#I like to use that image a lot when talking about drawing transformers xD but it rings true!
wishingstarinajar · 6 months
ive started drawing and making transformers characters and want to know how the hell do you draw them so good?!!!?!?
if you've got any tips and tricks for drawing silly robots id love to hear them thank you ;-;
When it comes to drawing canon characters, it's just a lot of references. A LOT of them xD The amount of IDW Megatron and Ravage refs I had for my small comic was staggering but very useful.
I also keep in mind that, while the bots are fairly humanoid in appearance and build, their anatomy is "broken". Usually, when you draw a fleshy humanoid character, be it a human or a furry, you have baselines and shapes that are generally the same for most characters, like where the shoulders and clavicle are. The proportions of the body parts are also pretty normal.
When it comes to bots (outside of the Transformers Animated series), those baselines and shapes are somewhat different, especially when the bot has an alt mode with various (clunky) parts like wheels. Shoulder joints are suddenly further away from what we are used to with humans. There is no clavicle. The shoulder and hip joints barely align. Chests can be absolutely massive while the head is tiny. Arms can be so long, their hands go past their knees.
So you have to throw some logic out of the window there to add all those boxy shapes or vehicle parts.
And heck, sometimes a bot design, or at least parts of it, doesn't make much sense either when you compare it to their alt mode, and that is okay! You have to take liberties sometimes. And never forget....
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That said, I've drawn a lot of bots in the past. It was nearly two decades ago but they were my bread and butter, so to speak. I have some experience with them, so please don't think I worked a miracle with my latest round of TF art x'D They are still as tough as nails to draw (even more so to render, IMO!) but they don't need to be perfect. Heck, I am still adjusting Starflare's design and that's okay.
So take your time, find your preferred style and method by trying things out, and go with what looks good to yourself.
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swirlmup · 1 year
Well well welly well well....
Let's talk about the art I made for the finale and the last couple character designs revealed, shall we?
It was an all-hands-on-deck situation, and I was able to contribute to one of the final scenes. I hadn't gotten to draw Maria yet this volume, and so that's what I request for this final assignment.
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After my last scene with Adam, I had foolishly believed I wouldn't have to draw the Atlas rifles again. Nope! xD I also kinda uh, just put whatever for the mermaid grimm, and wasn't super clear that they had a specific look, so i just sorta drew generally aquatic monsters, but it works out anyways and nobody called me out on it wwwww
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The mech was also a bit of a pickle! Had to ask other sketchies for ref images, and I think the design of the mech was still in flux right up to the very last possible second. Still though, skyscraper-sized robots are always fun.
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Maria was such a treat to draw, I love how she's simultaneously full of wisdom and also continuously very confused on how qrow and ruby are related.
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We in this house don't believe in "cheating" in art, but we do believe in taking shortcuts. Plus it turned out bretty coo.
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Got some help with this! perspective is a weak point for me, but felly sketchy Jayjaybase was able to procure a better ref image for me than what I was finding off of google, and it helped a lot for the overall look of the thing.
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Serious Maria, giving her final words as a mentor to Qrow.
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This was another fun shot to do. Yang waving with her stump is probably my favorite part lol.
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Qrow's the kind of character where I always fret if I'll be able to draw him and his tricky hair right, but one way or another he always seems to turn out okay.
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It was surprisingly tricky for me to find a good reference image for Qrow's running legs here, luckily posemaniacs came in to save the day.
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This was a fun sequence to do, i always like imagining what a person looks like mid-transformation into whatever animal they turn into, the way their body and features must contort. I wonder if I'll get to do more stuff like that in the future?
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Lowkey hilarious that Maria didn't have the slightest inkling that Qrow could turn into a bird until this very moment, and her reaction is just "neat!" Perfect note to end that scene on imo lmao
Now on to the last two character designs of the volume!
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First up, worst girl, Cinder! There was quite a bit of debate on how to handle Cinder, especially since I personally actually quite liked her canon Atlas outfit, and didn't want to deviate too strongly from it. Overall though, it was decided that she should keep more of her red motif and a lot of the more classy elements from her previous designs. A soft gradient on her cloak helps tie in the colors from her feathers and keeps her legs from disappearing into the cloak. She feels a lot more like a mage here, with us wanting to lean more into her maiden status. As a rule I'm not fond of Cinder, but when you're doing character design, you kinda gotta find a way to sympathize and get in the character's head to find the roots of their personality to design from, and I like to think I was able to find an approachable middle ground with her.
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Malachite's new outfit! For realsies this time and not just a cobbling together of her old outfit with her sister's!
Originally back when Malachite reappears and fights with Cinder, she was meant to appear in the casual!outfit shown in this sheet, her hair already cut to its new length. However, for various reasons, the artists for that scene ended up using her vol.5 cobbled design, and the casual!outfit was never used. A shame, I'm so fond of clothes that defy gravitate and look like they're about to fall off xD
But nonetheless! Malachite's Atlas outfit was largely inspired by a particularly eclectic gothic/punk lolita dress that was shared in the server from online, which got some tweaks and adjustments for dressing malachite in. We're dialing up the intensity of Mal's mental schisms here, two brains existing in one person and generally getting along, yet clashing even so. Gave her more simplified hand weapons, as well as increasing the size of her ankle blades to better match the size of her hand-blades. The main idea behind her was for her to be a blender in a cocktail dress lol. Very excited for her to do more stuff in the future of FRWBY!
And that concludes volume 6! Thank you all so much for watching and reading my art commentaries! Hope to see you again as Fixing RWBY continues! Fare well!
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Oh lore?? I read your post on Dainsleif and BOY it gave me a lot to think about dsfjgkd
Along the same vein, what do you think of the relationship between the unknown god and Kaenri'ah? In Albedo's trailer they seemed to reference two new elements (time and being) and if perhaps the unknown god is the god of time, then does Khemia make use of "being" in its creation of life?
In Mihoyo's other game (honkai) they introduced a new "type" about halfway through the story which seems to me to be similar to the abyss in Genshin. The quanta type is independent of the three types that were present from the beginning of the game and it's tied to an abyss style region called the Sea of Quanta. Maybe I'm reading too much into it and they don't plan to imitate what they did in Honkai but?? Time and being as new "elements" introduced a few years into the game seems possible at least?? Maybe they're exclusive to delusions bc there's only the seven Archons at this time so no one can grant time/being visions lol
Djfkdj I hope this was at least slightly understandable I love looking into lore especially for things I write about!! I'll end this now before it gets too long lmao the new tumblr asks give me too much power XD
Major spoilers for Khaenri’ah and minor spoilers for the unknown god
:DD I’m glad you read my word vomit haha. I love talking about lore so much, ty for enabling me. 
What do you think of the relationship between the unknown god and Khaenri’ah?
The logical side of my brain thinks:
They either have nothing to do with each other and Mihoyo really likes using the same star for everything and Khaenri’ah just happens to live in the void or sky so the easiest way to distinguish citizens from there is the star (or it was just hot to put star pupils in and you know what, they were right). 
Or there’s some sort of connection between the Eclipse dynasty that ruined Khaenri’ah and the unknown god. Since genshin really likes to do that (see Zhongli and everyone calling him Morax before 1.1 dropped). 
