#I just love watching 2D sing
coconut530 · 7 months
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mARTch 12: CYMK
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k-looking-glass-house · 7 months
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What if Crowley uses "bird" vocabulary like Floyd with his marine nicknames....
Yes he's a crow ... Just imagine if he sees us as biiiiird~
Of course it's just my point of view, I am not a professional in ornithology, you might have your own idea about this one and I would definitely want to hear about it!
Mostly they are birds we could see in my country...
Let's go:
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Grim(m) -> Grey catbird (grey like Grimm, striped wings and can make cat noise....yes)
Yuu(sona) -> Sparrow (Crowley would definitely call Yuu a little sparrow....)
Night Raven College staff
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Sam -> Painted bunting (small, vibrant, colorful, a rare sight to view)
Mozus Trein -> Eurasian skylark (classy, well known literally a french song about this bird "he sung it to Lucius as a kitten")
Ashton Vargas -> Pheasant (....the irony as his Disney counterpart is an hunter, but vibrant color)
Divus Crewel -> Great spotted woodpecker (literally screaming I am Cruella, fashion red, black and white bird)
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Ace Trappola -> Nothern cardinal (red... funky feather style, fights their own mirror reflection...)
Deuce Spade -> Blue slaty bunting
Riddle Roseheart -> Robin (Hi Ciel Phantomhive...I mean Kuroshitsuji ref but look that little red face)
Trey Clover -> Nightingale (sorry Trey...Crowley is implying you can either sing...or can't...but you do have a perfect voice!)
Cater Diamond -> Pyrrhula (I love this little bird too....they became very rare by now, look this tiny orange one)
(Heartslabyul are literally the birds of Aurora in 2d "Sleeping beauty")
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Jack Howl -> Owl (....this one is pretty obvious)
Leona Kingscholar -> "Savanna" eagle (yes... definitely a strong bird)
Ruggie Bucchi -> Speckled mousebird (listen to that bird you'll understand, also....that feather hairstyle!)
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Jade Leech -> Emperor penguin (tall...classy ...can't fly pfff)
Azul Ashengrotto -> Nothern gannet (verrryyy big, analystic-smart one, can't walk on land...)
Floyd Leech -> Snare penguin (unique appareance, multiple various vocalized sounds)
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Kalim Al Asim -> White falcon (precious, royal bird in a "maybe similar related country in our world")
Jamil Viper -> Red Parrot (or macaw) (obviously because of Iago)
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Epel Felmier -> Snow bunting (a "petite robuste" bird living in snow)
Vil Schoenheit -> Peacock (beautiful, handsome literally The Evil Queen's bird)
Rook Hunt -> Mallard (another irony for an hunter...but this bird is beautiful I mean it, and is found everywheerrre (like a stalker bird ha ha))
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Idia Shroud -> Blue jay (blue, black and blue stripes, funny enough the bird is stated to be noisy ha ha, Idia can be supah noisy sometimes too when setting his boundaries, GG Idia!)
Ortho Shroud -> Eurasian blue tit (a little fluffy bird, blue and yellow doing a very cute melodious sound, I love watching them...)
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Sebek Zigvolt -> Egyptian plover (yes....the bird on the crocodile's back...yes)
Malleus Draconia -> Great eared nightjar (it's a dragon bird....look at him)/I could have chosen Casoar too... but nope...
Lilia Vanrouge -> Anna's hummingbird (it's small, pink and changes color with light...like his hairs)
Silver -> Nine-primaried oscines (a cute lovely bird in our woods, pink and blue)
Thanks National Geographic....
It's just pure fanon brainstorming... I'm sorry...
bird photos were mostly took from "Wikipedia"
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renthony · 7 months
Animation (specifically 2D animation) is my preferred TV/film medium. A piece of live-action has to go above and beyond to get over my personal bias of, "most things would be better if they were animated," but it's taken me a long time to figure out what, exactly, makes a piece of live-action really do it for me.
I think what it really comes down to, for me, is the little details. If your live-action doesn't have some level of nuanced physical acting, intense detailing in costuming and set design, a strong sense of visual storytelling, or kickass practical effects, I'm pretty much always going to come away thinking, "I'd like it better as a cartoon."
I think some of this is due to my issues with face blindness--I need characters to have distinct silhouette and costuming, or they will all blur together in my head. Animation tends to stress the importance of silhouette, so I have an easier time telling everyone apart and following who's who. That's not to say that this problem doesn't happen in animation, or that it always happens in live action, but I do think it contributes to my personal preferences.
Anyway, just for fun, a random shortlist of some live-action that I think uses its medium well:
Child's Play/Chucky. Half the appeal of Chucky (IMHO) is the incredible showcase of practical effects and animatronics. Each incarnation of the Chucky doll incorporates incredible advances in animatronic and puppeteering technology. I have on multiple occasions compared the Chucky puppeteer team to Muppet performers. That shit is its own art form, and it's incredible. The current Chucky show makes some use of CGI, but it's all to enhance the practical effects, and the puppeteers are all given the spotlight in the show's credits. I love that.
Killjoys. The incredible nuance to the actors' body and facial acting is mind-blowing. The set design and costuming are gorgeous, and there's a lot of very good detail worked into the visual space that would be hard to animate. They use their CGI well when they do use it, but a significant amount of the show seems to be practical effects and props. Additionally, Hannah John-Kamen's ability to flawlessly portray multiple characters is so good it's uncanny and makes you forget they're literally being played by the same woman. She changes her entire body language, and it's phenomenal.
Jordan Peele's entire body of horror. His films pack in so much symbolism and subtlety that I could probably watch them all a million times and still find new details. The nuance in the acting, the sheer detail packed into the costuming and set design, the use of color...god. It's unreal.
Crimson Peak, because the set design for that film...holy fuck. The costuming and set design in that film are pure gold. The acting is also phenomenal, but I could probably talk about the set design for hours. The house is a character in its own right.
Galavant and Our Flag Means Death, both for the same reason: both shows feel like I'm hanging out at a ren faire being goofy with my friends. They feel like I'm watching a LARP. They feel like they could easily exist in the same setting as Muppet Treasure Island, and at any second Kermit is going to show up and start singing, and it wouldn't be out of place at all. I think I'd also include Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves in this category, along with The Princess Bride and Labyrinth--all of which also include kickass practical effects, choreography, and costuming.
This isn't some sort of objective truth or anything. I just like that I've finally been able to nail down some reasons why I prefer animation, beyond just, "idk, cartoons are fun."
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mimicmockingbirds · 2 years
OK, but hear me out
Say Ride the Cyclone were to be adapted into a film; imagine how much fun it would be to see it animated.
