#I love Dylan y’all know this
eddiernunson · 6 months
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Really Drives Me Mad | Older!Eddie x Fem!Reader | 18+
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Word Count: 10k
Chapter contains: brief pregnant!reader, babies/kids…this is like a lil collection of blurbs. I have some head canons about each OC I can post if you’d like xoxo
I had ideas about their kids for ages, lol. This crazy lil family is chaotic
Still thank you to @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you and @bebe07011 for without you two this fic wouldn’t nearly be this good
Third trimester is a bitch. I barely have the bandwidth to write lately. I hope you enjoy
Two pink little lines stare back at you as Eddie turns the shower on, completely oblivious to the manic state you’re in.  
He offers you to join him, a temptation you decline with an intense amount of reluctance. You just claim you need your own bed, which was true.  
Eddie missed four weeks of work while you were on your luxe honeymoon, which means he now has several fires to put out. It keeps him busy for the week, making the doctor’s appointments and blood work you do that much easier when he passes right out on his couch at the end of his long days.  
The following week, knowing you're pregnant but not being able to tell him is pure torture. It doesn't help that for some odd reason Eddie seems more lovey, more affectionate. Your first instinct is to chalk it up to your newlywed status, but his affection feels different, the way his arms wrap around you each morning to wake you up, his gentle voice low in your ear. It's driving you up a wall not being able to share your secret with him.  
He seems to consistently have a hard time letting you go to leave for work (not that you’re complaining.) Though eventually you have to practically push him out the door.   
The ultrasound is nearly dull, the implantation in question is only a bundle of cells, but once you get a photo from the tech at the end of the appointment, it’s the very thing you needed to tell Eddie.  
After another early night of falling asleep you empty the face of the fridge, yanking every magnet off as you place the sonogram on the silver surface with a pink heart magnet right at his eye level.
Eddie wakes in the middle of the night, a sudden urge to rise hitting him out of nowhere. His arm tightens around your waist, admiring your pretty face as he kisses your cheek. Your face falters only the littlest bit, twitching your muscles to shake off the tickle of his stubble.   
He finds himself starving, craving something only a feral racoon would also be satisfied with. He rubs his eyes as he walks down the steps. Sometimes he thinks he’s going to see you back in the kitchen chair in the dress and bathing suit, Dylan searching manically for a parking pass as if Eddie has imagined this whole dream scenario. Your love is just too good not to think he’d made it all up at times. He smiles to himself as he turns on the stove light, turning to the fridge for a snack.   
He feels frozen by the blank fridge at first, wondering where all the magnets got to. The black and white image staring him dead in the face suddenly registers, the heart shaped magnet falling to the floor as he rushes to pick it up to make sure his tired eyes aren’t fucking with him. They bulge out of his head when the significance of the photo occurs to him, and the hunger that woke him up seems to vanish.
His long legs take the stairs two and three at a time as he rushes back to you, hurling himself beneath the covers.   
The cold of his arms startles you, a gasp leaving your lips from the shock as you abruptly awoke. “Hmm?”  
“Are you fucking pregnant, sweetheart?” His eyes are unbearably soft, melted pools of milk chocolate staring intently at you.
A burst of sleepy giggles leaves your mouth, turning your body so you don't have to crane your neck. “You got up early.” You comment, weaving your fingers into his curls.   
“Skip the pleasantries, love.” He dismisses, scooping his arms beneath your back. “Are you fucking pregnant?”   
You pull him in for a kiss, your legs wrapping around his hips to pull him down against you. “What’s the sonogram tell you?”    
He chuckles against your lips, his thumbs swaying against your smiling cheeks. “You’re a little shit, you know that?” You nod, absentmindedly playing with his curls. “Fuck, I’m so excited right now, baby.”   
“Really?” You ask him, grinning.   
“I just found out my wife is having my baby. Are you fucking kidding me?” he asks, rutting his hips against yours desperately. “I’m rock hard, sweets.”   
Lucky for you and him, you opted for a pair of tiny panties and a t-shirt to bed, feeling his hardened cock against the thin lace fabric of your panties. Your fingers fumble to his boxers, hurriedly pushing them down his hips. “Then fuck me.”   
Eddie gently pulls the fabric aside, exposing it as his head perfectly brushes against your entrance. “God, my girl is soaked for me, ain’t she?”   
Your thighs tighten around his hips, jaw dropping as he teases you. “Want you, please, Ed.” Your eyes squeeze shut, relishing in the feeling of him pressed against you 
He pushes in, arms wrapping themselves around your torso. “Oh my god you’re having my fucking baby,” Eddie mumbles, face curling into your neck. “Gonna see your stomach all big when you’re carrying my baby, sweets, and you’ll be even hotter than you are now. Which I thought was impossible.”   
No words come to mind, mouth open and gasping at the way he moves in you. The cotton of your shirt is too hot, your hands shakily grabbing at the fabric to take it off. Eddie admires the sight he sees as your piqued nipples fall out of his faded black t-shirt, his eyes glazed over as he stares down at them. A moth drawn to the light, he dives into one, curling his tongue around the nipple with the perfect mix of teeth, pulling little mewls from you.  
“Fuck, we’re gonna be the happiest little family,” he chokes, kissing from your breast up to your neck, his voice filled with emotion.  
“Love you,” you sigh, gasping into his open mouth as his hips hit you harder.  
Eddie smiles, a wicked little grin as his hand curves over the swell of your tummy, thumb petting it gently.  
“Hold on to me, sweetheart. Hold on to your baby daddy,” you grin the line, wonderfully cheesy, but Eddie feels the way you tighten around him. Your arms curl around his back, pulling his body against yours.  
“Eddie, make me cum, please.” 
“Hold on, baby, I’m almost there, hold on,” he stutters, his deep voice starting to falter. His lips bend down to your ear, gasping desperately, bordering on whining. “Fuck– cum with me.”  
His lips wrap around yours, delicately connecting his tongue with yours as his hips stutter a final time, the little moans vibrating against your lips as he fills you up. As you collapse on the bed, sweaty bodies intertwined, he spends the twenty minutes until he falls asleep cooing, whispering in your ear how excited he is.  
You wake up the same way, with rounds two and three before he begrudgingly trudges off to work. 
The sun accounts as a natural alarm clock as Dylan stretches his limbs wide, turning to face his girlfriend. His arm falls over Maya’s form, pulling her in as he starts to wake up. “Morning, Dylan,” she whispers, her pink lips spreading into a smile.  
He pulls her back against his stomach, hiking his legs under hers. “Mornin’.”  
She hums as he kisses the back of her neck, giggling as he takes a deep inhale of her shampoo. “You work today?”  
“No,” Dylan answers, caressing the strip of her exposed skin with his thumb. “I am seeing my dad today.”  
She smirks, turning to face him. “And your stepmom?” Dylan grits his teeth, tickling her stomach until she begs him to stop, hunching over the arm around her. “Okay, I’m sorry!”    
“Mmhm. I’m telling them, did you want to join me?”  
Maya squishes her face, seemingly debating on pros and cons. “I’m gonna pass on that, respectfully.” She can feel the questioning look Dylan gives her. “I have a long shift today, and I am exhausted.”  
“Next time, I’m dragging you with me,” Dylan insists, squeezing with his arms wrapped around her.  
“I’m counting on it.”  
As soon as Dylan opens the door, he listens in, waiting for a sound that never comes. Good, he waited long enough to come. He wanders into the kitchen, meeting his dad drinking orange juice straight from the carton. “Dad?”  
His dad freezes, removing the spout from his mouth, and wipes his face hurriedly. “Hey bud.”  
Dylan raises his eyebrow at him, pointedly glancing to the carton and back to him.  
“Don’t tell my wife.”  
Dylan smirks, rolling his eyes. “Speaking of the devil, where is she?”  
As if your ears are burning, the two men’s ears pick up the particular sound of someone coming down the stairs. Eddie prays you come downstairs with some clothes on. Your face lights up when you see Dylan, welcoming him into your arms without a second thought. “Dylan!” The familiarity you two share is still new, but wrapping him in a hug is like second nature at this point. “What brings you into this part of the world?”  
You leave the embrace, backing straight into Eddie’s arm. “Actually, I have some news I wanna share with you guys.”  
Eddie’s hand tightens around your arm, he’s mentioned Dylan talking about proposing last month, and this news felt right around the corner. He feigns ignorance, innocently asking, “Oh, what news would that be?”  
Dylan’s cheeks bloom in red, glancing down to his feet sheepishly. You just hoped you wouldn’t have to travel to a destination wedding while largely pregnant. “Uh, we–or, Maya,” he clears his throat, a laugh stuttering through it, “Maya’s pregnant.”  
The first thing you do is glance at your husband, both sporting wide eyes and slacked jaws. To say you’re surprised is a grand understatement.  
“Not the news you were expecting?” Dylan asks, watching the two of you share a silent conversation.  
In sync, the two of you switch back to him, twin smiles on your faces. Dylan had no idea what either of the faces in front of him could possibly mean, and there’s a part of him that wonders if this is happy news for either of you.  
“Um, no, actually,” Eddie barely holds back the sound of laughter in his voice. “That’s, that’s fantastic news, Dyl.” Truly, fantastic news. Eddie has been looking forward to being a biker grandfather since Dylan showed interest in being a father.  
You smirk, leaning into his shoulder. “How far along is she?”  
“Uh, 8 weeks, or so,” Dylan answers, squishing up his face comically.  
“Oh wow, so a week behind me, then,” you say nonchalantly, nodding at Eddie.  
“Wait, what?” Dylan asks, making sure he understood that correctly.  
You giggle, nodding as you sit your head in Eddie’s neck. “Yeah, I’m pregnant too, ironically enough.”  
Eddie leans into your ear, “So you’re gonna be a mom and a grandma in the same year…”  
Your eyes widen. “To think, I was just getting used to the idea of being a mom.” You lean back, meeting your husband’s pretty brown eyes. “Are we sure the kid’s gonna call me grandma?”  
Dylan picks up the conversation right away. “I mean, unless we’re gonna be completely honest with them, it doesn't make sense otherwise. You’re grandpa’s wife, therefore grandma.”  
Am I mom, then, too? You think to yourself, knowing you’ll point it out later. Your stomach rumbles, turning around to the counter to start making a breakfast of sorts. Your eyes hit the open orange juice jug and the lack of cup. “Did you drink straight out of the carton, again, mister?”  
Eddie avoids your eyes, looking at his son. “Hey, I didn’t say anything,” he surrenders, having a seat at the island.  
“How’s Maya been handling the pregnancy so far?” you ask, grabbing a pan from under the cupboards. “Because morning sickness is no joke.” You pause, leaning on the counter. “Not just in the morning, either.”  
“I think it’s some nausea, a bit of acid reflux, but to my knowledge she hasn’t been sick,” Dylan says, taking out his phone to text Maya about the news.  
“Bitch,” you mutter, the tone in your voice clear you’re joking. “We can’t all be so lucky. Eggs?”  
Dylan nods, grinning at the text Maya shoots back. “So dad, you’re gonna have a kid and a grandkid the same age as each other?”  
Eddie shrugs, taking another large sip from the carton. “Since my girl showed up, my life hasn’t been normal, and this just means it will never be normal again.”  
“You’re welcome,” Dylan laughs, rolling his eyes at the exasperated look you shoot at him.  
Dylan’s phone buzzes, glancing at the unknown number as Maya fades in the middle of her sentence. “One minute, babe, I’m expecting a call from the interview I just did last week. Dylan Munson, speaking.”  
“Oh, Dyl-pickle, you sound so big!” Only one person has ever called Dylan that. He gulps, the sound of her voice bringing up old, sore emotions.
“Brooke. W-why are you calling me?”  
“Brooke? C’mon, I’m your mom, sweetheart,” she whines, her voice the sound of nails on a chalkboard.  
“Really, are you?” Dylan asks, getting up from the bed and starting to pace the hallway, his anger already building. “Ok, what college did I go to?” Silence. “What did I major in? What year did I graduate high school? When did I have my first kiss? Who’s my current girlfriend? What’s my best friend’s name? What sort of vehicle do I drive?”  
She doesn’t answer a single question, instead giving stuttered empty answers. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to answer any of that… We haven’t exactly been talking for the last fifteen years.” She says, somewhat accusatory.
Dylan sighs, rubbing his face frustratedly. “What, your phone didn’t work all those years?”  
“As far as I’m concerned, I’m not the only one who had a phone,” she protests, sounding incredibly defensive. 
“Yeah, well, you also weren’t a child for 8 of those years who begged his dad for his mom to come to one thing that was important to him,” Dylan retaliated, angry at her gaslighting. “My dad had your number, always left voicemails inviting you to my soccer games, to award ceremonies, to my birthdays, and you never answered a single call, let alone showed up.”  
“I’m sorry, Dylan, I am, but I was young then, you can’t blame me for wanting a fresh start.” 
“Actually, I can,” Dylan answers, now done with this conversation. “You had eight years to be a mom before I finally gave up on you. You don’t get to pick and choose when to be my mom, now.”    
“I’m sorry that hurt your feelings, Dyl. But I have two boys, and they really want to meet their older brother. Would you come down for lunch one day?”  
He nods, knowing that this sudden need to be a mom again wasn’t going to come for free. “No. I have no interest in being your life. Not since the day I turned 18.”  
“C’mon, Dyl–” 
“No, mom–Brooke. No. Don’t call me again, please. I need to go now.”  
She starts another sentence, but Dylan hangs up on her before he hears it. When he walks into the bedroom he shares with his girlfriend, he crawls into the bed next to her, feeling like the ten year old whose life got torn apart.  
It looks like Brooke still has that uncanny talent for making everything about her.  
Eddie sits in his office, a small room decorated with frames filled with the faces of those he loves and papers strewn around the desk. He’s going over the receipts and payments, and silently regrets not having hired an accountant by now, but he’s far too stubborn to admit it.  
There’s a knock on the door and Eddie looks up in relief. Please, let there be a disgruntled customer to save him from the numbers. “Come on in!”  
Connor, one of the new apprentices he hired only a few months ago comes in, looking timid. The first few months he has a new hire they’re usually shy, and when their self confidence in their ability to do their job kicks in, Eddie truly starts to miss it. “Uh, hey, boss, there’s a client out there who wants to speak to you.”  
Eddie chuckles, leaning back in his chair as he rests his feet on his desk. “Don’t, don’t call me boss. What do they want?” 
Connor screws up his face. “Uh, I forgot to ask.”  
“Always ask, man. Tell them I’ll be right out.”  
“Alright, I’ll tell her.” Eddie sighs in relief, women tend to be more understanding.  
“Hey, send in Joe, will ya?”  
“On it!”  
Joe, a man who’s worked for Eddie for 20 years, older by ten years, walks into the office just a moment later. “What’s up, Ed?”  
“Give the lady a talk, will ya?” Eddie asks, scratching the itch on his right forearm. “Ask her what she wants.” Joe, tall, dark, and quiet, nods and shuts the door.  
He’s back in the office in seconds. The door’s loose knob has barely clicked shut before it’s abruptly opened again. “That fast?”  
Joe shakes his head, his eyes wide with a grimace on his face. “Uh, no, it’s…it’s Brooke.”  
Eddie scrunches his face up. “Brooke, like…Brooke?”  
“Yeah. You want me to–” 
“No it’s okay, I got it,” Eddie insists, a pit forming in the depths of his stomach. He rubs his face tiredly, fully unprepared to deal with this. 
“Dude, you sure?” He asks, having been with Eddie through the divorce.  
“Seriously, I got it. Thanks, man.”  
Eddie gets up from his desk, catching the eyes of his long-time employees on his way to the entrance of the garage. He’s fine. He’ll be fine.  
There she stands, looking around the garage holding her purse with two hands. She’s dressed like one of those Instagram moms, high waisted jeans with a loose blouse tucked in under a long coat. Her eyes land on him, her face lighting up as she exclaims, “Wow, the garage looks great!” 
“Thanks,” Eddie mumbles, sighing. “Is there a particular reason for…”  
Brooke smiles, and Eddie could almost see a genuine human behind the mask. “Um, do you mind if we go into your office?”  
Eddie raises his brows, perplexed. “I really don’t see the necessity for it.”  
“It’s not really a conversation to have in front of the guys, Eds,” Brooke comments, shuffling her feet as she crosses her arms.  
Eddie winces at the nickname she calls him. She really doesn’t know him well enough to call him such anymore. The audacity of it astounds him. “I’m not Eds to you…and my office holds things that are precious to me, that I honestly want to keep out of this conversation.”  
“Like I haven’t already seen pictures of your little wife,” Brooke grimaces, her tone switching from sweet to condescending in a split second, her eyes rolling. “Congrats on that, or whatever.”  
Eddie blinks, too exhausted to argue. “Alright, come on.”  
It's not like Brooke hasn’t been in his office before, Eddie thinks, they were happily married, after all. She looks around at the changes, her eyes seemingly fixated on where photos of Dylan’s previous achievements are proudly displayed. “Wow, he looks just like you,” Brooke mutters, a look on her face that Eddie can’t quite place.  
Eddie assessed the bulletin, Dylan’s graduation, first school dance, the Munsons spending a weekend at the Harrington’s, it certainly spelled out to her what she missed out on.  
He clears his throat, quietly asking for her to continue. “Right, um, I was wondering if you could talk to our son.” 
“Our son?” Eddie asks, barely holding back his laughter. “Last time I checked you said he was my son.”  
Brooke ignores it, faltering in her seat. “I tried calling him last week, but he shut me down.”  
“What do you need me to talk to him about exactly?” Eddie leans against his desk, his hands gripping the edge.
Brooke blinks, tilting her head. “When did you cut your hair?”  
“Irrelevant. What do you need me to talk to him about?” Eddie enunciates, already feeling the exhaustion of her mere soul sucking presence.
“My sons are asking questions about him, and they would like to meet him.” She inhales, as if preparing herself for what she was about to say, “I would love to reconnect with both of you, honestly.” 
Like an anvil, Eddie feels his stomach pull him all the way down into the floor. The silence she’s given him and Dylan for the last fifteen years has been stable, reliable even. The most reliable thing about her. This is turning off the road into a ditch with nothing to instigate it. “What did he say?”  
“Uh, he had no interest in it,” Brooke shrugs, leaning back in her seat.  
Eddie nods, having expected it. “Brooke, those pictures on the wall? My son spent so much time begging me to call and get you to at least one event, one time just to show that you still cared about him.” He pauses, watching her avoid his eyes. “I left dozens of voicemails in your inbox, and I know it was your inbox, because I remember the day it went from Munson to Prescott. I begged you to show up. Just once. The last time I did was for his graduation, but by then I had stopped telling him.”  
“He told our lawyers and the judge he wanted nothing to do with me. Forgive me if I thought he was telling the truth,” Brooke huffs, her voice sounding defensive.  
“He was a child, Brooke!” Eddie deadpans, narrowing his eyes. “A child hurt by his mother’s actions tearing apart his happy family. Staying with the stable parent was probably the more appealing option.” He scratches at the stubble on his face, glancing over to the sonogram sitting on his desk. He’d hoped Brooke hadn’t caught wind of that news, yet. “At first, he was really hurt, but after a while, he just wanted his mom. Who never showed up.” 
“Well, I might be a little late, but doesn’t it count for something that I’m trying, now?” She asks, folding her arms across her chest. 
“I think it counts more that he’s about to be a father and he has no interest in including you in his kid’s life.”  
Her eyes bug right out of her head. “Wait, what?”  
“Mmhm. Seems he’d rather give what was supposed to be your title to someone he’s known for less than a year.” Eddie flickers to the photo of you he has framed, a portrait of you surrounded by the sunset in your wedding dress. “You had eight years, Brooke. Eight. You don’t get to decide to be a parent when it’s convenient for you. I never had that luxury. I had to pick myself and my son up and find a way to get through it emotionally without falling apart at the seams.”  
She seems to start talking, but Eddie is on a roll. “I finally feel like I’m living my life, and not just surviving. If you reached out five years ago, I probably would’ve said yes. I even had a low enough self-esteem to hope it would mean something more…but now I have this woman, this beautiful person who showed me how much she believes I’m worth, showed me how much I am worth. Brooke, no offense, but when I look back on it, especially comparing the two, you treated me like shit.”  
“Uh, okay,” Brooke mutters, holding her hand out. “I did not treat you like shit.”  
“You never stuck up for me with your parents, forced me to do things I was uncomfortable with all the time, gave ‘our’ son’s teachers hell all the time, and, oh yeah, left me for the person you told me not to worry about. So, no I will not be talking to my son. If he comes to the conclusion to reconnect with you, then fine. But I will not be participating.”  
