#I keep my positivity to myself bc when I'm happy I don't tend to go on tumblr
wetcatspellcaster · 7 months
Do you have any writing tips for newbie fic writers? Your descriptions are gorgeous. Thank you for pieces BTW, it's my favorite 'piece' of writing ❤️
hi anon, thank you for the kind words!💞💞 I'm flattered that I'm someone that you'd think to ask this question, so I'll do my best to answer! I've put my response beneath a keep reading cut to prevent it being a long post :)
I wasn't sure how to interpret this question, so I'll focus on 'technical' (?) tips mostly. Hope any of them help, in some small way!
my main tip to new fic writers is: write, first and foremost, for yourself, and to feed yourself. I've seen this perspective get put through the disk-horse ringer of late, so take it or leave it, or take it with as much of a pinch of salt as you need. But truly, from the bottom of my heart and from my position of sudden newfound popularity, this is the most important lesson I was ever given and so I have to say it. Popularity is not guaranteed. Even a popular fic will have haters and people who think it objectively sucks, and the readers who like you will never be fully pleased with what you've delivered. This could all be very depressing and cause an author to lose motivation.... if you make it the criteria for success in the first place. If you make the criteria for success your own happiness (or perhaps the happiness of you and a few close pals), providing yourself with what you, specifically, want to see, you will probably want to keep writing regardless of all other factors. Produce fics that you want to reread when you need comfort, when you are sick, and when you want to see your blorbos exactly the way you want them. This will make any fic worthwhile to you, regardless of stats, and prevent you from writing things that will suffer if your heart isn't in it! (this doesn't preclude gift fics/prompts! sometimes your heart can be 100% in providing food for others. find your key motivators, and feed that - a healthy amount - if you're trying to get into writing as a hobby!)
Now, onto my writing tips! I don't consider myself an expert and these are more lessons that have helped me, specifically, to improve my writing. But maybe something in here will be of use!
Bc you say you like descriptions... I tend to go into detail only when it's an essential thing that needs to be described. Leave wider details for readers to fill in with their own beautiful mind-palaces, and this gives you permission to go ham on what matters. What is it that matters? maybe it's a piece of the environment (say, a soul jar) or maybe it's just how hot one part of your ship is, in their hot clothes or out of them. If you focus on the important stuff but leave the rest to background, this not only creates a good balance of action to description, but it also shows the reader what they should prioritise in the scene.
I also google '[WORD] synonyms' a lot, for descriptions specifically. Which seems like it might be condescending advice, but it both helps you find different words if you're worried you're repeating yourself, and sometimes confirms that yes. You are using the best word actually, as you were.
Get a good balance of complex/simplistic words, as well as a good balance of complex/simplistic sentences. Sometimes you need a flowery description, sometimes you just need to state explicitly what is happening or the way things are. Tone will shift depending on your balance of these two things, so test the waters and see what works for you!
If you feel like you've written too much dialogue, the answer is probably no, you haven't written too much dialogue - for fic specifically. Most people are reading fic bc they want their faves to interact more. You are giving them more interaction and they will probably love it.
If you find phrases you like in the books/fic you read, it isn't plagiarism to use them so long as you recontextualise them. I'm certain I've used other people's words multiple times, particularly for my descriptions/imagery, and this is totally ok so long as the context is original. If you're worried, or its a whole sentence/interaction you like, examine the sentence/interaction and work out why you like it so much. Is it the sentence structure? Is the character dynamic? Is it the way the kiss plays out? Take the things you find sexiest in other people's writing and find ways to incorporate it into your own work!
I proofread by reading aloud. Yes, I sound mental and unhinged. My cats are worried about me. But this not only helps you catch mistakes, it helps to test the flow of a sentence! If you're ever worried a sentence is too long/a line of dialogue doesn't sound in character, read it aloud! This will help you work out if it's flowing or not, and if it isn't then you'll get some clues as to why!
Don't be afraid to take risks, if you want to take risks! This can apply to anything: being brave enough to put in a joke you're not sure people will find funny, describing something in a way you're worried people will find weird, tackling something from a perspective or POV that you find challenging. This may be a more intermediate tip, but you can start with small risks, and experimenting helps you find your writing voice! Taking risks makes your writing unique :) and I can't explain how much better my writing has gotten since I gave myself specific challenges. You will not get it perfectly write 100% of the time (there are some parts of Pieces that are weak compared to other parts) but it will always help you improve.
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heartfucksmouth · 2 years
can't sleep. I find it hard to get comfortable lately and I'm kind of dreading not being able to lay on my stomach or back bc my hips are so shitty. I'm so glad I already have a body pillow but dang.
moreso, I woke up to pee and then was wide awake because I was thinking of the painful and stressful overtone in the house when it comes to myles mom. I don't want my partner to be in distress like this. and my mom offered for us to go stay with her and maybe we could save to buy a house (i really do not want to get stuck in the housing system as well, esp bc myles wouldnt be able to live with me from what ive read), but that brings its own problems with boundaries and I'm not speaking to my dad (definitively and with no end in sight) but my mom talks to him every day and sees him weekly. so it would be a relief bc we wouldn't have daily beratement and feeling like we (but mainly myles) can't exist and take up space and that im put on a pedastal bc im ~female and all men are disappointments and fuck ups or something, but I'd be inviting other potential chaos and confrontation - unless my mom really truly gets that she needs to keep her relationship with my dad separate. and I'm not her daily sounding board... I need my space. it sucks so much to feel like im stuck in this again, but it's not surprising either.