Because for the main plot, like the intro song and the mostly dialogue scenes in limbo, you could easily do a stylistic, but still grounded in realism style that a lot of modern animated projects are doing right now (think Arcane or Into the Spider Verse). But once each of the kids go into their respective songs/fantasies for what their life could have been? What if those were done in completely different styles?? Imagine the additional, visual storytelling that would tell about who they are as characters?
Like say, for Ocean's number, WTWN, everything became more simplified, and the characters (especially Ocean herself) turned into a more rounded, chibi-like style to enhance just how cutesy and likeable she's trying to portray herself throughout that number.
Or for Noel's Lament, everything goes black and white, and the characters become even more 2D stylized, and the film scales down to a smaller millimeter frame, more reminiscent of cartoons from the early 20's, when animation was just starting out, to enhance his idealization of "the olden days" (as Ocean puts it).
Mischa's song, This Song is Awesome could be animated with a more choppy frame rate, and the character designs turn a little more jagged around the edges, kind of like animated music videos (I'm thinking a Gorillaz band vibe). But as he transitions into singing about Talia, the colors start to bleed out over their lineart, and become more paint-like and Talia herself moves like a rotoscoped character (think Loving, Vincent that came out a few years ago) to enhance the sense that she's somewhere between a real person and a fantasy Mischa's built in his mind.
Ricky's song would, of course, be stylized after those sci-fi cartoons from the 90's, like X-Men or Captain Planet.
For the Ballad of Jane Doe, I would love to see something like what Wolfwalkers did back in 2020, where most of the characters (in this case, the other kids) are for the most part, animated like traditional, 2D characters with very clean lines and neat movements, whereas Jane herself stands out for having messier, sketchy line art, and looks more and more unfinished in her animation as the song goes on, because she can feel more and more of her own identity being lost.
Constance's Sugar Cloud I could see done in the classic 2D Disney style (i.e., the Renaissance era of Disney, like the Lion King or Little Mermaid days) because not only is it really smooth and colorful and just all around nice to look at, but it reminds the average moviegoer of their childhood growing up with those movies (among others, obviously), which ties in nicely with Constance's preceding monologue about remembering her own life, and the good that came with the bad.
I'm even tempted to envision the first half of the finale song in a different style, when the stage production would show a quick projection of Jane/Penny's life after she returned to the world of the living. Imagine watching this animated film, and for that segment alone, it becomes that really hyper-realistic, almost uncanny valley CGI animation style, to show that she really has joined the world of the living, i.e. our world, among us, the living breathing movie goers watching this, and watching the other kids still in limbo fade back to that main art style for the final number.
I don't know; it just feels like something that would be so engaging to see from an already compelling storyline and characters. Especially with more experimental animation projects on the rise right now
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chronicsyd · 8 months
I was watching a video of someone breaking down the lyrics of Wish and why fundamentally they don’t work; but the whole thing angers me because it Could have worked if they just went with their original idea to Begin with. I’ve mentioned before that they should have gone with Star Boy but the songs in Wish REALLY emphasize WHY that sentiment rings true. Because “At All Costs” was SUPPOSED to be a duet between Asha and Star Boy because the whole thing sounds like a lovers lullaby and him wanting to love Asha “as a human does” per say. But now it’s just Asha and Magnifico singing to a bunch of crystal balls which loses most of the emphasis that song was trying to portray in the First place (not to mention how Stupid it is that the wishes are just crystal balls like this is where the 2d animation would have stood out).
Now, “I’m a Star!” Just needs to be entirely scrapped and reworked cause they could have used the song to show how Star Boy thinks and feels about things upon his initial introduction cause I’d presume that Star Boy would probably be someone very upbeat and excitable, but incredibly naïve about how the world works at the same time.
And “This is the Thanks I Get?!” COULD have really worked if they went with this plan as well cause Magnifico is supposed to be feeling unappreciated and disrespected and if Asha were his daughter and going against him cause of her feelings for Star Boy and how Magnifico was handling the wishes then That makes sense. But in the film we got, the town already seems to respect him and he doesn’t really have a reason for the way he acts which is why his switch to villain seems so abrupt.
Also the lyrics, rhythm and cadence would need a Drastic change but that would probably be Disney needing to just fire Julia Michaels and going with someone who’s Profession is making lyrics for Musical Theater instead of pop songs cause all these lyrics are just “ohh wishes!” “Ohhh stars!” And whatnot instead of building up Anything narratively. (Cause even though Lin Manuel Miranda has kinda become a meme at this point he still Knows how lyrics should build a story. Except for the Scuttlebutt but that’s just a one off thing that was truly Terrible). But hey, this is just me ranting on something that I should be letting go at this point but whatever 🤷‍♀️
(Also it bothers me that Disney was like “oh we can’t have Asha have a romantic interest in 2023 how can we show she’s a strong lead in 2023 if there’s a love interest!” Even though there’s Plenty of ways to do that with the two building off each other in a natural way and the fact that Asha doesn’t really have a character arc Anyways and her being Magnifico’s daughter would have made this work as well cause she’d have to choose between her feelings for Star Boy and going against her parents wishes just UHG I’m so pressed can someone make a Wish fixed fanfic so I can read that instead please?! Thank you.)
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ordinaryschmuck · 5 months
*Sighs*...Okay, yeah, Wish really IS bad
And I didn't want to go in thinking that. I went in with the most optimistic view possible. Because with EVERYONE treating this movie as the worst thing possible, a POX upon the house of mouse itself, I went in thinking that there's no WAY it's THAT bad. So when I finally watched, I decided...I was right. It's NOT that bad. But...Well...Let's get into it.
This is the part where I'd say "Positives First," to show off what worked before picking apart what didn't. Except that, aside from a few little moments and easter eggs that made me go, "Aw, that's cute," I'm coming up EMPTY. Every single thing--And I do mean EVERY SINGLE THING in this movie, from the animation, songs, characters, story, themes, ideas, and even EXECUTIONS...is ALMOST good. Every single aspect of this film ALMOST worked. The pieces are there and I can see just how this film could have been the masterpiece that was a CENTURY in the making. The problem is that there's ONE THING holding it back: Not enough time. And I don't just mean that the movie should have been longer. No, I mean that this movie needed another YEAR of production to tighten up EVERYTHING. Why's that? Well, let's go in order of the things I mentioned.
