#I think the real problem might be that there’s so much stuff that I’m scaring myself off
exopelagic · 1 month
i am in hell
#I literally just can’t bring myself to care about this proposal#I KNOW it’s important and I have limited time now#as of today I have two weeks to finish it and I currently have written nothing <3#I’m meant to have a first draft by Monday#but it’s 5pm and I’m so sleepy and I am overwhelmed whenever I look at it#I’ve read so much. so much. and I still feel like I know nothing. and my supervisor is kinda useless#I think the real problem might be that there’s so much stuff that I’m scaring myself off#and I know I need to take it a little bit at a time but to do THAT I have to wade through my folder of like 60 sources#and figure out which one said the specific thing I’m thinking of or like where to look to find what I need to write about#and I keep reading stuff that makes me feel like I’m talking complete shit because I could be! my supervisor sure as fuck hasn’t checked!#I need to write what’s basically a mini literature review on the stuff that’s relevant and I mean like I THINK that this hasn’t been done#but people have been studying stuff in this field for like 70 years so you know how many papers that is. the last 40 are even relevant today#idk. I was falling asleep in the library yesterday after an hour and I’ve gotten so little done this week#if anyone has recommendations for reference management software that 1. can make tags to organise things 2. can have little notes added#3. can import from zotero I would love you forever#pls god help me I’m drowning here#luke.txt
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whyse7vn · 11 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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tae: have my cubs
tae: i want 8
y/n: i’ve actually never been so srs in my life
let’s break up
like fr
i’m over this relationship i’m over you
tae: i can settle for 5 if it’s too much
y/n: let’s settle for a break up
tae: our little family 🥺
y/n: i would rather shoot myself
tae: why?
y/n: WHY?
are you really asking my why rn?
tae: yeah??
y/n: “have my cubs”
tae: i can’t get pregnant what is wrong with you
someone didn’t go to school 😭😭
y/n: who in their right mind says shit like that
tae: me??
y/n: stop talking to me
tae: babe
i’m being for real
y/n: i know
and i’m scared
tae: don’t be scared
i’ll protect you
and the kids
real alpha i am
y/n: stop
tae: are you getting emotional?
omg are you pregnant rn?????
hormones and that stuff?
is that what you wanted to say this whole time??
were you trying to hide it from me??
ur so cute >.<
y/n: i’m blocking you now
tae: we are gonna get through this together
do you think we need a bigger house?
y/n: genuinely are you ok in the head?
tae: ofc wtf??
i know ur not because of the pregnancy
but it’s okay
you don’t need to stress at all
i’ll think for the both of us
the love of ur life taetae be the sane one for the next 6 months
y/n: there is so much to unpack there
tae: omg have you been clothes shopping without me >.<
y/n: i am perfectly fine
you and sane don’t belong in the same sentence
never call yourself taetae again
and it’s 9 months not 6 you fucking idiot
tae: what is ur actual problem??
don’t swear around my child you’ll poison their mind
and i think i know more about babies than you do so just leave everything to me ok?
y/n: again i would rather shoot myself
tae: if you die i’ll protect the baby
y/n: there is no baby
tae: are you not ready to be a mother or something?
i swear we can do this babe
y/n: are you actually listening to me??
tae: ofc i am??
y/n: …
tae: i’m omw home btw can’t wait to see you both!!!!!!!
y/n: it’s like you only take in the information you want to hear
tae: i love you too
y/n: or maybe you just can’t read
tae: <333333333
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yoongi: no
y/n: i don’t like when you read my mind like that
yoongi: no
y/n: i’m gonna ask anyways
yoongi: no
y/n: let’s have a baby 😁🙏🏽
yoongi: no
y/n: if we don’t have a baby now ur gonna be an old dad
ur gonna die before our baby turns 10
we don’t want that do we?
think of all the precious memories you’ll miss
yoongi: i’m fine with that
y/n: are you really?
yoongi: …
y/n: let’s have a baby rn
yoongi: but that’s so much work
y/n: #inittogether
our little baby made out of our love for each other
isn’t that sososoos cute yoongi 🥺
yoongi: i guess
y/n: so we’re having a baby?
yoongi: go away
y/n: ur not saying no
i’m taking this as a yes
i continue to win in this life
yoongi: what if you die before me
and i’m left with a baby?
y/n: the old thing really got to you huh?
yoongi: no i’m just saying you might die first
y/n: there is no way i’m dying first
ur literally 30
yoongi: and???
y/n: like jin is ur age mate that’s saying aLOT
yoongi: ur pissing me off
y/n: okay old bitch
yoongi: you expect me to have children with you after you bully me??
y/n: pls put me in ur will
i’m in jin’s yk?
yoongi: why are you in jin’s will?
y/n: why? mad ur not?
yoongi: how do you know i’m not
in his will?
matter of fact why tf does he have a will??
y/n: aren’t you an inquisitive one
yoongi: saying big words doesn’t make you look smart
y/n: jin knows it’s almost his time
you better start writing yours
yoongi: leaving everything to holly
y/n: i’ll literally cook holly
yoongi: what is wrong with you
y/n: i am not with child rn
that’s what’s wrong
yoongi: that sounded gross
never say that again
y/n: i’ve come to the conclusion that ur my biggest enemy
yoongi: i’m glad you know
y/n: ur dying
yoongi: ur next
y/n: don’t ever say that
i’m literally in my prime
yoongi: ur prime?
couldn’t tell
y/n: find someone else to carry your children
i can no longer stand the idea of mini yous running around
yoongi: ok :(
y/n: ??
don’t frown at me
you brought this on urself
yoongi: 😔
y/n: you bitch
yoongi: come make a baby with me 😄
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y/n: let’s have a child
namjoon: ok
y/n: i lied
namjoon: oh
y/n: what is wrong with you
namjoon: what is wrong with you?
y/n: did adding a question mark make you feel better bitch??
namjoon: very
y/n: this is why i lie to you
namjoon: that’s not nice
y/n: ur literally a nasty little gaslighter
namjoon: i’m not?
y/n: you are?
namjoon: if anything ur the gaslighter
y/n: fake claims i’ll sue
namjoon: you tell me you want to have children and then you tell me ur lying or you never said that
y/n: what is ur actual issue i’ve never said i want kids??
if you want kids ig we can talk about it but i’ve literally never brought that up
namjoon: see?
y/n: i see very clearly actually 20/20 vision the eye people told me
namjoon: you wear glasses?
y/n: occasionally
like what is ur issue?
ur so obsessed with me it’s not right
namjoon: ig i’m a little obsessed
y/n: it’s really not right
don’t you fucking wear glasses
what is ur issue four eyes???
namjoon: i do
i’ve never claimed to have 20/20 vision
y/n: ur blind as hell
namjoon: maybe i don’t want to have kids with you
they fr won’t be able to see anything
namjoon: put ur glasses on
ur spelling stuff wrong
y/n: it’s my charm
namjoon: not wearing ur glasses?
y/n: we need to go on a break
namjoon: how can we go on a break when we have kids to take care of?
y/n: and you say ur not a gaslighter?
what if i was a weak woman and fell for ur sick lies
namjoon: we would have kids by now
y/n: ur messed up
that’s so messed up
namjoon: shoot me
y/n: don’t say stuff like that
cuz i will
then you’ll be mad
and dead
namjoon: what are you bothering me for?
y/n: can i not just message my bf like omg?
namjoon: you miss me or something?
y/n: not anymore
namjoon: cute
y/n: fuck ur cute
namjoon: accepting a compliment won’t kill you yk?
y/n: stop communicating with me
namjoon: you messaged me first?
y/n: no i didn’t
namjoon: whatever
y/n: omg don’t speak to me like you hate me i’ll kms
namjoon: so kids?
y/n: idk what ur on about tbh
namjoon: fine
y/n: fine
namjoon: fine?
y/n: fine?
namjoon: idk what you want from me
y/n: children
namjoon: you stop communicating with me
y/n: wow
namjoon: yeah
y/n: ur a LOSER
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jin: it’s time we reproduce
y/n: no
jin: no?
this would be a blessing to many
y/n: ok??
jin: ok?
i’ll just kms then
if you hate me just say that
y/n: i hate you
jin: what is ur problem???
y/n: what’s urs??
you told me to say it
jin: i said if you hate me
y/n: ???
jin: oh my god
leave me alone
y/n: oh my god by gidle
jin: you have to stop speaking to hobi
y/n: why :(
jin: ur starting to talk like him
and it’s gross
the mother of my children a hoseok clone??
no thank you
y/n: what children??
jin: you need to keep up
we are having kids
y/n: but you said mother of your children
like as in you have kids rn
and last time i checked i never gave birth
who is this other woman seokjin???
jin: ew why would you say my full name like that
y/n: why would you cheat on me?
jin: bored?
y/n: all men are the same
jin: i am like no other man
y/n: true you dumb as hell
jin: now ur talking shit
y/n: maybe the shit talks you
jin: what
y/n: what
jin: can we make babies pls
y/n: ew
you actually make me wanna throw up
jin: wtf
this is why i don’t talk to you
y/n: you talk to me everyday?
in fact you loose ur mind if you don’t talk to me for more than 2 hours
jin: you literally have no proof
once again ur talking SHIT
y/n: don’t raise ur voice at me tf
jin: see you would be such a good mother
that’s such a parent thing to say
lowkey got me feeling a little hot and bothered rn 🙈
i’m sorry
you might need to put me in my place again mommy 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙉🙉🙉
y/n: what the fuck
jin: you’re not into it???
y/n: how can you go from talking about children to sex?
jin: don’t say that makes me sound like a perv
y/n: you are a perv
jin: no i’m not
ur just lame
like you need to have sex to have children
i was just helping start the process
y/n: you’ve got like a screw loose or something
jin: stop speaking to me in riddles
or don’t
i do love a smart girl 😉
y/n: stop speaking to me like a bitch in heat
jin: people lame nowadays
by people i mean you
y/n: cry about it
jin: i just might
y/n: good
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y/n: do you want to have a baby?
