#I had cut myself on the giraffe not a day before this happened
chronic-high-achiever · 8 months
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I do worry for the people of this household
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mcrmadness · 2 years
Between everything you enjoy (drawing, writing, music bands, animals, etc.) what is the thing you care most about, and why?
Owwww, now you asked a really difficult question! I like a nice balance between them all, but I think the two strongest ones are: animals and drawing/arts/creativity.
I don't know if I can put them in order tho, as they are so different from each other and both are things I have grown up with, and without which I would not be able to live.
More under the cut:
Basically I like other animals more than I like humans. Especially cats. You can always, always trust them in being honest. They rarely fake anything, but what's more important is that they will be honest about how they are feeling and they will show if they care about you and they are never just pretending to like you. They also show it if they don't like you, and animals are great at sensing which people are not that friendly with animals. Our late dog was super good at spotting people like these, she had never really met my cousin's boyfriend's dad but when she did, she just disliked him and did not want to go near him at all - and he did not really like animals and isn't the nicest around them despite also having a dog. And our late dog generally liked all people, and she had only a few (usually men) that she seemed to be afraid of right from the first second of seeing them. And she never ever liked those men.
And then the arts. Like, I have been drawing ever since I was able to hold a pen. There are papers in a folder my mom collected about me for the first 3,5 years of my life before my younger siblings were born, and occasionally I had been drawing things too. Nothing particular since I was a toddler, but some of them look eerily like faces. And I had some phase where everything I was drawing was either ghosts or boogeymen or similar monsters but looks like I was rather liking those than being afraid of them. I don't even know where I picked those up, unless it was from the Moomin tv series, even tho the Groke was very scary :D (The Groke's Finnish name, Mörkö, is also the Finnish word for "boogeyman"!)
So like. Drawing and arts have obviously has always been very important hobby to me and still continue to be that. It's a way of expressing myself, and to feel good about myself. Especially nowadays after I got over the teenage-perfectionism and understood that the process of making art is not just going uphill, but it's series of uphills and downhills and you're always going uphill eventually. Sure it comes with the problem of "do I have the audience and if not, will I ever find my audience?" People keep telling me that I will find my audience, but when it just doesn't happen, you start to lose hope and start to look for errors not only in your art, but also in yourself. You can always turn it around and think "well I'm just different and have different taste", but it will always keep coming back to you questioning yourself and wondering if it could actually be that there's just something wrong with you instead of you just being quirky and unique. So, it's an isolating feeling at its worst. Constant rollercoaster between these two ends.
Anyway, because of what I just said, I think I'm gonna answer to this: animals. Working with horses was the best kind of therapy I have ever had. Cats make me laugh and happy. Dogs are nice too even tho I'm more of a cat person (and no dog is like how our late dog was, still missing her every day <3). Horses are amazing. Rats are fun too. I like all animals really. I just like existing in the same room with them, watching them and maybe communicating with them. I wish to see elephants some day. I already saw giraffes in Berlin zoo which was amazing - we were there too late so we did not see the elephants, but at least the giraffe house was still open! So yeah. Animals. They're so much better than humans and have never betrayed me.
Thanks for the ask! ^^ /gen
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 326: What’s up Kids, It’s Me, Your Old Pal Stain
Previously on BnHA: Ochako shamed the U.A. Clown Mob into letting Deku go back inside his own fucking school by giving them an hour-long speech about how not to be humongous dickheads. Kouta and Gigantic Fox Lady saved the manga by being the only ones brave enough to give Deku a hug. Shouto was all “man, all this togetherness sure does remind me of that promise you made that we would handle Touya together which you immediately bailed on, doesn’t it, Dad.” Aizawa was all, “for the one and a half people out there who thought that my losing an eye and a leg might actually make me less sexy, I’m very happy to prove you wrong.” All Might was all, “[standing outside the U.A. fortress alone in the rain talking to someone or something??].” Like seriously, what was up with that though.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “here I am in Kamino having a belated mid-life crisis because Deku abandoned me and I’m a terrible mentor and everything sucks and I hate myself.” Stain is all, “don’t make me come over there and give you a ten page speech about why you’re still the goat while menacingly holding you at swordpoint the entire time” because idk if you knew this guys, but Stain is pretty crazy actually. Anyway so he does that, and then All Might gets all emotional, and then the lady from chapter 92 shows up and gives All Might’s statue an encouraging pep talk, and then Horikoshi is all “and it even stopped raining lol can you believe this shit I’m not even a little bit subtle,” and he really isn’t. But I still got emotional anyway, because seeing people reassure All Might that everything he’s struggled for his entire life hasn’t been in vain just got to me okay. Horikoshi knows I am weak to the All Might feels and he just goes for the jugular every time, that bastard.
lmao. “in the neverending downpour, All Might is...” yeah, thank you, glad we’re getting right to that then
“All Might is driving 95 mph in his busted ass car in the pouring rain, is what he’s doing.” huh
so basically a day or two after his adopted child refused to accept the handmade bento that he packed with love, my man is out here acting like he’s got nothing to live for anymore. this sure bodes well for certain prophecies on which the clock is still ominously ticking down
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his fucking face though omg. is it weird that I’m kind of hoping more people ambush him just because I think it’d be funny to see them get their asses kicked like the last bunch
(ETA: or maybe he will just stand there openly not giving a fuck and basically daring them to stab him!! get it together please All Might.)
side note, “anti-hero supporters” is such a strange way of saying “people who hate heroes”, which I’m assuming is what they actually wanted to say?? this makes it sound like it’s a group that really loves antiheroes. “these Hannibal stans have been a real menace lately. time to go deal with them”
ha ha ha, fucking ouch
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are you really gonna do it Horikoshi you bastard. are you really going to let that be the final encounter between the two characters whose relationship you once described as the vertical axis of the entire fucking story. are you really gonna?? huh??
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you’re telling me you were driving 112 mph and you still didn’t get there in time. you’re losing your touch old man. lol Todo’s ice is almost fully melted already, how late were you
(ETA: so apparently this is taking place after the end of chapter 325, meaning he went to U.A., hung out for a bit, saw the kids come back with his bedraggled half-dead protégé in tow, watched as they shamed the civilians into some long-overdue character development, and then was all “welp, time to go argue with the hero-hating faction or something because I’m feeling useless.” and Edge just let him go, just like that. though to be fair I have to imagine it’s pretty hard to say no to All Fucking Might.)
also belated lol at the fact that the kids were all “yeahhhhhhh we are definitely not gonna touch that thing, let’s just leave it here, he doesn’t need it anyway.” probably the right call to make since they couldn’t get a hazmat team on such short notice
fuck. ha ha ha fucking ouch part two
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All Might please put that thing down before you get gangrene. also yeah, you dropped the ball, good for you to acknowledge it. nobody’s perfect and you did your best. but yeah you could have handled a lot of things completely differently. but I still love you
is Horikoshi really putting this flashback here. are you serious. what kind of fucking sadist
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look, I swear I’m not one of those people that runs up and down the street shouting “DEATH FLAG!!” at every third panel lol. but this shit screamed Death Flag when we originally got it, and it’s screaming DEATH FLAG!!! even more now. like with the capital letters and exclamation marks and all. and that’s just a fact. I don’t like it but that’s how it is
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“DID YOU READ THE SIGN??!” Horikoshi asks while zooming in maniacally because he thinks we’re blind or something. lol what
-- though actually, it only just occurred to me that this sign is actually written in English. I never really paid attention up until now and had been assuming it was written in Japanese and translated by the scanlators, but the writing here is clearly part of the original image. anyway so maybe that’s why he’s zooming in?? just to make sure everybody pays attention lol
okay fuck this
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see, this is the whole problem right here. once again All Might is all on his own. Deku’s self-destructive angst spiral was fortunately brought to a grinding halt because he actually has support from his friends and family and teachers and classmates. but All Might never had that same kind of support, and it’s made all the difference between the two of them, and not in a good way. Katsuki wasn’t wrong when he said All Might and Deku were both cut from the same cloth. but now when it’s All Might’s turn to go all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD~~” once again, there’s nobody in sight
just, after forty plus years of him carrying this torch, I just wish someone would finally come along to let him know he doesn’t have to. all those things that he wanted to say to Deku are also things that he needs and deserves to hear himself. Aizawa was making a little progress there, but now he’s got his sad zombie cloud boyfriend situation to deal with, and we can’t expect him and his perfect hair to solve all our problems. someone else has gotta step up
oh my god
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“you rang?” never mind I take it all back sob
omg why am I laughing. shit
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this man truly has the best PR game in the series. we were truly convinced he was gonna suddenly become a good guy and defend All Might against the other villains or some nonsense. as if this wasn’t the same man who decided on a whim that Iida Tensei deserved to be paralyzed, and that his fifteen-year-old brother deserved to die for daring to be upset about it
lol even All Might is all “I genuinely never saw this coming” lmao
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just want to say, for the record, I have always harbored a very sensible hatred toward Stain. feeling very vindicated right now. good job Past Me
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ffffwefjslkg. ghsdlkg. dsfkkkslkjldwkjrg
STAIN: heard you talking shit old man
ME: smh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fucking Stain
STAIN: how dare you talk about All Might that way
ME: gljfljgk
(ETA: in hindsight I have no idea how I didn’t clue in sooner that he didn’t recognize him -- or, well, ~didn’t recognize~ him, to be more accurate lol. I think it was the whole “is that a slight against the heroes?” thing that threw me. Viz’s translation makes it much clearer that he’s offended on behalf of All Might specifically, not heroes in general. anyways.)
sob. so All Might is all “yeah I don’t blame you for not recognizing me in this sweet leather jacket”
good thing he still knows how to do this party trick
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A+ reflexes on Stain’s part presumably pulling the sword back a few inches to keep this dumbass from impaling himself with his whole pufferfish routine. can you imagine if that was the gruesome death Nighteye foresaw. and he was just too embarrassed to say anything
lol anyways guess I was wrong about Stain everyone
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way to fucking go, Past Me. you really biffed this one
oh wait
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Stain sure is one wacky rollercoaster ride
oh fuck me lol I forgot how much I did not miss this
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(ETA: “this here is the sacred ground where All Might gave up the last of his power and turned into a shriveled old man!! please ignore the part where I admit to knowing all about that, and yet pretend not to recognize said man when he’s standing two feet in front of me.”)
Past Me, I know we’ve had our ups and downs these past ninety seconds, but I’m really starting to think you were on to something. this dude has always been kind of insufferable. always acting like his high horse is a fucking giraffe when it’s actually a Shetland pony
dammit now he’s got All Might going off on a depressed monologue
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oh my god my heart
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why the fuck does that hit so hard. he became a hero because he couldn’t bear to just sit back and let bad things happen to people who didn’t deserve it. I mean that’s basically the same as every hero ever, right? so why does it still hit so fucking hard every single time though. what is it about seeing someone so determined to stand up for other people and fight on their behalf. it just never loses its impact no matter how many times I see that determination mirrored in so many of my favorite characters
“I wanted to make the world a better place.” omg. but you did, though. like seriously, I feel like people are always dogging on him for not being 100% perfect, and fandom really doesn’t give him enough credit for everything he still managed to accomplish. this man came of age at a time when Japan was by all accounts a total shitshow, and singlehandedly managed to bring about an era of peace that lasted for four fucking decades. can you imagine having peace for that long?? that’s longer than I’ve been alive. shit
and he gave people hope. he inspired them and protected them and made them feel safe. and no, he couldn’t save everyone, because he’s only one fucking dude (and also because the whole time AFO was also out there desperately working to undermine him so that he could keep preaching his narrative of “heroes are bad actually”). but you know what he did do, is inspire multiple new generations of heroes who, if they can all manage to work together, will finally be able to accomplish everything he never could
so yeah. forty years of peace, and inspired the “that’s how we all became the greatest heroes” generation -- that’s a fucking win in my book. talk about having a net positive impact on the world. lol anyways now I’m all fired up and ready to fight anyone who tries to talk any shit about you, All Might
“but what if I talk shit about myself” okay listen up All Might I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder to work with me here okay. please calm down and stop blaming yourself for every single bad thing that’s ever happened in the world. do you remember that time Bakugou was blaming himself for Kamino, and you gave him a hug and told him it wasn’t his fault, and that he was only a boy, and that even though he was strong, even strong people can struggle with the burdens they place on themselves, and that you were sorry for not seeing that earlier? do you remember all of that? that’s what I want someone to tell you too, dammit. anyway please stop breaking my heart please and thanks
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are you dead All Might
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I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s happening lol
oh snap did he grab him so they could hide??
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hold the fucking phone. don’t tell me this person in the background with the umbrella is here to actually do something decent??
oh my godddd
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and here come the feels. oh boy. okay don’t mind me, I’m just gonna sit here sobbing over this fictional lady and her simple act of kindness in this weekly shounen manga that I care about way too much
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holy shit. I was not even remotely prepared. you can’t just do that to me. you can’t just leave all these death flags on my lawn and then suddenly shift gears to show me the best of humanity in a chapter where I was expecting the worst. that fucks a person up lol
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my heart. you see that, All Might. your legacy is so much more powerful and meaningful than you think
...has. has Stain actually been giving All Might a pep talk this entire time
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I give up lol. this dude is a fucking enigma
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it may just be a metaphor panel, but I’ll take it lol. I missed them. nice to see the traffic light trio front and off-center. I know the whole “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes” thing had left some questioning whether certain characters would continue to play a central role in the narrative, and hopefully this will help to ease those concerns just a bit
anyway, so idk if it’s getting a bit chilly down there in hell, but damned if Stain didn’t just give an actual decent fucking speech
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I have to say, earlier when I was whining about All Might not having a support squad, I really was not expecting Stain to be the one to come over and pat his head and reassure him that he made the world a better place
-- okay LISTEN
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holy fucking shit
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“I’m just gonna pretend like I haven’t been stalking him for two days and didn’t see the entire Deku bentogate thing go down, and then I’ll give him the whole big speech that I rehearsed, and then I’ll turn around and be all ‘BUT IF YOU’RE A TRUE HERO’, and then I’ll toss him the super-secret AFO wifi password that I stole from Tartarus. god I’m such a badass. fucking give myself chills”
so basically what you’re telling me is that this whole time my “what’s up kids” characterization of Stain from this shitpost has actually been 100% accurate. just want to make sure I’m understanding this right. okay then
“and then I’ll dramatically spin around and be all NOW COME KILL ME BITCH”
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it must be so much fun to write Stain. drawing this coked-out maniac who talks like a chatbot that was trained to speak by reading Alan Moore monologues. that must be a trip
anyway so All Might is still crying, the awesome lady from chapter 92 is admiring her handiwork totally oblivious to the batshit insanity going on fifty meters to her right, and it’s finally stopped raining lol
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“THE RAIN WAS A METAPHOR YOU SEE” yes, yes, we got it lol. thanks for that Horikoshi. don’t think we needed any help putting the pieces together on that one but I appreciate the effort
so that’s the end! and as I mentioned in another post, I had the count off by one chapter, but next week should be cliffhanger week! so break out your U.A. Traitor bingo cards, friends and fiends. either that or something else happens that I’m completely not expecting at all. which, based on my success rate with Stain predictions, I’d say is more than likely lol
mmm but anyway, so now that the Hug Deku 2021 campaign has finally come to an end, what’s it gonna take to get a hug for my struggling bento-preparing jacket-rocking world-weary death-flag-waving husband who is the worthiest man to ever live and deserves the fucking world, goddammit
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abandoned-ax · 3 years
Im on the team pt - 4
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Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
Haikyuu x ftm reader
Summery: 1st day of the training camp
When we came back for the longer training camp I was much more relaxed. Last time it was only one night but just a few weeks later and were back. Everyone’s been starting to try new things, I think last training camp had everyone realizing we don’t match up at all. Iv been working with Noya a bit more on receiving and everything a libero does as well as working with Tanaka on spiking. But the most interesting thing Iv been doing is helping Kagayama out, he’s working on a new kind of set and asked me if I would throw for him one day after practice, I was hanging back a bit myself just not wanting to leave the gym and so I decided to help him out. I’m seeing a new side to him I didn’t know, I’m used to seeing him as the perfect setter like he could do anything, but seeing him struggling and frustrated is new. The day before we left for training camp we were practicing his set and he got angrier then I had ever seen him, he threw the ball and shouted.
“Ahhhhhh! Why can’t I get it!”
I’m immediately on the ground trying to figure out what to do to help calm him down, but the only thing I can think of that he likes is volleyball. Sooo
“Kageyama!” He pauses to look at me, “umm I was wondering if you wanted to take a break from your set and maybe help me with mine instead.” I guess that got him to pause since he was now just looking at me, “is just Iv been wanting to work on it for a while now but it’s just, your so good at it and I just wanted to ask for some pointers, and it just seems like you could use a break so.” His breathing has started to even out a bit more, he looks a bit caught off guard.
“Ughh yeah I can do that.” So for the next half hour we worked ok my set, I made sure to praise and complement him on his set to make sure he knew how talented he was, I’m sure working so hard on a set and not being able to get it is really frustrating. After a while we were both tired so we moved to sit down drinking our water in silence.
“Thank you for helping me out, and you know for calming me down.” His voice got quieter as the sentence went on but I understood what he was getting at.
“It’s all good kageyama. I bet it’s frustrating.” He looks over at me and we make eye contact, it’s nice.
“Iv always been able to get it, and I just haven’t had to do something new like that in a while.”
“I know it’s frustrating, and I know I don’t know a lot about volleyball but even I know your one of the most talented players, you’ll get it, it’s just going to take a bit of time.”
“Thanks (Y/N)”
I smile over at him happy I could help in anyway, he pulls out his phone to check the time, “holy shit it’s late.” I look over at his phone and realize it’s 12:30 already!
“Oh wow.” Kagayama looks over at me and we start laughing, both realizing how wild it is that we stayed here for that long, “oh my god our buss to head to training camp is going to be here is like 4 hours!” Kagayama starts laughing louder.
“Holy shut we should head home huh?!” Both of us calm down our giggles before moving to walk home, we walk mostly together till we half to part ways, “well I’ll see you in a few hours Kags.”
He smiles at me a little “yeah I’ll see you in a few hours.” And with that we split ways.
It’s before the sun comes up that we have to be at the busses so naturally everyone is very tired. I meet Tsuki and Yams there but once Kagayama shows up I move over to him, he’s looking through his bag and so I ask “making sure you packed everything?” He look up startled but his gaze softens when he sees it’s me, “yeah after how late we got home last night I didn’t really have time to pack properly.” I giggle at him, “lucky I pack like a week in advance.” He chuckles “maybe I should start doing that to huh.” Coach gives a little speech and tells us all to get on the bus, I was originally planning on sitting wish Tsuki and Yams but they ended up sitting together and Kags asked if I wanted to sit with him so that’s what I did. Not long into the drive I ended up falling asleep with my head on Kagayamas shoulder, and he fell asleep with his on my head. But we were rudely awoken by Daichi “come on idiots were here.” I know I have a massive blush in my face so I get up and move to get off the bus quickly, I hear Daichi chuckle at us but ignore it and move quickly, one off the bus I move to find Tsuki and Yams, “so I see you’ve become friends with the king?” Tsuki says skeptically, “oh shut it Tsuki.” Yams laughs at us as we see Nekoma come out to greet us.
I walk over to where Kenma is talking to Hinata excited to see him again since we talked a bit at the last training camp and he seems super cool, “hey Kenma!” He looks away from Hinata and smiles at me “hey (Y/N), I was just talking to Hinata about the camp.”
“Oh yeah! It’s in a different place, do you know why?” Kenma chuckles at that question “yeah it’s a bigger space and a bit cooler here, but there’s a lot of bugs.”
“Fuck I should have brought bug spray.”
“It’s ok you can use mine if you wanna,” he says smiling a bit.
“Are you sure that would be ok?”
“Yeah I don’t mind!”
“Thanks Kennma.” I smile at him but the moment is cut short by a super tall guy yelling over at Hinata “hey did you grow taller yet?!” The two start bickering and I give Kenma a surprised look,
“that’s Lev, he’s the new kid for us.”
I giggle at the distressed look he gets looking over at the tall kid.
“I’m guessing he’s...a lot.”
“How’d you know?”
“I mean he did interrupt our conversation by yelling at Hinata about his height.” Kenma laughs at that.
“So (Y/N) you play any video games?” Me and Kenma talked the entire walk to Karasanos room, finding we have quite a bit in common, from our love of the same video games to our inability to sleep most nights. He’s nice to talk to, his calm and quiet tone is relaxing to listen to and his more subtle demeanor is cute.
We all put our bags in the room and got ready for our first game today. I didn’t play in the first few, but after a couple they switched me into the libero spot for a while and then I played middle blocker. We aren’t doing too good tho, haven’t won a single game, and after the 8th time doing the run for the loosing team I think I’m gunna die. When the end of the day came around we all collapsed after our last run.
“Ughhh I don’t think I can breath” I hear tanaka yell.
“We lost every game, how’d we lose every game.” Suga asked
We looked into the gym to watch the one game that’s still going, we are nowhere near that level. Daichi sits up and says he’s going to work on the synchronized attack, so everyone started to scatter.
I look over and see Tsuki walking away from the gym most of our team was using and Yams yells over at him “you aren’t going to practice Tsuki?” Tsuki turns around “no, we practice enough already.” And starts walking away, I knew Yams was probably itching to go practice his serve so I tell him, “go, I’ll follow the giraffe.” He smiles gratefully at me and I starts chasing after the blond boy.
“Tsuki wait up!” He doesn’t turn around so I start running faster till I catch up with him. “ughhh why are your legs so long!”
