#I love seiyuu if you didn't know
silvertsundere · 2 years
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crazy that these 3 queens share a birthday
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dia-souls · 11 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Analyzes [ Vol. 6 Sakamaki Laito ]
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Original title: いつものゲーム
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 6 Sakamaki Laito
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke
Analyze by: Admin Afra
Admin's note: Laito is the boy who, in my personal opinion, has endured the worst trauma among all his brothers, and the reason for his violent and deviant behavior now may be justified with the bitter memories of his past. But with Laito I can learn many lessons and I hope he will stick to these lessons. He should try to forget the relationship and bitterness of the past and believe in a brighter future. Maybe we can call him the poor broken man, but this man deserves a second chance and I'm sure he deserves Yui's pure love. What he could not receive from his mother.
Who are you, Laito? Are you sure that the only way to return to reality of yourself is to become carefree and not care about the things that really matter to you? Are you sure that this is the real you? Are you sure that your true self is not that kind and innocent child who forgot his entire childhood because of a tragic event and decided to create a new identity for himself. Your true self has been dead for years. Your true self died in your childhood.
This is the only answer I can give to Laito when he decides to kill Yui to end all his pain. But how did the story get here?
Playing hunter seems like a lot of fun for Laito, especially since Laito likes to see his prey try and his prey's stubbornness always amuses him.
This is why if a girl is submissive to Laito, Laito will never be attracted to that girl and finds her boring. In fact, it was Yui's special quality that made him the first person to see even a little bit of Laito's kind and pure love. Of course, this pure love of Laito can be interpreted in different ways, which has a different analysis of this CD.
As usual and like the previous CDs, Yui is suffering from a disease that weakened her heart. But Laito isn't like Reiji or Subaru, who notices Yui's poor health right away.
So when Yui can't continue the game the way Laito wants, Laito gets frustrated. In any case, Yui is someone who never gives up easily, and this is what made Laito attracted to Yui, that's why when he saw Yui not trying to escape from Laito in this game, at first he thought that Yui didn't take the game seriously.
In any case, when Laito wins, he also receives his prize. Even Yui's body shaking doesn't make Laito immediately notice her illness. Why? Because we are talking about Laito. A boy who can interpret the worst things in a way that is enjoyable for himself.
I personally believe that Laito is one of the smartest characters in this story. It's wrong to say that Laito doesn't notice Yui's bad situation. In fact, he noticed this the same day he was playing with Yui in the waterway, but the reason he doesn't pay attention to it is not because he didn't notice Yui's unusual illness.
He doesn't really want to pay attention to it. Laito considers himself a carefree and happy person and wants to maintain this fake persona that he has created for himself. Even thinking that Cordelia's return is painful for Laito, that's why he doesn't even want to think about it. And because he knows that perhaps Yui's illness is related to Cordelia, he tries to ignore it.
But Laito's behavior when he saw Yui using the medicine was really cruel. I mean Yui really needed that medicine. Come on, Laito, be at least kind enough to let her use that medicine to improve her health and restore her energy, but what you said to her was very cruel. Are you so selfish that you just don't want to suck the nasty blood soaked in medicine and ignore Yui's whole illness?
It's really funny that Laito says that if Cordelia is behind all of this, you should stop trying to fix things. It's really strange to hear this from a guy who loves tough girls, but I think it's a sign that Laito has been giving in to Cordelia for years. In fact, since he forgot his innocence and was infected by Cordelia.
Laito's character is very complex. The thoughts in his head are completely different from the sentences he utters in front of others. You can never judge him by his words because the thoughts in his head are completely different from the sentences he utters. Knowing Laito's thoughts on Yui, we can definitely tell that he is worried about Yui even if he pretends not to care.
It is not an exaggeration to say that Laito is afraid of Cordelia. Laito pointed out that if she was behind all this, he should surrender.
I don't know how to describe how Laito feels about Cordelia, but Cordelia definitely made Laito the person he is now. Because even Laito himself has forgotten his real identity and misinterpreted his feelings towards his mother. Laito never wanted to be infected. Maybe this is the reason why he doesn't like others to be pure and tries to pollute them. So easy that if I am not pure, others should not be pure either.
Does the fear of Cordelia's presence make Laito force Yui to stay at home and rest, or is it the fear of her becoming weaker? In my opinion, both. Laito keeps thinking about Yui's bad situation and we can't deny that he is worried about Yui, but he doesn't like to express this concern directly, so he uses Cordelia as an excuse. But even the presence of Cordelia scares Laito, so even this is not a lie.
The fact that Laito keeps thinking about Yui but tries to lie even to himself with different words shows that he is not being honest with himself. Or in other words, Laito is lost in this false identity he has created for himself and thinks that if he is really worried about the one he loves, he can no longer be his true self, while all these feelings are showing us the real Laito. Laito who tried to hide behind a false identity for years. This is something he himself admits.
(I shouldn't care about it. That's what someone like me should do.) Actually, the false persona that Laito uses to hide in this cruel world. This is Laito's way of defending himself against the oppression of the world. Hiding in a false identity that hurts everyone and cares for no one. Even if this Laito is not real.
Laito's excuses for forcing Yui to eat to regain her health are believable because that's what Laito always pretended to be. That he doesn't care about anything but his own pleasure.
I have a question here. Why was Laito angry at Yui's apology? I mean, Laito didn't show so much sensitivity about this before and didn't shout that you shouldn't apologize if you didn't do anything wrong. Because none of these events are your fault.
I interpret this way that Laito gets irritated by Yui's purity. Maybe this is the reason for Laito's compassion towards Yui. Laito has witnessed how much Yui has suffered and endured for having Cordelia's heart, and the fact that she apologizes even though she is a victim makes Laito angry because he knows that Yui does not deserve to be treated like this. And that she considers all the bad things to be her own fault.
Laito doesn't say it in words, but he wants Yui to care more about herself and know how valuable her existence is. Laito has been hurt by a cruel world before, just like Yui is now, but Laito hides in a new identity to save himself, something Yui can never do because Yui is a pure and simple girl. Yui's innocence makes Laito angry so much that he shouts, don't apologize. You are not the one who should apologize.
Laito's attempt to avoid Yui is futile. He thinks about Yui every moment and everywhere, and even he considers this incident as karma.
Laito shouts out loud why my heart hurts. It is not possible that I got Yui's disease. These feelings are heavy and painful. He doesn't want to accept it, but the reason is because of his love for Yui, and seeing her wither before his eyes hurts him more than anything.
Laito does not want to experience the pain again. That's why he shouts, I don't need these feelings. These feelings are not mine.
In fact, Laito has forgotten his true identity and thinks that these feelings have nothing to do with his new identity. But he never gets rid of them. Because Laito is still the same guy who stands behind a mask because he doesn't want to get hurt.
Laito does not want to accept these feelings lightly. Because he is Sakamaki Laito. Vampire who says lies and does not care about anyone. The mask with which Laito shows himself to the world. But behind this mask, the real Laito is hidden and does not want to come out. So he tries to get rid of these painful feelings in another way.
When Yui loses consciousness on a very dreamy date, Laito sees it as his best chance to end her pain right there. Of course, to end her pain? Or is this what he thinks?
"If we settle everything here, both your pain and mine will be relieved. You are tired of this pain. me too. So wouldn't it be great to get rid of it right here?"
Laito doesn't expect Yui to agree with him. That's why when Yui smiles at him, Laito shouts that he didn't smile. Cry and beg for life.
