#I hope you like this Kami!!! :D
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Gift for @kami-pants! 🎁
Howdy and Flora meeting up! They are gonna go get some coffee at a nice coffee shop. :)
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82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} <CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A: Sun will R1ze!> 001-A06 Off to a rocky introduction
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A translation of 18TRIP's CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
TL note: 
Renga mistakens 罷免 (himen, to dismiss someone from a position) for 日麺 (himen), a word combining day (hi) and noodles (men). Which is why he thinks it's some new type of noodle. Joke has been reworked to make it make sense in English.
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Kaede: (Who would’ve thought it would be happening on my third day of working here. A face-to-face meeting with the current Ward Mayors…!)
Yachiyo: Uuuwuhg… I’m nervous. Me supporting the Morning Squad… Guh-gonna puke…
Kaede: T-take it easy, Yachiyo-kun. Kafka said he’s also part of the Morning Squad. Remember?
Yachiyo: Y-you’re right. Ugweghh~ I need to look back at my notes in times like these!
Yachiyo: For the meeting with the current Ward Mayors, wait in front of the office… Okay! When I see them, greet them and… Eh, what do I say!?
Yachiyo: Gugugugreet them……..!? Our greetings need to be able to correspond to any time of the day so a goodmornafternight will do, yes!?
Kaede: It’s morning right now, so I think a normal good morning is fine enough…
Kaede: (Agh… Now I’m nervous too… Though I did meet all of the Mayor Wards once before.)
Yachiyo: Mutter mutter… Profile memos of the current Ward Mayors…
Yachiyo: The 2nd Ward Mayor is Kamina Yukikaze, an active figure skater… Gweh! Isn’t he a celebrity!?
Kaede: It’s common that mayors of a special tourism ward are famous people to begin with, since their role also includes advertising. 
Yachiyo: The 3rd Ward Mayor is Nishizono Renga… Hweh! He’s that high and mighty model talent, right!? W-w-w-w-what do I do, are lowbrow commoners even allowed near him…!?
Kaede: ……
Yachiyo: The 4th Ward Mayor is Lu Liguang… the Number Two from the Lùróng Family overlooking Chinatown… Isn’t he s-s-s-s-s-someone you don’t wanna cross paths with…!?
Kaede: Who’s to say—we have to meet him regardless…
Yachiyo: Leaving the others aside, Kamina Yukikaze is a top athlete, a living national human treasure! Aaaaah what do I doooo, Chief, how can you be so calm about it~!?
Kaede: Uhm, Yachiyo-kun, calm down…
Yachiyo: Ah!!! That’s…!!
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Yukikaze: ……
Yachiyo: Athlete Kamina Yukikaze…!! The Scion of Ice…!! The handsome beauty of a gem that’s a living national treasure!! In t-t-t-the flesh……
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Yukikaze: ……
Yachiyo: He- suh- he smiLED…!!!?
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Yukikaze: I missed you…
(Yukikaze hugs Kaede)
Yachiyo: ~~お@dあk%!?!?!?
Kaede: (I'm the one who's being hugged here, yet Yachiyo-kun is jumping out of his skin…)
Kaede: Yukinii, sorry. Hold off. Since Yachiyo-kun’s freaking out…
Yukikaze: Huh? Oh, good morning. Are you an employee?
Yachiyo: Eh, wuh, wah, chee, kami…!?
Kaede: (Why and how are Chief and Kamina-? I think? Why can I interpret him…)
Kaede: The current 2nd Ward Mayor, Kamina Yukikaze, is my older cousin. Sorry, I should’ve told you earlier…
Yachiyo: D’oh, hooh, yuki, couh!?
Kaede: (D’oooh, the living national human treasure- Kamina Yukikaze- your cousin!? I guess…)
Yukikaze: I was hoping to see you as soon as possible after getting back from my overseas trip. It felt like an eternity until today.
Kaede: Sorry, Yukinii. All I’ve been doing is running all over the place since the company got established. How was the competition?
Yukikaze: …It felt lonely because you didn’t watch.
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Kafka: Aaah- close, too close, touching is forbidden.
Kaede: Wah, geez Kafka, be careful with suddenly wedging yourself between us.
Kafka: Is there something wrong up there for you to hug someone the second you see them? Grabbing hands is also off the table. That’s a criminal amount of skinship.
Yukikaze: ...Long time no see, Kafka. Congratulations on the success of your surgery. If you're feeling left out, want a hug from me too?
Kafka: Hah? Are you trying to make me snap?
Kaede: (Here he goes again… Kafka’s always harsh with Yukinii.)
Kaede: (Just as I expected, though, from the moment I heard how the squad of current Ward Mayors would have Kafka in it. too…)
Kaede: Ah, another car has stopped… Looks pretty luxurious. Wonder if it’s the 3rd or 4th Ward Mayor?
Kaede: (And then one more car popped up immediately right after…!? S-such dangerous driving…!)
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Renga: Yes! Passed him! How’s that Liguang! I, the greatest in the whole world, arrived first!
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Liguang: Sigh… how stupid…
Renga: What was that!?
Kaede: (The nightmare from the airport all over again… These two are fighting every time I see them…)
Yachiyo: It's the a-actual Nishizono Renga… Lu Liguang is as beautiful as a model too… Howawa…
Kaede: 3rd Ward Mayor Nishizono Renga-kun and 4th Ward Mayor Lu Liguang-san, right. It’s our first time… well not the first meeting, but um, I’m the Chief of HAMA Tours.
Liguang: …Ah, you… We met at the airport.
Kaede: (That’s unexpected. Liguang-san remembered me!)
Renga: …! You’re…
Kaede: Ah… H-hello.
Kafka: Seems like all Ward Mayors have assembled. Guess it’s time to go inside the office.
Renga: …
Kaede: (Renga-kun’s, like… staring really hard…!? Wonder if I upset him somehow…)
Renga: Listen, you…
Kaede: Y-yes.
Renga: No it’s… uh…
Renga: The rose—it’s in a vase. That’s all.
Kaede: (...!)
Kaede: (I didn’t expect that either. He took the rose and brought it back home with him…)
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Kafka: —And that covers everything for my “NEO18Wards” plan. Any questions?
Liguang: ……
Yukikaze: You’re amazing, Kafka. Your wisdom is seeping out from these documents. 
Kafka: Hah? What’s prompting you to state the obvious? Well, whatever. I guess that means you approve, at least. 
Renga: …I'm not convinced.
Kaede: …!
Renga: I recognize you as the 0th Ward Mayor. But, the 3rd ward will bring HAMA back to life in its own way!
Liguang: …Hah, big talk for someone who’s been dragging everything down.
Renga: Whaa-!? Who’s dragging what down!?
Kaede: (Uh, well, Renga-kun’s the person responsible for the weird changes to Landmark, right? I’m anxious, to be honest…)
Liguang: Ignoring the idiot in the room, I cannot endorse this. The plan itself is logical, but teaming up with this fool beside me is illogical. 
Yukikaze: I think it’s a good idea. Most importantly, being able to work together with Kaede makes me happy enough. 
Kafka: Okay, nobody asked for your feelings on the matter. Also, everyone will be work colleagues from now on, so make sure to address people properly by their title. 
Yukikaze: Yes, I got it. Chief, right.
Kafka: Sigh, anyway, I didn’t expect for all of you to be on board from the get go. But I want everyone to reaaaally think about their own standing thoroughly, okay.
Liguang: …
Renga: Standing!? What are you implying with that!
Kafka: As the 0th Ward Mayor, I have the right to sack the other Ward Mayors.
Renga: Sack, like a potato sack? We’re getting potatoes…?
Liguang: Sigh… Bèndàn…
Kaede: Renga-kun, getting sacked means you’ll get dismissed…
Renga: …Dismissed…
Renga: Ahem, I-I knew that!!
Renga: No, wait…!? Are you threatening me!?
