#I guess I write sonic fanfic now. That is what I do
pollyannawog · 2 years
THE CHAOTIX IN: The "Mystery" of the Lost Princess
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flightyalrighty · 2 months
I think you saying that you mainly ship sonadow just made my day along with the fact you go "hell yeah" about it 😭😭
I have some questions
1) Why do you like the ship? I like it because of the whole opposites attract thing
2) I like to think of Sonic and Shadow having that sort of "rivals to lovers" trope and opposite attract as said before, which idk if it applies to you because everyone ships things differently so
If you were to do any comic media about them, how would you do it?
3) Do you think about doing more art about them in the future?
I'm sorry for the questions about the ship I just like that fact that my one of my favorite sonic comic artists ships my personal favorite ship, along with surgamy lmao
Since I can't do images anonymously, here's a bug playing saxophone
I'd say it's less that they're opposites for me and more like they're two sides of the same coin. Also I guess because I grew up with Archie Sonic and there's a lot there. Like, it's a WHOLE different dynamic than game!Sonadow (like for instance they were way more like allies than rivals in that comic) and that's what stuck with me -- But I like that they can rely on each other in a way that feels different than friendship. And they can travel together and stuff. Sonic has been all over the world and Shadow might still be trying to discover this planet Maria loved so much. He can be shown the beauty and joy of life on Earth Mobius Unnamed Planet. Does that make any sense at all? I'm sleepy. Also! I like the idea of Shadow just like. Trying to integrate himself within Sonic's friends and family (Tails). He's the only one who'd have this problem btw. Everyone else is chill (except Knuckles maybe).
I was privately writing a fanfic that i shared with my friends that was like, "Aaahhh it's (I think it was 6 total?) years into the future, but ONE year into the future Sonic and Shadow had a jewish wedding bc i hc Shadow as jewish (bc i hc the robotnik family as jewish) and Eggman has been straight up sent to prison by G.U.N. and things are great for a while and there's peace but THEN with Eggman out of the way, G.U.N. does a full-scale invasion on the whole world to "bring order" to a world they find irredeemably chaotic USING Eggman who is now forced to work under them to make weapons of war. Shadow immediately leaves G.U.N. out of disgust and as a cruel "punishment" for this, Sonic gets captured by G.U.N. and turned into their own living weapon. For five years Shadow and Tails, who now consider each other their only family (I won't get into what happened with Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Omega rn) are trying to survive under this horrible regime and rebelling where they can BUT Shadow is completely heartbroken and sabotages bigger and more dangerous G.U.N. operations in order to lure Sonic out and accepting less help from allies as the years continue on and he's still unable to find and save blue hedgehog husband. He returns to Tails with more and more injuries that Tails has to fix up and there's a lot of yelling. So I guess I like angsty sonadow? But I don't know if I'd turn that fanfic into a comic. But if I made a sonadow comic, that would be the one.
Someone would need to chop off my hands to stop me from making more sonadow art (eventually)
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theflashdriver · 11 months
Birthday-versary (A Sonic 06 Anniversary Fanfic)
Despite outside appearances, Sonic didn't really consider himself the partying sort. Sure, whenever a party happened he'd show up for a while, but the blue blur would never linger long. He'd grab some grub, share some laughs, and then speed off before things could get stale. Sometimes that meant hanging around for five minutes, sometimes he'd last up to an hour, but rarely if ever would the hedgehog linger till the end of such an event. Perhaps that was why no one ever invited him to help set up a party. Well, he'd hadn't been until today.
Sonic the hedgehog was stood looking out at the sea, his foot tapping against a varnished wooden deck and stomach only slightly churning. His fear of water was usually quelled by the security of a vehicle, frequent flights in the Tornado had more than proven that to him, but there was something different in the air today. It wasn't that the boat he stood upon was constructed by Marine the Raccoon, he'd rode her vessels before too. They hadn't even left port yet; the anchor was buried in the depths and the ship was bound to the dock. The waves weren't even splashing high! No, this present discomfort was something else.
Well, he had already spent his social quota and partying at sea meant no escpae, Maybe things were that-
"Need some help Sonic?" A familiar voice asked, arriving to lean against the taffrail beside him, "Looks like you're working way too hard."
"Hey Ames, how's it going?" He worked up a smirk, turning to her, "Is that all the baking done?"
"Just iced the last layer of the cake, but the host insisted on preparing a couple of things by her lonesome and sent me off on an investigation," She relayed, a smug look claiming her muzzle, "We couldn't help noticing the tables haven't been set."
"Oh, really?" Sonic feigned ignorance, leaning back against the ship's wooden railing.
"Yes," Amy hummed, "It seems someone went to the effort of getting the tables tables and chairs from the palace, tossed a table cloth over each, and then just dumped all the cutlery and placemats on top before calling it a day. They didn't even get the glasses from below deck."
"I wonder who did that," The blue hedgehog had to look away.
"I have my suspicions," He felt Amy push in closer.
"I guess we'll never know..." He half sang, a hand in his quills.
Sonic felt a hand on his chest, both pinning him in place and pulling his gaze back to her. The pink hedgehog still had an apron on, worn over her red dress, that instructed him to kiss the cook in writing that was overly speckled with hearts. She'd pulled her quills back into a ponytail for the work, but just one quill had slipped astray of her scrunchie. An icing smudge marked her left cheek, on that same side. She was leaning in much too close, now walking her fingers up to his shoulder; a game had begun.
"I could see myself to finishing that work, taking on that important task abandoned by a certain somebody..." Her fingers stopped just before the left side of his collarbone, "But I'd want them to do something for me in exchange."
"Oh? "In that moment, Sonic saw his opportunity, "And just what would you want that hypothetical person to do?"
Before she could answer, Sonic reached to cup the pink girl's cheek. With a brush of his thumb the icing mark was removed, their eyes locked and he caught the sparkle in her emerald eyes. He ever so deftly reached with his index and middle fingers to push back that stray quill, looping it into taut green ribbon at the back of her head.
"Marry me?" She breathlessly asked.
Seizing her moment of surprise, the blue blur slipped out from the pink hedgehog's grasp to spin around and position her against the boat's edge with his hand now shifted to her shoulder, "That's a real steep price for forgetting some placemats, I don't think I can make that deal Amy."
"Oh, so now you're admitting to shirking your duties," She rolled her eyes.
"Well yeah," He smirked wider, "I'm winning."
"Of course you are," She smothered a laugh, her gaze dropping, "You're entirely at ease."
"What's that supposed to mean? I totally am," He leaned in further, managing to relock their eye contact.
"You've totally not been hiding over here, dodging the work you promised would be no sweat, because you're overthinking spending some time at sea," That truth was followed by another, "That and, well, the energy on deck is admittedly a little tense. Doesn't seem like your scene, at least at the moment."
Ah, perhaps that was the real reason he'd retreated to the bow of the ship. The vibes on the ship had been positively electric at first, but tension had travelled like chain lightning from one person to another. Today's host was the original source of that shift, no number of passing jokes had seemed able to quell the anxiety plainly bubbling within her. That much was to be expected from most party hosts, but the guardian of the Sol Emeralds seemed rather new to this particular duty. An overthinking Blaze on a very wooden boat was an undeniably dangerous combination.
"You're not wrong," He confessed, though put on his strongest smirk yet, "But, I mean, between us, I am winning right now."
"I don't know about that either. I'm exactly where I want to be," Now her eyes were sparkling again, "And you're exactly where I'd want you."
The wind fully dropped from his sails as his hand left her shoulder. When it came to Amy, even winning meant he'd lose, just a little. Sonic swivelled around to lean beside her again.
"Alright Ames, let's cut to the chase," Maybe he had won now, she looked annoyed that he'd left that position, "What's happened and what do you actually want me to do?"
"I might have tried to calm Blaze down, only to end up making things worse," She admitted through gritted teeth, "She really wants Silver's surprise party to go well..."
Ah yes, the reason they were all here, Silver's birthday. Invitations from Blaze had arrived atop the Master Emerald a little more than a week ago, along with requests for specific aid from some individuals. Knuckles and Tails had seen to delivering Blaze's writs and everyone from Vector to Big had agreed to attend and offer their aid in setting up a surprise party of the psychic. A boat based shindig with music, fireworks, and food.
"I've got to be honest, he doesn't seem the type to care all that much for parties in general. I'm kind of shocked she even thought to do this, neither of them are the partying sort," Sonic recalled aloud, "Ninety percent of the time they're all duty and justice and hard working. It's only the ten percent of the time that we see them around each other that I'd say they're anything close to social."
"That was my thought too, I tried to get her to sit down for a while and relax, leave this to us," Her gritted teeth turned into a full blown grimace, "That went..."
"Poorly?" Sonic suggested.
"Poorly," She confirmed, "When I made that suggestion, she insisted that she bake some things by herself..."
Realisation struck the speedster, "Didn't she specifically write that she wanted your help baking? Because she can't-
"Yes," Amy cut him off, "So, actually, we should probably hurry and sort this out before things can get any worse."
"Alright, what's the plan," Sonic asked, finally starting to grasp the seriousness of the situation.
"Well first I'm going to drag you back onto the deck to finish setting the tables, I'm going to help you with that," Miss Rose first insisted, "When you see an opportunity, I want you to slip over and talk to Blaze. Try to get her to calm down and take a proper break from giving orders?"
"Woah, Ames," Sonic raised his hands, "What makes you think I can talk her out of this? I peeled off for a reason."
"You've helped her before Sonic, you're better suited to this than you think," Amy sweetly nudged him.
"Helping her work with others to save the world is one thing, I just went with the flow and trusted my instincts on that," The blur professed, "Helping her get less anxious about party planning? Wouldn't you be better at that? I've never planned-
"I might have also, sort of, been teasing her about Silver while we were working together," Amy cut him off to sheepishly admit, "I really don't think I can be the one to do this now..."
"What do you mean teased her about Silver?" The speedster tilted his head.
"Sonic," Her tone was chiding, "Are you really that oblivious? Why do you think she's going all out like this?"
The blue blur blinked, racking his brain for an answer, "Because-
"What do you mean he's on his way to the palace? If he makes it, he'll realise I'm not there!"A shout, plainly not befitting of a princess, caught the pair of hedgehogs' ears, "We need more time!"
"Alright, I'll give it a shot, regardless of the reason," Sonic cringed, pushing to make his way back to the deck, "Just don't blame me if things end up even worse."
