#I don't really have difficulty with him???
chaifootsteps · 2 days
was reading this: https://www.tumblr.com/fantasywater/761286441867313152/a-curiosity-about-stolass-love-for-blitz
and though I wouldn't word it entirely the same way as OP, they've got a point. we're supposed to think that Stolas has found a new lease on life after meeting Blitz, but from what we're shown on screen that isn't true at all and he's still the exact same person (if anything he's worse since he hasn't meaningfully changed at all and is in denial about all his own flaws and how he's hurt both Blitz and Via)
He's still drinking himself into blackouts and pretty obviously not taking his medication properly or regularly if he eats a fistful in one episode and runs out unexpectedly in another. He's still miserable most of the time. He can't make friends because he lacks the ability to form any real connections with anyone (or to be kind enough to make them want to put up with his self pitying behavior)
I tend to reflexively dislike comparisons between Blitz and Stella because it implies Blitz is abusive (which he's not, that's Stolas) but it's clear that Stolas responds to difficulties in his relationships with them in the exact same way. He self medicates with booze or pills, usually after either a serious self-pity session or snapping back at them, or both. He doesn't talk to them about their feelings, just grandstands about his own
And they are superficially similar. They respond to things that hurt them in a fiery way - they don't take shit lying down like Stolas does. As OP pointed out, Blitz struggles with illiteracy - the same thing Stolas mocked Stella for.
the only positive difference that I can see is that Stolas enjoys the sex with Blitzo a lot more than with Stella - and that's a benefit only Stolas is enjoying. we don't really have the evidence to say that Blitzo enjoys sex with Stolas more than he has any other partner he's had who was decent in bed - he responds to Stolas with revulsion, then disinterest, then resignation, then him being horny just because Stolas is convenient and they were having a meetup anyway, then finally anxious codependency and trauma bonding post break up. We never see genuine affection from him
this show doesn't seem to understand relationships need more than a functional sex life to work properly. because if you take that out of the equation, it just looks like Stolas hasn't escaped the pattern of conflict in his marriage at all
all he's done is replace a partner who is closer to his social standing with one who is far beneath it, in order to give himself all the power and leverage. and he does it without acknowledging that consciously or not, that is definitely the case.
the darkest possible reading here is that Stolas unconsciously wanted someone who was on the surface similar to Stella - less educated than him, will fight back and snap if provoked - so that he could recreate the relationship dynamic wherein he is the victim who isn't being given enough love even though he's trying oh-so-hard to make things work and they just aren't appreciating him enough. and it indicates a perpetuation of the cycles of abuse - if you take the reading that Stella didn't care about Stolas' feelings while they were trying to conceive, Stolas is now doing that exact thing to Blitzo during sex with a bucketload of classism on top
Got to say, Anon, it's spooky how plausible that darkest possible reading is. Whether Stolas does the things he does consciously or not, it's insane that anyone can look at all of this and not at least acknowledge the possibility that people might find it fucked up.
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reader-wandering18 · 12 hours
Yuu Hunter x Hunter
Strange beasts and monsters. Vast riches, hidden treasures. Terrible places, unexplored frontiers. Mysterious and unknown.
People who are drawn to the magic of those words are known as HUNTERS.
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Yuu Freecs, a boy from a vast, cruel and mysterious world, came to Twisted Wonderland.
What was a boy doing at Night Raven College?
Freecs' adventures leave his friends speechless. His kind personality reaches out to all students, including those who are not human.
The first time he arrived at Night Raven College was a moment that surprised everyone at that prestigious institution.
— A child? — Why did the dark mirror bring a child?
— Say your name.
His surprise and excitement were reflected on his face. The scream he gave let the most observant ones see that he was someone curious and full of energy.
— Another Cheka — Leona sighed tiredly
— What kind of gel use to keep your hair like grass? — Vil commented upon seeing his black hair with green tips. He felt like combing it himself.
If someone young like him was at Night Raven College, it was because he had really powerful magic, right?
Wrong. That child does not contain even a pinch of magic. Many could not believe it and others made fun of him, but the boy did not appear expressionless or scared.
— Magic? JUST LIKE IN THE FAIRY TALES MY AUNT MITO TOLD ME?! I'm really sorry I don't have anything like that big mirror! But I use something very different than magic!
He seemed strangely excited.
— Waaa that boy really has a lot of energy, he's the worst enemy of an introvert like me — Idia had said scared through his tablet.
After that revelation a cat burst into the room. Demanding Yuu's place.
— That cat also talks!
— I'm not a cat!
— Is that so? So you're a magical animal? Mmm I remember Kurapika told me that magical animals can talk. But you don't look like a Kiriko at all.
— What are you talking about kid? I am the great and powerful Grim!
The place caught fire and everyone started running and screaming. Among all the most outstanding was Kalim who got his butt burned. While the other dorm leaders were discussing who should catch the cat, suddenly, that boy appeared in front of them.
— Take it
— Nyaaaaa Let me go!
— !!
The dorm leaders were surprised to see Yuu in front of them when a moment ago he was in the center of the room. And in his hands he held Grim wrapped in Kalim's robe that was previously burning.
Even Kalim looked confused. Yuu appearing behind him, said he would borrow his robe and took it off without any difficulty.
— Sorry, I don't know how to extinguish the fire. Catching it was the only thing I could do.
That year would be very interesting.
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In the dwarf mine, Ace, Deuce, Yuu, and Grim were resting on the outskirts of that place due to the mysterious appearance of an ink monster that forced them to retreat. Ace, Deuce, began to fight when Yuu's scream made them shut up.
— Don't worry!
They both saw how the child stood up with great determination on his face.
— They won't be expelled, I won't allow it. His dream is to study at that school. Right? If we work as a team we can beat him. Also, I can't allow you to disappoint your mother — Yuu said looking at Deuce — it must be very important to you as it is to me to look for my father.
Yuu's innocent smile made both young men leave for some strange reason strongly hit… in their ego. How could I let a child save their skin? That would be extremely humiliating!
In the end, they all returned to school with the magic stone in their hands. Thanks to teamwork.
— Being appointed supervisor at such a young age and just entering is a great achievement!
— Is-Is that so?
— Why do you look so nervous? You seem so confident when we were in the mine.
— It's just that… it's my first time in school
Yuu explained to them how she came from another world and lived on an island called Whale Island. There was only one other child on the entire island but he didn't play with her. She never went to school but studied at home with the help of her aunt Mito.
— Hey, now that I remember. In the mine you mentioned your father, right? — Grim asked
— Or yes, he left me when I was a baby. I'm looking for him.