I also briefly freaked out about how we would file taxes after the baby is born. I don't even file bc of my ssdi income, but having a child might change that. and then we can't get married or I lose my ssdi payments - to get the tax breaks of having a dependent/child... so I'm just like... what is going to happen with that?
the stigma and, essentially political position, of being disabled and pregnant is ever-present in my mind.
also myles mom was like "if it's a girl, ill try to soften" and I'm like lmao but if it's a boy?? you'll continue your legacy of emotional abuse and calling the men in your life retards and making them feel worthless and flawed?? no fucking thank you...
like, fuck parents like these. I can't wait to raise my kid conscientiously and intentionally so they turn out to be a compassionate human with emotional regulation skills.
also, the whole "mother" and gendered stuff isn't usually super present in my mind, but since I'm awake and ruminating, that came up too. I do feel more female and womanly being pregnant, its hard not to, and i dont think i should be ashamed of it bc any femininity i embody tends to be both soft and strong, and i think thats empowering? I chose nonbinary to describe myself bc I really don't care for the binary we have of gender, but I don't think that negates having a more fluid relationship with gender. everyone basically calls me she/her, but I feel very clear on defining myself as nonbinary. I don't usually care how people refer to me, I think it's just too tiresome for me to bother with personally. I know how i feel, and I get that it's confusing for people to understand . I still get caught up trying to explain it, but to me, it's simply an authentic feeling and allowing myself to .. accept where I'm at every day is very self-compassionate. idk if this makes sense, it's almost 2am lol
plus everyone's question is when we find out the gender of the baby lol. me and myles talked about having the main baby clothing color be green bc I hate how clothing colors are gendered. we talked about possibly a gender neutral name, but we'll see. small things like that feel really supportive to me!
I felt some weird guilt or something after sharing the news and ultrasound with more people. everyone is so so happy for us, but . idk I almost felt shame for being happy - or like it's gonna get taken from me etc. I think it's a very vulnerable position bc there is so much attention on me and judgements are always being passed. maybe it's trying to control people's expectations of me or something, and I'm sure it's internalized stuff I still have to work through.
I just want to sleep.
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inkphi · 1 year
It's so sad/devestating/embarrassing/lonely/exhausting finding out no one loves you the way you thought they did. It's also clarifying/eye opening/vindicating and motivating.
Mostly I feel embarrassed. I'll tell you why... I tend to feel like I have a happy, sunny, positive disposition. So when on certain days when I have my "real world" and I can see how things and people really are. Some of my more pleasant filters are... "puttering around the kitchen making brownies --just cuz" filter or my "smiling walking thru the pits of HELL, (*AkA*Kensington), complimenting total strangers bc I like to make people smile" filter . I digress, that turned into quite a tangent Which you'll find I do often . Anyway, I really start to self deprocate*, like to the point of, you know how in cartoons when a painting of animals come to life and drop their mouth open, and they whisper to each other "Geez that girl really hates herself. When all that happened is he said something like, I wishyou would have made chicken instead of soup.
I will go into a total tailspin of horrible, mean negative, downright filthy things in a screaming head loop. I mean my brain tells me things you would never sayo someone else much less your own self-talk.
Wow, I need to take a break. I'm going to walk to Chinese Store and buy a few loosies.
I'm making the decision to post a half written blog to motivate me to finish. This is good for both my mental , getting these thoughts straight instead of an angry nest of hornets in ma head . Also, intellectually, bc of the typing and the spelling and thinking , whole thoughts and articulating them in a relatable way. (Which has still yet to be determined)
Day 2:
I came back to finish this but he's honestly, I don't even know wtf I was getting at. I hadn't slept in days.
Basically, I want to feel like I'm part of a team. Team LOVE man! And I will for a few days, then something happens that puts the brakes on that fantasy. Like for instance, tonight I made a comment that I wanted crack, then said damn we don't have any ciggs and told him that his lighter was cold or dying bc the flame was low. This was a span of getting of the el and walking down the steps. He turns and tells me I haven't stopped complaining since we got off the el. From my POV, only comment #2 was a complaint. This was also on top of going to talk to someone who wants him to do a painting for them and I was told to ya know let him talk, which is cool. When we were talking, I was getting excited. I mean I'm happy for him and excited he has a painting to keep him happy and occupied and basically when we walked away he shamed me for getting so animated and excited. Like, you may as well punched me in the gut. That makes my heart hurt. It makes me feel so stupid that I have to defend myself for my personality and that while I'm talking he's in his head mentally telling me to shut up or feeling embarrassed by me.
