#I feel so parasocial rn lmao
dteamhugs · 28 days
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im so ill i need him to know that he's still so loved and many people are waiting for him to come back :(
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mintchochipkookie · 1 year
kim namjoon for world president when
#half of my entertainment analytics class FOR SOME FUCKING REASON was about NFTs#these 2 bros from the industry talking about how nfts were the future of entertainment or whatever the fuck#pretending like it was good for fans and had nothing to do with corporations wanting to profit even more#they had the audacity to say that FANS ACTUALLY WANT TO PROFIT OFF THEIR INTERESTS#i was like have you been a fan of a single thing even once in your life#fandom is so special to me and it's one of the sincerest purest forms of appreciating something#i feel real anger at billion dollar companies trying to monetize this space till only the rich can afford to like things#like every other fucking part of society#this isn't even considering the negative impact they have on the environment#this is purely from a moral standpoint about appreciating art#anyway. all this basically to say that when hybe announced the bts nft thing last year#i literally felt a pit in my stomach like something i had just started loving was being taken away from me already#reading that namjoon made a presentation to convince their executives not to move ahead with the plan.....you literally don't understand#i owe kim namjoon my life lmao#i hope he knows how much i appreciate him i'm so glad i picked the right group to stan#anyway. none of this matters i'm just feeling a lot of things rn and i want to say once again that i love bts#every single one of them they just mean so much to me#ik it's some form of a parasocial relationship or whatever but i don't care right now#i feel so grateful to him ik it's dumb but it is what it is#to delete later
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wetcatspellcaster · 17 days
Parasocial beloved: I hope you are feeling an immense sense of pride, because you absolutely should be. "Pieces" is an incredible work of talent and art, and the fact that you made it happen while dealing with so much academically is extra impressive. I loved this last chapter, it made my heart feel so full (and those moments are in short supply with *gestures at world*). Thank you so much for giving us this beautiful story and escape from reality!
hello, my one and only anon <3
thank you! I'll be so real, I don't really feel achievement rn because my brain is being really mean, but I am glad that I delivered the story I wanted to and that people enjoyed it. Thank you so much for sharing it with me!
I am also using fic to escape reality and comfort myself through a really big period of change, so if that does the same job for someone else then all the better, at least we're in it together :) Currently feel like a very anxious horse with blinkers on, and those blinkers are my AO3 profile lmao!
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sootwilb · 4 months
Hello, i just wanted to say the post you made today that got like 3 mean comments? I agree with you. Im just a pussy hiding rn but I need to get my thoughts out somewhere. Feel free to ignore because idk how long it's gonna be lmao, I just want to talk to someone who feels the same way as me.
Biting, and not being very self aware at all, are very ND things. It's pretty bad that he didn't stop when she was in pain, but... this was 2 years ago. He's mentally ill. He's probably autistic. He isn't heartless, he isn't evil, he made a mistake and if he knows whats best for him he's learned from it.
It pisses me off that people are using this as an excuse to bring up his messy house, as if this- isnt the same guy who wrote a song about how he wants to jump in front of a train??? Mental health matters until they are messy! Because ew, who would want to look up to him?
I DO. I look up to him. I DON'T support him hurting his girlfriend at all. I really don't. But there's a lot more to it. This is the man who released an album in 2020 which kept me company. These songs brought me through my OCD diagnosis, my suicidal thoughts, and he helped make me realise I WASN'T ALONE. It's so empowering when someone you enjoy watching is open and honest about his mental health. Its nice to know whenever something happens to me, or I think something, I know- Wilbur has been here too.
So I won't be dropping him. I'll keep it on the lowdown. I genuinely can't stop loving him I always always will. Four years of the worst mental pain ever, and him being the only person who I felt genuinely understood by? I won't give that up. People who haven't been here would never get it. ABUSE IS NOT OKAY. But I need something to keep me going, and I'm not risking like- attempting suicide without it. I don't care how parasocial I sound. I really don't. He's been an advocate for mental health, he's been empowering for teenage girls.
And lastly, my dad has been falsely accused of abuse before. They straight up lied. So even if all the signs point to it, I will wait until wilbur and wilbur only, confirms it.
