#I hope when his dad comes home he’ll be able to hang out with me again
bluesidez · 3 months
hiii love 💗 may I request a nsfw and a sfw alphabet thingy for gymrat miguel. I just need more of that man 😫😫
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[Gym Rat Miguel SFW + NSFW Alphabet]
lab tester: Anonymous Participant 🩻
pairing: GymRat!Miguel O’Hara x Chubby!Reader, PlusSize!Reader, fem!Reader
summary: Me answering questions and yapping about Gym Rat Miguel!
content warning: 18+ for the NSFW portion so MINORS DNI, most importantly THERE ARE SOME SPOILERS FOR THE ACTUAL STORY (nothing too crazy, but some of the questions are things that haven’t happened yet + they haven’t even been together a year yet in the current story so there’s still much to discuss), lots of fluff, possibly the incorrect use of a fidget spinner?? (it's cute I swear)
word count: 9.1k, halfway proofread (sigh...)
a/n: Hi hii!! 🩵 You don’t know how happy I was to receive this request!! Any chances to talk about my Miguels outside of their actual stories are golden. 🥺 I tried to keep the responses brief so about 2+ paragraphs per question but we all know how much I like to write and yap 😭 so there's bound to be some long paragraphs. I do hope you enjoy!!! (This also gave me a chance to flesh out his character even more, which I appreciate more than you know, so truly, thank you Anon!)
I just refer to GR!Miguel as Miguel here because…we all know who I’m talking about.
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A = Affection How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has a really giant heart so he’s extremely affectionate especially when it comes to his girlfriend. Usually, boys are taught to kind of control their emotions, but even with those teachings/societal rules hanging over his head, he was always a sweet and kind baby growing up. His abuela especially taught him to lead with kindness. 
ᰔ ᩚ He shows affection often through action. While he’s really familiar with all of the love languages, he’s quicker to do something for someone (acts of service) before he does anything else. His second most used love language has to be words of affirmation. Words and communication are a sensitive thing for him so communication is key even if he can be oblivious about it sometimes. 
B = Best friend What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is definitely the "dad friend," or really, the "parent friend" that’s always making sure you’re ok. He knows how to parallel park and owns at least two of the ugliest ties you’ve ever seen in your life (thank you, George). He’s also EXTREMELY huggable, even in his tall and lanky days, and gives really nice advice. If you’re struggling with something, he would lay everything out and help you problem-solve. Overall, he’s just very sweet. 
ᰔ ᩚ For Miguel, a friendship could start with you constantly talking to (bugging) him or being able to keep up with his nerdy hobbies. You want to hear him sort out quantum physics? He’s sold. On the other end, anyone who is nice to him and treats him like a human has a fair game of becoming his friend.
C = Cuddles Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
ᰔ ᩚ Does he? He craves it! He will literally stop what he’s doing to find you just to cuddle. It’s like a way to regain his energy if you're in his arms. At the same time, he’s very comfortable despite all that hard muscle. At home, he usually wears soft sweaters and joggers so he is indeed like a giant teddy bear. The older he gets, the more his body gains a nice balance between fat and muscle so it’s just really comfortable all around.
ᰔ ᩚ When he cuddles, he’ll usually shove his face in some plush part of you. He definitely loves laying on your chest which he lovingly calls his pillows or your stomach or your lap. He’s really clingy. If you’re out and about, he'll cuddle you from behind with his chin on your head or keep an arm wrapped around your hips. When you ask for a cuddle, he’ll gladly hold you on top of him and probably fall asleep. 
D = Domestic Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
ᰔ ᩚ He wouldn’t mind settling down, but it depends more on how you feel rather than him. He’s heard many stories from his mother, Abuela, and tías about how hard childbirth is so he’s very wary of that pain being inflicted on you. His mother has told him multiple times about how giant he was when he was born so he’s scared that whatever baby he could give you might also be huge. After he learned of Tyler, Conchata told him that she wanted to cuss Tyler out, but all she had was George in the delivery room so he suffered her wrath not once, but twice. 
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has fantasized about you with his babies, but to his shame, it was more about the process of giving you his kids rather than having them run around. He has to admit, he would love to see chunky babies with a mix of you guys’ best qualities. One family reunion with you taking care of your baby cousins might put him in a spiral. He’s sure that you’ll be a great mama and he’s confident that he’ll be the best father. If that doesn’t work out, he’s aiming for tío of the year for the many nephews and nieces his brother is sure to have. 
ᰔ ᩚ In terms of domestic qualities, he’s spent so much time with his abuela that he knows more dishes than his mom. He’s also had times when his mom got sick of constantly cooking for him, so he’ll be up at the crack of dawn fixing his own meals. His cleaning could use a lot of work. He knows the basics, but his family always fusses at him to do more than that. In front of you? He becomes a new person. All of a sudden, he remembers the ways his mother fussed at him to clean the house.  
E = Ending If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
ᰔ ᩚ Even though emotionally he’s extremely mature, he’d probably be a wreck when it comes to breaking up with you. He loves very deeply and separating from you has a high chance of sending him to the ER. If he doesn’t pass out while breaking up, he’d definitely be extremely sick afterwards. 
ᰔ ᩚ If he had to break up with you, he’d do it face to face because anything else is an insult to you. It’ll be somewhere public enough that you’re free to walk away from, but private enough to where no one will be like “wtf is up with those two?” He'll write out what he wants to say a thousand times over and have his desk littered with notebook paper. In his ‘speech’ he’ll praise you heavily but say something along the lines of “even though you are my sun, I can’t continue to drain your light.” Just VERY dramatic and heartfelt. He’d probably be sick enough to puke after watching you go. 
[Good thing this will NEVER HAPPEN. Even I, the angst lover, can not take that torture.]
F = Fiance(e) How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is fully committed to you even without the ring. He is quite the planner, so as soon as he reaches the end of undergrad, he’s already planning out his proposal. Of course, he’s asked you how you feel about marriage and has peeked over your shoulder at your Pinterest boards so he has an idea of what you would like. However, he’s truly a romantic, so he’s pulling out all of the stops. 
ᰔ ᩚ He doesn’t feel the need to get married right away because you both have huge futures to explore, but damn it, he wants people to know that you’re taken, so maybe he’ll buy you a promise ring. He’s willing to wait until you both have stable jobs before making the huge step to marriage, but he fights the urge to propose to you constantly. He also spoils you like crazy and he wants to earn the money for your rings rather than asking his family for help.
G = Gentle How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is the definition of a Gentle Giant. Really, it’s something that first grew from his mom always fussing at him to be a big boy so as to not make Gabriel upset, but his Grandma has always been so kind to him because she felt that Conchata treated him differently than Gabriel. 
ᰔ ᩚ Physically, he’s always extra aware of his surroundings because now, not only is he tall, but he’s also wide. There’s a new strength to him that he learned to control after roughhousing with Gabriel got a little too rough, ending in a fractured wrist bone. Miguel was crying more than Gabriel on the way to the hospital. He ended up helping him in saxophone practice for weeks. For you, you’re like his personal weighted plushie. He’s not going to be too rough, just firm squeezes every now and then. 
ᰔ ᩚ Emotionally, he’s always careful of what he says to others. It takes A LOT for him to yell or blow a fuse. He knows how much words can hurt so he never wants what he says to be the reason that someone is hurt. He cries at the drop of a hat. He’s gotten better at not crying so easily, but he definitely can’t see people he cares about cry. That night that you sobbed in his arms, he cried a little with you then and a lot while you were in the shower. When you first got together, he feared that his tears might be the breaking point for you but every time he cries in front of you, you’re there to wipe them away. 
He’s definitely crying on your wedding day.
H = Hugs Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
ᰔ ᩚ He loves hugs, but he’s certain that his family is sick of his hugs. Just like how big dogs don’t realize how big they are when curling up somewhere, he is very similar when he goes to hug his closest family. His Abuela will often fuss about how he’s just a big baby and Gabriel sets a three-minute time limit, claiming that he’s going to transfer his body heat if he hugs past that. His dad is not really known for hugging and his mom gets irritated too fast. You are the only one who can stand his hugs that feel like they last a lifetime. 
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel’s hugs feel like really warm firm clouds. His waist is itty bitty so your arms can completely go around it but if you put your hands in other areas, he’s bound to start borderline purring. You’re a lot softer than him so he craves seeking you out for hugs. He likes to give them for any occasion: when you’re about to part, when you see each other for the first time in a while, when you finish a set, when you’re sad, when you’re happy, when you’re out shopping and are indecisive about which color of a product you should buy, when you’re taking too long in the art store, when you’re fresh out the shower, etc. He’s just a cuddle bug read: clingy boyfriend.
I = I love you How fast do they say the L-word?
ᰔ ᩚ [According to the story] Miguel calls you his love over the phone during Thanksgiving break which is about four months after knowing you and about three months into dating. He calls you his darling by the time the New Year comes around, he also won over your mom a little after Valentine’s, and he admits to himself that he’s falling in love by the time the spring semester has ended.
ᰔ ᩚ He doesn’t say he loves you out loud until the dinner party after everyone pisses him off which is roughly seven months into dating. However, all of his actions from the handwritten cards to the handmade crafts to the thoughtful gifts to the sweet words have all been signs of his growing love for you. Quite frankly, he would have told you he loved you sooner if he didn’t want to freak you out and he tells you so the night his mother demeans you.
J = Jealousy How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?
ᰔ ᩚ You haven’t seen the extent of how jealous Miguel can get, truly, you just know of the couple of times he’s almost knocked people out or been completely rude to the people he’s thought were trying to lead you on when he was standing right there. He has shocked himself with how green he gets but it doesn’t stop him from feeling that way. When he gets jealous, he’ll find little ways to show others that you’re his such as PDA, lingering a bit too close to you, glaring directly at others whose eyes are planted on you for far too long, or getting really mean towards people who make advances.
ᰔ ᩚ Oddly enough, he’s never aware of the things that he does that attracts others because he’s so busy trying to be cordial that it may come off as flirty. It’s very hard for him to push people off him because that’s never really happened to him until he started bulking up and again, he doesn’t want to hurt people that haven’t hurt him.
K = Kisses What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel’s kisses are consuming and soft, warm and inviting. He gives you his full attention and pours his entire heart into it. The feeling of him against you only really leaves you wanting more, so you have to snap out of it and tell yourself to regain control. He could probably spend an entire day just in your face making out without ever going further, but he might need frequent trips to the bathroom to calm himself down. 
ᰔ ᩚ He likes to kiss you on your lips mostly but his other favorite places to kiss you are your stomach, your collarbones, and your thighs. He has to limit himself from leaving marks all over your skin because he’s keen to do it if you don’t stop him. He also likes to be kissed on the lips and he especially loves it when he doesn’t expect them. Surprise kisses have him on cloud 9 for the rest of the day. He really loves it when you won’t bother to reach up to him or lean him down and you settle on kissing him in the middle of his chest. It feels like your lips warm up his heartbeat. Lastly, he feels ignited when you leave kisses on his back, especially the back of his neck. To him, it’s like a promise for more or a way to ignite him. Start kissing his back and he’s not letting you leave him for at least 20 minutes. 
L = Little ones How are they around children?
ᰔ ᩚ Kids use him like a jungle gym. He is a fan favorite amongst his baby cousins who are always asking to be thrown in the air. He would think some babies would be afraid of him, but once they’re in his arms, they’re either really excited about how high off the ground they are or they’ll fall asleep instantly in his arms. 
ᰔ ᩚ He’ll often tire the babies and kiddos out and his family will find him in a pile with him as the pillow to little heads. 
ᰔ ᩚ Another key thing is that he won’t use baby voices with babies, but rather he’ll talk to them like normal human beings. It’s very useful when he has to break up fights between his baby cousins who often argue over who gets to play with him first.
M = Morning How are mornings spent with them?
ᰔ ᩚ Mornings with Miguel are more like Miguel going to do his workout while you sleep. You’re not really a morning person, so you’re a bit drowsy whenever he kisses you all over your face before he leaves. He always chuckles at your sleepy state and urges himself to not get distracted, but more often than not, he wants to stay with you. Some mornings, he’ll get right back in the bed with you after his shower and kiss you until you wake up. 
ᰔ ᩚ On the mornings that you do go with him to the gym, it’s mostly him talking with you humming along one-word answers until you’re actually fighting for your life in the gym. Afterwards, he always takes you to go get breakfast whether that’s a smoothie or him making you something. 
N = Night How are nights spent with them?
ᰔ ᩚ Nights with Miguel are very loving! If you let him, he’d do everything from shower with you to brushing teeth together to skincare to hair care and so on. Being that both introverts and creatives often work/operate better at night, sometimes you both are up at all times of night doing anything. You could be drawing on your iPad while he’s up playing games with your feet in his lap.  
ᰔ ᩚ Sometimes this is also when he lets his most intimate thoughts slip out. With his head on your chest and your nails scratching against his scalp, he’s in his most vulnerable state.
O = Open When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
ᰔ ᩚ Rather than revealing things about himself, all of his drama just happens to unfold for him. The way he brought up Tyler Stone, the super famous tech CEO, being his father just happened to be the time when you were doing something extremely serious. 
ᰔ ᩚ He can tell you things and open up about his past, but you never really grasp how serious it is until it appears before your eyes. His turmoil with Kron was 4+ years in the making and the first time you met Kron just so happened to be the time Miguel connected his fist to his face. His relationship with his mom is something that’s been an uphill battle and you haven’t really seen how bad it can get, but you’ve felt how cruel she could be. Tyler's yearning for a relationship with his youngest son is something you see happening in real-time. 
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is as open as he can be, but nothing ever really prepares you for the real deal.
P = Patience How easily angered are they?
ᰔ ᩚ It takes a lot to push Miguel’s buttons because he often lets things pile up and boil over. He’s not easily pushed to true anger until someone hurts the people he loves. One time, Gabriel kept coming home crying but he wouldn’t tell Miguel who was hurting him. Once Miguel found out, he ripped the kid a new one which led to Conchatta grounding him for a week. His Abuela was proud of him for standing up for his brother and Gabriel snuck him sweets when he thought their parents weren’t looking. 
ᰔ ᩚ He really wanted to say more to his mother that night she hurt you, but Kron took most of the brunt of that anger which helped him level out a more reasonable response to his mother. He doesn’t like seeing you hurt especially over things that he finds to be beautiful about you.
Q = Quizzes How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has been taking in details about you ever since he first saw you in his Biology class. It was almost as if he was studying you. He knows your favorites, he remembers your friends, he listens to you constantly, and stores things for later. He even begins to know the subtle habits that you have. 
ᰔ ᩚ The only things that tend to go over his head are when you mention really advanced art techniques. As much as he tries, it never really sticks. He also conveniently forgets how often he asks for cuddles.
R = Remember What is their favorite moment in your relationship?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has a bank of lovely memories about you stored in his mind (and many more to come 😗). One of his favorite memories was when you went out of your way to make sure that those sorority girls got suspended. He often lets bad things happen to him until he can't control it, but you immediately caught the situation and nipped it in the bud right away. He’s never really had anyone do anything to that extent for him as fast as you did and even though he knew he wanted to pursue a relationship with you before, from that moment he knew that you were special.
ᰔ ᩚ Another memory is the last-minute birthday present that you got for him. It was so thoughtful and sweet and he’s constantly using it. The two of you were only at the sproutings of a relationship so to make such an impactful gift meant a lot.
S = Security How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
ᰔ ᩚ He’s extremely protective. This means little things from making sure that he’s the one walking closer to the street and watching your drink while you’re dancing to big things like intervening when men don’t catch the hint to roughing up men that don’t respect your boundaries. He’s willing to use his brute strength in order to make sure no harm comes to you but he hopes it never has to get to that point. He’d rather use his strength to carry you in his arms. 
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel doesn’t really feel the need to be protected but when you go out of your way to protect him, he can’t help but think that it feels nice. Like, look at my girlfriend going out of her way to make sure that I’m alright, to make sure that I know that I deserve to be protected too. There’s really no other feeling like it to him.
T = Try How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel goes through so much effort for anything that involves you. He tends to go a little stir-crazy when planning. He marks up his calendar, sets appointments, makes calls, pulls certain strings: anything he can do to see a smile on your face. He remembers so many details about you just so he can pull together the perfect gift. With Tyler trying to get on his good side, he may or may not have asked him to help him out with things that are on the expensive side. 
ᰔ ᩚ However, there are things he does that does not involve so much money. Your cafe dates, your study dates in the library, your handmade gifts, and your nights riding around in his Range Rover getting late-night food. If you’re sick, he’ll bring you tea and make you soup. He’s there when you’re cramping, soft hoodie on and heating pad in hand. He waits for you after your art classes, ready to carry your portfolio across campus. He takes your glasses off when you fall asleep with them on and soaks your oil brushes when you’re in a rush. He cares about you deeply.
ᰔ ᩚ Your one-year anniversary is soon…what does Miguel have planned? 🤔
U = Ugly What would be some bad habits of theirs?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has a nasty habit of overthinking. He often thinks too much for his own good, which is why exercising is so close to him as it forces him to focus on his form and his sets rather than the running hamster wheel of words in his mind. His overthinking could lead to imposter syndrome which in turn causes him to question whether or not he deserves the nice things he has, whether or not he deserves to be with you. With the big reveal of the man he’s known all of his life not actually being his dad, it really only dug a deeper hole into the habit he’s had ever since his mom’s different treatment of him versus Gabriel.
ᰔ ᩚ On the other end of the spectrum, he can be a bit of a perfectionist which can lead to stubbornness. Conchata has berated him all of his life, so at first, he felt the need to appeal to her good side as her son. The older he got, the more this turned into battles of proving her wrong. No, he wasn’t a bad influence on Gabriel. Yes, he could get all A’s and stay up playing video games. No, he wasn’t afraid to end up alone. Yes, he would try to go to some far-off college. 
ᰔ ᩚ His relationship with his mother is far from fixed, and there's no telling how these habits are to continue to affect his other relationships.
V = Vanity How concerned are they with their looks?
ᰔ ᩚ At first, Miguel would just own a few nice looks here and there. He’d only really care about the quality of his graphic tees, the softness of his sweaters, and trying to avoid high-water pants. Between his parents and his grandma, a lot of the clothes he got made him resemble a lanky old man. It wasn’t until he started to bulk up that his wardrobe took a change. His old tees could barely fit over his arms and the bigger ones got turned into crop tops to chill out in. His sweaters went to Gabriel who threw them in the deepest pits of his closet. 
ᰔ ᩚ Gabriel ended up styling him at one point which resulted in a lot of extra basketball shorts and god-awful t-shirt hoodies. If it weren’t for Dana and his older cousins telling him that he looked like an extra off of Jersey Shore, he would have never changed. He quietly asked Tyler for some kind of stylist which in turn helped him to find more clothes that fit his new body type. 
ᰔ ᩚ When you come around, you expand his style even more with your eye for detail and your insistence on having coordinating outfits. You know what looks good on him and with the way your eyes trail his body, he for sure knows what you think is hot.
W = Whole Would they feel incomplete without you?
ᰔ ᩚ Absolutely. 1000%. (More of this will play out a bit in Part 10…)
ᰔ ᩚ Obviously, in any Honeymoon stage of a relationship, the couple can feel extremely lonely without their other half. Miguel is an absolute yearner. He hates parting ways no matter how at ease he feels by himself. He never really thought of himself as someone who needs a partner, but now that he has you, he’s trying to juggle between knowing when to give you space and knowing when to impede your space. He feels a lot lighter when you’re around, a lot freer. Tackling college felt so foreign to him, but with you, he feels like he can conquer anything. 
ᰔ ᩚ If you were to ever leave this world before him, there would already be enough bits and pieces of you left to fill the half of his missing heart. The only thing is, he would miss your presence dearly and that radiant smile of yours. In his dreams would be the only place where he could feel whole again. X = Xtra A random headcanon for them.
I have three
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel loves PDA, but sometimes, you’re still a bit shy about it, so you found a compromise: a fidget ring. When he wants to love on you so bad that he can’t stand it, but you’re hyper-aware of the people around you, he’ll take your hand and just start spinning the ring. It’s your sign that he’s craving your touch. It doubles as a distraction when you’re in crowded spaces and his energy levels are low. You can tell when he’s ready to leave an event with the way he’s fidgeting with the ring. A slower tempo means he wants to exit a conversation, a faster tempo could mean he’s overwhelmed or nervous, and moving the entire ring around means he’s ready to go. It’s an effective system for communication between the two of you.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel loves, loves, LOVES girly pop music. It gives him so much energy during his workouts and what’s better is that they’re really catchy. He hasn’t gone out of his way to watch any of the music videos or learn the dances, but take him to a concert, and he’s bound to know the words. He also has a high chance of being put on the Jumbotron or being called up on stage which could lead to intense screams from others and an awkward dance from him. Gabriel has a stan account that he refuses to show his brother’s face on because he knows it’s bound to be his most popular post.
ᰔ ᩚ Even though he’s extremely book smart and intelligent, when it comes to you, the Himbo gene activates. One compliment from you, no matter how small it is, could have him grinning like a fool all day. Whatever it is you complimented him on will be brought to the forefront constantly. He’ll buy a horrid amount of cologne just because you said you liked the way he smelled that day. He’ll take pictures of himself at the same angle because you thought one photo of him was good enough to put as your phone background. He’ll get worked up with one touch in public from you, especially if you haven’t touched him all day that day. He might even do something that you mentioned off-handedly from a TikTok or a tweet like buy a t-shirt with your face on it or have the lights on his Range Rover doors reflect your name. Sometimes you have to tell him to cool it, but if you praise him for it, he’s going to keep doing it.
Y = Yuck What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
ᰔ ᩚ In general, Miguel doesn’t like when people aren’t direct. He’s not a mind reader so he prefers when people say exactly how they feel rather than beat around the bush. People have done that far too much with him so he gets irritated when he’s put in a situation where the other party is not being upfront with him. He also hates when people are bullies for no reason. He’s not here to figure out why someone is taking out their insecurities on others but he will put them in their place. 
ᰔ ᩚ He also severely hates when people interrupt his sets. If you see he’s using the machine and he’s in the zone, why are you bothering him? He likes to think that he gives off the energy of a determined Gym Bro but in reality, he just looks really hot racking up those weights. Either way, don’t fuck up his set.
ᰔ ᩚ In a partner, he wouldn’t want someone that disrespects his family. He knows it’s a little dysfunctional, but his partner has to be truly dedicated to him before they even think about complaining about his family. He also tends to like his partners on the thicker side. He’s for all bodies, but he prefers when his partner has something he can feel so he honestly wouldn’t like it if his partner was too much smaller than him. 
Z = Zzz What is a sleep habits of theirs?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel always needs to hold onto something when he sleeps. Whether that be the pillow, the comforter, or you, he needs something in his arms. It can make for a very hot bed so whenever you guys are going to sleep together or taking a nap, you make sure to have a fan right by the bed. More often than not, he’s sleeping without a shirt on.
ᰔ ᩚ One other habit is how he gets when he’s really sleepy. He gets a bit whiny and grabby with tears threatening to fall with how much he’s yawning. He’ll say things that he won’t remember the next day like how pretty you are or how much he loves you. He might talk in his sleep a bit before he’s completely out of it which makes for hilarious videos. Like this, his snores are a little louder and his face pressed against the pillow is super cute. 
ᰔ ᩚ In the morning time, when he doesn’t have a workout planned, he might have a little drool from how hard he slept. If you wake up before him, he’ll squint at the light and mumble about what time it is. 
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A = Aftercare what they’re like after sex
ᰔ ᩚ During sex, he gets in a specific mindset similar to the one he has in the gym, so it might take him a minute or so to snap out of it. He’ll be so wrapped up in the pleasure of the moment that he’ll forget that he needs to stop and make sure that you’re ok. Once he’s back focused, he’ll wipe your body clean and massage the muscles he’s sure to have stretched out. After that, he’s in dire need of cuddles and kisses.
B = Body part their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s
ᰔ ᩚ Other than his face, which he agrees is pretty hot, his favorite body part of his own might be his arms. He worked hard for them! He’s always shocked looking back at old pictures of himself, seeing how he’s nearly triple the size, and wondering who that guy is. He also thinks that the Stone side has blessed him greatly with his dick. He’s always been well-endowed. When you came into his life, he found a new great appreciation for his own thighs, although he’s still battling with the thought of you wanting to be choked in them.
ᰔ ᩚ For you, what part of you doesn’t he like? He couldn’t really choose if his life depended on it because there’s so much to love. However, there’s no better feeling than the weight of your ass and thighs against his lap. If you could use him as a chair constantly, he’ll never complain. It’s the perfect position for him to feel you up and plant his face right in your cleavage. If your back is to him while you’re on his lap, then his hands are immediately on your stomach. You used to hate it at first because he would just squeeze at it or tickle you constantly, but he really loves to place his hands on the warmest parts of you, and right under your stomach happens to be one of those zones. 
ᰔ ᩚ If he said he liked his forehead being pressed up against your stomach while he ate you out, you wouldn’t get mad, right?
C = Cum anything to do with cum, basically
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel hasn’t really talked about it with you but, he especially loves it when he marks you. You always look so pretty with him painted across his skin, and he has so much to give. When his dick is down your throat and you try your best to swallow all of him, he feels feverish when it spills out down your face. He can’t help but think about how gorgeous you look. When he’s fucking your thighs and it spills onto your skin he just wants to rub it in.
ᰔ ᩚ When he’s inside of you and it just won’t stop dripping out of you, it riles him up even more. You’re his and his alone.
D = Dirty secret pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs
ᰔ ᩚ He does have a few! One of which is fantasizing about you riding him on the bench press bench while the other side of the gym is occupied. It’s so unlike him, and when the thought first passed his mind, he was so ashamed he couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eyes for a day, nor use the bench press without getting lightheaded. Just the thought of you leaning over him blocking out the bright lights of the gym, sweat dripping onto him,  and watching your ass hit his skin in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors was enough to get him to plan out how to build out his gym in his future home. 
ᰔ ᩚ Another is the amount of times he’s gotten off to the thought of you before you were officially together. He told you about the wet dreams, but he didn’t tell you how bad it was. He’s not sure if he’s ever produced that much cum in his life. It’s a wonder he was able to hold steady conversations with you with how head-over-heels he was. He fantasized about the sounds you would make and tried to remember how your body felt against his from the little touches you gave him. He tried to hone it down because, god, that’s creepy, but you were so radiant that you never really escaped his mind.
E = Experience how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is what I deem as a “virgin slut.” He’s very inexperienced when it comes to love, relationships, and sex, but he knows too much by proxy.  Again, he’s the parent friend that’s always giving advice, so for the most part, he knows what and what not to do. He’s heard about the things that his friends have done and he’s wondered what experiencing it would be like with you.
