#I fell in love with the idea of each boy having their own special way of referring to their mom
sonotpattismith · 3 days
YOURE WRITING IS LIT AMAZING OMG- I had an idea: Sukuna switching in and telling u yuji likes you (romanticly and sexually) and eventually switching back and the aftermath…. 🙏🙏🙏
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Forgive Me for Whatever I Do (Yuji Itadori x Reader)
word count: 4.9k warnings: a teeny bit dark, angst, suggestive content, 18+ a/n: y'all, I think I kind of altered what the original vibe was meant to be for this request, but I am apparently physically incapable of not making a fic angsty, I'm SORRY. Also, this was a bit inspired by Remember You by Dominurmom, link if you wanna listen cause it makes me cry. I hope you all enjoy and please remember my requests are always open! 🥹🫶🏻
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Friends. It was a good word-- a safe word. It was one you had found solace in hiding behind for years. How could you dare risk the beautiful ebb and flow you had found within the days of while you’d experienced with your best friend? No matter the pools of warmth that engulfed your chest with each glittery-eyed smile-- no matter how the both of you had always found your way back to each other whether rain or sunshine-- no matter how much you loved Yuji Itadori. Friends; it was a safe space. 
There was a time when you wanted something more. It was so early on, before you were too scared to lose him yet. When you two had first met, you felt undeniably pulled toward the bright-eyed and charismatic boy. Both of your lives had been overwhelmingly and newly hectic, what with your being thrust into a life of curses and sacrifice. Similarly, Yuji was still coping with the abrupt weight of managing the demon he now shared a body with. It was never the right time. 
So, your timid glances and blushing compliments soon turned into confiding conversations and fierce loyalty. You two fell into the gentle and safe rhythm of a blossoming friendship. Of course, deep down within the confines of your cowardly hearts, you were always drawn to one another. There was always a hope, never communicated, that maybe once your lives found a peaceful medium, you two would no longer need to hide behind the solace of friends.
This certainly wasn’t how you wanted it to happen. 
Yuji had always made it appoint to keep you and Sukuna at opposite ends of his world, in all senses of the phrase. He barely spoke of him to you at all, in fact. It was actually something you argued often with him about, worried about the impacts of keeping that kind of burden locked away would have on him. In typical Itadori fashion though, he wouldn’t even entertain the notion of an argument with you. No, he’d just squint his honey-brown eyes, and flash that bashful smile to you, a half-assed excuse about why it wasn’t that big of a deal falling easily from his lips. 
The truth was though, it was a big deal to him-- a massive one, in fact. After having already witnessed what that counterpart of his could do, the havok it could ensue on those important to him-- nothing scared him more than the prospect of you coming face to face with Sukuna. Yuji felt this fear so much so that he spared you the details. He didn’t want you to think of him in such a way, to know that any part of him was capable of such atrocities. Yes, he’d bear it all if it meant none of it touched you. 
So, when he felt his own body deteriorating rapidly in tandem with the whaling blows of cursed energy courtesy of the special grade the two of you had been cornered by, the thought flickered in the back of his head. Heaving out a pained groan, Yuji’s gaze found yours, and he pushed it back down. But you screamed. You screamed, and he couldn’t help you-- he couldn’t move. You screamed, and he was trapped beneath the concrete pillar that had fallen so unceremoniously over his heaving chest. You screamed, and suddenly, it was his only option. 
The King of Curses was not one for favors, especially not for the brat that held him hostage in what was meant to be his vessel. He assessed the situation before him-- the one he’d been watching intently from the safety of his own shrine. Through his insolent vessel’s eyes, he could only see you. It was all the brat would look at, you were all he ever looked at. Whether it be the back of your head, hair swaying gently as you’d turn to smile at him, and Sukuna would always feel the boy’s heart clench fouly at the sight. On some occasions, you’d be looking right at him, your eyes with stars behind them, and the demon wanted nothing more than to rip them right from their sockets simply for the way his vessel would tremble under your gaze.
Maybe if the brat had been looking toward something else for once, they wouldn’t have been in this predicament. But he was racing toward you at every chance he got, taking blows that were meant for you, countering attacks that you had antagonized. He couldn’t understand how someone could be so weak.
So, he laughed. In the back of Itadori’s frenzied mind, Sukuna cackled at him. The boy whispered a plea, tears stinging his eyes as he watched you stumble to your feet in a grave attempt to escape the repeated blows being landed on you. 
“Anything, I’ll do anything, please!”
The demon liked the sound of that. Yuji could feel the control slipping away from him, his consciousness being sucked up by the all consuming darkness lurking within. For just a moment, he fought against it, staring up at you in an almost drunken haze. 
“I’m sorry. Please,” He called out to you, voice hoarse and morphing into one you didn’t recognize. “Just look away.”
In mere seconds, the boy you loved was shifting before your eyes. His features were sharpening; sinister, black marks pooling onto his skin like ink. The second set of eyes below his own snapped open, and they were looking right at you. Maybe, Sukuna thought, if he saw it for himself he’d understand, without the barrier of this boy’s soul in the way. Still, as he stared into your fearful eyes, he felt nothing but indifference-- no-- disgust. 
Jagged chunks of concrete rubble sliced through the air around you, knocking into your already weak body, some even slicing through the special grade in front of you. Blinking back the dust that invaded your sight, when your eyes opened again, the curse was desecrated; an explosion of grotesque, purple evidence of what it once was. 
Sukuna didn’t care to save you. What enticed him more for the approximate two minutes he had left in control of this body, was breaking down the brat a little. In all fairness, when you stood there so helplessly, so vulnerable with eyes full of fear before him, how could he resist? His impossibly sharp teeth flashed under the moon’s light as he stepped toward you, torn shirt hanging loosely off his shoulder and chest. 
You wanted to apologize to Yuji, to tell him that you tried to look away like he’d asked. It wasn’t a fair request though. No, not when your best friend, the boy you loved, was being held hostage. You feared if you looked away he might do something awful to him-- unaware of what lurked in the dark chasm of his thusfar imprisoned mind. 
“I’ve gotta say,” Sukuna’s gravelly voice reached your ears. It didn’t hold that playfully boyish cadence you had come to love. In its place was one that mocked you, laughing boisterously in the face of your trembling fear and anticipation of what he’d do next. “In the flesh, you’re pretty underwhelming.”
You gulped down the bile that threatened to rise from your stomach. Still crumpled on the ground from the last hit you’d taken, you weren’t sure if you should attempt to stand; unsure if he’d find that acceptable. Sukuna tilted his head at your silence, taking two slow and calculated steps forward. 
“Disgusting.” He spat suddenly, gripping you by your elbow to haul you up. You yelped in surprise, trying not to shed the tears that welled in your eyes at the sting of his nails against your skin. “This brat spends day in and day out allowing himself to be consumed. And for this?”
Your brows furrowed at his words, and you pulled against his grip. 
“Give him back.” You gritted through your teeth, fear igniting your body in tremors. 
Sukuna’s red eyes, all four of them, lit up sinsiterly, grin widening in a manner that appeared painful. You realized for that split second that he likely didn’t have much time at all to wreak havoc, and he was enjoying this. He wanted to hurt you-- to hurt Yuji, even with the limited scope of his abilities at the moment. 
“How romantic.” He cooed mockingly. His hand came up to grasp your jaw, forcing you to look into the eyes of your best friend, but he wasn’t there. Your stray tear betrayed you, slipping down your mangled cheek. Leaning forward with gusto, he licked a debauched stripe up the path your traitorous tear had taken, cackling madly as the salt tainted his tongue. Pushing you back a bit, his voice was suddenly booming, cracking at your abused eardrums with fervor. “All day!”
You tried to keep your face neutral, to be unwilling to give up the shred of dignity you had left-- for Yuji. 
“All day this brat pines and trembles and burns with the thought of you-- pathetic!”
For a moment, you felt your heart stop at his words. Surely he wasn’t implying that Yuji, even in the slightest sense, saw past more than just your friendship. You knew you shouldn’t. It wasn’t him, but your lips were moving to a different rhythm than your mind was, and you were whispering to him in hushed bewilderment, 
“And you’re so stupidly oblivious, too? How revolting.” Despite his disgusted words, the baleful smile on his face grew that much wilder. It struck you then, how much you had disconnected yourself from the fact that the body before you, holding your body weight up with a deafening grip on your jaw, was Yuji. You didn’t see him. When you looked at that pink hair and felt the familiar curves of his hands, he wasn’t your best friend. “I suppose you’re not the only ignorant one. I can practically feel the way your weak little heart pounds everytime that brat looks at you.”
Your cheeks were burning at this point, and if he couldn’t see it in the dim moonlight, he could surely feel the heat under his mean fingers. Blinking away your tears, you willed your lip to stop trembling. 
“He doesn’t know it, you know.” Sukuna chuckled, spurred on by your painful silence. “I spend all day having to listen to him whine about his unreciprocated, little love-sick infatuation.”
It was making your stomach churn, the way he was turning your feelings for one another, ones that you were only now becoming privy to, into something so revolting. The words falling from his lips were ones you prayed so long to hear. You had spent so many sleepless nights staring back at your best friend where he laid sprawled out on the other side of your bed, both of you too traumatized from the day’s monstrosities to sleep alone-- to leave each other. This isn’t how you wanted to find out though. 
Amongst the desecration of your normal lives, you wanted to grasp onto the hope of innocence, of pure and untouched love and fondness. You hoped for bashful confessions and spontaneous kisses, ones that were purely Yuji’s intent. Sukuna was snatching the opportunity right from beneath you two, and he knew it. 
You shook your head, or tried to with the grip that was forcing your gaze on him. 
“My days are filled with his insolent whining, and I don’t find solace at night either.” If you didn’t know any better, you’d think by the eager way he was spilling these thoughts out to you that he was happy to spend his fortitude in such a manner. You did know better though, and you knew what he enjoyed was the chance of domestic normalcy he was ripping away from the boy that held him hostage. “No, he touches himself at night.”
“Stop it.” You spat, unable to hold back the dam of your tears any longer. They spilled freely down your cheeks, and you swore you could see his red eyes roll into the back of his head. Your weak hands came up in a desperate attempt to shield your ears from the intimate secrets Yuji likely never intended for you to hear-- not like this anyway. The hand that held your jaw quickly fell, and he laced his fingers through yours mockingly, forcing you to listen. 
“That brat thinks of you all night when he’s beating himself off like the degenerate he is. Sometimes he calls out your name too, when he--”
You couldn’t take it anymore, feeling as though you might throw up. Above all else, your heart ached for Yuji, and you wondered if he could hear what was going on, if he was clawing his way out. You wanted to apologize to him, tell him you never meant to find out this way. You wished you could forget.
Your cry made the demon smile, but it quickly faded with a knowing furrow of his brows. Eyes drooping lazily as he looked toward you, he shook his head. The marks on his face were slowly absorbing back into his skin. His upper lip curled in disgust. 
In an instant, he was falling to the floor limply, bringing you down with him. When you looked up in a frenzied haze at the head that fell onto your chest, you noted with relief that it was Yuji again. His eyes fluttered open deliriously, taking in his surroundings. Looking up, he was met by your grief-stricken expression, fresh tears clinging to your face. His freshly healed arms were pulling himself up clumsily, hovering over you in a way that made it obvious that fear was gripping at every nerve in his body. 
“What— what did he do? Are you okay?” 
It was Sukuna’s very intention, the manner in which you had no choice but to see Yuji so differently now. As he hovered over you, unintentionally entrapping you under his tensing arms and bare chest, you couldn’t help but blush as the curse’s words rang in your mind. The thought of the boy you’d dreamt about for so long thinking of you in such a way, touching himself to the thought of you, longing for you-- and he was right there within your reach. 
“You… you don’t remember?” You whispered, trying to calm your racing heart. 
Yuji quickly shook his head, his comforting brown eyes tracing down your body as if to assess the damages. When his hands molded around your waist to pull your shirt up, the one that was slowly flooding through with blood from the gash on your side, you gasped and flinched away. He gulped back his nausea at the racing thoughts of what Sukuna could have done to you to warrant such a response. His hands reeled back to his sides, and he sat back on his knees. 
“I got pretty messed up back there… I think I was still healing.” he explained slowly, wanting so badly to help you, but unsure of how you viewed him now-- how scared you were of him. What he didn’t know was that you weren’t scared of him, not at all. In fact, you wanted to pull him in, hold him close, tell him that you’ve loved him all this time as well. It should have been an idyllic occasion. In the back of your mind though, you knew if Yuji hadn’t confessed to you himself already then there was likely a reason, and you shouldn’t force the decision onto him just because the curse residing in him ripped away the layers of protection that shrouded those feelings. “Please, I’m sorry. What did he do to you?”
He didn’t remember, and maybe it was better that way. At least one of you could be spared the humiliation. It took some time, but you had convinced Yuji that you were simply shaken up from the fight, though you felt he still wasn’t entirely convinced. His movements were painfully careful as he carried you to safety. It was so clear in the way he touched you with such delicacy, that he feared scaring you more than he thought he already had. 
You stared up at the ceiling that night, tears clouding your vision as you toyed with the edge of the gauze that wrapped your abdomen. In all the time you two had known each other, you couldn’t wrap your head around why he was so scared of opening up to you about the monster he shared a body with. Countless nights you’d spent after missions, as he stared unblinkingly at a wall, begging him to confide in you. In just under five minutes with the thing though, you understood the cruelty he was trying to protect you from. 
There was a soft knock on your door, and you lifted your head up as it slid open. Yuji stood tentatively at the entrance, looking like the absolute picture of health compared to your mangled self. He was scratching at the back of his head awkwardly, a little quirk you’d grown to love, much like everything else about him. Flashing you his attempt at a bashful smile, he tilted his head at you. 
“Thought you could use some company.” He offered. It was somewhat of a routine of yours to meet together after a particularly grueling mission. The two of you would lay in bed, facing each other with moronic smiles on your lips as you talked about everything-- everything but the horrors you’d witnessed. It was the only way you could find yourself calm enough to fall asleep. If you two talked each other’s ears off about the comparable strength of two manga characters, or argued halfheartedly over what was the superior horror movie in your already trash-fire line up, if you distracted one another line by line-- the two of you would forget about what you saw. Just long enough to allow your eyes to forcefully drift in exhaustion. 
Now though, as he stared undecisively at you, you could tell he wasn’t sure if he would still be allowed such privileges. Despite being lost in the labyrinth of your own mind over the night’s events-- over him-- you smiled softly for his sake and patted the spot beside you. Your breath hitched as he eagerly closed the door behind him and climbed into bed beside you. His sigh of relief fanned over the side of your face despite his attempt at concealing it. You felt his eyes on you, his body already on its side and facing you, awaiting for you to do the same. 
“Oh, your side.” Yuji sighed in ackowledgement, and you simply nodded in agreement, not wanting to reveal that you simply couldn’t look him in the eyes without bursting on the spot. Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as he reached out to softly graze his hand over the wounded area. The boy saw the way your breath hitched and your expression shifted, slowly retracting his hand. “Listen, I’m sorry for whatever happened back there. Please, look at me.”
A little piece of your heart broke off at the pained desperation in his tone. Blinking back the tears that threatened to form, you turned your head to the side to look in his wide, distraught eyes. Softening your gaze, you struggled against your pain as you forced yourself on your side to face him. 
“No, Yuji, it’s okay--”
“No it’s not!” In an instant, he was sitting up, looking down at you as his chest heaved with purposeful breaths. “He’s taken everything from me, and I…”
His shoulders slumped, and a rosy tint rushed to his cheeks. 
“I won’t let him take you too-- I can’t. So, please, just tell me what I have to do to make you not scared of me anymore, and I’ll do it, okay? I’ll do anything.”
Unable to take it anymore, you moved to sit up with a grunt. Yuji’s hands quickly shot out to help you until you were facing him. He looked back at you with such conviction, such longing in his gaze, and, with hindsight bias, you wondered how you never saw it sooner. 
“You’re my best friend, Yuji… I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Then why can’t you look me in the eyes?”
You pursed your lips, tentatively taking his hands into yours to hold them between you two. His breath hitched ever so slightly at the connection. Scraping your thumb over his knuckle absentmindedly in a manner that was scrambling his brain like eggs, you thought carefully on your next words. 
“You don’t think anything could ruin our friendship… right?” You asked timidly, eyes meeting his through your lashes. His brows furrowed at your question, and he found himself leaning forward to gaze into you sincerely, shaking his head quickly. 
“Nothing. Don’t you think we’ve been through too much together already? You’re kinda stuck with me.”
The hesitantly joking tone in his voice made you smile softly. Yuji had a way of easing your anxiety that way, as if there was a little door in your mind that only he had the key to open up and gaze into whenever he pleased. It gave you more confidence to continue your pursuit.. 
“And there aren’t any secrets between us? Nothing you’ve… not told me?”
Gulping thickly, he felt his face pale. There was something he was keeping from you, something he had come to terms with being content with if it meant he’d never put your relationship in jeopardy. An attempted smile broke into his face, but the corners of his lips were twitching anxiously. You could have melted at the sight. 
