#I don't think these are spicy enough to be against the rules...
cookierunauprompts · 8 months
Requested by @deirdredeity (I accidentally deleted the og ask because tumblr was being fussy) :
OMG?? 🤯🤯 whattttt omgggg fuck being an anon I’m the one who requested the flustered reader shi (mmm was an anon bcz I didn’t wanna embarrass myself but whatever) omg dayumm you went crazy with it and I’m more than satisfied 😍 you always EAT (get it? haha.. eat.. and shadow milk.. haha) I love it tysm ❤️❤️ glad that I didn’t accidentally break a rule hehe.. we love girlboss girlfailures in here 😘 didn’t expect it to be that spicy but nevertheless I am GLAD ty for this juicy piece also you said currently he’s sealed so continuation where bro is UNsealed? 🤯🫣 (jk don’t take me too seriously I have a mental age of 5 jokes aside thank you i really appreciate it, it turned out super well way beyond expectations I was expecting like a few pickup lines or smooches but definitely not this it blew me out of the water hard tytytyty ily❤️)
Alright bet I get to go crazy again
Requested Prompts #43 - 💓
There's a ringing in your ears, what the hell happened? You just wanted to take a nap... yet it feels like you were in a dome of glass that just shattered. You can feel a poking against your cheek, it's something large, metalic and- wait. You crack open your eyes, just enough to see the intimidating form of Silent Salt staring you down. You're lucky that the beasts consider you... actually, you don't know what they really think of you. Do they think you're their pet? Their friend? a Frenemy? Well, either way you were their warden. " Silent Salt...?" You groan, pushing yourself up from the ground. Silent Salt says nothing, merely just pointing a ways in front of you to- ... hold on, WHAT THE FUCK??? " THE SEAL???" You exclaim, looking at the humongous crack in the realm of the seal. It pulsed with a blue, shadowy energy, which could only mean that Shadow Milk had escaped. And that was bad, very bad, because it meant that you were failing at your job. And... with how big that crack was you doubted that Elder Faerie was on the outside trying to wrangle Shadow Milk back into the seal... Meaning that you had to go outside to get him back in, but doing so would leave the other beasts unattended. Either way, you're failing at your job. So what choice do you really have? You look back at Silent Salt. " Uh... thanks for letting me know?" You said to him, to which earned you a thumbs up in response. You quickly pondered on your choice before looking back to Silent Salt. " Try not to escape while I'm gone, I don't want to double fail at my job." You tell him before running off towards the crack in the seal.
As you expected, everything was chaos. Possessed faerie cookies lingered, danced, and fooled around all around you. There were quite a few things that were on fire and the echoes of twisted laughter almost mocked you as you steeled yourself. None of them were who you were looking for despite the resemblance he'd dressed them up in. " Dammit... where would he go if he got out on his own?" You muttered to yourself as you looked around. Fortunately, you could narrow it down to a few places, unfortunately you realized that you are but one cookie. You cannot traverse the entirety of Beast Yeast in just a few minutes or so, it'd take you a few days realistically and by then all the other beasts would have likely gotten out! Were you really fucked no matter what? Probably. You took a deep breath, if anything he'd probably be in some kind of gigantic theater- Well wouldn't you know, there's a gigantic theater right over there that's just oozing with Shadow Milk's aura. There was no way he wouldn't be there, and so that's where you'd go. Hopefully you'd be able to drag him back to the seal.
Shadow Milk watched as those pesky little heroes ran about, celebrating as if they'd truly won. Those poor, ignorant fools! They really thought that they'd actually sealed him away in the tree again? They'd been running around in his silly little maze ever since he'd taken hold of the new half-a-cookie guardian's little friends! It was honestly quite pathetic how they hadn't realized they'd been tricked into a false sense of security, he was literally the beast of deceit! Everyone's most beloved Trickster! Tricking them into this just felt too... easy, too boring. He could try his hand at getting Silly-Vanilly to chop down the tree, all he has to do is show him the truth! And why wouldn't he want to know the truth if he embodied it? Unless he was willing to live in a lie... then he was much farther from the Truth than Shadow Milk thought- His train of thought was interrupted when the doors of his theater of lies swung open. " Hm?" That was... odd. Elder Faerie certainly shouldn't be alive, White Lily and co are stuck in his maze of deceit, so then who...? There you stood, looking quite peeved off if he had to say so himself. " Oh! Little Warden, how thrilling that you've come to make an appearance!" He chirped, casting his view of the maze to the side. The maze could wait, his little warden was here! " Shadow Milk Cookie!" You called out, pointing at him accusingly. " You will return to the great seal immediately! And that is an order from the Warden of the Seal!" You commanded him, don't mind the quick pov switch but it was frustrating enough that Shadow Milk escaped in the first place, and now he had the audacity to give you such a smug grin in reply? " Oh Little Warden..." Shadow Milk began, laying on his stomach as he rested his chin on the back of his hand. " It's so so so cute that you think that you can order me around like that~! I'm a free cookie now, and that means that I can do whatever I want again~!" He chirped with a flourish of his free hand, you could see the excited mania dancing in his eyes, you couldn't allow this to stand. " Okay, but you haven't actually earned your freedom at all. You just waited until the seal was weak enough so you could break out!" You retorted, which may have been the wrong thing to say judging by the way his grin dropped for a moment. He soon broke out into a maniacal cackle, seeming to have found your words hilarious. " Ehe he he ha ha hah! Sure, I may have done that, but does it really matter?" He teased, reaching out a clawed hand and picking you up by the edge of your cloak. You shrieked as you were hoisted into the air, you didn't have the protection of the seal that kept you from crumbling while in the real world, so your life was in a lot more danger here. " Ack- Put me down! Or at the very least hold me properly!" You protest as you squirm in place, you feel a shudder run through your dough as the beast before you lets out a low, rumbling chuckle.
" And why should I? You adorable little morsel~" He purrs, flipping you around in his hand so that you were laying on your back on his palm instead of dangling in the air. God fucking dammit, he was doing this again. He knows every, single, god damn weak spot of yours and by god does he abuse them frequently, mainly because they mostly relate to him. " You-!!" You protest, quickly shutting up when you feel his breath wash over you like a wave of hot air. And the way he's looking at you is already making you weak- No, you have to stay strong. " You know..." You hear him begin and fuck when did he get so close? There's a certain glint in his eyes, one that both intrigues you and makes you fear for your life. " I never really got a taste of you like I wanted to... Care to let me just have one little bite? Or maybe just a taste... either would be fine~" He teased with the low, stupidly sexy voice of his. You could already feel his lips at the tips of your little cookie feet, ready to open and swallow them whole if you let him. You could already feel your face turning cherry red, and you knew that he could see it judging by the slight excitement that made itself known in his eyes. You felt tempted to indulge him, but you also didn't want to lose your feet... But maybe he'd go back to the seal? No, he wouldn't... Would he? Or maybe he won't just go for your feet, he's teased you multiple times about gobbling you up in one bite. So if you give him this will he just... eat you? Apparently, you took too long to decide. You felt something moist and blue against your arm, a semi-satisfied hum creeping out of the beast holding you captive. " Mmn... I was right, you really are a sweet little treat. One that I can have all to myself~" Shadow Milk purred, his face looming over you as he left you to process what he'd done. You were in for a long ride, weren't you?