jk: doesn’t giving birth hurt?
y/n: so?
jk: i don’t want you to get hurt
y/n: life is pain
jk: i’ll give birth
y/n: that’s not how it works
jk: pls let me do it
y/n: ok
jk: thank you
y/n: ur welcome
jk: do you think i’ll look good pregnant?
y/n: idk
jk: will you still love me when i get big?
y/n: i might leave you if you get pregnant
jk: wtf?
y/n: it might creep me out
jk: why wtf
y/n: i don’t want to imagine you pregnant
jk: but our baby ☹️
y/n: i would rather never have kids than see you pregnant
jk: wow
you think i would be that ugly
y/n: i’m sorry
jk: are you?
y/n: ummm
jk: ok then
y/n: we can always adopt
jk: but that’s not my baby
y/n: legally they would be
jk: we won’t have the same spit
y/n: the same spit?
jk: yk like our insides won’t be the same
y/n: ur dna?
jk: yeah my dna
y/n: ur not supposed to have the exact same dna as ur baby anyways
jk: okay but it’s like a mix of us
and a adopted one would have no mix at all
y/n: so what do you want to do?
jk: give birth
y/n: i really don’t think it’s possible babe
jk: i will do it
y/n: sure
jk: why don’t you believe in me?
y/n: i do
jk: act like it
y/n: wooo?
jk: not good enough
y/n: sorry i’m tired
jk: ok?
y/n: fuck you?
jk: i’m about to have a baby and ur talking to me like that?
y/n: i’ll believe it when i see it
jk: so you fr don’t believe in me?
y/n: yeah
not one bit of belief in me
jk: crazy how people switch up
when you want to come back into me and MY babies lives we won’t let you
y/n: i’m crying
jk: i’m glad
y/n: i’m actually not
i don’t care at all
and that’s the truth
jk: so you just lie for fun
y/n: pretty much
jk: wow
ur crazy
y/n: 4 u
jk: waittt why am i blushing rn 😖
are you in love with me be honest?
y/n: idk…
jk: oh
y/n: embarrassing…
ur just a fuck buddy tbh
jk: for 8 years i’ve been a fuck buddy?
y/n: yur
jk: are you lying to me?
y/n: i could be
jk: i could be pregnant rn
y/n: are you?
jk: no
but i could be
y/n: are you lying to me?
jk: yeah :(
y/n: it’s okay
jk: is it really??
y/n: you don’t want me to answer that
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y/n: i’ve been getting congratulation texts all day today
jimin: omg people are so crazy wtf 😭?
y/n: i’m fr so confused
did we win an award i didn’t know about or something??
jimin: maybe idk lol
y/n: would it be rude if i asked what tf they’re talking about?
jimin: unbelievably rude
don’t do it
i’m for real
y/n: but i wanna know
jimin: just accept the congrats and go
y/n: do you know something i don’t?
jimin: wtf no?
y/n. ur lying
jimin: i’m not
y/n: jimin
jimin: love of my life
apple of my eye
y/n: tell me
jimin: omg i LOVE that song
tell me tell me ttttell me
y/n: now
jimin: sorry idk what ur talking about
where did you go?
come back
talk to me
jimin: i’m preparing people for the future
y/n: ??????????
i’m NOT pregnant
jimin: you will be when i’m done with you ;)
y/n: wtf is wrong with you
jimin: a lot
y/n: i can tell
jimin: do you think i’m ugly be honest
y/n: right now yes
jimin: so you think i’m pretty other times 🥺🥺🥺
let’s have a baby
y/n: no
jimin: okay wtf
why not
y/n: ur literally about to be shipped off
you want to leave me with a baby??
jimin: why would you say that
now i’m upset
i’ll take the baby with me
y/n: …
jimin: no?
y/n: no
jimin: fine
our baby would be lowkey ugly anyways
y/n: excuse me?
jimin: problem?
y/n: why would our baby be ugly??
jimin: i mean…
y/n: you mean????
jimin: ur gonna have to just prove me wrong babe
y/n: ur not funny
jimin: did i make a joke???
y/n: you are the joke
jimin: i actually am not the joke
i never joke
super serious guy park jimin is
super shy too
new jeans core >.<
y/n: i’m done with you
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y/n: baby?
hobi: me?
y/n: no like an actual baby
hobi: ur having one?
y/n: no??
i’m not having one
hobi: oh
i’m sorry for ur loss
y/n: there was no loss
hobi: oh
was there a gain?
y/n: do you want there to be?
hobi: depends on the gain
y/n: the gain would be a baby
hobi: yikesss
that’s a pretty lame gain
why would i want you to have a baby?
y/n: um because you love me?
hobi: i wouldn’t be the father
i don’t see the point
y/n: ???
why wouldn’t you be the father?
hobi: i thought you were asking me if you could have a baby with someone else
y/n: what?
hobi: what?
i’m confused
y/n: I’M confused
hobi: why are we confused??
y/n: why would i ask you if i could have a baby with someone else???
hobi: feminism?
tho i do think it would be more of a feminist move if you didn’t ask me
ur spirt was in the right place tho
i’m sure the women will forgive you
y/n: what?
hobi: was i wrong??
y/n: what do you think?
hobi: it’s not my place to decide for a strong woman like urself
y/n: get a grip
hobi: grip gotten
y/n: is this ur way of dodging my baby proposal?
hobi: a baby what?
that sounds wrong
tf is a baby doing proposing???
ur a baby like drink milk or something
y/n: are you drunk??
hobi: nooooooooooooooooooooooooo
y/n: so ur tipsy?
hobi: tipsy topsy who cares
y/n: i do
i’m trying to ask you if you want to have a baby with me oh my god
hobi: omg do you love me or something???
that’s so crazy
y/n: bye have fun drinking
hobi: drinking heals me
y/n: that’s concerning
hobi: will i be a good dad
y/n: i’m sure you will
hobi: or will i kill myself due to the stress
y/n: oh
hobi: let’s find out babe
i’m ready
y/n: that did not sound like ready talk to me
we can talk about this tomorrow
hobi: if we think about it what can a baby do that i can’t???
y/n: keep me company
hobi: i do that all the time
do you hate me
if you hate me say 1
if you hate me and want me dead in a ditch by saturday night say 7
y/n: where are you right now?
hobi: jin’s house
i think
y/n: you think?
that’s the point
i’m all alone a baby would never leave me to go drink with jin
hobi: jin would be dead by the time our baby was born
he’s old
dojn’t tell him i said that
he might kick me out
i would be so upset
like this :cccccccccccc
and this 😭😭😭😪😓😓😓😰😰😨😨
not that i’ve done cokr befr don’t be scared of me babe
y/n: wow okay!
hobi: babies can’t even dance to dynamite i don’t see why you would want that in ur life
and i totally can dance to dynamite
sO i win
y/n: you are so right babe you go and have fun with jin!
hobi: see ur just so silly
and btw i realllly donnt do coke i swear it
y/n: 7
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daleyeahson · 2 years
Girl on Film | Perv!Eddie Munson x Best Friend Reader: Part 3
Summary: After days of not seeing or hearing anything from Eddie, you finally snap. When you confront him about your feelings, it’s not exactly what he had hoped to hear.
Warnings: angst, cursing, I’m just gonna go ahead and say 18+ minors dni mainly bc of what has happened before and that stuff gets briefly mentioned in here so… yeah lol
Word count: 2.9k
previous part | next part
A/n: I’m sorry this took a little longer than expected to get released! I’ve been a little busy and tbh at first I didn’t know where I wanted this story to go so that also slowed the whole process lol thank you guys for your continued love and support! You have no idea how much it truly means to me.. Enjoy! x
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It’s Monday morning and Eddie slowly stirs awake. Stretching as much as he could, he turns his head over to look at the alarm clock. 6:45am. He then turns his head to the opposite side only to be met with the sight of your naked body. Your back facing him and the sheets covering just the lower half of you. Panic sets in before he has a chance to really take in the view. He starts to freak out as his questions from last night enter his mind once again.
He tries to convince himself that he’s just overreacting and that you must’ve genuinely felt the same way he did, right? If you didn’t, why would you do all of that with him? Why would you play along with the whole camcorder situation? He began to think that maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing for you. That maybe you just wanted to have fun with this and not get romantically involved. He also thought of how maybe you’d wake up and regret this whole weekend and then things would be forever changed between the two of you.
With every question of “what if?” or “why?” that crossed his mind, he knew one thing for sure. He did not want to stick around and find out. He couldn’t handle the possibility of rejection or the idea of losing you as his best friend. He needed to think things over before diving into that conversation with you. So, without a moments notice, Eddie does what he does best. He runs.
Or at least he tries too. He gently gets out of the bed, trying his best not to wake you and rushes to go take a quick shower. While he’s in the bathroom, you wake up to the sound of the water running. Still a little bit groggy, you slip on another oversized t-shirt since the one you had on yesterday was now torn in two thanks to a certain someone. You decided against wearing pants, not having the energy this morning to deal with putting them on. Plus, at this point, Eddie has seen you in a lot less, so you figured he wouldn’t have a problem with it.
You make your way to the kitchen in desperate need of something to drink. You pour yourself a glass of water and casually sip on it while having your back leaned against the counter. You hear the shower turn off and soon afterwards, the bathroom door opens. In such a hurry to leave, Eddie doesn’t even notice that you’re standing in the kitchen.
“Mornin’ Eddie, sleep well?”
“Jesus Christ!” He jumps at the sound of your voice. “I didn’t know you were awake,” he gives a nervous chuckle, “You scared the shit out of me.”
“I haven’t been up for long.. What’s got you up and ready to go out the door so early?”
“Uh…” Eddie pauses for a second, trying to find what to say. He doesn’t want to bring up the real reason he’s leaving, so he says the next thing that comes to mind. “School! Gotta head off the school, ya know, don’t wanna be late.”
You look at him and say with a raised eyebrow, “Since when did you, Eddie Munson, care about going to school, let alone getting there on time?”