 “Uh… no. You know I tell you everything.” The lie stumbled from his lips unconvincingly. Your lips set into a firm line as you shot him a knowing yet playful look. Suddenly, his eyes were darting everywhere but you. They were at your hands, on your nose, on the ceiling, anywhere that would allow him to gather his thoughts. “Is this about the dent in your bathroom wall? Cause I promise I have a good explaination, a-and I was going to tell you, but you were already upset about the--”
“I love you.” It fell from your lips, permanent, unable to be drawn back in. In truth, the both of you could have died that night. Yuji was practically pinned under a building, and you had been face to face with the king of curses. The sentiment of either of you dying without having heard the depths of your feelings for one another was not lost on you. The lifestyles you led were perilous, self-sacrificing, and morbid. You already lived in fear that your next mission would be your last, and, as you were blanketed by the comfort brought upon by the proximity of the boy you loved so dearly, you couldn’t bring yourself to feel this type of fear too. Not for Yuji. 
“Take it back.”
Okay, maybe his blunt order hurt more than the boulder that flew into your side earlier, but you still stood by what you said. A small, breathless gasp fell from your lips as you stared at his solemn expression. 
“Oh,” you muttered out meekly, and, despite your burning embarrassment, you couldn’t tear your eyes from his. “I’m sorry, I just—”
“I wanted to say it to you first.” He reiterated, his lips pulled to the side in frustration, eyebrows furrowed as he regarded you. “I spent years thinking of what I wanted to say to you. Take it back.” 
Relief flooded your system like a drug, flowing through your veins and relaxing your constricting muscles. In its place came a bashful flush at his words. Smiling softly in disbelief, you shook your head a bit.
“Okay,” you drew out slowly, watching him square his muscles back as if preparing for his line. “I take it back.” 
Despite his previous determination and insistence that he had something profound to say, all he could do was lean forward to press his lips against yours clumsily. He couldn’t help himself, not with the way your twinkling eyes stared up at him expectantly, glimmering with an excitement he felt he was alone with for years. A muffled huff of surprise from you was swallowed right up by his eager lips as he lunged forward to deepen the connection he’d just forged. 
“‘M sorry,” Yuji mumbled against your mouth, reaching up to grip at the side of your face as if you’d ever run from him. “Know I talked all that shit, but I forgot what I was gonna say. I love you. I just love you. I’ve always loved you.”
He didn’t allow you any room for a response because his desperate push against your lips had you leaning back to accommodate the sudden weight, and you fell back against your pillow. The boy eagerly chased you, crawling over your panting form to pour out all the soliloquies he longed to spill out to you with some semblance of eloquence, he wanted it all conveyed to you through his frenzied devouring of you. 
Your mind was reeling with his sudden urgency, and you quickly came to the realization that the both of you had been living with this fear of passing one another up. Your hand snaked up to run along his chest, daring to explore up his neck and into the tufts of his pink hair. A soft moan of your name had you blushing profusely, suddenly remembering what Sukuna had told you about the extent of Yuji’s desires for you. You wondered if this was what he sounded like when he called out to you at night with his hands wrapped around himself. Squinting your eyes, you willed your imagination to take a quick u-turn, remembering that that wasn’t information Yuji had given up willingly. 
“Say it back.” Yuji suddenly demanded, finally tearing away from his assault on your lips to stare down at you determinedly. “Say it again.” 
Your free hand came up to cup his cheek. There was so much fear and guilt and sadness pent up in your chest at the prospect of what Sukuna had taken from him that night. It had never been like you to lie to him or keep things from him. As your thumb ran across his bottom lip lovingly, and he looked so accomplished, so content with how this night had somehow progressed in his favor, you realized that the curse hadn’t taken anything from him. Not when you were there to make sure that kind of hatred never touched him. 
“I love you too, Yuji.” 
His wide, boyish grin lit up the dim room. Swinging back down with fervor, the two of you laughed against each other as your teeth clashed messily. Humming contentedly, his wandering hands traveled down your side and snuck up your shirt. God, he’d dreamed of this for so long, and you were right there- underneath of him and pliable to his every touch. He knew he was getting ahead of himself, he could feel it in the way his boxers tightened uncomfortably against him, but he feared he may wake up at any second back in his dorm room alone, like he had so many times following his messianic dreams about what it may be like to have you. 
As his fingers creeped up, you flinched against his fervent grasp that lit your wounded side ablaze. Yuji was suddenly reminded of the night’s events, and he cursed quietly before reluctantly pulling away from you. Looking down at your flushed cheeks and swollen lips, an unbrittled exhilaration swirled in his chest. There would be so many more nights with you, he would make sure of it. He leaned forward to press a last, longing and solemn kiss against your forehead-- a promise that you two would come back to this. 
Carefully, he pulled his grasp away from your wounded side and settled down beside you. Unlike those countless nights the two of you shared a bed, Yuji laid snuggly against you, locking your knees under his strong legs. With his head propped up on his elbow, he beamed down at you, lovestruck as he affectionately tugged your shirt back down. As his fingers lingered against the protruding gauze, his expression creased a bit.
“You… you never told me what Sukuna did.”
Although he hated that he felt the need to ruin the moment with such dark thoughts, no amount of lust could have driven that fear from the back of his mind. Your smile faltered marginally at his words. Thinking of how excited he was to confess to you, and how ardently he fell into this new role so comfortably with you, exploring you with an innocence that was a stark contrast to the dark world you two traversed, you shook your head. Leaning up to press an assuring kiss to his cheek, you looked right at the slits under his eyes, as if daring the curse to acknowledge you. 
“He didn’t do a damn thing.”
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Project: Give the Rise Boys a Mom
basically I was minding my own business a while back when I got the idea to make an AU where the boys had a mom growing up as well as Splinter.
So I made an OC. Her name is Araminta, but she goes by Mint. She’s a curly-haired mouse and she’s the boys’ mom.
She has zero impact on the plot because we all know nothing can stop these boys from causing/getting into chaos. She’s just there to be a stable adult presence in their lives.
anyways here’s a couple snippets of her and the boys interacting.
————————————————- “Oh Mother Dearest! It is I, your favorite child.”
Mint looked up from her book. “Donnie, you know I don’t have favorites.”
Donnie pouted. “Funniest child?”
“Donnie.” Mint gave him a pointed look.
“Dejected sigh. Fine. It is I, Donatello, your not favorite child.” A pause, and Donnie’s eyes narrowed. “Who took my spot? Because if it was Leo he stole the last of the pudding cups and didn’t tell anyone.”
Mint rolled her eyes affectionately. “Did you need something Donniecule, or are you just digging for nonexistent clues about my nonexistent favorite child?”
“One day I shall prove you have a favorite and that said favorite is me, but alas, this is not a research visit.”
“Oh Mamá!”
Mint looked up from the pot of soup she was stirring as Leo and Mikey raced into the room.
“Mom-Mom, Leo and I had this idea—“
Leo clamped a hand over Mikey’s mouth. “I’m explaining it, I’m the face man and it was my idea!” He looked up at Mint. “So Mamá, I had this great idea— Yeuck!” Leo cut himself off and shook his hand, then wiped it off on Mikey’s shoulder. “Really? We’re that immature now?”
Mikey gave Leo a smug grin, then turned back to Mint. “As I was saying, we had this idea! There’s an abandoned skatepark on the outskirts of the city and there’s never anyone there!”
“Yeah, we’ve been staking the place out for like a month now and no one’s ever been there! So we were thinking, why not have a family picnic at the abandoned skate park? Then we can show off our moves and have dinner and be outside!”
Donnie, who had quietly been cutting vegetables the entire time, spoke up. “So that’s where you’ve been sneaking off to. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you both disappear at the same time for roughly two hours every day.”
“Why didn’t you just use your trackers and figure it out?” Leo folded his arms across his chest. “Since we know you put them on us.”
“What? No! I most certainly did…n’t. Put trackers on you. That does not sound like something I would do.” He turned back to the carrots. “You must be mistaken.”
Mint shook her head in exasperation at the twins, then met Mikey’s gaze. “You’re sure there’s no one around?”
“Did you check for cameras?”
Mikey and Leo grew silent and turned to look at each other.
“No,” Mikey said at last, turning back to Mint.
“I did.” 
All three of them turned to look at Donnie, who slid his precisely chopped carrots off the board and into a bowl of other carrot slices.
“Raph and I followed you there once. I made sure there weren’t any cameras. It’s safe.”
“Hey!” Leo pointed an accusing finger at Donnie. “Then what was that remark about finding out where we were going for?”
“Ensuring that you both know I was aware of your being gone the entire time. You’re not sneaky.”
“I don’t need to be sneaky to wipe that smug grin off your face!” Leo lunged towards Donnie.
Mint caught him with her tail. “Let’s not do that while Donnie’s holding a knife, hm?”
“Evil chuckle,” Donnie said quietly.
“Donnie, that does not mean you have permission to stab your brother.”
Donnie paused and cocked his head, metaphorical gears turning. “Which one?”
“Any of them.”
Donnie’s sharpie eyebrows drew together and he stuck his tongue out in disappointment as he turned back to the carrots.
So that’s Mint :) I might drop some more snippets featuring her every once in a while.
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thatnewweeb · 2 months
Childhood Sweethearts | Bakugo Katsuki
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Summary | You moved to America when you were young, having to leave behind your childhood sweetheart. After moving back to Japan, you'll find out if things have changed between you two
Content | Fluff, honestly I can't think of any warnings for this so let me know if you see anything that needs a warning
Word Count | 1.7k+
A/N | I love the idea of Bakugo being in love with someone through his whole life, I have no idea why. At the time of posting, I wrote this forever ago
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It had been almost 5 whole years since you moved away. You missed home. It wasn't like you'd wanted to move away in the first place, but your dad's job took you away from Japan all the way to America.
Finally, at 18 years old, you finally convinced your parents to allow you to move home. Having attended an elite hero school for the past 2 years, you managed to have some special arrangements made for your return home.
And so, that is how you got to where you are now, nervously walking down the halls of UA next to Principal Nezu. He had spent the first half hour of the morning before classes began showing you around and explaining a few things to you.
At the start of homeroom at 8:25AM, he walks you to the classroom of Class 3-A, the class you will be joining, starting today.
Everyone looks over as the door opens, the principal strolling in and standing at the front of the class. You follow nervously. These people have had nearly 3 whole years to get to know each other, and here you are, the new girl joining in the final year, not knowing anyone.
At least, you didn't think you knew anyone, until you force yourself to look at the class properly.
Your eyes immediately fall on a blond boy in the second row. His own eyes are widened, locked onto you. A moment later, you rip your eyes away from him, prompting him to look away also.
When you realise Nezu has stopped speaking and is now looking at you, you snap out of it and look at the whole class.
"My name is Y/N. I have two Quirks, which I am sure I will have more time sometime soon to explain. I look forward to spending this year with you." You say and bow slightly to the class.
Your homeroom teacher, Aizawa, points you to your assigned seat, so you sit down quietly, not saying another word.
It isn't until lunch, almost four hours later, that you say anything else, besides answering questions in class. Your fourth period was English with Present Mic. Having lived in an English-speaking country for almost 5 years, it was quite an easy class for you.
Almost as soon as you are dismissed from class, you're surrounded by people, wanting to talk to you, get to know you. You're fine with that, but you did have someone else you wanted to talk to. They already walked out the door though.
"Y/N!" Someone says, popping up in front of you out of nowhere.
"Izuku!" You smile, excitedly throwing your arms around your old friend.
You see a brown-haired girl blushing as she watches you hugging Midoriya.
"I can't believe you're here! I didn't know you were coming back!"
You nod. "I know, I'm sorry I didn't say anything."
He shakes his head, wanting to reassure you. "It's okay! We fell out of touch, that's not anyone's fault."
Izuku invites you to spend lunch break with him and his friends, being introduced to them all, him explaining a little about how he got into UA at all.
After classes have finished for the day, you don't give Bakugo the chance to run. As soon as you're dismissed from class, you walk over to his desk, standing in front of it and resting your hands on the surface.
"It's nice to see you again, Katsuki." You smirk.
He looks up at you from his chair briefly, quickly looking away. “Yeah, it is.”
You lean down so you’re closer to his height, him still avoiding eye contact. “Would you mind walking me back to the dorm? I haven’t actually been there yet, Nezu didn’t have time to take me.”
He tuts but stands up, picking up his bag and slinging it over your shoulder. Not saying a thing, he leaves the classroom, you following him. You know what he’s like, you know to follow.
As soon as you're out of the halls and outside, he decides to say something. "I didn't know you were coming back." He mutters.
You're just happy to hear him say something to you. "Yeah. I know."
He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry."
You pause where you are, stunned. You hadn't expected him to apologise to you.
When you don't say anything, he sighs and turns to you, also stopping walking. "I shouldn't have stopped responding. I was upset you were gone, and I went about things in the stupidest way. I... I regret it."
It takes a moment for you to say anything, blinking in shock. "It's okay." You smile brightly up at him. "I understand. It was hard on both of us, after all."
"Yeah, but I ghosted you. I shouldn't have done that. Not to you, you don't deserve that."
"I agree you shouldn't have done it, dummy. But I'm saying I understand, okay?"
He smiles a little, looking down at you. "Come on, let's go to the dorms." He tugs on your backpack, indicating that you should take it off. When you do, he slings one strap over his shoulder, carrying it for you.
"Since when did you become a gentleman?" You ask with a small laugh, making him grunt a 'shut up' to you, his cheeks going slightly pink.
Finally reaching the dorms, Bakugo opens the door for you, letting you into the large building.
Everyone else is already there, the people in the communal area looking at you as you enter. Other than Izuku, people seem a little surprised to see you with Bakugo, and even more surprised that he doesn't look as annoyed as he typically does.
With everyone staring, Katsuki shoves your bag back into your arms before walking over to the stairs to go to his room.
You smile a little as you watch him, shaking your head.
Izuku is the first person to come up to you, smiling. "Everyone wants to get to know you a little. If you have some time, come sit with us?"
You do what he says, walking over and taking a seat between him and a boy with a black streak in mostly blond hair.
You end up spending a couple hours with them, telling them about your Quirk and what it's like to live in America. When they ask about you seemingly already knowing both Izuku and Katsuki, you tell them that you grew up with them.
A girl with pink skin, who you learn is Mina, asks you for some stupid stories about them as kids, Izuku going red and telling you that you don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, trying to save himself the embarrassment.
Even though you're unsure if Bakugo will be annoyed at you for telling them this, you also tell them a few stories from when you and him were dating before you left for America.
Everyone seems surprised, a small uproar coming from the class. No one had ever even seen an indication that he had ever been interested in anyone, yet alone had a girlfriend. It appeared to be a ludicrous idea to most of them.
Kaminari seems to deflate a little upon realising you dated one of his best friends. Guess he thought you were pretty.
Not long after, you go find your room, needing to unpack. Right before you close the door, a foot stops it from closing. A second later, Bakugo comes into view.
"Well, hello there." You smirk a little, looking up at him.
He smirks back, placing a hand on the doorframe, standing in front of you. "Hey. Care if I come in?"
You move out the way for him to come in but tell him it's a little messy because you're still unpacking.
He doesn't even look at the room, closing the door as soon as he's inside and standing close to you, essentially pinning you between him and the door.
That's when you really realise how much he's changed. He's so much taller now than when you last saw him, his shoulders broader, entire body more muscular, a few visible scars now. The whole thing makes you a little flustered.
"So, do you have a little American boyfriend now?" He asks with a slight snarl, expression turning into a smirk as soon as you shake your head. "No? Then, would you mind if I kissed you?" He whispers in your ear.
You don't verbally respond, but the look on your face gives him the answer he needs. He keeps one hand on the wall, the other coming to rest on your waist, leaning in and pressing his lips against yours. Your own hands find your way to his chest, gripping onto his shirt.
A moment later, he pulls away a little, smirking. "Guess we haven't missed a beat, huh?"
You laugh, not letting go of his shirt. "Suki, you're an ass." You say, making him laugh too.
"Yeah, but you love it." He whispers, leaning in to kiss you again. "It's starting to get late, and you haven't finished unpacking yet. If you wanted to stay in my room tonight, you're welcome to."
You look up at him, a little surprised by the proposal. When he sees the look on your face, he panics a small amount. "I didn't mean it like that! I meant we can spend the night sleeping together- no, not sleeping together! Not like that! I just meant- we- we can- I meant-"
You giggle at his nervousness, making him look a little angry. You move your hands to rest on his cheeks, standing on your tiptoes and smashing your lips against his.
When you finally break the kiss again, both a little breathless, he stares at you, mouth open slightly.
"Sorry, I had to find a way to shut you up." You smile. "I'd love to cuddle tonight, Suki."
He looks relieved, taking your hand. "Come on, let's go."
You spend the rest of the night in Bakugo's dorm, cuddling and eventually falling asleep in his bed.
Before he falls asleep, he spends a few moments just watching you, barely being able to believe that he got lucky enough to get you back into his life. He gives you a soft kiss on the forehead, holding you tighter, closing his own eyes and falling asleep.
