#I get too enthusiastic when theorising
Theory addendum: why Stolitz will not in fact be Stockholm syndrome.
Hi, guys, So I made a theory response yesterday (you can check it out here: https://www.tumblr.com/thenotificationmachine/708793464871092225/theory-response-why-stolitz-might-actually-be?source=share) to @stolitzy's defence of Stolitz not being Stockholm syndrome and... I think my response was TOO effective. Not only did I defend my view, I also shattered her faith in Stolitz to the point that she had a personal crisis. So yeah, NOT a good move in hindsight. After some reflection and a talk with her, I've decided to amend my theory and say that Stolitz won't be Stockholm syndrome. "But how?" I hear you ask, " as you pointed out, all the signs are there! And stolitzy had no defence for that!" You (and my theory) are right about Stolitz having all (or at least most of) the hallmarks of Stockholm syndrome, but as stolitzy pointed out in her initial post, there actually is a good argument for why it isn't Stockholm syndrome. Don't misunderstand me, all the signs are there and if normal logic was applied it probably WOULD develop into that, but it isn't that because Viv, the Spindlehorse team and the vast majority of Helluva's fanbase will NEVER ALLOW IT to be that. They all want Stolitz to be this 100% perfect ship with no blemishes given time, and so the current miscommunication is likely the most trouble the ship will ever be in given how quickly the writers jumped from the emotional turmoil in "the Circus" to the overly saccharine stuff in "Seeing Stars".
Call it bad storywriting or an act of mercy for the ship depending on your preferences, but whatever the case may be, Stolitz might end up going down as the Stockholm syndrome ship that never was.
...Or not, since I have to confess that I've overanalysed the hallucination scene from "Truth Seekers" before, more specifically the appearances of the antagonists...
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Take Mr. Shitty Clown over here, for example. Given how he's styled like an old rubber hose cartoon and Blitz's reactions to him and Robo-Mr. Shitty Clown, I theorised that he's like this because Blitz just sees him as a bouncy irritant/pest who lives to entertain others, when in fact he's seemingly like this just because Viv and co. liked the idea of that style. As such, my analysis of Striker's grainy/greyscaled appearance being due to Blitz's perception of him being darkened by his assassination attempt on Stolas was also wrong. But the BIGGEST (and most painful to admit) mistake was my analysis of Verosika's appearance in the scene.
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You see, I looked at how she had the most "realistic" appearance (in terms of the show's usual animation style), visible tear streaks, the fact that she got the closest to Blitz out of all of them and the fact that Blitz's eyes are filled with a blue line that looks suspiciously like they're filling up with tears and came to the logical conclusion that Verosika was the closest to Blitz romantically and that in this moment he understood how much he hurt her and was genuinely remorseful. When all this analysis was added to hallucination Stolas holding him on a chain and him blushing on it and I immediately jumped to the Stockholm syndrome conclusion. This all seems like a perfectly logical conclusion, simply thwarted by the fact that Viv and co. hadn't looked at the scene as deeply as my theorising self, until you take one more very important factor into account; my MASSIVE bias towards Verosika. Yeeeaaahhh... So I have to admit that both this analysis and the entire "Stolitz is Stockholm syndrome" theory was likely unconsciously influenced by me being a Verosika stan and thus believing that her genuine loving relationship with Blitz (which the latter, not her, sabotaged) deserves a second shot once he goes through some character growth and that Stolitz is unfair robbery. As such I was always going to be biased against the ship and also missed the obvious sunlight behind hallucination Stolas, which stolitzy pointed out symbolises how Blitz views him as his hope. Then again, this could ALSO be proof of the Stockholm syndrome theory being correct regardless of my bias; guess it's up to you to decide. But regardless of whether my overanalysis, Verosika bias and preference for Blitzika over Stolitz disprove the Stockholm syndrome theory or not, the latter ship will still never be Stockholm syndrome since, like with the Orks in Warhammer 40k being able to breathe in space until they're told they need spacesuits to do so, the collective Stolitz fanbase (including the Spindlehorse team and Viv herself)'s collective power of belief will make sure it never turns into such a thing and instead miraculously develops into a stable, healthy relationship.
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r0mantic-f00l · 7 months
sorry for being late, but I finally finished this!
dad regulus once again, making us all swoon and cry at the same time 🥲
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Your Forever
Giggles and laughter is the only thing heard, the sounds slipping through cracked windows and into your ears as you watched your eldest daughter Adelia laugh loudly and blissfully whilst your husband holds her in his arms and spins them both around, only stopping when Adelia begged for him to stop through her giggles.
Your baby, Audrea, is asleep in your hold, finally soothed to slumber after crying all morning. The poor thing didn't get any sleep the previous night, and you thought it was perhaps due to the new surroundings. Regulus theorised that it was because she has become accustomed to falling asleep in your arms, to which you refused, but nonetheless, you are sat by the dining table with Audrea fast asleep in your arms.
After a long year of looking after your two children, you both had become exhausted. Of course, you love your new life with your growing family, but it meant that you and Regulus could not go out as much as you used to before the children. You spent your days cooped up inside, only watching children TV shows and listening to nursery rhymes. Quite frankly, you were going slightly insane from the repetitiveness of it all, so you and your husband both decided that a brief holiday was much needed.
So, here you are in Cornwall, residing in a little cottage not far from a flower field. It is perfect, with the swing set in the massive garden, the light shining into the house from the windows and making it golden, the birds singing in the morning to wake you up. There is also no television, which you appreciate as it means you can concentrate of playing with your children and going outside in the sun more.
You walk outside after putting Audrea in her cot, the baby still fast asleep when you left her.
"Daddy, I'm getting dizzy, stop!" Adelia commands through her infectious laughter.
"So am I." Regulus mumbles, then stops spinning around, dropping Adelia to the ground carefully.
The girl seems unfazed by her dizziness as she runs towards you and hugs you.
She looks up at you and makes grabby hands.
"Up, up." She whines, so you pick her up delicately and hold her on your hip, Adelia resting her head on your shoulder as she smiles brightly.
"Did all the spinning make you tired?" You ask.
The girl nods her head whilst Regulus walks towards you both.
"So, you're too tired to go on the swing?" He asks, grinning when Adelia turns to him and shakes her head enthusiastically.
You let her land softly on the ground and laugh as she runs towards the swing set.
You feel arms snake around your waist as Regulus rests his head on your shoulder, bending slightly to be to your level.
You smile and turn around in his hold.
"Hello, darling." You lean closer to him, your smile growing wider as Regulus nuzzles your nose.
"Hello, mi amor."
He gives you a soft peck before pulling away with a lovesick grin and a summer flush on his cheeks.
"Are you enjoying this so far?"
You nod, humming as you do so.
"Yes, I love it. And I think Adelia does too."
"Hm, and Audrea could not care less."
"She's a baby, Reg. All she cares about is milk and sleeping."
Regulus grins.
"She's our baby."
You roll your eyes, knowing where Regulus is leading this conversation as he says the same thing at least once a week ever since Audrea was born.
"Yes, she's our baby."
"And Adelia is our toddler."
You nod, grinning when Regulus stares at Adelia in amazement as the girl just sits on the swing set and hums a nursery song.
"We have children. We have a family."
"Yeah, we do." You say softly, smiling when he turns to you once more.
"You gave me a family. You have made me love more strongly than I ever thought I could. You have made me more happy than I ever thought I could be. You have made me... feel peace." Regulus sighs, a bright smile on his lips as he gazes at you with such love.
"I love you so much. And I love our children so much."
"I love you too." You run your fingers through his soft curly hair.
Regulus leans in to kiss you before a loud voice calls out to him.
"Daddy, daddy, push me!" Adelia commands, smiling when Regulus pulls away from you reluctantly and walks over to his daughter, getting behind her and pushing her on the swing gently whilst you watch.
This is your family.
This is your forever.
And you don't want it any other way.
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matthewsgreybubbles · 5 months
Man you couldn't fucking pay me to be famous because why do I have people arguing and theorising on my TL about why mgg isn't married. There's people legit using the fact that he's a Pisces as reasoning (which no shade if peeps are into all that but it seems shallow to base it all on that), or the fact that he's too enthusiastic/excited by things in life to have a serious relationship. I know we like to indulge here and maybe that's where this is coming from but as a young woman who does not want children or even marriage and very much would like a similarish life it feels derogatory. Like be for fucking real, just because he's in his 40's he has to succumb to the rot? Idk if it's a skewed perspective mostly younger people have but it's exhausting to read the shared delusion. I saw similar about people complaining that Taylor Swift went to Coachella at the ripe old age of *gasp* 34. Someone quick we much alert the church elders.
And that is why I never look into Twitter. Please people just get a life. Who honestly cares if his married or not? Who's business is that except HIS?
And even though he is not married, why do people try to find a problem or a justification for that? Maybe it's just the way things are, maybe he doesn't want or hasn't find his person yet.
I think there is mostly a problem with the fact that everybody views marriage and family as the only goal in life. Like if you're not married you can't be happy or there is something wrong with you. Or like with MGG he is "not adult enough" to be in a relationship. Because once you pass 30 you have to be bored with life and depressed.
Yes, falling in love is great but there is so much more to life than that, and love doesn't only come from a partner, you have family, friends, colleagues or whatever. It's not because you're past 25/30 that you absolutely need to be married with kids and not enjoy life like you used to do anymore.
It's not because he is in his 40's that we need to find a justification for his single life or whatever is going on, and that does not mean he is unhappy or there is a problem with him.
This is a stronger pressure on women but I think that with this whole fandom stuff, there are people like that everywhere. And it's probably the same who will be mad when they will hear that he is in a relationship. That's just all fucked up dude.
And they'll act like this with Taylor Swift because it's well known that past 30 years old a woman is already half dead anyway so how could she dare go to a festival?? Scandalous.
So yeah you couldn't pay me for that anyway. I hate people digging into my life, my anger issues could never-
Let's not just care, it's no one's business anyway. 🕺✨
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belphegor1982 · 25 days
Feeling a little bit down today because while Percahlia and Vaxleth are celebrating because the S3 trailer fed them very well, Pikelan got nothing 😭
I’m holding out hope that they’re just saving some good stuff for when the show actually drops (Like they did with Season 2) but it’s kinda rough out here, especially when a majority of the mutuals are celebrating their ships and it’s just crickets for Pikelan.
I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be such a downer about it. I am really excited about this season but it’s just hard to celebrate and I hope me just barging in and “complaining” doesn’t sound too childish
Hey, it's okay! Sometimes we just need to vent. Barge away, I wasn't kidding when I said my door was open 💜 (that's one door that isn't a mortal enemy, lol)
I understand the frustration! But keep in mind that it's just a 1:46-long video, and I'm actually grateful that we (as Critters, broadly speaking) got so little. It's not a trailer that shows so much you feel you've already seen 85% of the thing, and thank goodness! Plus, I was a total wide-eyed show-only newbie then, so I'm not including myself in it, but do you remember how episodes 1-3 had Pikelan fans feeling like :-/ and maybe short-changed a little? And then we got the road trip in 2.07 and episode 2.09 was all about the big and smalls! (literally, the other four only returned in 2.10!) And 2.12 and the kiss!! (and the almost accidental love confession :D Oh, Scanlan. I love this dumbass so much.)
Tl;dr you're not childish, you're not a downer, and it's okay to be disappointed. I hoped for more too, and I'm not telling you to manage your expectations; just that we got not even a slice but a taste of pizza that has delicious smoked scamorza, sweet mozzarella, and peppered pecorino, and we know there's creamy gorgonzola on it too, we just haven't got to that part yet 💜 (can you tell it's almost dinner time and I'm hungry? :P)
Lil' thing under the cut for some wild Pike (and Scanlan) theorising, because TLOVM spoilers - let's get excited and enthusiastic about our gnomes!
So Pike looked exhausted in the Hells, right? Poor darling 😬 I'm really excited that she's going with them (maybe to reclaim Percy's soul after Glintshore?).
Also, I really wonder if the flashback we had of her with dark hair in season 2 was an Easter egg or foreshadowing for S3. You know how 2.09 has flashbacks to Grog's youth and what led to Wilhand (and Pike 💜) adopting him? I'm thinking they might (might!) do something like this for Scanlan's death - bookending his resurrection with flashbacks of Pike's. But I'm not sure, because when Kash brought Vex back to life Pike pointed out she'd never tried a revival rite and Kash said it was super rare. What do you think?
One thing's for sure, though, I am NOT READY for the way this season is going to kick me in the heart through my teeth ^^
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chapinii · 9 months
Came across my old tumblr blog from when I was 15 and Very into a now cancelled TV show, and I am so happy that I literally haven't changed at all, I was on this app writing angsty hc after angsty hc, answering asks, as well as just dropping random fic extracts and art whenever I wanted. I'm so glad getting into the qsmp has given me a taste of that again, I love being able to theorise and play around with the narratives it gives us (as well as be enthused by the talent of everyone on my dash!) Shout out to all the fitpac enjoyers, spiderbit enthusiasts and beyond for keeping my brain active this year, in so many different languages too!