Re-watching the prologue cutscene and “we will be reunited” (Gonna refer to this a WWBR) Aether drew the same two stars into the sand which makes me believe that either a. stars literally have nothing to do with anything and Teyvat only knows how to draw one star (which doesn’t hold up well considering Mona’s outfit and pin) or b. there’s some kind of connection there. The way Paimon phrases her question she says: 
“But when you wanted to leave and go onto the next world your path was blocked by an unknown god?”
It implies that Aether and Lumine have already travelled through Teyvat since we see two yellow stars travel over Liyue and Mondstadt. I know Aether was sent into some sort of deep sleep and only now awoke and met Paimon (since in the trailer we can see the lantern festival and the genshin upload was in march (chinese new year is in feb) but I’m not super sure on these details but I’m pretty sure it’s canon that this happened based on WWBR). 
Then when the unknown god appears and the same 3 red stars appear [tumblr throws a fit when I try and upload this]
She refers to us as Outlanders and calls herself 
“The sustainer of heavenly principles. The arrogation of mankind ends now.”
This could be a reference to “being” that was in the Albedo trailer while Dainsleif is “time” since time is "not something he lacks". If we’re going on the theory that Dainsleif is actually a god then maybe they are fighting? Or in some type of push and pull war. It would make sense since the Unknown God believes in heavenly principles (so the rules either set by Celestia or Gods themselves) and believes mankind is arrogant and wishes to either destroy it or remove it entirely. The complete opposite of Dainsleif who believes in mankind and hates anything relating to the Archons.
Or dainsleif has nothing to do with the unknown god and is just a final challenge to the player who will then face off against the Unknown God. 
In Albedo's trailer they seemed to reference two new elements (time and being) and if perhaps the unknown god is the god of time, then does Khemia make use of "being" in its creation of life?
In this theory, this would make the Unknown God the god of time, which is also equally as valid. Since she does talk about time and how the arrogation of mankind ends now. I think it’s right to assume that Khemia makes use of being in its creation of life since we see Albedo talk about chalk and turning things from “nothing” (it’s not really nothing, he’s still using something or the “being” in order to transform it) to something. 
If Dainsleif uses Khemia or even created it then taught it to the people of Khaenri’ah to help them survive in their archonless land, that could be a valid reason why he believes in the strength of mankind. Since the unknown god’s power seems to consume the person trapped within (as we see in the prologue). Plus in WWBR we see first hand how destructive that power is. This could also be the time where Dainsleif lost faith or hated the celestial beings. 
In WWBR, according to the wiki it states that our sibling was taken to another point in time, in an unknown location. But this event leads the sibling (Lumine) to become the leader of the Abyss Order. 
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Lumine says: 
“But until the abyss has engulfed the thrones, my war with destiny will see no end.”
Lumine seems to know about the archons and the abyss mages follow her so it’s safe to assume that the “abyss” she refers to is either something entirely new or the red blocks we see here. It seems as if she’s trying to change destiny which could be why Dainsleif wants to save her. 
I will say right now, I really hope the theory that Paimon is secretly the unknown god doesn’t come true. I know it’s funny and I would enjoy seeing our emergency food pull a turned table on us but unless there are more instances where it’s hinted or it’s handled really well I would not like it. I just finished a manga and I felt like I was watching 20M plot twists happen in the span of 3 pages. I would totally be okay if the unknown god and paimon were somehow related (I can understand that) but I unless it’s handed really well or as the story progresses and we get more info on paimon. it would just be really out of left field. I haven’t seen any theories on this and I honestly try and stay away from lore posts until I’ve finished mine because I feel that might make my ideas biased.
The “everything must be connected into some kind of plotline or I will make it a plotline” brain thinks:
Now, this is just be spit balling and making up my own headcanons with no lore to go off on. This is pure indulgent stuff with no research to back it up besides very loose threads. 
I’d like to believe that since the Eclipse Dynasty was the last dynasty before Khaenri’ah fell. That might be what is being depicting above in WWBR. Perhaps khemia backfired or the unknown god turned against the people for their arrogance (I’m not sure if people know the myth but in short terms, a giant stole fire to help the people who were cold. He was punished for going against the gods and saving the people, this could be similar to Dainsleif). 
Perhaps Lumine and Aether had stopped this event from happening and as they were about to leave, the unknown god appears and separates them for their arrogant actions against the Gods and sends Lumine back to the past. Without her brother she ended up failing in saving Khaenri’ah. Or, the image we see is actually the future and she goes back in time to try and prevent that event from occurring, still trying to beat destiny but this time in the future. 
Or another idea, Lumine has only seen the evil that’s depicted and hasn’t personally met any of the archons. We actually got to meet Venti and Zhongli so we obviously want to protect them from Lumine’s point of view, that might not be the same so she aligns with the abyss order that tries to control Dvalin. So her goal is to somehow defeat the archons and that could be why the Cyro archon is trying to collect them all in her war of peace. 
Honkai and quanta
It’s kinda funny but there’s no reliable wiki source for this sea of quanta like there is for genshin, or at least I couldn’t find anything. I think they might nod at certain things between the two but I think it’s totally fine to believe they might do some sort of crossover and take some inspiration. We have Mona who was able to read the stars and Scaramouche who said the sky was a giant hoax so I think time and being becoming new elements is very possible. But I don’t really know a lot about Honkai so I can’t really say too much about it haha. 
Yep no worries, it was fun talking about some more lore and if you have any more I’d love to hear them. Haha, honestly pop off I love getting long asks. As always, it’s nice seeing you again catty 💕💕
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13eyond13 · 3 years
I too relate a lot to many of L's quirks, habits, ways of speaking, reactions and mannerisms, I just didn't want to mention it to give the opinion some semblance of being unbiased xD "find very familiar and comforting" yes, that's it!
And exactly! As you said, not only the extras, but the anime, the books and, though I haven't watched but fragments, the films and even the games at times make him into a parody of himself. But honestly, for me it's way worse when the authors do it in canon, even if slightly, and Obata himself in the How to read says he exaggerated him at times: maybe it's my translation, because I haven't checked this in other languages yet —though I went to look for this to make sure I wasn't making it up—, but Obata said there at one point that he could never have created someone like L and so he wasn't real for him and thus why L was his favourite; I think to recall that was basically the reason why he was his favourite to draw as well? (I haven't contrasted this last information, take it with a pinch of salt). I mean, most likely he didn't mean it in a negative way, like how L as a character doesn't feel like a real person because of how he is, but it always lowkey gave me that impression and it's something that never sat well for me, stupid as it is. But yes. In general that's it, I find him very realistic and relatable and I like when he's like himself and not when they exaggerate him to the point of transforming him into a grotesque copy of himself ("esperpento of himself" is the word I'd use, but I can't find something similar in English, which in hindsight is logical; the author who coined "esperpento" defined it as the image one gets of themselves when reflected in one of those distortion mirrors there are in fairs, circus and the like, if it serves). It's something a bit similar to what B himself does imitating L, but that narratively works well. It's also very interesting from an identity pov, but I'll shut up before I start rambling about this.
Sorry for this too long message! I didn't realise it had gotten so long.
