#I love thirty year old gay men with depression
lucifers-owl · 1 year
Cypher fell first but Sova fell harder
Cypher fell first but Sova fell harder. Sova doesn't quite grasp the moment when he fell in love. He had just realized at some point that his gaze lingered a little longer on Cypher's features. He realized that he wanted to know what he was like under the disguise and all his layers of covered clothing. He realized that he tended to go on the same missions with him, chalking it up to the fact that they both got along well and just seemed to work well together as a team. Sova knew that Cypher wasn't reciprocating his feelings, after all, he had a family, and now he was one of the Agents, who hid his true identity as much as possible. Yet Sova couldn't help but keep thinking about him. He would often fall asleep imagining the two of them sitting on the roof together, looking up at the stars, their fingers intertwined, both of them finally gloveless and touching one another. He would often wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares, wishing that Cypher was there, that he could calm him down and support him when everything around him seemed terrifying and unwelcoming. But Cypher was gone, and Sova, again and again, went to Fade to have his nightmares taken away.
Sova doesn't understand why he fell in love. Their work is hard, exhausting and terribly dangerous, they could be killed today or tomorrow, but Sova still finds the strength to stay awake at night and think about how hopelessly in love he is. Sova occasionally gets lost in conversation with Cypher, and then hates himself for being embarrassed and probably caught in the act.
Cypher understands exactly why he fell in love with Sova. Sova is kind, even though he seems stern and cold. Sova is careful, even though he seems rough and bulky. Also, Sova was being himself with Cypher. He didn't change his attitude towards him like other people did, he didn't fear him, he didn't try to hide anything like other Agents did. Sova was just being himself. And Sova was also so damn handsome and very much to Cypher's taste. Cypher isn't a fool, he sees how embarrassed the guy is, sees his hands shake nervously when they talk, how he fumbles with the clasps on his gloves or rubs his earrings in his ear. Cypher sees it all perfectly. And he's just a little tired of waiting for Sova to get his thoughts straight.
“Sova!” Cypher calls out to him before he can shut the door to his bedroom. He peeks out and tilts his head to the side, raising his eyebrows in silent question. “I've heard you in Russia love tea… I would bet that my tea tastes better. Would you like to try some?” ”I… Um… Yeah, go ahead, yeah…" Sova feels the tips of his ears turn red and he hastily covers them with his hair. He leaves the room, heading after Cypher.
They sat down right next to each other on the floor, where Cypher had already laid something and set up a low table. Two cups of tea are on it as if the man was already sure of the other's consent to the tea party. Sova's mind was in chaos, his heart was beating somewhere under his throat, so loudly that it seemed that Cypher was just about to hear everything.
”Cypher, are you… Not going to drink?” Sova said, taking the glass cup in his hands and taking a small sip. Cypher had been watching the whole time, his piercing eyes following Sova's every move. "I will, but…" Cypher sighed and slowly pulled off his gloves. His swarthy skin is rough, dry in places, and pale spots are going up under his sleeves. Sova blushes harder. “Call me Aamir, I beg you." Cypher takes the mask off his face in slow motion. Sova doesn't care about the scars, or the skin splotches, nothing. Apart from the fact that Cypher is sitting in front of him without his mask and gloves. “I trust you, Sova” “Your trust means the world to me. And… Just Sasha, I beg you”
Sova thought falling in love any deeper was impossible, but he was obviously wrong.
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taletheoldcrowtold · 4 months
Pride - 2024: Day 2
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Movie: Brokeback Mountain
Made: 2005 – Set in: 1963 – 1983
Starring: Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Williams, Anne Hathaway
Rated R for: Language, Nudity (boobies and buns), Violence and Sexual Content (a few sex scenes, mostly hetero)
A romantic drama based on the short story by Annie Proulx, it follows Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist over the course of twenty years, starting when they met herding sheep on Brokeback Mountain in Wyoming. At the end of the summer, they go their separate ways, Ennis to his home town in Wyoming to marry his girlfriend and Jack to his home and the rodeo circuit.
It’s a bit of a slow paced movie with little humor and a lot of scenery shots. A drama that doesn’t take that title lightly, it certainly serves up the cold dish of staring, cheating and hopeful hearts soon broken.
Spoilers under Keep Reading Line
Jack dies in the end
I remember when this movie came out, I was around ten years old and never saw anyone of the same gender kiss, so when they showed it on ET (or implied they kissed, I can’t really remember) it stuck with me. I don’t remember the scene they showed but I knew what it was. It was a movie with two men in a romantic relationship. It didn’t stay with me in a bad way, but as a queer kid who didn’t know they were queer (There were a few hints looking back) I hung onto it, I guess. Though I didn’t watch it until years later when I was a late teenager but never had the chance to finish (Computer crashed and I didn’t have the energy to look for where in the movie it crashed). So this time I got to watch it from start to finish and at this point I knew how it ended and was braced for it. But we all kind of know how these movies end. That being said, I do think it was a good movie. Though you don’t see why Jack and Ennis fall in love, certainly not a kind of love that hangs on for years. They spend a lot of time together but a lot of the movie just shows brief scenes of them together and then you move on. In fact, most of the movie is them trying to be happy in a heterosexual life and only small parts of them together. If you didn’t know how it ended, you might find yourself rooting for the two to find a way to work it out. But given the time period, it would be hard to be at ease and happy. I’m not really sure if Jack was beaten to death or if Ennis just imagined it as that was something he always feared would happen. I felt like Jack’s wife knew something and maybe what she said happened to him was just a cover? It was a little awkward watching it with my mom when two men got it on in a tent, but this is day two and I have a feeling by day thirty I’ll be over it :|
Mom’s Thoughts: The movie started rather slow, showing two separate trucks arriving at a certain location and delivering the two main characters. Then they stood around waiting for the boss apparently, saying nothing to each other. Once we got past this slow start, the action picked up. Jack and Ennis get to know each other over the course of the summer and become lovers. I thought the movie depicted the climate of homosexuality in the 1960s pretty well, with the two characters trying to be “normal” young men and not be attracted to each other. The story was realistic, with scenes of the two talking and scenes of herding and guarding the sheep mixed. I’m not sure I would want to watch this movie again as it’s depressing in several places. What saddened me about this movie is that these two men felt they could not be together because of the stigma of being gay. So they spent their lives living a lie and being unhappy, not being their authentic selves. Why can’t people just accept everyone as they are and not be so hateful?
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glaciiermonarch · 8 months
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❀ *◦ sen mitsuji. genderfluid. he/she/they. demiromantic homosexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that takaharu mochizuki? i think that the thirty-five-year-old from adelaide, south australia, works as dj at the boom boom room, music producer & engineer, and drummer of vain rogues & the ghost orchestra; but outside of that people describe them as perpetual busyness to prevent the chance of an emotion occurring; a pristine but empty-feeling mansion with too many rooms; perfectly pouty lips pulling up in a smirk over a private joke; and a robin's egg blue drum kit with every possible bell and whistle on the market. i hear they are moody & distant, but they are also known to be cerebral & generous. consider giving them a visit at their home in winterwood estates and get to know why they’re called the ice queen.
➙ this character uses he/him, they/them, AND she/her pronouns freely! the writer will be using ALL of them, sometimes within the same paragraph, so please extend the same courtesy! ➙ taka is attracted to men and masc-presenting enbies and just calls themself gay!
full name: takaharu mochizuki ➙ this is in "western" order since taka grew up in english-speaking countries ➙ kanji: 望月 貴陽 (Mochizuki Takaharu)  望 (mochi) meaning "wish, desire" and 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon;” together meaning “full moon” 貴 (taka) meaning “precious” and 陽 (haru) meaning “sun”
nicknames: taka, taki, tako, haru, mochi-san, tsuki-san
dob: 17 august 1989
place of birth: adelaide, south australia, australia
languages: japanese (native); australian english (native); korean (advanced); german (advanced); arabic (advanced); hindi (strong); mandarin (strong); okinawan (some)
education: bachelor’s degree in philosophy and asian & middle eastern studies, duke university
strengths: educated; cerebral; generous; loyal; resolute; shrewd; creative; captivating; wise; patient
weaknesses: cold; moody; gloomy; judgmental; harsh; disconnected; distant; crass
hobbies: playing drums, guitar, piano, and clarinet; surfing; skateboarding; playing video games; smoking weed; napping; reading
likes: warm weather & beaches; fashion;
dislikes: messy people; uncreative people; children (friends' kids are an exception)
disabilities & health: major depression; chronic back and knee pain
even the silverest of spoons being in your mouth when you're born doesn't shield you from the unhappiness of life, but it does slap a bandage over a festering wound so you can ignore it a while longer. kenta mochizuki, a dermatologist originally from japan. beth mcnulty, general legal counsel for one of the biggest energy companies in all of australia. married a little later than either of their families would have liked, but in their defense, they were both busy being successful. and they barely slowed down long enough to have their only child, takaharu.
though of an ornery countenance since birth, taka was always still popular and favored because he was pretty and rich. clarinet lessons, piano lessons, drum lessons, surfing lessons, she was set up for success from the very beginning. her childhood memories are mostly accompanied by nannies and tutors, though her father, an earnest and excitable man, always made an effort to be present in his child's life, eager to see her succeed.
there was always a distance between taka and their mother, though; taka knows now that beth never wanted to be a parent. this attitude became clearly evident when she didn't show up to taka's tenth birthday dinner. it was soon revealed that she'd forgotten, and more of the truth came tumbling out: she shirked her parental duties for an affair. and this apparently had been going on for quite some time, seeing other men that weren't her heartbreakingly devoted husband.
a divorce ensued, and taka sided with his kind, loving father, who had also always made an effort to keep japanese culture alive in the home. when taka was barely into her teens, her father sat her down to tell her about a woman he'd met online, one he'd fallen in love with. the catch was that she lived in malibu. taka was given the choice to live with her mother or move to the united states with her father. she easily chose the latter.
lashonda rhimes, successful anesthesiologist to the stars, and kenta's second wife. she was a few years younger, though not egregiously so, but still childless. and she treated taka like her own child, which might have been externally brushed off by the surly teenager, but taka came to appreciate it. he was popular in his new home, with his accent and his money and his looks. being so intelligent, the transition to a new continent wasn't difficult at all, and he finished high school near the top of his class.
he didn't really have a plan for his life, and all his parents really wanted out of him was just for him to go to college. an acceptance to duke university was sweetened by some scholarships, and whatever those didn't cover was easily made up for by the wads of cash his family had. taka had started smoking weed not long after landing in the US, but she branched out into new drugs while in durham, north carolina, for college.
acid trips were unpleasant every time she tried dropping; and she didn't like injecting anything to leave marks behind on her pretty body. but she soon found a bad habit in cocaine. she would sniff a few lines, party for several hours, go home and do homework, go to class, and go to modeling shoots, and do it all over again. somehow, using sheer ambition probably, she finished college within 4 years, even with a double major and a couple semesters spent studying abroad.
bouncing around the US for a year or so; living with his aunt in japan for a couple years; and then landing in anchorage for the next adventure around 2016
these days, taka keep busy in any way she knows how: too long with her own thoughts can be dangerous and make her itch to return to her cocaine habit. but they've done a good job of staying clean. taka doesn't need to work for money—his mother sends him gobs of money to curry his favor, and his father and stepmother have nobody else to spoil—but he does work to stay busy, spinning tunes at the boom boom room; modeling for small indie publications and brands; and gaining some traction as a music producer.
with more money than one person should ever need, taka gives a lot of it away. there are a few charities she routinely makes generous donations to; but she also likes to take care of her friends. she'll buy her closest friends whatever they want, buy their groceries, offer to pay rent or even let them stay in her house, offer to pay their medical bills... seriously, what is one lonely person gonna do with all those digits in their bank account? besides, spending money is the only way she knows how to show love.
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
Under swaying pine boughs and misty stars, I came out as bisexual to my husband in a hot tub at thirty-four years old.  It was early 2021, about a year into the pandemic. I chose the moment for its privacy, knowing I wouldn’t have to see his face in the dark, fearing my words might form a hairline crack in the sturdy foundation of our marriage. --- Related Stories This out bisexual singer reigned as Empress of the Blues in the 1920’s She sold more than 2 million records in the first ten months after she was signed by Columbia Records and performed on Broadway – and then the Great Depression hit. --- My delivery lacked eloquence but delivered these main points: I love you, what I’m about to say doesn’t change how I feel about you, and I’ve always been attracted to women as well as men. I knew I was queer as long as I can remember. Jasmine was just as cute as Aladdin, my buxom art teacher allured as infuriatingly as the bearded substitute. I lusted after both softball and baseball captains. But coming of age within a religious family and uptight New England community, I learned quickly to conceal this side of myself.  My parents weren’t overt in their homophobia, but it was subtly implied in how they discussed their rare LGBTQ+ encounters: “The lesbian neighbors have company again,” or “Can you believe so-and-so is gay? Not that I have a problem with that…” After a confidential and troubled queer relationship in college, I joyfully married a man and assumed the woman-loving part of my life was over. For a long time, it was. My husband and I had a baby, bought a house, and settled down. When Covid shut down the world, like everyone else, I had a lot of self-reflection time. I started to realize the part of myself I’d buried was still in there, shuffling about in neglect, and that by hiding it from my daughter in particular, I was being inauthentic.  How could I expect her to embrace her true self if I wasn’t doing the same? When I came out to my husband, hiding in the hot tub, he was tender, supportive, and unsurprised. He said he loved all of me, and that I should let others do the same. After this heartfelt conversation, I timidly chose the path of least resistance and declared myself bisexual in one fell swoop via an Instagram post. My friends were exuberantly approving, my religious family’s reactions were predictably mixed, but after a week, the hoopla settled. I wondered what I’d been so worried about; it was over. The other day, I received a text from a good friend: “Wait you’re bi? When did that happen?” Now that we’re on the “other side” of the pandemic, I’ve had to come out repeatedly. In queer spaces, I’m assumed straight because I’m partnered with a man. On the playground while picking up my daughter, most parents I meet revert to ‘husband’ without inquiring, even after I use the neutral term ‘partner.’ These instances make me feel small and silly, like my sexuality is a trivial preference akin to sports fandom, like I’m an annoyance every time I make a correction. Monosexism exists in both straight and queer spaces, assuming singularity in sexual preference without leaving room for those whose preferences are expansive. I’ve learned that as a bisexual person in a straight-presenting relationship, coming out isn’t a one-time deal. I have to proclaim my identity again and again. In fact, I expect I’ll have to do it forever. There’s privilege that comes with being able to hide my queerness, in my ability to tuck it up neatly as I stand next to my husband, but there’s a cost in having to assert myself over and over, too. Being closeted for over thirty years is sad, desolate, yet deceptively normal until you catch a glimpse of someone else standing in a shaft of light while you cower in the shadows.  What happens when you stay in the darkness that long is an unfulfilled sense of self and a cavernous pit of loneliness. I won’t go back.  This is why I choose to assert myself, over and over.  This is why I’ll keep coming out forever. http://dlvr.it/Sld1Bf
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therowan · 2 years
So I felt the need to post in pride month about and why I resonate with the characters of Buck and Eddie so much. I’m what you’d call a late bloomer when it comes to relationships being something of an introvert, having serious self image/body dimorphism so bad that I had to stop modeling in my twenties because I was making myself ill with self loathing and depression at not meeting the standards of others around me. I had a lot of opportunities to ‘hook’ up with both men and women but never really synched with the whole surfacey vibe of the people around me. Never a hit it or quit it type. During my sojourn into modeling I made a friend who was in retail sales and she was my perfect Yang she was outgoing loud dynamic and fun. We ended up being friends for years until her finance cheated on her and she needed a place to live and I became her safe haven. Long story short our friendship bloomed in love and the love evolved into desire and the rest of what I always thought everyone was looking so hard for…a friend that you love mind body and soul. We married saved up bought a house and within a few months were the proud parents of a beautiful daughter. I finished college changed my career into psychology and she opened a boutique. Then 18 months after our daughter was born she was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma and after three years of surgeries/chemo/treatments she died. Leaving me a widower at the age of 29 with a three year old daughter. After my wife died I fell into the role I had. Father, homeowner provider. I didn’t date or even think about finding anyone else. Simply worked and took care of my house and my child. As part of my work I took part in counseling and discovered a great therapist who helped me navigate my grief and pervasive depression. He challenged me to strike out and try something that frightened me to shake me up a bit. So I chose weight lifting/MMA classes. I suddenly was out in the world and discovered myself a bit more as I gained more confidence I began making new friends.
And here’s where the Eddie/Buck thing comes into play. I made a friend with a guy a bit younger than me. We’d hang, he’d help me with fixing up house or yard when able. He was great with my daughter like a member of my family. Our hangouts were consistent usually when he wasn’t on a date with some random girl he’d be over my house cooking dinner with us, playing video games having drinks playing music etc. it all changed one night we were invited to a mutual friends wedding and had to travel a distance to get there. We figured a hotel room would be the safest bet since it was so far away and knew both of us would be drinking. After a long and fun night we stumbled back to hotel showered collapsed on bed and we both lay there in the silence. When suddenly my friend sat up and said “I can’t lay here without saying this.” He edged over to the side of his bed and put his head I. His hands. Concerned I got up and went over to sit next to him worried that maybe something had happened either to his family or with his health so I told him. “ you can always talk to me…you can tell me anything.” And he did…he told me that he’d been in love with me for years, but didn’t want to be “gay” he said he just could t find a woman he felt the same way towards and it was eating him up inside. He began crying and apologizing for ruining our friendship and begged me not to stop being his friend. I embraced him and holding him in my arms and wiping away his tears it hit me how much I was in love with this blubbering mess of insecurities. We didn’t do anything that night but fell asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning with clearer heads we walked down the shoreline and slowly talked it out. Two straight men in their thirties who had been best friends realized on that weird May morning that they both loved each other. We started slow. Kisses holding until finally about a week later it just evolved and we both came to the realization that “yeah…not straight” since then I’ve realized and processed that I’m demisexual I need emotional love he’s realized that he’s more on the bisexual spectrum. The reason that Buck/Eddie resonate with me is that I lived that. I never expected to find my soul mate in my best friend. But it was something we had been making all along. Thanks for listening and being here along with me.
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musette22 · 4 years
You Make My Heart Skip A Beet
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You Make My Heart Skip a Beet
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes (Stucky)
Word count: 3.8k
Rating: Teen and Up
A/N: Based on this lovely prompt by @greyhoundsgirl​. I have to be honest here, I’ve never actually seen Top Chef though so I thought it would be safer to make up a new fictional amateur cooking competition which I’ve titled Chef Wars :p 
No warnings to speak of, apart from maybe for awful food puns, but it is a bit of a cracky piece, and it’s in Sam POV (poor guy). Hope you enjoy!! 💗 Huge thanks to the amazing @rainbowsandcoconut​ for brainstorming, food puns and awesome beta’ing, as usual 😘
Read on AO3
“I made soda bread.”
Steve lets out the 6’2” supersoldier equivalent of a squeak. “Oh, I love soda bread,” he says eagerly, rolling forward on the balls of his feet like he does when he gets excited. “My mom used to make it all the time when I was growing up.”
The tips of Barnes’s ears turn red, and he mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, “I know.”
When Sam and Steve had first been approached about being guest judges on an Avengers-themed special of Chef Wars, they’d spent a full fifteen minutes jumping around the common room in the Tower like a pair of overgrown kids on a sugar high.
Guest judges. On Chef Wars.