I never thought I'd be pretty much a full time tumblr user again this year, I cant express my appreciation enough for the qsmp and its community for giving me that spark again >:)
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dreamsmpmybeloved · 3 years
Bench Trio HCS because I love them
-Tommy is incredible at chess. One of the best on the entire server, even though he complains and moans throughout the entre game, he's always the one he wins. He claims to have learned how to play chess from Wilbur, but Phil Knows that Wilbur was terrible at chess. Some people also theorise Techno taught him, but Tommy was good at chess Way before the two teamed up. Tubbo is also really good at chess, and he makes it no secret that he learnt how to play from Tommy. Who taught Tommy still remains a secret to this day.
-Ranboo and Tubbo both love making flower crowns, and they start making Flower Crown Competitions, which is basically them just giving out flower crowns to various people on the SMP and gaining a point if said person puts on the flower crown. Tubbo almost Always gets a free point from Tommy, who complains about being given flowers every time but still puts on the crown almost immideately, but Ranboo gets a free point from Phil, who goes as far to compliment Ranboo's choices of flowers and the style of crown, so it all evens out in the end.
-Tommy absolutely Loves musicals. He defintely got it from Wilbur, but he kept the love alive after Wilbur died. Tubbo isn't as enthusiastic about them as Tommy is, but will always listen to his friend ramble about them. Ranboo, however, Also loves musicals. The two only find out about that after Ranboo hears Tommy singing something from a musical he likes and spontanously asks about it. The two then proceed to talk about musicals for Hours, and it's a huge bonding experience.
-(This one isn't a hc but I love it so. One day Tommy manages to convince a bunch of people to sing La Dee Da Da Day to mess with Ranboo. It goes exctremely well, and Ranboo responds by just,,, Up and leaving. He does later talk to Tommy about that and say how cool and slightly disturbing it was.)
-When Ranboo is in his enderwalk state, he's Very clingy. He often displays it the most around other Enderman, leaving dirt blocks near them, chirping at them and stuff like that. If left in his enderwalk state around his friends, he'll follow them around and make Happy Enderman Noises (tm), reach out for them and teleport to them if they're a distance away. He can't Talk in that state, but Tubbo and Tommy will often pretend to understand what he's saying, mainly because the noises he makes are comforting to them.
-As Ranboo's enderwalk state becomes more frequent (bc it's healthy for him to embrace his enderman side) Tommy makes it a Challenge to learn End so he can understand what Ranboo is saying and translate for Tubbo, since he can't really learn the language himself. He becomes pretty frequent in it, and one time when Ranboo is Awake and muttering to himself in End, Tommy responds in End and Ranboo is like "WHAT" And both Tommy and Tubbo realise that they didn't ever tell Ranboo they were learning End and only really used it when he was asleep
-They absolutely have Secret Meetings at The Bench where they just gossip about the other members of the SMP for hours and inevitably Tommy will put one of his discs on and Tubbo will convince the two of them to dance with him, even though it's like 3am and there's monsters around, and people can definitely hear them if they're too loud, but they dance anyway and nobody ever talks about it
-They all have some article of clothing from the other. Obviously, Tubbo and Tommy still have their matching scarves, but now Tubbo has one of Ranboo's hoodies (because he does happen to Own casual clothing, he just doesn't wear much).Tommy stole one of Ranboo's tie that he wears around his wrist to "look cool". Ranboo has Tommy's winter cloak, (you know exactly what I mean) that was given to him by Techno when they were living together, which Tommy gave him (mostly to say, Hey, It's alright that you're living with Techno and Phil. I don't mind) but also because Tommy doesn't wear it anymore and Ranboo will get more use out of it and also it's cold or whatever excuse Tommy giives.
-One day Techno sees Ranboo wandering around, wearing a familiar cloak, and he Knows it's Tomm's because it's torn, and burrned in a few places, and dirty. But he doesn't say any of that when he offers to fix up the cloak for Ranboo. He does, however, add some black and white elements into the design, to make it feel more like Ranboo's
-(And maybe Techno starts working on a new cloak that's red and white, with splashes of green and a patch with a flag that doesn't mean anything to him, but he knows means a lot to a certain obnoxious child he's making the cloak for)
-When Tommy starts to heal, he tentatively lets his hair grow out again. Tubbo braids his hair, and works flowers into it, and colourful beads, and he experiments with new styles. (Some better than others.) It's great, and a breath of fresh air for Tommy, who was so used to having only One style of braid. (But he does go back to it sometimes, when he misses them)
-Ranboo's hair gets long enough to braid too, so he gets to join in on the Braid train. Tommy Instinctively does the Family Braid. (The one that Wilbur, Techno, Phil and Techno all have) but instead of backing out, he says it suits Ranboo.
-Tubbo starts complaining that He doesn't have braidable hair, and Tommy and Ranboo immediately start trying to find a way to make it work. They do, and eventually they all have matching braids.
-One day, when Tubbo's experimenting, he makes a pattern that Tommy really likes. He does it for Ranboo too, and then teaches Tommy how to so he can braid Tubbo's hair. It's Different from the Family Braid, but when they all leave to go their respective homes, they know it means the same thing.
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leejungchans · 3 years
— juliet on kingdom (episode 7).
juliet’s masterlist
from may 13’s episode
note: read the tweets from the bottom up 💕 keep in mind that this contains spoilers in case you want to watch the episode first :3 more under the cut bc this gets LONG ahjdhwjd 😔
— juliet’s outfit;
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disclaimer: the blurring of faces in my outfit collages is in no way meant as a form of disrespect, the sole purpose is to put the focus on the hairstyle and there is absolutely no ill intent. thank you for understanding!!
so everyone really kinda freaked out last episode
bc they didn’t see juliet in the previews for the unit stages
she wasn’t with jongho, eunkwang and seungmin
nor was she with 3racha and joong
so that would leave the performance unit right??
atinys were desperately zooming into screenshots of the performance unit stage for any sign of our girl
and found nothing :(
even in the preview that came after the first one, she was nowhere to be seen 😔
eventually some people started theorising if it was bc mnet didn’t let her participate for whatever reason
and the truth is...drumroll please 🥁
the boys sent her to be in the rap unit with joong 😋😋
mnet just didn’t show her scenes in the first two previews (like they did with minhyuk)
but she was in the previews where they went to jyp 🥺🥺
she was paired up with jisung for the 120-second interview :3
just two shy besties uwu
“why? why are you laughing?” jisung whines, “and right after you looked at my face too!”
juliet continues to laugh, hiding the lower half of her face behind her hands. “sorry, sorry, i’m not laughing at you, i promise!” she says between giggles, “i just didn’t expect us to be so nervous.”
“ah, i get shy around new people, more than what people would expect. so that’s kinda why i’m a bit awkward right now.”
“i’m like that too, but i thought we became closer friends during the sports day filming! i’m hurt!” she says, placing a hand over her heart.
“no, no, no!” jisung defends, waving his hands frantically, “we did! i’m still shy, i guess.”
“not shy, not me!” juliet sings in response, doing the hand movement in the choreography of itzy’s song.
stunned into silence by the sudden reference of his label-mates, jisung blinks at her owlishly before a loud ‘pft’ sound emits from both of them, and they dissolve into giggles once more.
“okay, okay,” she says, sobering up a little after a few seconds. “we need to do this seriously. no more being awkward! awkward is just a mindset.”
jisung’s eyes widen. “woah, you’re right. we won’t feel awkward if we just tell ourselves that we’re being cool.”
she nods approvingly. “exactly. we are cool.”
“okay then, let’s go!” he shouts enthusiastically, earning muffled snickers from the other members who are sitting off-screen.
juliet and jisung go quiet again from his outburst. she even tried to bite the inside of her cheek to stifle any laughter, but her efforts are futile as they both promptly collapse to the ground in a fit of giggles.
“i-i don’t think we can do this,” juliet wheezes to the cameras, clutching her stomach as tears gather in the corners of her eyes. beside her, jisung isn’t faring any better as he attempts to catch his breath.
off-screen, changbin playfully complains, “yah! what are you two doing? you’re supposed to be doing an interview!”
when she entered the jyp café with joong and minhyuk 3racha was like omg hiiiiiii
no one was happier than chan to see her 🥺
3racha made her, joong and minhyuk sing their orders 💀💀
minhyuk: juliet your ears are so red lmao
juliet: [quickly untucks her hair so it covers her ears] do i really have to do this? 😭😭
chan: yes you do bestie 🤩
“[sighs] americanoooo~ joha joha~”
hongjoong: [cringes but also uwu bc she’s his baby]
3racha: kqjejwjdnsj awwww
minhyuk: ohhhhh~ cuteeee
smh juliet stop (unintentionally) collecting men 😔
okay but changbin treated them all with his jyp artist points 🥺🥺🥺 changbin best boy
juliet, to chan: i’ll come next time to use up your points 😼
minhyuk: me too!! juliet let’s go together!!!
yeah she malfunctioned for a second bc The™️ lee minhyuk just said that and he was her celebrity crush for the longest time pls
she is the most successful melody 😔
she was so excited when they all went to chan’s studio
“ohhhHhh so this is the famous chan’s room 😼 honoured to be here mate”
pls they named themselves 6racha and were literally just having a blast in the studio 😭😭😭
minhyuk: your voice sounds so different when you rap!!
juliet: really? 😅😅 i didn’t really notice
minhyuk: yeah it’s cool :]
okay but when they went to jypbob for lunch
she was so amazed by all the food
the Jeekies™️ making their debut on national tv
yes both jisung’s and juliet’s 🥰🥰
she was so shy when the others in mayfly came to watch rap unit’s rehearsal 😭😭😭
also everyone in the mayfly vocal and dance units went ❓❓❓ where is juliet????? shouldn’t she be here??????
felix: where’s my bestie :(
no lixliet for the unit stages 💔
wooyoung/jongho: oh she’s in the rap unit :D
okay but as much of a power move this is, she was also so so so nervous
like, the most nervous she’s ever been on kingdom
bc she’s going to be performing with so many incredible rappers, juliet knows that she really has to give it her all to keep up with them
so she was Big Stressed™️ and not in a fun way
it was more of a “oh god what if i’m way too far behind and the difference in skill is so obvious that i cost our groups points????” way
but in true queen fashion, she definitely killed it during rehearsals and everyone in the unit reassured her that she had nothing to worry about 🥺🥺
move over round 2 juliet bc if you thought that was the last we’d see of rapper juliet, you have a big storm coming 😼😼
she rapped with hongjoong before he joined changbin, then rejoined the performance to rap with chan!!
aussie line stans are well fed ✨✨
girlie was collecting everyone in the audience 😼
pls but ateez was so proud of her bc they knew how stressed she was about this performance 😭😭😭
she was so relieved when mayfly won that she teared up before being pulled into the group hug :(((
“i’m so relieved by the results,” juliet says to the cameras during their backstage interview, the other members in the rap unit nodding in agreement. “we all had a lot of fun preparing for this performance, and i’m just really proud of us.”
“wait,” minhyuk says, tone laced with concern, “are you tearing up? why? we did well!”
hongjoong, sitting in the back row, reaches forward to pat juliet on the shoulder comfortingly as she goes silent to suppress the tears. “she was really stressed preparing for this performance, so she’s a bit overwhelmed right now,” he explains for her.
juliet inhales deeply before saying, “because our unit has so many great rappers, i felt burdened because i was scared that my rapping wouldn’t be up to par with everyone else’s. but everyone was so encouraging and kind, and it really helped me push through the pressure, so i’m very thankful.”
