#I had to draw this dumb cat-bird
novalizinpeace · 3 months
Random mod check
How are you feeling and doing? Thank you for the amazing blog. Please remember to take care of yourself and that people care about you
not exactly good? If you're here just for the critters keep scrolling, no need to read my chaotic life.
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It had been a kinda bad start of the month with a lot of bad news both in my work and in my family, and 'm honestly trying to keep myself together drawing the critters 'cause on the other hand i would probably break down.
For ''little'' things like one of my cats been dumb enough to try to eat a bee so now she have a inflamate mouth that prevent her to eat normally so i need to be over her giving her food like a baby (and she's a mean bitch so is more hard), from big worry things like medical shit related to me, my mother and my grandma (yay for chronic family diseases), to the death of my paternal grandfather. I hadn't been able to catch a break since december, and the rest of my family aren't exactly helping, so the only thing i can do is take it like a champ and keep going, i had been having said mentality since my 15, and now in my 25 i already sound like a old lady due all the shit i had to take responsability for, i feel like a war soldier with PTSD and everything.
One of the things that is eating me up is the posibility of getting my internet shut down again 'cause, while i paid for my part of the month, my family ''forgot'' their part, and is already 5th so theres a BIG probability that tomorrow 'm not going to be here, they told me they're going to try and find their part before paycheck, but idk if that a ''we're paying it before it get shut down'' or a ''we're paying in the next 10 days'', so yeah, if i suddendly don't post anything tomorrow, you know why.
You would thing ''why don't you move out?'' ''why don't live on your own and deal with your own problems?''. Well, here's the thing: In this country, the salary is around 5$/week, 'course that the official one, but since bussiness know nobody is going to work for that little, they include a food stamp of around 50/80$ with the paycheck, so in a way you're getting pay 100$/month.
But this mean that you still only have 20$/month to spend elsewhere, and shit like clothes, basic neccesities, healthcare and more aren't cheap. You need to calculate right, 'cause you risk to miss something important and not been able to get it till next paycheck (for big example, female products that suck my souls each month). and you know how much it cost the internet? around 40$/month, so a two people full salary, aka i wouldn't be able to pay for the internet on my own.
So even when a good house have a cost of 5.000$ here (a lot of house are abandoned due the big number of people emigrating from here, so house are really cheap), if you only get 240$/year, the only way you can live alone is if you have a familiar that is sending you money from another country to help you get it, or if you got the house from a familiar that passed away.
Yeah, a lot of my problems at the moment come from financial problems, but the house situation isn't one, i wouldn't care still living here is i could deal with the other problems, my life as been stressful since the man that speak with birds got in charge of the country, but i could deal with it before, it right now that 'm eating my nails at all the shit going on.
I really appreciate all the support and love you all had give me here, i had take the critters (both the cartoon and the experiments) as a safe place in this stressful times, so the fact that other people enjoy them with me as really help me keep going. Don't worry, if i dissapear isn't going to be forever, just like the fucking springtrap ''i always come back''. You're not going to get away from me this easily.
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pomrania · 6 months
Another Bestiaryposting critter, the "gligglae", and apparently sometimes "haven't gotten around to doing this thing" and "don't feel like doing anything at the moment" cancel each other out. I'm reasonably certain I know what this creature is supposed to be, and I even know that I can like 75% draw that most distinctive feature, but a) it's not about drawing what you think it ACTUALLY is, but rather something it could be if you were just going from the description; and b) I had a dumb idea that I am absolutely going to run with.
Now, it mentions that it has wings, and it "flies, but not on wings; it supports itself by making a rowing motion with its skin". The REASONABLE interpretation is that either a) its mentioned "wings" are just, like, shoulder fluff an gives the appearance of wings, or b) that it actually does fly using wings, and the "but not on wings" is a shorthand version for "not wings that look like what we're used to seeing". HOWEVER, I'd an idea from the "rowing motion", and decided it should have stuff that looks like actual oars.
If I was less of a coward, I'd elide the whole "with its skin" bit, and just draw a creature hooked up to a Flying Contraption. However, it'd itch at my mind if I did something INTENTIONALLY getting it wrong (as opposed to last week, where I did something ACCIDENTALLY getting it wrong, because I didn't know that a "coot" was an actual extant bird), plus also I don't feel like designing what A Contraption might look like.
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Here's everything in the file I currently have. The middle bits were just getting the generic concept out; then the bottom left is me thinking up cool features for the creature, and it's kind of like an anteater pretty much entirely because I was recently watching a video on them, so they're what first came to mind for "mammal that doesn't look like a dog or a horse or a cat"; the thing on the right is me trying to doodle out it hanging from a thing, and forgetting about perspective; and on the top left is doodling out some colour patterning. I think I accidentally got some "houndour" mixed in, but that shouldn't be an issue when worked over a creature with different shaping.
Next on the list is "think about what pose I'd do for this", because I've learned to not spend too much time and effort on getting the design just right, when there's a decent chance I'll end up changing it to make a picture better or easier.
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actualbird · 11 months
luke is so bird coded like ik he has peanut but im starting to think he’s ALSO a bird. He likes fruits and nuts which show up a lot (the third anniversary drawing game, that cookie mini game from ages ago where his cookie was a peanut butter one…) and now ur saying he probably had to eat bugs. wouldn’t be surprised if instead of a proper meal he ate bird seed. and do you remember his sweet chapter story 1 where the mc bought him cat treats for humans? extension of my point to say he’s also pet coded!!
irt my this hc post where i put a throwaway line abt luke probably having eaten a bug or several in the past
yes YESSSSSS ANON UR SO RIGHT UR SO RIGHT I SO AGREE!!!! luke is mainly dog-coded but he is So Immensely bird-coded and cat-coded and
ok i found it here it is screencapped for reference
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is luke pearce a sweet little pet of a boyfriend? yes. 100%. 300% actually, because hes several pets. please take care of him and give him lots of love even if he can be a bit silly and dumb sometimes
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
🧠 how about your fav headcannon for each bridgerton sibling?
Anthony - is as invested in all of his nieces and nephews as he is with his own children. Any of his siblings or in-laws concerns for their own children become his concerns and he always does everything he can to assist the younger generation. He insists on paying for the best doctors should he hear of any nibling falling ill, and he is listed as the first port of call for any of his nephews attending Eton should a matter need to be discussed seeing as he's the most local.
Benedict - hosts art sessions at Aubrey Hall during the summer for his nieces and nephews who want to learn. He takes great pleasure in guiding them and showing them different art forms, and he's lucky that the kids who have shown an interest are all on the quieter and more retiring side. Benedict actually uses the art sessions as a way of weaseling his way out of seeing after the more chaotic children and as soon as he hears screaming and shouting from somewhere in the house, he simply gets up and shuts the door of the drawing room he's in with his group, pretending as if he heard nothing at all.
Colin - when Agatha turns three he gifts her a kitten, who she is immediately besotted with and carries around with her all the time. He had hoped to get revenge on Benedict naming the feral cat that roams around My Cottage after him, and tells Agatha that the kitten's name is Ben with a petty little grin - except, Agatha doesn't agree with the kitten's name and keeps calling him Bobby. When Colin snapped at her to call the kitten Ben, his little girl burst into tears and he realised he was putting his petty little gripe with his brother above Agatha's happiness, and he apologised by getting a collar with Bobby's name engraved to cheer her up.
Daphne - starts a hunting club for the Bridgerton ladies and competes with the men every year at Aubrey Hall with who can collect the most kills. Kate, Eloise, and Lucy make up the rest of the group and though they are outnumbered by the men, it's Daphne's strong-willed determination to best her husband and brothers that leads to the women's victory every single year, much to Anthony's chagrin.
Eloise - one of her favourite things to do as a parent is host little tea parties with her children, as well as her nieces and nephews. She quite happily sits in a chair far too small for her, let's one of the kids pop a funny hat on her, and she sits and converses with them just as she would with Penelope. She never puts on a softer voice or dumbs herself down for the children, treating them with the same respect and grace as she would anyone else.
Francesca - knits baby blankets for each and every one of her niblings. Following her miscarriage and during the years where she yearned for a baby, making the blankets made her feel melancholy for a life she was missing out on but she persisted nonetheless as it still brought her great joy to visit the nursery at Aubrey Hall and see her infant nieces and nephews snuggled up or clutching the blankets she had lovingly made.
Gregory - for whatever reason I think he'd really be into bird-watching. Hunting has never interested him and he much prefers to admire and watch game birds, and can quite happily sit still and watch in fascination as the birds go about their business. He'd have even picked up on and learnt to mimic bird calls and whistles, and later on with his nine children he has a specific bird call or whistle allocated to each of them that he uses to summon whichever one he's in need of.
Hyacinth - spent the last few years of Lady Danbury's life dutifully by her side and was as devastated as Gareth when she passed away peacefully in her sleep. She inherited a lot of Lady D's personal possessions including her jewellery, hats, and her walking stick (or as the great lady had coined herself; the stick of death). Hyacinth vowed to keep Lady Danbury's legacy alive and would regularly scare the shit out of her brothers when they heard the familiar smacking of the stick of death against the floor echoing down the hall, only for her to enter the room with the walking stick and laugh in their faces.
