#I feel like even my art isn't. Hmm what's the word I'm looking for here.
shima-draws · 2 years
Constantly caught in between the mindset of “I need to find a unique yet uniform thing to do with my art and stick with it so that it’s recognizable and brandable” or “Do whatever the hell you want who cares if your art isn’t a picturesque Instagram gallery when it’s all lined up”
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7ban-sama · 2 years
delineating adoration and possessiveness
It is finally time for me to cover something I have been meaning to cover in a post. [i waltz up to a podium and clear my throat] [ahem]
Tsukasa is NOT possessive. Tsukasa is NOT a yandere.
So there's my mission statement. Let's get to it!
To preface this all: I'm not here to say that Tsukasa's love is "sane" or "normal", etc. This isn't about disproving Tsukasa as an obsessive, eccentric individual; this will always be true about him, and, I love those traits! I'm simply here to advocate that Tsukasa is an example of adoration without a sense of possessive entitlement, specifically.
I'd also like to go ahead and assert that I do not think possessiveness is a wholly negative trait that makes a character unlikeable. It is in fact, one of my favorite aspects of Amane's personality. Also, I am Amane. I do not need Tsukasa's love to be selfless because that's the only good kind of love... I just like that it's how he is! Basically, the point of this post isn't to propose that anything is wrong, or bad, or needs to change. I like the way the characters contrast one another! You can almost think of this post as a taxonomical endeavor.
So... to start, I suppose we should define what a yandere is...! We'll just paste from wikipedia to make this straightforward, le etymology: "Borrowed from Japanese ヤンデレ (yandere), a portmanteau of 病んでる (yanderu), contraction of 病んでいる (yande iru), progressive tense of 病む (yamu, “to be sick”), and デレデレ (dere-dere, “in a lovey-dovey, infatuated, or lovestruck manner”, adverb)."
But of course, words are more than just their literal definition/origins. A yandere is an archetype, and it comes with a gamut of behaviors, seen in media, fanwork and original art. What defines a yandere is obsessive AND possessive behavior. They are so in love with their object of affection, that they cannot handle anything getting between them, which is why things lead to extremes of violence. What makes the love 'sick' is that, even their beloved's disapproval and fear cannot dissuade them from their actions. Some yanderes literally cannot be rejected; nothing you say or do can override their will — they love you, so they're going to do it anyways. In other cases.... rejection breaks them, so much that they lash out on their love, basically the "if I can't have you, no one can" mentality.
It's easy to get a sampling of the common themes and visuals of yandere by just looking at pixiv, or even google search results, really. Obsessive, totally love-struck expressions, wielding a knife, 'protecting' their love from others, by way of violence or even extremes of kidnapping, etc. I think one of the most emblematic yanderes is Yuno from Mirai Nikki, and with good reason. She hits allll the beats. And she is best girl.
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There are plentiful other examples across various series, and you'll start to find that they share similar visual cues and behaviors. Enough that I find myself going, hmm... now, this does feel... familiar...
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hmmm... what could it mean?
... but, we can't base everything just on known tropes and iconic visuals. So we need to look at Tsukasa's actions, alongside other characters within JSHK, for context.
We'll start with Tsukasa's introduction.
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This is probably one of the most commonly cited lines, that convinces people that Tsukasa is jealous of Nene, and resentful of Amane. Combined with the overall depiction of Tsukasa in this chapter being mysterious, ominous, and Amane becoming so distraught from this interaction. A lot of people see Tsukasa's behavior as being purposefully emotionally manipulative, essentially rubbing salt in the wound of Amane's guilt.
Sure, that's a way to look at this all, and I understand that might be everyone's first impressions of this scene. But, well... Given what we come to learn about Tsukasa later, in the very same volume, are we so certain that he is jealous of Nene...?
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It's pretty inarguable at this point that yorishiro Tsukasa does not regret or dislike the shinjuu. He loves that Amane did it, so very much, down to the very expression he was wearing during it. And Tsukasa is not at all secretive of this fact; he states it with painful openness.
The more you read the manga, the more you really have to accept that Tsukasa is not at all put off by the idea of Amane killing him, to the point where even at the tender age of four, he is fascinated and intrigued by Amane's capacity for harming him.
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Seems like it is fundamentally an aspect of Tsukasa's nature. Killing him was in no ways perceived as wrong, or horrible, or awful. Tsukasa is not vindictive or jealous. How Amane treats Nene does not make Tsukasa feel disrespected, forgotten, or discarded.
But how could he? When I break down his "you'll protect her but killed me" comment further... Now that we know what we do about yorishiro from chapter 95, is there at all a reason for Tsukasa to be envious of Amane being willing to protect Nene? Tsukasa's very existence is defined by the fact that he was something precious and protected.
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Being treasured and protected by Amane is not exclusive to Nene at all. You can see where it might be difficult to stir up jealousy over her, in that case! But beyond that, I think he is just being cheeky, lol... as much as he looks at the knife and gets all natsukashii about it. So nostalgic, that knife... Takes me back-!! Says Tsukasa, lol. It's not uncommon for little side comics and illustrations to have Tsukasa defining himself, eagerly, as "the person Amane killed!" We recently even had that Halloween event where Tsukasa dressed himself as a wara ningyo to match Amane's Ushi no Koku Mairi shtick. Tsukasa loves their binary, where Amane is the weapon-wielder, and Tsukasa is the one being staked through the chest with it. Nails, knives... have at thee!
At the very least, metatextually, it's something AidaIro themselves feel is fine to rib and tease about.
But what about the tea party?
Well... I know that, at first glance, it seems as though the function of the tea party abduction is to "get rid" of Nene, so this scene is also widely assumed to be an expression of resentment or jealousy on Tsukasa's end. He says all of this, after all:
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It should be noted, however, that none of this is dictated with any animosity; the assertion of this "rivalry" is very glib. It's almost just true in a technical sense, as him and Amane DO have opposing belief systems. Also, Tsukasa doesn't say that he intends to harm or kill Nene, here. He does not speak to Nene harshly at all; his speech is quite casual, even in the original JP of this scene. The sentiment is simply, "welp, anyways, you gotta get going now!" And, considering the fact that Nene actually obtains a physical item from the past Amane (which alters the past, presumably) it seems it really was time for her to go.
Early Tsukasa scenes are framed with the intention of preserving the mystery of who Tsukasa is and what his goals are. It's a twist, to later find out the Yugi's extensive shared history, and how they were precious towards one another. By volume 5, you're not sure what you can conclude yet. We, the readers, are (purposefully! immersively!) in the same camp as Nene: we sit there asking, why did Hanako kill his younger twin brother? What happened between them? But I believe the story is also structured to make you doubt the immediately drawn conclusions, and regularly reassess the information.
Here are some things to consider, after the tea party:
The immediate arc following these events is the Clock Keepers one, which reveals Nene is slated to die within a year. More recently, we now know that Nene's shortened lifespan is explicitly tied to the destruction of the School Wonders' yorishiro. It is the Broadcast Club's goal to have the yorishiro destroyed, and they outright intend Nene to be the one to do it. Tsukasa could not have been attempting to kill Nene, because she is a vital asset to their mission.
In Hell of Mirrors, Tsukasa is relieved to see that Nene is alive and well. He catches himself before he compulsively harms her, and then decides to set her aside somewhere, so as to not let Nene get in the way and further complicate things.
And now, to just be blunt. Tsukasa is an incredibly strong kaii, and Nene is a mortal human being. If he wanted to kill her, it would be effortless and easy to accomplish. Seriously he could, crush her like a grape between his fingers. Nene didn't survive the trip to Nowhere due to incompetence or bumbling! Nene entering the past briefly, and then being quickly rescued, was the intended outcome.
Frankly, the sheer ease of which Nene is isolated and abducted by the Broadcast Club, only furthers my certainty that there cannot be such animosity between her and Tsukasa. We can accept that Tsukasa needs Nene alive to destroy yorishiro, but that doesn't mean Nene has to be happy. IF Tsukasa wanted to be petty and jealous and invasive, he just could be, right? What's stopping him from cornering Nene, or even just tormenting her throughout the day? Even Mitsuba can be petulant and act out by stealing Kou's lunch for attention. But Nene receives no such treatment. Tsukasa is ostensibly far more powerful and crafty than Mitsuba as well, and yet, Nene is allowed to play silly little games of charades with Hanako in peace.
By contrast, how do Tsukasa's feelings stack up against other characters?
There is a gradient of possessiveness and jealousy shown within the manga, ranging from passionate extremes to more tempered, but still very real expressions of it.
Akane and Hanako are on the most extreme end of this spectrum, as... well, yanderes. Let's be blunt. That IS what they are. By this point in time, we've seen that they're both quite capable of disregarding everyone else's feelings for the sake of their own endeavors on behalf of their love. They fit the classic description of a yandere, too.
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Perpetually monitoring objection of affection, intervening when others attempt to get close to them, feeling as though they are providing protection... being drawn to violent extremes, due to this... But, there's also (charmingly) less fantastical levels of jealousy expressed by them. Hanako is often clinging to Nene and worming his way between her and Kou, like a fussy cat.
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It's so uncontrollable, this kind of thing... To the point where Akane can knowingly use the threat of kissing Nene to force Hanako out of hiding; a gesture from One crazy possessive fuck to another. It's Akane going yeah, I know that'd drive you insane, I know how your love works (because it's like mine).
But even someone less extreme, like Aoi, is capable of a sense of entitlement to Akane's love, and she cannot help but be jealous when he is courted by anyone else.
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She maintains a preened image of not being effected by these sorts of things, but is clearly NOT okay when anything happens, in reality. This is a girl who is going to stay home due to feeling miserable at the thought of her friend pursuing Akane. But, Aoi is only human! It's pretty natural for a fifteen-year-old girl to cry over a long-time crush of hers becoming potentially unavailable! There's many degrees of jealousy, here.
With all that in mind... Are we to believe that Tsukasa is SO jealous of Nene that he would make digs at Amane for abandoning him in favor of her... AND drop Nene into an abyss to harm her... but, is simultaneously SO gracious, that he leaves her and Amane to bond and grow close? Those are all quite disparate behaviors, for someone intensely jealous and bitter. For a yandere, who cannot have their love denied... does it make sense to sit around while their object of affection has a twee little cheek kiss on the rooftop with someone? We KNOW for a fact, Akane and Hanako could not bear to do the same.
Speaking of kisses... and going back to the tea party: what is Tsukasa's reaction to when his brother has a new prospective relationship with a girl? ... is it as extreme as fending her off with a bat? Prying the two physically apart? Reduced to tears?
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... nope! It's curiosity, and childlike intrigue! Tsukasa very eagerly would like to hear more, in fact! Oh oh, please tell me all about it!!! ... I even think he is so shocked about the concept of Sakura specifically dating Amane, because what, when, why!? Whoa...!!! How did Sakura do that without him realizing! ... by contrast, with Nene, it's almost as though he expects her to be dating Amane. Maybe this is what Tsukasa logically concludes, based on what he has seen between them?
Familial relationships may be separate from romantic ones typically, but it is not exactly a trait of yandere-ism to share, regardless of whatever their relation to the person they love even is. I think even as a strictly familial bond, if Tsukasa were a jealous type of person, he would be threatened by anyone accessing closeness to the previously friendless Amane. All that would matter is that a new person seeks to 'threaten' the closeness established between them. It would behoove Tsukasa to ignore a potential partner.
After all, it's not as if Amane and Nene never encroach on memories shared by the twins, since they attend a Tanabata festival together! You would think a highly jealous person couldn't bear to allow someone to make new, beautiful memories at a festival, just like the two of you used to!! And, yet! He simply does! Tsukasa let's Amane do many things! He does not intervene, where he surely could intervene. Easily! With a bucket of water! He permits Amane and Nene plenty of time without him, decidedly not being a total nightmare haunting them. From the vignettes we see, Tsukasa typically seems to be spending his free time playing games and distracting himself. Not so different from his brother, in that respect.
I think our lovely protagonist summarizes it best, here:
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By Picture Perfect, even Nene is starting to glean that there's more to this circumstance than meets the eye.
I think that covers yorishiro Tsukasa's actions quite thoroughly... so.
Let's go further, into Tsukasa's past.
What about Tsukasa prior to becoming a yorishiro? Prior to the shinjuu, many years back, in his childhood. Before merging with the wish-granting entity, even. The boy that Nene and Kou meet. Is this Tsukasa jealous and clingy of Amane, and unable to share him in any way? Does Tsukasa feel competitive when Nene responds that she likes Amane, too?
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Well... no! His reaction is far from that! He is excited to hear that Nene feels the same as him. It's those feelings that lead Tsukasa to explaining the details of his wish more. It's not as if Tsukasa was being an undiscerning child, either, as he wasn't willing to explain to Kou alone the details of his wish, despite being asked about it directly. The assertion that Nene likes Amane makes Tsukasa believe that Nene could then understand why he made the wish he did.
Nene liking Amane fosters trust and closeness between them. There is no sense of competition.
(As an aside, I find the word Tsukasa uses to mean "the same" in JP, sooo cute... おそろい (お揃い) ; going together, "matching" ! Ouhh yes you are... you two do match... QvQ)
It all tracks though, doesn't it? After all, Tsukasa already is assuming that Amane is living life happily without him, so why would Nene's feelings change anything? Amane already meant to have a future filled with many other people that are not Tsukasa. He does not ask anything of Amane.
In this scene, Kou asks what anyone would, really, given the circumstances. How is this okay...? What is the "point" of healing someone you love, if you never get to spend time with them, and experience their life together?
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No one can be prepared for how Tsukasa's whole psyche is one sooo devoid of expectation or neediness...
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Not even asking to be liked! Not asking to be treasured or remembered. Tsukasa accepts that his life is expendable, his remembrance is negligible. If Amane never thinks about him again and is busy being an amazing space explorer, happy and healthy with new loved ones, then that is fine by Tsukasa.
There is no "personal gain" here. There is no imposing a selfish will, or harming others to get what is desired. There is no demanding for attention. There is no refusal of rejection. There is no oppressive, inescapable conclusion.
Tsukasa has never trapped Amane and given him no other options other than himself. Instead, Tsukasa has sooner used himself as a means to relinquish Amane to the custody of others.
This is... as far from being a yandere as one can get, if you ask me.
I think Tsukasa really is composed of a graciousness that no one else in the cast is capable of. It's incredible, really, how he isn't even just, shaking and in tears at the thought of being unwanted, by the one person he loves more than anything. Tsukasa is simply... a very unique individual. I love you sweetie!!!!!
Also, I know that the following scene in the Red House, where Tsukasa rejoices about Amane killing him, is also cited as a major "yandere moment", but well, after everything I wrote... You can see how I believe that is a misnomer!! It takes more than just being "crazy"(in a broad, fictional sense) to be a yandere! Lots of characters are crazy and unstable, but that doesn't mean they lash out possessively over their love! A yandere must have their singular, coveted target that they never, ever relinquish! Ever!!! *huffing, puffing*
Besides, if anything, that scene is showing us the extent of Tsukasa's acceptance of whatever Amane would grant him. You are witnessing the euphoria of someone who thought that he was wholly hated and unwanted. To then be told that Amane would rather die together than grow up without him... It's an unfathomable, thrilling revelation. (And aren't we just like Tsukasa, dying to find out how, and why? Lol..)
We shouldn't forget, at the end of the day, who is the precious belonging here. Tsukasa has potentially been trapped in Amane's boundary, like Sumire was within Hakubo's, for who knows how many years... Er, and now that the recent chapter has also made it even MORE overt that Tsukasa is represented by the moon, let's not forget a certain someone and his lunar rock...
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What a word to use! Aha. What could it meeeean? Hmm.... lol!
So yeah! That's... all that I wanted to cover, really! :3c I hope this offers some perspective... and, as a yandere, my perspective holds some weight here.
Playfully, I will append: I understand that what people are struggling with is also the fact that Tsukasa's emotional resonance isn't dissimilar to something like this:
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... but to that, I simply must ask you all to have an open mind to the complexity of our dear sweet Tsukasa. He IS an obsessive person who feels things to fanastical extremes... But this all culminates in an extreme in the opposite direction — just plain, pure selflessness.
