#I love seeing all of the MC's together!! ❤️💚💛💙
xaharadesert · 3 months
Petite MC - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: Can you believe that I wrote like 150 Arcana headcanon sets before someone asked for a petite mc? I feel like this is a classic that I missed out on in my early days. Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes :) requests are open!
He was already constantly filled with anxiety and an ever looming sense of dread, but meeting you has somehow increased it
Logically he knows that your size doesn’t diminish your many talents and capabilities, but he worries all the same
He likes to keep you in his line of sight, and in crowded spaces he’ll hold your hand or place one of his hands on your back or shoulder so you don’t disappear into the fray
Often he can be seen looking behind you, a bit hunched over so he can hear what you’re saying
He likes to think he looks like a scary guard dog, but depending on the circumstances there’s a good chance he looks even more scared than you
You can be short legends together
She hopes you’re okay with short jokes, because now that she has a partner who’s just as short as her, she’ll be making them all the time
Says you can tag team taking out people’s ankles if they piss you off
She really likes that she doesn’t have to worry about getting on her tiptoes to kiss you since you’re about the same height
Once joked about having you sit on her shoulders with a cloak to pretend to be Muriel while committing crimes
Loves being the taller one in the relationship, it makes him feel strong and important
He’s always been a fan of heels (the higher the better), but he does appreciate that he can give his feet a break when he’s out with you
Does try to talk you into wearing heels for special events though; he says it’s more fun to look down at people
Makes short jokes when he’s feeling petty, but they’re not very well thought out, and mostly come down to “well, you’re short, and that’s bad because I say so”
Still feels really bad about this later, and insists that you should feel insulted even if you were totally unaffected
He may actually cry from the stress
He’s always been uncomfortable aware of his own size, and that sensation is heightened whenever you’re around
If he bumps into you, you will be going down, and he is terrified of that
He tries to make himself smaller by hunching over whenever he’s standing or sitting next to you to draw less attention to the size difference (obviously it doesn’t work, and most people just pity him since he looks so awkward)
Hates that people are perceiving him as a sort of guard dog for you; he feels like the juxtaposition is leading to stereotyping, and you’ll need to reassure him that you don’t see him that way
You know, he’s never really noticed it all that much
Of course, on a physical level he knows you’re pretty small, but as someone who has always been right in the middle of short and tall, he doesn’t really see it as a very big deal
He does like that you’re just short enough to fit under his chin when he hugs you, but that’s about it
You don’t have to reach too far to give him a kiss, which is also a plus
And he’s already got plenty of step-stools around for reaching the top shelves, so there’s no need to ask (not that anything but decorations ever goes on those shelves anyway; if neither of you can reach them on your own, why bother giving them a practical use?)
Adjusting to your height takes a bit of getting used to for her
She’s the type to wear heels and keep perfect posture, so she stands tall even among people of a similar height
She accidentally looks over your head until you call her attention down to you pretty often
Expect to be gifted plenty of heels or platform shoes early on in the relationship
She’s not particularly fond of the idea of abandoning her own heels, but if you struggle with yours then she’ll switch to something a bit more practical so she can kiss you more easily
She complained about neck pain exactly one (1) time, and silently prays that you never bring it up again to tease her
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florencetypemaniacs · 2 months
I hope you don't mind NSFW ask now. If not, feel free to just ignore this one.
After MC and their RO had some long and intense sex, MC sits up and goes "great warm up, now let's do it for real" to tease them, but if the RO doesn't notice mc was just teasing at first, how would the ROs react?
💛 Marcel
Marcel would be surprised and sit up to look at the MC, wanting to see the sincerity in the MC's eyes, which was hard in the darkened room.
"Again, my love?" Marcel shook his head, his body aching for rest. "While I admire your stamina, I am quite tired. How about I run a relaxing bath for us to enjoy together?"
Marcel would try to coax the MC into a more relaxing activity while still being able to spend time with them. Even though they can't go another round, it doesn't mean they want the night to end.
🧡 Margaret
Margaret's eyes would widen in surprise. "You can go… again? How? Is it normal for me to be so tired?" Margaret is very new to relationships, especially the sexual aspect, so she would not even question that the MC wants to go again. Although she knew her body needed rest so with an apologetic smile, she would ask if they could save it for tomorrow. 
❤️ Owen
"Are you part rabbit?" Owen asked, looking at MC with a suspicious look. 
While Owen was a little put out that he didn't completely wear the MC out, he would be turned on that the MC had a very high sex drive. 
"Give me a few minutes, and we will get right back to it." He kissed the MC, pushing the hair out of their eyes and kissing their forehead. 
"You're going to be the death of me," Owen said, kissing MC's forehead. MC was able to feel the chuckle vibrating through his chest, and he didn't sound that upset about it. 
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would raise an eyebrow, her body melting into the bed as she pulled MC close. 
She would be the most suspicious; she was very good at her job, and for MC not to drift off to sleep was a miracle in his writing. 
"I can get behind you being so jazzed; I think I am done for the night, Dollface/Angelface/Handsome." 
Rosemary purred in the MC's ear. "But if you want to do all the work, I wouldn't mind watching." 
🩵 Tai
Tai, like always, felt the need to sleep, which called him like a siren, and for once he was able to feel his eyes close. The exhaustion of letting go now that you were with him and his mind went blank. 
But for once, he found that he was fighting to keep his eyes open, ignoring his muscles. 
"You want to go again?" Tai would look MC over, he supposed it was possible. You weren't exactly human, but to still have that energy was mind-blowing to him. 
