#I literally just can’t bring myself to care about this proposal
exopelagic · 4 months
i am in hell
#I literally just can’t bring myself to care about this proposal#I KNOW it’s important and I have limited time now#as of today I have two weeks to finish it and I currently have written nothing <3#I’m meant to have a first draft by Monday#but it’s 5pm and I’m so sleepy and I am overwhelmed whenever I look at it#I’ve read so much. so much. and I still feel like I know nothing. and my supervisor is kinda useless#I think the real problem might be that there’s so much stuff that I’m scaring myself off#and I know I need to take it a little bit at a time but to do THAT I have to wade through my folder of like 60 sources#and figure out which one said the specific thing I’m thinking of or like where to look to find what I need to write about#and I keep reading stuff that makes me feel like I’m talking complete shit because I could be! my supervisor sure as fuck hasn’t checked!#I need to write what’s basically a mini literature review on the stuff that’s relevant and I mean like I THINK that this hasn’t been done#but people have been studying stuff in this field for like 70 years so you know how many papers that is. the last 40 are even relevant today#idk. I was falling asleep in the library yesterday after an hour and I’ve gotten so little done this week#if anyone has recommendations for reference management software that 1. can make tags to organise things 2. can have little notes added#3. can import from zotero I would love you forever#pls god help me I’m drowning here#luke.txt
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scoutswritingcorner · 6 months
Hey! May I request jealous Rosie headcannons? As in maybe the reader (any gender is fine) and her are not dating just yet but turns out the reader already has not so secret admirer that is ready to compete for attention? If that is ok with you ofc! Take care!
Rosie x GN! Reader
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-🫀Rosie barely gets jealous, she’s a very confident woman!
-🫀 But that’s not to say she doesn’t get jealous! She does especially when it comes to you, she’s just trying the perfect way to court you!
-🫀 But when you talk to her about how some demon keeps giving you flowers and trying to ask you out but you don’t know why they are trying to be your friend by giving you flowers. (PLEASE FOR THE LOVE EVERYTHING HOLY I LOVE THIS TROPE-)
-🫀 Now that makes Rosie stop, she can see why you would have a secret admirer. But it makes her mad because can’t they see she’s been trying to court you?
-🫀 So now? She’s got to up her game! She’s a sweetheart about it the whole time though, she sees you getting flowers (they aren’t even your favorite flower this person needs to up their game) and then you’re getting something you’ve had your eyes on for a while from her! 
-🫀 Alastor is the only one who’s brave enough to remark on the fact Rosie is literally being so obvious but your oblivious so it evens out. 
Alastor hummed watching as Rosie walked you towards the front door of her parlor, basically fawning over you as she handed you that jacket you had told Alastor about one time. As you gave her a quick hug and left, his smile grew seeing the taller woman walk back over, “Rosie, deerest, if I may..this infatuation with them is really quite a show! Why haven’t you outright said anything to them is the real question.” He hummed bringing the cup to his lips, “If need be I can..tell them myself! I do know where they reside after all.” He chuckled, feeling her swat his arm playfully, “Alastor! It’s unbecoming of a gentleman to meddle in others affairs! Besides..a woman never kisses and tells.” She huffed, leaning back in her chair, “Yes but you’ve never kissed them, Rosie.” 
-🫀Now, your (not so) secret admirer is upping their gifts as well and it gets to a point where you have to put an end to the whole charade!
-🫀 Once you do it finally clicks in your mind that these two weren’t trying to be your bestfriend! They want to date you! 
-🫀 So imagine Rosie’s surprise when the secret admirer stops giving you gifts and trying to talk to you! When she asks you, your face gets red and she has to stop herself from pinching your cheeks cause you’re just so darn cute!
-🫀 She literally does the :o with her hand over her mouth, when you say you figure out that she’s been trying to court you! And of course you accept her courtship proposal!
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hypergamiss · 10 months
Not an ask but I do need a pick me up. I’m 18, my parents kept me away from boys and now that I’m dating I feel like everyone is not serious and thinks I’m a just a hook up I’m on tinder I think that’s where people go to find boyfriends but idk. I think it’s stupid because I don’t present myself that way i dress modest I don’t cuss so i don’t understand why they just think im a hook up. If you have some pointers on what I should do differently that’d be amazing they don’t have to be older although I do think the guys at my college only want a hook up too…idc for money or should I? Should I be hypergamous I don’t think that possible for a dark skin woman like me coming from a upper middle class family I think it’s harder for me also to date older bc I think someone who’s 25 or older would want nothing to do with me who 18 rightfully so I’m not saying I’m not attracted to them but what value would I bring…. Ig I do need help ig the whole run down on dating. I think people only talk about what to do in relationships instead of giving advice on how to find such relationships how would we use the advice people give us if we don’t know where to find such men. Most men my age just want hook ups I mean I can’t blame them it’s college.
Thank you in advance sorry for being naive or depressing
Any guy will TRY to hook up regardless if you’re a classy lady or not. They will literally try to bang a hole in the wall if they could lol. Their testosterone is through the roof and driving them insane. They will have the audacity to say and do things that they will later regret because they’re young, and it still happens when they’re older but not as often since they learn self control. After reading your message I don’t get the feeling that you think your an “it girl.” I think you should focus on boosting your confidence up or these men will run you over. You have to be so confident that you don’t question yourself as much and run them over instead when they don’t meet your standards. If you want to care about money that’s completely up to you. Typically things will go a lot better when a man is financially stable but your age group is so young so that won’t be happening for a while. If you date this young you have to accept that a man won’t be able to treat you to really nice dates and gifts. They might even be asking you to split the bill if they ask you out. I think you need to prioritize the relationship that you have with yourself first and then secondly entertain the idea of going on dates and meeting guys. There are very few guys who are worth dating in college and you can’t really expect them to propose at that age either. The ones who are more likely to be loyal will be the nerds, the athletes will 9/10 not be loyal even if they’re in a relationship. Also, your skin color does not matter when trying to date up. Once you have your confidence up you attract the type of men you would want to date a lot more than actually finding them. It’s not always about looking it’s more about making yourself available and blocking out the ones you should ignore.
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nostalgic-soda · 1 year
You guys ever think about how modern media companies are so simultaneously obsessed with childhood but also seem to not truly respect childhood? Like modern media is so nostalgia obsessed and it results in a constant never ending stream of shitty “dark and mature” reboots that are constantly shit on yet continue to exist. Craig McCracken literally confirmed he only is going back to his old IPs because studios rejected all his new ideas. But these studios never wanna see the properties as they actually were. They twist and morph these characters into unrecognizable shells with the same names and throw a bunch of violence and adult shit into the story to make it more “mature” but a lot of the times these properties already tackled actually mature themes. Shit like the powerpuff girls cw leaked script feels almost comical in how much it twists this beloved IP. But why does this keep happening? Because society. I’m being serious. Society presents the idea that adults need to grow up and put their childhoods behind them. That they can’t enjoy childish things anymore. That they have to be adults and therefore focus on work. It doesn’t matter if childhood things bring comfort, the “real world”, aka the adult world sucks and that’s what adults have to conform to. But it’s not that simple because nostalgia is a powerful emotion. So these adult reboots exist to serve as a compromise for adults who still hold onto their childhoods but want to appear mature. Studios prey on nostalgia but don’t understand WHY people feel the way they do. Reboots and live action adaptations can only superficially remind people of their childhoods. They can’t replicate the feeling one had as an actual kid. It’s not fair that so many people are shamed for “childish interests” when studios make bank of pandering to those childhood interests. Because people don’t really realize how valuable childhood actually is. Studios only care about it because it’s marketable. They know nostalgia is strong and they use it as a tactic for money. But a person’s childhood is extremely formative to their identity and media can play a large part in that. Like I’m not sure I’d be who I am today were it not for the shows and movies I watched as a kid. And yet I’m expected to put that stuff behind me, to be a real adult. But by society’s expectations I’m not a real adult. I hated how hopeless adult life was made out to be by people like my parents. How I had to suck it up and accept the stress. I want to have fun I want to enjoy life I want to feel good about myself. And that’s something that the proposed adult life never seemed to offer me so I find a lot of comfort in my childhood memories. That’s why I hate seeing them twisted into super edgy and worthless Netflix and CW trash. They just serve as a reminder of the hopeless world offered to adults. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
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phoenixmosheh · 2 years
Elias Finally Learns The Truth About Everything | Mr. Robot
How I proposed: 
So, Elias told me he wanted to own an island once in a private chat at work. This was before either of us had any idea he was anointed by God to be King of the World one day (be careful what you tell your wives). However, I being myself, mischievously decided (what the f is an island?). I am going to give you the World...like literally! In order to hide my crazy, I told him I was working on a project.  Each time he asked about this project, I responded with “it’s a surprise” (none of your business). And after 3 years of being in hiding and not speaking to him (because I suspected a love triangle situation). I finally sent him a text message asking, “if he was married?” insinuating that he better not be...because I’m a boss betch...who you gonna leave me for?! - cardi b
Will Elias accept this dowry? Find out on the next season of “Godly Wives!”
Miss Me?
Melchizedek Culture
1. Marriage Proposals
In our culture, “marriage proposals” are a two-way street, the woman gives the man a good reason to take her hand in marriage. Many women will agree they are not going to be submissive to just any man...so the man’s offer would probably be something she has observed about him overtime. Like his character, work ethic or the ability to produce and help raise intelligent children who will add to the evolution of society instead of its breakdown. It is rarely about how much money he currently has or his status within society. 
2. Diamonds come from the Greek word Adamas:
The word diamond comes from the Greek word "Adamas" meaning unconquerable and indestructible. In our culture, the diamond being offered is not an actual diamond ring...its metaphorical for the vows we take in our marriage and how these vows will lead to a marriage that is indestructible and inseparable ...basically the husband and wife are the actual diamonds being exchanged in their marriage to one another. (shine bright like a diamond - Rihanna). (smh. just thinking about all that debt, many of you have accumulated over a diamond ring and several divorces.Seriously?).
Diamonds come from the Greek word Adamas:
3.  The Melchizedek’s Version of Valentines Day (Valentines Day Giveaway)
Every month during the week of a woman’s period the husband should show extra care and love towards his wife, as if it were Valentines day. This is like a week of rest or week of pampering. A regulated, healthy menstrual cycle is sacred and often a time to show your wife respect for being your wife, helping to manage the household and giving up her body so that she can birth your children one day. This requires your wife to rest and not work like a goddamn slave throwing her hormones even more out of whack, causing hormonal disruptions before and during pregnancy.  
This is a time for a husband to learn his wife, for instance, when she is having menstrual cramps or other symptoms; these symptoms are like small test preparing you for what both of you may encounter during an actual pregnancy. Its a time to figure out how to either make specific symptoms nonexistent (hormonal correction) or make her more comfortable.
These test help your husband learn his wife and help the wife learn her husband in the process, bringing them closer together. This will keep your husband engaged and feeling like he has something to offer, besides standing around in anguish looking like a chicken with his head cut off... while you go through pain alone during the birth of your baby.
4. The Melchizedek are Minimalist.
You can’t take a mansion with you on the run people. Before there was paper money, there was trade. We may not be rich in paper money, but we are rich in natural resources and apparently wisdom too. Thank you Father in Heaven!
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freaky-munson · 2 years
Rude p.5
Summary: Eddie Munson really wants to marry Y/n Hopper but her dad strongly refuses; based on song “rude” by MAGIC!
fic is kinda au
Warnings: a little bit of angst, mostly fluff
Words: 1,322
introduction part one part two part three part four part five here epilogue
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„Did I reach Joyce Byers? It’s Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
“Oh hi Eddie, not that I’m not pleased to talk to you but you certainly have surprised me. How can I help you?”
Eddie knew Joyce was lovely woman; every time he was spending his day with Y/n’s at her house, when she also was there, she always invited him to stay for dinner, not caring about Jim’s loud and obvious unhappiness and disagreements. He clearly saw that Y/n too was really glad for having her in their lives.
Since her own mum turned her back on her and her now ex-husband, Jim’s dates weren’t exactly good mom role models and the girl herself always wanted one - one that will love her unconditionally unlike her own mother. So having Joyce close was a literal blessing.
“As you probably already know, last week I personally spoke to Mr Hopper about his blessing. To marry Y/N obviously. And you are aware that it was kind of a big disaster.”
Joyce sighed. Of course she knew. It lead them to have some silent treatment of her doing. She thought it might be petty to some people, but Y/n was almost like her daughter. She really loved the girl and wanted her to be happy - and clearly her boyfriend was doing that job perfectly.
“Yes Eddie, I know. And we already kind of argued because of that.”
“Oh, I’m really sorry. It wasn’t my intention to make a mess to such extent.”
“Don’t worry about it. Jim is stubborn, but he is not dumb. He just has to think about this whole situation. Give him time. You have to understand it is quite a change for him. His little daughter is about to start adult life.”
“I know, and I really respect that. But I’m afraid that not the change is the problem. I am. I am the problem. A-and I really need your help Mrs Byers. I’m so lost that I think that I’m losing Y/n. She started to worry and I’m afraid she suspects the worst. And that she will get tired of me being always stressed and quiet, not really myself and finally leave me.”
“Eddie, don’t be ridiculous, Y/n would never leave you at your lowest. I think the best solution in your scenario is to talk to Y/n, heart to heart. I know you wanted approval from her dad, but as I already said he is a stubborn man. And if you love someone don’t let them go. Propose to her cause you are in relationship with her, not her and the dad. Tell her you tried your best to win your dad over, she knows that he gives you hard time and she will understand everything. Love overcomes everything. And Jim might actually finally see everything as it is and come around.”
“No, she can’t know about this. It’s better that way, it will save her from disappointment. Of me, of her dad. I don’t want to step in dirty shoes into their dynamic.”
“I’m sure that nothing will change. Jim loves his daughters too much to be mad at them forever. Believe me, the only person who will bring Jim Hopper to his senses is Y/n Hopper herself.”
Did it help Eddie? Not much. But for sure it gave him some hope and motivation. And reminded him that the two of them were the most important. They and their pure, beautiful love.
Meanwhile Y/n didn’t want to go straight home. The bloodshot, puffy eyes, stuffy nose from all the crying she did sitting in her trustful car parked on some abandoned parking lot were really making her driving harder than usual.
She tried deep breathing, counting to 10s and another not-so-successful calming methods but she only stopped weeping when she felt dehydrated, like she couldn’t produce even one another single tear.
And her head? Such a mess. She felt lost. Confused. Angry. Disappointed. Embarrassed. And it wasn’t even with Eddie; she mainly hated herself. Why? She knew that jumping to some stupid assumptions and heavy overthinking wasn’t good. But she was a teenage girl, that’s what teenagers do when something wrong happens, especially in relationships.
The thought of the worst really tired the girl but coming back home, to her dad with evident signs of crying after spending the day with Eddie was not an option; he didn’t need any more reasons to dislike her boyfriend.
Going back to trailer park would only probably lead to some unnecessary argument what was the last thing the girl wanted right now.
She needed some advice from someone close to her heart and most importantly someone with clear mind and objective approach. Leaving the parking spot she knew where to go. Her girl best friend, Nancy Wheeler, was obvious choice. She was always the calm and responsible one in their pair, balancing crazy actions Y/n usually put them through.
