#I have way more but my info dumping is done for now lmao
vertumnanaturalis · 11 months
Random headcanons/reasoning behind headcanons because I'm thinking about them
below the read more because idk how long this is gonna end up being
I went with both ships having started using a Vertumna based calender straight from launch. It wouldn't have month names yet, but it would run off the 387(ish) day calender I've come up with rather than Earth's 365.25 day one, with the definition of smaller units of time slightly adjusted to have a new definition of 24 hours based on a slightly longer second
In-universe, this would be because of all the technical issues you'd face having to reprogram everything with a different definition of how long a second is, let alone a minute or hour or day, ect ect.
The out-of-universe reasoning is that it makes it easier for me to do math about peoples ages, and trying to adjust writing to use vastly different time schedules is WAY harder in practice than it is in theory
Also the reason I went with the calender being that length is that it would have characters reach their first "lap year" at Vertumna age 16, turing 17 Earth years at about the same time. It'd put almost all of the main characters a full Earth year older by the time they switch to their final portraits.
Honestly the main reason was so that Sol, Anemone, and the twins turn 18 in Earth years that year rather than the next, because it makes some of the stuff they can get up to (dating older characters, drinking, soldiering, war criming....) feel a little less :S for me personally
Any given Sol's birthday could be from the middle of Early Quiet to the first half of Mid Quiet, kinda like how they can have different names and augments and such
For a BUNCH of reasons I'll eventually write down in a legible manner, I strongly believe that Dys and Tang are planned fraternal twins and geneticly half siblings, sharing Besk as their biological mother and having different donors for the other half of their dna
For similar reasons, all of Anne's children have different donors for fathers, and the triplets were planned as triplets from before conception
I think that like how Sol's augment can vary from timeline to timeline, whether or not Nomi actually has one and what it might be varies too, but it's always a mystery on their part
Since the game says the Helio was in space for less time than the Strato but never specifies how much less, I went with Lindsey's not-technically-canon idea(?) that it was in space for about 15 years.
When the Helios arive, Vace is already 18, and Rex turns 16 shortly after, so this would put them as actually Earth born rather than space born, like Utopia. (Actually ended up basing a lot of the npc and family planning of the Helio around this idea and the implications it could have)
Another not-technically-canon thing Lindsey mentioned was that the Helios' long form names are retronyms picked after landing; I'm... not actually using that one, technically, but I did go with the similar idea of it being something that people with unfitting names did upon leaving Earth.
Idk, I just think that if you know how the naming process works enough to have new ones picked by the time you get there that you probably left with that information, so why would they have waited to switch over if they were gonna do it at all?
Also, the military fascist group coming into town and suddenly changing their names to fit the local culture isn't really, like... in line with how those groups tend to work.
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leonenjoyer69 · 4 months
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The sillies :3 and the both colored and not bc I really really like the sketch for this one :3 my old emo playlist has recently creeped back into my life and ofc Migraine by Tøp hits me with this wonderful idea. Also, fun fact, the physical drawing was originally just supposed to be a concept doodle that I was gonna redraw on a different paper but I uh, got carried away..
Anyways!!! Little info dump below the cut on the relationship between the 3 of them bc @dustmint asked about it and I thought I'd share my response here too, teehee
I do firmly believe that Hyde fights Harry more Aggressively and outright, on board to do whatever it takes to get rid of him (or at least out of control) , while Jekyll took a bit more convincing (mostly once he was done freaking out over the fact that he's a fraction of a person just like Hyde is). He definitely also hates Harry, but in a more subtle, silent way >:3 instead sorta challenging Harry mentally as opposed to physically, like Hyde wishes to. He's generally more observant and tries to strike when he thinks it best, sometimes his emotions get the best of him tho.
So, once they figure out what/who Harry is from his lil journals in the mind scape, Jekyll may or may not have an identity crisis (he definitely does) but once he kinda gets through that he just feels bad for Harry, being locked away in the mind scape so long and dealing with everything there and such. Plus, Harry is seemingly their whole parts (their previously whole parts, at the least), so Jekyll certainly doesn't want him to die or anything. Hyde doesn't really feel too strongly about him right off the bat, more so just annoyed that Harry took control and now he's stuck in the mind scape with Jekyll.
Though!! Things change once Harry kinda shows his resentment towards the two, saying that he wouldn't be letting them out anytime soon, and revealing how he plans to reverse the potion. This immediately sends Hyde into feral dog mode, trying to use literally everything he can to absolutely break Harry and gain control back. Jekyll is still a bit reluctant for a while, but eventually starts siding more with Hyde, plotting how to gain control back or take care of Harry without killing all of them, bc ofc they don't wanna die.
But yeah, between sending out nightmares, forcing the heart palpitations and such by fighting, or just being a general nuisance (most all of which are usually by Hyde) it's not really surprising that the resentment Harry already had towards them grows lmao.
He does eventually find out that those little phantom strings he can still see around his wrists and such can kinda be used to vaguely control/subdue his other halves. Yeah, he threatens them a lot.
Also!!! Jekyll and Hyde start getting along better, but definitely still bicker and shit occasionally (which tends to piss Harry off a bit, since he's been so fed up with their fighting and refusing to be one for so long, it just ticks him off very easily). Jekyll also feels really jealous of Harry bc of how he seems to be able to fix things so easily (and his blooming relationship with Lanyon ofc)
Anyways!! That's all I got for now lmao. Lots of character development for Harry lately. Man, I really need to start doing stuff with Elias again 💀
Oh also here's a colored version where they're not ghostly:
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sakasakiii · 6 months
hi!!! how long does an average panel of one of your comics take??
i love your work so much!! it got me into silmblr hehe
HI NONNIE!!! thank u sooooso much for checking in and for ur lovely ask! it means a lot to hear that my silly ol scribbles were what introduced u to the glorious landscape that is the tolkien fandom! on tumblr no less!! i hope you stay a real long time, and have a blast while you're at it 💖💖
now onto your question! that's some good food for thought uhhhh i can try to estimate?? its been a while but i shld have some rough ideas abt each that i can share! the time frame each comic/panel takes is highly dependent on WHAT kind of comic it is. i hv two kinds of comics I usually do: 1) full-length, and 2) goofy/4koma.
i have a few full-length comics laying about in my archive, but my most recent one/best example is Ghosts which was around uh.... 7 pages excluding the bonus panels! in terms of the process, i usually divide it into 5 stages:
Drafting: this is either the fastest stage OR the slowest depending entirely whether i know what im doing LMAO,, if i have a set idea for what i want to happen, i might get drafts done in a few hours, but if i flounder, it can take a few days 🤔
Lineart: relatively simple enough once i hv the draft down, so id say anything ranging from an hour to half a day if theres nothing else going on irl
Block colouring (main actors): there are DEFINITELY easier and more professional ways to do this with mass-selection and the lasso fill/bucket tool, but idk how to do that on SAI (my art program) so i colour everything by hand HAHA which makes the process longer.... half a day to a day?
Shading: THE WORST!!! definintely my least favourite bc i find it tedious due to all the details/prettification of elves that i am legally obliged to pour into this stage 😭😭 as a result, it can take days!!!