“There not that long yours are just short.”
We pause for a moment, it’s awkward. Me and Tsuki have never had an awkward moment, I don’t like it.
“Aren’t you going to practice?”
“No, we do that enough, everyday for hours we practice, I’m done for the night.”
I’m so lost on what to do at this point, I want him to come practice but I can’t force him too,
“Hey glasses kid,” I hear a voice say and turn around Tsuki stopping in his place, “oh and (Y/N)” it’s Kuroo from Nekoma.
“You guys wanna come practice with us? We could use another blocker!” I look over to Tsuki hopefully, maybe this will be the opportunity to get him motivated. Tsuki looks up and with the fakest smile on his face he says “sorry, I’m all done for the night.”
Kuroo and one of the other guys I think from Fukurodani are both appalled by his response,
“You know he may not look it but he’s one of the top 5 aces is Japan.”
The owl looking guy stands up taller and puffs out his chest looking proud. It’s cute!
“Yeah I think he’s still upset he’s not in the top 3 anymore.” I chuckle, there fun, you can tell they all joke around a lot.
“Well I’m in.” I say walking up to the gym and yelling back at Tsuki “don’t make me do this alone.” The three others stay in the door continuing to try and convince Tsuki to join.
I’m walking through but jump when I her “oh hi” from the floor, looking down it’s the tall kid who was talking to Hinata earlier. He looks like a baby dear before it can walk!
“What happened to you?”
“Kuroo did.” I laugh back at him. He sits up more going over to sit agains the wall and I move to sit next you him.
“Your a first year right? How long have you been playing?” A guy like him is clearly a powerhouse, I assume he’s been playing for years.
“Oh I just started!” He says with a goofy grin on his face,
“You just started!!”
“Hey! How long have you been playing!” He says in an amusing accusatory tone
“Well, I kinda just started too!”
“Haha were tied.” I smile over at him, he looks kinda intimidating but he certainly doesn’t act it as he giggles at our interaction. I think back to when I first saw him earlier he was with Kennma, I wonder where he is?
“Hey your on the team with Kennma right, I just talked to him earlier today and haven’t seen him around much since?”
“Oh Kennma?” I hear Kuroo yell jogging over to us “he went to go play some video games, he’s not really the type that needs to practice, nor do I think we could get him too!” He chuckles.
“Oh that reminds me! Did you get Tsuki to join?”
Kuroo gets a cocky smile on his face looking over his shoulder to see Tsuki looking angry. I get up but before I Kuroo I say “great, you made our tall guy with glasses angry.” I laugh at him sarcastically, he laughs back loudly and we go to start our first practice game of many.
An: hey guys sorry it’s been too long, I’m currently thinking I’ll make this a Kenma x Reader X Kuroo or maybe a Tsuki X reader not sure yet!! Let me know what you think!!!
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krreader · 4 years
BTS reacting to a sasaeng trying to touch/take photos of your baby bump.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: mentions of physical assault genre: angst ; fluff word count: 2.5k+
a/n: I hope the reality would be the boys yeeting these sasaengs into another universe, seriously. but for the sake of the story, here. thanks for the request @sakuroseuchiha​, and I’m very sorry it took forever ♥
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kim seokjin
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“What is this?” Jin entered the bedroom and practically pushed the phone in your face, his breathing heavy and his cheeks flushed, clearly upset.
You looked at what he was showing you, but then quickly averted your gaze and continued folding the laundry as if what he was showing you didn’t matter.
“(Y/N)!” he rarely got angry, not like this. And you knew that he wasn't angry with you.. maybe only for not telling him about what had happened today. He grabbed your upper arm and turned you so that you had to look at him, “Why didn't you tell me about this?”
“I didn't want you to get angry.. like now,” you sighed deeply, “I wasn't hurt, I walked into the nearest store and they didn't follow me inside because the shop owners were kind enough to help me and keep them out. All they got was a blurry photo.”
Your husband's mouth dropped, his eyebrows furrowing, “How can you be so nonchalant about this?”
You snorted, “What do you want me to do, Seokjin? Do you want me to sob my eyes out because some sixteen year old girls wanted to become Twitter famous by posting our unborn child on their Twitter account? If I were that weak, then marrying you wouldn't have been a good idea in the first place,” you pushed his hand away, “I'm fine.”
Maybe, but he wasn't. He was so tired of this bullshit.
And you only found out just how tired he was when you wanted to go grocery shopping the next day and were face-to-face with a man that introduced himself as your new bodyguard that your husband had hired to make sure that situations like those wouldn't happen anymore.
You had meant what you had said, you were fine, but knowing that someone that size was following you around and making sure that no harm would come to you and – even more importantly – to your unborn child – made you feel a lot more at ease.
min yoongi
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Yoongi cursed and thanked BigHit at the same time for existing.
On one hand, he hated himself for ever having signed up with them, because now you and his unborn child were in danger because of him, but at the same time, he was so grateful that they tried their best in protecting the three of you to the best of their abilities.
One of the staff members had managed to gain access to a secret forum used only by sasaengs, where they shared private information about idols that nobody but these idols, their families and the company should know about.
And during this 'undercover work', she discovered a thread dedicated to you and Yoongi, or more specifically, your unborn child.
She found out that they had found out where you had planned to have your delivery and wanted to be there to take pictures of the two – or in the end – three of you.
You and Yoongi would have had no idea about this. You would have had no other choice but to endure it and later see these very private photos online, but thanks to her, you were able to switch hospitals last minute and were able to handle this matter privately.
That female staff member said she was merely doing her job when you and Yoongi thanked her later, but your husband made sure that she didn't just get a raise, but a promotion on top of it.
You both owed her a lot.
jung hoseok
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“Look, daddy!” Hoseok beamed happily as he watched his son point upwards to the head of the giraffe, “Soooooo biggy!”
“If you want to be that big, you need to eat all the vegetables that mommy puts on your plate from now on, okay?” he tickled the little boy a little, engulfed by his beautiful laughter, that he didn't realize what was happening behind him.
You were standing a few feet behind them, wanting them to enjoy a father-son moment, while also watching the buggy. However, unlike your husband, you weren't smiling. Your eyes were focused on three girls to your right who had been following you for the past fifteen minutes and were now debating on whether or not to go up to your husband and say something.
And you really didn't mind if they said hello when it was only Hoseok, but your child was with you and you didn't want to involve him in that life. Not yet, not if you could avoid it.
However, you had been wrong all along. You thought that they were whispering among themselves to figure out a strategy on when to go up to Hoseok. 
But that wasn't the case.
They were waiting until they were sure that he was busy enough with your son not to notice what they were doing.
Which was pull out their phones, all three of them, and then point the camera at you.
Even though you knew it wasn't actually you, but the baby bump that had begun to form. A story that had only been rumors up until now, but you were too far along now to hide it any longer.
The moment you realized what was happening, you pushed the buggy forward until you were at your husband's side and said: “We need to go. Right now.”
With how alert you were, he instantly became too, started looking around and realized what was happening.
He put his son in the baggy, then took off his jacket and placed it over your shoulders, before he pushed the baggy with one hand and you gently forward with his hand on your lower back.
So much for keeping the secret about baby number two a little longer.
kim namjoon
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Namjoon had been an idol for long enough to know when someone was obviously staring at him out in public.
And you had been with him for long enough to know when he was uncomfortable. He constantly shifted in his seat, glanced around and nervously bounced his leg up and down.
Eventually you reached over the table and put your hand over this, “Come on. Let's ask them if they can fill our drinks in take-away cups and go home.”
You had wanted to enjoy the possible last peaceful coffee shop date that you could have before your daughter would be born, but when married to Kim Namjoon, a peaceful date outside was almost never an option. And normally, when it had been only him and you, he hadn't minded as much. But now he was scared for his child.
And as soon as the two of you got up, his biggest fear became reality, when a girl walked by and spilled her – thankfully – cold coffee on you. More specifically, on your baby bump. Accidentally, as she tried to make you two believe, but you knew better.
Even more so when she started bowing, apologized and then immediately wanted to rub over your baby bump with tissues to clean your clothes.
Namjoon was alert in an instant, but you were faster and grabbed the wrist of the girl, smiling at her, but your eyes were so dangerous that the girl gulped down.
“Thank you, but I'll do that myself.”
“I..- I only..-”
“I said I can do it myself,” you grabbed your bag and then Namjoon's hand, “Let's just go home.”
Sometimes he forgot just how much of a mother you already were before your baby was even born. 
Nobody like that was allowed to touch your baby, not now and not ever.
park jimin
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Jimin had been so naive to think that the pregnancy would be a peaceful one for you. He had let his guard down after month seven, after nothing bad or weird having happened.
And that was a huge mistake.
You were due in a few weeks and he wanted you two to have one final romantic night out before the baby would be born, meaning dinner in the restaurant of your choice, then going for a walk at the Han River, then going home and.. well..
But your night was cut short when you couldn't even make it to the restaurant. As soon as Jimin had parked the car and helped you out, a swarm of fans, which were sasaengs through and through, because they were the only ones who could have found out where you'd be eating tonight, came running to you.
He realized it in time, managed to push you back into the car before their grabby hands could touch your baby bump and managed to push all of them back enough to shut the car door.
Their attention shifted from you to him and they all started to touch him and pull on his clothes. He tried to push them away from him so that he could go around the car and get in himself, but there were simply too many.
All the while, you were sitting in the car, desperately banging on the window and begging them to stop, trying to open the door to help your husband, but he was blocking it from getting opened.
There was no way he’d let you back out there.
You reached into your purse and wanted to call the police, but since you were in an underground parking lot, your phone didn't have any service.
At that point, you were sobbing your eyes out because of how scared you were for Jimin, but then someone from the building, maybe guests of one of the restaurants or people that worked there, saw what was happening and helped Jimin pull the girls away from him, one after the other. 
They told him to get in the car and he did so without hesitation, reversing and then driving away without looking back, eternally grateful for these kind strangers.
“It's okay,” he tried to calm you down while driving away.
But it wasn't okay. Not when he had scratches on his face and hands, not when he was close to tears himself.. not when you realized all that stress caused you to suddenly go into labor. 
kim taehyung
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This day had started out so well.
The weather was so perfect that Taehyung and you had spontaneously decided to go on a little road trip.
With you having passed the worst of your pregnancy phase and being able to actually walk and eat without throwing up every hour, it was now the perfect opportunity to just drive around and find a really cute spot to hang out, maybe have a picnic or coffee/tea.
But you should have guessed that it wasn't as easy as that, because Taehyung's super hardcore fans had never been ones to just leave him alone.
You had been driving for a while and you had become thirsty, so the two of you had searched for a very cute café and found one that was so aesthetically pleasing that you forgot about your surroundings for a second and just.. enjoyed it. Like every other normal human being would.
Your husband had gone inside to grab the drinks, so he wasn't there to stop what was happening.
“What the hell?!” you instantly pushed the chair back when you saw a hand reach down to your belly to touch it, then jumped up, “What do you think you're doing?!”
Unfortunately, there weren't too many people around to help you, only an elderly man and a young couple that, by the looks of it, hadn't even graduated high school. They wouldn’t be much help.
“Please, we just want to touch it. This is from Taehyung, directly from him, we just..-”
“I'm going to give you a fair warning,” your husband pushed himself between you and the girls, pointing his finger at one of the girls chest, “You come this close to my wife or child again, I will call the police and I'll make sure that your future is ruined. Do you understand?”
“No. No but. There is a line and you just crossed it. So this is my final warning. Leave now, or I'll call the police.”
The two girls glanced to the side to find the shop owner already standing there with her phone, ready to call the police if Taehyung said so.
You doubted that people like that had much planned for their future, but the threat of police and a possible lawsuit involving thousands, if not millions, if Taehyung had his way, scared them enough for them to scurry away.
You only allowed yourself to breathe again when they were out of sight, your husband immediately cupping your face and checking to see if you were harmed.
“I'm fine,” you shook your head a little, “I'm fine.”
“Shit,” he pulled you against him and kissed the top of your head, “I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I'll be more careful from now on.”
jeon jeongguk
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This had been a massive scandal from the get-go. Not only were you and Jeongguk not married when rumors started to form that you were pregnant, but he was also 'way too young' to have a kid now and 'not in the right place in life yet' to be a father.
BigHit had kept quiet through it all, knowing that those weren't just rumors that people spewed, but the truth.
You were indeed pregnant. An accidental pregnancy that had shocked you and your boyfriend to the core, but after countless of nights crying and worrying, you've not just accepted it, but were looking forward to your baby.
The first few months were easy, a comeback had overshadowed the rumors and whenever they were doing interviews, BigHit made sure to tell the journalist not to ask any personal questions, or they'd be kicked out of the panels – they really had no mercy in that sense.
But there came a point where you just couldn't hide it anymore, unless you were to stay at home every single day till the day of the delivery.
And well, you didn’t.
You waited until Jeongguk was gone to leave, knowing that it'd be easier if it were just you, had taken precautions and worn a hat and a face mask... but these sasaengs, man.
You couldn't take fifteen footsteps until you heard screaming from a distance and a group of seven people charging at you with their phones up in the air, ready to take photos of your baby bump and expose it to the world.
Since you were still close to the entrance of your neighborhood, the security guard reacted perfectly, grabbed you by your upper arms and pulled you back in, closing the gate to Hannam Hill just in time and turned you around so that the girls wouldn't see your baby bump properly.
They were left standing and screaming at the fence, reaching through it like crazy zombies.
Rather scary, actually.
“You need to be careful, Ms. (Y/L/N),” the security guard warned as he walked you back to your apartment, “You can't just go out like this without precautions.”
“I just wanted to buy something for the baby,” you said sadly with slumped shoulders, “They have this limited Disney collection at Spao.. I just wanted to get something for my daughter.”
He let out a heavy sigh and watched you enter the building extremely upset.
Maybe it wasn’t his place, but when Jeongguk came home that night, he told him about the incident, wanting to make sure that he’d talk to you and make you understand that you couldn’t just go out like that without some sort of security.
And well, let’s just say Jeongguk’s father side really jumped out that night. He had you sit down on the couch and lectured you for nearly an hour without you saying a word.
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cellard0ors · 3 years
Fic: Movement (1/?)
This is dedicated to @peachworthy - my plan is to work on this when I can. I was going to try and write a full long thing (all puns intended) but thought it might be fun to just do sporadic bits instead!
“As you can see, it’s a pretty nice place…” Mr. Super Tall and Super Handsome and Super-Out-of-Link’s-League tells him as he walks him around the place. Link’s only been half listening because he���s been trailing behind this uniquely sexy giraffe of a man for about half an hour now and it’s been hard to not just…eat him up with his eyes.
Link’s lived in LA for about two years now and while he’s seen some attractive people, they all pale in comparison to…
…oh gosh, he’s forgotten his name again! Not a good thing to do when being toured by your potential roommate to be. Although Link’s pretty sure his current tour guide is just being nice.
No way he’s seriously considering letting Link move in. First of all, Link is a late in life college student trying to get a film degree. Second, this guy could have anyone live with him.
The fact he even needs a roommate is staggering. After all, this place is already furnished. It’s clear he’s lived here for a while now – so the need for someone else-? Link doesn’t get it.
But he sure as heck can’t stay on campus anymore. It’s embarrassing. Most of the other students there think he’s a professor as it is; and bunking with kids half his age has been a nightmare.
Not because he can’t identify with them per say, but because he just-? He wants to interact with people on the same wavelength as him.
And no way is this Greek God and he on the same wavelength. No doubt the guy’s an actor. Almost everyone in LA is. And, no doubt, the guy has probably had some gigs. Several, if the house is anything to go by…
Maybe he lost a role recently? Maybe that’s why he needs the extra income? It’s the only thing Link can think of and he’s stupid enough to voice that, “It is a nice place, man, but I don’t see how I’ll be much help. What you’ve got here looks pretty well lived in. Take it you’ve been here solo for some time and I’m not sure how-?”
“I have,” Handsome admits and oh, that southern drawl. It makes Link think of home. How perfect can one man be? “And, frankly, I don’t need a roommate, but I’d like a roommate.”
“For parts? Like the Black Market?” Link can’t help but joke, and the guy throws his head back and laughs and oh, no…
…Yeah, Link can’t live with this man. It hasn’t even been a full day and Link is practically already in love with him. And thinking of the ‘him’ he forces himself to sheepishly ask, “Um, I, ah, forgot your name again...”
“It’s Rhett.”
Of course it is.
Rhett is such a romantic name.
Rhett Butler immediately springs to mind and Link sighs, “Look, Rhett – like I said, it is a nice place, but-!”
“I tell you what I’d expect in rent?” he asks and when he lists the price, Link decides that – besides being insanely attractive – that the guy is just insane in general.
The rent is cheap. Far, far cheaper than Link expected and it must show on his face, because Rhett shrugs, “Look, Link – I can’t say what it is, but I gotta feeling about you. I’ve met with a couple of potential roommates and, honestly, none of them have gone this far. I haven’t let ‘em. But there’s something about you…”
“My natural charm?” Link asks, but he’s sort of giggly and weird when he does and oh, gosh – why is he so awkward? Isn’t he too old for this? Don’t you reach a certain age and awkwardness just…drops off?
But apparently not and, apparently, Rhett isn’t turned off by it, because he gives him a warm grin, “Might be.”
“Might be the accent to be honest,” he confesses, seeming almost shy and that should be illegal, because it just highlights how cute he is, “I’m from North Carolina and it just-!”
“Hey!” Link perks up, “Me too!”
“Really?” Rhett gushes and Link nods, “Yeah, Buies Creek.”
“Oh! My family and I almost moved there! Ended up in Charlotte instead!”
“Wow! Crazy! What are the odds!” And Link hates every cliched thing coming out of his mouth right now, but he can’t seem to stop and Rhett just looks so damned pleased.
As if his feeling about Link is right on the money and Link wishes it was, but this can’t possibly work. Can it? And just as Link is about to voice that, Rhett suddenly looks…apprehensive. Fidgety.
And Link’s caught a bit off guard by it, because – up until now – he’s been so cool. Cool and collected. But now Rhett runs a hand through his thick mane of hair and sighs as if a great weight is upon him, “Ah…actually, I, ah, well – I forgot…”
Here it is. Link’s been waiting for this. The big secret. The big reason someone as amazing as Rhett would need someone like him. Maybe it is the Black Market thing. Link has some nice organs. Real juicy. Maybe revealing his background has made the big guy feel bad – like he can’t carve up a fellow North Caroliner.
Rhett rocks on his heels, “I told you, none of the other potential roommates made it this far and…there’s a reason for that. Even the one or two I kinda considered…well, I, um, I told them what I do for a living and that’s when things sort of fell apart…”
…oh shit. He IS a Black Market organ dealer!
Link’s Adam’s apple bobs as he looks around skittishly. The house is big and they’re alone in it. He’s been so distracted by how hot Rhett is that he hasn't even thought about that fact.
Until now.
What if the other potentials didn’t get this far because they got cut up beforehand? Maybe the whole roommate thing is a farce! Maybe it’s a con! A con to draw people in and-!
“I work in the entertainment industry.”
Link blinks. Blinks and feels like the dumbest man on planet earth as he says, “Well, yeah. You and half of LA. Heck, I’m here trying to get into film myself! Do some directing or sound editing or-!”
“No,” Rhett says firmly, smoothly, meeting Link’s eyes head on as he says in a full deep register, “When I say I work in the industry, I mean it. I’ve, um, had a pretty healthy and…and long career…”
“Really?” Link asks, eyes wide behind his glasses, “Have I seen anything you’ve-?”
“Doubt it,” Rhett interrupts with a humorless huff, “You don’t seem the type. But then,” he eyes him thoughtfully, “I’ve been surprised before…”
Link doesn’t know why he’s being so cagey about this, “What’ve you-?”
“My resume is…” Rhett finally looks away, as if he can’t bear to look at Link when he says it, “…of the adult variety.”
“The adult-?” Link starts to repeat and then it clicks. It clicks and it hits him so hard over the head it’s like a physical blow. The house, the handsomeness – the…everything.
Rhett looks back at him, jaw firmly set as he speaks, “Look, it’s not that I’m ashamed of what I do. Far from it. It’s just a job and it’s one I happen to be good at. But it’s also one that people in polite society aren’t too keen on and considering you’re from my home state you might-!”
“Porn?” Link croaks out and he feels a little like he might faint, “You’re a porn star?”
Rhett just kind of shrugs and the reason Link feels lightheaded has nothing to do with his shock at the man’s career and everything to do with the fact that Link has only seen a few porn films and none of them have ever stared someone so breathtakingly beautiful. The idea that Rhett has been in something like that…
Heat suffuses through Link’s system with equal mixes of lust and shame. Lust because, well, look at Rhett and shame because Link doesn’t want to just view the man as a sex object, Granted, that’s kind of his job, but it just seems…rude.
While Link doesn’t know Rhett well, he knows him well enough at this point to say he’s just a regular guy. An extremely gorgeous regular guy, but a regular guy all the same.
Thinking of him in simple black and white just doesn’t do him justice. So he’s a porn star. So what? He’s nice and this place is amazing and the rent suggested is fantastic and-!
“Take it by your silence you’re gonna decline…”
“No!” Link cuts in quickly and Rhett’s eyes shoot to him, wide and amazed, and Link feels a little sense of superiority at that. At catching this giant off guard, “No, uh – your…your profession isn’t a problem.”
“It’s not?”
“Well, I mean,” Link looks around once more, "You don’t-? You don’t film here, do you?”
The laugh that booms out of Rhett at that makes Link’s toes curl with pleasure, “Nah, man. This place is sacred. Like to keep my personal and professional life separate.”
