#I don't expect my record to stay perfect
http-barnes · 2 years
the sex scene || andrew garfield
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: being a new actress in the scene is hard enough, especially with sudden script changes. ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: andrew garfield x fem!reader ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: as many as I please ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut
[ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2]
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Holding the script in your hands felt unreal. Although it was just a supporting role you felt incredibly proud of yourself for pulling it off, but there was still a long way to go. Your screen test was with one of the casting crew since the actor who was cast for the main role had interviews scheduled for the day, and a million questions went through your head. What if you didn't get along? What if there just wasn't that chemistry that makes movie couples so special? What if you failed to connect and that got you kicked off the movie?
Just as tears of nervousness and stress brimmed in your eyes, you realized you were gripping the script so hard it had started to crumple.
"Oh God..." You sighed and flattened the paper on your table, as you messily wiped away the tears.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door of your room.
You mumbled a couple of curses as you tried to make yourself look presentable and opened the door.
"Good morning miss, I hope you slept well, Andrew has arrived to the set so the directors can see if you work well together."
"Right now!?" Your heart started racing and the nervousness that you had just calmed down from came back.
"Yes, since the shooting starts in two days they want to make sure you two work well together, if we wait any longer it will be harder to find a replacement for your role if you two don't get along in your roles."
Well there was a nice way to say 'we need to do it now 'cause if you fuck it up we have time to replace you'...
"Alright, could you just give me a second to change?"
The man nodded and informed you he'd be waiting at the reception for you.
"Shit, shit, shit."
You showered in record time and fixed yourself up as fast as possible to meet the man that was waiting for you, and once you found him, you two were off to the set. It was at a walking distance from the hotel you were staying in.
Every step you took seemed to fuel your stress and anxiety, and had you not been in public, you would have slapped yourself to calm down, but since there were people around, counting to 10 backwards would have to suffice.
The second you entered the room your eyes met with Andrew's, and he smiled at you. You smiled back, trying your hardest to hide how nervous you were.
"Hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you!" You introduced yourself, and held out your hand.
Andrew immediarely stood up and shook your hand.
"I'm Andrew Garfield, it's a pleasure."
You took your seat and the director proceeded to explain to the both of you that you'd be doing an exercise, sort of like the screen test, to test your chemistry together as the main couple. The man indicated which scene you'd be playing and you both stood up to act it out.
"No need to be nervous." He whispered, as you two walked to the place where you'd be performing.
You smiled shyly, embarrassed that he'd picked up on your agitation, but happy he was actually really nice.
You took a deep breath, and did your job as best as you could. And it went a lot better than expected. Turns out that Andrew was really approachable and easy to work with, making it a lot better to get through. The director still had some tips and fixer-uppers, which you very much appreciated, and although it wasn't perfect, you were happy at how comfortable you had become by the end of the session.
"I'm looking forward to working with you, I hope you're not as nervous as you were..." Andrew told you, as he slipped on his jacket.
"I'm less nervous now, but I'm still very shaky 'cause this is my first time in the big screen. I've done some small roles but the vibe is a lot different right now."
Andrew nodded, as the both of you headed outside.
"It is pretty harsh, I remember my first time and I was just as nervous as you, but you'll do great. If you need anything you can always come to me!"
"Thank you so much! You've been so helpful, I'll make sure to buy you dinner after we shoot, if I'm not kicked off that is." You laughed.
Andrew laughed along.
"Don't say that! But hey," he stopped and pointed at you, with a cheeky smile on his face "I'll take you up on that offer!"
The man told you goodbye, as you went on your separate ways. Andrew had his own place on set since he'd be needed for a lot longer than you.
You hid your nose and mouth in your jacket, trying to warm your nose while simultaneously hiding the way you were smiling like an insane person, after the night had gone that well.
However, your happiness wouldn't last for long. The very next day you received a call from the directors about a script change. They told you you'd need to come by to pick up the new script, so they could discuss it with you and Andrew (since the scene they changed happened to be between the two of you).
Once you got there everyone was already sitting down, with the script in their hands. You greeted the men in the room and immediately sensed the discomfort in Andrew's voice. You found it strange, since you seemed to get along just fine the night before... Your tried to remain calm, however, and just took your seat.
But the reasoning of his uneasiness came rather sooner than later. The robust man handed you your new script.
"Well, Y/N, after yesterday we thought the scene wasn't enough, it was lacking a certain something that we saw would really get a good reaction of the spectators, and since you seemed to click so well we've decided to add a sex scene after the fight scene."
Ah, so that is why Andrew was so uneasy. You could see him staring at you from the corner of your eye, searching for what your reaction would be. You gulped, trying to suppress all feeling rushing right into you at the moment, and smiled.
"Sounds good!"
It had to sound good, you were far too scared of losing your first decent role by objecting to a director decision.
"Alright, Andrew agreed as well, so we're all done here, tomorrow we'll start with that scene, since it will be a rather climax point in the movie we want to get it done first."
You nodded and left without another word.
"Y/N!" You heard a familiar voice call from behind you.
You stopped and turned around, to find Andrew with a worried look.
"You alright?" He asked.
You smiled slightly and nodded.
"I'm okay."
There was an awkward silence, one of two people who knew the conversation was pointless. He knew you weren't okay, and you knew he was aware of your lies.
Andrew stepped in front of you.
"I know you're nervous, it's a big scene that just got bigger, with more feelings and emotions to act out, it's okay to feel nervous, it's the most normal thing in the world... Why don't we go over the scene tonight? I can come by your hotel and we can act it out."
You looked up at him.
"I don't want to bother you, you have weeks on end shooting scenes I don't wanna take up your last night of proper rest."
"It's okay, I was going to be up all night anyways, I can never sleep well before the first day of shooting, I'm always too anxious and excited." He told you.
You bit your lip, trying to hide how happy you were he offered to help you through it.
"So you really don't mind?"
"No ma'am." He replied with a smile.
You laughed at his goofy antics and nodded.
"Alright then, I'm in room 104B, come by whenever."
"I'll see you then!"
You waved goodbye to each other as you went your separate ways. The state of your room sent you into a slight panic. You had asked for the cleaning ladies to not clean your room since you had a bunch of things related to the movie around and you were afraid something would get leaked to the public if someone came in and saw those things. As a consequence, everything was everywhere. Clothes on the floor, papers all over every surface, makeup brushes sprawled on the sink counter and shoes and bags covering the floor. You continuously cursed yourself out as you cleaned your room and put everything in its place. You made the bed, folded the clothes neatly and put all the makeup in a proper bag.
By the time you were finished you were sweaty and hungry, so you made some 3 minute ramen on your room and took your sweet time taking a shower, so you'd at least be presentable when your co-star arrived.
You were blow-drying your hair when you heard a knock on the door.
"Shit- Just a second!"
You turned off the blow dryer and got dressed at the speed of light, you didn't expect him to come so soon, but then again, you might have taken a little too long cleaning up and lost track of time, with the dance breaks you took during a couple songs you played to help with the chore.
You opened the door, breathless, as soon as you were done.
"Hi! Sorry you had to wait I was... fixing myself."
"Oh no need to worry," he said, as you stepped away so he could come in "I didn't wait for long."
"You can take a seat, do you want anything to drink? I have tap water and tea made with tap water." You joked.
His laugh and smile were contagious, and you couldn't help but follow along as he giggled at your joke.
You sat in front of him, on the chairs by the big windows that showed the bright city underneath you, divided by a small circular table, where you placed your scripts. You had taken a little time to read it so you weren't unprepared when he came.
Andrew made sure to hit you with continuous small talk, to make you more comfortable with the scenario, and it worked very well.
By the time you started the scene, you were fully relaxed for the first time while holding those pages.
You started out by just reading the lines to each other, getting accustomed to it, and imagining the scene in your head. And you thought that was going to be it.
"Should we act it out now? Or do you want to read one more time just to make sure?"
You choked in the water and looked at him with big eyes.
"Act it... out?"
"Yeah I mean I thought that was the point? Acting it out is sort of the hardest part, trying not to look awkward on camera. But if you don't feel comfortable that's totally fine! I can help you out tomorrow when we shoot."
You looked away and chewed on your bottom lip as you thought. It should be a no-brainer really, but you weren't mentally ready for a fake sex scene with a man that good-looking, alone. If you made a fool out of yourself it would give you a couple sleepless nights, but you figured it was better to look like an asshat for one person only.
"Alright, let's do this. But please take the lead and tell me what to do."
Andrew set down the script on the table and stood up.
"Let's take it from the end of the fight scene, 'cause you have that one down really well."
You blushed slightly at the compliment.
"Alright so we end looking at each other angrily, and then I'll push you against the wall, alright?"
"Okay, let's do this."
You took a deep breath and shook out all the nervousness, as you got into character.
"So you can go fuck yourself!" You yelled the last line of your character and stared daggers at Andrew as he looked at you with the same intensity.
Just as promised, he gripped your hips and pushed you against the wall. The man inspected the way your body stood, and his hand crept down until it settled on the small of your back. He pulled you towards him softly yet confidently.
"Try to arch your back on this part, the closer our bodies are the better." He whispered.
His hand went back to holding your waist and your body maintained the shape he had carved, when his lips finally took yours, you were surprised at how passionately he kissed. Andrew had the sensation of someone who was incapable of being rough, but there he was, handling you like you were his puppet, and for a second you wished it wasn't all fake.
You instinctively pressed your crotch against his, and Andrew had to suppress a couple sounds that threatened to leave his throat. It wasn't his first sex scene, but the fact that you two were practicing alone, touching each other so intimately alone made him feel something else.
His fingers trailed up your body, from your waist to your hips. They went under your shirt, and his touch on your skin made your hand grip his hair a little harder. With one movement, Andrew removed your shirt, and his lips grazed your neck.
"Keep your back arched, lean your head against the wall, and make sure you don't cover your chest with your arms." The man whispered once more, before his lips left a wet trail of kisses down your jaw, kissing and sucking on some spots on your neck, hard enough so you'd feel it, but soft enough as to not leave a mark.
It was insanely hard not to say 'fuck it' and beg him to do it harder, but you maintained calm. His lips trailed back up and caught yours in a passionate, sinful kiss that would have you dreaming with him that night.
His hands held your ass, and he gave you a little pat as a signal, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, so he could carry you into bed.
Andrew laid you down quite harshly, then muttering a small 'sorry' in your ear.
He bent your legs and spread them apart so he could settle between them. The man glued his body to yours, your lips almost touching.
"Your thighs," he started, running his hands up your legs slowly "need to be covering our crotches to mask the fact that we won't actually be... well, fucking." He blushed a little as he said those words.
He kept straight eye contact as his hips moved steadily against yours.
Suddenly, you felt something hard against your crotch, and then Andrew stopped moving.
"Ah, shit... Sorry, that's... That's awkward."
He looked away for a second, unsure of what to do. A shot of adrenaline suddenly ran through your body, and in an unknown moment of bravery, you held his chin and made him kiss you again. Andrew gripped your thighs as he deepened the kiss. Your hands tangled in his hair and for the first time you didn't have to hold back.
Your fingers trailed down his body, and hooked around the hem of his shirt. The man got the message and immediately removed it. He looked into your eyes as you admired his physique. His tongue explored your mouth once more, as your hands grew more and more curious.
You undid the button of his jeans and slid one hand inside, earning a breathy moan from the contact of your hand against his boner. You teased him a little by squeezing his hardened member.
"I'll make you regret that, darling." He whispered in your ear.
His hand slid inside your underwear so fast you only noticed it when his fingers teased at your entrance.
"This wet? Already?" Andrew whispered, before kissing the spot right below your ear.
One finger entered you, followed by a second one right after, and then a third, stretching you out just enough.
You were trying not to be loud, and he could tell.
"None of that princess, I wanna hear you." He demanded, keeping a steady grip on your neck.
That was your kryptonite, and moans left your mouth non-stop. You were so drunk in pleasure from his fingers you didn't even notice him getting rid of the rest of his clothes. That is, until he pulled his fingers out.
"Open wide."
He placed his fingers by your mouth, which you gladly took and licked clean, never breaking eye contact.
"Good girl."
You winked at the man, and his soft side was brought up once more as he blushed, looked away and smiled slightly.
"Are you ready?" He then asked, his tip by your entrance.
You gripped the sheets and nodded as a response. Once he had your permission he didn't take it slow, he rammed inside of you, and a scream-like moan left your lips.
His hips snapped against yours almost melodically and you gripped his biceps for dear life.
"S-shit you're so good-" You moaned out.
He desperately tried to hide his blush every time but to no use. Your eyes were focused on his pleasure-filled face.
You clenched around him, and a string of curses left his mouth as Andrew tried his best not to cum yet.
"You're doing s-so good, y-you feel so good princess."
The praises sent you closer and closer to the edge, and as he hit just the right spot multiple times, your walls tightened around him and you came with a cry for his name. You didn't have time to ride out your orgasm, as the feeling of you and the way you moaned his name threw Andrew over the edge, and he pulled out, staining your body with hot spurts of cum.
Your foreheads rested against each other as you tried to catch your breaths.
"So... Are we doing it like this tomorrow?"
Andrew smiled and kissed you softly, tucking a strand of your messy hair behind your ear.
"If you want to, I don't mind."
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hii can I request the proxies x f!reader finding her knuckles deep in her pu$$y in their bed? you can do hcs if u want<3
thank youuu♡
Proxies catching their S/O Masterbating in their beds Headcanons
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(Ooo of course you can! 😌 Minors get the heck out of here!)
He came home a day early from a tiring mission. And when he sees you on his bed with your thighs spread far apart as your fingers work to stretch out your pretty soaked cunt, his jaw drops and his pants instantly tighten. What a nice surprise, time to take advantage of it
He'll stare at you and watch for a few extra minutes to enjoy the display all while palming himself through his jeans. Then he'd walk into the room, purposefully making his footsteps loud for you to notice him
You'd instantly look at Masky mortified, fingers still buried inside you. He'd slowly take off his jacket and throw it to the side then mock the hell out of you with a big smirk "Who knew you were such a slut for me? Aww don't be embarrassed, need something bigger to stuff your pussy with?"
Masky commands you to take your hand away and shoves his own larger fingers inside of your wet heat. He sees the way your juices stain and drench his sheets. He'll make it his goal to have you squirt all over them, might as well make a dirtier mess. Masky may or may not be into gun play(It’s not loaded, but you don’t need to know that) and may rub the barrel against your clit. Masky gets off to that fear you show him, regardless of how scared you are the rush has you squirting
He'll whisper sinful things into your ear while driving his fingers deeper and deeper until they bump against that sweet spongey spot that has you falling apart. Masky will abuse it, thrusting in and out of your cunt till you do end up climaxing hard. Just as he wanted, you soak the sheets
Masky doesn't stop, he doesn't even let up the vigorous movements of his fingers. He'll keep going over and over again even when you start crying because the stimulation is too much. "Fuck-Take it Sunshine, common you're a good girl, cum one more for time for me"
But of course, it's never just "one more time". Masky hits your sweet spot and forces orgasm after orgasm from you. Even after he makes sure you can't take anymore and that he put you in deep subspace, Masky will still make you take his cock all night long. Good luck walking in the morning
The quiet ones are always the kinkiest. He stays in the shadows of the rooms doorframe to record you if he has his video camera for...research purposes. What? If you didn't want him watching you shouldn't have practically thrown yourself at him like this. He has a bit of a voyeurism kink, so Hoodie will wait patiently, drinking in your trembling figure presented this pretty on top of his comforter
But when you start moaning his name and spit out all the dirty things you want him to do to you, Hoodie says screw it and slams the door all the way open. You yelp and try to hide your flushed body with one of his blankets. Oops, he has no more self control
He'll flip you over and take you from behind, one gloved hand in your hair while the other is gripping the plushness of your hip. Hoodie will rail you into the mattress, the headboard would slam against the wall because his thrusts are that powerful.
"Bend over sweetheart" Hoodie doesn't bother prepping you, he just needs to be inside of your sloppy pussy. He didn’t know you had ever seen him in that light, especially considering he's like your mentor. Hoodie wants to use that power play on you. "What? You need to punish you for being a dirty whore. You come into my bed and fuck yourself in it then expect me to let you go? Show me how sorry you really are" He'd say while unclasping his belt and letting it fall to the ground
Has the filthiest mouth of them all. Calls you a total slut, a little pervert, his perfect cock sleeve or cumdump. Hoodie can be brutal, this is supposed to be a punishment so he'll edge you over and over again until you're screaming for him to let you cum.