Depending on how the MC acts, will determine how he will respond. 
Shy! MC 
Tai gives them a bewildered look before his eyes soften, and he kisses them. "You are full of surprises. How about tomorrow after some well-deserved rest." 
Flirty! MC 
Tai's eyes narrowed as he looked the MC over. "You aren't tired? How- You know what… I'm not going to even ask." Tai just pulled the MC closer. "You have worn me out. Now go to sleep so I can catch up on some well-deserved sleep. I need all the rest to put up with you." Tai whispered in your ear, there was no bite behind his comment. 
💚 Zane
LOL. I honestly find this unlikely, just because Zane prides himself on his stamina in the bedroom.
Zane's eyes widened in pure disbelief before another look crossed their faces.
Zane wasn't going to admit that he was exhausted. There was no way in the six hells that MC was going to have more stamina than him.
With as much energy as Zane could muster, he pinned MC to the bed.
"I'm just getting started."
He would take it as a challenge, push through for another round, and then wake up late.
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loveandleases · 1 year
I can’t believe it!!! Shame on you all for not asking the most fluff ask out there (minus the kiss one 😊) !!! What are the ROs love language 👀
We do need more fluff, don't we!? I'm shocked I haven't gotten that one yet. Below the cut~
❤️ Cam - Quality time. For Cam, knowing their partner wants to spend time with him means the world. Since many chose not to (hey parents). It could be simple things, just listening to one another about your day, watching a dumb show, thinking of what you did as kids and actually got away with.
💙 G - Words of affirmation. G hasn't had the best luck romantically. Ex-G only really considered themselves fortunate in one relationship...and we know how that ended. They still feel anxious around MC, and about love in general. So words of affirmation really calm them, reminds them they're cared for. Words of encouragement, little I love you, even just a simple text message from their partner can lighten up their day.
💚 Kara - Receiving gifts. She doesn't need something expensive, she doesn't need a limited edition item. For Kara, it's more the little things. A hair tie, to get her hair out of her face after a long day. A card, that tells her how much you appreciate her or how good she is doing. Small gestures really make her happy. Especially if it's something that can make her remember her partner later on. That includes giving her a hickey.
💛 M - Words of affirmation/Acts of service. So both work for our sweet M. Since their so oblivious to love, words of affirmation is something that makes them realize their partner is in fact in love with them, and cares about them. Like acts of service, show their partner is willing to help when they get overloaded with work, or when they forget to do something. This just shows they care, and M will begin to pick up on these things.
💜 Isaac - Quality time. For them, seeing their partner choose to be with them, be that just to help with a delivery or just to see them off, it means a lot to them. Isaac feels as though they can't get enough time with the people they care about. This is something they feel even more now that they've lost people. It doesn't have to be moments filled with words, or even doing the same thing together. Just time, be it small fleeting moments of the day, make them realize someone actually does care for them. Maybe this time, they'll stay.
🖤 Ardent - Physical touch. Looking at him you would think he's used to people touching him or wanting to. He's not, he's used to them staring and hates every minute of it. But there is something about someone wanting to touch him without thinking of it leading to something, that just softens him. A hug from behind, holding his hand, a small kiss on his cheek. It can be simple and innocent and it just makes him realize he actually is cared about, for more than just his body.
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Hello!! I love your writing! ❤️ Can I request a Brothers and side characters react to MC who is a famous Voice Actor.
Stay Safe and Take care!
I was actually already planning on writing something that involved this exact scenario 😁😁
Also thanks for the kind words!!
Tumblr media
- he was just passing by your room when he then heard a sniff coming from inside
- he of course gets concerned and decides to check on you, however as he grabs the doorknob he is stopped by your voice
- "i cant believe you.. after everything we have been through, youre just going to through me aside?"
- it sounds like... a breakup? But who could the future corpse be!?
- he enters the room as he hears cries come from the other side only to find you sitting on a chair and talking through a microphone that you got while being down in the devildom
- yep, this exchange program isnt going to stop you, there is work to be done!
- "MC what are you doing and who are you talking to?" He asks confused by your lack of sadness.
- you explain to him that you are voice acting
- now he is slightly embarrassed for interupting your recording
- he finds you to be a very good actor considering he actually thought you were breaking up with someone
- The avatar of greed was heading to your room for help, what exactly is this help for is up to our imagination
- however he stops infront of your door when he hears some weird noises coming from your room
- *donald duck noises*
-" what is that? ... omg what is that!?"
- he enters your room extremely confused but also a little bit scared, what if it was a ghost or something that shouldnt be in there?
- instead its just you makin impression through a microphone for some comic you are dubbing
- "wait... MC... that wasnt you was it??" He is so confused but also fascinated
- will ask for more impressions and will want you to say certain stuff in certain voices
- he had tried texting you to head to his room to play a game he just got but seeing you wouldnt answer he decided to go check
- what he proceeds to hear as he gets closer to your room is the voice of the one and only ruri-chan
- he ♡lovingly♡ kicks the door with pure violence as his ears cant believe it and for the most part he is dissapointed
- he caught you voice dubbing a ruri-chan comic
- while it isnt ruri-chan he does find amusing how good of an impression you can do of the character and he will totally ask you to do more of it
- he will also want you to read every single text manga that he owns since its just such good acting and he can feel the emotions when you read what the characters say
- the fellow was just heading to your room to get back a book he borrowed to you when he hears you talking.