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jogetsobsessed · 10 months
Little Life - Paul Lahote
It was a seasonably warm day as the sun shone through the canopy of the towering evergreens. The buzzing of honey bees darting from flower pot to flower pot and the rustling of squirrels running along tree branches. 
The small laughter and water splashing added to the forest's serenity. Hissing came from the grill as burgers and hot dogs were flipped. The sound of a soccer ball being passed back and forth and PG trash talk mixed with the Sunday afternoon melody. 
The creaking of the old porch swing, one that held so many core memories for so many different people creaked as your feet pushed against the old floorboards of Emily's front porch. 
Gazing out past the porch steps and into the vast front yard you couldn't help but smile when your daughter erupted into a fit of giggle as her dad cupped his hand and poured a small amount of water on her head. 
The wobbly water table was gifted to you and Paul from another young couple on the reservation after their son outgrew it. There was no doubt in your mind that it was gifted to them as well. You were probably the sixth or seventh family to own it. The years of usage were evident as the paint faded after spending long summers baking outside in the stuffy heat. But it didn't matter to your little girl. 
Since the rain had begun staying away and the temperatures started to pick up, the pack had gotten back into the routine of the weekly family-style barbecues. Today was the first day that it had been warm enough to break out the old water table and your daughter was jumping up and down with excitement when she saw Paul loading it up in the back of the pickup. 
You watched as she talked Jared and Kim's ears off and as they nodded along probably having no idea as to what the two-year-old was talking about. Paul pushed himself off the ground, leaving your daughter to talk about her nonsense, and strode towards you. 
Emily decided to go and find Sam at the grill to inquire about how much longer lunch was going to take, leaving the other half of the porch swing empty. She and Paul shared soft smiles as they passed each other on the front step. 
“Don't tell Em, but I think Kim has her beat for a favorite aunt,” you laughed at his statement. No matter how much your daughter loved Kim, she was always going to love Emily just a little bit more. Those two had been connected since you and Paul showed her off to the pack when she was just a few days old. Emily offered to be her babysitter when she found out you wanted to go back to work once your baby girl had hit eight months old. Which was an offer you and Paul gladly accepted, feeling at ease at the thought of your girl in the caring hands as special as someone like Emily. 
“Kim can butter her up all she wants but there is no way,” he laughed, this time wrapping his arm around your shoulder. His warmth brought you happiness and comfort even in the warm summer months. “What even is she talking about I don't know if I have ever seen Embry so confused". 
“I think she’s trying to tell them that story we read last night, but you know it's coming out of a two-year-old mind, one who fell asleep before she even heard the ending”. 
“Oh boy". 
“Sweetheart you need to come eat something”, you called over to where your daughter was still standing in the grass, playing with her toys in the shallow water of the play table. 
You saw her physically recoil at the thought of not playing so she could eat lunch and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. Why did toddlers have to be so defiant? 
After calling out to her a few more times you looked over at your husband who was standing at the grill with Sam, your pleading eyes burning holes into his. 
You watched as he pushed off the grill and waltzed over to the water table, crouching to your daughter's height. 
Everyone was invested in this battle between her and the two of you all of them turned from their spots at the picnic tables so they could see if Paul was going to be victorious. 
Your daughter seemed to be putting up a good fight, even cocking her hands on her hips as she tried to reason with her dad. But luckily, Paul knew how to resist the puppy dog eyes. 
After a long standoff, you could see your daughter starting to cave once she saw Emily come outside with a platter of freshly baked famous brownies. A few of the boys saw it, so they each grabbed a couple and threw them on their plates, talking loudly about how they wanted to eat the whole platter. 
That was enough for your little girl. She set her toys down and stretched her arms up towards Paul. Triumphantly, he picked her up and carried her towards the picnic tables, where you had a plate of pre-cut food waiting for her. 
“You need to eat your lunch, and then you can have a brownie that your aunt Emily just made. 
The day faded into night as the cotton candy sunset faded into darkness. The glow of the fire lit up the front yard at Emily’s and provided enough warmth to ward off the brisk early summer nights. 
With great force, you had convinced your daughter to trade her polka-dot swimsuit for a light sweatshirt and sweatpants. 
Now she was sitting on Emily's lap, Sam helping her make another s’more. You knew all that sugar was powering her awake since she had skipped her nap earlier in the day. She had to have been exhausted, you knew that more likely than not Paul was going to be carrying her inside once you got back home. 
“How’d we get so damn lucky?” you and Paul were snuggled under a blanket the log the two of you were sitting on was just perfect in size for the pair of you. The clear night sky had caught your eye so you only hummed in response. No matter how many years you lived in the great Pacific Northwest, you would never get tired of its beauty. “More importantly, what did I do to deserve this perfect little life? I've got the most drop-dead gorgeous wife on the plane and the most perfect daughter”. 
“Yeah, I don't know how you swung that how much did you have to bride the big guy upstairs”, you cackled at your joke as Paul chuckled and pulled you closer. 
“You know your something huh”. 
“Says you”. 
You shared a nice moment of comfortable silence as both of you watched your daughter bounce around from pack member to pack member victoriously showing off the s’more that she assembled with the help of her favored aunt. 
“You wanna know something”, you questioned, your eyes never leaving your daughter. 
“I'm glad I get to live this little life with you”. 
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dakogutin · 2 months
hiiii i just binge read all your fics and obsessed is an understatement!!!
idk if u take requests but i had an idea and it’s driving me crazy i just had to put it somewhere.
okay so i thought of it while reading the fic in which remus and sirius hear each other in bed at night.
well…. james and lily share quarters when tnehre head boy and girl, i know they don’t share a room exactly, but i was thinking: with all their tension building up throughout the years, especially that year, one of them hearing the other even if it was so so quiet would drive them crazy and i’d love to see your interpretation of how it goes.
i really hope you consider writing this but if you don’t thank you so much for all you’ve given the fandom!
ive never been thanked for giving to a fandom🥹🥹thankyousosomuch!
havent written exclusively jily smut yet but this one's for you anon<3
[cw for cute plot but with very filthy m/f smut below cut]
Head Boy and Head Girl. That was definitely one way to have her final year at Hogwarts, Lily thinks to herself. For one, she was forced to work with James Potter often. But the surprises didn't end there as she's progressively making sense of why James Potter became Head Boy.
In the first month she could still deny it, but with their rounds scheduled together, the endless meetings, and their regular check-in with Professor McGonagall, she can't avoid it anymore. James Potter was surprisingly and unfortunately... she shudders... responsible.
She tries-- very hard-- not to let anything show, especially knowing James Potter will run with any reaction he'll get from her. But the realisation hits her harder than a Hex sometimes. And it had been too much lately.
Like that time when they were deciding on which Prefect to assign on the fifth floor corridor. It's where their DADA professor had hidden a "secret special dark creature", and no one was permitted to use that floor for their own safety. The task of keeping that corridor empty fell on the Prefects. Lily had names ready, which included Lupin. She watched James' reaction and sure enough, he protested. He and his gang were always weirdly protective of that quiet Lupin.
"Davies can take Lupin's place."
Lily raised an eyebrow. "No one gets special treatment, Potter. I wouldn't have you use Lupin for whatever kind of mischief you otherwise reserved him for."
Potter held out his palms in the air and let out a small chuckle. "None planned, I'm afraid. Just that Davies is rather, how shall I call it..." He shrugs. "A bit of a pompous sod."
"And you'd rather have a pompous sod keep check of whatever dark creature is in there?"
"If the choice is either that or Peeves, Evans? Yep."
"What does Peeves have anything to do with this?"
As though he was waiting for that exact question, Potter leaned his head on the pillar as an arrogant grin on his face matched his tone. "Lupin is one of the few people who can go toe to toe with Peeves. There's Sirius, but he's out of the question. Not a Prefect and all that. Of course, I'm another option but I'll clearly be occupied, won't I?"
No words come to Lily. He was right. To think she was too caught up with the smaller picture of using Lupin to spite Potter.
"And," James adds, "Davies loves his authority. If anything, students passing by that floor wouldn't think twice in following what he says. While Lupin can help the first years get to their common rooms without being tormented by our resident poltergeist."
It's this point that Lily failed to contain the awe from her face.
"I know. I'm rather brilliant." James waggled his eyebrows.
She simply rolled her eyes in response then.
At present, she couldn't help but have all those other similar instances where James Potter surprised her of his maturity and dedication to his role fill her mind as she went searching for him. He just had to have Quidditch practice at the same time with their meeting, so now the task of passing him the minutes of meeting fell to her as Head Girl.
She could wait until tomorrow of course, but the thought of an unfinished business with James Potter didn't exactly sound appealing. She'd much rather be done with it as soon as possible.
The pitch was empty when she reached it. Practice must've been over. For a moment she dreaded the more complicated prospect of searching for James in the entire castle, but that was when she spotted Sirius Black.
"Where's your other half?" she demanded.
"Evans," he noted. "Good morning to you too." Then he proceeded his steps.
"Black, wait." Lily held out the paper. "Why don't you give him this."
He stared at it for a second, then glanced up to her. "I'm allergic to official documents. Sorry."
"Don't be an arse. I'm just asking you to pass it to him since you're attached at the hip anyways. And it would spare me the trouble of having to look for him."
"Do it yourself." Black grinned. "He's in the changing rooms, doodling the team's strategy like a proper swot."
Lily sighed. "Why can't you do it? Please," she added, begrudgingly.
Black shrugged, already walking off. "I'm not the Head Girl."
He was gone before she could even form a retort.
After dragging her feet to the changing rooms she found it as empty as the Quidditch pitch. Lily debated simply sending her owl, but in the end she decided against it since the Owlery is in yet another tower. She cursed Sirius Black in her head, dismissing this as some stupid prank. Honestly, why hadn't she expected that?
She then heard a distant noise. Someone was inside. Lily proceeded further and was about to call out Potter's name when she recognised the sound of water spraying down on tiled floors.
If this person really was Potter, he was in the middle of a shower.
Lily clamped her mouth shut and cursed Sirius Black again, retracting her steps as silently as possible.
As she turned for the exit she heard a noise from the shower. She thought it had been a hum-- that maybe James Potter was one of those people who sang while showering...
Except it was too faint and too guttural to be a hum.
When Lily heard the noise again, she was more than certain he wasn't singing. The noise shot right through her, leaving a shudder. She needed to leave. Now.
But as another soft moan echoed in the small room, Lily could distinctly tell it was indeed James Potter's raspy voice. And that just made everything worse.
Her face heated as it became harder to breathe. Suddenly all she could picture was James Potter-- just a few steps away-- completely naked, sopping wet... and touching himself. Her treacherous mind reminded her how he's always been showing off about his form and how he worked hard during the summer, plus with playing Quidditch all these years. The thought of that form he worked so hard on right now?
Lily swallowed, and that's when she realised her mouth was watering. She was mortified as much as she found herself frozen. Another moan slipped out from behind her, deeper and gruffer. And just like that her mouth wasn't the only thing that's wet.
She needed to go. She needed to go. She needed to go. "Fuck!" she hissed a whisper. This was wrong on so many levels.
One foot was out of the room when-- she dropped her wand.
Horrified, she didn't waste time picking it up and bolting out. She could only hope James Potter was... too busy... to have heard that.
Lily stayed at a deserted hallway overlooking the Great Lake for Merlin knows how long just collecting herself, questioning her life choices, and wondering if she should Obliviate herself. The thing is, distraction was just about impossible. She'd find herself circling back to all those sinful thoughts, and those sounds.
A voice broke through her spiral. She jumped at the unexpectedness but failed to make out the words. Turning to face the person, her knees almost gave out to the sight of none other than James Potter. He was still wearing his Quidditch uniform, which only sculpted his indeed very fit form. Why? Wasn't his practice over? Hadn't he already showered? Why did he have to wear that now?
She stared at him for a while and she saw how he was still expecting a response. "What did you say?" she asked dumbly.
Hands shoved in his pockets and grinning slightly, he stepped closer. "I said, are you all right?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" "Lily felt her breathing become unsteady once more and internally cursed herself. "And... why would you just come out of nowhere to ask me that? How did you even find me? What do you want?"
"Right," Potter chuckled. "You seem tense."
Lily took a deep breath. "I'm just tired. Look, I only meant to give you this." And finally, she was relieved from her task.
"Thanks, Evans." He said without sparing more than a second's glance at the paper.
"Sure." She then fixed her bag over her shoulder and walked past James Potter.
"Wa- where're you going?" He called behind her.
"Erm..." She hated that she didn't have an immediate reply. Anywhere was honestly better, with all those feelings she'd just shoved down already coming back to the surface as Potter looked at her with those round searching eyes. "My room."
"It's 4 in the afternoon on a Saturday."
"Your point being?"
Potter shut his mouth, whatever he wanted to say was left in his thoughts. "Nevermind."
"Okay... well, I'll see you around." Lily turned away once more.
"Actually, I wanted to ask you something."
"The answer is still no, Potter."
He laughed. "Not that." He stepped closer again, taking away the distance Lily just made.
"What is it..." She could smell his aftershave this close.
His glasses were skewed as his eyes scanned her. For the first time Lily felt an impulse to fix it on his nose. "Have you been looking for me?" he asked.
Lily had no idea how to deal with a James Potter like this. He was speaking in a softer voice and he was giving her a gentler gaze. It was far from his usual loud and uncaring tone along with his brazen grin. "I was," she replied. "Just to give you that."
"Right. And you were at the Quidditch pitch?"
She didn't like where this was headed. "Yeah. You had practice, of course that's where I'd look." At that, he simply nodded. "Why do you need to know?" she challenged.
James Potter's grin was back. "Guess I'm just curious."
Don't answer. Don't answer. Don't answer. "About what?"
He shrugged. "How long you can avoid what you know I'm talking about."
Lily decided to play his game. "What are you talking about?"
"Sirius told me he saw you," he said, stepping closer.
Lily held his gaze. "Oh? What else did he say?"
"That he told you where I was."
Nope. She couldn't do it. "Have you no shame?" Lily turned away, her cheeks heating up. "Whatever, okay. I didn't see anything."
Potter broke into a laugh. Of course he had no shame. "I didn't mean to make you... tense."
Still refusing to meet his face, Lily replied, "I'm perfectly fine."
"Evans," he called soflty, "I can tell your face is red."
"Maybe because this topic is largely inappropriate!"
"Alright, sorry," he said with another wave of chuckles. "I'm letting you go now."
Lily sighed in relief. "Thank you." She made one move to head off when Potter spoke once more.
"Just thought I'd let you know, I'd recognise your perfume anywhere."
There was just no way she was getting out of this unscathed. It became clear she should just stop resisting. Lily turned. "So, you knew I walked in."
Surprise was evident on Potter's face. Perhaps he expected Lily to walk away. "Not at first," he admitted.
"But you continued anyway." Lily took slow but consistent steps like a prowling cat, stopping right in front of Potter. He followed her every move with his gaze alone, half-lidded eyes trailed down to hers. "Would you do that if anyone else had walked in?" she added in a murmur.
Potter tilted his head. He had a dazed look, and his lips were parted. "You know I wouldn't."
Already this close, it didn't take much for their lips to meet in a kiss.
A shudder spread through Lily's skin in hearing a pleased but muffled sound from Potter. The thought of drawing more of those sounds from him filled her with dark anticipation. Big warm hands caressed her softly as she tugged on his hair. Too lost with the slick heat of James Potter's mouth, she gasped at the sudden solid brick of the wall against her back. James was crowding her there-- in the middle of the hallway where anyone could pass by and see.
"James..." she mumbled against his lips.
He responded with a groan, strong arms squeezing her. It was remarkably secure in his hold, and she could definitely feel his form. She took a self-indulgent moment to let her hands explore, never leaving his lips. From his sturdy chest to the narrowing of his waist. Merlin, she could do this for hours.
"Mmph..." James let out a deeper moan, and she felt it on her neck. "Lily..." His voice this close to her ear was nothing compared to hearing it in the shower. And for him to moan her name...
Lily's knees threatened to give out, and the certainty of being held firm by James almost convinced her. Instead, the palm on his chest pushed him until their lips were apart. "Not here," she whispered.
James stared at her for a while, still caught in a daze. She watched as her words settled in his mind, dilated pupils scanning her until they widened in realisation. Then, a smirk stretched his swollen lips. He looks as though the disbelief hasn't left him. That this really is happening. In all fairness, Lily couldn't believe it too.
"Wipe that stupid expression away and find us somewhere private, will you," she said with a chuckle.
His smirk stretched into a grin. "Yes, ma'am." He stole one last kiss before stepping back, pulling her with their linked hands.
James led them to an empty classroom. With a wave of his wand the lock clicked, and he was instantly back on her like a starved man, guiding her to the nearest desk. Lily welcomed every kiss before pulling his tight uniform over his head. "You found this room really quickly, huh." She couldn't help but notice.
"Hmm?" His shirt was now off, his hair was messier, and his glasses sat crookedly on his nose.
Finally, Lily fixed his glasses. "I just said, you seem to always know which places to look. You found me easily too, just earlier. I had to look for you for hours!"
