#i felt like making a little something for cindy
skyshipper · 2 years
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sp0o0kylights · 7 months
"Valentines Day is a capitalistic scam made to sell chocolate and flowers!" Eddie Munson bellowed, leaping to the top of a cafeteria table not even ten minutes into lunch. 
"Do you think he was born like this, or just dropped on his head as a baby?" Heather asked, rolling her eyes as the super senior began waving his arms around, getting way too into  his annual “anti-valentines day” rant. 
Steve, who'd tuned out the dramatics in favor of trying to figure out how he could ditch school, only heard her because she’d begun running her foot up his leg.
Directly in front of Patrick.
As if half the school didn’t know he planned on asking her out after school. 
Long over being a part of these kinds of games, Steve kicked out, forcing Heather’s leg off his. 
He did it harder than he intended and immediately winced, as  if he hadn’t meant to do it at all. Aimed a sad little look at her, softening his eyes in the way he knew ladies loved while murmuring a quiet "sorry.” 
A pudding cup was offered as an additional apology--which Heather, thankfully, accepted. 
Crisis averted, Steve used the movement of handing the cup over to get his legs well out of Heather's range. He had other things to think about today, and getting drawn into whatever drama Heather was trying to brew wasn’t on the list. 
Particularly given the basketball team as a unit had started snubbing him out. 
"Newsflash ladies! Your man isn't taking you to some shitty restaurant because he loves you, he's doing it because he hopes you'll give it to him in your car!" Munson continued, voice growing impossibly louder. 
A crude gesture followed, involving hip thrusts and hand jabs.
 Several of the cheerleaders shot him disgusted looks as he did it. 
"Definitely dropped on his head." Carol said, glaring at Munson as his little group of freaks and geeks cheered him. "More than once." 
Steve hummed an agreement, more on automatic than from actually listening. He knew how to look like he was paying attention, even if his head was deep in possible escape plans. 
If he dipped at the last minute to the bathroom on the way to fifth period, Tommy wouldn't have time to stop him and he could make a break for his car…
That just left making up a plausible enough excuse as to why thee Steve Harrington, whose single status was the current hot topic of the school, left school early on Valentines Day. 
("Candy, sex, the overwhelming affection of all the ladies." Tommy drawled out that morning, practically preening. "Valentine's Day is the best holiday man. Just look at all this!"  
He waved a hand at his locker, which was absolutely covered in paper hearts. 
"The rally squad put hearts on the lockers of everyone on the basketball team, Tommy." Carol argued, rolling her eyes. "Steve’s is practically buried in them.”
Tommy opened his mouth to respond, no doubt with something else teasing and rude, but Carol’s elbow caught him in the gut first. 
“If you keep acting like this you're not getting any sex." She warned. 
"Aww baby, don't be like that. You know you're the only one for me." Tommy teased, with a wink that prompted Carol to smack him on the shoulder.
Laughing, he added: "Besides we can't fight or we'll miss our favorite game. Which poor gal thinks this year is the year Steve will take her out on a date!"
Carol allowed Tommy to put an arm over her shoulder, the two of them turning knowing grins on their friend as a singular unit. 
Even if Steve hadn’t felt like their friend in a hot minute. 
Not in the way he used to. 
"I do love watching them stutter through their little confessions.” Carol admitted, like this wasn’t something they’d loved doing since middle school. “I wonder if anyone will ever top Cindy Komer." 
Steve almost wasn't fast enough to cover his wince--that particular incident had been painful for him and Cindy. 
Steve still had no idea what he'd said to make the then-freshman cry. 
He thought he'd been nice about turning her down, but judging by Carol constantly quoting what he'd said, Steve had a feeling he'd accidentally been an asshole again.
Not that anyone ever thought it was accidental. 
“Steve? Hel~lo? Are you listening?” Carol said, snapping to get his attention and God did Steve hate that.
Never realized just how much until Nancy but after she’d pointed out that Carol treated him and Tommy both like her dogs, well. 
It was hard not to notice--and be a bit resentful. 
“God you keep doing this, you’re turning into such a space case.” Carol continued, the edge back in her voice. The same one she’d been using for a while, like Steve was on her last nerve. “Please tell me you’re not still mooning over Nancy fucking Wheeler.” 
“No.” He snapped, only to know instantly that was the wrong move, and try to fix it before Carol blew up. “No--I’ve just already had to fend someone off today. Like first thing--I was barely out of my car.”
There, that should keep Carol and Tommy both off his back for being “angry” and it wasn’t even a lie. He really had been asked out earlier, though the girl had been gracious about his rejection.  
Of course, this kind of instant redirection came with a price--and in this case, it was being absolutely hounded for more information. 
“Oh shit who!? Was it that Buckley girl?” Carol perked up immediately, like a hunting dog scenting prey. “I swear she stares holes in your head, she’s so weird…” )  
"This isn't about romance! It's about showing who has the most cash, gets the most sex! It's a pathetic social ritual you're all falling for!” Munson yelled, jolting Steve back into the present.  “I bet none of you even enjoy it!” 
"Tell that to all the girls Steve’s dated!” One of the younger basketball guys hollered, prompting a wave of laughter from the rest of the cafeteria. “They seem to enjoy it plenty!”
Steve couldn’t see who had said it, and should have felt the normal wave of smug warmth that the team had his back.  
Except his team had already proven they didn’t. 
Were in fact, siding more and more with Hargrove, just as Tommy was. 
They were rapidly approaching a watershed moment. Steve could feel it, the same way he’d always been able to tell when a crowd was about to turn.
He was losing, but was still on top of Hawkins social spaces enough, had caught it early enough, that he could turn everyone’s favor--if he wanted. 
Emphasis on ‘if.’ 
Munson spun to face his table, hair whipping to smack him in the face. The guy had clearly been trying to grow it out, but right now he looked like one of those poodles Carol's mom loved so much. 
So said Carol, anyway. 
"You sure about that?" Munson challenged, a crazed grin breaking across his face. "Rumor has it King Steve lost his groove ever since Wheeler dumped him!" 
Steve grimaced, though he was secretly thankful Munson went with "dumped" instead of "cheated on" (or any of the other vile words Billy had flung around, spreading across the school in the sick, crawling way rumors moved. 
Hargrove had been positively brutal about the whole Jonathan and Nancy thing, and the only reason he wasn't here now to spin this whole situation against Steve was because the guy always vanished at lunch.)
Tommy's face morphed into an affronted snarl, hands slapping down on the table. He turned expectantly to Steve, waiting for "The King" to get up and "handle" Munson.
Like Steve even cared about this dumb high school shit anymore. 
It took him a moment to realize Steve wasn’t planning on doing anything. Was in fact, going to remain perfectly quiet, other than an eyeroll and half-assed middle finger in Munson’s direction. 
Tommy let out a disgusted scoff in his direction and then decided to handle things himself. 
(Like that had ever been a good idea.)
“Shut up, Freak. The only game you have is in the prison showers.” He snapped, half rising from the table. “Isn’t that why you keep your hair long? So all the boys will actually fuck you?!” 
Whistles and yells lit the air, though Steve didn’t miss how the girls at the table looked taken aback at the sheer vitriol in Tommy’s voice. 
Even Carol looked startled, eyes sliding to meet Steve’s as if to confirm she hadn’t just imagined it. 
The three of them had always been good at this kind of mindless high school banter, but this over the top, crude shit? 
It wasn’t Tommy’s style.
It was Hargrove’s.
(That was its own growing issue. 
The way Tommy was gravitating towards Billy. 
How Carol kept expecting Steve to act like he used to. 
That she blamed his “outbursts” on Nancy, snidely mentioning that Steve had better have learned his lesson about “changing his personality for pussy.” 
Even now Steve knew they were only defending him because Munson was the one saying it.) 
“I didn’t realize Harrington still had his attack dog!” 
Munson put a hand against his heart as though injured, staggering dramatically backwards. 
“I thought you were too busy putting your tongue up Hargrove’s ass to bark at people!” 
Tommy immediately fired back, letting loose an uninspired string of curse words and something about Eddie being queer again. Steve didn’t hear the specifics--didn’t care to hear it, even as things started to spiral out of control. 
All he wanted to do was go home. 
Ideally before Billy got back from lunch and decided to make a spectacle himself, because Steve could feel that coming just as he could everything else. 
He was running out of time to come up with an excuse to get out of here without making a production out of it, and Munson wasn’t someone he wanted to piss off today, given he’d half hoped to buy weed off the guy before he ditched.
…Which was looking more and more unlikely given Tommy had just screeched some insult that had put Munson’s sights back on Steve. 
“You sure? Cause Harrington looks like he’s just gonna sit there and take it, just like he takes everything Hargrove and Wheeler and anyone else throws at him.”
He leered, leaning forward as if to see into Steve’s very soul. 
“I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but our beloved King here hasn’t exactly been defending his crown. If anything, he’s abandoned it.” 
The world stopped. 
This was the first time someone actually called him out on the fact that he often let whatever crap Billy spewed go. That Nancy and him had a few awkward encounters publicly, with at least one of them starting a rumor that she’d told Steve to fuck off. 
(She hadn’t of course, but Carol had stopped running damage control, and Steve was feeling the effects of her ire.) 
Silence echoed, and Steve realized with a dawning sort of horror, that Munson was waiting for a response from him. 
Just as the entire cafeteria was. 
The catalyst was here, brought on early by one Edward Munson. 
With a startling amount of clarity, Steve realized he was done. 
With his so called friends, with  the girls who’d tried corning him all morning, with Hargrove and just--everything. 
He was over it. 
If Billy wanted the crown so bad he could fucking have it. 
(If Tommy wanted to pretend he was tougher than he was by mimicking the dick, then he could have that too.) 
“This is stupid.” Steve announced, dropping the masks he so carefully wore. The ones he kept having to fix, because the Upside Down and its related demons (human and non) kept taking chunks out of it. 
He stood, feeling the weight of the room press down on him as he faced them all down. 
“Yeah--!” Tommy started to pile on, seeming to think Steve was about to unleash hell, and got the surprise of a lifetime when Steve turned and jammed a finger in his face.
“Shut up.” He snapped. 
Knew instantly he only got away with it by the fact that he’d caught everyone off guard.  
King Steve did a lot of things, but he rarely blew up. 
“This is stupid.” He reiterated, voice booming across the lunch room, “ You wanna fight? Fine, but leave me out of it.”  
“The King doesn’t want to play? Why I never thought we’d see the day!” Munson clucked his tongue, and without missing a beat Steve turned to him. 
 “For someone who is always screaming about nonconformity, you sure are happy to attack anyone who doesn’t do what you want.”
Steve’s voice was loud, but he wasn’t screaming. Wasn’t yelling or throwing his arms around.
He didn’t need to. Had never needed to. 
“I heard you going off on that guy whose lunch you're standing on yesterday, because he wanted to watch the Colts play.” Steve continued, voice cold. “Half of your friends are terrified of you, because you’ll scream at them just like you accuse us of doing--and let’s be real here, Munson, you do it more.”
In a dramatic move that absolutely, 100% came from Dustin and his theatrics, Steve shrugged his letterman jacket off and bunched it into a ball. 
“You might as well crown yourself King, because you’re the exact same as the rest of us. Here--you can start with this.”  
Cocking back an arm, Steve let the jacket fly. Watched with everyone else as it  landed neatly right at Eddie’s feet. 
Shell shocked, Munson’s eyes drifted from Steve down to the letterman jacket and back. They were massive, those stupid eyes of his, but at least it meant Steve could see the realization wash over the guy in real time. 
Steve should have felt smug about it. His past self would have.
He just felt tired. 
“You’re welcome to jam it up your ass.” He finished, before giving his own sarcastic half bow to the room.  
The cafeteria was dead silent. Not a fork was scraped, or a loud piece of chip chewed. All eyes were on Steve, some waiting to see if Eddie would let him have the last word, others just  shocked to see Steve lose his shit in front of them. 
Idiot he was, he tried to rally anyway. 
Even Tommy, who’d partly stood up, hands pressed against the lunch table looked shocked.
“What the fuck Steve!?” He sputtered, and it wasn’t long before half the basketball team was muttering similar remarks. 
They were ignored. 
Whispers ripped across the room when Steve turned on his heel, striding towards the exit and making it clear things were over, but Tommy didn’t give up. 
“Fuck you Harrington!” He hurled at his back, Carol now standing and placing a restraining hand on his arm.  “You’re not fucking better than any of us!” 
Steve didn’t even look back. 
"That's my point Tommy." Steve said, loud enough to be heard. "No one is better than anyone else. You lot are all just buying into your own bullshit.” 
Then he was slamming through the doors, and out into the sunlight. 
He didn’t want to go home.
Not anymore, which was ironic in a way that made Steve’s face screw up in a grimace.  
Here he’d been dying to go to his stupid house all day, and now, after losing his shit and undoubtedly, the last of his social standing, he just didn’t feel like being by himself.
All alone, in a house too big for him, full of nothing but dark corners and a phone that never rang. 
So instead, he wandered, reminiscing on how Valentine's Day used to be his favorite day of the year. 
Steve loved the gesture of it all--the romance, the wooing. The butterflies floating in one's stomach, mixing with fear of rejection and a burning kind of hope towards starting something new. 
Of course, Steve also had always had a girl in mind, when he celebrated. Now, after Nancy…
He did not.
It felt weird to go to Skull Rock--the place he himself had made into Hawkins hottest makeout spots. Likewise all the local restaurants were off limits--too many adults knew how much he loved the holiday. 
Steve didn’t want to face that. The expectations, the knowing winks that would slide into uncomfortable frowns. Any possible advice given wouldn’t be appreciated, and the last thing Steve wanted was to get the “everyone has an off season, son” speech. 
So he’d stayed away from his usual haunts. Explored some storefronts instead, the Beamer parked in front of Family Video as he wandered. 
Had an entirely too peaceful two hours, which of course, meant he had to bump into someone.
At least, Steve thought dully, whole body tensing in preparation, it was Munson. 
Not Hargrove, or Tommy, or hell--the children, demanding he help them fight some other fucked up creature the government had accidentally summoned. 
“Hey Harrington.” Munson said, and it took a moment for Steve to realize the guy was embarrassed. “I uh, I need to talk to you.” 
Steve just stared at him.
“If you couldn’t tell from earlier,” He warned, “I’m a little done talking for today.” 
Or any day, for the foreseeable future. 
“Yeah no--I, I got that.  I--okay.” Eddie stopped rocking on his heels, before giving his entire body a shake, like the guys sometimes did while prepping for a game. “Hear me out, and then you can deck me or leave or whatever makes you feel better.” 
“I’m not going to deck you.” Steve said, exasperated and frazzled and not wanting to do this whole song and dance a second time. 
Not that it mattered, because Munson had already launched right into whatever it was he needed to say. 
“There’s this book right? My Uncle got it for me. It’s a fantasy book all about this big battle and there’s these wizards in it, and--” He stopped himself, shaking out his hands.
Like he realized he was rambling and needed the movement to get himself back on track. 
“I always--I guess I saw myself as a Gandalf kinda guy? Like I was this shepherd herding these lost sheep. A person who intimately knew all the dark forces of the world and could be a shield for them. Do not pass and all that.” 
He chuckled, but it was weak, and he killed it almost immediately. 
“...Okay?” Steve said, knowing he was supposed to say something here, even if he had no idea what. 
Maybe something about how Gandalf the Grey wasn’t exactly a shepard given he’d led the hobbits straight into Mordor, but saying that meant admitting Steve knew what Lord of the Rings was, which wasn’t a conversation he felt like getting into. 
Particularly not because he’d only read the damn things after losing a bet to Dustin and Mike both. 
Munson nodded, as if acknowledgement was all he needed. 
 “I thought that’s what I was doing. I wasn’t and I didn’t realize I wasn’t until you pointed it out. You shouldn’t have had to point it out. You shouldn’t have had to say any of what you did.” He rushed to add, oddly sincere. 
"Is this…" Steve might be confused but catching on, an uptick at the corners of his mouth as the tiniest spark of amusement leaked through. "an apology? Are you trying to apologize right now?"
Eddie groaned, flinging his head back. "No!” 
Then immediately; 
“Actually yes, but--”  
Which caught Steve off guard enough that he laughed, and had to hide it with a cough. 
“I am sorry, man. I shouldn’t have said that shit about you, especially not about you and Wheeler. It's more than that though.” Munson swallowed, before squaring his shoulders. “It’s that you were right." 
“I was right?” Steve repeated dumbly, because fuck, he couldn’t believe it either. 
Not that Munson heard him. Eddie always had been hard to stop once he started, and Steve had been in enough classes with the guy to know the train had left the station. 
"I did yell at Jeff because he wanted to watch that stupid football game.” He began, and Steve got a front row seat to watch as one Eddie Munson word vomited his way through a myriad of emotions. 
“I fuckin’ lost it on Grant because he missed band practice to drive his sister to some thing. Gareth looked like I was going to hit him when I asked if I had really been that bad--same exact look he gave Hagan and those other assholes that cornered him in the bathroom two weeks ago!” 
“Tommy did what?” 
Steve was promptly ignored. 
(Or more likely, Eddie simply didn’t hear him, too lost in his own voice to realize Steve had said something.) 
There were a lot of mentions of the Gandalf guy. Where Eddie thought he’d gone wrong, and even something about a glowing eye thing that had Steve a little concerned until he realized Munson was talking about Sauron (and also made Steve realize that he’d been pronouncing Sauron in his head wrong, oops.) 
“I called up this friend of mine who graduated. She’s always been no nonsense, so I asked her for her advice.” Munson said, finally seeming to slow down a little. “She told me I might as well eat my own doctrine because I sure wasn’t living by it, and that if I wanted to fix it then I should start by apologizing. To everyone but--to you, first.” 
Eddie took a step back, winging out his hands as if to present himself. 
“So here I am. Apologizing.” 
A pause wherein neither of them did a thing, which caused him to awkwardly add; “To uh, you. Harrington.” 
“Yeah I got that.” Steve said, because what else was he supposed to do here? “Good for you? I guess?”
“Most people either forgive a guy or tell him to fuck off.”  Munson pouted, and mimicked like he was kicking at a rock. 
It made Steve want to laugh again, though he shoved the urge down. 