Again, it's Laito fighting his own emotions. Seeing Yui's innocent and pure face who accepts death and smiles at him in the last moments of her life torments him more. The thought of how Yui can be so pure even when she is contaminated by his hands. How can Yui look at him with love like this when she is going to be killed by his hands.
but no Laito's hands do not move. Because that's not what he wants. These feelings tormented him even more than Yui's pain. He wanted to end his own pain, so he decided to end his own life instead of Yui.
These feelings torment Laito more than anything to see the dearest person in his life die in front of his eyes, or even worse, decide to kill her with a false mask, with the lie that the pain of both of them will be relieved.
This is why Laito considers himself a loser. A loser who didn't even try to save his lover and selfishly decided to relieve his own pain. Not the pain of his lover.
It is hard for him to imagine a world without Yui. The pain is much more terrible than the pain Yui used to endure. Laito sees this world with pain and suffering. That's why he wanted to relieve his pain quickly, not to see Yui's withering and death. Maybe it's a strange way to express love. But Laito needed to lose his true identity once to understand what his true feelings are and how much Yui is dear to him. His loss behind a false mask led him to find Yui and Yui saved him from the false world that Laito made for himself and showed him that even in a cruel world there is light and hope.
Yui is dear to Laito. Dearer than anyone else. Yui made Laito rediscover his true self. And understand that there is nothing wrong with having feelings and hiding them is more painful than anything else.
Laito knows that he can't live without Yui and that was the feeling that bothered him, but hiding behind a false mask was never the way to ease Laito's pain.
It was hard for him to express his feelings because he was afraid of people and the cruel world, but now with Yui's help, he has learned to overcome this fear and come out from behind the false mask. This is the only thing that relieves his pain. Being by Yui's side and expressing his true feelings.
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i-heart-hxh · 7 months
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Did togashi say this???
Nope, I've never heard of him saying anything like that. He hasn't directly discussed the nature of Gon and Killua's relationship at all as far as I recall.
A few 2011 HxH anime staff have made statements about Gon and Killua's relationship:
Mariya Ise (Killua's voice actress/seiyuu) confirming she sees Killua's feelings for Gon as romantic love.
Hiroshi Koujina (director of the 2011 anime) comparing Gon and Killua to a "mature married couple" where "Gon is the free-spirited husband and Killua is the wife who silently supports him."
However, this is different from hearing from Togashi himself, the original creator of the series and characters. Anime staff's words have more weight than random members of the public, certainly, due to the depth of their involvement with the series, and it's possible they know things we don't about Togashi's intentions, but we have no way of knowing whether that's just their own personal interpretations or not.
Always be skeptical of people quoting Togashi-- there's a lot of misinformation about him out there. If you can't link a statement back to a particular article/interview/some other solid source, chances are it's fake. There are even a few pieces of misinformation out there that have spread far and wide (like this comment about how many arcs of HxH are remaining). I generally try to find the original Japanese source of interviews/articles in addition to translations, just to make sure someone didn't just fabricate it and pretend it's a translation. I've noticed there's tons of misinfo on YouTube, TikTok, Reddit, really anywhere people are discussing the series. It's very frustrating, but a common side effect of social media.
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x0401x · 5 months
Hello, this ask is just for fun......
Top 5 (or top 3) Favorite female characters :
Top 5 (or top 3) Favorite male characters :
Top 5 Favorite animanga :
Animanga you are currently enjoying :
Animanga that exceeded all your expectations :
Top 3 Unpopular animanga you really love :
Favorite romance :
Favorite action animanga :
Favorite fantasy :
Favorite sci -fi :
Favorite drama :
Favorite comedy :
Top 3 Favorite anime movies :
Next in your watch list :
Next in your read list :
Top 3 Favorite antagonists:
Top 5 (or top 3) favorite ships (can be canon or non canon) :
Thanks if you want to answer....
This sure took me a while because, damn, I had to think a lot about each answer.
So, top 3 favorite females:
Sheryl Nome
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Oikawa Tsurara
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Kuchiki Rukia
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Top 3 favorite males:
Gilbert Bougainvillea
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Takigawa Masaki
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Alphonse Elric
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Top 5 Favorite animanga:
I can't really put them in the same category, so I'm gonna write down one of each.
Favorite anime movie: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
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Favorite anime show: Heike Monogatari
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Favorite manga: Tongari Boushi no Atelier
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Favorite light novel: Violet Evergarden
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Favorite regular novel: Mouryou no Hako
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Animanga I'm currently enjoying (so far):
Hibike! Euphonium S3
Kaijuu 8-gou
Kuroshitsuji S4
Dungeon Meshi
Urusei Yatsura S2
Ookami to Koushinryou
Boku no Hero Academia S7
Tonari no Youkai-san
Tadaima, Okaeri
Touken Ranbu Kai
Boukyaku Battery
Jii-san Baa-san Wakagaeru
The Fable
Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote
Now, I'm still waiting for some stuff to air, so this isn't a complete list. Also, the last title isn't exactly one that I'm super enjoying because it's butchering the original, but I'm sticking with it because I like the franchise. I recommend the manga instead of the anime.
Animanga that exceeded all my expectations
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The only one I can think of is Suzumiya Haruhi. It didn't exceed all my expectations because they were high from the start, but goddamn. I despise the fact that I came into the show knowing only the memes and opening clip, thinking it was gonna be absolute weeb garbage (because back in the old days it was much easier to not run into spoilers and I'm not even sure if the novel was already being fantranslated at the time), only to find out that it actually fucking slaps. Can you imagine how pissed I was. That I couldn't hate this bullshit of a show. Also endless eight. That shit was traumatizing even though I caught on quick and skipped most of it.
Top 3 Unpopular animanga I really love
I won't say unpopular but these are definitely underrated.
Tsurune (I mean the novel; the anime doesn't deserve much recognition beyond the good animation and sound design, imo)
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Nurarihyon no Mago (I know it's been over for more than a decade and the fandom is long dead, but it was temporarily revived by the recent new chapters, and it was criminally underrated in the west back when it was still being published)
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Gangsta (used to be really popular when it was on-going, but the fandom lost its hype completely both in the west and in Japan after it entered hiatus because of the author's health)
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Favorite romance: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
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Favorite action animanga: can't possibly choose
Favorite fantasy: Tongari Boushi no Atelier
Favorite sci-fi: can't possibly choose
Favorite drama: Nana
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Favorite comedy: Gintama (I know that comedy isn't the only genre this thing belongs to but comedy is the main one. And yes, I know the story is actually deep but it still takes a backseat to the comedy, narratologically speaking, and this shouldn't be looked down on. Fight me.)
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Top 3 Favorite anime movies
I don't really have favorites in any particular order other than Sen to Chihiro, so here are a random few of my faves:
Kimi no Na wa
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Senkou no Hathaway
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Next in your watch list: All the stuff from this season that hasn't yet come out.
Next in your read list: Nothing, actually. Just keeping up with the stuff I was already reading. Accepting recs!
Top 3 Favorite antagonists:
Johan Liebert
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Top 5 (or top 3) favorite ships (can be canon or non canon):
Let's go with top 10 because I'm a professional shipper. By the way, number 1 is the one that set the bar for all the other ships and anything else is actually just sharing second place. These are really just a few from the top of my head, since I have at least one favorite ship for every fandom I'm in.