“Wow, you’re being harsh.” Brooke complains, grimacing. “Eddie, I was young. I made a few stupid decisions.”  
“You know, my wife is a bit young. Somehow, she already knows not to act like a stone cold cunt.”  Brooke stutters through an empty response, completely rendered speechless. “I think we’re done here.”  
“I’m not done!”  
“Well, I suggest you be by the time my pregnant wife gets here, because she’s not your biggest fan.” It gives him the utmost satisfaction to start looking through the papers. He glances back up to her expectant expression. “Safe travels back to Boston, hmm?”  
Eddie swears the smile on your face in the photo of you grows, glad the backbone he needed seems to have finally grown. “You’re not going to even–”  
“No. I’m not. I’m done here, Brooke. Give Kevin my condolences, yeah?”  
Brooke nods, reluctantly understanding she wasn’t going to get what she wanted. Eddie had indeed grown the self-confidence she never saw when she was with him. “Condolences?” 
“Yeah, for still being stuck with you. Close the door on your way out.”  
Brooke’s nostrils flare, her jaw locking. She turns around without another word, the slam of the door echoing through the garage as she storms out, every click of her heel enunciated.  
Moments later, Joe pops through the door. “Everything, ok, Ed?”  
Eddie looks up, his dimples pronounced on his face. “Oh just, peachy, Joe. Mind if I take off for the rest of the day?”  
“I would be concerned if you didn’t, man.”  
The ringing of your phone stirs you from your slumber, having passed out on the couch mid snack. An app you downloaded on your phone for the pregnancy said the first trimester would have you feeling quite sleepy, and you didn’t believe it until you find yourself constantly falling asleep during your off days, and exhausted at work when you really shouldn’t be.  
Your sister’s name lights up the screen, and the quick assessment of the movie tells you you’ve been asleep for at least forty-five minutes. “Hey, Viti.”  
“Hey, sis,” she greets, an airy tone in her voice. “Sounds like you just woke up.”  
You haven’t broken the news to your family, yet, waiting to present the information in the form of a present next time you and Eddie make your way over to your parents’ house. “Had an afternoon siesta,” you sigh, watching the movie you’re tempted to restart. The twist of Carlisle’s death just isn’t the same if you don’t build up to it. “What’s up?” 
She sighs, a habit you’re all too familiar with. “Spit it out.”  
“Okay,” she starts, gaining her courage. “Me and Arlo got together the night of your wedding.”  
If you were attempting to get rid of any sense of sleep, it disappeared within a second. The information takes a second to register, eyes darting around the living room filled with wrappers you have yet to throw out. “Harrington?”  
She laughs, probably expecting a much worse answer. “Do you know any other Arlos?”  
“Guess not.” You pet the bangs in your eyes away from your face, trying to remind yourself of the look on your baby sister’s face when she was slow dancing with him. “Ok. How did it happen?” 
“You’re okay with this?” She asks, your heart melting at how little her voice sounds.  
“It was never my choice, Vi,” you answer, using the remote to restart the movie. “If you like him and trust him, then, yeah, I’m okay with it. So how did it happen? Tell me all about it. But if you’ve slept with him, then maybe not all about it,” You chuckle. Viti sighs exasperatedly and you can practically hear her eyes roll through the phone.
“Um, so we were kind of flirting a lot after the family dinner. I thought he was just being nice, but I was willing to be his friend. It got a bit more intense at the wedding, and he asked me to dance…”  
“I saw,” you admit, granted you only saw because Eddie pointed it out to you. “What happened after that?”  
You can hear the smile on her face. “He led me to a hallway, and then we went to the hotel room I was staying in…” She trails off sheepishly. Oh, that's all you need to know.  
“Damn, girl!” you laugh, opting to push away the mental image and simply be your sister's friend right now.  
“We went to dinner last week,” she says, a giggle laced through her sentence. “I really, really like him.”  
It had to be Arlo Harrington. “Then I’m really, really happy for you. Have you told everyone else yet?”  
“You’re the last to know, to be honest. I think Eddie even knows at this point.” You roll your eyes, because of course that’s why he was so peculiar this morning.  
“Just because I don’t necessarily approve of the choice of boy doesn’t mean I won’t be happy for you. Plus, I could get used to him, after all, Steve isn’t so bad.” That’s a damn lie, Steve Harrington has become one of your favorite people. “Tell me you got out of the hotel room before mom and dad discovered you.”  
“We heard them coming down the hall…” she says, giggling. “We were dressed as they were about to come in the door. Luckily, they were both pretty drunk, so they didn’t really catch on to what was happening. Well, until the next morning at brunch, I guess.”  
Note, send a text to your mom asking about what her perspective was, because there’s a chance she knew more than she let on. You think to yourself.
“Anyway, four weeks in Cancun. Spare me the dirty details but tell me all about it,” she giggles, moving the phone away from her face, “shut up, stop, shut up!’ 
“Let me guess. Arlo?”  
A burst of giggles runs through her body and you can hear the smile on her face. “Maybe,”
“You couldn’t wait until you were alone?”  
“She’s not really alone all that much these days,” Arlo’s voice rings out. You can picture the smug smirk on his face.  
“Arlo!” She chides him, and yeah, this might not be so bad, you decide.  
“I’m gonna let you two go,” you offer, dismissing any protests she let out. “Also, without the dirty details there’s not much of the honeymoon to tell. Well, except one thing.”  
“You'll have someone new to meet in seven months!”  
“No way!” 
If there’s one thing you know, it’s Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years is the song for the last credit scene of the Twilight Series. As each character is shown with the corresponding credit, it gets closer and closer to the main cast.  
It might just be the hormones, but this round of credits just seems to hit differently, tears spilling down your cheeks as it gets to the Cullen family. The front door to the house slams shut, announcing the arrival of your husband. Odd, he’s about three hours early.  
The weight of the cushion next to you sinks down with a comforting arm wrapping around your shoulders. Your head falls easily into his embrace, curling into his lap as you sniffle. It’s ridiculous, the irrational reaction that takes over you, but damn do the editors know how to elicit a reaction out of the audience.  
His hand pets your shoulder, kissing your forehead. “You crying at Twilight?”  
You nod, furrowing your eyebrows. “Lose the smug attitude, mister. This is your doing.”  
He laughs under his breath, petting your hair. “Hmm, that’s not how I remember our honeymoon.”  
You tilt your head back to look at his face, fretting at the curls that are starting to resemble closer to a mullet. “Just because I begged for your babies does not mean you had to listen to me.”  
He rolls his eyes, leaning in to place a kiss on your lips that takes the breath out from your lungs. As he backs away, he hums with a peculiar look on his face. “What’s on your mind?” You ask, your brows knitting together.
Eddie sighs, petting the bare skin exposed on your hip. “Minor Brooke update, today.”  
Your brows instinctively rise, feeling every little muscle in your face tense up. “Oh?” 
“Yup. Are you interested?”  
You close your eyes, asking any entity out there listening for a lick of patience. “You piqued my interest. Lay it on me.”  
Eddie can’t beat around the bush, or he would never say it. “She came into my work today.” He pauses, allowing you to absorb the information before continuing. “Requesting that I convince Dylan to…let her back into his life, so to say.” You squint, remembering the few times that Dylan had confessed about his mom to you, always finishing by claiming he wants nothing to do with her and never will.  
“Yeah, good luck with that,” you comment, watching his eyes flicker back and forth between yours.  
“She reached out to him last week and when he refused, I guess the next most logical step was to drive the six hours from Boston and corner me at work.” Your teeth grit, angry at the fucking gall that fills Brooke whatever-the-fuck her last name is. God forbid Steve or Eddie ever accidentally tell you what it is, because the day it comes her inbox will be flooded with just a little piece of your mind, and she'll be lucky if profanities are the worst things you say.
“What are you thinking?” He asks, having watched your face move through the storm of emotions.  
“I was thinking that I fucking hate your ex-wife and if she has no haters then I’m dead,” you answer, dead panning.  
“I love you,” he sighs, tugging you in against his chest. “Are you hungry?”  
You look at the wrappers decorating the mahogany coffee table, “Surprisingly yes.”  
“Lets get a real meal in you, shall we?”  
Eddie is present at every doctor's appointment, every ultrasound, birthing class, and even at 20 weeks, when you were inexplicably spotting, stayed with you throughout the 7 hour wait at the ER. He certainly helped you hide from the embarrassment of the doctor explaining the bleeding seemed to be brought on by intercourse and to start being a bit more careful.  
Only one time does a health care worker mistake Eddie for being your father, a mistake quickly fixed at the death glare he gives her. You don’t know how, as you look nothing alike and he has been doting on you too affectionately to be a dad, but you can’t help teasing him by calling him daddy as soon as she leaves the room. 
Well, that’s a lie.  
There is one other time he’s mistaken for your father, running into the maternity ward and anxiously stating your name to the front desk of labor nurses. The head nurse, a woman bearing silver streaks in her hair, calmly tells him to relax and sit down, only the baby’s father is allowed in the room with patients.  
“Well you better take me to my wife, then,” he deadpans, his eyes harsh enough to shoot daggers if it were physically possible. 
She stutters through her response. “Oh, you-you’re her husband? I’m so sorry I assumed–my mistake, she’s in the third door on the left.”  
He rushes to the door, ignoring her last pleas for forgiveness. He was far too busy focusing on how he knew he shouldn’t have gone into work when he knew you were due to go into labor any day now. He knew he should've told them to ask Joe for the solution, as he was basically acting owner while he was away.  
When he bursts through the door, you’re sat on the bed in the room with Bethany petting your face as you push through a particularly hard contraction.  
He waits and watches anxiously for you to get through it before announcing his arrival. As soon as your eyes land on him he sees your face crumple in relief and your hands reach out for him. “Baby,” you whine, seeking the comfort of his shampoo and cologne.  
“I’m so sorry,” he apologizes, planting a big kiss on the hand that was reached out. “Thank you so much, Bethany, for taking her.”  
She shrugs, dismissing his over exaggerated gratitude. “She’s been a champ. Let me know if you two need anything.”  
Eddie pets your hair, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on your lips. “How’ve you been, baby?”  
“Only been an hour, and I am so over labor,” you whine, smiling pathetically. “Thanks for coming so fast.”  
Eddie was surprised he didn’t get pulled over, going 90 down the freeway. He turned a 20 minute drive into 8. “Made any progress?” 
“I’m only one centimeter dilated. We could be here for a while.” 
“I’m here every minute,” he says, grabbing a chair to sit by your bed. “I believe in you. We’ll listen to Taylor, listen to a smutty audio book, watch a true crime series, whatever you want, baby.”  
True to his word, he allowed you to blast your Faves Spotify playlist, watched a few episodes of 48 Hours with you, and even sat with you as he let you play with the makeup you had packed in your hospital bag on his face.  
You made him look like a Captain Jack Sparrow, giggling as he animatedly talks in a pirate voice. The best thing about Eddie being there is that he wards off your parents and others who wish to visit you in your labor and acts as your advocate when the nurse is too rough with you and requests a new nurse immediately. Well, and his presence alone puts you at ease, of course.  
It feels like forever, but you’re eight centimeters dilated when a familiar face walks down the hall, passing his father as he carries the millionth cup of ice chips you requested. “Bud! Did someone text you about–” 
“She told me when Bethany was driving her to the hospital, but that’s actually not why we’re here,” Dylan sheepishly admits, his shoulders shrugging up to his ears as a pink blooms across his cheeks.  
“We?” Eddie catches on, blinking. “Is Maya also..?” 
“Yeah, we got here about three hours ago,” he squinted one eye comically, crossing his arms. “She’s about halfway there, now I think.”  
“Wow she’s progressing a lot faster than we did,” Eddie comments, it taking you far more than three hours to get to five centimeters.  
“It would be ironic wouldn’t it, if they had the same birthday?”  
“Irony is one word for it,” Dylan chuckles. “My girlfriend asked for ice chips about eight minutes ago, and she is not patient, so I’m going to get back to it.” 
“Let us know any updates, won’t you?”  
“I bet my kid will be born before yours,” Dylan answers, only somewhat joking. 
“Oh, you’re on, dude.”  
As nurses and the doctor rushes around you, frantically assessing the baby while helping you with the afterbirth, birthing the placenta and ridding the bodily fluids that came out with the infant. Eddie cut the cord, watching carefully as the nurses quickly washed his newborn son off.  
He’s simultaneously whispering sweet nothings against your cheek, how proud he is of you, describing your son’s dark hair, his little mouth opening as the nurse's hand gently washes it. “Did so good, baby, so good, I’m so fucking proud of you.”  
“Is he okay?” You whisper, eyes half open as you stare up at your husband’s brown ones. “J-Josh, is he okay?”  
Eddie knows exactly what you’re asking, making sure his limbs are working, that he looks healthy, that the nurses don’t look too concerned about their results. He can’t help but answer, “He’s perfect.”  
Your favorite nurse, the one who got assigned after Eddie demanded it, brings him over swaddled in a hospital blanket and tucks him into your arms. The hormones and adrenaline overwhelm you as you stare at his face, selfishly grateful he looks just like his father, happily staring at the little button nose.  
“I love you,” when you stare up at your husband, you’re expecting his eyes to also be planted on the newest member of the little family. Instead they’re shiny and planted on you, his expression drenched in pure love.  
“I love you,” you sigh, leaning in for a sweet kiss. “He’s so perfect.”  
“I fucking love you so much.” 
The love fest eventually dies down, all the medical aides surrounding you finishing up and leaving the room as they steal one last glance at the happy little family.  
You’re lost in your own little world when Dylan runs in, seeing the little addition sat on your chest. Eddie looks up to face Dylan dressed in a hospital gown and a hairnet. His face is lit up with the same joy as the room is filled with. “You wanna meet your grandson?”  
Eddie nods, quickly stopped by his wife still lying on the bed sitting in the afterglow. “Go,” you insist, petting at the soft hair on your son. “Say hi for me.”  
He smiles, placing a gentle kiss on your knotted hair, followed by his newborn. “Be right back.”  
On the way over to the emergency surgery room Dylan explains that the umbilical cord ended up twisted around his son’s neck and they took Maya straight into an emergency C-Section. He sat with his girlfriend as they emptied the contents of her abdomen to allow the newest Munson to come into the world.  
Eddie asked several times to make sure it was okay if her father in law, her boyfriend’s father, to go into a room where she is this vulnerable. Dylan insisted that she said it was fine and since Eddie was here for the birth of his son it would be cool for him to meet his grandson, too, within the same half hour.  
Miraculously, after getting in his own scrubs, Eddie wanders in with Dylan as Maya is finished with her stitches. She’s still loopy from the general anesthesia, holding her newborn on her partially covered chest.  
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Eddie asked, knowing how against visitors you were.  
“Just come say hi to your grandson, Eddie,” Maya chuckles, passing up the newborn. “Meet Jace Edward Munson.”  
“Edward?” Eddie laughs, barely holding the mist that comes to his eyes. “What?”  
Dylan scrunches his nose, tilting his head to face the newborn now in his father’s arms. “You stepped up when she left. You were everything to me. You may have stolen a girlfriend, but that is small beans in the grand scheme of things, you know?”  
“Jace and Josh,” Eddie muses, laughter bubbling up his throat. “God, they even sound like twins.”  
Kayla smooths over the dress she wears, nervously looking around the classroom. Are there enough learning centers set up? Will the children like the home center she put together? Will there be any difficult teachers during her first year?  
 For the first time, she’s on her own, placed in the very class she had spent so long working toward, kindergarten.  
Her little classmates with their parents, usually mothers, wander in with wide eyes, nervously holding onto their sleeves and looking around anxiously. She talks to each little one at a time, welcoming them and offering them many activities to distract them from wanting to stay with their parents.  
One little boy doesn’t need much, or any, peeling off his father as he runs in, his shaggy brown hair rustling in as he bolts straight to the building blocks. His dad walks in right after, carrying his bag dressed in a leather jacket and acid wash jeans.  
“Hi,” he sighs, sounding tired. “That’s Dylan.”  
“M or H?” Kayla asks.  
“Dylan, can you grab your bag from your dad and put it in the cubby?” Dylan runs to grab his bag from his dad, shouting in slight frustration as he’s pulled in for a hug. “Yours will have an M next to your name!”  
He listens, but doesn’t look back as he runs back to the blocks.  
“I’m Eddie,” the father says, holding his hand out. “His mom, Brooke, will pick him up after school, uh, she’s a bit of a hardass, so just beware.”  
Oh, goody. She gives him a strained smile, insisting she’ll be able to handle it.  
Eddie and Dylan end up being one of his favorite pairings for the year. But when Brooke walked in, she knew it became a big deal for something as small as Dylan putting his book in the wrong pocket in his bag.  
Kayla got along great with Eddie, as they turned out to be the same age. They saw one another around the school as Dylan got older, even became someone Dylan could rely on for a maternal figure when his parents ended up divorcing in fifth grade.  
About twenty one years after initially teaching Dylan, she’s a veteran teacher in her own right, having a monopoly over classroom #3 as she continues to be the answer for dozens of individuals when asked their favorite teacher.   
She sits in her lumbar chair that her coworkers raised the money for the previous Christmas as she finally is able to look over her newest class list. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until she came across 9th and 8th from the last name, two boys with J initials and the last name Munson. She’d been wondering if she would ever have the pleasure of teaching Dylan’s boys, or if he decided to skip town like most of his classmates.  
Their birthday right next to their attendance names indicated they had the same birthdate, so she was safe to assume she would have another set of twins. If they were anything like Dylan, they would be a fun sort of challenge for her, that she was sure of.  
On the first day the following fall, she keeps an eye out for her former student, keeping in mind it could very well be the mother that decides to drop them off.  
As she’s helping a particularly shy child settle into her classroom, she notices a parent helping their kid out of the wind breaker they’re wearing. As soon as the little girl is settled she goes to them welcoming them. She immediately recognizes the parent. “Dylan!”  
“Oh, Miss. Thompson! I didn’t realize you were still teaching!” He sheepishly admits, looking at the plaque now containing her married name.  
“I am just married, now,” she answers, answering him the same way she would a student out of habit. “Now, who do we have here?”  
“I’m Jace,” the little boy answers shyly, brown hair of this father but stark green eyes.  
“Well, Jace, would you mind finding your name at one of the cubbies for me? I think you’re put right next to someone named Josh,” she tells him, watching for any recognition of the other name she thought was his twin.  
“Oh, sweet!” Jace exclaims, running with his Pokémon bag.  
She gets up from her squatting position, her knees far too achy for doing it continually like she still is. “So, there’s another Munson on the class list, would you know anything about that?” 
Dylan chuckles, sighing. “Well, about that–” Dylan is interrupted by a little boy with dark hair hugging him, exclaiming his name. “Hey, Josh, we were just talking about you!”  
Josh laughs, tugging on Dylan’s arm. “Is Jace here?” 
“Yeah, he’s playing with the dinosaurs, if I know him.” 
“Cool!” Josh runs straight off, meeting his supposed relative at the play carpet.  
Kayla turns around in confusion, questioning what just happened.  
As if answering her, in comes another familiar face, holding a bag that looks comically small compared to his tall stature. “Ah, Kayla. I was wondering if you were still here.”  
“Eddie!” She greets him, giving a very frank hug. “I have to admit, I am very confused.” 
“That’s okay, you wouldn’t be the first,” Eddie comments, crossing his arms. “Me and my wife had Josh at the same time Dylan had Jace. They’re assholes, they like to gang up on adults, but don’t let them intimidate you, they can’t with their adults anymore, so they try it on teachers.” 
“Takes a lot more than that to intimidate me,” Kayla answers, looking back at the boys who gained ownership over the carpet with dinosaurs and cars. “I appreciate the warning, though.” She looks back to her old friend, seeing the smile lines on his face, still carrying his son’s things. “I’m happy you found someone, though.”  
“Thanks. His mom will pick him up after school,” Eddie tells her, going to the cubby with his kid’s name on it. “She’s not as bad as Brooke, so there’s no worries, there.”  
“Alright, can’t wait to meet her.”  
Eddie and Dylan share a look, one that Kayla misses as she starts to welcome in a few new classmates.  
The bell rings for lunch for the rest of the elementary school and end of day for the kindergarteners. Mrs. Franklin, or Miss. Thompson, as Dylan knows her, helps all her students with their backpacks and jackets. It’s one thing to manage five-year-olds, it’s another to get them to stop wrestling and help them simultaneously.  
The Munson boys are certainly no help, Josh trying to stick his finger up Jace’s nose, pinning him down on the dirty floor as Jace wiggles underneath him. Kayla wished Josh would stop telling Jace he’s his uncle and he has to listen to him, that way she wouldn’t have to hold back her laughter so hard.  