The deck was already in a partying state, even if the vibe didn't match it. It was as if Blaze was commanding a deck of sailors battling pirates at sea, rather than a group of friends setting up decorations. Tails was toward hull of the ship, currently entangled by a mess of wires while attempting to program a fireworks display. Knuckles was carrying goods from shore, ranging from more boxes of fireworks to fruit and lighting for the coming evening. Espio, aided by Charmy, was scaling the outer edge of the boat to hang banners and other party fixtures. Vector was handling communications, relaying secret messages from Marine. As a result, the crocodile was receiving most of the cat's current ire.
Blaze was positioned near the centre of the deck, behind a pop-up oven that Marine had purportedly made specifically for the event. The cat's hands were bristling with embers as she loomed over the device. Her sharp eyes gouged Sonic, so he quickly busied himself- doing as he'd promised. This was going to be tough.
"Apparently fishing her scuttled ship from the ocean was a lot easier than she thought," Vector barked back, "It's already back on the west dock, good as new."
"Tell her to drag her feet and kick up a fuss, to slow him in town as much as possible," Blaze responded immediately, not giving the reptile a moment to breathe.
"She says she'll do her best, but she doesn't seem confident," The crocodile awkwardly responded, "Look, Blaze, maybe-
"We need to speed things up!" The cat cut him off, "Tails, are the fireworks ready?"
"Almost!" He called from the back, "They'll be ready well before sunset."
"Get them finished as quickly as possible, I need you to help Big set up the music," The smaller cat insisted.
Big himself was wandering around with a massive set of speakers in his gloved mitts, thoroughly lost but also plainly unaware of the tension on the ship. Sonic managed to clear his way across the deck, setting glasses and placemats and more as he went. He could have been going faster, of course he could have, but the hedgehog had no idea what he was going to say. Regardless, he'd began to slip into position.
"Cream," The cat called out, "How is the paper-craft going, are you almost done?"
The blue blur tossed down a few placemats, roughly in the right places, still moving down the deck.
"I've ran out of ideas Miss Blaze," The rabbit almost sobbed, "I can't think of any more decorations, I've cut out so many Chao faces..."
"Just do your best, don't worry about making replicates at this point. Timing is what matters most," Though her words were kinder, panic still undercut the cat's words.
Sonic flattened a bunched section of tablecloth, still making his way around, trying his hardest to be subtle.
"Knuckles, how much is still piled at the dock?" The cat asked, her attention turned.
"Just the presents, everything else is set," He answered, setting a massive box down, "Can I take a breather?
Sonic found himself at the head of a table, he started to pull cutlery from a box and mindlessly spread it out. Only a few more steps and he'd be right in front of the purple feline.
"After the presents are on board, he'll know what's about to happen if he sees them," Blaze instructed, giving the echidna no quarter.
The cat continued to check in and give orders, going from person to person. Though she was never overly harsh with anyone, Sonic could see a pressure mounting beneath the surface. If he didn't step in, catastrophe would eventually come. Was party planning supposed to be so intense? No wonder he'd dodged it for all these years.
"Hey, Blaze," Sonic slid in front of her, positioning himself to spare anyone else her interrogation.
"What's going wrong now?" The cat grumbled, lit daggers in her eyes.
"Whoa, nothing is, I promise," Sonic took a half step back, hands up, "Just saying sorry for vanishing, had to get my party face on," His right hand slipped back to scratch at his quills, "Maybe you should take the time to do the same? You've been going all out since-
"That's because I need to keep on top of things, to ensure this is perfect," The feline bent down to the rickety oven, "The table needs set, these cupcakes will be-
The cat opened the oven door. Smoke immediately obscured the princess' entire form, flaring up to darken the sky. There was a single beat of silence, the deck seemed to freeze despite the sudden skyrocketing of temperature. From within the dark void a hint of red quickly expanded, soon the grey of smoke was thoroughly mixed with sparks of flame.
Sonic thought fast, dashing back to a table Amy had been setting. A pitcher of water was snatched up in one moment and just as quickly thrown. A splash resounded over the silenced deck; the flickering flames within the smokestack were snuffed and but moments later the grey clouds themselves fully vanished.
The revealed feline was thankfully dry, her conjured flames looked to absorbed the majority of the water, but she looked as regretful as a soaked kitten. Wide amber eyes looked out over the deck, lingering on those who were helping her. Sonic couldn't help but cringe, the cat was surely meeting bewildered and concerned stares that she'd loathe to feel bearing down on her. He had to act, go with the flow.
"Come on Blaze, let's go for a walk and get some air," He tried to shoot the feline a grin, though quickly turned to the pink hedgehog by his side, "Ames, you can pick up the baking in the meantime, right?"
"On it," Amy was keeping up her bubbly tone, "Everything will be ready for Silver arriving, I promise!"
By the time he'd turned back to Blaze, the cat was already stepping down the gangplank and off of the ship. He followed behind, giving her just a bit of space so as to both let her breathe and give himself a moment to figure out what to do next. In situations like this, going with the flow could only get him so far...
The sturdier grounding of the dock was a welcome change from that of the ship. A good five metres separating them, the pair paced past a gathered pile of gifts wrapped in various coloured papers. When the gang had first arrived the dock had been fully stocked with things to move and set up, now it was almost empty. Just those gifts-
"I know I'm being foolish, but I must look completely mindless," Sonic heard the cat grumble before turning to look back, "I'm sorry I didn't accept your suggestion immediately, leaving immediately would have been for the better..."
"Hey, it's no big deal," Sonic shrugged, "No one got hurt, don't think you left a scratch on the deck."
Realisation seemed to strike the cat, "I didn't check, I need to go back there. Getting the wood replaced will take-
"Whoa, whoa, Blaze," Sonic put his hands out, halting the cat as she turned. "Remember why you left the boat, take a moment, have a breather."
The cat did hesitate, he could tell she was anxious to return to the ship but beyond that the cat's thoughts were completely lost on him. Sonic usually prided himself on being good at reading the room, but when it came to the likes of Blaze or even Shadow only the most extreme of feelings were plain to him. For the feline, that usually meant noticing long built frustration mere moments before it was primed to detonate.
"This whole party thing really has you wound up," Sonic pointed out the obvious, stalling, "Gotta be honest, it seems pretty minor compared to your usual work. There's something else going on, right?"
"No, there's nothing else going on. It's just this party," Blaze refuted before biting her lip, "Although, I don't think I've explained the full context of it," Her fists balled, "This is Silver's first birthday."
"What? How's that possible?" Sonic blinked, "Has there been some sort of time travel mistake? Has he been turned into-
"No, it's simpler than that," Blaze shook her head, "Not simpler. More foolish. Naive."
"I mean, simple things can still cause stress," Sonic quickly responded, still befuddled, "If you wanna explain, I'm all ears."
"I probably should, just to... so that I don't seem quite so pointlessly terse," The cat unclenched her fist, taking a deep breath, "Silver doesn't know his true birthdate, he never has. Growing up in a long destroyed world, what mattered to him were seasons rather than specific days or months. The cold of winter and warm of Summer were far more important to him than any given day. Regardless, there was no one to maintain any sort of calender."
"Right, that makes sense," Sonic thought aloud, putting two and two together, "So there must be some reason we're doing this today of all days? Like, if the date wasn't an issue we could just push it back and avoid all this stress."
"He picked a birthdate for himself, he picked it in a suitably foolish and naive way," The guardian responded, "After my own birthday, I thought to ask him about his only to find out the truth. When I suggested picking a day he..." Sonic swore he could feel her temperature from these metres away, "He picked the day we'd met again, the day we'd reunited."
"Oh wow, that's pretty intense," The blue blur blinked.
"It wasn't for him, he just suggested it off the cuff, so stupidly casually," Blaze recalled, looking to the ocean, "His exact logic was that good things are meant to happen to people on their birthday. Since that was, in his words, the best thing that ever happened to him... he decided that day must have been his birthday."
"I mean... there's a sort of logic there," Sonic concluded, not really following the psychic's train of thought but going along with it, "But the stress you're feeling makes a lot more sense now, of course you're worried about today going well..." Sonic scratched his ear, "It's like it's you guys anniversary or something."
"Don't be so blunt!" Burning eyes returned to Sonic for but a moment before tumbling to the dock, "But.. yes, and with today being his first... it's a lot and it has been weighing on me, even prior to today," Her fists clenched as she took a step toward the boat, "I need to get back to work."
"No," Sonic raised his hands to halt her, again just going with the flow, "Don't sweat it, I'll handle the set up from here."
"You can't be serious," Exhaustion was plain in the princess' voice.
"Hey, when am I anything but serious?" His joke didn't land so he tried another angle, "But, I mean, look at it this way, why did he pick today? You said it yourself."
"Because it's the day we reunited?" Blaze bluntly replied.
"Because reuniting with you was the best moment of his life, the best day," Sonic reinforced, "I think he'd rather be with you today than spend so much time apart. Think about it, he'd get onto the boat only to be swarmed by other people when you're finally together again. He'll barely get to spend any time with you," The hedgehog hypothesised, "Does that sound right?"
That took the cat a moment to process, "It does, but I-
"And if you're really so worried about the party, think about it this way," She was surely frustrated at being cut off, but he had to make sure she understood, "You were worried about him arriving early; now you can make certain he doesn't. Just leave it to us, we'll let you know when everything's ready."
"I..." Words seemed to fail her for a moment, "No, you're right," And then for a moment longer, "Silver isn't even expecting some party, he just thinks I'm busy with work today. I can arrive and he won't suspect a thing," Relief began to buzz through Sonic's head, "That and... you're right, he'd probably rather spend today with me than being led around by Marine."
"Go to him and spend some time, get here when you get here. Don't rush or keep him away," Sonic advised, "Just kick back for a while, you've earned it."
The cat looked as if she was going to fight him again, but that expression faded into contemplation, "Alright, I'll just, um," She did walk past him, toward the ship, but stopped at the pile of presents to collect a long box wrapped in blue paper, "Right, yes, he's on his way to the palace. I can beat him there if I hurry."
The guardian began to race across the dock, no longer hesitantly pacing as she had before. As if it was a cape tossed from her shoulders, the apron that had covered her front was thrown from her form to land on the flat wooden floor. It was only as she reached the land that Sonic thought to say some final words.
