#this was probably the best hair/make up combo
mushluv · 4 months
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haven’t shared my face in a while 🏹✨
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milksuu · 8 months
❀. │GIRL DINNER (O1)│. ❀
❥ prompt: You're hungry. You want food. You want a snack. You just want SOMETHING. You send your HEARTSTEEL boyfriend(s) on a food-run adventure. Let's see what each boy brings back. ❥ content/warnings: sexually suggestive themes, profanity, fluff ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel (aphelios,kayn,ezreal) / f!reader
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sour patch kids and ariZona tea
Aphelios sneaks behind you, and presses the cold can against your neck. He can't help but enjoy how much you pout and whine about it.
He also can't help enjoying every expression you make: the first satisfied sip of your tea, the excitement of opening up the candy bag, and your mouth pursing from the sour taste. Then smiling once the sweetness settles.
But what Aphelios can't help most, is pulling down his mask, and tasting the sugar sparkling your lips. Smiling to himself when you're lost for words, cheeks stained pink, and nervously drawing cute circles against his chest.
It's enough to make him come back for seconds. And when he does, you taste even sweeter than the first. He was planning for a third but...he can wait till later.
Most likely past midnight underneath his sheets. When everyone's asleep but you two. And only he can hear the even sweeter noises you make—just for him. Only for him. Like an exclusive confectionary shop, and he's the only one allowed inside.
Until then, he’ll just savor the moment of watching you enjoy your snacks.
Aphelios likes his sweets. Even though he'll never admit it to anyone. But you're the only exception.
flamin' hot fries and cherry coke
Kayn devoted his precocious time to get you something you could obviously get yourself, because he tolerates 'likes' you. (Whatever that means.)
He tosses the chip bag and drink in your lap, and plops down next to you. Pretending not to care whether or not you like his choices. Not his problem if you don't like it. He did you a favor, after all.
But all of that's a lie. He cares, like a lot. More than he wants to admit it. Because he values your opinion. And wants your validation. He scuffs to himself. Like he would ever beg or ask for it. He probably would.
You pause, staring at the snacks without a word. The anticipation is driving him damn near crazy.  And if you had to be honest with him…the combo is your total favorite!
You show your appreciation with showering praise, a hug around his neck, and love pats to his hair. He hates it. He fucking loves it.
Kayn doesn't easily show his joy. His happiness at your reaction starts off with a simple smile. Not so commonplace for someone like him. But then it curls into that all infamous smirk of his that only spells trouble.
Kayn was hungry himself. This whole time, didn't you know? Silly (and naive) of you not to have noticed. His gaze devours you till you find yourself caught by his lips. The nips and bites tell you the poor boy is starving. And he deepens the kiss till....
Well, guess your snacks can wait.
happy meal and sprite
Ezreal is excited to give you this happy meal. Why? Well, that's a surprise! And he loves surprising you.
He first covers your eyes and asks you to guess who it is. He does this all the time. You giggle at how silly it is. But you wouldn't want it any other way.
He then presents the box with the famous 'Ta-Da!' reveal.
You absolutely LOVE the happy meal from PoroKing! Not only is the food good, but the box art is always a cute treat to see.
Oh, but that wasn't the best part about it. The surprise was still inside. When you open the box, the toy inside is what makes you absolutely go crazy. It's the limited edition PoroKing keychain!
It's the only one you don't have in the entire collection, and somehow, Ezreal managed to get it for you.
You can't help yourself. You bounce onto his lap, and press your body and lips against his. He really wasn't expecting this much of a reaction! Afraid you might bounce away from how giddy you are, he takes your hips and presses you closer. Closer to the point where…
Looks like there's more than one surprise happening tonight.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
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was thinking about next-gen kids and decided to doodle a couple. elaborated thoughts below:
Iphis is named with the same naming conventions that Sally used when naming Percy - primarily, mythological figure who had a good fate. Nice for Percy to honor his mom by naming his own kid the same way and Annabeth gets a fun nerdy mythology name. Also sending good vibes to their kid. Plus middle name directly in honor of Sally, of course.
Specific myth is Iphis and Ianthe, with the idea that a.) it's gender-neutral so works regardless of kid's gender and b.) not only does Iphis have a good fate, but arguably nothing bad happens to them ever and they get helped out by like three whole pantheons who show up in a literal parade and they live happily ever after. Percy and Annabeth are pushing for the BEST vibes possible.
(Also I am a very strong proponent of the "I don't think they'd name their kids after dead family/friends" so none of them have that)
Iphis of course inherited the Jackson family early grey hairs <3
Virginia is named after Juniper (cause Juniper is specifically implied to be Juniperus virginiana). She's probably been childhood bffs with Iphis since Iphis was born.
Chuck is Chuck. I gave him a Yankees jersey cause you know he's being raised as a sporty kid.
Do you ever think about how OP Frank and Hazel's kid would be. It's ridiculous. Quadruple legacy, including 2/3 of the Big Three. Frank by himself was already so OP the gods had to nerf him. Hazel came back from the dead and Frank kinda just said "nope" to dying that one time. Hazel presumably has every power that Nico has which is. A lot. Not to mention what Hazel has been shown to just be able to do on her own (including but not limited to SINKING AN ENTIRE SMALL ISLAND). Ares/Mars kids can functionally be completely invulnerable sometimes and also have some limited necromancy. Combo that with Hades/Pluto kids also being hard to kill and having necromancy as one of their main powers. Not to mention how Pluto geokinesis might combo with Chloris (goddess of spring) powers? And this kid is 100% being protected by both Nico (who is probably a deity by that point) and probably Pluto himself as well? Hello?
Anyways Hazel and Frank's kid is a total powerhouse. Possibly functionally immortal. Easily strongest demigod of her generation.
I like to think the latent Chloris legacy would crop up (probably in combo with Mars and Poseidon's plant aspects) and give them an accidental Persephone-type theme and that's fun. Frazel's goth daughter who takes after her grandmother (and uncle).
Figured since Frank is Canadian and Hazel is from Louisiana they'd go for a French name. The flower theme was not intentional on their part it just happened. Law of demigod naming conventions appears nonetheless.
I figure Leo might not have kids of his own but he probably still hangs around with Hazel and Frank so of course he's going to make their kid a cool thematic robot pet. He's probably her godfather or something.
Ronan is literally just some kid who showed up at the Chase Space who coincidentally was a legacy of Freyr and could shapeshift. Magnus and Alex obviously can't have kids cause they're dead, BUT some orphan with essentially a combo of their powers just shows up on their doorstep? Their kid now.
The ironic part is of course their shapeshifting powers just happen to be because they're distantly related to one of Annabeth's friends. Ronan finds himself suddenly gaining two parents and two cousins (Iphis and Lily) in rapid succession.
He only picks up Magnus' last name though cause Alex has 100% disowned her mortal parents.
He has a seal flipper cause shapeshifting and apparently "Ronan" means seal. I just wanted to draw those two showcasing their shapeshifting a lil bit.
Might try to doodle the other next-gen kid thoughts I had at some point but idk when. anyways yeah.
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d3arapril · 8 months
wlf!abby headcanons <3
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pairing: abby anderson x reader summary: just some self-indulgent headcanons about life at the WLF base with abby because i love her. that's all warnings: none! just abby being abby and being in love. the best combo
abby will ALWAYS wait up for you without fail if you're out on patrol at night. she barely sleeps anyway but she especially can't sleep if she doesn't know if you're safe so she stays in your room and reads but she's not actually taking anything in, just scanning the pages because she can't even focus
if on the extremely rare and strange occasion you're sent out together she'll always be watching your back - she trusts you and knows that you know what you're doing but if she spots the smallest bit of danger near u she's there within the blink of an eye
she's holding your head in her hands, tearing up when you almost get ripped apart by a runner on what was probably ur worst patrol yet "are you okay? are you clean?? are you sure? holy shit..."
beats u at backgammon almost every single time.. doesn't beat u at rummy though
if you're both working out together she will drop what she's doing to spot you and gets excited for you when you hit a new PB
gets embarrassed when u watch her work out because she knows she pulls weird faces.. "stop looking at me. it's distracting..." she'd playfully roll her eyes but do nothing to stop you from staring. you may even think she likes feeling embarrassed
ur work out schedules align so that u get to do yoga together :) it's funny watching her try and do the tree pose when she loses her balance every 4 seconds
abby got a lil too drunk one night at one of the salt lake crew parties and leah and jordan had to (reluctantly) lure her to ur room and ask u to look after her bc she refused help from anybody else 😔 (luckily your roomie was in their partners room...) she's a big gal so thinks she can handle her drink until she's 9 shots deep and thinks she has 13 fingers
in the cafeteria if she spots you talking with some friends she'll watch from afar for a while just to admire u being urself <3 she'll then come over and make her presence known with a hand on your back but won't interrupt your conversation or want the attention on her because she likes hearing you talk and knowing u have other ppl around u <3
has a hand on ur lower back/thrown over your shoulders whenever you're walking around the base because she always wants to be touching you. or she'll link your pinkies together when the hallway seems quieter than normal. abs isn't too big on PDA so likes to keep things subtle but always wants u to know she's there w her gentle touches
you massage her back and shoulders almost every evening when she's had a long day, even on nights where you're not sharing a bed and manny is in the room, and she's always knocked out like 5 mins after whilst you're still sat on her lower back. girl loves a massage
she sent manny packing to his weird sex den one night so she could decorate their shared room with half-dead flowers she miraculously found on patrol that week and make a romantic evening for you both... "as romantic as you can make a room in a fucking stadium" she'd mutter under her breath once she stands back and admires her work
she batted her eyelashes and smiled harder than usual @ the kitchen workers to cook a special meal for her other than burritos and she dug out the dusty 'timeless love songs' CD manny's dad gave her a few months back. you both ate, laughed and danced to unforgettable by nat king cole specifically and she felt a lil silly at first but it all went away when she saw the smile on ur face <3
at night time when u both can't sleep you'll lay in bed together and plan ur lives 'after the apocalypse'... abby wants to adopt a dog and live in a big house with u :(
she taught u how to do her braid perfectly so if she's stayed the night u braid her hair for her before she goes... "wow, nailed it babe"
when u saw her room for the first time u asked her about the painting from her dads office next to her bed and she got sad :( but opened up to u about her past and from then u knew u were in it for life
she reads to u if you're sleepy and she isn't and tells you she loves you and kisses your forehead when she thinks you're asleep (you're not - you always hear her)
she'll protect u with her entire life and will kill anyone or anything that gets in ur way. she loves u.
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asbealthgn · 1 year
“Tonight is the night,” Nancy says.
She says it with so much gravity that it makes Eddie look up from his spot on the couch, drawing his attention away from the email he’s reading (lyrics from Jeff that he wants input on). He whistles.
“Damn, Nance, you look good,” he says. She has her hair and makeup done and she’s wearing her favorite dress, the one that looks black until the right light hits it and reveals it’s actually purple. Eddie may be as gay as they come, but he can recognize that she looks sexy as hell. “The night for what?”
She takes a deep breath. “I’m going to ask Robin to be my girlfriend.”
“Hell yeah!” Eddie says, putting his hand out for a high-five. She returns it before sitting on the couch next to him. “You have a date tonight?”
“No, remember? It’s the party.”
Right. Nancy spent twenty minutes the other day trying to convince Eddie to come with her to the party that Robin and her housemates are throwing. He refused. He’s met Robin a few times and really likes her—and he knows Nancy is completely head over heels for her—but he’s not big on house parties where he doesn’t know anyone. Especially because it’s a guarantee that Nancy will abandon him immediately to be with Robin.
“Do you think that’s a terrible place to do it?” Nancy asks, “And do you think it’s too soon?”
Eddie shrugs. He’s shit at relationships, so he doesn’t know the rules. “I think you’re fine,” he says, “You guys are clearly crazy about each other. I think you could take her to, like, a sewage plant and ask her to be your girlfriend and she’d still be over the moon.”
She gives him a tiny smile. “Will you please come?” she asks. “I’m just so nervous about it and it would really help to have my best friend there.”
Unfair. She’s giving him her biggest doe eyes. It shouldn’t work on him because he knows she only makes that face when she’s trying to manipulate him. But even though he knows what she’s doing, she’s just so adorable. He can’t say no to her.
He sighs. “God, fine,” he says. He looks down at his worn out t-shirt and hole-riddled sweatpants. “I probably have to change, huh?”
Forty-five minutes later, Eddie is circling the block looking for a spot to park. Normally Nancy drives when they go somewhere together because she hates his driving, but he insisted tonight because he has a feeling that she’s going to end up staying the night and he doesn’t want to be trapped. As they drive, Nancy has been giving Eddie the rundown on Robin’s housemates. There’s Max and Lucas, the couple who are Nancy’s brother Mike’s age. She’s convinced that they would get along really well with Mike and his boyfriend Will, so she keeps trying to figure out an organic way for them to meet. She tells Eddie that she invited them to the party but never heard if they’ll actually be there. Then there’s Steve, Robin’s best friend who works with her at the same library where Robin and Nancy originally met (because Nancy was doing research for a story and had to access the archives for some records that were never digitized). Nancy keeps telling Eddie that she thinks he’s either going to fall madly in love with Steve or hate his guts. So Eddie guesses he’s about to find out which one it’ll be.
He finally finds a spot on the street around the corner. He squeezes his van into the tiny space and puts it in park before glancing over at Nancy. She looks nervous, taking slow, even breaths to steady herself while her hands shake.
“Hey,” he says, putting his hand out. She puts her hand in his and he squeezes it tight. “You’ve got this. Robin’ll be a goddamn idiot if she says no.”
She gives him a small smile. “Thank you,” she says, then tosses her shoulders back. “Let’s do this.”
