#I had a bunch of missing assignments and that's why I failed
Please please please post your Jeff Winger analysis that you wrote for your college class
fine. here it is.
for those of you that don't know, this my final paper for my abnormal psychology class I took last spring (at a community college lmao, I have since graduated and am now in university studying something completely different.) the instructions were to play therapist and write a case study on one of your hypothetical clients. we were supposed to make up a person and diagnose them with something. naturally, instead of making someone up, I chose a sitcom character to dive into. I somehow got 100%. read if you so desire, it's about 1600 words.
I wrote this in literally an hour! it's Very Rough! that's not me being humble! that is an objective fact! please just accept right now that the grammar and syntax are sloppy as hell that's just How It Is
I changed Jeff's name to something stupid, I don’t even know what it was, just so I’d have less chance of being caught lmao
I stretched some canonical truths and made some shit up that doesn't necessarily apply to Jeff. I did this because the paper was due at 11:59 and I needed to make a compelling argument quickly. so I somewhat warped Jeff to be what I needed for the paper. it's still mostly canon compliant but just beware and don't come after me for any inaccuracies okay I did it on purpose
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copperbadge · 1 year
Before I left for vacation I did my usual “tidy for the petsitter” routine, and there was some paperwork that I thought should probably get put away, so I stashed it in a storage bin I had out. Because I know me, I put a note in my to-do list for when I got back that said “There’s important stuff in the bin, remember to go get it.”
So I did, but I thought I should deal with the other stuff in the bin too, and I’ve just been popping the lid and dealing with one or two things every time I go past it. Most of it is paperwork, and I’ve just hit some records from high school that my mother recently gave to me without either of us going through them.
There’s a bunch of report cards, which are heartbreaking and hilarious. I graduated a semester early and my last semester was cleanup -- two classes to complete graduation requirements and one to maintain status as a “full time” student. Two were math-based which I was notoriously bad at, and sure enough at the midterm I was getting a D+ in one and a C- in the other. We’d just begun digital grade recording, so the teachers would keep their grades in a paper book and then log into an extremely basic database and enter the grades, which would spit out on our printed report cards. They could put in a grade plus three “codes” which would print next to our grades as status updates, stuff like “disruptive in class” or similar. 
My English course, in which I was getting an A, said “Exceeding expectations” which was kind of Mr. G because I remember him and his expectations were exceptionally high for me. 
The other two have the same catechism: Missing Assignments, Does Not Pay Attention In Class, and of course...Achievement Not Up To Ability. Guess now we know why. 
Reading through these old cards with the cushion of time, it’s fascinating to see my young brain at work. My math and (math-based) science grades tank so hard, at the same time I was getting As or Bs everywhere else -- history, civics, econ, english, spanish. There are documented questions about whether I’m going to pass enough math to graduate high school, dated the same semester as my perfect Verbal SAT score and my fives in AP Comp and Lit. The first semester after I was put into the Gifted program, I failed Remedial Algebra.  
I did say at the time, to my mother and my teachers, there’s something wrong here. My mother, in her defense, had her hands full with my brother; my teachers just didn’t know what to do with me. The school district was broke and didn’t have disability testing available. By the time I got to college I’d simply internalized the idea that I was a neurotypical kid who got stubborn when asked to do something I found pointless and boring, and that was a personality flaw to be corrected, not a symptom of something bigger. My therapist for my last few years of high school agreed, and thought I should probably learn more anger management techniques. Although it turns out you can’t breathing-exercise your way out of undiagnosed ADHD. 
In any case, here in 2023, there’s no solution or tidy resolution or anything to be done about it, it just is what it is: a sheaf of paper from the late 90s about a smart fuckup who could have used a hand. I’m here now, alive and employed and medicated and a homeowner, so it’s a bunch of numbers that don’t mean anything. I’ll scan them into my digital archive, then toss the paper and never look at the archive again, probably. 
Achievement not up to ability. Boy, no kidding. 
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s-4pphics · 1 year
scent of the pine. 5 (e.w)
*takes off grad cap* alright . here we go. 
wc;cw: 17.1k everybody died, sistersbestfriend!ellie, guitarist/producer!ellie, violinist!oc, age gap(three years), all ocs r blackcoded, SMUT!! MDNI!!!, phone sex, masturbation, mean ellie, weed alcohol nics yall know wassup, dubcon, virginity loss, masochism LOL, light bondage, dirty talk, ASSSPLAAAYYY😝, dp, mult. orgasms, subspace and drop, squirting, slapping(face ass tits pussy lol), toys, slight angst but also fluff, just lots of spit n cum
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You’ve been very gloomy these past couple of months. 
You hadn’t stopped thinking about Ellie since you left her home that morning, up until you and Arya jumped on the train to return to campus. 
You’d never be able to express to Arya how much you appreciated her presence: she allowed you to cry, whine, pout, and sniffle about how much you missed Ellie, and she comforted you through all of it with gentle whispers of you’re gonna be fine, bitch! you’re gonna get piped down soon! I promise! Although you felt a bit selfish dumping your girl problems on her, she never made you feel guilty and justified that you always listened to her ramble about her hook-ups and high rambles. The only time she’d ever complained about anything related to your sorrowful monologues about missing Ellie’s laugh and smile and tongue was when you two had to work on your Music & Production Theory assignment (I’m gonna kill you if we fail and you’ll die dickless! Don’t play with me!). 
…But other than that, she’s been so sweet!
Ellie has also been keeping in touch ever since you left. She sent you snaps of Duchess zooming around the house, her meals for the day, and three-second voice memos of her new project she was working on. You knew that she’d been flying back and forth to California and had a packed schedule with her producer friends whenever she was there, but your heart couldn’t help but turn gray when you wouldn’t hear from her for a few days. 
Now it's March, and you and Arya are sitting on the floor as you glared searing holes into your phone. Ellie sent you a text when you were in class earlier saying that she missed your voice and was going to call you the second she had the opportunity. And you weren’t going to miss it. Ellie was worth wasting your Saturday night on! 
“I’m not gonna lie girl,” Arya's voice cut through your intense phone-staring. “I’ve definitely had my dickmatized moments but you’re kinda crazy.” 
You looked up at Arya as she carefully packed her blunt to get ready for her smoke sesh with her friends, concerned look on her face. It made you frown. 
“What, why? What’d I do?” You asked with your brows pulled down. 
And before you could hear her answer, you got a notification. You nearly snapped your wrists at the speed your hands flew to grab your phone to see if it was Ellie, your eyes bulging at your screen, only to see that your sister snapped you. You sighed in slight disappointment before opening it. 
You ignored Arya’s snickering. 
Your sister sent you a picture of her with hairspray and a lighter in her hand with a caption IM MOVING TF OUT I CANT TAKE THIS SHIT NO MORE BUGS R EVERYWHERE WHAT IN THE FUCK.
You couldn’t hold in your laugh as you snapped her back before Arya stood and went to the bathroom with a change of clothes in hand. 
You heard the shower turn on as you got up and onto your bed to mindlessly scroll through Twitter. 
After ten minutes of scrolling through a Best Euphoria Character breakdown thread, you got a text from Ellie, and you nearly squealed in excitement. 
hiiii im sorry i havent been able to b on my phone like that :( been super busy with this sample
i just wanted 2 let u know that i might have 2 call u another time we still have a bunch of layering to do for this track n we’re on a timer. i miss u so fucking bad 
You couldn’t ignore the sadness in your chest, but you texted back understandingly anyway. 
it’s ok :( i miss u too. miss ur voice :( 
Her reply bubble immediately popped up. 
i know baby fuckkkk i miss ur voice so fucking bad im ab to start asking 4 daily voice memos 🤨
You smiled at your screen so wide. 
LOOOOOOOL ur annoying 
You typed and sent a follow up before she could. 
go back 2 work 🥰🥰
kiss :( 
mwah mwah mwah
You put your phone on your chest, and you couldn’t stop the smile that grew on your face. She made you so, so happy. 
The bathroom door opened, steam from the warm water exiting the room along with a towel-clad Arya. 
“What you cheesin’ so hard for, girl?” She said as she grabbed her edge control off her desk. 
“Nothin’,” you said with a dreamy sigh as you stared off past her. 
“…Uh huh, I’m heading out soon, I’ll be back late tonight, so don’t wait up.” She said with a smirk. 
“Don’t forget to send me your location,” you reminded her. 
She let out a quick course, baby before she went back into the bathroom. 
You went back to scrolling through Twitter until your eyelids got heavy. A comfortably dressed Arya—she’s definitely getting some— kissed your forehead and dimmed your dorm lights before she left, and you dozed off. 
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You jolted awake as Rotation blasted in your ears. You drowsily picked your phone up and saw a el:3🌲 and 2:34AM across your home screen. 
You perked up immediately to answer, sitting up so fast that you went lightheaded for a second. 
“Hi, you,” Ellie’s light voice rang through the phone. “Were you sleep? M’sorry, we can talk la— “
“No! No, I’m up, I was just napping, hi,” you said as you grinned softly at her laugh, laying on your back. “You’re up late. Did you guys finish?” 
“No, but we were exhausted, so we called off for the night. And one of my partners kept rambling about this girl he needed to call, so,” Her voice was already making you squirm. Thank god she couldn’t see you. “But I wanted to talk to you, couldn’t help myself.” 
“Oh my god, you’re so obsessed, damn,” you said with a giggle. 
“Fuuuuck yeah, sooo obsessed, need to drink your bath water, shit, I think I’m dying!” she said in an overly desperate, dried out tone, making you laugh harder. 
Both of your laughs calmed down before she started talking, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” 
“Umm…” She sounded a bit nervous, and it instantly made you antsy. “I know you’re not gonna be back for a couple weeks or whatever, but I just… like I was gonna ask if you wanted to do something, like just the two of us…” 
And a sly grin grew on your face. “Ellie… are you asking me out, right now?” 
The other line was silent as you heard her move around and sigh before she spoke. “…This was literally the worst way to ask a girl out, fuck, m’sorry— “
You cut through her jittery rambles. “Ellie, stop apologizing! That’s so cute! Of course, I’ll go out with you!” 
You heard her release a deep breath as she said, “Fuck, thank god, holy shit, I was so nervous. It’s been so long since I’ve done that. Almost shoved my vape down my throat.” 
You laughed as your heart beat quickened. “You really gonna wine and dine me when I come home? We’re that serious?” 
“Ohhh, we're that serious, you're eating nothing but lobster and pasta when I see you, swear to god.” 
You snorted at her, “Okay, sugar daddy, get me a new car while you're at it. With insurance.” 
“Anything you want, baby.” She said with a sleazy laugh. 
You hummed at her offer in attempts to mask the pounding of your heart, but she mocked you, humming back at you in a higher tone. 
“Shut up! I’m just thinking!” 
“Oh, yeah? About what?” 
You suddenly felt shy as her voice lowered. It was so much deeper. “Just… just you, I guess, I dunno, miss you.” 
You heard her shuffle again before she asked softly, a smirk evident in her tone, “You miss me?”
You let out a quiet, but eager mhm! as your tummy swirled with want. 
You listened to her gentle breathing before she asked, “Your roomie home?” 
And your heartbeat picked up, your eyes fluttering as your blinking slowed. 
“N-no, she’s gone.” 
“Then lay down for me, baby.” 
You instantly fell on your back, your scarfed head hitting your silk pillows. Your face was boiling hot, “I am.” 
“You sound nervous, you good?” she asked you gently. 
“M’great, just… yeah, I’m okay, want you to keep talking.” 
“Stop me whenever, you understand?” Her tone was much more serious, and it made your thighs clench, your boyshorts growing wetter. 
You whined out a uhhuh!, but she corrected you immediately, “Say you understand.” 
“I understand! I get it, El!” Fuck, you wished she were here to touch you. To scold you in person. 
You heard giggling and more shuffling around through the speaker, “You gotta shirt on?” 
She chuckled lightly, “Take it off, take off everything while you're at it.” 
Your heartbeat spiked, “But Arya might come back.” 
“That’s why you have a blanket, honey.” 
You quickly set your phone on your pillow, reaching for the hem of your shirt, lifting it up to pull it over your head, tossing it to the floor. You arched your ass up to pull your boyshorts off and kicked them to the foot of your bed. You reached for your phone again. 
“Okay, m’ready now.” 
“Such a cutie,” she cooed at you. You could hear the grin through her words. “Gonna make you cum so hard the second I get my hands on you.” 
You whimpered into the speaker as your walls squeezed. Fuck, fuckfuck. 
“You make me go fuckin’ crazy, can’t stop thinking about you.” 
“M-me, too.” 
“Yeah? What d’you think about?” 
Say it! your brain yelled at you. She already knows you’re a slut, just say what you want! 
“Talk to me, baby, about anything you want.” 
You gulped, heart pounding in your ears, “Your… your hands? They’re… really nice.” 
“Yeah? What about ‘em is nice?” 
“Like when they touch you all over, when they hold you down?” 
“Yes,” you barely whispered as your free hand traveled down your body. Not touching anywhere specifically, just roaming. 
“Know you do, they get you so fuckin’ hot,” She breathed through the line. “Wanna touch yourself?” 
“Yeah, w’na so bad.” 
“Say please.” 
“Ellieee— “ 
She cut off your embarrassed whines with a nastily casual tone, “I'll hang up right now. Ask nicely.” 
You balled your traveling hand up in a fist as you pleaded with an upset pout, “Please, Ellie.” 
“Please what.” 
“… Please help me?” 
“C’mon Ellie! Please make me cum! I wanna cum!” 
Her condescending laugh pierced through your ears, “Touch those pretty fuckin’ tits since I didn’t get to before you left.” 
You moaned out as your pointer finger and thumb rolled your stiffened nipple as you squirmed. 
“They’re so fucking sensitive, got my sheets so wet when I played with ‘em. Wan’em in my mouth again, shit.” 
You pulled at your other nipple, and you let out a moan into the speaker. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful, miss you so fucking bad.” 
“Miss you so much, Ellie, can’t wait t’see you.” You cried out quietly. Your pussy was clenching with need. 
“Touch your pussy, babygirl, rub your clit. Get it nice and wet f’me.” 
You followed her instructions at a lightning speed, spreading your legs wider and reaching your hand all the way down to bring your slick to your clit. Your breathing picked up as you slowly rubbed it into your bud, hips jerking. 
“Tell me how wet it is,” you could hear how shaky her voice was getting, breathing labored. She was touching herself to you touching yourself, and it was making you wetter. It made you burn. It made you want to get her there. 
“M’really wet, El,” you mewled out to her, trying to ignore your bashfulness. 
“Yeah? S’dripping on your bed like it did on mine?” 
“Shit, yes, I feel it.” 
“Fuuuck, bet it’s so fucking tight, gonna break that pretty pussy in so good.” 
“Want you to. Want you inside me s’bad, please.” 
“Gonna give you whatever you want, promise, shit.”
You felt that feeling coming over you before you could think, “Think m’gonna cum, baby—“
“Already? Always cum so fucking quick—“
“I-I just miss you!” 
“Then cum for me, love.” 
“G’na, daddy!” You heard her groan at the name. 
“Fuuuuck!” You heard the wet sounds from her pussy over her groans and whines of your name, and that swelling feeling in your gut exploded.
All you could get out was a garbled cumming! as your thighs shook in your pleasure, your fingers quickly rubbing your clit as your hips bucked towards the friction. It felt so much better because you knew she was listening. 
“Don’t fucking stop, you’re gonna cum again.” She scolded when your fingers slowed and your breathing slowed.
“You wanted to cum so bad, right? Then fucking cum, fuck that pussy,” she must’ve been close: her breathing was heavier and shaky, the wet sounds from her side increasing. 
You put your phone on speaker and set it on your pillow, propping yourself up on your elbow so you could fuck yourself easier. You’ve never successfully made yourself cum like this, but you slid your middle finger in experimentally anyway. You released a light gasp at the stretch. You were so soft and slippery on the inside, your clit twitching as you wiggled around in search for that spot that Ellie found so easily. 
“D-Do me a favor?” she gasped out to you. 
“U-Uh huh?” 
She let out a breathy laugh, “Put your pussy on the phone so I can nut?” 
You laughed with her, shaking your head as you grabbed it with your free hand. You placed it between your legs, thrusting your finger in and out, “Can you hear it?” 
“Yeah, babe, fuck.” 
You let out a moan with her, slowly fucking yourself and bringing your other hand over to rub your clit, hips jolting at the sensitivity. You both were moaning each other's name as you chased your pleasure in unison. You let out a loud moan when you prodded that squishy spot that made you black out the last time you saw Ellie. You hit it as hard as you could, pussy squelching around your fingers and belly swirling. 
“Gonna make me cum, shit, sounds so fucking hot,” she whined out in between heavy pants. 
“Cum with me, El? Please?” You rubbed your clit faster.
“Gonnagonna, fuck, m’so close—!”
You let out a shout of her name as it hit you, your fingers trapped between the tight grip of your walls. You rubbed your clit as you grinded into your pussy, your head falling back as your hips rocked back and forth to ride it out. You tried to quiet your wails as Ellie came with you, letting out obscenities while she talked you through it. You could hear how fast her fingers were moving and it made another wave wash over you, your cunt giving one last bone-crushing squeeze as its twitching calmed. 
You pulled your drenched fingers out and slowly rubbed your clit as you came down, listening to Ellie’s quieting gasps of pleasure. You reached to grab a couple tissues from your work desk, wiping your fingers and pussy before grabbing your phone to set on your pillow. You heard her shuffle before she spoke. 
“You okay, babe?”
“Yeah… wish you were here,” you answered with a pout. 
“I know, a couple more weeks’n I’m all yours.” 
“S’all I’m thinking about,” you said gently. “Go get some rest.” 
“Don’t want you to gooooo,” you heard her pouting. It made your heart skip. “Stay on the phone with me?
“Don’t you have to get up early tomorrow?” 
“Right. You had a long day, go to bed.” Even though the sound of her breathing would lull you to sleep faster, you could only imagine how drained she must’ve been. 
“Fine,” you heard her sigh in resignation. 
“Sleep well,” you cheesed widely. 
“I’ll try, promise. Mmmmwaaah!” she sent a goofy kiss through the speaker. You sent one back. 
“Night, El.” 
“Night, baby.” 
You hung up your line, throwing your phone on your pillow as you sat up to go to the bathroom. 
You missed her scent so much. 
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Your sister was very in love. And lonely. 
It’s been almost three weeks since she’s seen Isaiah. 
She was typically good at keeping her sneaky links on the low, only calling them to fulfill her needs in the middle of the night, buy her drinks, smoke her the fuck out whenever she wanted, but she never expected to miss one of them or wait for their calls. Fuck time zones!
When Isaiah and your sister first started hooking up, it started off normal. Quick, but nastily satisfying fucks in hotel rooms (that he paid for, city girl shit), smashing in his rental car before his studio session, in her car before she went to work; it was strictly sexual for months, and she was fine with him constantly flying back and forth! 
Until he returned from California with a new strain that he said reminded him of her. She damn near bought a ring to propose to him herself. He smoked her out, she had one of the best highs of her life, and he gave her the craziest head on her couch, how could she not want him?! 
And now he’s gone, making beats in California again as she sat and thought about his voice. His scent.
Why did California always keep the most important people away from her?! 
Thinking about that city always gives her a headache. She ignited the packed bowl of her pipe, staring holes into the black screen of her phone as she waited for his call. 
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You were editing another compilation of you playing all four seasons of Vivaldi as Arya snored on your shoulder. Your subs were going to eat this one up! 
The train Wi-Fi was kicking your ass and was this close to fucking up your render, but you were managing. 
You stretched your wrists, and you leaned back from your small tray table, resting against your head against the rest and grabbing your phone. 
You got a text from Ellie! 
hiiiii baby can’t wait 2 c u 
got smth cute planned :)
You didn’t notice the smile that spread on your face as you typed. 
so excited :( wanna smell u so bad 
You were about to set your phone down, but a text bubble popped up. 
yeah? wna smell u too 
gonna shove my nose in that pussy and inhale 😛
Your entire body flushed hot as you shook your head. 
kissie b4 i go? :(
You set your phone down as you cheesed dumbly. 
You wished this train would hurry the fuck up! 
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Your mom had come to pick you and Arya up from the station with slices of her freshly baked pineapple upside-down cake, kisses, and strong hugs. You never got used to being away from her months at a time; You'd missed her warm embrace so much. 
You had a couple of days to yourself before you and Ellie's first date and… just thinking about it made your heart beat faster. 
She’d texted you when you got home, telling you to dress up in something fancy. Would she buy you a fancy dinner? Take you to an art gallery? A night on the town in the city? The possibilities were endless with her! 
Arya had been telling you that you needed to buy some… things for when the two of you get “freak nasty”, so she offered to drive you to the mall (no more fruit panties, you're an adult now!, she’d scolded you). While you were excited for what happened after your date, you didn’t want it to be narrowed down to that; You loved spending time with Ellie. You just got her back in your life, and you wanted to appreciate every moment that you could get with her when she wasn't working. You felt so happy when she was around. 
… But of course, Arya wasn’t hearing that. 
“Girl, you can save all that sappy shit for the wedding, do you want crotchless panties under your—“ She paused her waving of the… very exposed pair of pink underwear as she remembered something. “Oh fuck, you don’t have a dress!” 
“…I was thinking about just wearing my prom dr— “
“Don’t even finish that fuckin’ sentence, are you serious?! Your prom dress? On your first date? You needa be slapped for that!” She said, irritated as she glared at you. You glared back at her attitude, now just as annoyed. 