Two blinks until he managed a response. "Oh." He shrugged. "Just... great sense of direction. May I?" he asked, glancing to the buttons of her shirt.
Lily gave him a look. "Since when were you a gentleman?" she said, then proceeded to unbutton herself. Much to her satisfaction, his eyes never left her hands.
"Since," he swallowed thickly, "since you bothered to find out."
"That doesn't make sense." Lily let her shirt fall from her shoulders and perched on the desk.
James' breaths were heavier. "No, it doesn't." His eyes stayed stuck on her breasts. He would lift his gaze to her eyes but they'd constantly fall back down. It was adorable.
With a fond smile straining her cheeks, Lily reached for James' hand and placed it on her left tit. "You can touch me, you know." She then pulled him closer, parting her legs to make space. "I want you to touch me."
A surprised laugh left James' throat. He bit his bottom lip, if only to contain his wide grin. "Fuck, Lily..." James surged forward into a desperate kiss, pressing down until Lily was lying back. Her skirt hitched up until it was now loosely around her waist. She could feel everything in this position, the most prominent being the erection against her own wetness, and the thrilling fact of being separated only by a few layers of clothing.
She bucked her hips impatiently, grinding against James. The groan she elicited from him went directly into her mouth. It's then she zeroed in on one goal. She needed to hear more.
While James' hands were otherwise engrossed with feeling up Lily's tits, she trailed hers downward, reaching for a buckle. James noticed with a gasp and pulled off to shoot her a look of pure want. Hooded eyes, heaving chest, and swollen lips curled into a grin. He was the image of a wet dream.
James watched as her deft fingers unbuttoned him, tugged his pants to pull out his hard cock. It fell right between her legs, sitting on top of the wet patch of her panties. Then, she stroked.
She was rewarded with a shaky moan from the man on top, his head dropped to rest on her neck as she found a rhythm. Right next to her ear, she could hear the shaky sighs and the small whimpers whenever she twisted her wrist just so. Then, an idea popped in her head.
"This was what you were doing in the shower?" she cooed.
"Oh, fuck..." he drawled before dissolving into a short laugh. He rocked his hips, aiding Lily's fist. It caused his cock to graze against her clit. She jolted in surprise just as a moan escaped her lips. "No," James continued, now gazing down at her. "This is infinitely better."
"James..." she whined, pleading. She didn't know what exactly, just that she wanted him to do something.
It's as though she flipped a switch in James' brain. He pulled up from lying on top of her, closed one hand around his cock and used his other to dip inside Lily's underwear, finally sliding his finger through her slick folds. Lily sobbed out a moan, her head falling back.
The finger stopped teasing and finally rubbed her clit. With Lily's mouth hanging open, she reconnected their lips until they swallowed each other's moans. Her hand that was still around his cock started jerking him off in time with his fingers. It prompted James to slip them inside her waiting hole and her other arm instantly flew around his shoulders, gripping tightly to ground herself from the whirlwind of pleasure.
They stayed in that perfect dance for a while as James' fingers tested different angles and eliciting different responses from Lily. When he found that delicious spot inside her, and she cried out from beneath him, he pulled out. Then, he got off her completely.
Before Lily could even form her protest, getting on her elbows to find exactly where he is, she was met with the sight of James getting on his knees between her legs. He delicately slid her knickers to one side-- then licked a stripe up her wet cunt.
Her head fell back down as she moaned hoarsely, a distant thought crossed her mind that hoped no one passed by this classroom, but it was quickly replaced by that same wave of arousal when she felt two fingers slip inside her again.
Just as she'd thought it couldn't get any better, James would moan-- and the vibrations went directly where his mouth kissed and sucked. It was too much.
"James!" She panted. "James, fuck, I'm... I think I'm go--" But James wasn't interested in helping her finish her sentence, speeding up his fingers, sucking harder, and moaning louder. She didn't stand a chance. Lily came in waves and waves, writhing in place as she was powerless to James' firm grip.
When the high subsided and she felt one with her body again, she didn't waste time pulling James up to his feet and smashing their lips to a heated kiss. Her hands crawled to his neglected cock, hot and leaking, and stroked him with all the intent to see him fall apart. His jaw fell slack and all he could do was turn into a mess of whimpers and groans.
A twitch in her hand told her he was close, and then he was coming a rope of hot white on her. It seemed forever that he recovered from his peak. "Fucking hell," he said after taking his first breath. "I don't think I came this hard in my life." He shook with laughter. The sight prompted a surge of emotion in Lily's chest that she couldn't help but drag him back into a long kiss.
The only coherent thought in her head was this couldn't be the last time this happened. "Ask me again, Potter," she said breathlessly, fixing his glasses back to the bridge of his nose.
It took him a long while to figure out what she wanted him to say, until finally, he grinned. "Lily Evans, will you go on a date with me to Hogsmeade?"
She mirrored his grin. "I'd go on a date with you wherever, James Potter."
The elation on his face could light up the entire castle on Christmas day. He let out one huff of laughter before collapsing on top of her and drowning her in kisses.
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romanarose · 4 months
Hi Roman! Loooove your HCs re: the TF boys. Could I pls ask you what you think would be the biggest sources of contention when it comes to each guy and their SO & how they handle relationship conflict?
Hello, wonderful human! Sorry it took so long for me to respond. Been cranking out fics to catch up and prepare for everything lol!!!
Happy to answer you! I'll be focusing mostly on the guys issues, not so much readers, but we all bring out own things into relationships.
Warnings: Addiction, ptsd, general relationship issues
I think everything should be gender neutral, correct me if i missed something.
More HC's here
My dude can't commit to a thing.
I imagine after the movie events he went to see yvonna.... and then left after a few months bc he's a mess.
First arguement you get into he;s like "fine! I'll just leave then, clearly this isn't working"
And you give your best ????? face.
Santi you dumbass.
But you don't give up that easily! You're a menace to society.
You make him face down the issue, talk to you, and *gasp* share how he feels!
When its resolve, you tell him he can't just threaten to leave when he gets frustrated. If he wants to leave he needs to be honest, but he can't hide away under one small issue.
You ask if he really wants to leave. He says no so fucking fast.
He admits he hasn't had any stability in his life like... ever. Immigrant family, military, then his less-than-legal missions... but he wants to make it work with you
You have to work to find a balance between not letting him run away but not forcing him to stay.
But it works. Santi finds you easier and easier to talk to about things and soon enough, he's been with you for a year and theres still no itch to leave.
Benny Miller is a goof ball.
That's why you fell in love with him in the first place!
But he's not the most mature. He struggles to be serious, even when he wants to. That's the issue. You don't want to dampen his shine, you love him how he is
Thing is, you've been together 6 months and you still feel like you're casually dating.
There was no big "I love you".
He simple kissed your cheek saying goodbye, said "love you!" and dashed off to his friends.
But you did love him, you loved him so much but you weren't sure he was invested as you were. Maybe he wasn't ready for a serious relationship or you were more of a casual date to him...
Benny notices your mood change pretty quickly. He may be dumb but he's not stupid
(This is a joke Benny is canonically a highly skilled and talented individual I love him so much.)
"What am I to you?"
You ask him and it starts a whole discussion. You're surprised to find he's listening intently to what you have to say, takes in your words well.
You express how it hurts that every time he says "love you" It's the same tone of voice he uses with his friends or brother. He makes you feel like you're "one of the guys" but you're having sex.
Benny pauses and gathers his words before expressing that he does love you, very deeply. He thinks about marrying you... he just struggles to express it verbally. After some talking, you introduce him to the idea of love languages.
You figure out Benny loves receiving with words of affirmation and thats what he gets stuck on. He can't express well through words, so he thinks he's fucked.
You take the time to talk about the other four, and ways he can express through those.
After this talk, you feel much better and Ben makes you feel so, so loved and special.
(He also makes sure to say his "I love you" during sex or more initmate moments, not just in passing, letting you know that he really, really does.)
You probably expected PTSD, didn't you?
Well thats a part of it. His PTSD does affect his life but I think he's scared to lose you and scared to hurt you.
Will keeps you at arms length. Maybe you're a friend of Ben's and are around a lot and clear chemistry!! But nothing is happening
Finally you confront him. Bestie you can't keep lingering touch on my arm if you're not gonna fuck me about it.
Will is def the most straight forward and self aware so he's gonna be honest.
"I choked a man out in a grocery store for not moving his cart fast enough and almost killed him, my fiance left me after that, I've got 33 confirmed kills and also I watched one of my best friends die and carried his dead body over the fucking Andes, man."
A lot to unpack there!!!!
He tells you he's afraid he's going to lose you if he lets you get too close. He's afraid of hurting you.
You tell him he's sweet but he should also go to therapy.
You go with him to the first appointment.
Will I think is the easiest bc I just think hes the most mature and open
My dude hates himself.
And literally any feeling he's like "well time to do some coke about it."
It wasn't a big deal when you just started dating. You knew he did coke sometimes on weekends and rationalized that it can't be that big a deal, it's like drinking, right?
(Im 26 now and realizing how many people casually do coke is wild to me. None of my business tho.)
But soon you realize just how bad it's gotten. He's high almost all the time. Then his liscense comes under review. Then the trip to south america...
You don't think he's ever even sober, and you're worried about him, worried his heart is going to give out. Sometimes you stay awake watching him breath just to be sure.
Finally you can't take it anymore. You never wanted to to be the ultimatum party but you can't do this, you're suffering and so is he. He either gets sober or you leave. You didn't care how long it took, you didn't care if he relapsed but he needed to start trying.
Frankie ops to go to rehab. It's best, because he's gonna need to detox first.
You visit often, almost every day, making sure his friends all knew when visit times were and sometimes going as group, sometimes separate but always making sure someone came by every single day so he knew he wasn't alone.
90 days later, Frankie comes out a new man. He's cheeks fuller and pants tighter but his smile bigger.
He's gonna be okay and so are you.
He's dead
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!! I love tf boys head cannons <3
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xianyoon · 7 months
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PRESENTING . . . the teahouse's secret menu !
here are some of the visitors of the teahouse that sneak in after closing time . . . these are miss ying's most esteemed visitors ! make sure to greet them nicely , because these three will act like her personal bodyguards should anything nasty come their way.
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WRIOYING | wriothesley + ying !
sunshine x stormcloud trope !!!
ying and wrio met when he had finally gone up to the surface to get an errand done himself – until his sunshine spitfire (whom he had no idea who!) rammed into him at full speed. needless to say, there was a lot of apologising, and lots of promises to buy drinks as an apology gift! it didn't take much for him to take up the offer from the girl who caught his eye ( and got caught on his leg. and hence, tripped. )
it was history from then on ;–) he didn't realise that she was a social worker who would be working alongside some fortress inmates who actually wanted to leave after their time ended !!! she was to help them with reentering society :3c
stolen glances at his office, the curtains ever so slightly drawn back to let them take peeks at each other . . . asking for more one on one meetings and insisting that it was "vital to the progress of the inmates" and sneaky kisses before leaving his office hehee.
so maybe this was coworkers au after all
sea goddess au .. . . . official post coming out soon !
song : dawn in the adan / ichiko aoba
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HAIYING | al haitham + ying !
calm black cat bf x excitable orange cat gf trope !!
hmm, where did ying and alhaitham meet? i'd love to think of it as a library meetcute – or best student x worst student. the library meetcute happened when both of them reached for the same book . . . cheesy but cute ! alhaitham got so woahed for a bit that he let go of the heavy book so suddenly, and because she was holding it ( and did not expect him to let go! ) she fell forward. onto him. and he caught her so effortlessly that she couldn't help but think that she quite literally fell for him.
and she started going to the library more often to sneak a glimpse of him ! she's not very good at being sneaky, so he caught her and asked if she wanted to join him ( of course she did. ) – she fumbled a little and said "only if you'd like me to." andddd to her surprise? it was responded to with a "of course i would."
girl who's in love with the world x boy who needs to see more of it
library dates !!!!! always ! tutor!bf x needs tutoring!gf !
song : good in me / bones & the boy
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ISOYING | iso + ying !
sunshine x grumpycloud trope !
ying and iso met in valorant hq – ying had been recruited right before iso . . . she knew there was something special to him, but didn't know quite what! it was nice to see another agent of the same descent – maybe she, iso and sage could have dinner together.
honestly, she didn't quite like him at the start. he was too quiet, too stony, too aloof for her liking ; ying couldn't ever imagine being able to hang out with him one on one in fear of having to be the only one to fill the silence or sit through it.
until one day! she wanted to train with sage . . . but iso got there first. "oh! sorry... i'll come back later then." she apologised hastily, grabbing her things and preparing to head out.
"...it's fine. 如果你想留下来,就继续吧." [it's fine. if you want to stay, just continue.]
she sat right down and watched him finish his session before starting her own. it was just a regular session – him standing behind, ying making use of her radiant powers ... until:
“赶快做完。跟我去买珍珠奶茶,好吗?” [finish your training quickly. come with me to get boba, alright?] .. she'd never finished a training session so quickly in her life.
boba & hotpot dates !!!! night market dates once they went back to china !!!
song : 慢慢喜欢你 / karen mok
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gaybananabread · 10 months
hellooo! for the fruit shop could you do pear + grapes with lee!miles and ler!hobie from ATSV? the idea I had in mind was that Miles would be stressed about being spiderman, and hobie would comfort him in his own special way (which would then include tickling Miles to pieces ofc) tysm!!
Fruit(s): Pears, Grapes
These two are incredibly fun to write for I swear- Miles would absolutely be one to way stress out over life, and I can see Hobie affectionately being a dork about it. Love how your brain works, Anon! As always, thank you for the request, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Miles
Ler: Hobie
Summary: Miles is falling behind due to his duties as Spider-Man and majorly stressing out about it. Hobie helps him calm down, as well as adding a special twist to make sure he's all cheered up.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Miles ran through the halls of Visions High School, racing to get to class…well, less late than he would've if he wasn't running. A few papers fell out of his binder, but he didn't stop. They weren't important anyway…probably. Extra copies exist for a reason.
He had run into two villains that morning; some weird bird guy and a rhino. The fight trashed his suit, ripping it in places and leaving him bruised up. Lucky for him, a good foundation can solve any problem.
When he finally burst into the classroom, his history teacher looked less than impressed. She pointed to his seat before continuing her lecture, silently letting him know to stay after class. Wonderful. 
Time seemed to crawl as he half-listened to the lecture, knee bouncing furiously beneath the desk. The bell finally rang, somehow sending both a pang of relief and dread into his chest. It had just been that kind of week. She approached his desk, sighing and leaning on it. 
“Look, Miles… I know you’re a good kid. You pay attention, don’t talk unless it’s appropriate, and write me apologies when you’re late or forget an assignment. What I can’t understand is what’s distracting you so badly that you’re late every day and write the same date on your papers for a week.” Her voice wasn’t judgemental; she just sounded tired and wanted to know what was happening. He could relate to that.
“I…I just got a full plate.” It was a lame explanation, but it was the best he had. She frowned, though it was a look of mild frustration rather than disappointment or anger. “Maybe you should try to clear it a bit. At this rate, that plate’s going to get so heavy that you won’t be able to carry it anymore. I don’t want to see your plate shatter, Miles. Think about it.”
That wasn’t so bad. He felt horrible for lying, but that icky ache was growing more dull with each fib. “But. You have been late to my class four times now. You know the rules.” His heart sank; four tardies meant a write-up and a call home. Not so bad to most, though he had no good way to explain himself. 
“I know there’s more to this, so I’ll be nice. You’ve got a choice. Either take the normal reprimand or write me a one thousand word report on the development of political institutions throughout American history.” Damn it…
Miles frowned down at his ever-growing to-do list, tallying up his work for the weekend. He chose the essay for his history teacher; he couldn’t get another reprimand. His body ached from the fight, his mind dragging as he tried to focus on the political article. The word “exhausted” felt like a gross understatement.
The teen was so out of it that he didn’t notice things floating around the dorm, nor did he see the lanky Brit that came out of the portal. He did, however, feel the arms that wrapped around him and lifted him into the air. “Ey, short man! What’cha mopin’ for?” The small shriek he let out shocked both of them. Hobie set the boy back down, frowning slightly. “Damn, you al’ight? You’re jumpy as hell.”
That look…he decided he hated it. The worried, slightly pitiful look made him feel crummier than he already did. But…he could actually tell Hobie what was bothering him. Hobie was like him; a part of their crazy, high-pressure world. Miles actually had someone to confide in. “Nah, not really…”
Hobie bit his lip, sighing at the simple admission. His friend looked…tired. Tired and sad. He’d have to fix that.
The punk brought Miles to his bed, laying him down and sitting beside him. Whenever his friends are upset, Hobie has a special way of cheering them up. Miles’s cheer-ups include a special step, one he never sees coming; it’s always clear he enjoys it though.
Hobie wrapped an arm around his friend, pulling him into a tight and comforting hug. “Hey, c’mon Miles. You can tell me anythin’, bruv.” Miles sighed, leaning into the hug. Finally, someone he can talk to… 
“Uh…it’s just been a lot. With Spider-Man stuff, school’s been impossible, and my teachers are gettin’ closer and closer to callin’ my parents. I dunno how I’m gonna explain it if they do…” His voice trailed off at the end as he buried his face in Hobie’s shoulder. 