— Are you looking for him? Your dad left you, why do you want to go look for him?!
At that Yuu stopped which made the two teenagers who were after him do so as well. He turned around and they both noticed that in Yuu's gaze there was nothing like remorse for being abandoned. On the contrary.
There was a great curiosity in his gaze.
— My father is a hunter. I also became one, to look for him and to know the world that he chose instead of taking care of me.
Yuu smile while mentioning his father.
— Hunter?
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— Hello!
— …Hello
Malleus was in Ramshackle taking his usual walk. He appeared in the dormitory as usual, but was surprised by a child who took him completely off guard the moment he appeared.
He had heard from Lilia about the arrival of a human child without magic at the school. Which surprised him. But he didn't expect to see him in the abandoned dormitory.
The child smiles at him
— My name is Yuu, Yuu Freecss! It's a pleasure!
Yuu extended his hand to what Malleus saw without being able to believe what the child was doing. But it was rude not to greet, so he shakes hands with the small human child.
— … Aren't you afraid of me?
— Mmm, It's true that your aura is strong, but I don't feel a level of threat like Hisoka.
— What are you talking about? I don't know that Hisoka… Don't you know who I am?
— No, I'm sorry. — said the boy somewhat embarrassed.
His reaction seemed genuine, there was nothing like malaise or fear. It reminded him in a way of Silver when he was younger.
— Do you live here?
— Yes, along with a cat named Grim
With each answer that Malleus gave him he could see it. That boy seemed to have so much energy.
— I see. It's a pity, I liked to take night walks around here since it's very quiet. But I guess I'll have to look for another place.
— Seriously, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to take away your place to explore!
Yuu shouted while bowing in apology, that causes Malleus to become more curious about the human child.
— It's okay, it's not your fault that you live here. Well, I'll take my leave.
— Wait a moment.
But Malleus had disappeared in a bunch of bright lights.
— Wow, that’s amazing — Yuu said, catching one of those lights in his hands.
— I couldn’t ask him his name.
Malleus appeared in another part of the school. He felt a little dejected that his favorite place was occupied, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t get that kid out of the place. He looked up to see how high the moon was until he remembered.
— Now that I think about it. Lilia said that humans should sleep to have energy the next day, or they will have health problems. But that human child was awake at this time.
While, outside the dormitory, Yuu was practicing his NEN.
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My Hunter x Hunter fever came back!
The first time I saw it I was very young, two or three years younger than the main characters, time has passed and now I'm older than them buuuu 😭.
Gon is my number one main character. With that personality that I met at the beginning of the anime it was love at first sight. I'm sure that if I met Malleus they would be great friends because you know. Gon being Gon.
This anime was my second Shonen and the only one I managed to stay faithful to until today. No matter the years, for me Hunter x Hunter will be the best anime.
This idea started with a fanfic of the boys' reaction to a Yuu from different worlds, including Hunter x Hunter. I liked it so much that when I wanted to read it again I realized that they had deleted the fanfic :'v that was found on Wattpad. To get that thorn out of my side I had decided to do this. I'm thinking about whether to make more parts or not. In case you noticed, I'm a person with a lot of ideas, but I never manage to finish a story.
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fullmetalgirl98 · 3 days
I realize that using the term "like" for the description of a trauma may seem indelicate, but I use it not in the sense of "I like to see this person suffer in this way rather than this other way," as much as in terms of how much sense it makes what we have been fed of.
Can something like that really trigger trauma with those specific characteristics? Wouldn't it have made more sense for Hifumi to develop a fear for humanity in general, rather than just for women?
Please, if you thought Hifumi's trauma was something different, or if you liked just part of the explanation, write it down under this poll.
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Ok, I'm glad to see that the result of the survey is in line with what I expected. I'm going to express my personal thoughts under the cut, if you're interested. In any case, this is just my opinion. I felt I needed to vent somewhere, you're very free to disagree, obviously.
As for me, I'm not at all convinced by the story we've been fed. I always believed that Hifumi was sexu*lly ab*sed at school by Honobono and other girls (ergo, the fear of women). And I will remain convinced of this, despite what is now the canon.
Imo, something must have prompted the authors to change the initial idea (out of fear, perhaps??? A theme too heavy for Hypmic? Idk ... The fact remains that heavy themes have been dealt with in abundance, I don't see why treat Hifumi differently). It simply doesn't work for me. The issue turns into a “simple” act of bullying, in this way, but the clues and allusions that have been scattered all these years hinted at something quite different (and I think we all pretty much agree on that).
Does the motivation provided by the drama justify fear solely and only toward women? Imo, absolutely not. It would have made more sense to develop a fear for humanity in general, at this point, and to become a hikikomori. But this is not Hifumi's case. And then let's remember that the theme of bullying has already been addressed with Jyushi, yet the latter (whose grandmother was even killed!!!!!) did not develop any kind of trauma!
Now, it's clear that different people react to events in individual ways, but as far as I'm concerned, this just has no way of working with the premise with which Hifumi's character started out. Besides, Hifumi's work itself is, to a certain extent, about love and pleasure (obviously within limits). His very MC is a reference to the sexual sphere!!!
Let's remember that he only feels “strong” when he wears the jacket. What sense would this make with the explanation provided to us??? To me, the act of putting on the jacket and regaining confidence makes sense from a perspective in which, by antithesis, one is responding to an act of forced denudation, which obviously makes one vulnerable. It makes sense in the moment when Hifumi would be forcibly stripped by a group of girls (if Honobono had been alone, he would have developed a phobia exclusively against her, no?), hence his fear of women when he doesn't have his armor, his jacket (= his clothes to cover his body).
Hifumi has always felt a great deal of difficulty talking about what happened to him, shame. And Doppo, of course, didn't mention it at all, not even to Jakurai. This of course would have to be done in any case, because these are personal facts, in the end...But the matter was made too important and too secret to be, as I said, “a simple act of bullying at school.” What would have been the point of not saying anything about such a thing to Jakurai for years??!
One thing, however, does make sense. And it was the very thing I couldn't understand from the previous drama tracks, namely what Honobono did to Hifumi's brother-in-law and father. I approve of the explanation, it makes sense. But again, what sense does it make for the mother and sister to judge and repudiate Hifumi for this??? How is he to blame for that? Also, excuse me...Honobono would have seduced them but not Hifumi??? This does not make the slightest sense.
This drama was a deep disappointment and I'm still furious because I waited too many years for answers that were then not at all satisfactory nor logical.
