#I don't know why I'm all the sudden coming up with all these crossover aus for asp...
sadrockandwaltzes · 4 months
A Separate Falls
asp(bo?) x Gravity falls crossover idea/spoilers
at boarding school still, but the two (Gene as Dipper and Finny as Mabel) explore the supernatural things around the school, and meet Bill Cipher. Bill reaches out to Gene after he tries to kill Finny, but there's reason to suspect he was helping push him to the verge of doing that from the sidelines. He makes a deal with Bill to keep him from telling Finny, but something something I dunno. Later Finny causes weirdmageddon by wishing that their school session wouldn't end/the war didn't exist, and ends up in his own little perfect world. Or, Gene makes the deal that he had never done that to Finny and that that summer had never ended, and in his dreamscape that Finny has to pull him out of, he is impersonating Finny. He wears his clothes, and everyone in his dream world calls him by that name. By the end of it Finny finally stops denying that Gene jounced the limb and Gene stops trying to drown in guilt. Maybe an adventure where Brinker calls on Bill to go into his head and find out the truth about his fall, Leper and Gene go with (for different reasons of course) Maybe the Suicide Society had more of a focus on something magical/supernatural
If it was aspbo... I just think it'd be cool to see those guys in it XD Wex would definitely be the one doing rituals to try to make a deal and grow powerful, but I feel like Tug would end up being the one to let him in while in his concussed state. Wex would also probably be trying to get in Eric's mind to figure out weaknesses.
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vampirecatsw · 6 months
Transmigrator Kaito AU
part 2:
(lol i haven't written any resembling a fic for this au yet but feel free to ask questions)
Kaito's favourite manga is Detective Conan. Instead of crossing over with Magic Kaito, it crosses over with Yaiba.
The Yaiba content annoys Kaito to no end because he's jealous~ He's like "Ugh, crossing Conan over with say like, a Phantom Thief would be perfect! Not Yaiba! >:("
He's definitely read and written Kaitou KID / Detective Conan crossovers HAHAHA
(I still need to do more research about Yaiba but I know there's Yaiba characters in dc so that's why I chose this. Sorry I don't know much about Yaiba but I thought it would be a fun idea)
Kaito picked it up when his dad died and still reads it to this day. Yes, it's long running series too :)) He reads it in his downtime, including before and after heists. He's basically memorised every detail.
Out of all the characters, Conan/Shinichi is Kaito's favourite character. When Kaito got frustrated, he always came back for him. And he's a huuuuge fanboy as well! He knows all the little details >v0 and admires Shin-chan a lot.
I'm still deciding on making this romantic ShinKai or queerplatonic (like some third thing other than platonic and romantic) but eh it's still in the air ig. Kaito adores Shin a lot either way.
Kaito doesn't know that in the final chapter of Conan, it was revealed Shin and Ran decided they had a sibling relationship. Kaito keeps trying to wingman them in increasingly absurd ways that makes Shin think he's actually trying to serenade Ran.
When the final chapter is going to come out, Kaito goes on a heist but everything goes wrong. He ends up finding Pandora, but Snake finds him first and manages to mortally wound him. As he bleeds out on the rooftop, Pandora drenched in blood and lying in his limp hands, Kaito's last regret is how he never got to read the final chapter of Conan.
More details below cut:
Suddenly, Kaito wakes up to a vicious pinch in his cheek.
"Ba-kai-to! Wake up! I've been calling you for the last 5 minutes!"
"Ow! A-Aoko?? Wha-"
Kaito raises his head and sees... his normal classroom? Huh? Was everything just a dream? That final heist?
Kaito quickly pats down his chest. Nothing hurts... except for his sore throbbing cheek, and he's clothed in his normal school uniform, not the KID suit.
He keeps glancing around, trying to find any differences. Aoko's still standing in front of his desk, hands on her hips and a concerned look on her face. The classroom hasn't been filled up yet and the board is still freshly cleaned from yesterday, meaning it's the morning and class hasn't started yet. Akako hasn't arrived either. And Hakuba's reading a newspaper about Kudo Shinichi...
Kudo Shinichi???
Kaito lunges over his desk. "Hey! Give me that!"
Hakuba is too stunned at the sudden attack.
Kaito rapidly skims through the article .The paper crinkles in his trembling grip.
"Kudo Shinichi, the Heisei Holmes has done it again! He solved another case flawlessly last Monday..."
Hakuba adds hesitantly, "Yes? Kudo Shinichi. He's been making a name for himself recently. It would be a pleasure as a fellow detective to work alongside him one day."
Hakuba says this all naturally, like Shinchi's been real this entire time. Like he wasn't just a manga character yesterday.
Kaito gulps ...There's no mistake. The impossible has happened, and Detective Conan is somehow real.
~ Kaito in this AU is just... a Kudo Shinichi fanboy. He's absolutely ecstatic to challenge Kudo Shinichi. He's even more excited to amaze his critic, and every time they meet, Kaito's pokerface works overtime to hide his delighted blush and adoring grin on his face. Jii is so confused but also very supportive.
... Kaito really wants to squish Shin-chan's cheeks and tease him until his entire face turns a pretty pink, dangers be damned.
Meanwhile Shinichi keeps getting annoyed by this clingy thief who keeps coming back for more. What's so interesting about him anyways??? Why does he keep teasing him???
(This au also includes pre-conan and during conan. Kaito is extremely charmed by Conan and his pokerface works extra-overtime than when he met Shinichi. If that is even possible. After every heist he screams in his pillow and recalls every moment)
Kaito takes a solid week to slide himself into the Kudo Shinichi fan-server and cement himself as the Shinichi Expert. After a month he actually gets elected as co-president. Yes he's absolutely insane.
