks for your permission before even touching you.
He knows how much high expectations you have from yourself and most of them are not even possible, he tried his best to comfort you whenever you disappoint yourself and tells you not to push yourself more than your limits.
Whenever you smile at him he literally Bursts inside, he feels like a free bird lol since you don't do it so often
Whenever he is having those beautiful moments with you he feels so happy because he gets you have someone so caring and affectionate like you<3 you don't know how much those little moments mean to him<3
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How ou guys met
You guys met around the hashira training arc. He found out you were Gyomei's tsuguko. He was so shocked to see you push giant rocks and carry heavy logs all by yourself! He was so amazed when he was unable to do any of those😭
How he confessed
He confessed to you during training and it was so stupid yet so cute . He gifted you a promise ring telling you that he will take care of you forever!
When you guys started dating
He literally stopped flirting with girls after you guys started dating and he treats you like a literal QUEEN
Whenever a man even approaches you he gives them a scary look and shoo's then away and then hugs you "mine" he says kissing your cheek "and only yours" you say while smiling
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How you guys met
You were around his age but not a hashira yet you were training under Gyomei and he met you when you went to Gyomei to ask him about something. Then he saw you training with him. He asked Gyomei about you and he told him everything. Ofc you heard it because he was so loud xd
He confessed to you while you both were assigned on a mission together. After you both killed the demon he came towards you and politely confessed to you and even told you that if you didn't liked him it'd completely fine and you can just say no!. When you told him that you share the same feelings too he hugged and said alot of I love yous to you
When you guys started dating
Hes very affectionate towards you and always holds your hands when you guys are together or just walking around.
He wants you to be a hashira and trains you hard for it
He notices how hardworking you are finds it amazing and you don't run away because every tsuguko he had ran away from the horrendous training he had
He would just come up to your room and ask if you're doing okay because he knows how much you overwork yourself! He makes sure you had proper meals and sleep
He always puts you and senjuro before himself because you guys matter alot to him
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starz222 · 1 year
GENSHIN MEN — hcs. their fave past time
ft. scara, kazuha, albedo, thoma, al haitham, xiao, kaeya, heizou, venti 
notes. i go into detail, might be ooc, but i am confident in kaeya. i don't know shit abt calligraphy, composing, or playing violin. and i'm too lazy 2 research lawl. also this is my personal opinion! not proofread.
scaramouche — journaling
he keeps things to himself, and he doesn't like to open up. though he's been through hell and back, he still wouldn't dare to talk about his feelings. that's why, he writes them. i don't think he'll stay consistent, halfway through writing he'd go— what the hell am i even doing? but he'll still write, he doesn't realize it himself but he's grown attached to journaling. it's made his handwriting a lot more elegant as well. it's also helped him to analyze things a lot more easily, journaling keeps his thoughts organized. it stops his mind from going to chaos— and slowly believing he does have a heart. 
kazuha — calligraphy
a descendant of the kaedehara clan, a samurai and a poet. he'll often find himself participating or doing things such as calligraphy. he'll be in a cold room, sitting on the floor doing calligraphy on a table. and god, is it the most beautiful. the strokes he makes with his brush always have the right amount of pressure, and there's barely any smudges or mistakes. his calligraphy is clean and neat. 
albedo — composing / sketching
we all know he sketches. around dragonspire, he'd probably sit on a rock and sketch the surroundings. he'd have messy lines, but the picture he creates ties it all together. he dabbles in realism, and he definitely puts all the intricate little details. 
composing? think about it. he'd have a small book full of music snippets. he understands music theory like the back of his hand, and he hears it all playing in his head. real question is if he's ever going to play them. the songs would be like classical music, mainly piano and violin. the songs are based off his discoveries, and his environment.
thoma — knitting / crocheting
he's so considerate, and he loves handmade things. when he has breaks or free time, or if he can while running errands, he'll be crocheting. trust me, crocheting is addictive. using thin yarn and a small hook, he'll crochet the center pieces of the tables for the kamisato estate. for gifts, he'd make beanies or gloves for winter. and taroumaru? he makes little accessories for him too. he mostly crochets bags and plushies because— bags for gifts for visitors. plushies for children! (and itto when he stops by.)
al haitham — playing piano
usually, all he wants is a moment's peace. he has his headphones– yes. but playing piano just brings him so much more comfort, and he doesn't understand why. he'll try playing at first, and he wouldn't get it. that's why he'd be set on mastering piano. he loses himself when he plays piano. he'll learn lots of songs and make it his goal to master all of them. he's almost got a perfect pitch. kaveh would be shocked at how al haitham looks when he plays. and yes, he's the reason why al haitham knows so many songs. it's because kaveh requests him to play them.
xiao — cloudspotting / stargazing
he doesn't like to slack off. he likes to do things that he believes have purpose. so, it's not often that he takes breaks. he denies the fact that he actually does. after accomplishing his duties as liyue's yaksha, he'll find himself staring up at the sky, lying down on the soft grass. day, afternoon, night. he finds peace and solace during moments like those— like all of his pain didn't exist anymore. he listens to the sounds of nature, the birds chirping, the ait whistling. he'll find himself in a creative state of mind. he sees clouds and he'll picture them as something else, once he saw one that looked like guoba. under the starry night sky, he'll trace the stars with his finger, for ming constellations. 