ᰔ ᩚ Would you like this position? Would you want to try this with him? Does he want to know what this would feel like? While he feels a little embarrassed to be so inexperienced, he’s happy that you’re excited to share these new experiences with him.
ᰔ ᩚ In terms of sex and foreplay, he’s learning as he goes, going with what feels good and what you react well to. He’s constantly researching, remembering, and trying out new techniques. You’re his first, and if he has any say in it, his last, so he feels that there is plenty of time to get to a more experienced level.
F = Favorite position this goes without saying
ᰔ ᩚ Any position where your breasts are in his face is a position he’s happy in. There’s nothing like watching them bounce while you ride him within an inch of his life. He wants to look at them, he wants to put his mouth on them, he wants to suck them, he wants to bite them: just put them in his face.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel also really adores any position he can hold you in. He notices how excited your body gets when he’s balancing you in his arms while pounding away. You get so wet that he’s mesmerized. The tight feeling of both you around him and your shaking hands gripping his shoulders keeps him going. He really just wants to see every ounce of your body move with him.
ᰔ ᩚ Did he tell you that he wanted you to sit on his face today or did he forget to set his reminder? 
G = Goofy are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is very serious in the moment because nothing is funny about your pleasure. All the laughing and giggling will happen before he’s sinking into you. He’s very serious about watching your face and your body for anything new and familiar. Did you think something was funny before? Well, he’s making sure that you’re not laughing by the time he’s finished.
ᰔ ᩚ Rather than being goofy, he will ask you something out of left field in the middle of the moment if he feels that you two have something to work out.
H = Hair how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is not the hairiest but he also doesn’t not have hair. His friend waxed him for practice one time and he’s certain that he’ll never let her do that shit again. He keeps his face clean because he feels like growing out his facial hair makes him look scruffy, although you’d argue that he looks pretty cute. 
ᰔ ᩚ His happy trail does lead like a nice present to his gift that keeps giving. He will let you trim him from time to time and help him wax when the sun is getting too hot. 
I = Intimacy how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect
ᰔ ᩚ He is very intimate during the moment, especially during your first few times together. He’s always reassuring you and holding you close. His eyes never really leave your face when you’re pleasuring yourself or reaching your peak. He loves to talk into your skin and your ears. 
ᰔ ᩚ If he’s not grabbing onto you, he’s holding your hands and rocking into you. He’s kissing your wrists and your cheeks, wiping any tears away. Where you might not be able to speak, he’s asking yes or no questions, wiping your hair out of your face, and telling you to let go. 
J = Jack off masturbation headcanon
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel’s sessions usually take a lot, but since gaining a roommate, he can’t go all out like he usually does. He cums a lot so he usually has to put a towel down or waits until he gets into the shower to fully let go. He prefers to use both hands whether that means lifting his hips off the bed while he jerks or holding his dick in one hand while playing with his nipple in another. 
ᰔ ᩚ His sessions after you both get together were even messier, especially with you giving him new material. Voice recordings, polaroids, phone calls: all of it is being used for him to get off when you’re not near. 
ᰔ ᩚ Once, you called him in the middle of one and he was winded as ever. You recognized those breaths the instant he talked and brought him to the hilt with your voice alone. He fell a little more in love with you that day but panicked when you wanted to switch to FaceTime. 
ᰔ ᩚ His chest was….a mess, but you giggled at how cute he was anyway. 
K = Kink one or more of their kinks
ᰔ ᩚ Praise kink: Miguel loves to hear that he’s doing well. Please tell him that he’s doing well, he craves it. There’s definitely a reason that he needs to hear you urge him on, but your voice always sounds so good when you’re in his ear. Tell him how good he made you feel, tell him you’re proud of him, and maybe call him a good boyfriend and he’ll start trembling. 
ᰔ ᩚ Hair pulling: This is one that he didn’t know he had until you accidentally yanked his head too hard while trying to stop him from tickling your stomach with his breath. He kind of froze when the groan came out of him, leaving you staring at each other for about three minutes. Once he realized what happened, his face went beat red and he wouldn’t look you in the eyes for the rest of the night. You promised him it was ok, and tested out a little hair-pulling a few weeks later which he thoroughly enjoyed. He especially loves it when you pull his hair while he’s in between your legs. He cums almost instantly. 
ᰔ ᩚ Semi-public sex: There’s something about fooling around in “private” public areas that turns him on. On the balconies of hotel rooms, in private yacht pools, in dressing rooms, in his car: he just can’t wait until he’s in the bedroom, he needs you now. Are you both louder than you should be? Yep. Does he care? Not really. 
L = Location favorite places to do the do
ᰔ ᩚ Again, he loves semi-public sex, but he also really loves even more intimate places like on vacation in your hotel room or on your dorm bed when Jess isn’t in there. (Although you’ve told him many times that having sex in that open room could be rude. As a compromise, he brings you to his dorm and fucks you there instead. Peter can live.) He really wants to make love to you in his childhood bedroom (the room is full of him but he wants your scent in his sheets), but he knows his mom is far too nosy for that to even happen. He’s not even sure if he could make out with you without her coming in there to check on you two. 
M = Motivation what turns them on, gets them going
ᰔ ᩚ Honestly, you could probably just stand there and Miguel would conjure up a way to be turned on. Seriously though, it’s little things like seeing your midriff or hearing you call him baby in a different tone, especially if you’re doing something sexual, that gets him going. If you do something like extensive PDA (rubbing up against him, kissing him long enough to use tongue, dancing on him), wear clothes that show off your body, or when you stare at him while he’s doing his work.
ᰔ ᩚ If you’re wearing a dress that he can see your fupa through? Hard. When you’re doing jumping jacks next to him in the gym during his sets? Turned on. When you wear his clothes? Rock solid. When you take the initiative? Puddy. When you let others know that he’s yours? You might not make it to your destination without him touching you in some way.
N = No something they wouldn’t do, turn offs
ᰔ ᩚ He’s not into degradation AT ALL. He’s way too much of a gentle lover/boyfriend to ever put you on a lower level than him whether it’s supposed to be enjoyable or not. 
ᰔ ᩚ He is also not into pain specifically when it comes to giving it. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He might do a light smack every now and then but he can’t bring himself to inflict pain, especially if it bruises. The closest you might get to that is if he gets too carried away when pounding into you, and once it’s all over, he’ll feel like a dickhead. It takes him a while to realize that you don’t mind it when his skin is slapping against yours hard enough to sting later.
ᰔ ᩚ One last slight turn off is choking. He’s never going to be comfortable enough to wrap his hands around your neck. You’re determined to let his thighs squeeze you at least once, but if he hurts you by accident, he might do something incredibly drastic. 
O = Oral preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel O’Hara is a munch. Miguel Munch O’Hara. He could stay down there for hours. Being that the first time he ate you out he actually had you screaming, he would say that he’s pretty good at it. But! There’s always room for improvement. For example, he wants you to sit on him and he wants to heat you out while you’re sitting on his shoulders. He’s slowly, but surely, inching his way there.
ᰔ ᩚ He likes giving more than receiving mostly because he can’t look down at you giving him head without losing his mind. At least if he’s eating you out, he can keep going if he cums. If he cums while you’re swallowing him, he needs at least a minute or two to reset. Not to mention, the sounds your throat makes when you’re sucking him in makes him conflicted. You promise you like it, and he loves the feeling, but he’s still wary of fucking into your mouth and hurting you.
P = Pace are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel’s pace is deep, slow, and sensual because he has to pace himself. If he’s wrapped up in you, he’s bound to forget about his own pleasure in place of making sure you’re feeling good, but once you get to sinking him in and squeezing so tight, he wants to hold that out as long as possible.
Q = Quickie their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.
ᰔ ᩚ They seem nice. If only he could commit to them. Quickies often turn from 10 minutes to 20 minutes to way too long in a compromising position. Also, there’s way too much to clean up for what he does with you to be considered a quickie.
R = Risk are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
ᰔ ᩚ With you? He’s willing to try most things, although they’re mainly vanilla. Risks for him might lead to late night trips to CVS for a pregnancy test so it’s best that he researches and plans things out thoroughly. Right now, the most he might be eager to do is change up the positions and try not to touch you.
S = Stamina how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has a lot of stamina! He’s not in the gym for shits and giggles. Still, to him, he has a lot of work to do in terms of going all night. Right now, he can last for about 2-3 rounds without breaking a sweat. If he focuses on you, he can extend that number to about 4 rounds. His refractory period is also pretty stellar if he must say so himself.
ᰔ ᩚ Now, whether or not you can keep up with him is to be determined. 
T = Toys do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel has been too scared to own a toy living in his mother’s home, so he’s never bought one. (How Gabriel got away with buying the most obscure things, he’ll never know) The only thing he has is the bottle of lube that he frequents and his extra sets of towels to cover his bed.
ᰔ ᩚ On you, he’s happy to try out whatever you’ve got. He was really fascinated with the mechanics of your rose toy, but he’s also determined to make you have the same reaction with just his mouth alone. What kind of boyfriend is he if he can’t make you forget about your tiny pieces of plastic?
ᰔ ᩚ He’s also interested in trying out different types of lube, but he’s got to research which ones are really worth it.
U = Unfair how much they like to tease
ᰔ ᩚ Open the dictionary, flip to the T section, slide down the pages until you find the word “tease,”  and you’ll see Miguel’s government name on the third definition of the word. He likes to claim that you’re a tease when really, he’s just a horny himbo. He knows what he’s doing when he sends you sweaty gym pictures. He knows what he’s doing when he dresses up all nice for you. He knows what he’s doing he’s all in your face in public, feening for a reaction out of you. He messes with you on purpose. 
ᰔ ᩚ Let this behavior make it to the bedroom and he’s either going to regret it once you take over OR he’s going to continue it until you’re coming apart in his arms. Teasing you always leads to great, great sex.
V = Volume how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is loud as fuck. He has to cover his mouth when he’s alone in his room thinking about you. When he’s inside of you, if he’s not moaning into your mouth, he’s breathing heavy right in your ear or groaning loudly right into your shoulders. He’ll often be louder than you. If you’re moaning with him, he encourages you and sings right along with you. 
ᰔ ᩚ If you’re focusing on his pleasure, he’s hyper-aware of the sounds he makes so he tries to muffle them which leads to whimpers and whines. You love it when he gets this way.
W = Wild card a random headcanon for the character
ᰔ ᩚ Hip thrusts are a great exercise for the lower half of your body and should never be missed on leg day. They pinpoint the glutes, the abs, the hips, the hamstrings, the back, and the quads. With a steady added weight, anyone who is doing this exercise possibly is sure to grow those muscles greatly over time.
ᰔ ᩚ Miguel is never missing a chance to do hip thrusts because he is determined to fuck you this way. He can only imagine the shock on your face as he holds you up and pumps into you with a steady rhythm. 
ᰔ ᩚ He’s never missing leg day.
X = X-ray let’s see what’s going on under those clothes
ᰔ ᩚ He’s definitely a shower which is why his tiny little exercise shorts can get buck-eyed looks sometimes. The first time you saw him, you felt yourself panic a bit. But the weight in your mouth? Indescribable. 
ᰔ ᩚ To you, he’s the prettiest you’ve ever seen. If you had to guess, he’s probably 8- 9 inches, but it doesn’t really matter when you’re watching him leak like a faucet. He curves so nicely and definitely feel the effect of it when he lands. Watching it twitch to life has given you more inspiration than you care to admit.
Y = Yearning how high is their sex drive?
ᰔ ᩚ It’s too high for his own good. He can switch like a light and be ready to go down in you within minutes. It’s that foggy himbo mindset and the fact that you’re his first girlfriend. There have been many times where he’s gotten distracted by just thinking about you and the things he wants to do. He riles himself up when researching techniques, so of course he’s ready to be in you at any time.
Z = Zzz how quickly they fall asleep afterwards
ᰔ ᩚ Once you’ve both settled down, he’s out like a log. Let’s be real, not only has he probably worked himself up, but you definitely knocked him out with how good you gave it to him. He uses all the stamina during sex and when it’s over, the energy just fizzles out. It’s funny because you would think you were supposed to be the one that’s barely holding on, but there he is, mumbling into your skin.
ᰔ ᩚ This is definitely the time to get really soft responses out of him: satisfied, pussy-whipped, and dozing off.
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This was really fun! As always, like, reblog, and COMMENT. Let me know how you guys feel! 🩵
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adorethedistance · 2 years
Birthday girl - Hughes!Reader x Trevor Zegras
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See my Hockey Masterlist for parts 2 and 3.
Warnings: swearing, teasing, embarrassment, etc. 
Words: 1877
Summary: Your birthday celebration is under threat by the impending doom that is Trevor Zegras's presence.
A/N: Got an ask requesting Y/n!Hughes x Trevor enemies to lovers and I was obliged to write this. So this is part 1 and I hope to be able to write more parts soon. I have mid terms coming up but I will try my best.
"Morning, princess,” Dad greets me as I enter the kitchen. Eyes bleary and hair messy from sleep, I mumble a greeting as I sit down at my designated seat at the table. Mom places a small kiss on each of our heads as she walks by, going to grab her cup of coffee from the keurig that had just finished. Being the only girl of the Hughes family had its ups and downs, but one of the major perks was the fact that no matter what I did, mom and dad can’t say no to me. Which is why I asked to have a sleepover for my birthday. Mom and dad almost always say yes to sleepovers if you play your cards right.
“Leia has work after school today so she’ll be over around six but Chelsea is free so is it okay if she catches a ride home with us?” I half ask half tell Jack since he’s the Hughes family school bus driver. He nods along to my question-statement but I can tell he’s not fully listening. If there’s any confusion later, that’s on him. I have witnesses. 
“Yes! I get to sit in the front,” Luke celebrates in response to my command-request. He might be taller but birth order is an impenetrable force, plus I’m the better navigator anyway. Jack said so. When it was Quinn’s senior year he was designated driver and Jack was shotgun, now it’s Jack’s turn to drive and my turn as shotgun. Me and my older brothers had been a trio since the dawn of time aka Luke’s arrival. When we turned 10, I made my own path in painting as the rest of them continued with hockey. 
Hockey was always a fun extracurricular for us but puberty was a different milestone for each of us. As the spark of their passion for hockey grew brighter, mine dulled and I fell out of love with playing. I could tell mom and dad were disappointed at first but they bounced back quickly and were just as supportive as I reached for my own desires. Thus, I met Leia and Chelsea on the first day of Art 1, 2 with Mr. Tobias. We took some time to feel each other out and have been inseparable since. Nothing would be better than having the two of them spend the night for my birthday party. 
“No,” Jack shakes his head at Luke, “Z’s carpooling with us.”
“What?” I ask sharply.
“Z, Turcs, and Cole are coming over tonight.”
“Absolutely not. Mom?!”
“You know the rule, Y/n. For special events each of you can invite your own friends no matter whose party it is.” I frown and scramble for boundaries to enforce. 
“Can we at least have the tv room?” 
“UGHHH!” I screech in frustration. Luke shoves me lightly to get back at me for being so loud but I’m too irritated that I just push him right back.
“Hey! No fighting at the table. Finish your food, both of you.” I petulantly stick my tongue out at Luke and he mirrors the action before we both continue eating.
“Why do you have to have people over?” I whine to Jack hoping he’ll have some humanity.
“Because I don’t want to hang out with you and your friends all night.”
“Can’t you go over to one of their houses?”
“Mom said they could come here so they’re coming here.”
“Can you limit it to just one friend?” I ask mom, hoping the rule change will prevent me from having to deal with him. “Or uninvite Trevor?” I mutter under my breath.
“What’s your deal? Do you have a crush on him or something?”
“You totally do!” Luke chimes in to side with Jack.
“No, I don’t,” I say more calmly hoping that composure will be more compelling.
“You guys are always bickering.”
“And the staring! It’s a whole thing,” Jack adds as he finishes his plate.
“Mom, please don’t make me put up with all of this on my birthday.”
“It’s not even your birthday yet you have all of tomorrow!” Jack argues and I glare at him intensely.
“It’s just one night, Y/n. Besides, you’ll have your friends over too so it’s like you won’t even notice they’re there,” Mom tries to reason with me. I huff out a breath and settle back into my seat as dad places a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me.
“Fine, but the second you guys start to bother me I’m kicking you out.”
The fight at breakfast was a valiant effort but a defeat nonetheless, and it was pretty easy to live in ignorant bliss until the sixth-period dismissal bell rang.
“Bad news, y’all,” I say to both Leia and Chelsea, “we don’t have the tv room to ourselves.” 
Neither one of them seems bothered by this disturbing information. “Ask me why!”
“Why?” They say in unison. 
“My brothers are having friends over, too.”
“So no Knives Out?”
“Well, yes Knives Out but if we do have to sit with a bunch of boys.”
“Including THE boy?” Leia asks cautiously. She and Chelsea know about my back and forth with Trevor. They know how I like his swoopy hair and his dazzling smile. They know I hate his cocky attitude and the way his shirt moves when he stretches. They know how each and every day, I fall for him a bit more. That is until he opens his mouth. Sure my innate biology tells me I “like” Trevor, but I just have to shove that back down and ignore it.
“Yes, including him.”
“Your parents are making you hang out with them?”
“Well, no. But it’s like how I had y’all over for Luke’s party so I technically can’t say no.” 
“Welp. That sucks. I gotta go, though.” 
“You fake ass bitch I thought you’d have my back on that one.”
“See yaaaa!” Leia throws up a peace sign and retreats to her car.
“Bye.” Chelsea and I wave to Leia as she heads out to the teachers’ lot where she always parks. 
“You know what’s even worse?” I ask my remaining friend as we exit the school’s front gate.
“Jack offered rides to all his friends back from school and he is the only one who accepted.”
“What? That’s so bullshit!”
“I know! So now I have to be around him even longer than I have to be around any of them!”
“I wish he would just get drafted already so I wouldn’t have to look at him anymore,” I say to Chelsea as we’re approaching Jack’s car.
“Where would you send him?”
“No, Florida’s not bad enough… Maybe New Jersey!”
“That’s too harsh.”
“What’s too harsh?” I hear Luke ask curiously. Actually taking a second to look and process what’s happening in front of me, I see Luke sitting on the hood of Jack’s car where he had been talking with a friend I didn’t instantly recognize. When the person turns around to see who Luke’s talking to, I see it’s Dylan bundled in a heavy coat. When Luke locks eyes with me, I give him a look saying ‘I won’t say anything but you better get off before Jack sees you’ and he understands the message, instantly rising from the hood of the car. 
“Telling someone to go to Florida or New Jersey instead of ‘go to hell’,” Chelsea answers sweetly. The comment is unassuming but I can’t help but get the feeling she’s sizing up my brother’s friend.
“Is Jack still inside?” I ask to break the moment.
“Do you see him out here?” Luke counters sarcastically.
“I will kill you.”
“I will kill you,” Luke mocks me in an obnoxiously high voice. I continuously whine back at him, speaking in a high pitch gibberish which leads him to join in and do the same. We make noises at each other for a good while, confusing Chelsea and Dylan in the process.
“Are y’all good?” Chelsea asks in a concerned tone. Luke and I stop what we’re doing and I very frantically try to reassure her we’re not actually upset with each other. Amidst all the chaos and commotion, I hear his voice,
“What’s going on?” Trevor asks, confusedly looking between the four of us as Jack unlocks the car. Dylan utters a goodbye before Luke greets Trevor with a bro hug. I roll my eyes at the gesture and 
“Nothing,” I quickly fire back before moving to the back door to allow Chelsea in first. She slides all the way across the row of back seats and I take the middle to sit between her and Luke. Jack and Trevor climb into the front and we’re on our way back home. 
“Did you see Sam Blandor was wearing red bottom shoes today?” I ask Chelsea amidst the silence. Realizing this ride is going to be way too quiet for my liking, I blindly reach for the aux cord as I anticipate her response. 
“Yes! As I was going to third period I-” I cut myself off mid-sentence when my hand collides with someone else’s. Looking up, I see Trevor was blindly reaching for the aux at the same time causing us to bump hands. I throw him a sideways look before focusing my gaze on Chelsea to avoid any further contact with Trevor. 
“As you were going to third period you what?” He asks, much to my dismay. I feel too awkward to ignore him so I answer unenthusiastically. 
“I saw the shoes as she was walking.”
“Honestly, I’m not surprised. She drives an Audi and wears exclusively Brandy Melville her parents must be loaded.”
“Is she dating someone on NTDP?” Trevor asks, confused why he knows the name. Luke butts in to reply,
“Yeah, she’s dating Moynihan.”
“Her parents are loaded. Patty was telling us the other day that she has a trust fund.”
“Bullshit,” I say, refusing to believe Trevor’s telling any semblance of the truth.
“Yeah, she came to the game the other day in Moynihan’s away jersey from last year.”
“That’s so demeaning. Why would you wear a man’s name on your back that’s not even yours?” I ask with disdain.
“I like it!” Chelsea whines in protest, “I think it’s cute because it’s more outstated than just wearing a guy’s hoodie.”
“But don’t you think it’s objectifying?”
“No one’s forcing you to wear it, it’s your choice.”
“I guess…” I trail off as I see Jack whisper something to Trevor which then makes both of them laugh subtly.
“Would you wear my jersey, Y/n/n?” Trevor asks, snide. Luke and Jack howl with laughter at my expense and I feel my face flush 1000 degrees. I roll my eyes and sink back into my seat, wishing I could disappear entirely. The car quiets down again and Trevor returns to holding my gaze, challenging me almost. I glare at him and he just mimics my gaze to mess with me. 
“I’ll kill you.”
“At least buy me dinner first,” he sneers with a smile that promises trouble. I roll my eyes again before turning my attention back to Chelsea. 
A/n: I hate it here lol. If I could drop out and write fanfics for a living I would really be considering it.
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janicho88 · 1 year
When It All Falls Apart -Chapter 8
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Pairing- Jensen x ex!Padalecki Reader
Word count- 2,736
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Sad reader. Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N- I'm hoping the tags work this time, I typed them all out this time instead of copying them like the last two chapters. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
Once you arrive back in Austin after the 4th of July family trip, you have some cleanup to do.  There are now two trips worth of dirty clothes in your room, the car is a mess, and you should see what else you managed to collect in your suitcase.   You spend the rest of Tuesday evening working on those things.
Wednesday morning, Gen and Jared leave for L.A.  They have meetings out there with the studio for Walker today and tomorrow.  A few last minute things have to be hammered out before filming begins two weeks from today. 
When it’s time to get lunch for Tom, you go through the cupboards, but don’t find much that interests the two of you.
“Buddy, I think we might need a grocery store trip,” you tell him with a frown.
“Do we have to?” he whines.
“Unless you want to eat radishes for lunch.”
He shakes his head with such disgust you can’t help but laugh.  After grabbing your purse, the two of you are off to the store.  As you are pushing a cart down the first aisle, you pass the bakery section.  
“That cake looks good, doesn’t?” you ask your nephew who is riding in the front of the cart.
He just nods his head.  You pick it up and set it in the cart, along with some fruit that Gen isn’t growing in the garden, and a gallon of milk for Tom.  Going down the snack aisle, Tom sees the boxes of goldfish crackers.
“Those are Unca Jensen’s favorites.”
You look at where he’s pointing, and a sad smile appears on your face.  “You're right buddy, they are.”
“We should get some for when he comes over.”
“I don’t know if he’ll be over anytime soon though.”
“How come?  I miss him.”
“I get that buddy, I really do.”
“Why don’t we see him anymore?  I used to get to see you and him when you were workin’ like daddy.”
“He’s really busy right now.”
“Can we try and call him later?”
Looking at Tom giving you the dang puppy dog look he inherited from Jared, you find it very hard to say no.  But, you know you aren’t going to be able to dial that number.  
“I’m sorry buddy, but he can’t talk right now.  Maybe he’ll be able to when your dad gets back.”
He looks like he might tear up, so you let him get the box of goldfish to give to Jensen the next time he sees him.  Walking further down the aisle, you see a bag of cheddar popcorn, you throw that in the cart, then some pretzels.  Passing by the freezers, a new tub of ice cream joins the party.  Standing in the checkout, a few candy bars. 
Loading the car, you realize you really didn’t get much in the way of actual food for Tom’s lunch.  You stop and grab fried chicken and some mashed potatoes on the way home.  There’s plenty to have leftovers for dinner too.
The next day, the two of you take a trip to the park.   The pizza and ice cream you picked up on the way home was totally Tom’s idea, after you may have mentioned it to him.  Back at the house, there is pizza, breadsticks, cheese fries, popcorn, pretzels, cake, Oreos, and some fresh baked cookies spread out on the table in front of the couch. Tom picks out Hercules and the two of you settle in to watch and pig out.
About halfway through the movie, you look over at your nephew still munching on popcorn.  “Hey Tom, do me a favor and don’t tell your parents we ate all this. Okay?”
“Okay, Aunt Y/N.”
The movie is over and you are working on cleaning up all the food when the front door opens.  You quickly get Tom behind you as you are slowly moving forward to get a peek at the entrance when your brother comes into sight.
“Hey gang!” He greets you both.
“Jare, I didn’t think you were coming back until later tonight.”
“The meetings went quicker than anticipated, and we found an earlier flight.”
“Great,” you tell him, slowly looking back over your shoulder.
Gen comes walking up behind you, having entered from the back and gone through the kitchen.  “Did we have a party guys?  There’s a lot of food here.”
“Guess what we had to eat?” Tom excitedly tells her everything he had the last two days.
“Really Tom? Thanks a lot buddy.”
“I only got one ice cream from the place, but Aunt Y/N, got two.”
“One was a drink.”
“It was ice cream.” Your nephew counters. 
“I’m going to finish cleaning up.”  You move back to the kitchen before anyone else can say a word.
Mess cleaned up, you are up in the bedroom laying on your bed with the bag of popcorn and the cookies when Gen knocks on the door.
“Hey,” you greet her.
“Hey, yourself.  Can I join you?”
“Sure, it is your house after all.”  You move to sit back against the headboard as she walks in.
She sits down beside you and grabs a cookie.  “I don’t know if I should be worried that you are taking your nephew through this breakup binge with you, or mad that you didn’t ask the pregnant lady to join?”
“It’s not a binge, it’s nothing.  Just some snacks.”
“It’s not you.  The crazy baking and cooking.  I saw all the food you cleaned up in the kitchen today.  When Jay first left to shoot the movie and you started staying here, you did something like this for a few days.  But it wasn’t to this extreme.”
“Gen, it’s…”
“Don’t tell me nothing.  This breakup is hitting you harder than you want to admit.  Honestly, I’m not sure you even realize it.”
She waits for you to say something, but you remain quiet.
“You haven’t gotten the rest of your stuff out of his place yet.  I think a part of you is still trying to hold on.  I know you were together a few years, but I don’t want to see this drag you down.”
