#I dunno. I think he should be loved and have a support system
Do you have any headcanons on what Brian, Alex and Jay’a backstory’s are like?
I personally give them dark back stories and that’s why they we’re so easily manipulated
I mean honestly I think they were easily manipulated because they were just regular guys before! I do have some details of their backstories (including pre-MH stuff) that I stick with though:
- Single mother and only kid. Dad skipped out, Brian resents him more than his mother does because she doesn’t like to waste time thinking about him
- Brian and his mother were close, he called her pretty frequently. His missing poster was the first to go up when he stopped responding
- In at least two scenes showing Pre-MH, nobody knows where Brian is despite him being needed for a scene in one and them hanging out at his house for another. Because of this, I often HC that Brian was frequently losing time and waking up in weird places due to the Operator around this time. Not wanting to worry anyone however, he kept this to himself and always tried to play it off as something else
- While Brian and Tim were never officially roommates, they talked about it a lot and planned to do it next semester, though unfortunately never got that far
- Brian has been openly bisexual since he was young, even if he didn’t have a label for it back then. He got some shit for it, most of it being pretty backhanded stuff considering he was popular
- He met Alex during Freshman Orientation at college and immediately clocked him as bisexual before Alex officially came out to him
- While Brian is a popular guy and gets along with a lot of people, he only has a few close friends because he chooses them wisely. He had a handful of not so great ‘friends’ in High School that he’s no longer in contact with and is subtly wary with most relationships going forward
- Didn’t fully realize he was bisexual until High School but stayed deep in the closet until he could move out
- His family (of which Alex is the third kid of four) is largely shitty on top of being homophobic, especially his father, and he cuts off all contact when he moves out for college. He didn’t tell them what college he was going to either, leaving in the middle of the night
- The only family he IS in contact with and has a good relationship with is his cousin and his husband, as they’re the only other gay people in the family (though technically disowned, not that Alex cares) and have always been more of a family to Alex than his actual one. They got really worried when Alex sends Rocky up to live with them but they take good care of Rocky. When he drops off the map, they are the people who eventually call in a missing person report for him
- Alex got Rocky in High School and took him with him when he left. When shit goes on with the Operator, Alex sends Rocky to live with his cousin out of fear that something will happen to him if he doesn’t. Rocky outlives Alex because of this.
- Alex met Amy in a shared class in his Freshman Year. They end up dating about three months after but eventually in her second year, Amy ends up transferring to a different college in order to pursue her degree as the other college had better options. They remain long distance and visit each other as much as they can
- Him and his Moms have always been the odd ones out in their town so Jay was pretty used to the idea that people were always gonna find something to dislike about him no matter what he did and he might as well be himself if that’s the case
- Openly gay for as long as he can remember
- Didn’t really have a whole lot of friends growing up but fortunately while enduring some bullying, also knew how to snap back in a way to make them back off. Eventually everyone knew to just leave him alone
- His family, while living comfortably, has always been careful with money, causing Jay to pick up the same habits. He saved a ton of money before college and always has at least a dozen of coupons in his wallet
- When Jay stops answering calls, his moms went looking for him themselves. They’re used to only relying on each other so they don’t bother with the police. They find answers, just not the ones they want, but Tim is always welcomed to the Merrick Household. No matter how much he blames himself, they know otherwise. Call it mother’s intuition.
- Jay had a TON of cats growing up so he’s very friendly with them and can spout Cat Facts at any given moment
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classpectpokerap · 7 months
How do you feel about the portrayal of plurality in Homestuck? Because it’s not good.
Cherubs are “supposed” to predominate over their other personality. With Calliope being portrayed as naive for trying to co exist.
Horuss is mocked for being a system. But I’d say it was a king fun of people who pretend to be mentally Ill on social media for clicks.
Then their are the sprites
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okay so
i guess we're doing this
okay. so
homestuck is one of the best pieces of media of all time for plurality and i fuckin mean it. no shot do not pass go i have NEVER seen anything that is more built from the ground up to Support plural reads. like, to the point where it feels impossible to read homestuck without it.
as a work dealing with two huge primary themes of a) finding yourself/identity/growing up, and b) ideas coming to life, plurality is pretty much the Perfect intersection between the two of them. like.
take rose for example.
rose is plural and it's great.
when the doomed timeline evaporates, future dream rose does not actually "cease to exist." she ceases to exist as her own person -- her memories, experiences, personality, thoughts (or, as shorthand, her selfstuff) all flows back into rose prime. and that experience is just something rose has to roll with. one becomes two -- that other rose is still in her mind.
jade's plural and it's great.
when her dream self awakens as jadesprite, jade has a horrific argument with her. if you're plural i'm sure you understand. fighting with an age-regressed version of you, stuck in a traumatic past, who WONT FUCKING LISTEN -- we've all . been there.
she has involuntary barks, she can't stop seeing images of fire, she wants to go back to nonexistence but she doesnt want to die and it's torture,
and then in cascade, jade fuses with her.
dream jade is still in there. that part of her she has to grapple with is still real. her dog who she loves is in there, too -- but, yknow. woof
then grimbark gets forcefully introjected into her. i've seen a few fics play with the idea that the grimbark personality is still residually there (read ygtpoasu), but it's not a huge thing that's explored in the text. more backgrounded. but still! her crisis of identity is in there.
wanna know what's NOT backgrounded
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tavros's plurality is like, a pretty big factor in his character!!!! it's one of the bigger points vriska uses to bully him with (because she's projecting because she's projecting because she's projecting, because she's also plural and kins mindfang), it's like. a big thing that he has to cope with and figure out.
kanaya suggested tavros treat his self-confidence as his own brain guy, like, completely sincerely. she genuinely thought it would help, and it sorta did!!!!!
and like
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it is FAR from the only positive example of plurality in the comic.
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like. look at sollux and aradia defending "alternate reality copies" of characters -- which can be pretty easily extrapolated to them talking about fictives
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like. !!!!
i dunno, man. i think that homestuck is a DEEPLY plural story. you should read mtm and kgtac for more exploration of these themes. read detective pony too while you're at it. like.
i havent even TOUCHED on horuss or dirk or karkat here because there is just so much. there's so much! like ultselves. oh my god i completely neglected to talk about ultselves or cherubs or --
but anyway here's The Screenshots from mtm
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homestuck is, like, the single most fictive compatible fictional work i've ever read.
"oh im being sent to another universe as a brain ghost? that happened to my buddy dirk"
"oh im one of many incarnations of myself, and perhaps not even the most 'canon compliant' one? haha dream bubbles moment"
"ive been isekai'd into another world? lol sburb"
it. yeah. god. i could literally talk about this all day. but instead im gonna direct you to my ao3.
check out no metaphors and then scroll through the "multiplicity/plurality" tag on my page
and if youve got more specific stuff, send in another ask!
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mexicangela · 1 year
if ted goes back to kansas then what was it all for, really? not even from a tedbecca standpoint (although there’s plenty of “what was it all for???” regarding that too).
i mean, what’s ted even got in kansas anymore?
not a wife. she’s got their couples therapist. 🙄
not a best friend bc let’s face it, beard ain’t going back it just wouldn’t make sense for him to. i think he belongs in london and i (unfortunately 😭) don’t see him leaving jane.
not a healthy relationship with dottie, that’s for sure. they had a breakthrough, sure, but a breakthrough does not a positive parent-child relationship make. there’s work that mama lasso has to do before she and ted can truly reconcile and i don’t believe she’d do it tbh.
all he has is henry. a child. his child, yes, but still just a child. not a support system. a child is not a support system and a child should never be made to be a support system. it’s not fair and i don’t think ted would do that to henry.
but in richmond?? ted’s got the whole fucking world in richmond, let’s be honest. he’s got a second family and he’s got a job he loves even if he doesn’t understand every little thing about it. he’s got beard and roy and trent and literally the entire community adores him now. we saw it at the beginning of mom city. and for fuck’s sake he’s got rebecca welton. even if it doesn’t end up being romantic, we’ve actually witnessed the actors saying some version of “there is no ted/rebecca without the other” like come on.
i dunno man i just don’t see how ted can go back to kansas at this point. he’s done so much growing and i feel like his going back to the place where he lost so many things would be a step backwards. who’s gonna hold his hands and breathe with him when he’s having a panic attack? who’s gonna laugh or smile affectionately at all his puns and weird sayings? who’s gonna believe in him the way the boys and rebecca do?
anyway i will show up at jason sudeikis’ house with a baseball bat i swear to god (for legal purposes, this is a joke).
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mephinomaly · 10 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: In the afternoon of the next day
Location: ES TV station, in HELLSING’s, formerly UNDEAD’s, dressing room
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Adonis: I wonder what Sakuma-senpai is thinking.
Is this my punishment?
No, it can’t be… Since it’s Sakuma-senpai, there will be some sort of deeper meaning to it.
Koga: Huh?
You think way too highly of that stupid old man. Nothings goin’ on in that head of his.
He does whatever he wants without a thought and then afterwards he makes up some shit ‘n goes “that went all according to plan.” He’s an idiot.
Adonis: You understand Sakuma-senpai very well, Oogami.
Koga: At one point in time, he was all I thought ‘bout, so.
Don’t matter how much I think about a version of him that only exists in my head, it has nothin’ to do with reality.
Adonis: ...
Koga: Anyway. What are we doin’ ‘bout this situation?
Adonis: I’m not sure. Actually, I wanted to discuss that with you.
Yesterday, we came face-to-face with fake versions of ourselves, with HELLSING, at the AIIE testing facilities.
After we explored the facilities, Sakuma-senpai gave us a course of action.
He said “let us turn this misfortune into fortune and take advantage of what is happening.”
