#I had no commissions lined up so it’s fine
freyito · 30 days
Hello! How are you?
I got an idea~
Can I request Boothill with the Vidyadhara reader (male, but if you want, you can use gn) ?The reader is always calm and quiet, but gets very nervous and blushes when Boothill flirts with him or hugs him (Secretly he just loves it) . The reader's tail wags nervously. And he also has sensitive horns.
If you don't like the idea, then feel free to skip my request!! (♥´∀`)/
✭ pairing(s): boothill x male vidyadhara reader
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✧ a/n: THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! i got it the night before my job interview i think so i owe it all to you anon for getting hired on the spot. my last fic as an unemployed man... i got this job so i could whale for boothill tho. lol.
🗒 cw: male reader, vidyadhara reader, SMALL 2.2 SPOILERS, itty bit of lore building (made the vidyadhara look a little more like the yan siblings from arknights), just fluff, not proofread
✎ wc: 1.4k
ꜱᴄᴀʟᴇꜱ & ᴍᴇᴛᴀʟ
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Being a Galaxy Ranger, Boothill is well-read on the species of the universe. Sorta. Given the lack of his education, a lot of what he learned was through word of mouth or having someone explain it to him, aside from text to speech.
Aside from the Galaxy Rangers and his home world, he is the most versed on the Xianzhou, seeing as they follow Lan, as well. But that doesn’t mean he won’t treat it like it isn’t a spectacle, and the Vidyadhara have always been intriguing to him.
He’s only met a couple, namely Dan Heng, and Lady Bailu, the latter only in passing. He’s sure he’s met another somewhere, and there’s surely a Vidyadhara Ranger as well. But none of them stick out to him like you do.
He’s only visiting the Luofu, there to pick up some information about the IPC from some shady courier. He doesn’t mind this, as long as it’s honest work, and he’s been in contact with this courier for quite a while. The benefit of becoming a cyborg is that when his contacts are long life species, he has a trustworthy ally for quite a while.
The problem was, the courier had told him to get it from a cycrane in Aurum Alley. Which was all fine and dandy, normally, Boothill remembered the Alley to be rundown and quiet, dead, even. But when he’s met with a stream of people like it’s a shopping mall (which it is), he was taken aback. How was he supposed to pick up information when the Alley is so… lively? The courier reassures him that it is okay, to not act suspicious, and boy, does Boothill mess that one up.
For the first time ever, he’s fishing out a letter from the cycrane’s box, sweating with the most guilty look on his face, like a dog that had just stolen some food off the counter. He stuck out like a sore thumb, as opposed to the business owners and recipients who frequented the roost. Paired with his outworlder appearance, it’s no wonder that a couple of concerned citizens came forward, even if it was just to watch.
Now, Boothill didn’t want to be considered wanted by the Xianzhou Alliance. Not at all, his deal was with the IPC and he’d rather not have the cloud knights tailing him whenever he visited. But all thought processes stop when he spots you. Whatever price the Cloud Knights puts on his head for this info is nothing in comparison to just how stunning you look to him.
He does his best to brush this incident off as not being able to find mail, and decides a couple more days on the Loufu wouldn’t be too bad. He spends the next few days attempting to court you, as he says. Really, it’s just over pretentious flirting. You do your best to ignore it at first, you think he’s just some awe-struck outworlder, but each day that goes by, your walls crumble.
You don’t return anything really, simply give him little looks and grin and bear it. But every time he says ‘Ain’t you a pretty thing?’ whenever you simply enter his line of sight, you start to feel your cheeks heat up.
Of course, Boothill notices. And he only increases his antics. You’d be attending to your duties in the skyfaring commission and he shows up to interrupt your shift, throwing all sorts of cheesy one-liners that make your head spin. There are times where you just can’t keep up and you blush so hard you fizzle out, your mind working on auto-pilot and making you turn away on your heels.
He starts to show up on your breaks, too. With food he’d think you’d like, (which is any food he buys on the Xianzhou, essentially) and the gifts start there. It’s… thoughtful, really. When he can, he shows up to Xianzhou with something in hand from wherever he’s been. It can be a rock to the most coat you’ve seen. Which, he learns, clothes aren’t exactly the thing to buy you. Not that you would look bad in them, but he decides that Xianzhou attire really does fit you. It is then that he notices the color that extends from your claws to your bicep, and he realizes that you’re ‘pretty all over’. (His words, which don’t fail to make you red in the face.)
When he starts giving gifts, that’s when your tail starts wagging. You curse your body for betraying your want to be calm and collected, which ultimately leads to a life bound by how easy it is to fluster you. Of course, Boothill notices. He thinks it is just too cute, and good Aeons, it takes him all his strength not to cup your face and say that directly to you, to make sure you hear him. Not that he won’t say it regardless.
With all of these instances, he only becomes more insufferable. And you find yourself falling for his charms. It isn’t so bad that you have someone to eat with on your breaks, and someone who’s so eager to see you when you’re working, (even if it disrupts your work Madame Yukong seems okay with it) even if he’s a very high-profile target.
And boy, he can TELL. You’re still a flustered mess around him, anytime he calls you cute, or handsome, or pretty, any silly little pet name like ‘buttercup’ or even just ‘darlin’’, your tail is wagging furiously. You do your best to hide your sheepish smile and your blushing face, but Boothill always finds a way around it. At some point, he starts grabbing your hands and pulling them away from your face, staring into your eyes. That is the death of you.
From then-on, it seems you two are semi-official. Boothill wants so badly to ask you to be his boyfriend, but he lays back with just how shy you are. He pampers you, takes you out on all sorts of dates, from just shopping to the most romantic little tea dates, where the artificial sun sets and it feels like it’s just you two. He loves it, he revels in your reactions. Ever time your cheeks are dusted pink, to where your tail won’t stop wagging that it feels like a hazard, he’s laughing it off and making it even worse.
He grows bolder with touching, too. He starts to greet you at your work with back-hugs, whispering little compliments in your ear while your tail wags, a distinct ‘wap, wap, wap’ sounding everytime it hits the leather of his chaps. He blows kisses at you when you have to focus on your work, he holds your hand any chance he gets, he plays with your hands, too. Compliments the color of your scales, traces your palm, anything and everything that can and will make you blush more. Doesn’t matter if you two are months into this flirting, he’s got you blushing.
The day Boothill plans to ask you to be his official boyfriend, he gets overly interested in your horns. Standing outside the Skyfaring Commission, he catches you before your shift starts. The artificial sun is just rising, and the streets are empty. He stands in front of the Commission, hat off and held to his chest. It’s like a scene out of a movie, really. He starts off with your name, slowly slipping from his tongue, his twang much heavier now, reaching out to you. It feels like his eyes are sparkling– like the world is sparkling, more like. He’s akin to a…. What's the name… Knight of Beauty. You heard the trailblazer talking about them with Yukong.
Your head spins, and all you can stammer out is a ‘y-yes!’ in the middle of his speech. You can’t tell if you can’t take it anymore with how warm your body is running, or if you’re just… eager. Both feel equally embarrassing. Before he can kiss you to seal the deal, he runs a steel finger against one of your horns. A jolt of electricity runs down your body, making you yelp and whine, and in the middle of that, he kisses you, holding his hat up to shield your faces from the few people out this early. It’s a soft kiss, just as romantic as his silly display of want, and he smiles against your lips. His hand comes down, slightly carding through your hair, to cup your cheek.
You try to walk off your embarrassment as you enter the Commission, taking note to text him later about what just went down. Of course, Yukong notices, but all she gives you is a soft chuckle and a smile. Thank Lan.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi | star header by roseschoices
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helen-with-an-a · 2 months
Out of Position
Hi. So, I'm not really sure I like this but hey-ho. I'm trying to write my masters dissertation so fics may be few and far between loll but I wanted to write something. Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Lucy Bronze x reader
Description: R has to play out of position for Barça
Word Count: 1.5k
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The season had been … tough, to say the least.
The start of the season was great, you were playing your favourite 6 or 8 positions. You were happy there – you were racking up assists, you had your name on score sheets more regularly. Things were really looking good for you. You were in the Starting XI regularly, slowly increasing the minutes to full matches every week. Your national team coaches had noticed your efforts to, soon earning that number 8 shirt at international level. Things were looking really, really good.
And then Mapi got injured. That was a blow to the team, no doubt. Her infectious energy was sorely missed during trainings, her technical prowess and defensive knowhow that were so integral to the team was difficult to replicate. But everyone was managing incredibly well. Slowly but surely, you were being played further away from where you were comfortable. And then Alexia was out again too. Another massive knock. Not just for the team, seeing the Captain out of commission was hard on everyone, but for you in particular. You were slowly being played further back on the pitch than you were entirely comfortable with. You weren’t a defender. You did your part, when necessary, but you weren’t a defender. You were never fully happy making those harsh tackles and committing essential fouls. Your main form of defence came from interceptions – your speed was something to be noted by all commentators. You were always the first onto a wayward ball. It was something you prided yourself on. It was something the whole team prided themselves on, none-so more than Lucy.
You didn’t know how it happened really, but by the away El Clásico, your picture was being displayed on screen in the no. 5 position. Who would have thought you would end up playing against Real Madrid as a centre-back? Especially when considering you started the season as an attacking midfield and borderline striker?
“I can’t do this.” You were full on panicking in the changing rooms. Your hands were gripping the bench so tightly your knuckles were turning white; your wide frantic eyes flittered nervously around the room; your skin was cold and clammy, your breathing erratic. You were on the verge of a panic attack.
“Sí, puedes, chica.” Patri soothed, running her hand in wide comforting circles along the length of your back. You had been fine during training, and most of the warmup but you had seen Moller Hansen give you, what you interpreted to be, a menacing glare, and something had snapped in you. “Amiga, you need to breathe” Patri reminded you, exaggerating her own breathing to try and prompt yours. It wasn’t working. Marta and Irene were with you, both looking on with some concern. “Ves a buscar la Lucy.” Patri ordered one of them, not taking her eyes off you. You had moved one hand from the bench to your thigh, your nails pressing harshly into the muscles, dragging unforgiving lines up and down.
Not 30 seconds after the door swung shut behind Marta, a very concerned Lucy appeared by your side, worry etched on her face.
“Can’t … do it,” you struggled to get the words out. Lucy’s heart shattered at your words. She had seen the hours you had put in, the number of dates you had rain checked to stay late with the defensive coaches, the frequent mornings when she had woken up, alone with your side of the bed cold with a note on your pillow telling her that coffee was in the machine, she just needed to press start and that you’d see her at training. If she didn’t know where you were, she would be concerned you were cheating on her. But no, you were in the gym at the crack of dawn, strengthening your muscles and pushing yourself to go beyond your previous limits. She was exhausted just looking at the work you were doing. But it wasn’t in vain. You looked so natural in the back line; anyone that didn’t know you would think you were comfortable. But no one saw these moments and sheer and raw terror that coursed through your veins moments before you stepped out of the changing rooms.
“You can, pretty girl. I promise you; you can do it.” Lucy said, gently crushing you to her chest. She was sad to admit that this was a common occurrence.
“Scared,” you croaked out. “let the team down.”
“No, my love, you will never let us down. I promise. You can never, ever let anyone down.” She cooed, her fingers dipping under your shirt to run her nails over your bare back. She pulled back after a few moments, waiting until your breathing evened out a little bit – her comforting smell washing over you and soothing your body more than any words could do. She cupped your face, gently running her thumb across your cheek. “I love you, so, so much. There are 10 other girls on that pitch, all of them believe in you. You wouldn’t be out there if the club didn’t think you could do this.” She said her words with such conviction. You took a deep breath and nodded – not believing her words, but the noise outside the changing room was growing louder, signalling that both teams were ready to go. You were still incredibly nervous, but you did have a job to do after all. You both left the changing room hand-in-hand, taking your customary places at the back of the line.
“Look at me, pretty girl.” She whispered in your ear as she caught you staring off into the distance. You turned to look at her, a slightly guilty look on your face as your bite your lip harshly. “I love you,” she said emphatically.
“I love you,” you said softly back, not as nervous as you were before, but definitely not good.
It was a tough match. Real Madrid had really stepped up their game since the last time you were out. It was a 1 – 1 all draw that was growing more precarious every minute. You had just 10 minutes left of the match and both sides were determined to break the stalemate.
 Madrid were on the attack, having been able to pick out weaknesses in Barça’s defence. Lucy had drifted too far from her position, letting Carmona utilise the space by making a speedy break for it. You were the furthest back in your team’s line up. Your muscles were aching, your face was red with effort, yet you had to win this ball back. You couldn’t let Cata take on Carmona and Caicedo all by herself. You ran. Hell, you practically flew down that flank, pushing yourself harder and faster than you ideally wanted to.
You knew exactly what Olga was going to do before she did it. Maybe it was your experience up front? Maybe it was all the hours you had spent reviewing footage of various players you would face in the league? But you abandoned your chase on Carmona, changing your momentum to catch up to Caicedo just at the right time. Cata had drifted to the right in anticipation of Olga’s strike, but you knew she wouldn’t attempt the shot – not when Caicedo was sitting wide open with a goalkeeper-less net in front of her. You threw your body into the header – it was easily the harshest one you had given all season – possibly your whole career. Your technique was perfect though as you caught only the ball, using your momentum to bounce the ball away from the goal before bouncing painfully on the ground. You quickly rushed to your feet, watching Cata take advantage of a very confused Caicedo and a disappointed Carmona to chase the ball and boot it out into the stands.
There was a moment of quiet – at least it was quiet for you – before the world came back into focus. Your heartbeat was in your ears, your chest rising and falling dramatically as you sucked in precious oxygen. Cata was the first to get her hands to you. She shook your shoulders almost violently, your head wobbled comically at the action.
“Tu nena preciosa,” she shouted, kisses raining down on your forehead. You felt head pats and light taps on your back as you made your way back into your position.
Finally, the full whistle went. Barça had won El Clásico yet again (although it was tougher than anyone cared to admit)
“You …” Lucy said as her warm arms wrapped you in a hug. “That was the best defending I have ever seen.” She smiled, clearly wanted to say and do more.
“I learned it from you,” you whispered as you squeezed back. “The flying header. A Lucy Bronze special,” you teased.
“And you said you couldn’t defend.” She scoffed. “I’m so proud of you.” She said, pressing kisses into your sweaty hairline. You blushed profusely but smiled, nonetheless. That was all you really wanted, to make Lucy proud. “I think this calls for a treat, don’t you?” She whispered seductively into your ear as she dragged you into the changing rooms, a sly smirk dancing on her lips.
Hope you enjoyed reading <3<3<3<3
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myerssimp21 · 2 months
Batcave Meeting (YAN!Pt.3)
Romantic!Yandere!Batfam Part 3. Part 1, Part 2 here (context: Tim Drake purposefully got aphrodisiac'd when fighting Ivy and then went over to Darling's apartment to smash. This is a batfamily meeting about that and how to move forward.).
As you obliviously drifted to sleep, the live feed of you doing so was being projected onto a big screen in the BatCave while members joined together at a table, casually watching you as you yawned and readjusted against your pillow. The imposing man situated at the end of the table clasped his hands together, regarding the young men in front of him. Once everyone was seated, the imposing man began speaking to them, noticing how many of them had their eyes glued to the screen.
"We're going to discuss what happened the other day and plan for next week," he announced, and the pouty brunette who had had a frown on his face now crossed his arms.
"Allow me to explain it from my perspective first, Father," he said, sporting a moody expression, "You and Drake were unexpectedly out of commission during your patrol, which, while not typical, is understandable given our line of work."
His eyes flicker over to Tim and Jason, narrowing in contempt and disgust.
"Todd and Drake both know how important our duty to Gotham is," Damian continued while making eye contact with Jason, "But instead of prioritizing that, they let their impulses get the better of them. Drake especially for instigating the situation. Using Ivy's aphrodisiac to... indulge with our darling? It's selfish, reckless, and disrespectful."
