#I have since been able to excavate it
luimagines · 1 year
Welp, first ask in here. How do you do today?
Seeing all the Demigod Reader asks for some reason has me thinking of a whole nother series related to Greek Mythology that I feel would be a riot to clash with the Chain: Saint Seiya.
I have no idea how many people know or remember the series, but it's about a bunch of knights with the ability to use this supernatural energy called Cosmos to wield armors based off different constellations and Greek myths, like say Sagittarius, Andromeda, Scylla, Griffon etc, each armor has it's own thing and techniques going on depending on the Zodiac and there can be both Amazon's (female knights who wear masks and who mustn't let any man see their face, because then they either have to love him or kill him), Zodiac Knights (who serve and protect under Athena, who's basically pulling a Hylia by having a mortal vessel to do stuff on earth after the time or mythology, they wear armors or Cloths as they're called based on the 88 constellations and are divided by Bronze, Silver and Gold Cloths, gold being the Zodiac itself), Marina (Who serve under Poseidon ane Thetis, who wear armor based on an assortment of Greek Myths related to the sea like Scylla and Charybdis), and Specters (who serve under Hades and Persephone, who recently have taken to pulling a Demise, the specter armors actually vary a lot and when you die and swear yourself to Hades after having served another deity you can still use a dark reflection/imitation of the Cloth you already bore).
Most Zodiac Knights are sworn not to use weapons (unless they're special exceptions like Sagittarius, Andromeda, and technically Libra), so they each create unique techniques to be able to fight, say Aquarius uses ice and can trap someone into coffins made out of absolute zero ice, Pisces Knights use poisoned roses or some times have their own poisoned blood as a weapon (or the white rose who drains the blood out of a person's entire body) etc, and each knight has a different specialty plus the Cloths are actually sentient, like Fi sentient, they have to choose you to allow you to use them, they can protect you and they can die if sustaining enough damage (ex: the Andromeda Chain can actually move on it's own to point danger to it's knight, or reach without their input when in defense mode and it senses a threat, or this one moment in the anime where the Sagittarius armor moves on it's inactive mode to shield a Knight they know has potential to wield it).
I don't know why, but I think it would be hilarious for the Chain to meet a Sagittarius Knight/Amazon Reader who got Isekaied, because the Sagittarius Cloth arrows are special in that they can work like Light Arrows but to a much more destructive scale and technically Reader ain't fighting against humans so they can go HAM using them, and Light Arrows are usually reserved for the Links and Zeldas, imagine the confusion as they find this random armored person in the woods, surrounded by enemies, and they just shoot up into the sky in golden wings, draw a golden bow and carpet bomb the enemies with Light Arrows until the area is all but torn apart, I can just FEEL the questions. And the confusion if Sky pipes up that Fi is confused because the entire armor/equipment feels like her. Or an Aries Cloth user since they're usually the ones who make the cloth repairs who'll just get immediately accosted by Four and Legend, either way there's a lot of potential any of the Links to either get along or be incredibly confused but intrigued. Specially once Reader reveals they don't actually use weapons in the traditional sense at all, just their body and different techniques to fight (Wild offers to temporarily lend them a weapon until they can get their own so they don't only use a bow and Reader just gives him the Disappointed Knight Commander Look if they're a Gold Cloth user, plain refusing, Reader trying to explain why the bow/Andromeda Chain (an exclusive Bronze Knight weapon)/Libra Scales Armory (each part of the scales in the Libra Armor can turn into twelve weapons) is different because it's technically part of the armor and was used under extenuating circumstances and not against humans, because it's how they were trained, making in turn Time and Warriors intrigued). I don't know I just feel like there's potential for many hijinks there.
I have no clue what any of this is- and I think I'm a little lost, but man this sounds like such a well thought out universe!
I agree, there's plenty of wiggle room for hijinks. There's always room for shenanigans with Link around. >:D
That being said, I think any soldier would gravitate more towards Warrior and Wild since they would have "similar" background. Time is a hit or miss but he gets the premise of it.
But you know that Four would want to learn all the weapons that Reader has and how they use them! Wild too! But I think Four would to know how they work more than wanted to just learn how to use them or see them in action.
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
Dungeon Meshi Dungeons have unique characteristics and the Adventurer's Bible gives us a look on a few of the more important ones.
First, what makes a dungeon a dungeon? According to the Glossary section:
Dungeon There are two types of dungeon: manmade and natural. Manmade dungeons like the one on the Island are structures created when a door is linked to another dimension. Natural dungeons are environments that resemble manmade dungeons; they're created when a portal to another dimension forms on its own and mana seeps in. In natural dungeons, you can't be resurrected if you die. The cavern Falin took Marcille to when they were at magic school was a natural dungeon.
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Continuing bellow the cut, Major Spoilers ahead
In ch87 we learn that man-made Dungeons were created by the ancient civilizations to contain the Demon's powers, and be able to better use it.
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In ch 68 Thistle confirms something similar.
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With this in mind, Dungeons also seem to have "Styles".
Like these examples from the cover of ch 48.
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"The island", which is the name given to the Dungeon Linked to Melini Village's Graveyard, is a "Compound-Style Dungeon" while other dungeons seem to have specific styles linked to other ancient civilizations (Dwarf-Style, Gnome-Style, Elf-Style)
'The Island' in specific seem to be a Compound Style between dwarfish and elvish styles. As Thistle says, continuing in ch 68, it was an ancient Dwarf construction that was then used by Elves.
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Maybe that's the reason the dwarfish inscriptions are only in the innermost levels of the dungeon. The Style then seems to indicate which ancient civilizations created the manmade Dungeon.
From how they speak about Dungeons in the story I also believe there isn't a way to create new manmade dungeons, and rather they must find them since they were buried by ancient civilizations once they realized it was impossible to control the Demon.
Besides that dungeons apparently also seem to have a life cycle, or "Maturity Levels", that ends with the collapse of the dungeon. Here's the cover for ch 54 illustrating it.
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From the descriptions, Utaya seems to have reached lv 5 while others tend to be conquered and collapsed before. Some even seem to collapse on their own.
These are the main Dungeons pointed out in the adventurer's bible with their respective descriptions.
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A new dungeon that was discovered just six years ago. It's rumored that the Golden Country that existed a thousand years ago still lies in its depths, imprisoned there by the Lunatic Magician.
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A dwarf-style dungeon. It was excavated straight down like a mine shaft and has already collapsed. Its atmosphere and location are bad, and even after it was discovered, not many adventurers visited it. As a result, it's believed to have collapsed naturally. Its depths may be connected to the ocean: If you listen carefully, some say you can hear the waves. People also claim that if you throw something into the pit, it will inevitably wash up in the port of Kahka Brud.
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A dwarf-style dungeon. It's made of the ruins of dungeons that riddled the ground beneath Kahka Brud. Now that its last lord has been defeated, the dungeon has been completely captured. It's become part of the town, and bits of it are used as storehouses, shops, and private homes.
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A gnome-style dungeon. It's on the verge of collapsing and is currently sealed. Since it's still functioning, if barely, it's believed to have a lord somewhere. The dungeon is shaped like a tower. Its name comes from the wailing noise produced by the wind blowing through holes in its walls at night. Winged monsters have been sighted flying around the tower.
An elf-style dungeon. It changed lords frequently, and it's the dungeon that grew the largest after the ancient war. At present, it's sealed. Fifteen years ago, monsters flooded out and destroyed the nearby towns. Because it had expanded so much, it couldn't be blocked off completely, and the Canaries quelled the situation by casting a barrier over the dungeon and the entire surrounding area. Magic users are still permanently stationed there to maintain the barrier.
An elf-style dungeon. Currently collapsed. A rare case in which an entire region of interlacing canyons became a dungeon. Many dragons lived here once, and it was a notoriously secluded region. However, it was hard just to get to it, the rewards were small, and the dragons were tough. Almost no adventurers visited it, and it's thought to have collapsed naturally. When the population dwindled, mana stopped flowing through it, so the large dragons vanished. However, a few small dragons still live there.
An elf-style dungeon near the capital of the Western Elves. Currently sealed. Since it hadn't had a lord for a long time, it was believed to be nearly collapsed. Mithrun was dispatched to investigate a nearby rash of disappearances and got taken in.
There's much more to talk about how the dungeons work, especially how it relates to Ancient Magic but I'll leave it for another post in the future. If you have any insights about the information here or if I've missed something important please share!
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positivexcellence · 3 months
Jared Padalecki Says Goodbye to ‘Walker’ and Blasts the CW’s ‘Cheap Content’ Strategy After Show’s Cancellation: ‘F— It. They Can’t Fire Me Again’
The writers first introduced this Jackal storyline at the end of the third season as a way to excavate more demons from Cordell and Captain James’ (Coby Bell) shared past. What did this storyline help you unlock in terms of your understanding of Cordell? What were you most interested in exploring from a character perspective?
I’ve been fortunate enough for many years, many decades, to play characters that are in situations where the story is not about the situation necessarily: It’s about what’s going on with the character. On “Supernatural,” we fought God, we fought Lucifer, I was Lucifer at one point, we fought demons — but it was really about the brothers. It was about a bond; it was about the tropes of sacrifice, loyalty, determination, discipline and so many more things.
So when the Jackal storyline first occurred to the gang, [a serial killer storyline] was something that we hadn’t approached yet on “Walker.” And it’s something that the real Texas Rangers actually get involved with: They do hunt down and investigate serial killer allegations. So it was a fun template with which to play out past traumas, [as well as this idea of] trusting those close to you and them trusting you back and getting out of your head.
I don’t want to say I suffer [from this], but I’m in my head a lot. Partially that’s my nature, just the way I was born; and partially that’s my nurture, being an actor. You have your script, you read it, and you’re like, “OK, now what can I add? What does this mean?” So I just spend a lot of time in my head, and oftentimes it takes somebody beloved that’s part of my circle to go, “Hey, you all right?” And I’ll be like, “Oh shit. Yeah, sorry, I’ve been kind of elsewhere.” So [I enjoyed] playing that role this season, and understanding how the rabbit hole of emotions in your mind can sometimes affect more than just you.
This iteration of “Walker” has always been about Cordell’s neverending internal struggle to find the right work-life balance. For me, he seems to finally recognize that he’s done plenty of great work as a Ranger, but he has yet to really fulfill his duties as a father, even though he is about to become an empty nester. What is your take on where we leave him in the finale?
Yeah, it’s exactly that — and kudos to Anna and the rest of the writing gang. It was a lot of what I was going through [in real life]. It’s a lot of what I’m going through now, having worked since I was 17 years old when I started “Gilmore Girls.” There are a lot of things that you miss when you’re acting — a lot of graduations, camp drop-offs, kids’ games, whatever. It’s a wonderful job, and I’m so grateful to have been able to do it for so long, but there’s a lot that you give up.
So I think where we find Cordell in the finale is exactly in that spot where he’s no longer anxiety- or panic-driven about having to do the next job, having to get up and find somebody to arrest or find something to fix or investigate. He has realized — much to the credit of Jeff Pierre’s Trey, Ashley Reyes’ Cassie, and obviously Coby Bell’s Larry James — that, “Hey, the world goes on without you.” I think Cordell was in his own head for a lot of the episodes, and afraid that if he wasn’t around, things would fall apart. I think he found a place where he is like, “The world was here before me. The world will be here after me. And what I need to do for those around me is spend time with them.” So he’s come to a realization that there’s more than just the next job.
I think it took him — I don’t want to call it rock bottom, but getting out of control with his obsession with the Jackal to realize, “Oh, wait, maybe I need to step away from this for a little bit, and when I come back, I’ll come back stronger and more clear headed.” There will always be another job, but the family is growing up. August is graduating, Stella is in college, and he and Geri are working through some stuff. So I think he realized that, “Hey, I need to put my energies elsewhere.” It’s told in TV form, but it’s a really universal lesson. Sometimes, just doing something different, just changing your routine, can open your eyes to not only the positives of the routine — but also the drawbacks.
The writers have put Cordell through the wringer over the years, but this is the closest that he came to dying. The idea of mortality becomes even more intense when you become a parent — and, in Cordell’s case, a widowed single parent — because you have to think about what you’re leaving behind for your children.
Great point. [My wife] Genevieve [who played Cordell’s late wife, Emily] and I talk about that all the time, as parents. I think this is one of the lessons that both Gen and I hope to give to our kids, and for them to grasp as well. As kids grow up — and even adults — they will often deal with and question: “Is what I’m doing right? Should I be doing something else? If I’m not important here, then am I important at all?” I think part of the reason Cordell makes the decision that he does at the end of the finale is to show his kids: “Hey, I know I’ve been doing this, and it is very important. But so are you. It’s not a ‘no, but.’ It’s a ‘yes, and.’” It takes courage to leave routine, to leave habits, and I think he wants his kids to know, “Hey, it’s OK if y’all have to pivot, if y’all have to change. Do what you know is right, not what you think other people think is right.”
Unlike some other shows on the bubble, you and the writers elected not to shoot an alternate ending. That means you’ve left the audience with a couple big cliffhangers: In addition to taking a leave of absence, Cordell is also planning to propose to Geri; and James Van Der Beek was going to play the Walkers’ new (and potentially nefarious) neighbor. Did you and Anna discuss what next season would have looked like?