Kaito regularly sends fan letters to Shinichi, even after his 'disappearance'. They always wish Shinichi the best and includes random funny snippets of Kaito's day. They're addressed as "Kai-san" and are pretty polite. They always come with Kaito's genetically engineered blue and red roses that he grows in his garden. He doesn't gift the blue roses to anyone but Shinichi haha
Akako does exist in this universe. It's just that she sensed such a major disturbance that she stayed at home and researched it vigorously to make sure the fabric of space-time wasn't unravelling.
Kaito is like a proud peacock whenever Shin/Cone shows up. He literally pulls out all the stops and Jii is confused, yet very supportive. Agasa who provides the gadget just sighs at the huge and absurd list. It doesn't escape his mind that it happens whenever Conan/Shin attends a KID heist.
OVA 1 is really fun so I thought it would be extra funny for it to be somewhat plausible in this au. Not sure if Yaiba would be turned into a manga series when Magic Kaito becomes the main crossover (if that makes sense). When Kaito robs the sword, he would use his knowledge to cause the most chaos. Yes Kaito read Yaiba out of spite, and also 'know thy enemy, know thyself'
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siriuslystarbucks · 1 year
The Missing Father or Bend It Like Beckham (or both, if you’re so inclined 👀)
Bend It Like Beckham is a James/Sirius AU of that movie bc I think about it all the time
Admittedly, yes, he thought that Siri was handsome, but he knew that nothing would ever come of it. The chances of him being queer were low, and James didn't fancy making a fool of himself.
He jogged out onto the field, setting up beside Siri. Most everyone else had been on the team last year, and James had invited him. It was only right that he talk to him and make him feel welcome. 
"You showed up."
Siri snorted. "Don't get too happy, I still might leave."
"If my da knew I was here, he'd have a dozen things to say, and he wouldn't be happy about any of them."
"He hate footie?" James asked.
"Something like that," Siri said.
The Missing Father
Premise: This is a Marvel crossover, starting pre-canon then jumping forward to the Avengers. James hooks up with Tony Stark and winds up pregnant. He's a muggle, so James can't tell him. Him and Sirius start dating, so when Harry's born, they tell him that the 2 of them are his parents. Fast forward 20 years, Harry's in the States and runs into the Avengers, who have no concept of other people's privacy and think he looks a little too much like their pal Iron Man. (Endgame ship is supposed to be Tony/James/Sirius
It was the blond bloke that he'd saved before and the red-headed woman that had found them. "Hey, thanks for saving my ass before," he said, holding out a hand. "I'm Clint." 
"Erm. Harry," he introduced, his eyes wide. He heard Draco groan quietly and realised too late that he probably shouldn't have used his real name. They already knew his last name, and that was bad enough. Now they knew his first name too. He was so going to get dressed down for this-- and there was no way that he'd get away with it entirely, not when the Avengers were seeking him out. "Like I said before, it's no big deal." 
"This is going to sound weird, but do you know who your father is?" 
Harry blinked. That was definitely not what he'd been expecting. A quick glance at Draco showed that he was just as confused. Draco was so confused, in fact, that he didn't try to signal Harry for what he should do. "Yeah." 
"You're sure about that?" the other one asked, her voice free of judgement. 
"Yeah, positive. Why?" 
The two Avengers shared a look, then looked back at him. "You just look really familiar," Clint said. 
"A lot like our teammate, he means. I'm Natasha, by the way," she said, holding out her hand with a sudden smile. "Oh erm, nice to meet you," Harry said, shaking her hand. He added on a silent, I guess. "But I know who my parents are. Both of them."
Ask about a WIP
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greysvirgo · 3 years
Author: @greysvirgo
WARNING(S): Straight up porn without a plot. Mature content. Graphic depiction of pretty much everything that occurs during sex? Like it's pure filth, y'all, I don't even know what to put here.
DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Dean Winchester or any of the characters associated with Supernatural used in this fic. All rights to their respective owners in that regard. I DO however, own my original character(s) and storylines.
NOTE: This is a smutty standalone fic series from a crossover AU of mine on Wattpad but it felt fitting here.
After the sudden death of his father, Jonah Singer became the head of his house. Between raising his twin siblings, keeping his father's company afloat, and the rising supernatural threats of his town, there were few moments Jonah could find peace. Luckily for him, Dean Winchester (A cocky, rough, crass monster hunter) knew just how to work out all of his kinks...
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His arms circled Jonah's hips. Calloused hands cupped the man's ass. His fingers sank into the fabric and pulled. Eased Jonah's thick cheeks apart.
He broke their heated kiss with a smack. "Fuck," He breathed. He lifted a hand and clapped it against Jonah's ass. The thin fabric of his underwear did little to conceal the smack.
Jonah jumped onto his toes. His tightened his arms around Dean's neck. He pulled back to catch those devilish green eyes before Dean began nibbling on his neck.
"Not so loud tonight," He panted. "I don't want to wake the twins." His plea was muffled by Dean's leather jacket.
His younger siblings had complained before. As mortifying as it was, it couldn't compare to his younger sister blabbering to anyone who'd listen. He didn't need Miss Loris getting hold of it. She was quite the gossip. All of those worries combined couldn't fight the fires Dean Winchester ignited in him.
Dean's stubble scratched the heat of his neck. His tongue brushed against the skin. As Jonah shuddered from that, Dean suctioned his lips. His kiss formed a vacuum.
Jonah moaned. His legs wobbled. He tilted his head up to give Dean more access to his neck. He slipped the lobe of the hunter's ear into his mouth. He felt Dean's grip tighten on him.
Dean's fingers rushed one another to hook underneath Jonah's underwear. He tore the fabric. A less than apologetic chuckle as the fabric fell and Jonah sucked his teeth.
Jonah's hands fell out of Dean's bronze hair. He caught Dean's belt buckle. Easily undoing the worn leather, as he'd done for a year now. He pulled Dean's underwear and jeans down at the same time.
Dean lowered his arms. He cupped Jonah's ass and scooped him up. A growl rumbled past his lips as he did so. He walked Jonah to the beaten up dresser and set him on the edge. Little care for the picture frames that rattled so on the wobbly furniture.