The animation is clearly trying to go for this mixed-medium style that movies like Puss in Boots: The Last Wish or Spider-Verse popularized. Those movies mixed hand-drawn animation with 3D models, making storybook illustrations or comic book art feel ALIVE. That's sort of Wish is going for. I hear people say that Disney's 100 year celebration should have been completely hand drawn to call back to their early years, but I tend to disagree. I think Disney making a movie that's mixed-medium is a better way to honor its one hundred years, taking the animation that made Disney huge and mixing it with modern CGI as a way to make it feel like a celebration of the old AND new. EXCEPT that it doesn't really look good, aside from certain screenshots. There are SOME still images where if you paused the movie at the right time you can get something that looks like a 2D image with CG touch-ups. For the rest of the movie, it looks like a modern CGI Disney film with a storybook filter slapped on it. It doesn't look TOO BAD when your eyes get used to it, but it doesn't stop the movie from feeling like it ALMOST hit the right mark. The only times it REALLY works is with Star.
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Wha--No. No, not that one. That's the wrong Disney character named Star.
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There he is. There's my little guy.
But look at him. He's a 3D character with hand-drawn touch-ups that really makes him feel like a 2D character brought to life. If the whole movie looked like HIM, then it would have been a revolutionary achievement for Disney. But it doesn't. Instead, it feels like a missed opportunity that would have worked better if they had more time to animate this film instead of leaving their animators scattered to the winds to make half-assed sequels or forcing out one to two projects every year.
There should have also been more attention given to the songs because...Oh my gosh, they're bad. They SOUND nice, I love the instrumentals and the POWER these people put into the vocals. "This Wish" and its reprise successfully gives me chills through how well they're sang and how epic the instruments make them. But the LYRICS...are messy. When you sit down and actually LISTEN to what's sung, it all just...BLEH. That's the best way I can describe it, I'm sorry! It's BLEH!
Why would a king in a fairytale kingdom in the distant past sing, "You're sure you're not the prob?"
"Throwing caution into every warning sign" doesn't come across as a person freeing herself from her insane king's vague warnings but ADHERING to them.
The way that Asha and King Magnifico sing about protecting wishes makes it sound like they're singing to EACH OTHER.
And "You're A Star." OH BOY! The song that's meant to explain how these animals can magically talk is just filled with allegories and allusions that think they explain EVERYTHING only to explain NOTHING. It's just vague nonsense that, again, SOUNDS nice, but offers no real substance. On its own, I guess I can get into it, but to tell a story, it falls apart. Because that's the difference when it comes to writing a regular song and writing a musical: You're not just making a good song, you're telling a story through MUSIC. Wish's soundtrack is one that's filled with catchy songs, but not ones that properly move the story forward. Not to mention how they're so jarringly out of character in cases like "This is the Thanks I Get." When Disney released the soundtrack, that was my favorite song because I felt like it perfectly fit this smug, egotistical prick who thought he was the best person alive. Turns out that's not what Wish was going for...Not entirely.
Magnifico feels like he's meant to be a mix between Gaston and Maleficent. A character that has a huge ego and loves himself more than anything, but has an incredible amount of power to make himself a threat. If done right, a villain like that could stand up to be with some of Disney's best. And, yeah, like everything else in this movie, he ALMOST works. When he's finally a villain, he's campy and over the top, making him entertaining...But notice how I said "When he's finally a villain." That's because Magnifico doesn't really become what he's meant to be until halfway through the movie. He starts off as a King with good intentions but paranoid ideals that doesn't make him evil, it makes him feel like a guy who needed evidence to prove that other magic isn't a threat. By the time he finally acts more like a Disney villain, it was such a jarring left turn that his sudden switch-up made me feel like it was somehow a nightmare sequence from Asha. He's NOTHING like the guy he starts out as, and it's not a natural change that flows well throughout the film. That's mainly because the story has a pacing problem worse than any movie I've seen. If King Magnifico's path to the dark side was slow and gradual, showing signs of his worst qualities first and make them more apparent as the film goes on, he would have worked INCREDIBLY. Instead, it comes across as his villainy was activated like someone flipped a switch in his brain that says, "Be evil now." It's the absolute REVERSE of a bad redemption story, mixed with a lazy explanation that it was dark magic that made him more corrupt when he should have been evil since minute one. And you want to know the worst part? He's probably the best character in this.
Asha...isn't bad. She's your standard quirky nice girl protagonist that Disney just LOVES to use, especially lately. It's just that Asha doesn't have that "Gets stuff done" attitude like Moana or Mulan, nor does she have the infectious charm like Maribel or Anna. Asha, instead, is a lot like her breakout song: Nice and enjoyably, but doesn't stand out from the biggest hits. As for her animal sidekick Valentino...He's not annoying, but he's not funny either. Honestly, his comedy peaked when it was revealed that this cute baby goat sounded like Clayface from that Harley Quinn cartoon. A joke, by the way, that got spoiled by the trailers, so it's not really AS funny in the movie. Honestly, Asha's SEVEN FRIENDS are funnier at times. Speaking of, those characters are very clearly meant to be the Seven Dwarfs. And it is VERY distracting because not only does it feel like only two or three of them are necessary to the plot, but they're the ONLY major reference that the movie shines a light on when it comes to Disney's history.
Would I have wanted this entire movie to be nothing but references of past Disney movies? Of course not. That's not how movies work. But Wish seems to have this problem where it doesn't really COMMIT to honoring Disney's legacy. The most it does is give the Seven Dwarfs human OCs, make them supporting characters, and throws in tiny little easter eggs here and there. Again, some of them are cute, but it's not enough. The same goes for when Wish tries to honor some of the tropes and cliches that Disney popularized. It's an animated musical with talking animals, a campy villain, an objectively pretty protagonist, and goofy sidekicks. But it takes more than ADDING that stuff to your movie in order to honor them. You need to look at what made those tropes and cliches work in the first place and make something that calls back to those classic films while still having something new to say. And Wish almost--ALMOST--has something new to say.
With everything surrounding King Magnifico and how he got more power with people's wishes, I almost thought Wish was going to be a film that called out modern Disney. At least, modern CORPORATE Disney, a company that takes ideas and thoughts created by dozens of talented people, twists them into something unrecognizable, and refuses to give those ideas back when choosing to do NOTHING with this great idea leaves them free of competition. And to stop something evil like that, you must make something of your own and work hard to make your idea yours instead of letting someone more powerful take it from you. I thought that would have been a GREAT message...But of course DISNEY wouldn't want a movie calling them OUT for their one hundred year victory lap. So, instead, we have a message that tries to get the same idea across, but in a simplified way where the wishes are taken LITERALLY and that the only way to get what you want is to wish hard enough for it. That is...NOT the message I want kids to learn from this as it often leads to bad expectations. If this movie tried an ironically anti-Disney message in ANY OTHER year, it would have a better chance of getting away with it. But for a hundred year celebration, there was no chance in hell.
Wish is NOT Disney's worst movie, but it's nowhere near the best. I love SO MANY of the ideas and what it TRIES to do, but there's a difference between good ideas and good executions. It was ALMOST good, but Wish was not the movie anybody was really wishing for...