If you do end up posting this, hey guys who think I'm justifying abuse! I'm not. He's unwell. He's SICK. I will support him and he deserves love and he deserves to get better.
hello lovely anon! firstly i want to say im sorry you've been through all of that
wilbur is someone who is autistic and mentally and chronically ill, i hate that people are using this as an opportunity to villainise these traits when people who have them already get a bad reputation as it is. i hate that people support mental health until the person suffering from it is messy and makes mistakes. like ive said before wilbur doesn't deserve shunning he deserves support and help
feel free to dm me if you want to talk more about this anon
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erm-you-see · 8 months
ofmd s2 spoiler
I'm in the acceptance stage after reading those interviews with David. I'm just so sad and defeated rn like damn ;'(. I've never been so utterly obsessed with a character before. been here since season one, and then poof! the character I've been waiting for glimpses and snippets of for over a year is now dead.
I'm happy for Ed and Stede, I'm also so happy Ed and Izzy got the closure they needed in the end. it's a testament to how well the writing paired with fandom meta has sunk its claws into me. I know it's weird and kinda silly but I legitimately feel kind of ill, you know?? some devastating, life-altering stuff has happened to me this year so I was looking forward to my comforting little pirate show and my favorite twat.
somehow My parasocial walnut lizard brain legitimately thinks someone died?? Seeing Con's latest post on Instagram soothed it a bit lmao but still, his death is like a punch to the gut right now.
David Jenkins and the writing team did so excellently with writing this season, I loved everything, and they did very well to deliver the best they could within the span of only 8 episodes.
for those of you grieving the loss of our angry little guy, I made you tiny izzys. we'll get through it together!
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pathologising · 10 months
I know things are rly rough n scary rn w the homelessness possibility but it is still rly incredible to see ur still around......I know I recently celebrated 1yr w ur whiteboy Gavin and it's like. I remember Before Then and things are still bad I'm sure but there were times when I was like. nnnot certain you were gonna make it but I'm too scared n reclusive to reach out.....so this is the first message I've ever sent and it's on anon and when I'm drunk lmao but. things are bad but theyve been worse and they'll be worse (hopefully not but I like to assume things will be worse than they will actually likely be) and ur still here. ur still here!! despite it all. and that's a v good thing. I'm kind of drunk so I'm not saying things right at all probably but angel it's so good. seeing you post. I don't see you and get worried and go check. this is deeply parasocial I'm sure but it's just nice. knowing there's someone I see myself in still going on, even when they don't want to. even against their wishes. we'll get there it's ok. it doesn't feel like it'll be ok but it will be. tomorrow or five years from now. and no matter how long it's been it will have been worth it. the wait worth the wait. stay steady muah
I can't type anymore bc I'm starting to cry but it'll be ok
I love you so much words cannot express how much I love you and how much this means to me truly please take care of yourself you are worth so much love and compassion
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bisluthq · 5 months
Hi nat, I don’t wanna sound like a hater but I’ve just been struggling sm lately bc I feel so disconnected to Taylor iykwim? Like she just seems unrecognizable and excuse the parasocialness but like idk I think I just need to separate from the fandom because I just feel she’s so different in the past year and it makes me so sad. Everything just seems somewhat staged and inauthentic. I really loved her and even considered her as my favorite person and lifesaver at some point. But that beautiful, genuine, and talented person that i thought she was is not there anymore. I really saw myself in her at some point and really believed she was a gift to this world with the happiness she brought to people and how she was unapologetically herself, from the intimate fan interactions and public vulnerability and need for privacy she showed compared to other celebrities. Especially the fact that she’s been trying so fiercely to rewrite the history of the past 7 years of her life and is doing a complete 180 on the life she said she wanted is so disheartening to watch as a long time fan. I really thought that rep - evermore Taylor was really her most authentic self but idek anymore. The person she is now is like an entirely different persona and it makes me really sad. I hope she can find herself again for her own sake but i think this is just who she is and who am I to judge that lmao? At the end of the day no person with that amount of money or fame would be relatable. Look I always have to remind myself I don’t know her obviously but I thought I had gotten a pretty good sense from following her the last 12 years. Idk honestly I’m just kinda ranting here but was wondering if anyone else felt like this lately. A lot of my irls and friends have been saying they feel the same disconnect.