“Okay, Mr. and Mr. Munson, break it up, your parents will be here any minute now. Get up.” They both switch their glances up to her, eyebrows raised over wide eyes. “Get up.”  
They roll their eyes, Josh reluctantly getting off Jace slowly and helping him up. Slowly but surely, parents start to pick their kids up, both Munsons waiting for their parents anxiously. You wonder in with your youngest, a little three year old by the name of Stevie. She holds onto your pointer and middle finger anxiously, eyes darting around at the unfamiliar noises and faces.  
Your son is seemingly nowhere to be seen, usually seen with his counterpart but you can’t see him around the crowd of parents kneeling with their kids and asking how their day was. The teacher,  someone both Dylan and Eddie insisted is the best in the school, approaches you kindly to ask which kid is yours.  
Before you can even answer Josh runs into you, happily glancing up at you as he wraps his arms around your legs. “Hi, baby,” you greet him, kneeling down as you pet his sweet face.  
You miss the peculiar look Mrs. Franklin, or Kayla as Eddie referred to her as, gives you. Surprised to say the least that the Mrs. Munson she has yet to meet is so young. Her brows furrow even further when Jace notices you, yelling, “Grandma!” as he also runs for a hug.  
“Were you boys nice to Mrs. Franklin today?”  
“Of course!” Josh smiles, and you squint through his bullshit.  
“Well we’re gonna make sure to be nicer or we’re gonna have to lose our tablet privileges, won’t we?”  
You get back up, smiling at their grumbly faces. They never listen to new adults, it was a field day at their first day of preschool. One glance to their teacher’s observant face told you all you needed to know. “Eddie didn’t warn you, he?”  
“No, but they did have a peculiar look on their faces when I mentioned meeting you. Should’ve known better, with those two,” you tilt your head, curious at what she meant. “Seriously, your husband needs to tell you more. I taught Dylan when he was in kindergarten.”  
“Oh!” you exclaim, somewhat surprised. “That’s really cool! Were you surprised to see Eddie wi–” 
“With another kid,” she interrupts, laughing, “yes, I was. I’m happy to see that he found someone else, Brooke, was, well, she was not a nice person.”  
Your eyebrows raise at the mention of your husband’s ex-wife, this being the first person she meets outside Eddie’s inner circle to having even mentioned Brooke. “So, I’ve heard.”  
“Hey mom,” you hear behind you, you shove the owner before you even see him, rolling your eyes.  
It’s very recently become a silly habit of Dylan’s to call you mom, due to your son asking why his brother calls his mom by her real name and not mom like he does. After the best attempt at explaining Dylan has a different mom who is no longer around, Josh is still confused and insists that you still act like his mom, so therefore, are Dylan’s mom. 
It was awkward at first, but now it’s a little inside joke. If you were told when you first got together with Eddie that Dylan would be referring to you as a maternal figure, you probably would’ve hit them on the head for fucking with you.  
“Hey, kiddo,” you tease back, mocking his twisted face expression. “They were apparently giving her a hard time today.”  
“Of course they were. You know we can ask one of you to switch classes, right?” Dylan asks, an aura of authority in his voice.  
Their eyes go wide, even though it was a threat in their preschool room, they have yet to consider this. You didn’t want to resort to threats but with their shenanigans, it's literally one of the only things that will work.  
“C’mon, your dad is making your favorite for dinner,” your shoulder cascades around Josh’s shoulder, telling him to say bye to his nephew and that he’ll see him tomorrow.  
Two years later, Stevie shows up with her dark curls down to her shoulders after her father, giggling as she says hi to the teacher.  
That was the last time Kayla taught one of Eddie Munson’s kids. Or, so she assumed.  
The double doors to the high school flew open, big black boots echoing as the large leather jacket trails behind a slim torso. He takes the immediate left into the office, his presence large, with grey streaks leaking into his roots and an angry look on his face.  
The kind administration lady looks up to his expectant face, the curiosity quickly melting into confounded terror. “Can I help you?” 
“Apparently Stevie Munson is in the office right now?” Better be a damn good reason for peeling me away from one of the only moments I have left alone with my wife, he thinks, eyes observing around the office.  
“Yes, she is, uh, are you her–” 
“Her father, are you going to let me in the office or do I have to let myself in?” 
The surprise that fills her features would be charming if Eddie wasn’t so fucking annoyed. He’s used to the assumption by now, but for the moment he just doesn’t have any patience in his body.  
“You can go right ahead, Mr. Munson,” she peeps out, gesturing to the door marked Principal. Eddie’s not sure why he even asked, or how he had the foresight to ask, first. He’s surprised, honestly.  
The door opens to face the school principal, his daughter and a boy sitting two seats away from her nursing his face with an ice pack. “Mr. Munson, welcome in! Have a seat.”  
“No thanks,” Eddie answers, polite, but curt. He looks at his daughter, “What happened?”  
She opens her mouth to answer but is interrupted by the bald principal, “I didn’t ask you, I asked her. What happened?” He directs his attention back to his daughter.
She smiles at him, the same sweet smile his wife bares. “This guy touched my ass under my skirt, so I punched him in the face.”  
Eddie’s brows raised, teeth gritted as he sends a daggers at the boy he is now aware assaulted his daughter. “I’m sorry?” He asks, now directed to the principal.  
“So she says,” the principal says, eyes widening at how Eddie manages to look murderous. “Granted, even if Mr. Jackson did do that, it’s not a good enough reason to assault him. She will be suspended for two days.”  
Eddie laughs, loudly, shaking his head at the gall, the fucking nerve. This principal is extremely lucky it was him who answered his phone and not you. “Really? My daughter got sexually assaulted and your reaction to her defending herself is suspending her? Are you fucking kidding me?”  
“Mr. Munson, if you could please calm down and have a seat,” he starts, gesturing to the chair, yet again.  
“Oh, I am calm. You don’t want to see me angry,” Eddie answers, the Hulk flashing through his mind. “You deciding to punish her tells me exactly why this little shit felt confident enough to lay his hands on her, to begin with. I just think about all the other girls he’s done this to, too afraid to speak up, I wonder how many times he’s done this with no consequence to feel confident enough to touch under a skirt. What the fuck is this place? No-tolerance bullying policy? Utter bullshit.”  
“Mr. Munson, calm down before I call security–”  
“Don’t make me laugh. Seriously. Don’t.” Eddie sighs, pinching his nose. “If you do suspend her, I will press charges against him and I will sue this fucking school. If you punish him, like you’re supposed to, take him off his team for the season, put him in detention for a month, I don’t care, something with fucking consequences, I won’t. You decide.” 
He looks down at the little shit, whimpering as he still nurses the barely there bruise. “You better hope I don’t hear you doing this shit to any other girl in this school, or you won’t get into any college in the country.” He pauses, opening the office door to an audience. Maybe he was louder than he thought he was. “C’mon Stevie, let’s go get some fucking ice cream.”  
When you heard about how your husband stuck up for your daughter like that, you got on your knees for him in the bathroom. That might’ve cheered him up a bit.  
The sounds are familiar yet foreign when you wake up to the blindingly white room, the chatter in the hallway and some heart monitor beeping. Two people immediately come into focus, Josh, sitting at the end of the bed on his phone, Stevie sitting concerned by your head.  
You moan, sitting up in your bed annoyed at the stark contrast of the back of your eyelids. “What the hell?”  
“Mom!” Josh shouts, getting up and standing on the other side of his sister.  
“Mom,” Stevie runs out of the room, calling for a doctor.  
You look to your son, brows furrowed. “What happened?”  
“You passed out at the grocery store. You fainted and you didn’t wake up until just now.”  
Your brows raise, because you haven’t felt off even the slightest. The dizziness hit you out of nowhere, going from fine to woozy in two seconds and falling flat on your face. “How long ago did that happen?” 
“Like twenty minutes? The ambulance got there pretty quickly,” he admits, turning his head to his sister and the nurse coming in the door. 
“Mrs. Munson! So glad to see you awake. I’ll let the doctor know and he should be able to give your results,” she says, sweet smile as she turns away.  
Stevie’s bottom lip is stuck out, quivering as she grabs the hand containing an IV line. You thought that was a bit much. “Stevie, I’m okay.” 
“Are you sure, because I heard the nurses saying it’s not normal to stay out that long after fainting. What if you’re sick?”  
“I’m okay,” you insist, watching both their worried faces. “Fuck, you called your dad, didn’t you?” 
“Uh, yes! He would’ve killed us if we didn’t!” Josh laughs, leaning back in his chair.  
As if summoned, your husband pokes his head in, his eyes wide as he walks in the room, hands out to you as his long legs take him to the head of the bed. “Fucking Christ.” 
“Hi, baby,” you greet him, leaning into the forehead kiss that he gives you. “I’m okay.” 
“Fainting in the fucking grocery store, fucking hell. My god, baby.” He looks over to his kids, “What tests have they done, so far?” 
“Just a blood test, I think,” Stevie shrugs. 
“They might do an MRI but that could take weeks of waiting.” Josh offers no comfort to his dad despite his best efforts.  
“I’m okay, really.” You insist to all their worried faces. “You didn’t call anyone else, did you?”  
“Uh, we called Dylan,” Josh says, wincing at your annoyed face. “And Jace.”  
“Fuck,” you mutter, intertwining your hand with Eddie’s rough one.  
The doctor doesn’t come as quickly as the nurse promised, but he comes within two hours. “Oh, hello, you have quite the visitors, don’t you?”  
You shrug, rubbing his thumb as it anxiously rubs your hand.  
“We have the results, inconclusively.” The air is tense, every one of the family seemingly expecting terrible news. “Congrats! You’re pregnant.”  
You knew nothing was wrong, but this was not what you were expecting. You’re forty-two, Eddie is nearly seventy. You weren’t even sure he could still get you pregnant. You meet your husband’s eyes, sharing a bewildered smile.  
In the meantime, shouts of disgust from your teenage kids fill the room, standing up with tense shoulders.  
“Ew! I didn’t even know you guys still did it! Oh my god! Ew!!!!”  
You bite your lip, shrugging. “Are you wanting to be a father to a newborn at almost 70?”  
Eddie smirks, leaning in for a kiss that makes your kids jeer again. “Bring it on, baby.”  
Steve calls an hour later, concerned for the text his name sake sent him. When Eddie informs him, you’re pregnant, twenty years of karma hits tenfold.  
When Steve and Jocelyn said they were pregnant with Eliza fifteen years after having Dustin, Eddie spent the pregnancy making fun of their oopsie baby. Asking if they knew what protection was, joking how they still had sex, telling them to keep it in their pants, the works.  
Now, Steve was more than happy to return the favor. “A baby at 70, you old bastard? What was that you told me twenty years ago? God, I’m surprised you two still do it, considering how low Eddie’s ball sack must be hanging.”  
“You wish you could see my ball sack, you asshole,” Eddie teases, laughing with you as you sigh. “You’re just jealous I can still keep it up, you geriatric bastard.”  
Five years later, when Eddie and Kayla are older, he wanders into classroom #3 for the last time, holding his third son who ends up being notoriously clingy towards his older father.  
It’s ironic to the both of them how Eddie has a son for both Kayla’s first and last year of teaching, keeping tabs on one another for the duration of forty years.  
Eddie doesn’t say anything, letting Tommy down and dismissing her questioning look. Don’t wanna talk about it.
By the time Tommy is 18, Eddie is too old to give a shit, wondering constantly what Wayne’s opinion will be when he ends up knocking on heaven’s door.  
When you got into your sixties, Eddie was full of gratitude, thankful that you will no longer be confused for one of his kids despite his actual kids all calling you mom. He makes fun of your vision, stealing his reading glasses constantly despite his constant insisting that you get your own pair.  
Despite the smile lines by his lips and his eyes, the sunspots decorating his skin, you still stare up at him like you did when he was forty-seven.  
Your lives were forever intertwined from the moment you saw him, from the moment he saw you. He lies down in your bed next to you for the millionth time, his hand caressing your side, pressing kisses on whiskered lips, it doesn’t occur to you to ever be anything less than woefully in love with him.     
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melrodrigo · 1 year
Tardy, part 5
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: There’s incriminating evidence against you, what will Tara believe?
Warnings: Scream levels of violence, swearing, angst, jealous Tara
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Hey babes, I know I said I’d stop the angst… but yk, the angst goblin took over. Also!! thank you for 400 followers <33 lurb all y’all
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"Why did they find your DNA at the crime scene?"
Your eyes almost bulge out at her statement. "What? What are you talking about?"
You move forward but she recoils; like being around you scares her.
She stares at you, eyes hard. There's something else swimming in her eyes too; it looks like regret.
You stop in place, trying not to startle her. You get it; you do. It must be hard to trust anyone, after what Tara's been through. The fact she even agreed to be your girlfriend was a surprise; a pleasant one at that, but a surprise.
Nevertheless, it still feels like a stab in the heart when she takes another step back.
"Tara," You say gently, "I know you're suspicious, and you have every right to be. I'm just begging you right now to believe me. I had nothing to do with this, and I never will."
She's still stiff, that's obvious, but you see her eyes soften just the tiniest bit. It’s in the slight crinkle at the tips of her eyes.
"I like you so much Tar, I'd never do anything to hurt you." You say, voice starting to choke up by the end of your statement. Your eyes are wide and pleading
Tara stares at you for a long time. Far too long for comfort, and then-
You breathe a sigh of relief, your heart swelling immediately. You step forward again, and Tara doesn't back away.
You're both silent as you take Tara in a bear hug, holding on for dear life. Her breathing is steady against yours.
"But if I ever find something more suspicious about you; I won't let you go so easy. It won't be pretty." She whispers, tone menacing.
You gulp
Tara's unhappy with you; if that wasn't obvious enough from your last interaction.
You've tried to approach her 5 different times in the past few days. She's all shrugs and quiet snappy comments.
She does an amazing job at avoiding you, considering the fact that you guys live together. Well practically, anyway.
She manages to be out all day every day with Sam and turns the lights off in your shared bedroom the minute you enter. The only time she doesn't shy away from you is when she needs a quick release.
Hurt isn't the word to describe how you feel, it's more of a stinging, nagging feeling.
You'd trust Tara with your life, did she not trust hers with you?
It's starting to take a toll on you, the pushing away, the irritable quips; the only wanting you around when she wants to fuck.
It's not like you could contact your friends and leave...well you could, but that would only be putting them in danger. You didn’t want to be the reason for anyone's inconvenience.
Though in the midst of it all, an unexpected friendship had blossomed between you and Ethan.
You'll admit, it started in a nerdy type of way. You were sitting in the apartment, watching a show on your phone in fascination. The rest of the group was also with you; but watching the tv, munching on the pizza you'd ordered.
They all acted the same around you, which leads you to believe Sam and Tara haven’t told them yet.
Well, maybe Tara does still care about me a little bit.
"No way! Is that Dylan Is In Trouble?" Ethan exclaims from behind you, catching sight of the YouTuber you'd been watching.
It's been so long since anyone had a real conversation with you, your head snaps to him and you nod excitedly.
He rounds the couch to sit beside you, look on his face childlike.
"I love Dylan Is In Trouble, did you watch the recent commentary yet?" He asks as he sits down.
You tilt your phone so he can see clearly, "What do you think this is?" You tease.
He smiles sheepishly, the bottom of his neck starting to turn red.
He seems a little embarrassed after this, and you're scared he might've taken your teasing the wrong way.
"My favorite videos of his are Gone Girl and the Harry Potter marathon." You say.
His eyes light up again almost immediately. They resemble a pug in the way they look like they'll almost fall out his head.
"Me too!"
"Do you wanna watch it together?" You offer, taking an airpod from your ear and handing it to the boy.
He takes it happily, smiling softly.
It turns out Ethan and you have quite a lot in common. He's cute, and nice, and doesn't treat you like scum on earth; which is better than whatever everybody else has been doing.
It's movie night tonight, the first one Tara will be at since the fight. You've been trying to calm your nerves all day, but the shaky hands and weak knees are a dead giveaway to how you’re really feeling.
"Dude! You're going to be fine." Ethan reassures, watching you pace from one corner of the room to another; hands around your head.
You’ve told Ethan a little about your fight with Tara, and he’s been your rock ever since.
"God, this is stupid. I should just skip movie night." You say, flopping onto the bed.
Ethan groans, grabs your hand, and drags you up and out of the room you were currently hidden in.
You do feel a little better with Ethan by your side, chatting his ass off to distract you. It kind of works.
He grabs your attention even more when he talks about Elizabeth Olsen. Now that was one hell of a topic to get your mind off Tara.
You're so submerged in the conversation by the time you get to the couch that you don't even notice her enter and sit on the couch; the farthest seat away from you as possible.
You couldn’t care less, at that point.
Ethan blabs on about how much he'd like to do things you aren’t nasty enough to repeat to the scarlet witch.
You punch his shoulder lightly, and scowl.
"Dude, uncool. You talk about my wife like that?" You muse, raising an eyebrow.
You're so caught up in the teasing you forget about how loud you are. The room goes quiet, and unbeknownst to you all eyes turn to Tara.
She's no longer ignoring you, she's staring straight at your hand; that’s still touching Ethan's arm, glaring daggers.
Ethan coughs when he sees Tara and tries to signal to you that she looks less than unhappy. You don't seem to understand, only laugh harder and show Ethan your lock screen.
"You know, there's a reason why Ms. Lizzie Olsen is my lock screen." You snicker, but you're interrupted by a scoff from across the room.
Now you realize that everything's gone silent. You furrow your eyebrows, peer at Tara.
She looks absolutely livid.
You roll your eyes, so you weren't allowed to have any fun while she's mad at you?
Fuck that, this is the most you've laughed in ages.
You stand up, grab Ethan's hand and lead him over to your shared room. Tara stares.
"Dude! Get your hands off me, Tara's looking at me like she's about to kill me!" Ethan whispers, hushed and hurried.
You look back at him, eyes determined.
"That's the point." And you lean forward to press a kiss on his cheek, making sure everyone in the living room can see you.
You're too worked up to care at the moment, if this is what it takes to make Tara talk to you again; you'd happily do it a million times over.
"Oh god, I'm dying today." He squeaks, ears beet red.
You guys get to the room, and it takes Tara 1...2...
-before the door bursts open, her eyes wild. She looks incandescent with rage.
"Get. Out." She practically sneers at Ethan, and damn that boy doesn't have a single independent bone in his body because he leaves so quickly you think he might trip on his own legs.
The moment he's gone Tara surges at you, backing you up into the wall harshly, fiddling with the buttons of your pants.
As much as you want her, this isn’t what you had planned for.
"No, Tara." You mumble, lightly using your hands to shove the smaller girl away.
"Shut up, I need you right now." She says as she slips her hands underneath your shirt and lets them roam all around your body shamelessly.
You shove harder this time.
"I said no, Tara." Your voice is hard, and this time Tara pulls back, apprehension on her face.
You walk to the door, and stand in front of it; blocking Tara from running away.
"I need you to talk to me." You whisper, tone hard.
Tara fakes a confused expression, averting her eyes from your gaze.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I've forgiven you already." She says, voice high.
You scoff, cross your arms against your chest.
"You've forgiven me but you don't trust me. You've been ignoring me all week, and the only time you even touch me is when you want to have sex. It's like I'm not even your girlfriend anymore!" You yell, pent-up anger spilling out of you before you can stop it.
Tara's dead silent for a moment. The air feels electric. She's staring at you with fire in her eyes.
"Maybe you shouldn't be my girlfriend."
She whispers it, but it sounds about a million times louder than anything else right now.
The room suddenly feels hollow and empty. Tara's saying something but it sounds muffled.
You feel tears start to threaten their way out of your eyes, and you turn away; determined not to cry in front of her.
"...but I can't trust anyone right now, not even you." is the rest of what she says.
You scoff.
"I thought you'd at least have a little more faith in me, I mean, your sister's DNA was found there too!"
Tara fidgets on her feet, looking like she'd rather do anything than stand in front of you.
"But Sam's my sister." She says softly, looking down at her feet.
It's all too much, all at once. You feel bile rising in your throat, your heart heavier than it's ever been; thumping at a million miles per hour.
"YN, wait-" Tara reaches as you grab open the door and rush out. You need to go somewhere, anywhere that isn't here.
"Wait, dude, where are you going?" Ethan starts, trying to get you to stay; stumbling over his own feet.
"Out." You snap, shooting him a dirty look. You know he doesn't deserve it, but everything's so hectic and shitty that you couldn't care less about how he feels.
It looks like he's about to say something else but you speak before he can even start.
"Don't think about following me."
And then you walk out, leaving everyone in the room staring in awkward silence.
The music is blaring loud enough for you to drown your thoughts, the only thing present in your mind is the feeling of the beat and the melody.