I'm getting upset and I'm almost home... hopefully I'll finish later
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brunchbitch · 2 years
Hey there. I really have no idea of who I could talk this with but I read a post you wrote about this topic, so if you can't or simply don't want to answer that's fine for me, but please tell me if there's an account I can talk to about this issue.
So, I got scoliosis. Yeah, funny thing. I gotta admit that I have it quite easy (I think? I've been diagnosed recently and so far I haven't taken any medication or used any mobility objects, like canes and such, but I need to speak with more medical professionals before assuming things), and I wondered how other people lived with this. So I looked it up in Tumblr and while I did get answers, I also have some questions regarding the fact that pretty much all of the posts tagged with "scoliosis" where also tagged with "chronic pain".
About once, maybe twice a week if I'm unlucky I experience a strong, sudden pain on my lower back (where my spine went brr), it feels as if someone is stabbing me and I have to sit down. It leaves completely around a minute after. I also feel pain on my feet after walking around 5 blocks on the street, sometimes less. I got used to it and always assumed it was because of my laziness and because I don't tend to be one for physical activity. I also assumed that I got tired from the walking, when, in fact, the pain was the one wearing me out (I think it's because one leg is "higher" than the other bc of scoliosis and so I can't balance the weight of my body properly while walking, I don't know if I explained myself properly). Sometimes when I sit in a certain position I feel as if someone is stabbing me in my leg, close to my thigh, and only two times I felt a huge back pain (to the point it was difficult to walk) for long periods of time.
The question here is; does that count as chronic pain? Do chronic pain and scoliosis have to go hand in hand, or is it just normal yet they're not inherently related? Is it chronic pain if it appears under a certain context (i.e, while walking, like with my feet, or sitting in a specific position) or if it happens about once a week and lasts very little? It's just, I'm very confused and can't find resources to guide me right now. I'll keep researching, but I'd like to know the opinion of someone with both scoliosis and chronic pain. Thank you, sorry for bothering you with this and for my bad english. Feel free to ignore this if you want. Happy new year!
i'm sorry, this took me so long to answer!! yes what you are experiencing is definitely chronic pain! i think it's pretty normal for people who have scoliosis to experience pain here and there, but it's such a spectrum. sometimes i have awful spasms where i can barely move, whereas other times i can go months with just a bit of dull achey-ness at the bottom of my spine at the end of the day. i think of chronic pain not as context-specific but more so longitudinal, so any sort of pain that occurs on a semi-regular basis for a long period of time would constitute chronic pain imo.
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
Hello Ciara!!! I come to you looking for your wisdom bc, honestly, you actually helped before :)) so, i was offered a job promotion, as team coordinator, for the team I'm working in rn, at first i said no bc the manager is not what you wish to be, she's not the best manger 🙃 but now they asked again bc they don't have that many options and like, on one hand I'm thinking F the manager, maybe they'll change her soon, whatever, but at the same time, i tend to be such an anxious person and what if i can't handle it, what if i break down in a meeting and start crying in front of everyone???
But, uhm, I'm also considering accepting the offer bc of how scared i am? Push myself despite being afrain, and, what if it works? And then, i want to do it to understand what I'm capable of bc i keep saying that I'm not good at what i do, I'm just bluffing and hope it works out and nobody notices - which to some extent i know it's not true (gotta love the imposter syndrome on this one)
God, i wish to just be like one of those confident people that just go like, Yeah sure LET'S GOOOO!!!!
Also, i did not know you were watching stranger things!!!!
hey bud!! first of all, congratulations on the offer!! 🎉 but ahh that is a very tough situation - it's so frustrating just how much a manager/boss can negatively impact your experience of a job :/ especially when this should be an exciting moment for you!
i think there's two aspects you need to consider:
to what extent will you have to work with this manager?? is this literally someone you'll have to interact with and take orders from every single day or are they just the person in charge of your section/team? how likely do you think it is that they'll get to you/upset you? (especially if you’re interacting with them on a regular basis)
how worth it is the promotion? like, taking your manager out of it, is this a good career move and opportunity for you??? do you like the idea of the work? is it better pay??? to what extent do the pros outweigh the cons, y'know?
what i will say is that in my own experience and in that of my friends', no job is worth being treated badly by your superiors no matter how much you love it. before i had my current job i was working somewhere else for placement during my masters but the management was awful. like genuinely, absolutely terrible and treated us like we were worthless. in my case, i was doing the exact same profession in both instances so it wasn't hard for me to leave and go somewhere else. a friend of mine still works there but he was always able to shake off the issues we experienced in a way myself and our other friend couldn't so it never really got to him.
similarly my best friend loves her job as a vocation but has complained about her place of work for five years straight. and it all comes down to her management and the way the staff is treated. i've given up telling her to quit bc it’s clear she probably won’t since it’s one of the only places she can do the job she wants to do but i’m pretty sure she hasn’t been happy there a single day since 2017 and i know that’s taken a toll on her mental health
i honestly commend you for wanting to push through your anxiety to challenge yourself and take the job and i definitely don’t want to discourage you!! because like you said, it might be fine and you might be so much more capable at handling it than you even realise right now. and what a wonderful thing that would be to discover! i think the best thing i could say if you do want to take it is consider your escape route. if you take the offer and you don’t like it or your manager is really getting to you, what are your options??? is this contract based where you’d have to fulfill the role for a certain period of time or could you leave at any stage? is going back to your old position an option?
