#I get on the bus around 6:05-6:10
pnuk-r0ck · 2 years
I’m scared for tomorrow
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abihastastybeans · 6 months
5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 29 from here
(i just realised that that's a lot so feel free to skip some/answer selectively if you want to do that!)
(are you kidding ofcourse I'm gonna answer all of that, let's make a game out of it and see how long it takes me)(it's 15:05 when I started answering)
5. Favourite song in your native language
Can't think of one rn😭 The first one that came to mind is Venmadhi Venmadhi from Minnale because some guy was playing that on the bus yesterday. I think it's a lovely song, especially the third verse :)
10. Most enjoyable swear word in your native language
I don't really swear in Tamil😂 I only use words like stupid/wastrel/dog/buffalo... y'know the most common ones lol
But, again, the first swear word that came to mind is *looks around to make sure no one's listening* "watha" - which is basically the Tamil equivalent of fuck - because one of my friends called another friend that this morning lmao
13. Does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions ot traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Well there's so many but i generally think that doing rituals/ chanting slokas or vedas must be very strange to outsiders who aren't really used to that! Imagine being a white christian and you encounter a yagna happening with a giant fire, lots of huge shirtless men saying very weird words in their blaring voice, adding all kinds of different things into the fire, while surrounding people watched on... I'd be terrified 😂💀
15. A saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
18. Do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Gosh I speak so many dialects - depending on who I'm talking with. There's what I consider the normal one, there's the one mixed with random English sentences😂, there's the local chennai dialect for when I'm dealing with/in public or local vendors💀, there's the tambrahm (wow it feels weird to say it like that) dialect because that's what I was raised on in mum's side of the family
19. Do you like your country's flag and/or emblem? What about the national anthem?
I've honestly never thought about this before...
Flag - 🇮🇳 It's a good one, I like what it stands for. But no one would forget the struggle it would take when you were 6 years old and were asked to draw the national flag and you wouldn't remember how many spokes are there in the ashoka chakra😭 or even if you remembered, you wouldn't know how to divide them evenly throughout the circle... So much stress. 7/10
Emblem - it's a bit complex if you ask me but eh. It looks cool i guess. I like the phrase 'satyameva jayathe' ("truth alone triumphs" in Sanskrit) so there's that :p 5/10
National Anthem - I love it!! I like the picture it paints, listing out all those places! Only criticism is that it was very difficult for younger abi to sing the beginning because it was so very low and i struggled for a long time😅 9/10
21. If you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
Aloo mutter gravy and methi roti👍
29. Does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
I was thinking really hard...before i realised🤭
MYSURU. WHY do you do that to your sambar??? It's nice, I'd be lying if I said it's bad, but how?????? How did you come to the decision "oh you know what. I'm gonna make this taste sweet. Yeah."??
We went to Mysore one time and had some sambar and do you know what happened, cal? My cousin threw up, that's what happened.
(it was because of the long uphill travel but the sambar definitely contributed :p)
What you lack in sambar, you make up for it with Udupi rasam so. I forgive you😤
(now the time is 15:55)
"Hi, I'm not from the US" ask set
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rosemelon82 · 9 months
鬼吹灯之龙岭迷窟 - Candle in the Tomb: The Lost Caverns - whump list - (cn)
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Hu Ba Yi, Shirley Yang and Wang Pang Zi explore a mysterious tomb in the Shaanxi region. Shirley Yang travels to the Longling Maze Grottos to investigate unusual patterns on fossil fragments. On the way, she crosses paths with Hu Ba Yi who along with Wang Pang Zi have just escaped from the ancient city. The trio become companions in another tomb-raiding adventure. (copied from MDL)
Genre: action, adventure, thriller, supernatural, tomb raider
Main Whumpees:
Hu Ba Yi played by Pan Yue Ming
Wang Kai Xuan (also known as Wang Pangzi or Fatso) played by Jiang Chao
Da Jin Ya played by Marc Ma
Shirley Yang played by Zhang Yu Qi
Other whumpees listed in orange
(I have included female character whump (Shirley Yang) for those who are interested in it, there isn't much though)
Wang Kai Xuan:
18:57 - 20:00 - carsick, throwing up
Wang Kai Xuan:
03:50 - in a storm, thrown off the boat, lowkey drowning
Hu Ba Yi:
03:57 - 08:09 - hits head against the side of the boat, groans in pain, worried for friend, jumps in to save his friend, harpooning a giant creature, stuck holding on to the harpoon which is stuck in the creature, in the air, almost eaten by the creature multiple times, hits the deck hard, groaning, in pain
Da Jin Ya:
19:30 - 28:18 - in a fight, hit multiple times, on the run (comedic), in another fight, hit multiple times, running again, out of breath, asthmatic? idk he uses an inhaler a couple times
Wang Kai Xuan:
19:40 - 28:18 - "stuck" in a bus window, being pulled at, in a fight, pinned in a chokehold, saved by Hu Ba Yi, on the run (comedic), in another fight, choked again
Hu Ba Yi:
19:40 - 28:18 - in a fight, on the run (comedic), in another fight
Da Jin Ya:
23:40 - end of episode - falls into a sinkhole(?), struggling, tumbles down the tunnels, lost
Wang Kai Xuan:
24:00 - end of episode - falls into a sinkhole(?), tumbles down the tunnels, groaning, in pain
Hu Ba Yi:
24:13 - end of episode - jumps into the sinkhole(?), tumbles down the tunnels, groaning, in pain, leaning on Pangzi
Hu Ba Yi:
beginning of episode - coughing, sweating, looking for friend
23:30 - set off an explosion, covered in dirt and dust, coughing
Wang Kai Xuan:
beginning of episode - coughing, sweating, looking for friend
9:40 - 12:00 - bitten by a bat, yelling, running, stuck, panicking and running, almost falls into a hole, saved by friend, kicked into hiding place
23:30 - explosion, covered in dirt and dust, coughing
Da Jin Ya:
21:30 - end of episode - screaming, running, crashes into wall, pulled out by friends, panicked, out of it, slapped x2, crying (comedic), faints, fever, malaria, force fed medicine
Wang Kai Xuan:
14:24 - 16:02 - finds out they have a disease, angry
Gu Zhe Shao:
26:11 - vomits golden blood
29:43 - end of episode - arm eaten by carnivorous insects, unknown fate
Gu Zhe Shao's Master (unknown name?):
29:20 - end of episode - half eaten by carnivorous insects, carried to safety by his pupil, unknown fate
Gu Zhe Shao:
beginning of episode - loss of a loved one, grieving, shown with one arm
Gu Zhe Shao's Master (unknown name?):
beginning of episode - TW: DEATH, death
Wang Kai Xuan:
6:12 - 6:44 - beat up, nose bleed, bruises on face, threatened
9:07 - 12:23 - bomb hung around neck, panicked, screaming, faints
18:32 - 25:47 - found trapped in a hanging cage, yelling, surrounded by piranhas, almost bit multiple times, panicked, screaming, dunked in water with piranhas, getting bit, helped out of the cage by friend, relieved, panting
Da Jin Ya:
6:12 - 6:44 - beat up, bruises on face, threatened
9:07 - 12:03 - bomb hung around neck, panicked, screaming
Shirley Yang:
22:07 - 25:47 - jumps onto cage, slips, barely hanging on
Shirley Yang:
16:18 - end of episode - slips into a hole, tumbling down, groaning, in pain, helped up, fighting off spiders (she is badass), tries to save friend, dragged along the ground, attacked by spiders again, yanked into the air
Wang Kai Xuan:
16:19 - end of episode - slips and falls into a hole, screaming, tumbling down, groaning, in pain, helped up, fighting off spiders, grabbed by spiders, dragged along the ground, saved from being pulled into a spider hole,
Hu Ba Yi:
16:30 - end of episode - pulled into a hole, tumbling down, groaning, coughing, surrounded by spiders, narrowly avoiding spider's attacks, saved by friend, grabbed and yanked by a spider, dragged along the ground, struggling, fighting off spiders again,
Da Jin Ya:
16:25 - end of episode - pulled into a hole, tumbling down, groaning, in pain, steps on a spider egg, panicked, faints, found strung up in spiderwebs, saved
Some random guy:
27:19 - hits a venom sac on spider's leg, sprayed with poison, screaming in pain, half his face burned from poison
Hu Ba Yi:
08:49 - falls, almost stabbed by giant spider multiple times
Da Jin Ya:
5:14 - 17:50 - mercury poisoning, hallucinations, unsteady, breathing hard, sweating, not mentally present, being held up
Shirley Yang:
5:54 - 17:50 - mercury poisoning, sweating, breathing hard, hallucinations,
Hu Ba Yi:
6:34 - 17:50 - mercury poisoning, sweating, blinking hard to stay awake, hallucinations, hazy, unsteady
Wang Kai Xuan:
6:34 - 17:50 - mercury poisoning, blinking hard to stay awake, hazy, unsteady, being held up
Wang Kai Xuan:
29:44 - end of episode - thrown in the air, lands on his arm, screaming, wounds all over, bloody
Hu Ba Yi:
beginning of episode - fighting a spider, struggling, thrown off, dragged, explosion, held up, in pain, exhausted, coughing, speaking very breathily, unsteady, wounds all over
Wang Kai Xuan:
continued from previous episode - wounds all over body, bloody, exhausted, holding up friend
Hu Ba Yi:
14:03 - 29:06 - falls into the pit, falls again, struggling to hang onto the wall, climbing with no clear hand holds, exhausted
Li Chun Lai:
beginning of episode - death
Review of drama:
Good action scenes and good whump. No aftercare for those who were looking for it. Very realistic whump and clear exhaustion is seen in the behavior of the characters in the later episodes when they have been going through the tomb for hours. I like the character development for Ma Da Dan, who also got the ending he deserved, after all the trials of the tomb. Luckily, I was able to post this exactly one year after the previous one. I apologize to anyone who was waiting for it, though seeing the amount of interaction on the previous one, not many people were. I will start working on the third season soon, for those looking for it. If I missed anything, please feel free to let me know and any requests for whump lists are welcome. Thanks for sticking through the show and my whump list. Stay tuned for the next ones!
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Last night was an absolute saga. Made it to the blasted bus stop at 5:35, only to be greeted by the infuriatingly inaccurate bus app promising arrival by 5:38. Fast forward to 5:45, and it dares to inform me the bus won't grace us with its presence until 6:10. What happened in that time? I couldn't tell you, mate. All I know is that I didn't get home until a painful 7:05.
Attempted a stroll to the town center around 6, but that turned out to be a futile endeavor. Ended up hobbling to the next bus stop, only to gift myself a charming cramp. Oh, joy. Period pains, they're a special kind of hell, aren't they? People who liken them to heart attacks aren't exaggerating one bit..
Tried hitting the hay at my usual time, but alas, at 11:30, I found myself wide-eyed with leg pain that could rival medieval torture. Restless leg syndrome, anyone? And those usually comforting smells? Suddenly, they're making me gag. Thought about making a dash to the loo to vomit a few times, but somehow managed to talk myself out of it. It was a nightmare.
Husband, bless him, suggests a paracetamol. Popped one, or two, before the nightly dental routine. Did diddly squat, as per usual. Despite splurging on the fancy brand with added codeine. Fitbit's telling me I only clocked in at a measly three hours and 29 minutes of shut-eye. Sounds about right.
Doc's prescription? Guzzle milk, munch on bananas and red meat, and spray magnesium on my legs. Magnesium on my legs? Sounds a tad peculiar, if you ask me. Can't recall periods being this brutal back in my teen years, but then again, back then, I had the luxury of skipping school for days on end, all thanks to birth control. Now, though? Family history's put the kibosh on that option. Ridiculous, really.
To add insult to injury, I forgot to juice up my headphones before hitting the sack. Left one's hanging on by a 5% thread, while the right's completely kaput. How did we even cope before AirPods, eh? At least only three more days left of this awful period.
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lom-journal · 9 months
Saturday December 23/23
Peter and the gurls up closest to 5:30 a.m. and me 7:18 a.m. I had coffee ☕️ and ***2 xT + Pink med at 7:30 a.m. ***! About 4:00 a.m. ***I had a Poop 💩 !****How much ?Peter just left at 8:05 to go to Frontrunners group and said he would stop at Walmart on the way home, so 9:00 to 10:00, stop at Walmart and then home to the bus 🚌! I would think closer to 11:00 🕚 a.m. before getting home! I don’t think we have any plans to be out after Peter gets home! Peter got home around 10:45 a.mI had a very large Poop💩💩💩. *****I just took 2 x T’s at 11:30 a.m. ****Took 2 x T’s at 3:00p.m. Next 6:30 p.m. Bedtime and thru the night!
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Winter is a Thief
I loathe winter. I'm unfortunate enough to live in a geographic area that suffers from snow and brutal cold for approximately 6 months of the year, so there's no getting away from it.
It wasn't until recently that I understood why I hate it so much. I hate it because it steals from me.
It steals my time. In the spring/summer/fall, I grab a light jacket, climb into my car, and I go. I leave for work around 6:15am, and I make it to work by 6:40-ish. That's a 25-minute drive (barring any accidents, which happen occasionally).
In the winter, I lose time because of the snow and cold. I have to leave earlier, and it takes me longer to dress for the cold (-40C is no joke). I have to dedicate at least 10 minutes to scrape the frost or ice and snow off my car while I physically struggle to do so in those confining layers, and then spend extra time driving.
Since the roads are usually hellish after the first snowfall hits, people have to drive slower, and some don't know how to drive in winter conditions at all. This literally adds an extra 30-40 minutes to my driving time each way. Instead of leaving at 6:15 and getting to work at 6:40, I leave at 6am, and get to work at 7:05 or 7:10. That's over an hour that I've wasted just sitting in traffic each day. I understand the necessity of having to drive to the road conditions, but when the road conditions are utter shit, it just sucks. I lose around 90 minutes of my day (at least) just because of winter. That's time I could be doing other valuable things, but no, I'm literally scraping ice or stuck in traffic (there is no bus service anywhere near my office, so that's not even a consideration). And, the number of accidents increases exponentially in winter. Instead of having to deal with one traffic jam per month, it's once a week or more, simply because some dipshit fuckwit in a Dodge Grand Caravan decided to turn left on a red because the three people in front of him did the same thing, and the oncoming traffic can't stop because the roads are glare ice, and voila, let's sit for another hour before the intersection is cleared.
It steals my money. While I'm sitting, idling in traffic for that extra hour (or more) each day, my gas levels drop considerably. Instead of filling up once every two weeks, I'm filling up every 8-9 days, and spending more on gas. My heat bill is exorbitant; you can only keep the temps so low before you get that right-to-the-bone chill, and it's physically uncomfortable, but it still costs you more.
It steals my sanity. The cold, the darkness, the frustration, icy conditions that make it impossible to walk, dangerous driving conditions, icy wind that blasts your face and feels like it's stripping the skin off, my eyes and nose constantly running from the cold, the feel of freezing all the time, the need to fight with frozen stuff (this morning it was a lock that just wouldn't turn because it was iced up); it all adds up to this combination of anger and hatred and despair.
Winter is a thief.
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jongrub · 2 years
Time Journal
October 19th
10:00- Class is over; the journal begins
10:20- Catch the shuttle
10:50-catch the Port authority
12:00- catch the bus to Weehawken
12:20- Arrived home, greeted the family, take a shower, play Destiny 2
3:00- go to bed
October 20th
9:30- wake up, lounge in bed, look up my phone
11:00-take a shower, eat Frosted Flakes
11:30- catch to Port Authority( Took the shuttle bus instead because the transit bus took too long), wait in traffic
12:30- Took the 197 bus, arrive at alley Road, took the 744 to Power Arts
1:30- went to the grad get-together( it started at 12:30 but still had plenty of pizza and ice cream)
2:10- catch the shuttle to Main Campus
2:20- relaxed in the student lounge
3:50- took 748 bus to Valley rd
4:10- took the 197 bus to Port Authority(Traffic back was terrible the bus took a whole other route to avoid it, and the Lincoln tunnel is just as bad)
5:30- At first I planned to visit the Mothers gallery, but it was a train ride downtown and it would’ve closed anyway at 6pm. So I tried the closest gallery near Broadway.