“I didn’t want to tell mom we broke up, because that made it seem really real.  So will cleaning my stuff out of his house.   I still wake up some mornings and hope it was all just a nightmare, and I’ll call him up and he’ll tell me I was crazy for even dreaming that.”
“You tried to work it out, but decided ending things was the best option for you.  The more you fight moving on, the more it’s going to hurt you.” 
“I don’t know why it’s hitting so hard.  It's not like I saw him much the last few months anyways.”
“Yeah, but now you know you won’t be together when he comes back.  It’s hard, but sweetie you need to move forward.”
You sit there a minute, “yeah I guess I do.”
Gen sits with you watching How to Lose a Guy and eating the snacks, until Tom calls her away. You know she’s right, but it’s hard to close this chapter of your life.  
After dinner the next night, you ask Jared if he has a minute to talk.
“For you little sis, I might have two.”
“You’re hilarious, Jare.”
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He takes a mock bow before sitting on the couch across from you.
“I need to get the last of my stuff from Jensen’s place, but I really don’t want to go alone.  Do you think you could come over with me tomorrow?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“And um, Tom was asking about calling him some time.  I don’t think I can do that.”
“Understood.  I can take care of that sometime.”
The next morning the two of you take your SUV and Jared’s truck over to Jensen’s.  You have an empty suitcase and duffle bag with you, plus you think you have another bag at his place.  Walking in the door, you pause and take a look around.  Chances are this will be the last time you are here.  It didn’t really feel like your place, but maybe you just never gave it a chance to.
“Want me to break some of his stuff while we’re here?” your brother asks, standing behind you.
“No, Jare.  Behave.”
“Where do you want to start?”
“I don’t know.  Maybe upstairs with my clothes.”
He follows you up to the master bedroom.  As you get your clothes out he starts stuffing them into the suitcase.  When he fills one, he takes it outside and loads it up.  The bathroom things you have left here are next.  Then there are your boxes sitting in the guest room.  Since you never unpacked them, you don’t have to worry about repacking.  Walking around the house you pick up a few things here and there that are yours.  You water the houseplants as you move around.  When you are fairly certain you have everything, you come meet Jared back in the living room.
Looking around the room, the case of the last DVD you watched together is still laying in front of the tv.  You go over and pick it up, turning to Jared. 
“I never thought him leaving for work would turn out like this.”
“I know.  I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault.”  
He doesn’t say anything, just comes over and gives you a hug.  
“I’ll meet you outside okay?”
“Yep,” he responds, taking the last bag out with him.
Standing at the kitchen counter you remove Jensen’s house key from your keyring and set it with the garage remote on the counter.  Looking around the house one more time, you whisper “bye Jens.”
Setting the alarm, you lock the bottom lock on the inside of the door, and use the keypad to lock the deadbolt outside.   Jared pulls out of the drive first and with one more look behind you, you turn and follow him back to the house.  
He helps you unload your things back at the house, some of the boxes stay in the garage, some of the bags need to go upstairs.  That night you are thinking about what Gen said about moving on.  Getting your things out of Jensen’s place was the first step.  The next was going to be leaving your brother’s house.  When you started spending a night here and there with them, it wasn’t meant to turn into living with them.  You really should get out of their hair. 
Monday morning you call a realtor and schedule a meeting for later that afternoon.  When you go in you explain what you are looking for, and some of the areas around town you would be okay with moving to.  Amy, who you will be working with, tells you she will put a list together and get back with you soon. 
Gen asks that evening what kept you busy all day, you tell her you had some errands to run.  You don’t want to mention moving out yet, slightly worried they would talk you out of it easily.  Jensen and Jared might not be on the best of terms because of you right now, but there was no doubt in your mind they would get past it.  Once again the two of them would be hanging out, you didn’t want to be here for that.  You couldn’t be. 
You were outside with Gen late Wednesday morning, when your phone went off.  Amy was calling to let you know she had some places to show you.  She told you to let her know when you were ready to look at them.  
“Are you free this afternoon?” you ask.
“Let me check,” you catch her a little off guard at wanting to go out and look so quickly.
“I’ll be free after 2:30. I can meet you at the first place then?”
“That will work.”
She gives you the address before hanging up. The first place is the closest to Jared and Gen’s, Nalle Woods of Westlake apartments.  They only have 2 bedroom units available right now, that doesn't matter too much to you though. The place just wasn’t you.  Stopped at a red light on your way to the next location, you take a look around.  The restaurant you and Jensen had your first Austin date at is just up ahead.  
The second stop is a condo on Lennox Drive, but it requires a 12 month lease minimum.  You aren’t sure if you want to commit to a place for that long right now.   Leaving there you drive by Lady Bird Lake.  You and Jensen had enjoyed going there and walking the trails. 
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The Ridgeview apartments you looked at next were nice, but they didn’t come furnished.  Since you had sold your furniture before moving you would need to start all over again there. 
Signs for the Austin Zoo catch your eye on the drive to the next place.  It brings back memories of the time you and Jensen took your nephews and niece there for a day. 
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Turning on the radio to distract yourself you leave the station on Prime Country when you hear Garth singing.  The next single bedroom apartment is newly listed, you have hope it will work out. The drive takes you past Peter Pan Mini Golf, where you have had a few date nights.  This apartment you stop at is another unfurnished one, and the more you have seen today tells you that isn’t what you want right now.
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The last place you check out is an apartment building on Congress Ave.  You can lease these apartments for as short as a month.  That seems more like you are looking for right now.  They come fully furnished, even having housewares and linens.  There is a pool, gym and laundry room for tenants to use.   The downside is they are a little cramped, but if it’s just you what’s the problem?
You thank Amy for her time and let her know you need to think some things over but would get back to her soon.  Leaving the last apartment, you drive over the Congress Avenue bridge.  Jensen had brought you out here one night to see the bats, and you had been freaked out at first as they all flew out.  
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So much of this town just screams Jensen to you, it is going to make your fresh start a little hard.  Apparently, the radio agrees with you, LeeAnn Womack comes on singing, “Little Past Little Rock.”
“I had to leave my life in Dallas
That town will always be you
In every crowd, on every corner,
Every face I'd see you
So with nothing more than a tank of gas
I drove away without looking back…”
“I know exactly how you feel LeeAnn.  He’s everywhere here.  I’ll even have to drive by his house every time I go to Jared and Gen’s.”
“Don't know where I'll go
Or what I'll do
I'm a little past Little Rock,
But a long way from over you
These headlights on the highway
Disappear into the dark
And if I could have it my way
I'd go back to where you are…”
“I’d just like to go back in time, maybe I could have changed my schedule and gone with him.  Maybe then things would have worked out differently.”
“Too late to change my mind
I've got to keep my heart out of this
And both hands on the wheel
I'm learning more with every mile
Just how leaving feels
It's a lonely stretch of blacktop
Out into the blue
Don't know where I'll go
Or what I'll do
I'm a little past Little Rock,
But a long way from over you…”
“Austin just might be my Dallas.  He’s the main reason I came here.  Maybe I should be leaving here and heading back to L.A.  It wouldn’t be the first time I lived away from my family.  It would be a clean start.”
As you pull back in the driveway at your brother’s place, you are thinking more and more that getting out of town is going to be the way to go.  You can’t right away because of Walker, but maybe you could see about them reducing your role in the future.  Today has given you a few things to think about.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 9
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24 @pineapleavocado @siospins2​ ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2 @jawritter @hobby27 @amyzombie1013​  @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
WIAFA Masterlist
@woodworthti666 @spnfamily-j2 @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @kaz11283 @deans-baby-momma @let-me-luv-you @senjoritanana @itzabbyxx @djs8891 @tmb510 @perpetualabsurdity @mellyie @fiftyshadesgrl @jessicalynnann
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dreamsnails · 1 year
Hi! Im kinda new to tumblr and asking fanfic requests so please let me know if im doing something wrong! So I have a request for a sal fisher x GN reader (preferably headcanons but if you'd be more comfortable doing a oneshot that's also completely fine!) Where the reader doesn't really have any friends and has pretty extreme social anxiety? Like, they have hard time speaking in front of people they just met and get really fidgety and even sometimes have panic attacks? And they just really want to have friends and they get really mad at themself for not being able to keep or start friendships. Again sorry if I've made a mistake with requesting!
Oh boy, this one hits oddly close to home. I actually wrote (but then scrapped) a whole vent fic about Sal comforting someone (me specifically but I formatted it to be for anyone) who had a really rough day and is now thinking about every little embarrassing thing to ever happen to them but they don't know how to process or vent those emotions by themselves. I might go back and try to finish that and post it later if you're interested in fluff content like that, but for now here are my headcanons for this specific situation. I really hope you like them.
In Public:
He’s always holding your hand. He makes sure to gently rub his thumb over the top of your hand, especially when he notices your warning signs. 
He never ever speaks over you, even if you’re taking a while to say what you mean.
He always invites you to hang out with his friends if he’s going to. If you don’t want to he won’t try to push you.
He will 100% complain about your order at a restaurant for you, but if you’re worried about causing a scene he always orders something you like for himself so you can switch if they mess up your food.
He carries little fidgets like small fidget cubes and magnetic beads in his pocket so you can have something to focus on when you’re overwhelmed or overstimulated. 
He comforts you and praises you quietly and away from people after you interact with receptionists or cashiers or strangers, especially if you feel you had a particularly bad interaction. He understands how much extra energy it takes you to communicate with others.
He understands if you can’t find the energy to do those things, too. He’ll talk for you if you ask him to and he would never criticize you for not being able to speak to someone. He’s proud of you for wanting to try regardless of if you succeed or not. 
He immediately removes you from crowded areas if you happen to have a panic attack in a public space. He’ll comfort you in whichever way you need. He has an arsenal of tools that you both brainstormed together to help you recover, and he’ll let you decide if you want to go home or continue in public after you do. 
He goes to your doctor’s appointments with you for moral support. 
In Private:
He will hold you forever if you will it. 
He will also give you plenty of space if you're overstimulated by too much physical contact.
RESPECTS. YOUR. BOUNDARIES. He NEVER pushes you when you're not comfortable with something-- from him touching you, to you not wanting to go somewhere, to you not feeling comfortable speaking to him at a particular moment. He knows you need patience and compassion and he gives you ALL of it.
He gave you his cellphone number, his dad’s number, his landline number, and Larry’s cellphone number so you can reach him no matter what when you need him.
He lets you borrow his shirts so that you have a part of him to comfort you when he can’t be around and he rotates them so they always smell like him. 
He writes you little notes about how much he loves you and how proud of you he is and hides them around your room when he visits for you to find later.
He’ll cater to your every need if you have an especially hard day at work or school. He’ll come over and build you a blanket fort, get you your favorite drink, and play your favorite games with you until you feel better.
When you become upset with yourself for struggling to talk to people and relate to people, he is always there to remind you about all of the amazing things he loves about you. He also lets you know how much he and his friends enjoy hanging out with you, and that they are your friends no matter what other people think about you.
If a friendship of yours falls out, he’s the first to remind you that you tried your best and that all relationships take two to last. There are people who love and care about you just the way you are, like him, Larry, and Ash (and your family, if you have a good relationship with them). Everything will be okay.
Even if it feels like nobody in the world cares about you, he will, no matter what. 
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sillyguycenteral · 6 months
Gibbs as your father headcanons (plus the team)
Gibbs is the only consistent parent you have in your life
Sure you have Ducky but he isn’t always around and you don’t live with him
And your mother died before you could even remember her 
All of the step moms left eventually sometimes even violently 
Gibbs isn’t perfect but he’s your dad
But once you’re old enough to start really hanging around the team it gets real fun
Abby is the coolest person you’ve ever met
She’s the sun and moon in your mind
She colors with you and makes fun of your dad! 
What more could a kid want in a person?
Kate is a close second to Abby only because you’ve known Abby longer
Kate is the one who grounds you and Abby when your at NCIS
She’s still really fun and colors with you and might even play catch with you if you play your cards right
She won’t do any of that if your dad is around though which sucks and knocks her down to third if your feeling spiteful
Tony has nothing on Abby but him and Kate are usually tied for second in your mind
When Tony joins the team your around 8 ish 
You didn’t warm up to him as fast as you did Abby
That was until he’s heater broke and he needed a place to stay after that the rest was history and he become the honorary brother to Abby's honorary sister
Whenever he has to stay with you and your dad you guys go ham
It’s board games, pizza, every kind of soda you can get your grubby hands on and if there isn’t a case you know you both are going to the movies!
Gibbs acts like he’s annoyed but he’s very glad you’re able to have a somewhat normal childhood
He’ll participate in a round of monopoly only if he can be the banker 
Though this isn’t a frequent event in the Gibbs household it is always a memorable experience
More about your relationship with Gibbs now!
Gibbs is a complex man and even more complex father
He loves you more than life itself there isn’t a doubt in his mind or anyone else's that he wouldn’t die for you
Now how he expresses that is…very much how you would expect him to
He’ll hug you if you’re the one initiating, you would have to be a near sobbing mess for him to really just come up and give you a hug 
It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want he’s just not a super touchy person
The mans just awkward and your a teenager now and he doesn’t want to embarrass you (in that way)
Speaking of embarrassing you… oh my god this old man is the literal devil
He gets such a kick out seeing you yell at him or even look slightly annoyed at him
He’s such a dad in that way (when he’s not almost crashing the car you know his ass is trying to get that dad tax)
And if you’re easily embarrassed you’ll have to grow out of that quick
Like anytime that you visit him or any of the team members at NCIS and it starts to get late lights out immediately 
 This old man is forcing you to go to bed
Not tired? 
He couldn’t give less of a shit 
Your still his kid and have school tomorrow
Is he going to drive you home? No chance, that’s a waste of gas money kid 
You’re the one who wanted to be here so suck it up, take his jacket and go to sleep
A little off topic but he is such a “it’s that damn phone” kind of dad
Like of course he is
You have cold cause it’s going around at your school
Wouldn’t have it if you weren’t always texting now would you?
What a silly man
I’ll definitely add more later but hope you enjoyed it :) Let me know if there is anything I can do to improve or anything you want to see!!
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keep-the-wolves-close · 8 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 7: Lucky Seven
* Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M? (Still figuring out the rating system) (might eventually be M anyhow)
* Warnings: brief mention of murder, language, I think this chapter is pretty tame?
* Word count: 5,496ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being a sounding board for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. Seriously couldn't have gotten this far.
Author's note: I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well! Also oof this one is longer than normal 😂. If you stick around until the end, kudos to you and thank you!
Stella frowned when she heard her phone ring from across the room. She just finished getting ready in her bathroom to head to the ranch for the day. It was 5:30 in the morning. ‘Someone better be dying, or in jail.’ Running to grab it before the last ring, she saw it was Monica.
“Hey Monica, what’s wrong?” Stella quickly questioned. It wasn’t usual for her to call her this early. She normally didn’t call her to begin with. Typically it was a text that came through.
The tinny, muffled sound came through the speaker. “Stella? Kayce was arrested.”
“What, why?!”
“I don’t know, but I need your help to get him out.”
“Okay I’m on my way. Are you home?”
“Yes. And thank you.”
Stella hung up the phone and shot a text to her brother. I’m gonna be late this mornin. Monica needs my help with something. Hurrying, she grabbed her keys and back pack, and ran out the door.
Monica stood with Tate outside of their house when Stella arrived. Once she got her son in the backseat of Stella’s SUV, she jumped in the car herself. Stella looked at her questioningly.
Monica explained. “We’ve gotta go to Chief Rainwater.”
“Monica, I’m gonna be real with you here for a second.” She side eyed Tate in the backseat and nodded to Monica to meet her outside of the car.
Monica faced her son. “Hey Tate? Me and Aunt Stell are gonna go talk outside really quick. Stay here.” Both of the women hopped out and stood at the front of the car and faced away from the little boy so he couldn’t figure out what was going on.
“So you were gonna be real with me?”
“Yeah.” Stella sighed the word. “The easiest solution to get him out of there as quickly as possible, is to go to his dad. Not me. ”
“Yeah I know, but I would rather not. Unless absolutely necessary.”
“Which I get, but they have a lawyer on their roster. I’m not that lawyer, Monica. I don’t have that kind of firepower. Chief Rainwater only knows me as the off Rez girl that hangs out with you and Kayce. My argument isn’t gonna change his mind. Especially since we have no idea what they picked him up for in the first place.” Stella shrugged. “Kayce is probably already thinking of getting Jamie involved anyhow.”
“We have to try, Stella. Rainwater has respect for you. He’ll at least listen.”
Stella made a face. That was news to her that he had respect for her. She wasn’t exactly sure how much the Chief would actually listen. “I’ll give it my best shot.” She looked directly at Monica. “You take your car. If I’m not having any luck, one of us is gonna have to go to his dad. Jamie will be able to get him out of there for sure if I can’t.”
“How will I know?”
“I’ll come outside. I’ll stay just in case they try anything funny before Jamie would get there.” Monica went to work and switched Tate into her car. She gave Stella a thumbs up signaling she was ready to pull out.
They arrived at the Chief’s office about 15 minutes later. Stella breathed deeply, trying to boost her confidence. She was good with people for the most part, but not everyone loved her. Monica said Rainwater respected her, but Stella wasn’t sure how true that was. Being the troublemaker’s best friend didn’t exactly keep her high on the list.
Stella jumped when Monica tapped on her window. She opened the door and registered Monica’s serious face.
“Are you sure you can do this?” Monica questioned her.
Stella stepped out of the car, locking it behind her, and shook her head. “I have a little faith in myself, but I don’t want to make a promise I can’t keep.” Monica patted her on the back as she walked away, heading into the Chief’s office.
When Stella stepped through the threshold, the few people milling about stopped to look at her. She smiled at the folks still looking at her puzzled. She took in all the regalia displayed around the office for a minute. She noticed the secretary, Rebecca, and made a beeline for her desk.
Rebecca noticed the movement and greeted Stella with a smile. “Hi Stella, what can I help you with today?”
“Yeah, hi. I heard Kayce Dutton had gotten picked up and I was wondering if I could place bail for him or something.”
“Yeah, all of us know who you are Stella.” The woman behind the desk chuckled. “Why are you acting like you’ve never met me before?”
Stella sighed. “I guess I’m just trying to keep it professional. I dunno, Rebecca.” She shrugged.
Rebecca continued. “As for Kayce, I don’t have much information about that. At least information that I’m permitted to give you, anyhow.”
“Yeah that’s completely fine. I was just wondering if I could talk to Chief Rainwater for a moment?”
“He’s actually in a meeting.”
Stella frowned at the rejection. She heard the door open to her left and saw the Chief’s head of security, Mo, stick his head out. He was looking for the secretary to tell her something, but he never got the chance.
“Oh hey Mo! Just the person I was looking for.”
He whispered to himself, “oh no,” and he stuck his head back inside the room. “Stella Daniels is here, sir.”
“Wait, Stella’s here?” She heard Kayce’s surprise. She excused herself from Rebecca and made her way to Mo.
He snapped his arm across the door frame to stop her. “Stella you can’t come in here.”
“Well it just so happens that I’m actually here to talk to you about the resident guest you have in there.” She pointed to the room. “Well, you and Mr. Rainwater.”
The muffled voices of the men in the room drifted out from behind the door. Thomas’s voice gave direction to his head security officer. “Mo, let her in.”
Mo swung the door open with a sigh and stepped aside to let Stella by. These two always found a way to give them all a headache. Kayce smiled cutely at her from the chair and she gave him a stern look. She quickly switched to a saccharine smile when she directed her gaze at Rainwater. Her smile faltered when she saw Officer Waters posted beside Thomas, but she regained her composure and continued with the facade of confidence.
“Ms. Daniels.” Thomas waved to the empty chair in front of his desk. “Please have a seat.” Stella seated herself and crossed her legs at the knee. She waited for Thomas to continue. “So Kayce is what brings you here today, is that correct?”
“Well, not just him.” She heard Kayce scoff because he didn’t catch her meaning. “Primarily though, yes. I was actually wondering if I could talk to him really quick.” She side eyed Kayce.
Thomas accepted the request. “By all means.” No one made a motion to leave.
Stella chuckled and scratched her temple. “What I meant was, may I speak to him alone for like two minutes?” She did her best to put on an innocent doe eyed face.
Sheriff Waters began to object. “I don’t think that’s a good idea sir.”
Her attention whipped in his direction. When their eyes locked he looked like he wanted to escape. “What am I gonna do, Ben? Climb out the window with him and run?” Stella had a mischievous glint in her eye and a small grin in a challenge to his objection. Ben’s mouth opened and closed for a moment. The look on her face made him sweat. “I just want to talk to him really quick. I promise. No funny business.” She made direct eye contact with Thomas.
Thomas looked at Mo and then back to Stella as he contemplated. These two were known for being troublemakers. Tricksters. By everyone. There was a time when Thomas wouldn’t have put climbing out the window and running, past them. He still wouldn’t, but he didn’t think they were that stupid. Their energy now versus when they were younger, was very different. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“Fine. Two minutes.” Ben and Mo headed to the door with Thomas following not far behind. He stopped and pinned the pair with a stern gaze. “The door stays cracked.” Both of them nodded and smiled.
Stella remained seated for an extra second after everyone left and intently watched the door. Once she felt that they were in the clear, she snapped to her feet and stalked over to Kayce. He braced himself against the chair as far as he could without tipping it. He thought she was going to land a solid crack to his jaw. She placed her hands on the arms of his chair effectively boxing him into his seat and huffed.
She whispered aggressively through her teeth. “Okay, now's not the time to be cute. What the fuck did you do and how much bullshit do your wife and I have to dig through to get you out?”
Kayce felt his eyes cross at Stella’s close proximity. He blinked to refocus. “People were trying to hurt Danny Trudeau’s daughter. I helped her, and stopped them. Then Danny and I took care of the fall out.” He whispered back.
Stella’s eyes widened as she whispered angrily at him again. “Stopped them?! Like permanently?” He nodded back at her.
Stella stood straight, put her glasses on top of her head, and rubbed her forehead. She drug her hand down her face. “Shit. We need Jamie.” The three men loudly re-entered the room. Stella placed her glasses back on her face.
“So did you two have your talk?” Thomas asked.
“Yessir.” They both answered in stereo.
Thomas looked between them. “So what is it that you wanted to speak to me about?” He walked back around his desk and seated himself.
Stella sucked in her bottom lip and held it with her teeth. She wasn’t exactly sure where to go from here. Especially when she knew the reason for him being held.
Thomas interrupted her train of thought. “I know what you’re going to ask, Stella, and the answer is no. We cannot release him into civilian custody.”
Kayce tried to defend Stella. “I mean, you know I’m not going to run anywhere. Monica or Stella wouldn’t let me do that. I don’t even think I would.”
Thomas put his foot down. “That’s a chance I’m not willing to take. It happened here.” His gaze moved from Kayce and back to Stella as he put his finger on his desk. “He can’t leave tribal land.”
Stella sighed. “Is there any way I can convince you to give him over to me, at all?”
“No Stella. We appreciate the effort, and I’m sure he does as well, but unfortunately this isn’t something you can fix.” Thomas let her down easy.
The best friends made direct eye contact. There was a subtle nod between them and Kayce looked at Thomas. “I’d like a lawyer.”
“Gentlemen, that would be my cue.” Stella nodded as she left.
Making her way out to the front steps, she searched around to see where Monica was. The women saw each other and made their way to meet in the middle.
“We need Jamie.”
Monica groaned. “Damn it!”
“I know, but it’s something I can’t undo. I don’t have the legal power. Whatever it was, it happened on tribal land. They don’t want him to set foot off the Rez. I can take the hit for you, if you really want to avoid talking to John?”
“No, I should be the one to go. Maybe call him so I don’t have to explain as much?” Monica requested.
“Yeah. I’ll do that. I’ll let them know you’re on your way. I’ll stay here out of sight, just in case.” Stella watched her walk off and hop in her car.
Stella cringed. This was definitely not the situation she thought she would be in this morning.
The phone rang four times before John answered with confusion. “Stella? What’s wrong?” She only called him if it was an emergency. After the fiasco of the last few days, he didn’t think she would try to contact him on purpose for a while. Unless they ran into each other on the ranch.
“It’s Kayce, sir. He was picked up by Rez police. They’re holding him down at the station. We need Jamie.”
“What do they have him for?”
“Something that happened on the reservation. They wouldn’t tell me. I just know this is something neither Monica nor myself have the power to fix. She’s on her way to you now with Tate.”
“I’m gonna make some calls.” John ended the call abruptly.
Both John and Jamie talked hurriedly on the phone with people to figure out Kayce’s situation.
“Well, they gotta transfer him somewhere, and if they haven't… If they haven't called you for the transfer, then it's gotta be federal, right?” John questioned. He remained silent while the person on the other end explained something to him. “Okay, well can you reach out to the BIA and FBI, see if they've had any transfer requests? Be vague, all right? Don't use Kayce's name. I don't want to… I don't want to open a door we can't close. Hold on a second.”
Jamie interrupted. “I checked with the federal court in Billings. No warrant was issued there, and nothing from the Park County Court either.”
“Walter, get back to me on this.” John ended the call and turned to Jamie fully. “What do you think they got him for?”
Jamie replied hopefully. “Fingers crossed it's the Rez thing.”
“Yeah. Take the chopper. Don't waste time in a car. Jamie…,” John paused. “Don't leave there without him, son.”
“I won't.” Jamie pulled out his cell phone again and called their pilot. “Viggo, I'm gonna need the chopper.” Monica walked up just as Jamie was leaving.
John focused all his attention on her and his grandson. “Had breakfast?”
“Not hungry.”
“How 'bout you, Tate?” He gave the boy a second to answer. He shrugged noncommittedly. “Or maybe just skip straight to dessert?”
Tate’s eyes lit up. “Like, what kind of desert?”
“Well, there's some cookies in there the size of pie plates.”
“Big cookie!”
“Well, they ain't small. Go ahead.” John ruffled Tate’s hair affectionately and gently guided him in the direction of the house as he ran by.
John waited until his grandson was completely out of ear shot. “Wouldn't say what they picked him up for.”
“They wouldn't tell me or Stella at the station either.” Monica shrugged.
“No arraignment date?”
“Sounds to me like they're—,” John interrupted himself. “—They're looking, that's all.”
Monica let out a humorless scoff. “Don't have to look far with Kayce.”
“We'll get him out of this, don't you worry. You have my word.” He took a moment. “And after I do, you two need to think about what's best for your family.”
“I'm not sure what you mean.” She tilted her head.
“Living day to day isn't living, Monica, it's surviving, with no regard for tomorrow.”
Tate came out and interrupted. “Boy, you weren't kidding.”
John thought quick on his feet to get Tate back inside. “Yeah, well, you should've brought two. Let me see that one.” He grabbed for the cookie in the boy’s hands. “Yeah, you're gonna have to go get another one, 'cause this one's mine.”
“Hey!” Tate giggled and wandered back into the house.
