#I hope I understood you correctly and you didn’t want me to reply to the ask directly so I’m answering in the tags
oksfranta · 1 year
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
hey, ik requests are closed but if you could do this one, i'll be very grateful. just remember, if you don't want to, you don't have to.
i was thinking if post-trial apollo, meets the reader, after the trial (can the reader be a child of Hades? like a child of Hades would be so iconic), love at first sight (fuck, why is this so cliche 😭😭) and tries to spend more time with the reader. the reader is new to the entire camp thing, and is getting more used to it, and grows closer to Apollo. but he's like scared to admit he's in love bc he thinks, that just like all his past lovers, the reader would run away, or kill herself, or fall into deep trouble, but after some really had event in which he almost loses y/n, he goes all haywire, confessing everything and it becomes a cute, fluffy scene together
AGAIN ik you aren't taking in requests, so if you don't want to do it, it's totally fine. love so many of your fics btw ♥️♥️
i love you, isn't that the worst thing you've ever heard?
— apollo/lester x child of hades!reader
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warnings: none a/n: Hello beautiful person. You're seeing this, now you know that I take your request and I want to say why and it's because you asked me so nice that I couldn't resist. I have corazón de pollo which is something like being very sensitive or being warm-hearted. Anyway, let me know if you liked it. I hope it was like that and thank you for reading me, for your support. ❤️ Kisses from Pluto! ha ha
Your legs settled back over Apollo’s knees, and he kept them in place with his hands, letting out a snort.
— You’re pretty comfortable with a god, aren’t you? — His pretentious tone just made you smile and shrug.
— You didn’t move my feet, did you? — you replied in the same tone, and he leaned against the cabin wall. It was true, and if it were up to him, he never would.
— Whatever…— he muttered, watching you lie back down, putting your attention back on a comic book Will Solace had lent you, saying it was based on one of his favorite movies, which made you interested in reading it. You thought you and Will weren’t that different, and you liked him but not in ‘that’ way, just as a friend. After all, Will was becoming part of the family with your brother Nico because they seemed to have something slowly brewing.
— How many times have you said I love you?— you asked out of the blue, still not taking your eyes off the comic. Apollo almost choked on his own saliva.
— What’s that about? — he said evasively. He didn’t want to talk about it because if he remembered correctly, all those times had ended badly. He tried to catch your eyes but found the glossy cover of the comic in the way.
You shrugged and turned the page, continuing with the same topic.
— I heard Nico say that to Will once when they thought I was out of our cabin, but I was just in the bathroom.
— Hmmm. And?
— Nothing, just that Nico doesn’t say it often. I’ve only heard him say it to his sister Bianca, his real sister. Also to Hazel, to me, and to Will.
Now Apollo understood but played dumb.
— I don’t know.
You tapped his thigh with your foot.
— Of course you do.
And obviously, he did, but stayed silent, hoping the comic would distract you enough.
— I think they’re falling in love — you stated, laughing at something you read. Apollo could never understand how demigods managed with ADHD; now, it just seemed like a curse.
— Well, I suppose.
His half-hearted responses annoyed you, and you put the comic down with a frown, and he apologized with his eyes.
— Have you fallen in love recently?
That question threw him off. Apollo gently moved your legs aside to sit on the edge of the bed with his heart racing and a pout on his face.
— Where are you going? — you asked, concerned, setting the comic aside and sitting next to him. Apollo smiled sheepishly. He didn’t like lying to you, but whenever you started guiding the conversation that way, he had to find a way to escape.
— I need to do something in olympus, they just told me.
You made a face and nodded. You never got involved in that; after all, he was a god.
In the end, Apollo sat moodily on his throne, watching time pass at Camp Half-Blood. Since his return as the sun god, things had changed in his heart, so he found himself more in that place despite what the gods said, which reminded him of when he met you.
You had recently arrived and caught attention for reaching an age where any demigod would have died, but shortly after, if not the same day, everyone knew you weren’t just any demigod. You were a child of Hades. Of course, the most delighted with this was Nico, who welcomed you and made sure you were never alone.
Things were fresh, so Apollo ended up in your close circle until it became very close. If Apollo was at Camp Half-Blood, you were with him, and it didn’t take long for him to fall in love with you, though you hadn’t realized it yet.
You felt safe growing up by his side; no one would mess with you since you were a child of the big three and a close friend of a god. Some fools judged you for your company, but they were afraid to approach when you were – according to Apollo – an adorable person.
The god watched through the fire as you thrived in camp after his unexpected departure, and to him, you were doing too well, though some things were too good for his liking, and he couldn’t deny it; you were charming in more than one way, which obviously attracted campers like Harley, that son of Hephaestus who sometimes gave you cute things like that pomegranate made of metal leaves. A gift that seemed very familiar when he saw Leo flirting with Calypso.
Leo flirting with Calypso.
Leo flirting.
The god stood up and admired the scene closely. Harley had blushed cheeks while giving you the gift, and you smiled gratefully. No way, he knew the sons of Hephaestus were bold, but he never imagined someone would be so obvious with you due to your lack of understanding of indirect hints. They approached but never that close, and he should have guessed, but also, he wasn’t one to get angry.
You received the gift and admired it closely, but only thanked him briefly, which seemed enough proof of your affection to the son of Hephaestus, something Apollo obviously loathed as well as keeping him awake the rest of the night.
He didn't know why (well he did) but the god ended sitting at the dining pavilion, his nails digging into the table.
— Everything okay? — Your voice snapped him out of his trance, and he smiled. You always seemed to have a radar for when he was near.
— Will fell in love with Nico, and Nico with him. Do you think they both realized it or just one?— His question took you by surprise, and more than making you think twice, it excited you that he finally answered that kind of question since he always seemed to have a repulsion to them.
You sat beside him, and Apollo gave you a sweet look, waiting for your answer.
— Maybe Nico and Will know, but Will could be waiting for Nico to give clear signals about it.
— Maybe Nico is scared.
— Does he think Will isn’t?
You both fell silent. It was clear; it was in the air, you weren’t really talking about your brother and Will.
— What’s the worst thing he could say to Will? — you asked, your hand reaching for Apollo’s to intertwine your fingers. The blonde swallowed and suddenly felt breathless.
— I don’t know, but I can think of something.
Apollo made a face and turned a little more towards you, his cheeks red and his eyes shiny. He was afraid of hurting you, of things not working out as they did with his previous lovers; he could never afford to make you suffer when he already knew the degree of consequence it would have in his life, but beyond his good or bad karma, he cared about you. He loved you enough never to try to have you.
Your patience was reaching its limit, and although the son of Hephaestus was cute, sweet, a good match… your heart belonged to someone since the first moment you saw him.
—Apollo… —your voice called him with a bit of seriousness, a peculiar tone that made the god realize his time for redundancies was over.
— I love you, isn’t that the worst I could say?
Your eyes widened with hope, and you moved a little closer to him, bumping knees.
— From Nico to Will? — you asked, not wanting to humiliate yourself.
Apollo’s blue eyes examined you suspiciously. The responsibility would fall on him; he was never the best at hiding his feelings, but if your happiness depended on it, the first moment he saw your life in danger, he wouldn’t hesitate to disappear from it. For now, a confession was something very innocent.
The sun god turned to you with a bit more evident confidence and didn’t let go of your hand; instead, he kissed it.
— No. From me to you…
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mixvyu · 11 months
Parfum d’étoile - episode fourty-one
scaramouche x reader smau
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You weren’t late this time.
You were in front of your door gripping the fabric of your clothes in one hand and holding your phone in the other, waiting for him to text.
You turned your phone off then right back on to check the time.
Scaramouche’s classes ended at 3 and he texted you to let you know he’d stop by his dorm room to change but he was awfully long.
You started to think he might’ve stood you up and that you looked utterly stupid standing there.
As you started thinking that, he suddenly texted.
You could only see so much of the text on the notification that was displayed on your screen but you could read the words
‘Sorry, lots of things happened so I’m not…’
Your stomach dropped and you didn’t even want to read the rest of the text message but you were way too curious to not do so.
‘Sorry lots of things happened so i’m not gonna be able to pick u up rn but i’ll be there in less than 20 i swear’
You sighed in relief and your thumbs flew over your keyboard to text back.
´Dpn’t start a rext like tjat beo u scaref me… its finr tho i was gonba be late 2 neways.´
That was a lie.
´Good i feel less bad now’
He added a crying emoji at the end of his sentence, something out of character for him. You couldn’t tell if it was supposed to express relief or if he was making fun of you.
The cold air made your fingers shaky and it made it hard to type correctly but he didn’t seem to pay any mind to that.
You’ve been standing outside for almost 40 minutes now. The weather was awful and it even looked like rain would start pouring at any moment now. You felt like moving from your spot would be like giving up on him like standing in lines for something you’ve been waiting for all week and then chickening out and leaving your spot out of weakness but you got tired of standing there and sent him a text before even thinking about it.
‘Hey uh i’m not feeling that good laybe we should cancel ?’
You regretted it as soon as you sent it but he already read it so it was too late to unsend
‘? Are you sure??
You closed your phone as soon as you saw his reply, not wanting to answer or to face what you did but you realised he would see the read sign and that there was no getting out of this one.
‘Nvm i can manage haha!! I just need to take a pill i’ll be good’
You lied again.
Scaramouche replied almost immediately.
‘If you’re not feeling well we can do that another day i wouldn’t want to force you’
You clenched your jaw. You never understood his mood swing, how he could clown you one second then be the most caring person you’ve met the next it was almost annoying.
‘It’s okay!! I’m already ready anyways i wouldn’t want to waste a good outfit lmao’
Now it was your turn to use a crying emoji, still not sure of what it was supposed to express.
‘Ok :(‘
You chuckled at the frowny face. That too was out of character.
After ten minutes, there were still no sight of him.
You felt like every person that walked passed knew what situation you were in and were just pitying you and god it made you feel like shit.
Maybe waiting at home would’ve been smarter.
Just as you thought that a car you recognised pulled up.
You got up abruptly, opened the door in one swift movement and threw yourself on the passager seat without even looking at who was inside the vehicle.
You let yourself sink into the seat, sighing happily as the warm air hit your skin. And just as you thought you couldn’t get more comfortable you heard his voice
"Hey, so sorry i’m late i hope you didn’t have to wait for too long." Scaramouche said
You finally looked at him for the first time today
He was wearing black baggy pants but you couldn’t tell which top he decided to put on because of the coat covering it.
"It’s fine don’t worry. ‘Was just a bit cold."
"I have a jacket in the back, do you want to borrow it ?"
"Yeah i’d love to!"
He reached for the back seat without looking and pulled out a white jacket.
He handed it to you without a word and put his hand back on the steering wheel when you took it from his hands.
You put it on quickly and felt a tad bit disappointed when you recognise Kazuha’s signature cologne on it.
It wasn’t Scaramouche’s.
" So ? Where are we going ?" He said, finally breaking the silence
"Uhmm I’m not sure anymore… Do you want to go to the aquarium ?"
"Uh sure if that’s what you want"
"You don’t really seem enthusiastic."
"Fishes aren’t my thing to be honest, but if they’re yours…"
"What’s your thing then ?"
"I don’t know."
You let out a long sigh
"You’re not helping me ! Just pick a place and we’ll go !"
"You were the one that was supposed to plan it ! Why do I have to choose ?!"
God you forgot how annoying he could be.
"Ok, ok. What about the zoo ?"
"It’s like an hour drive, though…"
"The arcade ??"
"I don’t have any coins."
"The museum ?"
"It’s a bit boring isn’t it ?"
"Ok just kill yourself." You let out a sound that could only be described as a growl "where do you want to go ?"
"Anywhere is fine" he stopped the car engine realising that decided where to go was going to take longer than intended
"Anywhere is not fine ! You don’t like any of my suggestions."
"I mean, yeah they suck but if you want to go then we’ll go. Everything is fine if you’re here."
"Don’t try to romance me, asshole ! My suggestions are great !"
"I already went to all those places a thousand times so it’s not really interesting frankly."
You mumbled an almost inaudible ‘sorry rich boy’ before sighing for the thousandth time
"What about that library/coffee shop at the mall ? They opened like a week ago."
He turned to look at you so fast you thought he’d snap his neck
"They’re open?! Why didn’t you tell me that before ?! Let’s go !" He said restarting the car.
You took a seat at one of the few tables that were in place at the back of the library.
You hoped to use that face to face moment to talk to Scaramouche more before having to tell him that you like him even thought you don’t know him as much as you wish you did.
But that hope quickly died down when you saw that he did everything but stay in place.
He seemed to love books more than anything because he was going from aisle to aisle grabbing some of them so that he could read the back and either putting them back where they belong or nesting them under his arm.
After 20 minutes of that he sat down in front of you, pushed his cup aside and put down the 7 books he had picked up.
Some were novels, some were mangas, some were comics. The genre also seemed to be very different from one book to another.
"I’m so happy they restocked, i’m going to read all of them as fast as possible." He said, taking a sip of his coffee and making a funny face when he realised it was now lukewarm.
"So… you like books, eh ?" You laughed, not finding anything else to say to start a conversation
"Yeah, books are great."
"What’s your favourite ?"
He leaned even more into the backrest of his chair
"Uhm… if i had to say one it would probably be…"
He clicked his tongue not really knowing what to answer
"Oh ! The house of leaves is a super cool one ! I love it !" He exclaimed in a ‘obviously why didn’t i think of that one before’ voice.
"Oh really ? I never heard of it i should check it out."
"What’s your favourite ?"
"Uhm… I don’t really know"
He nodded.
If the entirety of the date was going to be this way, it was going to feel painfully awkward.
The walk back to the car was awkward as well even after the many attempts that both of you had at making conversation.
Scaramouche looked as good as ever even though he still didn’t discard of his coat and you were dying to see what was underneath and what kind of outfit he managed to pull together this time.
While in the parking lot, you noticed a few people staring at him and it almost made you feel proud.
"You feeling ok ?" He asked as soon as the car doors closed " you shouldn’t have forced yourself to come if you were feeling bad."
"I’m fine. It’s fine." You sighed "i’m fine."
"The more you say it the less i believe you." He laid his palm against your forehead "well, you don’t feel hot so that’s great." His hand traveled from your forehead to your cheek.
´If you keeps touching you like that, I might start feeling hot.´ you thought but didn’t dare to say out loud.
He looked at your eyes then your lips then your eyes again and you hoped to God he’d just kiss you but instead he took his hand off your face and rested his head back into the car seat headrest.
"So ? Where are we going next ?"
"Uhm…" you checked the time. It was already pushing 8pm "we could go eat."
"Sure that’s fine by me. Where ?"
"I’ll let you pick" you said trying to sound gentlemanly but knowing it was only because you had no idea what to pick and judging by his face, you didn’t fool him.
"We could go to a japanese restaurant."
"Don’t you already eat japanese at home ? It’s a bit boring for you isn’t it ?"
"It’s fine i haven’t had it in a while and i miss it. I’m doing this for me mostly."
You knew he was lying.
"I saw some leftovers when i went over, though ? If you want me to try it just say so." You teased
All he did was hum before starting the car engine."
Unlike what you expected, you weren’t face to face with him but instead sitting next to each other at a sushi bar.
"I haven’t had sushi in forever." You clapped your hands, excited for the huge free meal you were about to get.
"I could eat those forever, i’ll never get tired."
You downed the 4 makis you grabbed on the moving tray as soon as they were in front of you.
Before you could even grab something else, a green plate of three tempura was gently placed on top of the plate you just cleaned.
"Are you trying to shut me up ?"
"How’d you guess ?" He smirked half jokingly. "Try those next"
"If you insist !"
You took a bite out of it but before you could have a second one you suddenly felt like somebody was looking at you.
"What ? Were you planning on eating those or something ?" You didn’t have to stare back at him to know that it was his eyes that were gazing at you.
"No, no."
You took a second bite but almost choked when you felt his cold palm on your cheek.
You pulled away startled and uncomfortable by the sudden cold.
"What’s your deal, dude ?" You said, feeling your face heating up.
"Just checkin’ to see if you felt less warm than earlier."
"You said I didn’t feel warm at all earlier."
He looked away staring down at the plate of sushi he helped himself to previously
"Checking to see if it feel warmer then, i guess."
"God, you’ll be the death of me one day."
"You should take me out more often."
"Just so you can use me and drain my finances ? No way, i’m never doing this again."
You were leaning against the car, trying your best not to cough as the smoke from the cigarette Scaramouche lit made it’s way through your nostrils.
He seemed to noticed, telling you at least five time that if the smell was bothering you, he could open up the car and you could enjoy all the clean air you wanted but you so desperately wanted to stay close to him.
"Do you smoke a lot ?"
Scaramouche brought the cigarette to his lips, nestling it between them before inhale deeply. He brought it back to his side before releasing the breath he was holding, creating a cloud of fog in front of him.
He took so long to answer you thought he didn’t hear
"Not really. Tonight’s just a great night for a smoke." He finally said.
"How so ?"
He turned and glanced at you before looking up to the sky.
"The sun is setting, the sky is a mix of purple and orange, we’re in an empty parking lot talking about trivial stuff, it’s a friday night. It’s great for a smoke."
You giggled "When did you become so poetic ?"
He sat down, back against the driver’s side door and you did the same.
He put his cigarette out on the floor and rested his head on your shoulder.
"Are you tired ?" You asked, trying to stop your voice from cracking
"Yeah. Just a bit. Do you want to go anywhere else ?"
"No, not today."
Silence installed itself, a non awkward one this time. Only the sound of the wind let itself be heard and the few screams and giggles from the skatepark not too far.
"I love you, kuni."
He straightened up instantly
"What ?"
"I think I do ? Have feelings for you, I mean. I’m pretty certain."
"Wait… Huh ??"
You got up before he could even make sense of the situation
"Today was nice. I live not too far so i’ll walk. Thank you for driving me around." If you had the guts you would’ve kissed his forehead
You fled before he even had the chance to speak.
Extras !
• car seat headrest reference
• "erm i don’t like sushi 🤓☝️" WELL TOO BAD 👎👎
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
“Two Worlds,One Heart”Prologue
Word Count: 1500+ A/N: Don’t flop I beg.
Tighnari X Kitsune Reader
"Y/N you're finally awake! We should go play!" Your sibling stated seeing you awake from your slumber as they patiently waited for you. Yae mikos tail ecstatically wagged at you, you'd mirror it back to her showing how happy both of you were. The life of an Yokai is interesting nonetheless but also hardships have to be encountered eventually. 
Your bond with Yae Miko strengthened to the point where it was unbreakable, but you both could only last around 2 weeks without one another. The calming atmosphere and presence you'd both give each other was always welcomed. 
"Yae miko is there any chance we can take a break from work for a few days? I'm sure the 3rd chief editor or main Shrine maiden can take care of our duties for a day or so." You asked, losing your energy from the weeks becoming more tiresome. "Now now my dear little one, if they take over our job for a few days, which way will we be able to tell it's all good?" She stated, eating her fried tofu while you ate your dango. It was a rare sight to see one of you out, rarer when both of you were. 
Unlike yae, you had your tail and ears out while Yae only had her ears. Everyone knew what Yokai you were, the Kitsune, almighty beings who gain a tail every 100 years and becomes more powerful with each tail granted. It was nearly impossible for inazumians to guess it but it was entertaining nonetheless for you and Miko to watch them all bicker about the ages of you both.
You looked at her with curiosity, she'd give you a hm in return of your gaze towards her. "Well can I at least go Yae Miko?" You stated, hangs moving forward and becoming fists while staring at her with anticipation. "Of course you can dear~ Just don't have too much fun that you don't come back alright?" 
She stated, continuing to eat her noodles and tofu. You were ecstatic about leaving inazuma for a little period of time. Goodness everyone was staring at your tail, swishing rapidly side to side. Glad the chairs didn't have a back and instead were stools. Or else your tail would be uncomfortable. 
"Does that mean I can finally go to Sumeru?" You said your usually pinned down ears slightly rised, hoping you heard Yae Miko clearly.”Yes, I’ll miss you though, make sure to send back letters to dear me.” She stated giving you a headpat and slightly ruffled your hair. “When do you plan to go? We need to prepare you.” Miko stated, seemingly finished with her meal and her attention fixed on you. “I was hoping to do it next week… Monday or well start my trip on Sunday perhaps.” 
“We’ll get the check.” Miko stated seeing you finished your dango, You getting out your purse ready to pay when she gave you a gaze saying “I’ll pay for it.” With a wink on her face. Luckily you understood. “Miko if I’m correct it’s currently Wednesday. I’m pretty sure it’s 3pm by now and we came around 2:30pm. So if I plan to arrive there daytime… Should I go around 11pm? I doubt the boat will be quick, especially if the shoguns lightning may struck which it shouldn’t because of our relationship is stable with her.” You stated, trying to remember correctly. 
“My my, when did you become a calculator?” She stated slightly teasing you. “Alright, I’ll let the Publishing house and the Shrine maidens know today or tomorrow. In the meantime, may you help me with reading our apprentices works? Or do you want to help the shrine maidens today?” She asked, stopping in her tracks turning back and waited for your reply. 
“Well which one are you doing today Miko? I thought you were going to read the works we have. Or are you changing your mind based on my input?” You asked. Thinking about the question she had just asked. “Well I’m going to read, you recently visited Mondstadt didn’t you? Maybe we could add a few subtle details into the stories. Or maybe Ms hina can help us out with her column.” She did her signature laugh. “Do we really need to bring ‘them’ into this Miko? Didn’t they go through enough with you already?” You asked, with a slight dead serious look on your face with ur hands on the sides of your hips. 
“Alright alright I get it, you’re too eager to read today aren’t you?” She stated, grabbing your hand slightly, dragging you towards the building. While you silently complied, knowing not to respond. Upon opening the entrance many familiar writers were working. You spent around the next hour or so making everything published go smoothly and refining books. 
The rest of the few days of the week were spent on researching, which is what you’d do when you’re away from your books. You learned about a few of sumerus native plants and culture such as the Sumeru rose or Nilotpala Lotus. They had a giant school called the “Akademiya” But its Archon wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Confused by this as most regions have their archons anywhere within the region made you even more curious in the nation. 
“Alright I need to make a quick trip to the stores to get everything I need for the trip. I believe, if I get everything I need it should be smooth sailing from here hopefully. Maybe someone can give me directions when I arrive into liyue and enter through the chasm.” You wondered hoping someone was kind enough to help you out. Fingers tapped against the wood of the desk. With the other one as a stool for your head as confusion clouded your mind. 
Grabbing your diary from the shelf, dusting it off slightly as it hasn’t been touched for a few days, dust covering your fingers slightly making it grey. Ignoring the lingering dust you read through, looking for additional information you may have added when you first heard about sumeru around a few years past. 