Xx anon ❤️
no shade queen and I’m sorry you’re feeling sad but herein lies the problem: “I really loved her and even considered her as my favorite person and lifesaver at some point.” That’s not a fair thing to put on Taylor. She’s literally just some lady lmfao and she’s an extremely talented musician, and she’s hot, and she’s very funny, and she’s a good writer even when it comes to prose, and she’s hardworking as fuck, and she’s apparently quite kind, and she also apparently makes nice food, and she has cute handwriting. That’s all we really know about her tbh. She can’t be our fave person or our lifesaver because like we don’t know her?? It’s not fair to put that on her.
on a very minor scale when I did professional activism/politics and on an even more minor scale on this blog when it was very big like sometimes I felt like I had this responsibility to people to like idk be something for them. And I can’t lol because I’m just a girl who likes to make jokes and write and teach history and drink and recently to go rowing lol. It’s not fair to expect me to be anything other than an interesting essay (in the activism days) or a funny joke (in the blogging days). I can’t be responsible for other shit. Taylor has that on the HUGEST scale and I can imagine how stressful that is and it’s not yk fair. I personally think she’ll get bored of being this public in a bit but she’s having fun rn. She’s got a cute boyfriend and her career is doing stellar and she’s got the I cut down on alcohol glow and shit like let the lady live for a bit. She doesn’t owe us shit. And I’m not convinced she’s a different person, I think she’s just not caring if people see she’s yk who she is - not an angel, not a hermit artiste, just a girl who’s trying to vibe.
I also think for me personally I’ve enjoyed a lot of her recent music so that adds to it. I love Midnights and I love the 1989 Vault and idk I am happy to let her vibe like she doesn’t owe us shit. Far be it from me to tell you to buy her $20 teacups or whatever to sponsor her trips to KC - I don’t lol - but I think it’s deeply unfair to expect her to be your lifeline or whatever like that’s genuinely not on her.
All this said, if you’re not vibing with music or the brand rn that’s okay. Harry Potter was HUGELY important to me in my preteens and into my teens and then as it happened, it turned out that JKR was a really bad person and I reread the books genuinely for science and they weren’t that great like there was a lot there I found actively not okay so aside from how I wouldn’t publicly be a millennial Potterhead anyway probably because I’m not yk that bloody weird I actively disengaged and I asked family and friends to stop buying me Robert Galbraith books and I just like… disengaged. Never watched the cursed child, haven’t watched any of the fantastic beast movies after the first one, never bought any merch again even when it’s a bit cute, just totally cut myself off. That’s MY choice. It’s not JK’s. JK is out there vibing like as she should but I don’t have to support her and she doesn’t owe me shit lol so like yes our moral compasses unfortunately do not align and that’s just the reality so I can be all dramatic or I can just stop buying her shit lol and I’ve chosen to do the latter and I don’t have any bad feelings towards her. We just don’t agree on morals. If you don’t agree with Taylor on morals or even lifestyle that’s also fine but again that’s a you problem not a Taylor problem 🤷🏻‍♀️
hope this made sense and helped although it was rambley.
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lerios · 11 months
tagged by all time icon @baynton 💕 this has been in my drafts for like a month because i wanted to answer it after i properly started succession but now i get the feeling its gonna take a while to get a proper grip of that show lmao😅
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
1. bbc quacks
2. firefly (my absolute beloved 😍)
3. its always sunny in philidelphia
4. bbc ghosts
5. fuck it, critical role (i don't watch much TV lol)
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Favourite? probably Wash my gorgeous comedy boy with an icon wife i spent years simping over, BUT i don't think we can ignore how fucking fixated i was on Simon. like, he was gender envy before i knew that Gender™ was a thing.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
i lowkey highkey want to throw hands with Robert. how dare you marry a girlboss and then not appreciate her wtf. give me her number
3. What’s your favourite episode of 4?
the Thomas Thorne Affair popped off. like yeah sure my skrunkly is centre stage but also the episode is just really well done.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
I AM A SEASON 1 TRUTHER. vox machina i miss you so much 😭
5. What’s your favourite relationship in 3?
charlie mac brotp.