Kinky dude might even continue recording. After he destroys your pussy he’ll pull out and spread your swollen lips apart to show the mix of cum oozing out of your stretched cunt “I own you now, better get accustomed to being used like my little flesh light” 
Seeing you all fucked out on your fingers and smelling his sheets to get off boosts Toby's confidence to a scarily high extent. Still, this innocent baby boy literally covers his eyes but peaks through his fingers to keep watching and feels guilty about the dirty thoughts running through his mind whether it be you smothering him between your thighs or him making you ride his cock
If you spot him, you should ask Toby to come join you and finish the job with his mouth. He’d be more than happy to oblige because spoiler alert, he’s had a major crush on you for months now. Toby admires your personality more, but he can’t deny the fantasies that would creep inside his mind at night about your curves and how he’d rub one to the thought of you on top or beneath him
Toby will eat you out like a starved man right away. As your moans give him more and more bravery to see how far you can take his advances, he may become a bit more dom than usual. Might even bit marks on your inner thighs to show everyone who claims you. It just makes him so happy to see you as all his in more of a wholesome light
Begs you to cum for him, it’s really cute. He’s whining and sloppily ravaging your cunt with his tongue. “Please let me taste you, give me my treat please!” Of course after you do finally get pushed over the edge, Toby will keep at it because the flavor of you is too addicting. Expect to be accidently overstimulated to the max, maybe even more then Masky would put you through
He’ll praise you each time you release. He’s always muttering sweet words against your heat. “You’re doing so good baby, give it all too me princess” 
When Toby finally parts himself from in between your legs, he’ll pump himself a few times and ask you to return the favor. You’re too tired at this point and give him the okay to just use your mouth however he wants. Big mistake on your part because he face fucks you until you’re gagging or choking on his cock
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uplatterme · 3 years
I. Jean, Itto Kokomi, Pantalone
♡ Childe / Tartaglia / Ajax To Be a Fatui: Childe overhears his higher up having sex and decides to listen in. Prompt: "You're pissing me off, puppy."
♡ Scaramouche / Wanderer Pure and Sweet (For Old Time's Sake): After the events in Sumeru, the wanderer meets up with someone familiar and do some familiar activities. Hidden Urges: You catch the wanderer soaking in the rain and decided to help him out.
♡ Kamisato Ayaka As You Wish, Princess: You and Ayaka partake into some new activities, specifically with ice involved.
♡ Zhongli / Morax Once in a Millennia: Giving Zhongli a taste of modern sexual intimacy. Belly Bulge with Zhongli
♡ Sucrose Up In The Mountains: Fucking Sucrose in Dragonspine while Albedo watches.
♡ Kaedehara Kazuha High on Cannabis with Kazuha
♡ Heizou Shikanoin Playing Dangerous: An interesting criminal has been distracting Heizou lately...
♡ Albedo Paint Me Like One Of Your Fontaine Girls: Albedo’s always been better at everything than you, including painting. So, why not set him up with a challenge of painting you? With a little something that’s buzzing inside him while does… Sit Still, Look Pretty: Albedo doesn't take your obsessions with dolls that well, opting to find a very impractical solution.
♡ Thoma My Dearest, Cupid: Things don't go well on his first day on the job.
♡ Kamisato Ayato The Seventh: Well, if you edge a puppy that long. Don’t go expecting him not to beg you to fuck him outside.
♡ Diluc Ragnvindr Red Heads Come With More Fun: Diluc’s spending and spending less time with you, so you decided to surprise him at the Dawn Winery with a kiss or two, or three, or four– To Love a Ragnvindr: Diluc starts to think about your secret relationship.
♡ Dottore Three Minutes: Dottore’s made a mistake and mistakes should be punished. Journal Entry No. XX (Recorded on: ??-??-??) —Written By: (Dastur Sohreh) These reports seemed to have been stained heavily with bodily fluids. Certain words are unreadable. 5 Important and Essential Steps To Remember Into Becoming the Perfect Onahole Webttore Bullying Sounding With Dottore
♡ Pantalone One More Hour?: Pantalone visits a brothel due to Childe's pestering. He discovers more about himself that he didn't know of.
♡ Tighnari Fucking Tighnari in the Forest
♡ Gorou A General in Service!: Things take a turn when you discover that Ms. Hina was none other than the General of the Watasumi Army.
♡ Kaveh Cinderella!Kaveh
♡ Dainsleif False God: In which Dain finds himself trusting a follower of the Gods.
♡ Kaeya Alberich Cherry Wine: Kaeya ends up falling for his friend, thinking that it's unrequited.
♡ Aether Honorary Maid, Aether! Consensual Somno with Aether
NOT ANOTHER ARCHON WAR (completed) Summary: It seems the Archons of Teyvat have been getting selfish with how less of a time they’d been spending with you. They’ve decided that enough is enough and must have you all for themselves. No matter how far they have to go to get it.
HELPING A FRIEND OUT (completed) CHAPTERS: ONE | TWO Summary: Ayato has been paying Thoma less attention ever since he got busier. It totally isn’t Thoma’s fault that he ends up cumming at someone else’s hands!
OH, DEAR DETECTIVE! (incomplete - on hiatus) CHAPTERS: ONE | TWO Summary: You and Heizou are detective partners who’s trusted one another, no matter what. Of course, not everything can stay the same.
EACH OTHER SERIES (completed) Summary: Once Dottore told you that he could somehow feel everything his segments go through, you decided to take things the Dottore way and do a little experimenting. Through Each Other With Each Other
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Ik u literally just posted it but could u write a part 3 to the werewolf story 👀💞💞 i love it sm
Part One Part Two
"I need a favor."
Villain blinked at the hero standing in their doorframe. It had been several months since they'd talked outside of a fight. Even the clothes Hero borrowed after their last transformation had been placed in a paper sack and hung on Villain's doorknob rather than returned personally. It was as if they wanted to pretend nothing had ever happened, but no matter how Villain tried, they couldn't do the same.
Now that they knew Hero's secret, so many things had become obvious. Hero's amazing hearing and the way they cocked their head when listening to something far away, the strange habit of sniffing the air when entering unfamiliar situations; even the way they shook their shaggy hair when wet was doglike. A part of Villain wondered how they'd ever thought the hero normal, but seeing how three months ago werewolves had been nothing but a fantasy, they couldn't blame themselves too much.
"Okaaay?" Villain said, crossing their arms uncomfortably. They hadn't been expecting company, and now they were painfully aware of their unflattering pajamas and the messy apartment behind them. They didn't care what Hero thought of them, they were just some stupid vigilante who couldn't do their hair properly, but for some reason when they were around, Villain couldn't shake the impression that they were judging everything.
Hero shifted uncomfortably, fingers fiddling and broad shoulders hunching together. "C-could I stay the night?"
Villain stared at them, and the hero blushed. For someone so egotisical, they did that a little too often.
"I mean, it wouldn't really be me, it would be the Wolf. I-I don't know if that makes you feel any better. I know it's a weird request, and believe me, I dislike it more than anyone..."
"Why?" Villain interrupted, tone dry.
Hero full out twisted their hands now, unable to meet Villain's eyes.
"Well, there are only two people who know about my...er...condition. One is Superhero, and the other is you. Superhero is out of town, and I just..." Hero broke off, a strange grimace muddling their expression. "I've felt weird lately. I don't really know how to explain it... I just feel like something is going to happen, and with the blue moon and all... I'd just feel better if someone was watching me tonight."
"So you want me to spend my precious free evening watching you slobber and sniff around my apartment as a glorified dog?"
They were actually thrilled, but Hero didn't need to know that, so soaked their words in as much sarcasm as they could muster.
"If- If it's not too much to ask?"
If Hero had their wolf's tail right now, it would be between their legs. Villain almost felt guilty. Almost. They were seriously enjoying this humiliated, vulnerable version of Hero, might as well draw it out a little longer.
Villain cocked a hip and tapped their chin thoughtfully. "You are pretty mean to me...and I was thinking about going out... I don't know... I barely get any free time as it, what with you ruining half my schemes and forcing me to work double hours for my bread."
"I could--" Hero broke off, seeming almost pained to finish that thought, but after a hard swallow they said, "I could turn the other way. Just for a couple days!
"A week."
"What! No way! With your track record who knows how much trouble--"
Villain started closing the door.
"Wait!" Hero sighed and nodded. "A week."
Villain clapped their hands together. "Perfect. I think the sun set's in an hour, do you need anything from your place or...?"
"No, I might as well come in now."
A jolt ran through Villain's stomach, that was not what they had been expecting, but they ended up mechanically stepping aside. So much for straightening things up.
Hero strode into the living room and flopped down on the couch, legs sprawled in front of them, like they'd lived there for years. All signs of humility had washed away like light stains. "Could I get a drink of water and maybe a snack? I don't really like transforming hungry."
Maybe you should have thought about that before coming in, Villain thought bitterly, but instead of saying anything, they went to the kitchen and began spreading cream cheese on crackers. They could deal with this jerk for an hour if it meant they could cuddle with the Wolf for the rest of the evening. That was, admittedly, a little weird, but they weren't going to think about it too hard.
When they returned to the living room, Hero was unabashedly flipping through their sketch book.
"Hey!" Villain slammed the plate of crackers and water glass on the corner table and snatched the book out their hands. "Are you serious right now?"
"What? It was sitting right there." Hero pointed to a spot on the floor. "Open. There were the makings of a scheme sketched out clear as day, I couldn't not look at it."
"You're supposed to be turning a blind eye!"
"That's after tonight. Were those sketches of the Wolf?"
Villain felt the hairs on the back of their neck raise defensively. Just how far had the hero looked? "W-what about it?"
"Impressive for only seeing it once. You must have a good memory."
"Sort of. It's supposed to be amazing, but it only really works for things I'm interested in, so not actually that amazing."
Hero seemed to think about that for a moment. "Do you really like the Wolf that much?"
Villain was about to snap something vulgar, but then they noticed the genuine tilt of Hero's head. They weren't making fun of them; they seriously wanted to know.
"It's a big dog, why wouldn't I?"
Hero smiled weakly. "Most people are repulsed by Weres, in and out of their animal form. Even people who don't know what they are can sense the wrongness of them: a wolf that's not quite a wolf. It'd be more normal if it made you sick."
Really? They couldn't imagine anyone reacting that way to the Wolf. At least, not after getting to know it a little better. How often had Hero received such reactions? How long had they hidden this side to them? Perhaps Villain's first instinct had been right. When they met the Wolf, they'd felt an almost immediate kinship for it. Even if the Wolf was perfect-life Hero, maybe the wolf portion of them shared more similarities than differences: an outcast, misunderstood, fearful to the point of aggression...
"Whatever." Villain pointed to the side table. "Your snack is there. I'm going back to 'scheming.'"
They tucked their sketchbook under their arm and moved over to the table, only eyeing the hero once in a while with a practiced side glance. They were so big and awkward seated on Villain's couch. They might have entered with confidence, but they didn't fit this scene. Munching crackers and staring around at the mess without commentary? That was a strange sight, so it couldn't be helped if they ended up in Villain's sketches a few times. After the third one, Villain decided it was better for their work not to look up at all. Hero's presence was just too annoying for them to focus. Because of this, it wasn't until Hero let out a sharp cry that realized the sun had gone down.
Villain's head snapped up.
Hero held their head in their hands, fingers curled tightly in their hair. Their next cry was accompanied by a jerk of their shoulders and a loud crack!
"Hero?" Villain pushed out from their chair.
Hero's only response was a pathetic moan, then they collapsed sideways on the cushions. The bulky curve of their back was barely visible above the sofa arm, cloth shredding and giving way to thick fur. They howled. An unearthly, bone-chilling sound that made Villain feel sad and found all at once. The next time Hero came up, they had paws instead of hands.
"Wolf!" Villain cried, stumbling a few giddy steps forward.
The canine's ear flattened tight against their head, and it let out a blood-chilling snarl.
Villain froze.
The Wolf was not itself.
Bonus Wolf Music: "Wolves of the Revolution" by The Arcadian Wild, "You're a Wolf" by Sea Wolf, "Wolf" by First Aid Kit, "The Wolf" by the SIAMES, "Wolfsong" by Denny Schneidemesser (instrumental)
Part Four
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theflyingkipper · 2 years
why Rebbeca look like she almost has Gordon's attitude 😂 but anyway she look so good on your drawing style
ohhh thank you 🤗💕
making her look a bit more snooty/uptight was my intention, I dont like her bland happy-go-lucky personality
if we can show love to ONE snooty express engine, why not two ? and also because *ahem* girl characters who act arrogant rarely get redeemed or appreciated in spite of their attitude. and I feel girl characters in thomas kind of get stuck with this :) im nice personality, and I would like to give them more distinct attitudes because... girls have just as much variation and depth as boys why is this something that needs to be said
ANYWAY here is my take on rebecca in writing (+some of her development and relationships with other characters, especially Nia)
In my headcanon, Rebecca is more of a "little miss perfect" type, she has a clean record, excellent performance. shes a modern light pacific and she knows it . Her attitude actually drives Gordon a little insane because Rebecca seems to be stealing sir topham's good graces from him XD
(Thomas tells him not to be such a hypocrite.)
Rebecca has a few glaring problems that she masks with anger or indifference. she has mechanical trouble (wheelslip mostly) that can get especially bad sometimes, and if anyone points it out she tries to pretend she heard nothing.
[I like to think around this point (I should mention I dont have a clear timeline for anything I make I just have vague estimates of decades/time periods because ill make my head explode if I try) which is about the late 70s, is some years after Emily arrives. I really like the idea of Emily being a replica of a stirling single, rather than an original because its fitting of her attitude and ive seen a lot of REALLY detailed headcanons of it by various people.]
Emily and Rebecca butt heads at first. Rebeccas shiny and modern, while Emily's a thing of the past- and not even one deserving of high regard because she's a replica! The two start off HATING each other and Emily doesn't have anything nice to say about her to the rest of the fleet. And it's not like Rebecca has had any compliments to give either! She calls Rosie a latrine-mouthed three-humped camel.
Nia at this time is being switched around between jobs, and while Rosie is out of service, she gets to be station pilot at Tidmouth for a while.
(I HC that Nias paintwork and general upkeep wasnt too good before she was rehomed on Sodor, and at this time she's been NWR blue since her arrival)
Rebecca initially thinks the engine who will take over Rosie's shunting duties is Thomas, since she's told a "little blue engine" will be arriving to help. Since the last impression Rebecca had of Thomas was him telling Gordon not to be such a hypocrite, she expects he'll be waiting on her wheel and axle.
She realizes there's more than one little blue engine, and is surprised to see a long engine with 8 wheels, a cowcatcher and extra cylinders. Blue with red stripes, but not Thomas.
Nia greets Rebecca with her usual "how are your wheels? how are your axles and boiler?" And even agrees that her "three-humped-camel" joke was funny. Rebecca starts off thinking Nia's going to kiss up to her.
She is wrong 💕
Nia knows a thing or two about dealing with grumpy sticks in the mud.
Rebecca, several times, tries to push Nia's buttons. She implores "aren't you tired of pushing coaches around all day? Don't you want to see the world?" And expects Nia to get all puffed up. Nia says she's been all over the world, and likes to stay in one place for a change.
Throughout Nia's time as a station pilot, she learns that Rebecca is actually very insecure, and she can see how her wheels spin painfully if she starts too fast. She points this out once and Rebecca, who's been trying to hide this, and is at her wits end that day, just blurts out that it's nothing, nothings wrong with her.
Rebecca ends up damaging her drive wheels and axles after she fails on Gordon's hill and is shamefully sent for repairs at Crovan's gate. and Henry pushes her to the works.
While Rebecca's being loaded in, Henry tries to be kind and tells Rebecca that it isn't her fault she was built the way she was. Rebecca thinks:
what would you, a big strong Black 5 know about that? Aren't you lot Stanier's swan song?
She's achingly tired of engines noticing her faults, especially ones who perform mechanically sound and clearly wouldnt know a thing about what fronts she has to put up to stay respectable. She's pleasantly surprised (though she doesn't show it) that Henry does, in fact, know exactly how she feels.
Rebecca's damage is more severe than originally thought, and a more extensive overhaul is planned. She's hoisted in the air and much of her chassis is detached.
Meanwhile, Nia arrives at the works for maintenance and a new coat of paint. Rebecca watches from above as Nia's repainted in KUR colors.
Rebecca: That's a... distinct color. It's quite becoming. Nia: was that a compliment I heard? From you?
*Rebecca has to keep from spluttering.*
Rebecca: ...I know a nice livery when I see one.
Nia: (grinning) maybe you should get repainted to something nice and bright too. Like a bright yellow and red.
(She looks across the works at Molly and Rosie, who are trying not to giggle)
Rebecca: *gasps and scoffs* I like my paint the way it is, thank you very much.
Rebecca comes back from the works a different engine, still prone to bouts of arrogance and uptightness, but a much more understanding engine who doesn't have to put up such huge facades to be respected.
Over the next few years she ends up properly becoming friends with Nia, Gordon, Rosie, Molly, and Emily. I think the idea of she and Emily having a race and making funny banter would be amazing.
See, Mattel ???you can do cool and interesting things with your girl characters and Im only at the TIP of the iceberg with my Rebecca story ideas XD
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I currently have COVID (yaaaaaaaay me….) so Please do a kate bishop X Romanoff!reader where R wakes up sick so Kate tries to take care of them for the first time and calls Nat or Yelena for advice and it ends with R and Kate cuddling watching Friends? (Or any sitcom of your choosing)
Hi! I hope you're feeling better.
Masterlist, Kate Bishop masterlist, latest fic, hit my inbox
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Kate needed a day off. Being a new Hawkeye on the team was so exhausting. All the meetings and briefings, mission and report - gradually it was driving her crazy. And of course the trainings. With Natasha Romanoff herself. And judging by Black Widow's attitude, Kate wasn't her favourite  recruit. There were no reasons for that. Well, maybe one.
And that reason was now laying beside her. Kate already opened her eyes, but you both were still under the magic of the dreaming.
Her hand found yours. She didn't want to wake you up, but feeling your fingers interlaced with hers was too much of a temptation.