It so happens that Sam and Steve watch Chef Wars religiously. In fact, Steve even mentioned this in passing in one or two of his more recent interviews when asked how Captain America likes to spend his downtime, which is probably how the show’s executives had thought to invite them in the first place.
Sam’s love for cooking and cooking shows was passed down to him by his mother Darlene, and he, in turn, passed it on to Captain America – though if you’d told ten-year-old Sam that, he would’ve thought you were nuts. Poor Steve isn’t exactly the culinary sort of guy himself, but once Sam started turning up on his doorstep three nights a week to keep him company and make sure he didn’t sink further into depression, he’d slowly started to enjoy the shows Sam insisted on watching with him. Sam figured the familiarity of the actions and the low stakes of an amateur cooking competition would be perfectly suited to someone trying to integrate into a new century, while still being just exciting enough to hold the attention of an adrenaline junkie like Steve.
And he was right. So now, every Thursday night, the two of them chill on Steve’s couch, yelling at the TV and pretending they‘d do a better job of it than the contestants. Which, to be fair, Sam probably would, but Steve decidedly would not. What Steve lacks in culinary skills, though, he more than makes up for with his crazy supersoldier metabolism, rivaled only by the Other Guy and sometimes Thor, once he’s cracked open the mead. Steve can eat, and he does so with relish.
So needless to say, when they got the invite, they’d both jumped at the chance. Who wouldn’t, when presented with the opportunity to do the thing they did every Thursday night for funsies, but this time for realsies? And after weeks of giddy anticipation, today is finally the day.
Filming day.
The whole thing had gotten off to an excellent start. The sun was shining, Steve had actually been whistling on their way to the studio instead of nervously drumming his fingers on the dashboard (something which got on Sam’s nerves like nothing else), and they’d been offered some quality Italian espresso when they arrived. The show got on the road as soon as they’d gotten a quick tour of the studio, and after lights, camera, action, the contestants were introduced one by one.
There is Bernadette, a Missouri housewife who turned out to be somewhat of a BBQ expert and who reminds Sam of his Aunt Jenna; there’s Bob, a big, burly dude from Kentucky who wouldn’t look amiss on a Pro Wrestling show but who ends up surprising them all with a surprisingly delicate edible flower-dish dedicated to his lovely wife; and Yulia, a tiny, fierce girl from Bulgaria with some mean knife skills who Sam suspects could very well be a distant relative of Natasha’s.
And then there’s Bucky Barnes.
Bucky Barnes is a thirty-one-year-old physical therapist from Brooklyn who’s looking to change careers and get into the restaurant business full time. He has that whole hipster vibe going on: long, meticulously conditioned chestnut hair in a messy top knot, designer stubble, sleeve of – admittedly awesome – tattoos on his left arm. His cool, blue eyes and sharp cheekbones give him a model-like appearance, and yet there’s something soft and disarming about him.
Steve certainly seems to think so, at least.
The moment Barnes came walking through those glass doors, Sam heard Steve suck in a sharp breath at his side. A quick glance at Steve’s slack-jawed expression told Sam all he needed to know, since the dude is about as subtle as a sledgehammer. He’d elbowed Steve in the side until he looked over and pretended to wipe some drool from the corner of his mouth. Steve’s eyes went wide as he hastily mirrored the movement, missing the joke by about fifty yards. Oh, boy.
From that moment onward, Steve’s brain seemed to have gone through a blender, turning it into a rainbow smoothie – which was pretty unfortunate, considering they were going to have to interact with the contestants in a way that was suitable for daytime television.
The thing is, Steve is not exactly what you’d call a people person at the best of times. He’s fine with someone he’s known for a while and feels comfortable with, but with strangers he’s just… a little awkward. Credit where credit’s due, Steve is one of the most loyal, sweet, funny and whip-smart guys Sam has ever known – and let’s not forget stubborn as hell – but he’s also very, very bad at social cues. It’s not his fault, of course. Steve had gone from growing up pretty isolated without any real friends to speak of, to suddenly spending years surrounded only by his army buddies, which wasn’t at all representative for how normal people interacted with each other (Sam knows this from experience).
While Steve’s many social faux-pas are an endless source of entertainment for Sam, he’s not a total asshole, and he has tried to help Steve practice his social skills. Unfortunately, giving him well-meaning advice like “just be yourself” seems to be a sure-fire way to ensure Steve will put his foot in his mouth somehow.
That’s why Steve prefers to put on his Cap persona for public interactions. When he’s Captain America instead of Steve Rogers, all he has to do is look commanding and sort of friendly and say bland things like “I’m very happy to be here” and “You did well, son” and no one would be any the wiser that beneath that righteous exterior, Steve was floundering and wondering when he could reasonably leave whatever social engagement Pepper had sweet-talked him into attending, and head home to the comfort of his armchair and his sketchbook.
For today’s engagement, Steve had wisely adopted this approach as well, and the fact that he was genuinely excited to be there helped to loosen him up a little – so really, it should’ve all been fine.
But then Bucky Barnes from Brooklyn walked into the room and turned his big, blue eyes in Steve’s direction, and Steve promptly seemed to forget who or what a Captain America even was.
So far, Steve has already missed his cue twice, and it’s taken Sam stepping on his toes to get him to focus. To be fair, though, Steve puts in a valiant effort to pull himself together, managing to ooh and aah in all the right places when talking to the other candidates – sheer dumb luck, if you ask Sam. But as Steve’s best friend and confidante, Sam sees right through it. He hasn’t missed the way Steve’s gaze keeps drifting in Barnes’ direction, and coupled with the blush creeping up the back of Steve’s neck whenever Barnes’s eyes meet his, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Cap has got himself a Manhattan-sized crush.
Now, most people probably aren’t aware that Captain America is also attracted to men, but Sam has a feeling that by the end of this episode, that cat will be most definitely out of the closet. Steve’s never purposely hid his sexuality; it was more of a question of it never having come up yet. It sure as hell has come up now.
And what makes this even better is that Barnes is just as bad. He stuttered his way through his introduction, very obviously starstruck at meeting Captain America, but also very obviously gay as hell for him, if the way his eyes lingered on Steve’s chest and thighs is any indication. Sam, for his part, is incredibly amused by it all. Not only does he get to be on the set of his favorite cooking show, he also gets to rib Steve, throwing in as many food puns as he possibly can – most of which go over Steve’s head because he’s too busy drooling over Barnes. Sam’s wit is wasted on his friends.
Then, it’s time to judge. In the first round, the contestants are supposed to make something which represents why they got into cooking in the first place.
Sam can feel Steve practically vibrate with nerves at his side as they walk up to Barnes’ station. Feeling magnanimous, Sam decides to have mercy on his muscly pal and take the lead on this one.
“Mr. Barnes,” he says, giving Barnes an encouraging smile. “Tell us about your dish, if you please.”
“Call me Bucky,” Barnes says, returning the gesture with a quick quirk of his lips.
Next to him, Steve repeats the name in a whisper, most likely unaware that he’s even doing it.
Sam has to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep from smirking.
Bucky’s confessional
“I grew up in Brooklyn, as the eldest of five kids. My dad left when I was fifteen, and while I was still in school, my mom had to work three jobs to provide for us all. She wasn’t home much, so it was kind of up to me to make sure dinner was on the table most nights.”
Bucky plucks at the seam of his black skinny jeans, lost in thought. “I think that’s why my specialty is comfort food. Nothing unnecessary, just hearty, nutritious food, y’know?” With a tilt of his head, he adds, “Although since all my siblings moved into their own places I’ve been cooking mostly for myself and my cat, so I’ve been experimenting with adding some twists to my tried and tested recipes.” He laughs, right hand clasping the back of his neck in a bashful gesture. “I’ve had… mixed success. Luckily Alpine has loved all of it. She’s my cat.”
“My first dish today is Irish soda bread with sage butter and Himalayan sea salt,” Bucky continues. “Bread was something we could never have enough of in our household. Five growing kids, y’know? And also, um...” A slight blush creeps its way onto Bucky’s cheeks, his eyes flitting around nervously. “Well, I guess you could say I used to be a bit of a history nerd growing up. I was super interested in World War II, particularly, uh, Captain America.” His blush deepens, spreading upwards from the neckline of his white t-shirt to the tips of his pierced ears.
“I, uh, I basically read every Steve Rogers biography I could get my hands on, which is why I learned to make things like soda bread because, y’know, Steve Rogers was Irish. Is Irish,” he corrects himself. Bucky’s eyes glaze over, taking on a faraway look. “Man, I couldn’t believe it when Cap was found a few years ago,” he marvels, “and alive. I don’t think I slept for a week after I found out.” He stares into space for a moment before shaking himself. He clears his throat, eyes refocusing on the person behind the camera. “Anyway, so when I heard that Chef Wars was doing an Avengers-themed special, I immediately applied because Steve – Cap, I mean- Captain America. Um. Yeah, so Cap mentioned in a few of his interviews that he watches Chef Wars, so I figured there would be a good chance he’d be watching this one too, you know? And then I got the email that I’d been selected and that he was going to be the one judging us, and I just…” Bucky trails off, looking a little faint, the blood draining from his face as quickly as it had risen.
“God, I just can’t believe I’ll finally get to see him in the flesh.” His eyes widen. “In person, I mean," he hastily amends. "And I’m excited about my dishes too, of course. I really hope Cap will like them. And the Falcon. Him, too. Yeah.”
“I made soda bread.”
Steve lets out the 6’2” supersoldier equivalent of a squeak. “Oh, I love soda bread,” he says eagerly, rolling forward on the balls of his feet like he does when he gets excited. “My mom used to make it all the time when I was growing up.”
The tips of Barnes’s ears turn red, and he mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, “I know.”
When Steve puts a piece of bread into his mouth and chews slowly, he sniffs, eyes turning a little watery. “It tastes exactly like my mom’s,” he says in a hushed voice, sounding like he can’t quite believe his taste buds. Sam pats Steve’s back consolingly, before scooping up some sage butter with his own piece of bread and taking an enthusiastic bite.
“Hmm, nice,” he says, giving Barnes an appreciative nod. “And the butter? You make that yourself, too?”
“You butter believe it,” Barnes replies, then immediately looks horrified, like he can’t believe he made a pun that bad on national television.
Sam cackles, holding out his fist for Barnes to bump. When Barnes has recovered enough to return the gesture with his left hand, Steve stares longingly at their touching hands, before letting his gaze trail over the tattoos on Barnes’ exposed forearm. Since he's not exactly subtle about it, Barnes catches him looking and gives Steve a tentative smile when their eyes meet. Steve chokes on absolutely nothing and launches into an impromptu coughing fit. “Crumbs,” he wheezes, thumping a massive fist on his massive chest, “wrong pipe.”
Sam just smirks at him, before turning back to Barnes. “That was delicious,” he tells him. “Can’t wait for your next dish, man.”
“Really, really, good,” Steve chimes in once he’s caught his breath. “Well done, Bucky.”
Barnes goes as red as a tomato, eyes trained on the floor as he awkwardly shifts from foot to foot. “Thank you, Captain.”
“Steve, please,” Steve implores.
Barnes bites his lip, looking up at Steve through his lashes. “Thanks, Steve.”
Sam's pretty sure Steve stops breathing altogether right then. Christ, it’s like there’s an electrical current running between the two of them, the air crackling with it. Thunderbolts and lighting, very very nauseating.
Sam claps his hands. “Right,” he says loudly, “moving on to the next contestant now… Yulia, what have you prepared for us?”
By the time the second round rolls around, Steve has had a series of meltdowns and Sam has spent precious time he could’ve been exploring the set and taking pics for his mom on talking Steve out of a bathroom stall. Damn, he’s a good friend. It takes all of Sam’s VA-honed therapist skills to convince Steve that he’s doing fine, he’s not embarrassing himself, and no one but Sam has noticed Steve’s massive heart boner for Barnes yet. Sam actually isn’t entirely positive about that last one – or the first two for that matter – but Steve doesn’t need to know that. There are still two rounds to go.
In the second round, contestants are asked to make a dish that represents who they are as a person.
While the contestants are cooking up a metaphorical storm, Sam and Steve walk around their stations to chat with everyone some more, camera crew on their heels. Steve manages to get out at least three complete sentences, and Bernadette and Bob are too in awe of him to notice the few times he says something that doesn’t actually make any sense. Yulia has given no indication that she even knows who either of them are, and Sam can practically feel the relief radiating off of Steve. He guesses that’s part of why he and Natasha get on so well.
When they round on Barnes’ station, Barnes has just started seasoning his dish. There’s a checkered dishcloth slung over his right shoulder and a focused look on his face, which turns into one of low-key stress the moment he spots Steve and Sam coming towards him. Leaning his hip against the counter, Sam settles in to watch Steve make a fool of himself. He's not disappointed.
“Wow,” Steve says inanely, gesturing in the direction of Barnes’ hands. “That’s- you’re- you’re really good at that.”
Barnes pauses his turning of the peppermill to give Steve a slightly panicked look. “At… grinding?”
At Steve’s strangled cough, Barnes seems to realize what he just said, his bewildered expression morphing into one of abject mortification. The poor guy looks like he’d very much like the ground to swallow him whole right about now.
Honestly, these two deserve each other.
When they've finished chatting to everyone and it’s time to taste, Barnes is asked to explain his dish and how it represents him. He seems to have pulled himself together somewhat since their last encounter, his stance a little more confident now and his eyes only drifting to Steve’s pecs every other sentence.
“I’m a simple guy,” he tells them, somehow managing to make it sound genuine instead of cliché. “I enjoy the little things in life. I like taking care of people, making them feel good and comfortable, and I think that’s reflected in my cooking. I enjoy making comfort food, the hale and hearty stuff.” He licks his lips, meaningfully adding, “Although, don’t get me wrong. I do indulge occasionally. I’ve got my guilty pleasures same as everyone else, y'know?” That last part is directed at Steve, who nods dazedly, like he knows exactly what Barnes means. Gross.
“So I guess you could say you’re just… arugula guy?” Sam grins, cheerfully ignoring the growing sexual tension.
Barnes stares at him for a beat, and then snorts. “You know what?” he says, returning Sam's grin, “the s’more I get to know you, the s’more I like you.”
Sam has a very real moment where he thinks he might actually fall in love with this guy himself. It’s only Steve’s doe-eyed look that keeps him from proposing to Barnes there and then. Okay, and maybe the fact that Barnes is clearly smitten with Steve, and also Sam is straight and very happily dating Nat, who would not hesitate to gut him if he decided to elope with some pasty hipster dude.
Barnes’ dish – mac and cheese with black truffle and locally sourced cheeses and fancy cuts of bacon – is mouthwateringly good, and Sam tells him as much. Using appropriate words to do so. You know, like a normal person.
Steve, on the other hand, moans loudly around his bite and then, mouth still full, he blurts, “That’s exactly what I thought you’d taste like.”
In the painfully awkward silence that follows, Steve and Barnes blush so hard the combined heat of their flaming cheeks could probably power most of New York City. This time, Sam can’t contain his laughter. He crows as he gleefully slaps his thighs, and even some of the crew is hiding having a hard time staying professional in the face of such blatant dumbassery.
Shaking his head, Sam grabs Steve by the bicep and herds him towards the backroom. “Come on, Casanova,” he says. “Let’s get you some ice for those burns.”
For dessert, Barnes goes all out.
He actually makes Captain America cake pops, shaped and decorated like Steve’s shield with blue, red and white frosting. Steve’s eyes almost bug out of his head when he sees them. Barnes explains how they’re “sort of an adult version” of normal cake pops, which makes Sam raise an eyebrow. He’s been on the internet. He unfortunately has seen adult versions of all kinds of Captain America paraphernalia. Fortunately, Barnes just means that his cake pops have some sort of liquor in the center, “for a punch, you know?”
The starry-eyed look Steve gives Barnes clearly conveys just how clever he thinks that is, and Sam surreptitiously rolls his eyes. No game whatsoever, either of them.
“I’ve never had a cake pop before,” Steve says, carefully picking up one of the treats and inspecting it curiously.
“Oh,” Barnes says, blinking at him. “Well, normally you’d eat them in one go, but these are a bit bigger than usual because of the shape of the shield, so you probably won’t be able to fit -”
The rest of his sentence sort of peters off into a stunned silence as Steve proceeds to stick a whole-ass giant cake pop in his mouth in one go, letting out an appreciative grunt as he chews and then swallows.
Barnes’s mouth goes slack. “Oh my god,” he breathes, his eyes glazing over, and Sam cracks up. Again.
The cake pops are actually surprisingly good, despite their garish (sorry, Steve) appearance, and then it’s time to retreat and deliberate. As was to be expected, Steve has a crisis of conscience.
“I can’t vote for him just because he made my mom’s soda bread and he practically raised his baby sisters by himself and he cooks for his cat and he has pretty eyes, Sam!” he laments, voice muffled into his massive forearms. Sam makes the filming crew promise not to air this bit. It takes some doing, but finally Sam manages to convince Steve that Barnes’s food was simply the best. Better than all the rest. He even does a little Tina impression to get his point across, and that seems to do it.
When they announce the winner, Barnes smiles so wide it transforms his whole face and makes Steve melt into a puddle of Gü.
Sam has to nudge Steve again to get him to say his line, since he’s too busy mooning over Barnes to notice the autocue changing. “Ah, yes!” Steve says loudly. “First prize is a substantial sum of money, sponsored by Tony Stark, which we hope will go towards opening your own restaurant–"
“… and a weekend stay at Avengers Tower, also sponsored by Tony!”
Steve’s head whips around to him in surprise. Sam winks at him. “Including a private tour of the premises by none other than Captain America himself. Isn’t that right, Steven?”
A beat of silence, and then Steve.exe starts back up. "Right,” he nods, drawing out the word. “Yes. That’s right.” Sam pats his arm. Good man.
Stepping forward, Steve takes Barnes’ hand and shakes it slowly. “Congratulations, Bucky. I look forward to seeing you again soon," he says, adding, after a quick, bracing inhale, “and maybe when you visit, I can make my mom’s stew for you? If- if you like?”
Sam feels a surge of pride. Look at Steve go, being something almost in the vicinity of smooth.
Barnes laps it up, beaming at Steve. “I’d really love that,” he says in a low voice, still holding Steve's hand. “I’m sure you’re delicious.” His eyes widen. “It’s delicious. The stew – not- not-" Abruptly, Barnes stops babbling, then seems to come to a decision. “Oh, fuck it,” he mutters, and pulls Steve towards him, crashing their mouths together in a scorching kiss.
Over the noise of the assembled crowd's whoops and cheers, Sam gleefully calls, “And that, my friends, is a wrap!”
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simplyclockwork · 4 years
Simplyclockwork Fic Recs
Alternate Universe/Crossovers
I am breaking my massive fic rec into pieces by genres.
Performance in a Leading Role - @madlori
Explicit. 156,714 words. 21 chapters.
Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world?
A Moment’s Surrender - anchors
Mature. 64,272 words. 10 chapters.
Sherlock tours worldwide with the English National Ballet. John dances the Lindy Hop competitively all across the globe. That they would meet, then, by the slimmest of chances in one lonely city, is pure coincidence. The whole 'dancing together' bit is a little more planned. Dancer!AU.
Love or What You Will - @miss-frankenstein
Teen and Up. 31,987 words. 11 chapters.
John is an English professor who specializes in War and Post-War Literature and Sherlock is the brilliant yet impossible Ph.D. student assigned to be his TA because no one in the Chemistry Department is willing to put up with him. And - somewhere between Waugh and Plath, e-mails and takeaway, novels and villanelles - they fall in love.
