#I had an account to read from this one site that used to upload all of them anc ategorized them by era run and special
samuraisharkie · 10 months
you want to reread archie so bad.... its a good comic book... ooooooo you wanna read it sooo badddd
I was an AVID Archie fan my life used to REVOLVE around Archie sonic. I’m already trying to read the Spider-Man comic books I think re-reading Archie would transform me into middle school autism me
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franklyautistic · 1 year
WrongPlanet.net, the largest autism forum, is in the midst of a hostile takeover
tl;dr: WrongPlanet’s owner got hacked and there are now no mods. Please signal boost this so that autistic people know the site is likely to be unsafe from now on.
I heard that Alex Plank, the absentee admin of WrongPlanet, had returned with a big announcement. 
Here it is:
Hey there, fellow Wrong Planeters! I know it's been an eternity since I last graced this forum with my presence. I apologize for my absence, but I come bearing an astonishing tale of woe and wonder. Brace yourselves, for I suffer from the most peculiar affliction known to mankind: "Chronic Update Blockage Disorder (and forgetting to change my password)." Yes, you read that right. For a decade now, I have been plagued by a condition that has kept me from updating Wrong Planet, ensuring that it remains untouched, like a relic preserved for future generations to marvel at. Imagine the monumental impact this has had on the state of the internet. Don't worry; I'll give you a moment to gather your thoughts. Now, you may be wondering how such an unusual ailment came to be. Well, let me enlighten you. It all began when I was innocently tinkering with some HTML code, trying to add a dancing unicorn GIF to my signature. Little did I know that this innocent act of digital mischief would lead to my tragic downfall. In a bizarre twist of fate, my fingers slipped on the keyboard, causing a cataclysmic error in the space-time continuum. A rift opened up, and Wrong Planet was sucked into a parallel dimension—an alternate reality where updating websites is a crime punishable by being forced to listen to dial-up modem noises on repeat for eternity. It's a dimension where webmasters are trapped in a perpetual loop of server errors and broken links. Oh, the horror! Ever since that fateful day, I have been caught in a cosmic limbo, unable to break free from the clutches of my disorder. Every time I attempt to update the site, my hands freeze, my eyes glaze over, and my mind is overrun with visions of cascading style sheets and merciless pop-up ads. It's like a digital possession straight out of a techno-horror movie. But fear not! I refuse to let this affliction define me. In my isolation, I have become a webmaster hermit, a guru of outdated HTML and obsolete plugins. I have attained a level of enlightenment that transcends the mere mortal realm of web development. My website, frozen in time, stands as a testament to my indomitable spirit and steadfast refusal to give in to the relentless march of progress. So, as I sit here in my digital dungeon, surrounded by stacks of floppy disks and a shrine dedicated to the ancient Netscape Navigator, I implore you all to cherish your ability to update your websites. Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site's layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me. In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that "Publish" button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that's been used for over 10 years. Yours humorously, The Eternally Unresponsive Webmaster Alex i come in peace
Now this is a weird post, right?
Some early commenters mentioned that this was weird - one accused “Alex” of being high - but most of them seemed to think it was just Alex being a bit goofy.
Then on page two, we have a post from The_Walrus, a long-serving moderator. Well, former moderator:
There is a >95% probability that it isn't the real Alex, and instead his account has been compromised. Firstly, Alex doesn't write like that. It just isn't his style. It's far too poetic. Alex is usually very direct and blunt. It's also self-deprecating in a way I do not associate with Alex. Additionally:
Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site's layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me.
In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that "Publish" button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that's been used for over 10 years.
This is pretty much spelling it out - this individual has gained access to Alex's account. Alex's email address has been involved in 30 data breaches, according to https://haveibeenpwned.com/. Having failed to update his site for a long time, the "hacker" (using that word loosely) feels that Alex has forfeited the right to it.
Additionally, all moderators and admins (apart from Alex himself) have been stripped of their permissions.
This is obviously a regular WrongPlanet user, and I can make an educated guess as to who, but almost certainly isn't the real Alex.
To this, “Alex” responded “educate my balls, Cartman”.
It seems WrongPlanet is probably permanently compromised. It has always been a site that has serious issues with spammers, scammers, and passing trolls, but those issues are only likely to get worse now.
If you are on WrongPlanet mailing lists, be very suspicious of any emails you receive. They are likely to be scams or otherwise misleading.
Please signal boost this post as much as possible... @autie-j @asdcats @chavisory I’d be grateful if you could help get the word out however you feel appropriate.
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alister312 · 1 year
The Origins of "DeLorne": An Update, A New Mystery, and Fandom History
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So I've had this little thing among my pinned posts for a while, but basically, I've been curious where "DeLorne" (Christophe's almost universally agreed upon last name in the fandom) comes from. Previously, the earliest instance I'd found was on a dA art post in 2006, but I've since done more research and uncovered incredible pieces of fandom history, as well as a mystery! It's a pretty long story, but if you're interested in South Park fandom history at all (especially pertaining to Gregory and Christophe), I think you'll find it all fascinating. Let me rope you into the journey I've found myself on.
While I've been curious about "DeLorne" for a while, this particular phase of my research initiated from another pet project of mine— that being to read and archive all Gregstophe fics on FFN should the site go down someday. The oldest Gregstophe fic you can find just using filters was published in August 2005 and is called There's Always Tomorrow by Bagatelle. While this is the only Gregstophe fic on their FFN account, I've come to learn through sources I'll mention later that Bagatelle was a prolific Gregstophe author.
Anyway, the important thing to know for now is that I thought There's Always Tomorrow might actually be the true originator of "DeLorne" for a bit, as it uses it for Christophe's last name.
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The author's intro of the first chapter cites two fics as inspiration for their own: Fierte Dedans (supposedly by KyleBroflovskiFan) and Parable of a Boy Named Gregory (supposedly by someone named either Oyaji or Zidane 2003). They also refer to Qindarka, aka the author of the famous Creek fic Aisle 10, as "my love" which is just an extra fun piece of fandom history to me.
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With these other fics serving as a reference to There's Always Tomorrow, I figured they might also have "DeLorne". I went looking and discovered Fierte Dedans, which turned out to have been published in May 2005 by Saboteuse (their deviantArt name was KyleBroflovskiFan which is likely why they were called as such earlier). It's an unfinished fic, only getting two chapters and one sect of the love quadrangle(?) in (the fic was set to be a Gregstophe/Tophlovski/Style fic). In the first chapter, however, during a role call scene, it used "DeLorne" as Christophe's last name.
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This was very exciting— I'd found a new origin point!
The author hadn't uploaded a fic since early 2014, but I decided "fuck it" and sent them a PM on FFN, asking if they were the first to use "DeLorne" or if they'd gotten it from somewhere. Miraculously, I got a message back!
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So, not an origin, but at least it was a definitive answer! It also raised a new question, that being about Gregory's old fanon last name "Thorne". The aforementioned fic There's Always Tomorrow also uses "Thorne" as Gregory's last name and mentioned taking it directly from one of their inspirations— Parable of a Boy Named Gregory. I mentioned this to Saboteuse, who said that fic was definitely what they associate "Thorne" with but they weren't sure if it was the originator or simply popularized it.
Naturally, I had to find what I could about this Parable fic. Google was mostly a dead end though, only giving me its shoutout in There's Always Tomorrow and a mention of it in the Tropedia article on Celebrity Paradox. I learned it was a Pip/Gregory fic, that it was "of epic length", and there was a plot point involving a North Korean invasion. Put a pin in Parable, we'll circle back around to it.
Back on the trail of the origins of "DeLorne", thanks to @/stankvle's help, there seemed to be a new potential origin point:
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February 2005 was now the earliest Christophe had been given the last name "DeLorne". This made me curious and I searched "christophe delorne" on deviantArt. This sketch was the earliest published thing in the search results, but I decided to check out other works and came to a fic from Jan 2006 called Brimstone by BassistArtistLoser. In the description, I found this:
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This to me seemed to imply that "Twitch" could've been the first to use the name and everyone else copied them. I had to find Twitch.
Among the comments was a user named "twitchablewiz", who I assumed to be the same Twitch. Their deviantArt was mostly empty, seemingly wiped clean, save for a few posts including a poll asking what their final fic they published to FFN should be. I went searching and found one of those fics mentioned in the poll. I didn't care about that fic; instead I was more interested in another fic on their profile: a Tophlovski fic from December 2005. I had hoped to find "DeLorne" there, concrete evidence that they indeed used that last name.
Sadly, this fic with almost completely gutted because it was a smut fic and FFN was apparently cracking down on those back then. Twitch claimed they would reupload the fic on "FOSFF dot net" aka Freedom of Speech Fan Fiction Archive but apparently that entire site was wiped clean in 2013.
The interesting takeaway, however, was this bit:
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There was another mention of Oyaji, the supposed author of Parable of a Boy Named Gregory, aka the possible origin of "Thorne"! I had tried searching "Oyaji" and "Zidane 2003" before to no avail, but now I had a new name to try. With this, I was able to find Oyaji's deviantArt. In scrolling through their past posts, I discovered this:
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So here we have it: the reason why Parable was impossible to find before was because Oyaji intended on publishing it! This fic that might be the origin of "Thorne", Gregory's old fanon last name, might have been turned into a real novel. Oyaji says nothing in any of their other posts about whether or not they were actually able to publish. What they did provide though, as you can see, is their email.
So I emailed them, asking about Parable— if it got published, if I could read the original, if it truly was the origin of "Thorne". And, since Gregory and Christophe have been intrinsically linked to one another since their inception in 1999, I also asked if Oyaji might know anything about the origin of "DeLorne". I had hoped that I could get a response like I had when I messaged Saboteuse but, sadly... it seems that email account has been deleted.