Yeah, there was so much to deal with, now that Violet and Kale are both young adults. They’re not children like they were four years ago, both literally and metaphorically. So there was a lot that we were going to explore with them — like, how much the sins of the father can carry down to the progeny, and how much Stella and/or August had, unfortunately, [inherited] their father’s bad qualities as well, which we dealt with this year with Stella. She’s very much like her father in the good ways and in the bad ways.
But we were very excited to have James on the show. He’s a personal friend, and he lives here in Austin. It wasn’t going to be like the Walker-Davidson feud necessarily [from Season 2], and the fifth season was certainly not written by any means, but I think there was going to be a very interesting dynamic that Cordell was maybe not anticipating, because he was taking a backseat on his law enforcement duties. We thought that James and his crew were going to be maybe up to no good, and Walker was just blinded to it.
Walker was a “Hell yes” or “hell no” kind of guy; he was either all-in on something, or he was kind of oblivious to it. And that was good when he was all-in on a job or all-in on trying to work with his family. But it was bad when he was oblivious: “Oh, no, the kids are fine. I’m fine. They’re nice. Don’t be suspicious of this person, or that person.” And he kind of got stuck in his own head, as we all often do at times. So we were going to explore that.
Is there something that you would have personally loved to have explored further with Cordell, if you had been given more time?
Oh my God. How long do you have? I really would’ve done the show forever. I just loved my character. I loved that I got to be in Austin with my family. I loved my cast and loved our crew. Maybe this is what ultimately was our downfall, but we weren’t ever seeking like, “Oh, here’s the explosion. Oh, here’s the wild cliffhanger where the aliens come down. Oh, here’s the next hot reality star that comes in and takes their clothes off.” It was never about sensationalism. It was more about life. When Anna and I first talked about the show many years ago, one of the reasons [this reboot] was called “Walker,” not “Walker, Texas Ranger,” was because he’s a widow and a father who happens to be in law enforcement. It was an exploration of everything that life could have to offer — heartbreak, disappointment, shame, love, becoming an empty nester — and I’m worse than heartbroken that we are not going to get to explore all those storylines. 
You’ve developed a tradition, on both “Supernatural” and “Walker,” of being the one to deliver the news of a renewal or a cancellation to your cast and crew. How did that happen this time around?
Yes. I talked to David Stapf at CBS and Brad Schwartz at CW before the announcement was made. And when Brad and I were talking, he was wildly flattering of “Walker” and what we had done, and he has his directives as well. He asked me, “Hey, how would you feel if we release the news or if you release the news? Do you have a preference? You’re CW royalty. You’ve been here since Day 1. How do you want to do this?” I thought about it, and I was like, “You know what, man? I think it might be best if I go ahead and make the announcement.” He was like, “Cool. Just go ahead.” And I asked him, “Do you want me to send what I’m going to post to you first, or do you want me to just go and post it?” And he goes, “We know you. We love you. We trust you. You don’t need to double check it with me. Just go ahead and send it when you’re ready.”
It was not easy to see the keyboard on my phone through the tears in my eyes, but I was grateful that I was allowed to [do that]. So often, when these big announcements are made, it’s like, “OK, here’s what’s going to happen. Don’t say anything until 1 p.m. in three days because we haven’t called all the outlets yet.” It felt like a very human send-off to go, “OK, do what you need to say, and we will reiterate it.” It felt like a great part of the closure that I’m still seeking. 
Did The CW ever give you a reason for the cancellation? Did it come down to budgetary reasons? Do you know any of the particulars?
Yeah. I talked with the head of CBS and the head of Nexstar/CW, I talked with the other [executive producers] on “Walker,” and I think it was a multivariate kind of issue. My understanding is — and again, this is just what I’m told — that Nexstar is going in a different direction with The CW. I mean, they have an hour of “Trivial Pursuit” and an hour of “Scrabble” coming up. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just download the app or grab a board game and play with your friends, but they’re clearly just — what’s that great quote? It’s like, “If somebody tells you who they are, ask questions. If somebody shows you who they are, believe them.”
I feel like The CW that I was a part of last year is not The CW that I was a part of under [former chairman and CEO] Mark Pedowitz for that entire, almost 20-year stretch. They’re just changing the network around, where it’s not really going to be a TV network as much as it’s going to be, “Here’s something fun for an hour that you’ll never watch again, but hopefully you watch it. And it’s cheap!” And I hate to say that, but I’m just being honest. I mean, fuck it. They can’t fire me again. I’m just being brutally honest. I think it felt to me like they were looking for really easy, cheap content that they could fill up time with.
You’ve only had a few weeks to process the cancellation, but have you given any thought to what you will do next?
I left two days [after the cancellation was announced] to go to Europe for work and then for play. My wife and kids met me out there, and we took a little vacation that was already planned. It was strange, and it was both horrible and wonderful. It was horrible because I really wanted to grieve. I really wanted to sit there and grieve, and call my cast. But here I was, eight or 10 hours ahead of their time zone, and I couldn’t make a phone call to everybody I wanted to make. The texts would come in when I woke up in the morning, and I just wanted or needed a personal connection with everybody who I had worked with for so long. But it was great, because I had a lot of distractions.
But I haven’t taken a whole lot of time just yet to think about what’s next. I kind of said this at the end of “Supernatural”: I wasn’t interested in acting [again], per se. I do love producing. I love the production aspect, and I love the problem-solving that comes with it. So there are a few things that my wife and I are in the process of developing that I would love to produce and act in. But beyond that, I still feel like I haven’t grieved the loss of “Walker,” so I don’t know yet if I trust my feelings. That sounds like a cop-out. I’m so sorry.
No, that’s a totally valid answer, considering that you openly spoke about how you hoped “Walker” would last just as long as, if not longer than, “Supernatural.” It’s natural that you wouldn’t necessarily know where to go from here.
Yeah, I don’t want to disappear into the bushes by any means, but I kind of want to disappear into the bushes. But hopefully, at this point in my life, and much like Cordell realized at the end of Season 4, I need to take a good, long, hard look at my personal life and the time I spend with my family and my friends, and I need to stop being so aggressive and obsessed with work. I still want to work, but for now, you’ll find me in and out of the bushes, hanging out with family and seeing friends. If a project comes up and I don’t care about it, then money doesn’t matter. But if a project comes up and I love the story or there’s somebody I really want to work with, then all right, [I’ll do it].
One of the people that you presumably want to work with again is Eric Kripke, who already recruited your former “Supernatural” costar Jensen Ackles to star in his current show, “The Boys.” Now that your schedule has opened up, are you officially joining the final season of “The Boys”?
Well, I’ll say this: Kripke and I texted today. It’s not been written yet, but I think he was saying [the final season] doesn’t even film until 2025. So yeah, I’m going to go play in Kripke’s newest playground. I had a great time the first time around, so I’m sure I’ll have a great time here again. I love the show. I think it’s hilarious and exciting. But you were asking what my plans for the future were — and I love Jensen and Eric Kripke. Obviously, I’ll be indebted to [Kripke] and entangled with him forever. I met my wife because of him. I was Sam Winchester because of him. “Supernatural” happened because of him. So working with him on a show that I enjoy, I’m like, “Yeah, when do I fly out?” But I don’t think we would film until at least January. 
Your body of work has spanned so many genres, but is there a specific genre that you are looking to explore next?
I thought “Walker” was kind of a mixture of “Gilmore Girls” and “Supernatural.” It was a family show with excitement and stunts, and macro storylines married with the micro. You know what? There’s a script that I love, and if we can get it turned into something, then I’d love to be a part of it. It’s actually a sitcom, but not a slapstick or knee-slapping sitcom. It’s kind of like a family-esque sitcom. It could actually be an hourlong show that you’d kind of define as a sitcom.
One of the things I really enjoyed about “Walker” was the humor that I was able to try and bring to screen, because my characters on “Gilmore Girls” and “Supernatural” were more stoic and serious, and I am by nature a much goofier person than the characters I’d played for 20 years. It terrifies me, because I think I’m funny among friends, but I don’t think I’m a funny person. I just think I’m goofy.
I’d like to explore that. It’s scary. It’s something I haven’t done, and I think I’d be very intrigued. 
It seems very difficult for dramatic actors to make that transition to comedy.
It’s so difficult!
You’ve now starred in over 450 episodes of primetime network TV, which is no small feat. What is your biggest takeaway from the time you’ve spent on The WB and The CW? When you think back to your biggest aspirations when you began on “Gilmore Girls,” how did your dreams ultimately compare to your reality?
Yeah, it’s been a long time. I think there’s some form of the saying, “If I only knew then what I know now…” Oftentimes, [this is] such a cutthroat industry. I think I spent so long in my adult life trying to get to a point where I could live my life, where I felt comfortable, where I felt safe and secure. I love storytelling. I love storytellers. I love raconteurs. I love that friend we all have that can just talk for an hour, and you’re laughing, you’re crying, you’re interested, and you’re learning. I love being able to pretend to be one of those characters on screen.
But I think along the way, it feels like I really learned, “Hey, don’t work to earn. Work to learn.” And at some point in time, you’ve got to look in the mirror and go, “Hey, you’re working towards some ever-moving goalpost. Why don’t you try and enjoy it now?” I think that’s kind of where I sit now. We’re just about a month [removed] from the announcement that we weren’t picked up again, so it’s kind of funny how life imitates art, or art imitates life. What Cordell went through in the finale and what I’m going through now are mirrors. I’ll be 42 next month. Am I waiting until I’m 60 and I have 800 episodes of television or something? I have to live my life now. I’ve got a 12-year-old, a 10-year-old, and a 7-year-old. 
I think, ironically, in trying to tell somebody else’s story for so long, I’ve realized that my story has value too.
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dduane · 1 year
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...So I was noodling around with the above image as preliminary work for a piece of Middle Kingdoms concept art that's going to illustrate a chapter-heading rubric from The Door Into Sunset. And while working on it, I belatedly realized that to correctly set up that scene, I was first going to have to tear up the entire left-hand side of the image (and the space beyond it), because the new covered fish market I had in mind wasn't going to fit in the space.
So I rolled my eyes at myself (I should have seen this coming...), got busy tearing it up, and then built the fish market. It's very loosely based, as I think I mentioned somewhere here earlier, on the famous Vismarkt, the covered fishmarket in the center of Brugge in Belgium (a.k.a. Bruges). (Image via Carto.net.)
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Back in medieval times, right through to the Renaissance and beyond, fish was originally sold in Bruges in the open, from wooden pallets. But other stallholders in the main market complained about the smell, and the fish-sellers themselves weren't happy with the venue: selling such perishable goods out in the broad (and often hot) daylight was suboptimal. A permanent, covered place for the fishmongers' stalls makes more sense. Yet at the same time, you want decent light on what you're selling or buying... just not direct sun.
Choosing the architecture for a market like this in Darthis city was also going to be an issue. The Vismarkt was installed in a new dedicated market square in 1821, with the architect opting for a Victorian-cum-Classical look: not something that would make sense in this alternate Earth—if I was seriously considering a straightforward copy, which I wasn't. However, the Darthene architectural aesthetic does contain both building styles very like our Romanesque style, and elements similarly reminiscent of Gothic. (Though in the Middle Kingdoms the AU-Romanesque wasn't abandoned when the kinda-Gothic came in, but coexists with it).
After I'd given the situation some thought, I found myself wanting something that drew on those two traditions... or would maybe kind of split the difference between them: a building open on all sides that would be relatively light and airy, recalling a tent or canopy. This kind of design's unquestionably made a lot easier in that universe by the availability of magic-workers able to pull stone out of the ground without excavation, and also able to fashion it into the desired shapes without the use of physical tools. So finally I settled on a broad, vaguely Gothic-styled cross or groined vault as the preferred shape for the roofs: then rummaged around to see what I could find in the local toolkit that would enable me to build it.
Semi-plan view:
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Diagonal side view:
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(Please note that all of these images are the result of the digital version of kitbashing, as I don’t currently have anything like the skills to create shapes like these in Blender.)
Better lighting in this case is fortunately a materials-technology issue, long since solved on our own Earth. The stone of the roof segments is what architects now would refer to as an "alabastrite marble", about an inch thick—light enough to need relatively little in the way of external supports, and thin enough to transmit light readily. This marble's name comes (probably obviously enough) from alabaster, which has been used on and off in European church windows since medieval times as an affordable alternative to glass, in times and places where that’s been expensive.
This approach has had occasional revivals in modern our-Earth architecture. However, since alabaster is only useful in relatively small pieces, and is vulnerable to heat and moisture, it's often replaced by thin-cut marble set in metal frameworks. One good example of this would be the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale. (image via Amusing Planet)
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The thin-cut Vermont marble transmits light safely without endangering the documents. But sometimes genuine alabaster has been used, too: the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles features tens of thousands of panes of it. (image via Expedia)
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The equivalent use of marble in the royal Arlene library rr'Virendir, in Prydon city—replacing much ancient glass destroyed during the earthquakes accompanying the last battle of the Great War—is probably where the Darthene authorities got the idea for this implementation. And since the marble used in this construction would almost certainly have come from Arlen, light-colored marble being the country’s “vernacular" stone due to it being quarried all over the place there, it makes perfect sense for this marble to have been a gift of the Arlene Throne to the city of Darthis. And would also account for the presence of his grace the King over there by the market stall up against the wall, pretending to check out the produce while he also checks out the nearly-finished construction (and, idly, two of his spouses).
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The Queen is after all very picky about making sure her contractors are getting things right. Yes, she jokes a lot about having lots of room in the dungeons if things go wrong... but sometimes, if you don't know her, it's hard to be sure she's joking.