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
jayne/river shippers are wild, she's like 12 and they don't even get along (also jayne/simon is the real OTP)
7. How long have you watched 1?
well i first posted about it in march, so like 5 months probably
8. How did you become interested in 3?
my mate jon said there was a musical episode so i watched like 10 seasons of it lol.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
okay i don't really know anything about any of them, but ben seems like a vibe. i too write mostly depressing shit and don't talk to anyone about anything 🥰
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
3 because theres 16 seasons of always sunny and only 1 season of quacks 😭😭😭
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
my man mike is alive and has a magical badass wife that can talk to ghosts.
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
my man Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo the third can never die, fuck off. (i'd kill him in a suitably emo way probably. he dies alone and still demon-infested, having scared the rest of vox machina away from caring about him once and for all, then probably getting converted into a vampire).
14. Would a ¾ crossover work?
asdagjsdag YES the gang would make such a big deal of having ghosts, they'd probably try to make money off of julian somehow. robin and charlie would be 100% best friends. the captain would be having a breakdown at thier impropriety 24/7 but fanny would get along with them way better than she'd expect lol
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
okay theres not many characters in quacks but i would love to see john/william. john absolutely needs to drug him 🥰
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
probably 5 because i got Parasocial about them for a while. pro-lgbt kings.
and i’m tagging: fucking nobody because i don't have the braincells to do social shit rn but i wanted do this when i found it again bc it looked fun
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taegularities · 11 months
Dream girl wants you to know that Jungkook stresses her out😮‍💨
I realised today that when you replied to my ask, you asked me how I was and ma’am my mother would yell at me for not responding to your kind question, but also I don’t want to bombard you with asks because I understand you get a lot of them and they can be overwhelming!
I am doing well, stressed but surviving tbh, thank you so much for asking🌸 Law is kicking my butt though, but we’re about to enter the final stretch before I finish my student days,
(at this moment, I just realised I will be losing my student discounted Apple Music, this rlly cool discount app for students in my country- you get like kfc, Burger King and other restaurants and clothing retailer discounts it’s rlly cool AND I’m going to have to start paying full price to visit the aquarium and the planetarium????)
Other than that, I’m swell!
Im almost caught up on cmi and I’ve been iiiiitching to come to you with a lil review because wowwwww but let me just read up until the last update so I can do your work justice😚
Oh, I wanted to tell you that you remind me of my best friend (don’t worry, I am not trying to parasocialize- is this a word- lmao) with the way you respond to people and like your tone and stuff, it just reminds me of her and she’s just as kind and considerate as you are!
DISCLAIMER: I’m not like trying to idk 👀👀👀👀 you (I can’t think of the word, is it spy???)… y’know… like I’m not trying to dig personal info out of you
Omg no we are not invasive ppl, I am mannered! occasionally
I just wanted you to know bc you’re just as nice as her!😅🌸
Anyway go well, be healthy and happy and take your vitamins and get some sunshine and take all the rest you need in the world bc you deserve it thanks for being nice to me😭🩵💭
BABE LITERALLY, WHY ARE YOU SO FKN SWEET 😭😭😭 you can bombard me with messages!! even if i don't get to answer all of them immediately, i read them and they make me smile and i get to them eventually.. but tysm for being considerate 🥺
i'm so proud of you for coming this far. law is so fkn hard, so i can't imagine how good (and stressful) it must feel to near the end. AND I FEEL THAT LMAO. i lost a lot of privileges during the time i didn't study.. i'm doing my master's rn tho, so we're back at using cheap ass spotify and getting discount at dunkin' donuts lmaoo
PLEASE FKJDJSJS i'm not creeped out or anything at all. this is one of the cutest damn things anyone has ever said to me 🥺 like hell yes, i'll be your virtual bestie. thank you for saying all that fr, you're so incredibly kind yourself yk :(( and i love you, thank YOU for being so nice to me >:( hope you're well too and are resting a lot and not letting academics stress you out too much and enjoying the summer mwah mwahhh 🤍
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dykeyote · 1 year
HI VAL IM GENUINELY CURIOUS ON YOUR WILL WOOD HATRED CAN WR KNOW MORE (IF U WANNA SHARE OFC) (I'm am not saying this btw with malice I AM GENUINELY so CURIOUS abt the fact you hate will wood and like chnt) feel free 2 ignore this!!)