Nancy was surprised seeing Hopper girl standing in front of her when she opened the door. She was well aware of her Saturday rituals with Munson, which usually ended up in the late evening, but right now was only 6 pm.
But what was the most concerning was the look on her friend’s face.
“Y/n, what the hell happened? Have you been crying? Is someone hurt?”
“Eddie cheated on me” loud sob broke out of nowhere, really scaring Nancy.
How could he? Wasn’t he supposed to propose to Y/n? She couldn’t believe it, especially after discovering Eddie’s plans. And clearly everybody saw the love in curly haired boy’s eyes - and for her, eyes were direct window to the human’s soul.
“At least I think that it happened. It’s just… Eddie wasn’t himself since last weekend. He said it was some stress. But we always talked about it! We supported each other and always have done everything to lessen the stress.” the warm hands on her shoulders immediately stopped the quite unclear rambling full of tears and sniffing.
“Do you have any proof? You know how are boys; sometimes their pride doesn’t let them to speak freely about their feelings.”
“But Nance, I heard him on the phone. He was saying something about some woman not knowing something cause it will only disappoint her. And as you know Eddie doesn’t know many hers!”
Taking deep breath, Wheeler girl invited the girl inside and brought straight to her room. It would be quite a challenge to calm the girl without ruining the surprise engagement.
“Y/n I assure you that you got everything wrong. Eddie fucking loves you! He looks at you like you are his sun, moon and stars. I don’t believe that that man could ever intentionally hurt you. You have to talk with him. But not today. Today, you call your dad and we have a small slumber party. Just the two of us, like we used to in middle school.”
That seemed to slightly help the girl. She only nodded and went downstairs stairs to call her home. Nancy used this moment to get her walkie-talkie. She had to act fast, she felt like the whole relationship depended on her.
“Eddie. It’s no good. You have to propose. Preferably tomorrow. Y/n is extremly overthing at this point. Act fast and smart.”
Eddie Munson almost fainted when he heard the Wheeler girl. Y/n had to go to her and speak about their problems. Which were born in Y/n head just because he was a freaking coward.
The only thing he was sure of now was that it was time to finally be brave. Be selfish and be like he was back in high school - not caring about anyone, just listening to this heart. And what was his heart saying? Right now his heart only wanted to love and cherish Y/n Hopper forever, till the day he dies.
@offical-bee @bakugouswh0r3 @nightthou @angelina0191 @brxkenartt @screambih @this--is--music @waiting-for-cas-to-save-me @floriscus
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
OKAY so on the topic of Star Wars takes wrt “character ends up in an A/B/O universe where they’re an omega, but they were previously a cis male in their canon”
@atagotiak and I had some Thoughts on discord
So, obviously, Anakin would make a good omega and he’s also incredibly murdery. Foregone conclusion that we're using him for this.
There is no preexisting Anakin in the Omegaverse. He shows up JUST as the war is starting. Canon timeline is in the third year of the war (he’s 22), but whatever dumped him into omegaverse also tossed him back a few years. No de-aging, just a bit of mismatched timeline stuff.
He's... really good at war, and clearly a Jedi, so the Temple just kind of goes "WELL OKAY THEN, SURE, YOU'RE IN, EVERYONE PRETEND HE'S BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME." The Jedi, by and large, don't care about omegaverse dynamics beyond 'what do you need, medically, to be happy and healthy' and 'what do you need to be aware of so you can be prepared for biases you encounter in the field?’
None of the civilian natborns (mainly politicians) want to put him on the field because of those biases. Anakin, being Anakin, is VERY blatantly an omega in scent, has never been on suppressants (because it wasn't a thing he fucking NEEDED), is incredibly emotional as a person, loves kids, etc.
Like, nobody wants an omega fighting a war anyway, but THIS one is like PINNACLE omega, and those awful Jedi are making him FIGHT just because he's good at stab!
The Jedi: Actually, it's because he's got several years of war experience that we don't, and he's a good tactician that works well with the clones-- Coruscant: You MONSTERS The Jedi: Look, we gave him the option to not stab and he looked absolutely devastated. Anakin, several days earlier: You don’t want me? I’m not good enough??? Jedi: Also he can beat up at least half the temple.
He doesn't know a damn thing about dynamics, but he DOES know that sometimes he's so horny he wants to stab HARDER. The clones are largely disinterested in their generals' dynamics because between mostly-Mando* trainers and no-dynamic Kaminoans, they only really care if a person can shoot.
* Mandalore approves of Fighty Omegas. As far as (traditional) Mandalore is concerned, you want an omega that will kill the threats to your children as well as you do.
Anakin: You know more about being an omega than I do. Rex: ...I'm an alpha. Anakin: Yeah. Let that one sink in a bit.
We have two options for Obi-Wan!
Omegaverse local Obi-Wan (beta) has never met this man before, and is very unnerved that the immediate default reaction Anakin has to his presence is releasing Family pheromones as if Obi-Wan is his DAD and like. This strange, too-tall man from another dimension has got absolutely NO control over what he projects in the Force OR in his dynamic.
Obi-Wan was ALSO transplanted from canon to omegaverse, and is also an omega, for contrast reasons. He is nice and friendly and and likes poetry and that sort of thing... but also he has the highest dismemberment count in the movies. Also he doesn’t prioritize romance.
We went with the second one because it's hilarious.
Someone watching them spar: Wow, omegas from that universe are terrifying.
As previously mentioned, now with some tweaking to account for both: Obi-Wan and Anakin just straight up don't exist until they drop headfirst into the council room, already covered in blood. (It's mostly not theirs.)
Nobody realizes either one is an omega until they "naturalize" to this dimension and Anakin goes into heat... and doesn't realize it, actually, because his primary symptom is heightened protectiveness and aggression. Everyone else with the right nose realizes, because the man has no control over his pheromone production, but Anakin? No. He just stabs. He’s angry and horny and he will cut someone.
Ahsoka has no reaction to human pheromones but basically everyone smells Anakin's "my child!" reaction to her, so... Cool. Have a padawan, we guess.
Anakin ends up sparring a lot with Aayla and Ahsoka, because only humans and near humans have dynamics, so these two don't REACT to the pheromones situation.
(Palpatine is a Kindly Old Beta who tries to treat Anakin the way he EXPECTS Anakin wants to be treated, which is. Not. Accurate.)
(Anakin hates it.)
I'm just so in love with "An omega can't fight." "You wanna fuckin' bet?"
There are plenty of omega Jedi, by the way, it's just... most of them can keep it relatively low-key instead of Anakin's jet-engine broadcast. Some, if they're known to be omega, probably take advantage of being underestimated, like Obi-Wan probably (and especially a version of Obi-Wan that was always an omega, unlike this version). They have a very different way of presenting themselves than Anakin, who's not subtle about being an omega and also not subtle about being all aggressive and stabby.
At one point, Anakin has to protect some Very Traditional Individuals who get all "Stay back, Omega, it's not safe!" and he's just... so tired of this shit. “You are squishy civilians and I'm a trained Jedi Knight and accomplished GAR General who's killed more people in one sitting than there are in this entire palace. Sit the fuck down and let me do my job.”
It starts making the rounds that Anakin insisted on fighting in person, and the rumors shift from "how dare the Jedi force an omega to fight" and over into things that are deeply hurtful in-universe in the vein of "broken omega" and some people try to say it to his face but like...
He didn't grow up here.
He doesn't care.
Say that to one of his friends and he's going to rip out your spleen, probably, but say it to him and he's just staring at you flatly and asking if that's a negative on getting away from the encroaching battle droids, sir?
"You're rather unpleasant for an omega, aren't you?" [deeply offensive] "I literally could not give less of a fuck about your opinion. Move."
It's not that there aren't omegas that act like Anakin, either, it's just that most of them aren't, you know, Jedi who regularly interact with the upper crust, or capable of his level of destruction. Unbeknownst to Anakin, everyone clocks him as Outer Rim based on his behavior, well before his accent gives him away, and certainly before he mentions he's from Tatooine, because Core Omegas Don't Act Like That.
Someone they meet in a more diplomatic setting says something decently passive-aggressive about how at least Obi-Wan acts more like how an Omega should. Then a battle breaks out for some reason, and... well. Anakin and Obi-Wan cause such a scandal by keeping score of kills in a battle, don’t you know?
Turns out sending Anakin to fight Ventress is great because she keeps expecting him to react a certain way but NO he's here to STAB.
I like the idea that Obi-Wan's favorite opponent these days is Grievous because the cyborg doesn't have a nose, and thus gives zero fucks about dynamics or heats. Dooku is a rich old man who has opinions heavily influenced by Sith Juice Making Him More of a Dick, and the Dathomiri can smell dynamics even if they don't have them, and so they have biases about those things. Meanwhile, Grievous is just there to Kill, and Obi-Wan genuinely appreciates the lack of commentary on his dynamic.
Dooku’s probably an alpha, or a beta who's used the whole "we are more level-headed" thing as one of several angles to keep himself the public face and supreme commander of the CIS.
On to more fluffy things that have less to do with political biases.
There's a lot of "I'm upset that my loved ones don't know me," but also please understand the appeal of Obi-Wan marching up to Quinlan like "Yes, hello, I understand you've been read in on the full situation behind myself and my former padawan. I was close friends with your alternate universe self, which I feel is necessary disclosure before I propose the following: Would you like to join me for my upcoming heat, as I have minimal experience with the dynamics situation and even fewer people I actually trust, and I believe I can put my faith in you to treat it as casually as necessary while still having control and respect for my person."
(The Team is in a fairly safe place to process stuff, but having sudden unexpected changes to your biology has gotta be a little traumatizing, on top of ending up in a universe where none of your friends know you and people have a whole host of unfamiliar forms of sexism to point at you.)
Obi-Wan, who wasn't quite touch-averse but was much more easily overwhelmed by physical contact than Anakin (who craved it), suddenly finds his body switching gears and insisting on cuddles with Trusted Loved Ones, which is.... mostly Anakin, on account of nobody else really knowing him yet. Also Ahsoka, who is aware that she's something of a replacement for her alt-universe self, but Anakin explained it as "I love you so much no matter which dimension I'm in or what you're like, and I'd like to get to know you the way I got know her."
(It's rather eloquent for Anakin. He got Obi-Wan to help him draft up the script for when he pitched taking on omegaverse Ahsoka as a padawan.)
Anakin gets a more intensely sexual heat than 'usual' at one point for Reasons (IDK it could be as innocuous as 'we got better food than the usual rations and my body is reacting to the higher fat content with the belief that it's safer to have a baby now'), which nobody takes a whole lot of notice of because they're in a WAR, and also this is only his fourth one so it's not like he's got a lot to compare it to... except then the predominantly alpha clones can't stop themselves from reacting to the pheromones, mostly by wandering past his door and asking if he needs anything, offering up alpha-scented blankets and stuff for the nest to soothe the hormones, bringing snacks and electrolyte drinks, and like, Anakin is flattered, really, but fuck off please.
(He got a warning from medical a few hours before it hit that it would be different, so he actually does have alpha-scented fabrics to help him out. Apparently that's a thing you can just ask friends for, so he asked Rex if he had anything on hand that he could spare. He now has one of Rex’s recently-used sheets and a bodyglove in the nest.)
(Anakin has no idea how to feel about the nesting instinct, but at least it’s warm.)
Tia asked "Oh hey, who has the scared and horny reaction to his carnage?" and like.
Listen. I'm not saying I've been low-key imagining this as Rex being a very subby alpha who's really into Anakin's whole Thing but...
At one point Anakin gets injured in a way that requires painkillers and he ends up whining to the point of almost crying about the fact that nobody is cuddling him right now in medbay and Kix just gives up and comms Ahsoka to come hug her weird older brother.
And Then There Is Purring.
That’s a Thing Now.
Rex ends up in the pile somehow. He came over to check on Things and ended up yanked in by half-asleep, half-high Anakin, who has a grip like an octopus and no impulse control and is purring like a pod motor while NUZZLING HIM.
There’s a lot of blackmail photos featuring Rex’s very intense blush as he’s cuddled by his commander (giggling at him) and general (clinging like a tooka and rubbing himself all over).
Anakin is deeply offended that ANYONE thinks he'd want to get pregnant by just any old person, NO he needs to fall in LOVE there needs to be EMOTIONAL DRAMA and if Padme won't have him (apparently she's in a relationship and no he's not BITTER) then he'll find someone else to have a whirlwind romance with!
People think Anakin's a slut because he can't control his pheromone production (he has NO practice and for health reasons he can't go on suppressants) so he always smells open and ready for flirtations, which Obi-Wan also has to a somewhat lesser degree (he's older so his body just naturally produces less), and then someone tries to cross a boundary and grabs his ass and ANYWAY Anakin has to now fill out an incident report for breaking a civilian's arm.
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spilledkauffie · 3 years
SFW (Fluff) Alphabet · Zemo
List made by @caitlinpotter || Sorry I’ve been so absent this week; I promise I have content for the weekend!
*xFemale!Reader || NSFW Alphabet ❤︎
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Quite affectionate— he loves giving you affection, and it’s all across the board with him. It can be from soft sweet touches to actual affectionate actions done for you.
Full HC list on this soon! ✧
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
Literally the best— for starters he’s super loyal, because if you’re truly friends with him he’s not giving up on you easily. Your friendship wasn’t exactly easy to get to, mostly thanks to his profession, but once you’re in, you’re in. 
100% defensive of you— anyone tries to come at you in any negative way, he’s got a comeback to absolutely destroy them. Also, having someone of his reputation around can be beneficial for when you want to be left alone, as he seems to intimidate people a little bit.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
When you cuddle him— he loves it when you just come over without saying a word and cuddle up next to him, he doesn’t ask questions he just lets you get as close and be as cute as you want. Sometimes he has to chuckle at just how physically needy you are, like absolutely burying your face against his back, nuzzling softly, with your arms around him in an attempt to get his attention / also loves waking up to you cuddled right up against him.
When he cuddles you— he can just tell when you need it, so often times he reaches out for your hands with a “come on, come here,” naturally, you give in, he pulls you into a hug, slightly rocking you back and forth. It’s a lot of soft touches and feathery kisses.
↳ if you’re lying on your stomach, he’ll lie down with you. Resting his head on the small of your back, brushing his fingers across or down your back, sometimes he places soft kisses against your skin, which always gets your attention. You either: 1). turn on to your side, he hooks and arm between you legs and uses your thigh as a pillow. 2). you lay on your back, letting him rest against your stomach, gradually he makes his way up to give the corner of your lips a kiss.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they around the house?)
For sure— it’s not long before you’re practically living with him. Now that you’re in his life, he wants you around for everyday life; what is his very soon becomes yours. You picked up on it when he started to suggest “why don’t you stay here... tonight? And maybe tomorrow?” more often.
Around the house— he’s quite casual. You never feel expected to get up at a certain hour (regardless that he gets up early), you’re never expected to be downstairs and dressed immediately, it’s more of a calm atmosphere that lets you wake up. You don’t constantly have to be around each other, he knows space is important. Sometimes it’s just doing your own things in the same room in silence together. Despite the status of Baron, he behaves like your average individual around the house, he likes to do things himself.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It’s actually really hard for him— it’d have to be in person though, as hard as it would be. For starters it would take a lot for him to actually call it over, he’s extremely patient and an expert at working things out with you, because he truly doesn’t want to it end.