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Meanwhile, so far, it doesn't look too bad.
Things learned over the past couple of weeks, in between also doing other work:
Translucence is a bitch to master in Daz Studio
Certain aspects of Blender are conspiring with one another to make me scream
My rendering computer is displaying a tendency toward quirkiness in the memory department that would register as nearly endearing if I could figure out what was causing it
...But at least now that the set I need is pretty much done (except for some minor tightening, straightening, and tweaking of materials and color temperatures), I can turn my attention to the question of how to produce the rather specialized VFX required for the two shot I'm setting up. ...Yeah, all this work has been for a two shot. But that shot needs people in the background, and the right street furniture. And nature abhors an undressed set. ...See also: "the backs of the melons."
Next challenge: track down a source for heaps of digitized prawns. :)
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avocado-writing · 11 months
Kinktober 31
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31. Reverse au
notes: we made it! I’d like to give a big thank you to everyone who’s been consistently reblogging my fics & commenting this month. You’ve given me the push to keep going! I wouldn’t have done this without you. And of course my friend & beta, M. Thank you for looking over my porn and pointing out my spelling mistakes (sincerely). 😌
You are never happier than when you’re with your angel and your demon.
They are two utterly, utterly different souls, brought together by their adoration of each other and of you. You cannot thank the universe enough for them. They are a salve to your soul, the reason you want to come home every day. They are your dearest reward and most stable constant.
They are your husbands, and you love them.
You get home late that night, letting yourself into the back of the plant shop with the keys Crowley trusts you with. There’s two keyrings on them: an AC/DC one Zira got you when you went to see their Back in Black tour back in the 80s, and one you picked up from a museum where some of your finds were being put on display. It has a little dinosaur skeleton motif and reads ‘I dig you’. You laughed at it for so long Crowley bought a handful of them, just in case they ever fell apart.
“Boys?” you call. 
“In the dining room, my love!” Crowley chirps. You leave your suitcase by the door, deciding you’ll be bothered to unpack it later, and head towards them.
You grin when you see what they’ve laid out.
“What’s all this?”
The table is set with Crowley’s fine china, three places set by candlelight. Dinner, your favourite, has been set out on serving platters. Even Zira has managed to dress up in a black dress shirt which he has the top buttons undone on and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows for. Crowley is dressed in another new suit, but it’s your favourite colour, so you’ll let it slide without comment.
“We missed you, gorgeous,” Zira says with a grin as he pours you a glass of merlot. Crowley gets up and pulls your chair out for you, and you chuckle at the chivalry of it.
“I’ve only been away for a couple of weeks.”
“Mmm, which is the longest we’ve been apart since that stint in 2008,” Zira remarks. 
“Oh, right. The apocalypse thing. I suppose it has, hasn’t it?”
“Well, you’re back now. How was the dig, my love?”
You eat and go into detail about your time away, the site you were excavating. Roman villa. Not one you ever visited personally, but similar enough in style to ones you saw at the time for you to be able to lead the team in the right direction. Your husbands listen, hanging on your every word; Zira eating far more than you actually remember being cooked and Crowley taking the occasional bite and sipping his wine, dabbing his mouth gently with the edge of his napkin.
They love hearing about your day. When you’re all caught up with each other, Crowley reaches across to rest his hand on yours.
“You realise what today is, don’t your darling?”
You furrow your brow. 
“Well, yes. But it’s our anniversary.”
You immediately start fiddling with your wedding ring, confused. 
“No it isn’t? Our anniversary is —”
“Not that one,” Zira says through a mouthful of chocolate cake. “The other one.”
Oh. Oh. 
“Oh my god, when we all met each other again. How could I forget?” you whisper. Crowley smiles. 
“And when we all fuc—” 
“Yes, thank you Zira,” says Crowley, pursing his lips. “You’ve been busy darling, it’s alright.”
You cast your mind back to that night in 1656. You were so desperate for entertainment, your beloved theatre banned by that twat Cromwell, that you accepted an invitation by your friend Davenant to go and see his opera. Sneaky bastard had managed to get around the ban on plays by adding music to his work. You hadn’t been too sure but god were you glad you accepted because who else had been there but two handsome no-longer-strangers you never thought you’d see again.
Yes, the three of you had come back together. And then you came together in one of Davenant’s coat closets when you sneaked away during Act 2. The three of you have been inseparable since. 
“Well,” you say, standing up and grabbing both of them by the collar, “I suppose we’d better celebrate.”
Zira kisses you first. He usually does. He tastes of wine and tobacco, a heady mix you’ve long since come to love. He presses you backwards into Crowley’s grasp and your angel begins to undress you, his nimble fingers making short work of everything above your torso. Zira wastes no time before beginning to fondle your chest, grinning as you keen against him.
“Fuck, two weeks is too long,” he growls on your lips.
“Quite right,” Crowley agrees, peppering kisses along the length of your arm, sucking your fingers into his mouth and moaning around them. You capture him in a kiss next, loving the way he begins to whine in need when you show him any attention whatsoever.
“Oh Zira, how did you deal with this one while I was away? Isn’t he a handful?” you say, wickedly, enthralled.
“I used a gag, honestly,” Zira chuckles lowly. Crowley immediately goes pink.
“I, I…”
“You’re a beautiful boy. And so are you, Zira.”
The demon chuckles.
“I scrub up alright.”
You sink to your knees before them, looking up with doe-eyes.
“Come on. I’ve missed being down here. Let me use my mouth, it’s been ever so empty without your cocks in it.”
The sentence has them immediately under your spell. They fiddle with their flies: Crowley on the trousers of his suit, Zira his black jeans which he considers ‘fancy’ wear. Soon they’re both in front of you, dripping and hard.
“Oh, look at the both of you. I’m away for a fortnight and you’re both desperate for me.”
“Yeah,” Zira chokes out, eyes blown wide. You circle a hand around them both and stroke them in tandem, working their shafts with your clever fingers. They’re both so different: Zira’s cock is girthy and thick, ruddy red at the head; Crowley’s longer and more slender with a slight upwards arch. You don’t have a favourite. You like both of them in every hole you have.
You start with Zira, knowing he’s the most impatient, taking him down your throat as you pump Crowley with your hand. The demon growls and buries his hands in your hair, dragging your mouth up and down the length of him as gently as he’s able to.
“Fu-uu-uck, like that, babe,” he growls. You let saliva build up and drip down your chin along with his pre-spend, a filthy cocktail landing on your bare chest. As he gets more ravenous for you you release him with a pop, switching your attention to Crowley, taking him down in one swallow.
“Oh–! Oh my goodness, I–” your angelic husband whines, keening his hips against you, desperate to feel the slide of his length across your tongue. You choke a little in a way that you don’t with Zira, grinning as tears sting your eyes.
You stay like that, fucking one with your hand and the other with your mouth, until you know they’re both about to come. At that point you bring them together, watching them kiss each other as you take the heads of both of them between your lips at once. Your tongue swirls a sinful sonata on them and they come at once, all over your face and chest and down your throat, they groan into each other’s mouths as Zira fists one hand in Crowley’s hair and the other in yours.
You barely have time to recuperate before Zira drags you to your feet, kissing you so he can taste the combined mix of their cum on your tongue. Then with a strength you forget he has he hefts you over one shoulder and Crowley over the other, marching you both to the bedroom as he miracles off his clothes.
“Zira–!” you squeak with glee, reaching down to slap his peachy arse as he goes.
“What? We all said it: two weeks is too long.”
He deposits you both on the bed and you don’t leave it for the rest of the night. They share you between them, sandwiching you between their bodies in the most heavenly and wicked way. Their cocks fill you up at once and they fuck you until you’re nothing but a ragged, exhausted shell between them, dripping with come and decorated with bruises and scratchmarks. All three of you are, actually: the signature of your lovemaking. Messy, intense, and always always gorgeous.
You snuggle between them as you relax in the afterglow. Zira has lit a cigarette and smokes it lazily, exhaling it in rings in the air above your bed. You pet Crowley’s hair and are thoroughly content with it all.
“Happy anniversary, my darlings.”
“Happy anniversary,” Crowley whispers from where his lips rest against your skin.
“Here’s for another four hundred years,” Zira chuckles, and you think you’d like that very much indeed.
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@bootlmoth @elleofdragons  @angelic-anarchy27 @yeethaw13 @candlewitch-cryptic @kwyn-q @rat-that-writes @buryustogether @letthenightingalessingagain @ltlthetrifecta @angiestopit @purplefrog1sblog @wereallbrokenangels @angelspathway @clarina04 @belilwen @chaospossum @eightsdoctor @oo-delallymrcrow @silcosmoke @climbingivy97 @live-logs-and-proper @project-sad @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @imagination-phantom @anonymously35 @corgis04 @peytonpenguin37 @catlynharper @unabashedgentlemenpirate @wolfe-houler
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dairy-farmer · 10 months
Have I tried to do research on incubuses to write this, yes...
Did I not like the research I did and made it all up in my head, yes again....
Well, although this is an incubus ask is there any proper sex in it, unfortunately no
Will I send this anyway, absolutely yes...
Tim has been an incubus since birth
The magic emitted from the parchment found by Jack and Janet in one of their excavations entered the body of Janet, who was pregnant at that moment, causing some changes in the fetus
Fearing that something would happen to their baby, they talked to the elders of the village where they found the scroll and tried to get as much information about it as possible
The spell was created by a man who found the person he loved in someone else's arms. According to the idea in the mind of the person who created the magic, his lover had been captured through sex and removed from him. In order to correct this, he tried to turn his body into a soul that would be desired by everyone, but he died before he could fully succeed
The point where he failed was actually too simple. Normally, Incubus souls are desired by the other side, and the soul would fulfill its nourishment with this desire, even though it did not need it very much. However, although the baby formed as a result of this magic would be desired by the other side again, he would not be able to live long enough without introducing the fluids formed from people's ejaculation into his body
Jack and Janet didn't quite know what they could do. Their son had been born with a pair of black wings that suited him very well and a long tail that moved depending on his emotions. As parents, they did not want their baby to try to taste semen or orgasm fluid at an early age from strangers, so they continued to stay with Tim for several years and tried to feed him every time their little baby sat on their lap and started to put his teeth on their skin
Within a few years, Tim began to slowly learn to control himself. When he was old enough to go to school, he was able to hide his tail and wings and continue his life without feeding for several weeks
And Jack and Janet, every time their son grew up and learned to control himself more, they increased the duration of their trips abroad a little bit and left Tim alone in the big mansion
It wasn't because they didn't like their little baby, but being trapped in Gotham for years to satisfy Tim's hunger was suffocating them now, and they wanted to get back to the excitement they had experienced thanks to their archaeological excavations
On one of the trips where they left Tim alone, the little incubus accidentally discovered another of his powers when he felt that he was going to starve to death
To be able to enter people's dreams...
The first dream he entered was none other than Dick Grayson, who was living in the Wayne Manor at that time and his hormones were through the roof as a result of puberty
Tim had learned that he could also take on the images of different people during that first dream
After that, he began to spend his time usually entering Dick's dreams. Of course, there were also times when the young boy followed Batman and Robin using his little wings to fully understand the time of his sleep and learned their identities, but this information did not interest Tim so much at that moment
Dick's departure from Gotham after a fight with Bruce led to a new discovery of Tim
The more distance there was, the harder it was for Tim to enter into their dreams
In response, he began to find himself in Bruce's dreams. Probably due to the fact that he was older, Tim did not have a lot of opportunities that he could use for sex, but he still managed to get enough semen into his body to feed
Maybe that's why Jason's young body's arrival meant that he was having a really good amount of food
However, everything began to mix up with the murder of Robin by the Joker. Tim had been unable to reach his parents for a long time, Dick had an even bigger fight with Bruce and said he would never return to Gotham again, while Bruce had begun to see nothing but dreams of losing Jason which caused Tim to cry from the pain
Perhaps that's why his purpose of being Robin was different from everyone else. For normal incubuses, maybe the person they wanted didn't mean anything, but for Tim, connecting to certain people meant not being able to get food from anyone other than them that would help him survive
His body could also choose to accept different people, but this was a complex process(If there is a first-degree kinship to the person he first connected with, sudden attachment would occur) and would be impossible to do after a certain age
The murder of his family, Jason's coming back and him trying to kill Tim which in a way would get Tim out of his dreams, Bruce's death which even though he knows he's alive, and where Dick took Robin away from him and Damian's threats on Tim's life...
The soul inside Tim refused to have desires for people who refused to desire him in a sense, but there were no other people Tim could feed on. He was 17, so the last age he could choose someone different and connect with, even if by force, he spent proving that Bruce was alive
His body was burning, and during the slightest carelessness, his wings and tail would have appeared. Although Tim could have sex in real life until the distrust between them decayed, he didn't want to bother anyone, and the thought of other people touching his body made his stomach uncomfortable
One of the times when he masturbated to eliminate the pain in his pussy in his own apartment and did not need to hide his normal body, Dick caught him in this state
Thinking that his body had been seized, his older brother immediately took him in his arms and tried to take him to the cave
Under normal circumstances, Tim would have tried to get rid of his brother's arms, but right now he wanted to live his last moments happily without anyone finding out his secret, because that little touch ignited the desire in his body
He remembered that his parents had said at the time that it was dangerous for other people to realize that he was an incubus, and he wept into the heat that he would never experience again, while tears soaked Dick's uniform
It was only a matter of time before they kicked Tim out of the family. They would realize that he was really an incubus and they would hate him for using them
But that didn't happen. On the contrary, his family looked at him with sad expressions in their eyes as they listened to what Zatanna was telling. They squinted their eyes with regret while listening to how Tim could not enter their dreams due to the problems that had arisen between them and that he would die if he did not feed decently for a while
And this made Tim very angry. He didn't want their pity, or the thought that they would show him love and desire his body just because he was going to die made him sad
As a result, he fled from the manor...