“And…” Link scratches at the back of his head, “And you won’t, like…bring over a-a partner or partners and-!”
“Don’t have one,” Rhett admits and then the sexiest crinkles form around his eyes, “Although I gotta say, that’s about the slickest way anyone’s ever asked me if I was single…”
The heat from before returns full blast, no doubt coloring Link’s cheeks pure red and it comes completely from shyness, an emotion he is much more familiar with than most, “Oh, no! I-I wasn’t-!”
“Think you were asking if I do some weird sex shit here in the house of the personal variety and, again, no. You work in my field you kinda lose a bit of a taste for it.”
“For sex?”
Rhett nods, “And for a lot of things. It’s like I said – I'd like a roommate. Mainly ‘cause I’ve been feeling a little…disconnected of late. Feel like I need someone in my life who isn’t in the business. Someone I can just, y’know…” his shoulders roll and he bobs about a bit, clearly bashful, “…jam with.”
“Someone on your wavelength…” Link whispers and suddenly, Rhett’s idea that Link might be someone worth keeping around feels totally legitimate. Because Link is suddenly reciprocating it and then some. Because Link's starting to have a feeling about him too.
A feeling that this could work.
It really could.
And, this in mind, Link asks, “When can I move in?”
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agentdouble0 · 3 years
I posted something HERE About Bobby going up to Eddie and slapping him and basically calling him an idiot.  I had every intention to write a fic with him doing that. But instead, this happened. 
Bobby knows something is brewing between Buck and Eddie the day they remove the grenade from Charlie’s leg. At first, he was worried because Buck was not exactly subtle in his distaste with Eddie. Then the grenade happened and all sudden they were inseparable, literally. Half the time on calls, they naturally just paired up. So, he sees the writing on the walls, the subtle looks and in some cases lingering looks. Then there is the lack of personal space and the fact that Buck has been helping Eddie Co-Parent Christopher. So, when Eddie mentions an Ana, he is genuinely confused and perhaps he read everything wrong. Except Buck and Eddie keep doing that thing where they look at each other.  
So, when they have a moment, he has a whole speech prepared. Have hope it is okay to move on. Of course, you are always going to miss Shannon and perhaps always will. But that does not mean you should not give up on what’s in front of you. To miss out on something real, that could mean something. He doesn’t outright say Buck, but Eddie should know he’s talking about Buck. They spend an excessive amount of time together; he couldn’t be more straightforward than that. Besides why the hell would Eddie assume he’s talking about Ana, for god sakes he looks at Buck as if he hung the moon.  
Except, Eddie goes out to breakfast with Ana and then he finds out about Buck’s failed date. And some of the members of the 118 have lost hope in their place in the bet. But Bobby isn’t deterred, and Hen remains determined. Chimney begs if he can back out and have his money back but then changes his mind, when the boys argue over who gets the net gun when they get a call about a turkey on the loose.  
So, when Eddie mentions that he has another date lined up with her and that Buck is babysitting he has half a mind to strangle the man because, he’s got fifty bucks riding on this thing and really Eddie can’t be that obtuse and how can Buck also be missing the signs. Because Buck is now getting all cozy with Taylor and perhaps, they were all wrong, except they don’t stop with the eye contact and the touching. Then he hears about what happened with Christopher and he thinks to himself, “This is it, this is when they are going to realize that they love each other.” But then he hears about Eddie introducing Christopher to Ana and Buck is at his doorstep, shoulders hunched, and Bobby feels like he wants to punch someone. He loves Buck like a son and knows that Athena feels the same way. And seeing his son looking so heartbroken, hurts. “Buck,” he says softly.
“I uhh…I’m sorry,” Buck says, voice hoarse, “I didn’t know if-I’m..oh jeez Bobby I’m in love with Eddie and I am freaking out!”  
Well crap. Now he feels a little ashamed about his spot in the 118 Buddie Bet.  
He’s glad that May and Harry are with their dad before he embraces Buck in a hug and Athena is pulling Buck into the house and ushering him onto the couch. They both work in tandem, Athena covering Buck in a blanket and Bobby pushing a mug of hot cocoa into Buck’s hand. Buck doesn’t say a word, just stares a hole into the floor. “Buck, baby,” Athena says, “do you want to tell us what happened?”  
Buck shakes his head, inhaling deeply before letting out a shaky breath. Then Buck is rambling, voice rising on the verge of sounding hysterical, “Do I have to right now, I don’t want to right now, I just figured this out right now and I think it’s always been there and now I don’t know what to do with information and I really just-”
“Buck, Buck!” Bobby yells alarmed, “It’s okay, it’s okay!” as he takes the mug from the man’s hands it to Athena and gathers Buck into his arms in a tight hug. He doesn’t much else, just lets the younger man let it all out. It doesn’t take long before he feels Buck’s breathing even out indicating that he’s fallen asleep. With some help from Athena, Bobby manages to slip out from under Buck and they lay him down onto the couch. Athena places a gentle kiss on Buck’s temple before covering him with a blanket and they both retire for the night.  
Buck is gone before they wake up the next morning, the blanket folded on the couch with a note, laying on top: Sorry for coming in late and thank you for letting me stay the night. Please, please don’t tell anyone. Love, Buck. When Bobby tries to flag Buck down the next morning, he tells him, “I don’t want to talk about it, not right now.”  So, Bobby leaves him alone and he watches as Buck pulls away from Eddie. And he watches Eddie’s face turn from confusion to sadness as the day drags on. Great, just great.  
Hen and Chimney have noticed the tension and so have the other firefighters. Buck starts sitting next to Hen rather than Eddie when they sit down to eat. During calls Buck requests if he can drive, or even sit in the front seat. The last straw was Buck grabbing Chimney by the arm and dragging him down the stairs saying it was important, after he saw Eddie walking towards him. They all find out later that the very important topic was whether the baby would enjoy a stuffed giraffe or a stuffed elephant as from Uncle Buck. And this question is very important because this stuffed animal could be the baby’s best stuffed animal friend.  
So, here they are now in the locker room, just Buck and Eddie. Anytime Buck tries to escape, Eddie anticipates his every move. They seem to be keeping their voices low, but Bobby can tell that Buck is wanting out, by the way his hands keep shaking at his side and opening and closing into a fist. “Come on Buck,” he can hear Eddie says as he jogs closer to the locker room, “just, can you tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it? Please?”  
“It’s fine Eddie, it’s not you-”
“Oh, don’t give me that it’s not you it’s me bull shit!” Eddie shouts
“But Eddie, I swear it’s just, I got a lot going on and I just, I need time.”
“I get that, but Buck, you won’t even look at me or even sit next to me? Did I do something wrong?”  
Buck shakes his head, “No, um you didn’t”
“Then why are you avoiding me? Is it because of what happened with Chris? I’m not mad about that”
“No, it's not about Chris-”
Bobby chooses that moment to enter, because he can see the panicked look in Buck’s eyes, “Hey, is everything okay?” Buck chooses that moment to escape, bolting out of the room.  
“I think I lost my best friend, Cap,” Eddie whispers as he watches Buck go, “I don’t even know what I did wrong, he won’t talk to me.” Bobby stays silent and he watches as Eddie sulks out of the locker room.  
Bobby learns that Eddie had broken up with Ana two days later when Eddie shows up at his doorstep, hands in his pocket looking lost. Damn these boys he thinks to himself as he lets Eddie into his home. “Tell me what happened?”
“I did what you said Bobby, I took a chance, and it blew up in my face. Chris was mad, then he liked her and now he doesn’t and Buck, he won’t even look at me or talk to me.”  
The Captain sighs as he leads Eddie toward the dining table and orders him to sit down. Athena eyes the younger man suspiciously before turning to her husband. They share a silent conversation with their eyes and Athena knows why he’s here. She begins making some tea before handing Eddie a mug and Bobby one and seats herself down. “I took your advice Bobby, I put myself out there and it got me here. My son mad, Buck won’t even talk to me and Ana well she took the breakup well and I don’t even know how to process that too, in fact she seemed to know something I didn’t.”
“Eddie,” Bobby says, “you keep saying you took my advice, remind me again what did I say?”
“You said that I could miss out on a chance to have something else, something real.”
“Eddie,” Athena cuts in, “think really hard for a moment, perhaps Bobby didn’t mean Ana, perhaps he meant someone else.”
“Someone you already have in your life, someone else you already know,” Bobby adds in
“Buck,” Eddie whispers and suddenly he’s up like a shot out of the chair, “I have to go,” he says hastily as he runs towards the front door before skidding to a stop and backtracking to the table. He gives a hug to Bobby and Athena, “Thanks!” he shouts then he’s out of the house the front door slamming shut.
“These boys,” Athena sighs.  
Eddie and Buck arrive together the next morning, shoulders bumping sharing soft smiles. Bobby tries to ignore the red mark that can be seen on peeking out from the collar of Buck’s shirt, but Hen and Chimney don’t. They tease Buck and Eddie looks so smug, but it with the two men finally getting their act together the atmosphere in the station shifts. Everything is back to normal.  Eddie corners Bobby later that morning after breakfast a smile on his face as he hugs him tightly, “Thanks Bobby,” he murmurs.
“You're welcome,” Bobby replies, “oh and you owe me fifty bucks.”
Bobby isn’t even mad that he lost the bet, it’s no surprise to anyone that Hen won, he’s starting to think that she is cheating. But he can’t be mad because Buck is back to his normal self, bouncing around the firehouse, smiling and laughing.  
“No Hen!” Buck whines, “hey! Give me the controller!”
“Buck!” Hen exclaims, “You can’t keep doing this when we play this game!”
“Eddie! Do something!”  
Who cares if he lost, his son is happy and if is also right in his assumption, his future son-in-law is no longer sulking like a toddler. If an intervention needs to happen again, he won’t wait long this time. “Eddie!” Buck laughs out, “hurry! She’s cheating!”  
Buck watches Eddie excuse himself from the conversation, he’s having with one of the other fighters to rescue Buck. The man is laughing as he plops himself down next to him. “I don’t understand why you do this all time when you play with her.”  
Buck squawks, “Excuse me, I don’t do this all the time!?”  
“You do!” Hen and Eddie laugh out  
Maybe he won’t need to do an intervention. Eddie is looking at Buck fondly and Buck is grinning back at him. And Bobby knows that grin, Buck is totally going to be the one to propose, he’s calling it.  
He called it wrong. Damn, Eddie Diaz.  
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dissonantdreamer · 4 years
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Part Six under the cut:
To My Wife,
Hey, babe. You're sleeping, finally. Took me a bit, but I managed to tucker you out.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get tonight out of my head. Our first time as a married couple under the stars was definitely a brilliant idea. I’m glad I had it. Getting to see all my favorite constellations in your eyes as you came was pretty indescribable amazing wonderful stellar! Stellar? Because stars? I got there. You definitely threw my brain off it’s orbit tonight. I'm glad we also got to marry as the sun set and the stars came out. I don’t have to fear the night anymore knowing there will be a dawn.
It’s weird. You’re asleep, taking up all the space on the bed (still can’t believe I fit a whole bed into this tent) I'm still finding constellations on your skin. I’m drawing you again. I’ll show you when you wake up. This one is for me. A map of your celestial body.
Did you know Lyra rests on your right shoulder, where I rest my head when things are difficult?
Corona Australis lies at the nape of your neck, just below your hairline I kiss it every time I pass you by in the kitchen. And the garden. And your work space. And when you’re trying to shower. And when your putting JJ to bed.
Pictor is on the back of your right hand, right where my fingers fit with yours.
On your left hip, Scutum sits right under your belly. It was my favorite spot to kiss when you were pregnant with JJ.
Pyxis settles just over your heart. It’s my new favorite spot to kiss, because it always gets the best reactions out of you.
On your thigh, you have Camelopardalis, it reminds me of all the best memories with my family I’ve had throughout my life. The giraffes with Joel, finding the constellation just outside your bedroom window the night JJ was born, all the way up to you making Cam for JJ. I told you I loved that you made him a stuffed giraffe. Truthfully I wanted to kiss you when you told me you stitched the constellation into its chest so I wouldn’t be far from him. We weren’t there yet. Not even close.
I get to kiss you whenever I want now. Wow.
Crazy how much can change in two years.
My guiding star, rests just under your left ear. Right where your pulse jumps when I kiss you.
You are truly a heavenly body.  My personal night sky. I can always find my way back home on your skin.
I wanted you for a long time. I still can’t believe you wanted me back. What we had before you kissed me, before everything went to shit. I thought I lost that. Thought I lost you. I’ve been so scared of losing you completely. I almost did. No matter what happens next, I’ll continue to keep fighting to keep you. No getting rid of me now that I’m yours forever.
Seeing you now, I feel like my purpose is to love you. To some extent it was always to love you. Maybe you rubbed off on me when you rubbed me off the first time. Kidding. Sort of. I want you to know that, our first time still means something good to me. Even if the rest of the day doesn’t. I was lost after that day. Even in the darkness, I always had you. Now you have me back. Not just physically. You opening up to me at the farm about how alone you felt on the days I left to hunt and came back a shell of myself. Really pushed me to be better. Hurting myself was hurting you and I never want to hurt you again if I can help it.
I still have nightmares. Some days I can’t be here the way I want to be, but you have me. All of me. Even my broken parts, kept together with duct tape and sheer stubbornness.
Luck and fate seem so ridiculous in a world like this. Yet. I'm alive at the same time as you. So maybe you’re on to something. (I’ll have to stay with you for a long while and test my theory.)  I love you and for some reason you love me back. JJ is healthy and smart and he is all the good parts of you and Jesse. He did so well today, helping us make our own traditions.
Jesse would have been so happy for you. He’d have told you how beautiful you were. He would have asked which barn stall crew was on rotation to clean me up so well. I miss him. I miss Joel. I’m glad you came up with the brilliant idea to let them both live on a little through our son. “The people we survive, survive us so long as we don’t allow them to be forgotten”, right?
I loved that you made outfits for Ollie and Cam so that they could match his little green dress shirt. I never thought I’d be married with a stuffed elephant in my breast pocket and a stuffed giraffe in my wedding party. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
The shock of  getting to marry you might have helped me get over the shock of coming back home after a month out in Fremont to you proposing to me. To move in with you, to have a family.
To stay.
I’ll never get over how sure you looked in that moment. Hearing you say fuck it. Holding my face in your hands. Telling me with out any question, you were as done as I was waiting for things to be “right” and just let them be. To figure this whole thing out together.
For the second time in my life I still can’t believe you kissed me. It never felt rushed, I know you worry about that. That we’re moving too fast, that this might be stupid. I lost you once and I’m never losing you again not if you’ll have me.
Dina, everything is growing clear to me each day I get to love you fully. After all we’ve been through, everything that I’ve done has been for something.
For you. For JJ. For me.
I unzipped the top of the tent earlier so I can watch the stars. All I can look at is you. Your skin has a glow now. I know if I look up the dawn will have crept up on us.
I’m debating on if I should let you sleep or risk getting punched in the arm for waking you up to see the sun rise. Everything feels so new to me right now.
The beginnings of a new day are glinting off the moth bracelet I made you, for the wedding.  You look so good with it on. It contrasts your skin perfectly. I went back for the moth, because I want you to have that part of me. The kid with too much jerky stuffed in her pockets, who told the worst puns, she’s worth keeping alive too. She is the part of me I want to give you, the part of me that will always be yours.
The moth in my skin that you have grown to love, now it rests above yours. The pain that moth once caused me pain and hurt has been replaced. Now when I see it all I can think of is the love of the people around me. And you. Always you. Your patience, your acceptance, your love.
I feel redeemed. That the love you give me everyday, is the love I am worth and more.
i have burned up
a thousand times
in your atmosphere
and i will burn
a thousand more
to touchdown
on your surface
Here I am with you tucked against me. I can’t sleep, for the first time the reason why makes my heart race with excitement. I can’t bring myself to stop looking at you, I want to see the sun set and rise on your skin tonight and every night after. I want to remember it all.
I was supposed to die a million deaths. I’m done waiting. My life matters now. I have a family.
I was never supposed to live, but you gave that to me. That reason to fight to stay alive. To grow. To love. I don’t think I can ever repay you for that.
But I’d like to try.
Yours, for as long as you’ll have me.
Your wife,
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angelikook · 3 years
Pas de Deux
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Pairing(s): Dance teacher!Hoseok x reader
Genre: Hurt/comfort, fluff
Word Count: 6.7k
Warning(s): Profanity
Summary: Your dance teacher, Hoseok, might teach you a bit more than just dancing.
A/n Moral of the story, never seek validation from anyone. You can do whatever you want as long as you're happy and you're not doing anything wrong.
There will be a mention about Blue Side and its meanings. Check this link for the complete analysis (it's in Indonesian). Shout out to the writer for the in-depth analysis.
There were days when you wished you were more flexible. Or athletic. Or both.
Like today for instance.
Your weekly Friday-night private dance class didn’t look too good as usual. First of all, you had a literal dance God stood in front of you as your dance teacher. In front of him, you looked like a baby giraffe learning how to stand on four wobbly legs.
During the past few months you’ve been his student, through ups and downs that had more downs, his smile never faltered, his energy never died out, and his patience never ran out.
Every time you fell on your bruising butt, he only held out his hand to you and put on that million-dollar smile of his. Sometimes- Scratch that- Most of the times, you felt bad when you fell for the nth time in the span of an hour. Other times, you felt bad after your first fall. You definitely didn’t want him to think you were unworthy of his time and attention. That was the worst way a person can embarrass themself.
Your teacher, who went with the name Hoseok, and stage name j-hope, once again danced real slow in hope you could follow him. You both moved at a snail’s pace, but of course, your lack of athleticism wouldn’t let you go for 10 minutes without falling.
Out of nowhere, one of your feet caught up in the other one and made you stumble. And with that, your body unceremoniously collapsed. It was like any other times you had fallen, but unlike those times, you heard a loud crack coming from your foot.
“Oh, shit! Are you alright?” Hoseok stopped instantly and squatted beside you. “Of course you’re not fine. Why did I even ask that?” He mumbled more to himself.
“Which foot was fractured? Can you try moving them?”
You, ever so carefully, tried to move each of your feet. Weirdly enough, you were pretty sure your left one was the one fractured, but you felt a sharp pain when you moved your right one.
You voiced your thoughts, “Umm… I’m not sure which one is fractured. I think it’s the left one, but the right one is more painful.”
Hoseok sighed. “We need to go to the hospital. Here, let me carry you.”
“Wait, I-”
Like you weighed nothing, he heaved you and carried you bridal style. Instinctively, you circled your arms around his neck, his very sweaty and veiny neck. But during this critical moment, a sweaty neck wasn’t on the top of your priorities.
“I don’t think this is necessary,” you said even though the pain on your feet had subsided a bit from being lifted off the ground.
“Absolutely.” He grabbed your bag and turned off the lights. “It would be better if we can use the stretcher, but since I’m alone, we have to settle with this. Sorry if this is uncomfortable.” He walked out of the studio and locked it before walking off to the parking lot.
You estimated that the entire walk from the studio to the parking lot must’ve taken around 10 minutes. At this point, you were 100% sure you felt like a dead weight for him. Yet, he still kept walking while holding you as if it was nothing. It was either you overestimated your weight, or he was stronger than you thought. Your bet was on the second one.
During the ride to the hospital, you racked your brain for a way to say thank you while actually sounding like you were grateful instead of just for formality. But after minutes had passed, you came up with nothing so you just settled with the old “thank you so much”. You just prayed he could see your sincerity through you.
“Don’t mention it. This is what I always do every time someone is injured.”
True to his words, when he entered the emergency room with you in his arms, a nurse yelled his name and directed you two to an empty bed.
“What happened?” the nurse asked as Hoseok carefully lowered you on the bed.
In an instant, the comforting heat radiating off of him disappeared. In exchange for his warmth, you felt the cold mattress and the typical freezing hospital room.
“The usual. But she said that both her feet hurt.” He gestured to you.
“I’m going to call a doctor, okay?” Without waiting for an answer from you, the nurse left.
Once the doctor came, you explained in detail what happened with Hoseok butting in sometimes to add completely unnecessary details. He said things like, “we were almost done with the class”, or, “we were alone there.” Lucky for him, your pain stopped you from wanting to strangle him.
You talked more about possible treatments, how long it would take, and most importantly, how much it would cost. In the end, it was decided that you needed an x-ray.
“You can leave now if you want. I’ll be alright,” you told him right after the doctor told you to wait for the x-ray. The guilt of making him do all of these was starting to eat you inside out.
You had felt guilty from falling multiple times, and now you fell to the point you broke your ankle. If it was possible, you felt ten thousand times more guilty. And the fact that he wasn’t even complaining at least once made you feel like a disappointment.
Maybe it was better if the earth swallowed you whole right now.
He shook his head as he sat on the chair beside the bed. “No way. How will you get home?”
Crap, he was right. There was no way you could walk by yourself after all this. Or call a taxi. Just imagining you had to wear a cast and a crutch already made you shudder. This was going to be a long month, or months, for you.
“You must feel tired now. You’ve been here for-” You glanced at the clock behind his head. “-around an hour now.”
“Do you have a friend you can call over?”
The question hit you more than it should’ve. Your friends, the same people who indirectly forced you to try dancing, all lived across the city. You knew there was no way they would be willing to spend their Friday night at the hospital with you. In your mind, you could already imagine them going out on a fancy dinner, cuddling with their partner, or watching a movie.
Your lack of response was an answer in itself.
“It’s okay. I don’t have anything to do anyways.”
“You don’t have any more students? Tonight? Tomorrow?”
He shook his head. “You’re my last student for the week.” He stopped for a while before continuing, “And my most interesting one.”
