#I forget to reblog this here
16th-of-a-twigg · 2 months
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🔥Flameo my good Hotman☀️
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gladumf · 11 months
Fanfic Writers!
ive been thinking about this for a while and I wanna see what people are more inclined to
also, put your fandom in the tags if you want, it would be interesting to see if that affects the answer!
please reblog for bigger sample size!
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By the way, lurkers are welcome on my blog<33
Yeah, yeah, Writeblr is a community and all that. But I get it.
Some of us have anxiety disorders. Some of us are (or were once) minors on the internet who had it drilled into us to never make our presence known in online spaces lest we get stalked or groomed.
It's okay if interacting is outside of your comfort zone.
Some of us aren't actually on tumblr enough to make making a Writeblr intro worth it.
Some of us prefer to take a few months, maybe years, observing the community to learn the rules. And let's face it, there is a huge learning curve to Tumblr culture. I came here from Pinterest in like 2018 and hooo boy was it intimidating!
Like, I was that 17 year old pinterest lurker with an anxiety disorder who was taught that internet safety meant "never comment on anything" who took a few years before I felt comfortable enough with tumblr culture to reblog things with tags, let alone make public posts.
So I guess what I am saying is, I can't judge. Because I've been there.
Writeblr is a community. And the community (for me) is the best part. And remember that if you don't contribute to the community you don't get to complain about it either. But this is also a public space. Silent observers are to be expected. And on my blog you are welcome.
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sleep-deprived-luka · 18 days
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Gog au niigo for tonights doodle
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mistfallengw2 · 2 days
Hey, a sylvari ask game!🌱
1. Are they a Dreamer or Soundless? What's their relationship with the Pale Mother and Ventari's teachings? If the first, have they ever thought about leaving the Dream behind? If the latter, why did they make that choice?
2. How much do they remember from the Dream? Did they have any particular experience in it before awakening?
3. Do they have a Wyld Hunt? Did they complete it?
4. How was their awakening? Did something particular happen? What's their first memory?
5. Are they from the first batch of Secondborn or did they awaken at some later point? What's their opinion on the Firstborn?
6. What did they do after leaving the Grove? Did they feel a particular call or did they just roam and explore Tyria? Would they still feel at home if they went back?
7. What was their first experience with other races? How did it impact them?
8. Do they fit well into sylvari society or are they more at home with other races? How do they feel about fellow sylvari? Do they have any particular sympathy or antipathy for other races?
9. Do they have a job/occupation? Why did they pick that? Did they ever change it? Are they happy with it or are they aiming for something else?
10. What are their hobbies and pastimes? Do they have any natural talent or particularly strong interest? Was it something they knew from the Dream or did they develop it once awakened?
11. Have they ever changed their own appearance? Was it intentional or due to external factors? Did it affect their glow as well? How long did it take? Would they ever change back?
12. What do they usually wear? Do they prefer regular clothes or growing "clothes" out of their bodies?
13. How do they feel about death? Does it make them curious or scared? Do they wish to understand it or do they simply accept it?
14. What do they think of the Nightmare Court? Would they ever join it? What would make them do so? / What made them join them? Would they ever leave it?
15. What are their feelings on their race being minions of the Jungle Dragon? What's their attitude towards those who turned? How do they feel about the shift in perception of their people from other races?
16. Where were they when the call of Mordremoth struck? Did they hear and follow it, or did they resist it?
17. If they were to turn into Mordrem, what would they look like? Would they manage to turn back? / When they turned into Mordrem, how did their appearance change? Did they manage to fully turn back?
18. [Free space for 3 pieces of trivia about your sylvari!]
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kryptickrow · 3 months
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guys i figured out why her bow looked weird, i forgot to give her joy and whimsy!
(the original bigass bow image for reference)
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flyingcatstiel · 9 months
I’m currently reading superbat fics (sorry, destiel, stony and dinluke, I’ll get back to you some day) and I’m having great time with commenting and authors replying to me. It’s a whole new fandom experience when I can read fics just for personal enjoyment, without planning fic rec lists. So much easier to comment, wtf. Anyways, I’m following 4 superbat identity p*rn fics right now, and it’s glorious. What a feast. My favorite trope, so many interesting ways to explore it. Happy holidays to all superbat writers but especially those 4 WIP writers🎄
ETA - here be some recs
@pinkb00bsocks asked about those 4 WIPs. Here they are! The usual disclaimer - there are plenty of excellent superbat WIPs going on right now, but I've limited spoons and these are the ones I currently enjoy.