"Dean," Jonah whined. He anchored his hands on the man's shoulders. "The twins." He warned harshly again.
"Right, right, I'm sorry. But you know how I get about my Apple Pie," Dean purred. His muddy green eyes glazed with hunger as he peered down at Jonah. A wink crinkled his face as he lowered himself.
Jonah panted. He lifted his legs and spread them as wide as he could. He knew just how Dean liked it. He bit his lip, trembling with anticipation.
Dean locked eyes with Jonah as he leaned in. His pink lips pressed a hot kiss against Jonah's hole. The kiss broke and allowed his tongue to slither through.
Jonah gasped. He laced his hands in Dean's hair. He moaned out. His body trembled on the shaky dresser. He squinted his eyes shut and bit a moan as Dean hummed against his skin. The vibrations echoed all the way to his chest.
Dean wiggled his tongue in and out of Jonah. He kissed, licked, and prodded to no end. Moaning and slurping the taste of Jonah's sweet hole.
"Oh, Dean," He moaned. He was unable to keep his voice low. His hands flew out of Deans hair. He swiped a frame off of the dresser in an attempt to keep steady. "Shit," He hissed. The frustration melted away as the tingling pleasure corked in his stomach. "Shit," He moaned.
Dean pulled his face free. His lips slick, stubble wet, and chin dripping. Just like Jonah's hole. "Fuck," He admired his work. He twinkled his finger on Jonah's hole just to hear it gush. He smacked Jonah's ass before he could stop himself. His cock twitched as he watched the jiggle.
He stroked himself slow and broad. His steel shaft was slick with his precum. He lifted himself standing. He took hold of Jonah's lifted legs by the back of his knees. He pushed the man's knees closer to his chest, smirking as he did it.
"You ready for me?" He asked. He tilted his head as he looked in Jonah's eyes. He lifted his cock and teased his tip against Jonah's hole. His dark grin only grew wider when he noticed the haze in the man's eyes.
Jonah could only pant a weak "mmhm." He teased back against Dean. Their combined wetness made a messy squelch.
Dean throbbed against Jonah's hole. He tipped his reddening head into Jonah's puckered hole. He was tight. "Damn, baby," Dean's voice was heavy. He pushed in further, watching Jonah's eyes roll back as he sank further and further.
Dean bared teeth as he sank to his hilt. Pelvis meeting the soft cushion of Jonah's ass. A sharp moan escaped Jonah. It was music to Dean's ears. He twitched inside of Jonah. He wiggled his hips as the man's walls trembled around him.
"That's it, take all of me," He encouraged. He released Jonah's knee and caught him by the neck. He retracted himself, just until Jonah's hole was hugging his tip. He thrusted deep again.
The mirror slapped against the wall. It swung like a mallet with each thrust. Each time the dresser rocked.
Jonah whined a rickety breath. His mouth hung open. It'd been a month since their last encounter. He was tight, but not so tight it hurt. The only pain he felt was the good kind. A tingling burn as Dean's length dig deeper and deeper inside of him. He wrapped his legs around Dean's waist to hug him in. A moan wheezed from his throat as Dean pressed down on the sides.
"Sh, sh," Dean leaned in. He sucked on Jonah's jaw. His tongue lapped up to his ear. "You'll wake the kids." He teased. He captured Jonah's lips before the man could vocalize his retort, or moan, whatever it would've been. It died on their rolling tongues.
He released Jonah's neck. He grabbed onto Jonah's hip with one hand and his cock with the other. He circled Jonah with his palm and jackhammered into him simultaneously.
The mirror continued slapping against the wall. Harder, faster, louder. Clapping in sync with Dean's strokes.
"Dean," Jonah panted. It was practically a cry. The sparks and tickles inside of him had grown into a full blaze. "Fuck, you're so deep. I-I'm close." He confessed. He worked his hips as he chased his high.
Dean released him. He patted Jonah's thighs and waited for them to loosen around his hips. Sweat dripped from his forehead. He could feel his shirt and jacket sticking to his body. That along with the volcano inside of him was a hazard. He shrugged out of his jacket and slung it to the ground. He pulled his soaked shirt over his head, exposing his slick abs. Remaining still inside Jonah as he did so.
He flicked the shirt away. He hooked his arms under the smaller man's legs. "Hold on to my shoulders," He ordered.
Jonah, dazed, obliged slowly. His eyes still shut tight as he swam in stars. He could feel Dean throb inside of him. He inhaled a sharp breath as his body was lifted. His eyes startled open. He clung to Dean tighter.
Dean spun them and clunked toward Jonah's bed. Every step pegged him further into Jonah. He could feel himself teetering against the bulb of his second hole. He stumbled onto Jonah's bed, careful not to trample the man beneath him.
He grabbed Jonah's hands and pinned them above his head. Their fingers laced. Sinking into the thin cloth pillowcases above. His eyes, dark and stormy, bore into Jonah's. He watched the cycle of pain and pleasure stoke into fire in Jonah's eyes with each stroke.
He leaned in, breathless. He picked at Jonah's lips with his own. One pluck, then another, then a teasing trickle of his tongue on the skin. Until, finally, he captured Jonah's lips in a fervent kiss. Moaning into his mouth and working his tongue deep within the depths as his cock did below. 
He was close. He could feel his muscles tightening. Every fiber of them in flex as the rushing burn raced to his core. He pounded into Jonah harder, rutting and panting on his lips.
"Fuck, I'm close," Jonah reminded. He couldn't take it anymore. Dean was plunging his prostate over and over. The constant vibrations reminded him of a bell being stricken. He tightened his legs around Dean's hips. He wanted to touch himself but Dean held him there, and he knew why.
Dean could see it in his eyes. He could feel it all around him. Moreover, he knew from experience, that he could make Jonah cum hands free.