The impression that @justanotherniky and I got is that they wanted to soften some heavy criticisms of Japanese society that perhaps went too far at the beginning of a project which was not thought to take off so much and that now are no longer the case to make so blatant. In particular, now, I'm referring to Doppo, which was the quintessential criticism of the Japanese work environment. Suddenly he's doing great at work, the boss is pleased with him, he has become the best employee. But WTF??? NO???? As nice as it is to see Doppo treated well, for once, finally, this is not how it works! We are sweeping the dust under the rug! It would have made much more sense for Doppo to quit, to rebel! And okay, he did in a sense, but we still did not reach a point to the “work” issue that oppressed and characterized him. His growth had to be in that direction! Now that would have represented personal growth, for a character like him! Taking the reins of his own life, setting up his own business, I don't know! Instead they just improved the environment around him.
I'm so mad, I swear.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 87
Part 1 Part 86
Mom’s hovering in front of the door, a knife in her hand, trying to get the rest of them to get away from the window. It’s not working. If anything, Max’s nose only presses more firmly to the glass with every request she makes.
Will’s hovering just behind her, desperate to keep Steve and Eddie in his line of sight. He can just barely see the wisp of a curl through the side window of the van, bouncing as Eddie moves around inside.
He squints, trying to keep the hair in sight as the movement becomes more erratic.
Will hears glass breaking just as he loses sight of Eddie entirely, wisps and all.
He rushes past his Mom, using the weight of his body to open the door, even as she stands in the way. It’s almost involuntary, a compulsion to follow the thread that Eddie’d pulled him by.
“Will, don’t!” she cries, but it’s too late. He’s out, and through.
Mike calls after him, too, and there’s the sound of tennis shoes stampeding out of the house behind him. Will only hopes he’s not leading them all to their impending doom.
Bodies slump into the driveway, none of them human. They’re like if the Demogorgon had followed a different evolutionary chain. Dustin would find it fascinating. Will just wants Eddie and Steve back.
Wayne’s still standing sentry, looking out across the street, waiting for more monsters to creep in from the darkness, Barbara by his side.
Shielding the entrance to the van, is El.
“El!” It’s Mike, because it always is. He sounds so genuinely elated that something curdles and dies in his throat. He swallows it down, hopes it decomposes in his stomach, so he never has to look directly at it. “You came!”
El smiles, happily at Mike, then around to all of them. “Of course.” She looks over at Max, and she’s frowning now, that way she does when she doesn’t understand something. It used to happen all the time. Now, it’s rare.
Will doesn’t care, can’t when Eddie’s too quiet in the van somewhere Will can’t see. He pushes past her, too.
There’s a misshapen, monstrous foot sticking out of the broken window. He stares at it for a second before swinging the door open. It wrenches the foot strangely, makes it crack and tear with the resistance of the door before it breaks free, black blood flowing like the thing’s still alive. 
It stays still. 
Will looks past it, and finds Eddie’s pale face.  
There’s glass in his hair, and his palms are bleeding where they’re held in front of him, but he’s breathing. Alive. And he’s looking up at El like she’s answered all his prayers. Will and Eddie have been sharing the same prayers from the same broken pews for so long that for a second, Will thinks Steve is back. 
He scrambles over the dead thing blocking his entrance. It’s cold against his palms, flesh barely giving as he crawls hand over feet atop it. But, Steve’s still just sitting there, blinking, Carol huddled into his side like he can protect her, even like this.
“Steve needs your help,” Eddie says, plaintive. Begging with both voice and unblinking eyes, gaze locked on El’s own until she breaks it to look at where Steve still sits, unbothered.
Her brow furrows, eyes squinting like she’s peeling off layers of skin and meat to get to whatever’s underneath. “He’s lost?” she asks.
Carol is squinting at El like the words aren’t clicking for her. She looks back to Steve, then back to El, brow furrowing with anger.
Eddie nods. Will clears his throat. “Not like last time,” he clarifies. “He’s here, but his mind isn’t.”
El nods, decisive. “I will help.”
“What the hell are you all talking about!” Carol demands, even as people scatter around her, setting up for El’s latest rescue mission. “He’s right there!”
She’s not looking at Will, though. She’s looking at Eddie like it’s all his fault. Still, when Steve doesn’t say anything, her lip wobbles as she turns and asks, “right Steve?”
He doesn’t answer, even as she calls again. Will looks away when she bites her lips, eyes wide.
It’s easier this time. They don’t have to break into the school, don’t have to find a pool. El just sits cross-legged in front of Steve on the carpet, careful to stay away from the broken glass and the dead thing. Mike covers her eyes with Wayne’s flannel while the man himself switches the radio dial until he finds one with enough white noise to satisfy.
He can’t quite tune out the murmured conversation between Eddie and Carol, though, no matter how hard he tries. Eddie explains, in clipped, emotionless words, that something, one of the monsters from the other place she’d just gotten a taste of, has taken over Steve. 
“But we’re getting him back?” she asks, voice shrill and breaking, contrasting with Eddie’s own even tone. A veteran to the newbie in the warzone. 
Will, suddenly, feels terribly old. 
“Quiet now,” El demands. 
Eddie looks away from Carol without answering. There is no answer to that question when they’re all subsisting off hope, and not much else.
“Tell him we’re coming, okay?” Eddie asks. He’s looking down at his own bloody palms now, like he can’t bear to look at their last bastion of hope and wait for it to flame and go out. 
“Ask ‘im how to stop the thing taking ‘im over,” Wayne interjects. 
Eddie’s lip wobbles. Will knows how he feels. He doesn’t want Steve to know, if he’s in there at all, that they don’t know what to do. Neither does Will. He wants to save Steve. He always wants to save Steve.
But, Eddie finally looks up, meeting Will’s eyes before nodding. The movement knocks a tear free, but his voice sounds clear when he says, “Ask him how we kill the fucker.”
El nods, shoulders settling as she reaches out to take Steve’s hand. The white noise blankets them all. Will settles down to wait. 
That’s what they always do, when Steve is dying: they wait. This time is no different. 
Part 88
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren @canmargesimpson @bananahoneycomb
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outlanderalien · 17 days
Not sure if I'm sabotaging my relationship or not but I feel like I'm in the right ? Perhaps ?
