#I love my wakandan princess
misslittlemisfit · 2 years
Princess Shuri Ai artwork, prompted by me
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mooncleaver · 2 years
My Queen, My Sun and My Sea
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talokan once had a queen. one who loved her people with all her heart—with the same heart she had given to her k'uk'ulkan for what felt like millennia ago. but they lost her to the hands of the enemy; it was a tragic tale painted on the walls of the king's mural, the pain searing itself onto his heart uninvited. he rules now with a darkened hole in his chest, fueled by the loss of his true love and a force to protect his people even more. after all, only the most broken people can be great leaders.
pairing: namor x fem!talokan!reader
warnings: bpwf spoilers!! death (i was lowkey evil for that), colonizers, inaccurate translations, nawt very proofread lol
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El Niño Sin Amor.
That was a name that echoed deep inside Shuri's head, its bitter aftertaste lingering still; a piece of Namor that she'd just uncovered.
He was an enigma; a powerful being who rose from the sea, unannounced with his presence but has always been there, deep in the waters where he and his kingdom have flourished in the city of Talokan. He had just finished recounting about his and his people's origins, how the colonizers brought a disease that left his ancestors to drink a concoction from a vibranium-infused plant found in an underwater cave to save themselves, turning them into water-breathing individuals; the Talokanil.
She turned to Namor with many questions unanswered, only to see him staring at something with a look akin to pain and longing on one of the surfaces on his murals, caressing the painting with a gentleness she had yet to seen from the god.
She shifted to the side quietly, trying to see what he was gazing at. When Namor bowed his head, Shuri saw a painting of a woman beside his serpent, posing regally with what looked like a staff in her hand.
She wore a beautiful jade and gold headpiece, green and brown feathers lining the outer layer, fading in its design as if the light was shining on them. It towered atop her figure, framing her perfectly like she was always meant to be there. She was adorned in jewelry, from the large, circular green jade plugs that hung from her ears to the tessellated necklace that she wore—a striking amalgamation of gleaming silver beads, plated viridescent tiles to carved gold pendants and everything that complemented her beauty. The woman had a tan clothe wrapped around her body, washes of terracotta and hues of sage and cream woven in stripes on the fabric. She was covered in jewels—just like Namor.
One thing for sure, she must have been of royalty in Talokan. Or a goddess, perhaps. The corks in Shuri's head turned as she tried to figure out where the woman in the mural fit in Namor's story.
"Who is that?" Her question seemed to break him out of his reverie. She could see the way his body tensed at her question, and whether it was because she cut him out of his thoughts of because of what she asked, she didn't know.
It took a quiet moment before Namor answered, looking in deep contemplation with his eyebrows furrowed deeply and his eyes growing darker. The next thing he uttered was so full of emotion that it flooded through the sentence, his voice sounding thicker than blood.
"Leti' ka'ach in reina. My queen. In k'iino' ka, in k'áak'náabo'."
(She was my queen. My sun and my sea.)
For a second her words refused to make it out of her mouth. The Wakandan princess' mind didn't wonder to Namor having a queen.
The Namor now wasn't like the Namor she had met in the shores of her land with her mother. The Namor now felt like a broken man who would go the farthest lengths to protect his people. With every counting second of being in this underwater cave, Shuri seemed to discover more and more about the man, slowly laying bare the walls he had built around himself.
"Is she-"
"She was.. she was killed by surface dwellers." The god cut off, as if he couldn't bear to hear the words coming out from someone else's lips. He closed his eyes for a moment and Shuri felt the sea grow quiet for a split second. It was like it remembered their lost queen.
He took a deep breathe before speaking out and if one were to listen closely, they could hear the slight shakiness in his voice, like talking about this particular incident tore his wounds open again. "Years ago the surface dwellers tried to find Talokan. They were told of an underwater city filled with glittering gold and diamonds, with a palace of precious metals whose value exceeds all else."
"They are greedy, always taking and taking what is not theirs—beasts who ravage land with no mind of its consequences. She was there where the land met the waters along with the young ones, and those monsters crossed paths with them." Namor shook his head, disdain present in the way he moved his body and his words.
"The first thing they did they raised their weapons, pointing it at her when all she did was offer them her hands. She tried to speak to them, to negotiate with peace and kindness. But they are blinded with hatred." He spat that word out and Shuri almost flinched at his tone.
"With no mercy they killed her and the children. They took their lives as if it was nothing to them."
"When I emerged to the surface.. she was already dying."
One of your handmaids had been the one to inform him of the situation, barging into his mural room right when he got back from a trip with a growing panic in her eyes as she screamed in anguish, 'Le reina! Le reina!'
"I turned to those murderers and treated them with how they treated my wife and the children; I killed them with no mercy."
The feathered serpent god will never forget the possessing rage he felt when he saw what those killers did to his wife. Without a single doubt in his movements he flew towards them like a strike of lightning and sliced their heads off before they could even scream.
Something that would always haunt his dreams was seeing his beloved die in his arms, unable to do anything, running out of time.
Sometimes, if the K'uk'ulkan thought too much about it, he could still feel the way he held you in his arms, the jarring coldness of your body that surged across his skin like a bloodthirsty frostbite.
Your hair fell in a pool beneath your head, encrusted with blood that he didn't know where it came from. There was too much, too much of it that slithered around your body. With trembling hands he supported the back of your neck, bringing your face closer as he cradled your cheeks in his palms.
"Ma', ma', in puksi'ik'al.. jaap wicho'ob, láayli' ma' jach a súutuko'," he pleaded, heart racing a thousand beats at your weakened state. His fingers stroked your temples, tracing the skin from your eyebrows to the high point of your cheek and you swore you would forever savor the feel of his skin on yours.
(No, no, my heart.. open your eyes, it's not your time yet,)
"It's al-..right, in amado." You choked out, holding the hand that held your face and leaning onto his palms with whatever energy you had left in you. It was getting harder to open your eyes or even speak, the hole in your chest rampaging your body like an unquenched beast.
"In ku. Let go, K'ukulkan. Ts'o'ok in meentik le ba'ax táan des-.. destinado in beetik waye'.. je'el u páajtal in je'elel bejla'e'.."
(They call me. I've done what I was meant to do here.. I can rest now..)
He ignored your terrifying acceptance and gently quieted you, pressing his lips onto your forehead in deep fervor. "Save you words, in yaakunaj-"
Namor's heart threatened to jump right out of his chest when he felt your hand go slightly limp, desperately taking it above the crook of his neck, right where the ends of his jaw met his ears. The king held onto you so tightly, trying to keep you grounded with him in the world of the living as if the warmth of his body would spread life to your decaying one. He saw you smile peacefully, like his touch rejuvenated you for a single beat, slowly yet surely stroking the tip of his pointed ears as you've always done whenever you had the chance to. It was a small act of affection that Namor fell weak to, and he couldn't contain the abrupt cry that fell from his lips at the familiar gesture.
"K'a'as a puksi'ik'al yéetel a-.. a yaakunaj, in ajawo'," but even then your stubborn and insistent nature persevered. You spoke with only him and your love for him in mind, silently telling him that this will not be the end. That despite after all this when you will no longer be there to tell him just how beloved and brave he is, he should still remember what he had learned—what he had taught you. You hoped that it would keep him grounded and true, still fierce but with compassion and empathy.
(Remember your heart and your love, my king,)
"In.. yaakunech," and you let our your final breathe, the light in your eyes no longer shining as you stared up into nothing. At the least you looked content to pass to the afterlife in your husbands arms, a gentle lift on the corner of your lips to signify that you've moved on. But along with your departure you tore apart of Namor that he didn't think could ever be replaced—left him with a half-ripped heart and as a shell of the man he once was.
(I love you)
Now, kneeling on the prickling pearly sand tainted with weeping carmine, he was not a god. He was not the king of a powerful underwater nation, he was not a lethal mutant, a hero, a villain, or a protector. No, he was just a man. A man whose heart had been punctured with a hole in the shape of his beloved.
He screamed at the world with the voice of someone who had just lost everything, scorning the surface dwellers with a burning pit of anger and vengeance in his blackened heart. It echoed around the area, bleeding onto every rock, every blade of grass and every tree with his promise of death. The sea grew restless, mirroring the raging currents in his soul.
Namor choked a cry, closing your eyes as his hands shook with grief and pain, body threatening to collapse under his heartbreak. He brought your face closer to his, resting his forehead against yours while he scrunched his eyes closed, disbelieving and mourning of the loss of his beloved. Because no matter how much he begged, how much he cried for you, you would never come back to him, never blessing him with that delicate smile on your face again. The god stayed there for what felt like hours and days, whispering sweet goodbyes, harrowing sobs and promises to avenge you.
When he carried your cold body to Talokan, the people could only stare in shock and despair over the loss of their darling queen. In their eyes you were one of the most powerful people in the kingdom, not just because of your position, but because of your compassion and your love—something that knew no bounds.
It was a painful and gut-wrenching experience, to bury his own wife. It brought him back to the time where he had to do the same to his own mother, to cover her in clothe and put a piece of maize inside her mouth.
"The surface dwellers have taken so much. Talokan's queen, our home and our freedom. I will not let them do so again." Namor had a scathing look in his eyes, a latent tone of tiredness from facing a world that only took from him.
"She must have been an amazing queen and a strong woman." Shuri could only utter these words with a solemn expression on her face, unable to reply to such vulnerability of someone she had considered a dangerous enemy. Despite that.. there was an underlying empathy between the two. Shuri understood him. She knew the pain of losing someone you love.
"She was." A calm visage eventually spread around his face as he looked up at the glorious mural depicted on the walls of the room. "She had the biggest heart and the kindest soul."
Namor couldn't help but get lost in his memories of his beautiful wife. He speaks no lies when he describes you. You were the people's queen, as what the Talokanil called you. You'd always visit the people, play games with the children and scour the underwater markets that sold all kinds of trinkets and foods. Whenever the people needed you you were always there, willing to help them without a second glance as you opened your heart to them all.
After you death, whenever he would swim around Talokan and talk to his people—laughing and joking around with them—there would be this.. serene melody inside his heart, a gentleness that ran through his veins. Namor would feel the water pulsing on the pads of his skin and he'd always take a moment to close his eyes to relish the feeling. Then a smile would make it onto his face—the kind of smile that you would always tell him to show more often. His people felt it too, like a warm embrace to their soul, as if you were watching over them, still caring about them even when you were gone.
It was not only to Talokan's people, but to the ocean's animals too.
If there was one thing about his queen, it was that you had a deep affinity with the marine animals. Whenever the king couldn't find you anywhere in your room or in the palace halls, Namor would only smile to himself and swim to the clearing of the sea just outside of Talokan, watching his wife croon along the whales and the orcas, taking care of them as if your love spoke a thousand languages.
"In ch'ujuk, ko'oten paakat!" You would shout, gleefully waving your hand up in the air with no care in the world.
(My sweet, come and look!)
Sometimes he would only stay back and watch you with eyes so tender that it looked like he was entirely captivated by you. By your voice, your laughter, your smile; your everything. Other times, Namor would be too taken by you (as he always was), deciding to join you play with the creatures that you'd called 'your babies'. Whirling and chasing them around them felt like dancing in the water and Namor was too in love to ever deny you of your little joy.
Even now whenever the whales would call out to the sea, or when the orcas whistled and clicked along, he could still hear your radiant laughter singing along with them and oh how he longed to hear that sound again, to hear the melody of the ocean in its fullness.
You were simply the glue to Talokan; everyone adored the queen.
Until now, your throne still sat next to his, the jade and vibranium never ceasing to glow. Every time he sat there, watching over his people and celebrating his kingdom with defiant shouts of "L'ik'ik Talokan" he would always remember your face, remember the proud look you had when you would raise your fist to your chest along with everyone. Your memory will never fade in the heart of Talokan, always lingering in the brightest places, comforting during troubling times, because you will always be a precious piece of the kingdom that neither he nor his people would forget.
If he brought the sun to his people, you were the sun to him.
"You and I, we are not so different, princess." He broke his train of thought.
"Those people only see us as threats because they know we are powerful. They will not stop until they have what they want. It is a danger to my kingdom and my people—a threat to your people too."
Finally, Namor turned his head to face Shuri, a determined aura lingering in his voice and in his expression. She felt compelled to stare back straight into his eyes, the conviction in his tone like a true king. "And so I offer you again."
"Join me, and we will never have to see our people suffer, to see our loved ones suffer. We will no longer mourn our losses and bury the dead for unjust cruelty."
"Together, we will watch the world burn."
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lawd this man singlehandedly got me out of a writing slump like.. making a fic with angst + namor = too easy 😩💳💥
this is my first time writing for him, so i hope it was okay! im so in love with him and i wanted to contribute my own piece to the fandom.
also, i'm pretty sure the yucatec mayan was not properly translated, so i apologize from my heart for the inaccuracies. please tell me if i have to fix anything!
dividers by @delishlydelightfuldividers and @rpinkling
tags: @bloatedandlonly
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quintessencewrites · 1 year
Y-yes, Daddy pt. 3
college student!ShuRiri x college student!black!fem!reader
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Her eyes sent the message that her lips didn’t; they couldn’t, too busy being bitten to the flesh between Riri’s perfect rows of teeth, the gold on her lower set mirroring the gold around her neck.
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Warnings: (buckle up, there are a few) 18+!!!!! Smut HEAVY, dom! Shuri, switch! reader, switch! Riri, cuckold? voyeurism, fingering (reader receiving), oral sex (reader/ Riri receiving). rough sex (reader/Riri receiving), public sex? explicit language (as always), double penetration (not saying who, it's a surprise), anal sex (not saying who), heavy praise kink, slight illicit drug use, strap slinging! all three of them... etc because I know I missed a few...
Word count: 8.4k+
@percsane @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thv @fetchyourlife @mbakuetshurisprincess @sinsikoxo @honey-teaaaaaaaa @rxcently @pinkcorns @takeyaki @yamsthoughts @thethickerside @0hshoot1tsl4ni @shurisbathwater @shurismainbxtch @luvrzhearts @sadfreakx @shuri-my-love @justariellove @heartsforjojo @blackgirlfariy @tuesdaylovesu @chocoflagcutii @taiiunknown @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson @verachii @taiiunknown @beautybyfire @soearthquakequeen @remwritess @pinkwright @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @6-noir @kya-rose @saintwrld @someshuriposts @jessiap @ilikegecos @iiluvl4n @katymae12344 @shurismainbxtch @crookedsaladlover @motheroffae @saintwrld @marsolgy @ogbells16 @verachii @shuriszn @playgurlxoxo @ashleighshaw @te-23 @dominquesheart @shuridefenselawyer @iminlovewithdomandtish @limbozqueen @cansah2002-blog
A/N: Y'ALL!!! I'M BACK <3 I don't know how to thank you guys enough for checking in on me while I was gone and giving me such grace while I got myself together a bit <3 I love you guys
Dedicated to my baby, @inmyheadimobsessed, Yes Daddy's biggest fan, president of the fan club, and one of my biggest supporters. She also gave me an idea for one of the scenes in this so co-writing status goes to her <3 Anyways ily, Lyric. As always, I hope I did you justice.
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The cobalt waters glistened around your figure, swaying to and fro with a serenity unlike any you’d experienced. Eyes closed, face warm from the sun’s rays kissing your skin, Wakanda was a beauty to behold, with such vibrancy in its colors and its people. 
Its marketplace was adorned with rich tapestries, the palace was picturesque. The rivers that flowed through the heart of the capital flowed the bluest blue you’d ever seen; the grass was too green, the sand too yellow. 
“You grew up here? Shuri, it's fucking beautiful. Why would you ever leave?”
Riri’s hand never left yours, excitement traveling back and forth between your bodies. “I’d asked her the same thing, baby.”
“It’s unreal. It’s cartoon-like, like the trees and flowers, even the fucking sky, were painted that bright.”
Shuri couldn’t deny the pride that swelled within her at your awe of her home. She’d experienced it with Riri the first time she brought her over, and now, with you, her heart skipped a few beats just the same.
Your mouth dropped at every spectacle, arms wide, ready to engulf every new person. Merchants shared your contagious grin when you approached their displays, excitement beaming across every feature on your face. 
“Princess, Miss Williams,” they greeted. They’d nod in return, dropping a wave or two every now and again.
Shuri fell into your forestep, presenting a beam just as wide. Her usually too-cool demeanor dissipated the moment her sandaled foot touched the Wakandan dirt. Even Riri couldn’t deny the peace that the country brought forth from her. Her shoulders fell, relaxed for the first time in weeks as the stress of midterms and exams and assignments finally evaporated. 
 The princess hadn’t anticipated taking you home to meet ma dukes so soon, but you were ready. 
“Wakanda? Why?”
You rolled your eyes, an exasperated sigh floating from your lips and through the air. Riri sat on the other side of your dorm room, man spread with a wrap between her fingers, preoccupied, but still tuning in. “I told you, y/n.”
“Hush, Ri. She ain’t even say no yet.”
“I’m waiting to hear why before I say no.”
Upon your face were the biggest, roundest, neediest eyes Shuri had ever seen. Your bottom lip protruded into a plump little pout that quickened the pace of her heart. In her mind, she’d already lost. Regardless of the reason, she wasn’t going to be able to deny that look.
“Because it's spring break, I’m tired of the same old beach trips, and I’ve never been,” you walked closer, until your bosom rested on her stomach, eyes batting up at her with sweetness. “What better tour guide than the Princess?”
“Give it up, baby. Ain’t no way she gon say yes that ea-”
“Shut up, shortie. What better tour guide than the Princess, right?”
Shuri made plans to take you to her home that very night.
You were ready to visit the fairytale-like land; the very place where the rumors of its grandeur couldn’t even do it justice. The place where vibranium ran through its streets and every shade of brown sparkled under the sun's rays like a spotlight on the deserving natives. 
You were ready to meet their monarch, the powerful woman whose monologue at the State of the Union address those few years ago still gives you goosebumps. The awe-inspiring mother who raised such a capable daughter, so unlike herself and allowed her off to the States. 
You were ready to put a face to the names Shuri and Riri spoke of, those who were oceans away and still held such a prominent place in their worlds, one which you wished to be a part of. 
Thank Bast, or God, or fate, or whatever the hell it was for placing you at MIT at the same time as Shuri and Riri. Their pervertedly twisted minds complimented yours so beautifully, like the missing piece in a complex puzzle. 
 Nerves didn’t dare touch you when the Queen greeted you, slender, loving arms pulling you in, holding you tight, and giving you a motherly love you hadn’t felt in quite some time. 
“Y/n,” the older royal’s voice was booming. “Shuri, umhle (she’s beautiful).”
“Ndiyazi (I know), mother.”
“Grinnin’ like a dummy” Riri’s voice was a barely-heard whisper, not risking her words to be heard by the well-respected monarch. 
Shuri's eyes threw daggers at the small girl, an even smaller smile playing at her lips. She felt such serenity at your acceptance of her country that not even Riri’s words would get to her. 
The young royal wanted so badly to praise you, to kiss you, to shower you in the melody of ‘good girls’ that you deserved. 
Slender fingers snaked around your exposed waist, rippling the water around you and pulling your mind back to the present. Your lids lulled open, meeting a familiar gaze in the foreign place.
“Hey, ma.”
 The scent of cocoa butter radiated off you in an aura. Riri inhaled deeply, taking it in, entangling her brain with your essence in a dizzying spell. You were so soft under her touch, your chocolate-colored skin melting in her hands.
Her head was heavy against your shoulder, pushing her weight against yours until your back was pressed into the damp marsh of the riverbank. 
The lifting of your hand and caressing of her curls was instinctual and Riri softened even further underneath your fingertips. She’d been wanting this for hours; just to fall into your hold, to grab you and know that you were really there. 
Barely an arm's length away stood your princess with Nakia, engulfed in a conversation of their own, paying you no mind. Okoye sat close by, only allowing her feet to be swallowed by the water’s gentle waves.
“I see the States are treating you well, Shuri?” Nakia’s light voice curved at the end of her sentence, a tease evident between her words. 
“What makes you say that?”
“You haven’t returned home yet is what.”
“I haven’t graduated yet, Okoye.”
A string of mumbles leaves the general’s mouth, laced with curses. “You’ve gotten greedy, Princess.”
Shuri leans over the shore, elbows resting in the sand. “Greedy how?”
“You went to America for school, not to become a sister-wife.”
The poor young royal can’t hold back the laughter that erupts from her. “A sister-wife?! What the fuck are you talking about, Okoye?”
“You need two girlfriends, Shuri?”
“I do.”
“For what?”
Shuri’s wandering gaze over to you and Ri is full of desire that spills over her ducts like a tear. “They both got something different to offer.” 
Riri caught Shuri’s gaze from the corner of her eye. Of course, her majesty was watching you. She was always aware of what her girls were up to, both on and off campus. She saw the way Ri’s nails grazed the small of your back and the way your body curved upward in response, pressing your two figures into one another even further. 
She saw Riri’s hands travel further and further south, tickling your skin until they stiffened in the waistband of your bikini bottoms and came to a stop. Shuri’s breath caught in her throat, waiting and watching, wondering how far Riri would go considering the audience that surrounded them. 
Riri knew Shuri was watching. She wanted her to; she wanted her to see the effect she had on your body, without Shuri’s presence. She knew the panther could smell the heat radiating from your frame, pressed tightly against hers.
 So tight, so close that the chain that never left Ri’s neck was resting in your bosom. The chill of the metal contrasts with the humidity in the air and causes a shiver to travel down your spine.
It was such a slight movement, one that didn’t go unnoticed by either girl. Those mocha-colored eyes that you adored bore into yours, and baby, if only you could read the filthy thoughts behind them. 
Luckily, you didn’t have to. Riri wanted you and she wasn’t being slick about it. Her slender fingers toyed with your bottoms, one hand gently tugging the drawstring that held the thin pieced fabric together. The other grazed the front of your dangerously low waistband, touching your sensitive skin, but barely. 
“You’re so pretty, y/n, baby. I tell you that enough?”
“More than enough, Ri.”
Hmm, the distracted girl hums. “I like this swimsuit on you.” Her fingers don’t move from your waistline, playing and fiddling with the fabric there, tugging it away now and again. 
You wanted more; you craved more, and Riri didn't need to be a mind-reader to come to that conclusion either. Her eyes sent the message that her lips didn’t; they couldn’t, too busy being bitten to the flesh between Riri’s perfect rows of teeth, the gold on her lower set mirroring the gold around her neck. 
She cocked a thin brow and a devilish smirk played across her face. Her thin fingers continued to move, slowly and meticulously so that the water didn’t stir. 
Shuri caught the exact moment Riri succeeded in untying the dainty strings of your swimsuit. Her gaze traced your startled features when the fabric floated away from your body. 
“Riri, what the fuck?” It’s supposed to come out intimidating and intense, but the pitch of your voice and vibrato in your vocal cords melodizes a low moan from your lips instead. 
Underneath the still waters, from the waist down, you are completely naked. Everyone is oblivious; except Riri, whose actions were intentional, and Shuri, who was using every bit of restraint held in her slim frame to remain stoic.
“You gonna be good for me, baby? Good and quiet?” Riri’s lips brush the sensitive skin where lobe meets neck. In the back of your throat is a low moan, one that you know can’t be expelled. It stays tucked away and you nod instead, head barely moving, bobbing curls that can be explained away by the breeze. 
Shuri’s truly amused at the sight before her and the reaction it has on her body. She’s hypnotized by Riri’s fingers playing with you, gliding through your slit, brushing against your tender bud much too gently for your liking. The wetness in your folds can’t be deciphered from the wetness of the water, yet those bejeweled nipples that stood at attention, straining behind the padding of your top, exhibited the arousal that started in your toes and crept its way upward. 
She’s amazed at how little the water moves around you, eyes darting back and forth between you struggling to remain quiet and the conversation she held a part in with lifelong friends. Her mouth waters at the thought of you, so exposed. Thoughts of how fucking wet you must have been, how slick your pussy was, calling out for her. 
Your mind is muddled, completely ignorant of the extra set of eyes on you. Riri’s teasing you, never putting her long phalanges right where you want them. She’s taking her sweet time, mapping out every line, dip, and curve of your core. Her touch is too light for your liking as the neediness in the pit of your stomach expands. 
She’s got a few moments left in this game of cat and mouse before you break and the moan you try to disguise as a cough tells her just that. 
Shuri’s eyes wander back over at the sound she knows all too well. She couldn’t help but smirk at the noise. The heat she burns into the back of Riri’s head causes the distracted girl’s head to turn, resting her gaze on the princess’s watchful glare.
Ri’s brow raised once more in a silent question to Shuri, one that you weren’t able to decipher. 
Too bad for you. 
She doesn’t even look at you as her dark eyes drag slowly down Riri’s small frame and back up. Her chiseled face is unreadable to you and with a nod, a quick tilt of her chin towards the sky,  Ri reaches for your bottoms, dragging them back between your two bodies. 
“Lemme help you put these back on, baby,” Her whisper is so low, it’s almost nonexistent. 
Your sigh in response is frustrated, so sexually frustrated, just oozing an attitude Riri wants no part of. “You fucking tease-”
Her hand leaves the water, snaking around your chin and drawing your faces together. 
“I’m not done yet, baby. Just listen, damn.”
The chill behind her words shut you up immediately. Silence washes over you as your choppy movements ripple in the water, too quick for Nakia and Okoye to notice anything but your smiles, plastered across your face like a mask.
Shuri’s stifled laughter reeks of “I know.” The way she looks at you, so deep, so suggestive makes it clear she knows exactly what you two were up to. Her voice pulls her friend's attention back to her, those glistening coffee-bean-hued eyes dancing with knowing. 
“Nakia, how is my little Toussaint?” 
Riri’s body emerges from the river first, bottoms hanging so low on her waist, the indent where her abs meet her pelvis winks at you. Her hand reaches down, extending to you and the little effort it takes for her to lift you from the water is beyond impressive. 
Your drenched swimsuit runs streaks of water down your body, glistening against your dark skin like glitter. Your steps falter, the quiver from your heat making its way down your legs and tripping you. Riri guides your walk back to the palace, a ‘goodbye’ to Shuri barely playing on your lips as she lingers. Squelching emits from your soaked steps, following Ri’s quick ones. 
Goosebumps prickle your skin at the icy air in the palace, the large place still maze-like to you. Riri, however, is an expert guide. She makes every turn with precision, every array of large doors leading somewhere. 
Her steps suddenly stop, in the nook of a long hallway. Yours skip a bit, not expecting her sudden standstill, and her cool hands, still damp and shriveled from the water, reach for your bicep, pulling you into her. 
Her lips crash into yours, kissing you the way she’s craved all day. They’re moving in sync, tasting every crook of her mouth, entangling your tongues, and swapping saliva. The moan that remained trapped in your throat finally releases, deep and breathy between her lips.
“Couldn’t wait til we got to the room. Need you, now.” 
The way Riri’s hands travel your body, the way they hunger to hold you, squeeze you, anywhere, everywhere. It’s fucking intoxicating, coating your mind like a drug.
“W-wait, fuck, Ri,” her lips move from yours, trailing down your jaw, licking up your neck in such a way that you shudder. She’s famished now, having had a taste of you, and she needs more. Her lips attack your throat, nipping and biting. You’re close, so close to melting in her arms, right then and there.
“Come on baby, you know my name and it ain’t Ri. Say it.”
There was a part of you that hated the effect their vulgar words had on you. They were so lewd, so perverted, and they had such a fucking hold on you. The dampness in your bottoms couldn’t be explained away solely by your swim any longer and Riri knew it. She could feel your body temperature rise, your skin growing warmer under her touch. 
She tasted the word from your lips, growling at what they did to her. She couldn’t keep her hands off you, overwhelmed, not knowing where to grab. They rested on your right breast, squeezing, but she removed them quickly, afraid that your left one would grow envious at the lack of attention it was receiving. Caressing your back didn’t feel exact either; your front being so soft- there it was, begging for her fingertips to sink into it as well. 
Riri’s mind was racing an unwinnable race. What if the Queen was around, or the Dora? What if her body broke, fucking fell apart, needing so much of your touch that it couldn’t be satisfied by the little bit you were offering up?
Your still-wet (now even wetter) bikini bottoms were glued to your skin. The effort it took for Riri to pull them away from you, to pull them to the side just enough to reveal your pussy to her left water dripping to the stone floor beneath you. 
She wasted no time. Fuck all the teasing she did before, Riri fucking needed you. Her lips were on yours once more as she lined up two fingers at your entrance, preparing herself to swallow the moans that would spill from your lips. 
And swallow them she did, keeping your lips connected until she was knuckles deep, only coming up for air once your moans had died down to whimpers. 
“My good girl, baby. I know you can be quiet, right?”
You weren’t so sure. As soon as those digits got to moving, you knew that biting your tongue would be a near-impossible task. 
“C’mon, baby. Gotta be quiet so I can fuck you good.”
How pathetic was it, the way obedience ran through your veins? Your nod was hard, curls bouncing back in forth. “I’ll be quiet, ma,” the words quickly followed before Ri could correct you for not using them.
You felt your knees buckle beneath you the moment her slender fingers slid out of your wet center, only to be thrust in once more. What a beautiful pattern, one that left a warmth spreading through your body, face hot, cheeks hot, cunt hot. 
Ri knew your body better than no other, though she and Shuri were neck and neck. Her free hand had already slithered around your waist and her center of gravity shifted, preparing herself to catch you if your legs were to give out entirely. 
Your bottom lip was rolled between your teeth, moans collecting behind it. You were a sight to be fucking seen, a pussy full of creamy fingers, and eyes that begged and pleaded for more. 
“Look at you, baby. You doing such a good job, taking me like that.”
Riri was enjoying the sight before her, the tightness of your walls, clenching around her. She almost drooled when she looked down and saw the cum she was digging forth from you, collecting in the palm of her hand. Even she had to resist a moan as the need to taste you, to fuck you, to ruin you crossed her mind. 
