#I just dont rly see her as the type of person who would even for a second find the prospect of a timeloop exciting
arolesbianism · 29 days
If I was more of a fanfic writer I would totally write like 50 oni timeloop ai fics and Id have to fight myself so hard to not make Olivia a significant part of all of them. Just like yeah Quinn timeloop au. They and Olivia regular at the same bar actually. Don't worry abt it.
#rat rambles#oni posting#I know in the past Ive said that jackie timeloop hypotheticals make me go crazy but if I were to hypothetically write a timeloop au itd be#an ellie one for sure shes just enough both in and out of the action and also enough of a bad person that it'd bring me great joy writing#her flounder and fuck everything up and become even worse of a person and not even feel guilty abt it#also Id totally have it not even be a satisfying loop ending condition itd be like a survival style timeloop but its just so she can#survive long enough for the world to end and die there instead#now for a less frustrating a depressing main character bubbles would be a decent option but I actively want a frustrating pov#I <3 povs that you wanna beat the shit out of so bad for their consistent fuck ups but you cant say its poor writing because in every#situation they fuck up in it Is what they would do and its what they would do every time#like watching a train crash except you get to watch the things that doomed the crash to happen as they happen#but yeah I think ellie would loose it so fast shed start emailing jackie hampster gifs out of frustration#I just dont rly see her as the type of person who would even for a second find the prospect of a timeloop exciting#like jackie would be absolutely ecstatic at first if she got trapped in a time loop she'd be so happy#not even because of the typical reasons its fully scientific curiosity#shed get disappointed pretty quick tho and probably rly confused due to it contradicting other theories of hers#but yeah maybe there'd be a part of ellie that had some scientific curiosity but I think itd be in more of a oh god damnit way#like oh fucking hell this just had to be possible didn't it I don't want to deal with the ramifications of this bullshit#because in universe time loops would probably impossible or at least would have to look very different#so a timeloop au would come with having to accept that contradiction and roll with it#which Im totally fine with I think its funny to have these scientists deal with blatantly impossible events#I thrive when fucking with characters I love
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officialspec · 3 months
can you pleeeeease post your dm sexuality/gender hcs on here.... 🥺 i don't have a twitter but i wanna know. it's like a pandora's box to me now i'm like scratching at the door. let me in
heres the link 2 the thread (mild spoilers btw) ill post a transcript under the cut for ppl who dont have twitter
first off i think laios relationship to sex is super removed for like 50 reasons without even getting into his actual sexuality
he grew up in a place with very repressed ideas about sex and has a lot of fear about asserting his presence in situations
his special interest takes precedent over any social interactions he has and the level of closeness he feels towards people
he has a hard time figuring out his feelings towards other people both bc hes autistic and bc he has freaky deviantart fetishes that make sex in his mind a very abstract concept <- this one is me projecting mostly
that aside, i feel like gender-wise hes attracted to ppl so infrequently it may as well be entirely case-by-case
the idea of him being gay appeals to me from the 'raised with traditional values he Does Not fit into/hasnt begun to question it yet' perspective, i lauve characters who put a lot of stock into performing a role thats expected of them and fail miserably for unknown (gay) reasons
from his perspective tho i dont think he would ever really label himself anything. hes going to pride parades in the shirt+shorts Ally Fit to clap for his friends
hes also 'cis by indifference' imo... i love tmasc laios hcs it just doesnt mesh w his personal history to me. i do think hes got some kind of therian gender thing going on (not trans or nb but a secret third thing) but i cant see him changing anything abt his appearance/pronouns to accommodate that post-canon. hes just doin his thang
falin is in a similar boat for gender. i LOOVE tfem falin but the village repression thing has been bugging at me so i dont think i subscribe to it anymore (canon purist sorry) BUT if u hold that hc i am clapping and cheering regardless
instead i was propagandised to a while back and i LOVEEE the idea that being fused w a male dragon and the residual traits she has after being revived have given her a type of gender euphoria she didnt realise she was missing. a little boygirl swagger if u will
sexuality-wise i also dont think she would care to label herself, shes a lesbian by virtue of only being interested in One woman and zero other people. without marcille i do think shes still exclusively attracted to women, and i like to imagine she might experiment around a bit during her travels post-canon (pre-relationship). hearing abt it might put marcille on the news though
marcille is very simple That is a transfem lesbian. she cant get pregnant, shes obsessed w being femme and all that combined w her half-tallman struggles to be seen as 'properly feminine' by elf standards reads very transfeminine to Me. also her bookboy crush REEKS of comphet its not subtle
i think a more comfortable marcy might have the space to experiment w being elf butch like her manga boys but thats mainly self indulgence for me. utena could have saved her
senshi is gay his whole thing is abt not being able to perform dwarven masculinity to a proper standard (soft hearted, not as strong or rugged as his peers) which is like gaycoding 101. also hes a bear. homosexuality be damned by boy can work a grill
adding onto this i rly think senshi got some type of euphoria from being an elf in the changeling chapters. he was feeling himself so much i think he was using it as an outlet to have fun being a little fem and fruity without needing to justify it. do u understand
i dont have any particular opinions abt him gender-wise beyond that. his bulge is an essential part of his character design but i also saw a transmasc senshi a couple days ago that made me nod my head thoughtfully so i could go either way
chilchuck is cis and bisexual this is just canon. not even just his old man crush on senshi altho i do think thats very funny but they put his ass on a cover themed like hes in a dating sim with all the men and women in the cast and then slapped it in front of a chapter called "bicorn". i simply cant pass up that kind of overt signaling. its so fucking funny what else is there to say truly
izu to ME is a transmasc aroace lesbian (this one has the least basis in canon i just know it to be true) shes a little genderfluid with it nd uses he/she i think. i like to imagine she consistently uses masculine personal pronouns to refer to herself either way tho (boku, ore)
i think izutsumis gender/sexuality is entirely secondary in priorities to her body dysphoria. she has a lot of learning and acceptance 2 do before that kind of self discovery is on the docket and in my mind eschewing gender on some level is part of that. get sillay
shuro is cishet but at least he feels bad about it. next listen listen to me i dont think he would ever actually examine this but i need u to put on ur tin foil hat with me for one second. i think estrogen could have saved her. i have more thoughts on this but im not gonna propagandise too much on this post just know that im right
kabru is a transmasc bisexual this is also practically text. his whole thing of being treated like a doll by milsiril to put in pretty dresses, plus i think it would be pretty easy for him to stealth in the west since tallmen are seen as inherently more masculine than elves
(i also think changing genders is just more common for elves. theyre androgynous enough that it wouldnt be hard and like who in their right miiiiind would be the same gender for 500 years. dwarves too)
i think he started presenting as male socially in the west but didnt need to consider medical transition until he moved to a more mixed culture where other races might see him as a woman
i dont have to explain the bisexual part. have u seen him
namari is a butch bisexual this is just canon straight up. shes not transmasc but i think the default settings for dwarven women is like 4 years of T regardless. shes a hit at all the local cruising spots despite her renfaire nerdisms i know this
and just bc im thinking abt em kiki and kaka are identical and kiki is tfem :} theyre both attracted to women but kaka is a sub so i forgive him
THATS ALL 4 NOW theres a lot of characters so i cant have thoughts abt all of them at once but i hope this was good. im right about everything forever as per usual
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 4 months
another live action ATLA rant. who’s shocked.
so im seeing a lot of ppl saying things defending the show, and whatever, fine. i agree with some. this show is NOT all bad. not even close.
the one defense i CANNOT get behind is “the people that dont like it are mad they made changes and mad its not a complete copy of the original”. do not get me wrong, i am completely aware that i (and many others) had a bias coming into this. everyone loves the original show. so many of us are very protective and dont want to see changes, bc why change something that was perfect to begin with.
however, no fucking shit they were gonna make changes. duh. wtf would be the point of this if they werent gonna change ANYTHING.
just bc i/other people don’t like some of the changes, that doesn’t mean we dont have valid critiques and were just mad at the idea of any types of changes.
