#I have many wips of them on my blog
kaitaiga · 7 months
thinking about Damien and Daniel again n crying
their stupid matching stick-and-poke tattoos they got when they were drunk
their silly tiktok account they ran where they posted literally anything and everything prior to army life (+ Dan’s constant wheezing over damo doing stupid shit) hell they probably even had a small YouTube channel they made when they were 12
the times dan had to carry damien back to his apartment when he got blackout drunk and took care of him, scolding him just like his Indonesian mother
dan who somehow knew all of the answers to damo’s questions and problems as well as getting Damo’s life back on track
the time damien helped set up dan’s entire marriage proposal spot to his girlfriend. he was probably more excited than daniel himself. he was even set to be best man but that day never came
and so on
this makes me wanna write about them in a fic again😔
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revivisection · 9 months
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strategically cropped wet vampire sex thumbsupemoji @barbwritesstuff
perhaps it's bold to tag you but if other people have drawn the shower scene then i can too
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hypervoxel · 5 months
Referencing one of the fics I talked about here, the "this was supposed to be about Redemption. it isn't." Vox-centric rape aftermath one, which will now be going behind a readmore with that description as your warning
I need to talk about this forever but I am not close to publishing anything yet. But I do have a lot of it plotted out (with no ending in sight though, unfortunately).
Vox, at his core, wants to be liked. Where other Overlords lean into the fear their power inspires, Vox softens himself and puts on a friendly smile. He needs public approval. He yearns for their affection, their eyes, their obsession. He made an AI assistant modeled and named after himself on all of their phones/watches/devices.
But Vox still is an Overlord, and you don't get power in Hell without making people hate you.
The Vees have a hold not just on media, but on drugs, real estate, construction, data centers, manufacturing, the entire electrical grid and fiber optic lines, the list goes on and on. Vox's empire touches every corner of their city; no one is free from his influence unless they shun modernity entirely.
It's the drugs that cause an issue this time.
Valentino has been beefing with The Alchemist since that mutt first made a name for himself. His aesthetic was ancient to match the name, but the Alchemist is a new sinner, some lowlife who thought that because he knew how to make lean in life, he could make a name for himself here and branch out into all sorts of new, hellish drugs. Thing is, addicts are the easiest soul contract you'll ever make. Promise to supply their addiction, and as long as you can, you'll collect souls as quickly as you can make Deals. The Alchemist getting to new Sinners before the Vees get a chance to becomes a problem.
Valentino has plenty of enforcers to take care of uppity wannabe Overlords encroaching on their turf though. The problem should be short-lived.
It isn't.
Vox hasn't been paying much attention to it. These things come and go, as gangsters die and Valentino forces them into submission. Val may focus more on his Porn Studio now, but he got his Overlord status through taking out the old families and cartels, the mobs and mafias running Pentagram City, taking over their drug trafficking and brothels. So Vox didn't worry about it. Val might need direction when dealing with his public persona, didn't know when to tone himself down for polite company, but when the situation called for Val's brand of violence? Vox let him handle it.
He realized, after the drinks at his investor meeting led to him collapsing dizzily to the floor, reaching out blindly for the now non-existent electrical grid and realizing that the building's power had been cut off, that he should have paid more attention to who might have it out for The Vees right now, and which investors weren't in Valentino's pocket.
... He escapes eventually. They may have been smart enough to keep him away from electrical wires, but one finally made the mistake of not putting his phone on airplane mode while recording their captive Overlord, and Vox used it as a jump point.
The damage had already been done.
Val is still ranting about his typical inane drama, and Vox wants nothing more than to look at his phone. He can't do that. Not until his algorithm cleans up any mention of. Himself. In compromising situations. It's being posted faster than the bots can take it down, but at least Vox has turned off any direct messages, blocked the usual pings alerting him every time he's mentioned, and filtered emails to only show what is absolutely and immediately necessary for the continued running of VoxTek. Even that decision has also been posted about online, people making fun of him for not being able to handle the backlash. He used to have a language model AI answering comments and DMs, a personal touch for his fans. It had responded to far too many messages about how good he looked in his latest broadcast with the standard thanks and appreciation for their support, before he disabled it. Vox was sure screenshots of those responses were also still going around.