Background + Lighting + Final Rendering: similar to the previous stage haha it just depends on how much effort i wanna put into the final product looking nice. roughly a few days? it kind of meshes with stage 4 anyways haha
just for fun, i hope this process gif for page 6 can illustrate that 👇
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these are just rough estimates, bc all in all, the time it takes so finish a page is really dependent on how free I am hahaha. Also, I usually work on full-length comics like Ghost which have more than one page all at once, which means I drafted all 7 pages at once, then did the lineart for all 7 pages at once, coloured at once, shaded rendered bla bla bla 😚 iirc, i think it took me 11 days in total to finish Ghosts before the end of June last year!
For goofy/4-koma, its usually just one page with less detailed/more cartoonish/chibi character styles so it takes a day or two days at most! again, it all boils down to how free i am hehe
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YEAH SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING AN INFO DUMP but thank you so much again for asking and letting me ramble! <3 i ended up having a lot of fun looking back on my drafts n thinking back on my processes.... theres defininitely room for improvement, but thats another worry for another day heheh 😎
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I finished reading Blasto's interlude of Worm.
I hate Armsmaster a lot less now. He and Defiant aren't messing around. They turned the Slaughterhouse Nine from the hunters into the hunted. I love it. When Bonesaw and Damsel were already in the basement, I thought the newcomer going down the steps was going to be Jack. Defiant reminds me of a more brutal Batman.
Bonesaw continues to be annoying as hell. Man, she is so creepy. She's too wicked to be redeemed. And I spoiled some future into for myself. Apparently, she does get a redemption arc? I'm not too sure about the details. If she does get one though, I'm going to be so mad.
LMAO. Someone in the comments wanted the Siberian to get redeemed. No way. Some villains are too screwed up to get a redemption arc. Sure, they can have one, but the Siberian has done way too much evil stuff. I would have absolutely hated if she/Manton got a redemption arc.
And about the chapter before this one, I didn't like it. So much repetitive grinning/smiling by Tattletale, and Taylor shivering. A big info dump too. Also, I really hated Wildbow including the science behind the powers. I would've preferred if he kept them mysterious. Knowing the specifics behind it kills my interest. Another thing, Tattletale was acting too cheerful in that chapter. Almost like Bonesaw, actually. It felt out of character.
BTW, I'll forever be confused and irritated by Tattletale's official physical description. Which is this: Lisa was, on the sliding scale between plain and pretty, more pretty than not.
^WTF does that even mean? I wish Wildbow had just called her pretty and moved on. A lot of Wildbow's descriptions are pretty good, but some of them can be frustratingly confusing, and bad. How can someone be between plain and pretty? They're one or they're the other. And if Tattle is more pretty than not, you should just call her pretty.
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st4rrmii · 3 months
Ur oc is so interesting JSJJSJS if u can, pls info dump abt Lucien I must know more abt them 🗣️🗣️‼️🙏
I am finally alive enough to respond to this lets fucking GO
I'm gonna make a separate post of his full lore and allat so for now I'll kinda drop random info/lore pieces as well as how he came to be yippee
(Y'all know the drill everything under the cut)
Design/How he came to be:
For his design I took a lot of inspo from dif things:his bangs are inspired by Ken Sato's bangs, as are his thick ass mf brows. I wanted his bodytype to be built but not OVERLY bulky to suit the work he does, as he still has to be agile while also strong, I also looked into men's gymnastics and their bodytypes, as he grew up doing gymnastics and swimming.
His adult design has a lot of cosmetic dino/reptilian inspired traits, as I wanted him to feel almost like he was closer to dinosaurs than humans due to him isolating himself for so long. He has a split tongue and sharper canines than when he was younger, as well as his eyes being an almost yellow amber.
Honestly I am still working on his lore, as there are certain things I want to do but know it would be either too unrealistic, or too "Gary Stu"ish, so sometimes I gotta choose between doing the self indulgent shit or putting it on the back burner lmao
He's actually a revamped OC I already had, honestly when I first watched CT when it came out I wasn't going to insert him into it, but the hyperfixation hit hard so here we are. I am very glad I did though, as I've met multiple cool ass people thru it, not to mention theres just something about people GENUINELY caring and being interested about your OCs that makes the struggles of being an artist/writer so worth it (Love y'all 🫶)
A lot of his writing is inspired by myself and my life, though exaggerated in some spots. His dad is inspired by my dad in some aspects, as are his siblings. He also has a lot of my behaviors, including the negative ones, as I find writing them can help me learn how to cope/deal with them. His disabilities are also based off mine.
Honestly a lot of his writing was just done overtime, there wasn't a huge amount of planning put into it 😭 but that is just generally how I write my OCs, it just feels right
Lore and Character Traits:
He has been growing out his hair since Camp Cretaceous, the only time he's cut it since (aside from trimming dead ends) was to make a wig for his sister
Speaking of his sister, he has/had two siblings, Landon, his older brother, who unfortunately passed away a couple years before CC, and Mia, his little sister, who is luckily still kicking lmao 😭
He lives on the sanctuary he works at, his house is very secluded, as the line of work he does can end up with people... not being very fond of him, so he has to live in such a secluded/hidden area to stay safe
He started designing prothetics and disability aids when he was as young as 12, he now focuses on dino prosthetics, though he has designed a few human ones
Most of his work actually ON the sanctuary is "exotic vet" work (aka hes a dino doctor), as it is quite rare to find vets who aren't afraid of dinos 😭 though he also works on socializing the dinos
His work beyond that is much riskier, as he works to rescue dinos from shady businesses/people, mainly focusing on the dino equivalent of puppy mills, though he has rescued dinos from more dangerous organizations.
He started this work a little while after his father passed, he originally started to work on the sanctuary just doing basic work, mostly as a way to pay for the rehab he had to go through (will get more into that in his full lore post), as well as using it as a way to isolate himself, though very quickly got pulled into doing rescues
He got his growth spurt around this time as well, possibly due to being on Testosterone for a year at that point and having inherited his father's tall ass genes, as well as constantly working out. He was very awkward with it at first, going from being the tiny one of the group to being the tallest was a lot, so he's glad that Ben also had a sudden growth spurt, so he wouldn't be alone in the "Save any growth for the rest of us?" Comments 😭
Sammy calls him Bumpy's step father, as he's about as clingy and protective with her as Ben is. That dino saved his life on so many occasions that he just can't help but feel indebted to her in some way.
Despite Lucien being older than her, Sammy kinda looks at him like a little brother, being very protective of him. It's partially because she got so used to him being itty bitty and being the type to constantly hide behind people when he was scared on Nublar, so she's just not used to him being grown and able to protect himself. Has fully told Ben that if he hurts him she will take him out at the shin, Ben believes her.
He has a dino on the sanctuary that is his favourite, I haven't 100% settled on the breed, but what I know for sure is she is a carnivore that was rescued from one of the dino mills, and therefore has had multiple procedures to make her less dangerous (such as having her front teeth removed, being declawed, etc.) And she also unfortunately lost a leg while in said mill, though Lucien made her a prosthetic for it. She also has dwarfism due to being in a cage for such an important time in her life growth wise. She is Lucien's baby and he would go to war for her.