Koga: Hmph~, I still think it would be better if we jus’ got ridda HELLSING entirely.
But it’s hard to tell the difference between them and the real ones, so it’ll be pretty hard t’kill them ‘cos it’s like they’ve got a mind of their own.
Adonis: Umu. That is one of the problems with AI.
Should AI, and robots alike, be given human rights?
If we don’t acknowledge this, and only use them as a means to an end, are we not creating a new system of slavery?
Koga: Nn, I don’t like thinkin’ ‘bout complicated shit like that. The HELLSING guys are surprisingly nice, ‘n they follow every command we give ‘em.
Even if they start bad mouthin’ us, we can turn them off with a remote control. They’re just machines.
It’s more of a problem of, is it alright for us t’dispose of them losers for our own convenience. They’re alive— well, they’re not, they’re machines.
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Adonis: Do machines have souls?
Koga: I dunno man. But Sakuma-senpai said they might ‘n that's why we can’t get rid of them. We can’t mindlessly throw ‘em out.
Adonis: Sakuma-senpai is a nice person after all.
Koga: Yeah but he’s not a pussy, he’s jus’ sick of messin’ up other people’s lives with his own hand. AI ‘n shit ain’t humans, but, you get my point.
If I was destroyed by the person I loved, I’d want the same.
Adonis: …Anyway, HELLSING began idol activities when we were participating in that experiment and were isolated from the outside world.
And that ‘radical, immoral’ unit received widespread support, especially from long-time fans who expected that side from us.
It seems that Sakuma-senpai is taking full advantage of this situation.
Whilst HELLSING deals with radical, rock band type of activities—
UNDEAD will handle a variety of things that we have been undertaking since ES’ establishment.
It’s important to keep old fans happy whilst simultaneously bringing in new ones. Sakuma-senpai is trying to please both sides without alienating anyone.
With that, he believes that this will lead to our revival.
Koga: He wants t’split us up, divide us into light ‘n dark.
Normally I’d be totally against that…
But now we have handy robots that can act on our behalf.
It’s like they're copy robots. Hm.
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Adonis: Copy robots…?
I’m not sure what you mean by that but HELLSING’s utility was proven at today’s live.
Koga: Mhm. When Hasumi-senp—I mean, shitty glasses, tried t’attack us on stage I was thinkin’ what the hell do we do.
There’s not a chance he’d understand our situation right now.
Adonis: It wasn’t exactly an attack per say, Hasumi-senpai was worried.
Koga: Hmph, he’s always been a nosy fucker. He’s like a stray dog or somethin’ that can't bare to be alone.
Adonis: I believe that’s true for a lot of people though.
Koga: Well, whatever. Shitty glasses is a good guy at the end of the day. It’s hard t’believe that there’s robots that look like humans operatin’ behind the scenes.
Until it becomes public knowledge that we’re usin’ AI idols, no one, not even shitty glasses, is gonna notice.
Adonis: Umu. At the moment, it is better for us to keep their existence hidden as if we reveal the truth, we may be subjected to harsh words and lose credibility.
I feel as if we are deceiving fans, which upsets me.
Koga: Yeah, it’s probably better if we tell ‘em.
But not right now. We gotta focus on dealin’ with all the new things HELLSING brings.
That’s why I’m worried ‘bout lettin’ the AIs do whatever they want at the moment. It’s best if us two monitor HELLSING.
Adonis: Yes, then us, along with fake Sakuma-senpai and fake Hakaze-senpai will perform radical, immoral activities at HELLSING.
Whilst real Sakuma-senpai and real Hakaze-senpai take part in variety shows and such with fake me and you as UNDEAD.
Koga: Our AIs are pretty good at what they do, so I ain’t too worried ‘bout them.
They’re doin’ a live broadcast but they’ve gotta act properly when they do a variety show.
Adonis: Yes. I cannot say yet as to whether this decision will turn out to be a good or a bad one—
So far, everything’s been smooth sailing. So much so that it’s scary.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
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jadewing-realms · 1 year
i don't know if there's a specific term for the thing when... you're so used to being told you're too much? too loud, too quiet, too stubborn, a pushover, too excited, too cold, too close, too distant... so you just kinda give up doing anything without explicitly being told to because you just can't figure out where the balance is?
especially physical affection. what's 'too much'? when is it okay to hold hands? how do you know when you're allowed to hug someone? gods forbid you give someone a forehead kiss at the wrong time and make them uncomfortable. you don't know how to intuit what anyone needs at any given time so... you figure you should just... not move. unless someone specifically asks you to.
whatever That is, it's how i imagine Naven is. stuck in perma-freeze response, unless he has a designated Role to Play. he's been molded into the model support system. he enjoys making others feel good. he likes seeing them smile. feel safe. he always asks how others are feeling; he always asks for their permission before doing anything that might affect them. he's thoughtful, quiet, agreeable. he never asks for things for himself, and he certainly never takes up space... it's been too long since he had permission to. he's always had to be the caretaker, the older sibling, the protector, the adult, mature, rational, self-sufficient, the perfect island content with simply being ground for others to walk on.
i think this is why Astarion catches his attention right away. the vampire seems so... fearless. not in the usual sense, the heroic sense, but in that he's not afraid to be loud. to say what he's thinking. to take up space and a lot of it. and he's funny and confident and charismatic even when he's being an asshole and Naven is a little in awe of it, muzzled and afraid to misstep as he is.
how does one go about being so unapologetically flawed? he wants to know.
then of course... he learns more. glimpses cracks in the mask. learns of the fears behind the facade, learns that what he'd been witnessing wasn't Astarion saying what he was thinking but saying what he believed others expected or wanted and oh, Naven understands. and now he swears he will do anything in his power to help Astarion feel as safe and respected and loved, truly loved, as he can. he's good at that. and... it works. Naven is used to feeling blind to what others want from him, he tries to account for what he can't see so nobody ever feels unheard or unseen. Astarion is used to having any and all his boundaries crossed, he's relearning how it feels to be treated as an individual. he's also not interested in a protector or guardian... he wants an equal. something neither is used to having but both crave like they crave air to breathe.
sitting by the fire at camp, Naven asks if it's okay to lean on Stari's shoulder, maybe even hold his hand. some other time, Astarion is upset and is surprised when Naven asks whether he needs comfort or advice or space. even more so when he asks for space and Naven accepts without question or second-thought and simply waits until Astarion is ready.
at night, a nightmare and anxiety attack leaves Naven a frayed mess and he dares to ask for a hug for himself for the first time in more than a century and gods is Astarion more than willing to give him one. later, Naven feels guilty for being frustrated about something and Astarion tells him to let himself be angry for once. that nobody will hate him for it.
Stari says he needs a little excitement, asks if Naven would like to visit the market street with him; Naven's had a burst of muse and needs to be alone to write. they're both fine with this and hope the other enjoys themselves for the day. Naven asks if he'd like a kiss for luck; Astarion accepts it and gets Bardic Inspiration to schmooze some vendors later, I dunno.
ask and receive. a cycle of love and respect. giving each other the freedom and space to just... be. exist, as they are, together. over time, they get to learn not only about each other, but about themselves, what they like, what they don't. and that it's okay to speak up about both.
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uummyuu · 1 year
Hello Myu!!!
Can I request a riano headcanon from a supa strikas?
Because there is very little content related to it on this platform.
Bye <3
riano headcanons
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honestly i bet he's kinda the guy who the media would portray as a big flirt/playboy superstar but deep down is a hopeless romantic and genuinely cares about making deep connections with other people. but this desire for emotional connection is what also makes him an inherent people-pleaser, he has to give the people what they want or else they won't want to be around him anymore!
this was his genuine thought process when his mentor relationship with golare started going a bit abusive. his team literally had to tell him that the way golare was forcing his body wasn't good for him and help riano gain the backbone to fire him. (he missed their friendship deeply throughout that time, golare was like a father figure to him)
once golare had been reinstated as barka's coach however, it was all water under the bridge for riano. he was genuinely happy to have his friend back, and to see goldie (the fish he bought golare) doing so well. seeing goldie being well taken care of reassured riano that the friendship he had with golare wasn't one-sided.
anyways barka fc are like his brothers, they all look out for each other in a way (i.e. riano offering free rides/being the designated driver at club outings). but they care for him in return, serving as a support system so that he doesn't crumble under the constant media attention.
should i mention that i don't really see riano as an alcohol drinker? he goes to the clubs purely for the vibes and to enjoy a night out with his teammates. (hah gay)
loves fun drinks though, give that man some sort of cool mocktail and he'll be all over it taking cool aesthetic pictures for his instagram, or whatever the instagram equivalent is in supa strikas.
speaking of his instagram, he loves posting about literally anything that piques his interest, yeah he does some usual behind the scenes posts during practice or after winning a game and whatnot, but he also likes bringing his fans along to see some of his other interests like the weekly latin dance classes he's been taking up. or he'll see a cool bird and post it to his story real quick i dunno—
random thought but this man could rock a pair of stilettos no problem.
source: the one time riano actually managed to get blackout drunk he pulled a whole choreographed drag routine out of his ass, including the black 10 inch high stilettos of course. they have a video of it but they don't dare post it online, it's a team inside joke only >:((
golare has seen the video though and compliments riano on being a good dancer, and riano rues the fact that he was so drunk he forgot the literal routine, he wants to do it again ://.
anyways i'd like to think that riano is a very honorable woman respecter, when girls flirt with him he only discourages it when it goes a little too far (words are one thing, touching him is another). but his type is definitely someone more down-to-earth.
man, woman, whatever else it doesn't matter to him. once a person catches his eye he'll do his best to get closer, he likes to be friends first before progressing into anything romantic. wants to get to know them and let them know him typa thing, no need to rush.
once he does get to that stage though he becomes a hoe for hand holding, or when his partner wraps their arm around his. vice versa as well the man loves his physical affection. wants to reassure his partner that no matter how the media portrays him he will remain loyal no matter what.
deep down i'd like to think he dates with marriage/the future in mind but he won't force it if he does end up reaching a romantic stage with his partner.