The World and All Its Hedgehogs by Ginevra_Benci [M. 8,007 word count, WIP, 4/?] To investigate illegal arms sale taking place at a tropical resort hotel, Batman goes under cover as a vacuous billionaire Brucie Wayne and Superman takes a part time job as a porter. They didn't coordinate this, they don't know each others civilian identities. Every time they talk there are at least 3 different conversations going on and it is glorious. Also, so much lust. ;)
(Also, check out Interviewing & Counceling series by the same author. Clark is having a superhero identity crisis and Bruce is there to catch Clark gently as he spirals down. It has one of the softest identity reveals in superbat fics. ETA - the series is now complete, it has 5 parts and 18k word count. Awesome ending to the softest identity reveal story)
Watching Our Stars Align by ClarkeStetler [M, 28,840 word count, WIP, 7/14] There's a dating/chatting app only for superheroes and all identities are secret. What could go wrong? Bruce and Clark get matched under their new pseuds, and same happens to Tim Drake and Conner Kent. Now fathers and sons gotta navigate complicated relationships that come with secret identities and judging your coworkers hastily while talking heart to heart to anonymous superhero. The identity porn part happens through DM, which just happens to be another favorite trope of mine. [The story is going strong, it has 10/14 chapters now and a wonderful tangle of 3 secret identities!]
(Love) Triangles Have Multiple Centers by frozenpotions [T, 27,281 word count, WIP, 4/10] This fic wastes no time getting playboy billionaire Brucie Wayne and pining-after-his-coworker journalist Clark Kent together. After that, first time uneasy partners Batman and Superman gotta solve a case and their civilian selves gotta deal with the realities of their one night stand. Complicated doesn't even cover it! [The fic is being updated and Clark and Bruce are being put through new trials, 6/10 chapters]
A Favor for a Friend by RedFive [Explicit, 18,286 word count, WIP, 4/7] Omega verse fic with alpha playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne and omega journalist Clark Kent. I'm fascinated by dominant, flirtatious, sexually ravenous alpha Brucie Wayne who moonlights as a stoic, covered in scent blockers thus unclear second gender, Batman. Meanwhile omega Clark, due to being Kryptonian, is much less ruled by his second gender. That is, until he meets Mr. Wayne. This fic has so much lust and tension between the two. Does accidental heat triggering counts as a soulmate mark? I'm gonna count it like that. [The fic has entered the finish line, only a chapter or two are left to finish this wild, explosive, life changing story of two people who were meant for each other. 8/? chapters, 44k word count] The fic is now complete!!! 9 chapters, 56,153 word count. (Also, there's this new TV show about two gay dudes, and istg, they look like Bruce and Clark from this fic. I'm not naming it here because I don't want to highjack the show tag with superbat post, but go and check the tag on tumblr)
And a special shout out to two identity shenanigan WIPs that are not actively updating but are absolute must reads.
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat [M, 62,737 word count, WIP, 12/13] OK, so, for me personally, this is the ultimate identity p*rn fic across all fandoms I've read so far. This fic has one of the highest amount of secret identity pairs in superbat fics. There's the usual pining silently Batman/Superman, then there's Clark dating Bruce, Superman saving Bruce Wayne from peril, Clark Kent chatting with Batman. And the cherry on top is Clark writing Bruceman fanfic which is basically a RPF of his two friends, Batman and Bruce Wayne. Which leads to an internet friendship with a fellow fan, who is, you guessed, Bruce. This fic has great reflections on fandom and shipping culture. But the very beating heart of this fic is about how easy it is to lose something you wished to have but were afraid to ask for. The fic, at 12/13, is technically a WIP, but the main reveal is already done, and it is glorious. ETA - THIS IS NOT A DRILL, the fic is finished and the last chapter is a super meta cherry on a top of delicious, layered superhero identity and fandom shenanigans parfait. 13 chapters, 76,7k word count.
10 Things Every Brucie Fan Needs in Their Life by pomeloquat [T, 8,956 word count, WIP, 5/10] The main premise of this fic is hilarious and yet so, so right. Bruce Wayne is promoting himself as a nation's boyfriend instead of a playboy, and is making bank out of his wholesome, PG rated merchandise. The chapters of this fic tell continuous story but they also can be read as separate vignettes, so there's really no cliffhanger. This fic is so soft and fluffy, it will heal your soul. Also, Superman has celebrity crush on Bruce Wayne. Batman is amused.
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philosophiums · 1 day
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If the sky falls down right now, you're the one that I'll worship...
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nat-of-personifs · 11 months
A Comprehensive List of Every Personif Thing I’ve Seen, Ever
-A lot of old books, like Common Sense by Thomas Paine, refer to OTJs with she/her. I love them dearly.
-Just google national personifications.
-Welcome to the Table. US Statespirits.
-Meanwhile in Australia. Australian Statespirits.
-Scandinavia and the World.