“What do you expect me to do?! I’m not… I’m not like you guys, okay? This typa shit is easy for y’all. You know how hard it is for me to… do things like this. Why do you think I’ve been single this whole time?!” You said with a hurt frown. 
You knew she never meant any harm whenever she scolded you about your romantic situations, —or lack thereof—but that didn’t mean it hurt your feelings any less. You’re just starting to come into yourself and your appearance, and you need her, and everyone else, to be patient with you. 
Arya must’ve sensed the pain and discomfort in your voice because her glare slowly fell, a gentle replacement immediately overtaking her expression. She set the panties back down onto the display table and grabbed your shoulders. 
“M’sorry babe, okay?” She said softly, and you nodded as you looked off into the distance in rigid forgiveness; You knew she didn’t like that. “Look at me.” 
Your eyes slowly met hers before she quietly spoke. “I’m sorry, I want the best for you, that’s all.” 
She continued as your eyes watered. Just a little glisten! “You’re such a beautiful person—inside’n out and I want you to feel that way, even more so now because of that dick-slangin’ girlfriend of yours!” 
“You’re annoying,” you joked as you laughed quietly, making her smile. 
“It’s true! You’re my baby’n I love you.” 
“Love you,” you mumbled into her shoulder as she pulled you into a tight hug, pressing a light kiss to the side of your head before pulling back. 
She spun around and pointed towards the 30% off on all thongs! sign at the front of the store. 
“Can you buy one, at least?” she said in half-joking exasperation, pout on her face. 
“…Sure,” You relented with a sigh. “I might not wear it for the date, though!” 
“That’s fine, mama! Just wanna make sure you got one for safe keeping!” She said slyly as she stuck her tongue out. 
You shook your head as you made your way over to the rack, eyeing the pine green thong on the mannequin. 
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Two days passed and you were getting ready for your first date! You couldn’t believe it! 
After Arya drove the two of you to the airport to pick up Kris and Starr, they’d spent the night at your place so they could see you off before Ellie came to pick you up. 
Starr helped you wax your eyebrows and legs: she offered to wax your cooch, but you were scared and a little embarrassed at the thought of your friends seeing you so… exposed. You knew your friends didn’t care about seeing you naked, but you were still a bit sheltered with them. I’ll stick to my razor! you'd said. 
Kris was pressing your hair while Arya helped you glue your lashes on as you frantically checked the time with a bouncy knee. 6:33… 6:34… 6:36!
Even though Ellie said that your reservation was at seven-thirty, you still needed to get dressed, had to count for the drive, potential stops for gas… and what if there was an accident on the road and it made you both late… oh, god what if you both caused the accident—!
“Bro, can you calm the hell down— “ 
“Y’know, I’m getting really sick of y’all asking the girl with anxiety to calm down—!”
“Stop moving and hold your ear down!” 
You thanked god your mom was out on a wine night; She didn’t need her night ruined with you and your friends bickering. 
You grabbed your ear in a tight downward pinch with a harsh sigh, moving it so Kris could straighten your baby hairs. Even with all this frantic movement from everyone in the room, they made it clear that they didn’t want you to see your final look until the very end, blocking all mirrors available with their bodies. 
After fifteen minutes of… pure chaos, your hair laid flat, and your face was beat. You pressed kisses all over your friends’ faces with breathy iloveyouthankyou’s before grabbing your dress and undergarments to sprint to your bathroom, making sure not to look at yourself even though you desperately wanted to. 
You shut the door with a deep and heavy exhale. You looked at your dress with pounding in your ears: it was a floor length, black velvet maxi dress with lace detailed sleeves. It accentuated your bust so a little cleavage was showing (I, personally, would have my nipples out, but this is cute, too! you recalled Arya saying in the dressing room); It was so… classy. You felt like an adult when you tried it on. You hope Ellie likes it. 
You shook off your insecurities before they could terrorize you and removed your tee, underwear, and sweatpants. You put your pine green, lacy strapless bra on with the thong to match, adjusting it so… your pussy could fucking breathe how do people wear this shit everywhere they go! 
You grabbed your dress and stepped into it, carefully pulling it up and over your shoulders. You straightened it out with your hand, making sure no wrinkles were in it before you took a breath, opened the door, and walked out to your bedroom.
Starr was the first one you made eye-contact with and she damn near fell out of your desk chair and onto the floor. Your eyes widened as the other two turned with excited gasps and shrieks. 
“You’re so fucking fine, holy shit—!”
“If it don’t work out with ol’ girl, you know where to find me—!”
You shook your head at them before dropping your gaze to your floor so that they couldn’t see your small smile, your face flushed, “Okay, okay, can I look now?” 
“Yeah baby, turn around!” Kris said excitedly as she grabbed your shoulders with an encouraging squeeze. 
You spun around and was immediately met with someone who… did not look like you. At all. Even your brain was too stunned to speak. What the fuck? 
The girls' excited expressions slowly dropped when they witnessed your shocked reaction, but you weren’t upset at all. Just… surprised. In a good way. 
“What’s the matter, honey?” Kris asked you gently from behind with concerned eyes, meeting yours in the mirror. 
“…I’m just really— “ 
You jumped towards your phone on your dresser, nearly knocking your lamp off it. You answered immediately when you saw who it was. 
“Hiiiii, m’downstairs!” Ellie said giddily, and your spirit brightened. You smiled widely, and the girls followed. 
“I’m coming down right now, just needa put my shoes on!” 
“Ok, is it fine if I come in for a sec or?” 
“Yeah, it’s fine. The girls wanna meet you!” And they nodded eagerly in agreement. 
“… Fuck, now I’m scared.” 
“Don’t be! They’re so sweet, c’mon.” 
“K, gimme a sec, mmmmmwah!” she said goofily, you sending one back just as dopily before you ended the call. 
“Y’all gay as shit,” Starr said with a headshake, making the other girls snicker and jump in excitement. 
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You, heels in hand, and your friends nearly jumped down the staircase to rip the front door off the hinges. 
The minute your eyes connected with Ellie’s, you had to stop yourself from dropping to your knees and doing something crazy. Fuck.
She was dressed in an all-black suit with a… fucking turtleneck underneath her jacket. Her sleeves were rolled up so her forearm tattoo was exposed. She had…Cuban links around her neck and wrists. Her hair was cut into a mullet—when the fuck did that happen, holy shit?!— and the two slits in her brow were more prominent. You noticed one of her hands was behind her back, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to care about what she was hiding. You were, by all means, ready to fuck right now. You nearly said fuck the date. 
And by the darkening of her eyes as she took you in from head to toe, you could tell she was ready, too. 
“…Hey,” she said to all of you, but she kept eye contact with you. You stared back. 
“Hi! Nice to finally meet you, I’m Arya,” your best friend interrupted as she stuck her hand out towards your date. Her eyes left yours to politely greet your friends with cute smiles and handshakes. 
And then she turned to you, bringing her hidden arm around to hand you a burgundy sunflower wrapped in gold and pink ribbons and plastic. Evening sun! 
She stepped inside and into your space—she always smelled so fucking good! — as you took it from her hand with a gentle thank you. Her cheeks were so red as she whispered back of course before planting a soft kiss to your lips. You heard your friends squeal quietly. Neither of you cared, sucked into your own little universe. 
“Ready?” she whispered. You nodded excitedly with a toothy grin, stepping into your heels. She smiled back before taking your hand in hers. 
“Oh fuck, wait a second!” Kris said loudly before running upstairs. You looked at your two friends, confused. Starr smirked as Arya shrugged. 
Kris came running back down the stairs with a small backpack in her hand, giving it to you. 
“Packed you some… things. Might not see you for a few days,” she said slyly as she winked, causing Starr to snicker. What the hell was in this bag? 
“Be careful with our little baby, now! She’s fragile!” Starr called out. 
“Will do, don’t worry,” Ellie replied with a light laugh before turning to you to whisper, “C’mon, baby.” 
“Don’t forget to lock the door before you guys head out, keys under the mat,” you turned to say to your friends as you slowly walked out. “I love y’all!” 
Shouts of love you! and be safe! rung through your ears before you gently shut the door. Your back was immediately pressed up against it before you could think, Ellie craning her neck to connect your lips in a hot kiss. Your knees went weak. 
She pulled away before you could protest, looking you up and down, “Had to do that, fuck, you look gorgeous.” Your cheeks were so hot as you mumbled a quiet you, too!
“Think I’m gorgeous?” She hummed out with a small smile. You saw her cheeks shine a darker shade of pink.
You nodded with an mhm!, wrapping your arms around her neck to pull her in for another kiss. She grabbed your forearms and moved back with a shake of her head.
“Okay. No more bullshit, we’re classy tonight!” She said with a clap of her hands. 
“Just one more,” you shook your head with a pout as you attempted to move her closer. 
You shut your eyes when you saw her face move closer to yours before you heard her whisper a no against your lips. 
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late,” She said with a foxy grin. She took your hand in hers to lead you to her… sleek ass car, fucking shit! 
The heartbeat in your ears nearly deafened you. 
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The restaurant was… impeccable. You thought Cheesecake Factory was fancy; They were nothing compared to this spot. It was dimly lit, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, tables draped in a black cloth, marble plates, candles, bottles of champagne… This is wealth!
Ellie hadn’t let your hand go the entire car ride, all the way up until you reached the front desk to confirm your reservation. You both were led to an exclusive spot on the second-floor outdoor balcony so that the two of you were alone. You teared up at the sight in front of you.
Your small section was filled with lit lanterns, the decorative trees around your table wrapped in fairy lights, and your table was surrounded with rose petals. There was even a small flowerpot with an evening sun sticking out of it. The gesture was so simple, but your eyes watered with gratitude. You couldn’t believe she organized this for you.
“Like it?” She sounded so nervous next to you. You turned to face her and nodded with a sniffle.
“Such a crybaby, jesus,” she mumbled with a shaky laugh, reaching towards a napkin on the table to hand to you. You dabbed your eyes, minding your liner.
“This is so sweet, Ellie, oh my god,” you watched her expression fill with affection and doting before she pulled you in to kiss your forehead as she led you over to the table.
She grabbed the back of your chair to pull it out for you with an over-exaggerated call of m’lady!, ushering you to sit down. You laughed wetly before you sat with a thank you!
“I wasn’t joking when I said you can get whatever you want,” She stated as she circled the small table to get to her seat. “I’ll buy this place out if you ask, don’t give a fuck.” 
“Ellie, this is prettiest place I’ve ever fucking been in, oh my god!” You said as you glanced around the room. 
“Ehhh, it’s alright,” she said with a cocky smirk, shrugging as she shook her jacket off her shoulders. You tried not to look at her toned arms too closely as you rolled your eyes. “Want some wine?” 
“Is… is that allowed?” 
“… It is tonight, shit— “
A man dressed in a black shirt, slacks, and apron cut her off with an introduction as your server, bowing his head in greeting. You noticed how he kept returning his gaze to you as he described the specials, but you paid it no extra mind.
After Ellie asked for the most expensive wine, the server departed with a stiff nod in her direction. You noticed her intense gaze as she watched him leave. 
“You okay?” you asked gently. She silently shook her head yes before reaching out to you to grab your hand, playing with your fingers. 
Hm. That was weird. 
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Dinner was fucking incredible. Shrimps should’ve never been called the “roaches of the sea”, they tasted too good! 
You were two glasses of wine in, —nursing your third—and you were starting to feel warm and fuzzy, a smile permanently painted on your face as Ellie went on about astrology; You didn’t know what the fuck a mercury retrograde was, but you supported anything that kept that impassioned look in her eyes! She looked so excited! 
“—that fucker thought that because I’m a fucking Libra I wasn’t gonna say anything. Like, I literally have an Aquarius rising, you cunt! I’ll fuckin’ run you ov— “
“How’s everything?” 
You looked to your side and made eye contact with your server, you sipped from your glass as you eagerly nodded, “Oh my god, it was fucking incredible. Who knew shrimps could be that goddamn huge! Are we allowed to say bad words in here?!” 
He laughed while nodding, “Yes ma’am, you’re allowed to do whatever you want in here. Would you like any dessert with the rest of your wine?” 
“Yes, please!” You got giddy at the mention of sweets, “I saw this chocolate molten lava cake lookin’ thing on the menu, but there was no ice cream on top. Can y’all… à la mode it?” 
“Course we can, the Chocolate Fondant with ice cream!” He said as he pulled out his notepad from his apron pocket, scribbling before turning to Ellie. You noticed how tense she looked: she was sitting back in her chair with her legs crossed, her finger tapping on the arm rest, and her shoulders were stiff. You didn’t comment on it, but something was off. “And for you?” 
She didn’t answer, and her lack of response concerned you. You reached over to gently place your hand on top of her… clenched fist on the table, “El? You don’t have to get a whole one. You wanna share with me?” 
She hadn’t looked at you since he arrived, though: she continued to glare at the waiter, and when you turned to look at him, you saw him glare at her. What the hell? 
“We’re gonna get that to go, actually.” She demanded, her gaze sharp like knives. You recognized that tone of hers instantly. She was this close to swinging. Oh no. 
“I think that would be best. Cash or card?” He snarked. You whipped your head to glare at his tone. 
You felt the table shake as Ellie moved to stand. You jumped up and stood in front of her—almost breaking your damn ankle in these heels— before she could lunge at the waiter, letting out soft warnings of nononono as you blocked her off. This was an elitist establishment; you’re not trying to get arrested! The waiter scoffed and stomped off. 
You watched Ellie seethe in her chair as she pulled her wallet out of her slack pocket, throwing a stack of hundreds on the table before grabbing her jacket. She wrapped her hand around yours before pulling you towards the restaurant's staircase. 
She harshly pushed the doors of the restaurant open to lead you to the parking garage. You weren’t having it, though. 
“Ellie! Ellie, wait! What the hell just happened?” You asked, grabbing her wrist with your free hand to stop her pacing. 
“Doesn’t matter— “
“Yes, it does!” You said louder as you yanked your hand from hers. You grabbed her flushed face in your hands, but she wasn’t looking at you. She just continued to whisper obscenities under her breath. 
“Baby, look at me please, talk to me,” you said gently, rubbing her cheeks with your thumbs in an attempt to soothe her. 
She finally looked down at you, before looking around again, “Let’s get in the car first, c’mon.” 
You released her face from your grasp with a nod, letting her guide you. 
She let out a deep sigh when she shut her door. You leaned over to rub her knee comfortingly. 
She looked down at your hand as her expression softened, “M’sorry, I— “
You shook your head, “It’s okay, just, what was that? I’m so confused right now—” 
“Motherfucker wouldn’t stop glaring at me, pissed me the fuck off,” She said between grit teeth. “Kept lookin’ at you, the fuck was he smiling so hard for anyway—“
“A-at me?” 
“Yes, at you,” She said like it was obvious. Your brows furrowed in confusion. “The bastard almost broke his neck trying to show you the menu, ohhh of course I'll put ice cream on the chocolate fountain, sexy, I'll make sure the chocolate’s extra hot for you, like what the fuck— “
You couldn’t hold in your laughter at her exaggerated impressions, and you felt her relax as she scoffed a laugh out. You watched as she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her mint vape, pulling from it. She turned her head to blow the smoke away from your face. You leaned over the center console, grabbing the side of her face to turn towards you. You planted soft kisses to her cheek in between your chuckles as she shook her head, licking her chapped lips. 
“Dinner was really good,” you said in between kisses. 
She hummed before she sighed, “Sorry I ruined it, you didn’t even get your chocolate fountain.” 
You giggled, “Fondant, baby.” 
She grumbled out a whatever, making you laugh harder, “I had so much fun, El, love spending time with you.” 
She turned her face towards yours to whisper, “Me too babe. Missed you so much.” 
“You smell so fucking good,” you whispered against her mouth before you could think.
“Yeah?” You felt her smirk. 
You hummed in agreement before pressing your mouth to hers. She instantly reciprocated, turning her body so she could place a hand on the back of your neck to pull you closer. The kiss deepened, her tongue swiping against your bottom lip before she sucked on it. You let out a whine when her tongue licked into your mouth. Tongueringtongueringtongueri—
But then she pulled away. You followed her mouth with yours, making her smile. 
“Let’s go home.” 
You nodded so hard, you almost snapped your neck. 
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The minute you stepped foot into Ellie’s place, her mouth was on yours. 
Her strong hands were gripping your hips, your arms around her neck as you moaned in her mouth. 
You pulled away from her and turned the second you heard Duchess coming, her small, fluffy body descending the stairs. You pushed Ellie’s grabby, traveling hands away. 
“Baby! Oh my god! I missed you so much!” You squealed in excitement as you rushed over to her as quickly as your heeled feet would allow. She started purring and rubbing against your leg. You bent over to pet her little head as she nuzzled into your hand. 
“You really chose her over me, wow, okay,” Ellie called out from behind you as you heard the fridge open along with some clinking glass. 
Of course, Duchess’s demons took over as she whipped her head off into the distance, seemingly shocked by something, before sprinting back upstairs. There had to be a ghost or something in this bitch!
You shook your head before standing straight to turn towards the kitchen. You noticed Ellie shamelessly staring at your ass before she slowly dragged her eyes up connected with yours. And she just took a shot of pure vodka. No chaser. Fuck.
“You always talk about me staring, look at you!” 
“You’re lucky that’s all I did,” She said as she poured another shot for herself. “Was thiiis close to doing something outta pocket.” 
“Oh yeah? Like what?” you challenged. Yup, that wine was still kicking.
“Shoving my tongue in your ass,” she said casually with a shrug before leaning over the counter, taking sips from her shot glass. 
That familiar swirl in your gut quickly turned into a tornado. Your pussy clenched tight with want. Oh. Oh, wow. 
“Uh huh.” 
Do something! Say something sexy, you’re boring her! your brain shouted. 
“T-that guy was trash, huh?” you said with a sheepish laugh. 
“…Yup,” she said deeply as she watched you. Every breath you took, every nervous twitch of your body with that nasty little glint in her eyes. The one you recognized from New Year’s. You stepped out of your heels and took a stumbly step towards the counter. 
Confidence! Confidence, dammit! 
“Can I have some?” You said as you pointed towards the bottle of Absolut. 
She snorted a laugh before shrugging, “I dunno. Can you?” 
“Shut up, gimme some,” you said as you folded your arms over your chest. Her eyes dropped to your tits as she licked her lips; She wasn’t moving to get your drink, she just stared at your pushed up breasts. Your manicured nails dug into your lacy sleeve, but you stood your ground. “Right now.” 
She smirked at your tone before returning her gaze to yours, shaking her head no. She tilted her head condescendingly, lifting her brow at you. She was… fucking testing you! The goddamn nerve! 
“Pour me a shot!” 
“Or what?” Her tone was so low, so relaxed. You could feel yourself getting so wet.
“Or m’gonna…” Come up with something, what the fuck! “M’gonna…uh… fight you!” 
“…You’re gonna fight me?” She squinted her eyes at you, setting the small glass down on the counter before folding her hands. 
“…Yeah! Y’know what?! I’m actually mad, you ruined our first date because you thought some guy was staring at me!” There was a shakiness in your voice, but you waved your arms in anger as you started pacing, your bare feet stomping on the dark tile. Along with soft jingles. Duchess was back! “I’ve never been stared at by a stranger in my life!” 
Ellie wasn’t retaliating, but you noticed her jaw clenching. It made you clench, but you pressed anyway. 
“And you didn’t even get me my dessert! Maybe I wanted him to stare at me! Maybe I wanted the attention, for once! For fucking on—!” 
You hadn’t noticed Ellie circle the counter during your toothless rampage, but you felt a sharp tug of hair at the back of your head. Your neck forcibly craned up at her as you let out a wet gasp and pained whined, your fist clenching in your shock and… arousal. Your eyes met her dark, fiery ones, her lips slightly parted as her breath hit your face. You couldn’t stop fucking squirming, your thighs rubbing together to ease the sudden tightness of your core. 
“Don’t start acting like a fuckin’ brat,” She said lowly between grit teeth. “You’re cute, keep it that way.” 
Despite your eagerness for… her everything, you spat back, “S-Screw you, Ellie! You’re mean!” 
“Know I am. Seems like you don’t, though.” 
Your body involuntarily shuddered against her, and you mentally cursed yourself for being your biggest enemy! Your tough act faltered the second you put it on, and she smirked. “So fuckin’ easy, you wanna screw me, baby?”
You were easy. You were, you were, all for her! Fuck, you’d do anything she asked of you. You hadn’t even realized that your hands were slowly lifting your dress up on their own accord, bunching the fabric around your hips. She looked down and scoffed out a laugh, her grip in your hair tightening. You were moaning aloud already, what the fuck! 
“Givin’ it up like that? Like a filthy slut?” 
You nodded, your head filled with nothing but desire. Need. Instinct. You needed her to fuck you right now! 
“Get up those fucking stairs, gonna put the baby in the guest room.” You could hear her jingling on the couch. 
Her grip on you loosened as she backed away to walk towards Duchess with a soft hi, baby! missed you! 
That was a fast switch up! 
You turned towards the counter and downed the rest of Ellie’s discarded shot before you bolted up the steps. You never ran so fast in your life. 
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After Ellie took care of Duchess, you heard her tread up the stairs. You were sitting on the edge of her made bed with your hands folded in your lap and slick pooling your thong. She met your eyes from where she stood by the top of the steps.