You cocked your head to the side. “Interesting? How?”
“You made me think of… things, basically, clearly.”
“Like what?”
He took a deep breath before answering, “I’ve been the best dancer, performer, whatever you wanna call it. And after I started teaching too, I became the best dance teacher in the city. Like, you must’ve already known that from the tariffs of my classes.”
You nodded.
“But since you came to my class a few months ago, things have changed. I just lost… my confidence in my teaching. Maybe my methods are wrong or I need a different approach or maybe-” His words caught in his throat. “-I don’t cut it to be a teacher.”
Your eyes widened at his words. He had mistaken your inability to do athletic stuff for his bad teaching.
“I think you got it all wrong,” you said urgently.
You didn’t want him to think he was a bad teacher. He was, in fact, far from that. So far, you’ve never met a teacher even half as nice as him or half as understanding as him.
He furrowed his eyebrows. “How?”
You hesitated for a moment. Were you really going to out yourself? Your heart screamed, “yes!” at that.
“Well, you see, I’m not the best at, you know, physical stuff. I was actually setting myself up for failure by trying out dancing.” You saw him frowning even further. You let out a nervous giggle. This was a bad idea, but you were already in too deep anyways. “I know this is confusing. My friends have told me that a lot of times.”
A few seconds of silence passed. Hoseok just stared at you, probably trying to figure you out, who knew. You were just weird like that.
Finally he broke the silence. “Can you drive?”
The question caught you off guard. “What?”
“Of course I can.” You looked down on your injured feet. “Well, not for a while, I guess.”
“And I take it you never accidentally kill someone, right? Or else you wouldn’t be here, you’d be in jail.”
This time, you were the one frowning. Where was this conversation heading? Nonetheless, you nodded your head, answering his question silently.
He, for the first time after you broke your ankle, broke into a grin. “Then you’ll be fine. And I don’t think you set yourself up for failure.” He pouted. “Don’t ever say that again.”
You smiled back at him. “Okay.”
A few moments later, you were called to do an x-ray.
Wordlessly, Hoseok hoisted you up and put you on a wheelchair he found nearby. With that, he pushed you towards the x-ray room. You weren't going to lie for the fact that it kinda felt nice to be pushed by a handsome guy. On the other side, it only made you feel even more guilty.
Once you arrived in front of said room, a nurse took you in and told Hoseok to wait outside.
With your clumsiness, this obviously wasn’t your first time getting x-rayed. So you didn’t really feel nervous, not at all. Plus, you were significantly older than the last time you got x-rayed. There was nothing to be scared of, right?
Who were you kidding? Of course you’d be scared. Your heart thumped loudly against your chest, you wondered if the nurse could hear it. Probably she could, but even if she could, she didn’t say anything.
Okay, then. Maybe you should focus on something else. What about something to tell Hoseok about his fear? You didn’t do a great job of comforting him. Instead, he was the one comforting you. The hell was that about, Y/n?
Without you even realizing, since you were so focused on Hoseok’s fear, the x-ray was over and you were pushed out of the room. Phew… Wasn’t that easy? But you still haven’t thought of something to tell Hoseok, though. Nevermind, you’d probably be better off improvising.
Hoseok sat on the long bench in front of the x-ray room with a small plastic bag in his hand. You were sure he didn’t have that before. Beside him, sat the nurse who accepted you into the emergency room who now was talking animatedly to him.
For the first time since you entered the hospital, you got the chance to take a good look at the nurse.
Her outfit hugged her curves perfectly, no weird bumps or creases. It was as if the fit was tailored just for her. Her hair was up and away from her face in a tight and neat bun. Her makeup faded here and there from the long hours of working, no surprise there. And her glasses only complemented her whole look, making her look beautiful yet strong at the same time.
Looking at her made you wonder about how you looked in comparison.
You were still in your work out clothes that you designated for dancing. They were saggy in weird places as a sign of old age and definitely had been left forgotten in your wardrobe for a long time because you didn’t work out. The leather in your shoes also flaked in some places, indicating that you needed to buy a new pair. You knew not to buy them, though, remembering you weren’t athletic.
As you looked down on your clothes, you realized there was a giant blob of sauce stain just in between your boobs. Where- What? How did you get that? And why hadn’t you realized it until now?
You abruptly stopped yourself from self pity as the nurse pushed you closer to them. If you didn't have beauty or grace or sexiness, at least you had confidence.
The nurse Hoseok was talking to was the first to notice your arrival.
She stood up and asked you, “Are you alright? Do you need a painkiller?”
She was nice, too. No wonder Hoseok would be interested in her.
For a second you imagined what it felt like for someone to be interested in you. You haven’t felt that in a long time. Not that you missed the feeling, you were content with being single and had no intention to date anyone. At least not while your ankles still hurt.
You shook your head. “It’s not that painful.” You turned to the nurse who pushed your wheelchair. “When will the result come out?”
“In a few minutes. For now, you can wait here or in the emergency room.”
You looked at Hoseok, expecting him to answer for you.
He immediately took the cue. “We’ll wait here. Thank you.”
“Alright. I’ll direct you to the doctor’s office once the results are out.”
You mumbled a “thank you” before the nurse left.
The other nurse, who talked to Hoseok earlier, though, didn’t leave as much as you wanted her to. Instead, she sat back beside him and continued the conversation like nothing happened. Like you weren’t even there.
“When I get off my shift later, do you want to grab supper?” she asked while batting her thick lashes. Were nurses allowed to wear fake lashes, you wondered.
Just like the Hoseok you knew, he turned down the offer politely. “Sorry, I don’t really eat supper.”
She pouted in an attempt to look cute. But honestly, with the makeup and sexy clothes, her cuteness was uncalled for.
Gosh you wished you were as sexy or pretty as her, surely you could get any man you want. Nope, you were still happy with being single.
“What about tomorrow? I get bored on Saturdays.”
“I-” His eyes flicked around the room. “I need to check my schedule first.”
Her face lit up. “Text me, okay?” And just like how she didn’t wait for your answer earlier, she left without waiting for his.
You grimaced at their awkward conversation. “She seems… nice.” It came out more like a question.
He exhaled long and hard as if he held his breath the entire time. “And too much.”
“What-?” you sputtered. “She was blatantly asking you out.”
“Yeah, I know that. That’s why she’s too much.”
A question crossed your mind. “Have you known each other for a long time?”
“Not really. But since the number of my students blew up, injuries became more common, so...”
“Oh.” You nodded understandingly.
You suddenly remembered that you had to comfort him.
“You’re actually a great teacher, you know. At least that’s the review from Google. You have 4.8 stars! That’s awesome.” At this point you just blurted out anything nice to him. “My favorite restaurant only has 3.6 stars.” And by anything, you meant everything.
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Thanks?"
“No problem.”
“What about you, though? What do you think of my teaching skills?”
Once again, his questions caught you off guard.
It was still fresh in your mind about the day you signed up for a class with him. How he answered all your questions with his smile never leaving his face. The day of your first class with him, he explained the basics with so much patience. He never said no whenever you asked him to show the moves again and again and again. And today, he took you to the hospital and even waited with you through all the procedures.
He was an extraordinary teacher. And person.
But there was no way you could say all that. It would only embarrass you more.
“I think you’re… nice.”
He furrowed his eyebrows deeper at your words. He surely would get wrinkles early if he kept frowning like that. And that would be so bad for his handsome face.
Okay, maybe it was better if you said all that in the first place.
“I mean,” you spoke up again, trying to redeem yourself. “You’re the best teacher I’ve ever met. You’re nice, understanding, and patient. Something I rarely see in other teachers.” And handsome, you wanted to add, but it was a story for another day.
He finally no longer furrowed his eyebrows.
“May I ask you a question?” he asked quietly.
Another question from him wouldn't hurt, right? “Sure.”
“Why did you decide to try dancing if you knew you weren’t good with ‘physical stuff’?” He did the airquote thing. “Sorry if it’s too personal.”
“No, it’s alright.” You chuckled. “Remember the friends that kept telling me I’m clumsy?”
He nodded.
“Well, they were kinda the reason.”
You took a deep inhale. “We’ve been friends since the third grade of primary school. We’re basically inseparable. But as close as we are, we have different lives.”
“I understand.”
“One is an athlete. She’s a swimmer and takes part in a lot of national championships. The second one is not as athletic, but she does golf in her free time. She’s extremely good, though. The last one is a pole dancer and she really takes pride in it. So far, I’m the only one who doesn’t really do physical things. In fact, I’m not into physical activities at all.”
“That’s alright. Everyone is different. What do you do?”
“I loved studying.”
You took multiple deep breaths to prepare yourself to come with the truth. “They always make fun of me for liking reading over physical activities. Until one point I can’t even look at books anymore.” You bit your bottom lip. “They even made a different pact and left me out.”
Books were an important part of your life. And reading was the only time when you could let yourself go from the harshness of the world. The time when you could forget your problems, or even who you were, for a little while. Knowing your friends didn’t like that made you question yourself.
“I think studying is important.” He commented. “If no one is studying, no one will get to be anything.”
“I know that. And I wanted to learn how to be more physically active. That’s why I took this dancing class.” Then you added, ”It’s actually my last resort. I’ve tried and failed other activities.”
“I don’t think you should listen to them. Even your oldest friends can’t be right all the time.” He smiled reassuringly. “Thanks for sharing your problem with me. I’m gonna show you just how amazing non-physical activities can be.”
He looked down on his lap and immediately handed you the plastic bag he'd been holding. "The nurse gave it to me, but you can have it instead."
You accepted the bag and peered inside. There was a loaf of bread, still looking fresh and warm.
After that, everything just flew by. Maybe because you were tired and the day was almost over, or maybe because you had Hoseok beside you, who made waiting felt fun. Or maybe both, who knew.
Soon the results came out and the nurse took you to the doctor’s office with Hoseok following in tow. The doctor explained everything and helped you, along with Hoseok, to get used to walking with crutches. You were also given some pills to ease the pain. And after all that, off you go.
You were back in Hoseok’s car, heading home. Somehow, the smell of his obnoxious orange car freshener smelt comforting compared to the hospital’s disinfectant.
“You really shouldn’t have waited for me.” You glanced at the time on your phone. It was almost midnight. “It’s really late now. I’ll have to give you a big tip later.”
He laughed. It sounded like heaven in your ears. “There’s no need for that. I’m just concerned with your health. Plus, I do this to all of my students. Think of it like part of my service.”
You giggled. “Alright, if you say so.”
He snorted. “One time, a student was even left all day in the hospital by their parents so I had to wait overnight until they came.”
“That’s horrible. Don’t they care about their kid?”
"They do. But they care more about their alcohol."
"I take it they were drunk while their kid was injured?"
"Apparently their stress response is getting drunk."
"Oh my…"
"When I say you're not even half bad as my other students, you have to believe it."
Proving to you one more time about how much of a gentleman he was, once you arrived at your apartment building, he parked his car and helped you out of the car. He guided you all the way to your apartment, making sure you weren't hurt on the way. Maybe you really should find a man like him. Or maybe… him himself?
Nah, you weren’t looking for a partner, remember?
He helped you settle down and was about to leave when he stopped in the middle of the doorway.
He turned around. “Wait. Do you live here alone?”
Instead of answering your question, he blurted another question. “Does your family live nearby?”
“They live outside of the city. Why?”
He looked like he was deep in thought before shaking his head. “Nothing. I’ll just come back tomorrow to help you since you’re alone.”
You weren’t one to stop a handsome guy from helping you, but you already owed so many favours for him.
“You have a date with the nurse, remember?”
He scoffed. “I told her I need to check my schedule. Looks like it’ll be full.”
A question suddenly came out of your mouth, "Why do you keep helping me? I have no use for you. I can't attend your classes anymore."
It was true. You wouldn’t be able to do any physical activities, including dancing, for a few months. Not to mention your lack of athletic abilities that would demotivate you from trying to dance again even after you recovered.
At first, he looked startled. His eyes widened and mouth agape. But then he quickly regained his composure before answering, "Is it wrong if I think of us as… friends? Are we not friends after all of this?" He gestured to your leg.
You gestured to your surroundings. "But friends don't do this. My friends don’t do this.”
"Don’t base your understanding on them. They're not good friends, Y/n. I'm sorry.”
“But-” You really wanted to counter his argument, defend your oldest friends. But you knew deep down that he was right and there was nothing you could do.
“Let me be a good friend for you, okay?" he said as he linked his pinky to yours. Marking his promise and the start of your friendship.
He wasn’t one to break promises and you knew it firsthand. Had you known him before, you would’ve tossed your friends long ago.
Over the course of a week, he’d shown you care more than what you’ve gotten from your friends your entire friendship.
He cooked you breakfast, because he said that you had to stop eating junk food if you wanted to recover fast.
“Athletic or not, health is very important,” he said.
“That means you need to eat healthy, Y/n.” He rolled his eyes. “And don’t even try to give me the puppy eyes, it won’t work on me.”
He force fed you your meds when you intentionally forgot about them.
“I put your meds directly beside your glass and you still managed to forget?” he yelled. “Drink it, or I’ll leave this instant.”
At his threat, you immediately took them. You enjoyed his company and weren’t ready to have him leaving you.
Because he noticed how sullen you looked when you realized you couldn’t go out, he tried to cheer you up by dancing crazily to a song playing on the TV. He waved his arms randomly and went around you while yelling incomprehensibly.
“Can you feel the energy, Y/n?” he asked in between his yells.
“No. Stop before the neighbors complain! You’re too loud!” You cupped both ears with your hands.
“Tell me you feel the energy then I’ll stop.”
You chuckled. “Fine. Yes, I feel the energy. Now, stop!”
He abruptly stopped and threw himself beside you on the couch.
“Ew, you’re sweaty. Get off of my couch!”
Among everything that Hoseok had to help you with, adulting was the hardest. In particular, the working part of adulting. Obviously, you needed to take a leave for a month and in order to do that, you first had to go through your boss’ wrath. Fortunately, a certain man with the stage name j-hope was ready to help you.
“It’s gonna be easy. I mean, how scary can bosses be.” He dismissed your worries with a wave of his hand.
“Very scary, I warn you.”
Contrary to his belief, after the phone call with your boss ended, Hoseok was scarred for life. Bosses were indeed scary, especially your boss.
With wide eyes, he whispered, “Never ask me to call your boss again. He’s literally a devil in disguise.”
“But did I get permission to take a leave?”
“Oh, shit! I forgot about that.”
When he had a class to teach, you tried to fill the void by texting your older friends. But as expected, they instead made you even worse.
One said, "Hope you get well soon. We'll come back once we're not too busy."
What about the two others? Well, they only read and liked your messages.
That was alright, right? They all had their own lives and were probably busy. It wasn’t like your injury was a big deal anyways… right? There was no need for them to be worried about you or shower you with attention or visit you. Yeah, that was absolutely normal… not.
There was no need for moping around, though. The next day, your old friends and your knight in hypebeast clothes came over. Yes, said knight was Hoseok. Yes, they came at the same time. It was okay to have a handsome man and your way-past-hormonal-stage friends to be in the same place at the same time. Or at least that was what you initially thought.
"Y/n," one of your friends said with a frown on her face. "What happened? We were so worried."
You almost wanted to roll your eyes. They didn't seem that worried when you texted them yesterday.
“And who’s this?” another friend asked while staring at Hoseok. And it wasn’t a nice stare either, more like a judging stare.
You scowled, but still tried to keep some decency. “This is my friend slash dance teacher, Hoseok. Hoseok, these are my friends that I told you about.”
The last one of your friends was the first to shake his hand. “Wow. Is that so? I hope you only hear nice things.”
At that, both you and Hoseok faked a laugh. Your friends didn’t seem to realize though.
“Yeah, nice things indeed,” you commented once your laugh died down.
You were in the middle of talking and catching up with your friends while Hoseok interjected here and there when you needed to go to the restroom. Both to relieve yourself and to hide from the awkwardness for a while. It always felt weird to merge two friend groups.
“Guys, Imma go pee for a bit, okay?”
Hoseok instinctively stood up to help you, but you gestured to him to sit back down. “I got this, don’t worry.” You gave him a small smile and went to the bathroom.
Sure it did take longer for you to just pee compared to when you weren’t injured, but it still didn’t take too long in your opinion. The cast made everything more complicated, but not particularly harder. However, when you were flushing down the toilet, you heard some talking noises, way louder than usual. It sounded more like angry yellings. And as you were washing your hands, you heard a slam of a door. What was happening?
Couldn’t stand to not know what just happened any longer, you quickly finished your business and went out, only to find your once full-of-guests living room now bare with just Hoseok in it. All the while, Hoseok was cleaning up the coffee table while humming a tune.
You didn’t even get to finish your question when he answered, “Your friends left.“
“So soon?”
He shrugged as he tossed away the cloth he used to clean. “They probably have things to do.”
“And they didn’t even say goodbye to me.” You sighed and plopped yourself on the couch. “I only heard loud noises and a door closing. They didn’t say anything to you?”
“Nope. But, I told them to get their life together before criticising people.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. Never in your friendship with your friends had you ever told them off like that. Sure they weren’t that nice, but you didn’t feel it was right to do that. Yeah, you were pretty much a coward. You scared your friends would leave you.
But to have Hoseok said that? Sure it was nice for your friends to know they were jerks, but you were surely going to lose your friends now.
You huffed and your shoulders sagged.
“What did they even do?” you asked as you watched him taking a seat beside you.
“You’ll find out. It’s better if you know it first from them.”
His answer only made you more curious and mull over what could have happened. What did they do that made a nice person like Hoseok say such a thing? Why did they leave abruptly? Would they end your friendship because of that? Would they ever explain to you what happened? So many questions were running through your head, but you couldn’t even guess the answer for any of them.
Hoseok knew how much you were distraught by what happened, so he, being the sunshine that he was, took you to watch him teaching dance to little kids.
“I’d be the oldest student there,” you whined.
“You come not as a student.” He laughed. “You come as my friend.”
“They’d be embarrassed if I watch along.”
“No way. They’re cool with it.” Then he added, “And cute.”
He wasn’t one to lie. The kids were indeed adorable. And their parents were also nice. While you were talking to the parents, the kids occasionally went to you to show you or ask you something. Mostly to ask you what happened to your foot. But one asked you a question that made your cheek heat up for the rest of the class.
“Are you Uncle Hobi’s girlfriend?”
“Oh- Umm…” you stuttered. “I-”
The parent quickly cut it before you could answer. “Don’t ask a question like that!”
“But I’m curious since he said he likes someone.”
You wondered who he liked, but you knew better than to gossip about romance with a kid. So in the end, you refrained yourself from asking.
Once the class finished, Hoseok came up to you with a proud grin and a sweaty body.
“How was it?”
“You were right. They were cute. But one little birdie told me something.” You smirk.
“Oh, no. I don’t want to see that face.”
“C’mon. Just answer me. Who are you crushing on, Hobi?”
He groaned. “You knew about my crush and the nickname. I shouldn’t have brought you here. This was a bad idea.”
“I think it’s fun,” you teased. “Now, entertain me.”
He sighed. “It’s a girl I know from one of my classes.”
“Not the nurse, huh?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Never the nurse. Did that answer your question?”
“Not really. But I’ll take it for now since you’re stinky. Go take a shower!”
“Yes, ma’am.” He laughed.
His Friday schedule, that used to be filled with a class with you, was now empty. He was a high-demand teacher, his empty classes were almost instantly filled, but no one really wanted to have a class on a Friday evening. That was reserved for laying in bed and nothing else.
So, instead of letting you mope around during the time which you should have been having a class, Hoseok took you to his secret space on the other side of the dance studio. Secret space because no one in the world knew what was inside aside from him and one curious student that accidentally found it.
Hope World was the name. Such a fitting name for a place with a warm atmosphere, two huge speakers, several smaller speakers, and two giant monitors. There were also a lot of hypebeast plushies and decorations. On the couch, on the table, even on the floor, covering most of the surface in the room.
You took a seat on the couch while feeling its soft surface beneath your hand. “What is this place?”
“This is where I make music. I’m a dance teacher by day and a music producer by night.” He grinned.
“Why did you decide to show me this? This seems… personal.”
“Because I want you to know that there’s nothing wrong with doing the things you like.” He turned on the computer and played a song.
“The song is called Blue Side. For a long time, I have had problems finishing this song. But then I found the final piece.”
“What was it?”
“I needed to let go of my past happiness for a greater happiness,” he answered without hesitation, as if he already rehearsed that. “That’s kinda the gist of the song, too. And I think you need that advice right now.”
He was right. Sacrificing your past happiness that was your old friends would probably change your life drastically. You needn't seek their validation in anything you do. Only you mattered because you were the one living your life. Question was, were you ready to let them go?
You looked at him in his eyes. A small smile played on your lips. “Thank you.”
He smiled back before going back to his computer to change the song.
“Okay enough of depressing shit. Let’s dance!” He carefully took your hands in his and pulled you up on your feet.
“I can’t dance,” you whined. “With or without the cast.”
“We’re not doing that kind of dance, you doofus. We’re just swaying along to the song.” He wrapped an arm around your waist so you could follow his sways easier. On instinct, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He swayed ever so slightly, following along the rhythm of the song. The melody filled around the room, into your ears, and out of it again. Hoseok’s strong hands held you, making sure you were steady and wouldn’t topple over. The smell of the room that was so Hoseok, you were pretty sure he used his own perfume to freshen his room. Yet, among all of these foreign things, you felt just right. You felt home.
Once you got the hang of it, you laughed. “This is the easiest dance move you’ve ever taught me.”
“Glad you think this is the easiest because I don’t know any other easier moves.”
