#homophobia m
Do you have any headcanons on what Brian, Alex and Jay’a backstory’s are like?
I personally give them dark back stories and that’s why they we’re so easily manipulated
I mean honestly I think they were easily manipulated because they were just regular guys before! I do have some details of their backstories (including pre-MH stuff) that I stick with though:
- Single mother and only kid. Dad skipped out, Brian resents him more than his mother does because she doesn’t like to waste time thinking about him
- Brian and his mother were close, he called her pretty frequently. His missing poster was the first to go up when he stopped responding
- In at least two scenes showing Pre-MH, nobody knows where Brian is despite him being needed for a scene in one and them hanging out at his house for another. Because of this, I often HC that Brian was frequently losing time and waking up in weird places due to the Operator around this time. Not wanting to worry anyone however, he kept this to himself and always tried to play it off as something else
- While Brian and Tim were never officially roommates, they talked about it a lot and planned to do it next semester, though unfortunately never got that far
- Brian has been openly bisexual since he was young, even if he didn’t have a label for it back then. He got some shit for it, most of it being pretty backhanded stuff considering he was popular
- He met Alex during Freshman Orientation at college and immediately clocked him as bisexual before Alex officially came out to him
- While Brian is a popular guy and gets along with a lot of people, he only has a few close friends because he chooses them wisely. He had a handful of not so great ‘friends’ in High School that he’s no longer in contact with and is subtly wary with most relationships going forward
- Didn’t fully realize he was bisexual until High School but stayed deep in the closet until he could move out
- His family (of which Alex is the third kid of four) is largely shitty on top of being homophobic, especially his father, and he cuts off all contact when he moves out for college. He didn’t tell them what college he was going to either, leaving in the middle of the night
- The only family he IS in contact with and has a good relationship with is his cousin and his husband, as they’re the only other gay people in the family (though technically disowned, not that Alex cares) and have always been more of a family to Alex than his actual one. They got really worried when Alex sends Rocky up to live with them but they take good care of Rocky. When he drops off the map, they are the people who eventually call in a missing person report for him
- Alex got Rocky in High School and took him with him when he left. When shit goes on with the Operator, Alex sends Rocky to live with his cousin out of fear that something will happen to him if he doesn’t. Rocky outlives Alex because of this.
- Alex met Amy in a shared class in his Freshman Year. They end up dating about three months after but eventually in her second year, Amy ends up transferring to a different college in order to pursue her degree as the other college had better options. They remain long distance and visit each other as much as they can
- Him and his Moms have always been the odd ones out in their town so Jay was pretty used to the idea that people were always gonna find something to dislike about him no matter what he did and he might as well be himself if that’s the case
- Openly gay for as long as he can remember
- Didn’t really have a whole lot of friends growing up but fortunately while enduring some bullying, also knew how to snap back in a way to make them back off. Eventually everyone knew to just leave him alone
- His family, while living comfortably, has always been careful with money, causing Jay to pick up the same habits. He saved a ton of money before college and always has at least a dozen of coupons in his wallet
- When Jay stops answering calls, his moms went looking for him themselves. They’re used to only relying on each other so they don’t bother with the police. They find answers, just not the ones they want, but Tim is always welcomed to the Merrick Household. No matter how much he blames himself, they know otherwise. Call it mother’s intuition.
- Jay had a TON of cats growing up so he’s very friendly with them and can spout Cat Facts at any given moment
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rocknrollerskates · 1 year
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JUNE: dad said that if you and jane aren’t going to be girls then i have to be SAWYER: NO HE DID NOT JUNE: yeah he did
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999moreyears · 2 years
saw a jeff the killer hc that was like "jeff is openly homophobic and transphobic and feels like he's better than everyone ❤" literally go die forever
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thevillainsfangirl · 1 year
There are some ships that you just know would be 100% canon if they were an M/F ship, and that's mainly what pisses people off the most in these situations.
It isn't just about the ship; it's also very much about the homophobia (whether the creators know it or not) that is preventing the ship from being canon when they otherwise would be.
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moodr1ng · 2 years
i totally understand that when discussing the sex lives of gay people, there is a very large overemphasis on a top/bottom dichotomy to the point that many people (especially cishets and lgbt people w little experience in the subject) believe that all or at least most lgbt people are exclusively tops or exclusively bottoms, and i understand wanting to correct that misconception, especially because part of the reason it is so widespread is because cishets assume that in same-gender relationship one person must always be "the woman" (who therefore exclusive bottoms) and one "the man" (who exclusively tops). i understand wanting to make people understand that for many if not most gay people, switching is natural and enjoyable and that these roles are not usually so strictly defined.