Ahh yes. I wonder if Obata meant something less negative than it sounds by saying that L wasn't real to him? Like maybe that since L was a product of their combined imagination he was having fun with drawing a character more freely and playfully than he would had he tried to just create L by himself? If he found L the most fun to draw that sounds fairly positive overall. But I do know what you mean by the creators' opinions being more disappointing to take in than other ones sometimes. I found the way they talked about Near a bit strange and depressing, from what I remember. In any case, I don't take either of their opinions too seriously when I form my own ideas of the characters and the story. I just see it as an extra interesting bit of background stuff to consult if I am curious, or to dismiss if I feel like it. Reading their other manga series and seeing how immature, ignorant and gross they can actually get together in works like Platinum End made me realize I don't want to rely too heavily on Ohba and Obata's commentary to form my opinions of things. I think L is extremely well-loved as a character precisely because a lot of people do find him comforting and relatable in the things that make him stand out. So I'm just glad he exists and that they left most of the mockery out of the main story itself!
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shock777archive · 5 years
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I got this question on deviantart, and I felt like reposting my answer here, in case anyone is interested :P 
THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG REPLY BUT BEAR WITH ME LOL When I first started drawing/am I self taught : I've been drawing since kindergarten. Anime specifically, since I was about 8 years old. so that's been uh...18 years since I've started drawing in the anime-esque style? I am self taught on these areas. I picked up a digital artist tablet at the age of 13 or so, (it was a wacom Graphire 4 4x5 in) so it's been 13 years of digital art practice i've gotten in. I have picked up several how to draw books over the years until i surpassed some of them. But even now i'm constantly referencing tutorials and poses, looking for ideas and color palettes, etc. I have taken some schooling in college for art. I took beginner's drawing and color theory and maybe a little of art history but that's about it before i quit lmao What inspired me to draw in the first place/what I first drew: The thing that inspired me to draw in the first place was my favorite cartoons. from a very young age i knew that cartoons weren't real, but it fascinated me that actual people could create almost living people. I related to cartoons, and even though they were fake characters, I just loved the idea of creating a whole world of my own. So I took up drawing in kindergarten. First things I drew were flowers, rainbows, trees, etc. But My first biggest undertaking was powerpuffgirls. lol This was the series that started it all. Began drawing tons of powerpuffgirls stories and oc's. For the next few years I would watch different things like all the standard cartoon network shows. But I watched yugioh and dbz and other anime things too. What also got me into anime art style was the online game neopets lol Their faeries designs ( http://images.neopets.com/games/pages/icons/screenshots/586/4.jpg ) kind of had an anime resemblance, so I started drawing those for a while. When I was 8 or 9 years old my father bought me my first how to draw manga book (this one in particular: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Drawing-Manga-Ben-Krefta/dp/1841931713  ) looking back on it, this book is terrible and the anime in it is so ugly looking lol. However, i used that thing religiously and began making my own characters like a blue elf girl and a human friend of hers. ( in fact, here's the post. i tried redrawing them recently lol: https://shock777.tumblr.com/post/145898896143/finding-old-art-is-the-best-cause-you-can-redraw ) ...Then the real transformation began once I started watching Teen Titans when it aired in 2003. I was 10 at the time. That show started my love for japan. The language interested me and I began researching Japanese songs and trying to sing along to them. I didn't know what the words meant, but the artistic style and meshing of western cartoons and anime of the show really piqued my interest. My earliest drawings of them suckedddd XD; As Teen Titans drew to a close near 2006-2007 ish, I picked up Naruto and then it was all over since then lol my anime style and weeb days really came into full force lol I thank naruto though. I learned how to draw more realistic anatomy as opposed to cartoony anatomy. It was a very wild ride, but it's all documented here on my deviantart page as I got this exact account around the same time! I started posting my work in 2008, so you can go back far enough into my gallery and see the progress XD; I keep the old cringe up because it just motivates me and hopefully others, to keep drawing and keep going farther! :) PHEW lol long history there XD I do have some of my old art!!! If you wanna see some, I've posted a little here: https://shock777.tumblr.com/tagged/old-art plus I already said there's a few still on my dA gallery haha Tips I can give to you: 1. And I think this is most important, JUST KEEP GOING. It's soooo tempting to quit drawing when things aren't going right and when you're not happy with how your art looks. Trust me, every artist I've ever known including myself have gone through this. It's so easy to compare your work to someone else's. The thing is, we're all in this together. No one expects a newborn to be able to file taxes or drive a car lol. We all have to evolve and change, and that change comes from consistent work. Art isn't an inherent talent, it is hard work that is honed over several years of blood, sweat and tears lmao JUST KEEP GOING. as I've mentioned, my old cringe art is still on my dA page. Back then when I was younger I was less concerned with things being perfect and I spam posted almost every doodle. And I began a "fanbase" i guess because of those days and my consistent posting. I've had this freaking deviantart page for 11 freakin years. If I had stopped drawing whenever I felt my art was imperfect or not good enough, I would have stopped posting around 2009. so...just keep going. And I'd even dare you to post your "shitty doodles" that you think aren't that great. Because you never know what someone else will see in it that you don't. Be confident, and never give up! 2. Soak up any tutorial and really focus on studying your favorite artist's styles. If there's something you want to replicate in your art that someone else is drawing, try to see how they do it. sometimes artists have tutorials posted and sometimes they don't. I have a few posted on my youtube channel ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRB9xQBsGpfetNJbmXWZ1fL9d5IlqQs1w ) and some in my gallery. Don't exactly copy some things stroke for stroke, but try to add your little spin to something. Like sometimes I will see art senpai drawing a specific eye style I wanna replicate, but I don't like one part of the process. So sometimes I'll just add my own little addition, or just omit that process completely. Usually though, if the art style isn't necessarily super unique, you can copy a lot of mainstream styles without anyone really griping saying "oh you're just copying so and so's art style". It's important to look up to art senpais i think. They make me want to try harder lol 3. Take an art class if you're able. Color theory really helped me grasp things that I never had before. LIKE REFLECTIVE LIGHT FOR INSTANCE. I never drew that shit but now I do because DUH it's so freaking obvious lol It also helps to learn what colors neutralize others, complementary colors, analogous ones, etc. It's nice to have an eye for what matches together and to know the principles of art. I still have a lot of work to do when it comes to perspective, which we did cover a little in class lol but work on your own pace. If your college near you offers a class for beginners, take it if you're able. it will help you view things differently. 4. Copy realistically. Like, I'm talking look at a freaking object in your room and try to draw it. Once you can draw it semi realistically, you can then add your own little stylistic choices to it. Like so many artists who draw chibis or cartoony things, they more than likely know the proper proportions of people and anatomy. But they draw the proportions all whacky and it creates their own style. However it does help to know how they work in reality lol 5. TRACE OVER POSES. Sometimes I do this. I'm not saying to trace someone's art, but if you see some kind of pose on say a google image, or a stock photo, try sketching over it to get a feel for where the joints connect if you're working on anatomy. It reaaaallly helps you memorize where the arm would end, or where the torso connects to the hips. 6. Take advice and criticism well. If someone sees something you don't about your art, they may be on to something. It's not wrong if someone gives you a heads up that a proportion seems lacking or something seems too big or out of place. It will actually help you to see what others see. Sometimes we get in the habit of drawing something a certain way and it's hard to break that habit especially if you've drawn the same thing several hundred times. It will help you in the long run to just accept that you're always going to be improving. You'll never be perfect at drawing, so what do you have to lose? Just keep walking forward and learn what you can. 7. Flip the canvas. This is more or less a digital art tip, but please flip the canvas to make sure the proportions are not off. lol A lot of professionals have to flip the canvas until they get a feel for where things are placed. Another good tip is to use a stabilizer of some kind to draw straight lines. Paint tool sai has one at the very top of the window. It helps tremendously. 8. Draw what you like and don't feel bad for not drawing everything everyone else likes. Don't sacrifice your morals or your personal desires for something everyone else likes. If you're paid to draw something you don't like, thats another thing. but don't let people pressure you to draw stuff that you don't want to. You'll be much happier, and build an audience that is much like-minded to you. Be considerate of what your audience likes, sure, but remember at the end of the day, art is something to express one's self. Art is not and should not be a job. Even if you get paid money to draw or design things, it's important to take a break and draw something for yourself every once in a while. Be self indulgent, and treat yo self from time to time :) And uhhh...that's all I can think of for the time being. :') let me know if you have any further questions or if I need to clarify anything :) Thanks again!