ultimately, just remember choosing it doesn’t mean you have to do it forever and that there’s nothing wrong with putting your mental health first if you need to. but also! if you decide to go for it, i have every faith and confidence in you that you’ll be amazing!!
i hope this was helpful in some way sjdafh let me know how it goes!! i’m rooting for you 💖
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hxwks-gf · 4 years
😩 I wish we were friends irl so I can make you some celebratory cookies for 1k!! You totally deserve it! 🥳
I hope I can do this matchup request correctly 😂.
Bakugou is my comfort character. I think I picked him bc I see myself in him but I'm not as aggressive as he is. I think we both tend to let our feelings come out in a more aggressive type of way. I don't like anyone else to bully my friends other than me as well, so I think that's another thing I we have in common lmao.
My favorite troupe is enemies to lovers (not sure why). It's just something about 2 people developing feelings for each other from butting heads a lot that's just so satisfying.🤌🏽✨ Oh and don't get me started on those relationships where the guy is an ass but has a SOFT SPOT for his boo!! 🥴 And his s.o has to like LEARN how to take care of him/understand him bc he doesn't know how to express himself (me too tho👀).
I'm short asf (5'0" to be exact). I am USUALLY a happy go lucky person and try not to let a lot bother me, but I also hide how I feel a lot. It's a reflex atp 😂. So usually I seem irritable and annoyed to others when they try to help me and I want to fix it myself (aka I know I need help but I don't want it). I love to help others! So ig my role in mha would be to heal people or help if ABSOLUTELY necessary (I'm not coordinated enough to fight fr fr). I've always thought about my quirk being something like a siren/telepathy type of thing. I alter other people's reality and disorient them if needed with my voice depending on my pitch or the melody of the tune.
Hope that's enough! Haha congrats again!
hxwks-gf’s 1k follower event!  *✧・゚:*
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“Will you just listen to me for once?” you snapped, trying to step in front of Bakugo. “This is supposed to be a team effort, you know. You can’t solve everything yourself.”
Bakugo scoffed and side-stepped out of the way, turning his nose into the air. “Oh yeah? Watch me.”
You wanted to rip your hair out. “Are you kidding me right now?”
“Are you going to finish this rescue mission or not?”
“I’m trying to finish it, but you’re not working with me!”
Bakugo turned his back to you and continued walking, his footsteps echoing through the ruined building. “Either follow me or go back to the agency. I’m sure they’ll send another incompetent hero that will just whine and complain the whole time.”
“You’re an asshole,” you seethed, but you followed him anyway. “I thought you grew out of that shit after we graduated.”
“Shut up and let me work, will you?”
God, he was insufferable. You had known him most of your life and had accepted a position at his agency not too long ago, hoping he had grown out of his incorrigible attitude, but you were sorely disappointed.
The rumble of falling debris pulled you out of your thoughts, and before you could figure out where it was coming from, Bakugo was turning around with an expression of horror and shoving you out of the way. Senses regained, you quickly tumbled into a roll and safely got to your feet once the debris had stopped falling. 
“Bakugo?” you coughed, waving your hand in front of your face to disperse the dust as it settled. “Bakugo, are you hurt?” 
There was no answer. 
“Bakugo!” you called again, already feeling the panic setting in. “Answer me!” 
A moment later: “God, why do you have to yell so loud?” 
You shoved a piece of rubble out of the way and saw his face peeking out from beneath it, covered in dust and dirt. He blew some of it off of his lips and glared at you. 
“Are you going to help me out of here or not?” he snapped.
You rolled your eyes and gripped his hand, pulling him free in a waterfall of broken concrete and rebar. He dusted himself off and held up one of his gauntlets, dented from the impact. 
“You pushed me out of the way,” you said, staring at him. “You...saved me.” 
“Tch,” he scoffed, inspecting his bruised gauntlet closer and turning away from you. “Don’t go getting ideas.” 
“Bakugo...” You paused and bit your lip. “Thank you.” 
He looked up and scowled, but was unable to hide the blush that had crept into his cheeks. “You’re welcome. Dumbass.” 
“Are you always this insufferable?” 
“Are you?” 
“Are you hurt at all?” you asked, stepping closer to study his head in case he had gotten injured by the falling debris. Without thinking, you reached up and ran your fingers through his hair to get rid of the dust, as well as feel for any wounds. The entire time, Bakugo stayed completely still and just...stared at you. 
“What?” You dropped your hands and stepped back. “What’s that dumb look for?” 
“Nothing,” he muttered, lowering his eyes. “I’m not hurt.” Saying nothing else, he cleared his throat and gestured towards the rest of the building. “Let’s finish this.” 