"Blaze!" He called to the cat, cupping his mouth.
The feline stopped in her tracks and turned back.
"Don't forget to have fun, that's the whole point!" He shot her a thumbs up, "And we both know that's what he'd want, more than anything else!"
The cat didn't return his gesture, instead giving just one last nod before hurrying off with that gift under her arm. Sonic wiped the sweat from his brown, a wave of relief washed through his form as he crossed his hands behind his head and turned back to the ship. He made it around three paces before realising someone was staring down at him from the top of the gangplank.
"You know you've just promised to take her place, right?" A familiar voice called from the ship, "Now all of this is your responsibility," Now close enough, he could see Amy's taunting smirk, "No more slacking off."
Sonic's struggled to keep up his smirk, beginning to rise the gangplank, "Well, no good deed goes unpunished."
He had no idea what he was going to do, but he knew he'd done a little bit of good. That had to count for something, right?
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multicolour-ink · 17 days
Hi there multicolor!
I've recently refound alot of your mario multi universe questions and answers! And I got to say I love them all so much genuinely since I really love the super show and 1993 mario movie so I not only wanted to thank you for making those but I also wanted to share some of my own findings of the super show specifically because I know you recently saw and liked my post about the super shows and game marios height which are these images.
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Where I said the heights for the super show were 4'11 for mario, 6'1 for luigi, 6'2 for toadstool, 3'4 for Toad (yes I figured out what it was) and 6'2 for koopa
Well now I have something new to add to this that I will be telling paino eventually too and that is a good while ago just for fun I was looking up to see if anyone who worked on the super show was still alive and most if not all the writers, producers and creator are still alive and while looking this up I saw that a few of the writers who worked on super show had an instagram! Now when I saw that I decided to shoot my shots and text some of these writers instagram accounts if any of them would be able to answer my questions about the super show. Now I will say this I was polite and did apologize just in case there were fake accounts or just normal accounts that just so happened to show up when I looked up writers of the super show. Now all be honest I really didn't expect any replies tbh with you because to these amazing writers I'm just a person that not only just randomly text them out of no where but also asked them about a silly little mario cartoon in the late 80s so I really didn't expect an answer. But a day later Phil Harnage the man who not only wrote for many cartoons like Sailor moon, He-man, She-ra, Sonic underground, Super Show, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World etc but also wrote the episode for mama luigi....MAMA LUIGI GUYS! Here's a screen shot of him answering my insta text! (also I got permission for me to send these screen shots and share this conversation so i'm fine!)
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I. WAS. SHOCKED I wasn't expecting an actual reply! As a Super Show fan I was ESTATIC I had sooooo many questions for him and he did deliver well on most of them anyway 😅
Now I had ALOT of questions to ask him but for this reply I'll keep it on theme of this reply which was super show character heights!
Now when I originally did my height chart I knew I wasn't a hundred percent right because all I did was watch the show and look at some side by side views of the characters when and if it happened. So that and a mixture of using the height chart I got my results which you already know about.
So when I asked him this question I was REALLY happy and surprised with what he said! Take a look! ( the purple is me and the white is Phil )
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I. WAS. SO. HAPPY! I was really close you guys! Like that means my guess for Mario, Luigi, and Toad are most likely spot on or one inch difference! The only ones I we're more off we're toadstool and koopa which yeah I could see why possibly so that means Toadstool is mostly likely Luigi's height 6'1 instead of my guess which was 6'2 and koopa was most likely 6'3 or 6'4 but that's still iffy but there REALLY close to what I guess! Which again made me really happy as a Super Show fan!.
Now I asked him ALOT more questions but this ask is already long so I won't put them here but I felt like I HAD to put this last screen shot here so take a look!
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Use this information as you like :)
But thank you so much for reading this LONG ASS REPLY it really means alot to me as not only a Super Show fan but as a Mario fan in general you're fanfics and AUs are incredible! And really do help the community alot. I also hope this information helps anyone who wants to make Super show stuff or just au material at all because I want to see more Super show and 1993 mario fan stuff guys I know we can do it!
Again thank you for reading this and have a fantastic day/night!
Thank you for writing to me and saying you apprecaite my stuff, @savagegirl1930 😊 It means a lot to hear that.
I will leave your findings here for everyone to see. It's all very interesting!
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pastelroyce · 5 months
I've been tagged ages ago by @dandenbo @mtreebeardiles and @sh00kspeared on different ask memes of the sort (thank you all for tagging me) and I'm in a sharing mood so I thought it'd be fun to just...compile them together because i'm insane
3 fave ships:
Johnny/m!V, Vik/m!V, mShenko; these three are always on rotation in my head amongst all my other ships atm.
First ship:
Sonic/Shadow. Sigh.
Favorite childhood book:
I had a very, very brief phase of being into Eragon when I was in 7th grade or something (I'm talking very brief as in I never finished the first book)
Currently reading:
Not really anything currently, but the last fanfic I read was the spoils, the spoils by kindly on ao3 (E rated Vik/m!V fair warning). As far as physical reading material the last thing I read was 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing by Gary Provost.
Currently watching:
I don't actively watch shows/movies on my own time. I get too antsy at the idea of watching one continuous thing if I'm not like...purposefully determined to watch something (even then I need a break). The last time we used our streaming account was to watch Adventure Time, bf wanted to rewatch the show.
Fave color:
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Basically everything in the circle, on the brighter/pastel side. Primarily pink tho.
Song stuck in head:
Right now it's Desperado by the Eagles
Last song listened to:
Chinatown by Jets to Brazil. Whenever i get around to making a playlist for my corpo V it's going on there.
Fave food:
Oh my god, there's so many. Tacos, good marbled brisket, hamburger.......
Gimme it alllllllllllllllllllll
Currently craving:
Something fried and greasy and yucky because I've been stressed af all day
Last googled:
German Spitz for werewolf au purposes
Are you named after anyone?:
Yes! As a matter of fact! A book character with a name I vibed with immediately.
When was the last time you cried?:
A few weeks ago, can't even remember what it was tbh.
Do you have kids?:
I get bad baby fever from time to time, but something I came to terms with a while ago is that I'm too selfish to want children in my life. I value my privacy and alone time too much to disrupt that.
What sports do you play/have you played?:
I did karate and soccer when I was a wee lad. Neither interested me after a certain point.
Do you use sarcasm?:
Mostly when I know it'll be telegraphed as Being Funny, but I tend to do so unintentionally otherwise.
What is the first thing you notice about people?:
Hair usually, or whatever they're wearing
What's your eye color?:
Scary movies or happy endings?:
Happy endings I guess? It's been a while since I've seen a movie...
Any talents?:
I have a knack for drawing silly cartoon faces if that counts...
Where were you born?:
Island in the PNW
What are your hobbies?:
Drawing, writing and playing video games mostly. I like to daydream about having new hobbies too, if that counts.
Do you have any pets?:
Tumblr media
How tall are you?:
Like 5ft4in or something, very middle of the road.
Favorite subject in school?:
Art and history were my fave in school
Dream job?:
At this point I've given up on the idea of a specific dream job and now just want something that'll keep a roof over my head and let me get take out guilt free lol
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
As someone who's also writing a crossover fanfic of two obscure fandoms (and this is case that basically never intersected at all outside of me...and in a language that makes it even more obscure) the advice I can give you is go for it.
I know it's not the most elaborate one but the point is to have confidence in yourself and your ideas, as long as you have a decent explanation for how things are the way you are then people will be ok with that, obviously I'm not telling you to go with whatever first idea you have if you're not convinced by it but you shouldn't second guess yourself too much.
Granted we Both have different ways of writing fanfics so what works for me probably don't work for you, but I just want to give my point of view in these things.
Also, even if it doesn't get a lot of tractions, every like, reblog and comment you get is golden, don't forget that.
(I hope this didn't come off as condescending or anything, I just wanted to give my support based on my experiences)
It's not condescending at all, I appreciate it completely. :) I'll never give up on Stellar, that I promise, but since I've been feeling meh on Sonic lately for obvious reasons, I've needed something else to focus on for the time being... alas, I love Eggman too much, so I can't turn my back on him even now, therefore I came up with this nonsense. :P
The premise on its own might sound barebones enough to be used for a Nostalgia Critic sketch, but that's where the fun of creating something legitimately meaty with it comes in. It's not like it stops at "Eggman blows things up, laughs about it, Mario brings out the hammer, credits", there's the matter of delving into what Eggman makes of this world, how he learns about Mario/Bowser/etc, how frighteningly quickly he uses this unforseen circumstance to his advantage, and so on. On the other hand, there's how Mario and Co react to him in turn, and how threatening he must be from their perspective because not only do they not know anything about him, they can't find out much about him because he's not from here.
It's all part of the signature Crusher style: creating curiosity and horror out of total bollocks.
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Intro Post <3333333
Part three I think haha, my last one was in desperate need of a redo!
Helloooooo! Ya'll can call me Potato! (It makes sense I swear)
This blog was previously called "i-swear-im-not-a-phycopath" but I didn't like all the dashes in between and wanted a quicker-to-type-out name so now this blog is called "multifandomchaospotato"
I am an unpublished author, teen author, fanfiction author, beginner author and possibly many other things!!!! These factors don't make me or anyone less of an author, because you can write fanfiction and still be an author! You can be unpublished and still be an author! And you can be younger than most and still be an author!!!
Guess what! I will do requests!!! If you want to, send in a prompt for a one-shot! Look at the bottom for my request info!
What do I write?
I write a lot of Trolls fanfiction right now, but I am also into a lot of other fandoms, yk what I'll list them down below (haha I enjoy too many things to just list them rn haha)
I write my own stories, and I would one day like to be an actual author
I specialise in romance-type stories
Multichapter fics
And I write/make a lot of WIPS (the list is endless!)
Where can you find me?
I post my fics up on AO3 you can find them under the username "Creative_Pot4to"
I have a few art accounts if you're interested in them!
On Tumblr: @creativepot4to
On Instagram: "Creative_Pot4to"
See where I got the potato name from now? haha
My photography account here is @photographyorsmth
And if you're really into trolls like I am, I also have a headcanons account where it's mostly circulating around trolls rn @fandomheadcannoms
My Fandoms!!
Dreamworks Trolls
Brooklyn 99
Gravity Falls
Sonic the Hedgehog
Doctor Who
Good Omens
Harry Potter
Teen Titans
Some Reminders!