The Vee's retribution on the other Overlord is to torture him and his inner circle on live video. The Alchemist posted several recordings of Vox's rape online to further humiliate him, so the Vees will pay back like with like, making use of Val's stash of angelic bullets to slowly kill off everyone who touched Vox. Until the Alchemist begs for mercy, tells them he'll give them anything, everything, offering up everything to them, his soul, his territory, all of his Contracts...
Velvette takes the deal. "I'll give you anything," was the phrase they agreed on, "my Contracts, yours. Money, apothecaries, everything, please." They shook on those terms, the Alchemist too out of it at this point to realize that he didn't ask for anything in return for all that he just handed over. Vox shoots him.
His death, his defeat, it doesn't fix anything.
It was supposed to. It was supposed to make everyone stop talking about Vox like he's the new most popular porn star - or at least focus on him when he's in control of the situation. Wasn't that hotter? Filmed professionally by Valentino's best director instead of on a handheld shaking cell phone and. It was supposed to show everyone that you can't mess with The Vees. Wins against them are only temporary. They'll come out on top in the end. But everyone was still talking about old news.
Anyway. Many more thoughts but this is long enough lmao. A huge focus of this multi series wip is how other characters react to it, not just Vox. Like: Valentino has so many issues of his own and he is projecting them onto Vox. Valentino escaped victimhood long ago, and he is no longer the kind of person who can be targeted by abusers or bigots. Vox was his equal. Vox was his.
"Hey! Vox!" There's hands on him and he reels back, but there's nowhere to go. His shoulders are wrenched out of place, arms bound by his own bowtie, nowhere to run. This isn't happening. There's something in his mouth— no there's not?— Bite me and I'll knock out your teeth,* a gruff voice is saying. Vox, they mock, Vox, they ask if he likes hearing his name chanted during. No, Vox! He puts his name on everything, should they brand him with his own logo? Would he like that? He screams when they grab his antenna and wrench his head to the side. "Vox! "You're not listening to me!" Val's expression clears as Vox blinks to awareness. His glare melts into a on of concern. "Are you seriously still thinking about that gangbanger?" Val scoffs. Frowns. Thinks of something with a smile growing across his face. One hand is on Vox's chest, another two on his hips, he guides Vox back, gently. Vox stumbles when he hits the arm of the couch, falling, flailing, landing on his back with an oomf Val crawls over top of him. "Stop thinking about them, Voxxy. You know I can show you a much better time." Vox flinches when Val's hand trails lower onto his thigh, trying to wiggle away for the first time, and Val's brows furrow. "I didn't think you were hurt there," he mutters. "Skin graft," Vox squeaks, breathless. He hated feeling breathless. He didn't even need to breathe.
Velvette, well. She was the person Vox teleported to. He manifested out of her phone and knocked them both to the ground, passing out on top of her. She got the first look at him before any of his technicians were called in to fix things. He came to her. And she can't help but feel responsible for him.