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cathymee · 1 year
not me reading chapter 7 (am so silly lol)
Guess Simoun still comes back, huh?
also Lucky Basilio for finding out Top secrets that the government still cannot find out lol.
Uhhh... Are they having a healthy debate? But yes, keep going, I love listening to Simoun mansplain and Manipulate out of our protagonist XD
But Sir Simoun, I just wanna be a doctor ;-; —Basilio, probably
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Dear Simoun, what did they do to deserve that?
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Sorry for the caps, but like. I need Basilio's last name XD
not me taking the time to answer this when i have classes in like 7 hours from now and i still have not slept— (blame rizal & his stupid stupid book (affectionate, revering))
chapter 7 my absolute beloved!! this banger of a chapter is still one of my most favorites even now – i have so many Thoughts™ over this chapter it's making me absolutely insaaaane like. these bitches be going back and forth making good points occasionally. and emphasis on occasionally bc,, god,,, their other arguments,,,,,, garbage. shut up. both of you.
1. Ibarra is a BUG that should be SQUASHED on sight. i will throw him on a garbage disposal. we all should. (i say, knowing full well i have a history of ranting to my friends about how sad i get over him)
2. hdghjvfjhd pls this is so funny to me like,, sim 🤝 that superman guy i forgot the name of. it's all in ze ✨glasses✨
3. goDDD simoun was such a boomer in it too like,,, you kids 🙄 chasing butterflies and being all innocent 🙄 when you should be planting b0mbs in celebrations like a REAL MAN 🙄🙄 smh smh. bro would be the equivalent of boomers in our time being like 'oh. OUR generation endured abuse from our parents and teachers and that's why we're disciplined and tough. you kids are WEAKLINGS, that's why you're all undisciplined and unprepared for life.' (<- me typing this up, horrified but laughing over the realization that simoun would unironically support ROTC & the other useless, nonsensical programs & plans of our government for our educational system rn SJGHDHBHDV)
4. yeah!! poor basi's just trying to study man 😞 can u imagine tho a debate between sim & isagani….glorious (also bc 'gani is like. the elias of el fili. both of these mfs threw hands with friars and other powerful figures.)
(isagani once he hears the first bullshit argument from simoun:
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5. IK LIKE??? BRO CHILL LMFAOOOO that was such a batshit insane confession but what were we expecting from a tyrant and a fascist
6. oh..you know full well who the noble soul he's referring to… 👀 /lh jkjk but yeah he was referring to his dad in the first two sentences, and the noble soul is elias,,, whose spirit is probably there screaming at simoun's face throughout this whole monologue, throughout the whole chapter (and throughout the whole book tbh)
no apologies needed, you're always welcome to scream with me over all this (sorry for my late replies tho) ^^ and as for basi's last name…*grabs a shovel and heads over to luneta* /j
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2n2n · 9 months
What do you hope will happen in chapter 110? Do you really think Akane is going to die? Or will we see Minamoto or Hanako-kun interfering?I love your posts ❤️
Thank you for love my posts..... 110 ... !!
I don't think so, no....! For one thing, Akane has already had a hole punched through him in his Clockkeeper form, and he survived that just fine, even despite being outside of his boundary, in a DIFFERENT boundary, attacked by creatures owned by the boundary keeper, and then lying in a puddle for however long in the far shore...
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besides, Tsukasa isn't out to murder him, or anything... only find the yorishiro. I don't think the plan is to like, rip him into 1,000 pieces, no more than he did that to Kako... I have no idea what would happen if he went straight for the heart at all! While I suppose we don't know Tsukasa's lawless capabilities what with killing No. 3 so easily, I haven't imagined it would get that grim for Akane. I think Tsukasa is being playful... much to pry apart.
Hmmmm... it feels so chicanery right now honestly... Teru is in a fussy baby mood, he's all butthurt about Akane... Akane is now being targetted... mostly I am thinking about Teru being all like, "oh I'm sorry, I'd help you but apparently I'm a criminal :/ well :/ maybe if SOMEONE hadn't HANDCUFFED ME and taken my strength, I could be out here defending you but I GUESS I'm nothing but a suspect so...." .... I dunno, maybe Teru would want to hear Akane beg for help, or something. Grovel. It is so hard to imagine him wanting to help Akane right now!!! Teru is petty, sensitive, reactive, big baby lol...
Teru also doesn't support the existence of the mysteries at all....
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so I have no idea how invested he is in yorishiro destruction? Why WOULD he care, if some guy is trying to find and unseal their yorishiro? I think Mirai could get popped like a grape and he wouldn't care whatsoever... don't imagine he cares about Kako being punched through. He could stay relatively useless, that would also be funny, especially if it is half by choice...
Akane getting gravely injured WOULD motivate Teru to need to keep the yorishiro from being peeled however, even if he doesn't give a fuck about the system, since being stabbed + turned back to human COULD kill Akane, specifically those events, lol. In this way, we should worry about Akane, wwwww....
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While things cannot die in a boundary, the yorishiro destruction ejects you OUT of the boundary, soooooooooo....!
... I'm still not thinking much about it, but those are the facts to mull over.
It is interesting to ever think about Akane being un-mystery'd though.... I've always liked the idea of, down the road, ONLY Aoi being left with kaii-seeing abilities + memories of the far shore... but that's so far off as a thought haha. Just something I like to imagine, if Akane were unseated. Maybe Aoi would have to look after him...
I'm interested in Akane having implied the Clockkeepers are the party most responsible for endangering students... I don't really know how much Akane, WANTS, to fight for, the Clockkeepers, earnestly. He doesn't LIKE them. I do not think he would really lay his life on the line for them... but I also don't know how much freedom he has right now, or how he is functionally controlled or kept in line, by them. He isn't acting like he has agency in this.
I guess it could go either way, for Hanako. He could surprise us by suddenly teaming up with Tsukasa, or, with Teru. Whatever the case, very exciting, right? All thrilling options.
I don't think it will happen... immediately.. but my biggest wish is for Tsukasa to possess Nene-chan, after he locates the yorishiro ♥♥♥ from what we've seen, Tsukasa and Amane share all their abilities, and there must be a REASON we were so FRIVOLOUSLY shown he can possess Nene-chan way back in the CLOCKKEEPER'S ARC... it would be too perfect for that to come back around ♥ and soooo cute if Tsutsu could be in LITTLE Nene-chan specifically, and really wonderful if Amane had to deal with that ... ♥♥♥ though I've also fantasized about Amane simply instructing Nene-chan to peel the yorishiro, despite everything... could be so grim, so dark, so haunting!
I guess most of my thoughts are further along! The immediate situation is pretty hard to conceptualize, I do not have a brain for... like, fights, play-by-play. I'm mostly excited for what's to come later, I'm not really into altercations....!
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kndrules · 1 year
in your take/au/adulthood shenanigans for Sector V, if they (like one of the couples or whatever) were to ever have kids, what would they be like?
ofc i stress "if" as by all means am only curious, doesn't have to be "canon" n whatnot lol
I AM SOOOOOO GLAD YOU ASKED...get ready for a long answer
Please note that all of these headcanons are cowritten by @sector-v and some of the kid OCs are his. I'll say which ones.
Let's start with Wally and Kuki
They foster kids, so a lot of kids have lived with them over the years, but three kids ended up sticking around. The two younger kids were adopted by them, and the older kid came into their home as an older teenager, so she just spent the rest of her childhood years with them.
Here they are:
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Kat and Dirt Bug are in Sector V. I think Dirt's pronouns should be they/them instead maybe...I'm still developing these three, they're the newest of my kid OCs by several years. Dirt's name is like that because Wally let them name themself.
Kat- VERY energetic and impulsive. She's a bit sensitive, full of love and wonder, and prone to getting herself into trouble. She's very protective of her friends and siblings. She's also very into sports.
Dirt- Very curious and has absolutely no sense of danger. Also energetic, but mostly follows Kat around. Both Kat and Dirt LOVE bugs and collecting them. Dirt plays by their own rules, which they never share out loud. They somewhat live in their own reality, a lot like Kuki does.
Xue- She was in the foster system her whole life, so she's understandably standoffish around new people, including her new family. Her best friends are all internet friends. Wally and Kuki are trying to encourage her to get out more. I need to figure out more about her still.
Now for the Hoagie/Abby kids
I will admit my bias- Naomi is my favorite of all of them. Garth is @sector-v 's OC. Garth is short for Hogarth, making him Hogarth the Third!
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(These drawings are from before I redesigned adult Hoagie)
Naomi is the leader of Sector V. Garth will join the KND too, but they won't be in Sector V at the same time, because of their age difference.
Naomi- Takes after both her parents to an alarming degree, but she has more energy than both of them put together. She loves inventing and engineering and is a huge extrovert. She's a natural leader who sometimes has a tendancy to be controlling. Her parents support anything she wants to do, so she's a very well-rounded kid with infinite resources. She's brilliant both academically and socially- and is a huge nerd...though she hates to be called one.
When she gets older, she's probably gonna start going by she/they
Garth- I don't know much about him yet, but he's definitely a typical younger brother in many ways.
Now...Lizzie and Nigel
They're a mixed family. Lizzie was married before she started talking to Nigel again, and she has one son from that previous marriage. His name is Joshua and he's @sector-v 's OC. Nigel becomes the Step Dad, but he hates being seen as the "parent" (he's got baggage about that). Lizzie and Nigel later have a child of their own, Monty Jr, who is also @sector-v 's OC. Actually this entire paragraph- pretend @sector-v wrote it, because these are all his ideas.