“Look at you, already so well behaved,” she cooed at you. She sounded so demeaning, and you loved it. You were so embarrassed that you did. 
You didn’t reply but watched her slowly walk towards you. Your breathing picked up and your heart pounded in your ears and head and clit—
“You used to be so fuckin’ sweet,” she said down at you, her lustful eyes twinkling under the green and blue hues in her room. She shook her head at you. “You get some alcohol in you’n start acting out? That’s what you wanna do?” 
You slowly shook your head no, jutting your bottom lip out. 
“No, Ellie,” you could barely whisper. 
“Take this off,” she ordered abruptly, her pointer finger pulling at the bust of your dress. 
You stood at her command, pulling your arms out of your sleeves to pull the dress down your body. Was it always this tight?! 
After wrestling with your garb, it pooled at your feet. You stepped out of it clumsily as Ellie took in your appearance. You watched her rake her eyes over your body, chuckling softly at your undergarments. 
“These are cute,” she said as she snapped the band of your thong against your skin. It made you flinch… and wetter! “Give’em to me.” 
Your breath hitched, curling in on yourself slightly. 
She gently cut through your thoughts before you could gather them, “Don’t think about it, just do what I ask.” 
You hesitantly hooked your thumbs into your underwear and pulled them down on autopilot, cringing slightly at the large wet spot on the little triangle. You pressed your thighs together to help alleviate some tension. It didn’t help. 
“Get up there,” she nodded her head towards her bed frame. You sat on the bed to scoot up the mattress, but she stopped you, tightly gripping your ankle.
“Nuh uh, hands’n knees’ c’mon,” she scolded, “Wanna see that wet fuckin’ pussy.” 
You clumsily got up onto your knees, hands sinking into her pine-scented blankets. Your erratic breaths picked up as you nervously looked back at her over your shoulder. Her expression softened slightly, whispering okay, baby? and you nodded enthusiastically. You never would’ve thought that you would enjoy Ellie being mean to you, but it was making you drip. She smirked and her gaze dropped to stare at your wet cunt, and it squeezed in excitement. 
Be sexy! you thought. Make her want you! 
You deepened the arch in your back slightly before you slowly crawled up her bed like a cat until you were faced with her black, detailed bed frame. You boldly shoved your face into her pillows, —you sniffed them very deeply— making sure to keep your ass up as far as you could. 
“It’s like that?” You heard her scoff out. Your pussy twitched at her voice; You hoped she noticed.
You took a deep breath, “Is it?” 
“Fucking smartass. Show me your pussy.” 
Your body burned at her vulgarity; she had no shame! You whimpered before you reached your arms behind you to spread your asscheeks, both holes pulsing in excitement. 
You felt her move onto the bed before you heard the ripping of fabric. She grabbed both your wrists in one hand, knotting your soaking wet panties around them before dropping your bound hands onto your back. 
“ELL— “
You were going to scold her for ripping your new pair, but you were cut off by a stinging slap on your ass. You let out a pained groan in the pillow as your nails dug into your palms. Oh, you liked that. A lot. You wanted more. Fuck, you want her to hurt you. 
“Gotta beat it into you, huh? That’s the type of shit you like?” Ellie said in a nasty timbre. “The only way t’get you to behave?” 
You didn’t even get to lift your head to say yes! before another harsh slap landed on your other cheek and you let out a muffled squeal again. You knew your pussy was dripping onto her duvet in a puddle! 
“You’re lucky you’re only getting my fucking hand. Fuckin’ slut.” 
Why was the disgusting part of you wishing that she were using something more? Something that she could etch into your skin forever?
“E-Ell— “
“Be quiet.” 
You shut up. You shut up so quickly. 
“Fuuck, look at this fucking ass.” You felt her calloused hands massage both cheeks. She spread them, made them jiggle. Hit you again. 
“Gonna let me play with it, babygirl? Hm? Gonna let me touch you how I want to?” She cooed out at you. You knew she knew your answer, but you nodded your sweaty head into her pillow anyway. 
You felt her place a light kiss on the back of your thigh, right under your asscheek, before she got up. You heard a drawer slide open. Her… special drawer. Fuck, she was going to destroy you. 
You craned your neck as best as you could
to watch as she pulled out some items. She set them on the dresser before she undid her chains, bracelets, and earrings. She took her turtleneck and slacks off, leaving her with mussed hair and a black sports bra with matching boyshorts. Her back, her fucking back, holy fuck—
Your thoughts were halted by a thud near the edge of the bed: you couldn’t see anything that she chose, but you saw that familiar shade of purple in the middle of the small pile.
“You comfortable in that position?” She questioned you suddenly, her softness returning. 
“Umm… I like it, but my arms hurt a little, not gonna lie.” 
She tsked at you, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“M’sorry! I was really into the “don’t talk” thing— “
“If the don't talk thing makes you not tell me when you're uncomfortable, I’m not doing it. You gotta tell me when you feel off, I don’t care why or when it is,” She crawled up to you and undid the knot from your wrists before grabbing your hip to help move you onto your back. “Here, stretch out.” 
You laid your head on her pillow as you extended your arms and legs, sighing in relief before you rested, limbs spread out on the mattress, “M’okay now.” 
She hummed in acknowledgement, but she wasn’t looking at your face. She was staring at your wet cunt, and it made you squeeze hard. She licked her lips as more slick pooled at your hole before meeting your eyes. “I like you better like this actually.” 
You nodded as you offered her your wrists, signaling her to tie them again with a wide grin. 
She laughed at you before crawling up to pull at your bra wire, “Wait, take this off first.” 
“Want you to do it,” you sighed out dreamily.
She hummed at you, moving up to straddle your waist, “I meant it when I said this was cute, by the way.” 
“Exactly, was cute! You saw my panties for three seconds and ripped them to shreds,” you cackled out. 
“I was excited, felt a little frisky!” She laughed with you. 
You both slowed your giggles when she started rubbing them through the fabric, both hands massaging you through the cups. 
Your eyes fluttered when your nipples brushed up against the lace, your back arching into her touch. She slowly bent down to take one of them into her mouth, the bulb in her mouth circling the peak. You gasped sharply, arching deeper as your hand flew to the back of her head. You gently scratched her scalp with your nails, and she sucked on it. 
You jerked and your grip on her hair tightened, and she moaned around you. You moaned at the vibrations on your sensitive skin. 
You hadn’t noticed her hands snuck under you to undo the clasp of your bra as she pulled away from you, discarding the flimsy cloth and tossing it somewhere. 
“So much for a surprise,” you playfully rolled your eyes at her. Calloused fingers dug into your cheeks. Your smile dropped and your eyes fluttered as hers burned into yours.
“You’re not off the fuckin’ hook. Watch your mouth, you understand?” She said lowly, breath hitting your face. You nodded quickly.
“I understand,” you whimpered out. 
“Atta girl, you're learning,” she patronized with a satisfied grin, patting your cheek a couple times. You blushed harder. “Gimme those hands.” 
She sat up to reach for your destroyed panties, your wrists connected at the veins as she bound them together, much tighter than the first time. 
You rested your arms on the pillow behind you. She adjusted them so that your head was propped up and your neck was supported. You poked your chest out more as your tits jiggled with your movements. 
“I do anything you don’t like, you tell me.” She said in a hushed, but stern tone. 
“I will, El, promise.” 
“Okay,” she bent down to press a soft kiss to your mouth before moving off you and towards the pile of toys. 
She grabbed one of… what is that? 
It was a teal circle with a small hole at the top of it. Technology is so interesting—
“It’s clean, promise,” she must’ve noticed your furrowed brows and stare. You shook your head.
“S’not that, what… what is it?” 
“A vibrator, babe,” she said simply. 
“…Hm, never seen one like that before.” 
“I hadn’t either. It was a gift,” she snorted before she clicked a button on the top of it. A low vibration filled the room, “It feels good, though.” 
“What’s it feel like?” 
“It’s supposed to feel like you’re getting head… sorta,” She said in thought, “It kinda does, like a little bit… wanna see if you like it?” 
“Yeah, p-please?” 
“That’s cute.” 
She brought her free hand up to roll your nipples between her thumb and pointer finger, making you whine out and squirm and arch your back. Your eyes fluttered closed.
You felt the gentle vibrations on your inner thigh before they slowly trailed up with every twist and pinch Ellie gave your nipples. Your hips started bucking up before she brought her hand down to slap your pussy. You let out a loud moan as your eyes shot open to meet her dark ones.
“Stop moving.” 
“C-can't help it,” you said with pout. 
“Yeah, you can.” 
You let out a huff, and she gave your cunt another wet slap, much harder. You squealed loudly as your legs squeezed shut.  
“Don’t get a fuckin’ attitude.” 
You whimpered a sloppy slew of apologies, but you knew she wasn’t hearing it as she pried your legs apart with one strong hand to slap it one more time before slowly rubbing your clit. Your hips jerked, but you forced them not to lift.
“You get so fuckin’ wet,” she whispered in awe, the sticky noises of your pussy filling the room as she played with it. “Hear that? Shit.”
“Missed you s-so much— “ 
“Know you did.” 
You moaned her name, and she mockingly moaned yours back. It made you leak more. 
You felt her spread your lips open so she could watch your clit throb and jerk in need. You looked down and saw her eyes glued to your cunt, her freckled cheeks tinted red and her wet, pink lips parted. She looked up at you, smirking when she met your intrigued, needy eyes as she placed the vacant part of the vibrator over your clit.
“Like watching?” 
“Think so,” you shyly mumbled out. 
And then you felt the vibrations on your soaked bud. You gasped as your eyes closed. 
You felt her pull the toy away before she slapped your clit. You cried out as your eyes shot open to meet hers again.
“Watch me. Don’t close your eyes.” 
You jerkily nodded; You watched her so closely. She kissed your clit before spreading them with her fingers to bring the open part of the toy to your clit, trapping it inside once more. 
Your bud was surrounded by the pulsing sensations of the soft silicone and your eyes almost rolled back into your head, but you craved Ellie’s praise, her reassurance. You wanted to be good for her.
All you could do was moan and shudder and watch her.
“Feels good?” 
“Feels s’good, baby—” 
“Yeah? Want some more?” she said fondly with a filthy glare. 
You mumbled out a quiet yeah, wa’more! in between your pleas. 
She pressed another button on the toy, and the vibrations got stronger. Your cries got louder.
“Sloppy fucking pussy.” 
The tight pull in your gut was building, but you needed more. You wanted to pull on your nipples so bad but you fucking couldn’t! Why did you want your hands tied so badly? 
“El,” you barely got out between your heavy pants, “can you—mmh!” 
“T-ouch my tits? Please, m’right there!” 
She snickered at you before reaching up to slap one of them, leaving remnants of your slick on the soft skin. That wasn’t what you were expecting, but you want more of that! 
“Hit me more?” you keened, your eyes glossy.
“You asking?” she snickered, and you nodded so fast. 
She shook her head at you, “You’re gross.” 
For her! You’re so nasty for her her her—
You received another slap. And another. Then she reached up to dig her nails into your brown bud. You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling back, it hurt so good.
“Shit, m’gonna cum!” 
“Uh huh.” 
All you could do was moan out warnings of s’coming! and I feel it! and yes! It built and built until you could taste it and—
 … Everything you felt stopped. And Ellie was laughing. You were going to cry. 
No… nonono—
“Told you to keep your eyes open.” 
“E-Ellie, please no, I can’t— “
“Y’know, I was hoping you could follow simple instructions,” she cut you off as she moved towards the pile again, grabbing her… fat fucking dick, yes finally yesyesyes—
And lube… and an emerald green buttplug with a matching… remote? Oh, fuck—
“You don’t know how to fucking listen, do you?” She tossed the items next to you before grabbing your shaky thighs to pull you closer to her, your head dropping onto the soft mattress. You laid flat on your back as she loomed over you, your legs on either side of her. 
She watched your twitchy hole produce more slick, “Don’t even need to get you ready, could just slip right in and fuck you how I want.” 
“Wan’you to! Wann’it so bad— “ 
“Yeah? Want me t’use you?” 
“Fuck yes! Yeah!” 
“Keep these fuckin’ legs open, then,” she grabbed her dick and stood to step into it, adjusting the straps securing them around her hips. She climbed back between your legs as she intensely stared at your tits. She looked so deep in thought, brows furrowed with her bottom lip between her teeth; What the hell was her evil brain conjuring up?!
She gave your breast one last burning slap that made you cry out before grabbing the lube off the bed. You watched as she ripped the cap off, pouring some into the palm of her hand to bring down to her dick to massage it into the ridges. Your walls were squeezing so tight, your pussy begging for whatever she was about to do.
You almost flatlined on her bed when she straddled you, climbing up your body until her dick rested between your tits, the lube she smeared all over it transferring to your skin. Her thick, wet tip was almost touching your chin, and all you could do was gape at it before slowly blinking up at her, meeting her burning gaze. She bit her lip as she slowly tipped the bottle of lube, letting the thick consistency land your chest before she rubbed it into your skin with her cock. You felt so fucking dirty! 
“Stick that tongue out,” she ordered deeply as she closed and tossed the lube bottle. 
Your lips parted on command, your tongue slowly sliding between the two of them. She grabbed your face in a tight grip before letting a line of spit slip out of her mouth and onto your tongue. You felt it slide down your tongue before you happily swallowed
it. You lolled your tongue out, silently asking for more with pleading eyes. 
She sneered at you before she did it again, getting it all over your chin and cheeks. You couldn’t stop the whimper that left your mouth. She let a blob out onto your tits, mixing with the lube. 
But then you felt a fiery hand come down on your cheek, your head flying to the side as you let out a choked gasp. Your thighs clamped together on instinct as your walls quivered at the sting. You felt her place a hand on the side of your head, keeping it still as her nails dug into your scalp. 
“G’na fuck these tits s’good,” you heard her groan out. Your cunt throbbed in desperation. 
“Wan’ you to!” 
“Beg me to,” she hissed at you. 
“Please, baby, pleasefuck’em!—“
You felt her squeeze both your wet tits in one tight hand before she forced her dick between them, both of you letting out moans in between the squelchy noises from your bodies.
Her grip in your hair tightened as you heard her pleased sighs, her slurred curses, her whines of your name, why were you getting so tight, why did it feel like you were about to cum—
“Fuuuck, babygirl, feels s’fuckin’ good—!”
“E-El, please— “
“Yeah? What does my girl need? Wan’ some fuckin’ attention?” You hated how hard your core squeezed at her belittling tone. You nodded as fast as you could in her tight grasp. 
“Not g’na til I cum, you’re gonna fuckin’ lay there’n let me do what I want, tha’s what you wanted right? Huh?” 
More hot tears were falling to your hairline as you quietly sobbed and pleaded for her to touch your pussy, but she wasn’t hearing any of it. She released the grip she had on your head, but she just shoved her drenched, lubricated fingers into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered shut as you hummed around them, sucking them deeper.
“Gonna fuck that throat so hard one day, swear to god.” 
You hummed and garbled pleas around them in excitement. 
“Shit! Need that? Just wan’ something in that pretty mouth?”  
You nodded, you kept nodding, you want anything she’ll give you. 
“G’na fucking cum, all over that gorgeous face,” she gritted out as she snatched her fingers from your mouth. Her wet hand flew to your tits, pushing them closer together so that she could fuck her dick into the little hole she tightened. 
“W-Wan’ your cum, daddy!” you encouraged her as you watched, you needed her to cum!
“Shit, baby, stick your tongue out,” she whined out as she grinded her dick between your tits. Your eyes opened and your tongue immediately started swiping across her tip whenever it came up to your mouth. Her hips jolted and stuttered on top of you as she watched you, and you watched her. You hurriedly sucked her rubber tip into your mouth and sucked sloppily like you were trying to milk her. You knew she couldn’t feel the suctions, but you saw her eyes roll back into her skull as she let out a loud moan. She was bucking her hips into her strap as her nails dug into your tits. You kept the tip in your mouth as she rode out her pleasure. 
She looked so pretty and soft: fluttery lids, swollen lips, and her dotted cheeks flushed as quiet whines left her mouth. So pretty, she’s so fucking pretty—
Her tip suddenly slipped from your mouth as she scooted down your body. 
“K-Kiss?” you asked softly, voice unsteady.
She didn’t say anything as she leaned down to connect your lips. It was light and careful, both of you breathing into each other's whines. She made sure to check on you, mumbling an okay? against your mouth. You whined out a yesyeah m’okay before you reconnected your lips. 
You kissed for what felt like hours before she sat up to move off you. 
“W-Wan’more,” you mumbled with pleading expression. 
“Okay, babe.” 
You watched as she scooted down, shuffling until she was between your legs. She held one of them up with a hand under your knee to press it to your chest, playing with your entrance with her free hand. You felt her slide a finger in and your mouth fell open, your walls clinging to her the deeper she prodded. You were stunned at how fast she found that spongy spot inside you, and you squeezed her tighter. 
“Loosen up, can barely fucking move.”
You couldn’t do anything except wail out incoherencies about how fast you were going to cum, and you felt her slide another finger in. 
“Nuh uh, hold it.” 
“Can’t, Ellie, fuck— “
“Yeah you can, hold that shit.” 
You tried you tried, but you couldn’t. All you could get out was a cry of stop, baby! stopstopstop before your peak washed over you. 
But the pleasure left as fast as it came as she pulled out with a tsk, another slap landing on your pulsing clit. You sobbed her name, tears running down your temples.
“Couldn’t even hold it for a few seconds?” She scolded, and it made you and your pussy cry harder. 
“Stop crying,” you felt her releasing the tight grip from under your knee to softly wipe your tears off your face. “Look at me.” 
Your glossy eyes slowly peeled open, taking in the sight above you.
“Good?” she asked softly, and you nodded with a whimper of m’okay, El, I like it so much! please fuck me!
“Yeah? Babygirl wants some dick?” 
“Yes! Pleasefuckmee—!”
You let out a groan when you felt her dick slap on your pulsing bud. You were spewing pleas and curses and cries of her name; you wanted her inside! Wanted to feel her so deep in your stomach! 
You couldn’t help but lift your head to look down at her cock sliding between your folds, her thick tip nudging your clit with every thrust.
How were you about to cum from that alone? Your eyes were fluttering from the pleasure. You whimpered out a warning of your impending orgasm.
“You gonna cum from this? M’barely doing anything.” 
You couldn’t speak, you just nodded. Your mind was hazy and racing with thoughts of her at the same time, your core clenching tight. Yeah, you were going to cum! 
“Fuuuck yeah, need me, baby?” 
Your eyes rolled back so far back you swore you could see your brain shaking its head at you in disappointment, and you came so fucking hard. You felt her tip push past your spasming entrance as she quickly rubbed your clit with her thumb as it hit you. That stretch made you scream, and your head fell back. 
“S’so big!” You couldn’t even register what you were saying, your burning orgasm taking over your mouth. 
“Gonna be my good girl’n take it? Gonna make me proud?” Her voice sent another wave through your body as it shook in painful pleasure. 
“Yeah, daddy, m’your good girl!” 
“Then lemme in, love, c’mon,” she whispered out over your moans and groans and squeals. Your orgasm was still ripping through your body, your wetness dripping down your ass and onto the new puddle on the blanket. She was tearing you open with every shallow thrust, but you took every ridged, veiny inch like you were meant to. 
“Good, baby? Talk t’me,” she said gently, halting her thrusts as she caressed your thigh.
“M’sti—m’stillcummimg—! “
She scoffed a wet laugh at you and went even deeper, “I feel it, squeezing the fuck outta me. Dirty fucking whore.” 
You felt the balls of the strap resting against your ass as you slowly came down. She was all the way in, slowly pulling out only to push back in. Her tits were slightly jiggling in her bra every time she bottomed out. Your hands wriggled in the fabric; you wanted them in your mouth so bad. 
“Wan’touch you, daddy, please?” you moaned out in a gasp as she fucked back into you, stretching you out. 
“Touch me where?” She asked, thrusting deeper. 
“Mmh! Your tits, please!”
She huffed smugly before fucking into you faster. She brought her hand up to her chest, squeezing one of them through her bra, “These tits?” 
“Yeaah, fuck!” You could already feel another orgasm twisting in your gut at the painful stretch. 
She mumbled out an uh huh as she slowly pulled the elastic up, her breasts slowly dropping out. She slowed her thrusts and brought her other hand to pull the cotton over her head, throwing her head back as both hands played with her nipples. Her moaning made you moan and fuck, you were in love! 
“Lemme go, El, fuck!” you pleaded, your hands pulling at the restraints. How was such fragile cloth so resistant!
“Shit, baby, feels s’fucking good,” you watched her pull and twist them as she whimpered your name as she ignored you. She’d stopped thrusting to play with herself, only slowly grinding her hips into you, so you planted your feet on the bed to thrust your hips downward, clumsily bouncing up and down on her dick as you watched her. 
She looked down at you and sneered, “Yeah? Wanna fuck me?” 
“Yes, w’na make you cum, daddy.” 
“Here, baby, gimme your hands,” you halted your movements bringing your arms to hers. She tore the knot in your panties and tossed them before slowly pulling out fully, a nasty shhlck! filling the room. You were so wet. 
She leaned above you, reaching over your head to grab some pillows, setting them beside you. Her tits were in your face, so you slowly brought an inexperienced hand up to touch one softly. You gave it a gentle squeeze, bringing your other hand up to rub into the other. She let out a satisfied sigh of your name. You leaned up, boldly taking a soft nipple into your mouth. You sucked at it softly as your eyes fluttered shut, swirling your tongue around the sensitive skin. 