In the video, they fucked him like he was a toy. No, not even that. They treated him with less regard than anyone fucked even a FizzBot. It wasn't a good video. These weren't porn directors. They weren't sex workers who had trained to make this art. It was brutal and it was vulgar and it didn't even look good. Bad angles and shaky camera, but shared tens of thousands of times and the number was still growing. The original had been removed. She made sure of that. But that hadn't stopped its spread, couldn't do anything when people downloaded the video as quickly as they could to reupload it, far too many reposts to track down, especially with Vox still. Offline. She couldn't exactly plug herself into his supercomputer. Velvette was the Social Media Queen. She was the Online Overlord. She was meant to be in charge of The Vees' images online, currating how they presented themselves to that hungry audience. This wasn't supposed to get out of her control. —— But she had posted about Vox in the afteraffects of Val's venom, doped to his gills on the thing she had recreated into Love Potion. She had tagged it for a free promo of her own products. Vox was funny when his tongue was loose and his affection and attention freely given. And Vox thought humanizing himself was important, some twisted idea leftover from life about being "robotic" that dictated his body in the afterlife and left him desperate to be understood as a living, albeit no longer breathing human being. He softened himself to be less of a monster to anyone looking, dressed himself like he wasn't a threat, smiled and laughed and and. It was her idea to capitalize on Val and Vox's relationship. Well, Val was the one who first callously posted about breaking Vox's screen, but it was her idea to turn it into a running joke. It was funny when Val punched Vox and threw things at him and broke his fucking face. It was funny, because unlike bruises and bloody noses, Vox's screen was easily replaceable glass. It broke so easily, anyone who managed to get a lucky hit on him while fighting could no longer feel satisfied by that when Vox's boyfriend did more damage than a rival Overlord could ever manage to. Glass was easy to break. Vox didn't like fighting back, but it was funny, was barely even violence. It meant nothing more than rolled eyes and a swiftly scheduled appointment with a technician to switch out screens. No one was supposed to look at the image she created and come to the conclusion that Vox was easy to subdue. It wasn't supposed to make Vox look weak. It was supposed to make him impossible to hurt, because any damage done was so easy to fix that it was no big deal at all. But. His face was so easy to break. He was so loose limbed and pliant on Love Potion. He might have claws, but he preferred not to use them, hiding behind cameras and screens all day. What the fuck were people supposed to take from that?
Other characters have thoughts too. Alastor isn't online, doesn't know the backstory, but Vox makes his picture shows impossible to miss with displays all over the city. Vox has become unrecognizable. Alastor is disgusted that they used to be acquaintances.
Cherri gleefully sends Angel every vindictive meme about Vox she sees. She wishes it had happened to Valentino instead, but Vox is also profiting off of her bestie's abuse, so he absolutely deserves everything that happened to him and more.
Angel laughed about it at first, but... It doesn't feel right to celebrate anyone's rape. And some of Cherri's comments... Angel has been used to sell this lifestyle to the new talent Valentino wants to make Deals with. He's responsible for ruining so many lives, hanging off Val's arm and telling people how great it is to work for him. And long before that, Angel was involved in the Mafia and, well, like Val himself, they didn't just make money on drugs, did they? Angel wonders if his best friend would be so supportive of him if she knew all this. He wonders of she'd think he deserves his fate too.
Carmilla, like Alastor, is not very online. She hears from her daughters that there's a reason The Vees are doing this, but the girls aren't sharing any details, and don't stay to watch the broadcast Vox has forced onto their TV. She watches The Vees make a Deal with a Sinner and immediately turn around and kill him with one of her weapons. Overlords are meant to protect the Souls that have been entrusted to them. Souls are valuable, the most valuable thing you have to offer anyone. What message is Vox spreading, making mockery of Deals this way, acting like Souls are worthless and can be thrown away. The Vees are just making Sinners less likely to sell themselves to anyone.
Carmilla had scheduled a meeting for fellow Overlords to talk about saving as many Sinners as possible in the upcoming Exterminations. The Vees were meant to attend, but obviously, they are uninterested in keeping the Sinners entrusted to their care alive. She uninvites them. (Vox is still filtering out his emails. He doesn't get this one. The Vees show up anyway.)
Charlie thinks about violence a lot. It's inescapable. She doesn't use her phone much, but she learns what happened to Vox and nearly cries. She makes a post about how violence shouldn't be celebrated and wishes Vox well in his recovery. Days later, she watches Vox take over the television and the three Vees torture the people who tortured him, and she thinks about what will happen when she has the opportunity to reach out to two Sinners who hurt each other. She wants to think they can all be redeemed, that her hotel should be open to anyone. She watches the screen through her fingers, unable to look away as Vox kills the Sinner on his knees before him, cackling. She watches The Vees kiss each other over the dead body, tender and loving, the broadcast ending as Vox rests his screen against Velvette's hair and Valentino wraps all of his arms around the two. And she thinks about forgiveness, and she wonders what she would do if someone hurt Vaggie.