They get out of the van, where Nancy makes him stop so she can fix the collar of his battle vest that’s standing up. It’s a pretty warm night, so he’s had to forgo his favorite leather jacket plus vest combo. Instead, it’s just the vest over top of a Nekrogoblikon t-shirt paired with his favorite black jeans. He feels really underdressed next to Nancy, but she told him it was fine when he showed her the outfit for approval.
Inside, the house is pretty packed. Right away, Eddie sees that Mike and Will made it after all, along with Will’s sister El. They’re all sitting side by side on a couch talking to three people who are sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of them. 
“That’s Max and Lucas,” Nancy tells Eddie, pointing out two of the kids on the ground. “Not sure who the other one is.”
As they get closer, Mike glances up and waves. But the group seems pretty engrossed in their conversation, so Eddie and Nancy move deeper into the house. 
Eddie feels Nancy clench his wrist. “That’s Steve,” she hisses, nodding significantly in the direction of the kitchen. His eyes find the guy she’s pointing out, ladling punch into a red Solo cup and—
He’s the most beautiful guy Eddie’s ever seen. Nancy way undersold him. He gets that there’s a certain amount of leeway he needs to grant to her as a lesbian since she can’t really tell, but come on. Eddie could be full on blind and still recognize that Steve is unreal. His swooping brown hair catches the last of the setting sun coming in through the window and turns it all shades of honey. His eyes are the same, amber in the dying light. And it’s like his face has been sculpted from stone—not marble—something better than that. Some stone they haven’t invented yet because nothing else currently on this earth could capture him.
Belatedly, he becomes aware of Nancy laughing at him. Somehow, she can always follow his thoughts. Always knows when he’s composing terrible sonnets in his mind. But just as she’s opening her mouth (definitely to make fun of him), Robin appears in front of them. Eddie watches her cheeks flame as she looks Nancy up and down. 
“Hi, Nancy!” she says, “Glad you made it!”
“Of course I did!” Nancy says, eyes practically turning into hearts and popping out of her head. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Robin reaches her hands out to grasp Nancy’s. “You look gorgeous,” she says, “I love that dress.”
Eddie can tell this is going to veer into territory where he can’t follow very quickly, so he cuts in. “Hey, Robin, nice to see you.”
Robin blinks at him. “Oh, hey!” she says, “I didn’t see you.”
That was apparent. Not that Eddie’s upset about it. He loves seeing the two girls like this, loves that Nancy has found someone who matches her intensity. 
They get through the bare minimum small talk (work is good, yes they all watched that new episode of that show, yes it was crazy), but Eddie can see that Nancy and Robin want to be alone. So he lets Robin drag Nancy away, presumably to her bedroom. And now he just needs to figure out what he’s going to do now that the only two people he knows here are preoccupied. 
Well, that’s not entirely accurate. He knows Mike, Will, and El. He looks over, but they’re no longer sitting in the living room. He scans the crowd for them and sees Mike and Will have moved to the kitchen (apparently Steve has moved on—that’s unfortunate) where they’re talking to Lucas and the other guy Eddie doesn’t know. Eddie makes his way over to them, stopping by the punch bowl on his way.
“Eddie!” Mike says as soon as he sees him. “Lucas and Dustin here play D&D. Can we invite them to Hellfire?”
Eddie crosses his arms and surveys the two guys, sizing them up. Dustin looks like the type, with a Star Wars shirt and a goofy grin. Lucas looks way too athletic to be into D&D though. Not nearly enough of a loser.
“I don’t know,” he says, “Are you guys any good?”
That causes both boys to launch into tales of their various past exploits on campaigns, apparently not giving a shit that they’re yelling over each other so Eddie can’t tell anything they’re saying. He feels the passion, though. 
“Alright,” he concedes, “You can sit in for a session. If you’re good, we’ll let you stick around.”
Whooping, Mike and Will high-five each other, then Lucas and Dustin. 
“Where’s your sister?” Eddie asks Will. 
Will nods over to an adjacent wall. “Over there talking to Max and Steve,” he says. Eddie follows his gaze and sees the trio. More specifically, his eyes are drawn to Steve. He’s so goddamn beautiful, even in the artificial light now that the sun has disappeared below the horizon. 
Well, isn’t this a perfect opportunity? “I’m gonna go say hi,” Eddie says casually, nodding in farewell to Will, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin. Then, red Solo cup in hand, he starts heading in the direction of El, Steve, and Max. 
In a way, it’s just too damn predictable. 
Eddie is walking toward the group, feeling pretty good, doing his best to look cool and nonchalant. He’s about five feet away and Steve glances up, eyes flicking over him. And Eddie’s so caught up in the euphoria of being seen (and maybe admired?) by Steve that he completely misses someone’s purse on the ground. He trips over it, doesn’t manage to right himself, and goes sprawling. To add insult to injury, he doesn’t manage to keep hold of his cup of punch and manages to spill it all over himself and Steve.
“Fuck, man, I’m so sorry,” Eddie says, hopping to his feet and putting his hands out like he can—what? Wipe away the bright red punch from Steve’s white shirt? God, he’s so stupid. 
Steve is looking down at himself in surprise, then back up at Eddie. “It’s cool,” he says. Fuck, his voice is so sexy. Eddie can’t believe that the first thing he did when trying to approach this guy was spill punch all over him. When did he become such a mess?
Max laughs. “I told you not to wear white, dingus,” she says. Steve scowls at her. 
“Only Robin gets to call me dingus,” he says. “And you told me not to wear white because you think I look ugly in it, not because you thought I would spill on it.”
Max shrugs. “Different reasoning, same end result,” she says breezily. 
Alright, Eddie is definitely gonna need to befriend this girl as soon as he stops wanting to die of mortification. If that happens. 
“Seriously, man, I’m so sorry,” Eddie says, “I can, like, buy you a new shirt, or—”
Steve waves him off. “Seriously, it’s cool,” he says, “Honestly, I got this shirt in a pack of five from Target so it’s not a big loss.” He looks over Eddie again. His all black ensemble probably doesn’t reveal the punch as much, but Eddie can feel the wet patches sticking to his skin. “C’mon, I’ll lend you something to change into.”
Not about to complain about the prospect of seeing the inside of Steve’s room, Eddie follows him down the hall and through a door. It’s a nice bedroom, tidy without feeling sterile. There are posters for bands on the wall that Eddie doesn’t listen to but doesn’t disrespect either. An acoustic guitar is leaning against a desk that’s stacked with neat piles of books. There are twinkle lights along the bedframe, giving the room a cheerful glow. And it’s a comfy looking bed, with a thick white comforter and fluffy pillows. 
Stop staring at his bed, you absolute creep.
“I’m Eddie by the way,” Eddie says, looking back over at Steve. Who is very shirtless. Apparently having peeled his wet shirt off, he’s now standing facing the closet. Goddamn. The smooth expanse of his back is on display, toned and freckled. Eddie wants to bite it. 
Steve looks over his shoulder at Eddie. “Yeah, I know,” he says. 
“You do?”
“Yeah.” Steve grins, turning more fully around. Don’t stare at his chest don’t stare at his chest don’t stare at his— “After Robin met Nancy she made a whole ass PowerPoint of her Instagram photos. You’re in some of ‘em.”
Eddie feels a little flustered that Steve knew who he was before Eddie knew him. What did he think? Did Steve think he was good looking? Or was he even paying attention? Then Eddie wrinkles his nose, the rest of the context registering. 
“A whole PowerPoint, huh?” Eddie asks. 
Steve shrugs (his shoulders are so pretty, fuck). “Yeah, it’s kinda what we do,” he says, “Anything significant happens, we share it with each other in excruciating detail. And Robbie knows I’m a visual learner so slideshows work pretty well.”
“Fair enough.”
Steve turns back to the closet and rifles through the hangers. “Good news is I think we’re about the same size,” he says. He produces a plain black t-shirt. “Does this work?”
“I’ll take whatever you give me,” Eddie says (God, he hopes that comes off less horny than it sounds to his ears). “I’m the one who spilled punch all over us.”
Eyes fixed on Eddie’s chest, Steve comes back over. Eddie resists the urge to cross his arms over himself. But obviously, Steve’s just looking at the stains, not him. “Your vest was mostly saved,” Steve says. He touches a spot below one of the buttons on Eddie’s chest, making Eddie’s heart leap into his throat. “There’s a bit, but I think Max has some stuff for stains we can borrow.”
“Cool,” Eddie says. His voice definitely sounds unnatural, and he thinks Steve notices, eyes flicking up to his. Those pretty, pretty eyes. Up close, his eyelashes are so long. And his face is dotted with moles. Eddie wants to touch every one of them. “I’m not really that worried about it,” he chokes out. 
Shrugging, Steve hands him the black shirt. And then he just stands there, watching. “Um,” Eddie says. Does Steve really expect him to just strip down right in front of him? He can’t present his incredibly mediocre shirtless self to the most beautiful man he’s ever seen. 
Steve lifts his eyebrows. “What’re you waiting for?” 
“Uh, nothing,” Eddie says. 
This isn’t weird. Right? It’s only weird if he keeps acting all weird about it. But he can be all cool and casual about this like Steve was. So he shrugs out of his battle vest, draping it over the desk chair along with the borrowed shirt, and then tugs his own shirt over his head. Steve’s standing a little closer than Eddie realized, so his arms bump against him as he untangles them from the shirt. Totally fine, totally normal. Totally not gonna obsess about the feeling of Steve’s skin against his for the next 3-5 business days. 
As soon as Eddie has laid his shirt over his battle vest, he feels featherlight fingers brushing over the demon tattoo on his chest. He sucks in a breath, frozen to the spot. What is happening right now?
He risks a glance at Steve, whose eyes are trained on Eddie’s tattoos. “I was curious what these looked like up close,” Steve says, “I should admit I actually have seen you shirtless before. I kind of stalked your Instagram.”
What? That’s not computing. First of all, Steve, most gorgeous man to ever exist, stalked Eddie’s Instagram? Second of all, Eddie has shirtless pics on his Instagram? He doesn’t have the confidence to post that kind of thing. Except no, there is a picture on there from when he went to the beach with Gareth and Jeff a month or two ago. But what? Steve has seen it? And it was significant enough for him to remember?
Steve looks at Eddie, eyebrows furrowing. “Is that creepy?”
“No, but—” Eddie shakes his head. “Me?”
“Yeah.” Steve grins. “I think you’re pretty.”
Maybe Eddie hit his head when he fell. Maybe he’s hallucinating this. Maybe he’s gonna wake up on the floor out there, and Steve calling him pretty will all have been a delicious, far-fetched dream. Because there’s just no way. 
“You think I’m pretty,” Eddie says. When Steve nods, Eddie almost laughs. “And have you happened to look in a mirror recently?”
Steve laughs. “Yeah,” he says, “But somehow, I’m not my own type.”
He keeps leaning in closer and it’s making it very hard for Eddie to come up with something intelligent to say. He should make a joke or something to prove that he’s very cool and collected, but his brain turns more and more to static the longer he stares into Steve’s eyes. 
“Um,” Eddie says. Clever. What’s wrong with him? He doesn’t usually get this flustered. But then, he doesn’t usually talk to guys who look like Steve. 
Steve’s smile is very self-satisfied as those gossamer fingers of his trail down past Eddie’s tattoos and brush over his nipple. Eddie takes in a sharp breath. “You often invite strangers who you’ve been stalking into your room to get ‘em shirtless and feel ‘em up?” he asks, aiming for aloof and entirely missing the mark. 
“Hmm, just the ones that spill punch on me,” Steve says, pinching Eddie’s nipple slightly. “And just the ones that I catch staring at me.” He leans in, putting his mouth inches away from Eddie’s ear. “I don’t think you’re as subtle as you think you are.”
Unable to resist any longer, Eddie slides his hands around Steve’s waist. His skin is so smooth, so velvety. “Who says I’m trying to be subtle?” he asks. 
Grinning, Steve wraps his free arm around Eddie’s neck and pulls him in. Eddie kisses Steve eagerly. His lips are heavenly, so much softer than most guys Eddie has kissed. He tastes like strawberry lipgloss and punch. And he kisses like they have all the time in the world, which maybe they do. Nancy’s off with Robin somewhere, so there’s no reason Eddie needs to rejoin the party any time soon.
They wind up on Steve’s bed, Steve on his back under Eddie. Eddie gets the fingers of one hand tangled in Steve’s hair. So silky, just like everything else about him. The man defines the word soft. It makes Eddie a little crazy, makes him want to dig his teeth and fingers in, ruin the undisturbed perfection. He goes after Steve hungrily, attacking his jaw and throat and collarbones like he’s starving. Steve seems happy to let him, pulling Eddie’s hips down flush with his and rolling his own hips gently up.
Eddie’s just thinking that he’d be happy to never stop kissing Steve exactly like this when there’s a knock at the door. He pulls away and looks at it while Steve sighs. 
“I have to answer that,” he says, sounding resigned. 
“You sure you have to?” Eddie asks, brushing the hair back off Steve’s forehead. He looks sort of wrecked, red marks already starting to form on his neck.
Steve nods. “If it’s Robin or Max they’ll just let themselves in after thirty seconds.” 
He edges out from under Eddie and crosses over to the door. Eddie feels vindicated that he has to adjust himself in his jeans before opening the door a crack. 
“Hey, Robbie,” he says, “What’s up?”
“Steve! I have huge news!” Robin says from just out of sight. “Nancy asked me to be her—wait, why don’t you have a shirt on?”
Steve is forced back as Robin pushes the door open farther and pokes her head in. She looks over at the bed, sees Eddie, and grins. “Oh, that’s why,” she says, mischief in her voice.
“Hey, what’s up?” Eddie says, trying to sound casual. 
“Eddie?” He hears Nancy’s voice from the hall, and then her head is appearing in the doorway next to Robin’s. As soon as she sees him, she gives a triumphant laugh. “I knew it!”