"Is it time to get up?" you coughed out a question.
"No, babe. It's still early."
You yawned and tried to find a more comfortable position in Kate's arms, but concerned look on her face scared off the remains of your sleep.
"Something's wrong?"
"Are you feeling OK?" she touched your forehead. "You're hot."
"OK, for the record I'm always hot." You rolled away from Kate's grip.
"That's true." She sighed. "But it feels like you have a temperature."
You frowned trying to remember your night. You did feel cold and then you were burning, but then you were freezing again.
"For fuck's sake..." you were muttering, while searching for a thermometer in the bedside drawers.
"Do you have any other symptoms?" Kate was soothingly massaging your shoulders, while waiting for the result.
"Headache and coughing, I guess."
Thermometer biped. 38.5.
"it's not that bad." your girlfriend tried to cheer you up with a fake confidence. "We can handle that."
"You shouldn't even be here. What if you get sick to and..."
"Oh, no, no, no." Kate was already on her feet. "don't you even start. I'll stay with you no matter what. And I will take of you."
You snorted, when Kate wasn't successful in putting on her own sweatshirt. Her head got stuck in a sleeve.
"It means nothing." She mumbled.
"Of course."
Kate returned to you in a few minutes with a cup of tea with honey and raspberry jam.
She helped you with a tray and you gasped at a sudden warmth. You felt it even through a blanket.
"Thank you." you made a sip.
"So, uhm, what should I do next?" Kate sat on the edge of the bed. "pills?"
"Would be nice. Something to get rid of fever." You grinned at Kate's blissful ignorance. Eleanor was always in charge of her daughter's health.
"Great-great. Which ones?"
"Oh, right. I need to call mom. I have an allergy and only certain ones are suitable." You drank a little more. "I never remember the names of the medicine."
Kate stood up and took your phone, but instead of giving it to you, she started searching for a phone number.
She read a silent question in your eyes.
"I'll do it." and after a hesitant pause added. "I can."
"You don't have to."
"Well, that's a perfect opportunity to remind her that I'm a responsible girlfriend."
You threw your arms up in disbelief.
"Oh, hi. I didn't expect you to answer so quickly. Good thing you are rarely busy." Cue awkward laughter. "It's Kate. Kate Bishop, in case you didn't see the name. I'm not saying, you should wear glasses, but..."
You noticed Kate becoming more and more red with every word. You gestured her to look at you and mouthed "it's OK. Don't worry." "easy for you to say." was the answer.
"Anyway, I'm with your. .. Yes... And we were wondering, what medicine should we take." real smooth, Kate. "oh, everything's fine. Well, no one is coughing their lungs out. No, no, no, it was a joke."
You tried to be quiet, but your girlfriend was so violently shaking her head, it could fall off. "shut up, Y/n."
"38.5. Headache. No, it's not that. Yeah, I remember. I was attentive. Miss... Miss..."
You knew your mother. She was now double checking whether it was Kate's fault. Of course it wasn't. Your mom was just making sure.
"Yes. I'm responsible. That's why I called you. OK, thanks."
Talk was finally over and Kate threw herself on the bed as if she just was on a toughest mission ever.
"I told you, you don't have to."
"Yeah, I remember." Kate turned to you. "Does she hate me?"
"No, of course not. She just cares a lot. Getting pregnant wasn't easy for her."
"She'll text the right pills. I'll get them." Bishop burried her face in your neck.
When Kate returned from the pharmacy, you were mindlessly scrolling through your Tumblr feed.
"Enough of that." She took your phone away and gave you a glass of water. "You need to relax."
Kate turned on your favourite show. "Friends" was always your choice if you needed a distraction.
Kate hugged you and let your head rest on her chest. You knew every word of the dialogue between Joey and Rachel and yet it was funny.
"Feeling better?"
You snuggled up even closer and in an episode or two fell asleep on Kate. You knew she would protect you. Even on her day off. Even if the next day your mother, Natasha Romanoff, would train Kate extra relentlessly.
*another Kate fic
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thehollowwriter · 2 years
@midnightmoi I accidentally deleted this one I am so sorry-
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(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤)
One Light Blue Petal And One Fluffy Cloud
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▪ Trey considered his situation... ironic
▪ His family owned a brightly decorated bakery, and he was also tasked with baking, yet he couldn't actually see the colours of the tarts, cakes, and other treats
▪ It was... almost funny watching others gush over a tart that looked completley grey and muted to him
▪ Still, Trey took it in stride, despite the setbacks it caused his already struggling eyesight
▪ He had really hoped this would go away by the time he was in Night Raven College, but alas, fate decided otherwise
▪ Three years in, still not a drop of colour
▪ He had gotten used to Riddle and others apologising when they rambled about pretty colours when he was around
▪ It was just something he had to live with
▪ He did not expect one of the newest first years in Heartslabyul to be his soulmate...
After the Entrance Ceremony, Trey began leading their newest batch of Heartslabyul members with Riddle.
Everyone was talking animatedly with each other... except for one. Trey stayed back and waited for you to pass by before touching your shoulder. "Hey. Are you alright?" You looked up at him and the flourish of colour that sprang forth was almost blinding.
You both stumbled back in surprise and stared at each other.
"Well." Said Trey, fixing his glasses. "This was unexpected." He sent a perfect smile your way. "I'm Trey Clover, your soulmate."
The events that followed were stressful. Gossip spread like wildfire in Heartslabyul, and soon you were the talk of the week. Some lucky first year was the vice dorm leader's soulmate.
One Cater Diamond actually chased you down with his phone recording, trying to get you to answer questions.
Riddle... didn't seem to have much of an opinion on you, however he did hold you under a magnifying glass because it was clear he wanted his childhood friend's partner to be perfect.
You sighed and closed the door to Trey'a room behind you. The Heartslabyul dorm was utterly wacko. You actually would've rather taken Octavinelle.
"What's wrong?" Asked Trey from his desk. He had turned in his seat to look at you.
You leaned against the mahogany door and stared into Trey's gorgeous honey gold eyes.
"Your dorm mates are insane." He chuckled and you pouted. "It's not funny!" "I'm sorry, love, but that's just how they are. C'mere." He opened his arms and you went to hug him. "Do something about the phone addict." Trey laughed. "I will, don't worry."
He hugged you tightly, but not too tightly,and it was so warm and comforting. You melted into him. This man was aa blessing. Your protector and your cornerstone... He meant everything to you.
"Thank you so much for bringing colour to my life, Trey..."
A/N: Super fluff with our resident househusband. Hope you enjoyed!
Also, anyone ever stop to think about what a shock to the brain it would be to suddenly have to process all those colours?
Tagging @honey-milk-depresso lmao
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typical-simplelove · 2 years
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Christmas Time Is Here -> Mathew Barzal
12 Days of December
Author's Note: Happy Day Twelve! Here's the last fic! I hope you've enjoyed all these Christmas/December fics. Tomorrow is Christmas; can you believe it's finally here? This is our final question: If you celebrate Christmas, what's do you plan on doing tomorrow? Enjoy this, and have an amazing Christmas!
Warnings: explicit female!reader and mother!reader; implied mentions of sex
Word Count: 486
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"And to all a goodnight," you read and close the book quietly. You look down and see your two sons, James, 3, and Connor, 5, asleep in bed. They were bundled up in their Christmas pajamas and Christmas blankets. You give them each a kiss on their foreheads.
You slide out of their bed as quietly as possible. You didn't want to wake them because once they woke, your sons wouldn't ever go back to bed. On a normal day, they'd be hyper after a cat nap, but on Christmas Eve, they'd be even more hyper, and you need all the rest you could get before the next day's festivities.
"Are they asleep?" Mat asks when you walk into your bedroom.
You nod. "Let's hope they stay that way until at least 7."
"Don't you want to sleep later?"
"I'm just setting my expectations appropriately," you answer and begin to change into your pajamas. "We have to put the final gifts under the tree and turn it off before going to bed."
Mat nods. "Everything is wrapped, right?"
"Mhm, and their stockings are all filled."
"Look at you go, Mama, all organized," Mat teases before he captures your lips in his.
"Someone has to be in this house," you whisper against Mat's lips. You pull back and head downstairs to finish getting ready for the next day. Once the gifts are under the tree and the tree is off, you and Mat head back upstairs to get ready for bed. The minute your head hit the pillow, you were out.
It might have been two minutes, one hour, or no time at all, but you were woken by two quiet whispers calling you. You open your eyes and see James and Connor standing next to your side of the bed.
"We can't sleep, Momma," James proclaims.
You groggily nod your head and move towards the edge so the boys could sleep in the middle between you and Mat. Let's hope Mat doesn't try something and thinks you're the one next to him.
You think that the boys will fall right asleep like you do, but they'd don't.
"Can we watch a movie, Momma?" Connor asks.
"Yeah!" James agrees. "Rudolph, Momma!"
You nod and reach over to your nightstand and grab the remote to your TV. You turn to your DVR where Rudolph was recorded.
"But we're going to keep it low so dad can sleep."
The boys eagerly nod. They don't care. As long as they can watch the movie, the boys will be as happy as can be.
Mat ends up waking up, too, and the four of you watch Rudolph with the volume low and one by one, each of them falls asleep. You turn off the TV when you hear soft snores. You smile at the sight of all three of your boys resting peacefully. It was the perfect sight on Christmas Eve.
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Taglist: @stars-canucks, @jostyriggslover96, @nilspettersson, @lam-ila, @iwantahockeyhimbo, @shinyfalcon4, @rosesvioletshardy, @2manytabsopen, @drei-mrssvechii, @barzyblogbabe, @itrocksmysocks, @themotogirl, @shinytoadpandadeputy, @sorryjustafangirl, @ghostyjosty, @fallinallincurls
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
Mmmmmmkkkkk. I gotta know.
Would you ever consider OR have you ever considered writing smut for ambivalence?
LOL as if my comments lately haven’t been obvious it’s been on my brain lately 👀👀👀👀
you could not have sent this in at a more perfect time, seriously. i just finished up writing something JUST for you. i hope this does your idea justice - pls enjoy!
also, im thinking about it. heavily. stay tuned.
"Yo, let's get something to eat," Kelce volunteers, loading his golf clubs into the back of his car.
"I'm down," Topper agrees.
Rafe, who'd been glued to his phone for the past ten minutes, doesn't even hear the proposition. You'd so nicely informed him that you had to buy some new clothes, and of course, Rafe asked if that means lingerie as well. You'd told him no, accompanied by the rolling eyes emoji. He'd sent back an innocent question of asking to see the clothes as you try them on.
"Cameron? You with us, buddy?" Kelce questions, waving his hand out in front of him.
"Uh," Rafe looks up, "Yeah. What'd you say?"
"God," Topper groans, "The chokehold that girl has on you is so fucking annoying."
"Do you want to eat lunch?" Kelce asks again, raising his voice to a dramatic level to ensure Rafe hears him this time.
"Yes," Rafe exhales, "Sure, lunch, whatever."
"Fantastic," Topper grunts, wincing when Rafe aggressively grabs the back of his neck and tugs him toward the Club.
Rafe's leg had been anxiously bouncing for the past twenty minutes, the length of time his text had gone unanswered. He'd encouraged you to get one of the dresses you'd sent him, then you'd gone radio silent. He and the boys order, and when Topper and Kelce start teasing him about how bad he'd performed on the course, he just rolls his eyes and taps on his phone screen.
"You do realize she's operated just fine for the past eighteen years without you, right? She can get herself home," Topper reminds him.
"Yeah, thanks for the reminder, Top," he grunts sarcastically.
They order their food, and just as the waiter turns his back, Rafe's screen lights up. The boys start making whipping noises at him when he grabs it immediately, but he just rolls his eyes.
He fully expects a 'just got home' text, and when he sees what he sees, his eyes practically fall out of his head.
He stares at the picture without blinking for at least two minutes straight. She'd never sent him anything like this before, and he'd certainly never seen this lingerie set before. He quickly takes note that it's black; the color he told her last week he loves her to wear underneath. And then, he realizes, she's laying in his bed.
"Holy shit," he mutters, gripping his phone so hard his knuckles turn white, "Holy fuck."
"Dude, what?" Topper questions.
"Yeah, what'd she say?"
Kelce reaches out for Rafe's phone, and is immediately met with a leveling glare. Kelce holds his hands up in defense and sits back down.
"Why're you acting like - oh, gross, bro," Topper groans, "We're about to fucking eat."
"I didn't even say anything," Rafe reminds him, and with another look to the picture, he stands.
"I don't understand," Kelce tells them.
"Y/N sent him nudes," Topper informs him, raising his nose up at the thought. Rafe smacks Topper on the back of the head, but can feel his ears burning at the statement.
"You're fucking leaving?" Kelce asks, watching Rafe pick up his keys.
"Hell yes, I'm leaving," Rafe laughs, "See you later, boys."
Rafe Cameron had never been a slow driver. Until today, he never considered himself to be a fast driver, either. He makes it home from the Club in record time, bolting into the house and up the stairs so fast. When he bursts into his bedroom, your eyes widen when you see him. You'd pulled one of his shirts on over your set, not expecting him home any time soon.
"What are you doing here?" you ask him as he walks over to the bed.
"What, you think you can send me shit like that and not expect me to come running?" he raises an eyebrow, pulling off his shirt and then climbing on top of you, "Take this off, lemme see."
You laugh but do as he says, taking off his Kildare Island shirt and revealing the new set of lingerie you'd purchased just today, just for him. He swallows visibly, jaw falling open slightly as he takes in this girl - his girl - laying here, wearing that.
"Holy- I mean, where did you - um, did you buy this for me?"
He's a stuttering mess, eyes shamelessly raking over your body and not meeting your eyes once. He brings his hands to your waist, teasing you as he slowly starts guiding them up the sides of your body, stopping only when he's inches away from your breasts.
"No, Rafe," you roll your eyes.
"Well, here's the thing," he says, voice weak as he continues to stare, "I'm gonna have to reimburse you for it."
You furrow your eyebrows, "Why?"
"Because I'm about to rip it off you."
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papergirllife · 3 years
Lee Jeno
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'You ease Jeno's frustrations during a late night recording session."
Warnings : unprotected sex, cockwarming, generally quite fluffy.
Word count : 1.8k
You were in your pajamas at 1 a.m. in the morning, still in the company because your boyfriend is trying to record the best version of his verse in the recording booth a few feet away, his black denim jacket draped across your chest to shield you from the cold.
You were going through your own lyrics, making a few changes here and there to make sure the flow of the song suits you, working in a low volume to avoid disturbing Jeno, who was already getting antsy from this certain verse.
When you were done, you placed the pencil on the desk and got up from your seat, walking to the booth where Jeno had his handsome face in a frown.
“You okay, Jeno? Aren’t you cold in here?” you asked as you took his jacket off of you, draping it back onto his broad shoulders.
“I'm feeling fine, you should use it,” Jeno said shortly before he takes it off, putting it onto you again.
“But you're just in a tank, and you have to perform on stages very soon, you can't catch a cold,” you argued before trying to take it off once more, only to be stopped by Jeno’s hands.
“I'm fine, you're the one who's sensitive to the cold, I don't want you to get sick because of me, I didn't ask for you to be here with me, and still you showered and came back here to be with me, I'm sorry for eating up our time, I know I promised to have a night in with you,” Jeno said with a sad tinge to his usually cheerful eyes before reaching out for you, embracing you into his warmth.
“I know how important this comeback is for you, I wanted to stay here with you because I'm stubborn and that's on me, not you,” you said before turning your body to tuck yourself closer into Jeno, giving his bicep a quick peck before burying your head into his neck, the familiar scent of cologne filling your lungs.
Jeno let's out a chuckle at this odd but familiar action, you started doing this since the day Jeno had started working out on his arms more, every little thing he does you’d always be proud of it, which is why you're so different from everyone else, Jeno feels safe with you, the fact that the both of you absolutely adore each other irks his members out, but he doesn’t care, not when he only has eyes for you.
“I love you,” Jeno said without hesitation, it's always been like this for the two of you, saying these three words whenever you felt like it, communication between the two of you has always been good, though it hasn't always been like this.
There was a time at the beginning of the relationship where Jeno only knew how to show his love through actions, fearing that it may seem too pushy if he constantly speaks up about his emotions, being a guy and all, but your reassurance of loving to hear everything he has to say, as well as those doe eyes of yours that always have a hundred percent focus on him, had given him a sense of comfort, and so he now speaks whatever that comes to mind when he's with you, most often 'I love yous', it could be in the morning when you wake up, or moments like this where there are uncertainties in his head, you’re his rock.
“I love you too, Jeno,” you said it back before pulling away slightly to kiss him, pulling him closer again by looping your hands around his nape, playing with the strands of hair there as you bit on his bottom lip gently before feeling a sudden grip on your hip, a gasp falling from your lips just to give Jeno the opportunity to dominate the kiss, getting you right where he wanted you to be, under his control.
Jeno tasted like the chocolate mint balls he was having just now, a mixture of sweet chocolate and invigorating mint clouding your senses, the taste so addictive that you licked at his tongue just to taste more, but soon Jeno pulled away, noticing that you were running out of breath, your forehead lolled against his, a sign that he was all too familiar with.
