#so I don’t really need to evolve him y’know
Oops my bad for a week of inactivity! Genuinely haven’t drawn anything that I really feel like posting here ((I’ve been drawing though lol)). Here’s a shiny clip to break my posting from the drought. Almost ran right by this random encounter!
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miley1442111 · 1 month
can we have more of rafe x thornton!reader? maybe Rafe and reader getting in a fight and Topper getting mad about it
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work it out- r.cameron
a/n: thank you so much for requesting! I love pushing the rafe x thornton reader agenda :)
pairing: rafe cameron x fem! thornton! reader
summary: i suggest you look at the request
warnings: talk of addiction, talk of feeling unsafe with your partner, uncomfortable situations, Topper gets mad, rafe cries.
+ this rafe is not show-accurate, this is another universe where he can express emotions and recognise how his action affect others :)
not entirely proofread
Evolving your brother in a fight between you and Rafe was previously unheard of, but this argument had really taken the cake. Weeks and weeks of the same fucking problem that Rafe just really refused to fix. You understood that it was difficult, you knew he was trying, and you were grateful that he was trying. Yet, every fucking weekend you were called or texted by one of your friends to go and rescue Rafe from a party because he was too high or drunk to function. Then, when you’d come and pick him up, he’d be completely handsy and annoying, to the point of sometimes making you uncomfortable. The places were dangerous or random, full of guys who thought they could grab or grope you just because. 
“He’s such a piece of shit!” you groaned to Sarah, she was technically here to visit Topper, but left him in his room when he fell asleep to come talk to you.
“What did Rafe do now?” Top scoffed as he leaned against your doorway. 
“None of your business,” you shot back, wiping your eyes subtly. “You can have your girlfriend back if you want,” you sighed.
He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Sarah, and they went back into his room. 
“I’m not supposed to tell you what happened,” Sarah admitted as they watched a movie. “But Y/n’s really upset with Rafe and she has a good reason. Rafe keeps putting her in these really dangerous situations and he isn’t stopping.”
“What do you mean by dangerous?” 
“He keeps making her pick her up from druggie dens and shit, it’s awful-”
“Y/n!” Topper shouted, shooting up from his bed and running to your door. He swung it open to see you on your bed with Rafe climbing in the window. “He is not allowed in our house anymore, you tow need to break up right fucking now.”
Topper was not usually the kind of guy to put his foot down like that, so it had to have been serious. You looked at Sarah, who wore a guilty look on her face.
“Top, it’s not a big deal, I’m making it sound worse than it was,” you defended as Rafe stood by the window, confused.
Topper turned his attention to Rafe. “You’re making my little sister pick you up from Barry’s? Hm? That’s how you treat your girlfriend? That’s how you’re treating my little sister?” 
Rafe looked down, angry and ashamed. “I don’t ask her to-”
“You’re too damn high to ask her! Someone else has to call her to pick your ass up!” Top shouted. “Y’know, I was so sure you’d actually keep her safe, that’s the only fucking reason I ever gave you two my blessing. You’re pathetic-”
“Top!” you interjected. “That’s not fucking fair. He’s an addict and he’s trying. He’s 3 weeks clean today, alright? He’s trying.”
“Not hard enough. You should’ve never been put in a position like that-”
“But I was. And look at me, I’m here, and I’m alive, and I’m fine. And Rafe already feels fucking awful about it, so I don’t need you to come bulldozing on your high fucking horse, Top. You don’t understand it, I don’t understand it, but I’m here because I love Rafe, and I support him. I don’t care what you do, but you don’t control my life Topper. Neither does Rafe, nor anyone else. I made the choice to go get him every time. I could’ve asked you, or just left him, but no. I went and got him, knowing what would happen. And maybe that was stupid, but I made that choice, no one forced my hand in that. And I should be able to talk to my friend about something that stopped happening a month ago, without you bursting into my room like you own it. Let me and Rafe be Topper,” you explained. Topper was silent, so was Rafe. Sarah pulled Sarah back into his room and you and Rafe stood in your room in silence for a few moments. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered and took your hand. “I’m so sorry.”
You gave his hand a gentle squeeze, and lifted your other hand to his cheek, wiping away a tear. “I know you are.”
“I feel like I failed you,” He admitted, sitting on your bed and pulling you between his legs, wrapping his arms around you. “I feel like such a failure.”
You gently stroked his hair as he unloaded about his addiction.
“I just… sometimes it’s so fucking hard and I just want to throw it all out the window and get high, and I just feel really guilty when I think that, because it’s not fair on me or the people around me to be like this, but it’s just so fucking hard.”
“I’m sorry you have to go through this Rafe,” you whispered. 
“I’m sorry I brought you into this,” he answered. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I promise.”
obx masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
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wispscribbles · 11 months
Mw3 spoilers (just a long personal ramble)
Hiii. So
As soon as the pre-release came out on, I hunted down spoilers, because I know myself and knew that if someone died and I got that information out of the blue, I wouldn’t take it well. Jokes on me, because I still haven’t been taking it well lol
I won’t talk about how Soap’s death was handled or the quality of the game. Plenty of smarter people are doing so.
I try not to talk a lot about myself and irl stuff on here, but will just say: I am very unwell, mentally. (Cue silence because that’s not surprising at all) Something I am very aware that I do, is that I latch onto fiction with my whole being, usually one specific character. For some reason, I always latch onto the character that ends up dead, usually in a way that make them only exist to further the motivations of other characters. It sucks.
So my hope for Soap has never been great, but for some reason I was still so shocked?? I don’t know, I tricked myself into thinking this time was different. Such an iconic character with so much good setup for great character development. I knew someone would die, but ow. To me, he was the element that made 141 seem more like family than coworkers. Soap’s interactions with the rest just livened up the games so much and made them all shine. Especially Ghost. Their dynamic, man.
Soap was the character that intrigued me enough to jump into the cod rabbit hole. It feels very hollow without him.
I keep telling myself that it’s silly to be so hurt over something fictional, and that I can just treat it as a mcd fanfic and move on, but nope. Brain’s stuck in the bad stuff. It’s a bad habit of mine to let something like this affect me so much, but well. Logic vs feeling and all that.
I really did find so much comfort in Soap this last year, that I severely needed. It feels a little like losing someone I know, someone who helped me through a rough time. I related to something in him and felt inspired. I only started writing after getting into ghostsoap, I started working out and I got back into art after a very long burnout. It may be fiction, but the impact is not.
So that was pretty much the worst case scenario of what mw3 could be to me. I always knew the risk, but, once again, ow. But there also seems to be plenty of good stuff in the game that I enjoy. I’m happy with the Ghost and Soap dialogue, the whole team working together and seeing Laswell and Farah and Alex and Nik. I hope I can be inspired by some of the new content once I’m calmer.
And I was worried they would ignore Ghost and Soap’s relationship after their development in mw2, but they genuinely seem to have gotten real close. It’s nice. I thought the shipping might scare the game devs into never having them appear in a scene together again, so that’s a plus.
Bottom line to all this is: I probably need a little break to get my head sorted. The grief is surprisingly real, it’s triggered some old stuff for me (haven’t been sleeping or eating, been stuck in some old thoughts). I’ll need to calm down and become a bit more normal about this again. Part of the grief isn’t so much about Soap himself, but also just the safe space that this account has been. The very nature of how the fandom is going to interact with Soap and Ghostsoap is going to change now, and man… I liked how it was, y’know? Could’ve used a little longer in that bubble. There’s going to be plenty of new fics and art, lovely stuff as always, but many of them will be tinged with grief, and I’m not in a place where that won’t break me a little.
I will hopefully come back to posting and making stuff once my brain settles down. I have so many drafts for fics and ideas that I hope I can return to. I’ve gotten so used to drawing these lads that I doubt I can stop tbh
The version of Soap that we love is already evolved from the games due to all the time and care the community has put into the character. The games may have killed him, but luckily, he’s fictional. We can do what we want, same as before.
I’m not even saying that I wish they hadn’t killed him. The games are crafting a story that fits their audience. It makes sense.
But I will choose to live in one of the many universes we’ve created for Soap, where he is alive and cared for, with a found family and a spooky lieutenant with a soft spot for him. Good for him.
Hope you’re all taking care of yourselves. RIP canon Soap (again). Thanks to Neil for a wonderful portrayal. And no matter where we go from here, thanks for a wonderful year of creating with you lovely folks. Seriously, some of the kindest people I’ve met in fandom. <3
Lastly: fuck you Kevin O’Reilly, but more importantly, sincerely thank you. (CallMeKevin video about mw2 got me into this mess. Otherwise I was keeping cod at an arm’s length, but he’s my fav youtuber, so I watched it. And here we are!)
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andrromedaaa · 1 year
I wanted to say it for a pretty long time and give my statement in it. Hobie is fun character for sure and he’s fictional, you can interpret him as much as you want BUT we need to discuss about something.
And it’s about him being an European teenager in late 70s. I know how it sounds but mentality of European person is different due to the things around them. Y’know, British person would say biscuit instead of cookie or film instead of movie. British person would react in different way at some situations than American. Let’s just see what was going on in Europe back in the 70s. There was a communist bloc — Warsaw Pact — USSR; or let’s just say communism.
I don’t understand why you think Hobie would be a communist WHEN there were countries near him literally struggling because of it. There is a difference between being a punk and anarcho-punk. Yeah I know he has anarchist symbol on his vest but there is many factions of it. And I also know that in his universe, in UK, there is capitalist totalitarianism, so for sure his anarchism stands for overthrow government in revolutionary ways.
So wouldn’t it be a good lesson for all Europeans? That radical capitalism and socialism is bad? And from both, people were literally dying? If you really want to understand Hobie’s character from atsv at some point, you need to know some European history. Communism was killing people in Europe and y’all think Hobie, kid from this continent, would be blind at something that is going on near him? People were shocked because the torture that Winston Smith from ‘1984’ experienced was happening in soviet bloc, literally in real life, not only in the book.
First wave of punks that was in 70s, and punks were huge individuals back then. It was difficult to synthetically present their views. In general, punks, whose initial premise was the absence of any ideology, evolved over time into a socio-political movement directed against institutions that (as members of the movement believed) limit human freedom and independence. It would make sense in Hobie’s universe since he is also from the country with corrupted government.
I am European myself. I live in Poland, post communist country, so it was destroyed by communism and it is still struggling at some point because of that sad part of history. I hate hearing that Hobie would be a communist, knowing that he lives at the times where there was USSR. Y’all need to learn about punk subculture in UK more and history. Sorry, not sorry.
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tuliptired · 4 months
One-shot for Egon? Egon and the reader that constantly throws him off guard with their flirting?
Shut Up, You're Stupid, Just Kiss Me
Pairing: Egon Spengler/Gn!Reader
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if you saw me post this to the wrong ask you actually didn't
better formatting on Ao3 😔
Another one of these benefit-things. Egon understood the whole spiel- show up and look nice so the city doesn’t shut them down and a few nonprofits can look generous. But they got repetitive quickly. He didn’t even know why they were invited to this one. But, Ray insisted that it’d be good for them- and possible investors. Everyday sacrifices.
Ray and Winston always handled the networking part of the night, while Peter sat next to him at the bar, absolutely bored out of his mind as he toyed with an empty glass, head in his hand. Egon didn’t drink, but for some reason these bars were the only seats in the entire ballroom. It never made much of a difference, as he always spent the majority of his time observing the guests or the bottles on the wall, or wondering what he’d do when he got home. 
“Egoooooon,” Peter whined for the 10th time that night as his head hit the bartop. “I don’t know what to do.” They’d been through this. 
“Do what you always do. Get drunk. Talk to women.”
Peter’s cheek lay against the wood as he turned to face him, eyelids lower than usual. “But I miss my girlfriend.”
“Halfway there.” Egon righted his forgotten glass as it threatened to roll off the bar.
“You don’t get it, man. I’m committed now.” If that was a solemn vow or a complaint, it was hard to tell. 
A pair of women stood next to them at the bar, giving quick apologies for the close proximity. Peter notices Egon’s shoulders square, and suddenly becomes very interested in tonight.
He perked up quickly, leaning into Egon. “Y’know what would make my night? Seeing you take a chance. Don’t shake your head- you know I’m right.” Egon shut it down silently, shrugging off Peter’s hands. Peter was right, he hadn’t “taken a chance” in what felt like forever. Peter’s voice continued to try and convince him, as it was tuned out into a low vibration of sounds. 
Romance- or love, didn’t scare Egon. He was a grown man, after all, and he figured he understood it well enough. But that was his downfall. Person A is attracted to Person B, and they start dating- it was a simple equation. Peter and Dana defied the equation at times. But they put themselves back into it. Louis and Janine bent the rules of the equation. Could he do that? Could he break the rules, make new ones, to law that evolves every moment? Peter’s voice turned into a ring. This didn’t matter. People didn’t look at him.
He first experienced that realization in high school, the week of a dance. Big ears, big glasses- but Peter had a date. Peter always had a date. Did he want a date? Someone to hold when it was dark? To blush with as they got dressed up together? He was only human. But would he ever get that? All signs pointed to no. So, he stopped worrying about it all together. It was easier to ignore while his nose was in a book. 