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barbi2709 · 1 year
Soobin with an anime nerd s/o
Disclaimer: This and each of my stories are only fiction and are not intended to offend or make anyone uncomfortable, if this type of content makes you uncomfortable, feel free to leave without resentment :]
Paring: Soobin x gn!reader
A/N: I'm doing this bc it's just a underrated topic here (no bc I'm in my delulu moments and bc im an anime nerd myself, nonono). Also im doing this to get out of a writer block to continue with my other txt series which I haven't even started (loln't)
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Our Soobinnie <3
My boy just want someone who gets just as excited as him when they watch anime :(
So when he met you he was so excited to finally meet someone like him.
Once u both started dating, anime dates became a thing really quick.
You going to his place or him going to yours to watch anime.
You both have a list of animes to watch and is endless.
You both promised to never finish an anime that you are currently watching together.
Ok, but the anime dates you have are just so cute :(((((
Like, you both with cozy blankets while cuddling on the couch and watching like 6 chapters on a raw bc neither of you want to stop watching or leave each other.
(I truly believe he would agree to build a pillow fort)
He wouldn't admit it at first but he IS into romance animes.
The most cheesy shit you can find out there, he'd be like 🤮🤮🤮🤮 at first but once you ask him to watch it together my man agrees before he can register his answer.
If you're more into Shonen and seinen, be prepared to an excited Soobin every time a fight scene come to the screen.
You both could be talking for HOURS about theories or making bets about who would win the last battle.
And also be prepared to defend your fav characters from this man *cofcofmegumicofcof*
(If Megumi hater, why so hot?)
But also my man is the type to get a little bit jealous of 2D characters, so whenever you got a new husbando please make sure to reassure him.
(Or tell your sexy bf that the character is ur fav bc they're almost as sexy as him)
Having crisis together at 3 a.m. because of the spoilers for the next anime or manga chapter that you're waiting for.
He comforts you when your fav character dies.
You both cried the shit out of you after the end of snk.
Manga shopping dates are also a thing in your relationship and I swear is the cutest thing ever :(
Like, you want that one limited edition but you think you've bought enough for the day so he bought it for you and leave it at your dorm as a surprise :(
I want him </3
Whenever he's on tour, he tries everything on his power to take you when he's going to Japan.
Or he plans a trip with you to Japan bc one of his life goals is to go with u at least once in his life.
If you can't go to Japan with him he'd buy EVERYTHING for you.
"I saw this Okkotsu plushie and bought it for you"
"I thought you'd like to have a Naruto lamp for your night stand"
The members think you both are annoying bc of how nerds you're.
But they are happy that Soobin found someone who shared his same interests.
So now you're just annoyingly cute as a couple.
I feel like he's the one to watch "guess the anime opening challenge" type of videos.
He's always making rules to got one win
"Let's add the rule that if you also sing the opening you got the point"
"Binnie, you didn't knew the lyrics"
There's also dates when you both are just reading mangas with soft music at the background, no one's talking, just the comfort of each other presence.
You got him to do the Tik Tok trend of Wotakoi hands dance with you during pandemic.
At least in one of his social media accounts he has an anime matching icon with you.
I don't think he'd be into cosplay or going to conventions, but if you ask him enough times he'd be doing anything for you <3.
And that's it, love y'all
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captain-lessship · 1 year
Phase One-Seven with 2D, Russel and Murdoc
Note: For 2D and Russel, the reader in gender Neutral (pan and bi kings) and for Murdoc, it’s fem reader (I am sorry but I can’t see him dating a man imo but you can simply read over the gendered head cannon if you want <3)
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Phase One 2D-
You were a waitress at the diner where Gorillaz always got breakfast and he was smitten with you almost instantly and always tried to look his best when they went there, leading Murdoc to make fun of him for “preening like a lanky rooster”
Is a little shy and still shocked you even agreed to go on a date with him in the first place ( Having your eyes knocked in by a bastard bass player who shouldn’t be allowed to ever drive might put a damper on your dating scene)
Has a small amount of trust issues but slowly and steadily, he opened his heavily romantic side to you.
His love language is words of affirmation. He compliments you a lot and genuinely means each and everyone.
Is a classic man when it comes to pet names but when he gets drunk and such, he breaks out a special one: Painkiller. (Must be heavily intoxicated and has only happened once. He later yelled “Swiper, No Swiping” at a picture of a fix while walking home later that night)
Speaking of painkillers, you make sure he never takes too many at once and he won’t argue with you about it.
Phase Seven 2D
Twenty one years later and still going strong.
Has gotten to the point where he can’t sleep unless he’s beside you. 
He just feels so loved and protected by you.
Although he still sings your praises, he’s developed a taste for gifts he’ll know you will like. 
Has kept mementos from every one of your dates: movie ticket stubs, Photo Booth slips, receipts from dinners, little souvenirs from trips and key cards from hotels. They are stored in a converse box. He had made it his mission to protect it because it is essentially a time line of nearly a quarter of a century spent with you.
When he took you to Hollywood, you and him had a great time. Until you realized that you’re loving boyfriend was about to get sacrificed. That really killed the vibe of the getaway.
Phase One Russel-
You were the instrument repair person and he often stared at you while you were fixing his drum set. 
He asked you to watch a movie and the rest is history.
You both shit talk Murdoc in the privacy of your rooms. 
You two pretty much keep everyone else alive. (Which means you cut the crust off 2D’s and Noodles sandwich and don’t let Murdoc suffocate in his own smell while lounging in the Winnebago) 
One time you and him went on a weekend get away and came back to a kitchen with a scorched ceiling,    a broken water pipe and one less Murdoc eye brow.
He is definitely a Quality time guy. 
You and him have a ritual where you make your breakfast and sit in complete silence.
At the start of the relationship, you thought the silence was his way of showing irritation but really it was the opposite.
You’ve come to love the lack of words but surplus of radiating love from him.
Phase Seven Russel-
The relationship has gotten tough as of late due to his new hobby: staring at TV Static.
You get into arguments about it when he finally looks away
You are trying your best to kept it together 
You still spend a lot of time with him but you hate the feeling that you need to compete with fabled answers in blurring white, gray and black. 
After the events of the cult incident , he slowly started to return to normal, much to your joy.
Slowly but surely, your relationship got back on track.
Phase One Murdoc-
Heard you doing spoken word one night at a “weird hipster whacko bar” (his exact words) he was scoping out to potentially rob and thought you’d be a great song writer 
Talked to you about it, caught feelings after a month or so
attempted to kidnap you but you dropped a piano out the window on his head.
Just kidding.
It was a keyboard. 