He smiles softly at your comment, knowing that you had a good point.
“I figured dealing with the third go around of this shit, I might actually want to try for once before I end up graduating with Henderson’s class.”
You laugh. You know you’d never let that happen, but it was funny to picture him and Dustin posing for a photo together with their cap and gowns on holding their diplomas.
“Well before you go, do you want some breakfast? I can fix you something real quick. I know the stuff they serve in the cafeteria isn’t the best.”
Growing more anxious the longer he stands there, Eddie shakes his head, “N-no thanks. As much as I would love to, I don’t have the time. Still have to run home and change out of this,” he gestures to his sweats, “and you know how long it takes to get my whole get up on. At this rate, I’ll be lucky if I get there before the first bell rings.”
You try not to show a look of disappointment on your face. You wished he would stay a little longer, but you understood his reasons. If you were in his shoes, you’d want to do everything possible to make sure you didn’t have to repeat your senior year again too.
“Oh, well, I’ve got to start getting ready for work in a few anyway, so no biggie. Give me a call though afterwards, yeah? I’ll be back home this evening, probably around six.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything, just gives you a slight nod and walks out the door. Driving off in his van, he makes his way back home. Once there, he heads to his room and spots the camcorder still sitting in the same spot he left it. He really did plan on going to school, but after seeing that and being reminded once again how all of this got started, he decided to stay home. There was no way he could focus on any of his classes after that.
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You started getting ready for work not long after Eddie left. Taking a quick shower yourself and changing into your uniform. You pulled your hair back to keep it out of your face and applied a light, natural makeup look. You weren’t one to really wear makeup to begin with, but being a waitress, it seemed to help get you better tips so you didn’t mind having to wear it while you were at work.
You worked at a small diner right on the edge of town, only a 15 minute drive from your place. It wasn’t the best job, but it paid the bills. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy it, you loved your coworkers and got along well with the regulars you had, but being on your feet for hours on end for most days of the week was exhausting.
Your work day was the same as always. A group of older gentlemen would always come in early for some breakfast which usually consisted of biscuits and gravy all while talking for hours, getting refill after refill of coffee. You gained a few more customers when lunch rush hit, but things never picked up until it came closer to dinner time. You’d always get busy around then, mainly having truckers stop by for a good hot meal after being on the road all day. You didn’t mind though, you loved hearing the stories they’d tell about the places they’ve been and things they’ve seen. It always helped make the work day go by a little faster.
When your shift came to an end, you made your way back home. Feet aching from the day, all you wanted was to get out of these clothes and go to bed. You didn’t even think about the fact that Eddie said he would call. All that was on your mind now was getting some much needed rest.
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When Tuesday had came and gone and still no word from him, you started to wonder why Eddie hasn’t been back over or called. You didn’t really pay much mind to it, thinking he must’ve been exhausted like you were last night after playing his gig at the Hideout with the Corroded Coffin boys.
Wednesday was a different story though. That evening, you made your way over to Family Video to pick out movies for the sleepover this weekend. It was supposed to be at Eddie’s place this time, but after not hearing from him for days, you weren’t sure if he even wanted to have it. You walk in and was greeted by Robin who stood at the front counter.
“Hey, y/n! Picking out more movies for you and Eddie this weekend?”
“Yeah,” you say in an unsure tone, “I guess I am.”
“You guess? What’s that supposed to mean?”
You sigh and start to explain everything to her. Just the part of not hearing from Eddie in a while, she didn’t need to know the rest and you still hadn’t even talked about it with Eddie himself. It would feel wrong to discuss those things with another person before him, even if Robin was one of your closest friends.
“It’s just, I don’t know. I’m not sure if he wants to have the sleepover this weekend. After he left my place Monday morning for school, I haven’t heard from him since. I figured maybe he was tired from his gig last night, but I still haven’t heard anything from him today either. It’s just weird not seeing or hearing from him, ya know? He’s never done this before.”
“Wait, you said he left Monday morning for school?” She asks and you give her a nod. “Eddie wasn’t at school Monday. Like at all.”
“What?” You looked at her with confusion written all over your face.
Not at school? What does she mean not at school? Why would he say that’s why he had to leave your place so early and then not go? Maybe he was late getting there and she just didn’t see him.
Robin went on to explain, “Yeah. He borrowed my biology notes and was supposed to give them back to me at lunch, but he wasn’t there. I asked the guys at the Hellfire table if they’d seen him but they said he never showed up that morning.”
What the hell? Why didn’t he go? More importantly, why did he lie to you about going in the first place? Your blood started to boil at the thought of him lying to you. You had been friends forever, why would he feel the need to lie? You explained to Robin that you had to go, not getting the movies you had planned on picking up. You needed to get home to think about some things. What the fuck was Eddie’s problem?
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Thursday evening rolled around and still no word. You finally decided to give him a call instead of waiting for him. You knew he should be home from school right now, if he even went this time, and he didn’t have band practice or anything like that. You reach for the phone and dial his number. After a few rings, a mans voice spoke on the line.
“Hello?” Wayne. You didn’t think he’d be home right now. He must’ve been getting ready to leave for work when you called.
“Hey, Uncle Wayne, is Eddie around?” You ask.
Wayne looks over at Eddie standing in the living room, signaling for him to say that he wasn’t there and couldn’t talk.
Wayne sighs before answering, “No, I’m sorry, sweetheart. He’s not here at the moment. I could take a message for him if you’d like though.”
There it was, another lie. Now he’s even getting other people to do it for him? Unbelievable.
“Just tell him to give me a call when he gets a chance, okay?” You tried to not sound frustrated, but Wayne could tell you were upset.
“Will do.” He hangs up the phone and looks up at Eddie once again.
“Boy, I don’t know what the hell is going on between you two, but whatever it is, not talking to her about it isn’t going to solve the problem.”
Eddie looks down at his feet, embarrassed that Wayne is lecturing him over something that he should’ve already taken care of.
“I know, Wayne, it’s just..” he tries to think of the best way to explain this to his uncle without having to go further into detail about it all, “things are just a bit..complicated right now, okay? I promise I’ll talk to her soon. I just need some time to think about things.”
Wayne takes the hint that Eddie doesn’t want to get into the subject of what’s going on and gives him a sympathetic look. Not really knowing what it was that was making things complicated between you both, but knew whatever it may be was causing his boy to be in misery.
Grabbing his jacket and getting ready to head out the door, he turns and with a sigh he says to Eddie, “Well, whatever it is, you guys have been friends all your lives. You’ll be able to get through it, okay? Don’t sweat it, kid.”
And with that he heads out the door, leaving Eddie to stew in his own thoughts about everything.
You on the other hand, were pissed. Outraged. Angry.
How could he lie to you like that? Why would he even do such a thing? And then ignore your call when you finally reach out to him?
No, you weren’t gonna have it. Eddie was going to talk to you face to face about this whether he liked it or not. It was something that needed to be done, and you knew exactly when to do it.
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It was finally Friday, you had just finished your shift at work and was heading home to change and shower. Eddie was making his way over to the high school to start setting up for his Hellfire campaign. You knew if he wasn’t going to come to you and talk about things, you’d have to go to him. And that’s exactly what you planned on doing. You knew he wouldn’t miss a Hellfire meeting no matter what, so he would definitely be there. He wouldn’t be able to hide from you no longer.
You arrived at the high school and made your way to the room where the boys would be at. As you got closer to the door, you could hear them screaming at one another. Most likely over something that just happened during the campaign. You then heard a familiar sound. One that usually filled you with joy, but this time it just made you fill up with more rage than you already had.
Eddie’s laugh.
It pissed you off to no end hearing it. Hearing him having a good time, as if nothing was wrong. As if he hasn’t been avoiding you like the plague all week.
Without any hesitation, you burst through the door. The room falls silent as everyone looks over to see who interrupted them in the middle of their campaign. When Eddie’s eyes finally met yours, he could see how upset you were.
“Oh shit.”, He whispers to himself.
You march your way over where he was, sat on his throne, and you point your finger at his face.
“Where the hell have you been? Hm?”
Before Eddie has a chance to say anything, you continue on with your rant.
“All week! You haven’t called or stopped by to see me all fucking week! You never do that. Ever. We have been best friends forever and now suddenly, without warning you decide to just disappear? What the hell is your problem? Why have you been ignoring me?”
Eddie sat there, speechless and paralyzed from shock. He wasn’t expecting you to just show up randomly. He thought he would have more time to think over things before talking to you. He also didn’t expect to be having this conversation in front of the entire Hellfire Club, either.
“Say something!” You yell at him. Still, Eddie can’t find the words. Mouth moving as if he wants to say something but nothing comes out. You were mad before, but now standing here having him just stare at you not saying a word, it sends you over the edge.
“Fuck you, Eddie.” You spewed hatred towards him. “I can not believe after everything you did to me this weekend, you have the fucking audacity to not only ignore me and my calls, but blatantly lie to my face and have Wayne lie for you too. I already know you didn’t go to school Monday, Robin confirmed it for me. I seriously can’t believe you right now!”
You were fuming and after a few seconds of Eddie still not saying a word, you look at him and reach your hand out.
“Give me my key.”
“W-what?” Eddie finally is able to breathe out a word, and of course, it’s not what you wanted to hear.
“You heard me…Give. me. my. key.”
When he doesn’t move to give it, you yell again, still beyond frustrated with him.
With trembling hands, Eddie reaches for it. He slowly takes the spare key to your apartment off the key ring and places it in your hand. You walk back over to the door, turning to him one last time before you leave.
“Don’t bother calling or coming over anymore. Not until you actually grow the fuck up for once. Until then, I’m done. I don’t need to put up with you and all of your bullshit, especially not after what happened.”
You slam the door shut, leaving the boys there in silence. Walking back out of the school, you feel hot tears running down your face. In this moment, you could care less. You just wanted to go home and forget about everything that has happened this past week.
Eddie is left sitting there, staring at the door trying to hold back the tears in his eyes that are fighting to spill over the edge. Gareth is the first one to break the silence.