Lucien's music taste is,,, all over the place, ranging from kpop, to indie rock, to metal, honestly as long as its not country he'll probably enjoy it
His tattoos have to deal with his work, specifically the doll/robo joints, as part of him feels kind of like he was taken in a vulnerable state in his life to do things that no 16/17 yro should have to do and yet he can never bring himself to step away from the work now as he's too deep into it
That isnt to say he doesnt feel good about rescuing dinos, but unfortunately with that kind of work comes hurting people, and while they are bad people, it still fucks you up
Not super great at communication (which I am actually writing a fic about 😈) which can cause issues but he does try his best, esp for Ben
Collects plushies
Dr.Pepper enjoyer (its his entire personality I fear)
I cannot think of anything else atm that won't end up in the lore drop, but I might find one of those OC ask thingies so y'all can send in more specific asks, since I suck ass at thinking of things off the top of my head 😭 but again thank y'all for all the love for Lucien, he's my baby so to see other people loving him makes me so happy
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get-rammed · 1 year
Can I get an info dump about Rodney?
I know he's a bastard as well as a bit of a soft boy with a praise kink, which really intrigues me.
I will always take opportunities to spew about my silly bug boy. This is Rodney Osmund
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He's a character of mine.
This is his true form, and secondary form. The humanoid one above is his tertiary form, and what I usually draw him in.
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He's had many names and many lives in his history. Within the universe I've made, he's a Fiend and can die and be reborn any time Trevor dies. Trevor being one of his 3 siblings. Veronica and Caroline being the other two.
He was once a Warlord by the name of Bog Belly. A scourge upon man and Demon (Demons being an alien race by the name of Tymos who eventually just adopted the name Demons as a secondary and or primary name)
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Bog Belly slaughtered thousands simply because he was born angry over and over again, and wanted to have everyone under his heels. No truama there. No reasons. Just a dick because that's his true nature. Though he was kind to his cult members, and his breeding stock.
But roughly 200 years ago, his sister Veronica defeated him in battle. Ending his reign of terror. Veronica heads a group called the Hunters. They were formed specifically to track and kill Bog Belly. After that goal was completed, they more or less ended Warlords being a problem, and now are a government body.
Veronica is the bad twin between herself and Caroline. So she saw zero issue with parading around a defeated Bog Belly. Forcing him to be an act of sorts for a few years before making him work with Colton (Trevor) to improve his morality.
When James (Trevor) picks a fight with his sister and gets all of them killed, they're reborn into their new and current lives.
Every one of Rodney's parents have always been cruel and mean to him. Forcing his nature to always be mean spirited. Except things were different this time.
Rodney's mom was endlessly patient with him, and always showed him true compassion and love. No matter what he did. Rodney is her baby boy, and he's an absolute mama's boy.
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Being there for him as he spiraled into drug problems, and there when he cleaned up. He loves his mother. The first person he's ever truly loved.
So when he regained his memories and his full personality, he was far more docile than he had ever been. Not to say he's not still a bastard. He would absolutely kill you with zero hesitation and not even flinch as you cry for help.
But he's definitely trying to feel more empathy and understand what it's like to be normal. But it's a struggle for him. But he is trying.
This man needs. A lot of therapy lmao.
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- He hates going to Hunter bases because he's been assaulted a number of times in a multitude of ways.
Rodney leveled a Hunter base in Ohio because of this. He's banned from the state of Ohio. Veronica covered this situation up as she understands why he did it.
She doesn't know he's still assaulted at some bases :( and he won't tell her because he doesn't believe anything will be done about it.
- Rodney can open his pupils to freeze in terror whoever looks at them, in place
- Rodney had front horns like his sister Caroline, but Trevor snapped them off in a fit of well deserved rage.
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- Rodney overall is a dick (but he's trying to get better), and uses sex, various drugs, and alcohol to try and survive instead of getting therapy.
- He is taught about in schools as a part of history. People recognize him sometimes and point and talk about him. He's used to it and generally just ignores it.
- Even though he's trying to get better. If given the chance to get his power back. He would. With no hesitation.
- Rodney uses humor and acts like a dipstick so people don't expect too much from him. It upsets him a little hit to be labeled as a man whore who has no real thoughts besides memes, but he also knows it's better than the alteratives.
- Fiends have incredibly low fertility rates, but Rodney has eggs. He has roughly 100 kids, but he acknowledges none of them. "You're my son? And? I ain't got shit for you besides some protips. Get away from me or I will kill you."
- Rodney's spit is dual functional. It is both the most caustic venom known to man or Demon kind. But it also a heavy aphrodisiac. It completely depends on his mood. So it's a risk if you kiss him lmao
- He has a motorcycle and often will still ride it around
You can read more about him, his siblings, and the universe overall here. Just as a warning though. It's long lmao
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eldritchmochi · 2 months
Coping Skills Info Dump!!!! Anytime all the time omfg, I live for that fic, it has rewired my kinky disabled brain
cs info dump u say?? and i was given no specific topic for said info dump?? unfortunately this means im gonna talk about my bf because i have One (1) topic of convo lmao
SO part of what has me struggling to pick cs back up is the past 8 months of flirting with my boy leading up to him deciding no we are dating now has given me SO MANY THOUGHTS wrt the wizards early relationship and ways i could have better developed it given what my demi disabled ass has gone thru since christmas
one of those things is more emphasis on the intimacy inherent in someone else touching your cane (not a euphemism lol). its there a little but i think id like it to hit essek like a mack truck how much he likes it to really lean into the kink ive created. the second rope scene where essek hands caleb his cane to hold while he undresses could have been SO MUCH BETTER had caleb casually leaned on esseks cane rather than holding it as a weapon the way i described. at the time, that was the only way i had seen someone hold my cane for me but my boy just does not and i bluescreen every single time. i know better now. i could make it SO horny now and i rly wanna lol
another thing i wish i had brought in earlier is the concept of horny paperwork. not only is it absolutely hilarious but it is a thing in kink, yes-no-maybe forms you fill out with a new partner as part of negotiation. in hindsight, i think cs!esseks characterization falls too much towards avoidance in his anxiety over intimacy when i really really like him as Must Plan Every Detail kinda anxious too (ala rts). in combo with how he's just. incredibly baffled by the extent of his boner for caleb, i could absolutely see him taking "research" notes and searching for empirical quantitative data from the very start
the last thing is leaning in harder to esseks anxiety over intimacy and how different it feels compared to his previous relationships. again something that i touched on but am now qualified to ramp up significantly considering i have spent the last several weeks losing my mind over how the dating cliches are cliches because apparently people really do desire to do them, they dont do them because theyre cliches they (i) want to do them??? and i think that would be a very fun theme to explore in the early-mid section of cs, and would give me good jumping off points for scenes between essek and his guides (and verin, and maybe other friends of esseks which is another thing i wish to have done different, is give him a few more friends from the get go this man is too introverted aaa)
so there ya go, the Problem ive been chewing on since like, may lmao
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
I won't lie I actually kind of based Peachs social anxiety being out and about worried about people judging her and things potentially going wrong (like anxiety of the plush head popping off to embarrass her or it actually having a hidden squeaker and anxiety brr of I talked out of script fuck did I do it wrong) and it being too loud on myself XD I was like logically this would be stressful for anyone especially someone pretending to be a human who's never done this before, and I'll just sprinkle in a lil autism on top of that anxiety from myself as a treat XD
The info dumping was what I stole/remembered from your canon and how you said she loves to talk biology because she's learnt all about it
As for the overstim involving people's thoughts being way too loud I figured despite being a psychic type there's gonna be some people who's brains scream so loud it gets past any mental fortitude to block out the usual white noise of other people's thoughts, took inspiration from old mind reader ocs because without proper training them bitches struggle and like I'm sure it's the same for any powerful psychic type the struggle of other thoughts intruding upon your mind
Plus my brain was also like psychic types do be autistic coded so there's that lmao lots of inspirations but I am glad I wrote her correctly! I figured since she was anxious and probably also trying to start a new chapter of her life she'd be a bit less put off and a little more open to trying to talk to people hence her deciding to let this other person sit with her because you know what gotta start somewhere and then being awkward and unsure about it after cause ah I have done a social interaction, now what. Cause I know generally Peach doesn't really like people off the bat so Peach got a little tryna be spontaneous then what the fuck why was a spontaneous anxiety as a treat
It does help that she can just know if the person has bad intentions by skimming their thoughts
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foxgloveinspace · 6 months
this is hella random but-
if you ever want to info dump about the call of duty guys (ghost and soap i think? are those call names? soap is weird lol) please do! that ship has started popping up more and more in my feeds and now i am thoroughly intrigued. mostly because yes give me more ships with everyone suffering ptsd, but also i had no idea call of duty had any sort of plot line or recognizable characters?