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alexs-playground · 2 years
You asked for Eddie requests and I am so very gay and in love with that man so-
Himbo reader that is a senior (probably not for the first time) on the wrestling team who everybody knows is gay but nobody says anything because he's intimidating. Maybe they're paired up for a project or something and the reader is just a heart-eyes mf the whole time.
Artsy (trad)goth weirdo reader who everybody at school is scared of but Eddie sees them feeding/talking to birds at his bench (or baby-talking with a stray cat somewhere) and figures that they're actually a softie.
Awwww i love both of these!!! Im gonna do the Artsy goth It sounds so heart warming and adorable.
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CW: fluffy shit that makes you feel all giddy inside :))
No spoilers involved!!!!
It was half-way through fourth period when Eddie got bored of the dumb lecture, he has heard many times before, when he decided to skip. Quickly with the teacher's eyes were on the board did he slip out of the classroom with his stuff and dashing out the school. Deciding that after he put his stuff in his van he would head out to his spot in the woods.
You were sitting on the picnic bench out in the middle of the woods far from the school. You were sketching the surprisingly nice raccoon in front of you. Technically you should be in the art room, but the teacher honestly couldn't care less where you were. Reaching out to pet it, the raccoon was first startled by you quick movements and spikes hanging from your wrists. It soon settled and let you touch them. You let out a huff of relief and smiled giving it light strokes on their head.
Eddie had saw from a distance that you were sat on the bench as he tried to quietly maneuver himself through the trees. He wasn't so surprised to see you, honestly, he thought you were there for a drug deal. thinking back to himself he never remembered having a scheduled "appointment" with you. What shocked him was your aura, to say the least your hardcore devotion to being goth scared everyone, but your face wasn't wearing your usual RBF that was only more extenuated with your heavy eyeshadow. You were smiling and... talking to a raccoon?
The man wasn't really afraid of you he honestly admired you. I mean how could he not you were crowned the freak of all freaks at school. It was when you both first got into high school when you were caught sketching a character that resembled Satan. You didn't try to fit anywhere not even with him and the other so-called freaks.
"I don't see why people are afraid of animals like you. You aren't so vicious are you, little guy." You coo at the animal that snuggles into your and gently gnawing at your fingers. Your soft voice in stark contrast to how you look.
As Eddie drew closer a twig snapped cause your movements to cease and the raccoon to run realizing Eddie was there. You sigh knowing you've been caught out of your facade of "evil" and "brooding". Quickly you reach for your stuff to collect it when Eddie finally speaks up.
"Sorry I didn't mean to intrude on you. I just usually come here when I'm skipping. You don't have to leave." He speaks with a small skittish smile on his face. He may have not been afraid, but he was still nervous as he realized his "admiration" of you was a crush. Something about seeing your soft side even when on accident it lit a flame in him causing his heart to race.
You slowly nod putting your stuff down and relaxing noticing that you were going to be fine around him. Eddie walks around to the other side of the table and sits down flashing you a bigger smile. An idea popped into your head when you saw him smile.
"Could I draw you?" You mumbled out in a soft tone hoping Eddie wouldn't be weirded out.
His head snapped up to meet your eyes a slight blush covering his face. No one has ever asked to draw him, mainly because he isn't the most liked person ever, but it was just new. Smile never faltering as he nodded. You pulled your sketch book out in front of you again flipping to a new page kind of embarrassed you were just sketching a raccoon. The sounds of your pencil sliding all across the paper filled the silence perfectly.
Eddie took the time to look at you now that he is closer to you than any other human being has been. Your teeth gnawing at your bottom lip as you concentrate only every looking up when you need to. The make-up that covers your eyes is far more detailed when looked at closer from the different shades of blacks and grays to the design.
While you were drawing him, he was painting portrait of you in his head. Your soft expression and vulnerability in that moment would forever be in his brain.
"So, is the goth thing a front or do you truly like dressing like this?" He asks to break the silence. He was genuinely curious. You seemed so soft in this moment it was hard to believe that your style wasn't just a front.
Your face morphed into shock as no one has ever questioned your style, only ridiculed it. You knew Eddie might be the only person who you could ever tell who you truly are.
"Y'know I could ask the same of you the same thing, but since you asked..." you sigh slightly "No it's not a 'ploy' I dress goth 'cause I feel great in it and my personality outside school just happens to oddly contradict with it." I explain
Eddie smiles and leans over the table grabbing the hand that was unconsciously fidgeting nails clawing at the table. You look up at him studying his face trying to read him. His doe-eyes hold so much behind them with his wolfish smile to cover the secrets that lie behind his face.
"Thought so, it's just you seem to resent everyone in school and on the off chance I see you out and about you still do. Then I see you here and you, Y/n, the 'mean and scary' goth of Hawkins...is a softie who enjoys art." He explains coming to a conclusion about you, something he has tried to do since you said "no" to joining the other outcast.
The smile on his face widens once you avert your gaze to the open sketch book page filled with art of his 'Hellfire Club' shirt, sketches of Eddie's side profile, and sketches of his eyes. The heat rushes to your face as you want to erode away to avoid the man that sits across from you. quickly you shove the sketch book into your lap completely out of view from Eddie.
"No need to embarrassed. I'm flattered that the outcast of all outcasts decided to draw me." he giggled as he got up to sit next to you instead of a crossed from.
"Do you think we could start meeting like this?" You ask making Eddie look surprised. He honestly thought you were annoyed with him and only talking to entertain him.
"Uh, Yea...yea I'd like that. Your pretty cool y/n, so I guess I'll continue gracing you with my presence." Eddie slightly jokes pulling a laugh from you.
"Yeah, right I think it's the other way around, sweetheart." You joke back opening up more.
Eddie's face now dusted with blush. As he went to reply, you could hear the faint sound of the school bell saying fifth period would soon start. Sighing you slowly pick yourself and grab your things stuffing them in your bag before turning to Eddie.
"Y'know, let's make the next meet up a date. Saturday night at the arcade at eight o'clock." You say boldly and wink at him before walking off bag slung over one shoulder.
Eddie stares in awe as you disappear between the trees to head back to the school building. You may have been a softie, but you seemed to be more of a flirty tease than him. You didn't think he would actually show up at eight, but you would be proven wrong when he shows up with music blaring from his van and a smile you could see for miles.
"I know you said eight, but.... I have a few things to add to our agenda." Eddie says leaning on the side of his van never once taking his eyes of you.
This was a bit cheesy at the end but I'm pretty proud of this. I'm so sorry that I didn't get this out till now I got wrapped up with family things but voila!!!! -Author
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austronauts · 2 years
I'm curious as to how you got mitched. Was it gradual or did you just wake up one day with an all consuming urge to gently cradle this hamster of a man in your palms and deposit him into your pocket
oh it was not gradual at all let me tell you. it descended upon me faster than the leafs concede 2-0 leads. it descended upon me SO SWIFTLY i'm still reeling and trying to understand WHAT HAPPENED and how this little twink got me SO BAD.
so, the chronology of events and the Epic Tale of The Fall of Troy (me) to The Twink was as follows:
me happily existing as a pens fan who - after a long hiatus of not following hockey closely - just started getting back into the penguins because a casual conversation with my friends about hockey awakened my dormant penguins sicko memories and instincts like mount vesuvius erupting all over pompeii and herculaneum
me happily joining hockey tumblr and frolicking around in the pensblr fandom. i'd seen a couple of leafs games and knew that "that kid marner" was really good and played VERY pretty hockey but I honestly did not think about him at all! he was just some tiktoker lookin ass dude and i was busy tending to my geriatric birds (although i will say - as i started watching more and more hockey, leafs immediately endeared themselves to me for reasons i can't quite articulate. they just had good vibes. the contrast between the INCREDIBLE hypnotizingly beautiful hockey they played + the utterly boneheaded indefensibly bad mistakes and losses to bottom feeder teams? relatable queens!)
and then one day i found "jack campbell cat dad" content on here and became intrigued by auston matthews' massive mountainous body and jawline and looked up toronto maple leafs content on youtube. THIS, DEAR READER, WAS MY FIRST FATAL MISTAKE. you see - the toronto maple leafs' social media team HANDS DOWN makes the best content, because they FUNDAMENTALLY realize hockey teams and kpop groups are the same thing, especially when it comes to gaining new fans.
ANYWAY, i still remember the EXACT video that made me go - "my god, what is this silly little twink all about. why does he have eyelashes like that. i would like to both squash him into a viscous glittery paste i rub on my eyelids like eyeshadow AND cradle him in my fannypack while feeding him little nuts and pieces of asiago cheese." IT WAS THIS VIDEO - tHE LEAFS CALLING EACH OTHER OUT . THE INFAMOUS VIDEO WHERE MITCH DOESNT KNOW HOW TO SAY ENCYCLOPEDIA. i love a dumb little boy!