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As of March 12th, 2023, this is where the story ends. I feel like I'm so close to solving this fandom mystery, but there's still so many questions remaining. Is me-ladie the one who originated "DeLorne" as Christophe's last name, or was it Twitchy, or was it someone else entirely? Is there even an origin at all, or was it just collectively agreed upon by all the Christophe fans back in the early 2000s as Saboteuse supposes? Does "Thorne" come from Parable of a Boy Named Gregory, and did it actually get reworked and published as an original novel? Does anyone out there have a copy, or is it lost to time forever? I still don't know, and may never, but I wanted to get what I have thus far out there.
In looking for the origins "DeLorne", I came across this: the very first fic to tag Christophe on FFN.
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It was published in October 2003, less than five years after Bigger, Longer, and Uncut premiered. It's mindblowing to me that people were loving Christophe and writing about him all the way back then! And yet... this is only the idea of history, since the author gutted the fic. I appreciate it remaining up in a way, though I wish there was a way to find and read this honestly historic fic.
So much of fandom history is forever lost to time as the web and vibe of the fandom evolves, especially something as little as popular fanon last names of one-off characters from South Park. Even if some of it isn't relevant anymore ("Thorne" hasn't been popular for Gregory in years), to let it be lost or pretend current fandom is all that matters feels sad to me. Even if what we have now might be better, I think it's important to appreciate or at least take the time to really understand where what we have came from.
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chosos-mascara · 2 years
。˚۰˚☽ K I N K T O B E R D A Y 17 ☽˚۰˚。
Camboy (Part 2) - Giyu Tomioka
read part one here
cw: masturbation, exhibitionism, getting caught, creampie
Unable to stop yourself watching his content, you find out Giyu had used something of yours for one of his videos.
minors+ageless dni. 3.9k words
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It hadn't just been a one time thing. 
You'd told yourself, you'd believed yourself when thinking you wouldn't do it again; it was just a heated moment of misjudgment, a thrill you'd found yourself partaking in. When coming down from the climax you'd given yourself that night, you slept a little restless, though found comfort in knowing you wouldn't partake in something so perverse again. He was your roommate, after all. 
But late at night, you'd toss and turn, an ache between your legs you found yourself unable to extinguish, even with all the filth you'd be able to find on the internet; nothing gave you the electrifying buzz of watching Giyu's videos, knowing he was only a room away from you. You'd become intoxicated by the way his body jerked against himself, the way his hips had swayed as he relieved himself from all pent up frustrations and anger in the world; cumming with whimpers and gasps leaving him, all while being documented and uploaded onto the site.
Closing your eyes you'd find yourself clenching around empty space, unable to help the need tto hear his groans again, watching his seed spill onto his own hands, or the flesh-light you'd become accustomed to through viewing his videos, previously unaware of its existence within your home. Your favourite videos had come to be the ones involving pillows, his thrusts into the folded cushions becoming weaker, voice strained as he spilled into the creases of the fabric. When he'd posted the video, your heart had fluttered, remembering how his duvet had been hanging up to dry in the lounge of your home, knowing that he'd had to wash his sheets due to his cum coating them. 
It had been a month since his account had been brought to your attention, and with the two new additions he'd added shortly after your discovery, you'd had to have watched each video multiple times, now able to memorize your favourite parts from each video, your thoughts throughout the day tainted with the obsession over the black haired male you'd lived with.
You'd engaged in a little more conversation with him, making an effort to wedge yourself into his life, even if small steps at first. When passing in the hall, you'd stopped pressing yourself against the wall to avoid coming into contact with him, instead edging slightly closer as to feel his arm slip over yours, or from time to time, knocking on his door and asking if he wanted to come to the store with you, or join you on a study session in the library. 
He'd decline most of the time, being a recluded male, but your heart raced on the few times he'd taken up your offer, usually to get himself a snack or two while you'd done a small grocery haul, the pair of you enjoying the comfortable silence you'd shared while walking down isles. 
You'd done well to hide the way being in his presence had made you feel; he was like a celebrity to you, but had been none-the-wiser of your own indulgences. When his blue eyes peered over you, your knees grew weak, an innate throb at your core as you'd been able to recall each sound that would tumble from his lips while in his most intimate moments. Giyu hadn't any idea that his anonymity had been breached by you, though you'd never tell a soul about it. If you had, you'd also be admitting to borderline perving on him, and give up on the thrill of knowing something he'd been so oblivious to. He'd stated in his bio that he'd gotten off to the thought of people watching him, which would always replay in your mind when watching one of his videos for the umpteenth time. 
Once eating dinner, and settling into bed, your routine hadn't quite ended yet. Grabbing the new vibrator from your nightstand (due to the amount you'd been using the old one, you'd felt it had been deserved), you brought it to parted legs, ready to finish the night before sleeping. Thankfully, Giyu had been out with a friend, so you'd had the house to yourself. 
You opened up your phone browser, searching his username into the bar and eagerly hitting 'search', pressing onto the profile. All dignity had left you at this point, and you'd fully accepted your actions each night, no longer locking and unlocking your phone in anticipation, guilt riddling you as you'd thought of actually doing it again. Instead, this was just a part of your day. It's possible your speed at discarding all morality had been alarming, choosing to chase an orgasm over actually considering if your actions were correct in a societal sense, but at this point, you were past caring. 
Clicking the videos tab, you clicked at the toy, waiting until the buffering screen had subsided to actually place it onto yourself, but once you'd skimmed over a new addition to the channel, you'd bolted upright. Were your eyes deceiving yourself? A new video, only thirty seconds long, filmed in portrait instead of his usual landscape angle, his erection in the thumbnail from his own point of view. Usually he'd had the phone propped up on something, and taken an artsier format, but this had been purely to capture a moment he didn't want to forget. The title - 
'cumming on my roommates panties' 
Mouth ajar, you sat in awe, thumb hovering over the video. You'd turned the vibrator off as you'd used both hands to steady your shaking phone in your grip, heart racing against chest. Eyes moving over the title again, and again, you'd let the idea marinate for a few seconds. Surely, it had been staged, he'd probably bought a pair of underwear from the local department store and used this as a rouse for the video; a risque title earning a few extra views.
Clicking, you waited for the image to load in. The short interval between tapping the video and it coming onto the screen had felt like a minute, but had probably been only a second or two. It began, and you searched over his torso, eyes resting on the erection he'd been stroking, his hand moving slightly to hold pink cotton over the end of his cock, hips jerking forward as he came into them. 
You were in locked position, watching events that had already occurred, playing aloud the breathless gasps commentating his orgasm, before bringing them away from himself to show to his phone camera; evidence to his claim on your clothing before ending the video. 
You weren't sure how to react to the content you'd just set your eyes upon. It was highly unlikely he'd guessed you were watching his videos, which left the conclusion that Giyu had felt some sort of desire toward you - desire that you'd reciprocated. Collecting your thoughts, you'd been left to wonder on the whereabouts of said garment. You swallowed, standing and pulling up your pyjama bottoms, deciding that today, your orgasm would be due to a physical part of Giyu - not just a video recording. He was out, and you'd had a good guess that he'd have held onto the underwear, knowing that if he'd have washed them, there was a chance you'd have seen, and questioned why they'd been in the machine at the same time as his own clothing. 
Maybe it had been more wishful thinking than anything, wanting him o have held onto the soaked piece of fabric as it would prove to you he'd had a little more interest in you than one, fleeting moment. Rather, an attraction to you. 
Thus, your mission began. You rushed to his bedroom, ready to complete your desire as quickly as possible, before the boy would return home. He'd already been gone an hour, so you'd presumed you'd had another hour at minimum to find your high, and return the panties to their resting place before he'd arrived back at the apartment. 
You glanced over the furnishings, only familiar with the layout due to his videos - you'd only step foot within the confines of his room twice, once being to return his laptop, and the other during the short tour he'd given you when moving in. 
His room was kept neat, bed made, dust free shelves above decorated in small plants, an arrangement of nick-nacks between, a desk on the opposite wall housing books and papers, a few camera lenses and his laptop. You exhaled a shaky laugh as your fingers traced over the closed computer, knowing that the very device had began whatever the fuck you'd call this. 
Walking toward the bed, you'd decided to start there, kneeling at the carpet to bend onto all fours, glancing over the boxes he'd shoved beneath, though upon inspection, they'd been filled only with university materials, thus unhelpful. 
Next had been his wardrobe, a slim black piece that held his daily essentials, the few jumpers he'd rotated through the week, pairs of trousers to accompany them, a shelf for toiletries and drawers beneath to accommodate his own underwear. A twang of hope sprung through you as you'd searched carefully through his boxers, wondering if he'd have thrown in yours too, but the storage device had been nothing more than a red-herring. You placed any disruptions to the garments back to how they'd been before, not wishing to leave evidence of your investigation. 
The desk was the same story, only filled with stationary used for his studies. Sighing, you'd felt defeated, turning on heel to leave, before your eyes set over the bedside table that had yet to be searched. This had been the most probable answer, as you'd kept anything relating to self indulgence within your own, a final piece to the puzzle you'd haphazardly thrown together. 
You sat on his mattress, nausea coating you as your hand reached to the knob of the top drawer, pulling it open. The familiar feeling of your arousal had pooled at your pussy, unable to breathe as your eyes ogled the contents. 
Crumpled within the front drawer, between tissues, condoms, and lube, had been the pink cotton you'd been searching so hard to find. Lacing your fingers around the garment, you picked it up eagerly. They'd still been stained in the dried residue of Giyu's climax, as you'd been hoping. 
Pressing the cotton flush to your cheek, you'd been unable to contain your excitement as you tumbled back to lay on his bed. Heat flushed through you as you felt yourself pining over the male you'd cohabited with, a deep inhale through your nose bringing you to realise that the duvet that had laid beneath you had smelled like him. He'd slept under these covers each night, crisp sheets now crumpled under your weight, his scent radiating from them to meet with your nose. You couldn't help yourself - laying on the covers that you'd watched him spill onto, cum soaked cloth clutched between your fingers, you'd have to relieve the tension building in your stomach, now. 
