#I know I could evolve this one into gallade
Oops my bad for a week of inactivity! Genuinely haven’t drawn anything that I really feel like posting here ((I’ve been drawing though lol)). Here’s a shiny clip to break my posting from the drought. Almost ran right by this random encounter!
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lavenderr-starrs · 10 months
Giving Yugioh Characters Pokemon that i KNOW they’d have Pt. 1
Ty @baddyzarc for most of the yugioh sprites I used to make this post literally using your account when ever I need sprites for these guys 🙏
If grammars ass I know, pls don’t @ me
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If you’re friends with me then you should already know he is gonna be on the list first, and if you watched Vrains and if you know Spectres character then you can already guess the type of Pokemon his team would mostly consist of.
The Trevenant is his first member of his team and his oldest member that’s been with him since he was an infant. When little spectre was left alone to his mother tree he just so happened to be left within the forest Trevenant resides in and looks over. Shocked to see the infant left by itself by the roots of one of his oldest trees, Trevenant had practically assimilated himself into a grandfather like role for Spectre. (Specter’s mother tree is a single mother she deserves someone to help her 😤lol)
Torterra is the second member, he had known Spectre when he was little and he was a small Turtwig. Would play with him whenever he would come and visit from the orphanage. During the lost incident he had evolved into a Grotle and attempted to keep Trevenant calm while Spectre was missing despite missing him too
When ryoken finds him I can imagine Trevenant and Grotle following the two to where they live and Faust/Aso will give him pokeballs so they can be with Spectre properly! (but also because Kyoko is just done being jumpscared by Trevenant 24/7… He just wants to help her look after his boy :>)
Next up is Appletun, I Could imagine a younger Spectre and Ryoken playing with Grotle eventually evolved Torterra on his back. In Torterras Official Pokédex entry “Small Pokémon occasionally gather on its unmoving back to begin building their nests.” So a scenario i can imagine is the two of them finding small Pokemon on Torterras back and even Two small Applins that the two of them caught and looked after together.
The Appletun is a very gentle sweetheart and is quite the sloth that prefers to nap in nice sunny spots. I’m just imagining Spectre just crouching down with Appletuns food in hand and just patiently waiting for the little guy to come to him imagine appletuns little slow but soft pitter patter footsteps 🥺 (I mean look at Appletuns speed stat, lil guy slow 😭)
At first I Felt Gardevoir would be more fitting for Spectre since the two of them are similar in terms of Devotion and Loyalty and Have Gallade go to Ryoken but I decided to switch it around (I’ll go into more detail on Ryokens part)
I like to think Spectre keeps an extremely close eye on his Pokemons health (Especially Trevanants…) And I like the idea of Spectre trying to Dote on his Gallades health and exercise and for his Gallade to get a little shy and embarrassed because of it, Hehe. Also Gallade would love Spectres Sunvine Thrasher, it’s just a fact. Gets upset if he sees it destroyed in a duel. It’s adorable ^^~ he summons it to the duel and all of a sudden Gallades not in his pokeball
The Seedot and The Shiny Phantump would be his most recent Pokemon
I could imagine as he got older and would visit the tree stump of his mother tree he one day found the little seedot there. Either the small seedot would shyly follow Spectre while also staying hidden, or Spectre would befriend the little guy, either option is adorable and correct
I could also Imagine something similar for the Shiny Phantump (The reason I specifically see Spectre having a Shiny Phantump, I mean cmon it should be obvious I don’t think I need to explain it, it’s literally perfect)
Trevenant is very Emotional attached to the tiny Phantump, Grandpa tree gets flashbacks to baby Spectre and is having 🌟Sentimental Feelings🌟
The little Phantump is very shy and gets scared easily and is almost always floating next to his shoulders, likes to just hide/snuggle there while he duels. If Spectres not dueling Phantump would just like to rest in one spot and just hold the cards and either stare at the art or just hold them. It’s like watching a kid hold their favorite stuffy, said stuffy being a card but—
A little seedot on one side of Spectres shoulder and a little Phantump hiding behind the other omg Brb gonna cry-
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What do ya’know! It’s mostly Dragons, who would’ve guessed?! Ok but on a serious note Despite his team looking like something a seven year old would make, just let mama cook mk?
Ok I had to have Ryoken come after Spectre so I can talk about the Gallade and Gardevoir thing, His Gardevoir is his first ever Pokemon. He had her when she was just a small Ralts long before the lost incident as a gift from his Dad. He would carry the small Ralts everywhere, where ever you found a small Ryoken you were gonna find a small Ralts there too. She’d evolve into a Kirlia when he’s 8.
Remeber during the lost incident Ryoken literally HEARD the kids his father took and experimented with? The scene we get of 8 year old Ryoken curled up and covering his ears? Go to Ralts , Kirilia, and Gardevoirs Official Pokédex Entry these Pokemon are known as the Feeling Pokemon, The Emotion Pokemon, and the Embrace Pokemon. Imagine seeing the chipper and sweet adventurous boy you were with go through the things Ryoken went through and the man that brought you to said boy is the reason behind it? That’s Kirlia’s POV , Yeah? Imagine little baby Ryoken curled up with his kirlia, now you’re crying with me.
A Pokemon like the Gardevoir evolution line would be a fitting Pokemon wanting to stay by Ryokens side and would be Ironic in a way Considering Fairy type Pokemon are the ultimate weapon against Dragon type Pokemon.
I could see her evolving into Gardevoir some time after Ryoken makes the call to end it all. She’s determined to stay by his side and care for him and try her best to help Ryoken the best the Pokemon could do like a doting older sister after everything that’s happened
Also his Ability to summon Data Storms by hand reminds me of the fact Gardevoir will make a small black hole to protect their trainers, and his vrains Avatar reminded me of Gardevoirs design from the colors, the flowy skirt-like cape, to the headset covering his face. I’m not a big fan of of it but I like to think for this AU I’ll only like it cause I’m gonna make an excuse that he wanted to match with his first ever Pokemon partner
The reason Spectre has a Gallade could be because it was a gift for Spectre as he made him his right hand man during the beginning of his whole knight of Hanoi thing. Since I’d sometimes see Gallade portrayed as Gardevoirs knight amongst the fans and the media. Fitting, no?
Now for the second Pokemon it’s gonna be the Flapple and the Garchomp. Back to what I said with Spectres Part, Both him and Ryoken had an Applin but his evolved into a Flapple due to the apple being tart, and the Flapple is a little shit that’s constantly causing fights.
I like to imagine when Ryoken was maybe around 10-13 he and the others had to go and look for Flapple cause it was out causing mischief, turns out Flapple had spit his Acidic Liquid inside a lil gibles hole in the ground and are now fighting. Flapple, the little shit that he is, saw it as a fun game while the poor little Gible was practically crying while throwing attacks at the flapple cause look! The poor little guys head hurts 😞
So with Ryoken being Flapples trainer and taking responsibility for what his little shit of a Pokemon did they take the Gible to Kyoko to fix up the little guys burn scars (Not without bite marks on their arms and fingers though)
After the treatment and befriending Ryoken you will never not see the two fighting and bickering, even after Gible eventually evolves into Garchomp, Flapple is still gonna pick fights with him and pretty much spit acid into his eyes to get him to fight. The fights usually end with Garchomp running to Ryoken crying about Flapple being a meanie. (While said Flapple cuddles up to Spectres Appletun acting as the worlds most innocent little thing 😇)
Is it bird? Is it a plane? NO! It’s Ryoken on the back of his Salamence! You’ve heard of dueling on motorcycles AND you’ve heard of dueling on Duel Boards but get ready for…Dueling on Pokemon! Y’know that scene where Yusaku watches him ride on the back of his monster during his whole link sense scene in season 1? Yeah that scene but he’s on his Salamence. The knights of Hanoi use Genesects, Ryokens using a DRAGON
I placed Dragapult and Salamence in his team solely because of Borrel Load Dragon if I’m being honest. They could be Given to him by his father when he goes after the Ignis. You already KNOW the dreepys are nipping and pulling at his bangs and his little hair tuft that’s on the top of his head that reminds me of a happiny
Maybe post Canon I could see him racing Dragapult while riding Salamence just to see them have fun
Now the last little gremlin, Hydreigon, I felt was fitting due to the Pokédex entry stating. “It’s said that Hydreigon grew ferocious because people in times long past loathed it, considering it to be evil incarnate and attacking it relentlessly.” Ryokens dueling and strategies are Brutal to a T we all know that
Hydreigon to me seems like a very fitting Pokemon he would use when hunting for the ignis. Get to the Duel between him and windy: “GET YO F***ING DOG BIH” “She don’ bite” literally everyone watching- “YES SHE DO!!!”
Also I’d just like to make note his Hydreigon is a She and her name is Heidi and she’s a special spoiled little princess 👍
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Yuzu’s here to sing! Cause Dueltaining and Pokemon Showcases are her thing! I can Totally see her being a Pokemon Performer and Coordinator while also being a Dueltainer! She’s multitasking and multitalented!
When she was born I could imagine her dad Gifting her Pokemon as a surprise for her, and he would take into great care and consideration for each one he would search for. He took such good care of finding her perfect Pokemon partners that some of them are just a bunch of Mini Yuzus mimicking bits of her personality and a few of her mannerisms!
Her Dad got her an Audino as a way to help him make sure she’s healthy and happy. She usually stays at home to tend for the chores and the food. No one makes sweets as good as Yuzus Audino, and that fact is Sora tested and approved!
Very nurturing and motherly to Yuzu but only for Yuzu! Y’know how Yuzu would wack Yuya with her feather fan? Yeah picture that but with yuzus dad and Audino. Nagging her father is probably her second favorite thing to do, her first? Styling Yuzus hair of course! Loves to wear matching accessories together with her, if Yuzu were to keep a hairstyle Audino did for her while dueltaining? She’ll be bouncing all over the place in excitement and happiness!
Her Vivillon Loves to flutter around and dance with Yuzu during duels whenever her melodius monsters take center stage! Hates being in her pokeball and prefers playing pretend as a bow on the back of Yuzus head while she’s at school or dueltaining, has she gotten in trouble for it? Sometimes yeah, but Vivillon doesn’t bother anyone so the teachers will allow it. (Though they do try to get her into her pokeball during exams. Keyword, try.)
Be careful on avoiding Vivillons bad side if you don’t want her to blast you in the face with a Bug Buzz (*ahem*sylvio*ahem*) This Lovely Bug DOES NOT like him one bit, if he’s not getting harassed one way or another by Vivillon? Straight to the hoptal because something’s not right ☝️ I mean I’m not gonna sugarcoat it, all of Yuzus Pokemon hates Sylvio they leave it to Vivillon though cause she just downright despises him
Her Altaria is quite the gentleman though and very easy going, and is the the only male Pokemon in Yuzus team. He will always be humming and singing a tune for anyone and everyone who will listen especially for Yuzu, when ever Soprano the melodious Diva takes center stage in a duel Altaria will make his appearance, ready for a duet! He loves performing, this bird was MADE for the spotlight and he’s never shying from it!
Yuzu takes extra attention over his coat, it’s fluffier and shinier then a Wooloos and he takes great pride and joy with it! Loves it when yuzu would use his coat as a makeshift pillow, anyone else were to try (or god forbid get candy in it *Ahem* *ahem*) you’ll get blasted with Dragons Breath that’s for sure
Lurantis is Yuzus most spoiled and Sassy Pokemon, she’s had her ever since she was a little Formantis who would throw the most hectic tantrums if not left alone to sunbathe in her little pot.
Lurantis is not the best with other people and is quick to cut them down a few pegs if they were to say or look at yuzu and her other Pokemon funny. Loves to show off during performances and battles as she takes great pride in her appearance and strength, but will slice your hand off if you try to touch her and aren’t yuzu! You can look but no touching! Or you’ll lose the ability to touch!