“Someone once told me,” He said instead, speaking slowly to make damn sure he didn’t let slip this piece of advice came from a middle schooler. “that apologies without actions don’t really mean anything. They’re a start--they let people know you’re aware you screwed up, but no one’s going to trust you if you don’t follow through. So I can forgive you, but I think you’re better off doing this with one of your friends.” 
Someone who would hug it out, or at least tell Eddie how he could be better, at least. 
Rather than argue, Munson just titled his head back, eyes to the sky. Like he was really thinking on the words, before giving a sort of accepting sounding noise.  
“Trying too.” Steve admitted with a sigh. 
“That’s what you’ve been doing, isn’t it?” He asked, head coming back down so he could stare at Steve.
“The thing in the cafeteria was a good start.” 
Eddie grinned. 
“Yeah. Don’t think Hagan’s gonna see it the same way though.” 
“We were falling out anyway.” Steve admitted, and hated how easy it was to say.
That they really were just going through the motions of friendship. Had been, ever since Jonathan had punched Steve in the face. 
“Think you lost more than just him as a friend, to be honest.”  
“Pro tip about the actions thing, Munson?” Steve said with a snort, once again unsure of where this conversation was going, “Nice people don’t typically point out when someone’s turned into a social pariah.” 
“No, I get that. Say,” Eddie’s grin had grown, which Steve would have taken poorly except he invaded Steve’s space with a goofy little hop. “I think you might be in need of some new ones!” 
“New…friends?” Steve hesitated, very unsure of what was happening. 
Munson promptly stuck his hand out. “Yup! So--hello, my name is Eddie Munson, and I am here to apply for the position as your friend!” 
Steve snorted, but the harshness of it was taken away by the grin on his face. 
He took Eddie’s hand, noting how doing so made the older teen’s smile widen. 
“Nice to meet you Eddie, I’m Steve.” 
Excited, Eddie waived their arms up and down, with far more enthusiasm than the gesture required. 
“How about we cement our new friendship by renting a truly terrible horror movie and drowning our woes with my other good friend, Mary Jane?” 
Then he waggled his eyebrows, like that was something scandalous. 
“Tempting me along with weed, huh?” Steve mused back, sticking his hands in his pockets once Eddie let him go. “Guess you’re a little like Gandalf the Gray after all. Just don’t send me on any missions.” 
“Steve Harrington.” Eddie gaped, pure delight spreading across his face. “Have you read Lord of the Rings!?” 
He got a shrug and a sly; “Maybe.” in response. 
It was worth the barrage of questions, even if the rapid fire pace of them nearly gave Steve a headache.
(Just as it was worth it several months later, when Steve was comfortable enough to instigate wrestling matches with Eddie over the dumbest of things. 
One particularly semi-drunk tussle over the remote led to an interesting discovery when Eddie popped a boner, and then frantically tried to escape when it brushed against Steve’s leg. 
 Instead of panicking--or letting Eddie bolt in his panic, Steve just dropped his whole weight down, effectively pinning the slimmer man to the floor. 
Eddie said it so quietly he almost didn’t hear it, the word filled with desperation.
The kind of tone someone whispered a prayer in, a sort of pleading that Eddie did better with his eyes than his voice. Or would have, given his own were firmly scrunched closed the second he realized he’d been caught out. 
“Not right now I’m thinking.”  Steve told him absently. 
Which he was. Speed thinking even, if that was a thing. 
Because if two plus two equaled four (which it did) then feeling the exact same, fluttering excitement about Eddie’s boner as Steve had Nancy’s breasts, equaled…
“The fuck? Steve--”
Steve shushed him. 
That pulled a frustrated, embarrassed groan from Eddie that went directly to Steve’s own dick, not that it needed much help waking up. 
“I think I’m having one of those crisis’s Robin is always accusing the basketball team of having.” Steve informed Eddie dutifully, the dots done connecting.
Eddie, still refusing to open his eyes, snorted. 
“Whatever man. Can you at least be decent and hurry up with the beating? This is embarrassing enough.” 
“I’m not going to beat you up.” Steve said, thankful that his brain managed not to add some shitty comment about the entire town being awash in rumors of Eddie’s sexuality. That he’d confirmed it here wasn’t exactly a surprise. 
“I’m going to try something. If you don’t like it, let me know.” Streve added, before screwing up his courage and leaning down.
That of course, got Eddie to open his eyes.
“Wha--” He managed, before Steve’s lips were on his. 
For one single, blissful moment, Eddie Munson’s mouth was too busy to talk. 
“Yeah?” Eddie said, voice wrecked, and oh, Steve liked that. 
“Huh.” Steve muttered, when they broke for air. “Well that’s new.”
Liked the way Eddie looked at him more, hesitant, but with heat in his gaze. 
Steve had always been good about knowing what to do with heat. 
He leaned back down, pecking lightly at Eddie’s lips, and was delighted to find Eddie not only let him, but kissed back. 
“Not bad, Munson, but I think I could give you a few pointers.” Steve muttered, nose ghosting alongside Eddie’s. “Let me show you…” 
One boyfriend, several weeks, and another interdimensional monster later, Steve found himself socked in the arm by none other than his coworker, Robin Buckley. 
In her defense, she’d confessed her love for Tammy Thompson, still somewhat drugged on the Starcourt bathroom floor, only for Steve to tease her that at least his boyfriend could actually sing. 
“God you and Eddie Munson.” She muttered after, smile on her face. “How did that happen?” 
Steve knocked his shoe into hers, returning the grin unabashedly. 
“So remember last Valentines Day?” Steve started, all too eager to finally tell someone who understood about the best thing to ever happen to him. 
Robin of course, would soon also be ranked in that same chart, but Eddie didn’t need to know that. ) 
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weeknd-ogoc · 9 months
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SUMMARY: in which lando knows it’s not fair to try to change your mind about pursuing your dream! (inspired by jack & jack's song, lotta love)
FACE CLAIM: cindy kimberly
CONTAINS: artist!reader, fluff, breakup & angst!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: don't know how euros work that great lol so bare with me and maybe i could turn this into a part 2??? alright so i’m back in my jack and jack era and i thought this song would make a good imagine :)
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, and 764,432 others
ynusername today's art exhibit was a success, thank you to everyone who was able to come and super thankful for those who bought my paintings! 🪴
view all 4,432 comments
landonorris FIRST!!
username when aren't you maxfewtrell ^^
landonorris you're so beautiful 💚
ynusername thank you my love 🥹
username 💘💘
username i showed up a bit late but she was literally so nice and lando was there swooning over her talking about her paintings!
username omgg i love how he's so supportive of her! username at the beginning i saw lando arguing with max over a painting but y/n told him she'd make him another one and he was pouting for a good fifteen minutes 😭
alexandrasaintmleux i had so much fun so proud of you babe!!
liked by ynusername
username ugh i wished i lived in monaco!
before entering this two year long relationship with you, lando knew your dream was to open up your own painting studio to be able to teach children how to open up their creative side — the first time you guys had met was when lando accidentally bumped into you in front of your old art class that you were temporarily teaching at.
"oh i'm so sorry, my friend here is a bit clumsy sometimes." max apologized as lando helped you pick up your art supplies while giving him a glare.
they had both seen you every morning for the past week and max noticed lando's eyes lingering on you for awhile so he had this grand idea to finally make lando talk to you and this was that grand idea.
"yes i'm very clumsy." lando nodded and went along with it. "your board thing broke too, i can pay for your stuf-"
the three of you looked down at your broken palette and you shook your head picking it up. "you know what lando and..."
max gave you a cheesy smile and a little nod. "oh i'm max."
"well lando and max, you guys could come to my art exhibit tonight to make up for breaking my very expensive palette." you knew that it was just a cheap one that your sweet old boss had given you to work with but they didn't have to know that.
max quickly nodded and agreed for the both of them which earned another glare from his best friend. "we'll be there!"
later that night after going through half of his wardrobe and a few of max's shirts, lando finally chose his black button up shirt and his khaki colored jeans.
"if i was that girl i'd totally slip right out of my clothes for you." max joked. "oh by the way i can't make it, have a date with pietra in an hour."
so on the ride to the exhibit lando found himself going through most of his pickup lines and jokes in his head and when he found a parking spot right in the front his eyes landed on you.
he kept his eyes on you as he walked over to where you were, you had been wearing an orange dress with your hair curled and for a moment he felt speechless and all the things he was going to say just slipped out of his head.
"lando! i'm so glad you made it!" you gave him a quick hug and handed him a last minute portrait that you decided to add. "this thing is about to start so please be a dear and hang my last painting up in that corner there."
while you ran off to talk to an older man he stood up on a little stool and put your portrait up, lando wasn't interested in art but something about your painting was kinda calling to him.
€ 453.52
yeah he was definitely buying it.
when you made your return back to the table you saw him fixing the labels on the bottom of your paintings.
you couldn't lie he looked really good.
as the night went on he was really intrigued by all the art that others made, your boss had pushed you to go hang out with lando while he stayed behind to watch your stand.
"you need a life outside the art world so now go talk to him!"
lando listened as you talked about what you've been doing for the past few years and when it was time to talk about his work, you found yourself amazed by it.
your dad had tried getting you into formula one for years but you just couldn't find yourself interested in it. "over 200 miles per hour? pretty dangerous."
"i actually have a race in two weeks here in monaco, maybe you can come? i could give you passes of coarse." he said with a cheesy smile.
you nodded and let out a laugh. "sure, i would like that."
before you could continue talking your boss called you over and as you walked over there max had called him about a forgotten reservation they had planned a few days before.
"i'll be right back."
he looked over to you and saw there was people interested in buying your work so he wrote a little note to you and left it with your boss.
dearest y/n,
sorry i had to go in such a rush but i had a lot fun tonight.
i can pick up the beautiful painting tomorrow and maybe we can get dinner?
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liked by ynusername, maxfewtrell, and 867,434 others
lando.jpg the true masterpiece
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ynusername ugh i love you!!
lando.jpg i love you more maxfewtrell love you guys the most 🥹
username my favorite couple
username please adopt me!
maxfewtrell it should've been me
ynusername but it's not :)) maxfewtrell 🥱🥱
lillymhe my love (her) with her love (him)
ynusername miss you sm 😭 alex_albon 🤨 im getting real tired of you guys lando.jpg ^ me too
lando recalled being excited to finally make it to the third date because everyone knew what happens after it — it had already been five months of you guys talking but because the both of you always had busy schedules it was very hard to set up this third date.
my boss is leaving to new york on tuesday so i'm available!
if you can make it you can totally stay over my apartment for a few days 🙂
as soon as he read your messages he booked a flight over to monaco since he had a free week off. "you should bring her to another race, i really liked her!" daniel told him as they left the cooling room.
he arrived in monaco just an hour before your shift ended so he made sure to get you some roses and when it was time he made his way over to your job where he saw children saying goodbye to you.
look outside!!
when you were finally able to look at your phone, you looked up and saw lando standing outside giving you an excited wave.
as you waved back at him your boss called you into his office.
i'll be out in a bit
your boss had called you in telling you he was going to sell the studio in a few months and move over to new york. "trust me y/n, i will call you as soon as the place is up and running..." he said as he fixed a few papers up on his desk. "you are my favorite worker and i would love to have you as a temporary teacher again."
"i know i have told you about becoming a full ti-"
"i just don't see you ready for that right now..."
you had told your boss time and time again that you wanted to become a full time teacher but he always had excuses for it and as he used another excuse you looked over to lando who was swatting something in the air with the roses he had in his hand.
"thank you for the opportunity but i think i'm going to take a break from the art world for a good while."
so after getting your stuff together you made your way to lando.
"finally, there was this huge bee attac-" he was so caught up in looking for the bee that was just attacking him a few minutes ago that he almost didn’t feel your lips place a light kiss against his cheek. "oh um..."
you pulled away with a smile on your face and let out a little chuckle at how red lando's face was turning. “c'mon my house isn't that far from here...”
he handed you the roses he had bought you, some of the petals had gone missing due to all the swatting he was doing with them but you still appreciated it.
"they're beautiful lan."
he smiled and nodded, face still red. "not as beautiful as you." he noticed his voice crack due to all his nervousness. "wow that hasn't happened in awhile..."
you intertwined his fingers with yours and began walking in the direction of your house with a smile on your face.
when the both of you arrived you gave him a tour of your apartment and he loved everything about it due to it giving cozy vibes as he said and when you guys finally made it over to your room he saw the vision board that you had hung up on your wall.
"i want to open up a studio in new york one day..." you told him as you took down your board just to show it to him. "i kinda quit since he wanted me to become a temporary teacher over in new york and that's not what i want so maybe later on i'll be able to do it but for now i think i'm just going to take a break."
he slowly nodded — he knew that you guys had been talking for only a few months but he really wanted to help you out with this, maybe even help you open up your own studio one day.
ynusername & landonorris recently added to their stories
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you remembered the first time your parents were going to meet lando and you were freaking out because you had never introduced a guy to your parents.
when your mom found out you were finally seeing someone she got excited because she was starting to think you were never going to give her grandchildren.
when your dad found out you were finally seeing someone he was suspicious of the guy but when you told him it was lando norris his mind completely changed — he had watched formula one for years now and even tried getting you into it when you were younger but you found it boring.
"he's here! please be nice and do not bring out the baby pictures!" you told your parents before opening the door.
"we'll be on our best behavior, promise."
and even though they had promised you, you knew they were still going to embarrass you by the end of the night.
just last week you had met lando's family and they adored you.
lando knew your parents meant the whole world to you so he made sure not to goof around too much and by the end of the night your parents loved him.
"this is the greatest day of my life!" your father had said since lando had promised your dad some vip passes for next week's race you figured that was what won him over.
when your parents decided it was time to pull out the baby albums you decided to go into your old bedroom to change out of your dress and quickly update lily on how the night was going.
as lando looked at the pictures of you he saw one of you around the age of eight maybe, painting a wooden dollhouse.
"she's always loved doing art projects when she was younger..." your mother had told him. "has she told you anything about maybe looking back into teaching again or maybe opening her studio?"
he shrugged. "i think she's been looking for a spot here in monaco since i just moved here but she hasn't said much."
your mother had worried that being in love was stopping you from doing what you love the most so she could only hope that it wasn't that. "my y/n has always been independent so this whole relationship you have going on, i hope you're truly taking it seriously because she has never introduced us to anyone so i think that says she likes you a lot." your mother told him which he nodded and just before he can talk your father spoke. "you hurt i promise i will hunt you down, that's all."
lando saw you returning back to the table with a fuzzy orange blanket and he smiled at the sight of you before looking back to your parents. "trust me, i'm not going anywhere for a very long time."
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe, and 932,984 others
ynusername frosted ❄️
view all 6,643 comments
landonorris the future mother of my kids everyone
lilymhe y/n asked when landonorris tell her very soon 🤫 landonorris and bring her back to me rn lilymhe gtg
username please get married already
maxfewtrell sorry about pushing you into the snow 🤭
ynusername next time i'm going to push you off the cliff
username i miss when she used to post about her art!
username me too she needs to bring it back!!!
username if you look closely you can see me throwing myself off a cliff :)))
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liked by ynusername, maxfewtrell, and 889,563 others
landonorris snow days ⛄️
view all 10,211 comments
maxfewtrell now hold on why didn't i get a good picture
ynusername because you pushed me into the snow and didnt even help me up landonorris ^^ maxfewtrell i apologized, let it go!!
username tell y/n to post her artwork again!!
ynusername ☃️❤️
liked by landonorris
carlosainz55 im assuming it was y/n's idea to make cookies
landonorris yup
finally two - almost three years into your relationship, the both of you were already moved in with each other and lando was thinking about popping the question to you since everything was just going great with the two of you.
he already knew he was going to propose on christmas day.
"almost all gone again!" you smiled at him, seeing that one painting was left on your stand.
"well your work is amazing." he said as his chin rested on the top of your head as you looked towards your stand.
you had been close to purchasing a studio here in a monaco but you still had doubts and lando wasn't sure why that was so when he saw your old boss entering the exhibit and you running to hug him it all came back to him, your dream.
"i'm so glad you're still here! i have something to tell you!" your old boss said as he gave you a big hug and lead you towards the buffet table.
lando stayed behind by your stand as some people were asking him questions about your art work and while he was answering them, he kept his eyes on you who jumped up with excitement but then looked back to him.
yes you had been painting and doing side jobs in art classes, constantly talked about opening your studio even sometimes doing modeling gigs but lando had thought you'd be doing it here in a monaco so you could stay with him.
"you're not going to believe it!" you said with the biggest smile on your face, he stared at you in silence fearing what you might say "lan?"
"y-yeah sorry, what did he say to you baby?"
you explained to him that he was now selling his studio to move to paris and before he could sell it to someone else, he recalled you wanting a place in new york.
"that's amazing! what did you tell him?" he asked trying to sound super excited about it but deep down he was a nervous wreck.
you smiled at his excitement. "that i would think about it..."
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, and 1,222,221 others
ynusername finished 🎨
view all 14,122 comments
username ah the art content is back!!
username beautiful as always 🥹
alexandrasaintmleux a true artist 🤌🏼
liked by ynusername
username surprised lando didn't comment this time
oscarpiastri picasso
liked by ynusername
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liked by francisca.cgomes, alexandrasaintmleux, and 1,932,984 others
ynusername oops
view all 64,643 comments
username she is GIVING
landonorris like a renaissance painting 😚
ynusername ❤️❤️ ynusername im surprised you could spell that landonorris oh i struggled a bit
username 🤤🤤
francisca.cgomes i have something inappropriate to say...
pierregasly well don't say it
username MOTHER
alexandrasaintmleux 😍
lilymhe so hot r u kidding me rnnn
username we must stay focused 🧎🏻‍♀️
username in another universe i go home to this girl & give her my undying love & affection
landonorris im with her in every universe, sorry mate :)
oscarpiastri i'm so scared right now
maxfewtrell me too landonorris both of you leave and never come back
lando had stayed over max's house the next night and max could tell something was wrong with his best friend — he was way too quiet which he never was and looked like he had a lot on his mind so when he asked lando about it, he told him the whole story including the part of wanting to propose to you tomorrow.