“Slow down, baby, what's got you so worked up?” Jeno asked as he peppers kisses down your neck sloppily, he knows he can't mark you without your manager lecturing you, so he'll just have to manoeuvre himself to the valley of your breasts, popping open the buttons of your pajamas to reveal that you've worn a set that had no padding, the tips of your nipples would've been obvious it weren't for how loose your shirt was.
“Remember the last time we fucked in here? You had a writer’s block for stronger and 119, I want to be your muse again, Jen,” you reminded him as you trailed your hand at the hem of his tank, palming his abs that you go crazy over, you must be the luckiest girl ever, to find a guy who’s as hot as he’s talented in his career, not to mention the sinful things he does with those dancer hips.
Jeno chuckled at that fond memory, recalling Jaemin’s horrid expression when he found the two of you in such a state.
“You do know that this is ANL right?” gesturing at the lyrics on the stand.
“Which is a highly suggestive yet quite a fluffy song, we have to set the mood in order for you to actually gain some inspiration, no?” you said before you pulled off his shirt, throwing it somewhere behind you.
“Greedy aren't you?” Jeno said as he tips your chin higher to get a good look at you in the dim lights, admiring your swollen lips and the lust in your eyes, all because of him.
“Well, you can't pen my name down for these songs, the least you can do is give me a good fuck to remember it by,” you said with those seductive eyes of yours looking into his hooded ones before reaching down his pants, a jolt from his cock at your freezing hands.
“Whatever my baby wants, whatever she gets am I right?” Jeno said before manoeuvring you to your back facing his, letting your ass feel his hard on.
You placed your hands on the stool that Jeno previously sat in, arching your back for him to easily access the situation.
Jeno pulls your sweats and panties down hanging them onto the stand, you purse your lips at the sight, hoping that none of your arousal gets onto the surface, but before you could make up your mind whether to tell Jeno to place your clothing somewhere else, Jeno had spread your folds with two fingers, a hand coming up to swipe at your slit teasingly before pinching your clit lightly in between his thumb and index finger, combing a moan out of you, legs jolting at the sudden pleasure, you were always sensitive there.
“Fuck, baby, I barely touched you and you’re dripping wet, didn't know you were this worked up,” Jeno said by your ear, his voice a few octaves lower.
Jeno enters two fingers in one go, making you buckle your knees at the sudden intrusion, not expecting it so soon, the feeling of his rough finger pads reaching deep into you, searching for that one spot, and when he found it, it felt like the first taste of heaven, a whimper falling from your lips as you held onto the stool harder, preparing for what's to come.
Jeno thrusted his fingers in a moderate pace before sliding in a third, making a scissoring motion to open you up for his large cock.
When he deemed that you were wet enough, Jeno shoved his pants and boxers down to his knees, impatient for the warmth in between your legs.
Jeno positioned himself at your entrance, pushing in an inch before slamming himself into you.
“Fuck, Jeno!” you could feel how full you were now, and how he fits perfectly inside you, his tip dangerously close to your sweet spot, you just need him to move.
“Jeno, you can move now, please,” you begged, breathless as your mind is still registering the feeling of this euphoria.
Jeno clenches his jaw in concentration before pulling out of your sweet pussy slightly, before thrusting back in, starting a quick and shallow pace, the way your warm walls were clenching onto him was making him lightheaded from the immense pleasure, but he knows he has to get his shit together if he wants to actually finish up recording tonight.
Jeno grips onto your hips as he builds up his pace, pistoning his dick inside of you hard and fast as he hears your screams of pleasure, the sound echoing in this small booth, encouraging him to go faster as he gets addicted to this sweet melody.
You held onto the stool for your dear life as you felt the knot in your abdomen slowly unwinding, a sign that you’re nearing your edge.
“I'm gonna cum, Jen, cum with me, please,” you said before purposely clenching onto his dick.
“Fuck, baby, I’m not gonna last any longer if you keep doing that,” Jeno said in one breath, before focusing back onto chasing both your highs, a hand moving to your breasts to pinch your nipples with the perfect amount of pain, he knows how much of a pain slut you are for him, and that was exactly what pushed you over the edge.
You felt your body convulsing as you orgasmed, the knot snapping free as the screams of Jeno’s name tumble from your lips as you let Jeno continue.
Jeno came only a few sloppy thrusts, after you, biting onto your shoulder as he came, giving a few hard thrusts to ride out both your highs, and just so he could bury his cum inside you, letting both your juices mix.
When both of you were done, Jeno moved your limp body expertly on top of his as he took a seat onto the stool, him still inside of you, your head tucked by his left shoulder, picking up where he had left off just now.
“You're right baby, you really are my muse,” Jeno said before humming a tune, then correcting some errors on the sheet.
“Well, good to know I was helpful, now if you'll excuse me, I need to clean up,” you said before trying to get up.
Jeno's left hand grips onto your hips, restricting you from leaving.
“Stay for a bit, I'm finishing up soon, then I'll clean you up, I'm sure you’re too tired to walk now, get some rest,” Jeno said as he pats your head gently, something he does that oddly lulls you to sleep.
“Okay, just don't overwork yourself,” you said before drifting off to sleep on your boyfriend’s shoulder, your very own human pillow.
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deepseavibez · 3 years
Nerve_7 || KNJ
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Nerve [Namjoon x Reader]
Prompt - @casnextdoor
Part 6 || Worthy
Part 7 || Slander
Part 7.5 - Declaration
Genre: cheating; aftermath; husband au;
Summary - You would never expect it really. He's doting. He's sweet. He's hardworking. But he's forgotten his morals. Suspecting it is one thing, but when he confirms it, will you stay or walk away.
Warning - Cheating(Aftermath); Mobbing; Snide Comments; Rude Remarks; Violence; Chaos; Pure Angst! Fluff (if you squint);
Word Count - 6.7k
🎶- Hold On - Remix - Chord Overstreet, Deepend
'Yes! Ohmygod yes!' 
Yuna squealed in happiness, as Kenta placed the diamond ring on her finger. 
She launched herself into his arms, as soon as he stood up, tears streaming down her face. 
God, you were so glad she wore waterproof mascara. 
This was a once in a lifetime experience… depending. It needed to be captured well. Not to mention Yuna would be hell to deal with if she had mascara running down her cheeks in the video.
You clicked a few random pictures on your phone, some blurry, some not, and Jungkook circled them slowly, using his experience with his camera to find the best angles to suit the couples short video. 
Not wanting to call for him and disturb the audio, you waved at him to get his attention. 
He met your eye and you showed him a thumbs up; he could stop recording now. 
'Y/n you knew about this?' Yuna's voice had you turning to her. She made a beeline for you, accusing you playfully. 
You watched Kenta break off toward Hoseok, a solid pat on the back for a proposal well executed. 
'Of course I knew about this!' You exclaimed happily. 'I had to get it all on camera, I had to make sure we booked the perfect place, I had to make sure it was a day we didn't decide to skip,' you made your way down the list of best friend duties and caught her in your arms as soon as she reached you. 
'God, I just love you.' Her hold was tight, her gratitude overflowing. 'I love you so much.' 
She pulled back, her palms cradling your cheek as she let her own tears fall. 'You had time to plan my proposal, with everything going on with you.'
'I will always make time for you.' You touched your forehead to hers. 'We're for lifers.'
Tears stung in your eyes. It was not enough. It would never be enough. You could never repay her for being your soulmate, for being your strength and your sanity. 'Yuna, I wish you could always smile just like this.'
You both gave it a moment, closed eyes, breathing in tandem, you synced, recharged, relaxed. So many words, none of them enough to explain what you were to each other.
You wanted to blink back your tears, but there was no way. Not when your other half was taking such a huge step. 
'Don't ever leave me,' she warned, her eyes still closed. 
'Are you kidding,' you whispered back, 'I'm the cluster fuck here, you shouldn't leave me.' 
'You're right. Your closet is to die for, I can't leave that behind,' she paused and opened her eyes, a mischievous glint in them. 'I might just ask Kenta to shift it while you're sleeping.'
'Oh please don't, I love my clothes, and knowing your man, he would find a way to do it.'
Yuna smirked, her hands falling to your shoulders, she found her ring, the sunlight catching it at just the right angle. Pulling it toward her, she stared at the rock on her left hand in awe. 'Dammit, I'm engaged.'
'Ooooh, another one bites the dust,' you teased, feeling absolute happiness to see her face light up. 
She narrowed her eyes. 'You helped him pick the ring, didn't you?' 
You popped your collar smugly.
'Thank you for taking care of him,' her lips turned down at the edges, her hands clasping yours again. 'To think I am only getting married six years after you have.' Shaking her head she added absently, 'I hope we last.'
'You will.'
Something in your voice must have caught her attention, because her eyes widened in panic. 
'Oh no, no y/n, I didn't mean to say -,' 
'Hey,' you squeezed her fingers, 'I get you.'
'I'm still no match for y/n, baby?' Kenta asked as sidled up to his fiancée. His arm came around her, and he placed a tender kiss on the side of her head. 
She relaxed against him, and winked at you. 'Never.' 
Yuna had had her fair share of frogs. A lot of it had to do with how she perceived relationships before Kenta. She believed men were a phase, her heart too fragile to be given in a man's keeping. High walls, one night stands, the cold exterior of an ice queen in a very cut throat industry. 
Scriptwriter, assistant director, producer, it was fun to be one, as long as you executed. It was fun when things went well and the next job opportunity or pitch was just around the corner. It was fun as long as things were going well. 
What wasn't fun was the misogyny and the double standards. It wasn't fun when you were a looker and to be an assistant director or producer or even have the chance to do a pitch, you had to let the men feel up your skirt. It wasn't fun when your hard work, sleepless nights and dedication were taken for granted or accredited to someone else. 
So no, Yuna hadn't done the long term thing in a while, until Kenta. 
And Kenta, you thought, as you watched him, his reactions to your best friend, the love in his eyes, the absolute nervous wreck he'd been for the past few weeks. 
It was a contrast to the stoic bodyguard that stood by your side or in front of you on his rotation to you. You'd never seen him react as he did, like smile and laugh and… find hope, for more, until he met Yuna. 
You knew it was hard and rough. More tissues involved than you could count, more off days you'd made him take to work through his head space, but it worked out. 
And you were so happy for them. You were so happy for her. 
Breaking away from the scene in front of you, you scanned for your two helpers and found them at the table nearest to the bakery entrance. 
A pretty intense conversation taking place, as you noticed Jungkook and the way he clutched a chord in his hand. Hobi rocked on his heels every few seconds, maybe assuring himself, making sure he kept going on with whatever he'd tried doing with the maknae.
You just hoped they were okay. 
Looking around you took in the place you'd visited for the past eight years. 
Clandy's cafe sat on the absolute corner of Kornerstreet. Ironic really... well, that or very intelligent location scouting.
Clandy's was known for the grey building, three long steps leading to her order area sitting in the far left, with round stone seats spread out on the right. Easily fifty people could sit and have their coffee, or just wait on their orders. 
As grey as the above, it was brown below. Colours of comfort and neutral ground. The aroma itself could do a person in. 
At the far right, were a set of stairs leading to her eat in. The bakery below had twice the variety of cakes, coffees and dessert foods involved. The round seats cushioned in brown leather, around wooden tables, placed in circular campfire patterns.  
You and Yuna visited Clandy's on a daily basis. Numerous other agencies, college teens, even the golden old people with their memories and tales of youth dropped by. 
You usually meet up with Yuna for a midday coffee and catch-up sesh, a quick check in with Clandy and maybe a sweet sample for whatever new treat she was testing out. 
Today, the round grey stone seats were empty, no lines were formed for order from the cashier to the long steps and down to the parking lot. The eat-in below, temporarily closed for the next hour, save for the few customers that had already placed their orders before you showed up. 
Everything was, 'normal' , Kenta, you, maybe a slow day for the cafe, except this was focused on Kenta, and the ring that he'd carried around in his jacket pocket for the past month. 
It made you laugh now that you thought about it. Your ever present, very cold, very good at his job, very brave bodyguard, scared out of his wits for a simple question. 
But you understood why. Namjoon was clumsier than usual when he'd proposed to you. You smiled thinking about it.
'So what theme do you think babe?' Yuna pulled you out of your thoughts. 'Like a red and white maybe, or blue and silver?'
You tilted your head to the side, as you thought about it. 'Yuna, you're a sunrise. I feel like you should have sunny colours. Like orange and peach and yellow, but hey,' you put your hands up in mock surrender, 'that's up to you guys. I just do the planning.'
'Y/n, no stripper for bachelorette night,' Kenta stated, looking at you pointedly.
You shrugged, unphased.
'No multiple strippers either.'
Now you rolled your eyes at him. 'Buzzkill.'
'Y/n,' he started to protest.
'Y/n,' you whipped around to find Hobi right behind you. 'Is your phone on silent?'
You stared at him in confusion, but maybe…
Pulling it out of your pocket your eyes widened at the alarming number of missed calls, fourteen from Namjoon only.
Immediately, you tapped on his contact name, calling him back.
'Y/n! Thank god!' He was in distress.
'Namjoon, what's going on?'l
'Y/n, where are you?'
'Clandy's cafe, why?'
'I'll be right there, please stay down in the bakery, don't come up, don't come out!'
'Wait, Joon!'
Shit. You looked at the phone in your hand, the screen indicating the call was 'disconnected'.
'Babe,' Yuna touched your arm, her eyebrows drawn in concern. 'What was that about?'
'I think I know,' Hobi pulls up the latest headlines on his phone.
You pulled the phone toward you, looking closer, hoping you were reading wrong, and yet… there it was, in front of your eyes.
'Noona, we need to get you out of here.' Jungkook grabbed your hand, aiming to lead you down the greystone steps toward the parking lot.
'Oh shit.'
Oh shit was right. Cameras, microphones, a flood of individuals already crowding the busy street. There was no place to hide, no way to divert their attention as they headed in your direction. You had two members of a band with you, a well known producer, added to it all, you were the centre of attention.
'Move, move we gotta go!' Kenta shouted. Your bodyguard holding onto Yuna, and pushing you toward the stairs.
Your heels clicked against the floor, as you rushed down the stairs, Hoseok and Jungkook right behind you.
Now what.
You faced the three walls of the bakery. There was no other way out, and they were about to be bombarded.
There was no way around it. Turning to face the stairway, you stood your ground; Yuna and Hoseok on either side. Kenta stood in front of you and Yuna. Jungkook moved next to Kenta, the added muscle more than necessary.
You heard the shuffling, you heard the clicks, you heard them take the first step.
There were five of you, maybe two staff behind the counter, and they weren't even involved yet. The heads you could see rush down the stairs toward you, outnumbered you six to one, at best.
🎶- Harder to Breath - Letdown.
‘Jungkook, get over here!’
‘Jungkook, watch out!’
In seconds you were surrounded, people, fans, reporters you knew to stay away from, reporters you'd never seen before.
Jungkook was swarmed first. He was pushed out of the way, somehow brought forward, near the entrance, away from all of you.
‘Jungkook-sshi, have you seen the headlines?’
‘Is it true you joined the band due to Namjoon?’
‘Hey!’ You heard Kenta’s shout, as he tried to reach out to Jungkook. You didn’t have time to check on Jungkook or Kenta before the rest of you were surrounded.
A male stepped into your space. 'Mrs. Kim, is it true Mr. Kim cheated on you?’ You pushed the small recorder away, needing to get to your friends.
Another found your vision. ‘Is it because of your independence Mrs. Kim?’
‘What can you say about the pictures, Jungkook-sshi?’
‘Jhope, you are the rapper's best friend, is he tired of his wife?’
Backed up against a wall, Hoseok put his hands up in front of him, the camera that was pushed into his face too close for comfort.
‘Is it because you are idols?’
‘You have always been close to Mrs. Kim, have you not? Would you choose RM or his wife in this position?’
‘What the hell is wrong with you?’ You shouted, trying to push your way towards the female reporter in his face, asking such questions.
‘Is Mr. Kim bored with you, Y/n-sshi?’
They closed around you, making you step back on instinct. Your butt touched a table, and you stumbled, your hand coming out behind you to find purchase.
'Aargh,' you cried out softly, a sharp pain on your fingers. A few drops of blood showing on your palm as you brought it up to your face.
You looked back, a broken cup sat on the table, probably due to the scuffle, the tiny pieces nicked you.
'Is he neglected by you, Mrs. Kim?'
Enraged, you lashed out. ‘Get out of my face!’ You pushed the male away from you, some of your blood wiping out on his white shirt, consequences be damned.
‘Yuna Mei, are you with y/n today because of the headlines?’
Pain forgotten, you turned your attention away from your hand, and watched Yuna get backed against the same wall. The usually calm and well practiced producer, absolutely livid with the circumstances.
‘Have you no shame!’ She pushed at the chest of a young male who got too close to her.
Another placed his mic under her nose, ‘Are you sure it's a good idea to get engaged when your friend's marriage is on the rocks?’
‘Leave her alone!’
Kenta was caught up with Jungkook, both trying to push their way past people, without hurting anyone.
‘Do the pictures not phase you, Yuna Mei?’
‘Do you know the woman your best friend was with?’
‘Mrs. Kim, were you ever able to live up to the band’s standards?’
‘Stop it! I have nothing to say!’ Yuna’s arm was gripped by a teenager.
‘You’re a slut! You don’t deserve to look that pretty!’
The verbal slap rebounded on you as a twitty teenager dug her nails into Yuna’s arm.