But she seems to really like yuya? How Strange, she’s constantly trying to cuddle up to him (somebody help him he doesn’t wanna get sliced up)
Skitty is another stay at home Pokemon who Yuzu found alone and abandoned in a box! She isn’t exactly the brightest one in her team, but this silly derpy kitty is adored by Yuzu and her other Pokemon so does it matter? After all out of all the Pokemon the little skitty is probably the most adored Pokemon in Yusho Duel school and all she Does is nap and chase around her own tail!
Has any work gotten done whenever skitty came over to visit? No. Has everyone kinda just duel eachother to see who gets to spend the most time with her? Yes. Did they get assaulted by the Yuzu Fan afterwards? Also yes. Was skitty napping during it all? Indeed she was, indeed she was…
Now the Flabebe wasn’t hers originally she was a gift from Masumi/Julia. Yuzu takes great care over Flabebe and will panic and freak out if the smallest thing were to happen to her. Her and Masumi/Julia will get teased by there friends saying that Flabebe is like there kid, those same said friends gets punched in the face and wacked in the head later but still-
Flabebe is so shy and meek and poor thing will just get scared over anything tends to stick by close to Yuzu, Audino, and Lurantis the most. It’s an important rule in Yusho that Flabebe is NEVER allowed to be alone when out of her pokeball!!
Wants to be able to perform with yuzu and the others but is just to scared to go on stage, maybe one day she’ll find the strength?
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Leo and Luna-
The twins were very simple and easy to decide for! They obviously had to have matching Pokemon while also having their own unique Pokemon. Now you might be wondering, Why the hell is Entei and Suicune here?! Let’s work our way up first!~
Plusle And Minun are Pokemon I could see being with the twins since infancy! Their designs and color schemes are practically matching like they were made to be there Pokemon!
Leo and Luna are always cheering for each other whenever they need one another and are always cheering for the people they care about and you already know Plusle and Minun are joining in on the cheer!
I could totally see Leo and Luna on their Duel Boards with Plusle and Minun sitting on the board with them with their own tiny little matching helmets
Speaking of matching, The Twins Meowstic Duo are not to be taken lightly. they were given to the twins to act as a sort of caretakers/Babysitters. They are both protective of the two despite not actually being the twins Pokemon. The male Meowstic is constantly on the worry over the Twins safety to the point it’ll overthink even the tiniest scenarios
The female Meowstic is the level-headed one and keeps the male Meowstics head from exploding with his over thinking, she’s constantly throwing people out windows with her psychic ability if she deems that person as a threat. Or if she’s just bored and deems the person annoying- It happeneds so often that if they go through a week without someone being tossed out a window at least once? They Rush straight to whatever Pokemon center there is nearby in a panic.
The only person she won’t ever throw out a window though? Yusei. Is the male Meowstic jealous? Big Time
Leo and Lunas Scorbunny and Pichu were actually the first Pokemon they caught on their own.
Leo had caught Scorbunny when he was with Jack, Crow, Bruno, and Yusei. The wild rabbit Pokemon was actually giving the group trouble when they were trying to fix up one of their duel runners outside.
It would steal tools they needed and would make them all chase him around. Pokemon and trainers were running around and crashing into eachother like headless chickens trying to catch that rabbit!
It was like something out of a looney tunes episode or a Tom and Jerry episode. Leo, Annoyed by the Scorbunny at first, soon was able to befriend him later on since the two of them were pretty similar in terms of personality. Scorbunny and Leo are very competitive with eachother, they’ll turn anything into a competition with one another.
Their longest and still running competition is who can Annoy Luna the most.~
Luna and her Pichu actually met under different circumstances, she was out with Akiza when the two of them found the little Pichu knocked out sick and injured and on her own. Akiza and Luna were both understandably worried for the Small mouse Pokemon as they rushed to get her to the nearest Pokemon center. Nervous for the little Pokemon, Luna had wanted to visit Pichu constantly while it was at the Pokemon center and would constantly call them for updates on her health.
Luna made the entire 5Ds team sign a get well soon card for the little Pichu as well as some of her other friends (Do you think Yusei went to Kalin/kiryu to sign it as well yes or no?) When the little Pichu is healthy again everyone in 5Ds encouraged Luna to take Pichu as her own Pokemon since this Pichu doesn’t have anyone else that cares for her like Luna Does, when Luna had asked, the Pichu had happily agreed!
Luna is always carrying her around, was so excited when she got her she even showed off to ancient fairy Dragon! I like to think for this AU crossover Pokemon can see Duel spirits since their another form of monsters in this world.
Now that I’ve brought that up let’s get onto Entei and Suicune shall we? Now Leo and Luna don’t actually have them in their team but they are friends with the two. Entei is pretty much the Reagulus of this AU my idea for this is based off a Pokemon movie I loved when I was little back in the 2000’s “Pokemon 3 the Movie: Spell of the Unown” where Entei took one look at an orphan girl who’s parent’s were abducted and went “Is anyone gonna parent that?” And did not wait for a response (I know it wasn’t the real Entei but shhhh it was a sweet movie and is my favorite pokemon movie so let me be delulu over Dad-tei)
Anyways, Entei and Ancient Fairy Dragon are friends who are in the middle of a custody battle over Luna!!! I feel Like Suicune would come to Leo during the illiaster arc, but it could be a funny scenario if after Entei just yoinks Luna as his he tells Suicune “Dude HOLY SHIT get a kid these guys ROCK!” From legendary to legendary-single-dad pipeline with Pokemon and kids is real ya’ll and it’s SUPER EFFECTIVE!!! TO ANY AND ALL TYPES!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🦅🦅🦅
Originally I was gonna give Leo Raikou since he’s Loud and Boisterous like thunder but then I took a moment too look at the Pokédex entries for the three.
Entei is fitting for Luna in terms of color scheme and his Pokédex entry states “Entei embodies the passion of magma.” Luna is passionate over her friends and family and they mean the absolute world to her, she’s only a child but made a promise to a powerful dragon to help save another world. Luna is a remarkable and passionate kid for her age so her and Entei would be a formidable duo
Suicune is fitting for Leo as well in terms of his color scheme and his Pokédex states “Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water.” Leo’s a compassionate kid without a doubt he’s there for his sister when she needs him at the most important moments and he cares greatly for others just as much as his sister does. Suicune would have high respects for Leo and it would consider him as a reliable ally
Now Raikou’s Entry states “Raikou embodies the speed of lightning.”
Hmm I wonder who’d be good for Raikou? Perhaps…The Master of Faster himself? It would make The duel between Aporia and three of them interesting 😉 maybe I’ll add more in Pt.2 hehe
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“Hey lav, why does Gong only have 4 Pokemon?” You think the heavy strong style needs to over fill your team to the max limit? Fool!! Gong doesn’t need six Pokemon! His four Pokemon was trained to be the absolute best and can beat your team of six any time any day!!! 💪
Real talk though I couldn’t get myself to figure out what a team of six would look like for Gong for a variety of reasons. I know there could be a bunch of fighting type Pokemon I could slap in and call it a day but I want the Pokémon I chose to be fitting for the characters I assign them with when you take a first look. Not only that but for some I want their Pokémon to share similarities to the cards and monsters they use in duels
I’m taking this whole thing way to seriously buts that’s what I do babygirl, for me I can see Gong being the type who’d focus on a handful of Pokemon he’d bring their greatest strength out of.
Yuzu is a Pokemon performer/coordinator and Gong is definitely a gym trainer from a fighting Type gym his family owns, the Heavystrong style not only applies to dueling but battling as well! He isn’t the gym leader yet but he’s working hard to become a strong one trainers can look up to with respect.
His Hariyama has been with Gong since he was little and Hariyama was just a small Makuhita, they would train together non-stop while Gong was growing up. Since they were kids if Yuya would get bullied Gong would chase them off and you’d see Makuhita with Yuya.
Similar to Gong, Hariyama is a gentle giant. you’ll almost always see him looking after the small Pokemon and the kids, they either hang on his shoulders or he’d carry them carefully in his hands. Out of all the Pokemon in the Arc v squad Hariyama is the calmest
Emboar is also a Pokemon that’s been with Gong when he was little, but as a Pignite in his family’s Gym. he was stubborn and not a single Gym Trainer was able to gain Pignites respect, if you’ve watched the Pokemon series and know about Ash Ketchums Charizard that was Pignite with the trainers.
During battles he wouldn’t listen to a single command, to the more unsavory trainers- he’d set them on fire. The trainers in the Gym practically dreaded working with Pignite, Gongs Dad aka the leader of the Gym did not want to see this continue further so he assigned Pignite to Gong in hopes it’ll be a good lesson for him
And a lesson it was, for the both of them! Of course Pignite acted the same with gong at first, but along the line they’ve grown to develop a strong respect for one another and have come to rely on each other, especially after he evolved into Emboar. Although they respect each other Emboar is still a tease and a bit of a bully to Gong sometimes the others. Despite being Gongs Pokemon, Emboar enjoys playing around with Sora.
You can probably catch the two of them roasting marshmallows and eating s’mores together as if they’ve known each other all their lives. The Duo is understandably known as “Gongs Headache” …at least Hariyama is there to help out. They could need all the help they can get though-
Throh and Sawk are Pokemon that are mandatory to have if you were to be a trainer in Gongs Family Gym. Not much could be said about Throh, in terms of personality he’s similar to Hariyama- to an extent. In fact Throh has a slight “anger management problem” he’s quick to anger and is easy to piss off. Say hello to Emboars favorite victim everybody, if you ever see a giant fire pig flying through the air Being chased by the students of Yusho, you’ll know who was in a bad mood that day. Oh wait— there goes Sora…
The only people Throh tolerates is Gong, his Dad, and…Yuzu? Apparently? Likes giving her head pats and teaching her Judo moves.
Meditite is his most recent Pokemon and was the only pokemon who had nothing to do with Gongs Gym. Meditite was a wild Pokemon that watched Gong Duel, He was impressed by Gong thinking he was the coolest! Would follow him around quietly and just watch him. I feel like Gong would find Meditite observing his cards one day that’s how he’d find out about the small meditation Pokemon.
Since then Meditite will always be Meditating on Gongs shoulder during Duels and his dueltaining performances. You’ll always see Meditite on Gongs shoulder, Gong’ll sometimes meditate with Meditite when The days been extra hectic, Maybe Hariyama will join in too! Not Emboar though…Throh tossed him into the ceiling…
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Aoi/Skye Zaizen-
As soon as I had the idea to make this AU, these Pokemon for Aoi/Skye came to me like a prophetic vision. When I think of my sweet lonely girl Aoi as a Pokemon trainer I don’t think of the Competitive trainers or the Trainers who wish to perform despite being a Celebrity duelist herself.
I’m talking about those cozy trainers that show Pokemon of what they also are, Companions. Trainers who will relax all cozy and comfy at home with their Pokemon cuddling close to them, Cooking and baking and enjoying tasty treats and foods with them, playing with pokemon, just simple wholesome companionship and comfort within one another
When I played both Sword and Shield I always had my entire party on Max Friendship with me so during battles when they do something like: “Sora the inteleon Toughed it up so you wouldn’t feel sad!” Or “Palm Palm the venasaur remebers the first time it met you” AND ID BALL MY EYES OUT EVERYTIME, That’s Aoi to me as a Pokemon Trainer.
She wants companions, friends who are their to let her know she’s not alone, so her Pokemon would be EVERYTHING to her. She’d probably prefer to leave them in her home out of their Pokeballs so they can be free to play but also remain in a safe location without harm.
Her Mimikyu has been with her the longest. I was mainly inspired by the doll I’d see Little Aoi carry around during her childhood flashbacks with her and Akira. How I see it happening, a little Mimikyu alone and by itself with no friends to call it’s own stumbles upon a little girl with no parents and the only person she has is her brother with no friends to call her own either. An unexpected yet perfect companionship
Akira is constantly trying to shoo the Mimikyu away knowing what’ll happen to his sister if she accidentally looks underneath the cloth of the Ghost type Pokemon, his sister is the only thing keeping him going he’s not gonna let a ghost type come near his sister and he definitely not gonna let this ghost type taker her away from him! (Spectre and Ghost gal: 👀..)