but ive seen far too many people say things like "we take turns like normal people" or "im normal i just switch" - with that specific phrasing of "normal" or very similar wording - and i really want you to consider that that is a very hurtful thing to say. there is and has been a longstanding disdain for men who exclusively bottom and a specific disgust for men who bottom in sex with other men, as well as disdain for stone butches and stone fems, who are often treated as regressive, selfish, reproducing heterosexuality, or inherently sexually disordered. people (especially wlw) who exclusively top or bottom are often treated as if their sex life cannot be satisfying, as if they are sexually defective, as if their boundaries are unfair to their partners, as if they have some sort of sexual issue that they need to just get over. before you say something about how switching is "normal" unlike the supposedly immature or regressive people who dont switch, please consider that there is no "normal" sex, that it is not more progressive to put norms on how people may have sex, and that what is most unhealthy for all of us is to tell people that their sexual boundaries and the things theyre not comfortable or willing to do during sex make them abnormal. as someone who is a stone top in large part because of sexual trauma, some of you honestly make me feel like shit about myself for not wanting to be topped, and i dont think thats "normal".
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topsonlyybar · 5 months
hey quick question does this mean dnp have been each other’s strongest and sometimes only support system and safe space for nearly 15 years and built their custom forever home and got matching mugs and have a framed photo of their ff characters in the office and watch every movie together and get cuddles whenever they want and share clothes and speak what is essentially their own made up language and look at each other Like That and built their whole lives around how much they love each other and found a way to do so publicly without destroying themselves?
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ten years since we drafted william nilliam and every hockey uncle in the vicinity forgot how to act
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
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instagram comments are a place to go if you wanna see bad takes
i like. need people to understand that homophobic straight cis men still actively kill gay men. and that gay men are hated for violating the cis-hetero binary & their existence threatens the patriarchy.
straight cis men's fear of gay men being attracted to them gets gay men murdered & then their murderers go free because of the gay panic defense. in fact also in the comments of this video is a guy saying when he hears "gay voice" he "sees red" and has to stop himself from attacking them. gay men are not your fucking human shields against straight cis men & you especially do not deserve that if your understanding of homophobia is so shallow you think its literally straight cis men being frightened of gay men & not actual systemic violence and marginalization. especially when it comes to gay men of color. if you think of gay men like this yeah you do think they are accessories. you think they're sparkly pepper spray that exists solely to protect you.
(also note how this is the exact same way people talk about trans men)
(also funny how the og comment is almost a warped version of this bell hooks quote)
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undercovercannibal · 2 months
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snowscapism · 2 years
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Nobody asked for this but here are my Marble Hornets sexuality/romantic orientation HCs because it’s PRIDE MONTH
- Brian- Has been openly bisexual ever since he learned what the word meant. His mom is really supportive and while not everyone else has been, Brian doesn’t care. He’s comfortable about it and doesn’t shy away from it. Thinks he might be on the asexual spectrum but isn’t sure yet.
- Jay- Has known he was gay since he was young but kept it within small circles of people he trusted, his moms included. Came out in high school, got some bad reactions but ultimately came out alright and has gotten more confident about it in college.
- Alex- Didn’t realize he was bisexual until 8th grade but stayed firmly in the closet as his family is pretty shitty. Accidentally ended up in a queer friend group in college, came out to them casually and has gotten more confident about it since then
- Tim- Didn’t think about romance a whole lot until he actually got to college and isn’t really sure about labels so he just goes by queer and keeps it at that. Doesn’t bring it up a whole lot but enjoys going to pride and such.
- Sarah- Assumed all girls found other girls attractive until she brought it up to some other girls and learned that no, not everyone felt that way. Experienced some backlash for being openly queer but her guardian/uncle always had her back so Sarah bounced between a few different labels before ultimately settling on Bi.
- Seth- Didn’t experience a whole lot of crushes growing up and figured he’d just date when he was older. Dated a bit in high school and while he didn’t experience much romantic attraction, he did like doing romantic based things. Used to go by Aromantic but MH Cast ended up being the people he first experienced romantic attraction with so he now goes by Demiromantic.
- Amy- Doesn’t really have a defined label as she didn’t figure out she liked girls too until late high school and didn’t have anyone she could talk to it about it. Thankfully she met and joined the group, fitting right in, and now has a lot more people she can talk to about it.
- Jessica- Learned she liked girls and not guys early on but kept it to herself as some people around her made it sound like she was a bad thing. However, she got picked up by a queer friend group in late middle school and introduced to the term lesbian and now proudly goes by it.
- Bonus: Taylor- Didn’t figure out she was a lesbian until college and is still feeling it out but is slowly getting more confident in the idea about it. Hasn’t gone to pride yet because she wants to go with someone but really wants to.
Also all of them are polyamorous across the board because I think many of them have kissed before.