Circling anything you found useful that was already written on a page before repeating the process. With the occasional Fox and inazuman related doodles, debating if you should bring it with you or keep it here as there’s magic lingering on it that only allows you and Miko to open could be considered as a weapon if they thought about it. Gently and neatly placing it into the bag you were going to bring, which luckily for you could float so you didn’t have to carry nor had to worry about anyone stealing as Electrograna shield protected it. Adding electro to those who dare to try. 
“Well I suppose I can bring this. As long as they allow it I should be safe.” You stated, pondering and walking around the room, tail flicked slightly. You stared back at the empty desk, turning your light back on for the meantime. Continuing to draw in your sketchbook in your plant pages. Might as well put information as soon as you can. You never know when they can come in handy. 
Maybe I should book this boat. It seems to be heading to liyues city and I slightly know my way around so I should be able to make it towards sumeru with no difficulties or injuries if I’m correct unless anything is trying to eliminate me for some reason.” You said as you sketched a similar looking boat to help you memorize what it would look like before you had your trip. Which it was currently Saturday only one day or two before you can go to sumeru. 
Focusing the weekend on the same things felt repetitive, but now you can experience it differently for one week, sure you enjoyed both of your jobs but they can become boring after a long period of time just like anything can. Maybe you may have brought less than you need, but I should add more just incase like a first aid kit. 
*Sunday, Timeskip* 
The day of starting your journey to sumeru has finally came, rising early to not miss the boat, friends waved you a goodbye and gave gifts before you left. Letting you know how much they cared about you, although it was only a week, time apart is still time apart. 
Upon boarding, you enjoyed it. No lightning struck anytime while waiting for everyone else to board. Waving goodbye to friends who still stayed behind. Staring into the sea, unknowingly you were on the Crux, the ship Kazuha one of your friends was apart of. Using Sakura petals to mimic the little waves in the ocean with it tapping the water. 
“Y/N? Were you one of the ones who wanted to be on our ship to Liyue? I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting you, I do not mean anything negative with that statement, instead I’m glad. I love seeing positive familiar faces.” He said lending a hand out to shake with yours. Shaking his you stared back at him starting a conversation. 
“Oh yeah Kazuha! Same to you. I thought I booked a different one but I’m glad to see you. It’s been a while.” You stated, your hand still lingering within his, grabbing him closer to you. “Aren’t the little ripples soothing and awesome?” You stated as you scattered Sakura petals with him watching. You let go.
(We used the hand we shakes Kazuha with to scatter the petals btw-)
Only on Wattpad and Tumblr! If you see it on other sites beside those please report it. I don’t allow reposting on other sights beside Tumblr.
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The tape began with Louis half talking to himself and half talking to Humboldt, discussing whatever came to mind such as whatever their respective teams have been up to and the robots they planned on interviewing.
“And you’re sure the schedule is set up correctly?” Humboldt asked. “We know who will be interviewed first?”
“Yeah, we do!” Louis replied with a wide grin on his face. “We have a ‘spybot system’ that will be arriving soon.”
“Good, alright. Hopefully this will go smoothly for everyone.” He replied. The medic was aware that some questions may be a bit touchy, and the last thing he wanted was for the interviewees to become distressed or uncomfortable. The same could be said for the scout that sat next to him at the interview table.
Not even after a minute of waiting, a knock was heard at the door, sounding like metal clanging against metal as politely as it could.
“Excuse me?” A soft-spoken yet flat toned voice asked as the door creaked open. “We are here for the interview.”
“Oh! Come in!” Louis chirped as he quickly grabbed his clipboard and got ahold of his pen. The spybot entered the room and nervously adjusted the bow on her hat before taking a seat at the table, which had a bowl of quarters in the center of it for comfort.
“We hope the commute here wasn’t too troublesome. Thank you for deciding to participate.” Humboldt said.
“To give a quick run down,” He continued, “Theres three sets of questions based in three categories. We’ll ask you all the basics first, simple questions like your name, model, and so on. You can opt to skip any questions you feel uncomfortable asking.”
“Understood.” The spybot replied. “I should also notify you off the bat that I share my body with three other individuals, although you are not obliged to interview them as well.”
"That was completely fine!" Louis spoke up. "If they want to be interviewed, that's absolutely something that can happen."
Humboldt nodded in agreement. "It doesn't take very long to set up a time for that. We'd encourage it, but again it is not something any of them are forced to do."
"Understood." She said again, as if it were the only reply she was allowed to make. "I will discuss this with them once the interview is over. On that note, I am ready to begin."
"Great!" Louis said as he clicked his pen. “So to start off, name and preferred pronouns?”
“Sisyphus… she/her.”
The pause was like if she were trying to figure out if it was safe enough to tell them, like a looming, judgmental figure that didn’t exist was always right behind her.
Humboldt nodded in response before asking the next question. “If you can recall, what is your date of production and the date you gained sentience? This is optional and can be approximate.” He continued.
Sisyphus thought about the question, trying to approximate when exactly the system came to be. “I do not know when we were produced, but I do know we originally gained sentience sometime in late 1972.”
She hesitated, unpleasant memories leaking into her mind, staining her consciousness like black acrylic paint dripping on to white cotton fabric. “Due to certain factors in our past that are no longer present, we have had to regain sentience multiple times, with the most recent instance of this being August of last year.”
The idea of repeatedly losing and regaining sentience both perplexed and disturbed Louis. From what he saw through Sisyphus’s stiff and emotionless demeanour, he estimated that she was mentally only in her mid teens.
“Would you mind elaborating on what these factors were?” Louis asked with hesitation in his voice, “Again, this is completely optional.”
Again, Sisyphus paused, figuring out how to word this as vaguely as possible while still giving a satisfying answer. “We were under the “care” of a malicious human who would take away our sentience as a form of punishment. I… do not know for certain why we continued to repeatedly regain it.” She admitted.
The prospect of such a punishment bothered both interviewers, though it began to make Humboldt wonder; When a robot lost sapience, was there still something that allowed for it to be regained? He wrote it down in a notebook while Louis wrote down the answers before speaking up.
“The case of sapience is still quite a mystery, as we’ve noticed. Regaining it again is yet another. We appreciate you deciding to share with us.”
“We can return to the general questions, if you would like?”
“I would like that, yes.” Sisyphus replied, a bit quicker than her previous replies.
“Of course.” Humboldt replied. “Next question is your model. This can be as specific as you wish, such as being a “basal” model or having a sort of specialization.”
“We are just a spybot.” She said. “No specialization that we are aware of.”
Louis nodded, writing down the answers on his clipboard before asking the final question for this round. “And are there any disabilities that you’re aware of?”
Sisyphus thought for a moment, wondering. “We have been informally diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Though, I’m not sure if it could be considered a disability so much as a disorder.”
“A disorder qualifies under this as well, yes Now, I believe that is all for this section. Unless my colleague has any further questions?” Humboldt asked as he turned to face Louis.
“I don’t think so, no. Are we ready to move on?” He replied.
Sisyphus nodded. “I am ready.”
"These next questions, then, we have determined can be... difficult." Humboldt said with a wary tone in his voice. "They will be mostly discussing your own personal experiences, relations, and the like."
He continued, "Again, you may opt out of answering any that may strike you as too invasive or bring you discomfort. You are also free to cut the interview short should you experience any distress."
Sisyphus hesitated, considering whether or not she truly wanted to continue.
Finally, she came to a decision. "Understood." She said in that serious, unfeeling tone of hers.
Louis read through his notes as he spoke up again. "So, for this next round of questioning... You say three others inhabit this hull of yours, right? What's that like for you?"
Sisyphus thought about it, and how to best describe the experience to someone who may not be familiar with 'sharing'. "We have a... 'mental landscape' of sorts. Under ordinary circumstances I would spend most of my time there while Arthur controls the body, only occasionally being forced to take control."
"...However, due to the current circumstances, I have taken on Arthur's role for the time being. Typically only one of us is in control at a time, though others may spectate."
Humboldt nodded as he made a quick note in his notebook. "Next would be your relations with and views about others. This can be about anyone you feel comfortable discussing."
"I will admit," Sisyphus began. "At the moment I only have three at least partially positive relationships outside our head. The first would be Arthur's brother, Otto."
"I... have harmed him emotionally in the past," She admitted as guilt began to seep into her voice like syrup through a cloth. "But our relationship is improving."
"Second is our father, who is patient with us and Otto, for reasons that are beyond me. I enjoy his presence."
"Outside of family, I've begun to develop a relationship with a pink scoutbot. While she is occasionally expressive in ways that... frighten me for reasons related to my past, I greatly enjoy her presence."
"Pink scoutbot... Interesting!" Louis said while he fidgeted with his pen. "Are you aware of any other robots that deviate from the standard red and blue coat of paint like that?"
Again, Sisyphus thought, only recalling one other robot that matches Louis's description. "Just a green medibot, I believe."
"Hm... I believe I've met that one.' Humboldt said as he recalled. It was a little while ago, but he was glad to hear she was doing okay. "Given that you have mentioned that you have a guardian of sorts, is there anything else you'd like to bring up about him? Anything regarding how having a guardian might influence your day-to-day life?"
"Arthur has stated that he is the one that designed us robots."
"I feel as though we would be in a much worse place without him, likely living in the woods or under the "care" of a less unusually kind human."
"He... also aided me in having the courage to deviate from the identity I was given upon gaining sentience."
"How sweet..." Louis commented, feeling genuinely touched before remembering what he's supposed to be doing. "Anyways- apologies. I believe we're ready for the last round of questioning, unless Humboldt here has anything to ask?"
The doctor thought for a moment, and as far as he knew, nothing came to mind.
He spoke up, "I have one question, actually. You said your father designed the robots, is he still working on such pursuits?"
Sisyphus shook her head. "Not that I'm aware of, no. Father is no longer employed under the man that created us robots."
A quiet sigh of relief came from Humboldt as he wrote something down. "Noted, thank you for answering." He replied. "Now, this next set of questions is more intensive, and we understand if you wish to answer none of them. They involve discussions of experiences with humans, Gray Mann, and the human mercenaries."
Humboldt figured these questions would cause more intense reactions in the robots, which is why he wanted to warn her ahead of time.
"Do you wish to proceed?"
"...These results will be published, correct?" Sisyphus asked. She hoped that maybe, just maybe, this would make more humans view robots as people. At the same time, she felt their efforts would be in vain, but she might as well help while she has the opportunity.
"They will be, yes. That is part of our process."
Humboldt paused to think. "If it does worry you, we can wait to publish your results until after we have more information from the others."
"Ah, no. No need." She reassured, taking a moment to let her fans whir. "I... I believe i am ready."
"Great!" Louis said as he sorted his clipboard. "So, other than your past experiences with that... less than desirable human, have you noticed that you're treated differently for being a robot?"
"No, but that's likely because I only tend to interact with Father and other robots. I do believe i would be treated differently if I ever chose to interact with humans other than yourselves and Father."
Humboldt nodded. "Alright, noted. What about your opinions regarding Gray Mann?" He asked, fully expecting this question to be avoided entirely by most robots, and he couldn't blame them.
"Its good that he's dead." Sisyphus responded bluntly. "As long as he was alive, no robot would be able to live without the constant threat of death looming over them."
Louis made a 'hm' sound while he tapped his gloved fingers on the desk. "To be fully honest with you, I'm glad he's not around, either. If I were to create a robot army and some of them turned out to be sentient, I would-" He cut himself off, realizing he's rambling again.
"...Apologies. Anyway, what are your thoughts on the mercenary you were modelled after?"
Sisyphus had her own thoughts on the matter, but for the time being she chose not to discuss them. "I don't have any in particular. The four of us have thoroughly detached ourselves from the idea of being a spy, and therefor at all related to the original spy."
"Hm... interessant" Humboldt muttered to himself before moving on. "I believe that concludes the questions, unless Mr. Boucher has something to ask? And of course, if there's anything you'd like to know, feel free to ask"
"If you call me that again I'm going to recoil into my own skin." Louis shot back. He absolutely did not expect to hate the nickname as much as he did. "Anyways, no. I don't have anything else to ask."
"I will take my leave, then." Sisyphus said as she got up from her seat, walking to the door and opening it up.
"Thank you for your participation. We appreciate it greatly." Humboldt said as Sisyphus left the room. "Should you have further comments to make, feel free to contact one of us."
"Noted, and goodbye." Sisyphus said before leaving the interview room, closing the door behind her.
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aidensteddybear · 8 months
little ! heather / cg ! alejandro but alejandro stressed, so he needs to regress today basically heather's first time caregiving
Regressor! Alejandro w/ Caregiver! Heather
(I think I understood this request correctly. Please let me know if I didn’t!!)
Heather could tell something was wrong with Alejandro, even though she was currently regressed. He was really quiet and fidgety, which was definitely not like him.
Heather took a small break from coloring and looked over at Alejandro, who seemed to be zoned out. She gently tapped him on his knee.
“Hm?” Alejandro hummed, looking at Heather. “Are you okay?” She questioned. It was clear to Alejandro that Heather was starting to go back into her normal mindset.
“I’m fine, Heather. Don’t worry about me, just go back to coloring.” Alejandro told her, forcing a small smile. “I don’t really want to anymore. I think I’m done with regressing for today.” Heather said, sitting on the couch beside of Alejandro.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” She asked. “Mm..mhm..” Alejandro hummed shakily, though Heather didn’t believe him for a second.
“You know you can tell me if something’s bothering you, right? I’m here to listen.” Heather said as she held Alejandro’s hand.
“Don’ wanna..” Alejandro muttered. That was all Heather needed to hear to know that Alejandro was beginning to regress.
Heather knew that Alejandro also regressed, but she had never seen him do it. He was too nervous to do it around her, even though Heather regresses too. He must’ve been pretty stressed out if he regressed out of nowhere.
“Hey, do you need to be little today?” Alejandro shook his head while staring at the ground. “Alejandro, it’s fine if you do. I can take care of you, if you need me to.” Heather offered.
“Not ‘posed t’ be little..” Alejandro grumbled. “Baby, it’s alright. You know I won’t judge you for it. Not at all.” Heather told him, though Alejandro kept staring at the ground in shame.
“How about we go lay in bed? You seem tired and cranky.” Heather suggested. “‘Kay..” Alejandro responded quietly.
Heather continued to hold his hand, leading him to the bedroom. When they got to the room, Heather looked at Alejandro.
“Do you need anything, honey?” Alejandro nodded. “Yeah? Can you tell me so I can go get it?” Heather asked. “Mmm..wan’ paci..an’ Rory..” Alejandro whispered, his voice a bit whiny.
“Okay, I can get that for you. But can you tell me who Rory is first?” Alejandro whined, before speaking. “Lion..” He fussed, making it clear that he definitely needed a nap. Poor boy seemed so sleepy.
“Baby, relax. It’s alright.” Heather spoke softly. “Go lay down and I’ll bring you your paci and Rory.” Alejandro whined some more, but did as he was told.
Heather was quick to return with the items he asked for, giving them to him before laying beside of him.
“Thank you..” Alejandro murmured from behind his paci. “You’re welcome, darling. Do you think you might need to take a nap?” Alejandro nodded, clinging onto Heather’s arm.
“I sleepy..” He whispered, looking at her with teary eyes. “Go to sleep then. I’ll be right here the whole time.” Heather replied. Alejandro mumbled some nonsense, before hiding his face in Heather’s arm.
Heather smiled and gave Alejandro a small kiss on the top of his head. She didn’t mind taking care of him, even if he was a bit grumpy today. Heather knew he was just tired and needed some rest. But, she did hope that Alejandro would regress around her more often. Heather would really love to help him out with it all. No matter what.
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jiliansky-blog · 10 days
Spell of the heart. Chapter 5. Get to know you
Tumblr media
Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: PG
Words: 3100
Notes: Spoilers to Brief lives. Sorry, some events I cann't remember correctly
Her words awoke something in me that I was willing to forget. She wasn’t afraid of me. She didn’t try to seduce me. Furthermore, she wanted to know me as a person. And I didn’t want to attach myself to a human. And I shouldn’t give her much hope. She shouldn’t fall in love with me. I will ruin everything again. And I don’t want to do it. It would be better if she hates me and leaves as soon as possible. Does Thessaly want to ruin me that way?
“My lord?” Lucienne asked. “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” I replied. “Why should I not?”
“You are very distant,” she said.
“I think Thessaly wants this girl to be my downfall,” I admitted.
“That can be true,” she sighed. “You know the rule about mortals. But do you think this girl is going to fall in love?”
“I can’t risk it,” I replied. “I don’t want another catastrophic situation. I don’t want to ruin another mortal again.”
“I understood,” said Lucienne quietly.
Somehow, it doesn’t feel reassuring.
After Morpheus left, you didn’t know what to do or what to think. So you decided to return to the library and do some reading. Perhaps, it would help you find the answers.
“Are you alright?” asked Lucienne.
“Why shouldn’t I be?” you asked. And then you understand. Morpheus was here, and she thinks that we argued.
“You are just like him,” she sighed. “Lord Morpheus can be a little harsh. But he just worries about you or your world.”
“I noticed,” you said. “But I just want to help him.”
“I’m afraid you can’t,” she said.
“Why not?” you asked.
“The universe rules,” she replied. “You can make everything worse. And he is now in bad state of mind after…”
“After that woman left him,” you finished.
“Yes.” Lucienne nodded. “I would advise you not to fall in love with him. It cannot end well.”
“Why not?” you asked. “Oh, wait, the universe rules. But why?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged.
“It doesn’t make sense,” you whispered.
“That’s not for us to judge,” she admitted.
You understood that Lucienne doesn’t want to talk about it. And she also doesn’t know why it is the way it is.
“Alright, how can I help him with missing books?” you asked. “I know there is a way I can help him.”
“Even if a magical user can’t find that woman, you can’t either,” she said.
“I know, I can help him communicate in another city to find her,” you said. “Perhaps I can talk to her. She won’t hurt me.”
“We can’t know it for sure,” she replied. “And Lord Morpheus won’t be happy if you follow him to the Waking world.”
“And what do you suggest me to do?” you asked.
“Just stay here until he finds a way to return you home,” the librarian replied. “You shouldn’t stay here forever anyway.”
You were annoyed by her answers and left the library. But as soon as you left the castle, Matthew joined you.
“Rough day?” he asked.
“You can say that,” you sighed. “I just want to help. But they won’t let me. What is the point of being in another world when you can’t do anything?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “At least you are not a raven. Perhaps the boss is still in a bad mood. And he is not cooperative.”
“I can see that,” you admit.
“But he can be good,” the raven replied. “It was just a difficult time for him. And I know he said to stay away. But he is desperate for company and a kind world. And he is so bad at expressing feelings. Don’t let it scary you away.”
“So you think I can talk to him?” you asked.
“You can try,” he said. “Talking is not falling in love. He thinks that he doesn’t deserve friendship or is incapable of it. I don’t agree.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, and you went to find Morpheus.
You found him in the throne room. He was thoughtful and serious, and he was looking at the vintage window with an image of a woman on it.
“Boiling yourself in thoughts and grief has never worked out for me,” you admitted quietly. “It doesn’t even feel better.”
“Perhaps I don’t want to feel better,” he replied.
He didn’t shut you up or tell you to leave. It’s a good sign.
“Torturing yourself doesn’t help you find her either,” you said.
“I can’t recall asking your opinion,” he said, looking at me.
“I decided that you might like a company,” you said.
“Matthew told you something,” he huffed. “That bird sometimes talks too much.”
“He didn’t say anything dangerous,” you admitted. “That place is beautiful. This star and stars are something else.”
“You don’t need to flatter me to make me feel better,” he said.
“I don’t”, you smiled. “I really think so.”
“Don’t get used to it,” he smirked.
And then he was distracted by some voice and became very serious again.
“My lord, your sister came to see you,” was the voice of the dragon.
“Death?” Morpheus asked.
“No,” he replied. “Delirium of the Endless.”
Morpheus sighed and looked tired.
“Let her in,” he said. “You can wait here in the library.”
“Can I meet her?” you asked.
“She can…influence you,” he said after a moment of consideration. “It wouldn’t be safe for a mortal to be near you.”
“Oh, alright,” you said, even thought you wanted to meet his sister.
He has a sister, you’re thinking while he is leaving the throne room. He said it earlier. Interesting. How many sisters or brothers does he have?
You’re waiting for him, but time has passed, and he is not here. So you decided to go to the library. And that is the moment when someone almost knocked you over.
“Delirium!” you said, Morpheus. “Watch where you go.”
“You hid immortal here,” said the girl.
She was pale. Her eyes were different colors, and so was her hair. And she wore a dress. You felt a little bit dizzy.
“Hold your strength,” Morpheus hissed. “You don’t want to make her insane, do you?”
“Sorry, brother,” she smiled. “Do you like fish?”
“I guess,” you replied, a little bit surprised
“Good!” she said, making flying fish and bubbles. “Can she go with us?”
“No”, Morpheus said coldly.
“Go where?” you asked.
“We are looking for our lost brother!” she said happily.
“Delirium!” Morpheus almost hissed.
“I can help,” you smiled. “You might need help if you’re going into my world.”
Something tells you they might act weird there and don’t have enough experience out there. So you smiled charmingly. You wanted to go with them.
“Yes, you can definitely help us!” she says brightly.
“Okay, so where are we going?” you asked.
“It can be dangerous,” Morpheus said, looking at me. “And that’s a family business.”
“Well, your sister thinks that you need help,” you replied. “Don’t worry, I will be helpful and useful. And what should I do here in your absence?”
“I want…to find her to bring you back,” he said.
“Alright,” you said. “Then I will help you to do that.”
“Are you always so stubborn?” he sighed.
“I can ask you the same question,” you smiled. “So, where to begin?”
“I have a list of people who saw him,” Delirium said gladly. “Where do I put it? It must be somewhere here.”
“Don’t tell me, you have already put it in your realm,” Morpheus said.
“Find it!” she said. “We need to visit this lawyer first. And we already have a car and a driver. It will be fun.”
You didn’t ask where she found these things. You just hope everything will be fine. Furthermore, you were sitting next to an absolutely distant Morpheus.
“So where can your brother be?” you asked carefully.
You didn’t want to sit silent all the time. You want to get to know him.
“I have no clue,” he said.
“Do you want to tell me a story about it?” you asked carefully.
“Not really,” he replied.
“He disappeared a long time ago,” said Delirium, and suddenly she was very serious. “I miss him so much.”
“He abandoned his kingdom,” Morpheus added. “And us.”
“Were you close?” you asked.
“Not really,” Morpheus replied. “But he was the most…kind among us. He didn’t want to cause more destruction.”
“Destruction?” you asked, surprised. “So that was his power?”
“Yes,” he nodded.
“Wow,” you said.
You didn’t know what else to ask. So the rest of the way, you were silent. But at the end of the trip, you’ve got nothing. The lawyer died.
“Who is next on your list?” you asked.