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Joshua eventually joins Sector V, but was hesitant to at first.
Joshua- He and Naomi are inseparable best friends. Naomi got him to come out of his shell and pushed him to be more adventerous. Being raised by Lizzie, he's kind of meek and studious. He's a very well behaved kid, and Nigel doesn't know what to do with that.
Monty- I dunno he's a baby!
I could say more, but I think that's plenty! I have so many story ideas planned that feature them, but I have no idea if I'll ever draw them.
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sanvitheartificer · 2 years
I want very much to write Lockwood cot3 fic, but my trouble is A. I’m an incredibly slow writer and I KNOW most of my ideas would take so long to create, and B. I tend to be most inspired to do AUs, but in this particular case, the cast is small enough that it doesn’t fit with my typical fusion nonsense and C. canon kind of does everything i want already? Like. “Characters are forced to rely on each other in life-threatening situations with very few other support systems and it’s maybe a little fucked up and codependent” is just. canon. already. and they already have meals together and support each other and notice when they’re sad and i simply do not know if i can improve upon canon and/or the other really amazing fic already out there. Canon continuation or slice of life is not my usual thing but it’s what I really want in this case, and that’s weird for me! anyway i have two viable-ish ideas!
One is “Lucy and Lockwood are jealous of George & Flo going on some dates, eventually feelings realizations happens” (and yeah it would be ot3 AND Flo/George because why not and because george deserves all the love!) I like this idea but I can already tell the way I would want to write it would take SO long. Two is basically just. different scenes of them caring for each other? 3+1 with the first three focusing on the three different subpairings (george+lucy, lucy+lockwood, lockwood+george) and then an additional scene of All Of Them. This one seems more doable! I will probably at least try to write this. But also I need to figure out if the books include more info about how George moved in, because i want the Lockwood and George scene to be about George cooking in the house for the first time and I’d love more to bounce off of with that. Honestly could be a whole ass fic in and of itself tbh; how on earth did these two leaves Fittes? I want to know! If you know you should tell me and/or tell me to read the books.  Other preliminary ideas: Lucy+Lockwood either going to an abandoned playset during the day while normal kids are in school, and it’s a little bittersweet, or grocery shopping together and then Lockwood buys Lucy a plushie that reminds her of Norrie? I think the playset idea is stronger but I’m not sure if it’s quite enough of a Gesture -- I’m mapping out different “ways of showing love” for each character and Lockwood’s is absolutely “elaborate gesture and/or buying things”. perhaps Combine the Two, then it’s a more spontaneous gesture and thus makes sense that it’s not quite so grand. Lucy+George is Lucy deliberately making time and space to just Be Around George, I think. The idea i have so far is Lucy wakes up really early, and George has been up all night trying to work something out, and she sits with him and makes him tea and tells him to go to bed, but also doesn't MAKE him, listens while he talks through what he's working on and that helps and then he does go to bed and she covers for him with Lockwood. for All Three of Them my main idea is “game night” but it’s less fleshed out than the other three ideas. I guess the question is how do they show love for each other all together and i mean -- you could do caring for injuries or covering for each other on the job, but that might be a weird note to end on? I don’t have specific ideas for game night, but it is fairly versatile. mm, i dunno, who knows!
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
DUCKTALES for the ask game :3c
The first character I first fell in love with: as much as i want to say fethry bc he wasnt introduced until season 2 this is much harder to pick. i wanna say webby ? i did also really love huey fenton and lauchpad though i distinctly remember buddy system being the ep where i was like ok im going to be actively keeping up with this show now (instead of just kind of watching it as the mood occasionally struck)
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: HONESTLY I THINK GYRO ? LIKE so i thought he was funny and i didnt hate him or anything but a lot of his writing kind of frustrated me bc it felt like he would take like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. like he was the only one where ppl complaining abt the changes vs his 87 characterization kind of made sense to me. but yknow astroboyd actually kind of puts a lot of that early writing into new perspective that i can appreciate ! and i definitely see like the connective tissue between him and 87 gyro like as much as 87 gyro was more of a kindly goofball he also has his own maniacal insanity. and much in the same way i think '17 gyro's still got that touch of funny inventor whimsy ! hes just neat i like him
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: i was gonna say scrooge but really since im mostly indifferent to him im gonna go swing my bat at the hornet's nest and say mark beaks. i know this is by and far not universal but way more people like him than there should be. like he works as a joke and antagonistic force but outside of that who even cares man. hes just supposed to be an entitled racist creep like literally he was specifically made to be not that deep The character I love that everyone else hates: again tempted to be petty and say just pick literally any female character but i feel like della and goldie get the worst of it. im not even talking about criticisms of the writing where people think they could have been utilized more bc i agree with that ! just people dogging on them for being selfish or flat or this or that. sorry you dont support women's wrongs (although in della's case she like. made 1 mistake she couldnt fully predict the consequences of ? so not even all that wrong) but being more serious i really love both their characterization like especially della who has traditionally gotten maybe the 1 personality trait of Can Fly Things shes so boisterous and fun to watch and i personally think is both written and acted with a lot of love that shines through and she plays off of every character she interacts with (donald of course being the highlight) SO well i just cant even imagine hating her The character I used to love but don’t any longer: HMM.. i cant really think of any characters that ive soured on ? ig im a bit embarrassed to admit thinking jim/negaduck is a cool villain bc people are so weird about him but thats really a them problem when im actually watching the show it doesnt impede my enjoyment The character I would totally smooch: LIEUTENANT PENUMBRA MA'AM IM FREE FRIDAY NIGHT IF YOU WANTED T, The character I’d want to be like: 🥺🥺🥺 FETHRYYYY AGHH id love to be so unbridled and earnest in my passions just for starters. i feel like living in this day and age especially even the most genuine people can fall victim to shame or just being humiliated by things that are "weird" but ultimately harmless and this is cheesy but the older i get the more unsustainable i start to see that is but it does get really hard to shake off so ! i dunno. i think we could all stand to sing to more jars of krill and relentlessly bother people until they come see the ultimately mundane thing we think is cool. hes got the right idea The character I’d slap: see i was gonna say scrooge again but then i remembered he got smacked around in a sack by launchpad in the halloween special and suplexed to the ground by that woman in sword of swanstantine ! wish fulfilled and then some !! A pairing that I love: WHEWWW TOO MANY TO LIST !!! going purely off of canon i'd have to say della/penumbra bc i do love a classic odd couple (is it cheating to say dellumbra is canon ? maybe . but also like cmon) i wish we could have gotten to see more of the development between fenton and gandra bc who doesn't love some star-crossed intrigue BUT i am very enamored by the instances of their romance we did end up getting to see A pairing that I despise: remember when people were trying to ship louie and lena. what the fuck was that
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mostspecialgirl · 3 months
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oc rambling - angelo edition
i often forget how much fun it is to write the insiders in serious scenarios because dear god did i ever make angelo my perfect little mentally ill hater man with a completely crooked view of social interaction. i always love setting him up as the straightman for angora doing some ridiculous shit but outside of that angora is always the one who had to tether angelo to reality when he gets left alone for too long. like. He came back to life and killed his girlfriend after she murdered him. And the only “reconciliation” he got was isolating himself from the world and imposing some kind of higher-than-himself duty upon himself as penance. when his only friend finds him again the two of them have grown too far apart to have the kind of understanding they used to. embryophyte has to tie him down with excuses in order to even keep him around the vicinity of sundown
He’s the only insider who really was “just some guy” and yet due to his lived experiences he’s the one out of them who is the least in touch with his humanity. it’s practically the whole reason he’s an insider to begin with, he’s lost any personal attachment he had to the physical world after his first death and thinks the insiders project is enough of a “higher calling” for him to remain among them. really his whole arc as a character should be about reconciling with his trauma but the only person who gets him is too emotionally immature to help him despite their best efforts. I think he’s a really interesting character.
despite serving as a positive mentor to virgil in Sundown, in a lot of ways angelo really serves as a picture of what virgil realistically can, and shouldn’t become. he’s practically dark mirror of virgil’s future and that’s why virgil likes and trusts him so much without realizing he shouldn’t be idolizing his lifestyle. neither of them really realize. it’s only when virgil is raised up by those he trusts, the support system that angelo lost and lacks, that virgil was able to become a person fitting of saving sundown, and very ironically by wielding a weapon of angelo’s only made complete by the willingness to grow that Virgil still has.
taking things back to insiders you probably wouldnt pick up on any of this about his character from the material ive posted that this man is deeply fucked up. He’s too busy shaking his fist at angora which really is what starts to humanize angelo again without him even realizing it. tanith and amph have angelo read like a book, but due to who they are don’t really take much to any issue with angelo’s self image. AMPH who honestly doesn’t see much issue holding his mentality of “i’d love to help but only if you’re willing to be honest with me and already sort of understand your issue” to anyone but mila and all doesn’t get involved and Tanith just doesn’t think anythings there to help with because she’s been in the same place before but “got out fine on her own” (she didnt) and that “mortals have a lot more emotional intelligence than i did” (dear god help the poor man) finds no need to reach out either. (For those interested inseeing more of angelo and tanith be sure to check out INSIDERS: Reckless, available exclusively on my iphone in my house!!!)