Additionally, Tsukasa seems captivated by others' selfishness, and exists to be a conduit of it, as someone granting your heart's desire. This places him in an unflattering position at times, being the one willing to execute things even if no one could approve of the results. But I think this is testament moreso to hearts being messy, and what one desires often being quite twisted and difficult to reconcile with — which is why it's easier to bury it deep down. Tsukasa doesn't care whether or not people hate him though, so... he risks the least by taking action on your behalf. He will do it! He will do what you are too afraid to do!
You should all be thanking him.
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ehlnofay · 1 year
writer asks... 🥺🛒🤡✨🎶🎨👀
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? I think that something that always gets me is when the interaction is nice and good and lovely, and it could continue to be nice and good and lovely, but there are underlying circumstances that will not let it be and even now the cracks are starting to show. I love it when you can see the painful dissolution of a relationship long before it actually comes to fruition. it's so hhhhh and I write it a fair bit with characters like arabella and j'zargo, torr and astrid, pax and martin, and so forth
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. the thing that draws me most to writing is the characters; I think most of my writing is in some form a character study. I'm perpetually fascinated by how people react to difficulty, how they relate to one another, how their experiences inform their actions. so I think most of the themes that crop up often relate to that. I like using a lot of images and motifs, as well, but I can't think of any that are ubiquitous, though most of my characters have one or two specifically assigned to them that I like to reference
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? hmm... I'll be honest almost anything with efri has at least one thing in it that is extremely funny to me. she just says things. I'm looking through her document to give an example and there's just so much in here. in her first meeting with savos she asks him how old he is and then raps her stick on the ground and says "you're dead," before he can finish answering. she announces to the group of vampires she's sitting around a campfire with that she isn't sure how she feels about her choice to free them, you know, ethically speaking. she refers to the eye of magnus exclusively as "the ball" and when mirabelle informs her what they've been calling it she says "huh. that's a weird name" (she does not know who magnus is)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉 I'm genuinely really happy with where my writing is right now. I'm proud of how much improvement I can see over the last few years in how I portray scenes, atmosphere and dialogue, and I see a lot of potential for growth which I find really exciting! since I was a little kid I've wanted to be a published author and I feel like that's actually in the cards for me at some point in the not-too-distant future (assuming, you know, I actually write a book)
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately? I cannot play music or listen to literally anything when I'm writing. I close the door and the windows and ask my siblings to turn down their youtube videos or else I Cannot Focus An Inch. however I do love to listen to music to help me think through my stories and characters... it helps me get into a Mood and I've gotten a lot of ideas that way. most recent song I've begun to associate with a character is the amazing devil's the calling. it's pax (ish) at a very specific story beat
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories? LOVE IT FOREVER. I still regularly look at art fight attacks and go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I want to give each of them a turn as my profile picture but I keep forgetting :(
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! the Ludicrously Big Project.... if I keep the other sections to a similar length it will end up over a hundred thousand words, which is ABSURD. if I don't, the first bit will feel like such an insane outlier. I guess we'll see... I don't want to go into too much detail since I am only about a quarter of the way in (ridiculous) and I might trim the section I've written down a Bunch, so I don't want to like. jinx it. or say anything that ends up not being true. I will say that each main part focuses on the same story from the perspective of a different character and it is an exercise in not writing in little scenes pieced together (the reasons it is SO STUPID LONG methinks... if it was just the one character in vignettes it would have ten thousand words cut out and it would be done already) and that none of the characters in it are mine. unless you count the ones I made up expressly for this story. also it is pretty dark... which isn't super uncommon for my longer stuff it seems. I guess the more intense topics demand more space to resolve themselves. but there are parts that might be hard to read (definitely will be hard to write). whenever I post it in fifty years I will be sure to include comprehensive content warnings
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ntshastark · 1 year
.......hello 👀
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MAWS liveblog: part 1 (1x01-1x02)
Episode 1
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BABY BOY!!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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she's angry and also a vicki vale fan, i love her 😭
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AND SO DOES HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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YES HE'S BABY!!!!!!!!!!
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hmm i like lois having a more established career at the point she meets clark, but i can work with this (sv!lois hadn't even graduated yet and she's my fav so)
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he's so in love with her already, we love a man with taste
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loving this dynamic already
everything is so ultra-tech-y, there's tablets with holograms, computers with stupid transparent screens, all weapons are laser
and yet, the newspaper is not only still printed but also delivered by kids
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love the uncanny blue of clark's eyes
gotta admit, i'm not a fan of lois also being instantly into clark, i like when he's instantly into her but she's too career-focused to even pay him any attention, and is also a bit mean to him (but he likes it) (bonus points if there's a bit of a rivalry going on bc he keeps getting scoops and she can't figure out how)
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now that's better >:3
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omg captain america
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what do these lasers even do, his clothes are intact????
this poor man experiencing pain for the first time in like 20 years probably
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wait then whose tie was it??????
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Episode 2
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now i REALLY want to know how they developed the language, bc i don't think it's ever been spoken before
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NOOOOOOOO THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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isn't that the name of, like, that one kryptonian hero that was nightwing's sidekick or something?? (don't wanna google it in case there's maws spoilers)
wonder if it's gonna be a plot point or just a easter egg
wait i think the base for the spoken kryptonian was latin (which is a pity, i was hoping for hebrew)
i'm not saying i dislike this lois, but... she's a bit too quirky and immature... :/ i get that they're younger here than in most adaptations but i mean, smallville!lois was even younger and she's perfect
but it's ok, it's a children's cartoon, i can live with it.
oh my god they gave him a magical girl transformation
full disclosure: i'm not really into anime, so this does nothing to me except make me :/ that we're not getting the "baby blanket sewn by martha" version
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ma'am the word you're looking for is definitely not shorts
the animation on this series is really not that good with expression tbh, like, the voice actors are going hard and the character is just =[]
i wasn't huge on the art style bc i thought it was too anime-like but one thing you definitely can't say about anime is that it's not expressive, so it's feeling like a lose/lose situation over here lol
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i mean, come on
ugh, references to the classic superman theme always Get Me
wait, there's a regular bedroom but also a bunkbed in the living room? who designed this apartment????
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ok the woman is probably amanda waller and the military guy is very likely general lane, but who tf is this tumblr sexyman-looking bitch supposed to be
ok, final impression? it's cute, it's fun, most of the issues i have with it can be answered with "it's a children's cartoon". i'm glad a new generation of kids is being given a new superman series, which is the important thing here (and i mean, the cartoon that got me into superman was fucking krypto the superdog, so). can't wait to get my little cousins and nephews into it!!
the biggest disappointment is probably lois and clois, tbh. she might even eventually develop into a more accurate version of the character, but the get-together that they're going with is definitely not how i'd prefer (and the early-on identity-porn era is my favourite for them, so it's double the :/). but it's ok, there's tons of other adaptations and comics out there that do show them that way (and more on the horizon! here's hoping 'superman: legacy' delivers, the casting is already amazing so 🤞🏻)
anyway, i'm gonna be going through the eps kinda slowly bc i'm pretty busy, so it's definitely not gonna be like my usual half-a-season-in-one-sitting liveblogs (god i miss having vacations)
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
MM Michelangelo - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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Its ya boi! Mikey uwu I admit I do love him just as much as I do any other Mikey's I dunno it is nice to see him not just reduced to baby but he is still very baby ;3; like telling Splinter he loves them and going "kisses" just nice as someone who grows tried of how often Mikey can be flanderized or infantilized giving him a slight more maturness was just a nice change of pace. I wish we got a bit more but as i mentioned before I understand for the story and time why we didn't we'er gonna get more so I look forward to more Mikey soon.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"It me Micheal Angelo!" Untill I know for sure what they do for a last name i'm sticking with the joke I won't change my tags of course but ya know XD. In a lot of the promo art they show Mikey's name with a star over the I even when capital and it's cute i'm keeping it. It shows off Mikey's more child like and playful nature. Due ti the size, spacing and slant in his hand writing Mikey is a people pleaser and likes to avoid confrontation. Which we do see when it comes to them meeting the other mutants and even being against their plan Mikey agreed they can't let them do it but he still felt bad for having to be against them. Even among his brothers Mikey sort shows this peace keep mentality even among his brothers though he isn't above getting upset with leo for snitching on them. Because he may show these traits he isn't going to back down when it comes to defending himself, his words or others when he feels the need todo so. If there is a need of course. Mikey dose show he dose in fact over think here and there mostly when it comes to the situation him and his brothers are in.
Day dreamer he is he liked to think about if they weren't shunned from society they could be like humans their age. But that coming from having to remove that fact hes a mutant from his mind before he can indulge in the idea. Mikey also is someone that once he commit and puts his mind to something his ambition will carry him far.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"I've been a few places in New York? but that's about it really."
Mikey and his brothers haven't gone to a lot of places yet, mostly moving across New York and I wouldn't be too surprised if it's not even all that much of the city it's self likely the most travel happening when they go after the big crime families of New York.
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"I mean never really been? I'm a turtle so I dunno I bet that gives me an advantage maybe."
Mikey may live in a sewer and be a mutant turtle but I don't think he adapt to nature too well not like the hard core camping where you sleep on the ground. And such maybe be fine with a tent at least but he likely perfer some comfort of not being in the woods like able to be on his phone. But He might be fine with out it if really had to go with out the device hes still a someone who grew up with tech so there will be a miss for it.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"hmm Pizza yeah the pizza for sure." I feel Mikey first memory was when Splinter first got them that Pizza uwu, it was the most beautiful thing the turtle ever laid his eyes on. This must be what love is. Okay there some over hyping but come on it's a Mikey Pizza may be the food of all the turtles but we know who loves it the most out of the four of them. It was also something new. And something so very common and normal for humans to enjoy just something Mikey wished he could do walk into a pizza place and get a slice. So mundane to most but for someone who can't do that?
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Pizza of course." Feel Like I put too much in the memory forgetting this question is also here haha but yeah it's pizza for Mikey of course. Even when him and brothers were busy with their take down of Super fly plan he did go for the Pizza Splinter got for them. I feel it's a comfort food for Mikey, something Splinter would try and get for his boys when ever he could. Just this nice little treat that helped to brighten up his and his brothers days. Sure they can go out at night and such but somethings it get to him feel like he and his family were punished for simply existing (the scene with him gazing out from the sewer grid with the bars shadows over him ffffff hurts!)
But Splinter would get his hands on a fresh hot pizza and try and make it special for them so now mikey can't help but feel comfort around a good piece ;3;
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"Nah I listen just about anything, even if I can't sign BTS songs for Donnie." Mikey likes rap and hiphop mostly stated off what sounds from the soundtrack I feel Mikey would be a fan off. He doesn't like old school music as well so he dips into the 90's era of music as well. Due to their life style sure they can be caught up on what new known but they were able to get their hand son the older stuff first.
Which helped to cement what kind of sounds and such that Mikey finds him self more drawn towards. Mikey just likes a good song he vibe with. Music is something he more turns to depending on his moods. If he feeling sad he dose like to listen to sad music and so on. He feels its a very good way for him to go through how he is feeling. Sometimes others words help him connect to his how emotions.
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"Well I mean I try not to think about much or I just get bummed out ya know?"
Lets be honest the turtles past? Sucks. It sad when you really look at these boys who just wants something so mundane as being able to go to school that getting to walk into a school excites them? They in a sense have freedom humans don't but they want this basic thing that many would moan and groan over. They were exited just to see a school hallway to mess around and sign up for an improve class even. Mikey rather focus on the future they have over wanting to look back. Course that doesn't mean the good times that part he dose think back on.
Just him, his brothers and their father, like bath time just playing around as kids. Raph waking him and broths up due to his fear of the dark. Mikey finding glow stars and setting them up claiming it was for him but it was really for Raphael. Cause the guy would never own up to the fear. He doesn't like to reflect on the bad times when it comes to the past rather stick to what was good even if that wasn't enough to make him content in that life for long.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Nah I'm good about sleep"
Mikey and his family for sure lived a nocturnal life before having to readjust but I feel Mikey was always someone able to go to bed at a decent time and up early not too early of course, Mikey dose enjoy getting a good amount of hours in to sleep. But when the sun is out? He is also up just as bright and sunny as it. He aint the sunshine turtle for nothing after all. Mikey only struggles to sleep when he is excited about something he cant wait for the next day to come around that his body just is not tried at the time. Those are the only times he misses out on his sleep but true to who he is still manages to have energy to get him through the day.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"Ya know improve is very artistic." Mike's much more for performance art one could say as someone who always is thinking on his feet however though it makes sense that he dose take an intrest into improve being able to come up with things on the spot and working without any script or clue of what is going on? Yeah it fits very well with his mind set. He's quick to take note of his surroundings and working with what he has to execute plans like using donnies bo staff so make sense why improve appeals.
I feel in terms of a favorite person? Mikey really loves actors who can jump into improve like Robin Williams, loves catching SNL skits and other late night shows for this reason. He tries to bring in that same losse and easy going style to his own humor because he just finds it works best more so in stressful situations.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"No as much as Like Don's glue to his stuff but yeah i use a lot of it myself." Mikey for sure gets more use out of it once he starts to make friends. Like mostly in use of twitter, Instagram and Snap chat himself. Of course, Twitter is meant for following celebs and such but he also just posts nothing major or of value just a normal account where he chats with friends and mutals. Instagram is for sure where he posts photos of stuff he sees around the city or at home. Likes to take pictures of his family. Just small thing like hanging out with his brothers or stuff he thinks might be fun or funny to share.
He dose also use tiktok where I can see him having a platform for his improving skills I can see him being like Thomas Sanders where all his content is very light hearted aimed to just make you day better give you laugh even.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"I like people with good vibes mostly." Unlike 2012 mikey he's not one to deal with the whole jealously aspect of his brothers getting new friends if anything he really wants them to do well oh he will still tease them on their crushes of course and call them out for being dorks. But he full on supportive younger brother here. If things go wrong? I feel hes the shoulder for his brothers to rest their heads on. And unlike 03 mikey I feel he's not as great about picking up on when someone might not be all that good to trust. Seeing how they all fall for Super flys charm after all, Even not able to pick up on the vibes from Mondo seeing how they clicked right away when they first met themselves. So it might not be abnormal for Mikey to have a few bad friendships in the near coming future simply because he is such a nice and friendly and welcoming person. Some people may take advantage of that but Mikey tends to let it roll of his back, in the open at least.
Mikey tries his best to stick to his easy going ways but somethings? it can be a bit to much even for him.
At school I feel Mikey is that kid who can mingle among all the groups and cliques. He just can vibe with a different mix of people he knows the theater kids, he knows jocks, the kid who go home everyday ect. He's pretty good about diffusing tension even usual making it to where everyone leave chilled and clam after.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"I'm in school now I dunno if I wanna pursue more though? I mean maybe an associates at least?"
As excited as Mikey is to start going to school he hasn't thought much pass a high school degree himself. Community college is likely the most he'll go with next maybe through a scholarship from the preforming arts section. If anything he might look to community theater to keep pursuing improve as an outlet. So that he can learn to sharpen that more.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"I mean? I'm a turtle, my bros are turtles, my dad's a rat, we got even more animals in the family?" LOOOK MANY PREVIOUS MIKEYS HAD CATS! I like to think Mikey will also find his own cat ;3; likely more how 03 found Klunk or like how April found the cat that became Ice cream kitty in the 12 series. I think he would find an animal in need of home and decide their home is with them. Maybe something a little out there even or like a dog to match his energetic side?
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"Gifts can be hard, I mean it gotta fit them be something they want or could even need? show you thought about them even," I think Mikey being Mikey is pretty good at knowing a sort thought process to follow for gifts. I feel no matter what it is clear he had you in mind so the gift liekly is always well received Mikey very much is someone who puts thought into the gifts he gets no matter what that gift is though.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"I love them, and now? we have even more! Course Mondo is who i'm closest two guys vibe is real chill ya know?"
Mikey loves his family he really is all about them. He loves Splinter and everything he dose for them and tries to do for them. Like in part he can understand Splinter is just trying to protect them even if he can go a bit to far at times Mikey always knows its from a place of love. And well hes lucky to have a parent who loves him, his brothers even like that.