I am a minor so if you try to contact me inappropriately I will block you!
Request reminders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a right to refuse requests! This isn't me being rude and I'm sorry if you feel that way! It's just that I'm trying to stay safe online and if I'm not comfortable writing something I won't write it.
I can write one-shots or mini-fanfics!
I will do: Ships, SFW, Angst, LGBTQ+, one-shots, mini-fanfics, NSFW, Alcohol, _____ x reader (I have an Y/NxClay on the fandom blog btw)
I won't do: Inc$st, R@pe, Su!c!de, Discrimination or P*rn
When it comes to requests try to send in ones that align with the fandoms I'm in! I can attempt others but, I don't want. to mischaracterize anyone or get any information wrong, I just think it's easier to do one with characters and worlds I'm familiar with!
This is an LGBTQ+ safe place, everyone is welcome!!!!!!
If you don't like, don't interact, please!
Sorry for the long intro post yall! I hope you guys enjoy my blog and maybe even my writings!!!!
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sweetwhitechoco · 1 year
Golden Joinery
So my original plan for this was to write up some scenes for my fancomic about the start of season 3 of Sonic Prime, but it got a little longer over the week so it became a oneshot fanfic. Ha! xD
(Also I had some issues uploading this on AO3, so I'm gonna upload it here for now instead.)
Just a little bit of hurt/comfort. This one takes place after episode 16, Ghost of a Chance. Hope you enjoy!
"The only person I can trust is myself."
Shadow watched in silent rage as Nine carried the shards and walked away into a purple framed portal, leaving nothing behind. Sonic was standing below the cave entrance, he held his hands up to his face, hiding whatever expression he had.
Not that Shadow could see it from where he stood, but he guessed the blue hedgehog was pretty dejected about Nine's betrayal.
So much for that trust.
Harrowed by what just happened, Sonic repeated what Nine told him over and over in his mind.
"You just assumed I'd go along with you, no matter what."
"Did you even consider what I wanted?!"
"I am real!"
"Just.. not your real friend."
"Trust you? The only person I can trust is--"
".. you listening?"
He briefly snapped out of his thoughts when Shadow's voice broke through, who stepped directly in front of him. Sonic didn't even realize he already slumped down against the wall, didn't realize his darker counterpart was addressing him.
His hands lowered as he looked up in worry, expecting a seething Shadow with clenched fists at the ready. But there was none of that, Shadow simply crouched down to face him, mahogany eyes were now piercing into emerald ones.
"What happened here?"
".. You're really gonna ask me that?"
Sonic sighed. Where could he even begin explaining this mess to him?
"You were right about Nine, Shadow. He refused to fix Green Hill," he paused briefly to study Shadow's expression, then continued when he saw him nodding, "and he took the shards away."
Sonic's ears were lowered, remembering what he told Shadow right before the battle. "I really thought we could.." he trailed off as soon as his voice cracked.
"That we could trust him.." His throat felt too tight, it was hard to form words at this point. This was too painful, the previous mistakes he caused rushed back into his memory. His eyes were wide with shock and sorrow like never before, realized how much he really messed up.
Tears welled up in his eyes, he covered his face again and shifted away from his rival. How could Sonic ever fix this, it was lost on him. He could never face Shadow, not after he warned him about Nine for more than once.
By now they lost the shards, their only way to getting back home, because of him. He lost Nine, a friend he thought- no, believed- trusted him as much as he did Tails.
He was wrong. Again.
This is all his fault.
Shadow called out to Sonic, a hint of concern in his voice. His rival didn't respond, only shifted away as he covered his face again.
Just as he slowly reached his hand out, Shadow was caught off guard when he heard the small sobs that escaped Sonic's mouth.
He lowered his arm, eyes wide at the blue hedgehog that broke down in tears. This was beyond what he imagined; Shadow never expected Sonic to take Nine's betrayal this badly. His face turned to the floor, the way his rival cried already becoming too much for the ultimate lifeform.
What can he do at times like this? Shadow can't just tell Sonic to stop crying in this state, he had to approach this.. odd situation differently.
However, with little knowledge and experience on comforting others he found himself lost on solutions.
Well, there was one way he could think of. He had to swallow his pride to act on it, but for what its worth Sonic needed someone to be there for him.
Shadow sighed again as he held out his arms, wrapped them firmly around Sonic. He pulled him into a gentle embrace, knowing that he would definitely regret this one later.
"What am I going to do with you?"
Sonic suddenly felt something- or rather, someone- pressing against him, like he's being pulled into a hug. He opened his eyes to see the familiar quills of black and red, it took him by surprise as he realized it was Shadow who held him.
"What am I going to do with you?"
The blue blur's crying came to a brief halt, he refocused his vision to make sure it wasn't a trick of the mind. Yep, it was his broody rival who hugged him.
"S- Shadow?"
The dark hedgehog remained silent for a moment.
"I know you're not okay with what Nine did."
He paused at Shadow's words, and tears threatened to fall again. Sonic lowered his arms to hold him in return, chose to hide his tears by burying his face into the dark hedgehog's shoulder.
He slowly regained his breathing into a more stable pattern, taking his time to recover himself. The sobs have subsided after a minute or two, although his eyes grew tired from letting it all out of his system.
"You.. said you didn't trust him."
"I still don't," Shadow said this with absolute resolve, then he continued with a calmer tone, "but you did. You.. gave him a chance, and I'm not sure why, but I wanted to do the same."
Sonic didn't know how to respond to that, now that he was proven wrong. He let out a nervous chuckle at himself in defeat.
"I guess that makes two of us with trust issues."
Shadow looked at him briefly before a sad smile rested on his face. "Yeah, you can say that again."
They both held each other through the silence in the cave, an unexpected turn yet most welcome on Sonic's case. He didn't realize how much he needed this until now, it made him appreciate Shadow being there more than ever before.
"Thanks, Shadow."
He knew he was taking his time with calming Sonic down, but the contact felt also comforting to the dark hedgehog. The reason he decided to let go was Sonic being too sentimental about it. Or that he realized he might regret letting go after all.
"Um, anyway.. what I'm trying to say is;" Shadow pulled Sonic away as he cleared his throat, "you shouldn't give up because of this."
The blue hedgehog scoffed at him with a confused pair of eyes, appearing offended.
"I wasn't going to give up on our home."
"Good. Because we're still in this," his rival stood up when he said this, held out his hand to him with a smirk, "together?"
Sonic felt a surge of new hope rushing into him when he saw the confidence that Shadow's smile gave off. He grinned back at him before taking his offered hand, the hedgehogs faced each other with stronger, newfound bond.
"Where did the shards go?!" Mr. Dr. Eggman shouted at the screen which scanned the area for prism energy. There were no energy spikes like it showed him before, which means..
"They moved the shards elsewhere.."
He grumbled to himself and moved back to his control panel, pressed a button to activate a video call.
"Members of the Chaos Council, fall back to the Mothership! The hedgehogs were a distraction; they took the shards away to another location!"
He didn't even bother waiting for a response from the rest of his team and cut the call shortly. There was another problem at their plate, as Mr. Dr. Eggman checked their ship's energy storage.
They barely have enough leftover energy from the shards, it could only track them through at least one or two more gateway.
"Curse these hedgehogs!"
He slammed the control board down in rage. They wasted too much of their time and effort into this chase game, when they could have used all that prism energy to build their empire and destroy the rebellion!
In that moment, the evil genius' brain remembered something. And it brought him a newer idea, that these two rodents might be the key to more than just restoring the lost shards. Mr. Dr. Eggman allowed himself a grin at his new revelation, and quickly began preparing the Mothership to retrieve the rest of the Chaos Council.
Should this plan work as intended, the power to dominate the multiverse will be immediately at their grasp.
Well, that's about it. Thanks for reading! ^^
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lesbianrobin · 1 year
howdy em, any advice for focusing on studies instead of my hobbies? I love my fandom blurbs so much but sometimes it’s to my downfall xp
babes i appreciate your high opinion of me but i am SO not the bitch to ask. i'm literally terrible at time management and focusing on boring shit FKVJDJD but here's some stuff that sorta works for me. sorta.
incorporate your interests into your schoolwork whenever possible. obviously this is gonna be a task of varying difficulty depending on the assignment and what you're studying, but if you Can write your paper about stranger things or create a fun visual project in photoshop to display your data or whatever, you're gonna be more motivated to work.
sorta on that note you know that thing where you read a fanfic and it's like so incredibly obvious that the author works in a specific field or has expertise with a specific thing? you could be that author. if you can't incorporate your interests into your work, try incorporating your work into your interests! idk about you but i definitely have more fun and feel more motivated when i'm researching for a fic than i do when i'm just doing a random assigned reading. as you study, you might keep a list in the back of your mind of ways that this could potentially benefit a future fic or whatever to keep you engaged.
i personally once made a stranger things gifset to explain the history of color in film to procrastinate studying for my film history final and guess what! i was actually just studying for my film history final! in a weird ass nerd way!!
be flexible with your studies. i typically write at least 50% of any given assignment on my phone, because i'll get ideas at random moments or seize small pieces of downtime throughout the day to get work done. it can be helpful to designate certain times and spaces for schoolwork, but in my own personal experience, sometimes that can make the whole thing feel much more intimidating, and i won't get any more work done than i would have while typing on my phone in bed. i also find that restricting schoolwork to a specific time/place makes me view it as more of an obligation, when the truth is that i love what i study! i love to learn! so, i try to treat my studies as a hobby whenever possible. my fic and paper writing processes are nearly identical, and i think that helps in easing some of the pressure and dread that might accompany the thought of Writing A Paper.
this one is boring but just. reward yourself when you do focus on your studies! when i used to pull late nights in undergrad to get my work done on time, i would often take a trip to sonic when i was around halfway through with my work, for both a brain reset and a little reward. the first time i did it, i just didn't have any food for dinner in my apartment, but it quickly became a ritual that made me look forward to getting work done.
study in public when possible. this one sounds so stupid but literally the power of knowing that anybody around you in the starbucks or library or whatever could see you on tumblr/ao3/etc is NOT to be underestimated! i am a very insecure and self conscious person and i use this to my advantage. would you rather that cool-looking girl at the table next to you see you thoughtfully annotating marx or scrolling aimlessly through ao3? think about it.
ok that's like most of it i guess! but in all honestly i am still figuring it out myself. i think the key is just to keep on trying. it takes time to figure out what works for you and what doesn't, and there are gonna be times when you screw up and make a poor choice that backfires. instead of thinking about how much you suck, or writing it off entirely, look at these instances as opportunities to learn and consider how you might set yourself up to make better choices in the future.
anyway i'll get off my high horse and shut up now LMAO thank you for like thinking i am smart enough to come to with such a question. good luck!