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The rest of the rescue mission went by smoothly, and you found yourself back at the agency in Bakugo’s office watching the city skyline light up as the sun went down. You should’ve been focusing on the rest of the paperwork for the mission, but your mind kept wandering to the way Bakugo acted after you had touched him. Never in your life had you seen him stand so still, so quiet. 
“What are you still doing here?” Speak of the devil. 
You turned around and saw him standing there by the door, dressed in street clothes. “Finishing the reports, because I know you won’t do it.” 
Bakugo rolled his eyes and adjusted his scarf. “It’s late, (y/n). We can take care of it tomorrow.” 
“The HPSC will be up your ass if you miss one of these again.” 
“Goddammit,” he groaned, kicking at the linoleum floor, but he dropped his bag and sat on the edge of your desk, looking down at the stack of paperwork in front of you. “Fine.” 
“Lucky for you, all you need to do is sign them,” you teased, holding out a pen. “I already took care of the rest.” 
Bakugo blinked at you. “All of it?” 
“All of it,” you repeated, wiggling the pen. “Figured I owed you one after you pushed me out of the way earlier. Consider my debt paid.” 
“I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if you got hurt on my watch,” he muttered, staring at his feet. He noticed your dumbfounded expression and a furious blush colored his cheeks again. “Don’t get the wrong idea! I was just doing my job.” 
“Right,” you grinned, arching an eyebrow. “Will you just sign the reports, please?” 
He was at a loss for words, but reluctantly took the pen and leaned over the paperwork. You got up from your chair and pulled your coat on as he scrawled his name, picking up your bag and moving towards the door. 
“Oh, you’re walking me home, by the way,” you casually threw over your shoulder. You could feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of your head. “Is that a problem?” 
Bakugo dropped the pen and fought to keep his pace even as he caught up with you and flicked off the light. “No,” he growled, leading you out of the agency and into the chilly night air, not-so-innocently placing his broad hand at the small of your back. 
Maybe he wasn’t that insufferable. 
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scribbledquillz · 3 years
For the fanfic asks: Y, Z, W! (PS sorry if I already sent you some, I forreal can't remember bc brain no work today)
Fanfic Ask Meme - still accepting!
Thank you for asking, @for-the-ninth! And no worries - you only sent one ask I promise. ;-)
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
I love love love specific prompts, because I like knowing what kind of fic or drabbles people want to see me write and also because it helps me keep on top of my bad habit of letting my word count run away from me. Usually when I ask for prompts it's because I'm looking to do some short pieces - five sentence fics, 250-500 word drabbles, that kind of thing. More specific prompts help me focus in on the meat of the little story I want to tell much more easily. HOWEVER more general / vague prompts can be a lot of fun too, especially when I feel like doing some more emotive / poetic pieces.
Y: A character you want to protect.
Zevran always please just let this man have good things he's been through so much
I'm a card carrying member of the Merril deserved better 2021 party. I feel like she's infantilized to hell and back, especially in regards to her efforts to restore the mirror. She didn't go into the process lightly - she gave up her place in her clan, made carefully calculated decisions and risks, and took every reasonable precaution she could. She straight up asks Hawke to come with her when she goes to deal with the demon so that if things go badly, Hawke can kill her before she becomes a threat. She puts only herself at risk - Marethari's possession and death is tragic, but only happens because of her choice to interfere. And for the love of Andraste, why was Morrigan the eluvian expert when Merril is RIGHT THERE?
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
I tend not to write it myself outside of some throw away "what if?" kind of drabbles or one shots when I feel the need to exorcise some angst demons. I don't seek it out in fanfic either, but I'm not opposed to it. Though I won't lie - I can't deal when I see fic or comics of a Zevran who has lost his Warden to the ultimate sacrifice. Please - please let this man hold on to one good, positive thing in his life. He's been through so much already please just let him be happy.