“ey, you did so well,” jisung says enthusiastically. “we never worried about your performance!”
now that their rap unit finished performing she could sit back and enjoy the other performances!!
she was mesmerised by it’s one’s dance unit bc their performance was so beautiful
she said :OOOOOO
then came mayfly’s dance unit!!!!
pls she was their biggest hypewoman 😭😭😭😭
literally screamed during san and felix’s part
then when wooyoung and felix did the stunt????
she lost her SHIT
the way mnet cut from chan’s worried “felix?” to juliet’s “FELIXXXXXX :D” 😭
pls she was so so proud 😭😭😭😭😭😭
in conclusion mayfly are besties now ❤️❤️
— fan reactions;
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a/n: hello is everyone okay because I AM NOT 💔💔 all the stages from today were so so good and i’m so proud of all the units 🤧🤧💗 i NEED the studio versions of all the songs from today <//3 (and from round 2 too 😭) also lemme know if you’d like to see the full version of jisung and juliet’s 120 sec interview!! 😋 (though i’m prolly gonna write it anyways whdjwhs) your feedback and support means a lot to me so tysm!! 🥺❤️
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quidfree · 3 years
just screamed over your fem todobaku it was endlessly entertaining and I’m sure to be rereading it every two weeks from now on... the way katsuki pieces things together and the absurd setting is everything I wanted and more TT!!! For prompts.. tdbk’s relationship in the eyes of their classmates? That moment in a prev fic where momo is like yeah I’m with jirou now 🤗n then tdrk goes oh me too but w bkg is forever embedded into my brain lmfaooo like what does everyone make of this insane pair
pftttttt glad it fulfilled your expectations anon i love writing half-serious todobaku pieces where they are still 50/50 strategic geniuses and emotional morons as per canon but the setting is increasingly absurd. i don't know what the context was for giant deku in that sketch but the visual was too good. date-crasher deku at it again.
as for ur prompt i do love the concept bc i live for third party pov content but i would find it v hard to get done in the prompt format bc 1) honestly a lot of the 1A students (etc) don’t have very defined personalities lol and 2) when it comes to those who do i have too much to say to do this in an hour. however i can give you some bulletpoint summaries of the BNOCs (and if you have any specific niche classmates whose take you want do let me know). with that being said...
kirishima: forever and always a supportive bestie and thus leader of the todobaku fanclub. i mean just read my fic yknow. 1000% called it on bakugous side first (and/or bakugou told him) and has been enthusiastically supportive ever since. hes a big ol romantic really and also unironically thinks todobaku is the manliest of pairings (and totally made for each other, bro!!) so hes beyond stoked when they do get together. hes one of their most comfy third wheels bc he and bakugou r very close and he and todoroki r also good friends so no one is like on uncomfortable/uneven footing and hes unfazed by the ups and downs of their relationship bc hes used to both of their antics. the secret-keeper.
i don’t have enough separate intel on the rest of the bakusquad but they’re 1) completely thrown by the revelation that after years of wheedling and trying to set bakugou up into surprise dates he is not in fact ‘work-sexual’, and to top this off is actually into todoroki of all people 2) obnoxiously supportive, as you would expect. secretly they’re all kind of defensive of bakugou’s fragile heart (citation needed) and so nervous about how the whole thing is gonna work out but when it becomes apparent todoroki does not have better sense they relax and just become excessively nosy. like to complain that bakugou and todoroki weren’t content dominating their year academically and professionally they also had to steal out 2 of the country’s most eligible bachelors, the selfish bastards.
camie: second leader of the todobaku fanclub, idc. clocks it ahead of literally anyone else in their friend group bc she just, like, got that vibe, you know? theres a multitude of equally blunt and inappropriate ways in which she addresses this vibe (calling them out in person when theyre years away from it, trying to not especially artfully orchestrate a get-together, etc) and they are all very unsuccessful. shes ‘lowkey mad bakugou stole her potential man’ but ‘finders keepers’ so once they’re past that she’s all for it since she correctly thinks they r freaks best suited to e/o and also honestly probably thinks bl is cute or something. todoroki and bakugou both endure her encouragement very long-sufferingly. big double dater energy.
yaoyorozu: not at all in the first to clock gang, bc honestly the idea she has of todoroki is still a lil idealized/inaccurate and certainly does not involve dating bakugou; the initial reveal is inevitably delivered very casually to her as she scrambles for a polite reaction. she’s kind of wary of the whole thing at face value but close scrutiny leads her to conclude they’re actually not-terrible together. upon reaching this conclusion she begins making earnest overtures towards a very confused bakugou bc she figures she may as well make the effort to get to know him better. i always hc her as having had a crush of some variety on todoroki at some point so theres probs a bit of wistfulness involved and also a far larger ‘nvm dodged that bullet’ energy bc todobaku r romantically a mess and a half. to her despair she is extremely weak to camie’s todobaku gossip.
uraraka: to everyone’s vague bewilderment, a secret todobaku stan from the get-go. you could say this is bc it leaves deku solidly open but honestly she just has similarly odd friendships with todoroki and bakugou and it’s like a persistent guilty thought of hers that they’re kind of well-suited somehow. she often tells todoroki he can do better just to wind bakugou up but would be the first to take bakugou’s side if he actually did. she really enjoys them together bc she finds somehow they’re easier to tease- it humanizes them both further to be weak to dumb emotions. she plays counsellor sometimes but like subtly bc she knows better than to give outright advice.
iida: completely blindsided by the information, also spends several months in the grips of insomnia convinced that both their friend group and japan are doomed given the inevitable dramatic breakup. then he spends a singular day hanging around them at work or something and realises that his imagined version of them as a couple was in fact completely off-base bc they’re just overly intense workaholics who are too single-focused to ever bother splitting up. also top 1 most likely friend to launch into a completely sincere defense of them and their relationship in response to like the laziest off-color paparazzi bait comment.
midoriya: where to begin honestly. he def gets weird vibes from them throughout the whole usual melodrama but 200% does not come to the right conclusions. when he finally gets the news broken to him (never gently) his brain breaks a little. it’s mainly the bakugou element bc kacchan is.. kacchan and like.. not necessarily fundamentally someone midoriya has ever imagined harboring human interest in another living person. also todoroki in a parallel way has always struck him as resoundingly disinterested in relationships mainly bc hes kind of above them. of course once he sets to theorising he can connect some dots to bakugous various jealousies over the years and also todorokis pretty open staring and wow he is not very good at connecting dots actually. anyways once he recovers from the shock i think theres a variety of ways in which he takes it bc honestly it is very weird that his best friend and his .. closest friend (?) who have always primarily interacted through or due to him now have this competing private relationship. regardless obv he is intensely supportive in like, the typical kind of overbearing midoriya way. i sometimes make it so its just one of those things that everyones cool with but also the details will always be something midoriya and bakugou do not want midoriya to know bc Awkward, vs other times i make him super cool w it to the extent that hes just overenthusiastic and todorokis all oh. sure. thanks :) while bakugou loses his shit. he does genuinely think they’re a really good fit upon reflexion, and since he’s best suited to knowing why he’s p much always correct in his assessments. its one of those things where each duo in the trio has the capacity of playing up the subject matter to the third party’s detriment, tho when todoroki is the third party he’s less embarrassed by bakudeku’s todobaku discourse and more enduring their various bizarre friendship rituals + the serious physical damage they usually precede.
also aizawa clocks them first and is like oh god please no this is going to take at least 5 years to implode and will age me 10 years in the process
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rose-sunlight · 4 years
Hot Chocolate (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral! Reader, Platonic! BAU x Reader
Warnings: Outing, Crying, but it gets better I promise, Fluff. I feature the BAU with my different LGBTQIA Head cannons, as well.
Summary: An unsub sends an email revealing the darkest secrets of everyone on the team. Y/n shows up on Spencer’s doorstep in tears after the email reveals their sexuality.
A/n: This is my first fanfic after coming out; it’s great to be back to writing. I wrote this after something similar happened to me a few days ago! I hope you guys enjoy!
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Spencer wasn’t expecting them to just…arrive on his doorstep. He knew, realistically, when he told them his door was always open, that they were bound to show up one day; he just wasn’t anticipating it to be in the pouring rain, with tears streaming down their face.
He opened the door, and the atmosphere they’d brought was overpowering sadness. The rain made their skin glisten under his porch light, and he would’ve taken into consideration how…magnificently picturesque Y/n looked in the rain, if they weren’t crying and shivering.
“Did you read it?”
Spencer furrowed his brows and shook his head dazedly, “Read what-are you okay?”
Y/n let out a sigh of relief, wiping tears and rain off their cheeks in one fluid motion. This, they had determined, was a safe place, and Reid didn’t know yet, so they finally had the choice to choose who knew. “Can I come in?” They weakly asked. Spencer nodded his head vigorously.
“Yeah, of course, do you want…I dunno, coffee, or something?”
“Um…do you…” Y/n paused to catch their breath. Their voice came out small and fragile as they glanced down at the phone screen that suddenly seemed to bright and loud. It was blowing up with messages-worried messages, from their team at the BAU. “Do you have any hot chocolate?”
Spencer let out a fond smile “You think I wouldn’t stock up when you’re always here? I always have, like, three tubs just for you.”
He hoped that one gesture showed them that he was someone who thought about them. Someone who was caring, and would do anything to show their devotion to them. Reid wanted a jar of hot chocolate powder to prove that he was worth loving.
“Thank you.” Y/n’s voice was barely a whisper as they collapsed onto Spencer’s couch, wrapping themselves up tightly in one of his extensive blankets, letting out one sigh of relief.
“No problem.”
Y/n could see him reaching for his phone, and suddenly shot up off the couch, blanket discarded in what could only be described as blind panic. “Don’t open your emails.” They ominously said, and Spencer put his phone down, waiting for the hot water to boil.
He raised one eyebrow, looking into Y/n’s eyes, hoping to analyse something, anything, that could help him understand what was going on “Are you on the run?”
Y/n snorted at the very thought “Me? Are you kidding me? No!”
“You’re just acting like…I dunno, like…you’re running from something,” Y/n went to yell at him for analysing them, and he raised his hands in surrender, stirring the freshly made hot chocolate “I’m not analysing, I’m just being observant! You want marshmallows?”
“Yes please. And I’m…maybe I am running.”
Spencer paused what he was doing, mid-plopping in the fluffy marshmallows he knew Y/n preferred over any other brand. He asked Garcia to look into their shopping history once to make sure he had the perfect type. She had teased him relentlessly with cheesy nicknames, but had relented and told him. And he had almost bought out the whole store “From the team? That’s why you’re telling me not to look at emails, right?”
Y/n sighed. What the hell, he was going to find out when they turned up for work the next day, anyway. This way, they could decide how he was told. “You know that case we’re working on? We theorized the unsub got off on revealing his victims secrets?”
Spencer handed her the hot chocolate “There you go.”
“Didn’t we also theorise that he couldn’t have revealed their secrets because he didn’t have the skills to do so?” Spencer asked, more nervous about what could have possibly happened. It was a local case, one they didn’t have to travel for, but it was by far one of the most puzzling they’d encountered
Y/n paused as they sipped their hot chocolate. It was steaming; it almost took the skin off their tongue; it was so hot. But they bared it, swallowing harshly. “We were wrong. He does, or he has someone doing it for him. Anyway, he must’ve been there at that second crime scene, because he found out…information. On all of us.”
Now Reid understood why they were so upset. Y/n had something personal shared “I’m sure we all know everyone’s secrets. We tell each other everything.”
Y/n winced. Spencer placed a comforting hand over theirs. “Right?”
Truthfully, Y/n knew how Spencer would react when they told him. It would be a relief once he had congratulated them, hugged them, and continued a different conversation. Y/n knew all this, but saying the words felt unsavoury in their mouth, like sandpaper and cotton. They looked Spencer in the eyes, and felt fear. “Spencer…” they had to pause, wiping their eyes again.
Spencer was distracting. He was running a comforting hand over theirs, and they worried once they told him, the gesture would stop. “it’s ok. Take your time.”
“He…he…” Y/n wanted to scream it: he outed me, and it sucks so much. Instead, they were stuck gaping like a fish out of water. “I’m [y/sexuality].” They managed to blurt out all at once. Spencer looked sad. He nodded in understanding.
“The unsub outed you?” Spencer said, sighing as Y/n nodded tearfully “Y/n, that’s awful, I’m so sorry.”
Y/n cried. They cried as if their life depended on it, and Spencer accepted them, holding them as they did so, waiting for the sobs to die down. “They had pictures of me and some of my partners…and that damn secret blog I made when I was sixteen and still working it out. And…now everyone knows Spencer…” the cries started up again.
Spencer rubbed their back. “It’s ok. The choice was taken from you, and that sucks. But you have to think about who you have around you. The BAU isn’t exactly the straightest group out there.”
Y/n looked up at him, confused and overwhelmed. As far as they knew, the only person there who was LGBT was them, and that was something they were willing to take to the grave if it meant that their team would treat them differently “What?”
Spencer looked back, almost in disbelief, “You mean, you don’t know? Everyone’s open about it.”
“I don’t understand.”
This was when Spencer began to laugh “Oh my god! Emily; Lesbian, Me; Bisexual Gray-Ace, Derek; Pansexual, and Garcia!”
“Garcia is too?!” Y/n’s mouth was hung open in pure dumbfounded shock “That’s statistically, like, so many gays in one workplace.”
Spencer laughed “Nah, Garcia is just a really enthusiastic supporter. How did you not know—we all have our flags on our desks!”
Y/n let out a shocked gasp even more “That’s what those are? I thought they were for, like, a secret society you guys had formed without me!”
“No, are you kidding!” He let out another loud guffaw
Y/n blushed, rubbing a hand to their neck in sheer embarrassment “I guess I was just too wrapped up in myself” They admitted, prompting Spencer to shuffle closer, until he could wrap a big, lanky arm around them.
“Sorry you didn’t get to come out on your terms.” He smiled, placing a kiss to their forehead. It was well meaning, but Y/n’s felt electric when his lips were against their skin. They outwardly sighed, relaxing for the first time since the email had been sent. “Were you the only one it happened to?”
Y/n thought back to the contents of the email reflectively, “No, I think everyone got something revealed. Even you, but it was just…”
Spencer nodded as his eyes widened “Was it about Dilaudid?” Y/n let out a sad nod as Spencer scoffed loudly at the thought of this Unsub tracking them all down. “Of course, the unsub probably saw me going to one of my meetings.”
Y/n nodded, realising it was their turn to comfort “Most people knew about it, though, which means he made a mistake, one we could analyse with the team.”