After a week of shame and plotting, he did what only Murdoc could do: Try again.
You escaped being kidnapped once again but at this point, you had kinda gotten a crush on him. So you moved into his ‘house’ of Kong Studios to work on the song writing process with his magnum opus of a band called Gorillaz.
You became a hit with all the band members. 2D because you kept Murdoc from hitting him, Russel because you were great to talk to and cook with and Noodle because she was happy to have another girl around, even if you were a good twenty years older than her.
You and Murdoc are a surprisingly easy going and comfortable couple. Everyone has their quirks and it just so happens that yours doesn’t irk him and his doesn’t irk you. 
Sure there’s things you don’t like about him (the abuse of the singer, the kidnapping/ attempted kidnapping of people, Attempted Murder, Drug Possession, Driving Law Violations.) but you love him anyway.
Life has not been kind to Murdoc, which doesn’t give him an excuse but it gives an element of understanding. 
He is trying to change for you. He’s trying to be calmer, a tad nicer and more pleasant to be around and the effort is all you ever asked for. 
Alright happy time people, happy time.
Is very affectionate in the comfort of his home.
Prone to just laying a random one of his limbs on you while sitting down. 
You have matching upside down cross necklaces. 
Is a physical touch kind of guy, but on his own terms.
No very romantic in the regular but when he tries? Yup.. Mr. Darcy Material (Pride and Prejudice is the only movie that he doesn’t fall asleep during)
Phase Seven Murdoc-
Welp… When your lover of twenty one years starts a cult to take a demon to bed, there’s only so much you can forgive.
This caused a rift and you are very angry with him at the moment. 
But then, you got called to the hospital (You are 2Ds and Noodles Emergency contact) 
Of course you showed up.
What you then saw was the tipping point.
You and Murdoc are currently on a break. (Will resume after detailed apology and if you decide to do so.) 
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 2 months
Someone PLEASE make an English Dub of Buratino's Return (obscure Russian movie)
Okay, so I heard about this Russian cartoon animated movie recently, and it's got this Wild Thorberries-Rugrats-ish art style and the songs slap! The one that's gotten really popular was the one with the singing Barbie dolls, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2CSmp02Emk in this video here (turn the captions on). I heard the name of the movie is actually Возвращение Буратино which translates to Buratino's Return apparently. It looks amazing! I love talking toy themed movies that are NOT Toy Story. It doesn't look as amazing as Raggedy Ann & Andy Musical Adventure but it looks good enough to watch and enjoy. The thing is, the subtitles on the original Russian movie, the English subtitles SUCK! I got them saying weird things like "Oh yeah Obama" when she was apologizing to the other doll, and apparently the dog's name translates to "Potatoes" which... is actually kinda cute not gonna lie! If the movie gets dubbed, they should keep it!
Yeah, so the whole "dubs vs subs" thing is ridiculous. Dubs are obviously way easier to watch and understand. If you're hearing impaired and need subtitles, that's one thing but if you're not and you want to watch a movie, it's way easier to watch a dub. Plus, subtitles aren't always accurate and sometimes make things sound more awkward. Like, the dubbed versions often make more sense. Plus, subtitles go fast and you can't always pay attention to little details if you're watching it with subtitles, it's too distracting. I wholeheartedly believe that dubs are better all the way! If you don't speak English or Russian, maybe it can be dubbed in your language too! There needs to be a Spanish dub, French dub, Japanese dub, whatever language you might speak! The only language I speak is English, so that's why I'm trying to get someone to make an English dub. By the way, the English captions for the Мой Портрет - Трафарет video were an exact translation, I feel like the dub would change it up.
My friend wondered about the songs being ruined in the dub, which I would be worried about too, but they could hire a translator and songwriter to work together and make the lyrics make sense but also rhyme. Even if it was a fan dub, they could still get enough permission and help to make it a good dub without ruining the songs.
Another thing, let's talk about this not being popular in Russia, where it was made. I mean, it came out in 2013, the same year as Disney's Frozen! It didn't stand a freaking chance in theaters! Frozen literally took the world by storm... a snowstorm, that is! (haha, funny joke). Plus, a lot of non-English spoken movies don't get an English dub until years later. 2013 was 11 years ago, but who said it's too late for an English dub. Especially, now that the Barbie doll stencil song is becoming popular online. I also haven't actually seen the full movie, I just skimmed through it on YouTube to get a grip of what it's about and apparently it's about talking toys but they have to escape from a bad guy who wants to destroy them and turn them into the same "evil" toys to create a bad future of children. I also found out that apparently Buratino is Pinocchio and I like the idea of a non-Disney Pinocchio movie, because Pinocchio has been around for like 150 years, way before Disney made it into a creepy a** animated movie and they shouldn't take copyright of Pinocchio. There's also that other Russian movie "Pinocchio a True Story" where Pauly Shore voices Pinocchio and Tom Kenny voiced Geppetto. Also, this movie Buratino's Return was animated in 2D form, when a lot of early 2010s movies were 3D. I'm not sure how that effected the marketing and who wanted to see it but I'm almost sure that a lot of people were more hyped about Frozen or other popular movies.
Here's something else I found, apparently it was also based off "The Adventures of Buratino" which is a really old story, and I think this 2013 movie kind of looks like a creative twist on that story, kind of like what Disney does, but also kind of makes fun of Disney as well. Basically it looks like they're basing a story off old fairytales Pinocchio and The Adventures of Buratino, just as Disney does, except they're changing the things about Disney that isn't woke and making fun of the things that are wrong with Disney. I know a lot of you probably hate it when I talk crap about Disney, but I always give my side of how I feel and let you have your side. With enough convincing and understanding, hopefully we can understand both sides!
Anyway, feel free to chat with me about this in the comments! I'm always happy to hear opinions, even if they're different from mine. SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!
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wanderfan2000 · 9 hours
My obsession with The Lonely Planet The TRUE Story.
A story that I wanted to tell my friend, @theallseeingspacegoods and maybe all of you guys out there will find this entertaining too.  It all started back in the summer of 2014. 
I remembered being so hyped for the new Wander Over Yonder episodes premiering in June. Plus, I even remember the adorable artwork that fellow WOY blogger, @wanderin-over-yonder made for the new episodes that were going to air that summer. I fell in love with the amazing drawings she created for them: The Nice Guy\The Time Bomb, The Tourist, The Day\The Night. But there was one picture I couldn’t get enough of. Surely enough, this drawing would lead to me becoming obsessed with the newest episode of Wander, scheduled to release on June 17th, 2014 and that was…
The Lonely Planet.
Seriously, the second this picture showed up onto the social media page, I instantly became excited to watch this particular episode. In fact, the official synopsis of it got me more excited: “A lonely, sentient planet named Janet becomes obsessed with Wander and wants to keep him all to herself.” 
