#I have maybe one RP I'm keeping up with daily
Guys rq, if I'm doing an RP with you and I haven't responded yet, please LET ME LIVE MY LIFE. I will get back to you eventually I swear, but repeatedly reaching out about it will not get a response faster. I'm busy with school, I have mountains of work to catch up on, and feeling like responding to an RP is just another *task* I have to do just makes me distance myself from it more. Please give me more slack, I understand it's frustrating, but I am like this with EVERYTHING social atm. I am periodically responding to all rps when I have time and motivation to do so, and I'm even limiting irl things too. Please be patient with me.
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
Will you still continue writing and putting qbbh in your stories?
I'm asking this question after months because I can't stand people "separating" the cc from the character, when it can't be done, not when the cc defends such a despicable person. I kept quiet for a long time because you're my favorite writer, but I'm tired of pretending that it doesn't bother me because I suffer daily from racism and xenophobia (things that both qbbh and cc don't seem to care about JAJAJA).
I don't know if you will respond to this or just ignore it, but regardless, thank you for writing such beautiful works and stories, I won't follow you any further, not until I have your response. And if you keep writing Defender of the Bastard, I'll pretend I've never read any of your works, that I've never even met you.
I used the translator to make the job easier 0___=
Okay, anon, I'll start this by saying that I 100% understand where you're coming from. If you've seen my pinned, you know that I hate that shitty green teletubby and all his friends equally, and I do NOT fuck with anyone supporting them. And you've probably seen me speaking up about the freakish xenophobia that parts of Bad's fandom have been taking part in basically since April (that I know about, I've never been a viewer.)
But also? I don't write qBBH. I've written him maybe five times Ever since the QSMP started, and three of those five times were in Breaking Dawn. And, even then, he's not really super important to the narrative at all, and he was never going to be. If anyone from the book club was gonna be important, it would be Maxo because he was super important during the Regret Arc, unlike Bad. And you may have noticed that I haven't even mentioned Bad in that fic since he started getting weird about Dream recently. I legitimately rewrote all of the most recent chapter to keep Bad out of it.
With my other current multichapters (Let a Spider Run, Evil Eye), he was never gonna be a big part of them because I quite genuinely just don't give a shit about his character and because his character isn't too important to the parts of qCellbit and qRoier's stories that I want to explore. Breaking Dawn? Regret Arc. Let a Spider Run? ...Kinda all over the place, but it's the bit of May when Cellbit and Roier started getting interested in each other. Evil Eye? Current "Fuck The Federation" Arc. So if you wanna follow those, go ahead, Bad would only be a cameo mention at most, almost definitely not someone super important. The fic he'd appear most in would be Breaking Dawn, but even then it's like one or two more times because, again, Maxo is actually the more important one there. Limited roles, dig?
But also? You have no right to demand what I do and do not put in my writing. Am I gonna put Bad in anymore? Not in any huge role because I never did, but you showed up and decided to effectively threaten me into not writing him at all by saying you'll never read again. And that's disappointing because I'm so ridiculously thankful for all my readers and I never want to make anyone uncomfortable, but you coming in and demanding I effectively change the plot to my passion project instead of coming and talking to me in dms or something is just kind of a dick move.
I don't hold anything against you, anon, and I won't hold anything against anyone who decides to unfollow me because I'm gonna keep having qBad appear as minor characters in my fics, but you've gotta understand that he's a character. Does he suck? Yeah, and so does the CC, but separating fact from fiction is a vital part of appreciating Minecraft RP storytelling. And I 100% understand having difficulty separating character from CC when it comes to a CC who has done some real shitty things, but sometimes you just need to take a step back and stop consuming content from something that brings you this much distress just by having a single character in it.
You're probably young, and I'm really, really sorry that you've dealt with so much horrible bullshit because of this one man's fandom, and I'm sorry that this guy is on a server that you love and appreciate and I understand that so well (I was a DSMP writer for a while, after all), and I hope that you understand what I'm saying here. I'm not currently planning on including him in anything beyond one or two brief appearances in Breaking Dawn, but you don't really have much of a right to demand that of me. I made this decision weeks ago.
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malka-lisitsa · 4 months
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
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Ok, I'm gonna be really real with this one since it's the last one in my inbox... AND it's been bothering me for weeks...
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Excessive validation/interaction seeking... is not a good look. Like I get it, you have down days you need reassurance on your portrayal or maybe some validation for an OC.... but daily talk about how no one want's to rp with you, constant negativity on the dash, begging for compliments- and I dont mean on occasion... I mean like... literally daily...
That's not a good look. Begging for interaction and complaining constantly is more likely to get you followers lost than followers interacting. A lot of people do want to write with you, but don't want to feed into the behaviors you're putting on the dash. Send asks, make starters and tag people. But if most of your posts are ooc and you make no effort to actually write with the people who reach out... or like... idk if people give you validation and you just turn around and keep begging for more? You're only making the people that stepped up for you feel like they don't matter.
Its OK to feel down, it's OK to need to seek validation every now and then- but guilt tripping your dash is not how you get MORE interaction. Its how you burn your current followers and nuke your ability to get new ones. People who are here to write, want to WRITE they don't want to baby you every day just on the off chance you'll reply. LISTEN to the people that hype you up. Bc the more people you shoot down, the less people will come back to hype you up the next time you need it.
The fact that people follow you, means they want to write, and if they want to write it means they think you're good enough. If you need validation RB a portrayal meme every other week or so, tag the positivity and save them to look at the next time youre feeling down. Filling up dashes with ooc begging posts wont get you more interaction... sorry but it wont.
I see this from a LOT of new/recent blogs as of late and it makes me cringe every time. Just relax guys. It's not that serious. Love the followers you have, write with them, let them hype you up... you'll grow as a writer and a person. I promise. Excessive attention seeking will only LOSE you interaction.
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||An Officer's Corruption part Nineteen||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but once more, I'm adding another chapter to this mini series me and my friend Demon mun has written. This series is getting good but I hope you like friend. That and their could be a season 2. :3
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
((Your reading part Nineteen))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Nothing bad right at the moment
~A conversation will happen in this part
||Drabble Summary||
Officer Star was checking up on the inmate Ashley but he saw that she was doing alright so far. However, later on, he wonders what he can find out about her. Meanwhile, Oblivion went to check on Yuuka again but finds something disturbing what could it be? Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
Joshua Star and other members from his fraction mentioned, Rave"Oblivion" Daitengu Arion"Hellmare" Iderum, and Fira"Maggie" Fireleo belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Ashley Butterfly, Yuuka Nakano, and Jinx Violet are my oc’s that belong to me. Yuji Itadori is from Jujutsu Kaisen but is also a muse I rp as.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Later that afternoon, Joshua was seeing his team checking on the inmates that everyone was back in their cells for the day. However, they were all relaxed now even so. However, this made the others curious. Even if Ashley was the one that caused this, it really was something. She was able to sooth or keep them under her control.
It was scary to say the least.
"You know. I never get what she does and yet, the inmates are relaxed even so." Vanessa said to the others and yet, they were curious.
"I don't know. When she got here, they were under her control but she didn't use anyway to get out or cause a riot. That still freaks me out even so. Maybe we can just keep this common and still keep our guard up." Light said thinking about it. He sighed just looking at him then at the others.
"Well, maybe that's a good thing?" everyone looks to officer Shee to hear that.
"What makes you say that, Sydeia?" Robert asked confused.
"Well, lets just say it's a feeling. She has never tried to break out or tried to make the inmates cause any riots. That is scary giving the fact she's that dangerous." she said seeing the others thinking about it. Though, she could have but didn't. "I bet even Hellmare and Maggie feel the same." Angel said but looks silent.
"You know? I'm scared to ask what she is thinking about but maybe we shouldn't worry about it too much..." they said but thinking about it. "Hold on, where is Joshua?" Vanessa asked to see the others look at her.
"He's visiting Ashley right now to see if she is good.."
"You really sure this is safe?" Maggie asked Hellmare but she said nothing to look seeing Joshua quiet but arrived at Ashley's cell. She was indeed sitting in there looking at the floor but she had some vines inside that coated the wall and the floor. Seems it was true about her having plant like demonic power but she was focused on something else.
"I'm sure as Joshua said it's fine.Besides, she don't seem violent." Hellmare said as the two remain quiet. However, Joshua sighed but looks to her.
"Ummmm Ash? I'm here for your daily check up." He said loud enough for her to hear him. She slowly looks to turn her head showing her golden honey yellow eyes to him. He didn't say anything seeing the expression on her face but she then looks ahead again as he held his breath to take out the cell key and goes to unlock it to open it.
"Be careful Joshua.." Maggie said.
"I..I'll be safe. Trust me. She won't hurt me but I'll be safe." He said but turns to head inside but looks to Ashley who was looking at her lap again. However, she remains still.
"Have you eaten at lunch today?" he asked but she only slowly nods to him.
".....I see. Good. I'm glad you did. Though...did you...need the other thing you have to eat." He asked but she didn't respond to slowly shake her head no while having the blanket over her shoulders. He wonders if she was saying that but knowing her, she did seem to be.
"Ashley? Are you sure?" he asked.