But the little Mimikyu will not listen, Aoi wants to be friends with Mimikyu and Mimikyu wants to be friends with her too! Older brothers rules be Damned! (Platonic Romeo and Juliet FR FR) Mimikyu will constantly follow the Zaizens around in the shadows, probably making funny shapes in the shadow for Aoi to laugh at. Technically, because of Akira, Mimikyu won’t be Aois officially until AFTER season 1 when he finally gets her a Pokeball for Mimikyu and he doesn’t need to hide from Akira anymore
Did Mimikyu hug Akira so dangerously tight that day? Yes, yes he did. Did Akira break a rib? Hehe… atleast the Zaizens are rich right?…
I also like to make note Mimikyu is known as the “Disguise” Pokemon who disguises himself as a Pokemon thats loved by all and Aoi disguises herself through an avatar of a character that’s loved by all.
Case closed, Next question
Ah, the Ralts, Adorable, sweet, precious little Ralts. I just had to give Aoi a ralts or I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t. The rest of some of these pokemon are gonna be gifts from Akira and little Ralts is the SHYEST Little guy you will ever meet.
Poor thing is always hiding behind someone he trusts. If he wasn’t hiding behind Aoi he’s hiding behind Akira. Don’t tease him, even if it’s the affectionate kind, he’ll cry. When Emma met Ralts she kept saying things like “Who is this little cutie?” And just trying to get him to like her. Ralts cried and climbed up Akiras legs so fast and clinged to him like his life depended on it
Emma’s feelings were hurt immensely that day.
Speaking of clingy, Ralts needs to be holding at least one hand of the other pokemon Aoi or Akira has. OR- he needs to cling and be carried by either Zaizen. There is no debate on this. It’s is a mandatory universal law.
One of the Pokemon Ralts is always clinging to is Aois Cleffa and Marill! The two are bubbly, fun and always filled with energy! Aoi doesnt need an alarm clock cause Cleffa is always up and early running to wake her up and jump on her belly! Hurry up Aoi get up so she can play! Marill is a sweetheart who’ll help Aoi get ready for the day, She needs her tooth brush? Marills got it! Can’t find a missing sock? Marills found it! Gonna play video games? Marills bringing the snacks!
The two of them are very much the equivalent of a hyper active toddler if I’m going to be honest, they love to play and they can’t sit still at all! Something I could see commonly happen is Aoi sitting on the floor bouncing a ball around with Cleffa and Marill going to catch the ball and bring it back to her to toss again while Ralts and Mimikyu sits in her lap, happy to just watch.
Another Pokemon who’s gonna be sitting with miss Aoi? Why her Sobble of course! Sobble is a Pokemon Aoi found herself and took in, though it did take a while for her too do so. How I see it happening is she finds the Sobble hiding on her schools campus during a rainy day. The small Sobble is scared of her at first, cause well.. it’s a Sobble it’s gonna be scared ^^”.. but over time I can see Aoi bringing treats and snacks for the little Sobble and in a couple of weeks the little Sobble begins to look forward to Aoi visiting.
I feel like Sobble gets his own Pokeball and becomes an official member of Aois “Team” on the same day Akira gets her a pokeball to keep Mimikyu. If you thought Ralts was clingy, Sobble is worse he only clings to Aoi and will sit on her head or shoulder when ever he can. Needs to sleep in the same bed as her, and to be fair all of her small Pokemon sneak in the same bed as her to sleep together so it’s not just him. They all have their own brand of clingy, it’s adorable!
Now you might be wondering, “Hey, Lav what’s up with the Primarina?” Well wonder no more! As I will now explain Aois Primarina!……..She doesn’t belong to Aoi! Tadaaaa! 🎉
Ok but real talk though, the Primarina is a friend of Aoi and Miyu. When Aoi met Miyu she also met the small Popplio that would follow Miyu everywhere, Miyus mother doesn’t like Pokemon so she wasn’t allowed too keep Popplio but would play with her in secret when she would play with Aoi as well. Mimikyu would join the girls and the four of them would play together. During the ring incident and When Miyu is taken by the Hanoi for the Lost incident Popplio had searched for Aoi hoping at least she was ok and stuck by her side in worry over Aoi after losing Miyu.
Akira offered to get a Pokeball for Popplio but Aoi refused, she wanted to care for her yes- But she firmly believes she’s meant to be Miyus Pokemon and stuck to taking care of her even when she evolved into a strong and healthy Primarina a part of them both believed that they’ll find Miyu again and she can be her Pokemon Properly, until then Aoi will care for her.
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Gee I wonder what type of Pokémon he’d have??? Hmmmm… Maybe water type Pokemon? For his avatars blue hair, yeah 😌
ANYWAYS- I just liked to make note 4 out of 7 of these Pokemon aren’t his, can you guess which of the four it is before reading the rest of this part?
Now then, he’s another boy whose family owns a Gym in this AU, his grandfather is the owner of a Fire type Gym (to no one’s surprise) from where he lives the gym is very old but still very popular by the locals. After the lost incident and having to live with his grandparents he becomes a favorite amongst all the people in the gym, Pokémon included
The Pokemon in the Gym want to be around him 24/7, sometimes 4 of his grandfathers Pokemon would sneak off and follow Takeru wherever he goes, doesn’t Matter where he is or how far away he is they’ll follow him.
His first Pokemon that’s actually his is his Arcanine, his dad got him a Growlithe as a birthday present when he was little and these two were attached to eachother by the hip.
You’ll always see the two racing and playing with eachother!they’re always gonna be outside, if the suns out they’re out! If the sky’s awake they’re awake so their gonna play! They only time they have ever been separated was during the lost incident, and it was agony for both of them.
During the months Takeru parents were out looking for him Growlithe would be searching with them along with his Parents Pokemon, they tried to get Growlithe to stay with his grandparents since he was just a puppy but he just couldn’t
He has to find Takeru, Takeru needs him so he’s not gonna stop searching until Takeru is safe with his family again. When Takerus Parents pass away during their search Growlithe is just in utter mourning.
Growlithe was in an absolutely pitiful state, even when Takerus grandparents and the Pokemon of Takerus Parents tried to tell Growlithe that they weren’t gonna find him he didn’t listen.
During his Mournful search I can see Growlithe evolving into Arcanine, his Desperation turned aggression.
After the lost incident, Arcanine is terrifyingly protective over Takeru and his family, constantly growling and snarling at anyone and everyone who he isn’t familiar with If they got to close to Takeru. Has bitten so many people who tried to go near him you have no idea.
Flat out REFUSES to be in his pokeball at all he left Takerus side for one day and almost lost him for good. He’s not making that mistake again thank you. Will be following him in link vrains everywhere it doesn’t matter what he’s doing.
Now the Pokemon Takerus Parents Had was the Ponyta and the Pyroar, the Ponyta was his Mothers and the Pyroar was his Father. They are very caring to Takeru and will listen to anything he may ask of them no matter what it may be.
Ponyta was always trying to play with Takeru in hopes to cheer him up, she misses his mother too but she doesn’t want her trainers son to be hurt the way that he is. She may not have been with his mother long but she cared deeply for her so she will care for her son in her place.
His Fathers Pyroar is quiet and a bit melancholic after the incident, he follows him around quietly wherever he goes in quiet unease. Pyroar had great respect for his father as he’s been with him since he was a small Litleo so Takeru feels like his son as well.
Sleeps by him or in the same bed as Takeru if he gets any bad Nightmares. Slightly overprotective when it comes to his health but it comes from an understandable and caring mindset.
The Houndour, Flareon, Cyndaquil, and Chikorita are Pokemon that are new memebers of his grandfathers Gym. They’re competitive with his attention and get in trouble all the time whenever they sneak off to follow him. It’s like watching a group of little brothers trying to impress their older brother.
If he’s out on a run these four are running after him, if he’s in a fight they want to join in and fight with him, if they can’t then they cheer loud and proud for him! During season Two when Takeru leaves to go help playmaker the four of them devised a plan to follow Takeru behind Kikus back! Road-trip! When they finally find Takeru again they practically Ambush Kolters Hot dog truck. Not a single hot diggitty-Dog was spared from the flames that day 😞
RIP The Hot dog truck, Went down in stunning flames 😞😭
Also someone save Ai and flame they are being treated as chew toys—
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Go Onizuka-
Say hello to Go Onizuka celebrity Duelist and fighting type gym leader! Yup we got another Gym bro babygirls- this time it’s a Gym Leader! A little thing about the gore in this AU is that the team you see right here? Yeah it’s not a permanent team for Mr. Gore here y’all!
Of course they won’t be gone-gone The Gore love his pokemon all the same! They’ll just be in his gym helping the beginner trainers! You already know most of these trainers ar orphans he took in
This is his Season one team. His team is gonna change throughout the Seasons Except one, one Pokemon is staying by Gores side the entirety of it all! Can you guess who it is? Here’s a hint: The little guy is staring right at you along with Gore!
Figured it out?
That’s Right it’s his Kubfu!
Kubfu holds high respect for Gore and works hard to become an even Stronger Pokemon for him! Kubfu is always training and trying to perfect his martial prowess, though the little guy is pretty Naive and easy too fool..a Popular favorite with the kids Gore visits and looks after, even though Kubfu is scared of them 😅
You’ll see him be chased around in circles by the kids who want to play with him pretty often. Gore has a photo of Kubfu in messy glittery pink makeup and a frilly pink tutu being made to play princess tea party by the girls and he adores it. Kubfu is constantly trying to snatch his phone to delete it..Maybe someday little guy haha XD.
Machamp and Pangoro love teasing Kubfu, these two are like insufferable older brothers who like to pick on the younger ones but are absolute idiots.
Pangoro is pretty lazy whilst Machamps a bit of a showboat, but one thing they have in common is their idiocy and their constant need to get into petty fights with each other, They both get the hots for a pretty girl Pokemon? Fight. They both want the last poke puff? Fight. They want to show off to the fans to show them their cooler then the other? Fight.
The Only moments they agreed not to fight eachother In is during Battles with other Pokemon and when playing with the kids. Surprisingly they work extremely well together during team matches and follow Gores orders respectfully and easily.
Machamp and Pangoro have been with Gore the longest since the three of them were little. So following Gores orders is no problem for them. They Respect him greatly and treat each-other as if they were brothers despite being three separate species. Mess with one of them you mess with all of them type of dynamic! Their not gonna hesitate beating someone up for the other. No way sir!
A Pokemon that doesn’t listen to Gores orders? Mankey, he just wants to fight and doesn’t care who he has to fight and how he fights, strategy’s be damned. Mankey will throw attacks left and right so he’s pretty much the last Pokemon he let’s out during battles, luckily most battles end without him having too let him out. Although, to Gores surprise and gratefulness, Mankey is very quiet and calm around kids.
He doesn’t move or react much when they pick him up and play with him, in fact he seems to enjoy when the kids do. If the kids ask him to do something he’s gonna do it, doesn’t matter what it is. Though Gore and the others Wish he did cause now their are holes in the walls Mankey wtf—
Because of this Mankey is a popular favorite with the kids who like playing sports! They’ll argue and fight who gets to keep Mankey in their team to the point Gore has to make the teams for them.
Even though Gore loves his Pokemon and he loves the kids at the orphanage he just can’t let two of his Pokemon visit the kids. Grapploct himself doesn’t want much to do with those kids, he thinks they are loud and annoying and hates it when they grab at his suckers. Especially does not like the smaller ones and the grubby little cheese puff covered finger, get away from him kid.
Now, Hawlucha doesn’t hate the kids like Grapploct he just prefers the quiet when he’s not in battle and children are not quiet whatsoever.
He doesn’t think they’re annoying but he doesn’t have the Patience to deal with children. he doesn’t mind watching his trainer and companions play with the Pokemon, infact he enjoys watching them play together!