‘You little bitch!’ Yuna returned the gesture, and pushed her forcefully into two camera men.
‘Mr. Jeon, do you believe your band leader will be single in the near future?’
‘Kook!’ You were overwhelmed, unable to control your fear or your panic. ‘Kenta!’
Kenta would hear, he would understand -- by any means necessary.
‘Are you covering up for your fellow 94’liner?’
‘Get a life, would you!’ Hoseok, finding his bearings, trampled the toes of the male questioning him.
‘Are you here to plead his case for him?’
‘Would you marry another member of the band Mrs. Kim?’
You didn’t reply, too frustrated, literally biting your lip to keep from retorting, not to mention crying.
‘Y/n!’ Kenta moved toward you, physically making his way through the sea of bodies, Jungkook’s shirt in his hand, following close behind.
‘Go get, Yuna, go!’
‘Mrs. Kim, did Mr. Kim find out about your past?’
That stopped you dead in your tracks. The voice coming from directly behind you.
‘Does he know about your troubled past with your parents?’
‘I’ve already called the police, I’m ordering you to leave my premises right now!’
That was Clandy’s voice, her shouting slightly muffled by the chaos of the crowd.
Looking around you caught her using the walls to get around the sea of people, making her way toward the only other door in the bakery, the one always locked.
‘Don’t touch her!’ Jungkook and Kenta both pulled off a bulky male that stumbled against Yuna.
'Does he think your juvenile behaviour in your teens is a disgrace to him now?'
‘Does he know about your running away from home, Mrs. Kim?’
The flashing lights, the numerous questions, already too much, you didn’t know who to turn to, Yuna, Hoseok, or sock the fucker questioning you.
You caught sight of Clandy, her hands waving you over. You took note of the door behind her, her office. The keys, she had keys, she had keys.
'Kenta!' He whipped his head toward you, Yuna and Jungkook safely behind him. Motioning with your hand you pointed at Clandy, who stood at her door, keeping it locked.
When he caught sight of her, he nodded in understanding.
'Do you think he's doubting if you can uphold your company and still be his wife?'
'Are you not willing to have kids, Mrs. Kim, is that why he's chosen a different path?'
Fuck you. Fuck you and you. Your teeth clenched, your breathing heavy, you searched for Hoseok and couldn't find him.
Panic gripped you.
'Hobi!' Your throat cut at your shrill scream. You were terrified for him.
Your hands clenched, you whipped your head around, twice, thrice, left to right trying to find him.
'Y/n, over here!' You found him near Kenta and the others, his body just outside their circle.
How the fuck-
'Babe!' Yuna caught your attention, turning around to face you, to check on you, as Kenta steered her toward Clandy.
'Go!' You needed her safe; you needed them all safe.
Hoseok finally found his way to the maknae, he and Kenta keeping anyone else at bay.
'What will your parents say about this?'
They were almost there. Almost.
'Do they know?'
You wanted to move, you wanted to make your way toward them, but everything was just too much.
'Are they upset?'
Yes. Clandy opened her office door. In went Yuna and Jungkook. Kenta and Hoseok turned to watch out for you, expecting you to find your way toward them.
Hoseok's eyes widened as he took in your demeanor. 'Y/n, move! Y/n!'
You wanted to, just needed to step, you just -
‘You were never enough for him anyway.’ Someone whispered next to you.
You froze. Your blood rushed through you, the adrenaline of the situation stretching under your skin, you could feel the buzz. But you couldn't react.
'Maybe it's because of how you look.'
'It's definitely because you have no talent.'
'CEO my ass, your parents handed it all to you!'
‘Stop it!' You cried out in dismay. You did not need this right now. You covered your ears from the taunts.
'What do you have to say Mrs. Kim?'
'Mrs. Kim, please share your feelings?'
'Mrs. Kim, will you recover?'
Will you, will you ever, that was a good question, recover, you. It was a blur, a blur as tears dribbled down your eyes.
A blur as your past was thrown at you. A blur as your insecurities surfaced. A blur as the biggest betrayal you ever had to deal with was thrown in your face.
'Y/n!' Kenta.
'Y/n!' Hoseok.
'Y/n!' Namjoon.
Wait what, Namjoon?
You shook your head, trying to clear your mind, praying it was not your imagination, you looked up and your back hit his solid chest.
Strong arms, solid arms, that you turned into, that crushed mint scent, Namjoon, Namjoon, Namjoon.
'Namjoon,' you whispered against some part of his body. Like saying his name over and over again as a mantra could remind you he was here, and where Namjoon was, you were okay, you would be okay.
Everything else was blocked out. Everyone else didn't matter. 'I'm here baby, I have you.'
‘Mr. Kim, what are your comments?’
You clutched at his arms. You closed your eyes tight.
‘No comment,’ he gritted through his teeth.
You were not the damsel in distress, but you couldn't open your eyes, you didn't want to open them.
‘Mr. Kim, who was that woman?’
‘Y/n, watch out!’ You heard Hobi’s voice from far away.
A hand gripped your hair, forcefully pulling you out of his hold.
‘What the hell! Get off her!’
It was so unexpected, the grip so harsh, you bent back for a second, before straightening up, one hand at your hair, one hand on the person holding onto you.
‘You don’t deserve him!’
Your spine became stiff, 'And bitches that pull hair, do?’ You didn’t know who you shouted at, you didn’t care.
‘Mr. Kim, will you and Mrs. Kim separate?’
Namjoon’s hand found the person that held your hair, he tugged at their fingers until they let go, the guards with him pulling them away.
‘Mr. Kim, who will get a bigger share after the divorce?’
‘Mr. Kim, will you go after another tycoon?’
‘That’s enough!’ You rounded on them, these leeches, these pariahs. ‘Can you not see what you’re doing?’
‘We’re actual people! Human beings! With lives and friends! Does it look like we’re separated!’
You leaned into Namjoon, made him keep his hands on you as you completely lost your shit.
‘Mrs. Kim please, what would you -’
You grabbed the guy’s mic and threw it to the floor. As your heel came down on it, a sickening crunch, you stared at the male reporter. You imagined you looked quite a sight, hair out of sorts, eyes red, tear tracks on your face.
‘We said... no… comment.’
The guards circled you, the flood of questions ceasing, as you turned into your husband’s hold.
Putting on a show, you wrapped an arm around him and looked up, meeting his eyes, ‘Walk me to Clandy’s office please.’
He obliged, at least five guards on either side, clearing your way.
Your fingers gripped his waist, his hand at your neck, somehow the hold, kept you steady. His thumb at your pulse, soothing, fighting your panic away.
You sent a reassuring nod at Clandy as she stood at the door, letting you both by, to lock you in after.
The crowd needed to disperse, before any of you could make your way out.
Hoseok's arms came around you as soon as you entered, tugging you out of Namjoon's hold. 'Are you okay?'
You sunk into him. Needing to reassure him, needing to reassure yourself, that he was okay.
'I'm okay.'
'How did you get to the group?'
'I dropped and crawled through their legs.'
'Smart.' You smirked at Hobi, appreciatively. His quick thinking, doing him good.
'Noona, you're bleeding!'
You looked down at your hand, Jungkooks protests reminding you about the cuts.
Namjoon couldn't help himself, he grabbed your hands, and turned them over to inspect it.
Moving both hands over to one of his, he grabbed his handkerchief, to tie it around your palm.
'Wait, no, leave it.'
'Babe.' Yuna reprimanded you lightly.
You turned to her, she looked okay, besides the nail marks on her hand, she looked okay.
She caught your eye, and blew you a kiss.
You wanted to cry all over again. You were the centre of all of this, and yet everyone was taking care of you.
'Kenta, you good?' The male looked shaken, a little worse for wear.
'Where were you?' Your eyes snapped to Namjoon. He still held your hands, but he glared at your bodyguard.
Kenta was wide-eyed.
'Where the fuck were you?'
'Namjoon.' You sidled up to him.
'You're paid to be y/n's bodyguard aren't you?
Kenta gently pried himself away from Yuna and walked toward your husband.
'Sylo said you were on rotation for y/n this week. Your job is to keep y/n safe. It's your only fucking job and you failed.' Namjoon accused the other male with his eyes, his hands balling into fists, as they faced each other head on.
'Where the fuck were you?' He breathed onto Kenta's face, his height towering the bodyguard by three inches.
Fearful, having had too much to deal with, you moved between the two men. You placed your palms flat on his chest, moving him back a bit. Yuna copied you and did the same to Kenta, knowing the other man wouldn't back down.
These were two males on protective mode, whether they spoke before, whether they got along, whether they were friends, right now their only instinct was to protect what was theirs -- Kenta in the aftereffects, Namjoon still reeling from his earlier altercation.
He'd fired one man today, he didn't mind another.
'You're paid to do your job aren't you?'
'Joon, stop.'
'Hyung,' Jungkook's voice came from somewhere in the room.
'Not by you, no.'
'Kenta.' Yuna pushed him further.
Hoseok came to stand between you and Yuna, palms out on either side, playing peacemaker. 'Joon, Kenta was protecting Jungkook and doing his best for all of us. Kenta, the way you're feeling right now, needing to protect your fiancée, that's how Namjoon feels.' His head turned from Namjoon to Kenta and back. 'Both your women are in front of you, they're right there, hold them, and check on them. Shouldn't that be the priority.' Hoseok's tone nipped at the two men, his glare icy, allowing no other alternative.
You could feel Namjoon breath easier, his chest rose and fell a bit slower, under your palm
You grabbed his hands, ignoring the protest from the wounds on your palm and placed them on your waist giving him something to do. 'Joon,' you reached up to cradle his face, forcing his gaze away from Kenta. 'If that was you, you would go for me first, that is a fact.' You stared deep into his eyes. 'Don't deny it.'
His lips tightened, but he nodded in agreement.
The tension in your shoulders eased slightly. Your head falling to his chest, you whispered, to the floor. 'I'm going to kill that bitch.'
🎶- Taking You Home - Tujamo, Kelvyn Colt
Clandy's office was small.
When you entered you realized, the door sat on the far right of the room. Two sets of windows, shedding some light through cream coloured curtains, a desk below one set, filing cabinets straight ahead of you below the other.
There were recipes on the wooden walls, pictures of Clandy and her staff, her family, piles of paper on a messy desk.
You smiled as you took note of it. It reminded you of you.
There was some comfort in organised chaos.
The only chairs were the one behind the desk, and the one in front.
Kenta leaned against the cabinets, Yuna in his arms, her head on his shoulder, she faced the room.
Jungkook sat cross legged on the floor, his fingers at his temples, his cap over his eyes, as if blocking out the world and the light, trying his best to relieve any sensory overload.
Hoseok was on the big fluffy office chair, swinging round and round slowly.
You launched yourself on the table, after Namjoon calmed down a little and he took the chair in front of you.
You didn't pull away, or even create any distance. You needed to feel his body heat next to you.
Somehow, even with everything going on, you felt guilty for needing him near you, despite pushing him away. You also didn't want to, want him close, and yet, you breathed easier with him, you could think clearly, you could rationalise.
It was his presence, he was Namjoon and you just couldn't help yourself.
As you stared down at his head, your hands itched for his hair, to run your fingers along the strands, to tug at the roots, knowing it would ground him.
You wouldn't allow yourself to get that far, but you did place the backs of your fingers against his neck.
The first touch, jolting him slightly, he turned to look at you, watching, waiting… licking your lips you moved your hand up and down, slowly, just at his nape.
Comfort you wanted to give, but the only comfort you could.
He leaned into it, a tilt of his head backwards; you heard him loud and clear -- don't stop.
As for Namjoon, the one that usually shied away from affection, now leaning into it? Publicly? Yeah, it was good for now.
A second later you felt him, as he cautiously curled his arm around your right leg, his palm stopping at your calf; probably unable to help himself.
It stayed there.
Maybe it wasn't something big, like a hug or words that held long lasting promises, but it was almost everything at the same time for you.
You knew, you would not allow another man to hold you, or even touch any intimate part of your body, but this was Joon, you were still his, for now, and however long you would be. So his palm, as it held on, was a claim for anyone to see, a dare for anyone to try and hurt you, or take you away.
The truth was though, Kim Namjoon saw you as a woman. The CEO, the bloodthirsty daughter, the snarling best friend, nor Kim Y/n -- the strong leader's wife, Namjoon just saw y/n.
His reaction, it hurt your heart with every jagged beat because pleasure poured through you, that he'd want you safe, protected, all but snarling internally for ever causing any of this, for ever giving anyone an opportunity to hurt you.
You understood this man, and it made everything else so much harder.
A knock on the door had you looking up. Anxiety bubbling internally, you watched as Hoseok woke up off the office chair to answer it.
Kenta stood behind the doors, ready to open and close it just as fast should the need arise.
'Guys, I got you some coffee. You can't come out yet, some of them are still loitering around, but it's just a bit more.'
As Clandy relayed the information, and goodies, Namjoon basked in your light touch, the simplicity of the moment, enough to carry him through lightyears worth of pain.
He couldn't resist you. He wouldn't if he ever had the choice.
He wanted to wake up from the chair, stand between your legs and crowd your body. He wanted to kiss your neck, and bite at your pulse, kiss your lips until you had to come up for air. He needed to remind himself that you were there, you were still here, still his.
He wanted to hold you, thrust his fingers in your hair and bury his face in your neck. Make it all go away, like you usually would.
Tell him that he was human and humans' made mistakes and he could better and that things would be okay.
But the mere fact that you hadn't mentioned that, that you didn't say those words specifically, he knew he was in danger of losing you.
And if he did, the fear he'd felt today, of you getting hurt, of you being too far away to get to and protect, it was a mere fraction of what he had yet to feel.
'Here honey,' you looked up at the Hoseok, as he handed you a coffee that Clandy passed through the door.
Handing one to Joon, the 94' line locked eyes. You held your breath, looking between the two, ready to launch yourself if there was an altercation.
Hoseok licked his lips and softly asked, 'You good?'
Namjoon nodded. 'You?'
You blew out a long breath of air as Hoseok walked back to the office chair behind you.
Jungkook's cheeks were puffed out, doing the exact opposite of you, right up until Hoseok sat down -- then he let the air out.
You smiled at the maknae's antics; a little light in a dark world.
'Now, what.' Hoseok broke the silence, voicing what was on everyone's mind.
'We wait it out.' Kenta replied.
'Not that, I'm talking about public enemy number one.'
'She's a lying bitch,' Yuna replied. 'There's no other explanation for her, there's no other excuse to use. I mean, come on.'
'She's lying,' you supplied, she had to be.
Too riled up to do anything else, you called Maiya straight away. Your lawyer was a godsend, and Ria was your favourite assistant for a reason. Maiya's NDA, her details, everything you needed was in your mail.
Maiya’s story was laughable, the very reason you now needed a new phone. The old one sat in a heap on the floor.
'We don't know that yet.'
Hoseok narrowed his eyes at the bodyguard. 'Don't tell me you actually believe that story.'
'I don't. But we also need cold hard facts.' Kenta defended himself. You couldn't dispute him either, the man had a point.
Maiya was very capable of doing this, but she could have also not done it. I mean this was Kim Namjoon, you were talking about.
'We need to nail her.' Yuna was seething. She hated being mobbed. She hated having one of her best days ruined. And she absolutely hated when anyone fucked with you.
'Take her to court, the lawyers can find evidence.'
'No,' you let Jungkook down lightly. 'It's too public. If there's an off chance she's not the one that did it, then it's going to make the band look bad.'
'Does it really matter if she leaked it or not?' You stared at the back of Namjoon's head. Was he being serious, was he actually defending her.
'Yes,' Hoseok pointed. 'Whoever did, probably has more.'
'But she said it was her roommate, we all heard her.' Jungkook shifted, to lean against the wall. 'Can we not find her roommate, and question her?'
'We can, but we can't go through her stuff and she can easily lie outright.' Kenta was finally shifting from protective fiancé to y/n's bodyguard. 'Okay let's look at this another way.'
'Instead of starting at the beginning, let's backtrack.' Namjoon stood up, and walked around the room slowly. He did his best thinking as he paced. 'We start from the most recent contact point.'
'So the paper that printed the pictures,' Jungkook's eyes glittered as Namjoon smiled at him in approval.
'But they would have a wall up, especially since they posted about an idol.' Hoseok stated.
'It would take lawyers,' you thought out loud and looked from Hoseok to Namjoon. 'Will yours listen.'
'Our legal team is being revamped at the moment, but we can try.'
'Would it be a long shot, if we go there with a smiley, friendly attitude. I mean they are our lawyers.' You could see Jungkook using every opportunity to have a normal interaction with Namjoon; it had been too many weeks since.
'Paperwork is the best thing to work with, with both the lawyers and the media.' You trusted pen and paper. Everything you did, your company, it was all pen and paper. Signatures and the written word could not be disputed.
'Maybe if we get her on the phone we promise whatever we find, if we can find out who gave them the pictures and they help us in any way we can, we won't sue them.'
You liked Yuna's idea. It would work. Either way they would have a lawsuit on their hands. One the company lawyers would already be working to put in place. But if you struck a deal with the lawyers, where you could get the information about the person who gave the pictures, in exchange for not being sued, it would be a win-win.
'And if they disagree?' Kenta looked toward his wife.
'Then we sue them.' You answered for her.
'Do you even have that much money?'