Eddie buries his face in his hands, sure it’s burning. 
“Alright that’s enough,” he hears Steve say. Then there’s the overlapping protests from the girls before the door clicks shut again. 
Removing his hands, Eddie risks another glance and sees Steve coming back over to the bed, shaking his head. He slides onto the mattress next to Eddie and puts his arms around him. “Can you believe them?” he asks, not quite managing to hide his smile. 
Smiling back, Eddie pinches Steve in the side. “You sure you should have closed the door on them?” he asks, “Sounds like they had big news.”
Steve shrugs. “It’s fine,” he says, “They can tell us in the morning.”
“Morning, huh? Think we’re gonna be occupied until then?”
Smile turning devious, Steve kisses Eddie once before rolling him onto his back. “I think I can come up with a couple things to keep us busy,” he says. 
And as Steve kisses him again, Eddie’s pretty sure he agrees.
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strawberriemarswrites · 4 months
Ok ok I love Kid, but I also love Killer so why not BOTH
any relationship hc crumbs I can lick off the table for a kidkiller and afab reader? (idc pronouns or if they’re are any)
OOOOHOHOHOHO yes yes. I can do this. I probably should put in my header that I take headcanon requests. I'll remedy that.
General Relationship Headcanons w/ AFAB Reader/SO - Kid, Killer
SFW and NSFW (18+ only) - 569 words
In public, he’ll sometimes act in ways that make it hard to believe he likes you. It’s no intentional, he just doesn’t think about it. He’s a ruthless pirate after all, and he’s gotta show it.
In private he’ll give you a little extra attention. Mostly teasing, definitely a physical-touch-as-love-language type of guy, and it’s mostly behind closed doors.
There is the rare occasion when on deck he’ll have part of his furry coat draped over your shoulders with a hand on your waist while he’s barking orders to the crew.
If anyone seems like they’re coming onto you or posing a threat, he will make it known that you’re off. Limits. Acts first, thinks later (if ever).
(Which has led to more than one instance of you just being looked at in a way that Kid didn’t like and him just going straight for the throat).
Kid prefers having you ride him. He likes watching you squirm a little trying to make him feel good.
Notably, this carries over to eating you out, but only if you’re sitting on his face and he’s got both hands on your hips to keep you there. Again, he likes watching you squirm.
Quieter in the ways he shows affection. He’s also a physical touch kind of guy, but leans pretty heavily on acts of service, too.
In fact, he combos that shit. Brushing your hair out of the way when you’re cooking together. Bandaging you up after a rough battle. Pulling his button-up shirt you keep stealing right off your back so he can launder it and conveniently leave it out for you to steal again.
He especially likes just sitting with you and letting you talk his ear off. If you’re brave enough to start idly braiding bits of his hair, he’ll leave them in.
Not as quick to anger as Kid, but he’ll still loom behind you if you’re interacting with anyone he thinks will cause trouble. You have frequently had moments where you’re talking to someone only to have a shadow cast over you mid-conversation because Killer’s rolled up.
In somewhat of a contrast to his more reserved attitude, any position where he’s bending you a little out of shape or to your limits is a plus. He likes posing you like a little doll — but mating press is his favorite.
Face-down-ass-up is a close second however. He can get a little carried away and feral when he just needs to get it out of his system~
The definition of “scary dog privilege”
You up front and them tailing close behind, both of them effortlessly exuding the most menacing aura.
Both are protective of you in their own ways when they have you alone, but together? If Kid’s throwing hands, Killer’s throwing hands.
Unless Killer can identify whoever’s involved isn’t a threat. In which case Kid will still do a little fake-out lunge just to watch them piss their pants a little.
Kid is surprisingly willing to share you with Killer when it comes to the bedroom. Though he will taunt you the whole time, asking if you like being so full, how it feels being spitroasted, whose cock is better and you better not lie.
Afterwards you’re sleeping smushed right between them with Kid’s deafening snores and Killer’s human furnace body. You still somehow manage to get the best sleep at night like this.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Please tell me how Duke,Cass and Stephanie getting nonstop left out of Batfam content isn't because of antiblackness,racialized misogyny and a mix of gender essentialism,classism and ableism.When none of you can shut the fuck up about how 'black haired and blue eyed male is the only requirement for a Batkid!' and go as far as to include 'pale/fair skinned' sometimes when Damian and Dick are brownskin in multiple versions because of being brown in heritage and Damian and Jason have green eyes half the time and by saying 'lighteyed' when it comes to Batboys,that would be problematic but it'd at least include Duke since he's gold eyed due to Gnonom and you probably don't even know who that is since you actively refuse to meet Duke even though he's easiest Batkid to read for BECAUSE he's got so little content and Cass and Stephanie also have a small amount of material compared to the other boys
When Cass is chosen over Duke for Jason by all of you even though she hates him and she chooses Stephanie again and again against everyone's wishes and Duke canonically WANTS to be chosen for fucking once and Jason DID choose him and is the only other Batboy who called him a Robin directly outside of Robin War and Stephanie's dying wish was be 'a real Robin' and Cass' character creation purpose is to defy the idea that asian women exist only for white men and go against other asian girl stereotypes,INCLUDING being purely soft and feminine by making her a rough and tough butch who hates cis men.When you say 'Fuck canon,fanon is better!' to justify your millions of rewrites to erase Tim's Robin being a romani man and his Batgirl a half chinese girl and Jason's Robin and Batgirl being a black autistic boy and his Batgirl a bpdtistic male explotation victim and your crossovers of characters who have the perfect parents or at least caretakers in canon but suddenly,canon is your gospel when it comes to the bigotry in it's writing i.e how 'The core Batkids' came to be
And the fact is,that's like the only Batkids combo that DOSEN'T make sense!The Dead Robins Club is a no brainer but there's also the 90s Batkids trinity,the Shakespearen Robins(Jason,Stephanie and Duke),The Troubled Batkids(Tim,Stephanie,Cass and Duke),Batman!Cass Batwoman!Stephanie Robin!Maps and Trans Batgirl!Damian and the ONLY CANON Nightwing Robin and Batgirl trio we've ever gotten in Dick Tim and Cass??????You have some of the best dynamics of all time possible but nah,you'd rather pass it over for infantalizing a grown ass disabled moc into your pathetic lil pretty obsessed manchild,turning thee dead sidekick into a convuluted mess more than canon ever has and that's saying BIG words,cringeifying someone who just has the personality of an ordinary of 17 year old boy and is therefore inherently lovable into the arranged marriage lovechild of a dark romance guy and a pick me quotev girl and dehumanize a cute and sweet lil brown boy who's got that trauma already to turn him into an animal in human mold in the same breath you bash him healing enough to get a gf through trauma bonding and being kiddy together in favor of your groody ass lil age gap fantasy-Actually,that applies to ALL OF THEM
Kory,Rose and STEPHANIE are infinitely better written love interests for Dick,Jason and Tim than any older man you want them to get with,Tim most of all because he's not even a man,he's a boy.Cass and Stephanie are adults and have been for a long time in multiple incarnations so why not make Stephcass smut instead?Why not 'Duke joins the Batfam early/Jason takes Duke into The Outlaws after he has a fight with Bruce that scared him/Sleep Deprived Duke Thomas/Chaotic Duke Thomas/Duke Thomas deserves better/Trans Duke Thomas/Autistic Duke Thomas?,all of which are infinitely more implicable to Duke than they are to Tim and so is 'Token Normal Tim Drake'?When you make this content or you support it,you're saying something.You're saying you don't care about representation and perfer stereotyping and abusive dynamics because you believe they're inherently more interesting
Before you judge this post,consider the following:Which one of us has read enough comics and watched enough adaptions to know all this?Which one of us has more of a right to call themself a Batfam and Batkids fan?Which one of us is constantly gatekeeping Duke,Cass and Stephanie from their own story and pulling the 'No,YOU!!!!' card?It's absolutely pathetic how desperate the grip Batfanon has taken is and even more so that y'all refuse to move on from it like i did.It's not gonna kill you,you pissbabies.And just curious,how long was the last Batfam-centric post you rb'd?Longer than this,right?
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crimsonbubble · 1 year
cw. best friends brother au, nsfw, afab!reader, use of the nickname kid, oral (f receiving), nipple play, pull out method *not proofread, just pure horny
[I'm a whore for a bfb fic 🤲🤲 and finding out keegan has the black hair and blue eyes combo got me fucked up ong 🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️]
reblog and comments are appreciated <33
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you've only met him a few times. merely exchanging a soft hello and moving on with your day. but there's something so enticing about your best friends brother simply leaning against the doorway of his sisters room, taking the time to cross his arms and rest his head against the frame.
your friend was downstairs somewhere, probably in the kitchen when keegan saw you laying on his sister's bed. he's not one to care who his sister is friends with, but there is something about you that makes his heart race. whether it's the way you look at him with big doe eyes or the way your shirt clings to your boobs so perfectly, the way your jeans stretch around your thighs, or the way he imagines the cute noises you'd make if his head were between your thighs.
he's infatuated with you, there's a deep need to have you, to love you to the moon and stars, to show you a world full of love and lust. you both want the other, but that goes against your friendship with his sister. you're interrupted from your thoughts as keegan is now standing in front of you, guiding your head up to look at him with a gentle hand. "if you don't want this, push me away."
you look into each other's eyes for a few more seconds before you tug him down to your level. he lets out a soft breath, holding your face as you nip at his lip. with his hands supporting you under your ass, he moves you over to his room. he kicks the door closed, almost missing the lock. once he parts from your lips, he trails kisses down your jaw and neck.
he presses your back to the bed, hovering over you as his hands caress all over you. "fuck, you drive me crazy, kid." his hands gripped your hips, pushing you up further on his bed. his lips find their way back to you as he tugs your shirt over your head. his hands tug your bra cups down, letting your tits spill out. he kisses down your chest, fondling and squeezing your mounds.
"keegan-" he moans at how his name spills from your lips, taking your nipple into his mouth. "say my name again, sweetheart. please." he gently tugs at the puffy bud, circling it with his tongue before moving to do the same to the other. his name tumbles from your lips with a teasing smile, lifting your hips to wiggle out of your jeans. keegan slides then off you, falling to his knees to leave kisses on your thighs.
"you're mine after this, yknow that? all mine, sugar." he hums softly against your skin, spreading your thighs further to slip your panties down your legs. "hmm all yours, keegan." he swears he could marry you on the spot, eyeing the way your cunt glistens in the low lighting of his room. his hands are holding your legs up and open, giving him perfect access to lick and suck all he wants.
your hand tangles in his hair, the other coming up to stifle the moans and shaky breaths that threaten to give away your activities to your friend. his eyes bore into you, watching your face contort with pleasure. the slick wet noises are embarrassing but they add more heat to your shuddering body. start shoot across your vision as keegan sucks your clit into his mouth, carefully pushing his fingers into your sopping hole.
your back arches off the bed, pushing his face closer to your mound. your thighs tense around keegans head, keeping him in position as he worked you through your orgasm. your bones feel like jelly, buzzing with pleasure as keegan kisses up your stomach. he whispers praises against your sweaty skin, caressing your thighs and hips. "you can take a bit more for me, yea sugar?"
you can only nod, words eluding your head as keegan tugs his pants down. his tip is rosy and leaking. he works his cock through your folds, grinding his tip against your pulsing clit. there's a delectable feeling of pleasure and pain in your sensitivity, but the slow push of keegan easing in, inch by inch cloud your brain. you hold on to his biceps, digging the blunt edge of your nails into his skin. he winces at the sting, hiking your legs up to wrap around his waist.
"fuck, you're sucking me, baby. taking all of me so well, sugar." he groans deeply, hitting all sorts of spots within you that have you shaking and writhing under him. you're clinging onto him for dear life, kissing and nipping along his neck. you're trying to keep yourself together while keegan tries to take you apart. "just a little more, yea?"
you hum contentedly, the sloppy sounds of skin on skin barely hears over keegans deep groans and shaky breaths in your ear. his hand finds its way between your bodies, pressing on your clit to draw you closer to your orgasm. with the added stimulation to your clit, it wrings out an intense shudder from you as you orgasm.your walls tighten and pulse around his cock, his pace faltering.
with each shaky thrust, he nearly whimpers in your ear as he pulls out, wrapping a hand around himself. he strokes himself quickly, body shivering as he hid face in your neck. his cum splatters your stomach, hot and sticky. "you better take me out on an amazing date after this." keegan laughs breathlessly, kissing up your neck and jaw.
"I'll make sure to do just that."
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dotster001 · 11 months
Who gives the best hugs in each fandom? Tears of Themis
Summary:Who gives the best hugs in the tears of Themis fandom? Let's investigate!
A/N: been thinking about the series for a while, but needed a hug today, so....
Other parts: Ikemen Prince. Ayakashi Romance reborn. court of Darkness. Genshin Impact. Obey Me. Twisted Wonderland. ???.
It's sort of cheating…but every single one of the NXX boys gives great hugs….They can't help their squishiness.
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Oof. This man has my heart 😭
He hugs you constantly. Anytime he's excited, he's latching on to you; from behind, side hug, regular hug, pretty much any style of hug you can think of.
He's so soft. It feels like you're being hugged by a stuffed animal. His hair will tickle your skin as he buries his face in your neck, and his cologne just floods your senses, kind of intoxicating you in the same way a drug would. 
He's warm, too. And the slick bastard knows it. He uses it to his advantage constantly, to the point of keeping his home cold, so that when you visit, he has an excuse to "warm you up". He's shameless.
And if you don't have time for his hugs? Oh God, you better be ready for a pout to rival a toddler.
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He's the "secret" snuggle bug. He wants to hug you so bad. He just needs the go ahead from you, first.