Peter was practically draped over his shoulders. “Do you want me to die, Spenges?” 
“Can’t you bother someone else?” He didn’t mean to snap. It was just an unpleasant moment of awareness, it always was. 
Peter was unmoved. “Oh, Egon. Is it ‘cause they’re girls?” He jumped from his stool as Egon decided to remove himself from the bar. “Sit, sit, sitsitsit. I’ll go and find Ray. I think you need a nap, anyway.” Peter disappeared into the crowd before Egon could join him. 
Loneliness. Maybe he really should start drinking. Or, coat tailing after Peter found Ray to get out of here sooner.
He couldn’t stew in his increasing misery for long, as he felt a presence behind him. As he turned around to be freed from tonight, to stick to Ray or Winston’s side like a lost kid, he was met with a different sight.
Oh god.
“Mr. Spengler!” Your cheery face beamed. “It’s been a while. Is anyone sitting here?” Not anymore, you were already lowering your butt into it. 
He remembers you well. He was required to take an Humanities class, something about ethics and morals in STEM students. You were a TA, the professor explained  not necessarily going into that field, but taking the opportunity anyway. Egon considered himself to be well-rounded academically. But you were near tyrannical. In a class of liberal arts, english, and history majors, he stuck out like a sore thumb. You picked on him relentlessly, engaging in back and forth discussion that the rest of the lecture watched on. Even the professor.
Independent analysis- each student assigned a poem and asked to dissect it. “But, Mr. Spengler, surely you’re not insinuating that the speaker didn’t grow throughout her poem?” Your voice was loud, though the hall was smaller than normal and his seat was much closer to the front than he remembers it being yesterday.
You were always on the side of emotion and subtext, him on the side of logic and literalism. “In 6 stanzas, she wrote about flowers. I’m insinuating that her perspective did not grow in those 6 stanzas.”
You turned your back to him, moving to the large chalkboard. “Are you sure you’re not dancing around the fact that your assignment was an allegory for sex?” The class broke, and his face flushed into a bright, knowing red, as you flashed him a bright, knowing smile.
Relentless torture. You’d stop him before he could leave the hall, a timed essay in your hands that you’d returned to everyone but him.
“Interesting topic,” you offered, after an hour of grilling him. As he reached for the paper, you pulled your hand back.
“Your writing is improving. You do exceptionally well when it’s something you enjoy.” You let him take it.
You start for your things by your desk, before calling out into the empty room. “And you’re cute when you actually try!”
So he decided that he hated you. It was the only plausible explanation. He left your debates cherry pink , stumbling over his own words. He could have sworn that he was beyond intelligent. But when he stepped into that room with you he became a bumbling idiot. And hate was a powerful thing. He found himself contemplating what would occur that day as he made his trek across campus. He was sure he’d understood the essay he was assigned to the point of being able to recite it. That would show you. But you shut him down, and up. No matter how calculated and practiced his responses were, you tore down his guard with your comments. How could someone who made him feel so stupid say such…things? He sat alone at night, pondering his ailment. You confused him to an intense degree. Sweaty palms, increased heart rate- this was hate, white and hot. 
The morning before he graduated, preparing to return in the fall for his doctorate, he appeared in the desolate classroom, as you cleaned out filing cabinets. 
You looked up from underneath the desk, the smile he’d seen for a whole semester spreading on your lips. “Your reception outfit is nice, Mr. Spengler.”
God damn it. Why was he here again? The grip on his bag tightened as he scoured through his brain for any recollection. You had a box in your arms, simply passing him.
“Don’t change,” and the door shut behind you.
How he hated you. 
“It’s nice to see you again,” you managed to order a drink while talking directly to him.
“Of course.” Sweaty palms, increased heart rate. 
You sipped your glass. “You finished your doctorate? No more school?”  
He adjusted to spontaneous conversation, albeit slowly. He didn’t face you as he responded. “No more school.” You let out a noise of surprise.
“Doctor Spengler. I like that.” His ears burned. 
“And you’re doing the ghost-thing?” Oversimplification. But he found himself not caring when the words fell from your lips. 
“I get your ads 24/7. You look great in a jumpsuit.” His long legs jerked against the underside of the bar, and he heard you stifle a laugh. His stomach soared. Vitriol.
There was a hand on his arm. That commanded his attention. If he wasn’t full of…rage then, he was now. 
You murmured. “I don’t still make you nervous, do I, Dr. Spengler?”  He couldn’t breathe. As he opened his mouth, the only sounds that came out were stammers. You just laughed, squeezing his arm as you rose from the stool.
“I’ve gotta get going. Goodnight, Dr. Spengler.” You were gone before he could blink.
Nights later in the firehouse, in the safety of his lab, he couldn’t focus. How ironic? As he trotted down the steps for fresh air, the phone rang out. Janine was out for her lunch, and the others were still on the road from a last minute job. He sighed.
“Hey, Dr. Spengler. I enjoyed seeing you again and,” He held the phone to his ear with two hands. “I was wondering if you’d like to get dinner tomorrow night?”
He hated you. He’d show you just how smart he was by hanging up, ending this (one-sided) college feud.
“We’re back,” Ray’s voice startled him as he leaned against the desk’s edge staring at nothing. “Did we get a call?” He looks to the phone, resting on the tabletop rather than its proper place. Egon swallows.
“Just one.”
“Okay?” They wouldn’t accept his answer. He averted his eyes.
He conceded, letting himself lean back against the desk again. “An old TA.”
Ray’s eyebrows shot up. “The one who used to needle you all the time?” Ray had never met you, but he recalled Egon’s bad moods after having left your class. 
“Egon’s got a bully,” Peter directed at Winston as he did something in his own open office, behind Janine’s desk. “What’d they want?”
He took a short breath. “Dinner.”
Peter whistled. “Gutsy,” Winston offered as he sent Peter a look of shared surprise. Ray kept his attention on Egon.
“Good on you for saying no.” Egon was silent.
Peter reappeared. “You said no, right?”
More silence. Egon was a weak, weak man. Peter put him in a headlock, pulling him in tight as Ray’s eyes blew out, wide, and Winston laughed in disbelief. 
“Spenges is a big fat masochist!”
A woman walked in for an in-person consultation, confused at the sudden spectacle.
“Would you be quiet?”
You were (fashionably) late. 5 minutes and 23 seconds, to be exact, but he wouldn’t mention it. Not while you were going on about losing your house keys before you were about to leave. As you talked, he couldn’t help but notice how nice you looked in the warm lighting of the restaurant. Jealousy, perhaps?
So he let you talk. And talk. But he didn’t find himself searching for other stimuli like he normally did with characteristically chatty people. You seemed nervous, cringing a bit after every poorly measured story or unintentional confession. He had a bit of an upper hand. He smiled to himself, albeit small.
“What?” You grinned back, probing him. 
“Nothing,” he took a sip from the water he’d been nursing in place of wine. His expression was smug, hidden behind the lip of the glass.
“How’d you stay single, with a face like that?”
He choked on his water, setting the glass down as he coughed into his elbow. You had your head in your hand, leering at him like he was food. “I beg your pardon?”
“When you were post-grad? Guys and girls lined up outside your office to speak to you. And it wasn’t for your brain.”
You were messing with him, like you always were. But he’d bite. “They were eager to learn.”
You drew your hands up, incredulously. “Yeah, eager to learn what you looked like naked.” For the first time in his Jewish upbringing, he felt compelled to utter the name Jesus Christ.
The night went on for a bit longer. Against his better judgment, he started to find you funny. And witty. And incredibly alluring. You strung him along for 10 minutes about a classic of fiction, only to reveal that it was a personal story of your sexuality. And then you did it again, this time making a comment about his rear end. He couldn’t help but be startled every time.
You let him go on a tangent about his studies at one point, watching and listening intently. He felt the feeling rise in him again. This must have been full revulsion, because he couldn’t stop bouncing his leg. His cheeks began to grow sore from prolonged, uncontrollable smiling- what he considered to be himself reverting back to primal reactions from how hot his hatred burned. You fell into your old ways, going back and forth about a classic he’d read between then and college. He felt like he did in that lecture hall, temperature increased and body leaned towards yours.
“Assine point of view, Dr. Spengler,” you crossed your arms. The name made him feel like he’d collapse onto the floor every time you said it, however the scene was made in a fancy restaurant. 
Begrudgingly, he spoke up, voice weaker than it had been in hours. “You can call me Egon.” He absentmindedly picked up his glass.
You shook your head, twice. “Dr. Spengler is fine. It's pretty fun to say in bed.”
The glass in his hand shattered in his white knuckled fist. That’s how you both were escorted out the establishment, partially for the glass now strewn into the carpeting as well as his palm, in addition to his failure to react to the staff shaking him around. You guided him outside, the cool air doing him some good as his hand was wrapped haphazardly in white napkins.
“Sorry. About your hand.” You broke the silence, assuming an arbitrary direction as you continued in the path of your apartment. 
He was in his own world. Nay, his own universe. He stopped you as a cool wind blew through the sidewalk, rustling a nearby tree. 
“I don’t understand. I don’t know what I know anymore. I hate you. And you hate me.” 
His face was one of desperation, while yours was one of dismay. He continued.
“When I talk to you- when I see you. I feel the intense-st emotions, most of which I never thought I’d experience. I sweat. Too much. I forget what was on my mind. I look like an absolute moron. And- I never knew what that meant. So it had to be hate. That’s why you treat me the way you do- you laugh and smile and call me an idiot while calling me handsome because you hate me, too.”
He never vomited his soul out like that to anyone. Only a handful of times, really, to his closest friends. You only blinked, before a new expression drew over your features. Your face melted into a smile, to his surprise, as your arms suddenly found their way around his neck. 
“Come inside, Dr. Spengler.”
He woke up the next morning- in your bed as you slept soundly. How he hated you.
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hyunjzone · 11 months
✰ melting
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genre! fluff, sfw.
word count! 2.6k (2,617)
pairing! jisung x fem!reader
tags! sort of a friends to lovers trope, a little bit suggestive but not anything much, jisung and reader are close friends. not proofread again smh
summary! you and jisung try baking together, a little friendly activity with just you two; tension rises. do friends really do these things?
a/n! i am literally going crazy over jisung rn oh my gosh
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“jisung!” you shout, staring at the ceiling, not taking your eyes off of it for several long seconds before your friend calls back to you. in his room, taking what he said was an important phone call.
“we have a problem!”
“give me a sec,” he shouts back. jisung quickly wraps up his own business before he rushes back into the kitchen. an oven that was still warm, you with an apron on, standing by the counter; you guys were making cupcakes as a fun activity. jisung was helping you, though you both weren’t exactly too good in the kitchen. he’d left for not very long, just a few minutes, and he comes back to see you just as you were when he left. there wasn’t much wrong with the setting. not that he could tell. his mittens— ones for the kitchen— on that same counter, his apron was left on, the cupcakes had barely gotten out as he received that call. what was the problem?
you could practically hear the gears turning in jisung's brain as he tried to think of what could possibly be wrong in this setting. he looks down at his phone, then back at you. the guy shoves it in his back pocket, proceeding to step closer to you by the stove.
“what’s wrong?”
“well, y’know, i was trying to frost the cupcakes.”
“do you have a ladder somewhere?”
he gives you a puzzled expression, left eyebrow slightly lifted higher than the other in a face of confusion. “why would you need a ladder now?”
“well,” you start, “if you just look up…”
you point up and you both simultaneously lift your heads, necks at a rather uncomfortable angle. his eyes widen and he looks back at you, shaking his head to get some form of recollection of his own thoughts.
“why is there frosting on the ceiling? no, how is there frosting on the ceiling?!”
“i don’t even know! you know i’m not good in the kitchen!” you retort.
“but i left you alone for barely five minutes?!”
“just, i don’t know, okay?”
he lets out a sigh and then chuckles to himself; chuckles evolve into laughter. what’s he giggling about?
“what’s so funny?” you ask with a suspicion that he’s laughing at you.
“i just didn’t know that anyone could even do that. but i guess with you, you can do anything. even get frosting on the ceiling.”
“loser,” you say back in a— you’ll admit— lame way to ignore his teasing remarks. “i don’t know how to deal with that. so i’m just gonna keep frosting these cupcakes.”
“i should do it,” he suggested. “i don’t want more frosting on my—“
“nope,” you start to cut him off, grabbing the piping bag slightly tighter in your hand. “my job.”
he gives you a stern look, one that says just why, in a jisung way. now his lips are formed into a slight pout, eyebrows furrowed in that little feeling of annoyance within him. why you wouldn’t just lend him the task, he couldn’t comprehend. the urge to snatch it out of your hands when you least expect just to throw you off was getting stronger, but that might make things messier. so instead, he takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and tries again. “i can take over,” he smiles.