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sercezgazety · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @zyrafowe-sny, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
21 at this point (and I’m sure glad you’re not asking about older platforms because uhhhh. My FFN era was terrifying)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
257,205. Huh.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Welp, Re-Animator, currently. But the majority of my works is a result of a powerful The Owl House obsession, and I do have another TOH fic in the making. Star Trek, though it’s really odd how little Trek fic there is on my account – I guess that’s because most of my hyperfixation went into the papers I published on the franchise.
Terra Ignota my beloved, but the books are so incredibly well-written, I get scared whenever I want to write anything about those characters. Everything I do is going to suck in comparison (and the one fic I did write indeed sucks balls). I had some flings with Sonic (kek), Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, and before that, Phineas and Ferb. In the pre-AO3 era, The Penguins of Madagscar (a fic after which I stopped writing for almost a decade), Discworld, Kick-Ass (my first English-language fic; what a trainwreck), Invader Zim, Storm Hawks (oh boy), Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Sherlock Holmes (the original, ACD one), Teen Titans, and some insane amounts of insanely bad, angsty Xiaolin Showdown fics with insane ships and insanely bad characterization. Look, I was 15. I’m pretty sure there was even more, and I can only be grateful that I don’t remember.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oddly enough, Inhale, Hold, Exhale with over 1,1k, even though it was just an ultimate traumadump. Then, A Silver Platter (992), A Comparative Study in Redemption Arcs (789), The Matter at Hand (778), and The Deal (718).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! First, they make me happy and I’m grateful for them. But it’s also just a polite thing to do, and honestly? when I want to comment under a fic and I see OP doesn’t respond to comments, sometimes I shrug and decide kudos will suffice (not proud of myself for doing that, but oh well).
There were some comments I left unanswered, but those were from people I know IRL and I answered them somewhere else, or they were hate comments. Aaaand some comments I left unanswered back when I didn’t know it was possible to answer on AO3, and now answering them would be too awkward.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I write almost exclusively angst, so it’s more of a question about the specific flavor. I guess the biggest number of characters suffer miserably in a very mundane way in A Potter’s Field. In The Deal, the main character suffers in a very mundane way to such an extent, he willingly chooses to be possessed just to feel useful, so there’s that. Both stories have been bookmarked by people with notes such as “jesus fucking christ dude” or just “JESUS CHRIST,” and thus, I consider my mission accomplished and people's days ruined.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Red Crayon. Even I couldn’t write angst about Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus. Like, come on.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
YEAH BABEY. And I don’t mean the ‘I liked the fic, but there’s this thing I disagree with’ kind of comments, I mean the ‘this fic is terrible, have you ever watched the show?’ type of comments. The first time I got one like this, I was crying hysterically for two days.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not sure? This year, I did write some sex scenes or almost-sex-scenes, but the thing is, they were about everything but sex. And one of them was very, very awkward.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nnnope, and I hate those. But at one point, when I was very much into French Revolution, I had some grand plans for a Doctor Who fanfic in which Ten would meet Robespierre and realize he was a good guy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so? I had my fanart and my photos stolen, yeah, but not fanfic.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, though there was one person who asked if they could do that (I think they lost interest/didn’t have the time).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, back in middle school me and my friend ran a blog nobody read, and it was about two Discworld OCs. It was horrible.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Spones (Spock/Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy). I will go down with it. I’m married to it. I’ve been happily married to it for half of my lifetime (and the entirety of my adult life).
I like other ships in other fandoms, especially the ones with a similar dynamic. Spones, though, is the archetype.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
A Star Trek fic about Spock being unable to fully process the death of his pet sehlat, and that fact influencing his approach to animals in the years to come. I’m quite happy with what I have – for instance, there are five pages of Spock and McCoy arguing over the factors that make animals cute, with Spock being super scientific and judgemental, and McCoy having a gotcha! moment when Spock says axolotls are not cute.
I started writing it when I learned about my beloved cat’s diabetis. Then he died, I had a massive depressive episode, and now it’s been almost two years and I still cry because I miss him and he deserved so much better. And perhaps I would be able to finish the fic, given that half of my fics are traumadumps anyway, but I have no idea how this thing is even supposed to end.
16. What are your writing strengths?
POV and characters not knowing things that the audience knows
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting to the point. Or, like, having any point.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Erm. Everything I write is in another language. English is not my native language, I never had private lessons, I still don’t understand how the tenses or the punctuation work. But in case of Luz and Camila, I do tend to use Spanish words or expressions from time to time.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Okay, so back when I was 7, I had no idea fanfic existed or that you could just use the names and locations somebody else created, so I was writing stuff that was very much the terf-created wizard boy and very much Lord of the Rings, but like. With different names. The headmaster of the magical school was named fucking Ambli Dimbli. The first fanfic that I knew that was a fanfic, though, was for Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
The Matter at Hand. It’s not my most popular fic, it doesn’t have my favorite TOH character in it, but it’s about politics and scapegoating, and it has puns in it. And I’m really proud of how everyone in this story sucks. I like it when characters suck.
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writebackatya · 1 year
Sorry for the delay, Shy! Let’s do this
🍲 When did you start writing and why?
Pretty sure they made us write in school and if I didn’t I would fail.
But honestly, I feel like before I got where I am today I was off-and-on when it came to writing. I think the first fanfic I ever wrote was some Sonic crossover fic that I wrote on Deviantart when I was going through a bit of a Sonic phase. (Not so much a Sonic fan these days, but that series will always have a weird spot on my heart). It has a few chapters and then I just stopped and gave up on it
A couple or so years later when I was going through my Brony phase (yeah, looking back there were definitely a lot of bad people in that fandom but I met a friend in that fandom that I still talk to to this day so I don’t regret that. The show was also pretty good and has some cool people in the fandom these days) I remember writing a couple of fanfics during I think when the show was on its third season. Mainly one shots. I think the last thing I wrote was going to be a multi-chapter I wanted to do, I wrote one chapter and that was it for that writing phase
Flash forward to 2021. I finally watched DuckTales and wanted more stories featuring these characters. Especially Della Duck. I start looking into fanfiction. I find there are plenty of writers in the fandom that write her really well. That inspired me to want to write my own DuckTales fanfiction because I realized I too had a lot of ideas of what happens next for this family. Still not motivated to write because I just don’t know where to begin
Then one day. Me and my bro were high. We do what usually do ever since we both watched DuckTales; we started making up different DuckTales jokes/scenarios. One of which was what if Della Duck was caught by the boys while smoking weed. I remember I was like “The boys would all be cool about because Dewey and Louie would be all ‘Cool! That means we can smoke now!’ and Huey would be like ‘Oh so you found out that marijuana is legal now’ and then Della would be like ‘Weed’s legal now? That’s cool.’”
But then immediately my mind was like “No she wouldn’t! She’d take the situation about more serious because this is her boys we’re talking about here!” And then from that moment I guess I just knew I had to write that story
Moral of the story. Any time is a good time to start writing. Even if you have a past that kinda makes you cringe when you think about those works. It’s all part of the growth you’ll make as you write on
🍢 Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Oh yeah. I got that one Della Duck hater who made a comment on a couple of my fics. Clearly commented to try to grind my gears. It didn’t work, I found it funny. They did leave one comment on Indi-Quack! that I deleted because it was a joke made in poor taste that had nothing to do with the fic or any of the characters in it
And one time I got a comment accusing me of using one of those AI writing programs. I swear I’ve never used any of those AI writing programs for any of my fanfics. And strangely enough the comment itself felt like it wasn’t written by an actual human
🥮 Do you have any writing milestones you’re working toward?
I guess finish one of my multi-chapter/story stories: Indi-Quack!, The Three Caballeros (and Della)!, or The Iron Duck of Steel: The Gizmoduck Movie, Part I! someday.
None are close to being finished but I do have a general idea on how I will end them
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Writing fic meme
Tagged by @chronicdelusionist tagging @tiacat11
1. "How many fics do you have?": 25 published, many more unpublished OC stuff lol
2. "What's your total word count": 55,221. A lot of the stuff I'm working on will probably shoot that up haha
3. "What fandoms do you write for": A little bit of whatever strikes my fancy lol. Mega man is a big one, but I'm on a Sonic kick lately
4. "What are your top 5 fics by kudos": Instead of answering that, I'm going to keep checking the 20xx AO3 tag. How am I the only guy who made a 20xx fic....
5. "Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?": I don't get many comments, so I respond to each one! Getting a comment can make my week ^_^
6. "What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending": Definitely the one where everyone gets turned into zombies! I don't tend to like sad endings though haha
7. "What Is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending": Not sure! I have a contender in my WIPs but I don't like to count my chickens before they hatch
8. "Do you get hate on fic?": I'm not popular enough for that thankfully! I don't think that would bother me much though, I think the kind of person who would comment that they didn't like a story instead of just not reading it anymore isn't very impressive to me
9. "Do you write smut": Nothing I've posted. I didn't really get much out of it, but it was fun to take a stab at it
10. "Do you write crossovers": Not really, unless you count taking aspects from one part of a property and putting it in side stuff? I'm currently writing a Sonic Underground fic with some characters from the games, that's as much as you'll get from me haha
11. "Have you ever had a fic stolen": Once again, blessed by not being popular lol. The idea is very amusing to me though
12/13. "Have you ever had a fic translated/Have you ever co-written a fic before": No haha
14. "What's your all time favorite ship": That's a hard one! I think I've been coming around to romance more, as a kid I hated shipping! Sonic X Amy, Studio Ghibli relationships, X/Zero, various Pokemon ships... I don't have that one blorbo ship, but I enjoy shipping!
15. "What's a WIP you want to finish but probably won't": I've been trying not to think of it like that lately, although I wouldn't mind being able to better organize a RS fic that I want to write!
16. "What are your writing strengths": Honestly, idk, I just like doing it! I'm trying to focus on that, because I'm a terrible perfectionist who will never let something see the light of day if it doesn't live up to my standards. But being good takes practice, so I have to keep writing!