The fingers trapped within you would not speed up, nor slow down, much to your demise. Your hips rocked, pelvis crashing back against Riri’s hand as you rode her. Whispered moans were shared between you, lewd praises being thrown your way. 
“Shit, baby, you doing so good. Look at you, fuck.”
Low moans were all you could respond with.
“You gon ride me like this in the room, pretty girl? Gon let me get strapped up and watch you bounce on my dick?”
Fuck, Riri’s words had opened the floodgates. She could feel you tightening and convulsing around her fingers. Your moans had grown at that point, but she couldn’t stop you, Your head was thrown back, so her lips couldn’t cover yours. She couldn’t use her hands either; one of them was holding up your limp figure, the other, still being ridden into the sunset. 
You’d earned those moans, she decided, and as soon as you were done, the trek to your room would continue. 
All Riri could do was watch as her fingers tipped you over the edge. Your chest strained against your top, rising and falling with every gasp; those lips, round and full and so fucking biteable, parted and poised as you came. 
A sea of thoughts swam through Riri’s pretty mind, not a single one of them an intelligent one. There wasn’t a moment when she didn’t think you were stunning, but baby, when you came? Ugh, it fucking did things to her, bringing forth groans from her chest. 
Your brows furrowed, your body stilling and Riri’s hand was drenched. “Ohh, shit-” Your voice shook, just as unsteady as your legs, but Ri had you. 
“I know, baby, I know.”
You were a bit louder at this point, your voice echoing off the tall walls. Riri wasn’t religious, but she was truly praying to Bast that no one would wander upon you two. 
Her thighs were pressed together, her body shaking a bit, still in the wet swimsuit. You didn’t even have to touch her for her body to react. Just watching you, so vulnerable, so needy, all over her-just for her. 
Your head rocked back up slowly, eyes finally meeting Ri’s. A deep blush grew in your chest and rose to your face. Riri’s was adorned with a sexy smirk, one so delicious. 
“Good girl, baby.” 
You had made Riri soft and she hated to admit it. She’d never been so gentle to someone, so tender. 
“You ready to keep walking?” She plants a sweet kiss on your cheek, pairing it with one on your neck, nuzzling her head into the sensitive space.
“How much further we got?”
She pulls her head from you and glances down the hall. “Um, not too far.”
Mm, you groan. “Do we have to? You could just take me right here.”
Riri’s chuckle is so deep and alluring. “Don’t tempt me, baby. C’mon, it’s not that far.”
“Carry me?”
She couldn’t tell you no. You knew she couldn’t. Neither of them could, especially Riri. You were spoiled in every sense of the word, and they’d stopped trying to deny you. Why should they? 
“Bridal style or piggyback?”
Your dark eyes danced with joy as she trekked through the halls, you upon her back with a goofy ass grin. 
She was right, it really wasn’t that far. 
The bed bounced when Riri finally dropped you on it, legs spread wide, bosom bouncing with the fall. 
Ri tapped your pussy through your bottoms, standing to retrieve her suitcase. “Off, baby.”
You were eager, the fabric still sticking to your skin, falling to the floor with the weight of the water drenching them. Your damp pussy came into view to the girl across the room, whose breath caught in her throat at the delicious sight.
She watched you sit up and untie the strings to your top, the barely-there piece falling from your body. You watched her visibly drool when your breasts come into view, full and round, nipples erect, begging to be touched in any way.
You had her, every bit of her attention was on you, waiting so patiently for her to touch you.
Patience had never been your virtue, however. 
Your hands stuttered as they traced up your body, your nipples hardening at the sensation. With fingers you wanted so badly to be Riri’s, that you imagined were hers as she watched you from a small distance. 
The piercings adorning your bosom were one of her favorite parts of you. If her pupils could form tiny hearts, they would have. The sight before her was mouthwatering. Your fingers flicked the jewelry, that perfect little “O” forming on your lips. 
The heat in the air was palpable, the intimacy between you two undeniable. 
Your left breast weighed heavy in your hand as you brought it up, further and further until your tongue flicked out, eyes never parting from hers while you tasted your hard nipple and the metal pierced into it. 
Every bit of her demeanor cracked under the sexiness that was you. She stood frozen, in awe as you rose from the bed, strutting towards her on your toes, ass high, head even higher. 
You bent into her suitcase, finishing the task she’d abandoned. The harness was tucked away into the bottom, hidden beneath weeks worth of clothes. 
Still on your knees, you grab Riri behind hers, pulling her closer, until her clothes pussy sat in your face. “Here, lemme help you.”
The wet suit was already hanging so low on her waist that it only took a tug to drop them, her pretty, wet cunt coming to view in front of you. 
Your mouth is on her before you can resist the urge. She accepts your hands on her ass, holding her in place against your tongue. 
Riri’s hand rests on your head, trying so hard to keep her balance and not collapse. Your mouth goes to work, the taste of her satisfying your insatiable hunger. Her clit is so plump against your tongue, the sensitive bulb of nerves twitching, jumping away from the licks that won’t let up. 
“You taste so good, mami,” the urge to please fueled a courage unfamiliar to you. Riri bucked at your words, eyes rolling into her head. 
“Shit-“ the moans came from her in rapid succession, her lungs never fully expanding to take in a complete breath. They were music to your ears. Your pussy leaked, needing to be stuffed full of her. 
You couldn’t part from her just yet. Her hands tangled in your hair, gripping and pulling. Your name was on her tongue, her abs flexed with the orgasm building within her. 
“Shit, baby, you doing so good.”
The praises rang in your ear, satisfying something deep within you. You lapped faster, sucking and slurping. Riri’s pussy was wet, the vulgar sounds echoing in the room. 
She was close-so fucking close. The juices that poured from her were streaming, dripping onto your tongue with a taste that you couldn’t get enough of. Her body burned, needing to feel you everywhere. 
Ri’s thick thighs trapped your head between them, drowning you in the waters that she released, so warm and sweet. Your satisfied moans vibrated within her and though your jaw grew sore, you weren’t stopping. 
Not until you’d planted a passionate kiss to her center, tonguing it as though those lips would kiss you back. 
She watched you stand to your full height with a look full of lust. Oh, she was gonna fuck you up. Riri no longer cared who heard; she needed to hear you scream her name, she needed the bed to be soaked and she needed you to spill over for her time after time. 
“Strap up, Ri.”
The harness had gone from your hand to hers as you backed away, returning to her suitcase to choose the dildo you so craved.
“Where’s mine?”
There were at least six toys, all stored away from any wavering eyes. They were different shapes and sizes, different lengths and girths, all ones that you’d used before.
“Which one, baby?”
Ri wasn’t looking at you, too preoccupied with the straps around her hips and thighs. 
“The vibranium one-“
“They’re all vibranium, y/n.”
You made an audible sound when your teeth smacked your lips, one that Riri took note of. 
“The one I like the most, Ri.”
“I don’t know which one you talking bout, baby,” she stepped towards you, reaching into the bag to pull a thick piece from it, securing the toy to her pelvis. 
“Guess we gotta try them all, see if any of them are ‘yours’.”
She sat on the bed, resting on her forearms, arm held out and welcoming you over. Your steps were slow, and when you were finally close enough, Ri grabbed your waist, pulling your legs on either side of her hips. 
“This how I like you most, pretty girl.”
You hovered over the thick cock awaiting you. Riri’s hands on your backside, eyes scanning you. She brought your hands to her chest and tilted her hips upwards. 
“Sit on it, baby.”
Her whispered commands floated softly to your ears and you groaned at them as the heat burned within your chest. Your pretty lips parted over the tip of her dick, her hands guiding your body onto the extremity. 
Ri was biting on her lip so hard, she was afraid it would bleed, but the sight of you would be worth it. Your body lowered, further and further and she could feel your pussy stretching over the thickness of her cock. She could feel your warmth as her tip kissed your cervix and your pelvis kissed hers. A deep groan rumbled in the back of her throat.
Your pussy felt so full. Beneath you, your legs quivered, the tightness of Riri in your cunt weakening you. “Ohh, fuck-”
Riri gave you a moment to get adjusted, lifting your hand to kiss the palm before resting it back above her chain, the metal cool compared to the heat emitting from your bodies. “Move, baby. Bounce on this shit.”
You weren’t one to be told twice. Knees planted, toes digging into the mattress, you gave her what she wanted. The faux dick slid in and out of you, slurping with your wetness. Ri’s head is thrown back, mouth wide open. “Fuck, baby-”
Riri was something to behold. Her brows furrowed, forehead pulled tight in concentration. Each time you landed back on her cock, your ass slapped her thighs and the sound vibrated through the room.
“S-so good, ma. D-dick so fucking good.” You were already stuttering between clenched teeth. It felt so good, so right. Riri fit into you like she was made for you. Your thighs started to burn, your speed picking up, throwing Riri’s small body into the bed each time your body slapped hers. 
“Griot, soundproof the room.”
Her African accent was thick and low and it shocked you to stillness. You hadn’t even heard her come in.
“Ugh, baby-” Riri didn’t give a fuck who had entered. She already missed the feel of your pussy swallowing her cock.
Shuri sat on the loveseat adjacent to the bed. Her swimsuit had been swapped out for a black shirt and jean shorts, Her chains swung around her neck with each movement, her curls hanging lower in her face than usual, still weighed down by the water. 
“Who told you to stop, intombi entle (pretty girl)?”
She rested her elbows on her knees, hands folded before her. Her tongue flicked over her lips, moistening them before her canines sunk into them. 
“Ri, fuck her.”
Wakanda was doing a number on all of you because Riri did as she was told with no smartass comeback. Her hands grabbed your wrist, pulling them from her chest and restraining them behind you. Alarm bells rang in your head, but you ignored them, your body too excited for what was to come. 
You could feel Shuri’s eyes on your ass, anticipating Ri’s next movements. She fiddled for a moment, her thick cock sitting stuffed between your walls, jerking into you just slightly. You were leaking around her, growing wetter at the watching panther. 
Riri’s first thrust was anything but gentle. You bounced back down on her dick with the echoing sound of skin slapping skin. “Oh, my g-”
Your words are gagged in your throat, the next thrust coming quick and hard, cutting you off. Shuri’s eyes follow your body as Riri finds her rhythm. 
“You fucking her good, Ri. Look at her, just taking that shit.”
You and Ri share a moan at Shuri’s praises. She can’t wait until she can step in and get a taste. She’s allured by your bouncing breasts, so heavy and needy, the way they jump with your gasps and Riri’s movements. Your cunt is spilling onto Riri’s thighs, causing a stickiness between you two that the princess can’t wait to get her mouth on. 
Your movements sputter, cries growing louder, climbing higher. You feel Riri deep-its like she's in your stomach, the way she pounds into you. You’re clenching around her, squeezing your thighs, praying away your impending orgasm. You weren’t ready to cum yet. You didn’t want her to stop, Bast, you didn’t want this to stop. The lack of feeling in your legs was nothing compared to the feeling in between them.
“Ooh, pretty girl. You gon cum already?”
Words no longer exist in your mind so your head shakes in response. Shuri doesn’t move, fueling your flame from her front-row seat. “You not? That dick not good enough to cum on? My bed not good enough for you to flood?”
Riri is fucking drilling you. Her hips rotate into yours, her cock digging into parts of your cunt that you don’t think have ever been reached. 
“C-cum on m-me, baby,” Riri is breathless, her own orgasm fighting to get past the dam she has in place. “F-flood my shit.”
Their words are too much-they’re always too much. You could be on the edge of a cliff and their words would be what pushed you over. It did, every time, and this time was no fucking different.
Your cunt rains down on the girl beneath you, a scream trapped in your chest as she continues amidst the mess you’re making. 
“Fuck-” it drags from Riri’s mouth. She can’t hold it anymore. You’re just too warm, too wet, too tight. “I-shit, baby, c-can I cum in you?”
A nod is all she gets as confirmation and it's more than enough for her. Your eyes hit the back of your skull when you feel her warmth fill you, pushing around the cock that was still buried within your walls. 
“Ooh, fuck, ma-” your words find you, still gasped and low. 
You raise up on shaky legs that fail you. Riri releases from your pussy with a wet squelch and you fall beside her, body spent, legs sore. Both of you lay side by side for a moment, hoping for a few moments to recover, but Shuri is having none of that.
She stands from the chair, eyes stuck on your dripping cunt. It’s calling her and she saunters over, a “good fucking girl” falling from her parted lips. Her large hands hook beneath your thighs, dragging you to the edge of the bed with swift movements. 
Her head dips to your sore center, blowing gentle, cool air over your soaked lips. They’re so pretty, so puffy. You quiver beneath her, “W-wait, Shuri, I need a second-”
“I don’t care,” Her tongue is flat and wide, licking your entire core. The moan she releases at your taste is primal. Both you and Riri’s juices dance on her tongue, and it's better than any chef-made meal she’s ever had. 
The princess’s lips cup your clit and suck. Your back arches, throwing more of your wetness into her face and she accepts it graciously. You feel her everywhere down there-tongue stiffening and darting into your slit, nipping at your lips, kissing on your clit. 
Her tongue picks up speed, developing a pattern. It goes from left to right, up and down, in circles and drawing shapes. A square, a triangle, an S-H-U-
“D-did you just spell out your name?”
A big, stupid grin stretches her cheeks when she parts with your pussy. “I did. Good girl, picking up on that.”
Her praises bring forth a slight chuckle from you. “Why?”
“It’s mine; you’re mine.” She shrugs and her lips are warm and wet when they return to yours.
Riri is mesmerized, stomach heaving. “Can I taste?”
Shuri’s eyes may leave you, but her mouth does not. She beckons Ri over with a quick nod, tongue on your clit while her finger toys with your entrance.
You thought Shuri would move then and make way for Riri, but you were so fucking wrong, it was laughable. 
Two tongues, two wet mouths were on your pretty little cunt and it was heavenly. Shuri and Riri had your sensitive bulb trapped between their tongues as they tasted you, tasted each other. 
“Fuck, fuck, please-”
“Please what, baby?” Riri’s voice was muffled, her head still between your thighs. She wasn’t talking to you, though. Her words were directed to the glistening pussy stuffed in their faces, begging for them to tear it apart.
Fingers enter you and again, you didn’t know whose they were, but they were fucking you, deep, hard, so damn fast. “You squeezing me so fucking tight, baby, damn. Squeeze on my fingers, just like that. Look at you, you doing such a good job.”
“I-shit, mm, I w-wanna cum, pleaseeee-” That last syllable dragged through the air. It was too much. Fingers and tongues and mouths, everywhere. You couldn’t tell them apart, but it didn’t even fucking matter. They were going to bring you to your release, orgasm after orgasm. They weren’t planning on stopping, there would be no breaks. 
“Ooh, Shuri, she asked so nicely.”
Mhm, she moaned, too busy with your clit in her mouth. “Give her what she wants then.”
There was perfection in their movements. The two fingers curved into your cunt were rubbing your G-spot every time, the tongue on your clit further tangling the sensitive nerves behind it. Baby, you were so fucking close, you just needed one more thing-
The third finger in your pussy is what did it. 
“F-f-uck, I, coming, da-shit-” You were drunkenly incoherent. The feeling was overwhelming, so much so that it hurt. Your body needed to get away, but it couldn’t move, frozen in place as pleasure mixed with pain. 
Shuri and Riri were soaked, faces still deep between your thighs as you squirted before them. They devoured you, not letting a single drop go to waste. Your juices ran down their chins, glistened on their cheeks. It was so sloppy, so fucking messy, and it was delicious, the way they swallowed you.
Finally, your sap ran dry and your breathing evened out. Shuri flicked your bean with her tongue once more before she parted with it.
“Aye, Ri-”
Riri’s eyes departed your quivering cunt with a roll. “I swear to God, if you say I took that like a bitch, Imma-”
Shuri’s lips shut her up, pressing hard against Ri’s. It catches the small girl off-guard for a moment, and her mouth drops open.
The princess uses that as her in, tasting your essence from Riri’s tongue. The kiss is sloppy, strings of spit connecting them, your cum being swapped between their mouths. Riri moans into it, and you follow up with one of your own. 
You can see their tongues caressing each other, twisting and tangling, and it's so damn sexy.
You’d never seen them like this, so tender with one another. 
Shuri drops Ri onto the bed beside you, their mouths never detaching. An idea forms in your mind at the sight and you will yourself to get up. Your sore muscles scream as you turn towards them, reaching between their close bodies to unfasten the harness still strapped to Riri. 
Her moans fill the room, coming out muffled underneath Shuri’s lips. Neither of them notices you leave the bed, moving through the room like a ghost. Riri’s suitcase is still open and at the very bottom, zipped behind a discarded pocket is exactly what you’re looking for.
You weren’t one to strap up often in this relationship, and you had no idea how the straps were supposed to go around your hips. “Shuri, c’mere.”
At the sound of your voice, Shuri pulls away from Ri, drool covering their faces and sparks behind their eyes. She turns and catches a glimpse of you, struggling with the harness, and cocks a sharp brow your way.
You can’t help the eye roll you let follow through. “C’mere, please?”
“That wasn’t the problem with that sentence, and you know it, baby girl.”
“I need help,” you whined, patience thinning. 
“What are you trying to do baby?” Shuri reaches you in two steps, her long fingers taking the harness from you and securing it properly. 
You ignore her, directing your next words at the girl still on the bed, watching, waiting for what was to come. 
“Ri, can I fuck you?”
Her mouth fell agape, stunned by the thought. You took her dick so damn well, but she had never taken it from you. The thought was dizzying, excitement in her bones, slick in her cunt.“Y-yeah, baby.”
“You sure it’s not you who need to get fucked again?” Shuri grabs your face, index finger, and thumb sinking into your dimples. “You seem to have forgotten how to address us, baby.”
The smile that spreads on your lips is devious. “Whether or not I address you correctly won’t change the answer, now will it?”
You’ve rendered the princess speechless. Before she can open her mouth again, you throw a pair of boxers in her direction, the ones she used when she fucked you into oblivion. 
“What you want me to do with these?”
“Wear em on your head,” your sarcastic tone cracked a smile on the young royal’s face. She reached up to catch the object you threw her way. It was one of your toys from home, a smaller cock compared to others you used, but still impressive. 
“Safeword, ma?”
Riri sat on the bed, legs spread wide. Anxiety pooled through her veins at what was coming for her and she couldn’t wait. “Um, shit. Red?”
“You always choose red.”
Her shoulders rise and fall, “Then it should be easy to remember.”
You were too busy trying to secure a thicker piece to your body, the vibranium running through it connecting you to the fake cock like it was real. A soft moan lingered on your lips at the feeling radiating down your legs and through your center. 
“You think you in charge now baby?” Shuri’s tone was teasing but her words were true. You’d taken a new lead in the new country and she kind of liked it. 
“Nah, I like being taken care of too much,” your wink actually causes the princess to blush. “Can you go sit behind Ri? Put her on your lap?”
“Yes ma’am,” Shuri gave you a swift salute and made her way back across the room. She lifted Ri with no effort, placing her still-naked, still-wet body on her lap, back to front. 
You made your way behind her, the bed dipping with your added weight. Riri was mesmerized by the sight of you, on all fours, making your way to her like a predator to its prey. 
Her lips are parted so prettily, waiting for you. Her breathing hitches as your mouth approaches hers. When they connect, it’s with a moan and you can still taste yourself, still taste her on her own tongue. 
The kiss is brief and wet. Your lips wrap around her tongue, sucking on your own flavor and when you pull away, you pull her bottom lip with you, teeth sunken into their softness. 
“Remember the safe word?”
“I-yeah? I just said it like two minutes ago.”
You move past her, lips brushing her ear ever so slightly. “Just making sure.”
Shuri’s your target and you get close, your voice getting low so that only she can hear you. 
“Has she ever taken you in her ass, daddy?”
She sputters, her nickname rolling off your tongue and straight to her core. “U-uh, y-yeah, baby. Why?”
“Because that’s where I want you.”
This fucking confidence, it looks so good on you. Shuri can only nod, mind foggy. She lifts Riri by the back of her thighs, planting slow, tender kisses on her neck. “You ready, Ri?”
Shuri’s cock is lined up, ready to enter and Riri’s caught on. “Baby wh-“
You’re running your hand down her front, over her golden chain, through the valley between her breasts, down the tattoo that sits at the top of her stomach, past her belly button, all the way down to her clit. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”
Riri fucking loved this, whatever this side of you was. “I-I want to.”
“Good,” your arms fall around her shoulders and you nod at Shuri to continue. “And we gon take real good care of you, I promise.” You seal your vow with a kiss, just as Shuri’s tip slides in, trapped in Riri’s tightness. 
“Shit,” Ri hisses between clenched teeth. Shuri’s breath is gone, Riri’s squeezing around her just too well. 
“R-Ri, I-“
“Go ahead,” Riri’s pussy glistens at you, awaiting Shuri’s next movements. “B-bottom out. I’m good, f-feels good.”
Riri’s ass swallowing Shuri’s cock was a fucking delicious sight. Excitement grew in your stomach, your clit beneath the strap jumping at the sight. Her legs were spread wide as Shuri’s dick disappeared completely into her. 
“F-fuck Shuri-“
“Yeah, baby. It’s been a minute,  you so fucking tight. C-can I move?”
“Not yet,” you butt in, crawling into the space between Riri’s thighs. Your own cock lined up at her entrance, tip tracing her slit. “Ri?” 
“O-oh,” a dry chuckle escapes her. “Y-you’re gonna destroy me, baby.”
Your lips land against hers once more as you will your hips forward, just a bit. “Is that okay?”
Her nod is frantic, “F-fuck yes.” 
You’d intended to give her all of you at once, but with Shuri in her as well, you’re met with resistance. Riri has to feel every inch of you penetrate her walls slowly, digging deep. She throws her head back against Shuri’s shoulder, mouth wide open, eyes lazy. 
“Oh my god, baby, fuck!”
You stop before you’re fully in, halted by her curses. “Am I hurting you?”
Don’t stop, don’t you fucking stop. Riri’s already gotten a taste of what you were about to give her, she wants it all. Her fingers grab your hips, pulling you closer until you’re hilt deep. “N-no, baby. F-feels good, please, fuck me, fuck me.”
Shuri’s index finger taps your chin, pulling your eyes from Ri and onto her. “You ain’t boss man yet, baby. Follow my rhythm.”
You agree, and pull out at the same time Shuri does. Riri whines, feeling too empty. She needs to be filled again and it doesn’t take long to fulfill her wishes. 
Shuri thrusts so you do too. “Fuck!” It’s more growl than moan, but it sounds lovely coming from Ri’s mouth nonetheless. 
You’re mimicking Shuri’s movements and Ri is a wet mess between you two. You can feel her, all of her. Her juices are trailing down your cock, her walls squeezing you, and god, they were so soft. 
It was like you just melted into her, your moans meshing with hers as though you were the one being fucked. 
“Babyyy, you’re doing s-so good, f-fucking me so good,” her words were fuel to your flame. Your fingers tightened around her waist. The pressure of her gripping you, the pressure of Shuri’s cock pressing against yours through the girl between you, my god, it was fucking delicious. 
And she was fucking delirious, unable to control the sensation as it ran hot through her body or the incoherent words that ran from her mouth. 
“S-so close, so close-“
When Shuri picked up speed, so did you. From the look on her face, full of focus and lust, she was also close. 
“D-don’t cum yet, ma. N-not ready to stop.”
You wanted her to hold it? Fuck, fuck that was gonna be hard. Her orgasm was right there, you were grinding into it with your tip, her pussy splashing around your cock, dripping down to Shuri’s. 
“O-oh baby, I-I can’t-“
“Yes, you can. I know you can.”
Your lower stomach was covered in Riri, the wetness slicking your clit. She couldn’t though. She was already coming, your name on her lips, loud. 
“Y/n, baby, oooh, my b-baby, I-I’m f-fucking coming.”
Shuri breaks your rhythm, bouncing Riri on her cock at inhumane speeds, panther-like speeds. You slip out at the swift movements and Ri is free to release, coming, fucking squirting on your torso, soaking you in her stickiness. 
“Just y/n, Ri? You only coming for her?”
“N-no, Shuri, fuck, t-too deep-“
She lifts the girl slightly, but doesn’t stop. “Oh now you know my name? Didn’t know it when you were coming, so guess I gotta make you cum again, huh?”
Riri’s trying so hard to squeeze her legs shut, her body too sensitive from the orgasm that just wrecked her. “N-no, sorry, S-Shuri, fuck-“
The panther’s got her canines bared, eyes dark, voice low. “Nah, that’s n-not my fucking name no more, baby-“
Shit, what a fucking sight. Ri’s breasts bounce hard, her little body being thrown into the air, landing back on the entirety of Shuri’s cock. 
“I-I’m n-not-“
Shuri showed no mercy, her hand reaching around Riri’s front to swipe at her clit. The overly sensitive bud was already worn out. 
You watched, hypnotized, wondering when Riri would crack. Shuri’s eyes met yours and god, her smirk was so sexy. “Like what you see, baby?”
Your nod was slight, lip pulled between your teeth. “Good, cuz you next.”
She turned back to her task at hand, teeth sinking into Riri’s neck, licking away the pain she knew it caused. 
“C’mon, baby. Give it to me.”
“F-fuck, Shuri, please-“
Shuri was relentless-her torture wasn’t letting up. “My name, Ri. Say my name baby.”
She had to. Riri knew she had to as her second orgasm tethered near. It was going to rip her apart, Shuri was going to rip her apart. Eyes squeezed shut, cunt leaking once more, she caved. Riri gave in, just as her pussy poured into Shuri’s sheets, her name roaring through the air.
“D-daddy, fuck!”
Shuri was fucking pleased and her cock twitched deep in Riri, spilling her seed into her ass and back all over her dick. “Was that so hard? Huh, baby?”
Riri was silent, body shaking, nut collecting beneath the three of you. She convulsed like she was possessed, mouth wide open, a beautiful contortion on her face. 
Her body went limp afterward, falling into the wet comforter beneath her. “Shit-“
Shuri leaned over, a wet kiss falling from her lips and planting on Riri’s. “You called me da-“
“Nigga, no, okay? We don’t speak of it.”
You make your way between their two bodies, having enjoyed the tender moment, even if it was brief. “You did call her daddy, though.”
If looks could kill, you’d be six feet under, and then some. Riri’s eyes were slits, staring daggers into your head. 
Shuri’s lips moved to yours next, “I didn’t know you had all that in you, baby.”
Your blush brought butterflies to the princess’ stomach. “Did I do good? Did you like it?”
Her arms wrap around your body, pulling you on top of hers while Riri scoots closer, kissing down your arm. “You did phenomenally. I fucking loved it, fucking love you.”
“I love y-“
A hard knock cuts your words short. Okoye’s voice rings through the heavy door, “Hey! Yeah, your soundproofing didn’t work, Princess!”
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mermaidchansons · 2 years
Touch Me
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dom!Shuri x brat!Fem reader
Summary: Reader is feeling neglected as Shuri takes on responsibilities as both the Black Panther and the leader of the Design Group. Instead of talking it out, she tries to get Shuri’s attention in other ways.
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ only! WLW SMUT!!!
Author’s Note: First time writing some wlw smut! I will never get over Shuri’s undercut, she’s too fucking sexy. Guess how many times I’ve seen BPWF?
Taglist: @tchallasbabymama @tgigoldie @muse-of-mbaku @chaneajoyyy @ghostfacekill-monger @soufcakmistress @szalipcombo @tchhairbandhere
Translations: sthandwa (my love), uxolo (sorry), nkosazana (princess)
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“Griot, what is Shuri’s location?” Yawning, you stretched your body to shake off the sleep.
“The panther is in a meeting with the Design Group, in the lab.”
Turning on your side, you reached out your hand to the empty side of the bed and took in the coldness on the silk sheets.
“Thank you, Griot,” you sighed.
Being in a relationship with the leader of Wakanda’s design group was not always easy. Shuri had no set schedule, it was not like a 9-5 where she would have time to wind down and spend time with you like clockwork. She was constantly working on some new invention or approving blueprints or improving old tech. Your initial attraction to her was mostly because of how crazy intelligent she was(but also because of how sexy her smile was). However, now her intelligence was getting in the way of you two spending time together. And it had only become worse once she restored the mantle of the Black Panther. She would leave meals early or eat them in the lab while she worked; leave for the lab at 4am when she woke up with a new idea.
For a whole week, she hadn’t even been in bed when you drifted off to sleep. The big plush bed felt empty at night. And the only way you knew she’d slept next to you was because the imprint of her big head was left on her pillow. Frustration had already begun to creep up your back as she had barely touched you in almost two weeks. How could she train your body to yearn for her touch and deny you the release that you’ve missed? You had to do something about this.
You walked into the entrance of the lab, saluting the Dora Milaje on guard as you passed them by. The Dora was always so strong and graceful, characteristics you wished you possessed. You made a mental note to take Okoye up on those sparring lessons she once offered. Griot announced you as you walked in.
“Panther, Y/N, daughter of Asante is here.” You chuckled as you looked at the yellow orb on the screen.
“Thank you, Griot” You stood next to Shuri as she wrote Wakandan code on an interface.
“Sthandwa, what are you doing in the lab? You never come in here unless I call you,” she mumbled, still too preoccupied with her work.
“That’s not true, you just don’t notice me,” you eyed her as she continued her work. “Shuri, stop for just a moment!”
She looked at the pout on your face and put the stylus down, swiping the interface away. Pulling you into a hug, she squeezed your waist and peppered your cheeks with kisses. You giggled and felt her smile against your cheek in between the pecks. And for a moment, it felt as if all was fine. Being in her arms once again made everything feel right. But you could not break now.
“What can I do for you, my love?” Shuri kissed your cheek once more before picking up her stylus once again. You missed her embrace as soon as she let go of you.
“You weren’t in bed this morning.”