Kafka: …Calm down for a second and think about it with a cool head. HAMA failed to meet the tourist quota for two years in a row. The way things have been going needs to get completely overhauled or it’s a bust, in other words.
Kafka: Renga, Liguang too, you should’ve been putting serious effort into the revival of your own wards these past two years. You understand what I’m getting at, yes? Basically—it’s time for a change.
Kafka: In any case, if we don’t overcome the tides this year, then the special ward zone will fall and everyone here will lose their status as Ward Mayor. Why not try doing things differently than before, even if it’s just once?
Liguang: …Is this what the plan is for?
Kafka: Morning Squad will go out on the field first—if the first tour isn’t received well at all, then you can take your leave. 
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Kafka: All I want is one chance. I beg of you.
Kaede: (Kafka…! Going as far as bowing down…)
Renga: Ueh, nuh, uh…
Liguang: ………
Liguang: …Understood—I’ll obey until the results of the initial response are out.
Kaede: (...! Liguang-san… He’s way more upright than he looks…!)
Renga: … Me, too… I’ll go along if you insist…
Liguang: Why are you the one acting condescending?
Renga: Haah!? I’m being my normal self!?
Kaede: (...And they’re back to fighting in the end.)
Yachiyo: Hawawa… C-can these people here really help us out…!?
Kafka: Friendship is beautiful, isn’t it.
Kaede: (Eh. That’s your takeaway from seeing this play out in front of you?)
Kafka: Guess it was a good thing I was prepared for this, right?
<<previous chapter / next chapter>>
chapter 001 side A directory: TBA upon completion
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quills-oc-blog · 3 months
grottoport tumblr be like ( @fake-post-archive )
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why do they call it a D: drive?
because you see how much space is left and you go "D:"!
that's so funny darling! when was the last time you slept?
🔥 robotsarecool
im CREATING my love <3
i hate this fucking family
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🥀 torturedsoul
guys how do i ask out a girl without killing her. asking for a friend
🐶 thesugarrrrr
🥀 torturedsoul
shut the fUCKUP
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🪽 greenhairandpronouns
whoever the anon is that keeps calling me the chosen one. what does that mean
🪽 greenhairandpronouns
divine intervention
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🐟 kami-means-god
⚡ humanityspatrondeity
kami where the fuck are you
🐟 kami-means-god
ocean :)
🕊️ wheelofrebirth
⚡ humanityspatrondeity
🐟 kami-means-god
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💜 boykisser
gee i sure hope my family doesn't find my tumblr account dedicated to kissing boys ;)
🩷 thepinkone
❤️ theredone
💙 theblueone
💛 theblueone
💜 boykisser
what the FUCK
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🐯 dommedykke
guy who only lifts weights: trainsgender...? yeah, i train... heh...
🪽 greenhairandpronouns
cas stop vauging your brother
🐯 dommedykke
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🏋️‍♂️ gymbrosofficial
something just happened
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❄️ girlbosswilliamafton
😈 theexecutivee
hey what the fuck
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lathalea · 10 months
THAUC23: Scattered Through Time
This is a story written by @joyfullynervouscreator and yours truly for this years' THAUC event organized by @fellowshipofthefics. Enjoy!
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Moodboard by Lathalea
Scattered Through Time
Relationships: Dís/Dís's Wife Rating: G Warnings: bring tissues Author's notes: Time is merciless. It devours every single thing it meets on its way… almost. Somehow, a handful of memories remained. Once, they formed a kaleidoscope of life, full of shapes and colours. Now, they resemble a handful of stained glass pieces scattered on the bleak fabric of the past.
These are the letters between Dís, daughter of Thràin, and her beloved wife, Víli.
Link to the whole story:
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My gleam of golden treasure,
I found your gift; snuck into my pocket during our final soft goodbye? You have a skilled hand with the chisel, even if you claim it not so, and I can only hope to match the swell of love I felt when I pulled the stone from my pocket with one that my words may pull from you. 
I miss you, I love you.
I will return to you.
I swear it.
My Princess,
My betrothed,
It is such an honour to address you with these words. I am touching my betrothal braid and can feel the pattern you plaited as if it was today and not six days ago!
And now we are apart and I will not see you for three more days… It feels like an eternity. And to think we are to be wedded in seven months! If you were here with me, in the deep mines, you would laugh and call me “too impatient for my own good”. Yes, yes, good things are worth waiting for — but you are the best one, a true treasure, and I simply cannot wait until the day we become One before Mahal the Creator.
I still cannot believe my happiness. Or... do I dare to write “our happiness”, my Princess? Our. You and me. A daughter of kings from a legendary kingdom, a descendant of Durin himself, and a simple Broadbeam lass from the mines. A story I would not believe from the greatest of bards, and yet… Sometimes I wake up in the morning and wonder if I am dreaming a beautiful dream… I am dreaming of the way you smile when you look at me, so tenderly… 
… of the afternoons we spend together, when I listen to you speaking of yet another problem with that latest contract and your clever solution… 
… of the way your hair shines in the firelight, or the way your eyes light up when I show you a new block of carving stone… 
… of the softness of your lips and the way your hand feels in mine as we walk through the newly constructed corridors of your city… our city. 
And of the way you whisper my name.
I love, adore, and worship every single thing about you, Dís. My perfect princess.
If it is indeed a dream, I refuse to open my eyes! The only thing I wish to do is to take you in my arms and hold you close until the end of days, my beloved. My wife-to-be.
Forever yours,
Read the whole story on AO3.
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sunnyisinsane · 4 months
seven several-sentence sunday. Day
Thank you @bcbdrums ! :D I uh . Got carried away . Whoops .
The sound of creaking is occasionally heard through the silence.
My view is focused on one thing though, that man, hand gripping the screw in his head. He's gotten taller since I last saw, Spirit was the tallest man in the "group". I was always forced to be around his friends, what luck that they're all faculty of this damned academy. The sound of a leg bouncing is also here, it's familiar and annoying. I'm not focusing on that though, I can see him in the corner of my eye and I wish I didn't, I've grown to hate the color red because of him. My focus is on the freak nonetheless. Nobody has said anything, just sitting silently at this table. There's stitches all over it. Suddenly, to my right he clears his throat.
"Maka's been good, she's top of her class, she's becoming a great meister!" The man exclaimed nervously.
"I don't care." I glare at my ex husband, he bites his lip, making those stupid panicked noises before looking down, nodding. I was hoping that'd be it until a different voice speaks up.
"Figures you wouldn't care, I mean...when was your last visit?" He smirks, the stitching on his cheek gets pulled back freakishly from the movement. I stand up from my seat.
"You have no right asking that! I needed to get away from this asshole over here! Mothering isn't easy!" Spirit gulps, looking at me after I say this loudly. Stein just stands up as well. "How could you know? You've never done it." He says, blankly, still smiling. As if this is funny.
"Oh, please, you couldn't even take care of a mouse! Honestly it's a wonder Spirit moved back in with you! He only did it because he needs someone to give his pathetic ass a purpose! He's only here because I left!" I slam my fist against the stitched table. .
Stein scoffs, "Spirit's a grown man, he does what he wants. You should know, you clearly couldn't please him or keep him in line."
I gasp, horrified, before I can say something Spirit stands up, embarrassed.
We both don't acknowledge him, continuing on.
"Spirit is a spineless whore!"
Stein snorts, but shrugs.
"Like I said, he's a grown man, he can do what he wants. It's his choice to stop acting like a child though." I cross my arms, glaring at Stein as he says this. "Okay guys you're just being mean to me now." A sad voice says underneath everything.
At this point Stein and I have gotten closer, emphasizing our words as we speak, both of our hands on the table as Spirit looks at us pitifully.
"Well he chose me over you! You're just a danger to everyone! I'm the one with the daughter with him!"
"how's that going for you?" Stein grins, looking around the room, as if to emphasize the point that Spirit lives with him again.