John looked after his grandson and then focused back on his daughter-in-law. “Tomorrow's the only thing a parent is supposed to live for.”
Stella heard the chopper coming before she saw it. She had parked a little ways off to the side. Once she saw it safely landed, Stella climbed out of her car. Racing around to the other side of the chopper caught Jamie’s attention.
Jamie stopped walking and waited for her. “Kayce dragged you into this too, huh?”
Stella raised her eyebrows at the accusation. “I was actually the first person that called your dad. So if anybody drug anyone into anything, it was me.” She pointed to herself.
“They wouldn’t let you take him?” There was an air of self-importance in his voice and he smirked.
She shot back quickly. “Of course not, Jamie. I’m not a lawyer.” She focused her gaze on him. “I was able to talk to him privately long enough for him to tell me what they’re holding him for.”
“What did he tell you?”
“Well, he saved a girl from being abducted and may or may not have stopped the people from doing it again. Ever.”
“What?! Why didn’t you tell my dad that?”
Stella quickly changed the subject. “So do you want me to stay in case things get weird, or meet y’all back at the ranch?”
“What would you be able to do if you stayed?” He asked her incredulously. Something in her eyes changed. Jamie would have called them crazy eyes out loud, but he hadn’t planned on being uppercut today.
Her voice came out soft, deceptively innocent. “Do you mean in the aspect of Kayce?”
“Yes. What could you possibly do that would help me?” He was frustrated with not only her antics, but his brothers as well. His whole family.
“Oh Jamie.” She pushed the front side of her glasses. “That is a heavy hypothetical question with an even heavier hypothetical answer.” Stella gave him a look that asked if she was picking up what he was putting down.
Jamie shook his head. “Nevermind. I shouldn’t have even asked.” He knew that when it came to his little brother, Stella would burn the whole state of Montana down if it meant Kayce would be safe.
Stella smiled and her eyes became normal again. “I’m glad you see it my way, bud.” She patted his shoulder. “I plead the fifth.” She cleared her throat. “So, do you want me to stay and wait, or not?”
He shook his head again. “No you go home. I’ll have him out in less than 30 minutes.”
“Okay sounds good.” She watched Jamie walk away. When he was out of earshot she whispered to herself, “good talk.”
She sent a text to Monica quickly before she hopped in her car. Jamie’s here. He said he’ll have him out in 30 or less. I’m on my way. You still at the ranch?
When Stella buckled her seatbelt her phone vibrated in the cup holder. Monica replied. Yep we’re still here. Thank you Stell. Smiling to herself, she put her car in drive to get a head start.
Stella made it back to the ranch in record time. At the very least, she beat Kayce and Jamie home. She pulled up to the big house. John was out with Tate and Monica sat off to the side. Not wanting to interrupt the duo, she made her way to Monica. She seated herself across from her best friend’s wife and sighed.
“I’m really sorry I couldn’t get him out.”
Monica shook her head gently. “You showed up and tried. That’s what matters.”
“It’s the least I could do.” Stella shrugged. “I think Jamie will have him home soon.”
John watched the women talk amongst themselves while he excused himself from his grandson. He got some type of comfort knowing these two had Kayce’s back.
Monica gave John a look. “You know you don’t act like the man from the stories.”
“That's the thing about being a grandfather.” John groaned as he sat down. “I get to do all the things I wished I'd done with my children.” He watched his grandson for a second and looked back to the women sitting with him. “The things I regret, I get... I get to do different.”
“It doesn't change the things you did, though.”
“No, it doesn't.” John agreed. He looked at Stella sitting there silently. She looked everywhere but them. “Thank you for trying to help her get him out.”
“Of course, sir.” Stella picked at the corner of her thumb nail.
Everyone heard the helicopter approach and started to stand. John yelled for Tate. “Come here grandson!” John walked forward to meet Jamie.
Stella rolled her eyes at the sight of Kayce’s older brother. There was just something about him that really irked her soul. She didn’t hate him, she just wanted to punch him in the throat a few times. ‘Yeah I’d probably feel better after that.’ Kayce always used to give her a hard time when they were younger, saying she had a crush on him. That honestly couldn’t be further from the truth. The only thing she could do was deny it and keep moving. Kayce caught her attention as he walked to his wife and son, and best friend.
She smiled and waved at him. Monica and Stella gave at each other a look. Stella decided it was time for her to sneak off. This was a reunion she wasn’t involved in.
Stella could see from the top of the hill that the wranglers were out in the pen working with some of the herd that needed doctoring. Ryan caught her eye as she made her way down the hill and nodded to her. She waved at him and leaned against the outside fence, content to just watch today. Something was going on with Jimmy, but Lloyd seemed to take him under his wing.
Kayce and his father also came down the hill not far behind Stella. Kayce looked out over the pen and watched the men work on the herd. He spotted Stella off to the side and smiled in her direction. He enjoyed seeing her happy here. His dad spoke to him, bringing him out of his reverie.
“Spent all morning pricing stallions. You can buy a damn house in town for what they cost now.”
“I just gave you a stallion.” Kayce stated.
“No one can ride him, Kayce.” John objected. “He's smart and mean. That's a bad combination in a horse.”
“Stella said she’s been doing just fine with him. He ain't got a mean bone in his body. She’d be the first to tell you. She’s just gotta finish him.”
“Well, that was Lee's job.”
“Which I thought you’d given to her? Have you even talked to her about it, or have you just left her hanging?” Kayce got angrier the more excuses he heard from his dad. Stella was most likely giving him free labor at this point.
“I don’t know if I want her to do it by herself. I don't have the time to finish him. Rip, he doesn't have the temperament.” John explained.
“I can pull him back down to my place and work on him with Stella then. She’s got the perfect temperament for it.”
“Why don't you work on him here? You're a horse trainer, aren't you?” John asked. “Aren't you? So train mine.”
“I won't work for you or steal Stella’s job. Why don’t you want her working the horses so bad? She does a damn good job.” Kayce defended her. “I know for a fact Lee wouldn’t have even bothered working with her if she didn’t have a knack for it.”
“I might need her to be in charge of the broodmares if we were to start a breeding program. That’s a full time job itself, let alone having to worry about breaking them. But you know what?” John waved his hand dismissively. “Just take the horse back. I don't want him.”
“The horse is me saying I'm sorry.” Kayce said quietly.
“You don't have anything to be sorry for!”
“I should've been there sooner.” Kayce paused looking at the ground. “I shouldn't have been there at all.”
“You gotta stop looking backwards, son.”
“I'll fix the horse for you. Ain't no gift if you can't ride him, but I won't let you pay me.” Kayce agreed.
“Yeah.” John scoffed. “That's a good deal for everybody but you.” He walked off and left Kayce to ponder their conversation. Kayce wound his way to Stella. She could help him out with Tank.
She smiled at him. “Hey, you,” she said gently budging his arm. “Welcome home, Vigilante.”
“Hey.” Kayce scolded her and gave her a look. “You got a minute?”
Stella made a face. “Yeah, I’m free as a bird right now. What’s up?”
“Let’s go get Tank.” He made a face back at her. “That’s what you named him, right?”
“Yes, actually.” She laughed, pleased that he remembered. “Today was supposed to be his off day. He might be pissed.”
“Well dad wants me to work on him with you.”
“Oh? Does he think I’m not doing it right?” Stella looked frowned.
“No, I just think he’s worried about you not having Lee to bounce off of.”
“I’m guessing he decided against giving me the position, huh? Sending you to tell me was smart on his part though.” She huffed. “Makes it sting a little less.”
“I think he’s got something up his sleeve for you. Don’t get bummed out yet.” Kayce patted her shoulder. “C’mon. Let’s go get that stallion.”
Stella watched Kayce while he trotted around the round pen with Tank. He looked pleased. That must have meant she’d done something right. ‘Not good enough for John to keep you in the position though,’ the nasty little voice in the back of her mind surfaced.
Footsteps crunched through gravel behind Stella. Looking over her shoulder she could see it was Monica and Tate. “Hey y’all.”
“So how is he?” Monica asked.
“The horse, or Kayce?”
Monica snorted a laugh. “Both, I guess.”
“Well, I thought Tank was doing just fine. Not so sure about how John feels though.” Stella tapped the fence. “Kayce? He seems alright. Quieter than normal, but I think being here does that to him.”
Monica and Kayce smiled at each other. Monica questioned. “Didn't buck you off?”
Kayce trotted over to the women. “There ain't nothing wrong with this horse. Stella’s done just fine.” He smiled at his best friend. “I'm gonna wash him up and get out of here.”
Tate interrupted. “But Grandpa said we can stay the night.”
Kayce looked like he was about to object, but Monica interrupted. “Look, he got no sleep last night.” Monica interrupted. “If we go home, he wonders where his cousins are. I just need to recharge so I can have that conversation.”
John walked up. “Tate, you're staying in the main house with me. You two take the trapper cabin. Give your minds a vacation for a night.” He pivoted on his heel. “Tate! Tate, come on.”
Stella smiled at the couple. “Y’all have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t!” She scurried off to the bunkhouse.
Walking in, everything got quiet. Stella’s hand remained on the door, her eyes wide as she looked around. “Shit don’t everyone talk at once now.” There was a man here she wasn’t familiar with. Her brother was here, so she didn’t feel too threatened. “I know I’m not supposed to be in here, but I’m gonna make it quick. I promise.”
The man in the rounded cowboy asked. “Who’s this?” He sauntered over to Stella in the kitchen.
She could practically hear her brother steaming from across the room. Ryan bored a hole into the back of the man’s head, challenging him. “That is someone you’ll be leaving alone, Walker.”
The man, Walker, tipped his hat at Stella with a charming smile. “Walker ma’am. Who might you be?”
She barked out a laugh. “Pfft, I’m Stella. Ryan’s sister. Resident horse hand.”
“Well it’s mighty nice to see a pretty face around here.”
Stella stood there speechless. She couldn’t do anything but stare at him. Stella’s brows pulled together. Ryan’s shoulders dropped with a feeling of dread. He thought she was falling for his thick layer of charm.
She looked left and right, behind her and past Walker. “I don’t know who you mean, but sure. I just work with the horses, my guy.” Everyone chuckled and she weaved her way around to her brother and Colby.
Walker asked from behind her, “do you stay here?”
“No, thank god. I mean sometimes, but I have my own house.” She let out a groan while she seated herself in Ryan’s bunk.
Colby cut in. “That means you’re not invited.”
“Okay, okay I get it. Off limits.” Walker receded his advances.
Stella watched as all the men in the room hawked the new guy. She smirked, mostly to herself, knowing they would jump him if he batted an eyelash at her wrong. It wasn’t necessary. Walker’s gesture was appreciated and made her feel like she could still have the ability to get a man. If she went out on the town and didn’t work her life away, that is. Walker smirked back at her. ‘Ooo I smell that trouble from a mile away.’ She smirked again at her thought.
Ryan decided to change the subject. “Stell, what did you mean when you said you’re not supposed to be in here?”
Her lips folded together as she looked to the ground. “Well you see,” she cut herself off with the glare Ryan gave her. “So Rip found out about me trying to fight Fred. I’m banned for however long he decides since I broke the rules.”
Ryan sighed, but knew nothing could be done. Rip’s word was final usually. He zeroed in on the new guy. “You play that guitar?”
“No,” Walker scoffed. “I just like to drag this fսckin’ thing around.” He propped the guitar case up on his knee. “Why, y'all want to hear one?” No one answered him. “Yeah, I guess you do.” Strumming a few chords to check the tune, he asked everyone, “happy or sad?”
Stella called out to him. “Happy.”
Walker gently pulled out his guitar and fiddle with the tuning for a minute. He cleared his throat and began to sing.
Monica leaned back against the cabinet and smiled at her husband. “I wonder how many poor farm girls you snuck into this cabin.” Kayce sat up straight to listen to her. “I can just see you now in your shaggin’ shirt, wooing some lovestruck blonde.” She watched Kayce stand up. “Or maybe you brought Stella here.”
“What is a shaggin’ shirt? And if you mean to escape the crazy that is my family and our wranglers? Have a place to sleep so the adults didn’t know we took forever to come home? Yes. Never like how you’re meaning though.”
“You know, it's your fanciest shirt, your get-the-girl shirt. The one you never work in.” Monica straightened herself. “And come on, you can’t tell me that you and Stella never messed around with the idea.”
“I don't know if I own a shirt that I've never worked in.” He busied himself, not wanting to talk about his best friend and the things they may or may not have done as stupid young kids. “And no, I don't think we did.”
“I'm trying to remember what I was wearing when I met you.” She changed the subject.
Kayce smirked. “All I remember was you weren't wearing it for long.”
“You think it's selfish, keeping Tate from a life like this?”
Kayce’s jaw tightened. “That sounds like my father.”
“It is.” Monica admitted.
“He has a life like this. It's just simpler.”
“It's not simple anymore, Kayce.” Monica argued.
“I thought we were forgetting tonight.”
“I'm just having a conversation.” Kayce stalked away to the bedroom. He closed the door with force. Monica yelled out. “Well, I guess the conversation's over!”
Stella was just about half asleep on Ryan’s bunk when the door opened and startled her. She sat up and blinked heavily. Rip and Lloyd were calling for the new guy. Rip discovered her sitting in the back. He fixed her with a look.
Her eyes found her brother and he smiled warmly at her. “Good mornin’ sunshine.”
“Hey doofus. I think I’m gonna head out, okay?” She started to work her way to the edge of the mattress.
“You sure you're not too tired?”
“Yeah I’ll be alright.”
He gave her a stern look. “Okay, but you text me the second you get home.”
She hopped down off his bunk and gave him a quick squeeze. “Yes mom.” She smirked. She grabbed her keys off the kitchen counter. Rip grabbed her arm gently to stop her.
“I thought I told you to stay out of the bunkhouse for a while?”
“You did and I heard you. I came to talk to my brother before I left. I’m leaving right now, okay?”
Rip remained silent as he observed her. Stella stared up at him. Her eyebrows tightened and her face fell into an annoyed resting face.
“I’m leaving now.” Stella emphasized and weaved around Rip and headed off to her car to make the journey home.
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i don’t think you notice (what you did to me) [b.h]
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nine. | you give love a bad name
Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (ofc)
⇾ w.c. 4.9k words ⇾ warning(s). canon x oc pairing, f!oc, angst angst angst, domestic abuse, homophobic language, violence, break ups ⇾ a/n. this chapter has an unhappy ending, but it's not the end of the story, dw.
[ masterlist ] [ win lewis bio ]
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Picking up her tube of mascara, Win leaned in closer to her vanity mirror to put the finishing touches on her makeup when the bright green corded phone at her elbow rang, making her jump.
“Jesus!” she hissed, reaching for the phone.  “Y’ello?” she answered, resting the receiver between her cheek and shoulder so she could finish her makeup while talking.
“Hey, baby.”  
Billy’s voice on the other end of the line, however, brought a grin to her face.
“What’s happening?  You about to head over?” she asked, giddier than usual for their date – it had been a while since they’d gone anywhere other than Lover’s Lake.
“Uh–” Billy hesitated, blowing an exasperated sigh.  “Not yet,” he answered, annoyance thick in his voice.  “Neil and Susan haven’t gotten back from their dumb shopping trip yet and I have to stay here with Max til they do,” he grumbled.
“Oh…” Win breathed, her grin slipping for a moment til an idea hit her.  “That’s okay, I’ll just get a ride there and we can hang out til they get back,” she suggested.
There was a beat of silence before Billy replied.  “You sure you don’t mind?”
“Not at all,” Win assured him, twisting her mascara shut and grabbing the phone as she straightened.  “I’ll just call Holly for a lift.  I’ll see you soon, kay?”
“Alright, see ya soon, Princess,” Billy replied before hanging up, sounding a little less peeved than he had.
As soon as she heard the dial tone, Win punched in Holly’s number, hoping her friend wouldn’t be too busy to give her a ride.  She half thought about searching for the key to the garage and borrowing the Chevelle, but Holly picked up before she could give it any serious thought.
“Hampton residence, Holly speaking.”
“Hey Hols, it’s Win, think you could do me a solid and give me a ride to Billy’s?” she asked, curling the phone cord around her finger idly.
“Yeah sure.  There something wrong with his car?”
“Nah, he’s stuck at home with his stepsister til his folks get back from Terre Haute,” Win explained.  “I figured I’d go keep him company til they get back and we can leave for our date from there.”
“Yeah, course!  I’ll be there in ten.”
It wasn’t long before Holly arrived in her dad’s car, her little brothers in the back seat.  
“You brought the whole family along,” Win laughed, turning in her seat to wave to Josh and Sammy.
“Yeah, they wanted to go to Dairy Queen after I drop you off,” Holly sighed, making a face at them in the rear view mirror before grinning.
“Where’s Steve?  I’m surprised you’re not with him tonight,” Win pointed out and Holly’s grin slipped.
“I dunno, actually.  I haven’t been able to get a hold of him all day,” she admitted, chewing her lip nervously.
“Oh," Win breathed, frowning.  "Well, I’m sure he’s just busy with something and he’ll call you as soon as he can,” she assured her friend, hoping it was true and that he wasn’t trying to win back Nancy Wheeler or something dumb like that.
When they pulled up in front of the Hargrove residence, Win noticed Neil’s car in the drive and relief washed through her.  At least now Billy would be free to leave.
“Thanks again for the ride, Hol,” Win said as she climbed out, waving once more to her brothers before she turned toward the house and made her way up the walk.
When she knocked on the front door, it was Susan who answered, her eyes going wide at the sight of Win.
“Hey Susan, I’m supposed to meet Billy,” she said, her smile slipping as Billy’s step mom didn’t move aside to let her in, instead glancing nervously back into the house and flinching.
“I’m sorry, dear, i-it’s not exactly a good time… Why don’t you come back later?  O-or I could let Billy know you stopped by and he could call you?” she suggested, her voice trembling slightly.
Win stared past her into the house, only half hearing her as Billy and Neil’s voices echoed from within.
“Where is she?  Where’s Max?” Neil’s voice demanded.
“I don’t know.”  
“You don’t know?” Neil scoffed incredulously.
“Look, I’m sure she just, I dunno, went to the arcade or something.  I’m sure she’s fine.”  Billy huffed.
“You were supposed to watch her.” 
“I know, Dad.  I was.  It’s just that you guys were three hours late, and well, I have a date.  I’m sorry, okay?”
“So that’s why you’ve been staring at yourself in the mirror like some faggot, instead of watching your sister?” 
Win tensed at the turn the conversation had taken, chewing her lip as she strained her ears to listen, Susan still blocking her way, her own head tilted as if she were listening as well.
“I’ve been looking after her all week, Dad.  Okay?  Look, she wants to run off, then that’s her problem, all right?  She’s thirteen years old!  She shouldn’t need a full time babysitter,” Billy exclaimed, his music shutting off.  “And she’s not my sister!” he spat.
The sound of something heavy slamming against the wall was followed by Neil’s level voice.  “What did we talk about?” There was a beat and then the loud crack of a slap, and Win felt her body move without thinking, pushing past Susan to run to Billy’s room, her heart in her throat.
When she reached his open door, she saw Billy pinned to the wall, his father’s hand gripping his chin, holding him in place more so with his sharp gaze than his grip, and she froze.  Billy’s cheek stung bright red and his eyes swam with unshed tears.
“What. Did. We. Talk. About?” Neil repeated slowly.
Billy swallowed, his eyes not leaving his father’s.  For a moment Win thought he wasn’t going to respond.
“Respect and responsibility,” he answered levelly, his voice low, almost hoarse.
Win felt Susan join her, hovering next to her anxiously, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from Billy.
“That’s right,” Neil said.  “Now, apologize to Susan.”
“I’m sorry, Susan,” Billy ground out, staring straight ahead, a quiet defiance in his stare as if he were balancing on a razor’s edge.
“It’s okay, Neil, really–” Susan spluttered, her voice barely there, trembling pathetically.
“No, it’s not okay,” Neil snapped.  “Nothing about his behaviour is okay, and now he’s gunna make up for it.  He’s gunna call that whore he’s seeing and cancel their date.  Then he’s gunna go find his sister, like the good, kind, respecting brother that he is.  Isn’t that right, Billy?” Neil asked, expecting to be obeyed.
“A-actually, Neil, she’s a-already here…” Susan stuttered, but he ignored her, not even bothering to look back at his wife.  Billy however, finally shifted his red rimmed gaze, his glossy eyes meeting Win’s across the room.  As soon as he realized she was there, his jaw tensed, embarrassment radiating off him.
“ISN’T THAT RIGHT?” Neil yelled when Billy didn’t respond and his eyes snapped back to his father while Susan flinched.
“HEY!” Win cried, unable to hold back any longer.  Without thinking, she surged forward to grab Neil’s shoulder, hauling him back.  “Leave him alone!” 
Neil spun to face her, his expression livid, but Win didn’t back down, righteous fury running through her veins.
“Get. Out.” Neil ground out, his eyes flashing dangerously.  “This is none of your business!”
“You made it my business when you laid hands on my boyfriend,” she snapped, but Neil merely scoffed.
“My son, the pussy.  You need a girl to fight your battles for you?” he taunted, his voice dripping contempt.
At his words, Billy flinched, his mouth tightening as his eyes squeezed shut for a moment, as if he were fighting to keep it together.
“The only pussy I see here, is you,” Win replied coldly, and Neil’s head swiveled to her, silent rage painting his face.  
“A real man would never hit his wife or kids,” Win spat.  “Does it make you feel big when you scare them into submission?” she demanded, though she didn’t expect an answer, nor did she wait for one.
“Fear isn’t the same as respect, and no one here respects you, you fucking pig.”
For a moment, she thought she’d gone too far, her nerves close to snapping as she waited for all hell to break loose, but Neil merely stared her down, his hands balling into fists as his jaw clenched tighter, his muscles flexing.  Despite the fear that kept her heart in her throat, Win lifted her chin defiantly as she stepped between him and Billy.
“What’re you gunna do, Mr. Hargrove?  You gunna hit me too?” 
He held her glare for another minute before turning away, Susan scurrying back from the door to let him through.
“I said.  Get out,” he repeated, pausing in the doorway, his eyes fixing on Billy.  “And you.  Find your sister.”
Without another word, he strode away, not even waiting to see if he’d be obeyed or not and Susan quickly followed after him, her hands gripping her skirt hard enough to turn her knuckles white.
As soon as his dad left the room, Billy seemed to deflate.  The angry tears he’d been fighting back in his father’s presence finally spilled over, rolling down his cheeks as he shut his eyes, taking a shuddering breath before lashing out in frustration, slamming his hand against the wall.
“Billy… are you alright?” Win asked, taking a hesitant step toward him.
When he finally looked at her, his expression hardened, shame twisting his features at the reminder of her presence—the reminder of what she’d witnessed.  Hastily wiping his eyes, he sniffed, grabbing his car keys before his fingers circled her wrist, dragging her behind him toward the front door.
Once they stepped into the empty street he released her, turning on her, his pent up frustration finally finding its release, even if it was the wrong one.
“Why don’t you mind your own damn business!” Billy bellowed, throwing his arms up.  “I didn’t need your fuckin’ help!” he spat, his voice shaking with rage.
“Your dad’s a fuckin’ bully and someone had to stand up to him!” Win yelled back, her heart still hammering in her chest while her veins buzzed with adrenaline, her own anger rushing back to the forefront.
“You sayin’ I ain’t man enough to stand up to him?” Billy hissed, his voice dangerously low.
“That’s not what I’m saying.”  Win shook her head, standing her ground.  She managed to keep her voice level in the face of his misplaced rage.  “You don’t deserve to be treated that way.  It’s not right!”
Instead of soothing him, however, Win’s words only seemed to fan his anger hotter.  “I don’t need your fucking pity!” he screamed, his voice hoarse with emotion, but Win didn’t flinch.  Instead, she took a step closer, her gaze fixed on Billy’s flushed face, his eyes red rimmed and swimming, fighting to hold back more tears of frustration.
“This isn’t pity,” she said, her voice trembling softly.  “Like it or not, asshole, I actually give a shit about you, so you better get used to it.”
Her words seemed to knock the wind out of him, his next retort dying on his tongue as he tried to process how that made him feel.  Win took advantage of his stunned state to step closer, wrapping her arms around him.
“You’re not weak.  I’ve never thought you were,” she whispered, pressing her face to his chest.
In that moment, the rest of his fight dissolved and Billy hesitantly pulled her closer, tucking her head under his chin.
Not trusting his voice, or maybe not finding the right words to say, he merely held her, letting the silence stretch.
“Come on, let’s go find Max,” he said, finally pulling away, rubbing the dampness from his cheeks as he slipped behind the Camaro’s wheel.
The first place Billy stopped in their search for Max was the arcade, but her telltale red hair was nowhere to be seen, and Keith confirmed that he hadn’t seen her there since earlier that day.  The next place Billy decided to check was Lucas Sinclair’s house, having seen him hanging around Max, despite his warnings for her to stay away.  His folks hadn’t seen her either, but pointed them in the direction of Mike Wheeler’s house, saying the kids usually ended up there to hang out.
Once more climbing back into the car to continue what was starting to feel like a wild goose chase, Win could sense Billy’s growing tension.
“Don’t worry, we’ll find her.”
Billy let out a heavy breath as he ran his hands over the steering wheel.  “She’s the one who ought to be worried when I find her,” he huffed, pulling back onto the dark road, heading for Maple Street.  “That brat ruined our night and got me in hot water.  She fucking owes me,” he growled.
Win didn’t know how to respond, so she held her tongue.  If she was being honest, she was a little resentful that Max had snuck out, causing problems for Billy, though she knew not all of it was the younger girl’s fault…
By the time they parked in front of the Wheeler’s, the sun had completely set, blanketing Hawkins in darkness, a thick cover of clouds rolling in to blot out the stars overhead.  
Win circled the car, falling into step with Billy as they made their way up the walk, his hand lightly touching the small of her back as he rang the doorbell.  Several seconds ticked by and no one answered the door.  The light from the tv inside was visible through the lacy curtains, so it was obvious someone was home.
Billy’s frown deepened and he impatiently rang the bell again, shoving his hand back in his jacket pocket against the cold while they waited.  When the door finally yanked open, Mrs. Wheeler stood there in a robe, her hair messily pinned up and an annoyed look on her face.  When her eyes fell on Billy however, her expression quickly changed, a hesitant smile curving her lips and Win’s brows furrowed when she noticed Billy’s gaze fall to the exposed swath of the older woman’s chest for a moment.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Mrs. Wheeler asked, looking between the two of them, finally pulling her gaze from Billy.
“Billy, Billy Hargrove,” he answered, his voice lowering to a drawl as a grin stretched across his face, his usual self confident mask slipping into place.  “This is my girlfriend, Win,” he added, nodding toward her at his side.