GIGGLES YOU CAN IF YOU WANT THERES NO BIG STORY ...... obligatory reminder that this isnt me making a callout post or going WILL WOOD FANS DNI >:(!!!!!!!!!! (given that i am in the chnt fandom i clearly do not feel the latter way lmao) im just explainin why ME PERSONALLY . i am not a fan keep in mind many of these reasons are personal and biased . but anyway heres why i strongly dislike will wood
a: right out the gate i just think hes really really pretentious lmao </3 he just kinda annoys me not gonna lie to u rn i find him obnoxious . we would not get along irl . this is not calling him out for the crime of being annoying but its why i personally dont like him
b: he reminds me of times where i was Very Mentally Ill so its not really a positive association, i basically associate his music (especially self-ish) w being real delusional bc thats when my will wood phase was
c: not going into depth on this altho i Do have in depth thoughts but i think people cut wayyyyy too much slack for him on the stuff he got called out for a while back ...... like i just dont think the stuff he admitted to is as Grey and Nuanced as people say it is . this is the primary reason why i dont listen to his music anymore it gave me a real bad taste in my mouth, again this isnt a callout post im just sharing my own personal feelings on the subject
d: this isnt about Him per se but he always makes me think of his brother who ive heard a ton of grooming allegations abt so bad associations again, also as far as ive heard they still actively associate and he hasnt spoken on said allegations altho obviously i dont keep up w him so maybe im wrong
e: a lot of members of his fanbase are extremely extremely parasocial and weird about him, not saying its his fault for it but again negative associations
and thats basically the summary . i used to be a HUGE fan i actually got into chnt on the drive to a will wood concert lol but i kinda really dislike him now so i dont really get much .... Joy out of listening to his music anymore . the chnt soundtrack is still my babygirl tho and theres tons of reasons to like chnt BESIDES the soundtrack even if i got into it bc i liked will wood and no longer do
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chanrizard · 1 year
SAA my favourite creator <33 help me I am severely vitamin C(Hannie's room) deficit 😩 I need him to do a live this weekend 😭 but even if he doesn't I'd be a little sad but I wouldn't blame him for it because this was such a big cb won't be surprised at just how packed their schedules could be rn
Omg I think part two released like a day back or something right?? I'll try to watch it this weekend I'm so excited ksksks
Yesss like someone said "superbowl suits their current style a lot more" I feel like although still a banger it may have felt kinda out of place for their branding at the time of go live..? Idk I could be wrong these guys are amazing at their craft and very freaking unpredictable too but same I need the Korean ver. along with a detailed explanation of practically every second word they utter
Ahhh well I'm back to school tomorrow, but like they say– thank god it's Friday ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ how about your assignments or exams, have they started yet?
(hall of fame has very conveniently taken up a significant amount of room in my tiny brain to fit the entire album in while it has nailed itself into this thick skull of mine, ya that's definitely going to leave a mark..)
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my favorite anon hallooo 💕💕
*hiding the calendar where i marked the last time mistopher sent a message on bubble a week ago and the last channie's room ep two weeks ago* haha ohhh it's been that long eh i see... it's not like i've been counting the days too... dhebfjsbd i know i miss our parasocial bestie 😭
yesss they released part II yesterday (was it yesterday? i think? there's so much stuff coming out, this week feels a year long lmao you blink and you miss something) and it's the dance practice! they're all unbearably cute and soft bundled up in their practice clothes i can't wait for you to watch it 💕💕
ack I'm sorry your vacation is already over, hope you won't tire yourself too much in school! I passed my first exam and I got my proficiency certificate go me lol as for the others we'll see in a week...