“Uxolo, we had an early meeting.”
She walked to the other side of the lab and began to tinker with her gauntlets. Your brow furrowed with frustration. Why wasn’t paying attention to you?
“Maybe you should take a break. You could get away—“
“I can’t,” she shook her head, cutting you off, “I have a field mission in 48 hours and the reconfigurations on my suit must be done before I leave.”
“Shuri, you haven’t been in bed all week. I’m starting to think you might be cheating. I mean, you obviously don’t care about me,” you lied.
She set down her gauntlets and gave you a skeptical look. Your words were chosen with intent. If she wouldn’t pay attention to you when you were playing nice, you knew you’d have to get under her skin. You shrugged, smirking at her as she walked over to you. She leaned down to match your height, her lips dangerously close to your ear.
“I see what you’re trying to do, Y/N. Don’t make me have to discipline you in front of my staff.” Her threat made your core pool with desire and you choked down a moan when she moved to softly squeeze your throat.
“Nkosazana,” Shuri said lowly, keeping her eye out for onlookers, “ I know I’ve been busy and I miss you terribly but behave for me, okay?”
You nodded and she smiled, taking her hand from around your throat and holding your face gently.
“Good girl. Now go, I’ll meet you in the garden in an hour for brunch.” You squinted your eyes at her in suspicion and she chuckled.
“I’ll be there, go.” She turned you around by your waist and slapped your ass, making you jump a little.
“Okay, okay, I’m going!”
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An hour and a half had passed when you grew impatient. Maybe there was a threat she had to tend to, you thought. But if that was true, one of the Dora would have alerted you.
Another 30 mins had passed and in that time you had counted the flowers in the garden twice. You had already picked over the food on the table and ultimately decided you were too upset to eat. A ping from your kimoyo beads pulled you from your thoughts.
“Y/n, the panther sends her apologies. She is attending a meeting with the tribal elders and will have to reschedule your brunch.”
Are you fucking kidding me?
You rolled your eyes and sighed loudly, “Thanks, Griot.”
You got up and gathered the rest of the food, taking the leftovers to the kitchen. Once back in your living quarters, you decided to do your hair. It had been a minute since you switched up styles and you needed to shake off this disappointment.
After setting up your workstation with packs of hair, a crochet needle, rubber bands, eco gel, and a rat tail comb, you put on your favorite show. The style you were going for was going to take quite some time and you were glad to have access to all the episodes; Shuri had created a VPN for your devices once you moved to Wakanda full time and you wasted no time putting it to good use. Raising your arm, you used your kimoyo beads to take a photo of your setup and sent it to Shuri. She opened the photo but didn’t respond.
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10 hours later, your arms felt as heavy as bricks. Not even the food breaks in between could lessen the pain. The soreness had started to set in and your body wanted to give up. Section after section, you paved your way through your thick curls; taming them and finishing out the afro-bubble braids. After decorating your hair with gold adornments, you looked at the clock. 11:55 PM?!
One painful clothing change later, you stood in only your sweatshirt dress and stretched out your limbs.
“Griot, is Shuri still in the lab,” you asked, stepping into your slippers.
“Yes, y/n. She has asked not to be disturbed.”
Oh the fuck well, you thought to yourself. You planned on doing much more than just disturbing her.
The blaring drums of afrobeats sounded through the entrance of the lab. Turning the corner, you saw Shuri working intently. Her clothes were different than what she wore this morning. She wore a sleeveless black crop and a matching pair of joggers. Your eyes traced down her toned arms and caught sight of her exposed midriff. Memories of your bodies entwined in intimacy flooded your mind, causing your mouth to go dry.
“I can see you, nkosazana,” Shuri said, disrupting your thoughts of arousal.
You shuffled in and sat on her desk behind her.
“I thought I had Griot inform you that I did not want to be disturbed.”
“Eh, you missed our brunch so maybe this is payback?” She only chuckled in response and you crossed your arms in a huff. Swiping away the interface, she turned to face you. The look on her face as she walked towards you made your stomach tighten with anticipation.
“What would you have me do? Leave Wakanda to its own defenses with no tech to protect them? All because you’re a needy little brat?” You watched as she slid her hand up your calf.
“Well, I miss you when you’re not there—“ your breath hitched as she opened your legs, settling between your thighs. You watched her hands roam your thick thighs.
“You miss me? Or do you just miss my touch?” Shuri slipped her hands under your dress and gripped your hips; pulling you to the edge of the desk. She moved in closer, her lips just a whisper away from yours; silently challenging your sense of control.
“I just miss you.”
“Hm. Your hair looks beautiful. Did you do that just for me?”
You whispered a yes as her roaming hand finally reached the end of its journey, touching where you needed her most. She swiped a single digit up your dewy slit and you bit your bottom lip to quell a building moan.
“So wet for me already, sthandwa. Is this what you wanted,” she asked, rubbing painfully slow circles around the jewel between your lips. You nodded hastily and held onto the desk for dear life. She smiled widely at your movement.
“All you had to do was ask. Are you going to be good for me, Y/n?”
“Yes, yes, I’ll be good.” She took your words as a promise and lifted the dress over your head, leaving you exposed and dripping with desire. She grazed her hands over your breasts, kneading one of your erect nubs between her fingers. You moaned in delight at the feeling and crashed your lips into hers; nipping and sucking on her bottom lip.
Shuri pushed you back and you shivered from the coolness of the desk against your back. Her fingers returned to your pussy, inserting two fingers and pumping them in and out of your velvety walls. Your body clenched around her fingers as she built a steady pace. A loud whimper of her name escaped your mouth and echoed in the empty lab.
“You sound so beautiful when you say my name like that, sthandwa. Let me hear it again,” she practically moaned with you, reaching her free hand to grab something out of her desk. A buzzing noise sounded in your ears and you felt it before you could question it. Shuri moved the vibrator around your clit as she built up the pace of her fingers. The lewd squelching of your pussy was like heaven to her ears.
“Fuuuuuuck, I don’t think I can hold it, baby.” The vibrating on your clit was threatening to undo your very being. The build-up was beginning to be too much as the familiar coil in your middle continued to tighten. Your release was just within reach and you needed it desperately. Shuri leaned over you, kissing your neck and whispering into your ear.
“I want you to cum for me, nkosazana, but I don’t know if you deserve it,” Shuri uttered before moving down to take your left nipple in her mouth, sucking on it intently.
“Shuri, please!” Your back arched as her finger scissored in and out of you, hitting your g-spot. She trailed kisses along your chest before slowing her pace to a stop; taking the vibrator away as well. Your complaints fell on deaf ears and she grinned smugly. Your throbbing clit only added to your annoyance.
“Don’t give me that face. I told you about disobeying me,” she said, pulling you up to a sitting position. Shuri helped you put your dress back on, being mindful of your fresh braids.
“Baby, that’s not fair—“
“I don’t want to hear it. Now go sit over there. This last algorithm should only take a few minutes.” She lifted you off the desk, her hands lingering on your ass. You rested your face on her shoulder and groaned in discontent, causing her to laugh.
“If you would just behave, you wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Graphic Divider by @firefly-graphics
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multific · 1 year
The Same Mistake
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K'uk'ulkan x Reader
A/N: Alternate version of Second Chance. 
You were once a Queen, now you were a traitor. 
The people who used to respect and love you, turned against you and chased you out of the water.
Along with the love of your life, K'uk'ulkan or you should probably call him, Namor.
The man who once loved you more than anything. The man who promised you everything.
Turned against you all because you refused to fight. 
He was ready for a war against Wakanda and the entire world. He wanted to burn it all down. He wanted you by his side. 
But you refused.
And so, you were chased away.
Thankfully, the Wakandans were extremely kind people, Shuri offered you a home near the river. Even if you told her you couldn't return to the water.
Namor said he would personally come to kill you if you do.
And so, you and your baby had to learn to live above water.
Your baby, as you often ran your hand down your belly, was the very reason you refused to participate in the fights.
Your baby was the reason you didn't wish to burn the world along with Namor. 
You refused to give birth to your child and bring them to a world of misery and pain.
If because of that, you were said to be a traitor, so be it.
When you refused to fight, your child was only a suspicion of yours, you weren't sure if you were really pregnant or not.
Wakanda was even kind enough to guide you to a lake. A lake not connected to any other water, in there you gave birth to your daughter.
Your beautiful daughter who looked just like your husband.
She became your everything. It broke your heart that she might never see Talokan.
But you will try your best to show her that not all people on the surface are bad.
Once she was of age, you often brought her with you to the market. Almost everyone knew the little Princess by now. Kindly named after her grandmother, Fen was a true ray of sunshine.
She was only two months old, but she was already laughing and giggling at everyone.
But she did look a lot like her father.
Her ears pointy as his, but she didn't have any wings on her ankles. She had your smile and nose, but his eyes. She was a spitting image of her father.
Which really gave you a big challenge.
You tried to hate Namor. Tried to resent him for sending you away and for tearing himself away from a child he didn't even know existed.
But you had to be strong for Fen and for yourself.
Shuri often invited you over to the palace. Just casually talking as she showed you her newest projects.
Much like today. 
Nakia took your baby from you so you could have a couple quiet moments.
You laughed along with Shuri when the door busted open. Okoye followed in two Talokan soldiers.
"As I said, she is busy!" Okoye yelled at the three men. 
"Princess. We wish to speak." said Namor.
You were frozen in your seat. The entire room went quiet as you refused to look at him.
"I'll take my leave." you quickly said before turning to run out and find Nakia and your daughter.
Even just being near him was extremely difficult.
You soon found your daughter as you took her into your arms and ran out of the palace. But of course, it wasn't that easy, because just as you were about to leave, Namor was standing in the doorway, still talking to Shuri but everyone noticed you.
You slightly tightened your grip around your daughter as you tried to work your way around the two soldiers. 
But of course, it was more difficult than it needed to be.
Your daughter was getting fussy as the man in front of you still didn't move.
"Let me leave." you begged in your native language, but the soldier didn't move.
"You are holding a true treasure," said Namor behind you. Thankfully, you were hiding her from the people around you, covering her ears.
"I'm only a traitor, let me leave." you asked once more but no one moved. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Namor approaching you from behind as she took a step closer to you, trying to see your baby.
You suddenly turned and looked into his eyes.
The same eyes your daughter had.
"Let me leave." you said once more before Namor nodded and the soldier moved, you rushed out.
"She married someone?" asked Namor from Shuri who refused to answer instead she turned and walked back to her lab.
But the thought didn't leave Namor.
You were the love of his life, yet you found someone else so quickly. He felt betrayed on a whole new level. 
And in his anger, which blinded him greatly, he went to your home. Ready to kill the man who dared to take you from him.
He swam up the river and easily found you, he could hear you sing softly as he approached the window. He was flying as he looked inside, hiding in the dark night, he watched you, your child on your shoulder, sleeping as you bounced her.
Then as you turned Namor saw her ears. The little ears which looked exactly like his.
And suddenly, it all made sense.
You put Fen to bed before returning to the living room, ready to clean up when you nearly jumped out of your skin as you noticed Namor standing by the opened balcony door.
"I never entered your waters! You have to leave!" you said but he didn't move.
You noticed how his eyes changed. His expression was completely different from the previous one. No more anger can be seen. 
"Why didn't you tell me I have a daughter?" you were taken aback. Did he see her before? Or did he come here for revenge and saw? 
Probably the latter, knowing him.
"You told me if I enter the water again, you would personally come to kill me. And you wouldn't hesitate."
"I thought you knew, I would never hurt you. I felt betrayed."
"How do you think I felt? One disagreement with you, and you sent me away. Declared me a traitor. I wasn't sure that I was pregnant. I didn't know back then. But I refused to give birth to a child into a burning world." he stayed quiet. "Please don't take her from me." you whispered, trying not to break down as you finally let fear enter you. 
He was powerful, more powerful than you, a God.
He could do anything he wanted.
Your statement seems to strike him.
"I could never. I thought you found someone else, and got over our centuries-old love so easily, I'm happy I was wrong. I thought... we tried so much... I thought we couldn't have children."
"I wasn't expecting it either. But when I showed signs... you were talking about a fight and war." when you sensed to anger in him, you also calmed. "Do you want to see her?" it didn't take him long to say yes.
You guided him to her room, in there she slept in her little crib.
"She is just like you, but she can go far longer than you without water."
"What's her name?"
"She was named after a very strong and kind woman. Her name is Fen." you watched as he reached out, running a finger down her face.
"After my mother... she is beautiful." 
"She is a very happy baby. Always smiling and giggling at people."
There was a couple minutes of silence when he just kept staring at her. 
"You need to return to Talokan. She needs to be with her people."
"No." he suddenly turned to look at you. "You sent me away, you said you don't want me anymore, that you don't love me anymore. I can't put her through the same."
"It was anger and fear talking not me. I never stopped loving you." 
"You say that now, but what happens when we have another disagreement?"
"Do you still love me?" he suddenly asked.
"I do. But I need to think of her as well. If you throw us out or me out... I wouldn't survive that." he moved to stand in front of you.
"I swear to you, on my own life on our people's lives on the secrecy of Talokan that this will never happen again. Ever." he could tell you were still unsure.
"I will stay here with her, you could come and visit. I want you to prove it to me, to us, you will need to gain my trust again." he nodded, understanding your decision. 
"I will come every day when I can." you nodded this time.
He spent a couple more minutes looking at her before he left.
You were so nervous, you decided to sleep with her in your bathtub. 
The fear of him taking her from you was too big.
As he promised, he arrived the next day, although you weren't in your home. He decided to wait.
He soon saw you return with your daughter in one hand, the other holding a bag of food. 
Fen was currently too occupied with your necklace to see the man.
"Let me get that for you." he said as he took the bag from your hand, his eyes never leaving his daughter. "She looks like you." he said as he followed you into the home.
"I think she looks more like you." You whispered as you began to prepare some lunch. 
"I can hold her if you want, so you can move around." he saw your grip tighten around Fen. "You think I would take her from you? You think of me as a monster who would separate a mother from their child?"
"You separated me from my home, my people and from my husband." your reply cut deep with him. But he couldn't deny the truth. "But you also know that I wouldn't stop at anything if you do take her from me."
"I won't take her from you. And I do know what you are capable of, yes." with that, you slowly lifted her off of your hip, she made a noise of confusion before she looked at the stranger to who she was handed to.
"Hello, My Little One. I'm your father, I'm sorry I wasn't here before." Fen was quiet, was too quiet, it was completely uncharacteristic of her. It did worry you but soon her attention drifted to Namor's necklaces. "She is much like you. You also adore my jewels," he smirked as he looked at you but you were too busy preparing lunch.
He knew that with these small steps, he will be able to get you back. And he will make sure to never make the same mistake again. 
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  
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Imagine being Namor's Wife and and stopping him from killing Queen Ramonda
Side Note: After Black Panther Wakanda Forever first came out someone posted. This fic idea saying someone should write it I was kind of inspired by never got around to it. Well here it is and to the original person who came up with it. I hope you enjoy.
Italics is english translation.
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No one had seen where you come from. One minute it was the thick glass window between Namor and Queen Ramonda with the two locked into an intense staring contest.
Namor eyes filled with anger as his gaze turned to the young girl.
Queen Ramonda refused to back down reaching out a hand to move Riri behind her. Hiding the young girl from his prying eyes.
The action just fuel his burning desire for revenge and war even more. Namor let out a raging cry bringing his spare up, and Queen Ramonda stood her ground watching him preparing to stab through the window. She was confident the glass would hold and even if it didn't. The King of Talokan would still have to strike her down first before she let him touch the girl.
The spear was getting closer and closer to her face and then Namor paused his attack. The tip of his weapon resting inches from your nose as you stood before him arms crossed with a raised eyebrow.
"In yukanj" He whispered in surprise his eyes softening at your sudden appearance.
"Yes my love its me your lovely wife who entrusted you with one simple task. One that you promised me you could handle alone while I went off to lead the Americans astray to buy us more time." You scolded him shaking your head in disappointment. You wanted to be surprised by your husband's actions, but unfortunately you couldn't be. His hatred for mankind and the surface world had always been insatiable. It was your patience, his love and respect for you that kept those intrusive thoughts of invading world on land at bay.
You always hoped overtime maybe Namor would gain a new perspective on humans. But you should've known it was never going to happen especially with. The lack of sympathy after the events of Thanos invading Earth. Talokan had been affected by the snap as well, and you wanted to join the fight. Namor insisted that both of you stay out of it as it was a surface world problem. You should've seen all this coming your heart clenched at the sight of. All the destruction your husband and the Talokan's army had brought upon Wakanda.
It wasn't right. Countless lives lost for no reason. The murderous look you sent towards Namora and Attuma had both Generals cowering in fear. They called off the rest of the army and disappeared in the depths of the ocean without a word. You were going to deal with them later.
"Invadieron k otoch in yaakunaj kíins juntúul u le nuestros." He explained lowering his spear back to his side. They invaded our home my love killed one of our own.
Ti' ka' ta wuk'aj u princesa. Le k'áate' paal le Reina yéetel le ts'o'ok u internet ichil k'i'ik'el." You argued back pointing a finger over your shoulder at the woman behind you. After you took their Princess. The Queen's only child and the last of her bloodline.
Namor frowned. "Bix a wojel tales ba'alo'ob?" How do you know such things?
"Querías u Wakanda ka Talokan u convirtieran ti' aliados ti', máasima'. Tin tukultaj u sería útil mantener k'iin yéetel." You wanted Wakanda and Talokan to become allies right. I thought it would be helpful to stay up to date on information.
Namor scoffed earning a raised eyebrow at you. He hovered around you to land on the platform as well. "Wa k meentik u sometan ta To'one', Talokan yaan u sukbenilo'ob asab poderosa ti' le yóok'ol kaaba'. U yaalab le yóok'ol kaaba' le superficie caerá le kan k'iin." If we make them submit to us Talokan will be the most powerful nation in the world. The rest of the surface world will fall when the day comes.
A loud clapping noise filled the air and even the Wakandans heard it. As well as they witnessed your hand come up to smack Namor across the face. The stinging slap had his left cheek turning red.
His head snapped to the side from the force of it, and you waited for him to turn back to you with guilt in his eyes.
"Ku suponía u debías negociar jump'éel tratado Jets' óolal yéetel leti'ob. Utia'al u pudieran wáantik ti' le estadounidenses alejados ti' k wotoch. Tu cambio ta meentaj jump'éel rabieta bey juntúul chan xi'ipal petulante ka u negaron ceder." You were supposed to negotiate a peace treaty with them. So they could help keep the Americans away from our home. Instead you threw a tantrum like a petulant child when they refused to yield.
"In yakunaj" He pleaded with you.
"No Namor we talked about this" You said backing him away from him to run a hand through your wet hair. Your eyes drifted to the people standing before you. All of them regarded you with wonder and suspicion. The damage your husband caused wasn't beyond repair, but it was going to take a lot. For starters he had to be on the same page as you.
You went over to him to cup his face between your hands lifting his face back up. "Wakanda ka Talokan serán imparables wa k unimos bey juntúul chéen, ba'ale' ma' u páajtal meentik jump'éel alianza ichil le desconfianza yéetel le odio. Yaan k k'aax le bey chíikbesik." Wakanda and Talokan will be unstoppable if we come together as one, but you can't build an alliance off the back of distrust and hatred. We have to treat them as our own.
Namor closed his eyes and sighed "I'm sorry."
"You need to tell them that" You instructed nodding your head in the Queen's direction.
You took a step back watching as Namor turned to face Queen Ramonda, her daughter Shuri, and their guards. He laid his spear down on the platform and backed away placing the palms of his hands together and curling his fingers in.
Inside The Palace
Shuri reached out grasping her mother's arm. "I think he is surrendering."
"How can we be sure? Who is the woman?" Queen Ramonda questioned.
"The woman is his wife. He told she wanted peace between Talokan and Wakanda." Shuri explained meeting your soft eyes that seem to bore into her soul inviting her into your own world. She felt as if she could trust you.
You gave her a small apologetic smile and followed suit with giving her Talokan greeting.
"What does that mean?" Nakia asked this time a bit unsure.
"She's saying hello and maybe sorry at the same time. She wants to talk and I think we should listen." Shuri told them.
"I don't think that would be a wise idea" M'Baku voiced his concern.
Queen Ramonda watched as Namor stood by your side with his weapon still at his feet. Gone was the hatred in his eyes replaced now with shame as he barely met her gaze. You had that effect on him. If you were anything like your husband. She could possibly be injured or even worse dead by now.
"We will hear them out" She announced.
Everyone in the throne room let out collective gasps expect Shuri.
"Just one more question though" Okoye started waiting till Shuri turned to her.
"Where has she been all this time?"
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On My Mama Pt 1
OOC Shuri
Shuri x reader, Riri x Reader, Shuriri x Reader.
Summary: Shuri and Riri bet on who can cuff Y/n first. However the road to getting there is a hell of a ride when Y/n absolutely despises Shuri and Riri by association.
Trigger warning: Mama's that are jealous of their daughter.
When they say she get it from her mama, Imma say You fucking right....
Riri sat on the hood of her car pretending to listen to Shuri ramble on about her latest plaything. After everything happened and she'd secured Wakanda again she decided to take a break and try schooling in America.
She was beyond advanced so her going was purely for the college experience which she was learning to love. She was drinking, smoking and partying to numb the pain of losing her entire family.
As worried as Riri was at times, she knew Shuri was in control of her extracurricular activities. She kept a watchful eye over the Wakandan Princess. She knew that her friend would find her way when she was ready.
"Damn..." Shuri says and Riri whips her head around in the direction that's captured Shuri's attention too used to the African girl's American lingo she'd caught onto.
Both girls eyes were focused on the brown skinned beauty with dark eyes and perfect plump lips. You were beautiful beyond words and they were captured by your looks.
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"She's fine..." Riri mutters, her eyes watching as you walked on campus with black sunglasses, a silk press down to your waist, a black midriff top that showed ample cleavage without showing too much and a pair of baggy boyfriend jeans with stilettos.
"Who is that?" Shuri demanded.
"Y/n L/n." A passing student says, she was overly cheerful and only too willing to gossip. "She's a genius with a nasty attitude."
Riri stifled a laugh as you walked by, she could tell you heard what the girl said and rather than respond you simply bumped the girl and kept on walking.
"You could say excuse me!" The girl shouts, pissed at your audacity. When you don't respond she mumbles. "Bitch..."
"Why are you still here?" Riri raises a brow, and the girl's eyes widen before she makes herself scarce. She couldn't stand bitches that gossiped. Even though she was grateful for learning your name.
"I call dibs!" Shuri quickly says.
"Bitch, fuck you." Riri scoffs. "Don't you got that 40 something year old cougar? Save some pussy for the rest of us."
"Like you could handle her. She's like 5'8." Shuri smirks, as she stares down at Riri.
"Height don't mean shit. I can still tame a stallion." Riri gloats.
"Ok, if you can get her to go out with you she's all yours." Shuri says.
"I'm not playing no childish game with you Shuri." Riri snaps, she hates how competitive Riri can be when it comes to women. Her competitive side was reserved solely for inventing, business and vigilante activities.
"You saying you think you can't bag her?" The taller girl raised a brow, a devilish grin on her lips.
"Fuck outta here, I'm from Chi Town. I'm definitely bagging her." Riri snorts as if it were really a question.
The two scientists shook hands, a silent agreement going unsaid. Neither planned on playing fair, after all all was fair in love and war right ?
The whole morning you'd been in a foul mood. You and your mother were beefing and she still wouldn't stop calling you. You were so angry at her and for the first time in your life you wanted nothing to do with her for an indefinite time.
Maybe you were being immature, maybe you weren't. However you couldn't process what she'd done and even worse what she'd caused. Everything seemed to be falling down all around you and you felt as if you had no one to turn to.
"Y/n, right?" You hear and look up. You see the girl from earlier, Riri Williams. You knew her from the run down one of the Sorority girls gave you, you'd barely lasted twenty minutes in that home before you said fuck it and left.
If your mother thought you were going to her sorority house she was sadly mistaken. You scored a huge dorm room to yourself by miracle and had spent the day moving in.
"Yes?" You state Riri up and down. She was attractive, and very cocky. She was known all over campus for her business in helping the underachieving, lazy kids that had no business being there pass their classes with moderate grades.
"I just wanted to come and introduce myself." Riri holds her hand out. You look from her face to her hand.
"Ok. You've done that. Bye." You say dryly. Before looking down at your nails.
"Ahhhh so your little friend was right about you being full of attitude." Riri chuckles, eying you with interest. You were making her want you more. There was nothing she liked more than a bratty girl full of attitude. She loved fucking the attitude out of stubborn women and making them submit to her.
"A, I have no friends. B, I could care less what some nosy bitch said about me." You roll your eyes. You were unimpressed with Miss Riri Williams or her acquaintance, friend or whatever the hell Shuri Udaku was to her.
"Ok then, how about I become your friend?" Riri winks, flashing her perfect pearly teeth.
"No." You decline, crossing your arms.
"No?" She looks shocked.
"No, No thank you, No thanks, I decline, I don't think so, Fuck no." You deadpan. You watch as her eyes narrow at your words.
She steps so close to you, your noses are touching. She looks turned on, her pupils dilating as she looked you over with a smirk.
"You're insanely attractive when you act like a little brat." She shakes her head. "It may be no for now, but it'll be yes soon."
And with that she walks away leaving you in the hallway of your door as she enters the room across from yours and closes the door.
"Great." You huff realizing she's your neighbor.
You'd spent three days getting used to campus and your dorm. Riri was constantly bumping into you, she'd go as far as putting flowers outside your door. You could admire her effort, but you weren't allowing yourself to be distracted.
Your classes were a breeze. You barely had to think when it came to your work both in class and outside of it. Your professors were quickly starting to like you as you were engaged, ahead of the curve and not obnoxious with your answers like the other two high achievers on campus.
You walked through the courtyard wanting to find something to eat after two back to back classes with no breakfast because of procrastination.
"Hey, Y/n!" You hear and let out a huge sigh at the sight of Shuri Udaku heading your way. You sped up not interested in any conversation with the girl.
"Wait..." She exclaims, quickly catching up to you and moving to block you.
"What?!" You glare at the tall woman, who's fresh twist out hung in her face. The sight of her sickened your stomach.
"I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out with me?" She asks, flashing her grills. You swallow as you notice her pouty lips turning up.
"You're serious aren't you?" You stare at her incredulously.
"I mean it can't be hard to fathom that I would want to date you, Can it?" She laughs.
"I mean considering just how audacious you are, yes I believe it is." You grumble, annoyed she was stopping you from getting something to eat. You were starving.
"Audacious?" She repeats. She looks confused. "Because I want to take you out?"
"Ha!" You snort. "You don't even know who I am do you?"
"I do, you're a beautiful, bright girl that's caught my eye." She replies, while thinking of what Riri said about you being tough to crack.
"Apparently not the only one." You roll your eyes, before moving to walk around her only for her to capture your wrist in her hand.
"I am currently single. I'm not with anyone." Shuri assures. But her words fall on deaf ears.
"Is that what you call it? Single? So you don't have to deal with the aftermath of your shitty decisions?" You hiss. She was pissing you off. You snatched your wrist away from her.
"Did I mess with one of your friends?" She asks, while scratching her neck.
"I have no friends. I'm sure your buddy told you that when I rejected her several days in a row. Or maybe she didn't, someone that cocky and relentless hates the word no." You shrug.
"So what's with the animosity?" Shuri inquires, confused as to why you seemed so put off by her. Sure she had a reputation of partying a lot, having sex with women that she found attractive that were willing to have no strings attached hookups. But that wasn't reason to dismiss her the way you were.
"How you can live with yourself is wild to me." You take a deep breath as you fight the urge to deck the princess of a foreign country with special privileges.
"Live with myself about what?"
"I'm M/N's daughter. (Mom's name)" You watch as her eyes widen and her mouth drops open.
"Maybe next time you wreck someone's family, you'll at the very least learn who their immediate relatives are so you don't hit on them too." You huff, and start heading towards the food court on campus.
"Y/n!" She calls and you swivel around curious as to how she'll try to work her way out of that one.
"I see why your body's so unpolite... You get it from your mama." She smirks watching as your face darkens.
"Did you just...." You stare in shock at her words. Nope. You didn't dislike her. You hated her.
You spin on your heels and storm off not even giving her the opportunity to say anything else.
"You fucked her mother???!!!" Riri's rolling on the floor. She can't stop laughing at Shuri's predicament.
"It's not funny." Shuri snaps. She was annoyed, fucking M/N was a foolish choice. As attractive as the woman was she was cross faded and looking for an escape. It'd only happened once and she'd let her mouth run recklessly to you. She couldn't believe the words that left her mouth.
"Nah, this is good." Riri chuckles, trying to stop the laughter. She had tears streaming down her face. "You just made this too easy."
"I'm not giving up. M/n owed her family loyalty and fucking decency. I didn't even know she was married, let alone a mother. I met her at a club and fucked her in the bathroom, she didn't even act like a mother." Shuri groans. This was what she got for not being more selective in the women she slept with. Attraction was her only thing as she had no plans of seeing them more than once.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Riri gasps, trying to catch her breath. "And her mama a freak? I'm definitely bagging her, all that anger and attitude is fucking hot. And what's more she can't stand you so I now have a way of getting closer."
"Fuck you, Ri..." Shuri growls, the whole situation was pissing her off. And more than that she felt guilt. The look in your eyes when she'd said what she did hit her deep. She regretted her words. She had a terrible habit of speaking in anger.
"Nah nigga, I'm good. Go fuck on M/n." Riri bursts into laughter again, watching as Shuri gets angry and storms out of her dorm; slamming the door behind her.
You laid in your bed sniffling, you hated that you cared so much about what happened with Shuri and your mother.