AUGHIJBSGHGKSHG I CAN'T, I CAN'T WRITE ANYMORE/lh Shadow milk... you bastard why must you make me FEEL THINGS????
but, uh, i hope you enjoyed and if anyone wants to continue this then PLEASE.
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 9 months
To say the whump community hates women characters is so cynical and unfair. Have you considered most of us are women and just not interested in hurting our own? like congrats if that's your deal, but let's not act like there's misogyny at play here.
So being a fellow female survivor of assault, why is it that we have separate tags for lady whump stuff? "Well, because women in DV situations can be too close to home", extremely fair point, I can more than sympathize with that. But then why don't we have an unspoken-rule-type tag for male whump? Why is "whump" in general entirely assumed to be male characters and male dominated? Because it's expected, because most of these women in the whump community love hurting their lil gay bois? We decree violence against women only to turn around giggling with our friends about taking a 12 gauge shotgun to a twink's knees so he has to crawl?
No one said she even had to be a whumpee. She can be a whumper, a carewhumper, a caretaker, a random side character. She can be a mom or a sister or a spouse or a childhood best friend. The problem is she doesn't exist at all. She doesn't get to be the victim or the hero or the villain because she's not appealing enough. I read male whump when I wanna feel spicy, I read female whump when I wanna relate. I want to see the same girl I was, broken and abused, I wanna see her rise to the top, I wanna see her take it too far, I wanna see justice delivered in the bloodiest form, I wanna simp over a bad bitch who would seduce me in a night club with a tight black dress and leave me in an ice bath in the morning.
In a community with 98% male OCs, I think we can spare a crumb for more women who are weak or cruel or kind. Just make more women in general.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
Arcade Carpet and Totally Chill, Nothing Can Prove Otherwise with Dealer's Choice :3
object + emotion prompt list here! send some in!
18. Arcade carpet
4. Totally Chill, Nothing Can Prove Otherwise
"Sir," said the tiny fancy boy at the prize counter, "are you using wizardly magicks to make the funky fresh carpet pattern into penises?"
The air was rich with the smell of sweat and obtrusively smelling cleaning products. Taako had been on shift for exactly four hours so far and it was not getting any better. It wasn't getting any worse, either, but who could say what would come next? The lights were just as flashy and headache-y as usual. Taako had snuck to the sound booth (read: the computer that controlled all the music that had a neon label that said SOUND BOOTH) and lowered the music to a reasonable level, but some godly power had turned it right back up.
Honestly, who could blame him for having a little fun? The worst day at a children's arcade was better than the best day at a court-ordered anger management class. Or however that saying went. He usually wouldn't revert to messing with the decor until about five hours into his shift, but he was feeling a little spicy today.
Plus, it's not like anyone could prove it was him.
"Nah," Taako said, leaning against the counter. "It's always been like that."
"It— it hasn't," the fancy boy says. He's got a light-up wand that he got from Taako's counter earlier. He'd been in here for an hour or so already, methodically going around the building and figuring out how to get the most tickets. He'd already come up to Taako four times to ask about game mechanics. "It was triangles and circles before."
"Mmmmh, nope," Taako said. "It's always been dicks."
The fancy boy frowned, looking at the carpet again. He took a few steps back towards the gaming area and then stopped.
"No, sir, it stops here," he said. "It's— it's very clearly not penises from this point onward— oh, well, now this is just rude, sir."
The floor magicked back to normal, except for about a two-foot circle around the fancy boy. When he took a step, the far superior, expertly crafted pattern followed him like a shadow. He scurried back up to the prize counter, a scrutinizing look on his face. He then glanced over his shoulder, as if someone might be watching their interaction. Honestly, Taako figured that if someone was spying and able to hear over the suddenly deep chorus of Fireflies by Fantasy Owl City, they deserved to hear every word.
But the fancy boy seemed to think the coast was clear. He leaned over the counter and said, in a low voice,
"Is magic not banned in here?"
"Read the sign, kid," Taako said, pointing the the sign above his head that read "NO MAGICKS ALLOWED IN THE ADVENTURE ZONE©." In smaller text, below it, it read, "for full Adventure Zone© magic related rules and services, please see one of our friendly PARTY MEMBERS for details."
"Yeah, but you just did magic," the fancy boy said. "So there's no like, barrier or runes to stop magic use inside the building."
Taako liked the turn this was taking. He raised his eyebrows at the fancy boy.
"You could say," he said. "And why, pray tell, are you asking?"
"Well," the fancy boy said. "If I pay the games the normal, non-magical way, it'll take me approximately nine hours to get enough tickets for the detective kit you have on the wall."
The fancy boy pointed at the wall of prizes. Near the very top, above the long plush snakes and the bin of Hot Wheels, a shiny play-pretend detectives kit was sitting, priced at 14,000 tickets, which was truly absurd.
"Only, I don't have nine hours, sir," the fancy boy said. "And frankly, I don't have the pocket money for five hours. So if, maybe, we could turn a blind eye to the rule— which seems very important and I respect that— then I could be out of here in about, uhm! Thirty minutes, tops. And then you don't have to deal with me and the birthday party that's about to start."
Both of them looked at the mom trying to wrangle her excited child through the doorway. The child had a pin on that said "BIRTHDAY GIRL". She looked like a feral cat.
"That's a tempting offer, little man," Taako said. He glanced around. No one was gonna come up to the prize counter any time soon. These kids were too sugar-powered to care about anything more than beating each other in stupid arcade games for babies. "You get me one of those fucked up bears—" Taako pointed at the wall behind him once more. Slightly below the detective kit was a poor attempt at a teddy bear, which looked more like a failed demon exorcism. "And we've got a deal."
"Deal," the fancy boy said, holding out his hand. "It's nice doing business with you Mr…" he squinted at Taako's name tag. "Tay-co?"
"You never pronounce my name like that again and we're good to go, kid."
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6okuto · 1 year
idk if ur reqs are open but I would love to hear your thoughts on Vere 👁️👁️ hes literally dominated my entire headspace I can’t go ten minutes w/o thinking ab how I want to bite his forearm
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gn!reader | back 2 knocking these guys out of the park. also i realized these are shorter than my hq bf hcs so. if anyone wants a pt.2 for anybody.. u know what to do
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i think u Should bite his arm. For Fun. vere w bite-y partner who he bites back. 'gently' considering he has fangs though
congratulations on being one of 2 people he'd let touch and brush his tail. sometimes he swishes it against your face and then pretends he didn't. "i have no idea what you're talking about," he says before making direct eye contact and doing it again
he likes drawing. ok. have we considered him drawing you. you ask him about it and he says he won't show you. you tease him and ask "what? did you draw sparkles and hearts surrounding me?" and he plays along, "yes, i even checked what i'd look like with your last name and drew us kissing."