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witchywitchstudies · 4 years
Witchy note before beginning New Moon Ritual:
Snow brings so much to me
I love and appreciate what it symbolizes to me as well
Rebirth- growth, refreshed. Restart. Build over. Covering footsteps of the past. Leaving no trace or clear boundary of where earth and water begin. Reflection, light bearing, soft, beautiful but also dangerous if not respected. (Not very different from Lava now that I think about it!)
Being able to gaze upon it, especially while reflecting with friends from the heart over the phone, has been such a healing experience.
I think seeing beauty in front of me helped me process the beauty in everything and the beauty that was happening now and around me- with our conversation and time together, and even helped me see the beauty in me- which I will say is rare for me to be aware of, that self reflection and self love. (Have I ever realized over the past few days, how life is definitely a team sport! At least for most of us- I imagine the only people that don’t, live a solo life- in the woods/mountains- in a cabin chopping wood, etc.)
I feel Nature could be the best medicine for any ailing mind, body, spirit, even soul. Or someone experiencing all of the above.
Just wish I could remember its with me everywhere, and able to be carried anywhere- my hands, feet, eyes, ears, etc.
Best way to help me fight those unwanted animalistic behaviors humans biologically have on the daily, yo.
Fight those unwanted animalistic behaviors I feel don’t help me be the best that I am. Nature, help remind me that I am human, and human only. Full of imagination, power of creation, light and love, but also mistakes and unrealized behaviors. We must walk in self-love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and humor.
Hope/Wonder probably wouldn’t hurt either. ;)
Alright! New Moon Ritual Time!
Sat. ~2:30PM
Notes for New Moon Seeds taken earlier in the week:
It’s a New Moon today
And it’s starting to snow for the next 4 days
Pretty magical and awesome
What seeds do I want to plant for this next moon cycle?
—Start research/first steps towards becoming educated in Social Justice, Human Rights, and how to properly be an activist.
— First steps towards being an activist, sign up for Social Justice and Human Rights and Civil Rights (taking the next steps following the above)
— Research Viking/Nordic/pagan similiar gender fluid terms/genders
— Start a Patreon Draft-write out draft/business plan/purpose/schedule; post weekly versus bi-weekly, mental health, social justice, art process, personal facts, personal art, the development and maintanence of the artist artistically, spiritually, physically and mentally-etc- nail it down to x amount of topics, etc., goodies, etc.
— Practice walking in Self-Love every day. Build Ego strength, confidence, emotional IQ and awareness. Take note of what self image/identity/ptsd flags are
— Rituals- draft pm and reasses am
— Reading book list
— Create create create, draw draw draw
— Wolf Paw Pins!!!
— Organize (and maybe prioritize?) big goals- patreon, comic, tarot deck, store merch-schedule timing of releases(if do able), twitch/discord, super hero personaetc.
Animals popping up-
Hearing humminbird
Raccoon stories
Coyote stories
Bear stories
Have been really digging listening to podcasts made by WOC - “Thanks For Your Concern” and “The Self- Love Fix” podcast to name a few
Been really enjoying the work rituals that have fallen into place- naturally happened. Maybe feel that out with home as well?
I’ve been heavily enjoying journaling during my break, and listening to motivating self love podcast.
Gives me a sense of calm. Peace. Closeness to self, or at least closer before approaching an unpredictable day. (A fear I am working more on facing- unpredictability. A moment of calm/self time/moment/quiet/no distractions/focus/freshness before doing anything, especially outside, helps a lot in this area.)
This cycle’s crystal pack: Business, Motivation, Self-Love, Creativity, Human/Civil/Social-Justice/Rights, Identity
Fluorite: Business, motivation, creativity, self-work
Jade: Business, justice,
Lodestone: business, motivation, spirituality (find your path),
Malachite: Business, self work, transformation
Tiger’s Eye: creativity, success (business), self-work,
Tourmaline: business, self-work, transformation, self-love
Amethyst: Justice, self-work, creativity
Carnelian: Justice, creativity, self—work,
Rose Quartz: Justice, self-love
Tarot Reading: (2 cards fell out, as soon as I started to ask- and got paranoid they were not the cards. I looked at them anyway, just in case. Guess what. I shuffled, cleared the mind, shuffled, cut the deck and pulled the bottom of the deck- rare for me to do for the moon ritual. ALL THAT IS HOLY. The cards were the same xD Hilarious. Thank goodness my deck and the universe is so kind, especially with my suspicions and paranoia. XD)
Ace of Wands: Good Judgement needed more than ever, don’t rush into it. Thrilling to embark on new journey- growth all around, ideas and outlook expand, creativity seems endless. Fertile time- Expansion and Inspiration
The Sun (Also in last Full Moon’s reading): Spend some extra time outside today, be grateful for the radiance of the sun and the life force it gives all creatures. Soaking in warm rays- nourishing, healing, all aches and pains fade away. Sun brings amazing energy into life, Vitality and health abound-feel assurance and clarity in all doings- Vitality, enlightenment.
As a story/together: interesting- there is something big in the center for both of these cards. The Ace of Wands- the center is a radiating blooming wand- (Ume? Shinya and I were talking about? Blooming before spring?) Surrounded by a white light/glowing, and radiating yellow to orange to red, outward. Beautiful. The sun card is bordered with doves flying in each corner direction, away from the center, two up and two down, NE, SE, SW, NW- the center, red hot black sun. Radiating from the darkness, rods, strands, energies, beams, fractals of light, energy, saturation, color and burst-forth ness, but smoothly, from the center of eternity and forever- it seems. Vitality. Goes from black, to red, to orange, to yellow, to green at the birds, and blue beyond that. Radiating further outward when coming from the depths. Ace of wands powerful, beautiful, radiant, but the Sun is vibrant- beaming from a deeper darker place, but shining and bringing forth oh so much light and warmth. Ooooo.. tell-tale of self reflection, love and how it will help me fight for justice?