You were so angry because had your mother not been such a whore you'd still have your father. She'd cheated on him, and when he found out he'd left the house in a rush too angry to even be near her. He barely made it five minutes into his drive before he'd gotten into the accident that took his life.
You hated her so much. You couldn't understand how she could be so selfish. How she could do what she'd done. How she pretended to give a fuck about him at his funeral knowing she caused his death.
You'd made it clear you hated her and that you would never forgive her. Despite all the nasty things you'd said to her, your father was still gone and you were all alone. You'd cut off all your friends. And only went home to sleep, choosing to study all day at a cafe while you waited for the semester to begin.
You think the worst thing about everything wasn't even the fact you hated Shuri. But why you hated her. You were attracted to her, you'd had the biggest crush on her since she'd shown up on your social media feed when she enrolled in college in America.
And that made you sick with guilt.
Should I continue?
Bonus chapter dedicated to whoever helps me figure out how to make a tag list for those that want a continuation.
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dino-fart · 2 years
My Jade Heart
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Pairing: Namor x Female Reader
Genre: Romance, Comfort, Fluff
Summary: You saved Namor’s life but ended up with severe wounds. You are now in the medical bay of Wakanda in recovery. You haven’t seen Namor but can only hope he is alright. Good thing the King of Talokan had a feeling you would be worried about him and decided to pay you a visit. 
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You lay there on the bed with the IV in your arm. The doctor told you that you would be fine thanks to Wakandan technology. You suffered from broken ribs and a large wound on your right side. You had a few bandages on your cheeks and head from the cuts. The surgeon had stitched your wound and you were on strict orders to not move for at least two weeks until therapy would come in and work with you. 
You were worried sick about Namor the whole time. You knew he was fine for the most part but how fine was he? Did he get any injuries? Princess Shuri kept telling you to stop worrying and that she’d sent a message to him. But you were getting restless. Okoye had to threaten to knock you out once. 
You now sighed as you sat up on the bed and scrolled through the iPad. You were catching up on emails, texts, news, etc. Whatever you can do to keep your mind off of the king. You closed the iPad after you had enough and closed your eyes to sleep. A gentle touch to your face awoke you from your nap. 
Your eyes opened to meet the gaze of the king. You let out a soft gasp and smiled softly. “Namor...” 
The great king smiled at you softly and gently cupped your cheek, “Mi salvador (My savior).” 
You blushed at his touch and felt his thumb gently stroke over the bandages. “I’m glad you’re okay.” You smiled. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner. I was tending to my people.” Namor leaves your side and pulls up a chair to sit by your bedside. 
“It’s okay, as long as you’re okay.” You nod. 
Namor gently set his spear against the wall and moved his hands to hold your bandaged ones. He pressed kisses to your covered knuckles. You blushed more at how tender he was being with you. The two of you had unspoken feelings before, lingering looks and gentle touches. And now, well now, nothing was holding you two back. 
You felt a fire stir in your stomach and leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek. Namor turned his head to look at you and leaned forward to kiss your lips softly. You moved your hands from his and wrapped your arms around his neck. Namor rested his hands gently on your hips as he kissed you passionately. You moaned softly as you deepened the kiss. 
Namor let out a purr and gently laid your back against the bed. You winced in pain and Namor pulled back immediately. “My apologizes, mi yakunaj.” Namor whispered against your lips and pressed a few kisses along your jawline. Namor pulled back and reached for something in his pocket. You lay there, waiting for him, not having the energy to sit back up. 
Namor leaned back over on you and gently brought over a necklace. He gently put it over your head and around your neck. You picked up the pendant and gasped at the beauty of it. “A jade heart.” You smiled. 
Namor smiled back and kissed your brow. “Yes, my love, a jade heart for my jade heart.” 
You set the pendant down and cupped Namor’s face. You met his gaze and smiled at how he looked at you with so much love. You leaned forward and kissed him passionately. Namor pulled back gently, “Not too much, my love, you need to rest.” You nodded and nuzzled your head on the pillow. 
Namor stroked your hair back and his other hand held yours. Namor rested his forehead against yours and hummed a soft tune that lulled you to sleep. 
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stvrdrops · 1 year
who are you loyal to? ☆ | shuri x fem!reader
the ring on your finger is temporary, while shuri's claim on you is forever. some silly arrangement won't keep from her, she's just hurt you didn't tell her first.
warnings : cheating, kissing, arranged marriage
word count : 4k+
note : this is actually one of my favorite pieces i've ever written, so i hope you guys enjoy it :) also i just skimmed through it instead of proof reading so sorry if there are errors.
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as your servants laced up the corset that lays under your black silky dress you couldn't help but dread the upcoming event. you'd been attending the wakandan tribe gala since you were in diapers. your mother and father ruling over the river tribe helped you get the invite after all these years.
when you were young you loved attending the gala. it was a time for you to feel accepted and welcome among the people of higher class. you could relate to the people of your tribe, but you couldn't help but feel isolated. you were the only daughter of your parents, meaning you faced the hard task of taking over for them once they passed.
attending the balls also didn't hurt because shuri had been in attendance. the princess of wakanda obviously had to be in attendance and you were happy to see her every time. when the two of you were just a few years younger you were very close. however, you mainly had to do most of your communication with her through kimoyo beads only. the only time you did get to see each other were at galas or royal meetings your parents would drag you along for. this meant this was the only time you and shuri got the chance to exercise your teenaged romance. your relationship was essentially long distance, without the distance. perhaps social distance and busy schedule distance would be a better term for it.
sneaking around the palace during the galas gave you both adrenaline. stealing kisses behind pillars and escaping the dora milaje at every corner made you somehow fall more in love with her. sometimes you two would sneak off into her lap, where no one would be due to how busy the ballroom was. she would show you all the things she made with you in mind as you sat on the table, smiling wide. you were in awe of her intelligence, while she was in awe of your beauty.
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"this one i call y/n prototype number three." shuri said as she showed off a kimoyo beaded necklace, laced with vibranium diamonds. it made your eyes go wide from its beauty. she knew how much you loved jewelry. she also knew how much you liked it when she named her inventions after you.
"it matches your breathtaking beauty."
"oh shuri, stop it! you're too much of a sap." you said, smiling from ear to ear and laughing together as she hugs you.
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at one point shuri had even set griot's voice to your own when she was alone in her lab. she had claimed it helped her focus, but really it was the only way she could get any real sleep.
one day she had forgotten to change the voice setting when her mother walked in. this resulted in many questions that shuri couldn't answer due to how flustered she was.
shuri was your first love, first meaningful relationship, and first sexual partner. you two were together for three years, which were some of the best in your entire life. a lot of the most important events in your life involved her.
now, this would be the first time you've seen her since your private break up. it would be the first time that you've seen her since her brother's passing. in his death he handed her the mantle of the black panther, which meant she spent less and less at home in wakanda.
it would also be the first time that you were to tell the queen, and shuri, about your soon-to-be wife. which would make your relationship with her far more public than shuri's.
an arranged marriage was very common within your tribe. your parents had been arranged and sometimes you wondered if they even truly loved one another. your heart had been with shuri, not someone random.
the breakup was caused because shuri was angry with the world. she wanted to burn it into ashes. she thought that because she had lost her brother that she had lost everyone who cared about her. her mind pushed out the thoughts of you, therefore ultimately leaving you alone to deal with your own grief as well.
it was painful knowing that she was dealing with something like this, self sabotaging herself in the process. you knew she would never be the same shuri, which only made you cry more. she was destroying herself and you could do nothing but watch.
however, almost two years had passed since then. this meant you needed to begin to move on, whether you liked it or not. you avoided seeing shuri in the media, blocking news sites and articles from popping up on your kimoyo beads that might showcase her. you refused to attend any formal events in fear that you may see her there despite her busy schedule. you became somewhat of a recluse, only letting your tribe people see you when you needed to go to the market. this ball was the only thing you couldn't get out of, and you tried ever so desperately to do so. your parents went on and on about how you need to stop avoiding the girl you were to marry. really, they had no clue that you were avoiding the girl you wanted to marry.
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"they are here to escort you to the gala, y/n." your personal bodyguard spoke out. she had been a part of your tribe and was almost like an older sister to you. she was the only person who knew about the true nature of you and shuri's relationship. she was the only person who truly knew who your tears were for.
"thank you, i shall head out soon." you say to her, a smile on your face to hide the feelings you truly had. she knew it was a facade, but she admired you all the more for it. you were a strong woman, and an even stronger leader someday. she hoped that shuri would open her eyes again to you someday, but it was becoming less likely with your upcoming marriage.
she simply walks away, after giving you a nod. your face turns back to the vanity you sat at. your makeup looked beautiful and your hair was styled high on top of your head. you looked just as regal as you felt. you wondered if shuri would feel the same if your eyes met hers tonight.
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"ah, my sweet daughter has finally decided to join society after all this time." your father says jokingly as you bow before the queen. everyone had to do so whenever they entered the gala. you did so, as the princess stood right beside her.
you refused to make eye contact, placing your gaze at anything but her. yet, out of the corner of your eye you couldn't help but watch her.
she had looked older, more mature. perhaps aged by her grief. she no longer wore her signature braids, instead opting for a curly top and a fade all the way around. her jawline no longer seemed childish and her body had been much more toned than before. she wore a dress of her own, it was long and somewhat boxy. it made her look tall and elegant. you curse bast for making her so much more attractive, therefore making her harder to resist.
shuri had been fighting the urge to look at you as well. it proved hard for her, because although she would not admit her cruelty she knew she messed up with you. while you actively went to of your way to avoid shuri, she kept up with you. she watched you in the market when you traveled through. she kept up with your charity work in america at the centers her brother had created before his passing. she thought she knew everything there was to know about you, not being able to let go after all this time.
"i hear we have an engagement on our hands?" queen ramonda asks, causing you to push out a fake smile. shuri can't help but look in your direction now, with her eyebrows furrowed and eyes wide. this couldn't be true, how did she not know? she prayed to bast that you would correct her mother.
"yes. i am to be married."
"to who?" shuri bursts out, her voice cracking a little as she speaks. the outburst causes you to finally look directly at her. your heart skips a beat, and she can sense it. most of all, she can see it, the pain hidden deep within your face when she looks at you. a pain that she caused, and she knows it too. her nose twitched at the realization.
your parents speak for you, considering you're far too choked up. "to make, she also from the river tribe. we thought it best to find someone from within our tribe for her."
"oh, how wonderful-" the queen begins to say, before being cut off by her daughter.
"this was arranged?" she looks bewildered and upset all at once. her voice had arguably raised an entire level and some people even began to look towards her. "do you people not even care if your daughter loves her?"
your mother scoffs as you stand there, stuck in your own embarrassment and surprise.
"shuri! know your place. do not ask such questions!" the queen says, quickly correcting her daughter's unruliness.
"i am sorry mother." she mumbles out, never once taking her eyes off of you.
"do not apologize to me. apologize to y/n and her parents."
in your mind there was nothing to apologize for. shuri had spoken out against something that both you and her knew was wrong. she knew how you felt about arranged marriages. you often expressed your fear to her that your parents would set you up in a loveless marriage someday. she would reassure you, saying that would never happen seeing as how she wouldn't allow it. besides, there would be no worry as long as you two were together. however, now you aren't together. now you were engaged and it was not to her.
"i am sorry elders." she speaks, and then looks at you. "i am sorry y/n."
it felt like her saying sorry for so much more than this outburst.
"apology accepted." your father states, not wanting to dwell on the matter more than you already had. your mother has an angry look on her face, still not taking the apology sincere.
"if you will excuse me, queen mother, i must be seeing my fiancée."
she simply nods her head, "i hope to speak with you about this exciting news later."
"of course." you say before walking off into the crowd of people.
"please excuse me as well." shuri says shortly after you walk off. she only heads off into your direction once her mother sways her away with a hand motion.
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"y/n!" your fiancée calls over to you from the bar. her hand is in the air, showing her magnificent diamond on her ring finger. it was the most expensive your parents could get.
"makeya, my love. how are you tonight?" you ask her as you sit next to her in one of the empty chairs. it didn't feel right calling her that nickname, considering you did not truly love her. you loved her as a person. she was kind, beautiful, and ever so considerate of your feelings. had it been another universe you would've loved to be her person. however, you weren't and it felt so wrong to string her along. it wasn't like she had much choice in this situation either, although she seemed quite happy about it.
"i've never been able to attend one of these balls before. i always watched the lavish women enter from afar. i never imagined i'd get the chance to attend!"
for you, this was just a regular day out of the year.
"i'm glad i've been able to give you this experience." the bother in your voice is obvious. you don't even bother to hide it, knowing that you wouldn't be able to.
"is something the matter?"
"not particularly."
"ah, i know what is."
you raise your head, "you do?"
she laughs, "yes, you are probably just too used to these sorts of settings. they are not fun for you anymore."
"oh," you say, a little disappointed she hadn't guessed correctly and called of the engagement right then and there. "sure, that's it."
"y/n?" a familiar voice calls out to you. you would've liked to say you turned slowly to face her, when really it was the exact opposite. it was as if you were desperate for her to call out to you and you jolted up. your posture changed and your eyes widened as you looked at her. your lips went dry despite the gloss and air was caught in your throat. for some reason it felt like you were caught cheating.
"princess shuri?" makeya can't help but ask, the fingerling in her voice is hard to contain.
shuri laughs, and it sends shivers down your spine. the princess watches as the hairs on your arms stand. she was eye-fucking you, and you knew it. yet, it wasn't like you were exactly begging her to stop.
"we should go elsewhere makeya."
"and leave so soon?" shuri questions, making you scowl at her.
"not leaving entirely, just leaving the area."
"oh, y/n. don't be like that when i'm trying to know your future wife."
makeya giggles, not intuitive enough to see what's going on. how she is ignoring the tension between you and shuri is unbeknownst.
"i would love for you to get to know me! i know that you and y/n were close friends once, but she would never give any exact details!"
"oh?" shuri looks from makeya and back to you, "i have many details about y/n. such as one about the star tattoo on her lower hip. you see-"
"enough." you hiss out to the panther, grabbing her arm. "makeya, please excuse us."
you don't bother looking back to see your fiancée as you began dragging shuri out of the ballroom. some eyes fall onto the both of you as you push past the crowd. shuri had a wide smile on her face, knowing she got under your skin. your anger only grew when you realized this was her intention all along.
you don't even realize you feet are taking you to the lab until you reach the smart doors. perhaps it was muscle memory that this is where you decided to take her. if you were being honest, it only made you more angry.
"griot, open." you speak to the ai, assuming that shuri never deleted your voice activations. just as you thought, the doors opened without a second thought.
with your strength you pull her body in front of yours once you're alone in the room.
"what the hell are you doing?"
she scoffs, "that's a question i should be asking you. since when do you feel the need to not tell me you're getting married?"
"it's none of your concern who i am with. you are the the one shut me out! she let me in after you broke my heart."
"i'm assuming pretty easily too." shuri rolls her eyes.
you don't know what exactly you've done until you hear the sound of skin connecting, until you see shuri touching the red mark on her cheek, until you see how wide her eyes are. you don't even notice the tears in your eyes until you feel one rolling down your face. no apology for slapping her comes to your mouth. you can't find it within yourself to apologize. you were hurt by her. hell, you were still hurting because of her. she had lost her brother and you were sympathetic to that. why did she want to lose you as well? that part confused you deeply.
"how dare you?" you ask, your voice breaking. "how dare you start acting like you give a damn about me now? would you have even cared if i wasn't engaged?"
shuri stays silent, fingers still touching her own cheek.
"that's what i thought. you are jealous that i'm happy. you're upset i didn't stick around to put up with your bullshit."
"it is not bullshit. i was grieving."
"we were all grieving shuri, so i understand that. but are you really going to use that as your excuse for pushing me out and then never letting me back in? if so, it's a cheap fucking cop out."
"it was never my intention to fully push you out. i thought i was doing you a favor!"
now it was your turn to laugh, "a favor? you thought that me losing the love of my life would a favor?"
"love of your life?"
you grind your teeth, not wanting to answer that question. her eyes are searching for it, that much you can tell as she looks right through you. your lip trembles as you fight back more tears. this was not the conversation you wanted to have tonight.
"i got scared." shuri begins to say after realizing you weren't going to answer. "i got scared that i would lose you completely, like t'challa. i know you have certain rolls to uphold within the river tribe. i didn't know if i could be that woman for you anymore, living in constant fear that you'd be the one i'd lose next. you deserved to be happy, so i thought that was the only way. i didn't know that it would do the opposite of making you happy."
"you're selfish for not asking me about how i felt. all i ever did was ask how you were doing."
"i won't say that i'm not selfish. i am. i'm being selfish even now about wanting you all to myself. i pushed a lot of people out when my brother died, including my mother. i made amends with her but i never knew how to go about reconciliation with you. now it's too late. you have no idea how many nights i've laid awake sleepless wondering about you."
"then give me an idea." you say, staring deep into her eyes.
"when i realized just how much pushing i'd really done i knew i could never get you back. i had countless nightmares replaying our breakup in my mind. i thought that putting myself into my work would take my mind off of you but it only made it worse. my designs went back to being centered about you. my coworkers knew i was unable to focus on my work. i grew irritated with everything and everyone. i kept tabs on you, but obviously not well enough."
it hurt your heart to know this was how shuri was feeling. however, you knew deep down that you couldn't settle for this. would you have ever gotten this apology from her had you not been engaged?
"i'm telling you this now because i don't want you think i don't love you. i wasn't sure if i could find the courage to admit my mistakes until now." she says, as if she's heard your thoughts. your eyes can't help but go wide. this was the push that shuri desperately needed.
"what did you expect to get out of this?"
"do you love her?" she interjects, not even bothering to answer your question.
"fuck you, shuri."
"fine, then let me ask you this." she says, stepping close to you.
you just keep looking right at her, challenging her with your stance. the feeling of her breathing on your skin makes you shiver.
"who are you loyal to?" shuri asks, gazing into your eyes. she's searching for an answer that she knows she won't get.
"my country, my family, and my people. as every great leader is. you should know this better than anyone." you say back, glaring into her deep brown eyes. you knew she was testing you.
"ah, but not your soon to be wife."
"i am loyal to her especially."
shuri chuckles, "but here you are with me. you're a liar."
you cock your head, smiling at her, "she fucks good." you knew this was a lie. makeya had never even touched your boob without a bra over it.
"oh please," shuri rolls her eyes, "i saw the look on her face when i mentioned your tattoo. she didn't even know it existed."
you grind your teeth together. of course your fiancée didn't know you had that tattoo. you two hadn't actually gotten that intimate yet, knowing you weren't ready for something like that after shuri. even more ironic, it was a tattoo that shuri had given you herself after a drunken night. it was a panther paw. corny, you know. however, it signified that shuri laid her claim on you. which was highly efficient considering every time you stared at yourself in the mirror you would envision her behind you.
"yeah, nothing to say now." shuri says, now even closer to your body. your noses are almost touching and your chests can't help but smush up against each other. her hand makes its way to your face, caressing it softly. "that's cause you're loyal to your princess. not whoever that woman is. i know you're angry and i can't express how sorry i am. however, i will not let you marry her. i will go out there right now and tell them all that i'm marrying you if that is what it takes."
"do it then." you say, offering her a challenge that you don't know she'd actually take. you weren't thinking about how much it may hurt your supposed lover. you weren't thinking about how much it would hurt your mother and father. you knew how hurt you were by shuri, but she was the kind of drug that was the hardest to quit.
you can feel her free hand slipping off the engagement ring you sported on your finger. her eyes never break away from yours as she tries to read the emotion spreading across your face. for some reason, you can't make her stop from throwing your ring across the lab.
then she kisses you. it was nothing like you've ever experienced before. it was better than any first kiss you had with her. it was as if all this wanting built up to a point of no return as her hands found your hips. as she lifted you up onto the table she wasn't thinking about makeya. she was thinking about how you were hers and always would be. her panther powers kicked in as she gripped your thighs, trialing her kisses all the way down your neck.
she smiled in between kisses and sucking as she listened to the moans that escaped your mouth. they sounded like a symphony as they came one after the other. this was what you ached and dreamed for, and damn did it feel good.
"who are you loyal to?" shuri asks again, sounding breathless.
"you.." you moan out, trying to maintain your composure.
"good." shuri states, and then pulls away from you.
"where are you going?" you can't help but ask as you watch her walk towards the exit of the door.
"to tell them you're getting married."
"they already know that shuri!" you exclaim as you fix the straps on your dress and fix your hair she had begun to mess up.
"oh i know. but i am going to tell them you're marrying me instead."
shuri had officially lost it. you attempted to catch up with her as she moved through the halls, but her panther powers made her walk so much faster than you when she was trying. you pleaded with her to not do this, knowing the outcome. the elders would never allow it and you would crush makeya in the same sitting.
yet, you couldn't help but smile at the idea. shuri finally showing the effort you've always wanted from her. your heart ached for this and your dreams were becoming a reality in ways you could never imagine.
shuri was going to marry you, whether the elders approved or not.
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vixentheplanet · 1 year
not like the movies
“if it’s not like the movies, that’s how it should be.”
shuri x black!reader | 18+
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"It's a crazy idea you were made perfectly, you'll see. just like the movies, that's how it will be. cinematic and dramatic. with the perfect ending."
Absolutely flawless in every way-as a daughter, a student, and a girlfriend. You live life guided by the choices your parents made and the fear of disappointment.
Up until she showed up, everything changed.
The Wakandan Princess arrives on the MIT campus as a new transfer student, and Shuri's presence throws all of your plans off course. For in your life, you make your own choice, love.
word count: 12k (i added more)
themes: perfectionist reader, university students, falling in love, arranged relationships/marriage, shuri noticed the little things and that’s everything
warning: sex, smoking, drinking, controlling parents
dedicated to my lyric @inmyheadimobsessed. this is her fic i just wrote it
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hi ✨- i woke up with one mission and that was to write the part that i added at the end so i spent all day writing for the first time in forever… it was nice. anyways the response when i first posted this was overwhelming 🥺 i hope you all have/find fairytale love 💜 AND I ADDED MORE this was the beginning of part two i reworked.
happy speak now taylor’s version to all who celebrate she took track 21 out the vault for me but folklore has me in a chokehold rn
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"No, not that one."
Shuri looks to the MIT junior who is showing her around, blinking to recover focus. “What?” Shuri inquires, her face confused.
Riri follows Shuri's gaze to the girl who caused her to come to a halt in the middle of the courtyard where the club fair was held. "I can see you staring. There are plenty of girls on campus, but not her." Riri repeats herself.
The Wakandan didn't understand the reaction. Was she someone Shuri should avoid? “Is she mean or something?”
"No, she's a friend of mine. Sweet girl. I'll introduce you, but she has a boyfriend, and they're getting engaged soon." Riri states it simply. Deeply committed and getting ready to marry.
Shuri suppressed her disappointment at the news. “Who said I was interested?” Shuri replies, trying to play off her first emotion to seeing arguably the most stunning woman she'd ever seen. A face like that was one worth remembering.
Riri gives her friend the side eye, sucking her teeth in response to Shuri's denial. “You stopped in the middle of the walkway,” Riri notes, pulling Shuri out of the way of a small group trying to bypass the pair. "And keep your bottom lip closed. You're drooling." Riri cracks a joke, tapping Shuri on the chin. Shuri frowns, yet her heart flutters at the prospect of speaking with the one who took her breath away.  
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The club fair, one of MIT's most significant events, required you to show your face as president of the SGA. In designing programs, services, and policy decisions, the Student Government Association represented students' perspectives. The governing body distributes finances to authorized clubs and organizations and is responsible for defending the student body's rights. It was a lot of responsibility, but you'd spent your entire life overcoming obstacles to get to the top.
You were sitting at a table decorated in university colors, with a spread of pens, stickers, pamphlets, and lollipops, among other things, to draw attention. Numerous people had stopped by, and the email sign-up list was already two pages long. Maybe it was the way you smiled or the sound of your voice that pulled people to you, but connecting with others was in your nature. It's no surprise that you were well-known among your peers and instructors. 
You're finishing up a talk with a woman and her son, a first-year student, when you notice something out of the corner of your eye. Riri Williams. Meeting Riri was an unforeseen relationship; you needed assistance with vector calculus, and she came through. You respect your friendship with Riri; she wasn’t like those who clung to you for popularity and relevance. She was genuine, and it was also refreshing to have one aspect of your life that your parents didn't dominate. You were, nevertheless, perplexed by her appearance. Riri spent much of her free time in the lab experimenting and working on personal work. She told you as much when you tried to recruit her into the SGA when you were both freshmen a few years back. You smile as you wave the mother and son away before scolding, "Riri, get away from my table," swatting the hand and reaching for one of the lollipops. "You had two years to join and-"
"Relax, ma. I'm not here to bother you. I'm not really interested in these little club events." Riri motions to the person who has followed her. "All I'm doing is showing Shuri around." You notice the Wakandan royal standing close to your friend.
The level of awe is overwhelming. The Kingdom of Wakanda is a technologically advanced kingdom famed for its abundant resources of the material vibranium. You were aware of the royalty, including the Princess, Shuri's remarkable brilliant inventions. Thus her presence before you was unexpected.
“This is Y/N. University’s student government president, top student, presidents list, deans list-” Riri continues to itemize your successes, and you abruptly cut her off, unclear of her intentions.
There were a lot of public figures and famous children at MIT. Even so, you were taken aback to discover the young Princess traveled all the way from Wakanda to Cambridge, Massachusetts. She probably tried to fit in with the rest of the students by dressing like them in a faded Outkast tee shirt and light jeans, but her natural beauty stood out too much. Shuri's hair was arranged in tight coils, her enticing features the way her lips were full, a smile formed on her face flashing a flawless row of straight teeth.
When Shuri's eyes contact yours, your cheeks flush with warmth, and the air around you feels suffocating despite the fact that you're in the midst of the courtyard, with the breeze swinging the trees. "Just, Y/N," you find the words to say. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Udaku." You reach out your hand.
Riri frowns, "All this formal shit, just call her Shuri."
Having become accustomed to Riri's boldness, neither of you cares to take offense or give her any regard. Shuri clasps her hands in yours and shakes them firmly. “Yes, you can call me Shuri.”
Formal greeting exchanged, you can’t help but ask, "Wow, what drew you to MIT? Wakanda, I'm sure, has significantly superior educational institutions." 
"I wanted to study overseas, and MIT provides great mechanical, scientific, and engineering creative programs. Riri is also quite convincing." Shuri chuckled.
You look over at Riri and say, "I bet she is," She sticks out her tongue as you realize she's stolen candy from the table.
"That's fantastic, and I'm sure the entire university is thrilled to have you here. I am the President of The Student Government Association, as Riri stated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any issues." You take up the light green pen you've been carrying, scribble down your cell phone number, and offer it to Shuri.
Ignoring the way your skin prickles as your fingers brush against it. Shuri carefully places the piece of paper with precise nine digits written in green in her pocket. Riri speaks again, "We're probably going to hang out at my apartment this weekend. Are you coming?"
You hesitate for a moment, considering everything you need to do. Today was Tuesday, which was your day in the library, so you'd have to make up for lost time over the week. You also had a date with your boyfriend this weekend. You wouldn't be able to. "I can't. I need to catch up on work and attend Travis' parents' gala this weekend."
Riri's eyes roll at the mention of his name. "The only person I know that has planned out every little detail of their entire life."
"Be quiet."
Overhearing the exchange, someone would think Riri was kidding or exaggerating, but she wasn't. Since your birth, the urge to satisfy your own wants has been overwhelmed by the dread of disappointing your parents. Besides, it could be worse. They wanted you to be influential, to shine amongst others. They had a say in everything: schooling, personal life, and romantic relationships... Everything was all right. "It means no time to lose contemplating decisions when you can take action," your mother always stated. 
"Whatever his name is, where is he?" Riri mumbled, her tone unpleasant. After learning more about your life, Riri immediately criticized your parents' and Travis' actions.
You and Travis have been dating since your junior year of high school. It wasn't a typical boy meets girl or meet-cute from a romance story. His parents had come home for dinner one day, which is how you met. You were forced to spend time together, left alone at various gatherings, and finally, as your parents intended, you got together. You've been together ever since.
His parents were wealthy and owned a multimillion-dollar software company, Gateway Software, with your father serving as a US senator and your mother as a lawyer. Their two bright stars were a match made in heaven. It's no surprise that you and Travis ended up at MIT together, with you studying computer engineering and him studying politics. 
You narrow your eyes at her. She knew his name. You just said it. “You know his name. Travis, Riri, how are you going to act once we're engaged?"
Marriage was the ultimate goal for you and Travis. Your mother had informed you since senior year of high school that we would be your husband. Both of your parents were heavily involved in your relationship. Travis' parents believe that a couple should be engaged between twelve and eighteen months. Your mother reminded you it’s every girl's dream to marry her high school sweetheart. You may be married soon after graduation if he proposes now. Getting engaged during your junior year of university was the ideal timing, and there is a good chance the proposal would happen soon. 
You weren’t unhappy. Your parents like him, your mom picked him, and that’s all that mattered.
Shuri clears her throat to renounce her presence, breaking up the mini arguments between you and Riri. “Sorry. Riri, we have that seminar in fifteen minutes.”
Riri’s eyebrows furrowed before straightening them out, “Uh, yeah. We’ll see you later, Y/N. Text me when you’re free.”
“It’s really nice to meet you, Shuri,” you tell her. 
“You as well,” Shuri replied, and you waved them off, going back to your activities for the day. 
The next time you encounter Shuri, she’s entering the library with who you’re sure is a member of the Dora Milaje entering, following a few feet behind her. Her gaze scans the room before settling on you. You were sitting alone, Tuesdays are your least busy days, and you usually spend hours in the library getting comfy with water and a candy bag, balance. It was your day to catch up on work or prepare for any future assignments, and because most people understood this, they were less likely to bother you. You admit you overextend yourself, but taking a breather is good.