"Damian, hold on a second," Jason interjected, "I had no idea about the aphrodisiac. It was my night off so I was sleeping in and missed Bruce's calls when he and Tim got doused in it. I only woke up because the audio feed from her apartment was turned up and I heard them together. I blew up Tim's phone and went over when he left because I was pissed, and I didn't realize that was why she couldn't get enough. I feel really bad about it now that I know."
Damian's expression softened subtly as he absorbed Jason's explanation. Despite his composed demeanor, the tension still lingered in his features.
"I appreciate your honesty, Todd," Damian conceded, his tone slightly softer, "It's still not acceptable that she was acting strangely and this was not analyzed, but I understand that the situation was...unconventional."
As Jason and Damian had a moment of newfound comradery, Tim finally spoke up, "I understand your frustrations, but you need to know that I researched Ivy's aphrodisiac extensively before I ever considered using it. I made sure it wouldn't have any adverse health effects on anybody and appropriately calculated the risks."
Damian's expression darkened further, his negative feelings towards Drake beginning to truly show. "This isn't just about general safety or the safety of some substance!" he exclaimed, "It's about respect and her consent. You had no right to manipulate her like that, whether or not it posed a physical risk."
"Come on, Damian," Tim retorted, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his voice. "She didn't find out about the aphrodisiac, did she? So what's the big deal? It's not like we hurt her or anything. She's fine, and she doesn't even know what happened. In fact, she likes us even more because I made a move for us. Why are you making a big deal out of nothing?"
Jason scoffed, his distaste in Tim at this point evident. "Seriously, Tim? You're gonna act like a douchebag just because she didn't find out? That's messed up, even for you."
"It's not just about the immediate consequences," Damian shot back, his voice angrier. "It's about the long-term impact on her. I bet you didn't even stop to consider how your actions could affect her, or how they could undermine the trust she has in us. And what about the ripple effect it could have on her relationships with all of us? He's playing with fire, Father, and he needs to be held accountable."
"Let's not overlook the bigger issue here," Tim said, his voice defensive, "What I did was perverted, I admit that. But let's not pretend that bugging and wiring her apartment is any less invasive. That's hardly consensual either."
"Don't you dare deflect the issue!" Damian's voice rose, and he was now yelling, "We implemented those measures for her safety, not for our own entertainment! It's a gross violation of her privacy, but at least we did it to protect her!"
"Oh? And having two separate cameras staring at her bed is going to what, protect her from bad dreams?"
"Dami, Tim, let's try to keep our cool here," Dick interjected gently, easing in to defuse the tension, "We're all on the same team, remember? We need to work together to figure this out."
Damian turned to Dick with a measured gaze, "I want to hear your perspective on this matter, Grayson."
Dick sighed, solemnly addressing Drake. “Tim, what you did wasn't just a mistake. It was a deliberate breach of trust. She relies on us to keep her safe and instead of focusing on that, you exploited her vulnerability.”
"Also," and Dick seemed more pained at this part, "You betrayed our trust. We all care about her and you influenced her desires for your own gain."
Tim sat in silence, his expression filled with shame as he began to realize the gravity of his actions. He knew he had acted irresponsibly, and the weight of their words hung heavy in the air. Jason and Dick exchanged silent glances, their disappointment evident in their expressions.
Damian took a deep centering breath before focusing his attention back on Tim.
"This isn't about whether she found out or not, Drake. If you still don't understand that, then we need to take more drastic measures to address and punish this behavior. Father, I appeal to you to implement anything you deem necessary to prevent such behavior in the future. We cannot allow such indecent actions against her to to be repeated."
Bruce, understanding the severity of the situation and having now heard everyone's perspective, nodded solemnly at Damian.
"Tim, in light of your actions, there are going to be some consequences," Bruce stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "You need to schedule therapy with Dr. Thompkins to address the troubling attitude that led to this situation. While we have taken invasive measures to monitor her, as Damian pointed out, your actions went beyond that."
He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before continuing. "Until you've attended and Dr. Thompkins deems it appropriate, you will be restricted from having any contact with _____."
Finally, Bruce's gaze softened slightly as he looked at both Damian and Tim. "And Tim, it's imperative that you and Damian eventually reconcile. We're a team, and we need to remain united in our goals and overall behavior. I expect both of you to work towards rebuilding your relationship for the sake of the team and our darling."
"Damian," Bruce addressed his son, "since Tim will no longer be able to have contact with her, I'm assigning you a new responsibility. You will substitute him as her school friend and be someone she can rely on for assistance with homework and company. I want you to pick a class of hers that sounds interesting to you and make sure you're there to support her. It's important that she has someone she can trust and rely on, especially now. It's an opportunity for you to show her that she can count on us."
As the meeting continued, Damian spoke up, "I'll join her art class. It will allow me to assist her with her assignments and ensure she receives the academic support she needs."
Bruce nodded in approval. "Good choice, Damian. Make sure to approach this responsibility with care and dedication."
Turning to Jason, Bruce's expression grew serious. "Jason, I need you to be especially understanding and supportive towards her. If she feels troubled or has any lingering negative thoughts about what happened, I expect you to be there for her."
"Of course, Bruce," Jason says, eyes fixated on the now-sleeping figure of their darling on the cameras, "I'll do whatever it takes."
Dick now spoke up, "Can we talk about introducing me as Jason's roommate?"
Bruce shook his head, "Not yet; I want to make sure Damian successfully integrates first. You can still frequent around her job but no more interactions than that."
"Except for as a vigilante?" Dick replies hopefully, and Bruce gives him a measured gaze similar to his son's.
"Yes, although I expect you to exercise patience and primarily work in Blüdhaven for now."
Damian cuts in, "And don't be like Drake and fabricate a reason for her to need you."
"Damian," Bruce says in a tired voice, "I've made myself clear."
Damian looks down with an expression like he's biting his tongue and contempt is bright in his eyes, "Sorry, Father."
With that, the meeting concluded, each member of the Batfamily knowing the roles they had to play in ensuring their darling's well-being and trust remained intact.
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lexsssu · 6 months
Inhuman (Adrian Tepes | Alucard)
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TAGS: Alucard/Dragoness!reader, alternate universe, pining, sex pollen, morning after, breeding, impregnation, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Darkness is something many feared for it brought about horrors both real and imaginary to life. The cover of night hid that which screeched at the light of day and yet there is a certain stillness and calm found in the dark.
Adrian never felt that the dark was something to be afraid of, but rather a hidden peace and tranquility when one decides to walk about during the twilight hours.
All is still until a flash of bright light illuminated the landscape, revealing everything which once hid within the blanket of night for barely a second before gradually fading away.
Normally, the dhampir would have chalked it up as yet another one of nature’s great mysteries before trying to see for himself what caused it. Blame his loving parents who naturally nurtured his inquisitive nature.
However, before he could even step another foot forward he saw something falling from the sky and as it got closer to the ground, his eyes perceived an unmistakably human form.
He didn’t need to think for another second as his body rocketed upwards in a great leap, lean yet toned arms grasping the surprisingly soft and tiny figure. As the air whipped around him during his descent, he took his first good look as to who or what he decided to save in the first place.
The blonde’s eyes widened, breath hitching in his throat as he beheld what could only be an angel, a being of pure light within his embrace.
Your silken ivory hair crowns your head and drapes over your heart-shaped face gracefully, petal-like lips which gleamed with a soft pink sheen, eyelashes like lush crescents that seem to teasingly hide what he could only imagine to be the most beautiful jeweled orbs in the world, and a spattering of silvery-white scales that travel from said cheeks down to your neck and the rest of your body hidden beneath your bodice.
You are clearly inhuman.
And yet, never has Adrian felt more human than he did right now especially as your eyes flutter open and meet with his own mesmerized pair.
“...make sure to grind them thoroughly, my dear. They have to be a fine paste before we can proceed with the next step”
“Okay, Miss Lisa. I’ll do my best!”
“Feel free to just call me mother. I’ve seen you as a daughter from the moment my son brought you into our home and since my husband hasn’t given me any daughters...you’re the next best thing and I honestly couldn’t be any more grateful for your arrival in our lives.”
Hidden behind a tall shelf lined with various tomes and scrolls, the young man couldn’t help but take peeks at the two most important women in his life as they bonded with one another. His mother so easily took you under her wing when he brought you here and you weren’t averse to the motherly affections she directed at you.
Now if he could only be as forthright with his feelings as his mother and express himself to you, because you were clearly as dense as a rock and didn’t pick up any of the subtle hints he gave you about his intentions...
“If you’re really okay with someone like me...then please use me as much as you like,” with a red blush highlighting your soft cheeks, you try not to look at the flushed and heavily panting Adrian pinning you down upon his bed.
The dhampir had accidentally inhaled the pollen of some new plant you both came across while partaking in your regular walks together. It took effect immediately, the normally calm and composed blonde becoming so flustered and heated that you’d think he was running a fever with how much sweat dripped down his face.
The raging erection which tented at the front of his trousers told you everything you needed to know, however.
Even if it was only to help him, you don’t regret giving yourself to Adrian because you love him. Even after the effects wear off, you hope that you’ll still stay friends because you’ve grown to love this castle and all its wonders. But especially its inhabitants—
“While I would have preferred to put a ring on you first, I’m afraid that I’m at my limit...but I promise to properly wed you after this, my love.”
The night is a blur by the time you wake up the morning after. Hazy memories of soft and firm touches, wet and deep kisses, harsh grunts and pitiful mewls, and nails scratching against the skin of his toned back as your tight cunt is forced open by his lengthy cock. You don’t remember how many rounds you went last night, having lost count of the amount of times you felt him spraying his seed deep inside of you and how you oh so shamelessly tightened even further each time he painted your walls white.
“We must inform mother and father once they return from their little trip. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled at the news of our union...though perhaps I might be scolded for taking you to bed before the actual wedding…” Adrian chuckled, messy strands of blonde hair tumbling down his chest as he gazed down at you with his head propped up by his hand, all the while you seemed to have been using his chest as a pillow the whole time you were sleeping.
“A-Adrian…!” You squeak and sputter at his joke, blushing all the way to the tips of your ears which only seems to ignite the flames within the dhampir once more as he rolls himself on top of you.
“If you truly insist on seducing me yet again...I suppose it is simply a husband’s duty to satisfy his wife”
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 1 year
A Real Daddy?
Summary: You sat in bed watching Pedro's latest interview; Jeff Bridges: "Are you a daddy?" Pedro: "I'm not a daddy. And I'm not gonna be a daddy!"
Your heart shattered at his words as you looked over at the bathroom where six positive tests were sitting on the sink.
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: language, mentions of abortion
A/N: This fanfic was a commission request. She wanted a short Pedro x Reader where Y/N is nervous to tell him that she is pregnant, and after watching his Hollywood Reporter Roundtable interview, I had to incorporate it into the fic. I hope you all enjoy it ❤️ (gif found on Google, credit to the owner)
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You and Pedro had been together for a couple of years now after meeting long ago on the set of Game of Thrones.
The two of you had hit it off right away and had become close friends during the filming of Season 4, but somewhere along the way that friendship had turned into so much more.
Watching Pedro perform as Oberyn Martell wearing that mustard-coloured robe with his unique accent, you never stood a chance. The man was a gift sent from the Gods and for whatever reason, he had taken a liking to you.
"Are you sure you're okay? You still look a little pale." Pedro observed, leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom. His beautiful brown eyes met yours from where you were laying under the blankets, and you could see the concern washing over him as he stared at you.
"I'm probably just coming down with something. I'll be fine. Aren't you meant to be at the airport by now?" You asked, glancing at the alarm clock on your nightstand with a frown.
He had less than an hour before boarding. He really should be halfway to the airport by now.
"Maybe I should reschedule. I don't want to leave you alone-"
"Pedro. You can't reschedule, you start filming Gladiator tomorrow. I'm fine. I promise." You reassured, but your words didn't seem to reassure him in the slightest and you sighed.
He had been working so hard for his new role in Gladiator. With his vigorous diet and workout routine, he had pushed his body to the max for this role. You were so incredibly proud of him. There was no way you were letting him reschedule.
"You were throwing up all morning. You're not fine. I want to take care of you." He all but whispered, walking into the room and sitting down on the edge of your bed.
He lifted his hand, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear as he cupped your face gently and smiled softly at you. You leant into his touch and rested your hand on top of his.
"I love you for that, but I don't need you to take care of me. I can take care of myself."
He sighed, "if you get any worse then you call me, okay?"
You rolled your eyes, "Pedro-"
"You call me." You repeated sternly and you nodded.
"I promise. Now, go before you miss your flight." You said, shoving him gently off the bed. "Text me when you land so I know you're okay."
"I will, baby. I love you." He said, leaning down and kissing your forehead. "Get some rest, okay?"
"I will. I love you, P." You replied smiling softly at him before he grabbed his suitcase and walked out the room.
Life as you knew it continued on as per usual. That weird stomach bug would come and go, but you just put it down to work stress and bad food.
Pedro was still filming Gladiator overseas and wasn't due back home for another couple of weeks. It was hard whenever he was away, which was fairly often with your line of work. Acting was a very demanding job and although you were taking a break for a while after you had just finished shooting you last movie, Pedro had job after job lined up for the rest of the year.
You were happy for him though. From Narcos to The Mandalorian to The Last of Us, he had really shot to fame. He was the talk of the whole internet at the moment, and you were so proud of how far he had come, you honestly couldn't be happier for him, but a small jealous part of you sometimes wished he wasn't as popular.
He had writers and directors calling and emailing him constantly about job offers and interviews. The two of you rarely got to spend any time together.
It was part of the job though. You both lived busy lives with your acting careers. You knew it would be like this when you first started dating. The two of you had spoken about it before making things official between you, knowing that if you were really serious with each other that you guys would make it work, and you have. But it still sucked sometimes.
However, as you sat on the edge of your bathtub staring at the pregnancy test on the sink, you wished more than anything that he was here with you now.
There were still a few minutes before the test was done and you sat anxiously tapping the empty packet against your knee while you waited.
Neither of you had really spoken about wanting kids in the future. The topic had just never come up. You were too busy with your careers to even think about having kids, but now you were really wishing that you and Pedro have had that conversation. Did he even want kids? Did you even want kids? It was too much to think about.
As if on cue, your phone suddenly began to vibrate in your pocket, and you pulled it out to find Pedro's name on your screen.
He was calling you.
You glanced over at the upturned test before taking in a deep breath and pressing the little green accept button.
"Hey!" You said into the phone with as much joy and excitement as possible, not wanting him to know that something was wrong.
"Hey, baby. It's so good to hear your voice. How are you feeling? My sister called and said you sounded a little flat yesterday on the phone."
Yeah, yesterday wasn't a great day. Your body decided that it didn't want to keep any food inside of you, even the plain toast for breakfast came back up. His sister had called at the worst possible time for a chat. You had tried to sound normal, but apparently you hadn't fooled her. You should have known she would tell him.
"Oh, yeah, sorry. Just wasn't feeling great yesterday. I'm good today though, but enough about me. How's Gladiator going?" You asked, and if Pedro noticed your sudden change in topic, he didn't comment on it.
"It is great! Joe and I had this really intense fight scene, and we did it in one take! Which was crazy because during rehearsal we kept laughing and dropping our swords, but we totally nailed it."
You smiled at how happy he sounded as you stared at the pregnancy test packet in your hand anxiously. You couldn't tell him. He was happy and in the middle of filming and you probably weren't pregnant anyway, no point in making him worry for no reason, right?
"Sounds like you've had a good day then." You replied.
"The best! Oh, remember when I did that Hollywood Reporter Roundtable interview?"
"With Jeff Bridges, Evan Peters and the other guys?"
"Yeah, that one. It's finally been released.
"Finally! I've been dying to watch it. Is it on YouTube?" You asked, putting him on speaker while you opened up the YouTube app on your phone to find it.