“Oh, are you guys here to see Nancy?” Mrs. Wheeler asked, tilting her head.  “I don’t think she’s home–”
“No, no no no,” Billy cut in quickly, shaking his head.  “We’re actually looking for my little sister, Max.  Goes by Maxine.  She’s been missing all day,” he explained, his expression dripping faux concern.  “To be honest with you, I’m uh, I’m worried sick,” he continued and Win had to fight not to roll her eyes.  “I thought she was at Lucas’, but Mrs. Sinclair said your house is the uh, the designated hangout, so you know… here we are,” he said, spreading his arms.
“Oh.  Oh, I see,” Mrs. Wheeler murmured, glancing to Win and quickly away again before pulling her robe further closed against the chill.  “I’m afraid she’s not here.  None of the kids are at the moment,” she explained apologetically.
Billy’s expression tightened for a second, though Mrs. Wheeler didn’t seem to notice.  “Do you know where they might be?” he asked, fighting to keep his voice smooth and not let his facade crack.
“Uhm, if they’re not at the Sinclair’s, then I would try the Byers’,” Mrs. Wheeler suggested, stepping aside.  “Come inside, I’ll write down the address for you,” she offered.
Billy nodded, nudging Win ahead of him before stepping into the house, a cloying warmth engulfing them.  In the kitchen Mrs. Wheeler picked up a pen and grabbed a sticky note, leaning over the counter to scrawl the address while Billy pulled the lid off the nearby cookie jar, fishing a small vanilla sandwich cookie out and bringing it to his lips while he waited.
“The drive is kind of hard to see in the dark, so you really have to look if you don’t want to accidentally pass it,” she murmured, dropping the pen and lifting her head, her eyes once more seeming to caress Billy’s form and Win nearly snatched the note from her hand.
“Thanks, we’ll keep a look out,” she said tersely.
“You’re a real lifesaver, you know that?” Billy drawled, taking another bite of the cookie with a smirk.
Mrs. Wheeler had the audacity to blush, patting her hair nervously as she glanced away.  “When you see Mike, will you tell him to come home, please?” she asked and Win grabbed Billy’s arm, reminding him of her presence. “We will,” she grumbled, practically pulling Billy to the door with her.
As soon as they were back in the car, his grin fell away and Win rounded on him.
“What the fuck was that?”
“What was what?” Billy asked, starting the car, his hand sliding over the wheel as he pulled back onto the road.
“You were awfully friendly back there,” Win huffed, hating how jealous she sounded.
“Oh please, I was just buttering her up to get the information we needed,” Billy grunted, carefully not looking at her.
“Yeah sure, like I believe that for a second,” she muttered.  “I saw the way you looked at her, Billy.”
“What are you trying to say, Win?  Huh?”  Billy finally looked at her.  “You think I wanna fuck that cougar?” he spat, waiting for her to respond.  “One, I’m with you, so no.  And two, I’ve got bigger shit on my mind right now,” he snapped, leaving Win internally kicking herself.
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” she mumbled, watching the house numbers for the one they wanted.  
Silence fell, stretching for a long moment until she noticed the overgrown drive up ahead.  “It’s there,” she said, pointing, and Billy grunted, pulling off the road to stop in front of a dark run down looking house half hidden by trees.  Several dark shapes appeared in the front window before ducking back down again quickly.
“I think we found them,” Win said wryly, unbuckling her seatbelt.
“You stay here,” Billy muttered, kicking his door open, a dangerous glint to his eyes.  As he straightened, he pulled his Marlboros from his jacket pocket and pulled a cigarette from the pack with his lips, lighting it as he watched Steve Harrington step down from the porch, a dish towel draped over his shoulder as if he’d been inside doing chores.
“Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington?” Billy called, leaning against the Camaro.
“Yeah, it’s me, don’t cream your pants,” Steve sighed, as if Billy was the last person he wanted to see at the moment.
Billy held his gaze as he shrugged his leather jacket off, as if preparing for a fight.  “What are you doing here, amigo?” he asked, coating the word in as much scorn as he could.
“I could ask you the same thing.  Amigo,” Steve replied levelly, planting his hands on his hips.
“Looking for my step sister, a little birdie told me she was here,” Billy replied, his cigarette bobbing as he spoke.
“Huh, that’s weird, I don’t know her.”  
“Small, red head, a bit of a bitch?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell, sorry buddy.”  Steve shrugged.
Billy let out a derisive snort, shaking his head.  “You know, Harrington, this whole situation… it’s giving me the heebie jeebies.”
“Yeah, why’s that?” 
“Hmm, let’s see, my thirteen year old sister goes missing all day, and then I find her with you in a stranger’s house, and you lie to me about it,” Billy exclaimed, ticking off each point on his fingers.
“Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what?” Steve scoffed, trying to brush the accusation off and redirect the conversation.  “Like, I said, she’s not here,” he insisted.
“Then who is that?” Billy asked, pointing to the window with his cigarette, where Max’s face flashed for a moment before disappearing  just as quickly.
Steve turned to follow Billy’s gesture and winced.  “Oh shit, listen–” he began, but Billy didn’t give him a chance to explain before rushing forward to knock him off his feet, sending him sprawling on his back.
“Shit,” Win breathed, kicking the door open and rounding the car as Billy leaned over Steve, a sneer on his face. 
“Thought I told you to plant your feet.”
“Billy–!” Win called, but he was already on his way inside, throwing the door open, murder in his eyes.
“Steve, are you okay?” Win asked breathlessly, helping him to his feet.
“Yeah, c’mon, before your boyfriend does something stupid,” Steve exclaimed, scrambling up; the two of them running into the house.  
Win barely noticed the mess of papers haphazardly plastering the walls and floors, covering nearly every surface and branching out down the hall like some dark system of roots.  Her stomach in her throat, she only had eyes for Billy who had Lucas pinned to the wall, his fists balled in the boy’s jacket as he leaned in to sneer in his face–the scene a near replica of what she’d witnessed earlier, the tables turned.
“Since Maxine won’t listen to me, maybe you will.  Stay away from her,” Billy growled, his voice dangerously low.  When Lucas didn’t respond, he screamed in his face; all the anger, all the frustration he’d swallowed down earlier was loosed now on a new target.  “Stay away from her!  DO YOU HEAR ME?”
“I said, GET OFF OF ME!” Lucas yelled back, his knee coming up between Billy’s legs hard enough to make him double over, loosening his grip on the boy’s jacket.
“You’re so dead, Sinclair!” Billy hissed, and Win gasped as Steve lunged past her, his fist connecting with Billy’s jaw while he was still distracted.
“No, you are!”
“Guys, stop it!” she cried, but Billy didn’t even seem to see her, his eyes wild as he turned back to Steve, a deranged laugh leaving his mouth.
“Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh?” he exclaimed, throwing his arms wide.  “I’ve been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s been telling me about so much.”
Steve’s jaw flexed as his eyes darted from Billy to Win.  “Get out,” he said firmly, pushing Billy back by the tips of his fingers, clearly trying to deescalate the situation.  But Billy wasn’t having it.
Without warning Billy swung, his fist catching air as Steve ducked, hitting him back.
“Billy, stop!  Please!” Win cried from the edge of the kitchen with Max and the others, her heart still in her throat, fear holding her captive.
Pinned back against the sink, Billy reached out, grabbing a plate from the counter to smash over Steve’s head, leaving him dazed as he stumbled back.
“No one tells me what to do!” Billy growled, back on the offensive.
Before Win knew what was happening, Steve was on the ground and Billy was on top of him, aiming blow after blow to Steve’s face until Steve went limp, knocked out cold, and yet Billy didn’t stop, all his anger rushing out of him in a deluge with no signs of abating.
“BILLY!” Win screamed, finally finding her legs and rushing forward, trying to pull him away.  “Stop!  You’re gunna kill him!” she sobbed, but Billy didn’t want to listen, his elbow flying back in an attempt to shrug her off.
Pain bloomed behind Win’s eye and she stumbled back, holding her face, her trembling fingers coming away bloodied where her lip split.
In a flurry of movement, Max pushed past her, grabbing a syringe from the table.  “Wait!” Win gasped, grabbing the girl’s wrist as she pulled back to jab it in her brother’s neck.
Max’s head whipped around to gape at Win, the two staring each other down for a second before Max dropped the syringe, wrenching her arm out of Win’s grasp.  Instead, she grabbed a bat resting against the wall, several long nails jutting out from the end.
“BILLY!” she yelled before the bat whistled past his ear.
Surprised, he wrenched away from the bat, falling backwards as she swung again, his eyes going wide as she stood over him, holding the bat over her head.
“From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone!” she growled, her blue eyes flashing.  “Do you understand?”
Billy stared back at her defiantly.  “Screw you,” he ground out.
Without warning, Max brought the bat down between his legs, just missing his crotch, the nails biting into the wood floor beneath him.  “Say you understand it!  SAY IT!” she bellowed, bringing the bat up again threateningly.
Billy swallowed.  “...I understand,” muttered reluctantly, indignant resignation in his voice.
“Good,” Max breathed, her friends staring at her in shock.  “I’m taking these,” she said, crouching to grab the car keys from Billy’s pocket.  Surprisingly, he didn’t argue.  It wasn’t until the others carried Steve out to the Camaro and Max jumped behind the wheel that Billy pushed himself up, letting out a frustrated roar, and Win winced as he swiped his hand out, knocking the contents of the table to the floor.
It wasn’t til he took a deep breath that he turned around, almost having forgotten Win was there.  
“Are you alright?” she asked, hanging back, for the first time, she was wary of him, her face beginning to throb where he’d elbowed her.
“Am I alright?” Billy repeated incredulously, slowly stepping closer, the floorboards creaking under his weight.  “Let’s see, shall we?  My step sister just stole my car and left us here to go God-knows-where in the middle of the fucking night with a bunch of boys,” he exclaimed, his voice raising with each word.  “And guess who’s gunna take the fucking blame for it?  No guesses?” he asked, a dangerous tone to his voice.  “That’s right, me.”
Win felt ice drop into her stomach at the thought of what Neil would do to Billy if he showed up without Max in tow.
“We could call the cops,” she suggested, interrupted by Billy’s harsh laughter.
“Yeah, sure, the cops!” he snorted.  “I’m sure they’ll be a great help,” he taunted derisively, pacing around the room like a tiger in a cage.
“Billy–” Win murmured, but he turned back to her sharply, interrupting her.
“Nobody fucking asked you!”
“Billy, I’m only trying to help,” she muttered, wrapping an arm around herself with a frown.
“Yeah well, I didn’t ask for your FUCKING help!” he spat.  
For a long moment Win merely stared at him.  As much as she felt for him–her heart aching at the thought of the situation he was in at home–Steve’s bloodied face as Billy kept hitting him, the fear on Lucas’ face as Billy had him pinned against the wall, and even the predatory way he’d smiled at Mrs. Wheeler earlier kept replaying through her mind, twisting her stomach further.  And now this.  The way he’d turned on her when she was probably literally the only person in Hawkins who cared enough about him to try to help made something inside her snap.
“Alright, fine.  I’m done,” she whispered.
“What do you mean you’re done?” Billy asked, a frown pulling at his features.
“I mean I’m done, Billy.  I can’t do this anymore,” she said, shaking her head, her voice trembling.  “You just attacked a fucking kid!  You beat Steve to a pulp, and I know you didn’t mean to, but this—“ she paused, gesturing to her split lip and the purple bruise beginning to bloom across her cheekbone.  “You did this.”
Billy’s mouth fell open as he finally took in the state of her face, panic crossing his visage when he realized what he’d done, but Win didn’t let him speak, her own frustration spilling out like word vomit.
“I get it!  I get why you’re angry all the time.  Your dad is a fucking piece of work and you don’t deserve to be treated the way he treats you, but if this is how you channel it?  Lashing the fuck out like that?  I can’t do it!” she exclaimed.
Billy’s face darkened.  “So what, all that shit you said about how much you care so much about me, that was a fucking lie?” he demanded, his voice faltering.  “You gunna give up on me?  Walk out like my fucking mother?” he spat, gasping a shuddering breath and Win turned away so he wouldn’t see the way her eyes watered dangerously, her tears threatening to spill over.
“No, I fucking meant it.  Fuck, I care so much it hurts!” she cried, squeezing her eyes shut.  “But if you keep down this path, Billy, you know who you’re gunna end up like—?”
Billy’s silence was deafening, his blue eyes boring into her.  “Don’t you fucking say it.  Don’t you dare fucking say it,” he hissed, but Win set her jaw and spat it out.
“You’re gunna end up just like your father.”
She wasn’t ready for the look that crossed Billy’s face, the hurt in his eyes broke her heart in two before his rage returned, gripping her heart like a vice.
“FUCK YOU,” he roared, his finger jabbing at her like a viper.  “FUCK YOU, WIN.”
“Yeah,” she swallowed, a tear streaking down her cheek.  “Fuck me,” she whispered, her voice hard, fighting to keep it together though her lungs burned with the effort.
Billy gave her one last scathing look.  “We’re done,” he hissed, turning on his heel and stalking to the door.
“Yeah, we are…” she murmured, but he was already gone, her broken sobs following him into the night.
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⇾ taglist. @super-unpredictable98 @b1tchygh0sts @heartbreak-sandwich @santacarlahorrorshow @vampyreddiemunson @wherethewitchersare @elliethesuperfruitlover
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xanadontit · 2 years
I hope in my next life I’m a second marriage child/born to older parents who can’t seem to say no or stick to rules.
Yesterday my brother was trying to be nice and hang out because it was my birthday but it was obvious he wanted to hang out with his friends. I told him to go ahead and have fun because I don’t want him hating me and it’s not fun to have someone around who clearly doesn’t want to be there. Fine. One day he’ll understand how many hours I put in to making HIS birthday special even though being at a trampoline park with a bunch of feral children isn’t exactly my idea of a fun time but whatever! 
My dad got a text from the kid asking for Dad to front him some money for dinner since he and his friends decided to go out. My dad gave my stepmom the phone and told her to deal with it. Eventually it came out that they were at a pretty nice restaurant - like the kind of place my parents save for anniversaries and such because it’s kind of pricey! (E’s initial reaction was “He left the house in pajama pants - he’s not dressed for that place!” LMAO) After some back-and-forth my stepmom told him if he wanted to eat out he needed to pay for it. His choice, here’s a natural consequence. Fine.
Here’s what blew my mind during this entire interaction:
1) My brother never asked/told his parents he was going out for dinner (he was supposed to come home after the game) and that said dinner was in another town altogether. 
2) The fact that he asked for money to do something a) unnecessary and b) out of a teenager’s budget. I cannot imagine ever asking my mom for something like that? I definitely couldn’t ask my dad because sometimes he and my stepmom would move and forget to give me their new phone number.
3) Instead of saying “no, figure it out” my stepmom got into a whole conversation about why that restaurant and why did they go out. That’s a conversation for later. For now just shut it down. 
4) For people who have not insisted he get a job or sort out some way to earn money his parents seem awfully shocked he has not done this and doesn’t have a sense of responsibility when it comes to spending.
5) My stepmom was reluctant to admit she was on board with his. What if she isn’t the cool parent? Oh no.
There was lots of complaining about how he pulls this stuff or uses their money to pay for things (gas to go to Tahoe) and the obvious answer to me is “SAY NO” or give him a budget or fucking something aside from giving in and then being perplexed by his behavior and entitlement. I’m not thrilled at his behavior but if you haven’t heard “no” or at least “hey, we want you to be able to have fun but we won’t bankroll every activity - let’s talk about how you can earn money” why wouldn’t you ask? And come to expect to hear yes? 
I grew up around trust fund kids and BFF didn’t have a job until she was 30 years old and yet here I am still surprised by this shit. Amazing.
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maddieladner1999 · 1 year
Bad idea right? Chapter 8
I’m back. Sorry for the break. I forgot I was writing this and ran out of ideas. But I will finish it now. I’ve decided to do graduation first then the play.
Opening night is coming in the next week after the boys get home from New York so rehearsals are in full effect. They thankfully have already taken finals though so their full attention can be on the play. Or at least Ricky’s since EJ is in college and not in the play.
EJ’s had his ticket forever and cannot wait to see Ricky in action. Ricky is playing Peter Pan obviously. He’s kinda excited to watch. The fact that Ricky will be wearing tights helps. He’s worried about the flying though since it went so bad in rehearsals for beauty and the beast. Ricky hasn’t expressed concerned so they must have fixed it. He decides to give Ricky a quick call in between classes
Ricky: hey sweetheart what’s up
EJ: just thinking about you
Ricky: yeah? What made you do that this time?
EJ: remembering what happened with the harness in beauty and the beast and realizing you’ll have to wear one for Peter Pan
Ricky: oh yeah I can’t believe we haven’t had this conversation already
EJ: I had a lot on my mind before.
Ricky: fair. Well we did a lot of work on the harness to make sure it was stable before I even got in one then done practice runs before going for it.
EJ: so no issues then
Ricky: nope. We also always triple check the wires for any snapping for obvious reasons.
EJ: good. Wouldn’t want that to happen again
Ricky: nope. So is that all? I’m sure you have class I know I do.
EJ: yep last class of the semester before summer. Talk to you later baby
Ricky: don’t you forget it sweetheart. I love you
EJ: (laughing) love you too.
EJ hangs up and goes on to class.
Ricky also heads to his next class hoping to see EJ soon since he is done with school earlier than he is. When he’s not at school or at practice he can be with his sweetheart and he can’t wait for that moment. He goes to his next class which goes by way to slow until it’s time for rehearsal. It’s Thursday so they only have 2 more before the big night!
After having a good rehearsal with no harness problems, Ricky heads home. He just got used to the harness not being an issue and EJ’s got him all worried about it again. He knows EJ was just making sure he was ok but it doesn’t help his anxiety. It’s his last play and he wants it to go well especially since his boyfriend is coming. Last time was nice but they hadn’t been together long. Now it’s been a year. It’s crazy how far things have come. He’s almost through the door when he hears a familiar voice
Lynne: hey kid you home
Ricky: mom you’re early
Lynne: we’ll I was able to get off work early to come see my son’s last play and graduation
Ricky: yeah? That’s good. Still no boyfriend?
Lynne: I thought I’d take a better approach to introducing you so not here. You can meet him in Chicago this summer
Ricky: sounds good.
Lynne: is EJ coming? You are still dating EJ yeah?
Ricky: yes we’re still boyfriends. Yes he’s coming. He’ll be home tomorrow
Lynne: maybe you can invite him to dinner tomorrow night
Ricky: that’s a good idea. I’ll text him.
Ricky heads up to his room to drop off his stuff and grabs his phone to text EJ to invite him to dinner. He responds with a yes and he goes back downstairs. His dad has come home now and he’s talking to his mom. He doesn’t wanna seem like he’s eavesdropping so he just goes back to his room.
The next day Ricky is nervous still for the play but excited for EJ to come to dinner. School flies by pretty quickly. Graduation is tonight so the play can be tomorrow so he heads home to get ready for dinner. He’s greeted with a surprise when he gets home
EJ: hey baby. Miss me?
Ricky: you know I did. You look amazing. Your hair is literally perfection like that.
EJ: glad to see where your priorities lie. Why don’t you go get dressed. Dinner will be quick before the ceremony.
Ricky; be back in a few
Ricky gets dressed upstairs while EJ chats with Mr Bowen and Lynne. They mostly talk about Ricky but then there’s a turn in conversation
Mr. Bowen: so EJ what about your parents? Have you told them about Ricky?
EJ: no. But that’s mainly because my mom is dead and my dad and I aren’t on speaking terms
Lynne: oh I’m sorry for you loss. What happened with your dad if you don’t mind me asking?
EJ: it’s fine. The more I talk about it the more free I feel from him. My dad had these expectations for me to go to duke and after not getting in I was meant to go to the caswell business school to be like him. I decided to show him I can actually do things like directing frozen at shallow lake. He didn’t care. The documentary was a disaster and he was disappointed especially when I didn’t want to go to the school. So he cut me off, we no longer speak and I work way to many jobs to pay for college with scholarships as well obviously.
Mr. Bowen: that’s a lot of stuff you never should had to deal with
Lynne: I can’t believe a father would put his son through that
EJ: it is what it is. I get to be not only my true self but a better person without him. I don’t need him in my life
Lynne: you still deserve better
EJ: can’t change the past
Lynne: have you ever tried to mend the relationship?
EJ: I try to call all the time but every time I pick up the phone with the intention I just can’t.
Mr. Bowen: you shouldn’t have to reach out to him. He should reach out to you. You’re not the problem. He is. And he will realize it one day hopefully
EJ: I don’t know about that. But I don’t care. If he can’t accept my career choices I doubt he’ll accept my lifestyle ones.
Lynne: you don’t think he’d be ok with you being gay?
EJ: he was never a fan of me doing theatre. He’ll probably think those coincide and blame me for it. I’m always the problem to him even when it’s out of my control
Lynne: that’s so sad. You aren’t a problem EJ. You deserve better than that.
Mr. Bowen: yes you do. You may be dating our son but we’ll take care of you as our own at least on the advice front
EJ: that’s really nice thank you
Lynne: plus you’re staying with me and Ricky in Chicago for some of the summer. If you need anything let us know
EJ: thank you so much. I luckily haven’t made an enemy of my aunt and uncle though so I’m not totally alone.
Lynne: that’s good. Will they be there tonight? I’d love to meet them
Mr. Bowen: yeah me too.
EJ: yes they will. Ashlyn is their daughter, my cousin, they will be there to watch her walk too.
Lynne: lovely. Oh look here comes Ricky right on time.
Ricky: I didn’t take too long did I?
Mr. Bowen: maybe. We’ve been busy chatting with EJ
They all head to the car.
Ricky: you’ve been talking with my boyfriend? about what?
Lynne: his family problems
Ricky: oh. Yeah he’s been through a-lot.
EJ: yes I have and now that it’s all on the table can we go eat please? I don’t want to be late to graduation tonight.
Mr. Bowen: right we should get going.
They all get in the car and head to the restaurant for dinner. They inform the staff they are in a bit of a rush since graduation is tonight so the waiters can rush their entrees that they order quickly.
After dinner they bring Ricky to school so he can get his cap and gown and they head to the bleachers on the football field so they can find seats. EJ brings them to his aunt and uncle so they can have the meeting they asked for and they decide to sit there. The ceremony starts soon. They cheer really loud when Ricky’s name is called and after the ceremony is over they go find him to take pictures.
After they take a billion pictures with Ricky and his friends and boyfriend of course, they head home. EJ has been invited to stay the night as long as they keep it PG. when the boys get upstairs they shower quickly and get in bed. After a few glee episodes, now halfway through season 3, the boys go to sleep.
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viaalterego · 1 year
thank you @gummybugg for the tag! This is my first time doing this so it might sound strange. but this was a fun idea! hope to do more in the future! so without further ado here it the AM I THE A***HOLE for my WIP "Counting the Days Till Im Yours"
Am I the A**Hole for tricking the guy I look up to in to becoming my brother? ( I think not, but this is what reddits for amiright?)
I ,a very mature person, (16M) may have decived or tricked some randome Guy (21M) in to becoming my bruthor. An rn hes in the car w e as we head back to my place. And you might be wondrn, howd the hell did I get here…
So heres the story,
In my defense his fam is filled to the brim with uncaring a**holes and so I thought if no ones gunna care for dis guy, I will. My bruthor (19M) and Dad (very old) both laughed and said that I was too young to adopting people. But this Guy is so cool, he can play a giture and can write music and hes in collage but apperntly hes thinking about dropping out after the spring semester bc he keeps saying that his prof is an evil man that’s out to get him and he keeps tellinhim that he’ll amount to nothin if he “doesn’t get his act together”. (I told him that his prof sounds like a dummy, but for some reason he chooses to believes the b******) This Guy is so freaking amazing tho. Like at one point, There were some  stuid older kids who chased me down the road a couple of times  after school and Guy would always run out of work (a small groceries mart) to chase them off! Hed use his break time to check on me and wed hang out in the park for a bit. I think hes a really good person and that he desseves so much more… when I toldmy family, they both agreed that wi… Guy deserves a better life. But we knew that hed wouldnt want to come with us so, Dad used the same tackcit he used for my broher and i. Just wait… until th time was right.
And tured out we didn’t have to wait long… it was February and Dad got a notification that Guy had run of from his apartment only minutes after hed made it home ( dad instaled some cameras near his house so we could check uo on him) hed run to the park in panic. Now, ive seen im upset before, but this wasa brand new and at that moment, we all realized that the time was right. So I went ot Guy just to see if was okay, while my brother and Dad prepared for to take im home. And it happened!!
Im in the car sirtting right next to im rn with him. Hes asleep rn ( probly from whatever my brother gave him) so he doent know abou any of this . an ******* amazing urpise if you ask me! But we had to tie him up a bit bc Dad said that he “might panic and lose his **** once it wore of”. But im not too worried. He knows that I care about him, and now my brother and Dad want him to be apart of our family to! So not only does he get an new family I get a new brother out of this too. But…
Tbh he looked really scared when we went to meet him and when we stopped at a motel for he night (he did wake up) and still freaked the ***** out. Dad was able to put him back to sleep tho before  he was able to hurt himself. I couldn’t help but feel bad… like what if I got the wrung Idea and he hates me for it?? What if he doent see me as a brother as well?? What if he hates??
Oh wer  almost home! Cant have my “brother” wake up to a lil insecure baby now can we.
So I will leave this up to you internet people or Redditers, as ive heard it called.
Am I the A**Hole here??
PS… Oh and I will update!
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nella09archive · 1 year
Marriage. 4
Chapter 4: Year 1. Part 1
When we went back to the castle, I was ready to do anything my father told me to do. Instead he didn’t tell me anything. I asked him, and he said I could do whatever I wanted, as long as I stood home. I agreed and went to one of our courtyards. I decided that I should train, and keep my body focus. Cause you never know what could happen. It was long into my training that someone came looking for me. They told me that my father had summoned me.
When I came to my father’s chambers he was standing on the balcony. I went to join him, and I saw he had a huge smile. “It’s over.” I looked at him confused. “Kings Piccolo has been defeated. He’s dead.” I felt my face break out into a smile. That evil monster is gone.
“Goku did it, daddy!” I ran into dad’s arms and hugged him. I felt a great relief wash over me. This was just the greatest news, ever! During the next few next days, everything was quiet, too quiet.
Whenever I asked the house maids, where’s my father, they always respond. “In his room, young lady.”
After a week of him in his room I finally confront him. “Daddy? What’s the matter?” I walked into his room. Come to find out it’s pitch black, everything is close. I walk up to one of the windows and pulled back the curtains. “Dad, what is wrong with you?” As I walked over to the bed, I notice the many wine bottles on his night stand. What is going on with my father?