RikuTsura (Nura Rikuo/Tsurara)
HakuSen (Haku/Ogino Chihiro)
SakuShao (Kinomoto Sakura/Li Shaoran)
IchiRuki (Kurosaki Ichigo/Kuchiki Rukia)
HaruRin (Nanase Haruka/Matsuoka Rin)
GilVi (Gilbert Bougainvillea/Violet Evergarden)
SoMa (Soul Evans/Maka Albarn)
AruSheri (Saotome Alto/Sheryl Nome)
YuuVic (Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov)
SeiRicha (Nakata Seigi/Richard Ranashingha de Vulpian)
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trashexplorer · 7 months
BLCD Review: Saezuru 7
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Title: Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai 7 (囀る鳥は羽ばたかない 7)
Author/Artist: Yoneda Kou
Shop: CD + Manga
Release Date: 2021/07/28
Hatano Wataru + Shingaki Tarusuke
Okitsu Kazuyuki
Masuda Toshiki
Ookawa Tooru
Ueda Yuuji
Satou Takuya
Miyake Kenta
Ito Kentarou
Nara Tooru
Synopsis: Adaptation of the 7th volume of the series.
Review Proper
I'm not sure what's gonna end first: the series or my fucking life.
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As much as I love Saezuru, it's gone on for so long that it's starting to get old literally and figuratively. You know, I wouldn't even be mad if Yoneda Kou ended the series by killing Yashiro off in 6. 7 is still well-written to a point and the BLCD did deserve to rank second AGAIN in chil-chil 2022, but I'm not sure about the future of this series (it wasn't nominated in 2023 tho which is one of the few good things about 2023's).
I say a lot of things, but I'm still invested in vol. 7 & 8.
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I don't know who I'm jealous of, BUT THAT SHOULD BE ME! This scene is in vol 8, not 7, but I wanted to include it anyway.
I do agree that Saezuru portrayal of the whole yakuza deal is the realest 'cause happy endings over there are quite rare, but this isn't a novel that comes out in one go. Doesn't help that June is ass. I've heard from several friends who've read the latest releases that it feels like it's lost its way and that just makes me sad. I'm still hopeful tho.🤧
As I've already stated, this placed second in 2022's awards. I mean, it's Saezuru. Frontier doesn't spare a penny for it lmao. All the major characters are voiced, and they managed to bring the A-listers back again. Sometimes, I forget that Saezuru is actually based on a manga whenever I listen to the BLCDs 'cause the production is just that good.
Shingaki slayed as usual. I've said this many times before, but no matter how bad or how well he does in another role, he will always be Yashiro. I just came from Tsunaida and we're in the middle of a Rei event in Nu:carnival, so I would expect myself to adjust to Yashiro, but I didn't need any of that lmao. Yashiro is truly Shingaki's magnum opus. I'm not at all surprised that he placed 3rd best seiyuu for Yashiro. Deserved.
Speaking of Nu:carnival, I will forever be obsessed with Yashiro's relationship with the other characters aside from Doumeki. Nanahara's voiced by my one true love, Okitsu, but like Yashiro, I love him for his character and not his voice. It is nice having the other veterans in here with him, too. The slut trio is complete with Daddy Complex SatoTaku, Boss Ass Chaser Okitsu, and Damel in Distress Shingaki. #BLESS I want Kamiya to end up with Nanahara.
I haven't heard Wacchan in years HAHAHAHAHA. His Doumeki is still amazing as always. My issues with the story aside, I'm really looking forward to his "break" in vol. 8. EEEEEEE
Special mention to my Ryuuzaki and Miyake Kenta who made their comebacks here too. I missed him so much! LMAO
The BLCD is pretty accurate to the... magazine at least, but June does sell the translated tanko (fortunately). Like the previous installments, reading the manga while listening to the BLCD was so smooth because it was so accurate. Now 7 does end in a cliffhanger, so I don't really advise listening to it if you still don't have 8. But if cliffhangers aren't an issue for you, then break a leg!
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The Imposters
(Part 1)
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We can confirm definitively that Misako-san has indeed given birth before. And we can also confirm that, indeed, the person whom we met was her daughter. Kana-chan had AB blood, while Misako-san has AB.
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Please, now that we know she was my daughter, is there anything else you can confirm about us?
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Misako-san...I'm very sorry...but you need to see this. It's...well...
*Harumi hands her the photo from Hiroshima*
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...Ko...Kotetsu....Kana....a-and....that's....I recognize that face.
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It's...It's me! But then, why do I look like this...?
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...Okay, I see why you were all confused now. That girl is a dead ringer for Kana! But...how?!
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Remember when I said I'd affected four currently living people? Well, that much was true.
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Buuut, the total number was actually five.
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What...What did you do?!
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Well, to put my plan in motion, I had to...recruit some actors.
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Their real names are Eimi Misako and Eimi Kana, and we also found the remains of an adult man in a public park. They're a solid match for Eimi Kotetsu, the last member of this family.
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They went missing about 8-10 months ago, which matches up with the time frame the real Ise Kana has been out of the country.
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Shirogane had been planning the long con for this one. She hit the area they were living with her algae, and completely manufactured new identities for them.
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And for extra credibility, she tied those fake memories with ones she made up for me and Tenmei.
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You'd be amazed how much shit is available about celebrities when you go searching! I had everything I needed to create a perfect facsimile of Ise Kana! One so good that nobody on the island even realized!
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But I needed someone who had a decent resemblance to her, since I'm not a plastic surgeon. Turns out I got pretty lucky and found someone who was nearly identical.
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But of course, her backstory needed a little spicing up here and there.
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Seiyuus like Ise Kana are basically idols. There's no way someone like her would've been living in poverty or had any reason to go to that stupid island.
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Which has to mean Shirogane was in on all that too, right?!
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But...But Kana and I took a DNA test! It proved we're half-siblings!
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I don't mean to scare you, but if she didn't just fake all those tests on the island...then she may have copied your family's DNA and fed into her bone marrow. It would've made her a chimera, but good enough to fool us enough not to look too much deeper.
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And guess what? Now that I had time to sit down and check, the only copies of your DNA I could find were in her blood. Everything else matches Misako-san's DNA, and I'm willing to bet any DNA I can pull out of Kotetsu-san's bones will be the other half.
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But...But why? Why do all this?! How could I have...u-unless...
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What the hell else did you do to them?!
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Well, in addition to some new memories for her parents and some new identities for our actresses, I had to give Chiaki-chan a little...nudge. A mild adjustment, one that nobody would've noticed.
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All she really needed was some...motivation, I suppose you could call it?
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It's so easy to love and hate your parents at the same time, isn't it?
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And suddenly, boom! She has a beloved long-lost sister she can bond with! Someone with her own tragic past, someone who needs to rescued and who she can forge a lifelong bond with...only to be cut down in her prime!
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Storm was a perfect patsy, wasn't he? You were all so fixated on him, you never thought too hard about the inconsistencies in all this until you had to.
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coffeelomort · 7 months
Your Melody & hanakotoba (language of flowers)
during the voice drama watch party livestream, hyuga (rimicha's seiyuu) mentioned the meaning of the sunflowers in the pv and how they may relate to his feelings for kirimi-chan. knowing that (and that hanakotoba seems to have some differences here and there) i decided to go down the rabbit hole
disclaimer: i don't know anything about flowers and guessed for some of them, also most of the sources (listed at the bottom of the post) seem to be wikis of sorts run by either a single person or a small group of people
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Sunflowers (ヒマワリ/himawari): As mentioned by Hyuga in the voice drama watch party livestream, they tend to mean "I'm looking at only you" and symbolise "longing".
Strelitzia reginae/bird of paradise flowers (極楽鳥花/gokuraku chouka): Pretty hard to translate, but according to my sources, it carries a negative connotation. The best it can probably be translated as is "a love which you are trying to show yourself bigger and better", according to my sources. (To be clear, what's being translated is 気取った愛, which the machine translation didn't give any clues for what it might mean, and a dictionary was somehow even more confusing.)
