#I have sensitive skin
sacred-june · 2 months
My god, I just waxed my face and the pain was so bad
My face is so tender
this makes me want IPL so bad tho
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thementalistscandidate · 11 months
Ok, so my mom is horrified that I don’t wash my face every morning, saying she washes her face in the morning even if she showered the night before and says that everyone washes their face in the morning so I wanna see what the general stance on this is
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kalebread · 2 years
The non bianary urge to reblog and share all your interest to yourself
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Does Barnaby
Does Barnaby tell the others to get off his lawn when he's angry
psh, who do you think he is, an old man? he'd Bark, like any lively young dog
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wheresernie · 1 year
Hey if you have big noticeable rashes/hives due to eczema, psoriasis, or even allergies, or for any reason at all: I love you. You deserve to exist in public. You don't have to cover up to make other people more comfortable.
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 4 months
which egg would be most likely to have a million allergies when spring comes around
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camembri · 5 months
every time I see people talking about post-canon one piece and about how the strawhats all go their separate ways it makes me want to start climbing walls and gnawing on the plaster!!!! what do you Mean the found family is going to split up... what do you mean they don't sail together forever... how else are they supposed to satisfy that itch under their skin... who else is meant to understand them... who else has seen their most agonizing moments and their best victories...
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blue-unifox · 3 months
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Thought to experiment a bit! Top left model is Thando Hopa and I couldn't find the bottom right one's name unfortunately
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froody · 27 days
interesting fact: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease can trigger skin problems like cystic acne
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squorttle-pox · 18 days
please. i need alastor with his hair up so we can see the side of his head. second set of ears or smooth flesh prairie?
#hazbin hotel#alastor#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel alastor#alastor ears#alastor's flesh fields#bc husk has the ears on top as well#but his head is shaped like a cat and he has all the fur so it works#but alastor is mostly human shaped when he wants to be and his face head is distinctly skinful#so.#like imagine he's uncomfortable or embarrassed by it because it's *yet another* physical difference that#invites the taunts and abuse and humiliation he faced in life (and is thus very sensitive about in afterlife)#he already faces being a PREY animal of all things#so. imagine. he always ALWAYS makes sure his hair covers the side of his head. in his twisted victim mind the lack of ears makes him#Wrong and Disgusting and Untouchable and A Monster (and not in the satisfying fearful way he enjoys)#so he pushes it away. doesnt let anyone learn about his ugly disgusting mutation because surely SURELY if they saw it...#he could lose everything he's worked so hard for. because who would fear him? who would respect him? who would bother looking in his#direction? he would just be another lowlife Freak undeserving of love and attention and— well#thats what he would tell himself. but then one day niffty's doing his hair like he sometimes lets her#and he's just enjoying letting her have her fun. kinda spaced out; mostly just enjoyjng the rare sensation of a touch he doesn't despise#it doesnt even register when she pulls his hair up (maybe into lil space buns or smthn idk) that it leaves his empty face on display for all#i can imagine angel being the most outwardly shocked. some loud exclamation that turns everyones attention to alastor and his earless face#just. everyone staring at him. and he realises. and he hates himself for slipping like that and oh no theyre going to hate him and tell—#— everyone and he will lose all that hes been working towards with the hotel and he is just. So. mortified. think shameful reactions:#averted gaze; flushed cheeks; figeting under their stares; or perhaps the classic deer-in-headlights look as he freezes in shock#just as he feels everything crashing down around him. the others get ahold of themselves and share their reactions too#shock; confusion; endearment (charlie would 100% do a big AWW/want to touch it); reassurances galore when they see him retreat into his mind#they tell him it's normal (he's in hell; no longer a human but a demon; everyone looks odd by some standard)#they tell him it makes sense (he's a deer after all). they tell him his appearance is nothing to be ashamed of and that everyone is still#super intimidated and frightened by him ♡; that it doesnt change anything; that theyre sorry for whatever led him to believe otherwise
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bl00dw1tch · 6 months
Watching someone play afop and im so. Oh my god. Oh my GOD. It's literally just a fucking showcase of all the Exact type of shit that has been happening to indigenous people and people of color have been dealing with for Centuries at the hands of white supremacy and imperialism. Like its literally just Showing all that Shit from the perspective of a Na'vi in universe. So it "demonizes" the RDA accordingly. And uet so many fucking reviewers are joshing on it and calling it Boring and Slow and Uninspired and that it makes human's 'cartoonishly evil' LIKE YOU PEOPLE HAVENT LOOKED AT A SINGLE FUCKING CURRENT EVENT IN YOUR LIVES. Oh my god im so mad at all these fucking reviewers now. The fucking AUDACITY to look at something this fucking Honest about the cruelty humans are capable of, while living during the fucking day and age with all this Knowledge we have at our fingertips -- the fucking audacity to look at this game and what the character goes through and not being able to muster up ANY other fucking emotion besides "ubisoft never was great at story anyway so idc lol" fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. Like actually. You can't even fucking ATTEMPT to connect to this story emotionally? Not even a fucking Smidge? Jesus fucking christ people need everything to be spoon fed to them these days. God forbid a piece of media actually ask you to meet it in the middle for once.