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heartslabyuls · 6 months
Identity V should have a collab with Black Butler, the vibes fit so well..
Ciel as a survivor would likely have a skin of a character that focuses most on decoding, a character that doesn't have very high rescue or evade abilities. Sebastian, on the other hand, would either be purely a hunter or a survivor that focuses on containing/attacking the hunter.
But also... consider them as one of the hunters that feature two characters. You start as Ciel, but you can activate a mode to play as Sebastian for a limited period of time to chase down survivors. Ciel's body either accompanies Sebastian or is left vulnerable to stun attacks. Or maybe it's one of hunters with transformation abilities. You remain Ciel, but Sebastian sort of covers him like a second skin or even carries him around on his arm like he does in canon.
On their own, as a survivor, Ciel would likely be The Mind's Eye due to her use of a cane and fragile nature making object vaulting slower.
Mey-Rin would be the Coordinator without a doubt. I could see Baldroy as the Barmaid, though the drinks she makes are instead various foods he's fudged up. Though, I could also see him being the Forward, the Aeroplanist, or the Prospector. Finnian could be the Mercenary? Not too sure about him.
As a survivor, Sebastian would either be the Grave Digger or the Entomologist, with both respective abilities emulating his wispy true form without a physical appearance instead of digging underground or controlling a swarm of bugs. As a hunter, he'd be the Ripper maybe? His knives that he carries around with him would replace the Ripper's massive claw. Or maybe the Feaster, where his true form replaces the tentacles and such.
Don't mind me, I just had to spit all this out skjhdg
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
I'm curious, do you have any specific projects that you really want to work on? I'd love to hear what you want to write/what ideas you have, if you're willing to share 🫶
SPOOKIE! YOU'RE TO SWEET THANK YOU!!! There are a few things I've been meaning to write, among them a small fic series! These are the things on my to-write list:
TF141 with a Dragon-Prince!Reader (I actually have the prologue written already, it's completely finished, I just have no idea where to go with it! I'm gonna brainstorm a few ideas for it so I can make this my fic series! I'm really excited to continue writing on this haha!)
Singing Price a Lullaby (I'm such a sucker for putting someone's head in my lap and singing them a lullaby! I can actually sing myself sleepy whenever I sing to myself! So I like to imagine that I could make other characters feel at ease with my voice as well!)
Ghost with a Transmasc!S/O (Listen, I'm a trans man and barely any character has ever brought me as much comfort as Ghost, therefore I'm gonna write this! It was just a matter of time until I'd write this!)
Celebrating König's Birthday (My birthday is still far off, but I'm gonna write this anyway because I couldn't really celebrate my birthday last year! If I can't be happy then I will project onto König and make him happy!!)
König Teasing His S/O in His Dialect (I headcanon König to speak the same dialect as me, therefore he'll speak his dialect to his S/O if he wants to tease them! Not every German can understand my dialect either! So naturally, König would tease you about it, especially if you do know German!)
Reader Finds out Cast is Ticklish (Listen, at the risk of sounding stupid, I just wanna be an idiot with those guys and gals! Sometimes all you need is to be an idiot and goof around with your favorite characters! Plus you can get them to laugh a bit, and the Gods know someone like Ghost could need it! Plus I wanna write about getting back at Soap! Also, it has been a while since I got to write about Alex, so there's that too!)
These are the things that I've been meaning to write for a while now! I'm sure there will be more things that I'll be writing! But that's all I've written down on my list! Thank you for asking, it makes me really happy that you care :D I hope you have a lovely day! May work become a bit less draining for you and that you may take a good nap at home afterwards!!