"........I'm a bit hungry but..I will eat later tomorrow if it's alright? I don't feel..c..comfortable e..eating if others were st..staring.." she speaks in a quiet tone but Joshua sighed.
"..I understand. I'll come later to check on you in case you do. I don't want you to be nervous about it." he said but he sees her look to the side and understand. However, he turns to start walking out till she grabs his wrist.
Maggie notice about to do something but Hellmare stops her, assuring it's fine. She said nothing but looks seeing Ashley look at Joshua with a quiet expression.
"Is something w..wrong?" He asked.
"....T..thank you but I'll s..see you later on tomorrow..I should be fine to wait till later to eat." she said softly before letting his wrist go as the vine pulls back. He nods but turns to walk out while shutting the cell door to look at the other two.
"She didn't hurt me. She tends to do that sometimes but..she's not evil as many think. Or at least her sweet side. Her other side is..pretty violent.." he mutters but sighed being quiet.
"Anyway, we can give her some time to relax before I come back." he said turning leave with the other two follow him. Now they were curious towards it.
"I'm really curious if she really is what she says.." Maggie walks but Hellmare sighed.
"I'm sure she is. I'm already speaking with Hiroshi and he seems pretty calm for a inmate. I'm sure you can do the same with T-bone.." she said but Maggie rolls her eyes but understood. This was going to be something.
"I hope the others are having better luck.." she grumbled.
~~~~~Meanwhile with Oblivion~~~~~
"Are you sure this is all you found out Ophelia? It can't be like that can it?" she asked on the phone but heard a sigh from the other.
'I'm afraid so. I know it's hard to hear Oblivion but it's true. I can do what I said but given her history it's scary. I never seen anyone taking in so much toxins and having it blended into her own. To say at least, with that much, she would have been ill but she's absorbing it like it's nothing.' she explains while checking the notes.
'I can still try to make something that's not as painful for her and maybe where it's not a shot? I don't know if she's alright with medicine or something else..' she thinks but Oblivion said nothing to think.
"Then, can you tell me anything involving her history?" she asked.
'All I know from her records, she used to be someone that helped others in the past. Always risking her life to help others. However, she ran into some people that 'used' her and hopes to try and control her due to her gift. It didn't work as they hope leading to her self poisoning them. She became dangerous and unstable given the fact some even tricked her with giving drugs to her.'
'Yes. I had Hex check the types and theirs a lot. Way too much for one to consume she would have been killed but...she wasn't? Maybe it's due to the poison in her body eating at it to keep her safe.' Ophelia explains but Oblivion looks quiet.
".....How bad are we talking here?" Oblivion asked but Ophelia didn't say.
'*Sighs* Bad to where if more of this was given, it could seriously hurt or damage her. She might not be able to do much or worse.' she said.
Before she asked, Oblivion heard some shouting or commotion in the other area but stood up.
'Oblivion, you still there?' Ophelia asked.
"Yeah, I gotta call you back for a moment.." she said quickly rushing to check it out. She gets out from the other room but saw Luna and Swan worried as some was speaking.
"Hey, what is going on?" Oblivion asked.
"It's Yuuka. Something's wrong.." Swan said but right away Oblivon goes to check. She opens the door to look inside but as she did, she tenses seeing what was in front of her.
The holding cell was now melting, given the fact that two officers backed up shaking to see the purple goo. They had another shot to give but she was sitting in the corner crying. She even noticed her scratching her arm a little bit but not the specks of blood.
"...S...stay away...stay away...stay away..." she heard her speak softly while holding her head. The goo was bubbling around the floor of her cell but she had her back facing them.
"What did you two do!?" Oblivion asked.
"W..w...we were just trying to give her the shot for the night! We were told by the other to do that!" he said scared but the other was nervous that they saw the goo now spreading out more.
"Yeah. We had orders to give her the shot before she goes to sleep but when we tired she did this!" the other said.
"Tch...I need to get to her or at least calm her down! Do you have something to put her to sleep?!" Oblivion asked.
"We do but we can't get close to her!" the officer said but that's when they saw the goo rising up and spreading. It seems to be dripping but when some falls on one of the officer's pants it begins eating it away as he shouts trying to get it off with a cloth. It hisses as he tried to clean it off but when he did, he saw a hole where the goo eats away the clothing a bit showing a burned hole. He was lucky it didn't get to his skin.
"We need to leave!" Swan said worried. "The poison is starting to come from here again. It's not safe to be in here right now!" she said as everyone backs up to the door.
"Yuuka Nakano, you need to stop! Please, can you hear me!?" Oblivion shouted but Yuuka covers her ears shutting her eyes. She just wanted them to stop. Stop shouting, stop talking. She just wanted them to leave her alone!
"Yuu it's me! Please, you need to calm down-"
"Leave me alone.....leave me alone...." she whispered still crying.
"Yuuka, you need to stop! Please, I can help you. I can-"
"LEAVE!!!" She screams for the goo to get more dangerous that it started growing more. That told Luna to get everyone out of the cell area pulling them out even Oblivion.
"EVERYONE OUT!!" Luna shouted getting everyone out of this cell room.
"Yuuka!!" Oblivion shouted as she was pulled out, Swan quickly shuts the door before the whole room was coated in Yuuka's goo. Yuuka was alone again but she was clawing at her arm where another shot was given but she digs her nails into her skin drawing blood.
"H..Hurts...*shaking* i..it..It hurts...It hurts..It hurts...." she sobs scratching her skin more shaking. Her tears were running down her cheeks while sobbing even louder through out the bubbling of the goo all around her.
In the hallway, the officers and inmates saw this but Luna was worried seeing a sign showing 'Quarantine; do not enter' near the door.
"Damn it.." Oblivion hissed but she saw Luna sigh.
"Great, now we have to wait for her to calm down before going back in that room. That's the second time she's lost it.." she mutters.
"How long will it take?" Oblivion said.
"A few hours....maybe tomorrow I don't know. But rest assure, when it does we can let you know Oblivion. Right now, the room is covered in her goo so no one can get in or out now...we'll have to wait till she calms down.." she hated to say that but it was true. Hearing this, Oblivion looks to the door but looks quiet.
She had to figure this out before it gets worse. But it leaves the question; what the fuck happened back then to make her be this violent? It worried her to give the thought.
'She really is like me..different but the same. Yuuka, what the hell happened to you?'
~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile with Itadori and Jinx~~~~~~~~~
"You really won't tell me anything will you?" she asked him and yet, he said nothing to sigh.
"Trust me, Kitten. I'm not in the mood to say. I just want this night to pass so I can leave." Yuji was looking at the wall of this cell but Jinx only frowns a bit.
"I understand but still..you can tell me if you want-"
"I said I don't. I really don't." he said being stubborn and yet, she remains quiet to look at the floor while standing guard. Yuji had to be hiding something but she didn't want to anger him or push it. For now, she will just wait and maybe hope for the best. His two inmates should be alright till tomorrow but she hopes that he will at least talk to her.
"Again, I'm not saying anything. I'm fine. Now...please lets not talk about it...hmm?" he said.
"Your being stubborn tonight." she said.
"And you are being nosy too..." he said.
"I just want to help but fine..I'll be quiet.." she mutters with the two now being in silence. Jinx wanted to know but she didn't want to anger him. What was on his mind though? Yuji said nothing but his arms were crossed but he was thinking about her but she didn't know that...yet.
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angelicsunsets · 2 days
Bts roleplay Ad !!!
RED marks important info for those who don't want to read everything.
Hi everyone! Ever since summer arrived, I found myself bored on a (almost) daily basis with all this free time on my hands. I'm excited to get back into writing, however, I went through months long writers block so Im only accepting maybe one or two partners so i can ease back into it without feeling overwhelmed!
About me:
I am 19 years old and recently graduated college (hooray!). With that being said, If you are a minor I will not be roleplaying with you. Any age from 18 or above is totally fine with me though! I have a lot of experience with roleplay as I've been doing it for about 3 years now. Please note I am fairly shy so if you someone who loves to talk outside of rp, give me some time to warm up to you and I'll be chatting away! I'm friendly, I promise lol. Also, don't be afraid to ask me or share something with me, I'm an open minded person :)
Writing style:
I would normally say my replies are pretty lengthy (like 3-5 decent sized paragraphs) but since I haven't written in a long time, I'm not sure if that still applies (or if im still good at it SJDHEJEJEJ) however, I'll try to match you! I only write in 3rd person and expect you do too! Also please be patient with me. If my writing is absolute trash at first, give it some time and (hopefully) it will improve! If not then imma throw my whole account away 😃
Tropes and ships
To make this post shorter, imma just combine these two topics together. For plots, I don't have much ideas going through this dusty brain of mine. I do have a TON of plots in my drafts but they don't spark any inspiration since I wrote them so so long ago—okay maybe a few I'm still interested in doing! But I would love to hear yours or to brainstorm a fresh one together! However, I am currently interested in the lines of royalty, exes to lovers, Mafia, vampires, college, LOVE TRIANGLES. And yes—romance and angst is a MUST HAVE. (Literally can't live without them🤭) Id prefer not to have smut, but as long as there's an actual plot with it, I'll be willing to include it. To be honest, I'm fine with any ship. (Only member x member) But my favs are jikook, taekook, yoonmin, and vmin
And finally, discord is the only platform I will roleplay on as I like to keep everything in one place!