angelo gets better though. i dunno how i want to fit thornhill into a proper timeline yet though so maybe no one will be seeing any of that for a while. thornhill angelo visible at the top of this post
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buggachat · 3 years
ML Luca AU
so i saw luca and it was REALLY cute so ive been thinking about a luca ml au for fun. just kinda wanted to ramble about it
it’s not one-to-one based on the plot or characters of luca, mostly just the system for how seamonsters work... but if youre avoiding spoilers you might wanna skip this just in case
marinette and alya are both seamonsters and very close friends. alya is absolutely obsessed w the idea of humans and collects human stuff. she wants to see the surface so bad but the adults of their seawater village are always warning them not to go. one day, alya goes anyway, and marinette follows her to keep her out of trouble.
cue marinette and alya finding a little human town and wandering around while marinette tries to get them to go back home.
they meet Nino, local Human boy. he’s kinda weirded out by their odd behavior but also endeared. alya keeps asking him weird questions about Human Things that nobody should ever ask another person. he’s amused and thinks she’s funny
alya keeps coming back to the town to talk to nino. she’ll take trinkets she finds on the seafloor to him like “and what’s... THIS??” “... that’s a fork dude”. marinette keeps accompanying and trying to stop alya because it’s dangerous if they get outed, but deep down she really loves coming with her. 
marinette keeps spotting a blond boy hanging around, just kind of people watching. she’s intrigued by him but too scared to approach. he’s always carrying some kind of stick in his hand. she doesnt know what it is.
one day, nino spots him too and is like “ADRIEN!!! DUDE HI!!! COME OVER HERE AND MEET MY NEW FRIENDS” and marinette’s very startled
adrien’s very nice. marinette likes him very muchly. they learn that adrien isn’t supposed to be out, that he’s actually never supposed to leave his house. but he keeps sneaking out, and that’s how he and nino met. nino gripes a lot about how much he hates adrien’s father
alya asks him what he’s carrying. adrien shrugs and says “an umbrella. you know. just in case it... rains.” marinette and alya don’t know what that is or what that means, but nino and adrien change the subject before they can ask.
this becomes a regular thing. they sneak out to the surface, adrien sneaks out of his house, and they all just hang out with nino around the town. 
one day, alya and nino are kind of having a moment in a covered outdoor seating area. marinette gives them some privacy to just wander around a bit. a drop of water falls from the sky and onto her arm. she didn’t know water could fall from the sky. she panics.
while it’s still just a droplet here and there and while she’s frantically searching for cover, she sees adrien nearby. he beckons her over kindly and offers to let her stand under his umbrella with him. they stand together under the rain, neither moving, and just watch the water fall around them.
uh oh she’s in love
cue some awkward romance moments for djwifi and adrienette. alya and marinette have stupidly fallen in love with humans! but theyre seamonsters! and if ANYBODY finds out about their secret, they would be chased out of town and possibly hunted. so this is just overall a very messy situation for them.
.... but, unbeknownst to them, adrien is also a seamonster. his mother was a seamonster. gabriel, who’s just a human, keeps adrien locked up in the house to hide this. adrien doesn’t know that there’s anybody else like him out there beside his late mother, which put him in a weird spot of being a seamonster who was raised basically completely human. hes a seamonster who’s never gone swimming. imagine that
and that’s basically all i have. i imagine the reveal being some dramatic thing where marinette and/or alya is outed to the town as a seamonster one day (perhaps in the rain), and adrien dramatically rushing to their side as the water transforms his body like “if you hurt them, you’ll have to hurt me too!!” ... but I dunno
once it all comes out, nino is very supportive of his 3 seamonster friends but has no idea how he managed to have 3 of them at once. i like the idea of alya and marinette showing adrien and nino around the seafloor for the first time, so maybe we can borrow some Syren (the akuma) powers for them where they can create large bubbles to help nino breathe underwater. 
anyway, some quick doodles:
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Game On
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Supporting Character: Frank Castle
Warnings: None really, maybe a couple swear words but other than that, this is pure fun. There are a few smooches.
Word Count: 5,065-ish (I’m sorry, it’s a little longer than what I usually put out )
Summary: Your best friend and co-worker, Ginger has an idea for a fun Saturday afternoon. She suggests a game of laser tag and also suggests you bring along your boyfriend Billy and his best friend Frank.
A/N: This just sounded like so much fun that I had to write it down. And my sweet friend Lily @munsonownsmyass mentioned how much she loved Ginger from my Happy Birthday fics so I figured I’d give her more love. She is based on my bff, she is the most fun and I can so picture her doing this. I hope you guys like it! Oh I did stick a quote from Mr. & Mrs. Smith in here
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕💕
“Hey! What are you doing next weekend?” Ginger asked you excitedly as she looked over at you from her desk which was next to yours. The work day was always filled with interruptions from either her or you randomly bringing up obscure ideas that just popped into your heads.
The clicking of your keyboard stopped as you looked over at her. “Next weekend? I don’t think I have anything goin on. Why, what’s up?” You were very intrigued, Ginger was always full of great ideas and fun things to do.
She removed her blue light glasses and set them down on her desk. “Because I was thinking that we should go and play laser tag.”
Your eyebrows automatically raised like being pulled up by strings. “Laser tag?!!”
“Yeah!! Get a few people from around the office, you bring that smexy boyfriend of yours, oh he should bring Frank…and his kids would probably love it!”
You pondered for a minute before answering her, it did sound like a lot of fun. “Ya know what, that does sound like fun. I’ll talk to Billy when he gets home tonight.”
Billy Russo was your devastatingly handsome boyfriend and former boss. After confessing that he had feelings for you last year at your birthday party, you resigned from your position at his company, Anvil, and started your relationship.
Since that night, you have never been happier, you got a new job working with your best friend and you and Billy recently moved in together. Life was very good.
“Laser tag?!!” Billy exclaimed, flashing that blinding smile at you. “How many people will there be?”
“I dunno yet.”
“What kind of set up is it?”
“I dunno…”
“Is it a point system or is it a you get shot and you’re out situation?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Alright, soldier…at ease! I don’t know yet.” You were smiling because you saw the competitive glow in his dark brown eyes begin to brighten at the very mention of a game. “I just wanted to know if you wanted to play next weekend, that’s all.” Billy was quite the competitor, he always had to be the best—at everything.
He bit his bottom lip and looked down, tilting his glass of bourbon back and forth, you knew he was already strategizing in his head how he was going to win. “I know that look, Billy!”
“What look, baby?”
“Don’t you play innocent with me, I know you’re already thinking about how you’re going to win. Besides, it’s not a sure thing that you’re going to win, I’m a pretty good shot, ya know.”
Billy set his bourbon on the coffee table, the amber liquid moving back and forth in the glass, he pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him and you started to rake your fingers through his soft hair.
He touched his forehead to yours. “I know you’re a good shot, sweet girl. You had a great teacher.” You wanted to wipe that smug look right off of his handsome face.
“Oh and you and Frank can’t be on the same team either.” You said with a warm smile and a wink.
“What?!! If you’re such a good shot, my love, it shouldn’t matter if Frankie and I are on the same team.”
You pointed a finger right into his chest. “Don’t you try to get in my head, Russo. I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not gonna work.”
Wide eyed and grinning like a Cheshire cat, Billy couldn’t defend his actions, he couldn’t hide what he was trying to do but he loved that you knew him so well.
You always knew when he needed a little extra attention, you could tell from his texts if he was in a good mood or a bad one, you could even tell by the way he took his bourbon if he had a good day or bad day. If he had it with ice, it was a good day, no ice—a bad day.
On days he went to visit his dying mother, he always put on his black and blue tie, little things like that you picked up on, you paid attention to him which he still wasn’t used to, but he loved, and if he felt like talking about his day, good or bad, you were there to listen.
Because Billy held a lot inside, the times where he did want to talk, you stopped whatever you were doing to listen, you wanted to encourage him to talk more, to make him feel more comfortable telling you what was bothering him.
Today, however, was a very good day and he was the only one talking at dinner, telling you all about what he and Frank did on assignment today. But he seemed very curious and excited about laser tag. “Well I’m all in for laser tag, baby. I’ll ask Frankie if he wants to do it and bring the kids.”
You lightly clapped your hands together. “Oh yay! This is gonna be so much fun! I’m going to text Ginger right now.”
Billy carefully watched you get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen to get your phone, and he kept his gaze on you until you came back to the couch. He always did that, stared at you with great affection any time you had to step away from his presence.
He was still quiet when you sat down and draped your legs over him. “What? What is it?” You asked him.
Billy inched closer to you, leaning you backwards so your head rested against the arm of the couch and gave you a deep, passionate kiss. “Nothing.” He said shaking his head. “I just…love you.”
You always thought Billy’s beautiful dark eyes were looking straight through you, like he could see everything that was happening on the inside of your body.
The flutters in your stomach that happened any time he looked in your direction, the goosebumps that erupted on your skin when he touched you, and the way your heart skipped any time he flashed you that gorgeous smile. You just had a feeling he could see it all, he loved you so much.
“I love you too handsome—and you’re goin DOWN!” You said with confidence.
He just laughed a little and told you “We shall see, beautiful. We shall see.”
The following week at work was just a competition of who could do the most shit talking. You and Ginger had recruited three more people for laser tag, and Billy asked Frank if he wanted to come and bring the kids. Altogether there were nine people, so you’d split everyone up into three groups of three.
Team 1 would be Billy, Joe, and Frank’s daughter Lisa, Team 2 would be you, Phil, and Frank Jr. and Team 3 would be Frank, Ginger, and Chris. Joe, Phil and Chris were friends of yours that worked in your building.
“Ginger, where are you going? I thought we were going shopping?” You asked after clocking out for the day.
“Oh I can’t! I forgot I have to meet Frank and Chris for a strategy session. Oh and I’m telling Frank that I get the biggest gun they have. The team captain should have the biggest gun.” She stated with conviction.
You started to laugh. “You’re having a strategy session? Also, does Frank know you designated yourself team captain?”