“You’re ready to go and see them?” He asked. Y/n gave out a slow and steady nod “You sure.”
“It’s either now or later,” They sighed, before slapping their knees and raising to stand “Alright. Let’s get this over with.”
Spencer rose with them, smiling, extending a hand for Y/n to take, which they did, graciously “Together?”
Y/n wiped some of the left over tears from their face before giving his hand a firm squeeze, downing the final mouthful of hot chocolate as if it were liquid courage, “Yeah. Together.”
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Please Believe Me
Pairing: (Frat Boy/University!)Ashton Irwin x Reader
Summary: She overhears something that she wasn’t supposed to
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, people being arseholes, angst
A/N: For Day Four of the 4K Write Fest, I present you with my first full length Ashton Irwin fic!!!! I hope y’all enjoy, I love writing for Ash, and this is a fic I’ve been mulling over for a while so... Please remember to let me know what you think - comment, reblog, send asks, all that stuff to keep me motivated!!!
And if you wanna check out the other things that will be coming out for the Write Fest click here: 4K Write Fest
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Y/N didn’t think there was any sight in the world as beautiful as Ashton Irwin first thing in the morning.
Sunlight streamed in through the window - having not quite pulled the curtains completely closed the previous evening - and illuminated his features, still relaxed as he slept.
Y/N watched as a tired smile pulled at Ashton’s mouth, his eyes remaining closed.
“I can feel you staring at me,” he informed her, his voice groggy.
“Can you blame me?” Y/N whispered, reaching out to run her hand through his hair, which had gotten messy and tangled during the night. “Morning, Sunshine.”
“Morning, Baby,” Y/N didn’t miss the light blush which tinted Ashton’s cheeks at the nickname she had assigned him so long ago now, at the beginning of their relationship. 
“What time’s your first class today?” Ashton asked, cracking his eyes open at last, his smile widening and he pulled her closer to nuzzle his face into her neck.
“Starts at ten,” Y/N mumbled and she could feel Ashton’s grin against her skin as he rolled them over so that he was on top of her, beaming down at him with the cheeky, mischievous smile that she had grown so used to.
“That gives us plenty of time then,” he teased, ducking down to press kisses across her face.
“Ash no,” Y/N grumbled, though a laugh escaped her as she protested, pushing him away from her.
“Why?” Ashton pouted, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Because I’d actually very much like to get some breakfast before going to my lecture,” Y/N informed him, rolling her eyes.
“Fine, if you insist on being a functioning human,” Ashton scoffed, rolling over and getting out of his bed, offering a hand to Y/N with a soft smile to let her know that he was only jokingly annoyed at her.
“Thank you,” Y/N whispered, allowing Ashton to pull her up. 
“Wanna borrow some clothes?” Ashton offered, looking down at her bare body with a slight smirk on his face. Instinctively, Y/N covered herself with her arms, seeing the expression on Ashton’s face soften as he picked up on the action, gently prying her arms away from her. “I meant what I told you last night, baby, you’re beautiful.” 
“Could I maybe borrow some clothes to wear for breakfast and I’ll put mine in the wash as we eat?” Y/N suggested. Ashton pecked her lips quickly.
“Fantastic idea,” he enthused, nodding his head.
That was something Y/N knew she would always be able to count on Ashton for - being overly enthusiastic and supportive of her every suggestion, no matter how mundane.
“Yeah, Ash?” Y/N questioned, pulling the shirt of his which he had thrown at her over her head and looking at him expectantly. He turned around where he stood in front of his chest of drawers, a pair of grey sweatpants in his hands and an uncertain, almost nervous expression on his face. 
“You don’t… you wanted to do that last night, right? I just… I know it’s not something you’ve done before and… and I just wanted to check that you… actually wanted to do it?” Ashton queried, finally looking up to meet her eyes, worry evident in them.
Y/N stood up from his bed and walked over to her boyfriend, her hands linking behind his neck as she smiled at him, pushing herself up to peck his lips.
“You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met - I have no idea how you managed to get your reputation,” she informed him. “Of course I actually wanted to do what we did last night, Ash - there’s no one I would have rather had my first time with.”
Relief flooded Ashton’s face and Y/N fought the urge to kiss him again, finding it adorable that even now, the morning after he had taken her virginity, he wanted to assure her that she truly was okay with him having done as such.
“I’m glad,” was all that Ashton managed to come up with in response, handing Y/N the sweats as he smiled at her.
Ashton may have had a reputation across the university campus for being someone only caring about one night stands, but Y/N had been nothing but an exception to that rule.
He had asked her out for the first time six months ago, right at the beginning of the first term, but Y/N had turned him down as a result of being far-too aware of his aforementioned reputation. Yet, she had still turned up at the party being held by his house and Ashton had spent practically the entire evening attempting to get her attention.
Yes, maybe originally it had been because he wanted to sleep with her, he doubtless found her attractive, but the more he got to know her, the quicker his motives changed.
It took him three months to convince her to go on an actual date with him. He found out that she was a virgin a month into them officially seeing each other, and it had taken another two for her to be ready and for Ashton to convince himself that she wasn’t just doing it to make him happy.
And he was happy with her, happier than he had been when in any other relationship. So much so, that he failed to remember why he had been so fond of one night stands before she came into his life. 
“Let's get you some breakfast,” Ashton said, his arm resting over her shoulders to lead her out of his room and downstairs, grabbing her discarded clothes from the floor on his way out.
“If I make the coffee can you put my clothes in the washer?” Y/N asked hopefully, looking up at him. Ashton ducked down and kissed her.
“Of course.”
Y/N went into the kitchen of Ashton’s house, saying a good morning to Calum who was sitting at the table.
“Genuine question,” Y/N started as she made her and Ashton some coffee and turned to face Calum.
“Do you ever sleep?” Calum let out an exhausted laugh.
“What gave it away?” He asked, finally tearing himself away from the laptop screen he was staring at.
“Dude, I swear you’re like eighty percent fuelled by coffee at this point, take a fucking nap, man.”
“Only eighty percent? That’s better than Mike’s estimate,” Calum teased, leaning back on his chair with a grin. “You coming to the party tonight?”
“Shit there’s a party tonight?” Y/N asked.
“It’s a Friday, of course there’s a party,” Ashton scoffed, walking into the room and hugging Y/N from behind.
“Thought you knew the schedule by now,” Calum grinned.
“You’ll be here, right?” Ashton asked her quietly, his lips by her ear.
“I’ll definitely try to, I promise.”
Y/N was sitting in the library with her roommate, having just finished her lecture and decided to get some studying in before she was supposed to meet some other friends for lunch and then go to work.
“Aren’t those Ash’s friends?” Her roommate, Rachel, asked. Y/N looked up from her books and over in the direction Rachel was indicating. 
Sure enough, sitting a couple of tables away from them was Calum, Michael, Luke, Roy and some of the other people from Ashton’s house who Y/N wasn’t as well acquainted with.
“Yeah, the other guys from his house,” Y/N confirmed, going back to the text she was studying.
“Aren’t you going to say hi?” Rachel asked, knowing that Y/N was close with many of Ashton’s friends - particularly with his three best friends, who had been nothing but wonderfully welcoming to her when Ashton first introduced them all.
“Isn’t that weird?” Y/N questioned but Rachel shook her head with a laugh.
“No - you’re dating their best friend, you’re basically a part of that group by association,” Rachel informed her.
“Are you that desperate to get rid of me?” Y/N asked, raising her eyebrows at Rachel who rolled her eyes at her roommate.
“It’s just the polite thing to do!” Rachel explained. “And I know you - if you don’t say hello now you’ll be worried about the fact you didn’t say hello to them and think that they’ll think you’re being rude.”
“You scare me sometimes.”
“I pay attention and know you well,” Rachel countered.
“Alright, I’m going,” Y/N sighed, knowing her roommate was right and that she would otherwise be freaking out about Ashton’s friends thinking she was being rude and purposefully ignoring them.
Y/N pushed herself up out of the chair she was sat on, crossing the library floor to the group of male students who were sat a few tables over, while all of them had books open in front of the, none of them were actually studying, instead just messing around and laughing, gaining them dirty looks from the librarian for being too loud and disruptive for the usual quiet atmosphere found in the library.
None of the group noticed them as she approached and Y/N stopped short when there was a break in the conversation and she heard her name mentioned.
Y/N hesitated, knowing that she shouldn’t be eavesdropping but after hearing the laughter which followed the guy’s statement she knew that she had to know what it was that they were talking about.
“-I just don’t see why Ash’s keeping her around, she’s so clingy,” one of them - Josh, Y/N thought she remembered his name to be - stated.
“Maybe she’s a really good shag?” One of the others - maybe Nick? - theorised.
“Nah - she wasn’t putting out, remember? He was complaining about it.”
Y/N’s heart panged in her chest, biting her lip, feeling her face crumpling with the knowledge that Ashton had been complaining about her not ‘putting out’ as his friends so delicately put it.
“Well he got some last night, that much is for sure,” Jason, Y/N remembered Jason well, knowing that he had never liked her much, stated and mimicked the sounds of moaning, causing the rest of the table to laugh. “Probably means we won’t be seeing much of her anymore now Ash’s got what he wants.”
“It’ll be good to have him back to normal,” another one of them agreed.
Y/N swallowed heavily, tears burning in her eyes.
Her eyes moved to Luke, who she was closest to out of Ashton’s friends, but the blond man stared resolutely down at the table. Not agreeing with his friends, but also not defending her. Calum had a slight smile on his face, discomfort swimming in his eyes and Michael was laughing along with the group but shooting uncertain looks at Calum and Luke.
“I can’t wait for her to get the fuck out of our lives, honestly, I don’t know why Ash chose to play the long game with her. She’s just so clingy, I swear every time I look around our house she’s there.”
Y/N willed her three friends silently to speak in her defence, to tell the other guys to shut the fuck up. 
To give Y/N some confidence that Ashton wasn’t just using her for sex, especially not after she had given him her virginity.
She didn’t want to think of him dumping her tonight because he was finally satisfied, because he had finally gotten what he wanted out of her.
Y/N bit her lip, doing the best she could to steady her breathing, to stop herself from crying in such a public area. Just as she was about to turn away from the group, return to Rachel and make an excuse as to why she was leaving, Luke looked up from the table, as though he could feel Y/N’s eyes on him.
His eyes widened almost as though in fear upon seeing her and his lips parted just a little, almost like he was going to call out to her, perhaps apologise for what she had doubtlessly overheard.
But before he could make a sound, Y/N spun around on her heel and returned to Rachel, quickly gathering her things from the table, blurting out an unintelligible explanation to her roommate, keeping her head down so that Rachel wouldn’t see the tears swimming in her eyes, and she bolted out of the library.
Y/N knew without a doubt that it was Ashton who was blowing up her phone.
She hadn’t looked at her phone all evening since returning from work, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that it was more than likely to be Ashton who was setting her phone buzzling relentlessly.
She hadn’t gone to the party.
Rachel had suggested that Y/N go and confront Ashton about what she had overheard at the library.
Y/N decided against that plan, wanting nothing more to instead call in sick to work, go home, curl up, cry, and watch reruns of Outnumbered on the TV with a tub of ice cream instead, avoiding confronting Ashton for as long as she could manage.
Now, curled up in her pyjamas, her eyes fixed lazily on the screen having stopped crying over him a few hours ago, she wondered absently whether or not Luke had informed the other guys that she had likely heard what they had been saying.
She wondered if he had passed that information onto Ashton, who was no doubt wondering why Y/N hadn’t turned up to the party as promised.
He was probably thrilled to be rid of her.
It was a bitter thought, but if Ashton really saw her as being clingy as his friends seemed to think she was, then it was probably true, that he was just waiting for an excuse to make her leave him alone.
“He’s texting me about you now!” Rachel called from her room.
“Just ignore him!” Y/N responded.
“He wants to know what’s wrong! Should I tell him he’s an arsehole?” Rachel’s voice was getting closer, evidently approaching Y/N’s room as she read Ashton’s texts inquiring about Y/N’s whereabouts.
“No… don’t do that,” Y/N sighed as Rachel entered her room.
“But he is one, you know that, right?”
“It… it didn’t come from him?” Y/N offered, hating for the little piece of hope she was maintaining that Ashton wasn’t the person his reputation would lead her to believe, the person he had spent the last three months proving to Y/N that he wasn’t.
“Y/N…” the word was filled with a mixture of sympathy and exhaustion, Rachel clearly not wanting her friend to get hurt, but also wanting to ensure that Y/N wasn’t kidding herself. “You need to…”
“I know. I was stupid to believe he actually gave a shit about me,” Y/N sighed, plucking helplessly at the blanket covering her form.
“Hey - no you weren’t. Ash… Ashton had everyone fooled, everyone thought he liked you but…”
“Can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” Y/N joked ruefully, listening to Rachel laugh a little in response. “Tell him I’m feeling sick?” She asked.
“I just… can’t face talking to him right now. I’ll… I’ll sort it out tomorrow,” she sighed, moving over to lay her head in Rachel’s lap.