i’ve played it only a handful of times and it always just seemed to me like a “create a character then join a server and shoot people” kind of game i didn’t think it had any story lol
but yeah. pls fill me in if you so desire :) i am so curious
I’m the wrong person to ask, cause I haven’t played the games yet😔🤣.
I own a couple of them, but I haven’t played yet just cause… last year I was in a weird place with video games really, is the only explanation I have. The campaigns (the plot parts) are not too long if you wanna watch them on YouTube (I also haven’t done that,,,,,, I should do that if I’m not gonna play the 2020s games, just cause I know that people where Not Happy with the last game, but I should freaking play the ogs cause they are RIGHT up my alley oof).
There’s a couple things you gotta know, if you wanna get into to it: There’s two different series of Modern Warfare, the og, which came out 07, 09, and 11. And then the remakes (which is what got the fandom So Big), which is from 2019, 22, and 23. They are, the same story told differently, and they are Very Different. The characters have very different personalities depending on the series.
(This is why I tag things as ghostsoap, or 09 soapghost so I can keep track of the different characters lol).
Ghost and Soap are their callsigns, yeah. It makes the ship names fun though! (Ghosts first name is Simon, Soap’s is John (Ghost calls him Johnny, so the fandom runs with calling him that lmao)).
Ghost wears a mask, and doesn’t have a canonical face clam! Which is really cool to me, cause we get so many different versions of Simon from the fandom🖤 and also, masked characters make brain go brrrrrr.
I am mostly in it for the fic, and there’s tones of good fanart. Not to say I don’t know anything at all, cause I have read the fandom wikis/synopsis of the games (though I’m a little rusty on my knowledge,,,, again I do want to play the games, I just.. wasn’t in a video game mood all last year). I’m just… sometimes info dumping is hard.
But yeah. The fic is freaking good. Like, I was looking for military themed romance novels the other day and I legit couldn’t bring myself to start any cause I’m worried it won’t live up to ghostsoap🤣🤣🤣.
I was gonna give some recommendations, but I uhhh…. I have realized I mostly bookmark the good smut, and only have a couple fics that aren’t smut, but they are SO ANGSTY🤣🤣🤣. And then one long fic, but it’s ghostroachsoap (roach is a player character from the first mw2).
Gosh. What can I say about ghostsoap…… they are black and red coded characters??? (Not Actually, but in the fandom way. Ghost is black, Soap is red. I don’t know if that’s even still a fandom thing lmao).
I…. I don’t know what else to say, haha.
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bbnibini · 8 months
Give me all the info on your Lilith now (pretty please <3)!
General Info 05 Which deadly sin best aligns with them? Which one do they embody the least?
General Info 10 What was there initial reaction to Diavolo's plans of uniting the three realms? Has their opinion changed? Or rather, what would it have been?
Angel 08 Have they ever questioned Father? What for? Were they punished for it?
Angel 10 What is something they would willingly fall for? (other than love, if there is anything)
I hope those aren't too many questions but if it is, feel free to skip some! Hope you have a lovely week! 💚💚
Thanks for the ask! Lilith's character was fleshed out for my AU, which is a canon-divergent AU for Obey Me I had been working on since 2020 that surprisingly, had a lot of its elements/lore become canon throughout the years lmao. Also, I'm sorry if this is more of a Father lore dump than Lilith it's just He's deeply connected to the Celestial War cause He was the reason it even happened in the first place.;;
⭐General Info 05
Which deadly sin best aligns with them? Which one do they embody the least?
Ever since I was writing for Lilith in 2020, I had always made Satan her parallel. She is the reason why Satan looks the way he is: Satan's penchant for pranking Lucifer as a way of showing affection reminiscent of the playful and sisterly affection Lilith has with Lucifer. She is the reason why Lucifer is clouded with nostalgia and regret instead of annoyance and anger whenever Satan attempts to put a curse on him/prank him etc, because Satan resembles the sibling he failed to protect. Satan is arguably the one he spoils the most because he fills in what he had lost/whom in his eyes, he had failed and "disappointed", despite the fact that he will never admit it himself.
Of course, just because she is the reason for Satan's existence in my HC doesn't mean she and Satan are the same person. While Satan embodied wrath, the sin of lust embodies Lilith the most. In OG Obey Me, love was Lilith's driving force to committing a taboo. In my own interpretation of lust and love, both concepts are like "sisters" to each other. At times, the lines between love and lust blur. Lilith fell in love. A love deep enough that caused her to question how her Father ran the Celestial Realm. It was love, a strong desire that she knew would always be a dream. A castle in the air. A wish that can never come true. The difference between canon Lilith and my Lilith is she had done something far, far worse than loving a human. She dared to question her Creator AND fall in love with another god, Father's equal, which had of course given Father more of a motive to punish her severely. But love and lust are not the only driving forces that drove Lilith to fight back from Father's judgement; it is of course a big influence nonetheless.
I would say out of all the seven deadly sins, sloth would be the least compatible with her. Lilith is very much a go-getter and a stubborn-headed, reckless bullheaded woman who would even fight God (she actually did in my fic lmao) to protect the people she cares about, to fight for the inequality and apathy she had been seeing in how Father ran the Celestial Realm, no matter how powerless she was or how little chances she had to actually win. This woman is GRIT personified.
⭐General Info 10
What was there initial reaction to Diavolo's plans of uniting the three realms? Has their opinion changed?
Or rather, what would it have been?