kaeya — baking
the grandmas in mondstadt definitely gift him homemade baked goods. they'll go up to him personally too, and he'd walk them home, gift in hand. he would eat it with them and say how delicious it is, (let's not lie because when grandmas cook, fuck it's good.) then they'd offer him the recipe. he'll go do paperwork and see the handwritten recipe lying on the same desk, and he'll think of attempting it. after a few tries, he's gotten the hang of it. once he believes it's good enough, he shares it with the knights at favonius and the lady who gave him the recipe!
heizou — playing violin
sherlock holmes of teyvat. when he's hit a wall in his cases, or just needs a quick session of brainstorming, he'll go play violin. his playing is magnificent, it reels you in. he plays difficult songs, and he's talented. watching him play is like getting hypnotized, the way he plays the violin has such a captivating aura to it. he'll definitely be able to play a song after hearing it once, and i believe that he has perfect pitch. 
venti — planting / gardening
it started off when he got so drunk one night, he saw a plant in mondstadt bending down, and he made it his rightly duty to cure them! ever since, it's become a habit. he takes care of plants and having so much freedom, he goes wherever he wants and takes care of the plants as much as he likes. he'll also help by using his powers as the anemo archon to spread the seeds of the flowers and make sure every plant gets properly watered. also since he's too scared to touch them, he'll just make the insects fly away.
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rustytrident · 1 year
nights in your teapot
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ch: childe
cw: angst, but it's also fluffy and comforting (relationship is ambiguous so make it whatever u want idc)
wc: 735
a/n: first genshin fic give it up for my first genshin fic!! more so a drabble but yeah, it's kinda all over the place, but so is my head so beware. i love tartaglia sm i wish gingers were real <//3
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childe randomly visits your teapot on a thursday night.
confused, you stare at the glowing portal slowly fade away, giving place to a tuft of ginger hair and a mischievous smile. he looked good even like this, tired and messy.
"ajax," you tease him, knowing that hearing his real name gets him flustered.
"traveler," he teases you back, using your alias, the title everyone has started using.
"to what do i owe the pleasure?"
"i just wanted to see you – and honestly you don't look too busy yourself. i mean, come on. why are you outside, on the ground?"
"you sap. these aren't even real stars"
"are the others?"
he huffed, not answering. you both knew he wasn't going to, but it was still entertaining to see him struggle just a bit. childe sat on the ground next to you, tilting his head up. you watched his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed and breathed in.
"looks like the stars aren't as interesting anymore, huh comrade?" me muttered, voice slow and gentle.
"of course. you're here, how could i tear my gaze away?"
"you flatter me," he blushes and leans down further to rest his head on your lap, trying to play it cool, hide behind a facade of flirtation and hope you don't notice his vulnerability.
"just being honest. you shine even under starlight"
you start absentmindedly playing with his hair, relishing the way his shoulders relax, and his face starts losing its usual edge. like this, you see ajax for what he is deep down: soft and gentle. rounded edges and soft skin.
"hey, can i ask you something?" he breaks the silence.
"can you cook for me? i'll help! i just missed your cooking is all"
"i don't have a kitchen here"
"liar! don't try to avoid my humble request!"
you absorb every one of his chuckles like they're your energy source. you want to tattoo the sound waves of his laugh inside your brain, so you never forget what it sounds like.
"right. what would you like? i don't have much but i can get most things for you"
his eyebrows furrow as he thinks of the dishes you could make him. it's not often that he gets to eat something from you, so a lot of thought must be put into it, to make it memorable and sweet.
finally, childe speaks up "this one sumeru recipe you mentioned in your letter. it sounded delicious"
"it was. i'll go make it for you in a bit, i just-" you sigh, turning your eyes to the sky above you before lying down completely, relishing in the way the soft grass feels under your skin, "let's just stay like this a bit longer"
"for as long as you'd like" he, too, looks at the stars, reaching out to hold your hand.
if he could, he wrote you once, he would leave everything behind to travel around with you. it's during times like these that he wishes he could more than ever. ajax imagines all the stars, the sunrises and sunsets he could see with you, how many opportunities he could have to lie down on your lap like he is now, and feel the years of tension built in his muscles slowly recede.
a shooting star passes in front of his eyes, and he thinks he's dreaming. still, delusion or not, he takes the star as a sign, closes his eyes and makes a wish.
"what did you wish for?" you catch him off guard – of course you knew he'd make a wish. he wonders if this was your doing, but he'd rather not find out.
"classified information. sorry, comrade," he smiles.
but you know, and he knows you know, too – of course you do. you don't comment on it, however, and continue twiddling a strand of his hair between your fingers.
"maybe we wished for the same thing," you joke, in a way that isn't funny, in a way that spares your feelings from hearing the blatant truth.
"yeah, maybe" ajax jokes back, and if he notices the flutter in your breath, he doesn't say anything.
he simply keeps looking at the sky for a little while longer, and you do the same, enjoying each other’s presence, and silently, in a way that isn't funny at all, wishing things could maybe be a bit different, just for a little while.