It's actually quite a nice sketch of you though. like of you smiling or asleep or something because you fell aslep near him. oh man...
vere knows all the ins and outs of the city which means he can give you a personalized tour that caters to all your interests!! you can ask him to take you to his favourite spots too of course but he feels very accomplished watching you grin in the store he purposely walked by
shocked if you get him a gift. acts nonchalant and is good enough at accepting things but internally, especially if it's something he's been eyeing for a while or has sentimental value,, he . He....
like yeah okay vere...act all cool...as if your eyes don't flicker over whenever you walk past it...as if you don't catch yourself smiling subconsciously...whatever
definitely tries cooking your favourite meal. doesn't go very well, especially if it's something he's never had, but he'll keep practicing until he makes something decent. don't ask how many attempts he did because he won't tell you unless he somehow started a fire and even Then the truth is debatable
if YOU know how to cook it Please for the love of god teach him, or write down the recipe for both your sakes. for the kitchen. plea
everyone tells him/the both of you to shut the hell up whenever you start flirting back and forth/competing to see how many innuendos you can feasibly say. the both of you team up only to bully everyone else for being single before continuing
asshole if you played uno. i'm not competitive nor do i give two shits if i lose at uno but even i would lose it watching vere push for whatever stacking rule he needs to get someone a +20. watch your cards or he'll manage to look over at them. do not trust a single deal he tries. watch his ears and tail i'm sure he has a tell
really good at helping build confidence . what ais said about him being honest but also not trusting anything he says yeah well this is when he'd be completely honest. easily reminds you how capable you are of something, knows what makes you confident, etc etc. and you just ? know you can trust him? it's the vibe. how he says it so plainly as if it's obvious
don't try to lie to him about things. like if you're upset about something it is So obvious to him no matter how hard you try and he'd really appreciate it if you would tell him why or ask to talk about it later when you're ready.
^ as someone who wants to piss her pants at the thought of being direct or whatever,, he'd also be very good at knowing when to push or not. if you respond better to a lighter/gentle reminder i'm sure he would do so :heart:
i have a feeling this guy would be incredibly incredibly incredibly into you asking to post him on any socmed. do you want his face in it. do you want it to be a little spicy. should he pose. actually he probably pouts a little if you want a faceless pose but bro why does it matter if there is not a cm of space between us. why is your hand around my neck rn /lh You know the poses
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hrodvitnon · 7 months
Well, the Isa fic got sad, I got 100% achievements on Xbox, the Steam and Switch versions are tempting me like crazy... time for some Copium. Who wants a new fic preview!? This one's set after First and Only, so it's going to get spicy~
They're testing boundaries together, and no matter how addled their brains get with such honeymoon behavior they still summon the cognizance to ask each other, "Is this okay?" or enforce rules like, "Tell me to stop if you're uncomfortable."
And Ariane is never uncomfortable with Elster, but every now and then she needs to tap out because it veers dangerously close to overwhelming when she's pinned to a wall, their lips locked and tongues tentatively learning to dance, Elster's powerful body pressing into hers...
And that's before teeth get involved.  Ariane fucking loves it when her neck is marked by Elster's lips and tongue and teeth.  Every bite elicits an exhale that carries hints of a moan, and Ariane eggs her on in any way she can – clawing her fingers up and down Elster's strong back, grabbing her hair, even sliding her leg up an outer thigh. 
Elster's shell is hot under her fingers, and if Ariane were in her right mind she would find that unusual because the Replika's body temperature varies between cool and warm depending on how much work's been done, but she's never felt hot to the touch until now.  Ariane's clothes stick to her body and a thin sheen of sweat forms on her exposed skin; Elster's making noises, little huffs and grunts, flexing her body as if trying to shrug something off, and that just makes her abdomen rub against Ariane in a way that makes her mewl.
"Ariane... wait a minute," she husks with a roughness that nearly causes the Gestalt's knees to buckle.
Ariane's about to ask if she's alright when Elster pulls away enough for them to properly see one another, and the words die in her mouth with a whimper.  The hallway's dim lighting makes those eyes do that thing where the red pupils shine like the eyes of a dangerous creature, and not helping matters at all is the puffs of actual steam emanating from her mouth with each labored breath.  The musculature under that armor plating is tensed, bulging with effort.
It's the hottest thing Ariane has ever seen.
Elster pushes herself away and blows steam off to the side as if she'd taken a drag from a cigarette.  The unexpected arousal slips to the side of Ariane's mind and concern takes over.
"That's never happened before," she points out.
"Are you okay?  Did I touch something I'm not supposed to?  We can set up like a 'no touch zone' if you want!"
"No, no, I just... I need to cool down. Overheating."
"I didn't know Replikas could overheat."
"We can, same as Gestalts.  We need an internal temperature to function.  Think of it like, warming up an engine on a cold day so it doesn't stall.  I might need a cycle in the calibration pod just to be safe."
Ariane nods along.  "That makes sense.  But what caused it?  As far as I know, ship maintenance isn't exactly strenuous..."
Elster looks like she has an idea but doesn't feel her hypothesis is appropriate to say out loud, which is only giving Ariane ideas.  Instead she opts for rolling and flexing her body like before, maybe trying to discern some unknown itch, but it's terribly distracting for Ariane, whose legs turn to jelly and ends up sliding down the wall at the sight of those abdominal muscles at work.
Elster chuffs.  "Wow.  Are you okay?"
"You," Ariane points at her accusingly, "are too hot for your own good."
"I am steaming right now."
"Shut the fuck—!" Ariane laughs, long and loopy.  "Elster Five-One-Two, you absolute dork – I swear to multiple religions censored by the State, and I don't care if it's treason or heresy or whatever, but holy risen mother of god does the mere sight of you do things to me."
Elster ducks her head with a crooked smile.  "I hope those things are good."
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transpersian · 10 months
Poppy and SFW Spaces - Part 2: About that time that Poppy posted lewd furry art in a SFW channel...
The last time this came up, I didn't want to overwhelm what was already a big post, but now that this is coming up again, it's reminded me to post the follow-up conversation from the server.
Because you know that there was a follow-up conversation.
Two server members spoke up about how uncomfortable the post made them.
Poppy has a conversation where she disagrees in a troubling way, then steps aside to allow for a mod to handle the disagreement (to avoid conflicts of interest).
Saige, who Poppy has disclosed on-stream that she is an FP for, stepped in to essentially parrot whatever Poppy had said (to, you know, avoid conflicts of interest).
First off, I want to make it clear that Saige is in an entirely impossible situation. Please do not attack or judge her for her place in this situation. Instead, look at it my way: as proof of what nearly a year under Poppy's control will do to you.
I'm feeling spicy and like digging into something, so here's Poppy telling a minor that they're wrong for feeling uncomfortable over her shoving her fursona's sexually posed, barely clothed ass in their faces.
Then we're going to talk about their server rules and how the subject of minors and NSFW content is handled. I'm going to properly dig in here, so strap in [EDIT: we're at over 2100 words, so I'm serious].
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The offending post and the initial response. Note how hard both of these people are trying to not piss anyone off.
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So... a few things.
Note the immediate defensiveness and invalidation. Describing what's clearly erotic art as "cute."
"I don't find those particularly spicy." The minors do, though
"They aren't actually showing anything so to me they are mostly just risque." IF IT'S RISQUE THEN WHY ARE YOU SHOWING IT TO MINORS
"There are even more explicit versions and I didn't post those, so that makes these fine." You can use relativity to justify anything. This is not a real argument. Pro tip: always be cautious of relativity when it's being used to argue against your feelings.
"We get into stuff that's NSFW on our streams and we don't restrict that." I'm pretty sure this isn't the own you think it is, Poppy. This is you telling on yourself.
And then...
"we expect people who come there to be mature, the same is true about the server"
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I... hm.
Poppy (and Zena, #nozzerasure)...
1. Why do you expect people who come to your streams to be mature?
YOU HAVE LITERALLY NO CONTROL OVER THAT. It's a mental health political drama channel that gets suggested to people who watch similar content. If the statistics you shared a while back are still true, less than 2% of your audience is minors, but that's who marking your channel as mature is for.