i, and many other people, really enjoyed some of the changes. everyone loves the kiyoshi addition. ive seen people praising the zuko saving his crew plot line (and i completely agree). from what ive seen, most people like that azula is in the show already (ive seen people hating on her actress tho which is 1 nuts bc she did an awesome job and 2 stemming from misogyny/pedophilia but thats besides the point). everyone loves the scene w lu ten’s funeral (personally i dont care for this one bc i think the show was showing iroh’s cards way too early. they clearly know hes a fan fav and they wanted to show the best of him from the very start. which i dont think is fair to his character.)
but anyways, point is, there were a handful of things this adaptation changed that people really like!!! me included!!!!!!!!
so when i see stuff like “people are being pessimistic and miserable and hating on the fact that its not exactly the same” (paraphrasing) i get so frustrated bc that is SO not true. im not just looking to hate something.
ur telling me, if u didnt watch the show beforehand, u wouldn’t have thought that omashu episode was a fucking mess? like genuinely. try ur hardest to think about this show as a standalone piece of work, like u suggest all the haters should do, and think about that episode. u would be so confused by the whirlwind of seemingly pointless character/plot dumping. like teo and his dad, jet and the freedom fighters, bumi, and the cave of two lovers stuff? why in gods name would alllllll of that be going on at one time? like that is just one example of the changes being messy. but when u have prior knowledge of the show, ur like “oh! thats jet! yeah i know him.” but in the context of the new show he is so removed from everything other than katara and has like 6 mins of screen time, and his presence feels so forced and near pointless (ok yeah he helped katara w her bending for like a sec).
yes i am a hater, but im not gonna hate the show (which i rly dont hate the show anyways) just for the fact that there is change!
but yes i am gonna hate when they changed something and the change is worse, or illogical, or messy, or pointless. which a LOT of these changes were.
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jokeson-u · 1 year
obviously i want nat to be friends with the entire team (at least varsity) but realistically..... the only people i genuinely see her canonly vibing with pre crash, are van, lottie, mari, and maybe shauna sometimes. id love her and jackie to be friends but obviously that was.. not the case lol, and as much as i wish she and tai were also close, tai was like. a bitch to her thru the entire pilot so i doubt it. but anyways, i think van and lottie have the most grounds. for mari, i think shes kinda a party girl at heart and sometimes shit talks nat w the girls but she treats nat as a friend outside of that. nat thinks its fake asf but she also just figures thats the type of person mari is. shes a gossip. so nat doesnt rly care and mostly thinks mari is cool like at parties and stuff. shauna, nat thinks shes kinda pathetic but in like.. a puppy way. shes so fucking fucked over jackie and follows her around, and she never sticks up to nat with jackie, but she does when its other people. its better than what she usually gets, and shauna is ok to talk to one on one, so shes.. alright in nats book.
but with van and lottie?? lottie backing up nat, running to catch up to her after nat gets pissed, pulling tai away from nat when she was insulting her and telling her to stop, teaming up first w nat at the party (ok thats a bit of a stretch but still). basically i think theyre opposites in obvious ways but theyre both introspective and observant enough to recognize that theres relatabily between them too. i think they basically has a sort of passive friendship. they dont go out of their way to hang out one on one often, maybe naturally do sometimes, but when theyre together, team setting or not, theyre very comfortable. teasing each other and whatnot (like the bathtub scene which is canonically supposed to mirror their pre crash relationship <3). but its really just the moments in between, not a necessarily... consistent friendship? i guess? idk if this makes sense tbh. anyways now nat is sad and mad bc she thought she did kinda know lottie but didnt wanna admit it but after all the shit thats happened she feels like she doesnt know her at all and maybe never did and.. yea.
anyways w van, i got that vibe from their interactions. even after the crash. specifically tho, the gun scene. idk i was def reading into it but. something about the way that nat was habded the gun for the coin test, and everyone was hyping her up, but van looked more.. idk. not concerned, but idk. and she stood up to stand by nat, like she was making sure she was ok. and then she immediately yelled at travis when he was shaming nat. basically i get the vibe that they maybe had a sort of vague trauma sharing bond. theyre not dumb, and w the lives theyve both had they can recognize similarities in other people. prob bonded first over movies and music, hungout every now and the to trade mixtapes and vcr tapes, and then van..... van has a pretty good idea of what happened when nats dad died. prob better than most ppl. all the papers said was that he died from a self inflected wound to the head, but nats told her enough for her to know that arrogant bastard would never kill himself. she briefly thought nat killed him and they just covered it up to protect her but then she remembered who nats mom was and was like.... lol nvm. figures smthn else happened, unlike the rest of the school who jokes about how theyd kill themselves too if they had a druggie slut daughter, etc. van tells them to shut the fuck up. nyways, nat rlllly fucking pushes everyone away and shuts down for a while afterwards but van actually really understands and supports her from a distance. maybe the get a little closer again as the year goes by
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s6ider · 5 months
a bunch of random ass peter hcs i thought about at work because i really had nothing to do
hes an advocate for the lgbtq+ community particuarly in youths dont worry bookie ur not alone (hes also been seen at the ny pride parade several times but only as spider-man)
has been to comic con before to see what the hub bub was about was rather surprised to see dozens of cosplays of spider-man whether it be his current suit or ppls own renditions (yes the hello kitty / pink special was present). when someone complimented his 'cosplay' he responded with 'this suit isnt a cosplay'. needless to say that cosplayer didnt believe him
he doesnt have a favorite artist hes just the type of guy to listen whatever sounds nice
typically when asked for the type of interview that involves a live audience + camera he responds with 'no comment' and swings away but the rare off chance he amuses them, hes awkward in the way where he gives a hesitant wave and an unsure glance between the crew and the microphone only to lean as close as he can to speak.
this isnt a hc but damn peter and i are not the same if my extremely hot and badass girlfriend stole from the rich of artifacts they claimed in an underground auctions / just to have it as a social status i would support her whole heartedly and not change her i would do anything for her in fact
sure hes attracted to mj and harry and felicia and finds the whole crew of the avengers attractive and sable and
hes a fan of tony stark (in terms of how cool he thinks tonys suit is and is very interested to know the intricate designs even idly thinking about if he should apply that to his own + avengers towers) and natasha romanova (a russian SPY? he could rly learn a thing or 2 from her + hes slightly afraid of her shes just so badass)
helps introduce miles and tony as a favor that was long owed while he cant help in 'spidey training' / thinks miles is ready to rly prove himself
his favorite thing about being spider-man is getting to know everyone personally it helps cement is morality
speaking of that with his undiagnosed ptsd he has night horrors and goes days without sleep to help sway those bad thoughts to do patrols but he doesnt know this his harming him instead. running from ur thoughts and not addressing them doesnt help (ill go deeper into this in another post)
he so desperately wants to believe everyone can be saved in some form but hes accepted that those who refuse the hand thats offered is of no help if they refuse to accept change; its along the lines u cant save everyone whether it be physically or morality
he cant take therapy because then he would have to go thru all the things that have given him trauma (will hit them with 'yeah im fine... i think') and intrusive thoughts because hes spider-man so he did the next best thing that mj had suggested: yoga
he makes silly little status on twitter to help communicate with his followers as a whole and is the type to take a picture on top of a tall building and something silly like 'good morning ny'
in addition to that he saves random fanart he finds and saves it to his phone he even as some as his wallpaper on his phone
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rbdbrainworms · 1 year
ok right, let's think about this from diego's perspective for a moment
lets start at the baseline that ur the spoiled son of one of the most powerful man in the contry, the ✨hottest prettiest most popular coolest boy in ur whooole rich kid elite school✨, and you just started dating this rly hot girl
except u also went out on a date w some older girls on the side and got drunk and totalled a car and ended up in the hospital and now u have to do community service and ur powerful dad is manipulative and crazy and overbearing and u dont know how stand up to him and ur home life is a disaster and ur actually really unhappy with your lifestyle and you very likely have a precocious alcoholism problem and you feel u have to hide the things youre most passionate abt - like music - , repress who you might actually want to be and bow down to your father's pressures. but its fiiiiine as long as you dont think abt it too much, right?