MY SECOND FATAL MISTAKE was dragging a fellow friend into hockey with me because im incapable of obsessing over something by myself. i always need to get someone else into it too. SO. I started showing my friend leafs content and SHE was like "have u noticed that this little fruit won't stop talking about auston matthews every chance he gets" (EXHIBIT A: THIS VIDEO where mitch mentions how good auston looks in EVERYTHING every 20 seconds. baby girl, enough. ENOUGH. just say you're dickmatized and go)
and then alas. ALAS. my third and final fatal mistake was going down the mitch marner tag on tumblr and unfortunately being exposed to all the ways in which! he is just! AN IDIOT MANIC PIXIE DREAM TWINK with 2 braincells (one of which is a sour skittle), daddy issues and tragic lore, and irresponsibly long eyelashes who loves physically glomming onto every teammate like a baby koalabear, adopting himself into older teammates' families as their part-time son and part-time dog, wearing terrible outfits and dancing in them, generally being a needy sweetheart that loves to chirp his teammates (poorly) but loves gassing them up even more, drawing smiley faces on his gloves to remind himself that hockey is supposed to be fun (this detail kills me every day), and making weird little faces on the bench because he has the zoomies? god, i am not your strongest soldier! i was not BUILT to be able to resist little sugary sweet morsels like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if MATTHEW MARTIN, one of nhl's TOP LEADERS IN HITS, caved into mitchell marner heart body and soul....what the fuck am I supposed to do? not give him the love and headpats and neck scritches he wants? not root for his little happiness and well-being? i'm an idiot but not a MONSTER
anyway, that's why i am here typing up this monstrous screed on all the ways in which i was personally victimized by mitchell marner i guess.
okay wait i WILL add one thing - so long before i was a hockey fan i was a soccer fan, and have always always loved undersized creative playmakers who can seemingly weave magic from thin air while effortlessly eluding opponents as if they're made from pixie dust themselves. i have no doubt if mitch grew up in a country where soccer was THE sport, he would be a world class playmaking midfielder right now. and in that sense i do think my adoption of mitch marner as my little hamster was inevitable tbh.
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watmalik · 1 year
Oversharing on the internet
Thank you @ambiguouspenny​ for the tag!! <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
Ohhh yes. My first name is literally the female version of my dad and brother’s name… Patricio/Patrick. My middle name is after my Abuela (dad’s side) bc she died a couple of months before I was born.
2. When was the last time you cried?
HA! I’m actually proud of this one *clears throat* ever since the 911 Lone Star finale...for now.
3. Do you have kids?
I’m 22 almost 23, so my only child has four legs and lives in my apt rent free. I’m also undecided about having them in general (bio or adopted)? I have a autoimmune disease that makes it harder for me to have them and I also had surgery when I was 14… lets say I have 1/3 of my left ovary chopped off bc of a random health issue I had as a kid and now I have a faint smiley face on my bikini line :) talk about oversharing.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
*Takes sunglasses off* Babes, I invented sarcasm. It’s the fourth language I’m fluent in… its a culture thing.
5. What sports have you played/do you play?
Fútbol and futsal. Loved them. Stopped when I got into college but I still participated in intramural games in my sorority/club. I also played basketball in middle school for a bit, but ultimately gave it up bc there wasn't really a girl’s team in my school.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their personality so I don't make them angry on purpose. I’m a notorious people pleaser, and I hate confrontation when it comes to myself, so I need you to like me…. LIKE ME 
7. What's your eye colour?
I have dark, brown cow eyes
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies bc I cry when movies have happy endings and I don't like tearing up at the movies. Emotions? me? pfttt
9. Any special talents?
I can meow like an actual cat, and put my feet at the back of my head, you know the usual.
10. Where were you born?
El Caribe 😎
11. What are your hobbies?
Singing, drawing, playing the ukulele
12: Do you have any pets?
My 3 year old cat, harry :)
13. How tall are you?
I’m Jennifer Love Hewitt, inches tall.
14. Favourite subject in school?
P.E and Maths. Mind you, I hate Maths with a great passion, but I was in group B (When you reached the 6th grade, they will separate the two form groups of your year group, in my school there was two class groups per year, and they will separate students in A and B group depending on how well you were doing in that specific subject). B group was always the funniest class to be in. I was usually an A group type of student but I always made sure I was in B group for at least a few of my classes and in Maths? It was inevitable. 
Anyways, I sat in the middle of the most chaotic pair of people, this dude (a twin) who had a crush on me at the time and this volleyball player who I once had a fall out with. For context, back home I went to a small British school, pre-k––12th grade, and from the 6th grade until I left on 10th grade, I always sat with them bc I will always LAUGH MY ASS OFF every damn class period. Our teacher was this 24 year old guy from Scotland and he was fine with us being together because we got good grades and did the work. I like looking back at this because, we weren't friends, we didn't hang out or talked after class much, but we always sat together because it brought us joy. 
Oddly enough I will always miss the poorly drawn dicks at the last page of my maths notebook, the stupid jokes, and the dumb noises they will make on purpose 😂
15. Dream job
 To be an immigration lawyer and help other minorities. I just graduated from college, so I’m taking a much needed year off and then law school here I come!
And my “You probs already did this, and def don't do it again if you have, but I’m still tagging you because its 2am” tag goes to: @noxsoulmate​ @itsneonbright​ @tailoredshirt​ @anchor-bird-94​ @taralaurel​ @tylerkennedys​ @catanisspicy​ and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
I’m 5’ 10” with long brown wavy hair and bright green eyes:)
I think my style is just very feminine? Lots of dresses, skirts, and floral:)
My favorite foods are pho and smoked salmon
I love to read, write, and paint
I’m into very indie folk, woodsy stuff like hozier, fleet foxes, Pheobe Bridgers, Father john misty… very ethereal stuff
Favorite animals are cats🥺
My favorite movie is Dead Poets Society (I like coming of age movies)
I’m really passionate, creative, and friendly:)
I don’t understand the fandom question sorry I’m dumb😭 match me w whoever
Libra, Leo, Libra:)
In a partner I would want someone who’s a good listener because I process things by talking through them, but who wouldn’t wanna fix stuff for me bc that would annoy me. Someone somewhat well read who could go to bookstores and art museums, and someone sensitive and creative
Hi big sis! Your not dumb, I just need to go back and clarify. The fandom question is for which movie/show someone wants:] I’m gonna go with the lost boys bc I’m assuming that’s what you want haha
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Marko! I know you expected Paul, but I can explain:] I hope you’ll like it
Marko loves art museums, like an unhealthy amount. He is always begging to go with someone, but the only one willing to go is max. He did go with Max one time and it was alright, but it was apparent Max was trying to pretend to know more than he did. So as soon as Marko realizes you want to go he’s scooping you on to his bike and driving. When you’re there, regardless of how much you know about art Marko is great to talk to. Dont know a ton about a specific style or era? Ask away bc he knows it! You know about it? Great! He’d love to hear your thoughts and discuss with you about what the artist was trying to convey
I believe Marko has a side of him most don’t expect. This shows up at the museum and later on appears more in your relationship. He’s actually freaky smart. Like if he was human he could have been a doctor if he tried a bit. He’s never had a huge interest in reading, but has several Italian books he reads every couple years. If you picked out a book for him and he likes it, then he’s more than happy to go to bookstores with you and let you expand his collection. You might have to remind him every couple days that he has the book, but when he finishes it get ready for 1 hour+ conversations about each one.
Marko is a Great listener, but not a great problem solver. So this works out great! He’ll have you sit next to or in front of him and vent while he plays with your hair, holds your hands, kisses your head, occasionally telling you he loves you and he’s sorry you’re upset. He has really big feelings, so when someone is upset he can relate and does his best to cheer you up, but he knows he has poor execution when handling problems and leaves that to others.
Marko likes skirts and dresses bc he can twirl you around. If you choose to turn, he buys a jacket and paints flower designs on it that match your favorite dress. Maybe he adds matching ones to a pair of shoes
He won’t admit it, but adores that you’re a bit taller than him, it makes him the perfect height for your neck
Marko listens to all kinds of music and gets really inspired by ethereal things, he’ll probably ask if you want to draw together while listening to one of your playlists
He’s obsessed with your eyes by the way, you’re gonna catch him just staring at them, 25% of the time drawing you. He always adds emphasis on the eyes though.
He’s gonna do anything to see you smile, including getting a cat. He makes sure he gets one that is bird friendly though:]
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finalfilms · 2 years
some terry chaney headcanons bc i love her sm (kind of ooc)
- plays everskies and makes the most detailed outfits you could imagine (y’all saw her fits she was INSANE)
- actually eats at cracker barrel because every time she goes she gets one of those kiddie toys or stuffed animals or old timey candies
- retired horse girl
- sapphic, probably
- says things like “adorbs” “awesome sauce” “cool beans” at first it was ironic but then she couldn’t stop and now she annoys everyone
- makes her own jewelry (for fun!!)