"You don't have to watch it. It goes for alike an hour and I'm probably just staring at Jeff Bridges the whole time. I don't know how I got through any scenes with him back when we were filming Kingsman together, that man is a legend." He admitted with a chuckle.
"Well now I have to watch it." You responded causing Pedro to laugh through the phone before you heard a voice shout in the background, but you couldn't hear what they were saying.
Pedro sighed, "sorry, baby. I gotta get back on set. I'll call you a bit later."
"Go knock 'em dead, Gladiator. Talk later." You replied before hanging up the phone.
You found the interview on YouTube and glanced over at the pregnancy test on the sink before shaking your head. You couldn't look yet... you didn't want to look yet because if it was positive... you had no idea what you were going to do.
So instead, you walked into your bedroom and connected your phone to the television on the wall and played the Hollywood Reporter Roundtable interview hoping it would distract you.
The interview did distract you. It was a good interview and whoever decided to sit Pedro and Kieran Culkin next to each other deserved a raise because they were fantastic together.
You had almost forgotten about the pregnancy test, you were so invested in the interview until the interviewer bought up the topic of 'daddy'.
"Uh, yeah. I am." Pedro answered the question with a smile. "I am having fun with it. It seems a little role related. I think. The Mandalorian is very daddy to baby Grogu. Joel is very daddy to Ellie. These are daddy parts."
"Are you a daddy?" Jeff Bridges had asked from across the table.
"I'm not a daddy. And I am not gonna be a daddy!" Came Pedro's answer.
He didn't want to be a daddy.
That thought hadn't really occurred to you. Pedro didn't actually want kids... you knew that was a possibility since you guys had never spoken about it, but he really didn't want to be a father.
The interview was still playing on the tv, but you had long ago stopped listening.
What if you were pregnant? What were you going to do?
Abruptly, you jumped off the bed and rushed to the bathroom and your stomach dropped when you saw the two little pink lines on the pregnancy test. It was positive.
Your body was paralysed where you stood, unable to tear your eyes off the stick. That couldn't be true. It couldn't be.
But after six positive tests later, you were forced to face reality.
You were pregnant. With Pedro's baby... but he didn't want to be a father.
Pedro had stated publicly during that interview that he didn't want to be a daddy, but you were pregnant. How were you meant to tell him? When should you tell him? You couldn't tell him now. He was in the middle of filming one of the biggest roles of his career. You couldn't dump this on him now. No way.
Pedro's boisterous laugher came from the tv in your bedroom and you sighed, listening to him. His laugh had always been contagious, and you could hear the others in the interview all now laughing as well.
You loved Pedro. And he loved you too, but you couldn't go forcing this baby on him, a baby that he definitely didn't want. How could the two of you have a baby anyway? Between your busy careers, there was no time for a baby. It wouldn't be practical. It wouldn't work.
In the end, you decided to ignore the problem for now. It wasn't like it was going anywhere. So, you ignored it. Maybe you were a little in denial about the whole thing, but any normal person would be.
Pedro had noticed something was wrong almost immediately when he next called. You tried to act normal, but he knew you better than you knew yourself so hiding anything from him was stupid, but you kept trying.
He knew you were lying to him whenever he asked if you were okay, but you weren't about to drop the biggest bombshell of his life on him over a phone call. So, you kept lying.
It wasn't until a few weeks later that you came home to find Pedro sitting on the couch with your laptop open on the coffee table in front of him. That in itself wasn't anything unusual, he always used your laptop to check his emails or play solitaire. But him being home a whole week before the end of shooting was definitely not right.
He hadn't noticed you enter the house. He seemed too focused on something on your laptop and whatever it was, you knew it wasn't good by the way he sat with his body tense and jaw clenched.
Did something happen?
"Hey!" You greeted happily, despite the worry churning in your stomach. "I thought you weren't meant to be back until next week."
Pedro turned his head in your direction, his usual bright brown eyes were dull and hard, his brow furrowed in a frown as he turned back to the laptop.
"We finished early. I was going to surprise you." He answered, his voice flat compared to his usual cheery smiley tone, and he looked away from you avoiding your eyes.
Okay, something was definitely wrong.
"What's going on? You seem... I don't know, did something happen?" You asked worriedly, dumping your keys on the bench before walking over and sitting beside him on the couch.
"Why don't you tell me."
You frowned, "I'm not following."
"I went to check my emails, but this was already open when I turned it on." He explained, leaning forward and tilting the laptop screen towards you.
You squinted a little staring at the laptop on the coffee table before your eyes widened in utter shock. It was your booking confirmation for an abortion.
Oh, God.
"You were pregnant." He said, but it wasn't a question, he had already figured it out.
You looked away feeling tears burning in the back of your eyes. He was angry. He was trying to hold his anger back, you could tell, but he was angry. Pedro was angry at you.
"Who's was it?" He asked, when you didn't say anything.
"Who was the father?" He repeated, causing you to look over at him in confusion. "You got an abortion without talking to me, so it obviously wasn't mine. Who was it?"
Wait, what?
Did he seriously think that...
"You think I cheated on you?" You asked in disbelief because that couldn't be what he was implying, right? You've been together for years, he wouldn't think you would do that. He wouldn't.
"Who?" He demanded, his beautiful brown eyes full of so much anger and sadness, it made your heart break.
"I didn't cheat on you. I'd never-"
"Don't lie to me!" He snapped.
You flinched back at his raised voice like he had physically slapped you across the face. Pedro had never yelled at you before. Sure, you guys have argued, every couple did, but he had never raised his voice, not like this.
The anger in his eyes subsided a bit, a flash of guilt washing over him. Instantly regretting his actions before he shook his head and stood up from the couch, heading towards the front door.
"I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you. I just need a minute to clear my head." He said over his shoulder.
"I didn't get the abortion and I didn't cheat on you!" You hurriedly yelled, not wanting him to leave.
If he left right now... you would break down. You couldn't lose him, and you didn't want him wandering the streets of LA thinking you had slept with someone else while he was away.
Pedro froze where he stood, his hand on the door handle about to open it, "what?"
You took in a deep breath, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you looked over at him, his back still facing you.
"I'm pregnant. It's yours, and I didn't get the abortion."
He slowly turned to face you, but you couldn't gauge his reaction. His whole body was just a blur through the tears swimming in your eyes.
"You're serious?" He asked, like he couldn't quite believe it was true.
"I'm sorry." You whispered, the tears you had been trying so hard to keep back finally falling down your face. "I'm sorry, but I didn't cheat. I-I would never cheat on you. Never. I need you to know that. I would never cheat on you."
Pedro rushed across the room, dropping to his knees in front of you and placing his hand on your knee as he looked up at you. All the anger that had been bubbling inside of him was now replaced with guilt.
"I know, baby. I know. I just... when I saw the email, I thought... I'm sorry. I should have never accused you of that. But why didn't you tell me?" He asked, his voice breaking ever so slightly as he continued. "You booked an abortion without telling me. You didn't have to go through this alone, why didn't you tell me?"
Your heart shattered at his words because you knew that was true. He would have dropped everything to be there for you, no matter the cost. He would have ruined his role on Gladiator for you in a heartbeat, and you wouldn't let him do that.
"I couldn't tell you." You whispered, tears still streaming down your face as you looked away from him, not wanting him to see you cry.
"Why not, baby? I would have been there for you. I wouldn't have forced you to do anything you didn't want to do, you know that, right?" He asked, seeming genuinely worried that you may have feared that.
You sniffed, "I know."
"So why couldn't you tell me?" He asked, his voice softer and gentler than you had ever heard it.
You thought back to that interview, your heart breaking all over again. I'm not a daddy. And I am never gonna be a daddy. Pedro didn't want this.
"You said you didn't want to be a daddy." You answered, your voice barely above a whisper.
You looked back over at him to find him staring at you in pure confusion and you sighed, wiping the tears from your face before elaborating.
"In that Hollywood Reporter interview. You said you didn't want to be a daddy... I watched your interview and found out I was pregnant the same day."
Pedro's expression dropped, "oh, baby-"
"And you were filming Gladiator." You quickly said, cutting him off. "So, I didn't want to tell you and distract you from that job. You've worked so hard for it, and you were so happy whenever you called from set. I-I didn't want to ruin that. But... but I knew you didn't want kids and I didn't want you to feel forced to have a kid that you didn't want-"
"Breathe, baby. Y/N, breathe." Pedro reminded, squeezing your knee gently.
You sucked in a shaky shallow breath, knowing you were working yourself up, but you had to say it all now because if you didn't than you probably weren't going to say it at all.
"I booked in for an abortion, but I couldn't go through with it. I was sitting in the waiting room, I was ready to go in, but I couldn't. I couldn't do it. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You sobbed, burying your face with your hands.
"Shh, it's okay, baby. It's okay. It's okay." Pedro reassured, getting to his feet and sitting down beside you.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest, his other arm wrapping around you tightly, holding you while you broke down in his arms. Pedro was still talking, whispering soothing words to you while you cried.
"I'm sorry you had to go through all this alone." He whispered, rubbing gentle circles over your back as he held you. "I'm so sorry, baby."
You weren't sure how long he hugged you for. The tears had eventually stopped flowing but the collar of his Lakers shirt was now damp.
"I'm sorry." You whispered, lifting your head from his chest and had to do a double take when you noticed Pedro's eyes were now red and glistening with unshed tears. Seeing him on the verge of crying made tears rise in your eyes once again, but you forced them back.
"You have nothing to apologise for. Nothing." He insisted, pulling away and cupping the side of your face with his hand, brushing the tear stains from your cheeks as he smiled softly at you. "I love you."
"You... you don't hate me?" You asked, your voice sounding as broken as you felt.
"Hate you?" He asked in shock. "I could never hate you."
"But... you don't want kids... and I'm pregnant and it's my fault and-"
"If I remember correctly, it takes two people to make a baby." He pointed out, chuckling softly as you rolled your eyes.
"I'm serious, P."
"So am I." He stated, his laughter coming to a stop as he took in a deep shaky breath. "Look, I know we've never talked about it, but I always wanted to have kids. I love kids. I love being an uncle and I love playing daddies on tv, but I had accepted that it probably wouldn't happen for me, not with my age or career."
"Pedro-" you tried to say, but he kept talking.
"I love you, Y/N. If you want to keep this baby, we will make it work, I promise. We will figure it all out. But if you don't want this, I will support that too. It is your body, baby, whatever you want to do, I will be there for you and support you."
His words sent the tears in your eyes trickling down your face once again and his own eyes softened as he brushed them away with his thumb.
"I-I don't want to force you into anything. I don't want to-"
"Baby, baby, you're not forcing me into anything." He reassured, but you shook your head.
"But the interview..."
"I said that thinking being a real daddy wasn't in the cards for me, but now it is, only if you want it to be though." He explained, putting emphasis on the last part.
You didn't say anything for a moment. A million different thoughts and emotions washing over you as you slowly nodded and met his gentle gaze.
"So, if I told you that I wanted to keep it..." You trailed off unable to finish the sentence as Pedro's eyes lit up with hope.
"I'm gonna be a real daddy?"
You smiled, "you're gonna be a real daddy."
Pedros face broke out into a bright smile, the tears in his eyes silently falling down his face before he lent forward and captured your lips with his, kissing you gently.
"I love you. I love you so much, Y/N." He whispered against your lips.
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sincerlycas · 1 year
pretty lady.
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summary: a connie drabble where he has to deal with dating the most prettiest girl.
warnings: mature scenes, slight smut, etc.
commission for: @tojisblondebimbo
don’t forget to dm me for commissions <3
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connie loved you with his hearts content, he loved when you would come up to him squealing because you got a new dress, he loved the way how tight the dress clunged to your body leaving no where for imagination. your ass pocking out the bottom of the dress when you would bend over showing your lacy thong clinging to your mound so tightly.
connie loved the fact you were so damn pretty, you were hard headed and stubborn, but soft and poise. he loved how sometimes your beauty could get you anything. for example, you forgot your purse in the house so you turn to look at connie while pointing at the Chanel bag “pa pleaseee I’ll pay you back!!” shaking his head he agreed to buy it knowing damn well you won’t pay him back. but he knew something was up when you seemed to forget your wallet multiple times. what can you say, why would you spend your own money when your man is right there?
but you being pretty can also cause problems. the amount of times he had to beat niggas asses left and right because they couldn’t keep their hands off you. sometimes he wished you wore a plastic bag over your head when going out. he wished your dresses weren’t so mesh and tight on you showing everyone a preview of what’s up under there. but it’s not really his baby’s fault that she’s so pretty so all he can do is grunt about it and move along while rubbing onto your ass any chance he can.
the times he really loved though was being between your legs sucking with his hearts content. looking up momentarily seeing your bambi watery eyes staring right back at him, your plump lips letting out the softest whines possible. slurping sounds filling the room as you rock back against his face trying to catch your nut. connie’s tongue did wonders that sometimes you had to deprive him from the pussy. like one time he wanted to fuck while you guys were at a family gathering and cupped your pussy with his hand after slipping it through the slit of the skirt “connie !!” “whatt? let’s go in my old room hm?”
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your hair messy and all over the place, makeup and lip combo smeared, legs kicking around everywhere, toes curling, back arching off the bed “you taste so good mama~ how come you won’t sit on my face forever huh~? don’t that sound like a good idea pretty lady~?” slapping the side of your thighs with pinching your overstimulated clit. “what you think mama~? tell ‘pa’ what you thinking in the pretty little head of yours~” biting your lip you grabbed his hand making him hover over you. watching your plum lips connie heard “you won’t be able to handle it pa~” did I forget to tell you he loved that slick mouth?
he couldn’t leave you alone even if he tried. you were a little bit toxic. everytime he went to do a deal you would latch onto him telling him if he left you in the house alone for an hour max you would leave. of course knew you were bluffing but he still sighed a stayed with you a while longer knowing if he you guys broke up, you’d find a nigga the same day. ouuu he was just like the song area codes by kali, that one line that said “matter of fact, scratch that imma send you a stack just cuz you fine as hell” and bitch that nigga hand you two racks!! while saying “give me a show and I’ll add an extra hermosa” who were you to decline the offer?
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overall being connie’s pretty girl had many perks it’s a 10/10 experience <3
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phthalomushroom · 3 months
The Family (5)
last next
pairings: modern!mafia!aemondxreader
summary: You had left Kings Landing and the Targaryen family four years ago. Now back and living with your old roommate you realize that the life you had thought you escaped had seemingly been waiting for you. But will the family really let you go? Will the people you left behind forgive you? Can you forget the past and look to the future?
warnings: language, mentions of trauma, stalking, mention of injury
word count: 1.8K
note: I am so sorry for the late post, the words were just not wording and I needed more time to figure out what I wanted to be said. But I finished this chapter and I hope you all enjoy!
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Baela and you had split up only a couple of hours ago. She had gotten a call and had needed to leave right away. You had asked what was going on but she assured you everything was fine before leaving.
You still had some errands to do, which lead you across the city to the East side. By the time you finished it had gotten pretty late. Most of the stores were closed and the taxi services were no longer in commission. You looked at your phone to see when the next train was, seeing that you needed to make it fifteen blocks in order to catch the last train for the red line. You began walking, taking in the cool evening air when you had an odd, gut feeling that something wasn’t right.
The streets were a little too quiet, which was never the case during this time. Usually there would be groups of people out walking, people on their balconies laughing but tonight there was just…quiet. You took a look over your shoulder to try and ease your thoughts only to see the man Daemon had mentioned earlier following you.
You looked forward, picking up the pace as you turned the corner. You thought that maybe it was a coincidence but that would be impossible. There were no coincidences in this city, you of all people should know that. 
You were made keenly aware that you were nowhere near your apartment nor the train station and there was no way you were going to end up in a subway possibly cornered. You were up on the East side, a side that you didn’t venture much on your own, meaning you were very unfamiliar with it. This was supposed to be a safe part of the city since the rich and high class lived here, there  was no way something would happen to you.