But he swear If one of these kids get candies in his feathers
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Once again 4 out of 6 of these Pokemon aren’t even his, they just like him. Bro passed the vibe check they were captivated by his autistic swa— you get the idea…
From my view point if Pokemon existed in the Yugioh world, Yusaku would love to be a trainer..i don’t mean the Yusaku in main storyline though, I’m talking about Pre-Lost incident/Hanoi project test subject Yusaku..
Yeah that sweet little kid with the cutest smile? Yeah…now you’re crying with me again
Overthink about this with me for a second, as of now when I make this post there is about 1,000 Pokemon. There should be dozens of Pokemon that would have found the lost incident kids instantly if you think about it, whether they were wild Pokemon or Pokemon that work with the police even a Pokemon that’s kept as a spoiled house pet would figure it out
If you were to ask me to list Pokemon off the top of my head that would find the lost incident kids in like a week or less I could probably give you like a handful of Pokemon that could with out having to do much research.
I could also list Pokemon off the top of my head that could prevent others from finding out.
So not only would little Yusaku lose his love for dueling but I feel like he’d develop a fear of Pokemon as well since they assisted the people who were harming him and it took them so long to find him. Aren’t Pokémon strong and capable of incredible things? Why did it take them so long to find him? Why did they help hurt him?
Now like the previous kids I mentioned I decided to give Yusaku Pokemon thats been with him before the lost incident so h wouldn’t be as afraid of them as other Pokemon after the incident.
His Lucario has been with Yusaku since he was a Riolu. They had a very wholesome brother like bond with one another, though Riolu was a bit of a bully.
He’d snatch things from Yusaku and have him chase him around to get it back, Yusaku never could catch him but Riolu would still give whatever he took back! Yes, he likes to tease him but he’s still gonna be nice to him!
Before the Lost incident Yusaku had problems keeping Riolu out of trouble since he was always causing fights with others. When Yusaku was taken away during the lost incident they had taken Riolu as well and held it hostage while Yusaku was kept in his separate room.
The only thing Riolu had in the dark room was the “Nutritional” food he was provided and Yusakus Aura, Riolu held its focus on Yusakus Aura like it was his lifeline. His heart was practically breaking when he felt the change in the boys Aura who he loved so much.
When it finally ended, Riolu had evolved into Lucario afterwards when it’s health improved. He was determined to act as Yusakus bodyguard and never continued his teasing.
He focuses on Yusakus Aura 24/7 if he ever felt it weaken slightly? He’s panicking and attacking anyone and everyone who keeps him from getting to Yusaku or whoever is getting too close to Yusaku.
Another Pokemon Thats been with him Pre-incident is Ceruledge, a wild ceruledge that had a soft spot for the kid and didn’t mind following around. He met Yusaku when he came across Riolu looking for a fight with him.
During the Lost Incident Ceruledge was very confused, where has the small child who would visit him gone to? Had he left with out telling him goodbye? After the incident and when he finds him again and learns of what happend to Yusaku Joins in Lucario on acting as a body guard for Yusaku.
Ceruledge is not showing any mercy to the knights of Hanoi Thats for sure.
Now remeber how I mentioned how the Knights of Hanoi Use Genesects? Like in Team Plasma? Well before meeting Kolter and when Yusaku was on his Revenge spree he had attacked a group of Hanoi Memebers outside of Vrains with Lucario and Ceruledge.
One of the Genesects the Hanoi memebers used hated their guts and thought Yusaku was interesting so this Genesect will be seen through out Pre-season 1 and season 1 just following him around
Yusaku: I told you to get lost already….
Genesect: 👁️👁️
The other three Pokemon were after he meets Kolter and Ai.
A Porygon had found the duo and took an interest in their codes. The porygon has decided to hide in their Database and played with their line of code, evolving it into Porygon2
Thinking they were attacked by the Hanoi Yusaku had did some digging and found the virtual Pokémon in his computer and it hasn’t left them alone since.
The next Pokemon who wasn’t gonna leave Yusaku Alone was Munchlax. The Hotdogs have Allured him and now will never leave the duo alone, Munchlax has been spotted following Yusaku to school hoping to steal his lunches. Shima has had the other students believe that the Munchlax is Yusakus, much to his displeasure.
The third one is Hatenna who finds his quiet disposition calming, Kolter and Ai tease him saying that the small little Hattena has a crush on him cause she’ll attack anyone but him. (She does XD)
Munchlax constantly wants to play with Hatenna, Hattena hates him. You will always see the two chasing each other around the hot dog truck with Munchlax thinking they’re playing and Hattena trying to kill him.
After Season one when Ai leaves and he gets his closure, He’s decides to buy three Pokeballs..wonder who it might be for?~
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Feel free to send asks about this crossover AU and if you wish to write Fics or make Fanarts based on this or want to come up with your own please tag me in them I’d love to see it!
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embellishedbookworm · 23 days
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and that's another pokemon game beaten. beaten without even interacting with the mechanics they added. did i go with a fairy type? well, at first, but it turns out my team really needed an electric type instead. and mega evolutions? the game gives you a lucario, but i was already raising a gallade, which, is basically built for killing team flare pokemon. the thing was super effective on all of them except the one admin who had a manectric for some reason.
does gallade mega evolve? yes!
just not in x and y. got to go to hoenn for that. :)
they could not be bothered to add the mega in a patch. like i know the internet is slow on the 3ds, but come on, oras is part of gen 6. it's shitty to make a pokemon a mega in only half the generation. ESPECIALLY when you can trade between them directly.
huh. tyranitar got a mega. guess i should have looked that up. oh well.
ngl i think this is the first time i was disappointed after beating a pokemon game. :\
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jhynka · 2 years
- aib boys as pokemon trainers
characters: chishiya, niragi, and arisu
genre: headcannons, fluff
synopsis: how the aib boys would be as trainers
cw: mentions of death, unedited
an: My brother's been watching pokemon masters again and I've been replaying shield and let's go so why not make a crossover? anyway, depending on how this goes and if people like this concept, i will be making one for the girls! happy reading!
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Psychic and Ice type trainer
His starter pokemon is obviously a Froakie, now an over powered Greninja
His team consists of Greninja, Espeon, Vanillux, Frillish (who he sometimes switches out with Solosis), a Galarian Meowth, and a mighty Kadabra.
He completed two of his Pokedexes in his first 3 years of being a trainer.
Treats his pokemon team like a sports team. he’s the coach and he trains his pokemon to be the best.
One day, he last the Pokeball containing Espeon when it was still an Eevee, he retraced his steps so far that he ended up getting lost in a forest. When he found the Pokeball, Team Rocket was already there, trying to take his Eevee. He fought them so hard that even though he got a few injuries, nevertheless he won. Letting his Eevee out, he celebrated internally, and little did he know, the Eevee was two seconds away from evolving.
Even though Greninja was his starter, his little Espeon will always be his favorite.
Fire type trainer (oops)
The team he built contains Torracat, Charizard (evolves into the Y form to be specific), Cinderace, Blaziken, Litleo, and Houndoom
Keeping things simple, he only catches fire type pokemon with a dash of fighting types.
He has huge respect for his pokemon, they're the ones fighting, not him. When they are all out of their Pokeballs, he treats them like his best friends and always takes care of them.
When in battle, he makes sure to always burn his opponent on the first move.
HATES grass-type trainers and grass-type pokemon in general. He thinks of them as useless since they're weak against most types.
His amazing pokemon story as a trainer would be when he first got his Litten in high school. The Litten he received HATED him at first. Every time he would try and train it, it would always end up with him having cat scratches all over him. It was only until his bullies at school approached him with their pokemon and tried t attack him. The Pokeball in his pocket opened by itself revealing the Litten, and Fire Fang’ed those kids back to their mommies.
from then on. he realized the problem was the Pokeball, and that he can't just be too bossy over the Litten, since it had a mind of its own as well. Every night after that, he would sleep next to the Litten like his very own companion throughout his journey.
Fighting and Electric type trainer
his team has Gallade, Lucario, Luxio, Pancham, Togedemaru, and Marshadow
As the dedicated trainer he is, he’s completed 4 of his Pokedexes in just a year of training. It was mostly because he loved to collect regular pokemon and always trained them to get their evolutions instead of catching an already evolved pokemon.
Treats his pokemon like his pets, always handing out treats, playing and buying them new toys, and eating with them.
He always battles with a balance of fun and strategy. He loves to knock out the opponent on the first move, and when they switch out their pokemon, he paralyzes them.
Never uses a normal Pokeball due to his laziness, even though he’s broke, he will never buy a Pokeball. Rest assured that he’s stocked up on Great and Luxury balls.
Talking about being stocked up, he has EVERYTHING. when I say everything I mean it. He often goes away from the city for a long time to collect new pokemon. Potions, poke dolls, repellents, you name it he has it.
His Bulbasaur that he received as he started died due to some failure in its organs. That death was something instead of being grieved too much, took it as a lesson in life on how every living thing could die at any moment. He used this lesson to always spend time with the people he loves and makes sure that all his pokemon know how much he loves each and one of them, no matter how many times they fail in battle, his pokemon will always be his best friends no matter what.
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Sometimes I think about catching a bunch of new pokemon but I know that I'm already close to the limit of pokemon I can reasonably raise while still working a full time job. Here's some of the pokemon I would catch if I could.
I'd love to have an Eevee. I think a lot about how we'd choose what it would evolve into. It would be so fun and cuddly. Unless it evolved into a Vaporeon. Then it'd be so fun and scaly.
Something about Gardevoir and Gallade just tickle a spot in the back of my lizard brain. Their aesthetics are wonderful and I want both of them to hug me. (No, I do not have space for two additional almost-human-sized pokemon in my house.)
Slaking would be cool to own. It would be horrifically dangerous and take years to do properly, but I could do it. I could probably do it better than most people who catch Slakoth in the woods completely unprepared. I would also cease to have a living room if I had one.
What if pillow evolved into a Goodra. He'd have to do more than lay around and be squishy all day first, which seems unlikely. He'd be so big and huggable but I don't know how I'd nap on him anymore if he was that big. Also the pseudo-legendary strength and attacks. I don't need hyper beams and Draco Meteors anywhere near my house.
What if ROBERT evolved into METAGROSS??? He already made that request for other Beldum in the area to fuse with earlier. Oh god I already have TWO potential pseudo-legendaries in the house. WHY DO I HAVE TWO POTENTIAL PSEUDO-LEGENDARIES IN MY HOUSE??? oh right they're cute
Ribombee is so cute. I want one. They're so little. I could actually take care of one. Where the hell would I get a Ribombee from.
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wishing-stones · 9 months
So, I've been replaying Pokémon games(FireRed and Emerald, specifically) and thought I could try and make up a team that resembles the R&R boys.
I came up with this:
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(If Ren was a Pokémon, in my opinion, they would be an Aegislash)
I like these selections! I can see why you picked them all. I especially love the use of megas here, and Alolan Marrowak for Dust. Choice! Nightmare as a Tentacruel made me giggle and I adore the idea of Gallant Mega Gallade as Axe.
You inspired me to do my own take!
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Nightmare is naturally Darkrai, because, let's face it, it's a perfect match. Darkrai's realm is of dreams, and it can inflict terrible nightmares onto others. It doesn't always do this maliciously, though, and it's generally used to chase people away from its territory. Humans are flighty creatures, though, so they villainize poor Darkrai for what it does. Darkrai's Shinny palate is purplish with teal eyes, too.
Killer fits Bisharp especially well. They generally command larger groups of Pawniard to do their dirty work for them, and will concede control to someone stronger if defeated. Killer is a competent leader, but bows out to Nightmare as the boss. Bisharp's shiny palate is also blue and yellow, which fits! Bisharp can also evolve into Kingambit, but I feel like Killer would purposefully not do that, even if he met the criteria for evolution. (Completely as an aside, shiny Bisharp was the first wild random shiny encounter I found in Scarlet! I think mine's a girl though. I'll have to check.)