"Me too baby, fuck," He moaned. His mind lost to the sensations. "Fuck." He slammed into Jonah. "Here I come. Here I co—" A guttural groan bulldozed his sentence. He rutted into Jonah one last time, burying himself as deep as he could, and folded his head into Jonah's neck.
He could feel Jonah's walls hugging him. Quaking as he came on their flushed stomachs. Dean didn't withdraw himself, he held firm. He spasmed inside of Jonah until he felt empty. He remained until he was spent and soft.
They went another 3 rounds before they had their fills. Each man insatiable for the other. Their naked bodies tangled with the sheets. Both of them on their sides, drinking in the naked beauty of each other.
"So," Dean's voice rumbled low. He traced lazy circles on Jonah's hip. His eyes lifted into Jonah's. "What's new?" He asked.
Jonah snorted. A tired pant slipped past his lips soon after. He shrugged and chased a bead of sweat down Dean's chest with his finger. His eyes settled on Dean's pentagram tattoo. He looked into Dean's pretty eyes and licked his lips.
"Nothin' much has changed around here since you Hunters last came through the town. Another man went missing by the river, Mayor Milligan wants to shut down the town's borders at six, and make the curfew seven." Jonah informed.
"Another man went missing and all the he's gonna do is force the town to close, what, an hour early like it'll stop whatever's taking men? He needs to send men into the woods to find this monster." Dean's tone was laced with disapproval.
"Well, Dean, I don't know if you've noticed, but the town isn't doing so well. Men are afraid to go into those woods, even in groups. Water supply is running low, there was none in the saloon yesterday or this morning."
"Come on, Jonah, he knows he can ask me. I'm here damn-near every month, I'm willing to help."
"Then tell him that. He's your brother, after all, I think it would do you both some good to hash out whatever issues you still have."
"Issues? I never met that sorry motherfucker in my life until my Dad was on his deathbed. He built this town from the ground up after he was exiled from the Faction walls. He wanted Sam and me to take over, not fucking cowardly Adam Milligan. Men have been going missing in those woods for too long, good men, and if Adam is too pussy to do anything about it then my town is as good as a graveyard." Dean sneered.
Jonah sighed. He rolled onto his back and slipped from Dean's touch. He folded his hands over his chest. Eyes burning holes into the ceiling. He shook his head and tried not to allow his anger to get the best of him.
He hated when Dean got so righteous. While he sympathized with the tricky situation, he didn't want to bad mouth the Mayor. Who, as it happened, was his friend.
Dean sighed when he noticed the hardened look on Jonah's face. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I know he's your buddy."
"He's more than that," Jonah hissed quickly. "When my Daddy died, Adam was here for me. For the twins. I know you don't like him, or agree with his politics, but don't disrespect him. Not to me. Because he's been kind."
Dean nodded. "I'm sorry," He repeated with more meaning. He shut his eyes and rolled onto his back. "For all of it." His tone was tinged with guilt.
"Wasn't your fault," Jonah returned. "Bobby Singer was seldom a man that listened to advice. I warned him not to go into those woods, thinkin' he could go back to his monster huntin' glory days."
"I should've made him turn back the second I heard it in the trees. But Bobby was so damn stubborn," Dean shook his head. He opened his eyes and looked at Jonah. "I don't know if I'll ever stop being sorry for what happened."
The heaviness of sadness settled on Jonah's chest as it had every day since his father's death. He exhaled slowly to keep his breath from trembling. His eyes continued to mold with the ceiling over him.
He'd never forget the day. After being gone for 2 years, Dean and Sam Winchester had returned to Wayward intent upon getting their father's affairs in order. Jonah was reserved to ignore Dean (who'd run off the night before his 18th birthday, the day they'd planned to declare together,) but he could not give Sam the silent treatment. They were, after all, the ones who shared a crib as babies.
A lot had changed since they last spoke, however. As they were both 19, a year over the age of assimilation, and both on different paths. Sam was a full-fledged hunter by then. Jonah was just a books keeper at his father's steel factory. Dean was 21 and well minted in his job as a hunter. They'd proposed a hunting trip in their father's honor and that was all it took for Bobby to join. He left in high spirits, despite Jonah's ample pleas.
2 days later, when the rest of the men returned with slumped shoulders and poisoned wounds, Jonah knew before anyone said a word.
It was almost 2 years ago, yet the loss was still fresh. He felt it every damned day. Because every day he woke up, he had to be his father. The twins needed him to be.
"Me neither," Jonah finally responded. He turned on his side again and locked eyes with Dean. "Although, maybe, this is the silver lining." He motioned between the two of them. "Mind you, I would've preferred my father be alive, but if he was, he would kill you."
Dean chuckled. "He would," He shook his head. He pulled Jonah onto his chest and hugged him. Not tight enough to hurt but snug enough so that he wouldn't get away again. "Every time he saw me look in your direction, he'd put his hand on his revolver." He continued to laugh.
Jonah shook his head. A nostalgic smile burning his lips. "Oh god you should've seen the day he caught Sam and I having our first kiss. His face was so red, I thought he'd throw Sam out the window. He just made sure Sam watched him polish his shotgun before he left."
The laughter made them lighter. Remembering his father in a light that wasn't stained in crimson wasn't easy. Especially when all of the people that knew him knew him as a hunter first and a father second. Because the steel mill was named in his mother's likeness, most travelers had no idea the business was Bobby Singer's.
Athena's Steel was the name. It was the largest working building in the wilds, which was classified as everywhere beyond the faction walls stationed across the country. The war between humans and supernaturals pushed the world to the brink of collapse. Now, almost a hundred years later, not a thing had changed.
Humans left to the wilds were often meals for the supernaturals. Mainly werewolves. Their populations, despite the many wars between packs, continued to grow. Many of the smaller packs preyed on towns like Wayward to bite new members. They never anticipated John Winchester reinforcing the town's borders with mountain ash, salt, and silver to ward them out.