↳ a most likely situation for ending it would be that he can’t guarantee your safety due to whatever he’s getting himself into, and he’d rather make the call to let you go than to have no choice in truly losing you because of his own dangerous choices. 
He’d leave it open though— sitting across from him, you stay quiet after both coming to the conclusion that it’s over. However, he leaves you with: “if you ever need anything, in any way. . .” you nod, a few tears falling as you stay silent, staring forward. Coming over to you, he softly wipes a tear away, kissing your temple, whispering, “I’m sorry,” before walking away.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s definitely committed in the relationship— ring or no ring, if you’re in a relationship with him he’s all in, not the type of person to just have a fling here and there. It’s total dedication to you, and you only. 
Considering he’s done it once before—there’s a lot of past memories surrounding the topic of marriage for him, which is why there’s probably going to be a good amount of time together before any proposal. He just wants to be sure, plus there needs to be time to talk everything out before rushing into anything. 
↳ when the time does come though, it’s a mad romantic, but personal proposal, with the most gorgeous ring in the world.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically— he’s super soft with you. He never wants to startle you, it’s always what you’re comfortable with. Touches are more than just flirtatious with him, they can be comforting, encouraging, supporting, etc. (He also knows what you’re not comfortable with as well so he can avoid it)
Emotionally— it’s a little more complicated. With your emotions he’s super gentle and understanding, always. He listens to anything and everything you say or just need to vent. He doesn’t interrupt and only gives his thoughts when you ask for them. He never intends to hurt you feeling either, he’s very careful. However, with his own emotions however, he’s a little harsher. He doesn’t really like to show any of the more complicated emotions. And doesn’t always give himself much grace for feeling certain ways, he tends to repress.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? What are their hugs like?)
Only from you— he doesn’t really like other people getting friendly, unless he really really knows them, even then it’s different. He doesn’t get physical with other people unless it’s a “move— you’re in my way,” situation, but that doesn’t count as friendly.
Extremely handsy— he love to bring his arms around you, so he can completely hold you whilst hugging you. Whether it’s around your waist, shoulders, hips, etc., just depends how the hug is done. He also tends to stroke his hands when hugging you, up and down your arms, back, sides, thighs, wherever.
↳ he likes to nuzzle against your neck, during front or back hugs, with the bridge of his nose, or his lips. He also gives tender kisses while he has you so close. Not kisses with other intentions, just sweet loving kisses that make you smile. Sometimes he brings his hand under your jaw, to tilt your head just enough so he can kiss your lips.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes time, but it’s not forever— when he knows he will tell you with no hesitation. He doesn’t debate telling you or worry about it being too bold, nope, he means it when he says it and he says it when he means it.
He also says it in different ways— it’s not always “those three words,” through his gestures and other phrases you hear I love you a lot.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Not if it’s someone you’ve known before him— he’s not intimidated by pervious friendships that predate your relationship. 
When people flirt with you knowing he’s with you— he gets real jealous, real fast. Given that fancy occasions are kind of a routine thing, you’re around a lot of other people who want to flirt with you, and often do pretty openly. It’s rare that Zemo ever leaves your side, which helps, but that doesn’t stop people from trying, which he hates. Typically he just tries to keep you physically near, so he can be there to prevent it.
↳ one time he left to get you a drink and an old rival of his found you. Trying to be polite you remained in conversation, feeling fine until he caressed your shoulder. Almost immediately Zemo was back at your side. Handing you your drink civilly, with a “here you are, Darling,” he then glared at the man standing across from you. Not so subtly, Zemo slipped his arm around you, literally pushing off the unwanted hand and replacing it with his own. You leaned into him more, attempting to make a point, as Zemo continued giving a half smile half glare.
He doesn’t do much about it in aftermath— he’ll calmly admit to you that he was jealous, but he also gets you with “I understand why people want to talk, flirt, and be with you,” he shrugs, “you’re beautiful, they’d have to be blind not to see that, but yes,” he tilts his head, “but. . . I have to admit, there’s part of me that wants that only to myself, of course.” It makes you smile how calm he tries to keep himself, despite the frustration. It’s usually you who actually does anything after these type of conversations though.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Lightly running fingers up your neck— when he’s kissing you, he traces his fingers slowly up the side of your neck, until he reaches your jaw, there he strokes his thumb across your jawline.
Holding your hand— sometimes when you’re flirting with him, you like to get as close as possible without touching, he knows the game and subtly slips his fingers between yours, then he goes in for the kiss. He can feel your smile and your hands hold his tighter as you give in.
Hand kisses— he gives these whenever, wherever, and however often he can. It’s a cute way of showing affection in a very classy way. He uses them as hello / goodbye greetings, although typically you require more than a kiss on the hand for saying goodbye.
Soft, but turns into more— it starts out as a super sweet gentle kiss, but slowly you can feel it deepen, to which you usually break the kiss with a smile, “Helmut,” you laugh, holding onto his arms around you, as he moves his mouth to your neck, “I don’t have time for this,” you try to stop giggling.
As for himself— he loves the taste of you lips, so every time you kiss him, he adores it. However, there is a sweet spot at the base of his neck, that when you kiss there makes him stop mid sentence.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Fantastic— he’s actually perfect with kids. Maybe it’s past experience that plays into it, but he’s so sweet with kids. When they accidentally run into him, he gives a “be careful, little one,” before stepping out of their way. Something you’ve noticed is that he talks to them like they’re little adults, which is adorable.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Staying in bed— one way or another one of you convinces the other to stay in bed. Sometimes it’s him asking you to stay just a little bit longer, when you can’t, he understands and watches you get dressed, asking what your day looks like. / Other times it’s you compelling him that it’d be more fun to stay and cuddle with you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Relaxing— it’s a calm, safe, and warm environment when you can both just relax from the day in each other’s arms. Sometimes you’ll lean back against him and ask what he’s reading, when he says Machiavelli, you smile and get cozy, “perfect, that sends me right off,” you close your eyes as he begins to read aloud.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s not an open book— there’s a lot of history with him, some good, but also some bad. Even before the whole campaign to end Super Soldiers, he has a bit of a shady past, with his own military exploits. Some he’s made amends with, others he hasn’t.
Depends how much you already know— if you already know a good amount about him, 1). he’ll ask to even the playing field, so he can know you equally as well 2). he doesn’t mind you asking questions since you’re already aware of his general history.
Surface level stuff— interests, fascinations, favourite this-or-thats, he’s pretty open about though! He doesn’t mind sharing or talking about any of the casual topics about himself, it’s just the more personal stuff that takes time.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s extremely patient— The only way you would know is by a facial expression. His looks give him away more than his words or attitude does.  
↳ if you’re not getting along, he’s the first to apologise, and it’s not an “I’m sorry” end of conversation apology. It’s a well thought out apology, because you don’t argue about the little stuff, it’d have to be something big to get you at odds for a while.
Silently frustrated— even if he gets mad, he keeps his cool in circumstances. Never raises his voice, his tone just gets a little deeper.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything— seriously, he does not forget anything. You’re his number one priority, so of course he pays attention. Even if there’s something you just mention at random, he’ll remember it. Say you mention how you used to have/like/want something, there’s a good chance it’s showing up again.
He also asks— he’s genuinely curious about you and wants to know as much as he can about the person he’s in love with. So, he loves childhood stories, random details, and little quirks about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The moment you said those three words— when you know everything about him, his past, his lifestyle, and you still decided to say I love you. And you still standing by it even though it meant waiting for him.
He also loves remembering the first time he saw you— he says he could never forget it, it was like a divine beauty just walked in.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
Veryyy— he’s extremely protective of you, but not overbearing, he’s good a being distantly or subtly protective. In other words in public / at events / new places he keeps an eye on you, even if it’s from a distance.
He will literally do anything— there’s no limit with how far he’d go to protect you from anything or anyone, even if he knows he’s outmatched, he’ll find a way.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates— he puts a lot of effort into them, mainly trying to make it a perfect yet comfortable setting. So if you like quiet restaurants, that’s what he’ll find. If you like outdoors, he’ll find a stunning walkthrough garden, etc.
Celebrations— it’s always extravagant and grand and beautiful whenever you’re celebrating anything with him. He wants you to feel like the royalty he believes you are.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
How easy criminal life is for him lol— you love the fact that he surprised you with a real classic art piece for your birthday, but the exact details on how he got it isn’t as pretty. You frequently ask if there’s any other way he could make a living.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not vain— despite the fancy and classy lifestyle, he’s never thought himself as an individual of great beauty. He likes beautiful things, which is why he says he was so attracted to you, but personally he doesn’t think much of himself.
He cares though— it’s not like he doesn’t care whatsoever, which is why he’ll usually ask you “what do you think of this?” in regards to fashion. He wants to look nice for you, and he knows how to do that. But he’s not the guy to check himself in the mirror, or constantly fret about his looks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He doesn’t need a relationship— but that’s what makes your so special. Since he’s not the type to just constantly need someone to feel complete, the fact that he does need you make you and your relationship all the more important to him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He can crash literally anywhere— you’ve found him on the couch, on the floor, in a chair, and you have no idea why it’s a habit of his, but it is! And you have definitely addressed him about it before.
↳ walking in to his study, you found him asleep on the floor between the couch and coffee table, shaking your head and crouching down, you woke him up. Looking up to you, you asked, “Helmut, why are you sleeping on the floor?” / “Hmm- wh- I’m not on the floor, you’re on the floor,” he states sitting up, brining you into a hug with him.
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sirfrogsworth · 4 years
Desperate Diatribes of the Deplorables: An Analysis of Criticism Against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
A lot of people were perplexed by criticism of AOC using her free time and “government wages” to play video games. 
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It’s her money. They know that. 
But conservative logic is never very logical.
“Robert” later tried to justify his comment. 
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And James felt the need to tack this on to Robert’s justification.
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These two seem very concerned about how congresspeople manage their finances. If $400 to play a video game is a big deal I wonder how they reacted to this... 
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This idea of AOC “wasting taxpayer money” is an extension of a much more common criticism she gets. They think earning money is antithetical to her ideals--constantly telling her that because she is a “socialist” she should be giving her salary away. 
It’s a constant theme in her Twitter replies. 
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And it is a continuing frustration of mine that conservatives don’t know what the hell socialism is. I mean, one of the goals of Democratic Socialism is that charity shouldn’t be necessary because everyone's needs are met. So I’m not sure where they got this “GIVE YOUR MONEY AWAY!” schtick.
They see all socialism as akin to authoritarian Soviet Union style “communism” or authoritarian Cuban style “communism” or corrupt Venezuelan “socialism” or the authoritarian “Communist” Party of China. 
None of those examples are particularly socialist. More rebrands and bastardizations. Conservatives always ignore the “corrupt” and “authoritarian” qualifiers and then also refuse to acknowledge that people can call things whatever they want--even if it is inaccurate. Hence the oft debunked “Nazis were socialists” trope.  
I mean, I’m a chubby hairy human that wears a bear hat and I call myself “The Frogman.” 
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(When I send unsolicited duck pics, people are very confused.)
In their minds, socialism is just bread lines and empty shelves.
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Note: Picture taken in an American CVS during a pandemic where capitalism almost immediately collapsed into a hellscape with nothing to wipe our bums.
Well, almost nothing...
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Then you’ll hear them bring up “wealth redistribution.” 
I’m pretty sure this is how they imagine that concept...
Everyone lines up and puts all of their money into a giant pot. 
The money is counted.
The people are counted.
The total amount of money is divided by the number of people. 
Everyone lines up again and each person is given the same amount.
Societal collapse.
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Yadda yadda yadda... “And that’s how you get vEneZuELa!” 
Except... no one is proposing anything like that. That was nowhere on Bernie’s presidential to-do list. 
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(Some might think that is a “Bernie is old” joke but, like me, he believes regular bowel movements are important at any age. Get that fiber, kids.) 
Even with universal basic income, you can still earn beyond what you are given. But the right can’t resist a sad simplification of progressive policies. Personally, I think a more accurate term would be “wealth equity”--meaning peoples’ labor is valued appropriately and all wages are enough to live on.
AOC makes about $175K per year. She is constantly reminded of this and told she has come into great wealth. And, yes, it sounds pretty decent, but she has to maintain two living spaces with high security (she gets constant death threats) and she must travel back and forth from DC to New York quite a bit. 
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Her salary is above average, but I think her labor is valued appropriately. And I don’t think she takes that for granted. 
She takes her role as “representative” very literally. 
She doesn’t do the typical 9 to 5 and clock out. She works as much as she can fit into her day without burning out. You’ll often see Instagram stories at 10pm where she is just finishing her day. She travels back to her district much more than many of her fellow representatives. She actually cares for her constituents and communicates with them regularly via community outreach and town halls and... visiting their bitchin’ Animal Crossing islands. 
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Recently she set up a food bank and organized a team to help her personally deliver necessities to people affected by COVID-19. 
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Her NY office has also been calling everyone to check up on them and ask if they need anything. 
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Can you imagine Mitch McConnell doing that?
The other reason they think she should give all her money away is because they don’t think she earns it. They say she hasn’t passed a single piece of legislation. This shows a deep ignorance of how Congress works. For one thing, freshman reps rarely have the cachet to create and pass their own legislation. That said, she is a sponsor or co-sponsor of 13 bills currently. 
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Unfortunately, any progressive legislation created in the House goes directly under Mitch McConnell’s ass where he proudly sits on it.
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It’s hard to create legislation when a surly turtle man refuses to even put it up for consideration. 
Maybe we should see how she compares with another legislator and their lawmaking achievements. How about everyone’s favorite Canadian Texan... Ted Cruz! A man only his daughter could love. 
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Or not.
Ted has had 4 terms and sponsored 180 bills. That’s a lot more than 13. However, a grand total of 2 have become law. Though I am sad to see this one did not get any traction. 
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So Ted’s had more time and more chances but his batting average is about the same. Also, AOC is trying to save the planet and Ted can’t get balloon pilots to shape up and fly right. 
Beyond that, creating new laws is not all that representatives do. Another important job is oversight and investigation. That whole “checks & balances” thing we are struggling to hold on to. 
AOC was put on the Financial Services Committee which is super rare for a first-term representative. And I think this is where she really “earns” her pay. Her questioning of capitalist scumbags is something to behold. She doesn’t waste her time. She is extremely prepared. And she is able to draw useful information out of just about anyone she questions. 
One of my favorite exchanges was when she questioned Michael Cohen. While others were wasting their time trying to get him to bad mouth the president or catch him in lies, she got him to point directly at where the bodies are buried and at the people who covered them up. 
If we are ever able to hold Trump accountable, I have no doubt these answers will be very useful and damning. 
And if you want to watch an hour of her grilling more scumbags and making them look like giant tools (among other things), this compilation is pretty great. 
I don’t believe in stanning politicians. I want to remain objective and not find myself in a position where I defend their every action and statement. I want to be able to criticize and influence them to work for the best interests of me and those I care about. 
We the people are their boss.  
That said... it is really hard for me not to break that rule for AOC. Because she always seems to be fighting for the dignity of the downtrodden. 
Conservatives are right to fear her. She has a chance to inspire a new generation that will destroy their backwards 1950s values and create a more equitable society.   
They try to call her stupid, but that falls apart under any amount of scrutiny. 
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They try to call her a child of privilege, an elite, and a fraud...