Your brain has excellent taste then dhebdjsh I'm glad they didn't release it with maxident but waited for 5-star, it really suits the overall theme of this album a lot more imo
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
Okay here’s part one: The more likely route I could see bbh either taking the skeppy/a6d treatment like the prev anon said. Overall, happytwt gives a lot more nuance to bbh than it does skeppy in criticism/controversy and I’m tired of pretending that it doesn’t because they definitely do. This isn’t me saying that bbh deserves worse or that neither him or skeppy deserve any criticism (because at the end of the day they are both content creators and criticism for faulty actions is warranted just like any other cc) but it is me saying that even though we know well enough at this point that him and skeppy are clearly friends with dream (and regardless of anyone feels about that it’d be stupid to play dumb about it at this point, like come on guys they literally streamed from his house a month ago) doing the skeppy/a6d approach to this could likely work given this nuance because it’d be enough for happytwt to work with on turning a blind eye to
Part two: but I can’t see bbh cutting ties with either dream or quackity. They’re both close friends of his and it just doesn’t seem likely at all but I think it’ll pass. My timeline is on fire rn and it’s a back and forth of who’s at fault or what ccs should do when in reality that’s really up to them. And I kinda…dont care unless any of them want to pay my bills (yes, that’s right! for a 5k check you can buy my interest!!!). whatever they decide isn’t our business to sway or convince otherwise. happytwt has a weird parasocial entitlement towards both bbh and skeppy, but how that behavior is shown towards each of them is different, which in the case of bbh would work out. Also hoping this does not get screenshotted and reposted on happytwt
happytwt and happyblr circles usually dont overlap so i think you're good anon! and i agree that bad will end up fine. its not even happytwt, but mcyttwt as a whole seems to hold skeppy up to harsher standards than anyone else which always felt a bit um. racially motivated to me. bad will have his antis, sure, but his stans arent gonna leave because of this.
i think bad's interactions with both of them are minimal (in comparison with foolish, for example) enough where most people who have strictly chosen sides will be able to brush it off. that's what happened with a6d anyways, and a lot of happytwt dislikes dream, but have accepted that bad will always be friends with him.
also: i dont see a world where bad will choose usmp over qsmp, even if hes whitelisted on both. ive noticed he usually does need some emotional attachment to keep playing (remember how he logged off of dsmp until lore started?) and bad's gonna choose dapper over anything atp LMAO
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sharkshenanigans · 2 years
So...Foolish moved in with Karl
That punz tweet....
Not saying anything but it would be funny
Also i'm glad me being in your inbox hasn't been annoying lol
Foolish moved in with karl indeed... "If u dont have anything nice to say, say nothing 🤐" <- me rn LMAO
No but listen if punz moved in with them as well that would be awesome, but also... (Attention: parasocial behavious incomming, dont take this too seriously) Kinda sad, because i feel like during the meetup in nc punz was kinda in the background, and maybe he would get more comfortable with time but ... I really just want him in florida (with foosh 😭) when george finally shows up so he can have fun with the whole dteam and with everybody when they inevitably show up to meet dream!
A very exciting day tho for sure!
Nono, of course not! I love your little messages <3
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elliot-needs-sleep · 2 years
Damn bro how’d you know when I started watching the SMP
In all seriousness though, I hate people like that
It’s so fucking annoying
GSDJFAEGQ Tbh I started watching Tommy in December 2020 so thats when I got into the smp
I just dont see the problem of watching someones content at first because you find them attractive, thats how I started watching Wilburs content, and now I watch his content because its entertaining
I feel like most of the people who are trying to gatekeep this are doing the whole parasocial relationship thing and feel like they're superior for watching dreak before his face reveal? Idk still haven't slept and the bouncy ball that is my train of thought is not working rn lmao
I feel like most of Dreams audience is toxic and feels like the have a relationship with him but like..... the majority of them are children which would explain it and why its so bizarre to me as someone whos been in various fandoms for about 8 years now, because this might be their first experience with fandom culture and they don't have good role models on how to act properly when it comes to idols.
Like, I would NEVER act the way that some of Dreams audience has in past because theyve doxxed people and done other really bad things and I don't think Dream really knows how to keep them in line because he wasn't always a huge content creator, he really did kinda blow up over night
But yeah I just wanna scroll through twitter, not see every other tweet be "claim your 'i watched dream before his face reveal' ticket here" posts because Id just like to see Tommy joke about not doing his taxes and going to court and Philza and Amisey making fun of him for it
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sungbeam · 11 months
Ok time for a more calmer vibe LMAO
For the first fic I genuinely think that any member would be suitable for the ML? And so I decided to let you (my fav author and parasocial bestie) to bequeath which member this fic shall belong to 🤭 (uhhhh spoilers/insight: dream realm(?) but not in a soulmate way, angst, possibly abrupt/open ending but also happy in a way, v fluffy moments at the same time tho, manic pixie dream boy???)