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aizawa-needs-coffee · 3 years
Hi!! Could I have a matchup please? I'm 18, pronouns she/her, I'm fine w any gender though I have a preference for males
If its of any relevance, physically I'm about 5'8 tall and on the chubby side, green eyes, brown hair (with blonde streaks) and I wear glasses
If you're into astrology/ mbti, I am a Sagittarius w both moon and rising in Cancer and I'm INFP
So I'm quite emotional lol. Usually very in touch with my emotions and quite perceptive of other's feelings as well. I have a huge saviours complex especially when it comes to feelings (i love helping others figure out their feelings, being a shoulder to cry on or even offering comforting hugs) but I try my best to keep it control cause I don't wanna be suffocating
On the outside I'd say I'm fairly organized, I keep my room clean and all of that, I'm a lil bit of a perfectionist but mentally I'm all over the place. I tend to get carried away by thoughts and emotions and end up procrastinating a lot; anxiety makes it all worse. In short, I suck at time management
To most people I may seem quiet and reserved but I actually really enjoy talking to people; I'm really insecure about not being funny or interesting enough tho. Around my friends I'm more relaxed but still have moments of self doubt
I can also be quite obsessive. If something really catches my interest I won't stop until I search all there is to know about it. For example I watched bnha, read the manga, the spin offs etc all in less than a month and now I'm indulging in fanart and fanfics because I need m o r e c o n t e n t hsbsb. I'm also that kind of person that listens to a new song they like on repeat until they hate it. Speaking of music, I can't say I have a taste lol. My fave genres are rock, pop and indie but I hear smth I like, I listen to it, whether its "high quality" music, basic or weird. Lately I've been listening to a lot of epicore which is literally the type of music thats used in fantasy and sci fi movies askfkdk
I like expressing myself through writing, singing and dancing but I really can't say I'm talented at either of those, it's all in good fun. I also enjoy reading (fiction, non-fic books bore me like hell; my fave genres are fantasy, sci fi and crime) but I haaate literature in school. I'm actually a bit of a math nerd and this year I'm starting uni, studying computer science!! Oh! I've also taken drama classes for 2 years (despite the fear I loved being on stage and plan on starting again once I'm done w the baccalaureate), I love playing D&D and while I woulnd't quite call myself a gamer, I love role playing video games. I'm also almost always down for any kind of multiplayer video games w friends although I have no experience
I'm not a sportive person, I go on walks or do a few exercises every now and then at home but I'm willing to try stuff out like a new sport or going to the gym w an s/o. I do plan on starting self defense classes soon and maybe taking up sword fighting (I love swords hehe)
Tbh I've never been in a relationship so I'm not really sure how I would act w an s/o, nor what I'm exactly looking for. I best express my affection through physical touch tho and that includes my friends so I'd like someone who isn't bothered or can get used to that (s/o would still receive the most hugs/ cuddles etc). I'm not that comfortable w the other love languages for friends and family, but I think I'd be a lot more eager to express my love through them for s/o. If I'm on the receiving end, my weakness is still physical touch :)) but I also need words of affirmation every now and then cause insecurities 🌠 and while I wouldn't ask for anything, especially objects, I am a hoarder and I'd keep any kind of gift like its a national treasure simply bc its from someone I love.
In addition, it doesn't really matter if s/o is more on the emotional or rational side a long as they dont invalidate my feelings; it angers me a lot and makes me feel even more insecure. I tend to isolate when I'm really really upset about something so I need a lil bit of pushing to talk abt it; I'm open to talk abt my feelings but I need the verbal confirmation that they care and wanna help, its not just cause they're being nice
Wow that is a lot of rambling jeez ajsjsjs sorry. Thank you so much if you've read throught that all and ty for the match up!!
Me and my wife literally having a ten minute debate on who we’d pair you with before I made my choice. Thanks for all the details and I hope you enjoy the match up!
I match you with Sero
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I feel he’s outgoing and extroverted enough to help you with your anxiety and always reassure you that you are good at things and he does love you, he’s also so chill and laid back that even if you were clingy he’d not mind, he’d embrace it, his chill nature would help balance you. He would help you feel grounded and have a ‘you don’t have to do it all now’ attitude but would happily help you out. You need help going to the store? He remembers the list you wrote, having trouble fitting in lunch while you study? He’ll come to your door with pizza.
He’s determined and outgoing but isn’t aggressively positive and loud either which I think is why I picked him over Kirishima for you.
“Hey babe, whatcha reading?” Sero asked sitting next to you on the sofa, he handed you a soda which you gratefully took, not looking up from your laptop screen.
As soon as he was sat down comfortably your hand grabbed his, clasping your fingers together as you managed to tear your gaze away from the Wikipedia page which was still open. You blinked up at him and shook your head.
“Oh just something I learned about today and wanted to do some.. extra reading” you explained.
He nodded his head and drank his soda watching as your face lit up as you started to ramble about the topic, he didn’t really know much about it but the way you told him about everything, the way you happily expressed your interest towards the topic made him happy. He gave you his big grin when you finished.
“Sorry, I rambled..” You felt bad, you always felt nervous when you info dumped on people.
“Nah, it’s cool, I didn’t mind at all” he brought your hand up to his face and gave it a kiss, your face flushed at the gentle gesture which caused Sero to laugh playfully.
“Well, if your sure… I just wanted something to take my mind off chores”.
“It’s the weekend, you don’t have to rush anyway.. and if you don’t feel better by tomorrow I can help, you can wash the dishes and I’ll dry?” he suggested still peppering kisses on the back of your hand before you set your laptop down and crawled closer to him.
You nodded softly, that sounded a lot more manageable, you felt your anxiety settle down from a raging nagging feeling to something easier to tolerate. He was such a good influence on you. Sero set down his drink and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest.
“The guys want to come over and say hi later, maybe get pizza… but I can tell them not tonight if you aren’t feeling it… maybe you can play that new game you got? I liked watching you play the other night” He suggested as he nuzzled your head, enjoying how your hair felt on his face.
“Maybe… can I give you an answer later?”
“Yeah, no rush babe”
You smiled softly feeling the lanky boy kiss the side of your head and listened as you carried on talking about the trivia of your current interest.