'I have money and leverage, Yuna.' You squashed the cup in your hand and flung it in the trash bin opposite you -- hole in one. 'You can't just post slander about my husband and be allowed to sleep easy.'
Your best friend smirked at you. 'Your claws are showing, babe.'
The moment was broken by the ringing of a cellphone.
'Hello.' Hoseok's voice, serious.
'Yes, hyung.' He paused, giving his full attention to one of his bandmates on the other end. 'Yeah, I'll tell him. Got it. Okay, see you then.'
'Namjoon. The company said they cleared things out for us. They're sending a car. They need you at the studio.'
Namjoon shrugged. 'I can't.'
'Wait, what?' You jumped off the table.
Turning to look at Hoseok, Jungkook and you, he shook his head. 'I'm not leaving y/n.'
'But management -,' Jungkook tried to reason.
'Management is pissed off. They're still gonna be pissed off in the morning. That's when I'll deal with it.' Namjoon turned to look out the window.
You walked towards him and touched his arm. 'Hey, what's all this about?'
'You were attacked today.' He didn't turn to you, he didn't look at you.
'And so? It's nothing we haven't been through before.' You reasoned. Having been through your fair share of mobs and haters being married to him. 'I'm still standing. I'm still here.'
'You're shaken. It's not just about the mob.' He added. 'It's about the pictures.'
'Don't!' You flinched at his tone. He turned to you, amending his outburst immediately. 'Don't make me go. Not when I want to be with you. Not when I want to take care of you.' He reached for your hands, pulling you toward him, placing your palms on his chest for you. 'I know y/n. I know you're mad. I know we aren't okay. I know you can deal with everything alone. But I can't. Don't make me leave your side right now. Please.'
It was the permission that did you in. How many more ways did this man have to break your heart, to make it hard to breathe without him. 'Alright.'
'Yuna.' You moved away from Namjoon toward her. The backs of your fingers, caressing her cheek.
'I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of this. I set out to give you a memorable day, and it just,' you motioned with your hand and looked to the ceiling in regret. 'I'm sorry.'
'Hey, hey it's not your fault.' She placed her hand at your neck and made you look into her eyes. 'You gave me a wonderful proposal. You took care of me out there, making sure Kook and I were safe before you.'
'It was pretty eventful actually,' Kenta smirked.
'I'm serious you guys. I'm sorry,' you repeated.
'We’re sorry.' At the sound of Namjoon's voice, you looked at Kenta, who you knew was making peace with your husband behind you. You would never understand men.
'Relax, babe. It really was memorable.'
'You'll be okay? I have something to take care of.'
She nodded. 'Give me a shout if you need me. Anytime.'
'Always.' You squeezed her hand and turned back to your husband.
'Come on,' you put your hand out as soon as you stepped in front of him.
'We're all going to the studio.'
Namjoon didn't look mad, but he did stare at you, a little longer than necessary.
'You're stubborn.'
Your lips twitched. 'I'm y/n. Now, come on,' you put your hand out to him, 'let's get through this together.'
Namjoon looked at your hand, hesitation apparent. You watched him for a moment, before realization dawned upon you.
The leader was being led.
Well, too bad. He would take what he'd get, or he wouldn't get at all. And right now, he'd only have you near him, if he complied. You were being nice, nicer than you had been in the past few weeks.
Fighting a small smile, you flexed your hand, a silent coax, this time his fingers closed around yours.
As you walked out, Yuna squeezed her eyes once reassuringly, Kenta looked cautious. You expected nothing less from the bodyguard that knew every detail of all the stories in your life. You imagine Hobi and Kook would have shared a look as well.
It would have seemed odd to everyone else, especially considering the circumstances, for you to be so gentle with your husband. It confused the hell out of you as well, with your hard work and sturdy walls being solidified everyday.
But you knew your man -- Namjoon was rattled.
Years of looking out for each other, for caring, for making sure the other was okay -- it wouldn't just go away, not for choices, not for mistakes, not under any circumstances.
You needed him close too. He needed to be close to you.
If things were normal you would have curled yourself against him. Your soft body needing his solid stability. Your hands would have found his hair, your lips, his neck, and you would have taken time to reassure him that you were okay. Scars would fade, a little blood didn't hurt, and love, especially between you and Namjoon could not be contested against.
Until now.
Taglist - @casnextdoor @jaysdimples @belliebell @pinkcherrybombs @sweetjellyfishland @blushingatyou @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue @somewhereinthestarss @k-brownsugar @namsona17 @taejinxkoya @notsooperfect @zae007live @its-hopes-world @shina913 @bri-mal @piecesofapril11 @kissme-ornot @torisecrets @agustdmwah @lochness-butmakeitsexy @petalsofink [open]
Part 6 || Worthy
Part 7 || Slander
Part 7.5 - Declaration
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sexymuto · 2 years
Can I get headcanon with Asa, Jesse and ghostface with an s/o who's always makes some food for homeless cuz they're angels?
Slashers with an s/o who's making food for homeless
Thank you for first ask _| ̄|○ I'll try my best
I'm making it gender neutral.
Jesse Cromeans aka Chromeskull
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He knew that even before you met him, but is it suprising? He took large amount of time to stalk you.
It's cute how you care about those low life's, in his eyes you're an angel!
Jesse is on lots of business trips, and is kinda scared you'll get hurt by someone. So he makes sure someone is watching you.
Don't be mad he cares!
When he's home he'll drive you around and record you, you don't know, but he hired someone, to edit angels wings on you.
When you both get home Jesse tells you to go to your shared bedroom.
You see really expensive lingerie.
Asa Emory aka The Collector
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You're one of Asa students, he noticed others making fun of you in his classes.
But it's not all, you're always late on his lectures, which makes him pissed.
So, he told you to stay after class.
Why are you always late? It irritates me when you walk in while I'm talking. -he didn't looked at you, being busy with work.
I'm sorry professor, it's just, I was delivering breakfasts to those poor lads on streets.
After hearing that, Asa made sure to check it himself.
Oh well, it's Asa, so expect to see a red trunk at your house soon.
For Asa it made you special.
For Collector it made you his favourite.
Ghostface aka Billy & Stu
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There's no difference, both of them are not liking this idea.
You are supposed to make food for THEM.
They might tolerate this, if you cook for them as well, tho no promise.
Stu is more ok than Billy with it.
They make sure you're safe. Not only from the agressive homeless but also from other students (leave it to Billy).
They fall in love with you even more.
Angel for two murderous boys.
They are lucky to have you as their s/o.
Ghostface aka Danny Johnson
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This one is difficult, cuz there are no homeless in entity's realm.
Ok grandpa look like one.
Other than that, you don't need to eat or drink there.
So you can't do anything really.
Em yes y/n it is not your time to shine.
Uh oh well, i did it, it's not perfect, pls don't eat me. Tell me if there's something wrong or my grammar failed (eng is not my first) Thanks for reading 😅😅😅
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
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PAIRINGS: Haikyuu boys x fem! reader
GENRE: angst, pining, teasing, spicy level at 1?
A/N: i am hooked, captivated, jealous, and many more emotions🤨 this was honestly a little random but no complaints
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⟡𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔's offhanded comments on an essay he didn't participate in was a bloodbath waiting to happen. Though you understood that he was in a tight schedule regarding practice and matches was a tough schedule to keep up with, the expression on his face when he sees the score ignites the rage that was kept tight when you stayed up just to pinch in to replace their mistakes and their unwillingness to cooperate that had you pulled out of calmness.
"Wipe that shit expression off of you, Miya. Maybe if you were there we could've done better but no." You huffed, while there's a chuckle from the blonde as he takes the paper from your hands, a punch to your efforts, while he waves it around before towering over you with eyes glancing to your lips before it goes straight to your eyes before he spoke,
"If you wanted the best, then I'm all yours to take."
⟡𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐀 would go overboard majority of their practice so at those moments—you never know what to do seeing that you weren't on good terms anyway. He'd be too focused and frustrated to be communicated with while Hinata's drive to progress himself always mixes with the setters competitiveness then it leads to late practices making you stay until they finally leave.
"You two— c'mon I have to lock up. Get going already." Hinata smiles at you softly sharing his intents to stay a little longer while you shook your head. He gave out a defeated sigh while you walked to the storage room to make sure everything was placed to where it was but when you expected silence, it never came. The sound of heavy impacting echoes through the gym while you rolled your eyes to walk out and see the setter all alone.
"Kageyama, go home." You were down to the remaining ounce of energy you had left. You could only roll your eyes as you held the ball he was meant to hold as he blinks at you.
"I'm not gonna say it again. Let's go home already." He turns the other way around whispering, "Just one more." making you hold onto his wrist as he turns to you surprised but held a glare in secret. "Stop being so stubborn." Kageyama scoffs before holding onto your hand on his wrist, a slight tug while you leaned forward because of his actions.
"And stop trying to make me go home with you." You pushed him slightly with raised eyebrows, a fluster in your cheeks as you tried to pull away.
"Idiot- that's not what I mean!" You argued while his hand remained on yours as you both stared each other down. "It's not like I meant it that way either." Tobio said before letting go of your arm, walking away with his own heated cheeks while grabbing his bag and ending the day with one more glance to you.
"I'm going now, if you're going to come with me—then I'll see which of the choices you did mean."
⟡ 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔 doesn't like the way your personality mirrored his twin. A duplicate of another duplicate. He saw how well you and the blonde had bonded and brought a migraine to his head, realizing that the annoyance he gets from his twin has doubled when it came to you but he does deny that there's an ounce of envy seeing that you were never that close to him and always favored Atsumu.
And now that you were in their residence, the laughter from you and the setter ticks him off as if he was a thirdwheeler in every situation—god, even in their house.
"Oi, do you mind? I think my controller is in Samu's room can you get it for me?" Atsumu asks while you shrugged before knocking over to Osamu's door. You figured that he didn't like you as much and you kept your distance but at times, you can definitely feel that the distance that had grown to a state that even you were confused in how it got that far.
You casually enter in, glancing at Osamu who was only busy on his phone but shares a stare to you when you wander around.
"What're ye looking for?" He asks, while you responded saying it was the controller. He stands up with a groan, noticing how messy the other side of the room was as you began to pick up a few shirts while Osamu cocks an eyebrow.
"Ain't no touching that, I'll clean it myself." He suggests but you continued nonetheless thinking that this may reduce whatever tension was there. Right at the moment where you reached for the jersey at the stairs of their bunk bed, Osamu had grabbed your wrist making you wide eyed before looking at him.
"I said I can do it." He says in which you followed with, "I just wanted to help you and Tsumu." He rolls his eyes but the proximity of you two is alarming especially when his hand was still wrapped around yours.
"Atsumu this, Atsumu that—can't you worry about me?" He jokes at first but there's warmth to your cheeks alike to his own, but he leans forward, a smirk to his lips. "Only you?" You asked before he spoke again,
"Only me and no one else, doll."
⟡𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐒𝐀's bad start during mornings never get along with your rants along with Iwaizumi to help maintain the health of MSBY. Whenever Iwaizumi would be off to observe a different team, you'd be the subsitute. All of the things he's said to them—you'll be there to remind them all over again. In which repetitiveness irks him knowing they've been told before.
"We've been through the same routine. Today's not any special." Kiyoomi suggests, though you get how irritating it can be to act like a broken record—you knew Iwaizumi would do the same thing you were doing.
"And if we go through it like every other day, then we'll finish fast." You argued as Atsumu sends you a chuckle before leaning on his teammate.
"Not with all that yapping." Sakusa whispers making you scoff while Hinata and Bokuto share a worried glance.
"You've got something to say to me, Kiyoomi?" You asked, edging him on because you weren't entirely at fault. You were strictly just following Iwaizumi's orders.
The MSBY player then takes a few steps forward before lowering his mask and with a threat of a stare to look down on you.
"Why don't we stop talking and I'll show you a better routine?"
Atsumu rolls his eyes but rather entertained at the vanter unfolding in front of the entire team.
"Like you'll ever find a way to shut me up." You bragged but there's a chuckle from him before he leans forward—a close vicinity where his lips linger on your ears as a cold voice welcomes you.
"I'd like to see you try and stop me then."
⟡𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐀 is the person that throws distanced glares when it came to you. Ever since the aggravating Atsumu teased you two as a perfect couple that he quickly declined followed by an unnecessary sentence saying you were impossible to date. You understood that you were never friends to even label it but since you were with the twins, you and Rintaro never hit it off the way you did with the Miyas'.
So even as you sat a few seats away from at the local bus, it irks you that this banter goes on even outside school. Looking away, there's a hand to your waist making you glare instantly at the man beside you while he only gives an appalling glance to your attire that made your blood boil as you struggled to move away from him.
"Get the fuck off me." You ordered him but he acts nonchalant. The moment you were about to raise a hand to show some defense, another hand travels to your waist while the previous hand around you was removed.
Gasping you turned to Suna who radiated a heated energy while the man scoffs knowing it was a facade to act like you were together.
"Hey now—if you don't believe she's my girl, then why don't you watch?" Rintaro threats as his lips lingered around your neck while you stood frozen. The destructive and taunting stare he gave to the man caused the bastard to move away not long before Suna had the chance to push him to the other side, cocking a smirk while he pulls you to his body.
"Thank you." You said, while he only shrugs in response, still cautious of the jealousy that lingers the mans eye.
"Seems like you'll be mine for the rest of the night."
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jameui · 3 years
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3
PAIRING: Sugar Daddy!Jung Yunoh x College Student!M!Reader (featuring: Bestfriend!Lee Jeno)
GENRE: Fluff, Smut
WARNINGS: Unprotected intercourse, huge age gap, a lot of IMPORTANT flashbacks (i think), daddy kink, sex toys, overstimulation
SUMMARY: You were a striving student in Resonance High and had perfect records. Besides your devotion to your education, you were also gifted with a talent. All these stuffs making your sugar daddy, Jaehyun, proud of you, so he decided to give you a night you won't forget.
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He gave Jeno an acknowledging nod for looking out for you for him and carried your smaller body with your legs wrapped around his waist like you were an eight year old. "You asleep, baby?" You buried your head on the crook of his neck and shook them 'no'. "Alright. Cause I don't want dinner going to waste." He made you giggle while you hugged his body tighter that were hanging over his shoulders.
He pulled the door to the passenger's seat and gently seats you down on the comfy chair. He closed the door for you before moving to his side of the car. The driver's. He got inside and made himself comfortable, just as you were putting on your seatbelt. "Are we good to go?"
"Yeap. I'm starving already." You said patting your tummy.
He chuckled with his deep voice that you always find so hot and fascinating. "Were you practicing 'til the late night, again?" He asked you, concern lingering on the tone of his voice.
"Yeah. I stayed with Jeno, though. He was a better mentor, in full honesty." You pouted. "Ah, right. The mentor told me I made him proud." You said like a puppy who was complimented by their owner.
"He did, huh?" He said, before he raised his hand from the steering wheel and patted your head. "I'm more proud of you." You smiled and felt all your insides go giddy as you wiggled cutely on your seat.
You drove through houses and past buildings before you arrived at the older man's house. You were in your first year of college when you ran away from your family's house and moved to a more far off place, somewhere they wouldn't be able to track you down. To support yourself, you rented a room in a boarding house, but had to eventually leave due to you having not enough money to pay for the rent. You tried so hard looking for a job and you did, but it didn't last long. Although, you were paid a good amount of money that helped you with your house renting and food. Of course, you found a very unstable job again, but was fired for your poor performance. Yet again, you were forced to leave the the place you rented and even thought of actually working at a gay bar. Not until you stumbled upon, your now bestfriend, Jeno who offered you a shared room with him in his apartment, which you gladly took.
Jeno was one of your coworkers that you never really got to interact with, so seeing now that he's your roommate, you had to eventually get to know him more and you two grew closer together, becoming the best of friends that you two are now. It was quite coincidental that you two were studying at the same university, so it was a shock for the both of you. You two were roommates 'til the end of your first year, when you met Jaehyun on that faithful day, who was generous enough to invite you to live under the same roof as him. At first, you were very hesitant, but with the agreement he had set between you two, who were you to refuse? Like you said before, you were only up for it because of the money and pleasure.
"Daddy?" You called out to him. In the agreement, you were free to call him anything you wanted if you two were in public, but when it's just the two of you, that nickname should be the one used AND only that. He hummed in reply as his eyes never left the rear view mirror, parking the car in the garage. "Do you ever... er, I know it's a very unnecessary question, but..." You chuckled with hurt on your voice. "... Do you ever get tired of me?"
Jaehyun didn't say anything after he had parked the car. You two only sat there, Jaehyun turning the car engine off, then sighed. "Baby, listen." You were once about to speak again, but he cut you off. "I want to tell you something." The tone in his voice made your heart beat faster, more scared than that recent experience at the dance studio. He held your hand, your eyes falling on them before trailing them up to Jaehyun's who was looking deeply into your E/c orbs. "Don't think of it badly, but a few days into the relationship, I really did thought I wish I shouldn't have met you."
And there it goes. The heartbreak you had always deserved, but his hold on your hand never loosened, rather it tightened and his eyes softening when he noticed your eyes start to prick with tears. "I said, don't think badly about it, M/n."
"How could I not when you're literally breaking my heart?!"
"Baby, let me explain." Jaehyun told you, you letting out a huff.