Dust I thought would be nice as a Hissuian Typhlosion. Generally calmer than their Johtonian counterparts, they space out a lot and are thought to be watching the flow of life energies and looking for lost souls to eat. Kind of disturbing for such a placid-looking Pokemon, even if that process is said to purify the spirits as well. They're especially dangerous if they lose their temper, though, and their ghostly flames will burn everything and everyone around them until there is nothing left. Definitely sounds like someone we know.
Axe was tough to settle on, but I decided Kleavor would fit him well. They're generally rough, strong, brutish Pokemon... but at the same time, there's one that inhabits the forests of the Obsidian Fieldlands, and its caretaker is a small boy. Presumably, with socialization, these often violent Pokemon can be fairly tame and helpful to allies. The entire Scyther line gets a lot of bad rap for their appearance, and Kleavor is no exception... But, if you take the time to get to know them, they're loyal and steadfast.
Cross was perfect for Mega Absol, absolutely brilliantly done. Absol by itself is said to predict disasters, and its appearance is perceived as a bad omen. Mega Absol's very aura is so intimidating, it might kill the fainthearted from shock, and according to its Ultra Sun Pokedex entry, it hates this form because it doesn't like fighting in the first place. Cross isn't a huge fan of fighting generally, only if it's unavoidable, and he's good at it anyway, despite not enjoying it most of the time. He also absolutely sees himself as a bad omen, and tends to keep to himself.
Baggs was similarly a brilliant choice for Malamar. Not only are its hypnotic powers said to be the strongest of all Pokemon who possess them (yes, even the Pokemon deliberately named for it), but it has reportedly influenced historical events with them, and people don't often recall time spent under its control. This has been utilized by people, but for such a self-aware Pokemon (who often uses these abilities on its own for its own gain), it's up in the air whether or not it was the trainer's idea, or the Malamar's. Also, its pre-evolution is downright adorable. For something so calculating to come out of such a cute Pokemon is oddly fitting.
I also agree with Ren as Aegislash, or even Zacian, who requires its sword to achieve its true form and potential.
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Hunter x Hunter + Pokemon, let's go!
Like I mentioned earlier, this is the brainchild of my friend, @doodle-storm, who has completed only the Hunter Exam and Zoldyck Family arcs but knows a lot about Pokemon, with me, who knows all of HxH but barely anything of Pokemon, giving occasional suggestions. Enjoy!
We decided to do three Pokemon for the main five and only one for each of the more minor characters. I'll break it up into parts. My friend's thoughts are in green, and mine in purple.
Togepi - "Because he's a cute egg boy! And he's filled with joy and happiness and they share it with kind people." "Aww. The spikes look like his hair too!" "Oh yeah! Also they tend to start to act like their trainers, so I can see them kind of jumping into things together."
Ursaluna - I told her a bit about Kon, who was sadly not in the beginning as he was in the manga. "He's a foxbear." "Ooh. Well, there aren't any foxbears, but there are bears..." "Maybe one that looks intimidating? Just because that's funny, and also Kon wasn't supposed to be... befriendable." "Right. Then there's Ursaring, but there's also this one, which looks more intimidating."
Wooper - "I feel like he needs a water type, you know, because of his fishing pole?" She was debating on Wooper and a few others for a bit. "...it looks holdable." "...you're right, it does. Okay, that's cute."
Absol - "He needs dark types, I think..." She catches me looking at Absol. "Oh, right, Absol's your favourite, isn't it?" "Yeah." "I think that works. Absol shows up when there's a disaster, but it's to warn people. It's kind of misunderstood."
Sneasel - It was Lucario for a time, but she switched it at the end. "It's got the claws... also it can ride on his skateboard with him."
Alolan Raichu - "It is very important that his pokemon be able to ride on his skateboard with him. ...or!!! It could surf right next to him!"
Gallade - "Oh, that looks right." "Right? It even has the red eyes, and it's a fighting type."
Cubone - "Hey, wasn't there a pokemon that... lost its family or something?" "...Cubone???" "That's it." "...yeah it wears its mother's skull." "...sorry."
Corviknight - "It also has red eyes." "He seems like he'd have a bird too." "Yeah. Also, you could give the Phantom Troupe a Tinkaton." "..." "...they attack Corviknights with rocks and hammers." "...why?" "Just for fun, I think." "...you're kind of evil for this."
Audino - "There aren't that many medic pokemon and they're all kind of too adorable I think?" "Oh but that would be kind of funny if he hid it behind his back or something." "That's true!"
Gimmighoul - "He needs his money. It's a little ghost!" "...oh. That's kind of sad actually." "?" "He only started really wanting money after he couldn't save his friend so... having the money pokemon be a ghost type is kind of..." We both became sad.
Stoutland - "It warms up to people really quickly and is loyal. And it has a moustache to improve its social standing!" "Hey, Leorio's always wearing a suit probably for similar reasons." (Also I insisted after seeing it was called the Big-Hearted pokemon, though I couldn't elaborate on why to my friend.)
Hypno - "It led a child into the woods. Canonically. A small child." "Ah." "Like there is no doubt that was a child." "...checks out."
Meowscarada - "I want to give him the evolved weed cat. Something about its smug face." "...'looks like this man's arms have turned into flower petals'..." "Also, since it's a grass type, it'd be strong against Gon's team." "You want our boy to be weak to Hisoka???" "Well, at first! Then it's more satisfying when he beats him!"
Gengar - "Look at that face. That grin." She said nothing more. It had already been decided.
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monsoon-of-art · 2 years
Donut Hole
Chapter 10 - Sad Machine
And though I know, since you've awakened her again She depends on you, she depends on you She'll go alone, and never speak of this again We depend on you, we depend... I'll depend on you
[Amazingly. I have to say this; but minor Scarlet and Violet spoilers in the form of a Gen 9 Pokemon (kinda). Also minor violence!]
[ao3 link here!]
Barry woke up and immediately knew something was wrong.
All of his pokemon were awake and in the little nook, including Fern, who had been sleeping outside last he checked. All of them were awake, and completely, perfectly still. Scared stiff, as it were, their eyes wide and anxious.
Second, the air was…different. Tense, thick with static electricity. It felt as if a foggy thunderstorm had rolled in while he slept.
He tried stretching in the confined space with a murkrow on his chest, a piplup on his shoulder, and a burmy and kirlia filling up any of the remaining gaps. “Guys, c’mon. A little elbow room? Please?”
Moving Mystery off of his chest, Barry started for the exit to see what was going on outside, but Fern sat right in his way. The kirlia shook its head, tapping its paws together in a clear act of anxiety.
“C’mon Fern, let me out! I wanna see out there!” He tried to peer around the pokemon, seeing that it looked very dark outside, with flickerings of multicolored light. Was it still nighttime? Barry did feel tired, but he was always tired.
Fern shook its head.
“Pleeease? I just wanna take a look! I’ll be careful!”
Still tapping its paws together, Fern considered this. Then it carefully moved out of the way for him to move past.
Stepping out of the hollow, Barry felt the electricity crackling around his hair and skin, sparking at his feet. Looking up, it appeared as if a giant dome had settled over them; the sky was dark and swirling with energy, but with clear boundaries.
The poketch on his wrist buzzed. Looking at it, all of the lightning surrounding them had given it a bit of power, but it was still clearly busted beyond repair. It garbed nothing but static, refused to switch apps, and the screen was nothing but colored lines.
“Well, there goes that idea. Let’s take a look around-”
All of his pokemon swarmed him, desperately trying to tug and pull him back to the safety of the hollow. “Guys! Guys! C’mon! I know it looks scary out here, but it seems fine!”
They’ve probably never seen something like this before, Bary reasoned. (Neither had he, but he was ignoring that part).
“Maybe there’s cool stuff here! Let’s go look!”
He began to explore inside the dark sphere, his pokemon hesitantly following behind him. “See? Nothing bad is happening! It must be a weird weather fenom…feninime …fonomone-”
Barry could’ve gone on his tangent of mispronouncing ‘phenomenon’ for quite a bit longer, but an object falling from the sky interrupted his thoughts.
It was a blue stone, roughly larger than his palm. It glittered, even in the low light. No matter how Barry turned it in his hands, he could see a star-shaped pattern inside.
“It’s…” he hesitated with the name for reasons unbeknownst to him, “It’s a Dawn Stone.”
It was an evolutionary stone, but a very rare one. He took a moment to try and remember what pokemon evolved from it. All around him, more objects fell from the sky - nuggets of gold and pearls, more stones, a pokedoll, a magmarizer, and a lot of shards.
Barry was lost in his thoughts to notice. Behind him, his pokemon scrambled to dodge the falling objects.
Finally, something pinged in his mind.
Spinning around, he slapped the dawn stone into Fern’s paws. “Alright! Evolve into a Gallade, please!”
Fern squeaked in surprise, looking at the blue stone in its paws. Baffled, it looked back up at him with wide eyes - wanting to make the boy happy but not knowing how.
It tapped the stone several times, clearly unsure of what to do.
Barry frowned, scratching at his head. “...maybe I’m doing something wrong here.”
He stood, kicking a blue shard with his foot. “Yeesh, this place is a dump! Where did all this stuff come from? Oh, oh, is that gold?? OK, let's grab some of this and then we can go!"
Eagerly beginning to pick up some of the more valuable items, Barry didn't notice the electricity in the air growing stronger, top of the dome crackling with energy.
The sky split open with a horrendous screech. White lightning screamed above them.
All four of his pokemon forced Barry into a patch of tall grass to hide. “W-What’s going on?!” He tried to whisper, before being shushed.
A dusknoir silently floated above them, several dusclops following behind. Barry felt the air grow colder as the ghosts passed by.
Was this a type of Mass Outbreak? A swarm? Barry wished he had listened to Lucas better about them, he had no clue what to do in this situation. Hiding seemed to be the best bet, though, so Barry and his pokemon hunkered down.
Maybe they could wait this out.
Or maybe, instead, a nearby magmar could push aside the tall grass with its large tail purely on accident, revealing the boy’s hiding space.
Magmar stared at him. Barry stared back.
Instinctively, he went to grab one of his pokemon. He was hoping for Jen, but instead he grabbed Pest. Holding the bug out like a can of pepper spray, he shouted, “PEST, KILL!”
Pest let out a ferocious war cry, then spit silk all over the magmar’s face.
The magmar was clearly not impressed, glowering at the boy and his pokemon. Barry tucked Pest safely back into his coat. “Alright let’s try that again - Jen! Bubble Beam! Let’s get going!”
Jen was more than eager to get fighting, sending a stream of bubbles at the opposing fire-type. “Yeah! That’s the ticket!”
The magmar recoiled from the attack, but quickly recovered. Typing was important, but this magmar was clearly stronger. It took a deep breath-
“DODGE! DODGE!” He shouted, scooping up Fern and Mystery and ducking out of the way. Jen darted just before the magmar released its flamethrower attack.
“Another bubble beam, while it’s recovering from Flamethrower!”
Jen complied, aiming for the magmar’s sides and back. The magmar hissed and spit, trying to shield itself from the torrent of bubbles.
“You got ‘em on the ropes! Hit them with everything you got!”
With a shrill squawk, Jen sent out a water pulse. It hit the magmar square on, the large fire-bird falling to the ground with a rumbling CRASH.
Defeated. Winner, Jen!
“Yeah! YEAH! That was amazing!” Barry praised, reaching over to give Jen a pat on the head.
Before he could give Jen the praise it deserved, it began to glow. 
Barry gave the penguin a wide berth for evolution, watching in complete joy as his little piplup grew. Its form shifted, stretching, growing taller. Flippers growing stronger, more sturdy for physical attacks. Starting to form a respectable crest.
His poketech buzzed to life. Kinda. It began garbling a pokedex entry;
Pri-plup: The P---uin Poke-on. Abili--: Torr-nt. With a --ight of 2 feet and a w--ght of 5-.7bs, the-e are 7 -ales for e---y female. It li-s alone, a-ay from --hers. A-par--tly, ever- one of t-em believ-s it is the m--t import---. Its -ings de---er wi-ked b-ows that sn-p even the t-ic--st -- trees. It se--ches for pr-y in ic- seas.