"she's going to chose to move over there mate..." he told max making his voice crack. "it wouldn't be fair of me to beg her to stay but i can't make her stay if she doesn't want to, i mean this has always been her dream!"
he knew this would be simple, just move over there with you but that was not what he wanted.
the both of you had been good twenty-four hours ago but you felt something different between the two of you, he felt distant like he had something in his mind but he couldn't tell you what it was.
"i don't know lils, i know he won't want to come with me and it wouldn't be fair to ask him to come with me, he hates new york."
you knew this would be simple, just stay over here with him but that was not what you wanted.
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liked by ynusername, maxfewtrell, and 1,385,361 others
landonorris after some time and consideration, y/n and myself have mutually decided to end our relationship but we will always remain good friends. i wish her the world over in new york and have so much respect for her and all she does as an amazing and strong woman. ❤️
please respect our decision and respect our – but more importantly and especially her privacy moving forward.
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, and 1,443,343 others
ynusername after some time and consideration, lando and i have mutually decided to end our relationship but we will remain very good friends. i wish him the world have so much respect for him. ❤️
please respect our decision and respect our privacy moving forward.
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you were having a small art exhibit for the the first time in your brand new studio and had a few friends travel over just to visit, you had been hoping lando would show up but as time went on you figured he wouldn’t.
“i’m sure he’ll show up.” alexandra told you as she gave charles one of your paintings to hang up on the wall.
the both of you still texted a few times throughout the week and even facetimed whenever you guys were available.
“hey y/n, someone called in wanting to buy whatever portraits are left by the end of the night!” alexandra said as she held up an unknown address somewhere in monaco.
you smiled as you nodded, the extra money would help out so much with new supplies and just before you could help charles hang up some other extra things you saw max walking in.
“he wanted to but something came up…” max said as he took a look at your new portraits, noticing that one looked a little like lando. “but he did give me this to give to you.”
a note.
my dearest y/n,
i’m sorry i couldn’t make it out today on your grand opening but i just wanted to congratulated you on opening your shop! there was never a doubt in my mind these past three years with you that you ARE the most talented artist in our generation.
i promise to make a trip over to new york sometime soon!
with all my love,
by the end of the night only a few portraits were left and as max watched you pack them up into a box to ship to the unknown address in monaco, he got on the phone with lando who was currently curled up in bed thinking about what to say when he decided to call you later that night. “so what are you going to do with all those paintings now?”
he looked around at his now empty walls that once had your paintings hanged up. “place them around the house.”
his eyes landed on the little red box that held the ring that was supposed to be yours on his nightstand and thought about maybe going to travel to your place tomorrow morning as a surprise. “actually max, i think i’ll be seeing you tomorrow morning.”
ynusername & landonorris recently added to their stories 24 hours ago
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my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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736 notes · View notes
joelslastofus · 5 months
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[SUMMARY: Secretly in love with Joel, you have been helping Joel raise Sarah until her mother comes back around and becomes jealous of the relationship you have with Joel.]
Angst fluff
Note: sorry if your name is Cindy, couldn’t think of a name for Sarah’s mother lol
It had been a few years now since you had been babysitting Sarah, a few years now since a simple crush on her father turned into feelings deeper than you could comprehend. Joel Miller was always a respectful man, appreciative of your time and help in being there for his daughter. Sarah and you did have a close bond, one that he watched grow before his eyes until the unexpected happened..
A little over a month ago, Sarah’s mother Cindy started coming around. It was a surprise to all, especially you. She was nice to you at first but you felt something was off whenever she was around yet you could never put your finger on it.
That evening Joel ordered pizza for everyone, you had just finished Sarah with a project as her mother spoke to Joel in the kitchen.
“I love a good Hawaiian pizza,” Cindy reached for one of the two slices in the box that were Hawaiian before Joel unexpectedly stopped her.
“Uh, actually those are for y/n-“ you happened to walk into the kitchen at this very awkward moment. Cindy raising a brow at Joel in obvious disapproval.
“It’s her favorite pizza, whenever I order I always get those two for her”
“Oh, isn’t that cute” Cindy spoke sarcastically.
“You can have one, I don’t mind” you quickly interjected.
“No, I’d rather not” she grabbed another plain slice from the box and sat down at the table as Sarah looked at you uncomfortably. Trying to ignore the obvious tension you grabbed your slice and sat down as Sarah sat beside you.
Joel quickly changed the subject talking about how nice the weather would be that weekend and going to the park.
“Ready to lose another game of volleyball, dad?” Sarah teased her father.
“Oh you’re beating him now at sports?” Cindy asked with curiosity.
“No, y/n actually beats him at everything-“
“Hey, hey, don’t let it get to her head, I let her win” Joel winked at you as you and Sarah laughed. None of you noticing Cindy’s expression looking back and forth between you and Joel. Jealousy oozing from her as she watched just how well you clicked with Sarah and especially Joel. Cindy may have been gone for some time but now she was back and she didn’t want anyone taking her place.
“You two sure have become close huh?” Cindy asked referring to you and Joel.
“Yeah, it’s been a few years now-“
“People must think you two are a couple” she interrupted making Joel practically choke on his drink.
“Oh no” you quickly responded with a shake of your head, you could feel the warmth on your cheeks from slight embarrassment. Of course secretly you fantasized about being Joels girl but you knew that would never happen.
Your feelings for Joel always remained hidden.
“Could’ve fooled me” Cindy uttered under her breath. Her attitude started to make you slightly uncomfortable you felt it was best to leave.
“I should go”
“Already? I thought you were gonna watch a movie with us like we usually do?” Sarah showed disappointment in you having to leave, only irritating Cindy more.
“Maybe another time, I’m a little tired and I have a slight headache-“
“You alright, I’ll give ya a ride home” Joel stood up as Cindy rolled her eyes, something you only seemed to catch.
“No-uh..it’s okay. Maybe air is what I need” you stood up and pushed your chair in. Sarah sighed before giving you a hug. Joel knew you for some time now, so he knew when something wasn’t exactly right with you yet he didn’t mention it in front of anyone.
“Let me walk you to the door at least” he insisted. You smiled and agreed before walking to the front door, Cindy watching with the corner of her eye as Joel held the door open with his foot while standing outside with you.
“Hey” Joel’s voice making you stop and turn.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, I just figure I’d leave you three alone. I’m sure she wants her time with you and Sarah-“
“Her time don’t take away from yours, you know how much Sarah cares about you-“ a slight hesitation in his eyes. He knew Sarah wasn’t the only one who cared.
“Yeah” you responded softly.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” you smiled before walking off.
When Joel returned inside Sarah sat on the couch watching tv while Cindy began picking up the dinner table.
“You’ve let Sarah get too close to that damn girl,” she spoke without looking up at him, she knew he wouldn’t like what she had to say.
“She’s been great with Sarah for a few years now, she’s a lot of the reason why our daughter is the way she is now.” Cindy laughed sarcastically.
“Oh please Joel, what are you fucking her? Is that why you’re so defensive with her?”
“When Sarah needed a mother y/n was there, she helped us both-“
“I’m her mother” Cindy grew serious rather quickly as she slammed the plate down. Sarah looking up from the living room wondering what her mother was getting upset about.
“She is all Sarah knows and she’s grown to…she’s grown to love her” Joel explained. Cindy knew she needed to compose herself to get Joel’s attention and so she took a deep breath and tried expressing herself another way.
“It’s not healthy confusing her like that, I was gone for a while but I’m here and I’m here to stay. She doesn’t need another mother” Joel stood silent.
“Sarah has grown attached to someone who will eventually have her own children, her own life, what are you doing by allowing this attachment with some random woman?” Joel brushed his hand over his facial hair, he didn’t like what was being said but a part of him knew she was right.
“I’ll have a talk with her tomorrow” Cindy could tell Joel wasn’t happy with this decision but she was happy to get her way.
The next morning you worked your early shift at the store before getting ready to meet with Joel and Sarah until you got a strange text.
“Change of plans, call you later” you read out loud. Joel never changed plans with you, much less like this.
The day went on and you never got a call from Joel and so you decided to head to the park anyway, you enjoyed a nice walk in the evening. Once you got there you could hear familiar laughter until a volleyball rolled by your foot.
“Oh hey! I thought my dad said you worked late today?” Sarah ran towards you out of breath.
“Sarah don’t delay the game!” Joel yelled out to her as he made his way to where you both stood. Cindy stood on the other end silently watching.
“Go on, honey. Keep playing with your mother” Sarah looked at you both strangely before grabbing the ball and walking off.
“You didn’t have to lie to me, Joel or lie to her” you whispered as he looked behind him making sure Sarah wasn’t near by.
“You don’t tell me what I do with my daughter” he spoke coldly turning back to you, Joel had never spoken to you this way before.
“It was nice while it lasted but ya shouldn’t come around anymore” his tone was blunt, a knife to your heart. It hurt him almost as much as it hurt you, but he felt this way was the only way to truly keep you away.
“For Sarah’s own good” he continued.
You had no words. From one day to the next Joel changed in a way you never expected.
Attempting to speak you felt a knot in your throat and looked away.
“I was right” you whispered before looking up at Cindy.
“Well, I hope she stays around this time. Take care” tears building up in your eyes you quickly turned and walked away. A slight glimpse of guilt in Joel’s eyes as you left until Cindy called out for him. She noticed how he looked back at you as you left, she knew this hurt him, she knew this would hurt Sarah.
“Why’d she leave? She could’ve played this last game with us” Sarah asked with confusion.
“She had to go, honey”
“But she just walked in”
“Sarah, forget about that damn woman. She’s no one to you” Cindy suddenly spoke harshly making Joel look back at her.
“What Joel? It’s better you just tell her the truth-“
“You told her to leave, dad?” Sarah frustratedly threw the ball the floor and walked out to the truck no longer wanting to play.
“Thanks, thanks a lot” Joel turned to Cindy who rolled her eyes.
“You gotta do something about that bratty behavior of hers” her mother responded to Joel who now looked defensive.
“Sarah’s never had a behavior problem…until now”
“Oh so it’s my fault? Not that bitch-“
“Hey” Joel yelled rather loudly making a few people close by look at him, his defensive demeanor over you only pissing her off more. Cindy sucked her teeth and walked away.
The next few days Joel noticed a very different change in Sarah’s attitude towards her mother yet she wouldn’t tell him a word.
One day while Joel was at work Cindy forgot Sarah was getting home from school early. Going into Joel’s room she looked through his drawers for whatever she could find before ultimately coming across his emergency cash. Grabbing the cash she stashed it in her bra before Sarah entered the room startling her.
“Mom-what are you doing?” Sarah asked as Cindy quickly stood up awkwardly.
“Oh nothing, I’ll put it back by the end of the week. He’ll never know-“
“But dads been saving that for a while now and-“
“I said I’d put it back” she responded with more aggression in her tone.
“I..I just don’t think you should take it without asking at least” Sarah insisted.
“Listen I am your mother, it’s not the other way around now mind your business and go to your room” Cindy walked past her leaving the house angrily. Sarah knew she had to tell her father but afraid he wouldn’t believe her she didn’t say a word.
That evening you were surprised to see a call from Joel’s daughter. You sighed watching the phone ring, feeling guilty not answering until it finally stopped. Passing by a park that was close to your job you looked up and saw Cindy sitting on a bench with a few others, something seemed strange, she hadn’t noticed you watching. You quietly watched as she handed cash to a man while being given a brown bag in return. The man she seemed to be speaking to was known in the neighborhood for drugs but it couldn’t be…there must’ve been a misunderstanding.
During your shift you couldn’t stop thinking about what you saw or the fact that Sarah had been calling you. Lost in your thoughts you weren’t paying attention to much around you until Sarah surprised you by the register.
“Sarah? What are you doing here?! Your father is going to-“
“I was calling you, it’s about my mom. Please I need you to talk to my dad” she looked at you with concerned eyes.
“What about your mom?”
“She’s- she’s stealing from my dad-“
“Sarah you can’t say these things without-“
“I know she is! I saw her take his money but I haven’t told him. I don’t think he’ll believe me” it all made sense now, the money she took from Joel, the drugs you saw her buy…you couldn’t believe it yet you felt it wasn’t your place.
“You know your dad would believe you Sarah…besides, your father doesn’t want me around anymore anyways-“
“It’s her fault! She’s trying to control everything, you think my dad actually wants you gone?!” She practically yelled.
“Alright, ok, ok…um my shift ends in fifteen minutes, wait for me and I’ll go with you.” Sarah sighed in relief waiting for you to accompany her home. Your stomach turning at the thought of how this would go down.
Anxiously beside Sarah you entered her house to find Joel and Cindy both standing by the dinner table.
“Oh of course” Cindy scoffed.
“Where the hell were you?” Joel spoke angrily as you and Sarah hesitantly made your way closer.
“Dad I-“
“She was with that little friend of yours, Joel. I knew this would happen” Cindy sighed, her tone reeking of sarcasm.
“You don’t ever take off without letting me know where you are, you understand?”
Joel stared down at Sarah.
“Or me, you know, your mother” Cindy raised her brows standing beside Joel with her hand on her hip.
“Dad can we talk in private?”
“I thought you’d never ask, I don’t know why you bought her here to begin with” Cindy narrowed her eyes on you.
“Actually, it’s just between my dad and I and…y/n” Cindy’s eyes widened with insult.
“No dad, you don’t understand”
“Anything you could say to your father you are to say in front of me, what I say goes” Sarah not noticing Joel look back at Cindy with a look of disapproval. He didn’t like Cindy forcing Sarah to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with.
“Dad she stole your money” Sarah suddenly blurt out taking you by surprise. Joel turned back to Cindy who laughed nervously as you stood silent and watched.
“You’re gonna believe this little twit?”
“Hey” Joel now fully facing Cindy not liking her attitude.
“You watch how you speak of my daughter” he spoke low yet his tone was intense.
“She’s a liar Joel! You’ve let her become brainwashed by this woman!”
“Sarah’s not lying Joel” you suddenly spoke making Joel turn to you.
“What the hell would you know-“ Cindy snapped at you before you cut her off with the truth.
“I saw you at the park today” you hesitated to say more of what you saw especially in front of Sarah but something must’ve clicked in Joel’s head. Turning to Cindy he shook his head, scoffing sarcastically.
“You’re doing it again, aren’t you?” No one knew what Joel was speaking of, no one but Cindy and him.
“I’m not doing anything!” She yelled defensively.
“I let you into my daughter’s life and this is what you do? What is it, ran through your savings so decided to come see what you could get from us-“
“She’s my daughter too” Cindy spoke angrily.
“No. The only mother Sarah’s ever had has been y/n and she’s done a damn good job of it” his words taking you by surprise. You looked over at him in shock, he could feel you looking at him.
“Oh to hell with all of you” Cindy grabbed her bag and angrily walked out loudly slamming the door shut. The three of you stood in silence until Sarah happily turned to you and hugged you with excitement.
“Please don’t ever leave us again” you laughed as she squeezed you. Somehow the true actions of her mother didn’t phase her knowing she had you there. Joel watched with a smile as his daughter hugged you before she turned to him.
“Well aren’t you gonna hug her dad?”
Joel looked at you awkwardly, clearing his throat as Sarah held back a playful smile.
“Course I am” he whispered as he slowly walked towards you. The feel of his arm wrapping around your waist as he gently pulled you in, your heart skipping a beat feeling him so close. Your arms closing around him as you felt him take a deep breath against you before you looked up at him and slowly pulled away.
“Joel I’m so sorry-“
“You don’t have a damn thing to apologize for, darlin’. If anyone should apologize it’s me” he whispered. The door bell ringing Sarah could see it was her uncle and ran to the door.
“I should go-“
“Don’t” Joel unexpectedly grabbed your hand.
There was so much he had to say, so much he needed to say but it couldn’t be done in that moment. Sarah asked if you could tuck her in that night with Joel, it had been a while since you had done so.
“Alright honey, you sleep good tonight alright?” Joel leaned in kissing Sarah on the forehead.
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite” you teased making her laugh before leaning in and kissing her goodnight. Joel watched how much of a natural you were to all of this, you always were. Looking back at Sarah as you left the room you felt Joel’s eyes on you as you closed the door.
“Well, today turned out very different from what I expected” you spoke awkwardly trying to distract from the silence.
“I should’ve known” he cleared his throat leaning back against the wall.
“Wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and in the process coulda hurt Sarah…and I know I hurt you”
“Joel, don’t worry. It’s ok-“
“No, no it ain’t” he quickly interjected.
“I let someone who’s shown me multiple times that they can’t be trusted come in and hurt the woman that’s all along-“ he moved towards you slowly closing the distance between you. You stood still unsure of what to do or if you should do anything at all.
“All along you’ve been everything we’ve needed and more. I’ve seen you make Sarah happy in ways I just can’t”
“Joel, I just love her as if she’s been my own-“
“I love you” he blurt out making your eyes widen.
“W-what? Joel-“
“I’m serious” he pulled you in against him. It took everything in him to admit this, everything in him to tell you what you never thought you would hear.
“All along..it’s been you” his eyes taking in your lips as he spoke. You couldn’t believe the man you had been secretly in love with was saying words you only fantasized him to ever say.
“What a stupid old man I’ve been not realizing what I’ve had right in front of me”
“Joel” you laughed, a smirk on his lips. The man was aching to take your lips with his when Sarah suddenly stepped out of her room.
“Dad” you gasped softly a bit embarrassed yet Joel didn’t let go of you. A smile on Sarah’s face widening with what she saw.
“Yes, honey”
“N-nothing…never mind” Sarah quickly closed the door as Joel laughed looking down at you.
“I think she likes you” he whispered playfully.
“That was embarrassing, Joel” you couldn’t help but laugh, the sound of your laughter only exciting him more.
“Why’d that embarrass you? Not like I was-“
“Like you were what?” You raised a brow before his hand brushed up your body, caressing the side of your neck, he leaned in and kissed you slowly. His lips felt better than what you imagined, his hands taking hold of you in different areas, one arm squeezing you harder against his pelvis before you pushed away with a smile.
“What?” He chuckled.
“Now that would be more embarrassing if Sarah came out during that” you playfully shoved his chest before he pulled you back in for more.
“What if-“ you began to whisper in between kisses.
“What if Cindy-“
“Don’t you worry about Cindy” he unexpectedly grabbed your face leaning his forehead on yours.