And once he gets it, he's wrapping you in his arms, palms pressed to your back, his head resting on top of yours (or under yours if you happen to be taller than him). He always smells like a campfire from your childhood. He makes you feel a wave of nostalgia in every hug.
Another warm one. But less self aware about it. He doesn't understand why you always snuggle deeper into the hug when it's winter time. But he isn't complaining.
His favorite thing to do is thread your fingers together mid hug, so that, after the hug, you are holding hands.
Always has a cute hesitant expression before initiating, no matter how much you tell him it's okay.
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Vyn is cold. Which makes his hugs startling sometimes. But in the summer? The man is a personal A/C device.
When he hugs you, he has one arm around you, and the other rests on the back of your head, like he wants to direct you closer to him.
The hug always smells of whatever tea he drank that day, and usually a hint of spice, typically cinnamon or ginger. It's a warm scent that contrasts deliciously with the cold he gives off.
He always knows when you need a hug, sometimes even before you yourself know. It's probably because of his job, but sometimes it's fun to pretend that it's because you are both so in sync.
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He always smells like roses, and other fresh cut flowers. A mature floral scent. 
He's a hesitant hugger, but with his scent, and the way your cheek is pressed to his suit, you can't help but feel safe in his arms.
It's a firm hug, even if he is uncertain. Adding to the sense of safety. Plus, his suit always feels comfortable against your skin. It's the right combo of soft, firm, and supportive.
Is his suit the good hugger, or him? It's hard to say, because he never hugs you without it. But someday….someday you will hug sweater Artem! So help you God!
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pixiemunsons · 2 years
la petite mort (em)
you have two deep, dark secrets; you've never had an orgasm, and you're in love with your best friend. eddie thinks he can rectify them both.
la petite mort; the sensation of post orgasm as likened to death
(3.7 k words) soft sex, f!receiving oral, reader has nipple piercings and a praise kink, first orgasm, best friends to lovers, protected sex, reader really likes eddie’s rings and tattoos (same girl), no use of y/n or reader descriptions, weed and alcohol use, eddie and reader are in love w each other but also share a single braincell, reader is eighteen eddie is nineteen, no spoilers
this is a combo of two requests which i loved so thank u anons!!
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there was absolutely nothing to do in hawkins, indiana.
as you got older, you might reflect on your childhood and teen years and everything you overlooked while you were too busy hating your hometown. the woods that offered endless hours of exploring, the lake in which you swam most summers. the video shop. the arcade. even the shitty roller rink that played nothing but cheesy 70s love songs.
before then, though, right now, your free time was best spent doing exactly what you were doing right at that moment; smoking weed with your best friend.
and listening to him bitch about a girl who didn’t wanna fuck him.
‘i just don’t get what she doesn’t see in me! like, she said i was weird looking.’ his head was laying in your lap as you buried your fingers in his hair, playing with the surprisingly soft strands and weaving tiny braids. 
‘i mean, i think i’m pretty hot!’ you looked down to his chocolate brown eyes, and shivered slightly at the way he was already looking up at you. your crush on eddie had been building for years, nurtured by the loving nature of your relationship, and by the time you realised you thought he was cute at sixteen you were already halfway in love with him. and yet, for some reason, here you were. eighteen years old, still pining after the one guy you wanted but couldn’t have whilst he complained that other girls didn’t like him. great.
‘i don’t think you’re the problem, eddie, i think she’s a stuck up bitch.’ you explained, reaching over to grasp the joint from his fingers. you’d both smoked two each already and were pretty high, but he’d insisted on finishing off what he’d skimmed from his supply and well, who were you to say no to some of rick’s primo shit?
’i think she needs to have a orgasm.’ your eyes widened as you choked on the smoke in your lungs, drawing half-breaths. eddie seemed totally nonplussed, as if he’d mentioned the weather or asked about a class of yours. bringing his left hand up to play with the sleeve of your t-shirt, the cold silver of his rings brushed against your arm, and you shivered once more. when eddie had started wearing rings the year before, it had pushed your crush into a whole new realm. they featured in every single fantasy you had; cold rings brushing your lips as he stuck his fingers into your mouth, imprints left behind after he smacked your ass, pushing up against you as he thrust his fingers deep into your-
‘you’re probably right. ‘m sure she’d benefit greatly from one.’ you laughed it off, stubbing the joint out in the ashtray by his bed and trying to play off just how horny you felt. talking about sex was something you had always avoided; the few boys you’d slept with had gotten you nowhere but disappointed, and admitting that you were eighteen and had yet to make yourself cum, let alone anyone else make you, was not a fact you were all too willing to give up. you looked down and let out a shaky breath as your mind ran away; eddie’s shirt had ridden down as he’d turned his face in your lap, and you could see the very edges of ink inside his collar. it made you feel hot under yours. eddie suited this new look so well, and you indulged in staring at him for a little while. you wondered what he looked like without his shirt, when all of his tattoos were exposed. you could feel your mind going hazy, the weed finally taking effect, and you couldn’t help but giggle softly at your own thoughts.
‘what’s s’ funny, peaches?’ he was peering up at you with an eyebrow arched, playing with the skin at the edge of your shirt sleeve, fingertips dangerously close to the curve of your chest.
‘nothin’, just thinking about what you said about her needing an orgasm.’
‘we could all benefit from one every now and again,’ he shrugged, and when you muttered an almost indecipherable ‘i bet,’ against your better judgement, you hoped he wouldn’t hear. but years of listening to shitty cassettes and teaching himself to play guitar from scratched records had given eddie an irritating superpower; he had fucking fantastic hearing.
‘what’d’you mean, “i bet?”,’ he sat up, making quote marks with his fingers around the last two words. 
your skin erupted in goosebumps, and you suddenly became very interested in the hangnail on your left thumb, pulling the skin between your teeth. eddie was transfixed on the way your teeth pulled, how your tongue darted out to swipe against the skin there, and he almost forgot that you’d been talking about until you spoke up again.
‘’s not a big deal,’ you whispered. ‘just never happened for me, ya know?’ you were looking hopefully up at him, and then it clicked.
‘you’re fuckin' kidding? no one’s ever made you cum?!’ he almost shouted the last words, and you buried your face in your hands. you could feel your skin getting hot and you knew you couldn’t look him in the eye as you spoke.
‘i-i’ve never done it with someone. or on my own, really, either. i just can’t let go enough to get there, it’s not a big deal.’
eddie wanted to reach out and take you in his hands, smooth your hair back and soothe your embarrassment.
‘it’s nothing to be ashamed of babe, but wow. i thought everyone had had an orgasm.’ you scowled up at his words.
‘way to make me feel better, eds.’ his eyes widened, apologising instantly.
‘i’m sorry babe, i didn’t mean it like that. look, i’m sorry, i’m just surprised is all. you’ve like… been with people, right?’
you frowned again. ‘yeah, a couple, but they’ve never got me there. they think they have, course, but i dunno… never seemed that important. i enjoy sex without it.’
eddie could feel himself going bright red, and he didn’t know what it was; the weed? talking about how much you enjoy sex? the knowledge you’d never had an orgasm? or the fact that you’d had enough sex with other people to know what you liked? he shook his head. of course you’d had sex, you were fucking gorgeous. anyone who you wanted to fuck was lucky. so lucky. so how had they had the audacity to not make you cum? that should be, like, a fucking crime. the more he thought about it, the more irritated he got, until finally, he snapped.
‘how about i make you cum?’
you had reached to take a sip of eddie’s beer, and at his words had spat it out all over yourself. your black shirt was soaked through and he really wished he hadn’t noticed how clingy it was, because it was making this a lot harder.
‘what- what the fuck did you just say?’ you sputtered, and eddie steeled himself, wiping his sweaty hands on his ripped jeans.
‘i mean, we don’t have to fuck. you don’t gotta do anything to me, you don’t even gotta do this. i just think we all deserve to have a really fucking good orgasm, and you said you can’t let loose enough to do it, and i thought maybe because we’re so close you’d trust me to-‘
you flung your arms around him, chests pressed together, and nuzzled your face into his chest. looking up at him with those doe eyes eddie couldn’t resist (he always said yes to you very quickly when you flashed them, mostly because they gave him a hard-on every time without fail) you fluttered your eyelashes, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth (it made him even harder whenever you did that) and sighing.
‘you’d really do that for me, eds?’ you spoke quietly, nervously. really, it was very sweet of him to offer. he wasn’t going to get much out of this - at least, he didn’t expect anything from it - and he’d asked so kindly, so sweetly…
‘of course i’d do that for you, baby,’ he brushed a piece of hair out of your eyes, cupping your face. a new tension had swept the room; you were both so excited the air was crackling. ‘are you gonna let me? need you to tell me you want this. also, i’ve caught you staring at the rings, i know you wanna know what they feel like.’
you hit his arm as he laughed, then leant forward to press your forehead to him. you heard him gulp, and you were glad for the weed you’d smoked, or you knew the two of you would’ve been too nervous to move on each other like this.
‘i’d like that very much, eds,’ you breathed, and that was enough for him.
he pushed you down gently by the shoulders, laying on top of you propped up on his elbows with his legs between yours.
‘you’re so goddamn beautiful,’ he whispered, and then his lips were on yours.
his lips were chapped but he tasted vaguely of the strawberry chapstick he had stolen borrowed from you months back. one of his hands was resting on your lower back, the other on your face as he guided you in the kiss. it was unlike any other kiss you’d had before; they’d always been rushed, tongue down your throat, sloppy. but eddie was taking his time with you, his lips moving languidly over yours, being careful to relax you into it. you almost wished he’d go faster, harder, but your mind was already cloudy from the weed and the feeling of his mouth on yours, and you wondered if it was always meant to feel like this with boys. his tongue probed at your lips carefully, not pushing, and when you finally let it in you felt the hand on your back slip to your hip, squeezing gently. you nipped gently at his bottom lip, and the moan that he pushed into your mouth in response sent you dizzy. suddenly, there was more; he was hitching your left thigh over his hip, creating delicious friction between you and he was tugging at your lip, tongue flicking over the back of your teeth. you couldn’t help the way your hips were moving of their own accord against him, it felt like you were floating above your own body.
eddie’s lips left yours to press against your neck, nipping and teasing down your throat, and you were sure you’d have marks tomorrow.
‘y’can leave marks, eds,’ you whimpered, tugging on his hair in response to a particularly hard bite, ‘can wear a turtleneck to school tomorrow, s’okay.’ he chuckled against your neck, moving his mouth up to a spot just below your ear.
‘don’t want you to hide ‘em, babe.’ before you could ask what he meant, he was sinking his teeth into the spot where his lips sat, a place you knew no jumper or jacket would hide, and you felt almost delirious at the idea of people seeing it tomorrow.
‘can i take your shirt off, baby?’ he asked, bringing you back to earth.
‘god, yeah,’ you sat up slightly to wriggle out of it, ‘take the bra too, shit,’ you moaned, and eddie started to laugh before he got your bra off and the laugh turned to a choke, then a cough, and he felt like he couldn’t get enough air in his lungs.
because you, his beautiful, kind, goody-two-shoes to everyone else, grade-a student best friend had your nipples pierced. and he was looking right at them.
‘fuckin’ hell babe, where’ve you been hiding these?’ he was practically drooling imagining how the silver bars would feel in his mouth, and if he hadn’t been fully hard before he was rock solid now.
‘got ‘em done a year ago, thought they’d look pretty.’ you were whimpering, squirming in the firm grasp he now held on your waist, and you cried out when he reached up to pinch one. ‘they’re real sensitive, fuck, feels like so much.’ eddie flicked out his tongue, bathing your left nipple in his spit before blowing cold air over it, making you tremble and moan out his name.
‘they’re very pretty, baby. i mean, i knew your tits were like, wow, but jesus christ i could spend every day the rest of my life playing with these.’ you laughed shakily, head thrown back for him to scatter kisses down your neck and chest.
‘anyone seen them before?’ he muttered, and you almost thought he didn’t want you to hear him.
‘no, just - shit eddie, i can’t concentrate when you’re playin’ with ‘em like that - just you, no one else.’ you swore you could see his eyes darken as he looked up at you, then latched onto your left nipple with a renewed vigour that had you arching your back, desperate for some friction. one big hand pushed your hips back down, sending a spark of electricity down your back as he manhandled you.
‘stop it, babe, gonna need you to wait there a minute, be a good girl f’me.’
what the fuck
what the fuck
what the FUCK
you couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips, and your eyes widened instantly, clapping a hand over your mouth. eddie stilled his movements, raising his head so he was eye level with you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. he pulled your hand from your mouth, observing the way your eyes had widened and how your cheek felt hot under his hand.
‘did you like it when i called you a good girl?’ he cocked his head to the side, and from the way you looked up at him, with such desperation in your eyes, he knew he had his answer.
‘no one’s ever told you what a good job you do for them, have they?’ he cooed, smiling down at you as you shook your head.
‘tsk. well that just won’t do, will it baby? i think you deserve to be shown what a fantastic job you’re doing for me, how good you feel in my hands. want me to show you what a good girl you’re being, give you a present?’
you had died and gone to heaven. that’s the only answer to this. eddie was on top of you, feeding into your most desperate of fantasies, telling you he was about to reward you for being a good girl for him. either that or you were dreaming. because he was pulling your jeans down, kissing down your thighs and telling you how cute your panties were, how wet you were for him and oh-
well, you definitely weren’t imagining that. because you hadn’t known what it felt like when someone put their tongue on you, when they licked a stripe from your hole up to your clit and lapped at you so messily you could hear it, but you did now, so surely you couldn’t be imagining that-
‘baby, you okay? you with me?’ eddie’s voice snapped you back to reality, and you looked down to see your best friend, cheeks pink and led between your legs with his shirt off and a slick on his face; you on his face, and you couldn’t help but reach down, wind your fingers into his hair and tug him back to where he had been.