Others were feeling extremely frustrated over this escape attempt. Even if Tim couldn't get into their dreams, especially as an incubus how could he not feel the desires that kept them up every night? Hunger should have dulled his senses
And even if they caught Tim, what were they going to do? They didn't want to try to force sex and further increase Tim's already insecure feelings, but if they waited any longer, it might have been too late
As a result, after bringing Tim to the manor, they began to prepare drinks consisting their semen
And since Tim got into the habit of drinking it constantly, after a certain period of time, he began to lose control over his movements due to a state of excessive satiety, just like in his childhood with his parents
While Bruce was working in his office, he ignored the meeting opened on the computer, went under the table and started sucking his dick, which he pulled out of his pants
He ignored the image that was open on TV while the movie was being watched and covered himself with the veil he shared with Dick, bringing his little pussy together with his big brother's cock and letting everyone hear the dirty sound caused by sex
He let Jason fuck his pussy hard by decking him between the wall and his muscular body or made Damian's first experience by sitting on him and jumping on his little boy's dick
He felt relieved. The pain in his body disappeared, and he even began to be able to re-enter his family's dreams
It was a complete feast...
the LORE packed into this yesssss!!!!! incubus tim is so good especially his family realizing they've been starving and neglecting him and tim FINALLY getting his fill of all the cum he needs!!!!
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fictionfixations · 3 months
guys. i know boothill hates everything IPC
but. i want him and aventurine to get along.
because. like. listen.
Oswaldo Schneider. kind of ruined both their lives?
well he deffo fucked over boothill's because bruh is the reason his family, his friends, and his ADOPTED DAUGHTER is dead because they had this superiority thing?
like. well it was because of the ore but LISTEN
since on boothills planet (dont ask me to repeat the name i dont remember it) it was all kind of.. less modern? i dont know what its called specifically. "However, in the face of absolute military might, the cowboys' schemes, marksmanship, and swift mounts all seemed so primitive and laughable."
yes i read his character story holy shit
"As these savage and uncivilized cowboys are unwilling to cooperate with the Marketing Development Department, we have no choice but to assume administration of this world on their behalf."
i see this as such a superiority thing by seeing boothill's people as lower while they are 'better' for whatever reason, and believing that they can just. DO Whatever they want like they own it when no they fucking dont??
anyway. did you know oswaldo schneider is the one who was in charge of dealing with SIGONIA? haha. (oswaldo schneider page)
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so. autonomous as in able to deal with their own katican problem? HM? (when its because of the department that there was a sovereignty. when they let prejudice make the decision and banishing the avgins and katicans to the desert.. actually question. is the whole idea of avgins being like idk trickers or liars i cant remember what it was, but did that come from the sigonian sovereignty?? possibly?)
"And let's not forget the letters from the councilors of the Sigonian Sovereignty. They denounce his tribe for once breaking agreements and sowing discord, leading to significant changes in the balance of peace between the tribes, resulting in repeated delays in the signing of agreements between Sigonia and IPC. Allowing such an employee to join at the IPC would be a severe detriment to public relations…"
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still considered successful, huh?
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I see. had that idea but man.
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..I WAS RIGHT. (bruh they were jealous and then spread rumors about them and now everyone has a prejudice against the avgins. fucking bitches. UGHH)
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also hello kind of revenge before he was IPC
"He once deceived the Marketing Development Department by falsely claiming that there were energy sources hidden in the barren land of Sigonia, not yet effectively developed and utilized. A huge amount of funds was invested into excavating it before we realized it was all a scam."
still dont get why he joined the ipc but maybe its a 'taking it down from the inside' also x for doubt idk man
but so LISTEN. both boothill and aventurine have been fucked over by oswaldo. so like cmonnnn get along🙏
(..aventurines still IPC though so like. ermmm. either aventurine shows his cards, acts as like a double agent. idk.
i mean. well boothill probably doesnt have an aversion to people pretending to be IPC to get insider info because he did it back when he was trying to find who did it for the first time.
"He put on a worker's uniform that he stole and snuck aboard the spaceship under the cover of night. With the instincts and sharp senses he had honed over years of hunting, he silently took down every guard that stood in his way and cleared every checkpoint and interrogation to reach the core cabin."
but straight after he went to his family and found them all dead. so. i mean i wouldnt be surprised if he'd just hate everything IPC regardless.)
idk man i just want them to team up and destroy the fuck out of oswaldo together (it wont make up for the losses but oh my god fuck him. did you know oswaldo's a former nameless? EW. BITCH.
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like maybe if its just like a short mutual understanding of allying together because they share similar goals (maybe) and then turning on each after its all said and done
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cause listen they're both cool characters but i just dont want aventurine to be hurt anymore man 😭 (and i want him out of the ipc :( )
hi this is future me i had brainrot and wrote a fic about it LMFAO
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spac3ywac3y · 11 months
My brain thought of Skystar angst.
Essentially the idea would be, Skyfire and Starscream get separated by the polar windstorm while they’re on Earth, Starscream goes searching for Skyfire and actually finds him!
Hooray! Right?
Because Skyfire is already trapped in the ice by the time Starscream finds him, and instead of leaving the planet to get help, Starscream begins trying to claw Skyfire out of the ice by himself. The reason he doesn’t go get help is that he’s noticing that he can’t read Skyfire’s signal in the ice and is afraid if he leaves, he won’t remember where Skyfire’s buried. So he starts using his clawed servos and his thrusters to claw Skyfire out.
Unfortunately, that much strenuous activity with no ample source of energon is severely draining, and the cold is starting to really affect Starscream… he gets weaker and more tired. He eventually just gets so tired that his body shuts down and he tiredly mutters “Soon as I wake up Sky… I’ll get you out of there.”
Starscream never wakes up.
Now cut to millions of years later and the Autobots and Decepticons are on Earth and going through the events of “Fire in the Sky” only this time, Rumble’s little ‘cave-in’ not only reveals Skyfire, but also the frozen and greyed remains of of a seeker frame. The seeker corpse is left there to remain frozen in place, Megatron sees no use in him since he’s dead, he is however interested in Skyfire’s preserved body and thus they dig him out and shock his body back into the waking world.
I’d see Skywarp and Thundercracker not knowing who Skyfire was but they were brothers with Starscream and didn’t know where he was.. that is until they hear Skyfire calling out for Starscream and realized the seeker body that was found curled up and frozen near Skyfire was Starscream’s. The two seekers are in shambles after that and as Skyfire awakens, he is confused by the sight of all these strange new faces, he tries asking where Starscream is but Megatron stops him and tells him that it’s been millions of years since he was last awake, they saved his life from the ice and now Skyfire owes the Decepticon cause his life.
The events of the episode would follow but rather than Starscream’s betrayal to Skyfire, Thundercracker or Skywarp are the ones to shoot him because they ‘can’t believe someone so weak and softsparked would have outlived their brother.’
The Autobots save Skyfire from dying and while the Autobots and Decepticons do their usual battle, Skyfire is able to come across the spot he was excavated from and see the corpse of the one he loved so much, he’s overcome with grief and is left holding the greyed remains of his sparkmate before helping the Autobots defeat the Decepticons, and instead of Skyfire going back into the ice this time, he goes to warmer climates with the Autobots and lays Starscream in a beautiful meadow where the red flowers and grass can grow over him and lay him to rest in a beautiful and undisturbed location.
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avelera · 2 years
Sir Robert Gadlen of Shere, Surrey?
So at one point for Giving Sanctuary and writing Hob in fics in general, I was looking for historical towns where he could have lived at various points in his life. Mostly (and to my increasing regret in Come live with me) I just eschew names entirely BUT there was one research rabbit hole I went down that was rather fun and made a good case for where Hob could have lived in 1589-roughly 1629.
In particular, I was looking for towns that were a workable distance from London, that is, close enough that one could reach the city for special occasions in a day or two using pre-modern travel but was far enough outside where one could have a sprawling estate. I wanted a town that was known for having Tudor mansions and, critically, I wanted it to be a town that had a river running through it for Hob's infamous drowning as a witch. Since I'm US not UK, all of this was educated guesses and I'm sure a native would find something laughable about my choice, but I eventually happened upon the town of Shere, in Surrey.
I had several reasons for why Shere in particular seemed a good fit for Hob's late 1500-early 1600s estate location:
The town is 25 mi/40 km outside London. Given the average cart speed was 4 mph/6 kmh especially when taking into account pre-modern roads. With a good horse you could do it in about a day's ride, with slower a more comfortable pace and breaks for water, half a day if you were in a hurry. It seemed the proper distance for a man on the rise in society like Hob would want to be, able to make frequent trips while still being landed with a country estate.
In the Medieval era the area was noted as being "one of the wildest in Surrey: sheep-stealers, smugglers, and poachers found a refuge in these remote hills. Some of the cottages have, still existing, very large cellars (excavated easily in the sandy hill), stated by H.E. Malden to have been "far too large for any honest purpose, and were no doubt made for storing smuggled goods till they could be conveniently taken on to London" (Source) - I was charmed by the idea that Hob would have known the area from his banditry days and that he in turn would be tickled by the idea of coming back to the site of his former ne'er-do-well stomping grounds, now with a purchased knighthood. Also couldn't hurt to know the area like the back of your hand (especially when on the run from witch hunters).
Shere is noted in the Domesday Book of 1086 which makes it old enough for Hob to have lived there then AND to this day it is known for its Tudor manors to this day which make it a popular filming location, with several Tudor estates and manor houses, one of which I like to imagine was Hob's during the days of his knighthood.
Here's a fun detail! "Shere has often been called one of the most beautiful villages in England; certainly few can surpass it in Surrey for a combination of those qualities that go to make up the ideal village… Shere is, therefore, the haunt of painters, many of them residents in and around, and samples of their handiwork may be inspected in the ancient Black Horse Inn." (Source) You can't tell me Hob wouldn't consider the town just because it has a Black Horse Inn, he would be giggle himself sick over that.
The River Tillingbourne runs through the center of the village. Particularly in Giving Sanctuary this was important to me because I imagined Hob being dragged from his estate into the center of town for his trial and drowning, for maximum dramatic effect, so I needed one close by that was deep enough to drown a man and sweep him away.
Now, there's one problem with Shere, which is that no witch trials happened there during James I's reign, which is when Hob would have been drowned...
"Despite James I's interest in witchcraft, just one case was brought before the Surrey Assizes in his reign, the outcome of which is unknown. There were probably others brought before the lesser court of Quarter Sessions, but the records for this period have not survived." (Source)
Perhaps since Surrey had no other witch trials, it was all the more reason for Hob to be "overconfident" that he had nothing to worry about? After all, what were the odds? And an unknown outcome, hmm, sure sounds like an excellent opportunity to fictionalize this as because Hob went back later and destroyed the records.
Anyway, this is the one town that fit all my requirements but in the end, I never ended up using the name (at least, not yet) in any of my fics. But I thought others might enjoy the outcome of my search!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Uknow ita universally agreed that Rhoam was a SHIT father by the time the Calamity came about but... I can't help but feel he wasn't always that way. We know he started early of course, but idk the way his diary and the few soft moments he has with Zelda in Age of Calamity imply he had really deep regrets over how he treated her and that he wasn't always so hard. Why else would Zelda still be so loving and respectful of him so as to introduce herself as his daughter to Rauru and Sonia!? It had been over a hundred years since the monarchy was even a thing in TOTK, having only just started being rebuilt by Zelda herself and even then it's not even implied she's the ruler. Yet the first thing she does when met with two strangers in a strange land was introduce herself as Rhoam's daughter, a man who was all but forgotten by the time BOTW came around
I think Rhoam made really awful parenting choices, but out of a place of love. We see his behavior from Zelda and Link’s perspective more than from any other, and while, objectively speaking, his actions were wrong, we also don’t have the full picture. I was not at all happy with his treatment of Zelda in the one memory where he is demanding she do her duty, but that’s one memory - after I read his diary I had a very different opinion of him. He also has the weight of the Calamity on his shoulders, and unlike Zelda, he literally can’t do a darn thing about it. All he can do is encourage the excavation, all he can do is find the champions and ensure the Hero is found, all he can do is push Zelda to discover her powers to protect the kingdom and herself.
Can you imagine being a father who knows his child will die if she can’t figure something out? A father who has no power or control over being able to protect his own daughter? A king who has no power but to order others with more capabilities to do a job that he feel should be his?
Rhoam made awful parenting choices and went about things the wrong way, but that doesn’t mean his motives were bad. He’s a complicated, flawed guy, and I love that about him. And clearly he wasn’t always bad, or, like you said, Zelda wouldn’t keep remembering him and bringing him up in association with herself.
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Hey Reid, got an archaeology job question. I got my undergrad degree in archaeology but did something else for my master's. I really want to go back to the field on some digs, but so many field schools take only paying students, and shovel bum doesn't pay the bills. Any ideas on how I can go to digs and get paid something more reasonable without going back for an archaeology master's? I know there's not a lot of options like that but I crave the dirt again
Hi there,
I don't know that I'm the greatest person to ask about this, since my experience with archaeology is more in academia than the job market. But I'll do my best to answer, and then I'll tag some folks for their input.
