#I love my lil mullet
mushluv · 4 months
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haven’t shared my face in a while 🏹✨
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most of you will not understand the agony of this outfit. but hey here's fantasy au Howdy!
yes. i know. he looks like a gunslinger. but I think it'd be funny if Howdy shows up and he minorly tweaks the genre simply by Existing! plus, he has to make himself useful beyond being a traveling salesman - he doesn't have a scrap of magic in him! so! alchemist gunslinger!
due to much of this "final" outfit design being Miguel's (@indigopoptart <3 thanks for your help homeslice <3) influence, i have less to say than usual! i'll talk about the things i Kept from the first terrible, terrible draft!
i wanted him to have full-coverage gloves because One, gloves fuck, & Two, shooting gloves! plus, he regularly works with dangerous materials! gotta keep his hands as safe as possible! speaking of his guns, they were a Ton of fun to draw. i wanted to make them ornate... Howdy seems like he'd enjoy nice things? fancy stuff perhaps? anyway the guns have his tavern "logo" on them!
the "second safety" mentioned triggers a magic-oriented mechanism that allows him to piece the guns together! they "unfold" into a big ol clusterfuck of a powerhouse weapon! unfortunately, using this immediately breaks the guns and they have to be repaired, so it's a "break glass in case of emergency" ace up the Neighborhood's sleeve!
i like to imagine that his bandolier, while cool, stresses everyone out a little bit. each bullet is full of pressurized weaponized magic. If they break while on the bandolier, well! Howdy would probably be very much Royally Fucked! i also drew the bullets too large here, so imagine that there's a lot more than shown and they're a lot smaller. I didn't realize this mistake until right now! oopsies!
i want to keep elements of the canon outfits in these fantasy ones. hence why his vest is striped and blue, he's still got the reddish brown pants, and! why his cloak clasp is shaped like a tie! and why the inside of his cloak resembles his apron!
i like to think that Howdy got his magic pack by swindling some poor soul out of it! when the buckles are undone, it unfolds into a vendor stand that looks Much different than the tiny scribble provided! said scribble is there to ah... what's the word. Demonstrate? get the point across? it's actually quite a nice stall! he has space to sell, and a workbench to tinker on! the pockets on the bag actually do function as pockets, though.
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yeenybeanies · 8 months
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[dnd au] soap, the summer eladrin artillerist artificer! 💥💥💥
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jellypawss · 2 months
We are deciding to keep the bird and have named him Toad. I’m getting him a tall sturdy cage and I hang out with him for about 10 hours a day (I will be looking for a buddy for him when I move.)
He loves take me to church by hozier and he falls asleep when I sing it to him.
He chirps and goes wild whenever I walk away from my desk to get me to come back 😭💗
I’ve also found a solution to keep the kitties away from him and they have not bugged him since, he will also have his own little area that will be safe at our new place.
Everyone welcome Toad to the family!
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edenfire · 10 months
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"SHIWO!! shiwo...."🐰🌸
doodled a lil bunny keith looking for his big bad wolf🥺💘
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ygodmyy20 · 4 months
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you can never stop me I'm going to draw this family forever.
mp100xOPM au where Teru and Shigeo adopt Saitama, Tatsu and Fubuki. This is @sodasexual au not mine (but I half live there honestly at this point). This is when they are adults. Teru's colorful fashion choices rubbed off on Tatsu. The kids like to come over and hang out with their dads on the weekends.
Saitama doesn't care for crossword puzzles. He is here just in another room somewhere.
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surunoita · 3 months
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not feeling a hundred percent about drawing again but i had so much fun with the new rywd chapter that i had to try n draw my token mc austin (they/them) as the merc :3c
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lasangnana · 2 years
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There's nothing more romantic than a good ol' high five 🖐💚
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bobmckenzie · 6 months
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worlds best posture 🏅
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marcobodtlives · 5 months
I just realised that if you take my favourite characters from anime I’ve watched, the underlying theme is just that I’m jealous of their hair.
No psychological common denominator just. Their hair.