“She ain’t gonna be comin’ around trust me, I know the game she plays. Alright?” You nodded placing your hands on his arms. Joel led you the room kissing you more locking the door behind him.
“C’mere, I want some privacy with those lips” he whispered with a smirk before locking the door shut..
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sofs16 · 9 months
let you break my heart again — 3
series link ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ @1655clean @uuzhanggggggg @cmleitora @annie115 @valntynebaby @mrosales16 @d3kstar @stopeatread
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charles couldn’t believe it. oxford.
he obviously knew she wanted to be a writer or journalist but oxford? he felt a pang in his chest when it dawned on him, he really hadn’t been updated with her.
every time he was out with her, she would ask any updates on him.
he opens the letter, against his better judgement, and feels proud.
“I am glad to inform you that the department of english has provisionally agreed to admit you” he whispers the words to himself, glancing at her house.
he runs inside his house to seal the envelope again and slips it under her door with a small smile.
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over the course of 3 months, charles, again, has a new girlfriend. yn hasn’t told anyone but her family about oxford. though to others, something has shifted in her. charles thinks it’s because her she can stop worrying about not getting into college.
it’s a warm summer night when the yln’s and leclerc’s are all gathered. yn tells the leclerc’s she’s going to leave soon, except charles, who is no where to be found until he enters the house with his girlfriend on his arm.
this had never happened; charles introducing a girl to his family
they all looked at each other
“ah! everyone, meet my girlfriend, cindy” charles shuts the door as the brunette girl with red lips smiles, introducing herself to her and his family.
yn’s stomach sinks, her breathing slows down, and she inhales sharply. cindy was jaw droppingly gorgeous and seemingly sweet.
“you must be yn, charles’ best friend!” she reaches yn at the end of the table and offers her a hug, yn awkwardly accepts. a bit of putting alcohol on the wound.
she sits back down for a while, staring at her empty plate while lorenzo and kylie make eye contact.
“excuse me” she pushes her chair and goes to the kitchen, stumbling into the dark pantry, and she shuts the door
she grips on one of the shelves to steady herself before she covers her mouth, tears falling helplessly on her new sundress.
she shakes as silent sobs escape her mouth and the pantry door opens. she winces as she looks up to see lorenzo switching the light on. he looks behind him to see charles smiling with his family and cindy before lorenzo embraces yn. no words are exchanged, but a quiet understanding.
they pull away and she tiptoes out the backdoor to make her way back to her room. she wipes her tears, glancing at the mirror for a second before retouching her makeup. eventually she makes it back to the table hearing about charles’ girlfriend and her accomplishments.
she folds her arm and clutches the other as she feels her eyes wander towards charles’ light touches on cindy.
yn’s lips remained still that night, muttering a few words here and there.
and just like that september night, charles makes his way to her room a little past midnight.
“what is your problem with her?” he barges in “who?” “cindy!” “what did i do to her, charles” she scoffs “she was nice and you just left!” “nothing is wrong with her, charles. she’s kind”
“arrête de mentir! stop lying!” he raises his voice “Je mens pas! iQu'est ce qui te ferais penser ça? !i’m not lying! what would make you think that?!”
“because you are hiding things from me!” “comme quoi, charles! like what!” how dare he accu-
“Comme quand tu as déposé une candidature à Oxford et que tu as été prise. like how you applied to oxford and got in” the silence was too loud for both of them. “Je pensais qu'on était meilleurs amis et qu'on se disait tout. I thought we were best friends and we tell each other everything” he adds
“i am sorry for not telling you, but that’s just it, charles! I will always be the best friend and i know it won’t change but i’m sick and tired of being here when i don’t even see my purpose here anymore!”
“why would you want to change being best frien- oh”
“do you know how it felt to be there? too in love with you whilst you introduced ‘the girl you will marry’ to your family, whom i consider my own?” the tears were starting to fall down her face
“it hurts charles knowing that you will never see me the same way i see you. and i can’t even blame you because it’s not your fault!
somewhere in between our friendship i fell in love with you and it’s my fault that i couldn’t control it”
her heart was bursting with pain and relief.
charles stood there frozen. how was he supposed to act to his best friend being in love with him? it was not even a little crush. charles would always admit that she was pretty, charming, smart, hardworking, respectful, maybe a little blunt and stubborn sometimes, but he did not think of her in that way.
he felt the unsettling need to run away and take a moment to absorb everything, yn could clearly see that.
“you don’t need to say anything, you can go” she whispered and he nodded. for the first time, he shut the door without looking back, staring at the stair case. on the other side of the door, yn already felt warm liquid flowing down her face uncontrollably. she promised this would be the last time she would cry over a man.
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Enzo Lec.
Hi, Yn. How are you holding up? 🙂
Hi, Enzo:) As good as I can be? I’m not really sure… How is he?
Enzo Lec.
Quiet and different. When are you leaving?
Next week I’m not entirely confident I can say bye to him
Enzo Lec.
You can’t just leave without saying bye, Yn. What happens when you come back?
You and I both know I’m not coming back, Enzo🫤 And besides, he’ll probably be in F2 or F1 by then, traveling more
Enzo Lec.
Just because he doesn’t love you the way you do yet doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you
That’s the part that hurts the most
Sorry but I don’t really want to talk about it anymore
Enzo Lec.
Alright, but at least try to say bye, okay? And to me and the others 😅
Of course Aren’t you dropping me off the airport?
Enzo Lec.
I was just double checking 🤪
Haaaa Haaaa Very funny *gets stranded in house with no ride* [ Enzo Lec reacted with 🤣] Night enzo, thanks:)
Enzo Lec.
Good night, Yn:) We’re all proud of you
[ Yn reacted with ❤️]
the week was met with silence between the two. everyone knew yn was leaving.
pascale, the first to show up in her room and help her pack while chatting. arthur, to come over her room and steal things she didn’t need. hervé, to wish her a good luck in her new chapter. lorenzo, to maybe get her to talk to charles. but charles never came.
it was the day before she left when she knew they weren’t going to see each other. she took matters i to her own hands and started writing.
one thing about yn was she wasn’t the best at verbally communicating. but writing down letters was much easier to her.
lorenzo had driven yn to the nice airport with pascale. charles’ location unknown, and her family was busy supporting kylie with her booming business.
she wanted it like this though, a quiet send off with people she considered her family.
her things were all out of the car and hugs were exchanged. she bit her lip before pulling out a scarlet envelope from her handbag. “see to it he gets it, okay?” yn hands it to lorenzo as he nods with a smile.
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charles arrives home and his heart speeds as he sees the whole y/l/n household in pitch black.
he rushes inside his home to a quiet dinner. he makes his way to the table “where is she?” he runs his hand though his hair. lorenzo hands him the envelope.
“she’s gone?” he whispers as he looks at the envelope and they all look at each other
he walks outside, glancing at the empty house beside him. he lets his fingers glide over the ink ‘charles’ outside the envelope before opening it.
dearest charles,
i’m sorry about the way we left things, i really am. even more so that i could not bring myself to talk to you face to face.
but tomorrow i leave for london (today if you’ve read it as i planned). you’ve probably already heard that but for my peace of mind, i am writing you this letter.
you are extraordinary. every part of you is special charles, on and off track. all your kindness, thoughtfulness, talent, determination, patience, love, and more. i hope you never lose that in you.
this setback will never mean i won’t support you from a far; because i will. i heard you got into the drivers academy and i am so so proud of you. i never doubted you. i’m sorry i wasn’t there to celebrate with you.
i know things will never be the same as they were and for that, i am sorry. but i’ll never be sorry for loving you the way i did even if i, or we, ended up in pain; loving you is never a mistake. never let anyone make you think that.
it hurt too much to see you with other girls and quarrel over it and i promised myself i wouldn’t cry over you again. if i saw you with cindy again, i’d be breaking that promise.
maybe not my place to say but please don’t let girls get in your current relationship’s way:) there’s so much more left unsaid but i think this is enough for now. i wish you always the best. i wish you the happiness and success you deserve. don’t let anything define you but yourself
he lets out the breath he was holding once he finishes it. his lips quiver and his eyes gloss as he walks back inside the house. they all look at him.
“she is gone?” he whispers again and lorenzo nods. as it sinks in, his head starts to nod softly and he looks down at the letter. drops of tears falling onto the cream envelope.
“i think she was the one. the one even if i can not realize it now” he licks his lips and places his hand under his chin.
pascale stands up and embraces him, leading him to his room. “let‘s get you resting, hm?” charles mumbles something and he falls asleep that night, holding that letter, gripping onto every word.
he has to make it in f1, for you.
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yn.yln.16 posted an instagram story!
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yn.yln.16 has gone private!
oxford, oxfordshire
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yn.yln.16 new chapter. bring it on!!!
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classmate1 AAA CONGRATS YN!!🤍🤍
pascale_leclerc 😍😍❤️
lorenzotl Oxford is lucky to have you!
kylie_yln 🥹❤️
charles_leclerc Congrats, yn! :)
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Charlie ❤️
Hello, Y/n/n :) I received your letter… I made a big mistake letting you go. I am stupid for realizing it too late. Can I call you?
[ Yn did not receive this message.]
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Silent Cosmos (Edward Cullen) (Ch. 3)
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Pairing: Edward Cullen x GN! Mute!Reader
Words: 2.8k+
Warning(s): Two gross dudes, sexual verbal harassment (not towards reader), swearing,
A/N: omg chapter 3 is finally here. I apologize for the wait. I thought my semester this time around would be forgiving but NOPE. I had so much to do and read, I could hardly write for fun or draw either. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I last posted. I want to try a new method when writing series. I tried with my kpop writing blog, and its where I write a few chapters at a time then periodically post them. Helps keep the flow and motivation going, but that may have been a one off there.
Series Masterlist
"O star of strength! I see thee stand And smile upon my pain; Thou beckonest with thy mailèd hand, And I am strong again... The Star of the unconquered will, He rises in my breast, Serene, and resolute, and still, And calm, and self-possessed. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The Light of Stars"
Edward hasn't been in school for the past few days.
You admittedly felt a little lonely without his presence, though Emmett and Alice have made it their mission to become your new best friends. Jasper tried but he still kept his distance from you, which you didn't mind. Rosalie helped when no other Cullen was around, although she kept a lot of conversations at a minimum, which you also didn't mind.
Alice had told you Edward had gotten a bad cold, so he is staying home. You had offered to bring him your notes the first time so he could copy them down, but Alice told you their father has him basically on lock down until he is deemed healthy. So, after you've done your homework, you've been making copies of your notes to give him when he comes back.
It's the start of a new day and once again, Edward wasn't there. You were at your locker with 15 minutes to spare. You placed the spare folder with Edward's notes on the shelf while your mind went back to that moment you two shared at the welcoming party for your uncle. You felt happy telling him all the stars and constellation you could see, and even happier when he seemed thoroughly interested in your rambles. However, you feel an inkling of guilt when you remember he gave you his jacket. Maybe he got sick from that?
"Dude, I got this weird spot on my dick."
Well, there goes your musings of guilt. You glance to your left and see two guys near you, just chilling against the lockers. You've never met them, though you do remember sharing a class or two with them separately.
"Are you really airing your business out when someone is standing right their?" The shorter one, with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes gestures to you.
"Relax, Mark. That's the deaf student." The taller one with deep brown eyes and brown hair says with a laugh. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes and choose to just focus on the inside of your locker. Maybe you should get more decorations- "Anyways, I have this weird spot on my dick. It almost looks like I have a weird mole there. I'm hoping it's just a new mole and Cindy didn't give me something."
"I'd get that shit checked out then. You don't want it to turn into something worse if it is an STD." Mark says with a sigh. "I told you not to sleep with her, Tony. She made my balls itch like crazy. They still fucking itch."
"I think its just a weird mole. You wanna look?" He cackles while his friend fake gags. They both push off the lockers and walk away to who knows where.
You let out a deep sigh and close your locker. At least the ignorance of other allows you to hear some gossip.
"What's with the sigh, Tiny?" Emmett calls out as he and Rosalie approach you. He has very quickly taken to the nickname Tiny for you. You suppose anyone shorter than him would be considered tiny in his eyes. Rosalie simply opened her locker as you and Emmett conversed.
"Oh, just overheard two people talking about something that should have been a private conversation." You respond with a slight shrug.
"Gah, Forks High is full of a bunch of weirdos, huh?" He grins and raises his brows a few times, crossing his arms while leaning on the locker next to you. You silently chuckle and nod, though you wondered if there was an underlying joke there.
"No Edward today?"
"Nope. Carlisle still hasn't cleared him." He sighs with a sympathetic smile. "Between you and me, Tiny, Edward is still shitting his brains out." He signed that last portion to you.
You gave him a scandalized look and playfully slapped his arm with a small chuckle. You were surprised to feel just how hard his muscles were.
"What was that for?" He gripped where you slapped and pretended to be hurt. "It was a private conversation, no one else here except Rosalie knows sign."
You roll your eyes and shake your head with a smile. You could always count on Emmett to get you to smile.
"C'mon, Rose and I will walk you to first period, like always." He grins and gestures you to follow him. Rose simply came along since she and Em were in the class next to yours. You nod and follow, happy to have good company.
It was a passing period and it was just you and Rose at your lockers. You grabbed a new pen and pencil since the last two you had broke and ran out of ink. Rosalie was fluffing up her already perfect, blond hair in the mirror of her locker. She and you didn't converse much, but you still liked her presence. Like the rest of the Cullens, she didn't tiptoe around you or treated you differently. She acknowledged your presence and would answer you if you had questions.
You were about finished in your locker when you heard two familiar voices keep up their gross conversations behind you.
"Dude, Rosalie has the hottest ass." Tony practically jeers, his voice intentionally loud. You glance to the blond next to you and she still keeps fixing her hair, though you can see her brows are a little more furrowed and her lips are more in the shape of a frown.
"Her tits, man, her tits are where it's at." Replies Mark and when you shift just enough to see him in the corner of your eyes, you see him make an obscene gesture.
You hear the slight creek of metal and when you look to Rose, you see her grip is so tight on her locker door that her fingers made indents which made your eyes widen for a moment. She closes her locker and you can see by her side profile she is pissed, and rightfully so.
So, you do what you think would make her laugh at the expense of those two guys.
You tap her arm to get her attention and she looks at you with a glare. You don't let it faze you. If those two are going to be gross about your friend, you'll just air out their business that they so willingly aired out by you this morning.
"You know those two jackasses?" You intentionally look to them as you sign and look back at her. "Well the brown haired one has a spot on his penis that he isn't sure if it's a mole or an STD. And his buddy likely doesn't wash right since he's had prolonged itchy balls."
Rosalie looks almost scandalized until her eyes widen for a moment as she looks at the two dudes and then back to you. She covers her mouth as she laughs when she realizes what you're trying to do.
You were about to sign some more when the two dumbasses approach.
"I know you were talking shit. What the fuck did you sign?" Tony glared, pointing an accusatory finger at you. He gets in your face and you swear you hear Rosalie growl.
You swallow thickly and decide to open your mouth. Your aunt always said you got your stubbornness from your mom.
"I said..." You try not to wince at the pain in your throat, your voice sounding hoarse. "You had a weird spot on your dick and your friend... has itchy balls." They looked at you with wide, horrified looks. "Don't talk about someone's body if you don't want yours talked about either."
"You little shit." Mark hisses and Rose steps closer to your side, an arm just barely in front of yours.
"What's going on here?" Emmetts voice grows louder as he approaches, his usual, carefree smile no longer on his face. He looked scarier than you've ever seen him. Mark and Tony looked at each other before slinking off.
Once they were gone you let out a dry, painful cough. You cover your mouth with the back of your hand and quickly grab your water and drink, soothing your throat. You could taste a tiny bit of iron in the back of your throat as you drank.
Rosalie calls your name softly. "Are you okay?"
You nod in response and take another sip of water. You didn't catch the look they gave each other or Rose gesturing for Emmett to speak.
"What happened, Tiny?" He asks in a quiet tone. You close the cap of your bottle and place it back in your bag. Your throat still ached but you knew the pain from using your larynx will linger.
You start to sign to him everything that occurred, from what you overheard in the morning to him approaching. You can see a flash of anger on his face but he goes back to that small smile. Once you explained your words to Rose and why you said them, a huge grin breaks out on his face.
"I didn't know you had it in you, Tiny." He laughs and pats your shoulder a little too firmly.
"Come, I'll walk you to class." Rosalie said with a soft tone. You nod and wave goodbye  to Emmett. You both start heading down the hallway, the blond next to you tense.
When you got to your class a pale hand stopped you. You look to Rose with a questioning look while her gold eyes avoid yours.
"I just wanted to say thank you for earlier." Rosalie says, the tense look she had fades into a small smile, her eyes meeting yours. You see some vulnerability in her usually guarded gaze. She gives your shoulder a squeeze before dropping her hand. "You didn't have to do that. I'm... admittedly used to that."
"No need to thank me, Rosalie." You smile back at her.
"I do, because not many would step up like that." She softly sighs and her smile grows a bit. You felt her words had more meaning to them, but you decided to not linger on them for now. "I know I've been slightly avoiding you but I have a hard time trusting hu- new people. But, after today, I think I want to open up a bit and be friends."
"I'd like that too." You beam. "Alice has been begging me to do a shopping trip, maybe the three of us can plan a trip soon."
"I'd... I'd like that." She almost looks like she is relieved and less guarded.
"Is your hand okay?"
"Well, I saw you grip your locker and you dented it."
"Oh. Yeah, it's fine. I work on cars and my grip is strong. It's nothing." She holds out her hands and you saw just flawless skin. "Well, I will see you soon. Class is starting."
"Talk to you later." You wave and go to class. You sit down at your usual spot and start preparing. You sigh, irritated at the way those two spoke about Rose so loudly. But you also felt happy you and Rose were close now. Her bending the locker was suspicious... there were many things off with the Cullens that you've picked up, however, you don't linger on it. They have their quirks much like you have your own.
Edward lounged on the couch reading, back from his trip up to the Denali clan to clear his head. After witnessing that nightmare from you, he needed a moment alone to sort his thoughts. He wasn't sure what he felt afterwards but once he took some time to sort out his thoughts, he came back to Forks. None of the others knew what happened. He didn't tell them those details of your life, as none of them were privy to it. He wasn't either but that bridge has been crossed thanks to his ability and curiosity of the galaxy protecting your mind.