His brothers? He in the youngest and sometimes that can be a pain but he would change any of them given the chance. Of course, he still gonna be a little shit at times they are his siblings and well it just what you do to your brothers. He didn't make the rules but he follows them. He take advantage of his lil bro status loving to perch on Leo and Raph jumping up on them and such. He sometimes will do it a bit towards Donnie bout never fully throwing his weight their way. Mikey dose for sure see his brothers as his best friends they are the ones he can tell everything to. Even share those thoughts he doesn't find as pleasant. I feel he tends to go to each brother for different reasons however. Nothing against any of them just he feels he knows who would be the best to talk to about what ever is bugging him.
With his expanding family? He is closest to Mondo seeing them more like his own best friend. Mondo just gets him in a way many don't they even get into the same stupid antics together. So he can often be found skating in the tunnels with them or getting into some trouble with them. I do feel Mondo is a bit older than Mikey so he sometimes tries to take responsibility but pretty sure Mikey tends to have to step up the most when Splinter starts to scold them.
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paleparearchive · 6 months
Reasons for Being Close Friends
Renoir's initial 2★ story (1/1)
Location: terrace (morning) | Characters: Renoir, Monet, Sisley, Bazille, Aoi/MC
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Renoir: Hmm… It's a beautiful day, isn't it. The sun is mild and the wind is fresh. This is perfect... A perfect day for sketching, don't you think?
Monet: Yeah. Well then, let's all go a little further afield today and paint on the riverbank!
Sisley: Yes, I agree. There's a good spot upriver. At this time of the year, the flowers are always blooming beautifully when I pass by on my deliveries. I think a good picture can be painted with great comfort.
Renoir: Alright. Once that's decided, we'll need a lunch box, snacks, and some drinks.
Bazille: We don't need alcohol…
Sisley: Yeah. You can't paint if you drink, can you?
Renoir: Then, if we shift it to a hanami picnic, there would be no problem at all.
Bazille: Jeez. I thought we were talking about going out to paint, weren't we?
Renoir: I thought we were talking about going out to have fun, fufu. It would be great to drink with pretty ladies, wouldn't it?
Sisley: It's all about having a party for you, is it?
Renoir: Oh come on, come on. It's all about having fun with paintings and flowers.
Aoi: It's certainly lively here. What's up with you all getting together?
Renoir: Hello, my lady. You've come at the right time.
Aoi: Uh, is that so?
Renoir: Indeed. We were just having a fun conversation.
Aoi: Wow, what is it, what is it about?
Monet: Sketchin', cherry blossom viewing, banquet... I guess.
Aoi: Hmm? Ah, are you all going out together?
Renoir: Sisley said he knew a good spot.
Monet: Yup! Because it's fun to paint together!
Sisley: But it's going to be more of a banquet than a sketching session, though.
Bazille: I'm unwilling to do that…
Aoi: Fufu… The four of you are really close.
Monet: Yeah! We've known each other for a long time!
Aoi: Did you go to the same art school?
Bazille: Yeah. At Gleyre-sensei's place.¹
Sisley: We're all different types, though.
Monet: But I don't know how… I was comfortable bein' with these guys.
Renoir: Fufu, that's right. I guess you could say we're a perfect match. Maybe it was all balanced out, I don't know.
Bazille: It's mainly Monet who rushes through and Renoir who stirs things up appropriately…
Monet: But Sisley is a nice buffer for us.
Sisley: However, Bazille always follows through with whatever we say.
Aoi: Really... As I said before, you're a good quartet.
Renoir: That's right. Because good alcohol tastes even better when the four of us drink it together. I feel like meeting everyone here is a lifetime treasure.
Monet: Yeah.
Sisley: Yes.
Bazille: …²
Aoi: That's lovely, isn't it.
Ah. So the four of you are going out to sketch today?
Renoir: Exactly, however…
Aoi: However?
Renoir: Hey, you should come with us too, my lady.
Aoi: Huh, me as well?
Monet: Yeah! I like that! Let's go together, director.
Sisley: Ah, however, wouldn't it be a nuisance to invite the director out of the blue…?
Aoi: No, it's fine for me. Wouldn't that be a distraction for you, though?
Bazille: If that were the case, we wouldn't have invited you in the first place.
Renoir: Yes yes. Also, I'd be happy for you to be my model as well.
Aoi: I-I see. If it's okay with me, I'd be happy to.
Renoir: Thank you. Aah, I'm looking forward to it. Cherry blossom viewing party with beautiful scenery, delicious drinks and a lovely young lady.
Aoi: (H-Huh…? They're going to sketch, right?)
(Well… Whatever.)
¹: Marc Gabriel Charles Gleyre was a Swiss artist who was a resident in France from an early age. He was an important Impressionist artist and he taught many young artists, including Monet, Renoir, Sisley and Bazille. [Source: Wikipedia]
²: I can't really put it into words but please assume that Bazille is smiling in this part, he was quiet but he was smiling. Bazille you dork ↓
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 017: Let's get smashed (ASM 116-118)
So John Romita Sr. just died. A great artist. I don't need to tell you, by this point.
1973 is here! Now, as I said, I'm very familiar with the few upcoming years. But will I look at them differently? Hmm!!!
The issue recaps what happened last time, and it feels surreal to now see exactly what happened. It's pretty much how I imagined it, except slightly more complicated.
Richard Raleigh is back! Or rather, here. What's up with that?
Well, turns out issues 116-118 re-publish Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine #1 (that special in black and white!) but edit it to fit continuity. In the original print (of ish 116), Stan Lee explains that SSM#1 was published around an election year, and they felt like the new election year was apropos for a lil' lifting, handled script-wise by my baby Gerry Conway, and visuals-vise by John Romita Sr. naturally.
So let's read them!
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Ah, Romita. Your art never disappointed.
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Maybe it's my contemporary look, but this single panel on the right raises so many alarm bells it's hilarious. I've head that kind of words coming from my politicians. *sigh*
The GwenPeter drama continues, and with the recent realization that Romita worked on romances, it all makes a lot of sense.
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Man, I'm sure I commented on that back when---
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It's very nice to see how much Romita's art improved (more perspectives! And the colors help him a lot too.
You know, as we get on to issue 117, I feel like Conway's writing is easier to understand for me, as-in, not difficult at all, whereas Stan's writing was often annoying to parse due to some expressions. You really see the difference. Of course, Stan wrote the original issue, but Conway pretty clearly rewrote pretty much everything.
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We've got a new masked baddie, and he reminds me of when the Kingpin's son was the antagonist for a bit. I hope we get to see him and his mother again!
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Back to the gentleman's club (with no George Stacy in sight, since he died), Norman is still interesting and Robbie continues to be the MVP.
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Yeah, Pete, things haven't really changed.
...I'm saying that, but actually, it's the opposite in my country now. Presidential candidates are about appealing to the voting majority... that is, old people. That is, people who don't work anymore but support the government's effort to raise the age of pension YES THIS WAS A POLITICAL POST FROM THE START MUAHAHAHA no but seriously. OLD PEOPLE WHO AREN'T GONNA BE AFFECTED BY IT ARE THE ONES MOST SUPPORTING IT. what a bunch of assholes.
The multiple references to Peter's ulcer make more sense now too! Forgot about that. Poor baby. (Honey you're about to live through the worst two years of your life, and I will be seated. With popcorn. Actually, I have a coke and crackers. Yes, it's not even noon yet. Who cares. I'm a freelancer. My schedule is random.
Robertson's digging into Raleigh makes him a prime target (as usual), so the Disruptor's about to attack him with the Smasher. But wait... Huh?
In the reader's letters, people are praising Gerry Conway and overall issue 113. Which. Yes. He gets the soap opera. He gets it!!!
In issue 118, Robertson tries his best against the Disruptor, and to be fair, his best is a whole lot. Of course, he isn't fit to fight him, but still!
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As the final battle, rages on, those messages down there interspede, and it's a genius move. It wasn't present in the original and I've got to say, it's excellent. It gives pacing, foreboding, and foreshadows what's about to happen...
The Disruptor says "he won't run off with his tail between his legs like a jackal" and oh boy, did they know about the upcoming villain of the same name? It's a line present in the original, but I can't help but wonder...
Of course, the Disruptor was actually Raleigh all along (it couldn't be anybody else), which makes his behavior kind of wonky, but oh well.
This set of issues is fine, I love me some intrigue, and we get to see the supporting cast, but it lacked something. As to know what, exactly, I'm not sure.
In the letters, Bill Creighton complains that the supporting cast hasn't had much appearances recently (before the previous batch of issues) and Stan reassures him that Conway, as was already seen, is attached to showing more of them. He also teases a bigger part for Harry soon... and laughs maniacally. Muahaha.
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14. What attributes do they have that are inherited from their parents or shared with their siblings/other relatives? For Da Vinci
✧ OC Asks! ✧
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Hmm... interesting question!
I confess I'm not entirely sure how to answer. I haven't really thought about where Da Vinci fits in the Dalmatian family - as far as I know, canon hasn't told us whether she's one of Delilah's birth kids, one of Doug's, or one of the adopted children, but whichever was the case it would affect the answer I could give here.
I think, unless canon tells me otherwise, I'd tend to consider that she's one of Delilah's kids from before she and Doug got together - i.e. full sibling to Dylan as opposed to half-sibling like many of the others are - so in that case...
She's definitely inherited her mother's tendency towards attention to detail (something that I feel would be essential to Delilah's job as a doctor), a trait she shares with Dylan too - although in her case this is expressed more specifically with regards to her art than in day-to-day concerns. She isn't so worried about every little detail, knowing that in art conveying a feeling is more important than everything looking perfect - but it's still something she notices, even if she doesn't always act on.
Where Delilah tends to be the more quiet and reserved adult figure in the family, I'd see this too as something that Da Vinci has inherited. She's not one to make a fuss or draw attention to herself, which I feel comes from her mother as well.
As for siblings... whether related by birth or not, she definitely shares DJ's creative spark. I've also said before that, since canonically she and Dawkins are both autistic, there are definitely some shared traits relevant to that, too. And she for sure shares the love of physical affection with many of her siblings - especially notable as she's one of the first puppies to respond to the 'hug' trigger word in the finale.
Beyond that... I'm not sure. It's been several months since I watched the series, so I confess the rest of its characters aren't as fresh in my mind as they might otherwise be!
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Gilbert von Obsidian. King of the Beast.
The Black Tiger Prince's Black Illusion.
The "Beloved Day" is a day to give roses as a token of gratitude and affection, but no one gives them to the prince of an enemy country who tries to trample on Rhodolite.
Gilbert: I see. I see, but it's sad to sit alone.
Gilbert: Hey, Miss Bunny!
MC: But I still can't give you the rose.
As I was reading a book in the library, Master Gilbert crept up to me without a sound and sat down beside me as a matter of course.
And so again begins a series of insignificant phrases that seemed to extort a rose.
I don't know why he wants the rose so badly, but there are signs of immeasurable evil.
(This person tries to isolate me at every opportunity, so I'm sure this is just an extension of that.)
MC: Master Gilbert hates lies. I'm sure he wouldn't like it if I gave him a rose with false feelings.
Gilbert: Now you're talking, aren't you? Not many people can say to me, "I don't like you."
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Gilbert: You should be proud... Hmm, I'll give you a rose as a reward for not lying.
(For Master Gilbert, it doesn't make much difference.)
(Probably because whichever one of us gives him a rose, you will be seen as a young lady friendly to the prince of an enemy country...)
(For Master Gilbert, it doesn't make much difference.)
MC: No... I will refrain from Master Gilbert's roses.
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Gilbert: Even if you think you "don't need" it, my words are absolute.
Gilbert: You accept it or you're forced to accept it, maybe there's a difference...
(No, I can't refuse).
As long as I was sitting on the couch, there wasn't much I could do, but even so, I kept as much distance as possible.
But Master Gilbert also closed the distance with a cheerful smile on his face that made me want to cry.
Gilbert: Frightening things are unlikely. At least today.
Gilbert: Look at this rose, isn't it beautiful?
Master Gilbert holds up his empty hand in front of me.
MC: There is no rose, is there?
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Gilbert: When I do this, a lot of people say, "That's beautiful".
Gilbert: But I won't lie to you. The rose is in place.
MC: ...Where?
Gilbert: Here.
Master Gilbert folded his arms and smiled.
One blink of an eye and the next thing you know, a single white rose was blooming.
MC: What... Eh!
Gilbert: Shall I add another one for you?
Master Gilbert holds up his hand to the white rose, and somehow, it has grown to two roses!
MC: W-what's going on?
MC: Oh, maybe this is a "magic trick"?
The art of using human illusions and psychological assumptions to cause unfeasible events.
I had read about such things in books, but this was the first time I had actually seen them.
Gilbert: That's right. When you do it with kids, they stop crying right away.
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Gilbert: With a twinkle in your eye like you have now... Hmmm, you are as innocent as a child, aren't you?
MC: With children... Master Gilbert?
Gilbert: Surprising?
MC: Yes. Do you have younger siblings by any chance?
Gilbert: I don't have any. Just that I like children.
(I didn't know).
I can't imagine him playing with children because I see him as a scary, intimidating person.
(Children are not associated with bad people, so I probably think more than I should).
I'm sure the name "The Trampling Beast" isn't just a title, but it may have another side to it that I don't know about.
Gilbert: Hmm... Nevertheless, white roses don't suit you, do they?
Master Gilbert sets my hand up and forces me to put it over the rose to cover it.
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Gilbert: I'm sure it will suit you....
The back of my hand is stroked by cold fingertips, and my shoulders jump.
I pulled my hand away and gasped as I saw that the rose, which had just been pure white, had now turned completely black.
(Before I know it ... it's replaced with artificial flowers).
I am handed two black roses, and I accept them. Roses are supposed to be beautiful, but when they are painted black, for some reason I feel uncomfortable.
МС:... Black looks better on you,Master Gilbert.
Gilbert: Yeah, so it looks good on you too!
Master Gilbert, smiling cheerfully, put his face to my ear.
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Gilbert: I'll dye it deep black.
MC: Eh...
The whisper was deadly poisonous.
Paralyzed, I dropped the black rose, Master Gilbert picked it up and squeezed it in his hand.
Gilbert: However, ordinary artificial flowers are tasteless.
Gilbert: Is this more to your liking?
When Master Gilbert opened his palm, I saw a hair ornament on top of black rose petals. Magic always amazes me, but I can't help but enjoy it.
MC:..... I'm not going to dye myself black.
Gilbert: Really?
Master Gilbert puts a hair ornament with two small black roses in my hair without question.
Gilbert: Yeah... Of course, "now" it doesn't look good, does it?
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Gilbert: But I'm sure one day you'll want to put it on yourself, right?
Having said that, Master Gilbert gets up from his seat and leaves.
(I wonder what he wants to achieve by painting me black...)
I didn't understand what Master Gilbert meant, just as I didn't understand what a magic black rose was.
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bakubub · 3 years
In which Racer!Kuroo is your roommate and you finally learn more about him...
Warnings: Mentions of loss of loved one, disregard for own life, swearing, innuendos and implied nsfw (but sfw overall), fem!reader with she/her pronouns.
A/N: Idek what this is. Its literally a 4.6 k mixture of fluff, angst and comfort... I rewrote this like 4 times :,) being a perfectionist is so,,, tiring.
This takes part shortly after this, you can definitely read this without reading the 'part 1' if you will, since they don't depend on one another.
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Art belongs to @aikk00 ,, and yes I am still in love with it :D
I stumble out of the lecture hall, my eyes so heavy I bump into about 3 other students and mumble my apologies until I fully wake up and snap out of my daze.
Walking down the stairs and making my way to the bus stop, I watch in horror as the bus I was supposed to be in drives off, going fast for once in its damn life as if mocking me.
Inhaling sharply through my nose, I manage to keep my composure and sit down at the bus stop, telling myself the next bus will be here in a bit.
It's fine. It's fine. I slept through the lecture, and I still have to catch up on 4 subjects and make dinner, but at least the house is clean and I'm caught up in that one subject I picked up for this exact reason.