Two Two One Bravo Baker - abudantlyqueer
Explicit. 114,574 words. 27 chapters.
Captain John Watson of 40 Commando, the Royal Marines, is assigned to protect and assist Sherlock Holmes as he investigates what appears to be a simple war atrocity in Afghanistan. An intense attraction ignites between the two men as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens everything they’ve ever known, but Sherlock is as much hunted as hunter, and everyone close to him is in deadly danger. Can he solve the case in time to save himself and John?
The Jewel in the Tower - PoppyAlexander (@fuckyeahfightlock)
Explicit. 207,079 words. 39 chapters.
"Xie [...] had invented an entire pleasure-industry by combining superior visual aesthetics with impeccable personal attention. Drasha salons were by that time a feature of any even half-decent house of repose in every pleasure district in the British Isles, but once upon a time, when Xie debuted, there had been only one, and Xie had named it: the Icehouse."
* In a contemporary dystopia, Unity is peace--despite the fact unsanctioned information, illicit currency, and every sort of danger flows unchecked in the world's pleasure districts.
John Watson, a weary hired gun, is assigned by the mysterious Mentor to investigate a subversive element lurking in the Icehouse, the world's most famous House of Repose. As accustomed as he is to dealing with the unexpected, John is nevertheless woefully unprepared to meet the gem of the Ice house, Xie, the world renowned "drashaskaya," the living work of art after which all other drashas are modeled.
In sumptuous suites, amid trailing puddles of silk and fervent whispers in the night, John soon learns that nothing is as it seems in the floating world of London's pleasure district. *
Modern-day dystopian/one-world government/espionage/geisha!lock AU
The Loss of Flesh and Soul - deuxexmycroft 
Explicit. 60,000+ words. Unfinished.
Five years after John Watson puts the murderous Sherlock Holmes behind bars, a vicious copycat killer emerges. A reluctant John is pulled out of retirement to seek the expertise of the only man who can help, a man who has developed an unsettling obsession with John himself.
Crossover with Red Dragon/Silence of the Lambs
Simplyclockwork note: Not fully finished, but an alternative ending was posted. Still worth reading without a full ending.
I wake up and I wake up and you’re still dead - thisprettywren (memento/Sherlock crossover)
Mature. 24,226 words. One-shot.
Sherlock isn't the only one who's lost.
The Sinking of the Titanic: Sixty Years Later - flawedamythyst
Teen and Up. 15,340 words. One-shot.
John Watson is interviewed for a documentary being made for the sixtieth anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The story he tells is not the one the interviewer was expecting.
The Bachelors’ Handfasting - Jberry
Explicit. 30,624 words. 20 chapters.
After her son is caught in a compromising position, Victoria Holmes must make arrangements for a quick marriage between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
Simplyclockwork note: Kilt!Lock and Soft Bab Sherlock (but of age)
Just to Hold You Close - @sussexbound
Explicit. 70,841 words. 18 chapters.
When a woman is murdered and the last person to see her alive is recently invalided army vet turned reluctant (and prickly) professional cuddler, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes is pulled into a world of intimacy and intrigue he never could have imagined. John is a conundrum and mystery: frank yet reserved, tender yet angry, open yet afraid. Sherlock is instantly drawn into his orbit, and begins to feel and desire things he never has before.
Summit Fever - @jbaillier
Mature. 78,867 words. 18 chapters.
After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he's a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover's trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I — the most lethal of all the world's highest mountains — shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
The Last Companion - standbygo (@blogstandbygo)
Explicit. 34,101 words. 14 chapters.
Thirty years after the Miranda Wars, there is peace, both on the Rim and the Core planets. There are a number of old social mores still in place, such as the Order of Companions, but there is a sense that even such respected practices are coming to an end…
Sherlock is a Companion - the best Companion on Persephone. With a bit of detective work on the side, of course. Then he meets a man named John Watson, encounters a series of bizarre cases, and finds his world is getting turned upside down.
Simplyclockwork note: Sherlock/Firefly AU!
Out There - @discordantwords
Teen and up. 131,695 words. 10 chapters.
FBI Special Agent John Watson, medical doctor and army veteran, is assigned to assist eccentric genius Sherlock Holmes with paranormal investigations on the X-Files project.
This is a fusion with The X-Files, written for the Fall TV Season Challenge.
Say You’ll Stay With Me - justacookieofacumberbatch (buffyholic)
Explicit. 63,349 words. 21 chapters.
It was just supposed to be an ordinary business trip, but when John's car stalls out on Hollywood Boulevard, he meets someone who just might change his life.
Simplyclockwork note: Pretty Woman/Sherlock AU.
Gimme Shelter - @sincewhendoyoucallme-john
Explicit. 159,368 words. 21 chapters.
All John Watson wants is the feeling of a freshly waxed surfboard under his feet and the hot California sun baking down onto his back. To finally go pro in the newly formed world of professional surfing and leave the dark memories of his past behind him as he rips across the face of a towering blue barrel. To lounge beside the beach bonfire every evening with an ice cold beer tucked into the cool sand beside him and listen to Pink Floyd and the Doors while the saltwater dries in his sun bleached hair.
That's all he wants, that is, until the hot young phenom taking Oahu and the Hawaiian shores by storm steps up next to him in the sand in the second round of the 1976 International Surf Competition.
Apokalypsis - songlin
Mature. 12,125 words. 4 chapters.
There were things I never told you because I thought we had time. There is no time left in the world anymore.
Sensory Science - @sussexbound
Explicit. 80,017 words. 24 chapters.
John Watson has been invalided home from Afghanistan and is struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD and insomnia, when an old friend from med school recommends something that might help: An ASMR YouTube Channel run by a friend.
One session in and John is hooked, not only by the way the ASMR seems to calm him after nightmares, and help him sleep, but also by the mysterious man who runs it.
Comparative Literature is for Idiots - lookupkate
Explicit. 8,173 words. 4 chapters.
Sherlock thinks he's very bohemian, smoking cigarettes and wearing patchouli oil and writing poetry in the attic. In truth he's just your average seventeen year old, not showering enough and being hit particularly hard by his continued path through puberty.
John is getting his masters in literature. He's the TA for comparative literature and yearns for romance. Romance has other plans, plans that require him to go without for at least ten more years. Plans that put in front of him the exact man he'll finally fall in love with, but in boy form.
When Sherlock happens to see John reading poetry at a coffee shop he is immediately smitten. John holds him at arm's length because he's a bloody child.
How will ten years and miles apart change that view, and will John be able to understand how he's fallen in love with someone he doesn't ever get to see?
Stay tuned for puberty hi jinx and the passing of time to find out. And yes, there will be love.
An Everlasting Inferno - thatawkwardfriend
Explicit. 108,389 words. 15 chapters.
Sherlock and John are both men who operate outside the law. John works for Mary and her hitmen in order to keep a roof over his head. Sherlock does anything his drug dealer asks of him in exchange for free drugs and housing.
They meet one night in a darkened garage to negotiate a deal. But they soon find out that neither of their bosses are being entirely honest with them about their goals or motives. With a little poking around, they stumble upon something much bigger than themselves and discover that perhaps, it might be in their best interests to work together.
(Loosely inspired by StartUp and Little Favour)
Only To Be With You - @sincewhendoyoucallme-john
Mature. 40,768 words. 4 chapters.
I tell myself that next time I’ll come near this same place again. Wait around for the mysterious stranger in his coat to dash past me, hot on the heels of a new criminal in black.
I think this all the way back to my Exit, planning where I’ll wait and what I’ll say when I see him. Scheming on how to get his name. It’s only once I reach the Exit Point door that I realize two hours and forty-five minutes have passed, and I realize that this won’t be the last time I Visit. It won’t be the last time at all.
You Give Me Fever - michi_thekiller
Explicit. 16,122 words. One-shot.
Thou givest fever when we kisseth, fever with thy flaming youth Fever I'm afire; fever, yea, I burn forsooth "He's the kind of boy you want to take apart."
Gratuitous Greaserlock. It's essentially 16k of mostly-porn. Warnings for underage sex between teens.
If you’re one of the authors listed here and have a Tumblr, and would like me to link it (if I haven’t already), please let me know! 
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swixtern · 4 years
In attempt to get back into writing, here's
A bit about my Arthurian anthology (retelling) that nobody asked for:
Whispers: it's going to be a mess... sorry... It's also long and out of order...
Ambrosius was poisoned by Uther, his brother by their father’s second wife
Uther is a shape-shifter and Gwrlais studied magic while fostering under Consul Aurelius
Igraine is Jewish. I don’t know; it just feels right. And she’s a proven warrior (her sisters, too).
Anna is Gwrlais’ eldest, then Elaine, then Morgan
Merlin puts Arthur in a brothel (I’m sorry, but I really enjoyed that idea from King Arthur: Legend of the Sword)
Uther’s next, and only other child, was named Anna, and she is not to be confused with Anna of Orkney
Arthur leaves the brothel at 14 after he turns Cai (who is 17) in to the city guard for whatever crime he’s committed; Sir Ector comes to inquire after him, intrigued by the boy, and takes him away with him when his secret heritage is made known
Cai is acting out due to his father, Cynyr Ceinfarfog, and mother, Sir Ector’s currently unnamed sister (probably named Elaine 😂 *shot*🙃), being killed; Sir Ector is his uncle, and he loves him, but he’s frustrated and grieving
Arthur is called “Boy Rivers” until Sir Ector takes him in, giving him back the name Arthur; Cai calls him Wart every chance he can
Bedwyr is black and two handed at first; he and Arthur meet in battle against the Saxons and they become fast pals. Griflet is mixed race
Arthur stole pigs belonging to Mark, King of Cornwall; finds it hard to trust Arthur after that, even after Arthur pulls the sword Clarent from The Anvil™️
The sword Clarent is pulled from an anvil on a stone
There are three Guineveres: G1 mothers Arthur’s daughters; G2 dies within the first year; G3 mothers Amr and much later Loholt.
Arthur marries G2 when he becomes King of Logres after pulling Clarent; he’s approximately __ years old (I really need to find the timeline that I did... I think he was, like, in his thirties?)
Lancelot tries to repress his homosexuality. Galehaut encourages his exploration (but never pushes) but his duty to King and Country™️ keep him away a lot; the longer Lancelot is around Arthur, the more he falls in love with him, the more he represses it, the more he needs to convince himself he loves Guinevere. He’s a confused mess.
Lot is not the name of the King of Lothian (anymore; he dies), it’s Uen; when Mordred is 13, he curses his ‘father’ so that the world will forget the man’s name
May Day Massacre totally happened and that’s when Gawain uncovered his sun-powers
Geheris has Moderate-ID
Mordred spends his 14th birthday on a ship to Norway; he doesn’t see his family again until he’s 17 and he returns with strong Viking-ties
Most of the Orkney Clan look next to nothing alike: Gawain is big and strapping with red hair and freckles galore; Ywain has auburn hair and light freckling, he’s a bit narrow and willowy; Gravaine is built like a barn and pale like his father with black hair; Clarissant, Agravaine’s twin, shares his black hair and stocky build but she has freckles that covered her face; Soredamor has medium-brown hair, she’s the tallest and thinnest of the lot, but physically frail with a chronic cough; Geheris is stocky with black hair, a red beard, a ruddy skin tone, and freckles; Cai the Grumbler, or Calogrenant, has light brown hair and green eyes; Gareth is albino with mismatched eyes (one brown, one pale); Mordred’s hair is long and dark brown and his eyes match Arthur’s grey; Yvain has freckles and Urien's black hair and short stature; Morfydd has pale blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and is short and curvy
Tristan and Mordred are bros who adopt each other almost immediately
Gay Squad: Dinadan, Galehaut, Lancelot, Ywain, Calogrenant
Bi-Team: Galahad, Gawain, Lamo (Mordred’s servant), Bertilak, Mabon ap Modron
Aces: Morgan le Fay, Mordred, Ambrosius Aurelianus
Magic users: Uther Pendragon, Gwrlais, Morgan, Guinevere the Third, Myrddin, Mordred, Cwyllog, Iseult (Queen of Cornwall, Princess of Ireland), technically Tristan via harp, Gawain via solar power, technically Cai because giants
Tristan seems drunk when he’s sober and he knows elf-tunes; the court learned that the hard way when they heckled him one too many times and he magicked those of them who weren’t sent out of the hall into an orgy they never speak of
As much as Cai honestly loves being a knight, he's also got this secret passion for cooking and all things culinary; despite all his outward protesting of being Seneschal, he actually jumped at the chance, seeing it as a way to indulge his "little selfish interest" and to sort out all the riffraff trying to get in with Arthur
I’m about convinced that the Orkneys as a unit lean Slytherin and Pellinore’s family leans Griffindor; this is not the cause of the feud but a participating factor in why it keeps escalating as it does
G3 is technically a low(low low)-level earth goddess tied to the land (family of Welsh giants), and that's part of the reason she feels drawn to the men she's drawn to but her actions towards --and with-- them are her own
Guinevak is G3's twin in every way but mothering, magic, and looks; she's the rejected bastard who spends a lot of time with Mordred, Galahad, Calogrenant, and Tristan; envious of G3, Lynette, and Cwyllog --each for different reasons
Urien was first married to Modron (the relationship deteriorated after Mabon's abduction and she returned to Annwn) before patiently pressing suit to Morgan who eventually yields as "friends in matrimony". After Morgan chooses Accolon for a lover, Urien is upset but allows this, naming him as her personal knight
Urien does not do comfort. Ask Morgan and Anna about when they found out Uen had sent Mordred away and the mother was distraught
Bedwyr loses his right hand as penance for Arthur stealing King Mark's pigs.
Yvain is a bastard child sired by Urien on his steward's wife after Morgan and Accolon are... happy together
Anna of Orkney is... twisted up. She loves her children (a little... too much sometimes) and tries to do right by them but... well... yeah... it's... it's no bueno
Cai has super powers. Access giant-size, extra endurance, impervious to hot or cold, and heat-radiating hands
Uther is... terrible. He's the sorta worst, really. Seriously, the things he does
Eigyr is not passive in captivity; that does not mean things go well for her
Morgan was learning magic from Gwrlais and took his scrolls and books on the subject hostage after his death
Gwrlais' daughter Elaine (the one who marries Nentres) is devotedly Jewish like her mother and raises her children as such (such as Galeshin and Hoel).
Nentres adores Elaine in marriage and even before that took his vows as her knight and betrothed seriously; he carries whipping scars on his back (from Uther) for trying to rescue Morgan from a monastery in her name. He tells Arthur later that he bears them proudly
Cai's parents are dead because of Uther (I can't remember how) and Sir Ector's father was a Roman soldier who stayed behind
Mordred is technically Melehan's step-father (he's a bastard by rape) but only Mordred and the mother know. They don't talk about it
Elaine of Garlot has psychological damage from the things Uther has done to her family and others in front of her. She has no tolerance for violence and aggression.
Tristan has PTSD and severe depression; he's also an alcoholic
Nentres slowly poisoned Uther over the years with hemlock
Mordred's first wife is a Lothian common girl-turned-slave-turned-servant that he's known from childhood. Her name is Julianna, and her family name is Ruricius, coming from a Roman-merchant connection
Morgan has been locked in a monastery twice; she escapes the second time after Uther's death and runs into Urien for the first time
Urien owns the first claymore. His father had it made for him as joke but he's a pro now so, well, guess who has the last laugh?
Agravaine killed a Unicorn as a child; it's okay, Unicorns are kinda evil here and will straight-up murder you
Urien doesn't age, eat, or drink (he hasn't since Modron); he still looks super young, roughly 16-17. His younger brothers and later on his own children look older than him
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forsomeonessake · 5 years
Slow Snippets
For @mia-ugly ...
Hey! Fixomnia here, radioing in from my GO!Sideblog. This is the simplest way I could think of sending a longpost your way.
I think you know how deeply your Slow Show has resonated with me. It’s been a rare delight to anticipate each chapter. These are just some random fluffy clouds that drifted by as I was reading (and re-reading) that I thought I’d share. Feel free to take them as a compliment, mere reflections of the light you’ve sprinkled about – or do what you will with them!
Having the kids down to the cottage to give Sarah and her husband a weekend to themselves now and then. It’s awkward at first, but Anthony turns out to be a wicked kids’ cooking teacher. He somehow doesn’t mind icing sugar all over his black jeans while holding forth on Meringue Technique.
Even the eldest teenager opens up to him, feeling weird and lonely and nothing like the rest of the family. Anthony knows an adolescent anxiety shrub when he sees one and takes the kid for a walk. He nearly teaches him to smoke, but doesn’t. God help him, he teaches the kid pranic breathing and sensory grounding tips by the river, like some hippie guru.
Uriel and Beez genuinely loathe each other, but the two of them are grudgingly in awe of each other, and they realize they’re each holding half of a goldmine if they can handle working together. Because Beez suddenly has Anthony, Avery, Anathema and another half dozen variously non-conforming young actors on their list and everyone wants a piece of them.
Beez has to deal with being regarded as a Safe Space and a confidante. Jesus wept. Eyes could not roll any harder. It’s not tough love they practice so much as battlefield foxhole tactics to keep everyone alive another day, but it works. Mostly. Beez gets so wrung out that it’s Anthony’s turn to talk her down from a fugue state score now and then.
Anthony and Avery manage to escape their first Christmas with The Families. Avery’s not ready to deal with being Uncle Avery and Uncle Anthony quite yet. (Sarah’s youngest came up with Uncle Az and Aunt Tony, which shows signs of sticking.)
Anthony is tempted to bring Avery to his parents’ New Years All Day Champagne Brunch out of spite. Who better to parade in front of their noses than Avery Class Act Fell? Because Anthony knows that whatever quotes his parents’ publicist released, they aren’t exactly proud, even if they generally wish him well. Vera and Reginald knew they’d be crucified in the press if they were anything less than supportive of their famous gay son’s prodigal return to health, love and career success, but they will never understand how they could have a son like Anthony.
Avery’s dad, unlike Anthony’s, does get to meet “that actor chappie friend of your’n”, before the big wedding. They have nothing in common except for a working knowledge of Vera and Reginald Crowley’s film career, but it’s enough. They both love Avery deeply. And Anthony’s scones don’t hurt.
During the visit, the Garrity lads’ teenaged kids come round to ask for autographs, to the Garrity brothers’ chagrin. Pints together down at the local doesn’t cancel out the hard years. (Anthony insisted on accepting the invite, with a sharkish grin, and threatened to femme out completely, though he settled for sparkly diamond earrings and a scarf. Totally demure by London standards.) But it’s worth something to see the younger Garritys teaching their elders about simple appreciation of different kinds of folk.
After that, Avery seeks out Daniel, to finally have that talk. It turns out Daniel had known instantly what Avery was going through, when they were kids. He’d kicked himself for nudging Avery too hard towards an admission when he wasn’t ready. They were both painfully young and inexperienced at the time. Unlike the Garrity situation, this one ends in a genuine friendship that just skipped a few decades. Daniel and his family are delighted to attend the wedding.
Tracy and Shadwell are actually married-married within a year. Shadwell looks like he doesn’t know what’s hit him, but it’s definitely good. Trace doesn’t go off with the ladies for a long while after, preferring to find jobs on film sets near Shad, wherever he’s working. After keeping Avery going for so long, she’s a natural actor’s PA. And part-time psychic. It starts as an improv in someone’s trailer, showing off her old persona, but Madame Tracy Draws Aside the Veil soon turns into her popular party thing.