“no,” you reply, voice firm yet gentle. “i can do it myself.” your tongue stuck out just barely from your lips in an expression of focus in the moment, you were going to ice those cupcakes and do it without jisung’s help. why? just to prove you’re more responsible in the kitchen than what showed when he was gone.
that little face of yours when you felt so set on proving you can do something so simple gave jisung’s heart a little flutter, a strange feeling, one he wasn’t quite familiar with. it wasn’t too bad, but he felt himself fighting back a smile and another giggle. maybe it was due to the fact that he thought you were cute, being so committed to the task, or maybe cause he enjoyed the way you reacted when you got it done; letting out an almost inaudible sigh of relief and then moving to the next ‘til you got the dozen finished.
“are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. you nod vigorously, still smiling slightly. he let out a playful scoff and nudged your shoulder, though careful not to mess up your workflow.
“fine. but you should know you have frosting on your face.”
“frosting? on my face?” you pat down your face, everywhere you think of. “how would frosting even get there?”
“i don’t know. i was just joking.”
the guy winces when you punch at his shoulder— not harshly, rather playfully— and puts on a display of fake shock. he grabs his shoulder, rubbing it gently, whining softly. “you wounded me. that’s not what friends do.”
“don’t distract me, friend,” you say back.
he grins and watches you for a moment while you finish up. the guy has this endearing gaze when he looks at you, and he doesn’t realize it until you look back at him after setting down the piping bag and blink those eyes. he realizes he’d been sort of staring.
but man, he can’t help it. you look prettier than usual. but you were just a friend. just a wonderful, amazing, beautiful, awesome friend of his. that he loves dearly. that he wants to purposefully dab that vanilla frosting onto your nose and your cheeks and your lips just to kiss it off.
“no, nevermind. i can’t do that…”
“whatcha thinking so hard about, weirdo?”
“you said a little something just now.”
“huh? sorry, i zoned out.” he shakes his head and looks to the cupcakes once again. you’d done a good job and now he needed to decorate them a bit. that bottle of colorful sprinkles could finally be put to use; rainbow colors, sprinkled by yours truly, jisung. jisung thinks about how crazy he is. well, he can’t deny that at some points in your friendship he considered the idea of taking it beyond just the idea of friends, but he thought he was crazy then; he still thinks he’s crazy now. only cause you’re so out of reach— right there but still just too far.
a sigh.
“was that a workout for you?” you comment on his reaction to something you can’t determine. why’d he just sigh? well, you couldn’t know. you can’t read minds, but you can sure read jisung. his face has that hint of pink and when he looks all focused on that for a reason you can’t determine, something’s on his mind— but what?
“what are you talking about?” he says back with a confused tone yet again.
“you let out a sigh like it was so hard.”
“shut up, dude.”
giggles fill the air, all your own. you’re enjoying the feeling of teasing him and something inside jisung’s gut feels happy too, but he cant pin the reason why down, not now. your laughing, it eventually comes to a stop. jisung smiles sweetly at you, like those cupcakes you were going to eat. he also did his job well, they were sprinkled nicely.
“teamwork!” he exclaims. “we did it!”
“we did it,” you replied back. “and i’m hungry!”
you reach to the roll of tissues in his kitchen and break off two, one for each of you. jisung picks a cupcake for himself, and gives you the one you told him you wanted. “just for you,” he says.
you thank him and he starts eating his cupcake as he watches you, admiring your little smile. you were always so sweet. so sweet and gentle, so kind— maybe he really does love you.
though he is afraid, afraid to mess things up and afraid to listen to his gut feeling that was telling him he likes you because maybe it’s really saying something else. he must be all wrong. all wrong. it doesn’t feel like that, though, because when you take that slow bite of your cupcake and that very tip of frosting dabs itself just barely, to the end of your nose, he feels like making a move. he stares at it for a second before deciding not to. he couldn’t, it’s stupid. the feeling will be gone by tomorrow.
what if it doesn’t?
“you have frosting. on your face.”
“nice try,” you mutter back after swallowing that bite of the cupcake.
“no, really.” jisung’s voice isn’t so playful, it’s more genuine, honest, and laced with something else you cannot decipher. he reaches his hand in, swooping the speck of vanilla from your face on his fingertips. you feel a little surprised that this time he was serious, and feel around your face again.
“is there more?”
“no,” he scoffs, “that was it.” he gives you a smirk and glances to his napkin, and suddenly he doesn’t feel like wiping this off his hands.
“huh?” you asked yourself softly, a whisper. you weren’t expecting the gesture and it made your heart beat faster.
a smile spreads on his face, one that makes you want to see it more. the smile is just so beautiful to you, well, he really hopes that it does. he licks at his middle finger another time.
“it didn’t lose its flavor. maybe cause you’re sweet too.”
“why would you do that?” you ask, not cause you’re upset or confused— actually, confused, yes— but out of sheer curiosity. jisung chuckles and shrugs, then moves to clean his finger off on the napkin. “i dunno,” he replies, honestly. “i just wanted to.”
a moment passes between the two of you, filled with silence and thoughts and feelings. jisung knows that this is dangerous territory, where you two could become all kinds of complicated; but he doesn’t feel ready to give it up. now he’s struck with the realization that he’s been running away from himself, from feelings that he’s trying to ignore, and yet, they still exist. you’d been doing the same.
oh, but life is good as best friends, would anything further be as great? would it become awkward, silent between you? neither of you are quite sure. and neither of you can ignore it: the tension rising and the thoughts sparking everywhere. he’s scared of everything coming undone, and you’re scared of becoming attached.
“hey,” you break the silence with a quiet voice. he turns to you quickly to respond, then stops when you raise a finger to his lips. “you know stuff like that isn’t what friends do. so why’d you do it?”
his head tilts. “do what?”
“do… that thing. with the frosting.”
“what’s wrong with it?” your friend laughs quietly. “it’s innocent, only a little affection.”
“but,” you start again, “it’s embarrassing.”
“no, it’s not,” he tells you firmly, “it’s just us. y’know? it’s fine when it’s me and you, right?”
your face feels like it’s warming up from embarrassment. this guy is unbelievable. “yeah, i know, but it’s different since we’re…” you wave your hand in the air as you search for the right word. “just, you know what i mean.”
jisung nods and hums, he does know. you don’t need to say anything; because there really is no words for what he feels for you. not much that can exactly describe that feeling that he can’t get over, he’s pretty sure of that. maybe he should just forget about it, pretend it never happened and pretend he doesn’t have feelings for you. it wouldn’t last long anyway, but it could make things a lot easier for everyone around him.
he’s in love with you.
sounds fall into silence between the two of you. neither of you know what to say anymore. or maybe you both do know what to say but you both won’t say it, either. and neither of you knew that the feeling of kissing the other was mutual.
the feeling of sharing an experience like that with you was driving him crazy, but he doesnt show that. he’s imagining it, how your lips would feel. and the taste, oh god, he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t a little turned on, okay, just a little. yeah, that’s it.
“jesus christ, jisung, stop daydreaming and finish eating your cupcake already,” you say— just to mess with him— and you hear a small chuckle leave his mouth. he shakes his head a little and mumbles out an apology. but, it didn’t sound like it mattered, he was smiling even more than before and that’s enough for you.
after a few bites you finally tell him you’ve finished your cupcake, you’re gonna go home now. his eyes turn to you, almost begging you not to go, though he nods in agreement. perhaps it was a crucial moment, one where he could say all that he wanted to, but he’d rather keep his mouth shut for longer. he walks you to the door after he gave you half of the batch to keep.
“thank you,” he whispers.
“for what?”
“this,” he explains, “this day, all of it. you were right. the cupcakes were great, baking them is fun. i liked watching you eat them. i liked eating them myself. it was fun. it was so fun.”
your cheeks grow warm at his words. you look at your feet, down at the floor, trying to find something to say that doesn’t sound dumb. “it was fun. i had a nice time,” you murmur softly.
the two of you stand there in front of each other, not moving. you don’t know why, but it was tense again. you wondered if you should say something else.
“oh, y’know what… i’m sorry for what i’m about to do.”
“what?” you ask him softly, looking at him.
“i’m sorry,” he says again, taking you by surprise when he takes your hand in his own. he starts to rub his thumb over your knuckles and presses a deep, chaste kiss to your lips. it wasn’t crazily passionate or anything, but you felt warmth, a new kind of one. it was lovely, really.
it felt different. somehow, it felt like it meant something.
“i’ll text you later,” he whispers, pulling you into a tight hug. jisung rubs your back and your shoulders lovingly, it’s a gentle touch. he lets go of you after a long while, looking at your blushing face. “let’s go,” he mutters with an anxious undertone when he walks you to your car. opening the door for you, you enter your own car and mumble a goodbye, trying to close the door and leave as fast as possible so you can scream and dream all about what just happened, but jisung stops you.
“ji, i gotta go.”
“i know. i just want to let you know i love you.” he averts his eyes and bites his lip, grinning at the nickname, plus other things on his mind right now. his cheeks flush pink as you stare at him and you realize something. he likes you. he has for a long time now. he wasn’t looking at you when he said that, but he hopes you heard him well. and you did.
“i love you too,” you reply bashfully. he looks back at you and laughs nervously before pinching at your cheek.
“see you. get home safely,” your friend nods.
well, he’s not much of a friend anymore.
it feels good. were you worrying for nothing?
both of you said your goodbyes, so you start up your car. he watches as you wave and drive off, and he stands outside for a bit longer than he should. he longs for you. has he got you now? upon entering his home again, jisung shuts the door behind him. realization settles into him once more and he melts.
you gotta like him back, right?
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thebroccolination · 2 years
As a BounPrem devotee, I must share one of my favorite little theories called “BounPrem are liars (not really but it’s a catchy tagline so go with me on this)”.
One of BounPrem’s most famous marketing stories is that they didn’t like each other initially. While they didn’t officially meet until their UWMA audition, they first saw each other at a weeklong university culture fair during which they worked at “rival” booths. Prem’s sold pork skewers, Boun’s sold cold milk. They were opposite each other working with about 3-5 other people, so it’s deeply funny to me that Prem says he thought Boun was arrogant and Boun says he doesn’t remember Prem at all. I think we all assume this was a minor thing that they’ve embellished for marketing purposes.
It’s fun because it contrasts what they’re like now.
Y’know, this:
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Now, please look at the photo below while remembering every iteration of the “we didn’t like each other at first” fable.
Please look, if you will, at famously good-natured OhmFluke who always liked each other, who have left respectable breathing space between them. And now look at “culture fair blood rivals who needed Sheep to push them to talk to each other” just contentedly leaning into each other.
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This is devastating to your case, Mr. Prem “I was very unhappy when I heard I’d be paired with P’Boun” Warut Chawalitrujiwong.
This isn’t even a shipping thing, to be clear. I just enjoy that they were basically a mirror image of WinTeam from the start. I think they were both individually like “he seems neat!” in their own way, and then when neither of them communicated that in a way the other could understand, they pivoted hard to “WHAT NO I DON’T EVEN LIKE HIM HE’S TOO LOUD/QUIET”. And I find that enormously funny.
My theory is assisted by one of Prem’s versions that goes: “I was telling my friends at the booth, ‘Look at this handsome bastard, thinks he’s so cool,” while Boun’s version was, “I was hungry and one of the girls working at the booth with me said their pork skewers were good so I went to buy some but they all glared at me so I bought a skewer and ran away”. Introvert and Extrovert, classic case of miscommunication.
Look with me! Look at this adorable, fluffy-haired baby:
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His Blood Rival of the Milk Bottles.
I’m sorry, I’ll never stop finding their origin story funny as fuck. I love them both so much, and I think someone told them to play up the rivalry angle because it’s good marketing. It’s just so toothless because look at them.
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I’m sorry, I’ll just never believe that their “rivalry” was at all even remotely serious at any point.
Not to mention!!! That shortly after casting was decided for UWMA, Prem who was already cast in Longkhong the Series asked his own agency to send Boun’s headshots to the director so he’d be cast as Kin. Prem also changed his own role so he and Boun would play NatKin, the vaguely BL side pair. Prem wasn’t cast as Nat originally!
I’m onto you, Warut.
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Anyway, there’s no big point to this. I just think it’s cute that Prem’s always had Boun’s back in this industry even when they were barely acquainted. He couldn’t have known they were lightning in a bottle, that their chemistry was off-the-charts the way it is, that Boun would mean so much to him later. I think he’s just got a tremendously good heart, and once he was partnered with Boun, he threw all his energy into supporting him.
And Boun changed for the better because, in his words, he realized that his behavior reflected on Prem, and it helped him evolve into the sweetheart everyone knows him to be now.
They’re just so good and I’m in withdrawal and I wanted to talk about them because I love them the end.
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nero-vanderwolf · 5 months
So... Do you remember anything now? 
[Queen stands intimidatingly in front of you, an almost worried expression on her face. You don’t really recall her real name, but you remember her.] 
...I do. I remember what happened after- 
After you so valiantly risked your own neck for us against Yaldabaoth, we know that. 
Thank you for the interruption, Futaba. Yes, I remember what happened. 
Well, don’t keep us in suspense! I wanna know what happened. 
Indeed. I’m intrigued. 