- loves birds. she’s got a book filled with bird sightings
- owns a surplus of fancy sunglasses
- calls carter babygirl and he hates it (he doesn’t really)
- makes sims people and then traps them in a pool because she wants to
- once she gets into something it’s hard to get her out of it. currently she’s on deltarune and has a notebook FILLED with theories and stuff that she gathered from the internet
- can speak some german
- likes giallo films
- her outfits reflect her mood for that day. if she’s sad she’ll wear grey, happy it’s pink or yellow, and if she’s bored she’ll wear blue
- orders a ton of stuff off of amazon
- draws on herself a lot using markers. it’s fun but carter always rags on her for drawing eyes or something
- loves the regrettes + lykke li
- has seen five seasons of glee before it got too much for her. speaking of glee, her favorite character is either quinn, mercedes or sam
- she’s a summer kind of gal, but really likes springtime because of all the flowers and birds and stuff
- not the biggest fan of classical music
- has driving anxiety (cause who doesn’t driving is scary as fuck)
- owns clout goggles in a 2018 musically kind of way
- took karate for five years so she’s a badass
- biggest avril fan. and she’s also a sucker for michelle branch and mitski
- her favorite fruit is cherry. she drinks cherry smoothies, eats cherrys with ice cream, and she spits the pits to see how far they’ll go
- doesn’t know how to ride a bike. not cause she doesn’t want to but because she thinks they look dumb
- has a cat. maybe two. she likes cats
- she also likes dogs. she’s a big animal person
- watches a lot of makeup artists on tiktok and youtube because she’s always trying to perfect her craft
- loves euphoria and was a cassie stan until season two
- has a steam account and plays kitty powers, octodad, sims, don’t starve together, fnaf 2 and the quarry
- her favorite quarry character is either kaitlyn or dylan
- dyed her hair on her own when she was younger and wanted to be a cosmetologist (she had a whole fake salon and would give her parents haircuts)
- loves carnivals and fares
- if any of her friends were making a horror movie (yk cause why not) she would be the sfx artist. she can make some bomb ass fake blood
- would be verified on tiktok if she had it
- still kinda modern, she was the person on twitter who spoiled endgame bc someone made fun of taylor swift
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syrinq · 2 years
sy's fun little long this 'n thats about littlest pet shop because she saw One Post and now it's all she can think about so she's got to postpone bojack s4e1 and it's also a good opportunity to just nerd out about old bobblehead animals
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anyway. ancient blue bird bobblehead lps moment because that was highly likely the first lps i ever got that got me into a fucking craze for these bitches from approximately 6-14yo
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one of the first songs i discovered on The Famed Box Windows XP Computer was beyoncé's halo on youtube and it was thanks to a littlest pet shop amv
for some reason it was just accepted that miniature caterpillars in the lpsverse were like pet dogs or cats to the actual animals. even though it'd have made more sense for them to be babies to butterflies
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this? this is a dog.
back when youtube (or some 3rd party) had Old Editing Software, people would show off their lps collections by making a geometry hell powerpoint presentation, royalty free music included, like this. this was the absolute shit and objectively the most perfect way to show off your collection in the 2000s. no exceptions. it's got the shitty dreamscape 009 amv vibe to it and i love it
the first taste of lps videos i got was sophiegtv's summer camp. the original one. in which some kids go to summer camp and get mauled and killed by a ginormous dinosaur in the forest that's made out of empty toilet paper rolls. or alternatively investigation of murders in lps csi. or high school drama and bloody stabbings in lps popular. sophiegtv was the pinnacle of this shit in 2009-2011 and will probably remain an lps legend for eternity. to me at least :)
alongside sophiegtv there were others that i enjoyed like elizalps, who'd make series and amvs and whatever lps related. like a haunted house video. or a hair salon video that i can't fucking find anymore. or a lps vip video where a cat tells a dog to kill themselves somewhere else. OH FUCK AND LPSLOVER WITH STRANGE HAPPENINGS. THAT WAS THE SHIT. and that's it because i literally don't remember anyone else because my memory is also absolute dog shit <3
i found it so fucking cool when people would make their own little props for their littlest pet shop videos. so little old me would make a house out of shitty carton for them. cut out a little rectangle and fold it in half, draw some shitty squares on it and bam you've just given an lps animal the ability to tweet useless garbage on a laptop.
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the only time wikihow got their guide 100% accurate and totally right
i remember getting a closet with glass doors so i could organise and showcase my lps in it one by one by species. it was like a professional collection so i could look at them in the windows and go :) smile time! and also so they wouldn't dust off and die in the darkness of a closed box. now i'm an adult and i want a glass showcase like this for my gundams. thanks lps for teaching me this sick life trick when i was 9
one time i poured a bath for my lps toys and threw them in it so they'd have a pool party. big mistake because the mechanism that keeps their head & body together would get disgusting residue on it. and it'd make the heads bobble less. the result is a small child decapitating toy animals to clean this residue and the leftover water sloshing in their heads. anatomy below so no one else has to do such monstrous things ever again
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becoming a teen and deciding 'the shit i liked as a kid is cringe now' was the worst time of my life because i sold about ~70% of my collection for ~30 bucks at a fucking flea market. to get funds for sims 4. i didn't even play sims 4 when i got it. the first time i touched it was in 2017. why did i do that. THIS IS THE TRIGGER FOR MY UNCOMMON UNSETTLING DREAMS ABOUT GOING TO THE TOY STORE, AND FINDING AN EXTREMELY LITTLE, OR NO LPS SECTION AT ALL, YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS
the littlest pet shop biggest house was like THE. fucking shit. you had this and you had every bitch playing at your house with this playset. you were like the lps god. one thing i particularly loved about this, was the satisfying feeling and sound of opening and closing the green door. the click. loved that door. just like the old minecraft door sound. (a short in-bracket realisation that the occurrence of me liking a particular door click noise has happened twice in my life, and for that i get two pennies)
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you got bitches with this bad boy
speaking about noises. the bobbling head noise and the tip tapping of lps on particular surfaces like the wooden floor? that was fucking lit and was basically an 8yo's girl's sound therapy asmr or whatever. coming home with a new package and shredding it the fuck open and immediately bobbling the head like you're a scientist researching the bobbliness of each pet
a small section shoutout here about going to the toy store and running to the lps section and the lps section only because that was like. the only toy i cared about as a kid. the smell of the toy store hitting your nostrils. it was like smelling food and being hungry
giving particular lps to me was a mistake, especially if they had fuzzy fur, extremely frail tails or hair on their head. because 1) fuzzy coats would be scratched off by me like they were a skin disease. even though fuzzy coats were cool. why. 2) frail tails would get broken off either by accident or on purpose, like i was mutilating these poor animals to my horrible human standards like some breeders out there. 3) hair would get snipped off. so they'd have stumpy hair. why? fuck if i know
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this? if you looked like this in 2008. god help your tail, for you're about to get mutilated and get a butt stump
building on the previous point, some lps also got 'fashion makeovers' by receiving pen markings or a glittery glossy nail polish coat because. i don't even know. why did i do that actually. is it because i had a need to brush the hair of a barbie and didn't have a barbie at the time. who knows! all i know is that putting barbie cowboy shoes on your fingers and prancing around with them like your hand's a fashion model was also the shit to do as a kid (this behaviour was later replaced by placing bugles and acting like they're sharp evil witch nails)
in what was apparently gen 2, hasbro started putting lps in little boxes because they had to categorise and put labels on them like ''cuddliest'' and ''cutest'' (uh oh syrinq's entering dangerous wording territory). anyway here's my tier list
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at some point hasbro pulled a webkinz and also had plushies made with a code for a virtual world. their first attempt was lps vips and i was so overjoyed that lps were now in soft cuddly plushie form because the one other thing i loved collecting were plushies. when that discontinued they tried again with lpso (lps online). then that ALSO discontinued because for some fucking cursed reason online pet games like this and pet party, and happy petz, and kawaii pet megu, and fish with attitude and whatever fuck else existed, got mother fucking evaporated at some point. fuck you. anyway meet my pink cat lps whose name was little candy in dutch (snoepje)
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the littlest pet shop pc game was fucking life changing. it was like the lps webkinz thing before the webkinz thing came out. dressing up your little animals. running around as your little animals. putting them on a swing and playing minigames it was so fucking awesome
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this? peak gaming
throughout the years hasbro made some design changes. some for safety hazards, like replacing the foot magnet by a hole, which i was actually fine with. eventually. what i wasn't fine with and still think is bullshit to this day *cracks knuckles* (ohh! a list within a list!)
1. changing the pink magnet to be regular iron. production costs i guess but fuck you the pink magnet with the little paw on it was the fucking shit
2. removing the 'eye' part of the model and making them flat paintings instead. who the hell decided this. i'm coming to fucking get you and murder you. luckily this was a temporary thing for some lps things back in the day and soon enough the eyes were back on the model :)
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3. (oh yeah it's still continuing!) BLYTHE. THE FUCKING WENCH. I NEVER LIKED THAT GIRL AND I NEVER WILL. it's like the person you hate for no reason other than you just do. blythe was this. it's about animals living their sillay little lives you don't get to put them on a leash. slut.