And finally after adoring the movie I decided to go read [redacted] and LORD WHY DID IT HURT 39475629 TIMES AS MUCH AS THE MOVIE LIKE
Movie: light work, no reaction
Book: oUUuU, okay, its got a lil kick 😨
But I got an au perfectly inspired by this in a modern retelling typa way ig SPOILER ALERT THERE IS A LOVE CORNER, CHANHEE AND SANGYEON OR YOUNGHOON(???) we WILL be getting a lil Kevin up in here tho TRUST
And tbh it could go in 2 different directions rn but I’ll have to see which one will get a conclusive ending but the vision is definitely there dw
And DAMNNNNNN I didn’t know there were so many WIPs/nm/p like I know I got a lil snippet of 3 in the past but with each drop of a new WIP I get even more excited 😭 just seeing your creative process is motivating to me lolol and the banners AHHHHHHHH IT REALLY DID GIVE “graphic design is my passion 🤭” YUHHH YUHHHH
but wait also looking at the list again I wanna see more into the ‘bones (orig.)’ and ‘bones (remixed)’ 😳
OH AND BEFORE I FORGET TO MENTIONNNNNNN that Spiderman!Sunwoo and Spiderman!Eric did have me REEEEEEELINGGGGG esp since I finally got the chance to watch across the spiderverse PHEWWWW Spiderman!Eric is just so cheeky, so himbo, so smoochable like damn I do think he is capable of wanting to attempt the Toby Maguire upside-down kiss but then getting too nervous/excited/antsy that he lets go of his web and crashes on the ground AJNDJBVINWI
AND SUNWOO AS STARLORD WOULD ALSO WORK CAUSE HE REALLY HAS THAT SELF-DEPRECATING HUMOR THING GOING ON and then his cheesyness too omg I think Sunwoo is perfectly corny to be starlord 😫🤞
AND ALSO MY ATEEZ BIAS ISSSSSSSSSSSSSS -drumroll please- 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Wooyoung! 🥳🥳🥳
He’s just so sweet and caring and hot and beautiful and hardworking and loving and he’s so, he’s so, he’s so- ☹️☹️☹️☹️
Yeah, I love Woo with my whole being 😔🙏
Kk that’s it for nowwwwww talk to you soon!
- Toodles!, 🌷anon 
HELLO WAIT what is [REDACTED] 🤨 i need to know for research purposes and cuz im a nosy mfker and cuz i also scoured thru our prev interactions and don't think we talked abt it previously 🤨
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ITS LIKE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST BUT EVERYBODY'S A BEAST ???? well, the main cast is all considered some kind of "monster," but ofc, the real monsters r the humans who have belittled them and villainized them. but reader basically has like,,, medusa powers??? and chanhee has like a demon trapped inside him and younghoon is like fae but THE SCARY fae you feel??? but any who, i've gotten some back story done and it's not meant to become like a 30k one shot or anything; i was trying to aim for it to be kind of like the length of simple gifts, but we'll see where i go w it !!
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okok i have so much to say abt the next part of ur ask 😭😭 1.) BEQUEATH 💀💀💀💀 2.) hello stop that rn flattery will get u everything u desire 🤧😌 3.) MANIC PIXIE DREAM BOY AHAH OMG IM SO HYPED 4.) eric, juyeon sounds abt right 😻😻
OKAY BUT LIKE books > their movie adaptations tbh lsnfkenfk there is so much that books can show that movies can't, and also vice versa !! but WTF DYM BY LOVE CORNER (´Д⊂ヽ GIRLIE BESTIE HONEY WHAT IS A LOVE CORNER 😭😭😭 w chanhee sangyeon younghoon AND beloved kevin too???? my /guy/ do u want me to cry 😃 wait don't answer that—💀 omg i feel like i almost never have an idea of what an ending looks like UNTIL I GET THERE LMFAOOOO like i really don't care abt endings cuz i can't get to the ending if there is not story substance, u feel 😭😭😭 but im sure the ✨right ending✨ will appear in ur horizons as u go forth !!