From how she scanned the room, it’s evident she was observing the area, and you motioned her over. Shuri's face brightens when she approaches you, pleased to see a familiar face, and you can't help but smile at her radiance. You feel bad for not checking in on her, but this week has been crazy with the Honor Society elections and a gala with Travis and his parents.
Shuri turns to the woman, who is not so subtly following her; they exchange a few words before the woman turns away, and Shuri comes over to you. "Hey, Shuri!"
"Hi, Y/N," she softened her smile.
You ask, "How are you liking things at MIT?" quickly, anticipating that she may walk away. It's been two weeks since you had your initial interaction with Riri. You're sure the Princess has taken a few classes and explored some of the campus's offerings.
Shuri pushes the backpack she's carrying onto her shoulder. "It's great, but I just have two-morning lessons today. I'm at a loss for what to do with the rest of my day. I went to look at some of the sites on campus and ended up here,” she explains. 
You're glad she came here by chance. Your initial meeting was brief, and you were both carried up in the wave of academia. You needed to figure out when you'd have time to devote to the new transfer. "I'm happy to see you. I apologize for not being more helpful."
Shuri, on the other hand, disagrees. "Please, no. Don't be worried; I'm sure you're busier than I am. Everything has been fine. Riri has been excellent, as have the Dean and other instructors. I'm doing good."
That made you happy to know she was settling in well. Without question, the school would go out of its way to make the most important person on campus feel welcome.
"That's amazing," you say, your voice drifting off as you consider your next words. Why were your thoughts slipping away from you? You then decide to share some of the snacks you brought with Shuri. “Oh, dum-dum?” You're watching Shuri's surprise, thinking she's being insulted, then noticing the candy in your hand.
The expression on her face makes you laugh so hard that the least appealing sound in the world escapes your mouth. You snort and hastily cover your mouth with your hands, your eyes wide in disbelief that you made such an obnoxious noise. The loudness of your amusement draws a few glances, and you mumble a modest apology. This time, it's Shuri's turn to laugh, and she does it quietly, aware of her surroundings.
"It's a lollipop," you explain as you pull the red package from your bookbag for Shuri to examine. In response to her admission that she is at a loss for the rest of the day, you make a suggestion. "On Tuesdays, you are welcome to join me. It is usually my study day. I'll be here all day. It's just me and my sweets." There was a random assortment of chocolate, lollipops, snack-size Skittles, and M&Ms.
Shuri raised an eyebrow at you, taking a seat. "That's a lot of candy," she observes, staring at your bag.
"People are wandering around here with nothing but Adderall and caffeine in their systems," you draw it closer to you. "I'm fine." 
Coffee, beloved by all, was disgusting to you, and you discovered sugar a good substitute in your refusal to drink it. You remember being a kid, and your mother wouldn't even allow you to look at candy. She wasn't here right now. "If you're concerned, my dentist says I have exceptional teeth and brush and floss twice daily."
"It'll make it easier for me to sleep at night." Shuri jokes. The spherical bracelet on Shuri’s wrist rings, and she gives you an apologetic pout. "I must go, but seeing you again was great." 
“You too,” you respond, disappointed eyes watching her stand. As quickly as she appeared, she was gone, rejoined by the person from earlier. You were left wanting more time with her, wanting to talk to her and discover more about her.
The opportunity will present itself the following week. You're sitting at an empty table in the corner, transferring your digital notes to paper. Rewriting them helped memorization. The sound of the chair pulling out draws your attention, and your pulse quickens as you see Shuri in front of you. "Well, hi," you said as you removed the lollipop from your mouth.
You notice her slipping into the open seat across from you. “Sorry, did I disturb you? You looked concentrated.”
You immediately shake your head. Her company could never be a disruption. “No, no. I was so absorbed that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings."
Shuri drops her bag down onto the chair next to hers and starts taking out various notebooks and a laptop. “What are you working on?” She wondered.
"Discrete Structures." The woman says, nodding. You liked the subject; discrete mathematics analyzes mathematical structures that are "discrete" rather than "continuous." It entailed a lot of work with integers, graphs, and logical assertions. "I use this pen since it's my favorite subject," you explain, holding out the pen you were now writing with, the colorful handwriting inked into the page.
Shuri reads through your notes; she is, of course, already versed with the material. She's probably taking courses that are way beyond your level of expertise. "Can I guess, computer engineering major?"
You exchange a look and a smile, both knowing she is correct. “Yes, how did you know?”
"The notions of discrete mathematics are directly applicable to computing concepts, easy guess." Her brilliance was admirable.
You blink at her, how she could take a simple answer and use it to learn more about you. "I believe," you say, pulling out the bag of candies you bought with you. "You should be rewarded for that." Shuri laughs at your childlike demeanor but nonetheless selects a mini bag of Skittles.
You get the same feelings the first few times you had Shuri near and alone as you did the first time you saw her. Butterflies and increased blood flow to the face. You figure it's because who wouldn't be nervous in the presence of one of the world's most brilliant minds? Your mind tries to justify that it was because Shuri was the royal of the world's most powerful nation. It was expected to feel nervous, fearful of doing or saying anything stupid that would make you look like a complete fool.
As the uncertainty fades, talking to Shuri becomes increasingly simpler. Her personality was the perfect blend of courteous, engaging, and dynamic—she was full of energy, and her mind was incredibly inventive. You were fascinated by her weekly research reports, and you soaked up all the information she presented to you. Her voice became your favorite sound, and you'd often get distracted while listening to her speak, but you'd never tell her. Shuri would probably become aware of how long she had been talking to you, and a world without her voice was not one you wished to inhabit.
Physical barriers were also being erased. You'd always sat across from each other, respectful of each other's personal space. Until one day, she goes from across the table to sit with you one day after you have a stressful day, your head is killing you, and you're very sure you've neglected essential nutrition. In the middle of the library, with your head on the table, Shuri’s there, one hand scrolling through her tablet. The other massaged your forehead and the base of your skull softly, relieving the pressure in your head. "You need to look after yourself," she says. I was well aware of the chaos that was your academic and personal routine. You mutter a quick response, immersed in the sensation of letting yourself be tended to.
Shuri no longer sat across from you after that day, instead choosing to remain beside you, bringing the two of you closer together. You could smell cardamom and iris close to her, warm and smokey. Soothing.
Outside the library, the three of you form a trio in that Riri and Shuri are usually together, and when you see Riri, you see Shuri. You're not bothered by it at all. It allows you to spend more time together. Every week you spent together, you discovered new aspects of her that you had overlooked the day before. The way in which she laughed. Her smirking expression. The amazing discoveries she brought with her every time. The intensity with which she stared at you when you spoke.  The way she looked after you on bad days. How her fingers brushed on your skin. 
You could have avoided it if you had spotted it sooner. You could have prevented yourself from falling. Cupid had shot his golden arrow, aimed squarely into your heart while you were only looking at Shuri, and he didn't miss.
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You're in Riri's apartment on a Friday night. A few recognized faces are regulars at Riri's kickback sessions. Tonight was a rare time you could attend. Riri typically held them on Saturday, but you really wanted to come, and tomorrow was a definite no. Your parents were having a catered dinner at the estate for a few of your relatives who had flown in. Both you and Travis' families would be in attendance, and your mother had already chosen a dress. You could appear oblivious and pretend you didn't know what was going to happen tomorrow, but you knew in the back of your mind that everything would change.
To avoid raising suspicions about your whereabouts tonight, you told Travis you were going to a paint and sip before falling asleep as soon as you returned to your dorm. Unfortunately, you were a lightweight. You've never developed the tolerance to hold your alcohol, let alone the weed. Another thing you would only do if you were in Riri's presence and trusted her to watch after you. You were already gone.
You simply wanted one more night of normalcy with your friends before Travis took over your life. Juggling finishing your degree and wedding planning, if you’d even be allowed to do that.
You're lying on the floor with your head propped up on a pillow, staring aimlessly at the ceiling. “Are you alive over there?” Riri asked, and you nodded. “Alright, because I don’t need Senator John trying to come after me.”
Others were getting started, but you were done for the night. You weren't paying attention to their discussion. Adding something would take thinking; you didn't want to do that right now. Until—
“Aye, Shuri, how’d it go with Stacey?” Stacey was someone you were acquainted with. You’d met a few times in a setting like this. She was always pleasant, but you had no idea Shuri was involved with her. Apparently, everyone else did.
You tilt your head to see Shuri, moving a bit too quickly for your current state since the room begins to spin, but everything stops when you find the one you've been looking for. Shuri’s seated on the couch, a joint between her lips before she hands it back to Danielle. Once the smoke clears, it's simply her, with her flawless skin and defined features. Getting consumed by her, you almost forget the conversation at hand. Almost. 
"Did you do it?" Joshua rises up and begins thrusting against the air, and your face turns disgusted. Everyone else seems to think it’s the funniest thing in the world breaking out in a joined laughter that has your ears ringing. 
Shuri's gaze is drawn to yours. You had no idea she was seeing someone. Does she not trust in you enough to tell you? Travis came up during your times together, not often, but she knew you were in a relationship, and you’d thought you were close enough. Shuri breaks contact first, turning to the guy who made the vulgar actions. “Cut it out,” Shuri laughs awkwardly. That doesn't sound like the one you're used to when it's just the two of you.
Riri chimes in, “That means she did.”
Upon hearing that, more people are begging for details. Having to listen to Shuri sit here and describe the night she had with Stacey makes you feel sick to your stomach. "Yes, you've got to tell us something because her ass is-"
You start speaking before you notice your slurred and loose words. "I believe that what you do in your private life should be kept private." Hoping to put an end to this discussion. You felt a fire in your chest at the thought of Shuri with anybody else; the feeling was absurd, and you had no idea why it hurt so much.
Someone sucks their teeth in response to your objection. “Of course, Y/N doesn’t like talking about sex.”
"That's because she's never done anything memorable. I mean, you've known Travis since high school, right?" The attention has turned from Shuri to you, and you're not sure which is worse—having so many comments flung at you, being the target of so many remarks.
Someone then says it. "Aren’t you getting engaged soon?" As the months passed, the thing that had been towering over you turned from exciting to terrifying. You could never tell anyone about the flaw in your rose-colored glasses. If you didn’t acknowledge it, it would go away. 
“I don’t disclose my private affairs. Yes, I've known Travis since high school, and we're getting married. I don't see what the issue is." Your voice slightly rises. You weren't normally this defensive. You were used to the taunting and jokes. But you were happy with your life, so nothing could bother you. It was the path ahead. It was-
When Danielle opens her mouth, the crowd becomes silent, allowing everyone to hear her. "All I'm saying is going the rest of your life without an orgasm is crazy," she snarks.
Your intellect is too drunk to reply, but your blood is racing. Something snaps within you. In your altered state, you're on your feet and out the door as quickly as possible, wanting to be away from this debate anywhere but here.
You can hear Riri yelling at Danielle, "Watch how you talk to her," a few people call after you hoping you'll return. You wouldn't do it.
You are filled with various emotions, including hurt, hatred, and envy. You've heard a lot of jokes and comments about your sex, or lack thereof. You're used to people thinking you and Travis getting engaged was hasty, despite the fact that you've been together since high school. 
For the remainder of your life, you're going to be his wife. He'll be your husband, and your life will be exactly as your parents planned all those years ago—an ideal partnership with assets and reciprocal benefits on both sides.
Your feet led you to the park across the street; you weren't familiar with the area, but you and Riri went there. A fountain was in the center, and you stood on the flat seating area, wandering about in a circle. That's why life felt like a never-ending circle of frustration. A series of instructions to leap and jump. Nothing belonged to you. You did not choose your school, your activities, ballet, piano, violin, debate, soccer... Your parents have meticulously planned your life.
You could hear someone approaching you with a call to your name amid your panic. "Riri, leave me alone-"
It was Shuri. “How did you know I was here?”
“I left after you. You move fast when you’re intoxicated.” She chased you. You tried not to let your pulse rate increase as a result of your emotions. The butterflies in your stomach that usually flew when the Princess was nearby, ready to take flight.  "I think you should get down," Shuri suggests, possibly worried about you falling into the fountain. 
"No," you groan, reminded of the cause for all of this—stupid Stacey. "Why didn't you tell me you went out with Stacey?" you demand. Shuri is surprised by your search for conflict and your willingness to be so straightforward.
Her face twisted in confusion. “It’s not that important,” she defends.
You freeze, standing still in front of her, looking down on her from your elevated vantage point. "We're friends and meant to tell each other stuff. You told everyone else except me," you complain.
She lets out an exasperated sigh, knowing that talking to you would be futile while you were like this. "I hooked up with Stacey and will see her again tomorrow. Is this what you're looking for?" Her tone reflects her irritation.
Tomorrow. She would be with Stacey tomorrow, and you would receive a ring with the promise of forever. "It appears that tomorrow will be a big day for everyone," you remarked as you resumed your laps around the fountain.
"What are you talking about—come on, Y/N, get down."
You're standing on the fountain's edge, and Shuri stares at you with intense, focused eyes. "No, you don't get it. He's going to propose tomorrow." You watch as Shuri's jaw clenches.
"Mrs. Travis Moore," you mumble in the dark of night, the taste in your mouth bitter. "They think he's going to be the future president of the United States, fucking moron can't even get to his classes on time," you try to lighten the weight of your remarks. You laugh to keep the tears at bay.
Once the panic subsides, you recognize its significance and analyze your thoughts. The pain was for the years that were taken away from you. Your entire life has been mapped out for years without a concrete decision. Anger because the illusion was collapsing. Your gaze shifts to Shuri, the woman you'd become close to during the months of bonding over candy and your common passion for research. Jealous of those whose lips got to taste hers and those who spent their time coaxing noises from her that you would never hear. Jealous that someone would be wearing a ring on their finger to match hers, a symbol of eternity and dedication, it wouldn't be you. The odds are infinitely against it being you.
You want to hide from everything.
You jump down and start walking with no idea where you are going. “Where are you going?” Shuri shouts, jogging up beside you. “I don’t know.” Your car wasn’t here; not like you would be driving anyways. You didn’t want to go back to campus with the possibility of running into Travis and him knowing you lied. 
You stopped at the entrance gate, turning around, “I don’t know. I don’t want to go back there. Just leave me here,” you tell her. 
Shuri shakes her head. “Absolutely not. I’m not going to leave you outside by yourself.”
“Well, I’m not leaving,” you respond stubbornly. 
Shuri's expression is one you've seen before when she's stuck on a problem and begins thinking hard about what to do next. "Would you come to my place?" She asked.
Everything inside of you is screaming yes. Having a night to yourself with Shuri seems like a gift from the cosmos, granting you a small taste of happiness. You nod your head, “But I don’t want to walk to the car,” you plead. Shuri's face softened as she bowed slightly to allow you to climb on her back. You lay your head on her shoulder, inhaling the soothing aroma. Clinging to Shuri's back as she heads towards her car in the direction she chased you from. 
Shuri's apartment is close to the MIT campus. The moonlight flows through the blinds on the floor-to-ceiling windows, revealing Shuri's life. It was your first visit, and you spent time absorbing the small details the moon permitted. The bookshelf has reached its capacity, and books have spilled onto the floor. Photos of her family, including her late father and brother. She spoke of them often. Artwork resembled the small sketches she'd make with your colored pens—everything she treasures in one place. "Come," Shuri said quietly, for the residence was dark without the moonlight.
Shuri takes your hand and leads you down the hallway. “This is the guest bedroom. You can sleep in here.” She opens the door, and it’s a simple room with a queen-sized bed. “I’ll be back. Do you need anything? Water?”
No, you motion with your head. "I'm okay," you said, your voice low and sleepy. Shuri's steps are hesitant as she exits the room as if she's worried about leaving you alone, and you nearly beg her not to. The only chance you had to spend with her was tonight, so you made sure to take advantage of every minute of it.
You lie down on the bed and wait, and the minutes seem to drag on forever. Shuri enters the room wearing sweatpants and the Outkast tee shirt she wore the first time you met her.
“Dum-dum?” She asks, handing up a lollipop. Pineapple with coconut. It's your favorite. As you recall your early interactions, you can't help but laugh fondly—the beginning of your story.
You take it from her, unwrap it, and pop it into your mouth. You're not studying, but you might be able to make an exception. Shuri stands at the foot of the bed, unsure of what to do, and the atmosphere takes on an uneasy tone. "What are you doing standing there?" There she was, and you really wanted to be beside her.
“You’re a little under the influence, and I don’t want to leave you alone.”
You consider your options. "You could rub my head? Please?” A self-interested request, "I'll help me fall asleep,” but you'd never get this chance again. That she does, she was opting to be here with you rather than sleeping in her own bed. When she lies down, she offers her arms and invites you to cuddle into her side. It's an excellent fit.
With Shuri so close, you can't help but be attentive, wanting to remember this beautiful moment forever. You let your imagination wander into fantasies where you're hers, and she's yours. You exist in unison. Instead of this lifetime, you're left to wonder what could have been. The silence is soothing, and you sink into Shuri's touch as her fingers strive to relieve the tension in your head. When you let go of everything, the only thing that remains is her: the way she smells, the way her hands touch your skin, and the life her words instill in you.
You are the one who breaks the stillness. “Have you ever wanted something you can’t have?” You have no idea what the question was about. To make your own choices. To be liberated from your parents. Her.
Shuri's fingers in your hair pause. "I know the feeling all too well recently," Shuri confesses.
You don’t respond, afraid you’ll say too much, but if she feels your heart beating, she doesn’t mention anything. The sound of her breathing lulls you to sleep. 
You were leaving too soon in the morning, but you knew Travis or your mother would come looking for you to prepare for tonight. Shuri watches you with concern. The two of you barely spoke a few words since you’d woken up together. 
"Y/N," she says, her voice strained. "You know, you don't have to do this." At long last, she was able to voice what had been going on in her head.
"Please, Shuri. I've heard it from everyone else but don't want to hear it from you." Your heart couldn't take it since you knew if she told you, you'd stay.
"I believe last night was the first time you were honest with yourself in the months I've known you." Her stare is deadly serious.
"I wasn't thinking clearly. Commitment is intimidating, but I'm alright."
"It shouldn't feel like that," Shuri says, interrupting your explanations. "You should not be afraid to spend the rest of your life with the person you care about."
"And you don't love him," she continues firmly as if that would be enough to convince you, but you were aware that you didn't love Travis. You never claimed to.
"I'm content and think I can learn to love him." This was your last argument since it was the clearest justification available. A life without Travis was an unstable situation, and you couldn't risk destroying everything if you had no plan in place.
It is still insufficient for Shuri. "You'd think after all these years of being together, you'd have learned by now."
She lets out a bitter chuckle, “You’re going to marry someone who, at the very least, doesn’t even know your favorite color. You have no idea how silly that sounds." It was an offhand comment, but it cut deep
The debate is hopeless for you. She’s prepared to counteract everything you have to say. "Can we not have this talk right now? It's finished." With Travis's future political aspirations in mind, this arrangement is more secure, guarantees financial stability for your father's campaigns, and strengthens social relations. That was the strategy. There's no possibility you'd ever intend to undo your parents' hard work.
Shuri sighs, “It’s hard to accept this when I know you deserve better.” Her words wounded you. A message alerts you that your Uber return to class awaits you outside.
You hate leaving now, knowing that your actions have affected Shuri, witnessing her friend settle for a life that isn't hers. If she only knew how difficult it is for you to depart from the security of the one love you've ever known. You're grateful she found a place in your life; otherwise, you'd never have felt this way. You reach closer and kiss her cheek, a selfish deed for your own satisfaction. “Thank you.” You whisper.
This was the conclusion of your story since you had to deny your feelings for Shuri until they faded to darkness. Hanging on to hope can only lead to heartbreak. She wasn't yours, and she never would be. 
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Dinner with your parents and Travis' family is similar, except that there are a few more close relatives from your respective families there. You spent the morning with your mother at the salon, your hair in a low twisted bun. "A photographer is coming tonight. I need you to be perfect." A makeup artist arrives at your house to prepare you for the night. Your mother had chosen a pale pink modest dress for this occasion weeks in advance, the tag digging into your neck.
Everyone at the table is staring at you, a knowing expression on their faces, and you can't stop the knots in your gut from twisting. The conversation is light, with everyone chatting about themselves:
"I purchased that new BMW 2023."
"Gateway Software stock jumped this week!"
"I went golfing with the Mccoys!"
They said it in a way that made it appear as though they weren't secretly attempting to outdo each other.
"Oh, Y/N," your aunt says in an attempt to catch your attention. "I was contemplating selling my Cape Cod beach home. I believe that would be an excellent area for you and Travis to settle down after you graduate."
Travis' mother expresses her displeasure, saying, "Don't you think I'll be hazardous for the children so close to water?"
Your mother is quick to interject, “Y/N will be an amazing mother. She will not let my grandchildren drown."
As if she understands what a wonderful mother looks like. As if any of the ladies in this room knew what it meant to be a mother, to care for and love their children. You remain silent and smile politely at your mother, defending your unborn children. You were confident that if you opened your mouth, you'd dry-heave. Discussions about children, homes, and marriage. A future with someone you didn't care for—a life you did not desire. 
Later, when you're all gathered about continuing to exchange small conversation, holding a glass of three thousand dollar champagne you can't force yourself to drink, it happens—that moment you've been dreading.
A fork clinks against a champagne glass, capturing the room's attention. Travis smiles big, standing center stage and ready to play out the scene you’ve prepared for. "I believe we all know why we're here,” He starts, cutting his gaze to you. You’re sure those surrounding you are buying into it, the couple head over heels and ready to say ‘I do.’ “My dear Y/N, I've been the luckiest man in the world since I met you in high school. Y/N, She’s beautiful uh- smart, she… she’s beautiful and a great person.” Here he was proposing to the love of his life, with impersonal and flawed lines. He didn’t rehearse. 
The man before you continues his monologue, “So, will you make me the happiest man in the world,” Travis says, setting his glass down and bending to one knee. Putting in front of you a diamond whose price tag would put a neighborhood's worth of groceries to shame. “Will you marry me?”
You knew your line was a ‘yes’ because, unlike Travis, you had practiced it. Each day until a few months ago, when uncertainty crept in, and your heart ached for more, no longer content with being without passion. Your first clench, and you close your eyes for a second to imagine being anywhere but here, too. You calm the growing panic. In the sanctuary of your imagination, you and Shuri are in her arms as she hugs you and makes you feel so cherished and loved, a sensation you've never felt before her, and the prospect of never being able to feel that way again makes you want to cry.
When you open your eyes, the vision shatters by the reality before you. This was it, and you peered down at Travis on one knee. You'd say yes, he'd slide the ring on your finger, and that was the end of it. You carry a diamond around campus. You have an enviable love story; unlike so many other girls who spend their entire lives looking for love, you found yours at an early age and made it work through all of life's challenges and hardships. A love story that most people only fantasize about. You only had to say yes, so you were astonished even by yourself when the word "No" rolled off your tongue.
A chorus of gasps sounded out over the room. His mom says, "dear god," and his dad responds, "What did she say?"
Travis is mortified and unsure about how to proceed. This improvisation was not in the script, and you couldn't move on to the next page without the answer everyone in the room had expected. "I'm sorry if you didn't hear me. I said will you marry me?”
"No," you say again. The more you looked down at him, the more anxious you became. “Travis, get up, get up!”
His father steps in, “Are you two having relationship issues? We can pay for a counselor-“
A typical response, throw money at all your problems. “No! I'm not going to marry him. I don't love him!" Further disbelief can be heard across the gathering. As Travis stands, you take a step back.
Your mother intervenes, attempting to save your relationship with Travis. The breakup of your partnership would be detrimental to her connection to his parents. "Y/N, don't be ridiculous. How can you not love him when you've known him since you were young?" she argued.
You turn your head, pointing an accusatory finger, "Because you told us to!" Your mother blinks, her eyes bulging because you have never raised your voice at her in your entire life. You had never dared to disobey her before.
You're going to marry someone who doesn't even know your favorite color. Shuri's voice resonated in your head, and you almost laughed out loud because she was correct. He doesn't know anything about you. Throughout all your years together, you almost ended up in a loveless marriage contract out of desperation to keep your parents pleased.
You return your gaze to Travis and ask, "What's my favorite color?" Curious as to what he would answer. 
In the presence of all your closest relatives, the friendly guy persona he'd been striving to preserve cracks. He fixed a venomous gaze at you, his brow furrowed. "What?" he muttered.
"Can you tell me what my favorite color is?" You slowly repeat.
"Y/N. I  had no idea I would have to take a pop quiz to propose," he spits.
"After all these years, you still don't know my favorite color." You must get out of here and away from him. Away from these people. Back to the place where you felt secure.
When you turn away, Travis grabs your wrist. “Is there someone else?” and the silence is deafening. The whole room is waiting for the reply.
You yank your arm out from his grasp. "I don't know," you say honestly. But the uncertainty of Shuri was incomparable to the life here before you. "But I know I'm not going to marry you."
It's like déjà vu as you rush out of the room and into your car, but you're going towards something new instead of running away from your issues. A cacophony of voices called your name, but you paid them no attention. When you finally got the keys in the ignition, it was with trembling hands, and you looked up in alarm to see your mother and Travis approaching the vehicle. Her face was filled with terror, as if she was scared you had finally found your voice. The strength to say no, the flawless plan she put out for your life, was ruined and would remain so because you would never consider marrying Travis again. You didn't care about him. You didn't want a relationship like that with someone who didn't love you, and he didn't.
It was as though your emotions led, and your head followed as you drove through local streets until you arrived at Shuri's condo. You hurried out of the car, desperate to see her. Let her know that you recognize her truthfulness and that you do deserve and seek something better. Tell her how she invaded your senses and the first time you ever felt valued was in her company.
After trying the buzzer to no avail, you break. The defeat you feel causes you to sink into the hard cement steps and cry until your whole body shakes. The tears continue to fall as you take your hair out of the awful tight bun, ruining your nicely made-up face by wiping your eyes. You're not sure how long you've been there, letting the night chill nip at your skin.
A voice called out. “Y/N?” You couldn't tell who it was until you looked up and saw Stacey holding Shuri's hand. You can't resist the frown that forms on your face as you watch her with someone else, but you know you must be quite the sight with your unkempt hair, trembling body, and smudged makeup. You feel silly now; you forgot Shuri had been out with her. You stand up fast, an excuse on your tongue, but Shuri is quick. "Y/N- Oh my," Shuri rushes to you, dropping Stacey's hand. She's by your side in an instant, fabric wrapped around your shoulder. You hadn't even noticed her remove her jacket as she wrapped you up. “Why are you here? How long have you been out here.”
"I'm sorry, Stacey, but- another time?" She offers, knowing that their night is coming to an end.
Stacey looks between you two. You can sense she's disappointed, despite her efforts to be compassionate. "I understand. Will you text me later?"
Shuri says, "Sure, definitely," ignoring the woman she intended to spend the night with and instead focusing on you. You see the girl give a final look, her expression unreadable, as she walks away, while Shuri is intent on unlocking the door and getting you inside.
Shuri leads you into the kitchen and places you on one of the stools at the center island. "How come you didn't call me?" That's the first thing she says. If your name flashed on the screen, would she have answered the phone in the middle of the date?
"I left my phone at my parent's house." You respond. Shuri grabs a paper towel and passes it to you. You accept it, dabbing your eyes and watching the white material stain with your makeup. “I’m sorry I ruined your night.” You mumble half-heartedly. You're sorry for bothering her, but you're relieved she's not with Stacey.
Her arms are crossed as she stands with her back to the counter, the island between you two. "I'm not interested in that," Shuri says. "What if I hadn't come home tonight? You'd be out there by yourself." She expresses her displeasure, upset by your careless behavior.
You pout. "I wasn't thinking at all. I needed to see you," you confess.
Shuri sighs as she uncrosses her arms. "Can you tell me what happened?"
You put your head in your hands as you recount the night's events, afraid you'll cry again. "You were right. Riri, you, stupid Danielle. Everyone was correct, and I was too dumb to notice."
“He proposed.” You say it directly because you both knew it would happen. That wasn’t the answer she was seeking. She was curious as to why you were here. “Travis proposed, and I refused. I left after yelling at my mother in front of both of our families. I wasn’t thinking about anything.” Your words are mixed together and coming out quickly.
Except for you.
Shuri's body shifts out of your line of sight as she approaches you. A hand wraps around your wrist and pulls it away from your face. "You're not stupid," she says, her eyes sharp. “Don't say anything like that." Then her arms draw you in, and you feel at ease in her embrace. Every fall will be okay if she's there to catch you.
After a moment of holding you there in silence, Shuri speaks, still concerned about your well-being. “I’m going to get something warmer for you to change into,” Shuri says into your skin. You reluctantly allow her to pull away, and she's gone searching for clothes for you, and you're relieved at the prospect of getting this dress off.
Your gaze wanders about the kitchen, looking for something to focus on. The area is spacious, well-equipped, and thoughtfully planned—the appliances, counter, and storage requirements are all carefully arranged. The neatness of it makes you wonder if Shuri knows how to cook. There's a coffee machine on the counter, and you wince at the K-cup assortment.
That’s when you see it—a calendar. Most people would dismiss it as an uninteresting piece of paper that they forget to keep track of constantly, but Shuri's is true to her essence. She kept everything organized and arranged to keep track of the courses and projects she was working on. When you see your name on her schedule, you go over it again and again.
"Library with Y/N." is written in light green every Tuesday. You get to your feet to examine it more closely, your fingers running down the lines of Shuri's handwriting. Curiosity gets the best of you, and you go back a few months. A list of your favorite candies is on the reminders list's side.
You can't take your sight away from the paper when you hear Shuri's footsteps approaching. "Shuri," you begin, and the woman hums, answering your call of her name. “What’s my favorite color?”
Shuri responds immediately. "Green," she answers, effortlessly answering a basic question that the man requesting your hand in marriage couldn't.