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
i just. remembered again that i have a fembaru fic but also the premise is. Very Messed Up hah and also it was written before the canon genderbent au with its official genderbend names for everyone so its also outdated on top of that T^T i had like. Genderqueer subtext going on too. but i also wrote this fic like almost two years ago and havent touched it in forever so im unsure if i should go back to it…. o.o but i would love to finish it one day if only for my own satisfaction hah… i had a very detailed outline for ch 2 (its a twoshot) and several scenes written already anyway!! (and also i would probably update those names, make minor edits, etc etc hmm…)
#just thinking about this wip again………… mmmm….. not super confident in my older ao3 fics but the premise for this one was like. i think i#ended up brainstorming it with a friend or two and then i was like wait holy shit howd this play out. and then i took about two weeks to#write ch1? :o#and then i like. REALLY got into revolutionary girl utena after finishing ch1 so like that def bled into um. the themes.#just. thimking…….. bc ive had so many ideas to explore like. themes regarding gender and misogyny and Choice and destiny and queerness and#all sorts of things….. bc rezero Touches on them and is even Detailed on them sometimes and id Love to go in depth. but im also a bit#nervous to bc 1. writing fic is….. so much work sometimes fr and i am but a lazy writer and 2. the slight anxiety of what if i get flamed#o.o wild to think about…..#like. i have ideas for emilia fics that are. definitely darker maybe a bit controversial but i will go off the walls with writing for the#sake of answering the questions of. can this be done. and is it possible to narratively critique canon and fandom treatment of emilia. that#sort of thing.#not that im the best writer ever akdbdnd but i do like darker fiction sometimes. and i also like being meta about things in fiction. and i#also like writing to get out a tiny bit of salt. etc etc.#i tried to write these kinds of thinngs with my atm sole emilia centric fic that i wrote. uhhh more than a year ago? and i would love to try#again one day bc ive def improved and changed as a writer since then. u know what i mean?? :o#just like. rezero and queerness is very interesting to me.#suffaru post#saving this on the blog bc i talked Too Much about my writing process here HAH#my writing process being: HOW FAR CAN I TAKE THIS IDEA AND HOW OFF THE WALLS CAN IT GET????#in reality tho im really just a massive nerd whos gone down a massive rabbit hole of writing anime fanfic. 😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏#if you actually read all these tags big thank you HAH
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stardusthuntress · 9 months
Follower Celebration!!!
YOU GUYS!!! Thanks to you all, I’ve passed both the 99 and 104 followers marks before I got a chance to do anything!!! YOU DA BESTEST!!!!
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How crazy is that???
Also sorry for vanishing for a while there, needed to take a break and focus on helping family during the holiday season. I love my family, but they do require an awful lot of effort these days, so I had to limit myself on here to just reading you guys’s stuff, but I’m back now!
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SO, I thought that made it time for an update!!!
I’m working my way towards a big deadline at work in ~1 week, and then I’ve got a bunch of WIPs I want to finish up and post!!!
Also in the process of learning how to use AO3 so I can post stuff on there and support other fellow writers!!!
AND gonna attempt to make a form for my taglist!!!
And if you tagged me in something and I haven’t responded, I promise it’s up next on the stuff I wanna catch back up on!!!
And for a fun follower mile marker celebration I wanted to ask you guys for your thoughts on what you’d like to see finished soonest! I don’t get much chance to interact with you all on here since I don’t exactly take requests, but I do like to hear back from you guys about what you like to read the most!
Side note, this doesn’t guarantee I’ll be able to find the inspo to finish whatever wins the most votes/comments next, BUT knowing that’s what people want to read does help me find the motivation to sit down and finish up a current WIP instead of steering another new WIP…. Hehehe!
And, again, ALL of these will eventually be finished, just might take some time to do so. This is simply a quest to discover what you guys is most hungry for rn!!! So pick your fav, pls!!!