Turns out Anthony can sing. Properly sing. He used to have a decent New Romantics croon, back in the 80s, but it’s mellowed into a Nick Cave-ish I’ve-seen-some-shit baritone when he wasn’t paying attention. Avery catches him singing along to some afternoon piano junketing, and prods him into an actual duet. Avery has a stage-trained lyric tenor, self-conscious, but sweet. (“Trace was always the one for singing in the car or while she was doing the hoovering. I just hummed along. Bit of a metaphor, really.”)
Getting Avery to let out his full powerful singing voice becomes something Anthony can actually help him with, something they can work at together. You can imagine how many buttons that pushes for both of them, the sensitive ones and the good ones.
Oh, God, and Beez gets wind of their musical interludes, and next thing they’re signed up to do that Christmas charity CD. And then a West End Panto, one Christmas season when Sir Patrick and Sir Ian are both away filming in America. Avery was made for Dame roles, and Anthony for the Evil Magician. It becomes an annual thing.
One of Beez’ young clients, kicked out after coming out to his parents, ends up billetting with Avery and Anthony for a while. Then he gets into Central for drama school, and it’s decided he might as well move properly into the bottom floor (technically the old servants’ quarters of the London townhouse Avery and Anthony bought together) with a classmate till they’ve finished their course.
The usual papers start to get slimy about them moving a pair of young gay men into the house, but they tackle it head-on with a blistering interview about the rates of homelessness, depression and suicide among LGBTQ youth without support. Avery speaks powerfully about setting himself up for a life of hidden abuse and self-loathing while Anthony manifested his on the outside, and how close they both came to disaster.
The response is so great they find themselves doing something of a speaking tour, working to publicize youth support networks and self-resilience campaigns. It’s not what they’d expected to become Their Social Cause, as actors, but once Avery sees how they’ve been able to help even one young man, it’s as if his shackles have fallen away. (Anthony can’t stop grinning through it all, because people keep congratulating his parents on having such a son.)
Thirty years later, they both somehow end up with Knighthoods for Services to the Arts, a few years apart, and a couple more major industry awards each. The recently crowned King William V recalls watching Avery as the conflicted missionary St. John Rivers in a mid-90s BBC-1 Jane Eyre, with his mother Diana, which makes Sir Avery tear up.
Sir Anthony too. Big Diana fan, him, after all.
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ameliacareful · 5 years
I’m a part time college prof at an elite university so I have a very academic response to the word canon which meant, as for example, of the books of the Bible, canon is ‘the books that have been deemed the ones god approves of versus the made up stuff’. I grew up Catholic using the Douay version of the Bible which is slightly different in terms of ‘canon’ than the King James.
Teaching, ‘the canon’ referred to books deemed ‘great’ by the consensus of academia. It was mostly straight white men with a few white women like Jane Austin and Virginia Woolf who had ‘earned their place’ despite ‘being women’.
I get the use of canon in Hollywood. The Star Wars novel tie-ins used to be canon meaning that if a film contradicted them, it was a continuity error. Now they have been declared not canon and the films can contradict them and it’s recognized as an artistic decision.
In fandom, canon gets taken another way. I would say in Hollywood terms, Sam and Dean are apparently straight because they have never been shown having sex with anyone other than a person presenting as a woman attracted to men. There have been no plots or scenes either major or sub plot) dedicated to suggesting that there is conflict there.
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There have been scenes dedicated to Dean’s enjoyment of women and how he uses cruising for women at bars (on, for example, Valentine’s Day) as a way to deal with the stress in their lives. There have been scenes about how Sam rarely gets laid and scenes showing him getting laid. There have been scenes where Dean implies past use of marijuana and Sam refers to dating ‘someone bendy’ that indicate that they have had experiences not explicitly shown. I would consider both of those things canon.
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In fandom I see a lot of Destiel is canon. There is probably unironic Wincest is canon but most of what I see appears ironic. There is a lot of discussion of subtext and searches for hints in the set design. I WOULD say that the show has a fuckton of homoeroticism in it. That is an analysis of content but it’s not a statement about canon.
It’s a little like saying something is Freudian—if Dean is sleeping with his Colt 1911 under his pillow, I can make the observation that it’s a phallic object and get very Freudian about him often sleeping with his hand under his pillow like he’s clutching it like a dick. I could use it to suggest, for example, that Dean lives in a world where his own definition of manhood is under constant threat by everything from changing sexual mores to his own brother’s more lefty view of male roles.
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But I wouldn’t consider that canon. I’d consider it analysis (or in fandom, ‘meta’ which in my world refers to works that refer to themselves as fiction, like ‘The French Mistake’ or the writing of John Barnes).
I don’t completely understand why it is so important to people that ships be ‘canon’. Perhaps because I lived in a time when the academic canon was being overthrown so that the work of people who were not white male Europeans could also be included. I find canon restrictive. The general audience for Supernatural is demographically pretty mixed. Besides us fans it includes, apparently, a lot of guys who are or were at one time military who get an entirely different experience out of the story of men (and male appearing angel) who are genuinely foxhole buddies.
That said, I understand the incredible emotional need for the show to do the right thing. I started watching the show while under treatment for depression (I’m a chronic depressive, I’ve had seven or eight bouts of moderate depression in the last forty years). I fastened on Sam. I think who you fall for in fandom is like sexual attraction. You don’t pick who you’re attracted to. You just decide how to deal with that.
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I was enraged and deeply upset by the treatment of Sam in the series. I felt he was scapegoated. I felt that the scripts were written to make him accountable for things that weren’t his fault and Dean was excused for things that were his fault! So I wrote fanfic. And felt as if people who liked Dean were endorsing abusive angry white male behavior.
I got over it.
Actually, I’m pretty sure that people who like Dean are...people who like Dean. You don’t pick who you fall in love with or what turns you on. People who love Destiel because they love Cas or Dean? It’s not an issue or morality. It’s what they like.
I don’t ship much, although I’ve tried my hand at writing it. Since Sam is my fav, I’m not particularly interested in Destiel. (My biggest issue with Destiel? I wish more people wrote more about Sam). I spend a lot of time scrolling past Destiel on Ao3. Is there anything wrong with Destiel? I mean I could throw up straw arguments about Cas isn’t a human being and how we share something like 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees but I really wouldn’t want to date one. But seriously NO. Destiel is fun, transformative work. You go you! Love the way you take Dean, who is presented as straight and perturbed at being taken as gay, and subvert that.
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Is Dean performing? I’m not a gender essentialist and think all presentation of gender—male, female, non-binary, fluid—is a complex presentation mediated by culture, endocrine system, other aspects of biology and personal experience. Of course Dean is performing. I’m performing. You’re performing. For a good read on this may I suggest Gender Outlaw by Kate Bornstein. It’s an old book, and there is lots of room for disagreement. But it was huge for me when I read it thirty years ago.
All this to say, the divisions and the absolute vitriol and toxicity around ships makes me think about human nature. I think about how in Kentucky, the Protestantism of Baptist divided in Missionary Baptist, Foot Washing Baptist, and Snake Handlers. Because people argued about canon and purity. I think about the divide in this country between conservatives who value justice and liberals who value compassion and the arguments over the Constitution and ‘what the Founding Fathers meant’.
Divisions in fandom make me sad. We are a minority that loves something that the majority doesn’t care about. We attack each other.
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naliewoes · 5 years
Today's Marriage Trends and Difficulties in America
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Over the past couple of decades the marriage trends in the United States of America have changed a lot. Just thirty years ago the median age for first marriages for women was about 24 years old and for men it was 26 years old. Now days the median ages are about 27 years old for women and 29 years old for men. About forty to fifty percent of first marriages end in divorce. Because of the rise in divorces there are many more step families/blended families. Also, cohabitation is widely practiced and in many cases it is used as an alternative to marriage. Far more children are being born out of wedlock and are being raised in single parent homes or in homes where their parents are cohabitating (sometimes the parents will marry, but many of them end up separating). Couples are also waiting to have children later in their marriage and are having fewer children. Additionally, the debate about gay rights has become more prominent in recent years and homosexualism is heard of more than ever before.
In the midst of all these changes, those Americans who have been affected by this the most (or who have attributed the most to these statistics) are those defined as the “Middle America” or those who “have a high school but not a four-year college degree”. About sixty percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 60 fall into this category. This group has seen the greatest decline in stable marriages. And these statistics are just a few of the basics about the marriage trends in America now days.
All of these marriage trends are troubling to many throughout the states. The family is the central unite of our society and it has been struggling/fading in many respects/areas. A few papers, articles, studies, and talks that show all of this are:
The State of Our Unions: Marriage in America 2012: The President’s Marriage Agenda by The National Marriage Project and the Institute for American Values
The Impact of Family Formation Change on the Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Well-Being of the Next Generation by Paul R. Amato
Divorce by Dallin H. Oaks)
Families Can Be Eternal by Spencer W. Kimball
Father Come Home by James E. Faust
Divorce School for Kids videoed by ABC News
In my opinion, the ones who suffer the most from all these trends are the children of America. Fewer children are being born and those who are born are more and more likely to be born into divorced, or blended, or single parent homes. There have been many studies done to show how these things affect children in and throughout different areas of their life. All of it chalks up to be mostly harmful/difficult for them. A few things that these children deal with are:
·         Feeling torn between the parents
·         Getting into drugs and alcohol
·         Moving from one place to another
·         Being teased
·         Not having the proper support or guidance
·         Having to take on grownup responsibilities while they’re still young
·         Weaker emotional bonds with their parents
·         A fear that they might end up in the same situation as their parents
·         Feeling that they are somehow to blame
·         Depression and/or anxiety
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I have a dear friend whose parents divorced when she was very young. Growing up she felt torn between her two parents and felt like it was a competition between them. She’s related to me how difficult it was to go back and forth between the two houses and to essentially have two separate lives. She had to mature quickly for one of her parents in order to help emotionally support them and do things for their family (like making sure that the payments for their utility bills were taken care of). She struggled with feelings of self-worth and worried about her future. Nevertheless, she is one of the few who are lucky enough to change their lives around and to make things better for themselves and their own future families. She knew she wanted something different, something more, for herself and her future children. With the help/support from her friends and the Lord, she is raising her own family with her loving husband by her side. They are giving their children something that she never had: a family that can last for time and all eternity.
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janiedean · 6 years
Bro the Queen thing was just for a laugh lol let gay people make jokes
bro, if you had said ‘let gay people make jokes that make them sound like four year olds that just found out kindergarten exists’ I could have taken you seriously, but since you still can’t get into your thick performative activist heads that it’s not funny for anyone except maybe the three of you, I’ll explain you a few brief facts:
one: ¾ths of queen are straight so assuming they wouldn’t understand song they wrote and played (beyond somebody to love) already shows that you haven’t thought this joke through;
two: freddie mercury made a goddamned point to not make his sexuality a selling point or the only part of him people would be interested in when listening to his *music*, so your dumb jokes are something he would most likely fucking hate;
three: sorry to break it to you, but with all the sales queen had, going statistically, I can assure you more than half of their fanbase is straight, so congrats on assuming millions of people don’t get the bands they like;
four: music is an extremely subjective thing that tells different things to different people regardless of the original target of the song. I’ve seen articles titled ‘how I, a lesbian person, realized springsteen’s music wasn’t just for male cishet middle-aged guys’ in which people said that to them, a song that’s blatantly about a guy who killed someone and hightails it out of town and hopes that the border patrol doesn’t stop him, felt like it was about wanting to leave somewhere you had to stay in the closet and felt suffocated because you couldn’t come out. now, that’s nowhere near the original meaning of the song, but if for the lesbian author that related on that level… who the hell am I to make posts like ‘lesbians don’t understand springsteen songs’? spoilers: no one;
five: one reasons queen actually made it big was that their songs are actually very much relatable on a bunch of different levels and as I explained some ass who made jokes about how *straights* wouldn’t get I want to break free (written by a straight man btw but I see that now at least y’all are having the decency to pick songs that freddie wrote to throw shade at the straights TM, huh?), just that ONE song can be relatable for, FOR EXAMPLE, people with depression, people stuck in a phase of their life they hate, someone getting over a bad relationship and lgbt people who want to come out. and the lyrics to I want to break free are hardly extra complicated or difficult or obscure. of course then you have borap which no one still understands and freddie refused to explain but like… it’s IT CAN BE WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT regardless of whether their lyrics are obscure or the entire contrary. that was what made queen sell the number of records they did - because they make songs people can relate to, genius;
six: the fact that your ***joke*** assumes straight people can’t in any way shape or form conceive a life where they feel like they’ll be forever alone and no one will love them or they will never find a relationship says all about how **funny** it is because it implies dehumanizing an entire category of people and assuming they don’t have feelings or can’t conceive what y’all go through, which then turns into People On This Hellsite sending straight people TM the worst kind of bullshit and vile anons just because since we have no feelings and we’re supposed to take all your dumb unfunny jokes then it’s fine. idk, since I’ve been here according to you I should have laughed at:a) people telling me at thirty I was too old for anything and I should look for a husband and get married already;b) people telling me I was a homophobe/half of this dumbass website blocking me on sight for informing y’all that straight women find men sexually attractive as a general rule - no, really;c) someone telling me once that they hoped I’d find someone I would trust implicitly and give all of myself to in bed just to have them tell me the moment after we’re done that I was ugly and unlovable and I deserved to die alone;e) being called a bitch/homophobe an insane amount of times for pointing out that straight women who don’t look standard attractive have issues;f) people questioning why I went to therapy because I happen to relate to a character in a straight ship that they hated and the reasons why I went are Issues That Character Has.that was just the first six instances I could think of because they were personal but I assure you, your rhetoric about straight people TM being dehumanized aliens who hate y’all isn’t helping literally anyone;
seven: as someone who has fucking struggled with years with the issues the somebody to love narrator has (I did look at the mirror and felt horrible/almost cried when I was a teenager, I did wake up each morning feeling like shit for half of my time in uni, I’ve been struggling with managing initiating contact with other people since high school fucked me up in that sense, I’ve been told that I could never be attractive enough to find someone who’d love me and that I was too brainy or ugly or extra or threatening for men to even look at me and so on) and who has always found that song immediately relatable which is why, surprise surprise, out of all the songs freddie mercury wrote on his own for this band - not counting the march of the black queen but that’s another story - somebody to love is absolutely my single favorite and has always been since the second I heard it, because to me it was relatable at seventeen and it’s relatable now, the moment I read that fucking ****joke**** I literally felt a bout of vomit rise up in my throat, my stomach closed up and for a second I felt like crying as your joke was implying that my straightness disqualified me from understanding/liking a song I’ve loved and felt deeply for half of my life, but I suppose that doesn’t mean anything in comparison to the fact that you **gays of tumblr** need to have a laugh at the expense of 85% of the planet and not, idk, homophobes? no, you never say HOMOPHOBES COULDN’T UNDERSTAND QUEEN or whatever the fuck it is, you say straight people can’t. if you don’t see where the fuck is your problem I’d advise you to really go back to kindergarten because usually you realize that other people have feelings at about that age and I have a feeling that if this is your reasoning for saying I should shut up and have a laugh at my own expanse, well, you’re just an asshole;
eight: newsflash, bro, some people use music to cope with just about anything. I’m not the only person I know who has a fairly damned visceral personal relationship with the music she listens to, to the point where I can do the art is not the artist thing np with just about any media except music - I can watch a movie made by a person I despise or whose political views I despise, if I think it’s a good movie, I can’t physically listen to music from people I despise or whose political views I despise. heck, every time my local rock music station airs current lynyrd skynyrd’s music I mute it because their lyrics make me want to hurl and I actually do like the melody half of the time, but I can’t listen to them. and I know people who are way worse than me about this. if you show up basically telling me (or whoever else) that bands we like and helped us through whatever fucking shit life threw at us are now Not A Thing We Can Like Or Understand Anymore you’re being an asshole and for a thing that makes no sense because the beautiful thing about MUSIC in general is that everyone finds the music they like relatable for different fucking reasons even if it’s the same artist and your dumbass attempts at **gatekeeping** bands that existed since before you were born and straight people listened to since before you were born and whose records they bought before you were born is honestly just so fucking ridiculous and really kindergarten-level that if that is what you need to have a laugh I advise you to develop some sense of humor, because you sure as hell ain’t got one.
good enough for you? your joke wasn’t funny. deal with it e stacce.
also: I’m fucking done giving a shit about what kind of dumbass jokes at the expense of **straight people** y’all think is cool to make on here. are we oppressed for being straight? sure af not. but since most straight people on here are actually allies and support your rights and uh, are also human beings that aren’t just useful when you need someone to reblog your info posts informing us that ***straight people can reblog!!! :)))*** underneath after having reblogged your fucking jokes ten minutes earlier, I really don’t give a fuck about your need to have a laugh at the expanse of other people’s feelings and I’m going to reblog all the people telling you that y’all ain’t funny until my fingers fall off.
ps: did you send this message also to the pansexual user who called that dumbass OP on their bullshit before I did? just for science.
pps: grow the fuck up, it’s been time since years and y’all have about played all of your ‘it was just a joke’ cards a hell of a long time ago.
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mercerislandbooks · 5 years
Pride Month Picks
If you don’t already know, June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month, which means it’s time to celebrate and support our community. Businesses across the Puget Sound area are flying rainbow flags, and Island Books is not missing out! To mark the month, we are going to giveaway two awesome rainbow Lokai bracelets (read to the bottom for more details).
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It is also an excuse to call attention to queer books, an overarching category for any book that features a LGBTQ+ main character, focuses on queer issues, or is written by a queer author. This is one of my favorite genres because literature about queer people normalizes their existence, in the same way it does with racial or religious minorities.
I have to admit that I told Lillian, our children’s buyer, last summer that I had one rule when I read queer books: No one can die.
This may sound like a silly requirement, but until recently, I felt like all of the books about LGBTQ+ characters were depressing. While trying to portray real world examples of these characters’ situations, the books I saw also squashed hope for a better future. The only queer book I knew about in high school was Blue is the Warmest Color, and it is not the happiest. It seems that queerness in literature equaled heartbreak, and that wasn’t the world I wanted to exist in. (I probably should have gone to a bookstore and asked a salesperson, but I was introverted fifteen year old who wasn’t quite confident enough in her own identity.)
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I pulled as many books as I could think of from the teen section that featured queer characters!
I have been so excited over the past year or so to rediscover queer literature, especially for young adults. One of my favorite books of the past year has been Hot Dog Girl by Jennifer Dugan, an adorable book about two best friends mourning the closure of the town theme park, and consequently their childhood. Through their hijinks to save the park, the girls realize that the most important thing they have is their relationship and that they’ve fallen in love. And it’s so sweet! Over the past almost-decade since my rejection of queer books, authors have made a point to write books that show positive role models for queer relationships, highlighting complexity, intersectionality, and humor in fantastic ways.
Consequently, there are now stories about queer characters in almost every genre now, from picture books to literary adult fiction. As there are too many books to showcase in this blog post alone, I’ll start with some of favorite summer reads, which all happen to feature gay relationships.
Camille Perri’s When Katie Met Cassidy is a spin on romantic comedy. Katie is a Kentucky born blond-haired blue-eyed sweetheart working at a law firm in New York City. Raised with traditional family values, she is put into a tailspin when she can’t stop thinking about Cassidy, an androgynously masculine woman working for an opposing firm. On the other side, Cassidy is dealing with her own personal crisis, passing thirty and feeling like she is aging out of her party lifestyle. To top off her woes, Cassidy can’t stop thinking about Katie, the straight girl who is not so straight, either. I loved this hilarious romance because gracefully deals with identity politics and the complications of being true to one’s instincts. Camille Perri focuses on queer communities and the power of female relationships.