Oxalis corniculata/creeping woodsorrel (カタバミ/katabami): I honestly don't know if these are the right flowers, but they're the best guess I have for the small yellow flowers at the base of the bouquet. It seems to symbolise "a shining heart" and mean "to be with you".
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Geraniums (ゼラニウム/zeraniumu): I can't tell what type of geraniums they could be, but that doesn't seem to matter in hanakotoba anyways. Red geraniums in particular can represent "friendship", "determination", and "solace", and can carry the meaning "happiness when you're there".
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White roses (白いバラ/shiroi bara): Generally represents "purity" (in the "innocent" sense) and "heartfelt respect". It can have the meaning "I am suitable for you", but it seems it can also mean something like "beauty is your only appeal", which is... interesting.
Pink roses (ピンク色のバラ/pinku iro no bara): Seems to represent meanings like "kind heart", "satisfaction", "promising" (in the sense that one could have a "promising future"), and "elegance". It can also mean "first love" or "to be deeply moved".
White lilies (白いユリ/yuri): Again can represent "innocence", but can also represent "unmarked beauty" or "magnificence". It can also mean "a noble personality". (As a sidenote, I think people generally assume you mean a white lily if you just say "yuri".)
Pink lillies (ピンク色のユリ): Much easier than the above, but funnily enough can mean "insinuations" or "words or behaviour that hints at a deeper meaning​", and "vanity".
Asters (アスター/asutaa): White asters tend to represent "change" or "reminiscing", and can also mean "a heart that has faith".
Lupinus (ルピナス/rupinasu): They seem to represent "the (power of) imagination" or "being greedy", which is an interesting difference. They can also mean "always content" or "you are my comfort". The last one's kanji can also mean "peace of mind" or "tranquility", so that's what "comfort" means there.
Calluna vulgaris/heather (カルーナ/karuuna): My best guess for the smaller, darker pink long flowers. This one doesn't have many sources for hanakotoba I can find, so the meanings are probably nonexistant, but a few sites I can find are claiming it can mean "self-reliance", "integrity", and "departure".
Loropetalum chinense (白いトキワマンサク/shiroi tokiwamansaku): The best guess I have at the little white flowers with slim petals. This is another one where I had to go digging for other sources for the hanakotoba, so it might just be all made up. Anyway, it can represent "inspiration" or "mysterious powers", or mean "good luck charm" or "I want to love you" (not entirely sure about the last one).
Gypsophilia/baby breath (かすみソウ/kasumi sou): The very small white flowers (notable at the bottom of the bouquet). This is a later edit because someone I know figured it out. Anyway, white baby breath represent "a calm heart" or "a pure heart".
Specific sources for calluna vulgaris:
Specific source for loropetalum chinense:
Other sources for translation help:
Literally just a Japanese person I know
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mikuni14 · 1 month
Sugar Dog Life Ep 2-3 There's practically nothing going on in this series in terms of romance, I don't even feel any chemistry or anything between the MLs, and yet I really enjoy watching it - mainly because of Isumi 💖 What a cute and charming character, the actor is just just perfect. He's not only charming in appearance, with his big eyes and sweet face, but he's also a great character, so ineresting and lively. I love his inner voice, he's like the best seiyuu who can perfectly convey all emotions with his voice, and who is also naturally comical. I love all the sounds he makes, his "tch" 😒 "uuaahh" 😧 and stuff. Tanaka Koki as Isumi is 10/10. The funny thing is, I ship him more with his schoolmate who he's constantly fighting with lol. I genuinely like this show, I don't even care about the romance tbh, probably because it's non-existent anyway and I didn't have time to get invested, like in I hear the sunspot 😄
Cosmetic Playlover - Ep 4-6 I also like this series, the MLs have intense, interesting lives, their careers, I also like how their romantic and work lives are shown with all the good and bad things. I like how the pride, ethic and commitment to work and support in a good team are shown but also the toxicity of relationships between envious coworkers, bullying, overworking, building their careers, ect. I really like how they talk to each other a lot, how they screw up but apologize and try to explain themselves. I like how they discuss themselves, their feelings, their relationship. I like that uke is not shown as a helpless doll to be possessed and controlled by a "perfect" seme who seems to know everything. I like how they are different from each other and how this relationship works for them despite these differences, how they try to understand and complement each other. I like watching their efforts to make their relationship happen and work. I REALLY liked that a character writes a sincere, emotional text to their beloved and SENDS IT. In 99% of these types of scenes, someone writes a heartfelt text about their feelings and then deletes it, creating another drama...
I'm praising this series now because the trailer suggests that the next episode will suck and all their healthy communication will go to hell in the name of the most hated tropes ever, like "noble sacrifice" and "I know what's best for you without asking you about it" lol But for now - this is a really nice little series 😊
Takara's Treasure - Ep 7-8 I'm still fascinated/mortified by this relationship and how it's presented. Takara, who is perfectly aware and in tune with his feelings, his experiences, traumas, needs. He can identify and name what he feels, as well as control himself and his feelings. And Taishi, who can't do any of that. Takara, who consciously leads his own life and Taishi, who is unable to do anything, make any decision on his own without the influence of others, without asking them what he should do, even for others to tell him what he feels. Takara, who has his own life and Taishi, who has Takara's life, who built his entire being around him, went to his university, constantly checks what he likes, stalks him and stares at him to catch even the slightest changes in his face, completely losing himself in what Takara wants, likes, feels, putting him on a pedestal where everything Takara does and likes is perfect. Even their date, which was shown as Takara wanting to know what Taishin likes, actually IS about Takara. Taishin is constantly making sure that Takara is having fun, that the food is to his liking. It is significant, for example, that Taishin never says "I'm hungry/ I'm thirsty, let's go eat something, what do you think?" he just has to make sure that Takara wants it first. There is no "I" in Taishin's life, it's only senpai. And their scene from the previous episode, when Taishin is scared of Takara's reaction (!!) and literally shrinks and tries to appaer smaller when Takara tells him to come closer and when he sits there crying and small and it all ends with a kiss - ngl, as an adult woman, the only thing I felt for Taishin at that moment was the need to comfort him that no, honey, no one is mad at you and maybe call his mom. I'll be honest, I have no idea how someone could think at that moment: yes, I want to kiss this terrified, lost, emotionally undeveloped person. Maybe because of my age, maybe because people who need to be taught about life and their own feelings remind me too much of children for my own comfort, but I will never understand this type of relationship portrayed as something romantic and cute. Maybe in the manga it makes sense and has a different tone and there Taishin is not so blatantly childish, but simply innocent and an airhead. But the series Taishin IS mentally a child (and in behavior, movements and speech), especially compared to the mature, self-aware Takara. This relationship is not and will never be equal, which can be seen in literally every aspect (including the way they walk together, Takara always in front, Taishin toddling timidly behind), which will never be healthy. No matter how much Takara sincerely likes Taishin now. Because leading someone through life who should be your equal and support you exactly the same in life, but is not, is not possible in the long run. At some point Takara will also need help and support, something that can't be fixed with a smile and a crystal ball. And it may turn out that this relationship stands entirely on Takara, on his strength and his leadership.
I Hear the Sunspot - Ep 9 Wow, 3 episodes in a row when I don't have a good time, and only feel frustration and bitterness. I feel like I have to praise them for their commitment lol
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yaoisex · 9 months
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Chiaki had an interview about CherryMaho 🍒, and he was asked about BL in general, so that was an interesting read!
Some highlights:
Mentioned how his first BL role was alongside Ryouta with Makonyan as his friend (on the Kare no iru seikatsu BLCD), and that's exactly what's happening in CherryMaho too.
