#I hope wherever Megan is today
cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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Boy, eat shit. Must know he’s going to lose in court.
If it’s one thing fuck boys gon do??? It’s link up and make a fuck boy brigade
Keep the apologies bozo. Like a bitch, you choose to malign Megan character and link with her enemies all because she wanted to renegotiate her contract.
. I hope Meg clears the fucking table and gets everything she deserves bc these niggas played on her name and in her face way too long.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
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Safe Haven [Chapter Five]
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Fem!Reader Word Count: 5.2k [Series Masterlist]
Warnings/tags: 18+ for this series; contains violence, drug use, domestic abuse, smut, hurt/comfort, angst, mutual pining, friends to lovers
a/n: Chapter five is here with some emotional hurt/comfort! I've had Mikey stuck on the brain so y'all get another chapter and I hope you enjoy it! Chapter six will most likely come some time after I focus a bit more on my Matty stories. Feel free to leave love if you enjoyed this one! Mikey and Reader get a little closer...
Tag list: @loveroftoomanyfandoms @farfromstrange @rotscinema @1988-fiend @shouldbestudying41 @shiorimakibawrites @norestfortheshelbywicked @mattmurdocksstarlight @acharliecoxedfan @roseallisonparker @yarrystyleeza @dramaholic18 @mattkinsella2 @ms-murdockswift @theetherealbloom @24hflower @mattmurdocksscars
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“I don’t know how you watch these mindless shows,” you muttered, eyes on the reality romance show your sister was watching.
The pair of you were curled up on either end of the couch in her living room, an oversized plush blanket tossed over the both of you. You’d made dinner tonight and had it ready for when Megan had finished her shift at the hospital today, having spent your morning restocking her fridge and her pantry. You’d later spent your afternoon grudgingly working on writing after Angela had checked in with you, but you’d only managed a measly two thousand words today. You weren't exactly thrilled about that, but you had admittedly been distracted after yesterday. 
Thankfully nothing strange and out of the ordinary had happened today. There had been no weird traces of him cropping up anywhere–in your life or online. Which you’d been grateful for, your fear lessening just a bit today. You figured if he’d found you, you’d certainly know by now. 
“Considering my love life has been very much lacking,” Megan replied from the other end of the couch, “I’ll take my romance wherever I can get it. And speaking of–” she continued, her head rising from off the pillow as she focused on you, “–what’s going on with you and the attractive ex-felon next door?”
Your head shifted on the pillow, your attention turning to your sister. Eyebrows rising onto your forehead, you sent her a questioning look.
“What’re you talking about?” you asked her.
She rolled her eyes, a grin forming on her mouth. One of her feet nudged you in the leg before she shot you a pointed look. “Come on,” she said. “I’ve seen you and him outside chatting a couple of times now.”
“Twice,” you told her. “You’ve seen us chatting twice .”
Her grin widened into something sly. “Birdy says she saw you taking a walk with him the other day,” she shot back. “So spill, sis. Is there some romance going on in your life?”
You stiffened a little at your sister’s words. Birdy had seen you going on a walk with Michael? Well that was news to you. Unwelcome news, too, because you’d clearly done something to end up on her radar. Especially if she was chatting with Megan about you. You’d have to be careful with her.
“No,” you told Megan firmly. “There’s nothing going on there.”
“You think he’s cute?” she pressed.
“Christ, Megan!” you cursed. “What does it matter? I’m literally trying to hide out here, I’m not looking for a boyfriend! You know that!”
It only irritated you further when her smile grew wider.
“You think he’s hot, don’t you?” she teased.
You rolled your eyes, turning your attention back to the show. Megan nudged you with her foot again. When you didn’t respond, she began to repeatedly poke you with her foot, each time more aggressively than the last.
"Would you stop?" you grumbled. 
"Then answer me, please," she begged. 
With a huff you pushed yourself upright into a sitting position on the couch, glaring at your sister. "He's attractive, yes. Would I fuck him? Absolutely. You happy with that?" you snapped.
Megan gradually pushed herself up on the other end of the couch, her eyes meeting yours. The amused expression that had been there moments ago was quickly replaced with something serious now.
"I just want you to be happy," she said softly. "And it seems like you might be interested in him. Maybe let your guard down with him a bit? That’s all I’m saying."
One of your brows arched up at her. "You're encouraging me to date an ex-felon fresh out of prison," you pointed out. "You know that, right?"
"You and I both know there's more to someone than the mistakes of their past," she replied. "Plus," she added, her lips curling into a coy smile, "Birdy said he seems interested in you."
Your gaze dropped down to your hands where they were fidgeting with the soft, blue blanket. Twisting the fabric between your fingers, you quietly admitted, "He asked me on a date last night."
Megan practically shot herself across the couch at you, the sudden movement startling you. She gripped your shoulders tight in both hands, a bright smile spreading across her face. 
"Please tell me you said yes," she begged. “ Please , for the love of God, tell me you said yes!”
"I told him no," you answered, watching as her face instantly fell. "Meg, I can't date right now. Who knows if I might need to disappear again at a moment’s notice. It would be so much harder if I had feelings for someone. Not to mention, I'd be putting him in danger, too. You know if Victor ever found out I was seeing someone he would certainly go after them."
“Well,” Megan said, “I get the feeling Michael can take care of himself.”
“I don’t want him involved,” you told her.
“He could probably help you,” she pushed.
“I don’t want him involved,” you repeated more firmly.
Her shoulders dropped as she sat back against the couch with a sigh. “Fine, at least tell me how he asked you out?” she asked. “Let me live through you? Because I haven’t been asked out on a date since shortly after I moved here.”
You shrugged, your eyes dropping back down to the blanket. “He just asked if I wanted to get drinks with him. As a thank you,” you mumbled.
“Okay, wait, hold on,” Megan said, abruptly sitting forward again and holding up a hand. “He–he asked you to get drinks as a thank you ? A thank you for what, exactly?” Her eyes widened as she excitedly asked, “Did you give him really good head or something?”
Your gaze instantly snapped up to Megan, your mouth dropping open. “No!” you shrieked. “Christ, get your mind out of the gutter. The man had a seizure the other night–or at least I’m very certain it was. He claims he doesn’t have seizures. But I saw and I helped him. That’s it.”
“You should tell him to get that checked out then,” Megan said, her tone suddenly professional. “If he has epilepsy there’s medication that’ll help.”
“Thanks nurse Megan,” you deadpanned. “I’ll certainly tell him that.”
She waved a dismissive hand at you. “Okay, so he wanted to thank you for helping him. That’s sweet, sis. He sounds sweet.”
“Yeah, he certainly seems that way,” you mumbled, your eyes returning to your fidgeting hands.
Megan bumped your shoulder with hers lightly. “Maybe you should really consider just opening up to him? Tell him the truth about Vic. I’m sure that family is great at keeping secrets with what they probably do. I bet he’d have no trouble keeping yours. And maybe he could help? You can’t exactly spend your entire life on the run, changing names and addresses every few months. That’s not living.”
“I know it’s not,” you whispered, tears stinging at your eyes. 
“There’s really no harm in letting him in,” she said softly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Telling him the truth. Maybe give him a chance. Who knows, you might end up happy.”
“Or he might end up dead,” you rebutted.
“Hey, you said it yourself,” Megan countered. “Victor doesn’t have the support of the Serpents on this anymore. It’s just him chasing you. They know he’s gone off the rails.”
You ducked your head, eyes dropping down to where your hands were more aggressively worrying the blanket between your fingers. “All the more reason for him to want to kill me and get on with the Club. But honestly, if he said he found me and asked them for help in any way–travel, money, disposing of my fucking body–he’d get help. They won’t actively help him search for me, but they’d certainly have his back.”
“Well I think you should give Michael a chance,” Megan replied. “Tell him the truth. Maybe get ahead of things before the Kinsellas find out you’re not who you say you are. They might be sympathetic–especially the Kinsella that wants to take you out for drinks.”
Eyes slowly shifting towards your sister, you watched her for a moment as you silently contemplated her words. Would Michael be more understanding than you’d initially thought? He had certainly seemed different than you’d envisioned him being. He had come out last night on his own just to check on you. And there was that gentleness you seemed to pick up on from him. Something warm and welcoming that you’d found yourself curious to explore. But would he be safe? Could you actually trust him? Let your guard down with him?
Could he actually hold his own against your ex?
Megan’s loud ringtone blared from her phone on the coffee table, the noise breaking through your thoughts. Your sister slipped her arm from around your shoulders and leaned forward, picking it up. You saw the frown on her lips as she looked at the screen before she answered the call.
“Hey Dev, what’s going on?” Megan asked.
You watched her quietly from your place on the couch, listening in to the one-sided conversation. It was a minute before she was off of the phone, exhaling a long breath. Slowly she turned, sending you a tense smile.
“I’m needed to cover a short shift at the hospital,” she said. 
Your brows furrowed at her words. “But you just got back a couple of hours ago?”
“They’re understaffed,” she said, pushing the blanket from her lap and rising to her feet. “There was a shooting tonight.” She glanced at you, her eyes softening. “Devon said one of the Kinsella’s had been shot and…one of their younger boys had been killed accidentally in the incident.”
Lips parting in surprise, your heart suddenly pounded hard in your chest. “Michael?” you breathed out.
Megan sent you a sad smile, shaking her head. “No, his cousin Eric. But it–it was his nephew that was shot and killed.”
“Shit,” you whispered.
“I uh, I’m going to change and head out,” she said. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you told her, waving her off. “Go. I don’t want to hold you up.”
Megan sent you one last smile before she turned, making her way up the stairs and towards her room to change. You sat there on the couch, your eyes on the television but your mind unable to focus on anything but what Megan had just told you. You figured Michael would be hurting tonight once he’d gotten this news. For some reason you couldn’t seem to shake him from your mind, even long after Megan had left for the hospital.
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You’d been sitting on your bed for the past couple of hours trying to focus on your writing. Your laptop was situated on your mattress before you, your fingers hovering just over the keys as your eyes stared at the blinking cursor. Truthfully you’d barely managed to write much of anything. You couldn’t concentrate.
Shortly before you’d come upstairs there had been a handful of police down the street, their lights flashing through the front windows of Megan’s house. You’d assumed they were here informing the family of the young boy who’d been killed about the situation, especially considering the heartbreaking scream you’d heard down the street not long after they'd shown up.
You’d come upstairs to get away from the flashing lights, trying to distract yourself from the thoughts you didn’t understand why you were having. You didn’t know Michael or his family that well. This shouldn’t be bothering you as much as it was. And you’d certainly been more closely connected to shootings than this in your past. 
Yet still, here you sat, unable to focus.
A light in Michael’s bedroom turned on, the sudden brightness of it catching your attention. Your eyes flew up from your laptop screen and straight towards his room, your breath catching in your throat. He shuffled into his bedroom, both of his hands covering his face. When he reached his bed, you saw him crumple to his knees–but not as if he was having a seizure. As if the pain of his grief from what had happened to his family tonight had been too much to bear and he’d simply collapsed under the weight of it.
Not even thinking, you closed your laptop, instinctively leaning forward on your bed towards your window. You were gnawing nervously on your bottom lip, your heart twisting in your chest at the sight of Michael. Unlike last time, you couldn’t just hop a fence to get to him. But would he even want you to see him like this? You were still just a stranger to him, after all. Even if he’d been interested enough to ask you on a date. He probably didn’t even know his curtains were open and that you were watching him right now. You should really look away, leave the room and give him his privacy.
But you couldn’t. 
You sat there conflicted on your bed, watching his shoulders shake against the edge of his mattress. It wasn’t until you saw him slide down the side of it, curling into a ball on the floor of his bedroom, that you found yourself climbing off of your bed. 
You didn’t know what it was that had come over you, but you grabbed a knitted cardigan from your closet, threw your arms into it, and then slipped your phone into your pocket. You were rushing out of your bedroom and taking the stairs two at a time soon after. As you passed the kitchen, you grabbed the house key from off of the hook and pushed your way out of the front door. You only paused to quickly lock the door behind you before you were making your way down the driveway, your arms wrapped around your chest to block some of the cold. 
You rounded the stone fence and took a sharp left, making your way up Michael’s empty driveway. Still nervously chewing your lip, you came to a stop in front of his door. Your fist rose towards it, but it hovered in the air for a minute.
Was this too far? Should you just turn back around and head home? Surely he wouldn’t want you banging on his door tonight and bothering him with what was going on. But the image of Michael crumpled on the floor of his bedroom, crying all alone, flashed through your mind. That haunted, despairing look you often caught in his eyes had you wondering how much pain this man held inside and how often he was alone enduring it.
Without another thought, your fist finally closed the remaining distance, three loud knocks ringing out. Your heart began wildly beating in your chest immediately afterwards, your arms hugging yourself a bit tighter as your eyes snapped shut. 
“Fuck fuck fuck,” you muttered under your breath.
You’d actually just knocked on his door. What the hell were you even going to say ? You hadn’t even thought that far ahead, just strangely drawn here by the desire to help ease his pain somehow and you didn’t even know why. Shrinking in on yourself, you took a step back. This was a bad idea, you thought. It was stupid. You should leave him alone. 
Turning away from his door, you ducked your head and started to make your way back to your place. Though you’d only made it three steps before you heard the door unlock and swing open behind you. You winced, pausing at the sound of his voice.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you slowly turned around. Michael was standing in his doorway dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants, his blue and white striped sweater rumpled on his torso. His hair was a mess, as if he’d been running his hands through it, and you could see the dampness on his cheeks and the redness in his eyes. He looked broken and exhausted from where he stood in the doorway, but it also looked like he was doing his best to bury all of that back down.
“Hey,” you greeted him awkwardly.
“What’re ya–ya doin’ here?” he asked, clearing his throat. “Somethin’–somethin’ wrong? Did ya need help?”
Your lips parted in surprise at his words. With what you knew he had going on, his first thought was to ask if you needed help? For a moment you stood there stunned and speechless as his sorrowful eyes scanned you over. Snapping out of it, you shook your head.
“No, I–” you began, but you quickly stopped yourself.
What the hell did you even say?
Swallowing hard, your mouth felt like it was drying up as your nerves swirled in your gut. In the doorway, Michael’s face fell. He nodded slowly, his eyes dropping to his feet.
“So ya heard, yeah?” he asked quietly.
You nervously shifted your weight from foot to foot as you stood there before him. “Uh, yeah,” you admitted.
He nodded again, his eyes still not focused on you. “Ya come to tell me to stay away? Because I understand, don’t worry. I won’t–”
“No,” you cut him off quickly.
His eyes rose, landing back on yours almost instantaneously. The dark brows on his forehead pulled tight together, a crease forming between them. He looked a mixture of shocked and confused.
“I came to see how you were doing,” you admitted. “Megan–my half-sister–was called back to the hospital. She uh, she mentioned what happened and I–I wanted to make sure you were doing okay…I guess.”
The expression on his face never changed as he stood there leaning against the doorframe. Even in the dim light washing over him from the room behind him, you could see the way his eyes were studying your face very closely.
“Ya came to see if I was okay?” he clarified after a moment.
You shrugged, ducking your head as you ran a hand across your forehead. God you felt dumb. Of course he wasn’t okay. And you sounded like an idiot right now.
“Yeah, I don’t know,” you began, feeling the words beginning to tumble out of your mouth before you could stop them. “I heard what happened and I figured you wouldn’t be in a good place when you heard the news. But then I–I saw you in your room.” You shook your head, grimacing as your voice picked up and the word vomit continued to spill out of your mouth. “And I wasn’t trying to invade your privacy or anything, I swear, but your curtains were open and the light turning on caught my attention. I–I was going to leave and give you your privacy but then you just looked so upset that I–I found myself suddenly over here wanting to see if you were okay.” You inhaled a shaky breath, your focus still downcast as your mind screamed at you to stop talking. “It just seemed like maybe you could use some comfort–or maybe to not be alone–but I’m also quite aware of the fact that you barely know me and this is incredibly weird.”
You took a breath, feeling absolutely embarrassed at everything that had just come pouring out of you as you glanced back up at him. He was still standing in the doorway, his mouth hanging open. Confusion and something else was etched very noticeably across his features as he continued to silently gape at you. You immediately felt more ridiculous.
“I’m sorry, this was incredibly weird and intrusive,” you said quickly, taking two steps back. “I’m just–just going to go. Sorry.”
As you were turning to leave, you saw him quickly step out of his house. You paused, your back towards him as your heart hammered heavily in your chest. When he spoke next, you glanced over your shoulder back at him.
“No, stay,” he begged. “Please.”
Michael crossed the bit of distance between the pair of you, your body moving of its own accord and turning back to face him. You could see the glisten of fresh tears in his eyes when he reached you, his lips trembling.
“You’re right,” he breathed out. “I don’t want to be alone. But I–” he paused, his eyes closing as a tear slipped down his cheek, “–I’m always the one expected to be strong.” 
When his eyes opened, they landed back on yours. With the amount of pain so visibly staring back at you through them, it took every ounce of strength to keep from drawing him into a hug and offering some form of physical comfort to him. You knew what that felt like, always needing to be strong even when you felt like you were anything but that.
“D’ya…want to come in?” he asked softly, gesturing his head back to his house. “I know ya said ya weren’t comfortable before but…would that be alrigh’?”
Megan’s words were echoing in your mind from just a few hours ago–she’d urged you to let him in. And now you’d already came over here with the intention of trying to comfort him, why not listen to her a little more? Surely Michael wasn’t going to do anything to hurt you if you went inside with him. Maybe now was an opportunity to trust him just a little more.
“Okay,” you answered softly.
A sad smile tugged up the corners of Michael’s lips just a bit. He nodded once before he turned, trudging his way back into his house. Awkwardly you followed behind, stepping inside and closing the door behind you. When you turned back around, you saw him already making his way down the short hallway into what appeared to be the sitting room at the far end. Slipping off your shoes beside his, you bit your lip and made your way past his kitchen and down the hallway after him, passing by a mirror as you went and cringing at your own disheveled state.
