#I love rumple so much
bunabi · 17 days
You know I do think you're onto something about the 'real fans' things because there is this weird belief that big artists or big streamers or whatever are somehow seen as 1) some sort of source of canon that noone else could possibly be privy too (which is strangely why their fanons get oddly taken as canon and 2) that noone who creates or is even involved in fan communities or fanbases somehow has less valid opinions because they aren't aware of the memes or 'not contributing'. Number of followers doesn't equate to importance of opinion so I respect you saying that everyone has just as much skin in the game and their opinions and experiences of the game have just as much worth as anyone elses
I have seen posts like that
'You guys abandoned DA for years, you weren't making any content, you weren't having any discussions, you don't really care', etc etc
I'm a little shocked to see how many people agree with that sentiment since it's just 'ew casuals' in a different hat; if someone's engagement w/ DA begins and ends with thinking the Wardens look cool (true!) then moving on thats still a plus one for the books
To your first point: making content as a larger account really just dooms you to being perceived as a taste-maker and expert regardless 😭 speaking from experience I wish we didn't do that
Fanon and theories are meant to be loose wiggly & open-ended; I don't think the point is to arrive at a single agreed-upon conclusion, and it gets dicey when you start selecting fans as authority figures —especially against their will
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Rumple’s Weird Little Guy™ energy in the early Enchanted Forest stuff is unmatched like he’s always letting himself be a little crazy as a treat and good for him honestly
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😬😬 a little too unhinged.
Are his teeth getting bigger?
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The fuck?!
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Oh just a dream.
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Just a man spinnin. Everyone needs a hobby.
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Just a man... using magic gold to play with his chemistry set with. Everyone needs a hobby.
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frnkiebby · 5 months
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he looks fucking wrecked~🎃
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murdleandmarot · 5 months
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A Mungo, a Teazer, and a surprise appearance by Pouncival!!
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crowfromfoggyforest · 7 months
Things Alastor (hazbin) and Rumple (ouat) have in common:
have a cane
pretty damn powerful (but have no interest in directly ruling over people... and also amassing more power is not what they ultimately want imo)
very questionable morality
(almost) always seem superior/ one step ahead/ like nothing can surprise them
controlled by something despite their power, so they're looking for a way to free themselves
make a deal with the mc for a favor
shadow does some crazy things
have a fancy scary name in addition to their real name (the Radio Demon/ the Dark One)
you can't really tell if they count as a villain or not, because they help the heroes but are also always plotting something
while several "bad guys" around them get a redemption arc, they don't show any interest in redemption most of the time
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ace-of-spaders · 2 years
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Robert Carlyle as Mr Gold The Serpent of Eden in Once Upon A Time 1x02 "The Thing You Love Most"
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glittter-skeleton · 5 months
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The heart storyline has me in a chokehold
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
One of my favorite things in any form of media is people who seem real
And I mean this by people with human imperfections and disabilities, I'm not saying people without magic abilities
For instance, Killian Jones is missing a hand, and his disability is covered quite often (him not being able to use video game controllers for instance)
And he's not always the brunt end of every one else's jokes because of his disability. While yes, it does come up in jokes from time to time, some of which are his own, but he's also shown having an actual disability, and struggling with things because of it.
And these characters have actual mental health, they go to therapy, the men actually cry, the women are full of feminine rage, I love it
And honestly some of the men are more emotional than the women
Charming and Rumple cry quite often and it makes me so happy that one of the main villians and literal prince charming are emotional men, but also very strong and powerful and funny
And while Killian rarely cries, he's still given a broad range of emotion
And for characters such as Killian and Regina, as sad as it is, there's self hatred
There's regret and remorse which is shown very often
And not everyone has blonde hair and blue eyes
Rumple isn't a hot young man kind of villain (I'm not saying that Robert Carlyle isnt absolutely gorgeous I'm saying he isn't 25 with a jawline that could cut glass)
Ouat characters have real trauma and real feelings and don't look factory made, and have human imperfections and disabilities
In short, ouat is one of the most inclusive shows I've ever watched
From LGBTQ representation to various POC, powerful women and emotional men, female villains and characters with disabilities and mental problems, this show is inclusive as hell
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mercuriallily · 11 months
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Behold, a (nearly complete) Mungo!! Featuring my own warmers and wonderfully fluffy tail!
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Love watching Jefferson’s progression from goth Victorian mcr gay to cottage core patchwork gay
What single parenting does to a mother fucker
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
Finally on “The Crocodile” in my OUAT rewatch!!!!
Let’s Goooo!!!!!
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heddagab · 2 years
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ONCE UPON A TIME Golden Queen in 2x02 "We Are Both"
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before ~ Edgar Allan Poe - The Raven
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#1 my new phone takes WAY better pictures.
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He's already plotting murder.
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Oh I'd definitely want it for revenge.
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
CaptainCroc ask (or as I call them, Goldenhook):
Wholesome: what kind of candy do you think they’d eat on Halloween? And would they share or would they bicker about who gets what?