In all the conversations you’ve shared, you never told her that. "How did you figure that out?"
“It’s the pen color you use to do your favorite subject. It's the first color gummy bear you reach for, and you always keep them separate. It was the color of your nails when you refused to remove the polish since it was so gorgeous even after it was chipped. It's also the color of the claw clip you sometimes use to hold your hair up." She talks and talks, presenting you with all the information she’s gathered just from observing you over your time spent together, committing every little thing about you to memory.
Her confession causes your lips to part, leaving you speechless for a split second. “You recognized all that?”
Shuri nods before proceeding. "I know you usually grab for the lollipops while reading, and once you finish a complicated question, you eat a piece of chocolate as if it were a reward." Shuri can't stop now that she's started. "I'm aware of all of this because I see you, and you're the first girl ever to steal my breath away." Her monologue does not have a script. Her statements are authentic and heartfelt.
You find you were not the first victim of Cupid's arrow, as he had struck Shuri, who had fallen in love with you before even knowing your name. Mirror hearts with identical puncture marks only beat for each other.
You return a truth of your own as compensation for her bravery. "When he proposed before I responded, I closed my eyes, and it was just you and me. How happy I am with you, the way you make me feel. To feel things I've never felt before because of you is terrifying, but the prospect of never feeling them again is even more so."  Nothing could stop the fire from spreading. Shuri's sincerity was the lighter fluid to the sparks that ignited inside your body when you met her.
It all made sense as your world unraveled the second her eyes met hers. The initial encounter enchanted you, and everything following that shattered everything you thought you understood about love. 
"I had no idea, Y/N- After all this time-" She pauses, gathering her thoughts, clearly overwhelmed by your confession. You know, when Riri informed me you were dating someone, it hit me hard. I tried not to like you, but the more time we spent together — do you realize how easy you made it to fall for you?"
The delicate expression on her features charms your heart. "Do you realize how effortless it was to fall for you?" you say softly. "I was afraid of the unknown, but this is what I want."
She's in your space; all you can do is lose yourself in her eyes. Everything in her heart is mirrored in her eyes when she looks at you. "Repeat it," she urges.
And you do it because you're no longer afraid. “This is what I want. I want you.” You were meant to be with her. Here and now.
Her hands come up to cup your face, fingertips brushing against the heated cheeks, and your heartbeat quickens. "Shuri," you inhale, staring up through your lashes. It feels lovely to be held. Shuri's heart races against yours; you know the sensation is equal. “Can I kiss you?” she asks, voice barely above a whisper. Shuri leans forward till your forehead is pressed together as you nod yes. Her lips are a deep, scarlet, beautiful, and inviting shade of red.
This is like a scene straight out of a movie. Only it's actually happening to you.
Against what the circumstances presented to you, the two of you had been waiting for this moment since you met. In anticipation, you’re chasing each other. Fingertips touching and lips brushing against each other’s, breathing catching as they become too close. Ignoring her request, you bend in and tenderly press your lips together in an innocent peck. When you separate, you can't stop the giddy feeling that comes over you, and you let out a short giggle.
Shuri smiles at you before leaning in this time, and there, where no one exists around you, Shuri kisses you breathlessly. Your lips move slowly and purposefully together. Neither of you makes an effort to distance yourself, making up for the lost time. All the time you've wasted wishing you could have been together. You don't know if we've been kissing for minutes or hours, but you can't stop yourself. You keep kissing Shuri, and kissing her, and kissing her.
You've never longed to be kissed so badly for so long.
You can feel her muscles tensing. "Y/N," Shuri exhales as she pulls away. She leans against your shoulder, her breathing heavy.
You pull back so you can gaze into her eyes. The shift in the atmosphere made you anxious that she was regretful about kissing you. "What's the matter?"
Shuri massaged the worry from your features using the pads of her thumb. "There is nothing wrong. I'm worried that my impulses are becoming too selfish," she reveals.
This causes a burst of energy to run through your spine. Shuri was considerate and patient with you, willing to repress her desire to ensure your comfort. You could only guess what was going through her mind. "What exactly do you want?" You'd give her everything she wanted, and you're confident that whatever was on her mind, you wanted it just as much.
Shuri gently grasps your chin and turns your head to peer into those dark-brown, hooded eyes. "Tell me," you insist, curious about what scenarios she conjured up in her imagination. “You. I want to witness you fall apart and listen to how pretty you sound when you feel good.” The intensity of your desire for her increases as you surge forward, pressing your lips together once more.
“Please,” you moan into her lips. Her fingers locate the zipper holding your dress up and slide it down. The fabric falls down your shoulders as it loosens over your body.
Shuri gently lifts you in her arms and carefully carries you down to her bedroom. The distinction between sex and making love becomes clear to you that night. Every physical act you two perform is a statement of your passion for each other. 
Naked and tangled around each other, Shuri invaded all five of your senses. The taste of her kisses remained on your tongue as you waited for her to emerge from beneath the covers. The fragrance of cardamom, iris, violet, and amber is warm and smokey. The scent you’ve long associated with Shuri is now all you can smell as you toss your head from side to side on the pillow.
Shuri moves at a leisurely pace, indulging you in sensations you've not experienced before her. Clinging to the hand, Shuri has extended upwards towards you while the other hand maintains your thighs apart. Her sounds are wet and obscene as her mouth works between your folds. You're torn between running away from her and bringing yourself down on the face of her precise tongue's ability to dismantle you. Part of your mind tells you that it can't be any better than this as your breath leaves you and your body spasms.
She comes up once she's had enough of the taste of you covering her lips, leaving you sweaty and panting. After grabbing the lubricant, Shuri generously applies it to the strap. One hand wraps around one of your thighs, pulling your leg up on her hip to give her a better angle. Her other hand lines the tip with your opening. "So pretty for me,” Shuri murmurs as she presses forward, entering slowly. That is just one of the numerous compliments she has given you since you began. You're overflowing with emotion as Shuri reaches deep inside of you, and the feeling is one of stretching and warmth. 
"Please let me know if it's too much," She breathes as she thrusts her hips, careful not to go too hard for you.
You respond with "Okay," but you don’t care if it is because you find yourself wanting it. Shuri begins to move into you, setting a slow but beautiful pace that has you moaning, and your body shakes. The waves of pleasure have you flinging your head back, a gasp escaping your parted lips, and all the air exiting your lungs. Colors dance behind your eyelids as your fingers fist at the sheets in an attempt to grasp something. Feelings of ecstasy flood your entire body, all the way from your head to your toes. You've never experienced a physical sensation quite like this one, in which you feel utterly attached and entirely overwhelmed.
You press your eyes tight and twist the sheets harder in your hold as Shuri slowly, blissfully, moves inside you. "Open your eyes for me," she pleaded, breath coming out short. 
You follow her orders, looking up at her. “You’re making me feel so good,” you find the words to tell her. 
As she rotates her hips and moans, your hand grips her shoulder for support, letting the sounds of your pleasure spill out. “My sweet girl, making those beautiful sounds for me. Taking it so well.” She mummers, watching you tremble underneath her. 
A palm slides over one of your hands, Shuri tangling your fingers together as she thrusts into you. You grip her fingers tightly, relying on Shuri to keep you connected to her. “Shuri-” you choke out. She eases up, sinking her hips further into yours, wanting you to savor every sensation. Shuri holds your arms above your head with one hand and brushes your hair away from your face with the other. 
"Show me how good I'm making you feel." Shuri gives the order. She kisses your lips briefly before shifting away, and you can't stop moaning, shaking in Shuri's grasp as your impending climax consumes you. You gasp as your lips open against Shuri's, and your muscles tense. Shuri continues to drive into you, extending the moment out for you.
It might be one of the best things you’ve ever felt in your life.
Throughout the night, Shuri takes excellent pleasure in extinguishing the never-ending desire in the pit of your stomach.
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Perhaps being in someone's home, observing the most private elements of their existence while they slept in the next room, is intrusive. You're seated on the plush carpet, knees to the side. The night sky was aglow with the bright city lights, leaving enough lighting for you to admire the picture frames decorating the mantle closely. You found sleep easily beside Shuri, but it didn’t last long. Your thoughts jolted you awake. You slipped on your panties, and the first thing you could find, which ironically was Shuri’s shirt, quietly slipped out of the bedroom. The couch was the first place you sat down as your leg jumped with anxiety. 
There were so many uncertainties that you would need to face—particularly your relationships with your parents and Travis. Your mother would undoubtedly try to salvage whatever remained of the connection with him, but nothing remained. You weren’t going back. 
It’s hard not to think of the moments your parents' interference has tainted. Operating in a state of fantasy, obsessed with the thought of having everlasting love with your “high school sweetheart.” Your first kiss, first date, prom. When you look into the eyes of the man you thought you loved, you realize nothing was ever clear. Everything you'd been fed had distorted your mind into a joyful and optimistic state that failed to recognize negative events, resulting in an unrealistic vision of life. Cracks in the memories drained them from the rose color they’d been drowned in. 
Your perspective on love is a product of the upbringing you had. You were growing up among what you believed were adoring marriages that turned out to be arranged pairings for selfish reasons. These families are infested with harmful ideals that have been passed down over generations. Their notion of love was longevity and control, how two individuals could generate strength in a world founded on power and greed. 
You now see love as a collection of emotions and actions defined by closeness, passion, and commitment. All of which you lacked in your relationship with Travis. All of which your surrounding relationships were unable to develop. People's choices are their own, but you should never let them affect your decisions or life. You were grateful that you wouldn't have to start from a place of hurt and mistrust as you reinterpreted what love and relationships meant to you. Shuri. 
Shuri, who feels as strongly about you as you do her. It's nice to have someone who makes you feel special and noticed. You are not the politician's daughter, the ideal girlfriend, or an academic scholar in her eyes. The corners of your lips twitch to be worthy enough to be valued in those magnificent, wondrous eyes. Her smiling face draws your attention to one of the bottom shelves of the bookshelf. You slide onto the floor and sit comfortably in front of the shelves. Careful fingers graze against the cool glass, preserving the original integrity of the photograph. 
She is stunning. You remember the first day you met, and you never imagined you'd be here in a shirt that wasn't yours, reflecting on your choices after all these months. Everything in your being, from the cells to the elements, tells you you made the right decision choosing Shuri. When she's near, the visible flesh on your skin rises. When she speaks, your heartbeat quickens. The lips that know how hers taste. The oxygen you lose when she gets too close. You are filled with emotions; you feel so much, but the words can wait. Labeling anything could be too soon and put both of you under undue stress. The only thing that matters right now is you and Shuri.  
As your anxieties subside, you look closer at the image, recognizing the late King's T'Challa and T'Chaka. Shuri frequently discusses her brother and father. She admitted to you it was hard in the beginning being avoidant of her grief, and memorializing loved ones who have passed on allows you to sustain connections—celebrating their life and sharing their love, happiness, and long-lasting memories. There's something so lovely about their smiles that shine through the photo that you can't help but move the corners of your lips. 
The bedroom door swings open, and anxious footsteps enter. "Y/N," Shuri's nearly panicked calling into the darkness leaves a feeling of remorse in your stomach. You hadn't considered how waking up alone after such an intimate night together would appear to her. Your face flushes as the flashbacks run through your mind. 
“My sweet girl, making those beautiful sounds for me. Taking it so well.” 
Your face sinks into your hands as if the recollections of the passion you two made together will fade. When your name is called again, you realize, in your temporary anguish, that you never responded to the woman looking for you. "I'm right here," you say softly. 
Shuri appears around the corner, and her distorted features relax for a few seconds before concern is written across her expression. "Sorry, I was looking at your pictures," you admit, moving your hand away from the captured scene. 
"There's no need for an apology, my dear. I was just nervous when I didn’t see you,” she admits. You frowned. Who knows what would have gone through your mind if you were in Shuri's vulnerable position. Your heart wasn't the only one in danger. Shuri's investment was identical to yours. 
It must have hurt her to see you depart yesterday morning, knowing you were going to come back engaged. You're curious if she's envisioned a life for the two of you and can’t imagine the pain of looking into the eyes of someone you wished to have a future with but knew it wasn't possible.
"Are you feeling okay?" Shuri questions. The air in the distance is timid, and the other woman takes her time to assess the situation before approaching. Your lips part to convince her that you're fine, but no words come out, and the room fills with a sigh. 
You settle for an explanation for your absence from the mattress you were tangled in only hours before. “I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to disturb your rest,” you say sincerely. If you stayed in bed, you'd be rustling the sheets, tossing, and turning.
"You could never disturb me," Shuri says with a slight grin.
"Even when I show up unannounced at your house and force you to end your date early?" Normally, humor relieves tension, but Shuri is unimpressed, most likely because of the indirect reference to Stacey. "It was a joke," you clarify. 
Shuri squats down to look you in the eyes as she states, "It wasn't amusing, but even then. You could never bother me." Her words are simple but comforting. 
Another thought occurred to you. "Did you expect me to come back?"
Shuri takes a seat next to you on the carpet, sensing you'll be here for a while. Her gaze goes to the kitchen, where you'd expressed those feelings you'd both battled to hide. “Truthfully, no. Still, I had hope." Her honesty is so heartbreaking that it makes you pause for a moment. There are so many things to wish for in this lifetime, and she decided on a wish for you. Shuri had a glimmer of hope for something that appeared hopeless.
"Did you think of us?" you wondered. 
The questions continue to pour in, but Shuri is ready to respond without hesitation. “It’s impossible not to see you and let my mind wander to what it would be like if you were mine. Even when it appeared to be impossible." 
Her words pierce your soul. She had been waiting for you. You have no control over falling in love. Nobody can prepare for the moment, but it's worth every risk when someone breathes fresh life into you and makes you feel alive again. Shuri's intense gaze assures you that the chance of harm is nonexistent. Your heart is safe. 
You crawl over to Shuri, who’s prepared to accept you into her space. "Thank you for holding out hope for both of us," you say face to face. "I believe the universe has heard you." People talk about the romantic notion that there is someone for everyone, and Shuri is that someone for you. The bond between you and Shuri is something you have faith in. 
"I'm just thankful that my dreams are becoming a reality." Shuri leans in to kiss your nose, and you can't stop the childlike giggle that escapes. "Mine, too," you say, contentment washing over you.  
Silence follows as you and Shuri share a mutual gaze. You are captivated by the beautiful features of the woman. She probably thinks the same thing as you; I’m falling in love. 
The longer you stare, the heavier your eyes grow. A yawn escapes you unintentionally, and Shuri chuckles. "I think you should go back to sleep." Now that the thoughts plaguing your mind from sleep dispersed in the wake of your lover coming to put them to rest, it was time for you to get back in bed.
Shuri extends her hand to yours after standing, and you accept it. As you feel the weight of her palm in yours, an overpowering feeling sweeps over you. The warmth of your love glows in the dark, the quiet of the night. You’re in disbelief that you almost gave this up, but part of you realizes fate wouldn’t have allowed the two of you to part. Shuri came into your life at the precise moment before you began serving a sentence of eternal misery. If the circumstances had their way, you weren’t supposed to be here.
Fate intervened just as you were about to surrender to the cards dealt to you. Regardless of place, time, or circumstance, two human beings linked by the red thread are destined lovers. This mystical chain may extend and tangle, but it can never break. The idea that you were both was made perfect for each other makes your chest swell.
The traffic light outside briefly flashed a red glare against the window. Shuri's hand draws your attention to her. "Y/N, what's wrong?" 
“Huh?” Your eyes mirrored the depth of your heart's commitment and adoration, and you didn't even realize it. 
Shuri's eyes are firmly fixed on you. “You’re tearing up, my love,” her thumbs quickly caress the fallen droplets from your cheeks.
The lack of sleep lessens the control you have over yourself. Instead of responding immediately, you collapse into Shuri's arms, and a wave of calm washes over you. You are encased in the only embrace that has ever shown you peace and security. "I'm fine, and it's only. You make me very happy.”
Lips gently press on your temple. Shuri wastes no time responding, “I'm just as happy, if not happier, because of you.” The sentiment fills you with pride. All you want is to make Shuri happy. To love her, and you can now, here, and forever. 
You pick up your head to surge forward, connecting your lips, and Shuri melts into your touch. It’s still new for both of you, being able to act on emotions you’ve kept hidden, never suppressed. Even as time passes, you don’t think you’ll get used to the effects Shuri holds over you. No matter how long you live this lifetime together, you'll never stop falling for the one who had wished for your heart.
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aokoaoi · 2 years
: 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭. 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
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⌯ two bestfriends, unaware of their romantic feelings for eachother. ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᶠᵒᵘʳ
⌯ pairing : shuri x fem!reader
⌯ warnings : wakanda forever spoilers. someone gets shot.
⌯ author's note : i apologize, again, if the script isn't accurate like what it said in the movie. i nay have made mistakes, but I'm trying to remember half the things that happened in the movie<\3 i currently don't have anything to rewatch wakanda forever on, so i can't watch what originally happened to make it more accurate. so like, just enjoy my own script for the meantime:)
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Staying inside the lab, watching as Nakia shuffle around the interior, trying to get some sort of signal from Shuri's kimoyo beads. The woman insisted for you to just take care of yourself when you suggested to help, saying that she'll do everything herself.
You were starting to doze off on the counter, your eyes feeling exhausted just following around Nakias movements. Until you heard Nakia yell, surprising you.
"Nakia—? Is something wrong?" You stood up hurriedly. The wakandan woman had already jogged towards you, looking at you with such delighted relief.
"I found a signal of Shuri's kimoyo beads. I found her, (name)!" She enthusiastically yells. You gasped out, grinning widely in relief.
"Oh God, you did it!" You cheered, engulfing the woman in a tight hug. She chuckled, caressing your hair slightly.
"I've got to go now. I've got a princess and an American to save." She pulled away from the hug, smiling at you reassuringly. You nod, wiping the small tears that roll off your cheeks.
"Be safe, please." You muttered worriedly, clutching her arm when she placed an arm on your shoulder. She only gave you a reassuring smile, nodding.
She gave you one last hug before she went off, leaving you alone in the lab yet again. You stayed inside, anticipating for the return of your friend.
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"This (name) person sound coooool."
Shuri and the American, Riri Williams were talking to eachother to cure their boredom while they're stuck literally in an underground cave of a literal ocean.
"She is." Shuri agrees, a fond smile on her face.
"Even when you're kidnapped, you still manage to talk about this girl like there's no tomorrow." Riri says, humming in amusement.
"Well there's alot to talk about her. She's interesting and a very supportive friend. Even my mother is very fond of her." Shuri states, shifting in her seat in a more comfortable position.
Riri squints her eyes at the girl, looking at her suspiciously with a brow raised. "Hmm.. you talk to her very fondly with a smile on your face.. you openly admit she's interesting.. your mother practically loves her as her own.. hmm.." Riri hums, humming suspiciously.
Shuri looks at her in confusion. "What? Why are you humming so much? And what's with that look on your face?" She questioned incredulously, chuckling slightly.
Riri tuts, shaking a finger at the princess. "I can't tell if you're really close. Orrr.." the girl trails off, adding Shuri with anticipation, wanting to hear what the girl wants to say.
"Or if you have romantic feelings with her." Riri shrugs. The princess looks at her, shocked by her words. "What—? No, that's ridiculous." She refuses the idea, shaking her head.
Riri frowned, looking disappointed. "Oh, come on. You gave her a necklace." The girl says, throwing her hands up exasperatedly.
"It's just a necklace?" Shuri hums, tilting her head to the side. Yes, she was purposely acting dumb. She's thought about her feelings for you for awhile now, but she's just in denial. It seems wrong.
What if she really does have romantic feelings for you and it's not just some bestfriend thing?
What if she admits her feelings for you? It will ruin what she haves with you. You both are already so close, confessing herself to you will probably ruin your friendship.
She didn't want to give up the friendship you both built for so long just because of her selfish feelings.
"The way your face softens just at the mere mention of her name though? You can't tell me that's just friends to you." Riri shakes her head, muttering a 'nuh-uh' as she shook her index finger side to side.
Shuri let's out a sigh, burying her face on the palm of her hands. "I don't know Riri. Sometimes I feel like I do like her." Riri applauded dramatically at that, but Shuri have her a scolding look, making the latter shut up immediately.
"There's a but, isn't there?" Riri whispered to herself, and the princess continued.
"But I feel like she doesn't feel the same way. And I don't want to make our friendship awkward when I do end up confessing and she doesn't feel the same way." Shuri revealed. The girl listened intently, nodding with a hum.
"I see. I think you should just tell her. I mean, mean there's a possibility that we're gonna go to war with ocean people, so why not just go fuck it?" The girl jokes, earning a light glare from Shuri. Riri clears her throat awkwardly, turning away from the princess' glare.
"I'm kidding. But seriously, if you truly like her, you should tell her. You've been friends for a long time now, right?" Shuri nods at her question, and Riri continues. "I'm sure she'll understand even if she doesn't feel the same. It's better to let your feelings free than keeping it hidden for a long time." Says Riri.
"And if she does like you back, boom! You scored, you can thank me if I make it out alive." Riri waved a hand dismissively, chuckling at Shuri's amused smile.
"Yeah.. I'm gonna come clean and tell her. If I get the courage to." Shuri admits, making Riri let our a cheer of enthusiasm. "Yaass, despite being abducted by ocean people, we out here talking about our love livess." Riri hummed, chuckling slightly before letting out a surprised yelp a shot rang through the air.
Shuri immediately stood up, looking around cautiously until she saw Nakia coming from behind a rock.
"No!" Shuri sprinted into action, coming in between Nakia and the Talocan woman who had been shot.
"Shuri." Nakia calls out. The princess looked at behind her, eyes wide at the wounded talocan woman. "Shuri, we have to go!" Nakia yelled, grabbing the princess' forearm.
"No– you don't understand, this'll cause a war!" The princess yells, distressed. In the midst of her distress, Shuri didn't realize she was slowly being dragged out of the scene, her eyes lingering on the wounded woman with Riri following right in suit.
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You almost jumped off your seat when you saw Shuri show herself just as she stepped inside the lab. The seat flew itself backwards at your action, thudding against the white marble counters behind you.
You embraced her tightly, wrapping your arms around the top of her shoulders, your body pressing against hers as she wrapped her arms on your waist, savoring the feeling of your scent and warmth before you pulled away.
You sniffed when you heard your name roll off her tongue, slightly pulling away to look at her. "You fucking idiot. Why did you keep this mission from me? Did you know how worried I was?" You sniffed out, your throat tightening up when you saw her apologetic face.
"I know. I'm sorry, dearest, I should've told you." She whispers, pressing a long kiss on the side of your forheads temples as you continued to loudly sniffle with your arms around her.
Shuri unwrapped her arms from your waist, a hand coming in contact with your cheeks. She stared down at you with such intense affection and guilt, it made your head spin.
"I'm here now, okay? I'm never leaving your side ever again. I promise." She whispered, pressing her forehead against yours, listening to your sniffles quietly. You just nodded your head, unable to respond from how you were helplessly hiccuping.
Your gaze then landed on an unfamiliar black girl standing far behind Shuri, looking at the interior of the lab awkwardly, as if she was purposely trying to avoid looking at the both of you.
You let out a small chuckle, making Shuri look at you in confusion and turn to where you were looking at. Now realizing where you were looking at, she manages a small smile to form on her face.
Her hand stayed resting on your waist, slowly guiding you to the American.
"(name), this is Riri." Shuri gestured to the girl, watching as she waved at you with a tight smile. "Riri already knows who you are though so I suppose introducing you to her is useless." Shuri says. Riri waves a hand dismissively, looking at the princess blankly.
"Of course. The princess couldn't stop talking about you, (name). Even when we were in the middle of an underground cave of the ocean." Riri tells you. You looked at the princess beside you incredulously, your brows furrowed as Shuri looked at Riri as if it said 'Shut up, girl'.
"You were held captive in an underground cave of an ocean?" You questioned the princess. She turned to you, giving you a reassuring look. "We're fine now, love. I'm back home now."
"I'm not." Riri perks up, her hand raised at the princess' words. Shuri glares at her, hissing at her to stop.
"What? I just wanted to feel included." The girl shrugged innocently, trying to hide her smiles. But it was hard to when your chuckles already filled the silence, making her instantly light up a smile as well.
Riri put her hand she was raising lower, waving it as she began to walk out of the lab, confusing you.
"Well I've got to go. Princess over there still has some things to tell for her 'dearest'." Riri says, looking behind at the two of you with a playful wink. The door behind her shuts as soon as she stepped out, and you glanced at the princess with a questioning look.
"That girl can't keep things to herself, I swear." Shuri mutters.
"What was Riri talking about?" You questioned the princess straight to the point. You didn't want her to keep anymore from you again, but if Riri knows, it's probably not that serious.
Shuri looks at you reassuringly, giving you a closed tight lipped smile. "It's nothing, love. I'll tell you soon, but right now, we've got somethings to prepare for." She says, her comforting aura replacing with something more serious.
"For what?" You questioned again, but this time you were concerned.
"A war."
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who ever created the new shuri gifs, ilysm, may I polish your shoes? part one, two, and three for you all who needs it<3
tagging : @faatxma @romanoftrash @liliana-byers @mikasadirtyscarf @morphomelody @5khannah @luxuriouslokistan-3 @kucingberkokok @aki-ham @skimm0nzz @your-fave-overthinker ᵃᵖᵒˡᵒᵍⁱᵉˢ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ⁱ ᶜᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵃᵍ
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amphitritesmuse · 2 years
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Request by: anonymous
Original Request: Imagine how Namor would react to seeing Reader defend Namor and the son she had with him when Nakia went to rescue Shuri and Riri.
Pairing: Namor x Talokanil!Reader
Word Count: 1,266
Warnings: N/A
A/N: I apologize but I don’t remember exactly the conversations that happened when Shuri and Riri were held as prisoners. I saw the movie 2 months ago so my memory is kind of blank but I also changed the plot to make it interesting.  I just hope you enjoy the story, nonnie! I had fun writing it 😉
Wokol: Enter
In pixamech: My angel
In yakunaj: My love
Jump’éel tercio u bin yano’ob táan u yu’ulo’ob: A third of their kind is coming
I looked down at my son, as he puckered his lips in deep contentment while I gently stroked his black hair. He resembled his father so much, I thought to myself as I chuckled at his attempt to reach for my fingers and bite at them. As I continued to play with him, I recalled the day when he had decided to enter this world. The sun was nearly setting and the people of Talocan were gathered around the Capital City, joining their hands together.
There was much about his birth that was truly auspicious.
He was born under the Twelfth Heavenly Abode when the Morning-star had risen at the peak of the sky or the planet Venus as these surface-dwellers had named it. This was especially significant as it was also the same day his father was born. K’ukulkan had described that the descendants of his mother’s tribe had told stories of my son’s special birth and had given him the name, Quetzalcoatl. In their honour and my husband’s, I accepted.
I sat up on the cushions of the chair, eliciting a sharp cry from my son. “Shh,” I soothed him, carefully keeping him at my breast and rubbing the small of his back. Suddenly, a distant rustle of sandals approaches my chambers and there was a soft yet urgent knock at the door.
“Wokol,” I announce and Izel, my maid, rushed in. Her features as pale as alabaster and her dark eyes held fright.
“My Lady,” she greeted, “the Wakandans have arrived. They are being held in the prisons near the King’s Cave. Though, there is no one in their attendance.”
I frowned at her words. “What of the King? He is not overseeing this matter?”
Izel momentarily hesitated, wringing her hands together, nervously before she replied. “That is right, my Lady. However, I fear that the prisoners may be plotting their escape as I heard of a third Wakandan arriving soon. Possibly to aid them in their escape.”  
My lips twisted into a sardonic smile while holding up Quetzalcoatl in my arms. “Then it is only proper that we greet this newfound guest. Shall we go introduce ourselves and say hello, in pixamech?”
My son squeals and throws his hands up and I walked to Izel, placing him onto her arms as we walk out the door.
I held a basket of guavas, papayas, custard apples, and mamey, while Izel walked next to me with my son in her arms and the other servants brought the other snacks. As we approached the Wakandan prisoners, we placed the baskets down and I reached back for my son.
“What is all this?” One of them inquired.
“A few snacks.” I reply, with a quick calculating glance. “I thought you’d be hungry since you’ve come a long way and I’m sure you’re exhausted.”
“We haven’t come here as guests of the King, we were captured by your people and now, being held as prisoners.”
“Well, that could change if Wakanda decided to become allies with Talocan.” I approach the prison cells and look to the tall woman with the dark eyes and willowy neck. I smiled, “You must be Shuri, the Princess of Wakanda and heiress to its throne and your friend, Riri Williams, a surface-dweller.”
“I see you have been well informed,” Shuri says while her friend, next to her, rolled her eyes in pure annoyance.
“Just because I live in an underwater city does not mean I am oblivious as to what occurs in the Surface world.” I smiled sweetly, and suddenly, my son began to squirm in my arms. I look at him to see if he is alright but he is pointing behind me with a big grin gracing his face.
“In yakunaj,” I hear my husband’s voice and when I turned to see him, he held a look of bewilderment. “What is going on?”
“Jump’éel tercio u bin yano’ob táan u yu’ulo’ob,” I warn, ominously as my husband’s eyes travel to the prisoners. He moved towards them, each step echoing within the halls of the prison.
“I believe I have made a grave mistake in placing my trust in you.” K’ukulkan spoke, his voice becoming enraged by the second. Shuri narrowed her eyes while beside her, her friend shifted uncomfortably.
“We have done nothing -”
My husband snapped as the blood rushed to his face. “Oh, but you have. I hear that another one of your people is breaching the passage to my kingdom. I had truly thought we were coming to an understanding solely in the interest of our people but I have come to realize that all this had been fiction. You were simply feeding me lies and conspiracies to keep me from knowing your true intentions - to poison my kingdom.” K’ukulkan hissed in mock approbation.