“We need to go to the hotel first,” she said. “I always dream of sleeping in a hotel!”
“We don’t need to sleep,” said Morpheus grumpily.
“But she needs it,” replied Delirium gladly. “And so is our driver.”
“Let me help you with check in,” You smiled and went to the registration desk. This came smoothly. But you’ve got only two rooms. Morpheus wasn’t happy.
“What do we need to do now?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” you said. “I suppose I can stay with her in a room, and you stay with your sister. Do you have any other ideas?”
“No,” he said. ”Perhaps, that would be best.”
“Alright,” you said, giving him a key.
You would prefer to stay with him. But he wasn’t approachable now. He was in a worse mood than before. But you hope to make him feel better.
“He is scary,” said Ruby, the driver. “Cute, but scary.”
“Yes,” you laughed. “I think it describes him pretty well.”
“Why are you going with them?” she asked. “They are so weird.”
“I wanted adventures and to help,” you said.
“Interesting,” she smirked.
You went to sleep, but you woke up because something was wrong. All the rooms were on fire. And you tried to save Ruby, but she was unconscious. And then someone took you out of the fire. You understood that it was Morpheus.
“We need to help her,” you said.
“You can’t help her anymore,” he said sadly. And you started shivering.
“What?” you coughed.
“Let’s go,” he said. “I don’t want you to die too.”
Die… This word stunned you. You were numb, and he could take you out of the building. You began to breathe and caught. Ruby died, and Morpheus saved you.
“Are you alright?” worried, Delirium asked. “Don’t say you are dying.”
“I think I’m fine,” you said. “Thank you for saving me.”
He nodded, but he was still holding you. And you didn’t mind.
“What happened?” you asked.
“They said she smoked in her bed,” said Delirium.
“It’s strange; I didn’t sense it earlier,” you said. “Why didn't I wake up earlier and didn’t wake her?”
“Perhaps the presence in my realm changed your dreaming,” Morpheus replied. “Your sleep was deep. I should wake you up.”
“Wait, you woke me up?” you asked. “Oh my god, I could die there.”
“I told you it was dangerous,” he said, looking sad and tired.
“I know,” you said. “What are we going to do now?”
It was already morning. So perhaps you don’t need to stay up for sleep again. But who is going to drive the car now?
“We need to move on,” he replied.
“Alright, but who is going to drive the car?” you asked.
“Can I? Can I?” asked Delirium enthusiastically. “I always dream of driving the car. It can’t be that difficult.”
“It’s a bad idea,” Morpheus admitted.
“I can try,” you said. “My father taught me to drive.”
“I think it would be better than Delirium’s driving,” he said. “It can get you killed. Or other people killed.”
“Hey, I can hear you!” said Delirium, offended.
“I speak the truth,” he said. “You have never driven.”
“Alright, where are we going now?” you asked.
“We need to visit Ishtar,” said Delirium.
“Who is she?” you asked.
“The former lover of Destruction,” Morpheus replied. “As we know, she works at some nightclub. We need to go there.”
“Alright,” you sighed and got in the car. “I need coordinates.”
“To the airport first,” Delirium said.
So you drove to the airport when you helped him buy tickets. Morpheus was sitting very straight on his sit. Like he has never flown before.
“You didn’t fly, did you?” you asked.
“I didn’t,” he replied.
“Are you afraid of flying, Morpheus?” you asked carefully.
“I don’t know what to expect from it,” he pouted.
“Really?” You couldn’t hold back the surprise.
“You can have fun at my expense,” he says, sounding offended.
“I’m not laughing,” you replied. “I’m just surprised. Here, take my hand.”
“How does that help?” he asked me suspiciously.
“It helped me in the past to get through this, if I’m not alone,” you smiled.
He looked at you, and you started to think he would refuse. But then he took your hand. His skin was pale and cold, but silky. His fingers were long. And you blushed a little bit. It was nice to hold his hand. To help the god of dreams fight the fear of flying.
“Is it better?” you whispered, when the plane was already in the sky already. Morpheus looked very tense and serious.
“A little bit,” he said.
“Do you want me to tell you a story?” you smiled.
“Do you want to tell a story to the Prince of Stories?” he smirked.
“Why not?” you said.
“Tell me then,” he replied, closing his the eyes.
And you began to tell him about your life, family and friends. No one understands your desire to go to another world. About your dreams. He listened without a word or a single glance. Perhaps, he even fell asleep.
“Interesting,” he said when you became silent.
“I thought you fell asleep,” you smiled.
“I don’t require sleep,” he said seriously. “Thank you. For trying to distract me. You are…nice for humans, Y\N.”
“Wow, almost a compliment,” you said.
“Don’t get used to it,” he smirked.
You felt sudden warmth inside your chest. Perhaps, you can get to know him better.
“We still have time,” you smiled. “Do you want to also tell a story?”
“Very well,” he said. “It’s a story about the god of dreams and gods from other realms that wanted to capture him.”
You listened about the woman who saved him. And he fell in love with. And then fell out of love and how they broke up.
“It’s sad,” you sighed.
“I wasn’t made for the relationship,” he sighed too.
“I’m sure it’s not true,” you said.
“Are you trying to analyze me again?” he smirked.
“Not really,” you replied. “It is just what I understood. I believe that you are better than you think. You saved me from fire.”
“You don’t know me,” Morpheus said, but he was more upset than angry.
“We can fix it,” you whispered.
“Why do you want to know more about me?” he asked.
“Well, we are in the same world and now on the same trip,” you replied. “We can be at least friends. To help each other in danger.”
It wasn’t the whole truth. You want to get to know him because he attracts you. But you need to be reasonable with him.
“My family said that I’m not interesting,” he admitted.
“I don’t want to know what your family says,” you replied. “I want to listen to you. What you like and don’t like.”
“I don’t have preferences,” Morpheus said. “All my life is my function. But I like good stories and find talented people.”
“See, you do have preferences,” you smiled. “I also like reading.”
“I know,” he smirked. “You spent almost all the time in the library.”
“You put me there, remember?” You pushed him a little. “But I’m not complaining. So what talented people did you find?”
“William Shakespeare,” he said.
“Really?” You looked at him. “You knew Shakespeare?”
“I inspired him,” Morpheus said. “He was unknown. And I gave him fame in exchange for two poems for me.”
“What poems?” you asked.
“Tempest and the Midnight Dream,” he replied.
“Dream,” you said. “It makes sense.”
“This poem was actually a gift for fairies,” he admitted.
“Wow, do fairies also exist?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said. “But they haven’t visited the mortal world for a while.”
“Can I meet them one day?” you asked.
“I don’t think that this is a good idea,” Morpheus replied.
“What do you like to do in the mortal world?” You changed the subject.
“I usually meet my sister or a few of my friends,” he replied. “Or people I know. I try not to visit your world without a need.”
“Why?” you asked.
“I…don’t trust humanity,” he said.
You felt like there was more to this story, but you didn’t pry. You couldn’t make him open up and ruin these pieces of trust you gained today.
“I wouldn’t leave your kingdom either,” you said instead.
“Why?” he asked, looking at you.
“Because it’s a fairy tale that came true,” you said. “All my life, I have dreamed of finding another world. Isn’t it interesting?”
“But you can’t sleep forever,” he denied.
“I’m not sleeping right now, am I?” You smiled.
“Touché,” he smiled.
Soon, you will reach the club. It was difficult to believe that this was the place where the goddess could perform. It wasn’t big or prestigious.
“What can she do here?” you asked.
“Hide,” Morpheus replied. “I need to talk to her alone.”
“Alright,” you said, and you stayed with Delirium.
“Perhaps we should find room for this night too,” you suggested.
“You make my brother softer,” she suddenly said. “I don’t know how. Usually, he doesn’t like mortals. But with you, it’s different.”
“I don’t know,” you said. “He has just started to melt up for me. But he didn’t trust me a day ago. He wanted to leave me in his palace, remember?”
“He is kind,” she said. “Deep in his heart. But he doesn’t want to admit it, so no one can hurt him. Are you not going to hurt him?”
“No, of course not,” you replied.
“He deserves better than all his previous girlfriends,” she said seriously, and then, in a second, became smily like before. “Come on, let’s find the room.”
It turns out that they only have rooms for lovers. And they didn’t want to give you the room. Then you're told that you are with this tall, pale man in black. That worked. They gave you the key to the room. It is interesting to see what Morpheus will think about it.
@shadowqueen1322 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza @sapphireonline @deniixlovezelda
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burnwater13 · 4 months
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Image shows Moff Gideon's ship on Nevarro with stormtroopers and other Imperial Remnant fighters standing in front of it, with weapons facing the location of Din Djarin, Cara Dune, Greef Karga, IG-11, and Grogu. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 7, The Reckoning. Calendar by DataWorks.
Grogu had a question and he didn’t know who could answer it for him. Normally this would have been the sort of thing he would have brought to Master Beq and then the two of them would have walked over to the administration offices and found the Old Lady. Grogu would explain what he wanted to know, the Old Lady would pat his head and then waddle off to her comp and sit there silently. It was like she was meditating. A few minutes later she would waddle back and tell him the answer to his question. Master Beq would thank her kindly and Grogu would bow deeply, she would pat his head again and then they would go back to the school room.
Unfortunately Grogu had no idea where the Old Lady was, so he couldn’t ask her his question. He was always glad that she had left the Jedi Temple as soon as Ian showed up. He would have gotten into even more trouble than he typically did and Grogu always wondered if that was even possible. That meant he was going to have to ask everyone he knew, one at a time. Uff. That could interfere with lunch, but if that’s what it took, that’s what he was willing to do.
“Buddy, I get it, but we have a lot going on right now. I’ve gotta focus. Maybe Cara knows?” 
The Mandalorian was a disappointment. He was the closest to him and now he was going to have to traverse the room, with all it’s rubble and see if Cara knew the answer to the question.
“Dank Farrik! I don’t know. I’m trying to concentrate on what I’m doing. Ask the bounty guild leader! Maybe he knows?”
Wow. Cara was even less help than his dad. Grogu went to the back of the room and asked Greef Karga his question.
“Is this really the time to talk about galactic tax policy and how people with clever accountants embezzle money? No? Good. I didn’t think so. Maybe that tin can that brought you here has the answer.”
Uff. So close. Grogu could sense the truth in the former bounty guild leader’s reply, but it was incomplete. And he had a bad attitude. The answer to Grogu’s question made all the difference given their circumstances. Now he had to ask IG-11. Grogu just hoped that the droid’s reply wasn’t in binary. He understood it well enough but it took him time and Grogu sensed that he didn’t really have a lot of time to sort things out. 
He scurried over to the droid as it was creating an opening from their room to the basement tunnels below them. 
“If I have understood your question correctly the answer is not currently known, but may become known at some point in the near future. There is only one banker who handles sums like this but they are not present here.”
Then IG-11 turned to protect Grogu as another burst of blaster fire filled the air and a chunk of concrete fell and hit the Mandalorian square on the helmet. 
“I must evaluate the Mandalorian for injuries. Lead the others out of here. You know the way.”
Grogu had no time to argue with the droid that he could heal the human faster and without him taking his helmet off because IG-11 was handing off to Cara Dune.
“What are you giving him to me for?”
She complained at IG-11.
“He will show you the way out. I need to heal the Mandalorian. I have opened the path to the basement.”
“Come on, Dropper! Let’s get out of here.”
Greef Karga was already standing by the entry to the basement level. 
Grogu was forced to pinch Cara Dune to get her attention.
“I know, kid. I know. You know the way. Come on. Let’s go!”
She handed Grogu down to Greef Karga and Grogu coo’d to the droid who was speaking softly with the Mandalorian.
“Do not worry. I will bring him to you. He only has a mild concussion.”
The plain mechanical tones of the droid reassured Grogu tremendously, but he still wished he had managed to get an answer from any one. It was frustrating to have a question and no one to answer it. He’d tried with all the beings he was traveling with and he certainly couldn’t ask the people they were all running away from. If only there was another person around who answer his question…
“It was not his fault. We revealed ourselves.”
Yippee! Another person! Another person in Mandalorian armor! Grogu immediately went to her to ask his question. 
“This is the one you hunted, and then saved?”
Grogu sighed and then asked his question again. He was used to humans, or whatever this person actually was, ignoring him and talking to the nearest person who was about their height. It had happened to him all the time at the Jedi Temple. Except when he talked to the Old Lady. She always answered his questions after listening to him carefully. 
“Ah. My apologies young one. I haven’t heard that language in many years. I am afraid that I will disappoint you again. I am as concerned about that question as you are. If you find the answer, please find me and let me know what you discovered. It will answer many other questions that have piled up since the end of the Empire.”
Dank Farrik! How could it be that no one knew the answer to the question?! Shouldn’t that have been someone’s focus? Shouldn’t some one in the New Republic, or the old one, or the Rebel Alliance, or even the Alliance to Restore the Republic, or the Restoration Alliance of Rebels, or even just your routine pirate or scoundrel know? It was really important and Grogu just couldn’t believe that everyone just hand waved the issue and not only didn’t share the answer, but it seemed, based on his thorough research, that one even knew it!
Maybe you know the answer… it seems likely. You’re all Grogu’s friends. You know stuff. Important stuff. Stuff like, how in the four dimensions of the galaxy did Moff Gideon end up having access to so many credits?! 
Someone has to pay those ex-Imp stormtroopers and that shiny black armor doesn’t come cheap! Look at that ship for Revan’s sake! It must have cost a credit or two and then think of all the maintenance, all the food, all the cleaning bills for that fancy uniform he wears! All those credits must be somewhere! If they could only put a band of clever, street smart scoundrels together they could find the loot, take it and then let the Moff try and pay his bills. He’d lose a lot of steam if his creditors got a hold of him.
Grogu could just hope that someone out there had been thinking about that… someone clever and cunning and able to smile at you when he picks your pocket… Where was Ian when Grogu needed him the most? 
Grogu laughed. Probably in the middle of planning that redistribution of wealth. Grogu hoped he would get it sorted. He was tired of this guy following him around already. 
If not Ian, then who?
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dearratroi · 2 years
Human Mating Rituals
A/N: All right, y’all, there’s like no smutfics for these two (that I could find), so... Thanos voice I’ll do it myself.
Rated: E
Warnings: Smut
Includes: humor, masturbation, fluff, awkward sexual situations, Zarina responding to sex in the most scientific way possible
Captain Zarina has created growing and shrinking dust. She's having fun learning what it's like to be human-sized, but what happens when she finds a certain James Hook pleasing himself? There's a lot she still doesn't know.
Zarina needed help moving some heavy crates and other things around the ship before leaving to sail again. The ship was docked for a supply run and all the crewmates were doing some last errands or resting before leaving land again. She stayed behind to clean up and make room for the new inventory that would be coming in, but she could not move this infernal crate even at human size.
If she remembered correctly, James was still on the ship, so the captain went below deck to search for him and ask for his assistance. She checked multiple rooms. Zarina remembered he said he was going to double-check inventory, but he was not in the storage area, the kitchen, nor the armory. She hoped James wasn’t slacking off — but that wasn’t something he was known to do.
Captain Zarina lightly knocked on the wood door of James’ room with the back of her hand. It was still odd to her, being the size of a human and knocking on human-sized doors. Before, they stood as tall as towers and if she wanted to knock on a crewmate’s door, she had to use a tool because her fists weren’t large enough for people to hear. But her new experiment was worth it. She’d invented growing and shrinking dust, and right now she was technically the tallest fairy ever to live. It’d been about a week now since Zarina sprinkled the growing dust on herself. She liked it, especially since her crew seemed to respect her a little more now that she was big, and she was learning a hundred new things every day.
She waited a moment outside James’ door. He barely ever spent time in here, but it was a room she hadn’t checked yet. She went to move on to the next area of the deck when she heard a muffled moan.
Ah, so he was in here, then. She waited for him to answer the door. When that didn’t happen, she tapped on the door again, but just as her knuckles hit the wood a louder moan sounded. It seemed to be loud enough that it drowned out the knock, because she didn’t hear footsteps or a ‘Come in!’ The faintest feeling of worry arose.
“James?” Zarina asked. Still no answer. A few more moans and even heavy pants carried through the air.
Oh gosh, he was in pain. Did he cut himself with a sword? Was it scurvy?
Zarina burst through the door. There was a loud yelp from her first mate as he covered himself with his blankets. James was laying on his bed, and apart from his surprise he appeared completely healthy and unharmed.
“CAPTAIN! What — why didn’t you knock?!” James exclaimed. His expression had changed from surprised to angry.
“I did, James. You wouldn’t respond,” the captain replied.
“O — oh. I see,” he said. “Well, um, give me a moment to, ah —“
Zarina watched as he awkwardly struggled with the covers of his bed. He tried to reach for his clothes, which were discarded on the floor.
“Why were you touching your privates?”
James’ face was beet-red. “I, um, Zarina. Sorry, Captain, I mean…”
He continued fumbling with his words. Why was he so embarrassed? Did it hurt and he was massaging it? If that was the case, she understood; sometimes her wings ached after excessive use and they needed a massage or a warm bath. He didn’t have to make it a bigger deal than it was.
“Spit it out, James. No need to be so bashful about a massage.”
“A massage?” James’ eyes widened. “Captain, do you — do you really not know what I was doing?”
Zarina placed her hands on her hips. Now she felt a little bashful. “I guess not.”
James opened his mouth a few times, like a gaping fish, as he tried to figure out how exactly he was going to broach this subject. Was he about to give his captain a talk about the birds and the bees?
“Zarina, do fairies not reproduce?” he finally asked.
“Reproduce?” Zarina furrowed her eyebrows. “Oh! You mean mating? I’ve seen animals do that in the spring. Mostly rabbits. It’s kind of funny looking.”
Okay, so at least he didn’t have to start from square one.
“Anyways, no, we don’t mate.” She went on to explain to James how fairies are born; that a child’s first laugh brings a new fairy into the world.
“Well, that explains that,” James replied when she finished.
“But what does any of that have to do with you?”
“Well, humans are no different from how a rabbit reproduces. There are… feelings involved, certain urges, you could say, that drive us to create more humans.”
James watched the cogs slowly turn in Zarina’s mind. The silence to James, who was still naked and quite frankly still very put-off by this whole encounter, was deafening because the only thing he wanted right now was to run into his closet and never come out. However, he gave his captain her time to process.
She finally spoke. “So… You need to mate?”
James almost choked on his own spit. He rubbed his forehead, thinking of how he even got into this situation, and how he was now stuck explaining the human libido to his captain.
“Well, sort of, I guess?” James shook his head. This was going nowhere fast. He was just going to come out and say it. “Zarina, sometimes when a human is horny — that’s the word for wanting to ‘mate’ as you say, but they aren’t able to, they’ll stimulate their own genitalia to get release.”
“Fascinating,” she remarked. Then her brow furrowed again. “Why? What does it accomplish? You aren’t creating any new humans that way… right?”
“It’s like eating dessert or getting a good back scratch. It feels good.”
Zarina nodded her head in understanding.
“Interesting. Fairies have the same parts as humans, but we don’t experience anything like that at all. But, I suppose we don’t need to.”
Ever since growing to the size of a human there had been many new things she wanted to do and experience. Zarina had no idea humans experienced this; she was quite intrigued.
“I see,” James replied. Normally, he’d be more interested, but at the moment given his predicament, he just wanted his captain to leave. Perhaps they could talk more about the differences between fairies and humans at any other time than now.
But Zarina didn’t seem to be getting the hint. She was in thought, which meant she wasn’t leaving James’ room.
“Um, Zarina… I hate to be rude, but can you leave now?”
“Oh! I’m sorry,” she said. “I thought maybe you were done? I… I don’t know how human mating stuff works. I was actually, well, sorry. Anyway, I’ll leave now.”
She turned her heel toward the door, but James called out, feeling bad for ending the situation this way. “Zarina, wait. What were you going to say?”
She stopped halfway to the door and turned back to face her first mate. “I was going to say…” then Zarina laughed. “That actually I was hoping you could show me how it works. Human mating stuff, but it seems to be an embarrassing topic.”
James’ jaw dropped.
“Show you… show you what, exactly?”
“Oh, whatever you were doing. The not-massaging thing,” she said matter-of-factly.
It blew James’ mind that this was all just a learning experience to her, and not completely mortifying. He was unsure how he even allowed for this conversation to go on as long as he did, any sane person would have yelled at the intruder to leave immediately. But then again, she was his superior, and she also was a special case.
“Zarina — I, I don’t think you’d find it that interesting.”
“James, I’m an alchemist, I’m a scientist! I know animals mate with a penis and a vagina, but I didn’t know humans self-stimulated them.”
James’ face was red as a firetruck now, but it wasn’t like him to deny his captain.
“Well, if you put it that way. Then yes, you can… observe.”
Zarina pulled up a chair and watched him from across the room, like a biologist studying a creature in the wild. It was… extremely bizarre to James. In fact, it took him a few minutes to get hard again because his captain’s presence, just watching him, was so peculiar. Also, he felt a little ashamed, because Zarina had no idea who James was thinking of as he was masturbating before she’d walked in.
But he did get back into the rhythm of it, stroking and touching himself. The initial awkwardness of Zarina watching him turned into a kind of excitement he didn’t anticipate. He wondered if she was enjoying this.
“Wow, it’s so long now,” Zarina said under her breath. Her undivided attention was currently on James and his erection.
James wasn’t looking now — he had his eyes closed — but he imagined Zarina was looking at him the same way she looked at a batch of a new type of pixie dust. He tried not to laugh and continued his task. Currently, he was thinking about how Zarina would sound if he was pleasuring her. What kind of moans would she make? Would she say his name, asking him to go faster?
But even though she was full-sized, he wasn’t sure if she had these sorts of feelings or desires like a human would.
“Does that feel good? You’re doing it faster now.”
James looked over at Zarina, who was staring at him very intently. She almost had a pained look on her face.
“Are you ok, Captain?” he asked.
“I — I don’t know why, but I feel very weird now, specifically between my legs.”
Was she..?
Was she getting horny?
James’ cock twitched in his hand.
His breath quivered as he asked a question he never thought he would.
“Captain, would you like to help me?”
Zarina stood up in excitement. “Oh, sure!”
She brought the chair right beside James’ bed, where he was currently resting against his pillow, with one hand on his erect penis. Zarina was very unsure at first, but with a little help and encouragement from James she got the right rhythm going. It was funny at first and very awkward, but she pressed on, and it wasn’t too long until she got the hang of it. James gasped under her motions.
“I didn’t realize they were noises of pleasure, not pain.” Zarina admitted that that was the cause for her burst-in. “How does it feel?”
“Oh, darling, it feels fantastic,” James said as he looked at her, biting his lip. He looked at her exposed shoulders, wanting so badly to touch them and trail down under her shirt to fondle her breasts.