Well, Lilith had passed away long before RAD was established so she wouldn't really have much of a reaction. /hj
Kidding aside, due to her experiences in the Celestial War, she is very sceptical if it would actually result into something, given how she and her brothers lost the war and gradually realised their Father is a selfish prick and "cares" in a very self-serving Old Testament kind of way and would never actually let it happen. Father's got a really big ego, is easily jealous, and hates the idea of His children loving other gods or superior beings besides Him. Even if the two other Realms are willing to negotiate, she knows it will lead to nowhere so long as Father remains…Father.
But I think she would warm up to the idea once she sees how much rizz her descendant has. MC pretty much inherited her stubbornness/grit that it might actually be possible make the Demon Prince's dream into a reality.
⭐Angel 08
Have they ever questioned Father? What for? Were they punished for it?
I tried to condense it as much as I could, but tl;dr is Lilith despises Father. Even after her husband Samael eventually forgave Him. Nope. She will stay mad forever.
Very much. My AU is slightly different from the OG and NB timeline. The reason for the Celestial War is a lot more complicated than food being fed to a human. Rather than one solid reason, it's pretty much a spider webbed-shaped stack of dominoes that collapsed on each other. It's a mess. The mess leading to one common denominator: Father.
I'll leave some snippets of the lore as links here if you're interested. Here's also the completed spinoff I wrote last last year that gives it more detail.
link 1
link 2
link 3
Why did the Celestial War happen because of Father? It's simple---Father is selfish. In my AU, Gods are complete beings on their own. They don't need anyone to be complete. You could say His motives to create humans into social creatures is His way of trying to detach them from being completely made "into His likeness". He's afraid of others taking His spot. He's better than everyone else. No one else deserves to be made exactly like His likeness, even His son (psst it's the J man). He could have easily made His son His equal just like how Samael did with his brother Leviathan (this is a lot of lore dump but basically in my AU, Levi is a god and is not related to the Demon Brothers at all, but is Samael/OC-fied Simeon's biological brother,that's why he can't exactly fit in well with other demons, even his own "brothers" cause he had never been a demon. His powers+memories were just sealed after protecting Lucifer and his siblings when they fell so he became one.) but instead, he made His son into a human.
While it's true that He does love humanity, a being that only knew love through loving Himself would inevitably love in a self-serving way (which is why when I heard in NB this is pretty much canon now, I'm not surprised cause it does have a rl lore backing. I haven't actually read the new NB chapters so my own judgement of how accurate it is to Old Biblical texts will be reserved in the future).
Father created "everything" but had proved to be incompetent in actually running the "everything he created from nothing", leaving the seraphim to clean up after Him. He's this divine being put in a pedestal but couldn't actually care less about His creations and only expresses love when He feels like it, much like your average Olympian god. There's inequality and power imbalance in the Celestial Realm but He could care less. Rather, the concept of "caring" is foreign to Him. Everyone is pretty much "equal" in His eyes. So what if the other angels are being mistreated or discriminated? When Father was making "laws", He actually didn't know ANYTHING about social relationships and humanity (gods are solitary beings in my AU) so a lot of them are contradictory or didn't make sense. The humans? Weak. Defenceless. Sure, let's thrown My son in there. Nothing could go wrong, right? In every thoughtless action He does, He just thinks "surely this wouldn't affect My children in a significantly negative way, right? Even if it does, I'll leave Lucifer and the other seraphim to fix it". Lucifer is TIRED. Lucifer wants to go to rebel! Oh wait-
All joking's aside, once Lilith discovered and realised that there are ACTUAL GODS besides Father, that's when her beliefs in Him started to shake, even more when she realised the seraphim, HER OWN BROTHER knows this from the start? That there's these two sibling gods that embodied contradictory traits from what they know what a god was, what Father was: Samael and Leviathan treat each other like family. The love each other like family, just like how Lilith loves her own family. They know they can exist without each other but STILL CHOSE TO STAY TOGETHER AND BE FAMILY TOGETHER. They're the opposite of what a seemingly independent, solitary being a god was. Samael was kind, thoughtful, a little cowardly and gloomy but he was also pure and selfless and loving and everything that Lilith could have ever wanted. He was also a god. Forbidden. Could not be. And he was trapped. Made to believe he was something he was not. Made to think he was this strange and horrifying monster for being different from his fellow "angels", and locked himself away.
There's a lot more, morally dubious and outright disgusting things that Father did especially to Samael that Lilith is understandably furious about but it's a lot and I don't want to overwhelm with more infodump but yes, Lilith did fight back and she was punished for it. Her brothers were punished for it. Leviathan who protected them was punished alongside them, and Samael punished himself for not being able to protect them. But to save her from being obliterated, Samael preserved Lilith's soul and kept it in the darkness until they can reunite when his duties have finally been fulfilled. He also sealed Leviathan's memories and made a deal with Father to give Levi a cover-up background story that he had always been one of Lucifer's siblings. It's a lot. Samael had reasons for it and I have an entire longfic that can explain more but I'll stop there lol. Thanks for reading!
EDIT: OMG I didn't realise I left this out!!;;;
⭐Angel 10 What is something they would willingly fall for? (other than love, if there is anything)
Fighting for what's right. Lilith would willingly fall if it means she can make the lives of others better. Her fellow angels getting a better life and better treatment in the Celestial Realm is one of her other reasons why she fought against Father in the Celestial Realm.
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twili--link · 1 year
Info dump
Wahoo this is about my OC Evara / Evelynn (Fantasy world name vs modern world name). They/Her pronouns.
I won't go into any TW info, so it is safe to view! Just throwing it under a line to not clog up anyone's dash. Sorry if its rambley and not coherent, I'm a bit loopy from medicine lmao.
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(Art above by krim-spyke)
General themes: Loss and hope, light in the dark, hopeful optimistic
Class: Bard/Ranger, with magic thrown in that ties into their barding (Based off of light magic but star-light instead of regular light magic that one might see a cleric use)
Familiar: Dog named Basil
Tropes: Hero's journey/epic journey, high stakes, save the world, tragic past, side-quests galore, ancient civilization, evil cult, and reincarnation.
Evara is the accumulation of multiple OCs I've had since 2009 + a bit of a fandom character I used to RP as. Placed into a world I am making (Look at my map I am proud of it) that has a loooot of stories going into it. Evara's story is actually multiple Hero's story...ies? But I need to commission their designs (I've got some pic crews of 'em but not mch else).
Prior to being the elf bard they are now, Evara was "Luna" and was a Naruto oc if you can believe it hehehe, who had like so many ships with anyone attractive. They went through some trials of redesigning and being left alone for a bit before I finally got to the above design.
Now they are a Bard on a mission to stop the pain they've felt at a young age from ever being felt by others. Having gone through some tragic circumstances that took their immediate family away, Evara swore that they'd never let anyone fall victim to the Cult that is the bad guy for the story. Taken in by their uncle and his husband, Evara did get help from what they went through, but their desire to stop the cult stayed strong until they were able to leave and set off on the journey they take.
Evara's music is what helps heal them, along with healing others as they are utilized not as a classic in-the-fray hero, but the one on the side who helps as thats what their whole character is about. A helping hand in the worst of times. The light of the north star in the darkest night, pulling you forward to home. They aren't meant to be the hero who takes charge but rather the one who lends a shoulder or hand. Evara does see/feel music, which can be a bit overwhelming at times, bu
They have another who joins the team who is their...not foil, but other half in a word? Evara represents Hope, the other will represent Kindness, but their design isn't complete yet.