"I can see your soul, Stein. You're anxious, you're getting defensive and worried! You act so high and mighty but I can read you, way better than anyone could!" I say, grinning, looking at his soul, my words are true too. Stein may be able to give quick responses but he's always been threatened by me. The man's smile drops, he glances away, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Guys! Please, let's try getting along! Why don't we try resonating?" Spirit says, putting a hand between us. We both get caught off guard. It's silent for a moment before I move away from the table.
"You're so naive, so stupid, if you think I'd ever resonate with Franken Stein!"
"I'd say the same about you," Stein says as he lights his own cigarette. Spirit frowns, pouting. "That has to be the stupidest idea you've had yet." The stitched man shoots a look at Spirit as he says this.
I get up, towards the door. "For once, I agree with Stein here." Spirit's about to cry and Stein just smokes his cigarette quietly.
Then I leave.
Yeah I went a bit overboard there .thanks for the @ again bcb :D I didn't proofread this btw anywho uh
@takeyourcyanide , you . You write . Hi. I am TAGGING you btw you don't have to actually . Do these .
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kusuguricafe · 1 year
Kacchan's Cosplay Panic
Sequel to Happy Year of the Rabbit 🐰
A/N: The long-awaited sequel is finally here!! I hope it was worth the wait! (Here is what I was imagining Bakugou looking like while I was writing this)
Summary: Three bunny boys persuade Kacchan to join in on their fun!
Characters: switches Bakugou, Deku, Kirishima, and Kaminari
“Oi, what’re you guys doing?” Kaminari asked as he walked in on the trio. “Oho, who got Kacchan blushing~?”
“Shut the hell up, dunce fa—” Bakugou started, cutting himself off as he peeked through his fingers to see Kaminari wearing Mirko cosplay as well.
“Oh my gosh, you look so good, Kaminari-kun!!” Deku exclaimed.
“You’ve got some nice legs, dude! Very manly!” Kirishima added in.
“Thanks, guys!” Kaminari beamed.
“I can’t believe you people,” Bakugou said.
“You know who else would rock this fit?” Kaminari smirked.
Kaminari, Kirishima, and Deku all turned to Bakugou.
“Oh no. No no no no. I am not wearing that.
“Aww, Kacchan! C’mon, pleeease?” Deku looked at him with puppy dog eyes.
“You don’t want us to tickle ya again, do you?” Kirishima wiggled his fingers.
“Ack! No!”
“You guys were tickling Kacchan? Without me??” Kaminari pouted.
“Don’t worry, Denks, I think you might have another opportunity,” Kirishima said.
Without warning, Bakugou sprung up and started blasting his way towards the door.
“Oh, no you don’t!” Kaminari shouted. With his lightning quick reflexes, he managed to tackle Bakugou out of the air and back onto the ground. “You’re not going anywhere!”
“Let go of me!!!”
“Guys, quick! Come help me hold him down!!”
Deku and Kirishima shared a quick glance before dashing over and jumping on top of Bakugou as well.
“OI!! You idiots!”
“Now, the choice is yours, Bakugou,” Kaminari started.
“You put on the costume,” Kirishima continued.
“Or we tickle you until you do,” Kaminari finished.
Deku nodded nervously in agreement.
“So, what’s it gonna be?” Kirishima asked.
Bakugou stared at the three of them incredulously. Kaminari and Kirishima were looming over him. Kaminari’s face was upside down, smiling, and Kirishima was looking at him deviously. He could see Deku peeking at him from behind Kirishima. Deku’s eyes were practically sparkling.
“Make me,” Bakugou challenged. He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what was about to come.
“If you say so~” Kaminari replied.
The three boys attacked. Kaminari had Bakugou’s arms trapped under his knees and was scribbling all over the explosion boy’s underarms (he was wearing a tank top, not-so-conveniently for him). Kirishima was kneading the boy’s lower ribs, and Deku was scratching up and down Bakugou’s also not-so-conveniently bare feet.
Bakugou was cracking a smile, but the trio hadn’t gotten him to actually start laughing yet.
“Damn, you’re tough!” Kirishima commented.
“Guess it’s time to bring out the big guns,” Kaminari winked, making his hands into finger guns. Small sparks flew out from the tips of his fingers for emphasis.
Bakugou’s eyes shot open at the sound of Kami’s electricity. “D-dohon’t, don’t you dahAHAHAHAHAHARE!!!!” Bakugou screamed as Kaminari dug his fingers into that sweet spot between his upper ribs and underarms, shooting harmless little shocks.
“DOHOHOHON’T DOHOHOHOHO THAHAHAHAHAHAT!! NOHOHOT FAHAHAHAHAHAIR!!!” Bakugou threw his head back as he laughed hysterically. Deku had to dodge getting kicked in the face.
“Works every time,” Kaminari boasted.
Kirishima switched his tactic to vibrating his fingers into Bakugou’s toned abdomen. Deku crawled onto his legs (to avoid getting kicked) and squeezed above his knees.
Bakugou started to tear up. He hated how much Kaminari’s tickle shocks got to him.
The three boys all lifted their hands. They let him catch his breath for a minute. Bakugou’s face was bright red. He was still smiling, his eyes tightly screwed shut. His cheeks glistened with tears.
“So…?” Deku said quietly.
Bakugou sighed. “I’ll put on the damn costume.”
“Yatta!!” The three cheered. They scrambled off of him and helped him up.
“...Don’t laugh, got it?” Bakugou said behind the changing room curtain.
“We won’t!”
He slid the curtain open.
“Kacchan sugoi!!”
Kaminari whistled.
Kirishima was awestruck.
“Grrr, don’t gawk at me!” He closed the curtain again.
Kirishima blinked. “Hey, wait! You look great, man!” He stepped forward and slid the curtain back open… revealing Bakugou’s backside. Deku and Kaminari covered their mouths with their hands.
“Holy shi—”
“DON’T LOOK!” Bakugou shouted as he saw Kirishima’s face appear behind him in the mirror. He quickly turned back around. “Out of my way, extras.”
“I still think I wore it best,” Kaminari said.
Deku and Kirishima laughed at that.
“You think this is funny, haah?” Bakugou grabbed both Deku and Kirishima and pulled them close, squeezing their waists.
“EEK! Nahahahaha! K-kacchahahahan!”
“Hahahaha! Hehehey!”
“How do you nerds like it?”
Kaminari sneaked up and zapped Bakugou’s side.
“AHH! You— Oh, you’re gonna get it.” Bakugou let go of Deku and Kirishima and darted after Kaminari.
“Tickle fight!!” Kaminari exclaimed as he ran away.
Kirishima turned to Deku and shot him a toothy gin.
“Kirishima-kun? W-w-wait, wahahahait!!”
Meanwhile, Bakugou had tacked Kaminari to the ground. Kaminari, who was screeching and thrashing about as Bakugou ruthlessly tickled his exposed hips, thighs, and knees. Maybe he shouldn’t have challenged the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.
Kirishima had Deku in his grasp and was tickling in between his ribs, causing the smaller to giggle and squirm. He paused to turn towards the commotion. “Don’t kill him, Bakubro!”
“He’s getting what he deserves!”
Kirishima ran over and wedged himself in between the two blondes. “Take me instead!” he said dramatically.
Bakugou stared at him. “Your funeral,” he said as he dug into the redhead’s ribcage.
Kaminari crawled out from under Kirishima towards Deku.
“Are you alright, Kaminari?” Deku asked, holding out his hand.
Kaminari gladly took it. “Yeah, I’m alright. Thanks! …You look really good in that, by the way.”
Deku’s eyes widened. He blushed slightly. “Oh! Thank you!” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and looked to the side. “You look really good too.”
Kaminari seemed delighted.
Looking mildly embarrassed, Kaminari walked over and tasered Bakugou in the side, causing Bakugou to let up long enough for Kaminari to drag Kirishima away from him.