Dm if interested!
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
Nameless Liberty. Six gun
A little bit about myself:
༓ I'm a 28y/o female
༓ GMT+1 (Middle-Europe)
༓ I can reply a few times per week. Sometimes,it can be daily, other times only one or two times a week. Though, I'll always keep you in the loop of updates
༓ Post length varies from 2 to many paragraphs (usually 200 words at least - up to 1500) . I just really love details, so hit me with the insight of your character and the surrounding!
༓ 3rd person, past tense
༓ Very communicative - love making moodboards and the like
༓ I do rp with Faceclaims (Realistic)
༓ Able to rp as any gender, though most comfy and experienced with "classic" cis fe/male
༓ I love character sheets - but they are not really necessary
What you should bring
༓ Be doubling friendly
༓ Also kinda chatty ooc
༓ Someone to bring at least a bit creativity
༓ Detailed (long) replies - I'm a sucker for getting into the charas heads
༓ Someone who understands life and doesn't push for replies
༓ Someone at least 18 y/o
༓ Someone who is alright with "harder" or more "mature" topics
Maybe some of you recognize the title, maybe some don't.
I am on the search to induldge into a Modern, Slice-Of-Life rp that has it's main focus on the pairing -> musician x non-musician/fan
It'd also be MxF for my side - with my character as the female. Though, Doubling is very welcomed.
As per title - I would like to go alternate universe with this SoL setting, but keep an overall aesthetics of Visual Kei and J-Rock Bands. (Yeah, I hit that kind of Teenage-Rabbithole again...)
A broader rock&metal based could be a common ground, if you hugely dislike the topic above.
Aside from that, I would like to have this placed in Japan. (Yeah, I'm on the nostalgic trip again and looked at old photos from japan trips)
But I am open to different topics as well, though this would be my absolute favourite currently. If we double up, I am happy and glad to rp in other settings as well and am fairly open to a lot of thing.
Please like this or message me directly! :)
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dreeftaway · 8 months
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hi, hello everyone! i'm jamal and here's my stoic, slightly emotionally constipated scientist jin dosoo. super excited to be here (haven't been in a tumblr rp for years so i'm a little nervous) but i hope i can write with every amazing writer here! here's dosoo's brief info (will be updated gradually) and here's dosoo's app that contains her story pre- and post-outbreak. below the cut is some trivia about her and some wanted connection (which is not much). i'm also available on discord for a discussion! :D
dosoo is the only daughter in her family. she has (had?) 5 brothers, 3 older, 2 younger. they were fishermen and they had a sashimi restaurant by the beach. so naturally dosoo was expected to work there after she graduated high school
her family is the typical asian family who thinks sons can do no wrong and puts daughters on a higher pedestal; dosoo was very self-sufficient because she was expected to do all the work in the house when her mother wasn't around (while her brothers were lazing around after work)(bad). no one ever asked her what she wanted out of life
she wasn't born a genius; she was fairly average in school but she was very very very dedicated to her studies (who trades sleep for a study session kind of student). she's also very critical of herself but she hates it when other people criticize her (bad)
her relationship with her family made her not want to get married but she still did nevertheless (it was an arranged marriage). her husband, jungha, is very chill about her and the whole relationship was business-like more than anything. they b chilling 2 meters apart, watching the news and reading books, sometimes bitching about their colleagues
dosoo is not a fan of teamwork and prefers to be left alone but her marriage taught her that not everything can be done alone (and that its okay to ask for help!)(she's still feeling very conflicted about that but with the apocalypse going, she's learning to cope)
not a fighter, more of a runner. she ran marathons and it all pays off! very sloppy with weapons, it's a surprise she didn't take her eyes out or something. fairly good with knives because of her years serving sashimi in her family restaurant but she doesn't have the stomach for violence (violent thoughts are where she draws the line)
she brings her journal everywhere like a holy book. it's like a diary for her, where she writes her daily routine and what she encounters on the road especially about the infected. she's very observant when she's not getting chased by the infected (which is why she prefers to sneak around so she can take notes of everything that's going on around her)
loves animals but does not have the commitment to keep a pet. dosoo would wave at stray cats but shrink away from them because she doesn't want the cat to get attached to her. she really doesn't have the energy to take care of another being.
wanted connections:
dosoo is not a fighter and therefore susceptible to attacks by the infected or other aggressive civilians. please teach her fight! (she's not good at it)(there will be frustrated screaming)
you catch her snooping around trying to figure out what the hell is up with the fireflies. dosoo is curious about a lot of things (the wrong things). more fighting? or just talking ensues?
probably with one of the gen zs? dosoo used to teach and host lectures so maybe you've seen her before. she's not very enthusiastic when meeting people but she'll talk your ear off about her research
something in the team reminds dosoo of her husband and you, a kind soul, offer to listen to dosoo loudly denying that she misses her husband while being all melancholic
i'm always up for a discussion! i'm down for anything angsty comedic thriller any genre to ever exist please don't hesitate to pitch your idea to me
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inz-lokisdottir · 2 years
Pass the happy! When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications 😙✨
Ohhh? Lemme think...
My friends and family! A little stressful at times depending on which family in which universes and the situation, but they still always make me happy!
My dragon cubs, and the two big dragons. They're just like another family, I just have to be more responsible over them since they're still adapting to their new habitat, basically the place I brought them to. And Ebony, my jaguar, no need to explain why, he's one of my best friends!
Daggers, blades, magic. No further explanation needed.
Hoodies! 'specially big ones because they're more comfier, and as a jotun, big hoodies make me feel less warm. Hoodies, jumpers, whatever you call em- both the zip and the jumper hoodies though. Comfort makes Inz happy, yes yes!
Sugar! Although....quite a few people don't allow me to have too much because I either end up getting a sugar rush and hurting myself, or I get a sugar rush, then I get dizzy....then I throw up- its not great, buuut I still love sugar and sweet treats! Makes me happy as long as I don't have too much!
And for Inz mun? Under the cut :)
I dunno, there hasn't been a lot of happy for me recently though, and therefore I've been finding it easy to tell what does make me happy.
Talking to online friends. Not just through rp but in general, its great, most of the people I talk to on here or on discord are awesome.
Isolating myself from my family. Sounds sad, but I'm definitely happier that way, just vibing in my room most of the time, or going to my grandma's and being with my cousins, aunts, the kitty over there who everyone including myself calls mine, stuff like that makes me happy.
Watching videos of my favourite actors. Behind the scenes or bloopers of Marvel productions or Stranger Things, interviews, pretty much anything. Specifically Sebastian Stan, I dunno why but my brain chose to find extra serotonin from seeing him, and so he is, platonically, one of my favourite people ever. But anyways. Seeing all the actors I watch who distract me from daily problems and mental issues and whatever be happy, just makes me happy too. Can't explain it better than that unfortunately, my brain doesn't work well at 4am after no sleep.
....I can't think of any more. Spotify? My funkos? They don't necessarily make me happy as much as I like em so I don't know if I can say that. I like collecting funkos but they make me broke, and Spotify is usually to help me block things out. Maybe...I'd say, as annoying as they are, my two youngest cousins. Ages 4 months and 1 year old, as I'm the family babysitter, and since they just like me and they're chill, I like em too. The 1 y/o keeps calling me 'ammu' [mum] though and I don't know how to fix that
Uhhhhhh- I'd saaaaaay....pepsi. Not good for me, sure. But, it helps me be awake enough to function since I can't get enough sleep, and it keeps me energised enough to make people think I'm this whole other fun bubbly person and not just a tired depresso teen.
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alchemiclee · 1 month
lee rants about stuff. warning to not read if you dont like rants about life fhfdjdjdsklsl
i've recently seen so many new streamers become full time streamers/content creators. they blow up so fast and do so well. I love supporting them as much as I can. it's really cool and makes me feel like maybe it's actually possible????? but at the same time, it feels so impossible for me for several reasons that these people don't have to deal with...
first, my internet won't even let me stream right now. I have had several years since I started where I had to stop for long periods because of these reoccurring problems.
second, these people stream regularly, even if they work daily. (current one i'm watching is talking about her schedule. she has streams planned every day and is working 12 hours shifts daily....the heck) i'm so exhausted after work and I only work 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week. I could only do it Fridays and Saturdays most times. sometimes I did it midweek in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep lol. but it was so hard to keep up with when I had to go to work. the few months I was off work for surgery was so consistent I streamed almost every day. others can make time in hectic schedules but I can't. I don't have the time to build up something that makes quitting my job safe to do.
on top of that, having health issues makes it impossible to be consistent. you NEED to be consistent to make it as a streamer/content creator. and last, most streamers who do well are super outgoing, funny, and talk easily. my autism makes talking physically hard and very exhausting, makes me not know what to talk about or how to respond to people, and makes it hard for me to have/show a personality...people think i'm boring and dont want to watch. so I can't get anywhere with it.
another added bonus is many of these people have something that makes them get a boosted popularity or viewership at the start. such as being a mod or friends with a popular streamer, becoming a popular chatter in someone's streams and making lots of friends, or being part of a popular project or something and becoming known through that. I DID become affiliate through being part of a thing (a very active gtav rp server) but after that thing closed down, all my viewers went with it.
but i'd love so much to be able to quit my job too like these streamers i've watched. i'd love to quit mopping floors, collecting trash, cleaning literal shit, making my body constantly be in pain and be super bored of life for minimum wage. sighs. i've been off and on streaming since 2017 and content creating since at least 2012. but i'm still working my "temporary" job over 10 years later and suffering 😭 not sure what to do. if people give me advice it's always to "do more/be consistent" as if i'm able. but how do you do that when you ARENT able?