The first thing you noticed in the dimly lit sitting room were the three bullet holes on the wall not too far from his sofa. Near those holes, the wallpaper was peeling up in a few places. Eyes shifting, you spotted the brick fireplace across from his sofa–instantly your eyes were drawn to the unmistakable bullet hole in the brick. Clearly something had happened here, and you assumed whatever it was probably had to do with why Birdy had initially said Michael wouldn’t want to stay in this house. You found yourself curious, but that wasn’t something to be brought up tonight.
Making your way over to the sofa, you sat down near Michael but not quite too close. You felt tense and uncertain, truthfully not sure where to go from here. 
“I’m…sorry about your nephew,” you said slowly, your eyes focused on your hands in your lap. “And your cousin.”
“I was there,” he breathed out.
At his words, your head whipped in his direction. He was focused on his coffee table, his eyes unblinking as he spoke. Your heart was constricting in your chest at the pain emanating from him beside you.
“It was my fault,” he whispered. “Jamie had offered to bring me to the gym tonight.” Michael shook his head, the tears once again welling up in his eyes. “Didn’t even have a license yet. I shouldn’ have let him.” His eyelids slowly lowered as he drew in a shuddering breath. “The bullet wasn't meant for him. It shouldn’–shouldn’ have been Jamie. But he was–was already gone when I realized–”
He broke off mid-sentence, his body folding in half on the sofa as he buried his face in his hands. With tears stinging at your own eyes, you cautiously slid closer towards him on the cushions. Very hesitantly you raised a hand, carefully lowering it to his shoulder.
“It shouldn’ have been him!” he choked out. “He was just a boy!”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“Was such a–a good kid,” Michael mumbled. “Whole future ahead of him. Now he’s–he’s just gone .”
You felt a few tears slip out of your own eyes, the back of your right hand raising up to wipe them away. Your left hand began gently rubbing a hesitant but soothing pattern along Michael’s shoulder. You noticed how he quickly leant into your touch, clearly craving the comfort that you figured he must not often receive. Something else you could relate to. 
“And his mother and my brother are–are so heartbroken,” he continued, his voice cracking and muffled behind his hands as he spoke. “Losin' their son. And everyone is–is tellin' me how I need to be there for them. How it's goin' to be so hard on them dealin' with everythin'. But–"
He paused, a sob wracking through him loudly and shaking his shoulder beneath your hand. Your heart ached at the sound, but when he very slowly turned his head from its place in his hands, his body still crumpled in half as he looked up at you beside him, you felt like your heart completely broke. 
His face was streaked in tears, more of them pouring out of his eyes and streaming down his face as he gazed up at you. Michael’s face was twisted and pinched with grief, his lips visibly trembling again. It hurt to see him like this.
"He was mine," he breathed out. 
You stiffened on the sofa at his words when he'd spoken, those three words taking you by surprise. Had you just heard him right?
"Jamie was mine , too," he confessed, his voice hoarse. "It was–was a stupid thing, havin' an affair with my brother's wife back then. But Jaime was my boy, too."
Your face instantly softened as your eyes held his. You couldn't even begin to imagine the emotional pain he must have been experiencing right now after having just witnessed his own son's death in front of him. 
"I'm–I'm so sorry," you whispered. "I–I can't imagine what you must be feeling."
He sent you a sad, watery smile. "The interestin' part about it all is," he said softly, "that out of everyone in my family–all o' them knowin' the damn truth–the only one askin' how I am is…you."
Your mouth opened and closed a few times, unsure how to respond to what he had said or the way in which he was looking at you right now. 
So he'd had an affair with his brother's wife quite a few years back–from the brief glimpse you'd seen of Jaime a few days ago he looked to be about sixteen or seventeen. And apparently that affair all those years ago had resulted in a child. One that everyone in his family apparently knew was his, yet no one thought to offer Michael comfort over his passing? To just ask how he was doing? 
"Birdy she–she was tellin' me I need to be there for Amanda and Jimmy when she picked me up from the station after the questionin' 'bout the shootin'," he continued. "And Amanda–" he paused, his eyes closing as he leaned into your hand on his shoulder further. "She only wanted to know about his last moments. Came over a bit ago to ask how he died. Didn't bother to ask how I was. Not after–after what I'd been through watchin' our son die."
More tears began to fall from his closed eyes, his body slumping further forward as if his grief was pulling him down. You simply gave in to your instincts this time, unable to hold them back. Wrapping both of your arms around his neck, you carefully drew him towards you. Michael didn't protest in the slightest. He easily wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face against your shoulder. You could feel the dampness of his tears seeping through your sweater but you didn’t remotely care. You had absolutely no idea what it was drawing you to Michael, what had made you want to be here for this man you barely knew, but it felt right somehow.
“I don’t know why I’m tellin’ ya all this,” he mumbled against you, his words almost mirroring your thoughts. “Probably shouldn’ be. Sure you’re not warmin’ up to me hearin’ all this. Sleepin’ with my brother’s wife. My son gettin’ shot tonight.”
“That was years ago,” you replied, holding him to you. “And not really any of my business, either. And you’ll come to find I’m…quite open-minded to people’s pasts.”
Michael huffed out a laugh, his warm breath grazing your neck. “Got me wonderin’ what that means, Grace,” he mused.
The corner of your lip pulled up ever so slightly, your right hand sliding up from its place along his back and up into his hair. Your fingers lightly carded through the dark strands, feeling a bit of tension ease from him as he relaxed further into you. 
“It’s not really important at the moment,” you whispered.
Michael's head shifted on your shoulder, goosebumps rising along your forearms under your sweater the moment his lips briefly grazed the sensitive skin of your neck, his beard faintly rasping against you. Your eyes fell closed, wondering momentarily why it felt so good having this almost stranger in your arms, especially under the circumstances.
“Why’d ya come check on me?” he murmured.
“I don’t–don’t really know,” you admitted. 
There was a moment of silence that fell between the pair of you before Michael slowly raised his head from your shoulder, drawing back from you just a bit. His eyes met yours and your heart stuttered in your chest at the way he was looking at you. You felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“Why’d ya stay?” he whispered.
Swallowing hard, you felt yourself once again getting lost in his eyes. Besides the obvious pain and sadness reflecting back at you, it looked like something else was slowly surfacing as they held onto yours. Something that looked a lot like hope.
“Because it seemed like you needed someone,” you answered.
One of his hands released you, unwinding its way from around your waist and slowly reaching up. Hesitantly he gently cupped your cheek in his large, warm palm. That sad smile returned to his mouth, his eyes still locked on yours. You didn’t know why your pulse was racing with him touching you so tenderly, in a way you’d never really been touched before. And you didn’t know why you were suddenly feeling things you probably shouldn’t have been feeling, either.
“Thank you,” he said firmly, enunciating the words purposefully. “For bein’ here when no one else ever has been.”
His thumb lightly stroked along your cheekbone, the calloused pad rough on your skin but somehow soothing. You found yourself overcome with the urge to lean in and kiss him–and that had certainly startled you. But for some reason, you weren’t bolting out of the front door like you should have been doing. Instead, your mouth was saying things it had no right to be saying.
“I’ll be here as long as you need me to be,” you told him.
And the ensuing warm smile that slipped onto his face at your words, despite the tears welling back up in his eyes, had you meaning every word of what you’d said. 
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ibts · 1 year
2 Cool 4 Skool | O! RUL8, 2! | School Luv Affair | No More Dream Jap Ver | School Luv Affair Special Edition | Dark & Wild | Yangwha BRDG. | Wake Up | RUN JP Ver | Boy In Love Jap Ver | The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt 1 | For You JP Ver | The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt 2 | I NEED U JP Ver | TMBIL : Young Forever | August D (Yoongi) | Youth | Wings | The Best of Bang Than So Nyeon Dan | You Never Walk Alone | It's Definitely You (Taehyung & Jin) | NOT TODAY JP Ver | Change (Namjoon) | Gajah (ft RM) | Comeback Home | Love Yourself 'Her' | Danger JP Ver | MIC DROP JP Ver | MIC DROP/DNA/CRYSTAL SNOW JP Ver | Hope World (Jung Hoseok) | Face Yourself | Love Yourself 'Tear' | Fake Love Rocking Vibe Remix | Love Yourself 'Answer' | Mono (Namjoon) | Waste it on Me (Jungkook & Namjoon) | Fake Love/Airplane pt 2 JP Ver | Waste It On Me Remixes | Song Request feat Suga | Promise (Jimin) | Scenery (Taehyung) | Map of the Soul : Persona | Tonight (Jin) | Dream Glow | Lights | A Brand New Day | BTS World OST | All Day | Old Town Road (ft. Namjoon) | Winter Bear (Taehyung) | Chicken Noodle Soup (JHope) | Make It Right ft. Lauv | Make It Right ft. Lauv EDM Remix | Make It Right ft. Lauv Acoustic Remix | Suga's Interlude | Black Swan Single | Map of the Soul : 7 | Who ft. BTS (Jimin & Jung Kook) | Sweet Night (Taehyung) | Eight IU ft. SUGA | D-2 (Yoongi) | Still With You (JK) | Stay Gold | MOTS : 7 Journey | Dynamite, Daytime, Nighttime Ver (Single) | Blueberry Eyes | Savage Love | B.E. | Abyss (Jin) | Dynamite Holiday Remix | Christmas Love (Jimin) | Snow Flower (Taehyung) | Blue Side (Jung Hoseok) | Blue Berry Eyes | Film Out | Butter & Remixes | Bicycle | BTS THE BEST | Permission to Dance & Permission to Dance R&B & Instrumental | Butter ft. Megan | My Universe | Yours (Jin) | Butter Holiday Remix | Super Tuna | Christmas Tree & Christmas Tree Instrumental | Girl of My Dreams | With You | That That | Proof | My You | Left and Right | More | Jack in the Box | Bad Decisions Instrumental | Bad Decision Acoustic | Bad Decisions | Sexy Nukim | Rush Hour | Yet to Come Hyundai Ver | The Astronaut | Dreamers | Indigo | Vibe | Smoke Sprite | On the Street | Set Me Free pt.2 | FACE | Like Crazy Remixes | People pt. 2 | D-DAY | Don't ever say love me | The Planet | Angel pt 1 | Lilith | Angel pt 2 | Take Two | Seven Clean Ver & Seven Explicit Ver | Seven Weekday Ver | Seven Weekend Ver | Love Me Again | Rainy Days | Jack in the Box (Hope Edition) | Seven Alesso Remix | Layover | 3D | TOO MUCH | Slow Dancing FRNK & Cautious Clay Remixes | GOLDEN | Standing Next To You Remixes, Justin Timberlake & Usher | Closer Than This | wherever u r | wherever u r remixes | FRI(END)S | Hope On The Street | Right Place Wrong Person | Never Let Go | MUSE |
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emtalksbooks · 2 years
2022 Reading List!
Below are the 31 books I read in 2022! Taking a few months off of reading to deal with thing put a dent in my goals, but I'm still so glad I took the time to explore my interests and learn more. Happy reading!
General Nonfiction
Democracy in Chains by Nancy Maclean
Glass House by Brian Alexander
Dear White Women: Let’s Get (Un)Comfortable Talking About Racism by Misasha Suzuki Graham and Sara Blanchard
The Trouble With White Women: A Counterhistory of Feminism by Kyla Schuler
Coming into the Country by John McPhee
To Write As if Already Dead by Kate Zambreno
The Omni-Americans: Some Alternatives to the Folklore of White Supremacy by Albert Murray
Where Men Win Glory by Jon Krakauer
World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories by Norman Maclean
A Queer Dharma: Yoga and Meditation for Liberation by Jacoby Ballard
Complaint! by Sara Ahmed
Transgender History: The Roots of Today’s Revolution (Revised Edition) by Susan Stryker
Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland by Patrick Radden Keefe
Wilmington’s Lie: The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White Supremacy by David Zucchino
Savage Appetites: Four True Stories of Women, Crime, and Obsession by Rachel Monroe
Missoula by Jon Krakauer
Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools by Monique W. Morris
The History of White People by Nell Irwin Painter
The Case Against Free Speech by P.E. Moskowitz
Nonviolent Resistance: A Philosophical Introduction by Todd May
Death in Mud Luck by Eric Eyre
Teaching and Education
Higher Education and Hope: Institutional, Pedagogical, and Personal Responsibilities, ed. by Paul Gibbs and Andrew Peterson
Critical Pedagogy: An Exploration of Contemporary Themes and Issues by Tomas Boronksi
Teaching About Race and Racism in the College Classroom by Cyndi Kernahan
The Hidden Inequities of Labor-Based Contract Grading by Ellen C. Carillo
The Hopeless University: Intellectual Work at the End of History by Richard Hall
Song Birds and Stray Dogs by Megan Lucas
Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier
The Prettiest Star by Carter Sickles
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the only one for me ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1493
request?: yes!
“MGK Fluff ??”
description: the endless dating rumors regarding her boyfriend start to get to her
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, insecurities
masterlist (one, two)
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Logging onto Twitter and seeing yet another dating rumor regarding my boyfriend and some famous, beautiful female was basically a daily routine at this point. It seemed to be nothing new, but that didn’t make it hurt any less every time I saw a new post about it.
The latest rumored lady to have “stolen Colson’s heart” was Megan Fox, who had starred in Colson’s latest music video. The article I was reading stated how much chemistry Colson and Megan had on set and how it was “so obvious” that they had a secret romance happening behind the scenes.
I wasn’t hurt because I believed the rumors. I trusted Colson. I knew he’d never cheat on me, but seeing all these beautiful women and seeing his fans and media outlets commenting on how cute he would look with someone else so much prettier than me really did nothing for my confidence.
I wasn’t famous, I was just your average girl who worked an average hob and went to school on the side. Due to this, Colson and I decided to keep our relationship a secret so I wouldn’t be harassed by paparazzi and fans. I appreciated the privacy I had been getting, but it did make it hard to see all these dating rumors.
This rumor got to me in a way the others hadn’t before and I had an overwhelming urge to call Colson. He was probably asleep or preparing for the show that night, but I needed to hear his voice.
I was shocked when he answered on the third ring. “Hey babe!”
I could hear a crowd on his end of the call. “Hey! What’s all the noise?”
“We’re celebrating before I go on stage.”
“Before?” I asked, teasingly. “What are you guys celebrating?”
“The Bloody Valentine video hit a million views in less than 24 hours! None of my videos have ever done that before, so we’re celebrating.”
“Oh my God, Colson that’s amazing! Congratulations!”
Someone called out to Colson on his end. I could hear him responding, but his response was muffled as I realized the voice was a female voice.
“Is that...is that Megan?” I asked.
“Yeah! We invited her since she’s the leading lady of the video.” Another comment was made by Megan, to which Colson said to me, “She says hi!”
I couldn’t respond. I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes and I was afraid Colson would hear my voice breaking if I spoke. Instead, I managed to squeak out a “gotta go” before hanging up.
As I expected, there were articles published about the video celebration, specifically about Colson and Megan. A handful of pictures were taken outside wherever the celebration was taking place of Colson and Megan laughing as he puffed on a joint. The captions posted under this picture from numerous sites and fan pages were all the same: “look how cute Megan and Colson are!”
I had to go offline for a while because I was getting more upset than I had before.
It seemed like Colson didn’t notice as much as I did, so I never really brought the issue up. I didn’t want him to think he couldn’t be friends with women, or think of me as a jealous girlfriend or anything.
But I knew he could tell something was off. He kept trying to coax it out of me, but I wouldn’t budge. I figured he would grow tired of my refusal and would let it go. The last thing I expected was to come home from work one day and find Colson waiting for me in my apartment.
“Hey!” I said when I found him sat in my living room. “What are you doing here?”
“We have a few days before the next show, so I asked to come home before then,” he said. “I wanted to talk to you.”
The six worst words to ever hear. I felt my worry rise as I approached him and sat next to him on the couch.
“What’s on your mind lately?” he asked. “I know you keep saying it’s nothing, but I can tell it’s not nothing. I’m worried about you, babe. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
I looked down at my lap as I shrugged. “It’s nothing. Just work and school, I guess.”
“Is this about Megan?”
For some reason, hearing him say her name felt like I was being stabbed through the heart. I had to bite my lip to try and hold back my tears.
“When you hung up so suddenly during the video celebration, I realized something was up,” he said. “And then you started deleting your social media accounts, or making them private, and you were acting different. It all started that night. If it’s because we invited Megan to the party, I’m sorry if that upset you. There was no underlying meanings behind inviting her, it was just because she was in the video and we decided she should be at the celebration.”
“It’s not because she was there!” I finally snapped, unable to hold myself back. “I don’t care if you’re friends with Megan, or with any woman, but I do care that everyone thinks you’re dating every female who so much as breathes in your direction. And it really doesn’t help my self-esteem to see people saying how happy you look or how cute you’d look with someone who is, like, a million times prettier than me.”
“Babe, that’s not true,” he said. “I mean, I’ve seen the rumors about me and Megan, but it’s not all the women I’m friends with - ”
I laughed, humorlessly. “No, not all of them. Just Chantal and Noah and Ash and Sommer and now Megan. So no, not all of them, just most of them.”
I could see the gears turning in Colson’s head as he thought about it. Maybe he didn’t see the same stuff I did, maybe I just saw more because of how insecure it made me. But those rumors were there, and they had been nearly our entire relationship.
“I’m sorry,” he said again. “I never realized...I don’t attention to shit like that. I never thought much about the way I acted around my female friends.”
“You treat them the way you treat the boys,” I said. “I’ve seen how you are with Ash, the two of you are just friends. But people don’t believe that men and women can just be friends so when they see men and women acting as friends, they assume that means they’re dating. There’s nothing you can really do about it.”
Colson put a hand on mine and gave it a squeeze. “You don’t believe any of that shit though, right? You know it’s all media bullshit.”
I nodded. “Yeah, of course I do. I know you’d never cheat on me. I trust you so much.”