‘eager, are we?’ you could almost hear the smile on his face, and you knew he was trying so hard to keep up the cocky act, but you could see the way his hips were making minuscule movements against the bed and his fingers were going to leave bruises on your thighs with how hard he was gripping them.
‘shut up, you’re loving it too,’ you gasped, and in retaliation he seemed to ramp it up. suddenly, he was two fingers deep in your sopping wet pussy, head thrown back once more as he pressed them into the plush of your inner walls, right against a spot that made your mouth dry and your thoughts spin.
‘eddie, fuck,’ you cried out, and his other hand rubbed your thigh reassuringly. you imagined he would’ve spoken to you in reassurance had his teeth not been wrapped around your clit, tugging just the right way.
‘eddie, think it’s comin’, you were slurring now, and to eddie’s delight, when he looked up at you, you were toying with one of your puffy nipples, bucking yourself up towards him. his fingers were cramping up and his jaw hurt but he wouldn’t, couldn’t stop now, not when you were half riding his face. he lifted up, using his left hand to rub circles on your clit as his other hand fucked into you.
‘relax, sweetheart, you’re doing so good for me, y’can do it baby, just need to let go for me, eddie’s got you, such a beautiful good girl f’me…’ eddie was talking away, bringing you closer and closer to the precipice until you fell over the edge of it, body turning to jelly. you couldn’t believe you’d been so happy to miss out on this all this time, so willing to do this to boys and not have them do it back. eddie was working you through it, kissing your cheeks and your nose and your eyelids and your mouth, letting you ride the aftershocks on his hand. 
if you’d been more with it you’d have noticed how he was looking at you; like you were the only woman on earth, like he could never get enough of this, like he’d never leave this bed if it meant he could make you do that over and over and over until you were crying, begging, putty in his hands. you felt like it was lasting forever, riding wave after wave, until finally your whole body relaxed, flopping down against eddie’s bed.
‘so, sweetheart, how was it?’ eddie asked, almost nervous now that the energy in the room had dissipated a little. you were still naked and panting, making no effort to cover yourself up, which he supposed was a good thing; you still felt comfortable around him, didn’t regret what you’d let him do to you. he had half-expected you to leave after, too much for you to do that with him, so when you rolled over and kissed him like your life depended on it? a welcome surprise. even more so when you reached for his painfully hard cock.
‘whoa, baby, you don’t gotta just because i did,’ he sputtered, and you brushed him off, leaning up so you were on all fours above him. you were pouting. fucking pouting.
‘but i wanna. don’t wanna suck you off, not this time at least, ‘m too tired,’ he almost asked what you meant by this time before you interrupted him once more.
‘want you to fuck me, though, eds. please.’ 
he really hadn’t been expecting to get anything out of tonight other than spank bank material. he was more than happy to get you off then never speak about it again, if that was what you wanted. of course, what he really wanted was to marry you and fuck at least two kids into you, buy a house and live in the suburbs. but for now he’d settle for making you cum on his tongue and maybe, when you weren’t looking, steal your panties. but eddie munson was never one to say no to you, especially not when you were naked and begging, so he pulled his pants and boxers down in one movement before rolling himself on top of you.
your hand went to his cock instantly, rubbing a thumb over the leaking tip.
‘christ, eds, were you just gonna deal with this later?’ you asked, eyebrows pulling together in a concerned expression. ‘you’d have exploded.’
he let out a laugh, kissing your neck as he fumbled about in his bedside drawer. he was naked except for the guitar pick necklace resting on his chest, and you leant up to kiss it, hand still sliding up and down his cock.
‘fuck babe, i was just gonna beat it when you’d gone home,’ he gasped, batting your hand away so that he could roll the condom he’d fished up on himself. he looked down into your eyes, kissing you gently. ‘i’m not gonna last long.’
‘don’t care, just need you.’ you mumbled back, pulling him down into another kiss as he slid into you.
it felt like he was made for you. no painful stretch, no disappointment. he fit in you so perfectly you could’ve sworn this was exactly how it was always supposed to be; you and eddie, eddie and you. every other time with every other boy felt so totally redundant you had no idea why you’d even bothered when you could’ve been doing this the whole time. and when eddie moved, it was more like lovemaking than fucking. his left hand was intertwined with your right on the pillow, his other holding your face as he looked into your eyes. yours was pressed against his hip, guiding him into you gently as you writhed under him.
‘i’ve wanted this a really long time, sweetheart,’ he spoke quietly, honestly, and it was a far cry from the cocky eddie you’d come to know over the years. he seemed genuine. vulnerable. you kissed him again then, trying to pour everything you wanted to say into it as his hips rocked faster against yours.
‘shh, i know eddie, i know,’ you kissed his chest again, his necklace dangling in your face, and you used it as leverage to pull his face back to yours.
‘come for me, baby, c’mon,’ you were whispering against his lips, pressing your hips up against him for the new angle, and he came with a gasp of your name, gripping the back of your neck and kissing you.
when he pulled out, snapping off the condom, he pulled you onto his chest without a word. he was red and sweaty, hair frizzy and lips swollen, and you had never been so in love in your whole life. you traced the tattoo on his chest, new to your eyes, and you hoped you’d get to see it every day.
‘you didn’t get to come again.’
‘that’s okay, sweetheart. you’ll get as many chances as you want.’
‘you mean it?’
‘always, when it comes to you.’
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isabel3710 · 8 days
So a little while ago I wrote a one-shot for @rocksibblingsau. Basically I rewrote the TrollsTopia episode 'Bad Hair Day' to include Rock Branch and I thought I would share it will all of you!
I don't know if I'm going to post it on AO3 yet so let me know if I should.
Two Rock Trolls were sitting in an angler bus, even though they weren’t talking to each other the silence wasn’t awkward. One of them was Branch, the Prince of the Rock Trolls. He was sitting at a table and reading. The other one was one of his best friends, Petra, she was sitting on the couch and plucking away at a guitar.
Branch glanced out the window, “looks like we’re almost there.”
“Great” Petra said “I can’t wait for the concert.” 
“And to see Val and Demo,” Branch added.
“Yeah sure” she agreed “but if it wasn’t for Bad Hair Day agreeing to perform in TrollsTopia then we wouldn’t be going at all. Thanks for that by the way.”
“No problem,” Branch grinned. 
When Poppy extended an invitation to the popular rock band to perform in the new mixed genre city they were originally were going to say no. But then Barb found out and managed to convince the lead singer, Billy, to accept.
Branch and Billy were close and Billy knew that Branch had been wanting to visit his friends in TrollsTopia ever since they moved but had been too busy to properly justify it. That was part of the reason why Branch hadn’t been to any Bad Hair Day concerts recently, so his sister decided to kill two birds with one stone.
He was still a little annoyed at her for making him take a break but she, rightfully, pointed out that things weren’t (probably) going to fall into anarchy if he was gone for a couple of days. And if things did fall into anarchy then Branch knew she could handle herself.
It wasn’t long before the bus jolted to a stop “looks like we’re here” Petra said “are you coming?”
Branch stood “of course I am.” 
The two Rock Trolls stepped out into the bright sunny forest that Pop Village and TrollsTopia was located in. Branch squinted in the sunlight and sighed and pulled out a pair of sunglasses. He did not miss this. 
“Did you really grow up here?” Petra asked.
“Unfortunately” Branch sighed “come on, let’s go find Val.” 
It didn’t take long before they spotted Val talking with a pink haired troll, Poppy. Branch remembered how his friend mentioned how the two of them had become close since she moved there. Not friends, yet, but Branch figured it wouldn’t be long until they were.
The two walked over and they could hear Val speaking “Anyway, I wanted you to meet Petra, my best friend from back home. She follows Bad Hair Day to all their shows!”
Petra stepped up besides her “guilty as charged!”
“You’re her best friend?” Poppy repeated, then she spotted Branch. “Oh my gosh, Branch! I didn’t know you were coming.”
Branch braced himself as he was forcibly pulled into a hug, he sighed. “Hi Poppy.”
She pulled away and Branch turned to Val “hey Thundershock.”
“Hey Branch” Val said with a grin and the two did the handshake/fist bump combo they came up with when they were kids. “Glad to see you were able to make it, thought for sure you wouldn’t.”
Petra laughed “I’m pretty sure Barb would’ve tied him up and forced him onto the bus if he hadn’t gone willingly.”
Branch was about to respond with a sharp wit when he was interrupted “oh my glitter!” It was Poppy “I can’t believe I didn’t know you two were coming, I would have made personalized gift baskets for you.” Poppy then pulled out two baskets full of cupcakes out of her hair “luckily I always have extras!”
She handed him and Petra each one and they both looked at each other, they both knew that they wouldn’t be eating these. Branch still remembered how sweet Pop Troll food was, and cupcakes and other deserts were worse. 
Petra turned to formally address Poppy “You must be the troll Val’s told me so much about. The one who got her to go to girls’ night.”
“Eh. Wasn’t that big a deal. We made friendship bracelets!” Poppy grabbed Val’s hand to show off the matching bracelets. 
“K, Poppy, you’re full-on double rainbow. Gonna need you to dial it back down to a single.” Val turned to her two friends “Come on, you two have gotta see Rock Hollow before the show.”
“You go on ahead” Branch said “I’m going to meet up with Demo. But I do want to see it later.” 
“For sure,” Val said, “I’ll catch you later.” 
The two girls left, leaving Poppy and Branch alone. “It’s really good to see you” Poppy said “you look different than the last time I saw you.” 
“Do I? I’m just in my concert attire.” 
Branch’s hair was pulled back with a cloth headband, which would showcase to the other rock troll concert goers that he was there to chill and didn’t want to participate in things like moshing or crowd surfing. He had swapped out his normal, fabric leaf vest for a dark blue leather one and underneath was a gray ‘Bad Hair Day’ band shirt. 
“So you like Bad Hair Day a lot then?” She guessed.
Branch nodded “oh yeah, the lead and I, Billy, we go way back.” 
“So you’re here to support him?” She asked, “that’s so sweet!”
“I’m also here because I like their music and I want to see my friends,” he raised a brow, “so I’m gonna go find Demo now.”
“Oh right!” She said with a laugh “well have fun.”
He hummed and then remembered the gift basket and handed it to her “also, you can have this back. I’m not going to eat any of them.”
“Oh” she deflated, Branch waited for her to get upset or tell him that he was being rude. But instead she perked up “well thanks! Ooh! Maybe I can give it to Petra so she can have double the cupcakes.” 
Branch blinked as she ran off, huh, seems like having different types of trolls around affected her and made her more accepting than he thought it was going too. 
Later Branch was sitting with Demo outside of the stage where Bad Hair Day was going to perform, the two were helping to educate the non-rock trolls on proper concert etiquette. 
“So, let me get this straight” a Techno Troll said “if someone doesn’t want to mosh then you don’t pull them into it?”
“Yes” he said with a sigh “how would you feel if someone pulled you into a large crowd of people without warning. Especially if you didn’t want to.”
“Oh, that makes sense” the troll said “thanks!”
“Branch!” He turned to see a pink Pop Troll running at him.
He took a step back before he could be rammed into “yes Poppy?”
“Petra wants Val to leave TrollsTopia!”
“Yeah, I know” Branch said, out of the corner of his eye he noticed Demo trying to sneak away.
He sighed “Petra is one of my best friends, of course she told me about her concerns. I’m worried about Val too.”
“What do you mean?” Poppy asked.
“What I mean” Branch said “is that ever since moving here Val seems like she’s being forced into changing.”
“No one is forcing her” Poppy said “she’s just opening up more.”
“Did you know that she was supposed to come back to Rock Volcano City to visit over my birthday?” Branch asked.
“What?” Poppy said “no! When was your birthday? Did you have a party? Why didn’t you invite me? I could have helped.”
“Poppy, stop!” He held up a hand “I didn’t have a party, it was meant to be a hang out with friends and family. And I didn’t invite you because one, you would have made a big deal over it. And two, we aren’t that close.”
Poppy pouted “but-”
“Stop,” he interrupted, “and let me finish.”
“Right” she nodded “sorry.” 
“As I was saying” Branch sighed “Val was supposed to come but she didn’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because of you” he said bluntly “when Demo arrived, without Val, he told me that you convinced her to stay because of some kind of event.”
“What event?” Poppy tilted her head.
“I don’t know, and I don’t care,” Branch said “the point is that because of your influence and pressure Val and I haven’t seen each other since she moved here.”
“So you want her to leave TrollsTopia?” Poppy asked.
“I want to make sure she’s making the right choice and that she is changing in a way that she wants too.” Branch said “if she is happy with who she’s becoming then I’ll support her.”
“Well can you tell Petra not to try and convince her to leave? Poppy asked.
“No.” Branch said “not only do I not want to but I also know that I won’t be able to.”
The show was due to start in about a half hour so a line was beginning to form so people could try and be the first ones to get their tickets checked. Branch and Demo were also in line, neither one of them bothered to get to the front and were just having a good time getting caught up. 
Then Branch spotted Petra approaching, without Val, and he stepped away. “Petra? Where’s Val? I thought you two were hanging?”
“We were,” she said, looking annoyed, “but Poppy kept showing up and just now pulled Val off into a musical number.”
“Seriously?” Branch sighed “well, you’re in luck. I think I have something that will help.”
He reached into his hair and pulled out four lanyards, Petra’s eyes went wide. “You got us backstage passes?!”
He chuckled, “Bill was very excited to hear I was coming to a show.” Branch passed over two to his friend “Demo and I will meet you in there.”
“Thanks man,” she said, “you're the best.” 
“I know!” He called after her as she ran off. Then he turned and threw one of the lanyards at Demo, laughing as his friend stumbled back and barely stopped himself from falling over. 
“Backstage passes?!” He exclaimed “my royal rockness,” he gave Branch an overly dramatic bow “I thank you.”