- however he is a bit confused at first since he heard some kind of narrator voice
- when he enters he finds you reading out a certain text while recording it on a microphone
- he is quite surprised actually, you almost confused him
- now he wants you to read to him everytime you two are reading together, not only is it you who is reading it but its also in an incredible voice
- just wanted to spend some quality alone time with you, now he is listening to you read the script for your job and wow is he impressed
- "MC, i need to hear every single voice you can do, i wanna know what you can do"
- loves your talents without a doubt
- is probably also trying to figure out your sex voice
- sorry thats all i can think about asmo i dont see much with him...
- big boy was hoping you'd accompany him for a snack
- as he arrivee to your bedroom he heard your voice read out some kind of monologue, the only issue is that it was done in a very silly voice
- he finds it unnerving since perhaps it could be a skinwalker or shapshifter trying to steal yuur identity
- this man, knowing full well that something is off, barges into your room to discover the source
- it is you, but he is still going to probably lift you up and shake you until you confess your identity theft crimes
- when you explain to him that you were just acting he puts you down
- couldve been much worse to be honest
- he might just keep a close eye at you for the rest of the day... just to make sure...
- he was heading to your room for a nap, your bed is comfy for him so.
- When he grabs the doorknob however he is stopped by an unfamiliar voice
- you should be inside right? Then who is this poor excuse of a chainsaw then?
- he opens the door carefully to find you reading the script you needed to read while youre in the call thata recording
- he waves at you and lays down on your bed, just listening, he finds it fun how you can do that funky voice
- once you finish he asks about it and so you explain thay you were just acting out a part that needed to be done.
- will fall asleep to you doing dumb impressions of characters probably
- after barging into the HoL to pick you up to go hang out, he catches you finishing a monologue that you needed to read and record.
- was a bit unsettled by the unrecognizable voice however, so of course he is going to break into your room ready to confront whatever fool was in your room
- is surprised to see you there pressing pause to the recording audio
- oop
- you'll have to explain to him what voice acting is because i doubt he knows
- you'll also have to act out every single character and impression you have done in your life because he is now curious
- "this is so fascinating! Who wouldve known you could change your voice like that?"
- will 100% ask you to teach him
- is fascinated when he finds out
- you were just entertaining luke with some cartoon impressions when he walked in, and he loves it
- the ability to both recreat classic voices while also being able to create new ones calls hia attention
- will join in to see what else you can do and will totally ask you to redo certain voices just because it catches him so offguard with your appearance
- will love to watch you teach luke
- kind of knew already but it still catches him offguard sometimes
- who knows, if you managed to do diavolo's voice right, and do it in the right scenario, you might just pull out a great prank on him
- will join the prince and you as you teach diavolo how to do certain impressions
- finds it both funny and weird at once
- like i just said, if you have enough expierence you might manage to trick some people
- otherwise doesnt really mind it
- its fun to listen you do certain voices
- teach him
- he was going to ask you to help him out with a spell but instead caught you doing a narrator voice and now he wants to do it
- oh the possiblities that you have given him if you accept to teach him
- the inner jokes will be great considering he too is a human, adding the fact that you can do voices? Oh the memes...
- have fun confusing literally everyone
- (sorry i cant come up with more for solomon xd)
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caniwritewhoknows · 3 years
Alright then! Because I saw your cutesy male Mc hcs and thought of how the boys would react to a male Mc who wears black clothes, leather jackets and alt fashion like that but always has a stuffie with him? Like he's quiet and rough when he doesn't know you but gets really soft and cute when he's comfortable? And if you don't mind, that when he age regresses to cope, his whole aesthetic shifts into brighter colors with blue and yellow?
I'm skipping the age regress stuff cause I don't know enough about it to feel comfortable writing it. Instead I'll just write like when he's comfortable (pajamas ect.)
Demon Brothers with an Alt. Soft M!MC
Warnings: None
Reader: Male
Includes: Demon Brothers
Lucifer 💙
-He's wary at first, more than a little worried your a delinquent
-But then he noticed the plushie in your pocket
-Surprisingly enough one glare from you shut him up
-First time he saw you all comfortable he was confused
-Why is the human suddenly wearing pastels?
-He loves it though
-He likes being one of the few people to see you in light colors
-It makes his pride swell
-Over all you make him all mushy
Mammon 💛
-Oh boy he is a little scared of you at first
-He would never admit it but you terrify him
-Would not dare comment about the plushie
-Once you two make a pact he is so clingy
-Like clingier than normal
-Your his human and he'll protect you but he expects you to protect him in return
-Loves cuddling with you when your all soft and comfy
-Give him a little kiss to kill him
Leviathan 🧡
-Not gonna lie your tough look made him a little flustered
-He didn't know what to think when he first saw a plushie in your bag
-One thinly veiled threat from you shut him up though
-One time when you first started hanging out you feel asleep on his shoulder
-You killed an otaku
-He can't handle how cute you were
-Then you two started dating and he saw you in his pastel Ruri-Chan shirt
-Congrats he passed out
Satan 💚
-He understands you in a way
-He first met you and could understand your aggressive nature around people
-Then he saw the plushie
-He was shocked but before you could even send a death glare his way he was pretending he didn't see it
-This man understands comfort items
-When he saw you all comfy and pastel he was surprised but all in all pretty chill
-You guys read books together in the evenings when your all pastel
Asmodeus 💝
-First time seeing you he thought you looked hot
-The plushie
-Oh goodness before you could even glare he was fawning over it
-He can't help but love the soft side of you too
-Wear pastels around him and he'll melt
-He wants you to try on so many outfits
-If you won't let him put pastel outfits on you he'll make some darker outfits for you to wear
Beelzebub ❤️
-Not gonna lie he does not care that much
-As soon as he was sure you weren't a threat to his family he did not care
-One day while he was doing some late night snacking you walked in
-Full pastels with a plushie in tow you two made eye contact
-He offered you some food and you guys snacked together
-This became a regular event
-Most nights you two can be found snacking together
-He tries not to give you too many things that could stain cause he doesn't want to stain your only light colored clothes
Belphegor 💜
-You caught him off guard at first
-He knew a human was here but he was not aware that that human would be trying to kill him with a stare
-And yet also wearing pink?