It's fine. It's going to be just fi-
The rumble of a loud engine breaks my shitty but somewhat effective self-reassurance motto and I open my eyes to see a black and red sports car going 60 km/h in a 30 zone, effectively getting mine and everyone else's attention.
I watched in horror for the second time today as this time it stopped right in front of the bus stop. No, no, no, no.
Please no.
He rolls down the passenger window with that ridiculous hair and a shit-eating grin, as he nods towards the seat, revving his engine.
I look away, pretending he's not looking directly at me and that I don't live with the guy, which I immediately regretted when he beeped the fucking horn.
What did I do to deserve this humiliation?
I hastily put my head down as he beeped it again, giving up and rushing towards his insufferable car, getting into the passenger seat and slumping in my seat to keep my head down low.
"What is wrong with you? What are you even doing here?" I hiss, my glaring up at him from my awkward, folded position.
He laughs, and when I hear the sound of a photo being taken in the split second I looked away to readjust my bag, I sit up straight, watching him continue speeding as he stuffs his phone into his pocket.
"Are. You. Trying. To. Kill. Me?!" I ask, my voice little less than a screech as I slap his arm with each word.
"Ow, ow, I just came to pick my roomie up! I sensed you needed a ride, and this is the thanks I get?" he asks, that smirk I have come to hate returning to grace his features.
I glare at him, but a small, sleep-deprived part of my brain is distracted by his appearance. A tight black tee adorning his built figure, his biceps are on display as he drives with one hand, the other resting on the gear shift. The air from his rolled down window is ruffling his hair this way and that, and I find myself wanting to run my hands through the raven strands, just as I had when I washed his hair that one time...
"Wait- how the fuck did you know I didn't have a ride?" I ask incredulously, my reaction time clearly delayed but here nonetheless.
I narrow my eyes as he hesitates before he answers, "I just knew, ok? It's not like it’s astrodynamics, not that I can't figure that out too."
"Kuroo, what the hell is astrodynamics? Are you like, spying on me or something?" I ask, pretending to look out the window so as to not get distracted by his appearance once more.
"What do you common folk call it? Rocket science?" He says, once again exceeding the speed limit.
"If I'm a commoner, does that make you a peasant? Also, stop going so fast, I feel sick and I do not feel like dying today."
He rolls his eyes in response as he slows down by a smidgen, the speed meter barely even moving. "Seriously, you may have no consideration for yourself, but I still have a lot of things to achieve with my damn life so slow the fuck down." My words finally reach the rational part in him and he slows down considerably, now going within the speed limit.
Taking a deep breath, I rest my elbow on my door and look out the window, my mind flooding with thoughts about Kuroo's reckless driving and how it can all go sour with one delayed reaction.
Before I know it, we're rolling up to our apartment building, driving into his private garage only the penthouse owners get to use.
"I'm sorry," he mutters, filling the silence in the car.
"It's ok. I just... I want you to be safe. I know its hard, but... just try," I say quietly, unable to look at him.
"That's what he said," he says hastily before rushing out of the car before I can hit him.
Getting out of the vehicle myself, I send a murderous look his way and run after his retreating form.
A small part of me is grateful that he's acting like his usual unbearable self again, but the rest of me is just mad at his relentless sex jokes.
He hits the elevator button before I can get there and I watch the doors close, his smirk practically shining through the crack of the closing doors. I jam my foot in the middle at the last possible second, and smile victoriously as I get into the metal box and slap his arm once again.
"Ooh, do it harder," he practically moans, and my eyes just about pop out of their sockets in embarrassment as my face flushes a deep red.
"Oh shut up," I mutter, turning around and waiting patiently for the doors to open on the top floor. I hear him snicker and then the sound of a photo being taken, turning around sharply. I yell in defiance and throw my bag on the floor as I jump onto him in an attempt to grab his phone out of his hand and delete the probably unflattering photo.
I straddle his back and reach for the phone he easily holds out of my reach. Leaning across his shoulder in a feeble attempt to reach it, my feet are hooked around his chest and my other hand is using his shoulder as a brace. He's laughing hard at this point, and I'm screaming at him to give me the damn phone. Neither of us notice the elevator doors opening nor the small woman standing at the threshold staring at us in shock and amusement.
"Kuroo Tetsuro! You let that poor girl down this instant, young man!"
We both froze at the authoritative voice, slowly turning to look at a small dark haired woman with a straight shoulder length cut and narrow gold eyes that were glaring at the man under me.
"MUM!" He exclaims, setting me down and running to hug and kiss the woman, his mum apparently. "What are you doing here?" I hear him ask as I straighten myself out, fixing my jumper and tucking my hair behind my ears, picking up my bag off the floor and quickly following them out of the elevator.
"What, a mother needs an excuse to come visit her boys? Where's Kenma?" She asks, looking in the elevator again as if to check if she missed him.
"Oh, he's at his own place. Apparently he has a booked in session with this famous gamer today. Did he say he'd be here?" Kuroo asks, letting go of the woman and leaning on the wall.
"No, I didn't tell anyone I was coming to visit. Never mind that, who's this pretty young lady here, hmm?" She asks, raising a perfectly shaped brow as she walks towards me, the click of her heels echoing in the lobby of the penthouse.
I smiled down at her, since she was considerably shorter than even me, and introduced myself. "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Kuroo." I say, bowing.
"Oh no, no, none of that. You can call me mum too, hmm?" She says, gesturing me up from my bow and pulling me down for a tight hug.
"Oh, um, actually, me and Kuroo aren't-"
"We’ll talk more comfortably inside, no? Tetsuro, is your plan to let me stand here all day?” She asks, letting me go and turning around to look at Kuroo.
Kuroo leaps into action, taking his mum's bag and unlocking the door, helping her out of her heels and leading her into the spotless penthouse.
It was all I could do to nod in response, closing the door behind us and walking down into the kitchen to prepare a meal.
It’s crazy how much I don’t know about this guy. He’d never mentioned his mother before, and briefly mentioned that he has a sister, whether older or younger I have no idea. Kenma, however, I know well. The guy was here all the time when I first started living here, but recently I've seen him less and less. Which is a shame, considering we actually got along quite well, with sharing eye rolls and bonding over our mutual love of Minecraft.
I don't notice silent footsteps following me until Kuroo's Mother says "now, why's a beautiful girl like yourself slaving away in the kitchen? Does that boy make u do all the cooking and cleaning like some mid-century housewife?"
I poke my head out of the fridge, smiling at her fair assumptions, "no, no, it's not like that at all. I actually-"
"Uh, mum! You know I'm incompetent with this stuff. This place would be a mess if she wasn't here to run things! Plus, she loves to cook and finds cleaning therapeutic. Hey, her words not mine," Kuroo quickly jumps in, putting his hands up defensively when she looks at him with a raised brow.
Looks like he doesn't want his mother to know of our little arrangement.
"Right. He's just so hopeless, I can't trust him to do anything," I add on, sending her a smile as I prepare the fish he likes.
"You're making grilled mackerel for dinner?! Oh that's gonna hit the fu- the fun spot," he says, saving himself at the last second.
I hold back a snort as I take out a pan, "open the window, fish boy. It's about to stink here and I can't be bothered with Mrs. Suzuki coming all the way upstairs just to complain about the fish smell, and then complaining that she had to come up here in the first place. God, I hope she isn't sitting on the balcony today," I ramble, trying to see her balcony from outside the window, but fail because of the private location.
Damn these amazing architects.
I hear his mum chuckle at my rambling as she begins to take out ingredients for a salad. "Oh, you don't have to help, please sit and make yourself comfortable," I say, moving towards her to take the lettuce out of her hands.
"No, no, I'd like to pitch in. Now what kind of mother-in-law would I be to let you do everything yourself?" She asks, holding the lettuce away from me and walking over to the sink.
I stare at the back of her head, a flush creeping up my neck, "m-mother-in-law?!" I ask incredulously, glancing over at Kuroo who looked suspiciously... Smug. I look away quickly when he meets my eyes, and I hastily hyper-focus on the fish in front of me, placing it on the heated pan, causing sizzling and popping to fill the awkward silence.
"I'm sorry darling, I don't mean to be overbearing. Tetsuro introduced you as his girlfriend, so I thought things were getting serious since he actually allowed us to meet one another. You see, he’s never introduced me to a girl before, so you can imagine my excitement. I can stop if you're uncomfortable-"
I cut her off, feeling even more embarrassed as I realise the role I am to play in Kuroo's life when his mother is around. I mean, it makes sense, he can't exactly just admit he took a random girl into his house.
"I, um, no really it's fine, I understand" I say, my voice small as I flip the fish.
She lets out a delighted laugh and pulls me down into a hug once more. The smile on my face is genuine as my embarrassment melts away, the bright smile of this woman comforting me.
"So, how did you guys meet?" She asks, chopping up the ingredients for her salad on the bench while I'm at the stove, Kuroo leaning on his elbows on the bench.
"At uni," I answer at the same time as Kuroo states, "at a party."
We both look at each other with wide eyes, and I clear my throat to clarify, "at a uni party. A classmate of ours hosted one and we met each other there."
"I see, so the old boozed up one night stand turned into quite a domestic relationship hmm?" she suggests, wiggling her eyebrows at Kuroo.
"What? No, no, I would never! A one night stand? Booze? Please, what kind of man do you take me for?" Kuroo complains, looking offended.
I turn around towards the stove and roll my eyes. I've heard the rumours around campus, practically every girl in my lecture hall can testify to at least making out with the man. He really puts up a façade for his mum.
I hear the doorbell ring, and quickly take the fish off the stove to go answer it as Kuroo bickers with his mother about how innocent he really is.
"Hello? Who is it?" I ask, pressing the buzzer.
"Uh, hello? Is this Tetsu's place?" A deep voice answers. I look at the camera, seeing Kenma and a bunch of men about Kuroo's age looking confused. The one who answered is a guy with a blond mohawk and piercings adorning both ears.
"Yes, just give me a second," I reply. "Kuroo, I think Kenma and the rest of your friends are here? Should I let 'em up?" I shout out.
"Yeah let 'em in," he calls back. I press another button, letting them into the lobby.
I need to make more food.
Quickly taking out my frozen dumplings I stocked up for emergency dinners for days I couldn't be bothered to make anything better, I whip up a quick sauce, thinking I could split the fish and put it in the middle of the table so everyone can take their share.
"I do apologise darling, I let my Kenma know that I came to visit and he must have told the boys. I think they've all come to see me," Kuroo's mum confesses.
"You must be a very loved woman if they came all this way to see you. And it's no worries really, I'm always prepared for guests," I say, putting her at ease.
She beams at me as the door is banged loudly.
Kuroo mutters something about “rude assholes'' as he goes to open the door, a group of tall men making their way through the threshold.
"Hiya cap'ain," the mohawk guy says, patting Kuroo on the back. A tall, light brown haired man was next to greet him, then proceeded to exclaim "MUMMA KOZUME!!" and practically jumped onto the poor woman.
Wait, did he just say Kozume? Isn't Kenma's surname Kozume?
"Hey mum," Kenma greets, kneeling down to hug Kuroo's mum.
Who's mum is this lady?! I swear to god I'm going to go crazy.
"Hello hello everyone," A massive grey haired guy says, kissing Kuroo's mum on the cheek and hugging Kuroo.
The last guy to greet them is a tan guy with a buzz cut, and he does the same as his friend before.
"So Kuroo, when di'ja get yourself a girl, huh?" The grey haired guy asks, looking offended that he didn't know before now.
I raise my eyebrows as Kuroo just smiles guiltily. He introduces me to his friends and I wave hello, as they all begin to introduce themselves.
The grey haired guy says his name is Lev and that he's half Russian. A weird detail to include but interesting I guess.
The light brown haired man introduces himself as Yaku, and says that he was Kuroo's senpai back in high school.
"Yeah a demon senpai," Kuroo mutters in reply. My smile quickly turns into a grimace as Yaku jumps on him and they both start brawling on the floor, making a loud ruckus. A loud thumping can be heard from downstairs as Mrs. Suzuki starts to lose her mind and continues to bang the handle of her broom to her ceiling.
"Ugh, you morons upset Mrs. Suzuki! She's going to talk my ear off next time I see her..." I complain, grabbing a cushion and throwing it at the boys.
They flinch at my anger and quickly get up, muttering a quick apology. My glare softens as mohawk introduces himself as Yamamoto, and the tan guy says his name is Kai whilst vigorously shaking my hand.
"It's very nice meeting all of you. Dinner will be ready in a bit so please just make yourselves comfortable," I announce, making my way back into the kitchen.
The boys, all sporting grins, make their way to the living room and sit on the couches, man-spreading and slouching all over the place, one person taking up the usual spot for two.
I sigh, focusing on the dumplings in front of me.
I stiffen as I feel large hands on my waist, and a presence behind me. Visibly relaxing once I realise it's Kuroo, I turn around, his hands still resting on my hips, and his face nestled in the crook of my neck.
"Please just go along with it. We have to act like a couple if they're going to believe us," he mutters, his hot breath causing shivers to run up my spine.
I simply nod, instinctively placing my arms around his neck and running my fingers through his hair, something I've wanted to do since that day.
He groans into my neck, and I find myself holding my breath as I continue my hand movements.
"OI LOVEBIRDS! MUM SAYS THE DUMPLINGS ARE GONNA FUCKIN' STICK! Ow! Oh, sorry," I snatched my hands back from Kuroo, pushing his chest, my cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
What the fuck am I doing?!
I turn around back to the stove, mixing the dumplings in the boiling water as my thoughts race.
That felt too real, too much like a real relationship.
And way too addicting, apparently, since I already miss his close proximity.
The warmth on my waist disappears as I hear Kuroo running back into the living room.
"SHUT UP YOU MORON, THE DUMPLINGS ARE FINE!" I hear him scream, and then a loud thud as he presumably tackles whoever yelled at us to the ground.
I sigh as I hear Mrs. Suzuki's muffled thuds from downstairs in record time.
"You know I'm going to have to make Mrs. Suzuki some kind of apology cake because you boys can't sit down and act like adults," I complained, my arms crossed and an unimpressed expression on my face.
Lev and Yamamoto are on the floor playing some kind of Connect 4 game I've never seen before, while Kai looks to be having a deep conversation with Kuroo's mum, who is perched on the single arm chair like the queen she is.
Kenma is hogging the tv playing some kind of video game on Kuroo's ps5 (which I've hogged on more than one occasion), and Kuroo on the other hand has Yaku in a headlock.
He immediately lets go and apologises, and so does Yaku, who even bows in his regret.
I roll my eyes and shake my head at his mum, who just laughs, and I make my way back into the kitchen, setting food on the table and calling them in to eat.
After dinner, I find myself showered in compliments and not a bite of dinner leftover for tomorrow's lunch. Damn I'm good.
I served up cake I had already prepared from earlier along with fruits I washed and set on plates, and watched as that was eaten and finished before I even sat down. Kuroo's mum scolded the boys for poor manners, and they all apologised. Well, all except Kuroo, who just wiggled his pierced brows and winked at me.
I sit down on the floor next to the couch, since it was all occupied, and hear a dissatisfied sound coming from Kuroo's mum.
"Now, now, sweetheart. You don't have to be shy around me, just go on and take your usual seat next to Tetsuro," she says, nudging her head in Kuroo's direction, where the only vacant spot was literally his lap.
I look at her with wide eyes, even Kuroo seems taken aback by her suggestion, and all the boys are immaturely ‘oohing’ loudly as they laugh and make fun of us.
Kuroo makes a gesture for me to come next to him, so I hold back my heavy sigh, try my best to hide the flush on my face, and walk towards him, awkwardly perching on his knee.
He chuckles as he grabs my waist and pulls me flush towards his chest, my butt in the corner of the couch and my legs resting diagonally over his, so that my head is directly in the crook of his neck.
I hate to say it, but this is actually really damn comfortable.
Conversation has started up again, but it becomes secondary to the beat of his heart right under my ear, and my eyes start to get heavy as his scent and warmth lull me to a comfort that is beyond being awake and alert.
Kuroo's POV
"What a cute girl she is, Tetsu. I'm so glad you've found her. And now that you've got her, you better. Not. Let. Go." She says, slapping me on the arm with each word of her last sentence.