You prop your arms on the balcony railing of the pub and stare into the darkness of the night.
There are at least 20 different text messages from Ethan and two from Tara. You scowl as you see it, bitter bitter feeling in your heart.
It's kind of nice actually, being away from the group. Not thinking about Tara, not thinking about anything.
You hear a shuffle from behind you, assume it's someone pushing the glass door onto the balcony to smoke.
You don't turn around, just lay your head in your hands as you enjoy the view.
A piercing pain shoots right up your body, and you faintly feel something slide out of you.
It's numbing at first, and you turn slowly; in shock. You look down at your shoulder blade, the same side of your body you were sliced; and see that the wound has reopened.
"Huh." You mutter, looking up to see none other than Ghostface stalking in front of you.
He looks smaller than you remember.
You tut, it's not like you weren't expecting Ghostface to come to find you. You were in a horror movie after all; isn't the first rule not to split up?
"So....are you going to just stand there like a coward or are you going to finish the job?" You taunt, watching as Ghostface's palms turn into fists.
You get a little kick out of it, heart jumping with adrenaline.
Ghostface rushes forward, gripping both sides of your arms; holding tight. It hurts your just infected stab wound.
As much as you'd like to die at the moment, there's still a teeny weeny bit of you that wants to hold on and kill this son of a bitch. So he'll never hurt another soul again, he'll never hurt your Tara.
You grab at his face, but he's quicker. He swerves your flying fists, head butting your chest.
It takes you a minute to catch your breath again, Ghostface takes the opportunity to stab your stomach; twisting and churning your skin into itself.
"Fucking hell." You manage out and use the last of your strength to uppercut as hard as you can, and you're almost sure you feel your knuckles crack under the pressure.
It takes him off guard, stumbling back onto the railing. You curse when you see he doesn't fall off the goddamn balcony.
You clutch your bleeding arm, throw the bottle of whiskey you were drinking at Ghostface as hard as you can, and run.
Run. Run. Run.
You sprint through the crowd of people, pushing and kicking your way through. Not a single one of them gives a single shit about your bleeding arm, or the fact that you're panting so heavily you'd resemble a dog.
You're so caught up in avoiding bodies you don't realize you literally slam into someone.
Big brown wild eyes stare back at you, and you gasp. He’s covered in cuts from top to bottom, face battered and bloody.
It couldn't be...
"Ethan?" You breathe out.
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nicohischierz · 1 year
girl next door: luke hughes
tagging: @ivy-34, @hzstry8, @francesfarhadi, @cixrosie, @heartz4hisch, @trevs-swiftie, @itsnotgray text me or fill the form if you want to join the taglist!!
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“i heard there’s another hughes back in an arbor,” you called, entering the younger boys dorm. 
ellen dropped luke’s shirt on his bed and rushed over to you, bringing you in for a hug. you accepted the gesture and squished the older woman as if you hadn’t seen her in years. you were at her house last week. 
“hi lukey, are you excited to be more educated than jack?” you teased. 
luke blushed before nodding. you gave jim a quick hug before helping luke find the best way to maximise his dorm space. 
“have you met your roommate yet?” you asked. 
just as you did, a shorter boy with dark brown curly hair walked in. you were sure you’d seen the boy somewhere before but you couldn’t quite put your finger on where. 
“this is dylan, we’re on the team together and he played at the programme with me last year,” luke explained. 
you nodded your head and went over to introduce yourself. 
“hi dylan, i’m lizzie and i’ll help you learn the ropes of college life,” 
dylan’s mum introduced herself to you and you explained how you and jack became best friends since the day they arrived in michigan.
“sorry, i’ve got to go sort some things out back at my apartment but i’ll come back soon and then i can take luke and dylan to meet some of their teammates,” you offered.
ellen nodded and gave you one last hug before letting you out of the room.
dylan looked at luke with his eyebrows raised as if to ‘dude, she’s hot,’ but luke ignored his friend. you didn’t see him as anything other than jacks younger brother.
true to your word you showed up just as the parents were about to leave.
dylan and luke followed you to your car and you drove the boys to nolan’s house. “i know you guys met your teammates earlier but luke has my number if y’all want to leave okay,” you told the two boys.
dylan got out of the car and waited for you as you took your sweatshirt off. well actually it was one of luke’s but the boy never mentioned that.
“come on you too. you’re college students now!” you exclaimed dragging them behind you.
once you entered the house you were greeted by blanks handing you a cup of his secret concoction. he then told the two freshmen to follow him.
you made your rounds meeting up with the other members of the team before luke found you again. he was now wearing a white shirt that read ‘baby wolve class of 2025’
“well don’t you look dashing,” you complimented, reaching over to pinch luke’s cheek.
but seeing as you’d been asked to take multiple shots of tequila on top of drinking whatever nick gave you, you stumbled falling into the boys chest.
luke wrapped his arms around you and held up to his chest. you could feel his breathe on your face. luke’s curls were peeking out of his hat and his lips looked so kissable.
without wasting anytime you pushed yourself on your toes and covered the space between you and luke. the boy complying immediately and following in your lead.
you didn’t know who’s room you and luke ended up in but in the moment you didn’t care. it seemed the owner of the room didn’t come until morning as you woke up in luke’s arms.
of course, some part of you felt like an idiot for sleeping with your best friends brother but a couple weeks later when luke came to your apartment after the teams first win, all rational thoughts went out the window.
“we have to tell jack,” you told luke.
the two of you had started of with a friends with benefits relationship but somewhere down the line luke had asked you out on a date.
one date turned into two and the next thing you knew you were calling luke your boyfriend and telling your parents.
“well then this has been lovely. i hope you mourn me for at least five years before moving on,” luke mumbled.
you and luke had been dating for a year now. it was your last weekend in ann arbor together before the team left for the frozen four and he signed with the devils.
“luke,” you groaned.
your boyfriend chuckled and you into his chest.
“how about you come to my debut game and we all go out for dinner. cause then my parents will be there and i’ll live a little longer,” he compromised.
you thought about it for a bit before nodding and kissing luke.
“don’t worry luke, if he ends up killing you i’ll name my first born in your honour,”
luke didn’t have time to come up with a quip before you ran out of his room to pack your bags
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Imagine Part 4:
Rapper Erik and Y/N are official. How are they handling the new relationship?
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“Tell us your name, gorgeous, and where you’re from and how we can connect with you.” 
She blushed into the camcorder with a bright white smile and dark brown eyes. 
“My name is Tasia. I’m from Houston. You can follow me on Instagram at Tasia Marie.”
The videographer panned Tasia’s body with the camcorder. Tasia gave him a sexy pose while seated in the back of a bright yellow 2023 Porsche 718 Cayman. She’s wearing a sage halter dress and her hair is styled in large knotless braids with sleek edges. 
“Tell us a little bit about Tasia.”
Tasia pondered with a cute smirk on her face. She giggled and licked her glossy lips before speaking. 
“I’m twenty eight years old. I love to dance and model. I’m a great cook. My sign is a Scorpio. I love to have fun and just…see the world, you know? Let’s get some stamps on our passports together.”
“I hear that! Now, you’re on set of E-rratic’s highly anticipated video shoot. He hand picked you to be his leading lady. How does that make you feel? Let the people know!” 
“I feel special. Not everyday an opportunity like this comes your way. I’ve been waiting for the moment to star in a video with GRIZZLEY. And plus, backseat interlude is on rotation right now so it’s only right.” 
The video set had a late night, city vibe with wet pavements and a low ambiance from the many colorful lights that illuminated the city of Tokyo. E-rratic wanted to take it up a notch and shoot his video in Tokyo, Japan; one of the places on his bucket list to travel to. He had an entire script to make it like a movie. KILL-OCHO is a wanted man by the Yakuza who wants revenge for coming into Tokyo and making a name for himself. He steals the lead member’s woman (Tasia) just because he could. It’s Tokyo drift meets street fighter. 
The first two days on set were about filming for his hit single titled ‘punisher’ and now he was ready to give a little sexy, steamy realness with back seat interlude. The fans were begging him to make a video for the short song so he secretly decided to add it in the video to please his fans. It was never his intention but he’s glad that he did it anyway. 
“Speak of the devil…”
E-rratic slid into the back seat of the Porsche next to Tasia with no shirt on, flaunting his muscular strength by picking her up and placing her within his lap. Tasia giggled and draped her slender arms around his neck. E-rratic smiled into the camcorder with his diamond-encrusted canines and dimples on display. Tasia couldn’t focus on anything around her except E-rratic. He had her in a trance. Thick, diamond chains hung from his tattoo-covered neck and diamond rings decorated his thick fingers. He smelled like money and looked like money. In Tasia’s mind, she couldn’t wait to taste the money on his plump lips. To even be within his personal space took a lot of strength to keep it together. In her mind, don’t no bitch want E-rratic as bad as she does. 
Not even his girl friend Y/N.
“What are we about to get into KING KILLMONGER? Let the fans know.”
E-rratic gave a deep chuckle that vibrated his chest. Tasia could feel the rumble and she shivered in his grasp. E-rratic turned to look at her, his obsidian eyes low and wanton. 
“This lucky girl gettin’ that exclusive treatment. We about to film back seat interlude. Gotta give the fans what they want, feel me?”
“And what’s that?” The videographer asked.
“Straight sexiness.” E-rratic replied.
Tasia blushes before pressing her face into E-rratic’s neck taking in a whiff of his Versace Dylan Blue cologne. He tapped the side of her hip to get her attention and Tasia discreetly gripped his hand to try and place it on her ass. This isn’t the first time she tried to get him to do something in between takes. 
“Looks like everything is a go. Y’all ready?”
Hype Williams walked over to the car to make sure everything was good to go before he called action. E-rratic gave him a thumbs up while positioning Tasia to straddle his lap. She playfully bounced on him, her ass jiggling out of control. 
“Aye, chill out,” E-rratic gave her a smirk but his tone was icy, “just do your part, girl. Sit and be pretty.”
Hype Williams walked away laughing. 
“That’s no fun,” Tasia whispered, “You know what I want.”
“Yeah, I know. And you ain’t getting it.” E-rratic replied with a hushed tone. 
“Not fair. I want what you gave that groupie on your tour bus…”
E-rratic ignored her and Tasia didn’t like that. She was going to get it out of him one way or another. 
We gon’ fuck for an hour then we gon’ move to the back seat…
The water on set came pouring down like rain over the car. A neon blue light covered their bodies causing the white of their teeth, the diamonds they were wearing, and the green of Tasia’s dress to pop. Kill pressed his lips against Tasia’s ear as if he were sensually whispering the lyrics of the song to her. As if it were his own words serenading her. Tasia arched her back and combed her nails through E-rratic’s locs. 
Watch how I blow that back out make yo’ pretty ass tap out…
Tasia looked into the camera with a seductive gaze while E-rratic continued to spit his explicit lyrics. His hands dragged from her back to her ass where he cuffed her booty for extra emphasis on the back he was going to blow out. Tasia started grinding her hips in E-rratics lap and biting her lip. 
Fat ass on you girl I had to take that pussy in the back of my Audi 
Got your face down and that ass to the north (damn that arch is nice)
E-rratic gave Tasia a little push and she slid off of his lap and to the seat next to him. E-rratic climbed out and walked off for a smoke break so Tasia could have some screen time alone. She’s supposed to flaunt in front of the camera while the song plays in the background for added sexiness. As the camera zoomed in to her, Tasia moved her body in time to the lyrics. When E-rratic said to arch your back, she was face down, ass up in the back seat with her tiny dress almost revealing the lack of underwear. 
E-rratic entered his trailer and cracked the door behind him. He took a seat in front of his vanity where his weed and pre-rolled blunts are. After taking a swig of alkaline water, Erratic sparked up a blunt. Blunt hanging between his thick lips, he pulled up his special girl’s number and FaceTimed her back at the hotel. After the third ring, she  answered with a towel wrapped around her body and her expensive bundles clipped to the top of her head so it wouldn’t get wet. 
“Hey, baby girl. I miss you.”
“Mhm. Not enough if you’re not here with me right now.” Y/N replied. 
E-rratic’s eyes roamed over her body covered in a fluffy white towel. The amount of soft, brown skin that teased him was enough to make him go back to her. She gave him a look with an arched brow, challenging him to come to her and that was E-rratic’s favorite look. He loved it when Y/N got sassy with him. It let him know she wanted to get fucked harder. Longer. With his long dick. He chuckled when she turned around to tease him, bending over in the camera and shaking her ass from left to right. 
“You know daddy got work to do. I thought you said you love that I’m a hard worker?”
“I do, but it’s going on day three of this shit and I haven’t been able to properly enjoy you.” 
“Whatchu ‘bout to do?” E-rratic leaned into the camera with his blunt between his fingers, “Don’t do nothing that’s gonna get you in trouble, sexy. Thought I told you that pussy is off limits when I’m away? Don’t be hard headed.”
“Or what?” Y/N spoke defiantly, “Because you’re all the way over there, and I’m here. Can’t discipline me through the phone, Erik.”
“You talk so much shit and when I show up you sing a different tune. But I love it though, you real cute, baby.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and made herself comfortable on the edge of their hotel bed to apply some vanilla oil to her skin. 
“Is that chick behaving herself or do I have to pull up?”
E-rratic’s intense stare and slight smirk distracted her for a second. She smiled at him before blowing him a kiss and licking her top lip lustily. 
“I got it under control. You know the ladies love E-rratic. How do you think I got you?”
He gave her a charming, dimpled smile.
“How many times do I have to remind you that you belong to me now and those bitches don’t stand a chance?” 
“You right. And you already know where I stand. So don’t waste your energy on these hoes. It’s me and you.” 
“Actions speak louder than words…”
E-rratic could sense the lack of confidence in her voice. Clearly, no amount of words will make her feel any better. It’s what comes with the lifestyle. E-rratic is a wanted man. No matter where he goes, some chick will throw themselves at him. They drop the panties for him, take off their bras for him, cheat on their men for him, risk it all to get some of that dick from him. That’s just how it is. It’s been years since he’d been in a committed relationship. He never imagined himself being where he is right now with Y/N; a fan. Respectfully, she’s more than a fan to him. He couldn’t explain it, but it was something about her. She had something that he couldn’t resist. 
“And haven’t I proven to you that I’m all about you?” E-rratic said, tilting his head into the camera. 
“Yes,” Y/N peered at him through her lashes, “Maybe I still can’t believe that I’m with you.”
“You’re rare, baby. I can’t believe the hold you have on me too. You know what I can’t stop thinking about?”
Y/N got comfortable on her side, one hand holding the front of her towel while the other propped her head up. The curve of her hip beneath that towel had E-rratic’s mouth watering. 
“What’s that?”
“…How you woke me up this morning with my dick in your mouth. Those pretty brown eyes staring up at me.”
“I could use some dick in my mouth right now if you were here with me,” Y/N said.
“Just your mouth?” E-rratic replied with faux shock, voice holding a bit of rasp.
“Of course not. That’s just the beginning. This pussy too.” 
“Mhm,” E-rratic took a hit from his blunt, allowing the purple haze strain to crowd his senses, “Daddy’s pretty pussy?”
Y/N gave him a sluggish nod of her head with a tantalizing bite of her lower lip. 
“I’ve been thinking about that phat pussy all day. That shit is mine.” 
“All yours,” Y/N said with a giggle.
“I got some time to kill, take that towel off and show me that pussy.”
E-rratic didn’t waste time. He sat up in his seat, pecks jumping and ab muscles flexing. Y/N couldn’t see his lower half that well, only the band to his white Calvin Klein’s. That brought her back to his recent Calvin Klein ad. Y/N made herself comfortable on her back facing the camera. She took the towel off and spread her legs to reveal her wet pussy to E-rratic. His deep grunt sent shivers down her spine.
“I want that pussy in my mouth so bad right now. First thing ima do when I get back is stick my tongue so far up your pussy…Fuuck.”
Y/N spread her lips for him so he could get a better look at how soaked she is for him. The contrast of her designer acrylics against the smooth, glistening flesh of her folds almost had him foaming at the mouth. 
“When I get to you, I’m a have you crying.”
“You know I can’t wait for that. You can find me ready and in position on the couch as soon as you get here.”
“Hmm…it’s like that?” E-rratic grabbed his crotch.
“All for you, Erik.”
“I love it when you say my name…it just rolls off your tongue all sexy and shit,” E-rratic smirked, “You gon’ moan my name?”
“Moan, sing, shout, all that,” Y/N replied. 
“That’s a good girl—give me a second, I’m coming—they want me back on set—”
“They can wait.” 
Y/N brought two wet fingers to her mouth to lick her juices off. E-rratic watched her with so much concentration. He slowly licked his lips as if he were the one enjoying her taste. If he could lick the screen and sample a taste, he would. 
“Aren’t you so lucky that you get to have all of this?” Y/N said.
“Shit, aren’t you so lucky that you get to sit on my face like it’s your personal seat?”
The thought alone had Y/N rubbing circles on her clit. Her head went back and she let out soft moans that bounced off of the walls of his trailer. 
“Can’t believe your favorite rapper eats that pussy up, huh?” E-rratic strained his neck to see if anyone was waiting outside of his trailer, “Got me talkin’ crazy right now…”
“Please hurry up, I need you,” Y/N moaned.
“I promise…hey…look at me…get your fingers off my pussy…I promise I’ll come straight to you when I’m done.”
Y/N kisses her teeth and to both of their disappointment, she closes her legs and sits up on the bed. Full titties with stiff nipples met his eyes and it didn’t make things better. The way his dick throbbed, you would think it was ready to burst through his zipper. The ache was uncomfortable and he didn’t know how he was going to be able to conceal a brick hard dick from Tasia. Have her thinking a torpedo is ready to blast off up her pussy with how hard he is. 
“Aight, we gotta behave ourselves. Go put on a robe and order yourself something to eat. Give me another hour and I’ll be right to you, baby girl. We can fuck with Joshi Luck on in the background.”
Y/N gave E-rratic an adorable pout with sad eyes. He picked up his phone and puckered his lips to give her a couple kisses through the phone. She wasn’t going to be satisfied until he came back to that hotel. He already knew that she was going to make herself cum at least twice. 
“You’re gon’ be a good girl for me?” E-rratic questioned. 
“I promise.” Y/N replied innocently.
“Aight, we’ll see. I’ll hit you when I’m on the way.” 
E-rratic ended the FaceTime and left his trailer so he could get this shit over with. As he walked back to set, he had to keep internally reminding himself to get Y/N off his brain until this was all over. 
How could Y/N describe what being with E-rratic felt like?
Like a dream
Her fantasy made into reality 
The greatest feeling in the world
Not one word could perfectly express how she felt being with Erik. Her Erik. E-rratic Leader was her man. Saying that felt so unreal. Thinking about it felt like she was living a fictional life. She couldn’t begin to explain how happy she was. She never thought she’d see herself laid up in his hotel bed in another country wearing an iced-out Cuban link with her name on it or a diamond tennis anklet with his given name on it. 
Just three months after the tour, everything happened so fast. Was this how it was supposed to be? Was this what God had planned for her? Y/N resigned from her full time job, packed her bags—even though he got her a whole new wardrobe—and moved to LA. After the first half of the tour leg, Erik asked her to be his official girl. Y/N said yes before he could even get his words out. She told her family and friends, despite some of their disappointment. Her mother was the hardest to convince. Her father’s opinion didn’t really matter to her since he’s hardly in her life. Her sisters and cousins were nothing but judgmental, and her friends were protective. 
Still, every morning when she wakes up in his California king bed wrapped in luxury sheets with the highest thread count, she can’t believe that she’s sleeping next to E-rratic. Sharing a home with E-rratic. Driving his cars, eating food prepared by his personal chef, working out with his personal trainer, meeting his celebrity friends, and shopping with his money. She didn’t have to lift a finger. He had her set with racks. She could wake up and find five bands sitting on the side table next to the bed for her. He loved giving her bouquets of roses in different colors wrapped with individual bills. 
Whatever Erik wanted, she gave him no questions asked. That’s what comes with treating your woman right. Dick in mouth, ass in the air, pussy for the taking. She wore what he liked, styled her hair how he liked, got her nails done how he liked. Before their trip to Tokyo, Y/N got his name tatted on her hip and her clit pierced with a golden topaz and titanium ring to match the nipple piercings. She planned to do her tongue next. 
Everywhere they went, he would assert his dominance with his arm around her waist and his hand resting on her hip. He’d introduce her as his woman with such confidence and the biggest ego. So why did Y/N feel like it was all temporary? That he would find interest in some other girl and drop her back off to Detroit. It was all too surreal to believe it would last. Y/N dreamed of this. She was satisfied with just one opportunity with him, but to have him every single day, whenever and wherever, it blew her fucking mind. 