“Shit, tha’s so good,” she moaned out before pulling at your now sweated out hair. You gave her one last hard suck before your head fell back on the bed, her mouth instantly connecting with yours in a spit-filled, smacking kiss. Her tongue was sliding all over yours before you sucked it into your mouth, making her moan into your mouth. She brought her hand up to wrap around your throat, gently squeezing the sides. She pulled back with a look of concern on her face, grip immediately loosening at your whimper, but you brought a hand up to cover hers on your throat, squeezing tighter. Your eyes nearly crossed when she hummed with a knowing smirk, pressing her middle finger and thumb into the sides again. She pulled away, licking your bottom lip before bending down to whisper in your ear. 
“Turn over.” 
You stumblingly flipped onto your stomach as she shoved two plush pillows under your hips to support them, even though you were poking your ass out towards her anyway. You felt her slap it playfully before kissing it. 
You felt her hands pulling your cheeks apart like she told you to do to yourself earlier. You felt her staring and it made your heart beat faster. 
“Okay, El?” 
“Mhm, just looking.” 
You looked at her over your shoulder, “You can… um… y’know?” 
“No, I don’t know,” she snickered. 
“What… what you said earlier?” 
“What’d I say?” 
“About me! The thing you said!” 
“Want me t’eat your ass?” She said in between kisses on your cheek. She was grinning so hard. 
“Then ask me.” 
You looked forward with a harsh sigh, “You’re so annoyi— “
A tight hand grabbed your hair to pull your head back roughly. You let out a pained moan at the ceiling before you felt her lips at your ear, “What’d I tell you about that fuckin’ mouth?” 
You instinctively pushed back on her with a whine of m’sorry daddy!
“No, you’re not, you keep talking shit’n it’s pissing me off. I’ve been trying to be nice t’you.” 
Nice?! She almost made you black out with one orgasm! 
You didn’t have a response, but your eyes actually did cross when you felt a thumb prod your ass. 
“Should just shove m’dick in here, huh? I bet that’d get you to shut the fuck up,” she spat out and your back arched deeper at her proposal.
You felt another glob of spit land on your other hole, her thumb immediately circling it before popping the tip of it in. You let out a loud moan at the intrusive sting. 
“Been wanting me to fuck this ass since I said it, haven’t you?” She rasped at you. 
“Yeah!” She mocked you in a squeaky tone. “You’re disgusting, who woulda thought you would like this type of shit.” 
Her thumb was fucking in and out of your hole as fast as she could manage. You shouldn’t like how much it hurts, that burn shouldn’t be making your orgasm build up again. 
She let your hair go and your head flopped onto the pillow in front of you. Your nails dug into it when you felt her dick line up at the entrance of your pussy before she shoved it in. You let out a muffled shout.
You didn’t have a chance to adjust before she started fucking into you hard. Squelchy noises, slaps of skin, and your screams of pleasure immediately filled the room, her headboard knocking against the black walls. It was so fast and hot and made you feel cheap, and you fucking loved it. It made you feel desired. 
“This is what you wanted me to do in that fuckin’ closet?” 
“Yeah, daddy, fuck!” 
“Wanted me t’fuck you up? Make you m’fucking bitch?” 
“Uggh! El—!”
“Shouldn’t even be fucking you in this bed,” She groaned out, grinding her thumb deep into your ass.
“Should’ve bent you over that dinner table, right in front of that fucker.” 
The imagery of Ellie fucking into you in front of your asshole of a waiter, making you scream out in front of everyone eating and drinking, claiming you as hers so that they know who you belong to made you see white. You bit down on the pillow in front of you as bursts of wetness left your cunt and splattered onto your thighs, the pillows, and Ellie’s dick. But she didn’t stop, you felt her go faster. Hit deeper.
“M’cu-mming!” you screamed, shouts of prickling pleasure muffled by the material in your mouth.
“Yeah? Tha’s making you cum? Wanna get fucked in public like a whore?” 
“D-ahh! Fuckme!”
“Baby’s so stupid for this dick,” Her tip was hitting your fucking cervix and it hurt so good. You were about to cum again! “Who’s pussy is this?” 
“S’your pussy! S’daddy’s pussy!” 
“Keep sayin’ that, s’gonna make me cum so hard,” she groaned out, her thumb leaving your ass and ripping the pillows from underneath you, your hips dropping onto the bed. You felt her push back into you, her chest on your back as she grinded deep into you. Her arm came around your neck, your throat right in the crevice of her elbow as you let the pillow fall from your mouth. Your nails were digging into the covers as your cunt gushed on her.
“You’re getting so fucking wet. Like when I fuck you up? Treat you like shit?” 
“Yeah yeahyeah—!” 
“Make me cum, babygirl,” she whispered in your ear. “Fuck me back, c’mon.” 
You pushed back onto her as best as you could as she grinded forward, even though it was quick and sloppy and desperate. She started moaning out fucks and like thats and all you could mumble out was slurry s’yours, daddy! because you knew she liked it. Her voice on its own was getting you there.
“Fuck, m’gonna fucking cum— “
“Uh huh! Cum in me, daddy pleasepleaseplease!” you squealed out in dazed excitement. You want her cum you want her cum! 
“Fuuuck, babygirl, s’coming—!”
“Please make my p-pussy sloppy?” you could barely get your pleas out as your mind fogged. You couldn’t even bring yourself to feel embarrassed at your eagerness for her cum, and by the way Ellie shouted your name in your ear as her body shook on top of yours, she must’ve somewhat liked it? Right? 
Your second thoughts quickly died as you fucked back onto her, helping her ride out her orgasm. She was crying out as her nails dug into your shoulder, and the sharp pierce made you cum again! You let out babbles of her name in your pleasure. You were both messes in each other's arms, you pushing back while she pushed forward, trying to make it last as long as you could before it died down.
You let out wet groans as she grinded you both to the ends of your orgasms, and you collapsed. 
You felt a light kiss on your shoulder before Ellie gently pulled out of you, falling onto the bed so that you were side by side. You both tried to catch your breath in your exhaustion. 
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After minutes of heavy breathing and light caresses from Ellie, you reached under to grab the object that was digging into your side. When you saw what it was, your eyes widened, and stomach twisted. 
You heard Ellie laugh softly next to you, “We didn’t get to use it.” 
You paused as you stared at the buttplug that she’d thrown on the bed, the faux emerald at the end of it shining under the green fairy lights. 
“It’s pretty,” you said in a hoarse whisper. 
“Mhm,” she nodded. “Feels good, too.” 
Your toes curled.
“What’s it feel like?” 
She smiled, “You sound cute when you ask that.” 
You shook your head and grinned shyly, “I’m just curious, I assume it’s… nice, or whatever! People on Twitter always talk about it.” 
“Yeah, it’s really fucking nice.” 
“Have you used it?” She nodded. 
“Course I have, used all of ‘em.” 
“Tell me what happened!” you said, dropping the toy on the bed before giddily flipping onto your side to face her. It made her giggle; You loved that sound. 
“I was… like in this sex shop in Cali, and the cashier was like ‘heyyy, your orders over a hundred dollars, you can get a free item, blah blah blah’— “ 
“Not that, you bonehead! I mean when you use it!” You both let out loud laughs. 
Her smile dropped slowly before she whispered, “Came really fuckin’ hard the first time I tried it, like… really hard. Swore I saw god.” 
Your core squeezed in intrigue. You listened closely as she continued, “Like, I was still cumming even after I switched it off. There was a giant puddle on the floor when I finally stopp—.” 
“Ellie?” you softly cut her off.
“Yeah, honey?” 
“Can you… will you… I wanna try?” you said as your face burned, hoping she would accept your poor proposal to take your… other virginity. 
You watched a sly grin slowly grow on her face.
“Lemme go check on Duchess’n smoke.” 
You nodded slowly with a fluttery blink. 
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It was almost midnight, and you were laying next to Ellie on her couch in her Lauryn Hill shirt as you nursed a bottle of water. You watched as she exhaled the smoke from her pre-roll. 
After chasing Duchess around the kitchen and living room, you both covered her in kisses before filling her food bowl and shutting the guest door as she ate. 
“Such a nice view,” you mumbled as you gazed out the large window. You’d never been fond of the city: you always appreciated the stillness of your town, the close community where everyone knew each other, but the scenery in front of you almost makes you want to change your mind. It was always so lively and bright, even in the darkness. 
“Right? When I first moved in, I slept in front of the window for weeks. The noise helped me sleep a bit better and the lights are pretty,” She said quietly before taking a puff. You listened and watched as she exhaled the smoke. You sat your bottle on the floor before speaking.
“Can I try?” 
“You know how?” She asked impishly with a raise of her brow as the remnants of her puff left her mouth and nose. 
“Fuck you! I know how to smoke, I just choose not to!” 
“Right,” she said with an eye roll, gently tapping the ashes off on the ashtray in front of her before passing the joint to you. 
You propped yourself up on your elbows before taking it between your thumb and pointer finger, watching the smoke leave the lit end before sticking it between your lips. You only inhaled for a couple seconds before pulling it from your mouth, softly coughing. 
You slowly turned your head to look at her for approval, finding that she was already watching you. Her hair was still damp from earlier, her lips were swollen, and she was still in her boyshorts. 
“Meh. Still a fucking rookie,” she said in a light tone as she wet her lips. You shoved her shoulder with yours, making her laugh. 
“That strain’s supposed to make you horny,” she whispered, attempting to grab the joint from you. Something nasty curled in your gut at her tone, mindlessly bringing the joint back to your lips and inhaled some more before she could snatch it. You held it much longer than the first puff before choking on the carbon, making her laugh at you. You felt her pat your back gently through your coughs. You passed it back to her and she took it with a shake of her head. 
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After she smoked her joint down, she bolted upstairs, swiftly returning to the couch with full hands. 
You flipped onto your back as she pressed the button on the buttplug remote, and it immediately started pulsing. She smirked down at you. 
“There’s a couple settings, we can try ‘em all and see which one you like the most, ‘kay?” 
You nodded eagerly as she switched it off and threw the toy on the couch next to her dick and flavored lube. She straddled you, grabbing your face in both hands to connect your lips in a soft kiss. You hummed into her mouth before she pulled away. 
“Lemme give you head first, though.” 
She hummed before smacking her wet lips onto yours. She planted wet, sucking kisses on your jaw, neck, and shoulder before she moved down your body. She lifted the shirt you had on just under your tits before she went crazy on your clit. She was flicking and licking and sucking between your legs as your fingers ran through her soft hair to pull her closer. Your moans and noises of your pussy as she fucked you with her tongue and fingers filled the entire first floor of her home. You came so quickly on her tongue, squeezing the muscle and fingers in a bone-crushing grip. You could tell she liked it as much as you did by how she moaned into your cunt. 
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After you came down, Ellie instructed you to hold your legs up so she could see your ass. They were pressed to your chest, both your arms tucked into the crevice of your knees as Ellie prepped you for the toy. 
She’d rubbed some of your cum in before she spat on it, and now she was drenching her fingers and opening in the lubricant as you watched. 
“Just relax, ‘kay?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded. You were a bit nervous, but your walls were clenching with want. 
She nodded before gently rubbing your drenched hole with her pointer and middle finger, making you sigh. You felt her slowly push a finger in and you immediately started to squirm. Your body was so hot already. 
“Okay?” She asked you gently. 
“Yeah m’good,” you said in a wanton sigh. 
She grinned before kissing the back of your thigh. You felt another finger at your entrance before a burning sensation took over when she slowly pressed it in, and your head dropped onto the cushion in a choked gasp. 
“Yeah? You like this shit?” She asked snarkily, but shock was evident in her voice. 
“Y-yeah, El, like it!”
“So fucking cute, gonna fuck this ass so hard,” she whispered out, grinding her fingers deeper before pulling them out to squirt more lube on them. 
She slowly pushed them back in and the lack of resistance made your toes curl. 
“Do me a favor?” 
“Get that nice’n wet for me,” she said, shoving the emerald plug in between your twitchy fingers. You gripped it tight, releasing the hold you had on your legs so you could spread them. You brought your free hand down to your drippy cunt to spread the lips, exposing your clit. You slowly dragged the toy up and down your folds, a quiet, squishy sound joining the already sloppy noises in the room from Ellie’s fingers in your ass. 
You could see her watching with a blush on her face, licking her lips as she prodded another finger at your clenching opening. You could feel the stretch more as she slowly popped the tip of it in, so you distracted yourself. You propped yourself on one elbow to bring the plug down to the entrance of your cunt, slowly fucking it into you. The silicone ridges dragged on your walls, and it made your eyes roll as you moaned softly. Ellie let out a shocked moan as she watched you fuck the plug in and out of your pussy. She leaned forward to spit on your clit, and you brought your shaky hand down to rub it. She mumbled curses out. 
“Thinking about me fucking this pretty pussy? Wan’me t’split you open again?” She hummed out messily. She was just as fucked up as you were, and it made you squeeze. 
“Yeah, daddy,” you moaned out softly, fucking the toy into yourself faster as Ellie fucked three fingers into your ass. “Shit!” 
“Uh huh, nasty slut, look at you milking that fuckin’ toy.” 
You picked up the pace of your shallow thrusts and she matched you, fucking even harder into your ass. You brainlessly brought your wet fingers up to your tits, roughly grabbing at both your nipples in attempts to mimic Ellie’s hands on you. You felt the familiar pull in your gut, but it was so much stronger, and you knew it was going to hit you hard. You were going to cum so quick! 
“Ellie,” you could barely get your squeaky warning out, “Thi-think m’gonna, g’na make a m-ess!” 
“Yeah, wan‘it baby, make me wet— “
You cut yourself off with a sharp gasp as colors exploded behind your eyelids, the hand at your tits slamming onto the cushion to dig your nails into it. Your shouts of pleasure overtook the sputtering sounds of wetness that shot out of you. You pulled the toy out and rubbed quick circles on your clit with it, making you release more juices all over Ellie’s expensive couch. She didn’t even seem to care with how hard she was still fucking your ass, whispering nasty curses at you, talking you through it, calling you sloppy, calling you hers. Your legs were trembling as both holes quivered in release. 
Your sprays were starting to die down with the circles on your clit, Ellie’s fingers slowing. 
Your eyes slowly peeled open, and you were met with her… high ass ceiling! You smiled as you felt her place kisses all over your thighs. 
“Tired?” she mumbled out against your knee. 
You slowly shook your head when you regained your ability to move.
And she smirked. 
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Ellie moved you onto your stomach, —if she kept fucking you like this, you were going to die! — your face shoved into her cushion so you were surrounded by her scent. Your ass was, once again, propped up on Ellie’s expensive fucking pillows that you were about to stain with your sopping cunt, but neither of you cared. She was lubricating the plug from behind you, the gooey noises from the slippery liquid filling your ears. 
You should’ve never hit that fucking aphrodisiac of a joint when she passed it to you: you never wanted to have sex so fucking bad in your life. You just lost your virginity a few hours ago; What’s happening to you?!
You couldn’t think of anything except Ellie and cumming and Ellie’s cum! You wanted her cum inside you so bad, you want to drown in her with every chance she’d give you—
“Ready, baby?” 
“Yes, daddy, m’ready, need it s’bad,” you muffled into the cushion, your cheek squished against it. You sounded so… far away. 
“Listen t’you, all floaty,” she murmured. You could hear her grin through it, it made your toes curl, “Feelin’ good?” 
“S’good, daddy, fuck me please?” 
“…Look at me, babe.” 
You used all your energy to lift yourself up onto your elbows turning your sweaty, thoughtless head towards her, gazing over your shoulder and into her gentle, concerned eyes. She’s so beautiful—
“Why're you smilin’?” 
“M’happy,” you felt yourself grin harder. 
“Mhm,” you nodded lightly. “W’na fuck.” 
“‘Kay,” she nodded, her searching gaze still lingering on your face. “Tap my thigh twice.” 
You reached a limp hand behind you, immediately following her instructions. 
“You do that when you wanna stop, okay?” You nodded, you felt like a bobble head. You want her in your guts now. 
“What're you gonna do when you wanna stop?” 
You paused.
Then tapped her thigh twice. You dropped your head on the cushion again. 
You felt her kiss down your back. You sighed happily. 
She slowly rubbed your clit and you jolted, before pushing your hips back onto her fingers. She was planting gentle kisses all over your back and shoulders to relax you. You let out a whine at the feel of her lips on you. 
Then you felt the silicone on your hole. You moaned into the cushion in excitement and anticipation, you needed it to pulse inside you so badly. 
“What’re gonna do when you wanna stop?” She repeated, her breathing heavy. 
You slapped her thigh a bunch of times. You needed her to know you wanted it. You needed this so badly! You needed to know she wanted you!
Then you felt her pop the tip of it inside you. You cried out in appreciation as your holes clenched tight, trying to suck the toy deeper into you. She was pressing soft kisses all over your spine as she slowly pushed it in. You hadn’t realized that you were grinding your clit into the soft fabric of the pillow under you.  
“Such a good girl, taking it so easy,” You felt her push the last little part of it inside your ass before the little jewel at the end of it was poking out of you. It was so foreign, but you couldn’t help the satisfied sighs and soft cries as you pussy dripped all over her pillows and couch. 
You felt her plant one more kiss at the end of your spine before you felt the vibrations stir in your ass. 
“Fuck, oh god! M’—aah!”
“Yeah? Feels fucking good, doesn’t it?” 
You didn’t even have the ability to think of an answer before you felt her dick poke at the entrance of your cunt, slowly sliding in. Every wire in your brain went into overdrive as the pulsing of the toy and her cock rattled your insides in unison. She was slowly fucking her dick into you, sliding in deep so her tip bumped into your cervix, making you let out a muffled shout into the couch cushion. 
Your quick babbles were cut off as she sped up her thrusts, both her hands planted at the end of your back so she could rock you back and forth on her dick. She was drilling you, your slick coating the balls of her strap. You felt yourself slowly drifting away, your eyes crossed in your head and drool spilling down your cheek. All you could think about was Ellie. EllieEllieEllie—!
“M’right here, babygirl, I gotchu,” she cooed at you as she dug you out and you went limp. You heard the gushy sounds of your pussy and fuck, you were going to squirt so hard you felt it in your toes—
You felt the vibrations in your ass increase and you let out shouts of bliss, her tip beating your cervix just how you needed with every thrust. For the first time in your life, your brain was silent: no doubt, no loathing, no anxiety. Just pure ecstasy. You felt so fucking full. Full of her and joy and love! You love her and you never wanted her to leave you again. You love her you love her—
“M’yours, daddy, promise!” Tears pricked at your eyes as that hot feeling grew in your stomach. Your heart was pounding, and you couldn’t think, you just rambled as pleasure and happiness and love rushed through you. You were about to cum, all over her, all for her—!
“Shhh, I know, baby, it’s okay— “
“Don’t wan’anyone else! M’yours, always yours!”
You don’t remember when, but Ellie had pulled out of you. And the vibrations stopped. But you were still riding that edge, this close to your peak. Your fists clenched tight, and your hips bucked back to meet hers even though she wasn’t there to catch them. You heard Ellie gently call out your name from your side as she rubbed your back in attempts to slow your fuzzy babbling, “Look at m— “
“Always loved you, daddy, always been you, m’yours, m’all you— “
You cut yourself off with moans of her name and incoherent shouts and sobs of love you so much! I love you! as your orgasm ripped through you. Your thighs trembled as colorful specs of glitter exploded in your vision. You heard yourself screaming out as wetness splattered all over you and the couch and everywhere, and it didn’t stop. Your euphoria was so strong, your clenching cunt spraying as your ass squeezed around the plug shoved deep inside you. You were just shaking and crying and cumming and cumming and cumming—
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You don’t know how much time passed, but you were still shaking as tears rolled down your cheeks. You couldn’t feel the plug inside you and Ellie’s strap was gone: you were pressed against her bare chest, your tits pressed together as she held you close. She was rubbing your back as she pressed gentle kisses to the side of your sweaty head, gently humming in your ear. You slowly brought your arm up to limply throw around her waist. You couldn’t say anything.
“Hi, honey,” She barely whispered in your ear. “Can you look at me?” 
You slowly shook your head. You felt her kiss your head again. 
“S’fine, just breath, okay?” 
You nodded again. And your eyes welled up some more. 
She must’ve heard your sniffling because she immediately pulled back to gently caress your cheek. You tried to turn your head to hide in the cushion, but she wasn’t having it. 
“C’mon angel, it’s just me, okay?”
You slowly redirected your gaze to hers, your vision blurry as you studied her features. You cried harder, sobbing as you nestled into her shoulder. 
She didn’t press you after that, she only held you tighter. She whispered gentle shhhs and s’okay, baby, m’heres as you wept into her sweaty skin. 
You know she heard your confession of your long-lasting feelings for her, and even though she didn’t seem upset with you, you couldn’t shake the embarrassment, confusion, and despair that overtook you. 
But she held you. She held you so tight. 
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After your gasped sobs eased into soft whimpers and shaky exhales, Ellie guided you upstairs and into her bathroom, strong arms wrapped around your waist to steady your uncoordinated movements. 
She lifted you onto the counter and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before moving to the shower to turn it on. All you did was stare at her black towel hanging from the wall rack. You still couldn’t think. 
You heard her shuffling around before she moved back to you, easily easing you off the counter and into the shower, making sure to place you under the warm water first. 