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I had a date today.
The first first date in the longest time.
And he was once about 4-5yrs ago, my meta.
And we didn't originally get along 😅
But, over the years we ended up becoming closer and becoming friends... and both of us catching feelings we ignored the f out of because we didn't think the other was actually interested as well.
And then I came out as trans, assuming he was straight.
He had a sexuality crisis between me and some others who were also not cis men or gender conforming...
And he decided to come out and eventually after a very pretty selfie of mine in the group chat, decided to tell me that I was hot.
... which led to a lot of ramped up flirting bc we'd been discussing that we're both demi sexual and queer and I realised (finally) that if he's attracted to me like that as much as had been implied, he probably also had actually romantic feelings for me because he tends to need romantic feelings first (I can need anything from strong platonic to strong romantic).
So, when he asked me on a date, I said yes.
Despite my 'I'm not going to date for a year!' thing... I've been single for a while, feeling the urge to slowly date again and he's got strong green flags, some light orange ones and we discussed then thoroughly.
We discussed communication styles, the concerns we had, what we want potentially long term (we have similar long term goals, but are aware that things are going to be very up in the air as life develops because we're in our mid 20's), how we want to handle conflicts, etc.
He makes me feel incredibly comfortable, incredibly safe and respected and cared for. We both admitted we hit the 'in love' point with each other at least a few months back, around the same time, but didn't want to fuck it up and would rather have friendship than lose each other because we genuinely adore each other and see each other as important parts of our lives.
He loves my chaos, he likes that I'm passionate and jumpy and sappy and affectionate. I like that he is calm and patient and sweet and we have similar love languages. We balance each other out really well and have similar values.
We're also really mindful of each other's traumas and discuss them openly and how we want to navigate healing and what boundaries we have.
We discussed boundaries for what we want others to know about each other.
It was just, a really sweet and loving night.
It also was slightly 18+ at times... and we were absolutely thrilled to be with each other like that and it was the most I've laughed and smiled and felt grounded and safe during that my entire life.
I barely dissociated, it was like one moment for a few seconds and I was easily able to pull myself back there by focusing on his arms and I was safe and okay again and he had his hand running through my hair, giving my nose a kiss with his other hand on my thigh, just holding me close to him.
And I was safe to snuggle into him, he didn't mind, he talked to me the entire time and kept me grounded (we'd talked about the fact that I need to be talked to so I'm less likely to dissociate and have a panic attack). He had the lights dimmed so my dysphoria and adhd didn't make things harder.
And afterwards, we just cuddled each other and kissed so much and talked more about our memories together and how we want to tell people eventually and what future dates we want to go on and what barriers we both have.
He is a sweetheart, and I will take the romantic side of this relationship slow. It's not a commitment we're jumping straight into headfirst.
But, we are going to work on it slowly and consistently and I'm definitely going to have moments of anxiety because I always do and neither of us expect this to be perfect or easy, but we're honest with each other and we're committed to doing what is best for ourselves and growing and keeping each other in a position that's comfortable and healthy.
But I'm really glad I said yes to this date, because he makes me happy and I don't regret this at all.
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
I love the winter, its my favorite season, i have a love-hate relationship with the cold. love it when there's snow that sticks, hate it when there's no snow. im pretty sure its summer in alaska right now. Shouldnt it be summer for you right now as well?? it also gets very snowy in alaska i've heard. Though the u.s isn't doing so good at the moment (i've been quite annoyed/angry at my government. like i'd not suggest anyone live here at this very moment in time bc of how fucked up everything is at the moment.) Thank you! im glad to hear that!! positivty always does some good, especially since ive had my moments where im not so positive but i do my best to be happy! I tend to not procrastinate when someone is watching me write, like i have this one best friend who'll sit on voice chat with me on discord and watch as I write and for some reason having someone there helps as i dont want to bore them to death by just having them look at an unmoving screen for longer than like 3 minutes so it really gets me working even if its a bit slow 😅😅😅 but lately she hasn't been able to so i've barely written anything. That sounds adorable though!! I dont think it sounds dumb it sounds very cute and entertaining, im sure those newspapers were fun to make and provided some fun memories ! Seventeen and ATEEZ are having a comeback in july, both two of my ults, and i dont know how im gonna handle this though 😭😭😭😭
Yeah its "summer" here but that means it going to go from hot to cold all of the time haha. Just last week we had like 27/30 C heat and now its breezy and keeps raining all of the time haha. Awh! I'm happy you do your best to be happy, you know its okay when you get down though. It's normal🥺🥺🥺💕💕 I don't want you to ever feel like it's not because it is and I'm always here if you want to talk.
Oh my gooossh! I remember doing that with my other friend, I used to mute myself so she didn't have to deal with my typing hahaha. But Now I just do "sprints" where I write for twenty minutes and then ask the person who I was writing with what they did and what they think they can improve on ect And ahh I wish I still had them but my ex step father burnt them all🙄
AHHHHH!!! mutltistans hearts are going to be all over the place!!