Taglist: @bambambunny @cw80831 @amorfista
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sanchoyo · 3 months
I’ve always been interested in things like choose your own adventure stories or when community polls choose what happens in a story. Tbh I would love to write one (I know there’s a way to do this on ao3, the choose your own adventure part not the poll one as far as I’m aware) it’s just a matter of 1. Making time to do it 2. Deciding what story/fandom to write it for 🤨
#I have a lot of wips and stuff going on stewing and marinating behind the scenes rn#and a lot of stuff I WANT to do soon#or post art fight#I need to draft ch 3 of tm2 (a lot of it IS drafted but I’m considering entirely swapping ch3/4s orders around -_-#for reasons that boil down to ‘I think it would flow better) but maybe not? aaaa#it doesn’t matter either way I need to sit and sketch pages of that#+me seriously considering a manga adaption of the ps tmm game#I think it would be fun if after drafting a script and a set number of pages it was a collab effort of the fandom like each person does 1-2#pages with certain criteria. like those (fandom) animated episodes artists do but with a comic??#it would need to be all type set by one person to make sure it’s legible tho#and I’m gonna be honest ive organized small events before but smth like that would be a LOT of organizing wrangling and communicating#but it could be fun!!#I also want to start doing more art stuff in general like on schedules tho like perhaps do fanart Friday every week or something.#another solo zine. or even a fandom zine or some kind but make it free and Small Scale bc that’s The Vibe I enjoy#SO MANY THINGS IN MY BRAIN HELP.#<is drowning in ideas#I also wanted to make a pony sona and draw Valerie DP after seeing that good edit last night andkckfkck#can I do both before AF starts??! we will find out!!!#i knooow I’ve been posting a lot on my art blog I will queue them if I do these I swear I will give u guys a breather#sanchoyorambles#long ramble short I want to write more fics but also have 3849594 art ideas going#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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tennessoui · 1 year
I've seen you get a bunch of shit for WIPs and I just wanted to let you know you don't deserve that. You are an amazingly prolific writer, and a very creative individual. Anything you chose to write is a gift, and fandom is owed nothing from you. <3
aw this is so so kind of you to send!!
i do think every ask about wips is very much sent in good faith and i do keep that in mind when i read them and think about them.
but they can be jarring to get. the last thing i want to do is spend hours of my very real life on a hobby and then feel guilty for not spending those hours correctly on a slightly different aspect of that hobby. you know. like.
i could be learning how to crochet instead or boulder or do peloton classes or something if im gonna feel guilty either way for what im doing in my spare time you know
so thank you for the affirmations <3 they're great to get and read <3
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duckingwriting · 1 year
Find the word
I was tagged by @author-a-holmes and you can see her post here.
My words are:  Purple (or another colour), Four, Wind, and Dog/Wolf
No pressure tagging: @oh-no-another-idea, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @late-to-the-fandom, @eponymoussquared, @careful-fear, @mariahwritesstuff, and anyone else who would like to jump in on a tag game with these words!
Your words are: Chop, Sweat, soup, glare, corner
For anyone who is not familiar in with this game. Either with something already written or by writing something new you have a little excerpt from a piece you have written(current WIP, abandoned WIP, finished thing doesn’t matter). Then give a new set of words for your own victims tags
TW/CW: NSFW scene,  Blow job, alien fucking, heat sex, implied sex
[TW/CW: NSFW, Blow job, alien fucking, heat sex]
Halo held his fist in the aff's hair as the other alien knelt on the floor between his knees. Anvil's forked tongue flicked against Halo's cock as he guided the warm mouth. Finding an Aff not only willing to bottom but so eager to please did things to Halo he wasn't quite ready to acknowledge even as dark purple eyes stared up at him through thick lashes. Anvils own hands were clasped behind his back. Occasionally Halo would thrust his hips forward harder to watch them twitch, to see if the other man would give into temptation and reach for him. Anvil gagged on Halo's cock, drool slipping past his lips, but he didn't try to pull off as he sucked against the hardened appendage nor did he try and gain control. He told himself it was just the season. Because he didn't have any Vest'r. Anvil almost believed his own lie. Halo may only be allowing it because he had no choice, but Anvil had been dying to taste the other alien since he had fist got a hint of him on their human lover's skin.
[TW/CW: None]
Beth cursed her phone as she closed it and then dropped it onto the nightstand. She then rolled to her side and closed her eyes. Blindly she gripped the blanket and pulled it over her head. She had nearly fallen asleep again when she heard a strange noise. Beth growled low in her throat and threw the blanket from her body.