“You are clearly mistaken,” a voice echoed through the halls. We all turn to face a woman in a chartreuse green armour holding ring blades. She looked between us and her face a mask of agony and anger. “We have not come to in the purpose of harming your kingdom. I can understand how you must be feeling. Wakanda was once the seat of complete power. Our supremacy was unchallenged. And now the King has died. As has the Queen Mother. ”
“And I’ve come here,” she continued, “for the sole purpose of taking the only heir to the throne back to Wakanda. With or without a fight, I will leave this kingdom with her.”
                                    •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
I quickly kicked the blade ring out of her hand and the Wakandan reached to coil her fingers around my throat and I lashed out instinctively with a sudden, hard punch to her face that made her rock backwards and let go of me. She winced in pain but charged towards me.
Though, before she could hit me, I aimed my fist for her again. This time she dodged my hit, grabbed my wrist, and threw me over her shoulder. I managed to turn the fall into a roll to escape her reach as my heart pounded in my ears. The pounding seemed to be almost enough to drown out Shuri’s shouts and my son’s cries as I blinked multiple times to clear my blurred vision.
Suddenly, she runs at me and in a quick and puzzling moment, got a hold of my leg to twist it, but before she could, I used my other leg to kick her down. As I did so, I grabbed her left ankle and yank her down to the ground. She landed hard and yelped in pain. Before she had a chance to stand, I grab her by the throat and slam her head against the ground.
The Wakandan’s eyes widen as she attempts to free herself but I ensured that she never got that chance.
“You should have thought twice before deciding to intrude my home.” I hiss as she began to choke for air and tears stream down her face. Something told me to look to my husband and when I did, I saw him with our son in his arms and an expression of pure shock crossed his features with a twinkle of admiration hidden behind his eyes. I loosen my grip around my enemy’s neck as she began to gasp for air and cough harshly. I look between her and Shuri and made a point in addressing them both.
“It’s come to my attention that you do not know who I am. I am (Y/N). Queen and High Priestess of the Talokanil and the Second-in-Command of the army of Talocan.”
This time, I turn my attention to the intruder as she rises to her feet, still gasping for air. “Your kingdom may be crumbling but I refuse to let you destroy mine.”
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quintessencewrites · 2 years
Y-Yes, Daddy pt. 2
stud!ShuRiri x black!fem!reader
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Hmm, Shuri hums. “You look so damn good walking away, y/n, but that don’t mean I like it when you walk away from me. You wanna explain that shit?”
Warnings: 18+!!! SMUT HEAVY, with some plot, edging, daddy kink, mommy kink, public sex???, explicit language, dom!Shuri, switch!Riri, switch! reader, breeding kink, rope bunny shit?, slight bdsm, squirting, oral sex (reader and Shuri receiving), rough sex, slight degrading, praise kink as always, brat!Riri, brat tamer!reader/Shuri, probably so many that I missed...
Word Count: 7.7k+
Tags: @percsane @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thv @fetchyourlife @mbakuetshurisprincess @sinsikoxo @honey-teaaaaaaaa @rxcently @pinkcorns @takeyaki @yamsthoughts @thethickerside @0hshoot1tsl4ni @shurisbathwater @shurismainbxtch @luvrzhearts @sadfreakx @shuri-my-love @justariellove @heartsforjojo @blackgirlfariy @tuesdaylovesu @chocoflagcutii @taiiunknown @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson @verachii @taiiunknown @beautybyfire @soearthquakequeen @remwritess @pinkwright @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @6-noir @kya-rose @saintwrld @someshuriposts @jessiap @ilikegecos @iiluvl4n @katymae12344 @shurismainbxtch @crookedsaladlover
A/N: THIS IS FILTHY...lmao enjoy!
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Riri was staring a heat so intense into the back of your head, you could feel it. You felt the burning move south, from your head down the nape of your neck, straight to the plumpness that swayed with every step you took. 
Ahead of you, Shuri watched your hips rock. Her eyes were glued on you, begging you to look up at her. Riri’s gaze was begging you to turn around. You didn’t respond to either; your stride quickened as you walked past the princess and out of reach of the smaller stud. 
“Why she acting like she ain’t see us?” Riri approaches Shuri, the question falling from her lips. 
“She probably didn’t see you, fun-size. But I know she seen me.” A mix of emotions overtakes the Wakandan at that moment. Did they do something to offend you? Upset you? 
Riri lets the insult roll off her back. She was too concerned with whatever was going on with you. “So if she seen you, why she walk right past you?”
“I don’t know, baby. We gon find out?”
Poor Ri was spiraling with worry. She liked you; she really liked you. They both did. It didn’t take much for the little genius to figure they did something wrong. You three had been in such a good place these past couple of weeks. This switch around was so sudden. 
“Hell yeah, nigga.”
Shuri sat in your desk chair, legs spread. Her back rested against the curve of the seat, hands rested in the crotch of her sweatpants. While her thin leg flexed with a bounce, the silver grill in her mouth glistened with the suck of her teeth. “She was supposed to be here by now, Ri.”
Riri was spread across your bed on her back, feet kicked up in the air and phone in hand. “Nigga, I know this. You know this. Fuck you want me to do about it?”
“I want you to stop calling me that, first of fucking all.”
“No. Nigga. And we wouldn’t be sitting here wondering where she was if you wasn’t hesitating to give her your little kimoyo beads.”
“This right here is why I was hesitant. I don’t think she serious bout fucking with us. I’m not giving my tech to any ole body.” The pace in Shuri’s leg quickened. She didn’t believe the shit coming out her mouth, but she’d convinced herself that you were gonna come in and dump them. Could you dump them? She and Riri talked about making it official, but they hadn’t yet. No time felt like the right time. 
You unlocked the door to your dorm room with the weight of the world on your shoulders. The last thing you were expecting was to see Riri and Shuri there, making themselves at home. 
Shuri’s chocolate-colored eyes looked delicious as they pierced into you. Riri’s mocha orbs felt just as intense. 
“Hey, usana. Welcome home.” Shuri’s voice was daunting; it sounded anything but welcoming. 
“H-hey, Shuri. Ri. What are yall doing here? How yall get in?” The heavy ass bag on your shoulders thudded to the ground with an audible sound. Riri winced at the weight you must’ve been carrying around all day. Her demeanor towards you softened as she sat upright. 
“You gave me the spare, baby-” Riri’s words were so sweet, a stark contrast to the pissed-off royal.
“Yiza apha, y/n.” Shuri’s hands beckoned you toward her, those beautiful brown eyes still staring at you harshly. 
Your brows bore the question your mouth couldn’t. “Come here,” she repeated with a low growl from the back of her throat. 
The hesitation in your steps was evident. On the tips of your toes, you made your way to Shuri in slow motion. When you got close enough for her to reach, the princess held out her hand, guiding you the rest of the way until you were seated in her lap and your feet no longer touched the floor. 
Her long tender fingers traced along your jawline, touching you so tenderly. You melting into her hold was involuntary, but more than welcome. A sweet sigh escaped you; you knew these girls, your girls, would take care of you after such a long day. 
When your eyes flutter shut, Shuri’s tender touch becomes rough. The gentle tracing along your chin turns into a tight grip. Your head tilts to the side under Shuri’s guide until your lips are inches away from hers. 
You lean forward, yearning to close the gap between the two of you, but Shuri’s grasp holds you in place. 
“Open your eyes, usana.” Her whisper is low enough for only you to hear and when you obey, you get a sight full of hurt in the royal’s gaze. Darkness swims in her ducts, tears threatening the brim. 
“You don’t want us?”
Her question catches you off guard and you feel your heart stutter. “W-what?”
She doesn’t answer you, dropping her hold on your face. You turn to see Riri’s expression just as dreary. “You guys think I don’t want you?”
Hmm, Shuri hums. “You look so damn good walking away, y/n, but that don’t mean I like it when you walk away from me. You wanna explain that shit?”
Shit… Your bottom lip rolls into your mouth while your brain wracks for an excuse or two. Riri pushes off the bed, chains ringing together when her feet hit the floor. In two steps, she’s standing above you. Her thumb runs across your mouth slowly, seductively. You gasp when she pulls your lip out of your mouth. “Answer her.”
Even angry, the two girls ooze a sexiness beyond belief. “I-I, um.”
“Use your words,” Riri speaks again. Shuri sits back, enjoying the sight of her Ri taking the lead. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you guys.”
Shuri’s hands squeeze around your hips, adjusting you in her lap so you’re straddling her. “Then why’d you ignore us, y/n?”
“Shuri, I-”
Her raised brows cut you off before her words do. “Do you want this, y/n? Do you want us? You wanna make this official?”
You don’t need a single second to think before you respond. “Yes, I want this, I absolutely want this. I want you, both of you.” And it was the truth. Shuri and Riri were all that was on your mind for weeks, either at the same time or the two of them separately. Either way, you wanted them all to yourself. 
Shuri’s attempt at hiding her smirk fails, miserably. “Good, then you know how to address me.”
You feel your own smile spread, your tense muscles relaxing at her change in demeanor.
“Daddy,” You start again. Shuri hums in approval and nods her head for you to continue. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you two. We been kicking it, having a good time, right?” You sound so small. 
“Yeah, in the safety of one of our dorms. Why we gotta hide your pretty ass?” Riri stays in the lead, hands running up and down your sides. 
“Because it's tons of bitches who want y’all and I’m not trying to be thrown in the middle of that.”
“Who gives a damn about them?” Shuri’s sudden outburst makes you jump in her arms, while Riri rubs her soothing touch in an attempt to calm you. 
“Nigga, hush. I got this.” The explicit girl turns towards you. “Who gives a damn about them?”
Shuri’s eyes roll, but she stays quiet.
“I do, Ri. I’m not trying to get my ass jumped over you two fine asses. We can just keep what we got going on hush and be at peace.”
The intelligent princess laughs underneath you. “Jumped? Baby, nobody’s touching a pretty hair on your pretty head.”
“Yeah, baby, I wish a bitch would.” 
“Shut up, Ri. All they gotta do is take your step stool and you defenseless.”
“Nigga, I been letting you take little jabs here and there all damn day-”
“And I keep telling you bout calling me that slur. Imma wash your mouth out with soap.”
The two of them argue back and forth as if you weren’t seated between them. With Shuri’s head leaned back and her attention on Riri, her bare neck was exposed to you and before you could think about it, your tongue was tracing the cocoa-colored skin. 
“Ri, you gonna get bent over my-shittt, baby.”
You lift your head, lashes fluttering innocently. “So, what? Y’all gonna protect my little ass?”
Shuri’s hands are gripping your backside harshly. “There ain’t nothing little ‘bout it.” Her grill flashes at you and you long to feel the cool metal against your-
Riri’s calloused hands snake around your body, one at your throat and the other on your tits. She uses her hold on your neck to throw your head back until your eyes meet hers. “Yeah, baby. We gon protect you.”
The smile your words pull from the small girl is contagious. “Yes, baby girl. I promise.”
Shuri is still focused on your behind when you turn back to her. “Promise, Shuri?”
“Isithembiso, usana (Promise, baby). Can I taste you now?”
Shuri finds your laughter so intoxicating. She feels the air around her thin as the sound rings out of you. “I got one more question first, Shuri.”
You’re purposefully dismissing her title every time you address her, knowing the punishment for your disobedience would later be delicious. 
“What is it, usana?”
“Y’all gonna want a bunch of pda now? I ain’t ready for all that. We don’t even gotta do that couple shit in public at all.”
Mischief dances behind Shuri’s eyes when she makes contact with Riri’s. “Pda like what, my love? Pda like this?”
Her long, tattooed fingers slide between your two bodies, brushing past your clothed core so lightly, you shudder. 
“Or pda like this?” Riri rasps as she brings her lips down to the back of your neck, kissing gently.
“Or,” Shuri’s touch traces back up until her lengthy phalanges wrap around the entirety of your throat. “Pda like the way you bout to be punished? You want that shit on display?”
 She squeezes a bit and you can feel your pussy growing wet at the feel. “You want everyone on campus to see the way your pussy bout to get spanked? How you bout to cum until you’re begging to stop?”
As crazy as it is, the thought brings forth an unholy moan from you.
“Oh, you into that shit?” Shuri taunts you, ready to watch you come apart in her lap. 
“Yeah, daddy. I might be,” is your breathy response while your thighs beg to squeeze together to ease the pressure the girls have built within you. 
“Is that what you want? Me to ease in between these thick ass thighs with an audience?”
Riri kisses down the back of your neck gently, her tongue tracing the very spots her lips just touched as she makes her way back up to your ear. Her teeth grazing it cause you to yelp and underneath her warm breath, you sink further into Shuri’s touch. 
“Well, if that’s what you want, baby, that’s what you ain’t getting.”
Her words jolt you. “Wait, Ri. What?”
The smaller girl ignores your shock. “Let’s go, Shuri.”
Even Shuri is taken aback. “Let’s go?”
Riri’s head nod is sharp as it points Shuri towards the door. “I didn’t stutter.”
With a far-too-gentle kiss on your lips, the princess lifts you from her lap and stands to leave. Riri takes a tender step toward you, preparing to part ways with her own goodbye kiss. 
“I like you a lot, y/n. I don’t say that shit to just anybody. But I wanna like you in public. I’m tired of keeping you in the dark, man. I don’t got shit to hide, baby and I got an artillery full of shit if a bitch wanna try you.”
She pecks your lips in between her words. 
“So whenever you ready for that, we right here. A’ight?” 
Her steps away from you feel like betrayal and before you can speak, she and Shuri are out the door.
“Y’know you not gonna be able to resist her long, right?” Shuri digs her hands into her pockets as she and Riri walk away from your room. 
“Nah, I know. But it’ll be fun watching her get all pent up while I try.”
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Their denial of you goes beyond the bedroom. When you pass them in the halls and don’t feel their gazes on you, your heart sinks. Day by day, your outfits get riskier and raunchier, and still, they ignore you.
Or so you think. Shuri is well aware of your body and its every movement. The panther’s ears pick up every time your foot grazes the ground, heel to toe. She notices every bounce of your bosom and every quiver from your thighs with each step. 
With the passing days, the princess’s patience thins. You looked so good with the way you strutted about campus in a shirt cut way too low and pants that hugged you way too tight. She wasn’t complaining at the fact that she could see every detail of your ass through the jeans that were practically painted onto your frame. She was complaining about the fact that everyone else could also see it. 
Denying you also meant denying Shuri, at least for Riri. If she gave in to the persuasive Wakandan, then she would be swayed to give in to you. So while you’d been given restricted access to the girls, Shuri was also being kept at arm’s length. 
“I can’t get none from either of my girls?” Shuri was physically pained. She was trying so hard to side with Riri, but she didn’t give a damn whether or not you wanted her at that moment because, my God, the way she wanted you was fierce. 
“Nigga, you can’t get none from y/n. You can’t get none from me because you devilish with them fingers and I don’t know how to tell your ass no. I don’t give a damn who you get it from to hold yourself over.”
So Shuri went looking for something to hold her over. The pretty broad standing in front of her wasn’t shit compared to you or Riri. She couldn’t even hold a good enough conversation to keep the princess’s attention. 
Shuri was trying hard to not look bored. She had to try even harder to not cringe when the girl leaned in so her breasts brushed against Shuri’s stomach. Her hands reached up to tug on the white-gold chain dangled around Shuri’s tattooed neck. 
The royal didn’t bother hiding her eyes when they wandered to you, entering the caf. Look over, she begged silently. Just glance at her and give her an excuse to leave this chick’s touch. 
You couldn’t read minds, but your obedience made Shuri smile. When your eyes rested on hers, taking in her figure, and the hands that grazed against it, you’d reached your limit. Shuri loved the way you looked, walking over to her, anger etched across your beautiful face. 
You hadn’t thought this through. What were you gonna do when you approached her?
“S-Shuri.” The chime of your voice was music to her ears, especially when you spoke her name so gingerly. 
“Y/n,” she returned in her low rasp. The girl that stood between you was clearly annoyed. Who the hell were you to be interrupting her precious Shuri time?
Your pretty, manicured hand reached out to grasp the thin white tee Shuri bore. “Can we talk?” It was more a command than a request, especially when you dragged her away by her collar and out of the grasp of the girl who didn’t stand a chance. 
The corner by the back doors of the caf didn’t offer nearly enough privacy. You could feel several eyes on you and Shuri as you made your way to the semi-discreet space. 
“Who is she?” You kept your voice low enough so that only Shuri could hear. Her expression towards you was amused and it only pissed you off more. 
Shuri didn’t speak. She couldn’t; far too entranced with every feature of your face. Your lips were poised into a plump pout and it took every ounce of self-control she had to not lean in and bite them. The way your eyes were so round, so needy as they looked up at her grabbed at her heart and refused to let go. 
“Shuri? Who is she?” Your fingers snapping in her face brought her attention back to the forefront. 
“She’s nobody,” Shuri responded with a slick lick to her lips. “You look good, baby.”
Her compliment didn’t go unheard and the dark scarlet hue they brought to your cheeks didn’t go unnoticed. “She didn’t look like nobody. You just let nobody grab on you like that?”
The Wakandan was mute again. 
“Shuri, I’m tired of playing these games.”
“What games?”
Your frustration was visible now and you didn’t know whether to express it through tears or through screams. 
When you stomped your foot instead, Shuri’s stifled laughter was almost grounding for you. 
“These games, Shuri. I don’t want you to keep ignoring me. I want you. You and Riri. Publicly, privately, whichever, I don’t care. I want you. I don’t want nobodies touching on you in the way I should be. In fact, how about I go rip ‘nobody’s’ tracks out for staring at me like she is, BITCH WHAT'S UP?” You couldn’t fight, but with the mix of emotions swimming amongst you, the threat makes its way out, loud enough for the broad who had Shuri’s attention before to scoff. 
Shuri knew you couldn’t take a punch and she didn’t feel like throwing any to defend your mouth. Her hands grazed up and down your arms. “A’ight, baby girl. Enough of that. Look at me, look at me, baby.”
Your eyes burned a fierce fire when they finally reach Shuri’s. “You want me, y/n?”
“Yeah, Shuri. I want you.”
That delicious grill gleamed at you when her lips parted into a smile. “Show me, then.”
Without a second thought, with no hesitation, your lips crash into hers. In front of everyone, even the girl who thought she had a chance, you slip your tongue into Shuri’s mouth and let your hands slip up her shirt to grip and scratch down her abs.
Mmhm, Shuri moans from deep in her throat. “Baby, baby,” she calls, separating herself from you. “I know I said I’d fuck you in front of an audience, but I didn’t have the caf in mind.”
Your eyes roll at her playful words. “Fine, then. Where’s Ri?”
Her long arms snake around your waist and pull your body into hers. “I don’t know. I look like Riri’s keeper?”
“Yes, actually. I know she got them little beads. Where she at?”
Shuri’s body recoils. “Little beads? My advanced technology isn’t just some ‘little beads.’ I created tech that isn’t even fathomable to you Americans-”
“Until I get a bracelet, I don’t care. Where’s Ri?”
The princess looks ready to lecture you. With a lift of her wrist and a couple of grumbles, she pulls up a hologram of the campus map. On it is a small red dot, moving through the courtyard. 
You turn to slip out the back doors and avoid the dozens of eyes piercing you from every direction. Shuri’s hand claps your ass with a jiggle before you walk off and she bites her lips at the sight. The only thing crossing her mind is the way it’s going to shake tonight when she bends you over.
Riri’s back is facing you when you catch up to her. She stops for a moment to glance at her phone with a frown and you take the chance to slip your arms around her neck.
“Hey, mamas.”
Your voice brings a smile from the small girl as she turns towards you. “What’s up, y/n?”
“I want you.”
“You want me?” Riri’s confusion is evident.
Your head full of curls bounces when you nod. “I want you. I want you to be mine and I wanna be yours. All that cute shit.”
“I imagined this shit would be more romantic.”
When you suck your teeth and shake your head, your curls sway even more and Riri bites her lip at the sight. She had been missing you so bad these past few days. To be honest, she wasn’t sure how much longer she was going to last. The girl with an iron heart was ready to tap out.
So when the urge to kiss you overtakes her, she doesn’t ignore it. It only takes a second for Riri to pull you close and bring your lips together. You sigh deeply at the gesture. Oh, how you’d missed these lips.
Behind you, the gentle tickle of a hand draws a moan from your distracted lips. “A’ight now, not too much without me.” Shuri’s touch is lighter than her words. The sight the three of you must’ve been in the middle of the courtyard for all to see.
Riri pulls away, dropping her hands from your hips. “You got any more classes today, baby?”
“I had one, but I’m kind of willing to skip it…”
“How about you don’t skip it and go get the education you paying for?” Shuri asks, her long, slender fingers still drawing shapes into your exposed back. 
The sound of your teeth sucking against your lips pulls Shuri’s hand from your back and lands it at your throat. “Chill on that disrespect, baby. I been adding up your punishments in my head. You already in the double digits.”
You’re frozen in place by her quick movements and slick threats. Your nod in compliance earns you a peck on your nose and a dismissive ‘good girl’. “Get to class. We’ll see you after.”
Shuri and Riri hang behind, watching you with no shame as you stray away from them. They’re practically drooling at the sight of your swaying hips and your gravity-defying ass. 
They watch in silence until you’re no longer in view. Shuri turns to her short girl. “So you done denying me now, Ri?”
“You miss me that bad?”
“Yeah, I did. Had slimy bitches touching on me cuz you wanna fuck around.”
The two girls fall in step together, walking close enough that their arms are brushing. “Nigga, you the one that went out looking for another bitch. That shit fall on you.”
“You told me to!”
“And you listened? C’mon, Princess. I thought you was smarter than that. You know where home is.”
Shuri bites her lips at Ri’s words, letting her walk slightly ahead, watching her cheeks rise and fall with her steps. “Yeah, I do.”
“Then bring your dumbass home.”
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Out of the three, you were the only one without a roommate. How you’d managed to swing that, you had no idea, but it meant your dorm was the spot for all of your secret rendezvous. This time was no exception, however, you weren’t participating. 
Your statistics class dragged on and you didn’t anticipate the surprise awaiting you behind that closed door. With a click of the lock, you were welcomed with a delicious sight. 
Riri sat in your desk chair this time, legs spread. Shuri’s curly head was buried between them, lapping as if her life depended on it while Riri moaned loud and proud.
“You bitches started without me?”
Your words were low compared to the noise Riri was making, but of course, the panther’s ears caught them. With a kiss to Ri’s clit that made her shudder, Shuri stood and approached you. 
Her long arm reached to shut the door fully behind you and lift your heavy bag from your shoulders. Then, with movements so quick, you barely caught them, she had you pressed against the closed door by your neck. “Repeat that, baby. I don’t think Riri heard you.”
The fear caused by her swiftness evaporated into moans that filled the air around you. Your hesitation made Shuri squeeze just a bit harder, knowing you could take it. “Go on,” she said slowly as her free hand moved to unbutton the jeans from around your waist and slip her hand in. 
“Say it again.” Her fingers moved harshly and rapidly to your clit, giving you no time to prepare. She squeezed the little bud and slipped past it, throwing two fingers so deep into your wet cunt that you arched under her touch. 
“Repeat yourself, y/n.”
“I-I said y-you started without m-me, oh, fuck, Shuri.” She was so deep, moving so fast, so close to coaxing you to your first orgasm in weeks. 
A third finger pushes against your walls and you welcome it graciously. “That’s not what you said, baby. What did you call us? C’mere, Ri. You gonna like this.”
Riri approaches slowly, still naked from the waist down. Her pussy is soaked, so much so that the wetness runs down her inner thighs. “What did you call us?”
Shuri’s fingers pick up inhumane speeds and you can feel yourself splashing and squeezing around her.  
“You squeeze me so damn good, baby. Now be a good girl. Repeat yourself.”
Your voice is practically a whisper. “Bitches,” you moan quietly. “I-I said you bitches started w-without me. Fuck, Shuri, I’m coming, I’m coming!”
Shuri kisses your lips with faux gentleness. “Oh, baby, no you not.”
A long whine escapes you when she pulls her fingers from your heat and you feel your impending orgasm subside. The sight of her throwing those same fingers into her mouth to suck on your taste makes your body quiver. 
“I’m sorry-” your attempt to apologize for your words is laughable. 
“You in too deep now, y/n, baby,” Riri mumbles against your neck, tugging on the hem of your shirt until it’s lifted above your head and thrown in the corner. Your pants are next and she can’t stop her brows from jumping to the top of her face when you turn up pantiless underneath. 
“Oh,” she chuckles dryly. “Oh, a’ight.”
Shuri walks back over to wrap her arms underneath your thighs and lifts you with ease. She throws you onto your bed with a bounce and stands back in awe of your perfect body. 
“Safeword. Cuz you gonna need it.”
Oh, fuck. “Um, red.”
“Red?” Shuri questions.
Riri smiles at your bouncing curls with the bob of your head. “My favorite color.”
“I know.” You bite your lip at the girl, hoping and praying she would be your saving grace. 
“Okay, red then. Same for you, Ri?”
“Yeah, just make it red all around. Why I need a safe word, though?”
“Cuz you don’t know how to address me by my name either.” The bed sinks with Shuri’s added weight as she sits straddling you.
“Nigga, I’m not calling you daddy.”
“I didn’t ask you to. It’s that damn slur you keep throwing around.”
Before Riri can respond, Shuri grabs at the string behind your bed that draws the blinds. The room brightens as the sunlight washes over it. Three floors down, the campus is crawling with bodies going to and fro without a care in the world.
“What the hell are you doing?” Riri voices the very question you were about to ask. 
Shuri’s stare down at you shakes your core. She gathers both your hands in one of hers and holds them above your head. With a quick knot, your wrists are bound together by the thin string, pinning you in place and keeping the blinds up. 
Riri’s question goes unanswered when Shuri takes her hands and separates your thighs. Your wet pussy is so pink, so pretty, glistening at Riri, summoning her. 
“You been wanting this shit for days, right Ri? C’mon, baby. Come taste.”
The way Riri licks her lips at the sight of you, so exposed, so vulnerable, and unable to do a damn thing about it. She’s practically drooling as she makes her way over and the bed shifts again with her added weight. 
Before her tongue touches you, her fingers do and they drag down your core at an agonizing pace. When she grazes your slit, she nearly slips right in due to the wetness that runs from you. Your moan is deep and both girls grow wetter at the sounds you make. 
Riri pops her finger in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip and her eyes roll back at your taste. The very taste she’s craved every night for many nights. Her head dips between your thighs and at the flick of her tongue against your clit, your hands pull at the string restricting them, wanting so badly to grip the back of her head and push her deeper. 
Her tongue traces a teasing trail over both of your puffy lips before dipping into your slit, curving and getting a mouthful of your taste. Riri’s tongue was a sinful thing and the way she used it was an even greater sin. 
The way she lapped and licked made you writhe against your restrictions. Shuri’s long, thin fingers dug into the flesh of your inner thighs, prying them apart. The more you moaned, the more Ri slurped. Her sounds were so lewd and your body reacted just as expected. 
“Lube her up, Ri. She gon need to be nice and wet for me,” Shuri’s voice was breathy, her own pussy growing wet at the noises you and Riri were making. Ri’s hum in confirmation shook your inner core, pulling you closer to the edge. 
“Shit, shit, Ri, baby, hold on,” Your pleas were slurred, the intoxication and affection mixing like a cocktail in your veins. Too bad your words meant nothing to the girl and her task at hand. Your pussy was her drug and she wanted to experience a levitating high. 
Your poor cunt was soaked; Riri’s cheeks glistened in your slick. Her tongue flattened against your swollen clit, her pretty brown lips kissing on your pretty brown ones. The warmth of her mouth grew the fire in you the moment she wrapped her lips around your clit and sucked. Your orgasm leaked from your sex, your legs quivering and shaking like an earthquake. 
“Ooh, cum on her face, y/n. Be a good girl,” Shuri’s rasps were full of praise and Riri refused to separate from your cunt, the wetness coating her face and collecting in a pool underneath you.
“That’s my good girl,” Shuri’s praises drawled on, drowned under the screech of your gasps and moans. “Ahh, fuck, Ri, shit, shit. That’s go-good, ma, I-I’m good,” your stutters were weak; your orgasm subsided, and yet, Riri still refused to let you escape her mouth. Not until she decided you were finished. Your hips wiggled, and your thighs vibrated, trying so hard to escape Ri’s tongue and catch your breath. 
Of course, she couldn’t part without a sultry goodbye kiss to your center. “That pretty pussy.” Her voice was low when she finally sat up, pulling the hem of her shirt up to wipe her mouth dry. 
Your muscles finally relaxed and the ache in your shoulders became evident. “Shuri, can you untie me? Please?”
The panther slips from behind you and off the bed, pulling the clothes from her oh-so-sexy body, piece by piece. Her rough hands caress your cheeks, cupping your chin and bringing your face to hers. “Oh, usana. No.”
“No?” Right below your window, campus was roaring with a sea of people. All they had to do was look up… 
Riri climbs behind you, rubbing soothing shapes into your bareback with her nails. The action draws a hiss from you and her hands wander to your front, mimicking the shapes on your stomach. Her fingers crawl up to your breasts and there they stay, toying with the piercings adorning your nipples. “You so pretty. I ever tell you that, y/n, baby?”
A deep moan precedes your words. “All the time, ma.”
“She is so pretty, isn’t she? And she gon be so fucking pretty with my cock hilt deep in her.”
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Shuri stood in front of you, only wearing her boxers. A monster of a cock is strapped to her toned thighs, ready to be buried into you. She bore a delicious smirk at your widened eyes. Even Riri’s eyes grew a few sizes. 
“Shuri, what the fuck?”
“What, ma? What’s the problem?”
Riri hesitates at the pet name, though you catch the groan it brings from the back of her throat. “Your first time strapping her and you choose that one?”