Evara has a twin brother of which the design isn't complete yet and is alive but unaware Evara escaped as they did. It's apart of the story, so I'll keep it mostly secret but :3c
Despite having a perky and positive outward attitude, Evara struggles with depression and anxiety, along with an overwhelming desire to keep those around them safe which can cause points of contention as it can become overbearing. They fear losing more loved ones in the manner that they lost their family and can lose sleep overthinking things. Evara is also more likely to put themselves in danger in order to save someone, even if it costs them greatly to do so.
Their hatred towards the Cult does cause some problems along the way as well, as they have a secret side-mission of killing everyone of them mfers with deeeeeep hatred. It does create a crossroads for them at one point, but spoilers for story hehe.
If you'd like to know more or ask questions of this version, I'd love to answer them if you got this far <3
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(art above done by ew041)
This version is named "Evelynn" for modern-sake.
Unlike the fantasy version, their family is actually still alive and they are in the same city as their twin brother.
The general themes and tropes depend on the Visual Novel she's being placed into, but other than visual novels they do have their own modern story that has them as a dhampir (I love vampires okay). In the visual novels they are placed into I do remove the elf ears (when i remember to ask the artist to draw human ears at least lmao)
The story away from VN's is as followed:
Created between the union of a witch and a vampire, the twins were born in the world's version of the late 1800's. (Based off my fantasy world but given modern stuffs). They grew up slower than most other children until they hit the age of twenty-three where they went through a rapid growth/change.
Because of their dhampir status they can walk in the sun but do burn easier than most (even tho they be white) others, and needs to wear sunglasses if they are going to be in the sun for long periods. They do not need to eat as frequently as their father, but do need to eat at least once every two to three weeks. They tend to find willing people very easily as vampires are not necessarily 'secret' to some underground types of people, but they do keep their status as a dhampir secret as best they can.
They do have some powers which includes shape-shifting, vampiric charm, heightened speed and strength (but not super as their father would have, but way above mortal status at least), and the ability to 'turn invisible' although it isn't easy and needs them to be well fed to use.
Evelynn has a double life in this version, during the day they are an online fashion-creator (has their own website) / works at an old diner and during the night they hunt down criminals of the 'supernatural' type, helping keep order in the large city they call home. (They will also help take care of mortal criminals but only if they are like the worst of the worst, they wont care if someones stealing stuff or the like.)
My brain is fizzling out thanks if you read this far I love my oc I hope you at least enjoy'd the info. If you have questions I'd love to answer them feel free to send them <3
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stellamancer · 2 years
Stells!!! Stella-Bella—here’s mine to ask you:
🎙️ + 🤲🏽 + 🧿
stella-bella.... aaaa merms that's so cute....
i have placed a cut cuz i rambled a lot LMAO.
which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
I HAD TO GOOGLE WHAT A PODFIC WAS OMG. this is not the answer; but definitely not anything i've written that has ~explicit~ material. And probably not anything that I've done that was a little more on the abstract side or has a lot of scene changes cuz I think it would be easier to follow that way. So at that point.... of recent work then & here i am alive? Oh, you know what, I think a horror fic would work best for this. I have not written any horror fics, so I guess I should do that LMAO.
what do YOU get out of writing?
Stress relief? Ironic since sometimes the process of writing is stressful. It's a bit of escapism, or like, day-dreaming and fantasizing but the end result is, in a way, tangible, and I can come back and re-read it because sometimes I won't remember (especially if I daydream right before bed). But it is a nice creative outlet, and I notice that I have way less... sobby mental breakdowns when I write or actively think about wips LMAOOO.
what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
Mmm. I usually don't mind all that much if something doesn't do that well as long as I'm satisfied with it, because at the core, I'm writing for me. Though I won't lie, posting/comment serotonin is real. LMAO. And, as any writer i think, will know, one really, really nice comment is enough to make your day.
So I guess that I'll talk about the writing experience not going how I want to because god I feel that right now LMAO. I've been working on editing this one chapter of &hiaa on and off since October- October!! I actually did a revision of it and handed it off to my beta and he said, 'well it's passible, but it's super awkward for the first half of the chapter, though the second half makes up for it.' And like, I wasn't pleased with it anyway, so I've been working at it and it's come to a crawl, especially because I've looked at it and been like 'wow this sucks it's like an infodump i hate that.'
And when the writing isn't going well, I try to step away from the wip, you know, get some air, think about some other things or work on other things or play games or something and the hope is to come back refreshed. Though that hasn't been happening with this one. So something else, I like to try and do is think of it from another angle. And I finally thought 'hey instead of thinking of it as an info dump, think as if you are spilling the tea, because that's basically what it is.' In theory that's supposed to work, but I haven't actually sat down to write and find out LMAO. Oops I rambled.
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glittertrail · 2 years
What are twelve of your favorite things?
(Big, small, fandom related, not fandom related — just twelve things you enjoy!)
Sunrises. Specially if you haven't slept all night and you are with people you love. They look beautiful.
Stories. Specially well told stories.
Pets. Dogs specially make me do this 🥰
Unnecessarily specific playlists and moodboards
Hugs. Hand holding. Putting a limb over or around someone I'm close with when I sit next them. Just casual touch as a form of affection.
"this reminded me of you" people. Often followed by something completely deranged lmao
When your friend is in info dump mode. Basically just listening to people I care for talking about things they're passionate about
Seeing progress. Small and sometimes inconsequential to other people but ever so often I'm hit with a wave of 'oh my god this super easy thing used to be so hard for me' and makes me super soft/happy to think about
The feeling of "this person made time specifically for me bc they wanted to". It doesn't even have to be a grand special time either. Or actual, like, time time either. I'm always doing something but I'll still find a way to text someone that matters. Recognizing that behavior makes me do this 🥰
This is a remnant of when I was the friend always with a full face of makeup and whose clothes always had to be perfect or she couldn't deal (and used to be a little mean when trying to be constructive), but i love when any of my friends still goes out of their way to show me something they've done with their appearance that makes them feel proud. Like yes! Show me your eyeliner or that combo of clothes you thought you couldn't pull off but are now rocking! I'm so proud of you!
Being fandom recluse adjacent lmao. Like. I know I go sending asks every week to everyone that wants in, that's the Cher Horowitz in me, but like, I think of myself more as the eccentric but friendly old lady that goes to the village ever so often and smiles to the antics of everyone but still keeps mostly to herself when it comes to fandom and I am ecstatic about it
This question. Thank you Kimmy 💖
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dykexenomorph · 3 months
Regarding the ask game, you told me asp that you were in an info dump mood so i have a lot!!
3. What first drew you to this character? 5. If this character were a woman, would you honestly still like them? Or in reverse, what if they were a man? 7. Does the character’s age matter to you? 9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them? 13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character? 27. Do you like to ship this character with other characters or do you prefer not to? 28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why? 43. What type of weather makes you think of this character?
For Nell (Hillhouse), Donna (Re8), and\or Minthara (bg3)!!!