What is it with women and slapping me?
"Ok, ok, I know mum, I won't stuff this up. I promise," I respond, smiling at her.
"Ok, well, I'm staying over at Kenma's house. Ah, no objections. You've already got your hands full, and I don't want to be in the way of young love. Plus, I'd rather listen to Kenma's midnight streams than you two in the middle of the night," she says, not accepting my objections and giving me a knowing look. My face warms to what she's insinuating, and I mutter a quick, "it's not like that," as I duck my head into Y/n's shoulder.
By this time the boys have all left, Kenma's downstairs waiting in his car for his mum to come, but she insisted on staying back for a few minutes to talk to me.
Y/n fell asleep a while ago now, still nestled on my lap, her head on my shoulder and her figure keeping me warm.
"I know exactly how it is, my darling. I've seen how you two act, pretending to be in a relationship just so we don't ask any uncomfortable questions. I won't meddle in your life, I never did, Tetsuro. But I will give you advice I expect you to consider. Don't let her go. Neither of you were pretending about your feelings towards each other, let me tell you that much." She says, knowingly looking at me.
I look up in alarm, which quickly morphs into a nervous laugh. She's good, I'll give her that much.
But, can Y/n really mirror my feelings?
"Ok darling, better not leave Kenma waiting any longer. I'll visit again tomorrow, or you can come over to Kenma's, whichever you prefer as long as she comes along too. I want to get to know my future daughter-in-law better!!"
With that, the woman who took me in and treated me like her own left my home.
I look down at my roommate, taking in the way her lashes are long enough to brush against her face, the way her brows are just a tad bit asymmetrical, the stroke of her nose and the bend of her cupid's bow.
I can't help but bring my hand up to caress the side of her face, content to stay here forever.
Mum would've loved her.
This thought broke the dam that held back my tears since middle school, and as they fell down my face I couldn't help but think of my own mother, coming in and hugging her, making her famous pie that I can't remember the taste of anymore. A sob racks my figure and I all of a sudden find a pair of e/c eyes staring up at me, my tears having dampened some parts of her face.
Wordlessly, she straightens herself and wraps her arms around my neck, running her fingers through the back of my head, stroking down towards my nape and up again. I cry into her shoulder, tears that I've bottled up, emotions I've ignored because I've had my dad, my grandparents and the Kozume's. Later, I even had the team, and they all followed me to the racing gig, a place where I can express my emotions through the reckless driving that could claim my life any second. I should have been grateful. Instead, the pain of her absence never ceased.
I clutch the back of her sweatshirt as I cry and cry and cry, eventually tiring myself out and running out of tears.
With dry sobs still racking my body every few minutes, she finally leans back, cupping my face in her gentle hands.
"What's the matter, Kuroo?" She whispers, looking up at me with tears shining in her own eyes. "You can tell me anything, or you can say nothing at all. Either way, I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you," she says, touching her forehead to mine and closing her eyes. She stays here for a moment before moving to get up and drag me up too.
"Come on, let's get you into your pjs and into bed. It's getting late."
Your POV
Now in his usual shorts and singlet, I drag him to his massive bed, opening the neatly made bed and gently sit him down.
His hazel eyes follow me as I go to close the curtains, his lashes still wet from the countless tears he shed, his body still hiccupping with dry sobs.
Once I've put his blankets around him, I go to leave, muttering a goodnight as I leave.
"Y/n," I hear before I close the door. I peek my head in, "please stay."
Without a pause to think about his request, and already in my own pyjamas, I go next to him and crawl into his open arm as if I've been doing it every night, snuggling into his shoulder once more and wrapping my arm around his chest.
After a few moments of silence, he begins to speak in a raspy tone, "she's not my real mum. She's Kenma's mum, and I've... I've called her mum since I was around 7," he takes a deep breath before continuing. "I moved in with my dad and grandparents next door to the Kozumes when I was 6. I was nervous and shy back then. You wouldn't even recognise me because of the 180 turn my personality's taken. Kenma was even more social than I was. He was my first friend, and when I got him into volleyball and we met Coach Nekomata. That man inspired me to be the man I am today, and was the main reason why I joined the volleyball team in high school, and made friends with the guys. He did what my mum should've, supported me and gave me the confidence to live my life," he says, his voice cracking with the last word. I hug him tighter, knowing not to say anything as of yet.
"I just wish... I wish she didn't go. I wish she could've met you, Y/n. She would've loved you even more than Kenma's mum does," he confesses with a chuckle, sniffling and turning towards me to look me in the eyes.
"She would've seen the way I was around you. The different man I become. You make me a better person, Y/n. I find myself wanting to be better for you. I could never thank you enough for that. Please, never leave. Just stay with me, and I'll always be here for you," he says, repeating the same words I said to him earlier.
I can't help the smile from taking over my features and I lean in to kiss his nose, his eyes, his cheeks and finally I press my lips against his, something I have been wanting to do for a very long time.
"I will, Kuroo Tetsuro. I'll always stay with you."
A/n: So, I don't actually know if his mum passed away or if she left them, so I kind of just,, did both ?
Taglist: @3daa & @itsgiorgiaz
Notes, interactions and reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Double edged scalpel ch.4
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Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3
Summary: Daniela wingman Dimitrescu
Who knew that a door could look so intimidating. The dark wood decorated with golden floral patterns and the Dimitrescu crest in the middle wasn’t unlike most other doors in the castle. This door however had one big difference from the rest: it was the door to Cassandra’s bedroom.
Nicole had crossed paths with Daniela earlier, who wasted no time in placing the duty of fetching the middle sister for dinner upon her. Oh well. She was supposed to meet the brunette anyways. Tomorrow at sundown, Cassandra had said. And that was just after dinner. But the lingering feeling of their lips together, deep in a hidden nook in the garden, left Nicole unsure on what to expect from her.
With a final deep breath, she knocked on the door.
It was silent for a few long seconds. She was about to knock again, sure that Cassandra was still sleeping, but was stopped by a groggy reply that she took as her cue to enter.
“Lady Daniela sent me to let you know dinner will be ready soon.”
Nicole had a split second when she regretted each and every decision that led up to that very moment when she noticed the brunette stirring awake, naked body thankfully covered by soft blankets. Cassandra didn’t seem to mind though, as she yawned and stretched her arms like a lazy cat would.
“That’s a weird way to say Daniela is lazy and sent you to do her job.” She grabbed her watch from the nightstand. “Ugh, it’s early.” It’s 7 p.m.
From where she stood, looking anywhere but at the brunette, Nicole wasn’t sure how to respond. It’s not as if she could’ve said no to Daniela’s request. Or, to be more accurate, order. Apparently Cassandra didn’t wait for a reply, as she got out of bed and shuffled to her dresser, hopefully to put some clothes on. With one of her typical black dresses now on, she tiptoed to the other occupant in the room.
“Modest, are we,” she said, placing her hands on Nicole’s waist, not unlike she did many times before.
“Just trying not to get my eyes gouged out.” Hopefully Cassandra still appreciated her humor.
The brunette slowly spinned the other girl around so she could look in her eyes, as if she were a child inspecting a newly received christmas gift. “Mm...you can keep them. Now come on, spend some time with me since Dani insisted on you waking me up so early.”
Thanks Daniela.
Nicole felt herself get pulled further into the room, barely having time to take in all the trinkets and decor inside before she was tugged down to sit in Cassandra’s lap.
Well… best possible scenario.
This time there was no hesitation when their lips connected, one hand finding its place at the brunette's nape, pulling her close. Cassandra let out a small moan when she felt nails scratch lightly against her scalp, which Nicole took as an opportunity to slip her tongue past black painted lips. They kissed until Cassandra pulled back, opting instead to leave a trail of kisses and black lipstick on her jawline, down her throat, and finally her collarbone. The kisses were getting increasingly more aggressive, with nips at the skin and finally teeth dragging at the crook of Nicole's neck.
Cassandra inhaled deeply but pulled her mouth away from the skin, resting her forehead against that spot instead. When she spoke, her tone was dripping with barely held back desire.
"If you want me to stop, you should go."
Oh no, Nicole didn't just shove her tongue in her god damn mouth for them to stop. Whatever crumble of self preservation was left within her, it got booted out the metaphorical front door of her brain the moment she got pulled into the brunette's lap. The only thing that made her hesitate for a second was whether or not Cassandra could bite someone without actually killing them.
"Do not go near the jugular.”
And Cassandra listened. She dragged her teeth from the neck, down to the shoulder and, after an uncharacteristically gentle kiss to the spot, she sunk her now sharp fangs in the flesh.
Nicole couldn't stop a whimper from escaping past her lips at the sudden jolt of pain. But the sensation of soft lips on her skin and Cassandra's low moan at the taste of her blood made for the perfect mixture of pleasure and pain.
"Cassa- ah," she moaned her name, fingers tangled in black hair which only seemed to spur her on.
The pain steadily faded, leaving behind only a tingling sensation. It stopped her brain from putting together any coherent thought, almost as if being drunk without the actual alcohol. But blood loss instead. Nicole tugged lightly on Cassandra's hair when dizziness started to make itself present. When that did nothing, she pulled with slightly more force.
"Cassandra-" she let out a pained groan, mild panic slipping into her voice.
That made the brunette snap out of it, forcefully pulling herself back and eyeing the bloody mess on Nicole's shoulder. She caught the redhead by the arms for support when she slumped forward slightly, pinching the bridge of her nose with a soft ugh. How much blood can a human lose again? Fourteen percent? And Nicole was also quite small.
Cassandra stretched to grab a tissue from the nightstand and pressed it against the puncture wounds, frowning when Nicole flinched at the pain it caused.
"Uh...are you okay?"
Nicole took a deep breath before replying. "-m good. You should...uh go though. I'll go lay down and-...and meet you after dinner." Then she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment to try to alleviate the dizziness and tried to stand up.
Cassandra grimaced at how wobbly Nicole's movement's were and guided her back down, on the soft mattress. The redhead didn't protest, not that she really could anyways.
"No. Stay here, you're no good if you just fall and crack your skull open against a stairwell."
Cassandra ignored her, only pushing her down to rest against one of the many pillows littering the bed. "No buts, this is an order from your lady. Now take a nap or something and I'll fetch you after dinner."
Nicole saw her turn around and exit the room, door shutting with a heavy thump. She felt too dizzy to try and fight back. And after all, why would she? The bed was incredibly soft, almost as if it was cradling her small body, inviting her to fall asleep. She slowly pulled one of the blankets up to her waist and positioned herself in such a way that the tissue wouldn't fall from her shoulder. A short nap was all she needed, then she'd be up by the time dinner was done. It only took shutting her eyes for a few seconds to fall asleep, the haze in her mind receding into comforting nothingness.
Hot. She felt so incredibly hot. How could Cassandra sleep amongst all these pillows and blankets in the middle of August?
She groaned and stirred, tissue forgotten and covered in dry blood by now. She turned around, trying to find a colder spot and sighed contently upon finding a cool pillow to bury her face into.
Since when did pillows hum?
Nicole snapped her eyes open and jerked backwards, realizing that the "pillow" was Cassandra's side, who apparently had returned from dinner and was now laying in bed with a book.
"I- I'm sorry! I think I overslept and-"
She was interrupted by a slender finger on her lips.
"Get back here, you're so warm."
Too warm, Nicole almost replied but Cassandra's hand mowed from her lips to trace her jawline and neck. Then,when it got to her nape, she pulled the redhead back on her chest, cheek resting on the cool skin.
Nicole froze for a moment but soon melted into the touch. Presumably one of the perks of being an undead being was never getting too hot. At least temperature-wise. She tentatively snaked an arm around the brunette's waist and, when there was no protest, she shifted her body closer against hers.
Checking the time didn't even occur to Nicole until her eyes fell on one of the windows, noticing it was pitch black beyond the glass.
"Shouldn't we have…" she just vaguely gestured, not even sure what they were supposed to do that day in the dungeons.
"Here's one of the perks of working with me darling: if I don't feel like doing anything then congratulations, you've got yourself a day off. Now why don't you enjoy it hmm."
She emphasized her words by bringing her free hand to Nicole's head, nails lightly scratching the scalp. But Nicole was wide awake, despite the pleasant sensation that elicited a content hum from her.
There were so many things to take in that she hadn't noticed earlier. Just like her study, Cassandra's bedroom was like a collection of glimpses into her. The desk was littered with papers and oddly modern drawing supplies, the kind you would get by entering the art supply store down the road from her college dorm. A mannequin in the corner of the room was wearing a most likely tailor made dress, complete with what looked like a matching sword. The wall she could see was half covered in bookshelves, half in deer antlers or horns of different animals. Some had labels with dates underneath them that were too far to read, but Nicole managed to decipher one that said 08.06.1982.
She didn't want to risk losing her precious head scratches in order to explore the other half of the room, so her eyes settled on the one thing she could see without moving. The book in Cassandra's other hand.
"What're you reading?"
Cassandra sighed, realizing that she was still awake but answered anyway.
"Watership down."
She giggled, still a bit lightheaded. "Bunnies…"
Cassandra rolled her eyes, not quite in the mood to go on a lengthy discourse about the themes of said "bunnies". She opted to change the topic instead, voice oddly soft.
"How's your head?"
"Sleep then."
"My room is too far away."
"Sleep here you dumbass."
Nicole was silent for a few moments, putting together the few coherent thoughts still lingering in her brain. Then, trying not to slur her words due to dizziness and sleepiness alike:
"Isn't that against protocol? Do you even have a protocol?"
"The protocol is that our staff serves my family. Right now you're keeping me warm. There, congratulations on performing your duties. Now go to sleep."
The redhead gave in, too tired to keep on annoying Cassandra. She nuzzled her face closer to the brunette's neck leaving a small peck on her collarbone and closed her eyes. The nails still scratching at her scalp, occasionally moving to run through long auburn locks proved more than efficient at lulling her to sleep. She could swear she felt a soft, almost imperceptible kiss on the top of her head before consciousness fully slipped away from her
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erensproudsimp · 3 years
Chef D'œuvre
Jean kirstein x Reader
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⚠ Sexual Content Ahead ⚠
Content Warnings:Fluff, Sex on a canvas, established relationship, teasing Jean hehe, dirty talk, ultimate smut + this isn't proofread
Summary: Restraining Jean from touching you the whole day, a candle light dinner in the evening leading to sex on a canvas? The idea of Jean as an artist is just so hot.
Word count:4.1k
Fanart is by artworkbyzuli on insta
Cross-posted on ao3
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Colorful tainted tiles, the smell of fresh paint hovering in the air, early hours of sunshine filtering from the beige curtains to fall on his face highlighting his features as his eyes concentrated on the canvas. Blanc frames waiting to be hued with a meaning or not. Teeth clenching, his jawline apparent, he looked like a Greek God, his brush being his weapon, almost out of this world. Shirt glued on his body like a second skin layer bringing out his honed muscled body, Jean truly was a work of art spreading his magnificence on cloth and paper. Standing by the door frame in his shirt two times bigger than your figure, you admired your boyfriend, his back facing you, drowned in his own world of aesthetic in his studio.
Tiptoeing to him, you wrapped your arms around his torso, your cheek pressed on his back catching him off-guard. You took a quick whiff of him. Sandalwood with a faint citrus.
"Woah there, good morning baby, did you have a good night sleep?" Jean's hoarse voice almost made your legs lose their balance. His free hand caressing your arms, you hummed as a simple yes still intoxicated by his scent.
"I'm going to go prepare breakfast, I'll call for you when I'm done." Jean gave you a quick forehead kiss before you left the room.
Cracking some eggs in the pan, you connected your phone to the speaker in the house to play some music while you proceeded to put fruits in the blender to make smoothies. Swaying your body to the music at the same time lip-syncing to the words, you spread butter on slices of bread unaware of Jean's presence behind you. The man crossed his arms, leaning on the wall he admired your actions which were nothing but alluring to him.
What made it even more hot to him was the fact that you were wearing his shirt. At first in the studio, he didn't realise but now that he noticed, he couldn't help but smirk to himself. He took in the way his shirt was practically floating on you, the flashbacks of last night suddenly raced through his mind. The way you were moaning his name, grabbing the sheets tightly as you let him take control of you made him take a deep breath before he approached you.