17. "What are your writing weaknesses": I write basically whenever I'm in the mood for it. I struggle to pace myself because of that. There's a very long story I want to write, and I want to have it's outline done before I publish the first chapter. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I do want to not fly by the seat of my pants
18. "Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language": It's cool, I guess? I'm not experienced with it tbh, but it's a good thing
19. "First fanfic you wrote for": Xiaolin Showdown!
20. "Favorite fic you've written": Honestly? Writing something for a friend's character. It felt good to do... But Stormchasers is a lot of fun right now as well, especially since it's kind of helping me reconnect to a childhood fandom. It's the kind of story I would have wanted to read when I was 10, and that's nice, you know?
Thanks for the questions!
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theflashdriver · 1 year
Out of Body, Out of Mind: Chapter 3 (A Silvaze Fanfic)
The longer Blaze spent in this body, the more peculiar it seemed. With each passing minute it was as if there was something else to learn, something else to get used to. She supposed the form's usual owner probably went day by day without so much as noticing all she was now.
The two of them had retreated indoors to the royal library, where the cat trapped in a hedgehog's body was presently sitting atop a large green couch and pouring over royal scriptures. The Sol Emeralds and Jewelled Sceptre were set before her, currently at rest on the ground. Based on all she'd read, it seemed unlikely that Silver's body would even be able to channel the Sol Emeralds.
Wandering the carpeted floors, casting her psychic grasp from bookshelf to bookshelf as he once did, had come with a learning curve in itself. It was no wonder that Silver gesticulated so much; outside of cloaking this furry hedgehog form and flying that typically followed it, every psychic act seemed to require a gesture. He'd recommended verbalising at first, which in itself explained why the hedgehog rarely held a thought behind his lips, but already the guardian was managing to control her surroundings non-verbally.
The pile of books in front of the cat was proof enough of that; parsing the pages, shouting at them to shift, had eventually just became so obnoxious that she'd willed herself to improve. Now before her floated a centuries old logbook defining historic experimentation on the emeralds; she could read it without risking tarnishing the parchment with her touch. With that comfort however came another realisation. One she that, even though there was still not guarantee of returning to her body soon, she was already formulating how to-
A sudden pressure on her lap stole Blaze from her thoughts and sent the sheet into the air. With a loud thought of grab and a thrust of her hand the material froze once more in the air, fluttering back within viewing range. A sigh slipped the hedgehog's throat as she looked down to find a set of feet, newly garbed in pink trainers she'd occasionally worn in training, across her lap.
"What are you doing?" She looked to find the feline had joined her on the couch, a history book of his own in hand.
"You do this when I'm sat reading," He simply responded, "So I thought, since we've swapped-
"It's fine," She adjusted her page, "But remember, you're putting your own body at risk."
"I'm feeling a lot more comfortable now," He grinned, "As long as I'm with you, now that I know what I'm doing in here, I'll be okay," Before quiet could manifest he filled it, "How are you feeling?"
"I'm... still unsettled," She confessed, tugging at the plume of chest fur just beneath her neck.
"Really?" He seemed surprised, "I thought, since you've always been uncomfortable with your powers, being in my body would be a nice change?"
"I've been too focused on your body to consider that..." Blaze squinted at the new paper as if to emphasise her point, the old cursive writing was harsh, "I think you need glasses."
Silver blinked, "For reading you mean, not for seeing far?"
"It might just be how your vision compares to mine in general, but yes, for reading," She hummed, "Have you noticed the difference?"
"Not really," He admitted glancing into his book, "I guess I'm the opposite, I've been too focused on your powers."
"There are some other things that are concerning," The cat lowered the sheet fully now, worry was mounting, "Do you feel like this way all of the time?"
He cocked his head, "Feel what?"
Blaze wasn't sure how best to broach this.
She concluded it was best to be blunt, "Sore. That your bones and muscles ache."
"Oh," He seemed to realise everything at once, he clearly hadn't mastered control of her ears, "I mean, a bit, yeah. Are you feeling it?"
"I didn't recognise it at first, I thought they were just injuries from the battle with Metal Sonic, but as today has gone on," She hoped her concern was coming across, rather than sounding frustrated with him, "I've always known about your scars Silver, but I didn't realise you still felt this... more chronic pain."
She could practically feel his regret, "It's mostly my back and my shoulders, right?"
"Primarily, but there's hints of it all over your body. In your joints especially," She reminded him. "Do you feel this pain all the time?"
"No," He'd responded too fast and plainly recognised it, "Well, um," His legs pulled away from her, "Most of the time. I've sort of just gotten used to it."
"You shouldn't have to get used to it," She pushed back, "I didn't know it was this persistent. We can get you help for this."
"Really?" He still wasn't used to the modern world.
"There are therapies and medicines that can help with more permanent pain Silver," She reminded him, "You don't need to just endure it."
"Oh, right, yeah," Silver hadn't taken well to doctors before, perhaps he had been avoiding this, "Is there some medicine I could go and get you now, to make this easier for you?"
"No, it's fine," She wouldn't let him feel guilt over this, she shouldn't have brought it up, "I'm just concerned for you; for your health in the long run."
The next drawn page made the hedgehog pause, it was one of the few entries she'd found that discussed issues associated with using the Sol emeralds for transportation. No prior monarch had truly used the emeralds as adeptly as she did, let alone traversed dimensions, but they had been used under dire circumstances to cross the many islands that made up her kingdom. On one-
"You've done something that has helped before, when I've been especially injured. Maybe that would help you now?" She again paused in her reading, finding he'd shuffled a little closer, "I could give you a massage; if you want?"
This recommendation was drawn almost exclusively from their prior lives. When they'd trained to fight all manner of monsters in Crisis City, they'd learned to look after their bodies from what few books they'd salvaged. Whenever the hedgehog had overexerted himself, when he'd inevitably pulled muscle after muscle and refused to rest them, the cat had pinned him and made sure he was tended to properly. After she'd done it a handful of times, he'd insisted on returning the favour.
"Like I said before, it's your body you're putting at risk," She reminded him, "I suppose, if it does help these feelings go away... yes, as long as you're comfortable, I'm comfortable."
He slipped off of the plush couch, giving her space to lie. Blaze followed his move and lay down on her stomach. Truth be told, between the quills and his spines, she hadn't figured out how to sit comfortably yet. At the very least this would give her an opportunity to rest.
In one swift manoeuvrer he straddled her back, the sensation of her own thighs squeezing near the hips that she was borrowing was a bizarre one indeed... the contact was much too warm. Her chin propped up on a pillow, Blaze reached out a hand and willed her reading to draw closer. She tried to focus on the writing in front of her, absorbing the findings related to transportation anomalies. Once a knight's soul had completely separated from his body during an especially difficult transportation. Sending him back to where he'd come from hadn't worked, but having him travel the same route without the prior interference had reunited-
"Oh wow," Her body's voice rang out.
"What?" She questioned, feeling his weight shift.
"Claws..." Had he really just drawn them for the first time!? "Don't worry, I'll be gentle!"
Trying to put his panicking words and the heavy contact to the back of her mind, Blaze shifted to the next page. An island had been evacuated to avoid a tsunami, a portal opened using the gems. The wave had arrived sooner than anticipated, there had been a stampede as people panicked but the last few had made it into the portal as the water was tossing around shrapnel from the town they were abandoning. In the text it was hypothesised that many people transporting at once was the cause of what followed- a few bodies without consciousness and some scattered reports of people being in the wrong body. The cure had been the same as for the prior soulless body- recreating the transportation event but doing it correctly.
The examples weren't one to one with what had occurred, most obvious was the fact the Sol Emeralds were not the Master Emerald, but the parallel was there. There was no evidence of a spell they could conduct here to cure this switching of souls, nor would going back to where they'd been be enough. They had to replicate the event as perfectly as possible for this to stand a chance of working. The Master Emerald would have to be intact, they'd need to be atop Angel Island, and Knuckles would have to conduct the ritual. Would where Angel Island was in the sky matter? Either way, it seemed wise to-
Blaze hissed a breath in at a sudden spasm of pain as Silver pressed down harder, "That's where it hurts the most..."
"I know, sorry, I'm trying to push all of the pain away," He informed her, "Let me know if this helps."
Pressure barged against her right shoulder, applying with it a deeper warmth than had Blaze had felt radiating from the rest of his form. He was plying with both hands, pushing not only at the shoulder blade but reaching around to rub above her clavicle. With ease he pulled her upper torso back, raising her chest as he pushed more warmth into the muscle.
"You're getting better at controlling my power," She hummed, trying to keep her body loose.
"I'm just not shutting it off as much, letting my mind drift a little rather than focusing on a happy place," He confirmed aloud, "If I stop completely though, I really think I'll just explode again..."
"You're doing well," Her back felt warm, her whole body felt softer, "I think this is helping."
"I know you always mention my fur is thick," His grasp was drifting toward the other shoulder, "But feeling it with your hands... it really is easy to get lost in it."
"You make a good pillow," Blaze tried to renew her researching effort, knowing they couldn't afford to relax, only to flinch as another muscle tweaked, "I'm sorry, it must not be comfortable being that pillow..."
"I didn't hide the pain from you," He insisted, his touch now gentler. "When I'm with you, when we're working together, I just get... distracted," Silver pawed on the spot she'd just felt, "It's there but... I don't really notice it as much," The pain was subsiding, "I don't know if I'm making sense."
"You aren't really," She admitted.
"It gets worse when I panic and," He found another sore spot as he searched for the right words, "Well, I panic less when I'm with you. I know we can get through anything together, so I guess it's worse when I'm alone..."
"My natural level of stress likely isn't meshing well with your body's condition," Blaze hummed.
She felt his weight shift on her back, rising to his knees to lighten the strain, "Then I'll do all I can to keep you calm and comfortable."
"If we weren't like this right now..." She pushed her first thought as to what to say aside, "This would almost be endearing."
"Endearing? What do you mean?" He paused.
"If I wasn't feeling your pains. If our bodies weren't swapped like this," Blaze was about to state the obvious, perhaps being in his body was wearing off on her, "This would almost be a relaxing afternoon for us."
"Oh, huh," She felt him hesitate, "That doesn't make much of a difference to me I guess. As long as it's to help you, I'd happily do anything."