“Well, I’m sorry for being unathletic,” you defended yourself. “I didn’t ask to be born like this.”
“What? Born naturally gorgeous?” Soon after those words left his mouth, he looked anywhere else but you, totally pretending like nothing happened.
With cheeks burning, you complained, “You can’t say that and pretend nothing happened.”
He looked back at you and laughed. “Why? Are you shy?”
You punched his chest in a joking manner.
It was when the song stopped when you realized how close you were to Hoseok. You could even smell his cologne, see his tiny freckles scattered on his face, and feel his breath that smelled like mint, a sure sign he ate too many mints. If he was handsome from a distance, he was mesmerizing up close.
Your eyes found his and you saw how captivating his eyes were. Pools of warm brown eyes, deep enough to drown and hypnotize you. And when he smiled, they turned into crescents with wrinkles at the side. Simply put, he had the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen.
Your mind snapped back into reality and you immediately let go of him in a panic. Just as you let him go, he also let you go on instinct, making you unable to keep your balance and struggle to find your footing.
“Oh, shit!” He steadied you again with his hands on your waist. “Are you alright?”
Your eyes widened at the event that just unfolded. “Yeah. Thanks for saving my life again.”
“Just so you know, I don’t mind saving you repeatedly if that’s what I need to do to keep you alright.”
It was safe to say that his words echoed in your mind for the rest of the day.
The next day, your questions from the previous days were answered.
“We’re very sorry about what we did,” one of your friends said as soon as they entered your apartment.
“Is this about when you guys left a few days ago?”
“Yes. But we have a reason for that,” another friend answered.
“And the reason being?” You raised an eyebrow, anticipating what was coming next.
You were no longer sure if you wanted to hear it.
“We talked shit about you to Hoseok,” the last one interjected. Always to the point, that one.
“We’re very sorry. I know it was wrong and stupid of us to do that. We get it if you don’t want to befriend us anymore,” the first one spoke up again.
Sure you felt sad, but a part of you knew that this had been happening long before. It was more like you waited for them to finally come clean and confess to them, so you weren’t surprised at all. And with them coming clean, you were relieved. You could finally let them go in peace. Just like what Hoseok had said.
You nodded your head slowly. You didn’t have the strength to even look at them in their eyes. “Thanks for being honest with me and for being my best friends all this time. But everything has an end and I think this is ours.”
“I assume they have apologized?” Hoseok asked after looking at your bright smile. The smile of a person who could finally let go of their burdens.
It was Sunday, the day after your friends confessed, and you were stuck in the library with him. While you wanted to listen more to his songs, he wanted to take you to the library. It took a bit of bickering, but he won in the end since you both had never been to a library together before.
“Yes. Thanks for defending me. You didn’t need to do that.” You reached for a book that was too high.
Hoseok came behind you and grabbed the book before handing it to you. “Hadn’t I done that, they’d still walk all over you.”
Oh how true his words were, but you weren’t going to admit that.
“Whatever. I’m still grateful, though.”
“You’re very welcome.”
You sat at a corner and he followed suit, sitting right beside you.
“And what did you say to them?” he asked.
You shrugged. “I don’t remember, but what’s important is that I cut ties with them. I did exactly what you had taught me.”
“I know you’re a good student. Always diligent and curious. And a fast learner, too.”
“Aren’t you proud of me?” You grinned at him.
“I’m always proud of you, ever since the first day you joined my class.”
Sure, there were days in which you wished you were more athletic, but if it weren’t for your lack of athleticism, you wouldn’t have been this close with Hoseok. Or ending your toxic friendship. So you gotta give the credits where it was due.
“Last lesson, enjoy the things you love to do unapologetically.”
“One question, what was your past happiness?”
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 10
Congratulations! You have reached the second part of my remastered Derek Hale fic. We have made it to the second “book” in the series of 3. 
After Derek becomes the new alpha, things begin to change in the small town of Beacon Hills and (Y/N) is not sure if Derek is the same person she remembers.
I woke up slowly in my bed, not remembering how I got there. Did last night really happen? Slipping out of bed, I slowly made my way into the bathroom. My eyes looked normal. I opened my mouth, inspecting my teeth- they were normal too. I slowly lifted my shirt, looking over my stomach, lighting brushing my fingertips over the pink scars that followed the path that Peter’s claws took. And as my fingers passed over, the scar disappeared. I gasped, then shrieked when a hand held my shoulder. 
Uncle Noah pulled his hand away, raising them both in surrender, “Woah, sorry. I thought you heard me. You okay, is there something on your stomach?” I dropped my shirt. 
“Oh, no.” I lied, “I just thought there was a bug bite but it was just a mole.” 
He nodded, “Right. And uh, where were you yesterday? You were gone all day, didn’t come back until early this morning.” 
Memories of last night came back. Derek had laid me down to rest in the Hale house while he bit Jackson. Or at least that’s what I overheard. He must have brought me home.
“I was visiting a friend in town, and fell asleep at her place.” I looked down, my shoulders slumping. He looked so concerned, so worried. He had enough to be worried about as it is. 
“I’m really sorry, Uncle Noah.” He waved and shook his head. 
“It’s alright, you’re an adult. Just text me back next time.” 
“Got it.”
The next week had been strange enough. I was getting used to all the things Scott had described before - better hearing, better smell, running was a breeze and the strength…It felt pretty good being able to lift up the couch to get a remote from underneath it. The only problem was making sure it dropped in time before Uncle Noah came into the room. 
The only thing that disturbed me about this entire time was that I hadn’t seen Derek since he became an alpha. And I guess… What was I to expect? We weren’t dating. But what we did have was more than dating. But did he even see what we had as romantic? How embarrassing would that be if he saw everything as purely platonic. Was I not being forward enough? I thought my cheek kisses gave it away. Derek said a connection like ours could form from a mating ritual and mating meant love and I hate the fact that it’s called mating and I never want to use that term again. I’m calling it a love ritual, screw tradition. 
I was breaking tradition anyway. I was a whole ass alpha who skipped the beta step. I skipped being a werewolf until now. Were my chakras not aligned until then? Was all the pain I went through over the last few months the reason that everything finally clicked. Maybe Deaton would know something? Apparently he was a druid. I would ask Derek but in all the time we spent together, I hadn’t gotten his phone number and going to his house was a bust since he usually wasn’t there. The only there was his scent and that scent trailed off into the woods and was usually washed away. 
In the meantime, Stiles needed to be addressed. The night I was taken was also the night that Lydia was attacked and bitten by Peter. Stiles had a very unfortunate ride with Peter that night to tie it all together. It was easy to say we both had a rough couple days. 
At Beacon Hills memorial, I eventually found him outside of Lydia’s room. He was sleeping in a hospital chair (leave it to Stiles to sleep anywhere), a get well soon balloon tied to the arm of it. I stood in front of him, watching him sleep. He also smelled like he had been covering up his body odor with body spray and it did not mix well. 
“No, just like that… You first.” He mumbled in his sleep. From the corner of my eye, I saw Mrs. McCall look over with an exasperated look. 
“Please tell me you’re here to pick him up.” 
I inhaled sharply and gave her an apologetic smile, “I don’t think I could get him to leave if I dragged him out of here.” She sighed, going back to sorting files in a cabinet. My attention turned to Lydia’s door where it appeared that her father had enough of his daughter too. He gave me a polite smile before it dropped at Stiles. 
Mr. Martin motioned for Melissa to come over and pointed towards the sleeping teen, “He’s been here all night.”
“He’s been here all weekend.” Melissa corrected him.
“He’s just really worried about Lydia.” To give him some credit, Stiles was very caring. It's just that I’m sure the Martins didn’t want this teenage boy that wasn’t Lydia’s boyfriend outside of her room for an entire weekend.
“You’re dirty.” Stiles grinned in his sleep as a woman walked by. 
“Pig.” I swatted the balloon into his face. He swatted it away and groaned as he woke up. He stood up and stretched. He opened his eyes wide, taking in the situation. 
“Stiles, why don’t you go get something from the vending machine. Lydia’s gonna be fine without you outside her door for five minutes.” I dug around in my pocket and pulled out a dollar. He took it and nodded, walking like a newborn giraffe towards the vending machine. 
“Is he…?” Mr. Martin pointed towards his head. I narrowed my eyes at him. 
“Is he what? A caring young man who has been sitting outside your daughter’s door this entire weekend to make sure whoever did this to her doesn’t come back? You would have known that he was here the whole weekend if you had been here the whole weekend. Stiles is smart, and caring, and has undiagnosed ADD, but he would never let anything hurt your daughter-” My very passionate rant was cut off by a loud crashing noise. Stiles was probably the cause. I sighed, “He is a good kid.” 
We heard coughing coming from inside Lydia’s room, followed by her screaming. Her scream was loud and pierced my ears. I pressed my hands to my ears to try and block it out. Stiles came zooming in, opening the door and rushing inside followed by Mrs. McCall.
“Lydia!” Stiles called. She was nowhere to be found inside the room. Water from  the shower was leaking all over the floor.
“What was that?” Melissa asked as we all looked at the shower door. 
“We’re about to find out.” Stiles opened the door. The shower was still running and overflowing the tub, but no sign of the red head. Mrs. McCall turned off the shower. All of our attention was brought to the open window. 
Uncle Noah, Mrs. McCall, and Mr. Martin were walking ahead of us in the corridor of the hospital. A deputy walked with Stiles and I as we tried to catch up. 
“Naked?” Uncle Noah questioned, “As in nude?”
“I’m pretty sure that means the same thing but yeah. As far as we know, she left here, clothing optional.” Mrs. McCall was pretty sassy when it came down to it. 
“Alright you check the whole hospital?”
“Every last corner." 
"Find anything suspicious?”
Shook her head, “Nothing, she just took off.”
Dad turned to the deputy, “Alright, let’s get an APB out on a sixteen year old redhead.” The deputy nodded and left.
Dad turned back to Melissa and Mr. Martin, “Any other descriptors?”
"She’s five foot three, green eyes, fair skin, and her hair is actually strawberry blonde.“ Stiles piped in. 
"Is that right?” Uncle Noah put his hands on his hips.
“Yeah.” Bad answer. Uncle Noah grabbed Stiles by the back of his neck, bring him away from Mrs. McCall and Mr. Martin. He let go of him when we were out of sight. 
“What the Hell are you still doing here?”
“Um…Providing moral support..”
“A huh, and how about you provide your ass back home? Where you should be.”
“I can do that too.”
“Yeah.” Dad pushed Stiles forward and looked pointedly towards me, “You make sure he gets there.” 
“Aye, aye, Captain.” I followed behind Stiles. On our way out, we passed a broken bending machine.
“How the f-” He grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the machine.
“It wouldn’t give my Reese’s.” I chuckled and shook my head. 
In the parking lot, we found Scott in the passenger seat of Roscoe. Stiles, who had at some point stashed Lydia’s nightgown in his jacket, handed the cloth to Scott and I so we could get her scent.
“This is the one she was just wearing?” Stiles nodded, “I’m not gonna let anyone hurt her.” Scott promised, “Not again.”
Stiles sighed, “Okay, just shove the thing in your face and find her.” We all piled into the Jeep. Stiles turned it on and shouted when we saw Allison in the headlights.
“What are you doing here?” Scott asked as she came up to the passenger window, “Someone’s gonna see us.”
“I don’t care, she’s my best friend and we need to find her before they do.”
“I can find her before the cops can.”
“How about before my father does?”
“He knows?” Stiles asked.
“Yeah.” She nodded, “I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs.”
Scott turned back to us, “Search party.”
“More like a hunting party.”
“Get in.” Scott opened his door, letting Allison sit in the middle. Feeling just the slightest bit awkward, I excused myself, opting to follow them in my own vehicle. 
Scott’s nose led us to the one place I hadn’t wanted to go to so quickly after everything had happened.  The Hale house. As they walked towards the house, I grabbed the back of Stiles' coat. There was still an eerie energy, plus I could still smell Peter’s burning corpse from wherever Derek had buried it. From the air, I could tell that he wasn’t here which was incredibly frustrating since I wanted to talk to him about the fact that I was an alpha. 
“It’s okay.” He reassured me, “Between you and Scott we’re plenty protected.” I blew out some air. 
“Yeah, if I knew how to fight, I could be the world champion.”
“She came here?” Stiles turned back to Scott, “You’re sure?”
“This is where the scent leads.”
Stiles looked over the remains of the Hale House, “But has Lydia ever been here?”
“Not with me.” Allison and Scott walked together, slowly coming closer to the house. Her scent was here but it was faint. If she was here, she’s long gone now. 
I looked towards the house, feeling a sort of pull towards it. I walked all the way to the porch, placing my palm on one of the support beams. A shot of an electric spark raced through my body, my eyes squeezing shut.
And when I opened them time had turned back six years. Flames bloomed from the cellar, little hands reaching up through the windows to the cool air outside. The sheer heat of the flames causes windows to combust. I heard the cries of children, screaming for their mothers and fathers. Screaming to find one another, screaming as the fire burned at their skins and clothes. All of them scrambling to make it out alive. Their cries for help were met by the roar of their house collapsing around them. I was inside, two parents together panicking. 
“LAURA!” The father cried. 
“DEREK! CORA!” The mother choked out. That’s when a beam from the ceiling fell, crushing them to the floor, burning the souls.
But the scene changed, it wasn’t the Hale house, it was mine. Mom and Dad were still inside, running upstairs to my room to search for me. 
“(Y/N)! WHERE ARE YOU?!” My mom shouted, an arm over her face to try to keep the smoke out of her lungs. I never told them I left, they thought I was home asleep. 
“(Y/N)! ANSWER ME!” He broke through my door, not caring that both of his arms were badly burned. From outside I could see Michael standing there, looking up into my window, watching them scramble to find me when he had already taken me. That was when the roof collapsed, sending us all down onto the main floor. My parents fell through the floor in the dining room and into the basement. Where a structural beam fell from the roof before they could even realize they fell. 
“WATCH OUT!” I shouted. But they didn’t hear me, they didn’t move. They were crushed by the beam. Before I could even register that I watched the death of my parents, I yelped. Looking down at my ankles, fire seemed to dance around them like vines. I kicked them away, scrambling to stand up and make it to the door. It grabbed at my wrists and ankles trying to drag me down the hole into the basement where my parents lay. Besides me, Derek appeared. He seemed to be immune to the flames. 
“Derek! Help!” I reached out to him, being pulled to my knees and dragged towards the hole. 
“Are you with me or against me?” he asked. 
“What?” I asked, confused and scared, “Help me! Please!” He said nothing else, only turning and walking out of the house. 
“DEREK!” I screamed as I fell back. 
“(Y/N)!” Stiles shook my shoulder. 
I opened my eyes and stared at him. The fire was gone. I pulled my hand from the wood. 
“Are you okay?” Scott asked, keeping Allison close to him, “You started screaming.” 
“Uh, yeah…” I shook my head, “No, I can’t be here right now. I’m going home. Let me know if you find her.” I left them all behind, using my supernatural speed to make it to my car and then driving home before Stiles could stop me. 
What the hell was that? What did it mean? I witnessed the Hale fire like I had been there and then I watched my parents die. And why didn’t Derek help me? Why wouldn’t he have saved me? Saving me was his thing. Kind of. Lately, I’ve been on the pay-no-mind list in Derek’s book.
 Somehow, I am a werewolf. An alpha werewolf. And if Derek didn’t care about whether I needed to see him, then I guess… I’ll be saving myself won’t I?
“Alright let’s see…” I looked over the roster for the lacrosse team. It was one of the few morning practices and getting up this morning was a nightmare. Because of well…my nightmares. I couldn’t get that vision from the Hale house out of my head. It was freaking me out. 
“Isaac Lahey?” I asked, “I don’t recognize that name.” 
“Yeah, he did really well at try-outs but he’s real skittish.” Finstock nodded towards the locker room. I shrugged. I saw Stiles and Scott finally made it into the locker room. I set down the roster and walked towards the door. 
“Ah!” He stopped me, holding out the sleep mask. It was incredibly ugly but whatever Coach says - goes. 
When I, eventually, found my way over to them blindly, Stiles told us what he had heard over police radio about Kate Argent’s grave. Someone or something had desecrated it and took her liver. And because she was still missing and possibly a werewolf, all of it was pointed towards Lydia.
“She ate the liver?” Scott asked. 
Stiles scoffed, “No, I didn’t say she ate it… I just said it was missing. And, you know what? Even if she did, so what? It’s the most nutritious part of the body.” Stiles, like the love sick puppy he was, defended her honor.
“Stiles, defending her in this situation isn’t going to make her date you.” I shook my head.
"We don’t know that.” Stiles said, even though he didn’t sound entirely sure himself.
“I never ate anyone’s liver…” Scott added. 
“Yeah, right. ‘Cause, when it comes to Werewolves, you’re a real model of self-control…” He paused, “Actually, wait– hold on. You’re the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, like, what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know? What were you drawn to?”
Scott shrugged, “Allison.”
“Okay, nothing else? Seriously?’
“Nothing else mattered. But, no, that’s good, though, right? 'Cause the night that Lydia was bitten, she was with you.”
“Yeah, but she was looking for Jackson.” Stiles said grimly. 
“LET’S GO!!” Coach’s voice boomed from his office, “I have an announcement. Gather round.” I made my way towards the voice to be at his side since that’s where the assistant Coach went. I heard lockers shutting and the shuffling of cleats. 
“Quicker! Danny, put on a shirt. Stilinski, that means you. Let’s go, gather ‘round.” When the shuffling stopped, Coach began his meeting.
“Police are asking for help on a missing child advisory. Sick girl, roaming around. Totally naked.” The team chuckled, but stopped soon after. The result of Coach’s eyes no doubt. 
“Now, it’s supposed to get under forty degrees tonight, I don’t know about you but the last time it was that cold and I was running around naked.” Where was he going with this?
Coach paused, “….I lost a testicle to exposure! Now, I don’t want the same thing happening to some innocent girl.” I looked vaguely in his direction.
“So, police are organizing a search party for tonight,” He stuck a piece of paper to the window of his office, “Sign up, find the missing girl, you get an automatic A in my class.” The guys cheered at the thought of passing economics. I followed Finstock as he went back into his office, pulling the blindfold off. 
“Really, Coach? You’re bribing them to find Lydia?”
He shrugged, "Bribe is such a strong word, I prefer forced motivation.” He leaned back in his chair, “Besides, I just told a gaggle of horny teenage boys that they will find a naked teenage girl and that they’ll get an A. It's a win-win for them.” 
“That’s not-” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lahey changing into his uniform. There were dark bruises all over his back. 
“Coach, have you noticed Isaac’s bruises?”
He gave me a confused look, “You do remember this is a contact sport, right?”
I shook my head, “No I mean, like if he weren’t at practice one day and the next he comes with a black eye, does that concern you?”
He shook his head, “Boys will be boys.” What an outdated concept. But something was going on with Isaac. Something terrible.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Derek’s voice rang through my head. Oh, now is when he decides to say anything to me? Some vague messages.
I must have had a strange look on my face because Coach spoke up, “You okay, (Y/N)?” 
“I’m fine.” 
Finstock had me stay throughout the day to help him prepare for the state championships that would be hosted at Beacon Hills. We had to make a player profile for each guy on the roster. I was about to grab Stiles' file when Coach asked me to go to the copy room and make more copies. It gave me a chance to stretch my legs and get out of the locker room that constantly smelled like BO.
I was roaming the halls, following the vague directions that Coach had given me. Two rights and a left. I had yet to turn left. This school was basically just a big circle. Around the next corner, Jackson appeared, pushing me into the lockers to get by me. 
“Hey-” I started to say, but he had already gone into the men’s bathroom.
I heard a distant knocking, “I’m fine, Danny, just go back to class.” I heard him say. This werewolf hearing was something else. 
“Just give me a second, okay?” No one had followed him into the bathroom. 
“I said give me a friggin’ second!……Derek?” Derek was there. Oh, he could make time to visit douche nose at school but I can’t get a…mind-message…back.
“You’re lookin’ a little pale there Jackson. You feeling okay?”
“Never better.” Jackson’s voice was trembling slightly. When focusing a little more, I could feel his heart racing.
“If something’s wrong, I need to know. You’re with me now.”
“Wait, with you? Me with-” Jackson chuckled, “You? What am I, your little pet? I mean, just because you gave me the bite doesn’t mean I’m part of your little wolf pack. Sorry, but to be honest, you don’t show outstanding leadership qualities.”
“Is that so?” Derek sounded amused. 
“Look, I’ve got my own agenda. Which doesn’t involve running around the woods at night, howling at the moon, with you and McCall, OK? So why don’t you just back the f-” Jackson was cut off, a crash followed. 
“What is it?” Jackson was panicking, “What’s happening?”
“Your body’s fighting the bite.”
“I don’t know.”
Jackson turned back, “What does it mean? What does it mean!?” The door to the bathroom opened and Derek came face to face with me. 
“So, you can’t make the time of day or night for me, but you can break into a high school and see Jackson?” He opened his mouth, “And don’t blame it on being a fugitive, okay? That got blamed on Kate weeks ago and you were exonerated. What the hell?” He looked around and then grabbed my arm, pulling me into a janitor’s closet. 
“You need to stay away from Isaac.” He said as soon as the door was closed. 
“Excuse you, he is one of my players. If I need to look into his home life, I have an obligation to if I believe there is abuse.”
“I’m handling it.” 
“Then he is being abused, now I have to go to the school board.” I pulled on the doorknob to open the door, but he kept it shut with his arm on the door. 