You gaped at the droplets sliding down the shower wall and she rubbed the lathered sponge into your skin softly. She littered you with kisses the entire time: on your face, shoulder, fingers, anywhere she could reach. But you couldn’t move, and neither of you said anything. 
After Ellie rinsed you off, she gently dried your coils and face while kissing your nose. You allowed her to wrap you in a towel, gently drying off the rest of your body as you looked off into nothing. 
“C’mon, honey,” she whispered into your ear as she moved behind you, holding onto your waist and walking you to her bed to sit you down, her soiled blanket already discarded on the floor. 
It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion as you gazed around her room: the lights were twinkling like fireflies, her fan in the corner of the room whirring like gusts of wind in your ears, the strings of the rug under your feet reminding you of clouds. 
She softly called your name as she walked in front of you. Your legs fell open so she could stand between them, “Look at me.” 
You took a deep breath before meeting her tender gaze. She cupped your cheeks, softly rubbing her thumbs into them, “You needa eat and drink something, okay? Want some water?” 
You nodded.
“Is it okay if I leave for a sec— “
You shook your head quickly as tears filled your eyes at the thought of her leaving. You need her close, you need her here with you—
“Shhh, not gonna go, not leaving, I’m right here,” she comforted immediately, planting more kisses all over your face. 
“Want some clothes?” You shook your head, and she nodded gently. She gave your lips one more kiss before ushering you to stand. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed her pine-scented lotion and ointment. She moved behind you, rubbing the soothing cream on your ass before moisturizing your skin, the pine surrounding you. You calmed down at the smell.
“Okay, baby, come lay down.” 
She grabbed your wrist gently as she moved you to your side, telling you to lay on your stomach as she pulled a new blanket from her linen cabinet. You obeyed silently. 
You were instantly surrounded by warmth as she tucked you into her forest-scented covers. You heard her shuffling behind you before she walked around to her side in a new pair of boxers. 
She laid next to you, pulling you into her chest as you breathed her in, sighing contently into her skin. She smelled so fucking good! You grinned.
She must’ve felt it as she pressed kisses to your head, “What’re you cheesing for?” 
You shook your head and grinned harder, nestling deeper into her neck. She laughed lightly. 
“We’ll talk in the morning, okay?” She whispered out to you.
You nodded, eyes shut. 
You dreamt of pine-filled meadows. 
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OOOOOOWEEEE alright bookies that’s it :p i already got ideas 4 the next part LOOOOOL so yeah gonna start writing that soon. hope y’all liked it and the wait 4 the real smut was worth it. lots to comeeee 
hope its proofread enough lol i always think that it is n then i go back and see a bunch of errors
pt. 6
shoutout to my wittle taglist🥺 love yall so bad n thank u for being interested in this little project i created :D @fandomshitpostingqueen, @nymphetkoo, @sawaagyapong , @gold-dustwomxn , @amitycat , @nil-eena , @elsivy , @constellieationn , @letsreadsomesins-shallwe :3
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7hrsh · 2 months
𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒌 | 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆
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Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!OC
(note: this story was inspired by @saturncodedstarlette 's lucifer drabbles)
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Whenever a human soul is born on earth, they are automatically assigned an angel to guide and guard them throughout their lives. A guardian angel can only guide them in choosing the right decision to be on the correct path in life but of course, not every human can pick the best choice for themselves. Guardian angels are present to record and witness how a human chooses to control their lives, with this they will be able to put them under divine judgment to see if they are to be put in heaven or hell.
Unknown to the humans of today’s earth, the angel who was tasked to guide the first man and woman, failed and had to face consequences.
There’s only a handful of angels that God himself acknowledges, most of them being seraphims. One of his sons, Lucifer, is a seraphim himself. An angel with an explosive personality, beloved by fellow residents in their realm. His love for animals is as big as his heart, passionately telling and teaching the angelic residents how amazing those creatures are, especially his favorite, which are adorable winged birds, one he cannot seem to avoid talking about. Lucifer indeed is a charming lad no matter what he does. He has his way of enchanting people to listen to him.
With this, most of the angelic residents know of Lucifer. Another one of the seraphim, Yvaine was captivated by his natural charm. An Angel beloved by many, one who is also acknowledged by God due to her kindness and how the heaven-born residents can rely on her most of the time. The two of them met through mutual connections which is by Sera, being close in age and as two of the youngest seraphim, the both of them instantly clicked and became friends.
The two of them spent most of their time together as they talked about how the earth probably has different kinds of creatures.
“Thank you for watching over the little ones, Yvaine. They seem to be very fond of you and enjoy your presence.” one of the heaven-born elders flashed Yvaine a smile as the children ran around the place. It seems as if Yvaine voluntarily goes to this facility to teach the little ones about heaven and the goodness of oneself. “It’s no problem, I like taking care of these little angels. They are very attentive listeners despite being an energetic bunch,” she answered as she knelt down to match the little one’s eye level while pinching their cheeks and patting their head making the little angel giggle. “Will we be able to see you again, the next day, miss?” The little one asked, Yvaine looked at them, shook her head, and gave them a sad smile. “I won’t be able to visit you all the next few days, unfortunately, I have to work on some of my duties but don’t worry I’ll visit you once I get free time.” she smiled.
“Oh, it seems that my friend is here. I have to go now, I’ll see you soon!” She looks at the entrance of the place and sees Lucifer standing there patiently as he waits for her. The little angel waved goodbye to Yvaine as she sauntered towards her friend. “Lucifer, you’re just on time. I see that you have your book with you. Did you teach them about the winged creatures on Earth?” she asked, chuckling and showing him an adorable smile. “Well, It seems that there are more unknown creatures on earth that fly and crawl around it. So, I had to check it out with my magic.” Lucifer replied, giving his book a tap as he lifted it up to face her.
“Really now? Why don't you talk to me about it as we go on our way?” She asked, looking at her friend who's eyes sparkled and grin growing bigger than ever. He's always been a curious one, fascinated by the beauty and mystery of such creatures that marvel on earth. Never has he not talked about them without any hint of passion in his voice, he adored them clearly.
Eons passed and their bond remained stronger than ever, some even thought of them as a couple seeing as they were glued to the hip. Even God himself found it intriguing, witnessing the blossoming relationship between the two.
A perfect obedient angel with his son Lucifer, he pondered at the thought of the two being together. He knows that Lucifer is often going out and about all his creations on earth, learning and teaching fellow angels about its inhabitants and the peaceful life there is at present. While there is Yvaine, one who is willing to listen to Lucifer's ramblings indulging in his fascination with such mere creatures. An angel who is able to keep up with him and keep him in check. A perfect match, God thought.
Hence, why he decided to put matters into his own hands. Grabbing his quilt, God began to write down a letter to pass on Sera who shall break the news contained in the scroll to both of the younger seraphim.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 months
Lock, your thoughts on penacony in hsr? Or just the last 1.6 with dr ratio and Ruan Mei (the love of my life)
i went in thinking penacony was a far superior former IPC prison planet to live on than eris (from nexus) and left going hm. perhaps the eternal night is preferable to biblically accurate flying killer worms. LOTUS-EATER > the reverie hotel
this update might be my favorite yet. i've always loved dazzling, noire veneers with seedy undercurrents. i'm not sure if i've mentioned it on this blog (i probably have bc i never shut up) but the game la noire is one of my all-time favorites. jazzy music, glamorous starlets, corrupt organizations; those set pieces just do something for me. the environments are gorgeous. the reverie hotel has this larger than life feel to it and its layout reminds me of a panopticon, then there's the dreamscape itself. a city that never sleeps which you can only access by falling unconscious. there's so much creativity in the puzzles and charm in the little interactions littered throughout. i especially loved playing matchmaker with a bunch of bottles.
alright, onto the story itself: the start and end were strong with the middle being a hit-or-miss. i am far more forgiving with this in star rail than i am in genshin, since in the former, i'm subjected to the cruel and unusual punishment of hearing paimon's banshee shrieks. i think they did a good job crafting a compelling mystery. anything involving the unconscious is a writer's treasure trove, there's so much you can explore with it. i'm curious to see the angle they take.
as for the moments that stood out to me the most:
the initial dream sequence ft acheron with her being weird. the seemingly eternal hallways, contorting in physic-defying ways were a personal favorite. it reminds me how in dreams, there isn't always an outright threat, yet uneasiness persists. what's familiar warps into something indifferent and unknowable. very neat. then the shot of her crying blood after cutting down the trailblazer... very iconic of her.
mr aventurine. what was he about to do to the trailblazer?? why must they have stopped him?? let him cook. i was game for anything. zero fear, zero hesitation. he's an interesting player. neoliberal girlboss topaz had some workable parameters, aventurine is a total wildcard. his ambitions are murky at best. i kinda wonder if he might stick it to the IPC by purposefully flunking his assignment, it'd make for great revenge.
sparkle is unapologetically awful which makes her fun. her cosplaying as sunday's recently deceased sister was so appalling that i actually stopped for a moment when i pieced together what was going on. i've always found aha and their absurdist philosophy one of the most interesting among the aeons. it seems like there's a real emphasis on characters that embody their aeon's ideals (black swan + fuli, sparkle + aha, sunday/robin + xipe, etc). i hope they lean into it more.
SAM.................................................. his encounter betrayed my expectations in the best way possible. i have so many questions about his involvement and motivations. the music for his fight had my heartrate ascending. i play with japanese voices so i'm not sure if it's limited to the JP dub, but i was surprised by how polite he speaks?? even as he's about to immolate the trailblazer + her two accompanying girlfriends. it wasn't the cadence i envisioned for him. the stellaron hunters never fail to capture my interest, wtf are they Doing........
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a-simple-imagine · 20 days
Monsters on Film pt.2
synopsis: Janis helps you with your last-minute assignment
pairing: janis 'imi'ike x reader
words: 2.1k+
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It is a bright and early start come Saturday. you had arranged to meet up with Janis at ten a.m in some coffee shop downtown. She insisted if you were going to be meeting so early that she at least needed some coffee first. you didn't mind. after double-checking you have absolutely everything you need in your bag you set off. after that evening in the woods, you expect her to be late but as soon as you arrive you notice her through the window. it's even more surprising because you're ten minutes early. you wonder how long she's been here as you walk inside; a little bell jingles as the door swings open. a bright smile as her eyes settle on you.
"hey," said a little too brightly for this early in the morning. you give an awkward little wave that you almost immediately regret. "do you want anything?" you shake your head. "you sure?"
"I'm fine,"
Janis simply shrugs. "find us a seat." you look around the cafe, it isn't particularly full but far from empty either. you find a spot tucked away in a back corner beside a large window. tossing your stuff down, you take a seat. watching as people drift past going about their day. you sigh softly, gently rubbing at tired eyes. you wanted to go back to bed. this was going to be a long and probably quite awkward day. you're not sure how long it is before Janis joins you with a coffee. it's in a takeaway cup. "how are you?"
"I'm alright. a little tired," you express. "you?"
"Good, yeah," she takes the seat opposite. placing the coffee down. "so, what's the plan boss?"
you hadn't exactly come up with a plan. you were too busy stressing over the amount of work you had to rush over the next two days plus hanging out with Janis was never the most comfortable situation. They were cool but she makes you nervous. "take a bunch of photos?"
"of what though?" Janis asks. "is it like the other day when we just wondered about it? What did you do for the other ones?"
"they were mostly of my mom," you explain. "but from behind flowers?"
"behind flowers?"
you nod a little. watching her take a sip, made you feel thirsty.  "so like the main focus would be the flower but she'd be doing something interesting in the background. I did most of the work while away on vacation so," you root through your bag in search of your water bottle.
"and what were you trying to show?" they wonder. this was starting to feel like you were in class.
"I don't know really," you think for a moment. "maybe something about missed beauty or layers. the flower is simple, beautiful and in focus but you miss the magic behind it. or like there are layers to everything beautiful,"
"layers to beauty," Janis repeats.
"the other night in the woods, what was the point then?"
"not fail my class," you joke. a small quirk of her lips that quickly fades. "that was more about unexpected beauty."
"like candids aren't about posing or creating the perfect shot. it's just capturing what's going on and you can get some really pretty stuff even without perfecting every factor."
"Why so much focus on beauty?"
"it's just the word I'm using. it's not necessarily the focus," You take a sip of water. "Do you want to be my model again?"
janis shrugs "Whatever will help."
"probably easier than asking a bunch of strangers- less paperwork too," you joke softly. "I need you to sign a form"
"Oh," you grab the paper and ask a server for a pen before handing them both over. janis looks over it. "I have something for you?"
"what do you mean?" Janis reaches into their backpack and pulls out some packs of film. "I asked the dude at the store what was best. if they're not the right ones, we can go back,"
you take the film and inspect it. "you really didn't have to,"
"I definitely did," Janis chuckles. a flourished scribble of the pen on the bottom of the form before she slides it back "fed yours to the well monster."
"thank you but it was an accident," you offer it back. "just get your money back."
janis shakes her head. "no, I got them for you." she pushes them back towards you. "keep them."
you sigh softly. "thank you."
a smile. "I'm thinking we can do something fun and still get your work done,"
"what do you mean?"
turns out she means pottery. you were at one of those places where you paint pottery only they also made you make the pottery as well. there were options to just paint pots or whatever but Janis wanted to do the work herself. you had to ask for permission to take pictures. You assured them it would mostly be focused on Janis and it was simply for a school project. you wander around the place. other than the woman sitting by a cash register painting a tiny tea cup. there was only a man and woman here doing their painting. One wall had shelves of unpainted pottery ranging from simple mugs and plates to little cats and elaborate dragons. tables lined the space. each with mason glass jars and a selection of paint pallets and brushes. a large plastic crate of different paints. gentle pop music plays in the background. you look at the world through your lens. this place was cute. you would have to come back sometime when you had time to enjoy it. Janis, in a little apron, sits with her legs on either side of a pottery wheel a lump of wet clay centre of the wheel and as she gets to work, you start snapping some pictures. mostly from a distance. something else in focus. a mason jar of water. paint pallet. a cup of hot chocolate you ordered after a while.
"how's the... what are you making?"
"mug," you look over the clay being moulded in her hands. "how are the photos?"
you shrug. "they're okay- have you done this before?"
"yeah, what gave it away?"
"you're good at it," you insist. the clay was making a very smooth cylinder.
"do you want a go?"
your brow furrows as you lift the camera. snapping a picture of her looking up at you. "can't, remember?"
"you can take a quick break,"
"I'll just ruin it," Janis laughs a little. looking back down to her creation before slamming her fist into it.
"now you have nothing to ruin," Janis stood up from the stool "Sit," she signals to the chair. you're reluctant. you weren't here to mess about. "come on, it's fine. don't make me grab you, my hands are covered in wet clay." you roll your eyes. placing your camera nearby so you won't get anything on it, you take a seat as instructed.
"what do I make?"
"whatever you want," Janis insists. just spin the wheel with the pedal and put your hands to work. word of warning- feels kinda gross at first." you stare at it. The instructions make sense but you are reluctant. "do you want me to help?"
"here, move forward," you shuffle closer to the wheel and Janis takes up space behind you. you don't know what you were expecting but as you feel her body against yours you freeze. "is this okay? I'm gonna like guide you and it'll be easier this way." you swallow hard some kind of hum in agreement. "I'll let you control the wheel with the pedal while I move your hands." her hands meet yours. "just start the pedal whenever you're ready. you want it to be pretty fast but don't go too overboard." okay. you could do that. just focus. you can feel her breathing against you. wait what were you supposed to do again? not too fast. "you good?" her words bring you back to reality.
"yeah- sorry." you place your foot on the pedal and begin spinning. the feeling of cold wet clay and Janis' warm hands is strange. She guides your hands slowly along the surface of the clay and watch as it moves between your fingertips.
"See, you got it,"
"yeah..." you say so softly you're not sure she even heard it. "I should get back to work,"
"come on, just a little longer."
your break ends up being a little longer. hoe could you say no to such a simple request? you end up leaving her to it and going to wash your hands so you can continue taking pictures but even as the muddy water drifts down the drain the memory still burns on your cheeks. and would continue even as you get back to work.
"so did you get enough pictures?" Janis wonders. brushing her little paintbrush against the pottery. you watch her carefully.
"it'll have to do," you express softly. "I'll have to spend basically all day tomorrow developing and writing so,"
"you don't shoot digitally at all?"
"I do sometimes," you shrug.
"wouldn't it be easier, especially in a crunch?"
"Probably," you reply. "I just prefer doing it this way,"
"fair enough," they dip their brush in some water swirling it around. "kinda sucks that you did that all day while I just had fun,"
you chuckle softly. "it's fine. I still had fun,"
"I am an excellent model,"
"you are," you nod a little. "may have to ask for your help more often,"
"oh," a curious quirk to her smile. "already can't get enough of me huh?"
huff of a laugh. "something like that,"
pencil scribbles across glossy paper as the sun begins to set. your legs dangling off the edge of the old battered stone. a rustle draws your attention and much to your surprise Janis emerges. you haven't spoken since Saturday. 
"Fancy running into you out here,"
"you almost scared me," you express softly. "I nearly ended up done the well,"
"How did you even get here?"
"I'm just amazing at directions," they shrug. "and I've been wandering around for a while but yeah."
"so what's up?"
"how'd your project go?" Janis asks. taking up a seat beside you. you close the book you are working on.
"I don't know yet," you reply. "she said she'd take everything into consideration so hopefully I'll at least pass."
"I'm sorry again,"
"stop apologising,"
"I feel like if you fail it'll be all my fault,"
"it was an accident, Janis, it's fine." you offer a small smile.
"so what you working on," they ask after a moment, eyes clearly on the sketchbook in your hand.
"nothing special," you insist. a tighter grip.
"Still," Janis shrugs. "show me," a soft sigh. you open up your book and hand it over. "did you take these?" you nod a little. "you really like monsters."
"our talk the other day inspired me,"
"why draw over the photographs?"
"why sew over your drawings?" you quirk a brow.
"I love photography. there's so much you can do with it but imaginary creatures aren't exactly something I can capture," you express. "I really like drawing strange things. it's cool to combine them both." you reach for your sketchbook which she hands back. "so the top one here," you tap the photograph. "it's the creature I described to you,"
"I see that,"
"but then this one," you move down the page. "is more like a gigantic bat-like creature with massive spindly arms and huge claws." you explain. "and there's no limit to what could be down there, y'know. I'm not finished yet so don't judge,"
"hey- no judgment," they hold their hands up in mock defence. "I really like your imagination. it's cool that you can just describe these grand creatures," Janis smiles softly which you return. at least she doesn't see you as some freak. "speaking of which- I got you something,"
"I don't need any more film. I promise it's fine."
a soft laugh. "it's not film," they root through their bag before producing a small thing of fabric.  they unravel it to reveal a mixture of different shades of black thread and two spots of yellow. "just some art. It's worth nothing so you can't say anything," they continue. it's pretty obvious it's the shadow monster you first described to them
"Are you... serious?" you glance at her. "this is so cool," you express excitedly. "look at the eyes. the way the string falls makes them seem so much more menacing. I'm obsessed."
"you do not have to say all that, it's fine,"
"no no, I mean it. thank you," you express softly.
"do you mind if I hang with you?" Janis asks. you pause for a moment before nodding.
"I'd be happy for the company."
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maxwell-grant · 10 months
whats the deal with Doc Savage?
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"He's a doctor, okay, but what's so savage about him? That he goes in public without a shirt? Y'know, he's got a caveman in his group and everything, and that guy is a chemist who runs around doing monkey flips and beating bad guys with his bare hands. Why don't they call him Doc Savage? He’s doing more to deserve the name.”
“Everytime it’s something weird and horrifying happening that only he is able to solve. And it's always some guy running a con at the end. Everytime Savage rolls into town, it's like opposite world when it's the doctor who has to save people from being scammed, instead of the other way around.
"I'm just saying, nobody's that perfect. He goes around with guns shooting people with what he calls "mercy bullets" that only put bad guys to sleep. Yeah, they go to sleep allright, and if that fails, I'm sure the compassion grenades do the trick.
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"You're saying they rejected your application for the Fabulous Five? That's nuts." "Blew me out the front door, I tell you! Total insanity. Newman was there, he saw the whole thing." "No, what's insane is that you thought you had a shot in the first place. Nobody "joins" the Fabulous Five, it's like the most elite group in the country. What did you think you were adding there?" "Jerry, how hard can it be to play sidekick to that guy? He does everything they do better, I'd just have to sit around playing cheerleader and wait for him to save the day, I already do the first part all day around you. It's the perfect job! What, you think you're too good for it?" "No, but I have a little something called self-esteem. It's the Fabulous Five, George, not the Fabulous Plus Extra. They already made room for that girl cousin of his, they're not making extra for you." "Maybe, shmaybe. Unless I got that Tom guy fired. I mean, he looks like he's on his way out the door as is. "Electrical wizard", pssht, I could do that." "Sure you could. I mean hey, why don't you ask Elaine to set up you two? She got to meet Doc himself last weekend." "No way." "I'm serious! Apparently Doc saved Peterman's life during a mission in Burma and they'd kept in touch since then, and she got some kind of date with him out of it."