“And you can’t possibly believe that they’re any more beautiful than you are.”
I chuckled. “Okay, that one I can’t agree to considering the person you’re currently in a dating rumor with is Megan fucking Fox. I mean, have you seen her? She’s the most beautiful woman in the world!”
“Not to me she’s not.”
I looked away from him again, feeling my cheeks heat up and a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. “You don’t mean that.”
“Of course I do.” I felt his finger gently touch my chin, lifting my head so I would look at him. “(Y/N), I hope you know you mean the world to me. You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever known, and you own my heart. You’re the only one for me and I love you more than words could ever say. I’m sorry you’ve had to witness all these stupid rumors, and I’m sorry I never noticed them so I could assure you of all of this sooner. But I mean it, you’re everything to me. I love you so much.”
The tears I had been holding back for so long finally started to fall down my cheeks. I awkwardly laughed as I tried to wipe them away, but they just kept coming. “That was so cliche.”
“You loved it, though.”
“I love you, that’s a whole different thing.”
Colson smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. Warmth filled me as my lips touched his, and it was just another reminder that he was mine. I ran my hand through his hair and leaned into him until we were both laying back on the couch.
When we finally managed to pull away from one another, Colson rested his forehead on mine. “Did you have any other plans today?”
I shook my head.
“Good, because I don’t intend on letting you leave this apartment any time soon.”
He wrapped me into a tight cuddle, and I gladly accepted these plans he had made for us.
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
Pick a card reading: What makes you so attractive to others + bnha characters who would highkey simp for you
Hiya i am back, this spread basically highlights all of your attractive qualities about yourself (and yes you do have them) with the added additon of a hidden talent and how you can better love yourself. 
My favourite part of this reading is at the bottom I have included My hero characters that would very much swoon if you even spoke to them (in other words they have a crush). 
I was going to do 4 piles for this reading but everytime i tried to do the 4th one i kept getting really bad headaches so i decided against it. 
All you need to do is look at the anime food photos infront of you and pick the one you were first drawn to and then scroll below to your reading. I hope you enjoy it and that this reading does reasonate with you.
Stay safe and healthy
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Pile 1 (Watermelon)
Why you are so amazing
The traits and simply make you, you. 
The Sun: I literally squealed when this card came out of the deck, like chaotic babies unite. This card represents all things happy, you just have this cheerful personality that brings so much joy to others like even with the doom and gloom around us you still manage to keep on smiling which is honestly a massive talent. For some reason (if there are any MHA fans in the building) I thought of Mirio who is always so upbeat and ready to help others in need, I feel like this is definitely you. To me, the idea of being a really good storyteller came into my mind like the sun represents the performative aspects of life so just naturally grabbing that audience's attention is something you are so good at and I am never ever bored in your company. Looking at the picture of the card there is a little child riding a horse, you have this childlike innocence and curiosity which is the most adorable thing ever but I feel like sometimes people underestimate your intelligence and capabilities. I would like to say that the child on the card is sitting in a very confident manner and is controlling the horse with ease which suggests to me that you do have this deep maturity about you too which people tend to forget, the fact you can go from loud and upbeat to quiet and introspective is so cool and amazing as Hannah Montana says “you got to live the best of both worlds”. One final message is that it is ok to feel sad and that you don’t have to be optimistic all the time, you are not a burden and many people will rush towards you full of love and support. 
Page of Swords: seeing this card after drawing the sun made a lot of sense in my mind, the page represents youthful energy and the swords are all to do with our intellect and abstract concepts (like of like air in astrology) so you might be a bit of a bookworm or you like to learn more about things like tarot or astrology. What I can say is that you know a little about a lot which is super amazing because you always have some random fact tucked into your brain, you would be great on a quiz team. You are so witty and funny too like I can imagine people are always bent over laughing whenever they are in your company and if you do not believe me then I can guarantee that is what they say to other people when talking about how cool you are. Quite the chatterbox on your school reports I can imagine the teacher said that you may have “talked a bit too much” but you can’t help it, you do love to socialise. Looking at the picture on the card the page is surrounded with clouds so I can imagine you are a little bit of a daydreamer which is very endearing and sweet you can’t help it physics the last thing on a Friday is just so incredibly boring, you come up with the grandest ideas and no one knows how like why didn’t they think of that you are a natural outside the box thinker. Lastly, I think the Page of Swords is a very good problem solver sure it might not be the most straightforward solution if you solve your problems in a way which works for you, you do not follow convention and are proud to be an innovator and that deserves a reward in itself. 
The Lovers: the most romantic card in the whole deck, my goodness you are a hopeless romantic, you love to daydream about all the possibilities and you might also believe in soulmates, personally I think it is very sweet and we need more idealist in this world because sometimes reality can seem so bleak. I just know in my heart that you would be one of the best s/o ‘s ever like you would do all the cute romantic gestures like buying roses and leaving cute notes around their room like I am actually gonna go and squeal in a pillow because of how precious you are. The Lovers also indicate that you know who you are and you know what your morals are, whilst you may be an idealist you don’t let people walk all over you that’s for sure, you stand up for yourselves and for others and are the voice for the people who cannot be heard. You make a very good public speaker too (you should give it a go deffo) and are very clever with your words as the Lovers are ruled by Gemini. A scenario which popped into my head was somebody thinking you flirted with them but in actual fact, you were just being friendly. Looking at the picture of the card the background appears to look like the garden of Eden for some odd reason the first kind of trait is you being able to make yourself at home anywhere. The Garden of Eden represents paradise so like you can naturally find your “paradise” in a different location or with a group of people perhaps the word I am looking for is spontaneous whatever it is I feel like that is something you can do. My last message is that you sometimes doubt yourself and your decision-making skills. What I have to say is that trust your intuition and go for it, don’t get too caught up in your head because you do not need to, you have excellent observation skills already. 
Hidden Talent
Perhaps something you might not have been aware of 
Knight of Swords: You are very ambitious, I feel like many people do not see that due to your sunny exterior but once you have a goal in mind there is no stopping you. You remind me of the Queen song “Don’t stop me now” like your life is always so fast-paced. When the situation calls for it you can leave that page of sword persona and step up into the role of the knight and take charge of the situation. You are assertive and direct as I think some of you reading this reading today may feel like you are a bit of a doormat but I can confidently say you are not. Also, you are extremely intellectual, you may not be academically intelligent but it’s more that you are very eloquent and can debate with ease, like you can break down someone else’s point and explain how they contradict one another or how they don’t add up. On the card itself, the knight is wearing the colour blue, according to colour theory blue is representative of Logic and wisdom. Another big indicator of how smart you really are not a himbo by any means. You do have a very logical side to yourself that perhaps you don’t even realise you are using like you are very good reasoning out things (sorry that this is so vague my mind had gone all foggy). Blue is also a very calm colour so you are definitely a very tranquil kind of person too, you do not stress out often and you don’t let high-pressure situations get the better of you. You truly are cool as a cucumber. Writing this currently, I feel so peaceful, like you create a sanctuary for people. 
How to love yourself
We all have our down days so here are some tips and tricks to make you feel better 
2 of Coins: I feel like the universe here has kind of given you two options here. Usually, this card indicates a need to be flexible and have to juggle things around if in this case I do not believe it is your message. I wanted to look at the image, especially the two pictures inside the coins. The first one is the weighing scales which are perfectly balanced which I interpreted as being the symbol of Libra. Being patient with yourself and saying kind words to yourself can be very healing, a tactic could maybe leave post notes in nice places so whenever you walk around the room. Definitely pamper yourself when you deserve it. The message I am getting from this card is that you are too harsh on yourself and never give yourself the self care you deserve, get that face mask and blast a bit of Megan, be the princess/prince you deserve to be. On the other part of the coin is a picture of a big moon with a tiny sun in the middle, my interpretation comes back to the sun card and you feel like you always have to hold this cheery facade. The moon represents our emotions specifically our anxieties and fears with it being bigger so with it being the bigger image I feel like in order to love yourself you are going to need to express your emotions in a healthy way whatever mechanism works best for you, for me ranting to a close friend always helps but other people prefer to journal or use a creative outlet which is fine too. Lastly, as I mentioned at the top the 2 of coins indicates that you have lots of projects in your life so maybe if you immerse yourself in those you can unlock the true path to good self esteem. 
Bnha characters who highkey have a crush on you 
Bakugou, Jirou, Shindo, Shigaraki and Midnight (maybe sir nighteye) 
Pile 2 (Ramen)
Why you are so amazing 
The traits that simply make you, you
The Star with the 2 of Swords: these cards both fell out at the exact same time with the star on top and the 2 of swords behind so I decided to use the swords card as a clarifier one. I say this about a lot of the cards but i can tell that the star is one of my faves 100% it represents hope, creativity and calm. The first kind of trait that came into my head when this card popped out is that you always shine wherever you go, you are just gifted at everything, some of you think you may be the burnt out gifted child but you are not, you still glow even if you can’t see it yourself and people are in awe (and somewhat intimidated by you) because of your success and achievements. Looking into the actual meaning you are the type of person to never give up, the star is a sign that your wishes are coming into fruition, if something doesn’t go according to plan you do not dwell on it too much and brush yourself up again and carry on which is amazing considering the circumstances we are in. The word I was looking for is resilient and persistent. You don’t let the haters stop you from doing your thing. You have a calming disposition and I imagine your role is the mediator of the friendship, like you just have the most soothing presence. I want to go into more detail about the fact the star is ruled by Aquarius because that fact seems to keep sticking out for me, I trait we never talk about in regards to aquarius is that they can in fact be great leaders, they are the trendsetters of the zodiac so I feel like you prefer to live life your own way rather than copy others which I admire you for because going against the current is hard. Because of your actions I feel like  you inspire others whenever you know this or not (spoiler alert you do). Another thing that has sprung to my mind is that I feel like you can be quite mysterious. Everybody is so intrigued by you wanting to know what is going on in your mind. With the 2 of swords being there too, it usually indicates that a decision needs to be made however looking at the picture the lady is confidently holding the 2 swords which suggests to me that you are a very decisive person and once you set your mind to something there is no stopping you. You are much more talented than you give yourself credit for so never stop shining.
The Hierophant: this made me very intrigued about your reading when this card fell because the star and the hierophant kind of have contrasting energies since the H is ruled by Taurus. The Hierophant stands for knowledge and education, you probably take your studies quite seriously or you naturally maintain good grades throughout the year (which i think is so cool), you are the person who forms a study group to help their dumbass friends  so that they don’t fail the finals and honestly as someone who is a member of the dumbass friend squad without people like you in the world I wouldn’t have any educational qualifications. Helping others is second nature to you, always quick to give a helping hand with those in need. The Hierophant is a responsible figure so that in turn means so are you, you always make sure that everything is done on time and that your drunk friends get home safely, others may say you can be a little bit too serious but I have to disagree, your organisation skills are amazing and if I ever met you you will probably be my idol. Looking at this cards ruling sign Taurus, not a lot of people realise how ambitious a taurus can be (most people think quite the latter but remember there is a reason that taurus is an earth sign), you have big plans for yourself and I feel like you definitely prioritise your career over other aspects of yourlife, your drive and commitment to yourself and others is truly amazing and promise me you won’t be too hard on yourself because as some random kardashian once said “you are doing amazing sweetie”. 
Knight of Pentacles: this card is the CEO of detail, the knight is a figure who is very happy to serve the king and with it being in the suits of pentacles no detail will be missed out. You are incredibly observant of others one example that popped into my head is that you can tell what others are thinking through either body language or just how they communicate (take this if it resonates with you) or maybe you are simply very organised. Either way your amazing perception is something that goes unnoticed by others so I believe this card fell from the deck as a chance to give you the credit you deserve. You are incredibly hard working, the knight is always alert and on duty so no matter the day of the week you are working, it can be school work or passion projects you are constantly trying to achieve the best version of yourself, make sure you have a break and have a kit kat y’know. The knight is patient who works diligently towards his goals which I think you very much channel, like you are so kind and patient towards anyone, always offering to listen to other people’s problems and offering them first class advice (which is something I am very jelly of in a good way). The message I get from this is that you are so patient with others so please be patient with yourself, don’t push yourself so hard that your self esteem begins to suffer because you do not deserve that. 
Hidden Talents
Perhaps something you might not have been aware of 
The High Priestess: this card is such a badass card, like the high priestess is the CEO of intuition and all that jazz, your bullshit detector is off the radar and the even cooler thing you don’t even know it. This isn’t to say you should be distrustful of every single person you meet but if you have a gut feeling I say you should stick with it as mother nature has blessed you out of this world intuition. The high priestess represents having inner power, the picture on the card shows her sitting in her chair very assured. To other people you come across as having this quiet confidence, you do not boast about your talents through words however you bring them forward with actions, I feel like people are secretly in awe of you. Coming back to the picture the high priestess is mostly wearing teal (including her dress and her accessories), typically the colour teal represents elegance and politeness which is something you 100% possess ( a true lady/gentlemen) however reading more into the psychology behind this colour one line really stuck out to me - “Teal is a slightly unconventional colour, you value your uniqueness and don’t wish to fit in the crowd”, whilst you may have a serious demeanor it doesn’t me you are boring by any means, it could be the way your express your style via clothing that is unique or perhaps you have a secret niche interest that not many people know about. Whatever it is, you are a very interesting and complex person and you are definitely a lot more than meets the eye. 
How to love yourself
We all have our off days, so here is some tips and tricks on how to feel better
The Star: I found it so amazing that this card came out again in a different deck, the message when I saw the 2 star cards just confirmed to me that you don’t realise how amazing you are, like you are constantly downplaying yourself because you are so incredible modest, like you are so much better than you think you are and you deserve all the joy in the world. The star in tarot represents hope and affirmations, somebody praising you definitely makes your day. (this message just came to me when i was writing this), society constantly tells us not to out looking for external praise and to be happy with ourselves it has to come from within but I slightly disagree on this standpoint, I believe you guys lack that external validation in your life, so when someone does praise you it really has a big impact. Getting complimented is a good thing and you deserve every single one of them. Getting back on track, looking closely at the picture the lady is pretty much naked except for a blue ribbon covering her “private parts”, to me this is an indication that you should show off, like put on a pretty dress (or whatever clothing makes you feel the most comfortable) and get some beyonce on and pretend you are a victoria secrets angel, release the inner diva, do something bougie, get your nails done. Honestly you guys deserve the spotlight (if you want that) or either the right to feel confident, like just go dancing and let all that negative energy out through your movements. I wanted to have a look at the blue ribbon in more detail, blue is a colour that represents calmness and tranquility, so any activities that make you in a calm or soothing state will really help you too. It could be the classical calming activities such as guided meditation or a really nice hot bubble bath but my sister says she finds shopping to be very relaxing, so whatever hobby or thing makes you fall into this state could also really help increase the self-esteem here. 
Bnha characters who highkey have a crush on you
Monoma, Uraraka, Hawks, Mina and Sero 
Pile 3 (Pasta)
Why are you so amazing
What traits make you, you
The Emperor: the emperor card represents structure, stability and authority. I feel like a lot of you picking this reading are quite shocked that this card came out, like I feel like you might not think of yourself as the most stable person (especially during these uncertain times) however I do not think you give yourself enough credit. You thrive under following a strict schedule and always follow through on your goals (for some reason I feel like you might have a very extensive writing blog, like your masterlists are all extremely organised). You naturally bring stability to others though, I keep getting the phrase “you are my rock” and you are always there if anyone needs you. Of course this doesn’t make you a doormat by any means in fact quite the latter, the emperor is a man of action and leadership, you are a natural leader and always know the exact action to take in regards to a situation, a problem solver, people come to you for when they need to seek answers and get stuff done. The emperor serves the kingdom fairly thus he facts rationally in regards to making decisions. You are perhaps on the more logical side and are not too rash when it comes to your emotions, an aloof and calculated person, many people are in awe of your authoritative aura you have around you. You are extremely fair and just too, not a cold person at all, if someone wrongs you or your loved ones they are getting the treatment they deserve, we are so blessed to have you as an incredibly loyal person in this world. For some of you I highkey think you are into things that involve strategies or methodical thinking a couple of things that came to mind were Jigsaw puzzles, chess or solving rubik's cubes but sports and other hobbies do use this critical thinking as well, also I feel like you might be extremely passionate about it too. The emperor is ruled by aries so you are a person of action, you hate the idea of sitting around and I feel like you are never afraid to take on a challenge which is extremely admirable because many people are afraid of failure but you don’t see it as that, you see it has another chance to prove yourself and honestly as I am typing this out I am feeling so motivated to do something badass. Best hype man period. (Also i couldn’t help but think of commander erwin smith when i was writing this so maybe you kin this man a little bit) 
Seven of Swords: now this card in tarot is basically referring to someone being a backstabbing little shit but actually I think this highkey is a very badass card to come out of the deck in regards to what makes you so amazing. This card indicates scheming and coming up with a strategy which to me empathises how intelligent you are. You have some extremely high IQ or you naturally incredibly street smart either way your intellect is something to be marveled. Unlike pile number 2 I would not say you are studious but are the type of person who can have like 2 hours sleep and come in and do a test and still pass with flying colours. With this card, I feel like you are two steps ahead of everyone else, I can imagine that you sort of go into this mind palace like sherlock holmes where you connect all the loose threads, out of this world deduction skills, like how do you do it I will never know??? Definitely very good actors, like you can turn on the charm if need be and honestly you guys are super badass, you are the one person I believe who could actually survive animes such as Attack on Titan or the promised neverland.