The taller man rubbed Miles’s arm, trying to help him feel better. There wasn’t much that could be done for his situation unless he told his parents; that was only happening when he was ready. “”M sorry, Miles; that’s just rotten. If ya want, I could ‘elp with some’a those assignments. Was pre’y decent in school, long as it ain’t Maths.” 
His eyes lit up at the offer; he had to bite his tongue before he sounded too desperate. “Y-yeah, that’d be awesome! Only if it’s easy for you, though; I-I don’t wanna cause problems.” Hobie huffed, deciding it was time for the special portion of his cheer up session. 
A squeeze on Miles’s side cut off his half-apologies, his words ending in a squeal. “H-Hohobie? What’re you- nYAHAhahaha!” Miles shoved at the other spider’s hand as it poked and prodded at his side. Seriously, that?! He didn’t mind it, but still…
“Isn’t it obvious? ‘M cheerin’ you up, lil’ man.” Hobie smirked, moving to spider his fingers on Miles’s stomach. He squeaked, his giggles occasionally jumping up to choked laughter. “I-Ihihi dohon’t neheed chehehEERIHING UHUHUP!” 
The teen squirmed and thrashed, trying to get away from his friend’s tickly touch. He was trapped; Hobie’s strong, firm grip on his shoulders was inescapable, his evil fingers going to town on Miles’s poor belly. “Course ya do, yer all mopey. Those giggles suit ya much better than a frown.”
Hobie’s wiggling fingers went exploring, landing on the younger spider’s ribcage. His arms slammed to his sides, trying to stop that hand from going any higher. “HOHOHObiehehe! Ihi’m hahappy! Y-youhu can quihIHIHIT!” 
The fact that he didn’t outright say to stop only made the punk want to go on forever. It was clear he wanted a bit more; that blocked spot was quite enticing… The arm around Miles’s shoulders moving out front, gathering up his hands and holding his arms above his head. Hobie smirked, the lopsided look sending a flurry of butterflies to Miles’s stomach. “Brace ya’self, giggles~”
Not wanting to wait any longer, Hobie dug into his hollows, mining for all the laughter he could find. And laughter he got. “HOHOHOBIEHE! NAHAT THEHERE! NAHAHAHO!” Miles bucked and thrashed, almost knocking them both off his bed. Hobie got ahead of the mess, pushing him down onto the mattress so neither of them could get hurt. 
Loud, boisterous, almost childish laughter rang out in the dorm, almost definitely going through the walls to his “neighbors.” He wasn’t exactly hating what was happening, but it was problematic. It was hardly the worst noise that had ever come through dorm walls, though he was sure someone would call in a noise complaint. That thought made his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “SOHOHOMEONE’S GOHOHONNA CAHALL SEHEHECURITYHYHY!” 
Hobie rolled his eyes, hating the logic; it was true, but he didn’t have to like it. He wasn’t ready to quit just yet. Instead of stopping completely, he moved his fluttering fingers to Miles’s neck. The boy’s raucous laughter calmed to sweet giggles, his struggling almost ending. 
Anyone who personally knew Miles could tell how adorably sensitive his neck was. Even the soft, gentle tickling had him giggling like a little kid. That person could also tell that he absolutely adored any attention on that certain spot; he practically melted.
Normally, he would’ve let Hobie continue with the gentle tickling. He had a lot of work, however, and was getting more and more tired with every giggle. Miles weakly tugged at his arms, whining through the sweet sound. “C-cohohome ohon! Plehehease?”
Hobie chuckled, seeing how tired the other spider was getting. “Bah, fine. Lucky I‘m feelin’ nice today, giggles.” He dragged a claw from Miles’s pit to his belly before stopping, giving his entire midsection a parting gift before he let go. Miles shrieked, curling up into a ball the moment he was released. 
The punk rubbed his back, chuckling softly. Miles flinched at first, thinking Hobie was going back for another tease. “Ey, I’m done, I’m done! Calm it down, Miles.” A small huff left his full lips as he looked over his giggly friend. “You al’ight, lil’ man? Didn’t go too far, did I?”
Miles shook his head, relaxing at the calming touch. “N-noho, you’re goohohod. Just…just tihickled.” That got a laugh out of the other hero; guess some things never change.
Once the teen had fully calmed down and regained his composure, the two got to work. Well, Hobie started on one of the essays while Miles finally got a much-needed nap and meal. After he got his rest, they both worked on assignments, music playing in the background to help them focus. Every so often, Miles would groan in frustration, earning him a quick and reassuring poke to the side. And you know what? He didn’t mind it one bit.
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randybutternubber · 4 days
Yippee!!! OC time! This is Angel!
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(Art made with a Picrew)
She's a LN child, except due to the weird screwiness of The Nowhere, she has wings. She's 10 years old and isn't very good at flying, but she still can as a last resort. She likes helping other kids, usually by causing a distraction while using her wings to stay out of danger. She can still be knocked out of the air by ranged attacks tho, such as The Butlers telekinesis, The Hunters gun, The Viewers sonic screech attack, etc.
She was raised in a place called The Aviary, run by a monster called The Keeper. The Keeper had extremely long and thin arms and legs, paired with a tiny torso and very tall head. It would keep children contained in cages extremely high above the ground. Occasionally, it would take one and drop it from a massive height, seemingly trying to teach them to fly. Most children died on impact. Those who didn’t were taken and put into individual cages, closer to the center, where they were “cared for” more thoroughly by The Keeper, until they died from their injuries soon after. Angel, due to her wings, is the only one who survived without injury. She had tried to fly away, but had been caught by The Keeper, who seemed overjoyed at a true success. It had taken her and placed her in the pride of place, a golden cage in the middle of the Aviary. It always pays special attention to her, bringing her more food and little gifts, as well as taking the time to stroke her wings or head. Basically treating her like a beloved pet. She hates it. She doesn’t like being caged, she finds The Keeper revolting, and she is incredibly lonely. 
She often watches the other children grouped in the other cages, taking note of how they, while far from being happy, share a sense of companionship with one another. One of them talked to her once. He was close enough that they could speak to each other. He was the one who had given her her name, saying she reminded him of stories he’d heard about Guardian Angels. However, The Keeper had walked in while the two of them were mid-sentence, and upon witnessing their conversation, it had immediately “tested” the boy. Angel can still remember the screams as the boy fell, and the sickening crack as he hit the floor. She’d stared in shock as The Keeper had picked up his limp body off the floor, before opening its mouth and sliding the boy in. It was only when she felt The Keepers hand patting her wings that she fully processed what had happened, breaking down and crying. She never tried to speak to another kid again, and they never tried to speak to her either. She tells herself that it wasn’t her fault, that he would’ve died eventually anyway, but sometimes despair overwhelms her to the point that this isn’t enough. After The Keeper dies (TBD) and she and the others escape, she feels even worse about it, wondering if he would’ve lived long enough to escape if it weren’t for her.
This is all I've got rn! Feel free to ask questions! And thanks for reading this! :D
I like the idea of that sort of twisted affection the keeper has for angel, she’s his prized pet, not a person or his child, just a pet.
I also can’t imagine the sort of guilt and pain from that kind of self imposed isolation that she endured. In a way, I’m sure a lot of ln kids probably have similar experiences causing some to be very closed off to communication. Not to mention the idea of “being alone in a room full of life” that’s going on with her being surrounded with other children yet ultimately being forced to not interact with them for their own safety and still being forced to watch them to fall to their deaths.
She’s in a literal prison made of gold. I also love the irony of her having wings yet still being trapped. In a terrible way, the very thing that saved her from dying while falling was what led to her being not just imprisoned again, but special in a terrible, terrible way.
If you have any more refs for her I’d love to draw her some time. Feel free to visit my ask box or dm me any time I’m always open to talking
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whumpsoda · 1 year
Old Photos
Kinda short but like I have had no good ideas lately :( it makes me sad cause I wanna write!!! i have been messing with a pet whump story idea though so idk if it will go anywhere but we will see!!!
cw: dehumanization, conditioning, minor descriptions of captivity ———————————————————————
“I just love photo albums, don’t you pet?” Affectionate, adoring, blank eyes stared back.
“I know you used to like taking pictures, didn't ‘cha? With your little human camera?” The words simply filtered through pet’s head. Cameras were human things, he knew that. Human things had no meaning to him. “Oh, look at him.” Whumper eagerly tilted the pristine photo album down to Whumpee’s level.
Whumpee’s eyes met with those in the carefully placed pictures. The ones he saw were absolutely terrified, and so was the man they belonged to. The man was noticeably muscular, but looked so small on his knees. Similar to most of the people in the photos Whumper kept, this man was tied up and close to naked, covered in crusty blood.
In response, Whumpee gently drooped his tired eyes and rested his head onto Whumper’s knee. His own knees rubbed into the fuzzy carpet. That’s how he was meant to be, on the floor below his owner. 
Just like a good dog.
“This puppy, he was so fiesty way back when, in the beginning. Wanted nothing to do with me, even after I rescued him.” Whumper pointed to several photos on the page, guiding Whumpee’s eyes with his thick finger.
Whumpee’s eyes glazed over the glistening photos, letting them disappear into his empty head. If it wasn’t a command or praise, it did not matter to a pet. 
“Fought me all the time, darling. Hit, kicked, bit me a few times. All because I was giving him a better life. Such an ungrateful brat, wasn’t he, pet?” Whumpee gracefully tilted his head to meet Whumper’s eyes, adoration enveloped in both pairs. Whumpee whined, pushing his cheek firther into the touch of Whumper’s knee. 
Whumpee knew master did not deserve that treatment. Whatever pet master spoke of, the bad one, whumpee could be better. Whumpee was better. He was such a good dog, Master told him all the time! The two loved each other so very much, and they would relish in that mutual affection for the rest of their lives.
“You’re so much better, I know, Pet. Such a good boy, aren’t you?” Whumper reached down a large, rough hand, and scratched under Whumpee’s chin. A pleased smile filled Whumpee’s scarred face. 
Whumper’s hand swiftly slipped out soon after. “But look at him,” He commandingly pushed the album even closer to Whumpee’s face. “Even when being a stupid puppy, wasn’t he still adorable?”
 Whumpee’s face instantly fell. What if master liked the bad pet more than him? What if he wasn’t good enough anymore? Had he been bad that day? Whumpee nuzzled impossibly closer, his saccharine encompassed, doe eyes pleading with Whumper.
Please, please, don’t get rid of me!
Whumper let out a deep, gleeful chuckle, setting his hand now on top of Whumpee’s head. “I still love you more, pet, of course I do. Even if he was cute, an obedient puppy will always be much cuter.” Whumper’s fingers grazed upon Whumpee’s grimy, greasy hair, the touch sending a wave of pleasure and relief throughout Whumpee’s body.
“Isn’t there anything you want to say about the pictures though, pet? Don’t you remember that scared little dog?” For a moment, Whumpee disregarded the insignificant words. They both knew dogs did not have opinions, and did not partake in conversation like humans did. Even so, he locked his eyes onto the pictures, studying them intently. Something about these specific pictures caught his eye. They were special. The photos were familiar, vaguely, he was aware had seen them before, even if he had no recollection of when.
Whumper loved gazing at his massive photo collections so often Whumpee couldn’t recall a single other pet he had ever laid eyes upon. There were much to many for him to remember, so after to long he had simply stopped caring to. This specific pet though, the look on his face sent a shiver seeping through Whumpee’s frail body.
Whumpee instinctively disregarded his thoughts, shoving them to a place where they could not reach him. He was not meant to think, and every so often he would foolishly forget it. Thinking was for humans, and so it was obviously only something a bad pet would do.
Whumpee was not a bad pet.
He continued to hug his body against the warm flesh of his master’s, adding to the comfort of feeling his mind wash away. Whumper sighed approvingly. “You’re such a wonderful puppy.” He turned the eye-strainingly colorful album back to himself, gazing tenderly into the terrified faces displayed in the decorated pictures.
After a content moment, Whumper met with Whumpee’s eyes once again. Whumper looked at him so kindly, his eyes so full of love, and Whumpee craved the blissful feeling it sent through him.
 “I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. It seems almost like yesterday I took these beautiful photos of you, my most prized puppy.”
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acotarobsessed · 2 years
Sunlight, Shadows, and Secrets pt. 2
authors note: I don’t think this story is near done yet, but here’s part two of Sunlight, shadows, and Secrets. Since I’m the only one who has proofread this there may be some spelling and grammar mistakes. Also yeah, CoN and Hewn city are unrealistic. It’s part of the story, and if it were realistic wouldn't work right. Thanks!
warnings; Languge, bit of angst, SUGGESTIVE, leads to smut
Minors DNI
After arriving and getting settled into their individual rooms, they all split up to go their separate ways for the afternoon and evening, Cassian checking on security, Azriel checking with his spies, and Mor and Y/n waiting for Feyre, who was coming with Rhys. Y/n was glad they were all there, it made the wretched place slightly better.
A few hours later, having collected Feyre, they sat side by side in a meeting room, waiting for the males to get back from their individual tasks. Y/n’s part of the mission depended on them doing their jobs, and would most likely not be happening for at least three days. As it so happend, Cassian had been right when he said they would be able to have “fun” while being on the mission. Rhys, who they did not expect to be there, had told Feyre that the Court of Nightmares had a few comforts and entertainment, if you knew where to look. Feyre said he was lying, and Rhys being, well Rhys had to prove her wrong in the best way possible. So they had all decided they would do their work during the day, but when night fell they would all indulge in the bars and pleasure halls that the Hewn city offered.
“I’m still not sure what Rhys meant by “entertainment” but if they don’t hurry up and get here, we won’t have time after the debrief,” Feyre said, her brow wrinkling as she realized how late her mate was.
A few moments later, Feyre stood with a smirk on her face “Ladies, it seems the boys are taking their sweet time, and it’s already dark so what do you say we get started on this “fun” my mate promised me?”
Mor raised a shaped brow. “Why are you so eager? Hoping someone tall dark and handsome will forgo his job and join you? ” Her tone was light and teasing, her rich brown eyes sparkling happily, a rare sight seeing as where they were.
“Maybe” Feyre said with a grin “I’ve heard they’ve got a special kind of bars that allows females to dance on the tables, it sounds like it could be fun, and we all need to relax and let loose a bit”
Mor smirked “we could do that… or we could go to a strip club, I’ve heard they’ve got quite the male show”
Feyre wrinkled her nose in a clear veto of that idea. “I’ll pass on the strippers. The only male I want to watch strip naked is Rhys. That male is so freakin’ hot I’d give him a lap dance any day,” she said with a giggle as Mor made a disgusted face.
Yeah, Feyre was head-over-heels in love, and Y/n couldn’t help but envy the fact that her friend had found the one—and Rhys was equally smitten. Their unwavering relationship and feelings for each other made Y/n all the more aware of her own lack of male companionship, and made her wish for more.
Even though she’d harbored more intimate feelings for Azriel for years, she’d tried to give other males a chance. She’d even been in a few short-term but committed relationships with nice, decent guys. Safe males who didn’t intimidate her and treated her with the kind of respect a female deserved. Easygoing males who didn’t judge her by her purple-tipped hair, her eccentric clothing, or her sleeve of tattoos that made others label her as different or strange.
But deep inside, Y/n knew that focusing on those more passive qualities when it came to the males she’d dated had been part of the problem and why those attempts at a relationship hadn’t worked for her. She wanted that safety and trust and respect—what girl didn’t?—but she also yearned for intense passion and the kind of heated desire that overwhelmed her body and senses. She wanted a male who was confident in his ability to take control and introduce her to the kind of forbidden pleasures her body craved, without making her feel cheap or dirty or vulnerable afterward.
So far, she hadn’t met a male with that unique ability, and maybe she never would. Which meant she’d eventually have to settle for a male who made her feel appreciated and secure, and forgo her fantasies of hot, demanding sex.
Mor gave Feyre’s idea about the dancing bar serious consideration, and after a few minutes said “Hell yes!”
“Sounds good to me,” Feyre said with an enthusiastic nod.
Y/n shrugged, up for anything that didn’t include having to endure seeing Azriel enjoy himself with another female. Indulging in a few drinks and dancing, even with just the girls, sounded like a fun way to spend the evening. “I’m game.”
With their evening agenda settled, the three of them finished in the office, then headed up to their individual suites to change and do their makeup and hair. Wanting to feel sexy for their night out, Y/n decided on a pair of slim black leather pants that rode low on her hips and a dark purple bustier that displayed her armful of tattoos. The front of the top laced up tight, and the snug bodice lifted and shaped her breasts so a bra wasn’t necessary. She finished off the look with a stack of silver bangles on her bare arm and a pair of strappy high heels.
She tucked her room key into the front pocket of her pants so she didn’t have to worry about a purse, and an hour and a half after parting ways to get ready, the three of them met up again. They grabbed a quick dinner, then walked the short distance to where the was located, which also gave them the opportunity to look around hewn city. Everything was dark and bleak, Y/n hoped the bar was worth it.