As I walked up to the stand to clear off the bottles, I found a calendar with a date marked. When I read it closely it said, “Happy Anniversary.” I was left speechless. No wonder around this time dad always seemed to be the sadness. I tried waking him up. After a few tries it did. We went down for some lunch, since was around that time.
We then spent the day walking in one of the gardens. After dinner I made him promise that he wouldn’t drink that heavily anymore. After a month of trying to get back to normal, dad surprised me. “Chichi.”
“Yes daddy.”
“So, do you still want to train?” I nodded my head, and silently hope he meant it. “Ok, so I will train you heavily.” I started to jump with excitement. “But.” I stopped and looked at my dad. “When you turn 18 you would truly consider finding a husband, and learn what it takes to rule a kingdom.” I was shocked.
“But… But… But what about Goku, daddy?”
“I’ll think about it. If he shows up.” I just can’t believe what I’m hearing. Is dad being for real?
“But what about the promise, dad?”
“You were children then, you aren’t anymore. And if you don’t marry before your 19th birthday, I will choose your husband.” I really can’t believe this. I was left speechless. This is insane. I ran past him and towards my room. “Pack your bags, we leave at dawn.” Those were the last words I hear before I reached the top of the stairs.
Once in my room, I lock the door and fall on my bed. I hug my pillow tight as I try thinking of a plan to get out of this. Then I remembered that the next martial arts tournament way before my birthday. Maybe I can enter and bring Goku back with me. YES! That’s a great idea. I just won’t tell dad, or he’ll try to stop me. I then got up from bed and grabbed my dairy, and wrote my plan down. Nothing is going to stop me now.
After days in and out training seem to start having a pattern. A boring, lifeless pattern. During the first month it was interesting. Then I was starting to get the hang of the training till Mr. Popo gave me a sparring partner. He too was lifeless. I love the training, but there’s nothing up here. I’m not even allowed to look down to earth, and catch a glimpse at what my friends are doing. I understand I can’t go down there to see them personally, but not even being able to look down at earth in general?
The sky doesn’t have clouds to watch. The place feels so empty. And it’s way too quiet for my taste. But the good thing about this place, is at night, under the endless stars. Sometimes I would lay back after a hard day of training, and watch the stars.
Ok, time to get back to it. I spent too much time daydreaming. Let’s go through the motion one more time. I hope the bell doesn’t ring this time… Nope. After lunch another spar session with my other self. I think I’m getting the hang of this life energy business… Nope. The next day was time to train in a different time. I wonder where I’ll go next. This type of training is always exciting.
Days turn to weeks, weeks into months. Before I knew it, it had been 6 months, and I was taking one of my rest days. I decided to meditate; one of those new habits I was starting to develop. As I meditated a weird smell caught my attention. I opened my eyes, then the smell was gone. I was confused, but chose to ignore it. I closed my eyes again to meditate, again that weird smell. This time I kept my eyes closed and tried to figure out the smell.
It almost smelt of apples, with a hint of flower and smoke. What a funny combination. The more I tried to focus on this smell the calmer I was feeling. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. When I opened my eyes, I saw Mr Popo trying to catch my attention. “Goku. Why did you fall asleep?”
“I’m not sure, Mr. Popo.” I stated confused.
So, instead of being sent to my sleeping courters, Mr. Popo figured I slept enough to start tomorrow’s training earlier. What a bummer. The rest of the night into the next day I train heavily. When night had fallen again and I went to my room I had a weird thought. Maybe that smell from yesterday, I smelt it somewhere before. Maybe I know someone with that scent. As I was falling asleep, that scent teased my nose once more. Instead of reacting to it, I let it smother me as I fell asleep.
The next morning when I woke, I felt something weird in my pants. When I took off the covers, I saw something poking under my pants. When I pulled my pants down come to find out it was that my wiener was hard. I actually panicked, this never happened before. I was in between asking Mr. Popo or marking it down as a one-time thing. I marked it as a one-time thing.
During the rest of that day it was hard to focus, since my thoughts kept coming back to what happened this morning. After lunch, before I started my afternoon training, I finally got the nerve to ask Mr. Popo what could this mean. I went up to him and asked what does it mean to have a hard wiener. He looked at me confused. I then pointed to my lower region and repeated my question.
It felt like my cheeks were on fire as I waited for an answer. At first, he gave a light chuckle. Great! He’s laughing at me. He then told me that’s normal for a growing body. I then asked him, why does it happen? Sadly, he did not have an answer to that. I’ll add this to a list of things I’ll ask one of my friends, when I see them again.
So back to my afternoon. As I started to do some warms, I noticed Kami was speaking to Mr. Popo. What concerned me was I was able to hear a good chunk of their conversation before they went deeper into the temple. Why did Mr. Popo tell Kami about my little problem? And why did Kami react like that was something completely new to him? To top it off, why did Mr. Popo feel the need to speak to Kami away from me? I hate when they do that sometimes. Like what could they possibly be hiding.
Once warmups were done I started to get into my rhythm I had forgotten about the whole ordeal. As I practiced my kata I have failed to notice that it had gotten dark. It’s when Mr. Popo called for my attention that I began to noticed the dark sky.
As I ate dinner Kami showed himself. He spoke with Mr. Popo while I ate. I was paying them no mind. After I took my last bite is when Kami addressed me. “Goku, it has come to my attention that you might be lacking in education.”
“Um, what do you mean?”
“Other than martial arts did you ever got schooled?” I looked at him confused for a moment till I remembered when I was first training under Master Roshi. I told him how Master Roshi would site Krillin and I to do some reading and counting. Even go as far as trying to solve problems. It was super hard, and Krillin was always better at it than me. But I didn’t put much thought into that.
“I see. So as of tomorrow, every afternoon you would study. And Mr. Popo will teach you things, that’s not martial arts.” I was about to whine till he held up a hand. “That is final. Do I make myself clear?” I nodded and looked down at my empty plate.
That night as I tried to fall asleep that scent hit my nose again. I, again, let it smother me as I fell asleep. Once again in the morning, I had a hard wiener. That’s twice now, and it didn’t help Mr. Popo saying it’s normal. It hurts to peep like this. So, to take my mind off it, I tried mediating. That kind of worked.
This morning I was sparring against myself, just great. Even though I gotten better at the life energy thing, I still wasn’t always beating that doll. Since I was in a frustrated mood, due to this morning, I decided to make the spar session a game. If I could land 3 kicks and 3 punches, before lunch, I’ll count that as a success. And so, it began.
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Breakable Heaven | Chapter Three: Emails
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Summary: Andy logs onto her dad's computer and steals the email of his resident genius.
Warnings: mature themes, flirting, Haley making assumptions, canon typical violence (plot points and script from season 1 episode 1)
Word count: 4.3k
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The first thing she did when she got home that night was sneak into her dad's home office. Haley was in the master bedroom, on the other side of the second floor, so she wouldn’t hear the door creak as Andy pushed it open. 
Her dad wasn’t the best with technology, so his password to his computer was on a sticky note beside the screen. She types it in, waits for the desktop to load and then finds his email. 
“Search bar, search bar, ah,” she mumbles to herself while she works. “S-p-e-n there he is. [email protected]... w?” She wonders what his middle name could possibly be, but either way, she had his email now. 
She logs off, turns the monitor off and shuts the door behind herself, hoping it looked like she was never in there. She skips down the hall to Haley's room, knocking lightly before she pushes the door open, “I’m home.” 
“How was it?” She smiles, putting her book down and sitting up more. 
“Really good,” she can’t stop smiling. “The girls and I danced for hours, I’m exhausted.” 
“I’m glad, you deserve some fun with all the work you do,” she praises. “Did you need help with the zip again?” 
“Oh, yeah,” she walks over to the side of the bed and sits, letting Haley undo the clip and pull the zipper down. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome,” she pats her shoulder when she’s done. “Have a good sleep, honey. Oh, and your dads gone to Seattle for a case, so I don’t think he’ll be back tonight, can you lock up?” 
“I already did,” she admits with a smile, “I saw Morgan run out of Joe’s a while ago, so I figured they had something come up.” 
“Did Reid not go?” She looks disappointed for Andy. 
She shakes her head, looking as disappointed as possible, “no, I didn’t see him.” It’s not like she hasn’t lied to Haley before, it just felt weird every time she did. 
“I’m sure you’ll see him again soon,” Haley gives her a halfhearted smile. “Make sure you have some water and take a Tylenol, you’ll thank me tomorrow.”
She laughs, “thanks, goodnight,” she waves before closing the bedroom door. 
Her dads house was big, paid for mostly by the FBI to get him to move back to Virginia to take this job, it was more like a mansion than a house. They had a lot more money now than when she was a kid, it made her excited for her little brother. He’d never have to worry about asking for a new pair of shoes or have to reuse the same backpack 2 years in a row. He wouldn’t be the only kid on the field trip there for free because their dad talked the principal into letting her go… because it really wouldn’t be fair for her to see all the kids go on a 3 day trip without her all because her dad didn’t have an extra $160 that month cause he was freshly out of law school and drowning in debt. 
In her room, she slips out of her dress and hangs it back on a hanger, it still smells like Spencer and his apartment, like old books and gain laundry detergent… it was very him and she loved it. 
She gets into some fresh pj’s and she takes her laptop out,  it takes forever to load the internet, but she eventually gets to her email and she’s able to send one to Spencer. 
Andy: Do you ever check your emails? 
Dr. Reid: I’m contractually obligated to, yes. How’d you get my email address? 
His blackberry dings in his pocket just before take-off, he knows he shouldn’t have his phone out, but he reads her messages anyway.
Andy: I logged onto my dads computer and found it. Seeing as I don’t have your phone number, I can’t just go to Quantico every time I want to talk to you. 
He smiles, of course, she would break into her dads home office to talk to him. 
“Spencer, phone off,” Hotch’s voice rips him out of it. 
He hides his phone, “yes sir, sorry.” 
“I’ve never seen you answer emails…” Derek catches on. “What is it?” 
“Nothing serious, my mom has access to a computer now so I get emails from her sometimes.” 
“It’s the middle of the night?” 
“It’s only 10 pm in Vegas,” he corrects him. 
They drop it, preparing for take-off. He buckles up, sends a simple prayer to whatever's out there and he closes his eyes as the wheels leave the tarmac. He’ll never get used to flying, especially when he knew that a large portion of aviation accidents happened in private planes, like the one they used at work. It scared him more than he’d like to admit. 
It feels like forever before the seatbelt sign turns off and he can take his phone out again, just as he’s about to, files are handed out for briefing and starting their profile. 
“Reid, you’re up,” Gideon lets him take point. 
“His first victim was 26-year-old Melissa Kirsch, stab wounds, strangulation—
“Okay, wait, wait, back up, backup,” Derek stops him before he can dig too far in the file. “He stabbed her, then strangled her to finish her off?” 
“Other way around,” Gideon corrects him. “Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder?” 
“Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe. He tried, probably found that it took too long and—
“So he stabbed her instead,” Derek understands now. Cutting Spencer off so he wouldn’t look like the only one in the room who didn’t get it. 
“And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood,” Hotch adds. 
“So the next time, our boys got a method, the belt.”
Gideon nods and turns to him, proud, “he’s learning. Perfecting his scenario. Becoming a better killer.” 
The words make his spine shiver. Even if they did end up catching this monster, there were still 49 just like him roaming around the united states, just waiting for their next perfect kill. 
He used to wonder what would lead a man to pick his perfect target, was it just a perfect opportunity or were they all planned. He’s grown to know the answer was much more fucked up than he hoped. A lot of the time they looked like the subject of their rage, often a mother, ex-partner, their child… 
“The two victims don’t look very similar,” Spencer points out. Flipping between the photos. “Do you think they’re more victims of opportunity?” 
“Possibly,” Hotch takes a look at the victim's again too. “He went from a brunette to blondes then back to brunette, another blonde and now a red-head.”
“What would possibly convince all those different women into the same man’s car?” Spencer asks. 
“They’re high-risk victims, he abducts them in broad daylight without a fight, he conceals them for 3 days and then he dumps them publicly,” Derek recounts, “he has to have a job where they trust him. A cab service maybe?” 
“Call Garcia, have her look into it,” Hotch directs him. “Till then, catch up on some rest.” 
Spencer takes that as his chance to email Andy back, he turns away from Hotch, he takes his phone back out and types back a quick message. 
Dr. Reid: Even if I gave you my number, I can’t text on my phone.
Every few minutes he refreshes his inbox, and the light from his phone illuminates his part of the cabin. No one else is asleep yet, they probably wouldn’t sleep, too busy thinking of possible scenarios for the case, but now they also wondered who he was talking to. 
They don’t ask again, but they keep looking at him every time he checks. Even though it was the middle of the night, and Andy had been busy all day and she had a few drinks… she probably went to bed when he didn’t answer her right away. 
So he gives in, he slides his phone into his bag and he closes his eyes with a deep sigh, and then a yawn. 
She’s only been up for a few minutes, but she’s already logged onto her computer to see if he messaged her back. Staring at the screen with only one eye open as she typed her response.
Andy: thats a shame, you should get one of those new blackberry’s then we can BBM
She moves her laptop to the side and throws the covers off, completely forgetting when she actually went to sleep last night, she woke up in the same position she laid down in originally… 
By the time she’s done her morning routine in the bathroom and back in her bed, Spencer’s sent her a pretty lengthy reply.
Dr. Reid: everyone’s wondering why I keep checking my email on my work blackberry every 20 minutes. Legally I’m not allowed to use BBM on this one, it’s in my contract. But I can see if I can get a new one when I’m done with this case. 
I had to go get Gideon from the college and they’re making him go back into the field today, I’m sure you know what happened… I’m not sure if he’s ready, he’s really on edge today, we have only a few hours left to find this girl, so if I don’t answer you, that’s why. 
I’ll email you when I’m on my way back if you’d like? Not sure how much contact is too much contact… so this email is probably already too much, but, it’s nice talking to you. 
It makes her smile uncontrollably, it was so incredibly nice to talk with him. Like having a best friend but better. 
Andy: you can email me as many times as you want. I genuinely really like talking to you too. I heard the president and the secret service use BBM cause it can’t be hacked, is that true? I feel like that’s a little fact you’d know. 
I really enjoyed our time yesterday, if we had more time I would’ve liked to talk a bit more but what happened instead was nice. I’d like to see you again sometime soon, but my exams start this week. I have 2 finals, a paper and 1 more lab to finish. Masters degrees are no joke… I can’t believe you have 3 Ph.D.’s… how did you not die of stress? Is your heart okay?
She hits send before she can go too far and embarrass herself. She really wanted to tell him that he could have hers. But she had to hold back. 
This was just a fun thing between two young adults, she wanted to help him experience the wonders of womanhood while also having a few pay-off moments for herself… If no one got murdered last night, she might have had one of them. 
But he’s a busy boy. He’s the BAU’s golden child, their new shiny toy, so he couldn’t always reply right away. After about 40 minutes of refreshing and googling him in the meantime, she makes her way down to the kitchen for breakfast. 
“Mornin’, hun,” Haley smiles, behind the counter mixing a bowl of ingredients. “I woke up needing waffles, do you want some?” 
“Sure,” she takes a seat at the counter. “Do you want me to do it, you shouldn’t be walking around?” 
She shrugs, “I don’t think I need to be… I’m not going to go into early labour, and if I did, it’s probably because he’s measuring a lot bigger than he should be. Who knows when I got pregnant, anyway… the last time we tried, Aaron was so horny all the time—”
“Ew,” she doesn’t want to hear more. 
“After the night you had, you’re going to say ew?” She teases, giving her a knowing smirk. 
“What do you mean?” Andy goes whiter than a sheet of paper, feeling like Spencer caved and the news had already traveled back home. 
“You smelled like sex and someones cologne, your lipstick was gone, I didn’t do the little clip up at the back of your dress when I sent you out and yet you came home with it clipped up…” Haley has clearly spent too much time with her dad, now she’s able to profile too. 
She stutters, trying to think of something to say, but there’s nothing. She slowly grows more embarrassed, the colour comes back to her cheeks, flushing a deep magenta. 
“So, who was he?” Haley gets back to cooking, pouring the batter onto the waffle iron. 
“I can’t tell you,” she whispers. “Because I know you tell my dad everything even if I asked you not to, and I really want to keep this to myself for a bit…” 
“Is it a girl?” Haley whispers. “Oh, I’m sorry. Aaron told me this might happen, it’s okay, you can come out when you’re ready and I’ll just pretend it’s new information.” 
She laughs, a little too hard, “what?” 
“Well, with you playing softball and curling… and after Peter, there weren’t any boys around but you were sneaking out, plus Jasmine smiles at you a lot when she’s here…” 
“I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I like girls like that yet… but no, it wasn’t a girl I went home with last night.” 
It’s a weird sentence to say, she never thought it would be something brought up in her house… it was a common misconception at school, being called Andy and wearing suits more than dresses to interviews and events. She’s been hit on by female agents at the bar, she’s debated it, but when it all came down to it, it was the agent part and not the female part that made her say no. 
“Oh,” Haley’s almost disappointed. “Well, I just hope he’s nice to you and that you’re safe.” 
“If you told him it was a girl I was seeing, do you think he’d be less insane this time?” 
Haley shrugs, a puzzled look on her face, “there’s really no telling… just wait for Jack to be born and then he might not have enough time to stress over your boyfriends.” 
“Jack?” She hasn’t heard them use a name for her new brother yet. 
She nods, “we’re still debating on if we want just Jack or Jackson, but that will be his name.” 
“I love it,” she doesn’t mind either way. Jack sounded like the name of her brother, it fit perfectly. “Speaking of little baby Jack, would you be okay with me making a mural in his room?” 
“As long as you run the idea by your father or me first, sure,” she doesn’t mind. “It’s less painting for me to do.” 
“Exactly, I want to do the whole room if you’d let me, as a gift from me to you,” she poses. “When I get back from school full time, I wanted to go to IKEA and get some things and see if Jas or even Spencer and Derek could come over and help me put it all together, it would be a group effort to make sure little Jack has the best room and you don’t strain yourself.” 
“As long as I can organize the closet.” 
“Of course,” Andy laughs. “I wouldn’t ruin your nesting phase for you.” 
“You really are the perfect step daughter,” Haley hands her the first plate of home made waffles, as well as a fork, knife and the syrup. 
“I’m really excited to be a sister too, genuinely,” she makes sure Haley see’s it in her face. “I’ve wanted this just as long as you have.” 
“I’m glad,” she tries not to cry, rubbing her tummy. “I’m really glad he’ll have you.” 
“Did you get an address on Linder?” Hotch comes barrelling through the office. 
“It’s coming through now,” he answers, monotoned, bored, tired. He hates the sound of the fax machine but it was his duty as the youngest on the team. Some might even call him their bitch… a lot of people did actually. 
His reason for joining the team was to give Gideon an excuse to come back, to entice him with files and build a trust that made him follow Spencer into the field. He knew he was important and yet no one else really saw it. 
Before hotch can walk too far from him, he grabs his attention. “Does senior management want a field assessment of Gideon?” He asks, wondering if he had to write a part of it or not. 
Hotch stops, turns around and walks stressfully close to Spencer. In his personal space bubble, he stands tall and looks down at him, “don’t worry about it.” 
Something in him makes him want to fight back, “are you nervous about him being in charge?” 
“Aren’t you on you’re way back to Slessman’s house to help Morgan?” He shoots back with anger in his tone. 
They turn away from each other quickly, but Spencer can’t let it go. He calls to Hotch, feeling like he deserves some semblance of respect with all the work he does on the team. “Do you know why he always introduces me as Doctor Reid?” 
The same name Hotch’s daughter called him last night. 
Aaron stops dead in his tracks and turns to Spencer, sighing because he knows he’s right. “Because he knows that people see you as a kid and he wants to make sure they respect you.” 
He takes a moment to stare into his eyes, asserting his own dominance, agreeing with what he said. He smiles slightly, it’s a silent thank you that Aaron understands. 
“What’s the address?” 
He glances at the page, reading it in its entirety in a matter of seconds, “I don’t think it matters anymore, he died in a car accident 2 months ago…” 
Aaron sighs, “I’ll call Elle, you get to Derek. Double time it.” 
“Yes sir,” Spencer nods, he immediately starts packing his bag and heads for the door. There’s a Seattle officer leaving at the same time as him, “excuse me,” he stops them.
“Yeah?” The man turns to him. 
“Any chance you can drive me to Slessman’s house?” 
He nods, “that’s on my patrol, hop in.” 
He’s used to being in cars with strangers now, it’s a big part of the job. He was chauffeured around between crime scenes and police stations, he has seen the same beige bricked walls in almost every state in America and the inside of every cruiser too. 
On the ride over, he takes his blackberry back out and he reads the last email from Andy. 
“I can’t believe you have 3 Ph.D.’s… how did you not die of stress? Is your heart okay?”
If he was being honest, he’d reply that his heart was defecting… it was in another place while he was in Seattle trying to save a woman he didn’t know. 
Dr. Reid: my heart is fine, thank you for the concern. It was a lot of work, but luckily I didn’t have these kinds of distractions back then… 
But you asked me a question. Yes, I do believe we’re allowed to speak with other government officials through the blackberry messenger app, but not with civilians. So, if you somehow can get a job with the president this summer, then we can talk. 
I also wanted to say I hope I’m not taking away from your study time? If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know, I actually know a fair bit about psychology. I know, that’s a big surprise to you (sarcasm if you can’t read that) but I mean it, I’d drop everything to help you study if you asked. 
Andy: correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you have a woman to save? My homework isn’t that important, focus on her and then me, I’d really like to hear about the case and how you figured it out later, maybe if you gave me your number we could talk on the phone instead… 
It doesn’t take much time for her to respond. It’s mere moments before he’s reading her words again. 
“Someone special you go there?” The officer asks, referring to his head buried in his phone. 
“You can say that,” he blushes. “It’s new, I really like her.” 
“I hope it all works out, kid,” he’s nice about it. He has an energy that makes Spencer feel like he can trust him. “Especially in this line of work, you need a nice lady you can go home to and fall back on… someone who doesn’t see you as weak when you’re affected by it, someone who just supports you through it.” 
He smiles at the thought, “thanks, I think I found that in her.” 
Dr. Reid: we apprehended a suspect, pretty sure he’s working with someone, we just need to find out who. The new girl on our team, Elle, actually caught him, it was really cool. 
It’s getting late here, we’re very close to figuring it all out. I’m on my way to help Derek crack the unsubs password to his computer, I think your dad was just tired of seeing me so now I’m being sent here. I’ll try and talk to you more later, hopefully, we get a hotel after the case so I can rest, and maybe call you? I miss your voice. 
702-555-0103 (in case you felt the same) 
She adds his number to her phone as soon as she reads his email. 
The smile on her face makes her feel like she’s 13 again and the backstreet boys were releasing a new single… she hasn’t been this giddy over a boy in years and it honestly felt so freeing. Spending time with Spencer was more rewarding than she ever imagined it would be. 
She thinks about him all day. Little things in her homework remind her of him and his list of degrees, there’s little facts she’s learning about the human brain that she’d love to pick his about. She see’s his face in her day dreams, the thought of his smile is enough to make her beam with joy. 
Even though there’s large gaps between contact and her heart yearns for him, she just can’t wait until they get to talk again. 
She goes to bed thinking about future dates with him, the things she’d like to do to him, both clean and dirty, her mind travelled through a million universes where they were happy and together and it worked out for them. 
He’s the first thought in her mind when she wakes up the next morning too, way too early, she checks her phone to see it’s 7 am on a Sunday and there’s no reason for her to be up. 
But she checks her email anyway. 
Dr. Reid: we caught the other unsub just a few hours after you sent that. We have a bunch of work left to do, but we should be flying home soon. I’m in my hotel room now, I get to sleep for 3 hours before the plane home, if you’re awake, give me a call.
He only sent that 24 minutes ago, there was a good chance he was still awake, so she dials his number and hits call. 
It rings twice and then he’s there. 
She can hear the smile on his face and her heart stops, he feels just the same way she did… which meant he might want her more than a friend too… more than a best friend even…  
Being Spencer Reid’s lover would be really nice. 
“Spence,” she uses his nickname too. “How are you?” 
“Tired,” he admits. “Exhausted, actually. I haven’t slept since Thursday night.” 
“Oh my god, Spence?” She worries for him, sitting straight up in her bed with a hand on her heart. “That’s not healthy at all, you need to get some sleep soon?” 
“But I missed you?” 
“That’s cute but after prohibiting your brain from sleeping for 36 hours, serious symptoms can arise, it’s not healthy,” the psychology student in her jumped out. 
“Talk to me until I fall asleep then?” He whispers. She can hear rustling like he’s shuffled down his bed and adjusted his head on the pillow. “Isn’t it early for you too? Shouldn’t you get more sleep?” 
“Okay, mister—
“Doctor,” he corrects her. “You know, I pissed your dad off today, well, yesterday actually, and reminded him I was a doctor…” 
“What did you do?” She can’t help but wonder. 
“He was treating me like a kid, thinking I didn’t know what was going on with Gideon and Strauss… It annoyed me so I snapped back and asked him why Gideon always introduces me as Doctor Reid.” 
“And why does he?” Andy ponders. 
“Because people see me as a kid and I deserve respect,” he states it very clearly, he’s stern and affirming, it’s worthy of respect. 
“You’re hot when you stand up for yourself,” she praises him. 
“Don’t turn me on, I need to sleep, remember?” 
It makes her laugh, “I know, I know… it’s too bad we can’t have a sleepover.”
“I know,” he agrees, “you’re very cuddly and soft. And you smell good.” 
“So do you,” she can’t stop smiling. Flirting with him like this, miles and miles away from one another, but still affecting the other's heart like they were beating side by side. 
He hums, “you’re right…” 
“36 hours…” he yawns, “‘m sleepy.” 
She sighs, relaxing into her bed with her phone pressed to her ear, “go to sleep, Spence, I’ll talk to you when you wake up.” 
“Okay, angel,” he whispers, and then he’s out. 
His breathing changes, it almost sounds like he’s snoring, but she can’t bring herself to hang up. She just listens, stuck in the moment… he really called her angel, as if being with him wasn’t heaven enough. 
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slutforapsycho · 3 years
Request for 103 with Rafe 💗💗
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#103: “Come here and sit on my face. I’ll show you just how much I missed you.” (rafe x reader smut)
WARNINGS: oral + fingering (fem receiving), dirty talk, spanking, choking, mentions coke cause it’s Rafe, that’s it?
Thank you so much for requesting!! I’m sorry it took me so long to finish it :/ I got the worst case of writers block for the ending, but it’s finally done! Hope you like it! :)
“Top we gotta hang this up before Rafe gets back. What’s a fucking welcome home party without a damn banner?”, you said, getting frustrated with the lack of help you were receiving. What was supposed to be two or three days in Nassau turned into two weeks with his dad.