right, anyway! the girl ur dating complains abt this annoying new girl in you ~elite~ school, the daughter of a famous singer. apparently shes weird, and mean, and combative, so tacky and rude and unfiltered and disruptive. this new girl heard some mildly incriminating things you and your girlfriend talked abt, and now shes worried. your attitude is, of course, to go up to the new girl and threaten her for no real reason
and she is, well. much like described: strong-minded, agressive, irreverent, no filter. says and does whatever she wants. talks back to you and then some. you grab her and shes like. who tf are you. no i cant get u my moms autrograph. you threaten her right out and shes just, im sorry, are u chapolin colorado?? i think u forgot ur antennas sweetie
(sorry just. her dialogue >>>)
(she also lights up a sinalizer inside as bus beside u bc of it, but you never find that out)
ok,. you go on to your little rich kid school club. you get attacked and stabbed on the way to ur secret community service - yknow, over the drunk driving, - and a little child has to live on the street bc ur dad arranges that his brother is wrongfully arrested over it. youre not happy abt it, necessarily, but also youre not the type of person who would do anything to stop it, especially against your dad
your dad humiliates you and tears you a new one and you're all very frustrated w life. but you bow your head to him and move on, as always, because what else can you do?
you get drunk, again, and ends up kissing your girlfriends' best friend
the next day you stumble upon that girl in the hallway, and provoke her - like before, she claps back immediately. didn't she realize already this is your place, and the rest of your friends', and not for people like her??
heres the answer: she starts fighting your friend for calling her mother a slut (in not so many words) and you get in the way - and she reads you and your dad for filth. then, she gets her finger right at the center of the wound - she'd much rather have her people and her mother's artist crowd and revealing clothes and ""lack of class""" over having a corrupt father who'd sent someone to jail for a crime they didnt commit.
see, she is the type of person who wouldn't let something like that happen without consequence .
you dont really have much to say to that, or much to do really, except. seethe
you say to your friends, the best thing to do is to ignore her!
and then, well, you dont
by the way, you are the ✨prettiest, hottest, most popular boy in school✨ and this girl, as established, is inconvenient, weird, shameless, uncontrollable, she has no class or respect for you or your friends, her makeup is too dark, her hair is strange, her humor is cutting, her bad temper is obvious. you, well, you can have aaaany girl you want - so you're definitely not and would NEVER be attracted to her at all!
anyway, a gossip rag comes up and talks abt you kissing yours girls best friend. even though it makes absolutely no sense for this new girl to be the one to do it - she doesnt even know you all, and really doesn't seem like the kind to say something behind the back rather than in your face- and even though you've talked a grand total of two (2) times (and "talked" here is being generous), you're suddenly Convinced , it Has to be her. bc....... her mom is a famous singer. so. irrefutable proof. right there.
that, ofc, justifies you throwing her overboard into a lake, even though she doesnt know how to swim. all your friends think you exaggerated, after all you couldve really hurt her, maybe even killed her - you shrug and laugh it off.
"roberta is very rough" you say. SOMEONE has to show her whos boss, someone has to show her who REALLY has the power here, you tell them. obviously that someone has to be you
could it be possible that you're trying to feel powerful after your recent fuck ups and your dads latest humiliation? is it possible you overdid it bc this girl pushes aaaaall your buttons ? that it irritates you that she's so strong-minded and defiant and you're not?🤔naah don't worry about it
so, she finds out you couldve KILLED her. and then she throws ur 15k guitar into the water as retaliation . as one does. and you are LIVID. it is a 15k guitar, and also the one thing you really actually love - music
as the very not-unhinged person you are, you threaten to drown her, (again). she says she isnt scared of you, and you insist that she is. you tell her you have A LOT of power (do you?) and if she "continues with the gossip rags", which she denies writing, you will certainly "put her in her place"
she clearly has no framework for what she should or shouldnt do, or who she should or shouldnt mess with. but that should show her
so she's actually pretty freaked out. and leaves. you don't see her for three weeks
do you take this is as a win?
nope! you, the ✨ hottest, prettiest most popularest boy in school✨ apparently did not have much better things to do these 3 weeks than obsess over her, bc the first thing you do upon coming back is going out to find her, threaten her (you have to cuddle her to do that, for some reason) and put in place a questionable plot to try to get her expelled
see, you tell her, you always get what you want (do you?) and the thing you want THE MOST is for her to leave the school
why do you care SO much abt expelling her? you've talked what, 3 times. you've certainly had worst, more violent altercations with other people in this meantime. you don't know that she would mess with you again. if you're SO powerful and able to show her who's boss, why worry so much about making her , in particular, leave? weeell, don't worry about it
you're so happy about this plan and managing to screw her over, that you get drunk again! in celebration, you toast to the girl who made you the happiest lately - roberta pardo! . you kiss a pillow as if its her. when your actual girlfriend hears you, she thinks it means youre cheating on her - and who can blame her?
and then! the plan fails. bc ur a villain and the power of friendship defeats you!
also, she's extremely clever. you'll realize in the near future, its rare that you manage to outsmart her - and the times you do, you usually regret . but let's not get ahead of ourselves
you're furious. you vow shes "going to pay" ;.
pay for what? she hasnt actually done anything, other than respond to your attacks - all of the times you've met, she's always been answering your own agressiveness, standing her ground instead of bowing her head.
you have so far: threatened her on sight, insulted her family, thrown her in a lake, accused her without evidence, threatened to drown her, and tried to frame her for theft and get her expelled. she has... insulted you back, thrown your guitar on a lake after you threw her, and outsmarted you, defending herself against your accusations
now, not only did she escape your little plot, meaning she will stay in school, where you'll see her everyday, she doesn't even have the decency to be intimidated anymore! now she has the audacity of saying she's not scared of you, that you're the one who is going to pay, and this has just begun.
you hear all of that very closely, by the way, because you're pushing her against a wall
youre even more ... furious and dedicated to ~~bringing her down
you've known her for what ammounts to one (1) week.
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tojikai · 10 months
SERIOUSLY, this fic is messing too much w my emotions, i dont think i can take it anymore LMAO i got the notification i was already nervous, then i started reading and my heart was beating SO FAST and i now i feel like throwing up and crying damn kkkkkkkk /smiling through the tears/ you rly making me feel all sort of things, im sad but enjoying it too much to complain lol
OKAY. I need to be honest here: i read that ask someone said how they perceived each character and i MAY feel more empathetic to Satoru now lol (ormaybeimjustbiasedwhatever) truly happy to see him working on himself and everything else but bro??? c'mon¡!!!¡!! you shouldn't be so naive atp anymore pls she was even talking to the dragon when you got home, my love 😭😭😭 hopefully she wont get pregnant, or loses the baby, or gets arrested for touching someone w/o consent, or gets in a car accident and dies– anyways, there are soooo many ways it could so i will hope for the best while hoping for the worst too;;; the things you do to me, istg 🥲
Also, Toji's showing too many red flags lol i mean, i can kinda understand him but???? Nah, it's like he isn't even trying to listen and understand the reader 🧐 girl, just take your lil girl and run, all mens are bad atp lol go find geto suguru, he knows how to be a good girl's dad and is handsome too
Anyway, after this chapter i may or may not have wavered as Team Toji 👀 its a bit worrying tbh and im that type of person who thinks "one alarm's enough, im out bye~" so cant be hypocritical here and say i want reader to stay lol but i also dont want reader w gojo bc his hag of a mother is rly unsettling, dont think its a safe environment for her or yui,,, im thinking too much im stopping and let the worry for the next
AH JUST REMEMBERED STH!!! Cant help but feel happy that satoru's father backed him up against his mother 💛 wishing a nice future for this man too bc that woman is tOTALLY INSANE!! Who the hell talk like that abt baby trapping someone???? Damn,,, reader rly should have reported her or sth i feel like she'll keep causing trouble whilst out of jail 😭😭
Muito obrigada for this chapter, was rly a great experience (tho i felt anxious LOL) and actually it always is whenever i read something from you :) hope youre taking care of yourself and having a nice week, be well <3
satoru's father would always have his back. he's literally just there for satoru🥹 he lost his first born already, he's not letting anything happen to satoru too. and yeah, toji really got his supporters torn😭 where he's coming from is understandable tho, but in a rs, it always has to be mutual sooo... yeah, thank u so so much for the support <33 im happy u enjoyed itttt
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menalez · 1 year
Same Anon re: butch rep or lack thereof in queer love ultimatum:
Do you have a link/tag for your posts about the show? I didn’t see the butch rep post and I’d love read what other radfems think. I scrolled back but couldn’t find it.