Rune Reading:
Fehu (again interestingly) - Wealth, especially-
“livestock, especially cattle. Latin made the same associations—our word “pecuniary” comes from the Latin pecus, a cow—demonstrating that for the early Indo-Europeans, wealth was not only transferable, but could move under its own power. Like the Celts, the early Germanic peoples were a cattle culture. Dairy products were a staple of the diet. The most valued beasts were kept through the winter in one end of the communal longhouse. The animals which could not be fed until spring were sacrificed to honor the gods and feed the people. One way or another, wealth was counted in cows.
Wealth to be guarded, not hoarded- “Nor should it lull one into a false sense of security. Welcome though it may be, it must be taken as a gift of the gods. Neither the fruits of the earth nor the love of others can ever be owned (the last verse implies a special warning not to treat women as property!). They are loaned to us only, to be used productively and shared with others. True riches are the wealth the soul gains from a life well-lived.”
“Meanings ascribed to this rune by modern commentators range from the mystical to the practical. Willis believes that the kind of wealth represented by cattle is that which grows when cared for, which can produce more money when wisely invested, but that the rune sometimes means the need to conserve resources. Thorsson, on the other hand, sees in the rune motion and expansion of power, mobility, luck, and fertility.
FEHU is always a rune of productivity, though the context may vary. Spiritual or artistic creativity, physical fertility, or the ability to create or to maintain wealth can be indicated, or it may signify an improvement in one's finances or health.
FEHU is one of the runes used to invoke passion, productivity, and prosperity in a couple being married. (And gardening growth/nourishment!)
Advice Card Reading: (The Four Agreements)
Be Ware of Unconcious Assumptions
Become a White Witch (with my word as well- the biggest!)
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toon-artist403 · 6 years
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[title: FNAF AU Headcanon Design of Springtrap (disgused)]   A.N: here comes the springy boi! i Tried Drawing this design in the same style i used for my persona's 2018 design and i have to say im impressed with how well i improved with my own style. i spent an lot of time working on this drawing but it was worth it. By the way my headcanon of springtrap was inspired by Negaduck9's springtrap in springaling and GraWolfQuinn's springtrap nicknamed pancake satan along with lilttemiss's springtrap and also the springtrap from the fnaf fangame called super fnaf anywho i hope you all like this drawing! i may draw more of this design of my headcanon of springy boi but for now just look at this instead XD but there was one springtrap i forgot to mention the best one of all time the springtrap from five nights at fuckboy's XD ((HE HAS DAT BRITIST ACCENT M8)) also yayyy i found a way to use zalgo google text generator finally ---------------- "there is only one thing left for me to do now.... i'm going to come find you.... . . i̷͓̘̥̥̖̔̂̔́͑̃͞͡'̥͎̠̲̇͐͂̿̌̂̋̚͢͞m̴̢̥̲̼̤̰̺͈͇̊͒͑̔̆͝͡ ġ̢̛̬̜̟͎̪̤̤̫͙̈́̏͡o̲̘̖̖̠͕̊̽͆̐̾́̍į̴̼̪̟͎̏̍͂̍̂̎̀̓̚͞n̡̛͚̰̻̐͂̋̀͐̕͡ͅg̸̲̣̻̜̠͈̰͙̃̐̑͒͊̂͗̆̊ t̛͈̩̹̞̲̭͎̍͂̓̂͘͢o̸̟̱͕͇͐̔̀͂̅͟͟ ĉ̴͎̞̰̝̈́̔̊̓͆̔͟͢ǫ̵̢̛͍̮͈̦̬͉̠̏̓̉̅͢m̴̛͇̳̭͇̟͔̗̼̀̿̐̽͒͆̍̚͢͟ẻ̡̛̳̫̥̐͌̎͟ f̶͚̯͙̮͙͉̏̅̽̓̕̚͡ī̷̗̦̗͈̘̀̒͛̿̈̕͢͠͠ņ̗̘̼̮͓̒̏̓̈́̋͒͜d̸̡̢̨͖̖̥͉̦̝̀́̌̇̓̐̇̕͢͠ y̡̜̱̤̪̠͔̪͆̀͂̀͂̓̓͘͟o̵̧͍͖̮̝̗̺͐̇͋̅̐̀̃͋͘u̸̧̪̮̻̫̩̭̍͊͋̎̒̋̄ͅ" . ." Real Name: Michael Afton Known Age When He 'died' in the springbonnie suit: somewhere stuck in his early 30s or mid 20s due to his age stopping when ennard was inside of him height: 7'11 ((but it does kinda look like he's 9'0 feet tall with the ears)) Appearance: he wears an purple hoodie he gotten before from his father when he was still an teenager suprisally it still fits him, he also wore an mouth guard and sunglasses and anything else that would make him blend him more into crowds. though it kinda gives him away to the lack of full gloves and shoes even though he found shoes his size later on. he has scars and dents around the suit and some cracks in it due to the amount of fights he's been in. personality/behavior: he is serious, angered, intelligence, always tired, depressed, very focused and calm most of the time. But for when shadow bonnie is in control he is cheerful, bored, curious, humorus but for when he turns into sprennard he's sadistic, mad, angry, joyful, secretly sad, and overprotective facts: he and shadow bonnie share the suit he and the shadow are bound together in the suit due to shadow bonnie being the only thing remaining of the spring bonnie suit's personality and behavior, his eyes changes color depending on what he is feeling, he also can transform into ennardtrap which is basically an fusion of springtrap and ennard named sprennard i.redd.it/99l2jgqosimz.png but he can only turn into it whenever he's taken extreme amounts of damage or cannot control his emotions he gained that transformation when he protected his sister/baby from the fire in fazbear's fright all while using up nearly all his and shadow bonnie's powers. and also he accidently killed the kid who possesses the marionette i will explain why later. also his hood goes over his head really well but don't ask him how come his ears don't get in the way he doesn't like to talk about it. one of the dents in his mask was caused by ennard. he lets shadow bonnie take control sometimes in the suit to get an little rest so whenever you see him with purple bluish reddish green like eyes that's shadow bonnie aka springbonnie! he's also an very good cook since his mother used to give him cooking lessions with him and his brother and sister. he also repairs himself whenever he gets damaged really badly after his sprennard form goes away one time he used the spring bonnie model the one on the stage seen on the fnaf four minigame. he also drains the animatronics's battery and power in order to stay active and awake since he uses up way too much of his own engery. powers/abilities: due to him and shadow bonnie Now being bound to one another he has access to an whole asortment of powers that he'd obtained. he can basically create and shoot beams of lighting or electricly, etc he uses this to attack and to stun or seal away his enemey's engery or if it's an aminatronic it will cause very extreme amounts of pain to the target. ((basically image mewtwo, darkrai, and zororark powers into springtrap but without the shapeshifting into other people or creatures or being able to fly even though shadow bonnie can fly around and float since he's an ghost)) weapons of choice: besides his powers he can use his fire axe, an pocket knife he had when he was an teen, and a combat shotgun [like the one in the game gta san andreas that big smoke uses i think it's called the miltary shotgun im not sure but correct me if im wrong] weakness/dislikes: he suffers from being haunted by his past mistakes from helping his father and he blames himself for his brother's death. he gets angered easily as shown when he was tricked by the kids when he woke up in fazbear's fright he saw they were taunting him calling him a failure he tried telling them he wasn't his father he only came to destroy his father's creations but they did'int listen instead having enough with the threats and taunting and with one insult he snapped and killed them all or so he thought when he snapped back into reality when he realized he'd killed the workers who turned him back on he saw one was still alive he became an monster he did the only thing he though was right he said sorry to the worker and putted him out of his misery. friends: The marionette [he forgave springtrap and he also was saved by him when the nightmares attacked the fright (takes place during my series three dectectives)], shadow bonnie, plushtrap (he broke him out of the nightmare marionette and nightmare's control when he returned to the abandonded cirus baby serivce enterainment to locate his father) Fredbear/Michael's little Brother, and his sister/cirus baby enemies: the nightmares/twisted animatronics, nightmare, nightmarionne, Ennard, And His Father William Afton information he knows about the spring bonnie suit: he knows that there are mutiple spiringlock suits of the springbonnie model. some are from the old locaton and some are from the sister location like the one we hid in one of the nights in the game. ((he knows an whole lot about it seeing that he wore one before in fredbear's diner)) voice box accent: the same voice from the sl custom night springtrap custsence but with the fnaf 3 springtrap voice saying help me voice sounds into it too just for the heck of it. and also dark box's accent of springtrap cause i like how interesting that voice of springtrap sounds. current location and wherabouts: unknown at the moment ----- taken from my main blog @owen-cerulean-the-tired-artist
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i know hell
i heard you liked cihuco ;) oh god
(this is super long because i get p i s s e d about a tenth of the way through about the misrepresentation and romanticization of mental illness so it’s under a cut. be wary of the discourse i’ve inevitably started)
When she wants she can become 2, both of her personalities taking a body. I realize she looks like a dude…she’s made to look like me…and since I look like a dude…yeah…you sound very uncertain about that The shirt symbols were tribal designs I found forever ago and tweaked slightly…i feel like that might be offensive and here’s what it says behind them.