Seven of Pentacles: Whenever I see this card in a personal reading of me it’s the universe’s way of telling me to stop being an impatient bitch and keep working. You sure do put up with a lot of shit, I 100% think that within your friendship you are the voice of reason and honestly you deserve a nobel peace prize. Seven of Pentacles indicates a need for looking more into the future, a long term perspective, you deffo play the long game, thinking before you leap and taking into consideration the consequences of your actions. You know where to invest your time in and make excellent planners, the archetype that has come into my brain is the chess master, you just know how to move each piece or in this instance know exactly what endeavours to pursue in life. The lady on the card looks very at rest despite all the work she has done, to me this indicates that you make a lot of things look really easy, perhaps you have a niche hobby that you have perfected over the years or maybe you are naturally an elegant person. What I can tell you is that whatever sort of work you present is bougie as fuck, wherever it be a writing for tumblr or some artwork it always looks so damn professional (your talent makes me go on all starry eyed). Lastly, I feel like your motto is “slow and steady is the race”, you would rather take slightly longer on a project then finish it quickly with lots of errors, definitely a perfectionist. 
Hidden Talent
 Perhaps something you might have not been aware of 
The Chariot: the first thoughts that came to mind is that you are incredibly hard working and have lots of self discipline, many people believe you were always just naturally good at stuff not seeing the sweat and tears that has got you to your amazing level now, for instance you are extremely charming however this wasn’t a gift you were born with but something you learnt. The lady pictured on the card was wearing gold armour, the colour gold was really standing out to me so I decided to include this within the interpretation. The colour gold means triumph and success, to me this shows that when you put your talents to good use (towards a goal) the world becomes your oyster, the universe has gifted you the resources now you just have to pick up and use them. Also within the picture, there were 2 horses white and black, to me the colours represent divine feminie energy (emotions) and divine masculine energy (logic), the lady has control of the horses which shows that you have good control over both logic and emotions and don’t let one over power the other one. The spiritual guide of the horse shows that you are actually an extremely passionate person, I feel like you may have a slightly apathetic appearance so people can get quite shocked when they see you all fired up and ready to go, but you are. You look towards the future and never let the past hold you back, you are always ready for battle and just like the chariot you charge on ahead never looking back. The chariot card is ruled by Cancer, I feel like you are a very good listener, people are surprised at how comforting you can actually be, you do look out for your friends and just want to make sure they are healthy and well. You truly treasure those close around you and will take the bullet for any of them, I literally feel so emotionally writing this and honestly words cannot describe how amazing you are.
How to love yourself
We all have our down days, so here are some tips and tricks to help us feel better
10 of Cups: this is literally the happy ending card (that's my nickname for it). 10 of cups represents family and emotional fulfilment. The first message that came to mind in regards to loving yourself was listing things that you are grateful for, as someone who has low self esteem issues I know this can be extremely difficult but you need to dig deep. If you have trouble starting off taking personality quizzes can be a good start, my personal faves our the myer briggs (do not take 16personalities it isn’t accurate) and the jungian archetypes (i got the Jester), you can see some good traits from these quiz results which could help you start your list. What was really prominent on this card was the peace sign that was in the background, this could be an indication that may need to find peace with yourself or perhaps try to find peace around you, with the chaos that has been COVID you may have lost your balance in life, the cups aren’t standing up right. Perhaps your sleep schedule has gone out the window or you are skipping lunch most days ( I am guilty of doing this too), try by fixing your daily routine, this could be by going to bed 1 hour earlier or maybe making sure you go outside at least once a day. I definitely think that will increase your overall morale and thus the confidence will make a comeback. Spending time with your family is another theme of this card, I understand that some family members can be a pain however talking to them just having a normal conversation could really help forge better relationships with them. Be happy with the here and now because contentment is right under your nose. 
BNHA characters that would highkey have a crush on you  
Deku, Toga, Iida, Miriko and Dabi
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justa-starrynite · 4 years
Corn Maze
A/N: Hey guys, it’s Megan! I hope you all are having a wonderful day and wish you all a great weekend! I’m so excited that it is finally Fall! Here is just a little fluff for my baby Juice who stole my heart. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you so much for reading!
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*gif not mine*
You walked hand in hand with Juice surrounded by the tall corn stalks. You had been in the corn maze about thirty minutes now just leisurely making your way through as you two talked about anything and everything.
The two of you had been officially dating a little over two years now. You met Juice when he came to your rescue in the tow truck after you broke down in the middle of nowhere just outside Charming city limits. You were on your way to your cousin’s wedding and running terribly late. Luckily for you you didn’t care too much since your cousin was a real bitch but you would never hear the last of it from your parents if you didn’t show up on time.
You were one of her bridesmaids after all.
After Juice and a guy strangely called Half Sack dropped your vehicle off at Teller-Morrow Juice offered to take you to the venue on the back of his bike insisting it would be fastest. Normally you wouldn’t just hop on the back of a stranger’s bike but there really weren't many other options and his kind eyes and warm smile gave you the sense that you could trust him.
So you did.
Being bold you asked him if he’d like to accompany you as your date but unfortunately he had to split. The club needed him otherwise there was nowhere else he’d rather be. It wasn’t until about three years later that you found yourself back in the charming town. Juice was pleasantly surprised to see you again. He took you on a date that night and now here you were, helplessly in love.
“Oh, after this we should go to the drive-in theater. I think they are playing A Nightmare on Elm Street.” You said as you continued down the path.
“Huh?” You had been talking for a while now but Juice wasn’t really listening. He was doing his best to stay present with you but his mind was in the future going over his plans over and over again. He wanted everything to be perfect. It had to be perfect for you. Today would be a day you would both hopefully look back on as one of the happiest moments of your life.
Today at the end of the maze Juice was going to propose.
“I said we should see a movie afterwards.”
“Yeah, sure.” Juice gave you a smile. “Whatever you want.”
“Are you okay baby?” You stopped in your steps and turned to face him. “You’ve been acting weird all morning. Well more so than usual.” You gave him a small smile as you ran your thumb across the back of his hand. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“Yeah I’m fine.” He grinned back at you easing some of your worries. “Just slept funny is all.”
You eyed him skeptically before deciding to drop it and move on. Whatever was going on he would tell you when he was ready. “We better get moving if we are going to beat last year's time.”
Juice gladly followed your lead. Slipping his free hand into his pocket he reached down for the ring he had Lyla help pick out for you. He fished around a moment before the panic started to set in. Coming up empty he quickly reached into his other pocket hoping he just put it in there instead but also found nothing.
Then it dawned on him. “Shit.” He cursed under his breath. He forgot to grab it from the drawer in his dorm before the two of you headed out.
“Everything okay back there?” You asked turning around to check in on him once more.
“Yep.” He said a little too quickly. “Just forgot I borrowed a wrench from Chibs and promised I’d return it to him today because he needed it today. I’m just gonna send a quick message letting him know where it is so he can grab it from the dorm.” Pulling out his phone he sent a quick message to Chibs about the ring hoping that by some miracle his brother would get it here for him in time.
You waited patiently for him to put his cell back in his pocket. You extended your hand out taking his in yours once more before leading the way. After a few dead ends and Juice checking his phone multiple times you were starting to get irritated.
“Is the tool really that important?” You asked, stopping once more in the maze. “You’ve spent more time on that damn phone than being here with me. Today was supposed to be our day. Just you and I with no outside interruptions. You promised me that much Juice.”
You loved the club but that didn’t mean you wanted to share your man with it every day. The two of you had been planning this day for weeks now and both promised it would be about the two of you and no one else. You had not picked up your phone once but here Juice was seemingly constantly on his phone.
Juice frowned. He hated letting you down in any way, especially when he was planning something huge for you today. He couldn’t exactly tell you that though. This was definitely not how he planned on today going.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, I promise I’m here with you. I’ll put it away.” He gave you a small smile slipping his phone into the inside pocket of his jacket before zipping it back up. “It’s just you and me baby.”
You smiled leaning in to give him a kiss. Resting your forehead against his you held him and he held you for a little while. “Thank you.”
Juice couldn’t wait to make you his wife. That was as long as you’d have him as your husband and your ring showed up in time.
“I think we’re almost to the end!” You said excitedly, pulling back. “Come on I’m starving.” You giggled pulling him behind you as you were determined to get out of this damn maze now.
Juice chuckled letting you lead the way. Wherever you’d go he would always follow. He truly felt lost before you entered his life just when he needed you most. You were his bright light in his darkest times. You made him a better man.
You were nearing the end and both of you could tell you were close. Juice had not heard from Chibs since he said he was on his way. He just needed to buy a little more time. He pulled you back spinning you around holding you close.
“What are you doing? We’re almost out.” You searched his soft eyes as he smiled. His smile always made you feel like you could melt.
“I just want you to know I love you.”
“And I love you too.”
Juice sighed to himself letting you lead the rest of the way out of the maze. He was disappointed that things didn’t work out as he had planned. All that mattered though was the smile on your face. He could propose another day, at another place. Anywhere and anytime would be perfect because all that mattered was that you were in love.
Exiting the maze you checked your phone for the time. “Well we definitely didn’t beat last year's time but there’s always next year.”
“Aye Juicey!” Both you and Juice looked over to find Chibs jogging your way.
“Why is Chibs here?” You asked Juice as you smiled at the older Son.
Catching up to the two of you Chibs gave you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. He was quite the charmer. “You’re looking lovely as ever (Y/N)”
“Thank you Chibs.” You blushed. “What are you doing here? Did you find your wrench?”
“I did.” Chibs grinned catching on quickly. “Just came to give Juicey boy his wallet. I noticed he left it.” Chibs passed Juice an older wallet of his with the ring tucked neatly inside. He gave Juice a hug and a pat on the back murmuring good luck before dismissing himself. “Alright I’ll leave you two to it.”
You watched the older man walk away. Something felt a little off about the whole exchange but you weren’t going to question in.
“Do you want a caramel apple?” You asked Juice motioning to the stand just a ways away where a woman was selling treats. You headed off towards the stand with Juice’s hand in yours. You didn’t get two steps before realizing he wasn’t moving with you. “What’s up?”
Now was his chance. He didn’t want to waste another second. He now had the ring in his hand and the wallet tucked away. Before you could really register what was happening he was down on one knee still holding your left hand in his.
“(Y/N),” he began holding back the tears in his eyes. “Today has not been what I imagined when I thought about proposing to you. It definitely didn't go as planned but I wouldn’t have changed a thing about it. Each day I get to have with you is a blessing and I promise to cherish each moment with you, to cherish you and love you always. There is nothing more I want in this world than to be your husband. So (Y/N), will you make me the luckiest guy and be my wife?”
You looked down at the stunning ring Juice held out before you. You couldn’t believe this was happening. Wiping the tear from your cheek you nodded smiling wide. “Yes, I would love nothing more than to be your wife.”
Slipping the ring onto your finger Juice then stood up pulling you into his arms. Today would just be one of many with you that he would always cherish for the rest of his life.
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
A World Cup Victory and A Crushing Defeat  (Kelley O’Hara x Reader)
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Anonymous Request:  Hi, I really love all of your imagines! Could you do a Kelley O'Hara x reader where reader plays for the Royals and Brazil WNT and is dating Kelley. After Brazil lost the game against France in the World Cup reader is basically crushed and Kelley comforts her. Then at the final the reader is in the stands cheering with Kelley's jersey and after they win she celebrates with the USWNT. Thank you in advance and I hope you have an amazing day.
Kelley knew you were absolutely crushed. You’d been gushing to her for weeks about being in the World Cup, about how you couldn’t wait to face her and the USWNT.  
You were confident after winning the group stage, but in the end, France had led to your team’s downfall in the semi finals.
“Hey.” You hear a soft whisper before you head in the locker room, turning towards your girlfriend with a small smile.  
Kelley knew what utter defeat felt like when they’d lost against Sweden at the Olympics, she knew exactly how that felt and she would never wish that pain on anyone, especially not you.  
Everyone knew you and Kelley were together, the woman there in support of you against France, even if the two of you would inevitably face one another on the pitch, Kelley wanted you to know she was there for you.
Kelley’s arms slip around you and you duck down, burying your nose in her neck as you cling to her, the woman whispering soft reassurances in your ear, along with peppering your cheek with kisses.  
“You did everything you could, you played your hardest and I couldn’t be any prouder of you.”  
Kelley cups your cheeks, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips.  
“I love you, and I’m so proud.” She whispers as she kisses you again, her forehead resting against yours.  
“I love you too... Thank you, for being here for me.” You whisper and Kelley nods, grinning as she presses another kiss to your lips.  
The second you made it to the hotel you were dragged away by Kelley, the woman saying that the two of you were spending a day in together and it was in no way up for debate.
How could you complain though?  
Spending an entire day in bed, snuggled up to Kelley O’Hara, that was a dream come true.  
Kelley runs her fingers through your hair, her nails digging into the nape of your neck which leaves you absolutely purring beneath her fingers, the woman sending you a dreamy smile.  
You were utterly heartbroken over the loss, over the fact that you wouldn’t face Kelley in the World Cup, but under the woman’s ministrations you were able to relax, the blow of losing softening beneath your girlfriend’s tender touch.  
Kelley curls into your side, her head on your chest as her fingers continue running through your hair.  
“Trying to put me to sleep?” You yawn tiredly, the defender grinning.  
“I mean, a day in wouldn’t be complete without a nap, would it?” Kelley asks and you smile, rolling over to face her.  
Kelley cups your cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips.  
“You know I’m proud of you, right?” She smiles and you nod, chuckling.  
“I’ve heard you say it a few times today.” You bump your nose against hers and the woman beams.  
You clear your throat.  
“You know I’m proud of you too?” You whisper and she nods.  
“I know you are.”  
“So proud that I’m staying for the rest of the World Cup.” You grin and she shakes her head.  
“You don’t have to do that...” She glances away and you shake your head, turning her head until your eyes lock.  
“I want to... I want to see my girl play.” Your grin splitting your face in half as Kelley’s cheeks flush.  
“Awwwwww.” You coo, and the defender grumbles.  
“Shut up.”  
“But you’re so cuteeeee.” You tease, tickling her sides and she giggles, wiggling in your hold.  
“Nooo, I’m not.” She mumbles and you shake your head, peppering her face with kisses.  
“Yessss, you are.” You laugh as Kelley tries to wiggle out of your hold, but to no avail.  
You eventually stop your assault, your forehead resting against Kelley’s as the two of you pant.  
“I want to be here to watch you play because I love you.” You whisper and Kelley’s cheeks flush, a dazzling smile stretching across her face.  
“I love you too... And I’m glad you want to stay...” She shrugs. “Winning wouldn’t be the same without you here.” She murmurs and you grin.  
“Shut up.”  
As you promised you were there for every game, needless to say you were incredibly excited when USWNT beat France courtesy of Megan Rapinoe’s boot. 
Just like every other fan you were on the edge of your seat, but you were there each and every time cheering your girlfriend on, your girlfriend who would excitedly run to you with a squeal after winning, jumping into your arms and pressing a kiss to your lips.  
But today... Today was the day of the final.  
The WWC Final, and your girlfriend was again in it, and she was starting.  
You, the proud girlfriend you are, were on your feet the entire time, proudly wearing your #5 jersey in support of the woman you loved.  
Again, much like everyone you were on the edge of your seat, the game between the Netherlands and the USWNT was going to be an intense one, both teams fighting for the right to be called World Cup Champions.  
It’s in the end of the first half that you jump to your feet, watching in horror as Kelley falls to the ground, she and Martens connecting violently in the air.  
“Shit.” You mumble, watching in worry as your girlfriend eventually moves to her feet, though you can easily tell there’s something wrong.  
The whistle blows signaling the end of the first half and almost immediately you’re leaving your seat and taking off after your girlfriend.  
“Kelley, I know you’re upset but you have to go off.” You hear Jill’s voice, followed quickly by Kelley’s.  
“I don’t go off!” She barks back angrily and you sigh, running your hands down your face before knocking on the locker room door.  
You’ve barely even poked your head inside the locker room before Kelley is on you, her arms wrapped tightly around you.  
“Come on in Y/N.” Jill waves you in and you nod, carrying Kelley in, the defender clinging to you like a koala bear, mumbling against your neck about how she’s fine and she doesn’t want to go off the pitch.  
“Kel, you took a pretty bad knock to the head...” You frown, the woman shaking her head.  
“But I’m fine Y/N...” She mumbles and you shake your head.  
“You aren’t baby, you aren’t...” You whisper and Kelley sniffles.  
“How would you feel if I took a hit like that and tried to stay on the field?” You ask and Kelley pulls back, her tear-filled brown orbs locking with your Y/E/C ones.  
Eventually, she relents, taking a deep breath before nodding.  
“I just, I don’t want to.” She pouts and you smile, kissing her forehead.  
“For me?” You ask and she groan, drawing the attention of her teammates who smile as she cuddles back into your chest.  
“Fine. I’ll do it for you, but I won’t like it.”  
And dislike it Kelley did, thankfully you were able to sit in the VIP area and hold her against your chest, the woman pouting and mumbling under her breath the second play started.  
It was in the 60th minute that everything changes, Megan Rapinoe sinking the penalty kick into the back of the net, 9 minutes later another goal courtesy of Rose Lavelle.  
“Oh my god you’re going to do it.” You whisper in her ear, Kelley practically shaking with excitement.  
The closer it gets to the 90-minute mark, the more excited Kelley gets, itching to run out onto the field.  
“Go join your teammates.” You nod to those gathered on the sidelines.
Kelley kisses your lips, grinning before she moves to stand beside them, jumping on her heels with glee.  
The final whistle blows and you’re on your feet, screaming with excitement along with the crowd as the USWNT wins another World Cup, getting another Star on their jerseys.
You hold your hands high above your head, clapping as the team gets their medals and holds the trophy high.  
Eventually, Kelley makes her way back to you, basically jumping on you, her lips pressing against yours.  
“What do you say, you come celebrate with us?” She grins and you glance over her shoulder, seeing a few of her teammates waving you over, Alex and Allie grinning as they flail at you.  
“Are you sure? I mean I am on a different-
Kelley cuts you off with another kiss, of course, you’re only happy to reciprocate.
“I want my girlfriend with me to celebrate.” She whispers and you nod.  
“Okay. I’ll come.”  
Kelley squeals, taking your hand and dragging you onto the field, leaving you to wonder what you’d gotten yourself in to.  