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iwishiwasaginger · 2 years
Getting Isekai'd for Dummies
Warnings: Language
Word count: 2.8k
Also, I don't own Genshin, nor PlayStation, nor the SAGAU concept as a whole
Chapter 2: Found Myself in Wonderland
You pace back and forth by the Mondstadt bridge, Sunsettia rind long discarded into the lake, polearm resting against the tree trunk. Biting your bottom lip, you hold a hand over your mouth, partially because you're in shock, partially because you're thinking.You try to think back to what happened before you got here; it was late, you were playing Genshin with Deo, then sparks started flying out of your PlayStation. Suddenly, next thing you know, you awoke on the edge of Dragonspine. Sure, it was fun to explore the lore and terrain of this world, that is, as an outsider looking in; however, now that you are actually in Teyvat, the reality of how dangerous a world it is sinks into the fibre of your very being. Do any of the game mechanics work here? If you die here, do you die for real? How does one build a life from a couple hundred mora, a Beginner's Protector, and pajamas? Is it possible to gain a vision? How long will you be stuck here? 
Before your internal meltdown can spiral anymore, you're interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Focusing your gaze, you recognize the three figures coming down the bridge, talking amongst themselves: Razor, Bennett, and Fischl. Your first instinct is to either run away or jump into the lake, but that would only guarantee their attention shifting onto you. Your body freezes up instead and your hand clenches into a fist at your side. Swallowing anxiously, you try to calm your breathing and stifle any noise you might make; hopefully they’re too absorbed in their conversation to even notice your presence. The seconds that pass as you wait for them to walk by seem to crawl on. As they draw closer, more details about them become clearer and you can hear their conversation, something about a past adventure. You notice that Oz is out and accompanying the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, and that he chimes into the conversation every so often. They’re almost upon you now and seem to be paying no mind to your being, and your tense muscles slowly start to relax. 
“Hm? Mein Fräulein.” A slight nod from the raven is made in your direction.The blonde girl turns her head in your direction and curiously looks you over. The boys with her, upon noticing her diverted attention, turn to look towards you as well. You close your eyes and click your tongue, sighing in despair; of course this would happen, just your luck. You open your eyes once more as the trio, no, quartet make their way over to you. They take their time to scrutinize your appearance, and you do the same; it’s weird seeing them in front of you and knowing that, here, they’re real. 
“I created another universe and founded paradise. For I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, descend upon this land by the call of fate an- hmmmm. Have I perhaps made thy acquaintance in an era or realm previous? Thy countenance is familiar to an outlander such as myself.” While addressing you, Fischl goes about her usual theatrics and posing. Then, Bennett speaks up.
“Yeah! I feel like I’ve seen you before too! Kinda weird, don’t ya think? It feels like I know you, maybe we’ve gone on an adventure together in the past? Your name is on the tip of my tongue!” Razor nods along as Bennett strokes his chin in thought, sounding out certain syllables that eventually get closer to the start of your name. 
“Razor has seen you. Your scent, I know it.” 
You laugh awkwardly. “Me? You think I’m familiar? Maybe I just have one of those faces, you know. I’m from Fontaine, my name is, uh, (Y/N).” Your tone gets quieter at the end; you input your actual first name into the game in place of the Traveler’s. This seems to ring a bell in Bennett’s head as his green eyes light up. 
“Right! Your name is (Y/N)! I’m Bennett, the leader of Benny’s Adventure Team! We must’ve run into each other in the past or maybe even in a dream.”  He nods as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "So, (Y/N), are ya headed into the city? You've been there before, right? Otherwise, I can't think of how else we would've run into each other." He scratches his head. 
"U-um, well, I mean, I've traveled around Mondstadt, but I don't think I've actually been in the city." You shrug and try to keep a reign of the cover story you're making for yourself. 
"Ah, then permit the ever generous and esteemed Prinzessin to guide you through her grandiose dwelling place in this distant realm." Fischl smiles and does her signature pose, her green eye gleaming. 
"Mein Fräulein is truly a gracious monarch." 
You nod and, without thinking, offer back, "Danke schön." To which you freeze up.
Fischl's eye widens for a moment, before she smiles brightly. "Bitte sehr! I see that you indeed are an outlander of the highest calibre, you who possesses the knowledge of the language of Mond." 
Sheepishly, you rub the back of your head. "Don't hold me to too high a standard, unfortunately I only retained a few common words and phrases; definitely not enough to make conversation."
“Well, it’s still really cool! I’ve always wanted to learn a different language, but I wouldn’t really have anywhere to use it, I rarely leave Monstadt nowadays.” Bennett scratches the back of his head. Razor and Fischl nod along.
“Tis a rather unfortunate fate that our pilgrimage only leads us as far as Dragonspine, Stormterror’s Lair, and Stormbearer Point.” The archer sighs and shakes her head. 
This confuses you, because Razor was on your team when you first started exploring Liyue, and you bring Bennett almost everywhere with you, even now. You’re very empathetic to Bennett’s stroke of bad luck because you too suffer from pretty bad luck. “Yeah, that must really suck. I’m sorry y’all.” You frown, now thinking about the differences of this instance as compared to your own playthrough of Genshin. 
Sensing the somber mood now, Bennett perks up again. “Well, I’m sure we’ll get a chance to travel again soon! Let’s get headed to the city for now, though! You’re probably gonna want some supplies and a place to stay, right?” The others perk up again as well.