He felt guilt initially when he realized he deeply invaded your privacy. Then, despair and immense sadness followed when he recalls back to your nightmare, your past. Edward had seen many horrors in his long life, he even committed some when he'd hunt those men. However when he witnessed what you went through, he couldn't help feel a spark of protectiveness. You were nice. He found you a joy to be around despite it not being long since you transferred. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to you.
Edward couldn't help but smile when he thought back to you and him outside the fire station. It was a peaceful moment. He couldn't help but linger on the sight of you in his jacket, pointing out the stars and constellations. It was silent other than your internal thoughts. And when he got to witness your galaxy so at peace? He also felt a sense of tranquility he longs for.
Edward quickly put those thoughts away and resumed his attention his book when he heard his adoptive siblings come in. Alice and Jasper pass without saying to him, which he was slightly thankful for. However, Emmett and Rosalie lingered by him.
"How can I help you both?" Edward sighs, snapping the book closed as he looks at both of them.
Rose crosses her arms. "You need to come back tomorrow."
"Why? Did something happen?"
"Yeah, Tiny happened." Emmett grinned and gestured to Rosalie. The blond sighed and let the memory replay of you standing up for her so Edward can see what happened today. He furrows his brows, setting his book down. He stands up from the couch and looks between the two.
"My guess is those two will probably retaliate against our friend one way or another." Rosalie says softly. Edward chooses not to point out how she said 'our friend.' "You spend the most time with them, they'll need you to stick around them the most."
Edward nods slowly. He recognizes Mark and Tony, and he knows they each have a class with him and you. He's heard the thoughts that spew from them both like garbage and he knows they aren't above getting back at someone.
"I'll come back tomorrow." He confirms. He wanted one more day to himself, but tomorrow is good as ever to face you again. He knows how you lost your voice and how you ended up living with your uncle and aunt now, but you don't know he knows. And he'll have to keep that in mind.
Although, Edward couldn't help but smile at the sound of your voice in Rosalie's memory. It was rough and hoarse, and it caused you pain, pain he doesn't want you feeling again... but it was nice hearing that voice that matches to the one in your head... when that space of yours is dropped.
You make your way to your locker first thing in the morning. You get yourself situated, grabbing the things you need for your classes before lunch. You set aside the folder where you kept your copies of notes for Edward down on the small shelf. You huff softly, throat still feeling sore from using your voice.
A familiar voice calling your name has you spinning around quickly, a smile instantly growing on your face. Edward approaches you with a small smile, looking the same as he did the last time you saw him.
"Glad to see you're feeling better." You grin, your mind flashing back to what Emmett signed to you in regards to Edward's health. You catch your friend's eyebrow twitch, a flash of annoyance on his face that he quickly recovered.
A Cullen quirk, you muse to yourself.
"Yeah. I'm doing a lot better now." He replies softly, standing  a little closer to you than usual.
"I have something for you." You see his eyebrow quirk as you turn back to your locker. You pull out the black folder and hand him it. "Notes for the classes we share."
Edward stares down at the folder before chuckling. He looks up at you and gives you brilliant smile, one that makes your heart flutter for just a moment. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."
"Of course."
Suddenly, you feel hand on your back. Edward was standing much closer to you with an expression akin to a scowl as he stares off a little. He looks to you and smiles softly, though you can still see the tension on his face.
"We should get to the classroom. I'll probably have questions about what I missed." He says in a low voice. You nod, a little confused by his demeanor. You finish up with your locker and let him guide through the hallway, his cold hand still resting on the middle of your back.
You weren't aware of Tony's and Mark's presences until you both were walking by them to your first period classroom. You paid them no mind, keeping your focus ahead of you. Doing this, however, has you missing the deep and threatening glare from Edward towards the both of them.
As you both walked through the hallway, Edward felt that his non-existent blood boiling at the degrading, violent, and nasty thoughts those two were thinking. He knew they both weren't the best that Forks has to offer, their thoughts sometimes louder than others.
That protective urge he felt after witnessing your nightmare? It's working overtime now and he isn't completely sure why.
What Edward does know that he won't let them try anything towards you.
Taglist: @buckybarnes-1917​, @trawberry-fire​ , @dreamy-caramel​, @urgirlfriendspage @azazel-nyx @stinkii-boii @vanessalovesonedirection @sunnyisntthere @theatrenerd101601 @awesomebooklover17 @esposadomd @whichwitchisthebitch @bofadeezs @gons-dad-is-gon-e @kathsuhki @aoi-targaryen @srh-006 @onlyheretosimp
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holycoco · 25 days
12 Little things to do to romanticize fall
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。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Hi jelly beans,
I always did not love summer at all, even tho I was born in July, mid summer.
Thats because I always felt better on cold seasons and I recently discovered that i'm such a pro on romanticizing autumn.
This are all little things to do to make yourself enjoy the cold season have fun with it…✎ᝰ
౨ৎ Clean your room and if you can, change the position of your bed near the window, I love getting up and seeing the view.
౨ৎ Find some recipes and bake! If you need some ideas let me know (I'm obsessed with pumpkin muffins and strudel I can drop the recipes)
I love cooking and it makes me feel better anytime.
౨ৎ Get a cute mug and make you some hot drinks! If you love tea and herbs like me start a collection, get you all kinds and flavors.
౨ৎ Go trhifting with a friend or without one. Its such a cute and relaxing activity, get a hot drink on the way!
౨ৎ Go for candles shopping or just smell them its such a soul heal.
౨ৎ Make a playlist and go for a walk! Music and atmosfere are key. Let me know if you want one from me!
౨ৎ Get a new haircut or a new hair color. Personally I love me some layers and a brown chocolate head.
౨ৎ Buy vogue.
౨ৎ Find a new makeup routine, you can look for some on tik tok or pinterest, obv do what compliments your skin tone and features but here's some cute ones: aria montgomery makeup tutorial, helena gilbert makeup, cindy kimberly makeup inspo, slavic doll makeup tuto.
If you're into full glam, 2000's mom kinda makeup like me I suggest some jessica alba, stockholm makeup, old kim k kinda makeup!
౨ৎ Look for cute hobbies, book scrapping, journaling, memory boxes or reading (please ask me for a readig list pleaseee, I'm dying to make one for you)
Find a penpals!!!! So cute, I love love love this little thingy I always start on september cause there's when I don't feel like crap to do anything.
Do it, literally. You can find some here on tumblr or tik tok it's always well loved receiving letters!
౨ৎ Invest in good comfy slippers or some uggs
౨ৎ Look for good colors of the season that looks good on you or you like and get items of that color, lipsticks, scarfs, bags, nails...
This was a long post and I still feel like a missed something…
xoxo mamas, stay cozy, stay romantic, stay fall!!!
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
love, Mary
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jaylver · 9 months
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synopsis: christmas came early with a heartbreak as your present when you found out your boyfriend had fallen out of love with you. the boy that you loved is now in love with someone else, a new girl who managed to make him believe in love the way cindy-lou made grinch believe in christmas.
pairings: non-idol!sunghoon x afab!reader
genre: lovers to exes, break up au, angst
warning(s): underlying hints of cheating/unfaithfulness
wc: 731
a/n: when i said i was planning a depressive december ... i was not lying. hoping everyone is enjoying the festive season! please leave a feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated! muah xx
masterlist | © jaylver all rights reserved.
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Festive season hasn't been feeling the same ever since your boyfriend returned from his trip.
Sunghoon had been off somewhere in the desert with his friends as a getaway before Christmas. At first, you thought it was funny that he was going somewhere with the opposite season compared to where you were now. But the moment you noticed a change in him once he returned home, you figured things weren't about to be the same.
It shouldn’t be this hard to communicate and interact with him, but why was he acting like a stranger to you now? You had to bug him for ages to let him see pictures he took from the trip, that alone was enough to tell you something had shifted in the air. On the couch that night, it was probably only you that was enjoying your time as you swiped through the pictures, many were with his usual guy friends you already knew. 
However, there was one that specifically caught your eyes. There in one of his pictures was a girl laughing.
A girl amongst the group, odd wasn’t it? She was sitting closely next to your boyfriend. Repeat, your boyfriend. You couldn’t recognise who she was, nor could you recall meeting her in the past. Sunghoon must’ve noticed you staring too long and pausing on that specific picture, so he tried to explain despite your heart breaking into pieces, saying it was a girl they met on the trip and there was nothing more. 
To him, he claimed it was just ‘a girl’, but you knew there was more to that, and you weren’t trying to be a paranoid crazy girlfriend. You couldn’t sleep that night, sitting wide awake in your living room couch, the same exact spot where you had seen the pictures earlier. Was she the reason he’s been acting off around you? Had she casted a spell on him while he was there? Why him?
Maybe he met her somewhere in the desert. He was soul searching and found someone better. Did she make him happy like you couldn’t do? Or even worse, would she be the one with his ring on her finger? There’s red and green everywhere, but God, you were so blue.
“Let’s break up.” 
The timing was just perfect. Two weeks before Christmas day, and right before your annual trip back to his family’s house to celebrate Christmas with his family. He was cruel, a little too cruel for breaking your heart at this time. ‘Tis the season, you guess. 
Of course he would fall in love with her, you understood that almost at once when you saw her posts on social media. With her hair so long, lips so red, she was a dream anyone would wish to have. She was also the total opposite of you, that was what you noted as you scrolled five years back in her profile. You felt like a joke. 
Just thinking about the fact that she’d be doing the exact same thing you did the past five years this festive season has you crumbling inside out. You bet she’d wake up in his old bed at his family’s house, ready to celebrate Christmas, while you sat in your home all alone wondering what went wrong. 
The snow’s going to fall and the tree’s going to glisten. Everywhere around you was in a high, happy atmosphere, but you couldn’t seem to feel the same. All you knew was you’d puke at the thought of her kissing the boy who you once loved, the one who was in love with someone else. 
Even after breaking the news to all your friends, they said it couldn’t be true, and you thought it was funny, that they were much more in denial than you were. They tried to console you by putting on How the Grinch Stole Christmas, huddling together under a large blanket with snacks on the side, but you could only think of how she reminded you of Cindy-Lou. 
Cindy-lou showed the Grinch the real meaning of Christmas just as she had shown Sunghoon true love. Maybe all along he had never wanted to commit to you, and he had found something more in her. You should be happy now that your friends were around, but you were feeling the exact opposite. Everything reminded you of him and her both.
Cindy-lou, who?
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( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
☆ permanent taglist (open):
@silentkarnival @strvlveera @freshsaladbowl @bejewelledgirl @fakeuwus @yenqa @hsgwrld @ilovegyuvin @enhacatalog @aishigrey @shinrjj @kgneptun @ilovegyuvin @hyunniesvlog
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ken-dom · 4 months
Okay, so how do you think Colt (or any other RG character for that matter) would respond to his person changing their appearance? (Whether it's getting a new piercing or tattoo or getting their hair cut or dyed.)
I've written about four Geese that came to mind for this one, starting with Colt! Mostly SFW with a few spicier hints here and there. I've written for;
∘₊✧ Colt, Lars, Holland, Driver
Colt comments on Jody's hair when he sees she's cut it. He seems impressed and kind of fascinated (perhaps because he just had his own hair cut too, but Jody doesn't know about that because she didn't see him grow it out in the first place). He would touch and admire whatever change you've made, and if it was something on your skin like a tattoo or piercing he would give it a little kiss too. Colt is very tactile, and will trace the physical things he likes about you with a gentle fingertip, including the new things (and grab you with two very big and strong hands to admire them a little more... in depth later).
When Lars is at Cindy's party, he's questioned about not wanting Bianca to cut her hair because 'guys like long hair.' He doesn't mind what Bianca chooses to do with it though, stating that she should have it however she wants it, and whilst on the surface that's an obvious and low bar to meet, for him it's coming from a genuine place of support and care for her. The same would go for any other changes you choose to make about your appearance. Lars would be happy as long as you are, and if you totally changed your look from head to toe, it wouldn't phase him at all, because you're still you. In fact, he would be very complimentary about it, shyly commenting on how the look suits you, too nervous to outright say that he likes it (but he does, and you can tell, because he's blushing like crazy).
Holland probably wouldn't appear to notice for a while even if you told him, and he would not at all pick up on how miffed you are that he hasn't mentioned it. That is, until a very unexpected moment where he mutters something almost incomprehensible to you, as he passes out on your chest, about how he thinks your new look is sexy whilst and a hand wanders to explore it a little more before he's out like a light. The next day he will confirm that he noticed right away (he is a detective with a cool ad after all) and go into a little more depth about his thoughts on it. But be warned, most of the thoughts he shares end in needy, sloppy kisses.
Driver would immediately notice the changes you've made, but be more intrigued with why you've made them. He would remain quiet about it and wait for you to tell him, not sure how to broach the subject, but keep glancing at you with a raised eyebrow to let you know he has noticed and is awaiting an explanation. Eventually, when you mention that you've taken a trip to the hairdressers or tattoo studio, and especially if you follow up with something like 'I just felt like doing this for myself,' or, more dangerously, 'I thought you might like it,' he simply nods with a coy little smile before softly pushing you back and kissing you, languid yet forceful. One corner of his mouth pulls into a shy smile every time his eyes flit over your new look.
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softtdaisy · 10 months
🌲 a walk in the past l Charles Leclerc
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summary. this Christmas market has been your favorite for years. today, it's just a reminder of what you lost. of who you lost.
words count. 1,895
a/n. this is the story that inspired the whole angsty Christmas series. it's massively inspired by Cindy Lou who (please listen to Sabrina's ep). it's sad. it's Charles. I hope you will love it 🫶
a very angsty Christmas l masterlist
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“You really didn’t have to do this.”
Ever since you were a child, you used to go to the Christmas market every year. It wasn’t even to buy a present. Just the pleasure of walking around this stall, hearing Christmas songs and seeing the pleasure on everyone’s face when they won a game, sharing a sweet and seasonal meal or just this magic thing that seems to make all the people here happy. It was one of your favorite moments of the year and you couldn’t miss it. 
Even if this year, you were close to skip it.
“If you think I would have let you alone in your apartment instead of enjoying your favorite time of the year, you were barking up the wrong tree.” your best friend replied, putting her arm around your shoulder to bring you closer.
You laughed at her gesture and appreciated this feeling of being loved. And not alone.
Something you sadly lacked these past months.
The reason you almost didn’t come this year was simple. It was Charles.
When you started dating three years ago, the Formula One season was coming to an end. You had met through mutual friends in Monaco and he always managed to see you when he came back home, sometimes even skipping time with his family for you -something you were arguing with him for.
Once he was finally free, this Christmas market was one of your first official dates as a couple. You were living a literal teenage dream, walking hand in hand with him, showing him all the places you had memories with -meaning almost everything. You let him buy your favorite sweet and a scarf that you never left after that.
And you did that every year. It was always the first date you had after the season ended. The first time you could act like a normal couple again. And even if Charles met some fans there, very few thanks to the beanie and the scarf hiding him, it still felt intimate. 
One night, after you drank too much wine and were watching the fireworks, Charles told you that at least he knew where he could propose to you. 
It has become your place.
Until he left.
Now it was only yours, alone.
Everything reminded you of him now. The stall with all the puppies where you were talking about adopting one and even thought about the name. The big pine tree where you added your own decoration together, like the tradition says. The photomaton where he kissed you and the picture that was still somewhere in your apartment because you couldn’t get rid of it. Or just every couple, being happy like you used to. You hated feeling jealous about these poor people who didn’t ask for anything but to spend a moment together.
It was hard to walk on the path of your biggest heartbreak.
“How about a hot chocolate?” Your friend asked you. Well pulled you because she didn’t really wait for your answer before walking to the stall. You didn’t mind. It wasn’t like you felt like making any decision anyway. You apologized to the little girl that collided with your legs and followed your best friend until you had to wait because there were too many people.
You looked around and noticed the stall with handmade Christmas decorations. You always bought something there, like your own tradition. “Do you mind if I go there while you wait?” your best friend agreed and you walked there with stars in your eyes.
Not thinking for a single second that going there would wreck your heart into millions pieces.
“Oh, miss little red beanie.” The seller laughed when he saw you, remembering the little girl you were before with your favorite red beanie, until you grew and it became too small for you. You started to look around the decorations, already noticing some new ones that you loved.
Until you heard a laugh. A very distinct laugh that you could have recognized everywhere. You still turned around to make sure you didn’t dream.
Oh how you wished you did.
Because there he was. Still looking as beautiful as before. With his outgrown brown hair hiding in his black beanie, a scarf you used to steal when you couldn’t find yours, eyes so shiny because of the cold and a red nose that you loved to tease him about. No doubt. Charles was there.
And he wasn’t alone.
You weren’t sure you wanted to look at her. To see who she was. How she could be better than you. Why did he choose her over you? Knowing would be hard. Ignoring it wouldn’t be that much better.
But before you could ever decide what you wanted, Charles turned his head. He felt a look on him.
No he had the same feeling he used to have when you were together. There was something different with you. Something magnetic that would always let him know that you were there, looking at him, even if he couldn’t see you. And it was back.
Your eyes met. And suddenly, your heart was breaking again. 
You couldn’t handle the idea of being around him with his new girl. So you did the first thing that came to your mind: running away. 
The perks of knowing this market by heart, you knew exactly where you had to go to avoid people and be at peace.
The con was that Charles knew it too.
“Please wait!” you heard him in your back. What a wonderful idea to have an athlete as an ex, especially one you’re trying to run away from. 
You ended up stopping, not able to go anywhere else without turning around and meeting Charles. With nothing else to lose, you accepted your fate. The terrible fate that you feared these past weeks. 
You really wondered if you would see Charles now that the season was over and he was around. Were there any chances that you would run into each other in such a big city? You thought you wouldn’t. You really thought you would be lucky enough to avoid this confrontation. 
Apparently the universe wasn’t a fan of this narrative.
“I had no idea you would be here, I wouldn’t come otherwise.” 
You laughed. How dare he? You had no idea what you hated the most. The fact he really thought you wouldn’t be there this year because of him. Or that he used this sweet and comprehensive tone like he was really sorry for you. If he was, then he wouldn’t have broken your heart out of a stupid boredom.