She had a devil like smile on her face when she replied with “No, but he will when he sees my special laser tag outfit I made with a ‘Captain’ patch on it.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose and closed your eyes. “Wait…you made your own laser tag outfit?”
“Of course I did! It’s all camo.”
You nodded your head. “Yep, of course it’s all camo. Ok well have fun strategizing! I’ll see you guys tomorrow for lunch before game time!” You waved goodbye to Ginger as she headed off to meet Frank and Chris.
On your way to lunch, you were thinking about the only strategy you had for the game which was you had picked two of the shortest people to be on your team and made sure that they wore dark color clothing.
You and Billy were both dressed in black from head to toe and even though you loved to see Billy in his nice suits, he looked so good in more casual clothing also. From the black boots on his feet, to the black sweatshirt he had on up top, he’s the sexiest man you’ve ever seen.
“What is it, love?” Billy asked you as he drove.
You bit your bottom lip as you looked up at him and delicately moved your fingers up and down his thigh. “I was just thinking about how handsome you are.” Ok maybe you had another strategy, but he could see through your little head game.
“Uh huh, I know what you’re doing—don’t you bat your eyelashes at me.” He didn’t even give you a chance to turn on the charm, although it didn’t stop him from smiling and blushing. “Nice try, beautiful. It takes a lot more to get in my head.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Eh, can’t blame me for tryin’ though, right? I do like this look you have goin’ on though, it’s sexy.” You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
Billy parked the car and the two of you made your way inside the restaurant where everyone was waiting for you. Frank’s kids took one look in your direction, got up from their seats and charged at Billy. “UNCLE BILLY!!!!” They had the look of pure joy on their face when they rushed over to hug him, and after they hugged him, they grabbed onto you to give you a hug also.
“Hey y/n! We’re going to beat Uncle Billy and Dad’s teams right?!” Frank Jr. asked wide eyed and animated.
Frank’s daughter Lisa, looked at her brother, rolled her eyes, and told him. “Uncle Billy and I are going to win, Junior.”
Billy adored Frank’s children. “Alright, alright let’s eat so we can go play ok?” Billy said to the kids and ushered them back towards their seats.
As you walked over towards the group, you overheard Ginger say “I just don’t understand why we have to be stuck with Sasquatch over here, no offense Chris but you stick out like a sore thumb and you’re an easy target is all I’m sayin’.”
All Frank could do was roll his eyes. “Does anyone want to change teams? And can we talk about how Ginger made herself team Captain?” He leaned back in his chair with his arms extended out to the sides.
“I have the patch, Frank. I get to be Captain.” Ginger made sure everyone saw her patch.
“You have the patch that you sewed on YOURSELF!! And where did you get that outfit anyway?” He asked.
Ginger loved messing with Frank. “Don’t worry about it.” She said.
You chimed in. “She made it, Frank.”
“Of course she did.” He said with a furrowed brow.
Following lunch, the group made their way to the laser tag arena. It was quite a large facility, you took one look inside and saw all the obstacles, barriers, and flashing lights that were all over the place, this was going to be a lot of fun.
After a couple of employees explained the rules, they led you into the room that held all the vests and “guns.” There was an upstairs area as well as the main floor and the object of the game was to knock players out of the game by hitting all of their sensors. Last team/person standing, wins.
There were sensors on the front of the vest, the back of the vest and one on the gun itself. After a person is hit, their gun is temporarily disabled and will not fire so others have a chance to hit more sensors and/or knock them out of the game.
Aside from a few black lights, the rooms had all the lights turned off so after putting your vest on and helping Frank Jr. with his, you took a walk through the rooms so your eyes had time to adjust to the darkness, the lights on your vest provided a small amount of light when you moved from room to room.
After walking around in the darkness for a couple of minutes, you heard someone call out your name, it was Ginger. “Soooooo they just told me I can’t use my night vision goggles, what’s next? Are they gonna tell me I can’t do a barrel roll?!”
Frank just shook his head. “No barrel rolls, Ginger! We’re trying to win this, yeah?! And how did you get night vision goggles?!” He looked exasperated already, but it just made you laugh harder.
“Your team rules are like prison Frank, ya know that?!!!” Ginger yelled back and giggled. It brought her such joy to harass Frank, it’s probably why she suggested that Billy ask him to come along.
Frank Jr. was wondering why everyone on your team was shorter, you told him it’s a good thing that everyone on the team is shorter, it’s easier to hit a taller target than a shorter one. “So let’s try to take Chris out of the game first, he’s the tallest one here. You ready, kiddo?” Junior nodded in agreement and gave you a hi-five.
Each team started in a different area, your team carefully made their way to other parts of the arena to search for members of the opposite teams, making sure not to bunch together. There were different objects for you to hide behind or take cover behind like, barrels, make shift walls, piles of sand bags.
Starting upstairs, you made sure to remind Frank Jr. to check around corners before moving out, Billy’s military training advice to you, paid off. His sister came rushing around the corner and Junior took out two of her sensors before taking off running and laughing maniacally, leaving Lisa there unable to fire her weapon back at him. “I’m gonna get you, Junior!!!”
You always knew when Ginger and Frank were nearby because they did nothing but argue with each other, Frank would try and get away from her but she would just follow him, mostly just to get on his last nerve. “Ginger, don’t make me take out my own teammate. Or maybe I’ll just take myself out so I don’t have to deal with you anymore, yeah?”
It was so amusing to watch the two of them interact, you didn’t want to give away where you were so you tried very hard not to laugh out loud at their banter.
One thing you knew about Billy was he was very light on his feet, you never heard him coming. It’s how he managed to sneak up behind you and scare you at least once a week when you were cooking dinner or folding laundry. He was stealthy like a cat, planned out his attacks very carefully and he’d laugh every time he got a jump scare out of you.
So you weren’t surprised when you watched him from upstairs, sneak up behind Frank and Ginger and knock out one sensor each on their backs and disappear just as quickly as he appeared.
Phil and Junior found Chris and knocked out all of his sensors all at one time. He tried to hide but he was so tall, he didn’t fit behind anything or couldn’t crouch down low enough to get out of the way of the lasers. He ended up being the first one knocked completely out of the game, so now there were eight players left.
As you cautiously and quietly watched from your perch, you heard a lot of commotion coming from downstairs. Sensors going off left and right, while keeping a close eye on Billy, his silhouette gliding in between obstacles, as he tried to avoid getting hit.
He moved along the bottom of the stairs, pointing his gun up to check for the “enemy” and you observed him start to climb the stairs so you hid behind some stacked barrels. You’d have your chance to stun him when he moved forward to observe what was going on below him.
“You up here, sweet girl? I swept the entire first floor, you have to be around somewhere.” He murmured.
Billy was smart, even though he thought he might be alone, he still kept his weapon close to his chest. You’d have to make these shots count.
He walked out slowly towards the railing and you had a clear shot of the sensor on his gun so you took it. Got him. “Gotcha, handsome!”
With a shocked look on his face, Billy watched you walk around the barrel barrier and over to him, he couldn’t fire his weapon in retaliation for a full 30 seconds. “Oh look at that, I’m winning.” You chuckled and gently brushed his beard with your fingers.
The competitive fire in Billy’s eyes was burning bright, he couldn’t believe you got the drop on him. He hated to lose and would not take it easy on you once he was free to fire his weapon again. “That’s only one, baby. Only one. Care to make a friendly wager?” He couldn’t resist.
And you couldn’t help yourself either, you were on a high from landing your first shot so you grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, quickly let go, and started to back away before he could draw you in close. “If I win, you have to buy me something pretty.”
“And what about when I win, beautiful?” He smirked and wiped the sweat off of his brow.
You pondered for a split second. “You still have to buy me something pretty but I’ll take you to dinner…and I won’t wear any underwear. How’s that?”
Billy lowered his weapon because he couldn’t contain his smile. It took over his entire face and he started to blush. “You got yourself a deal, love. Shake on it?”
You weren’t that stupid, his stun time was almost up and you had to get downstairs quickly. “Oh no, no my love—you’re going to have earn the shots you take at me, no freebies.” Before heading down the stairs, you took one more shot and hit one of the sensors on his chest, you were going to need all the help you could get.
“DAD!!!!” Lisa yelled after her father shot out her last sensor.
Frank was having a blast with his kids. “I’m sorry sweetheart, you know I can’t let you win.”
“Real nice, Frankie. Taking out your own daughter like that.” Billy’s voiced echoed from up above.
Frank pointed his laser up towards Billy and replied. “Yeah and I’m gonna take out my son too, as soon as I can find him! Hey why don’t you come out to where I can see you, Bill?!”
Lisa had hit one of the targets on your chest before Frank hit her last one so you hid behind a pile of sandbags while the stun wore off and Joe had fired the final shot to knock Phil out of the game.
Six players left.
Frank Jr’s strategy, despite what you told him to do, was basically to just run around and see if he could hit any targets which worked well for him until it didn’t. Billy, Frank and Ginger all took shots at Junior as he ran back and forth.
And he continued to run around even after Ginger nailed his last sensor. “You’re out, Junior!! Don’t make me tell your dad!!” She yelled at him as he hurried past her and the announcement over the loud speaker stated that everyone left had one live sensor left except you had two left. And you were the only one left on your team so you knew everyone was coming for you.
Billy wasn’t the only one who could be light on his feet, you managed to sneak up behind Joe and took out his last one so now Billy was the only one left on his team.
“Ginger, what are you doing? It’s two against two, y/n and Bill are the only ones left on their teams, we can win this! I said no barrel rolls!” Frank yelled in typical Frank fashion as Ginger tried to roll from one barrier to another but Billy shot her last sensor on her gun.
“I’m hit!!” She extended her hand to try and get Frank to grab her and pull her to the side and in dramatic fashion yelled “Leave no man behind, Frank! Take my hand!”