[You find yourself sitting like Futaba does- with your knees to your chest, your hands loosely interlocked. You take a breath.] 
...It was after I had gone ahead without you all. 
(No effin’ way, man. It’s all or none of us, remember? It has to be a unanimous decision.) 
(I’m sorry, Skull. It has to just be me.) 
...The reason you couldn’t get to the top of the Palace was because I destroyed the stairs. 
After I ran ahead, Yaldy didn’t really... Fight me. He tried to get rid of me, yeah. Absolutely. But- he didn’t want to hurt me, I think. I managed to destroy him- 
Wait. Wait, hold on, how the hell did you manage that? Like, genuinely. 
Y’know Arsène? Yeah, he evolved. He became Satanael. I- managed to destroy him. But before he disappeared, he... Hit me with something. A final spell of some sorts. 
...That’s when we found you unconcious on the ground after Morgana found another way up. 
Effin’ hell, dude... I’m still pissed that you ran off on your own. All this coulda been avoided if you’d just- 
Stayed with you, I know. I just... Didn’t want to risk any of you getting hurt. I’m sorry. 
We’re just glad you’re okay. Boss will be happy. 
Yeah... Speaking of, did I act... Weird around him...? I remembered him the most, but... I couldn’t remember his name at all. 
Nope, not that we noticed. And trust me, we kept real close eyes on you. 
...That’s weird, Tabs. Just so you know. 
We didn’t want to risk you getting hurt or something! It was a very valid thing to do. 
...Hey. Uh... How the hell did you manage to get me here? Where even is this? 
Oh! Uh... We had to knock you out. We tried to get you to come with Queen regularly, but... Didn’t work out so well. 
And you’re in my house- the guest room, to be precise. We’ve just moved the bed out temporarily since Sis is looking for a replacement to the broken boxspring. 
...Huh. This looks... Well, it looks more homely than the interrogation room did, for sure. Plus, I’m not getting beaten, so definitely a huge plus. 
[Ryuji visibly winces, and the others all tense.] 
Sorry. Still too soon? 
Little bit... It’s fine, though. We’re glad you’re safe after everything. You’re okay- that’s what matters. 
Right. Hey, Queen? 
Makoto. We don’t need to use codenames anymore now that you remember us. 
Sorry. Makoto? 
...Do you have any food? 
YAYYYY MOREEEEEE!!!! we gotta love the leader sacrificing themselves for their friends and not valuing their own life at all. so yaldy fucked around with aki's memories... and joker tried to fight yaldy ALONE?! BOY GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!! AND HE DID IT????!!! goodness gracious joker. i love that they're all here for him during his recovery... and they're all just watching him to make sure he's ok... 🥺
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dinitride-art · 2 years
Lighting and Mike and Will - Full Analysis (pt.54)
Welp. Let’s just dive on into the rest of this scene then. Mike might actually be possessed or being used as a spy. Will might be getting targeted by Vecna. There’s weird shit happening in the background. But I said I’d get this done. 
S4:E9 - The Cabin Scene (#3) AKA Possessiongate pt.2 Electric Boogaloo
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So, these aren’t OTS shots anymore and that means that Mike and Will’s conversation has evolved to a point of mutual understanding. They do in fact both agree that this man has to die. Now that it looks like Vecna is targeting Mike and Will can tell, maybe that’s why Will’s kind of freaking out a little bit here. Like saying Vecna/One/Henry needs to die isn’t that shocking. But usually Will is nicer about it. 
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Why. Why is that thing in the doorway changing shape? At least Will’s kinda half glowing. But that doesn’t make up for the harsh white light on his back. Or whatever’s in the window in the background. It looks a little bit like the piano in the attic at the Creel’s house. Just a bit. 
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Yeah this is fucking horrifying thanks. (the way the pattern is on the blanket reminds me of Vecna’s face and I hate it). But there’s a yellow shower curtain behind Mike and he’s once again lit by having the light behind him. But not on him. 
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Y’know? There is absolutely no fucking reason (there very much is- it’s Vecna and foreshadowing and suspense and it’s done in a very cool way) that THIS BULLSHIT HAS TO HAPPEN with that door. 
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Maybe Mike’s holding onto Will so tightly because something is very wrong- with the both of them- and he’s trying to keep Will safe and tether himself back to reality as well. Mike’s hand is in the light- nevermind. That’s Mike’s left hand. The Vecna associated hand. And it’s in harsh white light. Also- why does it look like there's a white curtain by the ‘no longer a room’ room? There’s a broom by that room as well. And Mike had a broom by the couch. Hm.
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Then they get broken out of whatever’s happening here. And we can see Mike’s heart pocket again. And the light comes back. 
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It’s still a bit iffy, because we only have on point of light in frame now. The side ones have been cropped out. But Mike and Will are both in the light. And I think that’s a good thing.
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Mike’s almost fully in the dark, and Will’s the one who has light behind him now, but the fact that we can see Mike’s heart pocket again, when we couldn’t before, makes it seem like we’re okay now. 
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They look very alarmed at this moment. But that could just be related to the noise outside- the last time they heard cars pull up somewhere they though they were safe they got shot at. So. This would be a warranted reaction to such a noise. But something very bad almost might’ve just happened in this cabin. So that’s also a reason to be alarmed. 
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Will’s quicker to get moving while Mike sits there for a second. Just staring at Will. If Mike did have an evil evil man with evil evil plans try and take over his mind and use him as a vessel to get to Will, then momentary confusion and shock would be an expected response to that situation. Mike usually moves first, now that I’m thinking about it. So this is a little odd for him.
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There’s a square on that blanket. And Max’s hospital gown also has squares on it. 
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Mike, who really usually is the first person to say something or do something, is trailing behind Will. 
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And then we don’t see Mike come up and look With him. But we do get this creepy stalker shot of Will. So, Vecna’s definitely aware he’s here.
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And then just the contrast between how Nancy and Jonathan are lit, and how Will is lit. Will looks like he’s hiding from something that’s trying to kill him (very real possibility) and Jonathan and Nancy just look normal. 
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Sure, they’re concerned. But they aren’t ‘stalker shot, something is very wrong with my best friend who I love very much, harsh lighting, I look like I belong in a horror movie’ concerned. And Will’s known Vecna has been alive at least since the hospital, so what ever freaked him out was in the cabin. 
And Nancy and Jonathan just finished boarding up one of the windows. 
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 9 parts 1&2]
I’m so curious/excited to see how they interact as a couple
I guess we should thank Mek since he inadvertently gave them the final push they needed
Omg it’s so fascinating how he’s talking about the two people /he/ sees in front of him while Puen and Talay are completely separate individuals
Oh fuck off with the whole “I know you like X so I’m pretending to like them too so you’ll take the step you need” strategy
“Don’t make him sad” or I’ll cut your balls off
(as the intro starts) What… the fuck… was that
Oh NOW the characters in the script have names???
Puen’s smile after he puts Talay’s hand on his cheek… So warm and full of love…
Please stop playing the “get freaky” music while Up is halfway pelvic thrusting
“This is my seat” as someone on the spectrum I’ve never related to Up more
Right in front of Up’s popcorn
Puen wants to make love to Talay so badly (y’know, get all the pent up feelings out) but there’s literally two cockblockers in the way
(as he makes out with the pillow) HE’S NOT EVEN BEING SUBTLE ABOUT IT
… oh noooooo the animal smacker and Aou are gonna end up together aren’t they
… or… not…?
Yeah no they are, I hate it
Cake instead of cotton candy?? I quit
“My wish is to stay here as long as possible” uh-oh
You can’t just steal someone else’s life, Puen
“That’s selfish” “how” C’MON DUDE
“Pakorn also stole my life” NOT INTENTIONALLY
A heart-breaking argument is not what I expected going in :’’’)
It’s not like I don’t understand Puen’s desire to stay, I do, and I get how difficult it is to leave a life of everything you never had in your own behind, but it’s still not right to hijack it forever
Fuuuuuuucckkk they were about to make up
As much as I appreciate how hard Talay is trying to understand Puen better, I hope I’m not expected to change my mind
TIME FOR EPISODE 9 WHICH IS ALSO MY NUMBER LET’S GO!!!! <<<<< i’ve always been meaning to ask if the 9 has some meaning in particular so im using this comment as a way to do that!!! please let me know about it!!! [EDIT] WAIT I JUST THOUGHT ABOUT THIS. IS IT BECAUSE YOUR BIRTHDAY IS 18/2.
I’m so curious/excited to see how they interact as a couple <<<<< EXACTLY THE SAME AND THAT’S ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I LOVE THEM SO MUCH BECAUSE THEY GENUINELY LIKE EACH OTHER AS FRIENDS WAY BEFORE THEY BECOME LOVERS WHICH MEANS THEIR DYNAMIC DOESN’T REALLY CHANGE EXCEPT FOR THE PHYSICAL INTIMACY. of course im not saying the physical aspect is the only thing that separates a friendship from a romantic relationship, and i think the show actually does a great job in showing how the level of understanding and commitment between puen and talay evolves the more their relationship does, but at the same time being together doesn’t change who they are. it’s like what we’ve seen in puen’s fantasy at the beginning of episode 6: we could hardly tell that it wasn’t real because they still acted very much the same, bickering and bantering as always. now they’re just going to add the third B: banging. the triple threat (to my sanity, mainly)
Omg it’s so fascinating how he’s talking about the two people /he/ sees in front of him while Puen and Talay are completely separate individuals <<<<< WHEN I SAY VICE VERSA BEST SHOW OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!! literally how can you not become obsessed with it like this is a genuine question can people please tell me how they can just casually watch this show and then never think about it again because it's been months and im still not moving on and it's frankly becoming a problem
Oh fuck off with the whole “I know you like X so I’m pretending to like them too so you’ll take the step you need” strategy <<<<< SFJKSGFKSGFJ LISTEN i know that's always a ridiculous plot point to use to move a relationship forward, however im willing to buy into it this one time because 1) as i already said way too many times in previous commentaries, drawing a parallel between the talaypuenpang situation in ep 7 and the puentalaymek one in ep 8 was essential to have talay openly choose puen and finally confess his feelings, and 2) tun and mek were highschool friends, so i KNOW in my heart of hearts that my man mek had to spend sooo many hours listening to tun mooning over tess and then having to comfort him when tess turned out to be an asshole. if after all that i came back years later only to find out that my old time bestie was still seeing his highschool crush (who used to be a dick in the past but now seems to have become a decent human being) and had to witness the two of them running around in circles when they obviously like each other, i would probably pull some shit to make them confess too ;;;;;;
“Don’t make him sad” or I’ll cut your balls off <<<<< this is literally what i used to say to all of my friends' partners sfjksgfkg
(as the intro starts) What… the fuck… was that <<<<< LOOK I GET IT BUT ALSO NO THOUGHTS HEAD EMPTY EXCEPT FOR PUEN TELLING TALAY "don't forget to take care of me" AND TALAY'S LITTLE SOFT SMILE AS HE ANSWERS "i know it" [WEEPS]
Please stop playing the “get freaky” music while Up is halfway pelvic thrusting <<<<< im sorry but that's EXACTLY what the "get freaky" music is meant for (im laughing at the fact that you're calling it like that too now sfjksgdksg)
“This is my seat” as someone on the spectrum I’ve never related to Up more <<<<< would love to hear your thoughts about autistic up and if you think that could be canon!!!!
PUEN IS SO POUTY ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO SIT NEXT TO TALAY <<<<< puen has to step one (1) meter away from talay and he's like the world is a cruel and unjust place. there is no armony in the universe. the only constant is suffering [gets to hold talay's hand] jk everything is fine <3
Right in front of Up’s popcorn <<<<< imagine trying to get some popcorn but there are two weirdos just holding hands in the bucket with no respect for the people who might actually want to eat said popcorn..... i have no idea how up and aou can stand them THEY ARE INSUFFERABLE (affectionate)
… oh noooooo the animal smacker and Aou are gonna end up together aren’t they // … or… not…? // Yeah no they are, I hate it <<<<< THIS IS WHY I COULDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO ALL YOUR COMMENTS ABOUT UP AND AOU I DIDN'T WANT TO GET YOUR HOPES UP BUT I ALSO DIDN'T WANT TO SPOILER THINGS. i actually find fuse and aou pretty cute together, and at least you know that aou is gonna set him straight (.....sort of sfjksgfj), but if it makes you feel any better i do think up and aou made out at least a couple of times in the past!!!