The new psychic closed her eyes, "Please don't say things like that with my voice..."
The rubbing fully stopped, "Like what?"
"Just..." She lowered her head and let the sheets land, "Focus on what you're doing and I'll do the same. I need to plan."
"Right, even ignoring our situation, our friends might need saving," His hands were back to rubbing down her back, "I'll make sure we're in the best state possible for that."
Blaze lowered her head and shut her eyes, giving in as the cat's grasp continued to slip lower. Depending on the situation their friends were in, they may only have one chance for success. Abusing time travel likely wasn't a possibility; arriving when their prior selves were already there could create complications. Regardless, they likely had to arrive as close to when they'd left as possible for the cure to work, but certainly couldn't manifest any sooner. That meant the Master Emerald would already be destroyed. Angel Island would start to fall.
"How long does it take Angel Island to fall into the ocean," She half shouted into the cushioning, "I'm trying to figure out how much time we have to turn this all around. I might need to grab our friends before it all comes crumbling down."
"It's slower than it should be, being a massive island flying through the sky, but it's still pretty fast... I think we can maybe avoid that if we do this right though," Silver began to think aloud, "I can use my power to catch all the Master Emerald shards before they scatter, then Knuckles should be able to fix it before it reaches the sea."
"I think the only way to return us to our bodies is for Knuckles to send up back here properly, uninterrupted. In as similar a position and circumstance as possible to when we left to recreate the effort as perfectly as possible," She explained, "When we go back to help them, we're still going to be in these bodies."
"Oh," He paused, "You're sure?"
"It's the only hint I've found," She confessed, "I'm not as proficient with your powers as you are Silver. There will be hundreds of fragments. That island is going down."
"Well, you helped me learn to control your power. It's only right that I do the same," The cat offered, "Besides, you're already doing so well with it, I'm sure you can do it!"
She managed to pull her head from the pillow, turning her head just enough to half see him still atop her back, "How long did it take you to learn to catch that many objects? Let alone so many tiny ones?"
"A long time," He confessed, "But I can teach you! Not to mention, you're in my body. A lot of it comes down to reflexes, and you should have got those from me. Outside of that, you've just got to aim and think grab."
"You really think it'll be that easy?" The hedgehog questioned.
"There's only one way to find out," He raised, "How's the pain, are you okay to stand?"
"Silver, you know how this feels," She couldn't help smiling at his concern, "I'm much more comfortable than I was before, I swear. Thank you."
He slipped off of her back to stand and she followed suit. The feline plainly had some idea what she was doing, heading for a desk at the nearby wall. He quickly pulled open the drawers and started to scramble through them.
"Are you looking for something?" Blaze asked.
"Just," He turned to look at her, a fang-filled mischievous grin on his face "These!"
Spinning on his heel, in one fluid motion the feline turned and tossed something straight at her. Blaze threw out a hand in reflex, she felt psychic energy surge to protect her. That release came with a moment of confidence... only to feel three objects bounce off of her chest and a fourth strike her shoulder. One pencil was frozen in the air, stuck in her psychic grasp; four more had slipped past her.
"Again! This time try and catch a couple!" He shouted, tossing another handful before she could halt him.
Blaze reached out with both hands, throwing them forward as if to catch. Cyan energy flared as she grasped beyond herself, like a set of hands swiping out into the air. This time two pencils were caught but five clattered into her.
"You can't think of catching or stopping individual objects," He instructed as he rummaged, "If you do that you're bound to miss some. Think of it as stopping a cluster all at once!"
"Are you certain this is the best way to learn?" Blaze asked, tempted to start cleaning up the pencil pile he'd already generated.
"We're a little short on time and resources," He confessed, turning to face her with hands full once more, "But I honed my control by throwing rocks into the air and catching them before they could hit me. It's the same sort of idea!"
This time there were rubbers and rulers among the tossed writing implements. She tried clapping her hands together, as if to swipe the objects into one place, but the end result wasn't as expected. Some of the objects battered together, but they just tumbled to the ground in that effort's wake- the remaining stationary bumped into her and flew past.
"Imagine a shape as you grab," He instructed, "Not just a pair of hands grasping, psychokinesis doesn't have to be so simple. Envision a glob of water or treacle, dense enough to stop the shards! If you do that then you'll catch it all, I know it!"
"Silver," Did he even hear what he was saying?
"You can do this Blaze," He was still beaming, "Make a shape to hold, make a container."
As the objects tumbled in Blaze's direction, she did as he instructed. Fingers outstretched and palms opened, the cat imagined a great glob of cyan light before herself. The energy matched her will; pens, sharpeners and rulers froze within that psychic grasp- only one managed to make it through! This was working?!
"Now you've got to imagine the shape as you see the objects flying; account for it when you cast the web," The feline now held two separate fistfuls of desk-goods, "You can't just imagine any shape, it needs to fit around them all."
He scattered the stationary into the air as he threw it, creating a rough arc of equipment all flying toward her. Blaze did as he'd suggested, envisioning the arc as her hands flashed. Unfortunately, the shape in her minds' eye did not quite fit that of reality. Some of the goods fell to the ground around her.
"You've been doing geometry this whole time?" Blaze was bewildered, fingers running through her chest fur as she thought deeper into that realisation, "In split seconds, measuring and anticipating the angles of approach and form of incoming projectiles?"
"What's geometry?" He asked, starting to scrounge the floor having found the drawers now empty.
"It's maths relating to shapes and their form," She explained, "Perhaps it's become more of a reflex for you..."
"Well, even if I don't quite get it, it sounds like you know what you're doing," The hedgehog was ready for another round, grinning maniacally with two fistfuls of pencils, "You'll have this learned in no time, we can do this!"
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jadeile-writes · 8 months
Fanfic Progress Update 161
So, Hazbin Hotel was effing NOICE :D Didn't inspire me to write so far, but we'll see how this brainrot progresses. Currently I'm at the stage where I watch the musical parts 15 million times a day, the next stage is usually reading fanfics written by others, and the next one is writing if I fail to find what I'm looking for or just feel like it. Again, we'll see. On other news, stay tuned for the last sneak-peek for A Sign that you're important at the bottom of this post!
Current WIPs:
A Sign that you're important
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
Summary: One month upon his assigment as Doctor Robotnik's assitant, Agent Stone is told to learn sign language. He doesn't know why, and isn't suicidal enough to ask, so he simply rolls with it. Turns out, it's not just a whimsy of the eccentric doctor, even though that doesn't stop the doctor from utilizing it like one.
Progress: Chapter 5 was posted on 18th of January. The last chapter will be posted on 25th of January aka the next Thursday. Chapter 6 is a bit over halfway written, so cutting it a little close here, but I'll get it done in time. The biggest problem will be the chapter title tbh. I have a placeholder title (the old title for chapter 5 actually), but it's not perfect, so I'll need to brainstorm at some point, which is hopefully not on Thursday right as I'm posting it XD;
Labor with a side of lattes (formerly known as "Life at the laboratory". Now the title isn't as boring and also vibes properly with the title of next part of the series)
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog, movieverse
"Wanted: a yesman who is capable of operating an espresso machine, has at least a higher IQ than your average amoeba, and is willing to put work before having a personal life, or indeed a life, period. The extra in your pathetic paycheck is good, but the strain in your psyche will make up for the positives. Forfeit your basic human rights and apply today if this sounds like you." 
Maybe it said something about Agent Stone - and probably not good things - that the poster in the cafeteria's pin board piqued his interest more than any of his official assignments had for a good long while. 
Dr. Robotnik, huh?
Progress: This one will be part one of a two-parter longfic, the first part probably... 10-ish chapters? It's a bit hard to estimate at this point, so the number is subject to change - will probably end up being increased tbh. My weekly writing hour (as in, a specific hour when I sit down and write, no excuses [other than not being home]) is devoted to this fic.
I have the first five chapters done. Chapter 6 is 1/3 written.
I also have two halfway written chapters that don't yet know their exact placement within the fic (they're scenes that will be slotted in to wherever they feel natural, once the fic is ready for them.)
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to Someday™:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Zelda: BotW)
Hah, our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest! (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here’s the promised sneak-peek into A Sign that you're important (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
Maybe it would have been better if he had never been able to talk with Knuckles. He could have just dropped the renegade red rascal at the hedgehog’s home to do whatever it was he had assumed Knuckles wanted – he had assumed punching, ripping some quills, and moving on, if he had had to hazard a guess when he had been unable to hear – and been none the wiser about the Master Emerald. He could have been content about the hedgehog getting some much deserved use as a punching bag and moved on with his own plans. Getting to Stone, kissing him silly, freshening up, eating actual food, getting a good night’s sleep in an actual bed (preferably with Stone in it), getting acquaintanced with the cafe lab, and making plans for further actions in the morning. Plans that likely would have involved checking up on the hedgehog to see if there was anything left to salvage in the wreck for science, and whether further revenge was necessary. Getting to his secret lab. Considering negotiations for his re-employment with the government – he had done nothing wrong, he had been acting on their orders to find out what had caused the blackout and he had been given the leave to deal with it in any way he deemed necessary.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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magicstormfrostfire · 9 months
A fanfic draft that Ive had on the backburner since like 2020 because the scope I have for it is SO LARGE and disorganized that I literally haven't even touched refining its conception. However, I do like what I started so far, so I thought I'd share. The fic is intended to be 18+ if I ever started writing it, but this first chapter is not.
Characters: Sonic, Silver, Amy Rose, Blaze (hinted Blazamy)
If You Seek Amy
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"C'mon, just hear me out about this!"
"Absolutely not. I already told you, Sonic, I'm not taking any more recommendations from you."
"But he really needs a job! Besides, you haven't even met him!"
Amy whipped around quickly, teal eyes narrowing on the blue hedgehog. 
"The last time I met a guy you suggested to me, it nearly ran my business into the ground." She dusted off her skirt and moved toward her desk, sitting heavily into the swivel office chair behind it.
"What makes this guy any different, huh?"
Sonic flashed the woman a knowing smile.
"Trust me, he has exactly what you're lookin' for, Ames."
"Yup. He's a little inexperienced but I think he can do the job no problem. Plus he's a real cutie, ya know?"