Deku made eye contact with Bakugou. Big mistake.
Kirishima looked up at Kaminari. Kaminari smiled down at him. Kirishima grabbed Denki’s arms and flung him over his head.
“WhaAA!” Kaminari yelped. He landed with his head in Kirishima’s lap.
Kirishima skittered his fingers over Kaminari’s ears and neck. “I can’t believe you just left me to die like that! After I saved you!?”
“EhehehEHEHE! I’m sahaharryyy!!” Kaminari batted at Kirishima’s hands.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“You thought you could get out of this, nerd?”
“KAHAHAHACCHAHAHAHAN PLEHEHEHEHEHEEEASE!! NOHOHO MOHOHOHORE!” Deku pleaded as Bakugou kneaded his hips. Tears streamed down his face.
“Oh no. I wasn’t done with you earlier.”
“Are you guys done getting rea—” Uraraka started. “Oh! I’m sorry! I-I’ll uh, um…”
Kirishima smiled bashfully. Kaminari blushed. Bakugou was so absorbed in destroying Deku that he didn’t even notice her walk in.
Uraraka’s eyes widened. She looked back at Kirishima and Kaminari. “We’re starting soon, okay? See you out there!” She ran back to the set.
Kirishima and Kaminari looked at each other.
“We should probably stop him, right?” Kaminari asked.
Kirishima nodded.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough, Bakubro!” Kirishima said.
“We have to get to the photoshoot!” Kaminari added.
Bakugou paused. Photoshoot? Oh, right. He looked back down at Deku, who was still panting and giggling. He looked like a mess. 
“We’ll have to freshen him up a bit, I think,” Kaminari said.
“One sec,” Kirishima said as he headed towards the bathroom.
Bakugou lifted Deku back up to his feet. Deku began to wipe the tears from his eyes. Kirishima came back with a damp cloth, which he gently wiped Deku’s face with.
“Much better,” Kiri smiled at him.
Deku smiled back. “Thank you. Let’s go!”
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akaridream · 1 year
after dark pt. 2: rooftop (hawks x reader)
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tags: hawks x reader
cw: cursing, hawks is a flirt, afab reader, mentions of drugs/alcohol, smut in later chapters
taglist: @inkthgoat ​ @pnsduck @mysideeffectsofyou
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You nearly cried when you saw half a million yen in your bank account Saturday morning. You spent a few extra minutes in bed, grinning at the ceiling and thanking the kami for Hawks. You couldn’t help but think of the smile in his voice and the playful spark in his eye. I should thank him again, you thought. You reached for your phone just as a text came through.
Hawks: morning! the transfer should have gone through by now, lemme know if you got it
You: Yes, I got it. Thank you again, the amount is extremely generous for three weeks. I hope my work lives up to it
Hawks: i’m sure you’ll be worth it :) so for monday, i was thinking we should meet up near the psc hq with enough time for you to give me a quick crash course on taking photos for evidence. I’ve got an ear piece for you too, so we can be in constant contact while we’re spread out
You: Yeah we can do that. Do you have a DSLR?
Hawks: lol what is that
You: Are you serious
Hawks: nah haha its the 21st century, i know what a digital camera is :D i don’t have one though
You: omg good grief Hawks
You: Most cell phones can take pretty good pics these days, so I’m sure yours will be fine. Or I can teach you how to work the SLR and I’ll use my phone since I know what I’m doing
Hawks: ooo I kNoW wHaT i’M dOinG
You: Wow, the attitude. I could always just take your money and run
Hawks: could you tho? i bet i could track you down
You: I could go off the grid and you’d never find me
Hawks: eh, you’d get bored and lonely. plus i have my ways
You: Maybe bored, but I doubt I’d get lonely. Snowy owls are solitary
Hawks: not always ;)
You couldn’t help but blush. His cheeky banter made you wonder how he could be so comfortable with someone he just met. You crafted, then deleted, then rewrote, then deleted your reply again, trying to find the line between professional and playful. He was right, after all, and spring was on its way.
You: I should have known you were going to be a handful, Hero.
Hawks: ;) ;) ;)
You rolled your eyes and blushed again. Goofball, you thought. You just might reciprocate the flirting, once your work was done.
You: Text me when you have something important to talk about, Bird Brain
Hawks: aw c’mon, i’m just teasing ya
Hawks: how does 3:30p monday at the family mart a block east of the psc sound? we can grab some snacks, hang out on the rooftop and take some practice shots
You: No offense, but you kind of attract attention, so going anywhere in public in the light of day with you is going to be a no for me. Nighttime shooting is more involved than shooting in full daylight, that’s when I think we’ll need to practice. How about tomorrow after sundown?
Hawks: you just can’t wait to see me, huh?
Hawks: but yeah, I can make that work. same place, 8p tomorrow. and i’ll grab snacks beforehand, all by my lonesome :’( what kinda stuff you like?
You: Sounds good to me. Nothing spicy. Other than that I’m really not picky. Something salty and something sweet I guess
Hawks: no spice? bummer
Hawks: i’ll hook you up tho. see you then!
You felt childish sitting on the roof with your feet overhanging the side of the stories-high building downtown Fukuoka. The busy street below bustled with life, but no crimson feathers to speak of yet. Your stomach was convinced you were on a roller coaster, slowing ticking up and up and up towards the crest of a great drop. No professional dealings had ever gotten you in knots like this.
What if I’m a bad teacher? What if he’s a total moron and doesn’t understand anything I say? What if I trip over my words? What if I forget something super important and his photos turn out horrible? What if he forgets to take off the lens cap?
Your anxiety and the bracing breeze sent a chill through you. You pulled your thumb sleeves tighter over your knuckles. Cold weather was your comfort zone, but something in the air felt… Different.
You pulled your camera bag onto your lap and fiddled with the settings. The night cityscape from the top of the building made for a nice shot, and it might ease your nerves to practice what you wanted to say in your mind before Hawks arrived. You stood, knelt, leaned, trying to get the composition just right when you sensed a presence behind you.
“Ayo! Getting started without me?”
“Geez, tell the entire neighborhood we’re up here!” you griped, turning off your camera.
Hawks laughed, took off his flight goggles and slid his headphones off to hang around his neck. “Not like we’re doing anything nefarious up here anyway! How ya been?” he asked, sitting down to lean against the half wall ledge next to you, konbini bag in tow.
“Fine, just getting a couple shots of the skyline,” you said before stowing your camera. “How are you?”
“Oh, you know. Same old stuff, chasing cliche thieves and villains. Come check out what I got for ya. Whatever you don’t like I’ll be happy to eat. Cool jacket by the way. Custom made?”
“Oh, this?” you gestured. “I modified it myself actually. All I did was take some cheap track jacket, cut a hole in the back and surged the edges. Well, and I dyed it black.”
“Let me see the back,” he asked, gesturing for you to turn around. You turned shyly, spreading your wings out to compliment the work you’d done. Hawks smirked, impressed. “Very nice. You sew then?”
You tucked your wings back in and sat next to Hawks. “I like to make or modify stuff for my wings at least. Tailors are expensive, plus sometimes I get the itch to do creative stuff.”
“That’s really cool. I may have to commission you for some of my ideas!” he said, pulling out a veritable buffet of konbini goodies. You chuckled.
“Geez, are we expecting guests?” You grabbed a pack of umaibo, one of your favorite crunchy snacks.
“Nah, I’m just a growing boy! Hero work burns a lot of calories, and I haven’t had a break since lunch!” he said as he tore into a famous Famichiki. He offered a second to you. “Saw these right next to the register and couldn’t pass ‘em up. Something about konbini fried chicken warms the soul, ya know?”
You took it, smiling. “These remind me of middle school.”
“Yeah?” he asked. “How so?”
“There was a Family Mart between school and home, I used to grab them all the time,” you said. “Glad you don’t mind being a cannibal.”