4. whatever the lps blythe tv show was. this was the horrible start of the lps rebrand and I Was Not A Fan And I Never Will Be. Fuck Blythe And Fuck You Hasbro
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5. whatever remodeling shit they did to littlest pet shop in i don't fucking know 2020. the bobble head feature removed. the heads made even bigger in comparison to the bodies. yassifying the lps but in the most horrible way ever.
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like whoever did this i'm coming to fucking get you
6. whoever changed the logo. i'm also coming to fucking get you. horrible fucking horrendous monster. it could've been way worse but still. i'm still coming to fucking GET YOU
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7. the wretched LPS watermark
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8. what in the fuck were these plush attempts before they released the 10 million times better lps vips?
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has he seen the devil? is he afraid of him?
anyway back to regular trivia time now because my brain's fuels have been emptied out after typing this for.................. uh...... maybe close to 3 hours. how the fuck has it been 3 hours
the globe packages were the worst to open because you actually couldn't shred them open with your bare hands and had to get scissors for these cunts
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sleddin' fun? where the fuck is my shreddin' fun hasbro?
also during this post i ctrl+z'd several times resulting in tumblr absolutely killing the entire post so i had to rewrite it like 4 times. because i'm a dumbass and kept forgetting that ctrl+z would kill the entire post on tumblr only. anyway before this i shortly learned that generation 6, the arguably ''better new'' lps remodeling, was from fucking 2017. what the hell. anyway hasbro is remaking lps for 2024 and i'll be fucking getting them and burning down their HQ if they redo it like generation 4-6. bobblehead supremacy
also there were special edition littlest pet shops that. i don't know. were released with special things at cons or whatever. like the platypus below. living in holland was a fucking curse in the 2000s-2010s because back then nobody fucking knew what a holland was. let alone the netherlands because it sounds like an alternative version of hell. so yeah little old me had to order these online like i was a business kid cutting sick deals
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similar to dedicated beanie baby fans, littlest pet shop also had a fan-made website made with a database of all teh animals XD. thank god this exists because i'm too lazy at the moment to find my box with the remaining ~30% of my lps collection
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do you have penicillium digitatum? no? you're kidding right? you're just being a fungi right now?
also. custom lps were a thing. the most epic ones were i don't know sold for hundreds on ebay. anyway the only custom lps one i got is a cheap ass deadpool cat one because deadpool is funny and about the only funny marvel character left in the mcu
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end post. go fuck some bitches now
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mercless · 1 year
Tagged by: @ionianelder Tagging: i don't wanna bother anyone 👉👈 if you see this and decide to fill it out u can tag me.
1. are you named after anyone? I named myself ;3 it has a lot of influences after I tried a few other names, and I often joke it was based on a certain superhero. It wasn't, of course. It was explicitly after a bird.
2. when was the last time you cried? I teared up watching a clip of a recent political speech from my government about fun real life stuff :/ uhh a good proper cry has been a while though so 👍
3. do you have kids? No. can't see myself being the primary guardian of one in the foreseeable future either. cowabunga.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? nEvEr 😜 When I'm not being salty or passive-aggressive I like to be very dramatic with my sarcasm and make a bit out of it. I love doing bits.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? Their mood. Their body language and what emotion they're outwardly expressing (not in an 'im an empath' way in a trembling dog wearing a yellow jacket way)
6. what’s your eye colour? A greyish hazel? it's hard for me to tell.
7. scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies... with happy endings? <:3c why not both.
8. any special talents? I'm pretty good at guessing a tone by ear? and finding the harmony. I'm also pretty good at visualising/drawing descriptions people give me verbally or written, but maybe that's just my experience rubbing off. uh and if you need a strange little noise I make those all the time. talent 👍
9. where were you born? the same place I've lived all my life.
10. what are your hobbies? Writing, gaming, sewing, & reading. occasionally a video or audio edit for funsies. when im in a good mood I'll sing. I draw for fun as well but it's more of a 'I am trying to make this my main work' thing now. When I had more free time I used to bake (not well). and before my skateboard broke 😔🙏, skateboarding around.
11. have you any pets? Ever since moving out, I have either lived with housemates pets or places that don't allow pets (presently that, plus one of my housemates is allergic to animal hair). I would like to have a cat or rabbit again when I am more capable of caring for one.
12. what sport do you play/have played? I used to be an active little kid before becoming busy and my health ultimately began to decline. out of order I've done gymnastics competitively, tae kwon do, horse riding, ballet, roller hockey, BMX, swimming, surfing, skiing, skateboarding, and LARPing. nowadays I bike casually for transport, and again if my skateboard didn't get wrecked 😔🙏, I'd be on that.
13. how tall are you? 167cm. nearly 5'6"?
14. favourite subject in school? I remember liking problem-solving things like physics and some math stuff until i was too dumb for it. photo editing, other computer things, digital art stuff and arts and crafts was fun, and I wish I practised music more for my orchestra, i was okay but too shy & weird to make friends :'(
15. dream job? had my dream shattered during uni and still haven't recovered with watching the shaky industry 😬👍 plus properly chasing my goals would mean moving away from basically my entire life. we're back to the drawing board atm. (haha it works cause thats a saying and also i do digital art-)
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norzyczki · 1 year
I miss you.
I want to tell you I still hate mirrors. How my ribs are visible, though I eat too much. About my lovely cat who just didn't come back home one time, and about our new cat, louder than sirens (he has the softest ears on Earth). How I fell in and out of love like 17984 times this year. About my bird drawing thing. About my teacher who has wayy too high expectations for me. About my fears.
I want to listen to your rants, these silly ones too. How are your kittens? Have you slept well? Shouldn't I be writing this?
You remind me of the most intelligent man in the word. No matter how dumb it sounds. He was also the kindest, would always wipe my tears whenever I hurt myself.
I want to tell you about my new friend, and ask if you've met someone as well. Ask if they are as warm as sun or gentle as water.
I want to scream. I'm an awful friend and looking for escape is my way to survive. I enjoyed staying up late to chat with you so much it hurts. You still don't know many things, I don't know either. My greatest adviser, where the bird did you go?
There are so so many things: I'm making paper and got a new plant. I wish I could hug you. I want to tell you all about the odd fight with our post office. I want to cut my hair twice every day.
Why does everyone I love live so far away?
Did I tell you about my family? How we all hate each other? How I want to live long enough for all my kins to die, so I can publish a book about it all? How I hate them too? No, I forgot.
I had a birthday party, even though I don't have a birth day, and didn't eat my own birthday cake. I love long socks.
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nightfury-2001 · 2 years
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drawing and thinking to myself like "well i've put actual effort into this and was planning on making it a more """""serious""""" piece with him sitting on the edge of a cliff or something but remember that funny idea you had about him riding around on a roomba. like those funny cat videos but instead it's a 7+ foot tall hedgehog dragon bird man, and the roomba is very tall and large so he can actually sit on it and like it's not really an actual "roomba" but some sort of magic powered thing so it fits more into the world of the crackverse (because it's very important to stay true to the lore in your shitposts)."
...really i think it's impossible for me to draw anything at this point without wanting to make it into a dumb meme/shitpost lol
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sea-salt-child · 2 years
That Which Is Seen
(I'm sick so I'll be uploading a bit of the fanfiction on tumblr. The main deal is on AO3)
Chapter One: 1022 Doors
It was around 3 PM on a dreary, hot summer day. The kid pulled his mom along, excited to see the new cards at the store. She was tired, yes, but glad to see him happy about something, given his mood had been very poor these last few days.
The noise that broke through the air was unpleasant. At once, all the speakers blared out the tinny sound of microphone interference for what seemed like forever.
The boy suddenly covered his ears and squatted down onto the floor.
Slowly, a voice resolved itself through the ringing. A man, frantic, barely intelligible, trying to get it across to everyone. Trying to make it known. Speaking the words that would be burned into this corner of the city for years to come.
“The God of Random Numbers-! It’s a God! I saw it, I saw it outside, from the tower- it spilled and- and it was-” Words growing nonsensical. “Ripoffish”, “Understandable as a snapshot”, “Returnlike feedback”. Silence in the building, people paralyzed, drinking from the fountain of knowledge. “Alunacy, rinterion casts, spreading forever inside but now everted again, castipools and maid made nonsiege, holding me before any of you and- and- and-”
The audio was cut off all of a sudden. There was nothing at first, one could have heard a pin drop. The child remained on the floor, the mother stuck in place, unable to reach for him.
Someone, somewhere, moved.
Everything exploded into chaos.
-- Teeth --
It’s quiet in the little room, the place where you rest every night. Reds and blacks, toys scattered around, blankets and treats atop colorful counters.
The little sheep that looks more like a cushion is atop the tea table, besides a knocked down cup. It’d be soaked if it weren’t for the magic of dreams keeping its fleece warm and fluffy. On the floor, next to all the crayons and papers, having spent a while drawing and drawing and drawing, the black cat cries in its sleep.     The fox, who is always up late, is nowhere to be seen.
You rest your head on the sheep, sighing heavily into him. So nice. He’s smelling like tea now, heavy and floral.