"Then, explain and if you want to end all this, then just say so. I don't want to get my hopes up." You whined and crossed your arms.
Jaehyun chuckled. "Before I met you, I was always on my desk. Every single day, thinking of nothing, but only work." You side eyed him and huffed, again. "But, now that you're here, you're the only person filling up that space in my mind. All I could ever think of was you and only you. Your smile, your sweet giggles, the way your voice sounded so angelic when you sing, everything about you spiraled in my head, neverending." He softly told you, putting a hand on your thighs that was clothed with the long pants you wore. "You never came to me as just a responsibility anymore. You were my top, number 1, only priority. Now, I regret ever thinking like that."
"Stop, you're gonna make me cry." You shoved your hand on his face to shut him up, to which the older resorted to tickling you. You bursted into fits of laughter not stopping until you two were finally out of breathe. Your eyes locked with each other, your chest heaving up and down, Jaehyun still yet to stop from his chuckling. Once his chuckling died down, you couldn't contain it in yourself anymore and hungrily pressed your lips on his, moving to his side of the car to straddle his thighs.
Jaehyun was taken by surprise from your sudden action, but replied quite faster than you thought. His hands slid down to your ass, kneading it through your pants making you moan in pleasure, Jaehyun using this as a chance to slip his tongue inside your wet cavern mixing his saliva with yours as he danced with your tongue, taking dominance very easily.
His hands went further up your body, sending tingles down your spine making you shudder in your place. He pulled away from your lips, a string of a transparent liquid connecting both of you, whilst his dark brown eyes gazing at you with nothing, but lust deep within those orbs that stared into your soul. "You look so sexy, baby." He told you, before he sloppily placed wet kisses on your jaw, down to your neck making sure to leave hickeys that will be visible for days. The contact of his soft lips on your skin made you sigh shakily from the pleasure he was giving you. He caressed your soft skin from under your large shirt and found its way up to your erect nipples that he always fondly played with whenever you found yourselves in this same exact situation.
An unconscious loud, high pitched noise came out of your mouth, Jaehyun swelling with pride as he smirked, teeth grazing the supple flesh of your neck. "D-daddy.. Mmnh~" You hummed out in pleasure, your hands tangling themselves on Jaehyun's unkempt hair, your head completely empty, but the thought of how the man made you feel so good. "Daddy~"
The way the nickname rolled out your tongue in a very sensual way, earned you a growl from the older male before he bit on that sensitive part of your skin making you scream out a loud moan. He licked on that same area, sucking on it while doing so. Your eyes were half lidded when you felt something under you poke your thighs. He was hard.
Teasingly, you traced your fingers over his clothed member and played with the tip to drive him over the edge. "Stop teasing, baby boy. You know what happens to bad boys, right?" He whispered seductively into your ears, his hot breathe hitting your skin briefly, a minty scent filling your nose.
"Yes, daddy." You nodded your head meekly.
"That's a good boy. Now get to work." He ordered you as you moved back towards your seat in a kneeling position and ducking down to become face to face with the male's crotch. Even from now, you still couldn't get over the fact how he was so huge and how long his dick was. You were still yet to learn how this will fit inside of you. "Come on, baby. Time's a wasting."
You nodded your head submissively and reached over the waistband of his sweatpants and peeled them off only to discover that he was bare on the inside, his sweatpants the only thing that kept his bottom half covered. "Did you expect this to happen, daddy?" You smirked, placing kitten licks on the tip of his semi-erect cock. "You're so hot, daddy." You said, looking up at him while you rested your head on his thighs.
"Baby, please." He begged of you, eyes furrowing.
You smirked before you trailed a small lick from his balls up to his tip, making Jaehyun groan throughout the time he entangled in his hand a fistful of your hair. You can't help, but let a moan slip past your tongue as you continued to place kisses on the head of his cock. You glanced up at him only to see him viewing you with so much lust in his eyes. You understood this as a sign to stop your teasing and wrapped your lips around the head of his cock taking in only a few inches that you could fit into your mouth, using your tongue that sent shivers down Jaehyun's spine as he groaned from the pleasure you gave him.
But, this time, you wanted to make him feel better. You wanted to know how far you can go. You were determined to exert yourself to your maximum limit, so you took all of his cock into your mouth, not even bothering how much you choked around his dick when he reached further down your throat. Upon this, Jaehyun howled. He didn't expect you to take him whole, since you were basically only playing with the head of his member, so this was rather unexpected. "That's right, baby. Make daddy feel good."
You helped yourself first to fully adjust to his size, swallowing around him that made your throat tighten causing to send pleasure through Jaehyun's nerves making him groan out in pleasure, hissing out cusses that made your ego swell with pride as you started to bob your head painfully slowly for Jaehyun's liking.
Occasionally you would look up at Jaehyun who had his head tilted backwards, eyes shut, sighing from the familiar sensation you gave him while he let you do your work. He would take his head back down to you, to peer over you who sucked on his dick like it was a lollipop. "Fuck, baby. Faster."
You followed his command and went a little faster, earning a groan from the lust filled male as he started to guide your head. You stilled yourself, giving him the signal that he can go at his own pace. And so he did. But, you didn't expect that he'd fuck your mouth at a very rough pace.
You held onto his thighs to balance yourself, your eyes rolling back from how much you felt good with just your mouth getting fucked by Jaehyun. The older male grunted and laughed darkly whispering a few curses, letting out chains of groans and sighs that he couldn't help from passing his lips.
His pace didn't stop from increasing its speed, until it became an animalistic pace that made tears fall from your eyes, face reddening at how much stimulation he had put on your mouth. "Fuck, fuck! Baby, your mouth feels so good!"
He peeked over you and saw your eyes staring back at him, as you felt his dick grow bigger in size from inside your mouth. Your eyes were both locked together as he continued to buck his hips inhumanely inside your mouth. "M/n~ Ah~" He moaned out your name, but he was still not near to reaching his climax as he continued to let himself fuck your mouth. You were sure your throat will be sore the day after, but you could careless. This felt like heaven to you and you didn't want anything to stop you.
He finally stopped his harsh movements, letting you move at a pace you can handle. You used your tongue to swirl around his cock, making Jaehyun hiss, knitting his eyebrows causing the small creases on his forehead to appear. "Hah..."
To drive him over the edge more, you continued to suck on the sensitive part of his cock, which was the tip that was now leaking with precum. You slid your tongue over the slit of the bulbous tip of his dick, tasting the saltiness of the juice he produced with your help.
He was so over his head, that he let out a loud curse when his phone started ringing. "Don't stop, baby." You complied, his hand intertwining with the strands of your hair. You repeated the routine and got no reaction from the older male, but you can clearly see that he was just trying to restrain himself from letting out a moan. Feeling challenged, you bobbed your head up and down on his dick going faster and faster each time his tip hit the back of your throat.
Jaehyun, who was still on his phone, smirked down at you at how needy you are for his attention. So, he placed his hands back to your hair and singlehandedly pushed you you even further that made you let out a choked out gasp, but gradually grew accustomed to it, after he gave your head one final push, burying his dick inside your mouth thick spurts of his cum travelling down your throat, some dripping down your mouth. He thrusted a few more times to ride out his high before he let you pull away with a loud pop.
He finally hung up the call and caressed your cheeks, leaning in to whisper. "You did great, baby." He smiled down at you and that's how you eventually fell asleep, forgetting about the dinner that Jaehyun had prepared for the both of you.
Nonetheless, Jaehyun fixed himself up and carried you to his room. He laid you down on the soft mattress of the bed, pulling the sheets over your body before he gives your forehead a small lingering kiss. "Sweet dreams, my little angel." He said, then got up to to turn the lights off, happily watching you sleep one last time, before he went downstairs to finish his work.
The morning after, just as expected, you felt a sting on your throat every time you swallowed or even talk making your voice sound hoarse from the sore throat you were having. Jaehyun kept on apologizing, even though you kept on telling him that it was alright and that it wasn't his fault, but he still insisted and promised you to cook your favorite meal for dinner. Knowing the taller male, you knew there was no way around this, so you just gave in and nodded your head. He was also kind enough to let you hide his bite mark.
"I didn't know your voice could go that deep." Jeno teased you, poking the side of your ribs.
You slapped his hands away. "Fuck you." Your voice came out airy and raspy, sound almost like a broken croak, making you sigh. "Gah... I feel like I shouldn't have—ah—done that a day before the performance." You said, wincing when you felt that rising pain on your throat as you rubbed them to try and ease the sting that was fucking killing you.
"Guess, it's good that I don't do the sucking." Jeno chuckled that made you widen your eyes.
"Lee fucking Jeno. AH!" A rather harsh sounding voice, emitted from behind the said male, taking his attention before he smiled.
"Nana! You came!" Jeno opened his arms and ran to the boy, but he was pushed away by him making Jeno pout.
"Shut the fuck up, Jeno." He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "You gave me this sore throat." He glared at Jeno. "And, of course I came. After you fucking threatened me to—"
"Yeah, yeah. That's enough, Jaemin." Jeno said, covering the person's mouth. Jeno took his hand back as quick as lightning, when Jaemin licked on the palm of his hand, a smirk forming on his face. "Gross!"
Jeno was wiping his hands when you rolled your eyes and held a hand at Jaemin for him to shake. "M/n. L/n M/n. A 'friend' of my friend, is a friend of mine. Nice to meet you." You greeted him, Jaemin chuckling at the same exact situation you were in.
"What a top, huh?" Jaemin said, before he shook your hand. "Na Jaemin. Pleased to meet you." He smiled at you while Jeno pulled both your hands away from each other.
"No. Just no!" Jeno told you both, while knitting your brows in confusion at him. "Jaemin. You're only mine."
"Of course, he's yours. I don't plan on taking him away from you. I just want to be friends." You said in reply to Jeno's statement who pouted. "Besides, I'm not as handsome as you, Jeno, so I can't compete with you."
"I don't mind cute boys." Jaemin crossed his arms, teasing Jeno and probably you, as well as a blush started to paint your cheeks.
"HEY!" Jeno yelled at Jaemin who rolled his eyes before he gave you a wink and walked off. Jeno glared at you and narrowed his eyes. "Mine. Jaemin's mine."
"Then, take him. Geez Luis, Jeno. I already have my own." You stuck your tongue out at him before you went to the studio to change into the costume you were to wear. You waited for your turn, a makeup stylist approaching you to put make up on you. "Oh." You said and the stylist just smiled and started to dab foundation onto your face that matched your skin tone. She gave you a small amount of blush on, giving you an eyeliner and a dark brown eyeshadow to give your eyes a fiery look to match the concept of your performance.
She immediately packed her things up and moved to another student, you giving her a bow as she left. "Wow, look at you. I didn't even recognize it was you." Jeno teased with his arms crossed across his chest.
You gave him a smile and fiddled with you fingers. "I'm actually feeling really scared right now. But, mostly, I can feel the adrenaline rush running through my veins that I could just scream and run out the stage and dance!" You said in glee, until you realized that you had forgotten telling Jaehyun about your performance. "Oh, no. Da—Jaehyun! I forgot to tell him." You groan and checked your pockets for your phone and remembered you left it at home, since you were to excited to even check yourself. You dejectedly sat down on a chair and whimpered.
"He'll be there, M/n. I can tell." Your mentor told you, when he heard your complaints about forgetting to tell Jaehyun, and you immediately lit up and hugged the person.
"Thank you!" You expressed your gratitude, getting the idea of what he meant. You pulled away from him with a wide smile glued stuck to your face.
"Now, you both need to get changed. The opening's 'bout to start." You and Jeno nod your head and went straight to the wardrobe to get change, seeing only two outfits left on the line.
"Just in time." Their dress stylist both gave them what seemed to be like their costumes that was kept inside a black plastic case with a zipper that attached the layer together.
You made your way to the dressing room, one for you and the other for Jeno. You fit yourself just right into the clothes they have assigned for you to wear. You looked at yourself in the mirror and was shocked to see how good you looked on these clothes you're wearing.
You were fit into a maroon loose silk long sleeved polo, the vertical front of the shirt that attaches it together was replaced with laces that stitched around the holes of your clothes' button hole. The sleeves of your polo went further down, just below your wrist, avoiding it from falling by securing it with a button on the hem of the sleeves. For your lower half, you were given tight fitting slack pants that accentuated the size of your bubble butt with your polo neatly tucked inside the waist of your pants. The length of your pants stopped exactly by your ankle, exposing that uncovered area, the wind tickling your ankles. You wore a closed black shoes that complimented the look. You also wore a display lip ring and earring that completed your look, your whole self changing right before your eyes. The gullible and fun you was no longer there, instead it was replaced with a much more unknown version of yourself.
"Damn, I look fine as fuck." You told yourself as you checked yourself out on the mirror that was placed in the dressing room. "Woah..." You said, tracing your fingers on the outline of your ass.
"M/n. You done in there? We're almost up." Jeno's voice called from the busky studio that snapped you from your thoughts and came out of the dressing room. Jeno's head turn to look at you taking in your new look with a lip bite and a whistle. "Damn, bro. You look so hot."
"Thanks, I guess." You giggled, blushing shyly.
A few more compliments later and your group was being called to move to the venue and be at the backstage to prepare. You just stuck to Jeno the whole time going back to the routine a few times to practice and perfect the dance. Jeno was a good friend to the point where he would always be there by your side whenever you needed him. Even at this time, he never left your side and helped calm you down by offering a bubblegum to you, your mind thinking about nothing, but focusing on chewing the gum. Jeno would always initiate a talk with you making you laugh all the time whenever he made faces or make jokes that weren't even funny making it hard for you not to laugh at.
But, it seemed like all Jeno's work went immediately down the gutter when you felt your nervousness come back at once, when the emcee of the opening program started to introduce you to the stage.
Loud cheers and a round of applause were heard as you made your way to the very spacious stage of the place. Your eyes fell to the crowd, feeling yourself break into cold sweat from all the nervousness you felt. It was too heavy that you couldn't—"Daddy?" You smiled when you saw Jaehyun in the crowd and waved his hand at you when you saw your eyes that was happily looking at him. You subtly waved your hand back at him, to which he smiled at, those deep dimples appearing for you.
You got into your position, which consisted of you lying down on the floor, with your right leg folded up, your knee raised up. You had a cutted satin fabric in your back pocket as a prop for yours and Jeno's solo later. You put your hands over your eyes, as a part of your starting position.
Soon, the music started booming through the speakers and you felt your body get trapped to the rhythm of the song as you felt your hands and legs get overtook by the music as you started to gracefully dance to each beat of the song. Jaehyun, with his phone, proudly deciding to film your whole performance.
The first and second half of the song was just your group synchronized dancing to the choreography of what your mentor had taught you and you leading some part of the dance, until the song made a huge turn to a very sensual groove that had only you and Jeno left on the stage. Your solo, with your partner, Jeno, started and everyone in the crowd whistled and gasped, including Jaehyun who felt a little jealous that it wasn't him with you on that stage.
You started with a freestyle by grinding your hips on the cold newly polished floor of the stage, before you were joined by Jeno who stealthily took the fabric from your pocket and slowly wrapped it around your source of vision. He took your chin to turn your head and face him. One hand, not too tightly held the blindfold up only enough, so it doesn't fall, while the other held the back of your neck turning both of you around, so your back faced the audience and he faced the crowd, smirking before he leaned in close to you and staged to make it look like he bit on your neck, then removing the blindfold from your eyes. Then, ending the performance with you falling down to the floor acting lifeless, while Jeno pretended to wipe his lips.
The audience broke into loud claps and shouting out praises in chorus, while Jeno helped you up to your feet giving him a silent thanks and bowed at the people who was watching your performance. You two walked out of the stage and was greeted with hugs from the students feeling like they made a very big accomplishment from how you made the performance very eye catching. "M/n! You were so great out there!"
"Thanks. Jeno helped me a lot." You said, nudging the older, who only chuckled.
"M/n." Jaehyun's voice grabbed your attention, holding his arms out as he smiled at you. You gave him a wide smile and ran to him hugging him with all your might.
"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you." You voiced out apologetically, pushing your bottom lip forward into a pout and looked up at him. "Sorry, Jaehyun."
"It's okay, baby." He replied, before leaning into your ear. "Because I'm hoping you kept your promise and that's why I have a surprise for you."
You knew what he meant by that, the reason why you were blushing with your eyes wide open. "I.. er.. Yes, yes." You said, playfully punching on his chest. A week prior to today, you had promised to Jaehyun that if you're performance was successful, you'd finally let him pop your cherry, that's why you're blushing so profusely.
"Then, be ready. I'll be seeing you tonight." He whispered one last time before he kissed your cheeks and excused himself since he was still expected at his work.
The whole day, all you could ever think of was what his surprise was and how he would be able to fit his huge dick inside your ass. It was too impossible, you thought, but you were already feeling just as desperate as the older male. You wanted to know how he felt inside you, how he would fuck you 'til the daylight, how he would break your mind and fuck you until you forget your own name. Just the thought of it made you go crazy as you slapped your cheeks and sighed. "Fuck..."
You felt a presence sat themself beside you giving a loud sigh. "So, I'm guessing you're gonna stay up whole night, huh?" It was Jaemin.
You whipped your head at him and looked at him like he was some type of witch or future teller. "How'd you..."
"Gut feeling." Jaemin said.
You didn't know what you signed up for in that time, until today.