With a humf, Fischl points towards the city, “Prepare thyself, (Y/N), for the most spectacular jaunt one could ever take part in.” A second later, Oz chimes in, “What mein Fräulein means to say is that she is ready to start the tour whenever you are.”
You nod and turn to grab your polearm, then follow behind the quartet and down the bridge and towards the city, scarring off Timmie’s pigeons and snickering lightly to yourself as he whines. You look at the backs of the three in front of you and accidentally tune out their commentary as you get distracted, thinking now about the game mechanics and UI, wondering if you’re able to access it here. And, as if by game logic, your polearm disappears from your hand in that familiar gold glitter and takes its place somewhere in time-space. You think about what you should have in your inventory so far, which is a couple hundred mora and that polearm, and come to the conclusion that you should check in with Katheryne to see if you can get signed up in the Adventurers’ Guild; after all, you don't know how long you'll be in this world, so you should try make your stay as comfortable as possible, which requires mora. 
You all pass the front guards, Lawrence and Swan if you remember correctly, and they glance at you in suspicion, but relax a bit as they see the party you're with. You tune in as Fischl points off to the left, over to Mondstadt's local blacksmith, Wagner. He looks as busy as ever, forging what he will, the distinct sound of the hammer hitting iron filling the immediate area. His apprentice, Schulz, stands behind him, watching him work. 
“Thataway you will discover the Prinzessin’s favored smith in these distant lands, the iron tough Wagner. Whether under the heavens’ gaze or their teardrops like sorrow, he is accountable to forge whatever one might need for their adventures. If thou art ever in need of a weapon suiting thy caliber, Wagner is sure to be qualified to produce it.” 
“I’ll be sure to pay him a visit when I earn some Mora. Unfortunately for me, I slept too close to the water and my things got swept away with the tide. I found what I have now inside an old chest.” You awkwardly scratch the back of your neck and Bennett finds himself nodding in solidarity of your supposed misfortune. You feel bad for lying to them, but it’s necessary if you don’t want to find yourself ostracized in the best case scenario, or impaled upon a polearm worst case scenario. 
“Well, the three of us are actually pretty active in the Adventurers’ Guild here; Fischl’s even an investigator for the guild. We’re always recruiting new adventurers, so I’m sure Cyrus wouldn’t mind. Ya know what? The Guild’s receptionist, Katheryne, is actually right up those steps over there, so we can go talk to her and get you signed up. That way you can make enough Mora to get yourself back on your feet. My adventure team actually just happens to have a vacancy at the moment if you were interested in going around with us!” Bennett points out the brown haired woman.
“Yeah, that’d be great, if you don’t mind,” you respond with just as much enthusiasm and you all make your way up the steps to talk to the bionic puppet. 
“Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers’ Guild.” Katheryne gives her signature greeting and you take a moment to gaze upon her in all her wonder. Meanwhile, Bennett and Fischl talk to her about getting you signed up for the Guild. “Unfortunately, your request can not be completed here, (Y/N).”
Confusion colors not only your face, but the faces of your new comrades as well. “W-what do you mean by that, Katheryne?” You can’t think of a time in-game when you were unable to speak to Katheryne.
“I’m sorry, but I am unable to provide further assistance.”
Bennett and Fischl finish up whatever business they have with the receptionist and you all continue on your walk through the city. “Man, I’m sorry (Y/N), I really don’t know what that was all about. Why wouldn’t Katheryne be able to sign you up for the Guild? I mean, the Traveler was able to sign up and he’s not even from Teyvat.”
You awkwardly cough into your fist at the last part of that statement. “Well, I don’t know, maybe there was some issue for some reason. But, it’s ok! I can still probably still collect random little things from adventuring with you guys that I can use, no problem.” You wave your hands back and forth to assure them that it’s no issue. “Um, should we continue with the tour?” You ask, eager to move on from that situation. 
“Fantastic idea dear compatriot.” With that, you all resume your prior activity and the two more outspoken members of the group introduce you to Flora, the flower peddler, and Donna; the latter of whom you absolutely can’t stand. Upon hearing that familiar sigh before her trademark catchphrase, you promptly walk off in the direction of Angel’s Share; the others in your group are quick to follow. 
“(Y/N) okay?” Razor is quick to pick up on your annoyance as he strides up next to you.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m … fine. Sometimes, certain types of people have a habit of tiring me out very quickly. It seems that Donna is the sort.” You grumble and shake your head.
“Mm, Razor same.” He nods and you turn to him and smile, knowing he’s more comfortable in the wild, than in the city.
“You’re a good friend Razor, I promise that one day I’m gonna make a feast for y’all with all the meat you can eat!” 
“Mmmm I like meat. Meat gives energy to be strong!”
As you guys arrive at Angel’s Share, you check the billboard outside and see that it still has a missing person’s poster for the Traveler’s twin, however something about it strikes you as odd. The twin that it’s describing is Lumine. In your game, the twin you picked was Lumine. Bennett also referred to the Traveler as a “he” earlier, which means he meant Aether. So, this must mean that you are not in your own version of Genshin, which might explain the whole mixup with Katheryne. 
“This is Angel’s Share, one of Mondstadt’s local taverns. The tavern is funded and stocked by Dawn Winery. They serve some good non-alcoholic drinks as well.” Bennett informs you as he holds the door open for you all. You all take seats at the bar and Charles, the bartender, hands you a menu. Looking at the prices of the drinks, you slowly slide the menu back to Charles.