Potens sidera pateris me Dilamino Mortem et Vulture Duae solae Duae aequalia Eodem sensu Duae corpora Iterum Which translates from Latin into Powerful stars allow me to Split in two Death and Vulture Two separate Two equal Same mind Two bodies Once again
i had my friend who’s learning latin translate this for me and he got
“My strong star father. I split death and the vulture in two [or “i’m split in two. death and the vulture] two alone two of the same a sense of purpose two bodies again”
he also added that it’s very badly translated and has no proper declension or cases and vulture isn’t a word in latin apparently
“they definitely used pateris when they shoulda used poddiderit”
you’re welcome hey also? there’s more. 
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cihuco: i know i’m weird cihuco: i know my blood makes you sick cihuco: i know i’m not normal also cihuco: can you accept me for me now because i just told you all of my problems
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Pesterchum name: bonesbloodSkullprotect excuse me
Typing Issue: uses txt tlk & symbols b/c she tends 2 tlk kinda fast, however if she’s perfectly calm she will spell things out completely unlike Morgan. she only capitalizes names & sometimes I’s…sometimes not. i don’t know why i hate this so much
Font Color: After finding a way to alternate between Fire Red and Water Blue water isn’t blue asshole she keeps it on so 1 sentence will be red, the next blue. However, if she’s really pissed it goes completely red and if somehow she’s completely and utterly calm it will go completely blue. i have more of an idea why i hate this so much but i do
Cimi (Death, Transformer, Worldbridger. 6th Mayan day sign) what
what is this in reference to
Symbol: skulls of any kind, so the design on her shirt changes constantly. usually the skull is White (which is the color of Death in Mayan astrology) and Red (which has come to symbolize Death now not really) Sometimes the skull will have a vulture on/near it. As the Vulture is the foe of Death, this presumably means she is her own greatest enemy. …that’s actually kind of cool
Mythological entity named for that’s a really specific category: Aztec goddess Cihuacoatl (Partly a fire goddess …….cihuacoatl was a motherhood and fertility goddess?)
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and was associated with midwives and, uh, sweatbaths
and the Celtic goddess Acionna (Partly a water goddess) are you saying both goddesses are only partially affiliated with fire and water, respectively because cihuacoatl is not at all associated with fire as far as i know and acionna is only associated with water
Blood Color: Metallic Cyan…? Or…possibly between Cyan and Topaz…hard to tell when it turns to crystal not long after being (over) exposed to oxygen or any other chemicals in the air. what the fuck kind of blood Naturally the air born air born. born from the air chemicals effect how big and dark the crystals are. 
God Tier: Witch of Rage
Duel horns match her dueling personalities. duel horns. her horns fucking fight all the time. her personalities also duel. they engage in fisticuffs every other tuesday She’s Bipolar or Schizo…or both…i was gonna draw a reaction image but my tablet stopped working again so i’m just gonna have to settle for a firm “STOP. FUCK YOU”. also, i’m not really sure you understand what bipolar disorder or schizophrenia actually are. also also schizo is considered a slur because of the derogatory nature it’s used in. bye sweaty as such her personality changes instantly and usually without warning. i was right
listen up kids lemme give you a lil fuckin lesson on these two mental illnesses that are portrayed very very badly and overromanticized by this person:
“Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.” (nimh.nih.gov)
this does not mean someone with bipolar will “change personalities instantly”, it only dictates mood changes, so fuck you on that
symptoms of bipolar include: periods of unusually intense emotion, changes in sleep patterns, activity levels, as well as unusual behavior. these are called “mood episodes” and vary wildly from person to person.(manic episode) being very “jumpy” with increased activity levels, prone to agitation, risky behaviors, talking really fast about a bunch of different things and feeling as though they can do many things at once, (depressive episode) feeling dead inside, as if you’re heavy and have no energy to even move, perhaps at the same time empty and unfulfilled with no desire to do things you usually love, sleeping too much or too little, frequent thoughts about death/suicide and probably making plans about it
to quote myself, “bipolar […] only dictates mood changes, so fuck you on that”
let’s get to probably the most self-dx’ed and romanticized mental illness now
“Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality.”
where are you seeing personality change. i’m not seeing personality change. schizophrenia is, very over-simply, an inability to tell what’s real or not anymore.
symptoms of this disorder include: hallucinations, delusions, “flat effect” (reduced expression of emotions through facial expressions or tone of voice), reduced speaking and enjoyment in life, troubles focusing or paying attention or executive functioning (the ability to understand and use information to make decisions) or working memory (the ability to use that information immediately after learning it)
so ? honie ? where. literally where. i am abridging this but i guarantee i’m not purposefully leaving out “personality changes instantly and usually without warning”. you know why? 
because it’s not fucking there
what a surprise someone is romanticizing and at the same time not understanding and yet still undermining the struggles of mental illness
a little personal here but i’m friends with a girl who’s bipolar and buddy it’s not fun for her. her three moods are hypomanic, prepared for death, and panic attack. there is no personality change. only genuine struggle because mental illness isn’t pretty or a decoration for your self insert oc
bye sweaty,,,,,
Generally she can control the voices in her head inaccurate…………………, unless someone pisses her off. When she’s pissed off her eyes change from the normal (for her) golden with red spots to red swirls with icy blue as well. her pupils are actually dark blue. Because of this mutation, she usually wears super sweet red glasses with 3 points on each lens (most likely to represent 6, as in the sixth Day Sign). what does any of this mean in any capacity When she’s alone she argues with herself a lot, rather then keeping the voices bottled up…sometimes they’re her only company, after all… how fucking lonely do you have to be to argue with your voices jesus i almost feel bad now The only good thing about the dueling personalities is it allows her to control both water and fire. dueling personalities……………….