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Two books I loved featuring kitten paws.
Red, White, and Royal Blue is one of my must-reads this summer. It has received a huge amount of hype; I read the book in the day and the hype is accurate. The book poses the question, What if the hypothetical First Son of America and the hypothetical Prince of Wales hated each other? What if they had to spend PR time together for political peace and then fell in love? What if?? While the plot may sound silly, I adore the book because Casey McQuiston does a fantastic job of balancing the levity of first love with real-world consequences of such a political “scandal.” As a bonus, I enjoyed how vivid and realistic the characters are.
On the literary side, there are so many beautifully written books about queer experiences that I cannot even begin to cover them all. I will talk about two, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong and Lie With Me by Philippe Besson, translated by Molly Ringwald. All books about queer people deal with ideas of self-identity, especially when the characters are discovering their sexualities. These two books both follow men in their experiences with first love and heartbreak. In On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, the main character Little Dog writes a letter to his illiterate mother about his childhood and experiences growing up the child of a Vietnamese immigrant. The poetry of Ocean Vuong’s previous work bleeds seamlessly into this sometimes stream-of-consciousness narrative. One of my favorite things about the novel is how Little Dog’s sexual identity is not the main focus of his story but simply an aspect. The intersectionalism of Vuong’s work is definitely one of its many strengths. I definitely broke my rule about death with this one, but the sadness is integral to the story line.
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Lie With Me is heartbreaking. There is no way for me to get around it, but the simplicity and restrained manner of the French translation is addicting. The book starts with the narrator seeing a teenager in a hotel lobby that looks identical to his first love. This vision sends him into a spiral of memories, jumping back and forth in time and space. Because of its a reminiscence, the AIDS epidemic tints his youth in grief. The reader also learns that the title has a double-meaning, referring to both the intimacy of the teenagers and the social perjury they have to commit. I loved the uncomplicated language and the fundamental and overwhelming emotions that fill the story. Clearly, there is a reason it sold over 120,000 copies in France.
Though there are many more queer books that I could have reviewed, these are some of my favorites of the year so far. Each of them delved deeper into the emotional milieu of queer identification than expected or spoke to me in a personal way.
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We have two bracelets up for grabs! Photo courtesy of Lokai.com
Please come into the store if you would like to get more recommendations or just simply chat! We would all be delighted to help you. If you would like to win one of these super fun Lokai bracelets, post a picture on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram of your favorite queer read and tag us! We will be taking submissions until the 20th of June.
Happy Pride!
— Kelleen
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katybelle83 · 5 years
Ultimate Fantasy Come True
So here is a fanfic about Adrian Toomes. Whew that was a ton of writing. Note I haven’t written in nearly 10-15 years! I would appreciate feedback. Enjoy!!!
Pairing: Adrian Toomes x OC
The satin sheets surrounded me as I slept. I hadn't realised that I had fallen asleep until I felt a pair of strong arms around me and when a voice whispered in my ear, saying "What are you doing here?" I woke up startled and gasped as my assailant glared down at me with blazing familiar blue eyes. I stammered, unsure how to respond, "Well, uh--" and I didn't get to finish my sentence because a pair of soft lips crashed down onto my own with such quickness that I didn't know what had hit me.
"Don't talk," he whispered. "I want you and I am going to have you! Just lay back and enjoy the rest of the night while I make sweet love to you until the dawn!"
"Oh baby, bay-bee! KATE!!!" I sat up quickly and saw my coworker, Kelly, nudge my arm. "Frankie's gonna be mad if we don't get this inventory done by the time we're supposed to open tomorrow!"
"Sorry", I replied. "I drifted off into one of my infamous day dreams again." Kelly smiled, knowingly, "Oh, you mean about you know who?" I replied, sheepishly, "Yeah, about Adrian!"
I had an almost unhealthy obsession with this certain villain, Spiderman’s arch nemesis to be exact. And I had for a long, long time. And Kelly knew all about it too. My family was close to Peter Parker’s especially with Mae, whom my mother grew up with. I wasn’t really close to Peter as I was a bit older than him, but I knew his secret and Adrian Toomes’ secret. Kelly giggled, "man if only Liz Toomes’ dad knew about you and your crazy obsession. Man he would think you was loco or something!" Yeah right, I thought, he doesn't even know I exist. Well I did meet him and his family at a function. I had also tutored Liz on occasion before her parents divorced. "He would think you were mental and a stalker or something." She looked over at me and said, "Girl I was just playing. I mean maybe he would be flattered that you were into him. Who knows. I don't know how the man thinks!" She continued to shelve the movies by alphabetical order. Well, I brightened up a little, not because I thought I would actually have a chance or anything, but that maybe he would be flattered that a younger person was interested in him, in all sorts of ways. And even for an older man he was still very sexy and fine as hell!!! My parents, especially my dad, always chided me saying I needed to grow up and that this obsession with older men had gone way too far and that I was way too old to have posters of silver fox celebrities on my wall. Well, I never listened to him anyways. I didn't think it was all that bad. I wasn't a bad kid. I did fairly well in school and stayed out of trouble for the most part. And now I am in my thirties and still hot for older guys. Though since I am grown up now I can lust and obsess all I want without anyone nagging me. And when I fantasize about Adrian, it just gets my blood boiling hot and part of the reason is because he is an older man and a great looking one at that, With a twenty year old body. Yum Yum!! So maybe he would be flattered that someone nearly 20 years his junior would be lusting after him but I didn't share that thought with Kelly. Anyway, it is not like she would really understand even though we have become quite good friends. I mean she has the hots for Sandra Bullock and has a butch girlfriend. Yes, Kelly is a lesbian. But perhaps, maybe she would know how it felt to lust after someone she couldn't have. It just wouldn't be a guy in her case so I do take that back. I suppose that was unfair.
We continued to shelve the videos under the proper categories in silence for awhile. Tomorrow we would be re-opening the store after it was relocated, and revamped. It used to be sleazy and in a bad part of town but once it was taken under new management, we prayed that would change. With all the upgrades to the store, I was hoping and so was Frankie, that we would be getting a lot better mix of clientele. I suppose working at an adult XXX store had its advantages. I would get to see who is naughty. Would I see classmates, or neighbours or friends here? Well I would find out soon enough.
Kelly and I finally finished cataloguing the videos and then got ready to head home. It had already been a long day and I was ready to go home and relax. We said our goodbyes and left. It was a hot day so I went home and drew a long cool bath with scented candles. I turned on some slow music that got me into a horny mood. I leaned back and closed my eyes and began breathing deeply. I slowly began to massage myself with the bath oils (imagining someone else's hands instead of my own) and running them all over my body and concentrating on the places I liked to be touched, especially my nipples and clit. and I was once agian thinking of my fantasy man. After awhile I scolded myself for being silly. But why not. What the hell? What was wrong with a little harmless fantasy. It wasn't like I was stalking the man. I mean, I admit I downloaded a picture of Adrian from a local article. But that is about how far my obsession goes, really. In the big scheme of things, that is not all that bad. I mean, look at the crazed female fan of David Letterman's, who apparently broke into his house and told everyone she was Mrs. Letterman. She of course was apprehended. But that is way obsessive compulsive if you ask me. I guess you can say that Adrian Toomes is my little indulgence in life. Indulgences are different with each person. Sometimes it's ice cream, or a new pair of shoes or a foot massage. For me, it's my "man". Don't get me wrong. I am not mental or anything or so ugly that no one would ever go out with me. I have had several boyfriends, but they all turned out to be brainless dawgs!!!
The last one, Mark, I am pretty sure was cheating on me with his ex-wife, Loretta and tried to tell me he had nothing to do with her. Yeah I am that much of a drr drr drr. I ride the special bus to school!, No, I was not born yesterday and if he wanted to keep going out with that ugly hoe or screwing her, fine with me! I mean this bitch was so ugly. And she reeked of cigarettes all the time and he reeked of cigarettes all the time. And he doesn't even smoke but his car always did so that told me something right there. When I was "dating" him (if that is what you want to call it. We hardly went on any., It was more of come over to my place for a night of lousy fucking!) I always felt like he didn't want to do things with me. Like it was a forced effort. Like putting me on the back burner. I was angry at him for cheating on me for a moment, but it wasn't like it was the end of the world. I didn't go into a drastic state of depression or anything like that. I was more mad at myself for even attempting to go out with such a loser as Mark. And another thing that really bugged me about him and his attitude was that he avoided my family like the plague. If you want to be my boyfriend, then at least include my family in a fraction of our relationship. Come over for dinner or hang out at the house. Well I found out that he was avoiding my parents especially because he was a registered sex offender. And not that that really bothered me. He gave me the whole story and I don't think he should be on the list for what it was he supposedly did, but his fucking ex wife was involved so just because of sticking around that stupid bitch drug fiend woman, then he gets what he deserves. I cut it off there, the relationship, not his cock, though I should have. But to be honest there wasn't even anything really to cut off in the first place. Besides, he wasn't that cute anyways. I pride myself in not being hot but being satisfied with how I look and I know that I could have landed someone with much better looks and that wasn't such an asshole to begin with. I guess I just felt sorry for the poor bastard which is why I even considered going out with him.
So I told myself that I needed a break in the relationship area for awhile at least. But that didn't mean that I stopped thinking about men and sex in particular, considering I never really got any that was worthy to be called sex. I am still human and I do get horny and randy. Part of the reason I got the job at the store was so that I could somewhat experiment with my own sexuality and be around all sorts of people, straight, gay, lonely,, or taken and embrace all kinds of sexuality in the air. And one thing that many of my customers shared in common with me was fantasy. I firmly believe that fantasy is a healthy part of life like our dreams and if I wanted to fantasize about Adrian Toomes , then dammit I was going to fantasize about him. And that was easy to do.
After my bath, I wrapped myself in a satin robe and slipped on my slippers and walked into my room, There I flopped onto my bed and then kicked off my slippers once again and I looked at Adrian’s picture. My hands slowly undid my robe and my hand slipped between my legs and I slowly started to stroke myself while my other hand played with my tits, pinching and twisting them and imagining that Adrian was going to come out of the picture and have his way with me. I rubbed faster, pinched harder and worked myself into a frenzy. I grabbed my vibrator from under my pillow, rammed it into me and turned it on to the highest setting. I felt ripples of pleasure soaring through me. I felt the tidal waves getting higher and higher and was on the verge of a huge orgasm! And that is when the phone rang. Normally I would have just ignored the phone but sometimes something happens to just ruin the mood. So I decided to just get up and dressed, after I answered the phone. it ended up being a stupid ass recording about lowering your mortgage. I don't even have a fucking mortgage, stupid drr drr drr's!
Our re-opening was successful. And I got to see a lot of people who I know and that were really embarrassed when they approached the counter with their arms full of naughty items and seeing me there at the register. I tell them not to worry, it's natural. I do it too! Hell I work here. Don't be ashamed. But I have seen some people that I was not expecting to see here. My old boss and his wife were here the day after re-opening and that was a complete shocker. I always thought of my boss as a prude but I knew that wasn't the case when he came up to the counter with bondage items, and naughty DVD's and the strap on that his wife was going to use to fuck him in the ass with. And I have seen people here from school and church. I even saw my bestest friend here with her husband, Nadia and Kenjii. and many of them liked the arcade we had where for seven dollars you can watch a full length film. A lot of customers came in for that alone. I found myself enjoying my job more and more. I had lots of interesting chats with people there and not just about sex but about their kids, or friends or foes, troubles, or their jobs. I knew that I had found a happy niche in my life and I was pretty happy with where it was going. Soon I would have my degree and I could move on to better things, but at the moment I knew my life was a smooth ride. Nothing could have made me happier, or so I thought.
Kelly was sick so I was left closing the store by myself. We weren't too busy and most everything was done. It was just waiting for the clock to strike midnight so that I could lock up and go home, after a quick vacuum and counting out the drawer. The clock was dragging onto 11. Another long hour and there wasn't a customer for the last 20 minutes. I was trying not to let my head droop but I kept jerking my head up. The clock read 11. Droop. Jerk. 11:14.  One couple came in and bought some magazines. Droop. Jerk. 11:36. No customers. Droop. Jerk. WIDE AWAKE! I I had not noticed him come in. A man was standing there, about to tap me on the shoulder but glancing at the floor. He wanted to watch the Big Bosomed Beauties DVD, already with the seven dollars in his hand, shoved towards me. He was trying to avoid my gaze, a ball cap pulled down over his eyes. I straightened up in my seat and took the money. "Don't be ashamed man. I watch dirty movies too." I said. 11:55. "Oh damn! I am closing in 5 minutes. Come back tomorrow. We are open until 2. I am so sorry. I drifted off" The man continued to stare at the floor and stammered. " oh-oh no I'm am sorry. I thought you were open until two tonight. I misread the time." this in a quiet voice. I handed back his money and thought gods why does he sound so familiar. He put the money back in his pocket and handed me the DVD. Then in a complete change of attitude, he looked up at me, took off the ball cap and winked. He said, "then I'll be back tomorrow sugar. Sure hope you are working then" and with a quick turn on his heel he was gone. I just sat there frozen, my heart stopped in my chest and I couldn't breathe. The man standing before me just now was....No it couldn't be. But it was. Dammit it was him. Come on and pull yourself together Kate, I told myself. I walked to the door to lock it in a daze. No activity in the parking lot. No cars but my own. The man was Adrian Toomes or his identical twin. That was why he sounded familiar to me. I just couldn't believe it. Nah, I was just hallucinating. It was just someone playing with my head. Someone that looked just like him and sounded like him. That's all. Remember, I was drifting in and out of sleep. Droop. Jerk. I probably wasn't even all the way awake. I must have been dreaming. I pinched myself really hard. 12:03. I was awake. The big bosomed Beauties DVD still in my hand. I just felt numb. I counted out the drawer, locked up and went home.
I dropped my keys on the hallway table, fed the kitten, let the dog out and prodded to my room. I kicked off my shoes, threw off my clothes and put on my bed t-shirt. I didn't even glance at Adrian’s photo as I turned off the light and climbed into bed. I couldn't. The only thing I could do was replay what had happened tonight. His eyes, those sexy blue eyes (with a hint of brown), that face, and that smile. God it looked like him. It did it did it did! I don't make stuff up like this in my daydreams; it was all too real. How else did that DVD end up in my hand. That guy was no one else. No one could have sounded or looked like him dead on. I had so much trouble falling asleep, those images of my man going through my head over and over again. .The man staring at the floor, looking up at me, winking. Smiling. Adrian Toomes....
The next day dragged on. I didn't have to show at work till 8 pm since I had the late shift. I kept myself busy during the day by finishing up my shopping, taking the dog out for a nice long walk/run, and I listened to some upbeat music. I told myself that I was really tired and that there was no way in hell that Adrian Toomes was in the store last night. It was just some guy and he was playing games with my head, whether it be intentional or unintentional.. The store was hopping that night, it being Friday. We had a good business and a lot of couples wanting to use the arcade. Since we were so busy, I soon forgot about the whole affair and the fact that "he" said he would be back. Like he would make an appearance at a place like this and avoid being seen. I could just see the headlines now. "The Vulture seen in the naughty store on Calypso Drive up in Falls Springs, California!" ha ha yeah right! No drooping or jerking tonight. Frankie had come in tonight to help with customers but he left around 12:30 because he promised his wife a good fucking so I bid him farewell and happy fucking! I started closing procedures. I closed the arcade since after 12:30 or one it was useless to get any use out of it since it wasn't enough time to watch a whole film by closing time. I left the light on in the arcade so that I could vacuum later after I locked the door. The last hour was deader than dead and I was glad that I may get to get home at a good time, before 3 at least. I went to lock the door and proceeded to count the drawer. Then I vacuumed the lobby and straightened all the displays.
I proceeded to the arcade to finish a quick clean. I gasped and stifled a near scream. There sitting in the front of the room by the screen was......him! "B-b-b-bu-tt, oh god this is not happening!" I stuttered and felt very faint. He smiled that sexy smile of his and laughed quietly. " I managed to slip in before you locked the door. Didn't I tell you I would be back?!" I shivered a little. “Well it's not like I m-m-mind but I don't know what game you are playing mister and we are closed so I am going to have to a-a-ask you to leave, p-p-p-l-ease." He stood up and walked towards me, leaving about two inches between us. Gods, it really was him!!!! My heart jumped to my throat and my mouth turned sandy dry. I started to perspire and my breathing came in short gasps. He continued, "Yes I am who you think I am and none other.. And I know how you feel about me as well.. I mean the looks you dropped at me during the Spring Gala and those times you came to tutor Liz. Thought I didn’t notice? Well sugar buns? I did notice. You probably think I am stalking you." He backed up for a minute, holding up his hands. "No that was just coincidence. I am actually visiting some good friends. On the way back to my hotel, I saw this place and decided to check it out since it looked almost empty and hopefully no one would recognise me and I wouldn't attract much attention.  And yes we dads have urges too! Yeah it is like that.   Anywhoo, that's when I recognised you as Liz’s tutor. So I thought I would drop by again tonight and well here I am!" and with that he came closer once again, his frame only inches from my body. His face was so close to mine I could feel him breathing and then he smile that wicked smile once again, his hot breath brushing my face. I think I only took in about half of what he just said. I then realised that my back was pressed into the wall behind me. Damn he smelled good, my head was swimming. He leaned closer and put his mouth to my ear and whispered, "You know, it's been a long time since I have been with a woman, and an even longer time since I have been with one as good looking as you." My breathing once again stopped right there. I felt the world go black and I think I fainted.
That's when I felt his arms catch me and bring me back up and he pushed me gently against the wall. He pressed his lips into mine then whispering against them, "Don't think that I don't know about all the things you fantasize about me. Well I do know and I am going to let you fulfill your wildest fantasies with me tonight, right here." He continued to kiss me. I slipped my arms around his neck and returned the kiss and he slipped his tongue into my mouth and slowly explored it. I slipped my arms around his neck and gripped at him hard, stroking his hair. He began to kiss his way to my neck while his hands started to explore my body in slow motion. He found my ass and cupped his palms around it and pushed me towards him. I could feel him getting hard. This was turning me on so badly. I wanted him inside of me. The fire was burning inside of me intensely. My legs got weak and I found myself moaning and saying "I want you now!".
He picked me up and carried me to the break room at the back of the store laid me down on the big leather couch we had back there. He just stared down at me for a minute with those drop dead gorgeous eyes. I stared back at him too, taking in his handsome features. Sure he was an older man and he had slight grey in his hair but he still had the nice firm body of a twenty-five year old that worked out and his smile was just so sexy and he felt so good leaning over me like that. "You have such beautiful eyes baby," he said softly. "And tonight it is all about you" and with that he started nibbling on my neck. His hands found my blouse and started to unbutton it, exposing my low cut bra. He undid the front clasps and my tits sprang free. He stopped with my neck, looked at my breasts hungrily and began feasting on them. Wrapping his mouth around one of my rock hard nipples, he began sucking nice and slow and hard while his hand was teasing my other nipple. My whole body was going into frenzy and started to tremble all over. I had to press my thighs together to try and stop the heating desire that had built up. I moaned loudly and threw my head back while I was blindly clawing at Adrian’s shirt, trying to tear it open. He quickened his pace and started to suck the other nipple just as hungrily as the first one. His other hand found its way up my skirt and my already dripping panties. His fingers crept in and found my love button and began to tease it, rubbing and rolling it between his fingers while I started to buck against his hand. My heart rate doubled and I was breathing like I had just finished running the marathon. I finally had managed to slip his shirt off, revealing a nicely toned chest with a soft layer of chest hair and nice looking nipples. I wanted to suck his nipples so badly. I have always been turned on by thinking about sucking a man's nipples. I could feel his hard on pressing into my thigh and after caressing his chest for a moment, my hands found their way to his jeans. He grabbed at my hand and said "No not yet and not here" He pulled me up and quickly threw me my shirt and grabbed my hand and said, "Let’s go to your place where we can finish our little tryst."