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"He was a no show?" "Oh, he is all show allright." "So you two -" "No! I mean, I got to see him in action a couple of times and, yeah, I tried. But every date with him was a wash, he always needs to cut things off halfway to go fight some supervillain, and then he never calls back. He barely even looks at me when we're IN the date." "Well he's Doc Savage. He's like Superman, y'know, he's got places to be and people to save. "Yeah, and who's gonna save me? I swear Jerry, it's like he's never even seen a woman before. Him and those five morons around him, bunch of misogynists. Whatever, he's hot, but I'm over him. Miss Savage no more." "I'll bet. Hey, what's this?" "Oh it's from the fitness spa I'd been going near work. There's this girl I'd been talking to lately ever since Peterman assigned me the Hidalgo Trading Company catalogue, she's been giving me the skinny on Doc and his frat boy clubhouse "Oh?" "Yeah she's big, like, really big, really smart too. She's got a yacht, even. Apparently she does a lot of traveling. Anyway, she's this fitness freak with a great tan and bronze hair and, big muscles, and she's got these beautiful gold eyes and-" "And you're saying all that because you think I'd be into her?" "Huh? You? Oh, pfft, no, she's way too much for you." "I'll bet. And, uh, what's her name again?" "Oh everyone at the club just calls her Pat. Mystery lady. I'm meeting her down at her yacht next week." "Yeah. Miss Savage no more, huh."
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(SLAM) (audience cheers)
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"Hey, how did things go at the Crime College?" "Oh it-it-it was a NIGHTMARE! It-itya it's like waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay, Jerry! Way less fun than it sounds!! I'd heard the name on the street and signed up to learn how to fight crime, nobody told me what it was actually about! "What happened?" "Well, at first it was kinda nice, actually. You sign up at the Hidalgo Trading Company lobby, and they ask you to submit your criminal record. I figured, hey, safest place to leave it, right? You meet some of his assistants and everything, and when they hooked the eletrodes to my brain I thought hey, *click* free brain massage along with crimefighting lessons for free!" "Wait Kramer back up, electrodes?"
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"Allright so if I get this straight: You signed up for a program Doc Savage's running that nobody knows about called the Crime College, thinking it was gonna teach how to fight crime. You get in there and it's some kind of nuthouse where Doc Savage tries to pry open your brain with a drill." "A-yup." "And he's lobotomozing criminals all over town because he's running a program where he, what, carves their brain to make them stop being evil and gives them new identities outside of town." "Ye-yup." "And they never remember who they used to be? They never come back, not ever, they just become model citizens as far away from here as possible? Are you 100% sure it actually works?" "So they said, yeah." "...Hey pass me the phone for a minute, will ya-"
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"Hey Newman, I heard from Elaine that the Hidalgo Trading Company is hiring now."
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shyhaya · 8 months
Could you please do Hak x Reader?
Reader was Hak's lover in wind tribe.
Could you do please that after the Happy Hungry Bunch got together somehow Reader got an argument with Hak (who was her lover) because how he's always spending time with Yona but not with her. Hak told her something that hurt her deeply and went missing. And one day they saw her with someone way more happier.
I love this idea <33 I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted
• ────── ✾ ────── •
Better Now Without You [Hak x Fem! Reader / SFW - Angst]
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When y/n was but a child, she and Hak made a promise to stay together. The memory was as clear as day. It came to her at random times, never failing to bring a smile to her face. Until it didn't anymore.
They had grown up together in the Wind Tribe and were always by each other's side. When Hak started going to the palace and met the princess, y/n did too. As they grew up, when he was assigned to be the princess' bodyguard, she was assigned as her personal maid. It was only natural they ended up as a couple.
Even if things got rough sometimes, they stayed strong, finding comfort in the other. She didn't hesitate to go with Hak and Yona when King II was murdered, and neither when they started their journey to find the four Dragon Warriors. Through everything she would be by his side.
Y/n knew that it was Hak's duty to take care of Yona, as was hers. She understood this fully and she was sure the both of them would give their lives for the princess if it came down to that, but as time passed she started to notice their relationship was starting to be.. different.
There were no more gentle gestures or teasing words for her, no more goodnight kisses and no more loving caresses. At first she didn't mind so much, she knew he had a lot of pressure on him but when he started brushing her off and being cold towards her, she could no longer pretend everything was fine.
Then came the fight.
"I'm not being clingy or demanding! I just.. I want to know why it seems like I'm no longer important to you!"
"You are but this is not about us anymore! You're no longer my first priority and it's time you understand that and stop getting in my way! I'm tired of you pestering me all the time!"
That comment cut deep, because she realized that she had always known, since the situation took a turn for the worst, that Hak wouldn't ever care for her as he cared for Yona. She didn't feel like she thought she would. There was a little bit of jealousy but the feeling that stayed with her was sadness. She was devastated, even if she understood his reasons.
So she did exactly what he wanted. She left.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
The first few days after her departure where total chaos. Of course all the others had heard their fight that night, and the second they realized she left they were all onto Hak, having grown fond of Y/n. Yona was specially harsh with him, as Y/n had always been her most trusted friend.
After much debating they decided to not look for her, because she had left on her own and probably returned home. To no one's surprise Hak had protested at first but eventually settled for continuing their journey.
Days went on, and everything stayed the same, but everyone could clearly see the change in the Thunder Beast. He was as dedicated to protect the princess as always, but he got distracted when he spotted someone who resembled Y/n and any mention of her was enough to make his mood change completely.
As they settled in a small village to spend the night, Hak decided to take a walk, knowing the princess was safe with the dragons. Lately he hadn't been able to sleep well, and while he and brushed it off as paranoia or just being with his guard up all the time, deep inside he knew he was missing something. Or rather, someone.
Since y/n left, everything he around him seemed to lose it's colors. Not even the sun was as bright as before, like she had taken all the warmth away with her. Obviously, he regretted all he said to her. There wasn't a night where he didn't think about it, and how he could have been less harsh. He would've done anything to have her back.
Just as he was thinking about this, a familiar sound reached his ears; like a flowing river, a gentle breeze, he heard her laugh. While his mind hadn't even processed everything that was happening, his body had already reacted to her voice, looking around almost desperately in order to find her. When he did though, well.. he was sure that being reached by an arrow or cut down by a sword wouldn't had been as painful as what he saw.
There, right in front of him was the woman he had loved for most of his life. She was as radiant as ever, her eyes sparkling with that (blue, brown, green, etc..) color he always got lost in, her smile as warm as a hug from a loved one. There wasn't anyone else as breathtaking as her in his opinion.
It wasn't her beauty what made him grit his teeth and bite his lip in order to stop a sound of sorrow to escape from him. By her side was a man. Hak didn't really pay much attention to him, too focused on y/n to notice anything else. What he did notice was that they were holding hands, and that she was looking at him with affection.
He knew that look. He had seen it a lot of times before, but they were always directed to him. The realization was instantaneous and painful, leaving the ravenette frozen in his place, the cold he felt being so strong it hurt. Not needing to see anything else, Hak turned around —not before giving one last longing and heartbroken glance at y/n— and walked away.
His mind was full of regret, of sorrow and anger at himself. Some 'what if' scenarios crossed his thoughts, but he knew there wasn't any use in thinking about that. He lost her. Plain and simple. Crying and whining over it wouldn't do anything to change what he had caused. He knew it.
And still, as he leaned against the wall of the inn, his chest hurting like never before, he couldn't stop the tears from overflowing, blurring his vision and trailing down his cheeks as his deep blue eyes glanced at the sky, begging in silence —except for his quiet sobs— for someone, anyone, any god or deity.. anything.
If he had the chance he would do it again, better, without hurting her, without losing his love. If that something he begged to was listening and gave him another chance, he vowed to keep their promise, because he knew his heart would always belong to her.
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thank you for reading!
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ssaalexblake · 11 months
Even aside from how funny the snw/lwd crossover was, it spoke to me as somebody who has been irritated with the fandom (that i can avoid less and less these days because of algorithms). 
Lower Decks has often been described as what would happen if star trek nerds got to actually be in starfleet. The quad of main characters are Massive starfleet nerds, and they also represent the fans who are more technical about it with their appreciation for ship models and engineering, but also the ones who’re fannish over the characters as well. 
So Boimler and Mariner going back in time to see these characters and being freaked out and disappointed that most of them are not the people they learnt about in the history books was Soothing. 
Pike and Una, the oldest of the bunch were more or less how Boimler and Mariner were expecting. They’ve already Done a lot of the things they’re famous for even if they’ve not done all of them.
But the younger ones whose stories we as the audience already know from other trek shows were not how they thought they would be. They are young, this is a prequel, the aim of a prequel is to explain how the story/characters ended up how they are when you meet them in the original media. Therefore, they’re not done cooking yet and are different right now. 
The differences in Spock and Uhura whom were most focused on were noted in different ways, Boimler was freaked out about Spock’s newfound decision to try and explore his emotions simply because this part of his story never hit a history book. Mariner told uhura how she’s remembered by history and some of it fit and some of it didn’t simply because Uhura’s still really young and she’s not grown to be the person she will yet. 
And Boimler was cut up about this at first, it took some time for him to come to terms with the fact that the stories he’d read about these people did not show him everything about them. Mariner had a different reaction, she saw Uhura is young and has so much to come that maybe she just needs a little help. But in the end they both saw the same thing. 
And i’ve been perpetually irritated by both the ‘they’re trying so hard to be tos and failing’ and the ‘why are they so different to tos this is bad characterisation’ crowds bc both fail to miss the point that A) this show is not trying to be TOS, it’s trying to write a story that will eventually Lead to TOS which is an entirely different thing, and B) no it’s not TOS on Purpose and the stories are as they are because it would be bad writing of a TV show, and in general a poor understanding of human growth and evolution, to do carbon copies of the OG characters and put them in all these situations and not have them evolve at all during the whole show. 
They’re not supposed to be like their future selves. They’re supposed to evolve Into them, which is an entirely different assignment and one they’re not failing at imo. If you judge the show for doing something it’s not trying to do, of course it’ll get a fail grade. 
I like lower decks bc for how silly it is, it is also smart. I think this episode was a very concise addressing some of the unfair complaints aimed at SNW while Also connecting to the SNW characters’ plots and being a wild funny ride at the same time. SNW is a prequel, the thing about prequels is they have to balance being able to develop characters to write a good show with engaging stories in its own right, but Have to end at a fixed point. If audiences won’t acknowledge that they won’t see the people they’re familiar with acting the way they’re used to until the end of the prequel, then everybody is gonna go around in circles. 
It’s a prequel and it’s acting like one, nobody has to Like prequels but it’s doing its job as one just fine. 
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ravendruid · 5 months
Be In My Eyes - Chapter 25
You can read the previous chapters here or on AO3. This chapter was inspired by this drabble. If you've read it before, I took the liberty to change things around. I hope you have as much fun reading this chapter as I had writing it. Summary: Keyleth steals clothes, Vax is too stunned to speak, everyone sees the tension between Keyleth and Vax.
Keyleth was so exhausted after a day of classes that had run later than usual thanks to a stupid group project her teacher had assigned, that by the time she got home, everyone in apartment 7B was either already asleep or out partying. She considered going to bed right away without eating dinner but her stomach growled loudly to remind her she hadn’t had anything to eat in almost eight hours, so Keyleth ignored the scream of her muscles as she crossed the kitchen to reach the fridge. According to the calendar on the door, it had been Vax’s turn to make dinner, and if Keyleth knew him well enough, he would have left her serving in a tupperware for her to heat when she got home. Seeing that she was the only vegetarian in the apartment, Keyleth often had to make her own meals on the side whenever it was other people’s turn to cook, but Vax—so kind and caring—always made sure to cook something different for Keyleth so she wouldn’t have to. It never failed to warm her heart to see Vax set a plate in front of her at dinner, not because he made the effort to use different proteins for her—sometimes even going as far as making a full meal for Keyleth—but because Vax went above and beyond to look up vegetarian recipes, seasoning techniques to make the food taste better, and, above all, Vax always cooked without Keyleth asking him to, and most of the time without her knowing (as if Keyleth needed any more reasons to fall for Vax). Just as Keyleth expected, there was a glass container with a post-it note on the lid waiting for her, which she promptly read: Missed you at dinner. I really loved this recipe, let me know what you think. – Vax <3
Waiting for the food to heat was torture, but Vax’s handwriting on the post-it note was worth coming home late. It meant more to Keyleth than just dinner, and she knew it meant just as much to Vax. “Why is he so perfect?” Keyleth mumbled, walking into the laundry room where she dumped her sodden socks in her hamper. She hated doing laundry this late, especially when she was so tired, but she really needed the pair of pants she had bought at lunch the day before. The party at Glorious was the next night, and Keyleth was excited to see her roommates’ reactions—a certain someone in particular—when they saw what she was wearing (although Keyleth still hadn’t figured out how she was going to steal her victim’s clothes). 
The answer came to Keyleth unexpectedly when she was about to switch her laundry. Someone had forgotten to empty the dryer, and just her luck, from the looks of it, it was the person she needed to forget their clothes the most. Keyleth did what any good roommate would do and carefully folded her roommate’s clothes and set them on top of the dryer before she put her clothes in the dryer. What if one of her roommate’s t-shirts accidentally found itself mingled with Keyleth’s clothes? She hadn’t seen it bunched up in the corner of the dryer when she added her clothes, and she especially didn’t notice it the next morning, until she was folding and putting away everything. Only one thing left to steal. Keyleth chuckled. 
It was hard to keep it a surprise once the girls started getting ready, but the good part about finally being able to share the name Keyleth had picked was that Vex could finally help her with the make-up and hair, and Vex even stole the last piece of the puzzle for Keyleth. They had about five minutes left until everyone was meeting in the living room to reveal their outfits, and Vex was finishing the last touches on Keyleth’s eyeliner. A glance at the mirror in the bathroom made Keyleth arch an eyebrow impressed. It wasn’t a look she ever thought she would see on her, but Keyleth had to admit she looked good in it.
Pike and Vex were the first out of the bedroom, followed by Grog and Scanlan, and then Percy and Vax. Keyleth heard her friends laugh in the living room although she wasn’t able to discern what they were saying. She was too busy panicking in the bathroom, pacing back and forth, and reminding herself to breathe. It’s going to be fine. She reassured herself. What if they hate it? What if he hates it? Keyleth stopped, looking at her reflection. Her face was pale with fear, her freckles more prominent than usual, and her hands were shaking slightly. They are your friends, she reminded herself. They will not make fun of you for trying out something new. Besides, it’s a costume party, not you trying to find a new style or a new personality. Keyleth knew she was right. Logically speaking, it wasn’t her tonight, so her friends would not be making fun of her. Keyleth took a long breath in, paused, and then released it. With a last glance at the mirror, she exited the bathroom and the bedroom, nervously rubbing at her hands. 
Keyleth hadn’t emerged from her bedroom yet and Vax was increasingly nervous with every minute that passed. With everyone else in the living room, it was plainly obvious who Keyleth was going to be dressed up as, but not even the irony of the situation was enough to ease his mind.
Vex’ahlia looked incredibly funny in a yellow crop top, sweatpants and fun buns. Between her legs where she sat on the couch, was a canvas tote bag with painting supplies and a fake stethoscope peeking out from the opening. From all the people she could have picked, Pike was an incredible opposite. Sitting next to Vex was the disciple of the Everlight herself, wearing khaki pants, a white buttoned shirt and a dark blue blazer that looked far too large on her, but the funniest thing about Pike’s impersonation of Percival was the plastic toy glasses that had clearly been hand-painted gold. Vax couldn’t tell which of his male roommates looked the funniest, though. Percy, who dressed in gray sweatpants (that had Vex’ahlia gasp and give the man a hungry look), a tank top, and was carrying a backpack and a soccer ball under his arm; Grog in a flashy purple buttoned-up shirt (that he purposely left unbuttoned until halfway down his torso) with matching purple pants and Scanlan’s beret; or the theater major himself, who was wearing a skimpy black skirt, fishnet stockings, one of Vex’s very revealing tank tops, and, to top off the look, a dark-brown haired wig that he wove into a really bad braid. The only thing right about Scanlan’s look was the faithful make-up. Thinking about it, as Vax gave everyone a second look, if anyone were to win a prize, it would certainly be Scanlan.
When Vax picked the slip of paper a couple days ago, he never imagined he would have to sneak into the girls’ bedroom to rummage through Keyleth’s closet in search of something he could wear. He tried to avoid buying clothes unnecessarily since he and Vex’ahlia didn’t have much money to spare, but thankfully for Vax, Keyleth was pretty lithe like him. He had chuckled at the array of colors in her wardrobe—of course, it would look like a unicorn threw up in there. Keyleth wouldn’t be his brilliant, happy ray of sunshine otherwise—but Vax settled for something dark that he felt still defined Keyleth perfectly. Vax picked a dark green sweater with a large sunflower embroidered in the center and an orange butterfly next to it, and a pair of light jeans with hand-painted daisies along the legs (something else that Vax noticed about Keyleth’s wardrobe was that most of her clothes were altered). He braided two pieces of hair at each side of his head and met them at the back, fastened by a green bow that he had seen Keyleth wear before, and Vex’ahlia helped him curl his hair like Keyleth’s. Vax hoped that he looked enough like her that everyone would give him a break for keeping his boots since he couldn’t fit in Keyleth’s canvas sneakers and couldn’t afford to buy himself a pair. 
Vex’s reaction to his final look had been unexpected. Vax thought his twin would tease him endlessly for pulling a paper with Keyleth’s name, but instead, she merely shook her head in amusement and muttered something about fate and soulmates. It never occurred to Vax that his sister believed in such things, but then again, he also never thought she was going to get involved with someone like Percival after everything their mother went through with their father. Everyone else’s reaction, however, had been as he expected. Scanlan mentioned how weird it was to see Vax wearing clothes that weren’t black, and Grog had pointed out that he needed to eat more protein and work out more because he fit Keyleth’s clothes too well. As for Pike, she had been the nicest one, merely complimenting him for a job well done. From everyone so far, Vax had been the one who wore the most pieces of clothing of their pick.
“Should someone go check on Keyleth?” Vax asked when Keyleth didn’t show up ten minutes after the scheduled time—if Vax knew her well, Keyleth was probably freaking out in the bedroom—but just as soon as Vax spoke, the bedroom door opened and Keyleth turned the corner. Vax was glad he was sitting down because he would have probably fallen on his ass otherwise.
For what Vax assumed was the first time in Keyleth’s life, she didn’t have a single piece of color on her. While it looked strange, it was also incredibly sexy, especially because Keyleth was wearing Vax’s favorite t-shirt (so that’s where it went!) underneath his leather jacket—certainly stolen by Vex’ahlia—a pair of black pants and Vex’s boots that were a cheap replica of his. Keyleth’s nails were painted black, her make-up was a perfect imitation of Vax’s eyeliner, and her hair had been straightened and was tied back in a half-up style like Vax always did. Keyleth looked beautiful in black—but then again, she would look beautiful in a potato sack— but she was also visibly nervous.
“Sorry I made you all wait,” Keyleth apologized, rubbing her hands in front of her in what Vax knew well as being a gesture of anxiety. Keyleth’s eyes shifted to him and she took a step back, aghast. Vax grinned at her and extended an inviting hand that Keyleth took hesitantly, he then pulled her to his side and wrapped his arm around her waist. Vax was perfectly aware that they had five pairs of eyes on him and Keyleth, but he didn’t care about them. All Vax cared about was the pair of bright, stunned green eyes and the smile on Keyleth’s face once she realized they were dressed up as each other.
“Let’s go before you two start making out,” Vex’ahlia rolled her eyes and grabbed the tote bag at her feet. Everyone else followed suit out of the apartment, leaving Vax and Keyleth still standing close to each other for a moment. 
“We should go,” Keyleth mumbled after the last person left, closing the door behind them. 
“You look…” Vax placed both hands on her waist and pushed her away softly to look at her again from head to toe. “Absolutely stunning, Keyleth.”
Keyleth’s cheeks bloomed pink. She looked him up and down, taking notice of everything, then back to his eyes and said, “You don’t look too bad either, Vax’ildan. Green looks great on you.”
“Not as good as you in black, Kiki. Damn,” Vax bit his lip. Keyleth squealed and hid her face in her hands but Vax pulled them away, leaned in to kiss her cheek, and whispered, “You look so hot. Gods be damned.”
Keyleth giggled. Vax had expected her to pull away and hide herself in a shell of bashfulness but she hadn’t done anything to show him she was embarrassed, quite the opposite. Keyleth was staring at him differently, almost as if she was hungry for something she had never had before. Vax didn’t want to assume she wanted him the same way he wanted her, lest he make a fool of himself, so he ignored the urge to lock the apartment door, kiss her, and take her to his bedroom. No, if Keyleth wanted him that way, he would wait until she made a move. He would wait his entire life for her.
“We should go,” Keyleth finally broke away from him, although she clasped her hand in his and pulled Vax behind her. The others were already waiting for them at the atrium, and even though most of them pretended not to notice Vax and Keyleth holding hands, Vex’ahlia didn’t seem to care about hiding it, not with the wink she gave them before she turned around and grabbed Percy’s arm as they all strode out of the building.
But as soon as Vax and Keyleth stepped into the cold autumn air of Emon, Vax felt a weird weight on his chest like something bad was going to happen. Worst of all, he had left his knife behind, safely stored in his nightstand drawer. Shit. Maybe it was just anxiety from going out for the first time in a while. Maybe it was because Keyleth was holding his hand tightly like he was her lifeline. Vax tried to ignore the heaviness of his chest and focus on the warmth and softness of Keyleth’s hand in his and the way she had looked at him before. Relax.Everything will be alright. Nothing bad will happen tonight.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 10 months
Hey I don’t know if you’re taking requests, or know someone that is, but I’m feeling a Plo Koon x timid fem!reader fic, rating is dealers choice! Have a great day!!