Now it was his turn to return you the hug from earlier. Surprised by him, he didn't leave you a second to react to his abrupt act of affection, he moved your hair to the side to plant a kiss on your neck making you shiver. His arms tightened around you just as his kisses went deeper all through your neck.
"y/n," his hot breath unsteady.
"Je-Jean, the eggs are gonna burn," you breathed.
"The only thing burning right now is my urge to fuck you right on this counter," Jean whispered in your ear almost making you lose your thinking pattern.
"Jean, I'm serious," you tried to wingle from his grasp to save your omelettes and placed them on two separate plates.
Jean looked at you disappointedly as though a puppy who had just lost its toy.
"Aww don't look at me like that, gimme a kiss, come on," you opened your arms, encouraging him to come to you.
Gladly he did and locked his lips in an instant.
"Jump," Jean demanded in between the makeout and you, of course, obeyed.
Your legs around his hips, sloppy lips fighting for dominance, Jean pressed your ass on the kitchen island. His arms snaking up and down your thighs, giving them a light squeeze here and there.
"Your legs are pretty, but they would be prettier on my shoulders hmm," his voice laced with a passion so hot like molten lava.
Your insides now ignited with flame, you pushed your hips into his by closing in your legs wrapped around him. Hard. Mischievousness coursed through your mind as you wanted to tease him for making you flushed.
"Want my legs over you? well catch them if you can," with that said, you jumped off the kitchen island freeing yourself from his clutches to run away from him.
"Hey! Get back here! I'm not done with you! " Jean called after you, laughing as he chased you down the corridors. A soft genuine laugh emitting from him when you threw pillows from the sofas at him to halt his movements only for him to catch the items and throw it back at you like a snowball fight.
A grin plastered on your face when you finally got tired of the running and collapsed on the floor with Jean kneeling beside you equally euphoric. The happiness was mainly because he felt so much at peace seeing your smile.
"Got ya," he breathed from exhaustion, encircling his arms around your waist and pulling you close so that he could rest his chin on your shoulder.
"You're so warm," Jean nuzzled his nose into your neck.
"Speaking of warmth, our food's getting cold in the kitchen, hurry up we need to eat," you mentioned.
"The only thing I want to eat right now is you-" you cut him off with your index finger pressed on his soft lips.
"Jean, I swear to god, let's go," you pushed him from back because he was trying to grab your ass, however, you receded.
"Your hands were so small on my back, but I'd prefer them jerking my dic-" again you shut him up by shoving toast bread in his mouth to save you from further embarrassment.
"Y/n baby, I need you so bad right now," he said swallowing that bread hard as your eyes widen.
From the look in his eyes, you could tell that this man was sexually frustrated, certainly because of your actions earlier but you didn't expect him to be so thirsty.
For a brief moment, a thought came up to you, basically telling you to refuse his current wishes to make him further agitated just so that you ravish the feeling of him taking the pent-up anger out harder on you later. Perfect plan, you internally agreed to yourself.
"Oh you need me badly? How about you show me that at night, okay?"a light smirk stretching the corner of your mouth.
" Y/n, I need you now, like right now, I can't wait till night or anything," Jean whined. How cute.
"Aww, you're that desperate baby? You can't hold yourself back? I thought you were tougher than this,"you cooed.
" Y/n, I can see damn well what you're trying to do, so stop messing with me please, "Jean reached out to grab your face only for you to pull back. Not going to lie that did hurt you when you saw the disappointed look on his face, yet, oddly that made you feel and realise the control you had over him and goddamn this felt good.
"Okay then, how about a little bit of challenge for you? If you manage to keep your hands off me the entire day and that includes any sort of contact, I'll make a surprise for you tonight as a reward. And if you lose then no sex for you until the next day baby. Deal?"
"Now that's going to be hard as hell but your surprises never fail to entertain me so deal."
"That was quick of you," you commented shaking his hand as a way of signing the contract.
"I just know that you're going to do something remarkable that will blow my mind so I'm simply looking forward to it."
His hopes were ridiculously high for the reward and luckily you already had something in mind for tonight.
After breakfast, Jean wasted no time to rush into his studio to keep you out of his sight. That was going to be a little too easy for him to win in this way. Not that you didn't want him to win, you couldn't help but want to push him to his limits. While you were scavenging your mind for the perfect way to catch him off guard, you heard a knock at the door. Outside was the postman with a package which seemed to be a delivery of one of the various things you kept buying online.
Taking the parcel inside, you opened it to find something that made you smiled evilly. It was a black transparent two pieces lingerie with lace straps. Not a second was wasted for you to change into that. To hide your plans, you wore a bathrobe and tiptoed to the studio.
Inside, Jean clearly concentrated on drawing when you creaked open the door, his attention now on you.
"Y/n why are you wearing a bathrobe in the middle of the da- oh-"
Right at that moment, you removed the robe letting it fall to your feet to unveil the marvel that was hidden inside of it.
Jean's breath hitched in his throat.
"You have no idea how badly I want to scream right now,"his pencil falling out of his hand, he covered his face with his hand and took a step back from you. He rubbed his temples as he inhaled deeply.
"Fuck y/n, why are you doing this to me?"he looked at you from up to down as though he was eating you up with his eyes, capturing every inch of what he's seeing and burning it into his memory.
"Do you like what you see?" your hands on your hips as you leaned on the wall.
"You have no idea."
You chucked and approached him slowly.
"If only I could touch you right now, you have no idea of what I'd do to you," Jean put his hands into the pockets of his pants to try to contain himself from not jumping on you like a hungry wolf who hasn't eaten in weeks.
Clacking your black heels on the cold tiles, your hands meticulously moving on your hips, you diminished the distance between you two. One foot difference. Jean licked his teeth from inside closed mouth and opened it slightly to let out hot breath, sustaining the proximity but you could see the intensity in his eyes.
"I can't stop staring, please y/n, "
"Where's the fun in that? I wanted to see you all hopeless for me and you're doing a pretty good job resisting," your finger pointing at his growing bulge.
Blowing air from his mouth, his hands on his hips, he walked to and fro.
"Is this the surprise you were telling me about in the morning?"
"Of course not, the surprise is bigger than this. I just wanted to give you a little sneak peak thought since I love you so much and don't want to kill you with a heart attack," you giggled twirling a strand of your hair. His eyes went big.
"If that's the case, you better prepare yourself for tonight because you seriously don't know what I'm going to do to you," Jean licked his lips.
"Can't wait," you blew him a kiss while you strolled out of the room, his eyes still fixated on the lingerie.
Not only did what happened turned you on, but it also motivated you to start the preparations for Jean to wreck you till you couldn't walk. Changing into pajamas for comfort, you took out scented candles of your preference and placed them on the nightstands and dressing table in the bedroom.
Jean's POV
'What the hell was y/n even thinking pulling that move on me? '
Sighing deeply I looked at my boner.
"Now what am I going to do of you? Jerk off to the memory of y/n in that black lingerie?"
On second thought, that doesn't sound bad, except for the fact that he was in an art studio.
Gosh, was he not turned when he first saw you in that. The way the cloth surrounded your soft breasts, decorating them to be perhaps the most flawless thing he'd ever seen or the way your stance screamed if confidence. He couldn't decide which of them were hotter.
The little ribbons on the strap did nothing but make you more erotic. How did you even manage to look that good, is a mystery that he will never discover.
"I really got the best of the best for me huh," Jean smiled to himself.
His art failed in front of you. Null and void. In his eyes you were the definition of what a beauty goddess was, hence proving that beauty indeed lied in the eyes of the beholder. Despite your imperfections which nonetheless still made you impeccable, Jean always attempted in copying your sublimity yet in vain.
Without a doubt, you were the best Muse he's ever had in his life. One day hoping that he would finally do you justice and be able to recreate his image of you in his mind on cloth, Jean kept trying albeit failing each time. However, he would absolutely never give up.
Collecting himself from the recent impact, he picked up his pencil from the ground and as much as he wanted to concentrate on his drawing of you, he couldn't prevent himself from picturing you from back then. You were beyond gorgeous. Maybe, that exactly was the inspiration he needed.
"I need to take a bath," Jean said to himself. Luckily there were two bathrooms in the house, as he wouldn't want to interrupt you while you were busy making whatever surprise.
To be honest, Jean was as impatient as you and full on ready to be taken by surprise by you.
Your POV
"Okay I've cleaned the room spotless, scented it, changed the sheets of the bed, took out towels and now time to bring the big thing,"you checked off everything on your mentally made-up list before you could continue.
Rushing to the wardrobe, you took out the art supplies required for the sex painting. Canva isn't the comfiest option for sex but you knew that it will all be worth the work at the end.
You honestly couldn't wait to see Jean's reaction to this.
Since the mattress can get a little colorful, you didn't want to run the risk of ruining the bedding either, you rather placed the sheet of canva on the carpeted floor that was still easy to the body. Laying down a cloth, that you taped so that it wouldn't dislocated when things get moving, on top of which you placed the canva and towels around it as well as a trail of towels towards the bathroom so that clean up of the post-art would be rendered easier.
"Okay now that everything is settled, let's go take a bath and prep myself up," you muttered to yourself, locking the door from the inside so that Jean wouldn't accidentally enter it.
-Time skip-
A private dinner in your dwelling makes for an magical evening. Silk sheet on the table, napkins neatly pleated on the white plates surrounded by tableware. Incorporating flower petals, slow romantic harmonious music, and low lighting to create the right atmosphere you as well added string lights for an added touch of enchantment. Aphrodisiac food was the obvious choice, you thought, placing down the lobster in the middle. Wine in glasses twinkling to the fairy lights for a further sizzle.
Not long until Jean made his appearance in a suit, top buttons of his shirt loose while you were in a black dress lighting the scented candles.
"Hey babe," his throaty voice called.
Turning around, you saw him, his hands in his pockets walking towards you. His large body towering yours.
"You look hot," he complimented looking down on you.
"So do you," you giggled bopping his nose.
Pulling a chair, Jean signaled you to sit as he pushed the chair then going to his seat facing you.
The empty wine glasses were delicately filled with the red alcohol, each of you raising your goblet for a cheers.
" Cheers to my pretty boyfriend."
"Cheers to my future wife," Jean smirked as you were busy turning fifty shades of red.
In comfortable silence, except for the clinking of utensils, both of you ate.
"Main course is done for, now time for dessert, "he said standing from his chair to yours. Lift you off the ground swiftly, he walked you to the bedroom in bridal style.
"huh? HUH? Jean what are you doing?"
"Taking my dessert to eat, what else?" he replied kissing you. His kiss was a fever. Hot. Sluggish.
Opening the door to disclose the surprise, his eyes went wide until it hit him. The canva and towels on the ground, paint orderly laid on the bed.
"I was thinking the house needed some more decorations, so why not spice things up by creating this masterpiece and hanging it in the living room for everyone to see? " innocently you smiled at him.
"Hahaha y/n! You're amazing!" rosy cheeks, eyes twinkling with admiration and affection he twirled your body in air, "wait then that means that the whole day you preventing me from touching you was pointless," his expression now slightly frowned.
"I mean, yeah, I mean, I just wanted to see you desperate for me," you fumbled with your words.
"Bad girl. After this I will have to punish you for making me suffer for nothing," Jean put you down.
You didn't know whether to feel anticipation or fear knowing that this man was going to wreck you.
"Why are you acting coy all of a sudden? Weren't you the one to act like a whore? " with the cockiest smirk ever Jean said.
His hands previously placed gently on your hips began to tighten. The press only fueled your rapid beating of your heart. Tilting your head towards his face by lifting it with one finger on your chin, he locked eye contact with you.
Lust filled his irises. Skilfully, he unzipped your dress and pulled it off your skin. Skin that desired to be touched so badly. Skin that burned under his fingertips that grazed the surface. Under the clothes exposed the black lingerie that got Jean worked up since morning.
Even though he already saw you in it, it nevertheless felt like the first time. The same adoration that held his gape seemed to be worshiping your body.
"May I take your bra off? " Jean asked. You nodded, Jean elatedly removed it.
"Look at these perfect tits. Belonging and made only for me," cupping them in his hands, he growled against your neck.
Your mind going blanc and empty, you were left speechless. Only ravishing him. His presence. His hot breath fanning on you. As much as you wanted to take this slowly, you couldn't stop yourself from craving to feel him buried deep inside of you.
Your hand slightly sliding over his growing bulge, earning a hiss and restrained moan from him.
"No. You're not going to be the one to tease me anymore. It's my turn," biting your collarbone, he declared making you leap in his arms.
Feeling self-conscious that you were the only one in undergarment, you unbuttoned his shirt and ripped it off him while he was sloppily making out with you.
Grabbing your thighs, he insinuate for you to jump. Chest to chest, he then threw you on the bed making it sink under your weight. He was finally freed from his restraints of not laying a hand on you.
His body hovering yours, he kissed you passionately. He's never kissed you like this before. Maybe you should restrain him more often.
Jean swallowed your gasp when unknowingly his hand went down your stomach to press on your clothed clit.
"Huh? You like that?" laughs "yeah you like that don't you," he breathed his finger circling around the bud. Your response was a moan and your breath quickening. Your reaction turned Jean on more than he already was.
Going down on you, he sucked your soaked underwear, the room filled with slurping sounds. He gripped your hips by wrapping his big arms around it to prevent you from squirming away. You were practically a moaning mess. Aggressively, he ripped it off you, continuing to lick through your folds.
"Jea-Jean I think I'm going to c-cum," you manage to utter.
"Heh, not yet princess, we got so much more do," he wiped his mouth that was coated with your juices and licked the liquid off his fingers. You looked at him with pleading eyes as you were yearning for a release.
Legs trembling, you raised your body to be able to sit while Jean grabbed the body-safe paint and put a fair amount on the cloth.
"Come here my lady," he said as he picked you to lay your body gently on the canva, paint on your back.
Jean took off his pants and underwear, his hard dick slapping on his stomach whilst you were making yourself comfortable.
A brush in his one hand and a palette in another, he sauirted some paint on the flat item.
Impatience began to overcome you as you begged him to come to you.
"Wait a moment more babe, I'm just making the perfect colour," Jean finished his sentence by approaching you.
Jean maintained eye-contact with you, the brush gliding over your soft skin leaving colors behind its track. Chills ran down your skin after each stroke. Drowning in bliss, Jean slowly ran the tool down your belly to an inch higher up your pussy. You were waiting for him to pass the paint through your core but instead he stopped his actions making you internally more annoyed.
"I'm not going to let you get off so easily after what you did to me," Jean murmured.
Cold. Squeezing the paint tubes, Jean splat paint on your body, mainly on your stomach. He leaned forward and pressed his body against yours to spread the paint.
Lining his dick right outside your entrance, he thrusted in without warning. Your back arching, you let out a moan. His hands rushing behind your back, he hugged your body as he gave you time to adjust to him.
"Mmmm, fits perfectly. Look at how good you take me, yeah you see that? "Jean moaned in your ear.
" It's okay, you can move,"you bit back a groan because Jean didn't leave you a second before pumping in and out of you.
" I can't believe you're mine, all mine, no one but me knows how good you feel, just me,"Jean panted in your ears," listen to my moans, you he-ear how goo-od you're making me feel? "
"AH-yes Jean, yes," you purred.
His forehead rested on yours, mouth connected, swallowing each other's breath and sounds.
" Go faster Jeaann." This made him slow down instead of doing as you wanted.
"Oh? you want me to go faster? Go-o ahead, beg for it. Tell me how bad you need me," Jean's stroked your insides with long and slow thrusts.
"Pl-please Jean, need you so badly, you make me feel so good so take all your anger out on me bu-ut please make me cum alongside with you!"
"Lift your ass, my queen,"Jean satisfied with your answer commanded, which you did as he ordered as he pounded deeper into you mixing the paint on the canva.
"Look at you, such a good girl."
It wasn't long until Jean filled your insides with his hot seed making you scream his name loudly. Right before you could come that Jean could tell by the shaking of your breath, he lifted your body off the masterpiece so that your ejaculation wouldn't ruin it.