“Yeah, I actually visited Dawn Winery on my way here. It’s beautiful and there seems to be an abundance of crystalflies hanging around, which only adds to the atmosphere.”
“Hark! Praise the Prinzessin for her generosity as I provide drinks for this festive occasion! Enlighten the barman with your preferred beverage.” With her usual flourish, Fischl comes to your aid by offering to buy your drink. 
“My my, mein Fräulein, what a joyous occasion indeed. Glory be to the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. This is quite the wise way to spend the bonus you received on your recent commissions.” 
“Oz, hush.” 
“Thank you so much Fischl, this means a lot to me. How lucky I am to be treated favorably by the esteemed Prinzessin.” You smile gratefully at her and she blushes slightly, clearing her throat and shooing you with a hand.
“Yes, yes, quite the fortunate individual, undeniably.”
Turning to Charles, you tell him your order, "I heard that the Apple Cider that the Dawn Winery makes is fantastic, so I'll have a glass of that please!" In turn, Bennett orders a cider as well, Razor gets some Wolfhook Juice, and Fischl asks for a Mint Berry Burst. 
You all take some time, chatting about likes and dislikes, the people of Mond, and the land’s history. They tell you about the Knights of Favonius and how they differ from the Adventurers’ Guild. The topic even drifts to the Anemo Archon. “Ah, yes, I actually know quite a bit about the God of Freedom. It’s, um, a hobby of mine to research things regarding the Seven, I guess you could say.”
“We’re actually all friends with a girl at the cathedral, her name is Barbara. She probably knows a whole lot about the Anemo Archon. In fact, we can go visit her later on, if you want?” Bennett chimes in.
“Yeah, that’d be great. I’ve always admired the whole ideal of freedom that Barbatos represents; I’m much a free-spirit myself.” You take a sip of your drink and enjoy the refreshing coolness that it brings. 
Finishing your drinks, Fischl pays for them, and you all head back out, the destination this time being the city’s main plaza. They show you to The Good Hunter and the general goods store, as well as the alchemy bench, where you chat with Timaeus for a bit. Then, they show you where the Knights’ Headquarters is, and talk to you about Jean, Lisa, and Klee. You all stop by the Adventurers’ Guild and meet some of Bennett’s dads. Finally, your group makes its way up to the cathedral. As you climb up the stairs, you’re not surprised to see the grand statue of Barbatos. However, what you are surprised to see is another statue situated in the cathedral’s plaza. This statue has many offerings left around its base, looking like they’ve been left fairly recently. As you approach this other statue, Fischl chimes up behind you.
“Gaze thine eyes upon the magnificent likeness that has been crafted of our omnipotent Creator. A fortunate some allogenes have even bore witness to Their power running through their very beings, as we three have had the blessed connection ourselves. Though, none have stronger a connection than the Traveler and Their Excellency.” 
You tune everything out once more as a startling revelation makes itself known. Not only have you been somehow transported to the land of Teyvat, but, more specifically, a version of Teyvat that worships Deo as their apparent progenitor. The likeness of that statue is one you’ve seen before, in that of your very own best friend.
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heart-cream · 2 years
Fishl!reader angst with obey me!and yes you will infact have your real name as mc but your fake name will be f/n!
Btw f!reader,sfw
Warnings: bullying,dying and just the brothers being mean:( also I dont reccomend reading if you dont play genshin since its lowkey confusing.
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As usual you were walking around with oz rambling about something. When you passed out. Your vision stabbing your back when you awoke.
"Welcome to the devildom mc!" A man with red haired yelled.
"HOW DARE YOU ADRESS THE PRINZESSIN LIKE THIS?PLUS MY NAMES f/n!" You yelled while putting your hand behind your back to see your vision still there 'oh thank barbatos..'
Suddenly a purple bird appeared and started throwing electro balls everywhere while mc-I mean f/n was putting electro in her bow and shooting it.
"Hehe what a normie introduction!" A man with purple said.
"What type of clothes is that? Should I copy it?"said a man with salmon pink hair said.
"How pointless of us being here is" said a blonde man
Why didnt I leave right then and there?
Why? Did I stay? The tsl incident,almost dying from Lucifer,getting threatend into a pact.
Now I'm being choked here.....
"Why don't you give me a hug?"said the 7th brother.
"Haha prinzessin's dont hug people!" F/n exclaimed.
Right before belphegor tackled them.
"Hehahhahaaa humans were always soooooo~ weak and fragile." He sang
F/n crawled away before standing up with limp.
F/n disappeared before showing up as a bird while oz tried his best to attack belphegor it wasn't enough. It ended up with him watching his mein fraulein die. In front of him. Her strongest warrior...... has failed her.
"Mc I do think it's time for you to grow up and stop pretending your f/n from that stupid fairytale." Lucifer said with annoyance
"Mein fraulein is no fake she is f/n stop it"oz tried to defend you.
"Ugh stop being so childish and grow up! You have the beauty so why waste!?" Asmo yelled.
"Will you just shut up!? I'm trying to sleep here!" Belphie yelled
"Ugh mc stop that stupid act!" Satan yelled
"Normie I'm gaming go away!" Leviathen said to you.
Right now the same thing is happening. But something's different.