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hella1975 · 2 years
right so i got my hair cut yesterday and mind you when im at uni my haircutting options are to get my one mate to do it (she's surprisingly good but can get very scissor happy) OR cut my own bangs in the sink with cuticle scissors at midnight while my automatic light turns off every five seconds. no that's not hyperspecifc what do you mean. anyway i got my hair cut yesterday and BY THE PROFESSIONAL HAIRDRESSER THAT DOES MY MUM AND SISTER'S HAIR. now this lady has been doing our hair for over a decade she's very chill she knows us very well i stress her out a lot bc every time i see her im like 'i want to [insert crazy hair idea here]' and she's like orrrr what if we didn't? BUT yesterday i was like i want my hair short again i hate that it's grown to touch my shoulders bc it curls weird. and what i was aiming for was literally just to replicate what my friend does for me back at uni where she just cuts it to my jaw and that's that nothing too complicated, BUT like i said this lady is a skilled professional AND she knows me in both a style sense and what she knows i'd like and in the sense of i really dont give a fuck about my hair so she knows she can have a lil fun with it, and basically long story short i have a wolf cut now
#it wasn't even on purpose i didn't actually realise what i was describing to her was a wolf cut until she was done#and i looked in the mirror like HEY THIS IS WHAT ALL THE HOT TIKTOK BISEXUALS HAVE#like you know how a wolf cut is a mix between a mullet and a shag cut? mine's like that except it's slightly more shag#until i push it behind my ears a lil in which case it's more mullet#im OBSESSED with it holy fuck#im gonna get styling stuff too bc i never normally do anything with my hair but this is something else#i look like a punk lesbian im obsessed#also my godmum is coming for tea soon and she's a butch lesbian so im hoping i get some sort of compliment from her#will keep you posted#mind i dont have much respect for her despite her being my Sole Female Queer Rep Irl because her politics are FUCKED#this woman voted brexit like okay babygirl set your own movement back then#but acknowledgement from the local butch is still acknowledgement from the local butch#and i am but a mere baby gay making grabby hands#fun fact i acc tried to get a shag cut from my uni friend but it was out of her skill level (obvs cause she's not trained lol)#BUT she's the super super innocent highly christian friend ive mentioned a couple times#and she very cheerfully went 'i love when you ask for a shag' and like. left it#and we just sat in silence while i waited for her to clock what she said and she just DIDNT#and i just said her name very slowly and went 'can you repeat that for me'#and she really loudly went 'OH MY GOD' it was so funny
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qeyond · 1 year
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bug collection
Top: A, Light, Matt, Mello
Bottom: L, Misa, B, Corrupt!Naomi
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cyberhai · 1 year
*slaps mullet* This bad boy can fit so much virginity in it
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sucktacular · 2 years
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chordofcrimson · 1 year
how did i celebrate quitting my job & starting a new era in my life?
i got a mullet 😄
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
midnight mistakes | jjk
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⇢ PAIRING: fuckboy!jk x inexperienced reader
⇢ RATING: m/18+
⇢ WC: 2.5k
⇢ WARNINGS: v brief sm*t, v slight angst, oc is sick rip, pregnancy scare putting their relationship to the test eep!!!, brief mentions of abortion (reader considers it)
⇢ SUMMARY: a midnight romp with jungkook leads to tears on your cheeks and a pregnancy test in your hand
⇢ NOTES: i miss writing sm so here's a lil drabble of our otp :') school has been v overwhelming lately and it makes me so sad that i don't have as much time to write on here anymore. hopefully, things will calm down soon. for now, enjoy this crumb!! i love you all, let me know what you think!! if you haven't read the series yet, pls read that before this if u want to!! this wasn't beta'd so i apologize for any grammar issues or typos rip
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The sequence of events that landed you in this situation; having a teary, heaving breakdown in front of your bathroom mirror, was absolutely ridiculous, to say the least.
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“I’m gonna kill someone,” you squeak, breathless from the endless stream of sneezes ripping through you. The glow of the alarm clock on your nightstand reads 1 a.m. as you reach for a tissue. Violently blowing your nose does little to ease its congestion. With a shaky sigh, you crumple the sodden napkin and toss it into the bin beside your bed; overthrown by contents alike. The wet ball hits the paper mountain before rolling onto your pretty pink area rug.