You grasped at your chest as he had his own in his videos, sliding your palm under the top you'd been wearing to feel skin. Shudders ran through your lungs to press out trembling whimpers, slipping down yourself and resting fingertips at the waistband of your pyjamas, slowly tracing down to soothe the ache between your legs. When your hand reached the desired place, you'd felt just how sodden you'd been. 
There was a chance this was the wettest you'd ever felt yourself, easily able to slip not two, but three fingers into your cunt with ease, rolling up against your own hand as you gripped the fabric in the other, pressing it deeper into your cheek. Your back arched, head tilting to fall onto it's side, the scent of the male you'd shared a space with lingering in your nose. Eyes closed, you pictured his cock in place of your squelching fingers, a cry of pleasure, his name under the breaths you haphazardly took.
Perhaps the fact you'd been a mess of moans had been the reason you hadn't heard the front door open. It was possible it had just been due to the quiet nature of Giyu, but you were completely unbeknownst to the sudden presence in your home - his figure nearing close to the edge of his bedroom door as you'd been knuckle deep inside yourself, writhing up on his bed.
Giyu noticed his bedroom door had been wide open, not how he'd left it before leaving, and he felt his eyes widen as he'd grown closer, remembering what he'd hidden within the drawer of his nightstand. His pace had slowed, creeping to lean into the doorway. His eyes scanned the room, and the fear he'd felt building in his chest quickly turned into shock, seeing his roommate a heap on his own bed, hands moving beneath the cotton of her trousers. 
Eyes squeezed shut as to compliment the screwed up face you'd been pulling at your pleasure, had gripped your underwear in hand, he fixated on you. Giyu's fear had been replaced with confusion: how had you managed to come across the cumrag he'd used last night, and how upon finding it, were you not completely mortified? Instead, pleasing yourself, so deep within your own mind you'd not even noticed the shift in the room, the fact you'd had company. 
Giyu felt the blood rush to his dick as he watched you squirm under your own touch, bringing a palm to clutch at the growing member in his trousers. He was adamant on remaining at the doorway, and simply watching you, until he'd heard his name tumble from your lips. 
He couldn't help it. 
"What're you doing?" Giyu's voice filled the air that had previously held the sounds omitting from your self pleasure - he'd meant to ask the question a little more seductively but it had ended up coming out as if he hadn't been completely amazed by the show you'd unknowingly put on for him. 
You opened your eyes, hurriedly removing your hand from yourself, gasping loudly. Your jaw moved as you racked your brain for an excuse, anything to help sell a story, but as seconds passed, you'd realised there was no way out of this. You'd allowed your arousal to get the better of you. 
If you'd have been thinking straight, you'd have felt less embarrassed - it was Giyu who'd not only taken your underwear, but came on them while filming himself doing so. But in the moment, you'd felt a twang of shame, unable to move as you fought your inner thoughts to give him some sort of response. 
During your battle within your mind, Giyu had walked closer to you, towering above your sweating body that had been almost rocking from anxiety - eyes sporadically searching around the room, parted lips allowing panicked breaths to escape. He reached out, placing his fingers under your chin to bring your gaze to his. 
All worry you'd had washed away when your eyes locked with his. His blue orbs radiated one thing - lust. 
"How'd you find them?" He asked, but as you fought against his grip to shamelessly look anywhere but his face, you watched realisation hit him. His eyes widened in horror, mouth agape, as you spoke one word: "GTom."
He let go, stepping back to think of how you'd possibly found his account. He'd posted the video in question less than 24 hours ago, which would have made it was likely you'd gone on to his account multiple times after finding out about the acts he'd posted online. His brows furrowed in thought as he searched for any explanation, finally remembering the fact you'd worked on his laptop around a month ago. 
How often had you checked his account? Maybe it had just been a coincidence, maybe you'd just searched his name and it'd happened to be shortly after he'd posted the video - one he'd been debating deleting for the past few hours, as it'd felt like he'd crossed a boundary. 
"How often?" That was all that he managed to choke out, still filled with surprise from the newfound revelation he'd uncovered.  "Do you really wanna know?" You'd asked, hoping that there was a possibility he'd just drop the question and move on. But, fate hadn't been on your side as he'd nodded, lips pressing into a line as he awaited your end of the conversation.  "Uh," You swallowed. "Every day." Bringing your hand to your neck, you let out a sigh, bowing your head and closing your eyes. Accepting that you'd probably be kicked out anyway, you decided to come clean.  "When I first saw it, I couldn't get it out of my brain - it was like an intrusive thought that I needed to act on. But, then I couldn't stop, and I had to watch them every evening, nothing else was even close to your videos." 
Hearing you admit to your self indulgences should've disturbed the male, but when he'd stroked himself, watching his movements in the phone screen as he'd recorded each session, he'd dreamed of women, like you, getting off to him. The thought of you unable to contain yourself over videos of him had him bricked up in seconds, almost salivating at the thought of you reaching orgasm over him each day for the past month. He was an exhibitionist, a shy one, but he was infatuated with the idea of being watched - the fact he had been within the safety of his own home had been intensely amorous. 
You were getting ready to stand, but hadn't managed to, instead finding yourself pushed back down to the mattress. Giyu had his hands interlaced with the hem of your trousers, pulling them down with ease due to the elasticated waistband. You were exposed within a millisecond, folds glistening with the slick arousal you'd been coated in, as you'd realised your panties had still been in a ball in your fist. You gripped onto them tighter as Giyu brought your hips to the edge of his bed, unleashing his erection and stepping out from the slacks he'd been wearing. He held onto your thigh with one hand, fingers reaching to run down your slit, pushing two into you quickly. 
The feeling of fullness caused you to squirm; his fingers were much thicker than your own. You fought the urge to fall limp, pressing yourself up to lay on your forearms, immediately setting your eyes on his hard dick. 
You'd never thought you'd be able to see it in person, learning the ins and outs of how he'd looked through videos, completely unprepared to have him between your legs. Air hit you as he removed his fingers, reaching over to grab something from the drawer you'd just retrieved your underwear from. He pulled out a gold packet, bringing it to his teeth to rip open.  "No," You whined, scrunching your face up. "Wan' feel your cum." You'd complained, causing a laugh to leave his mouth, your heart skipping a beat at the smirk you'd never seen before.  "Are you on birth control?" He questioned, eyebrow raising. You nodded, biting a lip and spreading a little wider, as if to entice him into you. 
It seemed to work as he tossed the packet, lining up his thick girth to your soaked hole, pushing in. 
You wailed, back hitting the padded cushioning beneath you once more and arms coming to your sides, gripping the blanket. He was big, but you'd known that already. You had faith you could accommodate his size, though the way you'd clenched around him had felt like you were being filled to the brim, the idea being enough to let a hum escape your lips. 
You managed to let go of the duvet, bringing a finger to rub circles over your clit as Giyu worked in and out of you. You watched as his stomach had sucked in just before he'd moaned, head tilting back, but eyes renaming on his cock disappearing into you. His movements were just like in his videos, only now you hadn't had to imagine yourself as his hand, instead able to accommodate him in real life. You were the reason he was hard, and edging closer to coming undone. 
You rubbed faster as he'd found his rhythm, mouth ajar while quiet groans graced your ears.  "You look so good-" Your words had been cut short by a squeal overcoming your ability to talk, a bout of pleasure coursing over you. Giyu moaned in response, a loud whine similar to that in his solo sessions, cock twitching in your walls, rolling into you once more. Your words of encouragement were far from lost on him, for Giyu had enjoyed appraisal more than most.  "M-more." He thrusted deeper, rougher with you as he felt himself spasm, barely able to focus on your body on his bed, only able to feel your tight cunt milk him. 
"I love your videos~" You hummed as he pummeled into you, slapping echoing from impact of his balls hitting against your ass. Squirming in his grip, you felt your own high coming closer, rubbing faster over your clit. "Your cock is so perfect - ah!" Your head rolled back, eyes closing as you'd began to talk through your teeth. He gripped your spread thighs harder, a clear indication of how close he'd been. "It fills me up so good, G'yu!" His name had been another moan for you, a scream pelting from your throat, your hips pushing upward to have the backside leaving the bed. 
For a second, your hearing went. There had no longer been the sound of his body on yours, his guttural moans as he chased his orgasm, only a ringing in your ears. Your body twitched, creaming over his cock while you'd screeched so loud the neighbors would most likely be putting in a noise complaint before the end of the day. It was only upon regaining your senses a few moments later that you'd felt a new sensation - that of liquid, coating your groin, and Giyu's stomach. 
"Fuck!" You'd stuttered, but the male pounding into your pussy couldn't have cared less about your shock, tipping over the edge and allowing his own orgasm to occur. He too had felt as if his body had ascended further than earth itself as he pummeled his seed deep into your walls. If not for his eyelids squeezed tightly shut, you'd have been able to watch as his eyes crossed through his peak. The man's sounds were that of music to you, and only when he'd let out the last few sloppy thrusts and pulled himself from the grip you'd had around him, did you take a moment to breathe again. 
"Did I squirt?" You panted, in shock at his sodden core, a clear liquid reflecting over the definition he'd had over his stomach. He nodded, taking a towel from his wardrobe to wipe over himself.  "Haven't you done that before?" Giyu asked as he handed the towel over to you, torso now dry. You shook your head in bewilderment, as he'd let another chuckle leave his mouth.  "I'll have to help you do that again, then." His promise wasn't lost on you, for you'd no doubt be coming back into his room the next night to chase your release once more. 
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mrwavellswaps · 10 months
Labels and Erasures
Some of you may have noticed already but every post I’ve made within the last month has received a forced content label. When I looked into my activity found that all of them were given within seconds of one another so clearly someone just went through and added them without looking. I know this for certain as even posts like my Second Anniversary thank you post received a label when there was absolutely nothing in that post that would warrant it deserving one. Fortunately I’ve managed to get that one overturned but everything else I’ve posted on the last month is now labelled.