“You don’t deserve this, Y/N/N,” Rachel responded, typing out a response on her phone before tossing it aside, dropping her hands down into Y/N’s hair, playing distractedly with the strands.
“Thanks, Rach.”
“Ashton? What are you doing here?” Y/N refused to open the door too much as she looked out into the hallway of her building, frowning at the presence of her boyfriend on her doorstep.
Ashton’s smile was painful for her to observe and he held up the shopping bag he had with him.
“Rach said you were feeling sick yesterday - figured I’d come and help you.” Ashton tried to move forward into her apartment but Y/N kept the door almost-closed, not missing the hurt expression which crossed his face.
“Look, I appreciate it.” Y/N stated. “But you need to go.” Ashton’s face dropped into a proper frown at her words.
“Y/N? What? Why?”
“I just… really don’t want to see you right now,” she stated honestly, trying to shut the door on his face but Ashton stuck his foot in the gap between the doorframe and the door.
“You don’t get to just say something like that and shut me out - what the fuck is going on?” He asked.
“How about you ask your friends?” Y/N hissed, realising that there was no way that she would be able to keep Ashton outside and letting go of the door, turning and stalking away from him. 
Ashton followed her into her apartment, dropping his bag of shopping on the floor and slamming the door closed behind him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ashton asked, following her. Y/N saw Rachel peek her head out of her door into the hallway and glare at Ashton.
“The fuck are you doing here, Irwin?”
“Seeing my girlfriend? Who you told me was sick yesterday?” Ashton offered, not even bothering to make an attempt at masking his contempt.
“Hey - don’t be an arsehole to her just because we found out the fucking truth yesterday!” Y/N exclaimed, whipping around to glare at the man who, this time the previous morning, she had been completely wrapped up in.
“What truth?” Ashton demanded, running his hand through his hair and letting out an exasperated laugh. “I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about!”
“So Luke didn’t tell you,” Y/N said, nodding her head. “Figures.”
“Didn’t tell me what?” Ashton implored her to tell him what was going on, what he had managed to do to fuck up their relationship so badly in the space of a day, despite him having not seen her since bidding her a good day the previous morning when she left his place.
“You got what you wanted, Ash, I can’t give you anymore. Please… please stop doing this,” Y/N’s eyes closed and she willed herself not to cry. She had done far too much crying already. She opened her eyes again, shaking her head.
“What did I want? What did I do?” Ashton begged, trying to take her hands but Y/N yanked them away from him.
“You already got me to sleep with you. You already convinced me to love you. There’s nothing else I can offer unless your plan is to publicly humiliate me.” Ashton gaped at her, seemingly speechless. Y/N gave a wry smile. “I heard the guys talking in the library.”
“W-What guys? Who said that?” 
“Your friends. Some of the guys who live with you.”
“Luke? Mike? Cal?” Ashton demanded incredulously.
“No,” Y/N conceded and Ashton let out a breath.
“The rest of them know fuck all about me and I don’t really give a shit what they think, they’re all arseholes.”
“Well the other three didn’t seem to disagree with anything they were saying. Apparently I’m also far too clingy,” she added, wrapping her arms around herself, trying to hold herself together against the words that had cut her to her very core the previous day. Ashton’s face softened at her words.
“It’s not new news. Everyone knows that you don’t do relationships, Ashton. I just… you knew I was a virgin. Why the fuck did you decide to make me one of your… your conquests.”
“You have never and will never be… be a conquest to me,” Ashton stated, his chin jutting out defiantly, daring her to disagree with him.
“No! Those pricks know next to nothing about me! Yes, maybe I wasn’t… a relationship person before but… but you’ve made me realise why people have them,” Ashton took an uncertain step towards her. “I love seeing you wearing my clothes,” he told her. “And I love that I get the pleasure of waking up next to you when you stay the night, and I love taking you out on dates, and that you’re always around. I hate it when you’re not around me, ask the guys, I complain to them that you’re not there,” Ashton was practically pleading with her to understand him. “Yeah, maybe you’re clingy,” he shrugged. “There are worse things to be, especially considering I’m far more clingy than you are - honestly, I’m a total attention whore.” Despite herself, Y/N laughed, causing Ashton to smile in relief.
“You were never a… a conquest to me. I never wanted you to feel that way and I’m so sorry that some dumbasses I happen to share a house with ever made you doubt how I feel about you,” Ashton reached out to cup her jaw with his hand, his hazel eyes swimming with relief and adoration when she didn’t move away from him. “I wanted to sleep with you because… because I realised I loved you and… and I’ve never loved anyone before. But I wanted to make sure you were certain first. Those other guys they just… they don’t understand what we have because… because you’re right. Everything I just said goes totally against my reputation and the reputations of most of those guys,” Ashton stepped forwards again so that they were practically chest to chest. He smiled at her, a proper smile which crinkled his eyes and left deep dimples on his cheeks. “But I think I’d rather gain a new reputation with you than maintain that one.”
Y/N pushed herself up to kiss him. It had been less than twenty-four hours since she had seen and kissed him last but she craved him, and it felt like an eternity had passed. 
“I’m sorry I... I’m sorry I listened to them,” Y/N whispered, resting her head against his shoulder. Ashton hugged her tight, kissing the top of her head.
“I’m sorry I gave you and them reasons to believe that it may be the case.”
Ashton and Y/N stood together in Y/N’s hallway, Y/N listening to and taking refuge in the comforting sound of his heartbeat thudding in his chest as she reflected on their argument, surprise overtaking her features as she remembered what Ashton had let slip.
“Wait - you love me?” She asked and Ashton laughed at her.
“I thought you already knew that?” Y/N kissed him again.
“I love you too.”
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legendofzelda4life · 4 years
Sleepless nights
Helloooo and welcome back to cliche af titles day 16 lmao
Today I present some Legend and Wild fluff.
Yeah, you can already guess how this goes.
Legend was walking next to an orange-ish hair.
“So, Link, how’s your journey been?” She asked. For some reason - though Legend knew who she was - he couldn’t see her face.
“It’s been great! I’ve- Marin?” The girl was gone.
Legend spun around to be met with an island fading away.
Suddenly he was in Lorule.
Then Holodrum.
Then waking up in his house with his uncle.
He disappeared too.
Legend was alone in darkness.
He dropped to his knees and reached out.
“NO!” He yelled. “DON’T LEAVE!” He clutched either side of his head as he cried.
“I’M SORRY!” He yelled again before growing quieter. “I’m sorry! Is that what you wanted to hear?” He looked up to see everyone he’s ever left behind staring him down.
“I need you…”
“Please.” He whimpered before laying down in the darkness, still clutching his head as he cried, wishing the voices would stop.
“Legend?” That was Wild’s voice.
Why was he awake? Had he yelled out in his sleep and woken everyone? Or just Wild? Maybe Wild was already up.
Legend slowly opened his eyes and was met with Wild shaking his shoulders.
“Hey,” the cook smiled softly, “you okay? You were tossin’ ‘round.” Legend just nodded in response. Failing to find his voice, the boy resorted to signing.
“Did I yell out? Or wake you?” He signed. Wild shook his head. “No, 100 years was a good nap for me so I don’t sleep some nights.” The boy said, sitting next to Legend - who had sat up.
“Oh…” Legend trailed off.
“Wanna talk about it?” Wild asked, tilting his head to the side. Legend gave a dismissive wave. “Nah, just a stupid bad dream.” Legend said.
“Alright, but from now on: I’m your night-time buddy.” Legend tilted his head to the side as Wild stood up enthusiastically. “Can’t sleep? Come see me! Bad dream? Come see me! Wanna beat a bitch? Guess what?!? Come. See. Me.” Wild said the last few words sternly before laughing.
Legend chuckled too. “Thank Wild.” He nudged the boy’s shoulder as they both laughed.
They stared up at the sky in silence.
It was so peaceful that Wild hadn’t even noticed Legend passed out.
Once he did however, he let out a small chuckle before tucking the vet into bed. Wild looked outside before pulling out his slate.
“Three am.” He muttered before looking around the camp. “I could probably get a couple hours of sleep in before Twi wakes up.”
Yeah… he didn’t sleep.
The next night
The next night played out similarly, except Legend nor Wild could sleep.
So they opted to stay awake and walk around camp a little.
A week later
It had been a whole week since the last ‘sleeping-incident’ as Legend called it.
Tonight was another one.
“Wild.” Legend mumbled in his sleep. Said hero heard it and silently wondered what the other was dreaming about.
In Legend’s head, he was walking through a void.
Voices followed him.
The same from last time.
Except eight new voices had added themselves.
This was why Legend didn’t like getting attached.
He was always gonna leave everyone behind.
“Wild!” He called out to one of the voices.
“You left.” It whispered back. “So much for night-buddy, huh, Leg?” It whispered again.
Oh yeah!
How could he forget?
Legend shot up in bed and looked around.
Everyone was still here. Good.
He hadn’t abandoned them.
“Vet? You good?” Wild asked, causing Legend to basically jump out of his skin. 
“Y-yeah.” “Nightmare?” Legend shuddered. “Let’s just call them bad dreams.” He said flatly. Wild nodded and went over to Legend.
“You wanna talk about it yet?” Legend thought for a bit before answering with a soft nod. “Yeah.” He mumbled.
Wild grabbed his own blanket and wrapped it around the pair as Legend started to explain.
“So as everyone already knows, I have been on a… few adventures.” Legend said with a sigh. “Yeah, more than any of us.” Wild chuckled. Legend moved a little closer to the hero as he nodded. It was cold and the closer they were, the more blanket he could use.
“Basically, I left behind a lot of people.” He said, looking down. “I can only imagine how you feel.” Wild said, wrapping an arm around Legend. “I didn’t go on as many adventures as you so I doubt I left behind as many people that I cared about.” Legend could see the other hero’s eyes grow distant.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t be venting.” Legend said, making a move to get away. He felt…
He just vented to someone that felt like they let down a whole kingdom.
“No, it’s okay. I was trying to empathise with you and ended up getting lost in thought.” Wild chuckled as he ruffled Legend’s hair. “If you don’t want to talk though, I wont force you.” He said, moving to stand up but was stopped by Legend.
“I just felt guilty for making you think back.” He said, ducking his head.
Wild laughed quietly.
“Who gives a fuck about how it makes me feel? I sure don’t! This is Legend vent time! Not depressed Wild time!” The blue-clad hero laughed as he spoke. “If you want to vent,” he sat down again, “then by all means: vent!”
Legend nodded and wrapped the blanket around the pair, adding his too just in case one of them stole all the blanket from the other.
“Well, on my adventures, I saved the captured princess and travelled to a dark world, I ventured to the distant lands of Holodrum and Labryna to save the oracles, gaining the ability to control seasons and ages, I went into a dream world on the way back from one of them - I can’t quite remember which it was - and I fell in love with an amazing girl…” Legend looked down.
“What was she like?” Wild asked.
“She could sing like a goddess, looked as beautiful as one too, always managed to make me smile, she did.” Legend was beginning to sound like the Old man. He smiled fondly at the memory of Marin.
“Then I went to a whole other world. That’s when I met Ravio. Surprised he managed to leave after Hilda sent my Zelda and I back. The gateways were meant to close…” Legend trailed off once more.
“You feel like you left all those places behind, don’t you?” Wild asked. The red-clad boy nodded. “Mainly Koholint - the dream world.”
“Tell me about it.”
The boys conversed late into the night, even laughing about how places in Wild’s Hyrule were named after places and people Legend knew. Wild theorised that the wind fish told others about his dream and they decided to name places after it to commemorate a world a hero left behind.
It was gonna be another sleepless night.
Wow I had a lot of fun writing this.
It was a very interesting thing to write about lol.
I WILL WRITE ONLY ABOUT THE LINKS (including the ravio, shadow, the zeldas, and requested characters. Will not write about whole other fandoms though)
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Essek meta: the monster post
(Beware, long post incoming)
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I’ve been sitting on my thoughts on Essek for days, and pretty much all my asks have been on the subject. I decided that instead of answering them all, I’d do my best to gather all my thoughts and reasoning into one post.
At this stage, there’s no solid evidence for or against Essek’s goals and morals being opposed to the Mighty Nein’s. Circumstantial evidence, yes. He’s been very accomodating, but not necessarily suspiciously so. There have been small hints that maybe he’d rather do things the Mighty Nein’s way, not the Bright Queen’s.
And I will say this: prior to this episode, even good insight checks apparently revealed nothing alarming about Essek or his motives. They didn’t entirely absolve him of suspicion, but neither did they create more.
In fact, the main cause for concern this episode was that Essek’s behaviour seems to have changed. Nott says he was acting “funky,” which implies she was using her previous experience with him as a basis for comparison. She goes on to equivocate with “we haven’t seen him in a while...”
However (and this is going to be a bit controversial), I think people are being a bit wilfully blind in regards to Essek. Many, many metas pointing out that Essek may just be at the end of his rope, tired, and wanting someone to rely on (while hoping that he can do so on the Mighty Nein).
They’re all good, solid theories, and I hope that they’re true! But but in the end there are factors I’ve notice that make me reluctant to buy into it wholesale.