You shiver, how fucking disgusting. 
A stressful week of labs and quizzes has tanked your immune system, making you susceptible to all the little germs and illnesses that strike when the brisk winter air transitions into the pollen-laced breeze of spring. The antibiotics you were prescribed did little to help your runny nose and sore throat. Pausing the anime playing on your phone, you open your messages. 
dumbo love you, get some rest please xx
So much for getting rest. You weren’t expecting a text back. Jungkook had offered to spend the night, but you encouraged him to go. It was his last semester after all. Still, you were pouty and needy, wanting nothing more than to snuggle into his arms and let the swirls of his delicate fingers on your back lull you to sleep. Instead, here you were, confined to your bed, watching Naruto solo as Jungkook, Tae, and Mina lived it up; taking shots until they were belligerent. 
A distinguishable knock rattles the door before you can press play again.
“What are you doing here?” 
Jungkook stands in your doorway, oversized black tee hanging over his equally oversized green cargo pants. His cute little mullet falls in sweaty loops around his face. “Still feelin’ like shit?” He coos, cringing at your disheveled appearance and the croak in your voice. Ignoring your question, he holds up the various items in his big hands. “I picked up a few things; cough drops—not the cherry kind ‘cause those are fucking nasty,” you laugh at the side note, “—extra spicy ramen and hot sauce to clear out your sinuses.”
Your peer at the array of remedies with wide eyes. Their ability to cure your flu symptoms is questionable. You don’t even have a way of boiling water to make said ramen in your cramped dorm, but the sentiment has your chest swelling with something other than a violent cough for the first time in days. Abruptly, you pull him into a tight embrace. 
“Ah, I see,” he laughs, wrapping an arm around the small of your back and walking you back into the room, kicking the door closed behind him. “My Bambi missed me.”
“I did,” you nuzzle into him further, “but you shouldn’t be here… you should be having fun with your friends.”
“Nah, fuck ‘em,” he retorts playfully, putting the quote-unquote medicine down and then plopping onto the bed, taking you with him. “Besides, what kind of shit boyfriend ditches their sick girlfriend to go to a party anyways?”
“The kind that should be enjoying his last semester,” you frown. 
“I am, though. I enjoy spending time with you more than anything else.”
As he lays under you, black tresses splayed against your white comforter like a misshapen halo, you feel so incredibly lucky. Gently, you run your fingers through his choppy bangs, pushing them out of his doe eyes. “Have you been drinking?” 
“Not really, just a couple shots of Fireball and a few beers.” That much alcohol would have knocked you on your lightweight ass, but after years of beer pong and keg stands, Jungkook’s tolerance was damn near Kage level. It took a lot more than that to get him drunk. “I kinda…” he averts your gaze, something he does when he’s sad or guilty. “I felt really bad so I left.”
“Jungkook, I told you it was okay.”
“I know,” he nods, sliding a warm palm under your shirt, rubbing his thumb against your skin in soothing lines. “But I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” Using your fingertip, you brush an eyelash off the apple of his cheek. “Thank you… for coming back for me.”
“Of course, Bambi.” He leans up and presses a deep kiss to your dehydrated lips.
“Kook, stop,” you mumble, craning your neck back. “You’re gonna get sick.”
“I don’t care.”
It doesn’t take much convincing. If Jungkook doesn’t care, why should you? 
What follows is a battle of warm tongues and the needy clash of his bunny teeth against yours. Tender touches coax your Sailor Moon pajama set to the floor with the promise of Jungkook’s delicious love. Before you know it, you’re sinking down onto his hard length, fingers digging into his shoulders as he slouches against your headboard.
“Take it all,” he whispers, jaw slacking as he tilts his head down, getting a clear view of your wet cunt swallowing the remaining few inches. A slick film coats the two fingers he used to hold himself up for you as your lip pillow around the base. “Yeah, just like that.” His face contorts in pleasure, overcome by your warm, slippery walls after a week of illness-induced celibacy. “Feels good, huh baby? Tell me how good my dick makes you feel.”