Said he knew 'Yaoi' before he knew 'BL'. When he was on his first year of middle school he was reading a manga that had nothing to do with BL and the word 'Yaoi' came up. He didn't have a smartphone back then, so he was just wondering: "What is Yaoi?" XD A few years later, when he was in high-school, he learnt that Yaoi meant love between men. And when he was talking to a female friend who liked BL he told her: "So you like Yaoi", and she replied: "What is Yaoi?" (because then BL was already the mainstream word for that).
He said that he first appeared on a BLCD as a mob chara, and was impressed by his senpai's work. He said Makonyan was the main in this BLCD, so based on the years, even though I can't remember it, I think he's referring to the Koubutsu wa Mayonakano Uchini Haranonaka BLCD. (At first I thought he meant Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban β 3, but that one came a year after.)
He thinks both him & Ryouta were chosen as main for their first BLCD together because it was a pure story so having two seiyuu doing it for the first time was just right. I must agree xD And, he's happy and think it's fate that the three of them (with Makonyan) are together on another project, because it is still very memorable for him <3
"Me and Ryouta have a really relaxed relationship... even during the break in the recording, we felt very comfortable, and I feel like we got to know each other even more through this work." <33
He never once mentioned their 'other' Cherry BLCD rofl, neither the interviewer, he only kept bringing up their first BLCD together. Maybe because it's too hardcore haha.
When recording BL, he's really happy being able to act face to face with his co-seiyuu. What he enjoys about BL is the freedom to improvise ("creating pauses between lines and breaths to match the expressions of the other person").
He's never been to a training school so he had no idea how to make kissing sounds! He learnt from watching and imitating his senpais~
He mentioned the different settings to different BLs, for example Omegaverse and Dom/Sub (he's done both). "it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the worldview before preparing for the role." I felt like a proud mother, really!!
Regarding BL situations: "...I like stories that develop from friendship, so a childhood friend, a high school student, confesses his love just as the sun is setting after school, but it doesn't really come to fruition several years later…" Kyaaa!!
"When people of the same sex have friendship or hostility, they can build a relationship of equals, but when it develops into a relationship, they are forced to lead, protect, and be protected. I find BL interesting in the way relationships change as emotions change. I really like friendships between men, as well as the development of hostile relationships that temporarily turn into cooperative relationships, and I'm even more attracted to works that are an extension of that. I believe that there are changes in relationships and changes in emotions that would never occur between people of the opposite sex. I feel like there's something appealing about that."
Welp, that was almost the whole article, not really highlights LOL But those were my fav parts anyway. (Quotes are not my translations but Google's).
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gab-has-adhd · 1 year
📍🃏Illumi and Hisoka headcanons I have
Warning for potential NSFW or gore-related stuff as well as general angst, traumas, s*icid*l thoughts and drug use ⚠️ Please do not read if you are not in the best mental health state and believe this could harm you. Stay safe 💕
Warning for some SPOILERS if you only watched the anime and/or didn't read pas the end of the election arc 🌸
Do not engage a discussion with me if you are disagreeing please, I just feel like sharing, I am not looking for discussion or arguments 🌸 Keep in mind that these are just my headcanons in the end, and headcanons, by definition, aren't canon.
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A traumatized man who always acts as if nothing is wrong, ignoring his trauma on purpose, not seeking help nor wanting to heal
He has been brainwashed by his parents. By his family in general. This guy believes he exists only to be useful to the Family (tm)
Meeting Hisoka is specifically what made him start to stray from "the path of the assassin"
Baby realized he had the right to desire things for himself like any human being
And boy he wants power and control
Absolutely yassified himself to match Hisoka
Neurodivergent (AuDHD, I want to believe)
Queer and homosexual
I want to believe he has BPD solely because I want him to be like me
He does feel pain. He just doesn't react to it. His pain receptors might have been altered, but I like to think it's more of an emotionally / sensitively stunted kinda thing
I really just think he got tortured until he just completely stopped reacting.
God thas man is broken
He does dissociate and have traumatic flashbacks on occasions. And ignores them. And lets his mental health get worse.
Used to have trypanophobia
Sensations are complicated for him. They tend to mix up. He often confuses pain for pleasure (the opposite as well)
Boy is extreme. He likes everything extreme. He wants to feel things, and to feel things, they have to be extreme.
Weird fascination for blood
I swear to fuck this man holds himself back so hard from provoking bloodshed because he is an ✨️assassin✨️ and has to be discreet and professional, but. Dang. Blood.
He's AFAB just because I am AFAB úwù
Probably greyromantic or demiromantic.
Also probably greysexual or demisexual.
He does care for Hisoka, deep down. But he 100% denies that fact. Denies so hard he thinks Hisoka being dead won't bother him at all. It will. God it will.
He's so silly.
Everyone thinks he has no emotions but he does have emotions! He has a heck lot of emotions. It's the ability to emote he somewhat lacks. Ya know, like a lot of neurodivergent people.
He's a dom but he will be a bottom for the right person (aka someone able to override his numbness and make him scream)
More of a masochist than a sadist
Lanky boy who does hard drugs because he wants to feel ✨️
Secret death wish
Takes everything he hears literally
Toned but underweight
Knows how to make piercings
When he was little, Kikyo used to dress him up in kimonos like a doll just like with Kalluto.
Look I love both of his seiyuus honestly but Urara Takano wins my heart
Depending on the person and despite how detached he acts, he can actually behave in a jealous or possessive way.
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Such a mystery man right here
Genderfluid pansexual
Oh boy he do be hypersexual
His natural hair color is red. This guy is a ginger.
He dyes them magenta or blue all the time.
He actually is covered with freckles.
Uses makeup + Bungee Gun + Texture Surprise to hide them though
He is very self-conscious about his face and overall appearance. Baby hates his freckles.
I don't teally wanna imagine a backstory for this guy. This guy doesn't need one. I honestly don't care about why he is Like That, he just is. Let him remain the Mystery Man!
Does he actually care for Illumi? Honestly? Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't.
But at the end of the day I do think Illumi is really just another of his toys. An exceptional toy, a toy nonetheless.
Obsessed with violence
A very lonely man
Kind of a loser honestly
Actually an introvert
Possibly has ADHD. As an ADHD person I am not sure to see traits in him but hey. Why not
Doesn't have a death with but he isn't scared of death either
Is he only capable of feeling genuine, 100% not-twisted romantic feelings? I doubt it
There is something deeply wrong with this man but we will never know why
Life is just a game for him and he intends to have as much fun as possible
Autoassassinophilic mf
Just as more of a sadist than he is a masochist
Both Illumi and Chrollo make his kokoro go dokidoki, but at least with Illumi it's mutual (?)
Body covered with scars he hides with his nen
He is still disfigured from the Chrollo fight under that Bungee Gum
He is kept alive by post-mortem nen. When / if he succeeds to kill all of the Spiders, he will die for good.
Might have actually met Illumi once when they were kids. They both forgot.
I prefer his 1999 seiyuu. Hiroki Takahashi in my heart forever 🌸
This man has the worst possible vibe but gets what he wants thanks to his big dumptruck ass and his charisma
Pathologically big cock
He thinks too often with said cock instead of using his brain
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konohamaru-sensei · 2 months
To me, Kimi ni todoke is a perfect story
What can I say now that I have finished season 3? The season 3 we didn't even know we would be getting? Well, I used to tell friends that I am happy with whatever comes, but now im greedy and I want it all. I am very Kazehaya about new KnT seasons, I guess.