-Later when he met you during the day he almost was unsure you were the same human
-Then lesson 16 happened
-You two began to hang out more
-He began to understand some of you oddities
-More than a little jealous when you cuddle your plushie instead of him
-He loves the plushie though especially if its a cow
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zephyr-mew · 2 years
twitter: @ZyxousMew
fandoms I'm currently love very much
✨Yakuza (mainly Infinite Wealth)✨ ❤️Ichiban❤️ 🩶Kiryu🩶 💛Zhao💛 🖤 Masato🖤 (!!untagged spoilers will be happening!!)
I have SO MANY FEELINGS-- • kiryuichi when • polycule when • dub defender, hearing people actually speak like local boys is wild (it actually feels like here!! ;w;) dub obispo my beloved
fave boys: (I've got love in my heart for most of the boys tbh)
ichi • kiryu • masato • zhao • daigo • ryoma • majima • akiyama • nishiki • yamai • tomi • adachi • shinada • kaito •
fave ships: (I ship most things ngl, this is by no means an exhaustive list)
kiryuichi • masadai • kiryuichitomi • kiryuichizhao • tomiyamai • nishikiryu • masaichi • ichizhaohan • minedai • kirinan • ebisawa • yamaichi • shinakitani • shinadai •
honestly anything yakuza has consumed my soul, so that's uh,, kinda it right now lmao
faves of yore
📺 RTVS + Friends 📺
love all of them so much 💜
🌌 Arcana 💚Muriel💚❤️Julian❤️💜Asra💜
mash these boys together in every which way and I'll die happy 💜 also lucio/valerius fucks. unfortunately a simp for devil lucio
Stanley Parable
ultra deluxe reignited my love for this :3 check out the demo, it's a completely separate thing from the main game + absolutely worth playing
Homestar Runner
a formative childhood experience + permanent vocabulary alterer
Jak and Daxter
Jak ✔️ Erol ✔️ Torn ✔️
Hotel Dusk + Last Window
thinkin bout Hyde... and Jeff... and Charles... and Louis... and Tony...
Dan Vs
official episodes are all free on youtube 👀 all my love for this fucked up little dude
honestly the best avatar and pet site I've ever seen, hmu @ LyricZephyr for buddy gold account gifts :3 please they're just sitting there uselessly otherwise
Ace Attorney
Apollo best boy ❤️ haven't played anything past 5 tbh, they did my boy dirty and I needed a long break from the fandom
izzy meow meow - particularly fond of steddyhands and rizzy
Hotline Miami
other things that I have liked at some point under the cut
A Way Out
acab ✌️
Animal Crossing
Kicks is bae, he's the only one who didn't make a Big Fucking Deal of me trying on femme stuff as a guy back in New Leaf
Be My Princess
Roberto my love my life ❤️
Beginner's Guide
these bitches gay, your honor
Cause of Death
iOS game that shut down in like 2010 ;_; I miss Mal. and Kai. Fun fact, I shipped Mal with Hyde from Hotel Dusk - mainly bc they're both detectives lol. nevermind the fact that they're in different time periods
Créme de la Créme
from Choice Of games - literally writing up a whole rec post for this, there's so many queer options it's great
Dem Salty Bois + Friends
Pat 💜 Wade 🐔 Gar 🐺 JP 🍍 special guest BreadHeroDan 🍞
Dragon Age Origins + 2 + Inquisition
tbh I haven't personally played much, but I watched a lot of my sibling's playthroughs. I've got a soft spot for a lot of these guys. god I wish I didn't have to draw/commission stuff myself to see more of my inquisitor/warden/hawke
Dream Daddy
Damien especially 💜
Fire Emblem Awakening + Fates
admittedly weak for takumi. and a lot of the boys tbh. maaaybe someday I'll play 3H
Gabriel Knight 3
why this. damn my weakness for shitty 90s games and a sassy bitch boy with chaotic bi vibes
Legend of Dragoon
The Longing
the scronkly bab ;w;
Metal Gear Solid 1-3
I haven't played myself, but I grew up watching my sibling play these a lot. Ocelot's stupid hand guns gesture and Raiden slipping on bird shit are forever burned into my brain.
lost before its time
My Little Pony
Braeburn 💛
def a Karamatsu boy 💙
Persona 3/4/5/Q
tbh I've only fully finished 3s male mc route and q, the rest I've roughly half finished? I'm aware of 4s major spoiler, somehow never seen 5s I think - but honestly, I don't care about spoilers for this fandom. yusuke best boy
Professor Layton 1-6
Punch-Out Wii + Super
I don't know why I love these characters as much as I do, but hey
Return of the Obra Dinn
Sam & Max
alas I am not immune to Jergen the goth german vampire and his fucking doorknocker-ass nipple piercings
Sims 2 DS
I like Sims in general, but this particular weirdass game had a stranglehold on me for a hot minute
Sorted Food
Tales Runner
Rough... Kai... Ocean... Maki... I forget what they changed their names to in the newest server, they're dumb and I'm not using them
trucks 👏 n 👏 vans // hmu for my decade-old playlist of sfms and music~
Wild Kratts
stg Chris looks like Apollo Justice, Martin looks like Chris Dan Vs, Zach looks like Dan Dan Vs... what is up with this
I'm gay
Wolf Among Us
I just,, really like Bigby okay
for any youtube types, hmu for my most likely absurdly long playlists of them ✌️
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Hi Klein :D
🐕 - How does your Mc feel about Cerberus?