Nott asked Caleb to scry on Adeen, not Essek. If she was concerned about Essek in general, wouldn’t she ask to check in on him? Sure, you can say “Essek is a powerful wizard, he’s probably protected,” but you could say the same of a max security prisoner who’s being actively watched over. Caleb literally only turned the idea down because of that. Hell, even Nott knew that! She starts with, “would it be a terrible idea...” when she pitches scrying on Adeen. And yet, she suggested it anyway.
Nott must have thought there would be something to gain by looking at Adeen, which means this isn’t just about Essek’s demeanor. It’s about his relationship to Adeen specifically. She says, “Something about the way that he was behaving when we were at that prison was funny to me.”
It’s not just Essek being overworked or tired in general. It’s Essek on this specific matter. And no matter how drunk or silly Nott can be, she’s not stupid. She’s fucking smart. She was the second smartest member of the party until Beau got the circlet. Nott rarely brings up genuine, serious concerns, and she treated this with nervous gravity.
Obviously the players can misinterpret what they get from whispers, but I don’t think Matt leaves it so open to interpretation that Nott could notice things that point to simple (if extreme) stress and misinterpret it as Essek being shady.
Consider this, too: in the conversation leading up to Fjord’s “interrogation” of Adeen, Essek insists multiple times that they used various means to force the truth from Adeen, and that while Adeen initially insisted he had no idea what was going on (as any traitor would), “we managed to excise the truth, and the Taskhand has, ah, given his hand, if you will.”
And yet as soon as Fjord goes in there, Adeen displays confusion, distress, and readily admits that he has no idea what’s going on while confessing he does think he did things (that he also insists he would never do). How the hell would Essek & Co have missed that?
I suppose you could say that Adeen may have been answering pointed questions during interrogation, and they would have ignored any “I don’t know” type answers, but still. It’s a pretty big fucking thing to miss.
Essek didn’t immediately go to the Bright Queen with the information on Adeen, but he clearly intended to speak with her soon, and only put it off to see the Mighty Nein first. When the Nein propose that all of them go to see the Bright Queen together, Essek is enthusiastic, and prompts for them to go immediately, only waiting when the Nein express an interest in Adeen. He is again the one to prompt a meeting with the Bright Queen after returning from checking Adeen for a mark.
So, in my eyes, his decision to go to meet the Nein briefly before seeing the Bright Queen was not a reflection of his hesitancy to implicate or even condemn Adeen to the Bright Queen, but rather came from the knowledge that the Nein would have important and relevant information. As he said, he didn’t want to give information to the Bright Queen “piecemeal.” He’d rather wait and give her a full report. Waiting to see what the Nein had to offer fits in perfectly with that attitude.
Essek is very, very good at being non-defensive, rational, reasonable, and even agreeable. He listens to the Nein when they start theorising about Adeen possibly being under magical influence. He agrees to the points they make. He readily entertains their notions... without pushing any of them any further, and without putting forward HIS thoughts on the matter.
I don’t believe he was reluctant to throw Adeen under the bus. He didn’t bring up the mind control theory to the Bright Queen at all. Jester literally says, “I thought Essek would...” before launching into her “Adeen may not be guilty” pitch.
Nott’s insight was instigated on Essek’s return from checking Adeen for a mark,  though she clearly got insight as to his behaviour earlier in the prison as well. That may imply that Essek was not completely honest about his search of Adeen for evidence of mind control. 
Clearly, the mind control theory isn’t one Essek was personally enthused about.
Possibly relevantly, an anon pointed out:
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Rewatching the scene, anon is right. Yes, technically Adeen is banging his head against the wall, but he doesn't knock himself out. He “exhales” and starts snoring. And remember, Matt ruled that a creature willingly banging their own head against something wasn’t enough to fall unconscious. So... Adeen fell asleep? In the middle of a distressed, high emotion downward spiral? With Essek, a highly adept wizard, waiting and watching in the shadows? Hm. Could be innocent. It’s perfectly understandable that someone who’s been through as much mental, emotional, and physical duress as Adeen has would be exhausted. But in light of everything else I’m trying to unpack here, I though it was worth noting.
All of the suspicion of Essek is wrapped up with Adeen, and other relevant factors point to him not especially wanting Adeen to be absolved of guilt. This could mean many things: he’s the traitor, he has it out for Adeen specifically, he’s hiding some information he discovered relevant to Adeen, he just wants the search for the traitor to be over with. Who knows? But I certainly don’t believe Nott was simply observing high stress from his job.
In the end, the real evidence against Essek's guilt, to any degree, is his personality. Critters like him. The Nein like him. He’s been a helpful ally who everyone seems to fall head over heels for without Essek trying for that kind of reception (see Matt’s confusion at him being instantly labeled “hot boi”). People are eager to look to his personality, his current position, and give him sympathetic internal reasoning that is pure supposition.
Again, it’s good supposition! They’re good theories! But I don’t think you can discount or sweep under the rug the causes for concern so easily.
To be quite frank, we still have no solid evidence against Essek being the/a traitor, while we HAVE been given cause to doubt his complete innocence. The fandom bias towards him especially makes me a bit reluctant to accept the lenient answer straight off the bat. 
I think that there’s something more going on with him. I’m also not convinced he’s a traitor, especially not long term. There’s simply not enough for me to go off of in making up my mind. But I felt it was necessary to point out that the concern about Essek in this instance has real merit, and I wasn’t really seeing that brought up and discussed. 
So... here you go, I guess?
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empyreandarkling · 4 years
20-ish reading questions
Tagged by @drowning-inthe-feels (All my hearts 🖤🖤🖤)
1. Hardcover or paperback?
I prefer hardcover. I just find them more tactile, and I worry less about cracking the spines so much because they feel much less fragile. That, and hardbacks make a good and solid weapon for beating up people who interrupt you when you’re reading.
2. Pay or rent?
Pay. If I love it, I keep it. If I don’t? I’ll pass it on to someone I know who might appreciate it. Everyone is a winner, right?
3. Read in silence, or with music?
Silence. I can’t concentrate if stuff is happening when I read. I try to deeply immerse myself, so anything outside of the material itself is a distraction. Maybe I’m a bit scatterbrained, but outside stuff makes it hard for me to concentrate. Likewise with music, I like to dedeicate my full attention to the music. I can’t do both at once.
4. Standalone or series?
Both. Both is good. So long as I can get into it, whether there’s one book or many, I can always look up fanfiction if I don’t have enough book to satisfy, or if I’m up for some canon divergence.
5. Annotations or pristine pages?
Pristine pages. If I wanted notes in my margins, I’d go to Uni. Guess what? Not gonna.
6. E-book or physical copy?
Physical copy for books, but I’m not gonna lie, like 90% of my literary enjoyment is fanfiction. I’m a filthy escapist who is allergic to reality, and lives to lurk on A03.
7. Dog ears or bookmarks?
Bookmarks. Bookmarks are pretty and unique and... why would you not want them? They don’t even have to be actual bookmarks? Dried flowers, bits of ribbon. Anything’s a bookmark until you get into the Hannibal fandom.
8. Mismatched series or complete set?
Complete sets. Always. I like to understand what’s happening. Life’s a confusing mess of bullshit and involuntary shenanigans as it is without setting yourself up for backtracking and unnecessary questions.
9. Cover matters, or you don’t judge?
Honestly, covers start the intrigue for me. Unless I’m working off a direct recommendation or looking for more from a particular author, it’s all about what draws the eye. I don’t spend enough time in bookshops to handle perusing everything on display.
10. Lend books, or keep them to yourself?
I keep them to myself if they’re personal favourites, but I literally give books away if I’m not more than ankle deep in it myself. Everyone has different tastes, so it’s best to move the story on in hopes someone else will enjoy it more.
11. Enjoys lit classes, or despises them?
I despise them. I don’t like being told what to read, or how fast to read it, or how long I should linger on it when I’m done. It all comes down to mood, and I find overall, it’s easier and much less pressure to read recreationally.
12. Browses shops, or orders online?
Browses shops. When I’m online, I’m not browsing books, I’m devouring fanfiction.
13. Reads reviews, or goes in blind?
If I’m drawn by the cover, I’m going to read the summary and reviews. Going purely off aesthetics is never wise unless you’re deliberately looking for surprises. I’m not a fan of lucky dip with books. There’s far too much variety out there to take chances with personal preferences.
14. Unreturned books, or clean library record?
Guilty of deliberately liberating three specific trilogy books from my school library before moving as a brat teen. The school chased me to my new house via letter and I had to send them back, but I managed to track down shiny new replacements when I was old enough to have my own money, and I still have them to this day. The Forbidden Game trilogy by L. J. Smith.
15. Rereads, or once was enough?
I’m a re-reader, through and through. It might take me time to re-read, but if the mood strikes, I do pick the same things up to enjoy. Sometimes, after enough time has passed, old loves seem new, and there are little secrets you find on the second or third passing, that maybe never seemed significant on the first.
16. Fanfic enthusiast, or a stickler for canon?
Oh baby, fanfic. So much fanfic. Pry it from my cold, dead hands.
17. Deep reader, or easily distracted?
Deep reader. I’m downright ignorant when I am fully absorbed into a fictional world. Anyone who pulls me out of a good immersive experience better brace for hell, because it is Not Safe to interrupt me mid-read.
18. Must read the book before seeing the movie, or order doesn’t matter?
I prefer to watch movies first for books I haven’t read yet, because movies drop so many things or have to change elements to excuse things that don’t require explanation in books. I like to see the movies first because they tend to be the less convoluted of the two. I can then use the books to flesh out the world building and the back history without the inconvenience of being irritated that the movie dropped something significant.
19. Neat bookshelves, or messy bookshelves?
Neat bookshelves. Clutter is... distracting.
20. Skips ahead, or resists temptation?
21. Reads aloud, or in your head?
In my head. Aloud is too much like communication, and let’s just say I suck at that. So in my head, where the words can rattle around with all the good shit I use to entertain myself.
22. Guesses plot twists, or never sees them coming?
I do enjoy trying to predict what will happen just off of what cues I can pick up from the work itself. I do the same with movies and tv shows. It can be quite annoying, especially if I’m watching it with my mother and I theorise out loud.
If you would like to do this, I tag @bonbon-bun, @linddzz and @cryingbilldenbrough
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Day 11 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
Cooking. Cooking is fun as hell, but cooking for other people? Now that is just a seriously fun time. Especially in this household, there was a lot of people being catered for, and I know for some people that can make the entire process of cooking and testing recipes all the more fun. That’s how the sweetest butler of all time, Benjamin, felt right now. He inhaled over an experimental pot of stuffing happily, humming with delight as the herby aromas washed over him. However….Benjamin was not alone in the kitchen. It was agreed that no tasks would be set to one person alone, and ah….well, let’s just say that Benjamin and Mad Mike had some different opinions when it came to the culinary arts.
‘It looks like bird seed mushed up with moss.’
Benjamin gritted his teeth, letting out a huff at the man who was leaning in over his shoulder with his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the pan’s contents. Benjamin muttered as he stirred it about, trying not to feel insulted by Mike’s comment.
‘It does not! And just because the texture is different from other foods doesn’t make it any less delicious!’
Mike let out a disbelieving grumble, wrinkling his nose a tad, to him it was WAY too herby and just looked like dumpster mush. Don’t get Mike wrong, he liked working on all of this with Benjamin, he was a real classy gent who was fun to talk to and had a ton of good ideas….but his mind just wasn’t open to the fun of culinary stuff! Sure, everything had to be done right, but it wasn’t like this was Christmas Day, this was the time for experimentation and fun and trying wackier ideas! However, and Mike meant this in the kindest way possible, Benjamin kinda had a stick up his butt.
‘C’mon now, this is a time for experimenting and shit! Can’t we at least add a couple things to your mixture to see what happens?’
Benjamin huffed, his stirring of the stuffing getting a little faster as he pursed his lips. Now, don’t get him wrong, Benjamin had a serious respect for Mad Mike. Benjamin secretly felt inspired by all his unique recipes and ideas (especially pertaining to ice cream), and the fact that he was so enthusiastic about everything made Benjamin feel so overjoyed. However, to Benjamin, getting everything spot on and perfect for Christmas was the most important thing here; to Benjamin, that meant sticking to recipes that were tried and tested.
‘This recipe is tried and tested and has been deemed perfect, I will not make any changes, and that’s my final word on the matter Mike!’
Mike blinked a few times, feeling a bit taken aback at how close Benjamin got to nearly….snapping at him. He went quiet and stepped away for a moment, leaning against one of the nearby counters. Before he could get too disheartened though, a certain adorable, globular being nudged his hand. Mike developed a soft, crooked smile.
‘Heya bud, what’s up?’
Mike cooed softly, which made Gooper yip and roll across the counter by a few inches, where Mike now noticed he’d organised all of the kitchen’s spices….in the order of a rainbow. Mike snickered gently and shook his head, damn he was a cute enigma.
‘Thahat’s beautiful buddy, has anyone ever told ya you’re an organisation master?’