“Oh I’m sorry Charles” you said, turning around to finally face him “Do I bother you by being here, at my favorite place, the one I come to every year, the one I showed you because I wanted to live that moment?” 
“That’s not what I meant.” he sighed, putting a hand on his neck and biting his lips. 
You used to love this tic. There were always some moments in your relationship when you had a hard time distinguishing Charles the driver from Charles your boyfriend. Sure, it was the same person in the end. But the media and his PR team were creating a whole entire character around him, one that wasn’t entirely faithful to the real Charles you knew. 
And then there were moments like this where he wasn’t that overly confident driver that couldn't do no wrong. He was the man that you love, scared of saying the wrong thing, conscious that everything could come to an end one day. 
“So what?” you added, taking a step closer to him. It was a dangerous limit, because at any moment, the feeling of being that close would make all your feelings come back. From hate to love there was indeed one step, one you better not take if you didn’t want to come home with a heart even more broken. “If you knew I was there you wouldn’t have brought your new doll?”
You saw the change in his eyes when you said that. And oh how you hated seeing this look on his face. Because you knew it too, there was not one thing you didn’t know about him. And this one hurted, again. It was the exact same look Charles used to give when someone talked badly about you.
Suddenly, you weren’t the one being protected. You were the one he had to protect his new girl from.
“You’re being mean.” he added, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
“I am mean?” your voice broke at that last word. “You fucking brought her here Charles! It was our place! It is my safe place and now you ruined it! Again!” this time you couldn’t resist and hit his chest with your fist. “Why do you have to ruin everything in my life?”
It wasn’t a real question. Or at least, you didn’t expect any real answer. What could he say? Because he wanted to? Because if you can’t be happy together, you shouldn’t try to be now that you are no longer a thing? Or maybe the worst one: he just didn’t think this through. It would mean you were never important enough for him to think about the consequences.
There was no world in which Charles truly thought about you when he broke up with you at the beginning of the year. When you thought everything was alright, when you were looking for an apartment together, when you had that stupid conversation about having a family one day. He dropped it. The “I’m not sure I can’t do this anymore.” Just like that.
Did he really think about you when he couldn’t give a simple explanation as to why he couldn’t do you anymore? 
A single tear fell from your eye and Charles watched it run slowly on your cheek. “I just wanted to apologize.” he whispered, taking your hand between his. But you immediately dropped it.
“That would have been a first.” 
You both stayed silent for a few seconds before you started to walk back to the market. This time, Charles didn’t try to stop you. It was worthless and he knew that. You wouldn’t stop. You had enough. And even he knew that it would be unkind to try again.
You whipped the tear right before you met your best friend, standing in the middle of the road looking for you. You grabbed a chocolate cup and kissed her cheek to thank her. “Where were you?” she asked, more concerned that you thought she would be. How long did you disappear for her to have the time to buy these drinks?
You turned around and saw Charles coming back too. You watched as he grabbed her hand and gave it a kiss with a big smile. Yes. Something he used to do with you too. “Such a gentleman” you used to say when he did that. But now you weren’t the one getting your hand kissed.
“No way…” you heard your best friend say when she saw them. “This can’t be true right?” she asked you. And you wished you could reassure her.
But the truth was there. Charles broke your heart at the beginning of the year.
And he broke what was left at the end of it.
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hischierswhore · 10 months
cindy lou who
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i'm back, and just in time for ficmas! this was inspired by sabrina carpenter’s song “cindy lou who”. i highly recommend listening to it as you read 🎄
pairing: lando norris x ex!reader
You, Kika, Alex, Carmen, and Lily all sat around your Christmas tree as you began your Secret Santa exchange. It was a girls' night, and you all thought this would be the best way to spend your final girls' night before Christmas.
The holiday spirit was evident within your cozy little flat, as the elegant pink and white ornaments decorated your tree and the pine-scented candles spread a wonderful aroma throughout your home.
"Oh my gosh, this is adorable! Which one of you got me this?" Lily questioned, looking around at each girl, trying to see who could barely contain their smile.
When Lily got to you, her bright smile slightly fell into a frown.
"Y/n? Is everything alright?" She asked as she rested her hand on yours, the contact waking you from the daydream you were in.
"Oh yeah. All is good!" You gave her and the rest of the group a thumbs up.
Truthfully, you were reminiscing on last Christmas. It was the last one you spent with your now ex-boyfriend Lando. This time last year you were at his house, kissing underneath the mistletoe.
After a few more Secret Santa reveals, the whole exchange was over. You picked up your phone and began to scroll through Instagram. As you scrolled, you saw a glimpse of Lando, leading you to scroll back to view it properly.
I saw you laughing in one of his pictures But you'll be the one with his ring on your finger There's red and green everywhere But I'm so blue Cindy Lou Who
You felt your stomach drop when you came across the photo of Lando... with a girl. She was stunning. Her long brown hair curled to perfection. The smile on her face was bright and huge. Her arms wrapped around Lando's neck. Her eyes weren't on the camera, they were on Lando.
He was smiling back at the girl. You wondered who took the photo, or rather, who captured them in that moment, and why did they want to torture you for the rest of your life?
You turned your phone off, desperately trying to find something to distract yourself with. You looked at the tree, you looked at the candles. You stupidly looked at the picture frame that was placed right in front of your TV. The one that had a picture of you and the girls. The picture that had replaced the one of you and Lando from Christmas 2 years ago. The frame that always reminded you of him.
Maybe he met you somewhere in the desert While he was soul-searching, he found someone better Guess you make him happy like I couldn't do Cindy Lou Who
As the night went on, you began to think of the girl in the picture. When did they meet & was it after what you had assumed was going to be a sort break?
Your breakup with Lando was a result of him claiming that he needed space to find who he truly was. You understood, but you always thought he'd come back for you when he was ready.
Now it seems as though you were never part of his plans after his "self-discovery".
You couldn't ignore the fact that he looked happy with this girl. He hadn't looked that happy with you in a long time. It pained you to see how happy he was without you in his life. His smile, the one you loved to see, was now causing you so much pain.
With your hair so long, lips so red Maybe we met once I forget Scrolling five years back, I'm obsessed Breaking my heart 'Tis the season I guess
After successfully distracting yourself with a Christmas movie that you watched with your girls, everyone was beyond tired and headed home. You dragged yourself to your bed, grabbed your pillow, and put it over your head. You were so done with the holiday season.
You tossed and turned for what felt like hours, when in reality it was just 30 minutes. You knew you shouldn't, but you did it anyways. You picked up your phone and went back to Lando's post. You clicked on the girl's tag and pulled up her profile.
Your breathing faltered as you were met with the brunette's feed: it was basically just pictures of her and Lando. You scrolled all the way down until you were five years back. She was a model, so of course Lando fell in love with her.
Just as you scrolled to the top and refreshed the profile, a new post appeared on her feed. It was a picture of the girl and Lando, her red lips pressed against Lando's underneath the mistletoe. You tried to hold back tears as you looked over the photo, along with the caption.
"meet me under the mistletoe :)"
If you're waking up now in his old bed At his family's house, know that you're just Breaking my heart 'Tis the season I guess
You desperately wanted to tell him how you felt, but it was no use. Lando had moved on and he appeared to be in love, but you were in love with him too. You never stopped, and now there was nothing you could do to get him back.
The snow's gonna fall and the tree's gonna glisten And I'm gonna puke at the thought of you kissin' The boy who I love is now in love with you Cindy Lou Who
hope you all enjoyed 🫶🏼
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halucynator · 10 months
False Fronts III
part 3 of 4
the mastermind behind this one is @berryzxx as always thank you for your help bby (after this series finishes, i want you to fill my inbox btw)
i shouldve named jess chloe because damn this girl is giving off major chloe vibes from mlb. sorry if this is like underwhelming.
i might make a part 4 (but like only if you ask nicely) because this isn't an ending it can't possibly be an ending!!
Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing, "fake" dating, jealousy, not proof read and my writing
Summary: Being asked to fake date someone to get a petty ex off their back is the worst possible way of being friend-zoned. You, however, were willing to take any chances to get as close as you could to Theodore Nott.
now playing: cindy lou who by sabrina carpenter
reblogs with tags are always appreciated <;33
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4: fluff angst
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"Stop right there, bitch! Get the fuck away from my boyfriend." Jess's voice cut through the tense air, instantly drawing everyone's attention.
Theo sighed in exasperation. "Ex-boyfriend. And don't you dare talk to my girlfriend like that." His words carried a chilly intensity.
"Oh, she's your girlfriend now? That's hilarious because the last time I checked, you two were faking it," Jess retorted, a smug smirk playing on her lips.
The unexpected reveal left you and Theo exchanging a helpless glance. How did Jess figure it out? You had played the roles so convincingly that even you were starting to believe the lines had blurred between fake and real.
Before Theo could interject, Jess continued, her voice dripping with confidence. "Cut the act. You may have fooled everyone else, but the one person you wanted to fool hasn't been fooled."
You attempted to speak up, to question how she found out, but Jess swiftly shut you down.
"How did I know?" Jess glanced at you, then turned back to Theo. "Your "girlfriend" here," she eyed you "is quite chatty. Talks to her friends about how real it feels between you two. It's honestly so sad. She's desperate for your little facade to be real."
The weight of Jess's words hung heavy in the air. Theo's expression morphed from surprise to a mix of confusion and disbelief. You felt a pang of embarrassment and frustration. How could something you thought was contained within the fake dating scenario leak out and become gossip?
Amidst the tension, you struggled to find the right words to explain or defend yourself, caught in this sudden unraveling of a secret that had been meant to stay hidden.
Seeing the lack of reaction from either of you, Jess pressed on. "Pathetic, isn't it? Wanting something that's not real to be real."
Theo's jaw clenched, a knot forming in his brow as his gaze ricocheted between you and Jess, desperately seeking some clarity amidst the chaos. The gravity of the situation settled heavily, leaving you scrambling to find the right words to shield yourself from her accusations, to explain the bizarre blend of make-believe and genuine emotions that had intertwined.
"God, she's so pathetic," Jess continued, her words laced with a mocking tone that cut through the tension like a dagger. "He's gonna drop you, sweetie. You really think he'd date—"
Before Jess could finish her sentence, Theo's voice cut in, firm and resolute. "Enough, Jess. You don't know anything about us, so quit pretending like you do."
There was an edge to Theo's tone, a hint of frustration, as he stood his ground, shutting down Jess's attempts to sow doubt. His protective stance felt like a shield against her words, offering a reassuring anchor amidst the sudden storm of doubts. His words held a sharpness, a protective edge that cut through the tension between you, Jess, and him. There was an unmistakable weight to his tone, a warning that echoed with an intensity that couldn't be ignored.
Jess taunted, "Maybe, but I know this little fling of yours is fake."
Theo's frustration boiled over. "It's not fake!" His voice surged with an unexpected intensity.
Jess remained unconvinced. "Prove it, then."
Both you and Jess turned towards him, a shared look of confusion etched across your faces, curious about his next move.
And then he kissed you.
Just like that.
Theo's hand gently but firmly encircled your face, his touch tender yet commanding as he guided your gaze to meet his with an almost magnetic force. His eyes, ablaze with an unspoken intensity, drew you closer as he leaned in, the anticipation palpable in the charged air between you both.
With a tender yet deliberate motion, his lips met yours, igniting a spark that seemed to set the world around you ablaze. The kiss, at first hesitant yet brimming with an undeniable passion, swiftly intensified into a hurricane of emotions, locking you into a shared moment that transcended time.
As Jess stormed away, the tumultuous whirlwind of her departure seemed to only fuel the fervor of the kiss, heightening the sensation of intimacy and urgency. Despite her exit, the connection between you and Theo only deepened, the embrace continuing unabated, lost in the heat of the moment.
After the brief, surprising kiss, you and Theo pulled away, both slightly taken aback by the sudden rush of emotions that surged between you.
Theo's voice broke the silence, a hint of uncertainty lingering in his words. "Is what she said true?"
You met his gaze, the honesty in his eyes compelling you to speak your truth. "Well, that's what I was about to tell you before she rudely interrupted me," you admitted, a tinge of frustration evident in your voice.
Theo's expression softened as he took a step closer, a mixture of emotions playing on his features. "I'm sorry about that. Go on, tell me."
Taking a deep breath, you gathered your thoughts, finally getting the chance to express what had been on your mind amidst the chaos. "Theo, what started as a fake dating thing somehow... shifted. It wasn't just acting anymore. I began to feel something real, something I didn't expect. And I didn't get the chance to tell you earlier that... I think I might have fallen for you."
Theo's eyes widened slightly, surprise mingling with a hint of something that resembled hope. "Y/N, I... I feel the same way. I didn't plan on it either, but somewhere along the way, it stopped feeling like just a fake thing."
Before either of you could say more, footsteps approached, interrupting the moment once again. It was your friends, rushing over, oblivious to the emotional exchange that had just taken place.
"Hey, guys! What's up?" one of them asked cheerfully, completely unaware of the weight of the situation.
Theo shot you a quick look, a silent agreement passing between you to revisit the conversation later, as the group gathered around, blissfully unaware of the emotions that had unexpectedly blossomed between you.
As your friends gathered around, oblivious to the charged atmosphere between you and Theo, the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Laughter filled the air, and you both seamlessly blended into the group, concealing the emotions that had just occurred moments ago.
Throughout the evening, stolen glances and subtle smiles exchanged between you and Theo conveyed more than words ever could. It was a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken feelings now shared between the two of you.
As the night wore on, the group dispersed, leaving you and Theo alone in the quiet of the Hogwarts grounds. The air was thick with unsaid words and newfound emotions.
Theo hesitated for a moment, then turned to you. "Y/N, about earlier..."
Before he could continue, you placed a gentle hand on his arm, offering a reassuring smile. "We'll talk later, Theo. For now, let's just enjoy the peace."
A sense of understanding passed between you, a mutual agreement to let the night unfold without the weight of rushed confessions or overwhelming emotions.
Together, you strolled through the dimly lit pathways, relishing the tranquility of the moment. Letting the newly revealed feelings linger in that money felt right.
The air crackled with anticipation, and you couldn't help but wonder: would this newfound bond flourish into something more, or would the weight of uncertainty push you both apart?
Only one way to find out.
hello, hi! want more fics to read while i work on part 4? check out my masterlist.
part 4: choose your ending. fluff angst
tagging: @hisparentsgallerryy @hpnsfwaddict
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mysticmunson · 1 year
alpha!eddie and omega!reader where reader works with an asshole alpha who wants some claim over her and tries not to tell eddie because she knows he’ll be super protective (which she loves and appreciates but likes her joke and doesn’t wanna start trouble) but he comes in one day to spend her break with her, pick her up early, idk something like that and sees/hears him harassing her and steps in?? idk maybe that’s stupid but im a sucker for protective eddie so bad
covered: alpha!eddie munson x omega!reader
authors note: hi ur ask is not stupid at all and i loved it! i appreciate any ask i receive, especially one as amazing as this.
warnings: unwanted flirting, harassment, unwarranted touching, aggression, knives, mentions of breeding (18+ no minors)
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Down on South County Road sat a quaint bookstore, the isles neatly lined, set in place based on genre and author. Receiving the job in senior year, you stayed after graduation, working between college courses. 
The owners were an elderly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker, not up to the trends of CD’s or mixtapes, preferring the records they had collected from their youth. When you presented, they were kind and wished you well, assuring your job security when you returned. It made the process so much easier, bringing a casserole when you returned to work.
It was only a few blocks away from Eddie’s work, a local mechanic shop owned by a friend of Wayne’s, though he would’ve gotten the job without the association. He was skilled with his hand, an advantage for work and for you.
The close proximity was beneficial for you both, knowing that each other was only a walk away if anything occurred. The two of you were practically inseparable since you presented, his innate characterizations coming to life as he felt immense responsibility for your safety and wellbeing. 
However, the time apart was healthy, giving you each time to acclimate to your new way of life and, simultaneously, regaining the normalcy of the past. This plan seemed perfect for you two until you met Jack, the new hire at the bookstore.
Standing a bit over 6’2, his athletic build was helpful for reaching higher shelves just out of your reach. He had attracted a crowd of girls on most of his shifts, his dirty blond hair that swooped over his circular glasses containing his green eyes made most women light up. 
Those green iris’ of his didn’t stay on them though, they looked at you, ever since you came back from your heat. The notion that you could sense an alpha seemed preposterous until it occurred to you, immediately diagnosing his type. 
“Anything for you, gorgeous.” He’d quip at any request, flashing his marginally crooked teeth, that were sweet at first. 
Cindy, your coworker, had told Jack you were taken, but he couldn’t believe it. He felt the need to be yours and when an alpha became determined, there would be little to deter them.
His desires became more prominent as you worked together, using any and all opportunities to be in close proximity, taking control of situations that seemed slightly tense, and stating how you were ‘a perfect omega’.
Despite the uncomfort, you loved your job and didn’t want to work anywhere else. So you refrained from telling Eddie, knowing it would be a hardsell to make him relaxed with you there. He trusted you completely, but he didn’t trust other people, especially other mateless alpha’s around you. Even the thought of him with a needy omega made you physically ill.
It was a gloomy Thursday as you worked the morning shift, an old Tchaikovsky record spinning to give the room some life as you organized the bookmarks. As badly as you wished to be home, you knew this would likely be your final shift before your upcoming heat. 
As the time of the month approached, you felt more vulnerable than usual, not wanting to leave Eddie’s side. The days before made you more sensitive to everything. When music was too chaotic, when voices raised too high, and when anyone touched you felt head spinning for a variety of reasons. 
With your break at 12:30, Jack was scheduled to come in at 12, strolling in a few minutes past. His blue button up was tucked into his tan dress pants, oxfords shuffling on the welcome mat to rid of the dirt from the parking lot. Flashing a toothless smile, he made his way to clock in.
“You look beautiful today, omega.” He said softly, looking at you up and down as you adjusted the kids book section. You had asked him to stop calling you omega, just your birth name, but he always seemed to forget.
The lilac dress fit well around your bust and flowed at your waist, tied on your shoulders in small bows. Your ballet flats made the higher shelves more difficult to reach, creasing the sides as you slid a red Ronald Dahl novel in.
“Here, let me help.” Jack insisted, standing behind you and taking the book from your grasp. Placing it, you could hear the sharp inhale he took as he stood behind you, his frame capturing in.