Even ignoring the barely censored lewd art for now, you discuss a lot of really adult topics on your streams. These are the rules for a reason, Poppy, and you don't get to decide that they just don't apply to you. IF YOUR CHANNEL IS FOCUSED ON ADULT TOPICS YOU MARK IT AS "MATURE." FULL STOP.
You have ZERO CONTROL over who wanders into your channel. It isn't your decision as to whether your videos show up in front of minors. You are fucking wrong here.
Fix it, or leave it as more evidence of how little you actually care about protecting minors from adult content.
2. Why do you expect people who come to your server to be mature?
You explicitly position it as a place for vulnerable, traumatized, mentally ill, BPD (etc) queer people to go. You have stated that you want your community to be a safe place for the people from Lily Orchard's community to go once they're out. You know that that community contains a lot of minors, many of whom are there for content about cartoons. Why are you outright assuming that these people are mature enough to handle this content? Because if that was really a major priority for you, Poppy, I would think that the absurdly low bar of DON'T SHARE YOUR FUCKING LEWD ART IN SPACES WITH MINORS would be one you'd gladly clear to make sure that those people were entering a safe, friendly, non-sexualized space. You know, because a major problem with LO is her being unable to keep her fetishes and sexuality out of minor-inclusive spaces. I've been researching some things recently and you'd be surprised how deep the parallels go.
And on one last note about this one, I think it's really funny that Poppy tried to act like the other sections of the server are some big secret. "What separate area" come on, now. lol
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It's weird how she can't just wrap her head around the simple idea of not showing NSFW art in minor-inclusive spaces. This isn't a debate stream, Poppy. Where are you trying to take this conversation?
I do love how the other person calls out the problem with relativity right there. Hell yeah. Just because Hollywood's decided that that's okay to put on TV doesn't mean that I use it as a barometer to dictate what I think is appropriate. Poppy should know better than to use that as an excuse.
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Saige moderates!
First off, I want to reiterate and stress that Saige is in an entirely impossible situation. Note how she's basically just agreeing with Poppy. I was torn on whether to include who this mod is, but the context of her relationship with them is important to show just how much of a conflict of interest this is. Having your BPD partner, who you are an FP for, be a mod for situations like this?
What was that about conflicts of interest, Poppy? Why is Saige moderating your conflicts on the server, as a mod?
Can you imagine, as a person with BPD, being put in the position to moderate disagreements over your FP's inappropriate posts in the server that she owns?
Looking at these as Poppy's talking points because I don't trust that they didn't discuss this behind the scenes before Saige posted her "verdict."
1. "This isn't harmful for minors to see."
According to who?
2. "On this server, we don't shy away from difficult interactions."
This is pure, basic Foundation propaganda (Poppaganda, heh). They say this, but all you have to do is look at the receipts for my interactions with them to see just how good they are at dealing with conflict. "But that was personally in dating" yes, I know, but believe me, it goes far beyond that. It's just how they handle their personal affairs. I've seen and have extensive evidence for it, I just can't share it yet.
3. "You are responsible to some degree for managing your interactions with an environment."
This is one of those abuses of therapy-speak. Poppy and Zena have been increasingly weaponizing certain definitions, particularly the notion of "boundaries." While boundaries are by definition things that you can state will be your response to specific actions and circumstances, you only have to look at Poppy's Twitter right now to see how that works out in practice.
So what kind of expectations do PZ create for this environment?
Well, what is "Safe" versus the other categories, anyway?
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Okay. Not explicitly for minors, fair enough. But let's check their server rules.
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Solid start. What does that link to?
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Oh, okay. Let's go over these.
1) No minors in NSFW areas.
Serves to assume that no NSFW content is allowed in SFW spaces. Oh wait. About that first part.
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And while one can assume that the person can still be locked out of chats that are specifically NSFW, this area of the server is a space where more NSFW conversations take place, including in VCs (which they clearly are, seeing as they're actively involved in the "reply to voice" chat in the background). There's no avoiding that unless the rules of the space itself change.
Oh wait. Also. About that second part. There's plenty in my previous post, but here's another fun one from last year that someone sent me today.
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Maybe they changed the header in the year since, but uh... yeah. It's still in Safe, where there are minors. To be fair, the images were spoilered, but uh... yeah. Again, this is in the "Safe," minors-present category.
2) People 23 and older can't act inappropriately towards minors. Check age roles to see if this is okay.
This comes across as weird for number of reasons. For one, this isn't something that should just apply to minors and 23+; anyone who feels uncomfortable with an interaction should be reporting it to the mods.
For another, while it makes sense to warn people that there are minors in the server and to mind themselves accordingly, why is the age gap specified like that? Why does it make a difference if they're 23 or 20? If they're making a minor uncomfortable, it's a problem!
I could say more, but it's just... weird.
As for 3...
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I want to first talk about that last bit because I know she'll be offended at the very suggestion that it isn't true; I truly do believe that Poppy believes that this is true. Unfortunately, wanting to do something and believing you do something and actually doing that thing are very different things.
But let's talk about this age difference thing again.
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Take a moment and think about this: whose perspective is this from?
At what point does someone start "considering the power dynamics in the age difference" when they're interacting with a 22 year old? Maybe it's something to consider if you're over 30, but I wouldn't blink at a 24 year old dating a 20 year old.
So whose perspective(s) (#nozzerasure) are the age-based categorizations of "old enough to date question mark" designed for?
Their stance on TWs/CWs
One last thing that I thought was curious...
They specifically have a section of their rules that discusses trigger/content warnings. This is what it says:
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Notice how the two things that are marked as things that should be spoilered are violence and actual spoilers for media.
Most servers I've seen either have NSFW stuff specifically sequestered to NSFW spaces, or they spoil NSFW stuff. Why wouldn't this server do that?
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Oh. Right.
So what's my point?
What's all of this ultimately mean?
Firstly, I need to stress how NONE OF THIS IS EVIDENCE OF POPPY PURSUING MINORS IN "THAT" WAY. While her behavior is certainly concerning and inappropriate, I will not abide by any p*do-jacketing. If you're making any accusations like that, you'd better be bringing evidence, or at least a testimony.
Mainly, what this points to is a troubling pattern of behavior as far as her understanding of appropriate boundaries around sexual content. This directly impacts her ability to create truly SFW safe spaces for minors, especially minors who are emotionally/psychologically vulnerable or seeking refuge from sexually charged spaces.
Some of them may like being treated like adults, but that's not the point. The point is that it's not up to them. These are the rules for a reason.
Poppy, you may not believe that the rules should be this way, but please stop being so fucking stubborn. You're endangering minors with this behavior. All people are asking of you on this front is to be more restrained with your sexual stuff (including the "risque" stuff) in spaces where there are minors present.
Just exercise a little bit of self-control for the sake of making your server the safe space that you work so hard to convince people (including minors) that it is.
"Safe is only for friendly conversations about up to PG-13 topics."
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karmagisa2024 · 1 year
Hey! So at least thirty people wanted more Karmagisa content (from me or just in general) so here we go!
Karmagisa week will take place from 7/16/23 to 7/22/23.
Here are the Prompts:
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Explanation of prompts, if needed.
Anniversary/Special Day - Any day you can think of. Maybe their one week anniversary? The day they first met? The day they first kissed? Any day you can think of.