I suppose duel personalities may not be the right word no, it’s not. you mean dual personalities…as she it literally 2 different trolls stuck in one body…both Death and the Vulture live within her, Death being dominate. y tho She has the ability to seperate into both of these trolls for short times. HOW THO When she does Death becomes red, takes on the fire part of her powers, and uses only red psyonics psyonics in addition to taking the top horns and the red stripe in her hair. Vulture becomes blue, takes on the water, bottom horns, blue hair tips, and uses blue psyonics. It’s also worth saying her psyonic abilities are almost completely unusable to her just…in general. They generally show up without her knowing or control. “The only good thing about the dueling personalities is it allows her to control both water and fire.” …..???
She is incredibly good at video games, always coming just short of Sol when they play she gets points for not being BETTER THAN SOL XD SHE’S SOOOOO GOOD AT VIDEO GAMES but five points don’t help your current score of like -928374929871…there is one genera
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“there’s one principle taxonomic category that ranks above species and below family, denoted by a capitalized latin name she’s better at though”
she’s better at though. She’s better at Horror games then he is because she is “very attune to death, whether it be real or virtual”. not all horror games have death also what does this even mean. i’m so confused She and Sol do a lot of gaming together and the main problem with her duality is that Vulture likes Eridan and Death like Sollux…however, seeing as Death is the main personality she get’s 1st pick…this has caused Vulture much annoyance and caused her to try taking over more often. uh
-extra info not needed-
Aradia: BFFs do NOT bring my spooky wife into this. stay the FUCK away from my ghost girlfriend
Aaron and Morgan: Auspices between them. She describes them as constantly fighting as a serpent would with an eagle…they have no idea what she’s talking about. they’re dumb af have u ever seen an eagle pick up and consume a snake
Morgan: Good friend, as Death is the friend of the Serpent. i have no idea where you heard this but okay
Aaron: Good friend, as the Vulture is friends with the Eagle which she believes he would have been born under if he was born a troll. …there’s an eagle constellation? also vultures are friends with eagles? oh shit there actually is an eagle constellation it’s called aquila Her being good friends with both is why she’s also a good auspice. auspice would be a verb. the noun is auspistice
Jenny: Moirail
Vriska: probable Kismasis KISMASIS, the only thing they can agree on is they dislike the spider. since when did vriska dislike spiders
Other Humans: Takes to usually helping them randomly and with no warning ……….??????????
Other Trolls: Iffy, as they used to avoid her at all cost because of her mutation. However, because some of the others now are known to have mutations they don’t care as much. dude i’d fuckin care. her metallic blood makes me sick
Jaslusolo: a combination of jaculus (Snake)
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and pervolo (to fly).
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Her lusus, managed to escape just before the reckoning but couldn’t get to Cihuco in time to bring her as well. cihuco would’ve fuckin died?? if the reckoning wasn’t stopped the session would become null She is a feathered, winged serpent which resembles Cihuacoatl.
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…..winged serpent who ?
With her help she is able to actually fly back in time what the fuck and to what she calls her “true home” on earth back with the Mayans. earth doesn’t exist yet bicht She speaks their language fluently as well, 
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which one
and she is the one who told them of the end of the world. no, the mayan end of the world was predicted by the mayan calendar and the popol vuh, a compilation of the accounts of creation of the k’iche’ maya. the popul vuh states that the gods first created and failed at creating three worlds, then placed humanity in the first successful word. in the maya long count, the previous world had ended after 13 b’ak’tuns (around 5,125 years) and december 21st, 2012, was when the mayan date struck which they believed to bring about the destruction of this world and the formation of a new one, this starting the cycle again. try again hunty 
Jansin Aciona: Dancestor, can’t stand her. yeah i can’t stand you either she’s named after Jowangsin, the Korean goddess of fire.
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oh sorry do you mean jowangsHin, goddess of the kitchen?
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She was relatively good friennds with Nivnaj…not as good as you’d expect though. She was Cronus’ matesprite. ok bye
The Poet: that is definitely not eight letters Ancestor, most likely deceased. Was matesprits with The Wisest. still not eight letters Aporev: Close friends
Strife Portfolio: X2Whipkind, X2Bladekind sure whatever
Fetch Modus Setting: Pictionary Advanced -The advanced just means she can draw what happens with what’s on the card and it happens. ughhhhhhhhhhhhh like if she wants it to shoot out and hit someone- then what. please do tell. the suspense is killing me
Age: 7.4 Alternian Solar Sweeps (16 earth years)
Planet: Land of Pulse and Haze (Original planet destroyed. Presumably she started in The Land of Tents and Mirth, which is associated with the Rage part, but liked LOPAH better so claims it as “Home”) THAT AIN’T YOURS BITCH PUT IT BACK
Name Breakdown (Troll) : “Acionna was a Gallo-Roman water goddess, attested in the Orléanais region.” -Wiki. which one Not much is known about the goddess other then she was most likely representative of water. This is where her last name came from. “In Aztec mythology, Cihuacoatl was one of a number of motherhood and fertility goddesses.” -Wiki …..if you knew this then…….y tho
Name Breakdown (Pesterchum) : Acionna was thought to be protection, Cihuacoatl supposedly helped make the current race from ancient bones and blood of Quetzalcoatl (Who mainly gets the credit). Skull is the symbol for death. The other reason the trolls avoided her was because she showed literally as [BS] which is what they thought she was full of are you saying she��s not? until Sollux started saying the same thing a long time after. Perhaps because the goddess she was named after, Cihuacoatl, she was not named for any goddess her name was incoherently gurgled out of her winged snake goddess-that’s-she’s-supposedly-named-after of a lusus supposedly created the current race…she had a stronger connection psychically to happenings…the problem is sorting what’s true and what’s not from the voices in her head.