It was currently quarter to seven and you were now at the front of the doorstep, not even bothering to say a word. You could only blink your eyes several times, swallowing the large lump that formed in your throat. You let out a deep breathe and was about to put your hand on the knob when the door let out a soft creak and caught sight of Jaehyun who was dressed in nothing, but his boxer shorts. Your hands didn't left the air as you continued to stare up at him, before your eyes fell down his toned abs that were nothing compared to your flabby stomach. "M/n, baby! You're just in time." He smiled at you, but you were still as nervous as ever. Your eyes never left from taking in the view right in front of your eyes, admiring how much his body was so sexy, licking your lips as your eyes fell down his shorts. "M/n."
Your head snapped up towards him, finally out of your train of thoughts. "Yes, daddy?"
"I left your present on the bed, baby. Go check it out." He told you as you did what you were told and moved upstairs to your shared bedroom and saw a pink colored paper bag on top of the bed. You looked at Jaehyun hesitantly, who gave you a smirk and nodded his head up once to the bag to tell you that you should open it. So, you did. And didn't expect to see all sorts of 'toys' inside them.
"D-daddy... these all are..." You managed to let out, these only few words getting the chance to leave your mouth. Your hands trembled, not because you were scared, mainly because you can already feel yourself start to melt and the desperation to just submit to him already.
You felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around you loosely, Jaehyun's hot breathe hitting your neck. He pressed his lips down to your neck and placed kisses that trailed down to your exposed shoulder due to the large shirt you wore that was barely hanging on your shoulders. You tilt your head to the side, giving him more access to your neck as he started to nip on the skin. "Fuck, baby boy." He whispered into your ear, licking your lobe making you sigh in pleasure, as he started to grind his hard on against your ass.
"Ah... daddy.." You moaned out from the feeling of his clothed member on your butt.
He never ceased his movements until he saw your hands still holding onto the bag, his smirk growing wider. "I'll let you pick two, baby and it'll be our special tool for tonight. How's that sound?" He seductively asked you, his lips grazing the back of your ear.
You weakly nodded your head and checked the contents of the paper bag. You were too clouded with the thought of getting pleasured by the older man that you took out whatever you could take in your hand. The chosen items made Jaehyun smirk. "Good choice, baby boy." He moved away from you, already missing the heat his body radiated against yours. He took the bag away from the bed and threw it somewhere in the corner of the room and took the toys you had in your hand. "I gotta say, you have good taste, M/n." He said. "Strip." His voice fell an octave deeper making your knees buckle from his dominating demeanor.
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kitchenisking · 2 years
Fic Rec😀
What To Expect When You're Expecting (A Litter of Sourwolf Puppies) byBrego_Mellon_Nin - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 17422, sterek)
The Sheriff sighs and plops down in a chair opposite his son.
“Stiles, I’m going crazy here. We need to get you to a doctor. You sleep like you’re trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records, and your eating habits are bizarre! You vomit around the clock and for some reason only the tea your mother used when she was pregnant will get your stomach to settle down for any length of time. Is there something you aren’t telling me? Can werewolves get guys pregnant? I’ve noticed how you look at that Hale kid-” 
Stiles meeps and flails, sloshing tea down his front. Luckily it’s not scalding anymore, but still hot, so he jumps up and wrenches his shirt off.
“God, dad, no! Guys can’t get pregnant, that’s ridiculous, it’s like...”
“Like werewolves being real?” his dad questions, deadpan.
Letting Go by MissYuki1990 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 19375, sterek)
Sick of the silence, and with the feeling of dread ever growing, Derek walked around Scott and over to the Sheriff. He stopped in front of the older man and looked straight in his eyes. "Where is Stiles?" he asked in a low leveled tone and the Sheriff's eyes filled with pain. "He's not – he's not with us anymore," he spoke in a broken voice and Derek's breath caught in his throat. "What?"
Future Dreams by midnitekween - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 73956, sterek)
Stiles accidentally summons he and Derek's children from the future to the present.
Mates and Mushrooms by mikkimouse - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 11536, sterek)
Derek's not that excited about spending three days at a conference getting propositioned by every Alpha with a single pack member. Stiles has a plan to make it stop. 
It might be a great plan...if only Derek weren't head over heels in love with him. 
It might be an even better plan if someone at the conference didn't have a vested interest in Derek staying single.
You’re The Obi-Wan For Me by lupus (khaleeseas) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4697, sterek)
Based on an anon's prompt (which I don't have verbatim sorry!): Parrish paying attention to/flirting with Stiles at the station and Derek being really jealous but Stiles just thinks he's being an asshole.
The Sheriff will Never be the Same by lhr111 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3146, sterek)
Derek is terrified to tell the Sheriff that he and Stiles are a couple. Stiles is not worried. The announcement doesn't go exactly as planned.
Kiss Me and Set Me Free by mysecretashes - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4664, sterek)
After an encounter with his fairy godmother, Stiles meets Derek in the woods.
All Stirred Up by jsea, marguerite_26 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 49430, sterek)
Derek's first duty as a new deputy is the early morning coffee run to The Leaky Carafe, and it's not long before he discovers that the quirky barista has a knack for making the perfect drink. Every time. Even before you order.
But is it intuition, luck or magic that has all Stiles' customers leaving happy?
Mental Synchronization by kits_lightning - (Rating: G, Words: 964, sterek)
“All at once everything is different, now that I see you
Now that I see you.”
Stiles ended with jazz hands and Scott laughed and took the seat across from him. 
“Keep laughing, buddy. I haven’t forgotten Isaac’s two month obsession with Taylor Swift before you two met.”
“We agreed never to bring that up again.”
~*~*~*~*~*~ OR the Soulmate AU where you sing when you're soulmate does.
Boyfriend Levels of Attention by Emela - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3623, sterek)
“So,” Stiles says. “How do you want to do this?”
“How do I want you to take my virginity?” Derek’s eyes widen. “Gee, I don’t know, Stiles. That’s why I asked you.”
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non-binaryzombie · 3 years
Summary: Jake is a little bit obsessed with you, he needs to know more about you, going beyond what you show on the internet, but his biggest problem now is making you understand that he owns you, and that no one is taking you away from him.
Characters: Jake x reader (a little bit of Darkness too cuz, you know that I love him)
Warnings: Yandere Jake, stalking, possessiveness, lovesick, obsession, not exactly a happy ending, angst, language, use of straw (sorry turtles)
Word count: 2672
A/N: Here it is! I hope you don't hate me for it, I changed the name to fit more with the story, but the context is the same :)
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(Most of my pics/gifs come from Pinterest, if I use a photo that belongs to you and you don't like it, please contact me and we'll take care of it)
Fascinating, that's the word Jake would use to describe you if he had to, he could spend hours trying to decipher you, trying to understand how are you able to like him without even seeing his face, without even knowing who he really was? You just know what he allows you to, but you've never been nosy, if you ask something to him and he says that he can't tell you, you just put it aside, not wanting to bother; and that's one of the things he most admires in you, the fact that you're so curious and yet, when he doesn't want to tell you something, you just try to let it go, making a mental note about the things you shouldn't ask, at least not over the phone.
Ever since you helped Jake to find Hannah, he've been more and more interested in you, how did you manage to help him to find his half-sister, and at the same time made him fall in love with you? Something he never thought would happen, suddenly from a time to another, he saw himself in love with someone who he thought be just someone that would help him to find his sister, just a means to an end.
But now, here he is, watching you from the window of the café you're in, he knows that he shouldn't, what would you think if you found out that he've been following you? He is pretty sure that 'happiness' would not be the right feeling, but he had no choice, he wanted- no, he needed to know more about you, and this time the internet wouldn't help him, for some reason you're really reserved, unlikely the most people at your age, you have social medias, of course but you rarely post something about yourself at them, the most interesting thing that the hacker could find about you was your school records and not surprisingly your track record is perfect, you never got bad grades, you never got into trouble, you are simply flawless. It makes him question, it's impossible for someone to be so perfect, you're sweet, kind, innocent and you always want the best for everyone no matter how bad someone has done you; you always forgive them. But you have flaws, everyone has, and that's what he's trying to find out, what are you hiding from everyone? And how are you so good at hiding it?
His blue eyes getting darker when he sees you hugging a man, who is he? And why do you look so happy to see him? You two talk a little before sitting down in one of the tables close to the window, the waitress soon come and both of you place your orders. The black-hair boy on the outside quickly grab his phone, sending you a message, just a 'Hi Y/N :)' waiting to see if you're going to answer him, he sees you pick up the phone and look at it for a few seconds before putting it back in your your pocket, did you just ignore his message? Okay, now he has no other choice then go inside.
And there he goes, entering the place and thankfully he could seat somewhere that you couldn't see you, but he could listen to everything, pretending to be doing something important on the phone. He orders a black coffee, nothing more. Soon you and the tall man started to talk while he paid attention to every single word.
"I am glad that we were able to meet, Y/N" he says with a grin on his face
"Wow, you really talk like this even in person, I thought that it was just you way to text" a giggle escaped your lips
"What do you mean?" he tilted his head
"You just, talk like you are in a really important dinner with the queen" you say resting your cheek against your hand while looking at him
"I think I never stopped to notice the way I speak, is this a nuisance for you?" he asked and you quickly shacked your hands
"Oh, no! That's not what I meant, I happen to like it, actually" he looked relieved
"You are really observant aren't you?" you smiled
"You'd be surprised how many times I've heard this" the girl came back with your orders and you thanked her with a gentle smile
"So, I haven't seen you in the forum lately" he took a sip of his latte
"Of course you've noticed" you giggle playing with your milkshake straw "I should have predicted" he let out a light laugh through his nose
"Is there a especial reason for that?"
"Well if I am being honest, lately I have been too tired to even scroll through the forum" you looked down playing with your fingers on the table
"It’s okay, you don't have to talk if you don't want to" he said putting his hand next to yours
"No, it’s just-" a sight left your mouth "Do you ever feel that everything around you is slowly becoming tiresome? How if the slightest effort to follow your routine makes you tired?" he nodded, you are not sure if he really understands you, or if he is just trying to make you feel better, but you continue "But for a few seconds, something makes you step out of your comfort zone, makes you hope again, but then it ends and everything becomes monotonous and boring again" you didn't even realized that your fingers are now entwined with his, you feel your face turn red and quickly let go of his hand "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you" the hand that was holding his is now between your legs pressed against the soft upholstery of the seat you are on, and the other on the straw of your milkshake bringing it to your mouth.
"You don't have to apologize, Y/N, it’s okay you know that you can trust me" he said straightening his posture
"Yeah, I know, Dark, and I thank you for that, but I don't really want to bother you with this, we're here to have a good time" you smiled, and he nodded
"Let's chance the topic then. How about the guy you told me about? Are you two a couple?" you felt your face turn red again
"Jake? Well, not exactly, it's complicated" 'Not exactly? Of course, we are a couple' the hacker thought with himself
"Complicated?" Darkness asked encouraged you to continue
"Hum, none of us really made a official dating request, y'know?" Jake never thought about it that way, he really has to put a ring in your finger for you to know that you are his?
"But you like him, don't you?" he looked straight into your eyes, like he was trying to guess what was happening in your head
"Yeah, we haven't said 'I love you' yet, but, I really like him, and I think that he likes me too, it's just..." you paused lettings out a sigh "He is not really good at showing how he feels, he is not good at talking at all" you giggle
"Then why don't you take the first step?" he asked confused
"I'm afraid of being rejected." the man sitting in front of you looked surprised, so did the one sitting behind you
"Why would he reject you? You are amazing, anyone would be lucky to have you." a shy smile appears on your lips
"I just, don't think he has time for a relationship, he's constantly busy and moving, because of work" you completed
"Well, this is really a misfortune, but you know I'll always be here for you, don't you?" he said picking your hand
"Yes, I know, and I can say the same to you" he gave you a smirk "Why are your hands so big?" he laughed
"You really know how to change the subject very quickly don't you?" you smiled at him.
The man sitting in the table behind you got up putting the money on the table and got out of the café as fast as he entered, what made him bump into someone that he quickly ignored making his way back to the motel he was staying at, he was angry, how dare this random guy even touch you? Say that he's going to be there for you, you don't need anyone else, you have him, you may don't know it, but you are his, he always makes time to talk to you, and now you say that it’s not enough? You even dare to consider that he's going to reject you? What more he needs to do for you to be sure that he wants a relationship with you? When he finally arrived at his room, he slammed the door shut, sitting in front of the computer, trying to calm down, breathing heavy. He knows exactly what he must do for you to know that you belong to him.
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You threw yourself on the bed, with a smile on your face, the day with Darkness was better than you expected, he is not all serious personally, or you just have the ability of making him less keyed up, your phone buzzed on your pocket and you grab it quickly not so surprising it was Jessy 'Hey, how was your little date?' you giggled after answering her 'Not a date Jessy, but it was really good to be honest' Jessy was incredibly supportive when you said you were going to meet your forum-friend 'I'll want to hear everything about it tomorrow' ' Don't worry, I'll tell you everything'. Soon you remembered that Jake texted you early and dialed his number wondering whether or not to call him, you bite your bottom lip before working up your courage, clicking the green button and bringing the cell phone to your ear, settling down on the bed, you start to wonder if this is a good idea right away thinking about just hanging up and pretending it was an accident, but as soon as the call is answered you feel your body tense up.
"Hum, hi" you say shyly "Sorry I haven't texted you earlier, I was kinda busy"
"It's okay" his deep voice make your whole-body shiver "How are you?" he asked
"I'm good, how about you?" why do you feel so awkward?
"Good" he says and keeps silent 'god, why is it so hard?' you thought while trying to think something to say
"I-" you are interrupted by his voice
"What were you doing?" he asked, and you frowned your eyebrows
"You said you were busy, what with?" you blinked a few time before answering him
"I went out with a friend" you said and heard a 'hum' coming from him on the other side of the phone "Are you mad?" you asked apprehensively
"Why would I be?" his voice makes you feel butterflies in your stomach
"I don't know, we haven't talked the whole day, and you seem, rough" he sighed
"It wasn't my intention, I’m sorry"
"Don't worry" you heard someone knock at the door
“Oh, wait a minute there’s someone at the door” you said getting up, and walking towards the noise opening it, just to see a black hair boy standing there, with his phone on his ear
"okay" he said before giving you a little smile, your eyes widened and you felt your body freeze
"Jake?" you ask and he nods, that's all that he needs to do to see you quickly hug him tight, he looked a little surprised but then he just wrap his arms around you, feeling the good smell of your hair, you two stayed there for a while hugging in the doorway.
When you finally looked up at him your eyes were full of teas, happiness tears, but that didn't stop Jake of push the tears away
"What are you doing here? I thought you were with Lilly" you said pulling him inside and closing the door
"I've come to see you" he said looking at you
"You could have warned me, you know, I would have at least organized this a little bit" you say scratching the back of your neck shyly
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise" he says putting his backpack on the sofa "And it's not that messy at all" you two sat on the bed, your face is so red it looks like you're going to explode
"I have something for you" he says taking a little box of his pocket, opening it and revealing two rings your eyes widen and you quickly look up at him
"Are you serious?" you ask and he nods
"So, what do you say?" he smiles
"Jake, I-I don't know..." his smile disappeared and he looked at you confused
"What?" that's what you wanted a ring, an official request, wasn't it? Then why are you rejecting him?
"It's just- I like you, I really do!" you say as you see his reaction
"Then why don't you want to be with me?" he looks sad
"That's not what I said, I mean, you're wanted Jake, by FBI and by another hackers, I know that there's a lot of things that you don't tell me, I know that you're just trying to protect me but, I can't keep in the dark just trusting that you are doing the right thing" no, he's not sad, he's angry, he closed the box tightly, making you flinch
"Okay, look I don't need a fucking ring to prove that we are together, I just bought it because that's what you wanted, you are mine, and I don't care who the fuck is coming after me, I won't let anyone be on our way, you don't have to worry about it" you blinked a few times trying to process what he just said, he sighed putting his hand on your cheek "I love you, Y/N" he smiled again
"I'm not a pet, Jake, you don't own me" you took his hand off
"I think you should leave now" you said looking away
"I won't leave you" he said firmly
"Are you even listening to yourself?!" you said getting up "This is not love, Jake" he got up standing in front of you, the difference between your highs makes you feel intimidated
"I am lovesick, Y/N, can you blame me?" he says getting closer making you step back "I can't stop thinking about you everything that you say or do makes me love you more, I want you, I need you, why can't you understand that?" you now see yourself trapped between him and the wall behind you
"You're not lovesick, you're just sick, you are fucking obsessed! I would never be with someone who acts the way you're acting right now" instant regret
"If I can't have you, no one can, and I'll make sure of that, my love" he muttered taking his cell phone out of his pocket and showing it to you, your eyes widened
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Let him go!" Darkness was tied to a chair with a cloth over his mouth, he didn't look hurt
"I'll let him go, when you accept to stay with me, otherwise, I'll kill him." you can feel the tears wetting your face
"You sick motherfucker" he pretended to be hurt
"You better choose your words better Y/N, I can kill him in just a snap" you looked at the picture again
"Fine, just let him go" he grinned as he put his cell phone away, he took the rings again and offered them to you, you looked at him before picking the ring and put it on your finger, he did the same
"You won't regret it, my love" he says pulling you closer and kissing you 'I already did' you thought with yourself.
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