I'll be honest, if you're not interested in shovel-bumming (totally fair, I'm not either), don't to pay for a field school (very valid, they're expensive!), and don't want to go back to school (grad school is exhausting) then your options might be limited to volunteer work. I know a couple of people who have been able to get their field schools paid for as research assistant-ships, but that was done through connections made during their undergrad degrees.
For paid work, if you want to make more than a shovel bum, I think you really do need that Master's. Many archaeologists go to grad school because it's the best way to make it a career long term. Perhaps @midden-maiden and @archaeo-geek can speak to that?
However! There are ways to be involved in archaeology that's not a full time job. Check out when/where the meeting is for your state's archaeological society, and show up. You may be able to find opportunities that way. Also, reach out to your professors from undergrad and tell them what you're interested in! I'd bet they'd be thrilled to hear from a former student.
If there's a big university near you, they might have an archaeology program. Maybe see if there's a way to take a few graduate level classes without fully committing to a degree? That way you can get your foot back in the door.
Finally, you can look for volunteer opportunities at museums. This probably won't be excavation work, but lab work and artifact processing are equally as important!
@midden-maiden, @archaeologysucks, @archaeo-geek, @buckets-of-dirt, @wafflelovingbatgirl, @audkitty and @archaeo-beard you guys come to mind, but anyone else with relevant experience is always welcome to chime in.
Best of luck, -Reid
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raz-writes-the-thing · 8 months
Unpredictable // Chapter One
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Ian Malcolm x Original Female Character / masterlist
Chapter Summary: Lyanna Grant, niece to Alan Grant finds herself working on her uncle's latest dig site.
Unpredictable Tag List: (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Palaeontology. It was not an occupation that was extremely popular these days. However, it's always been what Lyanna wanted to do. Ever since she was young and visited the local museum for the first time. She must have been around eight. Her uncle had waited until she was old enough to remember the shock and awe of the things on display. Lyanna could remember gazing up at the razor-sharp teeth jutting out of the jaw of the tyrannosaurus skeleton and she knew. She just knew. This was it for her. Nothing could ever even come close.
Since that oh-so-fateful day, Lyanna became obsessed with the flora and fauna of the past. She read every book she could find, read every article, and found every fact. She collected figures and fossils and studied the subject furiously. It paid off well considering where she was at now, she supposed. 
Lyanna was now one of the most well-known palaeontologists in the modern world... although she suspected that part of her reputation may have some due credit to her being the niece of Alan Grant, a professor and world-famous palaeontologist himself. They’d both written a book. His about the evolution of the dinosaurs and hers about the different types of creatures from different eras throughout the prehistoric periods and how ecological changes then impacted the way the animals evolved in turn. 
Only a few years ago, Lyanna had finally gotten her Ph.D. certifications in palaeontology and had right off the bat found herself out in the field helping her uncle dig up dinosaurs. Sure, it could be considered mild nepotism but it was great working with family because she didn't feel so alone when she started working in Montana with him. It was a huge leap for her career not having to start at the very bottom of the palaeontological food chain. Alan made sure that the transition was as comfortable as possible. Lyanna really couldn't have asked for a better uncle slash boss...
"You alright there?" Dylan asked, breaking her from her thoughts and redirecting her attention to the task at hand. 
"Yeah," she replied wistfully. "Sorry, I was just thinking." Dylan was another graduate from Lyanna’s class. Alan had picked him up too when she’d graduated, claiming that new blood would be good for the digs. And it had been, given that they had a pretty constant trickle and turnover of volunteers as they grew bored with the heat and the sand.
"About what?" He asked curiously, fingering the dust out of a fossilised eye socket. 
"Just about how lucky I am," Lyanna replied with a small smile. She really was, and because she was self-aware about it, it made it easier to appreciate just how far she’d come in such a short time.
Dylan snorted and returned to the work at hand. They were currently excavating the skeleton of a Velociraptor. Lyanna was brushing away the few stray sands that were still on the pelvic bone of the creature. 
"You know, I'd hate to meet a raptor on a dark Friday night. Look at those teeth- they’d shred through you like a mandolin,” he winced, glancing up at Lyanna quickly.
"Yeah, I completely agree. It would be terrifying. Thankfully, a giant meteor crashed into the earth and prevented that, hey?" She laughed, pleased with her joke. Dylan chuckled and shook his head in mock irritation. “Though it wouldn’t necessarily shred you. See-” Lyanna ran a finger over the teeth worn through with time. 
“They’re built to grip and tear the flesh from the bones, so it would be more like…” Lyanna searched for some kind of analogy that would make more sense. “Getting stuck in a bear trap. You’re not going to be able to get out of it without ripping half of your leg off unless you unlatch the jaws.” 
"Doctor Grant? We're ready to try again." Lyanna heard the voice say from across the site. She clutched at her hat as a gust of dry wind tried to blow it away. 
"I'm going to go check this out, okay?" She said to Dylan while standing up and brushing herself off. He nodded distractedly and kept working. It wouldn’t be long now until they’d be able to get the bones out and shipped off for analysis and study. 
Glancing one more time at the partially exhumed skeleton, Lyanna stepped out from under the cover and immediately felt the beating hot Montana sun on her back. If she wasn’t sweating before, she certainly was now. 
During her short time working with her uncle, Lyanna had acquired a golden tan that covered most of her body except the parts of herself that were shielded by her clothes. It was almost like she wore tan gloves and thigh-highs. It was a good thing she didn’t get about much without a longer-sleeved shirt or shorts on. Lyanna made a mental note to try and get the rest of herself tanned up the next time she hit town. 
Before she came to the desert wasteland that she now called home, Lyanna was quite pale. Many of her friends constantly joked about how she was probably a vampire because of the paleness of her skin and because of how she spent most of her nights studying deep into the early hours of the morning. That was, of course, before she made it out to Montana and was dead asleep by ten in the evening most nights from all the hot sun and hard labour during the day. 
Lyanna started jogging when she felt and heard the soft lead pellet enter the ground over by the scanner tent. She wanted to see how the new technology worked, given that this was likely the future of archaeology and she’d need to know if she hoped to run her own digs someday.
She reached the area just in time for an image of a Velociraptor to pop up on the computer screen. Damn. She missed it. There was always next time, she supposed. 
"This new program is incredible. A few more years of development, and we won't even have to dig anymore," Danny, working at the computer said. Lyanna did not miss the tone of barely contained glee in his voice.
"I hope not," Lyanna spoke, making her presence known to the group gathered around the computer. “I only just joined this circus.” 
“Absolutely,” Alan turned around and grinned at her knowingly. “Where’s the fun in that?”
"It looks in good shape," Lyanna said, gesturing to the image on the screen and leaning in for a better look.
"Chip off the old block you are,” Alan smiled slyly, quiet pride shining through his features. “Yes, it looks about five maybe six feet high. I'm guessing about nine feet long," he reached up and accidentally touched the screen, making the image distort and flicker.
"What'd you do?" He asked Danny, pursing his lips disdainfully.
"You touched it. Dr Grant isn't machine-compatible," Ellie said with a laugh. Lyanna nudged at her shoulder and tried to contain her laughter. If there was one thing Alan hated above all else- it was technology. 
While Ellie wasn’t a blood relative, Lyanna still considered Ellie her aunt. She basically was her second mother, considering how she’d been around since Lyanna was quite young. She’d taken her on and supported Lyanna when she needed it, and was a huge source of motivation for her to finish her studies when she’d struggled and hit hiccups along the way.
"Hell, they've got it in for me," Alan added in agreement, touching the top of the makeshift dust shield over the monitor screen.
The image corrected itself and Alan continued assessing the skeleton.
"Look at this," he said, turning to the group of volunteers behind him. "It's no wonder these guys learned how to fly." The group chuckled, not seeing the similarities between the two types of skeletons. It wasn’t a popular opinion shared amongst the scientific community, but knowing Alan as she did, Lyanna knew he wasn’t likely to soon give up on proving it. 
"No seriously,” Lyanna piped up, “he's right. Do you see the pubic bone, turned backwards like a bird?" She asked, backing him up.
"It's true. Dinosaurs have more in common with modern-day birds than they do with reptiles," Alan bounced off her comment, turning to face the group. Ah, here is where they got the scientific benefits from their volunteering.
"Look at the vertebrae, full of air sacs and hollows, just like a bird's and even the word "raptor" means ‘bird of prey’." 
Lyanna could see that Alan was going to get into one of his infamous rants, and she noticed a couple of volunteers back up a step as if to wander off and do something else. 
"That doesn't look very scary. More like a six-foot turkey," they heard a kid's voice from the back of the group call out. Lyanna sighed before rubbing the sand and sweat from her forehead. This was the downside to having volunteers. She would be lying, however, if Lyanna said she didn’t laugh after seeing Alan's reaction.
"Here we go,” Ellie chuckled, knowing what was about to happen.
"Okay then, imagine yourself in the Cretaceous period," Alan began, walking forward and fishing out his raptor claw that he had acquired back on his first-ever dig right out of university. Lyanna could remember many days in his study when he was home between digs fiddling with it and imagining the beast that used to be connected to it. She considered it an heirloom and secretly hoped that Alan did, too. 
"You get your first look at this ‘six-foot turkey’. He moves like a bird, lightly bobbing his head.” Alan moved slowly towards the kid, Johnny, Lyanna thought his name was. “You keep still because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on movement like a T-Rex and he'll lose you if you don't move.” He shook his hand, imitating movement. 
"But no," he paused, "not Velociraptor. You stare at him and he just stares right back." By this point, all of the volunteers and workers were captivated by Alan's words, hasty escapes forgotten. Lyanna was too, to be honest. But then again, she’d been enraptured by Alan’s words since she’d been a tot, so it wasn’t all that different to usual.
"And that's when the attack comes," he raised his hands, bringing his two pointer fingers up side by side to show that raptors didn't hunt by themselves. "Not from the front, but from the sides. From the other two raptors you didn't even know were there," he and Lyanna both smirked. Alan stood up straight.
"Because Velociraptors are pack hunters... they use coordinated attack patterns and he attacks you with this," he raised the claw to show Johnny, whose eyes widened comically.
"A six-inch retractable claw, like a razor, on the middle toe," Alan placed the claw between his index and middle finger, showing him where the claw would have been situated. "He doesn't bite your jugular like a lion, no. He slashes at you here or here," he said, raking the claw along different places of the kid's torso.
"Or maybe your belly. Spilling your intestines," he then smiled, crouching down again so that his eyes were level with Johnny’s. "The point is... you are alive when they start to eat you," he grins, satisfied with the reaction he had elicited.
Even Lyanna thought he might have gone a little far. 
Johnny nods and hurries off. Alan turned and chuckled after seeing the look on Ellie's face. She didn’t look particularly impressed, but she also looked amused, so Alan must have known he wasn’t in too much trouble.
"Johnny is probably going to have nightmares now, Alan," Lyanna snorted, crossing her arms playfully. 
"There's nothing to be afraid of. They've been dead for 65 million years," he said factually. 
"It's the power of the imagination," she responded, tapping the side of his head. He smiled down at her and patted her shoulder affectionately.
The three of them started walking up the hill that separated them from the rest of the camp.
"You know, if you wanted to scare the kid you could have pulled a gun on him," Ellie laughed, pulling the brim of her bucket hat down to shield her face from the beating sun.
"Yeah, I know. I can't believe you want to have one of those," Alan replied, gesturing back towards the scanner area where the volunteers were wheeling the new equipment out of the sun.
"I don't think she wants that particular kid," Lyanna laughed, wiping another layer of sweat from her forehead.
"Exactly. I mean, a breed of child would be intriguing. What's so wrong with kids?" Ellie asked, squinting at Alan. 
"Oh Ellie... they're noisy, they're messy, they're expensive," Alan listed, trekking up the sand dune.
Ellie and Lyanna both laughed but she could see where he was coming from. Life was becoming more expensive by the day. One or two probably wouldn’t break the average person’s bank, though. 
"They smell," Alan added after a second of consideration.
"They do not smell!" Ellie laughed, shaking her head at the audacity.
"Babies smell," he reasoned, pointing an accusatory finger at her. He had her there, Lyanna supposed. 
Before Ellie could answer, there was a loud rumbling coming from the sky.
"Is that a chopper?" Lyanna asked, shielding her eyes from the bright midday sun. 
"We aren’t due for another inspection,” Alan replied just as the black machine came into view. Then he thought about it for another moment. “Are we?”
"I don't know but let's find out,” Lyanna thought out loud as the chopper started to come down towards the ground. And not on the dedicated landing strip either, she noticed.
“Oh shit,” she exclaimed suddenly, bolting into motion. “The dig!”
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lauramkaye · 9 months
Coming to a Fandom 10 Years Late (with Starbucks)
Pro: There are so many fics! And arts! So MANY! Novels and novels that you don't have to wait for the writer to finish!
Con: a large proportion of the fics have 100,000 + words and a million kudos, are chapter 46/?, and have not updated since 2015, and the author appears to have vanished
I usually skip to the last posted chapter to get an idea of whether the story will get to a satisfying place to leave off or if it's going to leave me on a terrible cliffhanger for all eternity.
Like I saw one the other day with an AMAZING opening that really grabbed me but in the last chapter, at 125,000 + words in, the couple wasn't even together yet and the main misunderstanding had not even been addressed, and I decided to give it a miss because I'd only be frustrated.