5:50- I visited the Metropolis gallery, it would close at six too but I managed to take some pictures of vintage comic books and buy one collectible.
6:05- I bought dumplings at the nearby Chinese store. It took 10 minutes, so at the next shop I bought Moochie donuts and bubble milk tea.
6:15- The dumplings are ready, those for my snacks before dinner.
6:45- there was another gallery I wanted to see before I close at seven I think the building was closed because there is no receptionist near the doorway.
6:50- I went up on fifth Avenue took a picture of the New York public library continue walking to 45th St.
6:55-I went down to five below and decided it’s time I need a private screen protector.
7:05-after purchase I visit Barnes and nobles scroll through the comics and Mangas, Time passes quick because I heard an announcement at..
7:45- at the store will be closing in 15 minutes I bought three books(Dorohedoro, devils candy & plus sized elf)
7:55-want to book off I could get in they were closing at eight so I couldn’t, but I visit my mom at work but the store was already close she must’ve caught the bus already
8:00-strolled around Times Square and went to New York comics
8:25-After window shopping there I went to..
8:30- Port authority to catch the bus home
8:50-I got home welcome to my mom and dad dropped my bags and took a shower
9:15- write a light novel for a half an hour before I got in the shower
9:50- finish the shower got dressed and had dinner
10:00- mom and I had carrot soup while my dad went to pick up my sister from work
10:20-cleaned my dishes
10:30- go on my bed and start drawing on my computer(also browse through the Web to read mongers post my art on Instagram)
October 21st
12:15- welcomed my sister from coming back from work
1:00- Rendered my artworks
2:00- Play video games
4:00- sleep
10:00- wake up, lounge in bed, look up my phone
1:20- take a shower
1:40- eat cereal
1:50- play games
2:30- Get dressed for work
2:40- unchained my bike, ride to ShopRite
3 PM- start work
8 PM- end work
8:05- sit by the work lounge and call my sister to tell her to meet up at Wendy’s. We will have burgers for dinner.
8:35- leave ShopRite ride to Wendy’s
8:45-meet up with my sister order in Wendy’s( #1,#7, & 2 cheeseburgers)
9:00- go to CVS get her materials for a project, ride/walk home, quick check at family dollar to get materials for my school work.
9:20- arrived home
9:40- dinner
10:10- clean dishes
10:20- laptop surfing
11:00- shower
11:40- post art on Instagram
October 22nd
12:00- play games
3:00- sleep
10:00- wake up, lounge in bed, look up my phone
12:00- breakfast
1:00- shower
1:40- game
2:20- send mail, help dad bring laundry to the laundromat
2:30- getting ready for work, bike ride to ShopRite
3:00- start work
8:00- end work
8:30-ride to Chase, make a deposit
8:45- dinner( Burger King)
9:20- ride home
9:45- arrive home
10:15- shower
11:00- drawing
11:30- post on Instagram
October 23rd
12:10- greet sister back from work
3:00- sleep
8:00- wake up, get out of bed, take a shower
8:20- breakfast
8:30- get dressed, get the car, family ride to church
9:00- church begins, lecture reading
10:00-after mass is finished ride back home take a nap while parents go shopping
11:20- after that get dressed for work
11:30- bike ride to ShopRite
12:00- shift starts
8:00- shift ends
9:00- leave store, go to Chase, quick withdrawal, head home
9:20- arrive home, greet the folks, relax
9:50- take a shower
10:50- dinner
11:20- surf web, post Instagram, drawing
October 24th
2:00- sleep
10:00- wake up
11:30- breakfast
12:00- shower
12:30- bus to NY
1:00- bus to WPU
2:00- go to Morrison Hall to talk about my billing statement
2:05- wait for shuttle
2:30- join Advance Sculpture class
4:30-Class ends Grab a shuttle
5:00- lunch- Rice and beans from last night
5:40- take a bus back to New York
6:40-arrive to port authority wait for my sister
6:50-visit Midtown comic
7:00-purchase Black Adam tickets
7:15-my sister arrive we go see the movies
7:30- Watch Black Adam
10:00-we take the bus back home
10:20-we arrive home welcome our family
11:00- dinner
11:30-gaming, drawing
October 25th
2:30- sleep
10:00- wake up, lounge in bed, play games
1:00- shower
1:30- breakfast
2:30- bus to NY
3:00- bus to WPU
4:00- draw renders and masterworks
5:30- Advance 2D figures class
9:55-catch the bus to New York
11:20-eat at five guys for dinner
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ggukkieland · 4 years
📕CURRENT READS (2020 October)
🌹 Fics I’ve enjoyed reading this October, with some few unread ones (still have 4 to 5 days to finish!). Waah I have read a lot 😲 I can’t believe I’m almost complete with this list 🥳. Usually when I post and organize the list, half of it are still on #toread status. I thought of curating Halloween-themed fics 🎃 but I ended up reading any genre anyway😁.
Again, credit goes to these awesome writers! Sending them lots of love and virtual hugs 🥰🤗💜🥰🤗💜🥰🤗 .
✅ -  done reading   | S (smut) F (fluff) A (angst) 
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🥕[Ongoing Series - to check weekly] 
Still reading the ongoing series from last month’s reading list, whenever there is an update 😊
I Feel You in my Heart by @purpletaecup - MYG |  exes au, second chances, some chapters have smau elements | A, S, F (really good story development 😭)
[7/?] nearly 2 months after their divorce, yoongi and y/n wade through the aftermath of the fallout by themselves. yoongi is moving on with someone else while y/n finds herself stuck in waves of anxiety and depression. soon enough, they are brought together again by an unfortunate accident
If it Harms None, Do What You Will by purpletaecup - JJK | smau, comedy, supernatural au, fantasy au, witch!reader, demon!jungkook | F, S  🎃
[6/?] it’s the beginning of October and green witch y/n has been preparing for all of the spooky activities she needs to do for all hallow’s eve. one of her older friends gives her a ritual candle for protection. a couple of drops of blood and a wonky magic circle later, there is a high level demon sitting on the floor of her living room.
We Live with a Ghost by @smaubts - JJK | smau, comedy, ghost au, roommates au | F  🎃
[6/13] when jungkook convinces his roommate, y/n, that their house is haunted by an evil ghost, they decide their best option is to contact with it and make it leave but end up summoning an actual ghost by accident.
Swan Black by CharWrites [AO3] - JJK | fantasy, supernatural, enemies to lovers, dark fantasy, apocalypse, Fae!Jungkook, Fae!Yoongi, Fae!Taehyung,  LOTR/Mortal Instruments/Labyrinth vibes | A, S (I love this! It’s like watching LOTR 😍)  🎃
[10/?] So's twin brother, Jimin, has been kissed by darkness: an evil that has spread across the land and has claimed many souls. They only have weeks until the darkness consumes him. Once consumed, he will be governed by the unsullied: a powerful race of Dark Fae that has overtaken the world.
So seeks out a rogue Fae Prince, Kook, who is her only hope, if she can survive his deadly charms and irresistible lure especially when he is much more interested in possessing her, mind body and soul.
Third Wheeling by @taetaewonderland - MYG |  strangers to lovers au, ceo!yoongi | A, F, S 🥰
[1/?] Min Yoongi is a strict man. Time is money to the CEO of Kisung Connected. He isn’t interested in conventional things or wastes of time. He’s an asshole. But, you didn’t realize until it was too late. Until you met him at the club and it changed your life forever.  
Bad Friends by @hollyxqx- MYG | friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, neighbor au, college au, fwb au | A, S, F (what a good angst 😥)
[1/3] hooking up with your childhood best friend was never your plan, but neither was falling in love with him either. he’s troubled but his heart is gold. when you move away for college, things start to take a turn.
House of Lilies by @suqakoo​ - JJK | mafia au, arranged marriage au | A, F, S
[3/?] Jeon Jungkook is the only heir to Dal Gurimja. He is the poster child for mafia bosses. He’s a feared hit-man among the underground world, and a successful CEO among the socialites of Seoul. Pair him with a castaway girl who’s been out of society for twelve years, and… what do you get?
Your Eyes Tell  by @njkbangtan - JJK | soulmate au, enemies to lovers au, roommates au, sugar baby (but not really), slow burn | A, F
[5/?] You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It’s simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if…Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?  
I hate u, I love u by @bbangpanmen - JJK | fwb au, friends to lovers au, smau | A
[17/23] he uses you to forget her; you let him because you love him.
Puzzle by @kimvvantae - JJK | fwb au, friends to lovers au, college au | A, S, F (I’ve read this before, around 2018-19 and I thought it was discontinued. Glad there’s an update ^_^)
[7/?] the line between friendship and something more has never been crossed  - but that changes after a break up and a drunken night, when you not-so-accidentally cross this line to something much more. what happens when after this accident your non-matching puzzle pieces seem to match in a way you’ve never imagined?
The Lesson/Min Boy by @adventuresinwonderlust - MYG | bad boy!yoongi, dom-sub elements, enemies to lovers, brat!reader | S, A, F
[6/8] No summary provided but it’s the twisted story between bad boy Yoongi with angsty backstory and this brat/rich kid. I really liked how it was written though.  I made a mistake of reading part 4:  Two Months Too Long, which should’ve been the 6th story to read if you follow the author’s sequence. 
Popular-ish by @hansolmates - JJK | popular!jungkook, college au, fwb to lovers, shy!oc | F, S, A
[9/?] drabble series: you are way out of jungkook’s league. Or is it the other way around?
Date Me by @latetaektalk - JJK | enemies to lovers, fake dating au, rich kid au | A, F,
[prologue + 1/?] when obnoxiously rich and spoiled frat boy jeon jungkook comes up to you one day and asks you to fake date him for money, you definitely should have said no. because before you knew it, you were going on insta dates with him and having lunch with his equally obnoxiously rich and spoiled friends.
All Over You by @zibermuda - JJK | enemies to lovers, nerd!jk, fuckgirl!reader | S, F 
[2/?] you don’t usually go for the quiet, nerdy type, but Jungkook’s by far the best looking guy in your year. You just can’t help yourself. You have to have him. Small hiccup; he hates you
Effortlessly by @gyukult - JJK | friends to lovers, neighbors au, 
[8/?] “Reciprocate feelings?” Jungkook crosses his arms before he continues, “They should know that you’re the only girl in my life.“ Jungkook has been your best friend and neighbor since you could remember, but what you can’t recall is when your feelings began develop for him. 
HEI$T: A JJK Fic by lucidly [AO3] - JJK | heist au, action, bangtan are thieves, vigilante au | A, S
[3/?] Six years after being thrown into the world of forgery, espionage, and heists, Mona and her team face competition like never before: The Bulletproof Boy Scouts, a fabled Korean gang of thieves that everybody seems to know, but no one has seen. When she comes face to face with all 7 of them, Mona knows: they're real, and this job won't be like the others. For years she has followed the money, but could it be time that she follow her heart instead?
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🥕[Completed AUs/Series-  to read]
✅  - done reading (also there seems to be a lot of JJK fics)
Creep @xjoonchildx - MYG | S, pwp, yandere ✅
Guilty @xjoonchildx - KNJ | A, S, mafia au, second part of Guarded AU (an awesome JHS series) 
Chapter One: How Odd  Chapter Two: Incheon Mall Tube Tops  Final Chapter: Is Something Burning?  Epilogue: Better Than Okay
Paddle with Me @yoongs-jeontae - JJK | A, S, enemies to lovers, camp counselor au, pwp   ✅
Hate Me @themfchase - JJK | S, collegel!au, enemies to lovers au, fuckboy!jk, pwp  ✅
Devil in a Blue Suit @yeojaa - JJK | F, S, idiots to lovers, established au, good boy!jungkook  
main story  ✅ + drabbles  ✅
Sweetest Crush @minjoonalist - JHS | F, S, brother’s best friend au 
Fake Love @aquaminwrites - JHS | F, S, A, fake dating au, enemies to lovers  ✅
Faded Love @jamaisjoons - PJM | A, S, marriage au, infidelity ✅
Brown-Eyed Baby @vinterjeon - JJK | A, S, F, exes to lovers, single dad!jk 
01 02  ✅
Why We Got Married @ktheist - KTH | F, S, arranged marriage au, slow burn ✅
Lonely Hearts Club @dovechim - JJK | S, F, enemies to lovers, wedding au  ✅
Come to Me @jeonsweetpea - JJK | S, A, F ,friends to lovers, college au  ✅
Satan on the Strip @noir0neko - JJK | S, A, demon!jungkook  ✅  🎃
No Face @seokoloqy - MYG | A, S, F, demon au, supernatural au  ✅  🎃
Take a Chance @crystaljins - JJK | A, Hanahaki au, co-workers, very angsty but Seokjin provides comic relief
01 02 03 04 05 06 07  ✅
The Lottery Offering @skswriting - JJK | A, F, S, werewolf au, sort-of arranged marriage au  ✅
A Beautiful Epiphany @onherwings - JJK | A, S, F, friends to lovers, unrequited love, artist!jungkook  ✅
Au Naturel (sequel) - drabble, established au  ✅
Broken Dreams @ddaenysus - JJK | A, soulmate au, unrequited  ✅
And Mended Hearts (sequel) - A, S, soulmate au, college au   ✅
Coin Toss @yoondoze - JJK | A, mafia au, detective au, exes au, plot twist 👀  ✅
I Knew It Was You @hoseokmylovesworld - JJK | S, F, werewolf au, college au  ✅ 🎃
Little Blue @pars-ley - JJK | F, S, friends to lovers, college au, with TW   ✅
Little Blue Pill @dreamescapeswriting  - JJK | S, pwp, friends to lovers ✅ 
Smitten @megahwn - JJK | F, S, arranged marriage au, strangers to lovers au   ✅
Hit Me with Your Best Shot @namfine - JJK | S, pwp, martial arts, friends to lovers  ✅
Slow and Steady @yoonia - JJK | S, A, artist!jungkook, infidelity, established au   ✅
Cockblocked @mercurygguk - JJK | A, S, F, friends to lovers, roommates au  ✅
 everything I ever wanted (drabble) - morning after  ✅
What are you Afraid Of? @cupofteaguk - JJK | F, avatar the last bender au 
Part 2 (prompt: if you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed) - avatar au, F, S
demon-etized @jungkxook - KNJ | S, youtube au, ghost hunter au  🎃
Spellbound @jeonseok - JJK |  F, slight S, demon au, crack, romcom  ✅ 🎃
Raising Demons (sequel) - fluffy, smut, established au, crack  ✅ 🎃
What’s in a Name? @minsimagines - JJK | A, F, demon au, soul selling scenario, romance  
01 02 03 ✅  🎃
The Big Yellow School Bus  [15k] fringesofsanity [AO3] - JJK | S, A, F, noona, fwb au  ✅
once bitten, twice shy [5.6k] obiwrites [AO3] - JJK | A, F, implied S, exes au, parents au   ✅
Lose Somebody [26k] @kooala - JJK | A, F, slight S, exes au, camping au  ✅
Oh What a World [100k] @taestybae - PJM | A, S, F, fake marriage au, fallen idol au (been wanting to read this since July (!), will finally get to reading this 🥰)
series masterlist [18 chapters + epilogue]
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okay I just realized they’re all JJK drabbles 😅
Incandesce @eunoiabliss - 544 words | JJK | fantasy au, fluff  ✅
Forgetful Confession  @suhdays - 991 words | JJK |  fluff, slight angst, college au, friends to ???  ✅
Club @taleasnewastime - 2k | JJK | fluff, bestfriends  ✅
JJK Reincarnation drabble @ktheist - 571 words | JJK | F, reincarnation (?) | love love this 🥰  ✅
Pup @whipped-for-kpop-fics​ - 1.5k | JJK | F, humour, werewolf au, established au | this is cute and funny 🤣  ✅
A Line Crossed @underthejoon - 723 words | JJK | A, bodyguard au ✅
Rousing Rendezvous @rookiegukie - 1.5k | JJK |  smut, frenemies with benefits, modern royalty au  ✅
565 notes · View notes
Bad Manners (S2, E5)
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My time-stamped thoughts for this episode. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:35 - Martin totally thought John Watkins abducted and killed Ainsley. Mark my words. 