He laughed. “Right? People call me that all the time! We can’t help that we’re birds of prey!” His laughter warmed you. Or was it the hot food?
“I always wonder what school was like,” Hawks continued. “I was home schooled. Well, sort of. I never went to regular school at least.”
“You didn’t go to UA?” you asked. “I thought that was pretty much a requirement for pro heroes.”
He shook his head. “Nope, not for me at least. I might have liked to go there, but…” He looked into the distance. “Growing up wasn’t the best for me.”
You tilted your head and looked at him. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
He shrugged and sighed. “Eh, s’just how it is. Things are good now. I’m glad I don’t have to worry about stuff like where meals are gonna come from anymore, you know?”
You frowned. “Damn, it was that bad? I hate that.”
He polished off his chicken and stole some umaibo from your open bag. “Yeah, it was shitty but it didn’t last forever. But enough about me anyway. What’s your family like?”
“Mom was pretty quiet and Dad was super busy, so pretty typical family, I guess. Although I do have a twin brother.”
“Ooh, that’s cool. Where do they all live?”
“Up in Hokkaido,” you said, stealing back your umaibo.
“Damn, that’s far. Anywhere near Sapporo?”
“Mom’s near Date where I grew up, a couple hours southeast of Sapporo. Don’t really know where my dad is these days, and my brother’s way out in the middle of nowhere. He hates the city even more than me.”
“You hate the city?” he asked, leaning towards you.
You nodded. “Too much going on. The noise, the lights, the swarms of people… It’s a lot. My hometown was pretty quiet but there was no opportunity for work there. Sapporo would have been alright probably but… I just wanted a big change I guess, so I picked Fukuoka. So here I am, just trying to cope with my quirk.”
You surprised yourself with how much you said, chalking it up to Hawks’ comforting presence and being a good listener.
“Crazy that you moved across the whole country. Does your brother have a similar quirk?”
“Yep, almost exactly the same. His wings are pretty much pure white, almost no speckles like I have.”
“Ah, interesting,” he said. “You guys close?”
You gave a cynical chuckle. “Definitely not. I’m not really close with anyone.”
He tilted his head. “Not with anyone? Really?”
You shrugged, trying to avoid his eyes.
“No best friend?” he asked.
“When I was in school. But not anymore.”
“No boyfriend?” he asked incredulously.
You laughed darkly. “No, definitely not.”
Hawks furrowed his brow but smiled playfully. “You mean you’re not a total ball-busting heart-breaker?”
You snorted. “Hell no. Try chronically single.”
He chuckled. “I may be high on the public approval charts, but I’m afraid I suffer that fate too.” He tossed you some Winter Melty Pocky. “My excuse is that I’m always too busy, but I wouldn’t mind making time for someone special. Maybe someday when things settle down and villains don’t run the streets some angel will sweep me off my wings.” He had a wistful look in his eyes as he tore through another snack.
“Yeah, I guess I wouldn’t mind that either,” you said.
Your mind drifted back to your middle school days as you opened the Pocky. Your first kiss had been stolen by a rambunctious boy in your class who was dared to play the Pocky game. The popular girls turned him down, but you, not knowing the true intention of the game, waited patiently with the biscuit in your mouth. As his lips crashed against yours, you were confused, not lovestruck as you wanted your first kiss to be. The only kiss since then was a brief make out session at the only college party you ever attended. He tasted of cheap beer and tobacco, a combination that still makes your stomach turn. You never spoke again once winter break arrived, but at least the occasion was consensual.
As you munched on the bitter chocolate, you wondered what Hawks might taste like. You caught yourself and squeezed your eyes shut. Am I insane? I just met this guy two days ago!
“So, the other day you said you don’t trust heroes. Any particular reason why?” Hawks asked.
Your face grew tense. “A few. The hero market is pretty over-saturated these days.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, that might be true. But how does that affect your trust in them?”
You crossed your arms. “I’m not convinced there’s enough crime to go around. I think a lot of them probably take care of a couple high-publicity jobs and go home after an hour’s work.”
Hawks eyed you. “Have you looked at crime statistics recently?”
“Not since college.”
“You might be surprised at them. I’m not trying to say you’re wrong, but crime rates have changed a lot with quirks getting more common.”
“Yeah, and while quirks are a fine explanation for the crime increase and the overabundance of heroes, I’d rather it be police stopping crime. Doing it for the notoriety defeats a lot of the purpose in my eyes.”
“What’s the difference though?” Hawks asked, turning towards you. “Isn’t it good that crime gets stopped, period?”
You shook your head. “Doing something good just because you know people are watching? Seems a little hollow. To me, it’s more about integrity. Heroes should work behind the scenes more and focus on doing the right things when no one is looking.”
He nodded. “I completely agree. So how do you know they aren’t already doing that if all you see are their TV appearances?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but once you met Hawks’ golden eyes, your words died in your throat. Damn, you thought. He’s exactly right. He seemed to know it too, but he didn’t boast. He only continued to search your eyes, his lips upturned in a soft smile.
“So, what do I need to know for your camera?” Hawks asked as he opened a bag of spicy chips.
“First thing, you had better not get any of that spicy dust on it, or I’ll toss you off the roof,” you quipped. You might not mind a touch of spice, if it came from his lips.
“Your threat would be scarier if I couldn’t fly,” he said, attempting to steal one of your Pocky sticks. You swatted the back of his hand playfully.
“Uh-uh, if you wanted some Pocky you should have gotten two, bird brain,” you said, pulling out a stick and waving it to tempt him. “These are my favorite.”
Hawks pouted. “Aw, but spicy chocolate is so good!”
You briefly thought of putting the biscuit between your teeth to tease him with it, just like the old Pocky game, but you could never work up the nerve to be so bold. Instead, you held the stick in front of his mouth and rolled your eyes.
“Geez, if you’re gonna whine about it.”
“You sure?” he asked, holding your eye contact. You rested the Pocky against his lips. He smiled and gently bit the biscuit in half, then chased it with a spicy chip, then ate the other half of the Pocky. He hummed in delight as he licked the flavored dust off his fingers. You scrunched up your nose.
“That is so gross,” you said, laughing.
“Mm, the chocolate on those is even better than the regular ones! Definitely a good combo. You sure you don’t wanna give it a try?”
“Absolutely not, especially after you just licked your fingers!”
He gave a menacing smile and extracted a chip from the bag, loaded with spicy dust. “Come on now, just one won’t kill you.”
“Ugh, no way!” You pushed his arm away, giggling. He easily overpowered you and brought the chip dangerously close to your face. “That smells like fire, oh my gosh Hawks!”
You playfully shoved at each other, laughing as you tried to get the diabolical chip as far away as possible. Hawks feigned weakness and you grabbed his wrist, aiming the chip back towards his mouth. He chomped it, then lunged for you Pocky, snatching it out of your hand.
“You cheater!” you squealed, grabbing his other wrist and struggling with him for control.
“Ah! Damn girl, you’ve got some sharp claws!”
You looked at your hands, noticing your naturally black nails digging into his skin. You released him, suddenly guilty over the half moon marks left in his flesh.
“Oh, geez, sorry!” you yelped. Hawks just smiled and took out a piece of Pocky.
“No worries, I’m tough. I can handle a battle scar or two,” he said, holding the Pocky to your lips. “See, didn’t even break the skin.”
You took the Pocky with your teeth and turned away, cheeks warm. “Maybe I should have for stealing my treat.”
“Didn’t your parents ever teach you to share?” he asked with a gentle elbow to your side.
“They taught me to fend for myself! Now are we gonna goof off all night or we gonna get down to business? We do have work to do tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I just like making you laugh.” His smile made his eyes wrinkle. Your heart stuttered and you couldn’t help but smile too. He’s so pretty…
“Oh, but speaking of work, here’s the ear piece.” He pulled a device from his pocket and handed it to you. “Connect it to your phone and tomorrow while we’re on surveillance, we can talk to each other.”