He wants praise and dirty talk, but the tickle in your nose makes you pause, bracing yourself as a slew of sneezes pours out of you. Eight sneezes to be exact. Jungkook’s high-pitched cackle is drowned out by a shriek as you cup your hand over your leaking nostrils. “EW!”
“Shut up, it’s fine!” He grabs a tissue from the nearly empty box. “Lemme see,” he mumbles, pulling your hand down and wiping it clean, then doing the same to your face afterward and tossing the kleenex in your glittery pink trash bin. 
“I’m sorry,” you peep, completely mortified.
“Don’t worry.” The crooked bunny grin eases your nerves. “That was fire, actually. You clenched around me so tight.”
You squint at him and then bury your head into the crook of his neck. You make love to each other; slow and gentle. At one point, Jungkook locks his tattooed fingers in between yours, pecking your bare shoulder as lazy drags of your hips bring you both to writhing climaxes. And he looks so beautiful when he climaxes, gnawing at his lip piercing, skin dewy from sweat and the moonlight shining through the blinds. 
At that moment, you felt nothing but love and pure ecstasy. 
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Isn’t it funny how pleasures of the past can create complete devastation in the present?
Clutching the edge of the porcelain sink, you stare down at the pink box of pregnancy tests. There’s tear stains on your cheeks. A pain in your lungs from all the sobbing. You wish Jungkook had been a shit boyfriend that night. You’d give anything to take it all back. 
Like a sixth sense, there’s a distinguishable knock at the door. 
“Hey, I-” he stops short, brows furrowing as his dark pupils scan your face. “Have you been crying?”
“What do you think?” You shouldn’t snap at him, but the waves of anxiety washing over you make you highly sensitive. Truthfully, you weren’t going to tell Jungkook any of this. His showing up had put an awful wrench in your plans. Well, unless the test came back positive. Then, you’d be forced to tell him. You clamp your hand over your mouth, the thought making you sick to your stomach. 
“__, take a deep breath. Sit down.” You do and he follows suit. “What's going on?”  
“I-” you gulp, swallowing back a whine, struggling to form a coherent sentence. There’s no escape, you have to confess. “I think I might be pregnant.”
There’s an eerie silence once the words hit the air, lingering over you both like a dark, dreary cloud. It takes Jungkook a moment to internalize the weight of the situation, but you can tell when the thunder strikes. The pink tinge in his cheeks fades to a stark, sickly white as he inhales shakily. “Fuck-” Leaning his elbows against his knees, he digs the heels of his palms into his eyes, shielding them. “I thought you were on the pill.” 
“I am, but I was taking antibiotics last week and I read that they can make birth control less effective- and I’ve been having symptoms lately.” It all comes out in a jumbled mess like word vomit. He doesn’t respond. He doesn’t move. And it scares you. “Are you mad at me?”
“No.” Despite his posture, his tone is still and calm. “I just… don’t know what to say. It’s a lot to take in.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper as the floodgates finally burst. You were still in the swell of your STEM program. Jungkook is just about to graduate with a Bachelor’s in photography. Both of your lives would come to a screeching halt if the worst were true. You weren’t ready for a baby, not in the slightest. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey, don’t-.” Finally, Jungkook sits up, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side. The other arm repeats as he rests his chin on top of your head, rocking your shaking frame back and forth for comfort. “Don’t apologize, don’t cry. Why don’t you take a test before we start freaking the fuck out?”
You suppose he’s right. 
The walk to the bathroom is a blur. Suddenly, you’re on the toilet with that evil stick in hand. Jungkook is sitting on the floor with his eyes closed, knees bent and head leaned back against the wood of the cabinet. Normally, you’re extremely pee-shy. It literally will not come out. Under these circumstances, you can’t bring yourself to care. 
“You pee so softly,” Jungkook says through an airy laugh. “I pee really hard- and fast. Like-” he makes a little whooshing noise with his mouth, “like a hose.” 
“Baby, please,” you huff, setting the test aside and pulling your sweats up. You know he’s trying to ease your nerves, but this is one situation where his lighthearted jokes and comments ceased to make you smile. “This is serious.”