He gave Jen a hug, ignoring the embarrassed peeps. (Prinplups were horribly self-entitled, but he hoped that enough socializing could nip that behavior in the bud.)
“I knew you could do it, buddy! Look at you!”
Setting Jen down, he turned to the magmar and began rummaging in his bag for a pokeball. “And now let’s get you, new buddy-”
The magmar vanished in a blink of an eye, swallowed up by purple lightning.
“...oh.” Barry put the pokeball back in his bag. “OK. That’s kinda rude. Didn’t have to leave like that-”
In its place appeared a massive Rampardos, sporting the glowing red eyes that Barry was beginning to loathe.
Immediately, Barry wondered how this thing was alive. Rampardos could only be resurrected from fossils, they were supposed to be extinct. And yet, here it was, slowly turning its head to stare down at them.
“We can handle this! Jen! Let’s get another-”
The rampardos didn’t let him finish. Swinging its tail like a club, slamming into both boy and bird. It knocked the wind right out of Barry’s lungs, sending him sprawling onto the unforgiving ground, and poor Jen flew right into one of the cliff walls with a horrible CRUNCH.
With a strangled gasp, Barry reached into his bag for Jen’s pokeball, recalling it. The last thing he wanted for his newly evolved Pokemon to take any more damage.
Pokemon were always a bit fragile after just evolving. Their new bodies weren’t quite ready for physical damage yet, like a dratini after a fresh molt. He should’ve recalled Jen immediately, not try to pick another fight. Stupid, stupid, stupid .
The rampardos bellowed, rattling deep into Barry’s bones. “Y-You can do whatever you want to me!” he said, painstakingly standing back up. “But you’re not gonna hurt my friends-”
Another slam of the rampardos’ tail sent him skidding back to the dirt. He felt his head hit the ground, and he saw a flash of white and black dots.
That was a concussion, definitely. And damn, it hurt too. It felt like his world was spinning, even though he was fairly certain he had stopped moving.
Fern and Mystery tried to tug him back to his feet as the living fossil stomped closer. “N-No, guuyss-” Barry slurred. “‘M trying to protect youu, get outta here!”
Mystery immediately took Barry’s advice, flying just far enough to be out of range of the rampardos’ attacks. “‘M not running away anymore!” Barry shouted as he stood, glaring right back at the giant dinosaur. “You’re not even TRYING to kill me, you big!...Dumb!...Stupid-face!”
(If he was thinking a bit more clearly, Barry might’ve realized that the rampardos was toying with him more than anything.)
“Go, Fern! Please!” he said, looking into the kirlia’s eyes. “It’s my job as your friend to protect you! Because that’s what friends do. I’m not going to lose any more friends!”
Tears began to well in Fern’s eyes. It reached to hold Barry’s hands.
“It’ll be OK.” said Barry.
The rampardos lowered itself, claws scraping into the dirt as it prepared to charge.
“It’ll be OK.”
The rampardos bellowed as it began sprinting for them. It tore up the packed, rocky ground as it ran for them.
“It’ll be OK. I promise.”
Holding onto Barry’s finger with one paw, and holding the dawn stone in the other, Fern began to glow.
Fern’s body flickered and shuddered, limbs stretching, jumping too far, then snapping back into place. Like a broken gif, looped in unnatural ways. “Fern!? FERN!?”
He didn’t care that the rampardos was still coming for them. He didn’t care about anything else right now - he needed Fern to be OK.
But Fern still held on tight to Barry’s hand. Even as its paws grew and changed, its grip held firm.
Barry could see a head horn forming, along with the long blades on its arms indicative of a Gallade - but he could see the flowing skirt grow longer, into almost the dress of a Gardevoir.
“Fern?! Don’t hurt yourself! Please!”
The rampardos was right on top of them now. Even if he wanted to, Barry couldn’t move. It was roaring now, shaking Barry’s very soul-
Mere inches away from headbutting Barry into a fine red mist, something too fast to see slammed into the rampardos’ thick skull, sending it careening off into a rock pillar. It smashed right through it, falling into a pile of boulders.
Barry slowly turned to Fern.
Fern stood tall, shaking off the lingering energy of evolution. It wasn’t a Gardevoir, sporting a blue head crest and bladed arms. But it wasn’t a Gallade either, sporting a dress and longer ‘hair’. But there were other things that neither evolution had that Fern did - such as its bladed arms being a pinker color, and its belly being black.
Its fist was clenched, and Barry realized it must have been Fern punching the Rampardos in the face moments earlier.
“Fern? Buddy?” he whispered. “Are…are you OK?”
Fern turned to Barry, giving the boy the smallest of smiles. It unclenched its fist, carefully patting him on the head - not unsimilar to what Barry would do when Fern was a ralts.
Then, Fern’s gaze snapped back to the rampardos as it stumbled out of the rubble. It shrieked at the two of them, already preparing another charge.
Fern finally let go of Barry’s hand, striding over to the dinosaur. Barry’s poketch buzzed.
ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR - True -o its honorable-warrior image, it u-es the blades on its elbows protect --s Trainer even at the risk of its own life seeks out those in ne-d and aids Tra-ner it has bonded c-osely with cut down any-ne confront--g it without hesitat-on protect trainer protect trainer protect trainer protect Barry-
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It stood in front of the rampardos, glancing over its shoulder. Waiting.
Barry understood completely.
“ALRIGHT FERN!” he shouted, finally feeling like he was in his element. “LET’S SEND THIS CLOWN BACK TO THE STONE AGE! Let’s go with a close combat! Before it gets a charge in!"
Fern didn’t hesitate a moment.
It sprinted forward, rearing back to uppercut the rampardos before it could get in a double-edge. With how slow it was, rampardos didn’t stand a chance. Fern barraged the opponent with punches, moving far too fast for the rampardos to even try and retaliate.
“Let’s go with confusion now!”
Fern stopped. Luckily, the rampardos was too stunned from the previous attack to do anything. Fern looked back at Barry, clearly confused and a little panicked.
What, did it forget confusion when it evolved? Was it not a psychic-type anymore? “O-OK! Let’s go with a final close combat! Let’s end this!”
With a final blow - an uppercut directly under the rampardos’ head, Fern sent the dinosaur crashing back into the rocks. And while it shuddered and twitched, this time, it didn’t get back up.
Before Barry could properly praise his pokemon, the black dome that had covered them at the beginning began to shake. Lightning cracked and the air seemed to scream in his ears.
And then, just like that, it was gone. His poketech shut back off, the sky was a brilliant blue, the darkness was gone.
The rampardos too, disappeared with the black dome.
“...that was. Really weird.” he muttered, feeling a headache coming on.
Mystery flew back from wherever it had hidden, chirping as if nothing had happened. Barry, a tad annoyed that his murkrow had ditched him, recalled Mystery back to its ball.
He slowly approached Fern. “Buddy…I have no idea what you are.” he said honestly. “BUT YOU LOOK SO COOL!”
A Gallade? Or a Gardevoir? Barry wasn’t sure. Barry also didn’t care. If Fern was safe and fine with it, then he was fine with it too. “Maybe you’re like uh! Regional variant! An alternate universe kirlia evolution! I think I get naming rights! Maybe even a finders fee!"
Fern hummed alongside him, happy that Barry seemed happy, but not quite understanding why.
Barry circled around Fern, taking note of the petal-like formation of the dress. The longer hair with pink ends. The difference in coloration. The horn shapes. All were just slightly off from normal.
"Let's call you….Galiant! Because it starts with a G-A like Gardevoir and Gallade and a mix of Valiant! They should pay me to make more names, heh!"
Fern the ‘Galiant’ chirped at that, again patting Barry on the head. “H-Hey! Just because you’re taller than me doesn’t mean you get to tease me about it!”
He tried to brush the affection away, Fern chuckling as he tried. It had black paws now, and it kept trying to poke and prod at him.
“Yeah, yeah, c’mon bud, let’s get serious for a second. We gotta get back on the road. We gotta find Cyrus, so we can punch his stupid blank face in!”
[Surpriiiiiseee! Fern's a girl! :) and also technically an Iron Valiant. But not Iron! (Galiant name came from tumblr user @/hezuart!)] New Team:
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Chapter 30- Part 5
Uh…I’m gonna…move on from that rant of mine and get back to explaining what makes Suna so neat. 
The third thing is her moveset:
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Specifically, the fact that she has Sand Tomb, a move that gets powered up on Ashen Beach. Combine that with Suna’s pretty good Sp. Attack, and she can probably do real damage with that (and Shadow Ball once she learns it).
Of course, that's just one team member. The rest…well, lemme think about this.
I'm expecting Kiki to have a Medicham and/or a Lucario, those seem like staples of Fighting teams, and they can learn moves and have Abilities that synergize nicely with Ashen Beach. I don't think she's gonna have another Fighting/Psychic-type in the form of Gallade, since Victoria already had one and there are plenty of other Fighting-types to choose from. Like…Hawlucha! To use special Flying moves to mess with my own team's Accuracy! And maybe Heracross to deal with Psychic-types? 
She doesn't seem like the type to use Dark-types, and using Poison-types seems…darkly ironic given her condition so I doubt we're gonna see any of those either.
But Ame also brought up the move Meditate specifically. Other Fighting-type Pokémon who can learn that move in some fashion include:
Ame also said something about her Pokémon still being able to hit despite Accuracy drops, so that makes me think of Mind Reader. Other Fighting-type Pokémon who can learn that move somehow include:
So…yeah, a good amount of options, still. So now, let me see what I can do in terms of teambuilding. I already mentioned Suna, and Riptide is a given, but outside of that…I mean, I already know not to rely on Flying-types, so that's one option out. That just leaves Psychic- and Fairy-types. Kirin seems good with Zen Headbutt, and Asano can learn that same move so I can probably add him too. I could also add Glare to the team, Intimidate goes hard and she can resist Fighting moves as a Poison-type. And…heck, let's bring Gust back in, priority Cotton Guard and Charm also go hard.
So in the end, the team's looking like this:
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I'm gonna get everyone up to Lv. 44. I was considering Lv. 43 at first, but I'm also highly paranoid and so I'm going an extra level to be safe. Training time!
(Yet another training montage la
So I made a mistake.
I trained, I even got Asano to evolve-
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But while I was training, I thought to myself, “Huh, shouldn't Asano have gotten Zen Headbutt by now?” And Bulbapedia seemed to agree with me…until I realized I was looking at the wrong thing. I was looking at Meditite/Medicham's Gen IX moveset, not their Gen VII set. And in Generation VII…the only way Meditite or Medicham can learn Zen Headbutt is through the Move Reminder. In fact, they can't learn any damaging Psychic-type moves (besides Confusion) just by leveling up. 
So…I can't use Asano for this fight. I need a different Pokémon, someone who can actually take advantage of Ashen Beach. Another Psychic-type probably, hmmm…
Looking at my Boxes, I can see…OH! Shimmer the Munna! She's got-
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She's got Lucky Chant! That protects against critical hits! That'll be really helpful in case Kiki has more Telluric Seeds! And…she can also learn Psychic, which gets boosted on Ashen Beach! And I have a good amount of Moon Stones too, so I can easily evolve her!
Okay, so-
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Yeah! This is gonna be the final team! Now we can really do some training!
(One ACTUAL training session later…)
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So, with everyone evolved, this is what things are looking like now:
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Shimmer is holding the Twisted Spoon to further boost her damage output with Psychic, while Suna is holding the Zoom Lens to make sure Sand Tomb will actually land. I didn't think anyone would really benefit from the Telluric Seed this time, so I'm holding onto it for now.
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So now, here we are again. The other NPCs don't really say anything interesting, so let's talk to Victoria instead.