"Mc please focus and stop talking about your made up kingdom" lucifer said to you at the student council meeting.
"Mein fraulein-" oz got cut off by you.
"No Its fine oz i knew one day i would have to finally grow up. You can just call me mc now....." you said while taking off your eyepatch. While oz simply stares at you for the first time you didnt call yourself the prinzessin der Verurteilung. You said mc.
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡later on♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
"Yo f/n!wanna go to the theatres?" Mammon asked. You turned to him while staring at your vision in your hand.
"No....my names mc not f/n." You said while holding back tears still in your prinzessin outfit. The last time you would be seen wearing that.
"Ehhhhh?????w'dya mean human?" Mammon said shocked.
"Exactly what I meant mammon." You said making mammon even more shocked you didnt say 'devoted follower of the prinzessin' you actually used his name?....
Mammon walked backwards of your room and shut the door.
You stared at the vision. The vision that granted you elemental powers,the vision that gave you oz and the vision that was slowly killing you.....
After that day everything changed....
You didnt call yourself the prinzessin der Verurteilung anymore no...you said mc! You started wearing more neutral colors and stopped wearing your bat boots along with making your vision look like a necklace.
You weren't so lively anymore you didnt ramble on your life but kept to yourself Quietly.
But days and days pass and you've fallen sick.
"Oz?" "Yes mein fraulein?" "Am I dying?" "...." "I'll take that as a yes. I knew that the vision would be my downfall." You said while tears fell from your face. You never grew up. You stayed your age forever. The body of an adult the mind of a child.
Days pass...
"Hey do you guys wanna hang out?" You said to them
"Sorry mc I'm busy."
"Ugh stop being so clingy normie!"
"Please be quiet"
"Another day."
You finally gave up and went to the human world with oz. To hang out with friends but this time with your prinzessin outfit on. You enjoyed being able to act normally
"Hehe be careful on your trips f/n!" Said one of the adventures from the guild.
"Haha...the prinz..eshin....will .neverrr....fail.." you said before passing out.
You were announced dead at the hospital along with oz passing with you and with your vison.
☆☆☆☆☆☆IN THE DEVILDOM☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
"Have any of you guys seen mc?" One brother asked another "nope" every one said. You've been missing for the past month same with oz.
It was your number? "Hello this is lucifer speaking?" "Ah hello your in one of f/ns emergency contacts. I've called to inform you that f/n has passed away the guild has barley figured out her password and found you in the contacts. Oz had passed along with her. If you wish to know her vision was slowly killing her." One of the guilf members said on the phone.
Dead silence...
"Alright thank you for calling me to inform me have a good day." Lucifer said before ending the call.
Some brothers were in shock while some started to cry into their hand..
The hand you once held.
"𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙒𝘼𝙎 𝘼 𝘾𝙐𝙍𝙎𝙀!!"
Hey yall thoughts? First time writing for obey me😭✌ anyways yes idk what to write here
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aeryssickfics · 4 months
Prompts to Come
Putting these out there for the curious! But also because if anyone has prompts/suggestions/etc I'm willing to hear them! I have. A Good Chance of coming up with ideas for prompts as I go or even realizing I can combine things together but y'know this is where I am
I have completed the Genshin Impact main story. So that's a thing. Also willing to take Honkai Impact 3rd and Star Rail Prompts. Other fandoms I may be willing to entertain are ff7, ffx, yoi, rwby, and atla. I make no promises for anything in the 'may be willing to entertain' section tho)
Choose: Loud or Silent is ???
Totally Drained/Exhausted: Kiamei! From Honkai Impact 3rd. Kiana exhausts herself preparing for a (lengthy) visit from Mei on the moon, in addition to her own very important tasks as Finality. She starts feeling bad before mei arrives, but hides it until she Cannot anymore. pretty much instantly melts into a puddle of exhausted upon Mei's notice tho bc she Can't anymore.
Group Sickfic: i'm not confidently sold on anything but I'm currently leaning towards either the HSR nameless via food poisoning or some variation of the Sumeru Cluster with ??? ideas not solid. Both may eventually be written. I'm leaning into the nameless group fic at the moment. The sumeru cluster... Will Happen. At some point.
Professionalism Failure: STRONGLY considering Alhaitham getting sick during a meeting bc he thought he could keep himself under control. ... not sure if reluctant Cyno dealing with him or Kaveh. Stay tuned!
free day: Kiana tried say something, she really did. But Himeko didn't really believe her since she had a habit of trying to get out of class. Fast forward to that evening when Himeko finds her in the bathroom dazed with a fever, etc.
sick for the first time: Stelle [HSR] has no memories of Before and so as an adult trailblazer gets to be sick "for the first time". It's miserable, but March and Dan Heng take good care of her.