By the time they arrived at the establishment, the place was packed and rocking from the music blaring out of the jukebox in the corner. There weren’t any traditional booths or chairs, just standing-style tables on the outskirt of the dance floor, which was filled with males and females having a great time. Other female patrons were dancing on the bar counter, and guys were crowded around, egging them on.
Y/n led the way to one of the standing tables so they could order a drink, assess the situation, and watch the entertainment at the main bar before they decided what they wanted to do. Mor and Feyre followed her through the crowd, and by the time they reached a vacant table, Feyre had a spaced out look on her face. Judging by the smile on her face, Y/n assumed she was touching base with Rhysand. When a bar waitress came by, she ordered a round of shots for the three of them.
Feyre finished up her mental conversation just as their drinks were delivered, and Y/n raised her small glass to her two friends.
“To our first official girls’ night out, even if it is on the eve of a mission,” she said in a loud voice to be heard above the noise level. “When we get back home, I think we need to do this more often, just the three of us, no males.”
“Agreed,” Feyre and Mor said at the same time.
They tapped their shot glasses together and swallowed the liquor in one gulp. It wasn’t enough alcohol to get them drunk—no way did Y/n want to explain to Rhysand that his mate had a hangover on the first day there—but it was just enough to warm her insides and loosen and relax her body.
A good-looking guy came up to Mor and asked her to dance, and with a little finger wave at her and Feyre, she followed him out onto the dance floor. Feyre and Y/n watched for a while, both of them dancing where they were standing at the table along the far wall.
After a while, another male approached them, this one big and burly, rough around the edges, as most were in the Hewn city, and clearly well on his way to being drunk. When he grabbed Y/n’s hand to pull her away without asking if she wanted to dance with him, she yanked her arm back and gave him a sharp look that hopefully conveyed her feelings and made it clear she wasn’t interested.
His narrowed gaze slid down the length of her in the kind of leer that made her stomach roil. Then he puffed out his wide chest and flexed his biceps as if he were trying to make up for the fact that he’d just been rejected. “What’s the matter? I’m not good enough for you?”
And this was why she didn’t go to bars. Hell, she rarely went to Rita’s on their busy nights because she hated dealing with egotistical males who looked at her like an easy conquest, and bloodying them over a dance was frowned upon. Instead of provoking him further, she gave the male a sweet smile and said, “I don’t dance with strangers.”
It was a ridiculous statement considering that’s what most people did in a nightclub, but her comment was so worth it when he frowned in confusion at her, as if she’d just given him a puzzle to figure out. Then he shook his head and slid his gaze to Feyre. There was no way Y/n was letting this guy even think about taking one step toward her.
“She doesn’t dance with strangers, either,” Y/n said just as the lug opened his mouth to say something.
After giving Y/n an irritated look, he turned around and finally left them alone.
Feyre laughed, her eyes full of playful mischief as she leaned closer to Y/n. “So, since we don’t dance with strangers, want to dance with each other?”
Considering Feyre wasn’t going to dance with any guy in the place and Y/n wanted her to have a good time, she nodded and the two of them joined the crush of people getting down to the rough and tumble music comig from seemingly everywhere. Even though she didn’t do it often, Y/n loved to dance, loved the sensuality of her movements and the way the beat of the music made her body come alive.
The two of them danced a few songs until Y/n lost track of time. But they were having fun as they laughed and watched other couples bust out trendsetting dance moves, and Y/n found herself envious of the females who were brave enough to get up on the bar top and dance in front of everyone.
She had no idea how much time had passed, but when she saw Feyre’s gaze move to someone behind Y/n and watched her face light up like a woman in love, she wasn’t surprised to see that the person she was beaming at turned out to be Rhysand, who had somehow found his mate in the crowd.
Y/n leaned closed to Feyre so she could speak directly in her ear and be heard over the music. “What is Rhys doing here?”
When she moved back, Feyre’s expression was sheepish, and a tad apologetic. “I told him where we were and asked him and the boys to come join us.”
Which meant that Azriel was here, as well. Fucking fabulous, Y/n thought, not at all happy that the boys had just crashed their girls’ night out and fun. Then again, it was hard to be upset with Feyre when all she wanted was to be with her mate, but Y/n had expected it to be a Azriel-free evening.
“Sorry to cut in and steal away my beautiful mate,” Rhys said as he wrapped his arms around Feyre and pulled her close.
The sinful gleam in his eyes told Y/n he wasn’t the least bit sorry to be able to spend extra time with her before they went to their individual suites for the night.
“Last I saw, Cassian and Azriel were getting a beer and heading over to one of those tables with Mor,” Rhys went on, jerking his head in the direction where the girls had been earlier. “I’m sure if you ask Az, he’ll dance with you.”
Oh, hell no. That was one activity she’d avoided at all costs with Azriel throughout the years, knowing that it would be sheer torture for her to have his hard, muscled body pressed so close, and to feel the grind of his hips against hers like a slow, sexual tease. And that’s all it ever would be, since Az wasn’t attracted to her in the same way she was to him.
She made her way back to the area with tables and found Cass and Mor at one of them, both drinking a beer. No Azriel, of course.
“Where’s Az?” she asked, knowing it was a bad idea even before she spoke, and that she wouldn’t like the answer.
“He took my comment about getting female a little too seriously,” Cassian said, his tone droll but barely hiding his laughter, leaving no doubt in Y/n’s mind as to what he meant. Man-whoring. And while he was no where near as bad as Cassian, who used to openly flaunted his conquests, it still stung to know that Azriel had no such hang-ups when it came to sleeping with strangers.
“He’s over there by the bar, trying to charm his way into that girl’s pants,” Mor added unnecessarily as she pushed her long, blonde hair over her shoulder.
Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look. . . you’ll just get upset over something you can’t change Y/n’s subconscious warned her.
Like an idiot, she glanced over her shoulder and looked, her stomach in knots even before her gaze zeroed in on the one male who had way too much power over her emotions. It was a scene she’d witnessed so many times before—hot, gorgeous, tattooed Azriel, with his shadows out of sight, flirting with some random girl who had caught his eye, his devastatingly sexy smile promising the kind of pleasure most females couldn’t resist. Judging by the way the pretty girl put her hand on his arm and swayed toward him so their bodies brushed, he was close to sealing the deal.
Hurt and anger warred within Y/n, the latter of which she had no right to feel. Logically she knew Azriel was free to do what he wanted, with whomever he chose, but what upset her the most was the fact that he’d managed to ruin the fun she’d been having. He’d crashed their party, and she resented him being there and forcing her to watch him most likely leave the place with another woman.
She exhaled a deep breath, trying to release the ache tightening in her chest, but the tension remained, especially when she added in the fact that he’d called her uptight earlier today and accused her of not being able to loosen up and have fun. During that time they were waiting to leave for the Court of Nightmares, he’d suggested she find a random guy to have a fling with, and in a moment of frustration, she’d told Azriel that she would.
She remembered that dumbfounded look on his face, and his shock that she’d actually agreed to do something so out of character. She’d given him that flippant reply because he’d provoked her, but now she seriously considered putting herself out there to see what would happen, and how Az would react.
And hell, maybe she’d get lucky tonight, too.
The bartenders were urging females to dance up on the counter, and Y/n realized that it was the perfect opportunity to show Azriel that she was fully capable of letting loose and having a good time without him. She was finished standing on the sidelines, waiting and pining for something that wasn’t going to happen because Azriel didn’t reciprocate her feelings.
You can do this, her inner vixen coaxed, bolstering her courage and confidence. Get up on that bar and give Azriel a show he’ll never forget.
And that’s exactly what she intended to do, Y/n vowed as she headed for the stairs that led up to the staged bar, just as a fast paced, sexy song started to play.
One minute Az was trying to figure out how to nicely extricate himself from the overly aggressive female who’d seemingly staked a claim on him the moment he’d walked into the bar, and the next he was distracted by a round of loud cheers, appreciative male whistles, and catcalling coming from the direction of one of the bars.
Mildly curious as to what had the crowd all worked up, he glanced over the woman’s shoulder toward the commotion. Every muscle in his body tensed when he saw Y/n dancing on top of the bar, looking hotter and more seductive than he’d ever seen her before. He’d also never seen her so . . . uninhibited, and especially in a public place.
What the fucking hell?
A combination of shock and awe held Azriel’s gaze hostage, and his mouth went dry as dust and his shadows swirling irritably as he watched her body move so sensually to the beat of the music. Those small hips circled and swayed with lithe grace, and her cloud of gorgeous hair cascaded down her back as she tipped her head, raised her arms above her head, and drove the men around her wild with a shimmying move that nearly brought Azriel to his knees right where he was standing.
Lust made his blood surge like molten lava in his veins, spilling through him in a rush of carnal hunger. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe. He could only stare at this bold, brazen, uninhibited woman he barely recognized as his best friend
Who was this siren girl and what had she done with his composed and reserved Y/n?
Not that he was complaining. The tight leather pants she wore molded to her sexy curves and her perfect ass—the same luscious ass she was currently putting on display as she bent over and ran a hand up her leg in a slow, sultry caress as she straightened once again. When she lifted her smoky gaze, Azriel could have sworn that she was looking directly at him with those dark, come-hither eyes. Teasing him. Taunting him. Tormenting him with what he couldn’t have. Fuck.
Or maybe his wild imagination was just playing tricks on him, because she’d never, ever given him any indication that she wanted to get down and dirty with him. Then again, this racy performance could be for another man entirely, and why did that thought make his stomach feel as though he’d just swallowed a dozen burning coals?
Hips gyrating to the music, she continued to skim those mesmerizing hands over her stomach and cupped her breasts over the corset top that was held together with just the thin ties that laced up the front. So fucking naughty. Her lips parted, and a hint of a smile played across her sinful mouth.
A mouth he suddenly wanted to do filthy, wicked things to. Right now.
Another ovation of rambunctious cheers attracted even more male attention to Y/n. Some guy offered her up a shot, and she took the glass and tossed back the liquor in one gulp, then sent a defiant glance in his general direction before continuing with her dirty dancing.
Gods, was she drunk? It was the only thing that made sense to Azriel. Y/n wasn’t an attention seeker, and she wasn’t the kind of female who paraded herself in front of males, not unless it was for a good reason. Then again, nothing about her behavior lately had been predictable or typical, and this little display of rebellion was the last straw. He’d had enough. Tonight, he was going to find out what the hell was going on with her.
Before he could figure out a way to get Y/n out of there without causing a scene, one of the guys at the bar made the huge mistake of reaching out and touching her. The dickhead curled his hand around her calf and started sliding it upward, and Azriel thought he was going to lose it, his hand going to the small blade he kept on him even while wearing cause clothing, as he was now.
He saw bright red as hot, fierce jealousy jolted through him. An unprecedented depth of emotion flooded him as he pushed his way through all her admirers to make his way up to the bar. He told himself he was being a friend and protecting her from one of these douchebags who might take advantage of her being drunk, but that didn’t explain the possessive feeling pumping through him with each step he took toward her. Add to that the steady stream of adrenaline ramping him up, and it was a potent combination that had him on edge and itching for a fight.
Realizing that the mob around the bar was too crammed and it would take him too goddamn long to get to Y/n, he instead went for the stairs that led directly to the top of the bar. As he climbed up, she caught sight of him and her eyes grew wide with panic, as if she realized she’d provoked him a little too far. He narrowed his gaze ominously and his wings flared, conveying his thoughts with that one look. That’s right, Y/n. Be afraid. Be very afraid because tonight we’re finally going to hash out what the fuck your problem is.
Now that Azriel was on top of the bar—and yeah, he knew males weren’t allowed up there, but tough shit—their audience grew. Heads turned their way as everyone watched the scene about to unfold. Despite how pissed he was, Azriel was determined to set aside his anger and be nice and gentle about getting Y/n out of there.
When he reached her, he circled his fingers loosely around her wrist to make sure she would follow. “Come on, Y/n, we’re leaving.”
She yanked her hand out of his grasp and lifted her chin stubbornly. Her face was flushed and her eyes flashed fire. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
Okay . . . Apparently, he needed to line up a Plan B.
“Yes, you are,” he said firmly, all too aware of all the eyes on them. “I suggest you come with me willingly, or you’re not going to like the alternative. The choice is yours.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, a reckless glint in her eyes as she glared at him. “You’re such an asshole, Az.”
Clearly, she was mad at him. For ruining her fun? Or something else? That was the problem lately—he had no fucking clue what he’d done wrong. Since she was already furious, he figured things couldn’t get much worse.
He sighed. “Since you think I’m an asshole, I might as well live up to my reputation.” Before she realized his intent, he bent low, wrapped his arms around the backs of her thighs, and hefted her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. She was slim and light—he bench-pressed more than what she weighed—and he heard her gasp at being taken by surprise.
She wriggled and squirmed as he headed back toward the stairs, with the crowd now cheering him on.
Her fists pummeled his backside. “Goddamn it, Shadowsinger, let me down!”
He had no intentions of putting her feet back on the ground, because he knew he wouldn’t get this kind of leverage over her again. “Not gonna happen, Y/n, so relax and enjoy the ride.”
“Fuck you!” she bellowed.
He shook his head in disbelief. Cauldron, when had she become such a hellcat?
He reached the bottom of the stairs and encountered Rhys, who was frowning at him in that reprimanding way of his, and Azriel knew that his brother was going to be all... well, brotherly, and try to interfere.
Before Rhysand could say a word, Azriel spoke first. “Don’t you fucking dare try to stop me. Y/n and I have some things to hash out, and it’s happening tonight.”
Surprisingly, Rhys backed down, nodded in understanding, and let him pass by. They all knew how out of character this stunt of Y/n’s was, and his brother also knew Azriel would never physically hurt her.
The next roadblock Az encountered was the big, beefy bouncer standing at the door, muscular arms folded over his chest, who wouldn’t let him walk by
Is she leaving with you willingly?” the bouncer asked gruffly.
“No!” Y/n shouted as she tried to kick her legs, which Azriel held down with his forearm. “He’s taking me!”
“She’s such a drama queen.” Azriel rolled his eyes. “Honestly, no, she’s not leaving with me willingly,” he said, because, hello, he had Y/n flipped over his shoulder and she was yelling obscenities at him. There was nothing willing about this particular scenario or her conduct. “But she’s had a lot to drink and I’d rather her be my problem than yours.”
The bouncer didn’t budge, his expression dubious. The dude obviously took his job seriously, and while Az appreciated him being thorough and cautious, quite frankly, he needed the guy to let them through.
“I can vouch for him.” Cassian came up to the door, surprising Azriel with his support. The bouncer, obviously recognizing the High Lords general, moved aside to let them past.
“Thanks” Azriel said to his brother. “I owe you one.”
Cass gave him a wry smile. “Yeah, you do.”
Behind Azriel, Y/n pushed up on her hands so she could look at Cassian as they walked through the exit—or glare at him, Az was guessing.
“You’re such a traitor, Cassian!” she shouted at him.
Azriel heard his brother chuckle before saying, “See you two at some point tomorrow.”
As soon as they were finally out on the sidewalk leading to their hotel, Y/n started up again, thrashing and pummeling and cursing, yet still being carful not to hurt his wings. She drew curious stares from strangers, but Az just smiled and nodded at the passersby as if this was normal for the two of them, not that anyone would say anything, Az was quite intimidating, and kept strolling toward the place they were staying.
“I can walk, you jerk! Put me down already,” she demanded as she smacked and pinched his butt, then growled in frustration when she encountered mostly firm muscle.
“Nope. And quit wiggling around.” When she didn’t stop, he returned the favor, slapping her bottom so hard she gasped and arched her back from the direct contact. His palm stung from the sharp swat, which meant she’d likely have his handprint on her ass—and Mother above, the image of that possessive mark on her pale skin made his cock hard as stone.
She finally settled down. “I hate you,” she said, a pout in her voice.
There was no vehemence behind her words, but Azriel knew that for the moment, for whatever reason, she wasn’t very fond of him. “I know you do, Angel. I just don’t know why.”
“I already told you,” she said, perking up again. “It’s because you’re an asshole.”
He let it go at that, and when they finally reached the rooms, Y/n was dead weight over his shoulder and uncharacteristically quiet. He figured she’d either fallen asleep or passed out from the alcohol she’d consumed.
He figured wrong. On the ride up the quiet, vacant elevator, she finally spoke.
“Will you please put me down now?” she asked through gritted teeth, her voice clear enough that he knew she’d been awake the entire time. “You’ve humiliated me enough tonight.”
“Me?” he asked incredulously as he bent his knees and anchored her feet on the ground, then helped her to stand. They were facing one another now, and he felt his earlier irritation flare back to life. “I was trying to keep you from humiliating yourself up on that bar!”
Her spine stiffened and her gaze shot daggers at him. “I was doing just fine until you came along and ruined my night. I didn’t want or need your help.”