It was the only assurance Wayward had against the monsters. It was supposed to keep his dad safe. If only he wasn't so goddamned stubborn.
Jonah nuzzled into Dean. Melted into him, in fact. He knew it would only be for the night. Maybe the morning, if he was lucky. Dean never stayed for long. He was a hunter, furthermore, a Winchester. Supreme Araya, the leader of all Factions, was too eager to forgive the Winchester's offenses against President Argent. For the price of their souls in service until she deemed them worthy. He couldn't stay. No matter how much Jonah wanted him to.
Dean gave him a gentle squeeze. He brushed a kiss into Jonah's matted coils. His hair smelled of apples and honey. A smile etched on Dean's lips as he pulled away. He would've stayed forever. In fact, he planned to. He'd find a way to come back home. So that he could lay in this bed until the end of his days.
A pensive breath rushed from his nostrils. The wheels in his head spun a mile a second. Then, like clockwork, he figured it out.
As if their minds were in sync, Jonah asked, "How long are you staying?"
"Not sure anymore," Dean's voice boomed in his ears. "That creature stalking the river, whatever it is, it's dangerous. Not only to this town, but to all of the Factions. It's my duty to kill it. I should've killed the son of a bitch last year after what it did to Bobby." He rubbed Jonah's thigh.
Jonah's brows weaved. He lifted his head. "Dean you can't be serious. You can't go after that thing. You don't even know what it is, it could kill you!"
"That's the job, Jo." Dean retorted. "Besides, there has to be an investigation into this. Mayor Milligan should've told Sam, at least, they're close. Since I'm here, now, I'll do the investigatin' and that'll take time. Two weeks, at least."
Jonah, realizing where Dean was going, parted his lips in surprise. His eyes sparkled. He started to smile as Dean framed his face. "You're staying?" He asked.
"I'm stayin'." Dean confirmed.
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ghostlygun · 2 years
2021 Fic in Review
I felt tagged by @liminal-zone, so here we go!!
Total number of completed works/fandoms written in: 48 completed fics published on AO3, 11 completed fics published on a non-english fanfic site, 7 completed original stories. (Only 5 of all of these are multi-chapter though. Most of them are short oneshots.) I mostly stayed in the MCU/Cap movies fandom except for some crossover shenanigans.
Did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? SO MUCH MORE!! I had a 'I think I'll never be able to write again' crisis going on in 2020, so I didn't expect this sudden rush of productivity at all!
What’s your favourite story of the year? Oh man, that's a tough one! I had so much fun with so many different story types this year, and I liked how most of them turned out! But I think I've reached my peak with that crack fic about Actor Sebastian Stan constantly being mistaken for Very Wanted International Terrorist Bucky Barnes. It's sadly not written in English and I suck at translating, so you'll have to trust me that it's hilarious.
Did you take any writing risks this year? I mean, I started writing noncon fic, so, yes, absolutely! I love trying out new things, and this year has been a blast in that regard.
Do you have any writing goals for the new year? Not really. "Finish my WIPs" is always a goal, but I won't promise anything. I've learned that writing goals don't really help me achieve things, and that it works best for me when I write the things I'm in the mood for, when I'm in the mood for, as often as I'm in the mood for, rather than sticking to a schedule or fixed goals.
Most popular story of the year: Surprisingly, it's still Notes, the second fic I ever uploaded to AO3, at the very beginning of my current fandom obsession. It was probably solely due to good timing - I published it the week after the first episode of TFATWS aired.
Most under-appreciated story of yours, in your opinion: I think that's clearly A Bitter Eternity - although I completely understand why it's not that popular. It's a Hydra Wins AU and very, very sad.
Most fun story to write: I wrote so much crack this year, and the non-crack was also fun to write, but my favorite is Guard Dog. I just love bureaucracy crack and paperwork shenanigans.
Most unintentionally telling story: I am a firm believer in the fact that you absolutely cannot tell anything about an author's personal life solely based on the fics they write. (It may work the other way around - if you know someone, you might recognize elements from their lives in their stories.) So, no, I don't think a single story of mine was unintentionally telling. (Well, my HTP stories tell you that I'm into fucked up shit, so there's that.)
Biggest disappointment: It kind of bothers me that, considering the amount of words I wrote this year, I cannot write longfic. I can type out oneshots pretty fast, but as soon as it's becoming multi-chapter, it takes me months to even continue, let alone finish.
Biggest surprise: Noncon fics are hot, actually. Also: The sheer amount of feedback and enthusiasm on AO3, OH MY GOD. It's amazing!! I was not used to this. I come from a fanfic site where comments/interaction in general are rare (especially when you write niche stuff like I do), and when I moved over to AO3, there were suddenly so!! many!! people!! who liked the same stuff as I did! Who create so much content for it and who like the content I create! I've never been a "give me validation or else" kind of person - I write stuff because I want to, and if no one reads it, that's fine, at least it made me happy. But OH BOI did all those lovely comments give me a motivation boost!!
My favourite part of fandom in 2021: MY FELLOW TRASH PANDAS I LOVE YOU *BOOTSTEPPY*
Tagging: Everyone who wants to do this!
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/2
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Part 2
A TVD crossover AU story
Elena Gilbert & her partner Nick Amaro are FBI Agents,
investigating murders caused by paranormal activities.
ft. other tvd characters, too.
thanks for reading.xoxo🥰🌼
Elena walked in the Mystic Falls woods with the torch in her hand. This was not unknown territory for her. 
"Why are we  going to the woods, mommy?" the nine-year old Elena asked her mother.
"There are some really mean people, who want hurt us. And we have to hide in the woods. Don't be afraid. We won't be here long." Miranda said.
At a certain point in the woods, Miranda opened a trapdoor hidden underneath a big pile of leaves and taking the girl by the hand took her down the wooden ladders in the ground into an area that resembled hidden caves.