KANDKDNDKN i had to keep quite a few wips off the list 😭💀 it's embarrassing akdnkdnf BUT im so glad that seeing my process motivates u TT that's very cool to hear and i also like talking abt the writing process a lot so thank u for feeding into my self esteem /hj AHHH SHUSH UR GONNA MAKE ME BLUSH I LOVE MAKING BANNERS SO THANK U 😚 im too tech grandma to use canva or photoshop so i feel like a lot of mine r a little simpler and more minimal which isn't bad ofc but yeah, thanks so much :'))) BRO i wish i could go into graphic design skfnkdndk
OHOH the bones orig and remix ver LMAOOO
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both versions r meant to be like murder mysteries yk?? and they're both set in time settings where it's not quite the future, but im also not a historian so they're also not completely historically accurate T-T they just take place in the past LMFAO but the original ver is more like dark academia centered where the murder takes place at this elitist academy/boarding school in the middle of nowhere, and reader is like a "charity case" whose uncle took her under his wing after her parents were murdered or something, and changmin is like studying to become a physician and they both get looped into the investigation. i have a some written of that ver but it's not very interesting 💀
AND recently like two days ago 💀 i went back to one of the ideas i had for the banner before i started writing the dark academia one (wow that's such a long sentence). anyways, said idea was to take place in like ,, not a school 🤡 but idk if you've read the stalking jack the ripper series but it's based on that !! AND a little bit of six of crows too 🤡 it's not fantastical or anything, but changmin is like a doctor in the lower end and someone's been out here murdering people and shit. changmin is also kind of inspired by daredevil and kaz brekker, but i'll have to get into that some other time 💀
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that was one of my favorite parts lol i think this ver of bones has captured a bit more of my interest than the other ver? tho, i would love to see where the other ver went, just cuz i already put so much thought into the storyline and characters and headcanons and back stories, etc.
AHHHHHH YES I AGREE ABT SPIDEY!ERIC I LOVE SPIDEY ERIC he's just ,, yk Just Some Guy™ LMAO so he's a perf spiderboy !!! he's kind of modeled after tom holland's spiderman and sunwoo after miles morales ofc, but eric would TOTALLY try the upside down kiss and fail miserably 😭😭😭 but i think he's def the type to keep trying UNTIL he gets it down 🤤😋 and just crafting the different earths btwn sunwoo and eric was just so much fun cuz i was trying to figure out what i wanted each universe to have and ksnfkdndkkd ANYWAYS . STAR LORD SUNWOO HAS ME REELING CUZ LIKE AKDNKDMD i NEEDED this man to be w the raccoon it just didn't feel right if he wasn't. like he was either gonna be nova or starlord, and i feel like the only other boy besides sunwoo who can do star lord justice is hyunjae, but he's already IRON MAN lol
OMG UR A WOOYOUNG STAN??? that actually feels so right 😭😭😭 wooyo be snatching up hearts ALL OVER THE PLACE lately 😭🤧 like damn, get it bro 🥂 but i totally agree, he's such a sweetheart and so funny and so talented and just sknfkendn mwah wanna give him a big smooch !
WHEW what a long recap/catch up reply 🤣 but anyways, hope ur doing well as always 😚 love u lots, my honey bunches of pollinated petals 💖
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itstaisstuff · 1 year
OH you are too kind to my silly fics.. also dw i have not told u these ships for any free ANYthing i am here for the fun convos with you!!! :D the parasocial marriage between an anon and a blog.. it is a strong bond mhm mhm..
art block is so real though i have been feeling it lately with exams and all. the main thing keeping me writing is that all my friends are writing and are like "you should write too!!!!" and so here we are.. 3 fics in the space of like a week..
but how have you been lately :D i hope the universe has been treating you well and all of that!
IT'S NOT ME BEING KIND, IT'S JUST FACTS!!!!! but also awww!!! Ily omg and just between you and me. I may be designs my sona rn with a ring for the sweet sweet anon<3 (yeah honestly I've decided to finally design a sona mainly just to draw our wedding for fun lmao so ty for the motivation)
Oh wow that.. Doesn't sound really healthy?? But as long as you enjoy it, ig? (And the first are worth it just PLEASE don't forget to take care of yourself)
AWW!! yeah it's been quite bad with the exam stuff lately but yknow what! We get regular tangdubs content so it's not like I'm complaining. Besides it, isn't been going really nice!! Wby?
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