“Dude, I don’t know what you did” he says looking away from the door and back over to Eddie, “but whatever it was, you really fucked up.”
Still not saying a word, Eddie thought to himself.
He really did fuck up this time.
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jay7543 · 1 month
therapist!reader and client!Konig??? I think it would just be so wholesome.
You and your therapist könig
I like this idea a lot, does seem really wholesome. Won’t have many smut aspects but it will be a bit spicy but it will be fairly short, at least compared to my other stuff. I hope you enjoy!
This one does get in the feels a bit, so be ready for that.
Also, after writing this, I have realized i flipped the roles, I hope that doesn’t bother you too much, message me if you want them normal like you said. Or I might just do it anyway. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience
Feel free to make requests
Let’s be honest, you’ve had problems for a while. From depression and anxiety to worries about your sexuality. You also never thought a therapist would be a good idea. It was expensive and you were brought up thinking your problems were your own, not anyone else’s to deal with. After years of bullshit and deliberation, and a recommendation from a friend, you got a therapist. You’ve been seeing him for a few weeks now, not delving too deep into your problems but getting comfortable with him, it helps that he’s your age. He is foreign though, which is a bit odd to you, his name is könig, he’s an amazing listener and very considerate, at least after you got over how tall he was, and how handsome he was.
You’re now outside of his office, ready for your fourth session, preparing to talk about some real problems. You knock on the door.
You assume he told you to come in. You like it when he speaks German a bit, but you still don’t understand it. You open the door with a weak smile and close it behind you.
Reader-“h-hey doc”
You say nervously, waking over to the seat next to him that you usually spend most of your time.
König-“ah, hello maus. How have you been since our last session”
You blush a bit when he called you maus, it always makes you feel so cute.
Reader-“I-I’ve been ok I guess. You?”
König-“I’ve been good. In fact I’ve been looking forward to this session. I think I’m finally getting somewhat of a read on you.”
He says with a smile. So warm and welcoming.
Reader-“well I….i wanted to actually bring up some real problems this time. I-I might get a bit emotional though, I-i tend to”
König leans forward in his seat, now taking your words much more seriously. He’s been waiting for this.
König-“go ahead. I’m willing to listen to whatever you have to say, and I don’t mind the emotions, I welcome it in fact”
You take a few deep breaths to hype yourself up before finally speaking
Reader-“well, one of my biggest problems is my self image, I feel like I’m not pretty or handsome enough you know”
You look down and play with your fingers for a minute, trying to get the nerves to go away. König just nods and writes in his notes, waiting for you to continue
Reader-“I uh, I also have trouble with my sexuality”
König’s eyes shoot back up at you, he wasn’t exactly expecting it but it’s a very welcome surprise.
Reader-“I’m bisexual but I’ve never really been in a relationship, I’ve also always been scared to tell people that. And it all kinda wraps around to the self image thing”
You both sit quietly for a minute, him taking your words in and thinking of how to respond, you waiting for him too.
König-“well, a very important question is where do you think those problems stem from, it’s very important to know that”
You think for a second and try to figure out a moment or moments that caused it
Reader-“how my parents were when I was younger I guess. They weren’t hateful or homophobic or anything, just….they didn’t make me feel like I could trust them. Made me feel like I wasn’t allowed to mess up, or do something they might not like”
König-“that’s understandable, a lot of problems stem from how parents have treated their children. A lot of parents don’t even realize that they’re doing it. Or how much they’re affecting their child.”
He says in a very soft tone, leaning in a bit closer, attempting to comfort you in some way. You nod
Reader-“yeah, I just…I don’t know”
You start to get a bit choked up, thinking about how you were as a kid, how carefree you were, how innocent you were. Then how you are now, how sad you are, the things you feel like you’re missing out on. It all comes out in a stream of tears.
König-“it-it’s ok to cry. Don’t feel bad”
He leans in and hugs you softly, and you latch into him like he’s the only one who’s shown you this kind of kindness. You’ve just barely opened up and you’re already crying, you feel pathetic, but he helps to get rid of those thoughts.
Reader-“I just feel broken. Like I can’t be me. Like I’m not good enough”
You cry into his shoulder, letting out all of those feelings of inadequacy. He leans in and whispers.
König-“none of that is true maus. I haven’t known you for long but you seem very nice, and considerate of others. You’re not broken, you can be you. You are good enough”
These words make you cry more. They’re the nicest things you’ve ever heard. And after he says them he leans in and kisses your forehead, which is more than a therapist should but…you like it, he makes you feel cared about.
König-“you’re very pretty, or handsome, or whatever word you want to use. You’re enough how you are, and I’ll be here to help you realize that”
Reader-“th-thank you”
You stammer out through your sniffles and tears. He hold you close, rubbing your hair and giving you soft kisses every now and then, until the end of the session. He cares…he’s the first one….he really cares.
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sarcasticassian · 2 years
over the past couple of years Steve Harrington has learned that the unexpected can actually happen quite a lot but that doesn’t mean he was necessarily prepared when, on a random Sunday morning in February 1986, Chrissy Cunningham comes bursting through the door of Family Video, marches over to the counter Steve is stood behind, slams her delicate hands down rather ferociously and asks Steve ‘how did you stop caring? like about what everyone thought of you and about being popular and fitting in?’, ‘back in your senior year’ she clarifies when Steve just blinks at her for a moment
Steve carries on just staring at her whilst he tries to put together an answer, he can’t exactly say because I found out monsters were real or I actually do still kind of care what people think or I actually got some good friends for a change 
he must take a moment too long to answer because Chrissy starts talking again, ‘I just think that actually my boyfriend is probably an asshole and I think I’m only going out with him because everyone told me I should’ (and oh Steve can relate to that one) ‘and I like the cheer squad just fine but I don’t think we ever actually talk about real things and I’m worried it’s all too much and I was thinking about it last night and I really don’t care about being popular if it means being unhappy like this and then I saw you and your girlfriend in here last night and you looked so happy, you never looked like that at school and I want to be happy and I think it means I have to stop caring so much about what everyone else says, like when Nancy and you broke up and everyone was saying those nasty things about you both’ (and okay ouch Steve hadn’t known about that) ‘and you just carried on and you were friends with her and Jonathan and its like it didn’t matter’
Steve ends up saying something about having a wake up call and that it’s not actually that easy to just stop caring but once you realise there’s other stuff out there maybe it’s not so hard after all, he tells her that if she doesn’t really like Jason all that much she should definitely break up with him because it’s fairer to everyone, he notices she flinches slightly at that (is she scared of Jason?), Chrissy mumbles something about not always being able to get away from the problem and Steve sort of gets it because it’s like kids with parental issues can just understand each other so he nods along, tells her she can always come around to Family Video if things are hard and Chrissy nods, thanks him then rushes home so her parents don’t notice she wasn’t actually sick and she was just ditching church for the hell of it
two days later Robin is bounding into the store after school and unloading all the gossip of the day onto Steve ‘and you’ll never guess what, Chrissy Cunningham DUMPED Jason, like right there in the cafeteria, it was brutal but he was such a dick, Eddie Munson told him to back off though and I thought Jason was going to punch him!’, Steve nods along and smiles slightly, proud of this girl he barely knows for doing what was best for her and begrudgingly noting that Eddie Munson might be kinda decent
Chrissy manages to pull herself back from the edge enough that come March Spring Break Vecna discounts her and goes after someone else but now that she’s friendly with Steve she happens to be at Family Video when Max and Dustin come bursting in and she’s also friendly with Eddie so when it seems as though he’s caught up in some dangerous stuff she tags along to help out, she didn’t expect to be walking through an alternate dimension with Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley, whilst Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington have a weird, half flirting conversation behind her and she didn’t expect her heartbeat to jump like it does when Robin smiles at her and holds her hand when they both need a little comfort
it’s hellish but Chrissy comes out of it all in one piece and bonded for life to a group of weirdos and she realises just what sort of wake up call Steve had all those years ago but weirdly maybe some of it was for the best because despite being fallen royalty they’re both happier with themselves than they’ve ever been
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1im-perfect1 · 2 years
Thinking about Nandor and his word choice how much of an open book in a foreign language he is, how he wears his heart on his sleeve while not even comprehending his own decisions and motives and him being dumb not stupid.
The sound effect in 3x08 when he says “I relinquish you of your service” it’s genuine all of season 3 is him slowly changing his behavior with Guillermo and the whole “vampirism is a curse” feels real and genuine because he’s being disingenuous, he has to tell 1 truth and 3 lies “I care about you” drowned by “My cold dead heart” a lie “your just okay personality” another lie “just a little bit” the biggest lie after the heaviest truth, from then on familiar is used as an insult he doesn’t really think of Guillermo that way, 3x09 and 3x10 are all about Nandor playing a part (and all of season 4), 3x09 is pure survival and self-preservation he’s hurting so it means it’s everyone else’s fault, they’re all beneath him and still underneath all the coping there’s tenderness that spills out with Guillermo (that he was so scared was gonna grow apart and instead Nandor is the one that constantly tries to get away).
3x10 is the most strategic Nandor and the most serious we see him, he’s carrying out a plan and that’s why I don’t think Nandor is as stupid or oblivious (as the show might make you think) he knows Guillermo enough to play him, he starts talking about leaving when he hears the door opening, he knows he hasn’t told anything to Guillermo (he would have been the first to know), he mocks him about not being a vampire and giving him one last duty, but at the same time has already a goal in mind he finds someone to plan the journey to rid Guillermo of having to work, he gets a little too excited when he sees Guillermo because he’s getting really happy about it to then before the fight recompose himself and go back into character telling things that would make Guillermo mad, the “You shooed away some assassins who gives a shit” is such a dead giveaway after him fighting a whole month to save Guillermo’s life and how grateful he was about having his life saved also I’m 75% convinced that he knew about the hypnosis...tiny problem he underestimated Guillermo’s reaction but I also think that’s why Nandor is so interested in him, he’s unpredictable.