“Yeah, well, tough shit,” he shot back as he jammed his hands on his hips and tried to keep his gaze above her neck when her heaving chest tempted him to look at her perfect breasts pushed up so enticingly by her top. “That’s what best friends do, Y/n. They make sure their drunk friends get back to their hotel safely instead of leaving with some random stranger.”
Her jaw dropped incredulously. “I can’t believe that just came out of your mouth. You’re such a fucking hypocrite.”
Hypocrite? Was that what she really thought when he was trying to be a good guy and do the right thing? Gods, he’d never seen her so combative, so angry at him. Sure, they’d had squabbles over their centuries of friendship, but it was as though her current animosity was an accumulation of weeks, or months, of harboring resentments of some kind.
Before he could demand she explain the hypocrite comment, the elevator arrived on their floor. As soon as the doors slid open, she marched out into the corridor all huffy-puffy and turned toward her suite. He grabbed her upper arm before she could walk too far away, and just like back at the bar, she managed to yank out of his grasp.
She spun around to say something most likely rude and scathing, her hair flying around her shoulders, and he took advantage and did the only thing he could think of to keep ahold of her so she couldn’t escape him or the discussion they were going to have. Whether she liked it or not.
Impulsively, his hand shot out and he grabbed the front of her leather pants. He seized the waistband in his fist and jerked her toward him so abruptly that she stumbled on her heels and inhaled a quick breath. Her hands landed on his chest, which allowed her to regain her balance, but she was quick to try and push away from him. She only managed about a foot of space because his grip was strong and unrelenting, and he didn’t intend to let her go.
“What the hell, Az?” she said, her shock as profound as his own.
As he stared into her wide eyes that were a bit too bright with what he would have sworn was desire, he wasn’t sure if her surprise was a result of him asserting a bit of physical control over her, or the fact that he’d tucked four long fingers between the fly of her pants and her lower stomach. Fuck, his knuckles were grazing the softest, silkiest flesh he’d ever had the pleasure of touching.
He gritted his teeth. Cauldron, he literally had his hand down her pants.
Asshole that he was, he wanted to push his fingers a little lower, wanted to slide them between her thighs and discover how hot and wet and aroused she was. And deeper, how tight and slick she would feel around his cock as he buried himself to the hilt.
He swore beneath his breath and shook his head, hard, doing his best to dislodge the indecent images in his mind, because this was not the time or place. Ignoring the erection thickening against the front of his pants took equal effort, and he forced his mind back to the issue at hand.
“We’re not done with this conversation,” he said as he started toward his room while pulling her behind him by the waistband of her pants, being just aggressive enough that she couldn’t stop him and was forced to follow. “You’ve had a bug up your butt the past few months, and you’re not leaving my room until you tell me what the fuck is going on and why you’re acting so irrationally, and why lately you always seem to be pissed off or annoyed with me.”
Reaching his room, he pulled his key out of his pocket with his free hand and unlocked the door. The lock disengaged, and he opened the door and hauled her inside the suite. As soon as they cleared the entry area and were in the small living room, he finally released her.
She quickly put distance between them, then whirled around to face him. There was one lamp turned on next to the couch, and the drapes had been pulled open across the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the shadows of Hewn city at night. The room was slightly shadowed, and while he would have preferred more light, it wasn’t a priority at the moment. She was, and he refused to be the first one to look away from their current stare-off and give her any kind of advantage.
Her chin lifted a fraction, her expression fierce and angry all over again. With her leather pants, purple-tipped hair, and sleeve of tattoos, she looked like the tough chick she liked the outside world to believe she was. But despite her being a spitfire right now, he reminded himself that beneath that stubborn, defiant exterior, she was the sweetest, most vulnerable girl he knew. She’d survived a hellish childhood, had endured the kind of pain that went soul-deep and would leave most people as twisted and fucked up as he was.
But not his Y/n. She’d always been his anchor, the one person who kept him balanced and grounded when his life felt as though it was spinning out of control. She’d saved his ass more times than he could count. Maybe it was his turn to return the favor, to try and be patient and understanding—two things that he admitted had never come easily for him.
Except judging by the tight pursing of Y/n’s lips and the irritation and restless energy nearly vibrating off of her, she didn’t seem to want his empathy. No, she looked like she was ready for an uncivilized altercation with him.
If that’s how she wanted to play this out, he’d give her the verbal brawl she was anticipating. He knew how to poke and prod and push her buttons. She wasn’t leaving this room until that fucking chip was off her shoulder and they cleared the air between them.
Since she didn’t seemed inclined to speak first, he did. “What did you mean when you called me a hypocrite?” he asked, wanting to know what he’d done to deserve that less-than-complimentary label.
“A fucking hypocrite,” she corrected him. “Because that’s what you are. You’re so concerned about me leaving with a random stranger—”
“Because you’d been drinking,” he cut her off, though he knew that excuse was only the partial truth. Watching her dance up on the bar, so lithe and hot and sexy—something she’d never done before—while other men lusted after her, had been the other very strong motivating factor for his rash actions.
“For the record, I am not drunk. Not even close,” she said as she folded her arms over her chest—tempting his gaze to stray once again to those plump breasts straining against the front of her corset top.
Damn, he wanted to pluck that tie and set those gorgeous tits free so he could mold them in his hands and take them in his mouth.
“I had two shots over the course of two hours,” she went on, oblivious to his wandering thoughts and gaze. “So if I decide to get up on top of a bar and dance and shake my ass, that’s my choice, not yours. And if I decide to leave with some hot random guy I want to fuck my brains out—which I was considering since I had so many eager males to choose from,” she said in a tone designed to provoke him, “again, I’m a adult and that’s my decision to make.”
Oh, yeah, she was all fired up, and he was still trying to get past the disconcerting image of her leaving with a guy she wanted to fuck her brains out.
His gut churned with something very green, like envy, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit. “I just don’t want you to do something you’ll regret later.” Gods, when had he become such a liar? And when had her sex life, and who she chose to sleep with, become his concern? It had never bothered him before, but perhaps that was because he was so caught up in his own he hadn’t noticed.
“Oh, my Gods,” she said incredulously. “Aren’t you the one who told me right before we left that I’m too uptight and I don’t know how to have a good time? And didn’t you bring up the fact that it’s been a long while since I’ve been laid and I ought to take advantage of being here and find myself a one-night stand and fuck him through the Kama Sutra?” she exaggerated.
He bristled in frustration and irritation, because somehow she’d turned all this around and was now intentionally pushing his buttons. “I never said that,” he replied heatedly as he moved toward her.
“Whatever. Close enough,” she said, waving a careless hand in the air. “And I don’t know why you’re so worried about who I might or might not screw when you were well on your way to hooking up with the first woman you came across!”
As he neared, he saw two distinct emotions pass over her features—hurt, which was quickly followed by . . . jealousy? How could that be possible?
Certain he’d misread her fleeting expression, he pinned her with an unyielding look and got a few things off his chest, as well. “I don’t know why you’ve been so irritable lately, or what your problem is, but I’m getting damn tired of trying to figure out your mood swings.”
She sucked in an indignant breath. “Want to know what my problem is?” she said on a sudden eruption of outrage. “You’re my problem, Azriel.”
She turned to leave, but he was faster. He grabbed her arm, and before she could shake him off this time, he pushed her up against the nearby wall. He flattened his hands on either side of her shoulders to cage her in, and pressed his hips hard against hers to keep her in place until he decided they were done talking.
“You don’t get to say something like that and just leave without an explanation,” he said in a low, harsh voice, shadows swirling and wings flared.
Her glittering eyes flashed with a quiet but meaningful message for him to go to hell. Lips pressed tight together, she gave him the silent treatment—something she knew he hated.
He was prepared to wait her out as long as it took. “I have all goddamn night, Y/n.”
Seconds ticked into minutes, her willful and obstinate attitude never wavering, nor did her heated gaze. After a while, she tried to move to the side to escape him, but that maneuver only caused their lower bodies to rub together—the soft mound of her sex against the front of his pants.
He got hard—so fucking huge there was no way to hide his response to her and the position of their bodies. There was no way she could miss his massive erection, and still, he didn’t move, determined to wait her out for the answer she owed him. Except he hadn’t anticipated that the awareness and sexual tension between them would grow so increasingly thick he could barely remember why he’d trapped her there in the first place. To make some kind of point, yes, but all his aggravation gradually dissolved as male instinct and an undeniable bolt of sexual hunger coursed through him.
Forbidden desire and dark lust swirled through his veins like smoke, testing his control and weakening his will to resist this woman and all the dirty, filthy things he’d fantasized about for too long. Everything below his waistband tightened and pulsed as he stared into her eyes and saw her own carnal cravings reflecting back at him. Flecks of gold glittered in her eyes, her scent got heavier, sweeter, and her full, tempting lips softened and parted, as if inviting him to find out just how sweet she was inside.
He licked his own lips, so starved for the taste of her he felt as though he’d fucking die if he didn’t get the chance to experience her flavor. Kissing women, anywhere, wasn’t something he indulged in often, and he honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted to put his mouth on a woman for the sheer pleasure of it.
Sex for him was always quick and uncomplicated, focusing more on his body’s needs and chasing that intoxicating high that rushed through him at the peak of climax. That physical release allowed him to forget the pain and torment that was always lurking just below the surface, just waiting for a moment of weakness to consume and ravage him.
As a result, his sexual urges were dark and dominant and aggressive. He liked control, and he’d only hooked up with females who wanted the same thing and gave it up willingly, without any expectations. Easy females who made it simple to fuck them and walk away without any emotional involvement.
But right now, in this moment with Y/n, he wasn’t looking to forget or escape anything. No, he wanted to document every single trembling breath she took, wanted to memorize the flush on her face and the way her pupils dilated with lust the longer they stood in this position, with his cock aching to be inside her. He wanted to remember how small and perfect her soft curves felt pressed against his straining dick, how her increasingly erratic breathing caused her breasts to lift and quiver as the undeniable anticipation between them escalated, second by second. He wanted to bury his face against her neck, inhale her heady female scent, and lose himself in her sweet, luscious body.
Except there was nothing sweet about the way he took females. He didn’t know how to do slow or gentle or romantic, though for her he would try. When he fucked, he was rough and hard and demanding. Y/n was the one good thing in his life, and he never wanted to taint her with his perverse need to use sex to ease all those underlying raging emotions from the past that he struggled to keep buried so he didn’t hurt anyone or anything.
Especially Y/n. His angel.
But as their battle of wills continued, despite the gradual softening changes in her body language, a part of him couldn’t deny how much he needed this female, how badly he ached to be a part of her, in a dozen different ways that were so goddamn wrong he was a prick for even contemplating corrupting her.
But then she made a soft, aroused sound of need in the back of her throat, and his control wavered as an answering fever thrummed through his veins and the beat of his heart echoed louder and louder in his ears. The intensity between them became a tangible thing, until she turned her head away, finally breaking eye contact with him.
And he hated it. Hated that she was trying to shut him out and ignore this fire smoldering between them. He moved one of his hands, his fingers touching the side of her face while his thumb skimmed along her lush, damp bottom lip.
“Look at me, Y/n,” he demanded softly. This was no longer about their argument or extracting an explanation. No, this was something altogether different, and he was fucking helpless to resist the temptation beckoning to him.
Much to his surprise, she exhaled a shuddering breath that made her breasts tremble and obeyed his command. When her soft gaze met his once again, he knew he was done for. Gone. Lost. Those beautiful eyes, they saw into the deepest, darkest part of his soul. They always had, and in this moment, he felt so open, exposed, and vulnerable.
She swallowed hard, the hands at her sides coming up to his chest, where she lightly gripped his shirt in her fists. Conflicting emotions flashed in her eyes, and he knew she was struggling to deny what they both clearly wanted. What they both needed.
“Azriel.…” Her voice sounded strangled and uncertain.
He didn’t want to hear any excuses. Didn’t want to give either of them a chance to stop what was about to happen. Without thinking of consequences, he pushed her chin up with his thumb and lowered his mouth to hers, finally taking what he’d wanted for the past 200 years.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Feedback is always appreciated, and if you want to be added to my taglist, just ask in the comments! I’m probably going to do a part three, what do we think? Nyx 🌹
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
THE ACCIDENTAL POLAROID- 21- FINALE::: it's like a polaroid love ( written::: 0.5K )
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'Where are you taking me, Chae?!' You screamed blindfolded as you felt your three friends around you, leading you out of Hueningkai's broken car.
'Ssh! It's a surprise', she replied, taking your hand and pulling you into a room. 'I swear to God if you're kidna-' your voice died down as Sunoo removed the blindfold and you were met with the somewhat familiar surroundings of... Hungry Jungle diner.
You stood there, frozen in your spot and feeling tensed because you knew who'd be there. The guy you'd met (? sort of ) in this place. The exact one standing on the small stage staring into your eyes.
The silence was broken by Chaewon gently tugging at your hand and leading you to an empty table. You quickly looked away from him, embarrassed. Who thought it'll be a good idea to bring you here? You could almost kill your friends if only you didn't love them so much.
Heeseung cleared his throat, catching your attention, 'The last song for today is my uh own song and it's written for a special someone. I hope yall enjoy it.'
A soft melody filled the place as he started singing but his eyes were on you.
Why am I relying on to love?
It's obvious feeling anyway
I believed I would know everything
I guess it as trap that I fell for even I knew it
You couldn't help but blush at his voice and the sweet lyrics. Maybe giving the letter wasn't that bad of an idea. Even if the room was filled with people, for you, the chatter died down almost like you and Heeseung were the only ones.
It's like a polaroid love
It's not going my way
I don't even have any trendy filter
But I love that vibe
He finished it, a small hopeful smile on his face. Heeseung muttered a small thank you and bowed before leaving the stage.
Alarmed, you quickly got up, following him as he walked towards through the back door. 'Yah Lee Heeseung!'
He stopped in his tracks. This wasn't part of the plan. He had planned to properly confess to you after the night ended, not like this. 'You can't just walk away after singing that song and making me go crazy.'
He turned around to face you but before he could say anything, you ran up to him, pulling him into a kiss. His eyes widened but he slowly melted into it, pulling you closer by the waist.
You didn't even know what had gotten into you but there you were kissing him out of the blue, a thousand butterflies going wild in your stomach.
'I'm sorr-' '- sorry.' You both burst out into laughter, faces still close to each other. Heeseung caressed your cheek. 'Soooo, what do you say, girlfriend, let's get out of here', he suggested.
You playfully shoved him, 'Who said I was your girlfriend, polaroid boy?!'
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Prev | Masterlist
SUMMARY- Lee Heeseung doesn't believe in love at first sight but what happens when he accidentally clicks a polaroid of a girl at the local diner? A girl he can't seem to get out of his mind.
Will he be able to return you the polaroid or will love follow him along the way?
GENRE- smau with written parts, college!au, strangers to lovers, fluff, crack, angst (veryyy slight), slight love triangle
TAGLIST- open! send an ask or comment to be added- @yenqa @xuimhao @ddazed-lhs @astrae4 @ghostiiess @seungminstaehyun @haechansbbg @chaechae-23 @ak-aaa-li @whippedforbeomgyu @ahnneyong @ineedaherosavemeenow @jhopesucker @j-wyoung @tnyhees @liliansun @rikizm @jadeluvsenha
(Bold=cannot tag)
AN- ANDDDD THATS A WRAP!! Omg i cant believe that its finally over my first finished smau😭😭😭 i cannot gurantee a bonus chapter but imma try TT!! Tysm to alll who supported this smau ily ily your comments and feedbacks really made my day <33 this was such a silly idea but it turned out fun i hope yall enjoyed it too🤧🫶! See yall in love theory iggg ;))
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doctorcrowleywho · 2 years
December 8. Christmas Sweaters (Aziraphale x Crowley x gn! reader)
25 Days of Ficmas - Day 8
Christmas Sweaters (Aziraphale x Crowley x gn! reader)
Word count -   1273  
Warnings - None just tons of fluff
Pairing(s) - Aziraphale x Crowley x gn! reader
Summary - The husbands and you get matching Christmas sweaters
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There wasn’t a doubt in your heart that Christmas was going to be interesting this year. Having a demon and an angel as partners made for a very interesting mix. You never knew what to expect, and that’s what made it fun.
Nothing was too much for your partners. You wanted to go to Paris and try some crêpes? Just say when! You saw a cute sweater at the store one evening? The next morning it was on your bed with the sweetest handwritten note. You wanted a puppy- well that one you were still trying to convince them on.
 But, the point was they would do anything for you and you for them. The love that was created in Azirapahles bookstore was unlike anything in the world. It was like Aziraphale’s favorite hot cocoa mug, constantly overflowing and warm.
 They had both seen so much over the last 6,000 years. Not all of it good and not all of it bad. But, what they found at the center of it all was love. Pure utter love. The love a mother had for her child, the love a friend had for another, and the love they had for each other. The love they didn’t think they’d ever find with anyone else, and then they found you.
Crowley and his angel wanted to do something special for you this Christmas season, it was your first one together as an actual couple. Crowley wanted to make sure it was a good one. Which, was really sweet for the demon to do but he would never admit it to anyone’s face. He was willing to discorporate anyone who looked at you or his angel the wrong way.