Clearly not, as the footsteps behind you got louder, making you instinctually speed up. 
This shouldn’t be happening, Daemon should have intervened by now. Unless that whole conversation was just to get under your skin, to throw you off. 
What a prick. 
However as much as Daemon was a prick you weren’t willing to find out if he was a liar.
You had grabbed your mace out of your bag, your body going into autopilot as your senses tried to assess how close this man was getting to you. You took a turn ending up on a familiar cobblestone street and realized exactly where you could go. You turned down another corner, heading for the brownstone at the end of the street. 
You took the stairs two at a time, repeatedly knocking on the door quickly as you watched from the corner of your eye as the man continued to approach. 
The heavy wooden door opened to reveal a shirtless and very confused Aemond Targaryen. 
You wrapped your arms around him, pushing your way inside as you pushed him up against the wall and out of view of the street, kicking the door shut. You peaked through the side window, moving the curtain to see the man that was following you get picked up by a black Audi before speeding away. 
“Happy to see you too.”
You looked up to see Aemond smirking at you. You quickly pulled away, taking a couple steps back as you shoved your mace back in your bag. “Your guard dog take the night off?”
Aemond’s eyebrows furrowed, noting what was just in your hand. “Huh?”
“Someone was following me. I thought Daemon was on protection detail.”
His face twisted before he grabbed your hand, taking you up the stairs of the foyer and into the kitchen. He grabbed his phone off the kitchen island.
He started scrolling through contacts. “Help yourself to anything you want, I have to make a call.”
“I think I’ll just go-”
You instinctively took a seat at the island, watching him walk around the corner to where his office was. You rolled your eyes at yourself, right back here and right back into your old ways. 
You set your shopping bags on the ground and put your coat over your chair heading over to the oven where something was simmering. It looked like Aemond had just finished making some mac n’ cheese.
He did say help yourself.
You grabbed a bowl from the shelf and supplied some golden crescents to your bowl. You had just sat down and taken a forkful to your mouth when Aemond came back in, with a shirt on, as he tied up his hair into a low bun.
He looked kinda pretty as a few of the shorter strands framed his face. 
He smirked, noting you had been staring. “Eating my food already.”
You blinked, looking away. “You said help yourself.”
“Indeed I did.” He grabbed a bowl, joining you across the island.
It was silent for a while, both of you eating your portions. It felt… normal. Like old times, a chill went down your spine at that. You needed to change that.
“Everything okay?”
Aemond’s face darkened. “It will be.”
“Is Daemon-”
“He’s being taken care of by the family doctor.”
You nodded. “The same one who stitched me up?”
His eyes met yours before quickly looking at the counter, he cleared his throat. “Yeah.”
You put your fork down, sitting back in your chair crossing your arms. “I’m going to need an explanation.”
He mirrored your stance, leaning back against the counter. “I don’t think that's a good idea.”
You started getting up. “Then I’m leaving.”
“No.” He reached over the counter to grab your hand. 
You looked up at him. “You were a real asshole the last time we spoke, you know that right?”
He let out a sigh, letting your hand go. “I know. I… I didn’t expect to see you and I was drunk.”
“You never acted like that while you were drunk before.”
“That’s because I dated you.”
You felt your face heat up at that. “Maybe you shouldn’t make it a habit. You're a bit of a mean drunk.”
He let out a small chuckle. “I wasn’t that bad.”
“You were rude.”
“I was flirting.”
“You’re engaged.”
He frowned. “I know.”
“We’re going to have to talk about it. At least to make peace.”
His eyes softened. “I-I can’t.”
You moved to grab your stuff as you made your way to the door. More secrets, more difficulties. You needed the whole truth or nothing and you were beginning to grow tired of being the only one who wanted to have a peaceful life. 
“It’s the Lannisters.”
Your feet stopped moving, you almost dropped your things. You slowly turned towards him. “You said they were gone.”
“They were but- but things got complicated. I am going to take care of it.”
“What happened, Aemond?”
“You came back, you weren’t supposed to come back and then everything got more complicated and then Alys-”
“Slow down.” You couldn’t make sense of anything he was trying to say.
He was breathing quickly and his words were beginning to jumble to the point where understanding him was impossible. Tears looked like they were ready to spill from his eyes. You dropped your stuff, walking over to him and taking his face in your hands. 
You forced him to look at you. “Breathe, Aemond.”
You moved your hands down so they were rubbing up and down his arms. “You need to breathe.”
He leaned forward, putting his forehead against yours, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. 
Then another. 
You closed your eyes, leaning into him and the familiar sage scent that he got from using his body wash. Despite the years, despite the pain, despite everything you still missed him. He was your everything when you were a teen, he was the only family you had at one point and now, being this close to him, you wondered how you had gone so long without him.
But he was engaged, and as much as you wanted to be selfish you just couldn’t do it. 
You pulled away, taking a step back from him. “The Lannisters are back?”
He seemed disappointed. 
He nodded, rubbing his face. “They’ve been back for a couple months now.”
“You should have told me.”
He shook his head. “No, I don’t want you involved in this again.”
“Aemond I am involved in this, I mean I was being followed home. Daemon got hurt. It’s like five years ago all over again.”
“No it's not.” He came towards you taking your hands and rubbing his thumb in a circle on the back of your hand. “I’m not going to let that night happen again. I’m not gonna lose you, do you understand me?”
He was looking intensely into your eyes, then his gaze moved to your lips. You hadn’t realized he had gotten so close.
“Aemond.” You breathed. Your head began to spin as if you were drunk, your thoughts going quiet as your body started to move closer to his as if you were magnets destined to meet again. 
“I’ve missed you so much.” He leaned down, his breath fanning your face.
“Aemond.” The noise you made was a mixture of a whimper and a plea as Aemond leaned closer meeting your lips with his.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer as his tongue invaded your mouth. You snaked your hands up into his hair, pulling the strands from the bun he wore. He moaned, pulling you impossibly closer as he nipped your lower lip. You felt like you were on fire, as your teeth clashed, the kiss becoming more hungry. 
More desperate. 
Suddenly his phone rang, causing the two of you to jump apart, finally being brought back to reality. He took his phone out of his back pocket, glancing at the caller ID.
“I have to take this.” 
You nodded.
“You aren’t leaving tonight,” he said. “You can stay in my room, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Don’t you still have a guest room?”
His face turned red. “Not anymore.”
He turned, heading towards his office as he answered his phone, closing the door behind him.
You made your way upstairs, heading past where you remembered the guest room to be. Against your better judgment you peered inside to see the room that used to house a queen sized bed now be filled with boxes of all kinds of things. 
You crept inside, looking into one of the closer boxes. You knew you shouldn't be snooping but after everything that happened tonight you thought fuck it. 
You reached into one of the opened boxes pulling out a small onesie. One that was meant for a baby.
Your heart felt like it shattered.
Yeah, maybe you should have minded your business.
Tag List: @dixie-elocin @liannafae @toodlesxcuddles @watercolorskyy @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @namelesslosers @tssf-imagines @xcharlottemikaelsonx @yourbane @beary-rambles @a-beaverhausen @lightblindingme
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mytheoristavenue · 10 months
TMNT 2012 Raphel Hamato x Reader - Give Me a Chance
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This was a commission from @virtualdonutenemy, thanks for the work! For any questions regarding commissions, go here.
Summary: After Raph watches your date with a classmate go south, he makes sure not to waste you getting all dolled up.
Warnings: Inuendo, angst, fluff, lime, possessive!Raph, overprotective!Leo, sheltered!Reader, rebounding, lust, sad/desperate!Reader, perv!Raph
You weren’t capable of letting down your smile. There was just no way, you were too excited. After months of subliminal flirting, bashful compliments, and loaning pencils, the cute guy in your comp sci class had finally asked you out and you couldn’t be happier. 
Carefully, you drug the felt tip of your lipgloss wand across your bottom lip, pursing and puckering to spread the shimmer evenly. Glancing down at your phone, you read the time and beamed again. You’d have just enough time to put on some earrings and shoes before having to leave. After doing so, you did a once-over in the mirror, twirling and giggling at the way the hem of your dress flew outwards. Suddenly, as if to rain on your parade, your phone began to buzz, shimmying around in its spot on your bed.
You were expecting to see the name of the gentleman you were meeting tonight, probably calling to cancel your evening plans. The name of your ‘eldest brother’ scrolling sideways across the screen brought you little relief, though. If the boys found out about your date, no doubt they’d try to interfere.
“Hello?” you answered cautiously, pacing through your living room.
“Where are you right now?” Leo’s stern voice rang out through the speaker.
“Home, why?” you asked, secretly impatient as you checked the time. Now you were definitely going to be late. 
“Hang tight, I’m on my way.” The announcement was so sudden that you hardly had time to react but blurted out a flustered opposition.
“N-No, I have a date!” Silence befell his end and you began to wonder if the line had gone dead or he’d maybe lost signal somehow. 
“A date?!” Leo furiously sprang back to life. “With who?!”
“The guy I told you about the other day…?” you murmured, hoping he could recall the conversation well enough for you to avoid elaborating.
“You didn’t tell he’d asked you out!” He pressed further, irritated at your lack of communication. 
“I knew you’d freak out!” you reasoned, a distressed tremble in your voice. “And besides, I didn’t think it was your business!”
“Your safety is our business,” Leo argued, stony as ever. “(Y/N), you know the rules.” The ‘rule’ in question forbade you from doing most things that required you to leave your home unless for school, or to visit the lair; on the few occasions you were allowed to, you were to wear bland clothes. Nothing attention-grabbing like the low cute, crimson red spaghetti strapped cocktail dress you now wore. “There’s no way you can be discrete in that dress, what if someone sees you and follows you home or worse-”
“Please, Leo!” you suddenly interjected. “I rarely ever leave get to do anything and I really like this guy! Please just let me do this one thing!”
The eldest sibling paused for a moment as if taken back, before finally sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Do you promise to be careful? Call us if anything- and I mean anything- goes wrong?”
“I swear, Leo!” You promised, holding your fists tightly to your chest, likely to keep your heart from beating out of it as you waited for his response. 
“Fine,” he reluctantly submitted, shaking his head on the other end. “Have fun and be careful, okay?”
“I will, thank you so much!” You squealed, excitedly stomping in place before abruptly hanging up, presumably to be on your way.
Rolling his eyes and pivoting to return to his training in the dojo, Leo froze when he noticed Raph standing in the doorway to said room, peridot eyes zeroed in on the exit. Before the older knew it, he was being passed by as the other turtle prepared to leave. “Don’t follow her,” Leo warned knowingly, crossing his arms as his younger brother bustled about the room to gather his things. “This is a terrible idea and you know it.”
“Leo’s right, Raph,” Don piped up, exiting the lab and trekking to the kitchen, empty mug in hand. “You know how she gets, there’s no way this is gonna end well for you.” The first pair both glanced up at the new player in the conversation before going back to it. “I’m just sayin’ I speak from personal experience,” the brainiest turtle continued, pouring his umpteenth cup of coffee for the day and stirring additives into it. “Give her some space, man.”
For just a moment, the hotheaded brother halted, taking his family’s advice into account, before ultimately deciding that, he wouldn’t heed it. “Yeah, whatever. You guys don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” he grumbled, continuing his descent down the stairs toward the exit of the lair. 
Obviously, the others didn’t know you the way he did, he thought. They didn’t know how clumsy and gullible you could be, how badly you needed his guardianship. That's what he told himself anyway, it would be much too embarrassing for him to admit that the real reason he was following you out on this date was to pretend that the guy you were going out with was him.
You stifled a giggle, kicking your legs beneath the table and clenching the rusty satin of your dress in your fists, all in an attempt to calm yourself before your date arrived. Admittedly, you were a tiny bit disappointed to find that your date was nowhere to be seen, even though you were five minutes late yourself. Nonetheless, you got a table for the two of you, ordered a pair of waters and an appetizer, then waited. The tantalizing smell of garlic bread enticed you as it sat untouched in the middle of the table. You thought it was probably bad etiquette to start eating without your date.
Minutes ticked by as your throat became more and more parched- no doubt a product of your constant nervous swallowing. Surely, it wouldn’t be too rude to sip your drink while you wait. Before you realized it, your glass was nearly empty and a waitress was at your side offering a refill. She glanced down at you with a sympathetic smile that you didn’t quite understand at the time before turning and hurrying away. Another check of the time revealed your gentleman caller to now be nearly fifteen minutes that, though to you it felt more like thirty. Screw this, you were hungry.
One basket of bread and another refill later and you found yourself obsessively checking your phone for any word from him, only to find yourself sorely disappointed every time. You were very rapidly beginning to lose hope, when suddenly, your phone vibrated, dancing about on the table. You hastily checked it to find a text from the man of the hour:
“Sorry, can’t make it tonight. Sick.”
You hadn’t even noticed the tears well up in your eyes until you felt them roll off your chin. Even though he’d excused himself as ill, you still felt so…unwanted, so cast aside. Shuddering, you instantly flagged down the waitress, desperately trying to conceal your hurt. You just wanted to pay out and go home.
From a nearby rooftop, Raph watched the entire scene unfold with glossy eyes. It almost reminded him of the pilot to a show you’d made him sit through last summer, only this wasn’t a sitcom. This would likely have a lasting effect on your self-esteem. 
He was a little relieved when you finally stood up and stormed out of the restaurant, frantically wiping tears away with your wrist. You were a bullet train now, racing down the avenue needing to get home as fast as possible. Startled, Raph jumped to his feet, seeing his time to intercept you being diced into seconds. In the blink of an eye, he was on the wet pavement of a sketchy alleyway, stalking behind as your figure darted between cars and tall structures. 
Suddenly, he halted in his pursuit of you- what would you say if you found him following you? There was a good chance you wouldn’t just fall helplessly in his arms like he hoped you would. Was there a way he could surprise you and sweep you off your feet without letting you in on his possessive tendencies?
Wailing, you barged into the lobby of your apartment complex, face hidden in your shoulder as you blew past the doorman, cutting his greetings short. Too embarrassed to sit in anyone’s presence long enough for the elevator to arrive, you burst through the stairwell door, clumsily speeding up them, tripping all the while and crawling back up yourself. After falling up four flights, you finally reached your floor and bolted for the exit, fantasizing about the way your plush bedding would envelop you in security. Still sniveling, but with sanctuary within reach, you shoved your key into the lock and threw the front door open, only to fall forward into the apartment dramatically, catching yourself before gravity could take over.
Exhausted, you haphazardly tossed your belongings onto the floor, shedding layers and accessories as you traversed the space. Heels in the hall, purse on the couch, and earrings on the kitchen island, you finally reached the bedroom in only your red cocktail dress, dainty necklace, and smudged makeup. As your fingers gripped the door handle you stopped, smelling something smokey, possibly with a floral hint. Alert to a possible intruder, you raised your guard and prepared for the worst before gently pushing the door and letting it creak open on its own.
Beyond the door, Raph lounged on your bed, waiting for you to arrive home. Surrounding him were throw blankets and pillows, an open take-out box with a steaming pizza, piled with your favorite toppings, and a rose-scented candle burning on the nightstand. Illuminating it all was your television, set on the menu screen of your favorite childhood film, the remote control resting on his chest. “Welcome home,” he said cooly, voice full of gravel, but a languid smile speaking volumes. You couldn’t hold back the sobs that poured from your throat as you lurched forward, collapsing against him.
Raph went rigid beneath you, having been concealing his anxiety about your reaction for quite a while. As you heaved and wept against him, he eased back into you and slowly wrapped you in his arms, hushing your woes. “Dollface, what’s the matter?” he asked carefully as if he didn’t already know.
“Leo was right,” you shuddered. “I never should have gone out with that stupid prick!”
“A date, so that’s where ya been?” Raph asked lightheartedly, pushing you away by your shoulders so he could see your face. “No wonder you’re all prettied up.” Your heart skipped a beat at his words and blood rushed to your face. “Now tell me who that asshole is and what he did to you.” 