And yeah I agree pretty much everyone except Xander, yoly (although she’s not 100% innocent,) and Sam suck to varying degrees, I only singled Vanessa out because the ask was about gender identities and Vanessa identifies as pansexual instead of lesbian. I felt bad for the other lesbians because they were to my knowledge, lesbians attracted to women, but technically dating self admitted non-women. Toxicity/drama wise, I pretty much agree with the general consensus on Mildred/Lexi/Rae/Aussie/tiff/Vanessa so I’m not going to add anything abt them.
My only unpopular opinion is about mal. Mal doesn’t necessarily suck per say, I think she’s a decent person and she’s super fine. but like Vanessa, her sudden reversal into wanting to propose seems motivated by wanting to “win,” instead of a genuine desire to commit to yoly. The fact that she suddenly started picking up after herself around the house shows she was capable of doing it all along but was content to let yoly pick up after her. The way she is motivated by wanting to win is a lot less obvious and less malicious than Vanessa, because she does care about yoly to some degree and she might not even consciously realize her motives. But I don’t think her intentions are genuine, I think she’s a real smooth talker towards both Lexi, yoly, and the camera/audience. I empathize with her a lot because I’m a poc lesbian (femme Indonesian though, not black butch,) and if a white woman showed up with a real chance of taking my girlfriend away I’d be feeling all types of old insecurities and might feel the overwhelming urge to win. I might be reading into it, but I just think if everyone wants to call Vanessa out for her sudden change of heart, it might be good to acknowledge that Mal is kind of doing something similar, but a lot less clumsily. I know she said she eventually wanted to get married after her finances were taken care of, but after the finance conversation w/yoly, I’m a bit suspicious about whether she was actually taking concrete steps to make that reality happen, or if she was using that as a delaying excuse. I would hate for her and her bestie to spin the narrative that yoly was some sort of gold digger who abandoned Mal to fall in love with Xander’s financial statements, because it kind of looked like they were implying that in the last episode. I had a soft spot for Mal, but I think I if the threat of xander were to go away, Mal would go back to her old, not-picking-up, marriage and kids delaying self.
this was my post about it. no one besides me rly shared their thoughts on that tho, to me i just thought it was concerning and indicative of a larger trend & commonly held idea nowadays that gnc = u must be non-binary or trans somehow. it all goes back to "cis = you identify as the gender you were born as" and gender simply being the societally & culturally ascribed roles based on ur sex... based on that logic ofc butch lesbians would not fit in and ofc many gnc people dont "feel" like theyre women (if female) or men (if male) but rather simply exist in the body that theyre in and dont conform to the gender roles pushed onto them.
i actually rly thought tiff was terrible at first but surprisingly, out of the bunch shes not the worst. definitely aussie (big disappointment. was into her at first), vanessa (also disappointment. shes rly beautiful too), mildred, and lexie are the ones i really didnt like. i loved mal, xander, & rae the most. im at a stage where im not 100% sure about yoly i mean she seems really lovely but the fact that mal expressed these insecurities holding her back from marriage & yoly basically confirmed every single one of them was like. really sad to see. and seeing mal cry so much was heartbreaking too ? like poor baby mal i want to just hug her and find a way to cheer her up.
i do agree w u tho that mal wanting to get married doesnt make much sense. i mean yoly basically confirmed every fear mal had that was keeping her from getting married to begin with!! if that were me id be like hell no im not proposing to u, if my main concerns were 1. im not financially ready and 2. my partner falls in love with everyone quickly and in the same way so why would *i* be the one, and then my partner went and proved she wants someone with more money + falls in love so fast (2 WEEKS!?!??) then id just say no way maam! we'll get married when u address my concerns! BUT that said, u made some decent points. i also was skeptical of the sudden flip to wanting to get married to yoly & the sudden meeting all of yoly's desires, like when someone is acting that way u rly dont know if theyre genuinely that way or if theyre just doing it to win. im skeptical of those things being consistent things too.
i got a similar sense to u there but also i generally just dont believe anyone is 100% genuine on the show, maybe the most genuine has been rae or even yoly bc yoly has been pretty direct & open w her feelings despite the issues it was causing. xander seems sweet but i definitely thought it was odd that she told yoly shes in love w her and then when vanessa asked she said she doesnt love yoly .. oh also sam is just amazing. i loved seeing her grow enough to stand up for herself and speak up unapologetically. i was super disappointed by aussie tbh she was like one of the women i was rly rooting for bc idk asian butches just have my heart bc they make me think of my lovely gf yanno but she rly let me down and was imo the absolutely worst of the bunch, even tho the one who would get shit on all the time is vanessa (who i think is not even as bad)
also lexie is annoying as hell and i think rae should dump her bc i was just getting some red flags from how lexie was acting ngl
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arolesbianism · 30 days
The amount of times I've started a new post and simply typed "Olivia Broussard" and then deleted it is frankly embarrassing I can't take this anymore can everyone I've ever met just start being obsessed with this sad divorced woman too
#rat rambles#oni posting#like goddddd she still makes me feel so crazy#its so hard to sell ppl on oni lore because its just like yes its abt two divorced women and yeah its told through work emails and#work logs along with a bunch of other unrelated work emails and logs which you should also read no they are not actually relevant to the#plot the vast majority of the time but you need to read them anyways or Ill cry rly hard#oh also some of the divorced women lore is hidden in object descriptions that you have to find in game yourself#and also the wikki is outdated as hell so theres also a shit ton of logs you can't read out of game#also the divorced women arent technically canonically divorced but shhhh doomed toxic yuri guys#can anyone hear me? is anyone there? Im losing it over here#Im kidding ofc Im not broken up abt no one I know getting into oni quite frankly I dont think itd be their thing#there's like what one person I know who I think would enjoy it? and even them Im dont think theyd get as into it as me#but it does kill me that no one makes oni fanart for non duplicant characters#I love dupes but I wanna see the scientist going thru shit I wanna see hcs man#like not just for olivia and jackie but for all of them#for example I hc that ada is the type of person who has a mad scientist laugh as their normal laugh#she also likes to mumble to herself as she works and had a tendency to monologue dramatically as she sets a project into motion#some of her coworkers find her kind of intimidating because of this but she is genuinely rly nice#oh I also hc that she wears glasses 👍#now tbf having any hcs for the scientists risky since theyre prone to be actively contradicted in the future but idc I wanna have fun
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communist-cat-girl · 1 year
i wrote way too much shit so ima paraphrase what made me block someone a minute ago
if someone rewrites a story and makes the characters gay, thats fine if you think doin that shows that you have “gay blinders”, just block me
if youre mad about that, keep readin. if you dont wanna read, block me. its a bad faith take thats on par with “representation is pointless” and “i wish modern media would stop shovin gays down my throat” type 4chan shit
if you dont know what i mean, be thankful! its a pointless bit of discourse that doesnt matter to any real world person except queers online who want to gatekeep every aspect of bein a queer. be gay and free, fuck these hos
“just because its gay doesnt mean its better!” feels a little bad faith? like ya, its obviously not necessarily better, but the thing is ... im gay ... so i have a vested interest in if whether or not they get together; not to mention it recontextualizes stories as one’s of aggression against oppression (if they werent already) that makes me doubly interested as an anarchist.
if we look at, say, Alice Isnt Dead we can see this in full swing both ways. not only is the core audience and creative team behind Welcome to Nightvale openly supportive or queer themselves, so too are those who’ve worked on Alice Isnt Dead. Not only does this mean that the queer audience will feel catered too but the queer staff will be more likely to *want* to work on this, to put their whole ass into this project and make it better than if they were just paid to make some mlw piece of media.
and would the mlw idea rly work when the end of part 1 and all of part 2, spoilers by the way, of alice isnt dead are about the gov’t doin absolutely everythin it can to keep them apart and how *keepin them apart, even as alice is part of this shadowy institution, didnt make them happy and didnt solve the wider problems of the world anyways*
im sorry, but if that story wasnt gay, if its gayness didnt put into focus the issues real gay people face, then that story is ostensibly weaker, its prose less profound, its themes less touchin
now, to talk about the post that made me want to write this ...