Not so wholesome: who do you think dies first? (If we’re sticking with Hook’s lifeline being longer due to his stay on Neverland. But also if you want, throw in some ideas about Hook being a dark one too cause I feel that has POTENTIAL)
Lucky for me my siblings just brought me a bag of candy from a parade a couple days ago so I've been able to do plenty of first-hand research on this lol
The thing they fight over is 100% the chocolate stuff. Milky Ways (they've definitely almost gotten divorced over a Milky Way Midnight), Twix, M&Ms, Reese's Cups, all those. For Hook, I really want to say somebody handed him a package of Swedish Fish once and he tried one and went "who had the audacity to call these fish?" but then they kind of became his guilty pleasure. For Rumple, my first instinct is to say he wouldn't like any of the artificial fruit flavored candies, but y'know the guy did eat a burger once, and apparently he likes ketchup, so I'm gonna say his other favorite is the classic Twizzlers.
Now the hard part. I have spent entirely too much of my time thinking about who dies first, because there are just too many juicy options.
I'm tempted to say neither of them dies; in a relationship with another villain (and I'm pretty sure Hook would still be a villain if he was with Rumple, mostly for family reasons) Rumple wouldn't hesitate to use whatever incredibly dark magic he needed to keep Hook alive indefinitely. They outlive all the heroes, probably return to the Enchanted Forest bc realistically what the heck are the Dark One and his pirate husband gonna do in Maine, and they basically rule unchecked for all eternity. Maybe they get a little more mellow as they age, and eventually they fade from unquestioned lords of the land into these semi-mythical beings; Hook is the thing all sailors pray to and fear, and Rumple is the thing people only whisper about in broad daylight.
Now, if Hook became a Dark One, there's obviously two ways that could go down: either the way it did in Camelot or he kills Rumple (which means Rumple would die first). The more angsty way is if he kills Rumple, but there's not really a good reason for him to do that if they're together. Maybe another villain steals his heart or uses illusions to manipulate him into taking the dagger and killing Rumple, which honestly isn't too bad of an idea. Said villain expects to be able to kill Hook and get the power for themselves; they just knew it would be easier for him to kill Rumple than to do it themselves, but Hook wins and becomes sort of a vengeful ghost, slowly but surely undermining the heroes in a plan to slaughter them all as punishment for not defeating that other villain themselves (what are heroes for, after all) and the heroes find a way to kill him because there's no other way to stop him. He and Rumple are reunited in the afterlife.
If it goes down like Camelot and they're both Dark Ones, it's probably pretty similar to the first scenario, because they're both theoretically immortal. But in this situation, I think Hook would take the original darkness from Rumple, less to protect other people than to keep the darkness in the family, and when he's transported to Camelot he realizes he can use the other half of Excalibur to give Rumple back some darkness, and make him immortal again. So of course Hook does that, with a Dark Curse along the way bc why not, and then the heroes have to solve the problem of what to do with two Dark Ones running around Storybrooke. They steal Excalibur and offer Hook and Rumple the choice of death or having their dark magic cut away. Rumple's been pretty close to death recently, so he says he'd rather lose his magic than die, but Hook is totally mad with power and won't settle for that. A mega-battle is waged and in the end the heroes kill Hook in front of Rumple and then he goes totally nuts and probably takes down at least one hero with him, but he's also killed because there's no other way to stop him.
If they're both mortal for some reason, then I think Rumple probably dies of old age. In this scenario, they're both mellowed out a bit, because they have less power than if one or both of them was the Dark One, so Hook either waits patiently to die and be reunited with Rumple or he does the classic old-people-in-love thing and dies within days to weeks of Rumple.
As a generality, I think Hook seems to win the Dies Last award, mostly because it's fun to kill off the immortal guy before his mortal husband, but also because it's fun to kind of twist around the guy who canonically died first and say "well if he was a villain, would that still be the case?" and I think the answer is no, if Hook was a villain in love with Rumple, another villain, it wouldn't be. (Although I'm kind of enjoying the neither of them dies scenario, them being sort of eldritch gods of terror in the Enchanted Forest a couple hundred years later is a slay.)
Anyway the point is I couldn't decide who to kill first so I just invented ways for both!
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
hi hello!! I will be predictable :D vettonso? and also maybe sebson?🤭
Hallo Grace!! Aaaahh two of my ultimate favs 🥹
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Okay I think we all know at this point my feelings on vettonso.....My beloved, my favs, my little dolls to play around with, my forever ship, my muse, etc etc. Lmao tho I do agree w you said in your answer to me, that I feel obviously more invested in my AUs of them atp, but that's not to say I don't like the canon! The canon for me is just desperately searching for any footage/pics of them and being peak derangement abt it and making a whole narrative. Yeah I'm very normal about them. Also yeah, i like the ship itself, but I'm not a very romantic person so I think I often care more about the implications and how they relate to each other, and that kinda thing, if that makes sense? I care deeply abt them, but yknow make a lot of AUs, and the most fun I have is often trying to fit their narrative into different environments! One day I'll draw more shippy stuff I swear 🤧🤧 They are just perfect to me :)
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One of my first loves 🥹🥹 I still really love them aaaahhh!!!! They're just so soft and fluffy and comforting to me!!! Obligatory Solar Flare mention. But yeah it's hard, just like the other ship above, to articulate my thoughts about them that isn't just screaming. It's just so fun to look at all the content along the years and see how they gravitate towards each other. To me, they're the 21st century blueprint for emotional support rivals 🥹🥹 Also, sending them to superhell for the amount of insane things they've done in public.
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