With new fame came controversy. Y/N went from 2K followers on Instagram to 1.5 million. She had to limit her comments to avoid an influx of rude, nasty people and she had to stay off of Twitter. Don’t even get her started on the blogs. The blogs were eating her up. Groupie. Hoe. One of many to have E-rratic. Some say it won’t last, others say she won’t be the same when her heart gets broken. She had to block all of them too. 
“When you let the shit people say get to you, it controls your life. You gotta ignore the bullshit.” 
E-rratic knew first hand what it was like. He had to learn to live his life the way he wanted and not how people watching him wanted him to be. He wanted the same for Y/N. 
“This shit is new for me too. I want it to work. I really like you, Y/N. Hell, I think I love you. It feels like love. You love me?” 
The feelings she felt for him ran deeper than him being her favorite rapper. She felt as if he were her soulmate. That God sent him to her. It was more than being with her celebrity crush. She got to know him. Not E-rratic. Erik. Erik Stevens. Born and raised in Oakland, CA. A parentless child at the age of twelve. Living with his grandparents and getting into trouble. In and out of jail. So smart he got a full ride to M.I.T. How he met the love of his life in school and how she was going to have his baby before it was all taken away from him. How he turned to music as an outlet to keep his mind right. She felt honored and special to know all of that about him. 
After eating her Japanese wagyu steak dinner and drinking some of Erik’s Japanese Whiskey, she fixed her hair and put on her YSL Cassandra Sandals in black patent. Y/N put on a little makeup with a bold red lip and put on Erik’s new album. She loved it. He was in his producer bag for sure. Some of the best music to come out recently. She already knew he was going to sweep at the Grammys. The imposing beats that gave way to nostalgic bops and transitioned into sexy instrumentals just showed how diverse he was. The lyrics hit every time for her. This was true art to her. 
Take off the top, baby let’s ride
She want the boss, the one own the tribe
Arm out the window, just throw it when we ride….
His voice, the energy he was giving off, the sexy beat, the background vocals of a woman moaning. It was all too much. 
I told her “I ain’t GRIZZLEY, baby, call me SEX.” 
If you my hoe, I call you sexy (yeahhh) 
I wanna see what you got inside
Can you make it say ahhh
Turn on yo side
While I switch lanes to pull over to the side
I promise it won’t hurt
Unless you make it hurt (yeahhh) 
You know them other niggas can’t do it like this (yeahhh) 
The lyrics to backseat interlude had her feeling herself. She knew that she was supposed to wait for him to get there, but she was naked and horny and listening to his voice couldn’t keep her under control. Y/N made herself comfortable on the couch and placed her glass of whiskey on the table. She got down on her back with her legs spread open and resumed rubbing her clit. To her surprise, she was still wet from their FaceTime. The song had slowly faded in the background and Y/N paused to play it again.
Y/N took a deep breath and relaxed. She closed her eyes. If Erik were there with her, he would be instructing her on how to touch herself. He’d tell her to start off slow and steady while rubbing her clit. To follow the speed of his soothing voice. She mimicked the speed of his voice on backseat interlude. She could feel her nipples hardening beneath the cool air of the hotel room. In her mind, she was envisioning herself sitting between his legs in front of a mirror while his hand did all the work and she sat there like a good girl. 
Two fingers slipped inside and with her other hand she continued to rub her clit. She brought her knees to her chest and moaned his name over and over again. The song had stopped but she was already close to cumming so it didn’t matter anymore. 
“Fuck, I can’t wait to have your big dick inside of me…”
The anticipation was killing her. Every time with Erik felt like the first time. He was made to control her body. The way they’re bodies are in sync is both scary and amazing. He didn’t have to tell her how he liked it anymore, she knew what to do. From the kitchen, to the bathroom, to the floor, to the bed, she knew how to take his dick in every position possible. 
“I’m so wet…I can’t believe how wet I am…”
Hee fingers were damn near slipping into a puddle of arousal whenever her fingers would pump inside of her. Her clit was so ridged beneath the pads of her fingers. She desperately needs his tongue to replace all of this. 
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck, fuck, shit…”
Hee inner thighs began to quake out of control and her body seized up like she was frozen in ice. Her mouth fell open with surprise and all she could feel seeping between her meaty thighs was her cum. A small puddle formed beneath her. Y/N inspected her fingers and there was cum dripping down to the palm of her hand. She cleaned her digits off and sat up on the couch, tacky skin sticking to the leather sofa. 
Hee phone vibrated next to her and when she noticed his name she picked it up and answered. 
“Open the door for daddy.”
E-rratic gave BIG WILL the evening off and sent him to his room. There was no need for him to guard the door. E-rratic was rummaging in his jeans pockets, he realized that he left his key card back at the trailer on set. E-rratic pulled out his phone and called Y/N. She answered on the first ring.
“Open the door for daddy.” 
She hung up in his ear and E-rratic could hear her foot steps rushing to the door. She opened it wearing a robe and E-rratic rushed inside and slammed the door behind him. He pressed his much larger body against her small, soft one and Y/N ended up with her back against the wall across from the door and her arms above her head. E-rratic interlocked his fingers with hers to keep her in place while his skillful tongue slithered into her mouth hot and heavy. E-rratic brought one hand down to open her robe while the other hand gripped both of her hands. 
“You smell like sugar and sweat…you played with my pussy while I was gone?”
Y/N was so enraptured with him being there that she didn’t respond. E-rratic smoothed his hand down her stomach until his fingers were separating her outer lips to investigate for himself. He smiled slightly as his eyes bore into hers.
“And I can taste that Suntory Hibiki on your tongue. Turning up without daddy?”
E-rratic removed his fingers from between her legs and gripped her chin.
“You can’t speak now?” He said with an arch of his brow.
“I couldn’t help myself.” She finally spoke. 
“What I tell you? Hm?” 
Y/N looked E-rratic up and down.
“Okay…okay…I see what you want…let’s go.” 
E-rratic grabbed Y/N by the waist and they walked to the bathroom. Inside, E-rratic instructed Y/N to take off her robe and undress him. She removed her fluffy robe and walked up to him, taking off his white T-shirt first. She noticed a lipstick stain on it and her eyes locked with his. He followed her finger and when he saw the stain he kissed his teeth.
“From set. She must’ve done that while we were filming in the car.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. 
“C’mon Lil mama. You know I ain’t get down like that.”
E-rratic planted a kiss to her cheek.
“You tryna ruin the moment. I ain’t seen you all day.”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N tugged on the hem of his T-shirt, “Maybe I should have been your video girl instead…”
E-rratic smirked at her before lifting her chin so she could look up at him.
“Say the word and I’ll do this shit all over again. I’ll make you the leading lady.”
Y/N took a moment to think about it, but ultimately she shook her head.
“Nah, that’s more money and time put in. She just better watch herself before I snatch her ass up.”
“You sure?” E-rratic tucked his chin and gave her a serious look, “I’m good for it, you already know that.” 
“I’m sure. Now, where were we?”
E-rratic licked his lips, “That’s my baby girl. Finish what you started…”
Y/N continued to remove E-rratic’s T-shirt. The more skin revealed, the more she would kiss and lick him all over. When the shirt fell to the floor, Y/N locked eyes with E-rratic while taking off his pants. He watched her with a look in his eyes like he wanted to eat her up. When his briefs were the last to go, Y/N cupped his sack in her hand and got onto her top toes to get a kiss. Their tongues danced and their lips made sloppy wet noises the more they molded into each other. 
Y/N took off his briefs and the way his dick was looking semi hard had her ready to suck it until it was fully solid in her jaws. E-rratic chuckled at her expression and turned to get into the standing shower with multiple jets. Y/N grabbed her claw clip and joined him, not caring that she had already taken a shower before. The warm water painted their skin and Y/N grabbed a soap sponge to clean him off. She started with his back, sudsing him up real good, amazed at how the soap tricked down his spine to his toned ass. 
When he turned to face her, she got down on her knees and dragged the sponge down his torso and then squeezed soap all over his thick pole. She went to clean his legs and feet and when she came back up to his dick and balls, she used the sponge first to clean him, then she used her hands to stroke the soap all over his shaft. E-rratic looked down at her through the curtain of locs that framed his forehead. Water trickled down his body tantalizingly until his dick was free of soap. 
“Suck this dick,” E-rratic commanded.
Y/N opened her mouth and wrapped her greedy lips around the tip of his dick. She went lower, her eyes never leaving his, until he was at the back of her throat. She closed her eyes to fight back the tears and removed her mouth, his dick with a string of spit dangling in front of her. She used her tongue to massage the sides of his shaft. She used her lips like a suction for his nut sack just so she could hear him groan.
“This my fucking dick,” She moaned.
“Then make your dick cum,” E-rratic spoke with a gruff tone, “Do what I like. No hands, all mouth, lots of spit. Make that shit nasty.”
Y/N engulfed his dick again and started bobbing her head up and down while her hand massaged his heavy sack. She squeezed his sack to keep him still and the more she did that, the harder he became in her mouth. So hard to the point where she couldn’t suck him all the way down with ease anymore. The vein on the underside of his shaft made it more difficult. She used her tongue to flick the deep vein and he hissed. 
“Do that shit, baby, Gahdamn,” E-rratic’s brows drew together, “Fuuck, I’m gonna bust…”
Y/N was showing out. The slurping grew louder and E-rratic’s thighs started shaking. His fingers turned into fists and he threw his head back. All she could see was that perfect body and the length of his neck. Pre-cum mixed with her saliva covered his dick and she would slurp it up and spit it back out to make it as sloppy as she could.
“Stay on that tip…just like that…I’m gonna fuck you so good…SHITTTT!” 
His ass muscles tightened and a stream of cum hit the back of her throat. He stared down at her with disbelief. 
“You the only bitch to make a nigga nut like he been backed up for days…where you been all my life? Wish I would’ve wifed you up…”
Her eyes sparkled when he said that. He avoided touching her hair and reached for her hands. He helped her to her feet and immediately pressed his lips against hers. 
“Let me wash you off now…”
E-rratic took the sponge and applied soap to it. He made her turn around so that her back was facing him and she placed her hands on the shower wall. He started at her shoulders, then he rubbed circles into her back with the sponge. His dick was sitting between her cheeks and his lips were pressed against her ear. After he washed her ass and then dragged the sponge around to the front, cleaning her breasts and squeezing the sponge so that soap could run down her body. 
“You look good with my name tatted on your hip.” E-rratic whispered, “That let’s me know that it’s real.”
Y/N released a sigh of pleasure when E-rratic replaced the sponge with a soft rag and some sensitive wash to clean her pussy. With one hand he held her lips open while he gently cleansed her inner folds, careful not to get her piercing caught on the rag. When he was finished, he placed the rag on the side of the shower and turned her around to face him. 
“Get your pretty ass in the room so I can have my way with you,” E-rratic whispered against her lips, “All night long, girl.”
E-rratic had turned the lights off in the room and on the flat screen, wall-mounted TV, he resumed the Hentai they were watching the night before. Joshi Luck episode four titled ‘raw’. That’s how he was getting into that pussy tonight. The episode started off with big anime titties. E-rratic, still wearing his chains, was standing at the foot of the bed, his eyes on Y/N who has her ass in the air. She’s looking back at him over her shoulder, bouncing her ass in his face. 
He got behind her and put his face in her pussy from behind. Not wasting any time, E-rratic started sucking her pussy from the back with both hands on her ass cheeks to keep them spread. The sound of slurping and sucking  from the hentai and E-rratic had Y/N dripping on his tongue like she sprung a leak. She sat up on one hand and reached behind her to grab the back of his head. She dragged her ass up and down his face and he poked his tongue out so she could ride his tongue.
He could never get over the taste of her. That’s why any chance he gets, he has his mouth between her legs. 
I want it like this now,” E-rratic got down on his back, “Get up here.” 
Giggling, Y/N climbed over his face and dropped her pussy into his mouth. His eyes never left hers and she loved the way he looked below her. Y/N gripped him by his locs and started grinding her hips in slow motion. E-rratic followed her movements with his tongue all over her slit. She bounced her titties in her hands to give him a show and moaned his name. Behind her, his dick was saluted to the ceiling. A hard pipe to sink onto. She reached behind her to stroke him. 
“That dick is so hard. You gonna fuck me good with this, daddy?”
He responded with his lips sucking her jeweled clit between his lips. Y/N let out a string of loud moans. 
“The wetter I am, the better it will feel when I’m on that dick,” Y/N looked down at him, “Hurry up and make me cum.”
E-rratic frowned at her and Y/N knew what that look meant. He was going to give her exactly what she wanted and she better not run. He could feel her body tightening up above him. He couldn’t speak with a mouth full of pussy, but she knew to stay right on his mouth. Her beautiful face contorted with uncontrollable emotions and the hold he had on her hips took a lot of strength. His biceps flexed and the veins in his hands almost popped. 
He finally let her go and she fell to her back. Wet beard and all, E-rratic stood up and cuffed her legs over his shoulders, dragging her along the bed, taking the sheets with him. Wet, pounding sounds from the hentai caught their attention briefly. When he turned back to look at her, a dangerous look in his eyes, he grabbed his big dick at the base and thrust into her. 
“You cum in my mouth like that? Huh?!” 
“Shit!” Y/N shouted.
“It’s wet just how I like it,” E-rratic snapped his hips into hers repeatedly.
The overwhelming pleasure had her lost for words. E-rratic didn’t let up. His dick was hitting spots inside of her she couldn’t explain. 
“Oh, daddy, fuck, how did it get so far inside of me?!”
“Look for yourself, lift your head up and look!”
She tried but it was too much. The muscles in her body seemed to shut down. She felt tingly and weak all over. 
“Hard headed, I said look,” E-rratic cuffed the back of her head, “You listen when I tell you to do something!”
She did her best, lip quivering and all. He would put all that dick inside of her and whenever he pulled out, it would only be a little bit so she could still feel his length. His many iced-out chains clattered against each other with his movements. Whenever he leaned over her body to suck her nipples, her knees would be to her ears and that dick would be balls deep. 
The girth, the tip of his dick hitting the back of her pussy, his halls slapping her ass, the way he moved his hips, she couldn’t take it all at once. 
“Squeeze this dick like that again,” E-rratic spoke close to her ear, “I’ll fuck this hole all night just to feel that shit again.”
“I’m gonna squirt!” 
“Oh yeah?!” 
He sat up so he could see for himself. Y/N slapped his chest to get him to slow down because the constant in and out over her g-spot was too much for her. It started sounding like he was splashing into a puddle and then soon she was squirting all over him. He withdrew his hips and replaced them with his fingers. Up and down he stroked that spot to get her to squirt again and this time she went into a shaking fit.
“Mm-Mm,” E-rratic maneuvered her body so she was arched, “Ass up. Don’t act like you can’t take any more dick.”
She got on her hands and knees and arched as best as she could. E-rratic smoothed her hair from her face so he could watch her expressions. 
“Don’t run. Y/N…ASS-UP.” 
He was growing impatient. Groaning and all.
“What I say?” He chuckled but it was out of frustration, “Girl…I wore you out that much? I’m just getting started. One squirt got you tapping out? You should see your back right now…”
She started straight ahead at her reflection. 
“Let me get the whiskey.”
She collapsed onto her stomach. E-rratic laughed the whole way into the lounge area to grab a couple of glasses and the bottle of Japanese whiskey. Back in the room, he tapped her on the ass to sit up and he poured her a fresh glass of whiskey. He looked from the glass in his hand to the bottle before shrugging his shoulders and drinking straight from the bottle. 
“Drink it all the way down, that’s it,” E-rratic bent his head down and stuck his tongue out to lick her neck, “mmmm…you want some more?”
“Yes,” She held her glass up.
“Daddy was deep in that pussy for real?”
Y/N nodded her head.
“I’m taking it from the back now.”
Y/N finished her second glass, “I think I’m good and turnt now for more.” She smiled up at him.
E-rratic took one more swig of his whiskey and he sat the bottle down next to the TV. Y/N got into position with her back arched low and E-rratic inspected her position, deeming it good enough with a slap to her ass. 
“You know your back arched deep when that pussy open from the back,” E-rratic tapped his dick on Y/N’s clit, “You know I wrote a song about you, right?”
He didn’t give her time to respond when he entered her from behind. She gripped the sheets and looked back at him. He locked eyes with her and with only his hips he fucked her, her ass moving like a tidal wave. She could feel him in her stomach. Her eyes went low and she spaced out. E-rratic pressed both hands into her back and cranked that pussy from behind. She could feel the pressure from his hands deep against her back and she couldn’t move.
“I got you now,” He bit down on his lip, “Keep that pussy in the air just like that.” 
“Oh my god,” Y/N felt tears brimming her eyes, “You fuck me so good I swear.” 
E-rratic smiled at her with his canines gleaming in the dark. 
“You throwing it back now? Ahhh shit,” E-rratic slapped her ass from one cheek to the next, “Bounce that ass!”
She couldn’t see the mess she was making on his dick and he wished she could. It was beautiful. 
“I love you,” Y/N said between moans.
“I love you too, mamas,” E-rratic replied. 
He meant it. 
“Aight, daddy ‘bout to cum. Fuck the tip.” 
His hands gripped her ass tightly while she slowly bounced on just the tip. 
“Shiittt, got my shit leaking, ugh,” E-rratic thrust all the way inside of her, “Take all that nut.” 
He groaned and Y/N could feel him throbbing inside of her. As her pussy throbbed, his dick was doing the same. He slowly slipped out and Y/N pushed his cum out so he could see how much he’d emptied inside of her. He used his fingers to push it back in before Y/N grabbed him by the wrist to lick them clean. 
“Tell me about this song you wrote?” She batted her lashes at him while licking his fingers.
“It’s called my only fan. You really emptied the clip!” E-rratic laughed in disbelief.
Y/N sat up and grabbed E-rratic by the hips. He looked down at her and stroked her hair from her face with his knuckles, the cold diamonds of his rings causing her to shiver. 
“I’m you’re number one?” Y/N asked.
“My one and only.” 
“The video shoot was cool. Y’all saw the pictures. It was giving relationship!” 
“Listen, the amount of tea I have on E-rratic and how he was all over me in Tokyo. His girlfriend won’t know what hit her.” 
Tasia Marie was trending all over social media with the piping hot tea she spilled on E-rratic Leader. Her Instagram live went viral along with a few photos from Tokyo. The first photo that she posted was of her straddling E-rratic’s lap in the back of the Porsche. The second photo was of her holding his room key card. The final photo was of her laying on her back inside of his trailer. 
“He brought his girl to Tokyo and kept her inside that hotel the entire time. While I was on set getting it in with her man, she was at that hotel crying for help.” 
“It’s like she forgot who her man is. The ladies love E-rratic. Why do y’all think he hand picked me to be in the video and not her?” 
A popular podcast was trending on social media as well. The podcast is called Bri and Summer. Bri and Summer are two influencers and models who are best friends and came together to start a podcast discussing current topics. It’s nothing original about it, but as soon as the topic became about E-rratic, everyone wanted to know what they had to say:
“This your girl Brianna here!” 
“And this is summer!”
“And welcome to Bri and Summer Podcast!” 
Brianna kicked it off and didn’t hold back.
“Let’s get into the tea! Y’all know I don’t play around, I get straight to the mess. So, E-rratic is being E-rratic once again, chile! What’s new? He’s a hoe.”
Summer started laughing.
“You can’t tell me his girlfriend—if that’s even what you want to call her—thought that she was special? Somebody give her a hug!”
Summer chimed in, “Your man not too long ago was doing a fan like Melvin did Juanita!” 
“He has community dick!,” Brianna argued, “That nigga got y’all bitches reciting lyrics to backseat interlude with y’all pussies barking. I would never let that nigga hit!”
“Hold on now, hold on,” Their male guest from time to time, DJ Quick, cut Brianna off, “Weren’t you one of those girls? Didn’t you go on a date with OCHO some years back?”
“Okay, okay! Let me clear the air! I did go on ONE date with him. ONE. It was cool, I guess. He took me to this fancy Korean barbecue spot in Atlanta and then we went for a drive in one of his sports cars. Wasn’t nothing happening. That was it.”
“Nah,” DJ Quick laughed, “You are really giving off salty vibes, Bri! Did that man diss you or something? He wasn’t feeling it the way you were so now you’re out for blood?”
“Quick, first of all, it’s definitely the other way around. He wanted some of this ass and I said no. He wasn’t feeling it so he dropped me off back at my hotel and blocked me.”
“Damn, that’s messed up,” Summer said.
“Right?! And yet, y’all acting so surprised by the tea Tasia is spilling! Granted, yes, she a groupie just like the next bitch, but I wish y’all beautiful black women would wake the fuck up! E-rratic is not the end all be all.”