From the dark, the Ringmaster calls your attention, just a pair of yellow eyes floating, undefined. 
“It will be morning soon. You’ll wake up with the birds.”
You whine and turn away, refusing to hear any of it. 
“I’ll just stay here until late. I don’t wanna go wake mom up again.”
Don’t wanna repeat all these tedious morning rituals, all these reminders that something broke that cannot be fixed. 
“You’ll want to be awake for today. Lots of things happened.”
“And how would you know? You are just a dumb dream thingy.”
“...What about this, then. If you don’t wake up, then, when the fox shows up, you won’t have your proxy up.”
That’s what he calls them. The little animal things. The loneliness mementos. They showed up one day and never really left, along with this room and its master. All of it comforted you, yeah��� but also came to remind you of how empty you are inside yourself. Like inhabiting a room far too large, becoming unable to fill everything in at once.
Whenever you wake up, he promises to leave your proxy up as well, so you may belong in some sense. A stand in that fits in place… and you don’t want to not have it up for something like a reunion.
“Uppy up. Come on.”
Uppy up.
You open your eyes.
The room is still dark, with the windows closed as they are, but sunshine still manages to break in through the sides and top, refusing to be stopped by even the best efforts of the curtains.
Standing up, you hear the dogs outside. They don’t come into your room. They don’t know you at all- and neither does she. You yawn, stretching, stretching the dream away. The details peel off and fall to the ground with a pitter patter, lost like dandelion fluff on a windy day.
Long ago, you liked to stay up late. Not anymore, not really. It’s always harder to do this when she’s already awake and going about her day. When the unsettling feeling of being in a haunted place has already flooded in and you have to reveal yourself as its ghost.
Nothing acknowledges you as you open the door and leave your room.
Hers is nearby. The door doesn’t even creak when you push it open. You approach, but don’t try to wake her yet. Instead, you pick up the laminated card you have prepared for this.
Q: Who are you?!
A: I’m Sakaki Yuya! Your son! 
Q: I have a son? A: Yes you do. But you forget me every time you don’t think of me for a while. 
Q: How?
A: God did it to me! 
Let’s get food. You always leave a ton of reminders around the house because of this, so you can check them to know what we had planned for today :D
That’s just how it is. 
It’s not just mom, not at all- everything and everyone forgets all about you so very quickly. You vanish from the mind, from any records, from everything. 
You try to take it in stride. You really do!
It’s not easy.
Shaking mom awake always takes a bit of effort. As always, she is surprised, but someone this given to just adopting anything in adoption range, she doesn’t freak out or anything, even if she seems worried.
You hand her the card and worry turns to confusion, then to something odd and almost pained before settling on a smile.
“Well… let’s do as this says, hm? A big breakfast is bound to break the tension here.”
She’s nice.
Mom’s always nice.
But she can’t recall you at all. She’s just meeting a stranger every day, trying her best to be a mom, but being unable to connect with all your history. But you do recall her, in her entirety, with each passing day, from the beginning.
She forgot about you, who were right there on that day and ran, swept by the crowd.
It isn’t long before you go downstairs to watch some TV while you wait for the food to be ready. The signal is really touch and go in the Isolated Zone and most channels are just straight up blocked. Usually you can at least count on some reruns of shows and recent-ish duels from the outside world, but it seems today is not your lucky day.
You groan and eventually settle on the only channel that is ever available all day long- the dumb LDS news channel. 
In the days after the tragedy, it was used to broadcast all kinds of news and help reorganize the newly created Isolated Zone into some semblance of order. Nowadays it mostly just shows ads and occasional updates that amount to “Nothing new under the sun! Sorry folks, you’ll just have to rot in this place for some more years!”
“Here, it’s all ready. Pancakes. We may need to go to the market tomorrow, though… Here’s hoping that those guys stop being stingy about flour of all things! They got us stuck, they will have to deal with me baking my way through this!”
You snicker as you sit down to eat. Indeed, pancakes. And, in true “every day of my life I watch Michio’s show reruns” fashion, scrambled eggs fancied up with all kinds of side ingredients. And orange juice.
“I can go fetch extra if they refuse to give you enough. Their computer is stuck registering me as new every time.”
You fork some of the pancakes. So fluffy. So sweet. Yoko bonks you over the head.
“I refuse to believe I raised you to be that tricky, young man!”
A little wind blows your hair. It’s from her fan. The little hand fan she had that day, now stuck forever buzzing, embedded to her arm.
“You are gonna get my hair tangled on that thing!”
She rolls her eyes- but does move away to take her own seat. More forkfuls of the pancakes as she eats her own breakfast. 
“So. What are you plans for today, dear?”
She really can’t ask for anything more specific. You shrug.
“I’ll go see if anyone feels like dueling over at LDS, I guess. Just spend some time outside. Uh, tonight we were meant to replace the post its and reminders together, also. They are fading again.”
“Oh.” She, does sound genuinely sad, hearing that. 
It’s a nice thing, how much she cares about commiting you to memory somehow. Sure, it has made the house a mess of corkboards, reminders, photos, pinned messages, recordings- but it is a physical reminder that you aren’t being given up on. 
Her voice picks up again.
“Well, then, I’ll make sure to look for some fun supplies to make them more lively together! Ah, I wish we were at the old house… your dad had enough supplies of glitter and colored papers to last an eternity.”
“What’s the point of entertainment if you don’t get to overuse glitter?” You joke, downing the last of the pancakes with juice, made very sour by the sugar in your mouth, before moving onto the eggs.
“Maybe the point is to not make this house an uninhabitable sparkly hellscape, how about that?”
“I wonder what happened to the old house.”
“I bet Syuzo-san is taking care of it. Same about the school.”
“You’ve talked about him before.”
“Mmhm, it’d be weird not to. He was a good friend of ours. He had a small daughter, around your age I think?”
“I’m fourteen, mom.”
“Then you should be the same age. She was a very sweet girl.”
“...I think we were friends.”
“Aah, so nostalgic! It makes me want to climb up that tower and kick those stuffy executives into action! I’d give anything to get back out.”
“Don’t get into too much trouble!”
“Shouldn’t I be the one telling you things like that?”
You finish up the food and stand.
“Maybe! But you don’t even know if I’m a troublemaker for you or not, so!”
“Well, those aren’t exactly comforting words” She replies, light hearted. “Wash your teeth before you go.”
The sky is grey. Grey and streaked with odd colors. This is how it has looked since that day, though the exact hues of it change often. 
The world always seems fuzzy under these shimmering lights. You suppose it fits for somewhere as weird as the Isolated Zone. It, at least, is no weirder than the metallic chambers containing small floating voids in this place or whatever is going on with the graveyard.
There are currently 43 people alive in this place, out of thousands that were first caught in the initial outbreak. Out of them, 12 are employees over at LDS- the tower from which it all spewed forth. Further 15 were students at their dueling school. The remaining 16 are civilians. Civilians like you and mom.
Needless to say, having so few people around kind of makes this place a ghost town. You  used to like exploring, given all this freedom- but. Over time, it sort of became too depressing to handle.
Reminders of those that are no longer, everywhere. Houses collecting dust, frozen in the moment, capturing the last seconds of people you never got to know. And the mall, the epicenter of the tragedy, where even now corpses still turn up and have to be hauled away.
It’s a fossilized world.
A tragedy, still in motion to this day, finishing off at a glacial pace while everyone pretends like somehow this will get solved. 
You wish your dad hadn’t disappeared when he did.
Yes. Disappeared. Without a body, without any proof he may have died, you refuse to even think of that possibility. No way he would just abandon you forever. 
Ah… haha! You lower your goggles onto your eyes and spin in place, putting on a big smile. God, that was a depressing train of thought! No need to think so hard about that kind of thing just because you are going to the stupid tower!
The duelist kids that live there aren’t always up for a duel, and they are very tough- especially since you haven’t been able to update your deck in forever.
(No one has been able to. The biggest card store was in the mall. Someone exploded there, they think. They became everywhere and can’t be washed off the walls)
Still! Those are the people that you can play with and play with them you will! It’s all about having fun in the end, right? Putting on a show and trying to get a smile out of them. You, mostly end up making a fool of yourself, really, but since no one can actually remember you, it’s no big problem. 
Can’t ruin your reputation if no one knows you, ever!
Though, something is… wrong, today.
Very wrong.
You almost run into one at first, since they are almost invisible save for that… vibration. That contained shudder in the shape of a door. Once you acknowledge one, however, your brain fills in the blank. 
Today, around LDS tower, there are 1022 doors.
And from inside the one right in front of you, a scream.
That voice… that’s, it’s someone you know, right? One of the girls you’ve dueled with sometimes- her name is Nene. Her name is Nene, she has always been a quiet, timid girl, and now she is screaming her heart out.
You rush inside. 
An immediate tightening in your chest. These doors, you suddenly know, are connected to each other and themselves. This is a fractal pattern that repeats in tinier and tinier paths that wind down to the smallest pieces of you. By the wonder of these connecting ‘lines’ and ‘loops’ and their manifestation as things: ‘vibration’ and ‘doors’,  things exist, including you in this space, with your feet upon a whiteblue path made of disjointed ceramic pieces.