I know I can't get another job. I want one i enjoy that doesn't hurt and doesn't feel like a job basically. why do we have to work jobs we hate??? I only have a job because I work with my mom for my aunt. i've been rejected from all 300+ jobs i've applied to. I dont have options. I have bills to pay. I want to do cool stuff. but I don't have the ability to do what's required. so I just keep trying and get nowhere and it's exhausting 😭 telling me "one day....." doesn't help because I KNOW what i need to do, but I physically am struggling to do any of it. like I literally can't ask my internet to work and it listens 😭😭😭😭
trying super hard to fix my internet do I can try streaming again. it's been over a year now...
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aluckiicoin · 1 month
*Veritas couldn't believe it. Now, he was really getting irritated. He went as far as to admit his own mistake, well, sort of. He expected Aventurine to appreciate the effort, instead of such a bitter response. He tries to stay calm, he really does, but he can't hide the evident irritation in his voice.*
"I'm not treating you as an object. I was concerned, am I the only person who ever cared about you? Because you're clearly showing it with your every word."
*Of course he didn't mean to hurt the blonde, but he had to prove his point. This was a question of his pride and he wasn't willing to back off. Even the threatening touch on his chest wasn't as effective as his infuriation.*
"My reputation still has certain price, just like my life, if I have to put it in a way you'll understand. I'm willing to give everything to you."
*About the rest, how could he argue when Aventurine was right. He certainly wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself when it came to the gambler, without thinking about the aftermath, but how could it be that obvious? He thought he was hiding it well.*
"All I want is to protect you. Yes, I don't want to see you with anyone else, unless I'm sure they wouldn't hurt you. I care, do you hate it so much? I want you to avoid Sunday because he's dangerous, this has nothing to do with ego. If you told me about your plans from the beginning, I could have taken care of everything myself."
*Of course he won't admit he was mostly acting out of jealousy, he still had a little bit of his pride left.*
"Since you're so smart, diagnose me yourself. I'm completely fine."
*The words hurt, precisely because they were true. Veritas was well aware of all of his symptoms and as much as he tried to be back to normal, none of the usual methods seemed to work.*
The only person who has ever cared for him? What a horrible thing to ask. What a cruel thing to be reminded of. It would be just a misstep for any other person but the doctor had already let slip through he might have dug through Aventurine's files. Shoved his curious hands into the gambler's past unasked when the blonde turned out to be so unwilling to let anything slip.
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So, no, it wasn't just a question. It was a proverbial slap to the face and it hurt, like it always did to be reminded. No, he would most certainly not cry in front of anyone but especially the doctor if he could help it. So Aventurine had to fuel the sadness into more anger.
“Maybe if the IPC did a better job keeping their promise I'd still have someone left who cared for me.”, his sister. “I'm certain my parents did for however short they managed to survive in this sad cruel world."
"It takes one to know one, does it not, doctor? With how you seem to define 'care' I'm quite certain no one ever cared for you either.”, if he couldn't motivate the man to leave with his actions – his words would have to do. “And if you keep running down this path no one ever will.”, it was the truth, at least as far as the Stoneheart was concerned. He couldn't really speak for others – and he likely wasn't right either.
A gloved hand drags over his own face in a show of exhaustion and anger. 'I'm willing to give you everything', ah so close to the problem yet so far away. “Have you ever stopped for a second to consider that it might not be what I want?”, clearly not or they would have some far different conversations. Sure, Aventurine might be very much at fault for that too. It was hard to imagine him putting value to anyone's life if he gambled with his own survival on an almost daily basis. But it was what he had always done, out of need or willingly.
It didn't mean he wanted other's he might or might not care for to offer up their life so easily. The good doctor went down the path to self-destruction so quickly and mindlessly it would be fair to say that the blonde had quickly become afraid for the man's safety – and sanity for that matter. He didn't want to have any part in that besides maybe putting a stop to it.
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Yet, just like it had always been, he failed to save even a single person. If anything he was making matters worse with his mingling. “I hate how it makes you act. I despise how it threatens...”, no, nevermind – it didn't matter the truth would stay where it belonged. Somewhere well hidden. He was not going to be tempted into giving information due to his anger.
“Maybe I just make it all up while I go.”, came, the mask dragged back in place where it belongs after all. “Not a single thought in that pretty head.”, he tipped against his temple, head tilting to the side.
“But I'll give it a try. It doesn't take someone smart to see what is happening to you.”, it was just a wonder how it could be so bad. “You have a crush on – whoever you deem Aventurine to be. It's a neurochemical con job nothing more. It would just pass if you let it be. Instead? You ride that wave with an obsessive mania. Truly a wonderful display of a mad scientist.”, he sighed, shaking his head in the progress
“Because somehow you believe that you could do better than the world and anyone currently in it has done for the object of your obsession. You might not call it possession but you ultimately act that way. If the IPC put up a price on my head for sale today, you'd likely have the coin by tomorrow. And you'd think yourself a saviour.”
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pretttydemonwrites · 3 months
Weeks 6 & 7 Update
I won't let the brain goblins win! I will make sure I do my updates! Ahhhhhh!
February 5, 2024 - 443 words, original piece
February 6, 2024 - 76 words, original piece
February 7, 2024 - 0 words
February 8, 2024 - 266 words, original piece
February 9, 2024 - 569 words, text RP
February 10, 2024 - 541 words, original piece and text RP
February 11, 2024 - 213 words, original piece and text RP
February 12, 2024 - 121 words, original piece
February 13, 2024 - 0 words
February 14, 2024 - 0 words
February 15, 2024 - 1,119 words, original piece
February 16, 2024 - 0 words
February 17, 2024 - 0 words
February 18, 2024 - 493 words, original pieces
Notes/Summary under the cut!
I barely remember week six. It was largely unremarkable except the fact that I remembered that the stuff I write for the text roleplay one of my Monster of the Week games does between sessions should TOTALLY count towards my word count for the day!
That does make me realize that I'm not sure if I've really specified what is counting as part of my word count, but the answer is fairly simple: gotta be fiction. Even though I do occasionally write poetry, that isn't what I'm trying to focus on and it's not super compatible with the word count goal even if it is only fifty words a day. That also means that writing up these posts doesn't count towards my daily goal either.
Week seven was obviously a minimal one but between being sick and then celebrating my birthday I was kind of expecting it. I did have a really nice day between the sick and the birthday where I was able to crank out quite a bit. I will be honest, I don't....remember what the hell I was working on that day but I do think it was still the demon erotica story. I've been editing and rewriting especially since there was such a long gap between when I first started it and when I finally like, "finished it" so the tone was all over the place. That's primarily been my focus is working on that story because I would like to post it, maybe on Medium? There's a trans erotica collection I can submit to that I kinda think would be a good spot for it.
Looking ahead, I'm gonna have a few more blank days where I'm not writing much if at all because I will be out of town Thursday through Sunday, but that's okay! Overall I still think I'm doing really well with this and I just hope that I can keep it up as much as possible throughout the year.
Thanks as always for reading!
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||Blue heated flames||
Hi once more everyone, time for another drabble. I hope you dears like this one too as the others that was written or on this blog. So what do we have for this one today?
||Drabble Summary||
Rin Okumura has been avoiding Ink for the last few days, even if she tries to visit or find him his baby brother Yukio okumura tells her he is fine just needs time. However, she was stubborn enough to go and try finding him. After looking, she finds him but ends up stumbling into something she was not expecting. Wanna know what? Read to find out.
~Slight NSFW is present
~Demon heat is also present or spoken about
||Guests in drabble||
Rin okumura and Yukio okumura are from the anime and manga Ao no Exorcist but they also belong to me due to rping as them as muses
Van Ink the dragon belongs to my rp partner/friend @demon-blood-youths
((Note: Grammar mistakes and errors are present on this drabble but this is written for fun. Thanks for understanding and enjoy reading.))
"What do you mean I can't visit Rin again!? Come on Yukio you said I could!" Yukio sighed having his arms crossed, seeing a upset and cranky Van Ink. Today was her and Rin's daily hang out where she comes to find him so they can go.
However, she showed up to see Rin isn't here. Again. She sighed not liking how they are about to plan something he either feels sick or says he can't come, maybe another time but she wasn't having it. Yukio cross his arms to look at her.
"Again Ink, Rin is doing something very important so just give him space for now. Trust me, I'll let him know you came to see him." He said to see her arms slump down. "I know I said you can but something very very important came up and he had to take care of it. Now he's busy with something else." he sees her glare at him with arms crossed then sighed.
"...Are you sure he's really that busy?"
"I wouldn't be lying to you Ink and you know my brother. Trust me, I will be sure to inform him you visited okay?" he said to see her sigh and look away. "Fine fine but you better be sure you tell him. Got it!?" she points a finger at Yukio as he shows a sweatdrop on the side of his head.