“H-He…” you sniffled, sitting up fully on your knees and in between his. God, you looked so vulnerable in that position, and the way the ruching of your dress pulled your waist in- That wasn’t the point. “He just never showed up…” you muttered weakly. “He didn’t tell me he was sick ‘til way after he was supposed to be there…” You couldn’t keep yourself from crumbling again, falling back into his arms. 
“Shhh…” he cooed, scaly hand caressing your shuddering back. “I got ya, babe, it’s okay.” What seemed to be hours passed with him simply holding you as you cried when you finally spoke again, albeit in a quiet and broken tone. 
“R-Raph, do you think I’m pretty…?” 
“My God, babe, is that even a question?” he suddenly snorted, prompting you to erect yourself to gain distance from him. He could plainly see the hurt in your eyes as you loomed over him, though his eyes were elsewhere- darting all over your body and eating you up. “Like seriously, how honest do you want me to be, 'cause we’ll be here all night.”
“I don’t want you to lie…” you answered, anxiety bubbling up in your blood. 
“I mean where do I start?” he laughed, hands ghosting over your hips, but never actually making contact. “You got these perfect hips and that pretty face, tight ass,” he smirked as you flustered more and more above him, eyelids becoming heavy with want. “You’re a total fox baby.” he dazzled, finally laying his hands on you. “I always wanted to make you feel pretty, just give me a chance baby and I swear, you won’t ever doubt yourself again.” You felt dizzy under all his attention. You’d always had a feeling Raph had a crush on you, but you never would have thought him so passionate. Gradually and instinctually, you leaned closer to him, hazily sealing your lips against his, humming lightly. Kissing him felt so natural, and so necessary, neediness taking you whole.
“(Y/N), I love you,” he confessed, eyes trained on your lips as he parted from you. You weren’t entirely sure whether or not to believe him, as everything around you moved so fast but you felt so special… “So whadaya say, dollface? We got food, your favorite movie, and all night…” he persuaded you, pulling you closer into his lap. “I can help ya get changed into something a little more comfy if ya want...”
Finally, your painted lips curled into a beaming grin and tears pricked your eyes once more, this time for overwhelming joy. “Okay, let’s do it.”
Taglist: @sunshinesdaydream @helpyaw @thelaundrybitch @momii @camillahorne26 @turtle-babe83 @fyreball66 @sharpwindow @roseygardenfan @witchofthenorthstar @pheradream15 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @hyunonion @killmewithafanfic @virtualdonutenemy
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yaekiss · 10 months
#Mailroom Open! ─ Hello Qi! I hope I am able to get this letter in before the cutoff 😖 May I send a love letter to yan!Jing Yuan, and have him address a Foxian!reader w gn nicknames?
To my dearest Scoundrel,
You are quite the terrible influence my dear general, are you aware of this? How am I supposed to resolve this trade agreement with our fellow Xianzhou flagships in a timely manner, when you have more or less conditioned me to take naps during most hours of the day?
Truly despicable of you really. And on top of that, your "parting gifts" you left on me are still very tender; very distracting from my work. Efficiency and diligence, I fear will be strangers to me during this trip.
Regardless, I hope you are doing well and are not causing to much trouble for the commission during my absence. (Please try to not stress Fu Xian too much, I don't need further distractions from her blowing up my phone because of your shenanigans.) Maybe if you are on your best behavior, I might even give you a reward. Perhaps even something of your choosing if you are especially well behaved~.
Before I sign off and leave you to return to my work, I have sealed a gift for you. Consider it...my own unique "parting gift" to you until I return to you. Which I know in our vast lifespans will be over before you know it my beloved.
-Sincerely, your sleepy vixen
(Enclosed in a small red and gold box, is a simple blue collar with golden accents and filigree with a note that says "wear it until I come back ;)" )
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꩜ Letter Content: Dom! GN! Reader x Yan! Sub! Jing Yuan, no gendered terms for reader, Jing Yuan calls you "my tranquility", unhealthy obsessive relationship from Jing Yuan, lightly implied drugging, mentions of reader topping and edging Jing Yuan, quick mention of biting and blood, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: You have quite the roster of guards at the door of your hotel room huh? Looks like nothing's going to slip past them if they were chosen by Jing Yuan himself! ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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As you return to your temporary quarters after sitting through a particularly arduous trade meeting, you’re alerted by your guards assigned to you (by none other than Jing Yuan) about a suspicious delivery left for you while you were away.
Inspecting the box, a laugh escapes you when you catch the ink paw prints of a lion stamped haphazardly on both sides of it. After explaining that this was a personal delivery from the Xianzhou Luofu’s Dozing General, it seemed to dissolve any remaining apprehension your guards had and they handed the box over to you. Thanking them for dutifully carrying out their work, you step into your room.
Your room is spacious, ridiculously so. Why would one person need such a massive room for themselves? It’s the kind that only a general could manage to procure. The open sliding window leads to a balcony that showcases the bustling lively environment of the streets below and a cool evening breeze fills the room. Settling down on the edge of the bed, you set the box in your lap.
Upon opening up your delivery, it seems that Jing Yuan had prepared a pair of gifts in return for you. The first of two is an intricate small glass spray bottle set within a satin-lined box. The small tag tied around it says, “Some of the fragrance that I often use. For you to spray on your pillows when you sleep. :3”
Spritzing a fine mist onto your wrist, the scent of your lover wafts from the area; not too strong such that it’s unpleasant for your keen sense of smell, nor too faint that it’s hard for you to pick up. The fragrance is soothing and familiar, a thoughtful gift that will no doubt improve the quality of your sleep, as evident from the yawn it draws out from you.
The second gift you retrieve from the box is a soft sleep mask in your favourite colour. Sliding it over your eyes, you find that the fabric is smooth against your skin and the mask manages to completely block out all light, fully blacking out everything. The elastic strap isn’t overly tight but secure enough that it ensures that the mask doesn’t slip off too easily. Perfect for tossing and turning. 
Finally, laid at the bottom of the box, is the reply from Jing Yuan, concealed in an elegant envelope. The quality is top-notch and flawless, and it’s sealed securely. Running your hand over the envelope, you feel the crest of the Cloud Knights embossed lightly on the surface. You break the seal and remove the letter contained within. 
His handwriting is steady and dignified, each and every brushstroke on the page graceful. At the end of his letter, is his own name seal, stamped in red ink. Jing Yuan’s reply reads:
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“For my dreamlike haven,
My apologies, it seems that Mimi got its paws on the box while I was out of my office and left a couple of paw prints on the sides. Sigh, you should’ve seen how much ink I had to clean off the surfaces, truly troublesome. Perhaps it knew that the box was meant for you and wished to leave something for you as well, haha!
I have to admit, Mimi is not the only one missing you, my tranquility. I find myself looking over to my side to ask for your wise input on things, only to realise that you’re away. Fu Xuan laughs at me whenever I do this. :( 
It's just not the same to take afternoon naps without you by my side. Nothing is as comforting as your warmth in my arms, or for me to jokingly complain about the tips of your furry ears tickling my nose when we cuddle together. My slumbers are no longer restful when I can’t spend them with you, my tranquility.
The things I would do to have you next to me again. Are the marks and scratches I left on you still visible, my tranquility? Judging by how the ones you left on me are fading, I assume my parting gifts left on you are doing the same. Would you let me mark you up again, and won’t you extend the same generosity to me too? I yearn for your searing touch, my tranquility, for your fangs to pierce my skin and bring forth the vivid red beneath. Whenever I close my eyes, the only thing I can see is you, as if you linger in my every thought and dream.
Speaking of dreams, it seems that lately, my dreams have taken quite a raunchy turn. The starring role for all of them is obviously, you, my tranquility. You’d have me pliant and satisfying your every whim. In one, you had me bent over my office desk, fucking me hard as I rocked back against you. In another, you were edging me mercilessly, over and over again, until I could do nothing but beg helplessly for my release. That look you had in your eyes still sends a shiver down my spine. I’m hoping that soon, you can help turn these dreams of mine into reality.
Additionally, thank you for the collar, my tranquility. I’ve taken the liberty of adding a charming little bell at the front of it, I think you’d find it quite endearing. (And perhaps deserving of a reward? :3)
Do take care of yourself, or else I might just have to come and do it myself, haha. I’ll try to be on my best behaviour but no promises! I miss you dearly, my tranquility, come back to me soon.
Your rascal of a general,
- Jing Yuan -
P.S. Remember to use the fragrance on your pillows and the sleep mask!”
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Rising from your seat on the bed, you pack everything back into the box before stepping into the shower to… cool off after reading Jing Yuan’s letter. In the bathroom, you find yourself relaxing as the water patters on your skin. Your ears flicker slightly whenever they pick up noise from beyond the locked door. A shout from the busy streets below, a soft sigh and the tinkle of a bell, the water splashing onto the floor around you.
Whilst clothing yourself, you lift your wrist to your nose and sigh when the scent of Jing Yuan has expectedly, (begrudgingly), been washed off. However, when you return to your bed, the scent of him still lingers, one that wasn’t here before. 
Your heightened foxian senses can just about make out where it’s concentrated the most, and it points towards your pillow. It’s saturated with the smell of him, to a disconcerting degree. Lifting it up, you’re greeted with the sight of the usual red ribbon he has tied around his hair.
The world falls silent around you.
He was in your room.
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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ashdreams2023 · 3 months
hello dear! I don't know if you are accepting requests, but I would like to request a five hargreeves x fem!reader
where the reader is a psychic, and she works in the more "chic" part of the commission and she is interested in Five because of some visions she has of him and nananananana
Anyway, I hope you understood :))
a big kiss from Brazil MWAH!
I reached Brazil?! Y’all I’m worldwide now 😩💕
Five hargreeves x fem reader
There’s many characters in the commission to say the least, everyone got their story and how they got there, much how you ended up there.
But you weren’t that special, you don’t think so at least, not with your coworker having the head of a cow and speaking fluent Spanish and French.
You didn’t usually interact with other employees there that weren’t in your department, it wasn’t because you thought yourself better than them but everyone other than you moved too fast, worried at lot, but you suppose the calmness comes from knowing what your future is and how very little it takes to change your fate.
It was also noted that your department tended to stay to focus on appearances and self expression, you’ll be mostly found in different outfits and fun makeup, it clashed with the usual uniform but it was fine because in your case, it mattered what you said rather than what you looked.
In your years there you’ve predicted deaths, wars, fallouts and whatever you can think about.
It was your job anyways and no one knew your face to point fingers at who is telling on their little failed schemes.
Although….there has been a change of atmosphere since you began seeing some interesting visions about a certain agent.
Five Hargreaves.
An oldie he was, yet surprisingly this was the first time you’ve seen him do something so….unexpected.
End of the world? His family? A new threat from within? Interesting.
You find yourself watching him, from your department, from the windows, he always walked with a purpose and heading somewhere.
Your coworker likes to tease you about this…sudden interest of yours calling him a call for help and that you need to get laid or something along those lines.
"There’s a thin line between sliver box and a grumpy git sweetie"
"Oh come on, aren’t you even a little curious? He’s so…mysterious"
Your staring had led to some rumors spreading around but nothing crazy, you weren’t the first to show any interest in five but it did become slightly embarrassing when you caught him staring at you during a New Year’s party.
Then you were surprised to find him up in your department looking for you.
"I thought I’ll drop by instead of our regular routine of you staring down at home like a hawk and me pretending I don’t see you"
"I’ll accept good coffee and a conversation as a form of apology, meet at six outside."
Did he just ask you out? You weren’t so sure about it but it did happen and there were cameras, and to say the least, you became everyone’s business within a few hours.
"Care to tell me why a woman like you was staring at old me? I know your job here and what you’re capable of" He was so calm it made you shiver but you still kept your professional face on.
"You know as much as me that if I let something out both of us would be counting our days here"
"I see the rumors are true" He smirked
"Which ones?" Your curiosity peaked.
He took a sip from his cup "that’s a subject for another day with a much filling meal"
You bit your lip and chuckled "Are you asking me to dinner?"
The older gentleman eyed you so intensely you could almost feel the blush creeping at the back of your neck "I know a good restaurant in 1987 France"
"Hmm, it’s a date then"
"Only if you keep wearing that red lipstick of yours"
So he was watching you too "don’t tempt me I might rebel off and put something else, mess with you a little"
"I thought your department was too much of a bunch of goody two shoes"
You smiled at him then moved your under the table and kicked foot making him wince in pain.
"Pick me up at 7:30pm and a word of advice, watch out for chainsaw at your next mission" You stops leaving him stunned and clearly interested.
"Will do, will do."
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luimagines · 5 months
Oh Captain, My Captain
Another commission!
They asked for FD Warrior who gets seperated from Reader. They paid for the biggest option on my ko-fi and thus... I present this 11 page ditty. :D
Content under the cut!
When Link had joined the group he wasn’t sure what to think of it at first. He had thought this battle would have been similar to the first. He was already familiar with portals and seeing heroes of the past. 
He had already known the Sailor. He was a little bit older than when they last met. He was growing from a boy into a fine young man. That had calmed Link nerves somewhat. He wasn’t in a group of total strangers.
When they had first met, they had all quickly learned that their given name, Link, wasn’t going to work. They would have quickly lost track of who was talking to who and for what.
They had dubbed him The Captain after he had given a general run down of his occupation and his reason for being there. When he had given his title however, there were a few strange stares. No one other than the sailor seemed to know who the Hero of Warriors was. So he tried other names. Hero of Eras. Hero of the War of Eras. Nothing seemed to ring for the lot of them.
The oldest, someone who commanded respect, looked at him for a while longer than he was comfortable with. He couldn’t figure it out for the longest time.
Until he pulled out that accursed mask.
Warrior, as he’s slowly become accustomed to being called, recognized it on sight. His heart stopped and dropped through the crust of the earth. He’s ashamed to admit the amount looks sent the hero’s way afterwards.
The Old Man singled him out after a while and took him aside for a chat. At first, Warrior felt argumentative. He had asked, no, demanded the older hero, none to gently, for the reason that he had that mask.
Ever patient, Time pulled it out and looked at it. He had asked Warrior instead how the other knew about it.
There was a beat of tense silence.
“I once met a boy.” Warrior admits. “He carried that mask religiously. Used it without reservation. The power was breathtaking. It was never meant for him but he wouldn’t allow anyone other than me to so much as touch it.”
Warrior looked back to him, willing the other to be cooperative. Now that he’s seeing them side by side, the war paint on the side of Time’s face is strikingly familiar. He had thought they were interesting tattoos, not wanting to jump to conclusions at first. But there’s no denying it now. Warrior flexes his jaw and glares at the older man. “I’m sure you already know what I’m talking about.”
Time presses his lips in a thin line and nods subtly. “I’m not surprised you remember as much as you do. The most that I remember was that your singing voice left much to be desired.”
He smirks.
Warrior furrows his brows. What does that have to do with anything? He keeps staring. And staring. And staring.
It clicks.
“You brat.”
The conversation was less tense after that.
The mission was steadily following progress and they felt as if they were getting closer to their goal each and every day. Warrior felt confident with this group and the young men that he felt were his brothers.
Then they hit another bump in the road. Almost literally.
They had found you on the side of the road, unconscious and bloody but alive. Warrior was quick to start barking orders. Between the potions, the bandages and minor stitches, they had managed to patch you up but had yet to wake up at all.
The next town was still a few days' journey away. 
Warrior took over watching over you as the others went their way to set up the camp.
He wasn’t a stranger to injuries. He wasn’t a stranger to blood. He wasn’t a stranger to casualties of war.
But he never had to personally deal with civilian casualties.
He knew they happened. Warrior wasn’t about to fool himself into thinking this wasn’t a common place with violence. But he could see the way you dressed. They were tattered with the attack you clearly went through, but there weren’t enough defensive layers, you weren’t wearing any armor. It was a simple cloth covering and that was it. Decorated, naturally, that showed a small light to the culture you belonged to but that was the extent of it.