It's also kind of funny to be able to see all the fandom trends like you're carefully excavating them from rock strata ("ah, this one has a confession in the medical tent, not on Ravenhill! A fine example of pre-BOTFA craft.")
Anyway it's great how none of the Company died at the end of the Hobbit movies and in fact they all got better, isn't it?
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bahbahhh · 1 year
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the true story of mipha's grace.
NPC POV | Miphlink and Zelink | multichapter | rated T
also on Ao3
As promised in celebration of 500 followers on tumblr: A thematic successor to desire path and thank you for listening in which we are getting zelink from a NPC POV as well as a metaphor through nature. I wanted to give Mipha some love because I often seen (and have done this myself) her placed in a negative or shallow light with respect to Link and Zelda's relationship in botw. I also believe deeply you can love someone completely and not be meant for each other and that is okay. Follows Mipha's diary entries/Champions' Ballad. Suggested listening: What Was I Made For - Billie Eilish thank you to @zeldaelmo for beta reading this <3 you are tremendous!! And a shout out to @mistresslrigtar who took a little sneak peek for me (:
Chapter 1
notes: mipha's diary entries 1-3
They say the Divine Beasts are meant to resemble ancient creatures native to their region of origin. Mipha knows rivers flow all over and the sea is vast, but she’s never seen anything like Vah Ruta. She stands in the company of her father, King Dorephan, and others in various positions of leadership among the Zora in the belly of the ancient machine. They gather in shallow water that surrounds the main terminal, which has remained dormant since the excavation from the lake depths, having a preliminary discussion about pilot nominations. Allegedly, the Princess of Hyrule has been quietly making rounds across the realm, asking for “Champions” to operate the Divine Beast in the prophesied battle against the Calamity. Zora’s Domain is to be her last stop. 
“This is the mighty weapon of the Zora?” Trello, captain of the Zora Knights, asks flatly.
“Capable of drowning legions of enemies and freezing the water in the air into boulders of ice it can hurl like a trident, or so the Sheikah researchers say,” Seggin replies.
“It doesn’t resemble any fish I’ve seen. Jiahto, were you able to locate anything in the texts?” Muzu asks. 
“We once had a hunting group bring back fish with a nose like a sword from the Faron Sea, but this machine’s nose is flexible. There were seals, albeit mammals not fish, that once lined the Akkala island cliffs. Like those found in the Gerudo desert, these had similar tusks and were round in shape, but they balanced on flippers and lacked the ears and proboscis,” the Zora researcher says. “That is what this type of nose is called. Commonly referred to as a trunk.” Jiahto is Mipha’s least favorite member of the newly appointed Royal Council. “Undignified, if you ask me.” 
“I think it’s cute.” Mipha says, gazing up at the carving of the Sheikah eye in the stonework. 
“Cute?” Jiahto balks and then continues,“I heard the Goron’s Divine Beast is shaped like a fire lizard and the Rito’s an eagle. This familiarity will give them an advantage in their mastery, for sure. Our pilot needs to be wise enough to understand the ways of this mysterious creature.”
“I believe it is called an elephant.” Mipha lifts up her finger. 
“How do you know that?” Jiahto’s fin’s fold tight against his scales. Imagine that, someone with knowledge he doesn’t yet possess! 
“I asked the Sheikah.” Mipha shrugs. 
“It is cute,” her father agrees. He flashes a big black eye down at her and she smiles. Jiahto is also his least favorite member of the Council.
Muzu speaks up,“Just because it is unfamiliar, doesn’t not mean it is impractical. I’m sure our fins and gills are very curious to Hylians, too. And yet, look who they call upon when there is trouble in the waters?”
“And they will call upon us again. Very soon.” Her father looks over his shoulder through the openings in Vah Ruta’s walls. “According to the Sheikah, the Divine Beasts require someone worthy enough to control them. So while we might make our selection, I believe the Divine Beast will make the final determination.”
They begin to discuss among themselves. Jiahto favors a wise choice, and offers himself. Trello, a strong choice, and recommends one of his knights. Seggin, seconds it should be a knight, but recommends a different Zora. Muzu wonders if they should conduct trials for nominees to prove their worth. Dento, another Council member and a blacksmith, seems content to listen and occasionally grunts disapprovingly to stir up more debate. 
Her father has drifted away from them quietly, a feat seemingly impossible for someone so large and yet, he goes unnoticed toward the terminal, with his eyes still fixed on the Domain. Mipha moves to join him. 
“I fear the arrival of the Princess will bring tremendous danger to our home,” he says quietly.
Mipha sets her hand on his arm. It pains her to see him worried, but this is not a wound she can heal. It is the price of Kingship. “Father, if the prophecy of Calamity Ganon’s return is really coming true, could she also be seen as a symbol of hope? That she brings not danger, but a solution?”
Her father finally pulls his gaze away from the Domain and smiles at her. “You have grown into a wise Zora, my daughter. Seggin also tells me you are quite ferocious with that Lightscale trident. You will be a powerful, sensible, and beloved leader for our people one day.” 
Mipha squeezes her father’s arm, pride swirling in her chest, and steps back toward the terminal. There is a sudden shutter through the Divine Beast, a song of churning gears echoing through the chambers. The terminal blinks to life, a cool, inviting blue spreading across the intricate carvings. Mipha feels the machine’s eye on her somehow, like the spotlight of the moon, and it is the most seen she has ever felt in her entire life. It doesn’t feel like a choice, like favor. It feels like destiny. All at once, the secrets of Vah Ruta wash over her. She knows how to raise the trunk to bring the rain, how to blast beams of ice from the tusks, how to aim a mighty beam of burning light straight across Hyrule. If she were to lift her feet now, she is sure Vah Ruta would walk with her. All of this becomes her, like it’s been there all along, in a single pulse of blue light into the next. 
“Me?” Mipha whispers, bringing her hand up to trace the silver across her chest. 
“Absolutely not!” Muzu lunges forward and pulls Mipha back by the shoulders. Seggin is there too, with his weapon brandished, like the terminal might sprout hands and attempt to grab her. Dento and Trello jump in front of her, making a shield with the bodies. Even Jiahto is there, so agitated by the terminal's sudden glow, that his normally blue scales look purple.
“But-” Mipha starts, trying to find the words to describe to them what just happened, but Seggin cuts her off.
“It will pick someone else,” he commands loudly toward the terminal, his voice echoing off the walls.
“You are meant to be a healer!” says Dento.
“A leader!” says Trello.
“But maybe I can-” Mipha tries to pull her arms free from Muzu’s hold, but his hands are ironclad against her scales. Her father stands before her horrified, the spines of his fins flared, eyes wide on the terminal. She can see a strange conflict ripple across his face. He says something in old Zora, so low and guttural that she feels it vibrate the metal beneath her feet. She doesn’t know what he says and the terminal doesn’t answer. It just glows. She hears Muzu gasp. 
Her father waves his hand and the council starts to corral her back away toward the exit.
“Father, please, I can help if you just–”
“Danger is coming to Zora’s Domain. We need you here, Mipha. Your duty is with your people,” her father says. “It will pick someone else.” 
Behind him, the terminal blinks once and then dims. 
“But aren’t all Zora strong swimmers?”
Mipha looks down at her younger brother, his eyes crinkled up at her with an eagerness she finds most delightful, and takes a deep breath to prepare herself for the lengthy, repetitive explanation it often demands. Only eight springs have passed since he hatched, and although he is strong, he is still too young to join his peers in the Dive. Mipha offered to advise him individually in effort to evade more interrogations from the Council about what occurred on Vah Ruta the day prior and now finds herself standing on the banks of Ruto Lake just after dawn, teaching him the ways of the water which are best learnt after at least noon. 
But Sidon is excited and thankfully no longer crying, and very ready, so here they are. 
“Yes. But being a strong swimmer does not guarantee safety. Water is indefinitely wild. Misleading. Dangerous when it wants to be. To be a Zora is to know all the secret languages of water.” 
Sidon sticks out his chin. His tailfin, which hangs the length of him off the back of his head and folds on the ground behind his feet, sags with disappointment. “O-kay.”
Mipha pats his shoulder gently. She isn’t so far removed from her own Dive and those innocent years prior not to remember how he is feeling. The agony of waiting. The constant yearning to be bigger without comprehending what you are asking for. What you are wishing away. “You are a strong swimmer. And you will be a smart one, too. The very smartest once you know how to identify the different currents: undertows, rip currents, riptides–”  
“There are different currents?” Sidon interrupts.
Mipha shakes her head. “Yes. Depending on what kind of water you are in – a river, a lake, a bay – what time of day, the status of the tide.”
“But does it really matter if you are a strong enough swimmer?” Sidon tilts his head so dramatically that the black feather on his headpiece nearly touches the ground.
“See these tiny waves here?” She points down to her feet as a small rush of clear water washes over her toes. Her fins flex against the chill. “No matter how big or how small, the water pushed by a wave needs a way of traveling back out to the larger body of water. In this case, the lake. A rip current isn’t part of the waves lifespan like an undertow is–”
“Wait, they aren’t the same thing?” Sidon gasps.
“A rip current doesn’t pull you under, it will pull you out. A rip current is created when the water a wave pushes up onto shore finds a fast opening back out. Usually a beak in the sandbar floor. This creates a narrow path of very strong water and will pull even the strongest of swimmers away from the shore. It is especially dangerous near open water like the sea, but they can occur in any body of water with breaking waves. If you are Zora, you know how to spot and beat the rip current.”
“Beat the rip current?” Sidon makes a fist and pumps it excitedly.  “How do I do that?” 
“In time, in time.” Mipha wipes the sleep from her eyes and suppresses a yawn. “First you need to learn to spot it.”
“So what’s an undertow, then?” 
“Think about when we’ve been bodysurfing in Necluda. That feeling when the wave sort of pulls you right up under the crest of it? Right before you catch and can ride it all the way up onto the beach? An undertow is the pull of a wave right before it crashes down.”
Sidon fans his arms out like he’s flying or floating. “It’s so fun!”
Mipha sets her hands on his and eases them back down to his sides. “Yes, surfing is. It is important to know how you are having that fun, though. And what to do if the waves and that undertow grow too strong.”
Sidon nods and sets his brows low. He does this when he’s ‘thinking extra hard’. It always makes Mipha smile.
“What about a riptide?” 
For some reason, Mipha’s eyes turn upward. The moon is pale against the bright morning sky, on its way down to the horizon where it will sleep and rise again with dusk. Her eyes land on the southern wall of the reservoir where just beyond, Vah Ruta stands dormant in the center of the lake. “A riptide, well, a riptide is similar to a rip current because they can pull you out from the shore, but a riptide is much stronger and fixed.” Mipha glances up. “Riptides are connected to the tide. To the moon. Whereas rip currents are created, can pop up and disappear...riptides just are.”
“Like the ten-year storm?” Sidon asks.
Mipha smiles. “Just like that.”
Like clockwork– like it’s written in the very stars that shine over Zora’s Domain itself, dating back to time immemorial even to the mighty Zora, the Lanayru Region has been plagued by torrential rainfall in the wet season once every ten years. 
It’s funny, to say there is anything other than a wet season for a province completely surrounded by and defined by water, but everything from the flora to the fauna know this rhythm and pay due respect. For despite its necessity to every living thing in all of Hyrule, an overabundance of water will mercilessly and swiftly drown anything that underestimates it. Even the Zora. 
Thankfully, flooding hasn’t been a problem for the Zora since long before Mipha’s great-grandfather’s grandfather was even born. The reservoir, marking the ancient intersection of Zora architecture and Hylian engineering, contains the most destructive torrents when the heavy rains come. The waters around the Domain still swell though, and the gentle river named for Mipha’s people whips like a powerful tailfin across Hyrule. It replenishes every shallow stream, every thirsty lake and pond and marsh along the way, even reinforcing the protective gully around Hyrule Castle itself with enough water to sustain life for the next decade. 
Muzu says the Zora River is the vein that connects Hyrule’s heart and brain. He’s never clarified which is which, so Mipha likes to imagine her people are the heart of Hyrule.
That means that when waves that started around her feet finally crash against the stone walls that cradle Hyrule Castle, Link hears the echoes from inside the knight's quarters there, and it sounds just like her heart beating.
The distant struggle of her people during these storms is memorialized by the stone monuments that surround her home. It is the duty of a Zora King to recast the tablets during their reign, adding new wisdom in reflection and relevant current events to the chronicle. The monuments of the past kings are transferred to the waters under the Domain and set into the crystal pillars with luminous stone. Muzu says this is why the Zora live longer than any people in Hyrule. Not only do they record events, but they learn from the past, bear witness to how it is retold, and use that wisdom to literally reinforce the framework of dominium they call home.
The significance of the Dive ceremony is twofold. The first involves a collective review of the old monuments under Zora’s Domain. Every Zora swims as deep as they can – no one has ever claimed to find the bottom. A millennium or so ago, it is said Zora from the Lanayru Sea, the same group her father’s family came from, traveled to the Domain and a Zora almost as massive as her father now, with teeth like a saw blade, dove into the darkness, not emerging again for over ninety minutes, and still could not find the bottom. 
Secondly, it is a significant milestone for the youngest Zora who dive from the East Reservoir Lake into the waters surrounding the Domain to formally join the community.  Only after the fall, when they’ve chosen the water and not the sky, are they said to be blessed with the long life of the Hyrule Zora.