I sighed in frustration, “Ya know, you said that after the alpha thing was over we would talk and figure… Whatever it is we have out. But you’ve been actively avoiding me. You don’t get to act pissy with me, buddy.” I poked his chest. He huffed, pressing me up against the door. He pressed his forehead against mine so our eyes met. His eyes were blazing red, so I flashed my eyes back at him. 
“You forget, I’m just as strong and intimidating as you.” 
“I didn’t forget.” His face softened and the red left his eyes, “I’m sorry. I should be around. Especially since you’re just starting out.” I felt the tension leave my shoulders. 
“I really needed you. I’m scared that I’m going to turn on the full moon and kill Uncle Noah and Stiles because I can’t control it. You’re not supposed to go from human to alpha so quickly, there’s not time to know anything. I needed you there.” 
“I know you did-” 
“So where were you?” I pushed him away a little, “You said that if I called for you, you would come. I called, you didn’t show up. I looked for you in the woods for hours, trying to trace your scent but it would just disappear.” 
“Promise me you won’t do that again.” He said seriously, “Hunters are flocking here for the funeral.” 
“I was careful-”
“You can never be careful enough.” 
I shook my head, biting my lip, “What’s going on? I keep having nightmares about the fire and you. And you scare me.” 
Derek nodded, “Something’s coming. And we’re stronger as a two alpha pack.” 
I looked at him for a while, the pieces fitting together, “Is that where you’ve been? Making a pack?”
“That’s not all it is.” 
“Then what is it?!” I snapped, “Because I thought I was more important to you than that - keeping things from me. You told me that we could help each other after everything was figured out.” 
He blew out through his nose, “Tonight, I want you to meet me in the woods by your house. I’ll explain.” 
I shook my head, “Right, cause that went so well last time.” 
“You don’t have to be scared anymore, he’s gone.” He reached out, hesitantly holding my hand, “I made sure he could never, ever hurt you again.”
“You did.” I lightly ghosted my thumb over his knuckles. It was insane how calming his touch was. This morning I was pissed at the thought of him, but one small touch was enough to calm my nerves.
“I was trying to be mad at you.” I pouted at him. He chuckled and smiled.
“And now?” I will say this at least. His smile was contagious. He could be charming when he wanted. I wanted him to be able to smile and laugh and be happy. I wanted… I wanted that for us, whatever “us” was. 
I couldn’t help but smile at him, shaking my head, “I’m still mad, just less.” I poked his chest. He grabbed my hand and pulled my body against his. 
“Is there anything I can do about that?” He ran his hands over my back, squeezing my hips lightly. I hummed, thinking for a moment. 
“Why don’t you make me dinner? Romance me.” 
He shrugged, “Why not?” 
“Good. Just let me know when.” I winked, playfully pushing myself off his chest, walking back out into the hallway in the pursuit of the copy machine. 
On the drive home, I got a call from Stiles. I answered it, putting my phone on speaker.
“Hey Stiles, how was detention?” I said cheerfully. 
There was silence, “How’d you know about that?” 
“Word travels in the teacher’s lounge.” 
“Okay, Harris is psycho okay? Because he had to talk to my dad about Kate Argent, I get to be his punching bag now.”
“What a dick. I’m surprised he didn’t get arrested as an accessory after the fact.”
“Anyway, the reason I called is because it looks like the patriarch of the Argents has arrived. His name is Gerard, Scott says he sounds Scottish, bald, pasty, ya know.”
“Right….Okay, so I’m gonna make dinner. I’ll put some in the fridge for you and Uncle Noah. Since I know for a fact that you won’t be home in time.” I pulled into the driveway. 
“Why? Where are you going? You’re supposed to help us find Lydia.” 
I sighed, “I am aware. And I will, but I have a meeting tonight.” I turned off my car and took my phone off the speaker, putting it between my cheek and shoulder to hold it as I walked up and unlocked the door. 
“A meeting? You mean you’re meeting with Derek?” He sounded accusatory over the phone. 
“So what? I am an adult, if I want to meet with Derek, I will.” 
“I would prefer that you didn’t. He’s probably the Argent’s prime focus.”
“According to their code, Derek is not on their-” I thought about it, “Well, he’s on their radar, but he’s not on their hit list.” 
“Yeah well, I don’t think this new guy is like Chris. And I don’t want you to take a bullet for him.” 
I got into the house and closed the door, “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Understand what? Do you have a crush on him or something? You guys gonna make a litter?”
I looked at the phone in disgust, “That was way out of line, Stiles. I don’t think I care for you talking to me like that. After all the crap I’ve done for you.” 
“Like what? Treating me like a kid?” 
“You’re sixteen! You are a kid! I want you to be a normal sixteen year old, but instead you’re getting kidnapped by murderous psychos and throwing Molotov cocktails at said murderous psycho. The most stressful thing you should be worrying about is an economics exam.” I leaned against the counter, “You’re one of the only people I have left. I just don’t want to lose you.” 
“I can handle myself. I have for a long time.” I wanted to say that sarcasm to cope with his feelings was not handling it, but that would only make him more upset.
“Okay. I guess I’ll just stay out of your life then.” I hung up the phone as he tried to say something else. I just… had so much anger. How dare he say that? After everything we had been through together and I was the bad guy now? I stomped into the living room and grabbed a pillow from the couch, pressing it to my face and screaming into it. When I pulled my face away, I realized that in my anger I had grown claws and they had stabbed into the pillow. 
“Oh…” I inspected the damage, low and behold - ten puncture marks with fluff falling out, “Shit.” I set the pillow back down on the couch and flipped it so the undamaged side was out. I looked down at my hands, the claws were still out. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. Just need to calm down. Everything’s fine. He’s stressed because Lydia’s missing and possibly a werewolf. And I have been stressed this whole… year basically. When I looked down at the hands again, the claws were gone. Okay, good, getting better at that. Just need to relax and wait until I can meet with Derek. 
By the time I got out into the woods, Derek was already there, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. 
“Well, look who it is.” I grinned, “Mr. Fugitive himself.” 
He chuckled and shook his head, “In the flesh.” 
“Hmm, you would have hated that joke a couple weeks ago.” 
“I would hate it if Stiles said it.” He said. I nodded. 
“That’s fair.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and sighed, “He majorly pissed me off today.” He wrapped one arm around me and lifted my chin up to meet his eyes with his other hand. 
“What he said was out of line, like you said.” I gave him a confused look, because how would he know? But then I remembered. 
“Right. Connection thing. I’m sure that was a nice vision for you.” He sighed and rested his chin on the top of my head. 
“Yeah…. You should probably buy new pillows.”
“Oh we got jokes now?” I chuckled, then pulled away slightly, “Alright, tell me what’s going on.” Derek broke away. 
“So obviously hunter’s are everywhere, which is danger number one. The other thing is that Jackson’s body is rejecting the bite.” 
“That’s possible?” 
“I’m not sure, but there’s a major possibility that he’s going to die.” 
I stared at the ground, scratching my head, “Alright. This is already more complicated than last time.” Derek was about to say more when we both heard it. 
“You’re not Lydia��Wait!” It was far away, but I could hear it like he was next to me. 
“Scott.” We both said, running as fast as we could in that direction. There was another voice besides Scott. A heavy, scratchy breathing like someone was running. 
“Wait, stop!” Scott shouted as we got closer. Eventually we found him, he was about to run into a clearing where a scruffy looking man was up in a trap. A hunter’s trap. Derek grabbed Scott and pulled him behind a tree. Another scent was in the air. Gun powder, monkshood, steel. Hunters. 
“What are you doing? I can help him!” Scott shouted, struggling to get out of Derek’s hold.  
“They’re already here.” Derek said. 
“I can help him!” He shouted again. 
“Quiet!” Derek muttered. Scott looked back at me to see if I would help him. I gave him a sad look and shook my head. 
Soon we saw a group of men come down from the embankment just opposite of us, walking towards the struggling werewolf who was hung upside down by his feet. Chris Argent walked forward, not phased by the werewolf snapping his fangs at him. The new face in the crowd must have been Gerard, who Stiles described pretty well. This wasn’t going to end well. 
“Who are you?” Chris asked, “What are you doing here?”
“Nothing. Nothing, I swear.” The man pleaded.
You’re not from here, are you? Are you?!” He shouted.
“No. No, I came-I came looking for the Alpha. I heard he was here. That’s all.” I looked to see the look on Derek’s face, but he was all stone. 
“Look, I didn’t do anything. I didn’t hurt anyone. No one living. He wasn’t alive in the ambulance. He wasn’t, I swear.” This guy was living off dead remains, which meant that he was a desperate man. The type of werewolf they were looking for to blame for whoever dug up Kate and ate her liver.
“Gentlemen!” Gerard addressed the group, “Take a look at a rare sight!” He looked to Chris, “You wanna tell them what we’ve caught?”
“An Omega.”
“The lone wolf! Possibly kicked out of his own pack, or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down, maybe even murdered… and possibly alone by his own choice…” He paused, looking at the dangling man and chuckling, “Certainly not a wise choice… Because, as I am about to demonstrate” He turned back to the others, pulling a long sword from them,” An Omega rarely survives on his own.” Gerard swung the sword, slicing the man in half. I covered my mouth to hold back my gasp as we watched blood and organs spill from the man’s lower half. 
“Look. Look.” Derek said quietly, making sure Scott saw the brutal murder, “Look at them! You see what they do? This is why you need me– why we need each other. The only way to fight them is together.
“What are they doing?” Scott asked in a hushed voice. 
“Declaring war.”
Chris hadn’t looked at the crime, “We have a Code.”
“Not when they murder my daughter. No Code. Not anymore. From now on, these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half. Are you listening?” He addressed the group, “Because I don’t care if they’re wounded and weak. Or seemingly harmless, begging for their life with the promise that they will never, ever hurt anyone. Or some desperate, lost soul with no idea what they’re getting into. We find them. We kill them. We kill them all.”
Read part 11 here!
Is this considered a slow burn fic since they haven’t kissed yet?
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kaimelia · 3 years
Heartbeats (Ch 5)
a/n: hi! sorry for the delay with this...but it’s back!
Amelia grimaced as she tied the back of her husband's hospital gown, wincing at the sight of his pale skin. He'd definitely lost weight, even if it had only been a few weeks since he started chemo. She sighed and dropped her hand from his back, lightly tracing down his spine as she did so. "You're feeling okay?" Link turned to face her.
"Not really." He sat down on the bed, running his hand over the neatly made sheets on the bed. Amelia crossed her arms as she watched him.
"So, we haven't really talked since our fight."
"Do we have time for this right now?" She cringed and looked down into her lap, where her hands were neatly folded over each other, her thumb absentmindedly running over the back of her hand. "Teddy said she would be coming in soon to examine me before surgery." Amelia nodded, grabbing her phone from her purse. She'd spent the past week sleeping in the guest room, avoiding any time where the two of them might be alone in fear of the fight that would break out between them.
"I'll bring Scout to come and visit after surgery. Once you're cleared, of course." Link smirked at his wife.
"As long as I don't look too scary," he muttered, pulling the thin blanket over his legs. "If there are too many wires, he might freak out and think I'm a robot now."
"I think he'll be fine. He kept asking me what parts of your body they're going to cut open; he's a pretty gruesome kid." They both laughed momentarily, freezing like statues when the door was pushed open.
"Hey, we just need to take some blood before surgery and examine you again," Teddy spoke, walking towards Link. He sat up and held his arm out. "Hopefully, the poking and prodding will stop soon," she joked, inserting a needle into his arm.
"I'm surprised I've got any left; it feels like someone comes in here to take blood every hour."
"Well, you're a pretty good sport." Teddy pulled off her gloves, closing the vial of blood and placing it down on her cart. "I'll send an intern to check on you in about an hour, and then I'll be here to take you up to surgery at noon." She rubbed Link's shoulder lightly in support before exiting the room, leaving Amelia to pull a stool over to the bed.
"I told my parents," he confessed, taking her hand in his. "They were really freaked out, my mom cried, and my dad went silent, so you've gotta keep them updated during surgery." Her free hand moved to the side of Link's face, and she kissed him slowly, pulling back and resting her forehead against his.
"Thank you. For telling them," she whispered. Link could feel the smile that was playing across her lips as he leaned up to kiss her again, his hand wrapping around her head to pull her down to him. "Mm," she moaned at the familiar feeling of her husband's lips on hers.
"I missed you." His voice was low as he pulled her closer to him, Amelia throwing one of her legs over his body on the hospital bed so she was straddling him.
"Oh, crap, I'll come back," a voice spoke from the doorway. The couple broke apart quickly, Amelia almost falling off the bed as she pulled back just for Link's hand to wrap around her back and catch her.
"Nico, I didn't realize you were coming," Link muttered, steadying his wife as she stood up. "Sorry, now is fine." The other orthopedic surgeon shook his head in amusement and approached Link, pulling his stethoscope from his neck.
"Your heart rate is elevated; any explanation for that?" Nico teased, pulling up the chart on the tablet. "But, everything looks fine. Surgery should only take about 4 hours, and I'll have Levi make sure to text you updates," he motioned towards Amelia. "And again. We're not looking for complete margins today; we're just hoping to remove enough of the cancer to stop it from spreading further around your body while you continue chemo."
"You say that like I haven't done this surgery myself," Link mused, grabbing Amelia's hand.
"It's different when you're the patient. I'm still required to explain everything in simple terms and make sure that you both understand." Nico entered the man's blood pressure into the tablet and shut it off. "Any questions?"
"Can I sign a DNR before surgery?" Amelia's jaw dropped, and her eyebrows rose up to the ceiling as she released her husband's hand.
"I'll have a nurse bring that in for you," Nico muttered, quickly excusing himself from the room. The door locked shut, and Amelia made eye contact with Link.
"What is this about a DNR?" He sighed, scooching over in the bed to create space for her.
"Look, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and if anything happens, I don't want you to have to hold onto some tiny strand of hope that I might one day get better." Link watched a tear roll down her face. "Amelia, please don't cry. This surgery is just to remove some of the cancer; I'm not going to die during it. I just want to start making sure that everything will be taken care of if something does happen in the future."
"I just wish you had told me before. I need to know what's going on with everything, especially what you're thinking about."
"I called our lawyer and got my will in order. Mine hadn't been updated since the pandemic." He placed a hand under her chin, tilting her face to look at him. "Amelia, what you said the other week made me feel terrible. I haven't been checking in on you as much as I should be, and I know this is insanely difficult for you, too." She glanced down at his arm, her lips forming a pout. "So, I want to make sure that if everything goes to shit and something happens to me, you'll both be okay. Everything will be taken care of, and all you'll have to do is take care of each other."
"Link, please don't talk like that," Amelia nearly cried out, whimpering as she placed her hand on his chest. "I don't want to think about that, okay?" He dropped a kiss on the top of her head and brought her closer to his body.
"Okay, let's just lay here for a little while, okay? I'm not going anywhere, Amelia."
"Schmitt says they'll be closing up soon," Meredith rubbed her hand up and down her sister's back. "He's alright, Amelia." The brunette pursed her lips, running her hands through her hair.
"Am I gonna freak out every time he has surgery? Cause they've got, like, three more planned as of now, and if this happens every time, I think I might have a heart attack."
"I was almost convinced you were going to have a panic attack for a minute there. We'll find some distractions or do some fancy breathing techniques." Amelia grinned and pulled her phone out of her pocket. "When are you heading home?"
"Uh, I'll wait for Link to wake up and stay with him a bit. Scout's a little terrified, though, so I'm gonna bring him tomorrow when Link looks less like a zombie." She dragged her fingers over the seams of the couch in the attendings' lounge, glancing up at her sister. "Thank you for staying with me."
"Of course."
"Hey, look who's awake," Amelia whispered, cupping her husband's face with her hand. He smiled tiredly and brought his hand up to cover hers.
"Hey," his voice was hoarse as he spoke. "How did it go?"
"As planned, they got decent margins, and now you're sentenced back to chemo for the next few weeks." She sat down on the side of the bed. "How do you feel?"
"Like I just woke up from surgery, and I'm super high on painkillers," he muttered, a wider grin showing on his face. "How long until I can go home?"
"You've got a day or two here. I'm heading home in a bit to go comfort Scout; he's still not convinced that you're not dead, even though Maggie got him pizza and spent the afternoon with him explaining that surgery went fine." He nodded, holding an arm open.
"Come cuddle," he moaned tiredly, shoving his face back down into the pillow.
"I have to leave soon. You're not the only one I have to take care of here, just one of many men in my life," she teased, slowly easing herself down into his embrace. "Just for a little bit."
"Mm. I love you, Amelia."
"You are on so many painkillers," she joked, kissing his hand. "But, I love you too."
"Mommy!" Amelia grinned and kneeled down to greet her son, her arms spread widely before she embraced him tightly, kissing the side of his head.
"Hey, Scout," she picked him up, balancing the boy on her hip. "How was your day with Aunt Maggie?" Amelia made eye contact with Maggie and grinned widely, mouthing a quick 'Thank you' before Maggie excused herself, brushing her hand over her sister's shoulder as a goodbye.
"We went to the park, and Aunt Maggie got ice cream for us!" She smiled and walked into the living room, her mouth dropping at the sight in front of her.
"And what is this?"
"We made a pillow fort!" She set Scout down and got onto her hands and knees, crawling into the entrance of the fort. Scout followed her in and grabbed the stuffed giraffe past the opening, clinging it to his chest and laying onto the floor that had been covered in pillows and blankets. "Is Daddy okay?"
"Yeah, didn't Aunt Maggie tell you? They cut into his chest," she reached over to tickle her son's chest, "and took out some of the cancer so that Daddy can feel better." He giggled as she continued to tickle him, rolling over in the small area. Once she stopped, Scout moved to cuddle into her side, tucking his giraffe in between them.
"When do I see Daddy?"
"Tomorrow, once he's recovered a bit from surgery." She glanced down at him to see him sucking on his thumb, a nervous habit he'd developed, and they'd tried hard to get rid of. "Hey, Daddy's okay," her voice fell to a whisper, and she pulled Scout closer to her body.
"It's scary when Daddy has surgery. I don't like it." Amelia sighed and looked up at the thin sheet creating a make-shift ceiling over them, letting in a bit of light from the kitchen.
"I know, it's scary for all of us, even for Daddy. But, no more surgery for a little while, now he's going to get more medicine." A quiet sniffle filled the space, and Amelia quickly moved her hand to brush through his hair. "Hey, you're feeling really scared?" He nodded his head with tears in his eyes, grabbing his giraffe again.
"I don't want Daddy to die." The mother pouted her lip out, her eyebrows furrowing as her son looked up at her.
"I promise that he's okay right now." She pulled up a blanket from near a wall of the fort and pulled it over them. "How about we sleep in here tonight? Just you and me, and tomorrow we'll go to visit Daddy." He nodded. "I'll be right here when you wake up, don't worry." Amelia stayed awake until she felt her son's breathing settle into a pattern and the familiar light snores coming from his mouth. "Goodnight," she whispered, closing her own eyes and allowing herself to finally relax for the first time that day.
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dine-on-darling · 4 years
Animal Chaos
The Animal Chaos devilgram is filled to the brim with some vore teasing, so as the resident Shall We Vore representative, of course I had to do a rewrite to give the real way the story went~
Based on the devilgram, so a lot of the dialogue leading up to the vore and a little bit after is from the game.
Darling had grown used to all the craziness of the Devildom pretty quickly. She hadn’t been left with much of a choice given how something weird seemed to happen every five seconds or so. Still, even this was...
“Mammon, what the hell was that?” Darling waved a hand in front of her face to get rid some of the smoke still curling about thanks to the magical item Mammon had thrown to the ground; the same smoke that had apparently turned her friends into... animal boys. Another day in the Devildom, then.
“Look, it’s a magical item that turns you into an animal! the effects wear off after a few hours. Pretty cool, right?” His new tiger tail flicked back and forth behind him, and every now and then his matching ears would twitch on top of his head.
Belphegor looked far less pleased by his own new traits, his fox ears drooped low. “Why did you have to drag me in to this?”
“C’mon, what’s the big deal?”
Darling watched them bicker back and forth, eyes flitting between them in mild shock. Idly, she felt the top of her own head, and to her surprise she felt something that hadn’t been there moments before.
“Woah, Darling, you’ve got horns!” Levi pointed to the top of her head, only confirming that she wasn’t imagining things.
“What kind? Am I some kind of deer?” She tilted her head back to try and get a glimpse, but however they were positioned wasn’t making that easy.
“Nah, I think you’re a gazelle.” Belphie said.
“Oh, really? Those are pretty cool, graceful and all that.” She reached up to touch her pointer fingers to the tips lightly.
Levi laughed. “At least I’m not the only herbivore.” He leaned over for a high five, which Darling gladly returned with a laugh of her own.
“Yeah,but what does it say about you that the only other herbivore is a human, Levi?” Mammon teased, flicking one of his little brother’s giraffe horns.     
His face turned beat red, and he swatted at Mammon’s hand. “Shut it, scumbag!”
Before more insults could be hurled, there was a low growl resounding through the room, and all heads turned to look at the source.
Beelzebub, bushy lion tail hanging sadly behind him, pressed a hand to his stomach. “... I’m hungry. I could eat a whole zebra.”
“Geez, sounds like your appetite transformed as well.” Mammon said.
“Also...” Beel blushed, his eyes flicking to and away from Darling. “Darling... smells really good right now...”
Mammon took a step back, his ears standing straight up and his tail going stock still. “Your jokin’, right? You can’t go around eating people just ‘cause you’re a lion right now!” 
Like he wasn’t even fully aware he was doing it, Beel walked a step closer to Darling. “Darling looks so yummy...” 
“Lol, you carnivores are such beasts.” Levi shook his head.