🐏 - What animal does your Mc turn to in the furry events? Is it different from what their onesie is?
🫂 - Did your Mc make all the pacts they made in canon? Less? Maybe more?
💝 - What's your Mc's favorite thing to do with their partner(s)?
🐕 - how does your MC feel about Cerberus?
Klein loves Cerberus. If their first-time meeting hadn’t been in the underground tomb where Cerbie thought Klein and Luke stole the grimoire, their relationship could have a better starting point. After the incident, Cerbie was very wary of Klein, and the Evil Overlord had to do his best to make Cerbie familiar with him and become his friend.
AND GUESS WHAT? Klein made a pact with Cerberus.
🐏 - what animal does your MC turn to in furry events? Is it different from what their onesie is?
Klein turned into a cream sheep during the furry event. Yes, it was different from his onesie. Klein’s onesie is a black dragon. So two contrasting colors and images.
🫂- did your MC make all the pacts they made in canon? Less? Maybe more?
Yes, Klein did make all the seven pacts like in canon. He’s a collector, he would feel uncomfortable if he didn’t manage to collect all the pacts in one set.
And as I have said above. Klein made an 8th pact with Cerberus. After Klein’s rise as the Archon of Sin, Diavolo made a pact with Klein, partly because he wanted to to apologize for what happened, partly because he wanted to join as Klein’s pact-mate, partly because of demon politics. If Diavolo had join, Barbatos saw no reason not to.
So Klein currently has 10 pacts, with Mammon, Levi, Beel, Asmo, Satan, Belphie, Lucifer, Cerbie, Diavolo and Barbatos. (Solomon had to accept defeat MVAHAHAHAHAHA)
Currently thinking of a way to make a pact with Mephisto, Astaroth and Dantalion and add them to the harem maybe.
💝 - what’s your MC’s favorite thing to do with their partner(s)?
With Lucifer 💙 - taking Cerbie on a stroll together, leaning on his shoulder and sleep while he’s watching some opera, sharing a bed (both innocently and ahem…)
With Mammon 💛 - at the casino, Klein acts as Mammon’s luck god (or that’s what Mammon always talks about), shopping and choosing each other’s clothes, literally anything together tbh.
With Levi 🧡 - watching anime together (excluding those with super long titles, Klein likes classic ones like Detective Conan, D. Gray Man, etc more), playing games together (co-op in Genshin, support each other in MOBA like LoL, etc.), cosplaying (Klein only cosplays as someone cool and male tho).
With Satan 💚 - knowledge is power, the fourth-born and Klein takes turn choosing a book to read. They both read and share their opinion on the book (tho most of them are story books XD).
With Asmo 💘 - shopping, gossiping while Asmo teaches Klein to put make-up on him. Klein also accepts make-up from Asmo, he trusts the fifth-born (tho not the nail painting, Klein’s not into it).
With Beel ❤️ - sharing food and working out together (Klein as as Beel’s weight).
With Belphie 💜 - sleeping and looking at the starry night sky together.
With Diavolo 🖤 - visit places in Devildom together (incognito/disguise of course)
With Barbatos 🫖 - tea time, Klein also takes part in Barbatos’s making-sweet class with Luke.
With Simeon 🖋 - Klein shares his unique ideas with Simeon, who incorporates them into his books.
With Solomon 🔮 - discussing magic together and see if they could be combined with science and technology (they teach each other as Solomon has more knowledge in magic, while Klein’s better at combining the two great fields).
Tbh, sharing the bed applies to them all.
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florencetypemaniacs · 6 months
How will the Ro's react if the Mc has been rejected by someone else?
P.S. The Ro's are very much in love with Mc. Just haven't asked them out yet.
💛 Marcel
He would feel happy that you were still on the market and Marcel still had a chance, but upset that he was finding joy in your devastation, ending a vicious cycle of going from guilt to pure joy. 
Although Marcel would still act as your shoulder to cry on if you ever needed it, he didn't like to see your heart broken and would try to make it better as a friend for as long as you needed. 
🧡 Margaret
Margaret would feel horrible as well. She didn't like to see your heart broken over some other person, but what you needed right now was a friend, and she could be that.
But unlike Marcel, I think Margaret would keep her distance; she wouldn't want to blurt out a confession while you were trying to get over a heartbreak. 
❤️ Owen
Happy. I mean, yes, you got your heart broken, and that sucked, but he still had a chance, and he wasn't going to waste it. 
Owen would be there for you, holding you while you cried, and while he would get angry at this person for breaking your heart, he couldn't help the relief that came afterward.  There will also be a lot of backhand comments about that person in the following months.
"That person isn't worth your time, lad/duck/lass."
💙 Rosemary
If this was after Rosemary had worked out all through her relationship trauma, I could see this as the final push to go ahead and ask you out right then. 