Gooper wiggled and ended up letting out some bashful, giggling noises at the compliments; he also eagerly nuzzled against Mike’s fingers when he offered then. Mike wasn’t sure what it was, maybe Gooper’s affections, but he felt his disheartened state start to leave him in favour of a clearer brain.
‘Dang cutie….’
Mike whispered, coaxing out some more happy giggly gurgles, before Gooper shuffled off to go and organise more stuff. Mike let out a soft sigh as he rubbed his forehead, before glancing at Benjamin in his peripheral. The guy looked so…tense. Also, now Mike was thinking about it….one of the things Benjamin had said really started to stick out to him. Mike nibbled the inside of his cheek, before making his internal decision, and shuffling back over to the butler. Mike gently placed a hand on one of his upper arms as he cleared his throat and muttered.
‘Hey uh….c-could ya take that off the heat and turn the gas off for a minute? I want to ask you something…’
Mike had a theory in his head on why Benjamin was so adamant and why he was acting the way he was acting, but he had to be sure. Benjamin furrowed his eyebrows at Mike, particularly when he saw the concerned look on his face, but turned off the gas safely and moved the stuffing away carefully as he replied.
‘What is it?’
Mike took a deep breath, here goes nothing.
‘When you said that this recipe had uh…been “deemed perfect”…uh, deemed perfect by who?’
Mike’s suspicion, his theory…it was a pretty horrible one, and he was really hoping he was wrong…but when Benjamin exhibited a tremble and bowed his head, Mike knew he’d hit the nail right on the head.
‘M-My mas-…uh, f-former master…’
Mike’s eyes softened. He’d heard a lot about this previous master from the other egos, and frankly he sounded like an absolute shit stain. Mike sighed as he realised that, even after time and a new home and new company, Benjamin still hadn’t quite moved on. He hadn’t moved on from working to someone else’s high standards and being afraid to deviate for fear of reprimandment.
‘I-I’m s-sorry I just…I-I still think about h-how he wanted things, how h-he asked for things to be done. Soon, with everything, it just felt like th-there was only one method, one way, a-and anything other than that…’
Benjamin gulped and shuddered…he tried not to think of him, he always tried so hard, but sometimes the memories just wouldn’t stay tucked away, the fear wouldn’t stay tucked away.
‘…i-it just wasn’t an option.’
Mike clenched his jaw before pulling Benjamin into a tight hug, making his voice as strong and steady as he could as he spoke.
‘Now you listen to me. He’s gone. You don’t have anyone to answer to anyone, ever. You can do things however you want, and I swear to you, nothing bad is going to happen if you decide to do things differently. I promise.’
The butler’s eyes widened as he let out a shaky breath, but immediately wrapped his arms around Mike and nestled his face into his shouder….to be held like this was exactly what he needed. He stuttered softly as he nodded, replying to Mike softly.
‘I-I know, I-I do…I-I’m so sorry M-Mike, thank you…’
‘Shhhh shh it’s okay, it’s all okay.’
Mike rubbed the man’s back as they hugged for a few minutes, Mike relishing in how he felt the tension leaving Benjamin’s body gradually the longer he had the butler in his arms. When they finally did part, Mike smiled up at him broadly.
‘Now, will you say something for me?’
Benjamin nodded, wiping one of his eyes residually as he nodded. Mike then cleared his throat.
‘Okay, repeat after me: I, Benjamin…’
Mike grinned and paused, which spurred Benjamin to smile and mumble.
‘I-I Benjamin…’
Mike’s eyes gleamed playfully as he continued…with the most beautiful, sassy demeanour known to man.
‘…am a strong independent butler who don’t need no master!’
Benjamin spluttered and hid his mouth with his hand as he burst into giddy giggles, before clearing his throat and bowing his head….his smile not dying down for even a second as his voice gained strength with every new word.
‘A-Am a s-strong independent butler wh-who don’t need no master!’
Benjamin then carried on giggling, he generally wasn’t a sassy person, he was usually very measured with the way he spoke….but he had to admit he loved talking with that added drama. Mike cocked his head at the giggling man, and his grin became very fond.
‘Y’know you’ve got some cute giggles there.’
Mike mused as he playfully elbowed the butler in his side, since Benjamin’s giggles were very gorgeous with how unrefined and giddy they seemed. Benjamin of course smiled bashfully and went to thank Mike for the sweet compliment….and he’d have gotten through it coherently too, if it weren’t for that elbow.
‘O-Oh, well thank you I-EEP!’
There was silence. Eye contact. Gulping. Smirking.
‘…uh oh…’
Mike gasped with evil glee at his discovery, and felt particularly giddy when Benjamin started to instinctively back away from him, spluttering frantically.
‘U-Uh, w-we should r-really focus on the stuffing! O-Or in f-fact a new stuffing, y-you can t-take the lead if you like!’
He had to change the subject. Benjamin had to change the subject, he was too ticklish for words and with Mike’s wild demeanour he dreaded to think of how evil a tickler he’d be! However, he wouldn’t have to theorise for long. Mike was chuckling as he shook his head fondly at the butler; his number one priority, right now, was to coax out more giggles from the cute butler.
‘Fuck the stuffing, you’re all I can focus on now.’
Mike darted forwards with a cackle, wasting no time in delivering tickly scratches to Benjamin’s sides. Of course, Benjamin let out a series of squeaks before attempting to scamper away from the evil digits, nervous giggles pouring from him all the while.
‘D-Dohohon’t doho thahat! Mihike! Dohon’t tihickle!’
Mike only snickered, keeping up with Benjamin easily as he started essentially chasing him around the room, his fingers still scratching and tickling haphazardly.
‘Oh but you look so sweet! Sweeter than the strawberriest strawberry ice cream!’
Benjamin’s cheeks flushed as he pushed at Mike’s hands, stuttering indignantly at that frankly unnecessary teasing.
‘N-Nohoho I-Ihihi juhust lohook sihilly!’
Benjamin was trying not to let himself get distracted by the teasing, he was already stumbling enough as it is but god forbid what would happen if Mike managed to trap him in any way. Meanwhile, Mike had started strategically tickling Benjamin towards the nearest wall as he cooed.
‘So? Silly is cute! Silliness looks particularly cute on you I have to say.’
Benjamin’s jaw dropped as his blush creep down his neck, he was so unused to such teasy kindness that it was just flustering to no end! Then…he suddenly found Mike pinning him to the wall with a smirk on his face as he dug into his sides, making him cry out with mirth.
Mike snickered, relishing as Benjamin writhed between him and the wall whilst laughing his heart out. Mike had to admit, Benjamin looked pretty damn cute like this all mirthful and dishevelled. Mike purred as he leaned in close to the sweet butler.
‘Ahahaaaww, you just can’t take it can you? You’re just a ticklish little dear aren’t you?’
Benjamin squeezed his eyes shut as he batted at Mike weakly, bending almost double as Mike’s wiggling fingers just broke him apart; with the never ending teasing too, it made the poor man more and more desperate.
Mike cocked his head at Benjamin fondly, before crooning.
‘Awww I’m sorry, does it tickle too much here? Did you want me to go somewhere else? Why I’d be happy to!’
Mike chuckled, and let his fingers glide to Benjamin’s tummy where they scratched speedily. As soon as those tickles reached his tummy, Benjamin let out quite the squeal before crumpling to the floor like his entire system had just shut down on him.
Benjamin had a frightfully ticklish tummy, and since it was on the leaner side Mike had no trouble in tickling every inch of it at high speed. Benjamin had his eyes squeezed shut and a grin across his face as he tried to curl up, but Mike was quick to follow him down to the floor….and lie on top of him. He was not giving up on this tickling so easily, he just thought Benjamin was so cute.
‘Aww but why not? I mean, since you’re laughing so much I figured you were loving the tickles!’
Mike crooned as he continued his scratching, and Benjamin just flushed beet red. He was overwhelmed with flusteredness as he shook his head, Mike’s suggestion was entirely uncalled for and had no real factual basis for it to possibly be accurate! Benjamin absolutely wouldn’t say that he was loving this…although…he didn’t dislike it, he wasn’t going articulate that though.
Benjamin cried as he threw his head back with his mirth, the corners of his mouth crinkling up with his wide smile. Mike snickered down at him fondly, before musing in a teasy tone in reply.
‘My goodness that’s a big word there! I must not be tickling you properly!’
Benjamin’s eyes snapped open and went wide as he looked up at Mike, who was smirking evilly; honestly he was just trying to grasp any excuse possible to carry on tickling the guy. Before Benjamin could even try to ask for mercy, Mike let all ten of his fingers vibrate against the butler’s lean belly, which made him cry out cutely.
Benjamin was writhing as his laughter boomed out from him, and tears started to build in his eyes as his poor nerves were tormented. Currently he was wondering what on earth he did to deserve this and why Mike was so intent on continuing to tickle him, I mean, the whole thing was just beyond embarrassing! Mike meanwhile, as he tickled, was actually becoming quite….enthralled. Mike found himself looking at Benjamin with a hint of awe at how lovely he looked, especially with his wide, handsome smile.
‘Awwww who’s a ticklish little Benjabooo?’
Mike couldn’t help but coo down at Benjamin with a giggle, wanting to draw out more sweet smiles and reactions from the ticklish man…and he was well rewarded. Benjamin’s arms and legs flailed haphazardly as the man let out a rather dramatic, flustered wail.
Mike’s eyes lit up…so he was flustered by nicknames huh? Mike chuckled to himself, and decided to ease up on the tummy tickling. Not only did he do this to let Benjamin breathe….but this was also so that he could ramp up the teasing to maximum.
‘Don’t call you Benjaboo? Hmm, what about Benjabub? Oooor Benjabubby, or Benjabumpkin? What about Bennyboop?’
Benjamin whined as Mike got right into his face as he crooned, spurring him to hide his own face in his hands out of embarrassment from all the teasy, cutesy taunting. Benjamin always found that nicknames flustered him, especially if they were silly or playful, nicknames just sent him into a tizzy.
‘N-Nohone ohof thohohooose! Th-They’re soho embarrassing!’
Mike merely snickered fondly.
‘Well duh that’s the point! If you don’t pick one, then I guess I’ll just have to use all of them….in front of everyone…’
Benjamin let out a flustered squeak into his hands as he peeked up Mike…looking at him with his smirking and chuckling told the butler that Mike would certainly make good on his word if he didn’t pick a nickname. Benjamin whined as he hurried to think to himself, but all the options were just so embarrassing and gave him so many flustery butterflies! Benjamin nibbled his bottom lip for a few moments as his mind raced….then settled. It still made him blush, but one nickname was better than an infinity of them. He cleared his throat, and replied bashfully.
‘W-Well…I-Ihi suppose….Benjabooisn’ttooawful…’
Mike grinned broadly, practically lighting up with joy as he exclaimed.
‘Benjaboo it is! Cutesy and sweet, just like you!’
Mike booped Benjamin’s nose with a smug little giggle, making the butler scrunch up his face and lightly pout up at his teaser.
‘Why must you t-tease me?’
Benjamin’s voice was meek and flustered, which made Mike smile less evilly and more genuinely as he gazed down at him. Truthfully, there was only one resonating thought in Mike’s mind. The thought that had made him carry on teasing and carry on tickling….Benjamin was at his most beautiful, when he was happy. Mike cleared his throat softly, he couldn’t say his raw thought of course, so he stuck to being teasy.
‘Because you’re a cutie when you get blushy and all smiley, and especially since that sweet smile of yours is so rarely seen…’
Benjamin’s blush was practically creeping down his neck by this point…but now that the tickling had completely ended, his was gaining a glimmer of confidence back, as well as some coherency of thought. As he looked up at him, Benjamin found himself feeling quite taken by Mike’s broad grin and playfulness. So, Benjamin figured he’d bite back a tad.
‘I-I could say the same about you, you have a pretty darling smile…’
Mike froze, blinking a few times in surprise. All of a sudden, that domineering demeanour faltered and made way for a far more bashful Mad Mike. He ran a hand through his hair as he let out a light laugh, the compliment had definitely caught him off guard…and his cheeks had gone a pretty pink too.
‘Oh….heh….well uh, th-thanks…’
He muttered quietly, which made Benjamin develop a gleaming, cheeky grin as he murmured cheekily.
‘Who’s the blushy one now?’
Mike’s eyes widened, and he felt the heat growing on his face, he couldn’t have that! He was the tickler, the flusterer, the teaser! He narrowed his eyes down at the butler and leant down nose to nose with him, growling.
‘Y-You shut up!’
‘Why don’t you make me?’
Benjamin purred in reply, his heart racing as he felt Mike’s warm breath on his face; Benjamin nibbled his lip as the sweet scent of vanilla ice cream filled his senses. Benjamin’s breaths were shaky as they both went quiet, locking eyes with one another. Mike was frozen in place as he looked down at Benjamin, who was just so bold and beautiful and…perfect. Neither of them were sure what spurred them both to lean in, but the results made them both very, very happy. They kissed. It began haphazardly of course and a tad fast, but they soon slowed it down into a connection that was soft and warm and made them both smile. After a few moments they parted to catch their breath, and Mike whispered with a giggle.