OHH MY GOD UR MY HERO (gonna try to only do one chara per question just so this isnt CRAZY crazy long LOL)
3. What first drew you to this character? doing this for nell bc i have a very genuine answer for this, INITIALLY her character in the SHOW (bc i watched it before i read it somehow) really drew me in on account of her relationship w her siblings. sibling relationships ALWAYS get me in shows, but ESP if its doomed siblings. THEN i read the book and was shocked to my core to discover that (in the LEAST brainrotty/online/annoying way possible) she was genuinely exactly like myself at the time i read it. her thought processes and general way of treating/seeing others was identical to thought patterns and the personality i had at the time. it was genuinely a bit uncanny to read. now that ive grown a bit i feel we differ a bit more (im a little more confident now than i used to be, if nothing else), but the similarities are still there. it makes it hard not to have a large fondness for the book/her as a character.
5. If this character were a woman, would you honestly still like them? Or in reverse, what if they were a man? YES ABSOLUTELY for nell, possibly for donna, and absolutely not for minthara. cocky/evil men just dont do it for me im sorry LMAO
7. Does the character’s age matter to you? no for everybody but minthara. i get kinda crazy about donna's age bc i am a fiend for any lore i can get my hands on (and am just generally annoying about the small details for my hyperfixations as a whole), but the only person's age i ACTUALLY care about is minthara's. LET THAT WOMAN BE OLD!!!!!!!!
9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them? look at everything i said for nell and then guess my answer for this LMAO
13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character? ONE DAY. WHEN IM BETTER AT DRAWING. I WILL TRY TO DRAW THE SCENE WHERE NELL FIRST EXPLORES HILL HOUSE AND LEANS HER HEAD OUT THE WINDOW IN THE STYLE THT ANGIE HOFFMEISTER DID FOR THE BOOK. ALSO THE "i have somehow earned this joy; i have been waiting for it for so long" SCENE. GOD. GOD. GOD.
27. Do you like to ship this character with other characters or do you prefer not to? i prefer not to for all of them really? i think nell and theo DEFINITELY had something homosexual going on in the book, but its not rlly like i ship them, its more of a background plot to me if that makes sense
28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why? YES FOR ALL OF THEM. nell and donna are just bc i feel like i have gone over the source material so many times and i've rlly done my best to analyze what's canon about them to make sure i know them rlly well, but minthara is just bc the fandom reduces her to be a lot more one-sided than she is and it annoys me
43. What type of weather makes you think of this character? DEFINITELY fall for nell, winter for donna, and probably fall for minthara as well? the only real/large one i have is nell and fall though.
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welcomehomelostmediaau · 10 months
Redo of "I guess I'm doing a thing lol"
so uh I've been addicted to Welcome Home since the beginning of the year(2023)...and I'm normally the type of fan that just wanders around and gives my silent support with the odd comment left here and there....but seeing all the Welcome Home AUs I've got inspired to make my own...specifically by the who made the CreaturePirate AU...(don't let them see this pls I-I-I don't think I could function if that happened lmao XD)
....I haven't made any art for it yet but Ive got lots of notes so I'm just going to dump it all here so I've got it written down some where lol...keep reading on if you like or just keep drifting doesn't matter much to me...tho I hope you enjoy my info dumping :D
OK so to start I didn't have a proper name for this AU when I first wrote this but now I do!..it's going to be called Lost Media AU but for tagging purposes it will be WH Lost Media AU! Now onto the actual info :P
So the main thing that's different right off the bat is that instead of aimed at kids and being educational, this Welcome Home is aimed mostly for adults, young adults and maybe older teenagers but certainly not for kids [tho this doesn't stop parents from letting their kids watch it -_-]
The show leans into some heavy themes though horror seems to be its main theme with the goal of unsettling the viewers with reminders of advice given when they were kids. It started airing in 1949 and has had two hiatuses since then, one around 1957 lasting a year and the second one being 1970 lasting only a week.
Since their first hiatus in 1957 their broadcasting company has been changed but there isn't any information on the current company in charge of broadcasting the show, not even the location of the broadcasting studio could be found. The show had also went from being a mainly English broadcasted show to a multilingual one, being shown in whatever language was used most in the country the show was played in.
The Welcome Home! show was known for its lovable and eccentric cast of characters but also for its odd scheduling and bumpers. It played throughout the day and late into the night with the only interruptions being the 1-2 hour long bumpers. Depending on the time the viewer watched the show you'd get a different variant of the show. For example...
2 - 5am = horrifying visuals, sounds and a generally haunted feeling, odd creatures were mostly noted along with a few...noteworthy changes to the seemingly friendly neighborhood. [has caused many deaths tho these were wrote off as natural causes]
5 - 7am = the first of three bumpers. the mildest of them, its a bit weird and surreal as if you took way too many psychedelics at one time. Viewers might think they hear something in their home but don't pay much attention. [anyone whose seen this bumper can't remember what they saw]
7am - 9pm = the usual TV show that most people have seen, with episodes ranging from lighthearted adventures to horror/slasher plot lines. Nothing out of the ordinary here besides the odd detail or two being oddly colored or misplaced. [nothing noteworthy here besides the characters sometimes going a bit off script]
9 - 10pm = second bumper. a bit more intense than the first but again not the worst. Massive drug feel to everything as if you are on the way to having a very bad trip. Everything begins to bleed together and become oddly colored while seeing the characters head inside their homes. Wally's house becomes the focus with a sudden wide shot of the neighborhood. [has traumatized kids and caused many to faint once the bumper is done, an odd eye mark showing up on the nap of the neck barely noticeable anyone including the viewer]
10pm - 1am = the once happy and inviting neighborhood becomes very much unwelcoming, becoming an odd liminal space of sorts with distorted voices drifting in and out repeatedly. The camera is fixed on Home with things moving at the edges of the camera but that's all at least on the surface [has driven people to insanity and paranoia]
1 - 2am = the last bumper...very intense and the feeling of being watched comes to the forefront and quickly becomes overwhelming the mark given on the second bumper burns intensely and the viewer can feel themselves stiffen up leaning more towards the TV screen. [while somewhere in the viewer's home faint chanting can be heard]
A big coincident that occurred started during its run in the 60s seemed to plague the show till now. A cult had revealed themselves to the masses though the name has been seemingly lost due to some meddling by someone. At the same time quite a few people [between 12 and 33] began to go missing with no traces as to what happened or where they may have gone. The only key thing tying them all together was that Welcome Home! was on in their residence when they went missing. The cases had gone cold after a few years but many speculate that the show and the cult had something to do with it.
wow that was quite a lot now that Ive written it out XD and that's only like the lore stuff Ive got sorted out atm haven't even gotten to the characters and such lol...maybe when I get home from work I'll get all that stuff written down and posted? idk XD we shall see I guess
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jade-parcels · 2 years
🌵 Revisiting my cowboy/southern au 🏜 pt.1
🌵 (Essentially this is just a self indulgent old west au thing idk what to tell you. It’s background info on my previous horny cowboy Diluc posts 0-0) 🏜‼️Death mentions, blood mentions, gun mentions, general criminal behavior
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•Sheriffs office chain of command: Sheriff, Undersheriff, Chief Deputy, deputy/officer
•Old schoolhouses were not separated by grade, all kids were taught together in the same room
Crepus: he’s dead but I gotta talk about him for a sec lmao so he used to be the sheriff. Very respected guy, loved his family. Lost his wife when Diluc was four, he took Kaeya in 2 years later after a massive fire took out the poor kiddo’s whole family. Crepus raised the boys well, taught them to respect their elders, be kind, noble, strong, polite and crafty. He taught them to build things with their own 2 hands, taught them to ride horses, shoot guns, tame dogs, fix pipes, everything a “Real Man” needs to know. The boys both followed in his footsteps, enlisting to the sheriffs office as errand boys when they were 12, working their way up the chain of command as the heads passed. By the time they were 19, they were officers. Crepus was killed by a robber, shot right through the chest in front of his sons, he sputtered and wheezed and then was gone. He was buried in the far northeast corner of the ranch where his own parents, wife and sister-in-law were buried.