0:44 - Holy. Shit. Ainsley is FIVE years old (or younger) here right? A five year old with that much determination?!?! She literally stayed silent in that clock for probably hours......and no one was concerned about this kid when Martin was arrested because...?
1:09 - Anyone else impressed with Malcolm’s aim here? Just me?
1:20 - Gil and Malcolm talking about sleep and murder is so freaking sweet. <3 Honestly, they’re acting like friends instead of co-workers and it warms my cold dead heart. 
1:29 - Does Gil become a grumpy old man when he doesn’t get 8 hours sleep? I really want to know now. 
1:39 - OMG. Gil pointing at Ainsley here is hilarious. He’s totally acting like some weird mix of a stern pissed off high-school teacher, and a step-dad trying to discipline an unruly teen. hahaha AND MALCOLM’S FACE. Look how done Malcolm is. He looks so so tired, sad, and exasperated. 
1:44 - Wow. Girl power. Ainsley has those camera guys bending to her will. I honestly would’ve thought they would just read the situation and turn the camera off themselves. 
1:47 - “It’s not a game.” Yikes. I have thoughts about this:
Malcolm is right - it’s not a game. 
Malcolm is a bit of a hypocrite for saying that to Ainsley. Although, to his credit even when Malcolm is excited/inappropriately happy about murder it’s always pretty clear that he thinks murder is wrong, and that he has sympathy for the victims and their families. 
Ainsley does not have that same sympathy for the victims. That much is clear later in this episode. 
Pretty sure the writers are trying to turn Ainsley into a serial killer this season. 
2:13 - “You know I like to share these things with my friends.” .....does this mean Malcolm thinks Dani and JT are his friends now? Last I checked (Ep 1x05) Malcolm didn’t have friends. This absolutely melts my heart. <3 I’m honestly so happy that Malcolm considers someone other than Gil to be his friend.
2:18 - “We lost Dani to vice.” .....What is vice? AND WHAT IS THE REAL LIFE REASON THAT DANI WASN’T IN THIS EPISODE?!? 
2:19 - Edrisa has a medical degree right? She has to know how dangerous consuming that much caffeine is right? Plus aren’t energy drinks super dangerous if you drink a lot of them (or maybe that’s just what adults in my neighbourhood told kids)?
2:30 - Edrisa SHINES in this episode. She’s so funny and awkward and I just love her. 
2:36 - hahaha Gil has adopted the whole team. Look at him throwing the “Dad warning stare” at Edrisa. 
3:31 - Why does Edrisa start bouncing around looking upset when Malcolm says, “rejection is a powerful motivator”?!?! Has she recently been broken up with or something? Is this a reference to how she has a crush on Malcolm (who doesn’t reciprocate)? I WANT MORE INFORMATION.
3:47 - TWIZZLERS!!! <3 Damn I love how this tiny detail about Malcolm’s character keeps coming up. 
3:55 - Ainsley is on a rampage this episode. She’s so determined ...actually she’s acting a lot like Jessica (think girl in the box bracelet). However, unlike Jessica, Ainsley’s motives aren’t about justice or the safety of her loved ones.  Ainsley is chasing personal gain (career) with a side of (a subconscious?) need to be exposed to murder and her father’s twisted world. 
4:05 - This whole interaction between Ainsley and Malcolm is really interesting. Ainsley is knowingly manipulating Malcolm to get the answers she wants. We’ve seen her do it in 2x4 and 1x19. She knows her big brother would do anything for her. It makes sense, they’re five years apart and after the trauma they experienced as children Malcolm felt responsible to protect Ainsley. He never wants to disappoint Ainsley. Not a burden he should’ve had to deal with but I digress. PLUS Malcolm looks weary of Ainsley here. He knows what she’s doing. He’s scared that she’s turning to the dark side. But he still gives her the answers because if he doesn’t - that means something has changed. He thinks that would make Ainsley suspicious and then she might remember what happened to Endicott. He’s scared of and for Ainsley. 
4:32 - OKAY. I’ll say it. The thing that annoys me the most about this episode is that it suggests that Ainsley was a debutant when in 1x6 AINSLEY TELLS MARTIN SHE WAS NEVER A DEBUTANT. She went to etiquette school - I guess that doesn’t strictly mean she also did debutant balls but it sort of suggests it in the context of this episode? Did she actually graduate from the etiquette school (there was bullying, maybe she was expelled/dropped out similar to Malcolm and Remington?)?
4:59 - “No stabbies” OMG. How is this show not classified as a comedy?!? Istg I laugh harder watching this ‘drama’ then I do watching most of the shows that call themselves ‘comedies’.
5:35 - It’s honestly kind of amazing that Ainsley and Malcolm are as ‘sane’ as they are. They were raised by a stubborn predatory psychopath and a stubborn rich meddling socialite. They had no chance of normalcy. Look at the amount of pleasure Martin is currently getting by throwing his son under the bus with regards to Jessica. 
 5:45 - “No actually, I cleaned it up.”.....does this have a dual meaning? Did Martin do something to make Malcolm dispose of the body? We already know that Martin has tried some sort of conditioning on Malcolm (remember ‘C’mon boy!’ from 1x14? The stabbing?). What if Martin said some sort of trigger word to control Malcolm and coerced Malcolm into getting rid of the body? What if this isn’t the first time?
6:05 - Ainsley is a sociopath. I’m calling it again. I called it when I first watched Q&A (1x7) because the way she treated Malcolm was more than just selfish/careless. It was cruel and she didn’t feel any remorse for literally broadcasting her brother’s private health details on television. That is messed up. I honestly won’t be shocked if the writers make Ainsley a full blown serial killers (although I’m not sure I want that because I don’t know how Malcolm would remain the main character if the story goes in that direction?). 
6:12 - Poor Jessica. I honestly feel really bad for her. Sure, she’s a headstrong alcohol dependant crazy rich woman. She also has a good heart. She’s been dealt a pretty shitty hand when it comes to relationships (minus Gil but she ruined that because she’s a MORON) and now she’s terrified that her own children have become monsters and she blames herself. She definitely hasn’t been a perfect mother but I don’t think she’s to blame for Ainsley and Malcolm’s obsession with murder. If these kids had a different bio dad, they would probably just have a low-key drug problem or some other common rich kid baggage. 
6:15 - “You know that’s not how cancer works right?” LOL. hahahaha
6:33 - Martin kind of has a point. There’s no rehab for murder. That’s why he’s been in jail for 20 years and he still wants to kill people. In my opinion, given what we’ve seen of Ainsley’s personality: as soon as she fully remembers that night - she’s gone. She’ll go full serial killer and Jessica and Malcolm will lose her forever. 
6:40 - Jessica’s little jazz hand finger twinkle as she spins on her heel and leaves Martin kills me. It’s so extra. It’s so funny. And it’s sooo Jessica. 
6:47 - Damn. Martin is pissed. I’m worried. That’s murder-level rage. If he escapes ISTG Martin is going to try and kill Gil. For so many reasons 1) because he hates Gil, 2) it’ll hurt Jessica, and 3) killing Gil will eliminate his ‘Dad’ competition. 
6:54 - Edrisa on caffeine is AMAZING.
7:43 - I love Edrisa but her blatant, unreciprocated crush on Malcolm is honestly getting a little creepy. 
7:52 - Gil spent all last season drinking out of a Yankee’s mug. Doesn’t that mean he’s a baseball fan? Why doesn’t he know this pitcher guy?
7:56 - hahahaa “Where is JT?” Because obviously JT is the team sports fan. 
8:22 - Does Gil get nightmares about cases? He always seems really uncomfortable around the dead bodies. 
8:45 - “And suddenly I’m wide awake” SERIOUSLY - is anyone else laughing every 60 seconds when they watch this show? Is my sense of humour just super dark and messed up?
8:54 - YES. The liquorice is BACK.
9:00 - I love Malcolm talking to JT about his obsession with candy. I love how Malcolm doesn’t even hesitate before giving JT an honest answer. Malcolm is acting like JT’s annoying little brother and I am here for it. One thing I did notice though - Malcolm specifically mentions candy+dopamine but doesn’t mention his depression/anxiety. Processed sugar can be a short-term (unhealthy) way to boost your mood. It’s why some people eat their feelings. I really want more backstory about Malcolm with the lollipops and licorice though. 
9:19 - “But you didn’t do anything wrong.” Awwww Malcolm is so soft here. I love how much he genuinely cares about JT. <3 I love how JT is comfortable enough with Malcolm to give him an honest answer. <3 THEIR RELATIONSHIP HAS GONE THROUGH SUCH A GLOW UP. <3 
9:32 - “Like toy dolls?” hahaha the way Malcolm perked up here. All I could think was “SQUIRREL!” hahaha. 
9:41 - Malcolm is doing better than he has been the past few episodes? I mean he’s still suffering and he’s still in a terrible mental state. BUT he also seems happier? IDK maybe he’s just entered the more manic nervous energy stage of his emotions as opposed to the depressed and scared stage. 
9:49 - “Deep childhood trauma”. So we’re looking for a debutant killer with childhood trauma who is chasing perfection? Debutant = rich lady culture. Like Ainsley. AND Ainsley went to the same etiquette school as the first two victims. The writer’s wanted us to assume the killer was Ainsley for the first 15 mins of this episode right? I’m not the only one seeing it?
10:04 - “My sister went there too.” ....why is there something super attractive about the way that line was delivered?
10:08 - I’m so done with this absolute tom foolery. Why does the team keep splitting up into two teams - where one team is JUST MALCOLM. The one who is unarmed and technically a civilian?!? This makes no logical sense to me (except for plot).
10:25 - Was Martin just about to say, “Just like the old days”?!? Is Martin referring to Endicott? OR is Martin referring to something that Malcolm’s repressed from his childhood?
10:30 - “I always root for the bad guys.” .....finally some truth from Martin.
10:40 - Soooooo I guess Mr. David doesn’t know? I promise you Mr. David has suspicions though. How could he not?!?!
11:24 - “It was brutal for Ains.” Look at how sad Malcolm is! Ugh. This hurts so much. He clearly loves his sister so so much and what she’s done is slowly killing him. I honestly think that part of the reason Malcolm helped Ainsley dispose of the body is that Malcolm doesn’t want to loose his sister. His sister is one of the only good things he’s always been able to count on. If word gets around that she’s a killer - Malcolm’s fragile world gets shattered a little more and I don’t know if Malcolm can recover mentally from that. 
11:36 - “Teasing made her capable of...stuff.” C’MON. There’s no way Mr. David doesn’t know. 
11:45 - Sooo is Martin saying that he recognized that Ainsley was a sociopath when she was a small child? Or did she just respond to his (or John Watkins’) grooming much ‘better’ than Malcolm?
11:56 - “Because she’s her mother’s” Okay. So I see the point. I can see that Ainsley is driven and stubborn like Jessica. BUT it feels like Martin is suggesting that Jessica is capable of murder? Which - I honestly don’t think she is. If anything - Malcolm is more like Jessica than Ainsley is.
11:59 - There was a look in Martin’s eyes when he was comparing Ainsley to Jessica that really freaked me out. I can’t figure out why. It makes me wonder if Martin still somehow views Jessica as ‘his possession’ (he refers to her as his wife all the time but I always assumed that was just to get a rise out of people?). Martin’s dream from 2x4 certainly suggests that he still wants Jessica romantically. I honestly think he’s going to try to escape and rekindle the romance with Jess; and it’s going to go very poorly when Jessica rejects him. 
12:06 - Preach JT. Preach. This is creepy af. 
13:00 - Ugh. Of course this creep has a history of indecent exposure. Now I understand why Gil and JT were hostile with the dude right from the start. 
13:12 - Man. People will use the Bible to justify anything. No wonder people hate Christians ( I say this as a practicing Christian).
13:18 - JT is such a good dude. I’m so glad he’s a dad now. <3 He’s going to be such a good one. <3
13:26 - “One phone call and this place will be shut down.” OH SHIT. GIL THAT IS VICIOUS AND I RESPECT THE SHIT OUT OF IT.
13:35 - I soooo thought that dude was going to sprint out of that room. 
14:30 - THIS. YES. This is why I have a problem with Ainsley’s enthusiasm for murder vs. Malcolm’s. Ainsley’s enthusiasm is centred on her nee to ‘get the story’. She’s obsessed with forwarding her career and as a result she’s treating crime like a competitive sport. Malcolm’s obsession (while it can border on creepy and reckless) is always centred on his need to find the killer and stop the murders. Malcolm is seeking justice and his heart is in the right place. I can’t say the same for Ainsley.
14:31 - “We’re brother and sister, everything is a competitive sport”.....whoever wrote this doesn’t have a sibling they experienced trauma with as a kid (and as a result was raised by a single parent). Seriously, my dad was abusive he lived with us until I was 10 and my brother was 7. Then my parents got divorced and my mom was a single parent (he didn’t pay child support or see his kids after the divorce). Are my brother and I competitive? Sure sometimes. But the way we grew up forced us to become partners. Annoyed with Mom? Let’s rant about it together. Is he struggling in math? I’ll tutor him in exchange for a Reese cup. Am I struggling at daycare because I have massive social anxiety? He’ll include me in whatever he’s doing so I’m not sitting alone in a corner. My point: siblings who experience trauma together don’t have the typical sibling relationships that are widely televised in North America. There’s a lot less fighting and competition and a lot more teaming up and commiserating. 
14:39 - “It. It’s terrible.” - Notice how Ainsley didn’t actually say how it made her feel? She gave the standard “TV response” to a murder “a terrible/horrific/tragedy has occurred”. She doesn’t feel bad that these women are dead. She’s too consumed with getting a story to even stop and let herself feel anything. I’ve been saying it since last season - the way Ainsley shows no regard for other people and their feelings when she’s obsessed with her job is concerning. 
14:50 - “Remind me of the people who cut us off after Dad’s arrest.” ...Are you kidding me?!? The whole fandom has been speculating about this since early season one and they’re not going to elaborate on that line?!? I’m going to need some more information about this and it better be in the upcoming episode where Jessica’s younger sister appears. 
15:40 - She thinks of her students as family? Sooo what does she think of Ainsley? Wasn’t Ainsley bullied at this school? Did she do anything about it? 
16:00 - this is like a ‘weekend/evening school’ right? Kids aren’t living in this house like a boarding school/summer camp?
16:01 - “Mr. Whitly” UGH. This bitch preaches etiquette and she doesn’t even have the common courtesy to call Malcolm by the name with which he introduced himself? Nah. I don’t like her. 
16:13 - Ugh. Ainsley, seriously? Why don’t you help your brother solve the case. AND PREVENT MORE MURDERS. Why are you indirectly but purposely obstructing justice?
16:37 - “Of course.” Huh. Do you think Martin might try and manipulate Ainsley into killing Malcolm? Ainsley definitely capable of it. She doesn’t actually seem to care about Malcolm nearly as much as he cares about her. 
17:17 - WTF?!? That’s creepy af. How did no one in this show think this assistant was a suspect? She has a super creepy doll that she ‘forgot’ on the floor the middle of a hallway. AND THE DOLL WAS STANDING UP. Not sitting, not dropped carelessly, STANDING UP.
17:30 - Look at Malcolm’s face. He’s definitely going to be having nightmares about that doll. 