The thought of that other person saying yes and taking you away was too much for her heart to take, which would lead to a confession soon after that. 
🩵 Tai
Anger. How could someone be so idiotic? Didn't this person see that you were the whole package? How could that person hurt you and get away with it? 
Tai would hate that person, and while he wouldn't know how to comfort you, anytime that person came up, it was hard for Tai to hide his feelings about that person. Even after you two get together, there will be comments about how much that person was a moron for letting you get away. 
💚 Zane
Joy. Ha! He won !Of course he did, because why wouldn't he get the love of his life?  Zane would bask in relief, but if you were to cry, oh God, I hope that person had their affairs in order. 
They hurt someone that Zane cared about, and they weren't going to get away with it. Let's just say that whoever rejected you would have nightmares that would last a lifetime
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loveandleases · 1 year
okay so in relationship stage, how often do the ROs tell the mc they love them?
It's about time for some cuteness huh? Below the cut ~
❤️ Cam - He says it very often. In the morning, in Mc's ear at night. Are they working on a shoot together? Cam will walk over pretend to be messing with a piece of Mc's clothing, let his finger linger along their neck, and tell them then as well. He feels he can't say it enough. To him, he has always wanted to tell MC those three words.
💙 G - They will say it a good amount. Especially ex-G. They want MC to know they care about them, though they won't throw it around as much as Cam. G will say it with their touch, with a hug, hands clinging to MC's back. With a soft caress of their hand at dinner, a whisper between them when at the office.
💚 Kara - She makes sure to say it when texting you or seeing you off from work. Time's like that, Kara is worried she may say it too much, so she chooses not to unless she feels the moment calls for it. After a night together, and everything is calm and you're cuddled up in bed, she would be holding onto MC head on their chest and whisper it before drifting to sleep. That's when she prefers to say it. When she knows she will be waking up to your presence. 💛 M - Poor M, they will try to say it and fluster. It will be hard for them to say only because they make themselves embarrassed saying it. To them, they thought it was something you say at a precise moment in a book, when there is a fight and the couple comes back together, or when one is going off to save the galaxy in an anime they secretly watch away from you. M would say it at the most random moment. You would think the reason they have been typing the same sentence for an hour would be because of writer's block no, because the next moment they say I love you, so very randomly. But it suits them.
💜 Isaac - Oh, poor thing. They will be so afraid to say it to MC, afraid that it could ruin them. Fear of the past happening all over again. They will say it, but when they do it's quiet, and they sound as if their voice will break every time. Isaac says it when they look at you on a drive, or when your hand finds there to try and calm their mind. When you kiss them goodnight after a long day when they think you can't hear it because you've fallen asleep. That's when they say it freely, and it holds all the meaning. That's when they think saying it won't run you away from them.
🖤 Ardent - He will say it, but after saying it to Cupid first. He does this so that it adds less pressure, he doesn't want MC to know he wanted to say it to them first. Instead let them think he says it to Cupid first, then to mc as if it's a routine. Ardent says it....really weird times. I'm sorry but he will say it right after climaxing after saying some dirty things to mc. It will be like night and day because perverted Ardent can be so crass, but his voice takes a completely different tone when he tells MC he cares for them. He will usually say it in greek because he thinks MC will just think he's saying some phrase. (MC picked up on exactly what he was saying)
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loveandleases · 1 year
Hi there! I really love the dramatic premise you have here (Chris and Jade are fun to dislike! 😂), and I am SO excited to read more about the ROs, especially Ardent! I’ll probably be dropping off more asks here since I’ve been eating up all the responses you’ve given already, but for now, I’ll just send this one ask: How affectionate is each RO?
Also, hope you feel better soon!
Yes the drama~ Thank you (puff? what shall I call you?)
❤️ Cam - Ugh this guy (love him). When MC and Cam are together, he will be in honeymoon phase (always). Mc will catch him staring at them like they're the greatest thing in the world. (To him MC is.) Sorry, he will wake you up in the middle of the night with a plate full of burnt cookies. He wanted to give you something comforting. "They taste good, right?" Dam Cam and his puppy dog eyes!
💙 G - For MC G can be the most affectionate person in the world. They will be happy to just listen to you, it doesn't have to be deep conversation, just hearing your voice to them is enough. G will like to take MC out to nice dinners or cook for you? Want to see the cute pup that came into the clinic today?
💚 Kara - She will always be down for some type of supportive conversation to show her affection. She knows MC has gone through a lot and when Kara can come to terms with what Chris did, she will be even more affectionate.
💛 M - Oh, they would be too affectionate, like Cam-level affection. Though M is more shy about it since they're so new to everything. They will want to try everything, is hand-holding affectionate enough? How about kissing in the rain? It works in films. Such a dweeb <3
💜 Isaac - They're not sure they're good at affection. Breakfast in bed to show their appreciation for something? Sorry, it's burnt, but they tried! How about rubbing your feet? Does that work? Okay, maybe...you can drive the car? As long as you hold their hand, keep that contact while their deep in their head. Thinking about all the emotions boiling inside. scared of them.
🖤 Ardent - He can be affectionate but he will have to be in deep with MC. When MC is busy making something, Ardent is the type to just come up behind them and burrow his head in their neck. He won't say anything grumble a little. Kiss you here, there. You might hear him whisper thanks for something. This is embarrassing him.