The Special agent now stood in front of the spot where the ground trapdoor was. She crouched down and removed the layers of the leaves looking for the hook to open it. As she grabbed it to open it she heard a swishing noise of the leaves moving and as she wanted to get up to turn to see in the dark what it was, something kicked her hand and the torch fell aside. She got her gun out ready to shoot as something knocked her over as it swished by her. She quickly rolled over in the position to shoot as she then did. It was a shot in the dark, she knew it. Frustrated, she now got up picking up her torch and looked to see if that someone would return. 
"Show yourself," she shouted, "I dare you."
But there was nothing. But she knew that somewhere from afar someone did still look at her. Angrily, Elena now decided to return to the Mystic Inn. 
In several hours she would have to be at the Morgue and she needed some sleep. And this place was doing everything possible to keep her from it. 
As she got to her room, she took her clothes off and went  for a really hot shower. The fall left her with a bruise on her arm. She examined it as she dried herself. It didn't look bad. 
"Ok, listen to me, Elena. Mommy has got to go now. You will be safe here. Ok, my darling? Don't be afraid. I will come back for you. I love you so much!" Miranda kissed her daughter, who nodded in agreement silently. 
Elena, now changed and went to bed. She curled up, closing her eyes hoping she would not have any dreams of any kind.
Demons are real, Elena. They are wrapped up in folk stories. It is true that only a handful can see them, get to their true nature and fight them with equal measure.
Nick was up at dawn. He got himself ready for the day and then took a walk around the town, familiarizing himself with the victim's last activities, before meeting Elena at the Grill.
Washington, DC
Caroline woke up rubbing her forehead. She looked at the clock. It was 6.10 a.m.
"Hmm- what time is it?", Stefan asked as he heard her move sitting up.
"Time to get up." Caroline said walking to the bathroom.
Stefan sat up checking his messages.
"meet me at office, at 9- Val"
He put the phone aside, and got quickly dressed. He knocked at the bathroom door telling Caroline he had to leave. She replied with 'later'
"Later", he said the same and walked out of the apartment.
"Val-"Stefan said as his partner picked up the phone.
"The murder weapon appeared" Valerie said.
"I will see you at the office", Stefan said hanging up.
At the Mystic Diner, somewhere around 8 a.m.
Elena waited for Nick for breakfast. Her life was either office-bound or field-bound, whichever, but one thing she never missed was breakfast. It was like the only time she would reconnect with the real world. There were these few things that kept giving her continuity and normality. At least half an hour every day. 
The waitress served Elena coffee and brought her a big breakfast. She thanked her and looked at her phone for private messages. One from Caroline and one from Rebekah. 
Caroline: Got drunk. and - slept with Stefan, again. Call me. Whenever.
Rebekah: Call me. We are all with you.
Elena closed the message icon as Nick sat down at the table and Elena greeted him.
"Morning." Nick said and then looked at the three different plates in front of Elena.
"Just coffee. Black." Nick said to the waitress and said that he had already had something.
"I'm gonna let in on a little secret" Elena said to her partner and Nick wondered what was coming.
"Everyday, once a day give yourself a present- like this good hot cup of black coffee. A little wisdom from Agent Cooper. My mentor. And maybe something extra- like blueberry pancakes."
"I see that you have a sweet tooth," Nick said.
"You don't mind me finishing this?"
"No." he replied. 
To get used to a new partner was never easy. Elena had three of them, and Nick a few. And all of them loved working with him. He had an easy personality.
"I can see that you have dug something new out?" Elena said as she took a sip of her coffee.
Nick was surprised she said it as he didn't disclose anything.
"I can see it in your eyes. Eight more minutes and then we're off to the morgue and you can tell me what you found out."
"You can see it in my eyes?" The Agent said slightly stunned that she was so forward.
"Not just your eyes. Your whole jittery demeanor tells me that it is huge- illogical!"
Nick narrowed his eyes at her, "You are loving this"
"Not really" Elena admitted, "because we probably won't be able to present it in any court. And these victims will not receive any kind of justice. Come on, let's see the body." she got up leaving the money for her breakfast on the table.
Washington, DC
Rebekah walked in the hospital greeted by a fellow surgeon.
"Hey, Joel- I thought you left to work for the Jeffersonian?" Rebekah said.
"Next week- I am leaving next week" Joel said.
They got into the lift,"Why did you refuse to work for them?"
"I want to help the living." Rebekah said. "I need hope. Everything else is like- ahm- curse-"
"I am sorry- I heard-" the surgeon referred to Marcel breaking their engagement.
"Yeah- well- if you know someone who can mend a broken heart-"
"Sorry, can't help " Joel said.
"Huh- shouldn't be dumping my lousy mood on you- see you-" Rebekah said as the stepped out of the lift and each went to their stations.
"Dr Goran?" a nurse came up to him and he now went with her being briefed about one of his patients.
Mystic Falls
Elena examined the body of Lexi Branson. Nick stood aside waiting for her to finish up and give her findings out to him and Bonnie Bennett, a forensic scientist from Withmore. 
"Here" Elena said showing both her partner and the scientist two markings on the ankle.
"That is different from the victim in Oregon." Nick said.
"Dakhanavar" Elena said.
"What?" Nick said looking at her with question marks in his eyes.
"Nothing." Elena said looking at Bonnie "There was no trace of blood on at the crime scene?"
"None." Bonnie confirmed. 
"And no trace of a car, footsteps, and the time from when she was last seen going out of the Grill and time of death in the woods? Incomprehensible, right?" Elena said.
"Yeah." Nick now confirmed. Bonnie nodded.
"I like your necklace" Elena said turning to Bonnie all of a sudden.
"Thanks. It's my grandmother's" Bonnie replied.
"Uhm- we are done here. Elena said looking at her partner. "We can tell the Sheriff that they can release the body"
Nick nodded in agreement.
As they said their goodbyes to Bonnie, Elena and Nick left.
"All right. Explain Dakhanavar!" Nick said as they got into the car.