18:25 - OMG. This was amazing. JT just totally bulldozed his way into catching that dude. Very badass. Also kind of funny (maybe that’s just my messed up sense of humour again?).
18:44 - Ugh. This dude has a thing for dolls. I don’t want to kink shame but - no. no. There’s something really gross about that.  
18:48 - I’ve seen some people say that this doll looks like Ainsley and how that’s supposed to be some sort of foreshadowing/symbolism. I kind of see it? I mean the hair colour is similar and if you pause the screen at 18:48 the angle kind of looks like Ainsley? It would be an interesting metaphor though - Ainsley played with dolls as a little girl. John Watkins gave her angel statues. She is Watkins’ and Martin’s doll’ in the sense that she was the object that murders manipulated/groomed. 
18:53 - Then again, pause the screen here and there’s something about the facial structure that looks like Dani to me. 
19:00 - Jessica lets Ainsley work in the murder office?!? No. No she doesn’t. This is garbage. Jessica would’ve forbade it. Jessica would’ve bordered up this room immediately after Watkins.
19:57 - Poor Jessica. She’s clearly terrified that she’s losing Ainsley and terrified of Ainsley. BUT Jess, sweetie, running to Europe won’t fix this. 
20:16 - “She wanted the dolls to look like her students.” AND PEOPLE SEND THEIR CHILDREN TO HER?!? WTF?!? NO. NO. NO. NOT OKAY. 
20:31 - HAHA look at Gil’s face when Trevor tells him he can make the ‘perfect woman’. Gil’s like WTF - can I arrest you for thinking you can fabricate a ‘perfect woman’?!!?
21:06 - Malcolm is having so much fun playing with Trevor’s doll head. Look at how excited he is. It’s kind of adorable but his manic energy is showing which is concerning. 
21:10 - Why is Trevor giving his doll fancy 1940s(ish) names? 
21:31 - Props to LDP. I honestly believed Gil was annoyed with Malcolm for barging in on the interrogation the first time I watched this. 
21:42 - “They got a word for everything.” hahaha OMG. This is so reminiscent of a teenager explaining some new tech to their tech-illiterate parents. 
22:00 - I can’t tell if Gil feels sorry for this creep or if he just thinks the dude is really gross. Probably a mixture. 
23:00 - Oh we’re bringing up the chloroform again. At least Malcolm knows not listen to Martin about this nonsense. 
23:25 - “It doesn’t feel fun.” - THIS. This is why I honestly don’t think Malcolm will ever become a serial killer. His guilt complex is just too big.
23:56 - Are. You. Kidding. Me? This is next level. Ainsley is so out of line here. AND SHE SHOWS NO REMORSE. SHE DOESN’T THINK SHE’S DONE ANYTHING WRONG. THIS GIRL HAS GONE DARK SIDE (she was already halfway there).
24:17 - I’m getting papa!Gil vibes when Gil is talking to Ainsley and I want more scenes of them interacting. Seriously, did Gil have a relationship with Ainsley when she was a kid? I MUST KNOW.
24:45 - Ainsley has no conscience. I honestly don’t think Ainsley has a conscience. 
25:00 - “Who is that!?” Malcolm is totally acting like he’s Ainsley’s father-figure right now. I’m here for it. 
25:22 - SORE LOSERS?!? I’m sorry. What? If you weren’t concerned about Ainsley you damn well should be now. That is seriously messed up. People are dead. This is not a game. Do you know who else thought murder was a game? Martin Whitly.
25:31 - Okay. Ainsley has a point. Malcolm lecturing anyone about being reckless is pretty hypocritical. But at least Malcolm cares about her. 
25:54 - Heart. Shattered. Look at how terrified Jessica is. Look at how gentle and reassuring Gil is. UGh. WHY DID SHE BREAK UP WITH HIM??! I mean, I know why I just think she’s a moron for doing it. 
26:00 - Poor Gil. He’s so confused and so concerned. The whole Whitly family is acting crazier then usual and he doesn’t know why. 
26:11 - “Both you and Malcolm are at an 11 and I’ve never seen Ainsley like that.” FIND YOURSELF A MAN WHO CARES LIKE GIL AND NEVER LET HIM GO. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Seriously. The love and concern he shows for this family warms my cold dead heart. 
26:16 - “Her father?!” Oh shit. Now Gil knows there’s something BIG happening. Jessica would never run to Martin unless she absolutely had to. 
26:19 - annnnd Gil’s also being a prideful man who’s feeling are hurt. “You went to him?” He’s right to be though - the woman he loves went to a serial killer for advice before going to the guy who practically co-parented with her. 
26:33 - “I’m here. Whatever you need. I’m here.” <3 <3 Gil is the definition of a good man. <3 I’m in love with it. 
26:48 - “You were right on time for me.” ....*snort* subtle Gil (and in front of JT!!)
27:08 - Edrisa is hysterical on caffeine. hahaha. This whole scene is perfect. 
27:20 - You know someone is acting manic when Malcolm Bright is concerned about their eccentric behaviour. 
27:34 - Annnnnd Tom Payne was a split second from breaking character here. I don’t blame him. hahaha
28:05 - EDRISA flipping and dropping that pencil. HAHAHAHAHAHA
29:10 - “Absolutely not.” hahaha this is funny but also really sweet. Malcolm knows that Edrisa hopped up on caffeine isn’t safe to have near an active killer. Who knows what’ll happen. I wish he’d care that much about his own well being. Looks like calling for backup last episode was a one time thing. 
30:37 - I’ll give the writers one thing - Miss Windsor makes a convincing murder suspect.
31:22 - GIL. STANDING. UP. FOR. JT. IS. EVERYTHING. Where is O’Malley’s back up? Oh yeah, they’re not brave enough to defend him.
32:00 - Huh. Bright texted for backup. This is growth. I’m proud of him. 
32:15 - YES. This JT arc was handled right. Sure JT could’ve complained. It would’ve been episodes upon episodes of bureaucratic nightmares and injustice. This show isn’t about racism. They showed enough to portray that the system is broken and they had JT act like a responsible adult. It’s not fair that JT had to go through this or that he’ll likely experience something similar to it again. But the fact that JT is acting like a bigger person is perfect. JT will protect his family. Always. That includes Malcolm. So JT avoids putting through a formal complaint because he knows that will take time away from doing his job, from protecting others, from hanging out with his wife and kid. JT’s taking the higher road, it might not be gratifying or fair but I respect the hell out of him for taking it. 
32:28 - Gil is so so proud of JT. Look at him. <3 <3 
33:40 - Look, Miss Windsor is a bit of a stuck up bitch but she has a good heart. Look at the way she immediately tells Malcolm where Ainsley is when she realizes what’s happening. 
34:14 - This confused me during the first watch - Ainsley obviously didn’t drink any tea - so why is she drugged? (obviously I know now). 
34:17 - Big brother Malcolm frantically looking for Ainsley is so so sweet. <3 
35:42 - The music, the dolls, and Miss Windsor’s speech here. There’s something about this part of the episode that is strangely reminiscent of 5x16 of Criminal Minds.
36:20 - ......does Miss Windsor have some sort of mental illness? She’s talking to herself and ranting erratically. Is this just emotional stress or something deeper?
37:00 - This is why Malcolm’s not a serial killer. Even now- looking at a killer - he’s trying to sympathize with her. He’s trying to understand why. He’s trying to calm her down, diffuse the threat, and get her mental help. 
39:00 - Oh yeah. Ainsley was definitely going to kill without remorse. Again. I’ve seen some theories that Ainsley only ever tries to kill to protect Malcolm. I disagree. I think Ainsley’s trying to protect herself. Ainsley is pissed off that this girl tried to drug her and kill her because she thinks Ainsley is wicked. Ainsley was pissed at Endicott for whatever he did to Ainsley before Malcolm got there. I think Ainsley felt threatened and scared so she reacted. I don’t think this has anything to do with protecting Malcolm.
39:41 - Malcolm isn’t a killer. Look. He smells gas but he takes the time to carry an unconscious murderer (who literally just tried to kill his sister) out of the building. 
40:00 - The drama. Holy hell. What a weird ending to this case.
40:48 - Who gave Ainsley a police jacket and let her keep it?
41:14 - She almost died and she’s still obsessing over ‘winning’. This is seriously unstable behaviour. Way more concerning than anything Malcolm’s done since 2x1. 
41:45 - “My father was a serial killer also.” Anyone else super irritated by that phrasing?!?  Just me?!? Something about the ‘also’ feels super wrong to me.
41:53 - Oh sweetie. I’d argue that you are more messed up than Malcolm. 
42:06 - Jessica went to see Martin twice in one episode. THIS IS BAD.
42:15 - “Maybe even more so than Malcolm if that’s possible.” Jessica knows her kids. I’m on her side here. 
42:20 - Martin is way too happy about Ainsley showing signs of serial killing. 
42:30 - Jessica? You married an act. That man never existed. He’s always been a serial killer. You just didn’t know it. He’s manipulative and you were a victim to it. 
Okay....so definitely the weakest episode of the season so far. AND the fact that we got no mention of Tally and/or the baby this episode is a crime. 
BUT I’M SO SO SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE. It’s going to be a televised fanfic and I can’t wait. 
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tinlizziedlinwa · 3 years
Developing Sexuality, Discovering Kinks, a Spinal Injury, and Barely Beginning to Explore the Edges of the LGBTQ+ Community
Howdy, y’all.  I’m just gonna put this out there - If it’s not for you, just keep on a’scrollin’!
Now, I’ve not really explicitly spoken about my sexuality and how it’s evolved over my almost five decades of life.  So, I’m about to start, and believe me, your patience and kindness will be appreciated.  If you choose to be a close-minded, conservative, cis-asshole then I strongly suggest you leave right the fuck now.  Thank you :-)
If you want to get to know me a little bit more and talk of incontinence and sexuality doesn’t scare you, please continue!
Decade 01:  Around four years old, I have my first memories of things related to my as yet totally undeveloped sexuality.  No history of physical abuse - Don’t worry about that.  It was finding my mother’s menstrual pads.  I saw pictures of them in underwear, so I took one and put it into mine.  It felt so right and so amazing!  I don’t really know how to describe it, but it felt like I needed the whole package of them in my underwear all at once!  I got in trouble for using up a package that my mom needed and I didn’t understand why she needed them yet.  But I made my first “diaper” out of pads and tighty-whities when I was only four years old.  Since I’m gonna be using a lot of numbers, I’m gonna cheat and sacrifice the “proper way” of spelling them out if they’re ten or less.
At 5, I knew I wasn’t built right.  I had this thing I peed through that girls didn’t have.  Boys had them.  But I wasn’t supposed to be a boy!  I didn’t like it and hated the feeling of it touching my legs (still do...).  I started asking questions about things.  Now, my parents are the stereotypical Boomers, “trapped” in a loveless marriage by dependent children and their own sense of “honor.”  Dad was a Medical Corpsman who became a Physician’s Assistant (PA) after retiring, while Mom used to be a Wave (nurse) in the Navy, but became a stay-at-home Mom when she started having children. I’ve 2 brothers and 1 sister, the last of them born 10 years before me.  So, when I questioned things, Dad’s response was usually to hand me a medical book and tell me to look it up.  Mom’s response was usually, “go ask your father.”  So, there I was, a 5-year old with a head full of partially-understood terminology (at best!) and a bunch of clinical photography in anatomy and physiology books.  At least I learned the purely physical differences between boys and girls and why I was one and not the other.  This made me mad.  So. Very. Mad.  I cried a lot for a while, finding out that I would never become what I feel I was supposed to be.  But I kept reading....
When I was 6 years old, I wrote a letter to my parents explaining how I felt about my body and how it made me feel inside and how I wished I could change and be the girl I’m supposed to be and would they be ok with helping me do this some day?
It was not received well.  Not well at all.  I’ve spent the last 40 years trying to get over their reaction to it and I still hate them for their reactions with a passion.  I feel like I was truly shattered, and the glue I’ve had to use over the years to put myself back together has never been the right type and pieces of me keep falling apart.
Entering Decade 02 (10 to 20 years old):  Puberty, damn it!  None of my “researches” had even hinted at ways to stop it, and my body started changing in ways that made me very uncomfortable, but there was also this attraction I kept feeling towards some people, and I started getting erections.  Now, I knew what was happening and yes, it did feel good to play with myself, but it also felt wrong in that I should have someone entering me, not me entering them, so when I masturbated that’s what I dreamed of - being entered and feeling them expand inside me, them giving themselves up in me, losing control and exploding into me and feeling their satisfaction as my own at having been so desirable.  Cockwarming them gently back to hardness and having my own way with their body as their hands stroked my breasts and hips.... Eventually I would orgasm in real life, while dreaming my dream.
I have never had a blow-job.  Several girlfriends have attempted, but honestly that’s like the fastest way to shut me down.  It instantly kills my dream between one heart-beat and the next, causing me to feel absolutely horrible about myself and this carcass I’m trapped in.  I should be going down on you, tasting, caressing, nuzzling and lapping up your wetness as I get more and more achy and wet for you.... Sticking my dick in your mouth is absolutely the worst thing that can happen during any attempt at sexy-times for me.  I’d rather have diarrhea on a crowded school-bus.
The problem was, I had been emotionally terrorized by my parents (and now I know how they controlled my access to information...) and the area I grew up in was populated by fairly conservative folks, so I had no exposure to other ways of living and had no idea I could express my sexuality in any way other than by being masculine with it.  Ergo, I was very much in the closet, hiding my thoughts and feelings as best I knew how, and retreated from situations that might expose my inner workings. Hence, I’m an introvert who overshares o.0  Start unstacking the bricks from my walls and Watch Out!  You might get more than you bargained for :-\
Decade 03 (20 to 30 years old):  I was just positive I didn’t want kids.  Also had no clue what to do with myself, so I landed in Alaska for about a decade.  Isolated, small town, conservative folks (a church on every corner, attended at least twice a week).  Repressive.  No sex for 8 of those 10 years.  Met my (now ex-) wife up there.  Internet actually got off the ground and we bought a computer, modem, and had an AOL account!  This was around 2002′ish or so.  Yeah, I watched the twin towers fall on a tv in a bar in Alaska.  But while in Fairbanks, I discovered the old Usenet Newsgroups... and that led me straight back into my diaper-fetish which I’d almost forgotten about... omg, seeing those first photos... I can’t describe the feelings that burned in me.
Decade 04 (30 to 40 years old):  Left Alaska and moved to western Washington State.  Worked as a Medical Assistant for about 5 years, then re-invented myself as a welder when I got a Federal job.  Learning a whole new trade wasn’t easy.  Shittons of practice later I was good at it and loving my career, until a toolbag fell on my head in 2008.  It could have killed me had I been in any other position.  As it was, it hit the top of my head while my spine was almost perfectly straight up’n’down, causing a couple of discs in my neck to blow out.  One completely ruptured and the other bulged so badly it could never heal and restricted my movement (couldn’t look up or pull my chin in).  To this day I still have a smallish “shadow” on my cervical spinal nerve where the disc exploded and a “dent” where the next one down bulged out.  The doctors think that’s why I’m incontinent and really struggle to get hard-ons anymore.
Here’s the rub:  I’ve hated this body of mine forever.  I’m not supposed to get hard-ons in the first place!  I’m supposed to have breasts, hips, hair, a flat front and a curvy bottom, and you should be making passes at me, not vice versa!
So, rather than pursue medical (surgical) options to deal with the urinary and occasional fecal incontinence, I choose to wear diapers and give myself regular enemas.  This way I can kinda (mostly) control the #2 and keep it from happening in public, while I can let my bladder just run on it’s built-in autopilot (which is really random, btw).  Wearing diapers also helps me with tucking!  I can  pull the dick out, pop the balls up inside where they belong, tuck the dick as far back as I can and put my diaper on tight.  Bingo!  A flat front!  And a bit of a poofy bottom!  YES!!