"That awkward moment," She said glaring at the wall. "When it is dead silent and your stomach makes dying whale noises."
Beth stretched her sore muscles. A hotel bed was not where she had planned to spend her last night of freedom. But Beth hadn't liked the other options she had been left with either.
A. Turn and fight the creeper who had been following her, when he was bigger, stronger, and less drunk.
B. Call Jay and tell him where she was and risk his wrath.
C. Letting the creep follow her home.
Beth had decided her best bet was to get a hotel room where there were four walls between her and Mr. Creeper, as she had dubbed him, and witnesses. Human witnesses.
What if he's still out there waiting for me? Beth shivered at the thought. She grabbed her jeans and pulled them on after deciding that if she saw Mr. Creeper she would call Jay. He already knew she was not at home if the phone call was any indication, and there was little he could do to her for going dancing and drinking the previous night now.
Ask for forgiveness not permission, kid. Was her father’s favorite saying, with a crooked grin as he ruffled her hair. Even when she got into trouble he had said it so often half the time he simply sighed and rubbed his face.
[TW/CW: Implied sex]
Sitting up another shiver wracked Reese's body. He pulled the blanket back up over his bare shoulders and curled himself in on himself as he looked around for his mate, straining his hearing to hear the other moving around the small house. When only the wind answered his shout for his mate worry curled tightly through Reese's body. He reached down to pull on the clothes that had been removed the night before. The holes in the pants sent a huff of annoyance out of his mouth.
"Tearing up all my PJs just means you have to buy me more! Not that I'll stop wearing them!" Reese yelled out to the house. Again, only silence greeted him and Reese could feel the anxiety begin to claw at his throat. He reached for the lamp and frowned when he heard the click of the switch but nothing happened. He clicked it again and still nothing. Gripping the blanket around his shoulders Reese shivered when his bare feet touched the cold floor. Goose bumps rippled across his arm that stuck out of the blanket to grip his cane after standing up. He limped towards the door and tried the light switch, huffing when he realized that the power was out.
"That explains why it's so cold," Reese whispered to the silent room. "But where is my brute?"
Limping his way through the house Reese could not find any sign of his mate. He couldn't even call Xaver with his own phone dead and no power to charge it. He noted that he couldn't find Xaver's phone so his mate more than likely had his own phone with him. Chewing on his lower lip Reese cautiously opened the front door.
[TW/CW: I don’t think there are any]
“You must be Alpha Leone.” Kraven held his hand out to the large male sitting with the omega. “I’m Alpha Thistle.”
Silvestri hid his smirk behind the magazine while Annalise giggled not too far away. Brax’s face remained unchanged but both Jax and Arlington smirked at the pack Alpha. Leaning forward and intercepting the hand the female at the table smirked at Kraven’s frown of confusion.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” She smiled brightly nodding to the large male. “This is my beta, Jack Jackson. I’m Alpha Nikola Leone.”
The meeting seemed to be going well and Silvestri reasoned that they wouldn’t be here much longer. The coffee shop’s door opened and Silvestri didn’t think much about the light breeze it stirred until he saw the pack Alpha stiffen.
Kraven’s chair clattered to the ground as he stood up and his surprised gaze pinned Silvestri where he sat. Silvestri was aware of Leone and Jax standing up and moving towards Kraven while Arlington frowned and slowly pushed himself up. He knew Brax would be planting himself between the potentially dangerous pack werewolves and Annalise, but all he could focus on was the way his heart was beginning to hammer under Kraven’s gaze.
“Silvestri.” Kraven’s voice was barely above a whisper but it was enough to break the spell. Silvestri bolted, spilling his coffee and dropping his magazine. He heard his name being called but blocked out the calls from his pack, focused only on running from the voice that had shattered him years ago. The voice that rejected him for no reason. He had learned he was stronger than he thought since he left, but he also remembered the feel of his pack mates tearing into him while he ran from them. Berating him for daring to be their Alpha’s mate. As if he had any choice in the matter.