But Nandor can’t predict others’ actions (Laszlo’s) and can't see through anyone else's lenses so the only way he can explain to himself why Guillermo didn’t come is outright rejection, it’s setting yourself up for failure "the worst outcome" accepting it without listening because you have to come to peace with it, knowing that if you heard it from that person it would tear you apart so you forgive because you don’t want to hear it. But how does he get Guillermo to stay now? He relinquished him of his service in 3x08 so he’s not his employee anymore and in 3x10 he gave him his last duty...mmm he’s been really lonely lately...without...him...check mate, he’s gonna propose in the same exact way as last time but this time to be his best man hoping that he will be jealous...he isn’t...Guillermo’s gonna stop him because it’s too hasty and ridiculous...he doesn’t...he’s gonna ask him impossible stuff for the wedding...he gets everything and also gets Nadja and The Guide to help him...he’s gonna object to the wedding...he’s the only person that doesn’t, well at least Nandor got what he wanted but his wife stops him from spending time with Guillermo and he has a boyfriend, if Guillermo likes his boyfriend what if he likes Guillermo’s boyfriend too but he can’t steal him away that would be cruel and he’s not a cheater, if there’s 2 of the same thing are there 2 or just 1? Everything is resolved him and Guillermo like the same thing but they’re not the same thing but they are, Guillermo is being confusing first he says they are the same thing but when Nandor tries to give him his Freddie he says it’s different, this isn’t fun anymore...well everything is back to normal and it’s wonderful isn't it? Guillermo isn’t his familiar, nor bodyguard, nor best man but here he is and single too...should he question why he’s still there or why he wants him there...nah
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awake-my-oceans · 4 months
Instead of calling it “lazy”
I once saw a post called “the myth of writer’s block.” That is, being stuck while writing is real, but calling it “writer’s block” just implies that the problem isn’t fixable while failing to identify what’s making us stuck. In a similar vein, I’d like to present “the myth of laziness, or, there are real reasons why I’m not doing the thing.”
I don’t have the time/energy/things needed to do the thing right now
I’m overwhelmed right now, and “not doing stuff” is my way of managing that anxiety
I need rest, so I struggle to do anything but low-energy things
I’m technically able but not actually able to get my brain to start the thing, and what looks like laziness is actually an inner struggle to start and/or learned helplessness about starting
“Doing it later” works better than “doing it now”
I’m resting, but I feel guilty about it
I don’t know how to start
This is a helpful use of my current time, energy, and resources, but in different contexts this behavior can be read as lazy, so now I feel guilty again
This saves time and energy in a way that works, and that’s not lazy
I have burnout or caregiver fatigue 
I really want to avoid a specific task since it’s draining/tedious/etc
My stress about something takes most of my energy, so I’m unable to give much energy to other things
Object permanence evades me; I forgot (x) existed until just now
You know that doing activity (x) helps you, so you want me to do it too. However, that’s not how (x) works for me, so I’m not throwing myself into it.
It’s easy for you to do (x), so you think I’m lazy when I don’t do (x), or don’t do it quickly. However, (x) is not easy for me.
The thing I’m avoiding would be the straw that broke the camel’s back, aka even small things can become too much and cause a crisis. I’m busy avoiding that fate.
Doing (x) scares me
There are many, many more reasons someone might be avoiding a task, but these examples are enough to get my point across. Each example is much more useful than the blanket diagnosis of “laziness”—someone who doesn’t know how to start should handle things much differently than someone who’s burnt out or who just forgot about the thing.
Feel free to add your own examples. Note that almost all these reasons are invisible, aka if you see someone doing nothing, it’s hard to tell why. Let’s give a little more grace to people doing “nothing.” After all, they’re probably acting this way because they’re struggling and/or coping, not because they’re indifferent.
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celticcrossanon · 4 months
I am sorry but I am getting scared because of the things people have been saying about William and Kate. I should probably take time away from here now because I’m seriously overthinking things, particularly because of this one blog here who has been warning Wales fans of a coming storm.
But you know what I think? Charles is the problem and always has been. I don’t even think Harry is the problem. There seems to be a lot of accounts that now think both William and Harry are the problem and puts the blame for their behavior on their Spencer-ness. Yes, William and Harry are grown men now and should be held responsible, but the fact of the matter is they’ve both had problematic upbringing and had a traumatic experience. Instead of helping them, their father has only ever used them and thrown them under the bus. These people want to deflect the blame to Diana, but the truth is Charles played and plays a large part too. I see it clearly now, everything that’s happening right now is just an extension of the Charles and Diana war. Harry is just as much a victim of these circumstances. Charles used triangulation, yes. He tore the brothers and their wives apart. Charles really is the biggest problem in all of these. I don’t care anymore, I hope both brothers realize that their father is the real enemy and just work together to bring the house down. What are we even fighting for trying to keep the institution alive? Is it even a beacon of good that it needs to stand the test of time?
I am seriously anticipating something being revealed in the upcoming days because that blog has been warning us. I’m not looking forward to the monarchy ever being able to put up a facade of peace again. My rose-colored glasses are now off. Some people are even beginning to think that Beatrice might become Queen. I’d rather see the monarchy be abolished.
Hi Nonny,
I think that having a break from social media would be a good idea for you. Take some time off, do things you like, and don't follow or think about BRF stuff. We all need breaks to keep our sanity and our perspective.
As for the other things you mention, just because a blog says something does not mean it is going to happen (including this blog). The only storm I expect to see happening in the future is the big reveal that Lady C has been promising us, and even that may turn into a nothing burger. Otherwise, I just take it day by day. That gives me more than enough things to think about and comment upon.
I don't think that any one person is 'the problem' in the sense that of they were gone, everything will be rosy again. I think that what we are seeing is a lot of people with very different agendas trying to make their vision come true in the world, or at the very least hold space for the vision to manifest in the future. As not all visions can be true at the same time, there are power plays and clashing egos and manipulations and machinations all over the place. Right now we are in the storm. In time, like everything else, it will pass and we will be able to see what is standing at the end of it.
I like having a monarchy and a king as my head of state, so I want that to be preserved. I'm certainly not going to start tearing it down until the people of the UK have indicated that that is what they want. They are the ones with the most voice in the ongoing existence of the monarchy as far as I am concerned.
Monarchies don't have to be beacons of good. They just have to exist and function as a form of government together with the parliament. Expecting anything else of them is like expecting every president to be an angel of light and goodness, and we all know that is not the case.
It would take the deaths of King Charles, the Prince of Wales, his three children, Harry, his children, and Prince Andrew for Princess Beatrice to be in a position to inherit the throne. I can not see that happening in the future.
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claraxbarton · 5 months
You might have answered this before, BUT I’m a recent follower and curious ok!! Generally speaking, what is your writing process like? I’m genuinely so impressed by how many different fics you’ll have going simultaneously and they’re all updated SO frequently. AND THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD?? Like do you have vague plans/outlines or drafts that you expand on/edit? Your accountability post will mention writing a few thousand words and then there’s an update the same day and it’s written so well lmao it blows my MIND bc it seems like you just come up with the plot on the fly and then casually write a lil masterpiece after work like it’s nbd. All of this to say I appreciate your work so much ♥️
So uh, to start off with, I'm guessing when you say you recently started following me, you're probably just reading my HRPF fics? I SAY that/ask that because I've bounced through a few fandoms and I kind of go back and forth between being VERY prolific and finishing up projects and kind of... losing steam.
To be fair to me and not to scare anyone off, before this year I have, for the last decade and change, been juggling two full time jobs, part time work, childcare and a lot of volunteer work PLUS trying to write so like, I'm cutting myself some slack on abandoned projects. Because I'm finally down to 1 full time job and 1 part time gig that is only during the summer. I will ALSO say, in December I switched meds for my anxiety/depression so I'm on a new dose, new meds for the first time in 5 years and I do think that's been really impactful in a positive way.
SO, exposition and TMI out of the way:
I wish I could say I had a really clear process that I follow every time, but I don't want to lie. I create docs with notes - I'm thinking about including those as an epilogue chapter on the fics I'm currently working on, if anyone is interested in my scribbles aside from myself and my beta - and SOMETIMES I create outlines. A lot of the time, I will write a chapter or two and THEN create the outline? That's what happened with Gold Rush, but also with Gold Rush, I have already deviated from the outline like... a lot.
I'm trying to be way more chill with myself than I used to be. I was in this deep grind of forcing myself to be productive because that's where my value was (@kangofu-cb is a real one and has been trying to beat this out of me for years. Beating with love). And I'll be honest, being kinder to myself and putting less pressure is, like, so far, so good.
I usually have about, like... a dozen or so fic ideas in my head at any one time (@dwisp can attest to the DAILY messages of 'hear me out' as can @kangofu-cb), but I uh, I really feel 4 long fic is my simultaneous max.
I also have a problem with like, so if you DO want to read some of my not HRPF stuff, I think a good primer is the WinterhawkHood month I did in October with a fic a day, and the consistent issue is: I feel like I'm really good at creating a premise and that premise wants to exist beyond 2-5k. So longfic is probably the format to best tell the stories I want to tell, but, like, writing shorter fic is a lot of fun? That also does NOT answer your question.
Oh! MUSIC! It's so so so so important to my process. I used to put on specific artists, like really get into a singular vibe for a fic. But these days it's just my routine sleepy sad girl playlists (name coined by a former assistant and like she wasn't wrong). Which also probably explains how much sad sack Leon there is in my current fics. I should probably like, get some new playlists going...
Uh, in terms of like, my style/my ideas... so my professional life is theatre adjacent, and I think because of that, dialogue and THE INCITING INCIDENT are really important to me. So usually any fic idea forms around the kernal of the meet ugly and some choice words.
Like, for Gold Rush, I absolutely started from the idea of Leon being a bitch to the press and getting a text from an unknown number/Matthew and it just grew from there.
For Playing Favorites, I absolutely wanted to have former camboy Vince realize his new... work colleague??? Adam Larsson knew he was a former camboy. Which is funny because that moment happens in the middle of the fic (which I AM going to update again soon, y'all might vote consistently for Gold Rush in the polls but this weekend I think it's gotta be some love for my two Lars&Dunn fics).