Now I’m not saying that some of those posts didn’t deserve labels but I wanted to make this post first of all to remind everyone once more to check their settings to make sure you’re still able to view labelled posts so that these posts won’t be hidden from you. If you want to know more about the community labels then I suggest you check out this post by TF-Lover. He does a good job of explaining it all.
That said I can’t say I’m not somewhat angry that I got 30+ flagged post notifications all at once. Not to mention that things in my drafts that haven’t even been posted or reblogged have been flagged. Now you might think that just means the original posts were flagged but no. Most of the original posts are not at all flagged, just the reblogs that’re sitting in my drafts and haven’t even been made public. To me this feels like an invasion of privacy as it means someone working for this site has either gone through my private drafts or has sent a bot into them. Either way it runs me the wrong way.
And it gets worse.
I’m sure plenty of you reading this remember my biggest ever story on this site. Step-Bro Switch Up. Over 1800 notes and still rising. Or at least it was until just over a week ago. Completely without my knowledge Step-Bro Switch Up has been completely erased off the platform. And when I say erased, I mean ERASED. Gone. Not only has my original post been vaporised but so has every other reblog of the story on the site. Completely gone. I’ve been told that you can’t even find it using the Wayback Machine! I was originally gonna make a really fucking angry rant post about this because I was livid when I found out. I was so happy and proud of that story only for it to get snapped out of existence. Don’t worry though. I still have it saved on my writing documents so I’ll absolutely be re-uploading it in the near future.
That said I’m considering more than ever creating another space to post my stories. Perhaps on a Blogspot and/or Gay Spiral Stories just so there’s a place they can’t be taken down. When that happens I’ll be sure to let you all know but for now that’s all I had to say. Just feeling a bit pissed off and targeted atm but that’s not going to stop me. I’ve been feeling under the weather recently hence the lack of posts but I don’t plan to stop writing anytime soon! I also don’t plan to stop posting on this account either! I hope you all stick around to see what else I’ve got in store. Until then thank you all for supporting me once again! ❤️
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remember-before · 2 years
A Very Brief and Very Sectional Look At Fandom History With Reguards to Central Archiving With TK
Fact 1: We're starting with a time in fandom when I was 8 or 9
Fact 2: There are some amazing, extrmely well fact checked fandom histories already out there
Fact 3: The internet is forever and so are all your fandom sins.
Pre FF.N days were weird and rough. Star Trek had been the predominate fandom through the 70s, though fandom goes back hundreds of years (see: Sherlock Holmes). Pre 90s was the time of zines and cons and letters. Mid 90s, thanks to the now-much more common place home internet fandoms like DragonRiders of Pern flourished.
In the beginning, creators tried to be very involved in their fandom. Some, like Tamora Pierce were on the peripheral due to their fears of copyright issues (ie they'd accidentally borrow an idea from fans and then somehow need to credi them) and others, like Anne McCaffrey and Anne Rice were significantly more involved.
Redwall was my first fandom. While now I would never say there was a safe space for kids in the single digits to hang around online in, this was actually true statement then. Jaques had safe sites listed on his website and the fandom was a strong one. ITW (rip :(((() was still the primary message board system and most sites were hosted on netscape or angelfire. The death knoll for this fandom was the fall of ITW, there was just too much lore lost when it went down.
As Redwall waned, Anne Rice was cooking up her bullshit. There's some really well done Anne Rice Bullshit fanlore histories, but basically she used actual lawyers to send fans writing fanfic C&D letters and went after websites and fan content. It was horrifc. Some amazing people fled fandom forever, starting in about 1995. This picked up steam in 2000 when she absolutely wrecked her way through her own fandom.
Anne McCaffrey was, at the same time, on some other bullshit. She approved of and liked her fandom, but she was horrifically homophobic and if there was even a hint of gay anything, she'd throw a fit. She also didn't want anyone writing or RPing women in leadership roles (Bronze and Brown riders for those who read the books) and at some point in… 1999? She put a ban on it and would attempt to get your website taken down if they were rolled.
FFN started in 1998, which feels like it was late to the party. It started as an 18+ archive but by 2002 when the greatbreak happened (your sister is your aunt, hey fam) some ⅓ of their accounts self IDd as under 18. At some point they lowered their age to 13+ which is inline with industry standards.
Before FFN central archiving was done fandom by fandom. FFN didn't take this away. Some of these (SG1, LOTR, HP) were hosted on their own domains, but many were hosted on sites like Geocities (rip). Every time a service like ITW or geocities went down, a ton of fandom was lost forever. This was a high flux time, when fandom archives for even huge fandoms like HP were coming and going faster than you could upload your fics and each archive had it's own politics. What ships did they allow, what genres, what ratings… It varied based on who paid the bills.
FFN was a novel concept, and many fans flocked to it. Having a central archive? For all our fandoms? Glorious.
But what one must remember is that this was also a very weird time for media and the portrayal of gay people (mostly men). Anything involving a m/m relationship was basically two ratings higher than it would have been listed if the couple was het. Entire archives banned it (there was an epic two year long fandom battle in the HP fandom about including m/m relationships in archives not explicitly for m/m relationships).
Which of course led to most m/m fics having explicit or at least an R rating.
Several things happened in a quick timeline in the fandom world in the early 2000s.
1) LOTR came out and took over the known universe. And because there weren't a lot of women in LOTR, there were a lot more m/m fics suddenly. And movie studios were seeing that fandom was Big and Exciting and that Geeks Can Make Us Money. They attempted to put up a monetized website run by the studio to host fanfiction but once added to it, you lost all rights to your work and they could republish it, edit it, or utilize the idea however they wished without crediting you.
Needless to say, this went over like a lead balloon and their submissions were…. Choice.
2) FFN got sued or something and all of the sudden Xi cared A LOT about the content of their site. In september of 2202 they pulled all NC17 fics from their site, all RPS, and most m/m content. The NC17 and RPS stuff was sudden, just entire sections gone, but the m/m stuff was slower and more insidious. They had mods of a sort reading through fandoms looking for "violations" and pulling down fics, and the general public could flag your fic and have it yanked without review.
You can imagine how fandom used this exactly as intended and never used it against people they didn't agree with or pairings they didn't like. Somewhere in there FictionPress also started and all original stuff got yeeted to a new home. Adultff.n came into existence around the same time, but was not run by Xi, had the world's shittiest layout, and required archival permission at one point, meaning you submitted stuff for approval. It wasn't great.
Also let us not forget the MPAA sued them because their ratings are proprietary. Yeeeep.
(also note that search functions within categories didn't exist on FFN at the time, not even based on completion status, word count, or pairing)
This was the birth of AO3. I don't remember where the OG idea came about, but there was a whole lot talk about this idea on LJ. At some point, Brad sold us out to the Russians to Six Apart and LJ was lost, and while many platforms tried to capture the soul of LJ, it just never managed to do so. DreamWidth, Tumblr, JournalFen, etc.
Another thing to remember, is that fandom had been predominately male, even on IIRC days, but FFN and LJ fandom had become a predominately female fandom space. There  was an absolute ton of back and forth about this, written by a lot of people who were way more eloquent than I was in 2005, but there is a lot to be said about the regulation and pushback against spaces where men have to ask for a seat at the table, instead of being offered one. Remember that, for good or for bad, slash fanfic is predominately written by and consumed by female fans.
Which is where we come to today and the central archive we know and love that is AO3. And why when asked by AO3 allows ANYTHING GOES on their website, up to and including things you personally find immoral and DEAD DOVE, we have to recall that AO3 was built as we were being censored and fandom was being ripped from our hands. We have to remember that, at one point, just your basic slash pairing was being pulled down from sites because whoever hosted it didn't like The Gays.
We have a decently detailed history of all fandom kerfluffles from 2002-2015, many of which these incidents were involved in, on FandomWank. Many FandomWank details have been archived in wikis and other timelines. Some have not. Wild Award Mentions go to: LimeyBean, MrsScribe, HP Shipper Wars, WIKTT's Pawn2Queen wars, and anytime SPN ever got mentioned ever. But none are as great and incredible as the saga of Limeybean.
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My YouTube account just reached 1k subscribers so now I'm gonna make a list of the coolest Angela Bassett video finds I've found and shared on there and how I found them (even if the target audience here is only like one person)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith deleted scenes
Gonna start with the most recent find bc I never thought this footage would see the light of day. They shot all these scenes and only 30 seconds of Angela's voice made it to the movie bc the villains were dropped completely. Turns out the footage had been hiding on the second disc of an unrated special edition DVD release all along.
Old TV Commercials (KFC, Equal, Allstate)
These commercials you're really only able to find if you know what you're looking for. And the way I found out was through interviews in which they were mentioned (one was a newspaper clipping from 1991 that mentioned Equal and Allstate). Then it's watching tons of old commercials from those brands on YouTube until finally Angela's pretty face shows up. So grateful to the people who uploaded them first (even if they didn't mention Angela in the description).
Doubletake & Liberty
There are quite a few movies and shows in Angela's filmography that seem impossible to find. And some of them are really not available to watch anywhere unless you pay private sellers to send you the files. That's what I had to do to unearth these two rare gems. [insert Thanos gif iykyk] but no regrets because I really wanted to see them. Still hoping to find Equal Justice, STAT and the full Ryan's Hope episode
Ryan's Hope clip
Which brings me to the next tiny (very tiny) gem. For some time I had my doubts she was actually ever even in this soap opera. That was until I watched the Oscar's red carpet 2023 and they aired this super short clip of her character. Next to Angela's dress and Gaga's performance that was my highlight of the night.