Not to mention, during the end credits of The Night, we got our first look at Janet, thanks to a little WOY Disney XD promo song, singing about all the places Wander has traveled and Janet was one of them. Needless to say, I couldn’t wait to watch this episode when it aired. When the day finally arrived, I never been so pumped in my entire life. 
The Lonely Planet\The Brainstorm aired on June 17th, 2014. (A date that would remain with me forever.), I watched both of them and I loved them. After they were over, I remember drawing a picture of Wander captured by Janet for the first time in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro: 
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(My first digital drawing of The Lonely Planet.) 
Little did I know that this obsession I was having with this episode was about to become a whole lot bigger…
Flash forward to June 18th, 2014, I was looking on Google, trying to find screenshots of The Lonely Planet, then I discovered this screenshot of Wander all frightened when Janet’s plant vines were reaching towards him. It suddenly lead me to this RP blog called janet the planet. The moment I encountered it, there was NO going back! I became obsessed with the old RP blog and went on it every chance I got. In fact, if it wasn’t for this RP blog, I never would have had discovered the new world of Tumblr and encountered the amazing people in the WOY community. But other then discovering a new website, I was completely obsessed with The Lonely Planet, Janet herself, her obsession with Wander and I was ready to draw just about ALL the fan art I could have of them! 
As my final years in middle school began back in August, there was no doubt my obsession with Janet and Wander was in full swing, so much so, that I drew my first drawings with the characters, (in the form of 2D redraws):
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(My various redraws of The Lonely Planet P1.) 
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(My various redraws of The Lonely Planet P2.) 
Middle school also lead to me drawing conversations of Wander and Janet. I’ll tell you guys, I drew a LOT of conversations between the characters, and I literally mean A LOT!! Basically, I drew and drew tons and tons of fan art of Wander and Janet together. I didn’t quite know that I was making them a couple…. 
But aside from middle school, high school was where my Lonely Planet drawing skyrocketed as I drew Wander visiting Janet and the planet literally keeps Wander trapped forever on her planet, she keeps him trapped throughout Monday and Thursday, but on Friday’s she would let him go and enjoy his weekend, only to get trapped once again the next week and the cycle starts all over again. 
In fact, during the breaks and holidays, Janet tries her extra hardest to keep Wander with her at ALL times by any means necessary. Because during this time, I kinda made Maurice explore the galaxy on his own but he always return to Janet to tell her about the amazing sights he saw. I dunno, I guess I was just so obsessed with Janet and Wander, I kinda forgot about Maurice. But I draw him with Janet a bunch nowadays. 
As for my digital art of the characters, I drew them NON-STOP! One of my favorite drawings to draw was the screenshot of Janet vowing that she and Wander are together forever until the end of time:
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(My first MS Paint drawing of Wander and Janet.) 
Plus, I been drawing this redraw for a long time now.
Another thing about my obsession with this episode is that it introduced me to the “obsessed fangirl” and “Yanderes” topics. (Yes I know, no shocker there.) I found myself becoming obsessed with different obsessive characters from various movies and TV shows, pretty much everything I knew about these characters, I became obsessed. NTM, I can literally recite The Lonely Planet, the ENTIRE EPISODE by heart! Plus, I can do a spot-on Janet impression as well. 
I dunno what was it about this episode I became absolutely obsessed with and the obsession still continues to this very day, minus the fact, I’ve been trying to post about it less now because when I joined Tumblr in 2019, I talked about The Lonely Planet LITERALLY 24.7. I told other Wander fans about my obsession with it too, even to the point I asked them to draw fanart for me of it…it lead to something shocking during March of this year, but I won’t get into any details about it. (Besides, I can’t stand to lose any more friendships like I’ve already had.) 
To make a long story short, The Lonely Planet is my favorite episode of Wander Over Yonder. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of other episodes out there that are amazing and I love them too. But this one will always have a special place in my heart! 
Thanks for reading! Keep clam and Wander on! 
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dairydaycat · 1 year
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☆Hey, I have Moomins OCs!☆
My first encounter with the Moomin universe didn't go very smoothly. The very first cartoon I saw was a Soviet puppet cartoon. And I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I was extremely scared then! The cartoon was intimidating, obscure, mysterious. And with such a visual, it's not surprising!
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I think I saw a series about a comet then. And I was extremely frightened by this atmosphere of the fact that something terrible and unknown is about to happen, with this music and some kind of echo in the voices of the characters. Since then, I vowed not to watch anything related to the Moomins, for fear of repeating that unpleasant feeling. However, then I met my beloved Jessie! She was familiar with the old cartoon in 2D graphics, which is considered a classic. I myself became interested, and, having nothing to do, since I was in the hospital at that time, I asked my cousin to bring me her book about Moomin. It was a collection of original translated and adapted stories that were quite interesting to read! And while I will always have this feeling of mysterious pressure deep down in my soul, I found this world extremely pleasant, as well as the animated series that I looked at later.
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Sniff is my favorite character. I like his design and cautious nature, I think he is a nice guy! However, I didn't see any more Sniff-like creatures, so I decided to create my own! This is Scrap. He doesn't have the most pleasant personality. Rough, harmful, but with a soft and even sweet soul.
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Meanwhile, my girlfriend came up with a little mumrik girl Yuta. She is the brightest, bravest and sometimes brazenest girl you can meet! She quickly became the focus of the forest she settled in, and was even able to befriend Scrap.
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I also came up with other characters in this wonderful world. The Doctor is a rather strict and serious Moomin. He lives in the distance, leading a reclusive life. He likes peace and quiet, and therefore the sudden appearance of Yuta became a bright flash of fireworks! At first, he drove her away and grumbled, but, realizing that she was alone at such a young age, he took her in. The third character was Yuta's uncle, Juxafi. A fun-loving and playful adventurer, an easy-going sailor who brings his niece a bunch of gifts every time he sails by. Mumrik would like to take his niece with him, but Moomin Doc prevents this, saying that she is too young, and this klutz cannot take care of her. And finally...
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 ¸.☆¸.♡.¸• Jakar • ¸.☆¸.♡.¸ 
I don't know why, but out of all of them, he's become my favorite. Cold and unsociable, he is the complete opposite of his brother and even his daughter. He prefers to spend time alone, enjoying the beauty of nature and the singing of birds. Jakar's legs are pulling him into uncharted paths because he can't just sit still. He is a wanderer who sometimes likes to return to familiar places. Who knows what is on the mind of this taciturn and mysterious mumrik? He can't stop, even for his own daughter.