Cake instead of cotton candy?? I quit <<<<< i think you meant cotton candy instead of cake but sfjksgfjsg yeah some things in the alternate universe are just so ridiculous
“My wish is to stay here as long as possible” uh-oh // You can’t just steal someone else’s life, Puen // “That’s selfish” “how” C’MON DUDE // “Pakorn also stole my life” NOT INTENTIONALLY // A heart-breaking argument is not what I expected going in :’’’) <<<<< DON'T YOU JUST LOVE PAIN SUFFERING TORMENT AGONY ANGUISH HEARTBREAK DESPAIR :))))))))))) (shout out to jimmy and sea for doing such an amazing job with this scene, i still think they do love and adoration better but the hurt and tension between them is just so palpable here)
It’s not like I don’t understand Puen’s desire to stay, I do, and I get how difficult it is to leave a life of everything you never had in your own behind, but it’s still not right to hijack it forever // As much as I appreciate how hard Talay is trying to understand Puen better, I hope I’m not expected to change my mind <<<<< my brain is currently refusing to cooperate so idk if im gonna be able to explain myself properly, but i personally think the show did a great job with this because it never actually suggests that staying in the alternate universe is a real option. like.. yes, the writers do try to make talay understand puen's point of view, but it's more because talay loves puen and wants to know him rather than because they want talay to change his mind. going back is the right thing to do, and deep down puen knows it too, so talay feeling betrayed by puen wanting to stay is definitely understandable, but at the same time he didn't deal with it in the best way he could. talay's life in the original universe is a pretty good one (he has a family, friends, and the job of his dreams), but not everyone is as fortunate as he is (and this episode we got to see a glimpse of how puen's life must have been like when he is sitting in the dark eating alone before talay and the others get in with the cake). like kita says, "we all have our own pain that we are enduring, you can't compare your life to theirs", and while obviously that doesn't justify stealing someone else's life, trying to understand why they don't want to go back is the only way to make things better
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noforkingclue · 3 years
Flustered (Thomas Thorne x reader)
I’ll admit, I did change this after seeing series 3 episode 1, although no spoilers for the episode for people who haven’t seen it so don’t worry!
A request for @violetlucrezia who wanted a Thomas Thorne x reader with some suggestive flirting. Hope you like it! :D
Warnings: nothing major, just some innuendo 
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @imjustassaneasyou
Your fingers brushed just above the keys of the piano and you smiled softly to yourself. Memories of playing for your family and friends flooded back. It wasn’t very often that you thought back to when you were alive but when you did the memories were always bittersweet.
“Y/n?” a soft voice dragged you out of your thoughts, “Are you alright?”
You looked over your shoulder and smiled as Thomas approached you. You were always glad for his company even if he could be a bit eccentric at times. Then again, who out of your strange little family wasn’t? Thomas came and leant, against the piano and looked down at you. You looked up shyly at him and said,
“Yeah, I’m alright. Just…”
“Y’know,” you sighed, “Remembering when you used to be alive. You think about what could’ve been and how life could’ve been different if you had done things differently.”
You traced your hand over the keys but when you tried to push down your hand just sunk straight through. You grimaced but suddenly jumped when you felt Thomas sit down next to you. You weren’t used to having such close contract with any of the other ghosts, even ones as affectionate as Thomas. You shifted slightly as you continued,
“Before I died I wanted to be a pianist. I would practise every day. I thought I was quite good, if I say so myself. I miss it.”
“Yes,” said Thomas quietly as he looked at the piano, “I remember your playing. It was a joy to listen to. Your fingering has always been remarkable.”
If you were alive you would’ve been blushing. Sure language had evolved a lot since Thomas had died but surely he must know the double meaning of his words. You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye before saying,
“My… fingering.”
“Is that not the correct term,” Thomas said innocently, “I do apologise! I was never truly understood the majesty of the piano while I was alive and now it is too late for me to learn.”
“No, it’s just,” you paused while trying to figure out the best way to phrase your explanation, “Never mind.”
You stood up, suddenly feeling very embarrassed, but Thomas quickly put a gently hand on your wrist. He pulled you down so you were sitting back down next to him. He gave you a soft smile which you couldn’t help but return.
“I apologise if I made you feel uncomfortable,” he said, “You know how much I appreciate your company.”
“I know.”
“And how much I like to hear you fingering.”
There it was again. A seemingly innocent comment but the way Thomas said it made you shudder although in a good way. Emotions swirled in the pit of your stomach, emotions that you thought you’d never feel after you had died.
“I do miss hearing the sweet music that you used to play,” said Thomas, “You held so much skill. It makes me wondering what other skills you could’ve honed if you had remained alive.”
Your eyes widened at his words as he moved closer. You felt him press up against your side and you realised how much you missed contact with other people, even if they were dead.
“I don’t know,” you said sheepishly, “I’m really not that talented. I don’t pick things up very easily.”
“Preposterous!” exclaimed Thomas, “You are a natural at the arts. I’m sure under expert tutelage you will flourish. I, for one, will be more than happy to guide you with your oral skills. I know that you would’ve made a marvellous poet.”
There is was again, a harmless comment for Thomas’s era but in yours could be read in a completely different way. You spluttered at his comment as Thomas leaned closer. Part of you wanted to move away, knew that you should, but instead you stayed. You locked eyes with him and you found yourself unable to look away. It was just an innocent comment, a difference in language, that’s all.
“If only we had met while we were alive,” Thomas said quietly, “We would’ve made such beautiful music together.”
You hadn’t realised that he had been leaning closer until his nose bumped against yours. In a flash you were on your feet and had jumped away. The two of you stared at each other for a moment before you stammered,
“I… I need to go. I have th… things to do!”
“Things?” Thomas gave you an amused smile as he stood up
“Yes,” you moved towards the door, “Lovely speaking with you, as usual, but I’ve got to go. Stuff to see, people to do. I mean,” you were so glad you couldn’t blush anymore, “People to see and stuff to do.”
Thomas couldn’t help but soften his gaze as you practically collapsed through the door. Your shyness to his affections was an attractive feature and he couldn’t help but be drawn to your quiet and peaceful nature. He never realised how much he enjoyed seeing your flustered face until now and he was determined to see it again.
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anistarrose · 2 years
Any thoughts about the lore we got on Philip's brother in the paintings :o ? Or Belos in general
Honestly, the episode left me in almost a state of stunned silence — like, very much the evil cousin of "no thoughts head empty," but now that my impressions have simmered for a while I do have thoughts! Lots of them are on a meta level, though.
I was hype for the Wittebro (Caleb?) lore and I’m certainly satisfied with what we got, though I am curious about how they’ll handle him going forwards — if we’ll ever get an animated scene with him, y’know, or if he’ll just kinda haunt the narrative? I expect Belos to bring him up again, possibly in reference to Flapjack, but there’s a compelling story in those photographs alone, and I don’t think they’d need much expanding on if the TOH crew wants to keep telling Wittebro’s story through the memories of his brother and the lives of his descendants (both Hunter, and possibly the Clawthornes). 
And I get the appeal, it’s a narrative device that really drives home how Wittebro is gone, that echoes of him may still reverberate but they’re distorted, either by Philip’s already biased memories being blurred even further by time — or by evolving into new, albeit possibly similar people, in the case of the Golden Guards.
(I saw Rebecca Rose tweet that a lot of the portraits were being revised late into post-production, so I do wonder if they seized the chance to sneak in details they would’ve revealed otherwise, if S3 hadn’t been cut. Making it a tragic detail both in-universe and out of it then, I guess.)
On a totally different topic — I thought it was neat that we saw the scene from Jacob Hopkins’ book with the “lured” brothers!
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I felt just a tiny bit vindicated seeing this — with Wittebro looking so excited, and Philip looking so apprehensive — as well as the implication of Wittebro falling in love with a witch, because I’d always been super suspicious of Philip’s very on-brand Puritan “burn the witch” posture in the original image! Looks like some artistic liberties were taken in universe, compared to the actual scene, but damn, someone really nailed the symbolism of Wittebro accepting witches and Philip wanting them to burn. 
(Certainly no shade to Old Fanon Philip or anyone who liked him, because I enjoyed him too, but I was always pretty sure he would never be Canon Philip, you know?)
I do wonder if Wittebro was always a Dirty Witch Sympathizer, at least as Philip would’ve thought of him, or if he started out as a witch hunter too and was just quick to realize, hey, wait a second, these are just people. There’s a potential parallel with Hunter, and, uh, apparently at least 16 other Golden Guards in that case, so I’m drawn to that possibility from a narrative sense. It really doubles down on how horrible Philip is, too — he was probably shaped by his upbringing, but his brother broke out of it, just like Hunter and Lilith and Amity and arguably Darius and more did, and that makes Belos all the more chilling as a foil.
(One more topic change, can I add how funny I find it that Belos just changed his name because everyone hated Philip? All that speculation about him having one of Those villain moments like “Philip is gone, I’m Belos now” and it turns out nah, he actually still prefers Philip, and Philip has always sucked.)
Anyways. Very Good Episode. I’ve watched it four times in the past seven hours.
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Haha and okay I just saw that your askbox is open and read your rules, so if you don't mind, could I please request some hcs for Beel, Mammon, Asmo and Belphie and how they like to cuddle with mc? Cuddle hcs basically lol. If four is too many please feel free to adjust this! Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day 🥰
The Obey Me Brothers: Cuddling / Sleeping Headcanons
AN: Sorry this took a while!! I decided to write for all the brothers because I have a tiny rough draft of cuddle headcanons back from like, the first week I started the game. Mammon’s was the first I came up with, and I filled in the rest from my impressions of the boys from the first 4 lessons. They’ve evolved since then, and I hope they’re alright!! Take care 💙
Brother x reader writing style. Gender neutral reader as always. Written on mobile primarily so excuse any formatting mistakes please ;u; I only go on PC to add finishing touches and a read more
Some things may come off as suggestive, but aren’t really intended that way except for Asmo’s - this is fluff through and through
- Ideal cuddles: Likes to have you lay on his chest in his bed. He doesn’t want his brothers intruding and annoying him or pulling his attention away from you, so his room works best. There’s something about being able to look down and immediately see you there that almost gives him butterflies. It settles him immediately. He’s canonically not a morning demon, but waking up to that sight and knowing you trust him and feel comfortable around him gives him enough motivation and hope to do anything. Getting through the days becomes a breeze when he knows he can return to that most nights. He’s also a real delight to see on those early mornings - tired, but his smile brightens up his eyes, and his hair is a mess over the pillows. He’s not stressed out yet, so he’s fully relaxed and looks quite elegant.
Sadly, he’s often busy, and regularly misses out on sleep. At times like this, he likes having you curled up in his lap whilst he works, so long as you don’t distract him. He’ll press occasional kisses to your temple and you can nap or read or just lay there and listen to the music he always has playing when you’re in his study.
- He has to be very close to the MC to let them cuddle up to him, and initially he’s a bit stiff and awkward because he kind of forgot what this feels like. For the first while he’s quiet every time you cuddle him, wrapping his arms around you and leaning his head against yours and staring off into the distance. He’s touch-starved. Give him a moment.
- Once he settles and starts to get used to affection, if you two are alone he’ll walk up and put his arms around your shoulders and pull you in for hugs, leaning his chin against the top of your head. One time, months into whatever relationship you have, he does it in front of his brothers without thinking, and whilst he feels embarrassed after he realises he doesn’t mind - somewhere between him seeing it as staking a claim, because he’s still the avatar of pride, and between feeling comfortable enough in your presence that he can’t bring himself to care how they’ll react.
- On his rare days off, will absolutely whisk you off somewhere else for a day out in the Devildom and a night in a cabin or hotel or something where no one will bother the two of you and he can hold you in his arms for as long as he wants to and talk to you about everything that comes to mind, completely free and relaxed. He’s one to mumble about something or other when cuddling, unless he’s working, so when the two of you are just relaxing together he’ll ramble about something or ask you questions and listen to you talk.
- Once Luci said something that made you laugh whilst you were laying with your head on his chest and he knows he’s never going to forget about it. Will intentionally try to make you laugh so that he can experience that again. He was an angel once and yet, nothing feels more like heaven to him. Only thing is he’s not above teasing and tickling you to get a reaction out of you, so long as it’s one that might end in you laughing and smiling up at him, and you’ll feel his own laughter rumbling about in his chest.
- Ideal cuddles: In your bed - it smells like you and it’s tidier than his room, probably. He likes to have his arms wrapped around your midsection whilst facing each other, on your sides. He also doesn’t mind if you use his chest or shoulder as a pillow, so long as you both have your arms around one another. Often times he’ll bury his face in your hair to take in your scent and because it’s soft and calming. By the time you wake up, he’s going to end up wrapped around you like a koala.
- Adores cuddling on days off when the two of you don’t have to leave for longer than a few moments at a time, especially in a place where his brothers won’t bother you; think, staying in a cabin where it all feels so domestic, you two can wake up whenever you want and make breakfast together and stay practically attached at the hip the entire time, sinking back into bed or laying together on the sofa whenever you want. No responsibilities, no pressure.
- Plays with your hands, or runs his fingers along your side, or tucks one arm up behind your back to hold you really close and play with the strands of hair at the base of your scalp / top of your neck. So long as it doesn’t disturb you heavily, he tends to have some kind of motion, not one to stay still for long.
- He’s quite warm, almost rivaling Beel, so you might have to ask him to loosen his grip on you if you get warm easily. If you do, he pouts and suggests he lowers the temperature of the entire room instead, or buys thinner blankets or gets rid of blankets all together.