Your curious eyes look up at the girl still playing with your bosom. “You’ve taken that one before?” You dart your gaze back to Shuri. “You’ve fucked her with that?”
Shuri steps closer, allowing you to see the detailed purple veins pulsing in the faux dick. “Once or twice.”
“She take it?”
“Like a fucking champ,” Shuri’s answer was littered with moans at the flashback of Riri bouncing on her. 
Your heart races when you spread your legs just a little further. “Then I can take it.”
The princess reaches the bed at this point, crawling towards you on all fours. Her curls hide her darkened eyes and the muscles in her upper arms and neck flex with each movement. She truly looked like a panther stalking its prey. “Oh, you can take it, baby?”
She rose to her knees, eyes baring into yours as she did. “You not gon run from me? You gon let me punish this pretty pussy?” Her hand rose to administer a slap to your cunt, one that caused you to squeeze your thighs together. Pain and ecstasy swam through you and your head fell back against Riri’s shoulder at the feeling. 
“Nah, baby, see? That’s already a problem for me. Aye, Ri?”
Shuri leaned forward until her lips were brushing against Riri’s. The smaller girl closed the gap, crashing their mouths together into a heated kiss. Their tongues fought against one another, neither willing to relinquish dominance. Finally, Shuri pulled away, leaving Riri gasping and a thin string of spit still connecting them. “Hold her open for me?”
Riri’s nod was absent-minded. “I got you.”
Shuri came eye to eye with you and lined herself up with your center. “You gon be a good girl?” 
She brushed her tip against your slit, coating it in your wetness. “Y-yes, shit. Yes, imma be good.”
She chuckled dryly at your response. “You already fucking up, baby. C’mon, you know better. Yes, what?”
“Yes, daddy,” Your voice was small with anticipation. 
“Yes, what?” Shuri repeated, lining up with your center and bracing herself, a hand on either side of your thigh. 
“Yes, daddy.”
Her forehead rested against yours, her voice low and raspy. “One more time, usana.”
“Yes, da-oh, fuck!”
Shuri pushed into you mid-sentence. The thrust was supposed to be hard, she wanted you to take her entirely all at once. The way your pussy gripped around her shaft threw her plans straight out the window behind you. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight, baby.”
“Y-you can feel me? How-”
“The strap, baby. Vibranium,” Riri mumbles in your ear. Her eyes can’t be torn away from the sight before her. Shuri pushes deeper into you, your moans mixing into a beautiful melody that Riri can’t get enough of. 
The Wakandan’s chest heaves. Her arms feel like they’re going to collapse from under her; the sensation of your pussy, the way you’re squeezing her, can be felt throughout her whole body. Riri reaches around you, grabbing Shuri’s hips and pulling them forward. You both almost melt. 
“What you hesitating for? Fuck her,” Ri’s impatient words fill the princess’s ears and all Shuri can do is nod. She pulls out of you, catching her breath for a moment and allowing you to do the same. You don’t get any warning before she’s back in it, thrusting and gasping louder than you.
Each thrust pushes the cock the size of a forearm even further until your little cunt swallows the whole thing. “Shit,” you squeal, high-pitched and piercing the air. Shuri’s hands gravitate to the spot where your thighs meet your hips and they latch on, keeping her up while she pumps you. 
“S-so good, baby. You’re taking me so good.”
Words don’t form, though you tell them to. “Don’t get quiet on me now, baby. You got so much mouth on you. Tell me how it feels. T-tell me how good I feel.”
Shuri’s vulgar words are met with only moans. Her pumps are deep and slow, sultry. The tip of her thick cock digs at your cervix. Your thighs are screaming at you to close them, your arms begging you to let them down. All you can do is scream back. 
It only takes two more pumps before your moans reach octaves that no human should reach. Your breathing draws closer together and Riri can see the wetness beginning to pour out of you. “She coming, Shuri.”
“A-already? Not so soon, baby. Hold it.”
There she go again with that ‘hold it’ shit.
Though this time, you did try. You clenched around her, begging your orgasm to wait. You didn’t need any more reason to be punished. 
Shuri’s eyes rolled back at the feel of you tightening around her even further. “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, baby girl.” 
“I-I can’t h-hold it.” You sounded like an incoherent drunk. Neither girl acknowledged your words because they couldn’t understand them. The sound of skin slapping soon turned into the sound of splashing around Shuri’s cock. The sheets flooded beneath the three of you. The extra slick allowed Shuri’s thrusts to become more fluent and they just picked up speed. 
Your wet pussy begged for a break, but your mouth couldn’t form a sentence. Shuri’s, however, could. “You taking this shit so good baby. Yeah, yeah take this dick. Lemme watch, lemme see that fat pussy around my cock.”
“Damn, Shuri,” Riri gasped at her vulgarity, squeezing her own thigh’s together as her wet pussy ached for some kind of contact. 
“Lemme fuck you, baby. Lemme see that hole swallow this thick cock. It’s so damn wet y/n, your creamy ass pussy squeezing me like that. You hear that shit? You hear how fucking wet you are?”
Shuri was so fucking close. Her ego was massive at the waterfall your cunt continuously produced. The sound of her hips slapping yours, of your drenched pussy, it was music to her fucking ears. Your moans fed her and she was insatiable. 
“Imma cum in this pussy, y/n. Fuck, baby. That okay? I can fill your pretty pussy to the brim and watch it all leak back out?”
“Y- c-can’t geh m- p-pregnant, r-right?” Shuri laughed at your slurs. She was sky high knowing she had fucked you drunk, had you fucking stupid over her cock. 
“Nah, baby. N-Nah, but y-you take me so good, I kinda wish I could.”
“T-then fi-me up, daddy,” You were barely coherent, but Shuri understood you well enough to know that you’d given her the okay. Her thrusts were beyond sloppy at this point. There was no rhythm, no method to her madness, but they still dug deep into you. “Uhh,” her groans prepared you for the warmth that filled your cunt after. Shuri’s cum poured into you, surrounding the thick toy that was still buried between your walls, and god, it was so much. 
The cock twitched within you, emptying her seed into your pussy and she pulled out of you with a delicious squelch. The cum she emptied so deep in you pooled out in a slow river from your center, collecting onto your already-wet sheets.
“Shit,” Shuri gasped at the sight, catching her breath. “You took that so fucking good, baby. And it won’t be the last time you take my dick.”
Mhm was the last thing you hummed before your eyes fluttered closed. The feel of hands around your wrists reopened them just as your body fell back into Riri, finally free of its restraints. “You good, baby?”
“I-I’m good, daddy.”
The burning in your arms and legs finally began to go away as your body relaxed in Riri’s warmth. 
Shuri tapped the small girl’s thighs. “Ri, c’mere, baby.”
Riri must’ve been feeling hella good today because she obeyed almost too easily. She climbed from beneath you, laying your body on the wet mattress below. 
“My turn?” Ri asked, moving around your body and laying her cheek against your stomach. Your hand gravitated to her head, fingers tracing the spaces between her cornrows. 
“Ewe, usana (Yes, baby).” Shuri brought her hand down hard to clasp Riri’s ass, causing her to hiss between those pretty teeth. “Come on, phezulu (up). You know how I like you.”
Riri met your gaze with a wink before she brought her hips up, throwing her round behind in the air and allowing Shuri full access. 
Watching Shuri align her strap with Riri’s opening was entrancing. Your hand stayed on Riri’s head and her fingers dug into your sides when Shuri finally pushed the thick piece into her. The toy was still covered in your slick, allowing the panther to shove the lubed device in its entirety into the poor girl. 
Her pumps were merciless and deep, throwing Riri’s little body forward into yours. If you were pretty being stuffed full of cock, Riri was fucking gorgeous. Her mouth formed a perfect little ‘O’ and those big, round eyes refused to peel away from yours. 
Shuri was a rough lover and the way she fucked displayed every bit of that. Riri’s poor pussy was bound to be sore the next day, but right now, it was in heaven. Shuri’s fingers gripped at Ri’s hips, steadying herself and pulling Ri’s body to meet hers.
“Throw that shit back on me, Ri, baby. Show y/n how fucking good you take it. Yeah, show her how good you get fucked.”
Riri’s bottom lip was tucked away between her teeth. She’d take Shuri’s dick any day; happily taunting her in public and getting fucked into filth in private. But you switched up their dynamic. She wasn’t about to bitch beneath Shuri, not in front of you. She was ma, mamas, or mami (spelled with an I to be exact) if you were feeling her. Shuri needed to chill on this ‘baby’ shit. 
Shuri took Ri’s silence as a challenge. Her thrusts grew harder, pounding and bruising Riri’s cervix as you watched. “You not gon talk to me Ri? Huh?”
Riri was taking each pump like a champ. Her ass shook every time Shuri’s hips came in contact with it. You ran your fingers down her cheek and cupped them so gently around her chin. When you pulled her eyes to yours, you saw her hard demeanor crumble as a small moan escaped her. “You gon talk to me then, mamas? Tell me how good it feel. You taking it so good.”
Shuri’s movements stuttered at your words, sultry and low and so fucking sexy. This was a trap and Ri knew it. She shook her head and looked away, more willing to take Shuri in silence than to let her pride evaporate. 
Your hand slid even lower, clasping around Riri’s throat like a pretty necklace. “Talk to me, mami. I’m not asking this time.”
A brow climbed the sweaty pather’s face. Your voice, your movements, shit, they were enough to make her fold. 
And Riri did. Her bit lip was released and her stare up at you was pleading. “I-I’m so close, baby.”
“You close, mami?”
Shuri could feel Riri grow even wetter around her. She slipped in and out so easily, she actually feared she was going too deep. 
“Yeah, I’m close. It feel so fucking good.”
“You gon cum?” Your words were pushing Riri to the edge and matched with Shuri’s movements, shit, she wouldn’t last long. 
Riri nods, granting her a hard hand coming in contact with her cheeks. “Use your fucking words, Ri.” Shuri is growling now, almost over the edge with her own orgasm. 
“I’m gon cum, y/n.”
“You gon let me watch, ma? Lemme see that pussy clench around daddy’s dick? I just wanna see you cream. Make a pretty mess on that dick.”
Riri was already coming before you even finished your sentence. You could see Shuri’s cock disappear within Ri’s walls and come back out coated. Her grip on you tightened, her deep moans rapidly leaving her lips. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, I’m fucking coming. Shuri, baby, don’t fucking stop, don’t stop. Fuck this shit outta me, fuck it all out of me.”
Shuri came at the same time, throwing her head back and slowing her thrusts. You could see her ab muscles twitch as she released deep in Riri’s pussy.  Their cum mixed, creating a big, white, creamy mess that soaked your mattress even deeper. 
The smaller girl collapsed first, throwing her body on top of yours, gasping for breath. Shuri sat down, resting her back against the wall while she struggled to regulate her breathing. “I-imma need a minute…” Riri’s voice trailed off. You planted a kiss on the top of her forehead while you moved from beneath her. 
“Daddy?” Your voice rang out so sweetly.
“Yeah, baby?”
“You got one more nut in you?” You were seated in front of her, hands running up and down her thighs, nails dragging along her skin. Her grill gleamed at you when her lips parted with her smirk. “What you want?”
“I wanna taste.”
Shuri shivered at the thought of your pretty lips around her cock. She imagined what your tongue would feel like licking her and Riri’s cum off her thick shaft. Her “Go ahead” was breathy with anticipation.
Your tongue swiped across your lips before you lowered them onto Shuri’s tip. Her groan encouraged you. The thick toy stretched your mouth the same way they stretched your cunt. With a long slurp, you popped the dick out of your mouth and swallowed the taste of your girls.
“Baby, you wanna close the blinds?”
The three of you had completely forgotten the open window, too caught up in each other’s bodies. The sun had begun setting, so surely, you weren’t as visible before. However, below stood a group of three guys, all totally mesmerized by the show they’d just gotten. 
“Ugh men,” you rolled your eyes, lowering your head back to Shuri’s shaft. “Nah, daddy. Let them watch.”
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mermaidchansons · 2 years
Princess Charming: Shuri One Shot
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Shuri x black!Fem Reader
Summary: You try to keep your crush on Princess Shuri in check while working as one of her lab assistants. Fluff!
A/N: Hi, it’s me again lol. The undercut got me and I had to write this story. She’s just too fine. Please reblog, like, and ESPECIALLY comment!
Song recs for reading:
Let My Baby Stay - Amandla Stenberg
my slime - Fousheé
To say that you had a crush on Shuri was an understatement.
It had been two years since you were recruited as a lab assistant for the princess’ lab in Mount Bashenga. Ever since day one, the two of you had become close. She was your first friend in Wakanda. And yet, you kept it to yourself; the fear of rejection outweighed your curiosity about what she might say. But Shuri was so easy to talk to, you were surprised you hadn’t already let it slip. All those late-night lab sessions with just the two of you, working shoulder to shoulder. She always smelled of freshly whipped Wakandan shea butter and tea tree oil. Her fresh undercut and toned physique in her crop top constantly made you sweat.
It was in those times when she caught you staring that she’d ask about your love life and laugh when she saw the nervous look on your face.
“Y/n, why is it that whenever I ask you this, you freeze up? You can relax, I won’t bite. Unless you want me to,” Shuri chuckled, her eyes scanning your form and immediately making you hot.
You tried your best to keep your pining to yourself but you just couldn’t keep it together; laughing too hard at her jokes, daydreaming about being in her arms each night, stealing glances at the princess as she worked intently, wanting so desperately to smooth out the lines of her furrowed brows with your fingers.
The whole thing was too much to the point that you took a sick day to talk some sense into yourself. You couldn’t handle heartbreak in a country that was not your own. Who would you lean on? You had a crush on your boss who you see every day. And this wasn’t a job that you could just leave. You definitely could not tell her. After all, she was the princess of the most powerful nation. How would it look if she dated one of her assistants?
~The Lab~
Shuri walked in, examining the newly made tech samples on the table.
“Griot, can you pin y/n so she can review these?” She scanned the sample with her kimoyo beads, prepping the specs.
“Yes, princess. But I must inform you that Y/n is out sick,” the AI sounded.
Shuri had noticed you had been less talkative around her the past couple of days but you didn’t seem under the weather.
“She wrote in her day off request that she was feeling sick yesterday afternoon. Would you still like me to send the specs?”
“No, I will take them to her myself. Bring up her location and inform Okoye that I am going out.”
~The Ikhaya Eliluhlaza Apartments~
You sat curled up in your Yitty onesie and matching blanket, laughing at an episode of Living Single. The doorbell rang and you sighed, not wanting to leave your cozy corner. But you knew that the doorbell meant that your jollof rice and piri piri fish had finally been delivered. You groaned as you stood, stretching your arms as you walked to open the door.
To your surprise, your food was not behind the door.
“Princess, what are you doing here?!” You spit out, looking up at her.
“Griot informed me of your sick day and after doing some research, I brought you some medicine. I actually found a really funny tweet, apparently, you need to watch a show called judge Judy for it to work.” Shuri chuckled, holding up saltine crackers and Canada Dry ginger ale.
You stood there wide-eyed and moved aside to let her in.
“Oh, thank you, nkosazana. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my day off.”
“Don’t worry about it. Wow, look at your place; it’s so you!” She waved you off and slipped into your apartment, setting the ‘meds’ on your coffee table. You followed apprehensively as she looked at the paintings on the wall.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You scrunched up your face at her comment and she chuckled.
Normally you’d give a quick comeback, but your mind was elsewhere. You couldn’t help but notice how beautiful her brown skin looked against the cream of her windbreaker. Her fit was on point as always.
Realization of your own attire flooded your mind and you remembered that you weren’t wearing anything under your onesie. You wrapped your arms over your chest, pushing down your now erect nipples.
“I should change, excuse me—“
“It’s too late for that. I’ve already seen you. You look good as always,” She smirked, looking at you from over her shoulder.
You playfully rolled your eyes as heat rushed to your cheeks, leaning against the island counter.
“Where are your glasses? I’ll pour you some of the ginger ale.”
“They’re in the top left cabinet.” You watched as she maneuvered through your small kitchen.
“You’re clearly not sick, judging by how loudly you were cackling. Are you avoiding me again?” Shuri said, handing you the chilled glass.
She stood across from you, watching you look everywhere else but at her.
“Lo mfazi, let me ask the right question. How long have you had feelings for me?”
You stopped drinking and gulped down what you had in your mouth. She lifted her brow, waiting for you to answer.
“I um, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whispered.
“You think I haven’t seen the way you look at me?” Shuri took the glass from your hands and sat it down behind her. Closing the space between you, she pinned you against the island with her hands painfully close to your waist.
“How long, y/n?” She whispered in your ear and a shiver ran down your spine.
“Like 8 months... maybe a year.” You held your breath as you watched her face contort with frustration.
“A year?! Why didn’t you say anything,” she yelled, throwing her hands up. You finally exhaled and backed away in surprise.
“I was scared—“
“Of what,” she questioned, cutting you off,” that I wouldn’t feel the same way? Bast, woman. I couldn’t have made it more obvious.”
Shuri’s words caused you to nervously chuckle. Was this a joke? Had all those times when she had humorously flirted with you, been real?
“Shuri, please don’t play around like that. I’m real fragile right now.” Her eyes softened as she looked at you, softly kicking the air in your bunny slippers.
“I’m not playing around, y/n. Come here,” she sighed, pulling you in by your onesie. With an arm wrapped around your waist, she lifted your chin; your eyes meeting hers.
“Ubuhle, I wouldn’t joke about this. I wish you would have told me sooner. I adore you, y/n.”
Your eyes welled and you looked away, a tear escaping.
“Damnit, Shuri,” you mumbled, cursing her for being so sweet. She smiled, placing a small kiss on your temple. You hid your face in the crook of her neck, hugging her shoulders.
“Does this mean I have to quit working in the lab?”
Shuri belly laughed and grabbed your face. She quickly took your bottom lip between hers and kissed you so sweetly that you could feel your knees go weak. This was so much more than you had dreamed. The softness of her lips and the gentle way she caressed your cheek; it was everything. She was everything.
“You do not have to quit the lab, intombi eswiti. It will be far easier to fall in love with you while we work together,” Shuri whispered against your lips. Warmth washed over you and you leaned more into her touch. You never wanted this moment to end.
“Now let’s talk about what’s under this onesie,” she lifted your zipper and looked down the hem, darkly laughing. You smacked her hand away and tried to fight the smile that crept onto your face.
“Shuri, cut it out!”
Tagging my new bestie: @tchallasbabymama
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talkingparrotkee · 1 year
After seeing disagreeable claims critiquing the end of Wakanda Forever float around for the nth time, I felt like organizing my qualms and putting them neatly into another blog. These are just my musings.
"Shuri should've killed Namor! Sparing him was wrong!" I apologize for my harsh phrasing, but this is a horrible and brainless take, especially when it's from begrudged shippers or anti-Wakanda Forever recasters 😭. Whenever I see it, I can't help but wonder if anyone who says this or agrees genuinely likes and (especially) understands Namor and/or Shuri's actual characters. And no, I do not mean the surface aesthetic of or attraction to them.
If you knew and understood what kind of character Shuri (at least in the MCU) is, you would know why she spared Namor's life after nearly taking it. If you understood the important messages carefully baked into the film, you'd understand the writing choice of Shuri sparing Namor and Namor not being the "incorrigible villain who deserves death."
Asking the silly question of why she didn't kill him in the form of critique, or worse, saying she should have or somehow should give him hell after the fact (fortunately, a regressive immaturity neither character has), is a clear show of media illiteracy. It neglects both characters and at least one pillar theme of Wakanda Forever. If Shuri killed Namor, Talokan and Wakanda would unnaturally be eating away at each other for eternity, allowing the surface colonist nations to swoop in as the destabilization process was done for them. The true villains and enemies that put them in that situation where they collided with one another would gain access to their vibranium and technology. Game over.
Shuri Was Never In Her "Villain Era"
The simple answer, Shuri is not Wanda Maximoff 😊. Goodnight. (Author's note because someone was troubled by this tongue and cheek remark: I don't hate Wanda at all. I meant what I wrote: Shuri is not Wanda, just Wakandan. People want her to be Wanda and have a Wanda arc when she is not and will not. 🫡)
Even at the lowest of her low, Shuri is no villain. Shuri was just a young woman trying to find what kind of leader she was in the midst of grief, inner turmoil, and human anger. I don't know why some fans say she had a "villain era" or want her to canonically have a "villain era," but ok. That is not Shuri, nor would it have filled the hole in Shuri's heart, as said by Nakia. It was not just because it endangered Wakanda and would spearhead them in an eternal war either. Although, that is reason enough for Shuri not to kill Namor.
Who Princess Shuri Truly Is
Princess Shuri is a natural healer, teacher, and creator. Shuri loves, designs, creates, innovates, builds, and protects. Shuri has people who would die for her and trusts her to make the right choice in the end, faithfully standing beside her even when they recognize that the trajectory she currently set them on wasn't a good one. Why do you think this is? Because they know and trust Shuri. They know her brain is as big as her heart.
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Shuri is not inherently destructive. That was the uncharacteristic result of her gripe with death (thinking it meant gone) and destructive handling of her grief. Ryan Coogler even pointed out how Shuri's state was unhealthy and dangerous. Shuri and Namor were both grieving and asking themselves painful questions.
That is why Killmonger is who appears to her. Killmonger is a violent, radical character (made that way by neglect, grief, loss, militaristic molding, and the suffering African Americans face) who almost carelessly sent Wakanda spiraling into mayhem. He became the people he hated, in the wise words of T'Challa, and was an unworthy king, in the wise words of Shuri. If such a man is comparing himself to Shuri and is who her subconscious elicited on the Ancestral Plane (which Shuri seems to be taking to her grave now, refusing to tell Nakia), maybe she's not doing alright? Just a thought!
This is also why Ramonda took her out by the river. It's why M'Baku said what he said at Ramonda's funeral. It is so she can mourn properly. So she could heal properly. Something she wasn't doing since the day T'Challa died.
Killing Namor would've destroyed her, not just her people. It wouldn't have sated her despite in her rightful anger, feeling it would. It would've just sent her past a point of no return.
"Show him who you are." Ramonda told her this after she struggled on her own with killing Namor. Why do you think Shuri hesitated even without Ramonda's influence (which was just her presence and reminding Shuri who she already was) yet? It didn't feel "right" to Shuri as their moment together (watching the Talokan sunrise), how Namor paralleled her, and how their people were alike flew through her mind's eye. Shuri hesitated, not because she was "soft" or "nonsensical mushy writing." Shuri saw what they were and what this was. She thought beyond herself. As Editor Michael P. Shawver said, Namor's line of, "only the most broken people can become great leaders" is what they focused on. It is what Shuri finally realizes at the bitter end. They relate. The narrative, characters, and actors all recognize this; I don't see how some audience members do not.
She and Namor were perpetuating the destructive cycle of grief and vengeance while setting that example for their people, but she was strong enough to pull herself up and break that chain. Then she offered her his hand for the sake of not only themselves, but their people. She saw firsthand the beauty of Talokan. Like Namor admired Wakanda in the beginning, she admired Talokan. She remembered her visit to Talokan in the mix of her nation's beauty.
"Vengance has consumed us. We cannot let it consume our people."
Not "my" people. Not "your" people. Our people.
Shuri realized many simple yet, at the same time, humanly complicated truths of how they had connectivity and were broken, trying to be the best leaders they could be. Neither of them was the villain but are what they were due to the bitter hand life dealt them and the situations they faced.
The Real Theme of Black Panther's Wakanda Forever
This movie also had clear themes of:
A) how POC/indigenous infighting sucks and is counterproductive
B) connectivity of black and brown, from culture to shared wounds
C) the scars of colonialization
Shuri killing Namor would defeat the carefully woven narrative and betray all these well-built things. I know some of you guys don't like to hear this, but Namor is not of the archetype of Killmonger, nor is he the real "villain," so he was handled accordingly.
“We talked to so many experts and really made relationships with them, because there was a lot to go through,” says Beachler. “There are a lot of parallels between Africans and Latin Americans as far as the colonization of their communities and cities, the enslavement of their people, the lies that were told about their culture, the misinterpretation of their words, and the ways they were made out to look demonized in order to elevate a European country.”
Shuri Getting Her Lick Back
"Shuri should've beaten Namor until-" or "She let him off the hook unpunished!" If you paid attention to the movie, you'd see she literally beat him within an inch of his life? She definitely did get her lick back just as Namor got his. Wanting her to get "more" licks after the fact is regressive.
isolated and trapped Namor to weaken and drain his energy
ferally clawed both of his wings, taking out his ability to fly
made him bleed and bruised him up
roasted him in a firey explosion, effectively charring him and rendering him temporarily paralyzed
Shuri didn't play patty cake with him; she made an immortal bleed and fear death. She had him gasping for air on his back at the mercy of her spear tip. She made him yield and call off the troops. She made an ally out of him on her terms who exalted her strength and is currently bandaged up, flightless, and awaiting to aid her (rather than striking first, waging war as originally wanted). It's more than enough and was the best course of action. What do you mean? What are you talking about?
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black-dhalias · 2 years
I’d Burn it all For You
Namor X F!Reader
Warning: SPOILERS FOR BLACK PANTHER 2, Angst, death, child loss, mentions of loss and grief, blood.
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A spray of mist and fury burn your cheeks as the waves crest onto the beach. Your toes touching the water in the briefest of ways, body stolen by the drowning grief. The loss of your only family has taken you completely.
“My love?” His voice used to bring you great comfort, but now it is only a reminder of what he knowingly sacrificed. Only to bend the knee to the Wakandans. “You must come home to Talocan, you must find it in yourself to rest.” In our bed, the thought is painful and rigid—your life is grossly intertwined with him. All of him.
“K’uk’ulkan, do not speak as if you did not let my brother and sister die…” An unearthly rage has mounted in your chest at the very image of their bodies amongst the fallen, the emptiness of their eyes. “Do not pretend that our daughter… Our child, was not amongst the casualties.” Your chest heaves, a deep aggressively broken part of you has completely snapped in two.
You note the way that his hands twitch, but he does not touch you—and even if he had, you fear you would snap his wrist. He seems to be reaching out for you
You find it in yourself to meet his eye, and for the first time, he does not recognize you. Your gaze is harsh, hardened with grief—you mirror his own, but you have someone to blame. Someone to pass the hate onto. Him.
The way your fingers ghost over his cheek, he leans into the touch—knowing it was probably the last time. If you ever found it in yourself to forgive him, he doubts anything would be the same.
“K’uk’ulkan… You have never been Namor to me, always my greatest love. My truest friend and trusted ally. I followed you. Believed in you. Trusted you to protect my family, our child, me… Until today, you were never not loved. Today, you earned the name Namor.” Your hand drops off his cheek and instantly, he wishes it would return. Wishes he could wipe away every incursion, for no one knew him the way that you did. Understood his values and believed in the cause. “And I hope that name chokes the very soul from your body, a chain to drag you to the pits of the Mariana Trench.”
You turn to the ocean, the taste of salt, tears pouring down your cheeks. You had not cried like this before now, felt the pain until it was certain. Mourn your losses, that’s what he said to the Wakandan Princess—had he forgotten so quickly the losses incurred on them, how they stole his only daughter and child.
“Adora… That is what we named our daughter, carry her name on that same chain. Let it be the anchor… I wish grief would drown you, consume you, as it has me.” You gasp, choking on air and wishing it would silence you completely. “Don’t forget to mourn her.” Her sweet face echoes in the shadows, you see her smile and doe eyes—the brightness she echoes reminiscent of the sun itself.
“I do… I feel your pain, your same pain.” To lose a child is unlike any ache, it hollows out your chest and turns the bitter edge of sword onto your neck. Makes you wish that it would all end, knowing that it won’t. If you did know him, you’d believe him.
“If you felt anything, you would have burned them all. I’d burn them all for her. I’d burn them all for you. Now I will do nothing, just as you did nothing.”
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K’uk’ulkan watches you from afar, the sweetest of smiles intoxicates and enchants—you were perfect. You did not plead or beg, but you asked and bartered. You were kind before you were angry, and warm before you were cold.
Genuine love came from every moment spent together, the people sang the song of your story. How you were born months after K’uk’ulkan—the gentle wave to match his storm. You were not weak by any means, but you chose to wear your heart proudly.
He remembered it all so clearly, beautiful and loyal, with eyes that read him. Knew him. He never felt more seen than when he was in your gaze.
It moves quickly now—to dance with you after becoming husband and wife. To hold you, as your carried their child. Their first. After a century of love and dedication to the people of Talocan, a royal child was to be born. He sees your smile, a warmth and light that is reminiscent of the sun itself.
When the sky turned dark, the sun no longer burning your skin—you find it in yourself to rise to your feet. To watch as the waves turn black under the nighttime moon.
“I love you, K’uk’ulkan. I swear I do, but loving you is not enough anymore.” You swallow, the anger has drifted out to sea and in its place is only sadness. Anguish. “If I had my way, I’d drown before I reach Talocan—but the sea refuses to consume me as I wish.”
Before long, you are gone from his view. Leaving him alone on that beach. Completely, and overwhelmingly consumed by his own grief. Aware of every sensation and whim, and the urge to burn the world echoes once more.
You were right. He did not want you to be right, but you were.
“Wait—” His voice is more hoarse than he expected, weathered and aged in the last week more than before. The weight of his people on one shoulder, a burden of duty — while the weight of his family grows heavier by the second. His duty to them. To his wife. You stop, looking back at him briefly—if it were anyone else, you wouldn’t have looked at all. “I love you. Please believe that much.”
“Love is not enough, Namor.” That name never sounded so foreign, but so true—it never hurt or bothered him, except when it came to you.
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AN: I promise I have a happy Namor fic in the works (and like two or three more after that), but this one was just in my head. Ya know when you can’t write anything except a singular piece, that was this. However, now I feel as though I have satisfied the itch and am ready to finish everything else.
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