"Yes, I'll let him know." he said.
"Good. I'll just leave then. See you later Yukio." She turns to start heading off as she looks about to relax and just look disappointed. Yukio watches her leave but when she was gone, he sighed crossing his arms. His brother Rin always enjoyed spending time with Ink but he also asked him to keep her from trying to see him.
'Yukio, If Ink tries to find m..me..please don't tell her where I am. I don't want her to find me and I'm not myself....I guess make up some lie. I'll find a way to make it up to her.'
That's what Rin asked of him but he was also worried about him. Rin was busy true but it results in something more..private. Shaking his head he goes inside to do something else while being sure Rin was good. He already checked on him this morning so he was fine for now. But as he went in, he was not expecting Ink to try finding him...would she?
"I can't believe this! I really wanted to hang out with Rin today. He said he was going to train me and stuff or at least do something. What could be that important he couldn't even see me?" she sighed but keeps on walking wondering if she can even find him.
"I bet he is training somewhere in private! Or maybe he's just really good at hiding. No matter, I'll just go and look for him. He can't be that far off anyway. I can ask him why he's been avoiding me!" she nods with arms crossed but as she was ready to go she stops to think.
"....If I can get a idea of where he would be." she sweatdrops thinking but goes to look for him. She will find him somewhere or get some help in trying to find him! Then she'll give him a piece of her mind alright!
Rin was indeed needed to be alone but he did feel bad that he had to be in hiding because of it. He was looking silent while resting but he was stroking himself feeling weak that he was feeling tired. He felt pent up due to him feeling lost in heat but he groans to wince cumming again.
He hated his heat seasons that gets worse and worse by the year but his mind was always thinking of one person; Ink. The cool yet sweet young woman that is known for being the strongest. Not only that, she was a demon just like Rin. Both possessing blue flames and really are a strong team.
However, he's been stressed out since she's gotten older like he has. He's seen she's grown to be someone pretty cool but also attractive. Rin sighed to look down at his twitching length thinking about her that he shook it off trying to calm down.
"Uggghhh great. Even thinking about her gets my rived up again. Damn heat....Why do demons even go through this anyway? it's such a pain in the butt." he grumbles to lay back tired but he tries even so to just hoping this heat passes quickly.
For now, he just waits for it to pass. Rin was able to rest up for the moment but as he was curling up a little on the bed...
He sits up quickly in shock but falls off the bed wincing from the sudden shout. Wait, what and who was that!? He sits up from the floor but looks seeing...
"Huh? INK!? What are you doing here!!" he said holding the covers on him but Ink looks to him pouting.
"What am I doing here? Looking for you! You said you were going to hang out with me today but your brother said you were busy! Seems like your fine though!" she said but Rin blinks to him showing a deadpanned face.
'Damn it Yukio..' he thought in his head as he sighed.
"Ink, I am busy right now. How did you find me?!" he said as Ink thinks a bit to smile.
"I had to get something or someone to help me find you so I asked a few of your friends and they told me you were here!" she smiled but Rin thinks to sighs. That was the last time he will say anything again to them if they were going to be telling her this. He sees her look at him but was happy she found him.
"So does this mean we can hang out now-"
"Ink, as I said before I really can't. You shouldn't even be here." he mutters but Ink looks more confused to him.
"But why not!? You said you were gonna hang out with me and do some cool training and moves-"
"And I will but not right now. So please, you have to go.." he said but Ink was confused to why he was trying to make her leave. Did he not want to hang out anymore? She felt a bit upset but noticed something.
"What? What's wrong?" he asked but she looks to the side as he looks to see he was still naked. Rin quickly gets the blanket around his body but looks to Ink.
"You didn't see anything okay? Now you have to-"
"I'm not leaving. You owe me a explanation of why you have been not able to hang out. Did I do something wrong?" she asked seeing Rin shake his head.
"No no you didn't do anything wrong. It's just..I'm going through something right now so I couldn't hang out with you right now even if I wanted to. I love hanging out with you..it's just...I can't due to me going through my demon heat cycle-"
"Demon..heat cycle?" she asked confused as Rin blinks twice hearing that tone in her voice.
"Uhhhh yeah heat cycle? All demons go through it Ink." he said but still saw her confused expression. He didn't say anything but looks to her. "Ink?..."
"Wait, all demons? But why? I mean, you don't look hot like your sick or anything. Is something of a power up?" she asked but Rin looks to her.
"..You..You can't be serious right?"
"Serious about what?" she asked that he facepalms to sigh.
".........uh huh. You don't get it." He said but even if he saw her there, it got him more excited to sit down but keeps himself covered. "Listen, I can explain it to you another time..but as I said, I need to be alone so I'll find a way to make this up to you." he said but Ink walks over but looks to him.
"And I told you I'm not leaving. You got me curious about this 'demon heat' thing now so you can explain it to me!" he said sitting down but Rin looks to her.
"Explain it to you?! You don't even know what a heat is!" he said pointing at her comedically as she shrugs looking at him.
"I don't know! I never really heard of it before but you seem to have heard about it! So what is it?" she asked not leaving with arms crossed but Rin saw she was not going to leave to shake his head. Geez, this woman is stubborn.
"Yeah, I can see that. Uhhhh how can I explain this?" he said thinking about it but he made sure to stay sane without his heat getting to his head. Though, he can smell her nice relaxing scent lingering off of her. It smelled so nice and soothing and-No rin focus!
"Okay, a demon heat is something when demons go through the sudden urge to....ehhh....breed another demon or other. Like mates being together." he said seeing her listen but tilts her head with a question mark showing above her head.
"Mates? Like couples?" she asked confused.
"Yeahhhhhh...something like that." he said seeing her cross her arms.
"I think I get it."
"However, demons go through this when they either reach of age or is older.....so they get the heated urges to..." He looks to the side rubbing the back of his head. "To mate with the other. Or in human words, have sex." he said simply as Ink looks to him but she then looks down to think.
"Yeah. Demons going through this feels hot than normal, some goes into some rut like state while others either get wet or excited feeling hot too. Some tend to be alone or lock themselves up so they can relieve themselves from the heat but..usually the heat goes down when you mate with another." he said but Ink was thinking about it but she keeps her arms crossed. "It's like you have this urge to...how do you say it, 'fuck like rabbits and stuff....'" he explains to her.
"I see...I think. So does that mean....your going through your heat? Is that what your telling me?" she asked but Rin sighed to nod. "So that's why you couldn't visit me." she said seeing him nod.
"Yeah. I get them more now and their both powerful and irritating. I try to do what is needed to keep it down but..It sorta didn't work as well this time so I've been here trying to calm down." he said still having the blanket on his body.
"O..Oh...." she was silent now but looks ahead to look quiet now. "But....aren't you in pain or anything? Like you said this heat thing can make you really hot s..so..are you in pain?"
"...not that sort of pain. Kinda like pent up pain. Like I want to mate but..I can't. Besides, this has been helping me so far I guess you can say." He looks to seeing Ink not saying much but she looks to him worried now before he only looks away himself.
".....Then....I know this might sound crazy but...do you.." she started to say but Rin looks at her quickly.
"Oh no no no. I..I got it. I don't trust myself when I get into my heat..sadly I'm still hit by it pretty strong right now. I don't want to hurt you or anything so...that's why I been here to try getting through it." he said.
"But you sound like you been doing it for a while. Are you sure I can't help you?" she asked.
"I don't think you can Ink. You don't know what demons go through with a heat but I do feel happy you wanna help me." he said about to touch her cheek but he stops to look away, his hand shaking. He wanted to touch her so badly but didn't to keep himself sane and not lose to his heat.
"You better go Ink. I'll find a way to make it up to you. I promise." he said smiling but Ink looks worried to sigh.
"Fine...." she mutters to stand up, going ahead to leave but she looks to him and gently kisses the top of his head. He blinks not expecting that as his face burns red.
"Wait why did you-"
She then turns to leave him quickly but he saw her blushing red herself. Rin sees her leave so he's alone now. However, he felt hard again as it twitching under the sheets while wincing. Oh not again. He looks down but he tries to ignore it to sigh.
"I'm sorry Ink. I"ll find a way to make it up to you." he mutters laying on his back. He can rest now but was happy he didn't do anything to harm Ink. However, hidden against the wall, Ink was looking down thinking about what he told her. Her upper face was hidden but she had wondered about this now.
Maybe. Maybe she can help him in some way. For now, she leaves without him knowing and thinks of some idea to help him later on.
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akalaudio · 1 year
Call me Minni!! Nickname based on the fact that I love minior and am very short (mini)
I'm originally from Unova, but moved to Akala Island in the Alola region at a very young age. I'm obsessed with geology, exploring, and pokeology facts!!
This blog will be my transcripts of my (somewhat daily) audio files I take as I explore the areas in my region, hence the name akalaudio (Akala Audio) as well as just me having fun reblogging. Each file is tagged #akalaudio
Info on my team, family, living, and goals below the readmore! (And OOC)
My two Pokemon are currently a minior and a wimpod! I'm more interested in exploring and documenting than catching Pokemon though, so my team probably won't expand unless I see a dream Pokemon!