Turning around, you were stopped by his chest as he looked down at you, an odd flash of protection, control, and lust. Your eyes widened as your back went against the wooden bookcase, hating the way your body froze.
It was unnerving to know people could sense your intimate nature, even more so when you know they wanted something out of it. As the anxiety coursed through your veins, your hands trembled, holding them within one another. 
“I know you’re scared, I can help.” Jack assured, bringing little comfort, “I can take care of you, let me.”
Shaking your head, you managed to slide away, going back behind the counter. Though free from his immediate reach, the seed had been planted in his mind, he wanted you and you could tell. 
Jack’s chest puffed out, his stature went from relaxed to rigid, back to your side in seconds. His green eyes had never felt more scorching, drilling into the side of your head as you checked the time, only 2 minutes from your break. 
“You’re gonna be my sweet omega, aren’t you? Can feel how sensitive you are right now, I can fix it.” He cooed, but his words felt painful, searing into your skin. Stomach twisting with anxiety, you swallowed the growing lump in your throat.
“I have an alpha, Jack.” You whispered, stamping the inside of a magazine about to be put out for guests to read. The covers of Cosmopolitan and People doing nothing to block the man from his intense gaze.
A condescending ticking noise came from his pink lips, “Oh omega, if they’re so good, why are you here? Why aren’t they here to help? I’m always by your side to help, aren’t I?”
The words left his mouth as Eddie walked into the store, your favorite pizza held in a to-go container as he took his break, deciding to surprise you due to knowing how susceptible you felt recently. 
He was aware of your new coworker, but only knew their name and his vigilance was sprouting. As he rounded the isles, he heard the voice becoming more intense, making his steps hasten. 
Coming into eyesight of the cash register, he saw your timid frame trapped between two firm grasps, “I can sense your heat, omega, let me help. We’d make such beautiful pups.”
A blood vessel nearly bursted inside Eddie’s forehead as he witnessed your rigid stance, tears lining your eyes with a wobbling lip. His grip went to the man's shirt as he dropped the box on the counter, holding him by the collar.
“I don’t know who the fuck you are, but if I see you near her again, I’ll make you unrecognizable.” Eddie barked, Jack’s feet slightly off the ground as you scurried to the other side of the wall.
With a condescending laugh, Jack broke from his hold, shoving him backwards. “If we’re fighting for her, I’m taking you down, freak.” 
“Sweetheart, go to my truck.” Eddie commanded, glancing back to see you grab your purse and scurrying away. 
The man before him pushed his sleeves to his elbows, cracking his neck in preparation, but Eddie waited till the sound of the front door bell clang. As it shut, he grabbed his fringe and shoved his head against the wall. 
The grunt was music to Eddie’s ears as he grabbed his switchblade from his boot, flicking it open to hold near the, now, nervous man’s bobbing Adam’s Apple. The cool metal grazed against his warm skin, his fight gone. It was how Eddie knew Jack didn’t give a shit about you, he wasn’t fighting hard.
“You are going to finish this shift for her, work through her time off, then quit and never speak to her again. If I see your weasel-ass face, I will make sure you never have children. Don’t look at her, don’t smell her, and if you touch her? You won’t breathe long enough to beg for forgiveness.” Eddie gritted, seeing the fear in Jack’s face, the one of an alpha who hasn’t mated and hasn’t matured. 
“Okay, just get off of me, please.” He struggled to get out, feeling the blade against the soft skin of his throat. 
Dropping him, he stormed out with the box in hand, seeing your moderately more relaxed frame from inside the blue pickup. Adrenaline in his veins, he opened the door sharply and shut it just as precisely.
Cupping your cheek, he leaned in to give a heartfelt kiss, his thumb repeating calming motions. 
“Let’s go home, darling.” He sighed, his arm going behind you as he backed out of the parking spot. The action alone made your stomach flutter, feeling the burning sensation of need. Before you could fret, vocally, about the remainder of your day, he smiled, “Don’t worry, baby, I got you covered.”
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hi babes! feedback, comments, and concerns are always welcomed and appreciated. thank u! :)
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lizthewriter · 9 months
love is so embarrassing / ted logan
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PAIRING  ted logan x fem!reader
SUMMARY  you continually give your all to a jock who could care less - ted makes you realize there's mucb better options out there. namely, him.
TAGS  ted logan x fem!reader, high school, prom, og!boyfriend is a complete dick, best friends to lovers, fluff, angst, loser!ted, kissing, cursing, canon-typical lingo, most excellent
QUOTE  "just watch as i crucify myself, / for some weird second string, / loser who's not worth mentioning, / my god, love's embarrassing as hell," - love is embarrassing by olivia rodrigo
WRITTEN  12.30.2023
ted -
you stormed into ted's bedroom, slamming the door behind you. ted watched from his bed with an expression of mostly shock, mingled with a slight bit of awe. you flopped onto his bed, buried your face into his pillow, and let out a feral scream. he placed down the magazine he'd been flipping through and held a finger next to your side, weighing the pros and cons of poking you to elicit a reaction. before he had time to do so, you immediately sat up with an angry pout and offered him the most sympathetic look you could while so angry.
"sorry, it's just . . . i hate him. i hate him! he said we would be spending the whole night together, but yet again he's made plans with his 'friends' and he's 'so so sorry.' honestly, i'm getting sick of it!"
oh, you were angry about that boyfriend of yours. ted wasn't a fan at all - the way he treated you was most heinous. he didn't really seem to care about you - if anything, he treated you like a side piece. no, Ted didn't like him one bit.
"don't be sorry," ted said, flashing you one of his trademark grins. somehow, just with a smile, he was always able to make you feel better. "I hate him too! a dickweed like him doesn't deserve a babe- i mean, a girl - like you."
your lips spread into a thin line, which he supposed was an attempt at a smile. "thanks teddy," you responded softly, patting him on the thigh. you tried to think about something else, move the topic of conversation away from your good-for-nothing boyfriend. "so, whatcha doing?"
"me?" ted asked, a little suprised that you were interested. you had spent a lot less time with him and bill ever since you started dating that douchebag. sometimes, he thought you had forgotten about him completely - and that made him feel totally bogus. thus, his eyes sparkled in excitement and he began to talk very fast because when was the last time you two had some time to just chat? "i'm just looking at these totally awesome dudes, to get uh - uh -" he glanced upwards in an attempt to remember the word he wanted to use. "well, i'm writing music for wyld stallyns and stuff."
"oh, cool!" you exclaimed. "can I see?"
"no!" ted responded, perhaps a bit too quickly. he didn't want you to see the many failed attempts at writing a most bodacious love song for you. "they're still, er, works in progress, dudette!"
"oh, well, all right!" you paused, lost in thought, before you asked, "wanna go watch a movie?"
you -
you had felt the guilt creep in rather quickly once you realized how much you'd been procrastinating on hanging out with your best friends, bill and ted. you had been so hyperfixated on your boyfriend that you had completely forgotten about your weekly movie night and failed to meet up with bill to help him paint some posters for a wyld stallyns. you decided to apologize by treating them to a day at the mall, buying ice cream and movie tickets for all of you.
while you and bill chatted vehemently about perhaps the coolest sci-fi film you've ever seen, ted was a bit preoccupied watching your so-called boyfriend get a bit too cozy with cindy. cindy, who most considered to be the prettiest girl in your grade, was head cheerleader (though you had always been the prettiest, in ted's mind). you noticed that ted was being uncharacteristically quiet and followed his line of sight. immediately, your jubilant expression fell to something much more hardened.
"of course he's here. why wouldn't he be." he somehow always found a way to ruin your best days - and who the hell was that he was copying up with?
"hey, wow, look over there!" bill said all of a sudden, pointing to the lower floor of the mall, in the opposite direction. you didn't notice the look that bill gave ted and glanced to where he was pointing. there was nothing there.
"i don't see anything," you said with furrowed brows, completely distracted now and confused as to what exactly bill had spotted. ted had rushed to your side and looked down as well.
"what? i don't-" ted let out what sounded like a small whimper of pain (you didn't see bill step on his foot). "oh yeah! duh! the thing, you didn't see . . . the thing?"
"what thing?" you asked exasperatedly.
"come on!" bill exclaimed, running towards the escalator. ted barked out a laugh before quickly following him in pursuit.
"wait, guys!" you didn't realize until you jad gotten home - they were distracting you from your so-called boyfriend. you couldn't help but smile the rest of the day.
ted -
you and ted walked off the bus together, laughing your asses off as you made the slow walk to your houses. the two of you had lived next to each other for as long as you could remember. the bond between the two of you had remained strong ever since.
ted watched as you through your head back with a bark of laughter and he admired the way your grin split your face, the way your hair tickled the nape of your neck, how the sun twinkled in your beautiful eyes. he was snapped back to reality when you had straightened out your head, your entire back even, and stared in suprise at someone sitting on your front lawn. they held a boombox, romantic music blaring through the speakers. they held a sign, one that made ted sick to the very depths of his stomach. will you go to prom with me?
ted had been planning on asking you that very same question later today. but it was too late - you were running up to that douchebag, your arms thrown around his neck as you shouted "yes!" rather a bit loudly. that sound is punctuated in his ears for the rest of the day.
later, when you were both sitting in his room doing homework (well, you were doing homework - he was sulking while pretending to write about history stuff) he placed down his pencil. this drew your attention.
"what do you see in him?" ted asked.
"what?" you responded with furrowed brows, obviously not yet accustomed to the sudden change in conversation.
"what do you see in him? your boyfriend? he's not - not smart or anything. not that funny. not even that good at football."
you leaned back and closed your math textbook. "what's that supposed to mean?" he felt uncomfortable now, at your offended tone, and wondered whether he should have spoke up at all.
"he just doesn't treat you right," ted grumbled. "you deserve to be treated most excellently - and he certainly does not treat you as such. you saw him with that girl at the mall."
you nodded slowly before gathering all your books together in a rush, fury painted all over your face.
"where are you going?" ted asked innocently.
"away from you," you responded harshly. "you know what i think, ted, I think you're jealous that i have a date for prom and you don't. don't pick on my boyfriend because your miserable."
"what, no, that's -" you held a hand to his face as you left his room, slamming the door behind you. "non-non-heinous, man."
you -
you smiled for the picture your parents took with you, your boyfriend, and bill and ted (the boys were glaring daggers at each other, not to your awareness). as you were ushered out the door, you were met by the sight of a limo out front.
you felt someone snake a finger under the strap of your dress, pulling it back and snapping it against your skin. you let out a yelp, slapping your boyfriend in the arm, half-serious. "ow!"
"well show a little more skin next time, missy, i thought we were having a fun time," he responded with another cruel chuckle. you wrapped your arma ariund your shoulders with discomfort, pulling the straps of your dress further upwards. yoy glanced towards ted, his teeth clenched and fists crumpled. maybe he was right. maybe he really was a douchebag. it was time you didn't let him treat you like shit.
"well if that's all you cared about tonight, getting your dick wet, then i suggest you find another easily-manipulated girl to be your prom bitch," you barked back sharply. as soon as you realized the words that had left your mouth, you slapped a hand over your mouth. bill arched a brow at ted in suprise, who let out a snicker.
"you find that funny, logan?" your (ex-)boyfriend said to ted.
"yeah, i do," ted responded, blowing out his chest, trying to seem tough. only a second later there was a sickening crunch, a blow dealt to his jaw. he fell down to the ground, his face turned away from you. you rushed over to ted, asking if he was okay. you only heard your ex scoff and walk back towards the limo.
"ted, let me see your face," you said gently. he turned his face towards you and you let out a gasp. his jaw was all bruised up. "oh god! i'm so sorry!"
"cool, dude! battle scar!" bill exclaimed excitedly, letting out a chuckle. ted pushed himself to be sitting upright, a grin spreading like an infection across his face.
"i totally pissed him off, didn't i?" ted asked, obviously very smug with himself despite having just been punched square in the face. "I told ya he was bogus."
"i should have listened to you earlier," you responded sheepishly, wincing at the memory of raising your voice at ted. "I wish i could make it up to you."
"well, there is a way . . ." ted trailed off, looking towards bill. he responded to ted with an ostentatious thumbs up, and ted returned to your gaze with another lazy grin. "go to prom with me?"
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sleepyheadnat · 2 months
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Word count: 675
Cleaning up the rubble of the old Citadel years after the fact, Cindy ended up finding something unexpected—a broken leather string tied to a rusty little plaque in the middle. A dog tag. With Noctis's name, age, sex and blood type engraved on it.
It had been a stupid thing, really. Noctis and Prompto had still been in high school at the time and a fair had hit the town. The gunslinger—18 years old and having never held a gun at that point—convinced them to get matching ones from a stand so their whole Royal Retainer "thing" would, quote on quote, "Feel more legit". And now here Noctis's lied, in the ruins of the place where he had fallen. How very fitting.
That silly town's fair trinket was now akin to the prince's inheritance. But there was no fight for its possession—the other two decided on Ignis immediately. And Ignis took it, and he clung to it. It hadn't been easy for any of them—much less for himself—to see their formerly composed and seemingly unshakable companion, their "mom", kneeling on the dusty ground, gripping the dog tag in both hands like his life depended on it, sobbing openly and bitterly like a child.
He began wearing it around his neck—fixed the string with the utmost care. Aranea would catch, out of the corner of her eyes, how he would sometimes hold it between fingers, stroke it while whispering soothing mantras to get himself to calm down when whatever creature lived in his head started acting up. In moments like those it settled in her—the truth she had long realized and accepted way before he had gotten down on one knee before her: Aranea had married a broken man. Fit her just right, though; she wasn't any less broken than he was.
Maybe too many blows to the head will do that to you, but she found it harder and harder to discern reality in her mind. She would spend minutes trying to separate her dreams—and nightmares—from the prior night from her actual life, try to make sure that the memory she was playing in her mind was an actual memory and not a thought or a story someone had told her.
She would sometimes watch Ignis as he talked to her, stare at the scarred eyes behind his glasses, follow the movement of his lips and wonder to herself who was this man talking to her so intimately and why did he feel so familiar. Some mornings, she would leap out of bed when she saw him and reach for a spear that was not there. Ignis would gently, lovingly coax her into believing that yes, they were married, this was her house, she was safe. No, the war had ended long ago, they didn't have to worry about that. Niffelheim? No, they were in Insomnia, she had defected from the Empire years ago. Why was the Sun up? It was because the True King had sacrificed himself to bring the Dawn back. The world was saved.
And, as sick and twisted as it was (because it was very sick and twisted), the few tears that would sometimes escape Ignis as he said those words aloud would at times turn out to be just the thing that spurred Aranea's memories back. She would come out of her episodes just in time to see her husband try to hide his sadness. But Aranea, always one to have things done her way, would have none of that. And, as sick and twisted as it was, comforting him helped ease her mind away from painful memories and destructive thoughts.
In a sick, twisted, miraculous way, having to care for each other's burdens helped ease their own pain. It was easier to be strong when you had someone who depended on you, warmth was easier to find with arms holding you or another body lying beside your own in bed. Yes, married life suited them just fine—to live is to suffer, but at least they weren't suffering alone.
This is a little segment of a HighSpecs fic I began writing in late 2022/early 2023. I never got around to finishing it,—and I want to! I just don't know when I'll have the time—but this section was completed and self-contained enough that I felt like sharing it by itself for now, while the rest of the fic remains a WIP.
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misseviehyde · 1 year
Part 1 - Finders Keepers
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Cindy laughed when she found the weird remote control in an old cardboard box in the attic. Someone had gone to a lot of time and effort to add new buttons and wires to it - sellotaping extra batteries and bits of random electronics onto the housing.  They had even changed out the original buttons and put new ones on that said strange things like, "Body swap" and "Memory transfer"
"What's that you found?" asked her boyfriend Jack as he walked into her room and saw her playing with the remote.  
"This?  Oh just some weird remote I found hidden in an old cardboard box.  I knew there was lots of old wires and junk in here and I needed some stuff for my science project."
Jack frowned, "Is that the same science project the teacher paired you up with Kenna for?  Did you speak to him about changing partners?"
Cindy's face wrinkled at the name of her bully. She'd tried to explain to Mr Brown that Kenna had been picking on her since she was little and to request someone else to work with, but the teacher had insisted she go through with it.
"Yeah, but he just said it would be a good opportunity to try and get to know her better.  Gah - I hate that bitch - she'll make me do all the work and she won't show any gratitude for it."
"Pity you can't work with someone else," he shrugged.  "Look on the bright side. Maybe she'll go easy on you for a while if you work with her."
"And maybe she'll just be an even bigger bitch to me cos we're stuck together," muttered Cindy still looking at the remote.  She experimentally pressed a button and to her surprise the remote lit up.
"Hey this thing has juice.  Shall we try it out? Imagine if we really could swap bodies.  It would be pretty fascinating I guess." 
Pointing the remote at Jack she pressed the body-swap button and it beeped. She was just messing about and she didn't really expect anything to happen of course.  But suddenly there was a flash of light and in an instant her world went dizzy.  There was a dull rushing in her ears, then a feeling of weightlessness. To her horror she could feel herself being dragged out of her body. For a moment she was moving very fast and being pulled sideways...  then WHAM, the world reoriented itself
"Cindy, what happened?" squeaked a panicked voice and she whirled to see her own body looking down at itself in horror.   "Oh my God, we actually swapped bodies.  The remote actually works!"
Cindy was stunned.  Looking down she saw that she was now in her boyfriends body.  She walked over to the mirror, staggering slightly at the unfamiliar way her hips now seemed to work, and she gazed at herself in astonishment. She ran her now larger hands over her new body, not quite able to believe that this was real and she was now a man.
"Oh my God Jack, this is incredible."  
Jack gulped and prodded his face.  He ran his fingers through Cindy's long black hair and shook his head in denial.  "This has to be a dream or something.  Body-swapping isn't possible."  He looked down at her chest and gulped.  "I... I have your boobs."
"Apparently body-swapping IS possible when you have a magic remote," mused Cindy. "You still have the remote in your hand, you'll need to swap us back."
Jack looked down at her hands then stabbed the controls. There was another moment of dislocation - a sense of disembodiment before the two of them were safely back in their normal bodies.