Anyway, I have been browsing the tag a little to find gifs and reactions and such, and I already see discussions (not much tbh but still) about how this and that in the story should be different and while the anime did skip things (Rip to "you are mine now" Nakamura-san would have sounded SO GOOD!), people are satisfiedI think. I am, at least, very happy.
But to me, Kimi ni todoke is perfect. and not perfect in this way that i have small problems but overall I'm happy. No, I find it perfect perfect. Every storyline every character development from beginning to end is perfect. I guess people complaining about Ayane or whatever, even if its not here on tumblr that much, just show me that I can't interact with fans of this fandom either.
See, ever since I found KnT in 2009 when I was just 17 (about the age of the characters in the story funnily enough) I have always rewatched it when I was doing poor mentally. I must have seen it 12-15 times over the years, I've probably watched it twice after my fathers death alone. These characters mean the world to me, all of them. I love all of them.
But the girls! At different times of my life I could always connect to another one of them. So much so that while I like Chizu best and think she resembles me the most (in fact, I think she is the anime character that is closest to me in personality), I find a part of me in all of them.
When I found the story I had just lost my friendgroup (because an ex lied about me, it happens) and I had to go back to being alone, so I emphasised with Sawako (and her distancing herself from her friends always makes me cry, without fail, always).
When I moved out to study in 2011 and was mentally so low in 2012 and dated guys because I thought otherwise they wouldnt be my friends, I reread Ayanes okinawa arc over and over and over again.
And of course I have my friends call me by a different name than my given name because my given name is boring lol Kurumi and me.
And ah, Chizu, it would be too long to explain. Too personal. Nobody would care. I had a best friend once that I lost because I was scared of our friendship ending. I love Chizuru because we are the same, and I'm jealous of her because she is better than me. I don't have time or space to express my feelings. Level up to Nisi friendship level 6 to hear tragic backstory.
Also, I can't talk about this show without mentioning how much the voice actors mean to me. Long before I knew any seiyuu-names I knew Kazehayas-voice. In fact, I hated oikawa in hq SPECIFICALLY because he has kazehayas voice and isnt nice! You gotta be nice with that voice man! Their voices are tattooed onto my soul and when I hear them in other places I always think of KnT first.
I love them so very much that when I watched the Tokyo E ncounter episode with Nakamura Yuuchi (Ryu) and Sanpei Yuuko (Chizuru) when they are playing Halo and he is teasing her for having bad aim, I started crying - like sobbing. It was so weird I have you know but I just sat there and I couldn't get it together.
Anyway, Kimi ni todoke is perfect to me. Everything about it means the world to me. I have to physically restrain myself to not rewatch the season again.
Please netflix, finish it, please. You may cut some things. I will forgive you if you cut some things, but give me the end.
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on a very random note (and hope you don't mind me talking about it ^^;), I do think Studio Bones is doing a great job at adapting Season 4 and I'm really enjoying it!
Though sometimes, I wish that they didn't omit some manga panels because it makes me a little sad that the weight of certain moments is taken away:
Exhibit A: Dazai laughing at Chuuya's impression
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Exhibit B: Chuuya talking about Dazai leaving the mafia
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Exhibit C: Dazai getting arrested
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Exhibit D: Ango visiting Odasaku's grave
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and the last one because this moment destroyed me when I read the manga and cause he's my personal favorite:
Exhibit E: Rampo facing Mushitarou on his own
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genuinely, I'm really enjoying the adaptation right now and it's not that I don't appreciate the effort put into this <33
And it's true, these are minor manga panels so it wouldn't be too much to change or discard it and yet in taking away such minor panels, it also takes away the grand depth and complexity of what the characters are thinking and feeling in those moments.
It takes away the weight of the scene.
And that's the thing, bsd is a series that has so many complex characters with intricate dynamics, thoughts and moralities that it's a little bittersweet to know that the anime falls short sometimes when capturing certain moments and deprives us of the struggles, humanity and genuineness that these characters have and are going through.
again, nothing against Studio Bones but I often think of the things that could have been :<<
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Hey you two! First off, I want to apologize for the huge delay. I was trying to think of what to say in response and I think I always make responding to asks way more work than they ought to be...
But anyways. Here are my general thoughts on the BSD anime, which I'm probably only going to elaborate on here once, and then drop it.
I enjoy the anime, really I do. But it's strange to think how drastic the difference is in the way the characters are interpreted between those who have only seen the anime and those who have also read the manga (and perhaps also the light novels).
First off, let's go over what the anime does well, since I want to ensure we're appreciating what is still a lot of effort from everyone in that studio. Animation, and all the things that need to happen to get a show off the ground, is not easy. Here are some things that stand out to me:
Those backgrounds: you know what I'm talking about. The stained glass, the sunsets, the city shots, the imagery. Beautiful, stunning work honestly.
Use of imagery and clever animation choices: there are some things that are going to change by necessity when adapting from page to screen. The clever animation teams will use this to their advantage - I don't think Bones always does this effectively, but when they do... oh man, is it ever good. I, for one, really liked the kind of projector effect over Dazai's farewell to Chuuya in s5.
Use of colour and light: go back through any scene and pay attention to who has what colours and the way the lighting is positioned. Again, these are those smart animation choices I was talking about.
The music: Score's really good. I wish the music was used a little more consistently (there's some weird choices made... why Wake Up Call for the Tachihara fight???) but the music itself is catchy and sets a good tone.
The voice acting: It's so good. See, even when I wasn't convinced about how the scenes were going to be framed, I never doubted the voice actors would carry it. (I'm talking about the Japanese actors here specifically, but the English dub is pretty good too... sorry I can't speak on any other dubs though...) I really love Kyouka's seiyuu (Morohoshi Sumire) and the way her voice takes on more inflection through the series as Kyouka comes into her own especially.
The abilities and the use of writing: Love the way the abilities are animated. And the use of text to emphasize character intros and key scenes was always good, but I legitimately freaked out when they used it for the Page's narration over Nikolai's speech in Season 4 - good! artistic! choices!
And we're lucky enough to have an adaptation that follows the major plot beats pretty much to the letter! ...so. Why does it tend to disappoint fans of the manga so often?
Well I know a lot of people have their opinions on it. owlyflufff I agree with you - the exclusion of certain panels make for very odd characterization choices - as in, it totally changes the context of the scene and what the character might be thinking. See Exhibits A through C for the best examples. For Exhibits D and E, I personally feel that we got enough in the scene to draw the same conclusions about motive and intent, but that Ango panel... oof it hurts so much. I'm ok with the Dark Era flashbacks personally though: same character motive, just with different artistic interpretation.
langdahling, you're also right though. Pivotal emotional moments aside, I feel a lot of shows (not just BSD) don't know how to let their characters breathe. Pacing is a huge issue in a lot of things I find. You have to let us know who these characters are. Let the characters breathe, and give us, the audience, time to breathe with the characters. It's important. It's really important. It's something the manga does well - it's endearing. Every character gets a little endearing, silly moment. This is necessary for a series that is fundamentally about humanizing its cast.