- He tries to stay up until you fall asleep because it feels so peaceful and he really feels like he’s protecting you. Also, no one can criticise him or be rude to him when they’re sleeping. Even if you don’t ever talk down on him, his brothers weigh him down, so watching over you whilst you rest in his arms makes him feel so much better without worrying that you’re judging him.
- One time you two were cuddling and he just started crying quietly, because damn, he’s the luckiest demon in all the Devildom and even Lord Diavolo would be jealous of him right now. He’s an emotional cuddler, and will randomly tear up or start chuckling to himself. He’s quiet and doesn’t usually voice his thoughts when cuddling but you can tell he’s thinking constantly and always really happy.
- He gets shy easily enough but he’s also possessive, and he’s not one to turn you down. Because of this he honestly doesn’t care where the two of you cuddle, or who sees. His grip gets a little tighter around you if his brothers walk in and you’re curled up together on the sofa or something, but he wants to be held 24/7 and any mild temporary discomforts are more than worth it when he’s with you.
- Ideal cuddles: Please lay on top of his chest. Literally just lay on top of him. He melts every single time. His bathtub bed is perfect for this, because there’s really no other way to lie unless you want him to lay on top of you, so he prefers cuddling there - that, and it helps him stay cool, and he gets to be in the safety of his own room. In an actual bed, he’s the little spoon all the way. It’s hard to convince him you truly like him, but when you cuddle up against his back and wrap your arms around him he feels a little safer believing you might be telling the truth. It also makes him feel really safe and comfortable, a barrier from the outside world that he rejects daily.
- It doesn’t happen very often, but Levi is one of the brothers most likely to sleep in his demon form, and occasionally when you’re cuddling he’s so relaxed he takes on his demon form without really thinking about it. He says sorry and, half asleep, offers to turn back, but if you’re not uncomfortable then he starts to do it more often. He’s mindful about his horns and prefers to cuddle in his bathtub so he doesn’t tear any of your pillows or accidentally jab you with his horns.
- He’s somewhat cold to the touch unless he forces himself to raise his internal temperature. You’re unlikely to overheat whilst cuddling with him, but you’ll need a thick blanket or you may end up shivering after a few minutes, at which point he’ll try his best to be warmer and apologise profusely. He hates being warm, though - best to just go for the layers of blankets.
- Y’know that one thing where (usually) a girl goes up to her boyfriend and climbs into his lap whilst he’s gaming? Adores that. Oh, it makes him so, so happy. The first time you do it he drops his controller and after a minute of startled silence where you wonder just how red his face can get, he wraps his arms around you tight enough that you feel your spine click, and he buries his face into your neck and stays there for as long as you let him. He’s so flustered and yet, you can tell he’s happier than he’s ever been. It instantly cheers him up no matter how bad his mood is. It’s even better if you’re playing a game on a handheld system whilst he plays or watches something and the two of you are just, wrapped around each other but still doing your own thing. He just wants you close to him. He just wants to know you like him. Please give this boy cuddles.
- Ideal cuddles: Like Mammon, in a bed he likes to have his arms around your waist and for the two of you to be facing each other. Your room would be ideal but he would really rather be in his so much he ends up cleaning all the books off his bed just so he can cuddle up with you. He also likes the idea of cuddling up under a tree somewhere, or in one of those plush window seats, where you two can look out over the Devildom and he can point out different places and talk about them all - Satan has connections everywhere, and you’ll feel like you know everyone by the time he’s done.
- Satan isn’t particularly warm or cold. His temperature varies with the seasons, but he’s mostly just lukewarm. This means you’re unlikely to overheat or be too cold when you cuddle, which is always good.
- He likes to read to you or have you read to him, or ask questions back and forth to prod at each other’s minds a bit. A talkative cuddler - there are brief moments of silence, but he’s thinking constantly and he wants you to be involved in that, just like every aspect of his life. There’s usually a clear connection between one of his thoughts and the next, and he’ll have calm discussions about thinks with you in his arms.
- Only falls asleep first if he’s really, really tired. Otherwise he’ll stay up and read or talk to you until you fall asleep. Like Mammon there’s something about the peace, something about knowing you trust him, that you don’t see him as his anger, nor as his false personality that he puts on to please the others and maintain a decent status in comparison to Lucifer. You just see him as he is. He thinks about this a lot as he pets your hair.
- Speaking of petting your hair, he has a tendency to run his nails over your scalp when you’re in his arms. If you’re uncomfortable it would be best to tell him early on before the habit is set in stone. His main source of affection comes from the stray cats he feeds outside, so he just uses whatever knowledge he’s gained from that. This also means he’ll take one of your hands in his arm press gently into your palm with his thumbs, like he’s pressing the pads on a cats paw.
- Feels close to normal when he’s cuddling. Like he was never born solely of one emotion, because he feels so many in those moments that he really could be a whole on his own. He’s not one to hide this, and will openly vent to you about it. As well as this, he’s quite likely to come straight to you if he isn’t feeling well and needs cuddles to settle down. The only exception is if he’s really angry and is worried he might hurt you by accident. Even then, if you can get close enough to take his hand or wrap your arms around him, there’s a large chance he’ll settle enough to hold you in kindness and he can begin to heal.
- He doesn’t talk about it openly but one time he’s in an awful mood and you grab his head and hold it against your chest until he lets out all his emotions and feels better and it becomes his favourite thing in the world. He loves to cuddle with his head against your chest and your fingers running through his hair. You can tell that he adores it because he ends up purring and nuzzling his face against you. Unlike Luci, he hasn’t been to heaven, but he’d be able to describe the feeling of it much better than God himself could using just that embrace as his reference point.
- Ideal cuddles: “Whatever you want, honey.” He isn’t picky, he just wants to be touching you in any way possible. However, he really likes laying with his head on your stomach or chest - especially if he can press light kisses against them. He wants some skin-on-skin contact, even if its holding hands or one of you burying their face in the other’s neck, or pressing feathery kisses to the insides of your wrist. It soothes him. He can’t stop himself from grinning if you nuzzle into his neck.
- He’s just the right temperature for cuddles. He’s on the warmer side, but whatever the perfect temperature is for you, he’s there. When he sleeps on his own, he likes to have a lot of blankets piled up, and then have a fan on to balance out the temperature, and he’ll push for the same setup when you’re cuddling together.
- One of the brothers who will go up to you when he wants attention. He’s the least shy, and will happily throw an arm around you anytime, anywhere. Honestly if it doesn’t bother you, he’d pull you into his lap in public or in front of his brothers and cuddle you close to him. The only problem he could possibly imagine is that other people are jealous of the two of you, so you’d really have to sit him down and explain if PDA isn’t at all your thing. Happy enough to link pinkies if that’s all you’re comfortable with, but he needs a lot of affection, so expect him to essentially trap you in his room later so you spend time with him.
- King of gentle kisses and soothingly rubbing your arms / back if you’ve not had the best day. He doesn’t mind whether you two talk or not, but on bad days he’s the best to go to - he’ll listen to everything you have to say, and verbally destroy anyone who’s annoyed you, all whilst holding your head to his chest and tracing shapes against your back.
- Loves loves loves listening to you talk about your day and then filling you in on his own. He’s a gossip but harmlessly, and will talk about whatever’s trending currently, keeping you up to date on everything. If he really wants to show you something or take a photo with you he likes to cuddle up with an arm around you and hold his phone in his other hand, scrolling through whatever social media he’s found this really interesting or horrible thing on. Otherwise he’s quiet enough, with mumbled words of affection and some suggestive jokes (and touches, if you’re comfortable. He won’t go anywhere with it if you’re just cuddling). He’s just happy and he wants to soak in it for as long as possible; he finally understands how people feel when they fall for him, he says
- Ideal cuddles: Big spoon. Preferably in his bed rather than yours. He wants to wrap his arms around you, especially if you’ve already got your arms wrapped around yourself so that he’s essentially holding your hands at the same time. He buries his face at the base of your neck / top of your spine. He also really, really loves just having you cling to him in some way, and will carry you around like that - usually he loves having you curled up in one arm whilst he goes about his day or eats.
- He is so warm, but if you’re laying down he’ll insist on having a blanket because it keeps him safe from the monsters in his closet :( You’ll definitely need something to cool you down, and he gets into the habit of getting you a glass and a large jug of water before you cuddle up together because you have to stay hydrated and it should help you cool down at least a little. Get him a thin blanket and a fan of some kind and it should just about balance it out.
- He’s the opposite of Belphie, in that he doesn’t tend to cuddle for long periods of time - he wants to, and pouts any time he has to get up, but even if you help him not feel quite so hungry, he still needs to eat regularly. If you’re asleep he’ll move as slowly and carefully as possible so that he doesn’t wake you up. If you’re awake he’ll gush out apologies and then ask if you want to be wrapped up in the blanket and carried along with him. If you say no he pours a fresh glass of water and rushes out and back because he really wants to spend time with you.
- Sometimes he just gets really excited and happy and he’ll grin at you wordlessly.
- He’s quiet but in the early morning, when he wakes up, even if you’re not awake he’ll press soft kisses against your shoulders and the back of your neck and whisper whatever comes to his mind. He tends to repeat over and over that he really cares about you and that he’s really glad you’re here.
- Ideal cuddles: In the attic on his nest of pillows and blankets, curled up so that you’re both mainly on your backs but somewhat facing each other. No matter what he’s going to end up curling up against your side by the time he wakes up anyway. He also really likes sleeping on top of you, but this is a bit risky because he sleeps like a log and its hard to wake him up when you need to get up to eat or use the bathroom. If you’re not in the attic, the only other place outside of your rooms that he likes to cuddle up together to sleep is the planetarium, looking up at the stars together.
- He’s on the cooler side, but likes being warm - he’s used to the kind of warmth Beel produces. Because of this, he’s liable to snuggling in as close as he possibly can to you to absorb some of your heat. You’re going to become his own personal radiator.
- Unlike Beel, he will cuddle forever. There are very few things stopping him from just sleeping constantly, with the main reason being that he wants to spend time with you and Beel. In fact, you’re going to have trouble getting out of his grasp once he wraps his arms around your stomach and pulls you down onto his pillow nest. Its best to devise a system and let him get used to it - tapping on his arm or hand 3 times, or something like that, and he’ll release you. He’ll also push for you to wake him up. The only other thing that will make him release you is if he brushes a hand against your side and you’re ticklish and laugh, in which case he’ll grin and start tickling you instead.
- Like Levi, if relaxed enough he’ll slip into his demon form. It takes less energy to be in that form anyway, and he likes letting you play with his tail when you’re  cuddled up together. Acts annoyed if you start poking and prodding at him because you don’t often get to see the boys relaxed in their demon forms, but he really enjoys it. Purrs if you pet his horns.
- He’s not at all talkative but likes to listen. However, he’s liable to falling asleep very, very quickly, so it’s not worth saying anything too important to him; he’ll listen, and he’ll remember when he wakes up, but he’s not going to respond effectively in a timely manner.
- Belphie smirks and grins a lot, but sometimes he wakes up earlier than you and he looks at you until you wake up too, and you’ll see his lopsided smile as he beams at you, content. Mornings are okay like that, he decides, even if he grumbles and complains when you tell him you have to start getting ready for class.
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weasleylangs · 4 years
if you don’t know, let me go - f.w
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Pairing: Fred x Fem!Slytherin!Reader Summary: It’s always seemed like they’ve been dancing the line between friends and more, so why does he take a different girl to the ball? Warnings: Some swearing, pining that one character is too much of a dummy to see, a bit of angst but it eventually becomes fluff I promise, jealousy but nothing toxic, underage drinking but it’s like one line. Word Count: 5.8k
A/N: This is my first fanfiction in literally forever, so any feedback is always appreciated! Requests are open if you like this and want more! Also this got stupidly long fast, I can barely write book reviews on Goodreads without writing a novel so my bad, I’m sorry if you don’t like long fics. (Also cross-posted on AO3 as the tumblr tags don’t seem to be my friend right now.) 
- Also, thank you so much to @lumosandnoxwriting for answering all my questions on how to get back into writing!
Send me an ask or a dm if you would like to be added to a tag list!
“Do you think he’s going to ask you?” 
It’s Wednesday afternoon, late enough for class to be over but too early for dinner and Y/N’s attempt at understanding anything in her potions textbook is broken by Alicia Spinnet talking to her. Despite the fact she hadn’t said a name, Y/N knows immediately who she was talking about and she shrugs in response, closing her book and accepting that studying was not on the table for the rest of the night now the ball has been mentioned. 
“Probably not.” She deadpans. Y/N’s been trying not to get her hopes up that Fred would ask her to the Yule Ball since it was announced three days ago. Alicia’s already been asked by George- who immediately did a dramatic reenactment of some muggle proposal he’d seen in a movie as soon as Dumbledore announced it. But Fred had been more reluctant to ask anyone, despite people’s assumption that he could get anyone he pleased. Y/N only hoped this was because he was too shy of taking whatever they were from friends to lovers.