#personal#basically we're long distance but I couldn't see him on a weekend because of unavoidable circumstance#we were going to go to his friends wedding but I couldn't make it.#but hes been sending me photos of my empty seat next to his at the venue#and telling me constantly that I would've loved it#so I took issue with it bc i wasnt enjoying that#and he's gone into panic mode and thinks I'm accusing him of being a 4D chess manipulator#and low-key he kind of is. Unconsciously I think but still manipulative.#he uses the whole 'woe is me' and 'I'm just a terrible useless creature pls pity me' bit way too often.#if we have a slightly uncomfortable conversation he will stop engaging with me and try to distract by telling me he loves me.#like literally 'so what do you think?' ... '[laughs nervously] I love you :'')...' imagine that being the only response he gives for an hour#so I've called him out on his difficulty with sincerity and he's just doubling down on the 'pls pity me' stuff and frankly...#i really don't like it#the wedding thing was kind of nothing but his reaction to it was telling#pulling out the whole 'I am horrified you'd think that' guilt-tripping nonsense#followed immediately by 'you overestimate my intelligence if you think im capable of that :'')' pity party.#just. not promising. not good vibes.#to elaborate on the wedding bit: I made the decision that I couldn't make it bc of a busy work week.#he assured me several times that it was okay if I couldn't make it but he stopped messaging for a day after I told him I couldn't#then sent me a photo of my empty seat with a crying emoji and telling me that he wishes I was there and that i would've really loved it#that's not a message sent with the intent to make me feel good is it?#idk reading this back it sounds like an overreaction from me but with the context of my experience with him this is not an isolated thing#it's kind of perpetually like this. then when called out on it he pulls out the love-bombing but doesn't address the actual issue.#idk. idk.#if anyone wants to engage with this post feel free. Any outsider perspective would be welcome.
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omgg lol [guy who won't stop going "more like scapeGOATED" voice] now hold! on!! lmao [same guy just saw encanto voice] Hold on!!!
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#& [it might be 5am but i'll still see if i can draw some] trackpad homemade reacts. inhales & hands to head/face x9 then walking off#site giving pretty random Suggested assortment there where i was like oh right sure. prob not tumblr keywords captures lmaooo#(plus happened to have it open in firefox) but my god Not the scapegoated literal seers lmfao. whoooo. my god#also it was just really good anyways like right nice. damn#the (queerrr) seerrr the perceiverrr the truth tellerrr the ruinerrr the scapegoat be-errr the internalizerrr the neurodivergerrr#& now i Know there is 0% chance ppl weren't putting ''always a gay cousin or it's you (avuncular edition)'' in that thing#family tree design not even leaving space for the hypothetical kids of this relative we mostly pretend is nonexistent hmm#also that necessarily. it's giving all intents & purposes Disability abt a dozen ways & it's saying [accept that] vs [we'd better fix him]#you don't cite said [it's giving disability] as part of the We All Hate The Horrible Little Freak scapegoating justification & then be like#''actually we don't have to do that anymore b/c he's sooo normal :)'' or not if you're serious about [don't scapegoat your family] anyways#which like oh ok they Are serious so The Weirdo's scapegoating / casting out / lack of support Isn't justified#so he's still weird & you just gotta get over that b/c otherwise. bye. having a natural rat affinity is such a slay btw#& we've all been there like ''you NEVER want two scapegoats talking it's Over if they do'' + littlest kid is like um. they're the best#plankton voice Correct! inhale i'm so impressed like. getting to go ''finally someone Normal'' (serious abt letting someone Be Weird(tm))#which also always counts as like mm hard time suggesting someone's Not queer & also autistic for a start lmao. an award#adding in suggested layers like talking to oneself; talking Oddly / w difficulty; physical uncoordination; rituals ; acting; animal friend#the layer of ''& all that's fine? like?'' again rather than him ever suppressing or even changing it so far as it's suggested#besides that it's observed as Weird like but so? or else what? nonrhetorical: hostility / rescinded support & driving someone off is what?#& that Truth like the [worse treatment / exclusion / scapegoat] oft recipe for someone giving the support they're not getting themself#again Never let the [ppl both experiencing this] talk oh it's So over. or the child who's all i like family support & kindness actuallyy...#obviously also like the complete opposite of billions. knowing what they're about & letting this Just As Beloved crucial guy be So Weird#but billions Also [hmm feels right for our scapegoated guy to Perceive / Tell Truths / openly want/need & then be hurt] now get his ass#anyway [guy who could always go way on could go way on but only has thirty tags & it's 6am & i still mean to try some drawing] voice#remarkable amt of So True & ''it feels like ppl on the same page w/exactly what they're doing are all behind this''#remarkable amount of concentrated My God That Is So A Slay located in bruno all at once. what a gift#sticking to ''sometimes someone In Your Group is Weird. Disabled. deal'' firmly enough there's no ;) oh u can bet we'll Fix Him in the end#everyone always assumes the worst so....me when i'm [always as a kid yearning for Living In Secret Passages]. emile gtmpota?#oh congrats to whatever rando who will be having his dramatic gay reunion w/bruno just out of frame obviously. i perceive#now imagine if That rando was....emile gtmpota! what a crossover event. haunting4haunting. do i have enough tags for this lmao. yea#& having 1 more tag to say: as though the [endless serving] isn't enough bruno's also as close to gender envy as it gets. incl rats; sure
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sysig · 5 months
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Clash of sensibilities (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#More concept art! These are kinda-sorta leftover doodles that've been hanging around that I want Somewhere#The first two are anyway the latter two are actually vent-adjacent lol#First two first!#I always prattle on about how perfect I think Charm's design is but agh her balance of flat and 3D shapes are so fun to me#My notes make sense to me but they are pretty all over the place so let's see if I can clarify lol#The numbers are how many pop-out features she has - anything that doesn't share a plane with her body (her head/torso/arms/legs)#So things like her hair - her glasses - the collar of her shirt but not the shirt itself since that's flush with her torso#Think like constructing a pattern where the clothes are part of the doll itself rather than removable articles#And while her hair is flush with what would be her body it's still an ''extra'' shape! Hopefully that makes sense lol#Anyhow - the dashes are flat features like her collar or the tops of her shoes on her thighs - they pop out but are flat shapes#As opposed to pop-outs like her bon-bons or her wings! Those are very 3D! The bon-bons are spheres and her wings are thin but not flat#I think she has a lovely distribution of flat and 3D pop-outs :D Considering she was designed with 3D in mind! Which I've gotten away from#Probably as evidenced by my difficulty coming up with her TVAU design pfftbl#I do still really like the idea of the dark stripes for her legs and scales for her body - and I canNot let that teardrop jewel design go#Oh and TVAU wings /are/ flat! Since they'd be animated in the same style as Kaiein and he's mostly 2D :)#I dunno hmm - it's hard to think of what features I'd give her that aren't just Her Outfit again#Probably it's the bon-bons that have me especially caught up they're just such a wonderful break between her torso and legs agh#Designed myself into a corner lol how do top or bottom half of design lol#As for the other two pfff |P Kaiein nonsense#Not irl at least lol minor blessings but still frustration! He's such an annoying little voice#She's taking none of it as evidenced lol#Don't let him in he just causes problems
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thechosenanubis · 1 year
do you ever think about " the Osirian's need to keep the Chosen One safe" mentality and how it could affect Eddie's mental state? Because I do.