‘Mmmm, maybe we should have you for Christmas dinner-’
‘Oh sh-shush!’
Mike chuckled warmly at Benjamin, who had his lips pursed cutely. Mike pecked them, once, twice, three times, four times.
‘I think you like my teasing though…’
Benjamin let out a whine, before breaking into a smile and muttering.
‘Mayhaps, but if you keep teasing me with pecked kisses alone then I may lose my marbles…’
Mike snorted, and happily obliged. This new flaming connection was glorious of course, though instead of it being hot it was more like a tender warmth. Also, I think we can all surmise that from then on there were far fewer conflicts in the kitchen…and infinitely more freedom.
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The Doctor’s Workshop: The Prologue
From some time, from some place beyond the veil of worlds, an untraceable signal is being broadcast across the realm of Fantasy. One cannot easily tune into it intentionally; those who do accomplish this feat accidentally, often when tuning their radio or television in search for another station. Those who only receive the signal audibly only hear a slightly shrill and subtly unhinged voice whose accent implies its owner to be from the British Isles from at least one iteration of Earth. Those with visuals see a thin, Caucasian man dressed in a red waistcoat and white, long-sleeved shirt, with a pair of peculiarly tinted goggles - red and blue respectively, like the tint of vintage 3D glasses - obscuring his eyes and giving off an eerie glow. The man, whose face was contorted into a welcoming if rather deranged grin, stands in front of a blackboard, where a somewhat enthusiastic hand has written ominously, "THE DOCTOR IS IN!!!"
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"Greetings, people and likewise of the Imagiverse! It is I, Doctor Innovatium, discoverer of the elusive element Innovatium and somewhat of a legend, if I'm right, in universal scientific circles. You may or may not have heard of me or my contributions to the fields of science and technology; indeed, it is likely you know not of either and are wondering who this rambling fellow is! In which case, I will give you a brief rundown;
"In the 1895th year of Earth, London, I had discovered the life blood of the universe; a peculiar substance that serves both as a near-infinite power source and a... dampener of the fabric of reality, or, to put it another way, a space-time hallucinogen. You see, the force of Reality is not as binary as you would think, but rather an analogue quality, so that there are things that are more real than others. What Innovatium invokes is what I've labelled hyper-fantasy, an extreme level of non-reality which does away with the conventional laws of physics and logic and-
"Oh, look at me ramble! Sorry, the nature of the Imagiverse is such a fascinating subject for me, I tend to lose myself. Anyway, I discovered this peculiar element and wasted no time experimenting with its capabilities. With its reality-bending properties, I found it could open many doors to realising the scientific fictions that occupied the minds of many back in those days, what with the Secret of Flight and so forth. I had even hypothesised the use of Innovatium to power our locomotives, although I never saw that patent be accepted by the Bureau.
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"Then came the faithful night I finished constructing my then-latest invention, a portal that could transport one to the Realm of Fantasy, which I had theorised to exist in tandem with the Realm of Reality we knew back then. I'm... afraid I'm rather blurry on the details of the occurrence, but I know that one moment I had been turning on the portal, next thing I was here, in the same workshop I had been in prior, but unable to leave! Thankfully, it meant I could continue my research without the interference of third-parties, and so I have been living here for the past... well, I'm not too sure how long I've been here, time seems to avoid this place, but I have been living here a long time since, isolated from the rest of the universe I now know to be the Realm of Fantasy; the Imagiverse.
"... Well, that wasn't as brief as it should have been, but never mind. I shall get straight to the point; for a long time now, I have hidden from the rest of the Imagiverse, tinkering and tinkering, letting my name become a mere legend among those few who have peered through the veils of their worlds. Today - that is, the point of time that I am transmitting from - that will no longer be the case. I am officially establishing communications with whoever receives this transmission, and this is how you may establish contact-"
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"Dad, what're you doing?"
Doctor Innovatium pauses, turning to his left where his daughter, Alice, was standing in the doorway, her chrome-like face bearing the expression of intrigued suspicion. He had devised many contraptions during his time in this isolated bubble, but not one of those miraculous devices could take his daughter's place as his most prized creation. Time being what it is here, he could not remember exactly when he had the sudden longing for companionship or when he had acted upon that longing to devise his first artificial lifeform, but he was already thinking that she had been with him forever, as if the years before didn't matter anymore. It was a pity the visual recording apparatus would not be able to record her likeliness, as the people were missing out on the chance to gaze upon her metallic beauty.
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"I'm in the middle of a transmission at the moment, Alice," he replied, in a tone considerably more soft than when he had been addressing his imaginary audience. "I did tell you of my plans, didn't I?"
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"Well, I thought you weren't seriously going through with it," she responded curtly. "Do you seriously think anyone would be able to receive that transmission? We're too far away from any worlds for their radios and stuff to be able to pick it up! How many people are you expecting to respond?"
Doctor Innovatium sighs, leaning towards the recording apparatus, a complicated contraption with an eerily-realistic eye fitted onto a large, telescope-like appendage. He turns a dial on a panel fitted into the device, and those watching (or listening) are denied the ability to hear the conversation.
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"Alice," the Doctor says, kneeling in front of his daughter so that they were eye-to-eye. "This is no ordinary transmitter, as I'm sure you may have guessed. When a radio - or for that matter, an antique television - is adjusted to any frequency that does not correspond to a worldly channel, they play static, is that not so? Do you ever wonder why you get static instead of, say, nothing at all? It's because it's receiving signals from a plethora of different sources, some perhaps light years away from their planet. What I'm broadcasting right now will ride on the cosmic frequencies of the Imagiverse, so it will be possible for anyone to receive it. Now, I'm not saying that everyone will be able to; I suspect that it will only be decipherable on select and special circumstances, or perhaps it will depend on their equipment. That, in turn, may actually make it easier for us, eh?
"Besides," continued the Doctor, "you're always wanting to interact with the outside world, which I can understand. It can be very lonely here, save for the company of our, hah, assistants. Perhaps you can take this opportunity to finally talk with the Imagiverse, maybe make some friends!" His smile returns, albeit warmer. "Now, may I please finish my transmission?"
Alice looked down to her feet before looking back up to her father with a stern expression. "And you'll let me talk with the outside world?"
Eyes towards the eccentric camera, then back at the Doctor. "Okay."
The Doctor pats his daughter on the shoulder, his grin widening. "Brilliant." With that, he positively strides back to the device with a single step, turns the dial back and continues.
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"As I was saying, upon receiving this transmission, you will be in the possession of a device you didn't have before. Where you may find said device will depend; it may be on a counter, it may be next to a computer-like contraption of yours, or it may perhaps have materialised before you as you are listening. Either way, you will know it to be a gift of mine; it will enable you to establish contact with us from your world. Simply take it to a device that you wish to contact us with, and it will make some... Modifications to said device. I've designed it to be exceptionally versatile, so you can leave all the efforts to the device.
When the modifications have been made, you will be able to contact me," the Doctor turns to his daughter, who is watching him with her arms crossed, before adding, "and my daughter at any time. You may ask us any questions you may have, although I beseech you keep any... intimate questions you have for my daughter to yourself. She is still, at least in my eyes, quite young, so I will not tolerate any amorous advances-"
"Oh come on, dad!"
"- that you may make towards Alice. Anyway, I believe that all points have been accomplished for this broadcast, so I shall end the transmission here. I look forward to hearing from the people and likewise of the Imagiverse and to finally step out of the mists of legend and into the public eye once more. So for now, adieu, auf wiedersehen, farewell."
Silence. The transmission concludes, at least for the time being. Those who listen through the transmission would receive the device, and if they choose, they would use it to contact the mysterious Doctor and his daughter. It is uncertain the number of recipients that would respond, but considering the expanse of the Realm of Fantasy, it pays to be optimistic, at least on the part of the Doctor. _____________________________
And so starts the blog! Hello, Tumblr, this is @adamskelecoot​, coming at ya with my first roleplaying blog. I've been devoting quite some time into getting this ready, what with creating the icons for both characters, and am proud to announce this ship ready to sail. The roleplay (at least, on my side) will include originally crafted icons drawn by yours truly (with borders sourced elsewhere - see Sources page). Usage of said icons will start off as liberal for now, as most of the planned icons are still in production, but the ones I have made so far should suffice for now. I look forward to seeing how this project will pan out. I would like word to spread about my new blog, so any voluntary act of promotion is greatly appreciated, as long as you @ this blog. That's all I can say atm, so make sure to check out the pages on my blog, especially the Rules page, and I'll see you in the Workshop!
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intruality-overlord · 5 years
Sander Sides OCs!
I came up with some possible ideas for a future side. Not all of these are a serious predictions (well none of them really), I was just coming up with characters for fun and these guys are more likely to be found in my own mind rather than Thomas's. If there was serious theorising behind a character, I'd explain it. I'm making all of them with an orange colour theme because the next side will most likely be orange. I haven't come up with names for any of them and I'd love if you guys would help me name them!
(Please excuse my people drawing skills and I could only be bothered to draw their faces.)
Suppression (or Censor)
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  Everyone calls them Bleeper
  Bleeper stops anything they deem that shouldn't be said being said. This can include many things from swearing, to stopping Patton from learning what adultery means, to sharing unpleasant feelings and insecurities, venting. They are the master of keeping secrets. Sometimes, they have false alarms and stops formation that should have been said: like stopping Thomas from venting to his friends about his problems.
  They have an ability similar to deceit's shut people up expect he just bleeps and makes a censor bar appear. Essentially if this character existed, the censor bars wouldn't be editing it would be happening in real life.
  (You could say Bleeper was responsible for keeping the side's names a secret until the appropriate time by making their text tones go off during the QnA.)
  Bleeper is mute, he can't speak, only bleep cutting people off and annoying them. Sometimes they'll bleep someone while they're talking so what they're saying ends up sounding... inappropriate just for fun.
  They do know sign language, but they'd rather have sweater paws 24/7 so...
  In childhood, Bleeper's role was very useful to protect Thomas's innocence, but as he grew older, Bleeper's role started to shift. Because of this, Patton and the others used to be good friends, but in adulthood, Bleeper drifts more to side with Deceit. While they refuse to fabricate falsehoods (and essentially can't really), it's their specialty to rely on lies of omission. This makes Bleeper and Deceit best friends and Deceit is the only one who knows his name. Patton still appreciates their mutual disapproval of swearing while everyone else doesn't care anymore. Logan and especially don't get along with Bleeper, seeing as they are an accomplice in Deceits schemes and gets in the way of the truth. And Virgil would too if it weren't for the fact he's the only one who can successfully shut up Remus (it still takes a lot of effort to do but he can).
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  Blithe doesn't care about anything. He doesn't have the ability to care. Similar to the idea of Apathy, but he can be enthusiastic about certain things. But he is careless and reckless, and consequently, self destructive.
  Blithe comes across as with an uncanny valley presentation of cheerfulness. (Imagine Patton but just... off.)
  Blithe is the kind of person who would actually go through with Remus's suggestions out of pure curiosity. He would refrain from any ideas that would harm others, but if he himself was at risk he wouldn't care. So he would totally jump out of a moving vehicle. Remus really likes him for this reason cause he actually listens to him seriously. The other sides would need to keep them seperate because of this which would upset Remus, but it was necessary unless he learns to not blurt his ideas out. Patton would adopt them and try their hardest to keep them out of harms way. If Logan wanted to do an experiment and needed someone's help, he would always ask Blithe as they're always a willing test guinea pig and just as curious.
  When he's tired, it's not uncommon for him to silently cry but just casually carry on as he was before. His carelessness can come across as laziness, like in the way he can never be bothers to have more than one open at a time, or only ever half smiles. He's rather clumsy too, especially without his depth perception most of the time.
Remus: What if you stuck your finger in a power socket?
Blithe: That's a great idea!
Logan: No that's a bad idea don't do that!
Blithe: But why not?
Logan: You will seriously injure yourself—
Blithe: Yeah, but like, why not?
(I had the idea for this side a while ago and they would've encapsulated intrusive thoughts, but since Remus happened I find it fitting that they'd just be best buds.)
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(Or aggression I just thought Animosity sounded cooler)
  If any side were to be a true dark side, it would be them. Animosity is an inner, primal instinct to hunt and fight. He is a inhuman fury that boils in your core.
  Yes, Patton encapsulates all emotions including anger, but Animosity is a potent explosive form of anger and hatred that is unrecognisable from anything Patton could ever experience.
  When Thomas or the sides bottle up their emotions, it all get channeled into Animosity and converted into a bubbling concoction of frustration and rage. Animosity and Bleeper don't get along for this reason as Bleeper is partially responsible for people bottling, and internalising everyone's emotions isn't exactly pleasant.
  This adds to Animosity's constant struggle to keep himself under control and as composed as possible. Animosity is that part in everyone who craves to murder whoever hurts their friends.
  All the sides are afraid of them. They have to be careful with their words if they dare talk to them. Animosity has no outlet so it's incredibly hard for them to not lash out. But if they do like you... the most they'll ever be is vaguely polite while every word they say grits through their grinding teeth.
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