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I also have profiles for Art Fight, if anyone is interested in reading more! Jakar: https://artfight.net/character/3030088.jakar Juxafi: https://artfight.net/character/3031400.juxafi Moomin Doc: https://artfight.net/character/3031929.moomin-doc
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Thank you for reading this incredibly long post about my silly characters!
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coconut530 · 6 months
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mARTch 15: Complimentary
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omori-prism-au · 5 months
omori : everlasting prism au
an echoey void. complete white. sometimes it glows, sometimes it reflects. there are people sometimes. there are no people other times. frequently, something colorful can be seen. there may be gardens, flowers, little islands sunk into the solid nothing. maybe a city here and there. 
stairs. a sister, pushed. there is not a thud. there is nothing. she does not hit the ground.
mari finds herself having glitched into the real world, amongst actual humans. she must find a way to get back to everyone.
sunny has lost it. he doesn’t know where his sister is. people live forever here. where is she? why would he do this? 
glitching starts. maybe some things clip into each other. maybe textures are missing. maybe a few holes pop up here and there. 
it gets worse.
they’re trying to handle it. it’s hard.
-basil was there to witness sunny push mari
-basil told the others, and although kel and aubrey got angry, they were more worried about mari
-i was somewhat inspired by the album art for hawaii part ii when i thought of the void
-when the void glitches, it turns black. this would be considered something appearing - there is no eye because mari simply disappeared. however, this something isn’t a figment of sunny’s imagination that’s purpose is to remind him of what he did. that’s what it does, though.
-when mari falls asleep in the real world, she “dreams” - but she’s not really dreaming. she goes back to the void in flickers, which causes the glitches. she tries to talk to sunny, but she’s not fast enough.
-everyone is the same age as when the incident happened. very little time has passed.
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basil -
-slightly taller than his og game counterpart
-has a more serious expression
-somewhat quiet
-after mari falls he begins to wilt.
-as plants do, he depends a lot on others although he doesn’t like to show it
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sunny -
-never talks
-since he can't make expressions, his body language is extremely expressive
-also the occasional tears that seem to appear out of nowhere signal he's sad (obviously
-he does Not play the violin
-after mari falls he starts visually glitching, sometimes inverting his colors.
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mari -
-a bit chaotic
-still very kind
-loves to sing, but can get a bit embarrassed if someone is watching
-understands what hero is thinking and feeling better than anyone else (kel is also pretty good at it though)
-once she goes to the “real world”, she appears to “regular people” as just a butterfly
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hero -
-doesn't talk
-very stiff (made of glass) so he doesn't really have expressive body language
-since he has no face it's hard to understand what he's feeling
-how the fish inside of him act match his emotions though, so if you can figure that out it's a bit easier to understand his emotions
-cracks gradually mend after a bit but the glass is very fragile
-everyone has learned to be careful around him though so he rarely cracks
-however, after mari falls he begins to crack and leak. the fish start dying.
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kel -
-verry talkative
-does actually have a mouth! when he opens it the stars are pushed away to make room for it
-mouth is entirely white inside
-his voice sounds like around 100 people speaking in perfect unison
-the eye on his torso is very expressive!!!!
-pretty chaotic and loud
-tries to be quieter just in case his voice gets loud enough to crack his brother
-after mari’s fall, the stars on his body begin to flicker out. new eyes open. new distractions to prevent destruction.
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aubrey -
-her form just changes constantly
-the faster it changes the more excited she is
-sometimes 3d, sometimes 2d, sometimes even 1d
-hard to look straight at her
-can only repeat words she's heard before and says them in the exact voice of the person who said them. she hears a lot of things though
-loves colorful things!!!
-after mari’s fall, she begins to disappear for a few seconds before coming back. each time she vanishes, the wait is longer
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if you want to send in asks that don't relate to the overarching plot going on right now, they'll be regarded as addressed to everyone before mari's fall. please specify if you don't want that.
text that looks like this is sunny
text that looks like this is mari
text that looks like this is hero
text that looks like this is kel
text that looks like this is aubrey
text that looks like this is basil
ask away!
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dungeons-and-dictions · 6 months
It’s Analysis Friday about precisely why Hazbin Hotel is such a stand out.
But first - this is probably my last Hazbin Hotel-related analysis until the next season; give me asks during this long dry spell!
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Why on this specific topic? Because I’m tired.
I’m all for subjectivity. People can just like or dislike things regardless of quality. Heck, I know Helluva Boss is part of the Hazbin world, but it gives me too much cringe and vicarious embarrassment to handle.
(Yeah, I’m weird. I know)
But I keep hearing people say Hazbin Hotel is mid or just relying on hype.
Those are fighting words!
We are getting quality on par with Disney movies for a tv series!
That’s crazy! Let’s break it down.
Musical numbers
Talented singers play the main crew. Stephanie Beatrix plays Mirabel Madrigal, Kimiko plays Izzy, etc.
There were 2 songs per episode! And because it is truly perfect for a musical, we even get thematic reprises and callbacks!
Does anyone recall when similar things have happened in animation? MLP:FiM had a glorious episode that was ALL musical with a reprise. That’s all I have at this scale outside of Disney.
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I’ve always known Vivzie to put thought into her work, and this shines through so well in Hazbin.
Lucifer’s depression is similar to my own
Angel’s gradual changes and struggles are realistic
Charlie’s breed of passion is the same as mine in my career
Alastor’s extremely manipulative yet we all love him
Velvette had one of the best formal character intros I’ve seen in a long time
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Hazbin Hotel works really hard to get away from stereotypes, and dives in past superficial traits.
Also, we get things like Valentino sounding like he’s squeaking because moths squeak. We don’t need these things!
You know what else we don’t need?
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Airplane arms!
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Complicated dance moves!
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Cute leg swishies with cuter sound effects?
Every second you see is 10+ frames traditionally. (Idk the studio’s technical details). That’s wild to add in these complicated extra details! And they flow so nicely! This level of quality for 2D (and honestly 3D too most of the time) is unheard of in the West nowadays.
And on that, western adult animated shows typically are so poorly made, especially in the art. Even the few I have seen that have okay stories to tell absolutely stink in terms of visuals and movement.
Yeah, this is the biggest weakness Hazbin Hotel has, no doubt. The story is actually an incredible premise, and truly done pretty well within the awful time constraints. I think everyone is valid in saying it was far too fast! Hopefully we get more (or longer) episodes in upcoming seasons.
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But at the same time, this is also the nature of musicals. If you think this is fast, don’t watch the Les Miserables musical where everyone only sings. Idk why, but singing the entire time makes everything seem like you’re in a race car on autopilot.
Don’t forget; the symbolism just drips out of the screen in this show. The fact that I could still do more analyses even now is a testament to that with all the content I have done since it aired. Vivienne goes hard on the details.