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Wow, look at that palatial estate!
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But then they also try to say she is just a lowly bartender not worthy of the Congress of the United States. 
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They can’t make up their minds.
And then there is the most common attack they all fall back on when they can’t find anything else to criticize. 
She magically, and all on her own, swatted Amazon away from New York and lost like... a zillion jobs. 
Even though she really only amplified a movement led by many of her constituents. (Ya know, those people she represents.) You can find this great sin mentioned in many of her Twitter threads--whether it is relevant or not. 
Some folks even bought a billboard in New York. 
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(By “some folks” I mean small business owner and billionaire founder of Home Depot, Bernie Marcus.)
All of those numbers are misleading and it doesn’t mention the billions of dollars in subsidies New York was planning to give for the privilege of having an Amazon headquarters. 
But... Amazon came anyway... without the incentives. 
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No, it wasn’t quite the 25,000 jobs that Amazon promised they’d deliver. But having Amazon around hasn’t exactly worked out for everyone and she was probably right about it being a bad idea. 
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The attempts to quash her spirit have been unsuccessful. She continues to thrive and gain momentum in her career. They seem to be running out of ways to criticize her so they have become desperate to find things that will tear her down. She seems to have inherited Obama’s “Grey Poupon” attacks on the daily now. 
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With everything she does, they must find some way to criticize. This Animal Crossing thing is only the latest ridiculous attempt. And it wasn’t just “Robert” saying that--the GOP candidate running against her tried the very same thing. 
I wonder how that went for her. 
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I think one of my favorite failed attempts at criticism was when the news broke that AOC was using her own campaign contributions to feed her district during this pandemic. 
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This is the money she needs to get reelected. You’d think this selfless act that risks her campaign’s resources would be seen as positive... even by the coldest right wing hearts. Seems like a safe, criticism-free activity. 
But as Dr. Ian Malcolm said...  
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Suddenly they all became campaign finance experts. 
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“You are feeding the poor incorrectly!” --Jesus probably
It would seem they didn’t google the FEC regulations before making this accusation.
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And if they are truly that concerned about campaign finance laws, then I’ve got a doozy for them. 
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Remember kids, never leave a paper trail when paying off adult film stars.
In conclusion, my personal politician-stanning rules be damned... 
AOC has twirled into my heart and given me hope that things can change. 
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I think she’s neato and I want to have a puppy playdate with Otis and Deco. 
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mermaidfizzy · 3 years
This hot mess is a product of my h*rny brain that had the audacity to not go back to sleep at 5 o'clock this morning.
I've been feeling pretty awful about myself lately. I just can't seem to shake myself out of this critical and condescending fog that my brain has been in.
It sucks but I wrote this in hopes of it helping anyone else who feels like this, even though it's a jumbled mess that belongs in the trash.
If you've been in a depressive episode too, just know you're amazing, and a wonderful human and I hope reading this reminds you of how terrific you truly are. Plus Kakashi thinks you are a literal goddess, I don't make the rules.
Anyway, I hope you get a kick out of my dumpster fire writing and I hope it reminds you of the queen you are.
Mirror s*x with Kakashi
Warnings: Sexy time 18+ content. Way too damn explicit but oh well. Body worship. Female reader. Doggy style. Vaginal fingering. Choking & spanking (kinda). Established relationship. Kakashi being an absolute simp for you. Kakashi is ooc and this is a whole ass mess but I don't care, fight me.
If you're a minor you better skedaddle on out of here or I'll kick your butt.
Kakashi was the one who proposed the idea of wanting to absolutely wreck you in front of a mirror. He loves the idea of being able to strip you down to complete nakedness, getting you on all fours, and aggressively fucking you from behind while you both watch your reflections go at it in earnest.
Just seeing the front or back of you during sexy time isn't enough for him, ok!? And the thought of being visually overstimulated and watching every gorgeous angle of you while he ravishes your body sends him immediately to bonerville.
You express your hesitance, uncomfortable with the idea of being so exposed and having to see so much of yourself in the reflection of the mirror. You dismiss his idea at first, not wanting to put your body in a position that could give you more insecurities about yourself.
He is nothing but respectful and understanding on why you might have some insecurities, he struggles with self-doubt too. But boy oh boy, he is persistent and determined to admire and worship the hell out of every inch of you, mind, body, and soul.
Because in Kakashi's eyes you are the very reason he breathes!? You live rent-free in his brain!? You are an absolute living and breathing angel!? He desperately wants you to see yourself in the way that he thinks of you, as the person he loves with his whole heart. He even loves you more than icha icha but you didn't hear that from me.
And if that means he spends every moment for the rest of his life reminding you of how sexy and downright spectacular you are and how much he loves you, then so be it. It's a task he is ready and willing to take.
He's all in boo, he's a certified simp for you and he wants to see alllll of your beautiful body. Let this man adore you, ok?! And you better not be insecure in front of that mirror because you are a goddess and this man literally kisses the ground you walk on.
After much convincing, you eventually concede with his request to rock your shit in front of a mirror. You don't even understand how much this dude will be ready to go ON THE SPOT once you give him the ok.
When the two of you start getting down and dirty, there will be absolutely no hiding, alright? No love-making in the dark around these parts. All the lights will be on and the window shades will be open, allowing the warm sun to filter in on you both so he can admire every inch of your precious body while he gives you the best dick of your life.
Kakashi is mesmerized by your body when you're on all fours in front of the mirror. The way your mouth opens as moans fall from your lips, how your neck is exposed when you look up at him in the mirror, the curve of your back as you arch into him, and how your breasts hang and sway with every thrust he gives you.
Goodness gracious, it all just gets his blood pumping and makes him feel things that he never thought he would ever be lucky enough to experience.
Having this visual perspective and being able to see every little bit of your perfection brings out Kakashi's possessive and emotional side. He just loves you so damn much and wonders how he was able to get so lucky.
It all overwhelms him as he watches you come undone, knowing he's the one who gets to witness you at your most open & vulnerable. You better prepare yourself because this man will have zero restraint.
If you try to hide your face or put your head down, oh nay nay I say. Your ass will definitely be slapped and you will like it, no questions asked. He'll also grab your neck and make you watch yourself in the mirror. Kakashi wants you to see how gorgeous you look too. He can't be the only one enjoying the view!!!!
With one hand around your neck and another around your waist, he'll pull you up so your back is flush against his chest as he continues to eagerly crash his hips into you from behind.
Pleasepleaseplease don't hold back your moans. Let them all out baby, be loud, let Kakashi know how good he's drilling your ass. Tell him that he's the only one who can make your pussy soaked and quivering like this.
Look directly at his reflection while he's pumping into you. Feed this man's ego and watch him lose his fucking mind as he watches you both in the mirror, letting all your lustful words and moans soak into him. You mean you love and worship him as much as he does for you!?! Oh hell yeah.
Sometimes he just wants all his attention on you though. Instead of taking you on all fours, he'll have you sit completely naked in-between his legs. He'll spread your legs far apart, propping them over his own so you can get a good look at your glistening pussy in the mirror that's right in front of you two.
And don't you dare close your eyes or turn your head away! You know the drill, Kakashi wants you to watch the whole time to see exactly what he's doing to you and how absolutely pretty you look while his fingers are pumping in and out of you.
If you accidentally close your eyes or turn your head away, he's going to pull his wet fingers out of you and give your swollen clit a nice little slap while he whispers in your ear "keep your eyes open for me baby, I want you to see all of this".
But your eyes aren't the only ones open and watching, oh no. Kakashi will stare intensely at your reflection in the mirror while he pleasures you. He won't even think about blinking as his fingers pick up the pace and your breathy moans vibrate next to his face.
He can't help it, he just loves the way you look all spread out for him, taking his fingers so well. He wants to see every single moment of you unraveling. Every bite of your lip and pleasurable inflection on your face drives him crazy.
If your eyes start rolling into the back of your head as the pleasure in-between your legs ramps up, Kakashi will take the hand that isn't deep inside your pussy and grasp your chin tightly so you can watch yourself in the mirror as you get closer to cumming all over his fingers.
All the while Kakashi is whispering into your ear about how much he loves seeing you like this and how badly he wants you to cum. He keeps up the sweet whispers, eventually telling you to touch yourself too. You can't just see your reflection in order to fully appreciate, oh no, you gotta feel yourself as well.
Sliding your fingers down to join Kakashi in pleasuring yourself, you rub your clit vigorously. You'll swear you've ascended into heaven as your orgasm spreads an intense and warm tingling all throughout your naked and sweaty body.
You'll crash back into his chest, breathing heavily as you come down from your blissful high. Kakashi will kiss your cheek while slowly removing his fingers from you, appreciating how glossy they look all covered in your fluids as he brings them to his mouth to suck on them.
Wanna really get him going? As Kakashi pulls his fingers out of you, grab his hand and bring his fingers to your own mouth. Suck on his fingers, tasting yourself while maintaining eye contact with him in the mirror.
100% will absolutely lose his shit. RIP to your pussy because you just unlocked a kink he didn't realize he had.
10/10 would recommend but good luck walking the next day. 😏 I'll pray for the state of your knees after he gets done with you. ��🏻
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waltnut · 3 years
Yes, I'm a THIRSTY, HORNY and DEHYDRATED bicht. But I am proud of myself. Can I request more NSFW head cannons of our monster boyfriend? But don't make it dark, maybe add some after segg cares if you want? I LOVE YOU.
Don’t make it dark?? Don’t you know what I’m about??? I can’t believe this.
No I’m joking lol well damn, NSFW? Okay well, this is for the Monster Fuckers so kiddies look away. I’m sorry to those who don’t like NsFw. I will tag it as “NSFT” for Not Safe for Timeline but I also hide it under the cut. I’m sorry. I had fun with this...now I’m embarrassed lmao You guys seem to like these so...
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The prompt has me thrown a bit, but I’ll just make some stuff up, I hope that’s okay.
NSFW Headcanons - Monster Boyfriend edition: Demon Lords, Vol. 1
Adult content. These are demons. If this disturbs you, then stop reading here. Otherwise, enjoy?
Level 3
He sheds his feathers on his body when he’s nervous. MC makes him nervous when he’s like this. What do they think of him? Is he ugly? Would they call him a monster?
He’s the most submissive in this form. Gentle touches make him shiver and jump. He feels the most vulnerable and actively moves away from MC if they try to be intimate.
But he wants the intimacy. It’s reassuring. He’s still wanted. He actually might cry a bit. He’s sensitive, be nice.
MC will have to do most of the initiating. After the first time MC had had intimacy with him like this, he will be more confident the next times they engage in any sexual activity.
Level 4
All the pride and confidence. None of that level 3 sissy business, he will have you.
He’s very grabby, and maybe grips a little too tight. He likes the power of being stronger than you. He wants you to know it.
He seems to always have his wings as wide as he can make them. It must be some sort of mating dance. He does have that part bird instinct in there somewhere. He wants to show off, maybe intimidate you a bit. Does he like fear?
Might use the feathers on his tail to tickle you to make you squirm while he has you. What fun!
Level 3
He is very clingy. He wants to always be touching you. Even if it’s just the tips of his wings or tail, he wants to have the physical touch.
As he goes through this level, his ability to sense any Greed from the MC to be highly erotic. Talking about buying those new clothes you’ve been wanting? Turn on. Saying how you’re gonna share any of them with him? He can’t contain himself.
He loves pets. Brushes against his hair, feathers, scales, will make him coo. Bird noises, gotta love them.
Easy seduction outfit, should you choose to wear one, anything shiny. Gold chains? Perfect. Sheer black clothes but with gold edges and designs? Also perfect. He can’t resist the shiny.
Level 4
Don’t even think about leaving him, until he lets you. You’re part of his treasure now and he will preen and polish you accordingly.
Lazy in this form, expect lots of cuddling with the dragon. He’s quite warm. The texture on his underside is soft like skin even though it looks like lizard scales. Don’t be surprised when you feel surprise boners while laying with him. He may be lazy, but he’s not tired.
Touching the skin texture of his body is a great seduction tactic should you need one. It’s the sensitive side to his body while the rest is covered in feathers and scales.
While he will dress up MC in gold as a mating ritual, should MC do the same to him, it is the greatest indicator that you are accepting his proposal for intimacy.
Level 3
Two dicks. Look we all know it. We all agree. Moving on.
Touching the purple frills on his ears is like touching his junk. It’s a highly erroneous zone for him. But be gently, they are very soft and sensitive.
Do you even lift? Well you might need to because he is going to be wrapped around you the entire time. He’s quite heavy and good luck getting out of that one.
Laying with him in water is the best way to show any intimate intentions. Even if you think it’ll be a relaxing chill in the water, think again.
Level 4
Now if you’re brave and choose to sleep with a giant ass sea monster, you’re in luck because he can manipulate water to allow you to breathe in the water.
He is the largest of all the brothers in terms of monster size. He’s a giant sea dragon. So be careful when dealing with...well, his size.
He likes to flip you around in the water, so staying in one position is not an option. It’s like a dance!
Want to know if he’s into it? Watch the orange fleshy bits on his sides. The more he glows the more you know!
Level 3
If you’re into having sex after yelling and screaming at each other then congrats! So is he. Angry sex is what he’s about. He’s wrath. I mean, come on.
Belittle him. No really. He’ll want to prove you wrong. Fuels the fire.
Extremely dominant. Don’t even try to top him. Also you just finished? No rest for you, you’re going again.
He’s gonna scratch and mark you. Bring some bandaids.
Level 4
Okay first of all, you really want to sleep with this? He’s terrifying. He is an actual hell spawn. Well okay, be prepared for selfish sex. He’s rough.
Want to know if he’s into it? Watch the flames on his back. Can you pass your hand through it without it burning you? You pass. It’ll grow brighter and larger the closer he is to finishing.
Most likely to choke you.
Will call you names during the act, sorry. The “not nice” kind.
Level 3
Words are your biggest weapon. Constant love and adoration is all you need when he’s like this. You won’t even need to touch him to work the magic.
As the avatar of lust, he knows the human body of all genders. His genitalia resembles a males’ but it does have a clit on the bottom side of the head of the dick. You can get real creative with that.
Kiss and touch his ears! He loves it. They might flick at your touch, but he’s into it.
Is able to have his scorpion tails in this form if he chooses to, and he likes pushing and pulling you around with them.
Level 4
More of a Dom in this form. He also enjoys a good mess.
Don’t grab onto his tails, he’s not into it. But grabbing onto his mane? Go right ahead with that.
A little bitey. Vampire tendencies.
Most likely to try and sex you on the ceiling. Why? Not sure. But he’s able to do it so just roll with it.
Level 3
Look at that long ass tongue. He’s gonna use it. Why wouldn’t he use it? You’re gonna want him to use it. The paralysis saliva he can produce is something he can choose to use.
Will jump on you out of nowhere. No literally, where did he come from? It’s 3 Am and everyone else is asleep. But a good smack will get him to stop if it’s unwanted. Bad puppy.
He might share his food with you if he’s offering intimacy. Like with his mouth. Like it might already be chewed a bit.
Chromeo lyrics: ((Don’t turn the lights on! I want to see you in the dark~.)) His eyes are sensitive, okay.
Level 4
You ever had sex with a Minotaur? You ever wanted to?
Will carry you off to a secluded area that he has found for himself. He doesn’t want to be disturbed.