Summary: Aboard the Triumphant, your fate is sealed amidst your numerous failure.
Pairing: Plo Koon / Reader
Word Count: 1K
Rating: F for Fluff. F for Foolishness.
Notes: The best means of healing and comfort isn't always through a plethora of words and wisdom — sometimes you just gotta yeet that shit out into space with new found friends and better opportunity. Oh and yeah, trust the force or whatever.
Color thingies because I'm deranged to not use them: Orange: Plo Koon Pink: You/Reader Blue: Commander Wolffe Purple: Sinker, Boost, Warthog, Comet
Perfect divider by @idontgetanysleep with itty, bitty, cutie-patootie Plo Koon face ♥
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You did what you were supposed to— or at least tried, for that matter. The instructions were pretty clear and simple even for someone who had just boarded the Triumphant after barely making the cut to be a medic. The choice was either to be retrained under a more draconian approach having failed a shy number of times, had it not been for the strings that latched onto your shoulder for having a guardian with amicable connections, or be decommissioned. Not that you would suffer the same fate as the clones for being an external resource, but to no longer be of contribution to the cause of peace in the ever-chaotic galaxy is no better than death itself.
And you were ecstatic —even for a fleeting moment when news of you being assigned to the 104th came about. You’ve heard so much of Master Jedi General Plo Koon and the Wolfpack that you couldn’t really blame why some clones aspire to be under the warm hand of the highly revered and ‘tamed’ Jedi as opposed to the boisterous bunch of Generals Skywalker and Kenobi. You were beyond elated that you’ve missed hours of sleep as you were finally jettisoned from Coruscant to board the venator-class ship that you’ve become quite a jittery mess.
And so here you are; standing before a box of refurbished datapads with not a single device flickering to life as if the protruding ports smashed and torn weren’t enough to instill how much of a failure you are — how much, a simple task efficiency eludes you as how all the tasks before today had done the same. 
You might as well just step off the ramp right now and float aimlessly in space to mirror the emptiness you bring to the galaxy with your pathetic existence, right? Might as well just step into the sun and at least allow yourself to be a source of kindling that may burn brighter and serve hope to the fallen like yourself. Might as well —
“Might I interest you in a little distraction, little one?”
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Plo Koon, in his towering frame that was both intimidating and of a soothing presence, had placed his talon-clad hand over your shoulder; a gentle squeeze to merit your attention as you turn and immediately lower your head with irises shaken in search of words to offer your most-sincerest apologies for having brought the incorrect package.
“I’m… I’m sorry, sir.” Even your apology was barely acceptable by your standards that you felt even smaller. So small that you were a rough estimate of twenty-nine seconds away from welling up for failing so miserably these past few days. It has deterred your morning routines of self-affirmation knowing fully that you are only to fail once more — and you have indeed yet again. You weren’t much of a talker either; you were that of a shy nature, timid on all accounts.
You hear a soft thud and wince — not that you were hurt or anything, but you were so easily frightened when it comes to failure, thinking he would have struck you or at least commanded a trooper to escort you out of the premises and off to the uncertainties of life. 
But no, it clearly wasn’t that at all.
As you gaze up to inspect the sound, you see Plo Koon holding a metallic bat made of scraps, worn of usage with blurred writings and the Wolfpack’s insignia drawn on different angles including the signage on the 104th’s ships, Plo’s Bros.
You watch his wrist turn and swing the bat lightly, testing it with a firm grip at the hilt. 
“When in training…” He began, pausing dramatically like the true, theatrical Baran Do Sage that he is apart from being a Master Jedi. “... the only failure is not to learn from your defeats.” 
Before you could ask, you see him turn, grasp the hilt of the bat with both hands, swing as one refurbished datapad flew over his head and met the bat with such precision that it was out in the vastness of space in less than a second. 
“Nice shot, General.” 
Your eyes were drawn promptly to Boost who offered a cheerful greeting and a wink, tossing another broken datapad in his hand ready to putt. Comet and Warthog beside him holding a singular digit of 1 and 0 in solidarity, while Sinker rummaged through the box of unusable datapads you’ve carried.
Plo turns to you and extends his hand, guiding and insisting you take the plunge. 
“Your turn, sweetness.” You hear Sinker from behind you, ushering you towards their beloved General who then welcomed you with a rather secure hold as he positioned himself behind. 
You feel the warmth of his palm enveloping the back of your hand in contrast to the stannic bat that latched on your grip. He guides your other hand to firmly take hold before leaning over your shoulder.
“Remember, my dear, you always pass failure on your way to success.”
With that, Plo steps a mindful distance and turns to Boost with a nod. “Consider this your official initiation to the 104th.”
And right before the turn of events fruition, you hear yet another voice approaching. 
“Ah, Commander Wolffe. How good of you to join us.” Says Plo Koon.
“General. Boys.” Wolffe replies in his stern and gruff note. “You do realize that I have to file a report on this.”
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In fear, you turn to Plo whose brow creases were far from being tensed let alone bothered. He turns to Wolffe and motions for Boost to ready his aim. 
Wolffe sighs in both an exasperated and amused manner, arms tucked behind his back as he turns heel and bid farewell. “You best make that shot or you’re off this ship, miss.”
“You heard the commander. I believe in you, little one. Make your mark.”
And indeed you have —with a newfound determination and a steady grip, you’ve allowed yourself to not only trust in the Force, your new comrades, your new General, and your new role, but have also found it within you to trust the most important aspect of existence;
♥̷ ̷Y̷ ̷O̷ ̷U̷ ̷R̷ ̷S̷ ̷E̷ ̷L̷ ̷F̷ ̷♥̷
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Welcome aboard the Triumphant, little love ♥ Where PloHours and 104th Foolishness is operational 24/7. I hope you enjoy this and that this was is at least a little close to your ask because oh-my-god, did I have to Google so much meaning equivalents of ‘timid’.
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banemmanan · 8 months
GFU Stats #2
Some fun statistics from the TV show The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.
This is a revised, updated, more accurate version of this post.
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This post is based on a series of posts by @commander-kiranerys where they compiled similar data for the series The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (e.g. Season 3). All but one of the data categories that I collected can be found in those original posts along with some more that I didn't count.
Explanation #1: why the recount?
As mentioned in my original post, I counted that first set of statistics in just three days. How do you fit roughly ten epispdes into a day? Well, truth be told, I watched them at double speed. I had a whole bunch of assignments due at the time, but this idea had lodged itself into my brain and I had no self-control, so I did it as quickly as I could in order that I could focus on my uni work again. This time, everything was watched at regular speed and I will admit that there was a lot that I missed the first time around. After I watched it through the first time and recorded data, I then watched it through a second time, this time with my sister as an impartial second opinion, and we both recorded separate data. The results are an average of these three data sets and thus I feel that they are much more reliable this time around.
Explanation #2: what's 'S' and 'F'?
For the categories 'Escape' and 'Rescue' the S in brackets stands for Successful and the F for Failed. Escaping entails getting free under their own power and if someone not in the 'captured' scenario got them out then it was a rescue.
Disclaimer #1: objectivity of results
If comparing these results to the muncle stats, bear in mind that they have been compiled by two different people. We might have different ideas as to what qualifies as 'being captured' or 'an escape attempt', etc.
Disclaimer #2: additional data
Due to Mark Slate not appearing in the third episode (instead appearing in the Man from U.N.C.L.E. episode of that week), data was gathered for him from that episode (the Galatea Affair) instead. Thus, all results could still be divided by 29 in order to establish the average per episode. I do not know if commander-kiranerys did the same for Napoleon with regards to season 3. I did not record any data from the MFU episode, the Moonglow Affair.
Captured: April seems to be a bit of a damsel in distress here when you look at the numbers, but in fairness to her, she manages to escape on her own slightly more often than she needs rescuing. Considering also that Mark gets himself captured 20 times over the season; he's not exactly got a stellar track record either. Though more than once per episode for April is pretty disappointing and I think probably reflects the attitudes of the time. You may notice that the escape/rescue number for together is higher than the capture together number. This is due to instances where they have been captured individually, but then brought together in captivity and thus are together when they escape.
Arrested: I included this one only because I find it very funny when they get arrested by the regular law enforcement rather than by THRUSH and then have to sheepishly call Mr. Waverly and ask to be bailed out... I did not count these instances as them being 'captured' though, as I feel that requires malicious intent rather than a will to uphold the law.
Knocked out: bashed on the head, tranquilized, and one instance of fainting (surprisingly that wasn't April). Mark alone surpasses even the highest of Napoleon and Illya's combined totals! Suffice it to say, these two probably have near constant concussions (and that honestly explains a lot).
Restrained/chained/tied up: again, April features here significantly more than Mark does. The ratio is pretty consistent with being captured, though. 'Restrained' is just a combination of the chained/tied up categories as that is how I had initially understood commander-kiranerys to have comiled it (I'm less sure about that now though). Retrospectively I think I should have used it as an 'other' category to mean anything not done using rope or chains e.g. leather straps or being physically held (or in one instance a plant). Either way, what I find interesting in these results is that April and Mark were never tied together at any point (though there is a promotional photo that features this).
Tortured: interestingly very even here, despite the writers' clear reluctance to let April get roughed up (unless by another woman). But then again, I think deciding what is and isn't torture might be quite subjective (which is why I left it out the first time around). There were actually a number of instances that were a grey area for me and I wonder now if I should have included them; I erred on the side of caution and actually these figures might be higher if I'm fully honest. It's too late for doubting now though I guess. Feel free to debate!
Drugged: the vast majority of these are knock-out gas/chloroform/sleep darts/etc. so these results overlap a lot with the 'knocked out' category, though there are a couple of instances of drugs with other effects on the body.
Shot: April was never shot in the entire series (very lucky! but also maybe very indicative of the show writing of the time - she can be in peril, but heaven forbid that she's roughed up!) Mark on the other hand was either shot 3 or 4 times. The uncertainty comes when after seemingly being shot during a scene, he is perfectly fine mere seconds later and doesn't comment on the fact at all. So I'm not sure if he was definitely shot. I included a gif in the original post to illustrate the initial incident, so if you want to make your mind up for yourself, you can go and take a look at that. Personally I think 4.
Wet: surpassed only by season 4 in terms of average, but in raw numbers they reign supreme. It's a good thing they can both swim... I guess they are the blorbos that come in 'soggy wet' variety...
The disclaimers and stuff became way longer than I'd expected, but I wanted to be transparent about everything (can you tell I'm on another university degree) anyway, I hope you find these useful or at least interesting! I would love to have any sort of discussion regarding these!
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curiousquail · 23 days
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Album art by Joey Guthrie
It's been ten years since After the Lights Failed, and that's long enough. We proudly present the sequel
Empty Victories
May it bring you joy, sorrow, solidarity, closure - whatever you'd like it to mean to you. It means the world to us.
Bandcamp - https://curiousquail.bandcamp.com/album/empty-victories
Itch.io - https://curiousquail.itch.io/empty-victories
Mirlo - https://mirlo.space/curiousquail/release/empty-victories
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/album/empty-victories-ep/1750536709
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/4MnI5Xuisp0odiSBBWAWBT?si=bT-MZtvSTGqet-_O0_eTxQ
Let's dive into the behind the scenes on this record and why it took ten years lmao:
ATLF is a very special record to us as a band and to me as an artist - we were a bunch of little shits making nerd music and thought 'hey what if we tried to use kickstarter' and had no idea how successful that would be.
Once the record was released we pretty much immediately started work on what was going to become the follow-up. If you saw us perform live between 2016-2019, you may have even heard a few of these songs in their early iterations. Hell, our Tiny Desk TWENTY SIXTEEN entry was the title track.
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Joyce tracking her solo in Empty Victories - a parting gift to the band before she left the country to join the Queen Musical 'We Will Rock You' as the lead guitarist (hand-picked by Sir. Brian May because of course she was).
Principal tracking for the record began in 2016 at Rhythm Academy - a drum school where Joey taught - they had given us permission to use the place after-hours. Most of the photos throughout this piece are from these sessions.
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Getting ready for Drum preproduction at our rehearsal studio in San José. I lost this Life is Strange shirt in 2017 when I moved to the Coachella Valley. No idea what happened to it.
For a story about the future and time shenanigans at the end of the world(s) I think it's fitting that part of this new record was recorded over the span of ten years in between other projects. Some of the songs have drums from 2016 with percussion from 2019 or gameboys added in 2021, Erin or I harmonizing vocal takes with ourselves from nearly a decade ago - Empty Victories has been a process and we're proud to get it out to you now.
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Group vocal session - we also recorded group vocals for a Petriform song that night.
Most of the band proper lived in the Bay Area until about 2016; Erin moved to the PNW, in 2017 I relocated to the Coachella Valley and we continued working on music remotely as well as syncing up for live shows when schedules allowed.
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Nobody puts Joey in a corner
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Except Joey, I guess
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In 2018/2019 we put out Twelve Months, a songwriting/video exercise where each month we'd get random restrictions assigned and write a song / film a performance video of it before the month was out - the idea was it would be a smaller, more rapid fire release approach while we worked on Empty Victories in earnest. Rarely were any of us in the same room for these sessions but there was hope that we'd get to do more shows of those songs live - again, while working on Empty Victories on the side.
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I was hilariously bad at remembering to turn the fan off during acoustic takes and having to start over
I can't say that we had a bunch of concrete plans (in fact the two concerts we had locked in for 2019 - MAGFest in Maryland and a PDNF reunion in San Francisco - I missed for health reasons, and the band performed with recordings of my vocals) but in my heart, in January of 2020 I put out into the universe that this was going to be the year we finished Empty Victories and got back on the road.
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but it turned out both the hard drive with all of the mixing session files for the record and the backup drive....had died.
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and then Covid hit.
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Lol, lmao
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Josh's energy is always infections (on stage or in the studio)
but hey! In 2021 I found an external USB drive that had all of the raw audio tracks from the recording sessions. No mixing, no processing, just the straight-from-the-microphone takes from the various recording sessions we did throughout 2016
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The seagate USB drive of hope (sponsor us you cowards)
So while it wasn't quite starting back at zero with everyone needing to re-track their parts, it was a massive step back towards actually having a finished product. A lot of work needed to go into it getting cohesive.
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Listen, if you get the mic's for the violin positioned correctly and you have a violinist who is incredibly expressive and a talented dancer, you have to put down some fucken ground rules
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Michael "Gunther" Chiang, the engineer who worked with us at Dirt Room on ATLF reprised his role and came up from Santa Cruz to help with tracking
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We had a fair amount of our own gear but Gunther brought his rig (again, a bunch of which we used on ATLF)
And there were some omissions - things that weren't on the drive that caused some panic. Most notably, Joyce had tracked for three of the songs before she left for her Queen journey and the only thing that survived was her guitar solo from the title track.
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At this point she'd moved out of the Bay Area already and so scheduling her time in the studio was tricky but absolutely worth it.
There were fevered calls to members of the band "Hey uhh can you re-track this part" or "I need drums for track 3, we didn't do that in the first session". Everyone was a real sport about the whole thing - and I wasn't entirely on-top of it because we were working on other music or other projects or life was happening.
For frame of reference on how all over the place this was, I had to do Gameboy retracks in 2023, and Erin wrapped her final vocal parts for the record this month - so when I say there are times when she's harmonizing with herself from a decade ago I'm not fucking around.
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I don't remember why we had so much New York Seltzer - I think I was bringing it but it became this like ongoing joke. (Sponsor us you cowards).
Since After the Lights Failed, we've put out some music that I'm super proud of - Twelve Months and Branching Paths were a LOT of fun - but due to the incredibly hostile nature of streaming services, most of these have not made it outside of Bandcamp or Itch.io - I don't know if that'll change, but it did feel wrong to not push for this sequel to ATLF to be as available as its predecessor was so it will be. (Just most likely not on release date)
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That said, the best way to financially support any artist is to buy from them directly when available, and in most cases Bandcamp is as good as that can get (though Mirlo looks really promising). Streaming a song earns an artist fractions of a cent. I'm not gonna make a 1:1 comparison but I can say if we had more financial stability in 2016/2017 we likely would have finished and released this record much sooner (and hopefully before the drive failures).
Anyway, thank you for reading this far, and for supporting the band even though it's been a weird trajectory for us. This won't be the final Curious Quail release but we are saying goodbye to an era and heading toward the future.
A future that - despite the lyrics of track six - will hopefully come.
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demoiselettes · 2 years
Trip to the asylum
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Pairing: Sabito x reader
Category: yandere
Warning(s)/note(s): Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, Modern! AU, delusion, mentions of death, implied schizophrenia, manipulative behavior
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What you preferred most after a day at work was to drive home and distract yourself from whatever you have witnessed in that wretched place. You would binge your favorite show, snack on whatever you could find that your mother would have scolded for eating when you were a child until your brain filtered through the darkness that drowned your mind.
Yet, as morning came and you found yourself buttoning up your crisp white blouse, you knew that today would be the same blur of taking notes and assessing the rapidly degenerating mental state of your patients. Or rather patient. You knew you shouldn’t judge. Most of them weren’t there due to their own faults, a lot of them seemed trapped even, getting worse by the day, but it was what he made you feel that caused you to look at them in disapproval. Every time you had to check on him—which was everyday since you were the only doctor assigned to him, not that your superiors had much of a choice, specially not with the ways he expressed his discontent at being examined by someone that wasn’t you—you felt a pang of dread pull at your heart strings. At times your stomach churned and your mouth ran dry. You wondered why you were still here. A good look at how much you made every month told you why, however.
Here you were, the same as every other day without fail, clutching your clipboard with clammy fingers that caused the paper to stick to your skin. In that moment, it was almost a good distraction.
As you stepped inside the room, the smell of fresh bed sheets and detergent assaulted your nose. You pursed your lips and wrinkled your nose, the action eliciting a gentle laugh from the man in the room, the rich sound alone making your knees weak. He was sitting on the edge of his bed. In times like these you remembered the other reason why you never quitted. You were partially at fault, letting yourself be pulled in by his charms. But could you really help it? You craved his attention even though you told yourself you did not. You wanted to keep talking to him, you just wished it was under more normal circumstances. His cat-like eyes observed you intently, a lazy smile on his face, the scar on his face twitching.
“They just cleaned up,” he breathed out, reaching up to ruffle his already messy peach-colored hair.
You smiled kindly. “I see that. Good morning, Sabito,”
“Morning, love,”
Ah, another thing that made both your heart flutter and your mind alarmed. Somehow..along the strange little ‘bond’ you two have created, Sabito has gotten it in his head that you two were lovers. He swore himself to protect you from the demons that roamed the Earth, something which would have been sweet if only he meant ‘demons’ as in general evil among human society, not the deformed monsters he had made up in his head that he thought were real and which..he thought some of your co-workers were.
“How are you doing today? Have the, er, demons been bothering you?” You only ever corrected him once before, telling him you were not lovers. He had concealed his displeasure well and had merely waved aside your revelation, but you hadn’t missed the way his eyes narrowed dangerously. Ever since then you kept quiet about the matter. There was also the guilty pleasure that arose whenever he called you his.
He seemed happy that you were asking about them. After all, no one ever believed his tales and neither do you, but you found it easier to play along rather than to try and prove him wrong.
“Weak,” his eyes gleamed. “They’ve been getting weaker. Just recently, a pair came and tried to strap me down. They were a bunch of complete low-ranked demons. I took them down in no time.” His voice oozed with pride, but he also looked at you keenly and expectantly.
The realization made heat crawl up your neck. He was trying to impress you. You gave him a weak smile, “Of course you did. You’re strong. You’ll have no problem dealing with them.”
He nodded all too rapidly, a grin stretching his lips and it only served to make him all the more alluring. “Of course not, i’m a real man.” he patted his lap, “Come.”
The recent ‘demons’ he had taken down were now resting in the hospital with several bruises when they had attempted to give him his medicines during which he had become violent and had needed to be strapped down.
You swallowed hard, the clipboard clutched close to your chest, trembling just slightly. You wanted this. You wanted to lunge at him and embrace him, kiss him. But it was so wrong. Was it even love? Or just infatuation?
In Sabito’s eyes, it was love. And he wasn’t wrong, he really was in love with you, but the world you both lived in was a dangerous one, flesh-eating demons were out and about and he would be damned if he allowed one of them to touch even a strand of your hair. It wasn’t easy that you didn’t believe him, he knew you didn’t believe him. He saw the way your features changed when you talked about his job as a Demon Slayer, but to him it was okay. You were trying and that was all that mattered. You didn’t have to see what he did, he didn’t want you to anyway because his own world was dark and twisted. You were innocent.
He wanted it to remain that way. He would protect you from any danger and the only thing he expected in return was your love. The corners of his lips quirked up when you took tentative steps towards him until finally, you were seated on his lap and though your hands rested atop your own knees rather than around his neck like he would have liked, he didn’t mind. He took your hands in his, giving them a gentle squeeze before you were gently pulled forward, your lips meeting his with your right hand freeing itself to trail along his scar.
As the two of you kissed, the clipboard toppled from your lap and fell onto the ground.