It was interesting. Warrior hadn’t seen anything like it.
Warrior watched the fire, taking the first watch by silent admission that he wasn’t going to move from that spot whatsoever. He adjusted the bandages on your head and moved the blanket to properly cover your shoulders as you slept.
When everyone had more or less fallen asleep already, you blinked your eyes open and started looking around. Warrior put a hand on your collar bone. He was gentle. He wasn’t sure if you had any hidden bruises. “Easy. You’re safe.”
Your breath hitched and he could feel your heart rate go up from under his palm. “Wh-where am I? Who are you?”
Warrior took a deep breath. “My name is Link, but call me Captain or Warrior, please. You’re not that far off from where we found you. The town is still too far away to make it in a single day. What’s your name?”
You tell him and gulp down the little spit that you have. Slowly, it appears that you’re becoming more aware of your surroundings. You can see that you’re still outside and that the darkness is merely because it’s night time. You turn your head and look at the group around you. You can see the boys and how they’re sleeping.
“Who are you people?” You whisper, looking back to him. “Why are there so many of you?”
Warrior smiles tensely. “We’re traveling… mercenaries. We fight the monsters that threaten the safety of the people. You’ll be safe with us.”
You nod, calming down significantly. You didn’t seem to pick up on the magical items they had out in the open or their seemingly too young members of the group. It must be too hard to see them in the dark… Either that or your injuries merely helped to mask the young faces that were still reflecting in the firelight. No matter, he wasn’t going to promote the idea that your life was in the hands of children.
That could wait until the morning when you were feeling a little stronger. Hopefully.
You fell asleep soon after that.
Warrior took it upon himself to watch after you from that point on. Sure, he wasn’t the most skilled medic on the field but he wasn’t about to burden the others with even more responsibility than they were already dealing with. He helped you keep up with the group and he took care of your injuries as it was.
You had told them that you were lost and you were attacked by a large monster that you had never seen before. You had told the group that it was large and pure black with the beadiest red eyes you had ever seen.
Naturally, that was of great interest to the group. However, they couldn’t decide if that meant there was a target on your back or you a mere victim of circumstance. It wouldn’t have done them any good if they were to leave you at the next town. If you were merely attacked from being at the wrong place at the wrong time then it would have been just as well and they would have been on their merry way.  If you were attacked for a target on your back, then no one was willing to leave you to your own devices.
Warrior was one of the first to keep you from fighting since you still had to recover from your injuries but once you were back on your own two feet- he realized just as quickly as the others- that you couldn't fight.
Something clicked in Warrior’s mind then. 
Something he wasn’t sure that would have been awakened as it did. It was a familiar feeling when he remembered the little boy with that accursed mask but there was a major difference here.
With the boy, who was no longer a boy, he already knew how to fight. He had weapons. He had magic. He had experience. The boy was an incredible fighter. Even if Warrior didn’t want him to be there, there was no doubt in his mind that the boy could take care of himself.
You couldn’t take care of yourself.
The thought terrified him.
At least you had gotten comfortable with the group. It had taken a while, no doubt but Wind had made it his personal mission to become your new best friend. From there, Warrior was able to stay close and do his job of taking care of you. With Warrior staying near, Twilight was able to get past your barriers, closely followed by Time. Little by little, everyone was able to befriend you and it was as if you belonged among them.
Warrior had managed to calm himself down from his earlier panic and let go of the need to hover over you for your safety.
But that didn’t stop the minor wrinkles to his plan.
They were still attacked. They still had to fight. The battle hadn’t ended just because you had joined them on their mission.
You had to run every time and hide. They would take care of business and then everyone would regroup at the end. You had helped with cooking and with patching them up when needed but there was always the wave of relief when Warrior had come back to the others and there wasn’t a single scratch on you.
“Hey.” You walked up to him one day, bandages in hand with an unreadable expression on your face. “Your turn.”
Warrior looked up from where he was biting the tourniquet tighter on his arm. He dropped it pathetically and looked away. Shame, crawled up his back and he shook his head. “Wild took a hit to the head. It’ll be better if you would check up on him first. I’ll be fine.”
Your expression turned deadpanned. “He already has three people looking after him. And you’re clearly struggling to get that yourself.”
“I’m fine.” He bit it again and pulled to tighten it once more.
The cut on his forearm wept the blood pathetically. Turnikit was doing its job well enough, but Warrior wasn’t entirely sure how he was going to put the stitches in himself if his dominant hand was out of the question.
You threw the bandages at his head, catching them before they hit the ground. “Idiot.”
You sat down next to him and took his arm in yours. “You’re always looking after everyone. Myself included. How you haven’t dropped dead yet, I’d never know.”
Warrior growls, feeling the pain come up from the movement on his arm. He bites on his own tongue- something he knows better than to do. “I’m fine. I’m used to it.”
“You’re going to drop dead.” You glare at the cut on his arm, already pulling out the thread and needle. “We have to stop the bleeding first. Hold on.”
Warrior growls, letting you do as you please. As much as his instincts are telling him to not let you do it- there’s something intimately primal telling him that if it had to be anyone, you’re the best option.
He feels his heart start to beat a little fast as you get closer to him, tending to his injury with such care- his spit gets stuck in the middle of his throat.
When the needle comes close to his skin, he looks away and brings his scarf up to take a large bite. You don’t once look up at him. All your attention is on your work in front of you and in making sure the job is done right. Which is strange, he isn’t entirely sure when you learned how to do all of this.
“There.” You pull away and start to wrap up the injury with the bandages. “We’ll have to take those out in a few days, but you should be all set to go. Take it easy in the meantime, ok?”
“And if we get attacked again?” Warrior mutters, watching your hands. They look entirely unblemished. Not a single piece of evidence that you’ve lived a life of violence. He had the sudden urge to reach out and study them.
You shrug. “I’ll take you with me and we can both hide together. But I won’t let you fight until you’re all better.”
Something twitches in his chest and his eyes trail up your arm, landing on the slope of your neck and your jaw line. You look up at him and smile. Warrior is suddenly struck dumb by the look. The firelight accentuates the lines of your face and the slope of your nose and the crinkle around your eyes. It wasn’t a smile that stretched from ear to ear but it was perfect enough for him to suddenly notice how breathtaking you were. And your eyes- were they always that shade-?
“You kept me from a lot of the violence when I first joined the group. You tried your hardest to make me feel comfortable even though we both know that I’m the outlier here.” You say softly, tying off the bandage at last. “You’ve been good to me. I’ve never thanked you for it.”
Warrior lets the moment settle. He realizes belatedly that he should respond with something. He looks back down to his arm, gently taking it away from you now that you’ve helped him out. It’s an awkward movement. He doesn’t actually want to do it. “...It was my pleasure.”
You smile and put your hand on his shoulder, stepping away at last to regroup with the others.
Warrior can feel that something has changed in his head. He’s always been considerate of you… he knows that. But suddenly the thought of your touch sends his heart into a frenzy.
He lets the moment pass and he never brings it up with you again.
You seem unbothered. You checked up with his injury and his attitude and seemed to hover over him just as much as he hovered over you when you first joined.
He has to admit. He likes the attention. He liked the quiet conversations. He liked the minor brushes of your hands as you walked. A leaf once fell on your hair and he brushed away. He’s never felt something so soft.
Little by little, Warrior started to want to spend more time with you. He wanted to see you smile again. He wanted to hear you laugh more. He just wanted to stay close to you.
He wasn’t sure if you thought of him at all. But he found you fascinating. He felt as if he could stare at you for hours and never tire of it. Warrior knew better than that though. He wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable after all this time because he didn’t know how to control himself.
It just so happened that it was one of these times, where you both were simply walking and talking together that there was another attack.
His arm had long since healed, but it still twisted strangely when he moved it a certain way. He still had yet to work up the strength to get back to where he was.
On instinct, he wrapped his arms around you and pushed you to the dirt. He strapped on his shield and held it over his head as the familiar sounds of arrows flying through the air landed around you all. 
You had yelped at his sudden movement, throwing your arms over your head. When the initial attack died down and the waves of monsters started to emerge from the tree line, Warrior grabbed you by the back of your shirt and hauled you back to your feet. He pushed you in the opposite direction and took out his sword. “Go! Run!”
You didn’t have to be told twice.
He’s not sure what came over him that day but he found himself fighting twice as hard as he usually does. He felt furious.
He can’t figure out why.
Warrior can feel his injured arm yell at him for the force he’s putting behind his strikes but that isn’t enough to convince himself to hold back even remotely.
This fight is different.
The monsters may not be black blooded but they’re fiercer than they’ve gotten used to. The amount of monsters is nothing to scoff at.  The boys give it their all to fight them back and destroy them all but they find themselves overwhelmed.
First, Hyrule had taken a slash across the leg which sent the nearby monsters into a further frenzy. Wild had jumped in to help his brother in arms and fight the monsters off of his back. Twilight had joined shortly as The Champion led Hyrule out of the area. But that did nothing to calm down the monsters.
Legend had tapped out of his magic within moments and stood side by side with Sky- but they were both losing steam.
Wind and Time were trapped between a circle of monsters that attacked them mercilessly. Time was already sporting a head injury while Wind held his arm back in obvious pain. Four had used the ability of his sword to help them out in the meantime but that left them all distracted.
Warrior had jumped in to help Twilight with the rabid beasts before an explosion was set off in the same direction that Time and Wind were in. Panic instantly struck Warrior's heart. He struck down the monster in front of him and ran to the area once more, abandoning Twilight to his own devices.
Time was face down in the dirt and Wind was pushing himself back up with a broken arm. He runs to Time and pushes him over. He’s alive, but unconscious.
Twilight yells in the distance as he’s pushed back and cut from the monster surrounding them and he can hear Legend yelling at Sky to get out of the area to catch his breath.
A familiar mask appears in the corner of his eye.
He grabs it without a second thought but doesn’t put it on.
A voice in the back of his head is screaming at him to leave it alone but when he sees Four’s literally begin to fall as well, he knows that they’re in over their heads. Wind gets to his feet but his arm is hindering from fighting any more. Time is unresponsive. Hyrule is a current liability for reasons he’s not sure why. Twilight is about to go down. Wild hasn’t returned yet and Legend and Sky aren’t going to last much longer.
The monsters close in on them and somewhere, Warrior hears you scream. A second passes and you scream for him.
His blood runs cold and he looks down at the beckoning mask.
He puts it on.
Warrior can feel his mind go blank and his body begins to move on its own. Someone else is in control but he doesn’t feel afraid. He’s not remotely concerned. Somehow, this feels natural. A common goal is shared.
He fails to fully comprehend the massacre in the battle that followed.
The monsters drop like flies.
He’s distantly aware that he’s bigger than he usually is and that the sword in use is not his own white sword. White braided hair flies over his shoulder from time to time as he moves. His arm is no longer bothering him. 
He saves Twilight first, quickly fending off the monsters that push in on Sky and Legend. Legend stares at him with nothing short of shock and awe. Sky is too busy falling to knees in a coughing fit to figure it out. Wild comes out the woodwork at last, jumping it on the back of an elk to charge at the monsters around Four. 
He decides to not question it.
Time and Wind are quickly escorted out of the area. Although Wind cannot do much to help as it is, he promises to watch over Time as Warrior gently places him against a tree. He doesn’t seem too surprised that Warrior had made this decision.
The Captain hopes Time can forgive him for this.
With the immediate more or less taken care of, Warrior sprints in the direction of your call. He’s praying he’s not too late. A sense of calm soothes him although his first reaction is to reject it. You’re not a fighter, he seems to remind “himself”. You had to run. You had to hide. And you screamed for him to come for you.
He’s back at the last place he saw you before he knew it. Your tracks are still there. They’re still fresh, naturally. He looks at the direction they took off in and follows them. 
Distantly, he can hear the grunts and squeals of the monsters ahead and b-lines toward them instead.
He makes it there at once in his larger form and destroys them without a second thought. A beat passes and he scans the area for you. But he finds nothing.
A deep growl escapes him. He’s not used to the sound, nor does it sound like his voice, but it feels right. 
Where are you? He looks at the ground for more tracks. The dirt is too kicked up to make them out anything from a first glance, so he squats down to look carefully for any hints to what could be there.
He’s no hunter, but it’s not the first time he’s had to track down persons of interest. He puts his palm to the dirt and looks closer. He sees the familiar lines of your shoe- a single footprint.
You went off to the right.
He heads in that direction as well.
The forest is quiet now.
He hasn’t heard any monster sounds since he’s destroyed the ones in the local area and the sounds of the battle behind him have also quieted down.
He has yet to take account of where Hyrule went but you take precedence.
He walks quietly, straining his ears to hear anything other than breeze shuffling the leaves above him. His footsteps are muffled but he steps on a twig.
A gasp.
His head snaps in that direction and he waits.
Silence follows suit.
He waits.
And waits.
He says your name, once, and stalks in the direction of the sound.
Warrior makes another calculated sound, searching for any sort of reaction that wouldn't have belonged to the forest otherwise. Said forest is silent around him, as if it knows of the strange change that occurred to him. He knows not how the forest knows- only that the forest is correct.
“Link?” A small voice calls from his left. 
Warrior snaps his head in that direction and takes two steps. He proves a point to make more sound so that you know that he’s approaching you. Another gasp but no evidence of your presence. He can only assume that you’re still hiding. You’ve had plenty of practice at this point. The fact that he still can’t see is a testament to your new skill. Pride surges through him. It’s incredible. A very talented feat indeed.
“Oh Captain…” Your quiet voice laments.
Slowly, you emerge from the treeline and begin to approach him. Your footsteps are small and your hands are clasped in front of your chest. You’re looking up at him with clear fear in your eyes but you still bravely make your way toward him.
You’re a lot smaller than he thought you would be. He must be bigger than he originally assumed he was. He drops a knee and tries to make himself as peaceful and approachable as possible.
As you study the change he’s no doubt gone through, he’s also looking over you.
He’s looking for any possible injuries that may have befallen you in the very short time you’ve spent apart. Your pants have been torn and there’s a little blood on your hand. There’s mud on your face and on your shirt but the blood sticks out to him the most. He searches for anything else that might jump out to him but he always returns to that little speck of blood. Rage fills him from the core to the brim but he stays silent. The only hint that he may be feeling anything at all is the way his jaw flexes as the sight of you.
There doesn’t seem to be anything else of interest aside from your mused hair. It would have been cuter had it not been for the context surrounding it. You reach out and tug on a hanging cloth from his shoulder. It falls from his shoulder and covers a bit of his front. It’s a familiar bright blue but the gold trimming and embroidery around the edge is new.
Tears suddenly spring up in your eyes and you begin to shake.
Warrior reaches to wipe the tears away but you flinch away from him. He freezes.
“Please…” You whimper. “Don’t do this.”
His heart flutters in the worst way possible. It sinks and bobs uncomfortably in his chest.
A sorrowful but accepting feeling passes over him. This is more or less what he should have expected. It’s just a shame you’ve already reached this point as it is. Still- the job had been completed. The mask, he supposes, is no longer needed.
He reaches up to his face hesitantly and feels a small divot on his jaw. He hooks his thumb behind it and pushes against it. It’s a strange and disorienting feeling as the magic is ripped away from him.
Warrior finds himself back on his feet but it’s as if he’s broken the surface after swimming for long under the water. He gasps and his head feels light. The shock of the transformation leaves him coughing and disoriented. He can feel the world go sideways. Warrior doesn’t even register that he’s closed his eyes in the middle of it all.
Hands land on his arms and steady him before he lurches forward. 
“...My Captain…” You say and pull him for a hug. “I was so afraid.”
He lulls his head to the side, resting it in the crook of your neck and hugs you back. 
“I’m sorry…” He says as he clears his throat. Warrior can already feel his sense returning. His arm is already screaming at him for the mistreatment. He doubts he’ll be able to use it at all tomorrow. “I heard you scream… and we needed backup… I panicked.”