The longer you go with him, the hotter his body feels. Just like when he feeds, he’ll have steam coming off his body.
Most likely to hump your leg.
Level 3
He enjoys you being uncomfortable. Emotionally or physically.
Sleep paralysis demon. Hey, at least you won’t be doing most of the work.
He’ll quietly hum a lullaby to you to see if you’ll accept his intimacy proposal. If you hum back, you accept. Careful, he might hum your favorite song.
His wool is so soft. Why is it so soft? You need to touch all of it.
Level 4
If you’re not banging irl, you will in your dreams.
You ever wanted to have sex in space? He can make the best magic Galaxy projector you’ve ever seen, and without the paid promotion!
His wool smells of soothing herbs and incense. So despite his creepy ass behavior, you find a way to calm your nerves.
You’ll have the best sleep you’ve ever had afterwards.
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useyernamesteven · 3 years
(Needed some goofy fluff to distract myself from the angst im writing so buckle up, its long. Based on that one post I cannot find so if anyone can help a homie out, much appreciated)
Raya/Namaari Accidental Marriage Proposal
Its not a far stretch to assume that the different tribes have different practices and rituals. And given the 500 year gap in communication its also easy enough to assume that the tribes don't know about each others differing customs.
For example: marriage proposals. In Tail its as cut-and-dry as asking. Talon people propose with rings and jade coin. When you propose in Spine you chop down a tree to show your commitment and strength.
The Fang propose with blades. Fang people love their knives, daggers, spears, and other pointy weapons, so if you want to ask someone to marry you, you do it with a blade.
I like to imagine it'd be because offering a blade to someone- who isn't family -is the equivalent of trusting your life to that person. I like to think the Fang value not only a person's strength and honour, but their ability to care and protect their people. So giving a blade to your chosen love is like saying, "I'm giving you this weapon because I trust you with my heart, literally and metaphorically".
But again, 500 year old divide means others have no clue what giving a knife to someone from Fang entails...
So maybe its been a few months or so after the Druun have been vanquished. Raya is still re-learning how to be a 'princess' while playing liaison between the tribes, with Sisu as her partner in crime. She likes it because she still gets to travel and she gets to see her new friends from the other tribes: Boun's business is booming, Noi has started talking, and Tong has become the new Chief of Spine.
Then there's Namaari.
Six years of playing cat-and-mouse together (or rather angry kitten and homeless puppy) can be hard to overcome. At first it was a struggle. And incredibly awkward. Namaari, too guilt ridden over what she'd done, and Raya, still angry and socially stunted, could barely hold a conversation together.
Eventually Raya, fed up with the weird awkward talk, dragged Namaari to Fang's training grounds and challenged her to a sparring match. And only when it was over, the both of them exhausted and laying on the ground, did they start talking, actually talking. About what happened with the gem, with Sisu, what they can't let go of, not yet, but what they hope they can move past one day.
It made things after easier because it was familiar ground for them, but it also opened up new paths too. Now in the months since they saved the world and having spent that time working together, Raya would like to consider Namaari a close friend.
Which is probably why she's so surprised when Namaari off-handedly mentions her birthday is next week. Namaari, who's less than thrilled about her mother's plans for a big celebration, doesn't even notice how much Raya's caught off guard. Namaari doesn't really care for her birthday, much less when her mother makes a big deal about it, but she still brushes her hair behind her ear when she asks Raya if she's going to attend.
Raya recovers, nudging Namaari saying that she's obviously going, and boasting about the amazing gift she's going to bring.
Which then leads to her dragging Sisu to Talon in search of the perfect gift (Sisu being the only 'person' she knows who can help being that she's a master gift giver... Sisu's words, not Raya's, but still). They run around Talon for ages, with Sisu practically buying everything in sight (with the Heart Palace Credit of course) but Raya can't find a single thing she thinks Namaari would actually like.
And then she spots a Fang vendor selling blades.
The woman is nice and she asks Raya if she's looking for something in particular. Raya says she wants to get a dagger for 'someone special' from Fang (not wanting to rack up the price if the woman knew who it was for, but also completely unaware to what she's just implied).
The vendor seems a little surprised but she easily walks Raya through picking out the perfect dagger for her 'someone special'. Raya ends up buying a pretty, yet functional dagger with a dragon engraved in the blade and an ornate box to keep it in. As Raya's leaving the woman gives her a pat on the shoulder and says, "All the best for the both of you and I'm sure she'll say yes," which Raya can't really make sense of so she shrugs and leaves to go find Sisu and her mountain of trinkets.
So now its the party, and when Namaari said Virana was making a big deal about it, she really meant it. People from all the tribes are attending and Sisu's brought her brothers and sisters and there's music and food and fireworks...
And Namaari stands beside her mother in a beautiful dress that makes Raya's heart thud erratically (it's totally platonic). Her and her Ba walk up to them and start making small talk before her Ba and Virana break off to chat with other dignitaries, leaving Raya and Namaari together.
Raya likes how Namaari relaxes around her when its just them, despite the room full of people. They talk and banter and tease and laugh, but more than anything Raya just likes being with Namaari. And when Namaari mentions how much she hates formal wear, how dresses don't suit her, Raya makes it a game to see how many times she can mention how beautiful Namaari looks while they're talking, just because it makes Namaari flush and do the hair thing she does when she's shy. No other heart-related reason.
Its not until much later when Raya suddenly remembers the gift she brought and she runs off to fetch it. When she returns she hands Namaari the sleek box with a smile and a sheepish "Happy Birthday dep'la".
And Namaari's blushing and smiling as she takes the box, telling Raya she didn't have to as she opens the box-
And immediately slams it shut. Her face turns bright red and she whorls on Raya with wide eyes and a panicked, hissed "whatareyoudoing?!" And poor Raya's totally thrown, so sure she'd picked out the perfect gift. "You don't like it?" But Namaari shoves the box back into her hands, with another frenzied whisper "thatsnotit!"
Well now Raya's a little miffed because "You didn't even look at it" and before Namaari can stop her she's pulling the dagger from the box and offering it back to Namaari.
Meanwhile the room goes incredibly quiet as everyone from Fang suddenly notices what's happening between the princesses. Virana nearly spits out her drink. Everyone else carries on like normal, but a few people watch their new Fang friends with curious looks, completely out of the loop.
So now Raya's essentially down on one knee without realizing it, Namaari's about to have a heart attack, everyone from Fang is on the edge of their seat, and the dragons are having a rousing drinking contest with people from Spine.
So the party is going great.
Raya (oblivious to the world save for Namaari) is giving Namaari her strongest puppy dog eyes because she'd spent so long looking for the perfect gift dep'la, and "You're pretty special Namaari, special to me, and you deserve it."
Namaari, as red faced as she is, softens at Raya's admission, smiling a little to herself before she takes the dagger from Raya with a soft "it's lovely dep'la".
And suddenly the room's loud again as people from Fang start clapping and whistling. Everyone else is lost but soon they join in as well, despite having no clue as to what they're cheering for. Namaari's back to being flustered and she grabs Raya's hand and hauls her toward Virana and Benja. Raya, finally taking in the room around them, is confused as to why people are congratulating her and Namaari.
Virana has recovered by the time the two approach and if no one knew better it might've also appeared she was trying hard not to smile. Namaari hisses something to her mother Raya doesn't hear, and she shoots her Ba a questioning look. Benja looks a little pensive but he's got a quirk in his lips that Raya knows means mischief.
Virana gently pats her daughter's shoulder before turning to address the room, excusing the four of them. They turn to leave but not before Virana calls out to the crowd, "And it goes without saying you're all invited to the wedding as well," and then ushers her horrified daughter, her baffled betrothed, and Benja out the door.
Instantly Namaari's in hysterics, asking her mother why she'd say that when Raya obviously didn't know what she was doing. Virana, quite obviously playing ignorance, asks why Namaari accepted the blade if she knew what she was doing. And poor Namaari can only gape, red faced and no come back.
Raya has finally caught on to what she's done and yeah, okay now it all makes sense. The vendor, Namaari's (gay) panic, the congratulations... she just proposed to Namaari. She just proposed to Namaari. In front of most of Kumandra. Oh toi!
Benja, still smirking to himself, ruffles Raya's hair before turning to Namaari and Virana and saying, "To be fair... Namaari did propose first."
Marriage proposals in Heart are an exchange of necklaces. So when Namaari had given Raya the Sisu pendant back when they were kids, they'd essentially gotten engaged and since Raya kept it, they've technically been engaged for the past six years.
(Too) Long story short, Raya and Namaari get engaged, get married, fall in love, and live sapphically ever after.
(Okay, I'm done. Back to angst.)
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bbangsoonie · 4 years
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member: changmin (q) genre: angst word count: 6,802 synopsis: when changmin finds himself trapped in the past, repeating the day of your death, he’s convinced that he’s been given a chance to save you. warning(s): death
Changmin woke up with a dreading feeling. He hadn’t set an alarm despite it being a weekday. He was hoping to sleep through the day and wake up the next morning. Unfortunately for him, the sleeping pills he took the night before only allowed him rest until noon.
He checked his phone, staring at the date. A year had officially passed by since that fateful day. Groaning, he threw his phone back onto his bed. He stayed under the blanket for a while, not wanting to get up. However, the sunlight shining through his window refused to let him go back to sleep.
Declaring defeat, he sat up and scowled at the sun. It was annoyingly bright today. The weather had no regard for his mood and was unusually warm for a winter day. It pissed him off.
He heard his phone vibrate and chose to ignore what he guessed was Chanhee’s daily check in. Still not fully awake, Changmin walked towards his fridge to grab a cold water bottle. After gulping half of it down, he let out a sigh.
His brain was still at war with himself. Half of it felt obligated to visit you and half of it wanted to drown his feelings in alcohol. He stood there, zoning out, contemplating his options.
Eventually, his guilt triumphed and he found himself throwing on whatever clean clothes he could find. He trudged out of his apartment and down the stairs. On his way to the main road to find a taxi, he passed by a flower shop. The same sense of obligation from earlier made him backtrack and step inside.
It had been over a year since he last visited the place. It felt strange to be back. The emotions he came here with were entirely different from the emotions he had back then.
He asked the worker for a small bouquet of daisies and muttered a word of thanks after receiving his change. After flagging down a taxi, he braced himself for the long ride.
The car escaped from the noisy city and headed towards a more remote area. He almost laughed, remembering how often you would mention that you wanted to be buried in nature and not locked up in a jar behind glass. He used to always chide you for thinking of and planning for your death but in the end, you had been the insightful one. He never thought he’d be traveling to your grave—at least not while he was still in his twenties.
When he finally arrived, his feet rooted itself and he couldn’t bear to walk further. He hadn’t been here since your burial a year ago. A wave of embarrassment suddenly hit him. He truly was an asshole to you until the end. He couldn’t even make things up to you even after your passing.
He hadn’t made any efforts to visit you but it was painfully obvious to those around him that he was still grieving. He blamed himself for letting you die. That burden prevented him from continuing to live life without you. His friends watched as he willingly ruined his own life. He gave up dance and even came to resent music. He spent the past year surviving and not living; he filled his time with part time jobs that would earn him the money he needed for rent and food.
In Changmin’s mind, he didn’t deserve to be happy when your life was cut short. He wished so badly that he could trade places with you.
With another sigh, he made his way towards your grave. He could tell your family stopped by earlier that morning. Someone had left a big bouquet of pink flowers for you. Beside it was a photo of you smiling, oblivious to the tragedy that would occur just a few months after it was taken.
He forced a smile, recalling how you used to complain about how everyone would bring you pink flowers instead of daisies for every occasion. Daisies were your favorite flower and Changmin was the only one who ever remembered.
He placed his own bouquet down and sat next to it. Holding up your photo, he spoke to it as if you would reply.
“It’s been a while hasn’t it, Y/n?” he attempted to say in a cheery voice. “I’m sorry it took me so long to come back. I… I was afraid. Seeing you like this really makes reality hit as if waking up in an empty bed isn’t a strong enough reminder.”
He set the picture down and turned around to face your headstone. Hesitantly, he wiped at a spot and fell into silence. 
“Everyone tells me that the accident wasn’t my fault. I don’t believe it but even if it was true, I still hate myself for letting you leave when the last words I said to you weren’t that I love you. Not only did you die a painful death, but you died with the hurt I inflicted on your heart,” his voice cracked as he choked back tears.
Flashbacks of that day flooded his memory. He winced, finally confronting what he couldn’t for a year.
Changmin had left the dance studio angry. Angry at himself. Angry at his inability to perfect the choreography. Unlucky timing had you outside waiting for him to finish. He had planned on blowing off some steam by meeting Sunwoo for drinks but was stopped by you. You had noticed how upset he was and wanted to cheer him up but was brushed off.
Changmin knew he was snappy when he was pissed and didn’t want you to be on the receiving end. He wanted to spare you from walking on eggshells around him and knew that Sunwoo would quietly let him rant without getting hurt by his actions or words. Instead of clarifying, however, he let you misunderstand and walked away.
You watched him leave, staring at his back. The past month with him had been rocky. You knew he was stressed from preparing for the upcoming competition but you still missed the bubbly Changmin. Nowadays, he was more sensitive and on edge than happy and affectionate.
You had bought matching couple rings in hopes of brightening up his mood. They were simple rings made of silver and meant for the pinky finger. It was to symbolize your promises to each other—to always love and appreciate each other. Yours was already on your pinky but his was left in the box you were hiding in your pocket. You sighed and figured that you’d get the chance to give it to him later.
Except that chance never came. Changmin only came across that ring later when he found it on his table back at his place.
“You know, I left you knowing you probably thought I was irritated with you too. It was because I assumed I’d get to clear that up later. Like always. But later never came,” he fidgeted with the ring that now never left his own pinky.
What a cruel way to teach him a lesson.
“I guess at one point, I started taking you for granted. Taking our time together for granted. Who would've known that death would literally do us part before we even made our vows?” he chuckled at the irony. “I never told you but I intended on proposing to you as soon as we graduated. I got ahead of myself and was planning things way in advance. Would you believe me if I said I already decided where to go for our honeymoon?”
He could almost hear you laugh. If you were next to him, you’d lean on his shoulder as you doubled over in laughter. You had loved and teased him for his sweet side.
“That’s how sure I was that we’d get forever together. You spent the rest of your life with me but now I have the rest of my life ahead of me without you. A little unfair, don’t you think?”
Changmin had so many regrets. He wanted nothing but to go back in time and re-do things. After bottling everything inside him for a full year, everything was spilling out now that he was there with you.
You and Changmin hadn’t moved in together but you often slept over. That day, you waited until night for him to come home. He never did.
Sunwoo had called you from the restaurant they were at, asking you to come pick Changmin up. He wasn’t completely wasted but he was definitely too drunk to go home by himself. Sunwoo apologized, saying he couldn’t take him home because he had a prior arrangement to attend.
So you ended up sitting across from your boyfriend, waiting for him to sober up a little more before leaving the restaurant. This was not how you thought you would spend your anniversary with him. When he stormed off from the dance studio after spending the whole day there, you had already presumed he forgot what day it was for you two. You tried to be understanding, knowing that he felt extreme pressure about the competition.