You examined the compact device. “And what if I get sick of hearing you?”
He grinned and shrugged. “You can always turn down the volume and see how long it takes me to notice you aren’t listening.”
You laughed. “Alright, sounds good. Now, let’s get started with some camera stuff. Do you know what aperture is?”
Hawks pretended to rack his brain. “Hm, that company from the Portal games?”
“We’re gonna be here all night, aren’t we?”
He shrugged. “Only if you want to.”
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next (part 3)
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bnha-more-like-bnh-gay · 11 months
a ship that is very rare but holds a place in my heart is kamitoga. especially with lov/traitor!kaminari. bonus point if if its shinkamitoga. i can just imagine these poor 14 year olds with villainous or self destructive quirks all caring for eahc other :((
Secondly: You’re So Right For That.
Tw: mentions of dissociation
Personally, I dislike how everyone always makes fun of kami when he short circuits. Like. For the sake of this, imma just say to him, it feels like heavy dissociation and we’re running with that for now
Soooo, he joined the lov after being found in this dissociative state and they made sure he was safe and comfortable until he was grounded again
Toga thought he was adorable
Kaminari is a little weary of them all at first, but toga explains her quirk and her background and he just kinda 🥺💙😤
Toga is the first to explain what’s going on. She’s just so bubbly and extroverted and excited to have someone her age to talk to
And he’s so nice!
They’re both such bright lads
They’re so supportive when the other is feeling bad about their quirk
Kami makes a bunch of really bad good blood related puns to try and get toga to smile (“I am O so positively in love with you” “you can’t B negative about this one” etc)
Toga always makes sure to have safe foods that kami feels comfortable eating when he’s short circuited
They both make the most wonderful of puns relating to each others quirk.
How do I know this? Because the eyre both full of whimsy and whimsy loves puns, and puns are the highest form of comedy.
The first time toga made a pun about electricity, kami just 👁👄👁 and then he knew he would die for this funky fresh nerd
The number of times toga has gone about saying some shit like, “I don’t know watt you’re talking about” in the middle of lov meetings has driven shigaraki to madness
Dabi is driven to anger when he is on the receiving end of the onslaught of puns these two have, but he so enjoys watching shigaraki rip his hair out
Shinsou, toga, and kami would be such a trio. They’re protective of their people in their own rights, but when paired together, the world won’t know what hit it
Sorry this is so short but I hope you liked it!!! Thank you for the ask! :D have a good and safe day!!
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patorucho · 7 months
*Note: This will be one dialect, which is the most common dialect, Tagalog. People tend to say Tagalog = Filipino, but it's just really the most used dialect
Hi/Hello = Magandang Araw/Umaga/Gabi
We have no informal way of greetings other than just saying Hi or Hello, so we say Good day/Morning/Evening
Until next time = Hanggang sa susunod
No informal or formal way of saying bye other than just saying Bye
The Federation = Ang Federasyon
No direct translation of Federation, we change spellings sometimes of English words to fit
Eggs = Mga Itlog ▪︎ Egg = Itlog
Plural words tend to have "mga" before the noun, we don't usually add s or es at the end
The Code = Ang Kode
Same as above, change of spelling. We don't have c's or some letters in our alphabet so it's ABKD (Ah-Ba-Ka-Da) <- ABCs
Mom = Nanay ▪︎ Dad = Tatay
Child = Anak ▪︎ Grandchild = Apo ▪︎ Sibling = Kapatid ▪︎ Niece/Nephew = Pamangkin
Our language doesn't usually gender words, so daughter or son would just boil down to "anak"
Eldest [Child] = Panganay ▪︎ Youngest [Child] = Bunso
Usually people will address others or kids as "bunso" which is youngest. If we finally get Filo streamers and they call their eggs or other eggs "panganay" or "bunso", there you go!
He/She/They (singular) = Siya ▪︎ They (plural) = Sila
Sure = Sige ▪︎ Yes = Oo ▪︎ No = Hindi ▪︎ Not allowed = Bawal
*Bawal is like saying "you're not allowed". "Bawal kumain" is "You're not allowed to eat"
Gossip = Chika/Chismis
Motherfucker = Putang Ina
Some informal spelling would have it together as "putangina" or slang as "tangina"
Shit/Fuck = Puta
Idiot = Bobo ▪︎ Stupid = Gago ▪︎ Dumb = Tanga
These are slang terms or more rather, insults, for being an idiot. Do this what you will with Foolish's name
Girlfriend/Boyfriend = Kasintahan
Love = Mahal
This can also mean expensive
Duck = Bibe ▪︎ Rabbit = Kuneho
Money = Pera
If you were to say the currency of money, we use Pesos (peh-sos) <- instead of pay-sos
The Island = Ang Isla
We hope you enjoy the Island = Umaasa kami na masiyahan ka sa Isla
For informal use, say "Sana na masiyahan ka sa Isla".
Some Slang:
Sana all = [If] only all
Used when others have something that you want. "Sana all may girlfriend :-(" = "If only [everyone] had a girlfriend :-("
Mamser/s = Ma'am + Sir/s
Slang for addressing all, like ladies and gentleman but in slang
Bading = Gay
Not actual slang translation, but feel free to use this LOL + also a lot of queer filos (me) like to just say bading a lot LMFAO
KKB (Kanyang Kanyang Bayad) = "Pay with your own money"
Used when you're going out with friends and don't treat each other to paid meals. Pay on your own!
Aq = Ako = I
I personally tend to abbreviate ako as "aq" as the pronounciation is sort of the same where the q sounds like "ku" so it sounds like "aku" or ako in an informal setting
Huy/Hoy = Hey
Said usually outside as Huyyyyy or Uy. Huy is like "Heyyyyyy" while Hoy is like "HEY!" (think of it as OI!)
Shet = Shit ▪︎ Pak = Fuck ▪︎ Pakyu = Fuck you
Kyut = Cute
Pa kyut = To be cute, not to be confused with Pak-yu
This is all I could come up with for now, feel free to add more! Hanggang sa susunod! Mwah mwah kis kis
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terrariumz · 2 months
Heyy there !! I noticed your blog a while ago and was wondering if I could perhaps request a fictive of Rui Kamishiro :) I'd appreciate it lots !! I don't have any expectations and I can go freely with anything :D
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sure !! i hope this was done well , and thank you for your request , mallor ! we hope this is up to snuff .
i focused less on the transids here tbh ...
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‎𝜗𝜚 ┈ names ; rui , rye , rynn , kami , kane , cas , cassie
𝜗𝜚 ┈ pronouns ; he / him , hy / hymn , she / her , shx / hxr , sie / sier , vae / vaer , xy / xyr , ae / aer
𝜗𝜚 ┈ age ; age slider between 15 and 26
𝜗𝜚 ┈ species ; human
𝜗𝜚 ┈ gender ; bigender , enby , cadensgender , musigender , voluflux
𝜗𝜚 ┈ transIDs ; transpiercings , transblondehair , transASPD , permaawake , trans2100s , transprofession , transengineer , transheterochromia
𝜗𝜚 ┈ cisIDs ; singer , roboticist , high iq , purple hair , yellow eyes
𝜗𝜚 ┈ orientation ; gay , graysexual , panromantic
𝜗𝜚 ┈ paras ; 📖 , 💤 , 🛍 , 📚 , ✒️
𝜗𝜚 ┈ personality ; laid back genius , typically considered as essentric and wierd by most people . sie constantly thinks of things to do or make . sie is a bit carefree with sier actions , even if sie does care for people .
𝜗𝜚 ┈ aesthetics ; sie doesn ' t have any aesthetic , sie likes to fuck around with sier style !
𝜗𝜚 ┈ role ( s ) ; happiness holder , academic , assistant
𝜗𝜚 ┈ source ; project sekai
𝜗𝜚 ┈ faceclaims ; below !