Mipha remembers fondly when she completed the Dive. A Zora isn’t eligible to make the Dive until their fins are fully matured. She’s given up trying to understand how Hylians age. Something about candles and sugar bread makes them taller and stronger. For the Zora, it takes wet seasons, sometimes five, sometimes fifteen. The ten-year storm always comes when it's meant to. Clockwork, stars and all that.
But what else felt written in the stars that day, along with the rain that fell from the sky in sheets (she’d overheard Seggin say it was pissing rain that storm in particular), was it was also the day she met Link. The Zora aren’t secretive when it comes to their traditions. Their history is literally written in stone for any traveler to study. The terrain surrounding the Domain just creates a natural barrier, like the volcanic mountain that surrounds the rock-people’s city to the north or the miles of shadeless desert around the Gerudo to the south. Most travelers prefer easier paths. 
Nevertheless, Mipha’s father’s father began sending out official invitations to witness the Dive to each region leader every ten years. For a long time, no one came. The journey for the Gerudo is long and dangerous especially when you account for the fact the request requires them to travel in weather they are unaccustomed to. The weather also keeps the Rito away and the Sheikah prefer to remain hidden despite rumors the Hylian King took a Sheikah advisor shortly after the royal Princess was born. The Goron are happy to stay on their mountain, but always send their signature “rock roast” with well-wishes for strength. The Hylians in the outskirts of the Central Hyrule, those that cling to the warm waters in Faron or line the cliffs facing the Necluda sea with giant windmills rarely stray from the main roads that all lead to Hyrule center, especially with the recent rumors of the monster populations increasing. 
So it came as a bit of a surprise when a modest-sized group of them from Akkala, albeit the majority soldiers from the citadel there, appeared on the Great Zora Bridge, soaking wet and eager for shelter and good company. Their newly appointed captain, a fisherman turned soldier, had intercepted the invitation on route to the newly founded Ancient Technology Laboratory and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share his admiration for the Zora with his regiment. He claimed to have interacted with many during his years at sea and credited one group in particular with saving his life when his ship capsized during a storm.
Mipha’s father was ecstatic to share her Dive with the Hylians. He expanded the feast, opened the dry guest chambers, and personally escorted the Hylians up the mountainside, stopping to read each stone monument to them and answer any curious questions. From what Mipha recalls, there weren't many, but she was also distracted by the captain’s profoundly energetic four-year-old son. She didn’t even know his name, a detail somehow lost amongst the bustle of adults enjoying deep conversation and the constant pattering of rain. She resorted to calling him ‘little boy!’ and was so busy keeping him from slipping off the cliffs or irritating a hidden, otherwise non-hostile octorock, that she almost forgot what they were climbing for until they were at the top and her people were waiting. 
As she looked over the edge of the reservoir and gazed upon the dark and distant waters below, she was overcome with the feeling this was more than just a flying leap. She knew what to expect – the sensation of her stomach floating in her belly, her eyes becoming so wind-whipped that she teared up, the rush of cool air across her fins when she finally hit the water, but for Mipha, daughter of the King Zora, the late Queen’s living shadow, with fins fitted for nobility and braced for elegance, the ceremonial Dive was more than formally joining her community. It was the abandonment of her juvenility. A mysterious transformation that never made much sense to her, as if by some ancient magic sparked by the speed of her fall and the embrace of her Domain, she would emerge from the waters and be suddenly mature. Responsible. Boring. 
“Little girl?”
Mipha turned and spotted the Hylian boy, blond hair slick against his pale skin, his eyes so prominent on his face that she was able to see they shined bluer than the  sapphires on her newly placed silver gorget.
“I’m not a little girl,” Mipha corrected him. “If you were paying attention instead of trying pester that poor octorock, you would have heard completing this Dive means I’m an adult.”
The Hylian scrunched up his face and moved his hands in front of him intentionally. 
Mipha frowned. He sighed and cleared his throat a few times, as if suddenly unable to find his voice in his throat. 
“Oh, do you speak with your hands?” Mipha asked. 
The boy shook his head eagerly. 
“And sometimes you speak out loud?”
The boy gestured in a way that implied that was correct. 
Mipha softened a little. “I'm afraid I don’t know too much, I only just started my study on foreign languages as a part of my training, but…” She signed the letter slowly and spoke. “M-I-P-H-A.”
The boy’s face lit up. He looked up at her with those sapphire eyes, big and round and filled with wonder, like she had used magic to heal a hidden wound. “L-I-N-K.”
“Yes.” He found his voice and laughed. 
“Right, well, it’s nice to meet you, Link.” She felt her cheeks fill with warmth and was thankful for the camouflage of her crimson scales. “So no more of this little girl or little boy business!”
He tilted his head curiously. 
“You really weren’t paying attention were you. The Dive, becoming an adult, all of that?”
Link shook head disbelievingly and lifted his eyebrows. 
“I will be,” Mipha insisted with her hands on her hips.
He waved his hands about himself flippantly, implying ‘me too, eventually’.
“You are still very much a kid, I am afraid to say.” Mipha said.
Link suddenly took a step closer and used his hand to measure their heights. She was a good half a foot taller than him at least. He peered past her over the edge of the cliffs and then back at the adults–Hylian and Zora alike, lost in their chatter. 
“Will you still look like a kid? When it’s done?” He asked. 
Although magic was known by the Zora, the manipulation of water by some, healing art by others, there was no natural sorcery that could age the body rapidly. Everyone she’d ever seen complete the Dive looked the same after. “Yes, I think so.”
“So what changes?”
Mipha thought for a moment, wringing her hands together, not wanting to speak out loud her fears of maturity and duty. “I suppose nothing.”
“Okay, so you’ll come play with me some more when you are finished? Please?”
His father came then and fetched him back to observe. And her father was there with Muzu and Seggin and the other Elders, giving a speech about tradition and honor and ceremony. He spoke at length about his daughter, a Princess, and his hope for her path, the promise of her stature, but when Mipha leapt forward off the side of the cliff, all she could think about racing Link around the home sculpture, skipping rocks across the Bank of Wishes, and learning as much as she could about Hylian sign language. 
And when she finally emerged from the waters, that’s exactly what she did.
“But which one is the most dangerous, sister?” Sidon tugs at her pectoral fin, pulling Mipha from her thoughts. 
“I’m sorry,” Mipha says, shaking her head. “I was adrift in thought. What now?”
“A riptide, a rip current, or an undertow. Which is most dangerous?”
“If you can’t recognize when you’ve been caught in one, they are all, my dear Sidon,” Mipha says, her eyes drifting back toward the reservoir. Years have passed since that day. And while the friendship that grew from their first meeting allowed Mipha to hold onto her adolescence a little longer, she and Link had indeed grown up. Seven of his Hylian years were spent primarily in her Domain, and during them, they both grew taller, his voice (when he used it) became deeper, and their days filled with less play and more training for war. The Calamity prophecy came from the west followed shortly by a call to arms from the Hylian King. Link was a tremendous swordsman, so it came as no surprise when his father was summoned from Akkala to the castle, Link left as well. 
They wrote letters for many years. Mostly, Link lamented about the poor quality of food, longing for slices of raw salmon and blue crab legs and dried seaweed with salt. He mentioned there was talk about making him a soldier and then sometime later, rumors he was being considered for the Royal Guard after he returned from the hostile Great Hyrule Forest unscathed and wielding a sword with a blade like moonlight. But he also reminisced about their time together freely, how she taught him how to swim and he taught her how to parry and the time he tried to jump off the reservoir and broke both his legs. Mipha had fetched him from the water, healed him, and refused to speak to him for a week. 
He also said even though it is not permitted, if they make him a Royal Guard, he’ll still wear her earrings. She never found out how that fared. He hasn’t returned her letters in a year. 
“Mipha?” Sidon slips his little hand into hers.
“Sorry, sorry, what was the question again?” Mipha shakes her head. The silver charms that adore her fins jingle like bells. 
“Someone’s coming,” he says.
“What?” Mipha looks over her shoulder. Above them, halfway across Luto's Crossing, is a lone horseman decorated with the colors of the Hylian Royal Family. And although she hasn't seen him in five years, she knows she could recognize his silhouette even if it had been a hundred. For a moment, she forgets about what happened inside Divine Beast Ruta. She forgets about the Council and duty and destiny. 
She cups her mouth with her trembling hands and shouts: “Link!”
The horseman stops. His face finds the sunlight. His jawline is sharper and his skin is tan, but his eyes still shine like sapphires. He lifts his hand up above his head and signs her name. 
Mipha takes off running.
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kamehamehamlet · 6 months
I saw this show back at Fringe and it haunts me to this day.
I cried over a show where everybody was wearing wheelies. Amazing.
If you wanted to do a revival (I want you to do a revival) would you consider doing at at a show at a local geek convention, like CONvergance? I think it would go over really well there, and I would love to see it again.
Hi @leebrontide! I'm grateful/sorry KamehameHamlet has been haunting you for nearly a decade. But genuinely, thank you. I shared your review/reblog with the director, Shalee, and it meant a lot. I have a bit more to say about that, but I'll save it for the very end because it has mild thematic spoilers and well, this blog only exists because most people haven't seen KamehameHamlet... yet. As for your question, I've been planning to share my thoughts about a full production revival at some point, so I hope you don't mind me diving in.
To respond to your question about a proper revival:
In the grand scheme of possibilities, I haven't written off a revival production. However, we would want to make sure it is accessible via recording, and if we're putting recorded staged theatre into the world, we want to make sure the recording is professionally captured and edited. I haven't done the research, but my gut estimate is that it would be a pretty penny. Additionally, a goal across the revival project is to make sure we are ethically supporting any artists involved. Put together, this means a revival production would require significant funding on top of other logistical elements. This isn't to say it isn't a goal, but I don't see it as something we would be able to achieve this year. that said I believe one of the magic things about theatre is the nature of works to be produced by different people who each bring their own passion and points of view. This is why I'm exploring options for making the script available for others to put on their own productions. I've had at least one person reach out about possibly submitting KHH to a Shakespeare festival, and I read a handful of reblog tags where folks mentioned wanting to perform it at the schools, etc. and that really excites me. It would be my dream to see this performed across the world so everyone would have a chance to support live and local theatre. Some runs will be great, some will be bad, and some will haunt you for a decade, but that's theatre! To bring this back to the topic of a revival, I'm working on a post to share tomorrow. But I'll tease it here. While a full production isn't likely anytime soon, we are working on a staged reading with the original cast and director for this year. This will be available to watch online! Finally, (or well, finally before we talk mild spoilers) since you brought up Convergence I'm really really curious if you learned about our play because of the flyers we put up at Convergence the week or so before our show. We made a handful of different flyer designs, printed maybe 100 copies and plastered the double tree. I'll share the others in an upcoming archival post but here's my favorite!
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Mild thematic spoilers for KHH below!
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^Lee's reblog/review for context!
Once again, thank you for the kind words and I really want to shout out Shalee here. Her direction excavated the themes of pretend/play violence that I'm really glad resonated so well with you. And speaking with her, I know it's inspired by playing DBZ with her friends outside as a kid. While this POV might not always be present in my dream of endless productions, I'm certain if she gets a chance to direct it again, it will be at the heart of that production. And if we get a chance, we'll be sure to save you a seat.
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icedragonlizard · 11 months
Magolor headcanons
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Another post for my "series" of tumblr posts going over general headcanons for singular characters of the Kirby series!
Magolor is another Kirby character that I have a lot of headcanons for. Allow me to get started on going over them!
He's also fun to make a lot of headcanons for! I'll put a 'Keep reading' tag because it'll be another long one. As always, everything that is underneath the keep reading tag is purely my headcanons.
When Magolor first excavated and repaired the Lor Starcutter in Halcandra, he then used it to take a fun cruise around outer space. That was his first time piloting the Lor after he fixed it.
During his cruise around outer space, he found a certain jester helplessly floating around as a result of getting blasted into a clockwork star. This is, of course, Marx. Upon encountering him, Magolor felt bad, so he decided to take Marx in and recover him, and become his friend in the process.
Marx then shared vital information to Magolor that eventually led to RTDL's events taking place. He disclosed about his incident with Kirby that almost got him killed. This gave Magolor the grand idea to plot a betrayal against Kirby, like Marx before him. He planned in having this betrayal give him the opportunity to finally get his hands on the Master Crown and attempt universal conquest.
He's wanted the Master Crown for a long time, but he was previously incapable of acquiring it, since he couldn't defeat Landia in a fight. But ever since he took the Lor on a cosmic cruise and found Marx, and learned about Kirby's existence thanks to Marx, this had given Magolor high hopes of finally getting the Master Crown by using Kirby and co to defeat Landia as his way of obtaining it.
Now that I'm done going over my pre-RTDL headcanons for Magolor, let's get into all the headcanons that take place after the game!
Magolor got his act together after spending five miserable months in Another Dimension. As he finally left that horrible, twisted dimension, he spent a couple of years in the Dream Kingdom to obtain enough capital to start his dream of building an amusement park in Planet Popstar. This would be his apology to Kirby and co, as he wanted to reconcile and sincerely become their friend after what happened.
Although he interacted nicely with some residents in the Dream Kingdom, he didn't really care enough to make any actual friends during his time there. He didn't intend to stay there for too long. He did, however, say his goodbyes to them as he left.
After leaving the Dream Kingdom, he did a few things before making his grand return to Planet Popstar:
First, he temporarily returned to Halcandra to apologize and reconcile with Landia, and then fix the broken Lor Starcutter.