im not gonna link it or even directly phrase it, i dont want anyone comin onto me or comin onto anyone else over this (not like my small follower count would)
the tldr is that, the hades and persephone myth is ... well, its kinda shit. its a kidnappin, its a possibly a sexual assault, its a woman forced into a bad circumstance; and so if you made this myth wlw and say its better you “have blinders because its gay” or somethin; which ive never heard anyone suggest EVER but sure, whatever
disclaimer, i am a hellenic pagan, more specifically of roman traditions, so my opinion on the *story itself* is complicated. so im not gonna be sayin much about that.
what i really care about is how somone brings of the Hades Game and i *think* lore olympus retellin where persephone is kidnapped, lowkey on purpose possibly, and eats of the pomegranate to like ... get at her naggin mom, or w/ever. thats not actually the story of the Hades Game nor of the more popular modern helpol retellin but its close enough.
the person who relays this paraphrased story says that if its wlw its better than it would be if it was mlw (and, in gnrl, this retellin is far more palatable to a modern audience; which isnt even rly debateable) and the person complainin say somethin about “gay blinders” says “no it wouldnt be” and a cry emoji.
now, ignorin how ... perhaps accidentally homophobic that comes off as ... like ... it would. mlw forbidden love doesnt really strike the same chord like it used to. in a time of arranged marriage and loveless lives, this concept was REALLY important and was the framein of most myths about a couple in the Mediterranean durin antiquity. problem is, these days, while expectations are hard even for mlw couples, youre still largely goin to get reluctant parents go “*sigh* fine, you may”
and unless youre under a rock you may have forgotten that us fags have a habit of gettin shot for lovin who we love
so ya, the story of forbidden love between a fem hades and a sapphic persephone bein a story of gay love in which they fight against all odds and become happy with each other is substantially more *touchin* (and thus “better” in the common parlance) than the same milk toast mlw forbidden love thats been shoved down queer people’s throats since day one of our birth. 
whats rly annoyin is that op doesnt explain WHY “gay blinders” are such a bad thing anyway? is it genuinely so bad to enjoy gay stories more? to see yourself represented in a piece of media, esp one that you already connect so strongly too?
the worst outcome is “because its gay people think the story is good” but ... i dont think anyone is confused about the story of hades and persephone anyways? like, the ancients werent fuckin morons. zeus was a tyrant king and a story of how despots, even one’s who gain it thru noble means, will inevitably abuse their power. athena was dedicated to protectin women but when a woman needed her most she turned her into a fuckin monster. hera, in her hetero jealousy, harms WOMEN more than men when it comes to vengeance because she believes *the harmful actions of men against women are the fault of women.* and WHO suggests that the ancients thought otherwise?
do you think they would be allowed to spread such horrific and grotesque tales without approval from religious or political authorities if this was not an intentional and integral aspect of their faith? is it not curious that most ancient writers dont rly talk about these tales but only speak of the gods in a Vague sense? is it not curious that the details are obfuscated? ignored? its because while the gods love us and care for us they are also fickle and jealous and violent and they must be, in the ancient view, respected OUT OF FEAR
they clearly understood that these were representations of natural causes (a commonly held belief by ancient philosophers) and so their stories show that the natural outcome of things like LIGHTNING STORMS or EARTHQUAKES happen to everyone because the world is just Like That Sometimes; givin names to these causes just makes it easier to explain them. it helps them figure out the Shape of their trauma, far easier than the existential horror that we experience in our hyper objective world of today
so no, i dont think your modern liberal minded fag is gonna go “oh hades and persephone is so romantic” and even helpols on this site pretty famously go for the stories that resonate more with them on a personal level than the ancient stories men told other men to make them feel good about bein men
yes, even if the story is about two gays
if you think a story is bad on a personal level and think gayness wouldnt solve it ... Okay. thats subjective, movin on.
if you think its bad because makin it gay is a superficial bit of representation, im sorry you live a borin life? all representation is superficial then, if you wanted to be that kindve a jerk about it.
if you think makin it gay harms the original script, im sorry to tell you that oral history has changed most scripts so beyond their original form that we will NEVER be able to know that that original story was (and very likely, from an anthropological point of view, the origin of these stories could be as old as 5 to 10 thousand years ago told in different times with different gods and different circumstnaces; we will NEVER know the original story)
changin the story to fit your modern sensibilities and makin it gay is not bad, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. it even might make the story infinitely better! who knows, who cares! write what makes you happy, fuck these hos
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how do you feel about theories that roy and leslie are working together? while i like it, i don't really think it makes sense because it's implied that leslie is just as trapped as yellow and the other two. and i really don't think she'd be willing to help yellow (for what's implied to be many times) at all if she were working with roy since he's very much against and dislikes his son.
but i do really love the theories that roy and yellow represent (or remind her of?) leslie's family. especially with the whole "you are not my son" thing. it also makes me wonder what leslie thinks of the other two.
hmm......i dont know if id say roy and lesley are working together per se, but i feel like hes....aware of her? if that makes sense? like even tho shes still trapped like he is, shes clearly on a higher plane of power than him, and i feel like roy is the type of guy who would be aware of that sort of thing. thats just my personal headcanon tho, not going off of any canon stuff.
as for the family theory, i do agree that makes sense!! i definitely subscribe to the theory that yellow guy is a representation of lesleys son, at least. i guess i believe in roy representing her (ex) husband too, but we havent seen them interact yet, so im a bit hesitant to say its 100% true. personally tho i believe that she and roy are divorced and thats why they dont talk anymore AKSKSKDKD
and yes, i have been wondering abt her opinions on red and duck as well!! maybe they represent family friends, or maybe they were just made to keep yellow guy company, OR maybe they were made by something ELSE....?? ofc well probs have to wait until season 2 comes out to speculate for sure, but its all rly neat to think about!!!! we technically dont even know if lesley Created yellow and roy herself 🤔🤔🤔 im excited to see what else they do w her in future eps!!!
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qiangweirosa · 22 days
It wasn’t until the next day that the topic got him semi-curious (well, as curious as the ever-so-stoic teen could be).
Their teacher, an older man Kenji had no interest in watching and Makoto had even less interest in listening to, called on his taller friend. Unsurprisingly, Kenji was preoccupied with his phone. Before his head could snap up at the sound of students snickering, the dark haired boy caught him typing something furiously on his phone. Instinctively, Kenji hit the top right corner of his screen before facing the man.
It took Makoto a second to realise that his phone quietly vibrated. After making sure that he was not going to be next for the slaughter, he sneakily checked his notifications.
A little bar with tumblr’s colourful icon appeared. It was an ask from the strange blog he saw yesterday.
“Hey man” @ilmommymlkrs began “I’m kinda new to this whole tumblr thing, mostly went to ao3 before, but I rly like your blog. So I want to request something. Pls write some Kafka (hsr) x male!reader one-shot. I was thinking the reader could be like, a young guy (I read your rules, you can make him of age if that's what you prefer, just really young). I really like your writing style cause its like a perfect amount of romantic without being super heavy. The way you make it feel like a slice-of-life story is amazing, man! I was thinking the reader could be this guy who looks up to her. Like, I’ve got this teacher who I’m trying to rizz currently and I was thinking about that type of dynamic where she slowly gives in and starts seeing the reader as something more, basically has a soft spot for him and due to him being younger kinda wants to protect him. That’s literally how I want to end up with that teacher and lately it’s been going in the right direction cause the other day she w”
The message was cut short. Only one person was terminally online enough to brag about hoping to be groomed. And it just so happened to be the boy sitting next to Makoto. Not like he hasn’t been pretty much caught red handed. Still, the contents of the message were additional evidence.
For a second, the dark haired boy weighed his options. Sure, Kenji would probably prefer it if he was told he stumbled across his friend’s tumblr. But, unlike him, Makoto was not as shameless about his internet activity (which was ironic because whatever he did, it was way more tame than Kenji’s search history). Thus revealing his tumblr blog didn’t sound exactly appealing. As any proper student would, he chose procrastination. Which by extension meant answering the ask.