"Ferociously territorial vampire, who would, unlike other regular vampires, suck the blood from the victim's feet." Elena explained.
"Seriously?" Nick said with a whiff of disbelief in his voice.
"Seriously." Elena then said snapping at him. "Ok. This is not going to work" She stopped the car and looked at him inhaling sharply, her face stern, "when we get back I will ask them to reassign you."
"On what grounds?" Nick asked calmly.
Elena exhaled trying to keep her composure. This was not her. She doesn't lose her focus. It must be this place. She wanted to scream. She felt her blood boiling to the point wanting to kick him for his nearly no emotional reaction. "I'll think of something," she said and continued to drive. 
Irrational. But there it was. She couldn't take it back. And strangely, she didn't care. 
Nick knew that her outburst had nothing to do with him, at least not directly, and yet he knew he was the trigger. He looked outside of the window- and then decided not keep quiet, "Stop the car."
Elena looked at him stunned at this sudden change in him. She could see that he was serious and so she stopped the car.
They got out in the middle of the woods. Elena waited to hear what this was about. 
"You are right. Yes. This doesn't work. Shall I tell you why?"
"Why?" Elena said miffed.
"Because I am not him." Nick said.
"Him?" Elena looked at the man gone out, "what are you talking about?"
"He probably knew all of the demonic-files by heart- you have finished each other's sentences and he understood how you mind works- and he is gone- and you got me now- and you hate it!"
What followed surprised them both- as he touched Elena's nerve and she punched him straight in the face. 
They stood quiet for a second. Nick wiped a bit of blood that appeared on the lips. 
"I am sorry- I just- ah- how did," she felt like all the suppressed anger and pain mixed up came lashing out and the tears now just came flooding out. 
"It is fine-" Nick said.
"Shut up" she shouted at him "don't you dare make this into an ok thing!"
"I am not."
"Good. Because- you don't know anything about me"
"I never said I did."
"Oh, really?! All you have been doing is taking the high-ground-" Elena spat back at him through her tears.
"I could say the same about you- we're supposed to work as a team- did you think that I didn't notice that you left your room at 1.20 p.m. and returned at 2.17p.m.?! And you kept it to yourself- what was that about? What were you doing in the woods?"
Elena glared at him drying her tears now with her palms and said,"It's personal."
"Personal?" Nick repeated not knowing what to think. His mind was racing. For a moment he wished he was in the car and they never had stopped and then - something unexplained wanted to know everything about her. 
Elena realized what she had said and now tried to take it back. She had never overstepped the mark going over to the personal. She never shared any of her past to her friends. Not even Jackson, who she had an excellent working relationship. Only the Bureau, her aunt Jenna and her knew what had happened to her and her parents the night she had to hide in the caves in the woods. 
"I lived here as a kid" Elena then said. 
And by the tone of her voice, Nick could notice that there was something disturbing behind it. He felt that all went way out of the line and he then took a step forward saying,"I apologize for - digging at you"
Elena looked at him slightly wide-eyed, "This is so not- this is not me"
"You have a mean right hook, I'll tell you that."
"Yeah- uhm- believe it or not I've never hit anybody. At least not human. Sorry -"
"Who says I am human?!"Nick joked rising an eyebrow at his partner. "Let's forget this ever happened and - start over?"
"Yeah- start over!" Elena inhaled softly.
"Coffee and pie?" Nick suggested.
"Coffee and pie!" Elena nodded a little.  
For a moment she was leaving darkness behind. Although its shadow never would. She knew that.
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Could you please write Yuna and Suyi having a date? They went to an Amusement Park, but it suddenly starts raining.
Characters: Im Suyi, Seo Yuna
Pairing: Suyi/Yuna
AU: KH Crossover (implied), sequel to Say my name
Can be read as a stand alone fic; prior knowledge unnecessary.
Nervously watching her sisters fawning over Suyi, Yuna reassures her parents that she'll be back home before her curfew. They've been more worried ever since Seoul had become chaotic (more than it had already been. before the horrors had been knowable, man-made. now it was unimaginable, though still man-made) but she's just hoping they don't catch on to who Suyi is. That is, in relation to her.
They already know she's an idol; it's why her sisters are so fond of her. Rather she doesn't want them to find out she's her girlfriend. It's already been two years by now and they haven't but Yuna still fears the worst. It'd be easier if her brother was here, he knows about them, but he's busy studying overseas and he can only reassure her through a screen on their calls every other day.
Suyi's eyes meet hers as she smoothes out the wrinkles in her hand-me-down shirt and she winks at her. Then she pulls away from her sisters and stands up-
"We should get going now. I don't want to get to the park after it closes," Suyi jokes, making the dread that was collecting in her stomach disappear.
Her sisters complain but it's not serious and they wave the two off, though Yuna hugs them and her parents before they're out the door. Immediately, Suyi hides her face and hair under a pair of subdued sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat, and then she takes her hand in hers, grinning.
Yuna smiles back, and asks, "Are we going by bus or train?"
"Train. Less of a walk after we get off that way," Suyi replies, "Plus, we won't have to switch at all."
With one last check to make sure her wallet and phone are in her pockets; they make their way to the amusement park. The subway is crowded and uncomfortable as usual, but they get there fine and are inside pretty quick after getting their tickets.
"So... what do you want to ride first?" Yuna asks with the park's map open in her hands. There's a lot of places to choose from, so many it's impossible to go to them all in a single day, and she's struggling to figure out where to start.
Suyi wraps her arms around Yuna's waist as she looks over her shoulder at the map- "We're pretty close to some of the faster rides so why don't we start there? Better now than after we eat."
"I didn't think you'd be the type to throw up after eating."
After all, Suyi's work is strenuous. Though Yuna did worry that she didn't eat enough so maybe that was why. How could she throw up if there wasn't anything in her stomach?
"I'm not but hey, better safe than sorry. Have you been on a rollercoaster since middle school?"