Polished pink nails drummed on the desk as Amy stared out the window deep in thought. They were slowly getting back old clientele after the mess she had to clean up, but they were still in need of new workers…
"Fine. I'll see him. But this isn't a guarantee so--"
"Sweet! Wait right here, I'll go get him." In a flash Sonic was out the door, causing a few very important papers to swirl from Amy's desk. Irritated, she rose from her chair and crouched to pick them up.
"Chaos, he seriously needs to stop doing that…"
"Don't trouble yourself." A voice called from the doorway. Amy glanced up, relieved to see a familiar purple cat kneeling down in front of her.
"I can get those for you. You sound rather troubled…"
"Thanks. I'm so glad you're back, Blaze. You're just in time to meet Sonic's friend that he wants me to hire."
The other woman blinked, concerned.
"And...what is this new person like?"
"He went to go get them, I haven't seen him yet. Be prepared to kick the guy out if he steps out of line though."
Blaze nodded, her yellow eyes glinting expectantly as she handed the papers over.
"Consider it done, Miss Amy."
The pink hedgehog gathered the fallen files into a stack and placed them neatly on her desk. In truth, she really hoped that this guy Sonic suggested was someone she could use in her business. So far, Amy had little luck finding new workers now that her establishment's reputation was put into question. She smoothed out her white skirt again anxiously, hoping that this meeting was actually worth her time.
Blaze came up behind her, a delicate hand placed on her back.
"You're doing that thing where you stress yourself out again, aren't you?"
"Sorry. I just don't want this guy to be a disappointment. We really need people."
"This is true, but try not to worry so much about it. You've worked hard to make this place a respectable establishment in the past. We've come so far, and we can do it again, yes?"
Amy turned to face her, teal eyes softening on Blaze with a thankful smile.
"You're absolutely right. I promise I'll try to calm down and really give it my all."
"You always do."
A sudden knock on the door drew their attention and right away Amy knew that something was unusual about it. Sonic hardly ever knocked before he came in, so it had to be the person he brought to meet her.
"The door is open, come in." 
"Ah...okay. Uh…"
"Oh." Amy blinked.
This was someone she could definitely work with.
The visitor was another hedgehog with cloudy white fur and a plume of front quills on his head. His muzzle was a pale peach color and Amy noticed his cheeks were slightly flushed; he seemed nervous. The young man was around Sonic's build but sporting a black shirt that was a little too big for him. She guessed it was to accommodate his abundance of white chest fluff. Bright gold eyes looked around the room nervously and he seemed as if he didn't know exactly what he was supposed to be doing there.
Amy managed to get herself together and held out a hand to him with her classic inviting smile.
"Hello! Amy Rose. And you are?"
"I'm Silver." He replied, taking her hand and giving it a gentle shake.
"Nice to meet you, Silver. This is my assistant, Blaze."
"Charmed." The purple cat said flatly, resting her hands behind her back. It was pretty clear that she was not going to shake his hand, so Silver settled for putting them in his pockets instead.
"Please have a seat, and let's get started with the interview!" Amy gestured to the guest couch against the wall before shuffling excitedly to her chair.
"Alrighty then."
She couldn't believe it but Sonic was right; this guy really was exactly what she was looking for. Unique, attractive, approachable, it was exactly what they needed here! Amy tried her best to keep herself calm and professional. Looks were only half of the job, and she didn't want to get her hopes up just yet. 
"So, Silver…" She drawled, pulling a pen from her desk drawer.
"You want to work here at The Garden, correct? What do you know about our line of work?"
"What do I know? Um...well, not much. That's sort of why I came to the interview. Sonic didn't tell me everything."
"Ah, I see. Well, there's not much to explain. It's a pretty easy job especially if you're a people person."
Silver tilted his head, seeming as if he was concerned about her answer.
"This is a Host Club. Are you following me so far?"
"Hosts?" His eyes widened a fraction.
"L-like an escort service?"
"No. Not at all." Blaze replied dryly. Her tail swished from side to side in irritation and Silver winced; he had a feeling that he may have said something inappropriate.
"Sweetie, a Host Club is a place where people come to chat and hang out with our employees." Amy said slowly. She tapped the pen on the table to get his attention.
"Essentially, people pay to have tea and conversation with you. Your clients are mostly women, but we have a healthy mix of all kinds of customers here. I don't know how other places might do things but the job is only to entertain them and keep them company if they request you."
"Oh thank goodness…"
"Do you think that hosting is something you would be interested in doing?"
Silver's eyes veered off to the side.
"Well...er….geez I wish Sonic would've told me earlier what it was all about…"
The pink hedgehog's smile faltered just a little, but she remained silent.
"I'm not turning down the job, I'm just not great at conversation and I don't know how entertaining I could be. I've never done this before."
"That's not a problem. You'll be a simple waiter before we let you become a host, so we won't put you on the list of choices right away. Though there's lots of training in the basics you'll have to do before you're a waiter, or even available to customers."
The young man smiled softly and gave a quick nod.
"Ah, I can do that then, no problem."
"Great! Then you start next week." Amy replied. She scribbled down something on the paper in front of her before turning it over to Silver.
"I want you here next Monday at 3pm. Can you do that?"
"Um...yeah, but...don't you have any other questions for me?" The white hedgehog took the paper from her and scanned it briefly.
"Not at all! Just fill out the paper with your information and work history and I'll take it when you come in Monday. Or if you want, give it to Sonic and he can turn it in."
"Oh, okay cool! I'll get this back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much!" Silver replied before rising from the couch. Amy watched eagerly as the young hedgehog gave a short wave and shuffled out the door. 
She waited until she was sure he was gone before slumping in her chair with a sigh.
"A penny for your thoughts, Darling?"
"He is a babe in the woods, Blaze. Sonic didn't even tell him what the job was! I'm basically building a man from scratch, here."
The purple cat chuckled and patted Amy's shoulder lovingly.
"Silver should be a cakewalk. After all, you managed to handle that catastrophe from before."
"Yeah, and it almost cost me my business."
Blaze put a hand to her lips, gasping dramatically. 
"My, my, I never took you for the quitter type…"
"Oh knock it off," Amy giggled as she shoved her gently.
"But you're totally right. I've done it before under worse circumstances and I can do this again. And this time, I'm going to train the newbie personally."
"Will you have the time?"
"I'll simply make the time. If I want to pick up where I left off, I'll have to put the work in, right?"
"That makes sense to me."
The pink hedgehog rose from her seat with a flourish and pulled out her phone, tapping away at the screen excitedly. Blaze grinned, knowing Amy long enough to tell when the woman was having a brainstorm.
"I haven't trained anyone personally in a long time, so I'm moving some of my appointments around. Remind me to put in an order for a new suit-- oh I don't have anyone to pick it up--"
"Have Sonic do it."
"Yes! He owes me one now, it's the least he can do, right?"
"Of course."
"Oh I have so many things to move around but this is going to be fun! I haven't trained a new employee in ages…!" Amy babbled to herself as she walked out, Blaze opening the door for her in her excitement. It had been a long time since she had seen the young woman so passionate about her club, especially since the last incident nearly brought their business to its knees. 
Amy and Sonic were a fantastic pair when it came to ideas but they were as short sighted as they were ambitious and that was their downfall. Blaze partially blamed herself for what had happened. She was too quick to trust their judgment and wanted so badly to support Amy’s choices no matter what.
She shook her head and walked in line behind the pink hedgehog, that familiar and endearing passion of hers causing Blaze to sigh fondly.
It wouldn't happen again. She would be more observant this time. This 'Silver' was going to be everything they needed to turn their luck around.
Blaze was going to make sure of that.
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And that's all I have for this! It's been sitting in the drafts since forever, and is something I hope to actually follow through on at some point. I have a lot of loose threads put into this alone, but some nice facts about what ive set up so far
the workers at The Garden all have flowers as their name aliases, even the waiters. I haven't fully decided what everyone's will be or all the employees yet.
This is going to be a very Amy and Sonic focused fanfic, as well as the relationships they have with others. They're close friends and business partners, which is where a lot of past and future conflict comes into play. It also weighs a lot on the unspoken 'incident' theyre alluding to....
Silver is lying in this chapter. About what? Everything. :)
Someday I'll properly put this out on AO3 whenever I have the idea fully formed but for now, have this!
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adakechi · 1 year
my wife of the church of christ of latter day saints @suchagallabitch tagged me in this eons ago but i just set up my pc aaaaa
Your Name: Rin !
Your First Fandom(s): I guess it's technically Sonic The Hedgehog
How did you first get into fandom? I had a YouTube account where me and a bunch of other sonic people posted our sonic recolors and we RP'd them on deviantart
How long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? Since 4th grade so uhhh 14 years ish?
How often do you read fanfics? It depends on how deep in the sauce I'm in so rn maybe 1 or 2 a day? If they're short.
Top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Bo-Katan, Din Djarin, The Armorer. But if we mean like Star Wars as a whole, Anakin Skywalker, Cal Kestis, and Armitage Hux. For Degrassi atm it's Campbell Saunders, Miles Hollingsworth III, and Maya Matlin.
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom? unfortunately
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? if so, shout it out! I-I um uh um I draw a lot, all the time so.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: Din Djarin is a sex god i have no idea why this entire fandom thinks he's a virgin; this does not include ace!din but in fics where he is sex posi WHY IS HE ALWAYS A VIRGIN??? MANS EXCRETES SEX. HE IS A DOM. DIN DJARIN PLEASE RAIL ME.
You're trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? I would never willingly put someone through Degrassi, but if I want people to like Star Wars I just say watch the OG trilogy, ignore the fanbase, and go from there lol.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? Exhausting but I've met some cool people so it's pretty worth it
Tag #2
name: rinrin
age: 24
Where in the world are you? Illinois
The meaning behind your UR: tohru adachi + goro akechi = adakechi. campbellssaunders feels self explanatory.
Your second favourite color: teal blue i guess
any pets? well my cat of 16 years george died a few weeks ago and as they say, a bitch is "going thru it rn", but ive still got my bearded dragon akechi.
favourite season? Winter or Fall. So cold. Love.
Last thing you read: I'm reading the third book in the raven cycle series.
Last song you listened to: style - taylor swift (lol)
What are you wearing right now? an ASU tank top and a pair of Jay's shorts bc I do not have my own atm lol
A hobby of yours: art, playing music, rock climbing, hiking, biking, fighting games, writing (sometimes), horror stuff
and finally, what are you up to today? answering mails, applying for jobs, and sweating to death
As always, do these if u want!
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