As for my own opinion on what the adaptation lacks... well, I have a bit of an interesting view because both my mom and I actually watch this show. I, as you all know, am a deranged little weirdo about it who has literally gone through everything BSD I could find and inserted it directly into my brain cells. My mom, on the other hand, has only seen the anime, but is privy to other information about the series um. Because I talk about it non-stop (sorry mom). I happened to be visiting her when season 4 started airing and we watched the first little bit together - the Untold Origins adaptation. To be clear - this adaptation was good. I think it was probably the best after Dark Era. But. My mom turns and looks at me at the scene where Ranpo breaks down shortly before Fukuzawa lies about him having an ability (because I've told her the rough summary of it before) and says "I don't think Ranpo's desperation came across". She said it felt like a breakdown, sure, but it's not the same as the pent-up frustration and fear that was made so incredibly clear in the novel. She said if I hadn't explained that Fukuzawa realized it was kind of his last chance to reach Ranpo, that he had to do something to save this kid, that she would've been left completely bewildered as to why Fukuzawa would tell him such a massive lie. (Never mind the exclusion of his parents, which was why nothing but a lie would work but I digress...) This happened later in the series too. Kunikida was given a prolonged fish-eye closeup through Jouno's entire speech about his ideals instead of the balloon symbolism used in the manga (literally one of the most baffling changes to me - I don't really feel any which way about the fish eyes in general, but imo doing any kind of prolonged like 20 second close up of one character's face during what is a pivotal moment for them is uh... a weird, if not outright poor, animation choice). Poor Akutagawa's death scene being... like that. He dies with grace! He DIES WITH GRACE! That's important!!! He made a choice and was satisfied!!! For all of the Bones and Asagiri Dazai favouritism, he's probably one of the worst examples of watered down emotion - it's no wonder so many people mischaracterize him. Why is he smiling when Jouno arrests him? Why does he look unbothered when he realizes Chuuya's been vampirized? Where is the scene after Q attacks where he conflictedly realizes he'll have to resort to underhanded tactics to win??? Thank god for Miyano Mamoru and his voice acting because otherwise. Geez. And then Sigma. Oh my god. You need that scene where he helps the casino guest. That's his first scene. They condensed his backstory. Sigma's entire character was watered down. And I knew it was going to be before I even watched Sky Casino arc, because this is the core problem I have with the anime in general -
There is a lack of desperation. And it comes, primarily, from the watering down of intense, pivotal moments, and then, the removal of some of the more lighthearted or kind scenes in favour of getting quickly to the action.
I feel that contrast is what's necessary to give these emotional beats weight. And often... it just doesn't hit. It's odd to me, as imo one of the core themes of BSD is desperation. Every character has this desperation at their core - a desperation to succeed, a desperation to live, not having a reason to live and being desperate to find it. It's all desperation - and this really, really does not come across well in the anime. Not consistently. I think the most egregious example is the Sky Casino arc. Both Sigma and Teruko are just as desperate as each other. Teruko stopping the plane was not a guarantee but a play on her part that could very well have resulted in her death. There's heavy implication the bones in her arms shattered in the manga. Her and Tachihara had to take a quick breather after it. That's not in the anime. Sigma's backstory being condensed does a great disservice to explaining why he is so desperate to save the casino - I felt we were primarily told rather than shown. And so the Sky Casino arc, with desperation at its core... was underwhelming. As I figured it would be before it even came out, as the anime already had a history of cutting details out, rushing through the build up, and making odd artistic choices that dampen the emotion of said pivotal scenes. It sucks, really.
And while it's fun to get two seasons in one year, I find myself very, very worried on behalf of the animators and the workers in that studio. I would've been happy to have two in one year... if I thought they were at all prepared for it. But I don't think they were. Season 5 feels very rushed and I know I'm not the only one who's said this. Makes me worried for the pressure everyone's under to churn this out so quickly.
In the end, I rationalize most adaptations of anything as having two (or multiple!) cakes. The BSD anime is enjoyable! And fun! I love seeing my little guys walk and talk and use their cool powers. It's a completely different experience to the manga. Unfortunately, for anyone who's read the manga, it's... a bit of an underwhelming experience, but still. It's a fun watch - even if it's not really what I was hoping for.
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
🎬 here! Thanks for reading my long rambles! It's okay, I didn't mind sending it again (it's either eaten by the void oooooor I was half asleep and thought I sent it). I read something about Es cover and I thought up something really silly in this AU.
I take the prisoners can hear Es' thoughts on their crimes (instead or our thoughts in this AU I mean), like talk out loud on their thoughts and the prisoners could hear. Imagine this. SOMEONE overheard Es singing the prisoner's songs after watching their MVs (listen, they're catchy) and that someone gathered everyone over to flipping eavesdrop on Es.
They get to enjoy Es' singing from the other side of the wall...and maybe make fun of how they sing some songs (Fuuta cackling at how monotone Es sang Mahiru's first song cause I remember Es seiyuu said that's how Es would have sang it).
Omg of course -- they're so fun and fitting, I really enjoyed them all!! And that'd be great aw! I definitely pictured there being microphones/recording devices in Es' room, for Jackalope and the team to listen in on as Es talks through their theories out loud (combined with a thorough journal). So I love the thought of the prisoners getting a little announcement in their cells like "hey, I know it isn't typical protocol to give you the live feed from the warden's room, but uh... you're gonna want to hear this..."
There's a silent, ongoing bet about the next song Es likes enough to sing. Yeah, Mahiru is horrified ("they sang mine all wrong!") and Fuuta takes the chance to poke a bit of fun about it. Singing Weakness and After Pain tugs on the group's heartstrings; it reminds them how young and emotional Es is. Plus, Muu is flattered that her song was the first one they found catchy enough to sing. Everyone is blown away by MeMe (and if they're anything like me, a little obsessed with how similar Es and Mikoto's voices are at certain parts).
Meanwhile, Kazui and Kotoko try not to take it too personally that Es never thought to sing theirs during the whole trial ;---;
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neospokenworld · 3 months
Part one here
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You know, ever since seeing Oshi no Ko's 1st season I've wanted to watch another anime that more or less walked through the behind the scenes of the industry, so when I heard what was Seiyuu Radio about I definitely wanted to see it and now that the season ended it was quite good ngl.
it was pretty good to watch and even if it probably isn't faithful to the VA industry it also gave some insight to the behind the scenes of it, I absolutely loved how in this final episode the entire sequence of Yasumi rerecording her lines to the 'Phantom' show was done with no music nor sound effects, just pure raw Voice Acting altogether. One thing I would say tho is that if it wasn't because a lot of yuri pages I follow said that this is a yuri slowburn I wouldn't even believe it was the intention other than slight subtext lol, I get the feeling that this show would need like 2 more seasons to show something romantic between Yuhi and Yasumi and to be honest I wouldn't mind it at all, I absolutely loved their rivalry in here and how they have each other's back if either of them was in actual trouble (Like Yuhi with the casting couch rumors and Yasumi with her lack of confidence for her role in Phantom). Needless to say this was a good anime all in all and while I would probably put it at the bottom of a ranking with all of the ones I saw complete this season it's wouldn't be because it was bad by any means, but just because I liked the other ones more in the end (also I would love to see a 2nd season of it, even if the chances are almost 0 lol)
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When I first started this anime, all I thought was that it was gonna be a fun little anime with great visuals and not much else, but now that it finished all I gotta say is that it was easily my favorite anime out of the Spring season.