I got my minior for my 9th birthday after begging my parents to let me take care of my own partner pokemon. My other pokemon is a wimpod, who only joined my "team" last month. He was living under the porch for a few weeks and I finally managed to convince my mom to let me catch him instead of calling the ranger
I currently live on Akala Island! I moved here when I was pretty young, and I used to live in Unova, but I don't really have too many memories of what that was like. I currently live just a bit outside of Heahea City, on a small dirt road route with a few houses scattered about.
My mom lives with me on the island and works in Heahea City as a retail worker. My dad lives back in Unova and works as a manager for a company. He gets 2 week long vacations each season though because he co-manages with another guy who take over when he's gone. He always comes and lives with us on his vacations!
Both of my parents aren't really pokemon trainers. My mom keeps a luvdisk in a large tank in our living room and has a delcatty that we live with named Acanthia. My dad doesn't have any pokemon but he works alongside some electric types at his job.
I want to explore all of Alola! My main focus right now is to document all my findings through audio right as I experience them!
When I'm an adult I want to live on Poni Island. It's basically uninhabited by people, but I think it has the coolest ecosystem and geology because of that. I'm thinking I'll maybe make my money by selling a book if all my logs and getting an investigative research grant!
As for pokemon goals, Galarian Corsola and it's evolution Cursola have always been dream pokemon. They're just so beautiful and fascinating! But I really love regular Corsola too, and I'm thinking of maybe catching one when I move out on my own. They're pretty common around here!
I'm Basil, they/them. My main is @ba-sil
I'm a minor and a student, but I also work on local radio, so I thought it would be cool to have a character that works with audio too. Then I combined that, my love of geology, my favorite pokemon, and my favorite region to create Minni!
I really love interacting as a pokeblogger, so send me any asks you can possibly think of! I'm gonna be mostly using this rp'ing as a normal Tumblr (or rotomblr) user and less so as in-person rp, but I would LOVE to meet some other Alolan users and set up our characters as being friends pokemon irl
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natsusplace · 2 years
Hello fellow humans! Homegirl's back and ready to RP! For those who don't know me my name is Naz and I'm 22! (So we'll keep this +18 please)
I've been craving two specific roleplays. Before beginning I have to say that I do double! In fact, I love doubling.
¤Shingeki No Kyojin¤
I'm up to date with the anime but haven't read the manga. I'm looking for someone to play as Jean or Connie for my oc.
¤Tokyo Revengers¤
I have read until chapter 220 maybe? So I don't know about this one but I would like to create some kind of AU. I'm looking for Baji or Kazutora.
I can't promise daily answers but I'll reply as soon as I got some free time. My schedule will be a chaos for a few weeks more.
I'm not expecting you to write four paragraphs. As long as it's a decent answer and give me some detail and something to reply to and I'll be happy.
I do like to add adult themes to my plays (Cursing, Drug use, 🍑🍑) so obviously all characters involved will also be adults.
Not much more to say! If you're interested shoot me a PM!
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dreams-in-blk · 3 years
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"It begins to tell round midnight. Round midnight. I do pretty well until after sundown."
All the stuff you're not supposed to feel. Where are our sanctuaries and retreats to process, heal and integrate that stuff? We got all the restaurants (looking at you celebs). All the clubs. Where are our spas, cabins, gardens and wilderness walks? Where are our prayer and meditation centers? Our magical places?
They got: Kripalu, Esalen, Shambhala & countless others. What we got? I know. "Use what you got to get what you need." I've thought about going to one of those places for years. I guess I just never felt it would be that restorative for me. But, I look at the offerings when I feel like I need a retreat. And since George they got us splashed all over the home page. And they got a picture of Jessamyn Stanley above the fold. And they got a yoga sistuh saluting all the Sun she can see right up over the "pay here" button.
And don't get me wrong, they mean well. I feel the sincerity. But, I guess I just don't want Karen's sister Mary tending to me when my soul needs a little TLC. But that's just me. I gotta use my "white voice" enough on the daily. Maybe I just don't want to have to use it on retreat.
Because I'm tired. And if I slip up and call the "restroom" a bathroom, I just don't want Mary kindly reminding me that the "restroom" is on the right. Or, apologizing that they don't have hot sauce. And the menu is vegan, organic and all-cotton and personally designed by Gwyneth and did I get the complimentary Goop self-care pak and...But, like I said, that's just me.
But you know they had Pops flying all over the world, dead smack in the middle of Jim Crow, growling tunefully about, "Oh, what a wonderful world" and using his laser-cannon smile to sell "Capitalism" and "America" when back at Home he couldn't even enter through the front gate. A "Welcome" sign don't always mean "Welcome." And a black-face figurine on the lawn don't mean they got a "colored" bathroom. I guess even on Juneteenth I still feel weary late at night. "It begins to tell 'round midnight."
But we have come a long way down Freedom Road and that is reason enough to rest. Lay this ol burden down for a night. See if I can catch up with Mama'nem in Dreamland.
Excuse the bitter tone. I never knew I felt like this. And the question never occured to me before. I guess I need to get me a cut tomorrow and head on over to Church Sunday mornin'. And somebody better bring me some rib tips Saturday night too. So, I can do, like The Eternal Mrs. Edwina (Emah Ahkot Zamirah Baht Yisrael) Clara Baker Prim, My Momma, used to do: Put Anita, Luther and Peabo on repeat... Mix herself up a gin martini and sip on it slow. And when it got real good to her put some Bill Withers on over in there with a little taste of Al Jarreau. And before long Billy Paul would be talkin' about the kind of thing he had going on with Mrs Jones and Patty Austin would be cooing about how she wanted James Ingram to come to her and "Let me put my arms around you" and I would be called up for DJ Duty. And Q. (Better known to You by his nickname "Quincy Jones") would step up on the Bandstand and begin makin' all kinds of Mojo Moves. Because he was The Dude who could and would, by waving his magic wand, summon all the power of Field Hollers, Gospel, Ragtime, Big Band Jazz, New Jack Swing, Mambo, Cha Cha Cha, Rock n Roll, Disco, Salsa, Soul, Funk, Rhythm n Blues, Hip Hop and Bebop to make it so, that if we wanted to, we could just "PUT BACK ALL THE GOOD TIMES that we ever had. And even make them better, with just a little bit of Razzamatazz." And Grandma Nanny in the back like the sound of that. Because Cab Calloway (Sigh "My my, my...he was so fine!") had already taught her everything that she ever needed to know about Razzmatazz. ("Now, that man had Razzmatazz!") And toes would start tappin' and fingers would start snappin' and healing would start happenin' ...
...until Momma had to get on back out there on the battlefield...
And soldier on in the bitter, grinding, never-ending war with and for, that damn hydra-headed beast
The United States of America
Every Monday morning.
You know? Maybe I am finally beginning to understand that when you have to wrestle daily with this monster named America, spiritual care, energy work and every other kind of hoodoo, conjure and new age metaphysical magic, is absolutely necessary. I guess my hard-as-rock know-it-all noggin done finally got soft enough to comprehend what she was desperately trying to find in all those Black Hebrew meetings, spiritual seminars, New Age book stores, video tapes and libraries. When you are wrestling daily with this monster they call America you got to find a way keep your spirit from dying or you end up homeless, alone, balled-up in the freezing closet of an abandoned house in East Atlanta, desperately trying to make it to your next drink or hit while your toes rot from gangrene and frostbite in your boots... just like me.
See. You/me/we, if we hope to survive our daily encounters with this Kraken called America, have to find ways to keep our souls and spirits alive or we perish or worse still, as I sadly discovered, become that feared and hated ghoul, what the descendents of enslaved Africans known today as Haitians called a Zombie. A tragic and frightful casualty of the ongoing struggle to survive as the descendents of enslaved Africans in the Americas. So, I guess I am just now beginning to understand and publicly recognize what Momma'nem, the original American badass mutha(shut to mouth) superpeople achieved - they survived, defeated and finally emerge triumphant - body mind and spirit intact, alive and free. I think I am just beginning to rekonize!
So I guess I can't be mad as hell, it only took them 57,877 days since the Emancipation Proclamation was decreed on January 1st 1863 to get around to officially recognizing our magnificent foremothers' and forefathers! But we here now. And I sho nuff appreciate that 'ol man Biden found the strength to lift a pen. I'm excited! Maybe in just about another 57,000 days they'll get around to sending us that 40 acres and a mule they promised.
See. Now I know I'm tired.
Be well Brothers and Sisters! Be hale and healthy and whole. Free in Black Mind Body and Soul! Tonight, in this not yet perfect freedom we are blessed by our divine ancestors and The Most High to enjoy, may we feel their unceasing care and love, and know each of us in our own hearts that we are their wildest and most cherished dreams realized and made real.
May all your Juneteenths be blessed and joyful and free!!!
- rp
Sleep in peace when day is done: that's what I mean
Stars when you shine, you know how I feel
Oh, freedom is mine, and I know how I feel
It's a new dawn. It's a new life for me. And I'm feeling good.
From Feeling Good by Nina Simone
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koi-has-joy · 4 years
Shinso’s Damn Happy Trail
Warnings: 18+, dd/lg dynamics, swearing, smut, etc.