In his arms, you came so hard, your liquids dripping down Jean's skin.
"Y/n, I don't think you realised that but what you just did was so hot," Jean admired you.
"Also, thank you for fulfilling my fantasies as an artist," he thanked you kissing your cheeks fondly.
Walking on the towel leading to the bathroom, he put you inside the bathtub, opening the tap to let the container fill with hot water. While it was doing so, Jean got in with you between his legs and head on his chest heaving up and down.
Jean took some shampoo in his hand, and massaged your scalps with you basking. Heavenly was a word too light to describe the feeling. You were basically in paradise.
"In round two I'm not planning on going gentle now so just bite the pillow and take it," Jean sputtered against your hair.
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astersofthesky · 3 years
I decided to reread the MHA LN Chapter 4, you know, the canon bkdk angsty slow-burn fanfic 😌😌 Spreading the BKDK LN agenda because WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS MORE !!
Anyway, I FOUND ANOTHER TRANSLATION but sadly OP haven't finished it yet 😢
And since I need an emotional outlet so I can scream at how they're so canon, Im'ma do it here ahwjdhfjsh 👀✨
Warning: Long post; potential manga spoilers
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– I forgot that this chapter literally started with the angst 😭 Deku saying that he can't imagine having lunch with Kacchan is like a pain in the gut. He just wanna be friends with his Kacchan again 😢
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– One word, ✨SOULMATES ✨ afshshahah PLS, even the universe can't help but ship them together 😩✋ they're fruityness is on whole a new level I CAN'T 💚🧡
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– I see what you're doing Bakugou 👀 You really can't leave your sweet broccoli behind huh?? Also, crybaby Macchan and aggressive Takkun?? 🤔 Do I need to say more? 🧐
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– If that's not flirting then idk what is 🤷 also, "In front of my soba? Really?" (Todoroki, probably)
– There's no ss but I just wanna give a special mention to jealous!Bakugou. No cos srsly, implying you're not friends with Deku as if you're not dying to hold his hand then getting irritated over Todoroki claiming the "friend" card 😩 Just, Bakugou, don't @ me ☺️💢
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– The angst had reached full force it seems ಥ‿ಥ The line was cut but it actually says "Not friends, just childhood friends" 😭😭 and I am telling you Im'ma throw my brand new book when Bakugou explicitly acknowledges Midoriya as his boyfriend. Because before they were rivals, Bakugou and Midoriya were first friends. And I'm not saying that they aren't one now because we as readers, can definitely see they care for each other. But the question is, do they already see the other as a friend and not just a mere rival? They don't cos they're boyfriends your honor
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– Tbh, It still haven't sinked in that this is kind of canon 🤧 This is such a cliched romantic scene like wtf?? So what's next? The full moon is illuminating half of Bakugou's face, red eyes glowing and face soft from the natural white luminescence or something sappy like that?? 😩😩 I love it
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– Izuku in this LN chapter whenever he talks about Bkg: ✨ THEIR RELATIONSHIP ✨
– I know, I get it. You don't have to shove it my face every single time Deku 😌 and pls, why are you still flirting at the middle of the night?? Or was it pining that I see 🤔 i mean comparing each other to their kid parallels 😕 hmm a severe case of mutual pining indeed
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– Yes yes, of course you're only looking for food stalls Mr. Bakugou "Tsundere" Katsuki, I completely don't believe that you're worried about the kids. No! of course not! Who says you want the kids to reconcile so they wouldn't experience the pain that you and a certain green had gone through?? Hahaha I mean It's not like they're your parallel what??hmmm no no, go on, look for takoyaki or smthn ☺️☺️
– Wait, did the last part say '"Bakugou grabbed Izuku's face and pushed it away..." Aksfksjdhdisjs what in the actual gay fanfic is this??!! Or wait, is this what Bkg usually do to Deku in the official art he's like, I love agressively gripping your head as I entangle my fingers on your soft curls but no homo💀
Since OP's translation isn't complete, I'm going to use Lau Ren's translation and yes I'm continuing this shit even though Tumblr mobile only lets me post 10 pics per post
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– Bkdk domesticity with children pt. 95736 💚🧡 They love kids so much 😩 Yk I'd donate my kidney just to see this ANIMATED ✨ like this has so much fluff potential 🤧 Or at the very least a drama CD. I'd ascend 😭
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– WHAT THE FUDGE ?!! I'M SCREAMING 😭 I SAY IT AGAIN 💞 SOULMATES✨ and pls, it has my favorite fic trope, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings. Anyway, I need a minute to collect myself cos I can't move past the "With the said person himself nearby, Kacchan thought his fate had gone crazy" ( ≧Д≦) dammit Katsuki, why r u so gay. Izuku loves you, you emotionally constipated gremlin
I have reached my 10 picture limit so I'm just gonna copy paste some of the twts 💀 I hope I don't get in trouble lmao Xd
- Kacchan fixed his gaze to Deku who looked relieved. "He..."
- Somehow, Kacchan remembered the fight they had after All Might's retirement. It was the first time they were able to let out their conflicts sincerely. Although his fear towards Deku had decreased since then, there was still a feeling of disgust about Deku being a hero who save others residing in Kacchan.
- He couldn't understand it. But he knew, there will always a being whom he cannot understand
– Bkg rlly said 👀 on Deku while having angsty thoughts ಥ╭╮ಥ Looking back on this tho, I just can't help but be proud when I remember 285. Bakugou is loud but he is very rational in battles. He thinks of a plan on the spot meaning he's mind is on work 24/7.
– When he had his "My body just moved on its own" moment, Katsuki had understood Deku and his nature to "Save to Win." It'ss that Katsuki must not analyze it with his brain, but instead feel it with his heart 💚🧡 And this is the reason why I badly want to see him on the manga 😭 that was some MAJOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I'm ahwjdhfjsh
– Takkun and Maachan's pinky swear deserves their own mention. They're so pure 😩✋
- He said he still hasn't done hatsumoude so Kacchan can go first, but Kacchan refused and wouldn't let Deku do hatsumoude before him.
- Kacchan tried to take a head start, but in the end, they ended up visiting and praying together.
– AND WE'RE BACK with the gays 😌 hsjdjajs they compete with every single thing it's honestly cute. Also YES THEY PRAYED TOGETHER and shoujo scenes with the main couple praying on the shrine but make it BKDK flashed before my eyes 😖✨
- After finishing their prayers, Deku looked at Kacchan, "What did you wish for?" "Shut up."
- Even with Kacchan's sulking expression seen from the side, Deku felt that they had wished for the same thing.
– DEKU YOU'RE BEING TOO LOUD!! I just can't with these two 😩✋ Both of them are down so bad for each other and you can't tell me otherwise 💚✨🧡
- With those serious eyes, Deku knew they were aiming for the same thing. Win to save, save to win. To be the best heroes.
- Deku knew well that he and Kacchan are polar opposites. But even so, Deku couldn't imagine a world in which Kacchan doesn't exist.
– Deku just went 😍 on Kacchan and thought "I CAN'T IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT YOU 🧡💚" (insert Imagine by Ben Platt)
– I can't even stress how much I love this line, y'all this is so misleading I-- this is too much 😭 Anyway, I believe this go both ways. Bakugou can't also see a world without Deku in it, and since Deku decided to be the self-sacrificing person he is, I'll just SCREAM IN CH. 304 ( ≧Д≦)
- Seeing the two praying side by side, he commented, "so you've become good friends now, huh."
- Both of them immediately opposed, and Kacchan threatened to explode Shoto's mouth for saying such a disgusting thing.
– Let's go Todoroki, best wingman 🤣 And flustered Bakugou makes a reappearance hdjsja Dammit half n' half I ain't flirting with Deku fvck you
And this is where it ends afshshaha anyway bkdk canon 💚🧡
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is-nini · 3 years
Genshin impact x reader
Episode: 1
Title: Being sucked in
A/n: I'm not sure how long this.. story will take but i will try my best to keep it entertaining.. this story is about you, being sucked into genshin world, this is part 1.. please enjoy. Leave a comment or suggestion.. possible love interest for now will be : Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Xiao, Beidou, Ningguang.
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Today is another normal day, nothing is really out of the ordinary, the sky is a little bit cloudy but you don't mind, you think that the wind blowing against your hair is very nice as you walk towards your school. You walked inside, stopping Infront of the locker to the entrance to fix your stuff and take your schedule until you felt a presence beside you.
"oh, hello sidia".
You greets one of your sleepy friend, she just let's out a 'hmm' and a nod while looking through her locker, not even giving you an eye contact. sidia has always been like this, she never really made an eye contact towards you but she still shows that she has some of her attention towards you.
"good morning".
Your other friend, Chelz Lee, let's out a mutter to the both of you, Chelz is more talkative then Sidia, you met them maybe a couple of years ago. they're a very talented artist and are a very interesting friends to be around with.
"what's up guys".
You too greet them without looking at their eye, you take your books out and proceed to take a peak at Sidia's schedule.
"oh? Mathematics on the first hour? Goodluck".
You snicker and slap her shoulder a little bit, she stares at you uninterestedly with her sleepy eye and started to walk away, letting you stare at her black low ponytail hair.
You giggle and take a peak at Chelz's schedule. Art. her first lesson for today seems fun you thought sighing at the sight of your first schedule that reads 'science'.
Chelz already went half way to catching up to Sidia before she looks back at you as if asking you to join them and you did. You jog towards her, taking her hand and started to jog towards Sidia either.
"how are you both?".
You ask them both while fixing the books on your hand and looking at your shoes to check the lace.
Sidia answered, you make a 'uhuh' sound feeling used to her answers. Chelz stroke her short wavy black bangs out of her eyes and use her black glasses and start to read her novel. Her black short hair blows a little because of the wind.
She answered you, yawning and stretching her arms out beside her. You and the rest of your friend said goodbye to eachother and proceed to go to your different ways.
You went inside your class. As usual people are in teams, some are in teams for fun, some are in teams for checking today's lesson.
You take a one seat beside the window and wait for the teacher to come inside the classroom.
The lesson went on as usual, smoothly even, you did your homework andd the score that you got on yesterday's test is not bad, B is not a bad grade. You take out your binder and put the paper's that you got in to the binder.
Going home is the best thing about the day. You and Chelz are chatting away about until you guys cane across a gaming store.
"ou? A gaming store".
Sidia said, catching yours and Chelz attention. Chelz look at that place very seriously, squinting her eye.
"...since when is there a gaming store here- y/n!".
She was very suspicious of this place, she doesn't remember any gaming store around here... And if there is one opening soon it should be the talk of the school. in short Chelz was suspicious but you, being a gaming enthusiast decided to check it out, thinking maybe they have a good and cheap open world game.
"... She's crazy".
Sidia chuckled. She took Chelz arm, snapping her out of her suspicious state and drag her towards the gaming store.
"yo- sidia i don't wanna die".
"well i do. So let's go".
And with that the both of them followed you in.
The store looks very cool.. it's like you're in a different world. The ceiling's wallpaper is made out of galaxy like drawing and the light bulb was covered with another ball that is drawn to match with the different planets on the solar system.
"welcome to the store how may i help you".
A girl that looks like in her mid 20 greets the both of you, she have short black hair and a green uniform and a little pin on the breast part of her uniform spell out 'katheryne'. Which you assume was her name.
"hello! I was wondering do you have any open world game?".
You instantly ask her, not caring about the suspicious store, you don't even care about the insides of the place. You just wanted to play a open world game that's full of interesting stuff. The girl name katheryne hums in understanding and goes behind the table to look for a game you requested. Chelz grabs your hand and shout whisper to you.
"this place is creepy y/n. Let's get out of here".
Chelz scold you, you sigh and looks at her calmly shaking your head no.
"it's fine, were fine, what's the worst thing that could happen?".
You whisper back with a lighter tone. Really you don't care if this place comes out of nowhere you just want your game, you're smiling stupidly while waiting for the girl.
"anywayyy if anything happened, Sidia is here, she'll be able to protect us using her fighting style knowledge thingy".
Sidia scoffed and fold her arms, looking at you as if you're crazy.
"i will leave you alone and save myself".
You laugh and was about to slap her back when she holds your hand and rolls her eyes at you.
"such a tsun tsun".
You laugh out, she slowly and gently let your hand away. From the corner of your eye you can see katheryne walking towards the counter. You immediately jump and went towards her.
"this is the only open world game that i found".
She said, you look at the weird japanese like word, assuming it was the title you try to read what is said.. you don't understand it but the design was cool though.
"this is a open world game called genshin impact. I will not spoil the story but i think this game might be the game you're looking for".
Her confidence is seeping in on your game needy state so you decided to purchase it, not thinking twice. Sidia face palm while Chelz just sigh, feeling tired of your hot headed act.
"it will be 2$".
You felt giddy, you can't help it. It's cheap and is a open world game, that is a steal. After taking your stuff, the both of your friend immediately pull you away from the store.
"okay y/n. You got what you need, that place is sus i tell ya".
Sidia said, Chelz nods her head and fix her black glasses, she stare at you while furrowing her eyebrows.
"you gotta stop doing reckless thing. Who knows what that place is".
You sigh and nod, rolling your eye. You giggle anyway and put the game in front of you.
"i know.. but were safe! I wanna try and play it when i get home".
Sidia and Chelz just sigh, what can they do anyway. On the way home you and your friends goes on your own separate way as usual, you jog towards your home, feeling giddy to play the new game.
You take a bath, and goes straight to your computer, opening the plastic wrapper on the game. You insert the disc and started to wait for the loading screen.
And oh gosh.. isn't it pretty, the cutscene the art. Everything. So the game basically tells you about the story of two traveller, who was travelling from world to world until suddenly a mysterious god appears, took one of the twins and take away the other twins power, and now you're playing as the twin who was looking for their missing sister.
You look at the wishing button, tempted to wish for a character, you decided to pull. Expecting a cool banner of the current character instead, you're greets by a white screen.
"hm.. should i restart it?".
You mumble to yourself, nodding in agreement at your words, you close the disc and pulls out the game from your computer. You take a nearby wipe and wipe the back disc gently and then put it back in on the computer.
The game is launching when suddenly you felt a huge and sudden headache comes over you.
You groan, gosh.. maybe it's because you have been staring at the screen for too long.. you thinks as a bumping headache keeps going at you.
While waiting for the game you decided to lay back a bit, rest your eyes and head.. this headache is not going away anytime soon if you keep waiting and staring at the screen.
Before you reach the bed, your body stumble forward and fall on to the floor, cannot control any part of your body you close your eyes and your mind went blank.
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A darkness is all that you see.. a darkness is all that you're in.. you remember that the last time you are in your bedroom, playing genshin until a huge headache wave over you. Now that you're sense's is back something felt wrong.. you can tell you are laying on something.. it's not comfy but it's still felt quite nice.
You opened your eye slowly and look around the place, groaning as you stare at the half blue and half white wall. You look at your bed and this bed looks like one of the hospital bed..... Wait hospital bed?! You instantly look around frantically where the heck are you?!
"oh you're awake!".
A gentle calm voice echoed throughout the room. That voice sounds familiar.. you turn around and saw a girl with a nurse hat and a white dress, her cream coloured hair is put in a ponytail... Barbara?!.
You stare at her unbelievably. Act cool.. act like.. like a human.. yeah!. You think to yourself. You know this girl.. this girl is the free 4 star character that you'll get once you reach a certain level. Okay y/n.. play it cool.. just act like you don't know this place.
"why.. am i here?".
You look at the girl, she seems nervous to be around you ... Which is normal maybe. She walked beside you and take a cup of empty glass beside you and pour a pitcher full of water inside the glass half full and then take them, offering the glass to you.
"you're in Mondstat.. the land of freedom.."
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A/n; GOD I'm so sorry it took a long time, i hope the 'cliffhanger' makes sense...? But! Thankyou for reading! I am working on part 2 so more will be incoming!!!
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whitestaghere · 4 years
Paris in the rain - Edmund Pevensie x reader (Oneshot)
Sksksksksjjjsk.. had this idea for a story the second I started listening to Paris in the rain by Lauv. So here you go! I hope you all enjoy it!!