My Man Bovanne
Talk about credits that aren't even on her IMDb. I found out about her role in this in the Playbill of Joe Turner's Come and Gone (which Angela starred in on Broadway in 1988). Made an account for the one website that hosted this little-known-about short film to be able to screenrecord it. That was a happy day. Fun fact I learned in a newspaper clipping since: Angela only got to be in it because the person who was first cast for her role got sick.
Another one that took me very, very long to find. This is probably the one I had to use the most detective skills for. Found a dead video on a site that used to host it, tried to look up the account owner on other social media channels and finally found their tumblr that was still active (hooray) and they sent me the file. Best day ever (even though the plot of the episode is really heartbreaking).
Angela talking about kissing Gaga to Access Hollywood
Listen... Listen. If you know me, you know that these two are my QUEENS. They are everything to me and the fact that they played lovers? That they kissed and enjoyed it? Means the world (read my fanfiction on AO3 😉). This interview in particular has only been available as an article to read on their website for many years now but I could never find the video. I wanted to hear Angela say how she kissed Gaga and pulled her in and told her I love you when the director called cut and made Gaga jump. I found an old link to a long deleted YouTube video in an old tweet on one of my many Twitter searches for any trace of this video. Bless the person who uploaded it back then and bless the people who shared it on Twitter and bless the person who backed it up in the Wayback Machine. I owe you all eternal gratitude.
A 17-minute interview about Ruby's Bucket of Blood
DVD extras hold many gems and this is one of the biggest Angela-focused special features on a DVD I've seen. According to a friend who bought the DVD much longer ago, it wasn't even always part of it so I feel very blessed that this came with my DVD that I only bought bc it's one of my favorite movies and I like to collect those on physical copies.
Her Boyz n the Hood audition tape
In a newspaper clipping I read that this has actually been a part of physical releases of this movie since they still put out Laser Discs. But somehow I've never seen it surface online. I found it in a torrent that had all the Bluray special features (the best kind of torrents) and decided to share it of course. It has since gone viral on TikTok (where someone reposted it) which made me very happy. Who thought we'd ever get to see Ms. Angela Bassett audition??
Celebrity Poker Showdown
You have to admit, Angela in a reality game show is just gold. Was looking for this for a long time too and eventually found a Russian torrent (thank you Russians). Was luckily able to share the full episode on YouTube so everyone can get the full experience of "Angela folds" ten times in a row 😁
Angela's full performances of 3 songs on Close to the Enemy
[I only linked one here] Angela's character on Close to the Enemy was unfortunately very small but the British DVD release had extended scenes of 3 of her performances on it. [The American Bluray for some reason didn't.] Glad I found out about these.
1993 Fresh Air radio interview
I don't know if this counts as a rare find as it is freely available on the NPR website and in my university library BUT I have never seen it acknowledged until I shared it on YouTube and let me tell you I put blood, sweat and tears into captioning this 16-minute interview 😭 the payoff was grand. One interviewer from Variety used it in her research and mentioned it to Angela (who couldn't even remember it lmao) and part of the audio was also used in a tribute post the Academy (yes the Oscar Academy) did for her birthday. It's not my interview but I know they wouldn't have done so if it wasn't for my video (that I posted in tribute to the great Tina Turner. RIP.)
(Assumably) all her episodes of Search for Tomorrow
If I'm not mistaken this was her first on-camera acting job and a cool guy posted all her episodes (and hundreds of episodes she wasn't in) on YouTube last year. Luckily I downloaded them all right away as his channel no longer exists. Her episodes are safe on my hard drive tho and her scenes are safe on my YouTube channel :)
I was going to share a link to the unaired pilot of Identity (2011) that someone posted but it's already been privated again. Might post her scenes at some point, in the meantime if you're interested in this episode you can always dm me, I saved it to my hard drive. Very exciting find indeed as I also never expected it to see the light of day.
Honestly I get excited over every interview, DVD extra, speech or segment from a TV special that I come across (especially old ones). Sharing these on my YouTube channel is my pride and joy and I also have a scenepack account on Instagram (@/angelabassettscenes) where I share all her scenes from her bigger projects that I can't share to YouTube for everyone who wants to watch, edit or GIF them. Seeing people get as excited as I do when I share my finds makes me so happy and I'm definitely not done. Many DVD featurettes still to come. Angela's work will be preserved on this channel by any means necessary 😌
If you've read this far, thank you for reading and have a good day/night
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fairytail-whathesays · 7 months
If they were in modern times, which guys do you think would have an Only Fans?
I had to think about this for an entire shift at work so I apologize but you're getting way more than you bargained for with this ask. 'Cause it exploded into a whole AU of its own. I was sharply reminded of gaysquaredwrites' Fairy Tail Gr!ndr post while I was thinking of it and it made me laugh a lot.
Also I know you said 'guys' but we're including the ladies because I could never neglect my sapphic audience.
Just as a reminder, sǣx work (spelling it that way to avoid Tumblr sniping me) is valid work, and to treat sǣx workers with respect or die by my blade.
In order of amount of subscribers, from least to greatest:
Milliana (😺) [365 subscribers]
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Milliana has an OnlyFans account where people allegedly pay to see her interact with her seven cats. She is a cat-owner and cat lover, and regularly makes content doing daily household things while interacting with her cats. She genuinely has zero idea most of her subscribers are less interested in her pets than her body. It's not even like she walks around scantily clad, she's just very pretty and easily attracts attention. She hopes to use the money she saves up to open a cat cafe sometime in the next few years.
Bacchus Groh (♂️♂️♀️) [708 subscribers]
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Bacchus owns an erotic channel where he uploads homemade sǣxual encounters. Almost all of them are with men, though there's a few with women, and he has a drunken frat boy image that's...basically his normal self. His content's actually really popular and has made the rounds being re-uploaded on various adult sites, but the reason he doesn't have more subscribers is that he almost never posts. There's no reason for it, he's just lazy and dislikes going through the video editing process, especially if the OF website or corporate is being annoying.
Cana Alberona (🃏) [1,543 subscribers]
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Cana has an OF where she does indeed upload sǣxual content, though it's strictly solo. It's not that she has anything against collaborative content, and she knows it would bring her more money, but she holds back out of apprehension about what might happen if her dad found her channel. Not that she stays abstinent, as she doesn't particularly care what Gildarts thinks, but there's still that lingering part of the back of her brain that doesn't want to be 'that girl' who disappoints her daddy for life, so she's never uploaded anything with a partner.
Besides her solo erotic content, she also does a variety of other content, including tarot readings you can request for a tip.
Lucy Heartfilia (♂️♀️) [5,897 subscribers]
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Lucy has a very successful channel that she co-runs with her husband, Loke, collaborating with both men and women. They're good friends with Natsu and Gray (another couple involved in the OF scene), and have collaborated with Gray before. You might think Loke would have an issue with sǣxual occurrences between his wife and other men (and women); he doesn't. In fact, he's her cameraman and director. There's nothing weird about it, their relationship is just that healthy, and Lucy's fans online frequently talk positively about Loke and hype up their relationship. And yes, he and his wife have filmed content of their own.
Lucy's OF is actually a big enough production that it encompasses other content creators, such as their housemaid who goes by Virgo (who was able to launch her own channel thanks to the attention she got from Lucy's), who film most of their collaborative content exclusively with them.
Gray Fullbuster (♂️♂️) [6,244 OF subscribers] & Natsu Dragneel (🎮) [12,891 Twitch subscribers]
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Gray and Natsu are another couple, married to one another, in the OF scene. However, it's only Gray who does the OF stuff--Natsu is actually a really popular Twitch streamer who plays video games for audiences.
Both of them are pretty open about what their husband does for a living and Natsu actively enjoys the content Gray makes with other men. Which is a good thing, 'cause that ain't no 'habit' in this verse, Gray's just an exhibitionist. With both of them being relatively successful independent of one another, they're able to funnel fans from both sides of their content to the other and boost their own numbers. Their partnership, like Lucy's and Loke's, has inspired a beloved fandom, although theirs comes with abundant memes about "why he ___ in me and then start playing LoL", etc.
For a while, Natsu's Twitch channel got shut down bc of how candidly he talked on-cam about his husband doing sǣx work, which was deemed inappropriate (read: a threat to advertisers) by Twitch. The calamitous uproar that immediately ensued caused a very swift reversal of this decision and an apology for errors made.
??? & Rogue Cheney (♂️♂️⛓️) [8,088 subscribers]
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Gajeel Redfox is not a name publicly known, and in fact the OF channel he appears on mostly features his boyfriend/life partner/subm*ssive/eromenos Rogue Cheney.
These two are another OF couple, and the reason they don't have more presence online is because rather than being current up-and-comings, they're some of the veterans on the platform, having spent the longest amount of time f/cking their way to success. They upload less frequently compared to their contemporaries, and aren't as active on social media, but their paying fanbase is one of the most loyal out there.
The channel is technically Rogue's, and most of the content is him doing solo stuff with a hardcore BD/SM bent. Much more rare are appearances by his unnamed dom (Gajeel), only ever shown from the neck down, who does very dom/sub stuff to him with a very professional practiced air and is very, very rough and aggressive during sǣx--but oh-so-gentle during aftercare. Rogue is very aware that a lot of his subscribers are only there for the peeks at Gajeel, but he doesn't mind--they're united in bottom thirst that way. Rogue is very popular on his own, mind, with quite a bit of his content seeing the occasional re-upload, but Gajeel being the rare gem that pops up on occasion means he can charge PPV prices and get more returns on the more intense (and lucrative) content.
Bixxxlow (♂️♀️☿️ ⚧️) [+12k OF subscribers, +700k subscribers across all platforms]
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Bickslow does everything. He's not just an OF creator--though he is successful at that, rest assured--he's gone viral on TikTok multiple times, and uploads everything from gaming to cosplay to clickbait content.
He can thank his business partner Freed Justine for most of this, as Freed is an expert marketing engineer and has made the algorithm his bitch. Thanks to this, he stays busy, and nearly his whole day, every day is spent filming content of some kind.