You sniffle. Warrior holds you tighter and runs his hand (not on the injured arm) over your head and through your hair. Droplets of water start to hit his neck and Warrior starts to get choked up.
He takes a deep breath and pulls away from you. “Are you hurt?”
You shake your head.
“Liar.” He whispers and pulls your hand up. It’s a small skin abrasion. He’s not entirely sure why he locked onto it so much with the mask on. This is ignorable at best- but it felt as if you had been cut or stabbed.
He kisses your hand anyway, being gentle to avoid the sight of the injury. “I thought I had lost you.”
You shake your head but fail to speak more. He tugs you back to where he knows he’s left most of the group. He holds your hand close and keeps you practically glued to his side. His eyes search high and low for any other threat that might be hiding among the trees- but nothing else comes out to attack the two of you.
The supplies that were dropped are quickly searched through. He wants to give you a health potion but the others are in much worse shape. You don’t seem to know any better about the well being of the others in the group. You’re still anxious and frazzled from the initial attack.
Little by little the group reforms and they stock the casualties. Health potions are split amongst those who need them the most. One is fed to Time, seeing as he still has yet to wake up. 
Warrior returns the mask to its original holder and slot with little fanfare. He’s not looking toward the conversation that no doubt will follow once the others fill the Old Man in about recent events.
Wild, being the champion he is, was quick to make more potions once the original supply had run dry. You jumped into action without a second thought as the boys slowly filed in one by one.
Other than himself, Wild is the only one with the least injuries. Sky is next- with only his lack of air taking him down for the count this time around. The rest must be tended to one way or another.
Slowly, as to not arouse suspicion, Warrior breaks away from the group and finds a quiet corner where he could process what he’s done alone.
You appear next to him within moments.
Warrior freezes. He doesn’t think he’s ever heard you say his name. He gulps and bites the inside of his lip. He’s afraid to face you. He’s not brave enough. “...yes?...”
You squat down and put a hand on his shoulder. “I know that wasn’t easy… But thank you… for everything.”
He nods, keeping a hand on half of his face to try and hide what he can from you.
You kiss his open cheek and his head snaps to you with shock and awe. Your earlier words when he took off the mask slammed into the forefront of his mind.
You smile and stand up. “I’ll wait for you.”
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noneorother · 1 month
The art director & the Good Omens book cover tier list of doom, part 3
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3
I am your resident Art Director/Good Omens enthusiast, and welcome to my completely meta-free book cover tier list. Listen, making a book cover is HARD. I should know. But while we salute these artists for their hard work and time, I think we can all admit that once in a while, the vision is just not on. And on very rare occasions, publishers seemed to have managed to commission the cover art directly from hell... here's where we left off last time:
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21. Labas zīmes, Latvian cover
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Our boys are back! And they are so ready to join the Dead Boy Detective agency. I would say that Latvians don't wear much tartan, so Argyle might seem like a similar print, but it just seems so... not Good Omens. Much like Crowley's flying purple people eater tail and Aziraphale's Conan the Barbarian sword, we're straying into niche AU fan fiction territory here. I mean, it's not *wrong*, but it certainly ain't right, either.
Tier: Does the Job
22. Bons Augùrios, Portuguese
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Let me start by saying this cover is so close to being in the blessed category. The layout and spacing are divine, the imagery is simple and whimsical, it reflects the humour inside the gravitas to give you an idea of the *feeling* of reading Good Omens. So few of these covers have gotten this aspect of good design right. Honestly, I would slow clap if it wasn't for that random FLAME JIZZ stuck to the bottom right hand corner of the book. Who's idea was that? Dagon's?
Tier: Great
23. Semne Bune, Romanian cover
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I admire two things about this cover: 1) Their utter commitment to a clean 3-colour palette and comprehensible layout. 2) Symbolic demon giving a principality head joke RIGHT ON THE FRONT COVER. This designer had balls. cotillion-sized balls. Now, does Aziraphale's sword have a sentient rooster tassel that watches said head-giving in horror? I sure hope not, but I don't see how that could be allegorical so, I'm torn. I feel like this goes in two categories for completely different reasons. And seeing as I'm in charge around here...
Tier: Great & Not so Good (Omens)
23. Semne Bune, Romanian cover cont.
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Compared to the last cover's gigantic double-entendre, this feels so tame and logical. The text is centred and balanced. There's breathing room, and we have wing symbolism! I've never seen a cover try to split Terry and Neil's names like that, which is a fun twist but BY GOD that center line is not straight near the right end of the feathers and it is sending this cover straight down to Does the Job. It's grounded there forever.
Tier: Does the Job
25. HYVIÄ ENTEITÄ, Finnish cover
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In this list, having something actually *relevant* to the main plot of the book and not mangling and main characters really puts you in rarefied air. All the motorcycles are book accurate which means somebody read something! Would I have ever picked the empty parking lot of Famine's restaurant as a subject worth a cover? Absolutely not. But the sick 80s lightning tips it into "fine" territory. The text is yellow. It's pretty.
Tier: Does the Job
26. Head ended, Estonian cover.
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My face after staring at this cover for ten minutes and finally realizing that this is Hastur and Ligur waiting around for Crowley to pull up:
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The artist's face after watching me do that:
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Do I even need to rate this? It's called HEAD ENDED. I don't know how to be funnier than that.
Tier: WTF
27. Dobry Omen, Polish cover
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Some good points for trying to be original with the layout of the title by drawing a custom pitchfork "Y", but the heinous kerning and the fact the whole text block is not even centred kind of makes me take all the points back. I feel like we're pretty heavy on the demonic, extremely light on the angelic in this take. Maybe it's because on his death bed the lead guitarist of White Snake will finally admit to having designed this cover in his spare time.
Tier: Not so Good (Omens)
28. Good Omens, Hungarian cover
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If I told you this designer did not read the book, and instead just watched the trailer of The Omen (the movie) and vibed this heinous brown carpet swatch into existence, you would one hundred percent believe me. I can't even talk about the faux belle-époque font right now. I am irrationally angry.
Tier: WTF
29. Good Omens, Bulgarian cover
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WHO. IS. DADDY. WIZARD?? Is all I can think when I look at this cover. Aziraphale & Grommet are recognizable enough, and you could make the case for telescope monkey being Adam, but I need to find this cover designer and shake them until they tell me who this deranged Gargamel is supposed to be. I must know.
Tier: Bad
30. BELAS MALDIÇÕES, Portuguese cover
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After all we've been through on this list so far, this truly sucks. It's not even weird. It's just puce text layered atop text to create a great yawn of a cover. Shout out to the designer of the Diablo PC game font, I hope you got paid.
Tier: Bad
Part 3 roundup:
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 months
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ notes: just wanted to do something in honor of sorry boys going on hiatus. this is entirely based on their last video so watch that to understand the silly headcanon time. cc!wilbur likers will be blocked by the way, thanks. get out of here
↳ warnings: none. just the four members here. four original, and only, members of sorry boys. no one else
↳ song: campus—vampire weekend
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• You'd think that an afternoon shift at a trampoline park would be easy; especially on the down days. Hanging around the snack bar with your employees, blowing whistles at loud kids, and keeping whatever was left in the lost and found bin became something of a daydream to you upon first getting hired
• It was a better alternative to the fast food joint you had worked previously at a crazed food van—you'd rather do anything but that after quitting
• Your first tip that things weren't going to be that easy should have been the camera crew that shuffled in on your second week, lead in part by a blonde guy with a stack of pre-signed waivers in his hand
• "What's up with that?" You turned to your only other coworker at the hour, a lanky guy with a mask and fluffed up hair. You thought you remember his name starting with an R or something along the lines of that, but mostly you referred to him as 'dude' or 'hey you.' He never felt the need to correct you, so you just never stopped
• "Oh yeah." He'd responded with a tired voice while barely even looking around. "Uh, we have a group that comes in every few days and rents out the place. I've seen them bouncing around, and I'm not really sure they're, uh, stable I guess you could say."
• Glancing down from the reception desk and to the play floor below, you caught a glimpse of the three others he spoke of, one being the blonde kid from earlier, surrounded by a few cameras and doing some rather weak jump moves. One in a red fat suit fell over at one point and refused to get up as he rolled around on the floor whining
• "Er," You took a step out of the reception desk area as you pointed a finger down at the scene. "Shouldn't one of us be down there? Supervising, and all that." You neglected to mention that one of the men looked old enough to be your father and should probably be mediating them
• For a moment you thought your coworker would shrug and tell you to go on, but he just sighed and grabbed his whistle like a weary office worker preparing for a morning round
• "At least this time I won't be alone." He looked at you. The eyebags under his eyes made you feel like he'd done this a lot more than he'd ever wanted to, despite only being at work a few weeks more than you
• The next few minutes went by fine. You were mostly ignored by the two fellows in fat suits as they proceeded to say 'dude' and 'bro' far too much, and was only offered a high five by the same blonde— Tungo you now knew. At one point the cameramen pulled you and the other worked over for a small interview, the likes of which you seemed to enjoy more than him
• The first time either of you really had to step in was when the red fat suit one delved into his shell, yelling something about yoinking his pork
• "Chungus? Chungo?" You managed to say his name without somehow laughing. "Please don't do that. We're gonna have some problems if you continue to."
• As Chounce popped his head out like a cartoon character to look at you, you offered a wobbly smile, and was severely relieved when he finally brought his hands out of his suit to cross them
• "For the record dude I wasn't even pulling my plug." He frowned, having the decency to look midly embarrassed. "I was just thinking about my feelings, bro."
• You got a thankful look from your fellow employee at your successful endeavors
• The both of you continued to watch as a competition between Chounce and Tungo occurred, eventually somehow turning into a fight between them as the self proclaimed Master Za watched
• In reality, you were pretty sure their real names all aligned somewhere along the lines of Tommy Charlie and Phil, if the signatures on their wavers spoke for anything, but none of them seemed to call each other anything but nonsense
• At one point, you were compelled enough by the entertainment to purchase a bag of popcorn from the snack desk, earning a look at disappointment from your coworker as he saw
• "Please don't encourage them." He dragged a hand down his face, careful not to knock his mask off
• "I don't think it'd matter if I did or didn't." You smiled through a mouthful. "Just look at 'em." You waved at the kid zone they'd all migrated too in the last hour or two, currently kissing Master Za on the face as he yelped in protest
• "Wait." Your hand lowered slowly as you blinked. "That's not allowed—"
• The two of you took off in their direction, using your whistles for what felt like the hundredth time that day as you ran
• By the time closing hours came around, it was dark enough outside to make you yawn. It took a significant amount of convincing to get the three of them, mostly Chounce, to leave and stop bouncing, but it eventually worked with a few well placed bribes. Namely, handfuls from your unfinished chip bag from earlier
• "You weren't all that bad! Not a wrong'un after all." Tungo eventually confided in you in front of everyone as you went to close up, looking strangely proud about such a mediocre compliment. You grinned at him anyways, finding him to be one of the saner ones throughout the whole ordeal
• "Maybe next time I could judge a match of yours, yeah?" You offered as you thumbed through the cash in the register
• "Please do not encourage them." A familiar voice from outside sounded for the second time that day, making you suck air between your teeth in an attempt not to snort with laughter
• "And remember to check the bathrooms before you leave. One of them likes to hide in them after we close."
• "Sorry, what—"
• You ended up having to drag Chounce out bt his ankles that night and into Master Za's car so he could get home
• "You know what? It's still better than the food truck."
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
at your service • e. jaeger
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synopsis: after an injury, your husband is more than happy to care for you.
content warning: influencer reader, super cute fluff, eren giving (y/n) princess treatment, mentions of bodily harm and injury, slight angst, tiny mentions of sex, casual dominance
📝: just some cute fluff with our favorite rapper because I need the comfort today and I couldn’t stop thinking about domestic musician eren. 🥹 he just does sum to me.
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“Is that right? Well, that’s unfortunate but I really don’t give a damn. My wife is hurt and there’s no way I’m leaving her side. Find somebody else.”
(Y/N) could hear the intense conversation transpiring between your husband and whoever was on the other line out of earshot. As per, Eren was being his irate self. Blowing off a performance that he just wasn’t interested in doing. He had been contacted by the directors of the University of Miami in hopes of getting him to headline at their annual homecoming festival. Which always featured some of the biggest stars. Granted, he might have taken the gig if he were bored enough and had absolutely nothing else to do but he couldn’t be vexed. Especially when his precious baby was lying in bed, leg elevated on a stack of pillows and wrapped in a cast. Your arm? Bandaged up and damaged from the result of a nasty fall during a routine at a concert. Somehow, the stage crew forgot to bolt your pole to the floor correctly and as you went for your solo, it went crashing and carried you with it! An eight foot drop that was more painful than anything you had ever felt: The footage went viral, as did many things you did nowadays and everyone was terrified for you. You let everyone know you were fine but would be out of commission for a while…as you had experienced two hairline fractures and a bruised rib. Needless to say, Eren was livid and after rushing to the hospital to ensure you were okay, he rushed to the venue to find the people responsible. Raising hell that no one was ready for.
for now, you were stuck recovering at home while your girls finished out the remainder of the tour without you. It was a bummer and your spirits were a bit crushed…
“Go ahead, I’m still not coming. So you can tell the college, AMG and whoever else to kiss my ass. (Y/N) is the only person I’m leaving this house for. Ask me again and I’ll quit right now. Don’t call me for shit else. Goodbye.”
luckily, you had the most handsome nurse on the planet to care for you! EJ hadn’t even so much as thought of a studio or anyone else. Staying by your bedside, waiting on you hand and foot once you returned from the hospital. He had just finished up his call and headed straight back to check on you. “Hey princess…how are you feeling? In any pain or anything? Something I can get you?” His sweet words followed by a gentle hand caressing the side of your face, followed by a kiss to the forehead. He knelt down beside you, swiping his thumb over your hand. Even in this state, he glared at you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world. Currently, you were tucked into bed, surrounded by plushies, games, flowers, books and all things synonymous with a get well soon package. He had spent hundreds, if not thousands in a matter of days on beautiful bouquets and gifts to brighten your mood. He wanted to ensure that you didn’t go stir crazy or get FOMO while you were home so he ensured that your girls got to chat with you every day on FaceTime, watching them practice which made you feel better. Knowing they’d do everything in their power to make it the best show possible in your absence. Your fans poured into your DM’s and mentions, wishing you well and showing their love with edits of their favorite influencer and dancer. And you even made sure to hop on live when the pain medication wasn’t taking its toll. Even you guys’ housekeepers were working later just to ensure the lady of the estate had all she needed. A testament to your character and how well you both had treated them. Something many celebrities failed to do. It felt good to know that you were so adored. Turning your head to face your sweetheart, you’d run a hand underneath his chin and return his peck. The concern on his face was taking its toll and you had to remind him that you were just fine!
“I’m okayyyy, my love. I’m more worried about you. Have you even slept? And did you just cancel ANOTHER gig?”
a question he truly did not want to answer out of fear of you getting upset. Because truth was, he hadn’t been able to sleep much knowing that his princess was in pain. Hearing you wince from a cough that caused your rib to hurt or when your casts began to itch and couldn’t be touched. He couldn’t stand it..more so, he couldn’t stomach the thought of what could’ve been? What if you were in the midst of one of your more insane stunts? Ones where you were twenty feet in the air, dropping at insane speed to match the artist’s rhythm..only God knows how that would’ve ended. But even so, he was still going to do everything in his power to ensure your comfortability. Regardless of if it were at the cost of his own rest or reputation. All of his projects were on hold for further notice, his performances postponed and a meet and greet put on the back burner. A small sacrifice for his sweetheart he’d make any day. And he didn’t care who didn’t like it..