No one really understood how the outspoken and mischievous redhead became friends with the snarky Slytherin girl, but 6 years into their schooling people have stopped questioning it. They had formed an unexplainable bond the second they met on the train to Hogwarts when they were eleven years old that may have included both shouting at blood purists and now it seems to have evolved into something beyond just a friendship. 
Lingering stares, soft touches, the fact neither of them had really dated anyone else because they were too caught up with each other. Everyone, including their friends, have all placed bets on how long it’ll take for the two of them to ‘fess up and finally get together.
“What makes you say that?” Alicia asks, genuinely. She’s heard first hand the teasing George and Lee give Fred over his feelings for Y/N in the Gryffindor common room when they think they’re alone so she finds it hard to believe he hasn’t even hinted at them going together yet. 
Y/N shrugs. “I just think if he wanted to go with me, he’d ask me by now… Y’know?” Alicia can’t really deny her logic. Fred’s never been the one to shy away from being outspoken about anything really in the whole six years she’s known him, so even she can admit it’s weird that Fred hasn’t asked her.
“Maybe he just assumes you guys are going together?” Alicia starts, and before Y/N can argue back, she holds up a hand, “I’ll ask him after dinner tonight. I can guarantee Lee or George will join in and you’ll have your date by Transfiguration tomorrow!” Y/N shakes her head and laughs, and starts packing her things, mumbling about Alicia is a meddler and that she’ll see her later.
Y/N’s walking to the Great Hall for dinner when it happens. Adrian Pucey, star quidditch chaser for the Slytherin team slinks up next to her and scares her enough to almost drop the books she has clutched in her hands. She’s never had a problem with Adrian- their parents are in similar friendship circles so she sees him at family friend events outside of school, but she’s never considered him a friend either, which is why his approach to her is so odd.
“Sorry about that,” he laughs, shoving his hands in his pockets as Y/N clutches her chest. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“No, no, it’s fine,” she starts, “You’re just very quiet. I’m used to being almost tackled to the ground when I see friends.” She laughs, but she doesn’t miss the awkward tension in the air and she can’t help but assume what’s coming next. 
“I just wanted to ask if, uh, if you don’t have a date to the ball… If you’d like to go with me?” 
Y/N gulps. She knows she shouldn’t be putting all her eggs in the Fred Weasley marked basket, but she can’t help but remember her conversation with Alicia only an hour ago.
‘You’ll have your date by Transfiguration tomorrow!’
Adrian senses her hesitation and lets out a breath that sounds like he’s almost laughing. “You’re waiting for one of Weasley twins to ask you, aren’t you? Fred, right?” She hates how easily he caught on.
“Adrian, I- Ugh, I’m sorry. But yeah… I am.” She feels her cheeks heat up in embarrassment at someone she’s not even friends with pointing it out. She can’t help but think maybe this is a sign though, that if everyone else is expecting it, why hasn’t he asked her yet? 
“No, it’s all good. But the offers on the table if he’s too pussy to ask you out.” He gives a kind smile as he walks off to catch up with Marcus Flint who’s drilling Malfoy about quidditch plays.
She exhales slowly and finally makes it to the Great Hall. She scans the tables looking for her closest friend in Slytherin- Daphne Greengrass and once she finds her, she quickly makes her way over to her. Dinner is relatively uneventful since she’s sitting with her house, and George manages to catch her eye at one point and mouths ‘miss you’ to which she laughs and says she misses him back.
She’s about to get up and leave when the last thing she expects to happen, happens. She hears Ron exclaim loudly that Fred can’t make fun of him for not having a date because he doesn’t have one either. Y/N feels her heart start to race, knowing if anyone’s going to prove a point to Ron, it’ll be Fred Weasley. She doesn’t hear what Fred’s reply is but Harry and Ron both scoff, and one of them says ‘ask a girl out if it’s so easy then.’ 
Y/N’s about to approach the Gryffindor table when George’s eye catches her, and he shakes his head. Fred has already thrown a scrunched-up piece of paper at Angelina and her heart sinks. 
“Angelina! Will you go to the ball with me?” 
As Angelina laughs and says yes to Fred, it feels like the whole Great Hall is either watching their altercation or watching Y/N in pity. Her heart now feels like it’s in her throat, and she needs to get out of the room before she cries or yells at Fred. She pivots on her heel and is met face-to-face with Daphne, who nods in silent agreement that they’re going back to their dorm. 
Y/N is halfway down the long tables with the door in her sights when she spots Adrian out of the peripheral of her eye. She can tell he’s looking at her in pity and in a weird way, she feels the need to show defiance against Fred Weasley. She needs to show she doesn’t need pity, especially right now, that she can get a date herself. So she stops in front of the Slytherin quidditch team and slightly smirks. 
“That offer to the ball still on the table?” 
Daphne spends the night taking Y/N’s mind off the Weasley family. They sit in their dorm together, once again trying to study for potions which eventually leads into ball talk yet again. Daphne can tell the idea of going to the ball with anyone who isn't Fred is unnerving for Y/N, but there’s no backing down now.
“That was kind of a badass move, y’know?” She starts, treading lightly as they eventually reach the elephant in the room, ‘Asking Adrian after what happened.”
It doesn’t feel badass to Y/N. She feels like she’s cheating on the redhead that owns her heart, but she knows that’s ridiculous. Fred clearly has no form of feelings for her and she’s decided to get over him. 
“It’s nothing…” She starts and she sees Daphne’s eyebrows raise. They’ve been roommates every year since they started school together so they’re both aware this is a big lie. “I didn’t want to go alone. Everyone else had dates already and Adrian’s nice. Plus, he did ask me before…”
Daphne nods, not wanting to press further. “Have you got a dress yet?” It had said on their packing list for the school year to bring a dress or dress robes so everyone’s already well prepared. Y/N nods and walks towards the closet before pulling out a floor-length silver gown with lace detailing. She smiles shyly as Daphne gasps in awe. 
“Eat your heart out, Fred Weasley!” For the first time all night, Y/N laughs. She knows she’s going to look stunning in the dress and while she has no ill resentment towards Angelina for agreeing to go with Fred, she can’t help but feel a little bit coy knowing Fred’s going to see her in it. 
She’s sitting at her desk in Transfiguration the next day when he finally acknowledges her presence. She’s twiddling her quill in her fingers, dreading the moment the troublemaker waltzes into the class. His usual seat is the one next to her, while George and Lee sit in front of them but she can only hope Alicia takes the hint and sits with her before Fred does.
She doesn’t get her wish. She’s about two seconds away from dozing off when the seat screeches against the hardwood flooring below them and she looks to her left to see Fred smirking.
“Hi love,'' he starts, the nickname not feeling out of ordinary, “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.” He says, and it’s true. He hadn’t seen her since class yesterday. He had looked for her before dinner to tell her about the prank he’d pulled on Filch with George while she was studying and he’d barely seen her during dinner. 
Her heart starts to speed up at the nickname, and she forces down the bile she feels growing in her throat. “Yeah, I just ate dinner and went to bed yesterday. Been studying for potions. Sixth year is hard.” She’s trying to be short and sweet and maybe a little blunt but Fred doesn’t pick up on it. “Heard you asked Angelina to the ball too.” She’s hoping to whoever’s listening to her prayers that the jealousy isn’t evident in her voice and by the dopey smile that grows on Fred’s face, her prayers were answered.
“Yeah! Ron was being such a prat, telling me I couldn’t make fun of him for…” But she drowns his voice out. It might be a bitch move, but she really doesn’t need to hear the who, where, when and why he asked Angelina out. It’s clear to Y/N that Fred didn’t even notice her existence at dinner and that stings more than she’d like to admit. 
She can barely concentrate during class. Fred has never really shown to care about any academic success, so he spends the entire period trying to entertain Y/N and get her to speak to him but she’s being stubborn and Fred can’t help but wonder what he did wrong. He starts to think maybe she’s just had a bad day, but when the bell rings and she storms off without even saying goodbye to him he’s dumbfounded.
“Trouble in paradise, brother?” George teases when he sees the frown adorned on Fred’s face. 
“Have I done anything to upset Y/N?” He questions and he sees the way George and Lee both give each other a look. They know something he doesn’t and that leaves a feeling of uneasiness in his chest. Y/N and himself have always been closer than her and George and especially her and Lee. He was there for her when her parents were fighting constantly when she was 11 and when Marcus Flint started bullying her in 3rd year. He was even there when she cried to him last year about the guy she loved and how he was so stupidly blind to her feelings and while she didn’t give a name, Fred was dying to go punch whoever it was for not realising he had his best friend’s heart.
“If you have, it’s not up for us to tell you, mate.” Lee states and he hides behind George when he notices the scowl on Fred’s face. Lee knows better than to get between him and Y/N, but he isn’t wrong. 
“Look, Alicia said she was fine when they left the library yesterday evening,” George starts, and he knows he shouldn’t be lying to his brother and best friend, but it’s not a huge lie, and maybe it’ll push his oblivious brother to realise what he did to upset his best friend, “She was at dinner last night when you asked Angie to the ball and then she went to her dorm with Daphne. Heard something about her saying yes to Adrian Pucey asking her to the ball…” While George made extra emphasis on the fact Y/N witnessed Fred asking Angelina to the ball, Fred’s eyes glaze over in rage when George mentions Adrian and he has a feeling his twin has got the wrong idea.
“I bet Adrian did something to her. Fuck him, honestly.” And before George and Lee can stop him, Fred’s stalking out of the classroom with Adrian Pucey in his sights.
Fred doesn’t find Adrian until later that afternoon, standing on the pitch and clad in his quidditch robes, yelling at someone who Fred assumes is Montague. He thinks now is probably a bad time to confront him, but he's blinded by the thought that he’s hurt Y/N. 
“Pucey!” He shouts and when Adrian turns around, he chuckles and smirks at Fred. He was expected this later rather than sooner, specifically during dinner, but he guesses now will have to do. 
“What?” He asks, but they both know why he’s here and he’s just enjoying riling Fred up. 
“What did you do Y/N?” Adrian scoffs at this and shakes his head which confuses Fred. “What did I do to Y/N?” Fred stands his ground, chest puffed up. Adrian might be a fair bit shorter than Fred but Adrian hasn’t got anything to be scared of. Sure he’s seen Fred throw a punch or two and he’s definitely been on the receiving end of a bludger from the Weasley during a game, but he knows he isn’t the one that hurt Y/N here. 
“I think you should be asking yourself that, mate. Y/N only agreed to going to the ball with me after you asked Angelina out right in front of her.” This causes Fred to look at Adrian in confusion and Adrian laughs at Fred again. He’s confused, why would asking Angelina out hurt Y/N? 
It turns out he said that out loud, because two seconds later Adrian is responding to him, “Because she was expecting you to ask her, Weasley.” 
Adrian doesn’t even wait for Fred’s reply before stalking off to the Slytherin change rooms and Fred’s left standing on the pitch, wondering why the ache in his chest is almost debilitating at the thought of hurting Y/N and questioning why he feels the need to throw up knowing she’s happily going with Adrian Pucey. 
Fred’s next port of call is finding Y/N. After his talk with Adrian, he needs to find out why she expected him to ask her to the ball. He would’ve happily gone with her, but to Fred, she hadn’t even dropped a single hint at wanting to go with him and when she’s finally located, she’s in the library with Daphne. 
“This is my exit cue,” Daphne mutters as she notices the redhead roaming around the library looking for Y/N. She doesn’t even have a moment to question Daphne before the seat in front of her is suddenly occupied by the last person she was hoping to see again.
“Why are you going with Pucey?” Is the first thing that leaves Fred’s mouth, and it wasn’t what Y/N was expecting. She splutters, only for a few seconds, before eventually replying.
“He asked me.” 
Fred’s eyebrows furrow, but didn’t Pucey say she wanted to go with him? “A little birdie said you wanted to go with me. So, how come you’re going with him.”
Now Y/N scoffs and Fred can’t help but notice how many people are scoffing at him today just for asking questions and it’s getting annoying. “You didn’t ask me. He did. So, I said yes. Don’t understand why it’s such a big deal.” She’s intentionally being short, hopefully not spilling anything about her feelings for the boy in front of her. 
“I didn’t know you wanted to go with me, Y/N. How was I supposed to know?” At this, Y/N goes from feeling hurt to angry and she can’t explain why her hands start to shake. 
“How were you supposed to know?” She exclaims loudly which causes her to receive a rather nasty ‘sh’ from Madam Pince and a few O.W.L students surrounding her. 
“Have you seen the way we act around each other Fred?” She’s now whisper yelling and the confused look on Fred’s face as she says this just aggravates her further and she’s convinced no one is this daft and he’s pushing her buttons on purpose. “Because everyone thinks we’re fucking dating already, Fred. You have to constantly be touching me, we’re always together, you call me darling and love and you kiss me on the forehead when I fucking bring you sugar quills from Hogsmeade because they’re your favourite and whenever you have spare money you always buy me Honeydukes chocolate because you said you like seeing me blush when you buy me things. You’re telling me now that we’re just friends?”