“How about I eat you first.” Mammon growled, angling his head in his direction.
“Hey! You can’t seriously be thinking of eating some poor, innocent giraffe, can you?”
Belpie sat back, folding his arms. “Levi probably tastes bad. If I’m going to eat someone, I’d rather it be Darling.” He nodded his head lazily in her direction.
“Oh, I guess you’re a carnivore too, Belphie. And excuse me! I’ll have you know that i’m delicious!”
“Levi... Maybe that’s not the battle you should be fighting right now.” Darling sighed.
Mammon pressed is hand to his own stomach, a curious expression on his face. “I do feel kinda strange... And Darling does look really appetizing right now...” 
Darling’s new set of ears twitched at his words, weird, like an involuntary fear response. She’d hardly spent much time being truly afraid of the brothers, even if she should, but it was like she could feel some new instincts creeping up, telling her to beware the vicious predator. But it was only Mammon, he’d never do anything to actually hurt her... Right? She played it off with a joke. “Well, of course I do~”
He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Is that somethin’ you should be bragging about?”
Beel’s baritone voice interjected into the conversation. “Cut it out, you guys...! I won’t let anyone eat Darling! Over my dead body!”
Darling blinked up at the gluttony demon, his ears folded back against his head and a small hint of fangs showing as he talked. She hadn’t expected him to jump to her defense so strongly. Though, she thought she noticed something else in his expression after, some sort of hesitance in the way he brought his hand up to grip his wrist.
Mammon put his hands up to placate him. “We’re just jokin’. Did ya really think we’d eat someone so important to us?”
Belphie leaned forward, his eyes squinted as he examined his twin. “Beel, you seem like you’re in pain. Are you okay?”
A loud groan filled the room, a familiar sound that was already normally so loud but now seemed to be even further amped up. Beel clutched his stomach, his face scrunching up. “Ngh... Darling...!”
“Heh, I gotcha.” Mammon leaned forward with a smirk and poked a finger against Beel’s stomach. “You’re tellin’ us off, but you’re the one who wants to eat Darling the most!”
Darling rose from the couch, putting a hand out towards Mammon. “Mammon, hey-”
Beel’s stomach growled again. “Ngh...” And quick as that he spun on his heel and took off running, out of the common room and away from them... from her.
Belpie stood up too after his brother. “Beel! Wait, where are you going?” He took a step, but Darling placed her hand on is arm to stop him.
“Let me go after him, please?” No, no, no, her prey instincts screamed, run fast and far away from the predator.
He looked at her with concern. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Yeah, no way.” Mammon spoke up. “You saw him, he totally wants to eat you right now!”
“So do you.” She pointed out.
Mammon and Belphie both blushed, suddenly unable to meet her eyes.
“That’s why you should stick with me until this spell wears off.” Levi said. “Come back to my room; us herbivores can barricade there to protect ourselves.”
“Guys, please.” She said, already starting to back towards where Beelzebub went. He’s so much faster than her, she’s going to have to hurry if she wants to catch up. “Trust me, I promise it’s fine; please let me talk to him.” Maybe she should give in to her instincts, her common sense to stay away, but something stronger and more powerful pulled her to follow him. So she turned and ran after him without waiting for a response from the others.
She actually found him not too far away, leaning against a banister with his back to her. “Beel!” She called out to him.
He stiffened, and after only a beat he took off running again, not looking back at her.
“Beel, wait!” She urged her legs to move faster. Stupid demon speed, stupid human speed... Wait, stupid human speed feels somewhat faster than she remembered; was this somehow due to her new gazelle features? Whatever the case, she was able to keep up with Beel a lot better than she normally would have been able to.
“Don’t follow me...!” He called back to her without breaking stride. “Go back to the others! The way I am right now... I might eat you!”
“No you won’t! Please, stop running from me, Beel!” She continued to chase him.
“You’re still trying to follow me? You never know when to give up, Darling. Until I’m back to normal, i’m not sure that I’ll be able to control myself; so please, just leave me alone for a bit.”
“No way! I’m worried about you, Beelzebub, so i want to stay with you no matter how dangerous you say it is.” Darling huffed. They were in a long stretch of hallway and she saw a chance. He’d started to slow a bit, distracted by their conversation, and she pushed her legs to close the distance, sliding past him baseball style and skidding to a stop in front of him. She spread her arms wide, Beel almost tripping over himself in his haste to stop before he crashed into her.
They both stood there, breaths coming out in pants and staring the other down, waiting for one to break and give in. Darling poured every ounce of her resolve into her eyes.
“... you’re really not going to give in?” Beel shifted, shoulders slumping as he loosened the tension in his body and caved to her; and then, he smiled. “Fine, you win; I’m not going to run from you anymore.”
Darling’s arms flopped to her sides and she slumped forward, letting out a huge breath. “Good... phew, damn that was exhausting. Ah, I think my legs are going to hate me for the next month.”
Beel stepped forward to pat her on the back. “Honestly, that was pretty impressive.”
Despite her exhaustion, she laughed. “Yeah, it was, huh? Even with this animal spell, I never knew I had that in me.” She lifted her head, looking at him with a smile.
As soon as she looked at him like that, a blush appeared on his face and his eyes skipped away from her face to look anywhere else. “I appreciate you being willing to stay with me, but...Ah, it’s no good!” His gaze came back, hunger pouring out of the purple, and with it a hand rose to grip her chin, the other flexing against her bicep. “You look more delicious than anything in the world right now, I can barely stand it. Everything about you: your scent makes my stomach growl, and I can’t look at your skin without thinking about how it’s taste against my tongue, what you’d feel like slipping down my throat and deep into my stomach... Dammit!” He growled, squeezing his eyes shut and ducking his head.
“Hey... Hey, it’s alright, Beel; look at me.” She brought her hands up to cup his face, but he only shuddered and squeezed his eyes tighter. She frowned, how could she get through to him? “Beel...”
Darling ran her thumb along his cheek, and then she pulled his face forward and pressed a firm kiss directly to his lips.
That pulled a groan from him, and finally his half lidded eyes looked into hers. “Darling... No... No, that only makes me want to have you more. It’s like I got the smallest sample of the world’s greatest meal, I... I can’t...” Another growl, and this time faster than Darling could blink she was on the floor, Beelzebub’s nose pushed into the crook of her neck. “You smell so delicious.”
Darling pushed against his shoulders but it was no use, he was simply way too strong and so much bigger than her. “Beel, come on, you have to fight the urge. It’s only the lion instincts making you like this, please, you have to try and tap into your normal self.”
“That...” His hold on her tightened like he was almost scared to admit what he’d say next. “That won’t help.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean these feeling aren’t entirely new; I’ve wanted to eat you for a while now, but I’ve been pushing that desire away this whole time, all these animal instincts are doing is making it stronger but it’s not creating them.”
Darling felt everything around her still, she couldn’t even form a response. Sweet, precious Beelzebub had really been hiding the fact that he wants to devour her this whole time?
“I’ve been so scared of admitting it, I never wanted to chase you off and ruin things between us.”
“Wha- i think digesting me would do more than simply “ruin” thing between us, Beel.”
He pulled his head back abruptly, arms moving to frame her head as he looked down at her. “I would never digest you!”
She raised an eyebrow, trying very hard not to shrink and scramble away from him, knowing that would only put more hurt into his eyes. “But you already said you’ve been fantasizing about eating me,” She could barely get the word out. “I think you of all people would be very familiar with what happens to things that get eaten.”
He shook his head. “i want to eat you, sure, but I never want to hurt you. I... I could make it safe...” He blushes. “There are all kinds of protection spells out there, I even already know a couple of them.”
“So then if you weren’t holding back out of fear of hurting me...?”
“I was afraid I’d make you uncomfortable if I gave in and asked; I know the concept is pretty odd and even a bit terrifying to humans.”
Darling could hardly believe the situation she was in right now; if it weren’t for Beel’s still growling stomach, one would be able to hear a pin drop. “Okay,” She took a breath. “First of all, could you please let me sit up.”
His ears stiffened as though he’d only now realized what position he had her in, and he quickly pushed himself up and scooted back to give her some space.
“Thank you.” She raised a hand to run it through her hair. “This is kind of a lot to take in, if I’m being honest.”
Beel clutched his wrist to his chest, a clear nervous sign of his. “I know...” Another growl tore out of his stomach and he winced.
“I hate seeing you in pain like this...” The mental cogs in her head were turning as she looked at him, an idea clear and building. The prey instincts screamed and scolded her for even humoring it, but another part of her thought back to what he’d said earlier, his description of the hunger she made him feel and of her being swallowed up into his stomach. She wondered how it’d feel to be surrounded by him like that... Why was her face so hot? “You can really promise I won’t be digested?” Was she really going through with this?
The look on his face made it clear he couldn’t believe it either. It took him a couple seconds to find his words. “I, uh, yeah, yeah i promise I wouldn’t ever allow you to get hurt, especially by me.”
She chewed on her lip for a minute, wrestling with logical thought and primal fear and this new desire she’d never been able to entertain before. “I trust you, Beel; I know for a fact that you would never betray me.”
“Then you’re saying...!”
She looked into his eyes, a sure smile on her face. “If this is what will help you stop being in pain, then of course I will.”  
Cautiously, oh so cautiously, he crawled back over towards her. “You’re... sure?”
“Positive.” She cupped his cheek in her hand. "Ah, what about these horns, though?" She gestured to the top of her head.
 "Hm. They might be a bit of a challenge... but nothing I can't handle." Smiling affectionately, he placed a hand between her horns to lightly ruffle her hair. "Thank you,Darling."  A soft kiss was pressed to her forehead. "I promise to keep you safe." And then he whispered some words in a tongue that she had no idea what they meant, but they caused a warmth to wash over her like a blanket of security. 
 His tongue flicked out over the spot he kissed, before he shuffled back a bit until he was kneeling by her feet, gingerly picking up both and lifting them towards his opening mouth. She couldn't help the way her breath hitched at the sight. Shit, this was actually happening; Beel was actually going to eat her. Even knowing it was safe, she knew at least some of the fear she felt was a basic human instinct running back to their time closer to the bottom of the food chain. 
 He paused once her feet hit the back of his throat, and he looked up at her, giving her one last chance to back away from this precipice. She nodded her head, giving him the silent go ahead. He swallowed, deeply, as though he were a man starving, and she felt the slick muscles suck her feet and legs deeper within, until quick as that she was up to her thighs right below her hips. Her feet already pushed into the wider space of his stomach. A groan shuddered through Beel; and though his mouth was occupied, she could tell he was smiling. She shivered at the feeling of his tongue running over her thighs, tasting her skin and drinking in her flavor. His jaw ground lightly against her, not enough to hurt but enough to make it clear he was very much enjoying this meal. 
 He grabbed her by the waist and in one smooth motion hefted her up so she was now upright, looking down at what awaited her. Another heavy gulp and she slid further; first to her chest, her arms pinned to her sides, and soon her entire vision was engulfed by the cavernous mouth. Hot breath washed over her and she twitched at the ticklish sensation. The muscles of his throat though, she was surprised at how soft it felt against her face. Something pressed tenderly against her from outside the throat, and she figured it was safe to assume that pressure was Beel feeling her as she slide through his throat, until finally the large bulge of her head dipped into his chest. She felt his grunt of discomfort more than she heard it as his throat struggled with her horns, but there was never a possibility of her being too much of a meal for the avatar of gluttony to handle. She piled into his stomach, forced to curl up into a ball in the constricting space. A deep sigh resounded around her, satisfaction singing out of it. 
"You taste even better than I imagined." His voice rumbled through her.
 Hesitantly, she placed a hand on the stomach wall before her; her hand involuntarily flinching back at first contact. "Beel?" 
 "Yeah? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Concern laced his voice, and his hands gripped the under side of his stomach. 
 "I- I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm a little in shock still I guess; you actually did it. I'm in a stomach." Her skin wasn't burning and melting off, so she figured that meant whatever spell he put on her earlier was working as intended. 
 "I did, yeah." She couldn’t see his expression, but she could hear the nerves in his usually so steady voice, now so vulnerable and unsure; not about her safety, but for the standing of their relationship with this new introduction. "How do you feel?" 
 "I feel..." 
How does she feel? Scared, certainly, the duel primal instincts within her still telling her this was all wrong. Curious, all of this was so entirely new and something she hadn't even considered as possible up until a few minutes ago. But there was another feeling too, one that came from the surprisingly plush walls, the soothing warmth, and the solid presence of the man surrounding her. "... Comfortable. I feel comfortable." 
 "Really?" He relaxed around her, the smile he had on evident. A pressure roamed against her, his hand rubbing circles into his stomach. 
 "Yeah, honestly I wasn't expecting it to feel so nice in her. I think it will still take me a minute to fully relax in this situation, but... You're really comfortable, Beel." 
"I’m glad. I knew you'd feel nice in there, but imagining it is nothing compared to how you actually feel." 
 She giggled. "Exactly how much fantasizing have you done about me, Beelzebub?" 
 "Ah, well that's, I-"
The voice sounded farther away than it was do to being muffled by Beel's stomach, but she could faintly make out Levi calling out. "Hey, Beel! Are you back to normal?" 
 "Is Darling still alive?" Belphie chimed in. 
 "Ah." Beel gripped his stomach a little tighter, his back to his brothers so they couldn’t see how it hung out in front of him. "Yeah, she is."
 "Then where'd she go?" Mammon asks. 
 "About that..."
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Honeybee (Utica/Rosé) - Paper Lash
A/N: Hello everyone, it’s so great to get back to writing! This is my submission for the ‘Nostalgia’ challenge! Inspired by “Honeybee”, a song by the band Steam Powered Giraffe!
Just as a reference- Ross is Rosé’s boy name, and the pronouns are she/her in drag, he/him out of it! While Utica/Ethan will use they/them pronouns through the story! This one shot will most likely be paired with a prequel writing as well! Stay safe everyone!- Paper Lash
Ethan woke slowly at the sound of their alarm as it rang through the quiet room. This late in the winter, the sun had just begun to rise at this early hour- and Ethan, well, had just fallen asleep a handful of hours before, physical exhaustion pulling them away from the large in progress painting- propped close by an easel beside the window in their room. It took up the majority of the wall, allowing the small-town student the perfect view, and reference to the buildings of the big city. It was their third year, fall semester in New York- and they still weren’t used to the sights and sounds the city offered- but there was one major change they happened to love. They had met Ross within the first week of classes last semester- spurred on by their close friend, Mikey- or ‘Mik’ for short- to join a beginners dance group held by a few students in their department. As a painter, Ethan had only really met other ‘physical’ artists, graphic designers, 2D artists or even makeup artists- like Mikey himself. The students of the performing arts, confident and outspoken people, were the type they usually kept away from. Ross, along with his two best friends, lead the class- and from there, the two seemed to click together. The pair were the epitome of ‘opposites attract’.
As they stretched, and rose from their bed to get dressed- they reached for their phone, scrolling through their spotify- selecting an old playlist from high school, filled with hours of old, gentle music that would calm them through the anxieties of high school. They felt a bit off this morning, most likely from the lack of sleep, so they could use all the help they could get. Sweet, slow plucks from the guitar suddenly filled their room, a vocal hum trailing behind, when suddenly- words spilled into their ears-
“You didn’t have to look my way… Your eyes still haunt me, to this day- but you did… Yes, you did-”
The tall student’s pale face suddenly flushed, those old, sweet lyrics could make their brain think of no one else- but Ross. Those deep-set hazel eyes that only appeared wider with the occasional pink shadow. Ethan hated to admit it, but they were a bit jealous of Ross- or, Rosé- how beautiful and handsome she could look at the same time… Ethan couldn’t think they’d ever look as beautiful as Ross or Rosé- not in a million years…
“You didn’t have to say my name… ignite my circuits, start a flame- but you did…” Either name- Ethan or Utica, the little nickname Ross and his friends had begun to call them- however Ross would address them, would always sound like a song in the tall redhead’s ears. That warm, baritone voice would hug those syllables as they would slip from his lips- rushed and snappy, or slow… calm- pulling Utica out of the trace of their brain, back to the real world- it always made them so nervous, but, they couldn’t hear it enough- Quickly, they tapped at their phone, placing the song on repeat as they quickly got dressed, grabbed their things- and headed out the door to catch the early morning bus across campus. “You didn’t have to smile at me- your grins the sweetest that I’ve ever seen… but you did. Yes, you did…-”
Oh that smile, they could look at that smile all day… Ross’ lips were as animated as the rest of him- smiling like the sun, spilling beautiful notes from between them… setting Utica’s nerves on fire with a mere smirk- “You didn’t have to offer your hand- cause since I’ve kissed it, I’m at your command… but you did…-” “Oh! Turpentine erase me whole- cause I- don’t want to live my life alone!- well, I- been waiting for you all my life…
Set me free… my… Ho-ney bee…” Any stranger could see the cherry red flush of the young student’s face- here they sat, alone on the bus, bundled to hide from the city’s morning chill… glancing out the window, yearning for the person they’d see in mere minutes. Ethan would meet Ross and his friends for breakfast- the only time of the day they could just sit and relax before the chaos of their shared day.
“Hello Goodbye, Twas nice to know you, How I find myself without you- That I’ll never know…-”
Like magic, those dreamy song lyrics seemed to quicken just as the redhead stepped off from the bus, walking into the main campus building- now practically running to the tune of the music- long legs in stride, filled with a sudden anticipation- The words continued, their wide eyes looking through the café- “Hello goodbye I’m rather crazy, and I never thought I was crazy- but! What! Do I know?… I let myself go…-”
“Why’d I have to be into a short brunette?” Utica mumbled to themself, a giggle in their voice. They weren’t sure at all why they suddenly felt so… anxious, a rumbling in their ‘nuggets’ they couldn’t quite place- couldn’t get rid of- until their eyes met the sight of Ross, seated at a table, chatting along with two other brunettes, his closest friends- whom Utica knew as ‘Jan’ and ‘Lagoona’… Quickly, they seemed to rush over- just as they lyrics seemed to abruptly end- Breathless- they stood in front of the trio with a wide, cherry-lipped smile, carefully pulling their earbuds from their ears, tucking them away as they took the seat right beside Ross. He stared at them with a puzzled look on his face, staring into Ethan’s green, babydoll eyes. A chuckle slipped from his lips- potential words brought to a halt as Ethan tugged him close, placing a long, lingering kiss to his lips- staining them the same, rose petal red. Carefully, they pulled away- cupping the side of his face as they continued to stare, that same, blissful smile adorning their face as it had before- “Good morning- Honeybee-” Their accented voice cooed, suddenly bringing a bright flush to Ross’ face. His two friends began to chuckle at his flustered appearance, bringing a wider smile to Utica’s face as they seemed to relax, facing forward once more- resting their head atop Ross’ shoulder. He cussed toward his friends, brushing off their teasing laughs. “A-anyway- as I was saying, you assholes better bring it next practice- or I swear…” Ross’ words seemed to cut out in Ethan’s mind as they relaxed against him, hugging his arm close- simply enjoying the warm presence he gave… he was the one thing, with the help of their friends, that made Utica feel at home in this loud city- their Honeybee.
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Compliments 3/5
All throughout class, Zim could hardly focus. There was something vile in the sensation, the inability to think about anything else for more than ten seconds. Gaz's eyes were totally normal, ugly worm child eyes. Zim had seen them before, shuddered at being placed under her furious gaze in past instances... He was certain that had never been so sparkly before. Something about them made him want to place himself directly in their path again. . .
"NO I WASN'T!!!"
The class chuckled stupidly. Miss Bitters raised an eyebrow.
"Excuse me?" She said menacingly.
"Eh. What was the question?"
"What continents have giraffes."
"It's a trick question! There's no such thing." Zim folded his arms and prepared to lose himself to his thoughts once more.
"Zim, if you're not going to pay attention, you can go to the principal's office."
"I'm learning! I'm normal!!" Zim picked up a pen. "See, just move on."
Miss Bitters heaved a great sigh of the long-suffering and looked to Zita, who probably answered very well. Zim didn't know. Zim was thinking about the things running through Gaz's head must have been for her to be so admiring. He placed his face in his hand and imagined her saying them out loud. To him.
"Wow, Zim, you're an Irken.“ She would say, trying to hide her awe. ”You're clearly the superior race, number one major power across all galaxies . . But this has given me the courage to tell you.  . . You're also number one in my squeedly-spooch. Please, Zim--"
But what would she ask for. Zim bit his lip- this required some thought. . . But NO, WHY WAS HE EVEN THINKING ABOUT THIS???
He had to move on. This was just a passing fancy. Zim had made the choice to show Gaz what he looked like and he was just ... Surprised. He was just very surprised at her response!! Because he had expected something different.
. . .
Zim's mind wouldn't stop racing until the very end of the school day. His guts flip-flopped nervously at the thought of seeing Gaz again on the way home. Maybe she would look at him again. Maybe she would talk to him--
The bell rang and Zim was out like a shot, even faster than on the days he was fully expecting Dib to tackle him upon release. He rushed to the doors, impatiently tapping his foot as all the regular dirty children rushed out. Finally, Gaz came out the door, walking slowly with her gaming device in hand.
"GAZ-CHILD." he announced, trying to quell the eruption of weird sensations in his spooch.
"Hey, Zim. What is it this time," she replied in a bored tone. But she had said his name. Zim grinned and fell into step beside her as she headed down the sidewalk.
"I have made the decision to inform you that I understand your feelings."
"What." Gaz asked, sparing him an incredulous glance sideways. She nearly tripped to see Zim looking right back at her, eyes wide and expectant. Coughing to cover up the sudden heat on her cheeks (what. What. What.) Gaz tripped slightly, losing her balance.