          A/N: Alright! So- This has been in the works for about a month (?) and it’s something I think about daily. This all stemmed from glorious fanart of Shinso (posted at the end) and a fun and very long conversation with one of my lovely muses, Allie ( @queensynderella ).
Allie wrote the parts pertaining to the reader(fem) we traded off in a sort of conversation like writing. This started as RP and became a whole fic. It was really fun to write as a collab and I really appreciate her patience with me as I was learning and doing my best to keep the story flowing and entertaining. I wrote the Hitoshi parts and we both picked out the gif.
     I’m very happy to finally be able to post this in its completion! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do. Enjoy!
Word Count: 3,738
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     *shinso walks out of the shower like that and into the hallway* jaw slack, eyes bulging and visibly licking every part of him. "You gonna just stare or?" He snaps in front of your face. "U-uh sorry," you scratched the back of your neck as you averted your eyes "nice urhm package." You tumble over your words. He rests his hand on your shoulder bowing his head so his breath tickles your ear. "Yeah, it would look better without briefs… or with you on top of it." Hot breath fanning across your neck as he softly presses his lips against it. Knees growing weak you shriveled away from him slightly. Standing up straight he gave you a lazy smirk before giving you a once over, biting his lip and walking away. 
      Emitting a heavy sigh you felt your face burn and you looked over your shoulder slightly to watch as his muscles contracted as he walked away. Snapping your face forward you took a deep, shaky breath. Shaking your head you walked into the locker room and prepared to shower. The image of his violet happy trail not leaving the forefront of your mind, even as the water rushed down your body. Gliding your hands along your body you stopped to note the slick that coated your inner thigh, along with the warm water. "Fuck." You muttered to yourself. Looking around the room for any sign of people you delved your hand between your folds gathering some of the slick, at the feeling you began to nod your head back in relaxation and pleasure. Until a large hand grabbed your wrist and stilled your movements. 
"Ah ah ah, what a naughty little kitten."
      Yes sir, I certainly am please punish me. - Allie said this out of character but I wanted to keep it word for word in fic as it was in chat. 
"Eager to take what I give you, kitten?" 
"Daddy doesn't like it when you pout, kitten." 
      "I uhm, Daddy?! The hell are you on about Shin? And uh, this is the um showers and uh…."
"So? Did I say you could touch yourself?"
      "No? It's not my fault, ya know if you didn't strut around like… that!"
"Like what?"
      "Like… some kinda Greek god with your whole self on display and that stupid sexy happy trail… It's a hazard." 
      "A hazard? Just because you don't know how to behave yourself, I'm a hazard? Now kitten, that's silly."
      "I am behaving and can I have my hand back please? I'd like to finish… showering, I yeah." 
"Mmm, maybe. Depends on how good you taste baby." 
"T-taste? W-what do you mean taste?"
      "While I'd love to clean off those fingers for you, I'd prefer it from the source. Now, be a good girl and stay still." Releasing your hand he gets down on one knee in front of your heat. Caressing your inner thigh he parts your legs further. Hot breath fanning against you, he grabs your leg and puts it over his shoulder. Licking softly at your folds before diving between them. 
      "Source what- oohh fuck." You mumble as you slam one hand to the wall next to you for balance, scared of your shaking leg holding your weight, other hand instinctively weaving into his soft purple hair. "S-s-shin, what're you- mmmn."
      Pulling away from your heat he looked up at you with a devilish grin. "Ah, just as I thought. You taste so. fucking. good." Each word was punctuated with a kiss against your clit. Palming himself through his now soaked briefs he winked at you before removing your leg from his shoulder. Standing up he grabbed your chin and pulled you into a shallow kiss before moving across your jaw and down your neck. 
       "I don't- - can't think…" You mutter as your breaths become soft pants, mind clouding over before his lips met yours. You wanted to say something else but your mind went blank the further his lips traveled and a soft moan escaped, one hand still planted on the wall as the other slid along his wet abs. 
       A low growl vibrated against your skin. Biting down harshly on the side of your neck, he pulled his head back and licked his lips. "As much as I would love to continue this," he ran his hands along your sides before wrapping around to cup your ass. " the water is getting cold and my little kitten still needs to get clean." He squished the soft flesh beneath his fingers, drawing you against him. 
      "Fuck." You moaned slowly at his teeth in your neck, eyes fluttering closed for a beat. Another moan escaping as he grabbed at your ass. Eyes cracking open at his words, making you arch a brow. "I don't think clean is, is what you're thinking about…" You whispered staring up at him, very aware of him being flush against you. 
      Pushing your body against his bulge he presses a quick kiss to your nose before his right hand lands a smack on your ass. Putting distance between you both he tracks his fingernails down your sides once more before abandoning your figure. "Be a good girl and finish your shower kitten. And maybe later we can discover how 'nice' my package looks buried in you." Once again he starts to walk away. Looking over his shoulder he warned, "Oh, and good girls don't touch themselves without Daddy."
       "I- - what?!" You blurt, eyes wide as he pulls away, jaw slightly slacked. You were flustered and in disbelief that he could just stop, like that. "I… what if I don't listen, huh?" You hollered after him, half-smirk on your lips before turning back to the now cold water. 
       “Such a little ugh!” She groaned, scrubbing at her body as it shivered at the cold water she was left with now. Doing her best to get clean and rinsed off as soon as possible while half-tempted to finish what she had started before shin had interrupted. “How would he even know?” She mused as she let the water beat the last of the soap off her skin and she sighed, shaking her head and turning the shower off before grabbing her towel and wrapping up. “Just do it when I get to the room.” She mumbled as she padded that way.
      Finally hearing the soft click of the door opening he groaned. “Welcome kitten” He sat up on his forearms as he watched you step into the room. “Did you behave for me?” He arched a brow. 
      She stopped and stared at him on her bed with wide eyes that trailed along his still wet body and her now soaked bedding. “The hell Hitoshi? My sheets are soaked what’re you-?” She gulped, cutting herself off as she got distracted by the material clinging to his toned ass. “Did I get myself off you mean?”
      “By that cute reaction I’m going to take a guess that you didn’t.” Sitting up fully, he ran a hand through his slick hair, pushing it up to its rightful place. “And yeah. Sorry, not sorry about the sheets” He winked at you as he eyed your figure. 
      “What if I did huh?” She quipped, chewing her lip to keep from groaning at his chiseled body, averting her eyes. “I can see you’re not sorry but how am I supposed to sleep on them now Toshi?” She huffed, turning mid-sentence to catch his wink making her cock her head. “ What is with you tonight?”
      Chuckling at your attempt to play it off he looked up at your ceiling. “Ya know, lying is a sin kitten.” Standing up he came towards you. Towering over your frame he smirked at your words. “You’ll be sleeping with me tonight, obviously” He huffed as if you should have assumed. “Nothing is wrong, just… feeling a bit more mean, so to speak” Raising his hand to your shoulder he grazed his fingers along your skin. 
      “You’re a sin.” She grumbled as she tried not to stare at his still wet boxer-briefs clinging to every curve they were supposed to hide. She stared up at him, arching a brow and shivering slightly at his touch. “I… teasing is more the word I was thinking. And sleeping in what sense Toshi?” She asked, biting her lip and holding her arms tight at her sides to resist reaching out for him. 
      “Isn’t teasing, in some sense, just a form of being mean?” His other hand ghosted along your side as he placed his hand on your hip, pulling you into him. “Now that was cute.” He snickered at your question. “I was hoping in both senses. But hey, you can do what you want. You’re a big girl.” The hand from your shoulder moved to your chin. Pinching your chin between his thumb and pointer finger as he tilted your head up toward his. 
      “What you did in the shower was pretty mean now that you mention it.” She shot back with a hint of a grin on her lips, gasping softly as he pulled her close. She snorted softly at his words, leaning up slightly towards his lips. “I thought I was supposed to be doing what I was told, Daddy?”
      “Ah, so my girl does listen.” Placing a soft peck against your lips he pulled back slightly. “Good. I thought I was going to have to teach you a lesson” He dipped his head down to glide his lips along your jaw. 
     “Teach me a lesson, huh?” She asked as her gaze met his, soft groan slipping out at the feeling of his lips on her jaw. She couldn’t fight the urge to touch him any longer, one hand settling on his chest as the other reached up to lightly tangle in his damp hair. “And what if I behave, do I get a reward instead?”
     “Mmm, that can be arranged.” He hummed as he moved into your touch. Eyes looking down momentarily as your hand met his chest. Kissing across your jaw, toward your chin and down your neck he relished in the way you felt against his rough body. 
     “S-shit Toshi…” She muttered breathily as her eyes fluttered closed, leaning into his kisses further as the one on his chest slowly traced his abs. “Thought you were t-taking me to your room?” 
      Stopping in his tracks he took a step back from you. Already annoyed by the absence of your touch he grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the door as he moved from the hallways he made his way out of your room. Reaching his door he swiftly opened it and pulled you in. “Tsk tsk tsk. So impatient Kitten.”
      She couldn’t help but grin as they snuck through the halls, freehand clutching her towel tight to her chest and a soft giggle escaping once the door was shut. She looked up at his violet eyes and wound her arms loosely around his waist. “Me impatient? You’ve already teased me *Daddy*, I don’t want to wait.” She murmured in a sultry tone. Throwing him a wink to be cheeky. 