“Woah Y/N relax. Rafe isn’t due home for a few more hours. Let’s just wait till Kelce gets here and he can help me.”, he said, clearly not understanding why you were so stressed. “Besides, I don’t think anyone’s ever thrown him a “welcome home party” before, so I’m sure he’ll love it.”
You were right. Topper didn’t understand. That was exactly why you felt the need to throw him this party. No one has ever cared about Rafe enough to do this for him. No ones ever missed him enough to welcome him home with a little get together. So, that’s why it needed to be perfect. He deserved it.
“You don’t get it Topper. Just get Kelce here ASAP.”, you said, rolling your eyes and walking away to find Wheezie. She was supposed to be setting up some balloons on the back porch, but when you got back there all of the balloons were hung up and even a few streamers as well. As grateful as you were for her help, you needed to find her. You had left your phone with Wheezie so that you wouldn’t misplace it, but now you needed to call your boyfriend’s drug dealer.
Obviously you weren’t going to score Rafe some coke, but when you offered Barry gas money to pick you up some liquor for the party, he couldn’t pass that up. You even bought a little bit of weed off of him, which gave him some more incentive to help you out. Normally, you wouldn’t encourage his destructive behavior, but after two weeks stuck in Nassau with his dad, you knew Rafe was going to need to unwind. None of that was going to happen though, if you couldn’t find the youngest Cameron. You cursed them for having such a huge house because there wasn’t time for you to continue searching for her, so you quickly made your way to their parlor to see if the boys were able to hang your banner.
When you approached the front of the house, you heard loud talking and laughter. You were getting ready to scold everyone for messing around, but you turned the corner and immediately went speechless. They were all talking to Rafe. But…he’s not supposed to be home for a few more hours.
You immediately started tearing up. The party wasn’t perfect yet. You wanted it to be perfect, for him, so that he knew how much you cared about him, but nope, here he was, standing a few feet in front of you, home hours before he was supposed to be. It wasn’t that you weren’t happy to see him. You were beyond happy that he was home. The two of you had been attached at the hip since you started dating and had never spent more than two or three days away from each other, but nonetheless your feet stayed planted on the floor. It was like you were frozen. Part of you wanted to run over there, jump on his back, interrupt his conversation with Topper, and kiss him till your lips fell off. The other part of you wanted to run upstairs and cry in your wheaties, but before you had the chance to decide Topper decided for you.
“Hey, there she is! The girl who organized it all.”, he said, nodding in your direction. Rafe turned around and a smile immediately spread across his face. He made his way over to you and lightly picked you up by your waist, not noticing the look of defeat on your face.
“Missed you Angel.”, he whispered into your hair, giving you a kiss on the head. The way he held you, his kind words, and his intoxicating scent made you momentarily forget about your disappointment. You had missed him even more than you realized.
“Missed you more Rafey.”, you whispered back, giving him a small peck on the crook of his neck. “Sorry about all this.”, you said, hoping he wouldn’t be disappointed by the fact that it wasn’t finished. His face contorted in confusion and he immediately set you down. He grabbed you by the shoulders and started reading your features, trying to understand why you were apologizing. This was so thoughtful of you and it made his heart flutter just knowing that you cared enough about him to do something so sweet. So, why were you sorry?
He figured it wasn’t something you wanted to talk about with all of your friends watching, so he ushered you upstairs after telling them to start the party without him for now. His hand sat on the small of your back as he guided you up the stairs. The sweet gesture momentarily made you forget about your disappointment. He leaned down to whisper in your ear again as he led you up the stairs.
“You look stunning Angel.”, he said, admiring the effort you put in to make every detail perfect. Including wearing Rafe’s favorite outfit on you. You blushed, suddenly becoming shy, even though you did wear the dress to get his attention.
“Thank you baby.”, you replied, equally as quiet as he led you down the hall and into his room. The way he was acting towards you was making you antsy. Even after almost three years of dating, he still could get you feeling some type of way so easily. He held the door open for you, momentarily removing his hand from you to shut the door. When he turned back around to look at you, you were still facing away from the door and he furrowed his brow.
“Is something wrong sweetheart?”, he asked, walking over to stroke your arm and slowly turn you around. You tilted your head down to try and keep Rafe from seeing the tears forming, but he was quick to put his finger under your chin to force you to look at him. When he seen your tear filled eyes, he took your arm in his hand and walked you towards the bed. He sat down first and quickly pulled you into his lap with your legs draped over the side of his. Even in your current state and even though you weren’t straddling him, you couldn’t help the heat that took over your body at the feeling of being so close to him.
“Come on baby girl. It’s just me. I got you. Tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.”, he said, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear and caressing your cheek. You sighed and looked down at your hands.
“I just wanted everything to be perfect for you. You always do so much for me and I don’t know, I guess I just wanted you to know how much I missed you, but it got screwed up. I’m sorry baby.”, you said, resting your head on his shoulder. His heart skipped a few beats at your words, but the perverted part of his brain started to take over. You had done all of this for him? Spread yourself so thin just so you could show him how much you missed him? A smirk appeared on his face as he thought of a way he could return the favor.
“My sweet, sweet girl, you didn’t have to put yourself through all of this just to show me that you missed me.”, Rafe said, giving you a kiss on the cheek and sliding you to sit on the bed. He lightly scooted back and was getting ready to voice his idea, but you spoke up first.
“But I wanted to. Sure, I could tell you that I miss you until pigs fly, but you deserve to be shown. Not just told. Words don’t mean a lot if there aren’t actions to back it up.”, you said, huffing in frustration. Before you could say anything else, Rafe grabbed your hand to get your attention. You turned your head around to look at him and realized he was laid back on the bed with a soft, yet mischievous smile on his face. Even in your current state, you mustered up a sad smile and looked down at your hand in his.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself Princess. Everything is perfect. You’ve definitely out done yourself this time. I won’t ever forget how much you miss me when I’m gone. Now, why don’t you come over here and sit on my face and I’ll show you just how much I missed you.”, he said, tugging your hand a little bit in his direction. You immediately looked up at him, mouth slightly agape and heat rising to your cheeks. He noticed that you started getting nervous and quickly sat up to reassure you once more. “Don’t get shy on me now pretty girl. All I want is a taste. Is that too much to ask?”, he whispered into your ear, hand trailing from your own to the skin of your inner thigh. You sighed and leaned yourself into him, shaking your head “no” as he started kissing your neck. He lightly tugged your thigh towards himself, trying to urge you to straddle his waist. You quickly obliged, letting out a small mewl at the feeling of his hard on pressing into your panties.
“This dress looks so beautiful on you Angel, but I think I’m gonna need it to go on the floor. Wanna feel your skin.”, Rafe said, breath brushing your ear as he moved his hands up your body, taking the dress with it. You moaned at the sound of his voice and the feeling of his hands on you. Your dress sat at your waist only for a second, before Rafe snaked his hand behind you to unzip it. He lifted it over your head and threw it on the floor, moving one of his hands back to your thigh and the other up to your throat. You tilted your head back and pushed your hips against his, letting out a louder moan when you felt how hard he was. He let out a husky laugh before speaking to you again, knowing how worked up you always got when he talked to you.
“As much as I love hearing the delicious sounds you make for me baby, there are still people here.”, Rafe said, as he planted a kiss on your neck and slowly laid back on the bed, taking his one hand off your throat to bring it down to your thigh. Him pulling away from you made you look down at him with a slight pout, which made him chuckle, but he stopped and swiftly connected his hand to your ass.
“You better stop pouting. Come up here and put your pussy on my tongue before I punish you for being a greedy, little brat.”, he said, pulling you down by your throat to kiss you harshly, as he tugged your thong down your legs. You easily maneuvered out of it and climbed up his body making him smirk in approval.
“Good girl.”, Rafe huffed out, once you were properly aligned with his face. His breathe hitting your cunt made you bite your lip, trying to hold back a moan and push yourself down onto his mouth. He was quick to hold your waist up so you couldn’t control your hips.
“I said sit on my face, not ride it. Wanna enjoy you Princess. No need to go so fast.”, he whispered out, before kissing your pussy. You let out another loud sigh and Rafe lightly slapped your thigh, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he licked a stripe between your folds, circling your clit for a second and then doing it again. He continued like that for a minute or so, impressed with how wet you already were for him, when he quickly got an idea.
You felt one hand leave your thigh, but couldn’t bring yourself to open your eyes to see where it went. Meanwhile, Rafe shuffled behind himself trying to find a pillow to put under his head. Once he did, he was able to prop you up a bit higher so he could finger you while sucking on your clit. He chuckled when you lurched forward and steadied yourself against the wall. The vibration made you gasp rather loudly, which landed you a few light slaps on your leg. You bit your lip in a pitiful attempt to quiet yourself down, but Rafe could still hear your little whimpers and moans.
It only took a few minutes of him working his mouth and fingers on you for you to start clenching around them. He relished in the sounds you made, not caring at this point who was in the house. He just loved to hear how good he was making you feel.
Rafe didn’t stop his movements until he felt you completely stop pulsating around him and even then he took the time to lick you completely clean. He got lost in what he was doing until you slowly squirmed away from him, huffing out something about being too sensitive, but he wasn’t paying attention. When you laid your back against the bed, Rafe flipped himself around to face you with a suggestive yet cheesy smirk, before speaking to you.
“You know baby, you didn’t have to throw me a party to show me how much you missed me. I could tell just by how quickly you came for me. Such a good girl.”, he said, stroking your face before grabbing your throat and roughly kissing you, making you moan again.
Maybe you could really show him how much you missed him later on…
tagging: @maybankforlife cause I think she’ll enjoy this ;)
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jvblood · 2 years
First Kiss
pairing: argyle x reader
word count: 2.2k
summary: playing spin the bottle truth or dare with you and your friend group and their partners
a/n: heyyyy : ) so I FINALLY AM ABLE TO POST THIS AND FEEL OOKAY ABOUT IT SO IM SORRY. this is a continuation of first encounter
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You and Argyle have been dating ever since you number. He took it upon himself to call you as soon as he got home and the two of you stayed on the phone for hours. Occasionally, you’d go over to him when he was working and talk as much as you could while you were in school. Speaking of school, that’s where you are with him right now. You two are in the library, helping him study, considering you were more academically inclined, when a reminder popped into your head.
“Me and the gang are planning on hanging out this
Friday,” You say as you drop your pencil to spark a little conversation between the two of you, “I was wondering if you’d like to join us?”
“Your friends?” Argyle asks, looking up from his book.
“Yeah, it’ll be us and the others. They’re bringing their boyfriends and girlfriends because we just want everyone to get along so you know.” You say as you bit your lip, hoping he’d say yes.
“I feel like your friends don’t really like me.” He says, scratching his neck a bit.
“Honestly, screw them. I just want you there.” You admit, reaching for his hand that was still on the table. Argyle couldn’t refuse especially when you look at him like that, he cracks and agrees that he’ll get the day off, promising that he’ll be there.
“It’s at my place, so don’t be late.” You smile as bright as possible and Argyle smiles as well, mirroring you and planning on how to tell his dad that he needs the day off.
Friday finally rolled around and Argyle is sitting in the van, contemplating on going inside. When he arrived he saw that your friend’s arrived in their own respective cars and realized that he was the last one to show up.
“Some boyfriend I am.” he mumbled to himself. As he was looking down at his lap, you saw that the van was outside and rushed to go get him. The others were with their own respective partners busy talking so they barely noticed you slip out. As Argyle rests his head on the car wheel, you knock on the window.
This caused him to jump and snap his head towards the window. There he sees you smile at him and wave. He finally felt relaxed and decided to get out of the car.
“I was starting to think you weren’t going to show up.” You joke.
“I’m sorry, I was just nervous.” He says as he wraps you into a tight hug.
“Come on, let’s head inside so we can start.” You peel off of him and hold his hand to guide him through the doors.
On the table was an array of foods to snack on and drinks to drown in. The group was sitting in the living room while Argyle and you made a pit stop at the snack table.
“Yo, get in here! We’re playing a game!” You hear Danny shout from the living room.
You roll your eyes and nod your head towards the living room, silently telling Argyle to follow you into the room. As the two of you entered the room, all of them smiled back at you.
“Everyone, Argyle. Argyle, Everyone!” You say, trying to introduce them to Argyle.
“We know who he is. Anyways, I’m Danny, this is my boyfriend, Sam.” He says pointing to the guy sitting next to him.
“I’m Chandler, this is my girlfriend, Amy.” He introduces, pointing to the girl sitting directly on his lap.
“I’m Janet, this is my girlfriend, Misty.” She says, pointing to the girl who’s resting her head on her lap.
Argyle tries to remember names and faces as much as possible. He’s replaying the introductions in his head, trying to not forget.
“Alright, now that’s over, sit down. We’re playing truth or dare.” Janet says.
“Let’s not do anything crazy that’ll end a relationship today, please.” Danny jokingly says. Deep down, he was not joking.
The two of you sat down as the six of them began to form a circle. Chandler places a bottle in the middle and claps at his ‘handiwork’.
“The rules are simple, folks; whomever spins the bottle gives a truth or dare to whomever it lands on! If the participant doesn’t do either truth or dare, then they must take a shot! Whomever it landed on, after successfully answering either truth or dare, spins next and whoever is wasted, by the end of the night,will be wearing the– dun dun dun– ‘I can’t handle my booze’ shirt and take a picture in it!” Chandler holds the said t-shirt and everyone ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s at the clothing.
“Ah yes, public humiliation at its finest.” Janet says, rubbing her hands.
Everyone in the main friend group has been in that shirt once or twice. The last person to wear it was Danny, he was refusing to admit who was secretly dating at the time and so he wore the shirt and the picture is in a photo album with the others.
“Let’s do this.” You say confidently ready for whatever is thrown your way.
Chandler was the first to spin and it landed on Sam. He asks truth or dare and he requests for truth. He asks him what she found about Danny attractive, he said underneath his breath something about how Sam is crazy to like Danny. To which Danny hits Chandler on the shoulder. Sam answers and says it was because of how Danny was the only person that checked up on him when he was sick. You and Amy awed at the confession. Sam looked down at his hands and felt heat rush up to his face and Danny gave him a simple kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah, I think it’s physically impossible that Danny could ever be ‘sweet’, you sure it wasn’t some other guy?” Chandler suggests, not grasping onto the fact that his friend could ever be nice to anyone. This time it was Amy who gave Chandler a pinch, telling him to leave them alone.
“Hey, I don’t blame Chandler, he’s rude to us!” Janet says defending Chandler.
“That’s his boyfriend, babe, of course he’s gonna be nicer to him.” Missy says, patting Janet’s thigh. Janet and Chandler mutters out how ‘it’s unfair’ and how ‘yeah, whatever’.
“Why would I be nice to my friends?” Danny says.
It was Sam’s turn to spin the bottle and it landed on Argyle. Argyle felt nervous, but he thought to himself that he shouldn’t really because it was Misty who spun it. By the answer before, he assumed Sam might ask a simple truth or dare. She asks truth or dare and Argyle responds with dare. Everyone ‘ooh’d at his bravery and Misty began thinking.
“I dare you to call a random number and sing happy birthday.” Misty giggles.
“Babe, no offense, that is so lame.” Janet says. Argyle is a man of his word and picks up the phone. He knows a good person to call.
“Hello?” He hears Jonathan say on the phone. He begins to sing happy birthday and on the other side of the phone Jonathan already picked up on who he was. Argyle tried to mask his voice but you know, Jonathan could tell his friend’s voice from anywhere.
“Argyle, you’re an idiot.” Jonathan jokes and hangs the phone back up.
Finally, Argyle sits down and gets ready to spin the bottle. As the bottle spins, it lands on Janet. Before Argyle could even ask which one she wanted she chose dare.
“She never says no to a dare, so be wise about what to choose for her.” You say as your shoulder slumps at what might happen next.
“Hit me, Argyle. Do your worst.” She says, smirking.
“I dare you to go to a random pool and jump in.” Argyle says and she smirks getting up from her seat. Everyone gets up and follows her. She gets into the backyard and peaks over the fence to see if a neighbor has one. Luckily for her, one of them did. She hops the fence and jumps in. Everyone was cheering for her as she flipped in. She quickly rose from the pool and soon enough a light turned on. Everyone was telling her to get back quickly and luckily she got in time. Everyone ran inside the house before the neighbor came out. You all collectively were huffing out while you all tried to calm down.
“Hell yeah! That was amazing!” Janet says, trying to find the nearest towel. Everyone sits in the living room, waiting for Janet. Finally when she arrives dry, she takes her seat and spins the bottle.
The bottle lands on you and your eyes widened in fear. Janet is a wild card when it comes to truth or dare. Janet smirks as she waits for your choice.
“Is it true that you think about Tom Cruise when–”
“Dare!” You interrupt her. She smirks at the accidental confession.
“I dare you to kiss Argyle.” Argyle widened his eyes at the dare. You shyly remember the time when you spoke to Janet. Telling her how you were afraid to kiss him because you didn’t know when a good time would be. This was her way of saying ‘go for it’.
“I’ll do it if you do it.” Argyle says, reassuring you. You look at him and he smiles. You nod your head and lean in to give a quick peck.
“See, now was that so hard,” Janet says as she shrugs her shoulders “now spin.”
As the night finally comes to an end as Danny carries Sam back into his car. He was passed out in the ‘I can’t handle my booze’ shirt meanwhile, everyone was still sober. With that everyone and their respective partners left your house. Argyle stayed back to help clean up. For some reason he could feel that your whole vibe was off. Your shoulders were slumped and you’ve been moping ever since truth or dare.
“Hey, what’s up.” He says as he holds a trash bag, tossing all the trash in.
“It’s nothing.” You say as you wash dishes.
“Somethings up, dude. You can tell me.” He drops the bag and makes his way towards you. He wraps his arms around you. You melt into his touch and stop washing the dishes. As his grip on you loosens and is placed on either side of you on the sink, you turn to face him.
“I’m–it’s just,” You struggle to say the words even though you know what you want to say “, I’m a bit upset that our first kiss was a dare.” Your confession stuns Argyle a bit.
“I wanted it to be sweet and romantic but instead we got dared to do it instead.”
“Well, we always got time for more of them.” He says, watching your lips. You subconsciously licked your lips and you watched his eyes as you did so. He furrowed his eyebrows feeling butterflies in his stomach.
“Yeah?” You tease, slowly reaching in.
“Yeah.” He whispers, leaning in as well. The two of you meet in the middle and melt into the kiss. The two of you feel as if this was the kiss you’ve been waiting for forever.
He pulls back and looks at you. You exhale the breath you were holding in and look up at him, scrunching your eyebrows. He leans in for more, giving you small pecks onto your lips, hands roaming around your waist. The two of you unknowingly hoist you up onto one of the kitchen counters. He finally pulls back and basks in your glory. He whispers; “God, you are beautiful.”
He rushes back in for more and kisses along your neck. Nibbling and sucking on the skin, causing you to moan out a little bit. That little moan caused Argyle to want to hear more. He pulls back to breath and this gives you the opportunity to lift your shirt over your head.
You sit on the counter with your bra still on. He stares a bit too hard at your boobs and this causes you to look away. He moans out and—
“Yo!” the two of you hear a voice coming from the front door. You rush off the counter and fall straight to the floor. Argyle rushes off as well and ‘busies’ himself by ‘doing the dishes’.
“Oh hey, Argyle. Just forgot my wallet here.” Chandler says as he picks up his wallet from the couch. He watches Argyle ‘washing the dishes’, Argyle feels himself sweating underneath Chandler watch. You on the other hand, was latched onto Argyle’s leg, freaking out. Chandler looks to the side and smirks.
“Yo, meathead.” He calls out
“Yeah.” You say, covering your face.
“You missing a shirt or something?” Chandler teases. Argyle quickly walks to the shirt and tosses it to you on the floor. You grab the shirt and swiftly put it on. Soon after you put the shirt on, you jump onto your feet and give Chandler a shy smile and try to laugh to ease the awkward tension between the three of you all.
“You freaks.” Chandler huffs out as he shakes his head as he starts making his way to the door.
As soon as you two heard the door finally close, you dropped your head in shame while Argyle put his face into his hands. The two of you drop your shoulders in relief and look at each other.
“So…” Argyle trails on. Before he knows it, you’re back into him lips attached.
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auroracalisto · 3 years
she will be loved, part five
summary: hayley arrives with a witch to help, while [your name]’s visions take a turn for the worse.
pairing: dad! elijah mikaelson x child! female! reader
word count: 1.1k words
warnings: mentions of death, canon divergence, hayley is pregnant but timeline is all screwed bc i said so, visions, prophetic shit i guess
a/n: :D also... just putting this out there....... why is description so difficult?  like everything i write seems almost like a script or some shit.  i need to work on my description big time
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she will be loved masterlist
“Hello?  Hayley?” 
Hayley was quiet on the opposite line, a frown deep in her soft features.  What was he doing, calling her?  
Klaus cleared his throat, but she stayed quiet.
“I was hoping you would know of someone who could help us.  We need a witch.  One that deals with visions.”
Hayley closed her eyes, sighing softly.  “Why?”
Klaus blinked slowly, his jaw clenching in frustration.
“Klaus, I’m not going to help you unless you give me a reason.”
“I shouldn’t have to give you a reason,” he sneered, anger slithering up his spine as if a snake had replaced what nerves he had left.
“Alright, then,” Hayley rolled her eyes.  “Have fun finding a witch.”
Hayley pulled the phone away from her ear, prepared to hang up when she heard Klaus yell her name through the receiver. 
“Wait,” he said, his voice constrained for the time being.  “There is… a problem we’ve been having.  A child,” he said.
Hayley stayed quiet, her hand hovering over her own stomach.
“She’s been having visions.  Prophetic visions.  We… are hoping to find someone who can help her.”
Hayley cleared her throat, pursing her lips soon after.  “Okay,” she said.  “You’re still in Mystic Falls, right?  I’ll… see what I can do.”
“Come too,” Klaus said.  “We do not need a witch on our grounds when we’ve no idea who they are.”
“I’ll be there,” she said, before hanging up the phone.  She knew exactly who to call.
Time went by slower that week than it had in some time.  The witch Elijah had called had no idea how to help little [Your name].  She left almost as soon as she had arrived, claiming that some other forces were in control of the child.  
Elijah was tempted to find her and rip her a new one—how dare she give up when she hadn’t even begun to help?
It was on a night that Elijah had just laid [Your name] to sleep when a knock came from the front door.  No one else had been home.  Klaus and Kol were out at the Grill, and Rebekah was at the high school with the prom committee.  It was just him and his little girl.  He sighed softly and left his daughter’s room, promptly answering the front door.  
“Hello?” he greeted as he opened it, his eyes growing wide at the sight of a pregnant Hayley Marshall.  Beside of her stood a fiery redhead, who he could only assume was a witch—he could practically smell the magic drifting off of her.  
Elijah looked down at her belly before looking back up at Hayley in shock.  “Hayley…”
The brunette gave him a soft smile.  “Hi, Elijah.  Is Klaus here?  He was asking for a witch.  I brought him one.  I need to talk to him, too.”
“No,” Elijah frowned.  “But, I’m sure he’ll be back soon.  Who are you?” he turned to look at the redhead.  
She smiled, revealing a set of almost perfect teeth.  “Penelope.”
“And what are you here for?” Elijah raised an eyebrow.  
“Uh,” Penelope looked over at Hayley for help.
“Again,” Hayley rolled her eyes.  “Klaus asked for my help.  I brought him a witch that knows about visions and stuff like that.”
Elijah’s eyes widened.  “Oh,” he breathlessly said, looking between Hayley and Penelope.  A part of him wondered if he should wait for his siblings to return… but he knew that whatever he could do for his daughter would be beneficial in the long run.  
“Come in,” Elijah said, moving out of the doorway.  
Hayley and Penelope came inside.  The former kept a hand over her belly while the latter looked around the house in utter amazement. 
“This is gonna sound stupid, but I don’t think I’ve ever been in a place this big,” Penelope whisper-yelled to the woman standing beside her. 
Hayley rolled her eyes, but it was a playful gesture.  She just smiled at her friend.  
“So,” Penelope soon said, turning to face Elijah.  “What can I do to help?”
Elijah led the women up to his daughter’s bedroom.  However, he did not go inside, opting to instead explain what was going on, first.
“I adopted her about… well, nearly a year and a half now,” he said.  “She has always been susceptible to dreams of all sorts.  Lands filled with candies, snow during the summer, her favorite characters becoming her friends.  But she has also had… visions.  What we now know to be precognition,” Elijah frowned, crossing his arms over his chest as he spoke.  
Penelope clung to his every word.
“She is terrified.  She has seen my brother die.  She witnessed a girl with something that my brother and sister have been searching everywhere for.  [Your name] has never once heard them talking about it.”
Penelope tilted her head.  “What is it you are wanting me to do?” she asked.
“Can you get rid of it?  Take her power away?  Allow her to be a normal child, with normal dreams?” Elijah asked, staring her down.
Penelope looked from Elijah to Hayley, frowning.  “I’m not sure.  But I will see what I can do,” Penelope said, patting the satchel at her side.  “My mother’s grimoire has a lot of info about visions,” she said.  “I’m sure I’ll be able to do something to help.”
Elijah gave a small not, uncertainty getting the best of him.  Would she be able to help?  What if there was nothing they could do for his little girl?
The original vampire would have led them somewhere else, a guest room perhaps, had it not been for the little girl now standing at her opened door.  
“Daddy?” [Your name] quickly spoke, tears springing in her big eyes.  
Elijah wasn’t human, but his non-beating heart sprung to his throat in an instant.  He bent down to her height and held out his arms to the child.  [Your name] ran to them, hugging onto the man.  
“What’s the matter?” Elijah softly asked, pressing a kiss to her temple.  
“I had another dream,” she said, trembling in his arms. 
“About what, my love?”
“I don’t know,” she let out a soft sob, roughly wiping her eyes to try and stop her tears.  
Elijah quickly grabbed her hands, stopping her.  He couldn’t bear the thought of her getting hurt by her own hands.  
“[Your name], look at me,” he frowned.  “You’re alright.  You are safe,” he said.  “Nothing can get to you here.  I will always protect you.”
“Always?” she looked up at him with wide eyes.  Her bottom lip quivered as she spoke.
“Always,” he nodded.
She sniffled softly, looking at his hands that were now holding hers.  [Your name] took in a deep breath, her eyes soon wandering up to his.  “I saw you, daddy,” she said. 
Elijah frowned.  “What did you see?”
“I saw you…”
He furrowed his brows, confused.  
“You were dead, daddy.”
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hawks-supremacy · 3 years
Pushed Away
summary: Kyotani Kentaro had a hard time letting people into his life, but you somehow managed to worm your way into his heart.
warnings: Swearing, fighting, super cheesy at some parts, angst
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 6.5k
a/n: This ended up being way longer than I intended it to be...oops.