Info on her Mutation: This is what happens when a troll falls in love with a local. love is love but this thing is disgusting don’t do it again It is unknown who exactly they were, as the blood is to diluted to guess who they could have possibly been. ????????? look i’m no med student but i’m at least 98% sure that’s not how blood works  This…sorda leads to say that it was mostly the local’s (whatever or whoever it was) blood taking over. wait i thought it was too diluted by……other blood, i guess?? what the fuck even is this It is probable, it seems, that one of them was able to wield fire and the other water, thus resulting in the duel personalities. why do i hate this sentence so much
Personality(s?) Qualities: Issues with anyone who tries to tell her what to do, she tends to sometimes contradict herself and speaks in riddles which are always hard to figure out except when they’re not and they’re easy. wow thanks had no idea She hosts qualities from both Death and Vulture, and they are as follows. Death is “open to ideas and willing to make sacrifices for the greater good…sensitive to endings of any kind, and it can be hard for (her) to accept losses. Practical, Oversensitive, Fragile.” While the Vulture is “very self-aware and concerned about (her) status in the world. (She) places a high value on life experiences, wanting to learn as much as possible from the triumphs and challenges they offer. (She) can appear a bit jaded and ruthless to others, but that is because (she) sees things as they are and thus tend to be cynical. (She) dislikes being judged, and if (she) feels under scrutiny (her) self-esteem takes a blow. Knowledgeable, Wise, Challenging, Jaded, Cynical.” -Horoscope.com oh my god
Rules Broken: all of them. all of them? every single one. not the naming rule though. but only for the troll herself. everyone else can go suck a dick
Fantroll Rating: look i started working on this blazing heap of trash at around 1915 now it’s 2058. what the fuck man
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zenosanalytic · 5 years
HoXPoX Liveblog: House of X #3
Ok here’s HoX 3 and Here’s The Link
Not a lot going on in this one symbolwise, but it feels... Deceptive *looks around shiftily*
Time to continue the HoXPoX readthrough with House of X #3! This is a second printing so the cover’s the same deal as the last; a duochrome variant of the 1st cover the x-men in yellows/golds down the right side&a menacing sentinel-head as the background.
before getting into it though, I’m wondering abt the implications of the PoX3? Like: X2 was the 9th TL, but what about X3? Given Cylobel and the archive the obvs assumption would be X3’s a continuation of X2, but there’s no guarantee similar events dont happen in dif tls.
The thing is: if it was just the future of 9 PAST learning Nimrod’s inception date, then why would we keep following it? If all following X2 did was show us how TL10 got nimrod’s birthday, then why would we need to even KNOW abt X3? I feel like there’s something more going on
Also: why would X in 10 need to steal this information if they already had it from Moira? Also Also: some STRONG circumstantial simultaneity vibes from these repeated heists, which also also also contribs to me feeling like this story’s being a bit deceptive abt what’s going on.
Anyway: open’s on an Xavier quote: “you make me so *proud*” *indicating italics cuz twitter has no font options >:|
X1 Krakoa. Cyclops framed by an unactivated portal, center-frame, backlit/haloed by a light-blue sky. He’s telling X and M he’s put together a team which accepts the mission’s a suicide run. X and M are colored in whites, full-figure but dwarfed by Cyclops’s bust-closeup.
X promises he wont allow him of his team to die. M that the only true death is to be forgotten which “the righteous” will never be. Their narration calls him “the founder of a nation”. M is oft melodramatic & here he’s decidedly biblical: “righteous” “mighty works”
Of course the assumption is that we already know how this turns out. He and the rest will die and be “resurrected” by the RootTree as we saw at the beginning of HoX#1 Like I said tho, I get the feeling there’s some deception &the depictions of X&M here reinforces that; Impish.
Anyway: the two closeups of Scott here are really well done. The major difficult with him is conveying emotional state when his eyes are always covered of course, but the shading above his visor&turn of his mouth manages to convey his worry and doubt excellently.
Cyclops explains the sitch to his team in a really flippant way. He’s established as someone preemptively managing the emotions of those he leads, so considering them, and ironically acknowledging the dangers/absurdities to make them seem smaller than they are.
His team looks like: Wolverine, Dazzler, Angel, someone I dont recognize(Braddock/Psylocke? dont rec the costume)?, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, and Mystique.
The team immediately begins debating the plan(Scott encourages debate and the XMen aim for collegiality; well characterized) The one I dont rec isnt Braddock but Monet; not a character I’m too familiar with.
Cyc asks Mystique if she’s listening; she’s wonderfully and appropriately dismissive. Jean and Scott talk about minimizing casualties; there will be “innocent” civilians. Wolvie points out “innocents” dont build genocide-machines. Jean says “they’re just scared of their future”
Jean’s last line is actl super-ominous; it’s the last frame on the page, and the last two frames are bathed in that neo red-purple which up to now is usually associated with endings and death. I think, ironically, Jean might end up killing lots of these people.
Another cool bit; in the forth frame, where Mystique is mouthing off to Scott for his condescension, the sun is placed just behind&above Mystique’s head, placing it btw her and Jean, shadowed frame left, & making it’s glare imply Jean using her telepathy…
… it could be that Scott’s comment isn’t as unnecessary and condescending as it seems; it could be Jean’s been listening to Mystique’s thoughts, saw her intent to go off-mission,& informed Scott so he could head that off now. Maybe why she brings up question of casualties?
They’re launching from the Summers Moon Mansion. As they do Wolverine comments: “Just scientists huh? How exactly do you think humans went from sticks to bombs?” Obvsl he sees the whole installation as a threat.
An infopage on Sentinel progression. Starts with the well-known giant combat bot Alpha model, then mastermold(Alpha factory), Mothermold(mastermold factory capable of designing nanosentinel tech), then Omegas(nanosent infected humans), then Nimrod(pure nanosentinel construct)
Followed by a timeline of the plot from L9 to L10. Bscl confirms this is X1. States that Moira&Apoc have id’d that, while emergent AI is unavoidable specifcally antimutant ones, Nimrods, arent. Mentions the files Apoc acquired are incomplete, but imply preventable tech thresholds
mentioned in passing but may become relevant later: Moira&X had technopath mutants create a system that could detect Nimrod tech thresholds called Sleeping Giant.
Cut to Sabertooth being tried at Project Achilles, a “supervillain supermax”. The proceedings are about as farcically unconcerned with justice as you’d expect(treating the defense attorney as a joke is pretty Ick, as well).
Sabertooth's not having any of it, drawn center-page, towering over everyone else(though I wouldnt say security's drawn as frightened of him; more alert). Seems like a breakout attempt is imminent as he notices the smell of jasmine(?) and tells his attorney he's fired
:D It's Frost & two of the Cuckoos :D :D Emma's halo'd by a sun-like light on her entry. Judge IMMEDIATELY draws a guns XD Frost reminds them all Krakoans have diplomatic immunity(doesnt work this way but whatevs), judge calls him a Thing, Bravado Bravado...
In the end they walk out with only mutual chest-thumping. An important point; Frost says mutants wont be judged by human courts any more, so apprntl the treaties include jurisdictional concessions.
an infopage on the Omega Process; how a human is transformed into a sentinel by nanosent tech. The focus this is getting suggests this'll be plot-relevant(wonder if a mutant is infected?) Seems like a year's long process which inevitably ends in a anti-mutant exterminator.
cut to the Mother Mold; Karima/Omega and Doctor Gregor are arguing abt Orchis's plan(Karima against). Of course it's a bad idea; any being you make caged is going to resent you, and if you give it the ability to make things it designs it will design itself free of you.
(of course the reality of AI is that basic common sense, let alone originality, is way more difficult to code that humans think, and meat way better at information processing)
the X men Attack! And it's immediately thwarted, seemingly, by an improvised explosive. In hindsight all the red-purple images of the Blackbird's cockpit were Not Promising :T Oh! There's a Krakoan alphabet at the back ^u^
Well that was anti-climactic, but surprising, but also I think something else is going on still, so we'll see what's up in future issues.
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