“Yeah yeah” Branch rolled his eyes “lets just go.”
As they headed to the backstage area there was the sound of something exploding, the two rock trolls glanced up at the sky before turning to each other with a shrug and headed backstage. 
During the show Petra and Branch were watching Poppy and Val talk. “So,” Branch said, “Val’s staying.” 
Petra nodded “as long as she’s happy.”
“Yeah” he sighed “I’m just glad Poppy isn’t forcing her to change.”
“Did you two talk about her visiting more?” She asked. 
“We did,” Branch said. “She was pretty upset about missing my birthday so she’s planning on visiting in a couple of weeks to make it up to me. Also, she’s been putting off meeting with Barb to update her on how TrollsTopia is doing so she’s gotta do that.”
Technically each section of TrollsTopia wasn’t part of any Trolls Kingdom (except for the Pop area), but since it was so new the leaders of each Tribe liked to stay updated on how it was doing.
“Oof” Val said “is Barb upset?”
“She probably should be,” Branch admitted, “but I think Barb’s more impressed that Val has been avoiding her for so long, and getting away with it.”
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #1
Heyy, this is my first A.O. so I hope it isn’t too bad!😅
• Fire mercuries & Water mercuries are such a chaotic combo lmao!
• Cancer and Pisces Venuses together can make for an emotionally manipulative couple, especially if there's harsh aspects with inner planets.
• Leo mars looove taking selfies, photos, videos of EVERYTHING lmao they can even go as far as staging scenarios, but hey at least you can look back on those memories.
• Pisces sun Libra moons are such softies! Especially if they have a Pisces stellium!
• Leo moons can care so much about their appearance and what others think of them. Some of them have mother's with Libra placements, especially Libra moons.
• Aquarius moons may not be emotionally close with their mothers but have a best friends type relationship with their moms.
• Gemini moon moms might force their child into growing up via maturity while Virgo moon moms might force their child into growing up via emotional and sometimes physical distance.
• Underdeveloped Leo moons with Cancer risings can be so immature and ultra sensitive at times.
• Gemini risings tend to literally live with their head in the clouds. More prone to being taken advantage of by their friends or being hated on for their playful childlike mannerisms.
• Sun-Jupiter people can just be so full energy? Probably that one person that you might not see that often but when you do they always seem to be in a good mood. They're also the type to keep things optimistic even at the worst of times.
• Aries moons with Libra risings never really express their anger out in the open, they’re more likely to express it through passive aggression. If they have an Aquarius mars then they can explode unexpectedly.
• People love to associate Pisces placements with feet and foot fetishes but why is that more of an Aquarius mars thing though? Like I have seen several Aquarius mars men be into foot kinks.
• Checking the ascendant of your ascendant persona chart is essencial! Because whyy is it so accurate? My mom's natal rising is Cancer but her ASC PC rising is Aries and that is soo much more accurate! She also has a thing for dyeing her hair red all the time lol.
• Sag stelliums can be so nonchalant, funny and agressive. Like they will literally threaten you out the blue but 5 minutes later you’ll both be laughing at some crazy life story they just told.
• Libra risings can be the biggest gossips along with Gemini risings.
• Cancer risings, what is it with being on defence mode all the time? Especially if there's fire in the chart. Definitely gives off kill or be killed vibes.
• Capricorn moons and Aquarius moons vibe so well together. Literally me & my sister have these placements so we just click lol.
• Taurus stelliums can be soo possessive especially Sun/moon. But they're also charismatic and love to spoil their loved ones.
• Capricorn suns with water moons are literally the sweetest! Although with Scorpio moon they might be more reserved, they are literally so sweet and caring just more in a low-key way. And if they like you? They’re the biggest softies.
• Taurus suns with Libra moons can be so self conflicted at times, especially if they have water risings. They can also be kind of bipolar but they're sweet people. Another down side could be lack of self esteem, depression or suicidal thoughts. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not the end of the world and there’ll be better days babes. <3
• Fire moons (not all) tend to have kids later in life. Either that or they’re absent in their kids’ lives.
• They also tend to be put on pedestal by their children and seen as very fun parents.
• Water suns tend to idolize their dads when they’re little but as they grow up either they experience a traumatic situation involving him or they realize their dad built to their trauma in some way. And so their rose colored glasses come off. • Air risings tend to be the spitting image of their fathers. With their mother’s tempers and slight mannerisms.
• Capricorn/Aquarius in big 6 can indicate being the oldest sibling. • Libra risings are so adorable, like they will literally ask their best friend for their opinion on almost everything. Even for the slightest things. Then again almost all Libra placements are like that.
• Libra placements 🤝 asking for others’ advice, agreeing with it, then doing the complete opposite.
• Aquarius mercuries can be so logical but at the same time can say the weirdest shit ever.
• Sag mercuries can say the most out of pocket stuff and still think it’s normal.🤪
• Gemini moons/Gemini risings 🤝 talking about feelings instead of openly expressing them.
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bubblebisk · 3 months
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IT'S BEEN SO LONG LOVES HELLO. My imagination has been burnt out babes buuuut I recently thought of something and I think you'll like it as much as I dooo
I feel like every bangchan Stan on this side either has a corruption kink, a breeding kink or severe daddy issues, or I could just be projecting but regardless I'd like to think of the 3 for 1 combo right now. Dumbification, humiliation, degradation, virginity kink, corruption kink, innocent kink, hair pulling, spitting, and yk the other things. That's a lot for such a little paragraph.
Being with Chan so far has been the best few months ever, he's considerate, kind and never oversteps your boundaries. In a way it turns you on, to know that he would do anything unless you asked. Sure there's moments when you're bratty and he'd put you in your place but, it's never gone further than being scolded and an aggressive make out sesh simply because he wants you to make the first move. Obviously you're frustrated I mean honestly, you basically live with a Calvin Klein model who wouldn't? But today you've decided to just talk to him about it and see where it goes. No antics or anything just... talking.
You leave the comfort of your couch and go into your bedroom where your boyfriend is laying down with his phone in hand probably reading an ebook or whatnot. You prance over and straddle his lower half with a little bounce, just enough to get his attention.
He moves his phone and looks up at you with a small smile on his face, God he's so pretty, while his free hand rests on the curve of your ass.
"hi baby" he starts to caress the area while staring at you.
"hi Chris, I have something I wanna tell you"
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah," you start to slowly grind down on his clothed dick before speaking again "I feel tingly."
"My baby feels tingly? That's not good, where is this feeling baby we can't let you continue to feel like this."
He starts squeezing your ass and pushing up against your crotch with his hard cock.
You point to your crotch in hopes of his understanding before you hear him start to chuckle.
"Down there sweetheart? I didn't take you for someone to get feelings like this," he flips your position with you now under him as he leans close to your ear to whisper " I didn't take you to be such a fuckin' slut"
You audibly moan and that while he sits up and pushes his hair back.
You speak up "M'not a slut I just feel weird, please help me Channie?"
His eyes meet yours and he smiles wickedly "That's not my name now is it baby?"
You look at him confused as to what he meant before everything locked in.
"Daddy please help me?"
You even make a point to buck up your hips in hopes of him taking mercy on you.
He shakes his head before moving his hands down to the waist band off your shorts debating on whether or not to take it off. Instead you feel his hand go down your shorts inside to play with your wet folds.
" Naughty baby, no panties? And you dare say you're not a slut, maybe you're right maybe you're just an ill-mannered skank."
You whine at his words and start to rub your sloppy pussy against his fingers as they make harsh messy circles on your clit.
He retracts his hand earning a devastating whine and you tearing up while he just laughs at your reaction. He sits up to take his clothes off and to essentially rip yours off. The sound of his ripping you flimsy shorts off have you leaking more than you already were.
The cold air brushes against your hot skin which in turn you shiver and try to cover up.
He tuts "don't cover up now baby it's nothing I haven't seen before. Besides with how little you wear you might as well be naked."
Your hands are removed and pinned above your head as Chan claims your lips. The kiss is sloppy and messy with spit everywhere and him sucking on your tongue while grinding his thick cock against your soft pussy.
Pulling away he taps your side indicating you to turn over. You flip over and get into the posting you know he likes with your face down ass up and arching. He runs a trail down your spine until he reaches your dripping hole before pushing a finger in and rubbing his thumb over your clit.
You moan out loud and start squirming, earning a slap to the ass "Stay still baby, I would hate to have to leave you here all whiny and needy doll." You try and compose yourself still whining and whimpering while he works his fingers in and out of you.
"P...ease, ase...."
"Awwwe is my baby dumb already," You hear him mock you in a condescending tone "Don't worry I know what my baby wants."
He retracts his hands and uses your slick to lube up his cock before aligning it with your hole and slowly pushing in.
The stretch is enough to send you completely out of it while you still try to grind back on him before he even bottoms out.
Chan laughs at your antics before holding your hips to keep you straight "Naughty Naughty girl. I haven't even had time to let you adjust before you started pushing yourself on me, you're so slutty it's disgusting."
He snaps his hips forward getting a loud moan from you in response before he starts speeding up.
The filthy sound of skin slapping and broken moans fill the room as you drift in and out of awareness to fully understand anything other than your pussy being destroyed.
You feel that tight feeling in your abdomen but before you can cum, he pulls out and flips you on your back before sliding back in and grinding into you.
"You feel so good Angel, fuck... you're so fuckin tight, it's like you're taking me for the first time like I don't fuck this greedy pussy every fuckin day. Shit maybe I should fuck a baby in you huh?"
You barely register what he says only catching the last part as you clench down on him and start moving your hips with him.
"You like that idea?" He put his hand on your throat while slightly applying pressure "You like the idea of me fuckin you and turning you into a slutty mommy? Open your mouth baby" you do as he says and he spits on your tongue "Swallow" and you do.
"Fuck you're such a whore" He speeds up back his pace while his hand is still on your throat as he fucks you to your orgasm.
You try and warn him but it comes out in broken syllables of "um..cu...m..ing" he seems to understand and uses his other hand to aggressively rub your clit to bring you to your orgasm. Your orgasm hits you hard leaving you winded as his thrusts grow sloppy and uncoordinated until you feel that warm familiar feeling fill you up.
He pulls out and goes to your shared bathroom to gather things to start your aftercare, though you don't stay awake long enough to experience it.
You wake up hours later feeling clean and warm noticing that you're cuddled up to Chan who is sleeping peacefully. You move up just a little to plant a kiss on his beautiful nose before snuggling back and falling asleep.
Tbhhhhh babes I took SOOOO long to finish this. It started as a wet thought then it got here and then I forgot about it in my drafts 😫😫😫 this was supposed to be out in February but oh well.... THANK YOU FOR READING THO LIKES, COMMENTS AND REPOSTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED AND DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK ME TO TAG U NEXT TIME BYE BABIES 🪼🪼🪼.
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daceydeath · 1 year
A Work Proposal (Part 11)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader x Seungmin Word Count: 4.6K Genre: Smut 🔞 Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, threesome, unprotected sex (don't be a moron), sir kink, fingering, oral sex (m receiving), anal sex, pet names, choking,
You had been working with Stray Kids for a while now and after a long day at work turns into a very unexpected but intriguing proposal. Will this change your world or end your career?
The kids had been thrilled when the boys finally left you to rest in the early hours of the morning, after another round or two with them, you figured when they got back to the dorms they would have told them that you had decided to stay not only with the team in general but them. In truth you knew you wouldn't have been able to walk away from them easily, you were too attached, but if you had been forced to you would have tried your best to make everything continue to work smoothly for them until they wanted you to leave or it all became a distant memory. You woke late to the sound of your phone ringing which made you snap out of your post coital slumber faster than you would have liked, eyes widening at the time on your clock.
"Morning baby" Chan's happy voice filled your room as you placed him on speaker so you could get dressed quickly.
"Chan" you breathed knowing he would laugh at you for being late and standing in your wardrobe trying to figure out what to wear.
"I've organized a day off for you so stop panicking and get back into bed" he giggled like a school boy making you smile.
"I can't just not turn up Chan" you sighed rolling your eyes at the sweet sound of his laughter.
"I know so instead of rushing I am going to ask that you accompany Minho and Seungmin to their radio interview today" he explained softly making you aware that the others were probably listening in since you could hear muffled talking and the occasional thump.
"Of course I can do that" you smiled sitting on your bed and looking at your rumpled sheets that would need to be stripped off and changed.
"Thank you baby, the guys will get you in and hour then" his voice was getting slightly lost in the whoops and noise coming from the others.
"I'm guessing that you have spoken to Felix and Hyunjin then" you pinched the bridge of your nose at how excited they all sounded.
"Yes and thank you baby, really thank you for giving us another chance" he almost whispered his voice tightening slightly.
"It isn't another chance Chan because I never ended the agreement" you sighed deciding that you should definitely shower first, then dress, then change the sheets "I decided to forgive you since you obviously didn't mean it to hurt me".
"Forgive all of us?" Han blurted before you heard what sounded like a hand clapping over his mouth making you giggle.
"Yes Han, I forgive you and Changbin too" you couldn't help the feeling of warmth that spread through you at the sound of their relieved sighs. "But I need to go get ready now or I won't be when Minho and Seungmin get here".
Showering and dressing in a simple shirt and sweater combo meant that you didn't need to worry about being uncomfortable while you say in cars and green room chairs for most of the day, which was something your normal blazer look didn't accommodate as well. You used your extra time as well as you could changing out your sheets to be washed, cleaning up the kitchen and even styling you hair a little so that you would look nice when the boys picked you up. When your phone beeped to let you know they were downstairs you quickly grabbed your purse and made your way down to the waiting van.
"Don't you look delicious" Minho whistled softly making your face heat up.
'Couldn't agree more" Seungmin smirked as you slipped into the seat across from him.