“Brianna, if E-rratic and you were in a room by yourself, you telling me that you wouldn’t fold?” DJ Quick argued.
“NO! I’d rather swallow glass before I let that man hit.”
“I heard he was a great lover,” Summer giggled, “I don’t know… I’d let him hit.”
“There you go! Y’all gotta let go of the fantasy. This girlfriend of his from what I gathered, was another crazed fan who got a lucky opportunity to go on tour with him. He’s having fun with her now, but it won’t last. It never does…
If things could take a turn for the worse, it would happen to Y/N. The Tokyo trip was a dream turned into a nightmare as soon as she touched back down in LA. That bitch from her man’s video went to the internet to spread tea about hooking up with Erik. At first, Y/N didn’t believe it, but the pressure got to her, and she started to question everything. Where he was going and with whom? Why was that lipstick stain really on his T-shirt? Is it more than one girl or just her?
Of course he’s pissed. The music video was out and at 100 million views in less than five days, but he knew most of those views were because of the drama. This one proved hard to debunk because he has a reputation of being a ladies man. Before Y/N, he was single and free to do whatever he wanted, SAFELY. All that mess about raw sex with different women was an absolute lie. All the other chicks except for Brianna had never badmouthed him. And Brianna is just a bitter bitch who didn’t get a taste. Now Tasia is spreading lies just because she took a few photos. 
He wasn’t going to feed into her trap. She knew he could air her shit out but he chose to ignore her childish antics and press on. The old E-rratic would have been the real villain and ruined her life. Despite her opinion of him, Erik’s fame continued to grow. Y/N didn’t think she would find herself getting into heated arguments with Erik about his whereabouts but here she was on set of a photo shoot sitting in a chair and keeping an eye on him. She never thought she would come to this, but the level of embarrassment she felt from what people were saying about her online got to her. 
She couldn’t avoid her friends and family calling her to check in on her. Her mother kept questioning if she was making the right decision being with Erik. As soon as her mother starts to come around, this drama pops up. 
“Miss Y/N, can I get you anything to drink?”
Erik’s assistant, Kiesha, a fine ass full-figured woman walked over to her with a bottle of alkaline water, a brand that E-rratic had a partnership with. 
“Thank you, Kiesha.”
“Let me know if you need anything else. E told me to keep an eye on you.” 
Y/N looked at Kiesha with a curious look, “Why’d he tell you to do that?”
“I don’t know. Just Erik being Erik.” Kiesha laughs.
Oh, so he’s Erik to you now? 
“Oh, okay,” Y/N placed the unopened bottle on a table next to her, “Thanks.” 
Kiesha smiled at her before walking away. Y/N glared at the back of her head. Why was she acting so fucking weird? Ever since Y/N started coming on video and photo shoot sets with Erik, Kiesha has been moving funny. That bitch better get it together before she ends up on her ass. 
Erik was currently doing a shoot for his collaboration with Nike. In just a couple of months, his own Nike Dunk shoe will drop. Y/N was currently wearing a pair with a brown, blue, and green colorway. 
Erik was looking too good. Fresh retwist, skin smooth and covered in tattoos, dimples deep whenever he cracked a smile, dressed down in the best shit his stylist could pull together. Y/N couldn’t stay mad at him for too long. Or could she?
Here comes Kiesha with water for Erik. She even unscrewed the cap for him and fed him some water. Erik thanked her and went back to posing. Y/N sat up in her seat and her eyes were on Kiesha like a hawk. What the fuck does she think she’s doing?
“Let me know when you need something, E!!”
E? Bitch…
“Kiesha! Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Y/N’s blood was boiling.
Kiesha sauntered over to her with that same smile she wanted to slap off her face.
“Yes, sweetie?”
Y/N did a double take.
“It’s Y/N. Uhhh, what’s this with you feeding Erik water?”
“Oh, aha, you know, just helping him out,” Kiesha smirked, “Why?”
“Why? Because I don’t like you doing that. He has two hands. He can do it himself.”
“Not while holding the merchandise. Erik—”
Kiesha chuckles, “Mr. E-rratic gets the utmost treatment. I’m just being a good assistant.”
“You don’t need to do all of that. If he wants water fed to him, I’ll do it.” 
They started gaining attention from other people on set. Y/N was past the point of giving a fuck. Too often these bitches stepped out of line. And the nerve of Kiesha to do it in front of her.
“He instructed you to stay here. Are you sure that’s okay?” 
Y/N blinked at Kiesha like she lost her damn mind. Kiesha raised her brows at Y/N as if she were over exaggerating. 
“I’ll speak to him myself to confirm that.” Y/N said with a faux chipper tone.
Kiesha walked away without another word and Y/N sat in her seat fuming. She needed to take a second before she did something reckless. Climbing out of her seat, Y/N walked off set. As she was leaving, she spotted Kiesha talking closely with Erik. Erik looked up and caught Y/N’s eye, his face holding a stony expression. She picked up the pace of her movements and entered his trailer. Taking a seat at his vanity, she exhaled and closed her eyes. 
Did she over exaggerate? Was Keisha just doing her job? Whenever Erik does his boxing sessions with his personal trainer, there’s a woman who feeds him water through a squirt bottle. Maybe she was being overly paranoid. Maybe Kiesha wasn’t trying to hit on her man. After all, Kiesha knew Erik before Y/N. She’s his assistant. That has to be enough to be on a first name basis right? 
“You got something you wanna tell me, Y/N?” 
Y/N opened her eyes to find Erik staring at her through the vanity with his arms folded across his chest. He looked pissed.
“Not really if Kiesha already told you everything.” 
“I wanna hear it from you.” 
“Why?” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Because I said so. And because we need to talk.”
Y/N avoided his gaze. Erik walked up to her and placed his hands on the back of the chair. He leaned forward so that his lips were directly next to her ear. 
“Well? What’s up?” 
Y/N jerked her knee frustratingly, “I didn’t like the way she fed you water.” 
“My hands were tied up, Y/N. How was I supposed to drink the water?” Erik questioned.
“And she's going to you saying shit like I’m some child. All I did was tell her I didn’t like it and if you wanted water I could do it.” 
“You’re not always on set with me, Kiesha is. Kiesha been my assistant since day one. We grew up together, I trust her.” 
Y/N clicked her tongue, “She wanna be more than your assistant.”
Erik clenched his jaw, “How you figure that?”
“She just acts too giddy around you. I don’t like it. It drives me crazy.” 
“You ain’t have a problem with it before.”
Y/N shook her head, “You’re missing my point.”
“Who do you really have a problem with? Me or Kiesha?”
Y/N finally looked up at Erik. He was staring her down through the mirror with his black eyes. 
“Ever since all this shit with Tasia happened you’ve been on my back. What I gotta do to prove to you that it’s only you?”
“Nothing, you ain’t gotta do shit,” Y/N stood up, “I’ll see you when you get home—”
“Nah, uh-uh, you ain’t going nowhere. We ain’t finished.” 
Erik blocked her from getting out of her seat. Y/N tilted her head away from him.
“Talk to me,” Erik followed her movements, “I’m serious, open your mouth and talk.”
“…I just feel like you're gonna get tired of me.” 
Y/N looked up at the ceiling to stop herself from crying.
“I got my mom in my ear and everybody else. This shit is just too much. I’m trying to be Ray Charles to the bullshit but I can’t stop thinking the worst.” 
Erik closed his eyes for a second before he placed one hand on the back of her head, bringing her closer to him. She rests her cheek on his bare chest, her ear directly over his heart. He wrapped both of his arms around her and kissed the top of her head repeatedly. 
“You can’t let what people think get to you. I’m not leaving you. You gotta have faith in that, mamas. I ain’t say this shit was gonna be easy, did I? I don’t want nobody but you. The only one I wanna see laying next to me at night is you. The only face I wanna see when I wake up is yours. What I gotta do to cheer you up?”
Erik gripped Y/N by the chin with his hand. She looked up at him with sad eyes and a pout. He leaned forward and kissed her lips. Y/N wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Erik still had her chin so he could control her movements. The kiss turned heated and now Erik is sitting in the chair while Y/N is on his lap. He broke the kiss and rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb.
“Like I said, me and you…”
“Forever?” Y/N pressed her forehead against Erik’s. His hands were rubbing up and down her sides. 
“I want this shit forever.” Erik said. 
Soon, his hands were doing the same to her ass. Y/N started sucking on Erik’s neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and started thrusting his hips upward. He shut his eyes and moaned in her ear. She was attacking the spot behind his ear with her tongue. 
“Why would I fuck this up? You're special to me,” Erik lifts Y/N’s cropped shirt over her head. 
“None of those bitches matter. Not Tasia, not the chick from the tour bus, not Kiesha…”
He unclamped Y/N’s bra and smoothed it from her shoulders. Her warm breasts touched his chest and he hissed with pleasure. With both hands, he cupped her breasts and brought them together. Erik rubbed his face all over her breasts back and forth. He spread each breast and rested his face between them. Y/N reached between his legs to stroke him to stiffness. 
“I knew that’s what you wanted. You were acting up just so I could fuck you.” 
Erik started sucking on Y/N’s nipples one by one. She placed her hands over his hands and watched him enjoy her breasts. He would swipe his tongue between the heft of her breasts and then over each areola. 
“Won’t everyone hear us?” Y/N whispered.
“I don’t give a fuck. You know I don’t give a fuck…”
Y/N was wearing a denim skirt so Erik could easily lift it up to her waist and slip her panties to the side. 
“Lift up…”
She raised her hips so that Erik could free his dick. 
“Fuck me just like this, daddy,” Y/N teased him with a bite of her lip. 
With one arm around her waist, Erik tilted his hips up and Y/N sank down on him. Connected, Erik gripped her sides and with his powerful arms, he bounced Y/N at a moderate pace. She braced herself on his shoulders while he controlled her body to drop down on him. Erik would look from the mirror to her face. 
“I got that ass clapping…wet fuckin’ pussy…”
“Ooo,” Y/N moaned.
“This ain’t doing it,” Erik picked Y/N up and sat her on the edge of the vanity. He spread her legs and continued to fuck her. She gripped the edge of the vanity when he lifted her hips up. The vanity shook a little and Erik had to keep his eyes on the door. Y/N took one hand to grip him by his chains. He looked back at her, biting down on his lip. When she started to moan louder, Erik stuffed his fingers in her mouth for her to suck on and to keep her quiet. 
He looked from her pussy to her face and opened his mouth to spit on his dick. 
“Why every time I fuck you, your pussy get wetter and wetter?” Erik questioned with low eyes. 
He brought one leg up to his shoulder and leaned in to pound her. Erik covered her mouth with his hand and locked eyes with her. 
“What?” Erik raised a brow, “Too much?”
Y/N whimpered when Erik started stroking her clit with his thumb.
Erik’s eyes fluttered shut and then he opened them again to look at the door, “if somebody walk in on us I’m not stopping.” 
Y/N’s walls clenched Erik’s girth and he smiled, showing off his gold canines. 
“Do it again and watch how I put you next.” 
She couldn’t control it. Every time they had sex, she couldn’t control what her pussy did. He blamed her for the spasms her slick walls were doing but it’s because of him that it’s happening. 
“Time to put you on your stomach,” Erik slipped out of her and turned her around, “Bend the fuck over.” He said through clenched teeth.
Y/N went flat against the vanity and she could feel Erik lift her denim skirt and rip her panties off. He tossed the shreds onto the vanity and spread her cheeks with one hand. Dipping his hips because she’s much shorter than him, Erik found her entrance and pushed up, slipping inside with ease because of how creamy and wet she is. 
“Fuck this dick. Make this dick cum.” He commanded.
Y/N threw it back on him as best as she could. 
“For somebody that doesn't wanna get caught, you ain’t following directions,” Erik gripped her by her arms, “You ‘bout to have me blowing your back out in this trailer…”
Erik started pounding Y/N while holding her by the arms. Her head fell forward against the mirror from the force of Erik’s hips. On set, the music was loud so Y/N hoped no one could hear, but she wouldn’t be surprised if they did. 
“Damn, this pussy is so good,” Erik let go of her arms and brought one hand around the front of her neck, “Don’t you ever question what we got. It’s me and you, and that’s my last time saying it.”
“I’m gonna cum—”
“Hold that shit in!”
“I can’t! I—ohhhh shit—”
Y/N had Erik’s dick in a vice grip. He groaned and pushed her head forward against the mirror. He could feel warm liquid on his dick and he smiled with satisfaction. 
“That’s strike two. When we get home, best believe I’m gonna tear that ass up. I told you not to cum on my dick.”
He slapped her ass rough and brought her to her knees. Erik took it up a notch and slapped her in the face with his dick before smearing his shaft covered in her cum all over her lips. 
“Put this dick in your mouth. Teach you a lesson to follow orders…”
Y/N tried to grip his dick but Erik slapped her hand away.
“Mouth. All mouth. That’s what you’ve been giving me lately anyway. Use that mouth to suck this dick.”
She lowered her mouth onto his dick and started sucking. Pussy dripping to the floor and not fully satisfied, Y/N was all jaws and neck. Erik would look from the door, to her, trying his best to keep his composure. Y/N pulled out all the tricks to get him to moan. 
“You tryna make me moan, ain’t you? You know I like it when you suck my dick like this…FUCK.”
She savored the taste of him in her mouth. Erik took control with a hand to the back of her head, feeding his dick into her mouth. 
“Just like that…just like that…mmm…eat this dick up…Fuuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Erik’s hand shook on the back of her head. Y/N stayed on that dick until she had the last drop of cum. When she finished, Y/N swallowed it all and licked her lips clean. Erik helped her to her feet and he excused himself to the bathroom to clean his dick off before heading back to the shoot. Y/N looked disheveled and she didn’t want to stay on set so she decided to leave.
“Here, take this,” Erik gave her the keys to his Ferrari, “And here’s some money, “Erik dropped a stack into her hand from his duffel bag, “Go get you something sexy to wear for dinner tonight and something lacy. Get yourself a new pair of stilettos too…those red ones with the skinny heel…yeah, the Louis Vouitton pair. Spend this on whatever you want. I’ll have my driver pick me up. We got a special night planned.” 
Erik gave Y/N one final kiss. He stopped her before she left to fix her hair and her clothes. Satisfied he popped her on the ass and let her leave. 
“I love you!” Erik yelled after her retreating frame.
“I love you too!”
Erik crossed his pointer and middle finger, signaling to her that he was locked in with her and he meant it. Y/N smiled, doing the same with her fingers, before leaving the set completely. Y/N may have thought that Erik would grow tired of her, but he only hoped that she wouldn’t. 
She finally filled the emptiness he felt since the first woman to ever steal his heart left this earth. Maybe he could finally start the family he always wanted.
@goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @chaneajoyyy @uzumaki-rebellion @theeblackmedusa @daddiespamm @lisayourworries @bellleame @ratedbadgal @bombshellbre95 @cecereads209 @cancerianprincess @dameshaemonique @6lack-1otus @thickemadame @thickeeparker @stinkalinkkkk @1lavender-menace @ehniki @electrixit @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @washillary @bakarisprincess @melodicheauxxlovesfood @bxolux @sweet2krazee @bluesole16 @90sisthenew80s @ispywithmylileye @geemamii @unbotheredblackchild @nubianbabee @adoreesun @honeyandpeaches10 @blackpinup22 @nayaxwrites @dersha89@honeytoffee @thickianaaaa @modelmemoirs @why-wait-4-eventually @angelicniah @queenfaithmarie @soulfulbeauty19 @asweet-serendipity @kartierkitten @iamching07 @ladymac82@bbygirlwiththatass @cydneyloo @sexysativa605@chrisevans-world @aijha @novaniskye@princessxotwod@callmemckenzieee @blowmymbackout @lahuttor @momobaby227@blackerthings@neesiewrote
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jacobsbigmelons · 1 year
Can I request Jacob with a bf who really like to hold his hands and hug Jacob but he's too insecure to ask for it.
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Safe Embrace
Jacob Custos x Male Reader
cw: fluff fluff and fluff my god i love some fluff with Jacob, oh and Emma and Jacob don’t like each other here if that wasn’t clear
sorry i haven’t been posting the soop for y’all, i’ve been fighting the worst illness (writers block)
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You walked out of your cabin, the sounds of crickets chirping entered your ears but just as quick the familiar body was walking up the steps to the door that led to said cabin. Unfortunately the door blocked your view enough before you realized it was Jacob who was making his way up. The thump of the door hit Jacob as your heart raced before quickly moving around the door to grab his arm incase the door pushed him back enough to fall.
You grabbed one of his forearms even though the other hand grabbed onto the rail which kept him steady. “Oh- are you okay? I didn’t see you, sorry about that.” You said concerned as Jacob readjusted his hat, “Almost died, nothing to worry about. Nah i’m fucking with you, it’s fine” Jacob wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he kissed your lips, you wrapped your arms around his torso since he initiated the hug after all.
“What’re you up to? Everyone’s at the campfire, minus Ryan, and Katherine he’s being mysterious and I guess she’s with him…who knows what they’re getting into.” You giggled at his sentence as you let him go while twiddling your hands together. “Just went to go get a warmer hoodie, the one I had on wasn’t working out so.” You shrugged while swaying your arms, you wanted to hold his hand but it felt like there was a mental blockage there, you want to go for it but you also didn’t want him to think you were extremely needy for him.
“Alright, sick uh let’s go before we get bitched at.” Jacob casually closed the door behind you as he began to walk down the stairs quickly. “Hey uh- could you um…my-my hands are um, pretty cold so could you potentially…not make them cold?” You said, mentally bashing yourself by how awkward and clunky that sentence came out to be. “You wanna hold hands?” Jacob blatantly stated, his hand slightly extended out for you to take it. You inhaled sharply as you pressed your lips into a line while looking away. Seems he figured that out pretty quick. You nodded as you found your fingers intertwined together as you two made your way to the fire.
Your guys’ footsteps became louder as the sound of nick making the stereotypical cat call whistle as you two held hands to the fire. “Hello lovebirds, glad you can join us” Nick teased as Jacob blew a middle finger kiss to him as you both sat down. Honestly you could care less, you didn’t mind the teasing as long as it wasn’t anything personal. Emma and Abby were having their own little conversation as Nick, Jacob and Dylan were shooting random topics at each other. Your hands still together, you really wanted his arm around you once again, his arm felt nice when it was around you.
You slowly tried to take your hand out of his to try and give some sign without it being weird or awkward, you were pretty content with just staring up at the stars as the fire crackled near you. Jacob turned in your direction while also looking back at your hand for a second as he replied to the boys’ questions. You looked back at him with a slight smile as Jacob eventually took his hand out instead and maneuvered it near your waist to pull you closer as he kept it there and returned eye contact to the boys.
“I really like it when you wrap your arms around me” you said not expecting an immediate answer since he was still speaking. You laid your head on his shoulder as your arm wrapped around his waist as well. “Aw look, the boys are so cute.” Abby shamelessly chimed in as her hands rested on her chest, a smile plastered on her face. “Uh yeah, not everyday you see a couple like this” Jacob quickly replied “oh and I also like wrapping my arms around you too” Jacob quickly replied to your previous statement to him.
“So what, you guys are officially making it a thing and not dancing around the bush and just being fwb’s? (friends with benefits)” You both scoffed at her question, you were so thrown off you felt the need to cough from just how surprising it was, yeah you two weren’t super upfront about your relationship whether it was when you two would sneak off and get frisky or if it was just to cuddle up in bed together. “I mean- yeah I guess it’s official I’d say.” you replied after you got over your coughing fit, “Uh yeah what he said, and for the record Emma, no one was dancing around any bush” he pointed at her playfully with his free hand.
The fire crackled as the group laughed together, crickets chirping in the background as you two sat in peace with one another, both yours and Jacobs arms around one another’s waist as you kissed once more and took in the calming nighttime ambience.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Surprise Homies!
Luke Hughes x college vlogger!reader
Sup Homies Masterlist
** I had this idea but wasn’t really sure how to write to so hopefully it makes sense & y’all like it**
"Okay boys, you ready? " You ask the guys as you finish setting up your camera. Nods come from all of them, so you hit record. You’re crouched in front of the camera blocking most of what’s behind you. 
"Sup homies & welcome back to the channel!! 
Todays video is going to be a bit different, but still fun!! I’ve had lots of people asking for a boyfriend tag, but I think those can get boring so we’re spicing it up. I have here some of our closest friends too, since we’re going to play a little game so without further ado, let’s get started.”
You step back & walk backwards towards the couch, where there’s a spot for you on the floor between Luke & Dylan. Ethan, Steve, Philippe & Jacob are on the sofa behind. As you sit down, the boys wave. Steves made a couple of appearances in the vlogs when the two of you are studying together, but none of the other boys have so they’re pretty excited. 