We went flying through the store, while Adrian grabbed some stuff hanging in the displays. I threw off the lights and locked the door. We got into my truck where he insisted that I drive like a maniac because he wanted to finish what he started and soon. He kept looking at me with hungry eyes and I couldn't concentrate on driving home very well. Luckily the roads were deserted at 3 o’clock in the morning. We made it to my house in record time, where I once again threw the keys on the hall table and Adrian picked me up while kicking the front door shut and locking it with his arms around me. "Where's your room, sugar?" I pointed to the left door at the end of the hall. As soon as we got there, he gently placed me on the bed while he got on top of me and ripped all my clothes off. His shirt was still off, not having put it on in the car. I fumbled with his fly, trying to get his huge erection out. “Not yet baby.  I haven’t finished with you first!”  Adrian began to kiss his way down my body.  He started at my ears and nibbled his way down my neck, down between my breasts, gave each nipple a kiss and worked his way down my stomach.  He lowered his head further and began to kiss my thighs.  He was taking his time and whilst it felt good, I wanted to feel him inside of me.  But he was purposely teasing me to make it all last longer.  At this point my panties were completely soaked and dripping from my excitement. He ripped them off in one fell swoop. Some women would be mad at that, but I didn’t care.  Hell he could rip up my entire fucking wardrobe I wouldn’t give a shit!  This man is so fucking sexy and amazing that just being here with him was mind blowing. 
Adrian wrapped his arms around my thighs and lowered his hot, wanting mouth to my pussy and began to kiss it softly. After a few seconds, he snaked his tongue between the folds of my hole and began to lick up and down.  As soon as I felt his tongue touch my flesh, I went completely crazy and moaning out his name.  “Oh, Adrian that feels so fucking good!” I murmured. I grabbed his head and pushed him harder against me as he continue to lap at me like a thirsty dog at his water bowl.  I couldn’t contain myself longer and cummed on his face as he happily drank it all up. After a few more minutes of him licking and me squirting all over his face, Adrian finally came up for air.  He proceeded to kiss me deeply, letting me taste myself on his lips.  His cock was a raging hard on at this point.  I reached down to squeeze it and a small moan escaped his lips.  I pushed him onto the bed on his back and began my tour of his amazing body. I began by biting his earlobe and worked my way down his neck and chest.  His hands were stroking my back. I continued south until I got to the crowning glory that was his huge cock.  I started by kissing it up and down and then slowly licked the tip. 
The Vulture was much endowed and I could only hope I could fit him into my watering mouth. I started by slipping the head into my mouth and slowly began working my way down and hoping I wouldn’t gag.   This man made all of my ex boyfriends look teeny weeny. I inched slowly downwards until I could feel his head at the back of my throat and I had managed not to gag.  Thank goodness.  I quickened my pace and began to bob my head faster and faster.  I used my hand in sync with my mouth to double the pleasure for Adrian .  I knew he was enjoying it because I glanced up at him and his head was thrown back and his eyes closed; his face was twisted in pure bliss!  He began to moan a little louder now and I knew any time he would be releasing his hot load into my hungry mouth.  I looked up at him again and found his blue eyes staring back at me.  My heart skipped a beat.  He brought his hands to my hair and began to gently pull on it as he was nearing an orgasm.  I felt him tense up and moan aloud right before splashing his love juice down my throat.  He was loaded.  Wave after wave of cum was pouring down my throat but I drank every last drop.  He tasted wonderful and sweet. I lifted my head to regain my breath.  We were both breathing quite heavily.  He then said, “I want to taste your lips.  Let me taste myself.  I want to taste what you just did.”  I was surprised.  Every man I had been with refused to kiss me after going down on them.  But not Adrian. More proof that he was a REAL man!  I met his lips and we kissed deeply for several seconds.  With our hearts still pounding, we lay there for a few minutes to catch our breath.  I looked into his eyes as we lay side by side.  His face was so gentle and loving.  I always thought he had an amazing face.  There was something especially special about his eyes and how he gazed lovingly at me.  I stroked his face and snuggled close to him for a few more minutes.
But apparently Adrian wasn’t quite done with me yet. We began to kiss and touch each other once again and I felt him growing hard.  He got on top of me and threw my legs over his shoulders and rammed his large cock into my burning up pussy. Oh, it felt so good. So big. I moaned and moaned. And he grunted as he thrust into me harder and harder. I couldn't hold back much longer. I knew I was on the verge of exploding and I needed satisfaction and NOW! The climatic waves kept getting higher and higher. Adrian’s moans started to get louder as well and we were moving to a passionate rhythm. I started to cry out, "oouuuu uhhhhhh Oh I'm coming. I'm Cummmmminnnng!" just as, with a low gutteral sound, he shot his load into me filling me up with his love jizz. He collapsed on top of me, both of our breathing heavily laboured. I could feel him sweating against my naked body, our hearts beating to a new drum. He rolled over and sighed and I leaned my head on his shoulder and put my arm around him. We were bathed in the faint light of the full moon shining in the window.
The sun started to come up and I woke with a start, feeling restrained somehow. I realised that someone had their arms around me and I looked over to see Adrian Toomes in my bed. That's when I remembered the previous night. I felt so warm and good knowing that my fantasy was right there with me in my bed!!! I couldn't resist. I leaned over and took one of his nipples into my mouth and started to softly suck on it. He stirred slightly then let out a soft moan and his arms came tighter around me. He said gently, "Oh that feels so good. I love when women play with my nipples. In fact you're the first woman who has done that. MMMmmmm." He moaned again. I lifted my head and met his gaze. "I have always wanted to suck a man off through his nipples, but my ex's were never too fond of it. I sure am glad you are" and I resumed my sucking. After awhile we just lay there in silence and I was thinking to myself that I just couldn't believe my luck. I still wondered if this was all a dream, and I pinched myself to check but so far this checked out to be reality. I knew it wouldn't last, it was only a one night stand, but one that I would remember for the rest of my life! We had both drifted off when Adrian whispered that he should be going now and so we both got up and he washed up and got dressed. I dropped him off at his car by the store. We stood in an awkward silence for a minute then he came over to me, put his arms around me and kissed me deeply and said, "Thanks for the wonderful time last night baby. You will always be in my dreams! Maybe we will cross paths again." And with that he was gone. I was shaking. I was happy but sad at the same time. He was such a gentleman and I think that overnight I had honestly fallen in love with him. I watched him drive away, probably getting on with his life once again. As I needed to with mine. I went back home and took a long bath, though not wanting to wash his scent off me. That was when I realised he had left his sweatshirt on the bed. I brought it up to my nose and breathed in his scent. I slept with it that night, and the night after that and so on. And my dreams were filled with Adrian Toomes. I was happy. I got to truly express my feelings for the man I had grown to love. My sexy silver-haired Vulture!!!!!
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!..........................................................................
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simplyclockwork · 5 years
Simplyclockwork’s Sherlock Fic Recs
This will be updated as I find and read more fics. I will make it accessible as a link on my blog if people want to follow.
This list is in no way exhaustive. 
Alternate Universe/Crossovers
Performance in a Leading Role - madlori
Explicit. 156,714 words. 21 chapters.
Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world?
A Moment’s Surrender - anchors
Mature. 64,272 words. 10 chapters. 
Sherlock tours worldwide with the English National Ballet. John dances the Lindy Hop competitively all across the globe. That they would meet, then, by the slimmest of chances in one lonely city, is pure coincidence. The whole 'dancing together' bit is a little more planned. Dancer!AU.
Love or What You Will - miss_frankenstein
Teen and Up. 31,987 words. 11 chapters.
John is an English professor who specializes in War and Post-War Literature and Sherlock is the brilliant yet impossible Ph.D. student assigned to be his TA because no one in the Chemistry Department is willing to put up with him. And - somewhere between Waugh and Plath, e-mails and takeaway, novels and villanelles - they fall in love.
Two Two One Bravo Baker - abudantlyqueer
Explicit. 114,574 words. 27 chapters. 
Captain John Watson of 40 Commando, the Royal Marines, is assigned to protect and assist Sherlock Holmes as he investigates what appears to be a simple war atrocity in Afghanistan. An intense attraction ignites between the two men as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens everything they’ve ever known, but Sherlock is as much hunted as hunter, and everyone close to him is in deadly danger. Can he solve the case in time to save himself and John?
The Jewel in the Tower - PoppyAlexander
Explicit. 207,079 words. 39 chapters.
"Xie [...] had invented an entire pleasure-industry by combining superior visual aesthetics with impeccable personal attention. Drasha salons were by that time a feature of any even half-decent house of repose in every pleasure district in the British Isles, but once upon a time, when Xie debuted, there had been only one, and Xie had named it: the Icehouse."
* In a contemporary dystopia, Unity is peace--despite the fact unsanctioned information, illicit currency, and every sort of danger flows unchecked in the world's pleasure districts.
John Watson, a weary hired gun, is assigned by the mysterious Mentor to investigate a subversive element lurking in the Icehouse, the world's most famous House of Repose. As accustomed as he is to dealing with the unexpected, John is nevertheless woefully unprepared to meet the gem of the Ice house, Xie, the world renowned "drashaskaya," the living work of art after which all other drashas are modeled.
In sumptuous suites, amid trailing puddles of silk and fervent whispers in the night, John soon learns that nothing is as it seems in the floating world of London's pleasure district. *
Modern-day dystopian/one-world government/espionage/geisha!lock AU
The Loss of Flesh and Soul - deuxexmycroft
Explicit. 60,000+ words. Unfinished.
Five years after John Watson puts the murderous Sherlock Holmes behind bars, a vicious copycat killer emerges. A reluctant John is pulled out of retirement to seek the expertise of the only man who can help, a man who has developed an unsettling obsession with John himself.
Crossover with Red Dragon/Silence of the Lambs
Simplyclockwork note: Not fully finished, but an alternative ending was posted. Still worth reading without a full ending.
I wake up and I wake up and you’re still dead - thisprettywren (memento/Sherlock crossover)
Mature. 24,226 words. One-shot.
Sherlock isn't the only one who's lost.
The Sinking of the Titanic: Sixty Years Later - flawedamythyst
Teen and Up. 15,340 words. One-shot. 
John Watson is interviewed for a documentary being made for the sixtieth anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The story he tells is not the one the interviewer was expecting.
The Bachelors’ Handfasting - Jberry
Explicit. 30,624 words. 20 chapters.
After her son is caught in a compromising position, Victoria Holmes must make arrangements for a quick marriage between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
Simplyclockwork note: Kilt!Lock and Soft Bab Sherlock (but of age)
Just to Hold You Close - sussexbound
Explicit. 70,841 words. 18 chapters. 
When a woman is murdered and the last person to see her alive is recently invalided army vet turned reluctant (and prickly) professional cuddler, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes is pulled into a world of intimacy and intrigue he never could have imagined. John is a conundrum and mystery: frank yet reserved, tender yet angry, open yet afraid. Sherlock is instantly drawn into his orbit, and begins to feel and desire things he never has before.
Summit Fever - J_Baillier
Mature. 78,867 words. 18 chapters. 
After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he's a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover's trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I — the most lethal of all the world's highest mountains — shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
The Last Companion - standbygo
Explicit. 34,101 words. 14 chapters.
Thirty years after the Miranda Wars, there is peace, both on the Rim and the Core planets. There are a number of old social mores still in place, such as the Order of Companions, but there is a sense that even such respected practices are coming to an end…
Sherlock is a Companion - the best Companion on Persephone. With a bit of detective work on the side, of course. Then he meets a man named John Watson, encounters a series of bizarre cases, and finds his world is getting turned upside down.
Simplyclockwork note: Sherlock/Firefly AU!
Out There - DiscordantWords
Teen and up. 131,695 words. 10 chapters.
FBI Special Agent John Watson, medical doctor and army veteran, is assigned to assist eccentric genius Sherlock Holmes with paranormal investigations on the X-Files project.
This is a fusion with The X-Files, written for the Fall TV Season Challenge.
Say You’ll Stay With Me - justacookieofacumberbatch (buffyholic)
Explicit. 63,349 words. 21 chapters.
It was just supposed to be an ordinary business trip, but when John's car stalls out on Hollywood Boulevard, he meets someone who just might change his life.
Simplyclockwork note: Pretty Woman/Sherlock AU.
Gimme Shelter - SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John
Explicit. 159,368 words. 21 chapters.
All John Watson wants is the feeling of a freshly waxed surfboard under his feet and the hot California sun baking down onto his back. To finally go pro in the newly formed world of professional surfing and leave the dark memories of his past behind him as he rips across the face of a towering blue barrel. To lounge beside the beach bonfire every evening with an ice cold beer tucked into the cool sand beside him and listen to Pink Floyd and the Doors while the saltwater dries in his sun bleached hair.
That's all he wants, that is, until the hot young phenom taking Oahu and the Hawaiian shores by storm steps up next to him in the sand in the second round of the 1976 International Surf Competition.
Apokalypsis - songlin
Mature. 12,125 words. 4 chapters.
There were things I never told you because I thought we had time. There is no time left in the world anymore.
Sensory Science - sussexbound
Explicit. 80,017 words. 24 chapters. 
John Watson has been invalided home from Afghanistan and is struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD and insomnia, when an old friend from med school recommends something that might help: An ASMR YouTube Channel run by a friend.
One session in and John is hooked, not only by the way the ASMR seems to calm him after nightmares, and help him sleep, but also by the mysterious man who runs it.
Comparative Literature is for Idiots - lookupkate
Explicit. 8,173 words. 4 chapters.
Sherlock thinks he's very bohemian, smoking cigarettes and wearing patchouli oil and writing poetry in the attic. In truth he's just your average seventeen year old, not showering enough and being hit particularly hard by his continued path through puberty.
John is getting his masters in literature. He's the TA for comparative literature and yearns for romance. Romance has other plans, plans that require him to go without for at least ten more years. Plans that put in front of him the exact man he'll finally fall in love with, but in boy form.
When Sherlock happens to see John reading poetry at a coffee shop he is immediately smitten. John holds him at arm's length because he's a bloody child.
How will ten years and miles apart change that view, and will John be able to understand how he's fallen in love with someone he doesn't ever get to see?
Stay tuned for puberty hi jinx and the passing of time to find out. And yes, there will be love.
An Everlasting Inferno - thatawkwardfriend
Explicit. 108,389 words. 15 chapters.
Sherlock and John are both men who operate outside the law. John works for Mary and her hitmen in order to keep a roof over his head. Sherlock does anything his drug dealer asks of him in exchange for free drugs and housing.
They meet one night in a darkened garage to negotiate a deal. But they soon find out that neither of their bosses are being entirely honest with them about their goals or motives. With a little poking around, they stumble upon something much bigger than themselves and discover that perhaps, it might be in their best interests to work together.
(Loosely inspired by StartUp and Little Favour)
Only To Be With You - SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John
Mature. 40,768 words. 4 chapters.
I tell myself that next time I’ll come near this same place again. Wait around for the mysterious stranger in his coat to dash past me, hot on the heels of a new criminal in black.
I think this all the way back to my Exit, planning where I’ll wait and what I’ll say when I see him. Scheming on how to get his name. It’s only once I reach the Exit Point door that I realize two hours and forty-five minutes have passed, and I realize that this won’t be the last time I Visit. It won’t be the last time at all.
You Give Me Fever - michi_thekiller
Explicit. 16,122 words. One-shot.
Thou givest fever when we kisseth, fever with thy flaming youth Fever I'm afire; fever, yea, I burn forsooth "He's the kind of boy you want to take apart."
Gratuitous Greaserlock. It's essentially 16k of mostly-porn. Warnings for underage sex between teens.
The Gilded Cage - BeautifulFiction
Explicit. 326,887 words. 31 chapters.
In a world where Omegas are the property of the elite Alphas, locked away and treasured by those wealthy enough to buy them, John never questioned his flatmate's secondary gender. Sherlock Holmes was an Alpha through-and through.
Wasn't he?
A chance discovery turns the world on its head, and John is left grappling to come to terms with Sherlock's past as events conspire to threaten their future.
Relative Incandescence - orphan_account
Explicit. 35,486 words. One-shot. 
Two musical notes: Every parrot and every construction worker knows them. Shrill and salacious, so Sherlock will remember: You are on display. It’s supposed to be a compliment. Supposed to make him feel good, that they have laboured to remind him.
It makes him feel like a package of meat, set down into the cooler, raw and waiting to eaten.
Supernatural/Fantasy/Magical Realism
Graceless - Belladonna_Q
Mature. 1,296 words. One-shot.
He spins and throws blindly, and another soft whump, that comforting scent of home vaporizing before him. A single raven coloured feather seasaws through the air.
“God damn you, Sherlock!” He shouts, he screams, and there’s nothing in the space he can strike. Nothing he can grab and heave into the darkness.
Beneath the Silver Moon - SailorChibi
Explicit. 85, 993 words. 73 chapters. 
After being bitten in Afghanistan, John was invalided home. Being a werewolf was new to him, and he wasn't interested in any of the help or orientation that the Centre had to offer, but even his wolf knew better than to enter territory that had been marked. Until his first outside change, when he met a strange alpha wolf that wanted John to follow it home into pack territory. John's initial refusal became a challenge for the curious alpha... one Sherlock Holmes.
All Things Inherit - BeautifulFiction (@the-pen-pot​)
Explicit. 53,682 words. 6 chapters. 
"For John, it's not a bullet that throws his existence into disarray – it's a bite."
In a world where twelve percent of the population are Mactiri - people with the ability to turn into wolves at will - John finds himself struggling with a new and horrifying existence. The victim of a shocking attack, he is discharged from the army and sent home, determined never to acknowledge what he can now become.
However, when his health starts to fail, it is up to his enigmatic new flatmate to show him that perhaps his life is not the nightmare John believes it to be.
Inexplicable - emmagrant01
Explicit. 34,664 words. 6 chapters.
So what was in that matchbox, anyway? John and Sherlock find out, the hard way.
Simplyclockwork note: this fic ripped my heart out in the best way.
Riptide Lover - jinglebell
Explicit. 114,090 words. 20 chapters.
The year is 1866. When John becomes swept overboard, he never expects to encounter a living creature of myth. When the merman absconds with John, the lost sailor must use every tool at his disposal to convince Sherlock not to kill him. But it seems that killing John Watson is not what the deadly, beautiful creature has in mind at all...
Victorian mermaid AU. Heed the tags. Complete!
John Watson’s Moon - patternofdefiance
Explicit. 11,314 words. One-shot
“You’ll let me see it, of course.”
It takes John no time at all to realize what is being asked, to stiffen with indignation, but he asks, “See what?” nonetheless.
The look those grey-green eyes level at him says please don’t actually be that stupid far more eloquently than should be possible. “You are loup garou, recently infected under traumatic circumstances and subsequently discharged from military service, most likely from a post in Afghanistan or Iraq. Your wounds would have healed with the passing of the initial fever, so whatever lingering effects you are suffering are likely psychosomatic – and severe enough to bar you from the one occupation where being a ruthless hunter is seen as a qualification rather than a detriment.” Those eyes flick back up from their cataloguing of John’s limbs and body to meet his eyes. “When I say you’ll let me see it, I am then, of course, referring to your wolf form.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Potential flatmates should know the worst about one another.”