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mint-icecreamie · 1 month
a-z of vocaloid related things
i got bored.
vocaloids: ARSLOID, Aoki Lapis, ANRI, akita neru
songs:, aishite aishite aishite, ame to petra, aku no meshitsukai, ai no uta, aishiteitanoni, amedama, amygdala's rag doll, anonymous m, appetite of a people pleaser, antichlorobenzene
songs: bitter choco decoration, bug, banana, bad∞end∞night, better off worse, binomi, blessing, brain fluid explosion girl, butcher vanity, butterfly on my right shoulder, baka baka baka!!, breaking things into pieces
producers: chinozo, cosmo@bousou-p, crusher-p, circus-p, creep-p
songs: circus monster, court jester, cute na kanojo, candle queen, cocomelon, casino, 'cause i'm a liar, chelovek, cinderella, coin locker baby, cooler girl, copycat, cutlery
producers: DECO*27, dennokop, daniwellp
vocaloids + utau: dex and daina, defoko
songs: dance of life, daughter of evil, dokuzu, DARLING, DARLING DANCE, Dear, disturbing chicken beets, drop pop candy, digital/physical heart, dizzy paranoia girl, denki yohou, daidaidai kirai
producers: eve
vocaloids: eleanor forte
songs: enko shoujo, ECHO, egoist, ego rock, electric angel, encounter, erase or zero, EYE, ever∞lasting∞night
vocaloids: flower, fukase
songs: failure girl, fake meme, fear garden, fire flower, flos, floating moonlight city, fox's wedding, fukkireta, feel empty!
vocaloids - gumi, gackupo/gackpoid
producers: giga, glue, ghost
songs: ghost rule, god-ish, gomenne gomenne, goodbye sengen, gigantic otn, goodbye to a world, gracious
producers: harumachigohan, hitoshizuku and yama, hachi
vocaloids: ✨HATSUNE MIKU!!!!!!✨
songs: heat abnormal, housewife radio, hello marina, haru no sekibaku, hatsune miku is going to beat you to death, hole dwelling, help me, erinnnnnn!!!, hiding from the truth, honey i'm home,
producers: iyowa, inabakumori,
vocaloid: IA
songs: i nandesu, igaku, identity, i don't care who someone go out with me, ifuudoudou, i met an angel when i was down, i'm glad you're evil too, imigo no tamago, iNSaNiTY, it's a whole world
songs: jinsei count, JOUOU, just a game, just a robot, just saying the body is honest, JUVENILE
vocaloids + utau + cevio: KAITO, kasane teto, KAFU, kagamine rin, 🍌 KAGAMINE LEN!!!!!! 🍌
producers: kikuo, karikibear, kanaria, kid p, kawaii vocaloid
songs: kimi wa dekinai ko, kami no manimani, kokoro, konton boogie, kyofuu all back, kyu-kurarin, KING, koinu no carnival, kurumi ponchio, kara kara kara no kara
vocaloids: 🍌LEN!! 🍌, luka, luo tianyi, leon and lola
songs: lagtrain, lost umbrella, lost one's weeping, love ka, lavie, lower one's eyes, liar dancer, lotus eater, last night good night, lightning hope, lucky me, lie lie lie
vocaloids: megurine luka, MEIKO, moke, mayu, matcha kobayashi, miku, meme squad
producers: MARETU, mothy, mcki robyns-p
songs: migikata no chou, mesmerizer, monochrome dream eating baku, my r, miku, matryoshka, mind brand, m@gical cure! love shot!, miku no shoushitsu, medical anomaly
vocaloid: neru
songs: nakakapagpabagabag, nazotoki, NAMIDA, newly edgy idols, nightmare, non-breath oblige, (not) a devil, novocaine, nyeh it's magic!, nyanyanyanya
vocaloids: oliver, otomachi una
songs: okusuri nonde neyou, ochame kinou, okaasan, only somewhat seen, orange
vocaloids: piko!
producers: powapowa_p, pepoyo, pinocchio-p
songs: plus boy, p.h, paradichlorobenzene, phony, patchwork staccatto, paiii sensation, paparazzi murder party, parasite, pascal beats, pathological facade, the peachy key, perfect nothing, propaganda
songs: queen, q-pole theory of evolution/Q極進化論
producers: rerulili, ricedeity
songs: rabbit hole, rakuraku annrakushi, rolling girl, rin-chan now!, rainy boots, ready steady, realize, reckless battery burns, rendezvous, romeo and cinderella
btw ricedeity did animation for some mv's he pretty cool :D
vocaloids: seeU, shian
producers: siinamota, sooichi, shikuira sougo, satsuki/32ki
songs: spice, seisou bakuretsu boy, sayonara hatsukoi, spider and the kitsune like lion, samsa, sand planet, secret garden, secret music, self inflicted achromatic, servant of evil, shinitai chan, shinkaisyouzo, shoujo rei, shoujo fuzei, SIU, snobbism, snooze, streaming heart, strobe last, strobe light, superhero, sweet devil
vocaloids+utau: teto
songs: tsumugi uta, tawagoto speaker, tale of six trillion years and one night, telecaster b-boy, therefore you and me, tondemo wonderz, two faced-lovers
vocaloids: una
songs: umiyuri kaiteitan, UTuber
producers: vane lily
songs: villain, venom, vampire, vampire's∞pathoS
producers: WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY, wotaku,
songs: world is mine, white letter, why do i, white happy, where shall we go, witch hunt, wonder of wonder
songs: young girl a, yobanashi deceive, yoidoreshirazu, you are innocent monster, you are a worthless child, yababaina, yamiaka steroid, yamitsuki,
songs: zombie. (other than that i can't think)
i lost motivation halfway through and had to force myself to finish this ;-;
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inky-desires · 2 months
Welcome <3
I have been on spicy Tumblr for a while. I have been an artist for a while... so 1 + 1 = smut art woo!
I am very new to this so may be networking a while whilst I gather up the experience to post things I actually like, but I hope you guys will hang tight with me on this journey and I can be part of the awesome community here.
For now, here's some fun info about me and my page:
I've had many alias' in this sphere, but on this page you may call me Ink(y) or D!
No titles, No nicknames, No assumptions.
I'm 24, UK based, Enagaged, Demi-Pansexual, a freelance artist and a gaming nerd including 2 weekly DnD games which heavily inspire my drawings, an agnostic pagan practitioner ... among many other things which you're welcome to find out about me if you're cool!
== Themes explored in this blog for content warning purposes ==
Tropes - Enemies to lovers / soulmates / 'fake relationship' / doomed love / love triangle turned poly etc...
All relationship types (LGBTQIA+)
Dere personality types - Kami/Yan/Kuu/Tsun/etc...
Ranging from wholesome pinups to hardcore scenes
Bondage / Restraint
Light Masochism / Impact Play / Biting
CNC (soft / dubcon)
Primal Play / Hunting-Hunted
Fear Play / Knife Play
Public Play / Exhibitionism
Sensory deprivation and Overstimulation
Fantasy creatures / Monster x human / Monster x Monster
Power dynamics
Will add more as we go if needed.
== Themes that are hard limits for me and my page, I will never judge but please respect my consent here ==
Scat / Watersports
Hardcore CNC
Again, will add as they're discovered and needed to be said.
== Please feel welcome to Ask, message, request, comment, reblog, whatever ! I will return the favour. Unless, you are one of these groups below ... here's the real serious shit people ==
MINORS DNI - no age in bio = block, i gotta keep myself and ya'll safe. You'll be welcome when you're WELL of age and more knowledgeable, trust me in this babies.
HOMO/TRANSPHOBES DNI - Grow the fuck up and check yourself. Until then, you do not belong in my space.
PREDATORS DNI - Pedos are not part of the kink or queer community, calling yourselfs 'MAPs' *shudder* will never change that. Get help, how absolutely dare you.