Bickslow's popularity on OF is not quite as viral but it is definitely consistent--he has socials with upwards of 120k subscribers, and in light of that, having over twelve thousand people paying to see him in wild three/somes is pretty cool, and he has absolutely no qualms talking about sǣx work openly. His OF is relatively expensive--he can charge higher since he's so popular--but it goes on sale very very frequently. It helps that he's a huge exhibitionist, and k/nky as all hell, making the lǣwdest of content as easily as he breathes. That long tongue and his willingness to use it for fǣtish content has proven to be hugely lucrative.
Out of all the creators listed here, Bickslow is by far the most fǣtish-friendly and willingess to try things for custom PPV requests, and he's also very prolific with collaborations--he's collabed with every other creator on this list (save Cana and Milliana) anywhere from once to every few weeks or months.
Because he does a lot of content with transgender individuals, some idiot twitter user once posted about him "fǣtishizing" them. Bickslow responded by lifting his shirt and showing his top surgery scars (and then advertising the bottom half exclusively for paying subscribers).
Mirajane Strauss (♀️♀️♂️) [+80,000 subscribers]
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Ah, the Queen herself.
Mirajane has always been a huge hit among the adult content industry, flat-out being one of the most successful sǣx workers on the platform, especially given she was never signed to an agency either in the legitimate film industry or the p/rn industry. Many websites among the latter that have seen how much money she rakes in have tried to offer her contracts, but she's never accepted.
She does both fashion modeling and adult content work, and does the latter both solo and collaboratively--frequently with women, but also with men, too. Her sweet demeanor is incredibly attractive to the point of her basically having her own fandom--she even has a name for them, the "Mir-rors".
Although she primarily does sǣxual content, Mirajane also does other things for her channel like cooking and especially singing. She actually wanted to be a singer as a career, and had some mild success early on with covers posted on YouTube, but her first foray into OnlyFans blew her waaaaaaay up and completely overshadowed any other aspirations of hers. She does still regret that she can't do singing for her main job, as the stigma of sǣx work keeps music agencies from being willing to pick her up, but she's made peace with having it as her kind of side gig.
Her entire channel is one-sub only, with no PPV content, and she regularly donates tips and other excess earnings to charity.
Sting Eucliffe (♂️♂️♀️) [+100k subscribers] 👑
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The enigma.
Sting Eucliffe took the world by storm some couple years ago, and he's the most successful OnlyFans account on this list by far. Possessing a charm that crosses somewhere between boyishly cute and bright and dangerously bad boy, Sting's just...got it. He's got that body and that smile and those eyes and that charisma that makes you come back for more (with money). Like with Mirajane, numerous p/rn studios have approached him, but all have been turned down.
Identifying as bisexual, his content's mostly with other men with some women thrown in. He's technically a solo act, but collaborates very frequently, having zero trouble landing basically anyone he wants in bed and being well-connected to several other acts on this list. Although he's not as wild and k/nky as Bixlow or intense as Gajeel and Rogue, he's still relatively fǣtish-friendly and loves doing custom PPV requests.
Sting does basically everything--fǣtish content, nǣked music covers, nΩde cooking, risky public maneuvers, basketball games all sweaty and shirtless, paid voice calls and facetimes, and boyfriend roleplay, too. His merch line is incredibly successful and he regularly shows off stuff his fans have gotten him from his wishlist. Everyone who knows him or has collaborated with him calls him one of the friendliest and most fun partners they could have had. Part of the reason his content is so attractive to viewers is that there's a lot of smiling and laughing, he's a very fun guy in general.
Not only has he collaborated with Bacchus, Lucy, Loke, Gray, Natsu, Bickslow, and Mirajane at different points, but his collab with Rogue outright happened because Gajeel contacted him and said Sting was his boyfriend's favorite OF creator after himself. So successful is Sting that, like Virgo with Lucy, he has a few other sǣxual content creators that have collabed exclusively with him:
Larcade, real name Rakheid, whose face had to be hidden as his day job is as a priest. The PPV he recorded with Sting was one of the hΩrniest, most depraved hours he'd ever been awake for, and one of the most successful content Sting ever made. They promised that if it was successful enough (it was) and if Larcade ever needed spare change, Sting would f/ck him in the church after hours.
Orga Nanagear, a professional bodybuilder whose OF was, up to that point, basically just working out. It was unexpected for everyone who watched it, but the video of Orga f/cking Sting damn near braindead for over an hour and in several different positions went as close to viral as OF content can be, bringing in an absolutely massive amount of money from thirsty gays. Orga had requested his face be hidden, despite the fact that his tattoos are so distinctive that basically everyone knew who it was.
Laxus Dreyar, whose face and name were also hidden but for much better reasons as he has a well-connected job as a weatherman for a big channel, and while his tattoos wouldn't connect him to anyone who'd seen him on television, if anyone saw his face it'd immediately expose him and get him fired. Laxus' collaboration with Sting made them both rich, it got a huge amount of returns when the PPV went out. They've only ever collabed once, but every thirsty idiot subbed to Sting has been praying for another hook-up between them since they saw the first one.
Despite how successful he is as a creator, Sting is very secretive. "Sting Eucliffe" is a stage name, of course, but nobody knows that his real name is Weiss Logan, except himself.
And there you have it! Welcome to the ns/fw au that will now consume you (hopefully, 'cause if this post gets like 3 notes i'll feel really awkward).
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thedemigodoracle · 9 months
Please read:
Ok, so as I jokingly said before “I’m back.” - I’m not joking, I am back.
Not entirely yet but here are some things to wait for in the near future.
Before I list it I need to browse fast through the real life stuff first so bear with:
- one of the reasons I did go missing from art and fandoms in general wasn’t just the ammount of books but also family situations, depression, relationships and in the last few years I lost grandma, grandpa and even my mother to a disease they don’t have it diagnosed yet because it was so rare.
Obvsly took a major hit to my mental health and the ability to write and just have energy kinda left me. I’m handling it I’m in therapy. This is all we need to talk about it.
- it’s been over ten years since some of your fave fics have been updated and while both Clichesbullet on ff.net and thatu on DA will be there and won’t be deleted HERE are what’s to expect:
1. My endgame here is reading the books back and forth again, as well as other source
Material for other fandoms I will
Be publishing for.
-updating the old fan mixes and uploading it to Spotify so it’s more accessible and going back (when possible to art).
- I will use AO3 some new aesthetics and user name (though probably just thatu) and edit a lot more to fit what I believe is better not because the world changed in general but because so
Did I.
Some of the racism and homophobia will still be there are these are the characters having flaws whose arcs weren’t complete but lots of it will also be changed because I’m 34 now I also the world is changed and some stuff just wouldn’t fly and I kinda hate it (but the old material is still there available on the old
- I’m not sure technology will be adapted but some references will here and there and I can clearly deliver something better now that I’ve taught English for over half of my life and am taking a masters degree on translation studies.
- real life will get me too busy sometimes so please I hope you’re excited but I know lots
Of you also have jobs or even families. So leave reviews and keep
Me company but also understand I was bad at updating before even with better time
Management this is will be a ride.
- I’m doing this to prove myself I can do and make good things.
- This site as well as the thatu blog will be updated.
- if you were a follower and have deleted your tumblr or changed usernames please leave a reply with who we were because I’ve had an eventful few years. I remember most of you, but I may need a nudge.
- both my writing and art style have developed and so did my world views - stuff will look different but hopefully still bring you comfort. And laughter.
And tears…?
- there will be some one shots posted focusing on stuff like grown up characters and new knowledge
We now have though the characterization will still follow the book ones as that’s how I kinda got used to it.
- I’m back but I’ll be getting back slowly and posting updates here. Tell ur friends who haven’t been here in a while but used to be part of our group of
- I missed being a fandom person and hopefully now I can find solace in you guys back again.
- some new fandoms will pop up, as will
Ships (see what I did there? Find solace? Will some ships? Hehe).
-Some extra texts will be added to whatever adaptations I make especially regarding transphobia and HP though I do intend to finish my Hannah/Neville story.
- maybe I’ll write original
Stuff too who knows?
Also, I missed you, spread the word. There’s a brand new old me in town. New ships, new views, new one shots, edits, a very different music taste (actually no I just added more stuff) and a lot of improved knowledge of vocabs and world geography.
Please spread this to whoever you think might be interested. It’s not popularity or anything, I’m trying to get back some pieces of me I lost along the way and writing and drawing used to be FUN and help me make FRIENDS.
I’ll keep u posted once everything is at least remotely ready to go.
And omg you’ll finally know what Silena had on clarisse.
Oh and I’m still not for writing smut but there will be more Adult/Mature like material as some ships require it and I am older. No minors having descriptive s*x
Of course but u know it’d feel weird to talk about these huge ass long relationships and not bring it up naturally.
Anyway, reply to this with whatever. Leave a like or something too but mostly leave a reply so we can start this journey together -
New younger fans are also welcome I’ll make my best to keep this space as safe as possible!! I teach kids and teens and I’d kill for u to have a place to be you safely.
Also there will now be additions on author notes for whether a ship is canon or fanon what I adapted and new fandoms new ships and trigger warnings before sensitive chapters that deal with stuff that before I wouldn’t.
Love, I’ve missed this,
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
(If you were around for the "hacker", the "hacker" reported that he and Minka were already exchanging a lot of messages in FB at that time, so I think that's where his mind was, lol.) // can you say more about it?
Oh, lord, I really opened myself up for this one, didn't I. Well, okay, but get prepared for a long-ass read.
First, the "hacker" was never really a "hacker," but just how she/they got popularly termed in the fandom. The "hacker" was in actuality more a "leaker."