Zim's arm shot out, catching her arms and setting her back on her feet effortlessly, like she weighed nothing. This didn't help with the sudden feeling of being observed very carefully that had washed over her like a bucket of ice water, and it didn't help with the conflicting feelings beginning to bubble up about it.
"what FEELINGS?" Gaz demanded, beginning to walk a little more quickly.
If Zim noticed she had picked up her pace, he didn't show it. Instead, he matched it, walking slightly faster to keep up. "Your feelings for ZIM!"
Gaz blushed and walked even faster. This was not happening. This was not happening. "I don't have any feelings for you, Zim. I think I gave you the wrong idea."
"NONSEEEEENSE!! You looked at me. You recognized my SUPERIORITY. . . And you said TWO nice things."
"’No. I didn't." Gaz turned fully away from Zim and begin jogging, shoving her gameslave in her backpack. Zim kept pace, raising his voice even more.
"Yes, yes you did!! You DID!!!! you said 'nice antennae' AND you said I was 'COOL'!!!!"
"Shut up."
"Your little.. HUMAN MIND TRICKS won't work on me any longer, GAZ!!" Zim announced proudly. "You LIKE ME. In fact, you LO--"
At this, Gaz halted immediately, swinging her leg out to trip Zim, who was moving too fast to stop so suddenly. His foot hooked over her leg and he hung comically in the air for a moment before flying face-first into the pavement.
"LISTEN, ZIM." Gaz leaned down, casting a shadow over Zim, whose mouth clamped shut. "And listen carefully, because I will not repeat myself.".
Zim's eyes went as wide as saucers, and he nodded mutely and sharply. He went rigid on the ground, as "at attention" as he could be under the circumstances.
Gaz opened her mouth to finish but found she wasn't sure what even to say. She may have been amused by Zim's antics before, but she'd never dreamed he would come after her like this.
The silence extended a bit, and Zim's face went redder and redder as he tried not to move a muscle, but Gaz was way too close for comfort-- she had leaned forwards until there was only about a foot separating them, and her own face, as a reaction to his, had begun blushing a bit more as well. Could he just shut up and stop while she tried to collect her thoughts??
Zim's expression flickered with a tiny knowing--SMUG! SELF-SATISFIED!!!-- look, and he composed himself within a split second back to his shell-shocked look, but Gaz was suddenly filled with the delicious kind of fury and rage that cleared her mind, exactly as she needed it to. How DARE he.
"I did not compliment you so you would follow me and harass me, you little freak," Gaz hissed. "I wasn't even complimenting you-- I was just making comments. YOU can't read into them like that and pretend you suddenly understand me. You DON'T."
Zim was nodding along as she spoke. A few times he opened his mouth, but Gaz just sped up her own words so he wouldn't have a chance to cut in. She stopped for breath, and he said--
"But you want me to!!"
Gaz was finished with this conversation. She grabbed his collar and lifted him up until their faces were even closer. She could see Zim's eyes flicking between her own eyes and her lips and then behind her head, away from her, before he looked back at her again in a kind of panicked frenzy.
"In your dreams," she growled, and hurled him over the bushes, storming off as quickly as she could.
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infernobot · 4 years
By InfernoBot
I had just finished recording, and was carrying my dog in from the office, when my mom handed me an envelope. Once I had my sweet pupper nestled into a blanket, I joined her on the couch and slit open my mysterious delivery. Inside was no note, just a brochure to something called ‘Furnal Equinox’ and an accompanying plastic badge bearing the image of a anthropomorphic dog, (maybe it was a wolf), wearing a graduation cap and gown.
As my eyes scanned the glossy pages, my excitement grew; some lovely person had sent me a weekend pass to a furry convention! This was my big chance to make a video detailing my adventures through a mass gathering of one of the internet’s most maligned and misunderstood subcultures. Over the coming weeks, I studied the brochure, read up on the panelists online, noted every question about the furry fandom that popped into my head. My itinerary for the whole weekend was mapped out. 
Super chats and KoFi tips managed to cover the cost of a bottom-barrel airline ticket, and I got a great deal on an Air B&B from a charming indiginous woman named Semide, whose sisters had enrolled in college and left their rooms vacant. She was even kind enough to include meals as part of the deal. The weekend of the con finally rolled around; I threw my things in a bag and I was off to Toronto.
Eighteen hours and three layovers later, I was sitting at my host’s kitchen table with a warm towel draped over the back of my neck, sipping a cup of coffee. It turned out Semide was a naturopathic healer and knew some kickin’ remedies for aches, pains and jet lag. I don’t put much stock in essential oils, but damn if I didn’t wake up feeling fresh and ready to face the day the next morning. The convention was being held on the waterfront about nine blocks from Semide’s place, not too bad for a walk, and I reckoned I could make the trek each day. 
I left late in the morning, well after the con had opened. No sense waiting in line, I figured. It was three blocks from the Westin Harbor Castle, when I saw the first fursuit. 
There was no explaining the rush of exhilaration I felt. This was real. This was happening. I was gradually being surrounded by dozens of people decked out in bright, elaborate costumes. Some that couldn’t afford full suits wore just heads and gloves, giving a ghoulish Frankenstein’s monster appearance to their character. Or the wolf-man caught mid transformation after being bitten by a neon fox in a rainbow pride shirt. The less daring, or particularly destitute, settled for headbands with animal ears and strap-on tails. 
Waiting to cross the last street, I was elbow to elbow with a giant Sonic the Hedgehog and a seven-foot tall purple giraffe sporting a quadruple-XL adult diaper. Something told me before the weekend was over, that particular garment would get filled. Before I could contemplate the logistics further, the light changed and the extremely polite, if curiously dressed herd moved into the street and we sorted into a semblance of a line being steadily processed through the doors into the main convention hall. I was in.
The lead-up to the main event hadn’t prepared me for what lay inside. A teenage girl in a ‘volunteer’ shirt thrust an opaque plastic bag into my hands before Big The Cat shoved me aside and began professing his undying love for her beauty. I stumbled into the row of booths on the main floor, further progress blocked by an electric green armadillo strumming an acoustic guitar with a stuffed fish tucked in the strings. 
This was it, I weaved my way between con-goers and took it all in. Clip-on LED cat ears. A custom-fit fang booth. Stacks of comics focused on humanoid animals. Racks upon racks of faux-leather collars and leashes. The waifu pillows. I pulled my phone from my pocket and approached the nearest open booth.
Time for an interview, I thought.
Eight hours, two energy drinks and a box of granola bars later, I was dead on my feet. There was no way of knowing how many people I’d talked to as the day progressed. Or just how strange my conversations had become. I think I spoke at length with Cool Cat about the merits of various vape pens, despite the fact I don’t smoke. But it hadn’t all been nonsense. 
Before I had degenerated into a gibbering wreck, I had chanced to be standing beside a fountain near the food court and heard a familiar warbling voice behind me. To my great delight, when I turned around I found a young woman with jet black hair, a hawaiian shirt and a black & yellow long-Furby draped over her shoulders; I instantly recognized her as Teya from Strange Aeons. After she’d finished speaking to her friend, I politely tapped her on the arm and introduced myself. She turned out to be super cool, excited to meet another youtube creator, and talked to me for about ten minutes as her girlfriend went off to wait in line for the bathroom. 
While most of our conversation centered around videos and our special boy Greg, my eyes kept getting drawn back to Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge. His black and yellow checkered belly, his luxurious black fur, those piercing green eyes; it was all so captivating. I couldn’t quit looking at the charm necklace below his little yellow beak spelling out his name; Thursday. Eventually, I complimented her on her videos and her handsome long-son one last time and we parted ways. It had been a pleasant break, but even here, the persistent strains of Insane Clown Posse that permeated the space were grating on my nerves. 
When the time had come for all the furry folk to close up shop and head home, I staggered out into the street with all the lingering con-goers. Despite the initial culture shock, most of the people I’d met had been great. I could stand here, elbow to elbow with ponies, foxskies, giant pomeranians and adorable cat girl maids on the steps of Westin Harbor Castle, and just enjoy the last moments of the sun setting over Toronto. That is until the moment was shattered by an obnoxious voice that sounded more like it belonged outside a Patriots game accompanied by the echo of shattering beer bottles. 
“Now that the party’s over, we can get down to the afterparty at my place; which of you bitches wants to come home with me?”
My head swiveled like a tank turret toward the source of the voice, my face bearing the expression which must have read did this motherfucker just?
A man-child wearing a My Little Pony t-shirt that had been stretched over his prodigious girth, a pair of denim jorts hanging past his knees and sweat-stained socks encased in mandles, slid his oily bulk up behind a group of teenage girls dressed as some kind of anime cat maids. He leaned his acne-studded face in close to them and said, “Since you’re dressed as maids, how about I take you home and make you change my cumm-y bedsheets after a night of passionate love-making.” 
The overly-polite locals may have been in shock, but I knew a neckbeard when I saw one and knew immediately what to do.
“How ‘bout you back the fuck off bro, they’re kids.”
Maybe he wasn’t expecting resistance, but he seemed genuinely taken aback by someone speaking up. Once he got a look at me, he re-adjusted his fedora and stared me down. I admit, I might not look terribly intimidating; bulky, but not muscular, with my hair dyed bright teal and swept to one side. At least I had on a Pink Floyd t-shirt, that felt a little like a layer of protection against his fed-aura. He drew in a snot-choked breath and continued,
“They’re dressed as the maids from Painappuru No Oshiri, they’re harem girls that’re totally thirsty for the main character. Each maid is eager to bend over and present their ripe ruby star-fruit to their master. They’re, like, practically advertising how much they want it in the ass.”
“Why don’t you leave them alone, fuckmuppet?” I retorted. “You look like you're forty and they’re a bunch of teen girls.”
He was not pleased with my argument. The group of cat-maidens had shaken off their surprise and closed ranks. But they weren’t ready when he lunged forward and grabbed at the petticoat of the red cat-maid on the outside, lifting her skirts up to expose the shorts underneath.
“It’s not even a chick, it’s a dude. Chill out.”
A glance at the cosplayer’s face revealed a mask of burning red embarrassment, fear and confusion. Their friends were moving to grab at the neckbeard’s hand, but I was quicker. I swatted his arm like I was chopping down the internet itself and pushed right up in his face. Practically nose-to-nose, I couldn’t avoid the stench of fermented funyuns rolling off his breath.
“Keep. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off of them.”
His chins quivered slightly. 
“Oh, you wanna start something, Rainbow Brite? I bet you like it in the ass, prancy-boy.”
“For a supposedly straight guy, you sure are obsessed with getting your dick in a guy’s butt.”
The flab of his cheeks reddened to match his acne.
“You’re gonna regret that. I’m a man with a very particular set of skills…”
I cut him off; I didn’t have the patience for a real-life copy pasta.
“Is one of your skills getting punched by me? Cause if you keep talking, you’re going to be teaching a master class.”
I could feel that neckbeardy-bravado wavering. Perhaps he could sense the crowd around us had turned against him, moving to shield the cat-maids and staring daggers into his lumpy flesh. With one last snotty huff, he turned and stormed away; the sound of his mandles slapping on the concrete echoed off the face of the convention center. 
A group of several of the more adulty-er people had ringed the victims and were doing their best to calm them down. I shuffled over and started to apologize for the beardo’s behavior, when the red cat-maid began thanking me profusely and asked for a hug. Apparently, this was not the first time their group had been approached at the convention. We stood around chatting for a while, and they promised to check Evangelion when they got home. Once the cat-maids were safely in their Lyft, I waved them goodbye and turned to make my journey home for the night.
I started back up the street I'd taken this morning, but as I approached the doorway to a grimey building, I became aware of a fully-suited Yogi Bear propositioning a man dressed like Linda-Carter-era Wonder Woman. I was pretty wiped out and didn’t have it in me to process an altercation like this if they noticed me and instead took an abrupt right turn down an alley, intending to zig-zag back to my Air B&B. 
I was nearly out the other side when my ears picked up the slapping of mandles on pavement rushing up behind me. A searing pain burst into existence in my lower back, like someone put a cigarette out on my spine. 
I went down, hard. 
The mylar swag bag I’d been swinging around all day splashed into a puddle off to one side. I was barely able to heave myself over onto my back to get a look at my attacker. It was him. The Neckbeard. He stood over me, grinning, his yellowed teeth visible in the night. The little black box in his hand flickered with a blue spark as he triggered the taser again.
“Heh heh. You like that, princess? I aimed a little high so I wouldn’t damage your sweet ass.”
“Fuck….you….” I gasped out through the pain. My muscles were cramping like someone had dug a burning fork into my lower back and twisted it up like a plate of spaghetti. 
“Heh. You’re the one taking it in the ass, rainbow bitch.” He stepped over me, squatting like a linebacker, bringing the taser close to my face. “Maybe I’ll push this in your eyeball and see if I can make it boil.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of movement between his legs. Something thin and dark darted up from the shadows, toward his exposed back. He let out a cry of surprise, and shot upright, swinging his arms wildly behind him, grabbing at something. He hopped wildly from foot-to-foot across the alley, the tail hanging from the back of his pants swaying wildly with the movement. I thought it was weird I hadn’t noticed the tail before, especially with how long it was, practically sweeping the ground. The fuzzy black appendage was moving...wrong. It kept curling up and twisting out of his hands as he grasped at it, almost as if it were...alive. 
“Oh Goddamnit!” He screamed. “What the fuck, dude?!” 
He dropped the taser and got a grip on the tail with both hands, tugging on it. A ripping sound echoed through the alley as the seat of his pants tore out. The thing was, the tail wasn’t attached to his pants, it was going in through his pants, nestled between his prodigious posterior cheeks like one of those fetish plugs. As he violently jerked it side-to-side, it was ripping at the fabric of his trousers, the same went for his less-than-tidey whiteys. 
“Get this fucking thing off of me!” He howled. 
He grunted as the tail slipped his fingers and wriggled another foot inside him. Tears were welling up in his eyes and he collapsed back against a green dumpster. Like a man who had gambled on a street taco truck and lost, he bit his knuckle and gripped his abdomen through his stained t-shirt. It might have been a trick of the light, but I swear I could see his belly distend and squirm; the words ‘Friendship Is Magic’ bulging as something rolled under them. 
His mandles dug into the alley grime as he feebly kicked his legs, and I could only watch in disgust as the rest of the fuzzy, black, thing slithered up inside him, forcibly dilating his leather cheerio. It was incredible. I could actually see its progress as it wormed its way through his body. He blubbered something about God and Jesus as his hand clawed frantically at his own belly, before his voice abruptly went silent. 
There was a long, drawn-out wheezing sound, like one of those novelty rubber chickens, as the bulk of the thing moved up his throat. I don’t know how his flesh distended and deformed without bursting, but it reached his mouth and his jaw opened wide. First one small black, fuzzy ear lined with black and yellow plaid popped up, then another, followed by the crown of this thing’s head, pushing his teeth outward like flower petals blooming. 
It rose before me, straight up from his mouth, its black and yellow belly slick, but not stained by his juices. His dislodged teeth clung to its matted fur like an obscene necklace. It swayed slightly in the moonlight, a pair of luminous green eyes fixed on mine, and its beak opened. With the rising inflection of someone asking a question, it uttered one word: 
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
you can’t fuck me over because i’ve already fucked myself: just some shrimp gremlin angst that basically gives villain!stephen some origins
a/n: steve and clint act like rude hoes in this, it’s not steve or clint friendly obv, there’s lots of swearing, mention of bullying and implied mentions of self harm and also the ironstrange scene in this is cheesy as fuck but in a soft and sweet kind of way i guess? idk enjoy friends 
The Avengers’ Compound (Upstate New York), 4:45p.m. 
“We’re not getting anywhere with this motherfucker.” Typical, stupid, impatient Clint was as always ready to toss the Sorcerer Supreme down a flight of stairs. As if he was even strong enough to do that… Stephen had been working out, thank you very much. 
“I hope you’re aware that I can hear everything that you’re saying!” Stephen replied in a sing-song voice. “By the way, I believe I asked for shrimp when I was brought here? I don’t see any shrimp, and I also don’t see Tony.” 
“You think we trust Tony to interrogate you? He can’t separate his egotistical brain from his short fuse from his damaged heart. Makes me wonder why he even attacked me in Siberia.” Fucking Steve. 
“He didn’t attack you, he defended himself after you attacked him,” Stephen snapped. “How many times must we have this conversation? I don’t have time for your continued stupidity.” 
“When are you going to get it through your head that just because you corrupted Tony doesn’t mean that I’ll be as easily swayed?” Steve asked. 
Stephen saw Clint put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down and made a mental note to inquire about their personal relationship later. That would really push some buttons. 
“Strange, we’re asking you questions and it’s in your best interest to answer,” Natasha said coolly. She didn’t even look angry like her colleagues, she just looked like she wanted to be literally anywhere else. Big fucking mood. 
“Am I below your paygrade now, Romanoff?” Stephen asked. “Big plans tonight after this interrogation is over?” 
“That’s none of your concern,” Natasha replied. 
“Well I think that you’re all below my paygrade, and since I’m planning to have dinner with Tony tonight I’d appreciate it if we could move this bullshit along,” Stephen said. “I’m going to try and make baked shrimp with garlic butter and lemon and fresh herbs. I saw the recipe on Pinterest, and I’ve never made it before but if you guys have recipes I’d be willing to swap with you.” 
“We don’t want anything from you except information.” 
“Bold of you to insinuate that shrimp recipes aren’t information, Barton!” 
“This fucking guy! Natasha I swear to god I’m going to kill him,” Clint snapped, pacing around the room. 
“You’re not going to do that for two (2) reasons: one (1), you do need information from me even though I’m not going to give it to you, and two (2) you all know that you treat Tony so poorly that making another wrong move will irrevocably piss him off, and then who will you be able to use for money and shiny new weapons, hm?” Stephen countered. “You don’t care about Tony, that much is clear, but—”
“I’m sorry, you expect us to believe that you do care about Tony?” Steve asked. 
“That’s a rich question coming from you. If you’re really a symbol for honesty, you should know that I’m telling the truth,” Stephen replied with a shrug. “Is this rocket science to you guys? Of course I love and care about Tony, and I mean that genuinely and with every fiber of my being.”
“And if he doesn’t feel the same about you?” Natasha asked, feigning innocence. 
“I know he does,” Stephen said firmly. “He told me that he does this morning… and he also said so last night.” 
A lot happened after he finished talking. First, he was slapped across the face. While still reeling from the slap, someone snuck up behind him and pinned his head to the desk he was sitting at… and then the memories rolled like a movie’s credits. 
“Why are you the way that you are, you annoying fucking villain?” Steve sneered. “What made you into the monster that you are?”
Stephen took a deep breath, trying to hide his panic at the fact that he couldn’t move his head. “You think you’re the only one who’s ever used size to their advantage and bullied me, Steve?”
“Don’t try and make me feel bad for you,” Steve replied, pressing Stephen further into the desk. “I have no sympathy for evil.” 
“Then why do you exist in a cloud of self pity and self righteousness?” Stephen asked. 
“If you don’t shut up I’ll snap your neck,” Steve threatened. 
“Do it bitch. You still don’t get it, do you? Nothing you could ever do to me would compare to pain in the past, whether it was self-inflicted or not,” Stephen replied. 
“I’ll turn you into an empty shell of a man that not even Tony will love or fix.”
“Aww really? Being an empty shell is so boring.” 
The Avengers’ Compound (Upstate New York), 5:23pm
Stephen must have blacked out, because when he woke up the Avengers were gone, and there was something soft between his head and the desk. He immediately recognized it to be the Cloak, which wound a corner around his left hand in support. 
Wait… Levi hadn't been with the sorcerer when he got to the compound, so how—
His thoughts were cut off by the entrance of a very angry Tony. The mechanic’s glare softened the minute he saw that Stephen was awake and watching him. 
They both spoke at the same time, their tones full of fear but for different reasons. 
“Where are they?”
“Are you alright?” Tony crossed the room and sat across from his sorcerer, softly cupping the man’s face in his hands. “I sent them away. Who hurt you?”
“Do you mean today or in general?” Stephen asked, trying to keep his tone light for a reason he didn’t even understand. Tony knew about his traumas, why pretend like they didn’t exist? 
“Fuck, Steph I’m sorry,” Tony murmured, leaning in to kiss him. “None of this would have happened if I was here, I wouldn’t have let them, but they didn’t tell me they were interrogating you.”
“I know baby, it’s not your fault,” Stephen said gently. “I’m obviously not happy, but it’s not your fault.” 
Tony made a face of disbelief. 
“It isn’t, I swear,” Stephen continued, leaning further into Tony’s hold. “They said some unpleasant things, things I know they wouldn’t tell me if you were around, but Steve also doesn’t seem to like it when I try to get a rise out of him. Serves him right for wasting my goddamn time, and serves me right for being obnoxious. But you know that I’m only like this because I barely know who or what I am.” 
Tony stood, somewhat abruptly, and pulled Stephen into a hug. “You’re my shrimp gremlin, and my amazing partner who makes me laugh and smile even on my worst days. You’re kind and charming and funny, and all of that’s what makes you Stephen, at least to me. And it’s not exactly safe here, so will you please portal us home so I can spoil you by way of shrimp sushi and a massage?” 
“I was going to make dinner tonight,” Stephen said with a little pout. 
Tony leaned up to kiss him. “I know, you giraffe, but you deserve to be a little spoiled today, and I know shrimp sushi usually helps.” 
“You really do love me,” Stephen marveled. 
“Of course I do!” Tony replied. “And I also know how to make you feel good, take that as you will.”
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