Surprisingly, he was a huge hopeless romantic. So, when he heard you and Aziraphale talking one day he got a fantastic idea.
 “You know I never had matching Christmas sweaters with someone before.” you thought mindlessly out loud your eyes still on your book.
Aziraphale stuck his head out from around the bookshop his eyebrows furrowed in confusion at your random comment “Oh I mean I’m sure we can figure something out” he gave you a small smile before returning to his daily task of organizing his books. He mainly did this to ward off some recurring customers, just in case they had a book they were coming back for. This way it would be harder to find.
He was an angel but he never said he was good at his angelic job.
A little light bulb went off in Crowley's head and he immediately ran up to your shared bedroom to prepare. “Right Christmas sweaters,” he mumbled to himself as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.  With a simple snap of his fingers, his usual black attire was replaced with a bright itchy Christmas sweater with a large green cartoonish snake stitched onto it. The big boy wrapped all around his chest and its head popped out upon his right shoulder.
The first reaction Crowley had upon seeing his new look was he wanted to take it off, his right eyebrow curled up as if asking his own reflection ‘What the heaven are you doing exactly?’ But, with a quick shake of his head, he turned away from the mirror and got to work on yours and Aziraphale's.
Slowly but surely, he finished your sweaters and a soft proud smile found its way to his lips. He hoped that you two would like your early Christmas presents. There was a certain feeling that swelled up in Crowley’s heart as he looked at the finished product, and he couldn’t wait to give them to you guys.
So, he didn't. He scooped the two sweaters up in his arms and ran down the stairs practically crashing into Aziraphale's study. There he stood in the doorway waiting for you or Aziraphale to notice him, and the cheeky bastard even let out a little cough letting the world know he has arrived.
You were the first to pick your head up from your book, and your mouth practically fell open. There was no way that was your Crowley. The red-headed man standing in front of you with the cutest red Christmas sweater had to be someone else. But, there was no way in heaven or hell that was your Crowley.
 “Oh….my…god…” you finally mustered out as you stood up slowly making your way over to him.
“Eh, let's not bring her into this love.” he blushed almost as red as his sweater as you reached out to feel the material. It was properly scratchy causing you to laugh a little in disbelief.
“Where on EARTH did you get that sweater?” you asked your eyes flicking back up to his which were conveniently hidden by his sunglasses, probably waiting for your complete reaction.
“I made it, do you like it?” he asked doing a spin for you and that’s when Aziraphale walked in. Upon seeing Crowley he dropped the books he was carrying on his desk with a loud thunk.
His sky-blue eyes were wide with utter amusement as he made his way up to you and Crowley. “Oh, I think you look just lovely my dear boy! Look at you getting into the Christmas spirit!” He beamed giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Don’t think I forgot about you two, here! I heard what you were saying earlier darling and I thought it would be wonderful if we all matched!” he explained presenting you and Aziraphale with your sweaters.
Happily, you reached out taking yours as a few tears brimming in your eyes. This was truly one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for you. You still weren’t totally used to all the affection and love these two supernatural entities showed you. It was unworldly, and you would never get over it.
As you tugged it on over your T-Shirt you saw Aziraphales and couldn’t help but laugh. It was perfect for him. An adorable puppy and kitten were stitched being tangled up in Christmas lights in the front, and the cherry on top had to be the pair of angel wings on the back.
Yours was a whole different story, and you didn’t even know where to begin. The whole thing was a beautiful blue which was covered in tiny stitched presents and stockings, and to make it even better ‘You’re the best present’ was knitted on the front. On your back, a pair of devil horns and a halo with one black wing and one white wing sat underneath them.
You and Aziraphale gazed at each other in wonderful shock as Crowley held his breath in anticipation. The whole shop was silent for a few moments until Crowley decided to break it.
“So…..how’d you like them?” he asked shifting his weight between his feet awkwardly. Half of him expected you two to absolutely hate them, while the other half- well the other half didn’t even expect what happened next.
“Crowley I love them!!” You cheered practically tackling him in a hug that he very gladly obliged to. You were practically beaming with happiness, this sweater was something that you were going to cherish for forever and a day.
“Course you do, I knew you would,” he said that same red blush creeping up the back of his neck as Aziraphale decided to join the hug. Suddenly, you were surrounded by warmth and comfort and you knew without a shadow of a doubt that you had found your home.
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silverflqmes · 6 months
- who fell first and how?
- what book sealed the deal on your relationship?
- did you guys join a book club together, if so — what was the book that caught both of your guys’ eye?
- what do the boys think about your guys’ relationship? (kaveh, cyno, & tighnari)
- how did you guys meet and how long did it take for a single date?
- which of you said i love you first and how?
- e2l, which one admits they’re in love first and why?
- he misses the high cloud quintet, how do you comfort him?
- you both fight phantylia together, who falls down first?
- bonus: who went for the body? i think i can answer this one
- how to make a day of fun so sephiroth can be human again
- how would you style his hair for fun
- how to get him to stop being cloudobsessed and you-obsessed instead!!!
at long last i answered your ask bc monkey brain has just been SEPHIROTH SEPHIROTH SEPHIROTH as of late.. ahem. now without further delay, time to get the cogs winding
𓍼 haithellie.
— if i’m going with my e2l idea, he fell first because i was in hella denial.. but i fell harder. i haven’t really come up with much but i’m thinking we would both be in places in our lives where we’re dealing with loneliness?? for me i would have left home to study so i’d kinda be adjusting, while alhaitham has kinda been on his own, having lost his parents from young, and later his grandmother that took care of him after that. so i think we would have found mutual comfort in each other and he would have caught some feelings just from little details. stupid habits i have, shared interests, the bantering since we would have both been in the same darshan..
— i totally missed this question until i went back to read for the next ship but UHHH the wicked king cuz it’s my fav and i’ll never be normal about it
— we joined a book club not knowing that the other would be in there too LMAO it was just supposed to be a pastime kinda thing and it was just coincidence that we both ended up in it together.. but let me think, me being me i like my romantasy books so i dunno it alhaitham would also be into those.. but i could see him reading the folk of air — totally not bc it’s my favorite series, totally not bc we act like jude and cardan, totally not because — yeah, you got me..
— alhaitham wants them nowhere near me ( minus tighnari ) because they would enable me and they would tease him sm.. but i think we would be super chill together, i could see us playing uno or monopoly and just- disaster happening BAH but anyway i think they would be happy about alhaitham finding someone after his losses, and even it kaveh might be petty.. he’s happy for him<3
𓍼 tartellie.
— omg akira-san, i mean uh, tartaglia, yeah.. ahem. let me think.. we would have met at a flower shop, he was buying flowers to bring home to his family since he was likely away from home for a good while. he was just scanning all the different types, not sure which to pick, to which he would approach me, thinking me to be the store clerk ( i was not ). confused, i would break to him that i do not work there.. to which he would get embarrassed LMAO but since we were talking, he would ask on my opinion anyway, to which i’d try my best to offer a few options to my basic knowledge of flower language. i think he would show interest in the way i talk and explain, the hand gestures and expressions i make, but he’d ignore it.. until we stumbled once more upon each other, where he would chat with me.. and then proposes the idea of getting lunch. totally not a date, just lunch..
— he did and probably said so without even saying those three words tbh?? i don’t know how he would say it, but uh maybe smtn like.. “it’s strange.. home, until now was always being with my family back in snezhnaya.. but somehow, you seemed to have brought that feeling to me here and have blossomed it into something a little more than family, something special and precious to me.”
— now for this.. me LMAO if it was e2l it would end up as an unspoken confession i feel?? maybe if he was seriously injured or um, overdid things again because he used foul legacy or his delusion in a fight.. to which i would yell at him in a way that sounded like i really cared for him, and tartaglia would end up saying something along the lines of me sounding like i loved him or something.. to which i would go silent and he would piece it all together. unspoken confession!!
𓍼 yuellie.
— understandable as to why he would miss them, especially cuz he’s the last one remaining and with his memories in tact. it’s kinda heartbreaking honestly, but i understand the kinda fall of a friend group in a way, granted i still talk with mine but very minimally these days. regardless, i would do my best to comfort him, maybe take him out or encourage him to come be around others as well outside of his duties, just to feel yk welcomed as a dude and not just as a general. i think he’d like something like that cuz company helps when you miss those that you were once close with.
— AKWJSJDJSKSJ i fall down first and i make sure to KNEEL ( i did it on purpose ) yuan is probably like ellie???? and i’m like ain’t no way you said you’re going for the body — I’M GOING FOR THE BODY, YOU SIT YOUR ASS BACK THERE. atp he’s like, am i about to have my girl stolen by horrifyingly attractive woman that wants to kill us and is not just twice but several times her size?? he’s just watching in complete shock but like part of him understands.. i mean.. come on.
— I WENT FOR THE BODY AGAIN AND AGAIN ahem, your assumptions are likely correct.
𓍼 sephiellie.
— screams in sephiroth. okay um. let me actually get into this. sooo a day to make sephi have fun and feel more human.. well! after buying flowers from a certain peddler, i would whip out my super slay cool flip phone and urge him to come over after work because i had a surprise for him. said surprise is flowers to braid into his hair and a flower for him to keep at home cuz sephiroth having a green thumb sounds so adorable. for the rest, it would be just a cute self care day to remind him of his humanity in spite of whatever modifications and experiments were done on him ( FUCK YOU HOJO YOU UGLY ASS PIECE OF SHIT, THERE’S A REASON I’M NOT IN FFVII AND THAT’S BC YOUR ASS WOULD BE THROUGH, WHICH MEANS THE STORY DOESN’T END UP HAPPENING SO NO GAME )
— the braid with the flowers in it! high ponytail for sure HE IS SO PRETTY<3 maybe a bun as well after i told him that mine absolutely sucked and that my mom refused to let me out of the house without her doing my hair.. so he would ask to see how bad said bun is — so it ends up messy because i didn’t wanna make it too tight.. his hair is also super long.. but he liked it, probably wondered why i couldn’t leave the house when it looked so nice on him ( sobbing he’s so so sweet ), furthermore i would try the princess leia space buns and perhaps twin tails<3 he also would do my hair and try out different styles too, he’s so gentle<3
okay i believe that was all of them.. this took way longer than i’d expected😭
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
can i kindly request toya, akito and rui with an s/o that is a graphic designer(????) with all the time in their hands, and so they make nearly all of the 2DMV’s that each group have instead of getting an actual job just so that they can stay snug at home?? they never rest tho, so the boys have trick them into getting a good nights sleep, and guess what, it works!! 😋😋
this just came up in my head right now so i dashed over here to request this! i dont mind if you add tsukasa at all either, you can do whatever you want <33
have a great day!
AWW THIS IS CUTE....as someone who does animations and stays up really late to finish them this request is so me fr. but ill do all the guys, i hope you have a great day too!! <3
♡ GRAPHIC DESIGNER - Toya Aoyagi, Akito Shinonome, Rui Kamishiro and Tsukasa Tenma x Reader
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Toya is definitely impressed by your skills, I mean, the MVs always turn out amazing-
He thinks it's kind of funny whenever he comes home and you're just snug under some blankets, working away on an animation
Of course, he's concerned about your wellbeing, sending you messages every other hour to make sure you're taking care of yourself
He's even more concerned by your apparent lack of care towards resting. You need to rest, seriously...
"...Hey babe." "Hm?" "I'll read you that one story you like if you take a nap." Cue you flopping into your blankets-
He refuses to let you work on anything until you rest. He does end up reading to you though, and kisses your forehead once you're asleep <3
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Akito is definitely amazed by your skills! He just finds it funny that he's surrounded by two stubborn artists-
He knows you prefer to be snug at home, but he at the very least wants you to go outside and do something
This leads to him taking you out to Vivid Street often. It helps to hear the music live, because then you get to have more ideas for animations!
Speaking of animations, he respects your passion, he always has! But, he knows you've crossed a line when he catches you sleeping on your drawing device-
"Okay, that's it." "What do you mean?-" "I'm not taking you to see our practices until you get some damn rest."
Whether or not you comply at first, he will quite literally hold you down so that you take a nap. At the very least, you get to sleep in his arms!
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Rui LOVES watching you make the MVs, and gives you pointers and suggestions every now and then
Also finds it amusing how much you prefer to be snug at home, he knows that he can be the same way when it comes to robotics
Speaking of robotics, he likes to bring his kits whenever he hangs out with you, and you two just sit there, lost in your own worlds
He's all too aware of how easy it is to lose yourself in what you're making and skip out on sleep, so he acts as a personal reminder for you
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"If you promise me you'll go to bed, I'll let you help me plan our next show!" "Didn't you tell Emu something like that already?" "True, but you get the special priority!"
You do have to put up with his crazy ideas, but it'd definitely be worth it to see the combination of your ideas on stage!
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Tsukasa appreciates art quite a bit, and is blown away by everything you make!
He respects your wants to be snug at home, however he does not stand for his favorite costar not going out and enjoying the day!
He'll take you out to everyday places, and although he manages to make a ruckus every single time, he also points out various designs and things he believes you can incorporate in your MVs!
He's used to making sure the people he cares about are in tip top shape, so he also does something about your refusal to rest
"Desperate times call for desperate measure, my dear costar!" "Huh-" He then proceeds to snatch up your drawing device-
He saves your project and then flops down on top of you, refusing to move until you sleep. He probably would have cuddled you until you fell asleep anyway, so it's inevitable-
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dilucofdawn · 5 months
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❝ Lily of Mondstadt, Interested in idle chit-chat!❞
Lily is a girl who mysteriously showed up at the Dawn Winery, within a few days she became Diluc's 'partner' said to assist Diluc in anything and is rarely seen without him. Said to be Diluc's 'partner' in everything, if you ask about romance she responds flusturedly  and tells you that they are not in a relationship.  Said to be Albedo's, Klee's and Alices cousin, but this information seems to go no where without any proof. Working under the Dawn Winery and said to specialize in non alcoholic drinks and business ideas.
Lily and Diluc are on the same wavelength. Their thoughts are almost the same. If Lily needs  break from all the work they both do, or individually, Diluc will take a break. Sometimes Lily has to convince him, or he feels like he is sneaking away like a mischievous young boy to take a break and spend time with her. At the beginning Lily had to beg Diluc to take breaks. As they got closer, Diluc takes breaks whenever she does. Just being around her is relaxing to him, the feeling is mutual.  This connection doesn't just extend to breaks, often times they have the same ideas. Is this Lily predicting what he is thinking or simply them being close and alike?  Their often never seen without the other especially at the beginning, but as they grew close, Lily's duties increased and they learned how to spend time without one another. Always on each other's mine and hurrying back to do their shared activities. They do what their good at individually while the other is on their mind. Always hurrying back to do their shared work, take a break, or go on their secret missions. 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lily is literally just me, but somewhat modified by lore etc. So her backstory is just mine. You wanna learn hers? Get ready for my trauma dumping. 
Reading and consuming media is what Lily does. Lily, enthralled by Umineko, read it and understood Beatrice's pain. The Golden Witch [Beatrice] saw Lily’s love for her [in our world] and decided to isekai a part of her to a story she loved. Lily loves many stories but the one currently on her mind is..sigh, genshin impact. Which is further referred to as simply just ‘the story’ for lore purposes.  Lily still exists in her original world. Think of the Isekaied Lily as a piece of hair that fell off, metaphors. 
Beatrice either found or remade Teyvat [it doesn’t matter either way, I’m sure I change it based on my mood] for Lily to live in, without the traveler [if we are talking about the au where traveler exists, then well modify it, not a big deal]  She told Lily that this was a gift to her, and that [a part of her] can live happily in Teyvat. Beatrice ‘spawned’ her in the Dawn Winery. Giving Lily the chance to met the person she loved the most. Later Lily is given the information that her existence in Teyvat is a gift via a dream, this is how she and Beatrice communicate, which isn’t often.  Beatrice freed her of pains [Lily canonically doesn’t feel pain unless its important, example being if a cat scratches her she feels, but she doesn’t feel back pain from moving around etc] and also.. She is 5’6 compared to my 5’4 because, why not.
Beatrices Magic to Lily [Changes/Adjustments]:
-Lily no longer has migraines. She is not effected by light or sounds in a way that causes her head pain. She can not get head aches. The most she can have is slight head spinning at confusion. She still can experience a hangover but most times Beatrice elimates the painful effects of a hangover.  [I do not enjoy writing about my own chronic pains]
-Lily can't have pain outside of battle/fighting. She doesn't experience pain or has an extremely high tolerance now. Think of it almost like having a permanent 50% off pain coupon.  
If you were in pain from swinging around a sword all day, Lily doesn't experience that due to Beatrices magic. This being said she can still over work herself and feel exhausted, but not be in pain or experience muscle pains. 
-Lily's eyes are purple
- She had an extra 2 inches [of height]
Age: Fluctuates depending on WHEN IN THE STORY but she is 20 at the beginning of the story, later on I may have her turn 21, but since Teyvat/Genshin doesn't age because well.. It's an anime gacha game, Lily may not actually age herself / be a version of 20-21 Me
Intro 1/2
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