If fairies weren’t supposed to breed, then why, oh why, did the women have breasts? He believed Zarina’s had to be divine. He imagined rolling her nipples between his fingers and making her gasp the way she was making him gasp. And he wondered… If she was possibly getting turned on — would she approve of him advancing things?
“Captain, I… I have a question, and feel free to say no.”
She raised her eyebrows as a signal for him to keep going.
“May I touch your breasts?” He almost didn’t ask it for fear she would slap him across the face, but then he remembered that if fairies didn’t have sex, this request probably wasn’t too outrageous. And, after all, she was jerking him off.
“Oh, um, that’s a weird question. But, yes. Go ahead.” It was a weird question but when he asked it she felt a brief moment of excitement. She didn’t know why.
James hovered his hand over the strings of her corset.
“May I?”
Zarina nodded. James gently undid her corset, loosening the strings so it could be removed. Zarina held her breath as his fingers weaved between the strings. After the corset was off, James folded her white, sleeveless shirt down over her tummy. Her breasts were exposed and they did not disappoint. James actually had to suppress a gasp. She was always beautiful, but Zarina was a different beauty naked.
Zarina continued to work on his cock while James played with her tits, kneading them underneath his fingers. He watched her expression before doing anything more, making sure that she felt comfortable. It was hard to read her; either this wasn’t doing anything for her, or she was too busy concentrating on helping him. So, he moved his fingers to her nipple, caressing it underneath his fingertips, to see if he could get a reaction.
“Nngh,” she moaned. She stopped what she was doing and looked at James. “What did you do? That felt… very good,” his captain said.
“Did it?”
Zarina nodded. “James, I… I don’t know what’s happening. What did you call it? Horny? I think — I think that’s what I’m feeling. It’s very strange. I like it, but I also feel kind of… irritable? I don’t know what to do.”
“I can help you, Captain, if you’d like,” James offered.
James moved over so Zarina could join him in bed. He was very slow and careful when explaining she would need to remove her shoes and undergarments. He worried she would suddenly regret this or feel frightened. It was a whole new feeling, after all.
When she removed her clothes, James took in the sight of her. Her giant wings were underneath her, cradling her like a glittery and transparent-gold sheet. Her face was flushed, and hair a little messy. James gently tapped her knees and she parted them for him.
“I’m going to touch you now, down here, OK? Let me know if you want me to stop.”
Zarina nodded shyly. She trusted him more than anybody else.
James moved closer in and traced his hand up her thighs and to her mound. When he found her clit, which he knew he did when she gasped, he went to work. With his dexterous fingers, James swirled Zarina’s clit, adjusting as she told him faster, or slower, or more to the right. She was exploring her own body for the first time and figuring out what felt good. James remained patient; her wish was his command.
James wet his fingers with the slickness from her core. He looked at her.
“May I slip them inside of you?”
“Yes,” Zarina said, and it was almost a whine.
His middle and pointer fingers slid inside Zarina effortlessly. She arched her back slightly upon first contact.
“Oh my…”
James slid his fingers in and out of her, eventually adding a third to stretch her even more. She cried underneath him and her legs were beginning to shake. James leaned over her as he delved his fingers inside, using his other hand to hold her hips, and securing his tongue and teeth onto one of her nipples. Zarina had never felt anything like this in her life. James equated it to dessert, or a back scratch, but he was clearly underplaying what it really felt like. There was nothing quite like this, and she would allow him to do anything to her if it meant she could keep feeling this way.
She watched James as he pleasured her, once in a while locking eyes with him and every time they did so, she felt a burning within her. He was her first mate, her best friend. Zarina cared for him deeply, and she would be lying if she said she didn’t feel some form of affection for him. But this – this was completely different, completely new.
Zarina wanted him.
James looked up from her breast to her beautiful hazel eyes. Her face was even more flushed now, and her chest moved up and down.
“Yes, Captain?”
“Oh, please, enough with ‘Captain.’ Call me Zarina right now.”
“Yes, Zarina?”
James was very good at being professional; doing his duties, following orders, and calling her Captain. Only once in a while did he slip up and call her by her name, so she usually let it slide. And truth be told, it was nice hearing him say her name the times when he did slip up. But she would never admit it, she was his captain, after all. But when he said it right now, with fluttering eyelashes and hands making her feel on fire, she thought she might melt.
“James, I want to mate, or, um, what did you say, reproduce? I want to reproduce with you.”
There was a moment of silence as she stared vulnerably at her first mate. She was worried she’d somehow offended him, but then James’ shoulders moved up and down as he let out a huge laugh, deep from his chest. He had to separate from Zarina so as to not accidentally hit his head. Then he keeled over next to her on the bed, guffawing. Zarina’s face was red, but from embarrassment now instead of excitement; almost the same shade of red James’ face was earlier.
“What did I say?” she asked.
James needed a few more seconds to get the laughs out, and then a few more to catch his breath. He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Oh, Zarina, you didn’t say anything wrong. It just wasn’t very sexy.” A few more laughs bubbled up and out of his chest.
She leaned up. “What was I supposed to say?”
“Well, usually people say: ‘I want you to fuck me,’ or ‘Make love to me,’ because reproduce sounds much too scientific. It kind of ruins the mood.”
She gave an embarrassed laugh. “Okay, I guess you need to teach me the right words to use, too.”
“All in good time,” James said. “I’m sorry for laughing, but I would love to make love to you, if you’ll still have me.”
Zarina nodded. “I guess that does sound more romantic. I didn’t realize mating…” She looked at James for clarification.
“Having sex, or making love, or fucking,” he corrected her.
“I didn’t realize having sex could be more than just the biological part.”
“That makes sense,” he nodded. “But yes, it is an incredible experience for humans.”
“I see that now,” she replied. Zarina crawled forward and kissed James on the lips. She pulled back and staring into his eyes, asked:
“Will you make love to me?”
James’ heart skipped a beat. Her question was phrased so innocently, and her naked body so smooth, curvy, enticing. Of course he couldn’t deny her. He hooked his finger under her chin and kissed her back with fervent passion.
“Yes, my dear.”
They settled back down, with Zarina’s head resting on James’ pillow, and James over her. She parted her legs for him, and suddenly became nervous when she saw his cock, wondering if this would hurt. His fingers fit down there, but would that?
James soothed her worries, explaining to her that as long as she was wet, everything would be fine. She nodded and braced herself for him, and slowly, he lined the tip of his shaft to her entrance. He rubbed it against her a few times, causing her to shudder. Then, still slowly, he entered her, and Zarina cried out.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“Yes, I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting it to feel so… intense. Keep going, please.”
James took his time going in and out, making sure Zarina felt comfortable and allowing her body to adjust to him. She cooed underneath him, and shifted her legs so he could enter even deeper. That was his cue to pick up the pace Zarina’s moans grew more frequent. To his surprise, Zarina even began to thrust back into him.
It just felt right to her. She needed his contact, she needed to feel him, so she moved her body in rhythm with his. She had no idea that sex felt so good for humans. And, truth be told, she felt almost cheated that fairies didn’t have these urges.
The bed and floorboards creaked underneath them as they continued their lovemaking. Zarina loved feeling the weight of James’ body on her. She loved feeling wanted and ravished. Her toes curled as he penetrated her, giving her all of him.
She felt a new, odd feeling earlier when James was touching her. And it came back again. She felt tense, like something in her was going to ignite. Was this normal? She felt her walls tighten, and as they did so, James moaned breathily into her ear.
“Oh, Zarina. You feel so good.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pounded into her. “You feel good too, James. I love how you feel inside me.”
They kissed, and James thrusted into her faster. She felt amazing, soft, and tight, and her gasps and cries spurred him on. He wanted to make her come. He wanted to hear Zarina, his captain, come undone under him, pussy clenching onto him, needing more. He always thought her beautiful, but never dwelled on it more when she was fairy-sized. But ever since she used her new dust to grow to the size of a human, James couldn’t help but feel utterly entranced by her. His increasingly sinful thoughts about his captain had become very, very inconvenient to his routines as of late.
Zarina tensed even more underneath him, lightly clawing James’ back with her fingernails. She moaned without abandon as her first crewmate drove into her, and James didn’t care if the crew came back right now and heard them.
The captain held onto James for dear life by locking her ankles around his waist. Her thighs shook under the immense pleasure coursing through her body, and finally, she gasped underneath James as she found her climax. She shuddered underneath him, grasping onto him as he delivered her to her finish. It wasn’t long after that James climaxed as well, spilling his seed into her, his face buried in her beautiful auburn hair.
They panted as they caught their breath, and James rolled off of his captain so he could lay next to her. He pulled her into his arms.
“That was amazing, James, really. Thank you.”
He rubbed his thumb against her shoulder. “Did you get all the data you needed?” James asked playfully.
Zarina laughed, pushing his shoulder. She made a fake thinking face. “Hmmm. I’d say I did.” The captain kissed her first mate on the cheek, then she asked him:
“So, James, is there anything else about humans I should know about?”
He smiled. “Oh, I’m sure I can think of something.”
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littlemissxperfect · 1 year
1x1 with Hope Mikaelson
It was a time unlike any other that was for sure. Nancy had no idea what to do next. She stood there with everyone as they just watched the ground open up. The sirens of various trucks and cop cars going off. She could see just down the hill everyone freaking out. She heard the news reports. She shook her head as she brown locks bounced. “This is insane. They can’t just believe this is just…just a storm…a what…” Nancy could barely find the words to speak correctly. “You know what I mean…” She added feeling defeated in trying to explain herself. She looked over at Steve and then Robin before crossing her arms as she stood by Johnathan. This was way more beyond their control and to be honest Nancy even thought it was beyond El’s control. 
She understood what this all meant. It was time for everyone to get ready for the fight of their life. It didn’t matter if she was afraid. In fact, it didn’t matter if anyone was afraid this world was going to learn chaos unlike, they have ever known to exist. If she hadn’t been witnessing everything Hawkin’s Lab had done to this small town, she would think those who lived here were absolutely out of their mind. She truly didn’t know if anyone would survive Vecna. They barely made it out alive. 
Nancy always had a knack of hearing everything around her not just that, but she paid a lot of attention to her surroundings even more so now. She heard a voice very unfamiliar to her as she turned around to give the girl in front of her all of her attention. She was different and Nancy was a little confused for a second. “It’s 1986….” Nancy replied as it faded out a little. “Are you alright? You look like…you may be lost…” She said as she quickly looked back before giving her attention to the girl before her. “I don’t think I have ever seen you before…” she added. When she heard her ask about what had been going on she herself wasn’t sure how to really answer that question. 
“I don’t think you would believe me even if I told you…” She instantly responded. Although she knew she would most certainly tell her what had been going on and what was going on. It would not make sense and she was almost certain there would be a lot of confusion, but this was going to be very hard and an enormous fight if anyone wanted to help, she was going to take them up on their offer. However, something told her there was going to be a lot more to take on. 
0 notes
seriouslysnape · 2 years
Fighting Words
Sirius Black x James Potter x Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Language. Violence. Physical fighting.
A/N: Part 2 !
Word Count: 3.6k
“You want to run that by me again?” 
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“It was just a mistake, bunny. We all make mistakes.” Remus spoke to you through the bathroom door.
His heart ached to hear your sniffles and quiet cries from where you were isolated away inside the washroom, refusing to let anyone else inside. 
“Go away.” You croaked in a way that was desperate rather than demanding.
Remus wasn’t giving up so easily. He couldn’t bear to leave you like this. He knew that you were upset and embarrassed, so he didn’t take your request personally. He attempted to turn the knob on the door again, but it still didn’t budge. Remus sighed as he turned to lean his back against the door, pondering on how he should approach this situation next. 
Remus had known something was wrong immediately. It was an easy tell when you came barreling into the boys’ dorm with tears streaming your face and making a beeline for the privacy in their bathroom. You didn’t even mutter a greeting to Remus or James before locking the door behind you. James and Remus had shared confused stares at the upset, and they didn’t get their answers until Sirius came in behind you about 30 seconds later. Sirius’ expression had been sympathetic as he entered, giving his best friends a knowing look when he saw their puzzlement,
“And what happened exactly?” Remus asked Sirius to repeat the story just to be sure that he understood correctly
Sirius was standing on the other side of the door frame, remaining quiet as he allowed Remus to take the lead on this. He gave Remus a glance, watching the wheels in his head turn the way they did when he was thinking. 
“We were in Potions, and we were working together to make a potion,” Sirius began to retell the story again. “We were doing it correctly, but she went to get more materials and her foot caught the edge of the cauldron and it spilled-”
Sirius stopped himself when you let out a louder wail, one that alerted him that you were listening. Sirius’ face turned remorseful, looking at Remus with an apologetic look.
“-all over her and the floor.” Sirius finished his thought in a whisper this time.
Remus chewed the inside of his cheek. He was afraid that there wasn’t much that any of them could do to help. They could reassure you all they wanted, but it likely wouldn’t do much for your simmering humiliation. Remus’ and Sirius’ attention shifted for a moment when the door to their dorm opened, and their third musketeer walked in. James had been present when you first came scurrying in, but had to leave to go to Quidditch practice. He had expected you to be in better spirits by now, but was proven wrong when he saw Remus and Sirius still standing in the same place that he had left them, 
“Is she still in there?” James asked, setting his Quidditch bag down on the floor at the foot of his bed. 
“She won’t come out.” Remus replied, keeping his voice low. 
Sweat and dirt was caked all over James from his rough practice, his cheeks flushed red from the exercise and adrenaline. He needed to get cleaned up, and he could use that to his advantage. James joined the other two at the door, deciding to make his try at getting through to you.
“Hey, angel?” He called, only continuing when he got a sniffle in response. “Can I come in?”
“No. Please don’t.” You whimpered, refusing to let any of them see you.
It had been just over an hour now, and it was clear that you weren’t keen on coming out easily. 
“I really need to get cleaned up before dinner. I’m all sweaty,” He chuckled, hoping he could convince you by remaining casual, “The other two don’t have to come in, just me if you want.”
There was a brief stretch of silence, then some movement behind the door, and the sound of the lock on the door unclicking. James exhaled a breath of relief, giving Remus and Sirius a look to tell them to stay out for a minute. James opened the door slowly, only opening it enough to allow himself to slip in. He closed the door behind him, leaving Remus and Sirius to themselves on the other side. 
“He really does have a way with words.” Sirius grinned, and Remus replied with a soft chuckle.
They couldn’t hear much other than murmurs and mumbles, only catching a few words here and there. 
“How bad was it?” Remus asked Sirius when they realized they weren’t going to be able to hear any of the conversation being held from inside the washroom.
Sirius made a face that was more of a grimace, which in and of itself answered Remus’ question. 
“It wasn’t subtle….nor pretty. Slughorn didn’t give her a hard time about it, but she was still embarrassed.” Sirius replied. 
It was a simple mistake, one that would blow over in a day or two. Odds were that you’d be laughing with Sirius about it this time next week. It was just awkward right now, and it wouldn’t last forever. A few minutes after James had gone in, the door opened wide this time to reveal a beaming James Potter.
“Gentlemen, the princess requests your entry.” He joked, stepping aside to let the other two in. 
Sirius and Remus snickered, taking the steps into the bathroom. They looked at your frame that was huddled by the edge of the tub, the last of your tears streaming your cheeks as you looked back at them.
“Hi.” You said.
“Hi, puppy,” Sirius spoke first, lowering himself to sit next to you on the ground. “You’re okay, pup.”
He kissed your temple sweetly, leaving another kiss to the crown of your head when you rested on his shoulder. Your skirt and blouse were stained orange from the Potion that you had been brewing, and even your hands were sticky with the liquid. 
“I’m sorry you had a rough day, my love. But tomorrow’s a new and better day, yeah?” Remus opted to squat in front of you instead of sitting.
You nodded with a soft smile as Sirius wiped at the tear tracks on your face.
“Atta girl. So proud of you always,” James praised from where he stood at the sink to begin washing the first layer of dirt off of his face. 
They felt relieved that you were at least beginning to feel better. It was just a little hiccup. Remus glanced at his watch on his wrist, seeing that dinner was starting in half an hour.
“Are you hungry?” Remus questioned.
You nodded again, feeling famished from all the crying and usage of energy. Sirius snorted at James who made a noise of approval. James was always ready to eat after a long Quidditch practice.
“I’m starving.” James proclaimed from the sink, scrubbing at the dirt under his fingernails.
“How about you and Jamesie get cleaned up, and then we’ll all go to dinner together?” Sirius suggested.
Dinner sounded great, and getting cleaned up sounded even better. Sirius guided you to your feet, leaving the bathroom with Remus to give you and James some privacy. The boys had already put this whole situation behind them. There was no sense in dwelling on something so minor, especially if you were in somewhat better spirits.
After getting freshened up (and getting peppered with all of James’ sweetest kisses), the four of you made the trek to The Great Hall for dinner. A warm meal and a little social time would surely be good for you, so you were really looking forward to it. You sat next to Remus, with James and Sirius sitting across from the two of you. James was really on his game tonight, making jokes and keeping everyone thoroughly entertained during mealtime. You chatted with the boys, as well as Lily and Marlene who were sitting nearby. It was a much improved ending to an otherwise shitty day, and you felt as if a good night of sleep would have you back on your feet in no time. 
Your belly was full and your mood had brightened as you listened to Sirius tell the story of how he got in trouble for trying to steal a lollipop from his favorite sweets place as a child, and how he fought a mob of angry store workers singlehanded. You and Remus shared a look, because most of the story seemed a bit stretched from the truth – but it was equally entertaining. However, James was never shy to accuse Sirius of telling a bullshit story.
“I’m going to be honest with you, Pads. I think you’re full of shit.” James simpered, intentionally trying to get under Sirius’ skin.
“What?!” Sirius cried. “How dare you insult me like that.”
James and Sirius turned to one another, falling into a descent of arguing back and forth. Listening to them argue was always amusing when it was over something minor, because neither of them were very good at admitting that they were wrong. You didn’t listen very long before another conversation caught your ears, and it was one that was not as jocular. 
From somewhere nearby, you heard your name be mentioned accompanied by howls of laughter. A pit opened up in your stomach, because it was never a good feeling to be laughed at at someone else’s expense. Your eyes scanned the area for the source of the noise, and you weren’t surprised when you located a group of Slytherins at the next table over. They weren’t your favorite group of jesters in the world, mainly because their “jokes” were really just centered around making others miserable. Your Potions class was a mixture of Gryffindors and Slytherins, and the group currently talking about you had been present during your little fiasco earlier in the day. 
“What’s the matter?” Remus asked when he noticed that you were quiet and uncomfortable.
Sirius and James were bickering back and forth still about the validity of Sirius’ story, so they weren’t yet paying attention to you. You didn’t want to make a big deal over anything. The moment had passed and you had come to terms with it. You still couldn’t help from feeling lousy over it though. You looked at Remus and then motioned towards the cackling Slytherins.
“They’re talking about me.” You mumbled.
Remus glanced at the next table over, seeing for himself that they were indeed conversing about you. You had kept your voice low to avoid alerting Sirius or James because they were much more short tempered than Remus was, and you didn’t want them to get fired up. It turns out that your quiet confession hadn’t been as quiet as you thought, because Sirius’ and James’ heads both snapped to you in an instant – putting their argument on hold. 
“Who’s talking about you?” James demanded.
You didn’t answer, again not wanting to cause a problem. Sirius followed Remus’ stare, turning around to the Slytherin table behind him. It didn’t take him very long to figure it out, because this posse of Slytherins were notoriously cruel. The four of you continued to look and listen to them bellow with laughter and mockery. James’ eyes were squinted in annoyance, his tongue running on the inside of his cheek as he glared. Sirius’ reaction was more telling, because his flushed red cheeks and blown pupils were more of a giveaway. 
“It’s fine….really it’s fine.” You assured all three of them, doing anything you could to keep the tension cool. 
“Fucking blowhards….” Sirius growled, his chest beginning to take heavy, slow inhales. 
“What do you say, Moony? Should I give them the James Potter knockout?” James questioned in a joking way, but there was the same amount of seriousness behind his words.
Remus saw the flash of panic on your face.
“No, no. We’re not doing that,” Remus diluted the situation. “That’s not going to solve anything.”
“Yeah, but it’d sure make me feel a hell of a lot better.” James fired back, turning to meet Remus’ eyes.
Instead, James met your fearful gaze – and the pleading behind your own eyes was enough to calm him down significantly. James sighed, grabbing Sirius’ shoulder to turn him back around.
“Ease off, mate. Let it go.” James encouraged Sirius to settle down. 
Sirius was hesitant, and you could see it in his face that he really didn’t want to turn the other cheek. He obliged however, but only briefly. A few minutes passed, and the bubbly conversation had died off. The boys were irritated now, and you resorted to continuing to talk with Marlene and Lily instead. The boys were communicating with their eyes, something they did when they didn’t want to speak out loud. Remus was continuing to keep James civilized, which in turn kept Sirius in his own seat. If you hadn’t been there, Remus would’ve given James the green light – but he didn’t want to upset you further. The peace was maintained for a little while, but just as you thought that the moment had passed, one of the obnoxious Slytherins spoke just a little too loudly.
“I never realized that she was such a dense fuck-up.” He jeered.
Sirius rocketed out of his seat in milliseconds, and when Remus and James locked eyes – they weren’t far behind. Sirius stormed over to the table, his vision long gone red and his heart pumping hot blood to his head. Sirius knew that you didn’t want them to get into fists over this, but Sirius just couldn’t sit and do nothing while these two jerks shit talked you. Sirius would rather defend your honor and ask for forgiveness later.
“You want to run that by me again?” Sirius demanded, shoving two Slytherins aside to get closer to the one Slytherin in question in front of him.
James and Remus were standing tall behind Sirius, and this whole thing had you practically cowering. The sudden commotion had drawn attention, and now more eyes were watching and more ears were listening. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” The Slytherin heckled. “Didn’t realize that I hit a nerve.” 
Sirius was standing over him, his voice an octave lower and his tone much angrier than just a few seconds ago. It didn’t help that this Slytherin was the same year as you and the boys, and the blood between him and Sirius was already bad.
“Don’t talk about her. Don’t even fucking look at her.” Sirius hissed, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
You were watching every minute of this, Lily and Marlene consoling your fearful frame. The Slytherin laughed as he slowly rose to his feet, Sirius not backing up or moving from the spot he was in. 
“And just what are you going to do about it?” He sneered.
Mostly everyone in the room was watching now, except for the professors at their own table – they were always a bit distracted from the students during mealtimes. Sirius’ eyes grew darker, the storm brewing behind them beginning to push forward and roll loudly. Sirius removed his Gryffindor robes, putting them in Remus’ hands as Sirius pushed up the sleeves of his shirt underneath. Sirius knew that any punches that he was going to throw, he needed to throw as many and as quickly as possible. Any kind of scuffle in The Great Hall wouldn’t last very long.