Like seriously, it's crazy how with each episode it got better and better. All of the TogeToge girls were really likeable to see and their interactions with each other were just so good in general, the animation was 100% a standout for the series with such an amazing 3D, and the songs were like OH MY FUCKING GOD THEY ARE SUCH BANGERS!! Like at one point I just downloaded the album they have and each new song that it came just went straight into my playlist
Another great thing it had was the relationship Momoka and Nina had over the course of the show, I'm gonna be honest here I didn't expected the yuri elements to be brought up again after the confession, this isn't that type of story in the end and even then, you could see the two sides of their really close bond, from one side of bickering and arguing but in the end being there for each other, to the other side of deep admiration (and love) for the other and always having each other back. Even if there wasn't anything canon in the end they have such chemistry that it wouldn't be crazy that they would be already dating by the time the final episode arrived
And that mainly going on Nina and Momoka's side of the band, both Rupa and Tomo had already that deep bond between them and you could see how much they trust each other, and Subaru being the wild card that easily ties everything together in the amazing band that is Togenashi Togeari. Every character has something going for them that can make you love them and be their favorite without looking down any of the others. Nina's passion and decisiveness, Momoka's leadership and coolness, Tomo's take-no-shit attitude and brash honesty, Rupa being basically the mom/older sister of the group and having an overall more relaxed nature (thus making her an amazing hidden agent of chaos), and Subaru's chaotic and grounded nature that helped both enhance the comedy and bring the girls down whenever needed
I hope we get more content for the show in the future, whether it's in form of new music; merch; a movie; second season; manga; anything, 'cause this was just too fucking good to just end here. Goated anime and the best of the season imo
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Honestly I'm still surprised that this series isn't talked more, like I know that it has a fandom talking about it that I still haven't interacted with, but outside of that I've seen very counted posts recommending it or just mentioning it which is a shame 'cause these last 5 episodes were absolutely amazing
Like at first I was like ''it's a good one, but not as good as most I'm seeing'' but after Number 9 came to attack the defense force for the first time it was like the show awakened and started delivering banger after banger episodes, and before that we already had cool characters to go for in Shinomiya, Kafka, Hoshina and Reno. The animation was real good (especially in both the Hoshino vs Kafka fight and the full awakening of Number 8) and the action was cool too, plus it has nice characters and a pretty interesting story to tie it all up, I'm like 90% sure this will have a second season in the future and I'll be waiting for it 'cause I wanna know more about the story (even if I'm gonna start reading the manga sooner or later lol).
This anime was a late bloomer like Kafka in the end lol
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Well, technically this isn't the final episode, but since the final 2 have been postponed until further notice I'm gonna share my ''final'' thoughts here.
I HATE how badly was this anime treated, like it had everything to become easily one of the best Yuri anime of all time after the first 2 episodes but then everything came crashing down and the production of it was basically a Mappa 2.0, so much that episodes 9 and 10 were delayed for 2 weeks and the final episodes are gonna be aired at some point in the future, leaving it inconclusive for the season.
But I'm gonna see it here on a positive side, the first two episodes were just extremely beautiful and even if by episode 3 the animation was downgraded I'm here as an anime only for this series, so I could watch this for the story instead of for the adaptation and to be honest I love the story. I love the characters and the dynamic between them, the soundtrack was really good and the songs were great too, in my opinion this anime is a top 3 for the season, and I understand the hate it gets from the fans since, while I still haven't read the manga, I can imagine how bad it must feel that the adaptation was butchered so badly that even the author hated it.
This anime deserved so much better, I really liked it from beginning to end, to the point where I'm gonna start reading the manga because of how good the story was so at least the anime did it's purpose of guiding people into reading it's source material. if by some miracle there's a remake I'll 100% be here for it, I loved it as someone who didn't knew anything about it but the fans deserved a far better adaptation
And that's it!! I'm gonna leave here my ranking for each of the anime's I saw to completion, I'll probably make another rank for my favorite OP and ED tomorrow too but for now thanks for reading
1 Girls Band Cry
2 Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night
3 Whisper me a Love Song
4 Bartender
5 Kaiju No. 8
6 Train to the End of the World
7 Delicious in Dungeon
8 The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio
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keischreiber · 8 months
Something that's been on my mind lately, I dunno...
Recently I have been seeing people getting bullied for:
Not liking a character liked by the majority
Not liking a ship liked by the majority
liking an obscure ship or rare pair
liking a character disliked by the majority
And I'm like... what's wrong with having a difference in taste and opinion? It's not a necessity for everyone to love or hate the same thing. Everyone is allowed to love or hate the things that they like or hate.
I don't see the reason for anyone having to get the heat for not sharing an opinion.
For example. I see people getting hated on for liking Jeankasa or JeanPieck, people getting hate for liking EreHisu, people showing dislike for Gojo, someone liking Mahito, etc. ...recently, there's a thing going around where Jean's Seiyuu is being flamed by comments from certain shippers who didn't like how he expressed his opinion and his thoughts on Jean regarding Mikasa... or how some fans are flaming Mikasa's Seiyuu for wanting Mikasa to return to Eren.
At the end of the day, regarding our social status... whether we're celebrities or not, we're all entitled to our opinions and how certain content will appear to us. However, no matter how entitled we are, it's never alright to hurt or attack anyone for them. They're just as invested in these characters as the next person. Whether that investment is them liking the character or disliking them. Everyone has their own reason for how they react to something.
But again, if you do not share the opinion, I think it's fine to simply "agree to disagree" and move on.
There are perfectly good people behind their keyboards getting hate for enjoying something that means to them... hate from people who continues to consume things that trigger them.
Maybe let's not do that if we know that we're gonna react badly to it?
Because like... again, I don't understand why... if, let's say, you don't like EreHisu, but you purposefully go to a person who likes EreHisu just to berate their content and shit on them. Like. Why? What are you after? It's not like bashing them will stop them from liking it.
What are people so insecure about when it comes to an opinion that may or may not be applicable to them? What are they threatened by?
I'm not saying that people shouldn't be allowed to dislike. What I'm saying is, you can hate something without being a dick towards the person who likes the content you that you don' t.
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trashexplorer · 7 months
BLCD Review: Tasogare Outfocus overlap
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Title: Tasogare Outfocus overlap (黄昏アウトフォーカス overlap)
Release Date: 2021/06/18
Shop: CD + Manga
Author/Artist: Janome
Uchida Yuuma x Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Nakazawa Masatomo
Ichikawa Aoi
Yanagi Kouhei
Otsuka Takeo
Furukawa Makoto
Satou Gen
Tadokoro Hinata
Review Proper
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That's it. That's the review.
Y'all know I love Janome and this series to death, so I won't be talking about the plot. Am I looking forward to the anime? No.
Yuuma and 2gu-2gu slayed their roles as usual. I can't believe this wasn't nominated during chil-chil 2022. What a huge disservice! How are y'all nominating Takasaki Boscos and Momose Ans on that shit and not Janome?! Yuuma was nominated for 16th best seiyuu for Hisashi and landed right after Matty, but I think he deserves to place higher.
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I don't know what to feel when the normies think of Yuuma as Kaveh and not Mr. Sex-on-Legs himself. I love Yuuma as Alhaitham's a bottom, but Hisashi's just—UGH! He's so sexy one minute, then so soft the other. 🥹
I don't plan to listen to Taiyou-kun, but 2gu-2gu should've been nominated for this instead. 2gu-2gu's range as Mao is just insane. It's also funny that he sounds more like Etou-san than Yuuma lmaooo. I am obsessed with Yuuma as Hisahi ngl, but 2gu-2gu was the star of this BLCD.
I really want to marry Ginger's casting director. They don't miss. 😌
I will say that it was a struggle to read the manga along the BLCD. I was a very good girl these past few years 'cause resisted the urge to read the manga beforehand, but my resistance might've added to my struggle lmao. I was jumping from page to page 'cause I didn't know where the BLCD started (actually starts in chapter 3 of the overlap tanko). I wouldn't have been confused if I read the table of contents, but I clearly can't read.
Anyway, I couldn't afford the luxury of buying Kodansha's English release, so I couldn't check the translation. But I mean, it's Kodansha. unless... I don't think they've cut anything out and actually just added more dialogue in, but there's nothing really major, so you can definitely listen to the BLCD while following the manga. I definitely recommend getting this if you love the story or are looking for something immersive. Please love my sons. It's the best red-string series out there even though it didn't mean to be.
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