For Northern Attitude, that inciting incident is, uh, about to occur in ch4 that I'm currently working on. And it's. Well. Yeah. So I got the idea for that 'scene' if you will first and then figured it out backwards?
For Wildfire that, too, has an inciting incident that has yet to make it into a chapter. But she's coming soon.
So really, only Gold Rush started as the beginning as far as ideas went for me? That said, I still START at the beginning when I write. I used to scribble down scenes and then piece them in, but I honestly found it constrained me more than anything else and I'm aware that doesn't make much sense.
I feel like this entire answer is a total nonanswer of me just blathering away. I hope at least part of this is what you wanted and uh... sincerely? Thank you for asking. It means a lot and like, my process is weird and inconsistent but I do genuinely love to talk about my writing.
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dumping-ideas · 1 year
In the matter of Tsukasa’s past and experiences with people (aka Saki hospital, Toya and his father, scared of people thinking of him less) I think he’s like Mizuki as well. The Mafuyu and Tsukasa coin is not obvious but it is noticeable by a lot, but for the MizuKasa coin? I think I may be the only one so far to realize that
They’re both hiding their true feelings inside their heart.
Think about it, even if Rui and Mizu have a parallel together, Mizu has a parallel with Tsukasa as well
Tsukasa covers his feelings and reflects questions on his “okayness” on everyone else but himself. He hides them with the “I’m a star! I’ll be alright!” stuff as well as acting like he’s incredibly confident. Reflecting questions rises WXS’s confusion. They care, they really care about Tsukasa if it’s not clear enough in the recent Rui and Emu event. Yet for some reason, he’s scared.
Mizuki covers their feelings with laughter and false emotions. They seem to hide their feelings with their friend’s feelings as well as avoiding the subject. As seen when Mafuyu confronts Mizuki about it during their first meeting in the Sekai, they’re hiding it full on. Their event “My Footsteps, Your Destination” is mainly about that problem. (I REFUSE to use the Eng Dub’s translated name.) Even after Ena confronts them, they’ll keep their secret for as long as they can.
What if one of the events show WXS confronting Tsukasa about it? I think he’ll say that everything is alright and if they keep pushing…well I’m not sure.
The parallels of being the “hey let’s pretend everything is alright so we can make others smile” is real between Mizuki and Tsukasa. Mizuki helped everyone before their confrontation with Ena but Tsukasa whose been helping everyone from the start hasn’t exactly gotten one yet (I might be wrong) Maybe his next event will cover his perspective on retrieving his dreams or staying with WXS?
There’s parallels between Tsukasa and everyone in N25 actually but I’ll head on Ena in my next ask
Thank you for your ask!!
I don't know about western fandom cause I don't interact with it much, but in JP fandom Tsukasa's entanglement with Niigo is pretty common in fics. I think a lot of JP fic writers see Tsukasa as the embodiment of the 'light/positive side of Niigo members personality traits', and I also agree with them as well. Like, Mafuyu's and Kanade's parallel to Tsukasa is pretty obvious for them (and damn there's a lot of of good MafuKasa fic in JP and not in the romantic shipping way either), and just like you, they also noticed Mizuki's parallel to Tsukasa---the one where they try to hide their pain from their close ones with a smile and being helpful.
And iirc isn't in Mizuki's 2nd banner, they reflected on the fact that even though they knew Ena and everyone cared for them, Mizuki was still scared to say the truth because of a slim (almost impossible really) possibility of rejection? They knew it was an irrational fear too, but that's what trauma of being rejected do to people. However, Tsukasa's reluctance to open up to WxS doesn't come from the same fear of rejection. The way I see it, he's fixated on being the dependable one so much that he didn't want to depend on others. And if he showed his vulnerable side to them, what if they stop depending so much on him out of worry from burdening him too much? I think it's as simple as that. So, while Mizuki said 'I don't want them to leave me like other people', Tsukasa would say 'I don't want them to stop relying on me'.
I think the reason why Tsukasa's problems doesn't really get any spotlight in the 2+ years of proseka is because for the person himself it's never a problem. He doesn't feel conflicted nor hurt from hiding a side of him, unlike Mizuki. In fact, Tsukasa might even think he's not hiding from WxS because it's just the way it is for him. As long as the person himself think of it as insignificant, the story can't really highlight it, can it? Tsukasa and his inability to be vulnerable is just like Kanade and her fixation on saving people with her music because it's her duty and a way to 'atone' for her 'sin'.
Besides, in the current storyline, Emu, Rui, and Nene are already troubled by the idea of WxS separation, so I think it'll be a long long time of waiting if we wanna see WxS confronting Tsukasa like Ena confronting Mizuki. And even if they confronted him about it, I could see Tsukasa deflecting them with one of his minor worries, unlike Mizuki who couldn't deceive Ena.
I also agree that the next event might be an event where Tsukasa's dream is pitted against WxS. Emu's brothers foreshadowed it, so was Rui in his card SS. And although it was a question that was already asked in WMS (and Tsukasa answered by choosing WxS, and even said that he would choose the same every time iirc), this time he might be more conflicted. In WMS, his world was still as small as PWL. But after they went around places in Japan to promote PWL, seeing world-class level theater in Pop in My Heart, and collaborating with one of the best theater troupe and actor in Japan in Curtain Call, Tsukasa had realized that he's still lacking in so many aspects in realizing his dreams. Heck, Curtain Call last episode had Tsukasa indirectly telling Rui that he would prioritize WxS just for Rui telling him not to. I'm positive that he would choose WxS in the end (and Rui would also help him to achieve his dreams), but it was the process that will be interesting to read.
Oooh, about the Ena and Tsukasa parallel, is it about their need for others' recognition, their hard working tendencies in an industry where the more talented thrived, and generally stubborn nature? There's also this one really adorable EnaKasa fic that I really like too! I'll be waiting for your ask! (≧∇≦)/
(Also, it's neat that their names look so colorful in your ask! How do you that Tumblr magic???)
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yanban-san · 2 years
(chatting! not a request) i think it’d be rather charming if the boys’ darling would be so confused by their inhuman insecurity and reassure them - not that like. it’s playing into any kink or anything but just like any human would react to friend expressing an insecurity. oh, emmet accidentally grew too many fingers? it’s fine it doesn’t bother them in fact it’s kind of silly that their brain thought more fingers = more to hold. ingo being nervous that his shadow is too dark?? why! it’s just a part of him- plenty of humans have plenty of insecurities, they aren’t any less lovable because they’re less than the Platonic Ideal Of Humanity. meanwhile i’m sure it’s some eldritch standard to present as The Best You Can Be. but humans are imperfect and it’s fine w their darling if the boys are as well!!
CW: More Angsty Stuff with the Eldritch Demon Boys- I'll put angst stuff under a cut for those who would rather avoid it as well. :) (Though there is cute fluffy goodness at the bottom)
I love this idea but it's not so much they're... insecure about their appearances, so much as the weight of the fact that when you first summoned them into this world... (As the current premise goes) they ended up hurting you so horribly it traumatized them; Being in their presence caused you pain. Now, they did gain some insecurities because of their fear of trying to confess to you, but primarily- For Darling, it's a fear of hurting you again. They hate the idea of hurting you- And their real forms cause you pain. Ergo, they begin to hate that they're mind bending embodiments of ancient, unfathomable forces and not just. The Super Cool Subway Bosses Who Love You Very Much. Emmet runs off not because he's afraid you'd call him a monster, but because you might be blinded or set on fire or worse- Ingo knows his real presence causes people to become terrified, but he's also scared of losing you in his shadows-
You are very fragile. And tiny. And your life is so short, so transient, compared to theirs- Not to mention the whole "Eldritch Demons have other Eldritch Demons for soulmates, not humans." They've never met a successful Human-to-Demon soulbind before that wasn't inevitably destroying itself from the human's hatred or flat-out rejection of their terrifying, otherworldly captor- They've never seen a bond where the human and the demon get along. Which is... not good. It's very bad. Very, extremely bad. Super bad.
And they want the good ending. They want you to be theirs, forever. Desperately. Terrifyingly desperately. They want you. They want your heart. They want you to love them. They think that will fix the soulbind problem.
They hope that will fix the soulbind problem.
meanwhile i’m sure it’s some eldritch standard to present as The Best You Can Be.
Oh it absolutely is. Anything less than perfect from either of them makes them frustrated as all get out- They're extremely powerful, and yet they can't mimic a mere human form perfectly? They can make perfect mimicries of human life just fine- The Depot Agents don't randomly sprout extra limbs or teeth-! Why can't they do it to themselves??
but humans are imperfect and it’s fine w their darling if the boys are as well!!
That's only once Darling accepts their demonly demonicness- Until then they're getting the wonderful human experience of Anxiety and Nervousness and Fear and Overthinking- Because they don't know if you'll accept them as they are!
But going off that idea, Kudari and Nobori would be... beyond elated you find their monstrous appearances or uncanny differences endearing rather than terrifying. It's more reassurance that you really do love them-! Emmet would probably explode with extra limbs and wings if you remarked that he shouldn't be worried about having an extra finger pop up on his hands- It just means there's more of him to grab. If you like the comforting shadows of Ingo's darkness, all of a sudden Ingo's got you wrapped under his coat lovingly and possessively- and you can feel something grabbing at you in the darkness of the coat. If you look up at him his face has a faint blush and his slit-pupils are wider than normal, and he'll just be staring down at you with the deepest affection he can muster. His darling little adorable human looks so precious, adorned with his darkness, held by him-!
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musette22 · 7 months
hey minnie! I hope this is not too out of topic but I was curious why you decided to do a side-blog and if you‘d recommend it.
I’m new to tumblr and a bit clueless but I’ve been reading your blog and saw you always give amazing answers.