Frank crouched down next to Ginger and angrily stated “Great! Now I have to do this by myself.” And no sooner had he said that, Billy knocked out Frank’s last sensor on his lower left side.
“You’re done, Frankie.” Billy laughed, and Frank just threw his hands up in defeat.
You could hear Frank and Ginger arguing with each other all the way back to the holding room.
“If you just stuck to the plan like I told you, we could have won, Ginger.” Frank grumbled.
Of course Ginger had a reply at the ready. “Yeah but how cool did I look when I did my barrel roll? You think anyone got that on video? I’m gonna ask.”
Now that it was down to just you and Billy, you had to figure out how you were going to win this. Outsmarting your boyfriend in combat was going to be difficult, this is what Billy does best.
And during Ginger’s dramatic performance roll, she did manage to hit the sensor on your back as you were running away from her, so you were down to one now also and you needed to get to higher ground before he did.
“You still alive, baby?!” That line from Mr. and Mrs. Smith always made you smile, you shouted it in Billy’s direction and most likely gave away your position, as you headed for the stairs, not knowing that Billy had already made it to the top without you noticing.
You kept your gun close to your vest, the last live sensor was the one on your upper left side so you wanted to keep that one hidden. Stopping at the foot of the steps, you pointed your gun up towards the top and you heard and saw a few laser shots fired down at you and then you heard his voice.
“Come on up, beautiful. I’m waiting.” You could tell he had a sly grin on his face when he said that.
There was another staircase that led to the upstairs on the other side of the arena and maybe since your live sensor was on the front of your vest, you’d be able to get there without getting hit but you wanted to finish this now so with your gun at the ready, you started to climb the stairs. When you made it to the top, Billy was standing in the middle of the area with his gun resting on the ground.
You stared at him with a very puzzled look on your face. “What are you doing, Billy? Why is your gun on the ground?” You took notice of his lone sensor, it was opposite yours on his upper right side. The guns are tethered to the vests so it was just resting on the ground next to him.
“I thought we could settle this duel style, baby girl.” He licked his lips, you could tell he was enjoying this and his cockiness was showing. “Put it down.” He said in a stern, low whisper.
Everyone in the other room watched on the monitors as the two of you stood across from each other. “What are they doing? Why doesn’t she just take him out, he’s unarmed.” Ginger said while pointing at the screens.
“Bill wants to settle this with a duel, it looks like.” Frank said with a little laugh. “He’s fast, but I’ve seen her shoot, she’s quick on the draw too.” He was curious and folded his hands in anticipation of what was going to happen next.
You placed your weapon next to your right foot, Billy studied your glowing white sensor, narrowing his dark chocolate like eyes at you and you knew he was trying to get in your head. “You think you can beat me, baby?” He slowly ran his tongue over his teeth and crossed his arms across his chest.
The smile that spread across your face was hard to control, the heat within your body caused you to blush, and you hated the way he was looking at you but loved it at the same time. This was turning you on and he knew it.
Back in the other room, Frank asked his kids “Who do you think is gonna win?”
Lisa was the first to answer. “Uncle Billy is gonna win.”
“Nah, y/n will win. What do you think Dad?” Junior asked.
“I wanna see y/n win. Your Uncle Billy is too cocky for his own good.” Frank said with a slight smirk.
“What are they waiting for? I’m ready for happy hour!!” Ginger remarked.
“Your call, handsome.” With a smirk on your face, you narrowed your eyes to match his. “Hands up, so it’s fair.” Billy raised his hands to mimic yours.
“We’ll go on three. Ready?” Billy asked.
You nodded and then waited.
Billy counted off. “One…two…three.”
After the word “three,” you each pulled the gun up by the tether, pointed it at each other’s chest and pulled the trigger. His sensor went dark, but so did yours and you weren’t sure who won.
The arena lights turned on and you both shrugged your shoulders. “Who won?” You asked him. “I saw your light go off.” You extended your arm and pointed at him.
“And I saw YOUR light go off. Maybe we have to look at a replay but I think I won.” Billy said with confidence.
“Oh are you that sure of yourself, Mr. Russo? Let’s go find out.” You said as you raced over to the stairs with Billy hot on your heels.
After turning in your gun and your vest, the two of you went into the holding room where everyone else was. Half of them said you won and the other half said Billy did, but you were anxiously waiting for someone to come in with the official results.
“Well, we checked out the footage, it looks like…the two of you hit each other’s target at the exact same time.”
Everyone groaned and demanded to see the footage so they played it and after analyzing it for a good ten minutes, there really was no doubt that both sensors went dark at the exact same time.
Frank’s booming voice yelled over everyone. “Alright, alright, let’s go get a beer and Shirley temple’s for the kids, yeah?!”
They all followed Frank out of the room while you and Billy stayed back for a minute, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulled you in close and kissed the top of your head. You had your eyes closed as you rested your head against his chest.
“Looks like you get to pick out something pretty.” Billy smiled against the top of your head. “This was a lot of fun. You are definitely a good shot, beautiful.”
Pulling away from Billy slightly, you extended your arms to lightly stroke his beard with your thumbs. “Well, I did have a pretty good teacher.” He had that smug look on his face again. “And it looks like you get to have a nice dinner…on me.”
He leaned forward to look into your eyes. “And?”
You rolled your eyes. “Aaaaaand…I won’t wear any underwear to dinner. Anything else?”
“Kiss me.” He growled with a purr against your ear.
You didn’t hesitate at Billy’s command, looking up at him through your long lashes, you pulled his face back towards yours and delicately pressed your lips against his. He tasted like salt and peppermint.
His hands moved from your waist to cup your face and he deepened the kiss, tangling his tongue with yours but you pulled away before he could lay you down on the couch that was in front of you. You’d definitely be banned from laser tag forever if things had continued. And even though your hair was a mess and you had been sweating from all the running around, Billy still looked at you like you were the most beautiful woman in the world.
“Come on, handsome. Everyone’s waiting.” You kissed him on the cheek.
Billy laced his fingers with yours and led you out of the room, everyone else was waiting at the entrance.
“Where have you two been?” Ginger asked. “Ohhhhhh, I know what you were doing.” She gave the two of you a wink. “ANYWAY!! I already have ideas for our next group outing. Karaoke sounds fun doesn’t it, Frank?!”
She knew she hit a nerve, you could almost see Frank having flashbacks to your birthday party where Ginger entertained the guests with her singing “skills.”
“Absolutely not, Ginger! Nope, not gonna happen.” Frank started to walk ahead of everyone else.
“What about Go-Karts?! We can get racing outfits.” She chased after him.
“No, Ginger.”
“A trampoline park!”
“Ok, but seriously we need to talk about my barrel roll. It must have looked really cool, right? They caught it on video and sent it to me, wanna see?!” She asked excitedly.
“We wanna see!!” Frank’s kids said in unison.
“Stop encouraging her!” Frank said with a slight smile. You could tell he had a really good time despite playfully arguing with Ginger. He glanced back at you and Billy, mostly looking at how happy Billy was.
For a long time, he didn’t know Billy was even capable of being that happy and that was all because of you. He thought about how much his kids love their uncle Billy. And with a smirk on his face, his final thought before turning around was maybe sometime in the not so distant future, he would get to be called “Uncle Frankie.”
Frank let out a deep breath and even though he may regret what he was about to ask, he asked anyway. “Alright Ginger, tell me more about these Go-Karts.”
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog
If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my tag list for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years
Nifa Deserves Better
Yep, it’s finally time for another one of these. And it’s time that another minor member of the AOT crew got some love. 
Before we had Lynne, Mina, and now this time we have a shoutout to another criminally overlooked character, Nifa. 
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Truth be told, I know almost nothing of this character. I don’t think I even saw the episodes she appeared in from back in the Uprising Arc. But I know people who have a very strong soft spot for her, and so it’s only fair that she get the love she was denied due to her short time in the story. 
Nifa is another dedicated and efficient member of the Survey Corps, and served as a close confidant to both Hange and Levi once things started to get ugly in the capital city. She’s focused and she’s efficient, and a needed source of reassurance during what was an escalating situation where the Titans were not even the main enemy. 
If anybody remembers Nifa, it was the especially gruesome way she was taken out. And the less that’s said of it the better. Needlessly brutal and disturbing to dwell on. Hey folks, did I ever tell you I couldn’t care less about fucking Kenny Ackerman? I have no idea what role he even serves in the story and to be brutally honest, I forget he even is in this most of the time. So yeah, it makes it easy to hate his guts for what he did to Nifa and her comrades. 
But she should not be remembered solely for that, there’s plenty of “nice girls” on Titan who should NOT be remembered for how they went down, whether their deaths be justified or..........UNJUSTIFIED, as is so often the case with this bullshit artist masquerading as a writer (And “artist” is really being generous for that matter....) Rather they should be remembered for what they gave and the potential they should have been able to realize before going down in battle. Nifa is another such soldier who’s presence could’ve invited a lot of possibility, even if not necessarily as a mainstay, like fellow nice girls Sasha and Historia. 
Nifa is described as the “most stylish” in the Survey Corps. Well, she certainly does have a unique look to her. Definitely a cutie as most of the Titan girls are. And an equally approachable personality where she really was a needed support system to the squad, most especially Levi. Probably something he needed after what happened to Petra who.......oddly enough, is compared to Nifa in a lot of the fanart I was sifting through. I dunno if I see the resemblance, but certainly not bad to be compared to the beloved Petra Ral, right? 