“Me? I’m good! I had a nap on the couch earlier so I’m straight. You though? You need to eat. When you’re done, I’ll help you get a bath and I can do your hair for you..I picked up some of that oil for your braids that you use. Your stylist told me everything to get.”
so typical of him..going above and beyond to make sure that everyone of your needs were met. Not changing word, not getting frustrated or angry once. Planning things out and thinking ahead so you didn’t have to. Almost as if he were glad to do it. He made your life so much easier and honestly, you couldn’t wait to get better so that you could pounce on him and thank your husband for all his hard work. You had heard and experienced first hand the horror stories of women getting left by their spouses when they’re sick or hurt. How calloused men could be. Your own ex would avoid you like the plague when you so much as got a common cold! So this was new to you but much more inviting. Thinking about it sometimes made you want to tear up..which was inevitable at this point.
eren would soon turn his head amid his prideful rant, feeling accomplished in doing something right to find your eyes welling up. “Wait, did I say something wrong?! I’m sorry if I—“ to which you’d halt with a laugh afterwards. “No..not at all. It’s just that..I’ve never had anyone be this nice to me before I met you. I’m thankful, ‘s all. I’m so sorry for burdening you with all of this.” To which, you’d find yourself immediately thrusted into a hug and a kiss to follow. Cupping a palm around your cheek, Eren delicately brushed away those tears and kept you in his grasp. “Stop it..that’s my job, princess. To make sure that you’re always taken care of. You’re the most precious thing in my life and the best to ever happen to me. I’d do anything to keep a smile on that pretty face of yours. I love you, (y/n) and I’d do this a million times over. So please, don’t ever apologize.” You had never seen such sincerity in his face. ‘Though sickness and health’ wasn’t just some empty vow for him. He meant every word and he was going to fulfill his promise of loving you unconditionally until hr drew his last breath. You were his entire world and nothing..not even a broken leg could change that. He didn’t love you any less because of it. “..Oh..Eren. I love you so much..” “I’m serious, princess. Don’t ever forget that. I love you more.” The two of you would seal your declaration with a deep kiss and do away with any sad thoughts. Hopping up immediately after, he’d return to his normally silly self and head off towards the bathroom. “Now that that’s settled, I’ll be right back. Don’t you go anywhere.” Having to get at least one joke off on you. Which prompted you to smack your lips and giggle. “Where are you going anyways?” “To get the nail polish and face masks. My gorgeous girl deserves to be spoiled.” That and the fact that he thoroughly enjoyed doing it too. You were certain he’d have no problem getting comfortable with tending to all of your beauty needs in absence of your normal routine. Shaking your head, you merely chuckle.
“You know, I’m starting think you’re having far too much fun with this.”
which was fine, because he was happy to be at your service.
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kaidoreunion · 10 months
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yandere android foxy: “playmate”
content warnings: android (humanoid-robot) foxy, robot x human relationships, stalking, yandere, kidnapping, GN reader
Two months ago, they promised you that the job would be relatively easy and straightforward, that it was completely safe and effortless, that it would be easy money. Two months ago, you were promised a forever job, with high pay and minimum effort.
“Oh, yeah, this one’s a breeze.” He’d said. “Watch the animatronics, make sure they stay in place and don’t get stolen or something, and keep the place clean. Basically, sit in your chair and watch the cameras, yeah?”
What he failed to tell you was that the animatronics, or androids, rather, weren’t just some stationary object that followed basic lines of code. No, he conveniently forgot to bring up that they had minds of their owns, that they’d taken lives that were swept under the rug by corporate, that they were capable of violence, emotion, causing tragedy and suffering.
Your mind is in shambles as you stare at the security camera footage, eyes squinting to get a better look at what should certainly be your mind playing tricks on you. But, as you rub your eyes, it becomes clear that what you’re seeing isn’t a trick at all.
Foxy, residing in Pirate Cove, one of the main attractions in the Pizzaplex, isn’t in his typical position. Instead, he’s casually walking toward the camera that’s pointed at him, making your heart race with each slow step he takes.
He tilts his head and leans in, the camera shaking as he reaches for it, tapping the lens with a hooked hand before the reception cuts out, leaving his area on your security cameras as a static screen.
You don’t have time to reflect, because shortly after, there’s a tapping at the left side door of your office. Naturally, you flinch and get to your feet, sliding a hand over the desk in search of anything to defend yourself. You grab on to a security baton, one of the few things this crummy job had given you, and hold it at your side defensively.
It’s fruitless, because when he wants to get in, he does so effortlessly. He slams his hooked hand against the glass window of the door, reaching down to unlock the door for himself. He pushes the door open and walks in, brushing the glass off his hook.
“Mighty fine security you’ve got yerself there.” He comments slyly, raising his head and meeting your eyes. You can’t help the shiver that runs down your spine at the sight of his narrowed eyes, one covered by an eyepatch, and the scratches on his body from being out of commission for so long. “Yer’ always just strain’ at those monitors with a tired look, nice to see a new expression on ya.”
“What the hell?” You murmur, gripping the baton. Foxy’s eyes dart to the weapon in your hand, then back to your face.
“Why so panicked? I ain’t gonna hurt ya.” He raises his hands, or lack there of, in protest. “Been outta commission for a time now, y’know? Been watching ya watch those cameras the last month, looked rightly bored.”
You scan his metallic face for signs of malice or instability, but find nothing. You relax your grip and posture, but stay on your guard.
“How would you know? You stay in that… tent… thing.”
“Ah! Me Pirate’s Cove, that there is!” He exclaims, suddenly proud of himself. “Yer right, can’t see much there, but word spreads. Cute security guard don’t go unnoticed, given the old men we usually get ‘round here.”
You hesitate, unsure how to interpret the compliment. “Word spreads… with who?”
“Yer a bit slow, aren’t’cha? ‘S alright. We animatronics ain’t just props, y’know. Chica’s real keen on ya.” He chuckles, but you hear the insincerity in his tone. He takes a step towards you, and you instinctively take one backwards. “Yer shift ends at 6?”
“Yeah…” You trail off, tightening your grip on the baton once again.
He looks up at the clock on the wall. “‘S about 5.”
He swiftly takes your wrist, pulling you toward his cold, yet shockingly soft, body. “Ya went home early?”
“What? I’m still here.”
“That’s not what this note says.” He grins a golden toothed smile, sticking a sticky note to the desk and lifting you, slinging you over his shoulder effortlessly.
“Fuck! Foxy, put me down!”
“Can’t hear ya, darlin’! What do ya say we get you some sweets to keep you calm?”
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sincerlycas · 1 year
What you heard.
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inspired a bit by the song “what you heard” by sonder/brent faiyaz.
warning: spanking, rough sex, degrading, fluff, a bit toxic, eren yeager (yes this man is a warning), etc.
wrd count: 2k./ don’t forget to dm me for commissions <3
part 2.
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“y/n baby what is your issue?” eren currently had your arm in his clutch stopping you from walking away from him any further. the lines on his forehead, and frown on his face showed he was really not trying to deal with this at the moment. “what’s my issue? really? so you’re going to tell me you walk around them campus halls not knowing what people say about you- about me- actually about you and other people ?” the reason you were mad was due to the fact a little birdie came up to you saying a girl named historia was going around saying eren gave her some, and knowing eren’s past with her, of course you had your doubts but still had a sense of worry.
you being the classy (aka petty) girlfriend you were, went to look for this historia girl for answers to which she gave you a high pitched laugh voicing “oh! I forgot he was dating.. you, it sure didn’t seem like it the way he was fucking me last Saturday .” off the rip you wanted to slap that bitch, but you knew better to make a scene for something that quite possibly might be a lie. “you know historia it’s quite ironic you said that because if I remember clearly eren said and I quote ‘I would never go back to that roast beef pussy looking hoe’ but maybe I didn’t hear right”
you mimicked the high pitched laugh she did earlier right after saying that walking past her with a bumb to the shoulder and a mumble near her ear saying “sour pussy ass hoe”.
but if you already handle the issue why are you still mad? It’s because even though you didn’t want to believe her, the timing made sense. see, last Saturday you weren’t with eren. he said he had to run a errand for the whole day so you were just hanging with your besties. that would be enough time for eren to be with her. still you didn’t want to believe it. so the day after the confrontation you went to campus looking fine as usual with your grey shorts body suits with a boob cut and some cool grey and thick glasses.
till you were stopped multiple times that day from people asking ‘are you okay’ ‘did historia really fuck eren’ ‘you should holla at me since old boy ain’t doing his job’. this what caused your mood to be sour the whole day.
finishing all your classes getting ready to head home you’re met with a smiling, handsome, fine like wine ass man in your face. that man being your boyfriend eren, he has finally showed his face on earth after all these rumors. “hey sweet mama, I was wondering if you could come by my hou-“ cutting him off by walking straight pass him, Ignoring him as if he was a rando. “baby! where you goin’” he jogged up next to you grabbing your arm stopping you near a secluded area. “y/n baby what is your issue?” leading up to the current moment so forth.
“what are you talking about? y/n you’re really going to stress me the fuck out.” he said while letting out a sigh and rolling his eyes. pushing him on his chest making him let go of your arm and pushing you jet black lace off your shoulder. pointing your long acrylic nail at his face you said “bitch don’t play dumb, there’s no way in hell the whole campus knows but you don’t when you’re literally the main topic” your crossed your arms staring at him as if was delusional. “y/n l/n when I say I don’t fucking know what you’re talking about, I mean that now stop fucking around and tell me what you heard.”
rolling your eyes you finally answered what he has been desperately waiting to know “why tf people especially historia, are coming up to me saying you fucked her.” and to that he laughed, he laughed in your face! “you really believe that shit, baby you know good and that girl is crazy.” shaking your head and staring up at him you asked “then where were you on Saturday” “I told you, I went to run errands.” “what kind?” he stared at you as if he was thinking of an excuse.
“you know what, save it tell me when you done with all this bullshit and call me till then dont call my mf phone.” leaving at that and hopping into your Mercedes and reaching your apartment.
laying down on your bed in your baby pink shorts and white cropped tank top you decided you would find answers yourself. you scrolled through your contacts and called connie a mutual friend of yours and erens. “yooooooo” automatically answering the phone with his forehead all up on the screen. “boy backup I got a question.” “what do you neeedddd” dragging his words annoyingly and setting his phone up. “eren said he was with you on Saturday what did y’all do?” lying through your teeth just see if it’ll work. “Oh- uh yeah we were on the game all day.” he nervously smiled and rubbed his neck. staring at him with a mean mug.
“yeah you a damn lie I can fucking tell cuz your nose is red bitch learn how to stop that.” hanging up on him you decided to try again and called jean. “hey y/n what you need” answering after a while and nicely. “I was wondering what you and eren were doing on Saturday he said he was with you.” “ohhh yeah me and him were at the park all day placing basketball.” hanging up on him right after that and sitting up crossing your arms.
automatically you thought he probably did fuck her if not why would they both lie? your train of thought was interrupted with a knock to your door. getting up to go get it you’re brought with presence of eren letting himself into your apartment. “bro ion got time for you right now get out.” automatically dismissing him staying by the door.
“baby just listen, you gotta believe me when I say I didn’t fuck her she’s just lying.” of course you wanted to believe him, but at the same time why should you if he won’t tell you where he was that day. “then where were you on Saturday?” and yet again you are met with hesitation. “see what we’re not finna do is keeping back in forth with this shit, if you cheated just say that you bottom feeding ass nigga instead of making me look stupid in front of everyone”
slapping both your hands on his chest and pushing him away, to which he grabbed you with not much strength needed, and pinned you against the door instead. “y/n don’t fucking play with me, cuz now you got me pissed off. since really wanna know, on Saturday I was being the best boyfriend I am and was getting reservations and decorations and all shits like that ready for your birthday this week which was supposed to be a surprise.”
holding both your arms in his hands and keeping you from moving. and to prove his point even more he pulled out his phone showing him in a grocery store buying birthday decorations saying “my baby birthday in a couple days and you knowwww I have to treat her right and give her everything she deserves all that luxuries and shit, baby if you see this, happy early birthday and I love youu give daddy a kiss when you see this.” ending the video with a wink and putting his phone down.
“yeah you look stupid don’t you, not believing in your man but believing some dumb hoe I told you countless times about.” looking at anything but him trying not to tear up from the embarrassment you felt right now for being angry and lashing at him for no reason when you should have just trusted him.
“o-okay eren I get it I’m sorry, I should have trusted you” looking up at him teary eyed while biting your lip. letting go of your arms and rubbing away the fallen tears from under your eyes and kissing your nose. “it’s okay baby, but you know I’m not gone accept that sorry ass apology so go lay that ass on that bed for me” he stated and simply tapping your ass and looking down at you. shocked by what he said and looking up at him pleadingly to have mercy on you. “eren I said I was sorry just let it go this once.” you knew you were about to get punished the most pleasurable way possible but you were still sore from last time and fat ma needed a break! “y/n don’t make me say it twice.”
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“OH.MY.G-G-GODDDD!!” screaming on top of your lungs with every word being punctuated by the harsh backshots eren was giving you. clawing at your sheets using it as a way to get away from those relentless thrusts. “nahhhh bring that pussy rightt back!” eren used his free hand to ball up your tank top in his hand pulling on it towards him to bring you right back onto that dick. “don’t run from it mama, what did you say I was? a bottom feeder?” right after asking that question a harsh slap came down to your ask making you let out another scream.
bringing your right hand behind you to claw and push at his abs. “d-daddy I’m sorryyy~ i promise I’ll never question you again- AH FUCKKK~!! baby pleaseee” begging him to give you a break and making promises he knew you wouldn’t keep, that was just how you were, a back talking ass woman who stood her ground but it always ended up with you here. bringing his hand down between your legs to furiously rub at you clit causing your legs to spasm and your hand to grip his wrist. “youre sorry? you really believed her- you better arch that shit right back up- you believed that bitch and doubted me?
crying hysterically and cumming for the third time, babbling ‘sorries’ and ‘daddy please’s’ to which he ignored. instead he lifted one leg on the bed slamming balls deep into you causing you to let out a silent scream and violently shaking your legs. “now tell me who this dick belong to mama.” flipping you onto your back to see your face while staying inside and keeping his leg up. “I-I-I-it’s m-mineee~” you shakingly breathing heavily trying to stop your cries. “then start fucking act like it’s yours and yours only.” slapping your clit repeatedly then raising his hand to leave another slap but is stopped by your hands covering it and shaking your head repeatedly no crying even louder. eren being the tease that he is starts shaking his head yes at you and forcefully moves your hand away. “don’t try cover and take away while I rightfully own.” “you see this pussy, that clit, this ass, everything on you is mine just as much as mine is yours, so next time you try that shit again you’re gonna get something coming for you.”
rubbing your clit as quick as he can and hitting your g-spot repeatedly you grabbed onto his back leaving down scratch marks every time he hit those bundle of nerves. not a moment later you felt like you needed to pee. “d-daddy stop- I’m gonna make messss~” and already understanding what you meant he started jackhammering into your cunt till he felt you spraying up on his abs, your stomach and legs, and some even reaching his lips to which he greedily licked away. slowing his thrusts down after cumming inside you soon after you and holding you tightly rubbing your legs to soothe you. “you okay mama? I’m sorry I did so much but I had to teach you a lesson” kissing your cheek lovingly and accidentally brushing past your clit with his pelvis causing to squirt yet again! “o-o-o-oh f-f-fuck dadddy it’s hurtssss, it won’t stoppp~” automatically going down eren went to lick up at your pussy catching every bit of your juice he can to relieve your pleasurable pain.
finishing up and running a bath and taking care of you, slipping on a oversized t-shirt on you (his shirt you stole) and a pink thong, slipping your thick black glasses back onto your eyes and laying you next to him kissing on your shoulders. “you feel better baby?” he asked while rubbing your thighs to which you nodded your headed and slept soundly.
eren took that time to grab his phone and post a video of you in your current attire with you legs still slightly shaking and a hand print on your ass captioning “fuck all them rumors I’m reserved for one person and one person only, she know that too.” along side the the song “what you heard- Sonder/Brent faiyaz”
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