I have many interests but my blog is only really devoted to one because I’m scared people will get annoyed if I reblog or post about other stuff.
just now tho, I’ve seen a post from someone I always like stuff from talking about how it’s pretty rude to not reblog and just like because of the „I like it but it‘s not good enough for my followers to see“ implication. And because tumblr is supposed to be a community and reblogging is the biggest feature.
I know your main blog is also just devoted to evanstan/stucky so I thought you might understand and have some thoughts. So I guess I’m asking what were your reasons to make a side blog and is it better to have several where I might only post very sporadically or should I just say fuck it and put it all in one but risk diminishing my chances at having mutuals? Or just continue liking and not reblogging? I don‘t know tumblr etiquette but you seem very well versed in it and if I’ll listen to someone it‘s definitely gonna be you!
I hope you have a great day and I’m a big fan
Hello sweetheart! ❤️ Thank you for your ask, this is a very interesting question, actually! And I totally understand why you'd be a bit lost here and unsure how to go about this, so I'll do my best to help.
I'll put the rest of my reply under the cut, because it got kind of long (is anyone surprised, really)
First of all, I truly truly think that being on tumblr and blogging should be something that's primarily for your own enjoyment, and I think that you can literally do whatever you like! There may be a bit of etiquette, sure, but there are no real rules (apart from not being an asshole to other people, but that goes without saying). Go wild and have fun, that's the main rule of tumblr imo! <3
Having said that though, I do understand your concerns, specifically with regard to wanting to make mutuals and friends! But also, the liking but not reblogging issue *is* kind of a problem Tumblr has been facing for a while now. I always figured it was mostly due to the influence of Instagram, which it probably is, but it's interesting to get this new perspective. I don't think I'd ever really considered that there are users on this site who *only* like certain things not because they don't like the content enough to reblog it, but because the post doesn't fit their blog's theme and they don't want to spam their followers and mutuals with things they didn't sign up for. That's interesting, and a valid consideration! And also, I really like what you said about Tumblr being a community and reblogging being its biggest feature - you get it!! <3 So I understand your dilemma, and I think making a side blog would definitely solve a lot of it, to be honest.
I personally have a few different reasons for making a side blog for my other fandom instead of just reblogging everything on my main. One of those reasons is that I myself like to curate my dash quite carefully and tailor it to my interests as much as possible. I do that by following blogs that post the kind of stuff I'm interested in of course, but also by filtering pretty much everything I have no interest in. That does mean I get a LOT of filtered posts on my dash, but after a while you kind of learn to tune them out. So because that's how I like to tailor my own dash, the idea of putting lots of stuff my mutuals and followers don't care about on their dashes just doesn't feel right to me. That's not to say I blame anyone else for using their main for all of their interests, because it's their blog, and if that's how they want to do it then good for them! I'll filter out the stuff I don't want to see and then it's all good. But it's just not how I personally wanted to do it, I'm a bit too neurotic for that. Also, because my main has a lot of followers, I'd feel extra bad for spamming so many people with other stuff, you know? 😅
On a related side note, I'll admit that I have unfollowed people whose main blog theme shifted over time from our mutual interest to something I didn't know or care about, but a few posts here and there is not going to be reason for me to unfollow. It really only happens when people completely jump ship, you know? And then there are also people I have become so close with that even that didn't affect our friendship, and I am still mutuals with them just because I like them as people and I enjoy their presence on my dash, even if I don't know what they're talking about half the time 😅 By which I'm trying to say that if you make the right friends, it won't really matter what you post and where!
Another reason for making a side blog is that I liked the freedom a new blog brought to just be as unhinged as I wanted about my other ship and interests without having to keep reiterating on my main that having a "new" interest didn't mean I was giving up my other interests, you know? I like being able to post as much as I like on my sideblog without feeling like I have to hold back for whatever reason. And maybe part of it was also that a side blog allowed me to show a different side to myself there that I don't show on my main a lot? On my side blog, no one knew me or had any expectations of how I talked or what I posted, and it's just good to just do whatever!
I'm not sure if any of that is helpful to you though, if you're still quite new on Tumblr, but maybe it provides a bit of context that might be useful. While I can't tell you for sure what the right way to go about it would be for you, because it differs from person to person, I do think making a side blog (or maybe even more than one) could be a good way to separate your interests, and not having to feel like you're annoying people either by spamming them or by not reblogging their posts. I don't think it necessarily matters if you only post on your sideblogs sporadically, by the way. You can still interact with people in those fandoms and make friends and mutuals even if you don't post constantly! I've made a few new friends in the Milex/AM fandom that only pop in every now and then, and I don't like them any less for it.
It took me a hot minute to get used to having a side blog I used frequently (I have a couple more for Bangs and such, but I don't use them often) and I did accidentally post to the wrong blog quite a bit in the beginning, but it's definitely gotten easier with time! So don't be deterred by that. I'd say, give the side blog(s) a go, and if it doesn't work for you, you can just stop using them and try a different approach! I hope that whatever you settle on will help you have a more enjoyable fandom experience, in any case 💗 Hope this very long winded reply helped a little, lovely! Sending hugs xxx
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Disclaimer: if read this and think I hate Tae then that’s a you problem not a me problem
I don’t hate Tae, I really don’t, he is the reason I’m into BTS in the first place, but it is mind blowing to me how Tkkers try to be so oblivious to everything Tae does. They will sit around all day calling JM the fanservice King but will hype up anytime Tae mentions JK in his 5 min livestreams. Yet completely ignore how JK does a 1hr or more for livestreams and barely (if at all) utter Tae’s name. Now I’m not comparing bonds, because they all are different from one another. Tkkers could talk about how Jikook is so one sided but purposefully ignore the fact that with Jikook it has always been mutual. Tkkers also completely ignore how Tae throws himself at all the members but mostly Jin and Hobi. They be like Jikook onstage moments are fanservice but then you have Tae flirting with every member, again mostly Jin and Hobi. They lost their minds when they saw TKK standing together in the photos they took. Went on about how Jikook were not next to each so that meant that Jikook did not speak to each other and then bomb. Bang tan Bomb was released and showed them otherwise. The insecurity quickly comes and goes with every Jikook and TKK moment that happens. I try not to pay attention to them over the small things but I draw the line at them accusing JM of horrible things.
This is why I think a lot of Tkkers don’t actually ship Taekook but only want them together not only for their visuals but for their fantasies. There is just no way Tkkers can get all this stuff from TKK and still be so pissed over a hug that JK basically melting into. It is so obvious that a good portion of Tkkers a clearly scared of Jikook possibly being real and are even more scared that JK might actually care and love JM, not as a romantic partner but just in general.
Now down to what pisses me off more than Tkkers…Armys or shall I say “Armys”. Tkkers have been saying that JM is SA-ing JK, h****ssing JK, A wording JK and R wording JK but what do “Armys” do? Well, Jkkers and Tkkers are like sibling, Jkkers call Tae an attention seeker (this is mostly based off of a specific tweet, where an “army” did compare Jkkers and JM solo Stan’s calling Tae an attention seekers to Tkkers calling JM a h****sser). Like this is why Tkkers are getting away with so much stuff, from h****ssing jewelry brands to models to members and “Armys” do nothing about it. There response to to everything is “ignore them and they will go away” or “I don’t wanna get involved in a fanwar”. This ain’t a fanwar and ignoring them is exactly why they have gotten so much worse. Making up horrible accusations is not something that should be taken lightly. If media outlets pick those accusations up (so glad they haven’t yet) it would be so bad for BTS. Also Armys are so quick to come at Blinks for all the horrible stuff they say about JM but can’t do the same thing towards Tkkers? What??!!! Is it because Blinks don’t just target JM they target all of BTS? But if that was the case than doesn’t that mean they should go after Tkkers as well? Tkkers token Stan Jin, Hobi and Yoongi mainly and that gets them dragged by JM solo Stan’s. So, it’s obvious that alot of “Armys” are Tkkers as well and share the same thoughts (JM is bothering JK and JK hates JM) as Tkkers do. This is why I say “if you think/act like a Tkker than I’m gonna say you are a Tkker”. Like there is no reason why we have been dealing with the same stuff since 2017. GCFT must’ve really bothered them a lot, especially since every time it the anniversary for GCFT, they lose their minds about how it was suppose to be a Vminkook trip.
I think anon the biggest problem is that they are scary. People are scared of them so they don't call them out..
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Capable of so much evil
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I don't need to list the shit they've done. We all know. From photoshopping Jimin with bangpd to throwing shit at him in LV with the intent to harm him. They are dangerous. True ot7 accounts can't post about Jikook because they get attacked. Jimin fucking scares them and I don't know why.
The vermin are also OT1. They are V solos point black period. Because when JK dotes on Jimin and ignores V they go for the jugular. On the one half of their ship. I mean, the fact that they call Jikook FS is already super disrespectful to JK but they don't care about that. I honestly dk why V has the shittiest fans.
Look around, you will a find a Suga biased army, who is a Jkkr. You will find a Jin biased army who is a Jkkr, you will find a Hobi biased army who is a Jkkr. RM too. But you know what you will NEVER find? A V biased army who is a Jkkr. It boggles my mind. Truly. But I blame Taekook_lives and any other vermin with a YT channel or a TT. I blame big twitter accounts that hate on Jimin. Because they're the ones who watch original content and decide to spread lies. It in turn causes this chain reaction. They know tkkrs are not going to watch original content. Because they hate to see JK and Jimin all over each other. So they take advantage of it.
I am sad that members have to enlist. But I am looking forward to seeing what will happen to this group of people when they only have 5 year old content to work with for 2 years. Because lets face it, the good stuff was before JK and V fell out. When they still used to be close. Taekook are better now, but it ain't the same. Hopefully we can shed this dead weight when members are gone.
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okayto · 2 years
Case Study in How to More Effectively Email the Library for Help
Email received (sent to general library email address):
[Subject:] “Video Activity: Social Problems Among Americans.”
[Body:] “Please help me with this video. My assignment is due [date two days from now].”