Diluc: took over his pa’s ranch when he passed away, as the oldest all of it was left to him much to Kaeyas frustration. The two had a falling out over the property which led to them beating the everloving shit out of each other. Diluc kicked Kaeya off the ranch and resigned from the sheriffs office. Now he’s his own man who protects his own property. He’s built a shed, a barn and an addition to the house he grew up in. He plans on having a family one day and needed more space to make that dream a reality. He bought out the run down, water damaged tavern that no one could fix up and used his wealth and strength to fix it up himself. It took a full year of renovation and hard labor to get that place looking (and smelling) good enough to re-open. Now it’s the talk of the town and the local hub for all activity. Everyone’s there at least twice a week for some grub, entertainment and a drink. Diluc is well respected because of his father and his own status in general but he doesn’t respect the sheriffs office. He used to but since they never caught the bastard that killed his father, he can’t stand them. At night, he dawns a black mask and all black clothes and goes out on the town to catch criminals while the local deputies are slacking off. He ties them up and dumps them on the front steps of the sheriffs office with letters telling them they’re incompetent or too slow. Now that Diluc is rapidly approaching 30 and all the hard labor he’s done in his life is catching up with him, his vigilante duties are becoming harder for him cause dear god his back hurts x_x (I know 30 isn’t old but it wasn’t uncommon for people to be ‘worn out’ by their early 30s from physical labor in the old west!!)
Kaeya: Kaeya is currently second in command, undersheriff, to Jean. He never really tried to climb the ranks or anything like that, he just did his job and ended up at the top. He’s a trusted fella, real good at training newbies because he’s patient and skilled. Kaeya is loved by all the local old folks, he stops mid-patrol to chit chat with them and tell stories about chases or criminal captures that might be just a little exaggerated for the sake of entertainment ;) he loves going to the saloon to drink and hang out with the ladies. Though he also uses his saloon time to try and talk to Diluc. Admittedly, he misses his brother. If he has to drink himself into a coma in order to spend time with his brother, he’d do it- not that he’ll admit it. He misses how they used to crack jokes and ride their horse side by side and everyone would say ‘look at those Ragnvindr boys, they’re so reliable’. He currently lives in a small house next door to Albedo and Klee while saving up his money to skip town. He dreams of waking up one morning, turning in his badge, and hopping a train to the east coast to live in the city. (Kaeya could never go through with it, he cares too deeply for his brother and his dear friends, he could never leave them all behind… but the silly dream he has keeps him going, keeps him working in a profession he isn’t very passionate about in a town that he feels disconnected from). Kaeya has a lot of little things he enjoys, he likes to sing with Venti at the saloon, he likes to go shoot cans with his coworkers, he likes to bet on bull riders, he likes dancing, and he enjoys blowing smoke rings up into the air while laying in the grass. He likes pestering Ajax too, he’s a funny fella.
Childe: local rapscallion, always causing trouble at the tavern or riding wild bulls to win bets for quick cash. Lives in his family home with his parents and four siblings, two have moved out and have families of their own now. Takes great care of everyone. Walks his younger siblings to school every day and picks them once school lets out. Always sunburnt cause he never wears his damn hat >:( he’s kinda gotten in with a local group of criminals, they all work under the cloak of night, sneaking into elderly peoples homes to steal their valuables while they sleep. They commit various other crimes but this is one they’ve yet to be caught doing so it’s been easy to get away with it. He and his buddies take turns going 2 cities over to sell their loot and bring back the cash to split. He tells his family that he’s a salesman, he sells wooden products. Wooden toys, wooden stools, benches, wheels you name if he does it. It’s an intricately woven lie. Ajax can’t build shit!! Somehow word got to Kaeya that Ajax sells wooden goods so he’s asked for a rocking chair about ten times. Every time he sees the ginger, he’ll yell a little “Hey~ Where’s my rockin chair at? Still haven’t got it yet!” Ajax can’t avoid him much longer… he knows he looks suspicious “You’ll get it when I’m done with it pretty boy! Real art takes time!”
Jean: Jean’s the reliable town sheriff. Any time she’s needed, she’s there, it doesn’t matter what time it is or who needs help. She was there when the school house kids needed help putting up a flagpole, she was there to catch a bandit who was wanted in four towns nearby, she helped coral a herd of sheep when they broke out of old man Laurence’s fence, she was there to comfort the Ragnvindr brothers the night Crepus was shot. She’s always around and for that, she’s well respected. She taught her sister Barbara to read, she tends to her garden and gives away her fruits/veggies to families who need them, she helps local farmers when their cows or horses are sick. She ain’t afraid to her her hands dirty. Jean doesn’t drink though. Her parents did all the time so she refuses to drink while her sister is relying on her. However, she does go to the tavern to unwind with her coworkers and chat with the locals.
Lisa: Lisa is the local teacher for the kiddos :) the local schoolhouse was sponsored by Crepus and his old cop buddies way back when it was first built. Now it’s a bit rundown but it does the trick. Miss Lisa’s class has 17 children ranging from 7-15 years old. They all share a classroom and learn to read, write and do math together. She is very patient and kind, she always listens to the stories the kids tell her. She isn’t afraid to indulge in their imagination, sometimes a school day will just be pretending to be flightless dragons or fairies who turn sheep different colors. Many kids would be absent, only about 6 showing up on any given day since kids have to help out at their families ranch or family owned shop in town. But when they could come to school, it was always enjoyable. Miss Lisa lives next to the schoolhouse, her own home is quiet small but she likes it. She spends a majority of her time outside anyways. She’s always tending to her chickens, rearranging the rocks in her front yard, reading a book in the sun, sweeping her front porch. She loves the sounds of nature and the warm breeze on her face. Her weekends are full of lazing around and visiting the tavern to see her friends. She isn’t a drinker but she enjoys the music and atmosphere. Additionally, she collects books. Their town doesn’t have a library but Miss Lisa’s house is the closest they’ll get. People stop by to ask if she has a certain cook book, storybook or old literature they can borrow. She’s happy to lend her books out but if they’re not returned, she’ll find that persons house and refuse to leave until the book is returned! It isn’t easy getting these books! They’re brought in by merchants from other cities or even countries! She values the stories within those pages so return them!!!
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