If the ache in Fred’s chest was almost debilitating on the quidditch pitch earlier, right now it feels like he’s about to go into cardiac arrest. Her cheeks are flushed, her fists are clenched, pieces of her hair are falling out of her bun that’s resting on top of her head and, worst of all, Fred’s noticed the tears of anger and frustration pooling in her eyes.
She sighs before continuing, trying to compose herself so he doesn’t see her crying over him, unaware he’s already noticed the tears threatening to fall. Her voice is sad and broken, and it feels like the ending point for her. 
“I was just stupid enough to assume this year was the year we would finally admit we’re more than friends, Freddie. But I guess all this time it’s been one-sided. I hope you have a good time at the ball with Angelina.” 
Fred grabs her wrist as she starts to pack up her things and looks at her, scanning her face for any form of emotion. “Let me go, Fred.” She looks at him with pleading eyes and he lets go of the grasp he has on her wrist.
Fred doesn’t try to stop her again as she hastily packs up her things and he sadly watches her leave the library without turning to look at him. 
Y/N doesn’t care if it’s considered dramatic, but she lays in bed and cries for the rest of the day. While she hasn’t gone through a literal break-up, it feels like her friendship with Fred is over. At least, she’s decided, it’s over until she gets over her feelings for him. 
Daphne tries everything in her power to comfort her. She rubs her back, plays with her hair and even puts on ABBA to try and get Y/N to dance just to cheer her up. Y/N feels horrible she’s basically conned Daphne into babysitting her breakdown but Daphne constantly reassures her it’s okay. 
“Do you want me to go beat him up? I might be short and weak and he’s the size of a tree but I could take him.” Y/N sniffles a laugh at this, and smiles. She’s truly grateful for everything Daphne’s been doing for her and she makes a mental note to get her an extra special Christmas present next time she goes to Hogsmeade. 
However, it turns out essentially ending the friendship with Fred ends her friendships with most of the Gryffindors. She was expecting this, but when George can’t even meet her eye in class her heart breaks into even smaller pieces. George has always been like a brother to her, someone she could tell anything too without worry of being judged. He was the first person she told when she realised she liked Fred and Y/N was the first person, besides Fred, that George told his feelings for Alicia for. 
Y/N feels alone but she’s stubborn so she refuses to show it. She sits with Daphne in every class, essentially kicking poor Cassius Warrington who’s been pining after Daphne for 3 years into a different spot in class and she sometimes even sits with Adrian during lunch. It turns out they have a lot more in common than just the fact they’re in Slytherin and pure-bloods and Y/N’s pain in her chest is slowly but surely disappearing. 
While her feelings for Fred still exist, her heart slowly feels like it’s being mended. It’s only when she spots Fred sulking during lunch one day that the ache returns. She was usually the one who he went too when feeling bad- him being too embarrassed to go to George. She hopes he’s okay, but she shakes the idea of approaching him, knowing he’s got Angelina to keep him company. The pang in her chest stays a little bit longer that day. 
The Yule Ball arrives quicker than expected and Y/N and Daphne spend all day getting ready with a bunch of other Slytherin students. It’s nice, while they don’t all usually get along, the house loyalty between them is unmistakable. 
Most of them are acutely aware of Y/N’s ‘Weasley Situation’ and while some of them give her pity looks, most of the younger girls have expressed their jealousy that she’s going with Adrian. This makes her laugh and shake her head and she often replies that boys aren’t all that and no boy is worth being jealous over. She feels like a wise mother almost, never wanting them to feel the way she’s felt the past few weeks.
Daphne and Y/N arrive at the Great Hall together, giggling about how bad Y/N is at walking in heels and placing bets on how quick they’re going to come off. While Daphne is counting her galleons in her purse to confirm the bet, Y/N catches a glimpse of Fred and Angelina. He looks so handsome, his dress robes a mixture of gold and black and she can’t help but think how well they’d go together. But when she looks at Angelina she feels like she’s going to pass out.
Angelina is stunning, and there’s no doubt about it. She’s in a floor-length dark purple gown that compliments her skin perfectly and Y/N thinks if Fred was going with anyone to the ball, she’s glad it’s Angelina. 
Cassius and Adrian soon appear by the girls and take their arms into the Great Hall that’s been transformed to look like a winter wonderland. The roof tonight is bewitched to look like a winter, snowy day and Y/N can’t help but admire it. She’s grown up with magic her entire life, but she can’t help but constantly be amazed.
Adrian pulls a flask out of his dress robes jacket which makes Y/N snort and he smiles happily at her. Of course he snuck Firewhiskey into the Ball. The action reminds her of something Fred would do and she shakes her head, trying to get the boy out of her mind, tonight of all nights.
“You look beautiful tonight, by the way.” Adrian states as he takes a swig of the flask, and she feels her cheeks heat up. She can hear the sincerity in his voice. “You don’t scrub up so badly either, Pucey.” 
“A dance, m’lady?” He jokingly bows to Y/N and she smiles while she takes his hand and he leads her to the dance floor. As Adrian twirls Y/N around the dance floor, albeit messily because neither of them paid attention in dance classes held by Snape of all people, she forgets about the redhead who’s stare is burning holes into the back of her head.
“You’re a shit date, y’know.” Angelina laughs and Fred’s broken out of his trance. “Shit, Angie, I’m so sorry.” 
Angelina isn’t wrong. She’s a smart girl, and she’s well aware of Fred’s longing stares towards the Slytherin girl. “Did you know? That you wanted to go with her?” Angelina questions, out of sheer curiosity. Even she was shocked when Fred asked her, but she was too dumbfounded when he asked and with everyone watching at dinner, the pressure to say yes was immense but it was not worth all the pain and heartache she’s watched her two friends go through. 
“At the time? No, definitely not. She’s…” He trails off as he tries to find the right words, “She’s always been there, y’know? I just assumed she’d be in my life forever and what we had was what we’d always be… It felt normal, like I didn’t feel the way I feel about her with you, or Katie or Alicia but it felt like that’s how you’re meant to feel about your girl best friend?” 
He looks over at them again, and the gross feeling of jealousy rises in his throat. “But then she said yes to Pucey, and all I can think about is how no one should be holding her but me and that he'll walk her all the way back to her dorm tonight and probably kiss her and I feel like throwing up, and...” He pauses and looks at Angelina and the pity in her eyes is obvious. “And you don’t think about your best friend like this.” 
Angelina watches in pity as Fred clearly drowns his sorrows in pumpkin juice and she drags him onto the dance floor. She’s not letting Fred have a bad night and she refuses to have one as well. Fred is one of her best friends, and even though she might not be the girl he wishes he was here with, she’s determined to cheer him up somehow. 
Fred finally starts to have a good time when he spots George slyly leading Alicia out of the Great Hall and he loudly wolf whistles causing a red hue to form on both their cheeks and George to flip Fred the bird as they leave. Angelina spots Y/N grab her purse across the room while Fred’s distracted and she quietly leaves just after George and Alicia.
“Y/N just left, Fred. Alone.” Fred’s confused why Angelina is telling him this when he looks over at Daphne and Adrian, who both look at him like ‘Go you fucking idiot’ and before he can even mutter a goodbye to his friends, he’s out the door almost as fast as George was.
He finds Y/N sitting on a bench in the courtyard. She’s looking up at the stars and Fred stars to recall last summer when she visited The Burrow. She spent all night trying to point out constellations to Fred and as he watches her mutter to herself, Fred wonders how he didn’t realise that they were in love this entire time.
He clears his throat, careful not to startle Y/N and when she turns Fred can see the hesitation in her face as she quickly goes to jump up and leave. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have stolen the prime make-out spot of the night.” She awkwardly laughs but then quickly realises Fred is alone. “Nevermind… Where’s Angelina?” 
Fred shrugs, and sits down on the bench she was sitting on originally. Y/N stands awkwardly before sitting down next to him. As much as she hates to admit it, she’s missed being close to him. The warmth that radiates off him despite it being the middle of winter causes her to shuffle just that slightly bit closer to him and Fred can’t help but smile. 
“You look beautiful tonight. I know Adrian probably told you already, at least I hope he did, but you deserve to know.” Fred could feel himself rambling and he doesn’t miss the blush that rises across Y/N’s neck and cheeks. It’s the exact same blush that appears whenever he buys her chocolates and his heart soars. 
“Thanks Freddie,” the nickname feels foreign on her tongue, “you look pretty handsome yourself. I hope Angelina told you.” She retaliates and Fred hates it. He hates the awkwardness between them. He wants nothing more to wrap his arms around her and hold her close but they feel like strangers. 
“Thanks,” he laughs and Y/N looks at him confused. “Did you have a good night?”
“Can we not have this awkward small talk? I’m sure Angelina’s waiting for you somewhere.” Fred’s taken aback by her abruptness and stares at her for a few seconds. “What?” She asks when she notices Fred looking at her like she has nine heads.
“Angelina’s not waiting for me. Is Adrian waiting for you?” He asks but he doesn’t want to know the answer. He’s gone through a rollercoaster of emotions these past few weeks and he truly doesn’t want to know if another man is waiting for her to sweep her off her feet and walk back to the Slytherin common room. But when she shakes her head, Fred lets out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding. 
“I need to apologise.” He blurts out and Fred wants to smack himself in the head. This was not the romantic moment he had envisioned in his head as he followed her outside into the courtyard. “I need to apologise for a lot of things. Mostly, for not realising how ridiculously in love with you I am, and also for not asking you to the ball and for ruining our friend-” 
“You didn’t ruin our friendship.” She cuts him off but she doesn’t know what else to say. “You didn’t. I did, if anything.” Fred has to stop himself from starting an argument on who ruined the friendship but he wants to backtrack. Did Y/N just ignore him confessing his love to her? 
“Well, I’m still sorry for not realising how ridiculously in love with you I am?” He tries again sheepishly and Y/N gives him a double-take. She heard him the first time but she was convinced it was just her ears playing tricks on her or Fred being a menace. After all, this is Fred Weasley in front of her, he’s always looking for a joke and as she’s about to accuse him of pulling a sick, twisted prank on her, she looks at him properly.
And he’s looking as serious as he did the day he told her he plans to open a joke shop with George after they graduate. 
“You’re in love with me?” She asks quietly and her heart is racing again. She thinks back to the day she accidentally confessed to Fred and how she’s spent the last few weeks trying to fall out of love with him just for him to admit he’s fallen in love with her. “Fred, if this is some sick and twisted joke I will never forgive you.” 
Fred almost looks hurt at this, that she thinks he’s capable of something that cruel. So instead of speaking, he softly cups her face in both his hands and runs his thumbs across her cheekbones in a loving manner. He looks her directly in the eyes and Y/N doesn’t think she’s breathed in the last 30 seconds.
She’s been craving being this close to Fred for as long as she can remember. Their lingering touches were never this intimate and right now, she feels like she can look into Fred’s eyes and see into his core, his soul. And he can do the same to her.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks softly, and Y/N gasps before nodding, wanting nothing more than to feel his lips against hers. 
As he leans in his eyes flutter close, as do her’s. Y/N hasn’t kissed a lot of people in her life, but nothing could ever compare to the way she feels right now. The love and adoration Fred is pouring into this kiss almost brings tears to her eyes and she can only hope he can feel the love and adoration she has for him back.
Their lips move in perfect synchrony, neither of them pushing each other too far, but when Y/N drags her fingers through Fred’s hair and he lets out a groan, she can’t help but pull away and giggle. 
“I’ve missed hearing you laugh.” Fred’s arms are now wrapped around her middle and he’s leaning down to press his forehead against hers. Now he has her in his arms, he’s never letting her go. 
“I’ve missed having you make me laugh, Freddie.” She says sincerely and it’s Fred’s turn to blush. He knows they need to eventually leave their little bubble of happiness they finally have but he doesn’t want too. But he knows they need to talk about what happened, about them, what they are and Fred so desperately hopes this means Y/N is his. 
She senses Fred’s thinking and she looks up at him, doe-eyed and innocent and Fred’s heart melts. 
“Stop overthinking.” She mutters, running her hand through his long hair again and Fred almost looks like a cat purring as he feels her fingernails rake across his scalp and he leans into her touch. “Can’t help it. Don’t want to lose you again.” 
Her heart pounds, this is all she’s ever wanted to hear and now she wants to hear it every single day. So she tells him exactly that.
“I’m yours, Freddie. As long as you’re mine? If you don’t know what you want it’s okay, I promise we can take it slow-” Fred cuts her off, laughing as he kisses her again and he feels how warm Y/N’s cheeks are, as she blushes over Fred silencing her with a kiss. When he pulls back, her face is flush, her hair is falling out of her bun. It reminds Fred of that day in the library, except this time, the happiness in her face is unmistakably there, and finally he’s the cause of it. 
“Of course, I’m yours, darling. I’m never letting you go.” 
Late the next morning, when Y/N is trying her best to sneak out of the Gryffindor sixth year boys dormitory with a dark purple hickey adorning her neck, she spots three 4th years whose names she doesn’t even know, giving Ron Weasley five galleons. 
Ron sees her, and smirks. “My bet was at the ball. Thanks, Y/N, you and Freddie boy have made me a very rich man.”
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