Fire and Ice - Powers, metaphors, representations, whatever you want. Focus on one, or do both! MHA AU? Why not? I mean, or you can save that for AU day. XD
AU Day - Crossovers, Shuu in 3E, Karma in 3A, Ghost!Karma, whatever you want! Go crazy.
Pranks and Punishment - Most might think this feels like both are Karma, but I challenge you to consider what sort of punishment Nagisa could come up with were he angry enough. Or this can be some sort of revenge plot against someone that'd done them wrong. Either way, have fun!
Holiday/Birthday - Nagisa's birthday! Feel free to celebrate Nagisa only today, but in case you want to do Karmagisa, you can pick literally any holiday to write about. Including birthdays! Might as well be a holiday, right? staring at Karma
Angels and Demons - On the shoulder? In an AU? Maybe one of them is an angel? Maybe one of them is a demon? Maybe both of them? Maybe they fight one? Go nuts!
Free Day - The sky's the limit!
Be nice and respectful of submissions and others!
Be nice and respectful of the characters! (Referring to the feminization of Nagisa mostly... please don't do it.)
All submissions accepted! Art, fanfics, edits, long drawn out letters of how Karmagisa saved your life, you know, whatever. 😉
All submissions must credit the original artist, unless you are the original artist. Actually, especially if you're the original artist. You deserve credit too!
Feel free to submit them to any platform, but just know that unless you reach out to me on Tumblr first, there's a high chance I won't find them... 😅 Use the tag #karmagisa2023. There's another Karmagisa week using karmagisaweek2023 already, so please mind the difference so I know you mean it for me.
No NSFW, but feel free to get a little spicy... But please focus mostly on the fluff, okay?
And if you have questions, reach out to my main blog @solarsavoy.
Looking forward to seeing what everyone makes! And just so you know, I plan on participating every day. 😁Just please don't let me be alone. I'm hungry for more content too, more than just what I can make. Love you guys!
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yonderghostshistories · 5 months
I'm planning on starting that MP Regency AU fanfiction! What should I include? (U, PG and 18+ suggestions are all welcome!)
Ok uhh here's my suggestions!! :
-All (well technically 3) the Pythons have a really specific kinda Regency royal/heir-like title/nicknames to them based on where they were born (i.e some random examples; John Cleese, Earl of Weston-super-Mare, Captain/Admiral/General Graham Chapman, Duke of Leicester, Terry "Jonesy" Jones, Baron of Colywn Bay of North Wales). Then you have Vicar Michael Palin (of Sheffield), Baron Terry Gilliam from Paris, France (he says he's a Baron but the others don't really believe him and thinks he's really a phony or something lol), and self proclaimed "Maestro" Eric Idle (from the local Cheshire pub). Then you also have Stableboy Neil (Innes)/Neil the humble Stableboy, Countess Carol Cleveland and Countess Connie Booth (in this AU, Connie is Carol's older half-sister/cousin) of London, Lieutenant David Sherlock (Gray's second-in-command in the army, and also love interest but pretends to just "be friends" so to not make people suspicious about their relationship with eachother, etc!
-Gray is both a highly respected army official by day (at work technically), and a promiscuously gay playboy by night (when he has the time off doing the army business). He smokes alot too.
-Jonesy ends up with Regency era Denise Coffey and learns that she's not as "bad" as anyone makes her out to be. She's considered"bad" because she's apparently "too common" to fit with society. In other words, society thinks she's "too unattractively normal" to be considered pretty, to which she politely says bullshit to :).
-John and Gray are childhood best friends with eachother. Michael and Jonesy are also childhood best friends with eachother. Eric and Terry tags along as well.
-John becomes instantly uhh "emo" and tragic and moody and cold because of his recent breakup with his (ex-)fiancé Connie, even though they just broke up since almost a week ago. He mopes about it all the bloody time that even his friends start to get annoyed by it all, and it makes even his own sappy poetry look like decent stuff.
-Eric and Neil meet up at the weekends to play as a musical duo at the local Cheshire pub. Eric is, ofc, sorta homeless, meaning he has to to stay over at Neil's cottage house but also stay at the local taverns until he has to pay rent.....but mostly he chills out at Neil's house.
-Eric gets a "rags to riches" kinda story where, with the help of Gray who just so happen to be at the local Cheshire pub to "meet a special friend of his" (which is ofc David) in which Gray overhears the pretty good singing, he agrees to hire Eric as his servant and give him a permanent place to stay and enough money to live by. Eric is ecstatic ofc!
-Michael is a kind and innocent vicar, a follower of god, but he's a bit horny too! He particularly has a crush on a nice and kind woman called Helena (who runs the local bookshop in the town). Mike has the hots for Helen but knows he can't actually ask her out due to him being religious and stuff and it apparently going against the rules to marry whilst preaching about god or something. However, he tries to get around this by starting out slow, via becoming companions with Helena by helping her with the bookshop part-time. It all seems going to plan. However, things start to get a bit too *spicy* when Michael accidentally sees Helena in her regency era undergarments (which is a "stay"-kinda undergarment) just as she was about to get unchanged. As if it couldn't get any worse, the stunned Michael commits the greatest sin he has ever committed.......he sees a bit of her bare back. That alone is enough to make Michael faint. Helena, being the good and understanding friend she is, helps Michael get back to life and takes care of the poor soul. Michael is grateful for Helena helping him, but feels guilty for seeing her like that. Helena tells him that it's ok and that it was an accident at the end of the day. Michael smiles, and out of the repressed passion he held back for all these years, he slowly cups her face and begins kissing Helena, and Helena, at first surprised, is then quickly eased and understands and kisses back Michael. Michael and Helena then have the most excruciatingly passionate sex that night, and both are left satisfied.
-Gray meets David in an abandoned farmhouse, and they both announce their feelings for one another, and they both kiss passionately and uhh have the most beautiful gay sex one could ever hope.
-There's alot of "characters running through the moors" whenever the character starts a new relationship, romantic or platonic.
-Gray wakes up naked every morning after each promiscuous affair.
-Terry the Parisian Artist develops a romance with the ""weird"" woman who runs the tailoring clothes shop, Ms Margret "Maggie" Weston. Terry & Maggie bond over their shared weirdness and love for absurdities in life.
-John and Connie began an (almost) lifelong romance (before they broke up) when they were young teenagers of about 16/15 at a ball one night. From there on, they hit it off with each other pretty well. The young John and Connie then sneakily exited from the ballroom, then they snuck out and playfully ran to the garden maze and then snogged each other all night long.
-The Pythons and Co go to a regency era fairground/carnival and have a lovely, fun time there. They also get to ride on the merry-go-round on the merry-go-round horses!
Uhh hope you enjoyed the ideas I gave! Let me know which of the ideas is your favourite and why? I absolutely can't wait to read it!!
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kyokutsu-sama · 2 years
Well, I think this man needs a little more attention from me as I don't write much about him and I've been thinking of dedicating something to him❤️
So here's something pretty spicy for him ⬇️
Imagine : Byakuya x reader
Tw: Smut
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The handsome and noble Byakuya Kuchiki is a man who took his duty very seriously and always followed the rules and laws without a second thought. Discipline is his middle name and he makes sure you act with the same discipline as him but you liked to step out of line sometimes just so he could punish you later.