It isn’t just you and Nene here.
It shakes, it flutters, it is close by. You know it, because everyone does. Everyone knows, everyone is resonating with it ever since. The God that crawled from the tower and made itself known. The God that spreads a changing tune.
Your mouth waters.
Her yells suddenly turn into retching and you are snapped back to reality. To, to this reality adjacency. What is this? Where is this? It is a parallel imitation of the world and it runs into you as a problem down to the smallest parts. There is no scale at which there is a concrete yes or no.
The path winds and divides and you take all intersections at the same time as the world becomes unable to recall all your past trajectories. Everything in here is a rough translation of the woes outside.
Your brain feels scrambled and you know you can’t stay for long or it might stay that way.
Two, three, five, one, seven, half and a quarter and skipping stones.
It breathes down your neck.
It is an absence and it is everything at the same time. It is really a snapshot, spread everywhere but also along everytime. 
Ah- she’s there. Just around the corner. On her knees, staring, unable to move, making strange noises, shaking, shaking, shaking.
The air is full of static as you approach. It cuts into your skin and you shield your face with your arms. Repulsion, incompatibility. Objects rain from above.
Crayons, blankets, chairs and toys. You are suddenly terrified that the God of Random Numbers will rip the proxies off your head and leave you alone in an emptiness larger than life.
Eyes closed, you kneel besides her.
“How did it get out? How did it get out?!”
“Nene, get up, let’s go. Let’s go.”
“Everything was inside.”
“We can’t stay. Come on.”
She is reluctant to stand up, but does so, unsteady, and you support her.
“Ah- ah! Ah! It’s going in, in a box. It’s going in a box-! Who is there?!”
She struggles. Unable to open your eyes for your own good, you drag her away. Static clings to her and leaves shallow cuts. It has forgotten you.
“They can’t- it’s getting taken-”
The world is unwinding. Something critical really did get taken. How does a God fit in a box? How does change fit anywhere except for in the space between skin and flesh?
When you open your eyes, the darkness is full of the same red velvet as the room in your dreams. Is the Ringmaster here? Everything is raining down and the only reason why you even notice you went through the door again is because there’s suddenly light.
Light, fluorescent and burning.
Somehow, you wound up in the main lobby, coming in through the doors to the building. 
The woman at the front desk- and you don’t remember her name right now- almost jumps in surprise and right away, hits a button, calling for some help.
She approaches and you do your best to stay upright, supporting the girl that is bleeding all over. Thankfully, the woman takes the burden away from you.
But the shaky voice hangs in the air.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Someone, I saw someone coming out of Yusho-san’s old room and, and I went to follow them because they were going towards the card room no one is allowed to enter. And, and they went through one door and suddenly all was so dark-”
…Dad’s room?
Your head hurts.
A pair of people come in, there are hushed words you barely understand. One of them asks who you are and you can only shake your head. Did the Ringmaster fall out? Did the proxies hit the ground and disperse in that dark room? You want to fall asleep and see. 
“Look at me- kid-”
Someone moves your goggles up. 
Why are you tearing up?
Someone, at the magical epilogue of everything, neglected to tell you something important, right?
“Someone came out of dad’s room?”
They wouldn’t know a thing. No one really knows a thing. 
“Did Yusho have a kid?”
“I don’t know.”
You step back. 
“Kid, if you know anything about this, it is critical that you tell us about it.”
Someone else is coming down. Four- this is one third of the total workforce here.
“The card is gone.”
The lady from the front desk is already leaving with Nene to the infirmary.
“What card.”
Someone steps towards you. Tension. Hostility.
“Listen. It will be best to comply, here-”
Your head droops to a side. Words fall like water, so as to wash it all away.
“Do I know you?”
There is a moment of confusion as the context of your presence here becomes blurry, distant, then gone. As once again, everyone in this world forgets you. Information that hates itself, that kills itself, that dips into the dark to never return, that is quieter than dreams, more fragile than anything else.
You turn- then run out and away.
-- Lungs --
At first, you fought against it, tooth and nail. Tried to fight against anyone who came into your room to give you food, tried to sneak out, even tried a daring escape through the window, nevermind the height. 
They always caught you and put you back inside without problems.
This weirdly warm and nice room. Stone walls, a fluffy bed. Better food than you could ever afford in Synchro. But also, the unforgivable stripping of your freedom and the weight of being so far away from your one friend.
Eventually, you had to switch up your strategies. If brute force wouldn’t work, you might need to gather information- a difficult task for someone stuck in a tiny room like this.
So, whenever someone would come in, you would ask them to stop and chat. Say you were lonely. That you wanted to at least know a bit about your current whereabouts. 
You noticed that the kids coming in often said they had no time to indulge you, staring with big empty eyes, dulled into something dangerous and strange. Not a human expression. Something unnerving, that would be more at home in the face of one of many chained mutts stuck to tiny yards as guard dogs back home than in a person.
You memorized schedules and the people who would arrive. Took note of their strangeness. How often someone might come in injured and simply not acknowledge anything around them besides their duty.
“Hi, I’m sorry to bother you, but, can you stick around a little longer? It’s been really lonely in here and, this is all still so confusing. I want to know more-”
That day’s person stared at you.
A sharp smile.
“Yeah, yeah. You’ve been asking for that. I actually asked if I could actually chitchat with you and I was given the clear~ Not right now though. There’s lots of classes coming up. I’ll be in charge of bringing you dinner some nights and we can talk then.”
Yes. That was… a couple months ago, now? 
If you had been hoping to gather information that would be useful in your escape, your conversations with him dashed that hope altogether. He was glad to let you know about Academia and how it worked, but never let slip anything useful, really.
You did come to understand it all better, though. The kind of despairing nest where you got stuck. What those stares meant. The kind of horror you were now roommates with.
He spoke of everything calmly.
You chided him much when war was first brought up- but he didn’t care for your impassionate words. It was like speaking different languages, really. 
But still. He was sassy and could be weird, but seemed… just as lonely as you. Playful at times, then gloomy other days, but always trying to be a pleasant enough presence bringing you the tricklings of news you could get in here.
Though he would have disagreed, you really started to think of him as a fellow prisoner more than anything. 
No point in hating someone like this. No point in hating the people bringing you food. If anything, your fury should be well aimed at the people you never got to meet in this place. The Professor he spoke of with reverence. The staff running this shitshow. 
“Do you like the meals you get here, Rin-chan?”
“Yeah. I guess. You guys get some nice stuff.”
“The fish sure are fresh~”
“If they weren’t I would have to question what kinda nincompoop is the chef!”
He kicks his feet. 
“It’s a lot of work, feeding an army. But you do get special treatment on that front.”
“Getting real tired of being treated as special, honestly.”
Though, in this place? Maybe she isn’t. 
Sometimes she smells blood.
Two of the kids that used to be in the rotation to care for her have died.
“You should be friendly with whoever comes to replace me as your conversation partner~”
She blinks.
“What? Are they going to card you or-”
He laughs, then shakes his head.
“No, silly! Don’t jump to conclusions!”
“Well, excuse me if I was worried for a second there, what with this place being a glorified kid meat grinder and all!”
“No need to be so disrespectful~ But, I’m going to go on an extended mission.”
“I thought there was a minimum age to join the Obelisk Force?”
That’s something she learned from him. The organization of some ranks. How he was basically set up to join the elites when time came. 
How his time in the spotlight would last three years at most before, as he’d put it, having to be put away with all the other old toys for discarding.
“Yeah, yeah, but I requested a special job. Can’t be giving you the details of it~ But I still wanted to let you know, just in case they assign someone much more boring and much less cute than me.”
“You are so full of yourself that sometimes I wonder how you haven’t just burst yet.”
He pouts.
“Maybe I should have just left without a word, then!”
“Well, I’m glad you didn’t actually. But that’s just because I’ve been meaning to ask you something and, it’d be pretty complicated to do that with you gone on vacation.”
“Vacation, pft. Whatever, you can ask away. Try not to ask anything stupid.”
You bring your legs up on the bed, hugging onto them. He is next to you, relaxed, as had been the norm for a little while now.
“What are you hiding from?”
“Excuse me?” 
But his voice has gained an edge.
“I always found it weird that a self proclaimed elite student like you would take on a role like this. Everyone else who comes by has the red uniforms- slifer, right? So. Why would you come here for? Why would you actually ask to get to spend time here? You never even pushed me for information on Synchro beyond what I was comfortable giving you, so you didn’t really gain any- strategy stuff for Academia-” The words are kind of jumbled. Much less cutting and to the point than they were in your head before tonight. 
“So. Are you hiding from something here?”
He pauses.
The silence is impossibly heavy.
“Rin-chan.” Serious. Plain. Detached and distant. “Have you ever asked my name?”
“But you are asking something pretty big now. About me. When you look my way, that’s a duel soldier you are looking at, before anything else. Something that isn’t a person in the same way you might be.”
What’s this?