“Where in the hell are my clothes?” You grumble, sitting up, looking down when you realize you’re in just a pair of boxers, your chest exposed.  
“I imagine they’re wherever mine are.” Kelley mumbles as she sits up, wiping her eyes as glances around the room.  
Suddenly, Alex walks out of the bathroom, yawning loudly, thankfully you’re able to pull the covers up over you and Kelley in time.  
“Where the hell were you?” Kelley asks and Alex shrugs.  
“The bathtub.”  
Kelley shrugs.
“At least she has clothes on.”  
You turn to a girlfriend, your eyes wide.  
“Seriously, what have you gotten me in to?” You ask and Kelley yawns scooting closer.  
“Nothing we’ll be able to remember in a week.”  
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Wherever the Winds Take You: Chapter 13
A/N: Okay, not gonna lie, didn’t really edit this one much. It’s super duper short, sticks pretty close to the episode, and it’s just been a week. So I apologize for any spelling errors or awkward phrasing. But otherwise, I hope you all like it! Thank you so much for your continued support of my shameless guilty pleasure.
Santa Prisca July 22 21:10
The tunnel remained dark and cold for a few minutes, the only sounds being the ragged breaths of six young heroes and the shuffle of feet against stone. All members collectively could hear their own heartbeat in their ears, and felt the adrenaline pumping through their veins.
Finally, a loud crack broke the silence and an eerie red glow emitted from the glowstick that Aqualad held and promptly tossed to the ground. Every member of the team stood there; Kid Flash and Zephyr showing the most wear, as the non-humans held good composure and Robin stood silently, staring at the barricade of rock and debris that separated the team from the way they came.
After a moment, however, Robin finally broke the silence.
“How could my first mission as leader go so wrong?”
“You do have the most experience, but perhaps that is exactly what has left you unprepared.” Aqualad spoke. “Fighting alongside Batman, your roles are defined. You two do not need to talk. But this team is new, and a leader must be clear, explicit. He cannot vanish and expect others to play parts in an unknown plan.”
Robin whirled around, snarled and poison-tongued. “Oh, so I’m supposed to hold everyone’s hands?!” The boy let out a growl of frustration and glared down at the ground. But then, after a moment, the tension in his shoulders released and his form slumped slightly. “Oh, who am I kidding? You should lead us, Kaldur. You’re the only one who can.”
“Please! I can run circles-” Kid Flash’s outburst was cut off by Robin’s now much calmer tone. “Wally, come on. You know he’s the one.” The young boy’s eyes lifted to meet his elder’s. “We all do.”
“Hello, Megan! It’s so obvious!” M’gann chirped.
“Could’a told you.” Superboy shrugged.
Kaldur’s eyes met Lina’s knowing gaze. “You know you have my vote.”
Everyone turned to Wally, who stood awkwardly for a moment before sighing in resignation. “Okay!”
“Then I accept the burden,” Kaldur nodded, stepping towards Robin and placing a hand on the younger boy’s shoulder, “until you are ready to lift it from my shoulders. You were born to lead this team, maybe not now, but soon.” Robin nodded, his normal smile returning to his face.
Kaldur turned back to speak to the team as a whole. “Alright, our first priority is preventing that shipment from leaving this island.”
“Funny,” Robin smirked, “I had the same thought.”
As the group began to dash down the tunnel’s length, they began to compare notes.
“Robin and I discovered data about the new shipments on a computer in the warehouse.” Kid Flash spoke up. “It looks like Kobra has combined Venom and the Blockbuster formula from Cadmus, making Venom three times as strong and permanent.”  
“So obviously Kobra attacked Bane’s Satna Prisca to have an unlimited supply of the Venom formula, making it able to create the new superformula.” Robin explained. “Which explains how normal supply chains have been cut off if--it’s for a whole new product. But it doesn’t explain how Kobra got his hands on Dr. Desmond’s formula.”
“We discovered that the supplier arriving today was the villain, Sportsmaster.” Aqualad nodded.
Robin pulled up his holo-computer. “Okay, so that must mean Sportsmaster is the supplier and buyer...but it still doesn’t track. He’s a gun for hire, he doesn’t have the power to acquire the blockbuster formula or to get Kobra to do his dirty work.”
“And neither of them have the chops to bond blockbuster with venom. That took some major nerdage.” Kid Flash chimed in.
“I believe the expression is…” As the team arrived at the mouth of the entrance, they were met with the sight of Bane standing there, finishing pumping himself with his normal venom serum which connected from a tube from his arm to the base of his skull, and seemed to enhance his muscle to an inhuman amount. With a sigh of relief, the masked villain dropped the vial formerly containing venom and gazed down at the team of young heroes with a crazed look in his eyes. “‘tip of the iceberg’.”
“Halt, ninos.” Bane growled and revealed a handheld trigger in his grasp. “I’m feeling...explosive.” Simultaneous beeping alerted the team to gaze up, revealing a large number of charged explosives around the mouth of the tunnel.
“You betrayed us, why?” Aqualad spoke, in a tone that-to anyone that knew him-sounded very fake. Bane, however, didn’t seem to notice the falseness. While Bane was distracted, the Atlantean reached out via the telepathic link. “Kid, you’ll need a running start.”
“I want my factory back!” Bane began to monologue. “So I forced you into a situation where you would either take down my enemies for me, or die trying. If the latter, the Justice League would certainly have come to avenge their sidekicks. And when the smoke cleared, Santa Prisca would be mine once more...blowing the tunnel with you inside, should have the same effects.”
Caught in his own monologue, Bane didn’t see the dark blue that flew by him.
“With what?” Kid Flash suddenly asked, now suddenly behind the hulking man and holding the hand-held trigger that had just been in Bane’s grasp. “This trigger thingy?”
Bane let out a loud growl and pulled back to land a strong punch to the speedster, but promptly found himself being lifted off his feet by an invisible force. Being slowly turned around, Bane saw a smiling Miss Martain standing under him, lifting him telekinetically with a raised hand.
“Finally,” Superboy smirked as he stepped forward, and cracked his knuckles. “Drop him.”
Santa Prisca July 22 21:31
Back outside the warehouse, at its helipad, we watched patiently until Sportsmaster and Kobra bid goodbye to one another. Sportsmaster was a tall, hulking man that was essentially all muscle, who wore a signature goalie mask over his face, but otherwise had no notable physical traits. Kobra, on the other hand, has an almost just as tall figure with an equally as strong build, although his muscles were not nearly as hulking as his compatriots’ and hid his figure under a dark crimson cloak. His pale skin was almost anemic and seemed to glow under the light of the moon, but somehow didn’t make him look sickly. Overall, the aura around him made Zephyr’s spine tingle uncomfortably.
“This Kobra man…” Zephyr whispered from her spot in the shadows next to Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad. “I do not like his vibe.”
Robin snickered quietly. “Have you liked any villains’ ‘vibe’ before?”
The young girl thought for a moment. “Poison Ivy.” She whispered, thinking deeply. “She is, uh, qu'est-ce que...fine as hell, tres tres bonne. Robin, why are most of your famous villains so good-looking, hm? Seems very unfair.”
This made both Robin and Kid Flash snort with laughter to the point where they had to muffle themselves.
“Do you want to trade cities Zeph’?” Robin asked, eyebrows cocked in amusement.
The young women paled, recalling the patrol she and Aqualad had done the other night. “Fair enough! No thank you!”
This made Robin chuckle a little more.
Sportsmaster began to make his way towards the helicopter, causing Aqualad to give Kid Flash his signal, and the young ginger ran off at lightning speed, knocking down cultists and pulling gunfire in his wake.
“Protect the shipment!” A cult member exclaimed. Just in time for Superboy to jump and land in front of Mammoth, who stood next to Kobra.
“Go again?” The clone yelled at the hulking beast, causing it to roar and attack. However, it was promptly forced off-course by a sudden continuous force of water, controlled by Aqualad, sending him right into nearby trees. “Sorry, not the plan.”
As Mammoth roared fiercely and began to fight back against being sprayed, Zephyr flew over him, moving her arms and collecting as many of the coldest Winds she could find. The girl reached high up into the atmosphere to find the ones to complete her task and sent them crashing down onto the blast of water and onto Mammoth, freezing the water around him until slowly but eventually, he was encased in thick, frigid, ice.
At being controlled so forcefully, the Winds carrying Zephyr faltered and the girl landed on the ground in a crouching stance. “I am going to be honest with you,” She called to her new team leader as she dodged a cultist’s fire. “I did not know if that would work!” She managed to grab hold of the cultist’s gun and bashed him in the head with it, before chucking it at another cultist’s head, successfully rendering both unconscious.
“Be thankful it did then!” Aqualad yelled back as he fought his own share of cultists.
Not a moment later, the helicopter filled with products began to take off with Sportsmaster inside. Zephyr turned and prepared her Winds to go after it, just in case, but was relieved when it exploded into flames mid-air, causing it to plummet down towards the factory. Off in the distance, the figure of Sportsmaster leaping out and deploying a parachute could be seen.
As the burning helicopter dropped into the factory, it only took a moment before a deep, rumbling ‘boom’ seemed to shake the island as a whole, and flames erected from the giant metal structures. As the fire began to swallow up the entirety of the warehouses, the cultists-those who remained conscious enough to stand-began to flee from the helipad and into the forest, causing the team to turn its attention to Kobra, who stood (no longer wearing his cloak) over Robin, with a single foot pinning the boy to the ground. The cult leader seemed to scan the six teenagers carefully as if weighing his chances of success, but ultimately began to move away, removing his foot from Robin’s chest and slinking away into the shadows of the trees with a low, grumbling “another time then…”
Robin stood, and immediately darted into where Kobra had disappeared, but alas, he was gone without a trace. Slowly walking back to his team, Robin gazed up at the sizzling remains of the factory and watched the flames like at the metal for a moment, before looking back down at his comrades.
“We picked the right guy to lead.” Robin nodded with a smile at Aqualad. “...automatically making you the right guy to explain this mess to Batman!” Robin walked away, laughing, and Kaldur’s face seemed to immediately drain of any blood as fear entered his eyes.
“Don’t worry Aqualad.” M’gann piped up, floating close to her leader. “We won’t let Batman chew you out too much! Besides, I was technically the one who made the helicopter explode.”
“Yeah, don’t sweat it too much.” Wally smiled. “We’re a team now, which means we’re all gonna be killed by Bats equally!” This earned him looks from all the remaining members.
“Your bedside manner definitely could use some improvements, my friend.” Lina shook her head, but she quickly offered a supportive smile to her best friend-now leader.
Mount Justice July 23 10:01
“A simple recon mission! Observe and report!” Batman growled loudly, his tone so uniquely terrifying that it could possibly strike fear into every living creature on the planet. Or at least that’s what it felt like. “You will each receive a written evaluation detailing your many mistakes. But until then…”
The main open room of the cave seemed to ring with anticipated breath as the co-leader of the Justice League paused.
“Good job.”
This shocked every member of the team with surprise, causing them to all whirl their heads to look at Batman with bewildered looks.
“No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. How you adjust to the unforeseen is what determines success. And how you choose who leads determines character.” Batman turned and began walking away. “You’re all dismissed.”
“Did…” Wally spoke, a small smile itching at his lips. “Did we just get verbally patted on the back by the Batman? For blowing up a factory?”
“I...I think we did!” Robin chuckled, running a stunned hand through his spiky black hair.
“We just finished our first actual mission together, right?” M’gann perked up. “I believe that’s cause for celebration! What do you guys think?” All the members of the team looked to one another, and then looked to Kaldur.
“Well...leader gives the orders.” Robin smirked.
Kaldur smiled and nodded. “Celebration is well-deserved, I think.”
The team all cheered, or in Superboy’s case silently smiled, and began making their way towards the exit to the cave.
“I’m thinking...pizza, Chinese food, snacks and a movie marathon...with possibly dessert provided by the lovely M’gann?” Wally asked, shooting finger guns at the martian herself.
“You...want me to make dessert? After my batch of cookies went so wrong?” M’gann asked, seemingly delighted and flattered.
“I will give you some help in the kitchen M’gann, don’t worry,” Lina said, locking her arm with the younger girl’s. “We’re going to need two sets of hands in the kitchen if we need to feed Kid Mouth and everyone else anyway.”
“Oh, this is going to be sweet!!” Wally exclaimed.
As the gang began to loudly plan their big party, Lina leaned away from the conversation slightly, pulling her phone out of the pocket of her jean jacket. Unlocking the device, she quickly found her and Roy’s texting conversation. Smiling to herself, she quickly types out her message.
Call me when you get home from patrol tonight! You’re going to want to hear about our first mission! Guess who our new leader is…. :D -L
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rawiswhore · 4 years
Brian Pillman x Fem Reader- “What That Mouth Do?”
In 1997, before he passed away at the end of the year and during a time when he had some facial stubble, when you had some free time, you walked up to a wrestler who is nowhere near as sexy as Shawn Michaels or even Hunter Hearst Helmsley, but is still kind of sexy, and that wrestler is Brian Pillman.
Brian had free time as well, thankfully, and you hope he has free time after you confess what you want to say to him.
He saw you walking down the hallway, he smiled from ear to ear seeing you, his smile warmed your heart and your face so much, you smiled right back at him.
"Hey" you said to him as you walked up to him.
"Hi" he replied, "What's up?"
You stopped walking once you were right in front of him.
"I've seen you stick your tongue out before" you admitted "In ECW, WCW, and the WWF"
"Yeah" he answered "And?"
"Well" you said "Let's just say it reminds me of something"
You looked in his eyes, obviously trying to seduce him.
"What, Michael Jordan?" he asked. "KISS?"
"You're close" you said.
"Gene Simmons?" he asked.
"No" you answered "You really shouldn't be guessing what it is"
Does she mean French kissing? he thought. Yeah, I shouldn't sound so stupid. She's obviously trying to seduce me.
"Is it French kissing?" he asked.
You nodded your head.
"I figured" he admitted "You're obviously trying to seduce me, and I sounded so stupid"
"I wanna French kiss you" you confessed "You wanna?"
"Fuck yes" he answered, nodding his head and smiling.
He can't resist you, that's why he sounded somewhat like a nervous, awkward idiot, he legit feels like some nervous teenage boy asking his crush out.
Though, he's Brian Pillman, the Loose Cannon, he shouldn't be acting like this.
Speaking of acting...
"I want you to French me like you're playing your character in the WWF" you confessed, leaning and pressing your chest on his and your eyes looking up at him, trying to sound and look seductive "Like the nutcase you are"
He isn't that much different from the ticking time bomb character he plays in the WWF, even when he wasn't a wrestler and played football for the Cincinatti Bengals during the 1980's, he thought of running down a football field naked and had sex with someone while she was pushing herself up .
He really is that crazy.
"But before we do anything" you interrupted, not sounding so sexy but more concerned "Do you have to do anything before we...French kiss? Do you have to rehearse a match or a promo?"
Brian stopped and thought about it.
"No" he confessed "I've got time to kill"
Yes, you thought, grinning from ear to ear, you could nearly ball your fists in happiness and excitement.
He can see the expression on your face that you're happy.
The two of you walked holding each others hands to your dressing room, your fingers laced in his, and your other hand grabbed the door knob and turned it, where the door opened for the two of you.
His other hand helped pull the door open and the two of you entered your clean, tidy, feminine dressing room.
He shut the door when he entered the room, and you invited him to have a seat on the black leather couch in your dressing room.
He sat down next to you, and he placed his hands on the sides of your face, where he pulled your face into his, where your lips collided and locked on his.
His eyes shut when his lips met yours, so did your eyes, and you lifted your hands and placed them on the sides of his face.
Your lips were in between his lips, and he quickly shoved his tongue into your mouth, although not literally.
You felt his tongue ram into your mouth, and his tongue proceeded to lick your tongue furiously, but not enough to hurt you.
Your tongue slid above his tongue and proceeded to lick on his, not as vigorously as he is, but still enough.
His tongue is like a hurricane, like a tornado, licking and sliding on your tongue.
Your tongue licked up his tongue until his top lip was in between your lips.
His tongue licked your top lip when his top lip was in between your mouth, his tongue slightly lubricating your top lip when he licked it.
One of your hands is caressing up and down his cheek, feeling his rough facial stubble chafe the palm of your hand.
The kissing, especially the French kissing between the two of you, is so hot and heavy, you could nearly shed out of your clothes and so could he.
One of your hands slid from his cheek to behind his head, where you let your hand roam up to the top of his head, your fingers running through his thick curls.
As you're French kissing him, you're imagining you're kissing him the way he looked in 1996, specifically October of that year.
That's when he looked his hottest and sexiest.
You wish you could've Frenched kissed him in October of 1996, and you did, though you've chosen to French him again after you've seen see him stick his tongue out more.
Brian, meanwhile, slid one of his hands behind your head, where he let his fingers slid and run through your hair.
You're tempted to straddle his lap and feel his erection poking through his jeans.
You know that French kissing scene in the Johnny Depp movie "Cry Baby"? That's how you feel right now.
His tongue was licking up and down your tongue like a Popsicle, and vice versa.
Blood is running and rushing to your clit, filling your clit up, you can feel yourself getting hornier from French kissing him.
Sometimes, the tip of your tongue is nudging into the tip of his tongue, only for your tongue to slide over his and vice versa.
Your lips kiss the his tongue that has been licking inside your mouth, his tongue in between your lips.
As the two of you are open mouth kissing each other, your mouths are wide open in huge oval shapes, only to shrink down pretty small as the two of you kiss each other.
The sides of your mouth are hurting and feeling sore from stretching your mouth out to open mouth kiss him.
You feel like a horny teenager in the backseat of your boyfriend's car when you make out with Brian, this is taking you back to your teenage years.
You have such beautiful lips that stick out, and Brian slid the tip of his tongue across your top lip from the left side to the right side, only to shift the tip of his tongue to the corner of the right side of your bottom lip and slide it across your bottom lip.