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junipershouse · 29 days
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loppits who live onboard the same ship rrikrik works on
their names and jobs are are (top to botton, left to right) sister swii-qui and sister uuuii, students on a work experience apprenticeship position, little yui, a mechanic specializing in "biobotics" - machinery using biological function as opposed to electricity to run, big yui, the main doctor and biological scientist onboard, and finally gwii, an electronic coder.
i also drew big yui's entire body, because i was trying to think how the large loppits would move and interact with the world around them.
#oc#xenobiology#speculative biology#alien species#worldbuilding#loppit tag#im really happy and grateful for the love that loppits have gotten! i wasnt expecting it!#im still not so sure about using english feminine terminology for loppits...#its hard in general to write stories about aliens when you have english#because english uses gender is such a way. at least it isnt worst case scenario language for such a situation#so i think it could be useful to use english gendered grammatic structures to convey an alliance or a similarity to english gendered#expression. for example i think im gonna use she/her and feminine terms for sadum cows for now on and he/him and masculine terms for hounds#not because sadums reproduce like humans or have reproductive or social categories of “male” and “female”#but more because sadum society's use of gender based oppression and sex exploitation is similar to patriarchy for humans#but then that terminology wouldnt make sense for ki despite them also having gender based oppression#because ki society is much more complex in how they structure both sex and gender#while sadum society is generally binary much like how patriarchy is binary#anyway in this example i use “sister” less in a gender way and more in a religious way#because the educational establishment that swii-qui and uuuii come from is a religious one and theyre like nuns#theyre very sheltered and priviliged and also very annoying about things but theyre just learning#like they try and tease little yui for being an industrial worker and l yui gets really sensitive about it cus theyre a sensitive person#and then they try and tease big yui too but big yui takes no shit and shuts them down and they gain an appreciation of them because of it#OH YEAH. the little pink section of skin that is open on swii-qui and uuuii's faces is not a mouth!#it is like a VNO like dogs and cats have on the roof of their mouths but for sound#they eat thru the weird slit they have on their “chests” and they breathe thru their tail bumps#oh yeah ONE MORE THING#uuuii and swii-qui are both very flashy alt fashion fans and so their outfits are very weird for loppit standards
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cursed-and-haunted · 1 month
I will say even though I've been stung/bitten by a lot of insects they have no effect on me. No little red itchy bump. Nothing. At most the initial sting/bite might hurt but even that isn't even that bad and it goes away in a few seconds. Which is crazy considering my body is so sensitive to everything else except for this. Literally cannot hurt me in anyway that matters
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simonsquest · 6 months
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I really love both Chronicles Simon and CV2 Simon's designs. I tried to combine them. It's... a lot of red. Lol.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
So often, when people say that somebody is "thin-skinned," what they mean is "this person will not give me permission to abuse and/or bully them." Be weary of the people who demand that you stop being thin-skinned when they are being abusive or putting you in compromising situations.
If it comes down to it, being "thin-skinned" is better than being abused. If you have the chance to choose, I hope you choose to be thin-skinned.
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wiltking · 1 year
speaking of long hair in a metal way. i have no evidence for this and it’s all just based on a hunch but i think people do have an easier time equating my long hair -> ‘this is a guy’ when i wear clothes that also show i am a metal enjoyer. so from now on i will be rotating the same 4 metal band shirts when i go out in public :)
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