Unfamiliar Surroundings: Su becomes violently ill unexpectedly while sharing a bed (mostly platonically) with Kevin. Set in a nebulous au where Kiana was able to restore his body via manipulation of the imaginary space. ... and didn't kill Kevin for Reasons:tm:. Anyway! Su isn't familiar with the space and without being able to use his mantis powers is also blind. (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Sick in More Ways than One: trailblazer! probably stelle! leaning into the stelleron doing weird shit! Thinkin she picks up something from the crew just in general but it's not Bad:tm: and then she also goes to help herta with SU stuff and things go... south due to a weird interaction in the SU!
late caretaker: Abyss Prince Aether extremely unwell and all he can think about is the way his sister used to hold him, would have taken care of him if things were different. Fate brings them back together, if only for a little while.
sleepy sickie: Shortly after they're reunited in the Chasm, Lumine realizes something is wrong with Xiao-more than his exhaustion, though it certainly plays a factor in everything. He's tired, all the wants to do is sleep. But he's injured and fevered and it gets worse, before it gets better.
subtle support ??
panic: sick kaeya set during Diluc's travels away from Mondstadt. ft diluc's vision almost going out.
cranky sickie ??
nonverbal illness indicators: I'm Attempting to formulate a Neuvi/Wrio thing here. Set probably before the scenario of the game. They don't leave their respective stations often, and it would figure that one of the rare times they do find time to be in the same space Neuvi finds himself unwell. He conceals it, but Wrio is learning how to tell.
head pain/injury/ache: Fu Xuan has a migraine, and perhaps should be resting instead of working, but Jing Yuan has not returned to full duty and someone must hold down the Luofu, after all. (Jing Yuan is not particularly amused)
chaotic body temperature ???
Fake "Faking it":
Possible Alts:
(this list is teaching me I might use too much plot in my sickfics but im not really sorry about it)
Not Novemetober related To Write
(assuming I don't manage to squish these into a prompt somewhere)
Alternate Abyss Corrupted Kaeya sickfic
Cyno sick on a mission (this post)
Really want to revisit sick dan heng actually now that I've found my footing even if I dont go back to that Specific prompt
Eventually want to do something with Crepus actually alive (this post)
Also the Kaeya and Diluc at the Gravesite Fic ft: Jean accidentally ruining Dilucs life (bottom of this post)
The Morning After Scene from Long, Sick Nights
Also the mentioned kaeya-saved-diluc injury+poisoning scene
Couple of these aren't sickfic (or are at least Drastically Less sickfic but wanted to note them here bc they've been mentioned and I don't want to lose them lol)
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theauburngunner · 7 months
Am I in the wrong? What did I do wrong?
Okay I don't know how to like start this off but I am really confused on why I am being blocked and hated on, so an issue happened with two ex friend's of mine, let's name them H and G. Here is a little background/backstory, I met them online through instagram and OB! We got to know each other, play Obey Me!, Genshin, etc. we've known each other since 2020 so during covid. I spend more time with G the estimate is 16+ hours of my day, everyday, even if I am really busy, I still make time for G to play video games, they don't like to role-play so I respected their choice, chat, laugh, talk about our future and when we get to see each other in real life, making sure they feel loved, sleep on phone calls together platonically, send gifts to another platonically. H on the other hand deals with strict parents so the estimate I get to spend time with them online is 3-5 hours a day, so I can't play games with them that much or be on call with them, I can text them or role-play with them, other than that nothing else. So time skip to two and half years of knowing G and H. G and I would talk about serious topics and they always assumed that the trio friendship will have a fall out one day, I always reassured them that it won't due to the strong online bond all three of us have for each other platonically. I would get upset with them saying hurtful words and deny my platonic reassurance, but they would take it the wrong way and think I am mad at them or it'll lead to a bigger fall out of the friendship, but I reassured them and was patient with them. So, time skip to a few months closer to the third year of our friendship anniversary, H was able to be more online due to school being over and summer break being around the corner, so I was able to spend more time on text and role-play with H more often but during night time only so like 6 hours, they still couldn't get on call or play games. I still spent more time with G, still that same 16+ hours, like always and my time with G never lessened. So..before summer break started, one night, G was assuming I was spending more time with H more than G, which was not true. So I reassured them that nicely, they kept denying it so one thing led to another and they wanted to be lectured, mind you..G hates being lectured, so I respectfully declined on lecturing them to respect them, but they kept pushing it to 'lecture them' and that G 'will be fine' so I was hesitant, I stupidly accepted to lecture them. While I was in the middle of texting my long lecture to them and how I feel about their assumptions, G changed their word again and texted 'actually I don't want to be lectured' then they changed it to they do want to be lectured out of curiosity. So I sent my long lecture to them about how I feel for them assuming I am spending more time with H than G. Then next thing I knew, I was blocked by G on every social media contacts I had with them and they never told me anything, but G sent three of their friends to me and each one was telling me different stuff, I wanted to talk to G privately but they never wanted to and would leave me in the dark, and I got hurt a lot but their action and I got confused from their action as well, I never was able to talk to them ever again and be left confused from this. I just want/need answers since I can not get a clear honest answer from my ex friends anymore. I am sorry for my English, I am not good at it. But I hope someone understand what I said above.. Continued, part 2 of this will be posted.
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benetnvsch · 9 months
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✧˖°.Kite /21 /any/all pronouns.°˖ ✧
✧ LGBTQ+ , Jewish, and Chinese- if have a problem with any of these, u can fuck off <3!
✧ Art , OCs, other reblogs of content I like , occasionally writing and editing - no queue so posts maybe be strangely timed cuz I have the worst sleep schedule. Often times vents/overshares in tags but those always have appropriate labels/warning tags before
✧ Generally sfw content though may reblog/make some nsfw jokes. I do not post nsfw art here but any art even vaguely suggestive will be tagged as such for ppl to filter if they like. NSFW accounts DO NOT FOLLOW or I will block you
✧ Current Main Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs, ( Kunikida(zai) especially !!)