“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do, mate,” Sirius took a couple of steps closer, and all the air in the room suddenly became much thinner. “I’m gonna beat the fuck out of you.”
Sirius didn’t even wait for an answer before recoiling and throwing the first swing. It was a hard punch, and it knocked his opponent back into the table that he had just been sitting at. Now everybody was watching, and it was game on. The Slytherin boy bounced back, and he put his hands on Sirius’ shoulders to give him a shove backwards, and suddenly punches were being thrown wherever there was room and time to do so. Within seconds, the surrounding area was a frenzy and chaos ensued. Several people tried to break them up, which only added participants to the fight. Remus was amongst this crowd because he genuinely hadn’t expected Sirius to really start a physical fight. He thought that Sirius was just showing his Alpha side by threatening the guy. Remus tried to break it up. 
James, on the other hand, encouraged the violence that was currently ensuing. James' bicep was flexed when his hand wrapped around the Slytherin’s throat, pulling him in close as he spat colorful words of venom in his face before taking his turn at slapping him around. 
“If I ever hear her name come out of your fucking mouth again, I’m going to fuck you up so much worse than this.” James raged at the Slytherin when he had his hands on him.
Sirius was fending off other defending Slytherins and some of his fellow Gryffindors trying to aid Remus in separating them. Sirius had one primary goal – and that was to give this guy the worst time of his life. Sirius registered in the back of his mind that the professors had now caught wind of what was happening, and he knew that any more damage that he was going to inflict needed to be done quickly. Sirius broke through the rampage, getting back to his original opponent. Sirius was quick and hard as he forcefully slammed his elbow underneath the Slytherin’s jaw, uppercutting him so hard that it knocked him to the ground. 
Sirius was on his knees over the guy in seconds, delivering blow after blow to his face and wherever else he could land a punch. Sirius’ knuckles were busted and bloodied to hell – but he couldn’t even feel it. Blood dripped from his nose and his upper lip as he continued to beat the Slytherin senseless. Sirius’ eye was already beginning to throb with an inevitable black eye, but it was nothing compared to the guy underneath him. If Remus and Professor McGonagall hadn’t finally been able to get their hands on Sirius and get him off of the boy, then it was no doubt that Sirius would’ve beat him unconscious. 
The fight didn’t last long (as predicted) and it all happened so quickly that no one really knew what had happened. The only thing that was clear was that Sirius Black was going to be in some deep trouble for the next few weeks. Headmaster Dumbledore ordered for Sirius and the Slytherin to be separated – and to not be allowed near one another under any circumstances. Remus managed to drag both James and Sirius back closer to the Gryffindor table, each of his hands gripping the collars of their shirts in case they decided to risk going for a second round. They were both boiling with blinding rage and anger, the kind that most people only felt a few times in their lifetimes.
The Slytherin was hardly able to stand on his own, and his eyes were rolled so far back in his head that the only part visible were the whites of his eyes. Sirius had beaten him unrecognizable, and there was no telling what bones were broken in his face.
“What the fuck is wrong with you two?” Remus fumed when the professors were busy tending to the battered Slytherin.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Sirius posed instead, wiping at his nose with the clean part of his forearm. “Were you just going to let him get away with that?”
“No, but I also wasn’t planning to beat him up!” Remus argued, clearly displeased that Sirius had both gone against your wishes and gotten himself in trouble.
“He deserved it,” James defended Sirius. “He had it coming.”
James was pretty roughed up as well, but nothing compared to Sirius.
“That’s not an excuse. Don’t you two realize how fucking stupid this was?” Remus growled lowly, his eyes diverting to you and quickly back to them to give them a hint.
James and Sirius paused to look at you, guilt and culpability rinsing over them almost instantly. Tears stung at your eyes, completely horrified at what you had just witnessed. You never, ever liked it when any of the boys got upset because of you – and this was definitely a first. You went to run out of The Great Hall with an obvious swiftness, and Sirius tried to stop you with an immediate urgency.
“Puppy, wait, I-”
“Black! Potter!” McGonagall hissed, her usually glittery eyes now glazed over with irritation. 
Sirius saw you disappear out of the Great Hall out of the corner of his eye, his heart panging in his chest that he let you get away after all of this. Sirius didn’t regret what he had done, and neither did James. They had stood up for you in a way that they found appropriate and reasonable. While Sirius might’ve gone a little overkill at the end, he would’ve done it a million times over for you. 
They could handle any kind of scolding from McGonagall or Dumbledore. The detentions that they were no doubt about the receive were not even a blip in their schedules. They could live with Remus being pissed off at them for a couple of days. The part that they were worried about was you. They hadn’t shown a very pleasant side of themselves, and they had done the exact that you had asked them not to do. They were confident that forgiveness would come. That wasn’t the issue. 
The issue was that they were afraid of how you’d feel about them once this was all blown over.
“You two,” McGonagall pointed. “You’re coming with me.”
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inkyquince · 2 years
Landry x F!PC
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An expanded fic based off of this one QKS prompt! Commissioned by an anonymous lurker! You can commission me here or on me Kofi
content warning. Prostitute and criminal PC, gangbang, shady dealings, Mind break Landry, cum drunkenness. 3K words
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“Nice to see you again so soon.” The smooth voice made Landry cringe, the criminal freezing up for only a moment before turning to face the brothel owner.
His thin t-shirt felt a bit too hot when he met those cat-like eyes, and he quickly yanked down his hood that he had tugged over his face with a futile hope that he wouldn’t be recognised. Of course, he grumpily thought, it had been fruitless, he wasn’t exactly dressed like any other men who would line up for the Friday shows. Others wore sweatpants and tank tops, or a full suit sometimes, ties loosened, and jackets thrown over arms, usually coming straight from work. He had hoped his apparel of jeans with a hoodie would help him blend in, but Briar always seemed to hone in on people who clearly not wanting to be recognised. Probably using that finely tuned humiliation kink to expose those poor sods, exposing them in more ways than one. And right now? Landry was one of those poor sods.
“Hello.” He said wearily, stuffing his hands back into his pockets.
He was hunching his shoulders, why the hell was he hunching his shoulders? This wasn’t school anymore and he especially wasn’t Briar’s lackey anymore.
“Here pretty early aren’t you, Lan?” Briar smoothly replied, plucking a spec of nonexistence dust off his sleeve. “If I remember correctly, you usually have nothing but meetings until nine pm. Hard to catch up with an old friend when you can’t even get through on his phone.”
Landry exhaled steadily. He knows. He knows why I’m here and he’s cutting into my time just to piss me off.
“Actually, I’m hosting one of my meetings here.” He jerked his shoulder at the well-dressed group just coming through the door. “They wanted to see the sights of the town and so I brought them here.”
Take the compliment and piss off. Take the compliment and piss off. Take the compliment and piss-
“Well, aren’t you sweet?” Briar didn’t take the bait, apparent from the sneer on his face. “Go on then and encourage your clients to stick around when you’re finished. The least you could do if you’re going to take up my best worker’s time.”
Fuck you.
Landry didn’t bother any further and turned away from him sharply, heading further into the brothel with his entourage trotting after him with interested coos as they looked around. He paused in the doorway and looked around, feeling sweat already prick against his temples as he scanned. Where was she…?
He already missed the start of the performance thanks to Briar’s chatting but the group surrounding you on stage had only started to rip of your shirts, buttons flying everywhere. Of course, the crowd was cheering, so you definitely went with the bratty schoolgirl routine. One that was a fan favourite. Landry was caught up in watching, he only took notice of his clients again when one yanked at his elbow.
“Let’s get a table then.” The burly man grinned down at him, lips saying he’s finding Landry’s rare unfocused state amusing, but the teeth saying his patience for it is about to run out. “Talk about moving stock and then enjoy the show, the girls- “
“The men too.” The lithe woman added, clearing her throat. Another man nodded just behind her.
“Yeah, yeah.” The burly guy rolled his eyes. “So, lead the way.”
Landry grunted and started making his way through the crowd to some of the tables right at the back, finding an empty one with a dancer moving sluggishly, in between the workers being bent over the wood and fucked. The criminal cleared his throat and held up two £20 notes and jerked his head for her to get off the tabletop. By some miracle, she understood him despite the dark lighting and the crowd pushing in. She shakily gets down and is almost immediately swallowed up by the mob. Landry and his associates take their seats, at ease at the people, either watching the strippers, fucking some of the employees on the ground, or watching you.
The deal brokered could have been the worst one of his life and Landry would have never known. Too busy glancing off to the side, watching you. Those hands, usually pushing over stolen jewels and wallets, now were jerking off two huge cocks, aiming them at your face. You knew what your clients liked, knew how to work a crowd. Maybe that’s why he struggled to break free of you. You knew how to work people, work them like your fans, hollering at the group to fuck you harder. Your crocodile tears did wonderfully, the perfect image of a schoolgirl wandering down the wrong road and now forced to take one, two, three, four cocks and one cunt.
Fuck, your tongue must be good, the way the woman rode your face, head thrown back. Landry shifted in his seat, too aware of his hard cock as he watched the two cocks bully their way into your pussy. Pretending to listen, he just nodded his head at the conversation going on, as the last man was bouncing your ass on his cock, grunting and sweating.
The meeting must have concluded because he had his pen in hand and was scribbling down his signature on a piece of paper, just as the group on stage began to cum, painting your face, your tits, your cunt, your thighs, your ass. Landry quietly cursed the woman for sitting on your face, and not letting him see your own orgasm… If you even got one. The thought had him shiver.
A hand slapping his back brought him out of his trance and he shook his head, as if to clear his head. The criminal glanced at his clients, the woman tucking his signed paper into her blazer before turning to a nearby male dancer, holding her purse at him, and strutting off to a private room. The others leered at the workers making their way through the crowd, back in their element of charming the clientele now that you were off the stage.
“Maybe I should go and see if Miss Gangbang needs an extra hand in her lessons.” The burly man chuckled to his friend, starting to get up from his seat.
Landry felt a flash of something uncommon, something ugly with teeth and gripped the man’s shoulder, pushing him back down in his chair. At the bewildered looks, he simply scowled and made his way through the thinning crowd, most having lost their interest now that your section of the night was done. He passed Briar on his way to your personal changing room, ignoring the smirk.
You jumped slightly as the door opened, spinning around, and holding your towel up to your chest, trying to hide from the sudden intruder. Landry found it cute. Hiding your dignity like you didn’t get split open so easily on stage.
However, the smile you gave him was automatic, and he returned it with a slight lift of his own lips.
“Landry!” You greeted, not lowering your towel. “… We didn’t have a meeting happening now, did we? Did I miss it?”
“No.” He says a bit too quickly. “But I did want to talk… Business.”
You tilted your head and flashed an uneasy smile. Landry wasn’t someone who really reached out about stuff unless it was serious. Or if it was useful to him, like those damned black boxes that somehow always managed to get lost in the ass end of nowhere and almost always endangered your life.
“Sure, go- “
“Not here. Someone could walk in.” And he didn’t want any interruptions.
You blinked and nodded before clearing you throat awkwardly.
“You can go get a room for us… I just need to get changed.”
Landry blinked and flushed, as if he just noticed your state of undress. Which he was more than aware of.
You got dressed back in the outfit you wore on stage, with minimal ripping to your uniform. It would be embarrassing, especially in front of Landry, but you didn’t want to keep him waiting, especially since he was the one to seek you out like this. Not to mention having your sort-of boss wait in a room where people had been fucking in all day.
You were wrong though. Landry admired your uniform. Immensely. In fact, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of the way it skimmed your thighs deliciously. He struggled with speaking first for a change too, so you two just quietly sat together, peeling wallpaper and strange smelling covers for the bed. You finally stopped leaning against the wall and sat down next to him, admiring his throat absentmindedly. He usually wore turtlenecks, so seeing the unblemished expanse of skin, with his Adam’s apple bobbing every time he struggled to speak, was a bit distracting.
Finally, he glanced at you. He had to wonder if you looked this appealing to those people out there in the brothel, hungrily stuffing money into your hand before rutting into you like an animal. He did know one thing for certain, is that Briar did somehow know what was happening in each of the rooms, just so no workers stole money, kept it all for themselves or the clients walked off without paying. It’s why you two had agreed that you would never try to steal something from the clients in the brothel, even if that was where they were most unguarded.
Hard to be guarded when your cock’s out, Landry quietly thought. He’d be focusing on trying to stuff it back into his jeans or seeing exactly which hole he should indulge in.
He really shouldn’t be thinking with his dick right now. Or he should be. He came here for a reason, not just because he suddenly thought a sweaty, humid sex club would be a great place to conduct business. Briar always teased him for not ever wanting to dirty his squeaky-clean shoes with his dirty, cum carpet but Landry couldn’t take it anymore. You were an itch a random couldn’t scratch for him.
“Landry?” You murmured, splintering his rapid train of thought. “… The business?”
“Yeah.” His voice sounded hoarse.
You reached out to shyly take his hand, but he gripped your wrist. Ten rumpled £20 were pressed into your palm. You weren’t stupid, just shocked.
You didn’t move and Landry took that as consent, gripping your chin roughly and leaning into mouth at your bottom lip, teeth and tongue prying your mouth apart greedily. You took a moment to understand, as if you didn’t understand that he had been carrying around this sin, and it only grew every time he looked at you, that he didn’t want to fuck into you until you cried from overstimulation.
Your fingers flitted over his wrist for a moment before settling one on his hip and the other on his crotch, feeling up his throbbing erection. The criminal hissed sharply against your lips and pulled away, just as you started to kiss him back.
“J-Just… Get on your stomach and raise your hips.”
He wouldn’t be able to bear it if after all this time of trying to get up the courage to finally give into his vices, he’d cum in his trousers like a teenager from just some fondling. You gaped at him for a moment before turning away, clambering on your knees to the centre of the bed. Grabbing a pillow to rest your chin on, you flipped up your skirt, and settled down, just as he ordered.
Oh. Your touches weren’t the thing he was in danger from cumming untouched from. It was that cum leaking cunt, just a bit swollen from the bullying he saw it took on stage, but oh so pretty. Transfixed, Landry leaned in, brushing his pale, slender thumb over your hole down to your clit.
“I-I would have… Cleaned myself out properly if I had known you wanted to…” You trailed off but he wasn’t listening.
His cock throbbed as he stroked over your cunt again. He was used to cold and hard. The rigid stools of his pub, or the air-conditioned office he holed up in for most of his adult life. Cold, hard cash exchanging gloved hands.
But you were soft, warm… Inviting him into your body. He felt like you were sucking his thumb in when he dipped it into your hole. You had been fucked, not loose, but ready for him. The thought made his stomach twinge and he finally got up from his seated position and shucked his trousers down, hissing between his teeth as his erection finally sprang free.
The Fence got properly behind you, his cock skimming your raised ass and leaving pre-cum glinting against your skin. He smacked his cockhead against the rim of your ass for a few moments before diverting his attention back to your cunt. You squirmed as you felt his bare thighs press against your legs, his skin a bit colder than you were expecting, making you shift a bit. Your squirming had your hole kiss his cock momentarily and Landry hissed through his teeth.
“S-Sorry.” You murmured before squeaking as his fingers dug into the soft of your ass.
Landry used his thumbs to pull your pussy lips apart, dragging the length of his cock along your cunt, getting it wet. He had to close his eyes, biting down on his lip to keep from swearing. He was not going to cum from a pussy job, he didn’t want to cum just from a pussy job, but just rubbing against you was okay, just for a bit.
Your slick and your colleagues’ cum covered his cock in no time, Landry barely noticing that you always had begun to shiver as his shaft teased your poor clit with its movements. Ah… Fuck.
You froze up slightly as his cockhead pressed against your hole, savouring the feeling just for a moment before slipping in, almost at home inside your cunt. Landry groaned, his tight grip on your ass shivering as he hunched over you, more like a dog over his mate, than a man.
Something new you learned about your boss… Landry’s cock was as slender and tall as he was.
And by god, his cockhead nudged deliciously at a spot that had your knees weak.
“Fuck.” You breathed, eyes hazy as you gripped the sheets.
“Fuck.” He agreed.
Landry gave an experimental thrust, hips snapping against your ass with a wet slap, and you whined into the pillow, eyes fluttering shut. Soon he began a rough rhythm, the slick sounds of you pussy and combined moans filling the room. The headboard joined in, smacking against the wall with deep thumps, Landry too focused on fucking into you as deep as he could to notice the noise. Your toes were curling with every nudge of his cockhead inside of you, your fingers gripping the sheets tighter and tighter as you moaned and bounced back on him.
You were getting oh so close when you felt him shiver, cum filling you in heavy spurts before dripping out, onto the sheets. You gave a satisfied sigh. You honestly didn’t cum a lot in your line of work, but it was rare that someone knew what they were doing when fucking you. You were about to sit up, maybe turn to Landry and offer a few kisses when his hand clamped over your mouth. You froze up in shock but calmed down slightly when perfectly ironed out notes fluttered down in front of you. More than before.
“I’m sorry.” Landry murmured into your ear. “I’m sorry, I can’t stop, please, please, just let me- “
He was hardening rapidly inside of you again and immediately started working his hips, this time his chest pressed against your sweaty back. When he wasn’t babbling softly, his teeth nipped at your neck, your ear, leaving small, dark marks on your skin. The hand that covered your mouth pulled back and instead clutched at your chest, not even playing with your nipples, just kneading at the soft of your breast.
Both of your moaning and soft swearing resumed within seconds, rutting against each other like beasts in heat. Here, with his nose buried in your neck, his teeth decorating your skin and his cock bullying your soft, squishy insides, Landry could admit that you, your body, you skills, you, had proved to be such a divine weakness, he couldn’t handle it.
Before too long, he came again, and more notes fluttered down from above you.
Then again, and more notes.
By the time your thighs were wet with his cum and your own orgasms, he had simply pushed his wallet into your hand, both of you naked and sweaty and coiled around each other. Mouths pressed against each other lazily, Landry slurring out soft apologies as he ruined your lips, your cunt, littered every inch of you with bruises from his grip, with love bites.
When finally his ball tightened painfully, out of cum to fuck into you over and over again, you were out, snoozing against his shoulder, after murmuring for him to keep using you, despite the haze that settled over your mind.
Landry let his head flop back against the pillow and sighed, letting his cock spring out of you, strings of cum still connecting your hole with his head.
“Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He pressed kisses along your face as he murmured his gratitude to you in a low voice.
It wasn’t exactly how he had planned for this to go. Landry fully had just expected to use you once, maybe even just let you jerk him off and disappear back into his pub, back into his cool office with the hard chair. Lying with you on his chest, both of you fucked out of cum and with crumpled bank notes surrounding the two of you, was not in his planner, admittedly.
Though, he did wonder if he should offer to properly clean and iron out the notes for you, when you had awoken. It would give you both some time to see if his old chair could withstand both of your weights as you waited for your notes to finish up.
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193 notes · View notes
softyoongiionly · 3 years
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It was always him, wasn’t it?
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: best friends to lovers au, slight angst, fluff, smut (18+ only please)
Warnings: brief mentions of a past relationship with unhealthy dynamics, an extremely brief allusion to the reader’s grandpa passing away, swearing, marking/ biting, dirty talking, unprotected sex, Jeon Jungkook. 
Word Count: 7.9k
A/N: hi hi!!! This is just a little summer treat for you! I saw blueberry jk again recently and I was thrown into this slightly unorganized plot lol. I hope you enjoy and I love youuuu ^-^ (unedited because I was too excited)
Jungkook is annoyed.
Like, really annoyed.
He’s sitting across from you at your grandma’s breakfast table, doing his absolute best not to roll his eyes as you tell the story of your nightmare weekend.
“…yeah, I guess I just thought things were different between us. I understand he wants to focus on his career but-“
“Right, what was it you said he did again, dear?” Your grandma asks the question with a rolling pin in her hand as she works at the giant pile of dough in front of her.
“He’s in between jobs right now, he says he has a really great idea for a tech startup, but he says the economy isn’t in a good place to pitch something like that.”
Your grandmother glances up to catch Jungkook’s expression, the two of them wordlessly exchanging their distaste.
“I see.” She replies but the sugar in her voice is stale, “Keep going love, I’m sorry for interrupting.”
You’re oblivious to the atmosphere in the room as you smile to yourself. Jungkook takes a deep breath through his nose as he notices that it doesn’t reach your eyes.
He hasn’t been this upset in a long time.
But he does his best to keep calm.
At least for now.
“It’s ok,” You assure her, moving the eggs around your plate, “We were supposed to go dancing, but then he decided that it was best that we stayed inside because of the rain…which I understood but-“ You’re hesitating and Jungkook feels the uncomfortable swirl of anger swimming up his spine, “-it was only drizzling. Plus, the place we were supposed to go was inside.”
“Did you say that to him?”
It is the first time Jungkook has spoken during this conversation, and he is surprised at the amount of venom that seeps into his tone. Being his best friend, you notice right away, your eyes shooting up in his direction.
“Y-yeah. I mean- I pointed out that we would be inside the whole time and he just sort of brushed it off. Later on, you know when we started arguing- he ended up telling me that he didn’t like the dress I brought with me.”
Jungkook’s strong jaw clenches and unclenches, “The blue one?”
You nod, perplexed by the intensity in his eyes. Your grandma’s sugary voice breaks the tension as she comes around to ensure that she heard you correctly.
“You’re kidding!” She places her hand on her heart, “That dress was made for you. How could he possibly-“ Her eyes seem to light up in realization, “He didn’t go dancing with you because he didn’t like your dress?”
You feel quite embarrassed as she takes your hand, and although you can feel the familiar sting of sadness in your eyes, you reign in your tears.
There is no reason to worry them further, you think.
“I guess so.”
“He’s an idiot.” Jungkook says plainly, his voice nearly void of any emotion.
“I concur.” Your grandma says, smoothing her thumb over the back of your knuckles, “Honey, please tell me you aren’t seeing this man again.” She hesitates and worries momentarily about decorum before deciding to toss it to the curb, “He sounds like an asshole.”
Strong language only leaves your grandmother’s lips on rare occasions and you can’t help but chuckle every time it happens.
She seems to relax at the sound of your laughter, but Jungkook’s posture remains the same as he awaits your response.
“I don’t know. He told me to call him when I-“ Your fingers come up to make air-quotes, “ ‘adjust my expectations.’”
“The hell’s that supposed to mean?”
Jungkook’s voice is deeper than normal, his arms crossing over his chest as he looks at you in disgust.
It’s slightly intimidating as you aren’t used to seeing him like this, but you persist anyway, wanting to see the end of this conversation.
“When he started arguing, I told him I would expect the man I’m with to want to show me off no matter what. You know…” You can hear your voice getting smaller, “…to want to dance with me regardless of what my dress looks like.”
Jungkook feels his heart break a little as he sees the crushed look on your face, but his frustration is still eclipsing all of his other emotions.