Cindy felt her skin prickle as she settled back inside herself and she patted her body and grinned.  Her heart pounded with excitement as she looked at her boyfriend who was looking completely bewildered by the experience.
"Oh my God," sighed Jack in relief, "I can't believe that really happened."
"Neither can I," laughed Cindy her eyes shining brightly as she held up the remote. "This device is going to revolutionise our lives. I just need to figure out how!"
Part 2:  Bullied
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Cindy was nearly late for school.  She'd spent far too long gloating over the remote but at the last minute her Mom reminded her she was running late and she hurriedly got ready.  She quickly shoved the remote into her bag, deciding it might be useful at school - and ran to the bus stop; only just getting on board in time.  Panting for breath she quickly sat in her seat, hearing the sniggers from her classmates as they looked at her red face.  The temptation to take out the remote and zap some of them was strong, but she restrained herself.  The power of the remote was immense and she'd promised herself she'd use the power responsibly. Using the mind control button to make them all believe they were dogs or something might have been amusing, but it would have drawn unwanted attention.
It was hard to think about school when she had such an amazing secret. Her head was spinning with all the possibilities she could explore with the remote- but her joyous mood was instantly crushed as she found her new lab partner Kenna waiting for her and she remembered that she was partnered up with the bitch.   
Kenna looked amazing as always, though her uniform was hardly regulation.  Nor was her hair, makeup or nails - but unfortunately her Daddy had donated huge amounts to the school - which meant she got away with pretty much whatever she wanted.  Now Kenna was eyeing Cindy like she was a piece of shit on the bottom of one of her high heels.
"OMG - I can't believe that idiot Mr Brown put me with the biggest fucking loser in the class," snorted Kenna as she sat next to Cindy and eyed her with disgust.  "Why a freak like you should get to work with someone like me, I don't know."  Rudely ignoring Cindy, she turned her body 90 degrees so that it was clear she wanted nothing to do to her and promptly got out her phone and began to browse it. 
Cindy stared at the back of Kenna's beautiful blonde head.  The bitch was infuriating.  She was one of those irritating sluts who had it all.  Her Mom and Dad were rich and well connected... she had been born with natural good looks and athletic ability.  Sure, Kenna's grades were average - but she was no bimbo and with her Daddy's connections, she would definitely go to college.
For someone like Cindy who had, had to work hard all her life - sitting next to this pampered blonde princess was as frustrating as hell. It was true that Kenna was beautiful.  Other girls would kill to look like her, and the blonde bully knew it.  It was partly why she acted like such a bitch. Cindy grit her teeth as Kenna waved at Olivia and Madison her two best-friends and made a fake holding-her-nose gesture as if to suggest Cindy smelt bad.  The other girls dutifully giggled as the bully turned back to Cindy and twirling a piece of gum around her finger.
Seeing her friends were watching her, a malicious smile crept over Kenna's face and she winked at her subordinates.  "Hey Cindy, your hair could do with a wash," she laughed as she pushed the gum deep into Cindy's hair so it tangled and caught in the strands of her hair.
"What - you bitch!" screamed Cindy as she tried to pull the gum out and sobbed as she realised it had stuck to her hair.  She'd probably have to cut it out to get it off.  She sobbed harder as the teacher began to walk over.
Leaning over to whisper in her victims ear, Kenna hissed as she whispered, "You say anything and you're fucking dead.  Me and the girls will get you after school." She dug her claw-like acrylics into Cindy's leg as she spoke and looked up with fake concern in her pretty face.
"Mr Brown, my friend is upset about something. I think she needs to leave the class for today. Can Madison sit with me instead?"
Mr Brown sighed as he saw the weeping Cindy. "No Kenna, I told you.  You aren't working with your friends this time.  You and Cindy need to work as a team."
Kenna scowled and rolled her eyes.  "Whatever."
"If you need a moment to go to the bathrrom, you may do so Cindy," said Mr Brown and with a final sob, Cindy turned and fled.  
It was after class and a red-eyed Cindy had finally managed to cut the gum out of her hair with some nail scissors.  Feeling a burning rage inside, she realised she couldn't go through another three weeks of this hell.  She couldn't be partners with Kenna - it would kill her.
She was walking home from school dejectedly when Jack caught up with her.  He sighed as he saw her. 
"What's wrong?  Why didn't you wait for me. Ohhhh is it Kenna again?"
She nodded, a determined angry look in her eye.  "Yep.  Only this time the bitch doesn't know who she is messing with.  Not now we have the magic remote."  She told Jack about the gum and the bullying she'd endured in Science that day.  His jaw grew grim as he listened.
Jack nodded in agreement as she finished her tale.  "What a fucking bitch, we need to use the remote on her to get revenge.  But how?  Mind control her with the remote?"
Cindy thought for a moment.  "I guess the remote can force people to follow instructions - but it doesn't change how they are inside.  For instance you could tell someone to be nice to everyone they met, but inside their head they would still be mean. I want to force her to change. We need a better idea."
Jack's eyes suddenly lit up with inspiration.
"Hmmmmm, the thing that Kenna would hate most in the world is losing her beauty, wealth and status and having to slum it with the rest of us.  How about a body-swap? We could make her switch with me!  She'd hate it!"
"Really?" gasped Cindy suddenly nervous.  "You'd really want to swap with that slut?"
"It would only be for a few days. We swap bodies and set some instructions that means she can't tell anyone she's not really me or get any help.  After being me for a few days till she'll be desperate to switch back.  She'll soon have realised the error of her ways."
Cindy bit her lip uncertainly.  It sounded like a good plan, but there was something about it that made her feel uneasy.  Maybe it was the thought of her loving boyfriend being inside her worst enemy.  It was definitely weird.
"I'll even be able to work with you on the science project," grinned Jack.  "Come on, let's go find Kenna and make this happen."
Part 3:  The swap
Getting Kenna alone was easier than they'd thought.  She was constantly posting on social media and after triangulating her location via the photos and places she'd checked into - Jack worked out she'd been to the Mall with her flunkies and was heading home.  Kenna's house was a little further than everyone else's and sure enough she was walking down the road on her own with a load of shopping bags. 
Stepping out into the street, Jack grinned as he pointed the remote at Kenna.
"Eugh, what the fuck are you losers doing in my street?" sneered Kenna.  "What the fuck is that?  Am I supposed to be scared or something... did your dumb girlfriend Cindy put you up to this bitch-boy?"
Jack ignored the insults and just pressed the buttons.  There was a beeping noise and then both of them shook as the body-swap began.
Cindy watched nervously as both Kenna and Jack's body's suddenly went limp.  They remained standing, but arms and heads dropped forward like they had both been put into a trance. She caught the remote control just in time as it slipped from Jack's open hands and she stood back to watch in fascination.  
The transfer only took an instant, then both bodies jerked like puppets.  Groaning in unison and blinking rapidly, both bodies began to move again.  'Kenna's' was the quickest to recover - or at least Jack had been more prepared for what to expect. 
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"Oh my God, it worked," he groaned as he looked down at his new body and saw he was now in a tight white top and short black skirt. "Quick, use the remote on the real Kenna before she works out what is happening."
Cindy whirled and blasted the startled and slightly horrified 'Jack' with the mind control button on the remote before he could react and a blank, empty expression appeared on his face.
"Okay listen up Kenna.  We've body-swapped you and Jack as a punishment and you aren't getting your body back till you learn some manners.  So here are some instructions.  One - you are physically unable to tell anyone what we've done to you, by any means - written, verbal or un-verbal.  Two - from now on you can only refer to yourself as Jack.  Three - you can't hurt, threaten or bully either me or Jack in your body.  Four - You have to do anything me or Jack in your body tells you to do.  Five - you can't touch or use this remote under any circumstances. Six - you can't do anything deliberate to hurt or embarrass Jack's body or reputation at school."
There was a beep as the instructions locked and the hypnosis deactivated.  The dazed look vanished from 'Jack's face and he looked down at himself in absolute horror.
"You... you fucking losers," groaned the new Jack in outrage - his eyes wild and the anguish on his face almost heart-wrenching to see.  "This is disgusting! Give me back my beautiful body."
The new Kenna laughed and shook her pretty blonde head.  "No way - not after the way you've treated Cindy today.  I'm going to stay in here until you've learned your lesson. Now stop being a brat and calm down.
"You freaks!  You'll never get away with this," raged 'Jack' as he fell to his knees in shock.  "This is like totally illegal.  I'm going to fucking sue you both once I get out of here.  My Daddy is going to fucking kill you both."  Jack's voice was several octaves higher as the possessing spirit of Kenna forced it talk in a ditzy way.  It sounded so weird.
"Jack - no one is going to believe that is you if she keeps talking like that.  She's got such a dirty mouth and she talks like a dumb Valley girl.  What are we going to do?"
Jack pursed his new soft lips,  "I suppose people will rumble me too unless I start talking like her, but I don't have the first idea of how to impersonate her.  Hmmm, maybe we can use the memory transfer to swap our styles of speaking?"
Cindy hesitated.  The memory transfer sounded a little dangerous to her.  The button allowed you to swap memories with another person - gaining their knowledge and experience - but the downside was you lost some of your own memories as they went into the other persons head.  Jack could use the remote to change his way of talking to be exactly like Kenna's, but he would lose his ability to talk like himself.
"It's okay, I can change it back before we swap back," he grinned taking the remote from Cindy and pointing it at the real Kenna in his body.  He pushed a button and groaned as his eyes rolled up slightly into his head.  
"Ohhhh fuck, that's like such a total fucking rush..."
Jack's pretty new hand flew up to his sexy mouth at the hot filth coming out, then he giggled and grinned. "OMG - I sound like totally like her!"
"What! I'm sure I do not sound like that," grunted Kenna from her male body as she put her hands on her hips in a super feminine gesture.  "Oh goodness, maybe I do?  Hey, why am I talking exactly like you?"
"Duuuuuh, cos we fucking swapped memories you dumb bitch," laughed Jack.  "And that's not all we're like swapping.  There's no fucking way anyone is like gonna think you're a boy when you're walking around all hips and hand gestures like that."
He stabbed the remote again and Kenna and him both groaned as their memories exchanged.  A life-time of experience of a female body posture was instantly transferred and Jack's uncomfortable posture in his new body faded as his body language became instantly feminine.
"Oooh that's totes better," he giggled strutting backwards and forwards effortlessly in Kenna's wedge heels.  "I feel like soooo much more comfortable in here already."
"No!  Give me back those memories," sobbed Kenna as she looked down at her now masculine body posture and the reality of what was happening struck again.  "Why are you doing this to me you bullies?"
Jack giggled again - the sound grating slightly on Cindy's nerves - and he tossed back his new blonde hair with an effortless gesture.  "Cos you were a total fucking skank who deserved to find out how it feels to be a nobody loser." 
Cindy was shocked at how mean her boyfriend sounded now he was Kenna, but she continued "What she... I mean he, is trying to say is that you're the bully, not us.  You've picked on me since I was little and now you're going to learn some humility.  A few days as Jack should teach you a lesson you'll never forget.  Now you're going to spend a few days as my boyfriend and at the end of it, if you can show us that you've changed - then we'll put you back.  It's not like you have a choice."
"Okay - fine," spat Kenna.  "I'll behave and be a good girl... I mean boy."
"You better bitch," giggled Jack. "Now like lets go look at Kenna's house. Now I'm inside her, we can finally get a look at her fancy mansion home.  I'll just tell her parents you're my friends come for a study session."
The real Kenna pouted, "Do we have to?  I don't want to go home like this."
"That's too bad loser," laughed Jack.  "Come on - it's only over here..."
Part 4: Home sweet home
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Cindy's heart was racing as Jack used Kenna's key from her handbag to open the door and let them into the huge mansion she called home.  A beautiful woman appeared in the hallway instantly, eyes partly glued to a tablet as she casually looked up to take in the trio and without preamble launched into conversation. "Kenna I want you to tell me what you think of these dresses, I want to buy a new summer wardrobe. " 
"Mom," gasped the real Kenna in Jack's deep voice as the woman lifted a beautiful eyebrow in confusion to see the gawping boy.
"Excuse me young man, do I know you?"
For a moment Cindy felt panic, the real Kenna was going to blow their cover completely.  Then she remembered the instructions she'd put into Kenna and felt relief as her bully realised her mistake and the prohibition against revealing herself intentionally, kicked in.  "No, I'm a friend of Kenna's.  Sorry Mrs Jones."
Kenna's Mum snorted,  she was clearly as rude and self-absorbed as her daughter.  "Darling, who are these strays you've brought with you.  Where are Madison and Olivia?"
"Oh these are just some people from school, Mr Brown is making me work with them on a science project."
"Oh really," sneered Mrs Jones.  "Do you want me to get your Daddy to speak to the school.  I don't want my daughter being forced to associate with her lessers."
"No it's fine Mommy, we're just going up to my room to study."
If it was a problem that Kenna was bringing a boy to her room, her Mom didn't show it and Jack, Kenna and Cindy made their way upstairs to Kenna's amazing bedroom.  It was huge... with a massive bed and full length wardrobe space.  Expensive clothing and makeup were neatly arranged and there was an entire section of cubby holes for Kenna's sexy shoes.  It was like something a spoiled princess would have for a room.
"Oh wow, this is totally amazing," giggled Jack as he excitedly ran into the room.  "Look at all this fucking stuff, and it's all MINE!"
"Get real. You don't even know what half this stuff is," sneered Kenna folding her arms in a masculine posture.  "You probably don't even know how to use makeup to contour properly!"
"Like maybe I don't right now bitch, - but I totally will in a second," grinned Jack blasting Kenna again with the memory swap button.  "Oooooh yeah, all your memories of how to do makeup, how to dress like you and how to be a spoiled Princess are becoming mine. Mmmmmh, your memories are so fucking tasty Kenna.  Think I'll take all of them."
"NOOOOO!" screamed the real Kenna as she gripped her head and tried to remember who she was.
"Yessss, give me more of your memories bitch. All those years of being a mean, stuck-up bully.  All that experience of how to manipulate people, coerce them and make them fucking crawl to serve you are mine now.  Mmmmh I love it."
Jack's eyes were rolling in his pretty new head and Cindy shivered. It looked almost like he was having an orgasm and every time he took more memories from Kenna, he seemed less and less Jack and more and more like her.  By contrast, the real Kenna seemed subdued and calm... much like Jack normally was. 
Cindy frowned and took a step forward to her boyfriend.  "Don't you think you better stop swapping memories with Kenna.  Surely you have everything you need now?"
"You have no idea how delicious it feels to be Kenna" grinned Jack.  "I wanna suck out all her memories.  The more I become like her... the more I absorb of Kenna, the more I realise how superior and hot it feels to be her.  Mmmmh, it feels great to be the bully. I feel like such a hot fucking bitch. It's sooooo addictive. I want more!"
"Jack I think maybe you went a bit far, maybe we should stop this..."
Cindy reached out to try and take the remote from her boyfriend.  This was getting out of hand and she was starting to feel afraid.
"Oh I don't think so loser," giggled Jack nastily as he pushed a button on the remote and Cindy gasped as her entire body froze.  "I'm just getting started!"
Cindy squealed as she tried to move, but her entire body was frozen rigid.  She watched helplessly as her boyfriend advanced on the original Kenna quaking in his body.
"Yessss! No one can stop me now. I'm going to transfer EVERYTHING!  I'm going to take every remaining memory from your head Kenna. You'll forget you were ever the hot slutty bully and you'll believe you were always Jack. You and I are going to completely swap personalities and it's going to feel so fucking good.  Well for me anyway.  I can't wait to over-write the remaining parts of Jack's pathetic personality with your own.  Then when I'm fully ME again, I can deal with that bitch Cindy.  The remote is mine now and I'm going to have so much fun using it."
Cindy wanted to scream in her head, her boyfriend... her beautiful boyfriend had been completely corrupted by Kenna's evil memories.  She watched as he pressed a button and the remote beeped.
Jack shook in Kenna's hot body, his mouth wide open in a scream of pleasure as his eyes rolled up into his head.  Pink light surrounded him whilst in Jack's body the original Kenna thrashed and moaned as her memories were torn from her mind and everything that had once been her was transferred to Jack. 
As their identities fully exchanged, their sense of self shifted.  The new Kenna moaned as her corruption completed itself and the final remnants of Jack's personality and mind were ripped from her brain.  She was finally complete.  The memory and body transfer were finally complete.
"Mmmmmh, it feels so good to be whole," giggled the bully as she examined herself happily whilst the new Jack steadied himself against the wall.  "God, I can't actually believe that I was once a stupid nerdy boy.  So glad all those memories and thoughts have been deleted from my mind."
Pointing the remote, Kenna laughed as she froze the new Jack and looked at her two victims.
"Well, I think it's like totally time to wipe your memories of this remote and what has happened. Neither of you are gonna remember anything about any of this.  Haha, ohhhh and I have some great ideas for some extra programming to put into your minds.  Here we go!"
There was a blinding flash as Kenna pushed the buttons and both Cindy and Jack groaned as their minds went completely blank.
Part 5 - New lives
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Pulling back the sheets to her bed, Cindy blushed and sobbed as she saw she'd wet the bed again. "No, no NO!" she cried unhappily at the mess she'd created.  Why did this keep happening to her?  She'd never had problems like this before, but it was like something had changed recently and now she was a nervous wreck.  It felt like an evil voice was in her mind whispering into her subconscious and making her into a pathetic victim.
Maybe it was Kenna.  Since that bitch had stolen Jack from her she'd really struggled to cope.  She couldn't believe her formerly nerdy boyfriend had become such an asshole seemingly over-night. He'd lost all interest in his former hobbies and started working out down the gym.  Within a couple of months he'd been the most ripped boy at school and had turned into an aggressive, over-confident jerk.  Now he and Kenna were the schools power-couple - he'd dumped Cindy as soon as he possibly could and was dating that bitch instead.  
Meanwhile Kenna seemed more powerful than ever.  It was like she had some sort of increased power over everyone and she was twice as mean and evil as she used to be. She loved to flaunt her sexy body and spoiled life more than ever and anyone who got in her way seemed to have terrible accidents or develop strange nervous ticks, habits or interests.
If Cindy hadn't have known better, she'd have said Kenna had someway to mind control and manipulate people however she saw fit.  But of course that sort of thing was impossible.
Wasn't it?
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