If your tongue was in his mouth, he circulated his lips and mouth around your tongue, where his lips slid down to the tip of your tongue.
You, too, sucked his tongue when it was in between your lips, sliding your lips down the tip of his tongue.
The two of you have been French kissing each other for such a long time, and the inside of his mouth isn't the only thing you want to lick.
Your tongue didn't just lick his tongue, but also below his bottom lip, where his facial stubble is, your tongue dangling and lolling out of your mouth below and across your bottom lip.
Your tongue began to lick up the rough, sharp facial hair on his chin, his stubble poking and chafing your tongue.
It's not the most comfortable feeling, but goddamn it, you wanna lick it.
Your tongue roamed wherever his facial hair is, his jagged stubble was making your tongue feel raw.
Your tongue was growing tired from licking in his mouth, his tongue's probably tired as well.
He could feel you suddenly now licking his facial stubble, his eyes opened and looked at you doing that.
He was a bit perturbed, you reminded him of a dog or a cat when you licked his face.
But he is Brian Pillman, the Loose Cannon, the ticking timebomb of the WWF who's an absolute nutcase who's done some crazy things even before he joined the WWF, before he even had a wrestling career, he shouldn't be too surprised.
He's also seen you do some pretty X-rated things in the WWF, he's even done them with you.
When you were licking the stubble on his face, your saliva was making his face look shinier.
Your tongue slid across and above his upper lip, shifting down to the facial hair on his chin, below his bottom lip.
Despite many men being sexier than Brian, like Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy and even Hunter Hearst Helmsley, you didn't imagine any of these men when you made out with Brian.
In 1997, you and Brian were pictured together lolling your tongues out of your mouths like Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion on the "WAP" single cover,  but unlike that single cover, the two of you were face to face in front of each other, your tongue touching his and vice versa.
You regret that you didn't join WCW in 1994/1995/1996 and ECW in '96, because Brian was in those companies and he looked hot AF then.
You Dean Ambrose fangirls can also imagine you're French kissing him in this fanfic, since he also sticks his tongue out, however, you won't have to lick Dean's face...
I even wanted to also have Dean Ambrose in this fanfic since he sticks his tongue out sometimes, though I didn’t know where to put him, but you can imagine Dean’s French kissing you like this.
I bet this fanfic would get more likes and reblogs if it had Dean Ambrose’s name on it.
I might edit this fanfic in the future, maybe even today...
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON … email shemail ……this hole is getting deeper …… Christmas service treat🦄🦎…… “keep hold!! he’s a runner”…… a welcoming absence …… “ you can leave your scarf at home darling”…… “ Chaz & Don”…… Megan come Beggin…… “hope she stays for New Years”……Emmanuel & Don🎭]……… NATO,HATE-O…… “Philip, You’ll miss the banquet!!” ……… “bloody good!!”………” it’s your night old thing”………” Mmm , Catherine’s Tiara?” ………” Emeralds, would do the trick”……… “Sydney’ strong refreshments!!”…… “the Crown old thing?”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
December 3/2019
Riddle #130
1110 hrs CST
email shemail 
Email has been made public between from PA toGM, with the topic being VRG, asking questions. It kind of confuses him saying he never met her nor knew her, however he may have heard her name. If l am correct the email was sent January 3/2015. 0550 hrs so that’s early, sense of urgency? Or just a disciplined military man who rises early?
this hole is getting deeper 
There is a focused multifaceted attack on the BRF! The more information, rather PR/media and interviews come out, instead of letting the legal system address any issues is further poisoning the water! Again, NOT DEFENDING ANYONE, but of all the high placed men WHY IS PA BEING BURNED AT THE STAKE? With high powered wealthy men, why is she so unafraid for her family?? Photos put buying beer and cigs? Who or whom are/is paying from this continued assault on the Monrachy!!??
Christmas service treat🦄🦎”keep hold!! he’s a runner”
Christmas pageant at Battersea, if Nanny Anon, is to be believed it’s tonight, l thought NATO reception was tonight, for weeks l thought it was the 4 th, l honestly cannot keep track. However, they each hVe a role of that l am certain, however Nanny says Charlotte is an angel, with a line to speak and George is rehearsing the role of his future, one of the three kings, NOT of Orient are🤣🤣🤣😂. Louis must a going concern, as we say here, constantly on the move. They best keep him firm in hand or he will do a runner through the audience and steal the show🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. There would be one shriekingly ticked off Princess if that happened! 
 a welcoming absence  “ you can leave your scarf at home darling”
Madam will not join the family at Sandringham, the first Christmas in two years without her. Catherine joking with William he need not bring his scarf🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. His passive aggressive, sorry William but it was 🤣🤣🤣😂😂, fiddling with his scarf whilst leaving the chapel on madams first unmarried Christmas , she was trying to engage him but he fiddled with his scarf . This went nuclear all over the internet and social media! I believe there is an actual official listing of the word scarfing!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Oh man, and l had bought him the loveliest purple scarf, what shall l do with it ?🥺🥺😩😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
“ Chaz & Don”
PC and DT , abbreviated as Chaz for a Charles and Don for Donald, will spend time together today at this evenings reception. I firmly am thinking l was right all along and the banquet is tomorrow. I am sure PC role is expanding they will have plenty to talk about. PC is the consummate host.
Megan come Beggin
Madam begged pleaded shrieked, until she finally got her wish to not be forced anywhere near the person she hates , the President of HER country. MM ANON , l hate to ask, is this a typo, Megan, not Meghan? If it’s not a typo, who is Megan???
“hope she stays for New Years”
This is the general consensus, that madam  can stay wherever she is until AFTER New Years. 
However, if this is the special friend, this may be leaning in a 
positive vibe of hoping she will STAY until the New Years Eve.
Emmanuel & Don🎭]……… NATO,HATE-O
Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump have had an extremely dramatic almost theatrical relationship. When they first met, Macron was so huggy , touchy feely, the word bromance was used. They have had some cracks with the U.S. pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. President Trump has issues regarding NATO, paying funds etc, there is much changing on the worlds stage politically, the U.S./NATO/BREXIT/EU etc etc etc. Not the least of which has been the double barrel attacking of the British Monarchy!
“Philip, You’ll miss the banquet!!”  “bloody good!!”” it’s your night old thing”” Mmm , Catherine’s Tiara?” ” Emeralds, would do the trick”
HMTQ and PP conversing, less pressure on the agenda, with the words done by LG and his team, yet  he is not up to attending the banquet, plus he has retired from the world stage.  Which sounds TRUT H be told, he has had his fill during the many decades attending them!🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Just reassuring her it’s most important that she, HMTQ, is there, she is so amazing as a hostess, she is involved with every little single detail! Well, well, well madams hair will be on fire!! Catherine will be wear the Vladimir Kokoshnik, l think that’s the one, it’s most certainly the one with huge Emeralds,tiara😁😁😁😁. I can hardly wait to see those photos!
“Sydney’ strong refreshments!!”…… “the Crown old thing?”
To end of conversation, the pulled cord, and again, as always, Sydney  arrives, smiling, anticipating their request, Boddingtons for Himself and gin and DuBonnet for HMTQ.CHEERS YOUR MAJESTY, SIR!!
1150 hrs CST
Thank you PG...interesting stuff today...I can’t wait to see which tiara Kate will wear...could it be that one!  Oh my!  Much appreciated dear PG!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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manjuhitorie · 5 years
Hitori-Escape Tour 2019 concerts 10-13
The previous 1-9 concerts of the tour: https://manjuhitorie.tumblr.com/post/188358977881/ Shinoda on vocals and guitar, Yumao on drums, and ygarshy on bass. performing Hitorie’s songs as the trio.
The standard setlist was: 
01 Senseless Wonder 02 Shutter Doll 03 Nichijou to Chikyuu no Gakubuchi
MC, usually consisting of Shinoda sharing greetings with the crowd, and breaking the ice a little bit.
04 Namid[A]me 05 Garandou Mae Zero Banchi 06 Inperfection
07 SLEEPWALK 08 Loveless
09 (W)HERE 10 Gekijougai 11 Talkie Dance 12 Unknown Mother Goose
13 Karanowaremono 14 Little Cry Baby 15 Ao 16 Polaris
Encore intermission + MC
17 Odoru Mannequin, Utau Aho 18 Rolling Girl
10 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/17/2019 at CLUB RIVERST in Niigata prefecture! Report!
SND “Everybody, everybody everybody. It’s all about love. Do you have enough love? Do you have enough love in you, do you?”
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During the intro of Loveless before the bass comes in, ygarshy had his instrument muted as he tuned it. Within that time frame, Shinoda, with his handheld microphone in one hand, went over to ygarshy and slapped his cheek twice (inducing laughter from the crowd). ygarshy’s face was hidden behind his hair, but what kind of expression did he make I wonder...
●SND was performing with a handheld mic, up until the guitar solo when the staff brought him a guitar to play.
●Which was, Leader’s own jaguar guitar. SND used it throughout (W)HERE and Gekijougai after. The emotional screaming numbers.
●For a while ygarshy had his head hung, performing with his back turned away from the crown or looking to his side, but during Talkie Dance his inner switch seemed to suddenly turn on, and from then onward he was aggressively approaching front stage. ●Then the encore intermission MC chat. SND stands in his usual position, but for this Yumao comes up front and uses ygarshy’s microphone so he can be closer to the crowd. ygarshy tucked away behind him.
●Yuma at SND “So, you were nervous about singing at the start of the tour, vyr are you feeling better now?” SND “I’m used to it. We’ve made it halfway through the tour and all.”
SND “But ahh, one day I dream of walking on top of the crowd’s heads and bridging all the way to the other side of the floor." Crowd “Get on us! Ride us!” SND “Naw, I don’t want to do something that’ll make the internet angry.” Yu “You're chill enough to want to walk on top of people. That’s a good sign.” SND “Yeah?” Yu “We’re halfway through the tour right, and you’ve already gotten halfway on top of the crowd. you were sitting on and climbing over on the stage railings earlier after all! You’re halfway there, next up is the other side-” SND “Uhm-”
●SND and Yumao jested about a role swap between them and the crowd, how crazy it would be, with hundreds of people on stage and three down in the crowd…. Crowd “Let’s do it!” SND “We’d get banned from the venue!”
SND continued to ask the crowd how they were feeling, as to which the majority responded “Hot.” While Rie were feeling comfy on stage, thanks to the air circulation system they set up. SND “For once! For once the tables have turned! We’ve always been hot up here and not vice versa. Is this a sign, is the crowd⇆stage role-swap going to become a reality next!?"
●Continuing, Yumao had a story to tell. At the commercial area near Niigata station, he and yga went out for food at a seemingly normal onigiri izakaya bar. (Here’s the store they probably went to: http://onigirisenka.com)
Yu “We walked in, we sat down, nothing out of the ordinary. But after a while we were like ‘? Why is the waitress still here at our table? What’s going on?’ We look around to see 5 girls who were blatantly hired based on looks alone, and one girl assigned to each table.” SND “You found your way into a god damn hostess club!”
Yuma “I'd be fine with it but this guy, ygarshy… Well, he's ygarshy. He can’t handle this kinda thing. We came to chat with each other but now there’s a girl barging into our conversations! And then she even asked us ‘Did you just come here on work~? You kinda look like you’re in a band~!’” SND “Hahaa you don’t wanna be caught up in that!”
Yumao loves to talk about this stuff, so on normal terms he would’ve just burst into conversation. But here he didn’t want to put yga in a traumatizing situation. So he bit his tongue and said “Band!? We can’t even play instruments!!”…. SND “Hahahaa.” Yu “Then she responded with ‘I love bands, I play the drums!’. Way to make it even more suffocating for me! She was talking to us so much that, ygarsh’s rice was gettin’ crusty.” ? “..Pot....”  yg, for the first time in ages, opened his mouth. He didn’t go up to the microphone or anything for this callout either, he just vocalized loud enough to be heard.
Yu “Pot!? Pot? I remember now... We had beautiful white rice inside of a pot, drying up!” The price was of your average izakaya, despite the hostess part too. SND “~~~” Yumao “.….Let’s go again”
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●Yumao “Alrighty then let’s play...”
SND “Ah did you hear... It’s, an emergency it’s an emergency ygarshy! Apparently like 50 fire ants were found in Tokyo Harbor.”
yg *>>>BWOOOON<<<<*  *It was in the news that yesterday. 50 poisonous specimens which could’ve easily been queens fertilized, + their offspring could’ve easily spread further into the country, was a fright. Especially for those with entomophobia-. SND’s tweet Niigata concert: complete, thank you. Take care not to catch any colds y’all,,, We’ll be back. Next up is the city where Leader was born and raised, Kagoshima. Hope to see you there.
11 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/22/2019 at SR Hall in Kagoshima prefecture
SND “Y’all are from Leader’s city, and this all you’ve got?!? Dance more! Yeah! I’d expect nothing less from the city that made him!”
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During Loveless this time, SND tried to kick ygarshy. And while SND was floundering on stage, being crazy as he bounced to the music, he hit ygarshy again. And he bumped into ygarshy on the way onto the stage after the encore break. ●Yuma came out wearing the new Hitorie sweatshirt to promo it today. SND questioned his capability perform through the heat, Yuma responded with guts to continue!  SND “Well, you’re locked in now!” Crowd “You’re so cute~!!! Yumao~!! ” Yumao “Thanks~~” SND “How many times will we do this!? “So cute~~!!” “Thankies~~!” “Awww~~!” “Thanks. “ ●SND moaned and groaned with good means to back it up: the heat in the venue was crazy again. SND still holds the near-death Takutaku as the ultimate trauma but- It seems that wherever Rie journey to, the temperature outside rises up into the high 20’s. SND “Everywhere I go it suddenly gets hot, so people have started to call me Matsuo Kashuuzou. Yet the other members and the staff all come along too, so why am I the only one being framed? He’s not in me!”  *Matsuo Kashuuzou, dubbed the fire fairy, is a former pro tennis player who has an optimistic flaming soul, abd never stops shouting things like “light it up!!” He was such fire that once upon a time on the internet he was memed to be the origin of urban heat island and global warming etc. ●Crowd “Did you eat Shirokuma ice cream?” (*A treat which is sold nationwide, but originated in Kagoshima). SND “No, but our cameraman Nishimaki did.”  ‘Nishimaki doesn’t tag along for the whole tour, typically he’s only around for the first and last shows. So Leader’s hometown really was a special one... ●Yumao took SND’s water bottle, gazed at the label and got the crowd to cheer the name of it: “Zaihou!” with him. “It’s a local but, famous mineral water provider. Cool.” Yu “Whoop” *Proceeds to throw the water bottle back at SND* ((What’s up with Yumao showing his wild side these days)) ●SND conveyed a sweet spot for the sashimi there, but since it’s something of taboo to eat such raw food up mid-country in Tokyo... “Don’t post what I just said on Twitter okay, the twitter police are out there, don’t expose that I eat food raw.” ●Yumao went up to the mic in the front but fairly quickly shifted back to his in the back; apparently because he wanted to be in range of the electric fan set up there. ●SND resisted drinking yesterday to preserve sober sanity before the concert, while next to him Yuma and yg were whole hog on “Beer! highball! beer!” “I now understand what it’s like to be on the other side, to be the one surrounded by drunks instead of being the loggerhead.” Yumao then begins combs his hair back with his fingers* “Ahh~~ so gwood~ delish~” SND “Is.. Is that supposed to be me?” Yumao “I’m topped off~” “Ahh I drank like a dream~~ *still holding his hair up*.” SND “Oi! If you’re gonna mimic me then at least raise the production value!!”
●SND “Alright Let’s perform” Crowd “Yumao you’re so cute~” Yu “Alrighty!” SND “You’re getting a life’s worth of cutes. In response to being showered in cuteness, all you have to say is ‘alrighty’ now?!?” Yu “..Alrighty!!”  (Disclaimer: he was announcing that he was alright and ready to start). ●SND “ygarshy, you know what sandbags are, right? yga *Nods*  SND “Apparently those are stuffed with a bunch of cloth, not sand?” yg ..... >>*BWWOOON*<<
SND’s tweet “Kagoshima concert: complete, that was crazy! How did you fare? I was fucking hot, thank you all so much. We will be back.” Also SND’s drawing was on display at the merchandise booth: https://en.deli-a.jp/products/item_Info.php?itemID=846
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Nishimaki, the photographer, tweeted "It's been 6 or 7 years since I was last in Kagoshima, time well spent. Next is Fukuoka!!"   Megane Hirai, Rie's trusty trusty sound engineer, went to the concert and posted this too:
“Many emotions were felt during the 2 days I spent Kagoshima As I watched each song, The way he strummed his guitar right adjacent to me The way I would jot critiques as he sung his lyrics from the other side of the glass The way I would hear him say “Then how about this!” as we practiced trial and error with each mix The sights from those days would come flooding back. There’s different feelings and means of acceptance For me, going forward, I’m going to keep supporting these four”. 