ABUSERS DNI - duh. all CNC and masochism implied is consensual kink, never real. If you take my or anyone else work as permission, again, get bloody help.
Okie thanks byeeee <3
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kamiversee · 3 months
Hihi kami, hope that ur doing well c: i’m a new reader to ur blog and i just wanted to say that i’m so fricken grateful that i came across tfl cuz hot diggity damn what masterpiece did i just read 😳 am just gonna yap abt the series for a bit CUZ I CANT GET OVER IT AND MAY HAVE DEVELOPED AN EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT TO IT 😭 i refuse to accept that choso is endgame in the official ending 🙄 so im just gonna be in denial and pretend that the alt ending (presumably gojo endgame heh🤭) is THE REAL ENDING TEHE CUZ MY SNOWFLAKE HEART CANT HANDLE MY POOR BABY LEFT HANGING LIKE THAT :,c LIKE IDC IF HE DID ALL THAT DARK NASTY SHIT IM STILL LOYAL TO MY KING REGARDLESS🗣 And all the sappy angst/fluff moments with gojo had my heart clenching bc no matter how many times we had those juicy intimate moments it wouldnt change the fact that the relationship was forbidden from the very beginning u-u like damn you author,, u made me feel every emotion experienced known to mankind 😭 Idk what you incorporate in ur writing but its so seamlessly immaculate to the point ive ruined my sleep schedule just to read ur fics n find myself deeply immersed in them 🥹 anyway enuf yapping but CONTINUE COOKING LIKE THE 5 STAR MICHELIN CHEF YOU AREEE 😘😘 am so pumped for more chaps of the sequel!!! :D lots of love 💖💖💖💖
AHH THANK YOU SO MUCHH >< This boosted me to write just a bit faster ugh, ilysm.
I love how I always have everyone go thru every emotion throughout tfl ^.^ I always say its the best thing I’ve ever written & I still stand by that! I’m gonna try my best to make Gojo’s comeback worth it for the girlies who need him so terribly bad 🙏
Because Im a smut author, I don’t get to write angst too often so whenever I do, I end up pouring all my emotions into it & I’m glad it always gets perceived well!
Tysm for readin bby! <3
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themeeplord · 1 year
Hi Meep!! ❤ Been following your art for a while now on my Fandom account (Sinister_Moonlight) and I was so excited to see that you joined artfight this year! So I wanted to show some love and application by attacking you with Mog in my usual pixelart style ❤ He is sooo cute so had to draw him!
Got inspired by a friend saying he looked like a lion and I just had to draw him like the Lion King baby Simba scene! So we now have baby Mob being held up by Kami but he so tiny so he looks more like a can of soda in her paws!
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Thanks for always inspiring me with your amazing creature designs! They are all so stunning ❤ I will continue to stalk you in the shadows and throwing love at your art~
Love Dalas/Sinister
Hi Dalas!!! ❤️
OH MY GOODNESS LOOK AT HIM!!!! AAAAAAAAAA!!! HE IS JUST LIKE A SODA CAN!!!! AND THE PIXEL STYLE IS SO PRETTY TOO!!! OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS!!!! ❤️💜💕❤️💕❤️💜❤️💕❤️ :'D (I think this could actually happen in the story I got for my dragons so that makes this waaaay funnier pfjfhfjdj)
Ok screaming out of the way❤️ X3
Aaaaa you're melting my heart! Thank you!! I'm so happy that I get to inspire you with my silly creatures! I'll be looking out for you in the shadows, squinting to get a glimpse of you~
Thank you again! Hope you have a wonderful day/night❤️
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
My general reaction to Zenos, step-by-step
Meeting Zenos for the first time in Rhaglr's Reach: This is stupid. Why would losing a "suppose to lose" fight disqualify me from continuing the story? And we just got done fighting Ifrit, Titan, Garuda, Leviathan, Moggle Mog, Ramuh, Shiva, a Giant Dragon, Nidhogg, Nidhogg repowered, Ravana, Bismarck, the Warring Triad, and technically Alexander and Bahamut...but THIS guy is stronger than us. Feels a bit late in the narrative to introduce him. Where was he in Heavensward or even alluded to walking along side his father when we were in the Sea of Clouds? Could of alluded to him being way more powerful than what was necessary and a future threat. But no just plop him down and whip it out like bringing a blow horn to a silent auction. Zenos in Yanxia: So...after fighting a new kami we had never encounter before. All we did was...break off a piece of his helmet. And again, its a suppose to lose fight but losing doesn't progress the story. All that has changed is he has a new sword. I do not care for this character. Zenos throughout Ala Mhigo: Wow they REALLY wanted to pad out this part of the story and make every excuse not to immediately fight Zenos. Zenos in the dungeon and Royal Menagarie: So...despite all that we don't kill him out right. The guy enjoyed the fight, slits his own throat and despite being super power to begin with...became the one thing we are super good at killing. Like if a walking warhead decided to become a Denny's Grand Slamwich. Also he kept going on and on about mastering our echo, hope we do that one day. Zenos in the Post-Patch: So, he came back but then is possessed by Elidibus and then just gets up after we kill him for once and now we're off to somewhere else. And the real Zenos is cosplaying as Legolas? What the fuck are you doing with Zenos? Zenos in Shadowbringers: So...he spent all this time walking to Garlemald and got his body back and killed Varis. Now what? Zenos in Post-Patch: There's Zenos being bored and is now super Ascianed as if making his a Resonant and Super Weapon wasn't already enough it feels like he was already Super Saiyan, now he has to go beyond and become a Super D Duper Saiyan. Oh hey he's seeing the Final Days and Emet-Selch might of done something to him. Alright he's sitting around. Alright, he's sitting around and bored. Alright, he's off to get a new weapon. He's selecting a weapon and monologuing to the moon. Guess we'll find out what he's up to and what Emet may of done to him in the next expansion. Clearly going to be the penultimate final boss. Zenos in Endwalker: He's...standing around monologuing. He stole our body as is standing aroun monologuing. Alright he broke the seals of Zodiark WE ARE GOING TO FINALLY FIG--and Fandaniel is now Zodiark. Alright now do we fight Zen--oh no we just let him walk away. Alright so he's just walking around the Garlean Wilderness like a murder hobo and now he's sad cause Alisaie called him a bitch. Okay, he's now in Ala Mhigo monologuing to himself. Okay, he's now here as Shinryu to and flew us into a final boss battle. Okay...you going to tell us about your past? Maybe we get an echo of an important moment in Zenos' life that makes all this meaningfu--okay no we're just fighting--A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXESA TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES And he's dead...ooookkaayy??????? Zenos in Post-Patch: They REALLY cannot shut up about Zenos. Is he's alive as a Voidsent somewhere orrr?????
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hxdrostorms · 7 months
once you're stripped clean, what's at your core?
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behind the mask
you aren’t slick about whatever you think you’re hiding. glass shatters in your midst, blood spills, children scream. like some of your friends, your personality of choice is entirely artificial. the difference between you and them is that you can get away with it. you’re unknown, perhaps even to yourself, and your goals are complex and unknown. anyone stupid enough to fall for you is setting themselves up to be frustrated and confused, owing to your being ultimately unknowable. i hope you can find an identity that makes you comfortable.
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sympathy for the devil
you try so hard to be a beacon of hope for everyone, but nobody’s a beacon of hope for you. most likely, someone’s betrayed you in the past. it’s not like you’re easy to walk over, you just believe(d) too much in the inherent good of people. that isn’t a bad thing, and there’s nothing wrong with being kind and forgiving… i just feel kind of bad for you. i hope you can get a friend who doesn’t fuck with your head and take advantage of your kindness for once.
Tagged by: @eternalstarlights tysm!!!
Tagging: @shouxryuuxha @hades-kami & anyone else wanting to do this! Just say I tagged you! :)
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