You plop down & Luke wraps his arm around your shoulder. 
“This is Luke, my lover. Boys, introduce yourselves.” Quickly they go around & say their names. 
“So, some of you many recognize these lovely lads, as they all play for Michigan’s hockey team. Steve here is the reason I met these lunatics, and you may recognize him as my study buddy as we go through engineering hell together” You stick your hand up for a fist bump, which you get before continuing “the rest of them just want to be in the vid for some clout.”
They protest “dont lie! Dylan asked me to put instagram handles in the vid. Anyway! They’ve all been playing since they were tiny, and today, we’re going to be testing their hockey knowledge. I’ve got 5 questions, of varying difficulty for them. They’ll have 10 seconds to write down their answers on these” you grab the mini whiteboards out of the bag in front of you and pass them around 
“Okay, lets got going!!
Question 1, and if you guys can’t get this there’s no hope for you here”
“Hold up, what do we win?” Ethan pipes up “The satisfaction of beating your teammates isn’t enough?” he shrugs, “I mean yeah”
“Anyway, question 1. 
Name one of the greats who had a fun nickname. "
“What the hell is considered a fun nickname “ Steve asks as he starts writing
"ehhhh. times up. flip!!"
L: CuJo
S: the dominator 
D: Super Mario baby
E: The great one
J: Sid the kid
P: Finnish Flash
“Ethan, thats basic, so no point. Steve, who the fuck is that, Luke, Phil, Jacob you all get a point. Duker gets a bonus for being the only one to put Super Mario which is the best nickname, no question.”
“Dude, Dominik Hasek!” Steve says “oh okay, never heard him called that but” you pull up your phone “google says that was his nickname so you get a point. Moving on”
“Question 2, name Two teams to win back to back Stanley Cups at any point. Go” The boys are writing as you count down. “Done! Flip them” 
L: Tampa bay & Islanders
S: Red Wings & Tampa
D: Pittsburg, Montreal
E: Oilers, Canadiens 
J: Detroit & Toronto
P: Canadiens & Lightning
“Okay points for all good job boys. Next question, numba three!!
Give me 2 teams located in State, or provincial before you get your panties in a twist Ethan, capital.”
“Bruh I dont know geography!” Dylan complains. “Well, that sucks for you then”
“I though this was going to be stats or something!”
“So if I asked you to list the top scorers in NHL history you would get it?”
“Yeah probably!”
“That sucks for you then since I’m asking the questions. Go”
Dylans muttering to himself going “is that a capital” as the timer ticks down
L:  Rangers & Preds
S:  Avs (Denver) & Blue Jackets (Columbus)
D: Columbus & Boston??
E: Edmonton & Toronto 
J: Red Wings (duh)  hurricanes (hopefully)
P: Detroit & Boston
“Luke, you’re wrong no points!”
“Hang on, NYC isn’t the capital?”
“Dude even I know that & I’m Canadian”
“Jacob & Steve, you both get bonus points for actually putting teams, not just cities. Clearly the rest of the boys can’t listen” 
“Duker, good job you bullshitted your way through that”
“Thats my talent babe” he winks at the camera
“Question 4, What is the dumbest penalty that a team can get? “
“Is there a right answer here?” Jacob asks
“Yes, There is a correct answer, And if you don’t know this, clearly you don’t pay attention when we watch hockey together”
“Oh thats easy” Luke & Duke both say before writing 
“Time!! Flip.”
L: Too many men - can y’all not count or something (direct quote)
S: Too many men
D: Too many “idiots on the ice” 
E: Too many sticks? idfk
J: yelling at the ref (abuse of officials)
P: Too many men?
“Wow Jacob & Ethan, wow. I see how it is.”
“You know we’re normally playing when youre watching hockey right?” Jacob says in protest. 
“Well the others got it right so stop being a sore loser. The rest of you all get points. And get your shit together guys. Lukey, bonus point for the quote”
“Its not hard, you say it every time.”
“And yet, you idiots still get the penalty!! Think of poor Adam who had his hatty taken away the other weekend because you guys can’t count!”
“Okay lets move on. We’ve heard the rant before” Steve butts in before you can get too heated. 
You stick your tongue out at him but continue
“Final question, and you can get a lot of points here. There have been lots of brotherly duos that have played in the NHL” The boys immediately start protesting & talking over each other.
“Pretty sure this is blatant favouritsim”
“Oh Hell no” 
Putting your fingers in your mouth you whistle to get their attention. 
“Can I finish? Thank you. Now, there have been many brotherly duos play in the NHL. Name one duo where at least one of them has played at least one game this season. More obscure means more points, for a max of ten, so for example if you were to say a certain Canuck & his annoying brother, that’s easy as fuck so half a point. Since this requires some more brainpower, I’ll give you 20 seconds. Go”
“What if we dont know both their names?” “You’ll still get the points if you give one as long as it fits the criteria”
“Bro what the fuck?” 
“Who the hell” 
You sit there laughing at them as they try & come up with more obscure duos than the others. After 30 seconds, times up. 
“Flip em boys”
L: Mikey & Ryan Mcleod (Go Devs!!)
S: P sure Adrian Kempe had a brother 
D: Foudy Bros (CBJ!)
E: Willy & Alex Nylander
J: Reinhart (??)
P: Kevin Hayes
“Okay, honestly I dont know off the top of my head so imma google.”
“So Luke, you’re good, 2 points.  Dylan also good, three points .”
“Hey!” Luke protest 
“Shut it. Your brother plays with one of them so its not worth as much.”
“Ethan’s secretly a Leafs fan confirmed. Also 3 points”
“Philippe & Steven. One of your boys have played this season so 5 points for more obscure”
“But Jacob, I’m impressed. Even though you weren’t sure, you not only got 2 brothers, you’ve got 3!! And only one of them has played this year, Mr Sam Reinhart. I would’ve given you more if you had at least one first name, so 7 points for you!! Be more confident in your answer next time”
“Woah woah woah 7?!” Steve says
“What would it have taken to get ten?” Phil muses
“My game, my rules. Okay!” You clap your hands “Time to see who our winner is.”
You’ve got the scores on the whiteboard in front of you, just have to tally them up
“Alright, so here’s our final ranking
On the bottom  Ethan with 5 points. You did terrible. 
Not much better, we have Luke next with 6. What the hell babe, thats embarrassing for you.
Dylan in fourth with 7. Philippe with 9, 
Stevn has 10
And our winner, Jacob! With 11 points!! 
“Can I just say, they’ve been alive longer than us so obviously they’d do better” 
“Ethan age has literally nothing to do with this. You just suck.” Jacob says
You stand up and talk to the camera
“Before this ends up in an argument or wrestling on the floor, Thanks for watching everyone! If you want to see more with these lovable idiots, check out the UMich hockey social media accounts. Maybe they’ll make some vlog appearances too! 
Love all you homies, see you in the next video!!
Luke pulls you down into his lap and you smile up at him while the boys argue, as your outro music plays in the video. 
Arms wrap around your shoulder and Luke presses a kiss to your neck. “Done babe?”
Smiling, you lean back in your desk chair & tip your head back for a kiss. “Just about”
“Hurry up I want cuddles” he whines. 
You giggle as you turn back to your laptop, double checking the title & thumbnail before scheduling the video to go live in place of your usual Sunday vlog. Hitting upload, you close you computer & join Luke on your bed.
“All done” you whisper before kissing him. He palms your ass, pulling you closer & says “good” before hungrily kissing you. You ignore the rest of your responsibilities to lay there together and cuddle, knowing your time like this is coming to an end soon. 
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teen--marvel · 4 months
hey, hey, party people! how we doing? i really hope you said great, but if not, have no fear! the weekly check in is here!!
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i used to do these a lot a couple of years ago, and i haven't done one in 34 weeks! let's get into it.
if you've been here before, you know how this works, lol. but if you haven't, the "rules" are as follows; you follow at least ONE bullet point in this list, you're more than welcome to reblog and share to remind your other moots/followers how fucking badass they are. that's it!! i also like to put in here how i've been doing, as well, so that you won't feel to anxious about sharing how you've been doing.
i haven't been doing that great mentally. i've had major writers block, my oldest has been acting out the last few days, we have one more week of school (which also means one more week of babysitting... which i'm kind of stressing over), and just all the things, really. let me know how y'all have been in either the comments/replies, my inbox or my dm's.
now, let’s get into our points, shall we? 
i hope y’all;
drink your water or tea (gotta stay hydrated, my lovelies) 🥤
eat some good ass food (whatever your heart and stomach is telling you) 🍕🍟🥞🧇🍔🌭🥪🌮🌯🍝
remember that you’re a boss ass bitch and ain’t nobody can touch you (because you’re 🎵BAD, YOU’RE BAD, YA’KNOW IT🎵) 💪🏻🤘🏻💅🏻
take some time for yourself (treat yo’ self) 💸🛍️
have a self care day / weekend ; face mask, bubble bath, put on your favorite dylan o’brien, tom holland, joe keery, or joseph quinn movie / tv show or discover a new one, if the weather is nice - go sit outside with a cuppa (ahh, see what i did there? 😏) or a cup of tea or coffee or hot chocolate (pretty sure that's what a cuppa is, but just roll with it, lol)
and remember the most important thing ; you’re amazing, you’re important to a lot of people, you matter, and you’re strong, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re enough, you will conquer the world, and you’ll get through whatever hell storm comes your way 💜💜😚
remember that you have people in your corner, and if you don’t, my dm’s are always open. i'm everyone's designated hype woman <33
i hope y’all have a great weekend. i love y’all to the moon and back, and hopefully i’ll see y’all back here next time for  ✨ j e s s ’  w e e k l y   c h e c k   i n ✨
tagging some bad bitches: @stiles-o-dylan24 @ageofevermore @lettersofwrittencollective @logangarfield @yourfavoritewitchbitch @fandom-princess-forevermore @stevesxyellowxsweater @freckledjoes @dylankeery-topp @thescoopstroopers @familyvideowithsteve @websterss @andvys @eddiemunsonsmum @eddiesxangel
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pinkhoneydrop · 1 year
It’s a Game pt.4
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[ A/n ] - part 4 already :) this series is coming along pretty well I think, and I hope y’all are still interested in what’s to come next, I’m trying out some new things with the set up I kind of like it 😅 not sure if I’ll keep it in the future but I wanted to try :)
[ Pairing ] - Harry Styles x Reader!, Dylan O'Brien x Reader!
[ Genre ] -  angst
[ Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3  and Part 5 ]
[ Masterlist ]
[ warnings ] - strong language, sensitive themes and drug use.
in no way do I think the real people portrayed act like this it’s just for story purposes if I changed the names of the characters they would be total independent of the actual people who I have chosen to represent them
[ “Y/n’s” song ] is “bet u wanna” by Sabrina Carpenter I don’t have any rights to the song and it’s here if you wanna play while you listen :)
As much as it looked like you were having a mature conversation harry knew this was the start of you icing him out. You were an expert at it. The last time this happened you didn’t speak for two weeks 5 days and 11 hours. Not that anyone was counting but still. He hated it.
And then he gets that ding on his phone again. The little discolored banner under the clock display and that fucking chime he has set for all your socials. He fumbled with the screen and then after it unlocks there you are. Soft skin and even softer lips curled into a delicious smirk. You know, the one you have on your face when you tease him that he loves on nobody else. If anyone looked at Harry’s recent likes from his burner account, all they would find would be pictures of you. Selfies, fit checks, nights out with friends, concerts. Just anything that had to do with you. And his Apple Music was filled with your recommendations. But you weren’t his, yet. Harry was working on that part. Nether of you were seeing other people and you always left with him no matter who you went out with. But somehow. Somehow you always got away from him. He longed for when he had you with him, near him, beside him, under him…
He didn’t hear from you again for a while. Assuming he should leave you be, harry did not give in to his desire to at least call you. That was until tonight. The soft buzzing of your phone was felt from the pocket of your jeans. Lean finger reached and slipped the device out from its confinement,
And it was just the way you said his name he felt a sense of relief wash away from him. Holding the phone away from his ear he smiled when he saw your contact. It was a photo of you asleep on a plane he snapped.
“Darling?” Harry called out to you with a crack in his voice. You were immediately concerned. Harry didn’t usually sound so…meek and shy when on the phone with you.
“Harry are you alright?” You lowered the volume of your phone and stepped out of the gathering you were at. The idea that something was wrong made you want to stay on the phone with him. Somehow you felt guilty as the words came from the speaker.
“Need you. I-I” his voice was incoherent, and the words didn’t make sense. Glancing at the phone you saw it was almost 5 am where he was. Jetlag was common but you doubted that’s what was happening. You heard shuffling and glass clanking in the background of the call.
“Did too much, need you.” A soft whine left his lips as he pinched his nose. In the past when the powder was too much you would drop everything to be with him. Many nights that he didn’t remember just like he wouldn’t remember calling you and more than likely resume trying to forget you again as you gave him the silent treatment.
“Harry I am at home I can’t come be with you right now.”
“Please I need you, I’ll buy the ticket. Please…?”
You almost ended the call right there. How could he be so oblivious to what was happening? The photos off him with that woman crossed your path everywhere you went. “Have you seen what’s being said the photos are everywhere…of you and her. And you decided to get high?”
The happiness he felt from the drugs was starting were off the longer he heard you through the phone. Strangely his hazy idea of trying to guilt you into coming to his aid to apologize was back firing. He knew exactly who you were talking about. Olivia. He swallowed hard and the thought of you hurt by his words.
“I bet you she was with you tonight…right?
Your words were sharp, and they stuck in the flesh of his mind. His head spun as he set his phone on the counter in front of him. How did he come to be in this moment? Wanting one thing so much that he pushed it away subconsciously out of the fear of losing it. He couldn’t tell you a lie and he couldn’t tell you the truth either. So, he decided to just stare at the phone. To look at the timer at the top of the screen and see how long it would take you to end the call.
The click was abrupt, but you lasted longer than he thought. What he didn’t know was that after you hung up the phone you broke down. Not being there for him was like a nightmare for you. The silence that took up part of your life was deafening for both you and Harry. Maybe he’s not what you need in your life. You were out when he called. It might have been early for him, but it was late into the night for you.  you escaped the bar to answer his call.
So here you sat. tears on your cheeks and eyelashes. Sitting on the curb outside a random bar in Florida. The heat making your hair puff up and the fabric of your jeans cling to your skin uncomfortably. Your phone was slipping out of your fingers and your shoes were sitting in a puddle full of who knows what. You felt empty as the streetlights and signs glowed in tandem with passing cars. The sun wouldn’t be up for hours, and you wouldn’t be able to sleep once home.
Harry took his phone and threw it across the room. He wasn’t angry with you in fact he respected you so much that he agreed with all your choices. He was mad with himself and admittedly still a little high. The sun would be up on his side of the world in just a few minutes. And as he walked into the bedroom of the hotel, he was checked into he felt sick. Tears threatened his blank resolve as he watched the sheets move to reveal the blonde woman in his bed. He regretted it.
The following months were busy for both of you. Turns out when you aren’t worried about girls and drugs and will he, won’t he “situationships” you can get a lot done. Harry continued to tour and in between shows he had been spotted in various locations with Olivia and when you saw them out together it hurt less and less each time. It was easy to say you both tried to move on until you saw one another again.
Penn and Asara flew out to L.A. with you for a small trip. Coincidentally Harry was in town for an extra show and some press. While he was booked up for appearances, he had Olivia in tow. Your friends saved you the trouble of being worried about showing up to the same places. You were on one side of town, and he was on the other. You saw Harry again at a party in downtown L.A., a rooftop event that was invite only.  The night was exceptionally normal until you saw him propped up against a high-top table chatting with a mutual friend of yours.
“Y/n! come over here were just chatting away.” Your friend didn’t know everything that was going on as most people didn’t. The atmosphere must have noticeably changed as your friend discreetly slunk away into the crowd as you eyed Harry up and down. Harry felt out of place as soon as he saw you. Knowing that you wouldn’t be leaving with him was depressing in the least for him.
“I know you probably hate me now and-” you cut him off before he could finish the word vomit.
“I don’t hate you.” You wish you did, but it was impossible.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“What? You kicking me out? Or you and Olivia?” You might not hate him, but you sure did sound like you wanted to hurt him. The words stung to hear just as much as they did to say. Harry sighed and downed the last of the tequila he was nursing.
“When you’re ready then darling.” His voice was raspy, and he walked away fast not wanting to be stabbed by more of your sharp words. You didn’t want to talk right now about any of it. He was still parading around with that woman and the fans were still speculating but no one knew what was happening.
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Liked by @/dylanobrien, @/assa22, and 423,903 others
@/yyy/nn3 fancy seeing you here <3
Dylanfan7 Hold uppp they might be my new ship.
y/nharryshipper Woah this was not on my 2022 bingo card.
Harryfan92 Is this mystery man?? is that why she didn't talk about harry???
Dylan was kind and supportive and you always knew where you stood with him. He asked you out about two months ago and you said no the first time he asked. Part of you felt like he would be good for you, but the other part felt guilty. You definitely still had feelings for harry.
“We can be casual…if that’s what you want.” Dylan called you the second you landed in L.A. wanting to see you.
“Casual isn’t fair to you.”
“Listen, nothing is serious right now it’s one date.”
You agreed reluctantly. That was three days ago and now here he was in your hotel room being featured on your live and on your Instagram. Harry saw the photo almost immediately after you posted. He was out at a café with Olivia the day after you went live. He never turned off your notifications and he still liked every post you made. Except for this one. You weren’t in it, but he still stared at it. He knew exactly where it was taken too. It made him feel uneasy thinking of you with another man. Thinking of you not wanting him in your life. He finally understood how you had been feeling about the woman sat across from him now.
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spaceagebachelormann · 10 months
hi i’m stealing this from @solutopia <3
she did colours! but i’m associating my moots with artists instead for funsies!
also i couldnt put all of y’all cause some of u i haven’t spoken to enough to have a proper opinion :( but if u wanna be in part 2 js start sending me asks and i’ll be able to quickly make observations abt u!
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @juneberrie — LIZ!!! my silly pookie <3 ur so so silly and u make me feel like i can talk abt my interests without being judged or made fun of which is something my friends growing up didn’t give me, ilysm and ur artist is laufey
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @isitoversnowtvs — JAS!!! my wife <3 ur such a cutie and even if our music tastes are different i still thinks urs is really cool and unique and i love it and u sm ! ur artist is taylor swift
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @cannibalizedyke — MERE!!! my favourite frankenstein girlie <3 ur so bad at roblox /aff. but that’s okay cause ur really sweet and i love bothering u out of nowhere and u kinda remind me of lizzie hearts. ur artist is marina
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @renqiisnce — DAL!!! pookie bear ilysm. ur music taste is actually amazing and ur opinions are always so right. i’m mailing u peter criss. ur artist is kiss.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @cau-lee-flower215 — LEE!!! ajsjejendjsndn u always have the best and silliest thoughts and ur so cool and ily <3 it genuinely makes me so happy everytime we talk ur so creative! ur artist is elton john
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @lunarluvbot — CHERRY!!! ugh you /j. ur so silly and match my energy perfectly and ur so fun to talk to and u let me rant abt peter pevensie for hours at a time. ur artist is madonna
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @lunarfleur — MICK!!! i love u. ur such a nice and genuine person and so fun and interesting to talk to and i wish we were closer </3 but ilysm and ur artist is elvis presley
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @madwickedawesome — JUNO!!! my absolute favourite person to bother. ur so fucking funny and i love playing roblox with u and u shoukd dm me on discord more often. ur artist is mischa bachinski debussy.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @sluggmuffin SLUG!!! RAHHHH u have the best fulton thoughts (so does lee and mick) ajakaksjajsj. ur such a cutie patootie and we should become super bsfs do u have discord. ur artist is the beatles
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @solutopia — SOLANA!!! we dtm but ur so sweet and ur themes are always so gorgeous. ur such a beautiful person even if i don’t know what u look like and i have a lot of respect for u! ur artist is beabadoobee
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @presidentroarie — AUTUMN!!! my first mutual on tumblr! i love u sm and even when people don’t agree with u on sophitz ur so accepting of it and don’t judge them <3 i’m so glad we’re friends and i love u! ur artist is bob dylan
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @inkluvs — IVY!!! ur so pretty omg? and ur so sweet and ur fics and headcanons are amazing and even though we don’t talk a lot when we do it’s so silly and i’ll be giggling <3 ur artist is julie london!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @faerieroyal — DOLLY!!! the only person who understands my love for adam and mr hyde,, literally my older sibling figure. ur so sweet and supportive and i feel so comfortable around u!! ur artist is ella fitzgerald
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @orangelovesyou ORANGE!!! my favourite ricky artist <3 such a silly and kinda babies me a little but i don’t mind!! so nice and silly and fun to talk to <3 ur artist is lady gaga
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @homeofhyperfixations — PERSE!!! i havent talked to u in so long :( but ur so creative and so nice and i love hearing about ur ocs and their lore and love interests it’s so interesting <3 ur artist is alice in chains
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @luckynature — BELLA!!! ur so funny omg? we should talk more pookie <3 i barely know u but u remind me a lot of ocean for some reason? also tammy? idk why !! also ur artist is weezer
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @moonlarked — AUR!!! my favourite hamlet lover! all ur hamlet thoughts and opinions are always so right and cause of u i now actually understand a lot more of hamlet then i did before <3 ur artist is type o negative
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @shefollowedthestars — NOVA!!! guys nova is the sweetest person to walk this earth. everytime we talk i live in fear of someone hurting ur sweet soul in anyway because u absolutely don’t deserve that. i heavily associate u with calm vintage music so ur artist is skeeter davis
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @doyouknowwhoyouare13 — NYX!!! ur so funny ily! i kinda forgot all of our interactions cause my memory is absolute shit but i always start giggling when thinking of u cause i remember u being really funny <3 ur artist is falling in reverse
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @starstruckwillows — JESSIE!!! omg i also need to talk to u alot more? ur so cutie patootie! one of my most favourite moot writers on this app /srs. ur artist is beyoncé
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @janesociety — JANE!!! pookie u always have rlly pretty themes and i love it! ur also super super nice and amazing and fun to be around! ur artist is the smiths
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @herrscherofsentence — JADE!!! ur hyperfixations are so cool! and i love all of ur names sm and the asks u send me always make me start giggling to myself cause they’re so funny! ur artist is tv girl
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @larsgoingtomars — SOPHIE!!! i genuinely love ur shifting stories so so much. and i absolutely love talking about bowie with u and u make me feel like i can talk to u about anything without being judged which i adore! ur artist is metallica
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @sp1rit-realm — HANNAH!!! i’m ngl i used to be scared to talk to u cause u seemed rlly cool,, but i’m glad i did cause that one james thought u sent me still has me twirling my hair over him. ur artist is guns n roses
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fairyyobrien · 5 months
I’ve gained some followers over the past few days so I just wanted to let y’all know who I’ll be writing for.