Well, you asked for a punishment and now here you are lying in his bed with your hands tied by ropes behind your back. You felt his presence behind you, his strong hand grabbed the back of your neck and lifted you off the mattress. His lips brushed the skin of your neck, he ran his tongue over your skin until he reached your earlobe. You could feel his heavy breathing and it made you shiver.
"You broke the rules Y/n"
"So is this revenge ?"
"No, these are the consequences of your mistakes"- he said lightly squeezing the back of your neck
He put your head back on the mattress and lifted your hips keeping them upright.
He caressed your buttocks and squeezed your flesh marking it lightly before slapping it. You moaned as you felt his hands slapping your skin over and over again, you could imagine your skin covered in marks from his hands. He squeezed your flesh again before running one of his hands down your folds and making up and down movements with his fingers. You were dripping on his fingers and onto the sheets of the bed, your arousal building higher and higher when he touched you.
"Don't tell me you're already dripping with just a few slaps ? "- he said as he penetrated his fingers deep into you
You moaned his name loudly after he began to accelerate his movements in and out of you with his fingers. You twisted your wrists a little which were tied behind your back but his other hand held them.
"Don't even think about it, behave yourself y/n, you are under my command and follow my orders"- he said with an authoritative tone
His tight grip was enough to lock your wrists as his fingers continued to slide in and out of you. His hand dropped your wrists and started stroking your clit making you tilt your head back. Your body was starting to show signs that you was close to the peack, you couldn't hold on to something to relieve that heat from being tied up, you could only moan more and more.
"Don't come yet"- he ordered
He penetrated a third finger inside you and you rolled your eyes trying to hold back as much as possible not to come but it seemed so difficult. Your body was burning, his fingers worked quickly in and out of you.
"Byakuya… please let me come"- you begged
He liked to see you so submissive to him and as you had begged so well he let you come. His fingers came out of you completely wet, there were small threads that connected his fingers to your folds and that ran down your thighs. He reached down and placed wet kisses on your slits, licking the cum that dripped from you, you moaned as he sucked your overstimulated clit. He got up and licked the fingers that had been inside you. He lowering the hakama and taking his dick and rubbing it through your slit.
"I hope you're ready because I'm not going to be kind"- he said close to your ear
Your body shivered with his words and then he put his hands on your hips again opening your legs more for him. He grabbed his dick and put it deep inside you making you to tip your head back and roll your eyes. You got what you wanted, you wanted to be punished and fucked by that man until you forgot your own name. The flesh of your hips burned in his hands, he really made a point of marking you well so you don't forget to be a good girl. His pelvis slammed against you as his cock thrust in and out of you hard and deep, your insides tightening more and more everytime he entered.
"Fuck... t-this feels so good"- you said with a groan
"You really like to be punished don't you?"
He stopped the movements still remaining inside you, one of his hands moved down using his fingers to caress your bud. You thrust your hips higher and moved back a little to encourage him to move but he slapped you back.
"Are you needing me that much ?"
"Yeah… I need you"
"So don't disobey me and I'll give you what you want, got it?"- he said leaning over while one of his hands squeezed your chin
You nodded and he went back to rubbing his fingers even faster against your clit and going back to moving in and out of you. You were so close you could barely feel your legs, your whole body was submissive to his touch and the pleasure he was giving you, you could only beg for more. His breathing was starting to get pating like yours and his whole chest was covered in sweat from which small drops fell onto your back.
It didn't take long for you to feel your insides tighten more and more and your button starting to show signs of overstimulation after spending all this time being touched by his fingers.
You felt your fluids pour all over his dick as he continued to move in and out of you. He started to lose the intensity of the thrusts and ended up coming inside you, filling you until the fluids dripped out of you. He got out inside you and undid the knot of the rope that tied your wrists and pulled you back against his chest, his hand went to your folds and he slipped his fingers between them and brought them to your mouth. You opened your mouth and sucked them, you could felt your own taste and his mixed. He lowered his lips to left some hickeys on the skin of your neck while you gave small moans that were muffled by his fingers.
He removed his fingers from your mouth and turned your face towards him to kiss you.
"I hope you learned your lesson and don't disobey me again"
You turned to face him and gave him a smirk.
"Don't worry, I promise to be your good girl"
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
Ooh that poly au piece was so cute! Maybe its because their dynamics with the alpha is cute but maybe its also bc if they're in a poly rs, it means that nobody died which is great! But i was also wondering what Suguru or Satoru would do if they felt possessive or jealous
Was it cute XD, am I cursed to forever be cute even when I am really trying. Maybe I need to try harder...
Let's say it out loud: Suguru is the kind of person to expressly lure you into fucking him on every plausible surface in the house. Satoru is the kind of person to fully imply that you are going to fuck him in the next five minutes just to let other people he's taken and so are you.
Here's the bit nonnie, they're always possessive, and they're the most jealous people you've ever met. For someone with the bad fortune to be a little too aware of this, it's a nightmare lol. This alpha is either oblivious to or unconcerned by or both when it comes to a good portion of their behavior, and the rest of it they probably agree with.
Alpha is perfectly capable of handling themself when it comes to oglers and flirtatious people who can't take a hint. It will never mean anything to them, it barely even registers because their mind is always elsewhere and never decided on finding someone to date before Satoru and Suguru happend. You have walked away in the middle of someone trying to ask you out on a date because Satoru called your name or you caught sight of a snack.
As you get older though, your tolerance for disrespect goes down lol, especially after you bond with them. It sort of makes sense because you can tolerate a lot of insult, but when it comes to Suguru and Satoru there are days where your patience is on the floor. So... people who don't believe in omega rights or respect personal space should be wary. It's a shame because Suguru won't let you beat anyone up and Satoru's so obvious and huge that when he's around mostly he can loom and interlopers will go away.
They're unbearable about it afterwards though. Suguru pretends to be disappointed in you for losing your temper even though the only reason he's holding you back is so he can get to your target first. Satoru sulks around and baits you because he thinks its kind of hot when you actually release your inhibitions but also he knows being directionlessly angry eventually makes you sort of blank so he diffuses the emotion.
Satoru overall will put on a show. He scents you in public, he pulls you right up against his body, if he's feeling particularly irritated, he'll punish you with a bit of public (or private) humiliation. Spicy rules this week so - that means he'll make fun of you for being so hungry for him while he's gripping your hips and making you ride him or using your body in whatever way he wants, alpha is just a sex toy for his amusement, and he doesn't share except with his other half. He'll also do silly petty things like pull whatever you're reaching for out of your reach. If you ask him for a bit of food he'll make you chase it and eat it from his fingers. There's been a handful of times when he's gotten very possessive for some reason and during these times he won't let you take missions - you don't know it, they just stop requesting you and suddenly look at that you have a whole day to spend with him.
Suguru is more insidious with his possessive behavior lol. It doesn't read like possessive from the outside, not unless you can hear the things he's saying. He will insult anyone of any dynamic who he doesn't think is good enough for you, either in a way they won't notice until the two of your are long gone or out loud, but acting like he's talking to you so he has plausible deniability. He will actively guilt trip you about whatever made him jealous. He'll slowly bring up the details of an interaction or imitate a behavior you know he finds particularly irritating to witness and then you know, Suguru is upset and he expects you to try and fix it. And he'll draw it out too. Suguru experiences sexual desire in a way that's very different from Satoru, mostly because he finds you sexually very appealing. There's times Suguru comes at you like a man starved. When he can press the advantage, he does. He knows he has your full and undiluted attention while you seek his forgiveness and better humor. This place where you're fully focused on him is a place he finds interesting to engage with. Expect pillow princess behavior, edging (of you), overstimulation (of you but not so far you lose focus on him), but it always ends in an intense kind of love making that probably makes you forget your own desperation until the next time he gets like this.