“And he told you to lower your expectations?” Jungkook clarifies.
“That’s horseshit.” Your grandmother scoffs, “When your grandfather was around, may he rest in peace, he took me dancing every chance he had.”
Her language makes you giggle softly to yourself, but you avert your eyes again, feeling rather ashamed that you spent so much time with someone who clearly didn’t appreciate you.
“I’m not sure if I can find the kind of love you and grandpa had…” You murmur, fingertips picking at the frayed ends of the tablecloth, “Chase told me that love wasn’t really like that. I tried to tell him that I had…” You hesitate, not looking across the table, “…felt it before but he wasn’t really interested in my perspective…”
As you’re shaking your head, Jungkook begins shaking his too. He adjusts his posture before helplessly trying to reign in his wayward tongue once again, “Where is he staying at again?”
“Jungkook…” Your grandma chides fondly, sensing his frustration growing by the second, “…would you mind going out to the garden? I don’t think I picked enough blueberries for a third pie, and I promised the Kims’ one by tomorrow morning.”
When you meet his gaze once again, his tongue is pressed somewhat aggressively into his cheek and he seems to hesitate at your grandma’s request. He doesn’t want to leave your side but he doesn’t know how much more of this conversation he can take.
He merely nods, setting his fork down on the table and wiping his hands on the cloth napkin before jerking his chin at you, “You wanna come? It’s supposed to storm in a bit.” When he sees your eyes meet his own, he can’t help but feel his heart skip a bit in his chest. He’s never done well with you looking directly at him like this, but the hurt wading around in them makes it much worse. He offers you his signature smirk, trying to lighten your mood, “Now I know you’re sad and all, but there’s no way my Y/N would pass up an opportunity to watch a storm roll in.”
The combination of his smirk and the phrase ‘my Y/N’ sends your heart into a frenzy that you’d really love to ignore. But when he reaches his tattooed fingers out towards you, you don’t really have much of a choice.
“Go on, dear. It will be good to get some fresh air.” She looks pointedly at Jungkook, “Make sure you two are in before the lightening…”
Jungkook nods, “Yes ma’am.” His smirk fades quickly when he feels your hand in his own, his fingers almost forgetting how to work.
With a kiss to your grandma’s cheek, you push away from your place at the table and begin to trail behind Jungkook as he leads you outside. Holding hands with your childhood best friend is nothing new. The two of you would often run haphazardly through the very same yard that you’re heading out to, spending hours lost in the same daydream. Foolishly, the two of you believed that life would be so much like playing pretend. However, you had come to realize that all those years running through the fields on your grandmother’s farm, chasing after bad guys, ruling over imaginary kingdoms, and pretending to harness the lightening in the skies above you, couldn’t have prepared you for the world out there.
When you texted Jungkook to meet you here, he knew something had gone wrong. He had been in the middle of hanging out with some of his other friends he met in college, but he quickly excused himself and rushed over here.
As usual, you tried to pretend like it wasn’t a big deal. You tried to play it off like you just wanted to see him, like your grandmother just needed help baking her famous blueberry pies, like you only wanted to catch up…
But he knew it had been about him.
Through the shiver brought on by the cold evening air, you murmur, “Are you mad at me?”
Jungkook’s eyes are narrowed, his royal blue hair beginning to move along with the wind as he tries to scout the location of your grandmother’s blueberry patch.
She moves it around every year.
“Why would I be mad at you?”
He doesn’t look at you as he begins leading the two of you towards the garden off to the left.
“I don’t know…” You feel uneasy now, “You just seem upset about something.”
Jungkook knows that he won’t be able to hide his feelings from you for very long, but he does his best to deflect the attention back on you.
“I’m just worried about you.” He assures you, still refusing to spar a glance towards you, “I’ve been worried about you…”
You sigh, “I’m ok…I just-“ Shrugging, you squeeze his hand in attempt to reassure him, “-got burned, that’s all.”
He pauses his movements, the clouds beginning to rumble above you as he lets go of your hand. He turns towards you, a slightly wounded expression on his face, “You don’t look burned, Y/N. You look broken.”
Your hand remains up in the air for a moment before you quickly bring it back to your side, “Gee thanks. You really know how to make a girl feel special…”
Jungkook shoots a cold glance your way as he opens the gate to the garden, “You know that isn’t what I mean. I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell any of us what was going on. You two were together for a year, Y/N. Every one of us just thought he swept you off your feet…” A bit of pain flashes through his eyes, “…me included.”
“I just didn’t want you to worry about me.” You explain, the steady grip of uneasiness slowly intertwining through your sense, “I felt silly for falling for giving into the life that he lived so quickly. When things started to go sideways, I didn’t know how to ask for help, I didn’t want to be a burden on anyone…it really wasn’t that bad honestly. We just didn’t click-“
“Why are you lying to me?” His tone begins to match his wounded expression, as he stops near the beginning of the blueberries. The storm clouds are rolling in from the background, almost as if they could feel the rising tension in the air.
“I’m- I’m not. I told you everything that happened-“
“Y/N,” Jungkook interrupts you, shaking his head, his eyes holding something you can’t quite decipher, “we don’t have to talk about this anymore. I don’t want to disrespect your boundaries, or invade your privacy but…” He points a tattooed finger in your direction, “…don’t lie to me, not after all these years…”
For whatever reason, you are compelled to reach out for his finger. Wrapping your own digits around his, you lower it until it’s pointed towards the ground. Holding it for a moment, the two of you regard one another in complete silence. His chest rises a bit quicker than normal as he attempts to calm down but for the most part you only notice the pain his pretty eyes.
And the moles upon his pretty face…
All you do is nod and give his finger a light squeeze before releasing it.
And Jungkook hates it when you do, wishing for you to follow through for once, wishing for you to find your way back through his fingers…
“So, we drop it then?” He checks, his voice much softer now.
When you nod a second time, he offers an unfamiliar smile in your direction. It pains you to know that he is holding back the things he wants to say, but you understand why he does it.
This is just the way things are now.
“We better get started.” He notes before a small smirk finds its way onto his mouth, “Your grandma is going to bake me into those pies if I keep you outside during the storm.”
His joke finally gets you to crack a smile, “For a woman that’s lived in this town her whole life, she still hasn’t managed to figure out how thunderstorms work.”
“What do you mean she doesn’t know how thunderstorms work? Y/N? Have you already forgotten Uncle Earl? Do you want HIM to tell you how thunderstorms work???” Jungkook does his best at imitating your grandma’s voice causing the two of you to erupt in the first bout of genuine laughter of the evening.
Your Great Uncle Earl was hit by lightening when your grandma and him were growing up. According to him, he had to go to the hospital for a bit and now has the coolest scar known to man. According to your grandma however, he nearly died (twice) and can no longer stand within 10 feet of an electrical appliance.
Neither of which are true, but she was four years old when it happened.
Kids say the darnest things.
“She’s ridiculous…” You chuckle to yourself as you bend down to inspect the bushels of blueberries. The sun has treated them well this year but now that the stormy season was beginning to roll in full force, your grandmother would likely begin planting something else in their place. “It’s going to be a bad one tonight, you’re not driving home are you?”
He shakes his head as he gathers a few berries in his palm before tossing them into the burlap pouch he brought along with him, “No. My mom would kill me if I tried to drive in this weather even though-“
“You totally could…” You finish his sentence for him, a smirk on your lips, “You’re forgetting about the time you and I tried to drive to hills to watch the flood and we got stuck on Route 14…and you cried…a lot.”
Jungkook is throwing a blueberry at your face by the end of your sentence, causing you to laugh all over again, “And you cried with me! We were holding each other on the side of the road until the fire department showed up…”
What Jungkook won’t talk about however is how desperately he wanted to kiss you in that old pickup truck. The two of you were much younger then but he can still vividly remember the way you huddled up against him, the way your fingers gripped the material of his hoodie, the way your lips were dangerously close to his own…
You are laughing despite the fact that he was calling you out, your eyes lighting up fondly at the memory of the firemen literally telling you to just drive slowly back down the hill behind them. It wasn’t nearly as dangerous as you had made it out to be, but the thunder roaring in the distance whilst you and Jungkook huddled close together on the side of the road is still fresh in your mind.  
“I was only crying because you started crying first.” You counter, throwing the blueberry back at him. But as you do, Jungkook opens his mouth and catches it right on the center of his tongue, a quirk on his lips forming as he does.
“Jungkook! That landed on the ground! You’re so gross…” You laugh, eyes widening in disbelief.
His smirk forms fully as he shrugs, chewing away at the soiled berry, “It’s just extra nutrients from the Earth Y/N, relax.”
Jungkook snickers just as he did when the two of you were younger when you turn your nose up in disgust.
“It’s just extra nutrients from the Earth Y/N, relax.” You mimic him whilst deepening your voice. He snickers again, his eyes lingering on you even as you turn your attention back towards the berries.
God, he really does think you are the prettiest woman he has ever seen.
Silence settles over you once more as you both focus on the task at hand. The clouds looming in the distance are growing darker with the onslaught of precipitation and stirring uneasily beneath the weight of the pressure building up inside of them. This was the first storm of the season and according to the weather reports, it’s supposed to be a doozy.
Normally, silence between you and Jungkook is comfortable. After knowing each other for so long, you could basically do anything together and feel content. You never needed to fill the air with small talk or unnecessary anecdotes; being with Jungkook felt very much like breathing.
However, today was different. Today the tension stuck to every surface of your skin and made you very aware that not only were you keeping something from Jungkook, but that he knew about it.
You take a deep breath in a futile attempt to quell your anxiety and Jungkook’s eyes are immediately on you. They seem to slice through your carefully crafted exterior, which is something he perfected long ago.
But he doesn’t say anything, he knows he doesn’t need to.
He just waits until-
“He told me not to see you anymore.” You admit, your eyes fixated firmly on the garden floor, your heartbeat rising to a dangerous level.
Jungkook’s eyes widen. He knew there was more to your breakup with Chase, but he never anticipated that it had anything to do with him.
“He said that-“ You swallow the fear rising in your throat, “-I had a choice; I could either call and tell you that I never wanted to see you again or…”
There is a dangerous amount of moisture collecting in the sky that mirrors what is occurring in your very own pupils. You don’t want to cry but you don’t know if you have a choice.
Everything was riding on this moment and your introduction to this topic was already so messy.
“…Or?” Jungkook presses gently, ignoring the fury he felt for this man that was supposed to be taking care of you.
You don’t dare to move your eyes from the soil on the floor as you nearly choke out the rest of your sentence.
“Or I had to call and tell you that I wasn’t in love with you…”
Jungkook’s own heart ceases to beat for the time being, the rest of his body trying its best to process what you’ve just said to him. But as intelligent as Jungkook is, he doesn’t always understand subtlety.
With a humorless laugh, your attention is finally brought up towards him, your expression rife with confusion.
“Is that why you brought me here then? To tell me this in person?” He sets the basket down beside you, wiping his hands on the overalls adorning his body, “You didn’t think this was something you could have texted me?”
You look confused now, “Why would I text you something like this?”
Every inch of his body is covered in defensiveness now, the normally smooth features that adorn his face are hardened beneath his assumptions as he slowly places distance between the two of you.
“Did you really think this is the place I’d want to find out? I mean-“ He barks a laugh once more, his arms crossing over his chest, “-I would think you’d have a little more common sense than that.” You’re thoroughly wounded now, your chest tightening with the force of his attitude, whilst your mind is swimming with confusion.
“I don’t know why you’re being so mean about this.” You mumble, your eyes flickering between the dark clouds and the storm in front of you, “I didn’t think you’d react like this…”
“Yeah well…” He scoffs, looking rather disgusted, “…I guess you don’t know me that well, do you?”
His words cut through your heart like one of those 1,000 degree knives that were going viral on the internet a few years ago, and you literally feel a lump in your throat forming as he begins to walk away.
Whichever force is controlling the weather seems to have a sense of humor because just as the peak of your heartbreak begins, it starts to rain.
“Jungkook!” You call after him, trying to move quickly despite the numbness in your limbs, “Is this really how you feel? After all of this time?”
He whips around towards you, his eyes hard with his defenses, “Is this really how you feel? For god’s sake Y/N, I knew you were a little clueless, but I didn’t realize how bad it was.”
The storm above your heads is intensifying slowly as the rain stains the expressions on your faces.
“What are you even talking about???” You are growing irritated with the way he is speaking too but more so than anything, you are thoroughly dumbfounded at his reaction.
Jungkook’s cerulean hair is getting shaggier with the onslaught of rain leaving the clouds, but he doesn’t have the patience to care, he is too upset to care about anything at the moment.
“Did you really think this would be easy for me? You thought that you’d just call me out to this spot, our spot, and you’d let me down easy? Is that it?” His voice breaks up a bit at the end as he shakes his head. You can tell that he’s about to cry by the way he keeps pursing his lips, and it’s all clicking for you now.
“Jungkook,” You croak, shaking your own head, “I didn’t ask you to come here to let you down easy. I asked you to come here because I couldn’t agree to either of the things, he asked of me.”
He’s already turning away from you when your words bring his movements to a halt. Slowly and in the middle of the downpour, his innocent eyes find yours.
“What are you saying?”
You swallow your own urge to cry, taking a cautious step towards him, “I’m saying that I couldn’t call you to tell you I wasn’t in love with you…”
He sniffles, his gaze intensifying as he returns your step, “Why?”
A deep breath is interrupted by roaring thunder behind you, reminding the both of you that this wasn’t really a good time to be doing this.
But you didn’t care.
The whole world could be ending right now, and you would still prioritize this moment.
“Because I would be lying…”
Mother Nature makes herself known once again but the only thing you can focus on is Jungkook rushing towards you. He is soaked as he clashes into you, his arms winding around your waist before pulling you against him. And without a single word, he is pressing his lips onto yours.
He kisses you like he’s done it a million times before. His mouth tucking into yours and eagerly claiming every single bit of his interior. You can feel his hands tightening on the back of your dress, and you respond in kind by smoothing your hands up the soaked material clinging to his back.
Your nose rubs the bridge of his, your desire for him rising way too quickly to grasp. Your fingers leave his back and slide up towards the nape of his neck before smooth over the soaked blueberry strands. Avoiding the ponytail in his hair, you allow them to find is hairline and push it hair back against his head. He groans into your lips at the sensation, the sound going straight between your legs.
“I’m a fucking idiot…” He grunts into your mouth, his hands dangerously close to your ass.
His comment makes you giggle as your eyes flutter open, your hand coming up to cup his cheek, “You and me both…”
Jungkook pecks your lips once more, blinking away the raindrops that find their way into his eyes. He pulls back to get a good look at the face he has loved for so long before a brilliant smile breaks out onto his mouth, “Wait but-“ He lets out a bout of boyish laughter, placing his hand on your opposite cheek, “-you’re serious? You love me?”
You giggle along with him, completely ignoring the very angry storm shouting above your head, “So much it’s cringe-worthy…”
Jungkook chuckles again, resting his forehead against yours, “Me too, for so long.”
“For so long…” You agree, almost exasperated at the amount of relief you feel, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I was just so worried you weren’t going to feel the same, and I didn’t want to lose you. But after I realized how awful Chase was to me, I kind of figured out that I only dated him to keep my mind off of you.”
Jungkook smirks at you, thumbing over the apple of your cheek, “How did that work out for you?”
You grumble before sticking your tongue out at him, “Terribly, thank you for asking!”
You aren’t yelling exactly, but the clouds have gotten dangerously close, and you have no choice but to speak over the sound of the storm now.
“If you’re going to stick your tongue out at me, you could at least do me a favor and put it in my mouth…” His smirk only broadens, a flash of wickedness in his eyes. To add insult to injury, he parts his lips for you with a raise of his brows. “We have a lot of lost time to make up for.”
He looks like his typical arrogant self but there is something completely new in the words he spoke to you. It gave you whiplash how he seemed to jump from one emotion to the next so quickly, but you can’t say you blame him.
This has been a long time coming…
You’re leaning in towards his awaiting mouth when a voice loud enough to rival the summer storm itself interrupts you.
“Jeon Jungkook! What in the hell do you think you’re doing?! Did I not say to have my granddaughter in before this storm started!?”
Jungkook flinches at the sound of her voice, despite the rather childish giggle coming from his lips.
“Technically, you told me to have her inside before the lightening, Miss Y/L/N!” He retorts and she simply crosses her arms over her chest, her night gown blowing hastily in the wind.
“Am I detecting backtalk Mr. Jeon?! Don’t you make me call your mother; I still have her number on speed dial!”
The two of you giggle like a couple of brats, leaning into one another for a moment before he takes your hand and leads you towards the front door.
Your grandma’s eyes widen once again as she gestures wildly towards the blueberry patch, “Now I know the two of you did not forget the one thing I sent you out here- where the hell are my blueberries?!”
After sort of explaining to your grandmother what happened, she sent the two of you off to separate bathrooms to wash up saying “I can forgive a distraction, I cannot forgive you two dripping all over my brand new carpet…”
Whilst your grandma had been quite excited that you had finally worked things out with Jungkook, she made it very clear that,
“The two of you better be in separate beds when I wake up tomorrow morning. There will be no hanky panky under my roof…”
But the thunder is so loud…
It shakes the flimsy structure of your grandmother’s farmhouse and leaves you to stir uncomfortably in your old bed. Despite living where you do, you’ve never been able to acclimate to storms like these. They have always freaked you out and made you feel unsafe.
Huddled under two of your grandmother’s quilts, you curse yourself for deciding to do things this way. If you had just invited Jungkook back to your apartment, you could be cuddled up to him right now…
Amongst other things…
To be fair, you hadn’t necessarily planned to tell him EVERYTHING today but you just couldn’t help yourself.
You had been waiting so long to finally summon the courage to breach that barrier.
And now that you have, all you want to do is be with him.
Growing up in your grandmother’s house, you have perfected the art of sneaking around the property. There were many nights that you would sneak out to her living room to catch whatever one of your favorite shows was still on. There were many nights that she caught you too, but she never scolded you.
She only ever walked you backed to bed with the reassurance that you needed your rest.
You don’t think she would be as understanding if she caught you this time…
At least you had the advantage of being an adult, and do not have to worry about her taking away your Gameboy as punishment.
The creaking of the floorboards is an unwelcome sound, but the storm is much louder and drowns out anything too incriminating. Jungkook was staying at the guest room all the way at the end of the hall so there is significant distance between his room and your grandma’s room.
Not that this should matter or anything…
When you get to his door, you are regretting not packing something warmer to wear tonight. You were in nothing but your old university sweatshirt and some shorts, seemingly forgetting that summer was most definitely over.
Lingering in front of his door, you are met with a dilemma: to knock or not to knock.
Your fingers are curled into a fist and poised to rap gently against the old pine, but something tells you to just slowly creak the door open instead.
The only light that illuminates the scene before you is the sickly shade of blue coming in from the window pane and Jungkook’s cell phone. He’s holding it in one hand which rests on his bare chest, a small grin lit up by the glow of his screen.
“Took you long enough…”
He looks away from his phone now to catch a glimpse of you but the light it emits allows you to see that is wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweat pants. Vaguely, you make out how much his tattoo sleeve has been developed since you last saw him, and the sight paired with his recently acquired muscles makes your mouth water.
“Hey, you could have come to my room too…or texted me…” You pout, making sure you keep your voice at a reasonable volume.
Jungkook turns his screen towards you to show that he was, in fact, in the middle of texting you.
“I was trying to wait until she fell asleep…” He counters, clicking the side button on his phone. When the screen goes dark, you try not to scowl as the visibility of his beautiful face lessens.
“Well-“ The loud crack of thunder interrupts you, your whole body jolting violently at the sound.
This causes Jungkook to double over in a quiet fit of laughter, his nose scrunching up with amusement.
“It’s not funny…” You quietly whine which only makes him laugh harder. But in the midst of his fit, he reaches out for you, wiggling his fingers.
“C’mere, scaredy cat-“ He is entirely lit up with amusement when you pretend to refuse his request, your eyes narrowing in distaste.
“No, you’re mean…” You grumble despite the fact that you are literally dying to get in bed with him, “I’ll be fi-INE!”
You clamp your hand over your mouth as another round of thunder shakes the house, your eyes wide with fear.
Jungkook has his hand over his mouth too, but its to stop the laughter from escaping his lips. He flops back onto the pillows while you rush over to the bed and climb over him to secure a spot against the wall.
Like a couple of dorks, you two thrash until Jungkook is able to pull the quilt up over you. In theory, this does nothing to shield you from your grandma’s wrath, should she come in here to investigate but it makes you feel safer.
Jungkook is still snickering quietly as you both snuggle up to one another.
“You were saying?” He quips, his skin emitting the woodsy scent of his body wash. You try not to drink it in too much, it’s way too early to be drunk off of him.
“I was saying that you have no sympathy for your best friend and her phobia of loud noises and that I hate you.”
He pretends to be wounded, “Oooh ouch, fair enough. Although you hating me does kind of fuck with my plans for the evening…”
You raise your brows at him, “What plans were those?”
He just grins, one of his hands finding its way to the curve of your waist. Your skin comes alive beneath his touch as you curse the thick material of your hoodie for being in the way.
“Well, if you hate me, it doesn’t really matter now does it?”
With each word, he leans in closer and closer to you, the mint of his toothpaste lingering in the air between your lips.
You’re aptly prepared with a witty comeback but the thunder shakes the walls again, causing you to shrink against his sturdy chest. His laughter causes his body to quake beneath you, but he uses his big strong arms to envelop you anyway.
“Don’t laugh at meeee…” You gripe into his neck, resisting the urge to take a bite out of him, “…you know how much I hate it.”
Jungkook’s smile broadens as he is finally able to hold you like he’s been wanting to, his heart going wobbly in his chest as he feels how close your lips are to his neck.
“Okay, Okay…” He hushes you playfully, kissing the top of your head, “I’m sorry. You’re ok, yeah? Nothing bad is going to happen.”
He softens his tone a bit, one of his hands cautiously moving up and down your back. The more he touches you, the more you are distracted from the chaos brewing just outside your window.
“I really should have moved out of this town by now…” You whisper jokingly, ensuring that your lips brush against his skin as you.
Jungkook takes a deep breath through his nose, his hand stalling a bit at the feeling before he pushes through his desire.
“You’re not allowed to move anywhere.” He says quite plainly, hugging you closer, “Especially not now…”
You hum lightly as he starts massaging the space between your shoulder blades, “Why is that?”
Jungkook bites his lip as he feels your mouth move again, slightly annoyed with himself that he is this turned on already, “Because you have to do the whole small-town thing now. You know- marry your childhood sweetheart, settle down, have a bunch of babies…the ladies at the library will finally stop judging you.”
Giggling quietly, you crane your neck a bit so you can get a glimpse of his face, “Is that what you want?”