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lenasai · 6 months
"you can't say these characters are only friends when they clearly have a more deep and meaningful connection" allos shut up forever
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sleevebuscemii · 2 years
louis is saur funny because he chalks up everything about his attachment to lestat to their ‘vampire bond’ but louis was a human whole being when he went out with that man every night even after he saw him stop time and read minds. he was a human whole being when for their first time, he had a threesome with that man and let him literally drink his actual blood. he was a Human Whole Being when he kissed and devoted himself to that man in a church on the day of his brother’s funeral after said man killed and maimed two priests (one who louis clearly knew very personally) before his very damn eyes. this is a not a ‘what came first the chicken or the egg’ situation mr du lac. the court finds that you were dickmatized before you were ever vampire bonded.
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benveydraws · 1 year
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i can't love you in this skin
#twittering birds never fly#saezuru tori wa habatakanai#suggestive#<- jic#interpret this as you will#there's A Lot about gender and yashiro's relationship with gender and heteronormativity especially in relation to doumeki#he asks him what type of Women he likes. they only watch m/f stuff together. “i wonder if he's gentle with women”.#the anger and disappointment when he realizes that doumeki is actually attracted to him#unless he's remembering something that happened he only fantasises about doumeki with a woman and not with himself#(same was with kageyama iirc)#except for that kiss in the elevator but that's a whole other conversation. and even then there was a woman present#he even tells kamiya that doumeki is basically straight and he's just a rare exception#yashiro's is so so desperate to push doumeki towards a “normal” life#aka not in yakuza. not with him. in a normal (straight) relationship#just. a lot of self hatred and internalized homophobia#all that being said. i think regardless of the author's intent reading yashiro as a closeted trans person is also valid#the “i could never afford myself to reflect on this and i also don't care enough about living to even bother atp” type of closet#would it contradict some of the things yashiro says? sure. but he contradicts himself all the time#am i projecting as someone who will live and die in the closet? sure#i think it's interesting that the only person who genuinely asks him about gender is ryuzaki#in the same conversation where he asks him about falling in love#and yashiro's response is basically “it wouldn't change much” and “i'm fine with what i have”. are you tho#there's a lot i can say about yashiro and aoi and yashiro and ryuzaki's girlfriend but i can't articulate it well rn so whatever#the way dumeki's lie about dating a woman affects yashiro is also interesting regardless of which interpretation you go with#which is also why i'm using post time-skip for the art. the topic keeps popping up#but yeah uh. take it as you will i just have a lot of feelings about. This#art tag
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wangxianficrecs · 4 months
💙 Am I (Gusu Lan Cultivator, 24 M) the Asshole? by moonwaif
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💙 Am I (Gusu Lan Cultivator, 24 M) the Asshole?
by moonwaif (@moonwaif)
M, 41k, Wangxian
Summary: After learning that his roommate and BFF Wei Wuxian is gay, Lan Wangji vows to be a supportive ally. Then one day, Wei Wuxian brings home another man. [Inspired by that one AITA subreddit story.] Kay's comments: AH! This story really is the epitome of one of my favourite tropes: oblivious Lan Wangji! It's so well-written and I love the misunderstandings so much and Lan Wangji's unintentional dickishness, because he doesn't realize that he's crushing hard on Wei Wuxian. He gets sooo jealous of Wen Ning, it's such a joy to read. Excerpt: The first thing he sees is, thankfully, Wei Wuxian. He’s lying on the couch, flat on his stomach and moaning while another man massages his back. Lan Wangji doesn’t breathe. “Mn, Lan Zhan.” Wei Wuxian stirs, head turning slightly in the direction of the door, his eyes remaining closed. “That you?” Lan Wangji doesn’t answer. The other man—the one who is seated on top of Wei Wuxian, straddling his hips—withers under Lan Wangji’s glare, but he doesn’t stop massaging. “Oh, sorry.” Wei Wuxian laughs breezily. “This is, ah—Wen Qionglin. Wen Ning, this is Lan Wangji.” Wen Qionglin ducks his head. “P-pleased to meet you.” Lan Wangji refuses to look at him. “What are you doing?” he grits out, teeth clenched. “Night hunt,” Wei Wuxian grunts. “Threw out my back. Ugh, yeah, Wen Ning, right there . . .” Wen Qionglin digs his thumbs deeply into Wei Wuxian’s lower back, while Wei Wuxian makes some more lewd noises. Lan Wangji has the sudden impulse to grab them and throw them both off the couch. Instead he stomps off to his room, tosses his duffle bag on the bed and starts to unpack. Aggressively. Is this why Wei Wuxian didn’t text Lan Wangji, because he was busy fooling around with Wen Qionglin?
pov lan wangji, modern setting, modern with magic, roommates, oblivious lan wangji, friends to lovers, misunderstandings, miscommunication, jealous lan wangji, jealous wei wuxian, implied/referenced homophobia, lan wangji has friends, angst with a happy ending, feelings realization, hurt wei wuxian, emotional hurt/comfort, coming out
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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highlyincorrect · 5 months
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Upon hearing the good 911 news, I came to a scientific discovery about The Characters™️ (This took 15 minutes of my life)
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