All jokes aside, I like poly au for the same reason, it means things are fixed (ish) and fine (ish) again.
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bahattina · 9 months
Riddle Rosehearts Headcanons
-this is my first time writing something on this app, I hope you like it!-
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He's British!!!!
He would probably grow till 1,65cm after feeling better and growing.
He's catholic!
Would slow dance with y/n. (Waltzer)Or would dance Foxtrot.
Would always kiss your hand, hold it hand like a prince, gentleman.
Would love it when you kiss his forehead.
Really protective, like when your skirt is a bit up he would literally run to you and pull it down.
Wouldn't yell at you or do something bad to you when you break the rules, but would definitely scold you!
Nagging, like did you eat? Drink enough? Get enough sleep? Good grades?
If you have bad grades he would do anything to help you.
100% calls you darling, dear, my rose, Princess.
At the beginning really shy and tsundere.
Little spoon except when he's jealous or when you tease him about being cute or short.
Riddle gives *acts of service* and likes receiving *physical touch*. Would hold doors for you, pick up stuff for you.
SLUTTY, TINY, WAIST!!! (I need to touch some weed)
Too shy for PDA outside with many people, but still holds your hand.
When you're alone with him he loves cuddles from you.
He loves to hold you on your waist.
You would do his makeup and he yours.
Face masks together.
Ofc studying together, tea dates!If you're insecure about something he would call it "the most beautiful" and kiss it. (Example: you don't like your belly fat. Then he would call you the most beautiful, with the most beautiful body. Would then kiss your stomach)
Loves laying on your tights.
Doesn't say you're his, say's he's yours!
Loves it when you caress his hair and when you're clingy!
Would play with your hair.
Would bring you roses every day!
Would remember everything about you, EVERYTHING. if it's you favourite colour or small habits you do, he will learn about them all and remember them.
Will also remember or notice when your period is. If you're on your period he will actually allow much PDA in public if you like, much cuddle sessions, would even skip learning. Brings you whatever you need/ want without asking twice. When you get into an argument or break a rule while you're on your period he will let you win. Doesn't even say something against it.
I think he is rich.(not much but a bit since his both parents are doctors)
Would probably be a doctor or something like that when he would work.
Would love how cute and tired you look in the morning. (Even if you think it's not cute, he thinks it's really cute)
Bows like a prince.
Can't cook shit.
Can't handle spicy food.
Likes milk tea.
Would have a classic fashion style.
Good at drawing.
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bn-brightflower · 2 years
Court of Blood and Bindings
By Lisette Marshall
My rating: 5/5
Spiciness: 🌶🌶🌶/5
Kindle: Yes
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Paperback: Yes
Amazon Link
Trigger Warnings: Violence, War Crimes, Torture, Gore, Mentions of Child Abuse
Who I'd recommend it for: fans of dark romance. And I do mean dark. Our MMC, Creon, the "Silent Death", has done many, many things that do not fall into the forgivable category. If you are unable to empathize with a character without forgiving them, I would not recommend this series.
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Summary: Emelin (the FMC) has always been different. She has color magic, something that famously belongs to the fae and not the humans she lives among, and is told that she inherited it from a distant relative on her mother's side. She hides her magic, but remains an outcast.
On the day that the humans are celebrating a ward they've completed, meant to keep the fae (whom they are essentially enslaved to) away, she is caught using her magic by one such fae.
When she wakes in the morning, she finds not only that her home village is burning, but that she's been spared. She is whisked away by the ominous fae that saw her use magic, the Silent Death, the most fearsome and cruel known fae whose entire purpose is enforcing The Mother's will, the fae that rules all the land.
Emelin finds herself taken to the Fae Isles where she is presented a deal; help the Silent Death kill The Mother and he will protect her, and help her find the real birth parents that she inherited her magic from. But can she trust him? What, exactly, is the motivation for The Mother's most trusted tool to call for her death?
Things I Loved:
I genuinely loved so much of this book.
The color magic was such a neat and unique system that I don't think I've come across before. The fae do not have limitless, omnipotent powers; their power is fed by colors and they pull the colors from objects around them. Once the color is gone, so is their magic.
The Silent Death - Creon. I truly loved his character. I liked the scent of mystery and the fact that the evils he's done are not excused, nor does he attempt to defend himself. I appreciated the fact that the small kindnesses he's done are pulled out not by him bringing attention to them, but because of the evidence of them.
Emelin - I really appreciated a strong FMC that isn't "too stupid to live." She had a strong sense of morals but doesn't run out of her way to cause herself undue trouble for half of the book. I was able to empathize with both her and Creon, which I've found rare in these books.
The actual relationship felt like it evolved naturally enough. While the lust is there from the start, there was no instalove. It felt real in a way that seems to be missing from many romances I've read.
And, more ultimately, the lack of rape threats. This genre is saturated with books that tend to use rape as the ultimate threat against the characters, and its refreshing that this one lacked that aspect. Things can be terrible and unforgivable without rape.
Things that Could Have Been Better:
Creon has no voice, and Emelin teaches him a form of sign language. I enjoyed this aspect but it felt very rushed. At times, his dialogue seems far too flowery and quick to allow for that sort of communication. There are points at which the author seems to remember that Emelin has to look at him to talk and quickly writes it in, but other times where it reads like standard dialogue without quotation marks.
Speaking of: QUOTATION MARKS! This author uses single quotes instead of double for dialogue. I'm not sure why. It isn't quite as distracting as I thought it would be, but it is a slight pet peeve of mine.
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kiwicopia · 8 months
Hello! I saw you are doing a Valentines Event and I just had to join this! I hope your having a nice day (: anyways, here I go!
FANDOM: Could I have a Male (Adult) Matchup for Jujustu Kaisen and Honkai Star Rail please?
My name is Jaxrel! People know me as either Jax or Albert, I also use other names, l'm a trans man who's pansexual, he/him, I have disorders and mental illnesses I do not wish to share atm.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues", I get a reallyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when l'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. Also here’s this if you wanna add more.
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese with Some Scottish and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi) /Filipino with Some Russian, l'm very skinny like just flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), l'm approximately 5’8, I have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair but if you see more closely there's some streaks of blonde-ish brown, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to looking like l'm going out to a party. I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Art (Digital Art, Drawing, Painting, Pottery, etc), Cats, Sharks, Cold/or Rainy Weather, Cooking, Cosplaying, Shopping, Playing Tabletop RPG's, Chess Board Games or just Gaming, Dancing, Abstract or Romance movies, Murder Mysterys, Kdrama, Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen, learning new languages/instruments and much more.
What I like to do on Valentines Day: I really love receiving gifts a LOT. I also like to go out to eat during Valentines Day too, I usually watch a romance animes/or shows during that day, I also love eating chocolate during that day as well.
I hope this is good enough :,) thank you again!
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You love receiving gifts? Nanami has that covered. The man will absolutely spoil you with gifts the morning of before cuddling with you and watching your favorite shows. Then, when it rolls around into the late evening, he'll take you out to eat at a restaurant that he noticed you had been eyeing lately. Gentle touches and soft praise will end the already special day on an even more special note as he shows you just how much he loves you.