Hellfire - PrettyArbitrary
Teen and up. 2,966 words. One-shot.
John learns, with clawing, bloody slowness, how to fend for himself. He learns the capacity to love wasn’t taken from him, or the need for it. He learns what it is to starve. To need things that aren’t given to him.
A prequel to Graceless.
Full Moon - sommerprosson
Explicit. 5,151 words. One-shot.
Sherlock rather wishes the man hadn’t woken. Now, he has to talk to him before he bites his throat during the night.
The Curious Wine - songlin
Explicit. 15,095 words. 8 chapters.
"I want to watch you kill, because I want to see you lose that tiresome battle against your baser instincts. I want to drink from you, enough that you go weak and breathless and can’t stand properly, but I don’t want to kill you, because then you’ll be gone and the thought of never being surprised by you ever again makes me want to go naked into the sunlight and wait until it burns me into ash."
Blue Blood - You_Light_The_Sky
Teen and up. 963 words. One-shot.
"I know you're here," John shouts into the darkness.
The Autumn Moon is Bright - barrowjane
Mature. 23,935words. 3 chapters.
John has two secrets he keeps from Sherlock - he manages this, he thinks, only because Sherlock would find the idea that John is attracted to him just as unlikely as the idea of John being a werewolf. He's not sure what it says about his life, that love and lycanthropy are considered equally impossible events.
The Stars Move Still - BeautifulFiction (@the-pen-pot​)
Explicit. 96,022 words. 5 chapters.
"What could I want so desperately that would make me sell my soul? What could possibly compel me to surrender the part of myself that makes me who I am: the source of my magic, my self-control, everything?"
Say That Again, But In English This Time - janonny
Explicit. 15,842 words. One-shot. 
Lestrade was calling about a new murder, Sherlock was acting strange even for a consulting detective-werewolf, and John was missing blood from the fridge. Just another day in John’s life. (Alternate Universe where Sherlock is a werewolf, and John is a vampire. Everything else is exactly the same.
Darkling, I Listen - You_Light_The_Sky
Teen and up. 73,254 words. 8 chapters.
No one who enters old London ever comes out. They say that the beast devours them. When his sister disappears, John ventures into the dead zone beyond the wall, and finds a brilliant madman under a terrible curse...
The Bite - Laur
Explicit. 48, 214 words. 16 chapters.
Sherlock gets it wrong.
Days, months, even years in the future, Sherlock’s oversight during the Baskerville case will continue to torment him, but nothing about that night will ever be as painfully vivid as the memory of John’s screams.
This is how it begins.
Hollow Hands Cling series - misanthropyray
Explicit. 17,718 words. 2 works.
Written for a prompt on the kinkmeme: "John breaks up with Sherlock and moves out of Baker Street. Hurt, angry, and heartbroken, Sherlock implicates him in a murder."
The Most Dangerous Game - gestalt1/chi-chi-chimaera
Explicit. 26,179 words. One-shot.
Written for a prompt on BBC Sherlock Kink Meme : I'd really like to see some secret!serial-killer!Sherlock, either because he's finally gotten bored of solving regular crimes, or he's been doing this all along and framing other people for it.
Extra Dark!Watson would be much appreciated. Maybe he's just seen so many people killed, and killed himself, that it no longer feels like much to be concerned about.
Skinful Canvas - You_Light_The_Sky
Teen and Up. 9,360 words. One-shot.
A person’s sins gets marked on their skin in such beautiful ways. Sherlock has no such marks and yet his hands are the bloodiest of all. He would so like to mark John in etchings of his own… Serial-Killer!Sherlock
Training Dr. John Watson - angelblack3
Explicit. 57,917 words. 30 chapters.
In this universe, Jim got a hold of Sherlock way before he ever met the ones that were meant to save him. Now, they're happy business partners. Though, according to Jim, Sherlock isn't nearly as happy as he could be. He should find someone like Jim found his dear pet Sebby. Sherlock is skeptical, until he finds an army doctor with a psychosomatic limp in a twisted sense of fate.
Simplyclockwork note: Very, very dark. Rape and non-con. Read the tags! 
One Day at a Time Series - KeelieThompson1
Mature. 35,137 words. 2 works.
Sherlock always had an influence on John, so when he "dies" and John finds his secret stash of cocaine, one thing leads to another. And John is far too proud to admit just how far he is falling or ask for help. Afterall, who is there left that he can really ask?
The Burning Heart - May_Shepard
Mature. 119,150 words. 21 chapters.
When Sherlock dies, John Watson feels like his life is over too. He’s completely shut down, until Mark Morstan, a new nurse at John’s medical clinic, catches his attention, and helps him uncover the long buried truth of his attraction to men.
Although he’s certain he’ll never get over Sherlock, John plans to move on, and build a new life with Mark, unaware that Sherlock is not quite as dead as he appears, and that Mark is hiding secrets of his own.
The Quiet Man - ivyblossom
Explicit. 157,369 words. 58 chapters.
"Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?"
Ford - theshopislocal
Mature. 31,744 words. 5 chapters.
He turns back round then and looks down at me, eyes curious. “Your name, W.S.S. Holmes.” That’s not my name. “Is it Walter? Or Wilbur? Maybe something really awful like, er,” he smiles wryly, “Willoughby? Winchester?”
I feel my face go blank as my body numbs over. “Scott,” I say, voice devoid of emotion. “My name is Scott.”
The Imposter - PoppyAlexander
Mature. 9,802 words. One-shot.
Sherlock has been rescued by his brother and is ready to reclaim his life, his work, and--of course--John Watson.
But John Watson let it all slide in the wake of Sherlock Holmes' death and is living on the streets, drinking, dissociated from his previous life and even from his own name.
Sherlock will have to convince him that he really *is* Sherlock Holmes.
Synapses - theshopislocal
Explicit. 52,725 words. 9 chapters.
John blinks. Shakes his head. Blinks again. “Thhhhrice.”
Is my mouth moving right n- “Thrice in your entire life?”
“Yess, John,” Sherlock growls, hissing like a snake grabbed by the tail. “Thrice, three times, twice more than once and once more than twice, a veritable triptych of onanism. Thrice.”
Of Nightmares and Memories - @annecumberbatch
Not-Rated. 220 words. One-shot.
Stream of consciousness poem of fragmented thoughts after Sherlock leapt to his death and John tries to continue life without him. -------------
I grab at a stranger
Pulling them out of their life
Trying to pull you back into mine
It left me with empty hands
Ten Days - @engazed
Explicit. 137,212 words. 31 chapters. 
Sherlock Holmes has been dead for forty months, and John is at last beginning to live his life again. But just when he believes he might be happy, his world crashes back down around him.
John is named a missing person. Someone is pointing DI Lestrade in the wrong direction. And as the days pass, his situation only grows more dire. It seems like the disappearance of his best friend is the only thing that can bring Sherlock Holmes back from the dead.
Simplyclockwork note: Intense torture and non-con. Read the tags!
Slow Burn/Pining/Unrequited Love
Drawn to Stars - silvergirl
Explicit. 100,000+ words. 56 chapters.
“Romantic entanglement, while fulfilling for other people—” “—would complete you as a human being.”
After the Culverton Smith case Sherlock is clean, working, and looking for a romantic partner—since John has told him that’s what he needs. Shame John didn’t mention he was interested in that role himself, before Sherlock went off to Rome with a gorgeous Italian copper to try to fall in love and become a complete human being.
Thermodynamics series - entanglednow 
Teen and Up. 16,300 words. 4 works. 
In which there's no heating and there's a dead owl in Sherlock's bed.
the knife I turn inside myself - polyommatusblues
Explicit. 11,307 words. One-shot.
There are a million parallel universes out there in which Sherlock and John are happy—universes in which Sherlock never jumped, John never married, and things never went to hell. Sherlock knows that this is not one of universes. It could have been, he imagines, but it’s not.
They make do.
Ease Your Way into Occupied Spaces - joolabee
Explicit. 11,091 words. One-shot.
One thing’s certain: this wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen.
The Real Meaning of Idioms - feverishsea
Teen and Up. 21,691 words. 13 chapters.
After two weeks away, John finally texts Sherlock. He doesn't expect Sherlock to respond. He doesn't expect Sherlock to keep texting him. And he really doesn't expect things to spiral out of control so rapidly.
The Symposium - orphan_account
Explicit. 2,542 words. One-shot.
"You're going to regret this," Sherlock manages while John sucks on his neck, "Whatever you're doing, I'm not going to stop you, and you'll regret it." He doesn't want to be that, some guilty secret John carries about. Sherlock might not have much in the way of qualms in general, but he does have some standards.
"I'll just add it to the list then, shall I?" John's voice is rueful, bitter.
White Knight - discordantwords
Mature. 69,840 words. 13 chapters.
The word green was used to convey a great many things. Illness. Envy. Inexperience.
Standing there amidst Janine's chattering bridesmaids, watching Sherlock furrow his brow and study fabric swatches, watching him smile and simper and flirt, John thought it a remarkably apt colour choice. Because he felt quite sick to his stomach, he feared the source of said sickness might very well be jealousy, and he had absolutely no idea at all what to do about it.
Or: Sherlock needs to fake a relationship for a case. He doesn't ask John.
The Progress of Sherlock Holmes - ivyblossom
Explicit. 62,006 words. 25 chapters.
“I had,” he said, “come to an entirely erroneous conclusion, my dear Watson, how dangerous it always is to reason from insufficient data.”
-- Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Speckled Band
Angst/Hurt and Comfort/Sick Fics
The Vapor Variant - 88th Parallel (CanadaHolm)
Mature. 72,684 words. 18 chapters. 
They stood face to face in the middle of a clearing. The dim light of the moon barely allowed Sherlock to see the glassy terror in John’s eyes and the sweat that glistened off his forehead. His nose was bleeding again, blood dripping in a slow stream from his right nostril.
They were both gasping for air, John’s eyes locked on Sherlock’s. There was no recognition there, just wild animal fear.
Time stood still for an eternal few seconds, and Sherlock took a shaky breath. “John—”
Spell broken, John spun and bolted back into the woods.
Still heaving for air, Sherlock took off after him.
kiss me on the mouth & set me free (but please don’t bite) - crysanthemumsies
Explicit. 18,743 words. 6 chapters.
Five times John got drunk and slept with Sherlock, and the one time Sherlock got drunk and couldn't do the same.
Control, Alt, Delete - MirithGriffin
Explicit. 75,196 words. 28 chapters.
If you could delete everything except what was really important, would you? Sherlock and John explore the question and each other. 
Lacuna - coloredink
Explicit. 15,607 words. One-shot.
God, it must have been terrible, to think that he would never have this again.
Second Waltz - Atiki
Teen and up. 6,685 words. One-shot.
"The night I died, you wished I could wait for you."
The Haunting of 221B Baker Street - earlgreytea68
Mature. 10,388 words. 2 chapters.
In which Sherlock Holmes is a ghost.
Warm Me Up - halloa_what_is_this
General audiences. 5,357 words. One-shot.
For days, it’s like living with a sick toddler craving for attention and entertainment. Sherlock stays close to John the whole time, climbs on top of him or next to him every time he sits or lies down and sleeps with his head buried in his stomach every night.
This Time No (Forgiveness) - AtlinMerrick
Explict. 29,464 words. 11 chapters.
It was Sherlock's fault. It usually is. And though he'll ask forgiveness for what he's done, for the very first time John will say, 'This time no, Sherlock. This time, never.' And maybe, just maybe, John Watson is going to mean it.
Electric Pink Hand Grenade - BeautifulFiction
Explicit. 67,718 words. 13 chapters.
"If Sherlock's brain is a hard drive, then these attacks are an electro-magnetic pulse." Sherlock Holmes does not do anything by half, not even a migraine. It falls to John to witness one of the greatest minds he has ever known tear itself apart, and he must do his best to help Sherlock pick up the pieces.
Already Gone - AnneCumberbatch
Explicit. 3,649 words. 7 chapters.
“Sherlock…” John smoothed Sherlock’s shirt out over his chest. “I’m not a good man. I’m not.” “I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, John.” Sherlock shifted his hands to hold onto John’s shoulders. “I think you give me too much.” “John…” Sherlock ducked his head towards John and stopped, hovering above John’s lips. “Please. Kiss me again.”
Emails from the War Zone - trajektoria
Mature. 1,872 words. One-shot.
John returns to Afghanistan for a month to be an army doctor once again and Sherlock is left alone in the flat. The only contact the men have with each other is via emails. Sometimes it's easier to write something than to tell it face-to-face...
carrying up his morning tea - darcylindbergh
Explicit. 34,504 words. 5 chapters.
His fingers tremble as he dials and he can’t force them steady. Familiar number, even though he hasn’t used it in two years. He isn’t even sure he should be calling it now, but she’d asked. She’d made him promise.
You Have Drawn Red From My Hands - J_Baillier 
Teen and up. 67,085 words. 17 chapters.
John getting injured leads Sherlock on a path of guilt and revelations.
Alone on the Water - Mad_Lori
General Audiences. 7,725 words. One-shot.
Sherlock Holmes never expected to live a long life, but he never imagined that it would end like this.
Simplyclockwork note: This fic has Major Character Death in it.
The Wisteria Tree - SilentAuror
Explicit. 29,773 words. One-shot.
Sherlock wakes up from a month-long coma only to discover that he has no memory of the previous six years to his own shock as well as John's...
Without Words - allonsys_girl
Explicit. 12,492 words. One-shot.
John and Sherlock have been together for six months and Sherlock still hasn't said "I love you". Then John gets hurt, and Sherlock expresses how much John really means to him.
When a Man is Wrong - plantsareneat 
Mature. 70,000+ words. Incomplete. 
After the events of The Lying Detective, John and Sherlock attempt to rebuild their friendship, and John struggles with life as a single father. He discovers he is not fully in control of his anger and behavior, and spirals into depression. Follows John through this dark period, and through the healing process he needs to make both for himself and for Sherlock, who has stood by him throughout.
Author Note: *Trigger Warning: pretty graphic depiction of deep depression and suicidal thoughts, including a (non-successful) attempt. Later part of the story follows a hospitalization and healing process coupled with developing/realized romance. Please take care of yourself, dear reader; if this subject is triggering for you, choose another story!
Simplyclockwork note: incomplete but still actively being worked on I believe, very worth the read even unfinished.
Open Your Eyes - AnneCumberbatch
Mature. 4,385 words. 6 chapters.
Sometimes you don't know what you could have had until you lose it.
Winner of the Fall 2019 #keepjohnlockalivecompetition by sherlockswolmes on Tumblr
The Heart in the Whole - verityburns
Explicit. 101,650 words. 21 chapters.
Events after 'The Great Game' leave Sherlock dependent on his best friend and colleague. But John has a secret of his own...
The Emergency Contact Series - blueink3
Mature. 11,763 words. 2 works.
The first time John Watson’s emergency contact is called is the first time Sherlock Holmes finds out that he has the job.
Rebuilding Rome - SilentAuror
Explicit. 94,000 words. 15 chapters.
When a case unexpectedly forces John to acknowledge some difficult truths about himself and his life, he spirals downward, leaving Sherlock to do his best to rescue him from his own darkness and somehow try to build something new on broken foundations.
Radioactive Trees in a Red Forest - Maribor_Petrichor 
Explicit. 280,226 words. 73 chapters. 
John Watson is what happens when a man can no longer see a reason to go on.
John Watson is what happens when a man starts to let go.
"It is what it is."
John Watson is what happens when what "it is" becomes too much to bear.
This is a story of the life, death, and resurrection of John Hamish Watson.
Sink Like a Stone - pennydreadful
Teen and Up. 4,348 words. One-shot.
After defeating Moriarty at the pool, life isn't quite the same around 221B Baker Street...it's more peaceful. And stranger.
Dissolution: Our Plague Days - PoppyAlexander
Teen and up. 6,663 words. One-shot.
The bees have been dying for years. A mysterious pandemic has the people of Great Britain quarantined and terrified. Sherlock's solved it; now John must save them.
Evidence of Human Life - thesardine 
Explicit. 16,906 words. One-shot.
Sherlock's sanity deteriorates while he and John are stranded on a deserted island.
Canon Divergent/Fix-It Fics
The Internet is Not Just for Porn - cyerus
General Audiences. 1911 words. One-shot.
John is Sherlock's internet boyfriend - from CANADA.
No one thinks he's real.
Nature and Nurture - @earlgreytea68
Mature. 203,273 words. 57 chapters. 
The British Government accidentally clones Sherlock Holmes. Which brings a baby to 221B Baker Street.
Of Course I Forgive You - allonsys_girl
Explicit. 10,735 words. One-shot.
What if things had gone differently on that train car?
The Pieces That Fall to Earth - Itsallfine
Mature. 49,513 words. 84 chapters. 
John and Sherlock have hit rock bottom, but with all their armor stripped away, they can finally speak honestly, seek healing, and find the truths that matter most.
An epistolary post-s4 fix-it fic. Now complete.
The Unfinished Letters - SilentAuror
Explicit. 37,391 words. One-shot.
A fire at Baker Street leads John to read something he was never intended to see: a notebook of half-written, unfinished letters Sherlock wrote during his time away...
Don’t Leave Anything Out - lookupkate
Explicit. 27,422 words. 24 Chapters.
The first letter John writes home from Afghanistan is meant to go to a woman he went on only one date with. How it ends up in Sherlock's hands is completely innocent. What happens next is not.
What do you do when you find out the person you're in love with has been lying about something as monumental as who they are?
What do you do when you're the one who lied?
How on earth do you put the pieces back together?
Equilibrium - augustbird
Mature. 12,351 words. One-shot.
At Baskerville, John is infected by a virus that turns him into a genius. But when the infection progresses into neurodegeneration, it's a race against time to save himself. Flowers for Algernon fusion.
He’s Not Paid Enough to Deal With This Shit - janonny
Teen and Up. 9,829 words. One-shot.
One of the first things John did was to write up step-by-step instructions on how to conduct a proper job interview before handing it over to Mycroft for his perusal. There were no kidnapping, deserted car parks or stolen therapy notes anywhere on that list.
(Or the one where John returned from the war and ended up working for Mycroft as his personal assistant slash doctor on retainer. Everything was fine, until he was sent to post bail for one Sherlock Holmes.
Play for Me - orphan_account
Explicit. 6,105 words. One-shot.
"John had shown up at Baker Street only one day prior, an army duffle slung over his shoulder, the expression on his face like a cracked and ruptured fault line. Sherlock stood aside, holding open the door, and let John ascend the stairs in silence, asking nothing of Mary, asking nothing at all."
The Bee Charmer - dreadpiratewatson
Mature. 3,314 words. One-shot.
Greg goes to 221B to check up on Sherlock after a strange phone call pulls him away from an important case, and is stunned to find himself in front of a gun brandishing soldier with a sleeping Sherlock on his chest.
John Watson is a doctor, a war hero, a husband, and the only one in the world who can soften Sherlock's heart.
Whisper Game - astudyinrose
Explicit. 11,705 words. One-shot. 
John is on his stag night at a gay club a few weeks before he ships out to Afghanistan…when he meets Sherlock Holmes.
Wild Nights, Wild Nights - cassy1
Mature. 32,047 words. 15 chapters. 