Decade 05 (40 to 47′ish years old):  I’m beginning to feel slightly more confident in my sexuality, though I’m still not comfortable actually trying to seek out anyone special... but yeah - I’m an introvert by nature.  Probably need to get adopted by someone because I’m not sure I’ll ever really be brave enough to really reach out first....  But now I’m able to afford nice diapers, I’m buying women’s jeans/pants/sweaters/onesies, and I’m feeling so much better about myself when I’m able to dress up.  Keeping my chest and legs shaved helps, too.  When I look down and see long, course, curly body-hair... ugh.  Hair in the armpits and groin is what’s normal.  Chest hair?  Get it off!  Looking at myself in the mirror, I still hate many aspects of my physical self, but when I’m freshly shaved, diapered and wearing women’s jeans and a lovely pink sweatshirt or just lounging around in a cute diaper and huge sweater, I’m much more able to ignore the things I don’t like.
Lately, as I’ve begun exploring my sexuality a little more, I’ve discovered the joys of dildos.  Lemmie tell you what, guys.  A traditional male orgasm doesn’t hold a candle to what I’ve felt while playing with a good dildo.  After a good, thorough clean-out in the shower (I have a shower-attachment with multiple nozzles and use the long black rubber one), I’ve used a dildo that’s got a bit of a bend near the tip - it’s shaped like a real penis, normal size (not humongous), with a bit of a crook near the glans.  By holding the balls & suction cup in hand, it can be inserted and moved in-n-out at that perfect angle to stimulate *all* the right spots inside...  I can honestly say I’ve peed, cum, and blew that dildo across the room as my knees hit the floor and I forgot my name during the best, most intense, can’t-walk-for-a-minute whole-body orgasms I’ve ever experienced in my life.  The area between the anus and scrotum feels so very hot and heavy, like it’s going to burst, it’s not truly painful but almost close? - It’s an amazingly satisfying feeling.  I’d love to hear from you girls out there... Are my orgasms anything similar to yours?
Some day, my dream is to meet someone who can understand me, who can feel where I’m coming from, who can love me even when I’m having difficulty loving myself.  Someone who is kind to my broken soul, and who’s idea of a hot date may involve a stop at the adult toy store!
Edited on 01OCT2021:  I’m not looking for a Mommy or a Domme.  I’m an adult with adult responsibilities and concerns.  I’m looking for a partner who’s also fairly self-sufficient.  I own my own home, work full time, and being an introvert I need lots of alone time.  Someone who’s open and accepting of the fact that I’m diapered 24/7/365 and am perfectly capable of changing myself.  And she’ll understand that I don’t just wanna get her out of her jeans for sexy-times, but I also wanna try them on.
Edited again on 02OCT2021:  As I’ve just begun actually  exploring my sexuality, I’m starting to think I seem to fit into the “enby” grouping (even as I don’t like being stuffed into a box, I find myself doing just that, to myself!  Damn categories...).  I don’t know all the lingo yet and it feels like the terminology is a living thing that is always changing.  Even though I’ve always found women to be super attractive, and I also really enjoy wearing women’s clothes and have dreamed of being a woman for decades, every once in a blue moon a guy really turns me on.  I’ve got fantasies about going down on her while he enters me, his hands on my hips pulling me in as he gently thrusts, speeding up slowly as I’m getting wetter, he’s sliding in and out of me faster and faster and I’m lapping up her juices, buried in her scent, the orgasm in all of us building until we simultaneously explode.  Then, once we all have our breath back, each of us gently diapers one another.  The idea of feeling my diaper sticking to my bum as his seed dribbles out of me is really turning me on again right now!  Hearing our crinkles as we move, cuddling in a contented pile, patting bottoms all around.
Am I a “bottom?”  Is there such a thing as an independent “bottom”?  More research is needed!  
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kingofbr00klyn · 4 years
Newsies prompts! Yeah! Um... 1. Jack being a big brother to Race. 2. Crutchie and Racetrack getting into some trouble together. 3. Jack and Spot caring for some of the littles. Pick one or write them all idc. Can’t wait to read!
Hi this took me like 4 days to write, I thought it was longer than that but okay, I have loads of other stuff in the works, this is just the first one I finished. Sorry for the wait. So this is for the prompt we’re Crutchie and Race get into trouble.
I tried to mix both 1992sies and livesies in this, but I don’t think it really comes across. Also, this story is ever so slightly exaggerated, but oh well. But it’s been a while since I’ve written anything, so this probably isn’t the best.
This will also be found on my AO3 account.
"Remind me ta never listen ta you again."
"How was I'se suppost ta know this would 'appen?"
"Well, I dunno. But now I’m in trouble because a’ summing I didn’t even do."
“Oh c’mon! Nuthin’ bad happened. I came out worse than you did. You get to go home scot-free.”
“But still. This is all your fault an’ I’m gonna make sure everyone knows it.”
"Wow, Crutch, whatta' way to throw a pal under da bus."
"You'se deserve it."
Race rolled his eyes and sulked further down into his chair, only to regret it when the hard plastic rubbed uncomfortably into his back. He glanced at his companion, who looked just about as shit as he felt. Crutchie kept nervously running a hand through his hair and fidgeting with the helm of his shirt, he looked like someone who had just been caught doing something illegal. Oh wait, that's because he had. Let's take a step back, shall we?
2 hours earlier.
Crutchie stood outside his door step, awaiting Race's arrival. The two had decided to spend the evening together, since none of their other friends were available. Race had said he would pick him up at 6. After Crutchie's watch ticked 6:15, Race's old TP Cruiser pulled up. He wore a bright, cheeky grin as he leaned over to open the passenger side door. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" Crutchie gleefully obliged, grabbing his crutch and sliding into the front seat.
"Are you ready for the funnest night of yer life?" Race asked, a unlit cigar hanging loosely from his mouth.
Crutchie laughed. "We'se just goin' ta the diner on 4th, ain't we?"
"Nope," Race grabbed something from the cupholder beside him and handed it to Crutchie. "Just got this from my guy. Thought we'd treat ourselves tonight." It was a fake ID.
Antonio Higgings
"Yer guy?" Crutchie snorted, handing the card back. "You'se mean Albert."
"Maybe I do. Anyway, I'm low on cigs and shit, so I thought we'se stop by a corner shop and see how well this baby works." Starting the engine, Race pulled out of Crutchie's drive and set off for the nearest place that would give them what they wanted.
"What if we'se get caught? I don't wanna be done just because you'se got a nicotine addiction." Crutchie offered, messing with the diles for the radio.
"Then I punch Albert in the face," Race resorted. That drew a snicker from the blonde. "But seriously, don't worry 'bout it. Everthin's gonna be a-okay!"
Spolier altert; it wasn't.
After 10 or so minutes of driving, Race pulled to a stop and poorly parked the car. "Eh, good enough." He got out, with Crutchie tailing right behind him.
"You don't gotta come in. Ya know, cuz yer so scared of gettin' caught." The taller boy mocked.
Crutchie retaliated by hitting Race in the leg with his crutch. "I'm comin' wit' cha so you don't get punched in the face." Race forged offence, but waved off the comment.
The shop was small, just your regular off-licence, cheap booze with an even cheaper taste, the perfect thing to fuel Race's needs. A little bell rang as they opened the door, there weren't many people inside the shop, Crutchie noted the few middle aged men who were likely in there for similar reasons as themselves. Race swaggered to the front counter, an air of confidence around him. The shop clerk, a young man with a stoic expression, rolled his eyes at the tall blonde.
"What can I get you?" The clerk's tone was as cheerful as expected.
Race grinned cockily. "A smile would be a start, sweetheart," The shop clerk didn't respond, but continued to glare the boy down. "Okay then… A box o' ya finest Corona's and summa that scotch ya got up there." Race slapped $50 on the counter, along with his fake ID.
The clerk picked the card up, eying it suspiciously. Crutchie had a feeling this wouldn’t end well. “Yah think you’re funny, kid? Think I don’t know what a fake ID looks like?” The clerk said. “I’m gonna have to call the cops, you know.”
Race’s expression floored. Disbelief and fear quickly made itself at home. Crutchie felt a similar dread rise up in his stomach, he looked to Race for an inkling of what to do next, but the tall boy just continued to stare dumbly. Until he finally said, “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill Albert.”
As it turns out, the shop had an undercover officer outside the shop to deal with instances like this. The clerk called him in, and he escorted Crutchie and Race to the local station. Luckily, they had pretty much just been given a slap on the wrist and a call home. Except, since this wasn’t Race’s first offence, so he had also been slapped with a $50 fine.
The boys anxiously awaited the arrival of the parents. Race had already had a million and one messages from his brother, Jack. The sonva’ was having a field day with this. Text after text about how much trouble Race would be in, how he was grounded and how much shit Jack’s going to give him for this. Race ignored his brother, instead opting for spamming Albert with a variety of angry messages in all caps.
GottaGoFast - RedHeadHoe
RedHeadHoe: ???
GottaGoFast: im at the police station
RadHeadHoe: oh what did u do now???
RedHeadHoe: OH
RedHeadHoe: HA
RedHeadHoe: how is it my fault???
RedHeadHoe: dude u didnt have to use it
RedHeadHoe: also i dont make them so it aint my fault
RedHeadHoe: blame my guy
GottaGoFast: ur guy?????
RedHeadHoe: ye
RedHeadHoe: skittery
GottaGoFast: ok but ur still dead
RedHeadHoe: cool
GottaGoFast: dentys gonna be here soon so gotta go
RedHeadHoe: good luck my dude
GottaGoFast: fuck u
RedHeadHoe: :)
Race slipped his phone into his pocket, just in time to see some familiar faces walk though the station door. Bryan Denton, Race’s foster father, walked up to the receptionist desk, before being pointed towards where the boys were sitting. Race looked at Crutchie, before straightening his back and putting on his most charming smile. "Heya Denty!" Race beamed, hoping to the gods above that this would go in his favour. Bryan didn't look particularly mad, but Denton never really got mad. It was like the man was incapable of it, it was great, and Race had done a lot of things that would cause any parent to flip their shit.
"Race," Bryan started, calm and collected as always."What were you thinking?" Okay, maybe it wasn't as great as Race thought, Denton's tranquill state was quite unsettling at the moment, Race had no idea what he was thinking.
"We'se just wanted to have a bit a' fun, ya know, teenage stuff," The blonde rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Did they'se tell ya 'bout da fine?"
"Yeah, they told me over the phone," Denton said. "I'll pay it and then we'll go home. Jack's waiting for us in the car.”
Race rolled his eyes. "Oh yay."
Crutchie didn't really pay much attention to the scene in front of him, he was too caught up in his own head. Fear and worry filled his thoughts, his grandmother wasn't the most forgiving then it came to things like this. Crutchie remembered once when he was 7 and snuck out of his room in the middle of the night to get one of the freshly baked cookies his grandmother had made that day, the elderly woman had found out about his midnight snack and boy was there hell to pay. She wasn't particularly mean or nasty, she could just be strict at times.
Times like these, Crutchie thought as he saw his grandmother barrel towards him with an expression that would make the toughest of men wet themselves. "Charles Andrew Morris! You are in so much trouble, young man!" Oh no, she used his full name. He really was a goner.
"Race, I don't think I'm comin' outta this alive…” Crutchie said.
Race snorted. "Don't worry, my dude, I got this." Crutchie didn't have time to ask what 'this' was, as Race stepped in front of him and greeted his grandmother.
"Mrs Morris, so good ta see ya 'gain," Race started. That diverted the woman from her path of destruction, as she instead gave the blonde a striking glare. The Italian tried not to shrink under her gaze, opting to continue with his sentence. "So um, ya see, Ma'am. It wasn't actually Crutchie's fault, it was mine. So, err, don't punish him for my mistake."
Crutchie was in complete disbelief. And he wasn't the only one, Bryan shared a similar expression. While Race was a good friend, he was also a bit of an asshole, so him taking all the blame for this (even though it was his fault), was a surprise.
Crutchie’s grandmother eyed the boy suspiciously, before she turned on her heels and walked away. “Come on, Charlie, it’s time to go home.”
Crutchie was slightly dumbfounded, but didn’t question as he hugged Race. “Thanks man.”
Race winked and smiled. “No problem, Crutch. Text me if you ain’t dead!”
“Will do!”
RiceCrutchies - Racer
RiceCrutchies: Guess who aint dead :)))
Racer: yayyyy
Racer: so what happened
RiceCrutchies: Gran wasn’t very happy but she wasnt too mad
RiceCrutchies: Im grounded for 2 weeks tho
Racer: oh well at least we had 1 last night of fun before that
RiceCrutchies: Yea so how’d it go with Denton???
Racer: not too bad
Racer: im also grounded but they took my cigs at the police station so i need to get more from Albert
RiceCrutchies: You think you would have learnt your lesson but ok
Racer: 👌
Racer: i gotta go crutch see you in school???
RiceCrutchies: Yeah, see you and try not to do anything illegal between then
Racer: no promises
RiceCrutchies: 🤦‍
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
TWD 10x16: A Certain Doom - Details and Dialogue
Okay, let’s get into details, because there’s some good stuff here.
***Spoilers abound below for 10x16. Don’t read until you’ve watched.***
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We’re kind of side-eyeing the beginning and Eugene’s injury. He has a head injury, and there’s a car on its side. We don't actually see Eugene's injury. We don't see him fall off his bike or anything. It just starts with him sitting up against the car that's on its side and he seems to have had some sort of accident. So, it's something unseen that causes the accident.
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He is bleeding from the head, much like Connie is at the end, and the whole scene with the car on its side reminded me of the short bus in 5×05. We see the wheel of his bike being bent, as I said before. When he gets discouraged about not being able to get there on time to meet Stephanie, he has one interesting line about time. I think Yumiko was saying they would figure it out. He says, "unless it involves slowing the passage of time…" (time reference). Then he says they need to "go eye to eye with reality and turn back for home." (Sirius/North Star/Home reference.) And in part of Zeke’s reply, he says, "we are not going back." Which we might be able to tie to S5’s "you can't go back," theme.
Then we see Daryl and Carol setting booby-traps in the stairwells of the hospital. They're talking about Michonne. Daryl says he just can't stop thinking that he might not ever see Michonne again. And then he says, "just like everyone else." Carol says, "I'm still here."
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The “I'm still here” is what Beth said to Carol at Grady. And once again, this is being filmed in the same hospital as Grady. Carol also said, “I’m still here” to Daryl in 5x06, Consumed, when they were searching for Beth. So this is a prevalent theme.
And there’s really two things to consider here. We can tie it to Beth in a literal way, because she’s one of the people Daryl believes he’ll never see again. But I also wondered if we should be applying this to Beth instead of Michonne. I wasn’t sure how. Just a thought I had. I’m gonna come back to this.
There’s an A/B reference. Luke says it when they're talking about the plan. He's explaining what they have to do with the walkers and he says they have to get from A to B. So, I believe B refers to the cliff where they're going to lead the walkers over into the water. A is just where they are now, or at the hospital. So, we could definitely read into that. Symbolically, A = Grady hospital. B = where Beth shows up to help save everyone?
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We had a part where the Whisperers were coming through the door and into the hospital were Judith and FG are. Dog starts barking and runs off into another part of the hospital and FG tells Judith to go get Dog. That was really it, but it jumped out at me because we once again, kind of like the snow in S9, we have Dog running off and Judith going to get him. It feels like a recurring motif. And nothing really came of it in this episode. They’re in the hospital so Dog doesn’t really have anywhere to go, but they made a point of having Gabriel tell Judith to go get Dog.
Orange Reference
First, let’s appreciate that everyone escapes the hospital through an elevator shaft. Using a rope. Yeah, really not a coincidence, guys. 👀
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They reach a point where everyone is evacuated except Judith, Gabriel, Scott, and Rachel. Gabriel tells the other three to go. Judith asks if he's not coming. FG plans to stay behind to fight the Whisperers, so everyone else has time to get out and to make sure they don't cut the rope (the one everyone's climbing down the elevator shaft with). Judith asks if Rosita knows Gabriel is planning to stay behind. Father Gabriel gives Judith a message for Rosita. "Eres mi media naranja."