All the time.
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maliro-t · 3 months
some game design thinky thoughts.
#it speaks#da gameplay complaints so weird to me. which i say as someone whose favorite combat was origins.#i mean 1 like i just enjoy a lot of different types of games. including crpg style tactical and including action#and inclulding me style arpg#but fr like people just keep saying over and over 'only three abilities???????????' like bro did u know in dai#that one of the warrior abilities was COMBAT ROLL.#a lot of things like that were previously abiliities and can in real time combat become different kinds of mechanics#and lemme say as someone who never invests in combat roll i spend a lot of time in dai fighting dragons by fruitlessly jumping in the hope#that THIS time i might be able to dodge the incoming attack i can clearly see coming (i can't)#idk like the point is obv if you don't like action-oriented combat whatever but complaining about design changes which actually serve#to make GOOD action-oriented combat is wild to me.#love that it's still rtwp my beloved. love giving commands to followers. love that it's built around synergies and that the wheel actually#tells you things like detonation combos and enemy resistances because i love taking advantage of stuff like that but find often in games#that information is overly obscured or a hassle to discover#and if i in real time action combat had 20 different abilities to choose from while still needing to dodge out of the way and pop off#an attack- that would be at worst overwhelming and distracting and at best feel like more than i need.#and at the same time! the skill tree looks great. best i've seen from da (and iterated from other franchises well imo) and still looks#plenty deep and customizable. way more than me's five little blocks or whatever#and wrt to party control yeah i'll miss it i like it a lot!#but again for this style of combat i literally don't think you need it and that's okay!#the game feeling better for what it is is okay!#even in dai like i have a lot of moments in that game where it's actually more a nuisance than anything else to fully switch control#to use an ability. e.g. i usually spec solas out with spirit magic and i almost always will fully enter the tactical cam just to#tell him to cast a barrier. or a revive. or dispel some demons before they spawn in#like i'm literally already just telling him to use abilities and then i switch back to me. and in that game there are def times where i hav#thought yeah this would actually be smoother if i could just tell him to use it +position it!#i spend the most time party switching in origins esp on higher difficulties but obv the game is most fine tuned for that#and you can play through the entire series as if it were an arpg if you want. that's what i did when i was a kid lmfao#well anyways. that's my two cents! i think it'll be really engaging! from what i've seen the game director isn't talking out of her ass!#vir dirthera
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cryptidcalling · 8 months
Vesper thoughts; Late Night Swim (Please read the tags for CW before opening)
Sometimes, when it's late at night and he can't sleep, Vesper will go for a swim in the Citadel's private pool. Technically it's Pansa's, but Vesper uses it far more often. He keeps the overhead lights off, just turning on the ambient lights beneath the water, setting them to a soft pink. The water is cold at night, since he never bothers to turn on the heaters. He lowers himself in slowly and launches off the side with his feet, dipping below the water and silently swimming across the length of the pool. He touches his fingertips to the opposite wall, comes up for a breath, and then launches off again. He lets himself get lost in the rhythm of it, almost meditative as each gasp for breath and soft splash fills the otherwise silent room. He'd struggled with swimming when he was young. He'd never seen so much water in one place before, and he certainly couldn't imagine being able to move your body through it. He hadn't been the only cadet who couldn't swim, but he still wasn't willing to be left behind, learning this basic skill as others got to start the real training. He took up every second of pool time he was allowed to. The number of times he'd almost drowned was over half a dozen. It never stopped him. Tonight he swims with grace, barely perceptible in the dark, pink water. On one wall of the pool room is a massive window overlooking the city of Starport. Lights glimmer from below, but up above the jagged silhouette of skyscrapers is a clear view of the night sky. Three moons shine brightly, surrounded by the pinprick light of stars. Vesper lets it interrupt his focus, gliding to the edge of the pool and staring out. The city is always alight, never sleeping, alive with the constant flow of power thanks to Stardust, the lifeblood of the Empire. He's not unlike the city, in that way. As his gaze turns up towards the sky, he gets a familiar feeling in his chest. It feels like someone is pulling him, like there are two strong hands wrapped around his ribs tugging him out toward the sky. The tightness spreads up into his neck, feeling as if there's something lodged there, words he does not know trapped in his throat, desperately needing to be called out. He tries to follow the feeling, let the words free, but there's nothing. He remains silent. Finally, he pushes away from the wall and treads water in the center of the pool. If he looks closely at the water he can almost convince himself that it's reflecting the sky. Vesper takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He lets himself sink. He can feel it when his back makes contact with the floor. He looks behind him, but nothing is there. Stretching infinitely in all directions is the cold, eternal void of space. His hair flows up above him with no gravity to hold it down. Beyond him is a field of stars, trillions all clustered together, sisters lighting up the otherwise desolate stage in a glittering crescendo of flame and color. For a moment their magnificence is all he can comprehend, and he releases the knot in his throat in a silent, awestruck breath. Bubbles emerge from his mouth and float up and away.
Their beauty reaches his soul, but their warmth is inaccessible at this distance. The void's cold prickles against his skin. His fingers buzz like static, and when he finally brings them up to his face they're a bright pink. With a twitch, his fingertips break away into shimmering Stardust. There's an odd feeling in his chest again. It's different now, not being pulled away but rather crushing in on itself. It feels tight and uncomfortable, constricting his lungs and pressing hard against his bones. He watches as more of his hand disintegrates and floats away from him. It doesn't hurt much. It's prickly and uncomfortable, but then it's just numb. Maybe it will spread across his whole body. That wouldn't be so bad really. He could stay here forever that way. The pressure has turned into pain. It's crushing his lungs, traveling up his esophagus and winding around his throat. It hurts. He wants the light to spread faster, to reach his chest and turn it to dust so the ache will stop. He'll be at rest, his body turned to Stardust, the lifeblood of the Empire. The Empire. Vesper opens his eyes. He breaks the surface of the water with a crash and is able to make his way to a ledge, resting his weight against it as he violently coughs and gasps for air. It takes him several minutes to finally catch his breath. He's tired, and he's freezing, but he feels more at ease than he had before. He gets out and dries himself off, changing into some very comfortable pajamas, a gift from Pansa. He returns to his quarters and crawls back into bed. The covers are soft and warm. Feeling cozy and exhausted, he finds it easy to drift off to sleep. He dreams of stars.