Though he knew who was behind the blog (a further look into the bio only confirmed it further) it wasn’t like he couldn’t write for him. Sure, it felt strange. But that wasn’t enough of a reason.
some more reactions, albeit shorter ones wahhh
"(well, as curious as the ever-so-stoic teen could be)" he's winning the idgaf war
"Unsurprisingly, Kenji was preoccupied with his phone." is this how you're gonna rizz that teacher kenji
"“I’m kinda new to this whole tumblr thing, mostly went to ao3 before," he's so relatable
"I really like your writing style cause its like a perfect amount of romantic without being super heavy." so hypothetically if i said i headcanon makoto as aroacespec-
"basically has a soft spot for him and due to him being younger kinda wants to protect him." hey buddy how's your relationship with your mom just asking
"Only one person was terminally online enough to brag about hoping to be groomed." summing up my thoughts
"Thus revealing his tumblr blog didn’t sound exactly appealing." i dont think anyone i know irl needs to know about tumblr honestly especially not mine so i get you
"it wasn’t like he couldn’t write for him. Sure, it felt strange. But that wasn’t enough of a reason." honestly i think kenji has said so many crazy things that he doesn't even find it that weird
overall really nice!!
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ungirthed · 2 months
want to make a place for my thots of anything with no viewers if i remember to come on here. i cant believe i keep having to make these since i end up getting followers and interacting. but i'm an adult with shit to do irl and things to fight and this fandom is almost 20y old so idt i will do that. lol. just finished atla like 20y too late cos my parents hated me and my bro watching tv growing up. journaling/blogging thots!!! ugh. i wish i didnt hve adhd and dyspraxia lmao gonna split them up so i dont get overwhelmed reading my bullshit. if u stumble upon this it doesnt make sense sry
politically a lot of critique that i have to think about. character and plot wise it was pretty good and tight esp for a kids show. amazing female characters. can't wait for the bi agenda from LoK but i may take a while for that. p much i have to say these are great characters and i could talk a lot about them but i'm shocked at what i took away with regards to the romantic rships from the show and the characterization via it.
re love lines:
i wish kataang was written better in the show (MY opinion if any1 stumbles upon this). i don't ~ship~ zutara bc i am an adult and even back then no cos who cares lol but i see the appeal and am attracted to that. i do think we have to retire the trope of the "both sides but falling in love" not because it isn't possible but because post 10/7 (free palestine) i don't think it's worth it to look at it this way anymore. until someone proves themselves not worthy of death because of the resistance fighting back then they NEED TO PROVE THEMSELVES IMMEDIATELY. no more of this i'm in a concentration camp but he's a nazi bullshit. no more i'm a slave but he's the slave master's son (i mean in this case u could have been related but no1 listens to me!) it's repetitive, reductive, and untrue.
that being said: i just never care about the typical bildungsroman love story. you see the One Person bc i guess the kids tasked with saving the world have to be monk-adjacent (in aang's case quite literally) bc understandably theyre so fucked up lol. but it's always sooooo boring to me esp if it's f/m.
katara is such a complex character and mae whitman brings a wisdom to her voice that can be frustrating to connect with for me but her character arc, her strength, her MIND, her heart, and her fists. i think ppl probs like zutara the most when shes' going batshit and no one can understand aang's perspective. but aang is one of a kind and the cutest smartest sweetest loser ever. not my fav char but i love him. he's like if i had a younger brother and not an older one lmao.
of course they're (kataang) together. they were meant to be from the moment they saw e/o and that stupid cave kiss...this is why you don't wait until 32 to watch this lol.
but nothing surprised me and it was meant to be the way it was written. that's also why i find it understandable but shocking people in the universe and apparently outside of it were surprised at aang's turmoil over ozai. like are you joking? he's a 12 year old vegetarian monk. which: i loved his vegetarianism and obviously he was going to be but very casually they put in a line that hints as to why he would be and why many of us are...so i am dedicated to it again.
so wrt that and zutara...the episode where he's with her with the dude that killed her moms and his support of her i can see why people like them. the cave ep obviously but this show is veryyyyy free with affection i noticed and there's some jealousy but they all get over that pretty quickly. i read some of the comics and i could see different rships happening and i definitely think this world lends to queerness (me personally i love monogamy but a certain type lol so not rly interested in much poly but i do like a throuple) but i could see most being bi+ or having identified as that in the past, or labeling themselves but nto limiting. that's just an aside for meee...
so like katara was being katara. i could see suki and zuko being romantic but also a deep friendship that could be deeply affectionate either affect or physically or both bc that's who these ppl are. katara is a very intense person and that's part of why she can be annoying. that's part of why they ALL can be overwhelming. theyre intense, traumatized, repressed kids and teens with mostly good hearts (or just a person so disconnected from herself but also a fascist so u know. her going nuts lol)
hmm what else oh yea. so i came away with maiko......gjpasig the show was paced and plotted well. i am a libertarian communist (anarcho-commie) so MANNNNN i wish they did better on that front but again i must remember i am 32, ancom, and the world is diff. but anyway lmao so team avatar is who i would want to spend time with but i got so interested in mai and ty lee (mailee...). that beach ep conversation was so good, that whole ep, their argument. it was extremely teenage and showed how fucked up they all are. how confused and fucking lost and pathetic. how small their lives are. how boring....so mai...
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icharchivist · 10 months
surprisingly i come to your askbox bearing a3-related thoughts instead of gbf. crazy i know. anyways i finished going thru conquering misoshiosa island!! my thoughts abt it are quite scattershot but i had a lot of fun. as i mentioned previously i almost went thru this event before starting autumn loll. was fun going thru the first bit again with autumn knowledge in my pocket now. the more i hear muku talk the more i want to sit and discuss manga recs with him. like in my heart i just KNOW he read basara. i've read a pretty large amount of shoujo so i think we'd get along.
it was pretty obvious muku and omi were gonna be the pair for this cg and like. i'm pleased about it. they're just such a good pair conceptually when u consider, like, definitions of masculinity and how it might apply to both of them.
azami regarding kazunaris flyers: damn. this is, like, needlessly impressive. what’s that quote about middle schoolers having the most accurate insults. this wasn’t really an insult but it really. Strikes Deep in a way only a middle schooler is capable of.
in any other situation i would gently tell muku that he doesn't need to panic about every eventuality BUT in this case i knew sakyo was planning on leaving them to fend for themselves so i was very glad for muku and omi's preparation. i think its really fun they watched that movie together.
kazu making an itinerary for literally just the trip to the island is sooo funny to me. like he must've known something was a little messed up. do u think sakyo gave him the info and kazunari looked at it, a little miffed that izumi's first instablam post was about spring and winter having a great time without them (and masumi liked the post first) and went. eh. sakyo can have his chaos.
juza bringing chocolate is very juza but him calling the chocolate "rations" is how u know muku and juza are related. love natsugumi teasing tenma abt being sleepless for this trip but like genuinely. its nice that he gets to like. Go On Trips now. like thats a thing he and misumi can do and its not rly something they got to do when they were younger!
i'm going to gloss over the bit with the monkeys where misumi can talk to them bc. i really.... they even acted to the guests in part 11 i do not think this had to happen. normally im all for a3 magic shenanigans so i dont know why this one didnt gel for me lol. anyways PSA wild monkeys can fuck u up so do be careful. don't get aggressive with them. i'm not an expert or anything tho.
the fact that running on the beach is part of their training makes me think sakyo has read knb. doesnt muku give sakyo manga recs? was that not a thing? anyways i think sakyo would read knb. he seems like the type of person to read it and be like. i dont think real high schoolers can go invisible or shoot sparks out of their eyes when they're focused. but i hope he enjoyed it. speaking og knb and a3 a hurrah for team friendship. i saw ur post abt it and like. i want a sticker thats like. I Survived That One Poll Where People Were Really Mean To Muku And Yuki For No Reason. muku and momoi was such a wonderful win to see with the art and propaganda and everything. and i was really rooting for momoi since her name literally comes from momoiro. i didnt actually know there was a knb a3 alliance until this poll but im very glad for its existence bc i love both things very much and theyre both very very dear to me.
was never worried for muku and izumi in the cave bc i Knew muku was doing a hansel & gretel with the way he was acting and i was glad to see it was buttons and not food so omi found them. i think its really cute that not only did omi rush off while people tried to stop him, a bunch of other people were ALSO trying to rush off and were probably stopped. makes sense it was omi who was able to actually do it tho. hes omi after all. look at how he handled banri and juza from day one. him showing muku the flower was so nice and the cg was SO CUTE like. look at those sparkling eyes!!! i also love queen of the night flowers... and im glad they got to go to a resort on the last day.
now some misc notes:
theres this part where taichi lies down in the sand and kumons like oh thats so nice! and lies down with him and i winced so hard like noooo dont u know... sand is just like glitter (Gets Everywhere)
i also just really like that muku is. for all that he berates himself for being weak and he wants to get like more stronger and prince-like and heroic etc. he very much doesn’t seem to correlate that with how he Looks Physically? (see: how he treats yuki) and like. that means so much to me.
finally i saw tenma being annoyed on the ship and island and stuff and. i just Know he complained during the trip and also to everyone when they got back but a year later he'll do an interview for some character that's very woodsy or like he acts as a castaway or something. and i just know he'll talk about how he was able to play the character well due to his own experience of staying on a deserted island… he'll say something abt how it was enriching and taught him a lot about coexisting with nature and some bs like that etc. and after watching that interview everyone in a3 will lovingly make fun of him for it.