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Thanks Victoria, no pressure-
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Alright, let's see how this goes. I'm going to lead with Shimmer to start strong, and go from there.
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Oh, Victoria's acting as the referee? That's neat, proud of her for moving up in the world.
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What, can't even open your eyes to look at who you're fighting, Kiki? More disrespect! Can't have anything in the Reborn region …
Also- I'm sorry, but what the heck is this music? It's like…I can't even describe it, but it's not at all what I was expecting. What kinda whimsical wizard boss theme is this?? 
(Future edit: So I tried to look for what this track was because it was killing me, but I couldn't find anything. I'm sure it's a remix of some kind, by GlitchxCity or otherwise, but I just can't parse it. This is going to haunt me until the end of my days, if someone knows what this track is, let me know-)
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Lv. 40…am I overleveled? Maybe. But still…let's just make sure we can kill and open with Calm Mind.
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Oh, that might not be good. Unless…I mean, as long as it doesn't use a super effective attack, maybe it'll still be fine.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
It's been a while I have an request!
Can I have a yandere botw Link and gagondorf ( probably spelled his name wrong) x a female child gallade Pokemon reader where they find the reader confused and scared
So I just got botw recently as I got that game and tears of the kingdom. These are the only games of Zelda that I have ever played so I don’t know much of the lore plus I’m still not that far in the game.
Since I’m not that far in the game I’ll make this pretty close to where I am and change a few things.
The requester said that I could have it separate or together so i decided together as it would be easier since I’m just now getting into the fandom.
Anyway hope you like what I did with it! Also this might turn out short because of memory and me not being able to think of anything but hopefully it turns out to be not short so wish me luck.
Warning: noob author, female reader, platonic yandere characters, possible violence, and others.
Characters: link, ganon.
It was after the calamity when link first saw you. You had met link while he was out in the forest looking for stuff like the days where he had to forage for things when the calamity was still happening, you were just walking around noticing he different plants and creatures you weren’t familiar with and in doing so didn’t notice the male in front of you; which was link, and bumping into him.
He decided to bring you to ganon’s castle as he was worried on why such a young child was out all alone where they could get hurt or worse killed as the mobs of enemies are still not yet tamed to be good.
You just evolved into a gallade shockingly enough though you were still young and inexperienced in fighting so all you did was train until something you don’t know happened and next thing you know is that you were in this unfamiliar world.
Gannon was shocked to see his lover bring in a child with him after coming back from his adventure in the woods. When explained of how link found her he decided that she would be their child and heir as he saw how link is with her even with how soon link met her.
Gannon and link both was informed by her about how her species is and that she would’ve been a gardevoir as s that was the female version, but she got her wish about being a gallade instead, she also explain the many species in her world tyhat she could remember, even saying how the two reminds her of certain pokemon; Gannon being a like a heatran that you’ve heard about in passings one time. Link reminds you of a pokemon from johto called celebi.
You meet Zelda later on who reminds you of a man-made Pokémon called magearna which was made for a princess and Zelda’s a princess. Even though link is her friend you don’t get to know her much as ganon made link realize all of the trauma she may unintentionally or intentionally placed on him so link made sure to retain as her bodyguard and have little interaction with Zelda as much as he could without seeming suspicious.
You met Sidon the prince of zora’s; he reminds you of a red gyarados mixed with a garchomp and when you told him that he was clueless and fascinated. He wished that he had gotten to link so you’d be his and link’s daughter but sadly he was fixed into a arranged marriage with yona and he sadly couldn’t get out of it plus ganon already had link and ganon’s powerful, too powerful for him to beat. He loved yona but as a friend and sister and not as a lover.
(A/n: hope y’all like what i did with it!! Also this was referenced off a au of requester and mine that we made and i used it to give me an idea on how to post it. Reason why I know a few things even though i recently got the game is because i accidentally spoiled myself of what happened in totk. Anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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toaarcan · 1 month
League Team:
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Gallade has been here since the beginning. He was carried by having fully-evolved stats at the outset of the game, while his moves were lacking, but once he started getting actual physical moves in the 20s and 30s, he really came into his own.
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Mew has been my primary source of "Randomiser did a Thing" this run, and there's not a whole lot to say. One of the most powerful Pokemon in the game with a full arsenal of moves, since they basically have pick of the TMs, they've been very helpful.
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Charybdis joined us in Ecruteak, and she's been reliable from pretty much the moment we caught her. She's not going to win any prizes for speed, but she hits like a freight train. Her moveset leaves something to be desired at the moment, thanks to Garchomp needing the Earthquake TM, but she'll catch up.
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Umbreon isn't my usual style of Pokemon, with poor offenses and speed and a greater focus on defense, but in a run where the opponents can blindside me with incredibly powerful Legendaries without any warning, having someone who can take a hit and keep on fighting is a godsend. Unfortunately this game kinda screws Umbreon in terms of moves, with both Toxic and Foul Play unavailable, but he's done good work with Payback.
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Garchomp finally spreads her wings in her final form, having toiled away as a Gabite since I found her in Mt. Mortar. She hits like a truck, outspeeds basically everything... she's a Garchomp, everyone in this fandom has enough Cynthia Trauma to know what she does and how she does it.
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And finally we have Moltres, who is the newest member of the team, filling the vacancy left in the wake of Charizard's tragic passing. This is my first time using a Moltres for real, so I'm just clicking buttons and relying on its power to see us through. Its name is a Beyblade reference, that's all I got for now.
I've set the randomiser to make everything higher than Lv.30 fully evolved by force. That means there's no chance of Lance's Dragonites being turned into Sunkerns. Whatever we face beyond this door will be in its final form. That could mean Beedrill. It could mean Mewtwo.
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Let's go.
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laurzvahll · 1 year
I finished the teams for the matsu brothers and I’m too excited to wait to share em LOL. So here they are !! I might make slight adjustments to them in the future, and if anyone has any thoughts or ideas for the pokemon I chose for their teams I’d love to know🙏
this post could get long so teams and explanations for my au under the cut ‼️
First off we have; Osomatsu’s team !
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Oso’s team consists of his flareon, munchlax, slakoth, and nickit! Osomatsu’s pokemon aren’t incredibly strong or high leveled, he doesn’t care much for pokemon battles unless it’s one of his brothers challenging him (though it’s rare). He cares for his pokemon quite a bit, though it may not seem like it, and their bonds are almost like those of silly and mischievous friends; with Nickit especially helping him steal food and snacks from his brothers.
Second, we have Karamatsu’s team !
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Kara’s team consists of his (shiny!) sylveon, primarina, quaquaval, ceruledge, lucario, and hawlucha! Karamatsu has many gym badges, way more than all his brothers (except for Jyushi, but we’ll get to that later :p), he likes the thrill of battle and being challenged, though he cares slightly more about showing off how cool his pokemon are. Karamatsu likes pokemon that can match his energy or that he simply thinks are super cool, and his bond with them is close as he cares for them a lot. Most of all he just likes to make sure his pokemon are having fun too.
Third, we have Choromatsu’s team !
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Like Osomatsu’s, Choro’s team is not full, nor does he care much for showing off his pokemon or battling. The gallade might come as a surprise, but I like to think that not long after his leafeon evolved he found a ralts which his brothers said looked “just like him”, and it’s been part of his team ever since. He cares for his pokemon, his leafeon and gallade are the only two that are above level 30, and it’s rare to ever seen him battle.
Fourth, Ichimatsu’s team !
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Ichi’s team is simple, consisting entirely of cat like pokemon. He spends most of his time with his espeon and his skitty, as he’s closest with those two. Ichimatsu doesn’t like to make his pokemon battle, and more often than not avoids battling entirely. Even so, his espeon is pretty high leveled, having been trained with the help of Jyushimatsu just in case Ichi ever is unable to back out of a battle. He considers his little cats his companions.
Fifth, Jyushimatsu’s team !
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It is clear that Jyushi loves to battle just as much as he loves his pokemon. I like to think that trainers usually underestimate him and think his pokemon are not to be worried about, that is until he brings out one of his best friends, gyaradose. He is the brother with the most gym badges and the strongest pokemon, not to mention their incredible bond with him and eachother. It is rare to see Jyushimatsu without his jolteon or his bolthund following right behind him, or his joltic sitting comfortably on his shoulder!
Last but not least, we have Todomatsu’s team !
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Todomatsu is more often than not participating in pokemon shows, though it is not too uncommon to see him in battle to show off the skills of his adorable pokemon. He loves to post his cute companions on social media and praise them and glam them up with bows and accessories. It is best to not let this fool you though, for some of his pokemon are pretty strong!!
And that would be all! Before I finish I would like to mention that in my au, all the brothers received an eevee when they were younger as a gift from their parents, eevees that were color coded with nice ribbons around the tail, neck or ears as to tell them apart, just like the matsunos :p
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tactician · 1 year
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even though i said i wasn't going to, i ended up shiny hunting for an all-shiny team to play through the new pokemon scarlet teal mask dlc! :D meet aske the gallade, chiyoh the sinistcha, syrup the dipplin, laz the munchlax, marrow the mandibuzz aaaand crossbun the heracross! i love this lil gang so much and am so hype to progress further in the actual plot now dkfldskg
i'm gonna ramble about how each of my hunts for these pkmn went under the cut! :3c there'll be no plot spoilers because i have pretty much only scratched the surface of that!
ok so... syrup the dipplin was the first shiny that i collected for this team! i got her in a random applin outbreak a few weeks before the dlc dropped. i wasn't sure what to evolve her into (or if to just keep her as an applin), so i ended up procrastinating on that... but i realized that she was the perfect candidate for my teal mask team, since dipplin is a brand new pkmn. i generally don't keep track of encounters during outbreaks, but she showed up really fast! i was worried that i'd miss her since applin is SO small, and it's also green so it tends to blend into the grass ;_; either way, i caught her in a luxury ball o7
the second shiny i got was laz the munchlax! munchlax has been a dream shiny of mine so i was extremely hype to take this hunt on. ik it's on the more subtle side, but i think the rich, darker blue is really cute on munchlax, and a shiny is a shiny, u know? i started it off in pkmn shield a few days before the dlc dropped, since the pkmn twitter posted a screenshot with a munchlax in it hehe. i decided to try for a moon ball munchlax via the masuda method (somehow i have a TON of special apricorn pokeballs in shield?!?! we were eatin good back then wtf). i ended up going over-odds in shield for munchlax the NIGHT that the dlc dropped... i'm not sure about the exact number, but i was definitely over 512. once that happened, i transfered the parent snorlax over to scarlet and resumed the hunt over there, since i figured it'd be more fun to explore the new region as i hatched eggs. i hatched roughly 150 more of them before laz hatched on egg 668! (i also got the item finder mark on him, so his full title is 'laz the treasure hunter' - sooo cute. ;_;)
after laz, i decided to try for some more outbreak shinies, since i thought those would be quick and easy. by full odds standards, they totally were!!! but by outbreak standards, i def faced... a few little challenges! LDFGKD;GK
the morning after the dlc dropped, i had a ralts outbreak so i figured i'd go for another dream shiny of mine - gallade. that'd mean finding a male ralts, since gallade is gender-specific. i tried to hunt for a male ralts back in legends arceus and ended up finding a female one as well as a female kirlia, so i figured that i'd have some better luck in another game. i ended up finding FIVE more female ralts before finally getting a male one as ralts #8. i caught him in a net ball and named him 'aske' after a character in the dnd campaign that i'm in with my friends!! iykyk!!! LSDKFDSLKG but i really do enjoy catching pkmn that are themed after other characters so i'm totally thrilled to have this gallade!!! ;v;
shortly after nabbing aske, i got marrow the mandibuzz during a vullaby outbreak! this shiny was such a standard fun little outbreak shiny - i knocked out around 60 vullabies and she turned up very quickly after that. i think if you have the teal mask dlc and enjoy outbreak shiny hunting, the paradise barrens portion of the map is gonna be really, really good for them, since theres barely anything to obscure the pkmn that are outbreaking (and there's no grass, so there's like, no lag at all LMFAO). i caught the beloved lil birdy in a luxury ball.
after marrow came home so fast, i was emboldened, so i started my hunt for chiyoh the sinistcha(/poltchageist). i decided to see if i could get an artisan poltchageist outbreak to trigger, since, at the time, there were rumours about all-artisan outbreaks - and i suceeded in doing so!!! but then i couldn't find a shiny like... at all... to the point that i was genuinely wondering if it was glitched or something. i hunted in it for a full day and by that point i was like, Convinced that something was wrong, so i ended up giving up on that outbreak. i now realize that the shiny is REALLY subtle, though, so it's possible that i walked right past SEVERAL and didn't know... but i was being ridiculously careful when i hunted it, so i'm honestly not sure about that. anyway, while i was looking for the shiny poltchageist, i phased on TWO different heracrosses. i love heracross' shiny SO MUCH that i succumbed and decided to add one to my team! and that heracross ended up being named crossbun!
by that time, i decided that i didn't really care about having an artisan or counterfeit version of the poltchageist shiny (and tbh i kinda agree with the notion that artisan outbreaks sort of ruin the appeal of hunting down a rare forme), so i ended up doing a few encounter power sandwiches instead. when i finally ran into the shiny, it was huge relief LMAO. chiyoh was my 6th team member, so, with that, my teal mask team was complete! o7
i gave everyone mints, hyper trained them and ev trained them (using lots of mochi from the new ogre oustin' game hehe) and they're now ready to take on the plot! ik that it's definitely not all that necessary to build a team from scratch for the dlc but i had a blast doing it. the time i spent gathering these pals and exploring kitakami was really special. i'm definitely planning on doing this again for the indigo disc dlc!