"Behave, were in public" you muttered as you opened your tablet interface to double check everything that was needed for the day.
"But what about when we aren't in public doll?" Seungmin asked his voice lower than normal.
"Then I might not say no sir" you teased back not wanting to look up and see the look you knew he was giving you.
"I forgot about your control thing" Minho chuckled watching you bite your lip "I thought our little kitten might fight that but it looks like she does not".
"Oh she is so well behaved aren't you doll" Seungmin purred as you tried not to press your thighs together "Maybe we could show hyung how good you are?" he whispered teasingly making you swallow hard and Minho laugh properly. Taking a deep breath to control your now very interested body and distracted mind you fell back into your professional mode.
"Were heading to KBS correct" you cleared your throat subtly.
"We are kitten" Minho smiled watching you switch back into work mode.
"I've got this scheduled for 4 hours correct? What schedule do you have after that because I haven't received an update as to what your afternoon looks like" You clarified looking between the two of them for any sort of update.
"I figured we can eat afterwards" Seungmin added "I don't have anything else scheduled after though, what about you hyung?"
"Nope I have nothing so lunch later then maybe we swing back to the dorm to rest? Kitten surly will need a little more attention by then" Minho smirked making the heat rise up your neck again.
"Cheeky shits" you mumbled clicking through the calendars for each of the members and realizing that they did both have the afternoon off while Felix and IN were filming something later in the day and the others were either writing or producing.
Arriving at the station you were ushered inside and into the waiting area that was dedicated to the two of them. You set yourself up at one of the empty tables while they left to get snacks and greet the other guests and presenters. An iced latte was placed down beside you startling you slightly as one of the assistant producers introduced herself quietly.
"Good Morning, I am Yejun and I will be looking after all the needs you might have today" she bowed politely "Kim Seungmin asked me to deliver this to you to help with your work".
"Thank you and it is a pleasure to meet you Yejin. I will be sure to let you know if any of our team needs anything" you returned her gesture smiling softly as you noticed her look you up and down quickly before she departed making you slightly annoyed but you shrugged it off going back to work and waiting for your boys to return.
"Good you got your coffee" Seungmin grinned as he plopped down on the sofa across the room from you.
"I did thank you" you smiled back sipping at the iced coffee.
"Don't give him too much credit he only made that girl get if for you after she flirted with him" Minho chuckled "She was all doe eyed and almost swooning until he shut her down and asked her to get a coffee for his pretty noona manager".
"Seungmin!" you coughed trying not to laugh.
"What? isn't it better to shut her down than give her any sort of false hope that I would ever be interested" Seungmin defended himself shrugging.
"You are so savage" you faux scolded him making Minho laugh properly enjoying the joking around while they waited for the show to begin.
The show had been scheduled for four hours but that was to accommodate all the preparing, greeting, show run throughs, artist requirements, endorsement recordings etc, by the time Minho and Seungmin were on air the actual interview and games lasted only 50 minutes. You had been able to get quite a bit a work done in that time leaving you able to comfortable supervise the interview in case questions came up that needed to be refused. The whole time you watched you could feel eyes on you which was a factor you dealt with in this job fans were always curious about the staff around the artists and you always tried to make a good impression, so it was a little odd that once the interview was over and you returned to the artist and staff waiting areas the feeling of being observed followed you.
"Don't look now but it appears we aren't the only ones who want to ruin your today kitten" Minho murmured to you looking back at the guy who was looking as though he wished to approach you.
"I don't like that idea at all" Seungmin glowered at the guy as Minho placed his hand so low on your back he was also cupping your arse.
"You are imagining things" you sighed softly rolling your eyes stepping ahead of Minho as he ushered you into the room. "Besides I have to watch women throw themselves at you all the time".
"Still don't want someone who isn't us near you" Seungmin pouted slightly. There was a small knock on the door and it opened slightly to an well dressed man who immediately sought you out between the two boys despite their obvious distain of him.
"Could I perhaps leave my card with you for any future promotions?" He smiled overenthusiastically "I would be happy to help arrange future promotions directly with you".
"Thank you" you nodded politely "I think we have a contact within KBS that we already deal with but I may be mistaken".
"Perhaps we could discuss some future arrangments over drinks?" he continued looking at you hopefully.
"Forgive me but I don't think my boyfriend would approve of that" replied trying to come off as modest as possible.
"You have a boyfriend? pity call me if that changes" he smirked leaving the room as quickly as he arrived.
"You can stop glaring holes in the door now" you giggled looking at Minho then Seungmin.
"A boyfriend huh?" Seungmin questioned raising his eyebrows at you teasingly.
"I could hardly say my 8 fuck buddies don't always like to share amongst themselves let alone anyone else" you rolled your eyes dramatically.
"I mean there is no lie in that" Minho purred pulling you against him to kiss you possessively his hand gripping your hip almost painfully as he slid his tongue between your lips making you gasp against him only encouraging him to deepen the kiss further until you began to feel a little dizzy and Seungmin cleared his throat.
"I mean as much as I enjoy seeing you get needy, maybe you would rather take this to the dorm? What do you think doll?" Seungmin smirked knowingly.
"Yes sir" my breathed eyes already a little hazy with lust making Seungmin almost groan, as he reached out to grab the nape of your neck and drag you to him to claim your mouth just as Minho had.
Collecting your things, and yourself, you made your way back through KBS to the entrance so you could leave, stepping out a minute or two before them always gave fans and photographers a better view of the boys and you had adapted to this ducking out to prevent any mishaps of their way to the van. They followed slowly waving and bowing politely before climbing into the van behind you and instantly changing back to the handsy boys who wanted to get you home fast. Minho slid into the seat beside you his hands instantly on you, one between your thighs teasingly running his thumb down the seam of your jeans and the other on the nape of your neck so he could turn you to face him when he wanted you too.
"I have an idea doll, if hyung is wanting to play along of course" Seungmin smiled seductively at you and you shivered slightly under his gaze.
"Oh she liked that" Minho licking his perfect lips and grinned devilishly at you.
"I thought perhaps you want to show how good a girl you can be for Minho? Show him how much you like being a good little girl for us" Seungmin whispered while you nodded eyes wide.
"Words please doll" Seungmin looked at you pointedly "you only get what you want using words".
"I would like that sir" you whispered.
"Good girl" Seungmin purred "Same rules as before is there anything that you don't want us to do with you? There are so many things we could try today".
"The same as before sir, I don't want you to hit me, spit on me or hurt me" you whispered again hoping the driver couldn't hear anything that was being discussed.
"Alright then doll, I will ask as we go and if you want it to stop what do you say?" Seungmin smiled happy you were willing to play.
"Red sir" you whimpered as Minho's fingers now pressed against your clothed core making you squirm slightly and him grin.
The remainder of the trip to the dorms took about three days in your already lust clouded brain, Minho teasing you slowly and Seungmin looking at you those molten chocolate eyes you were getting needier by the minute. So when you finally found inside the entrance of the dorm it took only a moment more before Seungmin had you roughly shoved against the wall claiming your mouth in a firery kiss that made your head spin as his hands held you firmly to the wall.
"My room now doll, strip off and wait on your knees in the middle of the bed" Seugmin ordered huskily making you swallow hard.
"Yes sir" you replied and made your way to his room as instructed pulling your top over your head as you went.
"How are we doing this hyung? Do you want to watch or participate?" Seungmin turned to look at Minho.
You knelt on Seungmin's bed completely bare with your hands folded in your lap as you waited for him to enter the room. The wetness between your thighs cooling in the air of the room was a stark contrast to how hot your body felt, the anticipation rising in you as you heard footsteps outside the bedroom door.
"Such a good girl" Seungmin purred stepping into the room "I was telling hyung how good you are".
"Thank you sir" you preened a spark shooting towards your center, loving the praise he gave you.
"Take a seat hyung and let see how good she can be" Seungmin's tone was still cheeky as he walked over to his desk and sat in his chair gesturing for Minho to sit on his bed while you looked between the two of them as patiently as you could.
"Kitten, are you alright with this?" Minho asked looking at you seriously, after everything that had just happened he didn't want to cross anymore of your lines.
"Yes..." you paused for a moment looking at Seungmin.
"You can cal him what ever you like doll" he nodded giving you permission making you grin.
"Yes Minho I want this" you looked back to him heatedly wetting your lips with the tip of your tongue.
"Good girl" Seungmin purred "Now you're going to do exactly as your told aren't you?".
"Yes sir, I promise sir" you whimpered slightly itching to be allowed to touch Minho.
"Go make him nice and hard then doll" he purred again leaning back in his chair watching as you stood up and moved to straddle Minho's thighs, those perfect thighs that distracted you every time he danced. As soon as you were seated Minho's hands were on you one cupping your face and pulling you in to desperately connect his lips to yours and the other sliding down your side to grab a hand full of your arse pushing you against him. You opened your lips allowing his tongue entrance to your mouth as you gently rolled your hips against him your soft moans being swallowed with the intensity of the kiss. You could feel his cock hardening in his jeans below you as you pressed your wet core against him your slick leaving a wet trail on his fly.
"Good girl being so needy" Seungmin groaned watching you try your hardest not to get yourself off on Minho's clothed crotch. "but I think you can you better" he tutted.
"I want to be good sir" you panted, disconnecting your lips from Minho's and moving to kneel between his legs you carefully undid his jeans and after his allowing you to slide them down to his knees you began palming him through his boxers "Can I taste Minho please sir" you pleaded eyes wide as you looked to Seungmin.
"Of course doll, such a sweet girl for asking" he smiled wickedly at you. You wasted no time freeing Minho from his boxers and licking a stripe along the underside of his dick making him take a sharp breath "Slow down doll, you are meant to be showing him how good you are not how desperate you are" he chuckled darkly.
Pausing you slowly let your tongue circle the head of his dick enjoying the taste of the small bead of precum that decorated it before slowly taking him into your mouth and suckling it. You could tell from the way his thighs tensed he was already enjoying the warmth of your mouth so to help give him even more you brought one hand to fondle his balls while you took his whole length into your mouth and throat enjoying the deep loud groan the fell from his lips making you squeeze your thigh together in hopes of some friction.
"Fuck me kitten you are so good at sucking dick" he mumbled his hand winding into your hair pulling slightly on your roots.
"Be a good girl and play with your clit while you please hyung doll" Seungmin directed his voice starting to deepen with need. You hummed in response causing another delicious moan to fall from those perfect lips as you slowly began to circle your own clit with your fingers gasping around Minho's cock as the first jolts of pleasure began to course through you, you took your time bobbing up and down his length, tongue swirling around his shaft when you agonizingly slowly pulled him from your mouth with a lewd wet pop.
"I think he might be hard enough now doll, be a good girl and help him get undressed" Seungmin ordered his voice getting huskier with each order he gave you. Biting your lip you stood pulling Minho's jeans and boxers completely off his legs before helping him slide the t-shirt he was wearing over his head "Now on your hands and knees facing me doll".
"Yes sir" you almost whimpered knowing that it wouldn't be too much longer until you got some relief that you so desperately needed, you could feel your arousal beginning to slick your thighs at this point. Minho wasted no time kneeling behind you and carefully pushing his length into you and you both moaned in tandem.
"Kitten, shit your so tight" Minho mumbled wrapping his arm around your shoulders to pull you up against his chest for the first few thrusts his teeth grazing the side of you neck debating whether to make you or not.
"Please Minho" you gasped as he slammed into you his hips slapping against your skin harshly your head falling against his shoulder.
"I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk kitten" he mumbled making you mewl lewdly Minho's other hand sliding down to the front of your body to press against your clit.
"Careful Minho hyung" Seungmin warned seriously one eyebrow raised "don't want to exhaust her yet".
"Back on your knees kitten" he purred letting you fall forward softly against the bed, your arms giving way so you were now leaning on your elbows as Minho continued to fuck you only slowing down a little and thrusting in you much deeper making you see stars with every movement of his cock against your needy walls.
"You look so pretty getting fucked by Minho, so fucking pretty" Seungmin growled his hand moved from the arm of the chair to start palming himself through his jeans making you whimper as you watched him "don't worry my good girl I'm going to make you mine soon enough".
"Fuck she liked that" Minho groaned feeling you clench around him.
"Put your thumb in her arse hyung, I need her prepped for me" Seungmin grunted standing and discarding his jeans and shirt. "Doll color?' he asked kneeling to hold your chin as Minho slid his fingers through your folds to collect your slick.
"Green" you gasped Minho's thumb slowly circling your tight ring of muscle "But slow please". Minho's thrust turned slow and deep as he cautiously continued both prepping you and pleasuring you.
"Remember if it's ever too much use the safe word and we both stop, no questions asked" Suengmin cooed throwing a bottle of lube near Minho and taking your face in his hands to kiss you passionately, between his lips and Minho's cock you were too distracted to even worry that you might want them to stop. Pulling his lips from yours Seungmin guided his cock to your mouth which you opened instantly allowing him to slowly push himself between your kiss swollen lips his groan mixing with Minho's as you again clenched around him.
"Kitten you will make me cum if you keep that up" He hissed making Seungmin chuckle guiding himself deeper into your throat as you hummed around him.
"Good girl, make him cum" he growled carefully fucking your throat as you concentrated on how good they both felt inside you as Minho slipped another lubed finger into you stretching you slowly and giving you time to adjust before he started opening you further, making you groan around Seugmin's length.
"Your right she is a very good girl" Minho grinned as you tightened around him again, slipping his fingers from your arse he picked him pace up hitting the spot inside you that made you start moaning and whining around Seungmin, making him pull himself from your mouth to watch you come undone under Minho's ministrations, Minho had slipped the hand that had been holding you in place around your stomach to pinch your clit softly making your eyes roll back in your head..
"Minho, please, please right there" you cried as your orgasm tore through you making you call his name like a prayer as you felt him stiffen inside you and moan pornographically his warm seed filling you as he continued to shallowly thrust into you to prolong your high.