YOO HEY THERE! always a pleasure, always no worries <333 a touch of cutesy a3 in the curse that is my inbox.
True i remember you almost read this one by accident ahah, at least now it's all in order again. You're SO right about Muku, he'd be a delightful conversation partner about manga and especially about shoujo. I'm sure you too would get along.
Also very good point for the CG yeah, they're conceptually a very good duo on that regard, they had such a sweet dynamic this whole time, and it's soft to see them with especially just this soft over a flower.
AKJDFMLDKMFLFD Azami and Yuki fit that description so well and now there's two of them. rip Kazunari.
Ah yeah, Paranoia is Paranoia until the day you're actually right. That's Muku right here. And honestly at this point, is it overthinking or is it a correct assessment of the type of person Sakyo is. Food for thoughts. But yess it's so nice they spent some time together to prepare it all.
FOR KAZU IT'S SO FUNNY. i have to believe that, yes, indeed. Especially also with like, how close Kazunari and Azuma can be as the two travellers type, and he knows perfectly what Azuma pulled last training camp. I trust Kazunari in putting two and two together while preparing his traveler log. Like he must have known. I believe in him.
"juza bringing chocolate is very juza but him calling the chocolate "rations" is how u know muku and juza are related." that's such a cute way to put it. YEAH IT'S SO SWEET FROM NATSUGUMI. and yeah i'm also team "always crying when Tenma and Misumi do anything that qualifies as a normal experience" considering their specific bagage about how little they could experience of the world bc of their families.
That's a fair point for the monkeys. It was totally buckwild but yeah this might have been a little too much in term of suspension of disbelief. taking notes for how to behave with monkeys in real life, we never know.
Oh my god a3xknb alliance real and it was thanks to Sakyo all along. And yeah Muku does give Sakyo manga rec. Also Kumon is really big on sports manga and him and Muku talks about this common interest a lot, so if it's not Muku, it's Kumon's fault, but also, i want to say it's Muku because it goes with OUR alliance type. Sakyo would indulge because oh well!
And god right. Team friendship…. and right :sob: remember when people were so mean for no reason. for the sake of cartoon's dogs. :(. but the alliance this competition around was so wholesome. i'm glad you've learnt of the alliance thanks to it now! it's honestly such a sweet phenomena i love it so much. I'm so glad you like those two so much that it makes it more worthwhile <3
Muku is such a clever survivalist on that regard. and Omimi finding them was so nice. the fact so many people wanted to rush to them really is amazing. And agreed, the CG and them being able to rest up really made it worthwhile <3
wow speaking about sand like a true Anakin Skywalker type… gotta give it to him. But yeah Sand does get everywhere. also speaking of sands, remember in the beachside event where Muku and Juza have to talk out a misunderstanding on the beach a way back? Muku then mentions "next time we should bring Kumon on the beach with us". It made me so emotional that the Summer/Autumn training camp was on the beach like that because i was just thinking about how much Muku and Juza wanted to have Kumon with them there….
agreed on Muku. And he's so cool this way :( that's a reason i really love Muku a lot.
and i lOVE what you say about Tenma. He'd complain so much on the spot, but give it a bit and he'll brag about how cool of an experience it was (especially since he was with his buddies) and everyone at Mankai would tease him for it. It fits them so perfectly.
as always, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on the event <3333 next is Guy's chapter!!! be hyped ;D
Take care and it's always a pleasure <333
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shotosprincess · 3 years
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♡ dating the bnha boys — hcs
。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆
➪ shoto todoroki
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pls you’ve prolly been terrified of him for a while prior bc of how ?? talented ?? the mf is ??
but mans prolly saved you at some point and there was this lingering stare you two shared before he left you at recovery girls’ office; were you reading too far into things ?
spoiler alert: you weren’t.
he’s the kind of boyfriend to tenderly brush your hair for you and attempt to learn how to tie and braid your hair up in cute ,, simple designs !!
he’d always be ready with little things you’re constantly forgetting; extra snacks,, water,, a fully charged portable charger ,, trust me when i say that man is pREPARED- after all ,, he needs to be ready with everything to take care of his little sweetheart ,, does he not ?
at some point he’d find you sitting on the roof by yourself late at night,, only to stay with you and let you fall asleep on his chest as he drapes a blanket over you and heats it up a lil with his quirk
prolly bc he just wants to prove to you that he can be useful
pls just let the man know he’s useful and important he never shows it directly but he needs the reassurance—
he’d give you a warm massage w his quirk whenever you’re in pain :”)
loves heating//cooling things for you ,, like instant noodles or ice packs !!
surprises you w jewelry that have his initials on them !!
would hold an umbrella for u while you loop your arm into his as the two of you walk home through the light rain :”)
cries into your chest sometimes after youve fallen asleep bc it’s late nights like these when he reflects on just how lucky of a guy he is to have you— it’s hard for him to articulate it directly ,, but when he does fully open up to you ab it ,, you end up crying too .
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➪ katsuki bakugou
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prolly got with you initially bc of a dare ( and he nEVER passes up a dare ) ,, but eventually those feelings started to become real and honestly ? it kinda scared the shit outta him . he didn’t know why ,, but for some reason he didnt actually want to leave .
teasingly-mean nicknames = his love language . enough said .
makes you wear his hoodie whenever you show even the sLIGHTEST hint at being cold
he just rly wants to see you in his clothes
he’s so clueless on how to do this whole boyfriend thing ,, but he’s definitely trying bc it’s for you :”)
watches and tries so desperately to copy all the cute couples in the movies you guys watch together
“ roses...do you want roses ? “ “ what ? “ “ the guy in the movie gave her roses...do you want roses too ? “
but at the end of the day you just appreciate him for who he is and that’s more than enough for you :”)
will take any and every opportunity to show off his strength and quirk to you <3
now we all know this man gets jealous hella easily ,, and its no different w relationships :”) he’d constantly make it a point to hold you extra close to him in public ,, show you off on social media and call you by a nickname//petname whenever possible just to reiterate to ppl the fact that you’re his and he’s yours
pls i could rly see myself doing that i wont lie
honestly sometimes he forgets himself and his temper gets a little out of hand ,, but the second he sees his feral reflection in your fearful eyes,, he pulls you to his chest and apologizes profusely :”))
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➪ denki kaminari
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one tiny kiss turned into two ,, which turned into three ,, and before you knew it ,, the both of you were spilling out the pent up feelings you had for one another all this time—
mina never shuts up ab it ,, she’s so proud of her matchmaking skills
when the power goes out during a storm ,, he holds onto you tight and plays w your hair as he uses his quirk to turn things back on ,,, “ shhh it’s ok,, i’m here “
will do anything and everything to make you smile <3
he has a lil album in his camera roll with all his favourite pictures of you ,, which is practically just all of them tbh ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
super energetic n bubbly but at the end of your dates he passes out right away in your arms
you make sure to wrap him up in blankets and give him an overload of kisses after he’s rly asleep though
will work embarrassingly hard to win you stuffed animals at the fair !! it doesn’t always work ,, but it’s cute nontheless <3
some of the staff and children at the fairs get pissed off but oh well ,,, what you do for love
pls he prolly makes you lil bento boxes for lunch every now and then ( ESPECIALLY DURING EXAM WEEK ) w tiny notes and designs taped on them
constantly calls you “ shawty “ lowkey un ironically and dice rolls in ur direction whenever he sees you ,,, you just end up laughing and playfully punching him
you both agreed that at home cozy netflix dates w microwave popcorn and fuzzy blankets >>> movie theatre dates
110% made a playlist for you at some point when he crushed on you from afar and shared it w you after you started dating
he made a collaborative playlist for yall AND multiple playlists of songs that remind him of you afterwards
pls i just kNOW this man’s love language is making playlists
theyre prolly all categorized by mood or smth too w the cutest covers ever pls
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➪ ejirou kirishima
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you initially met him bc he was hella upset and alone this one time and you were the only one to notice and be there for him bc he ran away from everyone else to hide the “ uNmanLy “ tears :”))
takes you w him on his lil gym visits ,, hypes you up with every little thing u accomplish !!