“Trust me, I know.” Spreading his legs, he pats the carpet between them. “C’mere.” As soon as you hit the ground he’s embracing you, trailing kisses all over your exposed skin. “What now?”
“Now,” you sigh, setting a timer on your phone for three minutes, “we wait.”
“You know… it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if it’s positive.”
“It would be absolutely awful, Jungkook.” It’s a sweet sentiment but you know he’s lying, right through his bunny teeth. Late-night conversations in bed about the future ring in your head. ‘Honestly, I don’t think I want kids,’ Jungkook had hummed in the middle of My Neighbor Totoro, ‘ever.’ Generally, you felt the same way, but the memory is terrifying in this context; sitting on the bathroom floor with him, waiting for an answer that could contradict all of your plans and possibly crumble the entire foundation of your relationship.
“Who am I kidding?” He chuckles humorlessly. “You’re right, it would be fucking awful.”
Nervously, you toy with the silver rings on his inked fingers. “What if it’s positive, Jungkook?”
“Let’s just wait until we get the results.”
“But what if it’s positive?” You twist in his arms, showing him your glassy eyes and deep frown. Showing him that his answer, regardless of what the test says, was very important to you. 
He blinks at you, lips opening and then closing promptly as he mulls over his words. “If it is… then we’ll take care of it.”
There’s a dual meaning to the sentiment that makes you chew on your bottom lip, eyes flickering up to the white ceiling to stop yourself from crying. Take care of it as in going through with it? Or take care of it as in… the other option? Honestly, the latter would be your first choice, and you’re sure it’s his as well. But for whatever reason, the fact that he assumed it makes your heart ache. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means whatever you want it to mean.” Gently, he smooths a hand over your trembling thighs before they frantically search for yours. “Just… whatever you want to do… whatever you want, I’ll support it… I’m here.”
A breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in releases in relief. You feel stupid for even questioning him. After all these months of unconditional love, you should know better. Bringing your locked hands up, you kiss his fingertips. The smile it brings out of him is just as soft as your touch. “I love you so much.”
“I love y-.”
He’s cut off by the blaring ring of your timer.
“Please, can you look?” You mumble, shaking your head and covering your eyes. “I can’t do it.”
You feel his torso twist against your back as he reaches for the test on your countertop. The time between him grabbing it and the dreaded answer feels like an eternity.
“Thank fuck!” You groan, doing a complete 180 and wrapping your arms around his neck in celebration. You haven’t felt this type of excitement since you were a child, waking up on Christmas morning and seeing colorful presents under the tree.
“What made you think you were pregnant in the first place?”
You hesitate to respond. In retrospect, it’s not as valid of a reason as you originally thought. “I’ve been feeling sick in the morning.”
Pulling back, Jungkook deadpans you. “Bambi, no shit. You’ve been sick all week.”
“I know but,” you pout, twirling a ringlet at the nape of his neck, “google said I could be pregnant…”
“You’re so fucking lucky you’re cute,” he laughs, holding you flush to him and nipping your cheek playfully. “You’ve got to be the most dramatic person I’ve ever met in my life.” You know he’s joking, but the comment makes your expression drop a bit. “But that’s part of the reason I love you so much. I’m never bored with you.”
Once again, you truly don’t know how you got so lucky. 
“Alright,” he huffs, using all of his strength to haul you up into the air and walk you back to your bedroom. Instinctually and habitually, you wrap your legs around his cinched waist. “We finished Avatar last time, so what’re we watching tonight?”
You click your tongue in contemplation. “Naruto.”
“Naruto? Bambi, isn’t Naruto like- a billion episodes long?”
When he tosses you down onto the mattress, you pout and bat your long lashes at him, pulling out all the provenly successful manipulation tactics. “Please?”
“Fine,” he grumbles, plopping down beside you. “But don’t be mad if I knock out.”
And like clockwork, Jungkook dozes off in the middle of the second episode, but that’s okay, because despite how horrible the pregnancy scare was, it truly solidified Jungkook’s presence in your life. You have all the time in the world to watch hours and hours of subpar filler episodes, and you’ll do it happily as long as you’re with him.
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© chryblossomjjk 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost]
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