There’s a moment, when I receive emails like these, when I just have to stop and catch my breath. There is so much information missing that it’s hard to know where to start because I don’t want to scare the student off, but look: is the subject the name of the video, or your assignment? What do you need help with? Are you trying to find it? Do you need information related to it? Do you think I know what your class and assignment are? Because I don’t! I don’t know anything at this point.
So of course I am going to reply to the student and clarify, but if you find yourself in a similar situation, here’s an example of what an email could look like that will help the librarians help you faster and better:
[Subject:] “Finding video 'Social Problems Among Americans’”
[Body:] “Hello, I’m supposed to watch the video ‘Social Problems Among Americans’ for my class and the professor said it was in a library database, but I can’t find it. Can you help me?”
[Subject:] “Finding videos on library website”
[Body:] “Hello, I am working on an assignment and need to watch and respond to videos about social problems in America. How do I find videos with the library?”
What do you see in these two examples? Let’s break it down.
The subjects are both have short but descriptive. The first one makes it clear they’re searching for a specific video, and the second example clarifies they just need help finding videos altogether. They don’t need to be super specific, because that’s what the actual message is for. Both put the most important words (”finding video”/”finding videos”) at the beginning, so even if the rest of the subject gets cut off, it’s easy to see at first glance what they need.
The message starts with the most important information: what they need help with. (I am leaving out the greeting from this analysis, but like...greetings are polite, y’all. I recommend them. Same with a signoff.) Both examples are very short, to match the length and tone of the real email I’m basing them on, but you can absolutely include more information. Just add any extra info after the main point.
In the first example, the student knows and communicates the specific video title, and that they’ve been told it’s accessible via the library. That gives the librarian a good place to start! The student could also include any extra information about the video, if they knew it (“It’s from a PBS series called Titles of Stuff and came out in 2015″), because extra details never hurt, but what they have in that short email would be enough to easily get started.
In the second example, they student could include information about what “social problems” are--if I got this email in real life, I might ask to clarify that, because when searching, maybe “social problems” as a search term don’t bring up a lot of useful video results when I’m in the right database, but “poverty” or “educational inequality” will. Or they might just copy-and-paste the explanation from their syllabus into a new paragraph, deciding that it explains what they’re looking for best. The key thing here is that after they say what their problem is and what they need help with, then they provide that additional information.
Now even if the librarian needs to ask clarifying questions, those questions can be a lot more specific, instead of “what video and what do you need help with” like the original email.
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josefavomjaaga · 1 year
Napoleonic daily soap, episode 5: 12 Vendémiaire
Scene: The Tuileries. Evening, torch lights. People running to and fro, soldiers gathering in the courtyard, scared members of the Convention barricading themselves.
Cut to Barras’ improvised war room. A table with a map of Paris. Barras walks up and down behind it, talking to some generals gathered in front of him, among them Brune and Napoleon.
„I do not need to tell you, gentlemen, that the situation is dire. I mean, we’re having a real crisis here, with people wanting to kill us. Again. Royalists this time. And as I do not know the first thing about military stuff, I have called for you, so that you can take care…“
Napoleon [cuts him off]:
„Why, of course you would have. And it’s a good thing you did. [walks briskly up to the table and leans over the map, the other generals follow suite, completely ignoring Barras] So, let’s see. The obvious keypoints we have to protect are [points at the map] here, here and here.“
Brune [annoyed]:
„Possibly. But what makes you think you are giving the orders here? Don’t you think you should ask our opinion first?“
Napoleon [astonished]:
„Why? I mean, is there something I overlooked, do you not agree with me?“
„No, you’re quite right, it’s just that…“
„Well, excellent. Listen, Brune, you take a couple of men and position yourself here. The other gentlemen occupy the rest of the positions I have pointed out. [turns around to Barras] And as I am the only artilleryman here, I’ll take care of the canons. We’ll position them right at the entrance of the Tuileries, in order to give those insurgents a proper welcome.“
Barras [awkwardly]
„Well, about those canons… that might be a problem.“
„What problem?“
„We don’t have any.“
„No canon? But I’m an artillery general. Why did you even call for me then?“
„Well, I thought…“
Napoleon [annoyed]:
„I really do not like it when people waste my time. Or when an employer does not even provide the proper tools for the job. I am not used to bringing my own stuff to work, that’s highly annoying. But I can see that you are in deep shit indeed, so I will let it go. Where’s the next artillery depot?“
„There are some canons in Sablons, I am told. But I’m afraid the royalists know that, too. They’re probably already on their way to get them. And as they do outnumber us, I doubt you will find somebody dumb… I mean: courageous enough to try and get those canons to Paris before them.“
CUT to new scene: Tuileries courtyard. Darkness, a fire burning. Several cavalrymen holding in the saddle, happily chatting with each other and with some foot soldiers nearby.
Murat [on a horse, proudly tugging at his pelisse, to a soldier]
„So, how do you like it?“
„I do not think it’s in accordance with army regulations for cavalry uniforms.“
Murat [grinning]
Of course it’s not. It has style, unlike our army regulations. Plus, it’s my favourite colour. You have to see it in daylight.
Another cavalryman:
„I have. It’s an eyesore.“
„Correction. It would be an eyesore on you. On me, it’s the most fetching piece of clothing one can imagine, and I dare say the ladies will pay much attention to it.“
[Napoleon’s voice from off-screen]
„Hey, you there. On the horse!“
„I think he means you, Murat.“
„Impossible. If he meant me, he would have said: Hey, you there, that most handsome and dashing one on the horse! [turns around, beams at Napoleon] What can I do for you, mon général?“
Napoleon [stops to regard him]:
„I do not think your uniform is quite in accordance with army regulations.“
„That’s quite possible, sir. We’re cavalry.“
„Whatever. I have an errand for you. Do you know where Sablons is? I need somebody to go there and pick up some canon for me.“
„Sounds easy enough. Where’s the catch?“
„You have to be back before daylight, and there’s a royalist mob on the way likely to attack you. Do you think you can do it?“
Murat [sits tall in the saddle, with dramatic flourish]:
„How can you even ask me that, general? Do not doubt me, I am Joachim Murat! Here we are, I and my men, to your service, ready to give our blood for the fatherland and its republic, ready to bring those canons here before rose-fingerend Eos awakens the day, or to die trying! Let all impertinent royalists of France stand in my way, let an army of ten thousand waylay us, it will not keep me from doing my sacred duty!“
Napoleon [stares at him open-mouthed, but without a word, as realization sets in]
„You are Gascon.“
Murat [beams, proudly]
„I sure am. [the smile vanishes, he leans down from his horse to Napoleon, in a serious tone] But I will still get you those canons, sir.“
Napoleon [nods]
„Be quick.“
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ashtraythief · 3 months
So, firstly, I just have to say, I mcfreaking LOVE your work. The Underneath series? Mwuah, chef’s kiss, changed my brain chemistry. I will forever be inspired by and cherish your work. Perhaps I can’t properly express my appreciation for your writing and the characterizations and world-building you’ve done, but please know that I appreciate your work dearly and it never fails to inspire me to write better every time that I read something of yours.
That being said, I was re-reading the Underneath series, yes? And I’m on the second chapter of Pressure Point where Busy tells Jared that Alona was the one to reach out to her. And I realized something. Although you’ve never touched upon it explicitly in your fics from what I can remember, I realized that, just like the other agents that aren’t on a case, her information is accessible on the FBI’s database, something of which we know Jared has access to. We also know that Alona is Jensen’s make-believe sister. In True Lies Jared mentions that Jensen had once told him that he and his sister look similar. What if Jared wants a photo of her? Or even just wants to know concretely how she looks like? I can’t remember if Jensen had actually ever shown Jared a photo of her — being that he was extremely protective of her because as we know he can’t let Jared get any sort of close to Jensen’s real identity which includes Alona in herself — but if he hasn’t yet, it makes me wonder (and scared!) how that might bring upon the beginning of the end for them. Because then Jared would be able to connect the dots. “Your sister looks like Special Agent Alona Tal? Your sister IS Special Agent Alona Tal???” And see the thing is, even Jensen doesn’t know that it was Alona that approached Busy. He just knows it was Morgan who set everything up. So he wouldn’t know showing Jared a picture of his “sister” is a deadly mistake.
Of course I’m not actually sure if Alona’s information is even on the database or if Jensen would ever show Jared a picture of his “sister,” but it was a possibility I realized while re-reading Pressure Point and rediscovering that it was Alona that approached Busy, not Morgan or one of the other agents.
Truthfully I’m scared of the possibility because obviously I love the boys and want them to live a happily ever after together! But I suppose I had to share my horrified thoughts with you and get some insight on this possibility.
Thank you again for all the work you do! I’ve gained so much from you allowing us to read your creations and I’m all the better for it. Keep doing what your doing and be proud of the work you are doing!
- An avid fan <3
Omg *flails wildly* nonnie, thank you so so much for your kind words, I'm kind of speechless. Obviously it means a lot to me when people enjoy my writing but knowing that it inspired someone is insane? And lovely? It's all the things and I have all the feelings now, and I can express them properly like the good writer I am lol.
As for your question, omg, that is a deep dive. And I get the anxiety, but I think the simple answer is that Jensen will never allow them to meet and never plans to show Jared a picture. Mostly it's because Jensen never thought the charade would go that far. I think Jensen never expected to be with Jared for years and that Jared wanting to see/meet his sister would eventually become a real problem. It could be now, but I think the longer Jensen is with Jared, the less he pretends to be in contact with his sister and as someone who doesn't have a lot of contact with his own family, I don't think that Jared finds it very strange. Esp bc Jensen's reasons for keeping her away from all the crime stuff are solid. So I think Alona/Jensen's sister aren't a problem. Jensen has other problems and liabilities that might be much more dangerous in the future 😅
And I can only return your sentiment, nonnie. My life has become so much better since I've started writing and sharing my stories. Sometimes knowing that people enjoy my fics so much they take the time to send me tumblr messages still feels absolutely batshit. In the best possible way. And while I am proud of (most lol) of my writing, l am most proud that I can write something that brings other people joy.
Thank you so so much 💙
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