constantly teasing bakugou with how he’s able to pull you and how lucky he is to have you
bakugou gets hella annoyed most of the time and just blasts him away-
idk bro i just feel like kiri prolly calls you “ adorable “ alot i wont lie-
LOVES HAND HOLDING,, takes any opportunity to hold ur hand and trace lil casual patterns across your knuckles w his thumb
sometimes he’ll even draw lil hearts on your hand
play fighting but sometimes the two of you get too carried away and he actually loses half of the time-
LATE NIGHT GAME NIGHTS WITH HIM AND THE BAKUSQUAD,, he loves being on the team against you so he can get all competitive
mans gets hella insecure ab himself sometimes ,, so he loves doing lil things for you !! opening a can ,, pulling the blanket over you ,, zipping up your jacket <33
lets you dye his hair—THATS HOW MUCH HE TRUSTS YOU BYE
pls yall prolly aggressively play wii sports and just dance against one another on a regular basis;; it’s literally your thing and you cannot tell me otherwise ahjdjfj
pls i just KNOW this man’s an overly passionate wii player
will wrap his arms around your waist and hug u from behind as you make breakfast
slow dances in the living room at midnight w you !!
eventually as you spent more time together ,,, you were able to change his idea of “ manliness “ ,, and he was able to realize that manliness is not equivalent to stoicism and that expressing ur feelings is still totally manly and totally valid !! <33
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rainydayotomes · 3 years
helloo!! i dont rly like showing my account so would i be able to request here? it would b nice if u could write a van helsing x reader wherein we work as a government employee (how they met basically, post non lupin or van route) and he learns she doesnt associate much with her family for personal reasons after they share each others pasts? if its too much to ask for i can req something different! tyy
Hey Anon! Thats totally fine- its why I turned on the anon feature ;) and hey, thanks for being my first request! Essentially this fic is a little bit of a weird AU, where you don't end up with anyone and never met Van. I hope thats ok! If not, feel free to send in another request! Love you ❤ I hope you enjoy!
There she was again.
That woman. The one who made his heart skip a beat at just a glance.
She laughed as she conversed with two men on either side of her. One of them, Van Helsing recognized as Victor Frankenstein. The famous alchemist.
The other one had long, red hair and had his jacket hanging off half his body. The woman who had caught his eye was sandwiched between the two; and was seemingly good friends with them. Van Helsing wondered who she was.
"Aha! Eyeing her I see!" A snide voice came from behind her.
"Tch." He closed his eyes and turned to the young king.
"Everytime you see her, you always stare. Why don't you go say hi?" Delacroix said with a loud smile that made Van Helsing sigh.
"Awww, cmon! Why not? We have some time to spare! Go have lunch with her or something!"
The young king frowned.
"That's an order."
"Tch. Fine."
He turned to see her walk towards the dining hall, where government employees and guests often met for lunch.
What the hell would he even say? He stalled for a moment, wondering what he would do when he got to her. Would he ask her for her name and run off? Would he sit down and just... eat across from her?
"Come on, let's go!" Suddenly his arm was yanked quite forcefully, and he was made to follow Delacroix into the dining hall. This was bound to be trouble.
"I thought I was only here escort and advocate for you? Not be forced into eating lunch with people unrelated to us."
Delacroix, with his hand still tightly around Van Helsing's arm, opened the door to the cafeteria easily and led the two inside.
"Well I consider you one of my loyal subjects now! And as your king, I want to see my people thrive and be happy!" He said proudly.
"Tch. All I am is your bodyguard and an advocate. What happened to wanting revenge?"
"Oh shut up about that already. Look- there she is!"
The young king pointed out the woman Van Helsing had been admiring from afar, now sitting alone at a small round table. It didn't look like she was waiting for anyone.
"Here we go..." He mumbled to himself as he was forcefully dragged right up to the table.
"Are you waiting for anyone?" The young king's voice cooly asked.
The girl looked up at him, and her eyes went wide.
"A-Ah! K-King Delacroix! N-No, I'm not waiting for anyone. Please, take a seat if you want." She said as she gestured to the two other seats across from her.
"And Mr. Van Helsing... It's nice to meet you both."
Delacroix sat down in one of the chairs, seemingly unaware how awkward this was for poor Van. Or maybe he just didn't care.
"Is this some type of torture...?" He mumbled to himself before he sat down.
"Well, it seems you know plenty about us! But what about you? My advisor has seen you around quite a bit, and he always eyes you as you walk by!" He said proudly.
Dear god, this really was torture wasn't it!?
She gave out a nervous laugh, a blush quickly dusting her delicate cheeks.
"At least this is cute." Van thought to himself.
"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I report to Her Majesty on public affairs. Stuff like how the different districts are doing, how crime is and such..."
"Ah, I've heard of you. You're friendly with everyone except your family, aren't you?" The young king said without hesitation.
"I-I uh..."
Van Helsing sighed at Delacroix's unapologetic nosiness.
"Delacroix, you forgot your coat in the meeting room." He said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Ah!" Delacroix rose from his seat in a slight panic. "I'll be back!" And with that, he took off faster then any human could run. Thankfully he didn't notice that he was still wearing his coat.
"Sorry about that." The soldier murmered to the girl.
"O-Oh no, it's ok! After last week's incident, I-I'm kind of used to this sort of thing..." She trailed off.
"...what happened?" He wanted to ask, but he knew he shouldn't. His unvoiced question lingered above his head, and she seemed to catch on to his thinking.
"Ahaha... well, one of my parents actually was at one of the meetings I was attending, and tried to talk to me... but I don't really... get along with them. So I tried to avoid them as best as I could, but... they kind of cornered me. I told them to leave me alone, but I was a bit too loud when I said it... the whole public affairs board saw what happened."
"I see." He replied simply.
"O-Oh, I uhm... I'm sorry. I know that talking about family might be a uh... little tough for you. I didn't mean to be insensitive. I apologize..."
It was pretty well known that Van Helsing's family was murdered, after the whole situation with Aleister came to light and he was sent to court. But it was still weird to hear that some girl he had never met before knew his past. But he doubt that she knew all of it.
"It's fine. But why don't you want to talk to your parents?"
"Ah.. it's... personal. Personal reasons."
Van Helsing closed his eyes in thoughtful silence. So she wasn't as naive to tell him absolutely everything when they first meet.
He hated to admit this, but he was definitely intrigued.
"H-Hey... I uh, have another meeting I have to get to. Do you uhm... want to go out later? For some tea or something? I'll be free around 5."
Van Helsing mulled it over in his head for a moment. Delacroix had a meeting at 5:15, but it wasn't one he necessarily had to attend. He could already practically hear the kid's voice telling him to go in his head.
He gave a nod to her.
"Sure. I've got nothing planned."
She perked up. Perhaps she wasn't expecting him to accept? He couldn't help but smile to himself over how cute she was.
"A-Alright, I'll meet you at the cafe down the street. The one-"
"-where the evening sun makes it look like the whole place is glowing?"
"Yes! That one!"
He nodded, giving her a "sure" before she got up and ran off.
He couldn't help but close his eyes and smile. She was pretty damn cute. It was pretty clear she wanted to go somewhere that would give them a little but of a fun, romantic atmosphere... but he didn't mind too much.
He was curious about her family, and why she didn't want to associate with them. But he knew that was none of his concern. Still, he quite enjoyed the thought of perhaps learning that reason one day.
Jeez, being with that kid really did make him soft, huh?
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