You didn’t expect any gifts but you had hoped that you would at least have dinner together. But now that was also out of the window. You suppressed your annoyance and reminded yourself of how happy Changmin was when he was dancing. You wanted to be supportive of him.
“Why did you come here?” Changmin asked. Something about his tone irked you.
“What?” you frowned.
“I’m a fully grown man who can find his way back home fine,” his words dug a knife into your heart. You wondered if he forgot that you were the reason why he made it home safe and sound after drinking.
“You should be thankful that I always take care of your drunk ass,” you huffed. “You know, you can’t just count on me to do all these things for you. I do it because I want to but that doesn’t mean I don’t deserve to be appreciated.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” he sighed.
You hated that look on his face. He had that look often nowadays. That tired look that screamed that he was too tired to even argue with you. It scared you. Even arguing took interest that he didn’t seem to give you these days. You would rather fight with him than live in such silence.
So you did. You exploded at him.
“No, Changmin, I don’t know. I never know what you’re thinking anymore. You don’t tell me anything and just assume that I can read your mind. And it feels like I’m expected to play the role of your girlfriend when you don’t even act like my boyfriend. You need to take a step back and realize how grateful we should be towards each other.”
After your outburst, you waited for his response. You waited for him to either yell back or apologize. Anything to show that he still cared. Instead, he said something that made you wish that he just didn’t say anything at all.
“Why are you being like this today?”
You felt the knife dig deeper into your heart and his words stunned you into silence.
“You’ve changed,” you whispered.
And with that, you got up and left. Realizing he screwed up, Changmin ran out to chase you. It had gotten late and dark while he was inside and the sky was now pouring buckets. Without an umbrella, you were getting hit by the rain that hid the tears wetting your cheeks. When he finally caught up to you, he grabbed onto your wrist and spun you around to face him.
“You asked why I’m being like this? Today? Well, news flash, Changmin. Today’s our third year anniversary but I guess I’m the only one who cared to remember,” you cried.
His heart shattered at the sight of your face. He never meant to upset you. And he certainly didn’t mean to forget your anniversary. It had slipped his mind while he was focused on practicing. All that seemed futile when he saw the pain on your face.
You didn’t give him a chance to reply and shook his grip off of you. Wanting to avoid him, you ran to cross the street before the light turned red. At that moment, however, a car failed to break in time and the rain caused the driver to lose control.
Changmin’s eyes widened as he watched the vehicle crash into you. The noise was terrifying but seeing your body fly in the air and fall to the ground was even more horrifying. His legs moved before his brain processed the scene he just witnessed. He ran to your side and tried to shake you awake. His hand trembled when he saw that it was bloodied by the wound on your head.
The driver came out of the car, feeling both disbelief and guilt about what just happened. Changmin screamed at him to call the ambulance before returning his attention back to you. He begged you to stay alive but you took your last breath that night at 11:11.
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After Changmin came back to Seoul, Chanhee caught him outside of his apartment and dragged him to dinner. He knew that his friend would be mourning all day and not remember to eat. So they went to a nearby restaurant and he practically had to shove the soup into his mouth.
By the time Changmin arrived home, it was late. He washed up and plopped onto his bed, wishing the day would hurry up and come to an end. Staring at the ceiling, he waited for sleep to take him out of his misery for a while. Eventually, his fatigue took over and he fell asleep the second the clock turned to 11:11.
When he awoke, he didn’t feel as groggy as he normally did. He felt strangely well rested. Wondering how long he had slept for, he checked his phone for the time. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw the date. It was yesterday’s date but with the previous year. He figured it was a cruel glitch on the device’s part and threw it back down.
He got up to get ready for his shift and fumbled around to look for the sneakers he just recently purchased. No matter how hard he looked, it was nowhere to be found. He found it odd but settled for an old pair of sneakers he hadn’t worn in a while.
After he put them on, he turned the doorknob to leave. He swung the door open and was shocked at the sight in front of him. You were standing there, holding a bag of groceries. Just like you did a year ago.
“Uh Changmin?” you stared at him, waiting for him to move so you could walk in.
Changmin was speechless. His brain felt like it stopped functioning; he didn’t know how to react to the familiar scene in front of him.
“Is this a dream?” he asked out loud.
His heart was racing. You hadn’t shown up in his dreams in so long. Now that you appeared to him, there were so many things he wanted to tell you. He wanted to tell you that he didn’t mean to hurt you. That he was sorry. But in that moment, all he could manage to do was pull you in for a hug.
“Is something wrong, baby?” you asked.
“Everything. N-nothing,” he stuttered.
Was he supposed to talk to you about everything that happened? Was he supposed to just enjoy reliving this day? He couldn’t decide.
You chuckled at the peculiarity of your boyfriend, finding him endearing. You motioned for him to move over and let you in, which he complied while still in a daze. You placed the groceries on the table and began to put away what needed to be refrigerated.
“Are you going to the studio to practice today as well?” you asked, opening a small carton of milk for your boyfriend.
He slowly took the drink you handed him and nodded. He then shook his head, not wanting to repeat his mistakes.
“Today’s our anniversary. We should do something special,” he suggested.
You lit up, excited to go on a date with him. You were glad you chose to dress up today.
“What do you have in mind?” you asked.
“Hmm how about that art gallery you’ve been wanting to go to?” he smiled at your happy expression. “I haven’t had lunch yet so we can eat some pasta before we go.”
So you two headed out to your favorite Italian restaurant and he ordered a bunch of dishes. You had protested, insisting that you wouldn’t be able to finish but he insisted that he wanted to spoil you that day.
He felt like he was on cloud nine as he watched you enjoy your meal. He missed this. He missed seeing you wiggle in your seat because of how good the food was. He missed cutting your steak for you because you were clumsy with knives. He hoped the dream wouldn’t end any time soon.
Noticing that he wasn’t eating much, you picked up a slice of pizza and held it in front of his mouth. His cheeks filled up after he took a bite and you laughed at how cute he looked. Your laughter prompted him to laugh as well, showing off his dimples that you loved.
You left the restaurant stuffed and was ready to fall into a food coma. Yet you couldn’t refuse when Changmin bought you your favorite ice cream. You strongly believed that people had a second stomach for dessert. You walked with the ice cream in one hand and with Changmin’s hand in the other. You stuck closer to him and leaned your head on his shoulder. He turned to look at you and didn’t want to ever look away.
After spending a couple of hours at the art gallery, you found an arcade and tugged him inside. You bet on dinner over three rounds of a vintage game, which you won. You cheered when your victory flashed across the screen, making him chuckle. To be honest, he let you win by pretending to slip up at the end but seeing your joy was worth it.
To Changmin’s discomfort, you chose the samgyupsal place that you two had fought at. Of course, you didn’t know that and just wanted to spend the night eating meat and drinking beer. Although hesitant, he agreed to your menu selection.
Changmin was indescribably elated to be able to sit and chat with you for hours. He didn’t even notice the rainstorm that began once again outside. He was too busy listening to you talk about one of your assignments for a random elective class you took but ended up liking. You rambled on about how your professor was extremely kind and lenient with grading.
By the end of the night, you two left the restaurant and he grew anxious, anticipating the end of the dream. You took notice of his sudden change in demeanor and questioned him about it. Before you could hear an answer, however, your hat was snatched and taken away by the wind. Not wanting it to get wet and dirty, you chased after it.
It all happened so fast. Again. Just as you were about to catch the hat, it blew further away, causing you to step out into the road. And again, there was nothing Changmin could do about the car that crashed into you.
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This time, Changmin woke up with the feeling of falling from a tall height. The sensation startled him awake and he jumped up gasping. He scanned his surroundings, unsure of what he just experienced.
“A blissful dream turned into yet another nightmare,” he groaned.
He paused, reaching out for his phone to check the date. Both his jaw and phone dropped at the repeated date.
“No way,” he muttered. He shook his head, refusing to believe what was happening. “This doesn’t make any sense.”
He racked his brain for any plausible explanations. Surely this was another dream. A dream within a dream. Or maybe he’d finally lost it and was hallucinating everything. Believing in the latter, he made up his mind to finally go to the therapist Chanhee had been bugging him to go to. He quickly got dressed and put his shoes to head out. He paused when his hand grabbed the door.
“Surely it won’t happen again… right?” he wondered out loud.
To his surprise, you were there again on the other side of the door when he opened it. Trying to figure out what was going on, he slammed the door shut and froze. Outside, you blinked at the door in your face. Puzzled at your boyfriend’s behavior, you knocked.
Inside, Changmin flinched at the sudden noise. He was bewildered and beyond confused. This had to be a joke. Or a dream. Or a hallucination. How could you be real? There was no way you were actually back.
Or maybe, it was his chance to set things right. Maybe, if he did everything right, he could prevent your death. The idea sounded ingenious and insane to him. Taking a leap of faith, he flung the door back open and gazed at you. Still skeptical, he extended his hand out to hold yours. It felt warm, unlike the last time he held it in the rain. He wanted to cry in both shock and joy. He swallowed the lump rising in his throat and took the groceries from you.
“Are you okay, baby?” you asked, following him inside.
“I’m okay as long as you’re with me,” he said in a shaky voice.
You chuckled as you began to organize the groceries just like you did the day before.
“Are you going to the studio to practice today as well?” you asked, opening a small carton of milk.
Changmin stared at the milk you offered again. So many thoughts ran through his head as he tried to understand the situation. He determined that this was a blessing. He was given an opportunity to go back in time and change things. To save you.
“Let’s go watch a movie today,” he said.
He thought out and planned the rest of the day. He would sneak out in the middle of the movie to go buy a present for you. Using the excuse of an upset stomach, he went and bought a necklace he had been eyeing for months. It was quite expensive so he had saved up little by little and now he could finally afford to give it to you.
With the corner of his eye, he saw a couple looking at the ring section together. As if caught in a trance, he found himself walking towards the engagement rings. He gaped at the endless options of diamonds that sparkled as bright as your eyes. He bit his lip, contemplating if he should buy a ring as well. He initially wanted to wait until you both graduated but graduation never came for you. It was one of the biggest regrets of his life.
So he carefully took a look at the rows of rings until he saw one that immediately felt like it was meant for you. He quickly asked the worker to help him with his purchase and ran back into the theater to finish the rest of the movie with you.
You didn’t suspect a thing until he took the necklace out after lunch and put it on for you. You beamed at the surprise gift, eager to show him yours. Shyly, you retrieved the couple ring from your purse.
“It’s a promise ring meant for your pinky,” you explained as you slid it onto his finger. “A promise to always love and appreciate each other.”
He smiled at how proud you looked.
“See?” you showed him the ring on your own pinky.
“I love it,” he held his hand next to yours, admiring the view. “But uh I actually have a ring for you as well.”
With his heart pounding, he pulled out the square box and stood up. He took a deep breath before getting down on one knee, making you gasp. You felt tears brimming your eyes as he opened the box to reveal the diamond ring.
Watching proposal videos had always made you cringe. You didn’t get why people would cry. But in that moment, it all made sense when you found yourself unable to verbally reply. As a college student, you never expected him to propose. Sure, you had thought of marrying him but that seemed like such a faraway idea. You knew Changmin would always be in your future and didn’t see yourself marrying anyone else but him. So you managed to nod before he placed the ring on your finger.
“I know the timing may seem premature but with you, I want to have the courage to do what my heart desires. I want to see you walk down the aisle towards me. I want to show the world that I’m yours. I want to spend our honeymoon at Bora Bora and have two kids together. I want to raise a dog with you, just like you always dreamed of. I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he confessed.
After hearing his words, you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore. He embraced you in his arms and you buried your face into his chest as you sniffled. Resting his chin on your head, he wished time would stop. All he wanted was to stay in this moment forever.
By the time night approached again, he made sure to keep you away from the street and from any vehicles. You wondered why he was being so overprotective and clinging onto you. He didn’t offer an explanation and just gave you a nervous smile.
Looking at his watch, he let out a deep breath when he saw that it was almost 11 PM. His leg shook anxiously as he held your hand tighter. You had insisted on enjoying the sounds of the city in the rain so you two were sitting at a random bus stop.
All of a sudden, the cry of a child was heard. You turned around to see a little girl who seemed to be lost. You stood up to go help but Changmin sat you back down.
“You stay here. I’ll go,” he said, feeling uneasy.
While he brought the little girl to the bus stop to avoid the rain, a young boy caught your attention. He was playing with a ball and you wanted to warn him to be careful. Before you could open your mouth, however, he dropped the ball and ran into the street to get it back. You panicked, seeing a motorcycle speeding towards the kid.
You ran out to pull the child back but was hit instead. Changmin’s heart dropped at the sound of the collision. When he turned back to find you, you were laying on the wet ground with blood pooling around you. Seeing you die for the third time wasn’t any less traumatic. In fact, it broke him even more. He hated himself for letting it happen again.
“Y/n, please please wake up,” he begged as he held your face in his hands. “You can’t leave me. Not again. I promised myself that I would change your fate. Y/n, please!”
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Every time Changmin woke up, that day repeated itself. And each time, he would try to keep you alive. But no matter how hard he tried, that cursed time of 11:11 always ended his brief time with you with the same outcome.
When he kept you inside, you fell down the stairs. When he tried to make you sleep by tucking you in early, you never woke up. Thinking it was Seoul that was the problem, he even took you down to Busan. Paranoid, he even spent the whole day and night with you at his place. But every time the clock hit 11:11, the inevitable would occur and he would wake up to repeat it once again.
The seventh time he awoke to the same day, he screamed in frustration.
“What the hell am I supposed to do?” he yelled out.
He cried into his sleeves, wondering if this was his punishment for being unable to save you. While he wallowed in grief, he heard you knock on his door. He wiped away his tears and got up to greet you. Oblivious to his mood, you walked in and opened the refrigerator like you did the previous times.
“Are you going to the studio to practice today as well?” you asked, opening a small carton of milk.
“Let’s just stay in today. I’ll cook you something,” he bitterly smiled when he saw that the engagement ring was no longer on your finger.
He rummaged through his kitchen, looking for ingredients. You sat down next to the counter and watched as he made you kimchi fried rice. You enjoyed watching him cook. He didn’t do it often because he wasn’t very confident about his skills but you loved the gesture. You thought it was cute when he had that concentrated look he usually saved for dancing.
After lunch, you spent the next few hours watching movies. You had eventually noticed how sad he was. You looked over at your boyfriend who seemed preoccupied with his own thoughts. Mustering up some bravery, you proposed watching a horror movie. You knew it was his favorite genre but didn’t watch scary movies with him often because you got scared easily. Slightly surprised by your suggestion, he agreed and let you choose one of the recommended movies on Netflix.
At every jump scare, you snuggled closer to him. Throughout the whole film, you clung onto his arm and he comforted you by stroking your head. Treasuring the time he got to spend with you, he allowed himself to feel at ease for a bit.
For dinner, you convinced him to go out to eat. On the way back, he lured you into a gift shop, kicking himself for not preparing a present ahead of time. While you were busy looking at the dolls, he managed to pick out a bracelet and slid it into his pocket after secretly paying for it. He knew it would be gone when the day reset and dreaded having to see your listless body again later.
When you two returned back to his place, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He wanted to savor every second he was able to spend with you. Noticing his gaze, you stared at him back, bringing a smile to his face. You poked his dimple, laughing at his expression.
“So I got you a little something. I hope you didn’t think that I forgot our anniversary,” he said as he put it on your wrist.