Back on June 28, 2012 (once again - while he was in Prague filming Snowpiercer, such an eventful time in this fandom), the fandom was sent a link to a photobucket (I think it was photobucket, or some file upload site) account filled with screenshots from a Facebook account. As it turns out, that FB account, under the name "Cru Jones," was Chris' private FB account. The "hacker" had methodically combed through the account screenshooting images and messages, and then dumped them onto the fandom. Later, the "hacker" set up a blog with this stuff.
So, all those early Chris partying photos? The "hacker."
All those Chris in India photos? The "hacker".
Those personal photos of Chris and Tara together? The "hacker".
If you've ever seen a screencap of a Chris message on FB? The "hacker".
But what was really bizarre is that the "dump" didn't stop at that date. More than two months later the "hacker" almost live published out photos from Tara's wedding, as she/they was apparently still in on the FBs of people in the circle. So, yeah, every photo you've ever seen of Tara's wedding? The "hacker." (Oh boy, and did the "hacker" ever hate Tara. The spite seethed out of any comment she wrote about Tara.)
This whack-job weird early pap photo of Chris and Minka together?:
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Yep, "hacker." (As well as all the tea of when he took Minka to MA and introduced her to the fam.)
This "hacker" was no "hacker." This person was someone on the inside of the friends' group who literally broke bad and decided to cut ties in a dramatic way. There was lots of speculation. A burned ex-gf? A FWB who went psycho? Someone who just felt slighted?
Eventually, the friends and family did get the "hacker" out of their FB pages.
And who knows what fake name Chris is using on a FB now.
Honestly, I'd love to know where the "hacker" is these days, and what she/they think of things.
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jokeringcutio · 1 year
Update: The Man Who Claimed To Be Yours
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Now that I have finally continued, I have rewritten the outline, adjusted the estimated length of the tale from 12 chapters in total, to 20 chapters. [ For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, you can check the story here ] As those of you who have read and been following the tale online know, I have uploaded 9 chapters in the past. That was with the original outline. The tale ended with Arthur having turned into the Joker and successfully kidnapping you, dear reader, already pregnant with his child. Can't have you all left stranded there, can I? What happens next: Things become more gritty and violent. I have rewritten chapters 10 and 11, and have kept some parts of 12 aside to be used in the tale later on. I had a bit of difficulty finding the right vibe now that the location has changed (no longer in your comfortable home or at the job) and Arthur has become the Joker. I didn't want to lose the feeling of the past chapters, which were mundane and full of smut. In my first drafts, the chapters lost that feel. Not enough smut. Too much I wanted to say in one go. Didn't work. I eventually found back the vibe and the right plot bunny to keep the tale interesting. Between chapter 9 and 10, I have added an interlude (so basically, an extra chapter), describing how the reader is taken by Joker and his new followers to a secret hide-out. I am currently writing chapter 14. This means we have 10, 11, 12 and 13 all written out as a draft. These chapters contain scenes which include cunnilingus, smut, a new friend for our Reader, a rescue plan, plotting against the Joker, violence and maiming (not against our Reader), jealous Joker, visibly pregnant Reader (and Arthur/Joker being all touchy because he wants to feel the baby kick) and well, there's loads more to come! Keep following me for more progress on the tale, snippets, and tidbits about what is going to come next. I plan to write the entire story till the end before I will publish it.
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In the meanwhile, if you like my writing, feel free to browse my masterlist. New tales, drabbles and headcanons appear regularly. Feel free to send in suggestions and prompts as well, though I might be slow in responding to them. Make sure to check out my account for recent updates, as I usually post in a European time frame and I notice that many of my posts are overlooked because of it (which is why I sometimes decide to post prompt fills on different sites as well such as on AO3 ). If you liked The Man Who Claimed To Be Yours and are into Dark Romance/being kidnapped by an older man (with gorgeous dark hair and mental issues rofl) I can recommend my Black Phone Fanfic The Chance to make a Change. This story is complete in draft (so you won't have to wait 2 years or more to know the ending), and is currently being uploaded. It has the same kind of vibe as TMWCTBY. If you want to stick to our Arthur Fleck/Joker then I have tons of little fills written about him, as well as plans for new longer fics. I still want to continue The Princess and The Clown, perhaps rework it. But if you want something short that is complete, can I recommend No Family Man? If you like long-haired men, villains and age gap fics, then I would like to point you at the many Arthur Harrow fills I have written (don't worry, you don't have to have seen the Moon Knight series or read the comics. I haven't either). I am currently working on an asylum patient Harrow x Reader fic as well. Now, to end this post, I have posted a gif that is fitting for The Man Who Claimed To Be Yours. It's not the gif that inspired the entire tale, but it is pretty meaningful to it. I think many readers will know why. Hope you are all having a wonderful day, Yours sincerely, JokeringCutio
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petalruesim · 2 months
I'm really unhappy with MTS right now. I understand the need for moderating content on their site and I don't even mind waiting in the queue for my content to be posted. What bothers me is the inconsistency in moderation and the blatant disregard for my inquiries.
The first time I used their 'Bypass Queue' feature, my post was removed for missing comparison pictures. According to their rules, minor issues should prompt a comment from a moderator requesting fixes within three days, while major issues should be returned to the queue marked as 'Changes Required' with a seven-day deadline.
They didn't do any of that. The post was pulled out, marked as 'Rejected' and this all happened a day after it was posted. Although an admin restored the post, they didn't address what happened or respond to my questions and was like 'here I restored it, it's back in the queue so fix it before the moderation'.
I admit it was an oversight on my part not to include comparison pictures for a renovation lot, but why was my first upload—a renovation of Sunset Valley's Library without comparison pictures—approved? That's where the inconsistency of their moderation comes in. This is strike one.
The second time, I received a 'Changes Required' warning for my campground lot because I didn't include a link for custom content in their designated section. However, before I could even read the email, I received another email saying it was already approved.
I asked a clarification on what happened due to their CC Credit section was supposed to be for cc included in the download file. But I never include those items in my downloads and offer a link instead to download it separately which I placed in the description of the lot.
I wanted to make sure that it never happened again so I asked nicely on the correct process for such things but I still never received a reply. Okay, it's fine, it was approved already so I thought they didn't want to respond to something that was already 'resolved' on their end. Strike two.
This time, I received a 'Changes Required' warning for my beach lot. And guess what the reason was? Yes, the same issue as before, no link of the store content and a moderator left a "feedback" to put the link in their Custom Content Credit section of their upload wizard.
I had clearly provided all necessary information in my description even providing a direct link in bold and underlined to make it even clearer for everyone and a disclaimer that it is not required nor included in the download file. Like how blind can you be to not see that?
I informed them of this, pointing out that it was the second time this had happened. An administrator intervened, instead of the moderator who moderated that post, and basically admitted it was a mistake. Strike three.
It's frustrating that despite having clear rules, some moderators don't follow them or take accountability for their oversights. I was initially willing to give them the benefit of the doubt but this ongoing inconsistency and ignoring my valid questions is infuriating.
MTS may have a large audience for TS3 content, and it's nice to see comments and download counts increase, but it's no longer worth it for me. I no longer care about download counts or followers these days and I have no interest in moving to Patreon or monetizing my downloads with ads so I don't need any other exposure.
I just want to share my old builds because it took time to build them and they were wasting away in my folders. I wish there was a better site suited for TS3 creators and I guess I'll focus more on Tumblr from now on.
XOXO, petalrue🌺
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I nuked my FF net
I feel bad because I know there was at least one person hoping for an update to a story that I had going on there from last summer when I had just started up again, but every time I went back to the story and compared it to my current stories, I just felt really not good about it. Not the writing necessarily, but the plot, or lack there of. I think I might try to edit it into a ficlet or something one day, but it's just not where it needs to be and I think because it was one of the first things I tried writing it was definitely noticeable. There are also a lot of problems with the site. I won't get into it; most of you know already, suffice to say, it's become a lot more difficult to use with no signs of improvement. And lastly, AO3 and Tumblr have really done all that I was hoping FF net would do when I returned. I think FF net still has an active user community but I do think the site itself makes it difficult for those users, wether writers or readers, to thrive and enjoy the works. Depending on your fandom I'm sure it could still be worth it to post or cross-post, and I'm keeping my account for nostalgia and reading purposes, but I couldn't commit to having both anymore. I kept Plight or Pledge up because that was the first story I wrote and finished and FF net was where I initially uploaded it; I only decided to cross-post to AO3 later on at the suggestion of a friend and I'm glad that I did! I made the Tumblr from there to meet more fandom friends and learn more about AO3. It's been a fun ride! Anyway, that's what's going on with my FF net account. I've been using FF net since like, 2003, so it took me a while to finally just admit it and let go, in terms of using it for posting. RIP.
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the-lunar-warrior · 1 year
just wrote a Very Salty feedback ticket and idk, i feel like posting the whole thing here too. enjoy, or something
I usually refrain from being this crass when writing feedback, but the direction tumblr seems to be heading is directly detrimental to theplatform. And the new mobile lightbox frankly ssuck, among other things.
I have been using tumblr for close to 10 years. For much of it, I did not use the mobile app — nowadays I've been using it a lot more, and while sometimes annoying and buggy, it was an okay experience. Some of the recent changes, and the much more open communication has been very nice, but some are honestly making me question whether I shouldn't just quit.
I'm on tumblr to use tumblr. If I wanted to use tiktok, I'd open the tiktok app.
The new lightbox, and the way it takes you to a random freaking post if you swipe wrong is atrocious. Sometimes it happens when I'm trying to zoom in. Sometimes when im swiping to the side and I guess it wasn't to the side enough. It's infuriating. It would be infuriating if it only took you to a random post once there is no more photos in the current one, but no — if you swipe wrong at any point bye bye whatever you were viewing, please look at this unrelated post you don't want to see! And don't tell me they are related. I don't care. They are by a random person I don't follow. I don't want an algorithm showing things in my face. Stop it.