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xaharadesert · 3 years
Artist MC Drawing Their LI - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: this one is for @adrien-dot-png! This was a super cute request, so I went ahead with all six of them :) this is a little more specific than the previous artist request, so the headcanons are a bit shorter, but if you want more, please feel free to send in another request :) please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes! Requests are open!
He has always supported your art, no matter the subject
So when he discovers that you have drawn several pictures of your memories together, he gets a bit teary-eyed
But can you blame him? He loves having something physical to preserve some of the happiest times in his life with you
He’ll offer to pose, if you want to draw him more
And lucky you, he can actually give some pretty decent tips on anatomy and proportions if you’re struggling
She’s not particularly artsy herself, but she loves to observe your creative process
It amazes her how something that looks so messy and chaotic at first can turn into something so gorgeous
And when she discovers the art you’ve created of her, she’s absolutely stunned
She’s never been one to care too much about physical appearance, but she absolutely adores the way you’ve drawn her
She requests that, if possible, you draw or paint some pictures of the two of you together so she can hang them around the house
Unironically calls you a “drawer” instead of an artist
Still loves your art though
If you were planning on hiding any art you’ve done of him from him, too bad, because he’ll find it right away
You don’t even know how, he just senses something he can use to boost his ego and sniffs it out like a bloodhound
With that being said, he frames every piece you do to hang around the palace, even simple sketches
You’re the official royal artist now, congratulations on the involuntary promotion
He feels a bit self-conscious when he sees that you’ve been drawing him
It’s not that the pictures are bad; he thinks they’re wonderful
He’d just prefer not to be the subject
Of course, these feelings don’t apply to any pictures of him you’ve done wherein you or your other friends are also included
Those ones he loves the most, and he’ll request that you do more if you feel up to it
He immediately starts teasing you when he finds out
He’s flattered, of course, and he thinks it’s absolutely adorable, but it’s too much of a good opportunity to pass up
Would prefer pictures of you, or the two of you together
If you ever create pieces of the two of you travelling to different places, or just spending time together, he’ll be delighted
He loves to reminisce on happier times when he’s stressed, and he thinks your art pieces make it all the better
The two of you have a wall dedicated to your art work, but Asra keeps hinting at wanting you to just paint or draw on all the walls
He thinks a shop covered with happy memories would be a dream come true
She’s used to having portraits done of herself, and she’s pretty indifferent to it, but when you draw her, it’s always special
Whether it’s her love for you, or just your unique style, she cherishes every piece
She likes to hang pictures of the two of you in her private chambers, especially the pieces depicting your happiest memories
More formal images can be seen by all, but this? She wants to keep this between the two of you, as selfish as she worries that may seem
If you don’t mind, she’d like to commission you to do some more major pieces for the palace and other landmarks of Vesuvia
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xaharadesert · 3 years
Genius MC - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: this one is for @dontmindthissimp! I very much appreciate you telling me to take my time; it makes me feel less guilty about only now getting to your request haha! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes :) requests are open!
He’s absolutely delighted by your intelligence
Not to sound pretentious, but he really appreciates the opportunity to talk to someone who takes interest in the same subjects as him
That’s not to say he doesn’t enjoy messing around with his friends who don’t consider themselves intellectuals, but there’s something refreshing about being able to exercise that part of his mind without worrying over offending anyone who might not understand
If you need someone to ramble to, or bounce ideas off of, he’s always willing to listen
He’s one of the few people who will genuinely be just as excited about the next great scientific discovery right alongside you
Personally, she’s never placed too much value on how book smart she was
So she doesn’t really understand what you’re talking about most of the time
But regardless, she’s your number one supporter!
Whenever you’re doing smart things, she’ll be right beside you hyping you up and bringing you snacks
You’re also her go-to whenever she has a question about literally anything
She feels like there’s a pretty high chance you’ll have the answers she’s looking for
Sounds like the perfect excuse for him to brag about how amazing you are :)
He doesn’t always understand what you’re talking about; he could if he really wanted to, but that’s the problem— he finds it a bit boring
But that’s not gonna stop him from fully supporting you and telling everyone what a genius you are
Whatever resources you need/want to expand your knowledge, he’ll find for you
It might be a little stressful at times; there’s an ever increasing amount of pressure on you to know everything
It’s a nice way to fill the silence, in his opinion
He doesn’t always understand what you’re talking about, nor does he care to learn, but it’s become a part of his life that he doesn’t think he could live without
The constant background noise of you mumbling intellectual nonsense to yourself is comforting, and the silence begins to sound strange
His favourite part is when you start talking about something that you’re particularly passionate about, and you suddenly become loud and animated
Both he and Inanna do their best to return the energy
His knowledge aligns more with magical than with science and math, but he still supports your interests and adores your enthusiasm
Sometimes he’ll ask you a question about something he knows you’re interested in just to hear you rant happily about it
It’s a bit funny to see your shared living space; it’s a mix of crystals, tarot cards, herbs, pages of formulas, heavy books, and spill ink
Somehow the two of you still manage to work together in perfect harmony
Opposites attract, after all
She loves having someone around that can keep up with her when she starts discussing more intellectual topics
In fact, she sometimes needs a moment to catch up to you
She’s often preoccupied with running Vesuvia, so she relies on you to bring her news about developments within the scientific community
Her expertise aligns mostly with mechanical engineering, but she’ll do her best to broaden her horizons to discuss other topics with you
Overall, she’s just thrilled to have a partner that shares her less common interests
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xaharadesert · 3 years
LI Witnessing MC’s Bad Breakup - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: this one is for @thenolifeprincess! Sorry for the shorter headcanon set, my new meds are making me really tired :) Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes :) requests are open!