Smiling, you took out the gift you had prepared.
“It’s a promise ring meant for your pinky,” you said as you slid the ring onto his finger. “A promise to always love and appreciate each other.”
“See?” you revealed the ring on your own finger.
After hearing those words for the nth time, he finally broke down. He began to bawl, catching you off guard. For a few minutes, he wept as you tried to soothe him.
“Okay, spill. What’s been bothering you all day, Changmin?” you demanded.
He sighed, knowing what he was about to say was insane. He didn’t want to scare you but it all came out as word vomit.
“I’ve been reliving this day multiple times. I know it sounds crazy—it is crazy—but I was sent back in time. It’s actually supposed to be a year from now, a day after today. But instead, I’m stuck in this endless loop trying to save you. You died, Y/n. You died a year ago and you keep dying again and again! I thought I was given this opportunity because of all the regrets I had. The day you died, I was a complete jerk and you got into an accident after we argued. I blamed and resented myself. I had so many “what if’s” and “if only’s” that it tormented me,” he paused to catch his breath.
“I thought I had to repeat this day until I successfully prevented your death but nothing’s working. I can’t change things!” he cried. “I’ve tried over and over and over again. I’ve tried keeping you away from the street, taking you out of the city, and even locking us up in this damn apartment and nothing’s working! Every time 11:11 comes around, the same conclusion happens.”
You sat in silence, unsure of how to process all the information he just threw at you. He was way too emotional for this to be a joke and too upset for it to be unreal. But at the same time, you wanted it to be fake. You didn’t want to believe it. You were still so young. You had hopes and dreams you had yet to achieve. You wanted to crumble but you couldn’t bear to do so after seeing how heartbroken Changmin was. After thinking for some time, you finally spoke up.
“Maybe you were given a chance not to save me but to let me go,” you said quietly. ”You said you regretted the day I died. Maybe this is your chance to get closure. Send me off in peace. Find peace yourself.”
“No. No way. I’m not letting you leave me again. Not after all I’ve been through,” he said, desperately hugging you. “I finally get to hold you in my arms again. It’s okay if I have to relive this day forever. As long as I can see you, I’m okay with that.”
“Changmin...” your heart broke at the sight of his crestfallen face.
You let him keep his tight hold on you. He was so afraid you’d disappear again that he refused to let you or himself fall asleep. You looked at the clock and saw that the time was approaching.
“Baby, you know you can’t. I’m not coming back to life. I can’t. That’s not how the world works. We were blessed to have the chance to say our final goodbyes. Not everyone gets that. We’re lucky. We get to remind each other of how much we love each other and I get to tell you that I want you to be happy even if I’m not by your side. I’ll still be with you. In your heart. As long as you keep me there,” you pulled away to meet his eyes. “I don’t want you to be miserable without me. I want you to live your life to the fullest. Let me live vicariously through you.”
“But I have so many things I want to do with you. So many things I never got to say to you,” he stammered.
“Nobody gets to fulfill all their desires,” you smiled sadly. “Just know that I know how you feel. I know that you love me. I know that you want to grow old together. I know that you want to see mini me and mini you. I do too. I’m so sorry I won't be able to do that with you.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks. Admitting it out loud made it feel real.
“You have no idea how badly I want to walk down that aisle with you. I want to live happily ever after while bickering with you. I want to see you dance and I want to succeed in my own career. I hardly lived over two decades but you made me so happy for most of it. I’m glad I got to love you. It’s a shame I won’t get to get my degree after studying so hard but there are bigger regrets. Like wishing I had spent more time with you. Wishing we took more trips together.”
Changmin looked at you with a pained expression. He wished that he had taken more pictures with you. That he had gone on more dates with you. That he made you laugh more.
“I guess we were given this opportunity in exchange for all of that. At least now I’ll get to leave knowing that I’m loved and that you know I love you. Our last day wasn’t spent arguing but hugging,” you pointed out.
The two of you lain wordlessly on his bed. The only sound was the clock on his wall ticking.
“Can you tell my family that I love them? And my friends too. I wish I could say goodbye to everyone but that would be greedy of me,” you said wistfully.
At his silence, you turned to look at him. When you saw the guilt on face, you sat up and beckoned for him to do the same. You glanced at the clock, taking note of the time.
“Ji Changmin, I love you. Thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world,” you smiled with tears in your eyes. “While we make promises with this ring, can you also promise me another thing?”
You waited for him to nod before continuing.
“Promise me that you won’t blame yourself for anything and that you’ll move on. I want you to have all the extra happiness I’ll miss out on. I’ll be expecting you to lead a fruitful life for my sake too,” you held out your pinky, waiting for him to wrap his around yours.
“It’s okay if I start to fade out of your memory over the years,” you added. “I’ll understand when my face starts to become fuzzy to you. I’ll even understand when you get married and have kids. I’ll be your kids’ godmother and look out for them. I can’t wait to see little baby Ji’s.”
“But I don’t want that if it’s not with you…” he whispered.
“Don’t be silly. You’re still young and have the rest of your life ahead of you. I’ll be mad if I’m the one that’s holding you back. Now, hurry up and promise me. My arm’s hurting,” you shook your pinky at him, urging him to lock fingers together.
It tore him apart but he shakily held out his hand to make his promise. More tears escaped his eyes each time he blinked.
Changmin held your tear-stained cheeks in his hands, staring into your eyes. You hated the sad look in his own eyes but knew yours was the same. He hated the ominous feeling that predicted that this would be his last time in the loop. Now that he came to terms with the fixed ending, he would be freed from his desperate desire for a different outcome.
“Thank you, Y/n, for teaching me what love is. From when I first met you up until now, there hasn’t been a single moment that I didn’t cherish. I love you. I love you so so much. I spent the past year unable to forget you and I never will. I’m going to believe that you’ll be watching over me and I’m going to make you proud. I’m going to experience both my and your share of happiness. So don’t worry about me. I won’t be able to follow you soon but I’ll join you up there one day. Please wait for me.”
“I may be your first love but I certainly don’t hope I’ll be your last. Instead, I hope that I’ll be your endless love,” you hummed, feeling drowsy.
“Of course,” he affirmed. “I love you, Y/n.”
“I love you too, Changmin.”
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Changmin awoke feeling oddly comforted. The sun was shining through the window again and his apartment didn’t feel as empty for some reason. He eyed his phone and hesitantly picked it up. He was filled with mixed emotions when he saw that the year was finally set back to the present.
Out of habit from the past week, his eyes lingered on the door. You weren’t going to come knocking again but you also weren’t going to die again. You were finally sent off in peace.
His phone vibrated, notifying him of Chanhee’s daily text message. Chanhee was a persistent one as well.
Changmin decided to reply and asked him to grab breakfast together, which earned him an immediate “yes”. He told his friend to invite Sunwoo as well and got up to get ready for an outing for the first time in a long time. This was his first step in the healing process.
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a/n: tbh i kinda cried writing this. i hope you cried too hehe also idk if you noticed but the line “endless love” is actually from the boyz’s “priority”. i really like that phrase and it’s been stuck in my head ever since the song came out
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amjustagirl · 4 years
Hogwarts AU (Haikyuu!!)
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feat. Kuroo Tetsuro
As requested by @forgetou (hope you love it bb!)
Previously: Miya Atsumu. Miya Osamu. Kita Shinsuke
Masterlist link here
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: Any other characters you’d like to see? Send me an ask! 
(happy to do any characters other than Kenma / Hinata / Tendo - I don’t trust myself to do them justice!)
‘So I hear you’re going to fill in for Hinata next match?’ 
Your head whips around. A growl builds up in your throat. 
You’d recognise that sleaze ball voice anywhere - Kuroo Tetsuro, Slytherin prefect, top student in potions and more importantly, the scumbag keeper that formulated a strategy (alongside Oikawa, that brat - but that’s besides the point) to completely break down the Gryffindor chaser trio of Hinata, Lev and Yamamoto when Iwaizumi was out for an injury the last Quidditch match. 
If you weren’t playing against them, you’d admit that the Slytherin strategy was perfect. Suna and Daishou caged Hinata in with non-stop bludger head shots, and the Miya twins flew literal circles around Lev - still a beginner, so you’ll cut him some slack, so much that the two idiots collided when Kuroo feinted forward and they thought they finally had a chance to score. 
So now you have to step into Hinata’s position for the match next weekend.
You like Quidditch well enough, but you don’t have an overwhelming passion for it the way Hinata or Oikawa or Atsumu or heck, even Yaku does - monsters, the lot of them. You play it for fun, you enjoy being a reserve member, and you’d never expected that you’d have to play in an actual match with Iwaizumi, Lev, Hinata and Yamamoto all playing chaser already. 
You’re scared - and you hate feeling this way, especially a Gryffindor like you, so you snarl and hiss and kick your feet when Yaku drags you away from Kuroo, the demon keeper scolding you not to ‘cause a scene in the Great Hall - seriously, what are you five?’, though Lev and Yamamoto cheers you on. 
‘Come on, let’s make a bet on our match next weekend’, Kuroo calls after you, and you flail hard in Yaku’s arms enough that Yaku loses not just his balance, but his grip on you. 
‘Sure’, you shout defiantly, not caring that the pair of you have attracted an audience. You can see the entire Slytherin team five steps away, matching Cheshire grins on all of their faces. Your blood boils and you’re ready to accept the terms of whatever stupid bet this rooster head proposes. 
Kuroo’s grin widens. ‘I bet you can’t even get five goals past me.’ 
‘I bet you I can’, you retort, even as your heart sinks. Kuroo isn’t quite as good as Yaku, but he’s devious and brilliant at feints and you’re not even a starter on the Gryffindor team. But you’ve dug yourself into a hole, and you’re determined to commit to your position, damnit, so you keep your voice steady as you ask for his terms. 
‘If I win, you’ll have to go on a date with me the next weekend’. He waggles his eyebrows at you suggestively, eyes crinkling at its corners in amusement as you mouth an outraged ‘what the hell?’ and Yaku starts shouting bloody murder himself. 
You gather yourself and resist Yaku’s attempts at pulling you away. ‘And if I win, what do I get?’ 
Kuroo laughs airily. ‘I highly doubt that, but name your price, sweetheart’. 
You think of the most embarrassing thing you could possibly inflict on this smug bastard, your eyes landing on the ridiculous mop of hair on his head and it’s your turn to grin, sharp and full of edges. 
‘Fine. If I win, you’ll shave your head’. 
Kuroo sticks his hand out to you and you take it. You feel like you’ve just made a deal with the devil himself. 
Iwaizumi nags you to bits when Yaku tells him of the entire debacle, the Gryffindor keeper throwing himself dramatically across the locker room bench, complaining that he’s done being a damn babysitter to this lot of idiots without any sense of self preservation. 
‘You’re gonna need a whole lot of training in that case’, Iwaizumi tells you grimly, and you sigh, because you know it’s not going to do any good. 
And you’re right, because even though you’ve spent the entire week training and running drills in snow and sleet and rain, it’s not enough. You barely get three goals against Kuroo in the match, let alone five - and to be fair, one of them was when you literally threw Lev against him when the referee wasn’t looking, so you resign yourself to his mocking looks when the whistle blows, marking the end of the match where Oikawa outsmarts Kageyama to grab the snitch out of the air first. You feel a kinship with the captured snitch, the pathetic fluttering of its wings so much like your futile attempts to win the damn bet. 
Kuroo smirks at you knowingly when you refuse to take his hand at the end of the game. ‘I guess I’ll be seeing you next weekend?’ he asks, eyes glinting as you huff and fold your arms across your chest. 
‘Fine, I guess’, you answer with a distinct lack of grace. You don’t notice when his smirk turns into a genuine smile. 
The Gryffindor boys crowd around you, groaning in disappointment when you tell them no they’re not allowed to follow you around Hogsmeade, even if you’re on a date with Kuroo Tetsuro - and no, Lev, a disguise is not going to work, your height and ridiculous hair makes you far too conspicuous for that! 
‘I’ll beat him up if he does anything’, Iwaizumi threatens, and you roll your eyes at his overprotective streak. 
‘I’ll be fine’, you reply, shrugging off Yaku’s attempts at giving you ridiculous magic artifacts intended to ward off wandering hands. Kuroo Tetsuro may be insufferable and smug and a general pain in the butt, but he’s not an absolute piece of shit - plus, you’re handy with your wands in duels so you’re certain you can handle anything he throws at you. 
You don’t even bother putting on a lick of makeup when you prepare to meet him. He magicks an enchanted paper plane to land on your desk during potions to tell you that he’ll pick you up from Gryffindor tower at three o’clock sharp, and he’s leaning against the pillar with feline grace as you tumble out of the portrait hole, your teammates shooting him deadly glares as he sweeps you off with his palm warm against the small of your back. 
‘Want to grab a drink first?’ he asks, with a surprising amount of concern when your nose turns pink in the cold. 
You nod hesitantly, expecting him to drag you into the pink and white monstrosity that is Madam Puddifoots to complete your humiliation, but he doesn’t - holding the door open to the Three Broomsticks, ushering you into the corner booth, ordering a pint of butterbeer for you. 
‘My team’s not here, don’t worry’, he says, laughing when you glance around the pub, eyes narrowed for any signs of that odious Oikawa or the bothersome Miya twins - or worse, snarky Suna and devious Daishou, but Kuroo isn’t lying, none of them are around to witness the indignity of your date with one Kuroo Tetsuro. 
‘Do you drag unwilling girls into pubs often?’ you snark, tapping your fingers on the table irritably. 
‘Nah, only you’, he answers easily, smirk widening with mirth when you wrinkle your nose at him. ‘Come on, lighten up a bit - we might as well get to know each other since we’re going to be spending the whole afternoon together.’
‘Fine’, you say sourly, brightening only when the bartender brings your drinks. ‘Why don’t you tell me about yourself’. 
 And so even though you’ve been classmates with Kuroo for years, you learn for the first time that he’s not intending to be a professional Quidditch player when he graduates next year, even though you admit he’s a talented keeper in his own right. 
‘Really? You’re giving up Quidditch?’
‘Yeah - I have it all thought out I’m going to study potions further and figure out how to revolutionise the potions industry - d’you know the muggles have a pharmaceuticals industry that’s like our potions industry, only hugely profitable?’ 
It’s so typical of a Slytherin that you can’t help but snort. 
But then he disarms you with funny stories of himself growing up. You learn that his parents separated when he was only five, and as a result, he stayed mostly with his grandparents growing up. You learn that he was lonely and shy and awkward - really? you? you choke on your butterbeer incredulously  - at least until he moved next door to Kenma from Ravenclaw. 
‘I introduced him to Quidditch, and he’s a natural at coming up with strategies’, he says proudly, proceeding to chatter fondly of quiet, unsociable Kenma, who you can tell is his little brother in all but name and blood.
You tell him about growing up with three older brothers - all Gryffindors, just like you. He listens to your stories about breaking your arm when you stole your eldest brother’s broom, chuckles at your recounting of the pranks you pull on your teammates to remind them that you may be a girl, but you can take of yourself just fine - because Iwaizumi and Yaku tend to take their protective side a tad too far sometimes.  
It’s so pleasant that you forget that your date is the result of a bet, and you don’t even think twice about raising a napkin to gently wipe the froth from butterbeer off the corner of Kuroo’s mouth - it comes with the territory of being teammates with messy eaters like Hinata and Kageyama - until he freezes in shock. 