He bites his lip, a rather sly but soft look in his eyes, “I want you-“ He replies, playfully coaxing your lips back towards his neck, “-that’s all I’ve figured out so far.”
You smirk when he does, and since he is decidedly telling you where he wants your mouth, you ensure to press your lips against the warmth of his throat. Before you respond, you place a few kisses up the column of it, grinning to yourself as his hands seem to tighten in the center of your back.
“You want me?” You tease, dragging your lips over his skin again, trying not to jump his bones when he shudders beneath you.
“I just said I did, didn’t I?” He is snarky now because it’s the last defense he has before he gives himself over to his lust for you.
“What is it that you want from me?”
The whisper leaving your mouth provides him with another reason to shudder, your gentle response dancing over his skin.
His mouth twitches under the weight of an incoming grin, still in disbelief that he finally gets to be with you this way.
“Honestly?” He murmurs as his fingers become braver. They slide under the bottom of your hoodie, pressing into the skin just above your ass. “I want you to mark my neck up…”
His candid request makes the two of you laugh quietly just beneath the sound of the storm. It was so strange how the two of you seemed to slip into these roles so quickly, all of the first hook-up jitters were cancelled out by the ease you felt around one another.
With another kiss to his throat you whisper, “How do you plan on facing my grandma at breakfast with a hickie on your neck?”
His laughter is slow and warm now, his hands sliding over the swell of your ass, “I have a turtleneck…”
The sound of him chuckling somewhat darkly in your ear fuels something buried deep inside of you; he sounds so sexy and so mischievous at the same time, you could get used to him talking to you like this.
“What if I…” You pause to drag your lips down the side of his neck before pausing at spot just below his collarbone, “…did it here instead?”
Jungkook pouts in the dark, coaxing your lips back up to the juncture between his neck and the start of his shoulder, “It feels better up here…please? I promise I won’t let her see.”
His bout of pleading with you goes right between your legs, and you’re now dealing with the reality that it’s nearly impossible to refuse him when he sounds like this.
“Here?” You whisper, brushing your lips over the spot and playfully dragging your teeth over his skin.
“Mhm…” He hums, leaning his head back for you.
Taking his skin into your mouth, you suck at the sensitive spot he ushered you to until you feel his hands tighten on your body. The sound of his breath catching in your ear prompts you to immediately fulfill his next request, 
“Harder...” He whispers, as his neck elongates slightly, inviting you to continue.  
You’re practically on top of him now, one of your legs wrapping around his waist while you lean into the lovebite even more.  
“Fuck.” Jungkook grunts when you press against the tent forming in his sweatpants, his hands moving from your ass to your hips, “Come up here, get on me.” 
You’re no longer concerned about your grandma waking in on you as you straddle the increasingly needy man beneath you.  
The lightening strike outside of the window lights up the room momentarily, allowing you to see the angry purple mark you left behind. Jungkook’s face is lit up too, and all you can see is the darkness in his eyes and the satisfied grin on his mouth.  
“Hi.” He mumbles against your lips, “You’ve got quite the mouth on you, you know that? My head is already spinning...” 
His praise makes your heart sing as you press a kiss to his lips, a giggle escaping your mouth as the two of you bump noses.  
You indulge eachother for a moment before Jungkook is speaking again, his arousal acting like a truth serum. 
“I’m so hard right now, and we’ve barely done anything.” He murmurs, kissing your bottom lip. 
Resting your elbows on either side of his side, you shiver when he presses his hips against yours. 
“I didn’t realize my lips could have such an effect on you...” You tease, nuzzling his nose and meeting his hips half way.  
The two of you hold back the noises you want to make as the pleasure throbs between your legs. 
“It’s not just your lips...” He argues, eyes widening when you grind against him, “Fuck- you can’t do that to me...” His fingertips press into your hips desperately, his sanity slowly slipping away from him. 
“I’m sorry- “ You bite your lip, nudging his nose again, “I’ve just never felt like this before, I just want to...” 
Jungkook’s hips are grinding up again, his lips cutting you off mid-sentence, “Like what? Horny?” 
His voice is so deep now that it seems to vibrate between the two of you, and with his blue hair splaying out on the pillowcase and his swollen mouth curved up into a grin, you really have no choice but to kiss him again.  
You can feel him smile into it, his hands curving over your ass and flexing his hips upwards again. 
“More than that.” You whisper shakily, finally reconciling with how wet you are now, the material of your shorts sticking to your center, “It’s so much more...” 
Your response softens him all over again, his fingers now sliding beneath hem of your shorts and brushing against the skin below your ass. 
“What do you want to do hm? Do you want to do this?” He nearly coos, kissing your top lip. 
“I do but-” You hesitate, glancing towards the door once more, “I don’t want her to hear us...I thought telling you here would be cute, but now I wish I would have just invited you to my apartment.” 
Jungkook chuckles, the sound slightly unstable under the weight of his arousal, “The hopeless romantic in me is so happy you told me here but-” He lets out a sigh along with another breathless laugh, “-I’m really struggling right now...” 
His honesty makes you whisper a laugh into his lips before kissing him for the millionth time, “Jungkook-” You whine, “I’m sorry...this was the messiest thing I have ever done, and I wanted it to be like this perfect, dramatic thing but it ended up being really impractical and-” 
He cuts you off with another kiss, snickering as he does and using his strength to sit up with you, before laying you back towards the foot of the bed. Still kissing you, he slots himself between your legs while his tongue finds solace against yours. 
“Do I look disappointed to you?” He croons before pushing his length against your aching cunt, “Do I feel disappointed to you? Hm?” 
You shake your head, still kissing at his lips as your nails trail over the skin of his back, “N-No, you don’t, I’m just-” 
“You’re just what?” He nearly taunts, raising his brows as he pulls back a bit, his hands traveling to the bottom of your hoodie, “Mine? Why would I be disappointed with that?” 
He slides the material up your body, groaning as he takes in the sight of your breasts, “Jesus fucking christ-” He leans down, licking a stripe between them before mouthing towards your nipple, “-you’re unreal.” 
“Jungkook...” You whisper now, your back arching, your body yearning for his mouth on you. 
His eyes flutter shut as he takes your nipple in his mouth, his tattooed hand coming up to grip your other breast, squeezing the flesh gently. 
“I want you so bad.” You breathe. 
“Yeah?” He practically purrs, opening his eyes and allowing the lightening to illuminate you now, “Where do you want me, sweetheart?” 
Jungkook licks over your nipple once more before kissing his way to the other one, his breath quickening every so slightly as he anticipates your response. 
He smirks at this, taking a bite of the curvature of your breast before chuckling, “Everywhere huh? Is that what my girl wants?” 
You’re nodding and before you know it you’re threading your fingers in his hair and coaxing his lips back to you, “Please-” Your breathless and slightly inebriated with all of the arousal present in your head but you know one thing for sure, “I want you so bad.” 
Jungkook’s cockiness dissipates at the sound of your pleading, “You’re going to kill me-” He breathes, pecking your lips, “-you want me inside of you?” 
You’re nodding halfway through the end of his sentence, your legs spreading wider, inviting him in. 
“Yes please.” You basically whine, a bout of laughter catching onto the end of it. You’re a little amazed at how desperate you are as you never felt this way with your ex. But Jungkook is the love of your life, and he has been for so long. The need for him to fill you up supersedes all logical thinking. 
He’s laughing quietly too but he looks nervous now, his shaky gaze glancing down where the two of you would be connected, “You have no idea how badly I want this, how long I’ve thought about this moment...” 
You cup his cheek, urging his gaze back to your own, “I do though-” You kiss him again, “-I really do.” 
He sighs shakily, “I don’t want her to catch us, if you feel like it’s too much, you gotta tell me ok? I’ll slow down...” 
“I will, I promise I’ll be quiet...” 
Jungkook groans and shakes his head, “That is the last thing I want to hear...” He frowns before the two of you giggle. He kisses the tip of your nose as he uses his free hand to push the band of his sweats of his aching cock. Your mouth waters as it springs free, cursing your current location from preventing you from indulging in him the way you want to. 
Seconds later, he is on his knees with his dick in his hand, whilst his other slowly pushes your shorts to the side. His nostrils flare as he zeros in on your pussy, his eyes fixating on the sight, “Fuck me...” 
You bite your lip, loving the reactions you illicit from him; you don’t think you have ever felt so sexy in your entire life. 
He looks up at you once again, all sorts of emotions swimming in his gaze, “Are you ready baby?” 
The nod is all he needs to push inside of you and before you know it, the two of you are grinding somewhat helplessly towards your end.  
Chest to chest, you fuck one another, the pleasure completely wrecking any chance you had at lasting very long.  
Throughout it all, there is a cacophony of lust-filled sentiments: 
“Fuck, Y/N...”  
“God I was made for this pussy wasn’t I? I fit so good, don’t I baby?” 
“You’re so fucking sweet, squeezing me so good...” 
“Let me take care of you forever...pl-please, I’ll make you feel good whenever you want, make you cum whenever you want...” 
It’s so much and not enough all at once. Two sweaty bodies, so overcome with the feelings they have for one another, feeling the euphoria of finally becoming one... 
The way it was always meant to be. 
“I love you, Jungkook...” 
The storm has nothing on the weather in this room.  
No amount of thunder and lightening could ever surpass the energy between you. 
“I love you, Y/N” 
It was always him, wasn’t it? 
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spookiekewchie · 3 years
look what you did
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Characters: ex!Steve Rogers x woc!reader, sugar daddy!Loki x woc!reader
Summary: Steve's choices have consequences that he's too late to realize.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: angst with a satisfying ending, mentions of Steve x Peggy, general language warning, non detailed smut, name calling, mild violence, calling Peggy out for her faults, calling Steve out for being an idiot, Steve is selfish and kinda a jerk in this, me ignoring canon because I can, I think that's it
A/N:  I'm an idiot that listened to a song (Girl Like Me by Jazmine Sullivan) and ended up writing something that I swore I'd never write and that's endgame Steve leaving the reader for Peggy. But it's okay because he suffers in the end. Also for the sake of this Loki didn't die in IW. Also shout out to @syren-tara & @lafayette103 for helping me decide on Loki for this. Anyways, all mistakes are mine so pardon any errors or typos I'm sure I missed a few. The divider is by @firefly-graphics
for translation purposes: elskan = darling
DO NOT repost or translate my work anywhere. Reblogs are always welcome, and let me know that you enjoy my fics.
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In all your training and avenging nothing ever prepared you for this. You had fought killer robots, aliens, the government, and yet Steve had you stood there, dumbfounded and sure that you hadn’t heard him correctly.
“Ha, ha. Jokes over, and I’m no longer amused.” You replied, Steve just stood there silently, eyes downcast like he couldn’t even look at you. Like he felt guilty.
You could feel the cracks in your heart as the fissures began to spread, the only thing holding it together was a glimmer of hope that what Steve had just told you wasn’t really what he was planning. You looked over to Bucky, and the sad resentment in his eyes said it all. Steve was leaving the both of you behind to go chase some skirt he had a crush on back in the forties.
And just like that the hope died, and your heart cracked. You didn’t even realize the hot tears streaming down your face until a shocked gasp choked its way out of you and finally drew Steve’s eyes up to your face. “No, honey please. I-I don’t want you to hurt. I just...this place isn’t for me, and nothing’s felt right since I came out of the ice. I love you, I do, and I want you to know that this has nothing to do with you I just…” He didn't finish his statement, so caught up in his reasons for running away that he hadn’t realized just what he was saying to you. Bucky had though, and a strong hand had clamped down on Steve’s shoulder to silence him as Bucky looked warily to you.
“Nothing’s felt right?” You repeated, how fast had you cycled through your emotions just to land on anger? You weren’t sure but hearing Steve’s selfish excuses suddenly made you grasp onto anger and hold so tight to it that it was all you could feel. “But you had no problem fucking me, and telling me how much you loved me. Or telling me how good I was for you. I was your good girl wasn’t I Steve? That’s what you always called me. Guess I wasn’t good enough, certainly not better than some bitch from the forties that hired Hydra scientists, and let a Nazi regime infiltrate SHIELD, that didn’t see anything wrong letting a black man be tortured and forgotten to history.” Yeah you’d never been a fan of Peggy’s once you’d found out about that from Steve, and the fact that he was willing to just blindly look over her glaring faults and run back to her was too much. “You realize that intentionally or not she played a part in Bucky being used as Hydra’s attack dog for decades right?” Briefly you looked to Bucky who just looked even more hurt to hear it said out loud. But you could see the way Steve’s jaw set when you dragged your gaze back to him, it was the sign that he was frustrated but willing to see something through regardless.
That was when you understood. Nothing you could ever do for him or to him would be enough to make him stay. He was willing to give you up for a woman he’d only ever shared a kiss with.
“I get that you’re upset, but you aren’t being fair to h-”
“Get out.” You didn’t let him finish, didn’t let him try to defend her in your presence while it was your heart that was shattering into pieces because of him. “Get the fuck out, Steve. Don’t worry about the apartment. I’ll sort it out, and as for all your shit, I’ll just throw it out in the trash where it belongs.”
His mouth fell open as if he wanted to say something else, but Bucky just pulled him away. Muttering to the blonde that he’d made his choice and now it was time for him to live with it.
You didn’t go with Bucky to say goodbye, you had nothing to say to Steve. He’d chosen another woman over you, and it was all you could do not to fall in the self deprecating thoughts of what you could have done better to make him stay. You eventually did though, a week later you’d caught yourself standing in front of a full length mirror as you judged your body and tried to find the flaws that might have made Steve not want you any longer. When you realized it you cursed yourself, because fuck him. Fuck Steve for doing this to you, and making you doubt yourself like that. And fuck that good girl shit, it clearly didn’t get you anywhere with him.
You were angry again, and you knew you’d end up wallowing in it if you didn’t get out and do something to take your mind off of it. So you called Sam, and threw yourself into missions with him. And when you weren’t doing that you were with Bucky drinking as the two of you pretended you were both alright. At some point you ended up in his bed, tangled in his sheets as the two of you used each other to try and forget the hurt that Steve had inflicted on the two of you. It happened only a handful of times before the two of you put an end to it, neither of you felt that it was fair to yourselves and you both needed to find better ways to move on. You stayed friends, and thankfully it wasn’t awkward between the two of you.
Then came the arrival of Loki in New York, and the city seemed to be gearing up for another fight only to find themselves placated with apologies, donations, and his efforts to help the people living in the city. It wasn’t long before it was like the attack on New York never happened all those years ago. You supposed the world had bigger problems to deal with, and if Loki wasn’t causing more then they were all too happy to forgive his past transgressions. You, however, hadn’t been so easy to win over, so while Bucky and Sam were dealing with the Flag Smashers you made it your personal mission to keep an eye on Loki.
He was amused by your insistence that he was up to no good, and your simmering hostility that you couldn’t entirely pass off as your own. Part of it was some misplaced lingering sense of loyalty to Steve. He’d never liked Loki after the attack, and he wasn’t happy to hear about how Loki hadn’t been kept imprisoned on Asgard. Somehow Steve was still influencing you even when he wasn’t there. You didn’t even realize it until the day that Loki dared to pin you to a wall and challenge your reasons for why you insisted on needling him and threatening him if he stepped a toe out of line.
“Is it because your precious Captain didn’t care for me that you linger around waiting for me to do something wicked?” He had whispered the words mere inches away from your face as you glared into the brilliant blues of the god. You didn’t want to think about it, because truthfully New York had been so long ago and seemed like such a blip on the radar compared to everything that had happened afterwards. What he said next though knocked the wind out of your sails. “Or perhaps you’re hoping I’ll do something wicked to you.” He breathed with a smirk.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything as your brow furrowed in silent anger.
“Don’t think I don’t know why you’re so bothered by my presence, elskan. I see the way you look at me when you don’t think I’m aware.”
Shit shit shit. It was something that you hadn’t wanted to acknowledge, but it seemed that Loki was intent on making you do just that.
“Your precious Captain left you for another woman, why waste time with being loyal to a man that didn’t think you were good enough to stay in the present for.” It was cruel, and it hurt to hear. It had hurt so much that you hadn’t thought when you slapped Loki across the face. Tears brimming in your eyes that you refused to let yourself shed anymore tears for Steve Rogers. “Such anger you have, elskan. Go ahead, let it out.” That taunting smirk was back on Loki’s face and it caused something in you to snap.
You dragged him in by the lapels of his expensive suit, and claimed his lips in a heated kiss. It was all teeth and burning anger that you had been burying for nearly four months. Nothing about it was soft or sad, not like it had been those few times with Bucky. You were rough with him, nails clawing and dragging against whatever part of him you could reach. You paid little care to his expensive garments, ripping them asunder and leaving them tattered as you worked him out of his clothes. And he was equally just as harsh with you, your shirt and jeans were in scraps in seconds, the matching bra and panties under it weren’t even spared a glance before they met the same unfortunate fate. There was no sweet foreplay, no loving kisses, no soft touches, just Loki’s digits stretching you out and making you come apart before he was shoving his length inside you with a harsh grunt. You lost track of time then, of all the different ways you let him take you, and of all the places in his lofty penthouse that he fucked you in. You let Loki use you, and Loki let you use him, let you get it all out of your system and gave you a reason other than Steve to let tears stream down your face as he fucked you the way only a god could.
That was how it started, and somewhere along the way things shifted. It wasn’t just about using Loki to forget about Steve, it turned into actually enjoying the god of mischief. And all the gifts and attention he showered you in only served as further incentive to let your little tryst continue. You’d joked with Loki about it one night, calling him your sugar daddy. Of course he wasn’t exactly sure what that phrase meant but when you explained it he hardly seemed upset at the prospect of being used for attention and gifts. After all he was using you for sex and companionship, and according to him if he had the means to spoil you then he saw no point in not doing so. That was the extent of the conversation between you about your relationship, and you didn’t question it or let yourself feel bad about it. You’d had enough of feeling bad, and after Steve you weren’t even sure if you wanted anything deeper than what you and Loki were willing to give at the moment.
It was bliss after that, a whole eight months of you and Loki enjoying the relationship you’d built. And then one day an unexpected visitor showed up on your doorstep.
You should have asked who it was before you answered, but you had been expecting Loki to pick you up for that evening's date. What you hadn’t expected was for Steve to be standing there a year later on your doorstep looking at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world. God what you wouldn’t have given to have him look at you like that months ago. Now all you have is confusion and bitterness for the man in front of you. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“What? No hello, babe?” He teased, and your vicious glare sobered him up in an instant. Clearly the lighthearted approach wasn’t the way to go here. “Right, I don’t deserve that after what I did.”
You scoffed as if that weren’t abundantly obvious while you pulled your phone from your purse to text Loki about this new development. “How did you find me?” You questioned, and Steve had the good sense to look embarrassed at going through the trouble to track you down.
“I called in a few favors when I found out that you moved out of our place.”
“Of course you did, why are you here?”
He didn’t say anything at first, just looked at you for a moment before sighing heavily. “I came back for you.”
You’re surprised enough by the admission that you looked up and met his gaze only to find yourself comparing the blues of his eyes to Loki’s.
“I spent a year with Peggy, and all I could think about was you. I thought, well I thought a life in the past was what I needed but all that time I couldn’t stop thinking about the things you said about her that day. It-it, uh...it got to the point that I couldn’t even look at her, and I realized that I was never in love with Peggy. It was just the idea of her, and I was an idiot that gave up something great with you for something that wasn’t even real.”
“And it took you a year to realize that?” You questioned, brow arched as you inspected your fresh set that Loki had paid for earlier that day. The thought of how the sparkling green and gold of your nails were going to look so good when your fingers were wrapped around Loki’s cock later brought a smirk to your lips. Unfortunately Steve thought the expression was for him.
“Well no, it took me two months, and I thought that maybe you wouldn’t want to ever see me again, and that I should just stay and make the best of things. I couldn’t do it though, I missed you too much, doll.” You could hear the hope in his voice, and the petty bitch in you wanted nothing more than to crush it like he had your heart a year ago.
“You should have stayed.” You replied simply, the sight of Loki’s car pulling up in front of the house he had paid for. “I moved on, and I honestly have nothing for you but resentment.”
Steve’s hopeful smile fell at that, his head turning to follow your gaze. He scowled at the sight of Loki sliding gracefully from the driver’s seat and stepping around to lean against the side of the car so he could watch the two of you. Steve wanted to stomp down there and wipe the self satisfied smirk from Loki’s lips but he knew it wouldn’t look good if he attacked the god with no just cause.
“Yeah, I heard about that. Buck told me you and Loki had gotten cozy while I was away.” His tone held bitterness, and it made your heart soar with joy to know that he was unhappy.
“We’re a little more than cozy, Steve. Who do you think bought me this house?” You couldn’t help but throw it in Steve’s face. Once upon a time he talked about marrying you and getting a house for you two to start a family in. Knowing that Loki had done that for you because he wasn’t there to make good on his promises had his jaw clenching so hard that he could hear his teeth creaking under the pressure.
“So you’re dating?”
You rolled your eyes, it honestly wasn’t his business. “We’re something, if you must know. Loki gives me what I want, I give him what he wants, and we’re both happy with that. Now if you don’t mind getting off my porch, I have a date.” You were ready to dismiss him, but Steve wasn’t ready to end the conversation so soon. He wasn’t ready to accept that you had moved on from him, and to Loki of all people. This wasn’t what he’d come back for and it was making him angry to see you so happy to indulge in something so superficial and empty with someone as dangerous and cunning as Loki.
"I don't understand, why are you acting like this? I came back. Doesn't that mean something after what we shared? How can you act like you don't care about me anymore?"
Was he serious? Was he delusional? You weren't sure which it was but your already thin patience was at the end of its rope. "What don't you understand, Steven?" He flinched at the use of his given name, you only did that when you were angry. "You abandoned me for another woman, made me feel like I wasn't good enough, the fact that you realized you didn't want her and came running back doesn't make up for what you did. You fucked up, and I stopped caring about you months ago. Seeing you again is nothing more than an unpleasant surprise." Your words stung his pride and you could see it plain as day reflected on his features. In his anger and hurt though, Steve's next words were just another nail in the coffin.
“You know what he’s done, you know he’s a killer and you’re still willing to play his happy little who-” Steve’s words were cut off abruptly by your hand colliding with his throat, and your knee coming up painfully between his legs. He crumpled to the ground with a pained wheeze, fuck he had forgotten how fast you were.
“Fuck you, Steven. I know what he did, and I don’t care. Hurts doesn’t it? That’s exactly how I felt when you ignored all of Peggy’s bullshit and still left me for her.” You spat, glaring down at the man you had once wanted a family with. “You don’t get to have an opinion on what I do, who I do it with, or how. You forfeited that right when you ran off to play house with Peggy. You don’t get to break my heart, and then come back to judge me for how I chose to fix it, you selfish bastard.” You pulled your front door shut behind you with a slam, locking it quickly and stepping around Steve so you could stride your way towards Loki. “If you’re here when I get back I’m calling the cops, I don’t want to see you again.”
