#I have not eaten or slept
arunneronthird · 2 years
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i wanted to put something here about how i love his hair but my brain is saying to put “blue eyes white dragon”
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immunetoneurotoxin · 5 months
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I never thought it would be my turn to make one of these posts.
Sunday night, my 6 month old kitten, pickle, had a really bad fall down a hardwood staircase after getting startled, and upon impact with the first floor, his little femur took the entire force of the impact and it snapped clean in half. My heart dropped to my stomach when I heard him thump hard against the ground and he began to cry, we immediately dropped everything and rushed him to the emergency vet nearby.
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Turns out, the injury was worst than we thought. He needs orthopedic surgery to fit his femur with a metal plate. This will help him recover faster with the best successful outcome for his quality of life, but this is going to cost a staggering $4,000 dollars. He hasn't even celebrated his 1st birthday yet, he's still just a baby and this terrible accident happened. Pickle is truly my best friend, he has been my little beacon of light through it all, he is the one who sits with me while I write long chapters for my novels, and I will do absolutely anything for him.
My heart is fucking shattered seeing my normally happy and high-energy baby have such a traumatic injury like this. I know this is hard on his mental health, too. Please, if you can, help us help pickle. If anyone is willing to donate to our GoFundMe to help us alleviate the burden of surgery costs while I'm literally still desperately job hunting, it would help me and my partner more than you can imagine. If you can't financially support it at the moment, don't worry, I completely understand. But please, share this post as far out into your friends list as you can. Sharing will still help us out so so much.
Whether you donate or share, Pickle thanks you for helping his little leg get better. ❤️‍🩹
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CA$HAPP: $EricEdrington
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nefertittythegreat · 5 months
What I love about this fandom is how we are all in love with Ferdinand despite him being the most unlikeable person ever. Like he is an anti-social, rude, cold-hearted, know it all snob and we love him all the more for it.
When he enters the story this is what we immediately learn about him, but he was kind to Myne. So we know there is more to him, but we have to wait till to get it. Until that moment in the Trombe subjugation we weren’t sure how to fell about Ferdinand nor how’d he react because he is always the first person to remind Myne of her place. She’s a commoner and despite guiding her he also doesn’t let her forget that. So when he backs Myne we finally know we can trust him like really trust him. And that he is someone to lean on.
And even before we learn his sad backstory(which again takes VOLUMES hell PARTS). We already love and trust him. His backstory doesn’t endear us to him, because we have long since had love for him. He doesn’t need a sad woobie backstory for us to feel for him and feel positively about him because like Myne he has long since proven himself to us. And while many people in story would liken spending time with him to torture, we know that despite all of that he is a good person, and loyal to a fault.
And honestly, he doesn’t really grow in that aspect, I mean he learns a little but the things I listed earlier are still very much his character flaws. He doesn’t grow past them, learn to be kinder, socialize more, or anything like that.
They’re still apart of his personality, they’re flaws but they are his.
And in keeping these flaws we retain the part of him the is undeniably Ferdinand.
We love Ferdinand despite the fact that if we met him in person many of us wouldn’t like him, and I think that’s one of the most fantastic things about AoaB
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sigh hope everyone’s having a good [insert time of day]
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mumblelard · 3 months
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grace or RAGE or a secret third thing
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in the last nine days, i've gone swimming in two different pools, a creek, a river, a lake, and a waterfall
i brought a dozen new socks home and they are all soft and fresh with refreshingly optimistic outlooks on life
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i'm craving rice and avocados and cold beer in a frosty glass that yesterday put in the freezer today
i'm remembering drawing lines on maps with fat markers
i'm thinking about a story full of raucous waiting, restlessly unwinding between the country doctor and autofac, where i might like to go
i know what happens next, i really do, but i still wish somebody would give me a little hint
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triptychofvoids · 5 months
Doc, take my brain out and poke at it till it stops making me think the worst please
In return I'll clean your entire operating room, top to bottom
im not sure i trust anyone else to clean the operating room... i think anyone other than myself would do it wrong... but! i would be more than happy to poke at your brain a little (or a lot) if it would make you feel better. and for fun of course
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danielnelsen · 1 month
update: peach is doing very well!! she's eating and sleeping normally (sleeping more than normal, really, but that's to be expected)!! after 3 days of not sleeping and a few changes in painkillers, she finally just napped for an hr then, after another day, slept through the whole night (and most of the next day). she's started following all her usual routines again and is very keen to eat! still on some painkillers, but they're not having any horrific side effects anymore