You were in your second year of middle school when you met Kyotani Kentaro. You noticed he didn’t really hang out with anyone, often opting to stick to himself and not bothering to make any friends. You weren’t exactly extremely outgoing seeing as how you only had one or two people you would consider your friends, but you still wanted to befriend the guy who sat alone at lunch and seemed to have a constant scowl on his face. What’s the worst that could happen anyway?
So here you were with your neatly packed bento boxes, having packed an extra one in hopes your befriending attempt was successful. You explained to your two friends why you wouldn’t be sitting with them at lunch and they called you insane, you even invited them to come with confident in your endeavours and they quickly declined the offer. So with a smile on your face and peace offering in hand you made your way outside to where Kyotani usually sat by his lonesome.
As you sat down next to Kyotani he slowly turned his head to look at you, his signature scowl left on his face as he greeted you with a hostile, “What are you doing?” You looked up with a soft smile on your face, wordlessly offering him one of the bento boxes in your hand. His scowl turned to a look of confusion as you set the gift on the ground next to him when he refused to take it, “Are you deaf or something? What are you doing?” He asked with a little more edge to his voice than before.
You unwrapped and opened your lunch as you responded, “You’re on the volleyball team right? I’ve noticed you never eat lunch, you should eat lunch everyday so you have more energy for practice. So I packed you a bento box, I wasn’t sure what you would like so there’s a little bit of everything I usually eat.” You began to eat and his frown deepened as he still refused to pick up the bento box that sat to his left.
You stopped eating as he asked a simple, “Why?” You thought for a moment as you stared at each other. After a minute you shrugged and continued eating, “I want to be your friend.” You said in between bites of food. “Are you going to stare at me the whole hour or are you going to eat?” You asked, setting down your chopsticks and looking at him with raised eyebrows. You continued to stare at him until he silently picked up the bento box and opened it. He examined the food for a bit, looking up at you and back down at the food before he picked up the chopsticks and began eating.
You both ate in silence for the rest of the lunch period occasionally looking at each other like a silent conversation. Even though you hadn’t previously spoken to each other prior to today it was still a comfortable silence. You didn’t feel like you needed to talk to fill the void like you did with your other friends. As the bell rang indicating the end of lunch and beginning of the next period you packed up the empty boxes and stood up. As you went to walk away you heard Kyotani mumble a “thanks” as he walked in the opposite direction and you smiled as you went to your next class.
The next day you walked over to the same place as yesterday but Kyotani wasn’t there. You were a little disappointed but you figured he didn’t want to be bothered. You set down the bento box you once again made for him in hopes he’d come back later and turned around to go back to your usual seat. You didn’t make it far as you turned around and immediately ran into the boy you were searching for. You mumbled an apology that fell on deaf ears as he spoke over you, “What are you doing back?” He questioned as he walked around you to sit down in his usual spot.
“I came to eat with you again, but you weren’t here. I was just going to leave the bento in case you came back.” He was already opening the lunch as you explained and sat down by him. He mumbled something about his class getting out late as he stuffed his mouth full of the tempura your dad helped you cook.
You ate in silence for a few minutes before Kyotani cleared his throat, “So uh, do you like your classes?” He asked awkwardly. You laughed at his attempt to make small talk, coughing as you almost choked on the food you were in the process of chewing. You took a deep breath after calming down and looked up at Kyotani whose ears were slightly pink and looked less than impressed.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh at you Kyotani, it’s just, you don’t have to make small talk if you don’t want to. I’m more than fine eating in silence until you feel comfortable enough to talk without sounding forced.” You gently closed your bento box as you explained your laughing fit. He nodded and went back to eating as you began some homework that was assigned in one of your earlier classes. You looked up as he softly asked what you were working on.
“Something for math, I’m not the best at math but I’m not the worst either. I just figured I’d get a headstart on the assignment so I don’t have to worry about it later.” You continued working on your assignment as you talked, Kyotani nodding as he finished up his food. You didn’t talk much after that, staying quiet as you worked on the problems presented to you on the paper. As the bell rang you packed up your bag and looked over and saw Kyotani with his eyes closed. You gently shook him as you tried to wake him up, “Kyotani, lunch is over we need to go back to class.” He hummed and swatted your hand away, “Yeah yeah, I’m getting up calm down. See ya later Y/n.”
It became routine for you and Kyotani to eat lunch together for the remainder of the school year. By the end of the school year what was once a comfortable silence was now a nonstop conversation. You both grew quite close but your interactions were limited to lunch. You didn’t have classes together and you weren’t sure if he’d be comfortable with you asking to hangout outside of school. So you left your interactions to lunch, which you were fine with. Until the school year was almost over.
It was the last day of school and you were thinking about how you wouldn’t see Kyotani until next year. He could tell you were a little upset and decided to ask what was wrong. “It’s the last day of school, so we won’t see each other until next year.” You were looking down at your food as you responded but you could’ve sworn you heard him let out a small chuckle before flicking you in the forehead. “Ow! What was that for?!” You exclaimed while rubbing the spot he flicked.
“You’re being dramatic for nothing. You have my phone number and I have yours, we can hang out any time either of us want.” He scoffed as he finished his sentence. Maybe you were being a bit dramatic, but you couldn’t help it. It was hard to tell what Kyotani was thinking or what he wanted to do. You weren’t scared of him, you were probably one of the only people who weren’t, but you made so much progress in being his friend and you didn’t want it to end just because you wanted to hang out outside of school and he didn’t.
“Kyotani, are you glad I became your friend?” You asked, scared to know the answer. He thought for a moment before nodding and asking why. “Well the first day I ate lunch with you two of my friends told me I was stupid and you’d never want to be my friend. I’ve been wondering if you’ve just been tolerating me all this time.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at your statement, “Did you believe them?” You shrugged in response because you honestly thought it was a fifty fifty shot when you first approached him. “That’s stupid, I wouldn’t let you sit by me everyday at lunch if I didn’t want you to. The only people I tolerate are people I have to tolerate, like my teammates. Your friends were idiots and so were you if you believed them.” You nodded as the bell rang signaling that your daily dose of Kyotani was over. You said goodbye to each other and went in opposite directions to your classes.
You were leaving the classroom when Kyotani decided to scare you, not intentionally, you just weren’t paying attention when he walked up behind you. “Should put a bell on you, I swear you came out of nowhere. What are you even doing here?” You said with your hand on your chest trying to calm down. He shrugged in response as you two exited the school, “Walking you home so I know where to go when I’m hungry.”
You gasped in mock hurt, “You’ve been using me for my cooking haven’t you! I can’t believe this, I’m honestly heartbroken at the notion. You should just turn away and leave now.” You said trying to push him in the opposite direction of your house. He planted his feet on the ground, effectively stopping you from pushing him any further. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you didn’t want me at your house.” You stopped trying to push him and he turned around to look at you, “Do you not want me over to your house? Weren’t you the one who was all disappointed we wouldn’t be able to hang out anymore”
You opened your mouth to respond and closed it, not quite knowing how to phrase what you wanted to say. You thought for a moment, going back and forth in your head before deciding on a response, “It’s not that I don’t want you over to my house. It’s that my dad is embarrassing and I don’t know what he’ll say to you to be quite honest.”
He raised his eyebrows at your answer, “It can’t be that bad. Come on let’s get going, I’m sure your dad is waiting for you at home. You can come over to my house later and you can meet my embarrassing parents in exchange.”
You sighed and started to lead the way to your house when you realized he wasn’t following you. You turned around and saw him standing there with his hands in his pockets. “Are you coming with or not?” He started walking towards you after you asked. “Don’t blame me when my dad says something stupid though.” You said as he rested an arm on your shoulder as you walked.
“Dad, I'm home! I brought a friend with me!” You yelled into the house as you walked in and took off your shoes. You knew he was home because you saw his car outside. You heard footsteps round the corner from the kitchen as your dad came to greet you with a mixing bowl in hand.
“Hey, how was your last day of school?” He asked as he gave you a side hug. “Who’s this?” He said, eyeing Kyotani, trying to form a first impression of the boy in question as he stood there. You hugged him back as you responded, “It was fine, uninteresting. This is Kyotani Kentaro, is it okay if he stays for dinner tonight?” He agreed but only if Kyotani helped cook.
“ So this is the boy you’ve been cooking everyday for? They talk about you a lot.” Your dad said as you all entered the kitchen. You groaned at his statement, “Dad, can you not say embarrassing things like that? See this is why I didn’t want you over here.” You said turning to Kyotani who was chuckling at the interaction.
He shrugged, walking over to the sink to wash his hands as you finished, “I think it’s endearing that you talk about me to your dad.” You shook your head as you started to cut up vegetables, choosing to ignore the conversation your dad and Kyotani were currently having. You didn’t notice as Kyotani walked up next to you with a mixing bowl in hand, “How’s it going over here?” He asked, startling you.
“Don’t scare people in the kitchen, that’s how accidents happen Kyotani.” You scolded as he laughed at your response. He put his hands up in surrender and went back to mixing the contents in the bowl. Your dad smiled as he watched you guys interact, leaving you both to do your own thing instead of joining the conversation and ruining the dynamic you both had. He eventually told you both to go do something else and he’d come get you when dinner was done.
“Your dad seems cool. Also seems like a good cook.” Kyotani said as you guys entered your room. You nodded as you set your bag down next to your desk before sitting on your bed. “Yeah he’s pretty laid back with everything. It’s just me and him so he tries his best to be the strict parent every now and then. He’s also a professional chef, so I’d hope he was a good cook. You can set your stuff anywhere you want.” He nodded, setting his stuff by the door and sitting on your desk chair.
You talked about your family life a bit more, you found out he had an older sister who he didn’t really talk to and that his parents were separated but he lived with his dad. You explained how it was just you and your dad. Your mom got sick when you were younger and couldn’t understand what was happening or why your mom didn’t come home from the hospital. By the time you were done sharing tragic backstories your dad was calling you both for dinner.
Your dad quizzed Kyotani about his life and interests throughout dinner and you tried your best to interject when you felt things were going to be awkward but sometimes you were just a tad bit too late. Kyotani answered each question honestly and without hesitation, refusing to back down. You sat there the whole time thinking it was a mistake having him stay for dinner and how you should’ve just stuck with your answer of refusing him coming over.
At the end of dinner Kyotani had to go home and you said your goodbyes. Your dad said he was welcome over anytime and you were just glad they didn’t end up fist fighting over some of the questions that were thrown out. You were glad you pursued your attempts at becoming Kyotani’s friend. You could tell you were going to be friends for a while.
Two years later you found yourself and Kyotani watching a movie while you studied in your living room. It had been a month since you both started your first year at Aoba Johsai and you two happened to be in the same class. You got out of volleyball practice a few hours early and came home to study. You joined the volleyball team as their new manager to hopefully spend more time with Kyotani and make sure he wasn’t getting into too much trouble. You finally finished the homework you were working on for the past hour and sighed looking over at your best friend who was laying down on your couch, having finished his work fifteen minutes ago. You went over to where he was and sat on the floor in front of him poking his face until he woke up. “What do you want?” He asked before closing his eyes again.
You sighed, folding your arms on the couch cushion and laying your head on top, “Why’d you almost get in a fight today?” Earlier today you left Kyotani at lunch to go get a drink from the vending machine down around the corner and when you came back he was in a yelling match with some random kid you didn’t know. You stopped him before he could actually start throwing punches and pulled him away. He shrugged at the question saying it wasn’t important. “Seriously Kentaro, I don’t understand why you’re so angry all the time. You’re actually really nice and chill if you just let people get to know you.”
He sighed as he sat up, “Because it’s easier to have everyone hate you than trying to get everyone to like you. Why bother trying to please people when you can just worry about yourself.” You frowned at the response, you sure didn’t hate him. He didn’t really try to make you hate him either. Sure he wasn’t the nicest when you first met but he also didn’t yell at you or anything drastic like that.
“I don’t hate you. I don’t think you hate me either, you didn’t try to get me to hate you from what I can remember either.” You said as you got up from the floor and sat next to Kyotani on the couch.
He yawned as he stretched before turning to you, “You were different. I don’t know how to explain it but you are. I didn’t mind letting you into my small bubble, you know?” You were shocked that he was opening up like this, usually your conversations just consisted of him telling you about everyone that got on his nerves that day and you talking about the new people you met.
Of course whenever you met new people you knew they weren’t going to stick around long. Often they would talk bad about your best friend without knowing that you were friends, so you didn’t stick around them much. Not that you minded, you were perfectly content with your one good friend, not feeling the need to be friends with every single person you met in your life like some people did.
The only problem was that within the past year you began to develop feelings for your best friend. You started to fall in love with the guy who pushed everyone away but you. The guy who never showed any other emotions than annoyed or angry. The guy who you couldn’t quite figure out, and now? Now you were trying to figure out a way to tell him. “Y/n? Are you there? You’ve been spacing out for like three minutes.” He said waving his hand in front of your face.
You turned your head to look at Kyotani who was smirking, trying not to laugh at the fact that you had zoned out. “Were you talking that whole time?” You asked tilting your head slightly to the side.
He raised his eyebrows for a bit before speaking, “Yeah I was just saying how I’m in love with you and how I think you’re the one for me.” You gasped and looked at him with wide eyes about to confess before he started speaking again, “I’m kidding I was asking how you think you’re going to do on the test.”
You closed your mouth and furrowed your eyebrows. “That’s not very nice, you know. You shouldn’t play with other people’s emotions like that, Kyotani.” He was about to speak before you interrupted him this time, “I mean what if I believed that you liked me like that. Of course you don’t it was stupid to think you could, but for you to joke about it? That’s a new level of low.”
You continued to ramble until he eventually cut you off, “Y/n! Would you shut up for one second so I can talk?” You stopped talking and folded your arms, refusing to look at him. “I do like you, that’s just not how I wanted to tell you. I wasn’t sure if you’d like me back so I played it off before you could respond. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, you’re the last person I want to hurt. You’re probably the only person I care about.” You started tearing up at his confession, feeling stupid about the current situation. “Are you crying? Shit I’m sorry.”
You shook your head trying to blink away the tears that were threatening to fall. “No it’s a stupid thing to cry over, sorry. I like you too Kentaro. I just thought you didn’t so it was overwhelming when you said that. Again stupid, sorry.”
He pulled you into a hug that basically ended with you sitting on his lap, “Don’t apologize for your emotions, Y/n. I’m glad you like me back, this means I have a reason to yell at the guys who ask me if you’re single.” You laughed as you hugged him back.
“You know Kentaro, this is the most emotion you’ve ever shown.” He shoved you off of the couch telling you to shut up. You continued your laughing fit before you paused realizing something. “Wait, is that why you almost got into a fight today? Because that guy asked if I was single?” When he didn’t say anything and refused to look you in the eyes you started laughing. “Seriously Kentaro? You were mad because someone asked if I was single? I’m flattered that you felt like you needed to fight the poor boy but holy shit, you probably traumatized him.”
He just shrugged in response as he mumbled, “It was the way he asked, he was all cocky about it. Was hitting on you too saying you had a nice ass.” You opened your mouth in mock hurt, “Are you saying I don’t have a nice ass?” You watched as he stumbled over his words, trying to back track over his previous statement.
You continued the back and forth teasing and laughing for the next hour and a half until your Dad got home. “Hey Dad! How was the restaurant?” You asked leaning over the front of the couch to watch as he walked in. Kyotani hooked an arm over the back of the couch and turned his head to briefly greet your dad.
“It was okay, pretty busy. Is Kyotani staying for dinner? I brought plenty of leftovers from the restaurant.” He said, taking off his coat and walking towards the kitchen. You jumped up from the couch and followed him into the kitchen sitting down at the table as Kyotani followed closely behind. “Yes he is, unless he’s going home right now?” You asked Kyotani who shook his head as he sat next to you. “Well I hope you like nigiri, we had a party of 10 who preordered it and never showed up.” Your Dad explained as he sat down with the to-go containers of food. You high fived your dad, “I love when that happens.”
You spent 10 minutes discussing how school was and any upcoming assignments that were due or tests that were coming up. You were about to talk about the upcoming practice match that Aoba Johsai had against Nekoma when Kyotani spoke up, “I’d like to date Y/n, if you’d let me.” You whipped your head towards your Kyotani who was having a stare down with your Dad.
You looked at your dad who looked at you and then Kyotani confused, “You mean you haven’t been dating this whole time?” He asked innocently. “I seriously just assumed you were dating this entire time, I’m sorry.” He continued when no one said anything.
A week later a Kyotani was taking you on your first date. You weren’t doing much, he just took you to get some ice cream and now you were sitting on a swing set just talking about nothing as you stared at the sky. It may not have been much but you wouldn’t have traded it for the world, in your eyes this was the perfect first date.
At the end of the date he was walking you home and he mentioned that he was nervous that the date wouldn’t be enough and you’d hate it. After all, you didn’t really have jobs so it was all he could afford at the time. You told him it was perfect as he dropped you off at your house. You were about to kiss him when your dad opened the door, “Oh did I interrupt, my apologies. I thought you forgot your house key and that’s why you were standing here. I’ll just uh, let you continue.” He slowly backed away and closed that door.
“Oh my god that was so embarrassing. I’m so sorry.” You said while running your hands down your face in both frustration and embarrassment. Kyotani chuckled as he removed your hands from your face and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “It’s fine. Goodnight Y/n.” He said and walked away. You yelled a goodbye and walked inside to see your dad smirking at you. You felt your face heat up and quickly walked to your room wanting to avoid an awkward conversation.
A month later you were walking out of your classroom when one of the second years from the volleyball team stopped you and made you follow them. When you rounded the corner you saw Kyotani pinning some poor boy against the lockers all but screaming in his face. Your eyes widened as you scurried over to where they were, pulling Kyotani away from the traumatized boy. “Kentaro you gotta stop getting in fights before you get suspended or expelled.” You said softly as you intertwined your fingers with his and walked out of the school.
“I don’t care, you didn’t hear what he was saying about us.” He huffed and turned his head away from you. You asked what he said and felt his grip on your hand tighten. “He said you’d get tired of me and my attitude and leave, and when you did you had plenty of people waiting to sweep you off of your feet. I think what made me so mad is that he’s right. When you get tired of me you have all these people waiting to take you away from me.”
“Kyotani Kentaro, you stop it right now.” You said coming to a full stop making him face you. “I will never get tired of you, okay? If other people wanna talk about us then let them. They don’t know you like I do. I know you’ll never treat me like shit because you never have and you never will. I have full trust in you and I hope you trust me too. Understand?” You cupped his face as he nodded, “Good.” You said as you quickly pecked his lips and kept walking home.
It’s been nearly a year since you started dating Kyontani and you were panicking because you weren’t sure if you were doing anything for your one year anniversary. Sure you wanted to celebrate but you didn’t know if Kyotani wanted to do anything. You weren’t sure if he was going to get you anything and you weren’t sure if he was going to be mad or happy at the fact that you were getting him a gift. It’s all been so nerve wracking.
The past month or so you felt bad because you’d been picking up extra shifts at your dad’s restaurant to get more money to help pay for his gift, which meant that you were unintentionally avoiding Kyotani. He’d been questioning why you were taking extra shifts suddenly and you always just said that you just wanted to help your dad because he was short staffed.
You weren’t even sure what you were going to get him, you had an idea but you weren’t sure if you wanted to follow through with it or go with something different. You had a week before your one year was coming up and you decided to just follow through with it. You were on the phone with the people who would be preparing your gift when Kyotani rounded the corner and waved at you. In a state of panic that he would find out you turned around and quickly walked in the opposite direction.
You finished up your call and went to find Kyotani, kinda feeling bad that you just avoided him like that. You walked over to your guys’ usual spot, sulking, not that he would ever admit it. “Hey sorry about that, it was an important call.” You said sitting down next to your boyfriend, who moved his hand away when you tried to hold it.
“Who was it?” He grumbled still refusing to look at you. “It was just my dad, he was letting me know that he probably wouldn’t be home for dinner tonight.” What you said wasn’t necessarily a lie, your dad did text you earlier to let you know that he had to cater a party tonight so he wouldn’t be home until later. You were a terrible liar and you figured it’d be easier to lie if it was only a half lie.
Two days later and the company called you back confirming your order and what you wanted. They called while you were hanging out with Kyotani at your house, you quickly excused yourself and went outside to the back to take the call. Kyotani looked at your dad who just shrugged in response. When you came back Kyotani asked who called, you said no one important and he left it at that.
It was two days before your anniversary and you were telling Kyotani that you had to pick something up after school. “I can come with you, I don’t mind.” He offered. Sometimes you really hated that he was sweet and considerate sometimes.
“You can’t come with, sorry ‘Taro.” You watched as he sighed and looked annoyed before asking why not. “You just can't, okay, I can’t explain it right now but you can’t come with.” You couldn’t find an excuse as to why he couldn’t come with you so you just tried to deny him gently. You could tell he was getting frustrated and upset with you and you were glad that you’d be able to give him his gift soon so you could stop being secretive. You knew you could’ve just told him now but you really wanted it to be a surprise.
“You’ve been so secretive lately and it’s getting really fucking annoying and frustrating.” He said as he shook his head. “I know and I’m really sorry, but can you just trust me?” You asked and he sighed deeply before agreeing. You gave him a peck on the cheek before telling him thank you and that you’d text him later when you were home.
It was the day before you’d give Kyotani his gift and you texted him saying that you were going to school early and that you’d just meet him there when you both usually got there. You knew the third years on the team practiced in the gym before school started and you wanted to get their opinions on the gift. You were talking about it with them before you decided on it so you wanted their final approval. Sure they weren’t friends with Kyotani but they spent the most time with him other than yourself of course. Besides who better to get advice on a custom volleyball than some volleyball players themselves?
You were in the middle of talking about the price, because Oikawa was considering getting one, when the door to the gym opened with a slam. You spun around quickly hiding the volleyball behind your back when you saw it was Kyotani. You were about to greet him when he started talking and angrily marching towards where you guys stood.
“I fuckin knew you were doing some shit behind my back.” He nearly screamed at you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you tried to talk but was immediately cut off before you could even start. “I mean how long did you think this whole secretive “trust me” bullshit would last? Someone told me you were cheating on me with one of the third years and I didn’t believe them because you were always spouting off with that “Do you trust me?” shit. I should’ve known better than to trust you, or anyone for that matter.”
You looked down at your feet as your eyes started to water, not wanting Kyotani to see you cry. Iwaizumi tried talking to him but was quickly yelled at, accused of being the one you were cheating on him with. Iwaizumi and Kyotani were in the middle of a yelling match when you interrupted them, shoving the ball into Kyotani’s chest who caught it before it fell to the ground.
“I was trying to get you a gift you asshole!” You screamed back at him. He examined the gift before looking back at you and opening his mouth before closing it again, trying to find something to say. “Save it you dick, I don’t wanna hear it. It’s easier to have people hate you than to try and get everyone to like you right? Mission accomplished, everyone officially hates you now.” You said with tears streaming down your face. You exited the gym before he could say anything and went home for the day. You texted your dad and asked if he would call the school and let them know you were sick, he agreed and asked what was wrong but you just said you’d explain when you got home.
Kyotani was staring at your gift after you left with furrowed eyebrows, and it was like it was staring back, mocking him. He looked up when Oikawa started to speak, “You know Y/n-chan worked very hard to get that for you.” He said with his arms crossed. “Yeah they worked hard at their dad’s restaurant to be able to get the money to buy that. It wasn’t cheap, they said it was about 14 thousand yen?” Matsukawa asked Hanamaki who nodded. “Yeah and they asked us for advice on what kind of volleyballs we use and what brand we think are the best. They really put a lot of thought into this gift.” Hanamaki continued to lecture Kyotani before Iwaizumi spoke up about the situation.
“Seriously you fucked up. They told you to trust them and you said you did. Then the first person that comes along and says “oh hey y/n’s cheating on you” you choose to believe that person instead of your partner who’s been by your side since what? Second year of middle school? You’re an idiot and you need to fix this because they may have said they hate you but I know that’s not true. So go fix it before they actually hate you.” When Iwaizumi was done scolding Kyotani he took off running to your house, not caring if he missed school.
He got to your house and knocked on the door, he was surprised when your dad answered the door and immediately closed it. He knocked again hoping your dad would open the door for him and he does, only to tell him to go away and close the door again. He desperately knocked again and when your dad opened the door this time he just sighed and said “What do you want?”
“Can I please talk to Y/n? I really messed up and I realize that now, it’s just everyone’s constantly telling me they’re going to leave me one day and I got scared that it was happening. I just want to make this right.” Kyotani practically begged and your dad just stared at him before saying “no” and closing the door again.
You looked at your dad from the couch after he closed the door and he sighed as he turned to you, “He sounds like he’s sorry and he means it, but I’d make him sweat it out before you talk to him. It’s up to you though kid.” With that he walked away to the kitchen to make you guys lunch. You thought about it for a second before deciding you’d do what your dad said and let him “sweat it out” as he said.
You and your dad spent the day watching movies and baking treats to take your mind off of things. It was after supper and you were helping your dad with the dishes when you glanced out of the window and saw Kyotani still sitting outside your door. You gasped which caused your dad to look outside as well. When your dad saw what you gasped at he chuckled at the sight, “Well he’s dedicated that’s for sure. I say go talk to him, I can handle the dishes by myself.”
You sighed as you mentally prepared yourself to talk to Kyotani and walked outside. He looked surprised as you sat down next to him but didn’t say anything. “I’m sorry.” He said after a minute passed. You scoffed in response, folding your arms over your knees and resting your head on your arms, facing away from him. “I was an idiot, I know. I feel really really bad, believe me I do. Everyone’s telling me that you’re too good for me and you’re going to leave me-”
“I know.” You said cutting him off, “I heard you tell it to my dad. I just wanna know why you didn’t trust me enough to not believe them. I don’t care about what other people think, Kyotani.” He winced as you called him by his last name rather than his given name. “I really care about you Kyotani, but you really hurt my feelings. I tell you constantly that I’m not just going to up and leave you because I know you’re different from what everyone else sees. Then you went and treated me like I was everyone else. You pushed me away.”
“I won’t do it again Y/n, I promise.” He pleaded. “Yeah but I don’t know that Kentaro.” You already made up your mind to give him one last chance, you just wanted to hear what he had to say. “But I do, I swear I won’t. Please, I don’t want to lose you. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me and I really don’t want to lose you.”
“Fine, I’ll give you one last chance. If something like this happens again I’m not giving you a third chance. You have to fully trust me and communicate with me. Don’t just assume because the first person you saw told you something that’s not true. Okay?” You finally turned your head to look at Kyotani and it looked like he was about to cry.
He nodded in agreement, “I promise I’ll trust you and talk to you if I have any doubts, which I won’t.” You gave him a soft smile and pulled him into a hug. “I love you Y/n.” He said as he nuzzled his head into your neck. “I love you too ‘Taro.”
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