12 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/25/2019 at SR Hall in Kagoshima prefecture
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The concert was a musical marvel, Rie never cease to amaze... But I'm hopping right into the intermission chat. Because, after they left Kagoshima they stayed at a vacation lodge in Aso Kumamoto....!! Antics ensue! Shinoda “The sheer amount of flying ants the size of peanuts out there left me squealing, I’m really bad with bugs, but they didn’t faze Yumao at all” Yu “In the end it's only ants? No matter the size, right? And then I was bored, and also the air in the room was suffocating so...” SND “This fucker started opening the windows!”  Yu: “Yeah I opened them all up.” SND: “One guy who hates bugs and another who hated the indoor air, the worst combo.“ Yu “Ultimately we BOTH started sneezing like crazy and closed them though.” Yu “I'm exhausted though. The goal was to go there for a vacation, but, cause I drank too much the day before or whatever, I played around so much..!  Do you know how attics in the log lodges are like? A bunch of pillars? Of wood? coming together? What are they called? *Makes hand gestures to try to shape it out*" Crowd “Beams!” Yu “Yeah, beams! I dangled and swung from the beams up in the lodge roof. When yga walked through the door, he was in for it! “What a surprise~”, he laughed after he got a spook!” SND “Yumao was like a monkey.”  Yu “It sounds like I was the only one playing around but, this guy! He doesn’t talk about it much in front of you, hey he doesn’t talk about it much in front of us either but. ygarshy was jumping all over the beds! From asocial to bouncy. He was playing around more than us!” SND “As soon as we came back to our 3 bed lounge after a drink with the crew, I see these two bouncing on them. yga looked like a fish the way he was twisting his body.“ Yu “He still had his usual emotionless expression, even when he was beautifully bending." SND “He played a lot eh? He had the damndest smile when he took fireworks in his hands…”  Yu “He’s so mean sometimes, he smirkingly creeped up behind Shinoda and stuck fireworks right against his ankles! It took SND a bit to notice, but when he did... Boy did he scream! And yg doubled up with laughter!” Yu “It had been raining outside then too, so we were doing them under the small awning outside. When SND realized what ygarshy was scheming, he had ran away shouting “It’s hot it’s hot!!”, but then found himself shouting ‘It’s cold!!!’ out in the rain.” SND “I was hit with hot and cold element attacks both at once.” Yu “Don’t do try this at home now!” SND “Ahh yg don’t look so gloomy! Seriously we have no idea how you’re feeling over there....”  Yu “He laughed the most back when he saw me dangling though~!!” SND “That’s why we're saying yg, stop looking down, put your chin up!” ●SND “So uhhh, ygarsh, please share with us a few words about the Fukuoka Soft Bank Hawks victory!”  yg *>>BWOOON<<*  *The Hawks are the pro baseball team of the prefecture, and they just won the entire Japan Series that week. They’ve won for the past 5 years straight now too. ●Cameraman posted the “Early winter fireworks”.
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●Rie’s manager too posted:  The Kagoshima live, Kumamoto Aso, the Fukuoka live. Fireworks to bring the summer to a close. So many things to make our venture to Kyuushuu a heart-wrenching one. Good night😴💤 ●SND’s tweet: Fukuoka concert: complete, thank you. Baritone felt great to do today. I think it's been a long time since I last played on a high stage,,, Or has it been? Has it? Nonetheless I performed with my feelings at full power. Thank you so much.
13 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/6/2019 at LIQUIDROOM in Tokyo prefecture. The first one.
From 7 years ago till now, our dreams are still relentlessly crying out their first words evermore!!
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●Yuma’s mom, Yurika was spotted at the venue! The family of two does live in Chofu of Tokyo after all.. Tabuchi of Unison Square Garden too. They sat in VIP seats. ●There were flower bouquets on display inside the lobby, one from fans and another from the Hitori-Atelier staff. ●Among some of SND's snazzy mid-show quotes were him screaming “A banger? An epic masterpiece? That's what you're about to hear... Karanowaremono, a present from Leader.”
●“I think I might be getting too old for this.” *Proceeds to do heartfelt vibratos, physical tricks, and giggle tons during the encore break! They didn't talk about the DVD which had released two days prior, but they did delve into some Hitorie history.... yga had recruited SND, who within 0.5 seconds of being contacted said “I'm in!” He didn’t know wowa’s face back then so he was nervous, but when the crew got on a skype chat and wo shared the first mp3 files, SND thought “This is the start of a revolution”... He was excited then, and that excitement lives on. ●SND “It’s been like, so long since I’ve last performed in Tokyo. Yumao you’re out doin’ truckloads of stuff, ygarsh you're doing the Wasure-whatever stuff.. But all I do is draw manga! I’m either stuck at home or in another part of the country! The last show we did here in Liquidroom was the nexUs with Passpied, and our last solo one was, 5 years ago?" Yu “Yeah, the one with a video up on Youtube, back when I was still performing in T-shirts instead of dress shirts.” ●Yu "At our first tour date you were so nervous about singing weren't cha SND. You were like 'Don't put me on the same level as you guys, work harder...’  But now you're fine haha! ...I've started to tease SND.  SND "Though backstage I tease you." Yu "When? :O "  SND "....Thinking about it, I don't really, do I-." ●They talked a little more in detail about their "relaxing" retreat to the Aso resort, which they had first mentioned in the Kagoshima MC up there ↑ .  yg came out of the bathroom, to see the back of strange black-haired drunk swinging from the wooden beams of their remote cottage. He was so scared! Until he realized the perpetrator was a restless Yumao. ●The story of when the trio were lighting firework sparklers and yga stuck them against SND’s ankles. SND “I didn’t even notice the flames until brown hair came into my line of sight.” Yu “And yg even had his phone ready! He recorded the entirety of SND's panic: from him running away from the heat right into the rain, to him shouting out there in cold.” SND “Ain’t he a freak psycho killer....  What are you even thinking about as you listen to us right now.” …Awkward silence. yg remains.
●Yu “In the cottage we were watching Mito Kōmon, the historical drama, ‘cause it was coincidentally playing on TV. Komon is supposed to be this hero of justice yet, he was taking down enemies with real underhanded tactics, it got SND and I cackling so hard. We kept calling out 'Ahh so underhanded! So underhanded!’ yga had been silent so I we assumed he wasn’t watching... But when the end credits hit, he spoke up to tell us “That was entertaining”. SND “So he actually was watching! I thought.” Yu “He does tell us things like ‘Today’s MC chat was long’ after shows too.” SND “Then you do it nice and concise yourself, I say!” ygarsh then turns his face to look right at SND* SND “What are you looking at... Wait, don’t look at me with those sparkly eyes...! Don't, don't...!!” ●Yu “Ahh. We haven't changed a bit huh…. I’m always like ‘wooAHHH! *💪 poses*’ levels of excited, SND is like ‘OY VEY SHUT UP!!’, and yg silently watches over us." ●Before they went back into the show Yumao promoted the merch. He uses the pouch to store his drum supplies, he likes it a lot, and he modeled too. To show us how the logo gets covered by the hood on the sweatshirt, he pulled it over and off~ over and off~ his head.
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●Then the usual...  SND “As soon as we get home and already, Masashi Tashiro got arrested again, did you hear?“  yg *>>BWOON<<*  *SND is using the news for this one. The celeb has gotten arrested countless times now for drug possession. He'd gone to rehab, and recently he’d been publishing books/posting videos/doing lectures to teach people about the horrors of meth but.. He's truly proving how fearful it is.. SND tweet: Tokyo concert: complete, thank you so much. Being up on the Liquidroom stage after so long moved my heart. We’ll be at Liquidroom again next week, hope to see you there. Though Takamatsu comes first!!
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incantavaxx · 6 years
So, in the spirit of share the love, let’s play a game! Rules: it doesn’t matter how much you have watched of each remake, if it’s everything or just one clip or even if you have to go and watch the trailer just to do this, let’s say something you love about EACH remake. (If I forgot one remake, scream at me in the comments and I’ll add it immediately!)
 Skam Italia: My baby. Obviously biased because it’s my culture, so I relate to it on a whole other level, but the friendships in this are so well done. So deep and natural, funny but in a spontaneous and not scripted looking way (the actors are best friends irl and it shows). The boysquad in particular stole my heart and soul and it is what made season 2 to me: I think I enjoyed OG Evak more than Nicotino and maybe I’ll enjoy other Evak more as well, but this boysquad right here will always own my ass. Their chemistry, the support, the mocking and the hugs, the physical affection, the depth of every single one of them. Gio is the best friend and magic wizard everyone deserves, but Elia and Luchino are just as amazing. “Patatine e marmellata”, the clip where Martino and Nicco wake up to the boysquad singing Buon viaggio while cleaning, the same boysquad that slept on the floor for them, well this clip right here is my favorite out of all the Skam Universe. It’s just so pure and real. “Share the love.”
Honorable mentions to: Mamma “finally a good parent” Rametta, Filippo “water only if my room is on fire” Sava, Chicco “savior of gays and god of tutorials” Rodi, Edoardo “I look like a badass but I bake cookies for my crush” Incanti.
Also: The bike scene: Martino taking off the mask while laughing happily with Nicco in front of San Pietro, the most important chatolic church in the world. It really doesn’t get more powerful than that. Which brings me to my last point. The setting, Rome. The eternal city. Only remake to have the Colosseum casually chilling in the background.
Druck: They have Matteo. Do I need to say more? I don’t even know what it is about him, it’s just this unique vibe he has, I loved him from the start and I’m loving his season so far –also I love that his Even (David, Beany Boy, GerEven, wherever you might call him) is so different as well and I hope the character is going to be trans just like the actor. And the fact that there is this confusion about Matteo possibly being Even because of all the little changes (the fricking ciguarette, the Sarah storyline...)? We absolutely don’t know what to expect from this season and I’m here for it. Also, that scene in season 2 where Alexander has a panick attack? That was not only my favorite scene from Druck, but one of my favorite scenes from the Skam universe as a whole, OG included. It was so well acted and so so SO important, the human, hurt side of the William’s character is usually just “told”, but here it was “showed”, raw and real, and it was powerful (and I cried a lot). Mia was there for him and the fact that they showed that even a cool, badass, male character can have panic attacks is, again, so important.
Kiki (Vilde) had an amazing development and let’s not forget that their female Chris has blue hair and she’s simply gorgeous.   
 Skam Austin: The fact that they kept us all guessing in season one because we didn’t know WHO was the Isak characters was amazing and I’m so happy that it turned out to be Shay, she’s an absolute queen and I’m so excited to see the first female Isak’s season, she’s gonna crush it, I know it. And I can’t wait to meet her Even, I also love the fact that we don’t know yet if it’s gonna be a new character or maybe Megan (Eva) herself, that would make them the only remake to have Eva/Isak canon basically and wow. But to be honest I don’t actually care, like if it’s Megan I’m here for it, if it’s a new girl, I’m here for it too, I just want to see Shay rocks her season. 
And their Chris is adorable btw -- > *about eating broccoli* “It’s like eating a tiny three”.
 Skam France: They are killing it with this season, Lucas (Isak) is a little savage and I pay this remake my respects for changing the first Evak pool kiss in a RAIN kiss, like, wow, they did that. And the buttcheeks on the mural, the kiss covered in paint, Skam France is feeding us well. Manon and Lucas have one if not the best Noora/Isak friendship, the scene where they both cry on the couch, without talking, is one of my favorite, just like the one where Lucas plays the piano (chills). And this is actually a clip that came out today but I HAVE to mention it: Imane (Sana) talking down the teacher from deleting the mural because all the colors represent all their differences and also skin colors, differences that can’t be covered in white, I loved it and I’m definitely excited for her season and all the changes they’ll make –since it’s not going to be the last season. Also I’m finding Emma (Eva) more adorable and funny in each clip (HER LAVA LAMP LMAO).
SkamNL: I only watched a few clips here and there even if I want to fix that when I’ll have more time, but this doesn’t stop me to have a crush on basically every single member of the girlsquad, like… they’re all beautiful and the Eva’s character looked very different from all the others Evas, I don’t know how to explain it, she’s just…cool. I haven’t heard about big changes in the plot but the vibe I got from what I’ve seen is still very original and different, it’s something on its own and I totally get why so many people love this one.
Also, I’m not sleeping on their Noorhelm: Liv, the Noora’s character, is SICK (in a good way) and Noah, the William, looks adorable and almost a new character, I’m definitely excited for their interactions this season, I think they’ll change quite a lot because Liv won’t take any bullshit from no one (and I love her for it).  
 SkamEspana: Okay I watched very little of this, but this remake is CRAZY and I’m here for it, Lucas (Isak) is already out of the closet and he has a fucking youtube channel, how great is that, and they’re going to have a CHRIS season which is an absolute first and it’s going to be about her sexuality too, if you haven’t seen the trailer where she’s in the pool go watch it because it’s one of my favorite trailer ever, I’m not even properly following this remake but DAMN, that was glorious and poetic cinema at its finest. This is the remake that changed the most out of all of them and I have no idea what to expect from it: I LOVE this. Also I remember when in one of the first episodes it seemed that the Vilde character was actually Noora, and then the bell suddenly rang, the Eva’s character opened the door and THERE SHE WAS, blonde hair, red lipstick, cute as hell, ‘hi I’m Noora’.  My favorite introduction of the Noora’s character among all the remakes.
 WTFock: I haven’t watched a single clip from this remake yet (because it was the last to come out and my social life is already overwhelmed enough as it is by all the Skam) but is this going to stop me from saying at least one good thing about this? NOPE, so here we go --- > This remake wins BEST NAME hands down, like, we have all Skam*country* and then it comes, WTFock LMAO Awesome, just awesome.
 And then, of course, last but not last…
SKAM OG: It created all of this.
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mlmdolly · 5 years
here’s my letter for @nougatships​ and @megane-shipping​‘s valentine’s day event!! thank you both for organizing this and letting me apply late :P
Dear Peepers,
Happy Valentine's Day, my love! You know I can have a hard time fully articulating how I feel, especially when it comes to romance, but I decided that this year for Valentine's Day I'd write you something. Something that you can always have to remind you how much I love you, if you ever need it. (and I'm even using proper grammar in it, just for you!)
I know you're not the most outwardly affectionate, in public you like to pretend like you're heartless, but... I think we both know that that's not entirely the case. This whole letter writing thing is way mushier than anything you'd be super into, but I think it's the best way I can convey to you how much I love you.
On that note, I love you so much. I love you with all of my heart, Peepers. We've been together for... what... almost four years now? That's insane! The very moment I saw you, I knew you were something special. I was so, so right. I know you don't believe in love at first sight, and I don't think I do either, and that's not exactly what happened anyways. I just knew immediately that you were someone I wanted in my life. I didn't know how or why yet, but I did. And now you are, and I don't know where I would be without you.
That's a lie.
I do know.
To be quite honest, without you I think I would be dead. LITERALLY dead. You helped me through all of the worst periods of my life, whether or not you knew it. When the trauma was too much for me to handle, when I felt hopeless, when I thought the only option was to end it all, when I was having panic attacks, when all I could do was cry, when I felt so unlovable and ALONE... you were always there. You were someone I could hold onto. You always pulled me out of those terrible states. You made me smile when nothing else in the galaxy could, and I can't thank you enough for it.
That's not the only reason I love you, though. I love EVERYTHING about you, even the things you view as flaws. I love how passionate and driven you are, how much you care and how you always make sure every little aspect of every strategy is perfectly planned out and how you do everything to make it work. You're so intelligent and you really do work so hard, too much if you ask me, but I can't act as though I'm not impressed by how constantly motivated you are.
I adore how patient you are when you have every right to be mad, and you do have an explosive temper and get frustrated, but you still work through it and I think it's fair that you get mad when everyone around you seems to exude ineptitude. (that rhymed!) What's really incredible is your ability to put up with how ridiculous Lord Hater can be, and how you can keep doing it with little to no recognition. By all means, I think you deserve so much more than what he has given you in that regard. Grop, I love you so much.
You're loyal and interesting and funny and... just amazing. You're so good at your job and you're so good at evil and I can't wait to be with you wherever you go. I've always seen you as so perfect, so incredible, so unique, and the fact that you fell for me of all people still hasn't fully sunk in. I don't hate myself anymore (most of the time) but it still always felt like you were too good for me, you're just so perfect, so out of my league, but here we are. It all makes me feel so... special. Thank you. Thank you for loving me. I can't get over you. I never will.
When I'm around you nothing else matters. My world shrinks and it's just you and me, and I hope you feel the same way. When we're laughing together, watching some terrible movie, playing a game, or just talking, no matter how mundane the topic at hand is you always make it interesting to me because it's YOU. I love listening to you talk and I feel so lucky to be with you. I could talk to you for days and days and days and days.
I have never met someone like you and I don't think I will ever again. After what I went through, it felt hard to believe that I could ever love and be loved in return but you proved me wrong and I couldn't be more grateful. I know emotional vulnerability isn't your favorite, but when you're open with me that makes it all the more special. It makes me so happy to know that you can trust me to talk about those things. You really are my everything.
I hope you have a good day. Today, and every day after that. You deserve nothing less than that, and I hope that I'm able to do all I can to make your days better, even when things are less than ideal.
No matter how you're feeling about yourself, I hope you know that you'll always be the greatest in the galaxy to me.
I love you so much, Commander Peepers.
- Milo, Your Super Mega Sexy Boyfriend & Lieutenant
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: The Haunted Mansion
Welcome, Foolish Mortals To Our Final Monsterween Review Of The Year (Evil Laughter)
I Am Your Host, Your Ghost Host...Okay, I Am Not Going To Do Haunted Mansion Dialogue Throughout This Entire Review But I Think It's Obvious What We're Doing Today...
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With The Mansion's 50th Anniversary Happening Earlier This Year, I Thought Now Might A Good Time To Look Back At The 2003 Film, Which Sees A Real Estate Agent (Played By Eddie Murphy) And His Family Being Summoned To A Manor In Louisiana To Try To Sell The Mansion At The Owner's Behest, But Discovering That The Mansion Is Haunted And That The Owner And His Staff Are Dead, It Leads To Wacky Shenanigans Where The Real Estate Agent Learns A Valuable Lesson About Neglecting His Family...
Will The Real Estate Agent And His Family Escape?
Let's Find Out As We Watch, The Haunted Mansion...
The Film Starts With The Same Introduction As The Ride And As The Credits Roll We Get Some Fantastic Scenes Of The Backstory Of The Movie And The Costumes In This Scene Are Just Well-Done...
I Would Tell You About The Backstory In This Scene But They Go Over It Later In The Movie So, I'll Just Go Over It Then..?
But Fast Forwarding A Few Years Later We See A Paper Boy Arriving At The Gate Only To Be Scared By What Appears To Be Terrence Stamp's Character...
Fun Fact About The Film: The Director Who Directed The Film, Rob Minkoff Chose His Son To Play The Paper Boy In This Scene...
With The Camera Panning Down We Get Our First Image Of Eddie Murphy And His Wife (Played By Marsha Thompson) But Mainly Our First Image Of Eddie Murphy As He's In The Next Scene...