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Apparently, Judith knows Spanish, because she halfway translates it. She says, "half orange?" That immediately caught my attention. I couldn't help but think of the orange soda Daryl drinks in S6, that he's looking for on behalf of Denise. That's also when they meet Jesus and the wheel comes off Jesus's truck (wheels in this episode include Eugene’s bike and the one that falls off the wagon).
So naturally, I had to look up this phrase. It loosely translates to “you are my other half of the orange” which is a colloquialism meaning, “you’re my soulmate (or other half).”
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Now, obviously, that makes sense in this context because it's Gabriel's way of telling Rosita he loves her and she's his soulmate. But I can't help but go back to that orange soda in s6. We know Denise was a Beth proxy and they were drinking the orange soda, which was for Denise. I think it’s a way of saying that Denise (again, not literally, but as a Beth proxy) is Daryl’s soulmate.
So, I looked up a couple of different translations for this phrase. Check these out. One of them actually says “musical soulmate.”
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@wdway​ also reminded me that Denise actually found an orange soda on her own, in a blue cooler, next to some railroad tracks, right before Dwight shot her in the eye with an arrow.
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And this is where I’m gonna circle back around to the booby trap scene. Watching the episode live on Sunday, something occurred to me. There’s a particularly gnarly scene where one of the Whisperers trips the booby trap. We know it’s a whisperer and not a walker because there’s a lot of blood on the right side of his face, and also walkers generally can’t come up steps. But this dude obviously died and has a bolt or piece of wood sticking out of his eye. On the one hand, the one-eye thing is a Sirius Reference.
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But it also specifically hearkens back to Denise and the way she died. So we have people Daryl doesn’t believe he’ll ever see again, dialogue that was used around Beth at Grady, the fact that this episode is actually filmed inside the Grady hospital, references to orange, with a meaning of soulmates, connecting to the orange soda we saw around Denise, and then the explosions they set while using said dialogue causing a death just like Denise’s and doubling as a Sirius reference.
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Yeah, I get that sometimes we probably read too much into small things, but this is just WAY too much to ignore. This is why I said it doesn’t particularly bother me that we didn’t see her in 10x16. Was I disappointed? Of course. But I still feel like everything points to her being REALLY close.
Gabriel also quotes more scripture. He says, "the Lord's house is a tower. The righteous enter and are safe." I looked it up and that's Proverbs 18:10. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. Obviously, there's the tower reference and it's also become sort of a test of faith for Gabriel. Because he said this right before the Whisperers come through and almost kill him. In fact he comes really close to dying before the ninja, along with Maggie, shows up and saves him. It was almost like his faith brought him through.
It also reminded me of 6×12 when TF attacked the Savior outpost. If you remember, one of them got outside the outpost and Gabriel killed him, but he was quoting Scripture then too, saying, "in my father's house are many mansions. If were not so, I would have told you." It seemed like a parallel to that, but I'm not sure how to interpret it or how to connect the two scriptures. I’d love to hear if anyone has any thoughts on it.
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In terms of Daryl and Carol’s convo at the end, I don’t have tons to say. In fact, the thing that jumped out at me the most is that she asked if he was okay and he said, “Yeah.” I think that’s a direct contrast to previous seasons when they had the same convo and the answer was, “Gotta be.” It shows that Daryl’s in a better place now than he used to be. And to me, that shows that he’s in the perfect state of mind for Beth to appear.
Lastly, I’ll say a quick word about the final scene with Eugene, where the Commonwealth soldiers show up. Eugene makes what I think are several Star Trek references here. He gives a speech about how they won’t stop looking for Stephanie or other people. Basically, he says they came out here to find new people and he intends to keep looking until they find them, whether Stephanie's group or someone else. He believes that there are people around there and that if they just keep looking a little longer, they'll run into them. (Maybe the same theme we saw with Daryl and Aaron searching for people in S5?)
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But Eugene says that's why they started “trekking” in the first place. The reason they “boldly voyaged” forward. And then he uses the word assimilate or assimilating several times. It struck me as a Star Trek reference and the assimilation feels like a reference to the Borg (a cyborg collective hive, for those who weren’t trekkies).
So, I don't know that this is necessarily a TD thing. I'm wondering if the Commonwealth, because it is sort of a collective, is being compared to the Borg. Right after this dialogue, the CW soldiers burst out. I'm not positive that's what they're going for. Just the thoughts I had.
The only other thing I'll say is that, even more than the promo pictures we have of them walking past the train cars, this scene gave me Terminus vibes. For one thing, Ezekiel suggests they spend the night in one of the train cars. And when the Commonwealth soldiers show up, these great big floodlights on top of the train cars suddenly turn on.
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So, the Commonwealth soldiers haven’t stumbled upon Eugene’s group by happenstance. This train yard is a place they’re using and have outfitted with lights and traps. I feel like Terminus, symbolically, might be coming back around through the Commonwealth. So, it will be interesting to see where that goes.
That’s all for details. Tomorrow, I’ll talk about The World Beyond and some interesting ties to TD symbolism I saw in the episode.
10 notes · View notes
theholycovenantrpg · 4 years
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Admin Rosey: This was incredibly difficult. Both applications were stunning and shined in the limelight - but there were these small details, Phoebe, that you included that had us absolutely captivated. Salome, I think, is a difficult character to encompass so wholly while not overlooking the details. But you managed to do that, to tie her all together while not putting her in a package. The application was such a joy to read from beginning to end - the way that you tied so many different characters into her, into her future. It was an absolute thrill to read because I was able to see so much while still being tantalized by possibilities. I can’t wait to see how Salome shines on the dash! Please create and send in your account, review the information on our CHECKLIST, and follow everyone on the FOLLOW LIST. Welcome to the Holy Land!
Alias | Phoebe
Age | 22
Personal Pronouns | She/her
Activity Level | Pretty active (6/10?) due to a national lockdown, but I’m a postgrad student so some days are busier than others.
Timezone | GMT
Triggers | REMOVED
How did you find the group?  | I check out the ‘new rpg’ tag a few times a year & your graphics and then everything drew me in
Current/Past RP Accounts | Masha Vetrova @ ProchnostRPG
Character | SALOME
What drew you to this character? |  Typically I tend to go for characters who have a fundamental moral alignment of ‘good’ (even if it’s been a bit corrupted) so at first I was really drawn to Gabriel/Abaddon/Isolde. I even brainstormed them a bit before moving onto the demon bios.
But then I read Salome’s bio, and I really couldn’t get her out of my mind. There is something so delicious about her, so dastardly poetic. In a way, she’s as pure of heart as many morally good characters - patient, steadfast, true to herself. It’s just that her heart is a blackened one. A nature so rotted that even eternal damnation in Hell’s Abyss was not enough. The only fitting destiny was a demonic one, and the wings tore out of her body as if they’d been there, dormant, all along.
I know the story of Salome (thanks Oscar Wilde) & I just adore the way in which the bio weaves the biblical story into this world and this character. Salome the Temptress, unflinching as she demands the head of John the Baptist and damns all around her to Hell. This one line in particular from Rosey really, really captured it all for me:
No, the minute her mortal heart stopped beating and she opened her eyes to the fires of Hell, there was only laughter to be heard – pouring from her lips as melodic as a lark’s song, a stark contrast to the wailing and grinding of teeth.
Salome feels young and charming and spoiled and light and warm and content and this image - her descending into Hell, disrupting it with her peals of laughter - sums it all up. She is arrogant and uninhibited with her sins plain for all to see. But she is also clever. She is a girl who dances with the dead; demon through and through. She lets them openly see it so that they do not think to look closer. For if they did, surely they would see Salome was more damned than they’d ever envisioned? See that the open delight she projects - the laughter and fevered dancing, - all distract from a mind capable of cold, calm strategy? See that her hands are beautiful because they are stained with the first blood of this new world?
…All of which is to say that Salome the Temptress has worked that tempting magic of hers on me too - hook, line and sinker.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | If it serves your guys’ plotting vision then absolutely! I’d just ask to write the death scene/have some say in the way it went down. (The person killing her off better be prepared for the fight of their lives).
• (small) PLEASURES •
Grand plans and power grabs are all very well, but day to day (on the dash lol) Salome is ruled by small pleasures and indulgences. What was the point of forging this new world if not to luxuriate in it?
01. I’m very curious to see how her relations with all the other demons play out. Salome is by and large a solitary creature - the natural result of her arrogance - but I think there are some demons she favours more than others. I could see a potential friendship (or the lesser version of that bond) with ORIAS, for one. There were those who saw something akin to witchcraft in Salome too. There had been envy, when Orias was hailed the Original Witch, but even Salome has come to recognise the ungodly power that resides in them. They are one of the only creatures that Salome has any real respect for. She understands that there is value to learn in what Orias can teach.They call them the false prophet - it seems poetic that Salome is drawn to her. (So ! Much ! Potential ! Witchy ! Power !)
02. So too can I imagine Salome having a particular curiosity towards MAMMON. Hungry and dark and empty, Mammon is probably Salome’s demonic ideal. With mortal origins herself, they represent a different kind of demon – one she thinks is utterly beautiful. Their future ambitions could align, both with a deep, aching appetites, but I can also see her purely enjoying the unique company of them. Salome does not treat her ability with any real respect or caution; she sees the dead as a game. think she’d genuinely delight in Mammon mimicking her gift and the amusements that could follow. (Ok not to say I’m suggesting deal body party games but it’s very that)
03. Salome gets equal pleasure (if not a great deal more) from less-than-friendly relations. She pushes purely because other people’s irritation amuses her. I think her relationship with AZAZEL in particular could be very, very fun. Of all the demons, I can see Salome having a particularly petty dislike / jealousy of Azazel for a few many reasons.. A) they are both products of indulgence, daughters of parents (literally and figuratively) who spoiled them rotten. Similarities repel and all that. B) Azazel is part of the de facto royal family, favoured by JUDAS.. and DAMIEN .. and ABADDON .. and Salome has not ever handled that well. She watched on as they, along with the rest of hell, fell for her and thus a time-old grudge was born. C) Azazel forms part of the Holy Land’s rulership. A land that was won because of Salome (in her mind) and one she feels has rights of ownership too. I imagine that Salome genuinely despises that the role was given to Azazel of all demons. I - I just sense so many great opportunities for both bickering and battling.
04. Salome draws great pleasure from her own magnetism. Devotion has followed her throughout the stages of her life, but it too has come to wax and wane. It is there in BASTIEN though, and it’s one of the connections I’m most excited for. He satisfies her addiction, and in return she is both doting and cruel. There is some value in him politically, bu it’i more of a .. personal connection. That could change though. Or, perhaps a genuine fondness might develop, in the same way that other celestial beings seem to be fond of their animal companions. A muted form of possessiveness over his gaze and his wonderment (which may well manifest in Salome having a particular resentment towards EVANGELINE) . If he were to share out his devotion, or if it was curtailed by any harm coming to Bastien himself, Salome would not be happy. Perhaps his attentions have come to somewhat satiate her appetite and tentatively restrains her darkest needs - a fact that neither of them have realised. (!!!!!)
• (medium) OPPORTUNITIES •
05. There are some things she keeps to herself - at least for now. There’s a lot of potential for self-paras or connections with the wider RP plot. To me, Salome has something akin to true addiction inside of her. It was there from the moment of her mortal birth, and it worsened with each hit. Essentially, I think an inescapable plot point is that Salome is a lil’ bit bloodthirsty. I think this would largely be developed through my own musings and mortals who are just ‘extras’ to this RP, but I’d love to deal with the intricacies of Salome having to cover this habit. Maybe she continues to use others as scapegoats; maybe she chooses her victims with careful attention so that they go unnoticed; maybe she does it in such a way that implies the presence of a beast or daemonium.
( In fact, the concept of the DAEMONIUM is verrrrrrrrrry intriguing. Creates who inhabit corpses and do nothing but feed their hunger? Sounds like a character I know. This is a potential plot point that relies on your guys’ vision and some collaborative world-building, but I think there is definitely exciting potential to explore these creatures through Salome. Imagine the carnage of her trying (successfully or unsuccessfully) to out-possess them.)
06. I think Salome would take any opportunity to poison Infernum’s highest-ranking. This isn’t so much be her political ‘end-goal’, but an opportunity for some real entertainment. It would be a game, try and crack the kinship that exists among  AZAZEL, JUDAS, DAMIEN and ABADDON; injecting a few words here, a few doubts there, and see if their loyalty lasts.. She knows Judas from a past life and has watched him oh so carefully overtheir many entwined centuries - I imagine she is a gnat to him, pushing all the right (and thus wrong) buttons. It would a sport to try and make his familial dynasty crumble. Perhaps she might attempt this by throwing doubt on to Abaddon in particular, whose aura contains a flatness that Salome cannot read. Salome doesn’t know of the goodness that lies in her, but perhaps she might find out. Regardless, I think Salome’s worst imaginable fate would be being locked in the Black Cells, unable to dance and revel in the world, so she harbours dislike for Abaddon anyway…
07. EPHEMERA is an opportunity that Salome had not anticipated. And let me tell you, boy do I adore this connection. It strikes me as a true clashing of teeth and spirits, but not as simple as one born from pure malice or hatred. Salome feels many things towards Ephemera, but she certainly doesn’t hate her - even if the ferocity between them implies otherwise sometimes. There’s a thin line between love and hate, as they say, though perhaps neither of those terms sum up Salome an Ephemera. It seems to be pure passion and temptation. I can’t say where this could lead without the thoughts of a possible Ephemera writer, but I’m sure it will be nothing short of explosive. I think this connection is the most Salome has ever felt towards another being, and that in itself is curious to her.
• (great) AMBITIONS •
The possible destinies of Salome. The following are all ways in which her story could play out, and all of them are quite dramatic. Who’s afraid of the big, bad plots….
08. Infernum technically has no throne. In order to thus claim it, perhaps one first has to be built? Salome would have no qualms choosing a side in another demonic cvil war. Why, if DAMIEN were to stake the claim of his birthright against JUDAS, he could count on Salome for support. If Judas were to live up to his title and betray the antichrist, he could count on Salome for support - if he got there before the other. Salome will happily help them consolidate a throne through bloodshed and betrayal. In fact, it will be her pleasure.
For through it all, Salome will be the demon who has thought to use MICHAEL. They are insufferable and righteous and (quite literally) archangel incarnate - really, if she had the chance, she knows that their blood would be the most utterly divine to spill - but they are useful. Undeniably powerful. Salome knows she must be careful here, but she enjoys the undisguised exasperation on their face. As if they have not yet thought to recognise the ambition that lies in both of them. If they helped her ascend to the throne of Infurnem, she would be a far more acquiescent to Caelum’s interests than the current leadership. Why? Because Salome would not act - would not even pretend to act - on behalf of demonic interests. If the best chance of her claiming ownership of the world depended on sharing it with Michael, then perhaps she would be willing.
09. But power can manifest in more than one way. She could follow such dreams, or she could become the world’s nightmares. And wouldn’t that be more indulgent? Where others hold power or peace as their prime ambition, Salome would get equal pleasure from the simple decay of all things. The world could rot and she would laugh - the dead are often better company than the living. Ultimately Salome would start another war without hesitation; she would sacrifice everything and everyone for the beautiful carnage of utter destruction. It had been so easy with the War of the Last Rites, but she had been disappointed when it ended in peace. That will not happen again; she will be ready next time. When all factions are suitably engaged, she will raise her own force and strike them all down together. — Such are her thoughts anyway. Thoughts that started developing when she met RYUK. To her, the power Ryuk holds is breathtaking. There is no other ability she desires quite as much. For if she were to contain both of their powers within herself, she would have dominion over a force so great that no living creature - mortal or immortal - could ever hope to defeat. The dead. It is a delicate strategy, but she has the patience for it. And if there was any who would spill the blood of a horseman just to see what happened, then it would surely be Salome.