now that im not staying up to keep an eye on her all night (while also dealing with upgrading my computer and my phone and also my sister preparing to go overseas and the dogs barking and howling constantly due to all of the above), i finally got some decent sleep too and slept for about 14 hrs. so today ive got that weird shakiness that i get from sleeping too much, but hey it's better than the whole of the last week
#personal#and i have a working computer that's finally on windows 10 so that's one less thing to have background stress about#and i have a working phone for the first time in.. a year? 1.5 years? idfk. my previous phone was 16gb so i could fit like 2 apps#could barely take pictures (and couldnt store them) and couldnt update most of my apps because i couldnt update my os because no space#so every app ran slow and then eventually my phone would crash if i opened the storage section of the settings#so i couldnt even offload apps so i could delete them while keeping the data for when i downloaded them again#couldnt order medicine remotely because my chemist only lets you do that from the app (not the website)#couldnt control the aircon because that could only be done through an app#missed loads of stuff because i didnt have email notifications because i could only use my browser for emails#couldnt see tumblr polls on mobile because i couldnt update tumblr because i couldnt update my os#left the house less because i had to delete pokemon go and that genuinely helped me go for walks#ive been dealing with all that for a year so this is very exciting and such a ridiculous qol boost#it sucks how much something like that affects your life. what do you mean i need an app for everythingggg#but god im just glad peach is ok. like there was a moment when i was so stressed trying to update my computer because it wasnt working#and then she ate a small bit of food for the first time in 3 days and just. everything was suddenly fine again#and the other night i spent like 6 hrs just sitting here downloading and installing things on my computer#but it was fine because peach was on the chair next to me sleeping through the whole night and it was such a relief#my sister finally got her flight yesterday (after it was moved four days in a row) so that's just one less thing happening#ive started playing bg3 so that's cool and maybe ill get a chance to actually properly watch that new dav trailer lmao#that premiered at 2am on the first night peach was home from surgery and hadnt eaten or slept yet and i was too stressed to care about dav#and it really just went downhill for the next few days#god. ok. today is the first day i can actually breeaaaathe
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thoughtfuldolia · 2 months
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Kukui experienced many odd forms, but having a ditto for a muzzle made those days in captivity a special kind of miserable.
He thought he might be off the hook when his body gave the muzzle two mouths to choose between. He can be overly optimistic, or perhaps it’s sleep-deprived desperation for some semblance of comfort.
Why is he going through this? He still has no idea who did this to him and why. He loves his life right now.
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Happy Lee Know Day!
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Happy 25th Birthday, Minho! Thank you for sharing yourself, and your art, so fearlessly. You inspire us! So glad to share the planet with your can’t wait to see what the next year brings. 💜
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asortafairytale · 5 months
I am so disgustingly tired, like idk why, I feel like I'm gonna die I'm so tired/fatigued/exhausted/drained/every possible word for it and my grandma suggested "maybe you're not eating enough red meat" so I'm gonna take this as an excuse to order a steak or a burger via DoorDash later. Living in luxury. Thanks grandma.
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I've been in school for so many long years that I can no longer tell whether it's seasonal depression or just a combo of sleep deprivation, too much homework, not enough freedom, or having to look at professor hibbs' bald fucking head every Tuesday
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voltstone · 6 months
first twdg essay removed from the comic and it's already 12k words.
it's like louis said though. she grows on you, or something.
update: louis was right. essay very done and lonely without people reading. and he need to shUT. UP WITH HIS FRIENDSHIP. >:(
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actualbird · 1 year
bought myself a breakfast burrito (as a treat, you understand. to aid in enduring the horrors and whatnot) and it was so warm. so warm. and i was so hungry, not necessarily for a burrito, but perhaps for any small delight to make me feel alive again (due to the horrors, you understand), and holding it, cradling its body close like depictions of madonna and child, i knew that life would be worth living, if only for the next 20 minutes.
it was a good burrito
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piplupod · 29 days
it is so pathetic and sad but very funny if u ignore the patheticity, but I'm like. so tired. body is exhausted from the cleaning. but i desperately want to draw. so i'd like to thank the inventor of neck pillows for giving me something that will allow me to sit up just enough to draw while still mostly resting 🙏
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marcescenx-arc · 2 months
Gets to Philly. Gets stranded cause I got in the wrong uber. The former house I lived in , didn't send the information they were supposed to. I'm starving cause I have not eaten all day (still haven't) so I had thought I could handle walking down the road and grabbing food. Only to get lost (I'm blaming it on the fact I have been up since 4am and still haven't slept) and was walking around for FOUR hours , cause my phone was dead. So I called 911 cause it's almost midnight and I'm not wandering around Philly at midnight. So I'm in a hospital cause I almost passed out.
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