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royalty-subway · 6 months
Hello 👋🏼, i just wanted to thank you for the lilli headcanons. i really enjoyed them.
But as I was rereading I realized that swordward also had a Gallade and that he apparently has a relationship with Lilligant ( to be fair, they were caught at the same time so…)
Could you do some headcanons of Gallade relationship with swordward ⚔️🗡 ( And if possible, Gallade’s relationship with Lilligant 🗡🌸)
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I honestly like any excuse to write more about this AU because it very much intrigues me- ;w; I know it's been a while since I've talked about the AU, but it does live free in my mind.
So as mentioned before, Ralts was caught at the same time as Petilil. For Sordward to be part of the Pearl Clan. And much like Petilil, Ralts was shy at first (it might be because he just met Sordward, and he sensed hostility within him, but not towards his Pokemons). But he soon grew to be more… well, bold.
As in, Ralts became brave and tough. Like, try to break every rock he sees and swing a wooden stick around kind of brave. It could be because since Sordward’s hair used to be a sword, Ralts grew inspiration from that and always had a wooden stick with him and used it as some sort of sword. This continued until Ralts evolved into Kirlia.
Don’t worry, he was never a violent Pokemon. Since he was pretty close to Petilil, and she’s a shy little plant. He was just trying to be protective of his trainer and the other Pokemons.
You see, a dude Kirlia could either evolve into a Gardevoir or a Gallade. So he had a choice. Hell, even Sordward gave him the choice on what he wanted to evolve to (even if Sordward prefers Pokemons with blades, it was okay if his Kirlia wanted to be a Gardevoir), although the answer was perhaps obvious; a Gallade. Since he showed many signs of wanting to evolve into that. So naturally, Sordward attempted to find a Dawn Stone for him (and succeeded if you couldn’t tell).
Honestly, Gallade might be considered either Sordward’s main or ace Pokemon. It’s either him or Lucario. Speaking of Lucario, those two have some sort of rivalry with each other. Just to see who’s stronger, they don’t hate each other. The same could be said about Lilligant and Mismagius being rivals.
… But the Pokemons you’ll see most out of him are Lilligant or Gallade. And it’s mostly because those Pokemons mean a lot to him. He loves all of his Pokemons, but they just… stand out the most. Probably because of the leaf blade things, and they’re willing to annihilate anyone that messes with Sordward.
Plus, those two get along pretty well. Maybe it’s because they’ve been around at the same time, and one seemed more protective for the other's sake back then. Probably the only Pokemons in his team that can actually get along with no issue.
Here’s the thing, both Gallade and Lilligant are potentially seeing someone in terms of relationships. Gallade found a particular Gardevoir that he may be interested in. I said “may” because Sordward doesn’t exactly know the nature of their relationship. Because that Gardevoir is a male, and he doesn’t know if his Gallade is aware of that. So they could be just friends… or something else. But whatever the case is, they’re pretty close.
It should be known that the Gardevoir is a wild Pokemon. They have no trainer. So they encountered each other when Sordward let Gallade out so they could adventure together (and so Sordward doesn’t get hurt), until those two crossed paths and started talking. As Sordward was about to just intervene between those two, the Gardevoir ran away, as if he feared Sordward. But don’t worry, those two interacted more and more later on. Just when Sordward isn’t around to interrupt them.
In Lilligant’s case, it’s similar. She just encountered a wild shiny Lilligant and they both seem very intrigued with each other. As if they ended up being besties straight off the bat. And again, the shiny Lilligant shied away from Sordward when he showed up. Dude is unlucky.
By the way, do NOT ask him about the shiny Lilligant. He knows how people can be greedy with Pokemons with certain color changes. He doesn’t want anyone to hurt her, let alone capture her. It’ll make him and his Lilligant very unhappy if anyone dares to do something.
But yeah, Sordward and Gallade have a pretty close bond, seeing that Gallade is basically his main and willing to defend Sordward from any wild Pokemon. Both have the sense of nobility in them as... the Gallade takes inspiration from Sordward. So basically, the two do act similar, in a way.
Gallade is a bit quiet in nature, doesn't say much. But he's pretty strong, there's no denying that. And again, you'll either see Sordward let out his Gallade or Lilligant once in a while. Especially in the Hisuian wilds if he's walking about.
I hope this is okay. I could write more about this AU if people are intrigued. ;w;
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pinkhuman99 · 2 years
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1. Honedge/Aegislash: This is a reference to Kris's love of blades, and their knightly form in Dark Worlds. It is also a reference to their father's team in an alternate universe, and the Honedge that Chara has in Pokémon Undertale. I like to think it changes forms between worlds, becoming stronger and fully evolved in Dark Worlds so it's shield can be used to protect Kris and the people they care about.
2. Espeon☆/Umbreon☆: This Pokémon changes form depending on which world it's in at the time. It is a reference to Frisk's Eevee and to Kris's neutral-looking face. Its green colouration as shiny Espeon matches Kris in the Light World. The blue in shiny Umbreon matches their Dark World form. A lot of people consider Espeon's shiny to be ugly or weird; it resembles an alien, much in the way monsters in Hometown tend to think Kris is a freak, and how they stand out as the only Human. While Espeon is associated with sunlight and the day time, Umbreon is associated with moonlight and the night time.
3. Ralts: The same gender-neutral Pokémon shared by Chara and Frisk that can change into two different forms. For Kris, I imagine it evolves into a Gallade to reference Kris's knight-like appearance in the Dark World. As Gallade, this Pokémon fights fiercely to protect people it cares about. It would probably be one of Kris's most-used Pokémon, and would probably stay outside of its Pokéball in the Dark World to assist Kris with protecting their friends. I also like to think Gallade would look like its shiny form in the Dark World, since Gallade's shiny is blue...like Kris.
4. Applin/Flapple: A reference not only to Kris's apple-scented shampoo, but also their affinity for pie...which they apparently eat entirely in one sitting...It's a good thing Kris's childhood Applin didn't evolve into an Appletun! I think Kris was probably disappointed by that, though. Don't eat your Pokémon, Kris!! Applin's Dark World evolution, Flapple, is part dragon type, a nod to the typical "knight and dragon" dynamic. Kris is the knight, and Flapple is the dragon!
5. Gengar: A reference to Chara's Gastly, this Pokémon is associated with mischief, pranks, and hiding in the shadows. It likes to hide in dark places, and is sometimes said to be able to travel to other worlds or come from another world. It is also said to come out at night to "steal the lives of those who become lost in the mountains". It also has red eyes like Kris.
6. Alakazam: This Pokémon is not only a reference to Frisk's Abra and the need for sleep (which Kris apparently does in class quite often, accoding to Alphys), this is also a call-back to Kris researching the occult with Catti and being seemingly interested in the concept of performing magic (given their online search history), possibly in the hopes of becoming more monster-like such as the rest of their family.
As for Kris's Legendary and Mythical...let's complete what we've got going with Susie and Ralsei!
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Kyogre: Kyogre is one of three ancient Pokémon, one that I imagine would be part of the Pokémon Deltarune's prophecy of the Three Heroes. It's blue like Kris and works in opposition to Susie's Groudon, but can also work with it to bring balance rather than destruction. Kyogre's water typing can reference fountains, roaring, and a sea of darkness splitting the earth and enveloping the world. It is said to sleep at the bottom of the sea.
Deoxys: This Pokémon is humanoid and comes from outer space. Its alien theming goes with Kris's Espeon, but also touches on Kris's alienation from the Monsters of Hometown (being the only Human we know of who lives there). Deoxys' ability to change forms could reference Kris's SOUL changing forms in various chapters. The stone in Deoxys' chest, which is what controls its whole body, could reference the Human SOUL in Kris's chest that controls them.
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okay, i'm curious (genuine) with the examples of gallade being male-only you mentioned.
so if an amab (ama-hatching?) kirlia who was trans but didn't have any idea yet touched a dawn stone, would it not work on them? that could be a stressful realisation, they expected to evolve but instead got some processing to do. (side note: i'm using they/them because i don't know if they'd immediately switch to using she or stay with he while processing)
how about if an amab kirlia touches the dawn stone and at that time their gender identity is male, but in the future their identity will shift to female over time? (ooc note: i hope i'm wording this right. my sibling was always non-binary and just didn't know as a child, but i know some people (myself /sort of/ included?) identified as their agab as a child and then their identity changed (i just threw out the gender) as they grew up, but they would still say 'yes i was x gender as a child')
and what about genderfluid kirlia? it would definitely be interesting if one could tell what gender they were that day depending on if they woke up as gallade or gardevoir but unless that one eevee from adventures is real i don't know how feasible that one is. it's more than just a form change... (ic note: adventures is a manga about pokemon in my universe. there was an eevee who could switch between eevee/vaporeon/jolteon/flareon at will until they evolved into espeon and stuck there)
thanks for reading/answering; i am legitimately curious about these cases but if you haven't come across any or don't have any guesses i understand
well, thanks for the question!!
I studied pokepsychology as my major, one of the things that we learn is that in the pokemon world, the mind is stronger than the body. That's actually how evolution itself works. The pokemon levels up, gains more knowledge about the world/gets closer to their trainer and boom, their body reflects that.
When it comes to gender related evolutions, it can get complicated sometimes, but to keep it simple, if an amab kirlia doen't know she's trans yet, she still won't be capable of evolving into a gallade. Her mind would reject the dawn stone energy because she might not know about that, but her brain does know.
In the case of genderfluidity and an identity out of the binary spectrum, things get wonky. A genderfluid kirlia would be able to evolve into a gallade whenever they felt like a man, but they wouldn't be able to reverse the evolution and instead, they would turn into a variety of gallade that still goes unnamed, but I like to call "Gallevoir". Their bodies have small differences, but nothing too big (a small "dress" can be seen on them, their horns are less pointy. In some cases, I've seen gallevoirs lacking the classic "elbow swords"). This also happens for nb kirlias.
how about if an amab kirlia touches the dawn stone and at that time their gender identity is male, but in the future their identity will shift to female over time?
well, this one I don't know how to answer. It might be like the gender fluid effect, with the pokemon turning into a gallevoir, or maybe since it's a "stronger" thing, with the brain shifting it's gender identity entirely, the gallade may fully turn into a gardevoir. I can't answer it for sure tho. I gotta research more about this.
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