"Such a good girl, my best girl" Minho whispered to you softly pulling himself from you as you felt his cum dribble out of you and onto your thigh.
"Can I continue you doll?" Seungmin asked gently his fingers running through your hair.
"Green sir" you smiled up at him still on your knees and elbows, he grinned in response gesturing for you to turn and face Minho as he picked up the bottle of lube and squeezed some onto his fingers. You were a little nervous and you knew that they would never dream of hurting you so as Seungmin slid two fingers back inside you and moved to begin lapping as your clit.
"Sir" you cried softly still sensitive from Minho but he was gently pushing you through that and into the beginning of another pleasurable build up.
"Look you kitten you're so beautiful when you get you pussy eaten" Minho groaned as you saw him hardening again "can't wait to fill you again, you want that?".
"Yes Minho want that" you gasped as Seungmin pushed a third finger into you the initial ache now becoming a more pleasurable sensation.
"You like what Seungmin is doing to you kitten? Does it feel good having him inside you there?"
"Yes Minho, yes" you stuttered feeling your next orgasm growing in your belly.
"Good girl, now I'm going to fuck you there" Seungmin growled huskily as he removed his fingers to lube his length thoroughly, making you swallow hard and your eyes widen slightly.
"Aww kitten are you nervous? Never had a cock as big as Seungmin's in that pretty little arse before? Minho teased moving from where he was leaning against the headboard palming himself slowly.
"Never done this before" you whisper feeling Seungmin slow his movements and watching Minho's eyes widen despite his groan.
"Doll, why didn't you say anything? Seungmin asked incredibly gently caressing your back with one hand as you assumed he was looking at Minho to judge you expression.
"You didn't ask and I said green sir" you whined pushing back on him slightly not really wanting your pleasure to dissipate.
"Our prefect sweet girl" Seungmin cooed adorlingly moving his hands to each of your hips "You absolutely sure?" you could feel the dominance slipping from Seungmin as he worried more about your comfort than the experience of the game.
"Yes sir" you whimpered as he began slowly pushing the head of his cock against your hole.
"Not sir, not this time, just you, just Minho, just me" he whispered against the skin of your back as he peppered your skin with kisses,
"You are far too good to us kitten" Minho groaned again leaning forward to press his lips against yours, trying to keep you relaxed and wanting while Seungmin sunk himself inside you. They could both feel you tensing slightly your body reacting to the new and strange sensation but you let them guide you through it. You let Minho slip his tongue between your lips sliding against yours pouring how grateful he was for this into you.
"Fuck you are so tight doll, you feel like heaven" Seungmin moaned deeply as he slowly and shallowly began thrusting, his grip on your hips tightening as you began to carefully push your self back onto his cock. Letting go of your right hip he slid his fingers around your leg to continue massaging you clit causing a delicate moan to fall from your lips into Minho's mouth.
"Minho, I want you in my mouth" you mewled as your orgasm started building again breaking the kiss to look at him.
"Not this time kitten, I'll have you again later I promise" he mumbled against your lips as he kissed you again one of his hands teasing your nipples to help you along.
"Fuck" Seungmin growled again his thrusts speeding up as his need to chase his own high started to over take him "God you are perfect doll, so perfect" his fingers on your clit speeding up to match his hips.
"Seungmin" you cried loudly as your orgasm cascaded over you as he thrust harder into a few more times before spilling himself inside you. Minho took over from Seungmin his fingers now softly circling your clit to prolong your pleasure while the other slipped himself from you.
"You are a goddess" Minho groaned pulling you from your knees to lay between the two of them holding you tightly to his chest until Seungmin pulled a blanket over the three of you.
"You are incredible doll" Seungmin whispered kissing your shoulder blade.
"I'm sorry I didn't call you sir" you mumbled softly.
"You will never have to apologize after you so willingly let me have your first time" Seungmin smiled against your skin moving back as you rolled to face him, Minho instantly moving to spoon you.
"But that's what you like" you pouted slightly.
"No doll, I like you, only you" he admitted softly his lips finding yours for a soft sweet kiss "Now rest and we can play again later".
a/n: Ok I am usure if this is actually any good but you are getting it anyway because I like it 🤣 as always any likes, comments or reblogs are incredible. You guys make my hole day every time one of you reads the filth from my imagination xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @symptoms-of-moonlight, @septicrebel, @ayoitschannie, @krishastumblernow, @tangerminie, @elizalabs3, @armystay89, @septemberkisses, @stay-bi, @seolarflare, @damnyouficc, @eastleighsblog, @wohaku, @bakedlilgoonie, @roamingpolar, @tara-skyhold, @spacegirlstuff, @queenmea604, @fawnpeaks,
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guardkeywolf · 1 year
Hi!! I’ve recently stumbled accross your CoD fics and i LOVE your writing /gen
If your still doing requests could you do an intimidating reader who secretly has bright pink hair? Like they dont talk much and almost fully hide their face and hair under a balaclava mask combo all the time
Preferably paired with ghost, soap or könig please
Thank you! I hope your doing well and have a good day :D
Soap's Pink-Haired Boyfriend
Hello @neon-lights-27 and thank you for the request!
Was quite interesting to write so I did go kinda simple on this one but enjoyed making it.
Please enjoy!
When Soap finish met Y/n, he had expected a newbie that was going to need to be taught the ropes of being with the 141. Maybe a bit excited, curious, or hell, even nervous. Y/n was the complete opposite.
Similar to Ghost, Y/n had this deep, dark arua that he carried around with him, which Soap still teased him about till this day along with the balaclava he wore. The man lurked over each recruit and even König had to look up at him. The worst part, however, was that he was deathly silent when in the base or field.
At least Ghost spoke from time to time but Y/n was a whole different story.
He didn't talk.
He just mostly stared with sometimes occasional grunts, and most of the time Soap would have to teach himself how to translate each look he sent him when they finally got together.
He could proudly say he was now fluent in reading Y/n's stares and grunts.
Aside from Y/n being the big scary man that followed him around the base just about everywhere, there was one thing Y/n decided to share with only him.
Y/n had Pink hair.
Hot Pink Hair.
Soap found it adorable when Y/n said it was truly pink and didn’t even bother questioning it.
He always found himself running his fingers through it when he could on a daily basis, even in front of the Newbies just to make a statement that he belonged to Y/n and Y/n belonged to him.
Hell, MacTavish was so touchy that Price had to separate them from each other on mission when he had caught them doing...very explicit things on the field.
Soap and Y/n were lucky they only got scolded by the Captain and not something much worse.
He let them off easy with cleaning the entire base until there was not a speck of dust for a good three weeks.
But aside from that, Y/n was probably the best thing to happen to Soap, and he had no intentions on letting man go.
If you enjoyed reading this, please feel free to REBLOG with the TAGS on!
Using the tags makes it easier for people to navigate y'all's Tumblr pages!
Thank you for reading again!
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httpsdana · 3 months
𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬~𝐀 𝐅𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐭 𝟒
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summary: Barça players and talented footballers. Souls meet and sparks fly. But there's always a twist when it comes to love isn't there?
pairing: Ferran Torres x Gonzalez!Reader
warnings: cursing, slight age gap, angst
previous part -> next part
"come on pleasee" Pedri nearly begged.
"Pedro I don't feel like going out tonight, just drop it" y/n rolled her eyes.
They were at their parents' house, and Pedri got a call from one of his friends that they're going out for some drinks
Fernando walked into the room, rolling his eyes at the twins that always seem to be fighting
"what is it now?" he asked
"Gavi called me and told me they're going out for some drinks. y/n won't agree on coming with me" Pedri said, making y/n huff.
"who's gonna be there?" Fer asked, making y/n look at him suspiciously
"well Gavi and Ferran for sure, probably Fermin and Felix too. I'm pretty sure Raphinha is bringing his wife with him, so y/n should go too" he whined
Fernando looked at y/n with a knowing look when Pedri said Ferran's name, y/n's eyes widened while she shook her head quickly at Fernando.
"she'll go. get up" he pulled her on her feet, while Pedri smiled. y/n groaned and followed Fernando to her room.
"why did you do that? I don't feeling like talking to anyone today" she said annoyed.
"this is your chance to get closer to Ferran without it being too suspicious to Pedri" he said, opening the closet she had and looking for something she can wear
"who even told you that I want to become close with him" she lied, knowing that's the thing she wants the most
"just shut up and wear this" Fer threw a tiny dress she forgot she had on her and walked out of the room
"god i hate you" she let out a sigh, and got in the uncomfortable dress her brother had thrown on her.
When she finished she started working on her hair. She only showered it yesterday so she left it down and went to her make up. Nothing too special just the base and some eyeliner with her favorite lip combo.
When she finished, she sprayed one of her favorite perfumes on and took a deep breath before walking back to the living room where Pedri was.
"you look good. let's go now, they're waiting for us" Pedri said, walking out of the door.
y/n waved at Fernando and yelled a goodbye to her parents.
"will there be too many people?" y/n asked, her anxiety already building up.
"I'm not sure, but like we're going to a club so obviously there will be many people" Pedri shrugged, making y/n internally groan
"just enjoy hermana. everyone will love you" he looked at her with a smile, before turning and continuing his drive.
"this is my sister y/n" Pedri introduced her, as soon as they arrived at the table his friends were sat at.
"you didn't tell us you had a sister. nice to meet you y/n, I'm Pablo. just call me Gavi" he shook her hand immediately, while she gave him an awkward smile.
Fact is she knew everyone already, but of course no one knew her.
"ohh you play on the barca femini team right?" Fermin Lopez said, making her smile a bit. She appreciated that someone actually knew who she was.
She nodded with a smile, while Fermin smiled back at her.
Meanwhile Ferran was watching every interaction between the two of them, and for some reason bothered with it.
He was a bit disappointed when she didn't greet him, not knowing that she was trying her best not to look at him just because of how captivating he was.
"why don't you go get a drink and loosen up?" Pedri suggested, noticing that she was sitting awkwardly and not talking to anyone.
y/n wanted to say no, but she also wanted to get away from all the people around her, so she nodded and got up.
Ferran's eyes followed her to the bar, confused why she got up
"where did she go?" he whispered in Pedri's ear
"just to get some drinks" he shrugged, not thinking much of it.
y/n ordered a coke, and waiting for the bartender to make her drink.
"hey pretty one. can I buy you a drink?" a voice from behind her said. She froze when she didn't recognize the voice, and swallowed the lump that has formed in her throat.
She looked behind her and saw a creepy tall man, with muscles and tattoos all over his arms.
She shook her head and turned back, hoping the bartender would hurry up.
At the same time, Ferran noticed the guy that approached y/n, and got up from his seat immediately when he saw the uncomfortable look on her face.
"come on. it's just a drink" he said, standing too close that she felt his presence intrusively invading her personal space.
An overwhelming sense of panic and unease washed over her when she felt his hand on her waist. Her breath was shallow and a knot was forming in her stomach.
All she wanted to do was push him away, but she seemed to be frozen and can't move.
"hey babe. did you get your drink yet?" a familiar voice said from behind her. The man behind her moving away quickly.
She let out a shaky breath, turning to see Ferran standing there with a worried expression on his face
"you okay?" he asked, taking small steps closer to her.
"I just need to get some air" she whispered pushing past him and getting out of the club
She stood outside, her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest, pounding so loud she could almost hear it. Every breath was a struggle, as if the air had turned thick and suffocating.
She clutched her chest, feeling the tight grip of anxiety squeezing her. The world around her seemed to blur as her mind raced with fearful thoughts, making it hard to focus on anything else. She desperately tried to find a sense of calm, but the panic had taken hold, leaving her feeling helpless and overwhelmed.
Ferran ran behind her, seeing her struggle to breath. He sat her down against the wall, cupping her cheeks in his hands and trying to look her in the eyes.
"hey look at me. Take a deep breath. You're safe now preciosa" he said softly, his voice soothing. (precious)
y/n felt his calming presence in front of her, as the blur in her eyes was starting to disappear. Ferran guided her through a breathing exercise, until she was able to breath normally.
His hands still on her cheeks, as she looked up at him with appreciation, unable to speak any word.
He smiled down at her, his thumb running over her cheekbones as he looked closely into her brown eyes.
He brought her face closer to his, pressing a small kiss on her forehead and hugging her securely
y/n couldn't fight the urge to not hug him back, and wrapped her arms tightly around his muscular torso. She couldn't help the tears that started to stream down her face. Ferran was giving her a sense of security she had never felt in her life. And that was terrifying considering she only knew him for a little while now
"don't cry precosia. you're safe and no one will hurt you" he whispered in her hair, his fingers running down from her head to her back, rubbing it calmly.
He pulled her head away from his neck, running his fingers under her eyes to wipe her tears away.
"do you want me to take you home?" he asked her, his hands never letting go of her face
She nodded her head slowly, before Ferran got up and pulled her up with him.
"let's just tell Pedri" he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her inside with him.
"Pedri. I'm leaving and y/n said she's tired so I'm taking her to her apartment is that okay?" he asked, although Pedri was looking half drunk already
"yeah yeah. just take care of the road" he nodded, giving his sister a pat on the shoulder before the two walked to Ferran's car
The ride to y/n's apartment was silent, only the faint music of the radio playing in the background while y/n helped Ferran reach her apartment. When he did, he turned the car off and looked at y/n.
She didn't want to be alone at the moment. So she acted on her intuition.
"do you wanna stay a bit. maybe we can watch a movie or something..." she said hesitantly, seeing how Ferran's face lightened up a bit
"are you sure? i really don't want to make you uncomfortable or something" he said, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand
"please, I don't wanna be alone right now" she said in a low voice, making Ferran's heart break slightly at the girl in front of him
"of course I'll stay precosia" he said with a small smile
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