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I never understood all the fuss surrounding the choice of a House by some magical talking hat, so let me tell you this: I'm keeping my House a secret ;) It is more fun that way, I enjoy people interpreting my words, actions, hobbies, and aspirations! I think I could've been sorted anywhere, really. I've met plenty of people that didn't seem to fit in with the typical traits. 
There's been a long discussion concerning this topic among some students, maybe you know Elizabeth and her friends? Such observant young ladies! Sometimes it feels like they know me better than I know myself! But let me take you through some of my thoughts. Once again, not naming my House ;)
Ravenclaw: my smarts! Need to solve a puzzle? I'm your man ghost! I'm also rather curious. As you know, I've travelled the world, have decades worth of learning behind my shoulders. Some argue that I am not that smart (which is, first of all, ouch?) but do I really have to have perfect grades for that? So what if I don't know the difference between French, Latin, and Greek? I am sharp at what I find interesting and what I might need in the future. And what about emotional intelligence? Plus, I think wearing blue would rather suit me! If all Ravenclaws were academically inclined — Ravenclaws would've won every since House Cup ever! 
Some people might want to put me in Slytherin for, er... Well, stealing a wand during my apprenticeship at Olivander's. To which I have to say: I doubt things like that have anything to do with a specific House, Slytherins are not bad people! I had my reasons and I am not proud of stealing anything. I should probably visit the current Mr. Olivander and explain myself... Most of the Slytherin traits do not fit me. Self-preservation especially, Merlin's beard, if only I hadn't gone to that cave alone! 
Gryffindor sounds like a good fit! I was described more than chivalrous on multiple occasions. And once again, bravely going into the cave alone, and then having the nerve to deal with the spiders, determined to get to the end... Although a lot of that was done because Anne never showed up. I was rather upset and now that I think about it, initially I didn't even want to go there alone at all... I am so glad I managed to track down that Auror that somebody mentioned a while ago, hoping to get Anne out of Azkaban. We are just waiting for the Ministry's reply at this point. But I digress.
And then Hufflepuff... I suppose that with trying to get Anne out we can speak of fairness and justice? But patience? Oh no. I might work hard on the things that I like but not everything else! Modesty and Loyalty? Oh, well... Those do not sound reassuring either...
My point is: there is no need to try and sort me into any of the House. I will be in whatever House you guys want me to be~ Speaking of which... If there is anybody who is willing to let me borrow their extra robes for when Thursdays come around when I am corporal — please, let me know! I do not want to alert the staff to my... visits, and since I still look like a 7th year, I think I can pass! 
*Richard writes this letter specifically without naming anybody just yet. He passes the letter to his Scribe, and as per their agreement earlier, the Scribe casts Geminio on the paper, successfully duplicating it. Satisfied, Richard proceeds to do separate introductions for both Indi and Anon on two different parchments, finishing with:*
With much appreciation for your question,
Richard Jackdaw
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goldentigerfestival · 9 months
if there is one thing i will never recover from with crestoria's crossover being gone for good, it's that we'll never ever know the story behind transgressor yuri.
if there are two things i will never recover from with crestoria's crossover being gone for good, it's that leon and aegis' loyal friendship will never ever return.
#GTF Things#Tales of Crestoria#it is rare for leon to be on that kind of respect level with someone let alone risk his own reputation as a traitor to let someone escape#by which i mean in destiny he only ever rly did that for stahn bc stahn was the ONLY person screaming over leon's suffering#and BEGGING him to talk to him and not take on everything alone#so i'd be hard pressed to say he truly made that last second decision for any other reason#other than stahn getting through to him bc if stahn hadn't said anything nobody else was all that worried abt doing so#for him to do that for aegis even in a setting where he wasn't going to be in mortal peril#still risked him becoming a transgressor if anyone had had time to record that#i.e. local dude helps local sinned traitor escape and is by association also a sinner#and that may have affected the ease of his search in restoring stahn to human form#which stahn prob would not have minded but it would still increase the difficulty for leon's search all the same#with yuri forget it im going to be permanently S T R E S S E D that we will never know that story#and i don't think they'd play into the possessed-not-really-yuri thing again after doing it in asteria#and in rays it was only a cameo thing. i fully believe that was actual yuri bc it would fit into his canon-mixed-with-crestoria#so unless the devs for some reason decide to tell us what their plans were for yuri we will never know#and it's been too long now since cresty went down like do i have to write this shit myself#they robbed me of transgressor yuri meeting vicious too woe is me cresty team#im still so desperate for them to turn crestoria back on like pls it's not just my crops anymore it's me too im also dead#i know they won't turn it back on and heck all the data for it is probably long since byebye BUT#even if i enjoy the manga it's not the same without the crossover#i would kill for them to give us that game back it was my fave gacha ever ;;#i say that with the full bias of the fact that i obliterated everything with default leon and completely maxed him in every aspect#but also just the fact that i want cresty's crossover back s o f u c k i n g b a d
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emirrea · 10 months
I decided to hop on my second Genshin account today, did the dailies and events that are available, got enough primos for like 9 pulls, and decided to throw them at Furina. I was close to soft pity and was guaranteed to get her, so no surprise that she came home. Yay!
I switch to Baizhu's banner kinda without thinking much, just going through in my mind what I need to get for Furina and whether I even have good teams for her. I do a couple pulls for Baizhu, still thinking that fuck, I don't really have any good healers that can keep up with the damage Furina deals to the whole team.
And then Baizhu comes home at 3 pity LMAO
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Aaaand then I realised which boss I need to fight to level up Baizhu and legit almost cried
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mushroom-for-art · 11 months
Drabble of Imp and @phlurrii 's Circe because they have me in a choke hold I love them very much (I hope I do Circe justice I know we haven't had her long lmao)
Moonlight shone through branches and leaves as the stars shone brightly in the night sky, it was calm, still, a subtle warmth hung in the air. Despite the comforts of the warmth and the illuminating moon the expecting mewtwo remained vigilant even as her eyes grew most heavy. She blinked slowly and heavily struggling to open her eyes up squinting as she watched the mouth of the cave she had taken to nesting inside. The bed of leaves and different assorted collected fluff was soft and cushioning under her body as she lay on her side propped up on one arm the other wrapped around the egg that was most sacred to her, her body curling protectively.