10. Where there are mortals, there is faith. The relationship between Salome and the faith of the HUNDRED-EYED GOD intrigues me. In her mortal life, faith was an amusement. Its believers has been her playthings - perhaps they are again in this world. ISOLDE is as all prophets are; tempting. I think that Salome could potentially decide to join the faith – or give the impression to do so. Such a deceit would be fun and far from difficult - already she joins in on their rituals, her feet unable to stay away from any form of rhythmic movement, even ones more gentle than her usual tastes. A demon of relative influence, perhaps her faith would be welcomed amongst those most holy, perceived as a positive development in the faith’s recruitment. Perhaps she finds a currently unknown fellowship in the form of ESTIENNE, whose manipulation of the shadows surely speaks of some rot in his heart.
And all for one simple reason. Where there is faith, there are the faithful. Where there is the faithful, there is the potential for bloodshed so rich - so intoxicating - that she would play this long, patient game just to taste a singular drop. She has never been able to recreate the electrification of that first diabolical deed, when she claimed a saint’s head as her prize. She had danced and damned and thirsted ever since; the blood of an ALL-SEEING PRIESTESS might just quench such a need.
• (potential) DOWNFALLS •
Ah, but all of the above are just potential ideas. It is just as likely that Salome would be subject to some downfalls and some .. rude awakenings. I adore the fact that both MICHAEL and RYUK have such different perceptions of their connections. They are both far smarter than she gives credit. Michael is, ultimately, more powerful than Salome on more ways than one - they will surely outplay her as they have everyone, though she might be of some use to them too. In Ryuk, Salome has started a war she might live to regret - one she hasn’t even realised she’s fighting. She has perhaps been a little naive here, and it will be quite something when she realises.
There are other possible connections that could prove Salome’s downfall – or at least a be a hindrance. In my mind, it is GABRIEL, ZADKIEL and CAPHRIEL that she is most weary of. They each have a light to them that she does not care for, along with the arrogance present in all angels. I say in the following section that Salome has no fears; they represent the closest thing she has to possible concerns. I don’t think she yet knows any of them particularly well outside of the War, but she has thought of their powers. The latter two in particular harbour gifts that could, potentially, expose Salome, and thus she has developed a specific distaste for them. And of course, she probably finds them particularly fun to antagonise.
Driving Character Motivation | [TW: Implied suicide in section I ]
I think a large part of my attraction to Salome is that she isn’t really driven by an external force. Partly she is driven by the deep appetite within her (which I’ve mentioned more in other parts of this application) but I also think her motivations stem from her own intrinsic nature; she is pushed by her own heart towards ambitions that are mere extensions of her character. I think there are three central aspects of her character that best explain her motivations and actions: a complete lack of fear, an overwhelming self-adoration and a deep, petulant intolerance of monotony. Together, they’ve created a woman - a demon - amply motivated to do any of the above listed plot ideas.. One who simply does as she wants for no reason other than want itself. Below I’ve given three early examples (set in BP) of these traits taking root (and rot):
I • For what use is fear to those who are damned?
It was said that Jesus’ tomb lay empty. Through the wind Salome heard whispers of women who’d gone to mourn and found nothing - only stone and airwhere a pierced and bloodied body should have lain. It seemed the proclaimed child of God had evaded corporeal death yet again; that the words of the old, tiresome preacher whose head she once cradled had proved true. Their claims and their preachings were not false as her father had accused - but really, had not Salome always known that? Was it not she who had delivered John’s salvation, cast him up to his venerated Heaven? And as it happened - as both the head and the soul of John his body - had not she felt her own moment of pure, divine bliss?
It brought clarity; there was no hesitation in her now. She stood alone, looking out upon the depths of the Galilee Sea with an unconfined grin spread wide upon her face. She had known, always known, that the boredom of this life was only temporary. The adoration she received on earth had grown dull, she sought new, greater opportunities for her talents. There had existed a deep craving inside for as long as she could remember, one that had become increasingly difficult to satiate. It told her that her destiny lay outside of Heaven, that both the prophet and her father the king had been right to look upon her with fear. For if John and Jesus had ascended upwards, could she not leap down into her own descent? The idea of it felt so simple, so natural, so potentially powerful. Neither death nor the the promise of damnation brought her anything but intrigue. She thought of the wicked and the cruel, of the infernal depths to which she was bound, and felt only satisfied.
Mortal though she was, Salome was not afraid. Why should she fear her own destiny? Why should she fear for those she left behind? Fear had no place in a heart without hope. With a simple step, she threw herself into the icy water and waited to reach the blackest depths below.
II • For what use is love to those who are satisfied?
Where there was Salome there was laughter - her own, that was - sharp, loud and melodic. When she first opened her mouth it had sliced through Hell and turned all of its eyes onto her. Rightly so, for she she had laughed as she’d evaded Abaddon’s grasp, clawing herself out of the Abyss of mortal souls and claiming a rightful place in the depths of Hell. The Morningstar, sat above all, had not yet even spoken when Salome had started to dance.
She could feel Hell’s eyes on her, and what better way to greet such attentions than with that she did best. She had reaped rich rewards for it before, and she would do so again. A fleeting glance at her naked body showed her this realm had not dulled her beauty but made magnified it, her skin aglow with the fiery light of hellfire. And so Salome danced, feverishly but deliberately, losing herself in the spirit of the moment. What could anyone do but simply bask in the splendor of her new existence? As she raised her arms above her head, a pair of wings cut through her flesh and slowly tore out of her. Iridescent, they unfurled as if they too had felt the call of her movement.
A feast of celebration had followed. Salome could only laugh in delight as she looked upon demonic faces of adoration, gazes more alike than different to those she had received on earth. Seated at the left-hand of Lucifer himself, she had slotted into the natural order of Hell as if it had been her descent that had been prophesied on earth. How many in Hell, with all its angelic origins, had the blood of a true holy man on their hands? Perhaps just herself – and, she supposed, the man sat to the right of the Prince. Judas Iscariot. The Great Betrayer. A man she had known of in her mortality, a follower who’d wrought a downfall more entertaining than any Salome had otherwise witnessed. He looked on at her with a hard glint in his eyes and she merely smiled back - for Salome understood why. Here she was, a fellow mortal in Hell with infernal wings protruding from her back where Judas had none. It all made such perfect sense; Salome was truly different. Truly transcendent. Made and marked by forces darker then most of Hell could stand. In that moment (and all moments thereafter), Salome was acutely aware of the true power that resided within her, spilling out through her beauty, allure and wretched talents. Why, she was utterly glorious.
III • For what use is peace to those who are bored?
Eternity stretched out in front of her; memories of the wouldn’t fade. Of all the differences between immortal and mortal existence, it was only the nature of time that had ever frustrated her. To Salome, the centuries had passed by in both unfathomable speed and agonising monotony, the linearity of earth dead and gone. It seemed that in the face of an infinite future, even Hell could drag. It operated in a stasis that had begun to suffocate her and, gradually, had awakened once again an appetite that had only been temporally satiated. Lucifer dictated balance and moderation where Salome saw no reason for restraint. He had given her duties like none earth had ever dared, and she didn’t care to fulfil them. She had even grown tired of her puppetry, tired of dancing amongst such frustratingly passive bodies. There was, in a place of corruption, nobody left to actually corrupt; no opportunity to taste innocent or holy blood.
Over time she came to sense the quiet seeds of unrest in Hell, and she was gladdened by them. Once again a wicked smile graced her face, once again she twirled around the pits of Hell in anticipation. There was no better cure for boredom than chaos, and once she’d caught the scent of it her hunt could not be stopped. It had proven easy to have the whispers diverted and delivered to her ears - so many were under her spell, either terrified or infatuated. So Salome came to learn of plans of razing Hell against its master, ripping through worldly divides and claiming the earth she once lived on. At last - she could have wept from delight. And most entertaining of all, Salome had snatched the dice into her her hands.
How easy it would be to join the dissenters, to war with them against the order of Hell that had shackled her. How tempting it was, to dash their plans by raising her own blade to the Morningstar and plunging the world into carnage without warning. How fun, the thought of taking all she knew to Lucifer and laughing as he rained down revenge on the demons he had been foolish enough to trust. Impatient with monotony; patient in the face of action. Salome did not yet know what she would do, and she found utter delight in the potential of it all.
The Holy Land was not suited to revelry. It lacked the vitalityand decadent excessthat a true celebration required. And really, wasn’t this her domain? Nobody got more unadulterated pleasure from a celebration than Salome - she doubted that even the festivities of the Stygian Moon would be of renown without her inputs. This particular affair was proving even more tiresome than she’d foreseen. Every year she stands under the Triune Moon and watches as solemn vows are sworn; every year she wonders why they could not just be done so in private, sparing them all this tedium. She had said as much to Damien before as they had departed the comforts of the Black Palace, and had received little more than a scowl in response. But she knows her point has more merit than they’d care to admit. How long before these promises of harmony are exposed as a farce? At least that year promises some true entertainment.
Salome thinks all this as she watches the stage in front of her, eyes lazily switching between the three figures who stand upon it. The Sun, the Moon, the Stars; every pair of eyes in the sweeping crowd are trained on them. Salome can feel them. Or rather, she can’t feel the usual warmth of infatuated gazes on her own skin. Here she stood amongst hoards of mortals and beings more lowly than herself, and none were paying her their usual bouts of attention. The only thing that prevented a quiet tantrum was the knowledge that she was far from alone in feeling this agitation. Her stare flickered from the stage towards the figures of both Michael and Judas, and she could not help but smile. To eyes that had repeatedly examined them over centuries, the rigidity of their bodies betrayed them. She was far from the only one who felt the absence of centrality, and that, at least, brought her some pleasure.
Still, she only has so much patience for ceremonies not directed at her.  Yet no sooner did she shift to exit the crowd than did words delivered on the stage give her pause. Azazel’s voice, suitably haughty, repeating the typical sentiments of the Holy Land. This was the ‘Age of Peace’, Salome hears her say. Only the ‘cooperation of all factions and the formation of the tridium’ had rendered them ‘triumphant against the heretics who would cast all into darkness.’ This time she cannot hold in the delicate laugh that ripples through her. If only the annual repetition of such statements made them true. If only they knew of the true origins of the War that brought this so-called peace, of where the credit should rightfully lie. Though she knows it would be foolish - more than foolish - Salome can think of nothing but how simple it would be to stand above all and confess. She’d let them savour the details of her sins and her glories. She would laugh as they wilted under the weight of her revelations.
‘I’ve never seen you look so engrossed off of the battlefield.’
Her imaginings are cut off by quiet words from behind her. She needs not turn to identify the voice of Ephemera, familiar as it has come to be. Salome had, of course, seen her across the crowd - when did her eyes start to automatically seek her out so? - but marked her presence as an occupation for later. That Ephemera sought her out first is not necessarily unexpected, but certainly thrilling. There is no other presence that can so easily bring Salome out of a petulant mood, just as there is no other who can so easily put her in one. But she has found that where there is Ephemera, there is entertainment to be had.
“You have not seen me do many things,” she replies easily, as if they had long been having this conversation, “though I do believe I’ve offered.” And she has, more than once, tried to entice her with offers of dancing and hunting and enjoying all the vices of the world they fought for. She turns her head slowly to meet the watchful gaze of her once fighting-partner, a smirk on her lips as she widens her eyes in faux-innocence. They are two alike; mortals once but mortals no more, the first of their kinds. She knows Ephemera will not rise to her bait within the presence of other Angels, which only heightens her simpering expression. Salome has no such qualms about the thoughts of her own kin; their talk excites her, their gossip only confirms how many pay her heed. She has found no simpler joy than that of walking into the Black Palace and leaving excited whispers in her wake.
“I’m sure you’ll agree that celebrating won wars is less fun than waging them’, she continues, amusement ringing clear through her voice as she returned her gage purposefully to the stage. “I asked Azazel if she might add some zeal - perhapsmake those hounds do some tricks - but she seems to have ignored my good wishes”. Salome can feel the rolling of Angelic eyes next to her without even looking. It was so easy, so predictable, and yet anything but boring. That was the real curiosity of Ephemera, so easy to reel in and yet so resistant to truly jumping off the edge. She seemed halfway caught between accepting Salome’s allure and running from it, and the resistance only increased her desire. “Though your one is the more dull, I believe. So earnest - it’s quite exhausting.”
It is clear that Ephemera is acting advisor and strategist rather than - what? Friend? Enemy? Something in between? - whichraised the question as to why she had approached her in the first place. She thinks to ask, but when she opens her mouth to do so the crowd erupts in an applause more loud than she thinks the show was worthy of. Still, she brings her own hands together for the sheer relief that it is finally over. Her feet ache from standing bored for so long, her wings want to stretch open and wide. She wonders if a large enough quantity of alcohol might loosen Ephemera a little, but when she turns to declare this she finds that her companion has disappeared in the movement of so many people. A pity, but no real matter. She has never needed the company of others to create her own sport.
[ My (WIP) pinterest for Salome can be found here. ]
Salome keeps no animal companion, for she has never felt much love for the nature of the earth. She finds it amusing that some Angels and Demons belittle themselves by keeping one. However, it is not an uncommon sight to see Salome walking with crows flying above her. Only on closer inspection would one realise those animals are but corpses, a puppetry Salome (alone) finds humorous.
Like all parts of herself, she harbours great love for her wings, and not only for the damnation that they represent. They are formed of what resembles a netting of fine, golden spider’s web. They seem to constantly change in the light, appearing to be more transparent than they are solid. Regal and beautiful, they are as Salome sees herself.
She is a fierce fighter and a connoisseur of bloodshed. Her weapon of choice is a trailing point blade, forged on the day of her arrival in Hell. She uses it exclusively for more.. intimate situations, and favours instead a simple longsword on the battlefield. She is however, proficient with most weaponry, as the corpses she can make fight use the same weapons they died wielding against her.
Though Infernum is the home she helped carve out, Salome spends a great deal of time in Sanctus Terra and travels to Caelum whenever the opportunity presents itself. Both locations amplify an itch deep within her soul, worsening her desire and thereby bringing greater satisfaction when she finally acts on the urge. She has not spilled any angelic blood in Caelum, though the temptation is strong, for she knows Michael has become astute to her presence. She has left a fair few victims in Sanctus Terra, a pursuit which has become less satisfying overtime. Still, Salome is careful. For all their talk of kinship, she is not sure that her fellow demons would refrain from locking her in the Black Cells if they had just cause.
[ aaaaaaand I leave you with the last verse of ‘Salome’, a poem by Mary Lamb. I honestly can’t describe it as anything over then *chef’s kiss*. I don’t know if Rosey read this when she was writing Salome’s bio, but I thought the writing style and tone and vibe and all beautifully mirrored each other?? Stunning. On that note, regardless of whether of not you think I’m right for Salome, thank you for the obvious amount of time/thought you’ve all put into this because it’s been really (really) fun to explore. ]
When painters would by art express Beauty in unloveliness, Thee, Herodias’ daughter, thee, They fittest subject take to be. They give thy form and features grace; But ever in they beauteous face They shew a steadfast cruel gaze, An eye unpitying; and amaze In all beholders deep they mark, That thou betrayest not one spark Of feeling for the ruthless deed, That did thy praiseful dance succeed. For on the head they make you look, As if a sullen joy you took, A cruel triumph, wicked pride, That for your sport a saint had died.