So that's what she'd meant- "No. I thought maybe we could come with Rai since he hadn't been to an amusement park before but..." he had ended up going with everyone he was staying with instead.
"See?" Suyi says smugly and Yuna giggles.
They end up going on more than a few of the rides that her parents would never touch and she hopes nobody remembers the way she screamed at the sudden drops. Aside from Suyi of course. As she teases Yuna about the way she clung to her, she flinches with a start and looks up at the sky.
Yuna's about to ask her what's wrong when a cold drop of water lands on her head- "Oh!"
"It's raining," Suyi states with a frown.
"Do you want to go get your hat?" she asks, concerned.
Suyi had stashed it in a locker with her sunglasses and bag after they'd realised it wouldn't be good on the rides. She had tied her hair up in a bun as well, though Yuna already has had hers in a braid from the start. It'd be weird to have it open in an amusement park.
"No," Suyi says, shaking her head, "There's still plenty of rides it won't be good for and it looks like it's going to rain heavily. The hat's useless for that."
Yuna pulls them both under some shade as they talk because Suyi's right. It does seem like there will be a storm. The rain is already turning from a drizzle to a downpour though it's barely been a minute since it started.
"Let's go inside then? I'm pretty sure there's a big covered section too."
Taking out the map from her pocket, they figure out which way to go and hurry, ducking under as many shaded areas as they can. They're still a little wet when they make it but it's better than being fully soaked.
Suyi still sighs, "Honestly, if I knew it was going to rain I'd have gone to a water park instead. It's so crowded now too."
"Everyone's either leaving or coming here," Yuna says, then giggles, "but maybe next time? A water park sounds nice."
"Next time," Suyi promises, determined, and she can feel her cheeks heating up.
Pointing at a nearby ride to distract from it, Yuna grabs Suyi's hand with her free one- "Why don't we go there now? It seems fun."
There's a surprising number of rides in the area that they can go on, and they even brave the rain to find the theatre where plays and performances are held. It's nearby but afterwards they end up crossing nearly half the park to get to the spookier attractions, including a haunted house that has Yuna crying and squeezing her eyes shut the entire time as she clings to Suyi. The gloomy grey of the sky seems like sunshine and is still much more welcome compared to the dark eeriness they just experienced and she keeps as much as a distance as she can from the entrance of the haunted house once they're out.
Suyi's comfort has her calming down though, and they decide to go eat since it's been a while since they arrived. Halfway through, with a mouthful of pancake and a fluffy black stuffed cat with gleaming red eyes that Suyi won for her to make her forget about the haunted house in her lap, Yuna's finally feeling fine. Food really is amazing, she decides, her eldest sister hadn't been exaggerating when she said it could solve any emotional problem after all.
Continuing to decimate her pancakes - Suyi seeming equally pleased with her meat dish - Yuna's hand stills when she spots someone familiar. She can see Suyi looking at her with concern from the side, probably about to ask her why she stopped eating, but she speaks before she can.
"Is that Rael-oppa? And his brother too."
There's no way it's anybody else. Rai and the other nobles from Lukedonia are all extremely beautiful. Plus, even if she could mistake genuine blond hair for dyed hair, Rajak's prosthetic makes it impossible to miss him.
"It is!" Suyi exclaims, "I guess they decided to have some bonding time too, today. Tough luck picking a rainy day though."
Yuna giggles, "Seira did say Rael-oppa has horrible luck. Maybe that's why it rained today."
"They should have come another day. He ruined our date," Suyi says with a snort and goes back to her food.
That only makes Yuna giggle more. Of course she knows Suyi is joking since their date is going great and because she doesn't believe in superstitious things like that, but it is funny. Especially when she's the one saying it.
The rest of their meal goes without any interruptions and she insists on paying when they get their bill. Especially since-
"You paid last month at that fancy restaurant. I can't let you pay this time."
Suyi looks like she's about to argue but then she grins and leans in to whisper, "Sure. I'll take it as your White day present."
Flushed red, Yuna manages to make it through paying without stuttering even as Suyi watches her the entire time, head propped up with a hand as she smirks. She hadn't even realised it was White day, and she wishes she had because maybe then she wouldn't be such an easy target for teasing.
Yuna forgets about her embarrassment and makes a face once they're out of the restaurant though- "It's still raining, and it's getting dark too."
"It's only drizzling now," Suyi says, "When did you have to get home?"
Hesitating, she checks her phone for the time- "There's still about two hours."
Suyi hums in response and takes out the map from her bag since they'd gotten her things from the locker before eating. After a quick glance at it, she stuffs it back in and takes her hand.
"Where are we going?" Yuna asks as she goes along with Suyi.
"Ferris wheel! Can't have a date without it, right?"
She giggles, "Right-" and wonders if she's glad that Suyi can't see her blushing or disappointed that one of them isn't dramatically afraid of heights like in every romance scene ever.
It's probably better that they aren't though, she decides when they're finally through the lines and inside one of the pods. They wouldn't be able to enjoy the view of the lit-up park in the dark otherwise, and even the rain's finally let up, making the reflected lights glisten everywhere in a way that's even more beautiful than it would have been ordinarily.
"Isn't it amazing?" Suyi asks.
Yuna nods, squeezing her hand, not having let go since Suyi had taken it- "It is."
She sits closer to her and leans her head on her shoulder with a satisfied smile. It's relaxing and Yuna almost thinks she can fall asleep when a loud noise interrupts the peace as they reach the top.
"What was-" her eyes widen at the bright colours exploding in the night sky and she smiles brightly- "Fireworks!"
Suyi laughed, "I knew you'd forget about them. Aren't I the best?"
"You are. Suyi, I-" Yuna cuts herself off as she stares at her, hesitating, then smiles gently and cups her cheek, still holding her hand. "Suyi," she says again, softer this time.
Suyi just smiles as she leans in- "I love you too, Yuna-" and kisses her.
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