‘I’m sorry!’ you blurt out, mortified. But instead of teasing you for your forwardness, Kuroo turns bright red and gapes at you. He must think you’re an idiot. ‘Um - d’you want to check out Honeydukes before they close?’ you ask, in a desperate attempt to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation.
That jolts Kuroo out of his daze. Thankfully, any awkwardness vanishes when he slides out of his seat to steal the bill from you. You complain because he refuses point blank to split the bill with you, and he even playfully keeps his hands above his head to avoid your attempts at pressing coins into his hands until you reach the candy store. 
You watch in amusement as he loads his basket with chocolates and sweets for his team. He gets dark chocolate for Miya Osamu, and white chocolate for his twin Atsumu - at this point, I’m convinced they’re just determined to like the opposite of what the other prefers just to be contrary, he laughingly tells you. He gets creamy nougats for Oikawa - I should stop by the bread store to get him mlik bread, but his fangirls spoil him enough so I shan’t, he says. Ice mice for Suna to prank the twins with, tooth flossing stringmints for Daishou - he needs to clean his fangs, he jokes, and a whole bunch of chocolate frogs to be used as bribes for Kenma to go to bed on time. 
It’s lovely and warm in the store. You have a good time tossing fizzing frisbees behind the storekeeper’s back at Kuroo, dodging as he tries to drop jellybeans down your shirt. At the checkout counter, you protest again when he slyly tells the cashier that he’ll pay for your purchases on top of his, and he doesn’t even let you carry your own chocolates as you’re walking back to the castle. 
‘I’m perfectly capable of carrying a bag of chocolates by myself’, you huff, annoyed that yet another boy is treating you as though you’re made of glass. 
‘I believe you’ Kuroo replies emphatically, pressing his hand to his chest with  dramatic flair. ‘But I’m also a kind and considerate soul, because someone forgot to bring her gloves, and I’m going to need to save your hands if you actually want a shot at trying to get more goals past me next time’. 
You scowl. ‘Fine’, but you relent grudgingly. You didn’t even know he noticed that your hands are numb and cold. You’ve just never enjoyed the cold, and to make matters worse, it’s snowing. A chilly wind picks up, and you sneeze thrice in quick succession. 
‘Can’t wait to get back indoors, or can’t wait for the date to be over?’, he comments as you pick up your pace, trudging through the cold wet snow. You open your mouth to retort, but your jaw drops when he tugs you to a stop, tucking his cloak securely over your shoulders. His body heat and the faint scent of cinnamon and butterbeer still lingers in the fabric and you can’t help but wrap his cloak tighter around yourself.  
‘There’, he says, satisfied. ‘Better?’  
You nod, not trusting yourself to respond. 
He walks you all the way back to Gryffindor tower and when you try to return his cloak, to your surprise, he refuses to take it back. 
‘Keep it for our next date’, he tells you cheekily, laughing when your eyes widen and you choke on your breath. 
‘I don’t recall hearing you ask for a second date’, you reply archly when your body finally stops its attempts at expelling your lungs from your chest. 
‘Well, I am now’, he replies. 
You look at him. Though the smirk he wears on his lips is unwavering, you can see a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. And though you’d never think you’d ever say it, but the afternoon was a pleasure, and Kuroo was a lovely date. 
You - you like him, this adorable dork of a boy who’s both charming and confident yet awkward and uncertain at the same time. He’s caring and funny and ambitious and there are so many facets of him that you’ve only discovered today - and if you’re being honest with yourself, you’re curious enough to want to delve deeper into the enigma that is one Kuroo Tetsuro. 
‘Fine’, you mumble, the tips of your ears turning pink. This time it’s definitely not from the cold. 
‘Yeah?’ he asks, quietly, uncertainly. 
‘Yeah’, you reply softly, casting your gaze down to the floor, suddenly shy. You don’t notice him take a step forward, startling as he gently tilts your chin up to face him. Your first instinct is to snap at him for coming so close, but he’s too quick for you to even react, leaning down and pressing his lips to your forehead, tenderly tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear. 
‘Next week then’, he says, with a wide smile before sweeping off, leaving you standing in the middle of the corridor, mouth open in shock. 
The portrait door swings open. 
‘Did he curse you? DO WE NEED TO DEFEND YOUR HONOUR?’ 
You bury your burning face in your hands. Your teammates are not going to take this well. 
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folklorelise · 4 years
Levi’s older sister dating the commander
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-          Little background check.
-          Kuchel had you three years earlier than Levi.
-          When your mother was pregnant again, you were really happy because that meant you would not be alone anymore.
-          You would always take care of Levi when your mother was away working.
-          When she died, you tried to protect and feed him as best as you could. Until Kenny arrived and took care of both of you.
-          When Kenny left again, Levi and you were alone once again. Only this time, both of you knew how to steal and kill.
-          When Erwin came to recruit the four of you, you were truly happy about it. Happy about leaving this rat hole. Even though the reason of your departure was to kill that man who gave you your pass to the upper world.
-          During that expedition, you wanted to go with Levi, but he insisted on going alone. Unlike Levi, you did not have your awakening yet. When you saw that titan killing your two closest friends, something happened (awekening), and you killed that titan alone.
-          When Levi saw Isabel and Furlan’s bodies, he screamed your name, hoping for you to be alive somewhere.
-        “Where’s Y/N?” Erwin asked Levi when he found them.
-          You were passed out amongst the dead body of your old squad. It was Erwin who found you. Levi quickly pushed Erwin aside so he would bring you on his horse.
-         “Levi, your horse is exhausted, let me take Y/N.” Erwin proposed.
-          When you woke up, you were in Erwin’s arms, on his horse.
-          “What happened to your hand?” you asked concerned.
-          “Not–.”
-          “Where’s Levi?” you suddenly shouted.
-          “I’m here.” Levi appeared next to Erwin.
-          “I’m sorry I couldn’t–.” you teared up.
-          “It’s not your fault.”
-          You stayed on Erwin’s horse for the rest of the expedition since your horse was gone.
-          Erwin was even more comfortable than your bed, you were constantly in his arms, with your head on his shoulder.
-          On the way back, you fell asleep in Erwin’s arms.
-          “I’ll take her to her room.” Erwin told Levi.
-          Since that expedition, Erwin and you started to spend more and more time together. Since your original squad was dead, Erwin asked you and Levi to join his.
 -          You would very often go horseback riding together.
 -          Erwin would always wait outside of your door so you could eat together in the morning.
  -          The night Erwin was made commander, he asked you to come and visit him in his new room.
-          “It’s a nice room.” you told him.
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-          “Was that ok?” Erwin suddenly asked worried.
-          “Do it again, now.”
-          You both agreed not to say anything to Levi.
-          Levi knew. You two were disgustingly (according to him) in love and neither one knew how to hide it.
 -          One night you were drinking tea with Levi in his new captain’s office.
-          “I heard you were doing the commander.” Levi told you which made you spit out your tea.
-          “WHAT? Who told you?”
-          “No. I literally heard you and Erwin last night. The commander’s room is next to mine.” Levi stated calmly.
-          “Oh. Oh– oh no.”
-          “Yes, so please do it anywhere else! I don’t want to hear my sister having sex.”
-          When you told Erwin what happened, he avoided Levi for a long time. He would always turn red when Levi was here.
 -          Erwin offered to you to have your own squad which you refused.
-          “Why?”
-          “I want to be here to protect you.”
-          “I am the commander. I can protect myself.” Erwin reassured you.
-          “But I’m better. No offense, but I am. And I refuse to leave you.”
-          “You could teach a lot to these kids.”
-          “But you’re more important. You can’t make me leave your squad!” you shouted determined.
 -          Erwin asked Levi if that was ok with him that he was going out with his sister. Levi said no just to see his reaction. Erwin instantly started to ramble about how he was serious about that, and how he loved you.
 -          “Ok, ok! I heard enough.” Levi said. “If she loves you and she’s happy, then of course I’m fine with it.”
 -          “I hope she is.” Erwin admitted.
 -          “I am.” you said popping out of nowhere.
 -          “Stop being in love in front of me.” Levi told you when he saw you kissing each other.
  -          People would always wonder how you, the captain’s sister, ended up with commander softy.
 -          Erwin and you would hold hands during lunch or dinner. Actually, you would constantly be holding each other’s hand. During basic explorations, you would always hold hand too. With your horse side by side.
  -          Once Erwin was sick, and Levi had to physically restraint you from going to cuddle him.
 -          “Levi! My boyfriend is sick. I have to take care of him!”
 -          “You’ll get sick too. We have nurses, don’t worry. Go work on his paperwork instead.”
 -          You would sit next to his bed, not too close, and read him his paperwork.
 -          “Are you feeling better?” you whispered next to his ear.
 -          “I can’t sleep, my head hurts too much.”
 -          “I can sleep with you if you want.”
 -          “No, you’ll get sick and Levi won’t be happy about that.”
 -          “Who cares.” you said laying on top of your boyfriend.
 -          “Better?”
 -          “Much better.”
  -          When you get sick, both Levi and Erwin would stay with you. They would both constantly keep an eye on you – because the first time you got sick, you insisted on being fine, but then you fainted in the middle of training. You were flying through the forest with you gear when you fell – so naturally, not Erwin nor Levi would ever listen to you anymore.
-          You would also refuse to sleep with Erwin or kiss him while being sick.
-          Little did you know that he would always put a kiss on your forehead before leaving you at night.
-          “Gross.” Levi commented.
 -          After four years together, Erwin was decided to propose. But first, he wanted to have Levi’s blessing. One morning, he asked him to come to his office.
 -          “I– mh. I wanted to– mh…”
 -          “Is something wrong?” Levi asked.
 -          “No! Everything is great I just had– I wanted to ask you if it was ok with you if I–.” Erwin tried to explain.
 -          “Just tell me. I still have work to do.”
 -          “I want to marry Y/N.” Erwin blurted out. “Is that ok with you?”
 -          “She loves you. A lot.”
 -          “Is that a yes?”
 -          “You should ask her. As long as she is happy, I’m good.”
 -          You said yes, of course.
 -          You decorate the survey corps headquarters to make it look more festive. It was big wedding. It was the commander’s wedding! Everyone came. There was a big feast, lots of gift, lots of drinking. For one day, people forgot about the titans and the outside world.
   -          During an expedition, few months after your wedding, you found out that you were pregnant. You were nauseous and almost got yourself killed by a titan because you were puking.
-          “From now on, you’ll stay here.” Erwin ordered. “No more expeditions until he or she comes into this world.” he said to your womb.
-          Levi, Mike and Hange were your kid’s godparents.
-          It was a boy, so you decided to name him after Erwin’s dad.
 -          Erwin has a kid, so he did not go to retake wall maria, so he is alive and got to fulfil his dream!
  Fun fact, I guess. I wanted to add angst at the end – about what would have happened when Erwin died, but then I spent thirty minutes crying. So, I did not do it, it was too much for my heart. I am still not over my boi’s death :>
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daegall · 3 years
pairing: (now) Boyfriend! Donghyuck (who has a problematic family) x reader (who also has a very problematic family)
genre: fluff, crack
warnings: hyuck hurts his shoulder LMAOO
word count: 813 words
networks: @knet-bakery @neoturtles @kokonomi
part i, part ii, part iii, part iv
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2 weeks ago, (now) boyfriend! Donghyuck proposed running away, a week ago your parents had their biggest fight yet, not with each other, but with you.
Today—no, tonight, you plan on running away with Donghyuck.
There are familiar taps at your window, from pebbles, that cause you to instantly spring up from your seat and open the window. There he stood, a small smirk on his face as he flicked a pebble at you.
“Ow- what the fuck?”
“Shhh, give me your bag.”
You stick your tongue out at him for a second, before you’re running back in to retrieve your duffle bag. It’s finally happening, you’re running away from your parents, with the only person who actually cared about you.
Donghyuck feels just as relieved, he can do whatever he wants now, without a care of if his family caught him doing it. He’s got a whole luggage full of his stuff in the backseat of his car, and it’s filled with years worth of belongings.
Donghyuck feels just as relieved, he can do whatever he wants now, without a care of if his family caught him doing it. He’s got a whole luggage full of his stuff in the backseat of his car, and it’s filled with years worth of belongings.
You appear back at the window with your large bag, carefully dropping it into Donghyuck’s grasp with a small thump. You wince at the sound, for it is literally dead in the night, where everything is asleep. You can’t afford to make loud noises that could wake your parents.
Donghyuck shoves your bag right next to his, making sure it’s secure and won’t topple over when the car’s moving. He then sprints back to the window, the whole story high window, where you sat and got ready on the window sill.
“Hooooly shit okay uhhh,” you mumble nervously, watching your legs dangle several feet off the ground. Your gaze adverts to your boyfriend, who’s arms are stretched out and ready to catch you. You give him a confused look, “The fuck? Hyuck I thought you said you’d bring a ladder?”
His confident stare wavers as he bites his lip, “Uhhh it was too risky to get out of the shed...”
A hard facepalm drags across your face, as thoughts of how this dumbo is the one saving you from your parents.
“Come on, just jump! I’ll catch you!”
“Do you think that’s enough for me to jump?! You’re fucking lanky!”
Donghyuck holds back the urge to argue how he’s been working out recently, instead just sighing and reaching his arms further up for you. A silent groan erupts from your chest, and you only look down nervously.
Well, he can’t be that weak, right?
With one last pro in mind, and many many moments of hesitation, you jump off your window, holding your breath to try not to scream. Your arms reach out for Donghyuck, as he tries to catch you as swiftly as he can.
Unfortunately, swift is not a very good word in his dictionary, as he stumbles the second he’s caught you. He takes you two down onto the grass, noises of pain emitting from the both of you. You were wrong, he does not have the muscle to catch a person from a story high.
“Oh shit! I overestimated myself way too much- ah!” Donghyuck winces in pain with every move he makes, carefully pushing you off him and grasping at his shoulder.
The second his fingers push down at his shoulder blade, he starts to groan loudly at the pain. You quickly swat his hand away from his shoulder, shushing him almost violently.
Donghyuck gives you a quick glare, but the pain in his expressions say otherwise when you break out into a grin.
You start to laugh as silently as you can in the asscrack of night, leaning to rest against Donghyuck’s other arm. A soft laugh shakes from his chest as well, as he finds the situation somehow funny as well.
Suddenly, the atmosphere is filled with relief and joyful laughter, as you eventually flop down to the grass and push at each other.
After your hard fit of (attempted) silent laughter, you pant, and turn to observe Donghyuck’s happy and pure smile you haven’t been able to see the past week.
You brush the dirt and grass out of his hair, grinning from ear to ear, “Are we really doing this?”
His gaze grows incredibly soft and comforting, it’s so hard to look away from his warm chocolate eyes. Donghyuck reaches up to hold your hand, “We’ve suffered too much.”
Pure bliss fills your body as you stand up to go to Donghyuck’s car, the adrenaline pumping throughout your emotions like it replaced the blood in you.
You’re finally free, you don’t have to deal with petty bickering and spiteful insults. You don’t have to dread going home because you realize now, that the person next to you, who’s driving his car, who’s holding your hand and stroking it lovingly, who was willing to help you escape, to catch you from a story high, is your home.
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