Silvestri heard the sound of feet pounding the ground behind him as they gave chase. He saw Roland move to intercept him. Silvestri dodged into the road without thinking twice. The resulting cacophony did nothing to help his panic as he tried to avoid vehicles. When a semi-truck blared its horn at him he couldn’t do anything but freeze, close his eyes, and wait for impact.
Silvestri felt a body slam into his side and heard the rush of the truck barreling past them. His air left him with a pained gasp as they crashed to the ground. The larger werewolf rolled over and pulled Silvestri into his lap. Silvestri struggled to catch his breath with the shaking grip around him tightening painfully. He didn’t have to lift his gaze to know who held him. One arm wrapped around his torso, crushing what little air he could get out of him, the other pressing his head tightly to a chest. He could feel Kraven’s breath against the top of his head as the panicked alpha inhaled his scent. Silvestri let the other’s pounding heart drown out the approaching footsteps.
“Alpha, are you alright?” Clay’s voice reflected nothing but concern.
Before Kraven could answer, Leone was snarling and making Silvestri flinch.
“What the fuck was that Silvestri?” Leone’s teeth were bared but her mate kept a hand on her elbow even as Leone turned her angry gaze to Kraven. “And you, get your paws off my omega!”
Silvestri felt the alpha holding him stiffen and tighten his grip. Kraven’s snarl was more wolf than human when he responded. “He’s mine!”
Before the two Alphas could start a very public fight with him stuck in the middle, Silvestri tipped his head in submission to Leone despite Kraven’s snarl of protest. He couldn’t get free of the pack Alpha’s grip but he wanted them to know he knew whose pack he was in.
“I’m sorry, Alpha.” Silvestri ignored Kraven’s vicious snarl. “I’m his rejected mated.”
Kraven’s angry snarl melted into a pathetic whimper even as his arms tightened around Silvestri while Leone cursed. Silvestri did his best to breath through the compression of his lungs.
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reading my drafts like damn this is so good i should really finish it and post it as i am actively closing the window
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gummyysharkz · 11 months
dude why is finishing art so difficulttttttt
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maochira · 1 year
One day I'll continue writing the book I've been working on since 2018. One day.
(Technically I've been working on it since September 2022 because that's when I started the current draft but I started the story in 2018)
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the unexpected aspec experience of opening up a word document to write more pages for an ~adult~ fic, happily writing a little bit, and then suddenly being completely uninterested in the subject material anymore. 0/10 very inconvenient, finishing this fic will take forever at this rate
#[pensive emoji]#this is why ~adult~ fics that include other stuff in them too are more consistently engaging to me#like. the logistics of an eldritch being being involved is interesting regardless of if I'm interested in the main focus of the fic or not#another example of other stuff that makes it always interesting to read is the character interactions on an emotional level#it can be fun and interesting to read even when I'm not actually interested in seeking out an ~adult~ fic if it reveals character stuff#or shows things about the dynamic between two characters. or shows something about their issues and insecurities and perspectives#adult times as a way of showing anything from manipulation to adoration to endless trust to longing for a closeness that isnt there...#theres so many interesting things that can be shown and explored. especially when its such an inherently vulnerable thing.#me when characters are put in an emotionally vulnerable situation: >:) yes ha ha ha yes#idk I'm just documenting an aspec experience here because it's interesting to figure out how to put my thoughts into words here#and explaining that 'yes it really Can serve more purposes to be put in fics than just being Into It' feels worthwhile#gotta throw my aspec perspective out there into the void#but yeah this post is about a spicy ford fic im writing that has no plot. which is why its being posted here lol#ive also mentioned aspec stuff on this blog before so it feels relevant enough to me#the community tag feels so dramatic i am sorry for any disappointment caused by this post not having anything in it beyond mentioning a WIP#but 🤷‍♂️ its technically the topic of the post i guess
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itsfairly · 9 months
what you mean i am only writing monthly?
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poprockspillage · 9 months
realizing that i really have not posted much ocelhira art of my own here which is wild cause they plague my mind constantly
nobody knows the extent to which i am overcome by ocelhira emotions
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