[Patient number ####
Name: Sabito Urokodaki
Age: 23 years old
Relation(s): Urokodaki Sakonji(adoptive father)/Urokodaki Makomo(adoptive sister)/Tomioka Giyuu(adoptive brother)
History: After having been orphaned at the age of 13, Sabito was adopted by Urokodaki Sakonji on ## ### #### after the murder of his family. From early on, Mr. Urokodaki began noticing signs of hallucination and delusion. Sabito claimed to have been attacked by what he described as being ‘demons’(referring to mutilated and heavily deformed beings) and states that they were the ones who killed his biological family rather than the murderers who were apprehended shortly after the crime. He expressed desire at becoming a ‘Demon Slayer’ which according to him are samurais who specialize in eradicating the threat of demons. He has been known to harm several civilians whom he saw as ‘demons’ and fatally wounded one of them. He was brought to a therapist who then put him up for treatment with a psychiatrist, currently being Ms. [Last Name]. ]
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majokothesmol · 1 year
Why is everyone so mean to Geeta? I'm so sad I made art AND a fic. Enjoy.
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Geeta is well aware her reputation precedes her. She's a force to be reckoned with in the ways of speaking, organizing, managing, and getting things done. She didn't get to be chairwoman for nothing. But she's become unpracticed over the years.
She must've started slipping up somewhere around the silence of the Area Zero Project. Yes, that's it. She should've watched over it more because she didn't know exactly what it was about. She could have done something, but didn't. Foolish. Since none of the consequences had seeped up until now, it must've subconsciously given her the incentive to rely— shirk off her responsibilities.
"What kind of lazy champion needs a receptionist, anyways?" She asks herself. Maybe she's been squashing the unbridled potential of real challengers. Rika isn't her secretary, she's her coworker. The Elite Four are supposed to be her team of advisors, not her subordinates. She retracts some assignments she was going to send— hand off to Rika. Shame. All this free time, and she couldn't even train her pokemon to be as strong as they want to be. She's betrayed them all. What was she thinking?
"They're right, I work them too hard." She mumbles to herself. Three-fourths of the Elite Four already has their own jobs; Hassel is a teacher, Larry is already a gymleader, Poppy is a literal child— what made her say yes to that?! Geeta types almost angrily, taking back her responsibilities. She should be the one filling out Poppy's reports, performing maintenance checks, and keeping the taxes in order! Why is Katy being strong a problem? Why can't Larry take a damn vacation for once? Why is she a "I hate my boss" joke on Iono's streams? Why didn't she actually utilize her pokemon? It's because she's lazy! This is why everyone hates her.
She sits back in her chair and takes a deep breath. Now she can do the one thing she's good at. Managing things. It's how she became a champion. Out of an entire pool of champions, it's likely the only reason why she was chosen. There were other trainers with much more powerful pokemon.
Geeta flicks off the light and lets out her glimmora. If she wants to brave an all-nighter for the first time in years, she might as well save power and have some company. She feels guilty, not miserable.
Rika scrolls through her email. "What the...?" Where did all her maintenance reports go? Also, where did all her upcoming work disappear off to? "Hassel? Are you missing work stuff?"
"Yes, actually." He looks though his email as well. "I didn't even touch this file and—"
Larry practically flies into the room. It's the first time Rika has actually seen him scared. "Where did Poppy's work go, and why is my weekend free?"
You know things have gone wrong when Larry is panicking. Then again, only Larry could panic about having time off.
"Well... It's weird. But everything looks legitimate." Rika looks up who accessed what last. "It seems like La Primeria just took back a bunch of stuff." She makes a face. "I wonder why, I usually correct those kinds of things."
"Wait. That means I don't have any work left to do here." Hassel starts packing his things. "I can grade those assignments and hand them back early." He zips up his bag and leaves.
Larry and Rika come to the same conclusion as him as they stare up at the clock. They're finishing on time for once.
Geeta is notified of three people exiting the building and knows that they didn't even question it. It fuels her desire to be better.
It's only eleven at night, and Geeta is so tempted to admit she got overambitious. But she thinks back to how she failed and steels herself towards improvement. They were happy. This is worth it.
It's been at exactly two weeks and five days, and Geeta doesn't even know when she started counting. How were these people even functioning like this? She's never wanted to scream so badly. How have none of them walked out on her yet? It's a miracle. Sure, she barely got six hours of sleep and maybe she counted a granola bar as breakfast more times than she cares to admit, but it's only fair.
The Elite Four seem much livelier, Larry doesn't look like he's about to die, and even the gymleaders seem to hate her slightly less.
...or at least, that's what she'd like to say. Nobody noticed. Somehow she's convinced she's stressing them out more. She must look terrible. Granted, she's technically doing enough work for herself, a secretary, and a member of the Elite Four. But all those things are technically her responsibility, she's liable for the damage she's caused.
Rika is the first to crack after about a month. "Don't you feel at least a little bit concerned about her?" She sighs. "I mean, I won't lie. The time off is great! But isn't there a way to redistribute this work evenly?"
"Well if there is, I'm sure she would've figured it out by now." Hassel sighs. "But La Primeria would've called on us if she really can't. She's a very capable person."
"True." Larry nods. "If she did this earlier, I could have had eight hours of sleep like this all the time. La Primeria is actually doing us a solid for once."
Rika doesn't want to argue with them. Maybe they're right.
Two months pass and Geeta is starting to get the idea that this might be fine. Now that she's used to it, she can power through everything on just a few cups of coffee. The Elite Four are content to let her handle things. Geeta grimaces at her never-ending pile of self-assigned work. No wonder everyone was so scared of her, look at all this stuff she told them to do.
Hassel starts to feel bad once he notices La Primeria is getting a bit... Snippy. He just popped into her office to say hello and was met with a breif glare of daggers before she composed herself just as fast.
He didn't bring it up though, because... He honestly can't say he feels guilty. Not in a mean way of course, but he and Larry seemed to share a small agreement: she had it coming.
After six long months, it's starting to become apparent: this is a worse arrangement for everyone. Rika stands outside La Primeria's office and knocks on the door.
"La Primeria. We're here to complain about uneven workflow."
"Is she even in there?" Hassel whispers.
"She is." Larry nods, looking through a window on the door. "I saw light from a screen turn off. Probably thinks we'll leave her alone if we think she's not in."
"Yeah. Probably." Rika shrugs. "Oh, well. We tried." She seems to storm away.
"Wait what?" Hassel's eyes go wide. "Weren't you wthe one who suggested this?"
Larry catches on. "Well if she's not actually in there, we'll just try again later." It takes him mouthing the words "just follow me" for Hassel to comply.
After scooting down the hall, Rika makes a quiet gesture. "Now when we go back, she'll think we'll have left. Take off your shoes so they don't squeak." She whispers.
"What if I fall?" Hassel hisses.
"Then just walk quietly with those shoes on." Rika looks over at Larry, who already took off his shoes. Good. Hassel is still standing in his shoes looking at him. "Hassel what are you looking at—?" She turns back to see Larry's socks.
They're patterned to have little komalas all over them.
Larry clears his throat. "Can we get going now?"
Sure enough, there's the faint glow of a laptop screen.
Rika sighs. "This is ridiculous." She mumbles to herself, putting her shoes back on. Larry does the same. She knocks on the door again. "CHAMPION GEETA." The slam of a laptop is heard. "THIS IS AN INTERVENTION. OPEN THE DOOR. LARRY IS LESS STUBBORN THAN YOU."
"She's not wrong."
"..." The sound of footsteps can be heard. A phantom of a wrathful La Primeria appears in the window of the door. Hassel and Rika steel themselves. Larry is unaffected.
The door is opened.
The trio is greeted by La Primeria's usual polite smile and neutral mannerisms.
They are also greeted by the smell of old coffee, stale instant noodles, scent freshener, and the eyebags of someone doing three people's worth of work.
"We need to talk." Rika flicks the lights on, and steps into the room herself. "We get it, you feel guilty about piling the work on us. Piling it up on yourself isn't much better."
Hassel cringes at the state of her office. "It's worse."
"It's about the same." Larry sighs.
Rika rolls her eyes at them. "My question is, why? You have the skills, La Primeria. We are adults." She gestures to herself and the men behind her. "YOU are an adult." The more the thinks about it, the angrier she gets. "You're the chairwoman, the manager; You. Are. La. Primeria. So WHY can't you do the ONE THING YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD AT!?"
The tension is so thick, it could cushion a pin drop.
But not an explosion.
"Yeah. Why aren't I good at the one thing I was chosen for?" The fuse has been lit. "I'm the champion, the chairwoman. I'm La Primeria. I eat your overtime and crush challengers!" The beating of her heart is a countdown timer. "—and do you know how I can do that?" The friendly facade is torn off. "BECAUSE I'M LA PRIMERIA!" She explodes, voice booming as she storms about the room. "I'M NOT "LA SEGUNDA" OR "LA MEDIOCRE"—! I AM "LA. PRIMERIA!"
Her initial fire dies. "You finally got me. I don't know how you all did this as long as you did, or why. You can go tell the league to assign someone new to my position, someone who isn't a bossy houndoom."
Geeta can't even face them. "I treated you horribly, failed to manage both my duties and responsibilities, I—" she sits down in her rolling chair, exhausted. "I'm sorry."
"That means nothing, you know." Larry crosses his arms.
"Larry!" Rika and Hassel scold him.
Geeta nods. "I know." She gets up and folds herself into a crumpled-up dogeza in front of them. "I think it's time we actually sort this out. I want to try again. Please."
Rika lets her shoulders fall. "Okay. One chance." She turns to her coworkers. "What about you, Hassel? Larry?"
Hassel nods. "I'm glad we can talk this through." He looks to Larry, who seems to be judging Geeta's crass imitation of a respectable gesture.
"...just get off the floor and schedule a meeting." He sighs.
"...I can't believe you thought I'd dock your pay for talking with people while you work." Geeta sighs after a long meeting.
"Hey, we all had our assumptions about you." Rika smiles.
"I'm just glad we could move past them." Hassel says, sipping a can of lemonade.
Larry nods. "This work schedule is much more manageable."
"I'd like to thank you." Geeta smiles at her fellow coworkers. "For allowing me to be La Primeria."
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
A Whole New World
Steve Rogers x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Y/N is a SHIELD agent, recently assigned to help none other than Captain America adjust to the 21st century. When SHIELD's idea of learning about the future involves sitting in a conference room and going through papers, however, Y/N decides to take matters into their own hands and give Steve a *real* 21st century education.
Word Count: 2,590
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Alright, here's all the paperwork, information, and background you need for your next assignment," said my SHIELD superior as she handed me an absolutely massive stack of files and paperwork. "Glance through and it and pick up what you can, I'll be back in five to take you to where you'll be starting."
I just stared after her as she turned on her heel and marched down the hall, leaving me standing awkwardly with the paperwork. I was supposed to get through this in five minutes?
I huffed, then leaned against the nearest wall and tried to flip through the top pages of the first file. I only skimmed them, but it just had a bunch of information about recent history. Not even a hint of the classified information I was used to seeing at SHIELD.
I frowned, then fully squatted on the ground to lay the files out around me. I flipped through the next few, but it was just more of the same. Historical events, technological developments, and even some entertainment news. All of it written in the driest, most boring way ever, and absolutely none of it that couldn't be found with a simple Google search.
At the sound of my boss' heels clicking down the polished floors, I flipped the files closed, gathered them up, and stood. She rounded the corner just as I finished, and I didn't even try to hide the confusion on my face.
"Alright, let's go," she said. I walked towards her, and before I'd even gotten all the way to her she turned on her heel and started heading back down the hallway she'd come from.
"Ma'am, is there any other information you can give me about this assignment?" I asked. "I don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing with all this information. None of it is secret, so-"
"Of course it's not secret. It's common knowledge. Which is why, especially as one of our younger agents, it's going to be your job to catch Captain Rogers up on the past few decades."
I stuttered at step, but managed not to stop completely in the hallway.
"Excuse me?"
"You do remember that we recently recovered Captain Rogers, also known as Captain America, from the ice a few weeks ago, right?"
"Yes," I huffed, trying to keep the majority of the temper out of my tone. I failed, but at least I'd tried.
"Well, he was in a coma in the ice for seventy-plus years. Someone needs to catch him up, and now that we've gotten to the modern era, that someone is going to be you."
Any retort died on my tongue as the reality of her words sank in.
"Are you seriously telling me that I'm about to be working with Captain America?"
"Yes. Is that going to be a problem?"
I shook my head slowly, trying to keep from looking like a complete idiot as she stopped in front of the door to one of SHIELD's many, many conference rooms. She looked at me critically, and I stared right back. I'd been a specialist at SHIELD long enough to know how to hold it together, no matter the situation.
Apparently, my boss agreed with me, because she opened the door and led me inside.
"Captain Rogers," she said, stopping just by the door. I stopped next to her, keeping my face a mask of calm even as my heart raced in my chest. Captain America sat about halfway down the table, giving us his attention. "This is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. Agent Y/L/N will be handling everything to do with recent history, to finish catching you up on everything you missed."
Captain America and I shared tight-lipped smiles. Mine was from nerves, his seemed to be because he absolutely did not want to be here.
"Y/N, I'll leave you to it," my boss said to me before turning on her heel and walking out the door. I took a deep breath as she shut it behind her, then tried to give the captain a more genuine smile as I walked towards him.
"Hi," I said, plopping down the massive stack of files in my arms on the table next to him. "It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Agent Y/L/N."
"Oh, please, call me Y/N."
"Only if you call me Steve."
I hesitated for half a second. A living legend had just asked me to call him by his first name. But I smiled.
"You have a deal, Steve." He smiled, and although it was small, it was also the first one I'd seen from him that looked even a little bit genuine.
I pulled out the chair next to Steve and sat. I couldn't quite keep the displeasure off my face as I looked at the massive stack of files and pulled the one on top closer to me.
"Alright, I guess we'll get started then..." I said, scanning through the first few pages. "Have they just been reading this stuff to you, or what? How did the people before me do it?"
"They pretty much just gave me a history lecture," he said with a frown. I mirrored his expression.
"Well that sounds boring as all hell..." I muttered without thinking. When I realized who I was speaking to, my heart almost stopped. "Sorry! I didn't mean to swear, I mean, I did, but-"
"It's okay," said Steve, chuckling a little as he held out a hand to stop my rant. "I was in the army, and I lived in Brooklyn before that. It's not like I didn't hear it."
I grinned. "Alright, good. I won't worry about censoring myself then. Anyway, I could read through all this stuff with you, but honestly, I don't want to. That's a terrible way to catch you up on modern stuff. Has anybody shown you how to use a phone or a computer yet?"
Steve grimaced. "No. Every time one of you agents takes that little device out of your pocket and starts doing stuff on it, I can't help cringing. Those things look a lot more complicated than anything I saw in the forties."
I smiled. "You know, if you're up for it... we could fix that."
"I want to say yes, but the glint in your eye is making me hesitate."
"Good instincts." We shared a smile, and then I turned to flip closed the file I'd opened. "We're sneaking out of here, getting you a phone, and experiencing the twenty-first century while we do it."
To Steve's credit, he only faltered for a blink. When I stood to leave, he stood with me.
"Let's do it."
"Steve, you just made the best choice of your life."
Sneaking one of the most recognizable men in America out of one of the most secure buildings in America was not easy. Fortunately for both of us, I was one of the best SHIELD agents in America.
I managed to get us out of the building with only a few close calls, and once we were a few blocks down the street in New York, I perked up and smiled at Steve.
"Congratulations! You're officially in the real modern world."
"Thanks. But I gotta ask... are you sure this hat and these sunglasses are gonna be enough to keep people from recognizing me?"
I shrugged. "In most places? Probably not. In New York? Definitely. Nobody here cares enough to give you a second look, we've all got our own shit to focus on."
Steve laughed. "That, at least, sounds like it hasn't changed."
"Nope. And she's still the greatest city in the world."
"Damn right."
"Okay! So, we're going about ten blocks, to the nearest Apple store," I said, leaning closer to Steve as I laid out the gameplan. "That's a technology, phone, and computer store, by the way. They don't sell actual apples."
"Thanks for the clarification."
"Sure thing. Anyway, it's a ten-block walk, so on the way we're going to experience some fun, twenty-first century things, starting with music." I pulled out my Airpods and showed them to Steve. I did my best to explain what they were and how they worked, and Steve seemed to get the general idea. "You put one in one of your ears and I'll put the other in one of my ears, and then we can listen to the same song together."
"Alright, let's give it a try."
I smiled and handed Steve one Airpod, then opened my phone to find a good playlist. I landed on my New York playlist. I'd made it when I'd moved to the city when I'd first joined SHIELD, and it was completely full of songs about New York.
Steve smiled as the first song started playing: New York, New York by Frank Sinatra. It didn't exist when Steve went into the ice, but it had a classic feel.
"This is a good start," he muttered, a slight smile on his face as we walked. I smiled back at him.
"Yeah, I figured it'd be a little less jarring than some other ones might be."
"Should I be nervous?"
I shrugged. "Eh, you'll be fine. You were in the army, you're tough."
Steve laughed, and it made my heart skip a beat. He smiled around at his surroundings, taking in the sights, smells, and sounds of the city. He got so distracted he almost wandered into a few people walking the other direction, and he didn't even notice the dirty looks they gave him. I smiled to myself, then gently reached out and took his hand. He startled a little, but didn't pull away as he looked at me.
"Sorry, I just...  I figured you could use a little help walking in a straight line so you could focus on looking at everything else instead?"
"Yeah, that'd be... that'd be great. Thanks." I might have been imagining it, but I could've sworn he was blushing. "Was I really that bad though?"
I couldn't help laughing. "I was honestly a little worried you were about to get punched by the last guy you almost bumped into."
He chuckled and shook his head, and I gently tugged him along as we resumed our walk. The song shifted to Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift, and I noticed Steve had a little more bounce in his step as we went.
I'd been pretty jittery at first, walking down the street hand-in-hand with Captain America. After the first block or so, however, I started to relax and enjoy the moment. I hadn't known him for very long, but I really liked Steve. He had a good attitude, he was funny, and he was sweet. What more could I have hoped for?
Steve seemed to relax a little as we went along, too. He bobbed his head to the beat as we went, and got less and less surprised as we passed modern cars, advertisements, and people.
Finally, we made it to the Apple store. I debated getting Steve a phone designed for kids or grandparents, that had less functions and buttons and were therefore less confusing, but I quickly dismissed the idea. He'd hate it, and besides, he'd have to learn how to use a normal phone at some point anyway.
I used my SHIELD card to get Steve his phone, and it didn't take me long to get it set up. We walked a few more blocks to Central Park, then sat together on one of the benches to go over the more basic functions.
"At least this park hasn't changed much," said Steve as he looked at the trees around us. We'd gone to a spot in the park completely isolated from all the city noise and bustle around it, and it wasn't too hard to pretend we'd gone back in time.
"Yeah, it's one of my favorite spots in the city. When things get a little crazy, it's nice to just hunker down somewhere in nature and forget about everything for a while."
Steve hummed his agreement as he stared down at the phone in his hands, turning it over a few times. We'd done a crash-course on the basics, and he'd gotten everything pretty quickly. I couldn't help feeling proud of how our little field trip had worked out.
"Thank you for taking me out of SHIELD for this," he finally said, turning his attention to me instead of his phone. His crystal blue eyes locked on mine, and only my SHIELD training kept me from melting a little under his gaze. "You're the first person I've met since I woke up who wasn't lying to me, treating me like I was about to break, or treating me like I could break everything else."
"Hey, happy I could help. Honestly, I did it for myself as much as I did it for you. The idea of sitting in that room going through files all day?" I shuddered at the thought, and Steve laughed.
"Well, I appreciate it all the same." We sat in silence for a few moments, listening to the birds and squirrels around us, and then Steve cleared his throat and looked at me again. "I, uh... nobody's gotten to catching me up on this part of the future yet, so I'm just hoping I'm not coming off wrong here, but... would you like to go on a date with me sometime? I've really enjoyed spending the day with you, and if it's not too forward... I'd like to do it again."
I grinned. Steve was blushing, which was adorable, and suddenly I wasn't so mad at my supervisor for throwing me into the middle of this assignment with no warning.
"I'd love that, Steve," I said. "And don't worry. You did a great job."
We shared a smile, and I reached out to hold Steve's hand on the bench. I might've been tempted to lean in and kiss him, but I didn't want to overwhelm him. And before I could really think about it, my phone started ringing.
"Sorry, one second," I said, pulling it out to check the caller ID. I grimaced when I saw my supervising officer's name on the screen. "Shit."
"Everything okay?"
"We'll find out in a second. Hello?"
"What do you mean? I'm teaching Captain Rogers about the future like you told me to," I said as I stood from the bench, frantically waving for Steve to do the same. He looked stressed, so I shot him a wink, and he chuckled as we started speedwalking back towards SHIELD. "No, I know we're not in the conference room, we went to the cafeteria so I could show him how food has changed since the forties- of course it's important! They didn't have the FDA in the forties! Yeah, okay, we'll see you in a minute."
I hung up the phone and tucked it into my pocket, then grabbed Steve's hand and doubled our pace.
"I take it someone noticed we were gone?" he asked with a laugh.
"Yup! We need to be back in the conference room ASAP and you need to lie if anyone asks if we left the premises. Wait, shit, sorry, do you lie? Like, does Captain America lie?"
"I'm a solider, not a boy scout. I'll lie to anybody trying to keep us from doing something for no good reason. And I told you to call me Steve."
"Steve, this might be what you'd call forward, but I really fucking like you."
He grinned and squeezed my hand a little tighter as we raced through the streets of New York.
"I really fucking like you too."
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