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This man's love language is gift giving, but he takes it up a notch on that special day. Whether or not the gifts are legal, well, that'll be his little secret.~ Sampo will do everything in his power to make the day as special as he possibly can, while also trying to be on his best behavior. He'll take you to a special spot and just sit beside you, arm wrapped around you with his head against yours as he listens to your philosophical talks. If you don't mind, he'd like to end the day with a special kiss, and he won't say no if you'd like more.
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milacatbat · 10 months
From the 15.99 monthly subscription to my VR Vtuber / l3wdtuber fansite I only take home 6.50 after site fees, taxes and pension (mandatory in my country).
I am nearing thousand pics and over 100 (mostly long) videos and 50+ audios most of which are extremely kinky / niche within a niche fetish but people are already on the edge with 15.99 and I have tested a lower subscription before to see if people would compensate this with tipping, gifting and buying PPV but it did not work. I simply am not a carsalesman personality, or comfortable with cold selling - which you would have to be to make any money with free or cheap page!
With low price I also just felt used and disrespeced as from 5 I only get 2.10. TWO fucking euros for doing weekly videos and putting myself at risk, potentially being banned from ever entering USA for example - which happened to a f4nsly Vtuber! They were going to a convention in USA but got deported because they found out about the site... Land of the Free (fact check land of the chr1stof4scism)
So If you are someone thinking about starting a spicy site, even if you are just doing ASMR or vtuber I want you to consider the risks while you have NO guarantee of ever making any money! I have 18mo under my belt and most months I only make enough to pay a few bills, some months more but not consistently enough to do it fulltime. But it's fun and since it is not my sole income, I can refuse to do anything I don't want to do. But it most definitely is not easy or fast money.
But all I really wanted to say is - 15.99 translates to 6.50. 5 translates ro 2.10. Twitch of course is even worse - from that 5 sub I would only get 1.45!!? So if you want to genuinely support your favorite independent creators, so they can keep creating and streaming instead of graduating their vtubers to go work at a gas station use their throne/wishtender (l3wd creators even if nsfw artists, can not safely use paypal) before twitch - or to tip them. Its against site rules to tell people to tip outside sites but if they have a wishlist up, use it if you can.
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magicallymeta · 2 years
Alright, folks, I've got a slightly melted cocktail (Blue Hawaii Ramune, a few drops of orange bitters, a healthy dash of this locally made spicy pear shrub, and two shots of tequila) and episode 6 of Wednesday to get through:
1) love the circular mirror visual so much; they have a lot of fun iwht it in shots, but I still feel like they could have used it more. It reminds me of when Chloe becomes The Watchtower on Smallville and they both used the set a lot and never enough. (And yeah, I'm going to fucking mention Chloe and Smallville in 2022, okay? That show is important to me, contrary to what has become of certain people who were once involved with the show. The characters are not their actors and vice versa, unless you're Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester. I don't make the rules!)
2) ENID IS SO FUCKING CUTE ALL OF THE TIME. GIve me her entire wardrobe. I mean, I want Wednesday's, too, but I think that's the difference in emotional expression: Rachie sees a Wednesday look and thinks "that's so stupid and cool, whatever, fuck off" and Dawni Rae sees Eni and thinks "OH MY GOD WHERE DO I GET THAT IMMEDIATELY?!" It's all about the balance, baby.
3) This surprise party for Wednesday is so fucking cute, and I love her for reacting to all things Manic Pixie Mary Sue about her in annoyance. Blessings.
4) I'm loving Jenna Ortega's balance between Wednesday and Goody. I love a good "same actress/different characters" in a story, especially when it's a "hey look, my ancestor and I happen to look almost EXACTLY the same!" Amazing.
5) The music shift when Enid gives Wednesday her snood. MY HEART. Everythning about that scene was a gift, specifcally, for me.
6) Angsty white boy scenes are so annoying, good god. I can't wait for that part to be over when I've finished.
7) Obsessed with Bianca/Lucas now. Don't know why, but I love that she immediately was honest with him and then admitted that she knew exactly who he was. I think because I've found myself liking them seperately that it means them together has a better chance for both of their character's extending throughout the story moving forward. I hate it when there are good characters just randomly floating on the sideline of the main storyline. Like, those people are where it's at, man! Don't walk away from them!
8) Ugh, more of the Well Intioned White Boy scenes are just as annoying as the Angsty White Boy scenes. it's annoying that some of Wednesday's best moments come when she's against he worst scene partners. This includes the Sheriff. Especially when she's opposite the Sheriff.
9) It's all coming together, more or less, and I'm so excited for it to finish. The fireplace in the Principal's office is so fucking sick, and again, I love Christina Ricci.
10) "Take the win Enid" "Two Best Friends!" I'm so in love with them, be still my little heart.
11) Wednesday is like, "For my birthday, I want a bisexual creepy date with my boy/girl love interests to who is more deserving of my affections." The answer is Enid across the board, but it's cute that Tyler is still sticking in the game for hetero storylines.
12) I love that the "pretty" boys get "sexy scar scratches" and the other boys get mutilated in some way. Seems about right. Very CW.
13) Enid blowing up and leaving her pastel side of the room to haunt Wednesday while she curls up in a ball. WENESDAY. GIRL. Shatter my heart. I feel so alive.
If I wasn't so set on following through on writing up my thoughts on every episode, I would have for sure finished by now, but I'm proud of myself for following through on this. It's like, every little step leads to a bigger things at some point, even if some of it you have to slog through.
On a side note, I was really excited to have the house to myself this weekend and to get so many of the things I'm constantly trying to get done, done, and I've been putting in a lot of work, but it doesn't feel like I've accomplished as much as I was hoping to. It allows the voice in my brain that tells me if my dreams were important I would be doing this all of the time, but I'm not because it must not be. I hate that voice, because it sounds like very Boss Bitch and Capitalist Christian that's ever made me feel like I'm broken or lazy for not being able to "hit the grind" or whatever the fuck.
I keep wanting to stop writing these post and just enjoy the show. It's an argument I'm constantly having inside my head -- do I want to enjoy and consume, or do I want to consume and create? These are entirely different ways to do things, but they're both equally important and I struggle to find the balance between them or when to initiate which roll when I'm dealt a circumstance of life. I share this hear because it's on my mind and I want to and it's my blog and I can do what I want, but also because this is what it's become for me for awhile -- where do I put my time and how do I use it? I constantly feel as if my time is not my own, and all I want is to get it back.
Okay, I only have 2 episodes left of this show and then I can go to sleep. I doubt I'll get through both of them tonight, I can feel myself waning (see above philosophies), but I'll set alarms and finish it in the morning with my coffee. I won't have the house to myself for very long, but I bet I could get through this and then move into my mirror project, which was the one thing I wanted to have completed by the time this weekend was offically over. Depending on my schedule this week, maybe I'll take Monday off and give myself an extra weekend day to finsh up everything on my list! Wish me luck, friends!
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Um, Ridia-san, I was reading your answers today and I saw “lesbian Akiben doujinshi” And,,,,and,,,,my heart,,,,, That is a thing????
It is indeed a thing!
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It’s an R-15 book rather than R-18 so mildly spicy but not explicit. Mostly just beautiful lesbian AkiBen. (Also if the art style looks familiar, this is by Quartierlatin, who have done several AkiBen djs but are probably better known for drawing Misaru!) A couple more under the cut:
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