The ones who seem to like Nifa seem to really value her short time around, and she certainly could’ve been another interesting member to watch if she had stuck around. Well for anyone who wanted to see her in the newer SC uniform, you’re welcome for the fanart I stumbled into above. Who knows what else we might have had with Nifa? I do wish more people would join me across the fandom in demanding an answer to that and all those I have already mentioned before. Because these characters truly deserve SO MUCH BETTER. 
So a little love for Nifa folks, she deserves some. Give your hearts to Nifa. 
I sadly don’t know much about her VA, Madeleine Morris. But if anyone here knows any of her other anime roles, do tell me what you recommend from her selection. 
All fanart belongs to their respective artists. Now to figure out who’s next for this series. 
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griffintail · 4 years
I had this idea, I dunno if it’s dumb or not, but I figured if anyone knew it would be you! Y’know, cause you seem like you know way more than me about all these mcyt guys and gals? Anyways, I saw that a lot of people headcanon that Shlatt was Tubbo’s dad, and seeing all those dad!Shlatt AUs gave me an idea:
What if after Shlatt’s dead, after things have settled, after Tubbo becomes president and spends most of his time cleaning up the messes and mistakes Shlatt left behind- he discovers he wasn’t Shlatt’s only child. He finds handwritten letters in Shlatt’s files from a distant village, all of them fairly recent, asking him for child support money, or asking him to take “his mistake” with him. But the last letter Tubbo finds is a typed one informing Shlatt that the woman who sent all the previous letters has died, and that he has 1 month to come collect his child, or they’ll become a ward of the state; it’s been roughly 2 and a half weeks since that letter arrived. How would Tubbo react to all of this, and more importantly, would he take on the responsibility of becoming his new sibling’s guardian?
I don’t know how I became the person to come to for this lol. I hope you enjoy!
The Girl with the Horns
Pairings: Brother! Tubbo x Child! F! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of emotional abuse, Implied Buillying, Swearing
        Tubbo looked up the old White House building, taking a deep breath before going in. Inside, he immediately scrunched up his nose at the familiar smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke.
        “Damn it, dad.” He muttered under his breath before starting to clean up the building.
        He said he’d clean the building out himself as his father was the one who trashed it and now was that day. A lot of his presidency was cleaning up Schlatt’s mistakes before he even ran the rest of his new country. He sighed as he put another empty bottle in a trash bag. Schlatt had really lost it running things.
        Slowly but surely, Tubbo was able to get the White House to a much cleaner state. He was now in the main office and was searching the drawers for his father's inevitable “secret” booze stashes when he found some handwritten letters tucked in the very back of the drawer. Frowning, Tubbo took them out and saw them all addressed to Schlatt.
        Sitting down, Tubbo read the letter on top and his eyes went wide, back going straight as he reread the words before him.
        I want money for this child you helped bring into this world!
        A child?
        The rest of the letter was talking about asking for child support and Tubbo was floored. Quickly, he read the next letter and it was much of the same, demanding Schlatt to take responsibility.
        “Holy shit…” Tubbo muttered. “I got…I got a sibling?”
        He made his way through the rest of the letters, his heart clenching when the woman writing the letters called his poor sibling a mistake or made stabs at Schlatt.
        Then the last letter was a lot more formal. It was stamped with an official seal and dated. Schlatt had opened it as told by the broken seal but had obviously also put the letter back without a care after reading. Tubbo’s breath hitched as he read the letter though.
          Dear Mr. Jschlatt:
        We are sorry to inform you Miss Trentha has passed in an accident.
        Behind, she has left a five-year-old (Y/N), of which in our records has your name on her birth papers. We will give you a month’s time to make a decision; after, we will have no choice but to send (Y/N) to become a ward of the state.
                Tubbo quickly looked at the date of when the letter was sent.
        “Two and a half weeks!” Tubbo exclaimed as he jumped up. “Shit! What should I do?”
        He looked around the office he had spent time cleaning trying to process everything at once, words failing him. In a few short moments, he had found out he wasn’t an only child, that Schlatt hadn’t even looked back at this girl or her horrible mother, and that the sibling he just found out about was going to become a ward of the state! Schlatt had at least been kind enough to Tubbo to let Philza raise him but this child going into the adoption system…
        “I-I got to run L’Manberg. There’s so much to do.” Tubbo ran a hand through his hair as he panicked.
        But then Tommy’s words echoed in his head.
        You can’t become the next Schlatt.
        Schlatt was obviously going to let this child fend for themselves, Tubbo couldn’t be his father. He had to at least meet them. With a new will, he gathered around his friends, and with reassurances that they had L’Manberg covered, Tubbo set off on a horse to the village. It was a good three-day journey, so he’d only have roughly a week left to make his decision of what he was going to do.
        Coming to the village, Tubbo took a deep breath as he stared at it. What was she going to be like? She probably didn’t have the best raising based on the letters that the mother sent. Tying up the horse outside the main hall, Tubbo went in, going through the various processes to prove that he was indeed Jschlatt’s child and proving that his father was dead.
        After, they took Tubbo to a home where a bunch of children were outside playing but there was one that stood out among them and it wasn’t because she was sitting alone. It was because she had tiny horns on top of her head that were just starting to come in. Tubbo put a hand on his horns that were just starting to curl without thinking.
        “That’s (Y/N).” The man that led him here nodded to the little girl.
        “She’s five, right?” Tubbo asked.
        “Yes. She’s not very talkative, but you can introduce yourself to her.”
        Tubbo had few guesses why she didn’t want to talk. He went over, a few of the other kids were pointing at him. (Y/N) was using a stick to push images in the dirt, looking up when a shadow got in the way of the sun. Tubbo smiled when he saw her surprise when she looked up at him, he sitting next to her, wearing his casual wear rather than his suit.
        “Hi. I’m Tubbo.” He introduced himself to her.
        (Y/N) was silent as she stared obviously at his horns. “You have horns…”
        “Yeah, I do. I’m a ram just like you.”
        “Really?” She met his eyes now.
        “Mhm. I, uh, I actually knew your dad because he was my dad.”
        She shifted as she looked back at the ground. “Daddy was a bad man.”
        Tubbo winced, putting a hand on his neck. “Why do you say that?”
        “Mommy use to say that.”
        “Ah. Well…dad wasn’t the greatest, I agree. It wasn’t nice for him to leave you alone.”
        The little girl was silent and Tubbo tried to think of a subject change.
        “Do you like drawing?”
        She nodded. “Mommy wouldn’t let me use paper but I like drawing in the dirt.”
        “Oh…do you…have any friends?”
        She put a hand on one of her little horns and he immediately understood.
        “I get it.” He smiled gently, putting a hand on his horn. “I didn’t have a lot of friends until I met my best friend Tommy. I’m sure you will find some friends.”
        His heart melted as she gave him her first small smile. “I hope so.”
        He sat with her just talking away, the time passing so fast without either of them knowing as they talked. He felt like he learned so much but so little about her; yet, he loved every moment sitting with her. She had to go back with the other children of the orphanage but within a few hours, Tubbo made up his mind. He couldn’t leave this little girl with everyone else; he’d take her back to L’Manberg.
        So, in the morning, Tubbo put on his suit to be professional and he did the paperwork before waiting for them to bring (Y/N). (Y/N) came in timidly and Tubbo smiled gently as he crouched in front of her.
        “Hey, so, I don’t want to leave without you, would you like to come with me? I can introduce you to a few of my good friends.”
        “…They’re all nice like you, right?”
        He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, a few of them are pretty nice.”
        She looked around but nodded. “Ok.”
        He grinned as he stood up. “Then I’m going to take you back to my home.”
        They got the few things that she owned and Tubbo put them on the horse. After, Tubbo changed into more appropriate riding clothes before getting on with (Y/N).
        “Alright, here we go.” He muttered before getting the horse to go.
        Off they went to L’Manberg, Tubbo making sure they had shelter each night. It was a bit stressful for Tubbo on these few days. He had gotten used to not eating every day but he had to remember now to make sure (Y/N) ate. He also had to remember this was boring as hell for her so he tried his best to make little games as they galloped along. There was a point he went off on a bee tangent for half an hour after spotting one and pouted to himself when he saw (Y/N) had fallen asleep against him but he kept an arm wrapped around her so she didn’t fall off.
        As he got back to L’Manberg, he huffed as he saw Tommy and Fundy arguing as Quackity was laughing, Ranboo standing to the side awkwardly. Yeah, that’s how he expected his cabinet to act with him gone. He tied up his horse, grabbing (Y/N)’s things before taking her hand as he walked over to them. As the pair went over, (Y/N) hide behind him shyly.
        “Guys!” Tubbo called.
        “Tubbo! Tell this furry bitch—” Tommy started.
        “Oh, fuck off Tommy!” Fundy shouted back.
        They started having another go.
        “GUYS!” Tubbo shouted, making (Y/N) jump with the rest of the group. “I have someone for you to meet, so can you shut it?”
        Tommy spotted the little girl peeking out from behind Tubbo, noticing the horns first.
        “Holy shit, she has horns like yours.” Tommy went around Tubbo.
        “Yeah, this is (Y/N), she’s my little sister.”
        “A sister?!” Tommy looked at Tubbo surprised.
        Tubbo nodded. “I adopted her.”
        “I’m sorry?”
        “It’s a long story but I’m back and I’m got to bring her to my house,” Tubbo told them before walking off, feeling the little girl squeeze his hand tighter, probably getting overwhelmed.
        They got to Tubbo’s house and he looked around.
        “Er…You can have my room. I’ll need to make you a room.” He smiled at her.
        “Ok…thank you.”
        He patted her head between her horns. “I couldn’t leave you behind sis. Let’s get you settled in and I can make us some steak. Sound good?”
        She nodded.
        Tubbo knew it would be stressful learning to take care of another human while he had to run a nation but he had his friends to help him. He hoped he could do all this right.
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