The dragon was rather skeptical at first, but forgives as it eventually realized that Magolor was sorry. The two don't actually become true friends, but they've been at peaceful terms with each other since. That being said, Landia did make the decision to show up at Popstar one time to check out Magolor's amusement park when it heard about the park's opening! This headcanon is to help explain why Landia makes an appearance in Merry Magoland.
Magolor then worked in getting the Lor Starcutter back together in Halcandra. Thankfully, all the energy spheres were in the planet, and he was able to achieve them all, with Landia's help on some of them.
When he got the Lor back up and running, and bid a farewell to Landia as he left Halcandra, he did one more thing before returning to Popstar: find Marx and break the news to him.
Magolor met Marx again after a long time, and broke the news on everything that happened since they last saw each other. After breaking the news, Magolor then let Marx know about his plan to go back to Popstar to reconcile with Kirby and co, and attempted to encourage the jester to do the same. However, Marx stubbornly refused to do so at first, very much to Magolor's disappointment.
But nevertheless, Magolor still stuck to his decision to make up with Kirby and the others, as he still really wanted to do so. And to his joy, Marx eventually went ahead to also make his reconciliation with Kirby some time after Magolor did his, but not before the two tricksters had strife with each other over this when Marx hadn't relented yet.
When Magolor finally returned to Popstar and made his grand apology, he was very quickly forgiven by Kirby and King Dedede. Meta Knight was quite skeptical at first, but eventually also forgave Magolor, although he definitely needed some time before he did so. That's 3/4 of the dream team that forgave him.
However... the fourth member of the dream team hasn't, and to this day, still doesn't forgive Magolor. Bandana Waddle Dee still holds a grudge against him. This is elaborated more on my post talking about how Bandee is a big hater and still has very angry feelings about most of Kirby's friends that used to be villains.
But despite not getting forgiveness from Bandee, that didn't stop Magolor from being allowed to make Popstar his new home planet. That's exactly what he did as he made his grand return, as he got himself situated at somewhere out in Dream Land as his home area. Where he lives is on an outer edge of Dream Land that can see Orange Ocean from a distance. It's also where the Lor Starcutter will be sitting around for the majority of the time from here on out.
Even though Magolor announced that he'll build an amusement park after making his apology to the dream team, he didn't immediately start doing it. He lives in Popstar for several years until he finally gets around to start building his park. During that time frame, he gets to know Kirby's other friends, including ones that are also ex-villains. Over the years, he makes many friends.
His four closest friends are Kirby, Marx, Taranza and Susie. I've made earlier tumblr posts on how he interacts with Marx as well as how he interacts with his Taranza and Susie. So go check those out if you'd like, as I won't repeat his entire dynamics with them in here.
Post-RTDL, Magolor can be considered a 'big brother' friend to Kirby. In fact, as soon as he made his apology, Kirby gave him a hug as he was glad to see that he was alright, and that hug turned out to be well-deserved considering Magolor's efforts in getting to that point.
It delights Magolor every time Kirby comes to visit him at his home. One of his favorite things to do with Kirby is make him laugh. Overall, though, he wants to keep making the little guy proud. As he considers Kirby to be very special, he's highly honored to now be friends with him, and doesn't want to ruin that again.
Now going past Magolor's four closest friends, he has many other friends that he's also often silly with.
King Dedede has taken a large liking to Magolor while warming up to him post-RTDL. These two often engage in funny talk, and sometimes even impersonate each other's voices just to mess with each other. Every so often, Magolor may also come around Dedede's castle to pull a prank or two. When Merry Magoland became open, Dedede found lots of amusement with the dress-up masks, as he and Magolor often impersonate others' voices when wearing masks.
It took Meta Knight some time to forgive Magolor. Initially, he was quite pissed off for a while, since that betrayal hit pretty hard for him. But as Meta Knight experiences Magolor more and more post-RTDL, knowing that a betrayal won't happen again, he does genuinely warm up to him. At one point, he fully accepts him as a friend.
There was one time where Magolor was even invited to the Halberd, and he was more than capable of making Meta Knight's crew laugh. The Halberd crew really likes him! Meta Knight is also very much amused by him sometimes as well. There may be occasions where he finds Magolor a bit annoying, but he's pretty good with him now. Magolor really likes Meta Knight and thinks he's a total badass.
Magolor is good friends with the mage sisters. He loves messing around with them, as well as talking about ancient technology with them. Of the three, Flamberge is the one he's closest friends with, as he likes how bombastic she is compared to the others.
He lovably has nicknames for all three of them. His nickname for Zan Partizanne is 'Zan Parmesan Cheese', he calls Flamberge 'Flamburger' and he calls Francisca 'Friendcisca'. When referring to the trio as a whole, he calls them the 'traffic-light trio girls'.
Daroach is another one that Magolor is pretty good friends with. These two have a particular thing going on where they love to steal from each other. There's definitely some irritation during this, but they both think it's really fun and enriching to commit robbery on each other. They'll often be like "DAMN! How'd he get me this time?"
Magolor and Daroach admire each other's slyness as they steal from each other. Even when they aren't stealing from each other, they sometimes hang out as well. They've got a similar sense of humor and will often tell each other jokes. They can also sometimes form a trio with Marx, where all three of them commit tomfoolery together.
Gooey really likes Magolor, and vice versa. Magolor enjoys making Gooey laugh, and like with Kirby, he's also delighted whenever the little dark matter defect comes to visit him. He'll often pat Gooey on the head like the good boy he is. There are times Magolor will trick Gooey into doing funny things in the light-hearted sense, and of course the blue blob doesn't mind it when that happens!
Adeleine, Ribbon and the animal friends are all on decent terms with Magolor as well. Rick and Kine in particular quite like him, as they'll often engage in funny talk with him when he encounters them. Magolor may sometimes hype Kine up as some wholesome fish that can kick some major ass, which of course makes Kine laugh.
Dark Meta Knight is... someone that doesn't get along with Magolor. Magolor tried to be his friend at first, but it didn't exactly work out as DMK wasn't really interested in being his friend. DMK thinks that he's just some obnoxious attention-seeking weirdo he'd rather not have anything to do with. Whoops...
Magolor and Elfilin are... sort of on neutral terms with each other. At first, Elfilin thought he was really weird and obnoxious until eventually warming up to him, but not really close enough to consider a friend. Magolor likes Elfilin, although he feels bad about weirding him out many times.
That more or less wraps up on how Magolor interacts with other notable members of the Kirby cast in my headcanons. He's been forgiven by the dream team except for Bandana Waddle Dee, and he's got rather silly dynamics with most of the other ex-villains that have also become Kirby's friends.
I think it's worth noting that Magolor has a bunch of 'partners-in-crime' relationships with many of the other ex-villains. He's got a 'partners-in-crime' with Marx, one with Taranza, one with Susie, one with Daroach, and ones with the mage sisters. Sometimes, he'll be joined by one of them in doing tomfoolery, because they all know how much he enjoys it. Can't deny that mischief is fun, huh?
Magolor's favorite food is apples, although his favorite type of food is fruit in general. Apples weren't always his favorite food, though, as it used to be pineapples until he started doing things with gem apples to inspire him to eat apples more.
Speaking of gem apples, Magolor has pulled pranks involving them. During Star Allies, when the mage sisters were the enemy, Magolor would offer them gem apples 'snacks' after defeating them, and then snapped his fingers to have the gem apples blow up in their faces to further humiliate them. Also looks at Daroach, who stole gem apples from Magolor before, but found out that it was pretty dumb to have done so.
While he has a fascination with ancient technology, he's gradually learning more about modern technology thanks to Susie. He has a phone that she made for him. Sometimes, he prank-calls people on the phone... he has Susie, Taranza and the mage sisters as contacts, so that's who he occasionally prank-calls, lol.
As Magolor's home area in an outer edge of Dream Land is where the Lor Starcutter will normally sit around at when he's not piloting it, he's been implementing upgrades onto it over time. He's given the Lor the capability of playing music, as well as the ability to play videos on its screens, meaning he can pretty much use the Lor's screens like a television. He'll sometimes play music or watch videos inside the Lor late at night, right before he goes to sleep.
Speaking of going to sleep, the Lor is where Magolor sleeps inside of. He doesn't have a normal house or anything, as he basically uses the Lor as his 'house'. Every time right before he goes to sleep, he turns off most of the Lor's functions so it doesn't make some really dumb malfunction as he sleeps. That wouldn't be good, lol.
He'll sometimes take the Lor out onto rides. He'll also use it for whenever he goes to vacation on other planets, or even to visit friends that live outside of Popstar (such as Susie and the mage sisters). He's more than glad to take friends onto rides in the Lor as he pilots it to places, either so they get to experience it in while it's in full operation or they may be going on the same vacation with him.
When the Lor isn't at Magolor's home in Dream Land, that means he's outside of Popstar for the time being, doing something on some other planet. Whether the Lor is at his home or not is an indicator if he's in Popstar or not. He occasionally does things out of the planet.
He's taken a vacation on Halcandra post-Star Allies one time, just to see what the place was up to and to see how Landia has been doing. While Halcandra is a messy place, it appears that Landia is the closest thing that the planet has to a 'ruler'. Magolor took some of his friends with him during this rare vacation to Halcandra.
The Lor Starcutter is Magolor's method of getting to the Forgotten Land, since he doesn't care enough to ask Elfilin to open up portals for him to get there, so instead he gets there himself. He's also brought many others to the Forgotten Land by using the Lor.
His first vacation in the Forgotten Land was with Taranza and Susie, who he took with him by using the Lor. The three of them checked out the place together for the first time. Then at some point later, Magolor made a second vacation in the Forgotten Land, as that time he brought Marx with him as he showed him around the place.
Magolor has been really enjoying his time in the Forgotten Land. He experienced everything that Waddle Dee Town had to offer, but what he liked the most was checking out the weapons shop where he liked seeing all of the ability 'costumes' that Kirby has worn.
After Forgotten Land's events is when Merry Magoland finally finishes production and becomes open to the public. That it opens up this recently explains how there are dress-up masks for Forgotten Land characters, as Magolor visited the place before finishing up his amusement park. Production began several months before Forgotten Land's events, and finished up some time after.
A large group of waddle dees helped Magolor build the park. They helped build the structures and the attractions. They assured to keep building the park as they gave Magolor the opportunity to take a vacation in the Forgotten Land, as he was way too intrigued to not visit there at his soonest opportunity to do so.
NOTE: While I'm aware that Merry Magoland might actually be taking place in a different reality, I'm making it exist in my headcanon universe. I mean, to be fair, you can see it in the background in some parts of the main story in RTDLDX, so I'd think it should be okay to have it exist in my headcanon universe.
Magolor himself created the dress-up masks. He created them using his magic, as over the years he's been improving on his magic and has developed the capability of creating things such as plushies.
The other notable members of the Kirby cast have had... wildly varying reactions to the masks. Many loved it, others kind of had a bone to pick with him about it. He didn't exactly get a whole lot of brownie points from Taranza and Susie when he made masks of their dead loved ones, despite them being his friends. Whoops. He did apologize, though... they eventually got over it as they're still his friends, but ooooh were they NOT happy about it at first.
Overall, aside from the controversy over the masks, the general reception of Merry Magoland is rather well. Many however have pointed out how hilarious it is for the main castle structure to resemble Magolor, as well as all the Magolor symbols floating around the place. That more than proves his pridefulness.
Magolor doesn't want trouble happening in his park. If someone tries to kickstart chaos, they'll be kicked out. They don't get banned from the park, as they can come back later, but they'll be asked to leave for the time being if they cause trouble. May need to look at Marx for this one, considering he has a bigger tendency for chaos than most others do.
The park has hours of when it's open and closed. It's open for most of the day, but it's closed during early morning and late night. There are times where Magolor might decide to close the park for a few days if he wants to go on a vacation or something, or he might close it for one day if he's wanting to go to some big event. Of course, he still has things he'd like to do outside of the park, and thus there are occasional days where he may have the park close for the time being.
Magolor may host particular events in Merry Magoland, such as holiday-related events, or when a close friend's birthday is coming.
Speaking of birthdays, he's made his own birthdays events in the park before! But before Merry Magoland opened, Magolor did have his birthdays celebrated in Dream Land ever since he moved in. Kirby would kickstart a birthday party for him every time. He really appreciates it! His non-Popstar friends will also show up for him.
There were some birthdays where he invited a bunch of people over to inside the Lor to have some party, and they either dance to music playing or they watch videos together. Either way, it's a lot of fun!
Back then in earlier parts of his life, his birthdays went uncelebrated as he didn't really have anybody. That changed post-RTDL when he started actually having people in his life to celebrate his birthdays with. He always gets super duper excited when his birthday hits.
Kirby always gives Magolor a big hug on his birthday. Awwwww........ that in of itself can be considered a present. It makes Magolor rather emotional every time that happens!
I think that about wraps up the headcanons that I have for Magolor! He's quite a fun character, isn't he? If you've taken the time to read all this, I thank you very much.
I made an earlier post going over my general headcanons for Susie, and if you decide to also check out that post if you haven't already, then I'd appreciate it!
Well, since now I've made these posts for both Susie and Magolor, that means Taranza will be the next Kirby character to make a massive headcanon post about to get this done for all of Wave 3! So you'll have that to look forward to.
I suppose that after Taranza, I may do either Marx or Gooey next after him. But for now, you get Magolor, and you also have Susie that I wrote general headcanons for earlier.
I look forward to seeing you for more later!
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