Murphy Plays Jim Evers Of Evers And Evers Real Estate Who's Trying To Sell A House To Rachael Harris And...
Only For Doyle! To Say That The Place Doesn't Have Enough Plugs...
But With Jim Pulling A Trick On The Phone While Talking With His Wife About Their Anniversary Dinner, Harris And Doyle! Decide To Buy The House...
Later At The Bombay Bicycle Club, Jim Closes A Deal With A Couple That Is Very Annoying And That Is Probably The Only Complaint That I Will Have About This Movie...
After Leaving The Annoying Couple To Have Their Drinks, Another Couple At The Bar Asks Jim If He Sold Their House Because If He Did They'd Be Interested In Buying...
So, In Talking With The Couple, Jim Misses His Anniversary Dinner...
Attempting To Make It Up To His Wife, Sarah By Giving Her A Teddy Bear...
Least It's Better Than A Gigantic Bunny Rabbit...Tony?
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And A New Watch But She's Still Mad At Him Not For Missing Their Anniversary But For Missing 3 Soccer Games, 2 Birthdays And 2 Barbeques...
I Admit Sarah That The Birthday Parties And Soccer Games Are Important But The 2 Barbeques Are Nothing And Can Be Done Another Time...
Realizing That He's Missed A lot, Jim Decides To Take His Family On A Weekend Adventure To The Lake...
Going To Tell Their Kids, Michael (Who Is At The Moment Afraid Of A Spider On His Window) And Megan (Who Ends Up Killing The Spider) About The Vacation They Seem Excited But When Sarah Gets A Phone Call From Someone Who Wants To Sell Their House, Jim Looks At The Address And Realizes That The Place Is A Big Mansion...
So, They Decide To Put Their Vacation On Hold To Check Out This One House. Arriving At The Mansion, They Park At The Gate Only To Discover It's Locked...
But What's More Interesting Is That The Lock Is Shaped Like Either Mickey Mouse Or Winnie The Pooh, Me? I Say It's Mickey But It Looks Like Either One...
With The Gate Unlocking, The Evers Drive Up To The House And Look Around Only To See A Gigantic Graveyard And I Mean Gigantic, It Looks Like It Could Go On For Miles...
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But When It Starts Raining The Evers Seek Shelter Inside Of The Mansion To Which They Succeed As The Door Opens To Reveal A Well-Designed Foyer, Everything About The Mansion In This Movie Is Just Well Designed And Frankly I Wouldn't Mind Living There...
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Hearing A Door Creek, Lightning Strikes Which Leads To The Introduction Of Ramsley The Butler (Played By General Zod Himself, Terrence Stamp) And Yes, A lot Of People Including The Nostalgia Critic Have Made Fun Of Stamp's Voice In The Film But I Think It's Just Spooky And The Way His Face Looks In The Film, I Don't Know What They Used Makeup Or CG But I Absolutely Love It...
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With "The Master" Wanting To Discuss Things Over Dinner, Sarah And The Kids Are Hesitant At First But Jim Tells Them That They Shouldn't Be Rude And Just Go With The Flow...
And Entering The Dining Room, It's Just...
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Damn, Murphy Beat Me To It...
Taking A Look Around The Room, They Eventually Meet "The Master", Master Edward Gracey To Be Exact (Played By Nathaniel Parker, Who Is Probably Known For The Inspector Lynley Mysteries) Who Joins Them For Dinner However As They Talk Ramsley Tells Them That The Storm Outside Has Flooded The Road And There'll Be No Leaving The Mansion Tonight...
With Sarah And The Kids Mad Over This Happening, Ramsley Shows Them To Their Rooms, Which Leads To Sarah Taking It Out On Jim Because He Had To Come To The Mansion Instead Of Going On Vacation With Them...
But As Sarah Locks Herself In The Bathroom, Ramsley Visits Jim To Tell Him That Gracey Wants To See Him In The Library. Taking Jim Downstairs We See This Massive Library, Not Beauty And The Beast Massive Library Of Congress Massive But Still It's Pretty Big...
Offering Jim A Drink, Jim Asks Ramsley A Number A Questions Before Ramsley Tells Jim That His Master Is Not Well And Must Move On Or He Fears The Very Worst Which Sounds Like Gracey Must Move On Or His Spirit Will End Up In Limbo Forever...
With Ramsley Eventually Leaving, It Leads To One Of My Favorite Lines From Eddie Murphy In This Movie, Before He Finds A Statue That Opens Up The Secret Entrance To The Batcave!...
To The Batpoles, Robin!...
No, I'm Just Kidding But It Is A Secret Room...
Meanwhile, Michael Opens Up A Music Box Which Has Gracey And Elizabeth Dancing Which Causes A Ghost Ball To Appear...
With Megan Seeing It, Both Her And Michael Decide To Follow It...
Looking For Jim, Sarah Runs Into Ramsley Who Tells Her That He Left Him In The Library, Finding Gracey There Instead Of Jim, Where She Asks Him Why He Would Want To Sell The Mansion Which Leads Him To Explain That It's Because That The Mansion's Walls Are Filled With Painful Memories...
Which Then Leads Gracey To Explain To Sarah Why Telling Her That Despite This House Once Being Filled With Dancing, Laughter And Hope It All Changed When He Met A Girl Named Elizabeth...
Still Following The Ghost Ball, Michael And Megan Discover A Hidden Elevator And Decide To Follow The Ghost Ball Up To The Attic...
While Jim Ends Up In A Hallway That's A Mixture Of The Hallway With The Shapeshifting Portraits And The Busts That Follow You Wherever You Go And The Hallway With The Doors That Knock And Try To Open At You From The Ride Only What Jim Is Dealing With Is Like A Door That's Breathing...
Cutting Back To The Kids And The Ghost Ball, They Go To The Attic Only To Find A Wedding Dress And A Picture Of A Person Who Looks Like Their Mom, But Running Into 2 Servants Named Emma And Ezra (Played By Dina Waters And Wallace Shawn)...
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Who Besides Being The Comic Relief In This Film, Explain To The 2 Kids That The Person In The Portrait Is Elizabeth, Before Hiding Them From Ramsley, Who Talks With Them About How The Children Are Missing And About How Mad He Is That Sarah Brought Her Kids And Her Husband With Her...
Saying To Them That If They See The Children To Bring Them To Him, He Leaves Saying That Nothing Will Interphere With The Master's Plan...
Cutting Back To Jim, He Meets Madame Leota (Played By Jennifer Tilly) Who Tells Him That There Is A Curse On The Mansion And It Seeks To Destroy Him And His Family And How Only The Light Will Lead The Lead The Way Home...
Being Chased By Leota's Musical Instruments, Jim Eventually Loses Them And Reunites With His Kids With Ezra And Emma Who Explain That Sarah Is In Danger As They Show Him The Picture Of Elizabeth...
Cutting Back To Sarah We Get The Backstory On Gracey And Elizabeth, As Gracey Tells Elizabeth That He Loved Her More Than Life Himself But They Were From Different Worlds And Couldn't Be Together. Realizing This, She Poisoned Herself Which Led To Him Hanging Himself (With That Scene Based On The Hanging Skeleton In The Stretching Portrait Gallery)
Hearing The Entire Conversation Between Gracey And Sarah, Jim Is Mad That He Was Only Brought Here So Gracey Could Get "Jiggy" With His Wife And Not To Sell The Mansion. Asking If Sarah Is Elizabeth, Leota Tells Emma That While Elizabeth Walks The Mansion's Halls, She Warns Her Not To Be Deceived As Things Are Not As They Appear To Be...
Telling Them That For The Curse To Be Lifted The Truth Must Be Known, Leota Tells Them To Find Find The Key In The Black Crypt With No Name, But With No Way Out, Emma And Ezra Offer To Take Them To The Graveyard Which Is Just Awesome I Mean This Is Just Fan Service Central...
I Mean We See The Dueling Portrait Ghosts, I Believe The English Ghosts Are There, We Have The Ghosts On The Seesaw, The Cryptkeeper And His Dog Are There But They're Ghosts (Though Originallly They Were Supposed To Be In The Picture With The Cryptkeeper, Played By Of All People Don Knotts), We Have The Executioner And The Headless Knight There And Finally One Of My Personal Favorites...
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The Hitchhiking Ghosts...
All While We Get A Shaymalan Reference...
Taking Elizabeth To The Attic, Gracey Shows Sarah Elizabeth's Wedding Dress While Jim Meets My Other Personal Favorites The Singing Busts...
I Know A lot Of People Find This Scene Annoying But I'm Sorry I Love This Scene I Can't Help But Laugh At It...
Eventually Finding The Mausoleum, Jim Goes Down Only For Megan To Follow Despite Leaving Michael Upstairs Because Of Course He's Too Scared...
Finding The Black Crypt I Half Expect Someone To Go "Let Me Out! Let Me Out!" But Instead They Open Up The Tomb And Grab The Key. But Instead Of Closing The Tomb Like A Smart Person Would They Leave It Open So A Zombie Can Come To Life To Get Them...
Losing The Key, Megan Goes Down In The Water To Find It While Jim Finishes Off The Zombie Only To Wake Up Another Million...
Though I Will Say That These Zombies And Most Of The Ghosts Were Very Well Made Up By Rick Baker To The Point That If Anyone Deserves To Be Called The Master It's Him...
Eventually Finding The Key, Jim Gets Megan Up On The Bridge Before The Zombies Can Eat Her So They Can Go Upstairs, But Before They Get Out The Door Shuts On Them And Locks Them In, Leaving It Up To Michael To Save Them Only Problem Is That There Are Millions Of Spiders On The Door...
Realizing That He Has To Face His Fears To Save His Father And His Sister, Michael Does Just In The Nick Of Time. Taking The Key To Leota, She Tells Jim To Find The Trunk Which Pisses Him Off To The Point That He Carries Leota Off With Him To Find It As He's Tired Of Playing Games...
Taking Him Up To The Attic, They Find The Trunk And Discover A Letter From Elizabeth That Reveals That Elizabeth Had No Intention Of Killing Herself But Instead Wanted To Be With Gracey To Which Ramsley Reveals Himself As The Culprit...
Asking Ramsley Why He Killed Her, Ramsley Tells Him That It Was Because Gracey Wouldn't Listen To Reason And That Despite Having Despite Having Everything In The World He Was Going To Just Throw It Away For Love...
Stating That Running Away With Elizabeth Would Have Destroyed The Mansion And Everyone Around It, Jim Decides To Tell Gracey Everything, But Ramsley Has No Intention On Letting That Happen And Instead Places Michael And Megan In A Box While He Throws Jim Out Of The Mansion In A Fall That Should Have Killed Him...
Taking Sarah To The Ballroom, Gracey Reveals In His Own Way To Sarah That He Is His Grandfather That He Was Talking About And That He Believes Her To Be Elizabeth (And While They're Talking During This Scene We See The Dancing Ghosts In The Ballroom In The Ride Appear Here) But Believing Him To Be Crazy, Sarah Runs Off, Returning To Her Room...
Starting To Believe That She's Not Elizabeth, Ramsley Appears To Tell Gracey That To Not Despair For She Will In Time (Despite Her Not Being Elizabeth Being True)
Appearing In Sarah's Room, Ramsley Tells Her That Gracey Is Expecting Her And To Put On Her Wedding Dress, Saying Again That She's Not Elizabeth, Ramsley Tells Her In His Own Way That She Better Act Like Elizabeth Or Else He'll Kill Michael And Megan...
As The Wedding Begins, Jim Tries To Break In But All The Windows Appear To Reform With Every Hit, So Believing That Hope Is Lost, Leota Rolls In To Tell Jim That Even Though He's Made Mistakes It's Never Too Late To Fix Them, So Getting In His Car With Leota, Jim Right Through The Window...
Entering The Foyer, Near The Hallway To The Ballroom Jim Has To Go Through Ghostly Knights To Save Not Just His Kids, But His Wife Too!...
Saving Michael And Megan From The Knights, Jim Enters The Ballroom To Put A Halt On The Ceremony. But Having No Intention Of Losing Elizabeth Again, Jim Tells Gracey The Truth And Gives Him Elizabeth's Real Letter...
Asking Ramsley About This, He Tells Gracey His Reasonings Stating That He Tried To Warn Him But He Wouldn't Listen...
Ramsley Summons Evil Spirits To Make Them...
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But Said Spirits Turn On Him, And He Tries To Take Jim To Hell With Him But Luckily Gracey Saves Jim As Ramsley Goes To Hell...
But While Jim Was Saving Michael And Megan, Sarah Drank Some Of The Poison That She Was Supposed To Drink To Marry Gracey And Now It's Taking Effect...
Saying That He Loves Her, The Blue Ghost Ball Approaches Jim And Goes Inside Of Sarah, As A Portal To Heaven Appears Above Which Causes Sarah To Float Like Exorsist (But This Time It's A Good Thing Not A Bad Thing) As It's Revealed That The Ghost Ball Was Elizabeth...
Who Reveals That The The Truth Had To Be Known For Her To Be Released, With Gracey Reunited With Elizabeth, There's Only One Problem Left, What About Sarah? Well, She Doesn't Die And Jim And Her Make Up As Gracey Gives Them The Deed To The Mansion For Them To Do What They Must With It...
With Gracey, Elizabeth, Emma And Ezra Going To Heaven Most Of The Ghosts Seem To Follow Suit Except For Madame Leota And The Singing Busts Who Go Off To Live With The Evers Family Which Ends Our Movie...
But We Do Get A End Credits Scene As Leota Says The Famous "Hurry Back" Line From The Ride...
And That's The Haunted Mansion And...Well...
It Has It's Problems With Story And Characters I Will Admit That But I'm Sorry, I Like This Movie, The Sets Are Fantastic, The Costumes Are Well Done, The Make Up By Rick Baker Is Fantastic, I Know It's Not Enough But Those 3 Reasons Alone Make This Movie Worth Watching I Mean Eddie Murphy, Yes Some Of His Jokes Aren't Funny But That Alone Doesn't Make Him The Worst Thing In This Movie, Jennifer Tilly, Yes, She's No Elenore Audley But Honestly Try Picking An Actor As Good As Elenore Audley To Be Madame Leota, Yes, The Ending Isn't Great, It Looks Like A Damn Pureflix Or Kirk Cameron Movie But I Can Live With It....
The Haunted Mansion Is One Of My Favorite Rides At The Park And I'm Sorry If I'm Not Hating On It As Much As Everyone Else Is But For What It Is I Can Live With This Film...
You Want To See People Hate On This Movie Watch Some Jerk With A Camera's Review With The Horror Guru And Count Jackula On The Film Or The Nostalgia Critic's Review On The Film Both Of Those Are Funny...
But As For Me, I Say See It...
And That Finishes Off Our October Monsterween For This Year Tune In Next Week For The Beginning Of Our Yultide Reviews, Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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scrapyardboyfriends · 6 years
Jenny’s Belated Live Blogging - 28th February 2019
- I guess this is where my low expectations come in handy because I honestly didn’t expect much from today at all regarding Robron. This is clearly just the set up for next week because they closed off the surrogacy stuff once before and now instead of continuing the story they have to like open it up once again and build it up again. It’s why the way they’re writing the story is infuriating to me most of the time. But...it’s what I expected. I mean yeah...it’d be great if they didn’t spoil every second of the 30 seconds of screen time they do yet. And it’d be great if they had more focus. But to be honest, they didn’t really have a plot today. It was literally, tell Chas and Paddy about the surrogacy and have Chas say don’t give up. That doesn’t require a lot of screen time. 
- That said, I do think they’re telling the surrogacy story pretty terribly so far. I know it takes money to do it and I know it makes sense for them to have to focus on that. Sure they could use magic plot money and just start the process but I get it. However, they’ve been focusing on money for like three months now. That’s too long in my opinion. Time to move along. And I guess they sort of will next week but then they’re going to close it off again. 
- I would honestly rather they go the adoption route. I’ve never wanted surrogacy. I’d rather they find a stray child in an alley on club night. But mostly, I just want them to start getting into the meat of this story rather than swerving it at every turn because it’s super boring as it is. 
- But today...today I expected what we got. So...*shrug*
- I did not however expect an entire plot centered around Megan dropping a wine bottle on her foot and breaking a toe and begging Nicola in the street for more booze and then having a weird Frank conversation followed by Graham holding a child...like that. What even was that plot?!?! Honestly. I know Graham was annoyed with Megan for talking to the police about Joe but honestly...how did we even get to wherever this was?!? Haha. Oh dear. 
- Moving on to the Cain/Kerry/Kyle stuff. I actually kind of liked that content today. Mostly, I guess I just liked Eric’s involvement and him talking about how much Amy means to him because I always loved their relationship. It’ll be interesting to see how that goes once she comes back. 
- And, if I completely suspend disbelief that NO ONE can figure out what the hell is going on with Jacob when he’s drunkenly yelling basically in Maya’s face, I thought that story was great today. I mean...horrible to watch, but well done. But god, someone needs to look deeper into what’s wrong with him. But as usual you have Maya trying to manipulate David to get her way and him letting it happen even if he is starting to get more frustrated by it. And I loved Tracy telling her off a bit. Mostly I continue to really like having so many people involved in this story. It was great getting Noah and Leanna back in the mix too. 
- And poor Liv. I felt so bad for her when she walked into the little summer house thing and saw the condoms on the table. I mean, I get where she’s coming from, thinking maybe she should just try it but knowing she doesn’t really want to. I’m glad she stood her ground and I’m glad she left the party. My heart breaks for her. 
- And for Jacob of course. This kid is just getting so jerked around by Maya. I hate watching her make everything his fault. I hate watching him then be excited when she does give him attention again. It scares me a bit to think how long this story is going to go on. If it is going to be part of the ‘big night out’ story in April/May. I really think they can go too far with this story by dragging it out too long and I hope they know where that line is. 
- Overall, I generally enjoyed today. 
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