In the light of the recent changes, if I was not already a user, I would not become one. And I don't mean it in a "oh changes bad" way, I mean that the way I discovered tumblr has been actively cut off. Back when I first discovered tumblr, sometime in 2012/13, one could view the http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/tag even without account — I scrolled on it for hours by accident. I didn't know what tumblr was, I barely spoke english. I ended up doing that a second time, just to find a specific post — it was an upload of Phoenix by Fall Out Boys, sped up by 10%. I don't know if was uploaded directly to tumblr, but I know it did not force me to go and open spotify, or soundcloud, or any third party website to actually listen to the song. It stayed on tumblr.
Then I found some blogs I liked. I stalked them for months without an account, had them bookmarked. Today tumblr automatically tries to take you to the tumblr.com/username instead of url.tumblr.com, and when it does, it obscures the page and tries to force you to sign up. I would have never gotten invested in tumblr, in the community, if that was the case. If I couldn't freely browse peoples blogs, see their pages — remember pages? Remember that functionality that is becoming obscure instead of you promoting it? People now have a single pinned post where they often have a link to something like linktree or other third party website that lets them to what *tumblr was originally for*. To have a separate about page, or a page with their ships, or interests, their fic they are hosting here, that's *not a post that you have to link* but a url.tumblr.com/about or url.tumblr.com/fic or anything they desire bc it was a BLOG they are hosting on tumblr, not just an account on a social media site.
Remember webcomics hosted on tumblr? People used to do that. As a teen I wanted to do that. But tumblr is silently moving away from that functionality. Is making it harder and harder to use it as I thought intended.
I made an account after months of using tumblr. I sent asks without an account — and after I made one, an irl friend sent me some too, before she got her account. I browsed and read and learned english *without an account*. And when I made one, I made silly pages on my blog, like "people you should follow", or info pages about my ocs, or one that still exists but cannot be accessed from mobile app at all — my about page.
I understand many of the changes. I understand the monetization, and frankly think most of it is very fun and well done. But overall? You're shooting yourself in the foot. You're alienating existing, often long time users, and making it impossible to get into tumblr for possible new ones.
I know one bitter feedback ticket probably won't to anything. But I feel like I need to say all this somewhere. I loved tumblr for so so long, I recommended it to other people — the only way right now for you to get new users other than forcing people — but I don't anymore. I'm considering getting rid of the app from my phone — going back to using tumblr once every couple weeks when I open it on desktop, because... I'm tired. I'm so so tired of seeing things I lovef about tumblr disintegrate in front of me.
Thanks to whoever has gotten this far reading this. Have a nice day.
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batjokesbrainrot · 2 years
batjokes fic rec [international edition]
Hey guys. In this post, I am going to recommend some of my favorite batjokes fanfictions. Wait, you've it seen all? This is getting redundant?
Then worry no more, Because I've brought you probably underappreciated fictions (to English readers) written in Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish!
+ btw, the list will also include shameless smuts because there's not enough to be put in another post
Translator recommendations
Russian - Yandex (and sometimes Google translate/Deepl)
Spanish - Google Translate or Deepl
Korean - Google Translate
Chinese - Deepl (and sometimes Google translate)
Japanese - Deepl & Papago (Yeah this one is tricky. Don't ever use GT)
Tip: You can copy/paste URL into Google Translate and Papago. You can also upload documents for complete translation in Deepl. (For NSFW works on Pixiv, I usually use this site to extract links).
Batman/Joker stories are romantic that squeeze your heart. All plots are elaborately written and all of them come to a full circle. Their characterizations and interaction are amazing.
Five times Joker died, one time he didn't (Arkhamverse)
Joker dies the same way in Arkham City, but each time Bruce's reaction is different. Joker remains in character but the story gets very romantic. And the stunning imagery.. don't get me started on it.
Gotham Disease (#48 verse)
Two amnesiac patients entered the hospital. They are briefly interviewed and they describe their strange dreams.
Other fics that are not mentioned are also strongly recommended!
Her fics are well-written that left me emotionally devastated for months.
H (Telltale: The Enemy Within)
John explains to Bruce why he is special to him.
The Good Old Days (Batman Beyond)
Joker finds Bruce in his most vulnerable state.
"If it weren't for you, my old age would have been much less depressing." - Bruce
A late-night guest (N52, amnesiac!batjokes)
Batman appears at Jack's house at midnight with severe wounds.
She understands Batman and Joker very well. Her character analyses are comic-accurate and inspiring.
Twelves Steps to Quit (post-Joker War)
After the last incident, Joker disappears completely. Bruce, somehow conflicted, follows the trace to Joker's hideout. A story consisting of 9 chapters.
Diseazhaze also has NSFWs in her AO3 account and other fics that I have not yet read in her lofter blog.
F*ck you, Bat by mariferlafuria
Omegaverse batjokes. The way the writer brings Bruce's struggle and his identity as alpha together is brilliant. Non-con is from Joker's flashback, so keep that in mind.
only had an eye for that which was evil by muerteporagua (N52)
Joker POV. Character study fic. The fic's main focus is not romance, but I had to include this one. It's about Joker's despair and his choice.
There is no immortality by Jenny_Ien
The Laughing Batman takes over Joker's universe and tries to persuade him to see the world his way.
This is non/dub-con. And their interaction is violent. However, I want to point out that the writing is mesmerizing. So, so, beautiful. I'd have believed if I saw colors bleeding through texts.
Union of Strong and Independent by Браво (The Harley Quinn Show)
Joker is very towards Batman and Bruce takes it. Harley and her gang, unfortunately, walks into their affair.
This is Harley POV. Joker is very narcissistic and has a disturbing moment with Harley but this is hilarious. If you liked or hated the show, read this. I still remember the members' reactions, haha.
HIBANA by 桐野
Joker wakes up in a hospital room, and with his memory missing, he gladly accepts B's declaration, "I will personally watch over you," but his severely injured body has undergone certain changes.
+ I will be keep making changes!
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unrealblacklightvirus · 7 months
Oh my phrasing was quite bad there, as it's mostly digging through old fics and stumbling across lost stuff. more halfassed fandom archaeology than comprehensive archive scrolling.
Basically i stumbled across the largely defunct prototype kinkmeme on livejournal, and saw someone mentioning a deleted fic by saeto15.
(I always forget abt kinkmemes when reading stuff from older fandoms, esp smaller ones since those can be quite limited in stuff uploaded to newer sites like ao3. though I wasnt really around during the livejournal days so... surprising amount of gen and joke fics on there honestly, a real timecapsule of early 2010s fandom humor)
later stumbled across the more general (though smaller) fic community on there, and noticed his account was a moderator... and also completely nuked (side note, but theres other fics on there as well that cant be accessed due to the OPs locking their posts to friends only, and i desperately want to knock on their door for access bc my curiosity knows no bounds)
did some general namesearching and noticed he's still around, presently hanging out mostly in the zelda and vulture culture communities lately.
managed to get into contact with him through his tumblr, asking if hes concidered reposting his old and deleted fics to ao3, and he is! they're just trapped on an old busted up harddrive, so he has to get that checked out to see if anything can be recovered from it.
in the meantime i'd been doing some more digging, having the common sense to just put prototype after his username this time, and noticed 2 things. 1: from what ive gathered he was pretty prolific for early 2010s prototype fandom, between moderating the fic community on LJ, mentions of his name popping up on the kinkmeme, and even seeing his name popup on the gamefaqs forums.
but more importantly for where this story is going is 2: an article on fanlore mentioning a prototype fanwork forum he helped start called Viral Mutants Anonymous.
another one two with this one,
1: since the forum started on fanfiction, i now had a direct link to his old FF account. turns out the reason i couldnt find it was bc it just doesn't have the 15 at the end, it's just Saeto. it's got some fics and favourites on it, including that one fic someone back on the kinkmeme was looking for, hidden away at the second chapter of a drabble collection (the fic in question is Touch. its gen and honestly really good and makes me feel emotions) i mentioned this to saeto, as it meant at least some things were confirmed to be saved even if the harddrive recovery went up in flames. though he did confirm my suspicion that not all the prototype fics he wrote were posted to FF. and most likely, the place they WERE uploaded to was...
2: the forum. theres 3 links for this thing on fanlore: the original FF forum which is still up, a shortlived one on createforum that was quickly abandoned due to site instability, and a phpbb forum, which was known to be up as late as may 2019, but has since died for reasons im unsure of.
the createforum version only has 2 archives on the wayback machine that i can access, which genuinely show nothing but how many people were online at the time
the phpbb link has more stuff archived, havent clicked around too much yet, but i do know the fic and art threads have sadly never been archived, and all ive got to work off of so far is some topic titles and forum layout, though i do want to do more digging.
and that leaves us where we are right now. i do have some more things i want to dig into. one is the forum on fanfiction, as i havent really dug around that too thoroughly. as well as scouring for more archived pages on the phpbb forum.
theres also the 4chan thread mentioned on the intro to the kinkmeme, which seems to be its precursor. hesitant as i am to touch 4chan with anything more than a 10ft pole, and honestly not even knowing where to start since im wholly unfamiliar with the site structure as a result, im curious as to what got uploaded there, as it HAD to be 2009 ish given the date the kinkmeme started, making it early early days.
along with that i still want to message some users from the livejournal prototype fic board to politely ask to see their old stuff. i've started digging through the internet archive and am concidering touching 4chan in my quest for knowledge at this point, so i might as well gather up the courage to message people at this point.
but yeah, thats what my dig has amounted to. an early 2010s fandom rabbithole of deleted fics and art that i stumbled across entirely bc i got bored and felt like perusing to early 2010s hornyposting for shits and giggles like a weird tourist
probably not what you were hoping for, but at least my slow descent into madness mightve been somewhat entertaining
(side note, apologies for my wildly inconsistent punctuation, i am simply vomiting words into your askbox here)
holy shit anon this is incredible. i am far too afraid to contact anyone even if that means I lose out on reading old fics 😭😭😭 but I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! I dont get much activity on here anymore so this was a welcome sight
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