“I’ve been playing nice with you. Didn’t try to get anything out of you, even though you’ve been trying your hardest to get something out of me. If I told you what you want to know, though, I’d be playing an emotional manipulation card the size of the moon. I’d rather be more subtle than that, really.”
It’s that expression on anyone else. The one like a chained dog.
The one like someone far away from themselves.
“I’m just the person here to talk to you. Enrichment in your enclosure. Same as the bookshelves and blankets. Up until now, you were glad to see it that way, weren’t you?”
Because you are trapped here.
And you need to get out.
“Don’t make that kind of upset expression, Rin-chan. I’m not mad at you or anything. I did just give you all the answer you could hope for, didn’t I? But tell me. Would knowing the things I haven’t told you about yet make you think any differently?”
“...I, don’t think so. But, even then! There’s so much stuff in here that is, just fucked up, just wrong-  I worry-!”
“You pity me. And you want me to help you get out. This isn’t personal at all.”
He says it matter of factly.
It’s true. It really is.
You want to go home. You want to speak to Yugo again. To have fun together and dream dreams larger than life. You want to bicker over trivial things, you want to be able to complain about his latest carefree nonsense. You want to be held back from starting up a fight by him. You want to enthuse about finding a house with warm water, still. You want to visit the institution where you grew up to teach kids to duel again. You want to run, you want to scream at the top of your lungs. You want to go home. You want to go home.
You want to look up at the crisscrossed skies. 
This place is hateful and so, you hate. 
Hate the bed. The food. The warmth. The conversations. 
You hate it all.
But you asked that question anyway.
You look at the floor, wishing you could burn a hole right through it the way tears are burning in your eyes.
“...Just let me go.”
He stands up, crossing his arms behind his head.
“I can’t. I won’t. Unfortunately, the next person is also not going to let you go, either. In that way, we become interchangeable.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Well, if you wanna believe it’s gonna be any different with the next one, you are free to get disappointed~ But, for what it’s worth, it’s been nice talking to you, Rin-chan.”
That’s not what you meant. That’s not it.
And so, he heads for the door. 
“Don’t worry. It’s like I said. I’m not mad. It’s natural that a prisoner wants to escape.”
The door closes.
You feel so stupid. And so weirdly cruel, despite being the one stuck in a room. That person is still nameless. The world is still outside. Everyone is still bleeding, here and everywhere. The window still opens onto the infinite darkness of the ocean.
When was it that you started hoping you could be friends?
-- Hands --
You would never act like this in real life. Not at all. It’d be beyond embarrassing to be taking a dream this seriously about something so dire. It’d be cruel.
Just cruel.
But here? In this grey velvet room, sitting among proxies and toys and impossible things and reminders of what life was like before the war? 
It’s different.
You can be that much more irrational, that much more hopeful.
It’s been months now since Ruri’s disappearance. There’s no clues about what happened- she was last seen among the people who went to adjust the cover in that building. The one place where Academia dares not stick its nose. 
The house of something that shouldn’t have been uncovered.
Everyone else who went that day was found in pieces.
“You’ll be able to look for her soon, you know”, speaks the Ringmaster.
That has been his promise all this time, unwavering in its certainty, as though it could see into the future somehow with those golden eyes of its. A part of your brain aware of more than the conscious self, a part of this sad room that is much too large for you.
“Soon, soon, but never soon enough. I’m getting tired of this. Why can’t you just tell me where the hell Ruri is?”
“It wouldn’t be right.”
“Wouldn’t be-”
You grit your teeth and, without thinking, end up picking up the heftiest thing nearby and chucking it into the darkness around the Ringmaster. The toy train hits the ground, passing straight through the apparition.
“It’s fine for you to make a mess here. Don’t worry. You don’t have a choice but being patient.”
“We’ve looked for her everywhere.”
“Everywhere you know of.”
“I just need to know she’s okay. That she somehow survived.”
Bits of people strewn like tinsel around a christmas tree. There had been some kind of explosion, light, laughter. The cover was blown back. Little animals sat in dark corners, unnameable. Torsion, something that just broke like a dam, a nauseating smell.
“You know she did. What use is my reassurance then? You won’t even give it to your friend, won’t even share it.”
That would be too much. Shun, I heard it in my dreams that she’s okay. That  we just need to be patient. 
It would hurt him like a knife and you’d likely get kicked for your trouble. No, no, you can’t share this, it has to stay in the room. 
“You wouldn’t understand it.”
“What will you do now?”
“Nothing. Enjoy my stay. Wait for some of the other proxies to disappear before I go.”
“Do they make you feel lonely?”
This question again.
“Sometimes.It mostly makes me wish I understood this dream. What it means, if it means anything at all”
“This place is walking after midnight.”
“That’s a reason to like it.”
Golden eyes glimmer.
“I’m glad you said that. Now, let me just, do one small thing- it is important, so that you’ll be able to understand things better.”
The curtains close on the onlooker.
A voice. An intruder’s voice, flooding in, flooding in, flooding in.
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ann-chovi · 7 years
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I also drew a friggin’ Neopet today and I’m kind of happy with it soooo...... hahaha yeah. Behold my shame.
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elsyrel · 2 years
Arcana headcanons: main 6 and how they use the internet
I thought I wouldn’t write any more headcanons, but... lmao. What can I say? It’s funnier than I expected. I’m not the most versed person on social media myself, but I’m writting this anyway. Modern AU: 
Watches anime on pirate webs. Everytime it takes 5 to 10 minutes to start the episode because he doesn’t have Adblock installed. If you tell him to install it, he laughs and assures you he will. Next time, he hasn’t.
Aesthetic Instagram. Varies from the most beautiful art to the most absurd psychedelic nonsense.
Posts a controversial bomb on delicate site (twitter), and magically disappears when the discourse starts as if nothing had happened.
Has several art accounts where he posts from drawings to artesanal crafts. Sells commissions but obviously doesn’t pay taxes. 
Offers tarot readings to strangers. Uses thousands of emoticons to sound as unthreatening as possible.
Exhaustive + extremely technical tutorials. Used by university cathedratics in their classes on daily basis without credit.
Periodically recieves several offers from companies to become an influencer. Politely rejects them all every time.
Not very interested in social media, uses the internet mainly for research. However, she is surprisingly generous with likes and reblogs for her friends.
Builds her own computer by buying each individual component and ensambling it all together. The result is a monster with the power of a NUCLEAR REACTOR, even though she doesn’t even need so much potency. Somehow, she manages to make it aesthetically pleasing and elegant.
Always... always... always grammatically correct, no matter the setting.
He is like a grandpa. Doesn’t understand shit. Has Windows XP as operating system. Calls the IT guy to delete the rejected documents from the recycle bin.
Mispronounces all social media names. No matter how many times you correct him, next time he will mispronounce it again. The weirdest thing is he never pronounces it the same way twice. You suspect that sometimes he does it on purpose to pull your leg.
Accidentally downloads multiple virus while trying to watch the most anodyne film. When weird shit starts to happen, he freaks out as if the government hackers were after him.
Resends the corniest chains. He sees nothing bad with Comic Sans font, or with pure red text over pure blue back. Your eyes will bleed.
Uses facebook to flirt with single moms and dads in his area.
Ghosts everyone on whatsapp. He checks new messages once every 6 days at most.
Has a secret Tumblr nobody but Asra knows about. Follows mainly bird tematic blogs. Likes mainly funny videos of chickens and cute animals.  500 Likes. 0 Reblogs. 0 Posts.
Incognito mode for absolutely EVERYTHING, no matter how innocent. If he accidentally enters the Google page without incognito mode, he deletes the historial.
Sticks a piece of tape on the computer camera, just in case.
Listens to music in the shittiest quality and doesn’t give a fuck.
Cat. Picture. Hell. 70% of her phone memory are just pictures of random cats. Nine hundred and eighty seven photos of Pepi, and counting.
Posts advice for garden care... and it’s really, really good. Really thoughtful, with tons of examples and pictures. If someone asks something, she always knows the answer.
Has a youtube channel with videos of her exploring abandoned buildings, recorded by herself or Julian. Base of followers slowly but steadily going up.
Frequently makes funny videos of dumb stuff. All of them with shitty quality and too moved. A few of them have gone viral. 
Meme avalanch in the group chat at 7 in the fucking morning. There is no meme she doesn't know. The bombardment of memes and puns by whatsapp is constant and endless. Run.
The most OBSSESSED with social media. Has an account on every single one of them and literally never shuts up. He gets really frustrated when he realizes that gaining followers is not as easy as he thought. Posts the most stupid opinions, then gets angry when he loses followers. ‘People don't know what’s good’.
Potential victim of cryptocurrency frauds.
The most exibitionist bitch on the net. Of course, he has an Onlyfans. But if you ask nicely, he just posts the nudes publicly anyway. 
Thirsty thirsty THIRSTY for notes. Checks every two minutes.
He is a famous patron in the furry artist community. He spends just. So. Much. Money. Some furries even debate if he is a real person, or just a myth, or maybe even several people. He is kind of a legend, actually.
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