Immediately steps forward to counter every bad thing they say about you
No matter how many bad things your now ex has to say about you, Julian has an entire monologue prepared that states the opposite
He goes on to pick apart their insecurities as well, calling them a fool and a sorry excuse for a lover for not seeing how wonderful you truly are
On one hand, the ✨drama✨ of it all has her frozen in shock
But on the other hand, she loves you an incredible amount, so she could never sit by and watch you have your heart broken by such a loser
The moment they utter their first negative words that allude to an oncoming break up, she swoops in, links arms with you, and says “yay, my turn!”
Then she drags you off for cuddles and comfort
Forgive me for saying this, but I think he lets it go on a little longer than necessary
He uses it to his advantage to swoop in an punch them square in the jaw to make himself look even better
Whether or not you realize that, watching him punch your nasty ex is probably pretty cathartic
He also offers to hold your ex down if you’d like to punch them as well
He doesn’t really know how to help in a situation like this, and ends up being a bystander
But when it’s over, he’s there to comfort you
He doesn’t say much, but if you need a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to rant to, he’s there
Walls up to you and starts a conversation in the middle of the breakup as if your now ex isn’t even there
He’s not in a rush to leave either (unless you are)
He just wants to stand around and have a pleasant conversation with lots of casual affection to annoy your ex as much as possible
And when it’s all over, of course he’ll be there to bring you tea and listen to any feelings you want to divulge
The second things turn nasty, she cuts them off and reprimands them for being anything less than grateful to you for your time together
Just because it’s the end of a relationship doesn’t mean they get to be rude
She reassures you that you deserve much better, and that she’ll always be there to support you no matter what
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xaharadesert · 3 years
MC Transported From Our World - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: another request from the wonderful @astraeus-trash, one of the people who continues to support my headcanons through amazing and unique prompts!! Thank you for sending in another request, I love all of the ones you send me! Also, this is my 50th headcanon post!! Yaaaaaayyyy! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes :) requests are open!
Low-key doesn’t believe you when you first tell him
He already has a hard time believing in magic, so you’re really pushing it with the idea that you’re from a different world (you’ll have to leave out the bit about his life being from a visual novel/mobile romance game, that would be a bit too much for the poor dear)
Once you convince him, though, he goes right into “I’m the most mysterious and charming man you’ve ever met” mode
He has no idea that you already know what he’s really like
He’ll make it his personal mission to show you all around Vesuvia (and other lands, if you’re willing) and tell you everything about his world
If you make any references to your own world, he’ll falter a bit because he really has absolutely zero clue as to what you’re talking about
He’s trying his best though
He doesn’t want you to feel homesick, so he distracts you with taking you although his known world
She’s absolutely amazed by the fact that you’re from another world
That’s like a whole new level of magic, and she wants to know all about it
A lot of what you tell her sounds like magic too, so you’ll be able to keep her entertained with even the most mundane of stories
She honestly doesn’t even bat an eye at the fact that you’re from a completely different world, and she doesn’t really ask why you’re in Vesuvia because she assumes that you did it on purpose and have some grand magical reason
Might ask if she can go back to your world with you to explore
If you’re stuck in Vesuvia, she’s not complaining, although she’ll be sympathetic that you won’t be able to see your original world again
Honestly though, Portia makes you feel so safe and comfortable and loved that you mind find yourself more at home with her than you ever did in your original world
As soon as you tell him you’re from a different world he just assumes you came to his to meet him
(Is he wrong, though?)
This just becomes something for him to brag about to everyone else he meets
You probably won’t have a lot of trouble adjusting to life in Vesuvia because he’ll be dragging you around with him all the time, so you won’t really have to make any tough choices about your new life
It doesn’t occur to him that you came to Vesuvia on accident, so apologies, but you might have a little trouble finding the emotional support you need now that you’re far away from everything you’ve ever known
He doesn’t even bother questioning it
He’s heard enough outlandish things in his life that have turned out to be true, might as well just accept it
Doesn’t really know how to act around you because not only are you essentially a stranger to him, you’re a stranger to the entire world
This will probably put a pretty heavy strain on whatever kind of relationship you might have
Eventually, though, the two of you will bond over not really fitting in with the rest of the world
Maybe you can make things work, just the two of you on your own
You’ll both have quite a bit to work through; both of you have left behind so much of your past lives— but you can get through it together
Okay, here me out: he probably has the worst reaction of the bunch
Imagine you thought you knew someone for nine years and then you find out they were only actually an avatar for someone from an entirely different universe
It feels like a betrayal to him, and he doesn’t really know how to handle it
On one hand, you were technically the person he had known all along
On the other, you had existed in an entirely different universe without ever mentioning it, and your life was drastically different
He takes some time away from you to sort out his feelings on the matter, but the betrayal runs deep
You’ll probably end up chilling at the palace, adjusting to your new life until he comes back
He wants a fresh start, if that’s alright with you
He’d like to see if something new can grow from the past that had been torn away from him so abruptly
She doesn’t quite understand how something like that could happen, but she accepts it nonetheless
In her mind, it’s simply an opportunity to expand her horizons
She loves learning about your world, and teaches you about hers in turn
She’s very patient while you adjust to life in Vesuvia, and helps you as often as you need or want
Genuinely, she understands what it’s like to leave everything you know behind and start anew somewhere completely different
She’s very sympathetic, and if you feel overemotional or like a burden, she’s quick to reassure you that you’re completely valid
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