If Sherlock had never met John, would he still be on the side of the angels? On his return from Afghanistan, John takes a job working the night shift at a high secure psychiatric hospital, but when the infamous criminal mastermind Sherlock Holmes is admitted as a patient, John begins to suspect that all is not as it seems.
Gone is My Past - cyerus
Teen and Up. 7,800 words. One-shot
John is an army bomb detection dog who has been turned into a human. Angst. No, really, angst.
Illusory Correlation and Confirmation Bias - VanillaBroompolish
General Audiences. 10,448 words. 6 chapters. 
Looking back, there were a few things that should’ve tipped Greg off long before that night at the pub. A few things Sherlock left fairly obvious, that on reflection, made Greg question how he’d gotten his job in the first place.
The Awakening - Popcornjones
Explicit. 34,166 words. 9 chapters.
Sherlock is a University student and he's in trouble - good thing a handsome rugby player comes along...
Unilock with a twist.
Simplyclockwork note: this is a really complex fic. It’s unilock, and canon-divergent, and angst, and there’s brief major character death that isn’t permanent. Read the tags! 
Up to Speed - prettysailorsoldier
Explicit. 13,364 words. One-shot.
John doesn't know what he did to deserve this, but, whatever it takes to atone for it, he is more than willing to try, because, if he has to spend one more second with Sherlock Holmes, he might spontaneously combust. Or strangle him. He's currently undecided.
Feeling Seen - jadztone
Explicit. 30,177 words. 9 chapters. 
Rugby player John is starting over at a new university, with the help of friends Molly and Bill. Few people know that John is demisexual, but ballet dancer Sherlock Holmes deduces right away that he has no interest in sex unless he’s fallen in love. John finds this strange genius intriguing and would like to get to know him, but Sherlock has a self-cultivated reputation for only wanting casual sex. John has reason to believe that’s not really true, but he’s not sure he wants to risk his twice-fractured heart to find out.
Invite Me Over - testosterone_tea 
Explicit. 8,443 words. One-shot.
Sherlock lives in a crappy, run-down flat during his grad studies in chemistry when an attractive med student moves in next door. Unilock.
Happy Little Accidents - weneedtotalkaboutsherlock (Paradoxe1914)
Explicit. WIP. 
John had never really thought about art before the man dropped his dressing gown to the ground. Even then, art took a moment to manifest itself in John's mind, for his thoughts had gone as bare as the model in front of his seat: entirely. 
Transition Game - emmagrant01
Explicit. 33,258 words. One-shot.
Sherlock Holmes is a chemistry grad student and a TA for Dr. Stamford’s Forensic chem course at Greenview State University. One fall semester, John Watson, captain of the hockey team, takes that course. (Unilock + hockey AU)
You’re On the Air - prettysailorsoldier
Mature. 20,616 words. One-shot.
The Consulting Detective and The Woman dominate the airwaves of their university radio station, doling out advice on everything from meeting the parents to sexual positions. When their ratings start to dip before the holidays, however, manager Mike thinks it's time for some fresh blood, and who better to fill in the gaps than rugby captain--and notorious flirt--John Watson?
Let me Touch you (The First Summer) - Shay_Fae
Mature. 18,536 words. 14 chapters.
Seventeen-year-old John is spending the summer at Sherlock's country house. Sherlock can't imagine anything worse.
Especially since he may be falling in love with the boy
Case Fics
Midnight Blue Serenity - Beautiful Fiction
Explicit. 151,907 words. 19 chapters.
“This was like nothing John had ever thought to associate with Sherlock: stubble, skin-tight jeans and three small silver rings gleaming at the crest of one ear. It was unbelievable, like stepping into an alternative universe, and John couldn't stop staring.”
When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate's charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim? (Warning: reviews may contain fic spoilers)
The Thing Is - TSylvestris
Explicit. 56,743 words. 21 chapters.
The problem with living with Sherlock, John thought, was that you never, never, ever knew the significance of anything. Like your flatmate's nose buried in your hair. Whilst you're in bed.
To a Tee - lookupkate
Explicit. 15,321. 14 chapters.
Sherlock receives a text from an unknown number. The man is under the impression that he needs a sugar daddy. After careful consideration...well, he could be right.
Coin to Travel Twice - entanglednow
Mature. 1,997 words. One-shot.
"I don't think I've ever seen anyone pretending to be dead with such relish before."
Closer - michi_thekiller
Explicit. 8,516 words. One-shot.
You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you "Sherlock cupped John's face between his trembling hands, the two of them so close together that they shared the same breath. Oxygen and carbon dioxide passed from one set of lungs to another, and he couldn't hear over the pounding of his own heart, and he said, 'I need you.'"
Pentadione, Damascenone, Furanone, Vanillin - peevee
Mature, 2,242 words. One-shot.
Sherlock takes his work very seriously, whatever the job.
Every morning he catalogues. He wants to distill the very scent of John’s skin, his hair, his sweat.
Whisper Game - astudyinrose
Explicit. 11,705 words. One-shot.
John is on his stag night at a gay club a few weeks before he ships out to Afghanistan…when he meets Sherlock Holmes.
Curious Case - Cleo2010
Explicit. 44,653 words. 11 chapters.
After burning his hands, Sherlock's unable to release his 'tension' in the usual manner. Who should he turn to? His totally, completely straight friend and flatmate who's totally not into Sherlock or his boy parts at all. Definitely.
Just a bit of fun that's PWP with a hint of plot, all the way through.
Exquisite - SoftTae
Explicit. 4,755 words. One-shot.
Sherlock and John have been together for a while now, but everytime they get start to get intimate, Sherlock pulls away. What happens when Sherlock stays and John finds out his secret?
Say My Name - mistyzeo
Explicit. 2,611 words. One-shot.
John Watson, my dear partner, faithful friend, eternal confidante, and enthusiastic lover, is the quietest man in bed I have ever known. ACD.
Best of Three - SilentAuror
Explicit. 17,473 words. One-shot.
“You want to have sex with me,” Sherlock announces one evening about a year after John's divorce. John's vigorous denial sparks a three-day wager wherein Sherlock is determined to prove his point, and John is determined to hold onto his heterosexuality. Set well after HLV. (Canon-compliant). PORN. With feels.
Distractions - allonsys_girl
Explicit. 9,677 words. One-shot.
Sherlock's on a stakeout and John's very pretty - distractions ensue
High Voltage - thedeadparrot
Explicit. 2,018 words. One-shot.
John. Sherlock. A gay club.
Not Your Doctor, Not Your Captain - weneedtotalkaboutsherlock 
Explicit. 8,645 words. One-shot.
Daddy Doctor John/Barista Sherlock 
In So Many Words - Mazarin221B
Explicit. 2,613 words. One-shot.
Wine and a post-case high lead to some an interesting conversation and even more of an interesting night.
Oh God, oh God, he should say no, he should, but Sherlock is intense and aroused and John hasn’t been laid in months, too damn busy cocking about with Sherlock and brandishing a weapon with enthusiasm. Oh, fuck it. “Yes. Christ yes,” he says, and the words are lost against Sherlock’s mouth.
In Good Hands - penumbra
Explicit. 1,619 words. One-shot.
John gives Sherlock a hand. 
Nothing ever happens to me - PlainJane
Explicit. 5,575 words. One-shot.
John Watson is a very bored member of the UK Border Agency, assigned to Heathrow. Sherlock Holmes is a very rude passenger who smells pretty interesting to the sniffer dogs. Someone needs to be searched...
I Think It’s A Dare, Johnny - lookupkate
Explicit. 2,110 words. One-shot.
John gets teased by his army buddies on his 40th birthday. They dare him to try to bed a much younger man at the bar. Seeeeeexxxxxxxx.
Best Seat in the House - wendymarlowe
Explicit. 5,014 words. 3 chapters.
AU where John gets a new job bartending at a gay nightclub. He takes the job for the money, but he keeps at it because he loves watching Sherlock dance. Until one night, when Sherlock suggests they make it something rather more.
The Perfect Specimen - Cleo2010
Explicit. 16,066 words. One-shot.
After seeing John undressed for the first time and making certain observations, Sherlock quickly becomes obsessed with a certain body part belonging to his flatmate. This is the story of how that first sighting came to be and the following attempts to learn more. An unashamed masturbation-fest, first person and very detailed. It's rated explicit for a good reason!
Evening Ride - LapisLazuli
Explicit. 8,832 words. One-shot.
John has a series of unexpected meetings with a stranger on the Tube.
Just Browsing - bendingsignpost
Explicit. 3,869 words. One-shot.
“I’m a good kisser,” John says.
Another eye roll. “Everyone thinks that.”
“Everyone? Blimey, someone’s been kissing and telling. Had no idea I was so famous.”
Sandy Toes and Chafed Arseholes - CatieBrie
Mature. 5,506 words. One-shot.
And it all would have gone great, John getting a leg over and Sherlock being the devious whatever it was he was being but they had forgotten one disastrous component of sex on the beach.
The sand.
Or: A cautionary tale against sex on the beach
Perchance to Dream - dorothydonne
Explicit. 7,213 words. One-shot.
Sherlock has been the voyeur to people's dreams for as long as he can remember. It's why he hates sleeping.
That is, until he stumbles into one of John Watson's dreams. Then suddenly sleep isn't so unwelcome.
Fake Relationship(s)
Hitting the Water at Sixty Miles An Hour - what_alchemy
Explicit. 30,568 words. 5 chapters.
“You love your mother, Sherlock?”
John watched the muscles in Sherlock’s jaw jump. He nodded in one sharp jerk.
“Then we’re going to her party and making her happy.” John let out a resigned sigh. “As a ruddy couple, you bastard.”
Reunited - write_for_your_life
Teen and up. 10,880 words. 11 chapters.
Sherlock wants to go to his high school reunion, but needs someone to pretend to be his spouse to attend.
His not-so-platonic flatmate is more than happy to play along.
Revolting Resolutions - PatPrecieux
Mature. 2,793 words. One-shot.
Resolutions for the new year are a good thing EXCEPT when Sherlock is the one making them.
Sherlock Discovers Smarter Investing - buttsnax
Explicit. 1,057 words. One-shot.
John is worried about his financial future, and why shouldn't he be? Like millions of others he finds the treacherous landscape of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds overwhelming to navigate. Fortunately for John, Sherlock--with the help of Morgan Stanley Financial Services--is there to show him the way in the only manner he knows how: with his big, throbbing cock.
The Newlywed Game: Johnlock Edition - patternofdefiance
Explicit. 9,020 words. 7 chapters.
What it says on the tin: John and Sherlock pretend to be married in order to be contestants in a Newlywed Game. Of course it's for a case. Of course it doesn't stay that way.
Survey Says - involuntaryorange
General audiences. 9,048 words. 9 chapters.
Sherlock, John, Mycroft, Lestrade, and Mrs. Hudson wind up competing as a team on Family Feud. Somehow.
Pranking Sherlock - Random_Nexus
General audiences. 600 words. One-shot.
Sherlock's rudeness about interruptions prompts a reprisal from John.
Dear Umbrella - Jberry
Explicit. 13,027 words. 63 chapters.
Mycroft Holmes has a crush on Greg Lestrade, but he thinks it won't be reciprocated. He joins an anonymous dating website. His handle is limo_to_the_prostate. He starts chatting with Umbrella. Not realizing that Umbrella is really Greg Lestrade.
Obvious; Or, Greg Lestrade is Good At Detecting and Has Five Pounds to One That Sherlock and John Will Shag - the_arc5
Teen and up. 2,269 words. One-shot.
Lestrade isn't the reasoning machine Sherlock is, but that doesn't mean he's blind. And it's obvious to him, if nobody else, that a certain dynamic duo could use a nudge in the right direction.
Boat Chase! - shamelessmash
General audiences. 14,347 words. 6 chapters.
Sherlock, John and Lestrade are on a case that lead them to Brooklyn, NY. Reluctantly, Sherlock accepts the 99th precincts offer to help with the legwork.
Welcome to this Sherlock/Brooklyn 99 crossover, where everyone ships Johnlock, and the case doesn't matter.
I Just Had Sex - pennydreadful
Teen and up. 916 words. One-shot.
Sherlock just had sex and he's going to make sure everyone knows.
He Who Watches - buttsnax
Not Rated. 4,272 words. One-shot.
"The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!" (Matthew 6:22-23)
Simplyclockwork note: this fic is WEIRD, and funny, and dark. 
Captain John Watson, Genetics, and Other Crazy Things - cyerus
Mature. 5,581 words. One-shot.
The explanation for John "Three Continents" Watson? Jack Harkness is his father.
Sherlock doesn't know whether he's going to die from jealousy or sexual frustration first.
Five Times Sherlock Holmes and John Watson Hugged, and One Time They Didn’t - longwhitecoats
Unrated. 2,746 words. One-shot.
They're sitting in the living room one night after finishing their curry takeaway when Sherlock looks up from his violin. "John," he says, "would you come hug me, please?"
Quiet - orphaned_account
Teen and up. 4,026 words. One-shot.
"It all comes down to this. John knows Sherlock. Not in his details but in his entirety."
Bed-Sharing Between Flatmates - testosterone_tea
Teen and Up. 5,053 words. One-shot.
5 times Sherlock had an excuse to share John's bed, and the one time he didn't need one.
subtleties that we are not aware of - belovedmuerto
Teen and up. 1,657 words. One-shot.
The first time Sherlock kisses John; the first (and second) time(s) John kisses Sherlock.
But Love Is A Voice On The Wind - Snow
Mature. 1,832 words. One-shot.
From the prompt: Sherlock keeps getting texts from Mycroft with tips on wooing John.
"Take his arm. MH"/"Tell him about the sugar cubes. MH"/"Let him catch you looking once in a while. MH"
Sherlock resents this (I don't need your HELP, Mycroft), but does them anyway.
Other Pairings & M/M/M
Sherlock Holmes Has Two Soldier Boyfriends Series - greyscalemuse
Explicit. 56,632 words. 8 works.
Sherlock Holmes goes to Afghanistan for a case. He meets John and James for the first time and the sentiment of sparks flying is by far an understatement.
Soldier Sandwich - orphan_account
Explicit. 1,099 words. One-shot.
Joltolock is good and pure and we desperately need more of it!!
Morning Cardio: A Joltolock Workout - Smirkdoctor (orphan_account)
Explicit. 5,324 words. 3 chapters.
What if Sherlock Holmes stumbled onto a boot camp class being taught by the sexy-as-fuck couple of John Watson and James Sholto? And what if they wanted a third, and worked *really* hard to recruit their new student?
Happy Birthday, John - stravanganza 
Explicit. 9,350 words. One-shot.
It's John's birthday. His wife, Mary, has the perfect gift for him. After all, she has always known that his husband isn't 100% straight... So, she set up a fun night for him. "He still didn’t know how he had let Mary convince him to do this, without even speaking to him. Nor did he know how she had found out about his inner desires. But the fact remained that she had, and that she had decided to take advantage of it to ‘surprise’ John. And what a damn surprise it was."
Self-Service - Calico
Explicit. 9,478 words. One-shot.
Gratuitous porn, remixed as a favour from another fandom's double penetration prompt. Yeah, I'm not sure what the redeeming feature is either...
Simplyclockwork note: Sherlock/John/Lestrade dream smut.
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emmvhq-blog · 6 years
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hello everyone !! i’m nat and i’m very excited i found this rp bc i believe my bby emma can fit v well here, i hope so anyway. i’m 20 and i’m a walking trash can, but at least i’m gay so it’s all good ig. if you’d wish to plot pls pls like this or just send me a message !! i’m down to most plots and don’t let my awkwardness fool u i want all them plots ! anyways now onto my bby em under the cut lmao.
ANNE HATHAWAY. 35. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ↷ do you hear rebel rebel, by david bowie? that must be emma hyde. she has been living in san francisco as a veterinarian for thirty-five years. during that time they have earned the reputation of the hedonist. it makes sense you know, they can be bossy and overcritical. but let’s not forget they’re pretty determined and intelligent.
**tw death
*** tw depression
emma was born in san francisco california in 1982. her parents were high school sweethearts who had been together for years, they had her when they were around 26 and were a cute lil fam, everything was perfect but sadly it didn’t last long.
**  tw death; when emma was barely 6 months old her mom passed away, on her way home from work she was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time and was mugged, she tried to fight back which was a bad decision which ultimately led to her premature death.
so ofc her dad was devastated and everything from that on was tough af but he did his best to look after emma. he was working double jobs and would take her with him bc he just wasn’t interested in leaving her with a nanny?? and overall was a great dad tru champ
bc of this growing up emma and her dad were close af, he was her best friend and they were literally always together. he never remarried and would barely ever date, and when he did he’d never introduce his gfs to emma, so she always missed out on a true mother figure which was just sad af
naturally she’d hang out with a bunch of men the whole time, her dad and his friends / coworkers who’d also look after her. so she kinda got into a lot of hobbies and things that were lowkey considered “boyish” back then.
despite this emma was a v girly girl though, and she’d get frustrated af when her dad couldn’t pull off those cool pretty hairstyles for her or when he’d pick out the wrong pair of jeans or shoes lol which happened all the time.
*** tw depression; so yes emma was pretty much her dad’s whole world and was always getting involved in everything she asked. he even coached her soccer team and all lol. bc he was always so upbeat and a playful dad, it wasn’t until she got significantly older that she started realizing her dad actually suffered from depression. ((nowadays she’s constantly checking up on him))
at age 14 she had a big ass crush on one of her teachers and this was when she started figuring out her sexuality, bc she’d always been so close to her dad she didn’t hesitate on coming to him first. at first he thought maybe she was just confused, maybe growing up without any women in her life had something to do with it ??? but sure enough that had nothing to do with it and it was something he learned eventually. it threw him off at first but he never made her feel wrong for it or anything. a+ parenting if u ask me.
her dad had saved enough money to send her to uni, but emma wanted to become a veterinarian which was a little more expensive than he expected, so she offered to work a part time job and help pay for her own studies.
when she was an intern right before graduating, some guys she used to hang with talked her into taking some supplies from the clinic and sell them it. it seemed like an easy way to do money and she really needed it at the time? so it sort of became a thing for her. this went on for a while, even after she was already an established veterinarian and didn’t really need the money anymore ?? it still seemed like a good and easy way to make some extra cash. this stopped a while ago tho after it got to be too much and she didn’t even need it anymore so ya know.
personality wise, she’s kind of a mix between eleanor from the good place and gina from brooklyn 9 9 ?? just a bit anyway. she’s very skillful and smart, mostly because of her dad who taught her a lot of things. she looooves classic cars and even drives one of her own (a 67 ford mustang) and also motorcycles ?? she probably has one idk i haven't made up my mind yet but she's definitely had one in the past at least
loves being a Big Lesbian and that’s like 90% of her whole personality. just very gay
will look good asf in suits and also in pretty dresses and literally anything. basically dressed to kill. a True Vers
grew up an angsty teen in the 90’s so obvs she loves anything from that decade. big fan of alternative rock. leather jacket lesbian, and obvs loves all animals but dogs have a bigger place in her heart.
has a dog, a brown labrador. he’s a Big Boy but he’s her baby. literally her child. his name is remi. 
somE QUIck wc’s; coworkers maybe ?? someone she met at the bar bc she probs goes there often lmao. uhh another Cool Cars enthusiast she can gush about cars with lmao.  clients ig ?? she’ll take care of y'alls pets. maybe childhood friends??. former flings/relationships. and uHhh idk anything else !! 
this got way too long and it’s messy lmao! but yeah thats p much it for now and ily for reading !! Pls come plot w me !!
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