Her eyes opened wide as she became faintly aware of a presence growing closer the faint rustle of foliage that grew up the path heading to the cave entrance as they drew closer, the faint plink of a pebble falling and bouncing off of other rocks on the way down. The mewtwo moved her body carefully to cover and hide the egg the best she could as a low warning growl started to grow in the back of her throat growing deeper and louder as the presence grew closer lips curling back to reveal teeth as her growling became bordering that of a snarl in warning for whatever was coming closer to go away. Now.
Moonlight caught and reflected upon the dazzling greens decorating the other mewtwos body as they came into view, her brow raised confidently as she looked down at the other from where she stood floating just a few inches off the ground.
"Oh? So that's how it is now, you're snarling at me?" Despite the slight accusatory tone her voice came off quite easy and confident, expression turning into a smile as the other quickly stopped her threatening vocalisations looking quite startled.
"Oh arceus," she exhaled moving to slowly lie back on her side though still keeping her egg close, "Circe I'm sorry I didn't realise it was you, I just, heard noises and-" she sighed again looking at Circe apologetically, eye bags clearly visible in her exhausted face, "I'm sorry."
The shiny individual known as Circe made a dismissive sound of a laugh waving off a hand as she floated closer bringing over some materials held in a casual psychic hold casually adding them to the nest, they looked like human items, "stress isn't good for the baby Imp," Circe pressed a finger against the tip of Imps defined snout causing it to squish slightly as Imp made a noise of protest.
Laughing softly she moved her finger instead cupping the side of the other twos face turning her head slightly this way and that, " and neither is not sleeping, no wonder you're snarling at shadows you look exhausted." Imp made a grumble of sorts, didn't deny but avoiding eye contact. Circe made a gentle exhale of a scoff, moving her other hand to squish Imps face before pressing her forehead against the others, "nothing is going to happen to the egg," Circe felt Imp exhale in exhaustion and uncertainty.
When Imp moved her head away Circes hands gently fell away, "but what if something does happen?" Imps hand rested on the egg anxiously thumb stroking over the shell, "egg thieves human or just scavengers looking for an easy meal, what if they get cold and don't incubate properly or too hot and perish?" Circes head tilted a little but she let Imp finish rambling as she rattled off increasingly less plausible what ifs.
"And what if, everything goes perfectly fine and nothing bad happens?" Circes tone was gentle but confident, "come on do you really think something is gonna get past what," Circe paused to count on her fingers, "an ancient mew, Missingno, Decamark, Mew, four mewtwo including yours truly" Circe put a hand to her chest for emphasis before putting her hand on Imps chest, "and including you, oh and that Alpha Gengar."
As if to prove a point they both glanced seeing the long lanky form of Missingno idly fly by outside, either on nightly patrol or just having a nightly fly, maybe sensing an anomaly, either way his presence cemented further that they had plenty of security as Circe playfully glanced back at Imp.
Her tail swayed shyly as she held the egg close, "I'm," she sighed, "I don't have the words.."
Circe smiled softly putting her hand gently over Imps that lay on the egg, "I know, it's, a lot, first kid and all.." Circes eyes glanced over the egg, "I'll, admit I'm a bit scared too, I mean we used both our genes after all, whoever is growing in that egg is gonna be both of ours." Circe glanced at Imp again expression turning playful, "of course you have excellent taste asking for my help with this baby project, I can't say I blame you," a hand fluffed up the fur on her cheek in dramatic play earning a soft laugh from Imp amused by the antics.
"Sooo, why don't you let me take watch then, my egg too after all? And you look like you need sleep desperately." Circe could see Imps expression turn uncertain and anxious before her mouth opened wide showing teeth as a long yawn drew from her as Circe raised a brow once more in emphasis to her point as Imps yawn finally finished.
"are you," Imp fought off another yawn, "sure? You must be tired being awake this late," Imp lost the fight with the next yawn sleepiness creeping up on her.
"I'm sure, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't, I napped earlier," Circe smiled confidently as she moved climbing into the nest carefully as Imp made many little squeaks about being careful, playfully she pushed Imp over to lie down as she lay in the bed too wrapping her arms around the egg to bring it close arms crossed chin on her arm next to the egg. Circe gave an empty warning growl when she heard Imp moving.
"hey, sleep," she warned. Imp whined emptily moving and adjusting herself trying to find a comfy position, Circes horns flicked slightly watching Imp aware of how she slept so strangely human like as another yawn was given. Imp was asleep within minutes, and Circe had to contain the soft chuckle at how quickly she fell asleep.
In honesty Circe didn't mean to fall asleep herself but the nest was so comfortable and the night warm but not overwhelming, she ended up dozing herself still holding their egg safely to her.
"Course I could do that, I am quite talented when it comes to genetic work, if my form doesn't clue you in," The dark hued mewtwo had gestured to herself in confident beaming with sharp teeth at Imp and Circe. In honesty Circe had just wanted to be there to help support Imp but upon finding out Imp could have difficulty reproducing on her own due to her mixed and cloned genetics and would probably need dna from elsewhere to help fill in the gaps she'd immediately offered her own.
They were close friends after all, and had something similar happened in reverse Circe was fairly confident Imp would do the same for her. So the shadowtwo had taken their dna, did something with it and with Imp, and then came the egg. It came as a surprise to them all, but with the mixed genetics of other pokemon inside Imps dna the Shadowtwo had explained it away as the egg genetics overpowering the usual live birth, potentially so they could develop safely if Imps body couldn't properly develop them to term at least they could finish in a safe egg.
When news spread about their expecting child the other mewtwo showed up, Twoey at least seemed happy to see the large two with the blue tipped tail, Circe later learnt he was Axel that him and Twoey had a lot in common and Axel would help with Two from time to time, that Axel had kept an eye out for Imp also. It irked Circe a little that she had never seen him trying to look out for her, but at least her brother had been getting help. She had felt less confident about the large Gengar however, watching as he followed Axel about or appeared as just eyes in shadows. Though quickly learning he was also quite harmless. It was interesting having so many of them in one place, and apparently there were more twos out there mostly Axels kin but some of Imps too. It did fill Circe with intrigue, especially with that shadowtwo being one of Axels.. Unlikely relative she thought.
Circe was rattled from her dreaming by a literal rattling feeling from her arms, she blinked herself awake with a groan wondering who was shaking her at this hour before realising it was the egg practically vibrating rolling jostling in her arms like it was possessed and trying to escape.