-Paris Burning and associated universe. Cityspirits. I was majorly influenced by this.
-The Great Cities series by N.K. Jemisin, favorite books of all fucking time. The avatar terminology and style of personification fighting basically made it into my canon wholesale. Cityspirits and boroughspirits.
-Living Maps: An Atlas of Cities Personified. Haven’t got it yet but I really want it.
-The Bible, apparently. Cityspirits.
-@mur-art’s addition: Big Wayward Girl. Statespirits. California.
-This old-ass poem has Paris talking. There were a bunch like it, but I couldn’t find translations. I owe my life to JSTOR, and my fountain pens.
-Centricide. Political personifs.
-Socialstuck, Fandomstuck, and Socialstuck Cloutchase.
-Purge the Poison by MARINA. Mother Nature dissing humanity for climate change in two minutes.
-I Am California by John Craigie.
-@mur-art’s addition: some Statehumans comics.
-@mur-art’s personif playlist
-@mur-art’s addition: Florida’s state song (I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS THING ALREADY OMG)
-@bread--quest’s addition: Sedona by Houndsmouth
-@milokissa707’s addition: Canadian provinces as roommates
-There are a bunch of things on quora; just search something related.
-Nico’s Proposal describes the Administrator like the personif of the Foundation.
-Fall Witness, Part 2. Autumn Court Fae create an artificial personif of the O4 Council. Vanguard tale <3
-SCP-1761. This thing got me into the SCP Wiki in the first place.
-SCP-5513. I do not have words.
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fadeouttowhispers · 3 months
Fandom: The West Wing Relationship(s): CJ/Danny Word Count: 10,267 words Rating: Hard M/Not quite E Genre/Tags: Only One Bed, Alternate Universe, Porn With Feelings, One-Night Stands, Angst and Fluff and Smut Summary: That surprise quickly fades into another feeling altogether: C.J. doesn’t want Danny Concannon to save her. She doesn’t want him to act like they are anything resembling a couple. It’s bad enough he’s conveniently at the same place at the same time. Bad enough that, to any casual observer, he looks like her partner after a divide and conquer approach to this situation. An alternate version of just wrong enough to make it feel right. Originally Posted: 21 June 2024
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fuji09 · 1 month
Does anyone else ever like or reblog a long post to read for later and then never read it? No? Just me? Ok
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skyshipper · 2 years
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murder camel shouldnt be helping guess the build camel decorating the christmas tree
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Alright i know its september but who doesnt want murder camel helping another camel
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justarandomart · 2 years
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He is pathetic
this was an ask by @fandoms-incorrect-quotes
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joyfullyacat · 2 years
Sneaking Affections (Under Moonlight)
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ask and you shall receive @celinolesunshine (im sorry if i shoulda asked before the @-) sequel to this part here
CW: more kisses this time for moon, very fluffy wheredidweleaveoff...sorryitmaynotbeverylong- -
His silvery voice is clear in your startled silence, “My turn…” 
The left hand that was used to turn off the lights returns to it's rightful position which is somewhere on you and currently? It cups your face with the right hand that had not left its spot on the respective side, framing your face and easily drawing you in to him for another kiss.
While your kiss with Sun was eager at best and clumsy at worst, this one is far more delicate, careful. Mindful of your apparent softness as his thumbs absently press into the apples of your cheeks and gently drag downwards.
It doesn't last long, maybe half the time of the one you shared with Sun and there's a sneaking suspicion you hold that Moon took partial control into getting this ending...
But he was never going to tell you evidently as he pulls away with an appeased glint in his lidded ruby red eyes that speaks volumes of what he wont.
"So... Starbright." He begins in a purr, hovering his faceplate just over your face and you swear that typically unmoving smile becomes sharper as he continues.
"What was that on our face, hm?" Moon asks with an coy tilt of their head to the right.
Of course he'd be able to see through your ploy and you only have to think about it for two seconds at best before...
You plant a playful kiss on his cheek, giggling at the the way his eyes shoot open wide like he's been shocked.
"It was me, I was on your face."
"...So you were... And we were on yours." He notes after a moment, leaning down before pressing his mouth to the crown of your head and nuzzling the spot some in an apparent kiss.
He still hasn't let go of your face and is still idly petting it. "But you're not getting out of cleaning the rest of this daycare."
"Wh- Moon!"
Your pleads fall on deaf ears as he chuckles, "The fun is over."
Just like that, the lights were back on leaving a frazzled Sun in Moon's absence and a bewildered you as your eyes adjust to the sudden brightness.
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meru90 · 1 year
the things going on twitter are crazy but i wanna ask just in case would yall be ok with me posting nsfw? it would be censored or marked idk how it works and not to crazy
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