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daeguzen · 2 years
yooo thank you for your beautiful words T^TT i think very lowly of myself all the time and am surprised that my friends still stood by my side T^TT (not many, but they always see the good things in me and change my perspective when i doubt myself, so im really grateful to have known them T^TT)
aaand on the dating part!! im 24 now but ive never dated in my life 🤣 one friend said: "you just...don't seem like you're looking for it" and im like yeah, that's partially true😅 but the core reason is that ive never met someone that i seriously wanna be in a relationship with (crushes yes, but i tend to picture things in the long run and if i don't see a far future together, then my answer is always no). esp after graduating uni, i don't even think about wanting to be in a relationship anymore.. life has already consumed all of my energy and my heart is kinda numb now 😭 I'm so sorry for such a depressing rant 😭 you're still SO young and you deserve to pursue all that makes you happy and live the best life ❤️❤️ i really miss being 19~21 bc i met my bestest friends during this period and grew a lot :) I'm sure you're in one of your most amazing adulthood years now ❤️
ooh and how long will you be a substitute teacher for? do you need to teacher them the actual syllabus if the teacher is absent for some time? 😆
<3 <3 in this house we only spread positivity :) people aren't perfect by nature, so i think it's good that you have your friends because they accept you for who you are and aww that's sweet, i love that for you.
woah ~ it's so strange meeting people older than me because i feel very young and i look like it too lol i haven't aged much since beginnings of high school. i thank my dads genes for that LOL. so i feel like...im still a child when talking to older people but i've been told i have an old soul aha. and yeah i completely understand that, i don't have many friends but that's ok because i think it's comfortable sharing with a few people than a lot. i think romantic feelings would develop with someone i would know a little better and talk to often. romance is weird, it functions differently for anyone.
that's just what happens as you get older. when you're young everything is fun and games and you just go to school and do what your told. as you get older you have to set these things up for yourself, focus on finding a stable and decent income to keep yourself surviving in such a fast paced world. some situations are different than others so i love that you focus on what you need to do. romance is something that shouldn't and doesn't have to be rushed. and nah it isn't depressing it's interesting to read and interact with other people. your lifestyle seems kinda chill to be honest, especially from the way that you talk, i get chill vibes :D
awww ^~^ thank you, i shall try my best to pursue what i enjoy, i think a life full of art, fashion, and music, is beautiful. it's fun and refreshing for me. and to those who go into medical school, social work, teaching, and so much more have decided on career paths that contribute a lot to helping other people on a more personal level and i think that too is greatly respectable. all careers should be like that, appreciated for what they are. (aww hun you're still hella young tho two years isn't two big of difference but yess, reliving those moments in your head tho that's a therapeutic thing) thank you for all your kind words too, i really appreciate them ^~^ i never saw myself in this position of being able to interact with people online, especially over my writings, so i'm happy that i've gotten to meet people on here, it's sweet.
and honestly, i am not sure, i was thinking of doing it next year but my first half of the semester, i ended up with morning classes. so i only have two days in the week to actually work as a sub. i currently work with kids as an assistant so i just help out the actual teacher. in the future with the older kids i don't think i'd be in charge of teaching them because i wouldn't be able to take a long term sub job if a teacher is absent for a longer period of time. i have my own classes to attend and responsibilites so even if i wanted to i wouldn't be able to. but i think im gonna try to look for another job for the summer or for jobs at my campus to fill in during days i can't sub. this past spring semester i did nothing LOL but this is where the fun is gonna start because i'll be going back to getting productive and enjoying caffeine :D
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fukurodaze · 4 years
Congratulations on 400!! Could I join the event with a scenario 👉👈 uhh 3 things about me:
1- I'm the eldest child so I know how to deal with all my siblings when they're sad or angry or upset and I'm good at bounding with them
2- I tend to keep to myself A LOT. I could be going through the worst time but I would never tell my best friends about it. I just deal with it alone which can be very difficult.
3- I send positivity reminders to a lot of people (more than I receive) even if I'm going through hard times.
Also please take care and don't overwork yourself!! And happy holidays!!
ah I forgot to say where my favorite place is! My favorite place is my bed bc it's so comfy 😌
thank you for sending this in!
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your new year’s kiss will be...
such a good balanced couple i swear
pretty early in the relationship, i wouldn’t know if it was going to be more than a friendship until This One Night
a culmination of everything that he’s ever felt towards you communicated physically and it’s honestly really sweet (you could kinda interpret it as a platonic in-the-spur-of-the-moment kiss but what’s the fun in that)
intertwined fingers and light giggles on a warm night
someone who makes you want to be a better version of yourself
someone who lets you do things your way, but for some reason makes you want to open up
empathetic! he really does make you feel like you can lean on him, and that hard times are okay, even for you
giggle giggle so soft he’s so soft for you you’re so soft for him you guys are so soft for each other
sends YOU positivity reminders because yes
he’s kind of your enabler but that’s pretty g 
a relationship built on support and sympathy and that’s honestly so great
hinata shouyou!
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matchups are closed! thank you for participating!
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