"Imp!" Circe made a loud hushed whisper to the sleeping mewtwo who grumbled stretching and rolling over with a 'five more minutes', Circe pulled a face lip pulling back as she moved her tail practically throwing flopping the weight of her tail onto Imp who startled awake flapping a bit and trying to roll over to see what was attacking her.
"the egg," Circe quickly hushed before Imp could ask what that was for, her pupils blowing wide as she saw the egg moving vigorously quickly moving to crawl over as Circe slowly sat up still keeping hold of the egg scared it would jump away, Imps hands came to gently hold the egg too as they sat facing each other holding the egg in their hands as it vibrated rattled and glowed brightly blindly white.
Their eyes were screwed shut heads turned slightly away for the beacon emitting from the egg before the glowing dimmed, Imp was immediately aware of the sensation of fluff in her hands as she turned to look at the tiny fuzzy creature resting in both of their hands carefully held and cradled.
Circes brows came together struggling to make heads or tails of the bundle of pinks and greens, slowly the green slipped flopping downwards onto Circes wrists as slowly two very large fluff pointed horns stood up and became visible the little fluffy face lifting up slowly as the baby mmrr'd and coo'd in their hands their head slowly lifting to look at Circe blinking large blue eyes at her as their toppled backwards against Imps hands a touch top heavy from just being born and for looking up at Circe, the wiggled their legs and feet's as they now stared up at Imp with the same amount of intrigued cooes.
Imps eyes were wide just staring at the tiny wiggling mewtwo lying just in both their hands they were so tiny as their little hands reached clumsily before curling into their chest, they sneezed softly their fur all fuzzing up and tail flapping upwards before flopping and falling dangling from where they lay in both their mothers hands. Circe was still trying to comprehend the tiny lifeform.
Neither of them could speak neither of them even knew the words to use, Circe didn't want to hand the baby fully over to Imp or claim them for herself and Imp the same, they could only both stare at the baby who was already starting to purr clumsily a mouthy gummy smile as they wiggled and vocalised.
Slowly Imps hands moved slowly sitting the baby up into Circes hands careful to cup and support as Circe adjusted for holding the newborn glancing at Imp unsure on why she was the one to hold the baby, unsure if the babies stronger likeness to her made Imp feel less connected to them. Imp gently held one of the little ones hands on her own her other wiping away the tears starting to stream down her face.
"They're perfect Circe.. They're so beautiful and perfect." Circe smiled softly had she the spare hand she'd wipe Imps tears away herself but with the baby being a touch wiggly Circe didn't think that would be possible.
"I told you everything would be okay," Imp made a soft choked laugh around her tears of joy. Circe could feel their heartbeat as she gently held them, smiling to herself and how well it all worked out before glancing outside.
"it's still dark... Let's name this little one tomorrow yea? Catch up on what little sleep we can before that." Imp nodded at the idea watching cautiously as Circe moved to slowly place the baby down in the nest, Imp laying down besides them moving one hand and smiling as the baby grasped one of her fingers intently with Circe laying down on the other side, in awe of how tiny the baby was wondering if she was ever that small.
Imp placed soft kisses against the little hands grasping at her fingers as the baby cooed and purred wiggling happily in response to the attention, their head moving from side to side as they kept looking at both their mothers wiggling and kicking their feet happily safely nestled between them both before yawning all so suddenly and falling asleep still faintly holding Imps finger, exhausted from being born, their mamas quick to follow.
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More of this
The first image was moreso supposed to depict a slightly pissed off Volo whose only tell that he's angry is the minute waver of his illusion, hence the ends of his hair being faded and the part that sticks out of his bun is wispy. Alas, I effectively failed in portraying that both in terms of expression and because I have little skill in drawing side-profiles. Also the first image is him topless because I don't really know how to draw clothing on a side profile and have barely enough knowledge of anatomy to go 'fuck it ┐( ˘_˘)┌'.
Second Image I tried to do what I failed in the first and I guess??? it turned out okay??
H.Zoroark!Volo aside, the first image is also just how I headcanon him to look in terms of body type and being more scarred.
#【𝙿 𝚁 𝙸 𝚂 𝙼】#i have difficulty fathoming how some ppl look at volo and not see him as muscular in some manner???#like‚ some ppl do draw him thin or w/ an average body type but it doesn't click that it also means they perceive him as not physically#strong. bc in so many medias a character is basically your average joe but is strong af so there's dissonance in my brain that carries#across several different kinds of media. it's only when i undoubtedly see someone portray him as not that strong i go ??????#to me‚ personally‚ i /cannot/ perceive him as anything other than muscular given 1. he lugs that heavy ass backpack around /everywhere/#sure‚ he may or may not have it always stocked with supplies since he we only ever see him /actually/ do his job once ever but every time#we see him he's carrying that thing that if it isn't filled with stock‚ is filled with supplies for himself and his growing team of pokemon#which i would think wouldn't exactly lead to a light weight. (+ there's the spooky plate which itself doesn't weigh that much but it's#still weight) 2. he travels all of hisui by foot at least most of the time. we see that there are carts(?) that the guild members can ride#in that are pulled by pokemon so they don't have to walk those long distances all the time. volo is a loner within the guild somewhat#he's usually seen doing his own thing and checking out ruins and other things of his interest and only halfheartedly attends to his job as#a merchant. in order for him to do that period he would have to act alone and travel of his own accord bc the guild certainly wouldn't#allow it. you can also explicitly see in his concept art of him in his arceus outfit that he has /really/ big thighs which‚ like‚ no duh#and 3. THIS IS /HISUI/. these are times still long in the past! it'd be a miracle for any adult to be scarless given how dangerous those#times were. and again i reiterate: volo travels mostly /on his own/ he at least a lot of the time has no one but himself and his pokemon#to defend him and at the time we meet him a he has but only a single baby togepi! i honestly just have the firm belief of gamefreak being#a coward. i wouldn't really think that if gaeric and fucking /irida/ didn't look like twigs despite living in a place that has constant sub#zero temperatures. WHERE IS THEIR FAT? WHY DO THEY LOOK LEAN? GAMEFREAK HAS SHOWN THAT THEY CAN MAKE FAT/BUFF CHARACTERS. WHAT HAPPENED#you: it's literally pokemon‚ my guy. me: ←struggles to have a suspension of disbelief bc i have a hard time comprehending things that don't#make sense#edit: first mention of stocked w/ supplies i meant selling stock not personal
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