Warnings - none
Song :- Paris in the Rain
Sitting up on a hill which gave a beautiful view of narnia. Down below you could see the battle field. Where it all had happened. Where I, Caspian, the Kings and Queens of Old and many Narnians had fought to save their home, to save their people, and won victoriously.
The sky highlighted with an orange hue, with clouds swirled in various directions. Like that of a painting.
A light breeze sweeping past me; I let out a sigh, closing my eyes. Yes. Peaceful indeed. The silence almost making me want to drift off into dreamland.
But soon that silence was broken with a clear of throat. Eyes shooting open I looked around me to find the source of the sound only to lock eyes with those warm chocolate like ones.
"Your majesty," I stand up bowing down to him.
He chuckled. Placing a hand on my shoulder; he slowly pushed me down back onto the grass, making himself comfortable next to me.
Scrunching his nose and furrowing his eyebrows, he scoffed, "I thought I told you not to call me that.."
Giggling to myself I rolled my eyes playfully, looking back at the view laying infront of us.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
"Yeah.." he sighed.
Shifting my gaze towards him I couldn't help but smile to myself. Breathtaking. Eyes closed, lashes fluttering against his skin ever so lightly. Brown locks gently dancing around his head with the breeze. Freckles on display almost like art. And his plush pink lips slightly parted.
Yes. Breathtaking.
Years of friendship, doing absolutely everything together. In and out of the Pevensie's house and them the same with mine. In time I had managed to catch feelings for the boy. Lucy being the first to notice. She was more excited than I was, which was absolutely adorable to watch. Susan and Peter catching up on it a little later, after they caught enough of me stealing glances at him constantly. And soon enough, that developed to something more. The feelings grew stronger.
But fear washed over me. The friendship we had was so precious to me and so to him as he and his siblings say. So thinking of the million possibilities, I didn't want to ruin what we had right now. So I kept my feelings to myself.
Turning his head towards me he smiled softly. Oh that smile. That damned smile.
He tilted his head a little raising an eyebrow, "you've been staring at me quite a while now.. I'm beginning to think you like what you see." He wiggled his eyebrows now.
Heat rising upto my cheeks, I nudged him gently while rolling my eyes, trying to hide the blush on my face. But with the way he was boring his eyes into me I couldn't really help it. Clearing my throat I tried to make up a sentence.
"Ooh look! You're blushing!" he pinched my cheek. "You really do fancy me huh Y/N?"
Swatting his hand away I replayed that sentence in my head. Fancy him? Part of me wanted to think he was flirting with me the second he sent a playful wink my way. But the other part of me just knew it was normal in our friendship for him to be a little bit of a brat sometimes.
Oh but that didn't stop me from being a blushing mess around him of course.
"I-I-" looking away from him, I stared at the setting sun in awe, "look! The sun's setting!"
He let out a chuckle. Looking at him from the corner of my eye, I could see his gaze back on the setting sun.
Smiling to myself I fumbled with my hands.
"I see why you like coming up here.." Edmund broke the silence.
Humming I didn't break my gaze from the view in front of me. "I feel at ease here.. feels like a moment away from all the worries of the world. Just peaceful." Letting out a sigh in content I continued, "It's like I finally feel-"
"Free.." he said along with me.
Looking at eachother without a word, I smiled at him softly.
"I wonder if the skies are like this in Paris," the sky now turning into a pinkish colour. I laughed to myself. Edmund knew very well how much I love to go to Paris.
"Well, when we go back home, I'll take you there," he flashed me a grin.
Raising my eyebrow at him I laughed, "you? Take me to Paris?"
Smirking he nodded his head, "yes me!" My heart fluttered at the thought itself.
Honestly speaking, with Edmund here, everything just feels right. I really had nothing to fear. He's helped me uncountable times. Picked me up whenever I fell, and always pushed me to do my best.
"Hmm?" his eyes still fixated in front of him.
"Thank you.."
"For what?" he tilted his head a little, this time eyes focusing on me.
"For believing in me.. being there for me."
He hummed in response. "What friends are for.."
My smile dropped at that. Friends. What was I even thinking? That's what it always was. What it always will be.
Like I said, that flirtatious nature was just something normal when it came to being friends with Ed. It's too good to be true anyways. Maybe we're really better off friends.
I was so caught up thinking about the term he considered us, that I hadn't noticed the pair of eyes almost literally, burning holes into the side of my head. The change in my expression not going unnoticed by him.
He was always observant. Knew exactly what was going on around him.
Feeling an odd warmth upon my hands I looked at them. Inhaling a sharp breath my eyes shifted back towards the owner.
The way he looked at me, felt like he was staring right into my soul. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing Ed.. there's nothing wrong." I faked a smile at him.
Now intertwining his larger hands with mine he shifted so he was sitting right in front of me. Obviously not buying my answer.
"You're a terrible liar you know? Years of knowing eachother and you really think I can't tell when something is wrong?" he laughed.
Trying not to look into his eyes I gulped. Hooking a finger under my chin he turned me to face him.
"Now tell me what's wrong silly," he smiled at me softly. "Tell me love."
I blushed at the nickname. He had called me this before but this time it hit me harder. He really isn't making this any easier for me. Mindlessly I spat out what was at the tip of my tongue, "am I your friend?"
Oh Aslan.
I mentally facepalmed. Way to go Y/N.. out of all the things you could've said, this? Really?
He laughed. "What world have you been living in all this time to not know?"
I looked away in embarrassment. "Of course you're my friend silly. Actually, more like family at this point."
Well that was enough to show that he only considers me as a sister. I hope my inner self has that clear enough now. I felt like punching myself for even giving him the opportunity to rub that at my face.
I chuckled bitterly and nodded my head in response, "yeah.." He shrugged shifting once again to make himself comfortable. Hands still in his he traced circles on mine with his thumb.
That's it. I really need to tell him. With a sudden wave of confidence I looked at him, "you really don't see it do you?"
"What do you mean?"
I let out a laugh of frustration. Taking in a breath I began, "I've always been thankful for you and your siblings. I absolutely love and adore the bond that we have. But I umm began to feel something different. Feelings come and go they do, but with you it's different. Anywhere with you feels right. When I'm with you, I feel so happy, I feel like I can finally be myself, I feel safe.. I really hope this won't ruin our friendship but I feel like you have a right to know.. I-I.."
He sat there in silence, listening with eyebrows slightly furrowed. Hoping he wouldn't hate me after this I continued.
"I-I-I like you.." at this he widened his eyes a little and looked away, scratching the nape of his neck.
Panicked I looked away, "listen I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Please, please just forget it, I hope you don't hate me. I'm so soo sorry."
No response.
Sighing I stood up trying my best to hold back my tears, "I-I have to go.."
"Y/N, wait.."
Stopping in my tracks I mustered up all my courage to face him. Turning around my gaze locked with his. The look on his face was absolutely unreadable.
"Edmund I-"
He shook his head. Coming closer to me he placed a hand on my cheek. It took all the strength I had in me not to squeal. He began to lean in. What is he doing?! My body refusing to make a move, I watched as his eyes momentarily flicked from my eyes to my lips.
Finally closing the space between us he brushed his lips against mine. Just for a brief second. But even when he pulled away, the feeling of his lips still lingered.
I couldn't believe it.
Edmund Pevensie. The Edmund Pevensie kissed me.
He pulled away smiling shyly, "I hope that answers everything?"
I looked at him in confusion. What does this actually mean? "I.. Ed I don't get i-"
Placing his lips on mine once again he shut me up. But this time he didn't pull away. His hand still on my cheek and the other now snaking around my waist; he pulled me flush against him. Slowly moving my lips against his, he smiled into the kiss. Tilting his head, he deepened the kiss. The breeze brushing past us, time seemed like it was slowing down around us.
As soon as he pulled away in order for us to catch our breaths, I covered my face in embarrassment, wanting to run away. But my body said otherwise and decided to stay.
He laughed removing my hands off my face and holding them in his, "you don't know how long I've been waiting to do that, how long I've waited to hear you say those words."
"So.. it's umm.. it's mutual?"
He nodded his head.
"I'm sorry," he cut me off. "For not saying anything before. I was just so shocked when I heard all that. I just couldn't believe it. Truth is, I've liked you for a long while now."
Widening my eyes my mouth fell open, "you-you what?!" At this point I swear my ears were just playing tricks on me.
As if reading my thoughts he nodded his head, "isn't it obvious? I like you too. I really wanted to confess before, but I was just too afraid. Afraid that I'd scare you off if you didn't feel the same.. I tried to brush it off several times for the sake of our friendship. But well, that.. didn't work. So yes. Conclusion is, I like you too. And since the feelings are mutual I guess it's safe to say, I always have and I always will."
All of this. It was like a dream come true.
"Love is a strong word they say. But with you, love it is."
As if on cue, we both cringed visibly. Looking at eachother without a word, we burst into a fit of giggles.
"When did you get so cringy Ed?" I managed between laughs.
"Cringy much, I thought so.." he laughed.
"But," he paused. "But its true. How I feel."
I smiled at him softly nodding my head, "guess I could say, you fancy me too?"
He laughed heartily. "Yes, you can. So miss Y/N.. now that we both fancy eachother, to make this official, may I- may I court you?"
Smiling widely I nodded my head once again, "yes. Yes you may."
He pulled me into his arms. Snaking my arms around his torso I breathed in his scent. He rested his head upon mine, "my best friend, is my girlfriend. I like the sound of that."
"Yeah, I like it too," I giggled.
Placing my head on his shoulder, he slowly began to sway our bodies together. Under the night sky. Together. It felt just amazing.
"I love you Y/N," he whispered.
"I love you too Ed," I sighed contently. Anywhere with Edmund, feels like Paris in the rain.
Okay wow... I literally wrote half of this while listening to Paris in the rain. It really is a lovely song.
I hope you all enjoyed this! ❤️ I'm sorry if there were any mistakes. Please do send in requests. Love you all and stay safe <3
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lovelytarou · 4 years
blueberry eyes
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pairing: kageyama tobio x reader
genre: tooth-rotting fluff
tags: just kags and reader simping for each other!!!
a/n: inspired by blueberry eyes by MAX, Suga of BTS and also inspired by this art it's so lovely!!! <33
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it's early, that much kageyama knows. it's around 6, maybe 7 in the morning with how bright the sun is making its way inside their room, basking his lover cradled in his arms with its warm light. kageyama felt that he could die happily at this moment, right here with you, engulfed in all of you.
his hand came up to scratch lightly at your scalp, he always knew how soothing it felt and he remembered what you said a few years ago.
“can you please scratch my head?” you asked one afternoon, eyes sparkling and beaming up at him with so much adoration he couldn't help but slightly clutch at his chest. if he wasn't careful, his heart might break out of his ribcage and fly to heaven with the way you're smiling at him right now.
nevertheless, he coughed to hide the ever-growing heat creeping up his face and neck. who knows what anyone would say if they saw him like this? let alone, hinata?
the thought alone of the hyperactive tangerine made him scowl, cursing him in his mind.
“tobio?” you tilted your head to the side, confused. the cute action immediately broke him out of his reverie.
“why would you want me to do that?” he grumbled, grabbing his water bottle from beside you.
after school, you approached him and told him that you'll watch them practice in the gym. he doesn't know what's so special about it, but whenever you clapped and cheered for him whenever he placed a perfect set or just simply does anything made his heart beat rapidly and made him perform better than he usually do, even his teammates could see.
“because,” you sighed, grabbing his right hand that isn't holding the water bottle, “you have pretty hands and they felt good when you did that.” you set his hand on top of your head and he began to massage it lightly.
how could he deny such a request when you have that goofy smile while scratching your scalp? if you did say that it felt good, he will indulge you.
he beamed down at you, his smile widening when you hummed contentedly.
hinata happens to walk by and saw kageyama grinning to himself and shouted, “oi, kageyama, why are you smiling creepily? you pervert!”
“shut up, hinata boke!”
he was back at the present when he felt you move. his hand ceased their scratching and switched instead to rubbing your back in soothing circles.
“are you up, baby?” kageyama's raspy voice echoed in the bedroom, smirking a little because he knew how much you loved his voice in the morning.
“mhmm, g'morning...” your words slurred, still thick with sleep. nevertheless, you adjusted your position so you're lying on top of him now.
leaving a chaste kiss on his jaw, you sighed contentedly as you let yourself fall back down on his warm body.
you blinked your eyes open and saw his blue ones staring back at yours. smiling softly, you gave him a kiss on the lips. before you decided to pull away, he was pulling in again for more and rolled the both of you around until he's on top of you.
he pulled away for a minute, “good morning to you, too, my love.” he gave you a toothy smile, cupping your cheek as he leaned in to give you a final kiss before sitting up.
“come on, time to get up.” he announced, tugging on your arm.
“ugh, tobio, do we have to? let's bask in the morning and just lay down for five minutes more!” you whined, making him chuckle.
“no, idiot. if i let you do that, you'll wake up in the afternoon again.”
you didn't protest anymore and followed him out of your shared bedroom into your kitchen. staying back, you just watched him waltz towards the drawers, pulling out your mugs before moving towards the refrigerator, preparing breakfast.
helping him with the coffee, you let him fry the eggs and bacon. everything was peaceful until you heard him grunt in annoyance.
“what's up?” you asked, peering over his shoulder to see him struggle to crack the eggs correctly. he either breaks them in his hand or it wouldn't crack at all.
“i don't understand, how do they do it in the tv?” he muttered, knocking the egg to the edge of the pan.
chuckling in amusement, you shook your head and took the egg from him.
“here, let me.” you cracked the egg once on the counter and immediately cracked open into the pan. he looked at you with his mouth open, amazed.
“can't you get any more perfect, love?” he asked, looking into your eyes with utmost awe.
“shut up and cook the eggs!” you giggled.
once breakfast is ready, the two of you sat down on the sofa and ate your food while discussing what the both of you wanted to do that day.
“i was thinking maybe we could pass by the mall today. oh! can we please go to the pet shop, please? the little guy there looked so lonely i wanna adopt him!” you immediately went into your puppy eyed face and begged him.
“hmm, i dunno. who's gonna take care of him when i'm away for volleball and you're working?” he raised an eyebrow, scooping eggs into his mouth.
“you're right, but i get lonely too when you're away, you know? i need some company too! and a cute one at that.” you pouted, crossing your arms in defiance.
kageyama sputtered, his own mouth forming into a pout as well, “what, am i not a cute enough company for you, babe?”
you bursted out laughing and he can't help but look at you, basking in your presence as you seemed so radiantly beautiful whenever you're happy. he can't wait to make you happy every day and every night, make you laugh every chance he gets, hold you in his arms when you feel out of the weather, kiss your lips because he simply wants to and he can because he's yours and you're his.
he found himself smiling fondly at you again and this time, he didn't try to hide it. he didn't stop even as you ceased laughing and now the two of you are staring into each other's eyes lovingly. and all you can think about is how beautiful his eyes are. those blueberry eyes, they're the first one you noticed when you first met. how much they sparkle and how vibrant they are every time he plays volleyball, and now those eyes are looking at you the same way.
you really do love him.
“babe, you're the best, cutest, hottest, most adorable, handsome, pretty, and cutest company i could ever ask for.” you admitted, half teasing him as his face broke out into shades of red with your confession.
“y-you said cute twice,” he stammered, averting your eyes.
it made you smile wider and laughed at how cute he is, “it's because it's true! you're doing it right now!”
“shut up!” he buried his face in his hands in embarrassment.
“make me, tobio.” there was a teasing lilt in your voice that made him peek through his fingers.
you yelped when he lunged at you and pinned you down on the sofa, kissing you all over your face and neck and back up again. your laughter echoed inside your place and he swears there's not a better sound he could get used to for the rest of his life. it was too perfect, you were too perfect, and he's lying if he says you didn't make his heart flutter every time he hears that hearty laugh of yours.
he stopped and looked down at you, love and adoration swimming in his blue irises. smiling like the two lovesick fools you both are, the two of you gravitated towards each other like opposite signs of a magnet and let your lips meet in a sweet kiss. and just like that, breakfast is forgotten on the coffee table that morning but you couldn't care less.
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