But put yourself in Vivzie’s shoes. You do the impossible, shot for the moon while hoping for maybe the top of a 5-story building, and you were offered the stars. Your project has been a part of who you are before you even went to university, and a major company gives you a way to bring it to life? Why wouldn’t you settle for this good of a deal?
People do not bring up often enough that Vivienne broke a glass ceiling separate from that of gender. She showed that YouTube animations can be taken seriously, and even be aired.
In this age, the Saturday morning cartoon blocks I grew up with no longer exist. There were tons of great shows, and I could talk with other kids about it. Nestled within these weekends were shows that ran short pilot episodes for potential series. The last time I saw one was Adventure Time’s pilot.
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It’s been a whiiiiiiile.
So having a cutesy little indie pilot animation amongst thousands on YouTube be such high quality and get a mainstream platform? Spindlehorse made history!
Moreso, Helluva Boss is also demonstrating the capacity of indie studios like never before - and what may pave the way for the future of animation too.
Out of all the animated series running on YouTube, Glitch is the only creator who does 3D that I am aware of. Even Glitch’s work has only started within the past few years, ie after Vivienne managed the impossible.
So please, stop complaining about subjective parts so much. Hazbin Hotel objectively has some of the highest craftsmanship in western animation.
We are blessed that Vivienne’s dream has come true in such a glorious manner. When I discovered her back in 2012, I couldn’t have guessed the pilot would be so successful, nor that it would change what was possible for animation!
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scribble-kitti · 1 year
love list <3
This is a list of all the smaller things I love. Specifically the ones i wanna think about more often (ofc this isn’t everything and its not in any particular order, it’s just stuff i’ve come up with)
- i love singing along to energetic music
- i love working with the morning crew at my job
- i love wearing fun pants
- i love wearing fun/ patterned dresses
- i love cats
- i love to “waste” my time. I love not feeling like i’m in a rush or have to hurry because i’ve got all the time in the world
- i love getting ready before going out to do something fun
- i love to see red orange and yellow leaves in the fall
- i love the bright green leaves and white/ pink blossoms in the beginning of spring
- i love rain
- i love thunderstorms and lightning
- i love snow
- i love dogs
- i love to enjoy things
- i love to watch movies and tv shows, then see fanart about them
- i love sitting in arm chairs the “incorrect” way
- i love books
- i love making things and creating
- i love to bake, especially the decorating part
- i love to eat hot food when it’s cold outside
- i love when the air is crispy in the fall
- i love the natural high you get after being sick for a week and you finally feel better
- i love the smell of pumpkin and vanilla candles
- i love holidays, especially the big ones
- i love Christmas lights
- i love when tv shows make holiday specials
- i love colors, i think everything should be more colorful
- i love to go to the aquarium
- i love to sit in the quiet hallways at my school
- i love animation, cartoons, and movies. I especially love 2D animation
- i love enjoying things, i mean, who doesn’t?
- i love yummy drinks, especially when it’s something you’ve been looking forward to and it tastes exactly the way you wanted it to.
- i love bread
- i love to laugh. Laughing at myself is fun too, especially when I’m the only one that knows why i’m laughing
- i love when other people laugh
- i love to talk to myself. I love to hum, and narrate what i’m doing out loud
- i love decorations. The little things people put on their desks or shelves, the wreaths they choose for their doors, the things they put in their cars
- I love farmers markets and creative booths where people sell their stuff to me
- i love to look at art. i love to experience it too.
- i love Charlie Brown, especially snoopy
- i love nostalgia and having memories
- i love love. i love romantic love and platonic love, and seeing people enjoy the company of others. i love to watch people interact with the ones they care about
- i love old box TVs, the ones that you can feel the static and electricity bouncing off of
- i love stuffed animals
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ginnyrules27 · 11 months
Okay so I saw 'Once Upon a Studio' yesterday and I mean...I did not ask to be punched in the gut with emotions Disney! Spoilers under the cut in case you haven't seen it yet
-First off, just the concept of the animation studio almost being like Night at the Musem where the pictures come alive was so much fun.
-Dodger with Vanellope in the candy racer was adorable!
-Hearing Peter Pan say 'Here we go!' felt so weird when it wasn't followed by Jack Sparrow saying 'We have our heading', those commercials were the pinnacle of my childhood
-Did I mention Treasure Planet?!
-The 2D and the 3D animations really melded well together, especially the scene where Moana's holding Flounder!
-There's an elevator gag that made me burst out laughing when I first saw it
-ROBIN WILLIAMS' VOICE AS GENIE! And no, it's not AI! Disney got permission from Robin Williams' estate to use outtakes from Aladdin for this.
-Milo Thatch getting ready in the men's bathroom with Gaston, Chicken Little, Prince John, the Headless Horseman, Thomas O'Malley, and Doc! Oh, and the Cheshire Cat!
-Antonio Madrigal happily making his way to the photo with Pascal, Cri-ki, Pua, and Meeko and saving Jaq and Gus from being eaten by a lizard-type thing (okay I haven't seen the Rescuers Down Under so I don't know all the characters by name lol) with some help from Pluto!
-Kristoff and Sven hanging out with Ryder!
-"Come on puppies, you're going to get nightmares" is Kristoff's only line and it's to the 15 Dalmatian puppies watching Night on Bald Mountain and yet I feel that's peek Akiho energy and it may find itself into one of my fics
-Pat Caroll's voice is the voice of Ursula and I'm loving the thought that the original voice actors stay the voices of these characters after their deaths
-Also what movie is the blue blobby thing from that's following Ursula?
-Also also why did Flounder need water but Ursula can walk around in her half octopus form?
-Can't have a Cinderella cameo without someone losing a shoe
-"Eric, get your dog!" You can pry the fact that the princes are friends out of my cold dead hands!
-"Go Max go!" Aww, I love the fact that Cinderella can be goofy when she's not living with her abusive step family!
-The moment with Mickey and Walt's photo and 'Feed the Birds' in the background...yeah it's okay, I didn't need to do anything but cry for the next seven days
-Jeremy Irons as Scar!!
-"Make it pink" "Make it blue" was such a good bit
-The classic Goofy scream!
-All of them coming to sing When You Wish Upon a Star...Mirabel playing with Scat Cat, Belle singing with Beast, James Woods as Hades' voice, Jodie Benson reprising the voice of Ariel...just all of it!
-Snow White bringing Asha from Wish to stand next to her with Mulan on the other side and characters from Disney's 'Dark Age' on either side in the background
-Speaking of the Dark Age characters, how do you think they were treated during all this at the time? Especially Black Cauldron since that almost saw Disney Animation close its doors but it was nice to see all the characters be part of the short
Safe to say I loved every second!
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