So I’ll probably be mainly writing for stiles bc I honestly feel like there’s not enough stiles fics on here and I just can’t resist. Ugh where can I find a stiles at 😩
I’ll also be writing regular Dylan fics too. Now I’m not caught up on all his movies yet but as soon as I do I will be writing fics for those as well.
I also have an obsession over TVD so I am thinking of writing some TVD fics too ;)
If y’all read this I appreciate it!! Much love xxx
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ghostradiodylan · 9 months
Which Hacketteers do you think are pro Christmas music and who do you think is totally against it?
Okay this is a great question and such a hard one for me because I’m kind of ambivalent about Christmas music myself! I like it fine for a couple of days beforehand but when it starts playing in stores right after Halloween? I’m still in spooky mode, stop trying to make me be merry for the sake of capitalism! 😂
Also given the setting of New York state, I wonder if any of them come from Jewish or otherwise non-Christian families. Idk who’s most likely to fit into that category but it’s a consideration. Christmas culture infects everyone though lol.
I feel like Jacob is a literal child so he probably gets super excited about everything Christmas and is like helping his parents put up elaborate light displays and buying Christmas themed snacks and stuff, so he’s probably listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween and I feel like Emma might be similar. Emma might come Christmas caroling at your house because she loves performing so much! Emma doesn’t mind a pop cover or a bit of Mariah Carey at all.
Kaitlyn might be a total Grinch if left to her own devices but she can’t help indulging Jacob a little. She doesn’t mind Christmas music in the context of Christmas movies but she probably wouldn’t listen to it on purpose just for fun. She has a secret soft spot for the soundtrack to The Muppet Christmas Carol.
I feel like the holidays might be complicated for Ryan. We don’t know why his mom isn’t around, though I obviously have my headcanons for fiction, but that might make it a little bit of a tough time for him. At the same time, he seems really invested in his sister so he probably wants to make Christmas special for her. He lives with his grandparents, so maybe they’re listening to the more classic, old school Christmas music and jazz covers and he’s probably fine with that.
Dylan I think could go either way, either he’s rolling his eyes about it altogether or he’s making massive playlists of indie and alt rock covers and then throwing in annoying goofy songs like “Dominick the Donkey” and “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.” I think he probably does not want to hear Christmas music prior to Thanksgiving. But maybe I’m just projecting as I often do.
Abi’s watching The Nightmare Before Christmas on repeat to match her Hot Topic aesthetic. 😂 She likes that original soundtrack and the various artist cover versions and “Yule Shoot Your Eye Out” by Fall Out Boy. But when it’s actually the week of Christmas she gives in and gets into the regular cheery stuff.
I wonder how long Nick has been in the US because I always think it has to be so weird for Australians to have all this wintery themed Christmas music when it’s summer in their hemisphere at Christmas time! Maybe he gets really into it because it’s so different from what he’s used to. Or maybe he gets cranky and misses the summer and listens to Tim Minchin’s “White Wine in the Sun” to remember warmer holidays. Could go either way.
Maybe it’s his 50’s fit talking, but I imagine Max being into the old crooner type Christmas music, Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra and more recently stuff like Michael Bublé that’s copying that style. I feel like he starts terribly serenading Laura with that music in early November.
I feel like Laura might not get super into Christmas until school is out because she’s so driven, so maybe she pushes all that out of her mind until then, except when Max is badly crooning “White Christmas” in the shower. But then again, I also headcanoned her as a choir kid in high school so she probably had concerts to practice for too that made her get into the spirit earlier than she really wanted.
Thanks for the asks today y’all! I think my brain is tapped out but I will be meditating on some I can send back! 💜💜💜
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Jason Todd x Reader
Title: “Will you be my Olivia?”
Pairing(s): Jason Todd and Plus Size Female Reader 
Warnings: None, please read note at end <3
Dialogue Prompt used is in BOLD AND ITALICS, and credit goes to: @dumplingsjinson
Song lyrics are in bold and rights go to One Direction and their respective writers of the song “Olivia”.
(Hear me out, can y’all imagine Dylan O’Brien playing Jason Todd? Yay or Nay?)
Reuqested by the lovely @lovingmarvelanddcmen
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Since you were younger, you were hesitant about wearing certain things, or going and doing things because of your weight. Luckily, you weren’t made fun of throughout school because of your best friend Jason Todd. Boy, would he threaten someone every time they would remotely look at your cross.
But he couldn’t stop the intrusive thoughts. Only you could, and you overcame those thoughts, you loved your body, and you radiated with that “I don’t give a fuck attitude”. Jason had noticed a change in you, and he mentioned it a numerous amount of times, “It looks like I’ve rubbed off on you. Once you don’t care what people think, you’ll feel free.”
After the two of you graduated, you guys remained close. There wasn’t a day spent where you two weren’t together. He had other friends and so did you, but you guys were a package deal. If you hung out with your friends one night, he would join in and vice versa.
The only time that you two weren’t around each other, was when one or the other would be in relationships. But relationships never lasted long for either of you; your exes were jealous of Jason and wanted him out of the picture. The same went for Jason’s exes, and once they said something about you, he would kick them to the curb.
Your exes weren’t really the problem when it came to you breaking up with them. Jason was a big part of it; not in the sense that he was the problem, or that he ran them off. But because you had feelings for Jason, and these feelings ran deeper than just loving him as a friend. 
Jason could have anyone he wanted. He was kind, funny, and man was he hot. So, why would he want to be with you? That was the only intrusive thought you couldn’t shake. The feeling of not being worthy of being with Jason. Did he reciprocate those feelings? Probably not. But it didn’t stop you from daydreaming or thinking about it late at night. 
After you convinced yourself that he wouldn’t want to be with you, and you also didn’t want to ruin your friendship with him, you decided to move on. Tonight, you had a date with a guy named Nick, and he seemed nice enough. You met him at a coffee shop, and instantly hit it off. Normally, you wouldn’t be excited to go out on a date, but this guy was attractive, and he was mysterious. 
Picking out an outfit was always the hardest part; you never knew what to wear. Since none of your girl friends were available, Jason volunteered to help you pick out the “perfect outfit”.
Jason was lying across your bed, and he was going through some random magazine you had sitting on your nightstand. You stood in the bathroom with multiple articles of clothing and shoes. “So, what kind of date is this?” Jason asked from your bed, and you opened the bathroom door with your bathrobe on. 
“First, we are going to an Italian Restaurant, and then we will be going to some art gallery that is having a wine and chocolate tasting.” you say as you leaned against the door frame. 
He nodded, and then he looked up at you, “What if this guy is a murderer? You met him yesterday. Are you going to sleep with him?” 
Your eyes widened; did he just seriously ask that? “One, he isn’t a murderer. Two, is there really a time frame you have to follow to ask someone out after meeting them? And three, that doesn’t concern you, Jay.” you say before going into the bathroom to put on outfit number one.
“We’re best friends, we tell each other everything. So, do you plan on sleeping with the guy tonight?” he asked again, and you sighed. “I don’t know. I guess we will find out if it gets to that point.” you say through the door.
Jason didn’t seem to like your response, “How about we don’t sleep with him until were like five years into the relationship?”
You shook your head trying not to laugh at his remark. When you didn’t respond, you heard music and Jason’s voice: 
“Please believe me, don’t you see the things you mean to me?
Oh, I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love Y/N. 
I live for you, I long for you, Y/N.”
Opening the bathroom door, Jason was singing his heart out. Replacing your name with “Olivia” You couldn’t help but to smile, but it also made your heart hurt. Oh, how you wished he meant the words he was saying, well, singing.
But when his eyes landed on you, he stopped singing, and it appeared he stopped breathing.  (OUTFIT ONE, TWO, THREE. YOUR CHOICE!) 
Jason fell off your bed, but not once did he take your eyes off of you. “Do you like it? Do you think it works well with tonight’s occasion?” you asked, and when he didn’t answer, you waved your hand in front of his face. 
“Earth to JayBird. Hello?”
When he finally snapped out of it, he looked you up and down. “You.. you look beautiful. But go take it off.” he said, and you were taken aback. 
“Why would I take it off if I look good in it?” you questioned, as you walked over to your vanity and put on a pair of earrings. Jason followed you across your room. “Um, because. It’s too... It’s too sexy. I don’t want him to take advantage of you.” he said, and you rolled your eyes and picked up a tube of lip gloss. 
“Well, this is the outfit, and he will be here soon.” you motioned for him to skedaddle out of your bedroom. When he got to your door, he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, please, be careful. Call me if you need me to pick you up. Or need an excuse to leave.”
He stared at you, and you wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head on his shoulder. “Thank you for helping me. I’ll text you later tonight, okay?” He wrapped his arms around you, and he rested his head on yours. 
“Have fun.” he said before leaving you alone. You actually felt sick to your stomach, you felt sad he didn’t stop you from going. Sighing, you applied a shimmery pink gloss, and a knock at the door made you jump.
When you opened the door, Nick was standing there with a bouquet of red roses. A smile graced your face, and Nick’s eyes wandered all over your body. “You... You look amazing.”
You felt the heat rush to your cheeks, “Thank you, Nick. Let me grab my purse and we can go.” you took the flowers from him and laid them on the counter. Deep down, you wished it was Jason that was taking to you on a date. But this was your reality; the two of you weren’t meant to be together. 
--Time Skip---
After dinner, Nick drove the two of you to the art gallery. The date was going so well, and you could see yourself with this guy. He was amazing; he was a gentleman, he was funny and smart, and handsome. He was everything you wanted in a guy, but he wasn’t Jason. 
The chocolate and wine tasting had just begun, and Nick got you both a glass of wine and a plate of labeled chocolates. “I am having an amazing time, Y/N.” Nick said, and you smiled.
“Ditto. Would you want to go out next weekend?” you asked, and Nick gave you a bashful smile. “Of course. Y/N, I really, really like---”
Loud music poured through the speakers, and everyone turned their attention to the far wall that had a stage.
“Please believe me, don't you see The things you mean to me? Oh, I love you, I love you I love, I love, I love Y/N I live for you, I long for you, Y/N I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Y/N I live for you, I long for you, Y/N Don't let me go Don't let me go...”
You instantly recognized the song, and made your way towards the stage, and Nick followed you. Trying not to spill your wine, you walked through the crowd, and it was Jason- he was singing the song, replacing your name in the lyrics, just like he did in your bedroom. 
When he found you in the crowd, his eyes focused on yours.
“Say what you're feeling and say it now 'Cause I got the feeling you're walking out And time is irrelevant when I've not been seeing you The consequences are falling now There's something I'm having nightmares about And these are the reasons I'm crying out to be with you
Please believe me, don't you see The things you mean to me? Oh, I love you, I love you I love, I love, I love Y/N...”
Now Jason was standing right in front of you, and he took the wine glass out of your hand. “Don’t let me go, don’t let me go, don’t let me go.” Jason finished the song and he stared into your eyes, not breaking contact. 
“What do you say, Y/N. Will you be my Olivia?” he asked you, as he tossed the microphone to one of the caterers. You began to shake in his arms, and tears started to roll down your face.
“Oh--- why are you crying? Does me liking you disgust you that much?” Jason asked, and this time you smiled through the tears. “No, you dumbass, it’s because you like me back, but I spent all of this time thinking you’d never like me that way!” you exclaimed, and Jason’s hand went to your cheek.
“Why would you think that?” he asked as he wiped your tears away. Turning your face away from him, you whispered, “Because Jason, I’m not the kind of girl Jason Todd goes out with. Your exes have made that clear. Everyone has made it known. I don’t meet the criteria.” you said gesturing at your body, and Jason picked up your chin so you could look at him.
“You are perfect the way you are, Y/N. I love everything about you. Everything you don’t like about yourself, I will love. I love your hips, your thighs, your curves, your eyes, your nose! Damnit, I love everything about you!” he said before looking you in the eyes. 
Your heart was pounding in your chest, Jason pressed his lips against yours. Is this what Princess Mia was talking about in the Princess Diaries? This was definitely your “foot popping kiss”. His lips were so soft, and you never wanted this moment to end. 
When he pulled away, he smiled, “I love you, Y/N. I always have.”
“I have always had a thing for you, Todd.” you whispered back, and applause erupted in the room. You had almost forgotten there was a crowd of people standing around you. Jason led you through the crowd, and Nick was standing near the door, but before you could say anything he smiled.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything. But thank you for tonight.” he said, before he let Jason take you back to your apartment. The entire way home, the two of you could hardly keep your hands off of each other. He loved you for you, and he didn’t want to change you. That’s all you had ever wanted; you wanted Jason, and he wanted you. 
I hope you enjoyed this, @lovingmarvelanddcmen 
I’m sorry if you don’t like one Direction, I heard this song and I was like omg, I have to incorporate this. If you don’t like it, I can always re-write it! <3 I apologize if it was too short
Thank you all for reading!
 I am on the chubbier side. Most of my x reader’s are meant to be flexible for females of all heights and weights. Nothing I write in this x reader is meant to be offensive, or hurtful. I have had trouble loving my body in the past, but I love my body now, and I want everyone to love their body because EVERY BODYSHAPE IS BEAUTIFUL! I have never written a plus size reader before, nor have I mentioned it in a reader, and I don’t want to disappoint anyone. 
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
jacky: fwb to lovers
lukey: enemies to lovers
marky: friends to lovers
okay but a quick lil rundown of how these would go TO lovers? like the confession
jacky: he wouldn’t even ask you, he’d just make an off-handed comment in a jealous fit and be like “you’re my girlfriend, you shouldn’t be letting other guys buy you drinks!” and you just go “your girlfriend? is that what i am now?” and he’d respond with “that’s what you’ve been for the past year. we were just too stupid to say so.”
lukey: y’all’s tension definitely bubbles over into some passionate, heat of the moment, angry sex— which leads to you confessing your feelings to dylan, who then lets it slip to luke, who then teases you for a good week at least before he asks you out on a date— which you assume is just him being mean at first, but then he expresses that he’s serious and you say yes and it just blossoms into this sarcasm filled love
marky: you have both definitely been pining over each other for so long and everyone knows it. so y’all’s other friends start pushing you guys into situations that could possibly show your love to each other. it comes to a stop during a seven minutes in heaven game where you and mark are shoved into a closet. at first you guys are just sitting there, and then ethan yells through the door and is like “i don’t hear any kissing!” so mark finally gets the courage to ask if it’s okay that he kisses you, which you of course agree to, and after that he just couldn’t stand not being with you. so, he confesses his feelings, to which you confess yours, and you guys have been together ever since!
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hisfavkayla · 2 months
「 Welcome·. ·🚀 」
。🍪 ꔛ 📻 ⊹🐻. ���� 🧺 ꕀ�� 👨🏽‍🎨♡̷ ꒱ ✱ ༘ 🚋 ︴ 🦦
Abt me : I’m from north New Jersey , but I visit New York often. I’m 15, and I want to go to school for nursing in Hawaii 🌺!!! Who knows maybe I will?!??!?! I LOVE THE BEACH 🏝️ Also I’m obsessed with the Kennedys ( hence Jack Schlossberg) so fingers crossed 🤞🏽 IMA BE FUTURE MRS. KENNEDY 🌀🎐🪩🦭🪻
Fav food: Mac n cheese, steak, shrimp 🦐
Celeb crushes: Tom Holland, Jack Schlossberg, Taylor Aaron-Johnson, Andy Samberg, Callum Turner ( the list goes on n on ➶—͙˚ ༘✶
Fav YouTubers: Sturniolo triplets, Tara yummy , Jake Webber , Johnnie Gilbert, Dylan is in trouble, Danny Gonzalez, Hansumfella › 〉 🦍 .ೃ we rock ! 🐊 „ ↴
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• I’m thinking abt writing some fanfics and posting them on here… What do y’all think?!? 💬
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13tinysocks · 1 year
okokokokok i know i Just sent as ask a couple hours ago but i just finished thio and i am Screaming it wrapped up so nice and i’m so happy i read it!!! i love y’all’s writing so much and aihfjakandjsj i’m- also dylan and jack talking abt autism and not being able to relate to the world “properly” made me cry and also feel so seen and i just wanted to say thank u for that! and for writing these amazing fics! (and if u ever write an original work i will 100% read it!! because y’all write so fuckin good) but uhhh yeah i’m gonna stop rambling at u now sorry
i like it when people ramble at me. I love hearing the unfiltered thoughts of other autistic people. I love it when we connect over what we are.
We are working on orginals which I'm hoping to have the drafts done by the semesters end
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linkles-art-blog · 1 year
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Just as with the artwork made for his brother’s birthday, although Chuuya’s birthday on April 29th has long passed us by, I still wanted to finish the original WIP artwork that I had posted to celebrate the occasion — and here it is: the next installment of finished artwork in this Chibi Cherish artwork series.
I really do love making these cute little arts, and I hope that y’all enjoy them a whole lot, too. ^-^
Do not repost this artwork anywhere without my explicit permission or claim it as your own. See F.A.Q.s for details.  
Songs I listened to while drawing this:
My Cherish Playlist (the public and currently only partial version of which you can listen to here.)
Other songs mostly unrelated to the vibe that I also listened to:
Angel Eyes by Christine Baranski, Julie Walters and Amanda Seyfried
7 years by Lukas Graham
Why Did It Have To Be Me? by Josh Dylan, Lily James, and Hugh Skinner
Knowing Me, Knowing You by Jeremy Irvine, Lily James, Pierce Brosnan, and Amanda Seyfried
Knowing Me, Knowing You by ABBA
Arms by Christina Perri
In the Bedroom Down the Hall by Rachel Bay Jones and Jennifer Laura Thompson
Good for You by Rachel Bay Jones, Kristolyn Lloyd, Will Roland, and Ben Platt
Words Fail by Ben Platt
Grow As We Go by Ben Platt
I wanna love you but I don’t by Ben Platt
Older by Ben Platt
Run Away by Ben Platt
Ease My Mind by Ben Platt
Airplane Mode by Hayd
What Did I Do? by Hayd
“a Hayd playlist because they’re underrated” playlist by AethericTwine.
Dear Theodosia by Leslie Odom Jr. and Lin-Manuel Miranda
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story by Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton
It's Quiet Uptown by Renée Elise Goldsberry, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Phillipa Soo, and Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton
Your Obedient Servant by Leslie Odom Jr. and Lin-Manuel Miranda
Wait for It by Leslie Odom Jr. and Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton
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