✧ Other fandoms: FGO, Genshin Impact, YGO Zexal, CCS/covey stuff, Shotgun boy + Sweet home, Haikyuu
✧ Carrd: https://benetnvsch.crd.co
✧ Other socials are linked in my carrd but should be benetnvsch anywhere I do have one (most active on here and twitter!!)
✧ Follow, unfollow, block free always !! even if we are close mutuals, if my content ever bothers u or you just don't vibe with me anymore feel free to break mutuals and/or block me ! in the nicest way idc! curate ur own experience !!
✧ Requests, comms, and inbox are (almost) always open if you ever want to send me anything <3!! I do have social anxiety but I love talking to people and making new friends :> !!
✧ Mutuals are allowed to ask for my genshin, FGO, or BSD Mayoi accounts to add me there <3 !!
✧ Art specific tag is 'Kite Draws' and most other personal tags for original content/nonreblogs follows that format such as Kite Edits, Kite Watches/Reads/Plays [x]
✧ Please do not follow me if you are a pr0shipper or (specific to the BSD fandom) an 0dazai, M0rizai, or Fvkuran shipper. I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with any of these due to past experiences/traumas and if I see ur any of these you will be removed as a follower and/or blocked ;;
✧ I block VERY liberally and for often silly reasons- pls don’t take it personally but pls don't try and block evade. if u wish to know why I blocked you feel free to dm ig but don't try and follow/interact else wise or I will explode u
✧ Please do NOT repost my art unless you're going to use it in some way (header, icon, edits, etc.) and even then I would appreciate credit. Do NOT repost it just as an image or complimentary image to a separate post/idea
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xxlordalexanderxx · 4 months
1 2 & 4 perhaps?
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition ⭐| Accepting
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1: Are there any characters in your fandom or face claims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
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I'm fandomless for this reason, and because nothing has gripped me in over a decade to want to be really "apart" of anything anymore. But there are characters from a few fandom I just cannot stand to see because of a few individuals who've played these character and made my time on here miserable. I even have a small list of fandoms I refuse to interact with, one of them being for very obvious reasons. I can't stand Tighnaris from Genshin Impact or Skarbrands from Warhammer. If you know, you know. No hate or shade for anyone who likes these properties and characters but the muns who I interreacted with that played them at the time made my experience less than ideal.
2: Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
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I feel that I tend to grow tired of too much of anything lately. Sometimes I get tired of excessive fluff, sometimes I get tired of excessive angst, sometimes I'm not feeling smut. I like to keep a variety going.
4: Have you ever dropped a thread because someone refused to ship their character with yours? If no, have you ever dropped a thread for another “unpopular” reason and if so, what was your reasoning?
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As far as shipping is concerned, never. Shipping is not my priority, and it is not what I'm after. I just want to write and tell stories and have fun. Shipping is just a supplement to my RP experience and tends to happen naturally for Alexander. If our characters fuck with one another like that, cool. If not, aight, that's fine. I've seen the kind of drama shipping can elicit and I refuse to entertain it which is why I keep things light and fun, like shipping is suppose to be.
And for other reasons why I would drop a thread: Too much time passed and that thread has become obsolete ( most of the time my fault cuz I have a life and sometimes get really slow with replies).
My RP partner gave me a very small response and it kinda feels shitty to be dishing out thought out decent chunks of writing to receive the bare minimum. If said partner rather RP like this I don't mind keeping things small to a blogger style like interaction.
Or on the opposite end my partner writes so much and gives me a novel I don't have the energy to recuperate the same effort and rather not waste their time. Like, I can give a metric fuck of a reply, but under special conditions.
Or I felt like I was carrying most of the story along. As a reminder RP is a collaborative activity. Like I know I've created my own world in all but I'm always down for people adding to it and carrying things along too. Just ask about stuff. I might not always have my ideas fleshed out but I'm okay with bullshitting myself through scenarios too.
Not sure if these are unpopular reasons but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thrilling-oneway · 8 months
Ok this is a strange question, but how popular of a game is prosekai? Among this genre i mean. I didn't think it was big outside jp because vocaloid is very niche, but I keep seeing it mentioned more and more often (i don't actually play this one, but I've played a lot of the other bigger ones (enstars, love live etc.) so ofc I see them a lot, and thus can't compare them myself)
it's genuinely one of the most popular games on the JP appstore. looking at the appstore on my JP apple account it's #1 on the music game ranking (enstars is #16, bandori #17, SIF2 #18, D4DJ #35) and ranked #49 on the free games chart (if it's any comparison, genshin is ranked #28, and the #2 free music game, taiko, is #82 overall.) enstars and the idol games ranked below it don't even make top 200 free games on the appstore that is how popular prsk is. if i switch back to my english account it doesn't make top 200 on the appstore anymore but is still on the music game charts ranked at #22 behind the geometry dash games and a bunch of random piano tiles games. enstars is #79 on the english music game charts, bandori is #83 and D4DJ is #98 so yeah there is a massive gap in popularity and prsk basically owns the idol/rhythm genre right now.
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here's it's revenue compared to enstars, twst (not a rhythm game but gacha), imas and bandori as well (article link)
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