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lom-journal · 11 months
Wednesday October 25/23- Peter Renewed his Driver’s License! He asked for 2 Cards ***
Peter and the gurls up around 6:45 a.m. and me at 7:05 a.m. I took my a.m******. 1. x T + Pink *****first thing when I got up with a full glass water! 💧 Peter and Bella left at 7:43 to go to the Vets so, Bella can have a Liver Test! Luca and I are at the bus! 🚌 Peter said he’s going to run around Burnaby Lake after dropping Bella at the Vet! So, he’ll be late maybe around 11:00 ! Time to go to Lou-heed to Renew Drivers at 12:26 a.m. ****I had 1 x T *******before leaving the houseLicense! His appointment time is 11:30 a.m. No bathroom yet? The weather had rained ☔️ thru the night ! Stopped now ! The weather is mixed today cloud ⛅️ Sun ⛅️!as I was making my bagel 🥯 Peter popped in at 9:30 and we both had bagels! He’s going to get his new license x 2 cards 🪪 🪪 today! I had a Large Poop 💩💩at 10:20 a.m. this morning! We went to the license place and peter got waited on at 11:26 a.m. Then off to walmart another*****1 x T at Noon *****! Home now for 12:10 p.m. ******1 x T at 12:19 p.m. ******! No plans for the afternoon I don’t 🤔! I laid down but did not sleep 🛌! Boy the sun ☀️ is out this afternoon! Peter is :asking a loaf cake for our dessert ! 1x T ‘’s at 3:30p.m. 2 x T at 6:30 and then 2 x T’s at bedtime!
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cometorub · 4 years
(SUB 11) Alana is answering: -> this survey ❤️
Next post - 05/05/20 - 3am GMT - 10pm EDT
1. What is your name?
2. Age, and where are you from?
15 and from Brazil
3. What’s your sexual orientation?
4. Your pubic hair?
5. Are you virgin?
6. How old were you when you first masturbated?
7. How did you discover masturbation?
School, then I asked my mom
8. How old were you when you had your first orgasm?
9. Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?
I actually tried everyday because I wanted to know how it felt like. I still remember the story I was reading the first time I came
10. How often do you masturbate?
Almost daily
11. When was the last time you masturbated?
12. Do you masturbate to any stimulus?
Pics I receive, taking dirty online and literotica
13. What do you think about?
Depends on the stimuli that I’m using
14. What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?
Came while trading nudes with another Girl
15. Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)
One time I was going to take a friend of mine and he was masturbating. I laughed a lot and he was really embarrassed
16. Have someone ever walked in and caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)
Was caught by my mom. She just shrugged it off.
17. Have you ever had cyber sex?
18. Have you ever had phone sex?
19. Have you ever had a wet dream?
20. What’s your favorite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)
With my hands or with my pillow
21. Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?
Usually quiet, but eventually I let myself be louder
22. Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?
Yes, with pajama shorts. There's a neighbor that can see my bed, so eventually I give him a show
23. Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?
Yeah, my boobs I seldom do that
24. Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?
25. Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?
26. Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?
27. Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?
28. Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)
29. Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?
Yes, boys and girls
30. Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?
Yeah I do
31. Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?
It varies a lot...
32. Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?
33. Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?
I told them
34. Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?
Yes, at a party or at a trip
35. What’s your most embarrassing masturbation story?
My mom when she caught me, but it's not that embarrassing
36. What’s your funniest masturbation story?
I don’t think that I have one...
38. Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places?
At school or at a public bus
39. Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?
A brush or my pillow
40. Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?
Extremely easy
41. What’s the easiest way for you to get off?
Fingering myself, getting fingered and receiving oral sex
42. Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)
43. Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)
44. Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?
45. Do you ever suck on a dildo while you masturbate?
Always like to taste my fingers once I'm done
46. Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)
47. What position do you typically masturbate in?
48. How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc
Arch back, cry out if I can and loose control of my legs
49. Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible
I don't know how lol. It hits my entire body and it's really intense
50. Describe a typical masturbation session.
Get horny talking to someone to the point that I can't help but to touch myself
51. How long do you usually last?
I usually cum in under two minutes, but the entire sessions lasts about half an hour
52. What’s the quickest you’ve ever been brought to orgasm?
Just inserted my fingers about ten times and I came
53. What’s the longest masturbation session you’ve had?
About 2 hours
54. What’s the most amount of times you’ve cum in a day?
7 times
55. How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)
I get really wet, to the point that my fingers get soaked. I have pics
56. If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?
I’m 15
57. Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences?
Not really
58. Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?
Nope lol
59. Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?
I'm going to masturbate tonight, but not because of this survey
Thank you so much for your answers! ❤
You’re a female, go take part? -> click here
If you want me to add some more questions feel free to message me and make sure to reblog this. Thank you.
We want to know more about the way our female followers masturbate.
You can answer as many questions as you want. I’d love to hear from you!
Here’s the survey if you wish to share your answers on how you do it —> click here ❤️
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joshslater · 5 years
The Cupbearer
This is a relay, doing a continuation of tamed-jock’s continuation of jd07201990′s story. Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
Let's write a captains log, like Tyler and I used to do, only this time I have actual observations and events to record. It is now approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes since he placed the cup on me. I immediately went home, and have done some preliminary studies of the object.
My most immediate concern is the attachment mechanism. I can really only think of three, suction, adhesion or some sort of mechanical attachment to my... thing. Observations are a bit limited as the object responds to stimulii. In the first instance when I grabbed it in the rest room there wasn't much of a response. The feeling was similar to that of a vacuum pull in the whole area, but I'm not feeling a constant force as I would expect from vacuum. Also, when the cup was applied it felt like it was filled with, or quickly filled up with a gel of some sort.
Wanting to rule out vacuum, or in best case break the vacuum and remove the object, I attempted to insert a narrow tube from my model steam engine in between the skin and the object. That did provoke a response. It felt like the contents of the cup was rapidly replaced or infused with icy-hot gel. This entry has been delayed by approximately 40 minutes, as I have been lying on my bed and desperately trying to avoid touching it. Every time I fail I get like a pulse of renewed icy-hot in the cup.
I've decided to avoid further experiments and focus on observation and external research. The cup itself appears to be mix of carbon fiber, titanium and some other fairly high tech materials. This points to high tech origin, but beside the logotype I find no other markings like brand, manufacturer, patents, serial number etc. My first attempts to Google this kind of product or stories from someone with similar experience come up short. I took a picture of the logo, cleaned it up and sent it through USPTO image search to see if anyone has a trademark on it, but came up empty as well.
It sure smells bad. I need to come up with an excuse for mum.
I told mum that I'm having my scent-month, as if every teenage boy has one. I said Tyler just had his, so if she checks with his parents they will confirm it. Why does it smell so bad though? It is clearly the cup that emits it, since the smell came on pretty strong only seconds after Tyler attached it. Is it distraction? Is it to mask something else? Is it to make the wearer body conscious or odor conscious and avoid contact with other people? Is it to acclimate the wearer to the smell? I don't see how I can answer any of these questions purely from observation though. Something to sleep on perhaps. How do you pee with this thing?
So the pee just kind of filters out in the lower part of the cup. If you want to use a toilet you have to basically sit on it reverse, do you thing, and then wait a few minutes for it all to drain out. A big drawback is that you have to step out of pants and boxers to even sit reverse on a toilet.
I think the damn thing just woke me up. Or I'm just have a restless night because of all that is happening, and more importantly what will happen. Fuck you Tyler!
It's definitely the cup that woke me. Just as I was waking up I could feel some sort of vibration down there. What other crazy shit have they packed into the device. My bedroom smells like a locker room. Thanks Tyler!
Fuck it, I'm getting up. I'll pee in the shower.
So that didn't work as well as I hoped. I could pee fine, but when I turned on the shower it was like pouring water in a gym shoe. If it smelled bad before, it absolutely reeks now. I think I'm gonna steal one of mum’s pads and tape it to the front, since it is still leaking God knows what and then wrap it in plastic and hope that contains the worst of it.
I didn't think of mobility enough. Jeans are clearly out of the question, so I went to school in chinos. It's bad enough that the cup is rigid, over sized and fully attached. Add to that some extra padding and cram it in chinos that aren't exactly lose to begin with, and you have something that looks funny stationary and awkward/hilarious when moving.
If I walk slowly I think I might come up with a gait that might be described as exaggerated jock sway, which would be step up from whatever ludicrous I'm doing now. Damn, I should have practiced yesterday.
I need to find some better pants, because these are too tight and restrictive.
My efforts to contain the smell isn’t fooling anyone, but I hope it just smells like I have a bad hygiene day. My crotch is a sauna though. The plastic wrap needs to go. Tyler kept his distance. I wonder if he is ashamed, or if he doesn't give a shit. Perhaps they have some sort of protocol he adheres to.
Day 2, 4:40 pm
Let's stop fucking around with the childish infection timer. This is serious. I found something sobering when doing some online patent search.
I was just blindly trying to find patents for any of the different things this cup does, and managed to find a description on "bio-polymer adhesion complex and application for individualized restriction control". I don't understand more than a fraction of what is written, but in the schematics there is a drawing of EXACTLY the cup I'm wearing. The list of example uses in the description includes prison inmates and persons under house arrest. This is a retrofitted fucking ankle bracelet.
It's originally designed to never come the fuck off through tampering. Fuck.
Day 2, 6:30 pm
Mum gave me some Vichy Laboratories excessive odor control deo roll on she bought at the pharmacy. Roll on to what, exactly? Well, she can only solve problems she knows about I guess. Should I tell her? Would she mind having a sports jock son? She would probably tell me to do whatever makes me happy. Would I be happy? Tyler certainly looks pretty fucking pleased.
Day 2, 8:20 pm
I've not spent that much time on wanking before. Like once or twice a month. But now that I can't my mind kind of wanders to it all the time. I've done some, let's call it research, that you can orgasm pretty well by putting something in your ass. Not doing that.
Day 2, 9:46 pm
Got some weird hot flashes in the cup while taking a shower. Smells as bad post shower as the last time. I don't know if it is the smell or I'm tired, but I went to bed early. I'm too hot and sweaty to fall asleep though.
Day 3, 2:12 am
Can I go to the police? This is clearly some sort of assault. Tyler would be the first one under the bus. Perhaps the coach. Probably not further than that. This is backed by serious money after all, so they will just protect themselves and their IP. Does it really matter though? By the time they've forced any action I've had this thing on me for a month, I've grown a donkey dick and gone completely mad. Much good some cash compensation will do then. And do I want to punish Tyler? Fuck yeah I want, but not like that. He's a victim too.
Go directly to a hospital then? If I can't figure out what this thing is or does, how would hospital staff be any better. They'll probably start cutting around it, and there is no telling how it will respond. It was designed to never come off, at least not without a fight. Probably horribly so, to set an example.
Day 3, 2:28 am
I'll try to sleep in the garden. It's cooler outside and doesn't stink.
Day 3, 4:51 am
Dozed off a bit I think.
I've been thinking about the construction of the cup. There are a some design details that has been nagging me. For something that small it appears to be almost magical in abilities and power storage. But then it hit me, it's not crammed packed with batteries, electronics, vials of chemicals and all other stuff you might need to build something like this.
It's biological. Perhaps not in the "alive" sense of an organism, but "alive" in the sense a virus is alive. It's a biochemical robot following instructions encoded in DNA, or something like it. If you consider it a manufactured parasite it all makes sense. It has access to the resources of a full human body and can leech heat energy and pee chemicals off the body indefinitely. The "bio-polymer" attach to the skin, and perhaps even have direct access to nerve impulses. There is really thin membranes in the dick, so it can probably send stuff directly into the blood stream as well.
Day 3, 9:36 am
I just realized I can't remember a thing that has been said so far in school today. I need to cum!
Day 3, 11:23 am
Becky spent her presentation on "Manspreading". She probably started working on the talk already last week, knowing her, but she clearly directed a lot of the points directly at me. Looked directly my way for most of the talk. No, Becky, I'm not subconsciously asserting dominance.
I found a different pair of chinos that works better, Becky. No matter what I do, there will be a pretty sizable bulge down there though, Becky.
Day 3, 14:02
God Dammit! The inside of the cup just went super cold 10 minutes into math class. I couldn't finish a single thing. Just not jumping and screaming was hard enough. It's mostly back to normal now, I think.
Day 3, 15:14
This is what I think happened. They started to test the cups on inmates. By mistake it started to leak chemicals or active DNA from the device into the inmates. They had tested the cup technology artificially before, on pigs perhaps, and hadn't seen these effects. But they didn't put it on the pig’s dick, did they.
So suddenly their inmate control device has turned into the worlds best slow release injector for men. Perhaps even the original formula made dicks grow. They just made the minimal needed changes and paid coach to start human trials on teenagers.
Then why the fuck do I need to keep this log? They must have so much more data on what is done to us to have a useful trial. I guess this might come in handy in the inevitable court case.
Day 3, 16:40
I went to have a cold shower. If anything things just went even worse. How is this happening! FUCKING FUCK TYLER FUCK
Day 3, 20:18
Why do I have to do this? I know what the end point is going to be. A fucking dumb, arrogant jock dick. Assuming it is inevitable, and I don't see any way out, why not have it over and done with tomorrow. Just walk to the gallows and submit. Whatever that thing is doing, physically and mentally, is minimized the sooner it's off me. Back when Becky would speak with me she told me a rumor that the nerds gone jocks all had monster cocks. She didn't say anything about the regular jocks, so it probably is specific to this procedure.
And if they, the old jocks, are not joining up hand over fist to get such dicks, the procedure itself, or the side effects, must be pretty discouraging. Otherwise they would just cram the cup down their own pants.
Let's get rid of this thing first thing in the morning.
Day 3, 11:49 pm
Fuck, it vibrates.
I've been sweating balls, trying to sleep naked without any sheets. I was just sort of tugging at it, to see if I could feel anything in the dick, when it started to vibrate. It's been going for like 15 minutes now.
Day 4, 2:11 am
I smell.
The cup stinks, but I smell. While trying to ignore the humming dick I noticed that my armpits smell like moist gym bag.
I showered like 10 hours ago. That's never been a problem before, so it's definitively changing me somehow.
I fucking need this thing off me ASAP!
Day 4, 2:20 am
fucking god dammit it went ice cold again
Day 4, 7:38 am
So I went to the locker room. Once inside I realized I didn't really have a plan. What if they were not all in on it? I would appear like a lunatic, ranting about sci-fi balls cups. Turns out I didn't need to worry. First guy who saw me, Derek or Devin or something. Big guy, short buzz, looks intimidating. Anyway, he saw me and started shouting "You are not supposed to be here." I was like "I need to get something removed".
He walked up right into my face. "You are not on the list. Tyler fucked up so someone has to be punished. Fuck off!"
I hesitated to leave. He took one step forward, physically pushing me backwards and almost had me trip over. "GET OUT!" he shouted right in my face.
Day 4, 9:16
I've been locked inside the disabled toilet and crying since leaving the locker room. How long can I go with this thing on? You physically die after about a week without sleep, but it is letting me sleep in short bursts, so perhaps it could keep up indefinitely. I can't. I won't. Why shouldn't I just tell everything to mum, have her call the school, the coach, the press. Whatever is needed for someone to get this thing off me.
I should think this over carefully. But how is that possible if you are sleep deprived, horny AF and your dick is on vibrate mode? I can't stay here though. I'll walk home and tell mum first thing she gets home.
When I open the door, the first thing I see is Tyler, leaning against the opposite wall and smiling a smirk.
- Sup bro? - FUCK YOU! You ruined my life! - It was a shit one anyway. You should get another one. - That's not happening either, is it?
Suddenly I was bawling my eyes out. Exhaustion, sleep deprivation, rejection, horniness, anger. It was all coming together.
- Heyyy bro, come here.
I fucking hated him, but somehow I didn’t just bolt. I walked right into his arms and let him hug me. I realized that his change in appearance and personality had obscured his bodily changes. Just feeling his arms around me, I could tell he had gotten a lot stronger.
- You know Steve O'Conner in the chess club, right?
It was such an odd non-sequitur. I had to struggle a bit, but yeah, I'd helped him with a science project last year.
- A little bit, why? - I talked things over. Give him this and you are back on the list, second place.
He handed me another cup, packaged in a sealed, tearable plastic bag. I know I should feel sorry for Steve, but the only thing I could think of was my vibrating dick.
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