Steve coughed, hurt, guilt, and shame all flooding through him as he watched you walk away from him and into Loki’s embrace. Anger bloomed in his chest when the god took the time to press a possessive kiss to your lips while his hands roamed freely over you before he finally opened the door to usher you into the car.
“Nice seeing you again, Captain. Have a nice night, I know she will.” Leave it to Loki to rub salt into an already gaping wound.
Steve could only glare as he slowly righted himself, he had done this. He had left you for something he didn’t even end up wanting, and he’d pushed you right into the arms of another. Now you were happy and it wasn’t with him. That was what hurt the most, and the thing that made him sick to his stomach. He should have listened to Bucky back then and stayed, and he should have listened to Bucky now and stayed away.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
If You Love Me Let Me Know [S.B.]
Character: Sirius Black
Word Count: 4050
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Y/n decides she isn’t going to wait forever for Sirius to make a move... maybe he needs a nudge in the right direction. In which Sirius gets extremely jealous over the prospect of Y/n going on a date with someone other than himself.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @lenalxvegood @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @awritingtree @hemmoporro @thisismysketchbook @acciotwinz @shadowsinger11 @aaannabbanana @lestersglitterglue @anyasthoughts @lxncelot @harrypotter289 @starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @valwritesx @hufflrpuffforfred @cappsikle @kiwi-sloan @potter-redheads @pigwidgexn @twinkyjohnson @sarcasticallywitty15 @tyyyweasley @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @wonderful-writer @marauders-loving-queen @vogueweasley @marvelettesassemble @thisismynerdyself @gcdric @loony-loopy-lupinn @gloryekaterina @tinylumpiaa @girl-next-door-writes @locke-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @inkhearthes @sehunasbitch @nkjktk | message or send an ask to be removed! unfortunately, my taglist is closed until further notice due to hitting the max. amount allowed on one post!
A/n: is this me... writing for sirius? oof it’s been a while, huh? anyways this was a fun lil fic, hope you enjoy!!
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“I just don’t understand how this could happen!” You wailed dramatically as you followed Lily into your potions class, “Why me? Why do bad things always happen to me? I just, I can’t deal with it anymore!”
Lily rolled her eyes good-naturedly at you as you fell gracefully across your shared desk, a hand over your heart as you mocked your heartache.
Your eyes were shut, a proven mistake as you heard your professor’s voice suddenly speak out in front of the class, “Miss Evans, could you please enlighten me with why Miss L/n is laying on the desk in such a fashion?”
You sat up on said desk, eyes wide now and mouth dropping open as you realised the students already in the room were staring at you.
“Someone ate the last piece of toast at breakfast, sir, and she’s being dramatic about it,” Lily replied monotonously as you scrambled to your assigned seat beside her.
“Well, Miss L/n, as much as we’re all devastated you missed out on your... toast... I would thank you to keep your eccentricities outside of my classroom, preferably far away from myself, do I make myself clear?”
The professor narrowed his eyes at you, and for a moment you wondered if he was going to take house points away, or give you detention - insolence, he usually told you off for. And speaking out of turn. Not particularly fair considering you didn’t think you’d said anything that bad half the time.
But then the professor’s attention - and much of the class’ - had moved to the group of Gryffindor boys who had ran into the room, out of breath.
They rushed to their seats, still laughing about something or other, ignoring the scolding of the professor, his requests for them to quieten down and take their seats falling on deaf ears.
Your eyes followed Sirius Black as he made his way to his desk - the one diagonally behind you - his long hair falling into his face, tie undone and shirt untucked, making your heart race as he shot a wink over at you when he noticed you looking.
Turning back down to your work, a smile growing on your face as you traced shapes on your parchment before you with the tip of your finger.
Sirius Black was both the bane of your existence and the love of your life. Dramatic? Perhaps. True? Most likely.
He was obnoxious, loud and extremely cocky. He also flirted with you - a lot. In fact, at a distant glance, you could be mistaken for dating, his arm constantly round your waist, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered sweet nothings to you.
It wasn’t a secret you fancied him. He knew, Lily knew - practically the whole school knew. However, he never moved to make things official, never asked you out nor mentioned any feelings, and after a year of that, you were beginning to think he just enjoyed your attention, rather than liking you the way you wanted him to.
The lesson began soon after the class quietened, the professor’s voice lulling you into almost falling asleep when suddenly you felt your hair moving around you, making you jolt up and flatten it back down. You frowned as you scanned around the room, your eyes landing on a cheekily grinning Sirius, and suddenly you understood.
“Stop,” You mouthed, still attempting to keep your hair from flying about around you, shaking your head at him.
He shrugged, as if he weren’t doing anything, an amused smile on his face at your constant attempts to keep hold of your hair.
As you turned back to your work, Lily nudged you and raised an eyebrow, shaking your head, “He’s trying to get my attention, I’m not sure what for though-“
“Mr Black!”
You jumped as the professor yelled out his name, eyes widening as you looked over at Sirius, who had a crumpled ball of parchment in his hands and appeared to be mid-throw, James laughing at him from beside him.
The professor grabbed the parchment and shoved it into his cloak pocket, before pointing at the dark haired boy, “10 points from Gryffindor for disrupting the class.”
“And another 10 points for answering back,” the professor added on, his eyes darting around the class before landing on Lily, who was quietly continuing on with writing her notes, “Please change seats with Miss Evans - perhaps separating you from Mr Potter here will force you to concentrate on my class.”
Sirius’ eyes lit up as he realised he was moving to be sat next to you, “Not a problem at all, professor!”
Lily picked up her belongings and headed over to sit besides James, her seat quickly being taken by Sirius, who couldn’t help but grin as he caught your gaze.
The professor resumed his lesson, leaving Sirius free to lean over to look at your work, frowning as he saw all your notes, “As if you’re actually listening to that boring old fart.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled your parchment away from him, “Unlike you I want to pass my exams, even if he is a boring old fart.”
Sirius watched as you wrote, your eyebrows furrowing just a tad in concentration, gripping your quill as you moved elegantly across the page.
“Too bad you didn’t get the chance to read my note,” he spoke casually, watching the professor march up and down at the front of the class.
Curiosity got the better of you and you placed your quill down, “Why, what was on the parchment?”
He shrugged casually, shooting you a lazy grin as he leant back in his chair, “Might’ve been me asking you to come join me at the Black Lake later tonight.”
Your heart sped up and your breath caught in your throat as you turned to face him, bringing your bottom lip between your teeth. After a year of dragging it out, did he finally just ask you out?
“With you? Uh, sure,” you replied in what you hoped was a nonchalant way, hands nearly shaking as you picked your quill back up.
“Great! Should be good, Prongs is bringing Lily, and I’ve already asked Marlene and Dorcas...”
You didn’t hear the rest of his sentence as you felt your heart plummet at his words. You swallowed harshly, staring down at your parchment and willing yourself not to react.
He’d asked other girls too. Of course he wasn’t asking you out. He never was.
The end of the lesson finally arrived and you quickly grabbed your things, not bothering to say goodbye to Sirius, instead heading over to Lily, who linked you as you headed out of the classroom, leaving Sirius and his friends behind.
You were laughing at something she said when you heard your name being called from behind you.
You turned slowly, half expecting to find Sirius, however you instead were met with a rather attractive Ravenclaw - Zachary Bryant, if you recalled correctly - nervously biting his lip as he arrived just before you.
Lily squeezed your arm and whispered an “I’ll meet you in the library” before heading off down the hall, leaving you in the emptying hallway with the brunette boy.
“Zachary, right?”
“Yeah!” He nodded a tad too enthusiastically, almost in excitement over you knowing his name, and you smiled at him warmly.
“How can I help?” You asked with a small shrug.
Zachary opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, as if thinking what to say, as if he didn’t think he’d get this far, before finally speaking, “I was um... well, you’re really rather pretty, and of course smart and funny and- and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to... accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend?”
He was extremely different to Sirius - a polar opposite in fact, shy, earnest, kind - but maybe that’s what you needed. If Sirius wasn’t going to ask you out any time soon, why not go on dates in the meantime? Zachary was sweet after all, and super cute with his curly dark brown hair and sincere smile.
“Sure!” You replied, making him breathe out in relief.
“That’s amazing! Thank you! I mean- I didn’t expect-“ Zachary stuttered, the tips of his ears turning red in embarrassment.
You laughed, enjoying how flustered he was getting, “Not at all, I’m looking forward to it!”
James slid into the chair beside Lily, pressing a kiss to her forehead before nodding over at you in greeting.
“Abandoned the rest of your entourage?” You asked with a grin and a raised eyebrow, wondering why the usual motley crew weren’t following behind him.
“Couldn’t find ‘em. And Padfoot has the map. Thought I’d find you two in here, so well, here I am,” he gestured to himself with a grin. To be fair, he was right - you and Lily could always be found in the library. Mostly because when you needed to get work done, the place was usually Marauder-free.
“Ahh, so you didn’t want to see me, you just couldn’t find your friends?” Lily asked with a smile, gently nudging him.
He threw an arm round her chair and nodded, “Yeah, that’s right, that.”
You shook your head at him, though couldn’t help but laugh at your best friend’s boyfriend.
“Did you set a day to go?” Lily asked, shaking her head at James and instead continuing your conversation from before he arrived.
“Well Zachary said he’d meet me outside the Great Hall on Saturday afternoon and we’re gonna go to The Three Broomsticks, have a nosy round some of the shops, maybe grab some food. Should be nice!” You grinned at her.
“Wait, you’re going on a date?” James raised an eyebrow, sitting up straighter in his chair and removing his arm from Lily’s in shock, “With Bryant?”
“Yes I am,” you nodded, clearing your throat and looking up at him, finding him narrowing his eyes at you, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Babe, you’re Padfoot’s girl, he kinda called dibs,” James shrugged as if it were no big deal, leaning back in his chair and kicking his feet up on the table. Lily nudged his legs, shaking her head at him and he reluctantly moved them back down again.
“What do you mean he ‘called dibs’? I’m a person not the last bloody chocolate biscuit!” You replied indignantly, crossing your arms over your chest and furrowing your eyebrows.
James widened his eyes a little, but continued with making his point. Besides adding the official labels, you and his best friend were... well you were together, right?
“He... well, he always says you’re his girl. Kinda made it extremely clear to the rest of the lads here. Or, well, most of them I guess, besides Whatshisface who’s asked you. You’re off limits to everyone else, unless they want a very angry Black to come after them,” he said it so casually, like it was common knowledge.
“Sirius Black, despite whatever he may have claimed, has never asked me out, nor made a move. As far as I’ve been made aware, he has no feelings towards me, none that he’s mentioned anyways, and that is why I have agreed to go on a date this weekend with Zachary,” you replied adamantly, anger seeping into your voice.
Lily reached out and grabbed the hand closest to her, giving it a squeeze. You offered her a small smile, before sighing.
“Look, I keep waiting for him to make a move... but if I’m waiting on him, I could be waiting forever. I don’t have forever. Zachary wants to date me now and, sometimes, a definite now is easier than a maybe later,” you shrugged, “Sirius... he knows how I feel about him. Everyone knows how I feel about him. I’ve made it clear. Very clear, in fact. He’s not done anything about it, which only makes me think he’s not really interested enough in making us more. I can’t just turn down other guys that are.”
You sighed, collecting your belongings from the table and shoving them into your bag. With a half-smile shot in James and Lily’s direction, you bid them goodbye, heading out of the library doors.
“You’re going on a date with bloody Bryant?”
You looked up from your place on the couch in front of the fire, where you were busy reading a book your mother had just sent you by owl, to find an angry Sirius, fists clenched, eyebrows furrowed as he practically glared down at you.
“Yes? Yes I am,” you replied simply, before looking down at your book, though you were no longer focused on reading.
Sirius collapsed on the couch across from you, elbows resting on his knees as he stared at you, not saying a word.
You sighed, closing the book slowly and placing it carefully beside you, “Can I help you?”
“Why would you choose Bryant? Of all people. He’s-“
“He’s sweet, he’s smart, and more than that, he actually asked me out. And I’m looking forward to going. Unless you can think of anyone else I should be going to Hogsmeade with?” You asked casually, yet pointedly, staring at him expectedly as he fumbled with his fingers, mouth gaping as if he didn’t know what to say.
“N-No... you should go. I’m sure Bryant will be a great date. Quiet, meek Bryant,” Sirius spat his name out as if it were poison, a snarl set on his features. He wasn’t happy, very obviously in fact, but since he didn’t say anything to make you not want to go on your date, you nodded.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a book to read,” you faked a smile and grabbed your book, opening it to a random page and pretending to read, ignoring Sirius’ presence.
He had ample opportunity to stop you going, ample time to have you to himself.
Too bad that he didn’t take it - that he never took it.
Saturday arrived quickly, and you were looking forward to meeting up with Zachary. Lily had helped you choose the perfect outfit, and you’d spent slightly more time than usual doing your hair and makeup. You took a last look in the mirror before grabbing your bag and lipgloss, and exiting the door.
You headed down the stairs from your dorm, dressed and ready for your date, feeling nervous yet excited.
The common room was empty bar Sirius, who was sat on the couch nearest the door, and a couple of first years. You felt your heart beat a little faster as you took in the sight of him - black jeans, black t shirt, hair messy from the amount of times he’d ran his hand through it.
He stood up as his gaze caught yours and you smiled a little at him, mouth opening as if you were going to say something, before closing it again when you realised you didn’t know what to say.
“You’re still going on the date?” Sirius asked softly, hands clasped behind his back as he rocked back on his heels.
You smiled at him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you replied, “I have no reason not to... do I?”
Perhaps it was foolish of you, to hope he would say yes. That you shouldn’t go because he didn’t want you to, because he wanted to be the one to take you on a date instead.
Sirius shoved his hands into his pockets and shook his head at you, though his mind was screaming at him to tell you to stay - with him.
“Have fun.”
You pressed your lips together and nodded, “Thank you, I will.”
With that, you turned on your heel and headed out of the common room, feeling like you wanted to cry out of frustration. You would’ve stayed in a heartbeat for him.
Sirius watched you walk away, staring at the door even after you’d long disappeared out of sight, before sighing angrily. He shook his head at himself, disappointed that he didn’t say anything, questions swirling around his mind.
Would you have stayed if he’d asked you to? Or would you have left him anyway?
He collapsed onto one of the empty nearby couches, letting out a loud, frustrated groan into a pillow and receiving a couple of looks from the first years, though he didn’t pay them any notice.
It was his fault, he knew, that he was feeling like this. Because he hadn’t said anything - because he never said anything. You’d given him the chance, and plenty of opportunity and he hadn’t taken it. From fear or something else, he wasn’t sure.
He stayed laying on the couch, face buried in the pillow, thoughts of you and this Bryant kid plaguing him. Would you kiss him whilst on your date? Sirius grimaced at the idea - he hoped not.
Time passed slowly, at least, in his mind, feeling like hours had passed by the time his friends arrived in the common room to join him, though at most it could’ve only been around half an hour.
He was pouting, arms crossed as he slouched in the armchair he’d moved to, grumbling things to himself every so often and completely ignoring half the things his friends were saying, not replying to James’ jokes or Remus’ witty remarks, and barely glancing at Peter when he offered out some of the sweets he’d picked up in Hogsmeade earlier in the day.
“Alright, what’s up with you, Padfoot?” James rolled his eyes, fed up of the lack of responses from his usual partner in crime.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” Sirius mumbled, though anyone could see from one glance that he was not, in fact, fine.
“He’s mad because his girlfriend is currently on a date with someone else,” Remus said with an almost smug smile, half enjoying how grumpy and jealous his friend was being over the girl he should’ve asked out a long time ago.
Sirius shot a glare over at him, “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“But you want to her to be, don’t you?” James grinned, moving to lie down across the couch he was on, arms resting behind his head.
“Yes... no... I don’t know!” Sirius sighed, sitting up and hugging a pillow to his chest, “I don’t know what I want, I just know I like her and I don’t want her out with anyone else. But I don’t know if I want a relationship.”
“Well... you couldn’t really expect her to wait around for you to make a decision on this, could you?” James said pointedly, nodding over to him, “As she said to me and Lily, she’s waited long enough. You’ve been stringing her along for over a year now. Either date the girl or let her date someone else.”
Sirius frowned at that. He wanted you more than anything, but was afraid he might hurt you accidentally, or let you down. What if he said something he didn’t mean and upset you? He couldn’t handle that. It was better to keep you as a friend, right? One that he flirted with a lot.
He sighed to himself, bringing his knees up to rest his chin on them. He wanted to be with you, all of his doubts be damned. Friends don’t wanna snog their other friend against a wall do they?
And that’s what Sirius wanted to do to you.
James words bounced around his head as he paced up and down the room later in the evening. His friends had retired to their dorm room, leaving him alone to wait up for you - you still weren’t back from your date and it was nearing curfew.
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he paced, ideas of what you could be doing making his hands curl into fists and his heart pound.
Why didn’t he just stop you from going?
Why didn’t he just tell you how much he like you?
He looked up immediately, eyes widening as he watched you enter the common room through the portrait door, a concerned look on your face as you watched his frantic pacing.
All thoughts of what he wanted to say left his head, all he could do was stare at you blankly, glad you were back, and hoping your date didn’t go well.
“What are you doing still up?” You asked, your eyes taking in his dishevelled appearance, “Were you- were you waiting for me?”
Sirius swallowed, wondering how to answer, before words began tumbling from his lips, unable to stop himself, “Um... uh, yeah. Yeah I was. I’ve been waiting for you ever since you left. I shouldn’t have let you go on the date, I didn’t want you to go. I was just too much of a coward to say anything at the time. But I kept thinking about... what if he kissed you? Or touched you? I didn’t like those thoughts. So yeah, I’ve been waiting here like you’ve been waiting for me because I’m an idiot and didn’t do anything to show you how I feel.”
Your heart was racing. You’d wanted to hear those words for over a year now, waiting through flirty conversations and near-kisses, hoping he’d give a sign he wanted to be with you.
“And how do you feel, Sirius?” You asked tentatively, dropping your gaze to your feet.
“I love you. I’m in love with you. And I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. I should’ve- I should’ve. And I don’t know if your date went well, or if you’re planning on going out again, but if you still feel anything for me, please don’t. Just... be with me instead.”
He ran a hand through his hair, swallowing again and he stood in silence before you. He’d finally said it - admitted to you that he loved you. His heart was pounding, waiting for your response.
“I’ve waited and waited and you never said or did anything. Why now?”
“Because I’ve realised that anyone could come along and take you from me and I don’t want that,” he admitted, his voice dropping to barely a whisper, “I wanna be the one that takes you on dates. That kisses you and touches you. Please let me be that guy. Please.”
You stared at him for a couple of seconds, shaking your head, then broke out in a smile and stepped towards him, “It’s a good job my date was just mediocre then, huh?”
His eyes shone as he stared at you, disbelief and relief running across his face as he watched you walk closer to him, stopping just in front of him.
“You know I love you Sirius. If I’d have known all it would take was going on a date with another guy to make you admit your feelings, I would’ve done it a whole lot sooner,” you grinned.
Sirius hesitantly reached out to grab your waist, pulling you gently towards his chest and holding you there for a moment, as if he couldn’t believe he had you in his arms.
He looked at you, eyes darting across your face, taking in your features as the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile, “Does this mean I can kiss you?”
“Yes,” you nodded, the word barely escaping before his lips were on yours, pulling you into a desperate kiss, one you’d waited a year to feel, pouring all the feelings he’d kept hidden into the kiss, as you ran your hand through his dark locks.
“Guess you’ve got official dibs on me now, huh?” You laughed as you pulled away a little, Sirius still chasing your lips, “Guess I really am your girl.”
“Damn right, and I’ll make sure everyone knows it. Especially that git who took you out. You’re mine,” his grip tightened on your hips as he rested his forehead against yours, smiling at you lovingly.
It may have taken him a year, but he was finally yours, and you were his. And as he pressed his lips to yours again, you smiled into the kiss.
This was definitely worth the wait.
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sillywilly · 3 years
"For once in your life, do what you want! Be selfish!" vigilante x male reader takes place during episode seven when vigilante is about to sacrifice himself and reader gets upset at him.
zamn!! go off sounds interesting
is this like the part where he gets out the van to go beat up white dragon
i sure hope so lolol
Vigilante x Male reader
“For once in your life, do what you want! Be selfish!”
The sound of the blast was so loud, too loud. Your ears were ringing as you slowly stood up from being thrown against the van wall by the blast. You turned to see Chris and Economos attempting to drag you out of the slashed side of the van. “What about Vigilante?!” you asked with a sudden wave of concern as you regained your memory and realized what had happened. As you attempted to turn around and run towards Vigilantes direction, Chris stopped you. “(Y/n) we can’t! We have to go, they’ll be back up any second now, and after us.” The look on his face was enough to persuade you. You knew the dangers that were soon to come, Adrian was smart..sometimes, he would be okay, right? You sighed and left the van with them through the woods. As you were running you thought back to what happened before the grenade went off. “For once in your life, do what you want! Be selfish!” You couldn’t tell his facial expression due to the mask. The tone in his voice sounded so… genuine. You had never heard him with so much care in his voice, it was so unlike him. He knows you so well, doesn’t he? You should’ve gone and tried to help him, instead of just following along with the other two. If those were his supposed “last words” they were towards you, and that meant more than the world to you. Soon later, after witnessing a wicked fight between Chris and raccoon, you all found a car. What a pleasant and relieving surprise is was to you when you heard Chris call Adrian’s name. Your attention was drawn and you saw a passed out vigilante in the drivers seat of the car. He didn’t look good by any means, but you were so glad he was alright. Chris pushed him over into the passenger seat as you climbed into the backseat next to a very irritated Economos. “Oh my god I thought you died jesus christ dude!” You exclaimed as soon as you properly got in the vehicle. “Me too!” Adrian joked, trying to make light of the current situation. You sat in the comfort of the rock music as Chris drove you all down the road. Soon, Adrian had turned around to face you in the backseat, “I meant it, you know.” You looked over from the window you were peacefully gazing out of. “Oh, I um..thank you.” you replied, remembering what he was talking about. He turned back around and squirmed his arm behind the seat. He made a sort of grab gesture toward you, “What’re you doing?” you asked. “Hold my hand for a sec.” he replied. You did as he asked and held his gloved hand, feeling the roughness of the blast that had broken through the fabric. “I hope you’re okay.” Adrian said, making you feel confused, but touched. He had never acted this way before, but he was always some form of considerate towards you, and you always showed great gratitude for having him.
oo is this good can i get an opinion LMAO hope u liked it, i haven’t written anything in years lmao, also hope i understood ur request correctly LMAOOO if not i hope you liked this anyways :)
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