      With a sigh he took a step backward, out of your grip. Taking your hands with his he captured one of them. Leading your hand down to his briefs he had you palming his erection. Hissing at the contact “Maybe.. I’m the impatient one.”
     “Oooh god.” She muttered at feeling his hard cock beneath her hand or the first time, eyes wide as she watched it twitch as she palmed it. SHe glanced up at him, studying his face before curiosity got the better of her and she moved to tug his briefs down enough to let his cock spring free as she gulped at the sight. Licking her lips at the bead of pre at his angry tip. 
      “Ah- fuck” He bit his lip as he watched her movements. “Like what you see kitten?” His hand came down to wrap around its base. “You’re nearly drooling.”
     “Yes.” She blurted almost instantly as she glanced back up at him and bit her lip. “C-can I…?” She asked as she moved closer, fingers sliding along his thighs as she kneeled in front of him with her gaze locked on his.
     Taking a deep breath as he peered down at her his pupils had blown wide, lust-filled deviance played across his features. “I thought you’d never ask” He stroked himself very slowly in front of her face before removing his hand from himself in favor of pushing his still wet hair back. His other hand was scratching lightly at his happy trail as he groaned. 
      A smile flashed on her lips, the movement of his hand drawing her attention back down to his cock. She licked her lips before flicking her tongue in kitten licks against his head as he stroked himself, groaning at the taste of his pre on her tongue. As soon as he moved his hand she wrapped hers around him instead. 
     A low groan left the back of his throat as he watched your movements intently. A low hiss erupted as your hand wrapped around him. “Don’t tease me, Kitten.” his voice was low, husky and intimidating. 
      She gulped at his words, shiver running down her spine. She looked up at him through her lashes as she leaned in to wrap her lips around his cockhead, tongue swirling against it as her hand pumped slowly along the rest. Keeping her eyes on his face as she took as much of his length in her mouth as possible before starting a steady pace of bobbing along his length. 
      Intertwining his fingers in her hair he followed her movements eagerly. The feeling of her warm tongue against his cock made him moan. Tilting his head to the side he eyed her seductively. Hands guiding her actions fluidly. “That’s it, good girl” He praised as he eased his hips into meeting her bobbing head. 
       She groaned against his length at the feeling of his hips bucking forward, slightly gagging as his tip grazed into her throat. She sucked a deep inhale through her nose before releasing her hand and pushing herself down on him until her nose brushed against his purple pubes, a much louder gag sounding as she deepthroated him. 
      “That sounds-” He bit his lip to slightly stifle his moan “so fucking sexy” He used the leverage of his hands to hold her there for a few seconds, relishing in the way her throat constricted around him. 
      Her eyes watering slightly as drool slipped from the corner of her mouth freely. She pulled air through her nose to try and stay down like this for him, tongue pressed flat against the vein on the underside of his length. Another gag making her pull off of him with a soft pop as she gasped for air, moving her hand to stroke him instead. 
     “Fuck, kitten-” He hissed through clenched teeth. Tightening his grip in her hair he tilted her head back for her to meet his gaze. “Guess I was teasing you too much, huh? You’re acting like a cat in heat.”
      “Yes you were, Daddy.” She panted out, emphasizing the last word as she did her best to pout up at him. Her eyes clouded with lust as she let slip a needy little whine, hand still lazily pumping his cock. 
     Smirking down at her he released his hold in her hair in favor of overlapping her hand, guiding her strokes while adding pressure. “I’ll be nicer next time.” He winked down at her with his cheshire grin as a breathless chuckle rumbled from deep within his chest. 
      “N-next time?” She asked, her head tilting slightly as she groaned softly at his hand guiding hers. Her eyes briefly flicking to your cock and back. “What about now, Daddy? Have I behaved enough for a reward?” 
      He growled lowly before he softly spoke. “Mmm- That depends on what you want, kitten.” 
      She shivered at the growl, gulping to try and swallow down the saliva pooling in her mouth. “I want you,” she said as she gazed up at you  with pleading eyes, “I n-need you… to fuck me. To feel y-your cock in me.” 
      Cursing beneath his breath he nodded “I can’t deny you when you beg like that” He removed your hand from his length and helped you to your feet, turning your body he pushed you against the nearest wall.
     She grinned lazily at him, following his lead and pressing her cheek against the coolness of the wall. Instinctively arching her back slightly towards him and taunting him a bit with a wiggle of her hips. 
      His hand gripped your hip tightly while the other guided his cock against your folds, gathering the slick there before lining himself up with your entrance. “Don’t tease me like that kitten.” He whispered against your neck as he leaned over you.
      She mewled feeling your cock tease her folds, arching back into you further. She whimpered at your words and hot breath against her neck. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I just want you so fucking bad… please!” She pleaded, bucking her hips against you with a moan. 
      “Your wish is my command” With a sharp, rough thrust he was buried to the hilt in your cunt. Breathing ragged as he tried to control himself. Adjusting his grip on your hip as his other hand weaved into your hair, pulling you back toward him. “Have you been a good girl?” His voice was husky and raw.
      She choked out a moan at being so roughly filled, her hands slipping slightly against the drywall. “F-fuck.” She muttered breathily, another moan escaping as your fist curled into her hair. “I-i think so?” She blurted out, cunt clenching at the words ‘good girl.’
      “From the way you’re clenching around me I’d say you’ve been naughty.” He huffed, dragging himself out from within you almost completely before another sharp thrust sheathed him again. “Such a slutty little kitty.” He licked a stripe along your neck, groaning from his own game, patience already thin. 
      “Maybe I h-have been.” She panted, moaning deeply at the sharp thrust as she bit her lip. “Are you gonna punish your slutty k-kitty Daddy?” She groaned as your tongue met her neck. “S-shit… please, use me Daddy.”
      Sucking harshly on the juncture of your neck he growled against your skin. “My pleasure” His hand came down roughly against your ass before he began a brutal but shallow pace inside you. 
     “F-fuck, Daddy.” She cried out loudly at the smack, whimpering at the rough pace as her clammy hands slipped and pawed at the wall trying to keep herself from bouncing forward too much with each thrust. 
      "that's right kitten, say it louder" the hand in your hair pulling your back against him. He licked the shell of your ear as he landed another smack against your cheek. "Start counting"
      She moaned loudly at the smack, a shudder running through her. “O-one?” She panted out before burying her teeth in her lower lip to try and keep herself focused beyond you pounding into her. 
      He chuckled darkly "Good fucking girl" his voice was just a breathless whisper against your ear. Smacking the same spot again he released his hold in your hair in favor of throwing his arm around to wrap his large hand around your throat, squeezing slightly.
     She couldn’t help the way her cunt clenched again at that phrase, letting out a broken moan. “T-two.” She muttered breathily, groaning at the feeling of your hand around her neck. 
     The wet sounds of him fucking into you began to drive him crazy with lust. Shamelessly moaning into your ear he began to deepen his thrusts, his hand gripping your hip tightly.
      “D-daddy, please…” She whined between moans, fighting the tension building in her abdomen that was being fueled by your moans. “N-need to cum, please c-can I?” She pleaded feeling the knot start to fray more with each rough rut of his hips.  
      The roll of his hips slowing as his thrusts became more harsh, angled at the special spot inside of you. "Yes- fuck, do it" He panted out heavily, groaning at the feeling of your velvety walls. "Cum on my cock kitten"
     “Sh-shit Daddy!” She moaned deeply as you hitting into her g-spot sent her over the edge, her legs shaking as her orgasm crashed through her.
     Hand squeezing the sides of your throat a slew of curses and choked out moans rumbled from deep within his chest as you convulsed beneath him. His hips began to falter as his own release quickly approached.
      “Ngh…” She mumbled, unable to come down from her own high and twitching from the overstimulation and aftershocks as her eyes threatened to roll back. “Are you gonna c-cum Daddy? F-fill me up?”
      "Only if you beg kitten" The words were slurred and frantic. His hips began to piston more swiftly with renewed vigor. 
      “Mmn pl-lease!” She whined out, her own words broken up by choppy moans and heavy pants. “F-fill me up, I n-need it Daddy, puh-lease.”
      Slowing to a near halt his breathing was ragged. Moans slid past his lips as he released inside of you, painting your insides white.
       She groaned softly feeling you cum inside her, eyes clenched shut as she tried to steady both her breathing and her quivering legs. “Holy fuck Toshi….” She muttered, glancing over her shoulder at him.
       Both of his hands softly held and rubbed soft circles into your hips as he rested his forehead on your shoulder, hot breath fanning against your skin. "Fuck..." 
      She chuckled breathily, lazy grin on her lips. “And to think, all because I wanted to take a damn shower tonight and now I’m dirty again.” She teased, groaning softly as she remembered her soaked bed. “You definitely owe me some cuddles in that bed of yours now Toshi.”
      Pulling out of you with a groan he grabbed your shoulder to turn you around, pinching your chin between his fingers to make you look up at him. Mock hurt flashed across his face as he scoffed "What? Dirty? From me? Never." He smiled as he pressed his lips against yours. "All of the cuddles are yours, kitten" he said with a goofy grin. 
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